#i'm in love with Starling's design
despazito · 1 year
Idk I think if you're depicting any animal semi-seriously in media the least you can do for it is to try searching for some references in a natural setting. Especially in a medium like animation, referencing behavior is just as important as physiology. Sometimes the clearest photos of a species are in a very distressing context for the animal. Some people only know certain animals for how they look/behave under extreme stress. This is why I love camera trap footage so much as reference.
What I'm saying is if you're tasked with designing and animating an otter or a fox and your only videos referencing them in motion where captive pet videos I'm gonna be disappointed
You can tell when someone's put thought and effort into their depiction of a species, no amount of rigging or polygons can create believable animal behaviour*. Like to me the aristocats is a really cute movie because despite being anthropomorphized the kittens still behave like cute kittens!!
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It's hard to find modern animation with great animal acting similar to Kahl's. It's either fully anthro movement or behaves like a dog, and I do think this oversaturation has some negative effects on our relationship with animals. Our society has become so based in narratives and stories and so many of our stories have misleading or fabricated beliefs about animals and how they behave
*except for that guy who made a program in C++ to simulate starling murmurations
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random-fandom1984 · 2 months
Hi!! 😆
May I request TFP Yandere Soundwave x human reader?
Thank for reading this (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง✨
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Sorry if it doesn't have that much yandere as you were hoping for.
Okay, so, the only way I can see that you could've gotten his attention is either you're related to one of the three human charges – family or friend. Because of that, you don't know about the Autobots and Decepticons.
Soundwave was given the mission to find out more about the human pets, through humans that are close to them. Out of all of their family and friends, he chose you.
He only went through some of your info, and you're a friend of Miko's host parents that lives in a state up north, in Gravity Falls, Oregon (Yes, I'm making a little crossover with GF, but TFP came out 2 years before Gravity Falls existed, so Weirdmageddon hasn't happened yet, nor have the Pine Twins visited yet.)
You've met Miko a few times when you've came to visit, and it's best to say you don't like how loud, irresponsible, foolish, and doesn't understand people's boundaries. You were a rather quiet introverted person, and she was an overbearing extrovert, so you two didn't mix well.
When it was Christmas last year, they were at your family gathering, and she almost got your cousins hurt with firecrackers, who were mainly toddlers and young children. She even said, quote-unquote, that "They needed to live a little and not have helicopter parents deciding everything for them." The thing was that your aunts and uncles weren't helicopter parents, they were normal, calm, and understanding parents!
Miko was one of the main reasons why you lost faith in humanity, and you despised her with a burning passion. You even told this to her in her face, but she would say that you're just grumpy and should take a nap. As if you were a little child that didn't know better!
You work as an online artist that takes request for people who can't draw certain things like, animals, details, DND characters, Oc's etc.
As time went on, he was starting to get obsessed with learning more about you, and he knows more about you than anyone else you know in your life. Your favorite animal are birds, your favorite color is d/s/f/c (Dark Shade of Favorite Color), you hate people, don't like talking, have a pet European Starling named Jermey, after the crow in the Secret of Nimh because of his love for shiny and sparkly things, who is also the model for your watermarks on your designs, you like dying your hair, and so much more.
You were having a normal day, doing a live stream as you were taking requests from your viewers, when this one person in particular to do a city made out of metal, the people are robots that can transform, and even gave you an image that they "made" that was called Kaon. Interested, you took up this challenge.
It was safe to say that Soundwave wasn't disappointed with the end results of it; It looked magnificent. The image of his home was nostalgic of the good old days of Cybertron, when it wasn't just him and Laserbeak, when all of his children minicons were still alive.
The two of you kept in contact and became friends on the internet. You would tell each other about how your days went; you were told that he works as one of the higher ups in a company, has to deal with an annoying, loud, arrogant assistant of his boss – reminds you of a certain someone –, has a pet bird, is introverted, doesn't talk, doesn't like humanity- you're already hooked.
You turned a blind eye to things, like how he somehow knows where you live, find out about private accounts on social media, knows that you're talking to someone even when there's barely any people around, kind of seeming jealous/overprotective over text. The hardest one to do is when someone insults or steals your art, only to end up severely or lightly wounded somewhere between the next day to the end of the week, saying that a robot version of Slenderman or a metal bird that has an origami themed shape, etc.
There were a few things that caught your attention. How he uses the wrong terminology for things such as units time, parts of the body, even saying organics, fleshies, humans instead of people or others by their names. You were suspicious but brushed it off every time it happens.
At the beginning of Soundwave's his sire growing obsession, Laserbeak didn't even understand what was so great about you. But it changed when he was shot down by Autobots and landed out in the woods, you found him, and repaired him. During his stay, he made friends with Jeremy, and during repairs, you were gentle as you could be when fixing him up, your touched were light, you asked if what you were doing was alright, and he honestly thought of those human films where the mother would help their child when they get an injury. In this situation, he was your the child, and you were his the mother; he understood now.
Knowing Laserbeak's existence was the reason why it was a little hard to turn a blind eye to those that were injured.
When Laserbeak returned, he gave the information to Soundwave, and that's when Soundwave knew that you were the one to complete the family.
When the both of you actually met face-to-face is when you texted him that an ex of yours came back is so persistent on getting back together and won't leave you alone. When it was night, your ex cornered you, and was ranting on and on about how you should be grateful that he's giving you a second chance, even though you were the one to break up with him, only to end up dead on the pavement. You looked up to see Soundwave himself.
The first thought that came to mind didn't revolve around fear. No! It was 'Oh, god, he looks hot-'
So, you were taken aboard the Nemesis, you became a part of the Con Crew. 1.) Because you're close, in a way, to one of the Autobot's human pets; 2.) You hated humans just as much as they did; 3.) It's Soundwave. Megatron trusts him with any decision of his. A reason Soundwave gave, in public? A human to spy on the Autobots- Shut the fuck up random Vehicon, this is a human spy, not Makeshift. This isn't like Starscream's plan.
This happened only a day after Optimus Prime became Orion Pax. Soundwave had a feeling that something might happen, so he had you wear something that will cover up everything, mainly your head/face. He knows the archivist is smart, and if he were to revert back to Optimus, then he would recognize who you are.
Often times, some Vehicons would make comments about a human joining the ranks, or try to get rid of you, and they were met with an electric end.
It was only about a week later, after Orion became Optimus again, when they decided how they were going to get you in their base, and with the help of the newly arrived Dreadwing, they can do just that.
Part 2 coming soon...
So, basically this was a yandere x willing reader. I just hope you're satisfied.
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thezoe611 · 4 months
Okay, I've wanted to draw several Ocs that I've seen in the fandom for a long time, but I haven't had the time. Soon I'll be full busy again, so I'll draw some before I no longer have free time^^'
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-Rosy Starling, and Timothy Cratchit- from me to me ^^' (I love Rosy, so I'm sorry she only appeared briefly at the end of Unstoppable^^')
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-Malicia Macawber- @monstrousturtles (I've wanted to draw this girl for a LONG time^^')
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-Strawberry- @miyakoqualcker (I really like the different versions and styles you have of this character, but I think the one I like the most is the Negaverse version of her^^)
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-Natalia Flores- @georgiarose (I really like her style, and the colors you use on her are very warm, she gives a pleasant homely feeling)
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-Charity Loveatte- @emilou-keen-gear (I was going to write about how I like the versions of Charity in your stories and drawings, and how entertaining her design is, but I really want to dedicate this drawing to you because of the bad time you are going through. I wish you all the strength to pass the treatments)
And that. I was going to draw other Ocs that I like, but I decided to go with my favorites^^ I hope you liked them!!
Update with Part 2
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mosneakers · 2 months
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Starling: [Calling out] Baaabe? I'm home!
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Mira: In here, darling!
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Mira: [Sweeps strand of Starling's hair] I've missed you so much. How was shooting?
Starling: Excruciating. Long days of flawless acting and carrying everyone else's performances can be so draining. And lonely! I've missed you too, my love.
Mira: Well, you're about what, halfway through, now?
Starling: Almost half. I'm glad to be back home for a while. What are you doing here in the closet?
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Mira: Oh nothing, just... storing away some outfits that my mother sent. Starling: Tatiana sent you outfits? What for? Mira: She sent us outfits, actually. She's invited us to her stupid election party and requested that we try on a bunch of overpriced dresses and whatnot.
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Starling: Wait... she invited us, as in ME? To be your date? Mira: Well, yeah. Remember, she found out about us recently. You are my wife, after all. Starling: Yeah but... I... I guess I expected her to invite what's-her-face. Mira: Coraleye? No, Coraleye's definitely going to be attending Jill Smith's party to support her. That's Tycho's cousin after all.
Starling: Have you tried on any of them yet? ...The outfits?
Mira: No. There's no need. I also plan on attending Smith's party.
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Starling: Whoa, hang on now! Let's not get carried away! There's no harm in just... looking, right? What if they're gorgeous?! Mira: I'm not interested. I don't necessarily agree with all of her policies, but... For Rorie's sake, I'm voting for Jill Smith. Starling: Who cares who you vote for? That's not relevant! Knowing her, that's thousands of simoleons worth of designer gowns to pick from! How come I don't get a say in this matter?
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Mira: You... you're really interested in attending Tatiana's event?
Starling: [Shrugs] I mean... why not?
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Mira: [Sighs] That place will be crawling with thirsty blood-suckers and it's not a safe place to be, that's why. Plus I already promised everyone I'd go to Jill's. Starling: Well... what if we went to both? You have been working on the "Transportalate" spell. Can't you just open a portal and we can travel back and forth between parties, throughout the night?
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Mira: I mean, I'd have to do a lot of practicing, but I guess I could pull it off. But that wouldn't solve the safety issue. I'd rather avoid anyone sinking their fangs into my wife. Starling: Niko will keep us safe. He's a trusted protector, best bodyguard I've ever had! Mira: Darling, with all due respect, Niko is still human, unfortunately he wouldn't stand a chance if a vampire lost control.
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Niko: ....
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Starling: Hmm… well, you’re already friends with the Vatores, I’m sure they can offer a little bit of protection if you asked. And then…What about the Sage?
Mira: The Sage?
Starling: Yeah. You know, The one who willingly entered a relationship with Coraleye for some reason?
Mira: …You mean Morgyn?
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I love telling people animal facts! And this page is exactly what I need. I'm following. Do you have facts about barn owls?
Thank you my friend! and of course!
They have lopsided ears designed for listening. This unique adaptation allows the owl to determine what height a sound is coming from, as well as the direction. Asymmetrical ears send the sounds to the brain with two slightly different signals that allow owls to pinpoint the source.
The primary prey of these owls are small mammals like rats, mice, bats, rabbits, and other rodents. They also eat birds like Starlings, Blackbirds, and Meadowlarks. Since most of their prey feed on seeds and fruits, they rid their surrounding areas of common threats to crops.
The range of habitats that these birds can be found in is truly spectacular. They can be found in grasslands, marshes, fields, deserts, forests, woodlots, brush, ranches, suburbs, and cities. Their versatility in adapting to new environments is a big reason behind their widespread presence.
Hope these are satisfactory! Have a wonderful day and welcome to the blog <3
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ussrosalind · 5 months
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Sunset & Starling, Princess Agathe & Coronet Indigo
This little ship is adorable and unexpected and I love it. Nothing like shared trauma and a shared passion for ornithology to kick off a romance, I guess?
This ship went from "I'm just being nice" to "I'm designing an engagement dagger" in like 72 hours and I love this for both of them.
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m34gs · 3 months
Your horror movie post inspired me. Please tell me your Top 5 Recommended "Please watch" horror movies.
Hi friend! Thank you so much for this ask, I love talking about horror movies!!
I want to preface this by saying just because I like or recommend a horror film doesn't mean everyone else will like it! Horror is highly subjective, so there may be films on my list that don't appeal to everyone and that's ok :)
Answer is under the cut. I listed them in no particular order, just how they came to my brain as I was answering :)
Warning for murder, cannibalism, general horror things, and possibly also spoilers...(I tried not to give away too many things but I really got excited to talk about the movies so I may have rambled a lot for some of them)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991) - I find this movie fun and interesting on so many levels. There's the character of Hannibal Lecter himself; a psychologist with a refined air to him which is pretty much the exact opposite of what people tend to expect of cannibals in horror films. It's the lovely contrast between his charisma and charm and the horrific act of eating another human. I love that, although Hannibal is a major part of the story, he is not the sole focus. There is another antagonist, Buffalo Bill, and I just find it fascinating that the protagonist of the story is using Hannibal to capture the serial killer. I love the female lead, Clarice Starling, I think she has so much depth and is just so interesting. I absolutely love Anthony Hopkins' performance as Hannibal; he did such a fantastic job and is such an icon. I love so many of his movies. I think he brings a unique charm to Hannibal that makes him seem intriguing and even desirable in the movie. I didn't find this movie so much scary, and I think of it more as a crime/murder mystery than just strictly horror, but it is categorized as horror and it definitely has its moments. 10/10, absolutely recommend people watch it if they enjoy horror and mystery. Also, the ending line of "I'm going to have an old friend for dinner" while mysteriously smiling at a person he hates who is unaware he is watching them? Top Tier Hannibal moment. I know you don't like puns, friend, but I just gotta throw in my appreciation for the cannibal puns and jokes. It's just so funny to me and I love it.
Saw (2004) - I mean, is anyone surprised this is on the list? I love the Saw movies. I rewatch them frequently with one of my best friends and I love reblogging things about them. However, I'd have to say I really really love the first one and if someone was going to ask me just to recommend one, I would recommend that one. Because 1. Saw actually has a plot that connects all the movies so if you don't watch the first one you won't get a lot in the other ones, 2. Saw (2004) is, in my mind, unique even among Saw movies. The majority of the film takes place in one room, the trap itself is pretty simplistic in design, the plot twist doesn't feel overly complicated, and 3. I think everyone needs to see Adam and Lawrence fall in love over the course of a few hours in the dirty murder bathroom. :D But if you want a more "deep" interpretation; I recommend Saw as a series because of the exploration of how far people are willing to go to save their own life even if they'd seemingly given up hope, as well as discussing the way in which John "Jigsaw" Kramer is hiding from himself by claiming he is "helping" people be "reborn", when in reality he is setting them up in traps to die and wants them to suffer and fail. (if anyone is wondering where I get that idea that he wants them to fail, see Saw X, where he imagines the Eye Trap and in his imagination it fails. This is an indication that he doesn't think so much about how he wants people to escape and succeed, but how he wants to see them suffer for causing suffering. He's less about redemption and more about an "eye for an eye". Executioner in denial).
The ABC's of Death 2 (2014) - so the reason I say the second one and not the first is because I haven't watched the first one yet. I just had more access to the sequel. Not that it matters: the whole thing about this movie is that 26 different directors across the world were each given one letter and were to make a horror film in which people die in a way related to a word that starts with their respective letter. There are several reasons I recommend this anthology of 26 short horror films. First, each short is very unique. I watched the entire thing, and there weren't repeating ideas or shorts where I went "this is exactly like the other one"; they were all very different from each other. You get a nice little variety, like a fruit platter but for horror. Second, I think it's incredibly difficult to achieve such unique scares in such short films. The stories are all amazing pieces of art. Third, building off the first point, since there's a variety, even if you don't like one story, they are all only a couple minutes long and with 26 unique stories there will likely be one that you enjoy. I think that can be helpful for people to figure out what they will enjoy or what areas of the genre they might want to explore more. And lastly, my favourite thing about this film is that the directors and film crews and actors are all across the world. You get to see horror through the lenses of different countries and cultures. What one culture finds scary is not always the same as what a different culture finds scary. I find it so fascinating to watch foreign films and see how they introduce terror to the screen and what sort of cultural aspects (local legends, myths, religions, parables, and even just the experiences of living in different landscapes) can influence what different people find terrifying. It can really shine a light in how different and unique people are. If you can see what scares someone, you can ask "why would that be what they're afraid of" and you may develop a better understanding of people and what they've lived through. (also I liked trying to guess the word each film was centred around because it was always revealed after each short)
Ring (1998) - I am going to come right out and say it (not that I haven't said it before, because I'm sure I have) but the original Japanese film is a hundred times better than the American remake(s). If a person is thinking of watching one of them but isn't sure which one, please watch the original. It's just so much better. The scares are subtle and more eerie, and it feels like the tension builds more naturally. That's my opinion, but I was asked for my recommendations so I'm sticking to it :) As for the general story, I really liked that again we have a female lead who is smart and resourceful. I love the dynamics between her and her ex-husband, who helps her with figuring out the mystery surrounding Sadako. I love how determined she is to solve it and save herself, her ex, and her son. I love how far she is willing to go to save her son. I always love exploring how much a mother is willing to do to save her child, and I find an interesting comparison between her relationship with her son and Sadako's relationship with her mother.
Scream (1996) - Gotta have a good ol' slasher on the list. Honestly, I really enjoyed this movie when I first watched it. I liked the mystery of who was behind the killings as well as the plot twist when the murderer was revealed. I remember having a lot of fun watching it with my best friend in high school. It wasn't the kind of scary that made me terrified to go to sleep at night, but it definitely had some good scares in it. I also love horror movies where characters do things like listing the "rules" of horror movies without realizing they're actually in one. Horror buffs within horror movies make my brain do the happy dance. Don't know why. It's just fun. Plus, we love to see a Final Girl kick ass. :D
So, there you have it, my top 5 recs for horror movies. While this may be subject to change as I watch more movies, I think these are all pretty good movies and I like to talk about them and recommend them to people. Hope you enjoyed!
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augustbutalsoaugust · 2 months
fuck it small new bio cause long ones are trash!!!!!!
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hiya I'm August/Starling (iykyk) but call me August here peeps
💥 He/Him
💥 Artist!!
💥 OMORI enthusiast ☝️🤓
💥 I'm in love with cinematic photography of close ups/portraits (bugs, animals, nature, etc)
💥I want to be a video game character designer when I grow old and have multiple deasises 💕
💥 I LOVE REPTAILS!!! Ive been begging for a snake for ages and am soooo close to getting one (my mother's caving in🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥)
💥I play electric guitar, keyboard, flute and violin! (omori)
💥i love generation loss guys not a surprise I'm a ranboo viewer 😔
💥waiting for founders cut
💥I'm still a minor so be aware! I'm fine w 18+ IDC js don't be weird and we chill 👌
💥 Im in love with certain bugs and flowers! Favorites gotta be orchid mantis and aluminums
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uuuhh it's still long but ok idc womp womp L
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littleladymab · 4 months
FebruarOC - Uriah
Hey hi hello did you know i'm obsessed with this guy? As I said in SWBC, I can't stop spinning him around like a rotisserie chicken in my head. 
I created his counterpart Kaedmon a few months ago (and I'll talk about her at the end of the month as a bonus character) and came up with Uriah in January! He's only slightly less new than Quin and Horatio, but I named them all at the same time. 
For January in SWBC, we read Phasma. My thoughts on the book aside, the framing narrative was someone in the First Order apprehended a Resistance pilot and then fudged the paperwork or something I guess so that there was no record of her being arrested and held on the ship and dragged her away to question her about Phasma. I have so many questions, but the biggest one came down to: Why are you going to nickname your rival Resistance spy/pilot Starling and the all-red armored NOT Elrik Vonreg from SW Resistance First Order guy Cardinal and NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT? Honestly I got a lot more mad about that than I did anything else in the book, because everything else I just shrugged off but that was the biggest missed opportunity. Also his "I love the First Order and everything it stands for" to "what am I doing with my life (but I still love the first order)" took a grand total of like 48 hours TOPS and wasn't... good. It just wasn't well done. 
So I came away from that book CRAVING spy v spy content. And, well, my Jedi OC is also a Fulcrum agent, so like, it made sense, right, to then make an ISB agent to be against her? 
I settled on his ISB designation before I did a name and it was mostly as a joke that had made sense to me at the time?? But now he's ISB-789 and Kaedmon calls him "Hungry 8's" and when he goes "???" she says "you know, because seven ate nine?" and he asks "Not to encourage this but then shouldn't I be hungry 7's?" and she says "No :)"
He's 20 at the end of the clone wars, and a full agent of ISB by 25, so that makes him about 40 by the end of the galactic civil war. He's from a planet at the far end of the Outer Rim, close to Wild Space but still part of the imperial "jurisdiction" (I haven't settled on any currently existing planet or not), but because he's great with accents to help him blend in, he's able to immediately adapt the core world accent. (he's not that great with the languages tho) He has a younger sister who he helped put through a fancy school on Coruscant and she's a nature photographer; their parents still live back on their home planet, despite Uriah offering to help them live in the Empire. 
More recently for SWBC we read Battlefront II: Inferno Squad and that is truly what made me start rotating him around even faster in my brain -- they're not ISB, but they're working for ISB and they go undercover into a rebel op to try and destroy it and/or find a data leak and now THAT IS THE SPY SHIT I WANTED and so instead of creating a character out of frustration I just started spinning him at warp speeds to pick up any of the stray pieces of inspo floating around. But more to the point, it was a good exercise at listening to Imperial minds in a way that didn't make them see like big joke clowns like can happen. 
So it'll be fun to lean into that when writing for Uriah because you get to see him fully believing in what he's working for, as a field operative infiltrating smuggling rings and drug gangs etc to make the galaxy a better place in the early part of the Empire -- but then as it goes on longer and longer and he gets more involved (tangentially) with the rebellion through Kaedmon, and ISB/the empire being less and less interested in investigating corruption in certain aspects, that building disillusion with their place and so on. 
And not to "diversity win!" the empire, but he's a trans guy! He gave himself the gift of top surgery after being accepted into the Imperial Academy. 
In my thoughts about how they interact with canon, I did jot down that Uriah probably knows Kallus as they're about the same age and ISB agents -- though while Kallus went on to be as you see him in Rebels, Uriah does mostly undercover work. So when Kallus joins the Rebels, Kaedmon will get to know him... and when Uriah finds out that Kallus is also Fulcrum, he about loses his whole damn mind and probably pulls a muscle laughing so hard. 
I did write like 2200 words of an outline for him and Kaedmon, and I was fully going to sit down and write how the two of them met but my brain has been absent like all evening so I'll probably do a double big drabble for the two of them at the end of the month.
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Just in case if anyone question me these:
1."Why did you choose Owl for your Angry Birds oc?"
2. "Why is her feather cyan/light blue when she's a Snowy Owl?"
1. I love Owl, especially if it's a snowy Owl
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Dahlia from AB Stella series is a Great Horned Owl, so yeah)
(Left - Amy with light blue color, right - Amy but with her original color)
2. Let's just say, I have ONCE use the color white for Amy, but...right after I design her, I went to Tumblr and saw an Angry Birds fan already made a snow owl oc.
So I have no choice but to change her color to cyan (I know there's no such thing as Cyan owl, but Gale from AB Stella has Violet feather even though she's a female backed starling, that's supposed to have a brown feather)
(Hi, that one Angry Birds fan, if you're seeing this, I'm REALLY sorry for not knowing your AB oc, if I have saw it earlier before designing Amy, she would have been a different species of bird, like a dove or sparrow, But since I love snow owl, I have to keep that idea, I hope you don't mind that..
Sincerely, another Snowy Owl fan)
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cruelfeline · 1 year
I'm back with more old bird cage facts: those sorts of old wooden cages also only really 'work' for passerines, because unlike parrots, they generally lack the tools to destroy the cage themselves. And while Cuff might remind me of an African Grey, we all know he's a pile of starlings. The rudeness of this design choice just keeps going (and I kinda love it because it's great visual storytelling, but hate it because a bird's cage should be a safe home that it can leave and not a prison for it)
Oh, the wooden ones for passerines, for sure. But there were definitely old-timey metal ones. I know specifically because, as a vet, I have to ask that as part of a bird patient's history: is their cage particularly old? If it is, there's a chance lead paint is involved, and since parrots tend to chew on everything, they can poison themselves with their own cages.
But yeah... gosh, it's a great visual symbol. Just really brings home what, exactly, he is and how miserable being trapped like that likely is for him. A bird in a cage. A cage designed not as a home, but absolutely as a demeaning prison.
Just awful.
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indigoinka · 8 months
Hi! I’m finally getting around to that intro post I promised months ago, and honestly, you could be here for some time.
I’m squatting on a whole bunch of social media accounts, but this is the only place I feel safe anymore, though I do have a little reader group on the Meta-hole (🤢). I wish I could get my AuDHD head around Discord, but it feels like the old Yahoo boards mated with a speeding train, and I'm just too tired for that. 
Wherever you look, I’ll be indigoinka or Inka York there.
This is me:
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About me, then:
I love tea. Would I even be British if I didn’t?
I love cake. British.
And cider. British.
Yeah, and pie.
Food. I like food.
Please rec queer TV shows to me because I don’t watch as much as I should, and sometimes I just need to refill my crusty old well.
I love supporting indie authors, and rarely read trad stuff these days unless the blurb and sample are god tier.
Feel free to ask questions and tag me in writing games, or whatever shenanigans you get up to around here.
What do I write?
I write queer books, mostly urban fantasy, and usually set in the same storyworld. I also write contemporary gay romance, sometimes with an alien twist. And I’m wide with my books, so you can find them at all the major online retailers and in library catalogues.
I write what I like to read, which sometimes includes problematic tropes, but mostly includes wholesome shit like twin stories, sibling banter, ride or die friendships, a hearty mix of fluff and angst, found families, annoying ghosts, salty supernaturals, cinnamon rolls with knives, and sentient vehicles. Oh, and goats. I love me a judgemental goat.
My favourite tropes
Well, it started as a love triangle/square/dodecahedron, but now everybody's fucking (I don't know what this trope is actually called)
Forced proximity/only one bed (or coffin, in my case)
Friends to lovers (AKA idiots who took too long to notice how perfect they are)
Secret twins
Rivals to lovers
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My storyworlds
Cascade Apocrypha (queer paranormal/urban fantasy in many subgenres from pirate adventures to cosy mysteries to paranormal romance)
Feverish (contemporary gay romance)
Dracate System (AKA Gay Space Bridgerton)
My books
My first series, Not the Same River, is urban fantasy, upper YA/crossover, set in the Cascade Apocrypha storyworld. It features angels, demons, vamps, vaewolves, goats, succubus nuns, and villains to cry over. Book five is out this month, and the final book is out in February. This is the story of my heart, and the one that spurred a thousand spin-offs that I'll never have time to write.
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The first book in that series, A Storm of Paper Starlings, is complete on Wattpad and Inkitt. I was gonna put it on AO3, but it feels weird because I tore all my Potter fics down when JKR started flashing her arse at the entire world, and everything I had on there felt dirty. Anyway, I digress. I might go back. Talk me into it.
I also have two other books updating on Wattpad:
🩷 Victorian Vampire Daddy (MM historical romantic suspense/Cascade Apocrypha)
🩷 My Ex & His Boyfriend (MMM/Feverish storyworld)
My other current series, Tales from the Noctuary (Cascade Apocrypha), has two books out at the retailers:
🩷 Secrets at the Door (historical mystery/suspense with lesbian romance): fat, beekeeping lesbian vampire, queer well-demon with a bad haircut, nonbinary treasure who sometimes makes bad decisions, everybody be gay.
🩷 Puddles in the Pavement (historical mystery and outright shenanigans): queer archangel brother detectives, a perky butler, an escort of indeterminate gender with the worst singing voice in the known world, a vampire duke with terrible table manners, and a Home Secretary with an unasked for appendage (let's hope that doesn't get around).
I have two more books written for this series so far, which will likely debut in my subscription.
Getting to that...
My subscription
13 Club: After Dark is hosted at Ream Stories, the only subscription platform designed specifically for authors and readers, and it is amazing.
You just click on the book cover you want, and the app will drop you into the social e-reader right where you left off, so you can comment right there inside the story. It’s like Patreon + Wattpad + a community board + extra sauce.
Honestly, I could gush about it all week.
This is also me:
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So, what’s there?
Well, first, you can follow me there (which is free, obvs) and get access to:
The Weakest Link (Not the Same River #0): features the series MC’s twin sister and the coven she grew up in.
The Cursed Bones of Sergeant Boom!: a contemporary paranormal mystery involving a ghost who gatecrashed a funeral and got followed home by a necromantified corgi (as one does).
Pride’s Treasure: a series of mini adventures with characters from all the stories above, where all the chaos is your fault, because the MC of this story is YOU!
In the paid tiers, there’s 8 weeks early access to the two stories updating on Wattpad, the whole Not the Same River series so far (book 5 is updating now, before it hits the retailers at the end of October 2023). There’s also a 13 Club exclusive story called Earth Render, which is MMMMF (but not reverse harem), again set in the Cascade Apocrypha storyworld. That one features a witch with no beginning, a raven shifter with the best taste in pets, a vampire with memory issues, a vaewolf who can’t control his wolfism, and a nephilim with a huge secret. I promise not to give the Archangel Gabriel a horse penis in this story 👀
There are also physical welcome packs for some of the tiers, and all members are rewarded with After Darkling points, which they can save up each month for sweet treats, like a personalised drabble, or a one-shot featuring their favourite character, or some mystery merch. I love my After Darklings and my little club so much.
My main WIPs at the moment are:
Earth Render serial (mentioned above)
The Dryad's Curse: Pirates of Siorai trilogy (paranormal pirate adventure with romance/Cascade Apocrypha)
Gay Space Bridgerton (space fantasy romance with interplanetary political intrigue and hapless humans/Dracate System)
Almost done... maybe
That was a whole lot of intro (mate, do I love the word shenanigans), but I’m a busy goblin, and though my days are only marginally more comfortable than my painful nights, I still feel grateful that I get to do this every day.
I’d love to chat with you here, on Wattpad,  in my FB group (same name as my sub) or over at 13 Club: After Dark. My subscription is what keeps me and my writing going, so if you’re here because you already love my stories, and you have the means, I’d love to see you over there. Your support would mean the world to me, whether it’s a follow or more. I love in-story comments more than life.
I’d love more friends on here, though. So if you’re into queer media and love reading, feel free to follow and I'll follow back.
That’s it from me. I’m finally shutting the fuck up.
Come chat with me whenever you want.
Stay safe!
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marystulips · 7 months
Oh.... A bear🐻. I can see it, I just thought something different.
I really like the designe, so I hope you don't mind, that I made a fanart of it (of course, I won't post it anywhere, if you not allow it, and even so, I'm tagging you ofcourse🙂)
Designe notes; I thought them more as a hippo🦛, so I went that route. Also, gave eyes on it's ears, because I felt he wouldn't see otherwhise when his mouth opens up. Also-also, Astro-pattern throat, because: 1. Multiversal theme 2. Obiquity kinda had it 3. In my AU the Starling✨ (seregély) Miraculous is associated with the power to alterate beetween it's holder universal counterparts.
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I'm not that big of an artist😅, but I hope you like it, I certainly do your version😊
Also, as an un-offical protector of Sentinels, as living-feeling creatures; Creating a multiversal level allie and caalling it useless; shame on you, Panoptes ! 😑
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Have a nice day! 🙂
Oh my gosh I love this fanart, do feel free to post it! Though I'm happy if you tag me and I can reblog❤️
I adore the detail with the eye on the ear, he looks so cute🥰
And well. Hermes is made from Panoptes' own hope, so when she called him useless it was herself she addressed-- but I felt sorry for him too. (That's why his death is off-screen.)
You too have a nice day!🙂
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Illumicrate Unboxing
Evernight October 2023
This is the second box in Illumicrate's new Evernight subscription. I did initially say I wouldn't keep up this subscription for long, as I'm not a big fan of book-only subscriptions. And I do still hold to that, especially since I'm so far past being out of room, I really need to stop getting books!
This month's book is "Last to Leave the Room" by Caitlin Starling. I'm really interested in the book, but I actually preferred the original cover. This one is completely redesigned, which normally I'm thrilled about, but the original just fit the genre better.
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The foiling on the hardcase is really basic, really nothing exciting. It's a cool design, but not that special. And it came with a signed bookplate, rather than an actual signature, which is disappointing.
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The sprayed edges are amazing, really detailed. This is really what I subscribe to these boxes for - the amazing sprayed edges! This one is all teeth and many, many eyes. It definitely matches the jacket!
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I'm also in love with these endpapers - the two endpapers are really similar, with just the little difference of the extra figure in the second one. From the blurb, this looks like it fits into the plot perfectly, which I love!
I am probably going to give up this subscription soon, but I'll see what the next book is first.
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daandyli0n · 2 years
IM HERE IM ASKING ABOUT UR DSMP AVIANS AU okay so like when u mean avians im assuming human-bird hyrbids like we see with grian and phil and sometimes tommy and quackity but what kinds of birds r everyone?? does everything in canon still apply the same way or are some things altered to better fit their new bird characteristics???? And do u have any new, altered design ideas that you'd like to show or describe? ???? :DDDD
yep! bird-human hybrids!
i haven't got ideas for all of the dsmp characters yet, but here are the ideas i have so far:
slime (he's still a slime, he just shapeshifted some wings on himself to blend in and look more normal (since most of the server's members are avians of some kind))
techno (he's a totally normal immortal human who's just. kinda Here)
antfrost (still Cat)
those aren't the only non-avians, but they're the only ones i have ideas for atm
The Members (Who Are Avians) That I Have Ideas For:
tommy- Mourning Dove (listen. the Symbolism. mourning doves aren't Just symbols of sorrow and grief (which...yeah), but also for peace, love and faith (religious c!tommy hcs, anyone-))
tubbo- Eurasian Golden Oriole (this one is purely for the Vibes)
ranboo- Black-and-White Warbler (again, Also The Vibes)
wilbur- European Starling (partially for The Vibes, but also cause I just think it'd look nice (also, I know according to lore that c!wil is apparently from utah, so him being a European Bird would make no sense lore-wise, but shhh-))
sally (because yes, she's here as well)- Osprey (water bird, they live near water (like the ocean), and i hc sally to be a pirate)
dream- Loggerhead Shrike (my thought process behind trying to find a bird for this guy was basically 'what sort of f**ked up bird would fit with this guy?' then i remembered shrikes. y'know, those birds that impale their prey on spikes? that are also SONGBIRDS? look, the vibes fit Way Too Well for me. also, i discovered that loggerhead shrikes can be found in florida! :] also, a fun fact! shrikes are actually Also hunt other birds :) take that how you will)
punz- Peregrine Falcon (every time i try to think of a bird for this guy, my brain keeps screeching 'F A L C O N')
phil- Crow, but the wings still have those diamond shape things that are on his cape (i think this one's a bit obvious)
fundy- Raven (look, hes both descended from The Angel of Death and has prophetic dreams. it fits for me)
eret- Lilac-Breasted Roller (Very Colorful. eret deserves to have a very colorful bird. seriously, look them up, they are The Rainbow As A Bird-)
purpled- Violet-Backed Starling (...guess)
hannah- Rosefinch, Specifically one of those Very Pink Rosefinches (...pink, also is literally called a ROSEfinch-)
niki- House Sparrow (i looked up german birds and house sparrows came up. look, i'm trying-)
sam- California Condor (okay, so! i looked up vulture symbolism, right? well, along with death and all that, vultures are also symbols for seriousness, protection, intelligence, and resourcefulness. plus, these guys are Big, and isn't c!sam canonically like, over 7 feet tall?)
quackity- Mallard Duck (look. Duck)
jack- Robin (Vibes)
foolish- Golden Eagle (big bird, and also...y'know..Golden. Eagle. just. the pun (cause his character is like a totem. which looks like it's made out of gold. look this one was partially cause my brain thought it'd be funny))
that's all i can really of for characters atm. but now!! facts!! about the au!!
so! life stages for avians!
-Hatchling: basically from birth to 5 years old. wings have little-to-no feathers
-Fledgling: 6-8 years old. wings have Down Feathers. fluffy :]
-Featherling: 9-13 years. at this point, the actual feathers start coming in! featherlings now have the ability to slow their falling and glide! no flying yet though :(
-Flightlings: 14-Adulthood. they start learning to actually fly now! at the beginning of the smp, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, and purpled fit this description!
so yeah, as you said, certain plot points have changed due to most people being, y'know, Part Bird. basically, people can actually fly around now! birb instincts!! CHIRPING AND OTHER NOISES!!
sally is here because Yes. she drags wilbur off to therapy post-nov. 16th. she is 110% done with both dream and punz's bs at this point. she just wants to protect her flock, man >:/
wing clipping is. unfortunately still a thing. i mean, from what i've looked up, wing clipping isn't exactly Permanent-Permanent. like, the feathers will eventually molt out and new feathers will grow in. it's only be really permanent if someone were to keep doing it, y'know. every time the feathers come back. so...there's that! still doesn't mean it's absolutely horrible for avians though
dream has clipped the wings of at least three server members. you can probably guess who at least One of those people are and what arc it was during
fun fact! while it's still pretty bad for a non-avian to clip the wings of an avian, it's Still not seen as being as bad as when an Avian clips Another Avian's wings. because. y'know. that's actually viewed as being Incredibly F**ked Up! on Several Levels!
y'know what? if you want, i'll make another post specifically about Exile and the Avian Au Specific F**ked Up S**t that happened there
so...i've heard of like this 'death spiral' eagles do when they mate. however, my brain came up with an interesting idea for that in this au! what if was more of a...fighting move? like, one avian grabs onto the hands of another avian and just starts trying to get them both to spiral to the ground? you know, as a way of killing each other? basically, they spiral until one is finally on the bottom. obviously, the one who hits the ground first dies.
...so, fun fact based off the above point! sally actually did that with punz in this au post-final control room! basically as a 'f**k you for killing my flock'
...well, she didn't exactly win that one. but the point is that she tried and was angry enough to do that
tommy Really Really does Not like people touching or being around his wings. At all. if he lets you be around his wings-or even lets you Preen them-then that's him showing a major sign of trust on his end.
that's all i've really got for now! but yeah, i've put a lot of thought into this!! i'm proud of myself for this!!
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luupetitek · 2 years
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As I've mentioned before, I'm currently playing an RPG based on a Zero Escape: The Nonary game series with my friends, in which one of us, became a DM to walk us through it Cx As there's always 9 characters in each chapter, and there's 3 of us, each person gets 3 characters (with one exception) to basically design (based on a rough description of the characters from the series with the most important parts, crucial for the gameplay) and to roleplay with them through the next stages of the plot. That’s how after getting Junpei, Lotus and Clover... Oliver, Widow and Bear were created 😌 And I definitely loved playing with each of them ♥ And as Bear become one of my favorites quite fast, I learned to love Ollie just as much, after giving him some more depth by playing bits of his childhood, making him much more thought-through.
And because I loved all the characters and the game itself so much, after finishing the first chapter, 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, I've created those lil chibi stickers with everyone and their nicknames! :D And I plan to do the same for each part~ Their placement isn't random as it represents the numbers they've been associated with in the "Nonary game" :>
Characters played by me: Bear, Ollie, Black Widow Characters played by RikoIngram: Cerberus,  Seven Characters played by (our DM~) Inai_Nerse: Ace, Owl, Starling, Nine
And if you'd like to see more pictures with them, definitely go to @RikoIngram's account (on dA or Instagram)!! ;D
__________________________________ You can find me on: (@Luupetitek) Deviantart | Instagram | ArtStation | Ko-Fi donations
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