#i'm gonna ascend there oof
moonchild-in-blue · 4 months
Of course CAS are announcing a tour that actually comes to my city the day I decided to talk about them. I did this 🖤
I’ve got a love for you I just can’t escape All of my love for you cuts me like barbed wire
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luveline · 1 year
hi Jade! I had a Miguel request but I apologize that it’s rather vague. Could you do Miguel comforting/dealing w how to comfort r when she’s genuinely afraid of something? I figure he’d be a little lost until he snaps into how much he cares! <3 love u
hope this is okay, thank u for requesting!! ♥
cw drug mention
Miguel watches you from the corner of his eye, uneasy. Arms stretched out in front of you to avoid walking into walls in the dim lighting, you follow the beam of his flashlight through the dark laboratory you'd wanted to investigate one precarious step at a time. The air smells of water-logged wood, rotting and stagnant. 
You're not his protege, but Miguel decided to take you under his wing (his claw? his web?) because you have good ideas, and he needs all the help he can get if he's going to save everyone, everywhere. He's also fucking tired and he's agitated with you for bringing him to some derelict building in a dimension that doesn't have spiders, let alone Spider People. 
"Why did you need this thing?" he asks. 
"Already told you." 
"Tell me again." 
If Miguel thinks he's a man of little words, you talk even less. "Spider adjacent creatures create a chemical similar to what you're injecting now, but less volatile." 
He doesn't remember you telling him that before. He doesn't stutter, the only evidence of his surprise a waver of the light beam. 
"And you'll, what? Synthesise for me?" he asks. 
"It could be gentler. Maybe give you a sense of normalcy."
Normalcy. He hasn't felt normal in a long time. 
He snaps into the quiet, "This is a waste of time, I don't need something gentler, what I need is to be back at the lab fixing your communicator." 
"It'll be like methadone," you say, stepping over a puddle of water with no apparent source. It must be seeping upward. 
He's lucky he didn't just get 'methadone' and nothing else thrown at him. Miguel fixes the flashlight up the oncoming stairs as you start to ascend, lightly chastened. Methadone is a drug intended to assist in heroin dependency. It has its own cons, but in lots of cases, it can help the user stop using the original drug. He assumes you're suggesting that whatever drug he synthesises from the 'spider adjacent creature' will help him wean off of the injections (unlikely), or maybe repair some damaged DNA (complicated but not favourable right now).
"It'll be safer," you say, walking into the room toward an upturned lab bench. "You can make something with it. I know you can." 
"I have to do it?" he asks, stopped in the doorway. 
"You're the geneticist. It's really quiet." 
The lack of changing cadence to your voice doesn't catch up with him until you're turning back toward him, your nervous expression lit by the torch. One second you're looking at him for reassurance, and the next you're falling through the floor, wood splintering up in a wave as the boards crack.
You scream. As loud of a sound as Miguel has ever heard from you, your arms slam forward to catch onto the edge of the hole your feet created. Miguel doesn't immediately move, aware that his weight over the weakened floor will damage the integrity further, but you beg him, shrill, "Miguel," you say, your voice strangled, "help me!"  
Your arms scrabble for purchase, you're pleading through sobs, "I don't want to fall–" 
He snaps his torch to his shoulder and flips forward. He grabs your arms, rolling across the shattered flooring to the opposite end of the room, releasing you as the weight of your bodies lands. You oof and roll out of his arms. 
He's quick to get on his feet. Miguel hardly felt it. You flinch away from him and hold out your arms, a sleuce of maroon blood spilling down your side from under your arm. "Don't! Miguel, don't concentrate our weight!" 
"You're crying," he says. 
"Stop moving!" you yell. 
"Alright!" he yells back, moving back toward a load-bearing pillar. "Calm down, estúpida! I'm not going to let you fall." 
"You can't come over here, the floor's gonna break again." 
"It won't break." 
"It's going to break!" 
You breathe harshly, staring at the hole you'd made. He understands why you were scared. The fall was sudden, and if you'd managed to slide through the hole you would have snapped your legs, perhaps your spine. Super healing doesn't negate pain. 
"Lyla?" he asks. 
She appears from his watch, in pyjamas with her hair held back by a white bunny-eared headband. "I was taking my fake nap. What do you want?" 
"I want a filter that accounts for a building's structural integrity," he says. 
"That's impossible without blueprints and– Hey, woah, what happened to Y/N?" she asks, keying in on your frantic panting. 
"Tell me how to get from here to there without breaking through the floor," he says, snaps, incensed by your panicked breathing. 
Lyla thankfully doesn't argue, nor does she make him beg. His heart pounds at the sight of you where you're shaking, certain you're a moment from falling again, your hands clamped uselessly to an outlet fixture on the wall. 
A blue path lights up Miguel's UI. It directs him with blinking arrows on how to reach you. Miguel follows along, and, wanting to carry you or at the very least wipe your wet cheeks, he lifts you onto your feet and walks you back to the door, directing you over stress points, hand held taut in his. The floor groans and sags dangerously underfoot, but it doesn't collapse again. 
You should've been wearing your suit, he thinks. You're an idiot. You came out here wanting to find something for him when you should've been directing your efforts to the cause of the strike force and the whole Society, but you wasted time, and now you're injured. You should've been wearing your fucking web shooters–
You try uselessly to bury your hands in his suit, your face dropped to his chest. You sob quietly, your shoulders shaking. "I'm sorry," you say, borderline hysterical. 
Miguel brings his hand to your shoulder awkwardly. You might have made a mistake, but you're kind. You're more than a brilliant mind, you're a person, with fear and want intertwined. You clearly hadn't liked the dark but you'd braved it for him knowing the chemical here in the labs could improve his quality of life. He shouldn't think about you so meanly. You couldn't have known about the floor. 
"What are you sorry for?" he asks with a sigh. 
His awkwardness comes across as reluctance. You stiffen under his hand. 
"I thought I was gonna fall," you say weakly, sniffling against his chest. 
Miguel starts to rub a slow shape into your back. It feels wrong to hear and see you cry, his quiet cariño, who haunts his laboratory offering little in the way of words but always a smile if you have it to give. "It's okay," he says, ducking his head to talk into your hair. He remembers how to do this. "Don't cry. I would've caught you." 
Miguel would've followed you down and wrapped you up to take the brunt of it without thinking, he knows that.
Your arms wrap around his sides. "When you didn't come get me I thought you were gonna let me fall," you confess, with a wet laugh as if to say, How silly am I?
Insanely silly. 
Miguel pats your back in a steadying thump, thump, thump. "Are you kidding? You think something like that would happen on my watch?" 
You shudder and give a little cough. He's surprised you didn't throw up, you'd wound yourself that tightly. Miguel pushes you away to make sure you aren't about to yak on him, and to check your face over for injury. He moves down to your neck, your bloodied side. 
"We need to go home," he says, holding your arm up away from the wound in as tender a grasp as he's capable of. 
"I didn't find the adendiam."
"Forget about it," he says. "We're going home. You're hurt." 
Miguel would pull you through the portal kicking and screaming if he had to, but luckily, you don't make a fuss. 
It's admittedly a blow to your ego to have cried in Miguel's arms. You don't know what to say or how to look at him now, miserable as he wipes down your skin with an iodine solution. His touch lingers: his hand on your shoulder, his reassuring hug less than an hour before like a cobweb on your skin. 
He passes you a change of clothes, a simple white shirt for moments like this. There's no need or want for a hospital gown. 
You pull it on, wincing at the soreness despite your quick healing and the nanotechnology that stitched your mean cut. You've deep bruises everywhere, especially under your arms where you caught yourself. 
You haven't managed to stop shaking, curled forward with a disposable bedpan in your hands. The smell of iodine makes you nauseous. 
Miguel audibly huffs. You can't face his disappointed glare. 
"Sorry, Miguel," you say. "I… wanted to do something to help you." 
"That was your first mistake. I don't need help." 
You wince and go rigid, clinging to your bedpan for dear life and cursing yourself for being an idiot as he'd lamented, when a weight shifts on the examination table. A blue bedecked thigh spread out next to your own. 
"Second mistake, thinking I'd leave you to fall. Third, thinking you owe me an apology." 
"Any more?" you ask weakly. 
Your waist grows hot under the touch of a hand. Miguel wraps his arm around you gently. "No. Nothing else." 
Miguel pulls you in for a half hug.
You lean in to his side. He's solid beside you, and he starts to talk. He tells you about Rapture, the first time, and the mistakes he made after it. How scared he was in few words but an honest admission, his arm never moving from where it curls around you, holding you close. "We all have things that scare us," he says. "But you can't let them stop you from moving forward."
"How do you stop the fear?" you ask. 
"No, you can't. You need to keep going. I wasn't going to let you fall, and I won't, but you need to be able to pull yourself up. I can't… lose you to fear." 
You look up at the side of his face. He's looking down at the floor, not bashful or nervous but determined. His brow is set, and when he turns his gaze to you, it doesn't soften. 
"I can't lose you," he says. "I won't." 
You stare as he wraps you in a hug, your wide eyes looking over his shoulder in shock, your hands moving weakly behind his back to reciprocate. He drops his face into your neck. 
After a moment, you close your eyes and lean in. 
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For those of you who don't have a Game Stop Magazine Subscription, here's the latest article on Dragon Age Veilguard. Kudos to the Author, Wesley Leblanc, who spent a ten hour day with Bioware's team to create this article.
If you like it please subscribe to Game Stop Magazine cause they genuinely do some good editorial work! I've been subscribed for a long time and never have had one that doesn't at least have one article that speaks to me.
This article has a lot of interesting points, and a couple of things I haven't seen talked about yet. Some neat things to note:
They talk to multiple people in the article such as John Epler (Creative Director), Matt Rhodes (Art Director), and Mark Darrah (who has become a consultant on the project! I don't think I've seen that mentioned before?).
Confirmation on the Elven Gods we've released with our messing with the ritual : Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain - Yikes!!
ALSO,,, mentioned on a further page about the Elven Gods being BLIGHTED????? Bioware what do you MEAN. How the hell could they have become BLIGHTED. Is it a being in the fade thing?? Is it a being in the golden city thing?????? I'm so CONFUSED.
Talk about the Magical Lighthouse that's going to be the base of operations like Skyhold. Looks like it's another of Solas' hideouts we're taking over, but this one is firmly in the fade. Which is hella interesting, I know that you can have sections in the fade that are different but a specifically bubbled part of the fade to separate it off from the rest so he can have a stronghold that's unfindable is incredible. Also, cute picture of everyone around the table. But no Varric - I really think they're gonna kill him off guys, oof.
Also possible confirmation that Solas' will be working with us? He points out the lighthouse and talks to Rook about what he was doing,,, which yo what kind of Prison was he putting them in instead?
Interesting points brought up about Rook and why he's the main character. "Rook is here because they chose to be, and that speaks to the kind of character we've built. Someone needs to stop this and Rook says I guess that's me." and "Rook ascends because of competency and not a magical macguffin." are both quotes from the article about him. Interesting dichotomy from Inquisition's character, who was very forced into the role. (And frankly the other DA main characters, all of them did not choose to become what they ended up being.)
Also side note, one throw away line on page four says about because Rooks blood got in the ritual he's connected to the fade forever??? That's some suspicious thing right there. What do you mean Bioware??????
I might post the pictures from the article in a separate post. They're really pretty. (Also the cover art for the article, I wasn't able to fit it here too. Tumblr limitations on photos 😞.)
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w3ath3r-0f-sw34t3rz · 7 months
˗ˏˋ cavetown songs. ´ˎ˗
i just wanna talk about em
this is home 💭 (what do you want from me? this song isn't even real it makes me feel The Most. the first note and i have ascended into the heavens above. there are no words)
just add water 🦕 (makes me feel like i'm underwater)
banana bread 🐝 (underrated. i hope you're alright i didn't wanna wake up last night but i quite liked the dream i had of holding your hand? oh my god it goes so hard)
talk to me ☎️ (the hug that i need)
boys will be bugs 🐛 (gender👍)
sweet tooth 💞 (BANGER this is what alchohol SHOULD taste like FORUUUUMYHONEYYDEWWW)
smoke signals ✨ (underrated AS ALL HELL. so fricken beautiful)
sharpener 🩹 (i have issues)
grocery store 🪫 (SO ME CODED FR)
we're alive 🪦 (theres a fire on my floor telling me to sleep some more. chilling and yet comforting in a way only cavetown can be)
hazel 🌙 (i wake up with this in my head often. there's just something about it)
devil town 👻 (it's devil town)
trenchh 🐚 (nobody anywhere has anything on this chorus)
nostalgia in my bedroom 🌸 (such vibe tm)
lavaicerink 🧊 (vibe tm)
sliipping lately 📼 (bop. and vibe tm.)
it's u 🌌 (my wedding song idc. ifufalldown2far&icantseeuthrutheesmarks&ureyesrcoveredinscars&myheadisfillingw/tardwwellfindanotherwayoutursilhouettedoesntlookquiteright&icanneverfindthetime2burymyhandsinwordsidgrowanewkindofevergreentreejust4u&meon2ndthoughtswilluevenrememberme.)
big bowl in the sky 🪽 (makes me throw myself on my dog and sob every time)
888 📀 (👏trapped👏in👏my👏tiny👏human👏brain👏 IF I MOVE MY HANDS FAST ENOUGH I WONT DIE???!?!??!?!"?!? BRO?!?#??#!?@)
poison ☠️ (i feel like i'm lying in the middle of the road in the rain at dusk and something is coming and i should be afraid yet i know everything is gonna be ok)
pigeon 🩻 (ya novel main character moment)
pyjama pants 💤 (my love language)
empty bed 🧸 (oof. this. this gets to me)
guilty 🦴 (insane bro just so good)
a kind thing to do 🌱 (OH MY GOD??? HUH??!?? the way this fuckin song tickles my soul)
wasabi 🧦 (wow. huh)
i swear to god 🦇 (aughhgh it's sog ood. so sgoodfs. sog)
juno 🐾 (one of my favorite things about cavetown is how many songs he has talking about connections with animals. that is just something so personal to me and this song in particular i just relate to on such a deep level)
juliet 💐 (shit he is so pretty.)
ty for ur time
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avionvadion · 11 months
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Well, at least Astarion is self-aware, lol. He is a very magnificent bastard.
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I'm probably going to end up making two save files- one where we just kill Cazador, and one where he becomes a true Vampire. I wanna see both endings.
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I just wanted to recharge my spells T_T bestie, why you in trouble?
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I feel so betrayed right now. I love my monsters, but I don't love Mindflares. T_T I am not fond of the tentacle mouth.
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It's hard keeping Astarion on the good path... oof. I guess that's why Astra's there, though. She balances out his more evil tendencies. Seeing his different endings is gonna be neat.
I wonder if there's a way to actually get his mortality back, though... because right now I only see two outcomes- kill Cazador, drink his blood and become a true vampire, or take Cazador's place in the ritual so Astarion can still walk in the sun once the tadpole situation is taken care of. He'll be a powerful vampire either way, but in one he'll be condemned to the shadows... and the other he'll most likely turn true evil as a result of the corruption from ascending.
Is this what Larian meant about his storyline being traumatizing? T_T I just want my man mortal again so we can find out what his original eye color was. I'm so curious. Where's a scroll of True Resurrection? Gale?
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ardent-fox · 6 months
✨ Tag Game Master Post ✨
Hi, all! Catching up on these two games I was tagged in during the holidays 💖
First up, thank you to the lovely @lupeloto for creating and tagging me in this fun Tag Game! 🥰
📺 Favorite tv show? At the moment, Our Flag Means Death (shields self from tomatoes being thrown at her 😁)
🕴️ Favorite character? Oof, this is difficult. Gonna have to go with my precious baby boy, Stede
💋 Favorite relationship in the show? Blackbonnet (shocking, I know)
👯‍♂️ Fav sibling relationship in the show? No blood relations but the entire crew is chosen family, so… all of them?
🎨 Favorite art form? Music, with a heavy focus on lyrics/words
⚡️ A talent you wish you had? Being able to draw would be cool
☀️ What is one thing that can always make your day better? My toddler nephew saying the most hilarious things, he's barely 3 and already the funniest person I know
🎬 Favorite fictional character of all time? Atticus Finch (any works he appears in besides To Kill a Mockingbird do not count)
🌅 Dream place to travel to? Thailand or Ireland (either "land" would do, get it? 🧍‍♀️ ...I'll see myself out)
🎈 You’re planning a huge party, what’s the theme? The Masque of the Red Death, get fancy and spooky, bitches 🎭💀
🍕 Favorite pizza topping of all time? All kinds of cheese and extra mushrooms
🥂 You can pick ONE celebrity to have dinner with… Who? Andrew Garfield, {Marge Simpson voice} I just think he's neat
🎥 Favorite movie that you kinda know is bad but you still love? Rocky Horror Picture Show 👄
👖 How would you describe your style? The "I gained a substantial amount of weight in the past 5 years and haven't bought anything new since, so I now wear whatever I can fit into and lots of dresses and skirts cause pants are uncomfortable and shopping for them is a nightmare" style 😬
🖤 Finally, something making you smile this week? My mom's reaction to a present she really wanted, seeing her that touched was soul ascending ✨
Next, I got tagged by @deedala, @tanktopgallavich, @suzy-queued and @lupeloto to complete this round of Weekly Tag Wednesday, thank you my darlings! 💙
Name: Lyds
Location: Unknown location in Europe
Astrological Sign: Taurus squaaaad ♉
What's a TV show or movie you plan to re-watch this year? Hubby has never seen Giant, so I'll be rewatching it soon as well as some other classics like Some Like It Hot and Philadelphia Story, I'm sure I'll rewatch Frankie and Johnny for the umpteenth time as well. As far as shows go, I rewatch Our Flag Means Death at least once a month since it's my comfort show, and might do a Shameless rewatch since I've only seen the whole thing once (excluding all the Gallavich scenes)
What's a book or fic you will probably re-read this year? The entirety or The Menagerie by @crossmydna and Honeycomb by @metalheadmickey with artwork by @heymrspatel 💕
What is a song you will likely continue to play on repeat? I've been replaying One Of Your Girls by Troye Sivan for days and don't plan on stopping anytime soon, also still listening to Hozier's entire Unreal Unearth album whenever I'm chilling
What's a tasty treat you look forward to eating more of this year? Gonna steal Ri's answer here and say cinnamon buns, as well as my husband's homemade pizza rolls that I previously mentioned, as they're our favorite thing to eat while binge-watching
What's a time sink that you will continue to sink time into this year? Scrolling this beloved hellsite
Did you pick up any habits in 2023 that you plan to continue? Only unhealthy ones that I plan on ridding myself of in 2024 👋
What's your toxic trait? Inflexibility and freaking out when things don't turn out the way I've planned
What is a coping mechanism you will continue to indulge in this year? Staying in my burrow with my hyperfixations
Tell me something you like about how you look! My full, rosy lips against my smooth, pale skin
Give me at least three adjectives describing things you like about yourself. Honest, open-minded, creative 🌸
I'm out of the loop (which is about to change since I celebrated the last of the festivities today) and haven't been keeping up with the tags lately, but am still going to tag some peeps if you want to do either or both of these: @heymrspatel, @stocious, @too-schoolforcool, @xninetiestrendx, @krysmiss, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @michellemisfit, @whatwouldmickeydo, @vintagelacerosette, @metalheadmickey, @rereadanon, @francesrose3, @darlingian and anyone who sees this and wants to play! ✨
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voicestm · 3 months
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I know most people aren't gonna talk about it. Because it wouldn't occur to them or they just.. Don't have the experiences to pull from. But I do. And I don't always leave in trauma from my own life but Astarion is a little different. And as I'm digging my fingers into him.. And keep learning more and more about him, the more i begin to love him and see just a little too much of myself in bits of him.
So this is your time to exit the chat if you don't wanna see some hard truths.
Astarion would miss, mourn and feel guilt over Cazador. It's nearly impossible to explain if you haven't been through the trauma or have someone close to you who has.. But there's usually a certain switch that gets flipped when you're trapped with your captor for any length of time. It's one of few ways we learn to survive so long under their thumb. And it takes years of hard work, really hard work, to get to a point where your first natural reaction isn't .. "Don't talk about them like that. Don't say that. Don't think that. You don't understand. They didn't mean to." And so much more that it's impossible to write it all out. But there's this gut reaction to defeat and deflect. Even from your own inner voice. Oh, and the guilt. The loneliness. The.. Sheer otherness you feel. It's hard. It's so hard that most people probably don't talk about it with people who haven't been there cause it feels like they can never understand. And you don't want them to! Do you have any idea how broken we feel? How broken we are? We wouldn't wish that on anyone. Even if it meant some understanding. But that being said. Astarion knows exactly who and what Cazador was. He doesn't forget that. It's nothing something you can forget. But. It's in constant fight with everything else. A war between logic and good sense and emotions. It'll take him a long time to be healed, so that he doesn't always feel that way but he'll never be free of it. It'll be with him until death. And I think when Astartion ascends and there's that moment where he screams to never say his name.. It's a call back to that. Those deeply rooted emotions that abusers implant in their victims.. It's the best means they have to protect themselves. To make their victims their biggest advocates. And even when the victim becomes their abuser.. That's still just right inside of them. But there's been no healing and the lashing out is so much worse. And the self hatred? Oof. There's just not words for all the ways you hate yourself for missing and defending your abuser even when you know you shouldn't. But honestly.. That's a longer discussion for another time.
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dhampiravidi · 9 months
SPOILERS for TMI, TSC...everything til The Wicked Powers tbh. OC x Jace:
realizing that if my Wayland Shadowhunter!OC marries Jace, they have a last name problem.
she's the last Wayland & he's the last Herondale (until they find Kit). yeah, they could hyphenate, but I think that's only canonically happened w/Malec, partly because Magnus is a warlock.
now I'm also realizing that the Lightwood name (by itself, at least) will die out, bc Izzy's gonna be Isabelle Lovelace (pretty!). oof.
welp, guess some Ascended Shadowhunters are gonna have to pick up the slack.
meanwhile, my OC has no idea that Kieran's her half-brother, through their mom (who's still secretly alive in the Unseelie Court somewhere)
ONLY LIKE THIS IF YOU WANT TO RP TSC AS JACE (I don’t mind doubling up)
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cheollipop · 10 months
I say pillow but what I mean is “a couple of bricks inside a pillowcase” because you’re going to be taking us out one by one I know it blood has already been shed theres screaming I’m pretty sure there isn’t gonna be any survivors, and you’ll be standing there proud with a grin on your face saying it was a job well done 😔
no fr bc some of these asks..... thank you to the people breaking up the horny with bits and pieces of soft thoughts bc..... oof. tbh I'm not sure if I'll make it through to the end, my soul might ascend (and my kitty might explode) once I get to the really spicy ones (((>_<;)
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hakkikun · 2 years
🌺 Send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful. 🌺
Hyu! One of my favourite blogs :D
You're colouring is so pretty!and we both love Geto 🙈😌 I'm also so glad you watched ONS and Bleach. Can't wait for the upcoming season and see all the pretty gifs that you'll make ❤️🥰
Rini, thank you so much for this message!! Likewise, I'm always in love with your gifs and colorings 🥰 Haha I feel like I found a person with similar interests (interest being uhh.. probably geto dkndf) 😂 but ONS and Bleach were so good!! I loved every bit of it, can't wait for more episodes of bleach skjdnkfd i feel like we're gonna ascend bestie, all the new content OOF 😂❤️
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joshay98 · 6 months
Day 715 - 718 (2 years, 29 - 32 days)
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Heyo! Hope you had a nice feast! And lots of gifts! ^^
I finally got all the elder cosmetics!
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Yeah, some of these are extremely expensive. After I got all of them I only had a single ascended candle left. Can't wait to grind those again. TvT
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The Elder cosmetics are mostly just hairstyles. I really like the Forest Elder's and one of Valley Elder's hairstyles though. The Forest's long hair, covering the eyes, looks really nice. ^^
And Valley is just anime. X]
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There are also face accessories that are based of the basic ones. These are special though since they offer a shield that protects you from a krill hit. So when I do Eden again I know what to wear.
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Also the last quest of Season of Revival unlocked. It's just the Passage questline.
Love the room Passage Guide gets. Looks really comfy! They are the mask shop and I like how there are paint cans scattered around. As if they paint the masks themself. ^^
Also a small stand for face accessories. Really adorable how everything gets shown off. :D
Overall I really enjoy the season but I just wish the last half wasn't just repeats of past seasons. Oh well...
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Don't forget to visit old home to see the snowstorm kicking in. Makes grandma's hut look even more comfy.
I'm so happy though! Getting all the elder cosmetics has been a long term goal for me. And now I finally completed it! :D
Next goal would probably be getting all the tier 2 capes. Oof the black and white capes are gonna be expensive.
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astroismypassion · 10 months
I have dejanira and chiron conjunct the Ascendant, also a neptune dominant, I have heard it gives a kind of "easy prey" look which is kind if scary? I kind of see it in myself... can you share how to work with this?
Oof, yeah I get where you are coming from.
I think it's best to work on your confidence, self esteem, ego, personality, outlook on life. Try to be less defensive and taking things personally. Also learn to be more carefree and diplomatic. You might also come across as someone who has been through a lot in life. So maybe try to see the positive of some of your experiences to generate more positive outlook on life?
I'm not gonna lie, this is a hard question for me to answer. I struggle to find the right words and give concrete advice.
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ugh-yoongi · 10 months
hello. venus, ascendant, pisces and 5H?
hello hello! ty for asking! <3
venus ⇢ describe your ideal type hmm, i'm honestly not sure. taller than me. likes animals. kind but also isn't afraid of confrontation when it's needed. independent. not jealous, isn't gonna try telling me what to do. dark hair.
ascendant ⇢ do you believe in love at first sight? oof, no. i barely believe in "this person has good vibes" at first sight. 😭
pisces ⇢ what kind of art are you good at? (painting, dancing, singing, etc.) i think writing is the only one i can claim lmao. i'd love to be good at singing but it's not in the cards for me.
5H ⇢ do you have a hobby? which one(s)? writing and baking, mostly! i collect RJs and am always on the hunt for vintage stuff—furniture, knick knacks, etc. love an antique store. i tried embroidery but found out very quickly i did not have the patience.
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could you do robin x reader with anxiety? it’s something i really struggle with and oOf having her comfort would be 😮‍💨
A/n - Absolutely!! First request btw!!
"Thank you, Steve." Robin climbed out of the passenger seat, grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah. Have fun with your girlfriend." Steve pulled out of the Y/L/N residence's drive way, checking for cars.
"She's not my girlfriend." Robin protested, trudging towards the front door.
"Yet." Steve drove off down the street before Robin could rebuttal.
"Dingus." She breathed, pressing the doorbell and waited for the someone to answer.
Footsteps were muffled by the thick wooden door which swung open to reveal Mrs. Y/L/N. "Hey Robin, Y/N's in her room."
"Thank you, ill head up now. Um, how's the new baby?" Robin asked, stepping into the house.
"The baby's great, it's Y/N that I'm stressing 'bout. She started locking herself into her bedroom. Last time I actually saw her was Tuesday morning, when she went off to school."
"That was 3 days ago... I'll go make sure she's not dead." Robin smiled at the woman, ascending the stairs quickly.
"Thank you, honey."
"Y/N? Are you dead? Your mom is worried about you as am I now." Robin Knocked on the bedroom door.
"I'm not in the mood for visitors. I'm sorry Robin."
"At least you're not dead. Are you okay though?"
"I don't know..."
"Can i make sure you don't need medical attention? I'll leave after."
The door opened, and Robin jumped back quickly, having not expected that. "Hi." Y/N stood there, her eyes red rimmed and hair much messier than Eddie's.
"Everything okay? I mean, based on your appearance, you don't look okay, but my mum says some people just look like they cry all the time. Which, I'm not saying that you're a cry baby, I mean that some people look like they want to die 24/7."
"I don't think I'm okay." You admitted, looking down and rapping your arms around yourself.
Robin observed you. Your whole body was trembling, and your breathing was very uneven, not to mention the fidgeting with your hands and feet.
"You look like you had an anxiety attack." She muttered, to which nodded.
"I think so."
"Do you want anything? Your mom, food, water, my cat?"
"Just you, if thats alright." Robin's cheeks burned at that, but she had to ignore her racing heart, and help you.
"What'd you want from me?" Robin asked. You stepped aside, and she walked in, placing her bag in the usual spot by the door and taking her shoes off.
"I dunno, i've never really had to deal with anxiety this bad."
"Would a hug help?" Robin opened her arms, waiting to see what Y/N would do.
She hesitated, but warpped her arms around Robin's frame, burying her head into the other girls shoulder.
"Do you know why the anxiety is really bad?"
"I think its all the stress from the new baby."
"Is there more to it than that?"
"Your as bad as a liar as you are looking over Steve's kids."
"I know."
"You wanna lie down? I can tuck you in, like a sweet little child. You know, like Holly or... I was gonna say Erica."
You chuckled, Erica could be very mean. Robin, however, smiled. It made her happy seeing one of her favourite people laugh, and it felt better when she knew she was the was the cause.
"Okay... You can tuck me in to bed, as long as you join me?"
"Huh? As in lay in bed with you?" Robin starred down at you, utterly shocked and red in the face.
"Only if your comfortable, then yeah. I really just want to lie down and cuddle with someone."
"Alright then..." Robin said as she started shuffling over towards your bed, still hugging you.
She layed down in the already messy bed, pulling you with her. She grabbed the blankets that were piled and pulled them over the yourselves.
You both shifted till you were comfortable, and when you were, you felt better. Your face was pressed against her collar bone, arms wrapped around her upper torso and legs layed next to hers, touching.
"Do you wanna sleep the day away or talk for a little bit?"
"I really wanna sleep, I've been awake for 2 days." You felt her nod her head, and you both go radio silent. it wasn't long until you felt a hand reach up for your hair and start to play with it.
A hum arouse from your throat that sounded similar to that of a cats purr.
"Thank you, Robin." Was the last the last thing comprehensible thing you said before you drifted off, feeling like you were dancing on cloud 9.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
I am not ready at all
Let's do this
Who are these people
Ooo noice
She's a bond girl as if I know what that means
But damn girl
Omg these two are so cute and I don't even know who they areb
Hunter seems cool
Who's Marcia...?
Oh his sister
Rip girl
Uh so...
Whats wrong with the boy?
If Hunter loved his son, his wife lived for him.
He had known from the moment the boy was born that she would never love anyone – not even Hunter – as much as she loved her son.
He was okay with that.
I like this family
They are so soft
Oh he has the sight...
Or schizophrenia
Another one!!!
Also the boy isn't gonna grow out if it-
I don't know these people but like they don't know anything about the shadow world but their children will have to learn to navigate it and it isn't gonna be easy just
I think I overthink this too much like how I teared up in history today doing the Khilafat movement
Our history teacher is so 🥺🥺💕💕
Ok anyway
Also I will beat up those bullies
Oh yeah he has the sight
I think he's gonna be an ascendant
Also girl you're on the right path ily
Oh they have lost a child in the past?
Glow...he's talking about seraph blades
I'm more concerned about how the boy has seen a fight-
Ok I'm home gotta go inside-
Oh god I'm so tired everything hurts
Ok moving on
He wants a glowing gun my precious future Shadowhunter
Who's story is this anyway?
Is this someone we have met in the other parts...?
“She was very cool,” Hunter said, his throat tight. “But when people pass away, they don’t come back. That’s why we need to do our best to protect them.”
He's gonna do such great things
Oh my god he's outside the institute
Is it Jace...?
The guy...
Oh my god it's a Shadowhunter that's for sure
Fuck fuck fuck
Oof girl don't do that to your daughter she seems so nice
Psychotic much...
He's smoking...
Do you not know what those things so to you
My precious
This is obviously a side line to the original plot and like
I'm so interested
Wait which son are we talking about here?
I love outsider povs
But he did make a habit of it...
Oh shit
The senior boy can go die
A girl with a whip. A woman with a glowing sword. A boy with a bow. A boy with cat eyes. A woman with horns. A man with wings. A girl with sharp pointy teeth. A man with claws for hands.
Oh it's them
Yeah...that might me the best option
Oh pov change
Hi Claire!
Since she mentioned her husband's dead sister I'm guessing it's the same people
Ok uh-
“Nah. I just think he likes blondes,”
Yes he does
Ok I think it's time for therapy
Too many incidents have happened
Oh girl...I...
Fuck no
She needs to see a psychiatrist
Damn even the therapists quit
I think maybe they should have taken the therapist up on the mental institution offer
I feel like there is a reason the names of the kids haven't been announced yet
He's going to Columbia, rafe went to Columbia
Who Camila was shipping rafe with
The necklace is based off of Izzy's omg
“No one would have missed that piece of shit,” her daughter rolled her eyes.
There was absolutely no fear in those icy blue eyes.
No fear. No remorse. No guilt. No empathy.
Nothing at all.
I'm genuinely so concerned that's psychotic
She escaped though
It's Mallory holy shit
Ayy Coraline and Mallory
Did she break into Coraline's house or smth?
Coraline kept a pic of David...
Oh fuck Mallory
Bestie gonna run
Antoni didn't...
Girl what
Also your brother would not want this
The scene from their time in Paris
Oh wow oh wow
Oh no is she gonna obsess over max now?
Oh honey 😭😭
I'm so concerned for Max
Fine. Okay. He had a “boyfriend” or whatever. But Max was young. Just like her. She could see that. He was probably just having a holiday romance with that French boy.
It was fine.
Mallory fucking hell no
I'm so...
Oh she's going back to NY great
Yeah there's a fucking reason there isn't anything
I'm so concerned and my mental health is not in a good place so I am really close to sobbing at any second
If she hurts max or David...
Then it's on bitch
No fucking hell no
Fuck I'm crying I'm actually crying
What about the wards the fucking wards
Fucking hell Mallory
Where is everyone???
The hoodie he couldn't find
The rolling stones hoodie
She took the codex rafe had given him
Fuck no
That isn't supposed to be with mundanes
That's the wound Magnus healed in his chapter
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
How did she get past he wards How
No please she found the notebook
Mallory ffs leave
Oh my god she's gonna try and kill David
I'm trying to remember if there was anything like that in the previous chapters
Yes yes Markus we get it
Now stop your sister
Yeah well they are working on it
Camila and rafe and Anjali
Markus there's reason for why they are hidden
Yup it is
Also those boys are gonna die 🙂🔪
Imma pull a Mallory
Oh of course his stele dropping habits
Oh yeah rafe was dead for 3 days
Not a big deal or anything
Ffs no
Head in my hands
I hope he reached out to Camila and Rafael and did this the right way
I mean I don't know what I expected
He found the sea shell of course he did
I am hysterically laughing what do you mean there's a part 4
Just when I thought they could have a break...
Alec...honey please don't ever throw a super powerful seashell in the sea again what the fuck is happening
Me, who had a whole speech prepared:
you: Ok anyway so have a part 4
I can genuinely not wait omg omg omg. I am so excited to see more of the gang and this...psychotic family
I could literally feeling you losing your shit. I hope you are okay now. Take some time to chill.
Also thank you so much for the playlist! I'm so excited to bop to it.
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dreamyaqua · 4 years
can I get an astro ship with the boyz? 👀👀 I'm pretty sure you know my chart, but if you forgot I can send it again 😗😂💜💜💜
Of course you can!! I finally managed to get to your ask omg😂💜 And yes, I still have your chart saved, so don't worry.😙
For the first time, the person I'm gonna ship you with was actually the one I first thought of when sitting myself down to look into your compatibility- 😱💜💜💜
This was actually a tug of war and I'm gonna say something about it afterwards but firstly, I'm gonna ship you with...
Sunwoo-hoo! i'm sorry
Tumblr media
Your other most compatible matches would be Eric, Juyeon and Younghoon!!
So, now the tug of war thingy:
Juyeon and Sunwoo scored higher than Eric and Younghoon but that was only because I have their birth times...so depending on what Ascendant these two have, they might be an even better match. But I can say that they'd all be a great match for you.😗 (😈)
Juyeon is one I encourage a lot because not only is he a great match, he's also very earth heavy, so I feel like that would be great for you! Honorable mention: Chanhee would be a lovely match in that sense as well! Loving the Pisces Venus - Pisces Mars union.
And of course, Sunwoo, your Aries boy. His Moon is conjunct your Descendant which is one of the most powerful compatibility factors there are, so oof, I ship it, I had to.😗💜🥺👉🏻👈🏻 Though, I have to say, Younghoon is competing against him here, as his sun is in your 7th house, which is also one of the strongest compatibility factors. (And another honorable mention here: Jacob! If the birth time I found for him is correct, his Leo Ascendant is conjunct your Descendant which would be really great as well!🥺👉🏻👈🏻)
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