#i'm 'I completely understand why it was difficult not to get captured'
tardxsblues · 1 year
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This is-it's amazing. I've never actually met a proper ghost! Moran was our friend.
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curio-queries · 1 month
Production Notes from eps 1 & 2
At this time, I'm not planning to do full response posts for these episodes. Maybe once I'm done with my Run BTS series but for now here's some production thoughts.
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My initial thoughts are they've done an excellent job of merging the concepts for Bon Voyage and In The Soop while also adjusting for a reduction of members from seven to two.
To really understand this though, let's talk about some of the logistical requirements and goals of the previous shows for comparison.
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Logistical Assumptions
So I think y'all do realize that there is SOME amount of planning that has to happen for a show like this to be made but honestly...the way some of you talk, it's like you think this footage just magically appears in front of an editor, capturing whatever the members happened to wander into. These aren't self-recorded vlogs. This is a full production with a crew, a budget, and a deliverable requirement; just like any other TV show.
One of the cutest moments for me was at the brewery when JM was teasing JK about a summary of what the show about. I KNOW this was the 5 second explanation that both of them would have had to say/hear dozens of times while pitching the show. That's what's so endearing about the way JM says it and JKs reaction.
They also know that statements like that, captured during filming often end up in promos. All the members are very aware as they're being filmed what footage ends up being used. We've heard them time and time again, 'please use this as the thumbnail', 'please keep this in', etc.
Jimin has always been the most vocal about questioning if the content works for their intended purpose. How many times have we heard him say 'can this even be used?' or 'this will be cut'. Usually it sounds to me like he's aware the footage they're getting in the moment doesn't align with the predetermined plan. But as is common with the footage we getnof the members, even though it wasn't according to plan, doesn't mean it's not releaseable.
The main point of JMs AYS concerns being his sickness. I'm sure he thought the show was in jeopardy of not fulfilling their deliverable requirements since it would be difficult to completely edit out. There is a legitimate concern that if they aren't able provide the agreed-upon footage, the show would never air. I'll talk more about this in my section on the edit.
For now, here's a list of SOME of the basics that have to be managed for y'all to keep in mind when consuming any kind of produced content.
Camera management: How many and what kinds of cameras need to be brought along? Are there special operators required like a drone operator. How often is the footage saved. How is it backed up? When and where are batteries charged? Who locations require early access so the crew can place stationary cameras prior to the member's arrival.
Sound management: Someone is making sure the microphones are charged, and capturing correctly. Being mic'd up is one of the easiest indicators of when the show is actively being filmed or not.
Security: this is BTS. The members didn't go anywhere without a security consultation and discussion of requirements.
Crew management: These are people that have to have places to eat, sleep, and have time off as well. They don't just vanish into thin air as soon as their job is done.
Location approval and tax requirements: Every country in the world has different regulations, incentives, and permits to be managed. The US varies these laws state-by-state.
Budget: Businesses don't stay in business by not managing the finances. We can talk more about this if anyone's interested but there are definitely some interesting points with how much on-screen time we got over the years regarding members' spending on the shows.
There's more but let's leave it at the for the moment and talk more about why I think this show was such a good blend of Bon Voyage and In The Soop from a production standpoint.
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What was the initial goal of Bon Voyage?
I believe it was to promote the band and the members to viewers by giving us access to what it would be like to travel to various destinations around the globe. They knew the episodes still needed a catalyst though so there were various preplanned activities and games to motivate the editorial narrative.
BV1 was very experimental as they were obviously managing the challenges of such a production. There was a heavy emphasis on trying to make the members seem like regular ppl and seeing how they would tackle the problems many of us face with travel, chiefly budgetary and managing how to feed all of the travelers with strict spending limits.
BV2 completely game-ified the concept with the mini challenges and breaking everyone into different groups. It's very clear that this is not the strategy they preferred as BV3 was much lighter on the control. There were still some structured activities and events but the members were experienced enough to bring forth some of these moments themselves during the shoot rather than as a completely planned itinerary.
BV4 was a continuation of this with us also getting footage of the members being included in the event planning as well. I'm not saying they didn't have input in the planning of the previous seasons but by this point, production knew the members understood the requirements of a successful show as well as many of the necessary logistics. But it was still a travel show with some key events to fuel the storytelling.
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How about In The Soop?
Enter pandemic. They obviously still wanted to do another show once they worked out what was permissible to film at the time. But now the changing of locations would not be a part of the engine. How were they going to ensure they still had a viable show? They did put in place a semblance of their previous formula with that silly daily schedule (that was ignored nearly to the point of being completely edited out) and a couple of events like the 94s mountain hike and vhope's car drive. But overall, they realized they had to rely purely on the members to find story moments and insure they were captured. Their trust was rewarded though and ITS1 was a hit.
Now ITS2 is a more interesting case. I do believe it may have started with the same intent as season 1, but it must not have been long in the pre-planning stage before a new goal was added: controlled access of a BTS tourism destination. I'm sure I'll go further into this topic whenever I do finally make posts on this series, but it's very plain to even the casual fan that the ITS2 location was a planned financial investment.
Enough about the location though, what were the filming objectives? Honestly? Not much. The members were clearly ready for a break and were mired in the uncertainties of the time period. Balancing the focus of the english-solo-songs era with the preparations for ch.2 solo activities resulted in an odd lack of direction for the members, which is evident in the show. Yes, there are great moments and segments but there's no progression and very little footage of all the members all together except during certain meals.
But ITS2 is still hailed as enough of a success that there was justification to add to the franchise with Tae's friendship installment.
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But what does all this mean for Are You Sure?
We'd heard from many of the members during ch.2 that they would like to continue Bon Voyage so it honestly wasn't surprising that we'd eventually get another travel show featuring our beloved BTS members. Early in episode 1 of AYS, Jungkook says he's never traveled so loosely before. However this show was justified, it definitely wasn't planned to be another hyper-detailed barrage of JM & JK going from activity-to-activity like early BV but it also couldn't be as aimless as ITS. For as long as the conversation was surrounding the name of the show, we never hear them suggest Bon Voyage 5 because AYS was never intended to be another installment of that series.
This is why I said AYS is a perfect mesh of the two kinds of shows. Granted, the first episodes definitely had some unexpected obstacles due to the unexpected health concerns but I think the production team managed it well. Although, I'm convinced there's at least one activity they did have planned that had to get scrapped to let our poor guys rest and recuperate. I also wouldn't be surprised if by the time they started filming in the US, they hadn't locked another destination and schedule with how unsure JM & JK are when talking about the scope of the show. (And I hope we get some update on the poor motorcycle, I want to know how it got where it needed to be from the rainy grocery parking lot).
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The Edit
The overall tone of the show is very lighthearted. Kind of surprisingly so for me. It's not the vibe I would have necessarily expected but it's one of the points that leads me to say they have merged BV and ITS so wonderfully.
A major aspect of BTS's content is usually the chaos and shenanigans the surround the members. Now much of that is emphasized in the context of one of these shows but I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if the edit had tried to make up for the lowered member count. Instead, it's a very laid-back edit. The quality and tone of the on-screen captions was world's different from some of the BV seasons (thank goodness!)
Now, about Jimin's illness. There's a reason why the coverage is cut the way it was to only bring us in on the story once both JM and JK started talking about it lightheartedly. If we'd had all of that footage chronologically, we also would have had building tension throughout the day's activities. But this way, we're able to enjoy the show per the original pitch as much as possible.
This show would have been planned during the time when the members were under heavy scrutiny for how successful they'd be as individuals and how their content will be received without the full seven members. Again, the way some of y'all talk about these shows, it's like you don't realize that the members are aware of how this content is structured. They are. They absolutely are.
Also, a big part of greenlighting AYS would have been a discussion of how it could be made with just 2 of the 7 members. JM and JK would have to take on a lot more of the burden since there wouldn't be other member to cut to. The solo vlogs we got at the beginning of ch.2 absolutely would have been used as a proof of concept. There are easy comparisons to make between JKs camping vlog and the camping scenes we got in these first AYS episodes.
Another key justification of the show could have been as promotional material for the current musical releases. While they did highlight quite a bit of both JK and JM's work in these episodes, the narrative definitely wasn't tilted in the direction of promotion. I love that because it's absolutely not what I would have expected.
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What am I looking forward to for the remainder of AYS?
From a production standpoint, I'm already curious about the following:
Will there be any tonal shift? Specifically now that JM and JK have some uncertainties about the viability of their US adventure. Will it seem like they're compensating?
We know Tae is going to be in at least the next episode. How is this going to handled narratively and will there be any visible contradictions from that narrative in the production?
At what point was the final quantity of locations and shoots locked down? And when/if will JM and JK make mention of this.
If/How will the music promotion narrative shift? It's clear that this episode could not have been released until after MUSE's release once they decided to keep the footage of JK listening to Who. But when was that decision made?
What are your thoughts on the production of AYS so far?
Editing to add a link to my post on episode 3. Surprisingly I had a lot more to say!
Are You Sure?! Production notes from ep 3.
And there has been even more to say so here's a MasterList link
Are You Sure?! MasterList
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sugarplumz100 · 1 month
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Iida with a crush on a girl who is like Mileena. Same powers as Mileena.
(Summary: Iida isn't one for having romantic feelings for anyone, let alone a girl who is rough around the edges. He sees beauty behind your quirk despite others fearing you.)
I think I might make this a series [Mileena!reader] with different characters. In HC form because I am terrible at writing full fics.
Iida has never been interested in anyone romantically, he has never seen the appeal of having a distraction from his studies and training.
It's definitely not a love at first fight kind of love, it slowly develops as you two become closer.
When your classmates were showing their quirks, he was curious as to why you seemingly never used yours? (You wear a mask)
His curiosity doesn't get ahold of him, though Iida isn't one to pry. This doesn't mean that his curiosity completely goes away, he is your classmate he does have to train with you so your quirk does have to come to light some day.
It's only until one training that Aizawa instructs you to use your quirk. Removing your mask, revealing a gnarly and very toothy mouth.
Something about it captured all of his attention, he's never seen anything quite like it. Something vicious on such a nice girl like you.
Pretty yet dangerous...it tugged at a heart string, something he's never felt before.
He starts volunteering to train/spar with you, his hero costume being perfect for a spar like this. It was almost as if it was meant to be.
You've never actively went out of your way to show off your quirk, you knew most would cower in fear and disgust. It's difficult to keep what you are concealed, but if it means not scaring people...you'd hide it.
Iida doesn't understand why you keep it hidden, during day to day and class time it's understandable but he notices that you restrict yourself a lot more.
He definitely pays attention to you, studying you as if you were a statue, admiring from afar. Always there to lift you up when he notices your doubts about yourself.
When he hears people calling you names and making fun of you for your quirk, he is quick to jump in and shut it down immediately. Shouting that "future heros mustn't speak about their peers in such a way"
Slowly over time he moves from training with you, to casually talking to you during lunch or class break, and offering to help you study as an excuse to just be in your presence.
He makes it well known that he isn't scared or disgusted by you, he admires you for persevering.
Overall Iida is very sweet and makes it very obvious (unintentionally) that he has a very very soft spot for you.
Enjoying every moment he spends with you :)
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Sorry if this isn't good 😭 I wanna start writing more bc I have way too many ideas to keep requesting out of these poor authors haha so I'm taking it into my own hands! Feel free to request hc!
Series Masterlist
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detailtilted · 4 months
NEW Enhanced Edition - CHICON 2008 - Jensen's Solo Panel
Direct link to video. Link to YouTube channel. (9 videos available.)
My last video from CHICON 2008, Jensen's solo panel, is now up. As before, I cut between different footage to try to provide the best view available. Almost 60% came from the video AgtSpooky kindly sent me which, to the best of my knowledge, is not on YouTube and was captured from a different angle that newer fans may not have seen before. My full list of sources is on my video description.
A huge thanks to @spntrunk for helping me with some words I was having trouble subtitling in one section of the video! If anyone catches anything I missed or got wrong, in this video or any others, please do let me know. Subtitles are the one thing I can still update without hurting anything after the video is already published.
My next set of videos will be from Vancouver 2009. I'm temporarily skipping over some conventions as per my excessively long post in hope of being able to get some original video files that will upscale better. I intend to go back and fill them in eventually, one way or another.
(I don't know why the text in the above thumbnail looks weird. It looks fine in the video. The original image file I uploaded, which is just an exported frame from the video, also looks fine. 🤷‍♀️ I wanted to mention it because I was afraid people would see the above thumbnail and think the extra content in the video itself would be that difficult to read! It isn't.)
Before/after comparison photos...
Click to enlarge and get the full impact of the improvement.
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A recap for anyone not familiar with this project…
In December 2023, I started this project to enhance old convention videos. I'm upscaling the videos and making other visual improvements, adding extra content to clarify various references, and adding good color-coded subtitles so you can better understand the sometimes-chaotic audio.
My goal is to publish the best, most complete, and most watchable versions of these older convention panels yet seen, but this is only possible thanks to the fans who captured the footage in the first place and were generous enough to share it with other fans. My video descriptions on YouTube will always credit my sources.
If you have any old convention videos you'd be willing to contribute to this project, please message me! I can also be reached at [email protected]. Even if your videos are on YouTube, the original files, if you still have them, may upscale much better. If I can get them to upscale, I'd happily send the upscaled files back to you for your own collection whether I use them or not.
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oleander-nin · 11 months
Horrortober Day 19- Curiosity(Yandere Rise Mikey x Reader)
A/N, not important: You know, if life screws me over today and I can't finish tomorrows, I think I'm okay with 19 consecutive posts. I'm not happy, but I don't think I'd do anything drastic over this one. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Kidnapping, hinted disturbing imagery w/out detail, obsession, mention of gorey drawing, snooping, yandere themes, dark themes
Words: 1776
Summary: You finally get access to Mikey’s locked notebook and aren't sure the bubbly turtle is as innocent as he seems anymore.
The concrete floor of the lair’s living room was cold, the freezing stone seeping into your shirt and numbing your stomach. You shiver at the feeling, unsure how pleasant you truly thought it felt. Despite insisting for the past thirty minutes it was fine, you were starting to regret your call as the cold latched onto your limbs and was starting to take your arms down too. You never realized how difficult it was to draw with numb fingers. You take a small breath, grumbling quietly as you shift on the floor in an attempt to get warm.
“Hey Mikey?” You catch his attention, frowning slightly because you knew you were giving in to winter's touch. You didn’t think you’d bail so soon. Mikey looks at you, his warm eyes also seeming to know exactly what you wanted, as if he was more surprised you lasted this long.
“I have a big blanket in my bed.” He says simply, turning back to his work. You nod gratefully, pushing your palms against the floor to pick yourself up. You shiver as you walk towards the orange turtles room, your teeth chattering from the brisk air. You didn’t understand why Donnie was so insistent on waiting until one of his projects was complete before cranking up the heat since his lab had its own separate thermal system, but no one dared to complain. Donnie wasn’t against ‘accidentally’ shutting off the system entirely while his room is unaffected. You were all certain it was just to keep Leo away from Donnie’s inventions anyway.
Pushing the door aside, you walk into Mikey’s room. It was the same temperature as the hallway, but the more colorful walls made it feel warmer. If you tried hard enough, you were fairly certain you could have a conversation with the paintings on the walls.
You spend little time admiring the graffiti Mikey covered everything in. You had been here millions of times before, and it had been a few weeks since Mikey added another masterpiece to his room. You drift over to the hammock and shuffle the pillows and blankets around to find your favorite, the large fluffy one Mikey always lets you use. You wrap the plush blanket around yourself, convinced you had just stolen a piece of heaven to sink into. The little warmth your body was generating is trapped within the blanket's fabric, quickly returning the color to your face.
Your eyes drift around the room one last time as you walk to the exit, merely scanning for oddities than truly taking in the details. Your eyes land on a bright red sketchbook sitting inconspicuously on Mikey’s desk, the usual diary lock that kept it closed sitting open and to the side. The sketchbook was open, showing off a drawing of someone familiar. You move closer, ignoring the nagging voice that was scolding you for snooping.
The drawing was of you, sitting next to Mikey on the couch. You were both leaning on each other, hands and legs entangled in the silly pose. Your face was happy, the graphite drawing somehow capturing the light and care in your eyes. You smile softly, kneeling down to take the sketchbook in your hand and admire the drawing more. It was a surprise to see, but a very welcome one.
You thumb the pages over to the beginning, looking through the drawings more. You seemed to be the main focus of most of the drawings, which helped you feel justified in looking through the sketchbook. There were so many sketches of you, the first couple innocent and sweet like the one you first saw. You frown as you glance over the fourth and fifth pages, the detailed drawing of you chained and gagged making you feel uneasy.
The next few pages were similar, all depicting you in ways that made you uncomfortable or sick. You stop looking through at the eleventh drawing, the dead bodies being too similar in looks to your friends and families. You shakily set the book down, unsure how to feel about what you just saw. On one hand, they could very well just be practice, and he found you easy to draw. On the other… 
You shudder, not wanting to dwell on the implications of that. You quickly thumb through the drawings, trying to not look at them as you try to return to the original page that was open when you came in. You’re so engrossed in your mission, you don’t even notice Mikey entering the room and shutting the train car's door behind him. He walks forward, startling you as he grabs the notebook from your hand and carefully closes it, making sure to not bed any of the pages.
You gape at him, eyes wide and barely breathing. You struggle to speak while he locks the notebook, his face blank except for the smile on his lips. It was like he was glad you saw his drawings.
“I-I’m so sorry Mikey, I saw it open and then when I went to grab it, I dropped it and I was trying to fix it, but I couldn’t find the page and-” Mikey kneels in front of you and covers your mouth with his hand, stopping your desperate lies from falling. His eyes were still the same, warm and kind and oh so innocent, something you were starting to not believe. He looks down at the sketchbook in his hand, then sets it back down on the desk.
“It’s fine,” He lies, the words coming easy. He keeps his hand firmly over your mouth, not trusting you to not interrupt. “I was going to give it to you anyways! I’m just a little disappointed you peaked so early. It kind of ruins the gift.”
He pouts at you, his hand finally dropping from your mouth. Before you can speak, his arms wrap around your lower back and pull you forward, sending you crashing into his chest. You grunt in discomfort, your head knocking comfortably against the dull points of his plastron and the blanket being the only thing that kept you from the rough texture. 
“So, how much did you see?”
His soft voice sends chills down your spine. You weren’t used to so much forced happiness in his voice, and no longer being able to see his face from your position made it so much worse. You gently try to push him back, your heart thudding against your ribcage. Your fists slowly close, his arms holding you tight against him so you have no chance of moving. You try to swallow the lump in your throat, desperately chasing down the fear that was starting to consume you. You try to think of what to say, unsure of how to step to calm down the young mutant.
“Not much,” Your throat is dry when you speak, causing your words to be quieter and harder than you wanted. Mikey shifts you closer to him, his face pressed into your hair. You don’t try to struggle in his arms, wanting nothing more than for him to calm down and let you go. “I just saw the first couple pages.”
Mikey hums in acknowledgement, his chest lifting higher as he breathes deeply for a moment. His voice is tight, almost nervous. You weren’t sure how to take it. “What did you think?”
“They were… Nice.” You say, your stomach churning once more as you remember the drawings and what they contained. The blood and gore of your family members from the final page would haunt you for years to come. Mikey nods despite your unease, seeming to brighten at the answer. 
“Good. I’m glad you like them. I really really like you, you know. I wanted to give that to you before I asked you out but…” Mikey takes a deep breath, his voice darkening and his arms growing tighter around you. “Well, you ruined it. You ruined the surprise, and I’m really mad at you right now.”
Your blood runs cold at his words, unease biting at your heart and soaking into your veins. Mikey doesn’t speak for a moment, his body tense. You weren’t sure what he was thinking, but you got the feeling you had to leave. Now.
“Hey Mikey?” You mumble, trying to tread lightly. You didn't want to make him more upset. He squeezes you, letting you know he was listening without making a sound. “I’m sorry, I really am, but I need to go home. I- I have homework, remember?”
Mikey doesn’t answer, his grip tightening more and you were sure you could feel your bones stress under the pressure. You open your mouth to continue, but he cuts you off, the usually bubbly turtle's words turning cold.
“You’re not leaving.” He says shortly, an almost whine in his voice despite the cold words. You tense, unsure how to respond. The growing fear in your heart wasn’t helping you think clearly, and you couldn’t see a good way to get out of this.
Mikey breathes through his nose, trying to calm himself so he doesn’t do anything brash. You both sit there for a few moments, your face forcefully pressed up against Mikey’s plastron. Your breathing is starting to get more laborious as panic continues to set in, Mikey’s compressive hold not helping in the slightest. The turtle himself also seemed unsure what to do next, his arms shaking as he held you. Neither of you move nor speak, not wanting to break the heavy silence that fell upon the room.
“I’m sorry,” MIkey says suddenly, his voice making you both jump. He licks his lips before continuing, your silence encouraging him to finish. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you leave. I need you. This, this wasn’t supposed to happen like this.”
Before you can ask what he meant, Mikey stands up with you in his arms, his spots and eyes glowing as he lets his powers flow. Your panic escapes you now, screams and cries erupting from your float as chains wrap around you and lock you in place. Now fully bound, Mikey sets you down in his hammock bed, his eyes shaky while he backs away. He looks over you, seemingly looking for injuries while you continue to scream and curse his name. Mikey seems upset at the outburst, quickly walking out of sight before reappearing with a small cloth he shoves into your mouth. The dusty rag burns on your tongue, making you choke and cough.
“I’ll be back.” Mikey mumbles, his eyes disappearing as he turns around and marches off, leaving you to steam alone in his cold, treacherous room.
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tinytinyblogs · 1 year
Can you write something about Yandere Bang Chan?
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Home is supposed to be a place where you feel safe, but not when he is there with you.
⚠Yandere theme⚠
Stray kids masterlist here
💌Hi, thank you for your request. I'm sorry it took a while for me to respond. My brain hasn't been working very well lately, so I hope this story is okay. If it's not, I apologize.
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Tears silently stream down your cheeks, your red face flushed from trying so hard to hold back your sobs. The cold floor beneath you and the night breeze wafting in from the nearby window seep into your body, making you shiver. "Home?" His deep voice breaks the silence, his words sending a chill down your spine. The huge room where you and Chan are trapped feels like a suffocating prison, the air thick and heavy. It's hard to breathe and move, as if you're chained in place. The clock ticks loudly in the otherwise silent room, adding to the sense of chaos and unease. Your life is in turmoil, and you feel completely out of control.
He rules everything, especially your life, and you have no choice but to submit. You've told him you hate him, you want to go home, and you don't love him like he does, but those words only serve to anger him further. Your body is covered in wounds, and his face is twisted with anger. "Don't be stupid, Y/N," he says. Is this really love? He keeps bombarding you with the word love but his love tastes like poison. To Chan, you're just too stupid to understand. He's delusional, to the point of insanity. In his own little world, you're the main character, and he's dedicated his life to you.
He believes what he wants to believe, and he believes that you will love him as much as he loves you. He thinks you're just too shy to admit the truth. How dare you want to leave him? Don't you see how hard he works to be with you, to possess you? Don't you know how many people he's eliminated, how he watches your every move? And yet you still say you hate him? No one in the world could love you as much as he does. He places his hand on your chin and lifts your face to meet his eyes, ensuring that you have no choice but to look at him. "This is your home, Y/N," he says. "Our home. You don't need to go anywhere."
You thought you were living your best life, but in a blink of an eye, everything changed. Now, all you can see is him and his sinister smile, greeting you like you're the perfect couple, even though you don't really know him at all. You cannot describe the feeling of fear that coursed through your veins at his touch. The flower path he had given you felt like a prison, and you felt like you were walking on broken glass. You knew you shouldn't give in to him, you shouldn't listen to whatever he had to say, but you had no choice.
His power was too much for you to resist, and you were forced to remain silent and listen to his every word. Chan hates the idea of hurting you, because you are his precious diamond. But he believes you need to learn the truth. He needs to show you who you need the most in the world—only him, and no one else. "You will love me," he says. Call him crazy or insane if you want, but who do you think made him this way? It was you, from the moment he first saw you. His heart screamed that he needed to be with you, no matter what. From day one, you have been his, even though you have made it difficult for him by not letting anyone else get close to you. "No," he says.
"You should love me as much as I love you." Your mind is blank, your mouth is too heavy to speak, and you are too weak to move away from him. "No one could love me as much as I do, Y/N," he says. The thought of being trapped with him for the rest of your life makes you want to scream. What kind of monster is he, and why do you have to face him? Why you? Chan sees you as different. No one else in the world is as interesting to him as you are, and you have captured his attention. He believes that you owe him something for this. "No one." You could hear the rain falling outside, its sound filling your ears.
You kept your whole attention on Chan, just as he wanted. "You don't need anybody else," he said. But how could his voice still be so clear to you, even though he didn't raise it above the sound of the rain, which was getting heavier and heavier? "No, I'll never let anyone steal you from me." Chan feels like he's on top of the world with you by his side. This moment is one he'll cherish forever. He's won the game he created, and you're the loser. He has all the power and has destroyed the wall of freedom you once had. Nothing could be better than knowing he'll have you by his side forever, to spend his life with you doing all the things lovers do.
"You're mine," he says. "Remember that." His heart pounded so loudly in his chest that he wondered if you could hear it. Your own heart raced as well, but not because of happiness. You hated this moment, and you were terrified of the man in front of you. he doesn't care what you feel right now. He touches you, he kisses you, he hugs you, whispering words of love in your ear. He doesn't care if you believe him because happiness hitting him like a truck and he flying like there is no gravity. "Got it right?" He smiled his anger melted away, replaced by a goofy smile as he thought about you and your future together, the kind of smile that made people think he was kind-hearted, sweet, and angelic. But he wasn't.
He was far from it. The real Chan was a devil in angel's clothing. "Give me a word, Y/N." Closing your eyes, you nodded your head aggressively, surrendering all that you should have had in life to him. Chan glares at your wounds, believing that they are enough to make you submit to his will. He is convinced that you will fall for him, even though you have told him that you hate him. You are on the edge of a cliff, and Chan is poised to push you off into the abyss, into his perfect life. He is determined to have you, no matter what the cost. You crawled to him, just as he had instructed. The headache pounded in your temples, but you didn't speak a word. Your nod was enough for him. He understood perfectly and was beyond satisfied with your response.
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daisybianca · 1 year
helloe helloe ! m not sure if your asks are open, if theyre not you can totally just ignore/delete this 🫶🏻
im just going through fernando brainrot like how he’d be if he were jealous if someone else were to make you laugh a little bit too loud or a person getting too close and flirty with you (obv the reader has to be oblivious to the flirty antics for the increased spice of jealous!fernando) but i can just envision him getting so smug when he shows everyone that only he can charm you the way he does 🛐
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pairing: fernando alonso x femalereader
summary: seeing you flirting with another man sends a pang of jealousy through fernando's heart, but he knows you belong to him
warnings: jealousy
(a/n): I don't know why this took me so long, sorry. Anyway, Alexa, play any Taylor Swift song
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FERNANDO ALONSO is a man known for his charming, charismatic nature, and it's no surprise that he has a certain air of possessiveness about him when it comes to the people he cares about.
As he watches you interact with others, he can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy when he sees someone else making you laugh a little bit too loud or flirting with you a little too heavily.
"My love," he says, taking your hand and leading you away from the crowd. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
You nod, grinning up at him. "I am now," you say, feeling a flutter in your heart as he smiles down at you.
But it's not long before the flirting begins again, and Fernando can't help but feel an intense jealousy boiling up inside him like a volcanic eruption.
As he watches you laugh and lean into another person, he feels a sense of possessiveness rising within him like a wave breaking over a cliff. You belong to him, and he's not going to let anyone else encroach on what's rightfully his.
So he steps up his game, flirting with you in a way that only he can, with wit and charm that he's honed over the years. Like a snake charmer twisting a cobra into a hypnotized dance, he wields his words with grace and precision, leaving you hypnotized in his presence. And it works.
You feel a sense of excitement and anticipation that you haven't felt in a long time, and you can't help but be drawn to him like a moth to the flame.
As the night comes to a close, Fernando takes your hand and leads you away from the crowded room. "You're mine," he says, a smug glint in his eye. "And no one else is going to charm you the way I do." The sound of your heart skipping a beat is the only response he needs.
Pulling you closer again, his lips capture your own in a series of gentle kisses that leave you feeling breathless and completely at peace in his arms.
Fernando Alonso may be one of the world's greatest Formula One drivers, but in this moment, he's something more to you.
He's your protector, your confidant, your soulmate.
He's the one who's been there for you through it all, through the good times and the bad.
He's the one who knows all your secrets, all your hopes and dreams, and who still loves you unconditionally.
He's the one who makes you feel alive, who makes you feel like you can conquer anything, no matter how difficult it may be.
And despite everything that you've been through, he still manages to make you feel safe, secure, and loved.
He's the one who makes you feel whole, and who makes your heart skip a beat just by looking at you.
He's the one who makes you feel like you're the most special person in the world, even when you know that you're not.
"Just know that I'm always here to protect you. Nobody's ever gonna hurt or bother you, not as long as I'm around. Okay?" He brushes his lips against your temple after you have offered him an understanding nod.
And as you head home together, hand in hand, Fernando feels a sense of satisfaction. He's shown everyone that you're his, and no one else is going to steal you away from him. You belong to him, and he'll always be there to make sure that no one else gets too close.
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Hello! I was wondering if I could request a little something about the Doctor. I was thinking something along the lines of the Doctors first kiss with the reader, their first ‘I love you’s, first hugs and maybe like first time opening up to each other to have that bond? Obviously not in that order lol just regular fluff and happiness with the Doctor! Thanks!
🫀REQUESTS ARE OPEN🫀 || Doctor Who-inspired playlist
"Milestones" - The Doctor x Reader
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A/N: written with 11 in mind bc he's my favourite but honestly picture whoever you want
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First hug
"Hey, you doing alright?" you asked quietly. Honestly, you knew the question was more than ridiculous - it was just an inelegant, slightly awkward icebreaker after what you've been through. Although it hasn't been long, barely a few hours, you've quickly learned that he was a prodigy at putting on a brave face. Someone so adamant about making sure everyone lives couldn't just brush off the abrupt end of innocent life. It simply didn't make sense.
"Yeah, sure, I'm doing fine," he answered in a reassuring and lighthearted tone. "Are you okay?"
Despite his best efforts at appearing completely unmoved, you could easily tell he was being dishonest - there was that haunted look in his eyes as if the moment he remembers he was an intelligent entity cursed with compassion and melancholy his tears would melt away his corporeal form. It was like capturing a storm in a plastic bag.
His eyes met yours in a questioning manner: he really was more interested in your well-being rather than the albatross hanging from his neck. It was a strange moment to choose selflessness. After a moment of silence, his stare went back to the console and the buttons he was pushing. You continued to watch him, thinking about the hypothetical sorrow gnawing at his thoughts. Maybe you didn't know him for long, it was difficult to claim you'd known him at all but he definitely didn't seem like someone heartless; the Doctor was many things but cold-hearted was not one of them.
The Doctor looked at you again but for a significantly shorter period as if he could tell by your expression that you weren't buying his facade. Consciously or not, his expression fell, revealing the somberness he tried to hide away.
"Come here."
Pulling him by his arm, you engulfed the Doctor in an embrace. Immediately, he tightly held you close to him, his hands fisting the material of your sweatshirt. It was a strange thing that people let go when they're holding on to someone.
"It's not easy, so don't pretend like it is," you quietly said against his shoulder. The tweed jacket was slightly coarse against your skin, pleasantly keeping you aware of the present moment. "You might not be human but you sure are humane. I know that."
He didn't answer but truthfully, he didn't have to - you knew exactly what was going on when his arms shifted around you, still holding you as close as one holds a fleeting dream of a love long gone.
Opening up
The Doctor was fixing something under the main console. Cables dangled around him, sparks of electricity revealed that the current was still on and any unwise move could have catastrophic consequences. He, however, seemed to be unfazed. It was an impression of him you were still getting used to - a man both hot and cold, simultaneously emotional and rid of all passions.
"Do you ever get scared?"
Momentarily, the Doctor stopped whatever it was he was doing. He looked at you with a grimace of confusion. "I beg your pardon?"
"You know, running around dangerous places, getting stuck at the end of the world in hopeless situations. Do you ever get scared?"
"Sometimes, yeah. Why do you ask?"
"It's just..." For a moment you considered dropping the subject. Would your worries be a little too human, a little too mundane, for him to understand? "I know I get scared, don't even need aliens for that to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I love travelling with you but so many times I find myself in situations where I don't know what to do, I just want to close my eyes and wish the danger away. If you too get scared then maybe I'm not as wimpy as I thought I was."
"Wimpy?" he asked. You gently nodded your head. "Wimpy?" he repeated louder and with more confusion resounding in his voice. You furrowed your eyebrows not understanding what he was getting at. "You're not wimpy, why would you think that?"
"Because I get scared?"
Something about your statement must have struck a significant string in his heart as the Doctor got out from under the console and stood up. His eyebrows were furrowed and you knew that he was adamant to get to the bottom of whatever snake what biting at your heels.
"Scared is good. Scared means you care. You have something to lose. It's very human of you actually."
"When you're scared you never... look scared, at least I can't tell. You just do what you have to do and save the day as if it was just a walk in the park. How do you do that?"
"Because I have something to lose," he answered with a shrug before examining something on the top part of the console. The clicking of buttons echoed throughout the room.
"Which is?"
For a moment he didn't answer and just tapped away on the various controls and keyboards only he could understand. Slowly, his actions came to a halt. The Doctor turned his head to look at you, brave enough only to say one word before going back to fixing some failure in the machinery:
"You." He had that melancholic look in his eyes that he so often wore when he revealed some of his hearts' content. The Doctor's answer surprised you. It seemed so... simple. Mundane to the point of being strange.
Maybe you too had a good reason to both be scared and brave.
First kiss
"You're not actually considering going down there," you said as you looked down the maintenance shaft. It was so dark one could only wonder how far the bottom was. A low groan echoed throughout that seemingly endless metal pit.
"We're kind of out of options. Come on, it's an adventure! I'll be fine."
You weren't sure if his lighthearted mood was a sign of confidence or stupidity - a certain lack of realization of his chances of survival.
"Looks more lik a one way ticket to me."
"Nonsense," he dismissed your worries. "It's just a dead-end road. Have to make a U-turn at the end and you're on your way home. Easy-peasy!"
It was quite clear he wasn't going to negotiate his own plan filled with insanity and a ridiculous amount of sheer luck.
"Just..." you began but promptly stopped, momentarily overwhelmed by the very real possibility of him not coming back. And what were you to do then? A deep sigh left your lips before you finished your thought. "Just come back to me."
Without thinking much, realizing that this could very well be the last time you see that madman, you grabbed his clothes and pulled him in. His lips crashed against yours and the joy this passion brought was very much like fireworks: intense and burning but over a little too soon for the desperate heart to satisfy its yearning. You feel the same longing in his own movements, although it's significantly more reserved as if he was holding back, not yet ready to let the addictive feeling consume him.
"Well, now I have to," he murmured under his breath.
First "I love you"
"Alright, so what do you need?" you asked in a hurried tone. You were running out of time and the alarm siren did not make it any easier to focus on the task at hand. In fact, the longer you were inside the engineering deck, among red emergency lights and deafening sirens, the more you began to panic. The water flooding the ship made you aware of your own mortality with each wave brushing against your legs.
"I'd need another one of those gem things, the internal structure of the crystal makes it an excellent electricity conductor."
"Like... graphite?"
"Yes! Like graphite!"
Suddenly, you became aware of the rumbled sudoku notebook in the back pocket of your jeans. You shoved it in there along with a pencil when the Doctor flew right by you yelling at you to start running. It was fascinating what kind of pastimes travelling with the Doctor made you pick up.
"You're not going to believe this," you told him between chuckles. As if you were pulling a rabbit out of a magician's hat, you showed the pencil to the Doctor.
His face immediately lit up. He grabbed your face before kissing your forehead. "I love you!" the Doctor exclaimed excitedly.
Then he snatched the pencil from your hand and turned around to run in the direction of the engines. The Doctor ran maybe a few meters before making a sudden turn - for some reason, he had to return to you. There was something strange about how he looked at you as if he saw something more than you; like he had life-changing knowledge he never dared to share with you.
"I mean it," he said in a serious tone while vaguely pointing his finger at you.
Before you could answer him or even ask for clarification, he was already back on track with his near-miraculous plan of saving the day.
"Right back at you, you crazy old man," you said under your breath.
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nomoreusername · 3 months
Teresa Agnes Is Innocent?
This is strictly about the movies.
For one, people say she should have known that WCKD wouldn't not hurt anyone. While this may seem like common sense to most, we have to remember that Teresa grew up with them. I'm her memories, they do good. Because of their goal and the way they took her in when she had nobody, it’s reasonable for her to trust them and have a bias.
Next, in The Death Cure we find out they have trackers in their neck. That means that WCKD was bound to find them sooner or later. Her telling them only sped up that process. There was no actually getting out of it.
People say that she is the entire reason Newt became infected. This is a flat out lie. While they did go to the city because of Minho being captured she did not give him the Flare. There are two possible places he did. The first one is when their car got flipped over. In that scene Newt does end up holding his arm. This is from one of two things. Either he just hurt his arm in some way or a Crank bit/scratched him. The other possibility is the movies followed the books when it comes to the virus being airborne. Either way, Teresa did not plan on them coming to get Minho nor did she plan on this happening. She was looking for a cure that would have saved him. Some people say it was due to her long speech. However, that long of a speech could have actually saved him. When we see her giving the speech that is all she is doing. However, someone else turned on the lights, and light makes Cranks violent. That is most likely why Newt woke up and start attacking Thomas.
Now she did end up finding the cure. She could have saved everyone, but there was a war going on in the city which was already killing everyone. This was not something she could have predicted. If that hadn't been happening she very well could have saved the world.
Another huge factor to her not being able to is Janson. Janson has only self interest. He does not care about people who can't give him something he wants. That's why even when there was the cure he wanted it all instead of making more for any survivors of the war who were infected. When Teresa realized this she turned against them completely. She decided to save Thomas instead of something that she had dedicated almost her entire life to and had lost people over. She cared more about someone who hadn't tried to understand where she was coming from instead of what meant so much. She saved him and dragged him up through a burning building. Not only that, she apologizes for her actions and says she tried, showing that she blames herself despite so much of it being out of her control.
Her death was a suicide. That is what makes people who say they laughed when she died do more than get under my skin. They also say Newt would have been happy, but I disagree. Newt was selfless in a different way, and I truly believe he would be devastated to know she had committed suicide.
How do we know this is a suicide? Well, she has people reaching for. She has the choice, but she saved Thomas. Then, she doesn't see the point in going on. She feels so much guilt that she dies a horrific death of burns and falling to the concrete from a tall building. Not only would it be extremely painful, it wouldn't feel so quick even if it may have seemed that way. She would literally die in flames. She was not standing there because she was frozen in fear. She stood there because she thought she didn't deserve to live. The way she was able to stand after part of the building fell and get up with her head held high proves it. That is absolutely awful and unfair of her to believe and feel.
Lastly, she was a teenager. The estimated ages of everyone in the movies from what I’ve seen is sixteen to nineteen. No matter where she fell her frontal cortex was not fully developed which can cause more impulsive or irrational decisions. While it was clearly a very difficult but stern one and she stood by it, my point is that she had so long left. She could have learned so much about herself and grown even more, until she was someone that could be more healed and happier.
Teresa Agnes took her life as a teenager because she felt guilt for so many things out of her control.
Teresa Agnes is innocent.
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mazuriri · 1 year
4.1 archon quest
I'm continuing my thread on Lyney x traveller as I'd promised to do another analysis if they interact together in the future (and I write here because I've run out of space to put photos in the other thread).
* Fontaine quest Act 4 : 
In this quest, they meet again ✨ Of course they were not ready to see each other especially in prison but it shocks more for the traveller since they will not understand why Lyney is here in the first place since they managed to defend him.
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(Every time they meet , it's always ‘’awkward’’ but it makes it even more funny personally, like here, I laughed when they looked at each other with surprise as they weren't ready to see each other in prison lol.)
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Lyney explains how they ended up in prison but the traveller knows that they are not here just because of that.. or more importantly : ‘Why are YOU doing here?’ They suspect that he is hiding something else but I don't think they are angry with him like last time at the trial. Lyney understands and decides to tell them everything, it’s pretty cute how he no longer wants to hide secrets from the traveller because he doesn’t want to hurt them again (so I suppose it affected him pretty much, poor guy…) but even if he says he will say everything, I still have the feeling that he will hide something from them at some point, still we all want to trust him and we know that he doesn’t have bad intentions, it’s already been ‘’proven’’.
★ Fun fact : Lyney JP VA even said that ''Lyney doesn't have the desire to betray or deceive the traveller''.
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(He doesn’t want to hurt or make the traveller angry aww….)
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This is where Lyney has a suggestion : he asks the traveller if they would like to team up with them. You will think that it is ‘normal’ he asks this so that it would be more efficient for their objective (Tartaglia + secrets) even if we can find it shady at first. However, there is another reason why he wants them to team up (I will explain later) but the traveller refuses because even if they have "reconciled" in Lyney's story quest, it doesn’t mean that they completely trust him. They want to trust him but they hesitate, preferring to remain on their guard. We already know that they work with Arlecchino and her goal is to capture the gnosis but we still don’t know what is her real goal. Again, don’t blame the traveller : their reaction and action are understandable, you should already understand until now. 
-> Imagine : you became friends with someone where you had a good time together even if it was just for a short time and you already trust him but right after, they lied to you as they were part of an ‘evil’ organisation that somehow traumatised you and where you had the most difficult times. Even if they don’t have bad intentions, they shouldn’t have deceived you, besides that doesn’t mean you can completely trust them after what happened even if you became friends again. 
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So, Lyney thought about trying to find another way to convince them (he won’t force them if the traveller really doesn’t want to). You may think that he is trying to do this to advance in their research but there is another reason too. He is not wrong because it would be more effective if they cooperate to share information afterwards but more importantly : Lyney also wants to get closer to the traveller and try understand them a little better. 
(And I like how he ‘quickly’ changed the subject from Arlecchino to team up. He really wants to get closer to the them huh?)
Here, Lynette says ‘’See? I told you’’. Does that mean that Lyney had been ready to ask them this question for a while? Like he spent his whole day thinking about how he was going to approach them? He told Lynette about it but it turns out that she wasn’t sure that they would accept? Or, did Lyney feel that the traveller was going to refuse but still wanted to try, ignoring Lynette’s answer?
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I love when Lynette ‘really’ makes us understand how Lyney feels towards the traveller, to the point that it makes him embarrassed (as he rubs his head and looking in all directions). She really decided to end this situation so that Lyney could stop thinking too much like an idiot lol. We already know that Lyney is always trying to reach an understanding with them and he can no longer hide his feelings when Lynette is here lolol. This guy was all confident in front of the traveller but when his sister tells us how he felt about them, he becomes all shy and embarrassed lmaoo
No one can change my mind that : LYNETTE SUPPORTS LYNEY X TRAVELLER 🫵 she even said that he should open up a little => he should express his feelings more openly if he wants to get closer to them. (Something like : ‘’Come on brother, don’t be a coward and tell them how you feel.’’)
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Yeah, so basically he had the feeling and knew that the traveller was going to refuse but still tried lol, but hey it’s better to try than to do nothing. Plus, he was prepared so I was wondering what he might have been thinking to prepare for the worst. That is why he didn't really react when the traveller refused, which means he was ready for their answer but when they ‘’agreed’’ to cooperate with him, it rather surprised Lyney because he wasn’t really ready for them to accept ‘’so easily’’ because according to him, he thought he still had to think about how to convince them (it would take time). But look at him, we can notice that he knows the traveller remains vigilant but is still happy that they have agreed to work for them since basically, it was a bit part of his plan to get closer to them and he knows very well that they agreed to have more information on Tartaglia of course.
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A few days later, they meet again to give news on their investigation. 
We can see that they work well as a team and do their best to look for information about the place. I find that the traveller is starting to ‘’open up ‘’ to Lyney and are ready to communicate together as soon as they can. Anyway, before leaving on their own for a new mission, Lyney tells them to be very careful and that security always comes first but it is just after he realises that he used to talk like that to his siblings. I like it here because the options here are different and have different answers, this is where we have a cute little moment where the traveller asks if they were the big brother/sister instead? Basically: ‘’Would it change anything if I was older instead? Will you see me in the same way or otherwise?’’ 
I leave your imagination to this conversation but I find it kinda cute that Lyney thinks like that of them, it means that he already see them as his ‘family’ (he will confirm that later) 
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Once again, Lyney is grateful to the traveller for their help, he knows very well that the only problem in their relationship is their identity. The traveller helps the twins because they care and see them as a ‘friend’, as I already said : even if they’re still hesitant and vigilant towards them, it doesn’t mean they don’t care about them, in the contrary, the twins are already in the traveler’s heart in some way. I also think that’s where the traveller start to change their point of view towards them : their relationship is gradually starting to recover, knowing that they pretty much know that Lyney and the siblings care for them, which is sweet.
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(‘’As long as it comes from you’’ - I love this sentence, Lyney really trusts the traveller when he doesn’t trust people easily normally.)
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So later, Lynette and Freminet were captured by Wriothesley. Of course, it drives Lyney in rage as he is really worried about his siblings because he doesn’t know what’s going to happen to them. If you notice correctly, the traveller will have a lot of thoughts towards Lyney. They understand why he’s acting like this, that’s why they keep describing Lyney’s face and know what he’s thinking. If you still think that they don’t care about him and his siblings, then you’re wrong. In this quest, it will ‘’clarify’’ all the misunderstandings of what happened in the trial. The traveller will notice that Lyney cares a lot about his siblings as we can really see that he is sincere to save them. They will also notice that Lyney was ready to give himself to Wriothesley if only he releases Lynette, this is also where it touched the traveller in my opinion. 
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They stopped Wriothesley to help Lyney who was very hesitating. I would like to make it clear : the traveller cares for the siblings and they want to save Lynette and Freminet. ‘’ Why would they want to save them? They don’t care about them at all.’’ I don’t know you tell me? Stop saying that the traveller doesn’t care about them at all. Move on, I will not repeat myself since I have already explained in my previous thread.
During the investigation, they got along well together and helped each other when they crossed paths (also because working as a team is pleasant.) However, it is true that the traveller wanted to work with them just to have more informations but they ended up enjoying the teamwork. Besides, they have talked about themselves during the investigation : the traveller will notice that the twins are sincere and do not look for the bad side of things (they will also see that the siblings really care for each other which the traveller can understand this feeling). All this will change the feelings of the traveller. They ended up ‘’trusting’’ them in this quest, they really ‘reconciled’ as this will lead to a new kind of friendship ✨
 Of course, I think the traveller will still remain on their guard but at least in this quest, it has clarified suspicions and misunderstandings they had in their relation (especially with Lyney) because now, after everything that happened between Wriothesley and Lyney, the traveller begins to « understand » Lyney as they ended up caring for him (and the others) for real and will not hesitate to work with them in the future, I guess they really enjoyed working with them.
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Yeah the traveller doesn’t care about Lyney. So why do they ask him if he’s okay? Since all this time, they had a lot of thoughts describing Lyney’s face and everything? Of course everyone can do that but what I mean is: even by having thoughts about him, they really understand why he acts this way and make sure to take care of Lyney who was about to lose his mind. If the traveller didn’t care about him, then why do they often ask if he’s okay? Why have a lot of thought about him while observing him? They were even relieved that he was feeling better now after reuniting with his siblings. Yeah, they still don’t care about him at all~ 
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After meeting Arlecchino, the traveller decides to tell the siblings about it. They remain suspicious of her but Lyney reassures them that ‘everything’ is fine that they should not worry. Even if at first, he was surprised because he didn’t think their 'Father' would be happy to work with the traveller. But I really like how happy and excited Lyney got when they told him that Arlecchino was looking forward to working with them in future. I mean I get it why he’s happy but why though lol? Sorry, i just found this funny and cute at the same time because it’s like : ‘’Wow Father approves them, that means I can spend time/work with them in the future!’’ 
I can’t help but find it cute because his goal was to get closer to them when he has the opportunity and when Arlecchino said she would be happy to work with the traveller, that allowed Lyney to have a chance with them lol. 
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I love this: Lyney is someone who does not open up and trusts others easily. And here, for him to say that he considers the traveller as a family is really important for Lyney’s character. At first, I thought he friend zoned them but when I reread, I understood what he meant by that. For him, family has another meaning too : being part of his family means someone he desires to protect, it’s something that can give him the right to get closer to the traveller. I guess he meant that he has ‘special feelings’ and would protect them as he protects his own family.
( Tho, I also think that as a marriage proposal LMAO : Being part of the family = let’s get married 😂)
But also the fact that they spent little time together, Lyney always has an attachment to the traveller. It’s incredible how this magicien who tells lies and doesn't open up easily to the others, has opened up to he traveller, where they still ‘’barely’’ knew each other. Still, the traveller helped and defended them until the end so I can understand why Lyney began to ‘’open up’’ to them and same for the traveller thanks for 4.1 quest.
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foster-the-world · 3 months
Onward and Upward
Last day of school. Onward to 3rd grade, 2nd grade and 4K. Can't believe she's going to be a "big kid" in the 3rd grade. They grow up so fast, its goes too fast, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah.
They were happy this morning. Certainly no learning will take place today. Bee's teachers is bringing her 9 and 13yo. Bee loves, loves, loves the 13yo. Our flight to my parents house is 8pm tonight. Got an email that we could change for free due to bad weather. It looks like maybe the storm is coming in later. Fingers crossed.
The girls had their awards ceremony last week. Disappointingly 2nd grade only did "you completed 2nd grade" awards for everyone. Lame. 1st grade had individual awards but they were generic - leadership, academic excellence. Rebel won both big awards because she's a teachers pet type. I had to miss because I don't have vacation hours at work. My husband said all of the kids were really excited for each other. I loved, loved Bee's teachers awards last year. Every kid got two very specific awards. They were very, very sweet and captured each kid beautifully. The kids tried to guess who she was talking about and they were 100% correct because the teacher really understood each kid so well. I had tears in my eyes. One of my favorite things is to see my kids being known and loved by other people. I wondered if it would be less so with a kid who has much more challenging behaviors. But nope. Baby boy was very well loved and known this year also. His teacher sent me a long text message about how much she is going to "miss her boy." She also sent a ton of pictures that capture him really well. Bee wrote "You are a great teacher. You treated me like family" in her teacher's card. So sweet. Teachers gifts sent off (flowers + gift cards). Feeling relieved to have all of the end of school year stuff over with.
I'm enjoying Clair Lombardo's books. I got a bunch of new books for baby boy on hold at the library. Found some about personal space. He's more of a crasher into other people so I'm not sure it will translate but let's see. His social skills class finished yesterday. If insurance paid we would keep sending him but I don't think its worth the steep price for what he got out of it. He understands social rules he just doesn't always follow them. They have a summer camp - nice to know for future reference.
The ADHD parent coach has given us some good suggestions we are trying out. We mentioned taking him to stores is difficult. He wants to run around and touch everything. I think it would work better in the suburbs where they have carts. In NYC we try to hold his hand while holding all of our purchases. Stores are smaller so less space for him. Anyway, he suggested we try it when we don't actually need to buy anything. That way we have time to set rules for him (stay near us, don't touch everything) and can leave if he's not following through. We are also going to put him in charge of finding one item. He can then buy/keep the item if he follows all of the rules. He gets three warnings. Normally we only take him when we have to buy something so we can't follow through with the threat of leaving if he doesn't listen. Not sure why we didn't think of this before. Fingers crossed some practice will help him/us out.
His sitter said he is interested in reading the pamphlets/how to's from the ADHD parent coach. Which is appreciated. Once again thankful to have so many people who want my kid to succeed.
His sitter owns a backpack company. Such a cool idea. They are really high quality: https://shiftbackpacks.com/ I'm really hoping they go viral at some point. I suggested he try to get in the NYC private school circuit. Those rich people have money and are all about letting their kids express their emotions.
Bought my husband (and I) tickets to Sturgill Simpson in October for his Birthday. Birthday present done and I get to see a concert = yes, please.
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4lph4kidz · 4 months
7, 17, 27 and 28 for the writing asks? :3
thank you for asking!
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
i like the excitement of ideating and making connections between those ideas, seeing the project start to take shape. i like the later stages where i'm polishing what i've got, making sure that the language conveys what i want it to and that the whole thing flows well. enjoying the middle part... is more difficult.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Mmmmh. So, Bound in Ink and Iron was initially supposed to be a pretty light affair where i played with fairy tale tropes, but i ended up going into more typical dark fantasy territory because i love that genre so much and i wanted to embrace that. i made a lot of notes and planning about the setting because i wanted to feel like i understood the world, as it was really important for me to accurately capture the outlook of an analytic and self-assured character like dirk. i have way too much to share everything here, but i have extensive notes on the magic system of that world bc i can draw on canon's power system and themes pretty easily. Excerpt of those notes here:
Magic is a force in the world that many people can tap into, but powerful magic is something a select few are born with or are able to wield in a meaningful capacity - Homestuck is a chosen one story in a sense and its world is not fair. Power is something that comes to you with a price. Everyone taps into or channels magic in a different way - the idea of classpects, mechanics and role and character tied together, people can have different affinities in a figurative sense. Characters may prefer certain techniques or materials - magic as an almost artistic medium, but more than that, an expression of self. It is very difficult to try and learn magic 'someone else's way', though its possible to imitate. As POV character Dirk is someone with a relatively scientific, technical approach to magic - he prefers to inscribe patterns, craft objects and follow rituals - and while he has an intuitive ability to sense magic presence, he struggles to wrap his head around or understand forms that are created with methods and approaches unlike his own.
When it comes to fic, i like AUs because i like worldbuilding and trying to imitate and play with different genres and i like having room for original spins on stuff. i do like minutiae, even if much of it never makes it into the story or is disregarded as the plot demands. i'm a major perfectionist and if i'm too precious about it it can be counterproductive in the long run, you know? if it was an original work i would be more thorough, i think, but this is fanfiction and i want to get to the finish line more than i need to make my most perfect magnum opus.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
jake is stressful because i feel like it's very easy to mischaracterise him in fanwork, but i worry about writing jane the most. i have feelings about her handling in canon and post canon, and would find a different outcome vastly preferable, but i also don't want to reject canon or erase her complexities from her completely!
i also generally stress about characters that are secondary or tertiary in my fics because i feel like i've not given them the same consideration i would the characters at the center of the work? sometimes the main focus necessitates putting the incidental characters in a less than optimal position in the work, and i don't really like feeling like i'm not doing them justice.
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
i have a lot of fun with jake, despite aforementioned concerns! i like the character a lot and i'm told it shows. he is delightful, to me.
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Power Armor Punch Part Sixty One
Lucille: *isn't so sure about the routine part either. She's so used to just jumping into things without a second thought* I'll... I'll try.
Gardio: *kisses his daughter's forehead* You can do it. I believe in you.
Lucille: *questions how he's not giving her high doses of radiation every time he does something like that. Maybe she's part ghoul...?*
Gardio: I'll head down stairs and heat up my food. I'll be back up. *to Ma* Would you like me to heat up yours as well?
Ma: “Ah, that would be lovely, thank you. And you can tell Joyce that she may start baking dessert, the cookie dough is already prepped and rolled into balls. No doubt that the girl is drooling at the mouth just thinking about it.” (Remembers that Nick had just previously snapped at his daughter, maybe he needs a rest. Although, that may be difficult considering what just transpired) “I’ll go check up on them downstairs just to be sure everything is alright in the meantime, excuse me for a moment.” (Leaves to do just that)
Teshteal: *smiles and goes back to devouring his meal* Joyce: (Smiles back at her boyfriend and continues to eat as well, really trying to hold back on inhaling he macaroni and cheese)
Nick: *also saw it but isn't saying anything. He's too tired of this nonsense- as long as she's not trying to die*
Jasmine: (Fixated on the carousel with wide sparkly eyes. She’s a kitten, anything that moves and is shiny captures her attention. Anything that she deems cute as well, which is why she was staring at the rubber ducky earlier as it bobbled up and down in the water)
Donovan: (Knew this trick from their prewar days. He, Jie, and Lilac had discovered this and would purposely try to catch Jasmines attention with different objects then giggle when her eyes would go cutely wide with interest and delight)
Ma: (Walks into the guest room, pausing when she sees Donovan is up) “Donny…? Why are you here and not resting, love?”
Donovan: (Points to the bed with a sad smile, not answering the question) “Rosie likes the carousel music box, I knew she would...”
Ma: (Concerned for her son but she turns to Nick without pressing further) “How you doing there, Dad?”
Nick: I'll be honest, more than a bit worn out. *rubs the back of his head* Could use a break.
Lucille: *sits there staring at her plate. She feels so unsure... unstable. It's frightening*
Gardio: *comes downstairs. After heating his food* Ma says you can bake the cookies, now. *flashes them a smile* Teshteal: *pumps his arms into the air* Hurray! *immediately puts them on* Joyce: (Brightens up to match the energy of the sun itself) “Wonderful!” (Rushes to grab a baking tray and a silicone baking mat while Teshteal gets the dough from the fridge)
Ma: (Nods her head with a heavy sigh) “And you no doubt deserve one." (Looks to the girl hidden under the blankets) "I am willing to watch Rosalinda for you if you wish to take one.”
Jasmine: (Winds up the music box on her own when it runs out, still completely mesmerized by it as she sucks on her thumb. She doesn't appear to hear or understand what the adults are saying, otherwise she'd protest the idea of Nick leaving her)
Donovan: (Would stay as well just in case Jazzy goes ballistic again and is too much for one person to handle)
Nick: That would be swell. *slight smile but then goes back to a serious expression as he stands* Not now, but there's something I'm going to have to have you do to help keep her from losing control. *writing down something on a notepad then shows them. "Read silently- Assign you two as her 'commanders' so the words are effective on her coming from you. I trust you not to abuse this power."*
Lucille: *debating on whether or not she deserves dessert.*
Teshteal: *puts the little cookie dough on the tray in neat and spacious rows delicately* Joyce: (Making sure the oven is the right temperature and that the timer is set so the cookies don't burn)
Ma: (Goes wide eyed when she reads the note, flashing Nick an, “are you sure” look)
Donovan: (Neither him or Ma would abuse the power, he himself might not even have the guts to use it. He saw how it controls Jas, that it renders her useless. He’ll only use it if it’s a 100% case of a life or death situation, otherwise he’s taking the hard way of talking her through it. Using the Commands may control her actions, but not how she truly feels inside)
Jasmine: (Would normally have something to say about that, she hates the idea of having more handlers who can control her every move. The very idea would make her feel more trapped, more like a monster who needs to be put in chains. But it is for her own safety right now, and Nick can revoke Ma and Donny's handler status later)
Nick: *nods and writes* "Only use it if she's completely lost to the programming. Best to stick to Reset and Zero Day- those cause the least amount of harm from what I've seen... so far."
Teshteal: *slides the cookies in with a little hum, swishing his tail side to side happily* Gardio: *eating his food, watching the two bake cookies* Joyce: (Pops an extra chocolate chip in her mouth after setting the timer for about 15 minutes, grinning as she hold out another piece of chocolate to Teshteals lips for him to try)
Ma: (Hesitantly nods, hoping that it doesn’t come down to Donny or her having to use it on the poor girl)
Donovan: (Still has so many questions to ask, so many that he isn’t even sure where he would start when the time is appropriate. Probably he would start off with what exactly those vault people did to Jas, he already has an idea and it makes him shudder to think further)
 Jasmine: (Winds up her music box when it stops playing, running her fingers over the snowy white horses as they spin with the lullaby. She wishes she could ride a real carousel again, or at least see one...)
Nick: Thank you. This means a lot. *nods and walks out of the room*
Teshteal: *gets all blushy again at this gesture and takes a quick bite, being careful to grab the chocolate and not her fingers. He delights in the the taste- he hasn't had good chocolate in a while* Joyce: (Giggles cutely at this, putting her arms around Teshteals shoulders and stealing a kiss after he comes in close to take the chocolate chip) Teshteal: *squeaks in surprise but leans into the embrace* You pulled a fast one! *smirks cheesily up at her* Joyce: (Gives him a smile sweeter than the chocolate, pulling him in close) Teshteal: *smiles back. Pecks her lips cheerily then strokes her hair while he looks on at her in admiration*
Jasmine: (Blinks at the music box, almost immediately sensing that Nick is no longer sitting besides her. Her eyes widen, losing all interest in her music box)
Ma: (Frowns a bit. It would’ve been better if Nick had told his daughter he was leaving, even if she started crying it was better than her looking up and seeing that he had left without telling her. She slowly approaches the bed, noticing that the girl had shoved off her dress and kicked it to the corner) “Rosie honey….”
Jasmine: (Listens for a few seconds, then pulls back the blanket so she can peep out and confirm that Daddy has indeed disappeared from the room. Her big doe-eyes well up with more tears as she sits up with the blanket around her)
Donovan: (Hadn’t moved from his spot in the chair. He takes the music box so Jas doesn’t drop it while she moves and sets it on the ground)
Ma: (Sits on the edge of the bed, cupping the girls cheek with one hand while the other rubs her shoulder) “He’ll be back, Rosa-Marie. He hasn’t left you here alone, I promise.”
Nick: *simply sighs at the realization of his own failing. Course saying he was leaving might have made her cling to him. He can't be sure.
Jasmine: (Starts sobbing as the fear grapples her, pulling up her knees to her chin so she can hide her face in them. Crying is not enough to vent her emotions however, she lost her ability to regulate that properly long ago. So by default she goes for her wounds again, trying to scratch them)
Ma: (Gently knocks the girls hands away from her bandages, taking them in hers. It would be best to send Jas to sleep for the night, the poor girl is still fighting off her fever and feels even warmer since she was under the blanket and has been working herself up with the fighting and crying)
Donovan: (Stands and starts collecting anything sharp or anything that could be made into something sharp away so Jas can hurt herself with it. He then locks the windows so she can’t escape again, feeling like he’s baby proofing the room for a small child)
Jasmine: (Desperately reaches for the door, quietly crying out for her father to return)
Ma: “Shhh, bebita bonita- estás bien…..” (Carefully pulls Jazzy in her lap, soothing her by patting her back) “Estamos bien…..”
Nick: *Contemplates going back but decides against it. She needs to get used to him not being around. She's not a toddler*
Jasmine: (Squirms to get away from Ma as she whines at what the motherly had said) “Nooooo!!!”
Ma: (Tightens her hold on the teen) “Hm?”
Jasmine: (Brokenly) “None of that…. Please!”
Ma: (Looks a bit hurt again but she nods at the girls request)
Jasmine: (Keeps fighting to break free)
Donovan: (Glances at Jas, knowing full well she would never act like this on a normal day) “Age regression…?”
Ma: (Solemnly nods) “That’s what I was thinking… Its not much of surprise, honestly. It’s one coping mechanism, better than her harming herself.”
Donovan: “And she doesn’t like Spanish…..”
Ma: (Somber hum) “Apparently not….” (Going through a checklist of what mental disorders Jazzy has probably developed and the habits that come from it)
Nick: *Hell. Maybe they can help her snap out of this state she's in. He's not going to do her any good at this rate. Currently just pacing outside smoking and mulling things over. He knows he ought to quit but he's pretty stressed at the whole ordeal*
Gardio: *finishes his meal. He took his time. He goes back to Lucille* Lucille: *staring out the window from her bed. Watching the sea and the farm. She sighs sadly. Wonders briefly what it would be like to be swallowed by the ocean. Probably not as romantic as she briefly imagines* Gardio: Hey, sweetie. How are you doing Lucille: Thinking about the ocean. Gardio: *nods solemnly* It isn't as peaceful as you think. Lucille: I know. It's pretty deceptive. Gardio: *hums to himself* Thinking of keeping you company tonight. Lucille: Dad... no. There's no other bed. Gardio: I'll sleep on the ground on a bunch of blankets. Lucille: You'll be bone tired come morning. Plus you're a Glowing One- I'm surprised I'm not suffering from radiation sickness, yet. Gardio: Despite my glow, the radiation I passively give off isn't enough to hurt a person badly. However, you might be adapting to the wasteland, too. *shrugs* Lucille: ...I still don't think it's a good idea, especially with my ankle.
Jasmine: (Starts kicking her feet even harder as she squirms, shrieking in frustration that she can’t move much)
Ma: (Tries not to sigh out loud in exasperation, she doesn’t want Jas to think she’s being a burden. She just wants the girl to feel safe and sleep) “Why did you take off your dress, sweetheart? Is it because you’re feeling too hot? Would you like me to fetch you a lighter nightgown?”
Jasmine: (Just shrieks and cries out some more, trying to pry Ma’s arms off from around her waist)
Ma: (Patiently, tightening her hold so Jas doesn’t fall off the bed but not too much that it hurts) “I told you Rosie, your father will be back soon. I can promise you that. But for now you’ll have to wait here for him.” (To Donovan) “Hand me the cloth and water from the dresser?”
Donovan: (Does just that)
Ma: (Starts cleaning the blood off the teens hands and face, humming while she does so. She might try to clip Jas’s nails as well to keep her from further scratching herself, although she’s too erratic right now)
Gardio: Well I could always get Nick to stay the night. Lucille: *scoffs* He doesn't have the time. I'm sure he'd shut down the agency just to take care of his infant teenage daughter. Gardio: Don't judge. She's probably been through a lot more than you know. Lucille: *turns her head back towards the window with a huff. Everyone apologizes for Jas's actions except Jas herself. Not once has the teen said she's sorry for any of the pain she's caused her supposed sister. She wouldn't even stand up for her when Donovan was interrogating her back at the orphanage* Gardio: Lucille, be reasonable. Lucille: I am... I'm just tired of everything to do with Jasmine right now... even Nick. *hurts to say that but she is. Even with him bringing her back to her senses, before, she still feels distant from the old synth*
Teshteal: *cups Joyce’s cheek and takes the opportunity to kiss her deeply, tongue and all* Joyce: (Squeals with delight, opening her mouth slightly as she holds her boyfriend tightly, ruffling his hair with her fingers)
Ma: (Swaddles the girl up in a blanket so it’s harder for her to fight and possibly hurt herself. She makes sure to leave a little wiggle room so she doesn’t feel completely trapped)
Jasmine: (Weakly, tears streaming down her cheeks as her muscles relax) “N-no!”
Ma: (Starts rocking back and forth on the bed, patting the girls lower back) “Hush now, Rosie. You must be exhausted.”
Jasmine: (Brokenly) “Daddy! No….” (Since her mind is so fractured, she can’t grasp the fact that he’s not abandoning her. All she knows is that he snapped at her angrily then disappeared from the room)
Ma: (Patiently once more, wiping some hair off her face) “He’ll be back soon, dear. For now, you can rest.”
Donovan: (Sits there with his head in his hands, unable to wrap his mind around the fact that the baby had a baby. Not that Jas is an actual infant, but she’s so young and small… That plus the fact that it was mostly likely from the cause of a cruel case of rape just rubs more salt in the wounds. He’s still debating when he’ll give this information to Ma, not that it’ll ever be easy but now still doesn’t feel like the right time)
Nick: *pacing still. Trying to walk off the stress*
Gardio: Sweetheart, I'm worried about you- Lucille: I know but I'll be fine. I promise. Gardio: *frowns but quietly nods* Okay... please yell if you need me. *leaves* Lucille: *keeps staring at the sea*
Teshteal: *very much freely explores her mouth this time with his forked tongue. Eventually it wraps around hers and tries to pull on it*
Joyce: (Pulls back and pouts when the timer goes off and they have to separate, quickly putting on oven mitts so she can take out the warm tray off cookies and set it down on top of the stove)
Jasmine: (Whimpers, trying to wiggle out of the blanket but the claws of sleep are pulling her in. She doesn’t want to fall asleep, she can almost guarantee that she’ll have nightmares and is afraid of what’ll happen to her while she does so)
Ma: (Gives the girl a kiss on the head, pressing her forehead against hers while she continues to rock on the bed to lull her to sleep)
Donovan: (Telling himself not to speculate too much in this instance, it won’t do him any good right now. He just needs to focus on doing what he’s always done, and that’s looking out for his family and keeping them safe)
Joyce: (Pulls back and pouts when the timer goes off and they have to separate, quickly putting on oven mitts so she can take out the warm tray off cookies and set it down on top of the stove) Teshteal: *pouts a little but lightens up. They have all night after dessert to kiss* Joyce: (Transfers the cookies onto a rack cool down with a spatula, mouth starting to water at the gooey goodness that smells heavenly) “Mhmmm. The smell is amazing…”
Jasmine: (Starts trembling like a scared little bunny but she stops struggling, nodding off further into sleep. She’s not happy about it one bit, but she’s lost the battle…)
Ma: (Sadly smiles down at the girl as she finally settles down) “Heh. The five S’s…”
Donovan: (Snaps back into reality, rubbing his forehead) “Hm?”
Ma: (Gestures at Jas with her head) “The five S’s, for settling down crying and fussing tykes. Seems to work on this one as well.” (Goes back to assuring the teen that she’s still safe and can sleep)
Donovan: (Blinks at Jas for a moment in thought, watching as the feisty and angry kitten melt into the sweetheart he once knew who’s quietly crying from the pain she’s in, then stands and walks out of the room)
Ma: “Where are you going?”
Donovan: “To get a rocking chair for you two.” (Quickly heads into Ma’s room and picks up the spare rocking chair she keeps in there, bringing it into the guest room)
Ma: (Frowns a little, not wanting him to lift anything heavy right now but doesn’t mention it. She rises with the girl in her arms and sits in the chair, adjusting the teen so she’s snuggled up closely with the blanket still around her)
Jasmine: (Whines in confusion at the sudden movement, squirming around with some leftover energy then settles in by nuzzling up against Ma’s chest, sobbing quietly with her thumb in her mouth)
Teshteal: *thinks they look absolutely delicious. His nose twitches at the lovely smell* I could just eat them all up. *reaches out but stops* But I won't. *puts his hands back at his sides. Very slight forced smile* Gotta wait for the others! Joyce: (Nods, getting out bowls for the ice cream) “I wonder when they’ll be ready for dessert... Or if they want any at all.” (Longingly gazes at the cookies)
Jasmine: (Weakly pleas for the pain and memories to stop in her half-sleep, biting down on her thumb)
Ma: (Now that Jas is no longer moving she carefully unwraps her so she isn’t so hot and stuffy under the blanket, gently draping a sheet over both of them instead)
Jasmine: (Fearful that her dad left her just like her aunt and birth mother did- absolutely terrified at the thought that she'll have to navigate and brave the storm alone again)
Ma: "Ssh, love. You're safe here with us." (Starts rubbing the girls stomach and sides as she did earlier in a tender circular pattern, rocking in the chair to create a soothing motion)
Nick: *considering leaving Jas here with them when they make their trek to the vault, still. Her and Teshteal. It'll be too risky to take them there especially since both are susceptible to commands*
Lucille: *thinking about what Jas signed at her and winces. She still thinks the girl is right. She's had it easy compared to her... mutters to herself* Such a selfish bxtch...
Teshteal: Should I go ask...? *waves his tail up and down a little as he eyes the cookies hungrily* Joyce: (Nods her head eagerly, so hyped about dessert that she’s almost shaking and frothing at the mouth)
Jasmine: (Blubbers again when Ma does the gentle rubs, lulling her into a deeper sleep. She wont be happy at all if Nick leaves her behind to go to the vault that is a several days trip away, that's another meltdown waiting to happen)
Ma: (Quietly to herself as she rocks and massages Jas) "I’ve got her Angélica... Your baby girl is alive. She's in good hands with her father...” (Remembering her late friend, thinking about how grateful she would be that her daughter made it through the bombs. She'd be heartbroken that the girl had to endure so much terror to get here, but also mighty proud that she got this far)
Jasmine: (Tries to nestle herself even closer to Ma by pressing her face above the neckline of her dress after moving it to the side slightly so she can hear her heartbeat and feel her skin. She’s craving the sense of protection and warmth close contact to another person brings that she was deprived of for so long)
Ma: (Smiles down at the teen, not minding one bit as she continues to rub her stomach and lower back)
Jasmine: (Hums softly in content, sucking her thumb as she breathes in sync with Ma and listens to her rhythmic heartbeat. Her free hand grips the motherly woman's dress to further secure herself)
Donovan: (Almost starts shedding some tears again as he witnesses this, swearing that he'll gut the bastards that dared to hurt the sweet and precious little girl. If he hadn’t lived for so long and had witnessed firsthand how cruel people are capable of being he’d question how they would have the guts when she looks so innocent)
Lucille: *wonders if she should just leave for 88. After that blow up, she doubts they'll ever be on good terms again. It would be doing everyone a favor and at least she'd be alive...*
Teshteal: *nods and bounds over to Gardio who's checking the fire* Dessert? Gardio: *blinks, processing what he's asking* Sure. *gets up to grab some cookies and icecream* Joyce: (Opens the freezer and pulls out a large container of homemade Neapolitan ice cream, quickly fetching a scoop from the drawers)
Gardio: *to Teshteal* Check if Lucille wants a cookie please. *smiles when he notices the neopolitan* Oh, how did they make this? *admiring the fact they even have it out in the wasteland. Then again. It's a miracle their house looks like one right from before the war.
Donovan: (Stands and starts undoing Jas’s bed, swapping out her slightly bloodied sheets for fresh ones) Ma: (Takes a damp rag with one hand and dabs it on the back of Jazzy’s neck and shoulders to keep her cool, carefully tossing her loose curls back so she’s not smothered under them) Jasmine: (Asleep, but still partly aware of her surroundings as she dreams of nothing. She can feel the cool rag on her skin along with the motion of her back being rubbed)
Teshteal: Sure thing, boss! *climbs up to the attic* Lucille? You want any dessert? Lucille: ...No. I don't deserve it. Teshteal: Oh boy... *heavy huff. Tries to put on the charm* You sure? It's really good! The cookies are fresh~! Lucille: Save them for someone who isn't some selfish brute. Teshteal: *frowns and looks down. He's not going to keep pressing. Just goes downstairs to ask Donovan and Ma if they want any dessert. He feigns a smile so they don't worry about anyone else than Jasmine*
Donovan: (Fluffs up the sheets on Jas’s bed so it’s nice and comfy for when they tuck her in later)
Ma: (Raises her head from the top of Jazzy’s when Teshteal comes into the room, smiling warmly at him) “Hello dear, how are you holding up?”
Donovan: (Turns around, also giving a friendly but tired smile at Teshteal)
Jasmine: (Sniffles and shuffles a little with a small cry)
Ma: (Shushes her and keeps rubbing her back and stomach, rocking the chair a bit more)
Teshteal: Just fine. Would either of you like dessert? *maintains his false smile the entire time he's there, only letting it drop when it seems appropriate*
Joyce: (Starts scooping ice cream for herself, offering Gardio the scoop when she’s done) “We get a shipment of prewar produce and ingredients from some vaults that grow them. I’m not sure about the details though, you’ll have to ask Ma or Donny about that.” Gardio: Too bad you can't grow your own... *smiles as he takes the spoon and scoops two large piles of multiflavored icecream into the bowl* It's been quite a while since I've had icecream. Joyce: “Yeah, they require a special and specific kind of care that you can only really find in vaults. I’m pretty sure these vaults that this stuff comes from are very exclusive about who gets what.” (Shrugs her shoulders, taking three cookies) “But Mama has her ways, and I’m grateful for that because this food is heavenly.” (Her emerald green eyes widen with delight as they fixate on her bowl)
Donovan: “Oh… We didn’t even eat our dinner yet.” (Glances at Ma who won’t be able to eat until after she’s done holding Jas)
Ma: (Waves her hand at her son while dampening the cloth again) “Go on down and eat, love. I think we’re fine in here for now.” (Rests her head back on top of Jazzy’s)
Jasmine: (Settles down and goes back to breathing evenly against Ma’s chest, her fingers tightening on her house dress)
Donovan: (Might just grab his food and come on back up here, he rather stay close to the two. Although, he still wants to check up on Joyce, he doesn’t doubt she’s still upset about what she witnessed earlier)
Teshteal: Alright! *scampers out. He would go back to the kitchen but he wonders where his possum toy is so he looks for that*
Donovan: (He walks over to give his mother a kiss on the head, then gently pets Jazzy’s hair) “I’ll be back soon, call if you need anything.” (Leaves downstairs)
Lucille: *still laying in bed. If she wasn't convinced Jas hated her before, that blow up really proved her right. Maybe Patriot was right when he wrote his note before his death. Mutters* Monster...
Gardio: Very. *nods then after a moment of silently eating their cookies and icecream* You and Teshteal seem to have gotten really close. How's that been so far?
Joyce: (Was stuffing her face with a cookie that had ice cream slathered all over it) “Oh, It’s been wonderful-…” (Stops short when her older brother walks into the kitchen, setting down her spoon)
Donovan: (Smiles at the two, giving a kind nod to his sister) “Hey JoJo…” (Notices her expression and his face fills with concern, opening his arms)
Joyce: (Scratch that about what she said about feeling fine, because within seconds she’s bolting across the kitchen to tackle Donny in a hug with tears in her eyes)
Donovan: (Wraps her up in a tight embrace) “Are you alright? You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
Joyce: (Muffled in his shoulder) “Did YOU get hurt!” (Still shook at the fight she witnessed, followed by gunshots and a brief glimpse of the girl covered in blood)
Teshteal: *suddenly remembers Nick and runs out to ask him* Want any dessert? Nick: *looks up from his thoughts* Hm-? No, thank you. I'm a little busy thinking- Teshteal: Okay! *runs back in and looks for his plushie*
Lucille: *pulling on a loose wire in her arm. She winces. Tells herself she deserves this pain. It's the least she can do to atone for her crimes*
Gardio: *blinks at the sudden change of her mood. Feels like he didn't gage the situation right. Then again, a friendly chat is usually a nice distraction from a recent scary situation*
Donovan: (Pats her back assuredly) “I’m fine, it’s nothing I have not felt before."
Joyce: (Shakes her head) “There were gunshots!! The window broke!”
Donovan: (Winces at the reminder of what Jas tried to do to herself) “They weren’t aimed or meant for me, she wasn’t trying to hurt me…”
Jasmine: (Whines and squirms at the bad memories coming at her while she tries to rest off her fever and injuries) Ma: “Shhh, little one. You’re safe and sound here. (Rubs her with a little more pressure just to help assure her, singing one of Jas’s lullabies to soothe the girl) “A la nanita nana, nanita ella nanita ella. Mi niña tiene sueño bendito sea, bendito sea….” Jasmine: (Melts once her fractured mind refocuses on the sweet lullaby and the comforting warmth from her skin. She misses her Dad terribly still, she rather be in his arms right now. But he's gone- he just evaporated into thin air)
Teshteal: *finds his stuffed possum. It's so much fluffier and soft now and he can't help but give it a big hug because of that* Possum! *smiling like a giant child*
Lucille: *tears up. With each pull, she sends a shockwave of pain shooting through her shoulder. She briefly entertains that this is what Jasmine wants- for her to suffer. Even if it's not true*
Gardio: *stands* I can help with your injuries, Donovan. *walks over and sets a hand on the other ghoul's shoulder. He shuts his eyes and focuses, releasing a burst of radiation through his hand and over the other ghoul*
Joyce: (Steps back while this happens, sniffling on her tears as she eats her ice cream)
Donovan: (Immediately starts to feel much brighter and stronger, his headache disappearing) "Whew, thank you! That feels much better." (Grateful smile)
Nick: *might stay out there till morning. He needs more than a couple hours away from Jas* Jasmine: (Keeps sucking on her thumb, sleeping like an angel child for now. At least until her nightmares and unstable mind become too much for her to handle again and she starts flaring around) Ma: (Looking out the window, continuing to sing the old Spanish lullaby since it seems to help Jazzy as she holds the fragile girl and hopes she stays fast asleep until her father returns) “Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora. Ruiseñor que en la selva cantando llora. Calla mientras la cuna se balancea. A la nanita nana, nanita ella….”
Lucille: *gets to the point where she's crying from the pain she's inflicting on herself. She soon has to stop or risk damaging the connection of the wire. She's not going to get any sleep thanks to this... not that she thinks she deserves sleep*
Teshteal: *comes back in, clutching his possum friend in his arms, its paws sticking out on top of them. Notices Joyce crying and freezes* Oh- Did something happen? *slowly and timidly walks over to his girlfriend*
Donovan: (Wraps his arms back around Joyce to comfort her, giving Tehsteal a somber look) “She’s just a little scared about earlier….”
Joyce: (Poor girl isn’t used to violence like this, the more complicated and deeper kind where emotions are entangled into the mix)
Teshteal: *looks down at his stuffed toy* I know it's not much but... *holds it out to Joyce with both hands* You can hold him if it helps. He helped calm me down when I was scared sometimes. *smiles*
Joyce: (Takes the stuffed possum with a small chuckle of gratitude at her boyfriend) “Thank you…”
Donovan: (Plays with some of Joyce’s golden hair, pecking a kiss on her forehead) “Although, I suppose we are all rattled.” (Pats her back) “Don’t worry about hiding it for the sake of everyone else...”
Joyce: (Goes back to hugging her older brother tightly while with clutching the possum, crying a little more. Donny and Ma are the first people she met who were kind to her, who sheltered her and became her only family. She can’t imagine what she would do if one of them suddenly died…)
Teshteal: *wraps his arms around Joyce from behind to give her a hug, turning this into one big group hug. He rubs his cheek on on the back of her head into her hair*
Joyce: (Chuckles again as she’s incased into one giant hug, humming softly)
Donovan: (Gives a quick pat on Teshteals shoulder in thanks of watching out for Joyce earlier, then goes back to petting her hair)
Dogmeat: (Comes trotting up the stairs to the attic, going straight up to Lucille and whining with big puppy eyes. He starts trying to sniff her, putting is front paws on the bed)
Lucille: *quietly without looking at him* Don't worry about me, boy... I'll be fine. Go back down stairs and play with Pirate...
Pirate: (Already upstairs as well, whining with concern and doing soft little woofs) Dogmeat: (Sniffs the air where Lucille’s arm should’ve been, looking back at Pirate as if to say, “Yo, she’s being a liar! We just heard her cry out in pain.” He then jumps down from the bed to go snitch on Lucille by alerting Nick as that’s what he’s used to doing) Pirate: (Follows him downstairs and out of the doggy door into the night) Dogmeat: (Trots up to Nick, barking with urgency while pawing at the pacing detective)
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"Perhaps we're similar to the Timekeeper, we want to keep the wheel turning and not let the game die. No idea when it's really going to end." -@ihazmunchies91 (preamble to the fic The Narrative Parable)
"So how did Coda do it? How did he just, leave his creations, to die, to never be appreciated and seen? To be able to tell others of what it was supposed to be? Why couldn't he consider the feelings of his creation?" -@shinakazami1 and the little fic snippet they recently shared
(if either of you don't want to be tagged or quoted let me know and I'll remove it asap! Also, personal venty stuff under the cut. No worries, I'm fine, just kinda babbling!)
Some days I look at my story like it's a stranger. "who did this?" "Who wrote that?" Why did i even start writing this in the first place?
Recently it's been getting more and more difficult to see my creation. I know what story I'm trying to tell and I want to tell it, but something in me kind of distances myself from it. I want to connect more with it, i just....can't. This fandom means so much to me and I want to give every ounce of story i have to give, but I'm aware I'm talking to no one but myself. And don't get me wrong, most of the time I'm fine with that. I tell my stories to just tell them. I have a million stories to tell, and by Lord I will tell them until I'm blue in the face (many can attest to that). No, my concern is that my voice softens. I go to speak but my story refuses to be spoken. But the story and its characters demand to be seen and heard, even as my voice and mind fail me.
I don't say this for pity or concern, it's more so a frustration. And i think those two quotes capture my mindset perfectly. I hate seeing stories left untold, I hate seeing people abandon their tales. I understand interests wane, and that's fine. It's more so when the light in a creator just...fizzles out or dies completely. Every tale should and needs to be heard, no matter the media you tell it in, even if it's scattered post-it notes across your mirror and bathroom counter.
I'm clinging to this story but something in my light feels like it's trying to die a little. I love my story, but my body refuses to tell it, if that makes sense. I don't know. It's not writers/artists block, it's just....bleugh, you know? It'll pass, it always does, i just thought I'd share this in case anyone else felt a similar way and was feeling alone in that line of thought.
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meimi-haneoka · 8 months
Just read your drabbles and I feel like you captured the both of them really well!
It didn't quite occur to me initially that kaito would still experience his seizures. :/ if I rmb correctly, they're caused by his constant use of time magic? So his body is reaching its limit. In that case, wouldn't causing his paused time to go again make the situation worse? I'm wondering what form kaitos healing will take, because it seems that for clamp, extending a life means immortality -> Yuko's situation, which wouldn't really fit here either.
Wow thank you so much for reading them!! 🥲 It might seem like I'm seeking validation around (I am), but for me it's really the first time and I was so nervous, for many reasons, not necessarily connected strictly to fanfictions. Writing is really a "world" I've never dared stepping into. I'm also worried about how my English sounds, so there's a lot of insecurities converging...
Anyways! Yea I have the impression that MANY people haven't grasped Kaito's situation from the finale very well, and again I would blame the ENG translation for that, but it's not only that. I feel like CLAMP have glossed over the specific fact to not ruin the atmosphere of the "happy finale", but what they made the characters say is pretty clear. The fact that his time is stopped didn't erase the pain he's been constantly experiencing since long time (the so-called "seizures", which have been there even before the play started), cause if it was enough to also halt completely his seizures, Sakura would've asked Akiho もう辛かったり痛かったりにはならないってこと? ("does that mean that he's not going to have a hard time and feel pain anymore?"), but sadly what she said is もっと辛かったり痛かったりにはならないってこと?("does that mean that he's not going to have a hard time and feel pain more than this?"). A single word can change so much. Stopping his time means that his overall situation is completely frozen at the point it was before he ended up engulfed by the Seal of D and turned into a dragon. He's not going to age, but his pain won't stop either. But this is literally what's keeping him from dying, because those seizures were meant to become worse and worse, till they would've eventually killed him. That's why Sakura is relieved to hear that "they aren't going to get worse than this". In the bigger picture of things, it's still something to be relieved about.
Now, what Akiho explained they're going to do is to find a magic that would cure him FIRST, AND THEN find a magic that could make his stopped time move again. It's very conditional to the fact that they can find a "cure" for him, and the cure is pretty much bound to extending his lifetime, cause as you have mentioned, Kaito is having these seizures cause the time magic he had used shaved off his lifespan, in the first place. This might mean that if they can find a way to "cure" the seizures, then the lifespan will automatically be extended too. I don't exactly know how CLAMP have envisioned this.
But yeah, once you dig deeper, you can actually understand just how difficult things are going to be for them from now on. It's not going to be easy to find what they're looking for. Still, we're literally talking about bringing back a guy that was supposed to be trapped forever in a dimension where time was destroyed, eternally condemned to solitude in an inhuman shape. Moreover, even if you removed the Seal of D there was still his complete lack of self worth and care for his life, which brought him to use time magic to that degree and eventually bring his body to its limit, at death's door. What everyone was capable of accomplishing in the finale is literally a miracle. Having Kaito alive, even if a bit sickly, is a miracle. I'm absolutely certain that if this was another one of CLAMP's manga, for another demographic, there's no way that Kaito would've been alive and with Akiho, by now. Because the "death flags" were so many for him, and we know how CLAMP are. Everyone gotta bear the consequence of their choices, in their manga. And it's not like they've "let him off the hook" easily either, even for CCS standards.
So yeah, as I said elsewhere some days ago, I desperately need to see a bit of serenity and happiness for them in the special chapter, I need to see for certain that despite the difficult path they've chosen, they're really going to be happy together. 🤞Not only for Kaito but mainly for Akiho too.
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
If you had to ship Virginia and Suzy with different b-list slashers, who would you pick and why?
Omg this is such an interesting question! So as it turns out I haven't seen a lot of what google considers a "b-list horror film" so I may not be able to answer for Virginia unfortunately, also what google considers a b list film you may not but I really REALLY wanted to answer this!
I'm happy to hear from you or others about slashers they'd ship the ladies with!
Suzy option 1:
Dr. Josef Heiter from the Human Centipede
Come on are you surprised lmao
Him being german is just a plus honestly it would be nice for her to speak in another language that's comfortable for her that others around them may or may not be able to understand. She adores a man who knows what he wants and is willing to do anything and everything to make his dream a reality, not caring about the cruelty that they have to enact on the way. She also uh...as you know loves Dick From That Old Man as we here on tumblr like to say.
In this universe I imagine her mother would go through with the choice of sending her away but instead of sending her to boarding school she would go to live with the extended Schneeflocke family in Germany. Her mastery of covering up her offputting personality with warm loving deeds and a knack for nurturing would take her through nursing school where she would eventually come to work in the same hospital as Dr. Heiter.
Of course, being Suzy, she would very quickly become an angel of death type. She would give patients meds they didn't need so she could be right there when they needed saving. She would genuinely have a passion for her field, the rush that being an essential assistant for the doctors brought her was almost as thrilling as being the arbiter of life or death.
Seeing Dr. Heiter work is something she'd find mesmirizing and she'd find ways to constantly be around him in an attempt to learn more about his work. Despite his social difficulties-
"Human beings are very difficult for [Doctor Heiter], so he has to create stuff to get out of that complete isolation and loneliness and sadness and anger he has inside of himself."—Dieter Laser (rest in peace)
-Suzy has a special talent for making people feel like the most important genius in the world. This lead to a relationship where he would share his ideas, his dreams for his work, and Suzy would encourage him to do MUCH worse. By the time he retired she was very close to being found out with her own string of crimes so she decided that she was going to quit and become her lovers personal assistant.
Suzy option 2:
Jojo the Klownzilla
If Suzy was the type to write fanfic this is what she'd write.
We don't exactly know where the female klowns come from? There's the theory that the popcorn worm things are where all baby klowns come from but there's also the theory that the female klowns are made in a different way and that's why the main woman is kidnapped in a bubble. I'm going with the latter for this.
This time during her parents divorce Xavier was able to dodge charges and took Suzy with him to California, choosing a mid size town where he live with his daughter in peace but still have access to operate his business. She was unfortunately out in the town the night of the invasion, her poor father out of the state on a business trip. Like other species' females in the past Suzy was captured and transformed into a female klown, all that really changed was her physical makeup as her personality meshed very well with the nature of the species.
She was tasked with watching over and helping to clean the large room that Jojo resides in, something she was not a fan of at all after a previous life of pampering...an attitude that is the exact reason they gave her the job. However, the longer she watched how her new fellow klowns interacted with Jojo, the power he held over them all on top of his massive stature, she began to see the job as an honor and went above and beyond.
I wish there was more details to extrapolate from to say how they BECAME closer but I like to think Suzy is more like Jojo's favorite pet than anything. Like how villains have those bitchy spoiled little cats on their laps.
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