#i'm hungry and i decided to answer this before making myself lunch
navree · 1 year
hey! before anything just wanted to say i love your meta, you always have super thoughtful responses :)
anyway just wondering, what do you think the portrayal of alicent making a window in the wall of her own prison/being a woman for trump etc? i really don't like how this played out on the show but i'd be curious to hear your thoughts
Oh thank you that's so sweet!!! Glad that there are people who like whenever I babble on about things <3
I'm gonna separate this into two different things, because the concept of "making a window in your prison" and "woman for Trump" are two very different things. I'll start with the latter, because making a comparison between Alicent and women for Trump is incredibly stupid and not supported by the text of the show. This one gets me kinda heated, cuz as I've said, I work in politics, so this isn't just an interest, this is literally something I am spending my life doing, and here's the thing: Women for Trump is a very specific political group. It is a political group borne of a very specific time in the United States of America, and you can't really make it analogous to one lady in a society modeled in Middle Ages England. And more importantly, even if you take away the actual literal Women for Trump group (which is a political group that's an offshoot of the American Tea Party movement that's mostly just a Tea Party lady and people she knows who support Trump) and refer to just women who happened to vote for Donald Trump, it still doesn't make sense.
The fact that there were women, in particular white women, who voted for Donald Trump in spite of their best interests, in spite of the fact that it would mean things like appointing anti-choice judges or just in general his horrible attitude towards women and his long history of sexual assault and harassment and abuse, is an incredibly complex topic. It's a mix of things like various other prejudices taking precedence over group self interest (willing to accept Trump's misogyny because you're super homophobic or racist and like his homophobia and racism), and just how politics specifically grew and spread in the American populace in the 21rst century. None of these various sociological and very specific factors apply to the situation of.........Alicent following the precedence of law for her kid? There's nothing in Alicent's story or what she does that supports this idea that she is operating against her own self interests due to much stronger societal prejudices and hatreds that have been present in her society for centuries (bastardphobia isn't a real thing) and because her own personal convictions (say, supporting anti-choice measures because someone personally is anti-choice) are stronger than the overall societal good (the fact that anti-choice measures are unpopular and incredibly bad and also affect so much more than just abortion access). It literally just doesn't make sense to me at all that it's a comparison being made, and I think it's telling that it's a comparison primarily being made by people who probably think that voting in midterm elections is a waste of time.
(also if the argument for it is "alicent's got internalized misogyny just like women who supported trump" then i'm gonna be honest imma need you to pull textual receipts for alicent's supposed internalized misogyny, because that is literally nowhere to be found in anything alicent's actually said or done in the entire ten episodes we've gotten so far)
Now that that's out of the way: Alicent making a window for herself in the walls of her prison. There's no denying Alicent's done that, she has and she herself seems aware of it in her conversation with Rhaenys where she brings it up. But, that's not a bad thing? Rhaenys implies that this is a sort of failing on Alicent's part, because rather than just be imprisoned she should have tried to "escape", and many people much smarter and more eloquent than I have pointed out why that's a ridiculous thing to say to Alicent, especially coming from someone as privileged and with as many resources as Rhaenys. The Shawshank Redemption is not based on a true story, ladies and gentlemen. If you're in a prison, literal or societally constructed or anything, the best thing you can do is just try to find the best of things for your time there until you're out. The idea that Alicent is in a bad situation, imprisoned in her marriage and by the role society has for her, and makes the best of that, finds the power she can wield where she can (participates in Small Council meetings, essentially becomes regent when Viserys becomes incapacitated) and helps who she can with her power (offers Dyana comfort and contraceptives and a way to start a new life and does attempt to discipline her son for his actions) and finds whatever happiness she can (in her love for her children and attempts to bond with them) is not a bad thing. It's kind of how the world works. I don't think there's anyone, anywhere, who hasn't been in a situation they haven't wanted to be in, however fleeting and however great or small, and hasn't just decided "let me find the things that are good in this while I'm stuck here". Monty Python wrote a whole song about it. No, I don't have any issue with the fact that Alicent, in a situation she cannot get out of, did the best she could and found contentment, if not happiness, where she could get it.
The issue I have with it is that the show seems to be leaning more towards the fact that this is some kind of flaw on Alicent's part. Again, as I've mentioned, I don't view Alicent making herself a little window in her prison as a bad thing, because that's all she can do with the tools she has available. She doesn't have dragons or armies loyal to her personally or a claim on any seat of power. Her power derives first from her husband and then later from her husband (along with her own authority and goodwill that she's cultivated during her queenship), and if, like Rhaenys said, Alicent is someone who wants power, it makes no sense for her to try and cut herself off from that by "escaping", rather than just making the system work for her. That's just what most people do and have done throughout the entirety of history. It is incredibly rare for someone to affect the change they want from outside the system unless you're talking about a sweeping societal issue, and even then that involves the system largely getting on board with the outside view and acquiescing to it. Alicent's doing the same thing everyone does, the same thing Rhaenys herself did, she's making the world she lives in and the confines of her gender work for her as best as she can, despite the limitations. It's not a bad thing, or an immoral thing, or a weak thing, it's just something people do.
And lastly, part of that view seems to come from the idea that Alicent is being cowardly because she does want ultimate power, but is choosing to stay confined to the gender norms of Westeros that refuse to give it to her, even while knowing that she's being disadvantaged. That's the entire impetus behind Rhaenys's line of Alicent imagining herself on the Iron Throne. But the show has never so much as hinted at the idea that Alicent wants the throne. There has been nothing to show that Alicent is power hungry and that Alicent would have taken the throne for herself if she had the opportunity. Alicent's involvement in politics is a combination of her doing her duty towards the realm as queen (a good queen counts the cost to her people, etc) and her genuine good nature that makes her want to try and be certain that things are going well not just for people she knows but for the realm at large. Alicent's motivations have never been about power, her motivations have been primarily about duty and love: duty to the realm and duty to her father and family but love for Rhaenyra and love for her children, and everything is borne of those two key concepts. We know Rhaenys wants the throne, because she was denied the throne solely on the basis of her gender in spite of the fact that Viserys was ill-suited and she would have been better, so it makes sense that she might view other power-grabs through that lens as well. But the narrative doesn't push back on the fact that, just because that's how Rhaenys sees the situation doesn't mean that it's correct, because Alicent has never expressed that desire. Then it becomes some shoddy writing that nobody tried to think about for longer than two seconds, because good line outweighs actually making sense. That's a problem that isn't unique just to this scene, it also shows up in the "now they see you as you are" thing which, baller line, makes no sense in context and is just bad writing.
TL;DR: Some of it is just bad analysis from people who don't understand narrative, the show, or American politics that does not hold up whatsoever and I refuse to entertain beyond a scathing critique, some of it is people taking a normal thing I don't have an issue with and I think is a decent part of Alicent's characterization and twisting it in bad faith for some reason, and some of it is just writing that wasn't thought through all the way.
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
baby, it's cold outside
alternatively: she just wants to stay in bed
in which she always get seasonal depression at the same time of the year and he tries to make her feel better about it
(series masterlist)
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logan opens the door to their apartment, slightly baffled at the eerie silence he's greeted with. he smiles slightly when stubby approaches him with a smile, hopping right by him as he slips his shoes off right by the entryway.
the corgi pads behind him by a step as he makes his way further into the house. when he entered the living room, he had half expected to find his girlfriend sitting on the couch with kidnapper on her lap while she binged on the new netflix show she started to watch last night.
but nothing. his girlfriend is nowhere to be found in the common areas.
he hums before heading for his room - the last place he had seen her before he left in the morning for the gym. surely enough, there she was still in the same spot as he remembered.
"you haven't eaten yet?" logan voices out, gently putting his bag down right by his bedroom door. he turns on the light, tilting his head in confusion when she pulls the blankets over her head. "babe, it's almost one in the afternoon."
"i'm not hungry," she answers simply.
"have you gotten out of bed yet?"
"no, i don't have anything to do today."
"have you fed the kids?"
"i thought you fed them breakfast."
"i did. what about lunch? they were supposed to eat at twelve-thirty."
she doesn't respond immediately. she removes the blanket from her head and turns to look at him. "i lost track of time. i'm sorry."
she starts to push herself off the bed, carefully moving around the cat that's decided to take solace at the foot of the bed right next to her feet. "i'll do it right now."
"hey, don't worry about it," logan sighs, walking over to where she is. he holds her shoulders and gently forces her back down to her previous spot. "what's wrong? you're usually up and about by nine."
she lowers her chin and then lifts her eyes to meet him. she pushes her hair behind her ear and sighs. "it's too cold," she mutters, shaking her head slightly. "and it's so dark outside - i couldn't get myself out of bed."
something immediately connects in his head. he should've known that this was coming. every year, without fail, during the peak of winter when it gets too cold to do anything, she tends to start feeling a little bit under the weather.
the sun is only out for a short window of time every day, and it’s only contributed to how hard it’s been to get herself out of bed.
everything just seems so blue and mellow, as she’s said several times before.
“okay, how about,” logan hums with a small smile, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. he takes his hands into hers. “i’ll go make lunch, feed kidnapper and stubby. and then let’s go on a date? let’s go drive to the park outside of town and take a walk?
“or, if you want… i heard from ciara that there’s a new go-kart place that opened downtown. if you wanna race, we can go and do that!”
“the sun is gonna set in two hours,” she whines, throwing herself back into the bed head first. “what is the point of even doing anything during the winter?”
“don’t say that,” logan frowns, pulling her up to prevent her from lying back down. “we’re heading to australia in a couple of days — just hang on for a bit and then we can go bask in the sun and piss oscar off.”
“that’s too far away. i don’t wanna do anything until we absolutely have to leave for the airport,” she insists, attempting to drop herself back into the bed once more. “just leave me here to rot and die.”
he laughs softly, letting go of her hands when she drops herself on her back one more time. she turns around to lie on her stomach and buries her face into his pillow. “babe, you have to eat something.”
“i don’t have to eat anything. a human body can survive days without food,” she says, moving her head slightly to peek at him with one eye. “i hate winter. i’m so glad we’re going to melbourne for christmas.”
“i won’t be able to go to melbourne with you if you don’t eat anything,” logan frowns, resting a hand on her lower back. he shakes her slightly, prompting an annoyed mew from the black cat on the bed. “sorry.”
“i’ll starve until melbourne.”
he presses his lips together, trying to rake his brain for the file that had the list of ways that they would do over the years to pull her out of her seasonal depression. it’s always a challenge to try and remember the whole list.
instead of thinking, logan inches forward before resting his entire body weight on her back. she groans and attempts to roll out from under him, but he doubles down and simply grabs her wrists.
“let me cook you lunch so i can nurture you! your mum will kill me if i let you starve!”
“she won’t know unless you tell her!”
“i’ll tell her!”
“then i’ll feel bad cause she will kill you! just don’t tell her!”
“feel bad enough to eat what i’ll cook you?”
“what if we go to the chinese restaurant down the street?”
he feels her lift her head, making him crane his neck to look at her. she pushes the hair out of her face and stares at him blankly. “beef noodles? dimsum? really?”
he smiles at her enthusiasm. “yeah, of course. that’s what you eat off their menu.”
for the first time that day, there’s a spark in her eye and a smile that he’s glad is finally making an appearance. “and then let’s go-kart after?”
“yeah! it’s a date?” he gets off her to sit up, letting her roll over and sit up with him. “and then we can go to your favourite cafe for some coffee and cake.”
she lifts her eyebrows, puckering her lips out. “oo, cake.”
she sits on her legs with her hands resting on her knees politely. “i’ll get ready after i feed the kids! hold on.” she starts moving away from him, crawling towards the other side of the bed. “kidnapper, let’s feed you.”
logan yanks her into him, making her fall on her back and her head lands in his lap. he grins and pinches her cheek lightly. “i’ll feed them. you go get ready.”
“but i was supposed to feed them lunch.”
“yeah, but i’m here now. i can do that,” he beams. “you worry about getting ready — i’ll take care of everything else.”
she pouts her lip out. she stretches her arms up towards him, cupping his cheeks to squish his face. “that’s so sweet. thank you.”
“of course.” he scrunches his nose as she pulls him down, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “cup of orange juice for the pretty girl?"
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taglist: @myxticmoon
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storiesbyjes2g · 7 months
3.46 Flames
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I didn't bother doing a second class because I had a business matter I wanted to explore. The management team at the rec center would always have my gratitude for allowing me to host my classes, but as I said previously, it wasn't a sustainable solution. It rained too much in the autumn, and soon winter would be upon us. I needed an indoor solution, so I went downtown to Anchorpoint Wharf to see if I could find an unconventional space to rent, since I couldn't afford an entire building yet. If there was a backroom, basement, or attic I could use, or even an unfinished space, I could make it work.
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I began my reconnaissance at the library. If it didn't say "library" on the sign, I wouldn't have known it was one when I walked in. The atrium was more like a mini art gallery, displaying works from local artists, I assumed. The rest of the downstairs was more like a community center with a breakroom outfitted with amenities for infants and a kids' play area. Upstairs looked more library-like, but unfortunately, it didn't have any obvious spaces I could rent.
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I got hungry, so I found a street cart and had lunch. San Sequoia was definitely no sleepy town with its bold colors surging life into everything. Most of the colors didn't even match, but it worked so well, especially with the bridge towering over the city, tying it all together with its rusty hue. I loved how you could see it literally everywhere you went. San Sequoia had definitely become my favorite place I'd lived.
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After lunch, I walked around the area, continuing my search for spaces. I stumbled upon an old movie theater and decided to take a break and see what they had going on. The movie was so boring, I couldn't even tell you what it was about. I was just so mad I wasted good money on that. Luckily, Yasmine called just as it was ending, so I ran out of the theater to answer.
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She said she wanted to clarify our conversation from the other day. She liked me a lot and hoped her proposition didn't change how I felt about her. Then she asked me out! It was kind of thrilling to be on the other end of a date. I definitely needed some fun after that movie attempted to suck the life out of me, so I agreed to meet her at the pier in Copperdale.
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I went home to shower and put an outfit together. It was only the pier, so I didn't make too much of an effort. Good thing too because it was so cold there. I had on my coat the whole time; I hated wasting good outfits.
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I found Yasmine by the photo booth, and her outfit was definitely something to note. I never put much thought into my outerwear before, but the way she put her coat, hat, and jeans together had me second guessing my style choices.
"You look nice," I said.
"Thanks. Wanna take a pic with me?"
Me and Yasmine squeezed together in a tiny booth... I braced myself for whatever she planned to do to me in there because, if there was one thing I knew about her, it was she was bold and always went after what she wanted, and she definitely wanted me. She took full advantage of the lack of space and hugged up on me for our picture. We stepped out and waited for the picture to print, and just as I suspected, we looked like a very happy couple.
"Awww! We are so cute," she shouted. "I'm keeping this one."
I guess she should have a keepsake of our time together because that was the closest she was going to a relationship with me. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed spending time with her and was totally down for some casual, unattached adult fun. But that's all it could be.
"I hope you're not scared of heights," she said.
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Yasmine and Luca trapped in a slow-moving hanging basket... The story wrote itself, and I fully expected her to suck my face off, but she behaved.
"Look," she yelled. "There's my house."
I looked at whatever dark blob of trees she pointed at, but saw nothing resembling a residence. Copperdale looked like a black forest from up high at night. I bet the view was spectacular in the daytime, though.
We got off the ride, and she checked in with me.
"Are you having fun?"
"Yeah, thanks. I didn't ride anything when we were here last, so I'm glad I got the chance."
"Come on!"
She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward our next destination. Her excitement about the rides was just like a child's; it was adorable.
"This is one of my favorite ones."
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It had a scary, Spooky Day theme, and I wondered what we were about to get ourselves into, not that I was scared or anything. On the other side of the door was the line. When we finally made it to the ride, it was kind of like a mine cart we sat in. It took us around this haunted house while animatronics and actors in costume jumped out at us, attempting their best scare tactics. It was cute; I guess.
The next ride was similar except it was love themed, and we rode around in a boat. Every time I looked in her direction, she was looking at me with a twinkle in her eye. It seemed they made the ride for moments like that, and with the number of teenagers who frequented it, I probably was one of many who'd experienced their first kiss in there. But I didn't want to make any assumptions, despite knowing what she wanted from me. I scooted closer, letting her know I was into whatever she had in mind. Instead, she playfully smacked me on the shoulder and laughed. I didn't like that one bit.
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She was still laughing when we got off the ride, but I was not.
"Come on, I was just kidding, Luca!"
I was a very confident sim, except when it came to romance. A joke like that could sever all shreds of confidence I thought I had. There was no way she could have known that, but still.
She stepped to me within whisper distance, and my entire body felt like it was engulfed in flames. Here it comes!
"I've been wanting to do this for a long time," she said, yanking me into a deep, hungry kiss.
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At first, I couldn't believe it was finally happening despite anticipating it all night. Once the shock of her lips colliding with mine wore off, I kissed her back just as hungrily. Every thought and dream that haunted me over the last few weeks fueled my hunger, and I could not get enough of her. I hoped this wasn't another cruel joke because my pants were getting too tight and I needed to go all the way.
"Come back to my place," she whispered.
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I hoped she didn't live far. This was definitely not how I imagined my day ending, but I was totally down for the detour.
Need to catch up? See what you missed or start reading here!
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mrs-russ · 10 days
Keegan x Reader x Kick
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Reading time: 13:06
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I groan as I wake to my alarm again, rubbing my eyes as I sit up. My body feels like it's been through an entire war, and I know that'll only get worse as the day goes on. I sit in place for a moment, contemplating what I should do. I could call in, but I don't want to use up my PTO, plus, it's only my second day back.
I get out of bed, my legs feel like jello as I make my way to the kitchen, getting a cup of coffee to wake me more before anything. I feel like shit today, my aching body is not the only problem. I overall feel drained in every way possible.
I fix my coffee with extra sugar when it finishes, knowing I'll need it. Sipping the hot liquid is almost therapeutic, from the taste down to the aroma.
After my coffee I make my way to the bathroom, wash my face, and brush my teeth before getting dressed. I didn't eat breakfast this morning, I know I'll regret that later. But now, I'm not hungry.
I look into my reflection, seeing how busted I look today. I can't believe one day of working did this.
It almost came time for me to leave after I packed my lunch, just 10 minutes left, and I could hear Keegan and Kick talking outside about something, their voices muffled by the door. Perhaps I'll join them?
I grab my phone and exit my apartment, seeing Keegan and Kick turning to look at me. “Hey, guys,” I say softly, smiling.
“Hey, sleep well?” keegan asks, his voice deeper than usual. He must've woken up a few minutes ago. His hair is a little messy, too.
“Yeah, as well as I could” I move closer to them, smelling cigarette smoke lingering in the air. “You guys sleep well?”
“Yeah, I did,” Kick says with a smile.
“Same here” Keegan answers gently. “You look nice today”
“Ah, thank you” I chuckle to myself, seeing him smiling at me. I fell a little giddy from his gaze.
“Any plans today?” I ask them, my eyebrows arching curiously.
“Nah, maybe an idea,” Keegan says, his eyes scanning my body.
Kick looks at Keegan before looking back at me. “No plans for me,”
“Didn’t you have that meeting today, Kick?” Keegan asks suddenly, my eyes shooting to kick.
Kick just looks at keegan for a second, a subtle expression on him I can't quite read “Yeah, thanks for reminding me” My face turns slightly confused, it feels a little tense right now.
I decide not to push the subject by asking about the meeting. Instead, I turn to Keegan “Did you want to do something together?” I ask, and it feels a little awkward with Kick staring at Keegan now.
“Yeah, actually” He takes a step closer to me, leaving Kick slightly behind. “I was thinking about going to the beach today. It's supposed to be pretty sunny and hot after 3.”
“Oh? Well, I get off at 2:30. So I'd be home by 3:15” I smile softly, and he smirks. “I’ll be more than happy to go”
“Great” he replies, and my eyes shoot to kick as he also moves closer.
“My meeting ends at 3 if you want a third” Kick says, and Keegan looks at him.
I can't help but feel something is up between the two.
“Maybe next time,” Keegan responds, and my eyes widen slightly. He doesn't elaborate further, and I can see Kick's face contort to slight annoyance.
“Sure, that's fine” he quickly hides his disappointment with a soft smile. “I’ll leave you two at it” Kick winks at me before leaving, and I can't help but feel a twinge of sadness. I don't show it though, and my eyes go to Keegan as Kick disappears into his apartment.
I smile softly at him, my heart dropping as I snap back to reality and realize I'm probably late for work. I quickly check my watch, It's 6:30.
I sigh deeply. “I'm sorry, Keegan, I really gotta go. I'm late for work”
He gives me a reassuring look “It's okay, I'll see you later, alright? I'll keep you updated.”
“Thank you” I smile at him before retreating to my apartment to get all my things before leaving. “Bye,” I wave as I walk down the stairs, keegan going back into his apartment after I get to my car.
I don't know what's going on with them, but I hope it's nothing bad.
Today was absolutely horrible. There were at least 30 people I had to tend to, and I was almost falling asleep driving home. I know Keegan and I are supposed to go to the beach today, but I don't know if I can. I'll try regardless, though.
As I pull into the complex’s lot, I get a message from Kick. “How was work?” it reads, and my thumbs begin typing after I park.
“Shit,” I reply simply, “too many people to deal with today”
“Thats no good, but are you and Keegan still going to the beach? He's been talking about it all day.”
“I'm not sure, but I'm going to try.”
“Don’t be scared to tell him you're too tired. He won't take it to heart.” I sigh deeply, getting out of my car while typing.
“I know, I'd just feel bad” I look up from my phone, and see keegan sitting outside on the steps. “I’ll update you,”
“Alright, I'm omw home from the meeting now. I'll see you later,” he says, and I smile softly.
“See you later.”
I put my phone in my pocket and grab my bags from my car, walking towards the stairs.
“Hey, Keegan,” I say as I get closer, still smiling. He's wearing a black form-fitting shirt and grey joggers, my eyes traveling over him.
“Hey, doll,” he stands up from the stairs, making way for me to climb them. “How was work?”
I look into his eyes, a soft blush striking my cheeks at the name he gave me. “Exhausting,” I sigh, “just happy today is Friday.”
He takes my bags, helping me unlock my door. “Thank you,” I say softly, a somber look crossing my face.
“What's wrong?” he asks, noticing my change in demeanor.
I huff “I- don't know about going to the beach today, Keegan.” I look down. “I just… I'm really tired, and my entire body hurts. I had so much to do today, and I'm pretty sure I have a migraine.” I explain sadly, “Is it okay if we go on a different day? Maybe tomorrow?”
His hand grabs my chin gently, angling my face towards his. “That's perfectly fine, I understand” he assures, a soft smile playing on his face as his thumb brushes against my cheek.
My eyes are locked on his, and I'm pretty sure he can feel the heat radiating from my cheeks.
“Maybe we could watch a movie tonight at mine?” his voice is soft, luring me in. “It's okay if not, I'll let you rest if you need it”
“No, I mean- yeah- that sounds nice,” I respond quickly, my eyes still on his. “I’ll uh, change first? Then I'll join you.” I smile softly.
“Sounds perfect,” his hand falls from my face. “Wear something comfortable,” he smiles back.
“I will,” I grin, “see you in a few,”
He waves and enters his apartment as I enter mine. I place my things down and go to my room, sighing deeply. I wonder what I got myself into.
I change into a baggy shirt and pants, taking off my shoes and just wearing my socks. I tie my hair up In a bun, making sure it's all out of my face. Afterward, I make my way to Keegans, knocking on his door. He quickly opens it, inviting me in.
I've never been in here before, it's definitely different from my apartment, but not messy like I had expected. “Welcome to my humble abode,” he says playfully, my eyes scanning the area.
“Quite the place you have,” I chuckle, and he leads me towards the couch. “So, what movie are we watching?”
He looks at me, debating something. “Well, what's your favorite genre?”
“Action, horror, mysteries.” I give him a few options.
“Perfect,” he says, grabbing a movie called “Baby Driver”, one I've never seen.
“That looks fun,” I look at him as he inserts the movie into the player.
“Yeah, I've seen it a few times. It's really good.” he gets back to the couch, leaning back against it with his arm draped on the back of it. “Oh, do you need a drink or anything? I could get us some beers or popcorn,” he grins at me, his pearly whites on display.
“I'm not a drinker, but I'd take water and some popcorn if that's okay?”
“More than okay” he gets up and goes to the kitchen, retrieving water for me and a beer for himself. He sits it on the coffee table before returning to the kitchen to make the popcorn.
“Is it the extra buttery kind?” I ask with a playful smile.
“Of course it is. I'm not a psychopath,” he chuckles, the deep sound rumbling in his chest as the popcorn pops in the microwave.
“Good, wouldn't wanna watch a movie with a psycho” I tease, chuckling back.
He glances at me, shooting me a mischievous look before turning back to the popcorn and putting it in a bowl. “Extra salt? Sometimes these things lack it”
I get up from the couch and make my way over to him, “let's taste it first, see if it needs any”
He pops a piece into his mouth before gesturing for me to open up, “here,”
I part my lips and he places the popcorn on my tongue, my eyes on his. They're a bright shade of blue, almost grey, and I can't help but get lost in them.
“You have the prettiest eyes,” I say quietly, not quite realizing I spoke without thinking.
He quietly laughs, and I smile at the sound. “Thank you, yours are also beautiful.” he moves closer, everything momentarily forgotten. “Everything about you is beautiful, though.” he brushes the stray hairs from my face, my bun not quite holding well.
A nervous breath escapes my lips at the proximity of him, and I can feel his hand now tracing my jawline. My eyes are still on his, and I can feel the intensity of his gaze.
“You're tense,” he whispers, “Is everything alright?” his hand travels around my waist as he smirks. He knows he has a hold on me.
“Everything’s fine,” I whisper back, and he pulls me flush against his body.
He holds my gaze, making me feel antsy. “Can I kiss you?” he asks softly, a desperate edge to his voice, and my breath hitches.
All I can manage is a nod, not trusting myself to speak right now.
His free hand goes to my cheek, and his face gets closer, ghosting his lips over mine. He pulls back a little as I move closer, making me chase him slightly.
I let out a little frustrated breath before he finally allowed our lips to touch, my eyes closing as I sink into him. My hands grip his shirt softly, wanting to keep him close as we share this.
He carefully lifts me, placing me on the counter as my legs wrap around him. He groans as he feels me pressed against him, his hands going to my hips.
A sudden knock at Keegan's door breaks us from our moment, and Kick's voice is heard on the other side of it.
Keegan growls quietly as he looks at the door and his hands leave my hips.
“Stay here,” keegan says, and I nod, doing as told.
Keegan opens the door, and I listen to their conversation.
“Hey, What's up?”
“Hey, I'm assuming you two didn't go to the beach?”
“Nah, she said she was too tired today, so I just told her to rest.”
“Good,” Kick pauses, “She probably needs it”
“Yeah, that's what I told her.” there's a slight silence between the two, like they're eyeing each other down.
“Alright, well, see you later,”
Keegan closes the door and walks back to me, looking slightly frustrated. I bite my lip in anticipation and curiosity. I wonder why he lied?
As soon as keegan gets to me, he presses his lips against mine again, claiming them. I push him back a little, the kiss breaking. “Is everything alright?” I ask softly, my eyes worried.
He sighs and smiles. “Yeah, everything’s fine” his thumb brushes against my lip, licking his own. “You want me, right?” he asks seductively, and I can't manage to say no. “I do,” I say quietly, his lips moving from my ear to kiss my neck. “I need you”
My words cause him to push his hips into me, my breathing getting slightly heavier. “Good girl,” he mumbles against my skin, his hands traveling under my shirt and up my sides. “You need my help, don't you?” he asks, “to get the release you need?”
I can't help the soft squeak that leaves my lips, a blush on my cheeks. He takes that for an answer, a smirk crossing his lips. “Perfect”
His lips find mine again, and his fingers hook my pants, pulling them down enough to expose my panties. “I'll give you all you need and more,” he murmurs against my lips, my thighs pressing together tightly. his voice is already enough to get me soaked.
His hands slide under my panties, his fingers caressing the edge of my thigh teasingly. I move my hips slightly, causing his fingers to brush against my core. He breaks the kiss and looks deeply into my eyes. “Already so needy,” his voice is deep and husky, not bothering to hide his arousal.
My lips attack his neck, my teeth leaving small lovebites. He groans, the noise music to my ears. “I need you now, here,” he says, more of a demand than anything.
“Take me” I whisper, his hands ripping down my panties, exposing my wet pussy to him. “You're so perfect” he breathes out, “I'll fill you nicely.”
My hands go to his waistband, pulling his pants and boxers down. He's big and veiny, my mouth watering at the sight. I look into his eyes, seeing the built-up desire threatening to spill over. “Spread your legs” he demands, my legs parting for him.
“So beautiful.”
He lines up his cock with my entrance, slowly pushing inside of me. I gasp at the feeling, and his hands grip my hips again, pulling me closer so he can get deeper. “That's it,” he lets out a growl, my bottom lip being abused by my teeth as he's fully seated inside of me.
He stays still for a second, fully taking in being inside of me. “You feel so damn good” he praises, my hand gripping his arm as he stretches me. “You gonna take all of me?”
I let out a moan as he slowly began to move, nodding my head. “Atta girl,”
He picks up the pace slowly, my nails digging into him as he slides in and out of me. “Faster,” I whimper desperately, needing more of him. “You want it faster?” he taunts, “You're gonna have to work for it.”
A whine escapes my lips, and I buck my hips, my body begging for more. “Please keegan, please fuck me,” I say breathily, my eyes locking onto his.
“Hm? Couldn't quite hear you, princes.” he teases, his thrusts deep and slow. “What'd you say?”
“Please, please,” I whisper, my arms wrapping around his neck, “take me hard,”
“That's more like it,” his hips plunge forward, sinking as deeply into me as possible before pulling back and repeating the process quickly. My head falls back and I moan wildly.
His hand tangles in my hair, keeping my face pointed at his as he pounds into me. “Look at me,” he demands, my eyes falling on him as I moan his name. “That's my girl.”
He picks up the pace, my moans growing louder and more frequent. His hand goes to my mouth, covering it. “Not too loud. Don't wanna worry Kick,” he taunts with a smirk as he picks up the pace, I moan into his hand, my eyes on his.
The noises he makes, the way he moves, it's all driving me insane, and he can tell.
My hand goes to his arm, and my nails dig into his skin, making him moan. “fuck, baby,” he growls, thrusting more erratically. “You’re gonna drive me fuckin’ crazy,”
I can feel my release building in my stomach, everything mounting on top of each other proving to be too much for me. He can feel my walls pulsing around him, his body moving more roughly as my muffled moans grow louder.
My body shakes and I grip him tighter. His hand moving from my mouth to my clit, his thumb moving in circles. “Cum for me,” he orders, my back arching as my eyes close tightly, and I can't hold back anymore.
His words and actions send me over the edge, my pussy gripping his cock like a velvet vice as I come apart under his command.
“Want me to cum on that pretty face of yours?” he asks, his hand brushing my hair from my face. My bun has come down now, and my hair is a mess.
“Mhmm” I nod desperately, urging him on. He pulls out and pushes me to my knees, his hand in my hair again, keeping me in place as he strokes his cock.
He throws his head back, and I know he's close. I open my mouth eagerly, sticking out my tongue, wanting to taste his essence.
I look up at him with needy eyes, and he looks down at me, the action sending him over the edge. He pants heavily, his body shuttering as he cums all over my face and mouth, my tongue eagerly lapping up his hot seed.
He pulls away from me slightly, his hand resting on the counter, supporting himself as he comes down from his high. He looks down at me on my knees, my face painted with his art.
He chuckles, putting his pants and boxers back on before grabbing a napkin, and cleaning up my face for me.
My gaze stays on his, a smile playing on his lips as he throws the cloth away. “That was perfect,” he says softly, pulling me up from my knees. “I hope I satisfied you,” his fingers brush over my cheek soothingly, and I lean into his touch.
“You did,” I smile softly as well, his lips meeting mine in a tender kiss before pulling away gently. “About that movie,” he says playfully with a chuckle, and I can't help but chuckle back.
“I think we made our own, don't you? My head rests against his chest, his hand combing through my hair. “Definitely,”
My legs feel like noodles, and I'm basically relying on him to stay upright. “Let's sit down, I'll order us something to eat.” he offers, picking me up and carrying me towards the couch bridal style.
I laugh as he picks me up. “I could’ve walked,”
“Do I hear complaining?” he smirks at me, putting me down on the couch.
“No, no. No complaining from me,” I watch as he sits next to me, a smile on my face.
“What would you like to eat, pretty girl?” he asks, pulling out his phone.
“I’ll take anything right now, I'm starving.” I rest my head on his shoulder, and he gives me a gentle kiss on the head. “Alright, pizza it is.”
Our food gets here after a bit, but by the time it is, I'm fast asleep on the couch, my head in his lap. His hand gently rubs me away, caressing my face. “Wake up, foods here,” he whispers, my eyes fluttering open.
I look up at him and rub my eyes, sitting up after. “Already?”
He chuckles at my groggy state, “Yeah, already, its right outside,” he says softly.
“Oh, well go get it. I don't want to eat cold pizza,” I say playfully, a sleepy smile on my face.
“Yes ma'am.”
He goes to the door and grabs the pizza, putting it on the coffee table. “I'll get us more drinks. These are hot by now.”
“Thank you,” I say softly, opening the pizza box and grabbing a slice.
He comes back with two cold drinks, a water for me and a beer for him. “What do you say we watch that movie now? I really did want to watch it,” he says with a soft chuckle.
“Yeah, that sounds perfect.”
He scoots closer, our legs touching as he starts the movie.
I get a notification on my phone, and checking it quickly I see a message from Kick.
“Hope you sleep well. Maybe we can go out for dinner tomorrow? Let me know.”
Keegan looks at me curiously as I type back. “Who is it?” he asks
“Oh, just a friend asking me if I want to have dinner tomorrow.” I smile, putting my phone down. I feel a bit of guilt for lying to him, but I know they aren't getting along too well right now, and I don't know how keegan would react.
“Oh, alright,” he says, pulling me close as the opening credits end. “Better pay attention, it's a good one.”
I eat my slice of pizza as we watch the movie, our bodies close. We both end up falling asleep in the middle of it, lying on the couch together as his arm is around me.
Tonight was nice.
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Knowing is Safe
984 words
Fandom: Redacted asmr
Couple: Geordi/Cutie
Takes place during the newest Geordi audio(Your boyfriend asks for your trust) So spoilers for that video. It is what I imagine Cutie says and thinks. I plan on doing another part. All of Geordi's lines arent mine I just typed out what was said in the audio.
Words indented like this are Cuties thoughts
Trigger warning: Unhealthy parenting, Implied eating problems, argument, non-consensual mind reading.
Let me know if I missed a trigger.
Please comment and reblog, it lets me know people like my stuff and encourages me to write more!!!!!!
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
“Repeat after mom, Knowing keeps us safe.”
“Knowing keeps us safe.”
“Good. I know I've given you this talk before, but you still haven't learned. We were given this ability, to protect ourselves, and the ones we love. Others believe we just listen in, that our ability is simple. It's not, we are inspectors, we tune into a brain, and we will know all we need, including who wants to hurt us.”
This is stupid, it's just re-
You looked up at your mom, confused.
“You said you 'd stop reading my mind without asking.”
“I know but as I said, telepathic powers are to protect us. As your mom, I need to be in your mind, as much as possible, to protect you. whether you want me in there or not. Do you understand sweetie?”
You nod, whispering yes in your head. Your mother preferred thoughts over words, she says that they're pure.
“You didn't always have powers, you lived your whole childhood without them, without hearing anyone's thoughts. You were raised in a house where people had magic and you didn't, not at first, not until you were old enough. Didn't that ever make you feel vulnerable, different?”
“All the time, I never had a moment to myself, she was always in my head. But it was a good thing, she always knew when I needed help, and I never had to tell her anything. It was a good thing, that's what she taught me, she protected me, and that's what I want to do for you. I just want to always know you're ok and safe. I don't want to talk about this anymore, I can't.”
 The oven goes off, and before you can ask Geordi, refuses the food.
“I think I'm going to sleep.”
Your mouth opens but shuts when Geordi specks.
“ Because I'm tired and you don't seem to have much to say anyway, so maybe sleep will  help clear my head a bit”
“Ok, ill- ill sleep on the couch toni-”
"No, I don't want to sleep separately tonight I'm upset but that doesn't mean I want you gone, it's our bedroom, it's our bed, both of us just because, just because I'm hurt doesn't change that. Good night."
And he's gone, leaving you alone, with your thoughts, something you've never been used to. You look down at the dinner he made, letting your thoughts take over.
I can't eat.
but he made it for you.
That was before you hurt him.
But he still loves you.
But he didn't say it.
But he does.
How do you know?
He still wants them.
To use them.
No, he loves them.
Or he's just not cruel enough to kick you out this late.
He loves them.
No h-
Stop, theyre not breathing.
Good, keep breathing.
Eat, you forgot to pack lunch.
No cant, not hungry.
That's a lie.
Don't want to, not worth it.
Then go to bed.
What bed?
Your bed.
Yours and Geordi's bed.
Not ours anymore.
He said-
Shut up, why am I such a mess, my thoughts aren't like this, there organized.
You love him.
That's not an answer.
Your worried.
Worried, of course I'm worried, I'm always worried about him. He doesn't let me in, and I can't keep him safe from outside.
He doesn't need your protection.
He doesn't need you.
Your worried about losing him.
I'm always afraid of that, nothing in the world is trustworthy.
You worried he'll leave.
You shake your head and decide you need rest. You walk to the couch when you remember that he wants you in his room.
It's your room to.
You hesitantly walk to your bedroom, then back to the kitchen, then back again. You repeat to yourself to breathe as you open the door, you take a deep breath, letting the comforting scent of your partner calm you. 
"Geordi? Are you asl-"
"No, I'm not asleep yet."
You take a few steps, towards the bed, looking at Geordi’s back, so stiff, so uncomfortable, you want him to relax, be happy.
Maybe massage would help.
You think he wants you touching him?
What about snuggling?
Even worse, you'd smother him.
You already do.
I didn't mean to. 
Doesn't matter, he hates you.
He doesn't hate you, he loves you.
How would you know?
Say it, if he says it back-
Then he's just being nice.
no - he's not like that, he tells the truth.
He didn't at the pool party.
You didn't give him the chance.
Shut up. Just say it.
"Geordi? I um I love..."
Come on finish the sentence.
What do you love? Breaking his boundaries?
Then why do you do it.
"I love you to"
See they love you
He's lying.
No, he not.
Check then.
No don't, that'll make things worse.
Only because you'll know the truth, that he doesn't love you and he's disgusted by you.
You enter Geordi’s thoughts, just to get away from your own, but you regret it. He's fighting with himself. Your heart breaks more, he doesn't know if he loves you, and worst you know he has every right to question his love. Even when you leave his thoughts, your thoughts repeat as your back is facing him, but not touching.
“Maybe trying isn't enough”
It isn't.
Then just stop.
Stop trying?
Just stop trying and start succeeding.
Don't enter his mind, ever
Ever. not even if he says it's okay.
But what about his safety?
He’ll still be safe.
But why?
To make him happy.
 But I'll be miserable.
And paranoid.
But he’ll be happy.
He's been hinting at this.
He said you're too used to being in people's minds, so stop.
But that's my job.
Then stop doing it outside your job.
You need the break anyways.
You'll have more energy for work.
There are no cons.
Then it's settled, this power is only for work.
121 notes · View notes
euphoricfuture · 2 months
Chapter 2 - The Daily Grind
I finally made it to the office and tried to get my boner under control. This was a clothing optional office, but best to keep it a little professional... at least to start.
Unfortunately it wasn't helped by the receptionist, Lydia, who loved showing off her tits
Well it was too late now. and I felt my cock twitch in response. 
I smiled back, feeling a bit self-conscious. Even though public nudity was the norm in this world, it still felt strange to be walking around without pants on. But Lydia didn't seem to mind. She leaned over her desk, giving me a better view of her ample breasts, and said, "Looks like someone's enjoying the dress code around here."
I blushed a little and tried to play it off. "Yeah, sorry about that. Just got caught up in the moment." 
Lydia grinned and said, "Don't worry about it. Happens to the best of us!”
Thankfully I still had about 10 minutes before I started and decided to go to the lunch room and make myself a coffee.
Thankfully I was definitely not the only bottomless person in the office today, as I ran into Natalie walking out of the kitchen looking absolutely stunning as ever.
After walking into the kitchen, I noticed Michelle looking off into the distance, absent mindedly sipping her tea.
"Morning!" I said, as I busied myself making coffee for myself. She didn't respond, seeming to be lost in thought, then with a snap seemed to come back to reality.
"Oh, hi..."
"Bit out of it today?" I asked as I set down my mug waiting for the water to boil. "Yeah, just rushed here this morning-" she pointed to her bed hair "Barely even got a moment to myself. I really need to get off this morning or I'm gonna go crazy...".
She stared absentmindedly at my half erect dick.
"Do you have a minute before you start?" She asked, nonchalantly.
I still hadn't gotten used to being propositioned like this, and it made me blush slightly, and I tried to stammer out an affirmative answer.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to assume!" she broke into an embarrassed smile, "I just thought, you're here, I'm here... we could... I've been soaking all morning"
I looked down at her little pussy, and saw that it was glistening. My mouth started watering.
"I'll just have to get off myself..." She sighed as her hands wandered south, feeling her wetness and rubbing her clit.
With this, my cock had stood to attention and I was hungry. I strolled over and slid my hand around her waist. She had lost herself in the moment and came back with a small jerk... but then smiled and ushered my cock into her wetness.
She was small, and the fit was tight, but it wasn't long until we were both rocking back and forth, moaning. Her fingers danced over her clit and after about five minutes she was gasping "I'm so close... so close..!"
She came a moment later, almost squealing with pleasure. "Oh please cum in me! Please! Please! I love it so fucking much!"
I was glad she had asked - I had received my birth control shot not long ago and was ready to explode feeling her orgasmic contractions.
As I edged towards the finish, I noticed my boss had walked in and hesitated as she saw the two of us having sex.
She was dressed a little more modestly, but what she did wear showed off her incredible body in a figure hugging black shirt and outfit.
I hoped she wasn't annoyed. I would be a little late, but I came that moment, deep inside Michelle, grunting and panting. We stood there for a moment, catching our breath.
"I'm glad you too have had at least one orgasm today!" my boss, Megan, mused as she poured herself a cup of tea, and opened the drawer labelled 'Tampons', handing one to Michelle "You'll need this... his load seemed a bit too big to just let it out" she half joked. I slid out and smiled awkwardly at Megan, who just gave a sly wink. I took this to mean I was off the hook for being late because she enjoyed the show.
Once Michelle had made sure my cum wouldn't leak out, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and gave me a breathless "Thanks... I really needed that" and she was gone.
Satisfied, I felt finally ready to work. I walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a small towel, then walked over to my desk, laid the towel neatly on my chair and opened my computer.
While I waited for it to load up, I looked over at my friend next to me, Chelsea, who was wearing a skimpy little onepiece.
"Morning!" I smiled at her. She smiled back and replied with "Hello! Heard you having fun back there."
I blushed, "Ah, you heard that, did you?"
She laughed "I did! Michelle can be very vocal. I might ask if she can eat me out later..."
She bit her lip, obviously horny. "Well I'd love to watch if you do!" I joked, but my cock was obviously already at a semi just at the thought. Chelsea looked down and smiled, licking her lips, "You're going to be distracting today with that thing out"
Lunch could not come quick enough. As soon as the clock hit 12, I turned to Chelsea and asked if she wanted to get lunch together. She nodded, and with a wink jokes "Maybe I can be desert!"
I laughed, but my semi was already showing again.
Chelsea leant me some leggings to go out in - it had cooled down significantly outside so I gladly slipped them on. They didn't hide much but that didn't matter these days. Warmth was all I cared about.
We waited by the lift for a moment and made some small talk about the weather until the doors popped open when I saw Cherie standing in the lift. We had always enjoyed greeting each other in the most inappropriate ways even before nudity was allowed in the workplace, so I took the opportunity and pulled her top down. She giggled and Chelsea drank in the sight, enjoying Cherie's tits.
"Wanna come with us for lunch?" asked Chelsea, keen to get to know Cherie a little after the display, "Oh, I have to go back up, sorry!"
She left the lift at the next level, seemingly having forgotten to put her tits away.
We walked off down the street, deciding to take the scenic view through the park. It was a lovely day, and it was quite a sight to see a few picnic blankets out. I spied a woman taking her top off in the sun, and watched closely as we walked past. She had incredible tits.
It was hard to get through the park without stopping, but I managed - I of course was able to enjoy the sight of Chelsea's figure in that outfit.
We finally reached the café, and chose a spot just outside to enjoy the view of the passers by. We had been making little comments and ogling at everyone as we had been walking along, and we were keen to keep doing so. Chelsea and I had always flirted, even before everything changed, but had never approached each other properly, but had always talked about the attractiveness of others
Since the change, we had kept flirting a little more intensely, ogling each other, and making comments about other people that could easily be applied to each other. Now, sitting across from her... the tension and flirting was blatant.
Our café came with table service by a lovely waitress with her tits out just screaming to be tipped. We ordered our coffees and lunch but I couldn't help staring at her. With a twirl to accentuate her figure and a smile at me she left the table. Chelsea coughed and I tore my eyes from her figure and met Chelsea's eyes, expecting to see jealousy. Instead, I saw her smiling, a hungry look in her eye.
"You okay over there?" she smirked. I looked down at my lap and shifted in my seat. Chelsea let out a laugh and moved her seat closer to mine, sliding her hand along my thigh, then started caressing the bulge that had formed.
My eyes were still on hers as she slid my cock out and began to stroke it lightly. I couldn't help letting out a low moan as she did. She smiled and my eyes dipped to her breasts, the cleavage showing in her cute top. I reached out a hand and slid each of them out tenderly, marvelling at just how full they were.
A few minutes of groping and stroking later, our coffees came, along with the waitress. At the very moment she placed the mugs down, her tits hanging close to my face, Chelsea made a particularly strong downstroke and I moaned loudly before I could stop myself. The waitress looked down at what was going on and blushed
"Looks like you're having fun!" she giggled as she straightened up. My eyes followed her tits, mouth half open. She gave them a small squeeze and pressed them together. "If you're good, and you don't bust over my freshly cleaned tables," she gave a pointed look "Maybe I'll let you touch them after you've paid."
Chelsea and I eventually did have to stop when food came out, and we sat and chatted about work, gossip, and the latest TV shows. I'd almost forgotten about our fun until the waitress came back to clean up and collect the bill.
"You two have been good!" She said when she cleared away the plates "The amount of times I've had to clean up sticky plates recently is just gross." she said with a smile, obviously joking. "So... if you want to touch..." she lowered her tits close to my face "...with your mouth."
My breath quickened and I immediately kissed her nipple, then, without much prompting, I began to suck and swirl my tongue around, taking care of each of her breasts greedily. The waitress is now holding my head, pressing my face against her tits, moaning. With her other hand she guides mine up her skirt.
"It's ok... I'm due an orgasm break about now" she says breathily as I look up at her, my fingers sliding into her soaking pussy. Of course she wasn't wearing panties... who would?
"We've got time." I hear a voice to my left say. Chelsea. I hardly recognized her voice - looking over I see her eyes fixed on the scene before her, mouth open, brows knitted together, not in concentration but because I could see one hand squeezing her nipple - the other had disappeared under the table and between her legs. I locked eyes with her for a few moments as I played with the waitress, who then said, looking hungrily at my now aching cock "Mind if I...?"
I looked up and nodded, too horny to think or form proper words and in a heartbeat she was straddling me... grinding her soaked cunt on my throbbing cock, slowly sliding it in. Before long we're matching rhythm, her tits glistening with sweat, giving a beautiful show to the café.
Next to us, I can see Chelsea, her chair now pushed back from the table, legs spread wide exposing her beautiful pussy and thrusting her fingers inside herself. It took me a moment to register... but she was definitely matching the rhythm of my thrusts.
I caught her eye as I started to pick up my pace and watched her pump her fingers faster, letting out a low grunting moan with each as the waitress began to moan into my ear "Don't... stop..."
I could feel the pressure start to build as I kept thrusting with her, her moans becoming longer, more sustained until I felt her convulse against me, and her pussy clench. I couldn’t hold it, and with a few more strokes I could feel my hot cum pump into her as I let out a moan and buried my face in her chest.
It took us about a minute to come to our senses, with her pussy still convulsing slightly around my cock. Finally she disengaged, looking down at me and smiling said ‘There, nothing to clean up!’ she turned and walked back into the cafe - and I could see a distinct glisten running down her thigh as she did.
I glanced over at Chelsea who was wearing a satisfied expression, her fingers idly rubbing her clit.
“She sounded like she really enjoyed your cock!” then, looking at her watch “We really should be getting back.”
We made our way back to the office, flirting and teasing each other as we did. We were about to resume our seats when Megan strolled by.
“Don’t forget, we have the office fitout meeting now!”
I had forgotten, but any excuse not to do work was a good one. We walked down to the conference room, joined by a few other colleagues, some cleaning off cum.
Joking and chatting about lunch ensued until we opened the conference room door. Beyond was a fairly large room backed against the front floor to ceiling windows of the building. We were all shocked to see a large glass table that had just been installed in the room.
Megan gestured for everyone to take a seat, and said with a smile "So we've just bought a batch of new tables for the office - all glass. We thought it would add some class!"
"Not to mention a nice view!" Yelled someone from the far end.
"Yes, that too" Megan smiled, "Actually, that's exactly why we've decided to go a step further. We will begin installing untrusted glass walls around the office for further transparency - especially in the meeting rooms." She paused, "The intention was to make sure when booked out for work, they would be used for work, not pleasure, and if booked for pleasure, we'd be able to… enjoy the view as you put it"
I looked around the table, and noticed looks of surprise, and definitive horniness all around.
"Also, the showers on level two will receive this treatment. If you want a private shower, level 1 will be available.
Goddamn, this was… really something. My mind began to wander with possibilities as Megan began to get into details around the installation. Before long, the meeting moved on to less exciting topics, and my focus waned from Megan to roving around the top of the transparent table.
It was certainly interesting seeing everyone's full bodies, most wearing some version of professional attire, but others were wearing just underwear… some nothing at all. One coworker I noticed was at half mast just sitting there… still others I could see squirming and fidgeting absent mindedly.
"Now, I know this was a long meeting, and I have a few more general updates to go through before I let you go. We'll take 5 and reconvene here"
As conversation began around the table, I decided now was time to get a coffee, and I made my way over to the machine with a coworker who was wearing a bralette with a pair of form fitting jeans. She smiled at me saying "Coffee too?"
"Absolutely, was finding it so hard concentrating in there"
With a smirk she quipped "Yeah… I could see some other people having a hard time concentrating… makes me want to show off for them a bit." I looked her up and down as she brewed her coffee.
"I'm sure you'd be a nice sight. Wearing anything under those jeans?"
"Why don't you check?" She flirted, her back to me. Oh she was playing now. The jeans were tight, but I slid my hands into them, and started sliding them down her ass… not feeling anything underneath. I could feel the leggings I'd been wearing begin to stretch around my cock.
"Oh I think you really should take these off then." I said into her ear as she finished making her coffee. She turned, winked at me, then with a swift movement leant down and squeezed my cock.
"Maybe I will…" and with that she was gone.
I finished making my coffee, then made my way back to the conference room, trying not to get too turned on before sitting back down at the conference room.
It wasn't until I was about to sit down I noticed the chairs were different… and that almost everyone was looking at them with excitement.
I turned to my coworker in tight jeans with a quizzical look and she murmured "I think… they're pleasure chairs"
And with that Megan had cleared her throat and said "Yes, they are pleasure chairs, specially kitted out with vibes and masturbators to help make your day healthier, more fun, and more efficient. Don't worry, this won't affect your orgasm breaks you have available if you want to take them!"
There was a murmur of excitement throughout the room.
"Well, feel free to sit and we'll go through the controls"
We all sat gingerly on the chairs, including Megan. 
"First, is the general vibe control, if you click this button" she gestured to a small button on the outer side of the armrest "this will bring up a massage motor to the front, allowing you to press or grind yourself against it - the nub next to it will allow you to change the position.
She demonstrated, pressing the button and sitting up straight, allowing the massager to sit at her crotch and with a slight hitch she said "Like… so"
Eagerly, we all pressed the buttons, and experimented with the placement. It wasn’t long until people were tentatively grinding in place against the nub, small noises of pleasure escaping. I even chanced a look at Megan and noticed a shy smile on her face as she rocked very slightly on the chair.
“For those with cocks,” she said with a breathy smile “There is a masturbator attachment on the underside. Unclip it, and you'll be able to attach it above the vibe.”
I felt under the chair for the attachment, unhooked it, and saw it was a nice little cock massager. I attached it to the front of the chair just in front of the vibrator nub. As I was doing this, I looked over at Megan who had been demonstrating the assembly, “Once attached, you will be able to use the controls on the arm to modify the speed.”
I fiddled with the buttons, and the masturbator whirred into life, moving up and down. “Megan was sitting up against hers saying “Now, if I had a cock,” she mimed stroking a cock in front of her and a chuckle rippled through the room “I would be able to slide in and use it. As always, don’t forget we always provide free lube sachets,” gesturing to the bowl on the table.
A few of the men stood up to grab some, while others simply took out their cocks and slid them into the masturbators, beginning to adjust the speeds.
It took me a moment to take in the sight of the activity around me. Slightly nervously, I glanced at the coworker next to me, who was looking pointedly at my cock. At that, I took it out and stroked it  a little, hearing a slight moan come from her when I did. The masturbator fit well around my cock, adjusting for a nice grip. I started the control on the slowest setting and sat back relaxed in the chair.
The constant horniness I was feeling was elevated… but now slightly sated, feeling the stimulation allowed me to relax… my mind blank.
“Well… everyone seems to be enjoying the chairs well!” said Megan, drawing attention back to her, “I generally recommend low settings to keep yourself from getting agitated while working, but if you need more stimulation, you’re always welcome to increase! Just be aware of distracting coworkers with loud noises in the open office areas.
There were a few titters, and I couldn’t help but stop a lazy smile from lingering on my face.
“Now, I really do have some business to get down to.” she said a little more seriously, bringing up a slidedeck on the screen behind her. What followed was a reasonably dry presentation on new systems and processes, along with a training session. Despite the content, every face was engaged and etched with slight pleasure.
As soon as the meeting was over, we disengaged from the chairs, and were told that we were able to bring them to our own desks - now glass, and enjoy as much as we liked.
The rest of the day was a bit of a blur, the chair whirring away for me, helping me relax more fully than I ever had at work. It was far less distracting than I thought it would be - apart from the times I made a mess - thankfully the sanitary wipes were never too far from my desk.
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jazzystudios82 · 3 months
His Lovely Rose - Chapter 5: Crashing Bulma's Birthday Party
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Previous. . . . Next Chapter. . . .
Location: Outer Space. . . . 
'Thank Zeno no one is here to see this." Brier thought to herself with an embarrassed smile. Why? Because she and Beerus had to use a piece of fabric to tie themselves to Whis's  waist during their travel to Earth, that way they didn't drift away from the angel. 'We could have just held on to Whis's shoulders instead, but Beerus just had to suggest this in case he got hungry and wanted to use both hands to eat. . .' Brier thought, letting out a sigh. 
"Hey Whis, how much longer until we're there?" Beerus asked, bringing Brier back to reality. 
"It shouldn't be too long, my lord. We should be there in just a moment." Whis answered. "Really?" "Beerus, love, if you're so impatient, why don't you just do something to entertain yourself?" Brier suggested. "Hmmm. . .you're right." Beerus said. "Whis, I'm gonna eat the lunch you made." 'That's not what I meant, but alright. . .' Brier thought to herself. 
"My Lady, can you give Lord Beerus his lunch box for me?" Whis asked. "I'd do it myself, but I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment." "Of course! It's no problem." Brier replied. The goddess used her left hand to grab a hold of the lunch box and immediately gave it to Beerus.
Beerus then opened the lunch box, and saw the contents of what was inside of it. The meal Whis made for him consisted of a roasted fish (like he said much earlier), white rice, crispy chicken, octopus tentacles and shrimp. "You know what. . .I just remembered. . ." he muttered. "Hmm? And what's that?" Brier and Whis asked. 
However, instead of answering, Beerus looked at Whis and said, "Hey Whis! Can't you do something about this lunch box?! It's just roasted salmon from Planet Uotorin and Galaxy 65 crispy chicken." "I thought you were already aware of that. Whis told you what he made for you, didn't he?" Brier asked. "Yes I did. I didn't make anything else for you, my lord, so you're just going to have to bear with it." Whis told Beerus. 
"Ugh. I'm sick of these flavors already." Beerus mumbled as he used a pair of wooden chopsticks to eat his meal. "You say that, but you've only had this meal once 160 years ago, remember?" Whis told him. "Oh that's right! It was that time when he destroyed Planet Monsa, wasn't it?" Brier asked. "You're right as always, milady!" Whis said with a smile. 
"Whatever, I said I'm sick of it!" Beerus nearly shouted. "If it bothers you that much, then you can have my lunch afterwards." Brier told him. "Except for the drink, obviously." "Really? Are you sure?" Beerus questioned, surprised. "I know how much you like Kero's cooking." 
"Not as much as you, apparently." Whis joked, though neither Brier or Beerus heard him.
"I can assure you that it's fine." Brier said. She looked at her husband and said, "I mean, unless you don't want to, then Whis and I can simply-" "N-No no! It's fine!" Beerus interrupted. Brier watched as he quickly gobbled up his meal and put the now empty lunch box away. Brier then grabbed ahold of hers and gave it to Beerus, but not before summoning the drink that Kero made for her. Brier opened the cold bottle and took a sip, waiting to see Beerus' reaction to the Hydra pasta dish. 
Beerus used a fork that came with the meal and after twirling it around in the pasta, and making sure to get a bit of Hydra meat in it, put the fork in his mouth to taste the dish. His golden yellow eyes widened in surprise as he shouted, "THIS IS AMAZING!!" 
"I take it that you like it?" Brier joked. "Of course! That familiar of yours certainly knows his way around the kitchen!" Beerus exclaimed as he ate more.
A fact that Brier and Whis were already aware of, but Brier decided not to say anything about that.
"Well, I'm glad that you think so, my lord. I'm surprised that you keep forgetting about that." Whis said jokingly. "In any case, you should hurry up and finish it. Like I said earlier, we'll be arriving on Planet Earth in just a couple minutes." 
Location: Planet Earth. . . .
On a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean, Vegeta was currently laying on one of the ship’s foldable white chairs. Earlier, when the Saiyan Prince was training, he had received a call from his wife's secretary about attending her birthday party. Vegeta didn't really want to go, but at the end of the day, as much as he would never openly admit it, he couldn't really stand the idea of Bulma being upset with him (mainly because he knew that he'd never hear the end of it). 
“Oh, so you did show up." a familiar voice said, getting Vegeta's attention. He looked to the right to see his wife, Bulma. "I know you act all tough, but at the end of the day, you can’t stand the idea of your lovely wife being sad.” she teased.
Vegeta scoffed and looked away. “Everyone else is already here, so how about we go over there and make a big entrance together?” she suggested. “Yeah sure, let’s go see Yamcha.” Vegeta replied, being semi sarcastic. Bulma frowned after that particular comment. No matter what, there always was going to be awkward tension between the three of them due to their shared history. This ended up getting the blue haired woman in a sour mood. “Oh I see, you can’t even pretend to be happy!”
“Of course not!” Vegeta nearly exclaimed. “Ok fine! Suit yourself!” She relented and walked away to join her guests. Vegeta attempted to relax again, but a voice entered his head. One that he hadn't heard in a while.
‘ Hey Vegeta, it’s King Kai! You hear me?’ 
Surprised, Vegeta sat up and asked, “King Kai? What could you possibly want from me?” ‘Hey, drop the attitude for a few seconds! I’m trying to help you here! Beerus the Destroyer is heading to Earth as we speak.’ he revealed.
“Beerus the Destroyer? I think I’ve heard that name before. I believe back on Planet Vegeta, the elders would tell us stories about him, or something like that.” Vegeta said. ‘Well good for you, I'm sure that you're very worldly and cultured, now listen. He’s looking for a challenge, so do NOT engage him in any way! So no insulting, no fighting, no Vegeta-ing of any kind! Otherwise, if someone or something sets him off, it’ll mean the complete destruction of Earth!’ 
“What?! You really mean that he’ll blow up the Earth?” Vegeta questioned ‘Yes! And just in case you have delusions of grandeur and fight him, don’t! He already beat Goku in two blows!’ Vegeta’s eyes widened. Goku fought Beerus the Destroyer and lost? “Are you serious? He defeated Kakarot that easily?!” ‘YES! He beat him that easily! He's lucky that he didn't kill him!' King Kai told him. 'Now luckily for you, his wife, Lady Brier, is also coming with him, and she knows how to get him to listen to her. So if you get on her good side, then Beerus won’t do anything to Earth if she says so! So be sure to be extra nice to her, understand?!’ 
What was that? Beerus has a wife? From the stories he’s heard, Vegeta doesn’t recall any of them mentioning him being married. But then again, it had been awhile that he thought of Beerus, so it was possible that he had forgotten about her. He tried to ask King Kai for more questions, but he was already gone.
'Oh, well that's just great!' Vegeta thought as he got off of his chair.
He then began to look around the cruise ship to see if he could find anyone who matched the description of Beerus from myth. So far, nothing. It was just the usual people he’s seen before. His son Trunks playing with his friends Goten, Marron, Chiaotzu, and three new kids he hadn't seen before. A human child, an imp, and a. . .dog? Maybe they were the children of an old family friend of Bulma's or something. Regardless, they didn't matter. 
While he was looking around, all Vegeta could see was Bulma, Videl, Chi-Chi, and #18 talking amongst themselves near some kind of swim-up bar near the pool, Master Roshi reading dirty magazines by said pool, Piccolo and Gohan sitting at a table talking about Gohan's new job (probably), Majin Buu and Mr. Satan eating from some of the many buffets, and lastly, Krillin in an eating contest with Oolong with Tien, Yamcha, The Bull King, and Puar as witnesses. Vegeta didn't see anything out of the ordinary, so he left.  
Frustrated, Vegeta punched the wall next to him, leaving a dent. ‘Kakarot’s been beaten in two blows. . .what makes him think that he could do that? Challenge a deity?’ Vegeta thought. He looked at his gloved hand to see that it was shaking. It was as if he was frightened.‘Dammit, pull yourself together! Prince Vegeta does not tremble before any foe! Beerus the Destroyer. . .why is he here? And why is that name familiar? Yes I’ve heard of him before, but when?’ 
“Well well, if it isn’t Prince Vegeta." 
"!" Startled, the Saiyan Prince looked to see who snuck on him. There was no one there. Or so he thought. Vegeta continued to look around, trying to find who the voice belonged to. 'They're around here somewhere! I just know it! Or maybe, it was just my imagination-' “Boo!” someone shouted behind him, causing Vegeta to jump a little. He immediately turned to see a purple cat-like being, a red eyed white skinned woman, and a light blue skinned man with white hair. Who were they? 
“Greetings.” the cat spoke. The voice from earlier belonged to him. “Who are you?” Vegeta questioned. “Telling you that is a waste of time, considering you won’t be alive for much longer.” he answered, getting on Vegeta's nerves. 
“Why you-” As he attempted to lunge towards him, Vegeta felt something stop him and begin to weigh him down, causing him to fall to the ground.'W-What’s happened to my body? I can barely move!’ 
Vegeta did his best to look up, and stared at the face of the cat-like entity, to see the smug look of superiority on his face. "It's hard to imagine that the last time we crossed paths, you were just a boy. I swear that it was only yesterday that your father, King Vegeta, was putting out quite the spread in honor of me and my wife's arrival. A shame that your mother had to miss it. Maybe then she'd realize how pathetic the man she married truly was." "!" Realization hit him like a truck. Vegeta definitely remembered where he had seen this bastard before. It was so long ago, back when he was a young child and when Planet Vegeta was still around.
A much younger Prince Vegeta had watched from afar as Beerus and his two companions ate the feast that his father had the chefs prepare. He remembered that it took them hours to make it, they practically slaved over the stoves to get the soups and meats cooked to perfection. 
The young prince peeked from his little corner to see his father, sitting near the pretty woman with shockingly pale skin, nervously ask, "S-So, how is it, my lord?" "It's fine." was all Beerus said. This did little to calm the king's nerves. Vegeta couldn't help but wish that his mother was here. She was always calm and composed whenever Beerus and his companions visited. But she just had to take Tarble with her to visit her parents on the other side of Planet Vegeta. Why? This was clearly more important. 
Vegeta's attention was diverted back to the dinner table when he saw the pale woman saying something to his father, and it seemed to have a calming effect on the Saiyan King. She even seemed to have made a joke as his father laughed with whatever it was she said. 'This is good, right? After all, I remember hearing Father say that if they made Beerus's woman happy, then everything will be fine.' So Vegeta continued to watch from his spot to see what would happen next.
"So Your Majesty, did you take care of that little request I asked of you?" Beerus asked, putting his knife and fork down on the table. King Vegeta immediately stiffened and replied with, "A-Actually, I'm afraid that we haven't quite gotten our hands on it just yet." 
"Oh. . .is that a fact?" 
"Yes. . .and I-" The king was unable to finish his sentence as Beerus stood up from his seat and smacked his host across the face so hard, that he practically fell out of his seat and onto the cold hard floor. Not only did this surprise Vegeta, but his father as well as he attempted to get off the ground while Beerus's companions stood up and went to where Vegeta was.
" L-Lord Beerus! What are you-" 
"Be quiet." 
After walking up to King Vegeta, Beerus had then made the King of the Saiyans get down on his hands and knee, with his foot on the back of King Vegeta’s head to keep him in place. He was not happy. Not happy in the slightest. “Can your miserable little brain comprehend why I’m angry, Saiyan King?” he asked him, his tone sharp. "Answer me." “A-Are you angry because I failed to keep my promise to fulfill your mission in the timespan you gave me, Lord Beerus?” King Vegeta answered in the form of a question.   
“I’m sorry that it took longer than I thought it would-” “Wrong!” Beerus said. Vegeta watched as his father was being humiliated. The woman who came with Beerus and his attendant told him to look away, but he couldn’t. "Your Highness, I think it would be best if-"  “How can Father stand this humiliation? Just who does this filth think he is?!” the young Saiyan wondered out loud, interrupting the woman. 
“Now, don’t say that so loudly. You don’t want him to hear you and get even more upset, right?” the pale woman asked him, but Vegeta wasn’t listening. He was too busy looking at the scene before him. 
“You know, I like to consider myself a rather flexible deity, and I know you mortals have your limitations. But there is one thing I cannot tolerate; the callous arrogance of those who do not pay the respect a destroyer is due.” Beerus told the king. 
He then pressed his foot against King Vegeta’s head a little harder, causing cracks to form in the ground underneath him. 
“I ordered you to find me the most comfortable pillow in all the universe, and I know that you obtained it." Beerus revealed, which made the prince even angrier. He's doing all of this over a stupid pillow?! "I'll admit, your tenacity was impressive, though your methods. . .were a bit severe. I bet that you don't even know how many creatures you killed in that raid. Though it'd be quite hypocritical of me if that was why I'm angry with you." "T-Then. . .why-" 
"I know you switched it with another. To think that you had the audacity to take it for yourself and give me the second best.” Beerus explained. "It amazes me that Queen Eschalot puts up with you." He took his foot off of the king’s head, and used his right hand to grab him tightly by the hair. “Not only that, but I caught you staring at my wife’s chest several times during dinner. That’s not something that a king should do when he has guests over. . .especially if he's already married and if her husband is right next to you.”
"W-What?! I-I didn't-" 
Vegeta didn’t see what happened next since the pale woman, Beerus’ wife apparently, covered his eyes, but he heard the sound of bones cracking and his father screaming. "Your Highness, perhaps we should-" Vegeta didn't listen to what she was trying to tell him, since he slapped her hand away from him.  Not only did this surprise her, but it also surprised the white haired attendant that came with them. "Your Highness?" 
“Bastard. . .that is the King of all Saiyans!” the young boy shouted as he ran towards the destroyer god.  
Beerus heard the sound of the young prince’s yells, so he used a technique to make the boy stop in his tracks and fall to the floor. What just happened? How did he do that? 
The woman walked towards the prince and kneeled beside him. She picked the child up and carried him in her arms, placing him in a nearby chair, surprising Beerus, the boy, and his father. She raised her hand towards his forehead, and muttered something softly. Her soft white hand glowed a light shade of red.  
“Hey! W-What are you-” “It’s alright, Your Highness. In an hour this will all seem like a bad dream, I promise.” she interrupted, her tone soft and gentle. Like that of a mother soothing her frightened child. It kind of reminded him of how his mother, Eschalot, would calm him or Tarble down when they'd have the occasional nightmare. Vegeta attempted to ask her what she meant, but he felt his eyes getting heavy. He couldn't help but yawn and get comfortable in the chair he was sitting in. It didn’t take long for him to surrender to the darkness and fall asleep. 
That woman was right. When he had awakened from his slumber, Vegeta had assumed that it was a nightmare and thought nothing of it. In fact, whenever he told his father or mother about it, King Vegeta would interrupt him and tell him that it was nothing to worry about. That it never really happened to begin with and that it came from the over-active imagination of a little boy. He really wished it was like that.
‘O-Of course, that’s who Beerus the Destroyer is. No wonder he beat Kakarot with two blows!’ Vegeta thought to himself. His dark eyes looked at the woman next to him. She was the one who made him fall asleep when he attempted to intervene. Is that woman his wife? If so, how could someone like her be married to a god like Beerus? He groaned internally when he realized that he almost sounded like Beerus all those years ago when he said the same thing about his mother's relationship with his father. 
“You know, I spared you as a child because I was convinced that you would entertain me when you were older.” Beerus said, bringing Vegeta out of his thoughts. “Anyway, it turns out you're just another disappointment, just like your father. I should have destroyed your planet myself.” He walked closer to Vegeta and kneeled to his level.
“Now then, why don’t you prove me wrong and tell me something useful about this Super Saiyan God?” he ordered. 
“A Super Saiyan God?” Vegeta questioned. What was he talking about? “Hmm, it seems like letting me down is a Saiyan’s specialty.” Beerus mumbled, loud enough for Vegeta to hear. “Wait, let me think! I-”
“Please tell me that you’re not doing push ups.”
Everyone looked behind to see an Earth woman with a drink in hand. Vegeta gulped nervously. Why did Bulma have to show up at a time like this?!
Bulma noticed her husband was struggling to get up off the floor, and she began to worry. “Are you ok?”
“Stay back!! Get out of here!” Vegeta shouted, trying to warn her. 
“That’s not a very nice way to speak to a woman, Prince Vegeta.” Beerus told him, then added, “There’s nothing to worry about my lady, I think he just had too much to drink.” “Who are you guys?” Bulma questioned.
“I apologize, we should have introduced ourselves. My name is Whis, madame.” the white haired man said, and gestured to the two other people behind him. “The fine gentleman to my right is Lord Beerus, and the lovely woman to my left is his wife, Lady Brier of the Plantae.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss.” Brier said, giving a curtsy. “I greatly apologize if the three of us have caused any distress.” she added. 
“Oh. . .that’s alright.” Bulma said, pleasantly shocked by their good manners. If they're Vegeta's friends, then how come their good manners didn't rub off on him? “Actually, now that I think about it, what are you three doing here?” Bulma asked. “We were just passing by your planet when we saw Prince Vegeta, so we thought we’d stop by and give him our regards.” Beerus told her. 
“Oh, you’re all from space? I guess I should have put that together.” Bulma replied, finally taking in their appearance. “To tell you the truth, I’m surprised. I didn’t think Vegeta had friends. I'm Bulma, and I’m his wife, believe it or not. Today’s my birthday, so I’m throwing a little party. Well, I guess it’s a big party when you rent a ship." Bulma told them. "Anyway, you’re all welcome to join us if you want.”
“My my, what a generous offer, earth woman. Thank you, honestly my nose has been tantalized by the most intriguing aromas since we got here.” Beerus said, which Brier smiled at. Even at times like this, he was thinking about food.
“In that case, let’s go.” Bulma said and led her new guests to the party.
Vegeta, still on the ground, stared in disbelief. What the hell just happened?
He quickly got up and followed Bulma. He made it just in time to see that she was introducing Beerus, Whis, and Brier to the others on a stage that was intended for performing, though it seemed that the entertainers Bulma hired were in the crowd as well. 
"Attention everyone!" Bulma said loudly, getting her guests to stop what they were doing and look at her. "Allow me to introduce Vegeta's friends. Their names are Beerus, Whis, and Brier." she added, gesturing to all three of them. "Hello everybody, and good afternoon!" Beerus exclaimed, waving his right hand in the air as a form of greeting them. "It's a pleasure to meet you all!" Brier added with a smile gracing her face. 
Everyone seemed to be intrigued by Brier, Beerus, and Whis. The reason the Titan knew this was because she heard some of the party goers say: 
"It's nice to meet you!" 
"Wow! I didn't know that your dad was friends with such a pretty woman, Trunks." 
"I didn't either."
"If they're aliens, do you think Vegeta met them sometime before coming to Earth?" 
"How come Vegeta's never mentioned them before?" 
After looking away from the crowd, Brier glanced back at her husband to see that he got off the stage and was introducing himself to the other guests. 'He seems to be in a good mood, thankfully.' she thought to herself. 
Brier then felt an odd feeling, as if someone staring at her. "?" Not knowing who, Brier looked around to see who it could possibly be. No one in the audience seemed to be paying any attention to her, except for a creepy old man with sunglasses and a white beard and his pig friend, but that's not who she was looking for. Someone was missing. But who? Then she remembered. Where was Vegeta?
Brier continued to look around until her eyes landed on Vegeta, who was strangely hiding behind a potted plant. For some reason, it reminded her of when she first met him as a boy on Planet Vegeta. He would hide behind something if she caught him looking at her. Although at that time, it was because he seemed like a shy little boy. But now? Brier could tell from the look in his eyes that he was weary of her husband Beerus. Not that she could blame him. 
"-r? Lady Brier!" Whis' voice said, bringing Brier back to reality. "Huh? I'm sorry, what is it?" Brier asked Whis. "Ms Bulma wanted to ask you something." he told her. "Oh! Of course! What is it?" Brier asked the light blue haired woman. "I was just wondering if you wanted to meet any of my friends?" Bulma said. "They're all pretty friendly, I promise." "I suppose so. Lead the way." Brier said as Bulma led her away from Beerus and Whis. "Although I need to give you a bit of a heads up on a certain someone." Bulma whispered in Brier's ear. 
"And that person is?" 
"Look out for Master Roshi. He's a bit of a pervert." Bulma whispered with a look of slight disgust. "If he does or says anything, let me know and I'll take care of it."
"Ah. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is he the one with the white beard and the sunglasses?" Brier asked quietly. "Yup! That's him! Wait, please don't tell me he didn't try anything already, did he?" Bulma asked, worried. "Oh no! I just caught him staring at me, is all." Brier promised. "Besides, if he does try anything, I can simply turn him into a toad or Beerus will simply annihilate him for me." 
"Oh ok. . .wait, what was that?" 
AN: Pretty sure I made a mistake with this chapter somewhere, but I'll fix it later because I'm really tired right now.
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
Hi lovely author! I would love to request a Sope one. With Hoseok being the sick one. Probably involving him not eating that well because of work, and the thing he mentioned on the last live that his tummy gets supper bloated after he eats.
What about Yoongi getting concerned for him, like really concerned he is losing weight and not eating correctly so he tries feeding him some days in a row by inviting him casually to eat with him, but Hoseok not being used to eating that much, ends up all bloated with the worst stomach pain, he can't handle it or managed working with his tummy in that condition so he accepts to go looking for his Hyung in his own studio he knocks and has to admit embarrassed that his abdomen had bloated a lot and he is in pain, Yoongi sits him inside in his couch, and goes for medicine, some tea, and belly rubs to calm his ballooned and hurting tummy.
Love your works!
Hello lovely anon! <3 Thanks so much for this JITB comeback themed request! I loved it so much! I'm so excited to be writing for sick Hobi again! I hope you can enjoy it. Thank you thank you thank you for your support!! I'm finally breaking into the recent requests! Happy Lollapalooza!
Pairings: Sope - platonic or romantic. You decide.
Words: 1969
Warnings: Bloating || Unintentional Overindulgence || Minor Nausea
ED WARNING: Because of canon events, I'm putting an ED warning. There is no ED content in this fic; however there is mention of poor and restricted eating habits which may be tr!ggering to some. Please prioritize yourself!
Yoongi’s listening. Yoongi is always listening. He’s always watching. Always paying attention. He notices Hoseok skipping meals. He feels the dancer’s absences. He sees the lack of food related trash in the bin in Hoseok’s studio. He eyes the visible weight loss during their wardrobe fittings. He hears Hoseok’s stomach wail for food it’s not getting. It worries him. 
He’s tried to bring up the subject with Hoseok before. But it doesn’t get him very far. Hoseok assures him that he’s “fine. Really, hyung. I’ll eat later.” But that’s always his answer. And later never seems to come. He trusts when Hoseok says he’s not trying to starve himself. He knows Hoseok gets invested in his work. It’s a weakness they share. But Yoongi at least has enough sense to keep snacks in his studio. Hoseok hates to keep food, afraid it will bring roaches or ants into his studio. The horror. 
He likes to keep a hands-off approach to the other members. He knows they are all capable adults, each leading their own lives and making their own decisions. He doesn’t like to abuse his hyung card. But this is Hoseok. He’s taking a huge risk by being the first one to debut solo. He can only imagine how much stress the dancer is under. And he knows how meticulous Hoseok is when it comes to his work. He wants the debut to go well for him. He wants everything to go well for him. All the time. And he knows Hoseok won’t be able to maintain his stamina without keeping his body well fed. So he’s willing to step in this time. 
Still, he’s not stern like Seokjin and Namjoon. He’s gentle and laid back. He’s not going to force anything onto Hoseok. But he knows Hoseok’s weak spots. One of which happens to be the Daegu rapper himself. Yoongi knows if he frames it in the right way, Hoseok will not be able to refuse. 
Yoongi treats himself to lunch one day. He purposefully orders one of Hoseok’s favorites. And he purposefully only eats half of it. He packs up the other half and makes his way to Hoseok’s studio right around lunch time. It’s unlocked, as per the usual. Yoongi invites himself inside and hovers, listening to the beat Hoseok’s working on. “That’s coming along well,” He gets the younger rapper's attention.
“Yoongi-hyung. What are you doing here?” Hoseok spins around in the chair. 
“I got lunch for myself, but I wasn’t as hungry as I thought I was.” He passes the take out container to Hoseok, “You want the rest.” 
Hoseok eyes the meal with a wide smile. “Thanks, hyung.” He opens the lid and smells the food. It’s still warm. “Bulgogi. My favorite.” He grabs the chopsticks Yoongi’s offering and takes a bite. 
Yoongi sits on Hoseok’s couch, making himself comfortable. “So, tell me what you’re working on.” He opens conversation. He truly doesn’t want to know anything about Hoseok’s album. He doesn’t want any spoilers. He wants to be able to fully experience it upon completion, take in the whole thing at once. But he stays. He just stays to make sure that Hoseok empties the container. 
Hoseok falls right into his trap. He starts talking about his concept and his ideas. He talks about his filming and his costumes. Yoongi wipes it all from his mind. He lets Hoseok resume his work once the container is empty. 
Yoongi makes a habit of it. For a week straight, he visits Hoseok’s studio for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He even stops a few times in between to share a snack. He mixes it up every time. Sometimes he brings leftovers to the studio. Sometimes he invites Hoseok out to a restaurant, or even just for quick street food. Sometimes he has food ‘accidentally’ delivered to Hoseok’s studio. Every time, Hoseok greets him with kindness and shares a meal with him. He doesn’t seem privy to Yoongi’s intentions. 
Yoongi’s simply satisfied to see that Hoseok is eating. He can see the color improve in the dancer’s face. His eyes look more alive. He looks less faint. And his bones protrude less through his skin. He’s willing to share as many meals with Hoseok as it takes to get the dancer back on a normal diet. At least until after his debut. 
Hoseok’s at his wits end. He’s so grateful to Yoongi. He knows Yoongi visits him out of concern. And he doesn’t want his hyung to worry. But he can’t take much more of the ‘random’ food invitations. It was sweet at first. But Hoseok’s body is struggling to manage all the food Yoongi’s been giving him. He’s been bloated and miserable for days. His loose fitting clothing feels tight around his stomach. Nothing digests well anymore. Even just half a take-out meal fills him. The thought of another sympathy lunch rendezvous makes him feel sick. 
He knows it’s his own fault for switching his diet so abruptly. He knows his body just isn’t used to eating so much since he’d been too busy to eat. He can’t blame Yoongi for being concerned. If it were any of his dongsaengs, or any member for that matter, he’d be concerned too. But he needs to talk to Yoongi about it. Because the never-ending stomach ache is making it hard to focus on his work. He can’t focus on his tracks, he can’t practice his choreo, he can’t prioritize his debut preparations feeling so gross. 
He decides to go to Yoongi before Yoongi can come to him for the usual lunch date. He makes his way down to Yoongi’s studio, rubbing his stomach on the walk over. The aching worsens with every step. He doesn’t want to look at food. He doesn’t want to think about food. At least until his stomach settles. He stands outside the door. It’s locked, as per the usual. So he knocks. 
Yoongi answers it, surprised to see Hoseok at the door. He immediately wonders if Hoseok has grown so accustomed to their shared mealtimes that he was seeking out the elder. But the thought leaves his mind when he sees the pained grimace on Hoseok’s face. “Hob-ah,” he invites the younger inside. “What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t feel too good, hyung.” Hoseok admits, hands on his stomach. “My stomach really hurts.”
Yoongi clicks his tongue. He escorts Hoseok to the large couch in his studio, checking him for fever. He doesn’t find one. While he looks through the emergency kit he keeps in his studio, he begins his lecure. “See, Hoseok-ah. This is why it’s important to eat well. When you don’t eat well, you make yourself sick. What will you do if you fall sick so close to your debut? We are all piggybacking off of you. So you need to be in good health. You should have-” Yoongi could have continued, but Hoseok cuts him off. 
“Hyung, I’m feeling sick because I ate too well.” He admits shyly. He plays with the hem of his shirt for a few seconds before he pulls the material up to his chest, exposing his obviously bloated stomach. It pushed to the brim of his waistband, an astonishing feat considering how baggy the dancer’s pants are. 
Yoongi feels immediate guilt rush over him. He eyes Hoseok’s stomach and knows he’s at fault. And he’d just jumped right into a lecture without gathering all the information. He bites his bottom lip and curses at himself. “Hob-ah. When did you start feeling sick?” He sits beside the bloated dancer, ready to listen.
Hoseok doesn’t answer, eyes darting across the studio to look anywhere but Yoongi. This is how Yoongi knows it’s bad. He asks again, “Hoseok-ah,” his tone is much more firm, “How long?”
“A couple days,” Hoseok answers in a tiny voice, still avoiding eye contact with his hyung. 
“Hob-ah!” Yoongi starts but Hoseok jumps in immediately. 
“I know! I know! I should have told you sooner.” He takes responsibility. “But you were being so kind, taking time out of your day to make sure I was eating. I know you were worried about me. You weren’t doing anything wrong. I should be grateful. And I am. But it was just…too much too quickly, I guess.” He doesn’t want Yoongi to feel any blame. “I’m sorry for making you worry, hyung. I’m going to take better care of myself. I promise.” 
Yoongi deflates at the admission that Hoseok knew his intentions the whole time. It goes against his whole hands-off approach. But maybe he was making it too obvious. Three meals a day? When was the last time he had independently eaten three meals for himself? He should have known that would be too much for his dongsaeng to digest after eating the bare minimum for several weeks. He should have been more careful. “I should have checked in with you more.” Yoongi admits, taking some responsibility for the outcome as well. “How can I help you?” 
“Would you…” There’s a question on the tip of Hoseok’s tongue. But he doesn’t ask, too afraid Yoongi would say no. He changes it at the last second, “Do you have anything for tummy aches?”  
Yoongi revisits his studio medicine supply. He’s got a half-full bottle of pepto in his arsenal and pours a dose for Hoseok. “Here, take this.” He hands the plastic cup to Hoseok, “I have some peppermint tea, too. Think you can stomach it?” 
Hoseok greedily shoots back the pink liquid. He doesn’t think he can stomach the tea, but he knows that peppermint is good for stomach aches. And it would be something soothing and warm in his otherwise angry stomach. So he nods when Yoongi offers him a cup. Yoongi prepares the tea quickly, microwaving the water so it’s not too hot. It’s a drinkable temperature when Hoseok receives it. He only lets it steep for a minute, not wanting the minty flavor to be too strong. 
Hoseok settles further into the couch. Only once he’s settled does he realize that he’d never asked to stay. “Hyung, sorry. Did you need me to leave?” He secretly hopes the answer is no. He knows he’s wasted enough of Yoongi’s time this week. But being with Yoongi feels so good. Even if his stomach is still giving him hell. 
“Hobi-yah,” Yoongi sits beside the dancer, settling into the couch himself, “You never need to leave. Stay as long as you’d like. I’ll be here.” The older rapper eyes Hoseok’s bloated stomach again, listening to it gurgling in every attempt to digest. He seeks how Hoseok tries to hold back pained expressions. They were well trained to minimize any emotion that wasn’t positive. But they’ve also known each other long enough to see past those learned responses. “Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?” 
Hoseok looks around awkwardly again and Yoongi knows it’s because Hoseok feels embarrassed. “Whatever you need, Hob-ah. Hyung will help.” 
“Could you…rub my belly. Please,” Hoseok finally asks, “It really really hurts.” It feels like a massive weight is lifted off his shoulders. 
Yoongi chuckles, “Is that all?” He finds it cute how Hoseok was so embarrassed to ask. “Of course I can.” His hand pressed against the bloated stomach. It feels hard as a rock, but he doesn’t comment and just rubs with a steady pressure. 
Hoseok hums in pleasure as Yoongi’s hand travels across his distended middle. Yoongi smiles in satisfaction. “Does that feel good, Hobi.” He chides. 
“Really good.” He lets out a soft burp, Yoongi’s rubbing finally working out some of the built pressure. He peeks at Yoongi and he doesn’t seem phased at all. So he lets himself burp openly a few more times. “Please don’t stop.”
So he doesn’t. 
A/N: I honestly banged this out pretty quickly because I wanted to get this out in time for Lollapalooza. So there was very little editing or re-reading of the finished product. Call me out on my BS please. If I missed something here, please let me know. As always, thanks for reading to the end! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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pinklily7749 · 1 year
A day in the life (Jan 2023)
I had texted him to wish him a happy birthday and asked him if he had big plans. Instead he asked if I was doing anything Friday night. I told him I was going to buy ingredients for the hot pot and bao buns that I'd make for my cousins and sister on the weekend. I told him I can get the ingredients at lunch or the morning after so we agreed to meet on Friday night. There's always strange butterflies in my stomach every time we agree to plans.
I was ecstatic to finish work to go and see him. It feels different meeting him on a Friday rather during the week because it feels less rushed. We can  also ease into the weekend. It's nice to feel this kind of excitement over a man. I have now officially lost count of how many times we have met like this.
I love getting ready and making myself nice and deciding on an outfit. This sounds like I'm about to go on a date but I'm not even sure if I'm dating right now. What is dating in this decade?
It was a sunny day so it was a nice drive to his place. I love his area because it is by the seaside but may also be just biased because he is there. It took me through the city that day which was strange so I had to do a hook turn. I was eager to meet him.
When I buzz into his intercom and he answers and I love hearing his voice. He welcomed me into his apartment and often always ask if I'm hungry. I like how he always asks how I am! We went downstairs and ordered a pizza and he ran to a nearby wine store to get us a bottle of wine. It's nice being around him and sometimes I sneak a look at him and notice how good looking he is. It is like that crush feeling and I cannot stop this feeling.
We played a few rounds of Pandemic and the wine had definitely given me some giggles along the way. At one point he had reached over and tenderly held my face. It is these quiet moments that I remember more than anything else. We played the first game wrong so we played a few more rounds. It didn't matter because we were spending time together. Somehow I was nervous to look at him. I don't knew why I was feeling this way when I had been in his presence so many times before that? I guess he is a lot older which makes me extra extra nervous.
We ended up cuddling on the couch and I stayed over again.
I had to wake up early to go clean my house to prepare it to have people over but otherwise it would've been nice to eat breakfast together with him.
As much I want to downplay how meeting up, he gives me feelings and affections that I have never experienced before. I never knew these feelings and affections had been missing from my life. I don't know if I'm on the right path but I know for certain that this is the current path that I want. Life is what happens in the middle they say? Or was it life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
And just like that, I noticed I've just written a post living in the present moment with a man without bringing up the past. Maybe I'm recovering?
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asahicore · 1 year
get to know me game !!!
omg i love things like these cz any opportunity to talk about myself is a good opportunity !! thx for the tag @ozymandia-s i was reading thru ur answers like it was the morning paper, i'll tag @bbujiikseu and @ethereal-engene if u guys wanna do it <33
birthday: dec 13
favourite colour: purple-ish like lavender 
do you have pets? yaaaaah i have a white cat who's evil but also really cute and a dog named elbow
how tall are you? 160-2 cm i'm not sure
how many pairs of shoes do you own? a bunch but i mostly wear my platform docs, my beige platform converse, my black regular super old and beat-up converse or my knee-high brown boots that i got at a thrift shop for such a good price
favourite song: this is like the most impossible question everrrr but invu by taeyeon was my most listened to song in 2022 and i still levitate whenever i listen to it
favourite movie: twilighttt the girls who get it get it but i have lots of movies i love
who would be your ideal partner? my 2 most important things r someone who makes me laugh but also finds me funny and someone with good communication. i dont really care about stuff like sharing hobbies or styles or whatever but as long as we can have a good time doing whatever i'm in love (my ex...)
do you want children?  yessss not now for sure but in a few years like 2 or 3 i think
have you gotten in trouble with the law? i dont think so..?
what colour socks are you wearing? rn they're black
favourite type of music: kpop... 97 of my 101 most listened to songs were girl group kpop lmaooo but just pop in general
how many pillows do you sleep with? 2 !!!
what position do you sleep in? i try to sleep on my back but being on my tummy with one leg up is so much comfier
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: people who snore like i'm not a particularly light sleeper but it wakes me up immediately and keeps me from falling asleep
what do you have for breakfast: coffee most of the time but earl grey sometimes, i dont usually eat breakfast but if i'm feeling hungry i'll have a fruit or something. i'll also have a pastry at the uni café if i really cant wait until lunch to eat lmaoo
have you ever tried archery? i dont think i have but it looks cool
favourite fruit: lately i've been obsessed w physallis but that shit is expensiveee. otherwise i'd say mango and cherries
are you a good liar? nooo u can see it right away if i'm lying i get so tense and if i'm lying just to take the piss out of someone then i can only keep it for like 10 seconds cause 1 i start laughing and 2 i feel bad for making someone believe something untrue lmaoo
what’s your personality type? enfp i think?
innie or outie? (it really depends on my mood but i'm usually an outie i think, i just need a day in the week to really relax on my own) i’ve been informed this is about the belly button… well it’s innie then… why do u wanna know that about me tho
left handed or right handed? right handed. left handed ppl freak me out...
favourite food: it is so impossible to choose a fav meal but i'll say tiramisu cz its my fav dessert
favourite foreign food: sushi ig
am i clean or messy? i'd say clean
most used phrase:  i have no idea probably whatever stupid phrase i've coined as mine for the week
how long does it take for you to get ready: not too long cause in the morning i basically just make my bed, wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed and do my makeup.. but if i decide to have coffee at home or to read before leaving then it can take a while
do you talk to yourself? all the damn time bro i was actually tripping over the fact that you can hear a voice in your head without actually speaking just the other day i think its so weird but im thankful for my inner monologue.. shes a queen
do you sing to yourself? if theres music i'll sing along but i dont usually just sing out loud randomly
are you a good singer?  no lmaooooo but i love singing badly and my friends and i go to karaoke every week which is super fun
biggest fear? this is weird but my legs being wobbly like not havign control over them, so like when you're on those inflatable games or when the ground is slippery.. hate that
are you a gossip? yes lmaooo but only when theres reason to be
do you like long or short hair? ive been growing out my hair and its slayinngggggg but on other ppl idc
favourite school subject: i think french (not as a second language but as a french person studying french at a french school lmao) and english lit
extrovert or introvert: extrovert, like im sociable but also if you're a strange man dont talk to me
what makes you nervous: university deadlines also the amount of books in the world i'll never be able to read </3
who was your first real crush? i think when in like 4th grade i had a crush on this guy named matt, but ive had plennnttyyyy of crushes since then
how many piercings? eight and they're all on my ears !
how many tattoos? 0 but im debating getting one
how fast can you run? not fast lmaoo
what colour is your hair? dark brown
what colour are your eyes? dark brown
what makes you angry: misogyny <3 i had to watch this video of a debate between pro-choicers and pro-lifers.. i was gonna explode listening to the pro-lifers' arguments they're so fucking stupid man
do you like your name? its very unoriginal lol but i dont mind it, also my middle name is my grandma's which is genevieve and i think it slays
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? one of both tbh
what are your strengths? hmmm i think i'm fairly reasonable? like when i have an outburst (and i have a lot of those) after some time i'm able to calm myself down and reason with myself so usually im able to stay somewhat level-headed lol i also don't wallow, i get back on my feet pretty quickly and my friends have told me i'm generous :)
what are your weaknesses? this might sound like the opposite of what i just said lmaoo but i overthink too damn much and i jsut cry all the time like everything pains me but then at the same time im able to get out of that mindset quickly.. so idk bruh
what is the colour of your bedspread? i have like 3 houses but the one i currently am at is my uni dorm and the bedspreads are either white and grey or green/blue/pink and they're both floral patterns
colour of your room: at my moms and here they're white but at my dads they're a light greyish brown
this was fun and took me forever lmaooo good way of procrastinating tbh
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sparklingpax · 2 years
In Relativity
-I could not, for the life of me, figure out a better title. You get that. Not even sure if that's what I mean and I'm so sorry. But I am also not taking suggestions
-being absolutely serious, a good 90% of this was written during my health class and/or lunch periods in which I wasn't hungry.
-i am so sorry for typos and grammar stuff I probably fucked up, please please try ignore it if you see it, I'll fix it eventually 😳
-this is so incredibly long, I'm realizing. It's like 30+ pages...sorry--
-a few specific details I'd like to point out:
no, this is not 110% accurate to Masterforce canon, tho I tried my darndest. Part of the reason is lack of clear answers about certain questions I have or limited access to sources that would help me figure out details of their pasts more accurately. The other reason is that I'm also actively choosing not to adhere to some details because I was ultimately writing for fun and experimenting with tone and how I perceive these characters so...do not lecture me about something I screwed up, I am literally just vibing ok
This is still set in Masterforce canon, however. This has nothing (I repeat, nothing) to do with any of the marvel stuff/American comic stuff that involved these characters. It's my understanding that the versions of these characters in Masterforce are their own separate entity to the comic stuff, I am trying to stick only to the anime and stuff connected to that. so....yea
It is my headcanon that I will absolutely keep that the Pretenders have in their files/any technical stuff their "full names" (e.g: "Cloudburst"), but refer to each other with their nicknames (going back to that example, "Phoenix"). It's like, they use both names whenever and don't mind either way. Hence......that.
I wanted to write something about Landmine, literally that was it. I guess overall I'd call it semi-Landmine-centric....Idk but I enjoyed it, he's a cool dude 👀
this is in fact, where i finally reveal myself as a person who also Lowkey ships Lander/Diver and also the idea that they have this...very complicated relationship with each other, which is why they've never really gotten together....I hc that they actually do finally get together at some point during the events of Masterforce (which I also, really want to write). Yes, this is very similar to them in my AU except it's not as complicated as the one in canon. If that makes sense 😳 Also, before you come for my head, it is a healthy relationship in the sense that there has never been any malice between them, and no instances of causing the other serious pain in any way. They like each other a lot, but both don't really know...how to go about it. Idk y'all but ykw I know what I mean. 
I tried so hard with terminology here but my dumb ass doesn't know anything about tech or aircrafts or whatever so...deal with it but don't point it out I'll evaporate--
Upon much consideration, I decided to end it somewhere like, before events of masterforce. I'd say a couple years maybe?? Like 15?? (So tha puts us at 2005, which as I'm writing this omg that's my birth year oop--) So just. assume stuff happened and...following will be the other canon stuff....i guess o//o
So...yea, that should be everything I wanted to mention!
Enjoy (? Or don't? ;w;)....I wrote this for fun & I kinda liked it I guess, so here I am sharing it...lmk what you think if you want, please keep it positive, I get so extremely nervous sharing my writing sdjdsjsdj 😳
...um...so...t-thanks 🥰
That’s what Landmine had been told the first day of Cybertronian Military Academy. 
Above all else, a good spark stands for justice, protects all life, and does what’s right. 
It was a phrase taught and repeated every day without fail, quickly memorized well before the end of first semester in that first year.
And when he’d entered Autobot ranks within mere weeks of his graduation amidst the start of the war, it was a phrase shouted to his unit by their commanding officer, only slightly altered this time. 
“Above all else, a good Autobot stands for justice, protects all life, and does what’s right.”
Yes, that was it. Just a slight change. 
But he always wondered if it meant to subconsciously induce very particular thoughts.
‘And if we Autobots do good, then the ones who aren’t us must be doing evil.’ 
To name a few of the supposed many, that was the Decepticons, the rogues, and the subspecies of the planet who didn’t feel inclined to participate in such a “selfish conflict,” as one commentator had put it during a newscast. They were the evil ones, preached the drill sergeants and captains.
The logical conclusion, as it could be surmised. No one said anything about moral. 
As for Landmine himself, he had no problem with “standing for justice,” however vague that was. Considering the lack of any attention, it seemed he was in line with that value, not standing out from the rest and all. 
The case was the same with “protecting all life.” After all, that was a clearer command, and obviously, the noble thing to do. Landmine liked his friends, nature, animals. Of course he’d stand to protect them. 
But for the last one, in the in-betweens to his drills and assignments, throughout all the years of his schooling and the time spent in the trenches of battles, he often wondered what it meant. To “do what’s right.” 
What was a…‘good Autobot’ anyway? 
He could recall the answers he’d received. 
“It means you follow orders,” one older bot spat, laughing. He had then put the ratty cigar back in his mouth and turned away. Clearly, the conversation was over. 
“A good Autobot?” Echoed a solemn youth, shining his shotgun. “Well its in the words you’ve just said! A good Autobot stands for justice, and they protect all–” 
…you get the idea.
“There are none,” was all a small-framed purple bot croaked, taking another sip from his oil can. He’d died on the field, screaming in agony, about one week later. 
And there were more answers, and Landmine still couldn’t figure out his own. But there were more pressing matters in his mind. Firstly, the matter of leaving this dull, doomed unit. 
See, he was a bot who enjoyed adventure, thought himself particularly good in battle. He was known for good one-liners, for his looks, and his sharp shots. This wasn’t the place for him. At the risk of being prideful and conceited, he often thought to himself, that this was no place for him to die. 
It was ugly, style-less, depressing, cold, damp…boring. 
For years, he hoped for more, and finally one day, he got it. 
“Oh yeah? Well you can take your attitude, and shove it up your tailpipe, Xy.” 
“‘Hey’ yourself, you're not part of this, so butt out you aft–” 
“Aft? Excuse me? I’ve a good mind to report you for that kind of slander and harassment!”
“What?! I didn’t slander you!! I'm not even harassing you, I just insulted you, but--but that's subjective, a-and I didn’t say –”
“Shut up, you two! There’s someone knocking.”
Landmine lifted his gaze from the book he was reading when he heard Klint shout for everyone to quiet down. 
As usual, it was another night in his section base–of the hot-head rookie Cinderflame being aggressive towards “two-word” Xy, and then somehow, getting into an argument with the self-important, self-declared “rulebook” of their subunit, Max. 
But the knocking at their door continued, louder this time. Cinderflame started to protest, and was quickly silenced a quick cuff to the back of his head by Max. 
Landmine closed his book very slowly and sat up in his bunk, watching as Klint quietly got up and headed to the door, activating his gun. Meanwhile, everyone else began to tense up, including Landmine. 
It wasn’t unheard of for mutinies to happen, for somebot to snap and go on a killing rampage, or for the enemy to have infiltrated and quietly taken command of a base. Any number of things could be behind the door, as it wasn’t normal to get a knock on the door at this hour of the night. 
But to their relief, the entity behind the door identified itself. 
“14-E, I order you–open up! Right now!”
Klint lowered his gun and sighed, more an annoyed sigh than a relieved one. They all knew who’s voice that was, and Landmine wanted–and was sure he had–no part in whatever was happening. 
‘Racker,’ mouthed Cinderflame in Xy’s direction, who rolled his optics and went back to organizing bullet shells. 
The other “rulebook” bot, except Racker was official, not self-declared. 
“I’ll mark you all for infractions!” He shouted in an attempt at an assertive tone, pounding unceasingly at the door. 
“I’ll mark you with my fist,” muttered Klint, trudging over. As he did so, Cinderflame snickered, then looked to Max, who was trying his best to keep a serious expression. Even he had no respect for the elected section head, but didn’t want to admit that. 
Well, I’m out, thought Landmine as he fell against his berth and opened his book again, hoping to get back to the story, detaching from the group.
He had no such luck, of course. 
The door opened at last with a high-pitched squeal of old metal, and the section head marched in, shouting for them to stand at attention. Below, Cinderflame gave the beginning of a groan, but it was cut short with the sound of someone elbowing him. 
 See, there was no such procedure in the rulebook, Landmine had discovered a while ago. But, there was also no point in raising that argument now. Begrudgingly, the group all followed the order and lined up at the door. 
Marching in stiffly, the grey-plated bot looked them up and down, a sharp look in his eyes. Then, he stated his business. 
Landmine was wanted in the unit Commander’s quarters.
For a moment, he considered it was some sort of elaborate prank, but that thought was quite fleeting. Jokes of that kind weren’t common around this sector, if at all. 
And if Racker was involved, well…
Doubt he knows what a joke is. 
“Well don’t stand there, move your metal hide!”
“Yes, sir!”
He felt side-eyed gazes of pity on him as he left the line. He felt them follow him as he walked out the door closely behind Racker, and into the barren, darkened clearing. But he was far more curious than worried. He could have easily run ahead to those quarters himself. 
Leaving Racker in the dust was quite easy, anyway. 
Racker, expression solemn and blank as ever, stopped at the white door and jerked his helm in the direction of the entrance, then folded his arms and turned forward, as if Landmine was no longer there. 
Go in. Alright. 
Landmine smirked to himself, then reached over and pushed the door open. 
Well. If I’m court-martialed or something, at least I’ll finally be put out of my misery. 
“Good evening, sir,” Landmine said, striding into the room. “You asked for me?” 
He’d never been in a commander’s quarters, and just taking one look at the state of it, he could infer why.
Something to do with the cleanliness of it, the quality of the tools in it…lower-ranking officers certainly had no place here, he could guess.
We belong in our cramped spaces, eating stale oil in our shared, low-rank misery. 
And finally, his optics had fallen on the commander himself, Swipecatch. 
Come to think of it, Landmine was sure he’d only seen the bot once. Or maybe he had a new paintjob? 
I’d like a new paintjob. 
He saluted and straightened his posture before the silver-blue-plated bot finally looked up from a manila-colored folder with messy scrawling and red stamps. It looked like it was important. 
It also looked like a processor-ache to decipher. 
“I did. You’re Landmine, right?” The commander spoke a medium tone, reaching for another paper on the side of the desk and picking up a slim, red pen.
“Yes, sir.”
“You’re a Pretender, are you not?”
"Alright," he murmured, beginning to write something, before glancing back up at the younger bot. “At ease,” he finally added, and Landmine was glad for it.
His gaze was immediately back on the paper as he started to write something into the blank lines. Some more silence followed, broken only by the sound of the pen against the paper, and Landmine watched as he swiftly filled out every blank space, signed his name, then looked back up again. 
“I am told I have such capabilities, sir.” 
“And have you been to training for it?”
“Only at a minimum level, as per my curriculum at the academy, sir.”
“Have you yet attained your third form?”
“I have not been provided any such opportunity up to this point, sir.” 
Swipecatch nodded, seeming to come to some kind of internal conclusion and writing something in the corner of the paper, before stamping the paper and folding it in half. Landmine began to wonder if he was being disciplined. 
“Soldier, you have been requested to join a special dispatch team made only of three other Pretenders like yourself.” 
“Now, I can’t imagine you love this place enough to do this, but you do have the option to decline and remain at your post here, as it will be a very dangerous, long-term assignment, far from Cybertron and even this very sector.
“You four will only be provided one ship and instructions to report to us when asked, as we are not able to provide further resources. You will be sent into space to track Decepticon ships anywhere deemed fit to assign your team.”
He eyed Landmine up and down, who stood motionless, staring unwaveringly at his commander as he waited for him to continue. So he did.  
“Your...commander will be a recent academy graduate, Metalhawk. I am not at liberty to share anything more about him than this.” 
He shifted back in his chair, tapping his pen against the table.
“Since I take your…silence…to be an acceptance of this offer…” he said slowly, holding out the folded paper and letting Landmine take it. “I am giving you this now, so that you may board the next transport ship that comes in tomorrow, at first light.”
Landmine unfolded the paper a bit, catching sight of the orders written in fine print above the uneven writing of his commander. 
Previous commander, actually. 
“This is not a promotion, merely a new assignment that my higher-ups feel you are equipped for. There will also be a training period with your peers starting the moment you are all gathered at your launch site. Do you understand?”
“Fully, sir!”
“Alright, then. Dismissed.” 
“Thank you, sir.”
 He vaguely wondered if the sound the commander made after that was a laugh or a scoff. 
 Landmine saluted again, and left the room, clutching the paper in his digits, which had begun to vibrate with excitement. 
Suddenly, all the years of stale oil and bleak death around him, putting up with various groupings that never seemed to work out–with this doomed unit–seemed worth it. They’d been part of some plan, something Landmine had to go through for a while before this, before…
 Destiny. It has finally called my name. 
“Mighty lucky, aren’t you?” Klint remarked, leaning against the wall and watching Landmine stacking a couple books. 
Landmine simply looked up and grinned.
 “Stay alive,” Xy mumbled from his bunk, not even shifting position to look at the team as they gathered in the center of the space. 
 His inspirational capacities truly sway the spark. 
“Thank you, Xy. I’ll do my best.”
The mech raised a thumbs-up, making no further comment. 
“This is favoritism!”
“It is not. It’s the will of our higher command.”
“Well, don’t you think it’s unfair?”
“Shut your trap!” Max made a fist and took a step towards Cinderflame. “Questioning high command could be treason!”
“Oh shove off, you annoying glitch.”
"I beg your pardon?!"
"Yeah, I said it!" 
Klint groaned, facepalming slowly. Xy, in his bunk, put on some headphones and inched closer to the wall.
As usual, not even an hour after wakeup calls, and the two were at it again. But while Landmine conceded he wouldn't miss the unwarranted noise, he knew he would miss being able to laugh internally at their stupidity. 
Cinderflame kicked at the ground and glared at Landmine, who was closing his bag and picking it up. 
“We have to stay in the scrap," he muttered, "but he gets to be special! He gets to–”  
Knocking at the door quieted the room. 
In the brief silence, Landmine wondered how pompous he'd sound telling Cinderflame that he was, in fact, a special bot. 
He decided it wasn't worth the breath.
"It's time to go!" Came the voice from behind the steel.
Landmine stood tall, strapping the bag to his back and heading outside, without a second look to his scrappy unit, who no doubt would forget his existence quite soon. 
“Landmine?” The gruff, unfamiliar mech asked, looking at the Pretender. 
“That’s me.” Landmine then noticed the markings on the sides of his Autobot insignia, certifying him as a higher-ranking officer. “That’s me, sir,” he revised evenly.  
The officer narrowed his yellow-green optics, almost skeptically. Then he spoke again. “We’re driving a while, two hours at longest. You fueled yet?”
Landmine nodded, feeling his excitement start to build. 
Naturally, the place where any transports or supply ships landed would be miles and miles from any camp, for security reasons. Only superior officers would know supply drop-off locations. One could imagine such things were carefully coordinated long before a ship's arrival.
It was then that Landmine recalled he’d never once been on a supply run.
And, he guessed, he'd never find out what it was like. But he was cool with that.
“Right. Let’s move out, then. And stay close to me.”
That won’t be a problem, sir, Landmine thought, excited for the opportunity to spin his wheels. 
He also thought himself quite proficient in the art of speeding in style.
They both transformed, then sped to the entrance of the barracks. The drive took about an hour, quickly clearing miles of dry, uneven land, until at last, coming upon a ridge, the tip of a large, grey mass could be seen.
He could feel the vibrations of anticipation–of excitement!–growing as the mass became more and more like the shape of a transport ship–his ticket out of this forsaken place. 
Briefly, he began to wonder what the new team was like, what the ship and its resources provided would be, where they'd be assigned first…
Will I see my new commander’s face more than once or twice, whoever it is? 
And at last, they rolled down the sandy-brown rocks and onto the clearing, below the massive overhang of the ship. Landmine could hardly contain himself, and transformed as soon as his wheels came to a smooth halt. 
His superior officer also transformed, drawing up next to him, folding his arms again.
"Well. Off you go." 
He offered a brisk pat on the shoulder pad before trudging off to the left and calling out to one of the smaller mechs in the distance. Landmine reached into the bag strapped to him and fished out the paper before marching up the boarding plate. 
Landmine made it through the security check easily, papers identified, baggage approved, and he found the area in the cargo hold where he was to remain for the duration of the ride. 
“You will not leave this area until we have reached the designated location. We will use force if you cause any trouble. Is that understood?” 
“Yes, sir.”
A cargo hold… 
Well…it was a free ship ride during a war.
Landmine waited for the guard to leave, then walked over and sat down against the wall, well within the space he’d been told to occupy. He held his bag close to his chestplates, wondered if a full power-off would be a good idea, or if the ride would be too short for that. 
It seemed they weren’t going to allow him that information, either. 
 Ah, well, they’ll just have to wake me, then. Who knows if I’ll get a moment’s rest where we’re going anyway? 
 And with a quiet whirring, his systems slowed and he leaned his helm against the wall, slipping into a peaceful powerdown. 
It seemed the guard wouldn’t have to come and wake Landmine after all, as the ship came to a halt at its destination with a large thump that shook the ship down to the nails in the wallplates. 
Landmine was instantly ripped from his powerdown, jolted awake as he was thrown forward and then smacked back against the wall again when the vehicle finally halted. Rubbing his helm rather drowsily, he gave a small pout. 
Whoever’s driving should have their piloting license revoked. 
But he immediately recalled where he was and what he was doing, and the excitement returned, grasping his entire body in its hold. Quickly, he grabbed his bag and scrambled to his feet, waiting for someone to come and let him out. 
Be cool, be calm, you’re acting like a giddy sparkling. 
 Right. Steady motions, smooth words. Just as usual. 
And finally, someone did come. Actually, Landmine realized upon listening closer, there were…two sets of footfalls. He wondered if they were maintenance bots, or maybe a pair of workers come to unload the cargo hold, not permit Landmine to leave yet. 
But he remained still, listening to the footsteps, coming closer and closer until–
“He’s in here. You’re…assuming responsibility before he reaches the camp, sir?” 
It was the same guard from before. But then, the other bot with him spoke. 
 “Of course. You know higher-ups don’t give information about assignments, leading to accidents and the like.”
Odd. Was it one of his new teammates? 
He must be higher-ranking than me to have that guard call him “sir.” Or maybe I’m being moved up a few–no, wait. Swipecatch said this isn’t a promotion. But then, why–
Suddenly, the door opened with a weighty hissing noise, and the yellow light from the halls fell upon Landmine, who’d been getting used to the blue shadows of this cargo area. He immediately turned and saluted, watching as the guard walked in first, looked around, then stepped aside. 
In walked a yellow-plated bot, who took one look around, then put a servo on the shoulder pad of the guard. 
“You can go if you like. I gather you’ve more important things to get to, and I know the way off the ship.”
With a small smile and a salute, the guard turned and headed out the door. 
Landmine watched, somewhat amused, as the yellow mech leaned his head out the doorway, calling a thanks to the guard before turning back to Landmine with an awkward kind of smile. 
He actually thanked that guard. How interesting. 
Landmine returned the smile, a little more confidently. 
“Right. Um,” the bot took a deep breath and walked up to Landmine, offering his servo for a handshake. 
“My name is Metalhawk. I will be your new commander. Your other teammates are already aboard the ship.”
 Optics flitting from the outstretched servo to the earnest, blue optics staring back at him, Landmine was beginning to realize something. 
“I understand any previous commanders you’ve served under might have made a point on formalities, but I’m more interested in forming a good team than being addressed as ‘sir’ and the like. So, if you don’t mind, I hope we’ll get to know one another better with time.”
And that realization, was that this had been the right decision indeed, accepting this mission.
To be fair, anything would have been better than staying to fight in the scrapheap of a place he’d previously been.
With that…team of characters to live or die beside.
But Metalhawk seemed to be normal, perhaps even kind.
Plus, if his intuition wasn’t off, most captains, generals, and commanders were on the older side, but this bot…
He must be good to be a commander this young. 
Landmine took his servo and shook it firmly. 
“Glad to be serving with you, Hawk. I’m Landmine.” 
 At the nickname, Metalhawk gave a little grin, seeming to like it. 
 “Alright then, follow me.”
With a friendly chuckle, he headed for the door and immediately started to describe the other two bots Landmine was soon to meet. As they headed down the halls and out of the ship, he quickly learned that an he'd be in the company of two fliers–including his commander–and one sea-faring bot.
An interesting and even balance of alt-modes.
 “...and this is our ship.”
They stopped, and Landmine found himself before a huge mass of shining, silver and white metal. The daylight bounced off it gorgeously, edging the ship in glittery light. The green-blue windows looked as jewels, without a weathering mark or scratch in sight. 
The softer-toned blue highlights on the side plating of the vessel led his eye to the elegantly-painted Autobot symbol on the front hood. 
They might have been given the one ship only, but by Primus, was it a beauty.
Perhaps those old generals weren't all so selfish. 
It could have been some old prison ship with extra canons strapped to it, after all. 
This guy's lucky to be commander and score a ship like this. Something tells me Swipecatch wouldn't know what this is like, and he's been in the game longer.
He almost chuckled aloud before remembering where he was. 
A platform began to lower from the ship’s underside, which hung a little higher than their helms. Standing on it was a familiar face, and Landmine couldn’t help but perk up and exclaim–
He felt a warmth surge through him. At last, he was seeing a familiar face again.
Someone he'd really thought, he'd never see again.
“‘Lander’?” Metalhawk echoed, taking a step up to the platform. 
The machinery gave a smooth whirring noise and the platform began to rise off the ground and back into the ship. Landmine could only laugh, letting Waverider answer for him. 
“We were arguing once,” the dark-plated mech said, leaning closer to Landmine. He spoke as if telling a weighty secret. “So I started calling him ‘Lander,’ like for his land-based vehicle mode. He retaliated, calling me ‘Diver.’”
“Because you have a water-based alt.”
“‘Diver’ is infinitely more creative, you have to give me that,” Landmine cut in.
“But ‘Lander’ is more direct!” Waverider protested. 
“It’s the most obvious kind of name!”
The three of them shared a laugh. 
That was most of the story, anyway. 
As the three headed down the dimly-lit hallway, Waverider kept talking. He started to tell their commander about their shared academy days, about the classes they took, the things they trained for. 
After a point, he couldn’t quite hear what the mech was talking about, as his mind began to wander.
Landmine recalled in flashes of memory, the moments he'd left out of the story...the days following that ‘argument,’ when they’d made up, and both their ‘insult names’ became somewhat like…pet names.
Calling in the hallways, covertly shifting places during inspections or exercises to stand with one another, sneaking into each other’s dorms, speaking in hushed tones as heat rushed through their systems, as if finally realizing all these feelings which had been for so long already there…
His spark skipped a beat as he gazed at the back of Waverider’s helm.
You never apologized for the way you left.
He tried to push those thoughts away. This wasn’t the time to stir that up. 
But it never matters what the mind wants, the heart will always have its way. Guilt, too. Such a persistent thing, guilt–bent on collection of time spent contemplating the past. 
Sharp like a knife, hidden in shadows of daily happenings, its steely glint appearing every now and then, its blade cutting deep into a wound time has slowly tried to mend. 
Tried to mend. 
But I tried…
Landmine began to wonder again about the truest meaning of “do what’s right” was. If it meant for the other bot or for oneself. If being a “good autobot” carried over into matters of the mind and spark, hidden from the public eye, intimate and…
This is not the time. 
Right. Not the time. 
Rounding the bend, Landmine was surprised to find how quickly they’d made their way to the command center. Considering the direction they’d been going, he guessed it was somewhere near the center of the ship.
Landmine watched as Metalhawk stepped in front of Waverider and reached out to a smooth, blue panel next to the door. 
“In addition to the defaults being set up–which I need to fix–I’m the only one scanned for access right now,” Hawk said with a little smile. The door hissed and started to open. “But by tonight you’ll be scanned to the system as well.”
“And the door will open in seconds, not hours!” 
“Yes, Waverider, it will,” Hawk said, rolling his optics.
Landmine watched as the door finally slid to the side, revealing a polished room with pristine, white floors and walls. Along the sides were blocks of machinery he could only guess was what higher-ups meant when they referred to something as ‘state-of-the-art.’
Except this stuff is state-of-the-art. 
The front of the room had grooves that shaped a large window, wrapping around about half the side walls. Landmine guessed they were retractable for direct visibility during flight. 
We don’t even need the windows open to fly the ship. Magnificent. 
“During your pre-mission training together, you’ll be introduced on a basic level to all the machinery aboard this ship, and I will designate you to certain roles when the need arises.”
Everything sparkled in its modern, symmetrical beauty. It was all new, untouched, and would ideally provide the team with advantages in conflicts to come. At least, far greater than the shabby resources given to camps like the one from which Landmine had just departed. 
Far less could die…
Three helms turned as a red-plated mech rose from behind one of the monitor stations near the back of the room. He clapped his servos together to dust them off and stepped out from the station, waving. 
“That was quick,” Metalhawk commented, looking the walls up and down. It was hard to tell what was manually modified and what had been unchanged, but Landmine decided it was best to simply trust that all the devices in the room would preform well when they were needed.
“Well...this is Cloudburst,” he said, gesturing at the mech. 
Cloudburst gave a big grin. 
“He’s just fixed our door problem, and most of the settings on the ship’s machinery,” the commander continued, looking somewhat pleased. 
"He did!!" Waverider called from the open door. He'd immediately run back to test it out.
A mechanic of sorts, Landmine surmised.
And, after a few minutes of talking passed, he found his hypothesis correct. 
Cloudburst had gone to university for a bit, before the war, but it was cut short. He was lucky enough to be selected for a special team of machinery developers, but then, unfortunate to have been placed in a camp that was quickly overpowered by Decepticon forces.
“And I made my escape before my section was done in,” he said. “In the days following, I made my way to…”
As he was talking, Waverider leaned over to Landmine. 
“Phoenix,” he whispered behind a servo.  
Immediately, he caught on, smirking. 
He watched with some satisfaction through his peripheral as Waverider nodded. 
“Well, I guess it isn’t that exciting, but…that’s about it from me!” Cloudburst finished with a huff and another smile. “So what about you?” 
Landmine felt put on the spot for a moment, then he shrugged. 
“It’s not much compared to your novel of a tale,” he remarked. The others gave a chuckle. He looked to Metalhawk. 
“But first…any chance we have drinks aboard?”
Landmine was incredibly amused to discover the lack of tolerance to high-grade his commander had. 
Of course, he’d never been drinking with a commander before, but he’d expected himself to get drunk first. 
Or…am I drunk, too? 
Truth be told, he was feeling a bit sleepy…and warm. 
Music played faintly from a speaker near the ceiling. Some song from a couple centuries back, the tune registering itself in subconscious memory. He knew the tune, but didn’t know the song. 
As it was, with many things. 
Yawning, Landmine tilted his helm, which was resting in the palm of his hand, and looked to his holopad. It was laid at the edge of the table, screen open with a striking, blue light.  
The sudden blue glow against the dim, pinkish lighting of the room hurt his optics a bit, so he looked away again. 
 Drunk or sober, I think I’m gonna fall over. 
 “Commander?” He gently poked the yellow mech. Metalhawk had his head down at the flat, white tabletop. 
Landmine guessed he was asleep. He took another sip of his drink, then put it down, giggling. 
Perhaps this’ll rouse him…
 “Hawk! Report status, soldier!” He deepened his voice to resemble the barking of a drill sergeant, tapping the yellow-plated mech as he spoke. 
Metalhawk gave a short jolt. 
“Whaz’t?” He slurred, raising his helm sharply, looking around a bit. He seemed to realize Landmine was talking to him and turned his gaze to him, squinting. 
“Hawk, I was wondering–”
“Comman’er here,” he murmured suddenly, yet still quietly, cutting Landmine off. He gave what looked like the very definition of an ‘improper salute’ as he spoke. 
“Yes, soldier?” He deepened his voice again, smirking. Hawk seemed partially unaware it was Landmine speaking to him, as if he was only half-awake.
“I report…I’m reporting for…my absence reports…I’ll go to class t’morrow, sir!!” 
Oh jeez. He’s so out of it– 
Landmine tightened his jaw, trying not to burst into laughter.
He promptly failed after a couple seconds more, but Metalhawk didn’t seem to really notice. And of course, this just made it funnier.
He watched as Metalhawk shook his head, looking rather drowsily at the empty cup sitting in front of him, then back at Landmine. Was he aware enough to want another drink? 
Perhaps he’d suddenly have some of that energy from a couple hours ago if he had that other drink.
The image of his Commander stumbling around and laughing in a mildly uncharacteristic manner returned to his thoughts. Landmine waited in anticipation as Hawk continued to stare at the cup. 
But then, he gave a long exhale and put his head back down, mumbling something else. 
 Landmine concluded with a small chuckle to himself that, Hawk was probably down for the night–for good this time. 
 “We come bearing–”
“Shush! He’ll know we’re here!!”
“He already does, you nut–” 
 He looked to the door as made a hissing noise and opened to reveal Cloudburst and Waverider, having a mild argument. 
 “Oh, you’re back,” He said, raising his glass with a small grin. Waverider set the crate down. “I definitely didn’t hear you coming down the hall.” 
He watched Waverider snap around and issue a light whack to Cloudburst. It was likely in place of a triumphant ‘I told you so.’  
This time, Landmine didn’t let himself laugh out loud. He did allow a quiet chuckle. 
Cloudburst walked over and grabbed a bottle, popping it open and taking a drink.
“You and the boss’re still around, I see!” 
Landmine nodded, moving to take another sip, but he found his cup empty. 
“I’d stay, but I’m so drunk right now, I can’t stand up straight,” he said, taking another swig. Landmine nodded again, reaching over and sliding a bottle of his own out of its slot. 
“Oh you’re drunk,” Waverider agreed shoving him playfully. 
And so are you, Landmine thought. So am I, probably. 
Pouring the bottle’s contents into his cup, he found his gaze fixating on the liquid as it sparkled mid-air. He liked the small sound it made as it refilled the cup. 
He did not wish to heed how many drinks he’d already had, or was giving himself. 
 “Well then, begone with you,” Waverider said. With a smirk, he suddenly reached over and swiped the open bottle from Cloudburst and took a sip. The mech didn’t seem to mind, just watching him with an amused grin.
“See you, Phoenix,” Landmine said, taking his eyes off his glass for a moment. He set his now-half-empty bottle next to Metalhawk’s sleeping figure. 
That was definitely too many drinks, considering the size of his cup.
  “I’ll be here for a while, I think.”
 Cloudburst nodded acknowledgement and made what Landmine classified as: an improper salute: exhibit B. 
“Then–until the morning shines!” He said, almost a little too loudly. “Cloudburst, signing off my duty–I mean–for my duty! I will bring you–”
“Shut up, you lugnut!” Waverider shoved him out of the room, laughing so hard he lost his footing a bit. The two toppled over, landing outside of the room. 
Landmine just watched, sipping at his cup. The door hissed shut on the sight of the two drunken mechs trying to unentangle themselves and stand up again, amidst their giddy, tipsy laughter. 
“Until the morning shines,” he echoed to himself absentmindedly, shifting his cup from side to side. 
The bubbly feeling he’d been harboring the whole evening was, inevitably and suddenly, starting to fade.
There was something starting to well up inside. Something another couple glasses wouldn’t fix, even though he had as much left in the bottle he’d just taken. 
Something rather cold and dark. 
To think I was among the dying in some forsaken frontlines camp. Now, here I am, drunk, with drunken fools. Look at me, one of them. 
He wasn’t feeling so warm anymore. 
Excitement awaits, or is it crueler death? 
Another sip, and he felt a twinge of unease. Or was it nausea? His fuel tanks remained in slight discomfort, but not enough that he’d be inclined to obey its silent will. 
So, he tilted his helm upwards to finish off the glass. Now he was ready to go.
Landmine rose unsteadily, swaying a bit, gripped the tableside. He felt his fuel tanks lurch with the movement, and took a second to breathe slowly.
He glanced at Hawk, still sleeping in his spot. He wondered when Waverider had planned to come back in, looking to the door. But everything had gone quiet. 
Probably went back to his quarters with Phoenix. 
Ah, well. It was about time he stopped drinking for the night, anyway. With a huff, he hauled himself upright and started towards the door. 
Don’t know where mine is…
He figured he’d just go back to the command center. Perhaps no one would mind if he passed out there. 
Three weeks later, the team was almost through with their pre-mission training requirements, with only days to go before they were certified to move out. 
It hadn’t been easy, but Landmine found himself feeling more confident in the mission to come, and in his Pretender abilities, which had until this point, meant next to nothing to him. 
 It was funny to think how the higher-ups had tried to convince every bot that their only purpose was a soldier, who should hold their gun and shoot–the only exception being if they were elite by caste or class, or simply higher-ranked. 
Day after day of military academy–especially after the war really got started–Landmine knew he was no elite. He was trained in how to use his gun, how to survive without proper resources for periods of time, to be a strategist–with the all the smarts a bot might need but would forget when a blade shoved itself against their throat. 
Yet still, only twice had he ever been spoken to about being a Pretender. About fighting as a Pretender and not as simply another Autobot soldier.
Perhaps it was trivial in the bigger picture–after all, dead is dead. 
 4-edge, 3-edge, length sticks, no not those…
Landmine’s optics flicked to the different boxes lined up in the shelf. Some of them had labels, some of those labels had faded to white. 
He’d gone to fetch some repair supplies for Cloudburst. And as usual, the silence invited the chatter of his own thoughts. 
How many were there like himself, with unacknowledged potential–who would likely die in battle, the intricate stories of their lives forced shut in an anticlimactic conclusion. No adventure, no life lived before their time? 
And how odd, he remarked internally, to still have the fortunate and the unfortunate, in the midst of a war–one being fought namely for the end of the class divide in Cybertronian society. 
Will we accomplish anything when we end this, other than the destruction of cities and lives? Be it violent tyranny and oppression, or the will of corrupt and almighty governmental bodies–who below them would come away with anything other than what has always been? 
Head down, staring at the contents of the open box, Landmine felt a familiar ache, a sinking feeling of dread and despair. 
Our lives lie in the hands of others. If we like it or not, if we wage a war for it or not. How fair is that? 
“Lander! Where are you, buddy? We’re doing another simulation soon, but Hawk wants us in the main hall first!” 
He looked up, staring at the wall outside the open door. He felt guilty as silence followed, likely for his own lack of response. But he couldn’t say anything back right now. He gripped the box more tightly and started down the hall. 
Memories began to awaken. Things he wanted to remember that made his chest hurt, reminding him why he also…didn’t want to remember. 
I'm just as bad a spark, aren't I?
He wondered…how fair it was to break someone’s heart, and then, act like nothing had happened at all. 
On the day for liftoff–when training was complete and all certifications to move out had been met–Landmine found himself exiting powerdown before daylight had emerged in the sky. He was not a late-riser by any means, but not usually quite so early either. 
He stared at the faint rays of daylight, reaching through his window and lighting the edge of his room walls.
He thought about the vacuum of space ahead. Something like a smile played at the corners of his mouth. 
I’ll remember this for a while, won’t I? 
The mech paced his room a couple times, rolling his shoulder joints and stretching a little. He'd found many benefits to morning exercises.
Optics ticking to an empty glass bottle lying near the window, his mind drifted back to the evening before. 
To the impromptu speech Metalhawk had made last night over some drinks in the bar room. 
The dimly-lit room carried a quiet murmuring, a laugh here and there. Landmine had come a bit late, taking his seat while Waverider waved a hello and handed him a glass. Cloudburst was, of course, talking. 
After a little while, Landmine glanced over the table and saw that Metalhawk had a distant sort of smile on his faceplate. 
He ran a finger against his rounded glass, gently. Then, as if deciding something, he flicked the edge softly. 
The soft cling caught the attention of their group, quieting them. And, without moving his optics from the sight of the rippling liquid in his cup, he’d begun to speak. 
“As we prepare to liftoff tomorrow, I wanted to…say a few things.” 
He looked now, to each one of them. 
“I…cannot guarantee we will make it back to Cybertron, that we will always have what we need, or that we will…survive this. I don’t know if we’ll succeed or fail in our mission, end up as prisoners of war on some Decepticon ship or not, or die as just a handful more nameless, faceless faction of the Autobot army. But, there is one thing of which, I do ask you to be certain.” 
He smiled a smile that no longer seemed distant, but very much real. Present. 
A look shimmered in his optics that Landmine knew well, yet not of his own experience. 
It was a look that belonged only to those who had somehow, not been tainted at their very core–who had somehow learned to love all things as they were, and to always love. 
Someone, he mused the thought, who had perhaps, not yet learned to hate from the pits of his being. Or maybe…
Made a choice, he'd thought.
“I am your commander in name only. More importantly, however, know I am your teammate, and I will not abandon you at any cost. Our destinies are uncertain–I only hope for many good centuries together. Not as mere soldiers of the Autobot faction, but instead as warriors of Cybertron, and of justice. Though imperfect as all beings are, we have, and always will have, a duty to protect life, and to strive to do good. And that mission, above all others, I do believe we can accomplish.”
Landmine gave a shout of approval and raised his glass high in the air. Nodding, the others raised theirs. They gazed back at Metalhawk, who gave a small chuckle, then raised his own glass. 
“For peace!” He offered the toast. Clinking of glass and overlapping shouts followed.
“For Cybertron!!”
“Let’s get ‘em!!”
Landmine blinked again, realizing he’d begun to stare at that bottle a little too long. 
The memory left him in the silence of his room in the early hours of day. 
Today’s the day. 
He slipped his new blaster to its holster and cast one more look at his room, then headed down to the main room to start course-planning, as a favor for the others on the ship, of course. 
Many years had passed since the Pretenders’ liftoff. Missions had been carried out, ships tracked and ambushed, prisoners transported to warships that arrived quickly after battles. The three weeks of training hadn’t done much to show them what they’d learn firsthand on every mission. 
Many hours were spent behind piles of mission reports and other writeups for record-keeping. No one had been seriously wounded up till this point, just some scratches here and there. 
When it was time to close in on their target, there’d be tense silence in the command room, darkened save for the computer display of what lay outside their ship’s windows. It was the unspoken group decision that pursuing targets would mean windows were closed, for maximum stealth effect in addition to the cloaking technology their ship possessed.
The panel walls were littered with an array of maps and charts (digital or tacked on rather hastily) that either had to do with their ship or the one the team was chasing. All optics and servos were locked to their task, relaying commands and requests between stations, ready for almost anything. 
 And at present, that was kind of the team’s situation…with one slight change. 
 “Phoenix, give me the numbers on our bottom left central thruster. Will it hold?”
 Having tracked their target to a very distant quadrant, the computer didn’t have much information about the area or its conditions. 
 “Ah…we’re at 42% power and dropping. The damage report indicates the shielding was torn off and it’s leaking fuel. The secondary power source cables are damaged as well, so once all the power’s gone, that’s it.” 
“Are the damage control systems online?”
“Negative. We have to go manual,” He pulled up the video feed of their rear camera to show the damage. “We are traveling at full speed in space, so manual repairs are not doable–”
“–without the cost of a life, alright. And if we continue pursuit as we are?” 
“Without repair? The…system says about 20 minutes until it starts sucking power from the other ones, and then we’ll enter float stage, pre-free-fall.”
 So…they were trapped. 
Landmine watched as he ducked his head, dealing a restrained punch to the wall next to him before returning to his command station and furiously typing away at the controls. He cast his eyes back to his own task, repeating to himself that he must stay focused.
“I’m going to try to reroute the power from the damaged thruster to the functional ones and shut off its power. We need to land now, or we’ll be forced to land,” he said quickly, not looking up. 
The tremor in his voice was audible, ambiguously a tone of either urgency or fear. 
 Landmine looked up from his station, where he had been managing their travel course since no one was piloting manually. 
 “Should I analyze the properties of our current sector and any stable landforms?” He offered, already pulling up another screen. 
“Yes, make sure–”
 Suddenly, the vessel jolted downwards and shook with such force that everyone was knocked to their feet. A blaring alarm sounded as the ship shook again, an automated voice announcing in smooth Cybertronian that their back two thrusters were out of power. 
The lights shut off for a second, while the ship swayed unevenly before a loud whirring started up and it moved back up again. 
When it returned to a somewhat stable position, the lights remained flickering, and everyone remained gripping their stations tightly so as to not fall over. 
 Metalhawk straightened and immediately dashed to the front of the ship, smacking a panel on the front computer and grabbing the steering wheel. As he twisted it, he turned back around for a moment. 
 “Lander–something within the current firing range of this ship–we need a landing place now!!”
“We’re abandoning target pursuit?” 
 He felt a small spark of hope as Metalhawk, gave a silent nod in response. He had the feeling most other commanders would have sacrificed themselves and their ship, preaching the nobility of dying for this cause without abandoning the mission.
 “With any luck, one of our last stray shots hit their ship too–which was already on its last leg from the looks of it,” Waverider piped up. “So they won’t be too far ahead, I’ll bet.” 
 “Okay, then,” Landmine switched off his station’s input to the course control and focused his efforts on scanning the nearby planets. “I’ll get something.” 
The ship was vibrating now, but not with its usual even-toned hum. 
It was the kind of uneven vibrating a machine made before it finally gave out and powered down for good.
Meanwhile, all the planets in their current sector weren’t looking too appealing. 
Not many with life or long-term livable conditions…Hm…
“Balance function is starting to–”
As if on cue, the ship began to tilt downwards again, the metallic whirring noise growing louder and louder. A small explosion could be heard before the lights shut off for good and the alarm system abruptly stopped. Everyone was tossed violently to the ground. 
The automated voice struggled to tell the room–
“We lost the third one!!” Cloudburst called over the halting monotone speech from the ship’s speakers. He shook his head picked himself off the ground, then rushed for the door. 
“I’ll shut off the power transfer so it doesn’t fry the rest of the ship and us in it!” The door hissed open and he disappeared down the hall. 
 Then, the sound of…something blowing out, sounded in the room. 
“Oh, sweet fraggin–” Waverider muttered the beginnings of a swear before whipping his gaze to the side to watch as the left half of the ship went completely dark, the computer panels clearly destroyed past functioning point. 
He slammed his station with a balled first. 
“We’re blind on the left side!”
Metalhawk made a noise of frustration and worry, just barely audible above the roaring engine as it struggled to stay active. He was grappling with the somewhat functional manual steering system, trying to keep the ship at a steady angle. 
 “Can we open the–ngh!!” 
He was cut off as the ship as the ship lost control again, throwing him off the wheel and slamming him against the wall and then the floor. As he stumbled to his feet and back to the steering wheel, he gasped as he saw the other side of the ship’s display panels begin to flicker ominously. 
Landmine swallowed, doing his best to quickly surf through all the information presented. 
“We’re almost out of power–we can’t deactivate the panels!”
It was now or never, they needed a place to–
'Sol System Entry 7625 - Life: detected.’ 
Landmine blinked twice at the screen in front of him. He scrolled back to the planet that had read the one positive result among the sea of negative ones. 
It that…?
With a quick tap, the image of a blue orb with wispy, white clouds tracing its edge, floating gently in its place, appeared on his display screen. His optics flicked to the planetary report, intrigued to find that this place had even been previously logged into Autobot travel records. 
‘Atmospheric makeup: Non-toxic. Resource profile: Varied, Non-toxic. Cycle End Date: Undetected. Motion Cycle: Rotation.’ 
He checking one last thing, anticipation building–
Landing conditions: Optimal; follow procedure 41F-52.’
That was it.
“We need to prepare the ship to enter foreign atmosphere!!”
Waverider and Metalhawk snapped their gazes in his direction.
“Yes, I found us a landing spot, you can thank me later. The profiles of the surrounding planets are virtually uninhabitable–this is our only option right now!” 
Waverider exchanged looks with their commander, who gave him a sharp nod. Then, he ran over to Landmine’s screen. After a moment, he chuckled a little. 
When he turned to look at Landmine, a smile had cracked onto his face through the solemn, controlled panic that had been previously. The soft, turquoise light from the only control panels still working in the room bounced off the curves of his face, shimmering off his blue visor. 
 And even though there was such a high chance they’d die in the next few minutes, Landmine found himself frozen, simply staring back.
 No. We can’t die today. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. 
“Hey! Um, a little help here–did we find something?!”
Landmine let out a little laugh and slid back into his seat as Waverider seemed to snap back to seriousness and leaned over to speak for him.
“Hawk, it also checks out as habitable to carbon-based life forms!” He called, gripping the his station as the ship jerked to the side again. “We’ll be fine as long as we land safely!” 
Just then, Cloudburst came rushing into the room. 
“The core engine isn’t looking good, guys! We need to get the ship out of full thrust mode or we’ll overheat, and our power sources will mix and explode!!” 
Oh. Wonderful. 
So, the options had been expanded beyond: 1.) drifting aimlessly, trapped inside a non-functioning ship until energon-depletion or some other cause killed them, or 2.) losing power completely and burning up upon entry to the nearest atmosphere.
Now, they had a third option: sitting and waiting for their ship to simply overheat and explode. 
The reddish mech ran up next to Metalhawk and started pushing buttons on the control panel. 
“Someone needs to prepare the stasis pods and program them to ejection mode, I’ll set an altitude point!” 
“Got it!” Waverider called, jumping up and sprinting out of the room. Landmine started inputting the coordinates of destination to the navigation system–one of the only undamaged things thus far–and deprogramming the space travel controls. 
A couple minutes of silence passed before he flashed a thumb-up in the air.
“We’re ready for atmospheric entry in approximately 40 seconds and counting!” 
“Brace for a drop, everyone!” Metalhawk shouted, planting his feet and gripping the wheel with all the force he could give. 
“Stasis pods are ready to go!” Waverider reentered the room, sliding back into his station.
“Engines to 15%!”
“Everyone get down!!”
There was a loud noise from the engine, then an abrupt silence as it cut down to about 15% power, and then the ship dipped so far downwards that Landmine felt himself grimace. 
Part of him even wondered if this was really procedure, and that they weren’t all about to die now. 
As if we weren’t before, he scoffed at himself. 
He dug his digits into the side of his seat and shut his optics as the ship began to pick up speed. 
The eerie silence endured for what felt like an eternity before the ship moved again, this time to right itself and return to a normal angle. At least, normal enough that Landmine opened his eyes to look around and see that the others were slowly standing up. 
 Metalhawk let out a shuddering breath and pressed a couple buttons with shaking digits before stepping back and regarding his crew. He’d probably switched the ship back to autopilot, so that they could all–
“Everyone to the stasis pods,” he ordered solemnly, quietly. 
No one else spoke a word, ducking their helms and filing out of the room and into the hall. 
Landmine walked out last. 
He cast one last look at the nearly pitch-black command room, catching sight of the last couple working display panels struggling to function before the door hissed shut behind him. 
He felt a twinge of sadness at the idea that they were saying goodbye to this ship so soon. Admittedly, it had been one nice vessel, with a gorgeous design and plenty of capabilities.
Then, there was the stark realization that once they entered stasis, they might not make it back out alive. 
We can’t die today. We won’t.
Since the ship was barely working, the lighting in the halls was…nonexistent. However, they knew exactly where they were going, and walked quietly in the darkness until they reached their destination. 
With a quiet whirring noise, the door slid open. The darkness was abruptly luminated with a soft, greenish glow, emanating from the center of each stasis pod lying in its place. 
There were six of them, more than enough for every member on this team. 
Landmine had been there to help Cloudburst put in the other three.
He walked in and watched as Metalhawk entered his verification to the panel on the wall, deactivating the locks on each one so they hissed and snapped open simultaneously. The greenish glow faded to a blue, as if softening, to invite them in. 
“Whatever the outcome, remember what I said to you all on our liftoff day,” Metalhawk said as evenly as he could, turning and regarding each mech slowly, kindly. He had that smile on his face again, which seemed to ease the tension in the room. 
“If we make it out alive or if this is the day on which Primus welcomes us home, I am honored to have had such a good team of friends. I am honored to die, not for this cause, but surrounded by you.”
"And we're honored to remain with you in this moment, sir."
"It was an honor indeed."
"Frag yeah."
Their commander nodded, then swiveled to gaze down at the stasis pods.
“Then…until we meet again,” he said, soft enough that he almost wasn't audible.
He then walked to the back of the room and took a step into the pod. Cloudburst followed, taking the one next to him.
Landmine stepped towards his pod, then stopped, frozen in place again. 
It wasn’t quite hesitation or fear, but something was stopping him from going forward. He could feel the quaking beneath him, as the ship was no doubt somewhat falling apart, reaching closer and closer to the ground. 
He heard the doors to the other pods seal themselves shut, administering the stasis lock. 
But something was…
He looked to his side and found himself millimeters away from Waverider. His spark skipped a beat. But, he wasn’t afraid. 
He found himself reaching out and gripping Waverider’s servos, firmly, yet gently. He traced his thumb along the palm of his hand, smiling with a deep emotion he couldn’t quite place. 
Waverider’s visor glittered, a smile twisting the corners of his mouth upwards. He let his helm fall against Landmine’s.
He spoke so softly, so gently, in his easy-going way that almost made it seem like he didn't even fear death itself. 
“I want to see you again.”
“Me too.”
“Then see me again!” 
“Alright, I will,” Landmine chuckled, letting go of one hand and bringing it up to caress Waverider’s face for a moment. “I won’t leave you again.” 
“Oh, Lander…”
“I’m sorry for everything, I’m sorry for the things I said back in Academy, I'm sorry for never contacting you, I’m sorry for–”
 The black-plated mech drew away, his hand sliding slowly out of Landmine’s grip. He gave a soft smile and climbed into his pod, still watching him.
Landmine found himself to be shaking, unable to speak as he watched Waverider lean back and close his optics. He didn’t know how to describe this feeling, that seemed to break his facade, to suddenly force him to realize of the gravity of everything happening in this moment. 
The possibility of the unwanted outcome, which no one would mourn, and no one would remember, until long after the war was over. Or perhaps, not even then.  
He watched, motionless, as the glass panel slid over his body, the blue shining off it in wavy lines.
He mouthed something just before the glass fogged over and he could no longer be seen. 
Until we meet again. 
He could still felt the touch on his hand, the weight against his forehead, heard the softly-whispered utterances ringing in the recesses of his mind as he finally forced himself to move. 
Stepping into his own pod, he felt a strange relief wash over him. Perhaps it was closer to sudden resignation, but he wanted to believe it was relief.
A sheet of clear glass moved over his body, another, thicker one sliding over from the side.
It was a very small space, this container. 
He found himself smiling.
Maybe now he could finally say he’d been a good Autobot. 
Had the past been fixed? Had he done anything right or...just? Had he truly strove for the protection of all life, as Hawk had put it? 
Perhaps. Or not. But maybe I did my best. And maybe…that’s good enough. 
And then, the nothingness of stasis wrapped its grip around him, and everything went dark. 
“No, you need a new tie–where’s your sense of style?!” Landmine took a long drink from his glass before shaking his head. “Oh, wait I forgot–you don’t have one.”
“Says the guy in the ugliest jacket I have ever laid eyes on–”
“That's my favorite one, shut up!” 
But the both of them were laughing.
Though tipsy, they hadn’t thought to call it a night yet, especially not on their drinks. So they remained, sitting near the window of a high-rise, fancy restaurant in the middle Manhattan.
It had so happened, Waverider was in the city for a bit, so Landmine decided to take him to one of his favorite restaurants.
It was times like this he was happy to be not just a human, but one with a very decent salary.
The lights of the city twinkled like a sea of stars tied to the ground, canceling out the vast number of stars that both of them knew hung high in the sky…out in space…
“It’s been too long for you, hasn’t it?” 
 Landmine jolted a bit a he heard Waverider’s voice, gaze snapping back to him and away from the city below. He watched him reach out and pick up his glass, tracing the edge of it with a finger. 
“Me too, Lander,” Waverider said, so quietly it could have been to himself, “Me too.” 
Yes, he agreed, internally, looking back out the window.  
It’d been quite literally ages since they’d been able to resume their missions, flying around the galaxy…they’d been in human bodies for so many years, it almost felt like a distant memory–the war, or that they belonged to a whole other world. 
Considering how long they'd been forced to remain on earth so far–as their superiors felt it best to just station the team on earth rather than provide or allow them a means to come back to Cybertron–he was fairly open to that notion. Perhaps it was better it all remained a vague memory, put behind him for good.
Life on earth wasn't perfect, but it had a lot of its own good moments. In some ways, it was better than Cybertron, he'd concluded.
And despite what he knew many of his kind would think, he didn't feel guilty at all for feeling that way.
He remembered the day their stasis pods reactivated, opening his optics to a bright light floating in a crystal blue sky, and realizing he was unharmed, and still alive. 
The flood of hope like no other, that had caused him to remain motionless for quite a while before he finally left his pod. 
But what had felt like such a distant memory wasn’t just the war itself. 
 “Hey,” he said taking another sip of the sparkling white liquid in his glass. “I’ve missed talking to you like this. Just sitting together...”
He watched Waverider lean back to down the rest of his glass before responding. 
“You said it.”
“We should…get together more often,” he found himself saying. The music playing faintly on the speakers stopped for a moment as he spoke. 
He watched Waverider smile, but felt his heart tighten as it registered what kind of smile it was. This was familiar. Quite familiar. 
Another song started to play overhead. Something about romance. 
“I’d…be open to that,” he said at last, looking out the window. Even amidst the medium-level noise of the restaurant, his sudden silence seemed to shout at Landmine. 
Should I not have...?
Landmine sighed and reached out a hand, letting his fingers rest on his friend’s. 
The warm, semi-dim lighting of the restaurant painted the strangers at the tables behind them in orange shadows. The yellow of the overhead lighting shimmered faintly in the depths of Waverider's soft blue eyes. 
He looked out the window again, too, eyes caught by the sight of a skyscraper flashing a bright yellow light in some practiced sequence. 
He found it wonderful and intriguing that even after all these years watching civilization build itself into the modern day, there were still some things he’d never know about daily life. 
Or it might be a broken light. 
Another memory suddenly greeted him. 
The one where he went to check Waverider’s pod first, instinctively, and moment he realized how afraid he’d been when Waverider finally opened his eyes, the glass sliding away immediately, letting him sit up.
 “We’re up first! How wild is that?” He’d said, dropping down to a kneeling position to be eye-level with him. Waverider blinked once, twice, then chuckled. 
“Pretty wild.” He leaned forward and touched foreheads with Landmine. “So, hey.”
“I’m seeing you again. I told you we’d see each other soon…”
“I know…”
Suddenly, the hand beneath his shifted to grip back, pulling him from his memory and into the present again. The smile that he saw across the table was different again, looking happier than before. 
I just don’t know how to tell you...
 “Can I come to your office tomorrow, then?” 
 Landmine smirked, feeling his own playful nature return in full. 
 “Only if you let me pick out your outfit–and you throw out that awful tie!” 
“By the Primes, Lander–”
“No, I'll even buy the stuff for you. It’ll be my treat,” He insisted, starting to laugh. “The people at my office will kick you out if you walk in with that uncoordinated kind of style!” 
“Oh, then you must have experience in that field,” Waverider joked back, motioning at Landmine’s signature burgundy jacket. 
He had the most smug grin on his face.
“My good sir, I’ll have you know that–” 
But he didn’t finish his sentence.
He’d broken off abruptly, just staring at Waverider for a moment. The clamor of people around them seemed to fade out.
Unsure as to whether it was the wine he'd been drinking or something else entirely, he felt like something was...pulling at him, and he found himself leaning closer and closer until…
Another memory flashed through his mind’s eye. It was of his first experience with a kiss. 
Landmine was sitting in his office, typing away at his laptop. He'd been working at a paper company while he looked for a better job, having set his sights on moving to New York.
He was filling out his application for a position as head of sales at an automotive dealer when he felt a tap on the shoulder.
In the reflection of his computer screen, he could see Waverider's figure before he felt him lean over and rest his head on his shoulder.
"Hey," he murmured, grinning. "Shouldn't you be in a meeting?"
His partner didn't respond, instead leaning over and pressing his lips gently against Landmine's cheek. The blonde froze, obviously startled by the gesture.
Then at last, he cleared his throat, looking up at Waverider, who still had a large smile on his face. He was sure he was flushed, but tried to play it cool.
"And you did that…why?”
“It’s a human custom,” Waverider explained, laughing. “Its called kissing. Saw someone in my office do it with their partner, and I've seen it hundreds of times before that, but didn't know what it was."
"And that is?" He watched Waverider draw back a bit, tapping his chin in thought.
"How do I say...well, it's like...it means affection, or that you care for someone.”
"Alright..." Landmine was still confused, however. “But, I mean...is it platonic or romantic?”
Waverider shrugged. Then, leaned over to kiss Landmine's cheek again.
"That's...up to us, I guess..."
Whatever you wanted it to be, a kiss was. 
Well, he didn't know what this kiss was, but...he knew it felt right. It was better than any word he could speak, or gesture he could make.
And after a moment, he and Waverider leaned back, sat back down, quiet again. But, not an uncomfortable silence. 
He watched his companion smile, start to blush. The dimples in his face showed themselves as he smiled back at him. He ruffled his brownish-blonde hair with one hand, starting to giggle a little. 
Landmine knew it wasn’t going to be long before Waverider would have to return to his job, leaving New York again. They’d be lonely again, even if they called and messaged…
But maybe what they had...didn't need some kind of label, or name. A commitment or a friendship or...something deeper than that...whatever this was.
This still felt alright. As it always had. Something told him Waverider felt that, too. 
He and Waverider had since had many long talks about their academy days. Everything had been laid out, brought up, acknowledged and forgiven.
They had come to understand one another so deeply in all their years since coming to Earth, but especially now, as humans in this current time of peace. 
“No matter what you do, or who you’re with," Waverider murmured, beaming, "I’ll always be here for you. I know I've said that before, but...eh, it's worth saying again.” 
"I know."
"I'm glad!" He laughed again.
He was certainly a little drunk, sure but, he was always like this, Landmine thought.
Waverider had always been a relaxed and fun-loving soul.
“Connected sparks...always find their way back together no matter what, don’t they?” Landmine remarked, flicking a fingertip against his plate.
He felt warm, all the way inside himself, not from the meal or the heater, but...from something else.
Waverider blinked in some surprise for a moment, seeming to take in the words, processing them, before the smile returned to his features.
“Yeah...they really do.”
And, suddenly Landmine took notice of the speaker overhead, as it had started playing something else while they spoke. 
It was a song about humanity–something he and the other Pretenders had learned slowly but surely, was quite relative to what they’d known all their lives.
The truth of existence, which Landmine had found and continued to find with every passing day. 
That it's alright, to be as one is–imperfect, yet persevering.
Bringing what one can to the table of life, giving, speaking, loving and experiencing it all. 
That in that imperfection, life itself was good–contrary of course, to what he’d learned in the Cybertronian Military Academy, which had been wrong about many other things as well. 
Life in many forms, which seeks friendships and connections between others, in its funny, social nature.
Nothing quite in idealistic purity, and often happy in that manner of existing.
That, which altogether, made it truly beautiful to be alive, especially on this Earth.
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 3011
today i didn't go anywhere. i didn't leave the house.
i got up, showered, got dressed, was all ready for the day, and i'd grabbed my shoes to put on when mom looks over at me and says "oh honey."
oh boy.
"you look awful."
"i think you should stay home today. i think you should go back upstairs and go back to sleep."
i felt terrible. my stomach was hurting a ridiculous amount and i was not having it. so i plopped myself on the sofa with my big fuzzy blanket for a bit. cancelled my appointments. emailed the proper authorities that i wouldn't be in. i sat there for a bit until mom asked me, "are you comfortable there?"
so i got up and went upstairs. instead of sleeping in my bed, when i feel icky and need a nappy-nap i go sleep in my mom's bed. it's brighter in there and it has a bigger fan and the bed is significantly more comfortable, so i went there instead.
i slept for about three hours or so.
when i woke up it was just shy of 1pm, so i went downstairs to answer my mom's text of "do you want lunch"
so i sent this
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which is exactly how i hear my internal monologue whenever someone asks me something like "are you hungry" or "are you tired" or "are you up for mcdonald's."
the answer is always yes.
so i came downstairs and we couldn't decide on lunch so we kinda picked apart a rotisserie chicken mom got for dinner and i pulled the rest of it off. i took care of the balloons that were spun and stuck around the fan in the living room, and mom eventually came over and laid down on the sofa. i got up to tend to the meat that was cooking for dinner on the stove while she napped. we were making enchiladas, so i put myself in charge of making the interiors of them. beef and black bean (spicy), and chicken and rice (not spicy). i didn't make the rice bc it wasn't close to dinner time but i finished the rest of it before doing something else.
something important to note today is that i have been in an intense amount of pain for most of the day. my back hurts. a lot. and when my mom and i were looking for pajamas online, my shoulder decided it didn't want to be part of the party, so it started hurting too.
which sucked.
but the best news is that i got an assignment done today. one down, five to go or something stupid like that. i have a lot to think through and a lot to do, but at least cybersecurity is done.
and joel's mom is free of covid! so i can go see joel again! i'm so excited to see him again :) he's a silly goober and i love him a lot and i've missed him. sometimes you just need a hug from a specific person and that specific person at this point is joel. i am gonna get so many cuddles tomorrow.
anyway, that's my description of the first ever halloween where i didn't do anything for halloween. it was kinda sad, but i didn't feel good and i was busy and got some homework done. but i made a nine-year-old giggle, so that was fine by me. (her dad is the contractor we're having put in some doors and he brought her along bc he's a single dad who put the fear of god into him tonight, so she was kinda sad and tired as she sat on the chair across from me, and i had a pen with a fluffy head so i used it as a mustache. she giggled and i considered my day fulfilled.)
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Taken - Blue Moon Series - Chapter 7b
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*Warning Adult Content*
Lakota Bateman
"How about lunch, are you hungry?"
As we sat down Connor handed me the menu.
"Pick whatever you want," I took the plastic paper in my hands but I just stared at it.
We sat silently for a moment when suddenly there was a scrap of chairs at our table.
Looking up I saw Gale and Cyrus making themselves comfortable.
"How did you find us...?" Connor started to say but Cyrus interrupted.
"Just followed my mates scent," Cyrus said stiffly gazing into my eyes intently.
I blushed looking back down at the menu.
"My brother over heard that the two of you were taking him. I'm surprised you two didn't inform us that you were going to take him for the day."
He motioned behind him where his brother Nicholas standing outside, his back against the window.
"Well I didn't know we had to," Connor bite back.
"I don't know how you wolves are with your mates but a vampire would like to know where our other half is when they are taken off the premises without a word."
"You sound like an old time movie," Cyrus scoffed lounging back in his chair.
Gale only gave him a slight glance before focusing back on Connor.
"We are his family... we have every right to take him with us."
"I don't mind him being with family... I just would have liked to know that he was leaving the house, is all."
"I agree," Cyrus voiced suddenly.
I saw a small smirk rise on Gale's face before it was gone.
Sighing I looked back at the menu.
Connor frowned at me tilting his head and Teagan just sat with a straight face acting completely indifferent towards what was going on around him.
"What is it?" Connor asked.
"Would you like for them to leave you alone today?"
"What would you suggest?" I muttered placing the menu down on the table.
"Huh?" he frowned.
"For lunch?" I asked.
"Oh, uh... maybe the chicken fettuccini Alfredo... it sounds pretty good," Connor said looking up from his menu.
"Okay... I'll have that then."
I pushed the plastic menu away from me when someone came up to our table.
"What can I get you this evening?" the waiter asked looking at all of us.
Connor sprouted off a bunch of things as the person wrote it all down.
"Water," Cyrus said while Gale shook his head.
"Very good. I'll be back with your waters in just a moment."
The waiter said before he left.
It was then when I noticed an interesting scent... it was almost like a spring rain falling on a bed of flowers.
It engulfed the whole room and completely intoxicated my senses and I found myself feeling light headed as I leant towards the smell.
"Lakota?" I heard Gale say causing my eyes to snap open.
I was leaning over the table in their direction... Cyrus was giving me a penetrating stare... his bright blue eyes intense.
While Gale's brown eyes watched me with a frown.
"Are you okay?" Cyrus asked.
"Y-yeah," I cleared my throat sitting back up straight.
"Here's your water," the waiter came back placing water on the table.
"I'll be back with your food shortly."
The moment the food arrived it gave us all a reason not to talk.
I knew that I was acting weird around both of them but today was supposed to be a break from all this, a day to forget and maybe get a new look on the whole thing but with them here it was an ever pressing situation that demanded an answer.
I knew I would accept them... it was impossible not to but it was the process of them accepting each other.
I've said it before that it was not normal for a wolf to have more than one mate and to have two was bizarre but with another species altogether... So it was all up to me to decide without any help or advice from others with experience.
I placed another fork full of delicious creamy noodles up to my mouth when someone's cell-phone rang.
Glancing up I saw Cyrus reaching into his jacket.
The creamy cheesy taste of the sauce exploded on my tongue and I had to prevent myself from moaning out loud.
"Okay," Cyrus's deep voice sounded at the table.
"We have to go back," he said suddenly looking towards me and Gale.
"Wait, Lakota is with us today."
Connor frowned placing his utensil down.
"I get it but that was the Head Elder," Cyrus said tilting his phone in his hands and Connor closed his mouth unable to argue.
"Right, well. Let's go then," Gale said standing up and reaching a hand over towards me.
I frowned with my fork sticking out of my mouth.
He took hold of my hand... pulling me to my feet but all I could do was look at my plate longingly as he hauled me away.
Cyrus quickly swooped up my food and walked out of the restaurant.
Sitting in the car next to me Cyrus handed me the plate back.
"Here I know you're hungry."
Blushing I took the fork out of my mouth and stuck it in my pasta.
"Thank you," I whispered.
"It's about time I saw you put something in that mouth of yours," Gale spoke from the front seat of his car.
"Excuse me?" Cyrus questioned as dark look crossed his face.
"It's just, when he was at my home he refused to eat anything. I was afraid he was trying to starve himself."
I closed my eyes in dread as I could just feel Cyrus's eyes on me.
"Is this true?"
I started to swirl my fork around and around refusing to look up at him.
"Yes, it's true," I murmured.
The feel of his rough warm hand found its way in my hair, caressing the strands caused me to look up.
"Why would you do that to yourself? Did you not think I would find you?" there was hurt in his voice.
I shook my head.
"It had nothing to do with that. It was just that I am tired of captivity. I would have rather died then be imprisoned ever again."
"Oh Lakota."
He wrapped his arm around my head and pulled me close to lean against his chest.
The car was silent as we drove back to the pack house.
Gale sat very still and Nicholas who sat in the passenger's seat just quietly looked out the window.
We pulled up to the pack house to see the Head Elder standing with the Sky Ravens Alpha, Jim and Elijah on the porch.
"What's wrong?" Cyrus asked helping me out of the car as I held my plate close to me.
"We may have a way to find your parent's pack," Heath said looked from me to Teagan, who was standing a few feet away from me.
"And why are you telling us and not finding them yourself?" Gale voice staring at his dad.
"Because it has to be done by your mate and his brother."
"What's that mean?" Connor asked frowning.
Alpha Avery stepped forward towards his son.
"There is a creature that can find anything and anyone."
"That's great," Gale exclaimed.
"Yeah but it has its drawbacks."
"Like?" Cyrus asked.
"Well we can't go because you have to have the blood or DNA of those who you wish to find," Heath added.
I felt the groups behind me freeze.
"That would mean that the only ones who can go are Teagan and Lakota," Connor said.
"Correct, they are the only ones who can deal with them," Jim added.
"So does that mean we have to stay behind?" Cyrus growled behind me as he closed the small gap between us.
His heat surrounded me all of a sudden.
"No, the three of us have to stay because we cannot afford to leave our positions at this time. We just declared war on a rogue pack. The word will spread and we could be under attack in a short time but we need you six to go," Elijah voiced his opinion.
"If you think that they will come to attack what's the point in finding this mysterious person," Gale said.
"Because who knows how long it will take for the word to spread that far and for them to take action," Heath responded.
"So where can we find this person?" he asked.
"We will give you all the information tonight."
"Because that's when you're leaving," Alpha Avery announced.
Murmurs of agreement swept the group, it seemed everyone was okay with going out on a mysterious trip to who knows where to find who knows what...
"Who or what are we tracking if you don't mind me asking?" I asked voicing my thoughts.
There was a paused before Heath finally spoke.
"The Seer," his voice dripping in disgusted.
There was a collective gasped behind me and two subtle growl to follow.
Which left Connor, Teagan and I all frowning in confusion.
What the hell was a Seer?
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quinnzeta21 · 6 months
HER (Chapter 2)
Miss Dawson what I know is, she's 45 and she will be teaching science on this campus. So as her "assistant", I need to do anything that she asks for. Not a hard job for me, I think?
As she's done showing me around and explaining everything that I should know, "any questions?" She said. "No Ma'am... I mean Miss" and she is just staring at me with a sharp gaze. "I'm sorry Miss, I didn't mean to-" she just cut off my words "Please, just call me Kate" and she rush to her desk to get me some paperwork to do.
Before we went home, "y/n, tomorrow before you arrive to the campus. Can you please come to my house first to help me with the books to give to the students?". "Sure. But-", "I'll send the location to my house" she just cut my words again. Like she knows what I'm going to ask her.
After I got home from the exausted day, today. My family is all already gone to bed and that left me, alone. After I finish my shower and get ready for bed, I'm thinking about renting a house near the campus. I'm not going to waste my time in the road and I just remembered my friend, Tanya. She's living near the Vernmore campus. I straight dial her number and hope she answers my call.
"Hello y/n, everything okay? Why did you call me this late night? Hope you're-" "yes, I'm okay. Chill Tanya. Just wanna ask if you are free tomorrow for a coffee break?" I ask. And she agreed with me to meet tomorrow after work.
The next day, I open my waze to get to Miss Dawson's house. I arrived to her house hours later to see her already compile the books to bring to her car. "Good morning Miss Dawson" no replies as she continues bringing the books to the car, I think I'm used to not getting her reply unless it's about work. "Y/n don't just stand there, help me fast with the books and bring it to your car". I follow her to get into her house to bring the books. I'm so surprised to see her beautiful house with big chandeliers. Is she living alone?
All books are already in our cars and Miss Dawson asked me to meet her in the classroom. So, it's my first day meeting with the students. Students started to fill the classroom and yet, Miss Dawson is still not here. Can I just start introducing myself without her? Or should I wait for her and just stare at the students? Another awkward moment for me.
So I try to make an intro for myself "Hye everyone, my name is y/n. I'm an intern student for 6 months and I'll be working under Miss Kate Dawson. Hope we can get along well". And there's one girl asking me "where is Miss Dawson? Is she alright?". Alright? What did she mean by that? I'm going to ask why but Miss Dawson has already arrived at the class.
I said to her that I already introduced myself and gave some of the books to them. She's nodding to me with a slight smile then continues giving the books for the rest that haven't gotten yet. Okay, that's the first time I saw her smile. And she started her teaching and I sat at the back of the class to watch how she taught them with full of passion.
After the first class is already finished, the students are already gone for their break and it's just me and Miss Dawson. So I ask her if I can help with anything before I take a break. She is just shaking her head and asking me to  enjoy my lunch. When I went to the cafeteria after leaving the wash room, I saw the principal and staff  enjoy their lunch except for Miss  Dawson. I need to ask someone if they see her. But then, I decided to just cut the question and join the staff at the table.
The second session has already started and I saw Miss Dawson already in the classroom. There's my chance to ask her "Miss Dawson, why didn't you join us for lunch? I didn't see you anywhere". She replied to me with a simple word "I don't get hungry"..... I- didn't she eat anything before the classes started this morning? The students were already in the class and the learning process started.
I can't wait to get to the climax of this story XD
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I accidentally regressed at Penpal friend's house yesterday. I didn't mean to, and I didn't even suspect that I might until it was happening. We were laying on our bellies on the floor, watching a lizard shed his skin on the other side of the window. (Very interesting! He did such a good job!) The only thing I can think might have prompted it would be a combo of the position (laying on my belly, occasionally kicking my legs, entranced by a single thing a foot in front of my face) and some good old fashioned child-like wonder?
I grabbed my phone at one point, intending to type up a 🐥 of some kind (our usual symbol if I go small when texting) to let him know.. and before I could he said something about how hed thought about taking a picture of lizard too but didn't think it would show up good bc of the screen.. so I took a picture of lizard bc why not.. then just fiddled with my phone and settled back in for a bit and decided to just tell him with my voice. Because I felt like I could say it! And if I feel like I can, then there's no reason not to! So I told him I was 'feelin a lil bit little' and I think he just said 'ok' or 'alright' or something like that, but we kept watching the lizard and it wasn't a big deal or something that needed discussion? Was nice.
He did have a moment not long after where he cursed in front of me (and I'm p sure I've talked before about how that's the only thing I ask of him when I'm small - to avoid cursing. And it's something that's been a repeated issue, for one reason or another)... and I'd kind of withdrawn into myself (not that it was obvious from the outside compared to how I'd been acting beforehand) and was thinking about how I was probably gonna need to say something when I was big and how maybe it just wasn't a good idea to interact with him when I'm small.. and then he asked how small I was feeling and i kind of made the so-so/kinda motion with my hand and he brought up that he'd almost cursed but had thought he'd cut himself off (and I let him know he hadn't managed to cut it off) but he acknowledged and apologized for the slip up on his own and didn't do it again for the rest of the day. Which I'm taking as a win, yk? Especially because I wasn't little enough in that moment that it had actually bothered me? It was more that he wouldn't have known that fact when it happened and that it's a line that's been crossed in the past.
Our hangout session didn't really change much from how it usually would after that. I definitely noticed behaviors and stuff in myself that indicated my smallness, but we just kept hanging out and chatting about whatever. For a bit I started having a much harder time with words and started finger spelling to myself, but that was more in an echolalia sense, not in a 'trying to communicate' way. I don't think penpal friend knows ASL? I doubt this will become a regular thing, the two of us hanging out in person when I'm little, but if it did I might need to teach him a couple signs, at least?
I started to start feeling bigger at a certain point (he was eating lunch and had offered me some but I wasn't hungry) and I laid on my back and put my face in my shirt (trying to orient myself and figure out if I was big or small or what) and he checked in if I was alright and I just said I was 'havin a time' but was fine and he accepted that and just kept chatting to me (and also poked me in my belly once or twice bc it was EXPOSED) and I didn't really emerge with a firm answer, but I thought I was working my way towards bigger so decided to lean in that direction a bit without like, forcing myself bigger? If that makes sense?
He checked in a bit after about how little I was feeling (I think because he wanted to say something that was probably better heard by older ears? Idr exactly rn) and I kind of fumbled the answer cause it wasn't a clear-cut one, but I basically told him to go with older bc I was leaning that way and working towards it..
The thing that put me firmly back into adulthood was playing minecraft together. I'm really into it, but usually play on my computer. I have it on my phone too though, and wanted to show him the end to illustrate something I was talking about. We played together last time we hung out at his place too and I'd promised to bring my charger next time so we could play again if he wanted. So we did that and since he's super new to the game it puts me in a teaching role. Which solidified my 'bigness'.
Everything seemed fine yesterday but I texted him to check in this morning, just in case. He didn't even know what I was checking in about at first and when I clarified he said
"Oh it was fine yea :) no worries."
"I dont mind if you end up feeling little in person 💕 you're good"
So... we're good! And I'm good! And it was one of those things that felt like it should've been kind of a big deal because I haven't been little in front of someone (in person) in literal years I think?? (Its possible I may have slipped a bit in front of roommate B during one of my visits, but nothing specific comes to mind so I don't think I have?? And even if so, it probably wasn't addressed).. and this is definitely the first time I've regressed around Penpal friend (in person, at least) ever. But it just wasn't a big thing.
The only other thing really was that, just once, at my littlest, I had the vague urge to call him 'bubba'.. but it was more a passing thought and since I doubt this is gonna be a reoccurring thing, I'm not gonna worry about it or think on it too hard.
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skinnyrose123 · 8 months
A piece of a story I'm writing on Wattpad. Please don't judge harshly, just make suggestions.
I giggle with Ryder as he makes a face at the tv. "Dinner!" Mom calls. I run to the table and sit down. "Why are you in a rush to dinner?" Mom asks. I look at her and smile. "Ryder, hows football?" Dad asks before I can answer mom. I'm forgotten again. I eat a few bites before heading to my room.
I stare at myself in the mirror. What makes me so non special? So bland?
"I'm not hungry!" I call as mom tries to get me to dinner. They laugh together and eat the calories I do not want. I'll eat when I'm faint. I want to see how long it takes them to notice I'm not there.
A week. They still haven't noticed. I'm still "not hungry".
"Why don't you eat?" Sadie asks. I shrug. "It's a game. I want to see how long it takes!" I say.
Three months and I've decided they don't care.
A year. I hate myself. They don't notice anything about me. Not even Ryder.
Two years and I've given up trying to impress my family. I can't stop now. It's not a game anymore.
I make sure I don't look to weird before I grab my stuff and head downstairs. I walk to my new car, that I bought. "See ya at school!" Ryder calls. Like he cares. I think. I sigh and drive myself.
School is fine until lunch. The thought alone makes me want to vomit again. "Hi." Someone says. I recognize the girl as someone in math. She's definitely popular. She's wearing a cheer uniform.
"Sit with us!" Another says as they loop their arms through mine. "You are so tiny!"
I feel like puking. "Yeah, I um...I work out!" I lie. They just smile an nod and talk among themselves. I barely eat.
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