#i'm disappointed in you son
doesnotloveyou · 1 year
how dare you not be overdramatic on the bone stealing, mafia saga writing, superwholock hijacking, crab infested, mineral craving, three weed-smoking girlfriends having, "and everyone clapped" website
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demigods-posts · 3 months
I've seen a lot of discourse about Virginia Kull's portrayal of Sally Jackson in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians TV series, and I'd like to say that I loved her. Don't get me wrong. I love Sally from the original book series, and I, too, would fight the God of War on her behalf. But something that I enjoyed about Virginia's portrayal of Sally that we don't get in the books is the character depth. We don't hear much of Sally's backstory in the TV series, apart from a couple of flashbacks with younger Percy and that scene with Poseidon (Toby Stephens). However, those scenes do an excellent job of showing us that alongside being Percy's mother, Sally is also a young woman who fell in love with a man she could not be with and is enduring the natural consequences of having Percy. She struggles to communicate with him when she's frustrated, gets teary-eyed when she lies to him to prolong the inevitable, and actively sacrifices her happiness to ensure his safety. Virginia Kull's portrayal of Sally Jackson reinforces the character's humanity, imperfections, and determination, and it's everything to me.
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somegrumpynerd · 9 months
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More doodles of the new chapter of How Nightmare Became Dadmare by @topazshadowwolf please go read it
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is this so not "Alfred grew up in an environment with a 'parent' that used manipulation and denial of love to gain control/loyalty and it caused some of his most negative adult characteristics" coded
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Aragorn: You are talking about sex too much.
Legolas: Aragorn! Is it because it's not heterosexual sex talk?
Aragorn: Of course not! You know I love and support you.
Aragorn: It's because you taught the Hobbits what fisting is.
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 6 months
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Amethio sweetie you're not beating the 'related to Gibeon' allegations anytime soon fr
#fluff binges !!!#(my god the past few days have been Absolutely Awful I need to unwind anyhow sdkjfsndfs back to the comfort series)#there's something so poetic in how Hamber assumes this mentor/grandfather-like role to Amethio#while at the same time we're seeing Diana and Liko's bond at the forefront throughout the ep#the parallels between them....... Hamber actively encouraging that thirst for power while Diana praises Liko's continuous growth...........#Hamber's even amazed at Amethio 'playing dirty' in battles for once#Amethio's always been so by-the-books when it came to battling and even honorable in a sense by always striving for fairness-#-between him and Friede (insisting on one-on-one even when he has two mons on hand etc.)#BUT NOW Hamber wants to see more of that sinister corrupted side to that want for power and it's like ooouUUH........ OOOUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#man is a catalyst in intensifying Amethio's corruption arc he ain't trying to save him he wants him to go nuts with this SDJFHSHJDNFS#AND HONESTLY??????????????THAT'S SO INTERESTING#I'm also taking that Gibeon namedrop here as a sign that him and Amethio coooould be father and son#like Gibeon wasn't even that disappointed with him losing against Rayquaza he went all like “what did you FEEL"#WHAT AN ODD QUESTION TO ASK CONSIDERING HOW TERAPAGOS REPEATEDLY SCREAMED AT THE BOY LIKE HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM#AND SUPPOSEDLY BOTH TERAPAGOS AND RAYQUAZA ARE THE KEYS TO REACHING RAKUA SO HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM#imagine if Rakua's in space hence it requiring Rayquaza to accessJSHDAKSNDKASNDSD /LH /J#MORE PALPABLY IT MIIIGHT BE IN A DIFFERENT TIME PERIOD ENTIRELY BECAUSE OF TERAPAGOS BUT IMAGINESDJKFSNJDFN#pokemon#pokemon horizons#anipoke#pokeani#amethio#explorer amethio#hamber#explorer hamber#master gibeon
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wonder-worker · 3 months
A.J Pollard’s biography on Edward IV was so cringe lol (generic; minor but frustrating inaccuracies; intensely judgmental at times and oddly dismissive at others while never considering the broader context; entirely diminished and trivialized Elizabeth Woodville as both queen and wife of his main subject in the name of "defending" her; created a false dichotomy between Edward and Henry VII’s styles of ruling and lauded the latter at the former’s expense even though Henry literally followed Edward’s example for the very things Pollard was criticizing Edward for; had a downright nonsensical and thoroughly misleading conclusion about Edward’s legacy & Richard’s usurpation that was based entirely on hindsight, Pollard's own assumptions, and the complete downplaying Richard’s agency and actions to emphasize what Pollard wrongly and misleadingly claimed were Edward's so-called 'failings', etc, etc)
I wanted to buy his book on Henry V but after reading this shitshow and the synopsis of that book, im guessing it's going to be 10x worse, so...no thanks
#history media#this was written months ago im posting it to get it out of my drafts#it wasn't necessarily BAD. it was generic and readable. but it was very disappointing and misleading and its conclusion was just nonsense#listen I have no patience for the dumbfuck idea that edward somehow had the ultimate responsibility for his own son's deposition because#of his 'policies' during his reign. like I said it's based fully on hindsight and entirely devoid of actual context. it's bafflingly stupid#literally everyone expected Edward V to succeed his father and 'both hoped for and expected' (Croyland's own words) a successful reign#Edward V's deposition was richard and solely Richard's fault lol this should not be difficult to understand#the reason Richard's usurpation was possible in the first place was bcause everyone expected E5 to succeed and didn't expect Richard#do to what he did. nothing would have happened without his initiative and decisions. it had nothing to do with Edward's 'policies'#Edward's policies were fine. henry vii - who pollard vaunts to no end - literally *followed* them#and claiming that he failed to unite England under the Yorkist dynasty is just plain stupid#buddy if he truly failed at that then neither Richard III nor Henry VII would have thrones lol. both emphasized continuity with#him when aiming for the throne. like the whole point of 1483-85 was that it was a conflict WITHIN the 'Yorkist' dynasty#it was not an external threat against it.#'his legacy failed' his legacy didn't fail his brother destroyed it (while also presenting himself as his heir because logic what's logic?)#henry's victory was very much the triumph of his legacy (a claimant chosen by his supporters as the husband of his daughter)#like this is really not my interpretation it is literally what happened#i'm not trying to glorify e4 but his son did inherit the throne in a more advantageous circumstances than any other minor king of england#and frankly than most other adult kings. dumping blame on Edward's literal corpse rather than acknowledge Richard's agency is so tasteless#the problem isn't that edward made a mistake in trusting his brother. many other kings including Henry V also trusted theirs.#the problem is that his brother was willing to break that trust in a way that was unprecedented and broke all political norms of that age#ie: Richard's usurpation occurred because of Richard who re-ignited conflict to make himself king. please drill this into your head#also btw this illogical 'interpretation' is based entirely on Charles Ross' hatred and derision towards Elizabeth Woodville and her family#if you agree with this inteterpretation you agree with his vilification of them 🤷🏻‍♀️#anyway if you want a better interpretation that's actually analytical and looks a relevant rather than a flawed retrospective perspective#i would recommend rosemary horrox's 'richard iii: a study of service' and david horspool's 'richard iii: a ruler and his reputation'#anyway one last time: STOP downplaying Richard's agency and actions. historians who do this are stupid and embarrassing. bye.#(i should really post horspool's glorious takedown of ross and Pollard huh? it was very entertaining to read)
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fateshurly · 1 year
Aragorn: damnit, I broke a ruler
Legolas: It's okay, rules are meant to be broken
Aragorn: I'm so disappointed in you
Legolas: Yeah, sometimes my puns don't measure up
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infectedpinkie · 8 months
i don't like throwing the leaked show bible around because it's a huge breach, but the way the show bible explained g3 clawdulaura makes them so so cute and endearing to me. i knew for a while it was the plan so i wasn't surprised, just excited! i promise the angle they're going for is really cute. they're not just doing this for the sake of doing this.
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capybaraonabicycle · 7 months
Dragon's teeth🦷 and fire🔥
Thank you so much!! I will send you one, too, if that's alright <3
Still gonna talk about the cat fic because that's on my mind like every day right now.
Teeth: share a snippet that was difficult for you to nail down/required a lot of revisions.
Since I have not really done any proper editing yet, I can give you something I am not happy with yet? I might completely cut it from the work, actually, but it has changed already and probably will again. The main points are
I need to do a lot more research on dyspraxia because I want River to be a little supportive at least and not completely out of her depths like I am feeling
I should maybe not have Ryan talk about Yaz's love life behind her back? I know he's bound to be curious but I think he'd let her have her privacy and try not to get involved unless she asks him to. Idk I might keep it but make River bring her up instead? But like, I also don't think River would talk about Yaz to him behind her back and it could very quickly come off as objectifying - which she definitely isn't above but not with someone like Yaz who she genuinely cares about and who does not know her very well. Teasingly to her face? Maybe. But not behind her back.
"Mate, I'm just not sure I should be shooting a weapon" Ryan admitted. "Not that I don't want to, but - real life isn't GTA and I have not had proper weapons training - not like you or Yaz. And if you're actually going to shoot these aliens - I am not sure I can do that." There was a small pause, then River said: "The Doctor would be proud of you." "Yeah" Ryan said and Yaz could tell her was uncomfortable with the subject but secretly pleased. "Whatever." "I'll just fetch you some defensive weapons then" River decided. "To be safe. And you can be the one to apply the memory stick while Yaz and I distract them." "That means creeping around their station unseen" Ryan figured. "There were a bunch of ledges and ladders there." "I know" River's voice was more gentle than Yaz had heard it before. "But you can do this. You'll take it slow and if you stumble, you get up again. We'll give you plenty of time. Yaz is good in a fight, I can tell." "Thanks" Ryan said. He didn't sound completely convinced, but a tad reassured. For a while they were silent, the only sound their rummaging around, then he asked something that made Yaz's heart stop. "Do you fancy her? Yaz?" "Obviously" River answered. "I have not been subtle, darling." "Sorry if I originally assumed your taste in romantic partners was strange, being married to the Doctor and all" he deadpanned and she laughed loudly. "Be careful, kid, don't disrespect your dad." Ryan spluttered. "I don't think of the Doctor as my dad!" he insisted. "Oh, you do!" River said and Yaz had to bite her hand to muffle her snickering. "I've seen you two together. It's adorable!" "Whatever" Ryan huffed. "Why are you asking about Yaz?" River asked. "Want to give me the shovel talk? You should remember that you're talking to the most dangerous assassin of the 52nd century. I don't think you could threaten me if you tried." "I could hide the whiskey?" he offered. "And I was wrong" River claimed good-naturedly. "See? I know all your weaknesses" Ryan said. "No, but seriously, I'm not giving any shovel talks. I know that Yaz can look out for herself. I guess I was just curious, her being my best friend and all. Don't want her to get hurt. But like, she can make her own decisions, of course. I'm merely ready to hold you still so she can punch you when push comes to shove." "Noted" River said. "You're a good friend to her." "I try."
Mmmhya, Idk. I think there is ample reason for Yaz to eavesdrop on them and I like the opportunity to show them together a little. I like to think that they would be best friends immediately, seeing as how they spent so much time together when River was a cat. So to generally HAVE this scene is a good idea imo. But I'm really unsure about the execution.
Fire: share a snippet with some dialogue you’d like to show off.
To be fair, I am not entirely sure, Yaz would say 'no biggie'. So I might have to look for an alternative there. But I had so much fun writing that bit of dialogue:
"Great" Yaz muttered. "The Doctor's wife has kissed me. No biggie." "And she would do it again if you asked her to" River winked, pushing herself off the clothing rack and past Yaz, closer than would have been necessary. "Come on, darling, let's go save our wife, then!" "She isn't my wife" Yaz called, hurrying after her. River threw a glance over her shoulder, her eyes twinkling. "-yet." "Stop it" Yaz huffed. This was all giving her way more hope than was good for her. "Hah" River tipped her head back again, grinning at the ceiling. "Make me!" Yaz shook her head to herself. "And here I thought you were insufferable as a cat." "Oh, honey, you haven't seen the half of it yet!"
Just to clarify : Yaz loves Siren very much. The 'insufferable' refers to her aggressively shipping thasmin. Also, they haven't actually kissed. I mean, not like that. Really, for a shipping fic there have been precious few kisses so far. (but loads of platonic handholding and platonic (?) cuddling ❤️)
Hope you liked the snippets! Despite one of them being - let's say unfinished. But I am kinda thriving, having sent the Doctor away and giving Yaz and Ryan some time to get to know River before seeing them together. I think that was a good decision, for me personally mostly :)
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thatscarletflycatcher · 4 months
This is the third novel centered on a Squire that I pick that has a main plot line about inheritance (I did dnf The Squire's Daughter before I could tell if that was going to be the case as well), and I'm thinking that if it wasn't that Wives and Daughters came over a decade before these, I would think Gaskell was lampshading the inheritance trope in it.
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kashilascorner · 1 year
the way the lotr movies didn't really bother to properly close (or acknowledge) Eowyn and Faramir's story arcs and they just kind of threw them in together at the end
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cookinary · 1 year
I think @wolfish-loup has got you covered~
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cryborgs · 5 months
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#that disappointing game post is so fun and interesting to me good god#people will mention a game i like and it makes me go >:0#but also idk i'm very up for criticism of the things i like. like all the mass effect games? you're so right lmao#i love mass effect but every one of those games is flawed#i will defend mea but also. it IS super flawed#the only ones i find truly annoying are when people are like 'ur baby brained if u can enjoy this' like ??#idk i 100% agree bg3 is flawed and there are a lot of frustrating and disappointing aspects#also i like it 😇#a lot of the writing is good. a lot of the characters are good. that doesn't mean im like. sacrificing my son to it and saying it's perfect#but also i said this before but it's just neat to see how different people's experiences are#like whiskey-trio it makes 100% sense that you were disappointed by ztd#i'm way newer to the series and wasnt anticipating and waiting for a third game#also tbh 🫣 vlr didnt really hit for me the way it seems to have for most ze fans 🫣 so i was already in a place of like#yeah these games are fun but 999 will probably be untouched#so. all that and all this to just say. i think it's neat how different people can be for no real reason other than. we have our own tastes#my siblings + i can be raised in the same environment by the same parental figures and come out of it so absurdly different#and why???? what makes people have the tastes + preferences they do??????? idk!!!#like vlr wasnt a knockout for me but i will slam my fists on the table and howl about aitsf. aitsf my beloved!!!! there's nobody like you!!#anywayssss pardon me#i think. thinking about things and talking about things is fun#tagged: ignore me
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hellguarded-moved · 2 years
Which DND class suits your personality?
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You’ve got a lot of Big Emotions and that’s okay. You’re driven by your instincts and you work best when you’re acting in the moment rather than getting tripped up by planning. You’re a fairly grounded person but you definitely lead with your heart more than your head. You enjoy life’s simple pleasures like good food, drink, and friends. You have a bit of a protective side, especially toward the people you’re close to.
What's your primal path?
Path of the Zealot
Some deities inspire their followers to pitch themselves into a ferocious battle fury. These barbarians are zealots – warriors who channel their rage into powerful displays of divine power. You’re a passionate person who is driven by a sense of inner purpose. It is important to you to feel like your life has meaning and you may tend to feel like everything happens for a reason. Your bold enthusiasm can be infectious and you might find that sometimes you care so fiercely about something that it inspires people around you to also take an interest in that thing. There is a fire inside you and very little can stop you once you decide that something is worth your energy.
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Gordon Ramsay thinks it’s been an exciting season? Don’t bullshit mate, it’s been boring.
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