#i'm excited we've gotten to love each other for another month!!!
edgeray · 3 months
mygod that siren Arlecchino fic you did is *chef's kiss* IMMACULATE!!! might i request a continuation, mayhaps? Arle mentioned that she'd follow the reader as they sail, so maybe she misses them and either tries to climb onto the boat or the pier where they're docked to see them again? either hurt/comfort or fluff, the rest is up to you!!! love your work and thank you for fueling my Arlecchino obsession :] also i might pop back in here once in a while, may i be moth anon?
The Sea's Calling Pt. 2
(Arlecchino x Fem! Reader)
A/N - Part 1 link here. Yes, you definitely can be a moth anon! Hi :D. I already added you to the anon list. To other anons that have requested and I haven't gotten to, I do see your requests and if you gave yourself an emoji/name I already added you ^^. Anyways, back to moth anon. <333 I'm so glad you enjoyed my siren Arlecchino fic! As my first request I was kind of nervous about it but I'm glad that you enjoy! I'm also really glad that you sent this request! I did always want to write a part 2 but didn't have the opportunity until now. Thanks moth anon, for the reuqest and for enjoying my works!!  If you couldn't tell, I love the idea of found family pirates. One Piece did this to me. The ending turned out to be self-indulgent, forgive me moth anon ;) Even though it's short, this ended up being one of my favorites. Hope you like this one! Content warnings / info - monster x human, arle is ooc bc she's a siren, fem! reader bc pt.1 has fem! reader, suggestive at the end, 1.2k words
You used to think that the most beautiful thing out there was the sky and its stars–to you, nothing was more mesmerizing than them. They are so alluring despite holding this mystique, and they've guided humans on their naval journeys and inspired all kinds of stories of their origins. The stars were all that kept you company, even on the lonliest and coldest nights.
Now, however, the stars aren't your only company. 
“Guys, I'm going to go back to the ship. Don't wait up on me too much,” you to your fellow pirates as you stand up from the stool. You drop off some extra coins on the baa counter, in order to compensate for the plate that you will be ‘borrowing.’ You pick up the plate of your half-eaten slice of meat pie and sandwich and head towards the exit before one of your crew mates stops you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“Turning in already? C'mon, stay a little bit. We've got enough money for a few more rounds of beer,” he says with a boisterous laugh. You chuckle lightly but shake your head. 
“No can do, sorry. Got something to do.”
“Uh huh, like your little siren girlfriend?” Another crew member states, her teasing smile widening as you flush. 
“One more? Jackie hasn't finished his story!”
“Let the darned woman go see her darn girlfriend, Goldie,” another gruffed with a shake of his head. 
“Fine, fine, go on ahead. Tch, when will I get my own smoking hot siren girl?” Goldie huffs, and you snort. Likely never, but you don't tell him that.  
“Thanks, I'll be back,” is all you say before rushing out of the door, nearly tipping over the plate before you balance it again. You wave them off and you make your way back to the docks. The walk is both short and long, and each step you take is filled with the excitement that buzzes through you. 
Even after these months, being able to spend time with her feels like bliss, like you have just found treasure. Sometimes, you forget she's a siren, she's ever so endearing and follows you around like a puppy. Oftentimes, when you're on the boat, you talk to her as she lingers by. The night after you first met the siren your crew had banned you from jumping into the waters because you had developed a cold which infected a good chunk of the crew; the cold wasn't severe for anyone but still. Since you can't be in the water, you often just talk to her from the railings and she answers. 
It's only when you're docked when you can finally touch her, but those times come rare. It can take days, sometimes weeks to reach an island to dock at, but when you do, you always take the time to sit by the shore. 
Finally, you arrive at the pier. “Arle?” You call out, and you see a ripple in the water. Grinning, you walk to the ends of one of the docks, setting down the plate a bit away from you. You remove your shoes and set them far away. Perching on the dock, your feet dip into the cold waters and you shiver.
You see something gleam in the corner of your eyes, the familiar shine of her scales. You then remember the food, and you start. “Wait, Arle don't splash–”
Too late. Something erupts from the waters and launches into you, a cold, heavy weight thrusting into your body making you tumble on your back on the dock. Pressed between the wooden planks and the creature that straddles you, you can't help but laugh and raise your hand up to her face, the now drenched food forgotten entirely. 
“Hey gorgeous,” you say as you stroke her cheek gently. She's the most beautiful treasure that you found among the seas. Arlecchino gazes down on you, her red pupils glistering as her arms wrap around your torso. She purrs, little fangs apparent as the tip of her tongue peeks out with her open-mouth smile. 
“Missed you,” is the first thing she says, before she leans her body against you, nuzzling her face into your neck. Your clothes get soaked from her, but you pay no mind. You stroke her wet hair, carding your fingers through her strands before kissing the top of her head. 
“I missed you too. Did you eat recently?” 
Sometimes she'd disappear for a few nights to search for another wandering ship for her meals but she never fails to find your ship again. You haven't seen her for a couple days before you docked her. 
Arlecchino nods. “Human food?” She questions. Her tail flicks, thumping against the wood out of eagerness. Although she enjoys the taste of cooked meats, beef especially, you don't believe it's as nutrition dense as… well, the main source of her diet, and it's hard to serve her cooked meat while on sea due to the issue of storing meat on ships. So, cooked meat has always been a treat for her. 
You nod. “You want to try?” 
She lets out an affirmative purr, and you help her sit upright in your lap. It's always a bit difficult considering she has a tail instead of legs, but she maneuvers her tail to encircle your waist, and you support her back with one of your arms. You silently mourn for your now soggy sandwich as you reach for the plate, using her tail as a flat surface. 
“What is it?” 
“Meat pie and a sandwich.” You take the fork and dig out the meat from the meat pie. Balancing the tender piece of beef on your utensil, you carefully guide it to her mouth. 
“Careful, it's hot. And don't bite the fork this time,” you gently warn her as she eats it. She squirms a bit in your lap, an indicator that she's pleased with the taste. 
“More?” You chuckle, adoring the cute plea in her eyes. 
You scrape out more of the meat until she's eaten all of the pie filling, leaving you to eat the pie crust. You're still peckish, so you start eating your sandwich, but not before fishing out the thick slice of ham from it, and giving it to her. If it meant you could watch the way her expression lights up again forever, then you would endlessly eat ham-less sandwiches and savor every cheese and vegetables sandwiched in between wet bread. 
“Did you like it?” You ask in between chews as she leans her head against your shoulder. She nods, and leans up again to place featherlight kisses on your neck. With the cold droplets of water and her frigid lips, it tickles you and you giggle. So adorable. 
You freeze up when you feel her fangs prick your skin and she looks up to you for permission. Another mating bite? You nod, wordlessly giving her permission, and you suck in a harsh breath as you feel her teeth sink in. Purrs vibrate coarse through her mouth as she pulls away, lapping at the mark and the texture of her tongue invokes a throaty groan from you, your body trembling with pleasure. 
Arlecchino leans away, but in her eyes, hunger burns in them. Her hands take purchase on your hips and she pushes your back against the planks. Her tail unwinds around your torso and instead coils around your ankles, securing them together.  
“H-here?” You question, flushing. Her hands wander lower, the sharp nails trailing lower to your thighs, where faint scratches scatter. 
The night that you first met her, she sang so beautifully for you. Tonight, you repay her back, singing out her name so tastefully. 
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Rain/Payu) 2
Because I'm petty, I had the crowd pick which blacklisted shows I would watch for the month of Pride. The first is Love in The Air, and even though I was mad in the first few episodes that Sky brushed off his friend running away from Payu at the beginning, Sky has proven he is a great friend, and I am very excited to get to his portion. Sorry, Rain. This Daddy x Baby dynamic needs to speed it up!
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Let's wrap this stormy weather up!
If I was the receptionist, I'd love this job for the chisme. If I was a mechanic, I'd be pissed!
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So all of this was a another test. Rain is proving himself to Payu as being worthy of his time and affection by ignoring Payu being mean to him, so even though there is definitely something happening with the yellow and blue between them, I'm ignoring it because Payu is HIGH-KEY pissing me all the way off, and I'm too focused on this room situation. Does this man have his garage room and actual house room?! What is this?!
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Black x White. Blinding Light of Love. And just like that, I'm on my fellow Slut for Christ's side because WHY IS RAIN JUST STANDING OUT IN THE RAIN LIKE A DUMMY?! Miracles happen when we least expect them.
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I am not feeling this bathing scene because there is not enough water in that huge ass tub, and out of all the things Payu should apologize for, he is saying sorry that Rain stood out in the rain. Can they just have sex already, so I can quit being petty?
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God damn it! There is pink = 💕love💕 but I am very familiar with this scene because it was all over my dash when it aired, and I'm a bag of mixed emotions. Payu hid that condom under a toy truck, but opened it with his teeth, yet he kissed Rain's leg, so like . . . shit, Payu looks fine with his hair down.
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The beginning of episode five is just horny on main from Rain telling his MOTHER that he was working on something else that was hard all night, and now we're just watching Payu work out before he peaces out in Payu's blue shirt only to end up in this! I refuse to acknowledge the colors because how did Payu find this boy AND WHY ARE THEY SCREWING AROUND IN HIS MAMA'S HOUSE?!
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Payu already claimed Rain to his face, followed him to his mama's house, and has gotten ultra possessive, yet Rain is freaking out thinking Payu is trying to ditch him. Rain is too smart to be this dumb.
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A WHOLE ASS GIRL IS IN THIS SHOW! And Rain is just insulting her and her brothers after pining after her - "fruits" - really, Cloud Jizz?
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The way I'm mad at these colors is the same way I'm mad at Rain for being upset that other people like his boyfriend. These two were made for each other.
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Number one rule of illegal race club is we don't talk about illegal race club.
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I'm ignoring the wife talk the same way I'm ignoring the colors and the singing. I am God's strongest solider.
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This legit should be the end of their arc and the fact that it is not just so Rain can get kidnapped is irritating me (yes, I know he gets kidnapped because my dash said so when it was airing).
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Oh, look, a sweet flashback telling me they were meant for each other right before RAIN GETS KIDNAPPED!
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These colors are on my fucking neck!
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*eyes popping out of my head because the colors won't let me be* Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's gonna rip that suit off of you later and fuck you on the stairs of death then ride you. Yeah, we've all heard about it, now can we get to the kidnapping plot?
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The colors are coloring on these two kinksters with Payu's "I like the sound, but not to ride" line like we don't all know what that means. So glad they found each other, but WHERE IS THE KIDNAPPING?! Does it not happen in this episode?! I thought there were only six episodes in each arc. Am I watching seven of just Rain ask the same damn questions of if they like each other?! Sonsito!
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The colors are coloring so hard with Rain in his white tank and pink boxers (that he wore the first time they had sex) drinking white milk and Payu in his black shirt with his black tea cup and blue jacket hanging out on the chair. I HATE IT!
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THE KIDNAPPING! The title card was "Sky After Rain" so let's move this along and give me my boy already! But also, if Rain was a rich bitch, this would've never happened! A delivery man asking for help? Um . . . better go find a buddy because rich bitches don't do manual labor. Finally, I appreciate that Payu's wild ass behavior of demanding Rain answer his calls paid off by him knowing something was up when Rain didn't answer. Now can we murder this bastard already for taking this awful picture?!
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A comedian said that people only kneel for two reasons: God and dick, so this man is a dick who is about to meet God because he just said that he would have his men sexually assault Rain?! DRACARYS!
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I have never been more excited to see the Bed Friend baddie! Not only because he is about to end this man's life, but also because he interrupted these two love birds making googly eyes at each other in the middle of a crime scene! And now Rain just said Payu was the only one who could screw him. WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS?!
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Rain is clearly a words-over-actions guy, but at this point it is OBVIOUS that Payu loves him, so I would tell him I don't love him just to be mean.
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And now Rain is telling Payu he would harm him if he cheats. WITH WHOM?! The damn mechanic who has to keep running interference between you two AT HIS JOB?! Y'all are such a mess and fully belong together.
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Oh thank goodness, it's my sweet summer child Sky finally!
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And his red devil because Prapai has to be the red to his bestie's blue, no?
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See, Rain is triflin' because Sky did not snitch on him dating Payu, yet Rain gave up his number quick. This is why I ignored their colors because Rain knows this is wrong, but at least it FINALLY gets me more Sky on my screen. The End!
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*takes off my glasses* These after scenes got me all the way fucked up, and even though I was fine with how they ended in the car this episode, now I'm mad as hell that Payu just offered up this fun little tidbit that he jacked up Rain's car so he could see him again at the very end.
Pushes play on episode eight
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sports-on-sundays · 11 months
It kills me to see all the requested: nope! In your fanfics
How about, reader struggles to sleep due to the stress of her work & travelling so he comforts her and helps her sleep? I’ll take any f1 driver or barca player.
help me sleep / Pedri González
Summary: Pedri x girlfriend!reader
Warnings: censored cussing, sobbing, work problems, stress, anxiety
Requested?: YEs! yEs!!!!! YES, MATE, IT IS REQUESTED!!!!
Author's Note: First request, baby!!! I love you so much bestie! <3 I'm so happy you saw my subtle-not-subtle begs for requests 😭!!! And I hope it's okay I chose Pedri; the other day I was having major I-Miss-Pedri syndrome that we've all been having for the past however many months (I don't even want to think about how long it has been) so I decided as a tribute to my boy, the first request on my blog should be him.
I say 'tribute' as if he's dead or something 😭
I feel like I'm acting way too excited about this request for it to be normal, but that's okay! I'm happy, and I owe it all to you! Now, let's get into this-
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock went the clock on the wall. That stupid old clock that wasn't even set to the right time. You sat on the living room couch, at 2:34 A.M., dealing with work sh*t.
You walked in this evening, feeling ready to literally collapse, and was greeted by your boyfriend as the welcoming committee. It was sweet. He had bought you your favorite treat and flowers and everything and let you snack on it. Had a little snuggle with you. And the moment you stood up, telling him you had to unpack from your long work trip, he pulled you back down on the couch. "No way," he had said. "You're tired. Your bags can wait 'til tomorrow. For now, just relax."
And he really had convinced you. He really had. Soon after that, you had gone to your bedroom and gotten snuggled in together, and within minutes, you were fast asleep.
Only to wake up three hours later. You stared at the ceiling for a solid fifteen minutes, unable to fall back asleep as the stress of work and everything you hadn't gotten done and needed to get done crushed you.
Realizing there was no chance of you falling back to sleep now, you slipped out of bed as slowly as you could, as to not wake up your boyfriend, and quietly walked (or rather, stumbled, because of the extreme lack of sleep) to the living room.
And so now you sit on the couch, barely alive, feeling like a lump on a log but on steroids, dealing with work sh*t.
Suddenly, you get a message from one of your co-workers, though. Bad news... You click on it, and in the moment, with everything you've already gone through within the last seventy-two hours, this is enough.
You swallow, your phone slipping out of your hands. I'm trying so hard. How could my job be on the line? Your head falls into your hands, and you let out a angry groan, letting out quick, little breaths.
God, I can't do this. I can't do this anymore. I need help. Please, I need help. I just can't keep doing this any longer. I can't do this anymore.
Your eyes well up, and that turns into a tear. And that tear turns into another one. And those tears turn into crying. And crying into weeping. Tired, pathetic, pitiful weeping, until you're flat-out sobbing, unable to control it. The world spins as another glowing text comes in on your phone on the rug and your laptop shows more emails and the bags in the corner of the room are still full of your things from the work trip and and and and and...
Suddenly, strong, warm arms around your trembling body. You lean into your boyfriend's body, blubbering between gasps, "Pedri you weren't supposed to wake up... I know you're going through a lot too... I don't want to stress you out... I'm sorry..."
"Shhh," he soothes, rubbing your back. "Do you really think you're on your own? My love, we help and love each other. You can be vulnerable. I know it's hard. Don't you think for a second that I don't want to help you."
"This isn't your problem..."
"Your problem is my problem, because I love you," he mutters close to your ear. He gently closes your laptop and powers off your phone. "You don't need to worry about that right now."
"Pedri-" You grip his shirt, looking at him slightly manically. "Yes I do. I could lose my job."
His jaw tightens, but he says, "What you're doing is impossible. If you lose your job because it's too hard, then maybe you shouldn't be in this job. And it's not because you're a failure. It's because you're expected to do much more than anyone should be able to handle. If you lose your job, I'll be the first to support you until you can get a new one. Okay? But we don't even need to worry about that right now, okay?"
Suddenly he takes your wet, tear-stained cheeks in his hands, and looks at you earnestly right in the eyes. "But right now, you need to calm down. Come on; why don't we go to the bedroom, okay?"
"Uh- y- yeah," you get up, feeling terrible at how much a mess you are. Pedri walks to the bedroom with you, his arm around your shoulders the whole time. He fetches a damp rag and gently wipes your face with the cool towel. You shut your eyes, letting out a shaky breath as Pedri pulls the blanket up to your torso. You lean back, sitting upright on the blanket.
"Can I get anything for you?" he asks after he finishes, taking your hand gently.
You shake your head 'no'. "Just sit down. All I need is you."
He nods and slips onto the bed and under the blanket next to you. Straight away, you lean your head on his shoulder and clutch his hand in yours. "Y/n, you know that it'll be okay," he murmurs. Not even a question. A fact. You know that you'll be okay.
"But Pedri, what if..."
"No 'what if's right now, okay?" He pulls you closer to you, rubbing your shoulders. You sit quietly together for a while, before Pedri slowly sinks into a laying down position, pulling you down with him. You snuggle close to him, resting your head on his chest. When you yawn, he says, "You're tired. Anything I can do to help you sleep?"
You breathe gently. "Just... talk to me."
He nods and starts whispering. At first, you listen to the sweet little things he's saying as he gently strokes your hair, but soon you're too tired to comprehend them. Soon your eyes are fluttering shut, and your mind is switching from daytime thoughts to nighttime dreaming.
Within your dream, you feel a soft kiss on your forehead and Pedri's perfect sweet-as-honey voice murmur, "Buenas noches, mi amor."
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 3 months
Hie hie hie!
I had a just take it req (if you are taking any now)
I wanted a real real sweeet the fluffiest fluff of how jk interacts with baby while still in the tummy 😭.
Like talking to the baby bump.
It would mean alot to me!
Haha hieee
Yeah I'm always taking requests for all of my stories! It just depends on how long it takes me to get back to them lol 😅
Okay okay lemme see what I can do 🤭
"Come on Honey, the baby doesn't come for another two months. I'm sure we'll finish up the nursery with plenty of time to spare" Jungkook says while he watches me pace back and forth, trying to figure out where I want everything and measuring all around to make sure that it'll fit.
"I know but I really want to get this done now so I won't have to worry about it anymore" I say, looking at all the boxes that we've had in here for the past few months.
"Can you at least take a break? Watching you run around this room all day is making me tired so I could only imagine how exhausted you are" he says, his eyes going wide when he see me try to pick up something a little heavier than I should be carrying and rushes to grab it.
"Everything would be finished sooner if you helped me out" I mumble and he rolls his eyes, placing the box where I wordlessly ask him to. "I've asked you if you wanted my help about four times today and you told me if I asked you again you would make me sleep on the couch for the next three day" he says, crossing his arms and cocking a brow at me.
I quite any comebacks I might've had and laugh awkwardly, "Right I uh, I forgot about that" I say sheepishly scratching the top of my head.
He walks over to me and cradles my face in his hands, placing a chased kiss on my lips, making me melt into him. "You wanna take a nap with me?" he whispers against my lips and I smile, nodding my head and holding out my hand so he can lead me to our room.
He helps me down since it's gotten harder and harder for me to do simple movements that I used to take for granted but he makes sure to take care of everything I need even when it comes to little things like this.
"Thank you Honey" I say and he leans down to give me a kiss before rounding the bed to get on his side.
Once he's laid down next to me I expect him to turn this little nap he offered into something else but he decides to lay his head on my chest and place a hand on my belly.
"What are you doing?" I giggle and he shushes me playfully. "Can't you see I'm trying to have a meeting with our baby?" he says and I don't take offense since I love it when he does this so I just run my fingers through his hair while he does as he pleases.
"You know Mommy has been working day and night to get your nursery ready right? That's why your cozy little place in there has been moving all over the place today" I laugh at his cute little daily update with them, it's always my favorite part of the day.
"I told her to take it easy but she won't listen to me" he whispers and I wack him lightly on the shoulder and he flinches as if I had hurt him.
"See, you feel that? I try to tell her to rest and take care of herself and this is the thanks I get? I think you've been giving Mommy too many hormones lately" he teases and I roll my eyes but go back to playing with his hair.
"Mommy keeps telling me that she thinks you're a boy but I think you're a girl. We wanted them to tell us at first but we thought it would be even more special if we found out when you got here" he says and I get even more excited, remembering our little promise to each other.
"Between you and me..." he says, lowering his voice a bit and I hold my breath so I can hear this next part. "I secretly hope you're a boy because I have a bet going with your aunt but don't tell Mommy" he whispers right against my tummy as if that would muffle his words enough.
"You guys made a bet?" I scold him, "I told you not to tell her!" he whispers, playfully scolding the baby in turn as if he wasn't the one that blew his own cover. "Well I wanted to show solidarity with you so I made a bet that we were having a boy but your sister is convinced we're having a girl".
"That logic doesn't even make sense" I say and he laughs as if it was completely logical. "Well this way I'll win either way" he says as if that explains everything, turning his head to now face me, practically smothering himself in my boobs since I'm carrying so high still but he's not complaining.
When he sees that my face is still scrunched up in confusion he sighs and explains himself. "Well if it's a girl then I'll have to pay your sister but I'll still be right since I really think she's gonna be a girl. But then on the other hand if it's a boy then I win the bet and get to support you and your intuition" he says as if his logic wasn't ridiculous.
"Whatever you say Daddy" I tease, leaving him with his face all scrunched up, trying to decide on what he's gonna do next.
"Nope" he says and turns his head back towards my bump. "What do you mean 'Nope'?" I ask, surprised that he's not taking the bait. "I've gotta get used to you calling me 'Daddy' in front of the baby now so I'm practicing self control" he says and I scoff in disbelief.
"I got her back for hitting me" he whispers back to the baby and I huff before trying to sit up. He moves faster than me and switches to hovering over me, keeping me there in protest. "Why are you leaving me?" he asks, clearly offended that I would even think about getting out of bed.
"You promised me a nap" I say and he laughs, "You can nap". "Not like this" I say, referring to not only what he was doing but also the position I was in. "Oh...right" he says and sits back, his head drooping.
"Plus I thought you meant...something else" I say and he chuckles before looking back up at me. "Oh so you wanted a spicy nap huh?" he says, teasing me with the ridiculous term he's coined.
"Why do you always have to call it that?" I whine, placing my hands over my face so I can hide my embarrassment. "Because I love watching the way you react to it" he says while hovering over me again, kissing my neck making me let out a shuddering breath but he stops as quickly as he starts and I scowl at him.
"What are you doing? I ask and he looks down at me with a teasing smile. "Didn't you say you wanted to get the nursery done today?" he points out and I huff, knowing that I should probably get back to that.
"We'll have more spicy time before bed" he reassures me and gets up so he can start helping me up as well. "You're no fun" I slouch and he caresses my face again, placing a kiss on my forehead.
"You gonna let me help you now?" he questions and I nod, dropping my resolve in wanting to accomplish it on my own.
"Come on, the sooner we finish it the sooner we can finish what we started" he says as he watches me walk out, checking me out before slapping my ass, making me yelp.
"What was that for?" I whine and he laughs and rubs the area as a fake excuse to comfort me when all he wants is to grab my ass. "That was for teasing me earlier" he smirks and I roll my eyes at him, "Come on let's just go" I say and I let him walk into the nursery first, slapping his ass as he does.
"Did you just...?" he says in disbelief and I smirk back getting exactly the reaction I wanted. "Yeah, so what? What are you gonna do about it?" I taunt and he chuckles walking up to me and places a hand on my belly.
"Just wait until we get this baby out of you Bunny" he taunts and my teasing nature dissipates, knowing exactly what he means.
He smiles at me, satisfied with my reaction and turns back to the nursery to assess what needs to be done while I'm left standing in the doorway, visions of what he might do to me flooding my mind and he call out to me to break me out of it.
"You gonna help me?" he asks and I clear my throat and shake my head. "On second thought I might actually need that nap you mentioned earlier" I say and he laughs.
"Okay Bun well go lay down and wait for me while I finish this up" he says and when I try to protest he cuts me off. "Bed" he finishes leaving me sighing and doing as he says but by the time he's finished with the project he took on in the nursery I'm already fast asleep.
He smiles and gets in bed, cuddling up next to me and leans down to quickly say a little hello to the baby and to tell them to let Mommy rest for a bit and then settles in behind me, spooning me and holding me close.
These are the moments I live for. Just our little family of three, cuddled up and in perfect harmony. "I love you" he whispers in my ear before he settles down for our very well deserved nap.
"Love you" I mumble having stirred awake a bit. He chuckles and places a kiss on my shoulder before slowing his breath in sync with mine and soon we're both fast asleep, dreaming about our little one.
I hope that was fluffy enough for you hehe please let me know what you think! 💜
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/10/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Vico, Con, and Kristian at Basingstoke; Jes Tom; Madeleine Sami's Birthday; New Watch Parties; Fan Spotlight; MerMay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is on his way to Basingstoke for the con! Also, just recently announced, he'll be joining To_29_And_Beyond on June 7 and 8 in 29 Palms California! You can get tickets here: To29AndBeyond.com
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Img Sources: Rhys Darby's Instagram / To_29_And_Beyond Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika in his cat era <3
Source: Rita Ora's Instagram
== Vico, Con, and Kristian ==
Basingstoke Comic Con is starting off strong! The first day we got to see lots of sightings of Vico, Con, and Kristian from their panels! Rhys is joining tomorrow!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram Stories
== Madeleine Sami ==
Happy Birthday to our wonderful Archie! Hopefully she didn't have to crawl out of snake for this one! Getting some chill time with her Double Parked co-star: Antonia Prebble!
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Source: Antonia Prebble's Instagram
= Jes Tom =
Jes Tom was out performing at Netflix Is A Joke Fest!
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== Watch Party Reminders ==
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Palm Royale WP May 16 via @LCWebsXOXO with the lovely @ dominicburgess approx. 4pm EDT/9pm BST/1pm PST! Available on Apple TV.
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Wrecked S3 WP May 13-May 17 - 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30pm BST! If you need access feel free to dm me here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight, @melvisik's Cast Card's from the last two days were Jenna Carley (aka Eugenia "who I hear had a child with Sebastian...") and Mawie D Lewis, aka one of the Piano Workers that helped make Stede's Fuckery complete!
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== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
Our darling crewmate @patchworkpiratebear has more colouring pages for us! 31 days of pages! Wow!
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Source: PatchworkPirateBear's Tumblr
== Mer May ==
The daily prompts from @saveofmdcrewmates have been:
Day 9: "Revenge" Day 10 is "Where's the fucking loot?!"
= Snejpowa =
@snejpowa Has really be hitting it hard this May! Check out these gorgeous colors for the last couple days of prompts!
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@snejpowa's Tumblr
== Blueberreads ==
More MerMay prompts from our dear friend @blueberreads! I love all the detail in the Revenge pics!
Source: @blueberreads Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! Happy Friday! I hope you've started your weekend off having fun and are getting some rest!
It seems like spirits are up today! I don't know if it's just from the polite menacing yesterday, or all the excitement and sightings with the convention happening-- but I'm really loving seeing people in good spirits. I know we've all had a bit of a rough time of it lately, and we deserve to enjoy life a bit for a change!
This life has so many wonders to offer-- if you happen to be in Europe, the Northern Lights are going on right now and all the pictures everyone has shared have been absolutely stunning. I've never gotten to see them in person before-- but the photos are radiant, I can't imagine what it'd be like IRL-- please if you haven't seen them and they're still around tomorrow go out and take a peek!
Something else I've noticed the last couple days crew, is a lot of you are feeling more comfortable talking about your insecurities and fears with each other. This is really wonderful, because so many people are coming out and are trying to support one another in them-- and that's what crew is all about. Seeing people build their confidence bit by bit with every interaction, it makes me feel so incredibly fuzzy inside. Every day you continue to grow into these wonderful little remarkable beings, and getting to see that blossoming in you all over the past few months has been a serious privilege. You aren't your insecurities lovelies, and while those feelings are absolutely valid, I hope you can get to a point (if you aren't already there) where you can hold them in your heart, feel them, give them love, and let them go so they too can heal the parts of you that caused them in the first place.
We're all on your side crew, I hope you know that. You are an etherial soul in a delightfully beautiful little shell, remember to love yourself too so you can keep blooming into that exceptional gleam of wonder that you are. Happy Weekend Crew, I hope your next few days are filled with good times and laughter <3
Art by @thelatestkate
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is Gifs I don't think I've seen before!
Gifs Courtesy of @ fandomsmeantheworldtome and @ neverswungonswingingstars!
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tame-a-messenger · 5 months
10ish seconds into the new tntl and already a cute encouraging look between our sillies
I'm so fucking unbelievably happy that the Drought™ has officially dried out! (I suppose Drowned out?)
I don't feel incorrect in saying that in this video, Damien and Angela are the most comfortable I've EVER seen them with each other!
Usually, they get a little stiff around each other. (both of them having issues with people liking/understanding them, so that tracks) but in this last batch of videos they've been really in-line and comfy!
Because they have been so 'in-line' with each other recently (I've noticed it since the Fortnite Monopoly 9 days ago) I caught myself thinking if anything happened recently where they would have bonded more? did they go to something or do something recently that they would have became closer friends??
So it had me thinking about the fact they do shoot weeks, (I believe someone at Smosh said they've been doing them around the beginning of the month, give or take) and Damien's hair looks noticeably different (lil more purple-shampoo-ie) since the Fortnite video. So I believe we've entered early March's batch of videos. (this is all in theory, time wise)
And so, what was happening in beginning of March, that they both would have been at? .....
The fucking Mythical Cookbook release party.
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So it lines up with the assumed shooting schedule, and they definitely talked at it, so how wrong am I in saying that they got to chat and understand each other better since?
(INSANITY (and absolute big braining) OVER)
Regardless if I am right with my theories, these two have definitely gotten closer, and that's so awesome! I'm so happy and excited with what the future holds!
Imo these two are the best when they can freely make jokes to the people they trust, so having another pseudo 'Shayne' and 'Amanda' in each other is going to be great content in the future! (and more fun (for me) because they pick on each other more viciously) (I can't help but love them<3)
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disasterbuck · 2 months
Hi!!! Ooooh There is so much to choose 🤪🥰💕❓️💻💖🤝🤖🌎🥵
omg just go ahead and make me write everything lol (affectionate) I couldn't keep myself to strictly 3 sentences for all of these, so they vary a bit 🥰
🤪 - clumsy
first time in MONTHS I've written anything for this wip 🥰
This lasted for approximately five minutes before the bell went off and he found himself piling into the truck next to Eddie. He'd tried to slip into another seat, but Chimney had gotten there first and shot him a curious glance. After that, Buck had resigned himself to his fate and sat down beside the love and torturer of his life.
🥰 - confession / surprise date
this one ran away with me a little, how exciting!!
Eddie's lips parted in surprise as Buck began ladling the stew into their bowls. Buck was nervous, accidentally moving a bit too quick and splashing some sauce out of the bowl onto Eddie's shirt.
"Shit! Sorry," he said, moving the dish back to the island bench and taking a step to go and fetch a wash cloth.
Before he could get far, Eddie grabbed his arm and gently reeled him in until he was standing right beside Eddie's chair, looking down at him.
"Relax," Eddie said softly.
"I just want it to be perfect," Buck said. "But now I've already gotten food on you and we haven't even eaten anything yet and–"
Pushing his chair back to stand up, Eddie silenced him with a kiss.
💕 - first kiss
Eddie wasn't sure what to say to that. The truth was he was scared, but he knew he needed to face this no matter what. If Buck had picked up on enough to think they were dancing around each other, that had to mean something.
❓ - is this a date?
It turned out that there was only one table left, which Buck accepted eagerly.
"Alright, up you get," Buck said once the booking was finalised and he'd hung up the phone. "There was only one slot left and it's for 6:45, so we've gotta hustle."
Eddie let out an exaggerated groan as he got to his feet.
💻 - eddie's online friend
this is a goldmine that I completely forgot about lol. I might have to share more snippets at some point.
Stranded: so?
Stranded: are you gonna ask him if he's into men?
GI: stop asking me that
💖 - sorry but I fell in love tonight
Buck watched in delight as the fear drained out of Eddie's face, replaced with wonder.
that's all I've got in me for this one atm
🤝 - touches
The next escalation comes one evening as they're curled up on Eddie's couch together. Eddie sits between Buck's legs, his back to Buck's chest, when Buck takes a risk and slides his hands up the man's thighs. Eddie hums, happy, and tips his head back.
After that, they kiss whenever they can.
🤖 - who's got a crush
a few extra lines for this one as well 🥰
Had Buck really just said what he thought he'd said? No, he couldn't have. Eddie must have misheard.
"Sorry, what?" he asked, giving his head a slight shake.
"Oh my god, Dad!" Chris exclaimed, rolling his eyes dramatically. "He wants to have your babies!"
"Christopher!" Buck wheezed.
🌎 - alternate universe
How could he be right about when Christopher was coming back, but wrong about so many other things? Why didn't he have any memory whatsoever of getting married to Eddie? It couldn't be amnesia, because he had too many other memories all packed into his brain.
🥵 - that's hot
A moment later he heard footsteps and turned to see Bobby and Eddie walking towards him. Bobby looked extremely proud, and Eddie looked…
"Marry me," Eddie said, eyes fixed on Buck's face.
Make Me Write ✨
(I hope it's okay that I'm adding you all here! Just thought you might like to read some snippets, and figured this was a good post for it since there's such a variety. If you're interested in even MORE, go to my blog and search 'make me write'. I've tagged all of these asks with that tag.)
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
@i-am-married-to-my-fandom @therosesaredying @stillfuckingtired @classtrialguru @speggle
@awesome-igi @natnuszsstuff @olliesrants @crazyfangirlallert @delirium1995
@brah3280 @meanceclosetohell @anythingeverythingallofthetime @izzysbeans @sunflower-eddiediaz
@darkrose6578 @veronae-buddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @loveyouanyway @inell
@spicyrottingbrains @gnoeltop @idealuk @donationwayne @lemotmo
@smilingbuckley @realpersonwithrealfeelings @superlock-in-the-tardis @mjthe14thdoctor @strxwbereee
@idontknowwhatimdoing777 @ashleigh2658 @mari-lwyd-fannibal-blog @mineyneedsmoney @faithhopeandmisery
@spotsandsocks @unlifeira @tofanasmuse @pirrusstuff @buddiedaydreamer911
@littlevampireprincessuniverse @misshiss727 @i-put-the-star-in-bastard @hermioneindisguise @dangerpronebuddie
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💕
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Guys My Age
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female!Reader
Summary: Daryl and the reader have had a 'sort of' sexual tension for a while but, given their age gap, Daryl's never made a point to act on it and neither has she. But it finally becomes too much when Daryl catches another man flirting with the reader.
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Smut (18+), swearing, mentions of alcohol.
A/n: This post was originally requested by @leahlovestwd but it was eaten by the tumblr-verse! How cruel, I know. So I wanted to write it in oneshot format to make it up to my lovely friend. I adore you, thanks for this request!!
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"You have to stop looking at him like that." Maggie mutters to me, bumping me with her shoulder as she bounces Judith lightly on her lap, happy coos coming from her and she flashes a gummy smile.
"Like what?" I ask but I already know what she means, my lips parted and eyes longingly watching Daryl as he chops wood outside, biceps straining and sweat dripping down his forehead from spending so much time in the hot sun today. Much to my excitement, all I've had to do today was to watch him like a fool.
It's been harder to gawk at him since it's gotten dark outside, sounds of the walkers outside the chainmail fence making the environment a little less peaceful. He's thrown me a few glances every once in a while, Glenn reaching over to smack him every time he catches him looking at me.
"Like you're deprived of him. You're looking at him desperately." I am desperate for him. I just give her a simple shake of my head as if I'm trying to deny what she's saying but I can't lie for the life of me, skin flushing just at the thought of how much I truly, desperately want him.
"Because I'm desperate for him." I mutter, reaching out to take Judith from her, needing the distraction of her bubbly happiness to tear me away from my dark, naughty thoughts of someone who's nearly twice my age.
"Oh god, sweetheart, you need to just go talk to him. Beth said he always asks about you whenever you're not around." Maggie gushes, turning in her seat so she can face me completely, a wide grin on her lips as my head whips to look at her with wide eyes in disbelief.
"Yeah?" I gasp, stealing a glance at Daryl who enters the prison once more, stripping himself of his shirt and sealing the last bolt on the coffin in the grave I've dug for myself. "There's nearly fifteen years between the two of us, I don't think he's interested."
It's taken months for me to even speak to him and maintain a playful, somewhat flirty type of conversation and I can only imagine how long it'll take me to actually make any sort of substantial move towards him without worrying I'll offend him or, even worse, disgust him.
I think that will take some time.
"I think he probably thinks the same thing 'bout you." I bite at. mylip, letting myself go there- letting myself dream about the day that he tells me that we've both been fumbling around each other, walking on eggshells, worried about each of our feelings for one another. That would truly be the dream.
"You think so?" I ask once more and Maggie reaches out to put a hand on my shoulder, giving me a soft, promising look.
"I know so." She chuckles, hand covering up to conceal the loud yawn that escapes her. "I gotta get some rest, you mind putting her to bed?" She nods at Judith and I give her a soft smile, looking down at the sleeping baby in my arms, pretty much answering Maggie's question.
"No I can do it, I'll talk to you in the morning." I reach out to give her hand a simple squeeze as she makes her way by me. I take a deep breath, cradling Jude to my chest as I snuggle down into the pillows and blankets beneath me the best I can, trying to do what I can with the makeshift couch the boys made for whoever's resting with Judith.
"Hey Y/n!" The rest of the boys enter the room moments later, a young guy Jake at the front and center and he's coming my way with a sleezy smirk on his lips. "You look good." He wipes his hands off with the rag that he tosses over his shoulder, hands resting on his hips.
"Thanks." I give him a polite smile, hoping it'll make him go away and when it doesn't and when he takes another step closer to me, I hold Judith tighter to me.
"She seems to have really taken a liking to you. Must be something about you." He coos and I bite back the urge to gag at the way he's obviously flirting with me, a not so subtle mischievous tone to his already creepy voice that he saves just for me.
"She's just a really easy baby." He doesn't seem to take my lazy answers and kneels down in front of me, not even bothering to look at Judith as he reaches out to brush some of my hair behind my ear.
"Or maybe because she can recognize a lovely woman."
"Thank you Jake, if you excuse me, I have to go put her down to bed." I'm quickly up on my feet, stirring Judith a bit but it won't matter when I'm away from Jake and safely tucked into her room.
"You know where to find me." Jake pats my hip as I walk by him and I bite back my grimace until I'm climbing the stairs, a shiver running down my spine at how creepy and forward it was of him to flirt with me in front of that whole room of people while I'm holding a baby.
"What a fucking creep." I mutter to myself as I lower Judith down into her crib, watching her squirm and attempt to roll but she gets stuck on her back, gurgling a bit before settling down. Her eyes close completely, fingers snug around my pointer finger and I grin, feeling so lucky that I get to have the company of this innocent life.
It makes the apocalypse so much more bearable.
"Hey." My head whips around to see Daryl standing in the doorway, leaning on the cell with a fresh shirt on, no more grease or dirt covering his tan skin.
"Hi Daryl." I smile, hearting racing as he takes a few steps towards me to peak over the side of the bed at Judith.
"She likes you." He reaches out to poke her belly, pulling a smile from her lips and I gasp, looking at him like 'how'd you do that?' and he chuckles, giving me a gentle shrug.
He's so soft and kind sometimes, the complete opposite of what he shows other people and I wish he'd loosen up a bit to show everyone the side that he shows me. Maybe some day but, for now, I'll struggle (not so much) being the only one he's gentle with.
"She likes you more." I bump him with my shoulder, seeing a gentle blush on his cheeks even in the dim, damp light of the prison.
"Nah, you're a natural." His compliment has a deeper meaning and I know it, but deciding to not tease him about it is probably the right idea. "Was Jake bugging you earlier?" HIs soft voice switches to something more stern, more protective than before, and I smile to myself, giving him a shake of my head even though I'm lying through my teeth.
"He always bugs me. Thinks I want something to do with him or something." I huff, reaching up to run my hands down my face with a quiet groan.
"I can take care of him if you need me to." I smile gratefully at his offer, loving how protective he gets.
"It's okay, I know I can handle him but when I can't I'll make sure to send him your way." I reach out to pat his chest, thanking him for his care but he just gives me a stern smile that says 'it's no problem'.
"Good." He mutters, looking back outside my cell for a moment as he bashfully reaches up to scratch at the back of his neck. "Sorry."
"For what?" I ask, pulling my hand away from Judith, figuring if she's not asleep now, she will be soon. I fold my arms over my chest as Daryl thinks of what to say, a small shrug tugging his shoulders upwards.
"Bugging you too."
"You could never bug me." I promise, brows pulling together in a furrowed, confused look as he chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief but after a moment a look of realization passes across his expression "Contrary to popular belief, I love being around you." He softens a bit, shoulders rolling in relief as we subtly exchange the feelings we've both been feeling for too long. We've been silent too long.
"I like being around you too. Maybe too much." He chuckles breathlessly with a wide eyed, knowing look.
"You don't gotta stand all the way over there, ya know." I offer with a sheepish smirk, swaying back and forth with my fingers linked behind my back. His brows raise subtly and cutely, almost asking a question that I can't put my finger on.
"If I step any closer, I'm afraid I'll do something I regret."
"Like kiss you." He whispers, the tips of his socks touching mine and I grin, reaching out to rest a hand on his chest.
"That's not as bad as what I was thinking of doing to you."
"Goddamn." He mutters and suddenly I feel so small under his gaze, wanting nothing more than to cave in on myself as I give him a bashful smile. "Oh really? What’s got you all quiet?” He asks, head tilting playfully at me as I grin, my eyes rolling. I lean forward, tucking my face into the crook of his neck awkwardly as he laughs, hands tentatively reaching out to rest on my hips, walking me further back towards the exit so he can lead me from Judith's room. "C'mon." dragging me into his room and shutting the door with his lip tucked between his teeth. “I’m not complaining at all, but what's got you flirting with me. I'm fucking shocked but not complaining.” He whispers sincerely through a small laugh and I peak up at him through my lashes, a coy smile on my lips. He smiles down at me softly, hands returning to the place on my hips, thumbs brushing into the bare skin where my shirt rides up.
“’m nervous.” I mumble, his eyebrows raising kindly as he shakes his head, not knowing what I mean.
“Why’s that?” He asks in return, his gaze fluttering over my face as I pause, the words that I've imagined saying to him for years now stuck on the tip of my tongue, unable to formulate and form a coherent thought. Daryl just looks at me, teasingly and longingly, but it's his hands and the way he's looking at me that has me fumbling.
His typical deep eyes have a certain mischievous depth to them, almost as if he knows that he's intimidating me beyond belief, stalking me like a predator watches a prey.
“I want more.” I whisper, the three words making his eyebrows pull together but I can tell by the look in his eyes that he knows exactly what I’m referring to.
“More of?” He urges simply, his fingers dancing under my shirt, the tips of his fingers dancing along my spine. Shivers erupt through my body, my frame moving closer to him, wanting nothing more than to be as close to him as I possibly can be.
“More of you.” My fingers gently fist the material of his shirt as he smiles, leaning down to press a kiss against my forehead. We're both waiting for the other person to make a move and, for a second, I think he's going to kiss me when he rests his forehead against mine, his nose bumping against mine as I wait for him to take the next step.
“There’s no rush.” He whispers, soothing all of my anxiety that I could possibly have, validating all of my worries and anxious thoughts. I nod, knowing his words are true but mine are truer.
“Why not rush, though?” I ask teasingly, laughing as he rolls his eyes playfully and his head lolls back. “I want to. I want more.” I shrug simply, his head bobbing in a nod and I watch as he ponders, my chin moving to rest against his sternum.
“What if I said I was nervous?” He asks, my eyes widening at the thought. I had never thought that he would also be hesitant to also have sex, but I could tell by the worried look in his eyes that he was telling the truth. The thought does nothing but comfort me and fill my belly with butterflies.
"Then we don't need to do anything if you don't want to." He thinks for another few moments, thoughts running rampant as he looks down at me. "No rush." I reiterate and suddenly he shifts, his body pushing me back towards his bed.
"I want more too." I look at him, waiting for any move, any words and he grins to himself before shoving me back towards the bed, my back hitting the mattress with a loud 'oof'. He's quick to follow me, crawling on top of me, fitting perfectly between my legs like he's meant to be there. “What if I also said that, when it comes to this, I really don’t know what I’m doing?” He chuckles shyly, a small sigh leaving my lips.
“Then I guess I’ll figure it out, hmm?” I reply simply, my body moving to push him over onto his back to take the stress off of him and take it into my own hands. He looks up at me, shocked, as my leg swings over his hip as I seat myself on top of him. His hands hover nervously over my thighs, his lips parting in a shocked look. “I think I can probably figure it out." I chuckle, watching his eyes flickering down from mine, to his lap and he looks nervous, his hands unsure of what to do or where to touch, like he’s never touched me before, never hugged me after a good hunting run or when we've finally managed to get Judith to bed after a long day.
But this, this I know, is different.
I take his hands in mine, moving them to rest against my thighs as his chest deflates in relief, thankful that I helped him make the first move. It's almost as if he wants. My hands wander, slipping under his shirt as I help him lift it over his head and y hands rest against his chest, dancing down his abdomen that tenses under my feather light touch.
“Fuck.” He whispers breathlessly, his eyes fluttering shut as I lean down to capture his lips in mine, taking him by surprise and pulling a deep groan from him. His strong hands cup my cheeks, guiding me through the kiss as his tongue brushes against my bottom lip. “Fuck, fine.” He whispers, hands moving up the expanse of my thighs to rest on my ass, gently pulling me against him. I moan as his hips jump against mine, the feeling making me stop my movements, my forehead resting against his shoulder. “I’m not rushing, but I am not cumming in my pants.” He whispers with a laugh as I snort, my lips moving to find to his.
Our moans mix between us as he hardens underneath me, the feeling making my head spin. My fingers wrap around the edge of my shirt, our lips briefly leaving each other’s to pull it over my head. I sit up, spine straightening and his eyes immediately train on my chest, his jaw slacking once more. I chuckle nervously at his reaction, his eyes moving to look up at mine. His hands move to rest on my waist, helping my hips move against his as he gasps. My fingers tangle in his hair as he kisses me senselessly, my thighs shaking and aching and I moan greedily, nails scratching against his scalp as he whimpers, head falling back.
“I need you, Daryl.” I whisper, my eyes fluttering over every emotion that passes over his face; shock, excitement, nerves. His pupils are blown to high hell, lips swollen and damp from kissing me senselessly and his chest rises in heaves at my words, head bobbing in a stunned nod.
We make quick work of kicking our pants off, doubling checking that his cell is closed enough to ward off any possible intruders and I giggle, my lips finding his once more as an arm wraps an around my waist. He flips me over quickly onto my back, all of the air leaving my lungs at the move.
“Fuck that was hot.” I chuckle breathlessly, his eyebrows raising teasingly at me. “See? We can do this.” He nods, not needing any more convincing as he rests in between my thighs. Feeling him pressed against me, just flimsy layers of clothes separating us makes my mind fuzzy.
“Fuck you’re so warm.” He whispers, his forehead resting against mine as he peers down in between us and I move my thighs instinctively to wrap around his waist, pulling him even more against me as he moans, my lips taking advantage of the moment. The kiss is messy as his hips rut into mine, the movement completely out of his control at this point. I moan loudly at the feeling of him nudging against my clit, the fire in my belly growing hotter and hotter with every touch. “Fuck, I need you.” He whispers against my lips, my arms wrapping around his neck to claw at his back. I chuckle breathlessly, my reply coming out stuttered and slow.
“Then come on.” I urge with a smile, my back arching off the bed as he laughs. His fingers reach around my back, his tongue poking out as he attempts to unlatch my bra and, though he struggles for a moment, his eyes closing in concentration, he finally gets it with a proud laugh. He pulls the material away from my body before tossing it to the ground without care, pressing his lips to my chest, no hesitation. I moan loudly as his lips brush over my nipples, the skin heated and sensitive. My hips buck into his, his lips traveling down my sternum and to my stomach. “No, no, no. Come on, please.” I whimper at his teasing, his eyes glimmering with mischief.
“Let me taste you.” He whispers in a small plea, lips brushing against the tops of my panties and I whimper at the feeling, his fingers gently teasing against my thighs.
“I want you inside of me, please.” I beg and his lips gently press against my clit through my panties and my head falls against the mattress with a thump as I give in, a pleased moan leaving his lips.
“Gotta spend some time in between your thighs.” He whispers, my knees bending as he flattens his tongue against me, humming quietly. My fingers thread through his hair as he sighs, his index finger pulling the clothing to the side. He chuckles gently at the reactions he's dragging out of me and his fingers move to pull my underwear off of my body, tossing them to the floor with my bra as he hums. He crawls up my body, lips finding their home on mine as I whine.
Finally, after a few moments of trying to slip out of his boxers, he’s successful. I feel him rest against me, bumping against my clit as he pulls away from me, his eyes burning into mine.
“You had this planned. You’re the one fucking me.” He mutters teasingly and my head tosses back at his words, my eyes fluttering shut and after few beats of silence, his lips press against my cheek as I sigh. “You’ll tell me if it’s too much?” He asks quietly, his thumb rubbing into my hip as I smile softly up at him.
“Of course.” I whisper, my fingers gently running through his hair. “Don’t feel bad if you finish and I don’t.” I add, his eyes rolling playfully as his cheeks warm. "Old man."
“Either way, you’re cumming." He whispers gruffly, his naughty words contradicting his tone that sounds like a promise. I feel him position himself against me, my heart pounding in my ears as I grip onto his shoulders, preparing myself for what's to come with nervous butterflies in my stomach.. “Shh.” He whispers, gently placing kisses along my skin as he tucks himself into the crook of my neck as he slowly pushes into me, the sting of the stretch makes me gasp. His hands gently rub my hips, trying his best to soothe me. “Ohhh fuck.” He moans, his hips stilling as he bottoms out. I take deep breaths, tears pricking my eyes as he kisses my cheek softly. “You okay?” He asks, his eyes finding mine in the dark room as I moan.
“Burns. In a good way, though.” I let out a small laugh, the groan leaving his lips makes my walls flutter around him.
“Fuck you are so-” He cuts himself off, twitching inside of me and I hum, feeling so full and safe with him wrapped around me. “So warm and- fuck- tight.” He whispers, gently sucking on the sensitive skin of my neck, probably leaving marks but I can't find it in me to care. I relax into him, the feeling of his fingers gently kneading the skin of my breast making the burning sensation dies down a bit. He gently pulls out before thrusting back in, a moan leaving my lips at the feeling. The way that he seems to be filling me, make my legs tremble, moans leave my lips uncontrollably; that's hot enough on its own.
After a few minutes, the pain wears off and his thrusts speeding up. Our moans and whimpers mix in the room, his lips occasionally finding mine in a messy kiss. I’m completely soaked now, dripping around him and onto the bed below us. One of his hands travels down to wrap a hand around my thigh, hoisting it high on his hip as I squeal.
“That feel good?” He asks, my head throwing back as I moan loudly. “I’m taking that as a yes.” He chuckles happily into the crook of my neck, his thrusts deep and slow as I hold onto him as if I'll evaporate from his grasp. “Fuck, I’m not gonna last long.” I know that either way I’m going to end up enjoying myself and, deciding to take things into my own hands, I clench around him, enjoying the way that he stutters out a breathy moan.
“You can cum. I want you to.” I whisper, my lips skimming against the shell of his ear and he moans loudly, hips pounding into mine as he grips my waist, chasing his high as I thread my fingers through his hair, giving it a gentle tug. He groans loudly and his shoulders strain deliciously as he gasps, fingers fisting the sheets beside to me.
“Come on, Daryl. Please.” I whisper, my fingers gently pulling at his hair as he topples over the edge with a loud groan, his hips thrusting a few more times before slowing their pace and I can feel the way he's filled me out when he thrusts out of me the slightest bit.
Quiet breaths leave his lips, his back heaving with strained breathes and the room settles in a comfortable silence, my fingers gently raking through his unruly hair, the other hand rubbing circles between his shoulder blades as he rests his weight on me.
His hips rest between my trembling ones, still buried inside of me as he softens and I find my place gently press kisses to his temple, his head shifting to press a kiss to my throat. No words are said, there’s nothing to say. We sit in a comfortable silence, arms wrapped around each other. I can tell he’s shy, his face not leaving my shoulder as I feel his eyelashes blink against my skin.
I gently run my fingers through his hair once more before moving to rest on his jaw, tilting his chin upwards. I look down at the sleepy man, his eyes blinking slowly, a shy smile on his lips.
“Sleepy?” I ask, a small hum leaving his lips as he closes his eyes, rolling over and using his discarded shirt to clean the two of us before pulling me into his arms. I rest with my head on his chest, his hands pulling at the blankets to cover our naked bodies, figuring we'll worry about the logistics and feelings of what we just did in the morning.
Well that took no time at all.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
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figgyblossom · 4 months
okay okay okay
This might be a chaotic post cuz thought gathering takes ramble time lol
Iiiiiiiii love my friends. So passionately. I love ~very~ easily. And I express that love! Often! (I end every phone call with "I love you" cuz they gotta know!)
But, maybe not unlike romantic relationships??, there's the moment where I say "I love you" for the first time to a (newer) friend. And sometimes I want to say it but I don't cuz im not sure if it's too soon? (I get attached easily yknow?)
I have a classmate who was with me for 2 semesters in our final classes for our shared major. And while we always got along it wasn't until towards the end of this last semester that we started hanging out, but then we hungout a TON. All for class/capstone related activities. we both took an extension on our final paper too so we've been hanging out a ton the past week cramming to get it finished.
And yesterday we were at a coffee shop working and I had to run to meet another friend and we were saying goodbye because classmate!friend is leaving for a month-long trip to Thailand with her hubby and fam so we're not gonna see each other for a while. As i was leaving "I love you!" slipped out and, for half a second I worried it was too much, but then she BEAMED at me and said "I love you too!!" And we hugged and ohmyGOD it just 😭😭😭 I love my friends so much and this classmate and I have just clicked so well and her returning the expression along with how close we've gotten the last month just made me so happy and filled me with so much joy! 🥹❤️🥹❤️🥹❤️
Idk this is obvs very gay (affectionate) and cheesy and I dunno I guess I haven't made a new CLOSE friend I a while and it just made me so warm and fuzzy and and.. that's it. That's the whole post. I'm just feeling joy and love lately, plus with school being done (classmate & i turned in our papers last night! Just after midnight when I finished we called each other and hit send on our emails to our teacher at the same time!) I've begun to see more friends I haven't in months and make plans I haven't had the space for for like a year and ...
I just love my friends a lot and am excited for this summer and this next chapter of my life to begin and idk... just positive feelings all around I guess 🌅🫂🌅🫂🌅 thanks for listening 😌
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intrulogical · 1 year
since we've got new episodes on the horizon (or at least. in the next nine months, hopefully), i wanted to ask: what do you want most out of canon? what do you hope to see addressed / expanded upon in the new video?
hey anon i love u <33 /p
this is. a good question because, okay. there's a difference between my want, and what i actually expect from the series so that it flows naturally.
my expectation (and what i think is needed): they need to give roman's arc some screentime and address how black and white thinking deeply connects to issues regarding self-image. i expect all six sides to be there, and if not i expect remus and roman to interact. maybe not to make up to each other exactly but find a compromise point that makes them understand each other better.
and in that same sense i hope we get to divulge into the semantics of the dark sides as they are heavily related to the idea of black and white thinking. i know there's debate on whether dark sides is a thing or not, and to me, i'm leaning more towards yes, but in the sense that thomas unconsciously villainizes them, which hinders their influence over thomas. i hope this finale addresses the moral greyness of everyone, mixed with still believing that things can still be bad and hurt you.
and to mix my expectations and my want: i want thomas to explore remus' motivations and role as dark creativity. there is SO much to remus we actually don't know yet. i'm of the belief that, while remus' goals are random all the time, his means of getting there aren't. he's meticulous in that regard, shown through wtit. in wtit, it does seem like he provides thomas intrusive thoughts to shed light on the fact that he is mentally unwell and needs a break. and another favorite theory of mine, is that he's imploring logan to be less lenient for thomas to get his shit together.
and my want: while logan can't be the main focus of the episode, i'd like to see some hints of how his following arcs will go, especially since his involvement with orange coencides with roman's arc about black and white thinking. more than anything, i want the finale to end badly for logan. it makes no sense for him to be Happy by the finale when we've just gotten to the start of him being more vocal about being fed up. i want him to be villainized. i want him to hurt. i want him to snap which makes the sides mad at him, but have his point be the solution by the end. i want the finale to mark his downfall.
and my deepest want, is that i want remus and logan to establish some sort of friendship or camaraderie. a tragic one, i suppose. two of thomas' most ignored sides (which i still have to make an essay on— wtit was just SO good).
but yeah, i have high hopes for sasi! i think thomas writes exceptionally well compared to what others give him credit for, and i'm excited to see what'll happen :D
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fundielicious-simblr · 11 months
(Lana's POV)
Day 1 & 2 - Bachelorette Party & Wedding Rehearsal + Welcome dinner
Day 1
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The time that I've prayed for has finally come - WEDDING WEEKEND!
Our family and friends have made their way into Oasis Springs for our wedding weekend and I couldn't be more excited! I've spent the last few weeks getting the last details done with for this weekend and for it to be finally happening makes my heart sing. The first official event was my bachelorette party on thursday, followed by the wedding rehearsal and welcome dinner for our families on friday, and the wedding on saturday. My girls got my this wonderful 'Bride' sash to wear for the weekend's festivities until the wedding, I've had my fill of white outfits in the past couple of months and I can't wait to cap it off with my wedding dress to end the weekend.
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A few weeks before the wedding, my bridal party and I did a little weekend away as a little pre-bachelorette event before the main one before the wedding. My hair and makeup artist are based in the next town over, so my girls and I headed there for a quick weekend getaway so I could do a hair and makeup trial and spend some time with my bridal party. We had a wonderful dinner at a local restaurant on night one, and once we had done my hair and makeup trial we spent a day at the spa in this wonderful resort. One of the bridal shower gifts I got was a bunch of coupons to use at the spa, which we gladly put to good use. Lorilee and Priscilla are both postpartum after having their babies, so they made sure to get the special massage that the spa offers to mothers who have recently given birth.
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The Lord knew what he was doing when he blessed me with my little sister Lyndsay. She's been my right hand woman for this whole process, and has really stepped into the role of Maid of Honour. We've spent many a night planning, laughing, and even crying as we really took in my last few weeks that turned into my last few days at home.
I love these girls so much! For my bachelorette party I asked all the girls to wear pink, and we spent the day together. We started with a brunch at my parents house, the girls were able to see my childhood home, then we did a hymn sing before we went to a friend's place where we played all these cute 'newlywed' games before sitting down for a meal. Macie and one of my aunts volunteered to make the meal for us, having such great family reminds me how greatly I am blessed.
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I'm so thankful that Adalynn and Kyleigh made the effort to travel down here for the wedding with their children, as well as being pregnant. They've come and taken the role of the older sisters that I didn't have growing up, and for that I'm very grateful. That's not to say I'm forgetting the other sisters, they've all made such sacrifices for us all to be able to be together for the wedding. The only people missing are Beckett and Mandy, but their responsibilities in the mission field come first, we'll celebrate with them at Harvestfest.
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My bridal party have really gone above and beyond for me, as much as I would've liked to have a 20 person bridal party, I had to be realistic in my wants. My sister Lyndsay is my maid of honour, she's been there for me for this whole process and not living with her will definitely be an adjustment. Lorilee and I have known each other since we were young girls and essentially grew up together and without her meeting and marrying Charles, I would've not met Parker when I did. Annette and I have gotten quite close during my visits to Newcrest, and has become a confidant of mine. Priscilla lives in Oasis Springs so we've been able to bond due to our proximity to one another, she's taken me in and treated me like family since we met and I couldn't thank her enough. My bachelorette party ended that afternoon to allow the ladies to go off and be with their families again for the evening, and to prepare for the rehearsal on the next day.
Day 2
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Day 2 was the wedding rehearsal and the welcome dinner that evening. The weather was perfect for an outdoor wedding, and I can only hope that it stays just as beautiful for the wedding day. Parker's family rented out a restaurant close to the ceremony space for the welcome dinner, so we headed there afterwards. During dinner, both of our parents made speeches, as well as some of our siblings and a few friends. There was lots of prayer of course, and afterwards we headed home so we could have an early night and get loads of rest for the wedding.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
-gently drops my URL for that one meme right beside you and gives your head a little kiss- uwu
Send a URL and I'll answer the following || Accepting !
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{ @advnterccs | @thcpresidcnt | @mcltiples }
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Do I Follow Them? I follow all Rin's blogs. ALL of them, even the non-RP ones. So I dare to say that, yeah, I do follow her🤭 We've been writing together for almost a year and a half now and I still love every single word of it like the first time 🖤
Why Did I Follow Them? Tbh, She followed me first. I had seen her Rick & Morty blog around already, but she seems too cool and I didn't dare to approach her because back then my own blog was just 2-3 months old. So you can imagine my surprise when I saw that she had followed me. It was a really good surprise and I'm thankful every day for that!
Do We Role Play? Definitely and a lot. Our muses chat with each other as much as we chat and that's a lot of chatting x'D we write both here (mainly), but also on Discord, so some pieces of our storylines have developed there (especially the whole building of the Ricks's relationship and man, wasn't that a roller coaster!)
Do I Want To Role Play With Them:  Yeah. Si. No doubts. Absolutely. The threads and the dynamics we have are among my faves ever! I'm always happy to get a reply from her or an ask, whether or not it becomes a thread or stays a one-shot / two-shots. Every thing, even the smallest, add to our verses and relationship development, so I treasure them all. Plus, Rin's ideas and writing are amazing and I'm always excite to read / hear about them 🤩 Also because, aside from giving us something interesting to write, they usually also spark some good discussions 😎
An AU Idea For Our Muses: We have this idea of a what-ifs scenario where the Ricks meet as kids and live their whole life together, and I guess that counts as an AU. Another thing that I'd love to write with our muses (any of them, really) is a Soulmate AU. There are so many great concepts around those, and they can work for both platonic and romantic ships.
A Song For Our Muses: We have playlists for almost all our romantic ships and they all have a very decent number of songs x'D I guess I'll pick my fave among those?
- "The One" by Skillet - Rick & Rick
- "Perfect Two" by Auburn - Morty & Morty
- "Weird" by Elliot Lee - E-Morty & E-Morty
- "Devour" by Disturbed - Evil Rick & Weird Rick
- "Written in Blood" by Beyond the Black - AR & E-Rick
Do I Ship Our Muses? In case it wasn't clear from the previous ask, YEAH, I ship a lot of our muses together x'D Aside from the ones listed above we also have a some other more or less platonic ships. E-Rick & Evil Rick, Mercenary Rick & Vampire Rick (and Morty), Adrien & Marinette, the Summers. Not to mention that we have more in the working and our muses always find the oddest way to come together and somehow work out, which is always fun to see...even when it's unexpected and confusing af xD We also have a couple of polyships with other shared mutuals and they are fantastic too!
What I Think About The Mun: She's one of my favourite people (and yeah, I'm biased but hush). They are a great RP partner, an amazing friend, a strong person and I admire and respect her so, so much. We've gotten to know each other really well in the last year and a half and we've been talking every single day and I'm not bored in the least with it. I'm always glad to talk with her, even when my social battery is low. She always manage to cheer me up 🖤
Overall Opinion: Best RnM writer out there, no doubts. Her other muses are just as good too, I love their portrayal, she puts a lot of thoughts in them. Rin is an engaging partner, fun to talk too, always full of ideas. One of my main and favourite writing partner.
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10+
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #165
Kissing someone with facial hair, do you mind? I've never kissed someone who had a whole lot of facial hair (at the time we were dating), but I doubt it would really bug me.
Would you ever enter any kind of pageant? Hell fucking no, I'm barely able to attend my niece's when Ashley decides she's doing one.
Do you have sympathy for hobos? ????????? DOES ANYBODY?????????????????? NOT???????????????????????????????
When holding hands, do you intertwine fingers? Girt and I do, yeah.
What's your opinion on Johnny Depp? I think he's a legendary actor more than anything, extremely talented, and I also think he's pretty damn attractive and also seems like a really good person.
If you write, isn't writer's block the most horrible thing? Yes, especially when you really want to write but words are a fuck
How old were you when you met your first love? I was 15.
Did you get ice cream from the ice cream truck when you were little? Do they still have an ice cream truck where you live? We did sometimes! Not often, but my sisters and I were always so excited when Mom was okay with it (like a good parent she was physically there with us, she didn't just hand us money). I have no idea if they're still a thing...
Your last ex finds out you’ve fallen in love with another person? She knew that already before I even cut ties with her.
Who was the last friend you added on Facebook? I want to say it was a former best friend's mom.
Have you ever encountered a black widow? Yes, I know I've seen a few in dark, cool corners and stuff. They're beautiful, but of course I never bothered them.
What letter does your surname begin with? "D."
Have you ever used a muscle stimulator before? Did it hurt? Yes, but only as an actual testing procedure on my legs. It was to see if the problem was actually nerve-related, but it wasn't, and it was a bit painful, primarily on the interior of my knee, THAT was unpleasant.
How many times have you dated the person you’re with now? This is the second time, the first time was only four-ish months and I know I just wasn't ready to date again yet so it never got very serious, I was really apprehensive to let myself love a guy again.
Do you know anyone who has gotten pregnant despite using contraception? Yes.
Would your mom care if she found condoms in your room? No, she's mentioned it gives her the "oh god my daughter's an adult" crisis for a moment lol, but it doesn't make her mad or genuinely upset or anything.
Would you ever get band artwork tattooed on you? I plan on getting some lyrics, however I will never incorporate band imagery (like a logo) with it; the lyrics can still be important to me even if some drastic thing happens that makes me dislike the band as people. I never want another tattoo that equates to love or idolship of a living person; I say "living" because I want a "crikey!" comic pop-up style tattoo in memory of Steve Irwin, but I mean he's dead, he's not gonna get canceled tomorrow lmao. In memorium tattoos are very different.
Do you think the last person you kissed has ever lied to you? I don't know, I doubt it, but given that we've known each other over a decade, it's possible.
Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker? No, I am waaaay too paranoid for that.
Do you think it’s important for children to have a father figure in their life as they grow up? This is very heteronormative, no. Regardless of the parents' genders and how many guardian figures are involved, I firmly believe a child needs AT LEAST one dedicated parent figure, and not any that aren't truly invested in the child's life, because that can normalize dysfunctional relationships.
If you could have one more pet, what? A western hognose snake morph, probably a snow or high-expression lavender individual.
Something you want to buy real bad? A new, good quality phone.
Could you wait until marriage for sex? Yes, it's the reason I remained a virgin through high school despite being in a long-term, intimate relationship; I was religious then and abstinent. I dropped that whole mentality multiple years ago, though, but if my partner wanted to wait, yeah, that's fine.
Do you know anyone who writes huge essays when they message you? Yeah, but I totally don't mind that so long as you're not writing a novel in basically every message. I really really like when someone shows clear interest in talking, it's very reassuring to me as someone who constantly believes I'm a nuisance that is a chore to communicate with.
Do you think your first love still loves you? No, I'm sure he doesn't. I don't love him either though, so fair's fair, y'know.
Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little? No.
Has your father met the person you currently love? Yes, it's wild when I remember that this guy's known my dad since my parents were still even together.
[TW: SUICIDE] Have you ever written or received a suicide note? I've written one, regrettably.
Do women breastfeeding in public make you feel uncomfortable? Why or why not? No, and for anyone who's disturbed by breasts being used for what they're properly for, please do the entire world a favor and blast yourself into deep space, please.
What band would you most like to meet? guess i know it's really hard it's not like i'm annoyingly enthused by a band or anything
Do you think you have to be skinny in order to be beautiful? That mentality literally only applies to myself, and not because I believe it, but it's pure societal expectations. I know how bigger people are seen by a large percentage of the population, and it's made ME very ashamed of my weight, while I would never think that for another person. I'm always meanest to myself.
What’s the most disturbing thing you’ve ever been through? A wildly severe obsession with an ex-partner. Now that I'm over that, I can realize how so many things I did were just creepy and alarming.
Are you into PETA and all that? They are way too extreme for my liking, and also way too spiteful towards those that disagree with them. They promote some things I support, but they're just straight feral.
Does your family have a secret? Not a major one, but I suppose there is one among my immediate family: my niece Aubree's dad isn't Nick (sister's husband), she was born before they got together from a VERY shitty relationship. Her biological father has exactly zero to do with her, I think he met her like once as a literal infant. He's a pure fucking garbage human being, and luckily because of how young Aubree was, she has no memories where Nick wasn't "Dad." He legally adopted her as well so that there was never last name confusion. Ashley absolutely plans on telling her at some age; Nick doesn't want to, but too fucking bad, Ashley knows Aubree has the right to know, but I don't know exactly when she's gonna talk to her about it. We all know very, very well that Aubree is going to handle it EXTREMELY poorly, like there's basically no question about it, just knowing how her mind ordinarily works.
Any current family issues? My older sister likes to act like our mom doesn't exist any day but Fridays (she babysits), VERY conspicuously, and whenever confronted about it, she brushes it off with some bullshit excuse. This is probably the main source of stress and upset in my mom's life, like she has cried oceans about how Ashley's treated her since Nick and his family got involved. I can't fucking stand it.
Have you ever picked wild flowers? Oh yeah, plenty growing up.
Which mythological deity or creature is your favorite? Dragons, easy. I have a VERY prominent tendency to be drawn to media relating to dragons.
What’s the biggest spider you’ve come across? Besides the pet store tarantula, proooobably orb weavers?
Have you ever been bitten by anything venomous? No.
Who was the last person you were with that smelled REALLY good? Girt lol, he generally takes a shower immediately before coming here and for some reason I could just really tell the last time he was here.
What movie coming out are you most excited to see? Why? Barbie, it looks super fun.
If you have one, do you and your significant other have a similar taste in music? Yep.
Do you know anyone who has changed their first name? Yep, primarily in trans situations.
Have you ever dated someone who posted a ton of selfies on social media? No, but does that matter...? I'd have no problem with my partner being confident with how they look and wanna document their life???? Coincidentally though the majority of people I've dated just about never took pictures.
Are you on good or bad terms with your most recent ex? Bad.
What’s your favorite YouTube channel? I don't actually watch him anymore really, but as an individual, Markiplier; I look up to him very much and see him as a great person who puts their success to pretty good use. These days, I probably get the most actual entertainment out of Game Grumps.
What’s the highest you can count in a different language? To like a million in German.
Where would you like to be buried? I want to be cremated with my ashes probably spread in Yellowstone, ideally wherever I lay Teddy's, should I ever get permission for it.
Which of the following areas is going best for you right now: finances, work, love life, social life or education? Why do you say this? lol love life, 'cuz the other areas are on fire rn
Do you know any illegal immigrants? I knew at least one, but he got deported after getting involved with crime. He's still in Mexico, I recently learned. Supposedly he's straightened up a lot, but I don't know exactly how much I believe that, just knowing him.
Can you sit for long periods of time? It VERY much depends on what I'm sitting on; if it's cushioned in some way, usually I'm fine, but if it's just a shitty wooden chair, I REALLY can't; I'm so convinced that that cyst removal surgery caused a sensitive nerve or some shit, because ever since that time sitting for an extended period (and "extended period" isn't even that long in the big picture) has been able to reach a point where I am literally in physical pain, like I have to get up slowly or else it's agonizing to stand. I've got no other explanation but a sensitive nerve, because something changed.
Do you have any cavities? Yes, a last one in my bottom left wisdom tooth that's getting pulled out later this month.
Who was the last person to flirt with you, other than your lover? Uh, I don't think anyone else has while dating Girt, so I guess Sara?
Have you ever read a book about a character in a psych ward? No, I feel like that would be really triggering for me.
Have you ever been in a mental hospital as a patient? ^ well yeah, like around six times. I stopped keeping track at like four.
Whose place did you last chill at and with who? Girt's, with him, his mom, his mom's best friend, Girt's sister, nephew, and sister's boyfriend, and my mom came as well.
Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? Yes.
Would you prefer cherry Cola or vanilla Cola? Definitely cherry, I remember not liking vanilla very much.
Have you ever tried to draw an anime version of yourself? No, anime has never been my drawing style.
At what point were your parents most disappointed in you? I don't know and don't think I want to.
If you could have a neon light sign that said anything you wanted, or looked like anything you wanted, what would it be? I literally DO want a replica of the woman figure with "paradise" written with it that is featured in Silent Hill 2, in the Heaven's Night club. I'd love to have a room in my house that's dedicated to game stuff (more so for Girt than me haha), and it'd be so cool to have that in there.
Will you cry at your wedding? Oh I basically fucking know I will, my makeup's gonna be fucked lmao
If your last ex said they hate you, you say? I know.
What do you get cravings for the most? Soda.
Where was your senior prom held? The local community college.
What was the theme of your senior prom? I actually don't remember whatsoever.
Do you know what you want the theme of your wedding to be? If so, what would it be? It'd be REALLY fucking cool to make the kintsugi ideology be carried throughout various decor, especially because I want the theme to be black and gold. I think it'd be super fucking pretty and also cute and very factual that we make each other into something even better than we are naturally. I very much want gothic themes, too.
What color Christmas lights do you like best on your tree? I prefer all the colors. <3
At what age did you start puberty? Idk, I just know it was a normal time to start. I remember just how much I hated it and how self-conscious it made me.
Have you ever passed out? Once, I know I almost did at least twice more, but I feel like even a time or two more than that. Only one of those I can explain.
How old is the last person you kissed? He's 29 and convinced he's like, 93.
Where does your best friend live? About 30 minutes away from me by car; he's very close to our former high school, in the middle of shitfucknowhere, you get an amazing view there.
How many people have you truly fallen IN love with? Two. Once upon a time I would've included Sara, but when I compare what I felt then to how I felt/feel with Jason and Girt, they are NOOOOOTHING alike. I do believe I loved her, though. Just not IN love, it's absolutely different.
Has anybody ever called you a tease? lol more than once
Have you ever seen your siblings naked? Well yeah, we grew up together.
What are you doing this weekend? I might actually be going down to meet Girt's grandmother; she's not well whatsoever and has cancer now that can't be treated with how weak she is, so it definitely sounds like she's not going to be around much longer and I really, really don't want to regret not meeting her if I have the chance; almost positive she's the last grandparent Girt has and I want to know her. We're just not 100% yet on what day they're going, and I also want Girt to ask his family if they're all even good with me coming; I can't imagine a world where they would care at all, his mom's probably gonna get on me for even checking lol, but the fact is that right now I am just Girt's girlfriend and I don't want to be overstepping into territory that would make anyone uncomfortable, especially since like, what if this is the last time they see her? I just want to know no one's bothered by me coming along. I know Sunday Girt and I will definitely be hanging out.
What’s your favorite hair color for girls? Probably pastel dyed colors, like gentle pinks, purples, oranges, etc. That's especially what I want on myself, but I really just liked colorful dyed hair in general, on anybody.
Does your first crush know you liked him/her? I never told him, so there's no way he absolutely knows. He mighta suspected it, I dunno.
Has anyone ever taken your clothes off of you before? Yeah.
What was the last seriously painful thing that happened to you? I recently stubbed my toe real fuckin hard.
Do you believe in Judgment Day? Sure don't.
Do you have a picture of you kissing someone? Yes.
If you had $100 dollars, how would you spend it? Save it towards getting a new, good-quality phone. I'm kinda thinking of offering human photoshoots again just because I wanna work towards this before Christmas...
You were given the opportunity to get a new cellular device, what do you choose? ... oh lol, I actually am not sure. I'd have to research and ask others.
Ever physically fought with a member of the opposite sex? No, only gentle playfighting with a partner that by no means was even remotely genuine "fighting."
What was the last thing you tried for the first time? A fruit smoothie this morning, I'm officially into those as breakfast. Today's I didn't like though, we didn't have nearly enough peaches so it mostly tasted like banana and cinnamon and I wasn't into it.
When was the last time someone admitted to having somewhat of an attraction to you? Well Girt.
Do you prefer to have more or less in common with your significant other? More.
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canongf-archive · 2 years
happy 3 months eddie i love you i love you i love you :)
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itscominghome · 3 years
More Than Anything
Requested by: @lottievieira27
Summary: You moved over to London from your home in Brazil to get sports physiotherapy experience with Chelsea FC. Your visit made permanent when you meet your now boyfriend, Kepa Arrizabalaga. After living there for two years, you decide it's time to go back home and see your family for Christmas. And this time, Kepa comes with you.
Based at Christmas 2021
Notes: This whole request was completely deleted from my drafts for some reason. The anguish I went through whilst rewriting half of this was insane, so I'm sorry if there are mistakes and typos or the writing is sloppy.
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"Kep?" I call out as I see my boyfriend walk past the living room door.
"Yes, mi amor?" he replies, taking a few steps back and popping his head around the doorframe.
"So, you know how I'm going back to Brazil for Christmas," he nods his head, "well, I was thinking-"
"Oh, that's a dangerous thing," Kepa replies with a smirk, I glare at him, feigning offence.
"Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. Would you want to come with me and meet my family?" Kepa's face lights up.
"Really!? Yeah! Of course I'll to come with you!"
So, that's how, a month later, we were both on a plane, on our way to Rio. My head was rested his shoulder and his head on mine. We were both woken up by the bumps of the runway and my excitement only intensified. Both excited to see my family again, and to introduce them to my boyfriend.
The entire walk to my parents was spent with my hand tightly intertwined with Kepa's. The cold causing us to huddle together as we walk for warmth. Kepa and I had been together for just over a year now. We'd met at Chelsea, where I was getting work experience for sports physiotherapy and at his first session with me, we had completely hit it off. I was decently close with all of the Chelsea team, but me and him, we just had that extra bit of chemistry. That better connection. So when Covid had hit and the country went into lockdown, we'd agreed to live together so neither of us were alone. And within three months, things just slotted into place. It had all been in the public eye from quite early on. Kepa is quite territorial, wanting everyone to know I was his, though he knew it didn't stop the lingering looks from guys at parties. The press and Chelsea fans didn't originally agree with our relationship, claiming it to be unprofessional having a player and a physiotherapist together from the same team. Tuchel had no problem with it though, so we continued. After a few months the press and fans had changed their mind on our relationship, enjoying how open we were about being together and loving all the cutesy content they would receive.
I had met Kepa's family in the Christmas of 2020 and I loved every second of my time spent over in Spain. His mum and I had gotten on very well, her telling me as we cooked dinner one night that she thought I was 'the best thing that had ever happened to her son'. We had never talked about it directly, but of course I knew about the split held had from his long-term girlfriend of the time. She had told me how hard it had been for him and how much I'd helped him get his confidence back. Though, I know he'd done that all by himself, he just needed that little bit of a push.
Knock. Knock. Knock. The door had flung open almost immediately and I was greeted by both of my parents. My mum pulled me into a tight hug, as did my dad when she pulled away. After the greetings between myself and my parents, I began to introduce Kepa who was stood just out of sight.
"Mãe, pai, I have someone I'd like you to meet," I say as Kepa moves to stand by my side, "This is Kepa, my boyfriend," I finish with a sense of pride, smiling up at him. My face changes very quickly as he starts to speak Portugese.
"Ei, é muito bom finalmente conhecer vocês dois*," I stand there with a look of confusion, brows furrowed and nose scrunched up a little bit. He shakes my father's hand. My Mum is smiling widely, I always knew she would like Kepa, but I also knew that my Dad would need more convincing.
"É um prazer conhecê-lo também, nós ouvimos tudo sobre você" he replies.
"Yeah, I haven't quite got that far yet," Kepa laughs back as my mum pulls him into a hug, kissing both of his cheeks in greeting. After the initial introduction, we're invited in, engulfed by the warmth of the house.
"So, the most expensive goalkeeper in the world, eh?" My dad questions as we talk about Kepa's football career.
"Yes sir, but unfortunately I've been on the bench for a while, I had a bit of a knockback, but I'm getting better. And it's all because of your daughter," he replies, smiling fondly at me.
"I've not done anything really, it was all you, I've just been there to support you,"
"Yeah, and that's what I've needed, and you gave me it without second thought,"
After a few hours of talking, it was starting to get late and everyone was starting to get hungry.
"Y/N/N, can you come and help me prepare some food?" my Mum asks and of course I comply. Within maybe ten minutes, I have Kepa stood behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder, pressing a tender kiss to my lips occasionally. My mum gushes over it all as we continue to cook.
"Kep, babe, why don't you go back into the living room, have a beer with my Dad or something, talk about football?" He pouts a little bit, not wanting to leave my side, but does eventually go back into the other room, reluctantly.
"Your dad really likes him, you know?" My mum says with a smile, "So do I, he clearly loves you a lot." I smile at the ground almost shyly.
"He's good for you, and by the sounds of it, you're good for him. We've seen all the stuff the press has said. And The Sun, oh they just love to rip into your relationship even a year later, and you've stayed strong through it all. You're meant for one another. And me and your dad know that we aren't going to see you all the time anymore because you've found him, but we also understand that you've grown up and you leaving Brazil permanently to be with him, it is going to be one of the best decisions you'll ever make. He makes you so happy, and we can see that in the way you look at each other. He adores you."
After dinner, we had moved back into the living room, Kepa still sucking up and telling both me and my mum how delicious the food had been. I'd tried telling him how much my family already loved him, but his aim to please was too high. When we had sat back down, I cuddled up to my boyfriend on one of the couches, sat opposite my parents. Him and my dad were in deep conversation about his time at Chelsea, his life back in Spain, just making an effort to get to know each other, my Mum occasionally getting involved. My eyes started to get heavy, so I just let them slowly close. I don't know how long I had been asleep for, but when I woke back up, my head had been moved to Kepa's lap and his fingers ran softly through my hair. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, catching onto the current conversation going on whilst they thought I was asleep.
"Do you love her?" My Dad asks. And without missing a beat, Kepa replies.
"Mais do que nada*,"
*Ei, é muito bom finalmente conhecer vocês dois = Hey, it's nice to finally meet you both.
*Mais do que nada =
More than anything.
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yourmidnightlover · 3 years
the way i loved you
Summary: you regret leaving spencer after everything you've been through.
TW: angst?, fluff, kissing, breakup, mild argument. *let me know if i missed anything*
WC: 2,843
A/N: taylor's version of of that's the way i loved you has stolen my heart and i felt like making a short lil fic about this song. it’s also a second fic in celebration of hitting 700 followers! happy reading!
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he was great.
he really was.
he was kind, and smart, and endearing. he was the perfect gentleman. he opened the door for you when you got into and out of his car. he tells you what you need to hear. he's incredible.
tonight when he held your hand as you stepped into his car, he made sure to whisper to you how beautiful you looked in your dress. spencer's favorite dress.
which is why you felt guilty about thinking of spencer.
you were going on a date with him and you couldn't stop thinking about your ex. spencer inhabited your mind when you did nearly everything. it was as if he had never left. the memories of him were always fresh in your mind... even the bad ones.
the arguments. the screaming.
but then there was the passion. the heat that never cooled off between you two. the spark that never dimmed. the light that seemed solar powered, never going out. you wondered if it was still there.
"what were you thinking about getting?" he asked, entirely mesmerized by your presence across the table.
"not sure," you smiled. "maybe just a salad, i'm not very hungry," you shrugged with a smile.
"whatever you'd like," he reached across the table to hold you hand, you obliged.
but there weren't any butterflies from his touch. no electricity that lit up your insides. nothing that made you feel crazy about him as you had with spencer.
it had been 9 months since you ended things with spencer. you were dating for over a year. the two of you had never slowed down since you began. working with him made it that much more intoxicating. a forbidden workplace romance felt dangerous. at first that's why you thought you couldn't get him out of your mind. and then you realized it wasn't that. it was that it was spencer.
this was your fifth date with him. you'd been dating for three months. it had been getting more 'serious' as time went on. but your feelings for him never compared to the rollercoaster of emotions you felt for spencer.
"what're you thinking about, darling?" he asked, stroking his thumb on your hand slowly.
"nothing," you faked yet another smile.
he didn't notice.
he never did.
spencer would've.
you had ended things after getting an offer in the fugitive task force. the pay was better (not that that's why you left), and they needed you more than the team did - even though they told you otherwise. you knew you were valuable, but you also knew that they'd be fine without you - even though they told you otherwise. they told you you'd always have place with the team. so, you left. and along with leaving, spencer had claimed you took his heart with you. but you had left yours with him in return.
you couldn't feel anything for the charming man in front of you whenever spencer still had your heart.
"look, i know it's a bit early to say this," he began speaking, " i mean, we've only been together for three months. but..." you retraced your hand so he fiddled with his own. "i never knew how amazing i could feel with someone in my life romantically. i think... i think i'm in love with you."
*22 months ago*
you had been reckless. you had gone into the house without any backup yet you came out unscathed. spencer was still burning hot despite the fact that you were unharmed. he appeared at your house late the night you had returned, around 2 am.
"y/n!" he pounded on your door. "i know you're in there! open up!" he demanded. you trudged into your living room and opened the door quickly.
"what, spencer?" you spat out. "why are you here? because i know it's not to check up on me," rolling your eyes, you stepped outside with him and shut the door behind you.
"why wouldn't it be? you could've gotten killed, y/n!" he yelled, not at you but at the situation. "maybe i'm worried about you! maybe i care about your well-being! maybe i just don't want you to die!" he shouted.
he had never truly been close to you. ever since you joined 7 months ago he had maybe one conversation with you during each case, only about the case. he wasn't necessarily rude, but mostly deflective. he wouldn't carry the conversation. he replied with simple answers that prevented further conversation. he never wanted to talk with you or hang out with you unless others were there. he just... didn't like you.
but you had been so excited to meet him. penelope, one of the reasons you got the spot on the team in the first place because you'd met her in her hacker days, had talked him up quite a lot. she had also said you were a match made in heaven. you thught she was mistaken until you saw him standing in the bullpen, talking to none other than pg. imagine your disappointment when he barely spoke to you.
and since you had gotten hurt he hadn't just been dismissive. he had been rude. he had rolled his eyes at you when you were sitting across from him in the plane. he had scoffed when morgan said how tough you were for taking the unsub down alone.
and now he was outside your door as rain began pouring down.
"if you do care about me then you have a funny way of showing it," now it was your turn to scoff.
"you were reckless. how could be so foolish?" he asked in a softer tone, walking closer to you to connect his skin to yours, needing to reassure himself that you were alright.
"i wasn't foolish," you snatched your arm away from his grasp, he backed away slowly. "i had to save that little girl's life, reid. you know that i had no other choice."
"you could've gotten killed," he stated once more, holding his hands together in front of him.
"that little girl could've been killed, too," you shook your head, sighing as you pressed your fingers into your temples. "i... reid, i couldn't let that happen."
"well i couldn't... i don't know what i'd do if you had actually been hurt or-or died," he bit his lip, trying to keep himself from saying much more.
"you barely talk to me at all. this is the longest conversation we've had in all the months i've known you," you chuckled humorlessly. "you're ridiculous."
"i'm sorry," he apologized softly, almost whispering. "it's... it's complicated."
"what's complicated?" you stepped forward to get closer to him. "what's so complicated that you couldn't stand to have a real conversation with me?"
"you wouldn't understand," he shook his head, stepping back once more into the rain, turning around as if he were going to leave.
"don't-" you grabbed his bare arm. smoke. "don't walk away. not again," you shook your head. "please tell me why you couldn't stand me?"
"it's not that i couldn't stand you," he said with a sigh, turning around to meet your eyes. "it's that... well i couldn't stand how you made me feel," he admitted, grabbing your hands instead of his own. "i couldn't stand how the first time i saw you i thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world and i couldn't stand how perfect your voice is - even when you're about to cry. i couldn't stand how you're the first woman i've loved since i watched my girlfriend die in front of me."
you felt fire all over.
maybe it was because the heat you felt as your gears turned, trying to figure out how he could love you. the friction from the thoughts running through your head caused the smoke that lit the flame that burned between the two of you. a match made from heaven, the universe, whatever you believed in, in that moment.
"spencer..." the first time you'd ever called him that, his eyes bore into yours with the same fire you felt. "how could you... how could you love me when you don't even know me?"
"i know you, y/n," he smiled, tears streaming down his face being masked by the rain pouring on the two of you. "i-i know that when you get frustrated or angry you just stay quiet. i know that when you're focused you rub your fingers together. i know that when you're incredibly happy you tear up because you wonder how you deserved to be so joyful. i know that when you're feeling insecure you like to read pride and prejudice and imagine yourself living in another world... and i know that i love you."
"kiss me," you asked, trailing your hands up his arms to the back of his neck. "please... kiss me?" you asked again before he filled your request.
one of his hands grasped the hair at the back of your head, pulling you against him with a groan. you felt the passion penny had said you would've had from the beginning through his kiss. the way his tongue traveled into your mouth and wandered as if he wanted to use his eidetic memory to memorize what you tasted and felt like.
and you knew that the fire you both felt would never burn out because even in the rain, it burned brighter than ever before.
"spencer," you broke the kiss. "i love you."
"so," he had smiled. "you don't have to say it back, i completely understand if you need more time."
you felt terrible. you missed spencer. you wanted spencer. you needed spencer. not more time. you had already given him time. you gave yourself time. but no amount of time could ever diminish what you felt for spencer.
"i'm sorry," you whispered, preparing to break things off softly. "you're such an amazing guy, a total gentleman. but... but i still-"
"love the other guy," he chuckled, looking down a bit upset. "that's alright. you can't force feelings."
"i really tried," you smiled, reaching for his hand once again. "with him it was just so... passionate, and crazy, and... i'm so sorry. i wasn't trying to lead you on i just figured that over time those feelings for hi would just disappear but... they never did."
"i know, thank you for trying to feel things out with me," he smiled, knowing you could see how forced it was. "if you wouldn't mind, could we still be friends?"
"oh, of course," you squeezed his hand. "you're one of the kindest men i've ever met," you chuckled. "thank you for being so understanding, luke."
"oh, it's no problem," he shrugged off the compliment.
you finished dinner with him and he dropped you off at your apartment. you ran to your room and decided to call someone.
"hello?" the voice rang over the phone into your ear.
"hey," you sighed happily. "can i ask you for a favor?"
next thing you knew you were packing up your apartment that never felt like home. you got onto a plane and moved back home, right back into the same place. the same night you got there, you knew you had to make a stop at a certain someone's house.
you ran up the stairs of the apartment complex, up to the apartment you found to be your second home. you banged on the familiar door rapidly, anticipating his answer. when he did answer, you were already teary-eyed.
"hi," you sniffled.
"y/n?" spencer questioned. "what are you...? you moved away why are you...?"
"i missed you," you wiped the tears that were flowing down your face, pointlessly so as they continued flowing.
"you left me, y/n," he felt the water in his eyes welling up to mirror your own, stepping aside to let you inside and shutting the door behind you. "you left. not me."
"i know, spencer. i know," you sighed. "but we were- we were toxic. and we argued all the time and we screamed at each other a lot."
"so why are you here?" he spat out.
"because i miss it. i miss the screaming and fighting. i miss kissing you in the rain. i miss cursing your name at 2 am because you would beat me at chess," you cried a laugh. "i miss the way you made me feel. i miss your touch and the way-" you tried to choke back a sob. "i miss the way you held me when i'm sad and the way- the way you loved me. because that's the way i loved you."
"y/n it's been 9 months," he huffed. "why would you... i don't know how to trust you again."
"please, spencer. i'm so sorry. i'll make it up to you," you reached for his arm, rubbing your hands up and down them to ground yourself. "i'll do anything, please. i-i'll buy you a new bookshelf. i'll do your files for eight months. i'll-i'll... tell me what to do, please. i want to make it up to you if you'd let me."
"y/n..." he trailed off. "i don't know. why're you even here? you accepted a job with the fugitive task force."
"i came back to the bau," you shrugged.
"was that for me?" he asked as if you'd never do such a thing.
"i mean... partially, yea," you chuckled humorlessly, an awkward silence enveloping the room.
"you shouldn't have," he looked down at his hands.
"oh," you analyzed his body language, dropping your hands from his skin. he missed the touch already.
his arms and hands were limp, detached. his eyes held emotion, hurt, tears. his shoulders were slouched and made to look slim, small.
"i'm sorry," you bit your lip. "i-i'll just..." you motioned towards the door as you maneuvered around his body to open it yourself.
you got it halfway open before he shoved your back against it, pressing your lips against his fervently. his hands flew to your waist and pulled you closer to him, his chest still pushing against yours. it was as if he had never let that flame die down either. maybe you were on his mind 24/7 as he was yours. maybe he couldn't stop loving you either, even though he hasn't said it yet. the taste of tears on both of your tongues reminded you of the situation at hand.
"i do, too," he whispered against your lips. "love you," he read your mind. "as if i'd ever be able to stop," he sarcastically admitted. "but... how would this work? you said it yourself, we fought and argued all the time."
"we could work on communication. i've worked on bettering myself while i was away. i even did yoga," you brought your hands up to his face, pressing another peck on his lips.
"i missed you too," another kiss. "and i've tried to improve myself. i guess i just wondered why you had left so abruptly. why i never really got much of an explanation."
"and you deserved one, spencer," you ran your thumbs along his cheekbones. "you deserve the best and that's why i left. because i knew i would never really be best for you. i knew that if i had come to you and told you how i had been feeling that you'd talk me down and then i'd stay. and i know it's selfish of me to be with you right now but i couldn't stay away from you any longer. i tried to forget about you but i couldn't."
"i'm glad you couldn't forget me," he smiled against your lips as you pushed him forward onto his couch, you straddled his hips as he sat down.
"i could never," you kissed his forehead. "no matter who i met," his nose. "i couldn't get you out of my head," his cheek. "you've driven me insane," his other cheek. "because that's the way i loved you," his lips.
"i love you," he mumbled against your lips, his hands finding your waist and gripping it tightly as if he never wanted to let go. "so much."
in the words of the beloved mr. darcy, he has bewitched you body and soul and you love, love, love him. he made you completely and perfectly and incandescently happy. you were consumed by fire because of how much you loved him. you loved him in a way that possessed your soul completely, utterly blissed at the thought of him. in a way that lit your very essence to flames and transformed it - not into a phoenix rising from the ashes - but transformed it into pure, unadulterated adoration and desire.
and that's the way he loved you.
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