#i'm german too and like...
laski-and-sage · 1 year
Integra: What, your birth? I hope not that humans plans something that evil and ridiculous...
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mauraeyk · 10 days
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totalspiffage · 5 months
I desperately need people to start respecting VAs who work in dubs I'm so serious. I don't care whether you watch them (because people will always tell you if they don't!!) but don't just dismiss them.
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
Heyyyy!!! :333
how are things??!??!?? I haven’t checked tumblr in a while!!!!
is it ok if I request a Konig x f!reader where she gets flustered by him calling her his little wifey as you said in the one post? It’s ok if you choose not to obvs as I know you write Gender neutral, so don’t feel obligated!!
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Hey! It's been alright, but I've been super tired as of late! I've got the second theoretical exam on Tuesday, though! And once I pass that I will finally be done with all the theory! :D Also, the referenced post is this one!
König Calling his GF Weibi
I feel as though he’d be very sudden with calling you that. In fact, he’d likely be saying something along the lines of “Mei Weibi schaut heite wieda zuckasüß aus.” He never expected you to understand him, much less be interested in what he had to say about you. While he may not hide the fact that he was talking about you in the slightest, looking at you with those big, adoring blue eyes of his, he would be surprised when you turn to look at him, done with his impossible to Google translate German. Even if you had been learning the language for a while now, whenever he reverted to his own German you barely, if at all, understood him. And thus, you confronted him about what he had to say about you this time. König would chuckle a bit at your fierce demeanor this time when you were usually quite calm about him complimenting you in German.
“I’m not sure how I should translate ‘Weibi’, but I’ll try… Weibi is sort of like little wifey. My lovely little wifey looks sweet as sugar again today. That’s essentially what I said.” His accent was thick again, as it had always been, but it added to his charm. Although he was usually a rather sweet man, this took you by surprise. You were his girlfriend, not his wife, yet, so you weren’t sure why he would call you that. It was rather sweet, but you weren’t sure how to process this.
“A-ah, I see…” Looking away, you grabbed your wrist and gently rubbed the skin there with your thumb. A rather obvious gesture, König seemed to be delighted about this. As you looked him in the eye again, you saw a glimmer in his eyes. It wasn’t anything devious, in fact it was a rare sight to behold in the first place as he could sometimes be rather timid, despite being a behemoth. Unsure of what was about to happen, you turned to leave, a goofy grin on your face that you hoped he hadn’t spotted just yet.
“Well, Weibi, you can’t just leave me hanging here. Don’t go, where would I be without you?” He tenderly grabbed your wrist. Despite his usual gentle ways, there was some strength to him, even now. “You’re my lovely little wifey and I love you a lot, so don’t leave just yet.” Even as you struggled against his grasp on you, even as you continuously turned to face away from him, he always found a way to get to see your pretty face. Resorting to hiding your face behind your palm seemed fruitless as well, König, too, had two hands, after all. He was too strong, despite him barely using any of his strength. Curse him and the fact he was part of a PMC. One of these days, you were going to give him a piece of mind. Until then, he may run free. Holding both of your hands in his, he pushed you against the kitchen wall, trapping you against it and him.
“You like that nickname, don’t you?”
Using the opportunity that presented itself to hide further from him, you pushed your body against his, concealing yourself still. “It’s just… I don’t know if I’m understanding this the right way, but being your wife sounds kind of nice, actually… Like, it seems like a rather domestic nickname. If you were a bit more careful with your body, then I just know you’d make for an ideal husband too. The idea of someday being your real wife just gets to me, you know?”
He hadn’t even considered that up until that point. But you being his wife, him being your husband, it sounded like a dream. Letting go of your wrists, he wrapped his arms around you instead. “I know, Weibi. But don’t worry too much about it. I used to be far more reckless when I was younger. So I’m sure I will calm down in the future. Besides, why not make it a reality someday? Just the two of us in our own apartment, maybe with a kitten or two to take care of. I’d love to marry you someday, you’re the best girlfriend I’ve ever had. I love you more than anyone and anything else.”
König had the chance to be such an asshole in that moment, and despite that he chose to be a sappy idiot. Again, you were reminded as to why you loved him in the first place. Wrapping your arms around him as well, you breathed in his scent. That all-too familiar scent you’ve come to adore. The one that reminded you that no one could ever harm you, that you were safe, no matter what. He was so warm too, you couldn’t help but melt into him. “You’re such an idiot, you know that?”
He pressed a kiss to your temple before chuckling again. “Bear with an idiot for a moment? Just until we’re married and I’ve burned the certificate.”
“Because then I can’t return you? König, have you been looking at memes again?”
“Hush, Weibi. No one needs to know.”
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r2y9s · 2 months
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"There he sat, with a straw hat tilted over his nose and a cigarette stuck between lips."
saw the illustration by John H. Bacon in Gentleman and Players and had the strongest urge to redraw it. so i did :)
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starrysharks · 2 months
contemplating renaming dr savory to dr krankenstein
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coach-ukai-keishin · 8 months
soooo uhmmm I just think more people should give The White Vault a try because 👉👈 well. some people would love Graham Casner merch okay. And there isn't any. NONE!!!!! please.
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
My dog is very distraught that I was struggling to clear my airways. Now she's scratching up the door trying to get someone's attention to tell them to help me. I keep trying to tell her I'm not dying but she's not having it. She does this nearly every time I have to cough or clear my throat a lot and I don't know what I did to deserve her.
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thegroundhogdidit · 1 year
the worst part about making heisenberg actually german in my au (aside from the possible connection to nazis in ww2) is that while i can obviously have him curse in german, i absolutely CANNOT have him say "oh mein gott" because i KNOW every reader will read it in a little german boy voice
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crystal-lillies · 10 months
If you would have told me not two months ago when I was rewatching Teen Titans 2003 that a new contemporary Superman cartoon would be made with anime inspirations and aesthetic, make Slade Wilson a twink, and have Brain and Monsieur Mallah be eccentric scientist lovers, I wouldn't have believed you.
And yet. Here we are.
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deva-arts · 12 days
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Love is tricky to navigate sometimes. Sera navigates it with a broken GPS and a sundial.
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lyxchen · 5 months
I want my gender to be Neurodivergend Little Queer Boy From The 90s and I think I have achieved that by dressing and cutting my hair like Campbell Bain and Alex Mercer
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alicent-archive · 5 months
Viserys, Otto, Lyonel, and Daemon had the situationship of all time let me tell you.
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murphyslawyer · 2 months
why didn't that idiot just fucking kiss me in Rome? I think I'm going fucking crazy
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scoliosisgoblin · 3 months
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doodles of the gay idiots feat Mona and my girlfriend's oc, Lilly :) (who is also a gay idiot)
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asphaltmeadowws · 4 months
felt zero excitement with taylor's new album announcement, she ruined our relationship once she decided to become a chiefs fan
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