#i'm just annoyed he decided they must do this NOW when my mom was supposed to use the next few weeks to get into six feet under
emilyaxford · 1 year
so in fall 2021 i binged succession so i could watch season 3 live and then it slapped so i told my parents they had to watch the show so we could talk about it. i was really hyping up the show. then they tried it and my dad hated it because he has no sympathy for spoiled rich kids and my mom didn’t really like it either. this deeply crushed my dreams because normally my mom and i have very similar taste (e.g. i got her into iwtv, ofmd, d20, etc.). i asked my mom to give it one more try and she did but still couldn’t get into it so i was like okay that’s fine i’ll deal with my disappointment. one upside was that she still let me talk about why i liked certain episodes and scenes so much (like logan’s death).
cut to today. it’s been a rough day because there is a serious wildfire happening very close to me but i’m like it’s okay because at least i get to tell my mom about the succession finale! so i call my parents. then my dad says don’t spoil the finale because his best friend was raving about succession so they’re going to try to watch the show again. i’m like sir you cannot get my hopes up again i was so sad the first time when you didn’t like it. he’s like no no we’ll watch the first three seasons before you come and visit in a couple weeks and then we’ll watch season four together. i’m like dad you’re literally pulling a logan roy here by dangling this possibility in front of me when all previous evidence indicates that it’s not going to be real this time.
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delicate-luv · 1 year
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Two Become One ~ Chapter Four
Summary: you meet Steve and decide to spend the night and Eddie’s house once again…will your actions finally catch up to you?
CW: 18+, MDNI, vomiting, nausea, mention of pregnancy, mention of death, mention of parent death, distant parents, cancer, abusive parents
This one is a bit shorter but next chapter will be worth it! :)———————————————————————
You arrived at Steve's house and he answered the door shortly after Eddie knocked twice. All the lights were out. He had one other person there with him who was a few years younger and said his name was Dustin.
"Eddie! How you doing bud?"
"Doing great. This is my uh- this is y/n." Eddie gestured towards you
"Pleasure to meet you. I see Eddie looks happy, so that's good." He opened the door wider, giving you a warm smile. “This is my other friend, Dustin. He annoys the hell out of me sometimes."
You shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. Eddie's told me all about you Steve. Says you are the 'unofficial official babysitter'?"
"He would be correct. Everyone just dumps their kids on me but I don't mind."
You let out a yawn that you failed to hide, which got a reaction from Eddie. "She's tired, can I have Otis so we can go home and go to sleep?"
"Yes. He's out like a light, so hopefully you can get the little guy home before he wakes up."
"Will do."
Steve left the door open for a minute, before walking back with the 2 year old in his arms. He swiftly handed him over to Eddie, without waking him.
Eddie quickly put him in his car seat in the back of the truck.
"Thanks again Steve. I owe you one."
Steve crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. "Actually, you owe me a lot. Remember what happened a few weeks ago?"
"Yes, I do." He avoided any further discussion and turned to you in a sudden rush. "C'mon, let's get you home."
You all got into the truck and started towards Eddie's home.
You whispered. “what did Steve mean by a few weeks ago? What happened?"
Eddie rubbed his face and quietly groaned. "ughhh. That's when I was with you. I was supposed to pick Otis up from Steve's house after the gig. Instead, I got black out drunk and slept with you instead."
"I'm sorry." You slouched in the car seat.
"It's not your fault. You're not the one who got black out drunk and picked your son up at 10 a.m. when you we're supposed to pick him up at 1 a.m." He could tell you felt guilty about the entire situation, so he quickly changed the subject. "let's just worry about getting some sleep."
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You eventually got back to Eddie's home. He snuck Otis into a room adjacent to his and tucked him into a small bed. He all did it without waking him. It was like magic.
Last time you were here, the door must have been shut-hence why you didn't see any evidence of a kid except for the sonogram picture.
As you laid down in his bed, Eddie noticed you were particularly quiet.
“What’re you thinking about?”
You sighed. “If I’m being honest, I miss my mom.” You finally admitted, a little bit shocked at yourself. “I never said that out loud before.”
He turned to you, fully ready to listen. His eyes shined with empathy for you.
“Ever since my dad died, she-” you stared into your lap. “She’s just been distant. I feel like I’m grieving not only one, but two parents right now. Who knows if she even had a funeral for my dad. God, he was such a good person, he really deserved the best memorial, too. She’s always been manipulative, projecting and isolating when she doesn’t want to face reality.”
He grabbed your hand and rubbed it lovingly. “I know how you’re feeling, and I’m so sorry. My mom died of cancer when I was 8. My dad was very abusive, but his abuse only became worse once she left us. Sometimes death just does that to a person. It’s sad, I know. But I just think about Otis and- and how he needs at least one of his parents to show up for him, even if he’s too young to even notice his mom is dead in the first place.”
“Eddie, I’m so sorry.” You shook your head in disbelief. “Let’s be each others rock from now on? You can trust me with anything.”
“Don’t apologize.” He whispered to you. “But I uh- I fell into drugs, my dad caught me with them, forced me to shave my head. I tried to run away. He was caught with the possession of my drugs, they found me with a shaved head and a black eye, and took him in for questioning. He’s been locked up ever since and I’ve been living with my uncle for the rest of my childhood. I’m happy he’s gone forever, but I did live with that guilt for a while. They were my drugs after all.”
“Don’t feel guilty. He got exactly what was coming to him. He was abusive, he needed to be taken away one way or another.” You took a deep breath, and Eddie helped you wiped your tears. “It sounds like we’ve both had pretty bad childhoods, yeah?”
“You’re right about that.” He brought you into a warm embrace. “It’ll be alright.”
This was a completely new side of him you were seeing tonight, and you were beginning to really like it.
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The next morning, you woke with a pounding headache and awful nausea. Your hangover was terrible.
except for that fact that you had nothing to drink the night before.
You felt it all coming up, so you made a mad dash over to the bathroom, trying not to wake Eddie.
You started to throw up in the toilet. Eddie obviously heard, as he came running over. He tied your hair up and started rubbing the small of your back.
"You okay?" He sounded panicked.
"I don't know where this is coming from?!" You stammered. "I feel hungover. But I didn't drink anything last night."
A few moments went by in silence. Your heart was racing and your hands were shaky. You hated vomiting, so you usually didn’t do things that would provoke it on purpose. You were consumed by all the possibilities that could have happened. Eddie eyes went wide before he grabbed a towel to wiped your mouth off with. "You think you could be-"
You didn't even wait for him to finish his sentence. "I think so." You began to wipe your mouth. “Didn’t we use protection though?”
“‘M not sure. We were both black out drunk, remember?”
The two of you just stared in silence at each other. Neither of you knew what to say. Eddie got up to get you a water bottle. He helped you up and walked you back into his bedroom. You laid down on his bed while he got you another cold towel to put on your forehead. "Maybe it's food poisoning? Or possibly there's a bug going around?" You groaned, the nausea still not going away.
"There's only one way to find out. And we need to be sure." He declared as he placed the wet towel on your forehead. "Listen, I'll go to the store. You stay here, just check on Otis from time to time, please." He threw on a pair of jeans and a Metallica t-shirt. "if you throw up again, let me know." He insisted before he grabbed his keys and left.
You laid there, rethinking your decisions. You regretted most of them. However, If you really were pregnant, that would be the one thing you could not bring herself to regret. Eddie was already an amazing single father to Otis. Maybe things really could work out between the two of you. Maybe you could really be a happy little family. You had a little bit of hope.
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mr2swap · 2 years
After Christmas: 1
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“Damn it, I can't take this one more day!” My father promised me that this would end today, that we would return to our original bodies, and we would never talk about everything that happened this winter vacation.
He has been putting off reversing the spell he “accidentally” cast on us so I can enjoy my youth for a couple of days. When mom left us my father looked so pathetic and sad, I thought that if I let him use my body for a day or two after Christmas it would be the most generous of me and the truth is I can fully understand why he did it ... his life is shit!
He was never able to finish high school for being an idiot, so all he could get was a 10-hour job as a low paid builder. Every day I wake up at morning, so I can start the day with 3 cups of coffee without sugar because “my” doctor told me that I had to watch my diet, some tasteless eggs and a couple of painkillers to be able to bear leaving the home without having to complain all day that I spend working under the sun.
At first, it was not so bad it was great to wake up in my father's room in his taller, stronger and older body, everything looked smaller especially my father who was now in my slim body of a 14-year-old boy, maybe it was the adrenaline rush and excitement that made me completely ignore the pain in my back and not have had a drop of coffee all day.
After confronting him and admitting that he was the cause that one day to the next he will wake up like a 48-year-old man we reached an agreement, we would return to our bodies once Christmas passed, I must admit that going out to do the shopping For Christmas dinner with my dad it was a lot of fun, we talked all day about everything I would have to do in his body, he even taught me how to drive, and he let me drink my first beer when we got home, I felt funny after empty a couple of cans, and it all seemed incredibly light especially with how big my arms are now.
But all the fun ended the next day, on Christmas Day as soon as I woke up again in this body you can understand why my father told me not to get too excited about drinking beer, I even think I was still a little drunk after drinking so much last night My head hurt like hell and the rest of my body didn't feel better, and I think for the first time I could understand why my father used to take those pills every day with his coffee.
While I was trying to go down the stairs carefully to have a lot of coffee that I now needed my father was already at the foot of the tree unwrapping the gifts that he had personally wrapped a couple of days before, when I realized what it was not I could believe it—DID YOU BUY ME A PS5?! — I quickly helped him connect it while he was just as excited as I was to play however I could see that there was only one control and after a short fight I decided I was too tired and screwed up to spend it all The day I was arguing over who would take the first turn playing and my head was killing me, I decided that I would play the next day once I returned to my young 14-year-old body.
However, the days have passed, and my father still does not break the spell, making excuses after excuses, and he doesn't even make an effort to lie to me during breakfast today. He told me, “have you started with that again? It starts to be annoying to hear you say the same thing every morning, “IT'S A SON OF A BITCH! Right now he must be on my first day of class pretending to be me and talking to my friends while I'm covered in sweat and dust, killing me at his shitty job.
I am doubting if one day I will recover my body, I have to find the spell that my father used to steal my life and be 14 years old again! … well I will do it tomorrow today Robert, a friend of my father from work invited me to drink a couple of beers on the way out of work, he said we had a lot of fun and was really pushy. I suppose there are good things about being an adult.
Hello! Happy New Year, this is the first story here on Tumblr, the second part and a short epilogue are on my patreon.
You can also join my discord server if you want to know the latest news of my stories or chat with me, Tumblr has me blocked or something and I can't receive messages, so discord is the only way to talk to me lol
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alexandersimpleton · 2 years
We all know that The Incident was the main thing that happened but little ray of sunshine Frederick was too optimistic to completely wilt, so watch as he slowly gives up hope throughout a day.
(intended as a sequel to Loser, my other fic, but can be read standalone(
I was lucky I woke up that morning. A maid came in the middle of the night and let me out of that chest. I used to think it was really cool, like pirate treasure, but like, books, but I can't even look at it anymore. But It's fine, because my books are the real treasure! Or well, looking at how much carnage there was when I got out of what used to be my book trove, they were. 
It only really sunk in as a woke up. They ripped up the dragon horde too. It was originally a one of those fancy shelf thing for cakes with a only my favorite books in it, covered with a paper mache pile of gold a magical artifacts, and on top of the paper mache was a dragon, holding my #1 favorite, "The Tiniest Prince". It was really fun to make, and I was so proud when I finished it. But now it's just a bunch of scraps of paper and clay on the floor.
They also said some really mean things. Like that I was a "loser". Well maybe I wasn't... they probably just thought I was. Yeah! They just thought I was a loser and decided to be mean about it, just like dad! And mom, and Blain and probably even Lance- no! Not a loser! I'm sure there'll be other people in this school who know that... right?. . .
And thus, I set out to find someone to confirm my suspicions. After class at least. It looked like nobody was noticing me.. Well if course they shouldn't. They should be focusing! But they're talking to each other... And I should be focusing too!! God why do I get distracted so much! Freaking-! Stop brain! Geez it's one of these days again... Right class. And as I looked up, the teacher was erasing something from the board. It was probably to much for my (idiot- ug stop! Dad is wrong! Don't listen to him! Do it like the cool book people say!) brain to comprehend regardless. 
And after that I was slightly better at taking notes, though I was still getting distracted by every squirrel that scampered across the window sill. Eventually, after a long time if suffering, the lunch bell rang. This is my chance! Lunch time in schools is the most social part of the day! And thus I got my food, not awful for a school lunch, though I suppose that's because I'm royalty (my only redeeming- shut!), and decided to approach some kids at a table close to me.
But as I was leaving heading over, someone must have been putting their foot forward to far and I don't notice, so I tripped and spilled everything on the concrete floor and skinned my elbow. I probably would have cried because of the pain (like a baby! S-stop!), but my father said never to cry, so I held it in. "Sorry sunflower! Didn't mean to trip you!" The guy said as I scooped my food back into the tray, chuckling with his friends. "Oh it's alright!" I told him "they put all the meals in little bags anyway, so no harm done." He seemed really annoyed for some reason. Did I do something wrong?
But regardless, I approached the table of boys, and a couple of girls. The girls seemed to be getting really touchy with the boys. I only get that clingy when I'm having a lot of fun, so hopefully they'll have fun with me! But as I got close, they all glared at me, like I shouldn't be there. Was I (the worthless garbage I-. s-stop it. I'm not garbage...) ruining their fun? Should I back off? I should back off... I tried this with a couple more tables, but they didn't seem to like me either, and I ended up sitting in a table alone in a corner. Well now nobody's getting in my space.. Maybe I am just a loser... Or maybe I should try checking the park! Y-yeah, the park! It's really loud here, so the people who like reading and quiet must be outside! I can't believe I didn't try their first (anyone else would've). 
So I hiked around the school for a little while, it was really big y'know, and eventually found the exit. Nobody was there though. It was really pretty so people should be there (guess I was wrong again). But m-maybe there are people in the library. They might like me! But there was no one there either. M-maybe it's j-just this school. Maybe they just hate me, like father, and mother, and everyone else... geez who am I kidding? I am just a loser. But while I'm here, I might as well check something out. That might cheere up.
Looking though the isles and isles of books, one caught my eye. "The angel and the serpent"? That seems nice. And the cover art was pretty too. It looked about 10th grade reading level, judging by the blurb on the back. A bit lower than what I'm used to, but still interesting.
And as I opened it, there where the pretties pictures I've ever seen. The book was about a prophecy, about a hero, that seemed to just be a pile of dust, but was truly a mighty phoenix, that, with the help an angel with wings as pure as a white winter snow, would rise from their ashes a vanquish a great beast. And as I read further, I saw a man, stuck in a hole. I know what that feels like. But this man gets saved by and angel of fortune. He's respected across his village, and he says a mighty serpent. 
That sounds nice, being saved like that. He might be saved like that. Yeah of coarse he would! It happened all the time in fairy tales! Someone will come and help me, and we'll sail away from this place on one of my model ships, away from all the people who (know) I'm a loser, and everything will be happy...
But nobody came
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griffintail · 3 years
I literally just had a thought-and I'm not sure which I like more. Techno brining either Phil's kid or his kid to the nether with him (probably when they're a little older) and a piglin gives them a courting gift. And they don't understand but techno goes protective. I just-the lost ones series has been so much angst lately man. You don't have to write this but at least it's a cute thought 🥰
Courting Gifts
Pairings: Parental! Technoblade x F! Reader
Warnings: None :)
Techno had taken (Y/N) into the Nether a few times before but it was simply to cross from one portal to another. He never had a reason to interact with the life there, other than striders when he taught her how to ride one and ghasts when they were attacked by the vicious things. They never had a reason to interact with the piglins.
So, when Techno was running out of a few things and he had a few bits of gold hoarded away, he decided to trade with the piglins.
“Hey, I need to go trading but the village is too far out. So, I’m going to the Nether to trade with piglins, want to come along?” Techno asked (Y/N) as he came outside to see the young adult laying in the snow but her head on Steve.
“Sure! I’ve never seen you trade with piglins.” She got up and pet Steve before she left the bear’s side.
“I never have much of a reason to, I usually plan a village trip ahead.” He said as he went in with her behind him. “But, with the you know what Athena, I used a few more supplies than I should have.”
“Ah, right.” She nodded.
She was truly a girl of wisdom and Techno had thought the name proper for her when he formed the Syndicate with her and Phil. They both went to grab their gear for a Nether trip and Techno quizzed her before they left.
“What do we need for a Nether trip?”
“Crossbow for ghasts,” she patted the crossbow on her back, “gold as a sign of peace,” she held up her arms to show her gold bracers, “and a couple of fire resistance potions just in case. And of course, the normal armor and sword.”
“Correct.” He nodded. “I’ll deal with all the trading today, come on.”
Both father and daughter walked to and into the portal, capes flowing behind them and crowns glinting. (Y/N) walked beside Techno as he led the way to a bastion hold.
“Piglins like the good things in life,” Techno told her as he showed her the gold he had taken. “They’ll give you almost anything for a bit of gold.”
“So would you.” She joked with him and he snorted.
“You’ve been hanging out with Tommy too much.”
She grinned as she looked around as Techno went up to one of the piglin traders. Around, she took in the black stoned building with a couple of gold inlays in its stone foundations. They must like their gold even more than her father did. She supposed that’s why gold armor was a sign of peace.
Following her father around to a few traders, she quickly found out that Techno could communicate through their snorts and such while she didn’t understand it at all. She didn’t understand the bartering either though. Techno seemed to get some decent items with just one bit of gold but what seemed like nothing at all for more gold.
“How does their trading work?” She asked him as he moved onto a new trader.
“It’s mostly how greedy they are. Sometimes I can talk down their prices, sometimes I can’t.” He shrugged. “I don’t trade with the greedier ones unless I really need something.”
“How greedy were they?”
“They weren’t bad, you should see the ones that want to trade with ender pearls.”
“Would they trade with me?”
“Eh, some of them might try to trade with you to get a steal. Some of them might be kind and actually, barter with you.”
“Huh, do you mind if I sit and write some of this down?”
Techno chuckled lightly. (Y/N) loved to take notes of things she learned and documented findings she had never seen in the many books they both read.
“Ok, just stay in my sight.” He nodded.
She nodded before leaving his side to go sit on a black stone bench. Carefully putting her crown next to her, she pulled out her journal and ink before writing down what Techno had told her. As she was documenting, she saw a small hand going for her crown in the corner of her eye.
“Hey!” She grabbed the crown and pulled it to her to see a small piglin. “That’s not yours.”
The child shrunk, giving small snorts. Shit, they were adorable.
“You shouldn’t take something that isn’t yours.” She told them, putting the crown on her head before digging through her bag and finding one bit of gold. “But here.”
They perked up at the offering of gold before happily taking it. She smiled as they climbed onto the bench next to her, playing with the gold in their hands before trying to look at her journal, making snorts.
“This is my journal; I was writing down what my dad told me.” She explained even though she doubted the child could understand her. “I’m documenting things no one has ever written down.”
The piglin gave little snorts as he pressed close to her to just stare at her journal and she chuckled, tickling the feather of her quill on the child’s nose making them give a little snort of what she assumed was laughter.
“You should go find your mom or dad kiddo. I don’t want to be responsible for you.”
She supposed he understood some of her words at least because the little piglin got up and wandered over to an older piglin, tugging on their pant leg. Chuckling softly, she turned back to her journal, writing down a few notes that the piglins probably understood a bit of common language as she now kept her crown on her head, despite it being annoying that it would fall forward. As she was scribbling away, even doodling a piglin, she looked up as a shadow came into a view.
It was the older piglin that the small one had gone to and she smiled up at them.
“Hello. Can I help you?” She asked.
The piglin gave a few snorts before holding a golden bracelet to her. She tilted her head, confused.
“Uh, I’m sorry. I don’t have any more gold for that.” She said carefully, hoping the piglin would understand.
They gave a few more snorts, still holding out the bracelet.
“Um…ok?” She said confused as she stood, putting her journal away then reaching for the bracelet only for an ender pearl to shatter in between the pair.
Technoblade then stood there, towering over the piglin and giving a mix of a growl and a snort as he had a hand on his sword. The piglin shrunk before scurrying off.
“What was that?!” (Y/N) exclaimed in shock.
“We’re leaving,” Techno said as he kept his tall posture while walking back towards the entrance.
“What? What just happened?” (Y/N) asked hurriedly as she followed after her father.
“Not now, back at home.” He said stiffly.
(Y/N) was very confused but she followed after him regardless. He’d tell her once they got where they needed to be. It took till they got to their portal before he stopped, relaxing his tall stance. (Y/N) realized now was he had been making himself appear tall and intimidating as he gave an angry huff.
“The nerve…”
“What was that?” She questioned.
“A piglin custom.”
“What custom? Dad, I don’t understand. All I know is you terrified that piglin.”
Techno groaned as he took off his mask so he could run a hand down his face. He stood there for a few moments before looking at her.
“It was a courting gift.”
“A what?” She said shocked.
“Piglins give gold jewelry to women they want to court. He wanted to court you.”
All (Y/N) could think was that piglin was lucky he wasn’t dead.
“Oh. Uh. What would have happened if…you didn’t come in?”
“They would have tried to court you! I was not letting that happen.” Techno shook his head as he went towards home now, (Y/N) following behind. “I was watching you as I traded though and was trading for ender pearls when I saw him trying to give you the courting gift.”
Techno had practically shoved all of his gold at the ender pearl trader before taking the ender pearls, immediately using one to separate his daughter from the piglin. He remembered the voices screaming simultaneously, but he was acting on his own instinct as a father.
“Oh, well, thank you?” She questioned.
“Yes, you are welcome. No boys, no nothing.” Techno told her as they stepped into the house. “You’re still too young.”
“Dad, I’m almost twenty.” She joked.
“No. Boys. No, nothing.” Techno pointed at her, looking deadly serious.
“What boys?” Phil asked as he came in having seen the pair come home.
She had a feeling it was going to be a long night.
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koushisatori · 3 years
if you can't believe in others, at least believe in us
kyoutani x gn!reader
genre: as ordered: a bit of angst w a touch of comfort
warnings: one (1) big jealous idiot, miscommunication
word count: 5.4k
note: this is smth an anon asked me to do (but like...nearly a year ago, I'm not sure if anon is still there or if they remember and my dumbass deleted the ask so I just beta-ed through whatever I had but I know they called me out on enjoying jealous characters so here we go) I'm sorry, mysterious anon, I'm stupid </3 Anyway, that's that. I don't remember if reader was supposed to be female or not so I made it gn!reader (but if I forgot to change something, pls tell me so I can fix any errors c: It's also my first attempt I apologize in advance)
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In the beginning, you weren't sure why your boyfriend is ignoring you
You can't remember doing something that would annoy him, nor do you remember an instant of anger in his eyes that would give you a hint about his reasoning to stay away from you
He explained early on that sometimes he just needs a day of distance because Kentarou could feel the anger simmering right under the surface, enough that something small could tick him off already, and he would hate if you were on the receiving end of this unexplained fury
Both of you also made sure to promise each other to clearly communicate, the relationship between the two of you would not last long if you're not properly telling each other what might be bothering or hurting...just in general cross a boundary
Communication probably was one of the most important aspects of your relationship
cue to the actual situation: your boyfriend avoiding you
So, Monday evening you think maybe it's this overwhelming sensation of unexplained anger and that something at morning practice ticked him off completely
But then Tuesday comes and goes, and your boyfriend had avoided you all day long, did not even bother to read your messages,
on Wednesday, you try to talk to him, but all he does is glaring at you with a look that leaves you speechless and kind of heartbroken,
Thursday is the day you're replaying everything you did on Monday, trying to find something that he could have misunderstood, yet no matter how hard you think about it…your brain won't come up with a reason that explained why Kentarou was so upset with you!
So you decide to make him talk to you on Friday
Enough is enough, right? For gods' sake, he is your boyfriend! You miss him and his strong arms that give hugs so warm that you melt right into them
You don't get a second alone with him until school ends
you practically sprint out of the school building over to the gym, knowing that he had a free hour, which means that he is probably the first person there - your only chance
There he is, sitting with his back to you, aggressively chewing on a bun filled with chicken - his usual that reminded him of his favorite dish - glaring holes into the ground
After taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you carefully aks: ''Kentaro…Ken…?'', slowly stretching out your hand, wanting to rest it on his shoulder to maybe help to soothe him a bit
he flinches instead and his heated, agitated gaze meets your eyes, making you recoil in return
''…will you talk to me, I miss you…'' you say softly, realizing how it hurt being ignored by him
''Ah, suddenly you miss me…'' he spits, narrowing his eyes ''…didn't fucking seem like it the last time I saw you…''
''Kentaro, baby, I have no idea what you mean,'' you plead, keeping your voice low to hide the desperation lacing it, confusion written all over your features
all Kyoutani does is growl, hopping down from where he's sitting while shouldering his gym bag
''...shouldn't have been so flirty with Shittykawa like that then-'' he grumbles - ''Ken, I didn't-'' you insist, but he continues ''twirling your hair, batting your pretty eyelashes at him, fuck you Y/N, if you want him, then feel free to take a fucking leave" Kyoutani cusses, not even listening to you
You shake your head, ''Kentaro, no, you totally misunderstood the situation,'' you follow up, panic seeping into your voice now that you knew what he referred to, ''I love yo-''
''Tsk'', he moves to leave
you try to take his hand but, instead of turning around, Kyoutani just rips it away from you, tucking it into the pocket of his jacket
from behind you, you hear Yahaba and Oikawa approaching (talking about Volleyball and Captains duties)
once they guessed what must have happened, they offered you their help (they both swear that Kyoutani will never ever find a ''cute s/o as you are, y/n-chan, I'm worried for my little angry pomeranian kohai'' )
Usually, you would try to talk to him, but after enduring a week of radio silence and now this treatment, you were tired of upholding something that seemed like a lost cause
you just wave both setters off and leave the school grounds, a frown plastered onto your lips and tears swimming in your eyes
Kentarou had not listened to you, did not even really look at you, and the few seconds he did, his eyes were filled with rage instead of the warmth he had usually reserved for you (and only for you)
If your boyfriend thinks avoiding you for a week and blaming you for something ridiculous without hearing you out is how you handle a relationship…maybe you would have to consider not pursuing it any longer
Which is easier said than done
The whole night you wait for a message, anything, and then all Saturday morning
you still had hope left
You get one from Yahaba, who tells you that Oikawa tried to clear up the situation as well after the reason for your fight dawned on him (Kyoutanis piss poor mood and behavior towards him a strong indicator) but Kentaro, again, just ran off
The future team captain even called you after your lackluster answer, listening to you getting the frustration and sadness out of your system
It didn't matter, right? Your boyfriend decided to unofficially call it quits by implying that your feelings for him were not genuine instead of using his mouth to talk to you and disregarding everyone involved
as if he wanted to ignore the truth as a convenient excuse to get out of your relationship
that's the conclusion your brain came up with
You softly sniffle in the privacy of your room, clutching a pillow to your chest (which has seen more tears in the last two days than in the past three years), deciding that it would be a good idea to go into the city to treat yourself
knowing that your mother has a hair-dresser appointment somewhen today, you go and announce that you would join her to finally buy the latest season of your favorite series
once there, you additionally get microwave popcorn, chocolate, and ice cream, as well as a pretty shirt you saw on a mannequin while window shopping
you feel a lot better after spending some money and ignoring the lingering sadness of your presumable break up with Kyoutani (who you love ok, it is not that easy)
In between your stops, you meet Iwaizumi and Oikawa munching on fatty burgers (celebrating your cheat days like a holiday and indulging in whatever your heart desires, is what makes it easier to stick with healthier habits the rest of the time was the questionable explanation coming from the brown-haired setter, pointing at you with a soggy potato fry)
after a moment, the setters eyes turn sad, a frown replacing the smile on his lips
he wraps his fingers around your wrist to stop you from going just yet, apologizing for being the cause of your fight and for being unable to talk some sense into him
(you assure him that it is not his fault, knowing that your friend will probably brood over it otherwise, which wouldn't be fair)
Iwaizumi adds that Kyoutani will come around and that his cooldown time is just longer than those of other people (and if not, he will give him one of his famous volleyballs to the head and use his status as only truly respected senpai to talk some sense into him) but you again decline their suggestions
after saying goodbye (and seeing Iwaizumi give his best friend an assuring gentle pat on his shoulder, the secret softy in the usual harsh ace shining through)
If Kentaro was willing...able to throw away your relationship this easily, he can't possibly really love you, and you'd accept this even if it's hard and painful
Now remembered of what you had attempted to forget about, you feel your eyes sting with unshed tears (you thought there was no possibility of you having more tears to spill, yet the impossible seemed to be the case) you look down at your phone to text your mom and frown
Kentaro 🥰: we need to talk. Kentaro 🥰: meet me there [location]
For a second, you hesitate, biting your lower lip harshly…you really want to go and talk to him but…
The tears still sting in your eyes and blurring your view reminded you of what you had gone through the whole time, and that it was his turn to finally come to you
break up or makeup, the ball was in his court now
so while walking to where your mother would be waiting for you, you begin to type
You: No.
You: I waited for you all week, even though you ignored me, and now you expect me to run the moment you choose to stop being a childish idiot?
You: if you decide to speak to me then comqjdkn
Kentarou wouldn't say he feels particularly bad. Not at all! If someone was to ask him, he would probably answer fucking peachy, what the fuck are you asking for or growl angrily. No one would bat an eye and further question him, nor guess that maybe he wasn't as great as he pretended because he missed his gorgeous better half, but…it was his fault, wasn't it?
Of course, he originally thought he had a valid reason to be upset. And if he had just spoken to you about it, everything would be solved now. Instead of being a decent boyfriend, though, his pride overtook his thinking processes once he realized that his behavior wasn't even the slightest bit justified. Not that he knew this when he saw you speaking with Shittykawa right before school. All he could see was his gorgeous s/o shyly fiddling with her fingers, conversing with a leaned forward, very involved Oikawa Tooru. He would have fetched you away from the brown-haired setter. He had no qualms about showing his possessiveness. God, Kentarou wouldn't have hesitated to growl at the tall, brown-haired boy if not for the question he heard coming from the Captain.
''Y/N-chan, how is it that you, an adorable, charming individuum, is with a brute like Mad Dog-chan? I really-'' Well, that's where he decided to leave you with the setter. He didn't need to hear your answer. Didn't want to witness an excuse or maybe the truth. If both of you were so fucking smitten with each other to flirt this blatantly, why don't you just go and cheer for him, hold his hand, and kiss his cheek goodbye? It was his choice to distance himself.
Kyoutani couldn't help the feeling of betrayal and hurt washing over him. Maybe you just used him as a stepping stone to get closer with Oikawa, and Kyoutani has been too blind to see it. He never doubted you or your relationship before, but it's not a secret how eruptive Kyoutani could be. It has always been beyond his imagination how someone so cute and sweet like you could love a person like him. Your friends thought so. The teachers. The whole school! Everyone questioned your poor judgment. And when you came running up to him, you're cheery voice calling out for him, everyone present looked at you like you grew a second head. It's the reason why seeing you with Trashykawa ticked him off so bad. It catered to his biggest insecurities and fears. He knew that all those skeptics would be delighted to see you, everyone's darling, with the schools' star setter. They all would agree that the pretty, handsome young man is a better fit than the always hostile-looking troublemaker.
While Kyoutani didn't take Oikawa seriously in most cases, he undoubtedly was one of the most devoted people Kentarou had ever met. If Oikawa wanted to get a new serve right, he wouldn't stop trying and repeating it until his legs gave in, and Iwaizumi dragged him out of the gym. When he wanted to find more advanced players to practice with, so he could, in return, give this new knowledge to his team, there was no way he would not manage to make it happen. Even if his ideas, wishes, and plans cost him blood, sweat, and tears (like getting Kyoutani to actually train), Oikawa never backed down. Kentarou had heard that Oikawa's last girlfriend dumped him because of his passion for Volleyball. Yet Kyoutani couldn't help but think that, in you, the ambitious setter would have found someone that would be able to handle it. You usually came over to watch the team when you knew that Kyoutani was there to play. You sat on the stands with your homework in your lap and a Seijoh-coloured pencil wiggling between your fingers, not bothered by the noises coming from the court. You play with your earlobe while you frown at whatever problem you came across. You patiently wait for practice to finish. Kentarou was sure that you'd be someone Oikawa would actually try for. You weren't one of his squealing fangirls, hanging from his arm on every opportunity, but his friend. You didn't pester him to take selfies with you while pushing cute bentos into his hands. When you bring food to practice, then it's for the whole team to share. If he wanted you, Oikawa would probably have to win you over and make sure that you'd stay. Courting and all that jazz. In all seriousness, Shittykawa would be a fucking idiot if not.
The dyed-blond wing spiker had been so sure that he was rightfully mad that he didn't stop to think twice before he reacted this coldly towards you. But, and this made it even worse, Kentarou knew that he was wrong the moment you asked what happened after an entire week of enduring his silent treatment. The second he heard your shaky voice and saw the tears welling up in your eyes, his brain rebooted, and suddenly he wasn't so sure of his own reasoning. You two were together for about half a year. Kyoutani - by now - was confident in his ability to identify most of your expressions. All he could decipher in your eyes was pain, paired with a need to understand, but…if he was in the wrong…it would mean that he had hurt you the whole week, which in conclusion implied that Kentarou had been the world's shittiest boyfriend. Fuck, he thought, I don't deserve y/n.
His situation didn't get any better the moment Oikawa entered the gym. The person Kyoutani thought he had a real reason to despise now tried to mend the rift between the two of you.
''Mad Dog-chan, I think you misunderstood something there. Well, no, you decided to not listen-'' The taller male says, hands gesturing wildly. While his voice still had that annoyingly cheery tone, it had something commanding hidden underneath. And oh, how Kentarou hated when someone demanded something of him, even if it was for his own good. ''Don't want to hear it.'' the blond mutters, already aggravated. The brown-haired setter resolutely puts himself in the way again. ''Oh, but you have to! That morning, Y/N-chan literally declared her love for yo-'' - ''I don't fucking care.'' Kentarou barks, not looking Oikawa in the eyes.
After another fruitless attempt to get properly into the gym, he growls and turns to leave. Already on his way to grab his stuff and take a leave, he hears Oikawa yelling. ''You answered and justified why I asked Y/N-chan to begin with!" And then louder, even though he could make out Iwaizumi trying to wrestle his childhood friend back into the gym, "APOLOGIZE, YOU IDIOT! YOU BETTER GROVEL FOR Y/N'S FORGIVENESS! THEY DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS SHOW YOU'RE PUTTING ON, AND YOU KNOW IT!"
This happened on Friday evening, and the guilt was gnawing away on him ever since. On his way home, Kyoutani had automatically taken the detour to your house. Kentarou enjoyed bringing you home (and more often than not, you pulled him inside with you, making him cuddle you!). It makes him feel like a good boyfriend, and he knew that you arrived there safely. He would never tell anybody and deny it if you ever decided to share this, but Kentarou relished in the feeling of your hand holding his all the way while going on about your day. He admired that you'd pet every cat and every dog you meet on the trip home together with him. You were perfect for him…why again did he act like this?
What caused Kyoutani's attempt to apologize - in his usual overly blunt and partly aggressive kind of way - was Yahaba, though. Both boys denied being remotely something beyond 'not really enemies'. But his future team captain was definitely one of the very few people that could and would tell him to his face that he fucked up without real repercussions. He would presumably even help Kyoutani to get it together.
After Yahaba had called you and listened to your heartbreaking rant, the setter realized that you, his friend, and his 'not really enemy' needed to talk ut out. Totally immersed in your tirade, you accidentally let slip that you couldn't endure Kyoutani's treatment any longer. That being pushed over by your boyfriend with brash and hurtful words after handling the cold shoulder was too much. That you expected Kyoutani to break up with you on Monday either way. In-person, if he had mercy on you or continue his treatment as a silent method of doing so. While you told Yahaba about your planned ''get over it-self-care'' weekend (involving tons of ice cream, movies with crying guarantee, lots of blankets, and no smartphone), the setter had already put on his jacket, shooting a message to Kyoutani.
From Yahaba: get your stupid fucking ass outside to meet me, or I'll bench you the complete season next year
Even though the wing spiker was sure that Yahaba's words were nothing but empty words, Kentarou allowed himself to accept this threat as an excuse to put his pride aside. Because, even though Yahaba annoyed him to no end - not as bad as Oikawa but still - Kentarou was also aware that you and he were friends. If someone could help him gaining your forgiveness, Kyoutani had to accept and admit that it was Yahaba. Meeting his light brown-haired teammate was kind of awkward. Kyoutani was unsure what he had to expect, though he should have seen the rough treatment coming. Yet, getting told that you, the person Kentarou was undeniably in love with, felt so neglected and hurt that you deemed this relationship to be as good as over allowed the guilt monster in his chest to grow. Shitty Oikawa was probably right ordering him to grovel and beg on his knees for you to even hear him out.
Your answer to his message was partly unlike you. Well, the last sentence. You usually were pretty forward with him to avoid miscommunication and uncalled-for moping around. And while you sometimes send keyboard smashes to express the chaos you felt, they were always in a separate message and not so…random. The text definitely meant something like ''then come to me'' but somehow, Kyoutani had an uneasy feeling about the whole thing.
Besides, he couldn't just wait till Monday and hope that you'd accept his apology! You may send him away today already, but he still had a teeny-tiny bit of hope. If he let the thoughts of him leaving you or the other way around fester in your mind for two whole days, though,…you'd probably realize that leaving him wasn't that bad of a decision. You'd come to the conclusion that all your admirers could treat you better than Kyoutani did. And he was too selfish to let you leave. Even though all he did the whole week was being self-centered and stuck up, he would be damned to begin being a saint now and let you go. That you at least were willing to talk to him was…a relief, to say the least. Kentarou hoped that this translated to you being willing to put up with him a little longer if he apologized correctly. That you're not opposed to giving him another chance to make things right.
At your house, he was greeted with darkness. Not even a single light illuminating any of the rooms he could see from his spot on your front lawn. And the ones he saw were your and your mom's most-used rooms. Your room window, your mothers' workroom, and the living room area with an adjacent kitchen. All of those rather significant rooms and the lack of light in them seemed to be a dead giveaway for Kyoutani that no one was home. Kyoutani guessed that you were probably out with your mom, glancing over to the empty spot in front of the garage.
Oh god, your mother had been the only supportive person of your relationship. Maybe it's in your family to see the best in everyone, even in shitty people like him. But if you told her about his behavior, she'd most likely not welcome him with a smile ever again, no matter if you forgave him.
There weren't many things Kyoutani could do in this situation, but it wasn't as late as nature let it on, and after a few seconds, he had decided to sit down at the front door and wait for you, hoping that it wouldn't take too long for you to come home. As if fate wanted to tell him something, the wing spiker had put on the jacket with the half-full power bank. He had worn it to the shelter when he visited it this week while distracting himself from your absence in his daily life. You had gifted him the piece of clothing, which is probably why he unconsciously had decided to wear it to everything he did after school in the first place.
Kentarou passed the time by snarling at people eyeing him for a moment too long to not be judgmental, petting the neighbors' cat wandering over to him, and watching videos. Every time he thought ''Y/N would like this'', his heart stuttered guilty.
To Kentarou, it felt like an eternity until your mother's car finally drove up the entry. To avoid your mother's potentially deadly stare, he nervously checked his mobile, realizing that he had waited for a little more than 3 hours. Yet, the wait had done nothing to soothe his nerves. They instantly spiked up again while his heart threatened to jump out of his throat.
She will hate me. Your mother would hate me, she'll hate me, she'll ha-
''Ah, Ken-chan! Good evening.'' Your mother greets him with a tired, yet still gentle smile. Oh. The blond blanches. He'd never admit it, but he enjoyed the treatment he received from your mother more than he should. Being spoken to without suspicion and receiving a warm smile every time without fail was a welcome change to his daily life. Your mother didn't listen to people trying to bad-mouth him. To her, he simply was the boy that - normally - treats her child the way a mother wished for. Even if he pulled a face as long as a fiddle.
''I didn't know you were coming, Ken-chan, or I would have messaged you…but now that you're here, maybe you can assist us out and help Y/N inside? It would help a lot.'' His gaze immediately flitted over to you on the passenger seat. With your arms crossed in front of your chest and that stubborn but endearingly cute pout on your lips, he nearly missed the tiredness your body emitted. Kentarou wanted to rush over to your side immediately but was stopped by your mother again. ''I don't know what you two are fighting about…but please talk to each other. I don't want my baby to be this sad. Especially now, and…'' she rests a hand on his shoulder, her eyes kind and comforting ''…I also don't want to miss you here, alright?'' He stiffly nodded and watched your mother carrying in plastic bags filled with various medicine packages and food.
After coming back to his senses, Kyoutani finally stumbled over to your side, practically ripping open the car door. This new perspective revealed a plaster cast wrapping your whole left leg and a removable wrist brace on your right hand. ''Bab- Y/N…what the fuck…happened?'' His honey-brown eyes continued to wander over your injuries, and with every second, he found more. Scratches and scrapes, bandaids and bandages peeking out from underneath your clothes. ''I'm so sorry,'' he whispered, hanging his head low.
All your intentions to fight his helping hand and limp over to the door by yourself disintegrated into nothing. You never witnessed such a devastated, beaten expression on his face before. Instead, you settle for ''Will you help me?''. A question asked quietly to your fingers picking at a loose band-aid edge on your arm and pressing it back onto the irritated skin.
After you loosened your seatbelt, he waits for you to carefully place your arms around his neck. It is followed by Kyoutani lifting you out of the car so gently as if he was afraid you might break. This whole situation in itself already contradicting his brash appearance and usual behavior. It would give whiplash to all the people pretending to know him. But he was always caring in his own way when it came to you. It's why you loved him after all. Because you usually knew that he loved you, too.
For a few moments, the atmosphere between the two of you felt awkwardly tense, both of you unsure how to interact with each other. The mostly blonde wing spiker breathed out a sigh of relief when you fully leaned into his chest once he stood upright, resting your head against his shoulder. A bit of maneuvering through the front door eventually lead to Kyoutani passing through the hallway and taking you to your room, where he was gently lowering you down on the bed.
It was a now or never kind of situation. For the both of you. While Kentarou was trying to find out where to begin his apology, he took a few steps back in case you wanted space until everything was cleared up.
You unconsciously helped him making a decision by impulsively grasping onto his shirt the moment he started to withdraw, stopping him in his retreating movement. Kentarou saw your lower lips wobbling, teary eyes looking up at him pleadingly.
''Please stay,'' you say weakly, which is enough for him to throw the whole thinking process away and simply sit down next to you, intertwining both your hands. ''I'm staying. I'm not leaving. Not now nor this relationship if you still want...an ''us''. The wing spiker took a deep, shuttering breath. '' I'm sorry, Y/N…'' he finally manages to say, honey eyes locked onto your linked your hands. ''I have been fucking stupid all week. 've been a fucking terrible boyfriend, the worst to ever exist.''
As if to encourage him...to show your boyfriend that his apology was not for nothing, you shuffled around until the last bit of distance between the two of you was closed. You hum, acknowledging his words while leaning your head on his shoulder.
''I didn't think you're cheating or something, …'' Kyoutani immediately assures you. There was no way he would allow you to think that he would accuse you of something like this. ''I had no reason to be jealous, but I was insecure. Let it get the best of me. Despite our promise to communicate, I was sulking. 't was easier. I'll do whatever the fuck you want for you to not give up yet…'' he says, taking his time with every sentence.
With a sigh, you squeeze his hand. ''It will probably take a lot of cuddling and attention from you...'' you say thoughtfully ''...but I forgive you…if you promise to not do this again…'' you murmur, tilting your head upward to press a chaste kiss to his jaw. ''Otherwise, I'll accept Iwaizumi-san's offer to get your thinking process restarted.'' For a moment, your voice had its usual joking edge. But you knew talking out everything was necessary. ''But, in all honesty, 'Tarou....please, never do this again. I am honest. I will not endure this a second time. When you tell me that you need a day or two for yourself then that is totally fine. If you feel yourself giving into whatever insecurity, talk to me about it. I am sure there will be an explanation or a solution but don't leave me in the dark. Don't treat me like that. I love you. Only you and no one else. But the time love can withstand straight-up ignorance by your partner is limited.''
Slowly, your boyfriend nodded, squeezing your hand to tell you that he understood. You would probably cling to him for a while but were sure that he would survive the extra closeness. Not even half a second later, his head leans onto yours cautiously.
''…and try being nicer to Oikawa-san, Tarou, he hasn't done anything to you.'' You add humorously before small giggles started to erupt from your lips. ''Also...Baby…'' you start, being interrupted by choked-up hiccups and giggles. By using your nickname for him, you take away another persistent fear of his. What he does not miss, however, is how you wince in pain before you continue, ''…who helped you put this into words? I mean…I loved it, but…,'' You leave unsaid that words usually are not his strong fort.
Biting back a smile, he frowns, huffs, and puffs…, but the way you are looking up at him, eyes shining with relief and adoration, allows him to admit defeat. He sighs ''…it's how Yahaba said I should say it…'' It usually would be an odd enough statement to make you throw yourself all over him with laugher. As a slight replacement, you squeeze his hand a bit, still shaking with suppressed laughter. ''I promise…that I will talk to you. Can't promise the Shittykawa part.'' Another soft chuckle leaves your lips before you look up at him again. ''I hope you try nonetheless. You should not let Iwaizumi-san hear you calling Oikawa-san that, though, I don't think this would turn out well for you…so...maybe stop this at least.'' Kentarou rolls his eyes at you, but in the end, he nods.
You wait for another second to clearly distinguish the two topics before you continue. ''…Thank you…for coming and finally speaking with me instead of break-'' A hand on your lips muffles your words.
''Don't say these words. I'd never break up with you,'' Kentarou grumbles, a light, uncharacteristic light pink settling on his cheeks. You stick your tongue out, which leads to him taking his hand off of your face with a surprised noise, rather dumbfounded that you had licked his hand. It gives you the chance to lean up and finally press your lips against his. ''I'm not leaving you either,'' you murmur, feeling his lips twitch upwards slightly. You decide to leave the teasing for another day.
Moving back into your previous position was enough of a hassle to hiss in pain. It brought back Kyoutani's awareness of the second problem at hand. ''What did happen to you?'' Kyoutani asks in an attempt to tamper down the excited, happy beating of his heart.
''Oh, this...uh, when I answered your text, I got driven over by a dude on a bicycle,'' you casually drop. It was kind of entertaining to watch his expressions change at an unequaled pace while processing your words. In the end, it settled into something akin to passive-aggressive worry. The way he was immediately fretting over you while cursing and cussing out the bicycle dude was his own way of caring. As you watch him retrieving the food your mother bought, while mumbling about how you're a dumbass for not paying attention to your surroundings, how he'd come over every day until you could go to school again to bring and teach you the stuff you would miss and how he would fucking murder the bicycle idiot if he ever finds out who dared to drive you over, you can't help the smile forming on your lips.
Once again, you are proven that loving him - while occasionally troublesome and demanding - was everything but wrong.
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steviesdoll · 3 years
Will You Marry Me?
Soft! Dark! Steve Rogers x Reader
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Summary: You and Steve were best friends since childhood. You liked him very much but just as a friend but what happens when he forces you to marry him? Will your relationship with him ever remain the same?.
Warnings: a little bit of dark Steve, forced marriage,possessive behavior and more to be added in the second chapter.
Pairing :Steve Rogers x reader soft dark Steve Rogers x reader.
A/N: Please don't mind if there is a grammatical mistake just ignore it as my mother tongue is not English 😅.
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It was Sunday evening, you were helping your mother as she was cooking pasta. Then you heard the sound of the doorbell and you rushed to open the door knowing who it was. “Wait Y/N , let me open the door. ”though you wanted to open the door you let your father open it.
You went back to the kitchen where your mother was. You took out the chopper board and started to chop the onion. You were very excited, you couldn't wait to meet your childhood best friend after six months.
You were lost in your thoughts when you heard the familiar voice of your best friend and giggling of your father and younger brother Justin. Your mother went out of the kitchen to greet your best friend.
You followed her out and saw your best friend sitting on the couch beside your brother and laughing at something your father had said.
“Steve ”you greeted him.
Hearing your voice he turned to look at you “Y/N”.He got up from the couch and neared you. You hugged him tight , he hugged you back even tighter .
“How are you Y/N ?”
“I'm fine ”you exclaimed “I missed you. ”
“I missed you too. ”he told with that fianally you parted from each other.
“Dinner will be ready in an hour. ”you told and rushed to the kitchen. This was the first time you felt shy around Steve.
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While having your dinner you were completely lost in your thoughts of your childhood when you spent nights and days cuddled with Steve. You wondered if now you could do the same. Steve got a good job in Paris and you knew that you would see him after months again when he leaves after a week. He would probably meet a beautiful woman there and maybe even forget about your years long friendship. The thought itself made you sad from your core.
You liked Steve very much but just as a friend but the thought of him forgetting about your years long friendship just because of some random woman was sad. It's not because you didn't want Steve to ever get married to someone else, you wanted Steve to be happy but you wanted always be best friends, you didn't want him to forget about your friendship.
“So for how long are you staying here? ”your father asked Steve.
“Just a week. ”Steve told.
“When will you come again ?”you asked curiously.
“With the pressure of my job, I won't be able to come before a year. ”the thought of meeting him after a year made you sad.
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After the dinner Steve bid your parents and was about to leave when you caught his wrists and stopped him from leaving.
“Yeah ”
“Do you have to leave in a week ?” you asked him. You knew that he won't change his plans just because of you but you hoped he would stay a bit longer.
“Yeah I have to doll, work is important. ”he told you “but I won't leave without you. ”
With that he left your house. You wondered what his last sentence meant, he must be joking, right!
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Two days later while you were returning home from work, you saw Steve entering a jewelry shop which is very unusual cause he never buys something for his mom. Truth to be said his mom told him to never buy anything for her.
Maybe he found his best girl. You thought.
You didn't pay much attention to it and just went away. If you were right and Steve already found a girl then you were happy for him. Your Stevie finally found a girl to settle down and if he was happy you were happy.
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When you reached home you knocked the door but nobody answered it. You knocked a second time still nobody answered it. So you knocked four to five times then your brother opened the door.
“Ohhhuhhh... Justin! I was knocking the door from soo long, can't you hear. ”you told annoyed.
“O sorry I was watching TV so I didn't heard.” he pouted.
You entered your house and found your parents not there.
“Justin ”you called for your brother.
“Yeah”he replied.
“Where are mom and dad? ”you asked him curiously.
“They uhh.. went to Steve's house. ”
Why were your parents at Steve's house right now. You thought.
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After a hour your parents returned home you rushed to them and asked that why were they at Steve's house . They didn't replied to your question which was even stranger.
They looked extremely happy so you asked them the reason for their happiness but they told you that you will know in a few days.
“Dad please just tell what's going on? ” you asked him curiously. What is happening?
“You don't have to miss Steve again. ”your dad replied.
“What? ”It was more a question to yourself. You didn't knew what was going on. You were totally confused. “Is he not going back to Paris? ”
“No, it's even better. ”your mother replied excitedly. “You'll know in a few days. ”
Why is everyone acting strange? What is going on? You thought. You'll probably know in a few days.
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After two days when you came back home from work, you found your mom in your room. She was packing your bag.
What is happening?
“Mom! What is happening? ”you asked confused.
“We don't have so much time before the marriage. ”your mom replied.
“Marriage... whose marriage? ”
“Yours, of course. ”
“What mine? When? ”
“Tomorrow ”
“What? With whom? ”
“Steve ”your mom replied.
Now everything hit you the reason for why did Steve told that he wouldn't leave without you. The reason why Steve was at the jewelry shop and why your parents were at Steve's house. The whole time your parents and Steve knew what was going on but they didn't told you. You felt anger inside you which was directed to Steve and your parents.
You quickly took out your phone from your purse and dialed Steve's number waiting for him to pick up.
“What the hell is happening Steve? ”you yelled at him the moment when he picked up his phone.
“Whoa..whoa easy there Y/N.”
“I'm to marry you tomorrow, but why? ”
“Because I love you Y/N can't you see that, I have been in love with you since 8th grade. But you did not see my love. ”Steve replied as if nothing happened. “so I told my parents that I love you and I want to marry you. They were more than happy to hear it so they invited your parents for lunch and told them about the proposal and they didn't had any problem. ”
“Steve you're saying like this is normal. If you ever loved me so you could have told me, asked me out on a date. ”you didn't knew what else to say. “You never thought of what I want my decision doesn't matters”
“Yeah, you're right. Your decision doesn't matters. ”This made you more angry.
“And why so soon? ”you asked angrily.
“Cause I only have a week to stay here and I don't want to wait for another year. ”
“I won't marry you. ”you told.
“You will”he replied before ending the call. There were already tears gathered in your eyes.
Why was Steve doing this? He was your best friend.
Steve's words broke your heart. You decided to tell your parents that you didn't want to marry Steve. When you told them instead of understanding you they scolded you. They told you that the wedding is tomorrow and that there is no going back now. The wedding rings were bought, the wedding dress was decided, your bag was packed and your tickets for Paris was already booked.
You never ever thought in your life that your parents won't care for your decision just because of Steve.
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The next day came too soon. It was 6:00am when your mother woke you up. You completely forgot that today is your wedding. You didn't got up from your bed instead you layed down and covered your face with the pillow.
Your mother took the pillow off you and dragged you out of the bed. She pushed you towards the bathroom and told you to get fresh.
The wedding was small. Only Steve's and your relatives and friends were present .Everyone was happy except you. They thought that your years long friendship with Steve just turned into love. When you told your parents that you don't want to marry him, they thought that you were doing drama cause either you don't want to get married soo soon or you wanted a grand wedding. They told you that it was for your own good.
The reception went as quick as the wedding. You danced with Steve, your father, your brother and some of Steve's friends.
It was 1:00am when you started to feel sleepy. You just wanted to go home and fall asleep but you knew that you can't do that cause the flight was at 4:00am . That's when Steve dragged you towards the car and pushed you in the backseat. You saw your bags being loaded . Then you saw Steve entering the car. He sat beside you and asked the driver to start the car.
“Can't wait to have you for myself alone. ”Steve told excitedly.
“I hate you ”you told with all the rage inside you.
“Ohh don't be like that sweetheart, I know you love me. ”he told pouting “I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. ”
You still can't believe why was Steve doing this. He was supposed to be your best friend. You just wanted it to be a nightmare. You never ever thought that your childhood best friend to spoil your life.
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A/N: The end of the part 1 . Don't go on the topic the story is completely different from it. I don't know to give a perfect topic🤦‍♀.
163 notes · View notes
alottanothing · 3 years
Summary: Evie prepares a meal for the stranger who helped her and finds herself more than a little smitten.
Previous Part: Hope
Word Count: 5707
Warnings: Language
Tag List: @ramilicious, @txmel, @edteche2, @gloriousdarkangelsworld, @diasimar, @xmxisxforxmaybe (Let me know if I missed you, or if you would like to be added to the tag list)
A/N: Okay, I almost didn't get this up today because I was up most of the night sewing kilts for Highland Weekend at the Ohio Renfiare. BUT I stayed awake and did my final read-through, so this should be mostly okay. I skipped a couple steps in my editing to get this up on time but I think, for the most part, it's okay. If you see a grammatical booboo, just ignore it, I'll get in here sometime this week with my other two editing steps and find it, then repost this. Capisce? Okay, cool...now. I hope you enjoy it, I also hope my trying to phonetically write Mer's accent doesn't get too annoying. I know you really shouldn't write accents, but I think it helps add to the characters. And I do try to keep it to a minimum so it doesn't get annoying. Thanks for the love the first part received last month! I know waiting so long between updates is a bit sad after weekly updates with LtR. But life is busy right now and once a month is all can guarantee.
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Jonny did not know how to keep a house.
In fact, Jonny did not know how to do much more than drink, argue, and get into fights. He was nothing but a thorn in Evie's side—never mind how much she needed him for a place to lay her head. A necessary thorn was still a thorn. Given the opportunity, she would rip it out as soon as she could and dress the wound promptly so she was finally able to heal better. She stayed only because she had no other choice. And every time Jonny raised his voice or stumbled in reeking of alcohol and red-faced, Evie could hear her best friend's warning in her head. Cynthia had begged her not to go with him, but she hadn't listened.
Oh, how she wished she had.
Luckily, Jonny wasn't the kind of man who liked to stay home which eased the ache of the ever-present thorn in her side. Whatever money he did have, he spent out on the town—the town being New Orleans. Like Evie, Jonny had been born and raised in the Big Apple, the noise and the chaos was part of him. As such, he hadn't taken to the quiet suburban life Bridge City offered as well as Evie. She liked the quiet, easy flow of the sleepy town. Her housemate loathed his new home. He thrived in disarray, thus, he found a group of like-minded young men to run amok with in the neighboring metropolis every chance he got.
If Jonny had been any sort of amicable company, the notion of him leaving most every night to wreak havoc several miles away would have been upsetting. Thankfully, his penchant for city life meant a good portion of Evie's days were spent out from under Jonny's tyranny. The hours he was gone were blissful and calm, and she relished in them. Whether she was creating art or tending to chores around the old house, Evie didn't care as long as Jonny wasn't there—never mind how lonely the routine often was.
Evie had never gotten the chance to meet Jonny's maternal grandmother, though she suspected she would have liked to. Unlike her grandson, she seemed like any other sweet elderly woman judging by the furnishings she'd left behind. There were dozens of lace doilies, and table cloths with soft patterns, decretive china even, but it was the plethora of photos the old woman kept that told Evie she'd carried a kindly heart. All of them were kept in pristine albums or intricate frames; they were the only barbles that seemed to have been cleaned or dusted with any regularity which spoke of how much she must have treasured them. Evie loved those tiny trinkets and black and white memories. It didn't matter that they were not her legacy of family heirlooms to keep, she adored them anyway.
She couldn't count the number of times she'd replaced a broken frame that had fallen victim to Jonny's drunken belligerence or scrubbed tirelessly at a stain he'd left on the patterned tablecloths. It proved to be a hefty undertaking, but dwelling in the fantasies of someone else's history let her forget the grief of her own. She was willing to sacrifice a little elbow grease if it allowed her mind to roam away from the shadow that never really seemed to vanish.
For all the effort Evie put in on the interior, the cottage held little in the way of curb appeal. The porch was sunken in the middle, the paint was peeling off in chunks, and the yard was mostly weeds. Worst, however, was the screen door which squeaked so loudly, every dog in the neighborhood howled in protest every time someone crossed the threshold. The outside needed love that Evie simply didn't have the energy to lend. Despite the grit, however, the foundations were sturdy enough that she didn't worry. The cottage proved to be stronger than she looked—a feat Evie felt she had in common with the old house. And while it was a swell enough place to rest her head, it never truly felt like home. Home was somewhere safe, and as long as Jonny lived under that roof she wasn't safe. Not really.
Fortunately, Jonny wasn't home when Evie returned after her run-in with Mr. Shelton—Mer, she corrected herself with a hint of a giddy smile. Without her housemate there, her evening promised to be hopeful instead of lonely, and she wasted no time in figuring out what to make for dinner.
With her red pumps replaced by her worn-in slippers and her blue checkered apron secured around her waist, she set a pot of water to boil and dialed the phone conveniently located in the kitchen. Every evening she called her sister-in-law to pass the time and keep up on unimportant gossip back home; this time, however, Evie was excited to finally have some good news to share.
"You got the job, didn't you?" Cynthia Clarke asked on the other end, sounding hopeful. "I knew you would."
Evie grinned, still amazed how the sound of Cyn's voice always seemed to settle some of the ever-present anxieties buzzing in her head. She missed her friend so much.
"I didn't even say yes."
"Did you or did you not get the job?" Cynthia pressed.
"I did," Evie confirmed and her smile grew hearing her friend cheer on the other end of the phone.
"See! I knew it." Cynthia said. "My gut feeling is always right."
Evie rolled her eyes and shook her head fondly.
"I think I'm gonna like working there too, so that's good." she mused as she stood at the stove, eyeing the pot of water she’d set to boil.
"That's so great, Ev. I'm so proud of you." Cynthia paused before continuing. "So, what are you up to tonight? Avoiding Jonny?"
"Sorta," Evie nodded even though she knew her friend wouldn't see.
As she continued to watch her cooking pot of water she told Cynthia all about her trouble with Jonny's car and the man who'd been so kind to help her.
"Wait. You invited the stranger over who fixed the car?" Concern was heavy in Cyn's voice, and Evie half expected a lecture to follow.
Despite knowing each other since childhood, Cynthia had taken on the role of her protector since Evie's family was no longer in the picture. The war had claimed Evie's father, and brother—although they'd never found her brother, Jimmy after he disappeared behind enemy lines. Evie never lost hope that Jimmy would one day be found, Cynthia though, was certain her husband was never coming home. After Cyn’s brother, Charlie, died at Normandy Cynthia had difficulty believing anyone was going to make it home. As for Evie's mother, losing a child and her husband to the war was too much for her tender heart and she passed not long after. Ever since, Cynthia was overcome with the need to act as Evie's guardian.
"He wouldn't let me pay him," Evie explained. "So I'm making him dinner—it seemed like the least I could do."
"I suppose…." Cynthia didn't sound convinced, if anything she sounded slightly irritated there was no quick way for her to argue the logic. "Just be careful, Evie. You don't know this guy—he could be another Jonny Doyle. Or worse."
"He's not," Evie said quickly. She wanted nothing more than to tell her friend all about how benevolent Mer was, but she decided against it. Cynthia would only argue that point somehow.
A long pause followed, and Evie wedged the receiver between her ear and shoulder so her hands were free to work on the meal.
"So, what are you cooking?" This time, there was a hint of jest in her friend's tone when she spoke.
The art of cooking was one creative outlet that Evie struggled with, second only to music. In her youth, her mother did all the cooking—it was a passion of her mother's—thus Evie had done little more than watch in wonder as her mother whipped up meal after meal effortlessly. Breakfast she the meal she was probably best at, apple pies too, but anything beyond that Evie required a step by step guide to prepare. And even then she lacked confidence. Thankfully, when she'd fled south, she remembered to grab her mother's cookbook. It was a cumbersome tome with yellowed pages and notes scribbled into the margins: a piece of art itself cultivated over years of collecting recipe after recipe starting the moment her mother stepped off the boat that brought her from Ireland. And like a witch and her spellbook, Evie depended on it.
"Spaghetti with garlic bread," Evie admitted feeling as though the meal lacked a certain something.
Pasta was something she knew held a low degree of difficulty when it came to preparing. Surely she couldn't mess up pasta.
“Mmm, I can almost smell it,” Cynthia said.
“Shut up.”
“No, seriously,” Cyn replied. “You’re mom’s spaghetti recipe was always my favorite.”
A doleful smile pulled at the corners of her lips, thinking back to her mother happily cooking in the kitchen as she sang a Celtic tune. It seemed strange that those moments would never again play out, instead they’d become bittersweet memories Evie could only relive in her mind.
“Mine too,” she murmured, suddenly missing her family.
Neither of them said anything for a moment, and Evie’s mind roamed the dregs of her grief before blinking back into reality and the hope of something happy to come.
“I need to go, Cyn,” Evie told her friend with a sigh. “I don’t want to burn the garlic bread.”
Cynthia chuckled and said her goodbye, only after making Evie promise to call her in the morning to let her know how everything went.
With her second hand restored after hanging up, Evelyn reached for her mother’s cookbook to give the steps another look over to ensure she had done everything and added every herb and ingredient she was supposed to. She’d followed everything perfectly, even factoring in the little notes scribbled into the margins left there by her mother—those she smiled at fondly and traced the fading ink with her fingers. Everything was as it should be. Even so, without a taste, Evie knew the sauce she had prepared would never be as savory as what her mother made so effortlessly.
“You were the artist in the kitchen, Ma,” she said with a shrug. “I’ll stick to paper and canvas.”
For the smallest of a moment Evie thought she would hear the warmth of her mother’s laugh, and when it never came she sighed again, trying not to dwell on the shadows behind her. What mattered was the light ahead.
Despite her lack of confidence, the meal came together without any severe hiccups. The noodles were not overcooked, the sauce was a complementing mix of savory and sweet (though, as she had guessed after a tiny taste, was not nearly as good as her mother's) and the garlic bread was nicely golden. A small tingle of pride manifested in the form of a surprised, but satisfied, smile as she surveyed the dinner before her.
“Not bad, Ev,” she told herself, knowing her mother would have been delighted.
With the cooking done, Evie threw a glance over her shoulder to the clock mounted on the wall, triggering a surge of anxiety to bubble in her gut. Stranger, perhaps, was the amount of excitement coursing through her veins. It was as though all of her happiness was riding on whether or not she would see Merriell again. None of it made sense; the man was little more than a stranger. The coupling of nerves and delight was not a feeling that put her ill at ease, however. She trusted it. And it was that peculiar sensation that seemed to fuel her movements.
With a few minutes to spare, Evie wandered into the small bathroom to freshen up. She made sure her hair was still pinned the way she liked—up and pretty. Her make-up was holding up nicely despite the heat; all she needed was a fresh layer of lipstick to complete the illusion of a put-together young lady. It wasn't often she wore a dress with heels and a face of cosmetics—she liked to when the opportunity arose, but she was just as comfortable in a pair of old overalls and smudges of charcoal on her face.
Just as she wiggled back into her red pumps—discarding her worn-in house slippers with a couple of calculated kicks—a knock on the door signaled Merriells arrival. Immediately a grin curled onto Evie's lips and her heart began to pound an anxious-excited rhythm. A blush threatened to color her cheeks to give away the torrid muscle beating in her chest—her ever yearning heart already making leaps and bounds for a man she had known for mere hours.
Don't be ridiculous—she warned herself taking in a deep breath to curb the eagerness coursing in her veins. Untying her apron, she tossed it along with her discarded slippers and went to answer the door, taking one last deep breath to steady the fervor in her heart.
Merriell had changed and showered. The sweet bouquet of his shampoo coupled invitingly with the musk of the aftershave he'd chosen, making it difficult for Evie to keep from soaking in the scent he carried. His curls were still somewhat damp—too much moisture in the air to keep the heat from drying them on his way over—though they fought to spring back into their previous fluff. The grease-covered, jeans he'd been wearing had been replaced by a nice pair of tan slacks, and the buttoned shirt he wore was a soft shade of green that made his eyes glitter a deeper emerald as he stood under the glow of the porch light. All Evie could do was stare—utterly beguiled—every rational thought in her head lost to her.
Mer smirked, amused by her ogling. "Hiya."
Evie blinked, coming back to reality, suddenly feeling foolish, and uttered a nervous "hi" before swinging her arm to invite him inside.
"Come in."
Merriell's smile grew as he crossed the threshold, inhaling deeply. "Mm, smells tasty in here."
He gently forced a bottle into her hands as he passed on his way to investigate the savory smells in the kitchen.
"I wasn' sho what ya was makin', but I figured wine usually goes with anythin'."
"Oh, thank you." Evie glanced at the label, unable to read the French words printed there. "You didn't have to bring anything."
"I know," Mer shrugged, placing his hands in his pockets. "I just wanted to make a good impression."
There was something almost boyish when he smiled then—cheeks coloring pink ever-so-slightly—that made him even more of a mystery. One Evie was eager to solve.
"Well," she said placing the bottle on the kitchen table. "It should go perfectly with dinner."
His expression lost a hint of its boyish charm as it grew into a look of delight.
"Make yourself at home," Evie gestured vaguely between the table and the sofa in the living room as she ventured to the cabinet where the stemware was kept.
She placed two crystal glasses on the table along with the wine and retraced her steps to fetch some of the nicer china Jonny's grandmother had kept. Mer watched her, his gaze, gentle and attentive, and a little bit yearning as she methodically sat the table.
"Need help with anythin'?" he asked finally.
"Nope," She replied with a smile. "Everything is almost ready."
The hearty red sauce on the stove was beginning to boil again which told her it was hot enough to serve, and Evie eyed the pot with scrutiny, praying silently her attempt at cooking would go over well.
"I'll pour us a glass then," Mer announced.
"Great, lemme…" Evie spun to fish for the corkscrew in the drawer of misfit utensils, finding it, only to turn to see Merriell holding his lighter against the neck of the dark bottle just below the cork.
Before she could ask, a loud pop sounded, causing her to jump as the cork went flying.
"Oh my goodness!" she laughed, a little surprised, a little impressed. "Where did you learn to do that?"
Mer shrugged, a sly expression on his features, and left her question unanswered.
"How much ya want?" He held the open bottle over the top of her glass, waiting patiently.
"Enough," she said, tossing him a coy smirk without really meaning to.
He bit his lower lip as he smiled, chuckling under his breath when he poured a generous glass of red wine for each of them. She thanked him as he took his seat and grabbed his plate to dish out their dinner.
"How much pasta would you like?"
Mer's face lit with charm and mischief as he turned to face her.
"Enough," he grinned.
The expression on his face was playful, his smirk devious and amused by his own response and his cheekiness settled warmly in Evie's stomach. Not only did she revel in it, but she also played into his whimsy and scooped as much spaghetti into his plate as she could before coupling it with the savory sauce and a slice of bread.
Despite being only strangers, the atmosphere that bloomed that evening was not marked by any hint of bashfulness, instead, it was relaxed and amiable. Warmth that Evie had longed to dwell in again—that unrefutable kindness she'd lost with the passing of her family—flowed uninhibited from the man sitting adjacent to her. His conversation was cautious but still jovial and genuine. It was the first time since running south Evie could recall what life felt like without grief and fear weighing upon her. Merriell was a stranger, but she felt safe with him. Jonny had never made her feel that way.
"So," Evie spoke as she twirled the last bit of pasta with her fork. "What is it you do, Mr. Shelton?"
Mer cast her a look of disapproval—no doubt in retaliation to being addressed so formally—before his features softened back into a neutral, yet somehow still amused side smirk.
"Nothin' too excitin'," he stated vaguely. "The odd jobs are what I like ta do the most—like fixin' ya car this aftah noon."
Without really meaning to, Evie leaned forward, resting her elbow and chin on the table, utterly enchanted by the beautiful stranger at her table.
"You like to get your hands dirty, huh? Fixing things?" she was entirely too intrigued with the thought of what he could do with his hands.
He shrugged, suddenly modest after a foray of playfully arrogant smirks and glances. It made him abruptly twice as charming.
"I've always had a knack for it, I guess." Merriell finished the food on his plate with the help of his remaining garlic bread to mop up the sauce still left on his dish.
"What about you?" he asked after chewing. "Ya workin' anywhere?"
All at once, a proud smile lit up Evie's face. After all the excitement of seeing Merriell again, she'd almost forgotten about her good news.
"Actually, I just got a job today—the general store downtown, Southern Comfort."
Mer's face lit up too, "Birdie's place?"
"Yeah, you know it?" Of course, he knows it! She thought, Bridge City's population was slightly less than the number of people who lived in a single district back home in New York. Everyone knew everyone else.
"Sho do—I was practically raised there…ole Birdie's like a second mothah to me."
"Really?" Evie found a great deal of comfort in that notion. In fact the more she thought on it, the more she realized how similar the old woman and Mer were; they radiated the same magnetism and sincerity.
"Mmhm," he nodded, his eyes focusing elsewhere as the veil of memories danced across the contours of his features. "My mama used ta work there…once upon a time…"
"Does she still work there?"
Merriell's face lost a hit of its levity and he swallowed as though to fight off the onslaught of sudden emotion threatening to cast a shadow onto his expression.
"No…" he said softly. "She—uh—she died, about a year ago."
Abruptly, sick knots twisted into Evie's stomach, feeling callous, but understanding of the quiet misery he hid under layers of charm and arrogance.
"Merriell, I'm…I'm sorry—I didn't mean…"
He met her eyes and cast her a quick smile—doleful, but enough to ease the awful feeling in the pit of her stomach.
"It's okay," he reassured her, reaching for his glass of wine and taking a good gulp before changing the subject. "Birdie's great—you'll enjoy workin' for her."
"I hope so…" Evie said softly, still too embarrassed to meet Mer's glance longer than a second or two.
For the first time all night the atmosphere they shared felt cumbersome—perhaps more melancholy—than she'd wanted it to get. Evie sat, worrying her bottom lip, her fingers toying with a loose thread in the table cloth as she stole quick glances through her lashes in Mer's direction.
He was nursing the alcohol in his glass with the same sadness she'd caught plaguing him as he sat at the bar hours ago. And while Evie was eager to know if his grief stemmed only from the loss of his mother, or perhaps more, Merriell was still too much of a stranger to warrant such questions. It didn't matter how easy it was to be near him, she had not earned the right to know his narrative.
A soft sigh broke past her lips as she fought to find a way to properly allay the gloom that was quickly ruining an otherwise wonderful evening. It wasn't until her eyes found their desert sitting on the counter, waiting to save the day, that she perked up.
"Got any room for apple pie?" Evie asked with a hesitant smile. She hoped he wanted to stay long enough to have a slice, though she would not have blamed him for wanting to leave.
Immediately Mer perked up too, the shadows on his features retreating with the promise of something sweet.
"I was countin' on it—seems as how you promised a slice earlier," he said with a boyish grin.
When she stood, he did too, helping clear away their dinner plates, and letting them soak in the sink to be washed later. Evie cut them each a slice of apple pie and the delight on Mer’s face made her smile too seeing him lick his lips as his grin continued to grow. Catching that flash of his tongue was like a bolt of hot lightning striking her without warning; a blush rose so quickly on her cheeks Evie had to look away to keep the blunder a secret. Thankfully, the pie was more than enough to hold Merriell’s attention away from her.
“Mmmm… Almost looks too good to eat,” he said ogling the desert in front of him.
When Evie chanced a look his way, the expression on his face caused her to chuckle, “‘oughta be, I made one for my pa every year for his birthday since I was nine. It’s probably the only thing I have any confidence in making in the kitchen.”
“Coulda fooled me,” Mer quipped as he loaded his fork with as much pie as he could.
The moment he took a bite, his brows creased, and eyes closed as he chewed painfully slow. Those few seconds were like agony. Evie’s heart was pounding in her chest with so much anticipation she feared she might faint as she watched him sample the only thing she could actually make that was worth a damn.
“Fuck me, if that ain’t the best apple pie I’ve evah had the pleasure of tasting.”
A somewhat nervous, but relieved chuckle sounded in the back of Evelyn’s throat as she watched Merriell shovel a larger bite of pie into his mouth.
“Mmm… Yep. God damn delightful.”
“Stop,” Evie said sheepishly, suddenly afraid he was overselling his reaction to keep from hurting her feelings.
“No,” he wiped his mouth and leaned across the table to meet her gaze with a sincere expression that stole away all the doubt writhing in her stomach.
“I mean it. If I wasn’t so full of pasta, I’d eat that whole damn pie right now.”
“Well,” Evie grinned softly, trying not to let her blush color her cheeks too obviously. “Thank you. And you’re welcome to take the rest of it when you go.”
Excitement took form on his face with a smirk that was sweet but roguish all at once—a sort of debonair charm that amplified his magnetism—as if his bright eyes dark curls and razor-sharp jaw did not make him alluring enough already. Again she had to look away knowing the pink in her cheeks would be too strong to combat.
“Imma have ta take ya up on that offah. An’ I’ll be thinkin’ ‘bout you every time I cut me a slice.”
That blush was unstoppable; her heart was suddenly so smitten, it felt as though butterflies were fluttering merrily in her stomach. She felt weightless with warmth and hope swelling in her bosom, fearing any slight breeze would carry her off. It was ridiculous how at ease Evie felt sitting there eating pie with a complete stranger. The conversation had been easy all night; even when it had delved into less savory topics he still made her feel comfortable. Evelyn had forgotten what it was like to be in the company of a man who wasn’t easy to anger, who was genuine and kind and wanted only to live in the moment.
For a time the whimsy of the atmosphere faded as the warmth in her heart ached, suddenly missing her brother James and Cynthia's brother Charlie. Both of them were good men, kind and genuine—like Merriell—but they had been swallowed by the rages of war. Brave young men were lost forever, while a man like Jonny Doyle was still alive How was that fair?
No matter how pleasant her thoughts could be, they always fell back to the grief that plagued her. She sighed, deeply, pushing those intrusive memories back into the depths of her mind so she could find joy once more in the moment with a kind stranger.
When Merrill finished his plate he made a beeline for the sink full of soaking dishes.
“Oh, no,” she said jumping to her feet. “I can do those.”
Merriell, however, shook his head. “Uh-uh, you did the cookin’, I can do the cleanin’.”
When Evie tried to argue, Mer simply shook his head, his grin amused but determined as he kept scrubbing the dirty dishes.
“Let me help at least,” she suggested. “I’ll dry and put them away.”
Before he could protest, she snatched the freshly rinsed dish from his hand and began wiping away the droplets of water clinging to the porcelain surface, throwing him a smug smirk that made him chuckle.
“Alright,“ he smirked.
She watched him for a moment not really paying attention to her task as he scrubbed the old plates clean, overcome with a blissful vision of peaceful domesticity. It made her stomach fill to the brim with whimsy and her heart was fluttering again; had this stranger bewitched her already? Or did what she feel bubbling lightly in her gut like a seltzer stem from an end to her loneliness—even if it was only for a few hours? Evelyn didn’t know. Nevertheless, she was intrigued with a profound feeling and she wanted to dwell in it for as long as she could.
Occasionally as he would hand a freshly washed dish her way, his calloused fingertips would brush against her skin, igniting a spark she didn’t know how to react to. It was more than an amicable tingle racing from the tips of her fingers right to her heart. And each time they touched, Merriell would cast her a gentle smile that held nothing more than his inherent charm and magnetism. She wondered if he felt it too, or if her need for companionship was playing a dirty trick on her.
When the dishes were all back in their usual places—the night drawing to a close—Evelyn realized she was not ready to say farewell to her Beautiful Stranger. She longed to stay up all night just chatting with him, she did not care about what, Evelyn only wanted to stay encompassed a while longer in the blissful warmth he brought into her life. Once he was gone, all she would be able to do was stay up and ponder the significance of those little touches and the sparks they brought.
Thankfully, Merriell lingered on the old rickety porch, one hand in his pocket, the other holding onto his plate of leftover pie, seeming to stall their inevitable departure.
“Well,” he said with a grin. “Thank you for invitin’ a stranger ovah for dinna.” He paused, glancing at the leftover pie in his hand. “Can’t recall ever having a better plate of pasta, an’ nothin’ evah gonna beat this pie.”
Evie quickly looked at her feet to hide another blush.
“It was the least I could do,” she told him before looking back to meet his eyes. “You have no idea how much of a savior you were this afternoon…”
A glint of concern flashed in his eye, his brows beginning to crease as his unspoken question lingered between them.
She thought about telling him—telling him how Jonny was nothing more than a throne in her side, and how much she cherished Merriells company—but Mer was still a stranger. It wasn’t right to unload so much onto someone she’d only known for a few hours.
Before Mer could offer any reply, the sound of screeching tires stole all their focus as an old wagon pulled along the curb—narrowly missing a collision with the mailbox. The rowdy passengers were laughing and shouting loud enough even before the door opened to let Jonny stumble out. He staggered on drunk feet and screamed a handful of profanities to his buddies in the car which made them all roar with laughter.
It was only after the wagon full of hooligans pulled away that Jonny began to stagger towards the house, and it was exactly then that Evie’s fluttering heart became consumed with panic.
She and Mer watched him cross the yard, unseen, both frozen: Evie in fear and Merriell in confusion. Jonny’s intoxication level inhibited him from taking notice of them until he was at the base of the steps leading onto the porch. Immediately, his eyes narrowed and he frowned.
“Who the hell are you?”
“Jonny, this is Mr. Merriell Shelton,” Evie said quickly, willing her voice not to shake.
The Doyle’s were not known for their hospitality, nor were they known to trust most people. Especially strangers.
“He helped me this afternoon with a bit of trouble I was having,” she explained vaguely, hoping to thwart any more suspicion. “I made him dinner to say thank you—he’s just about to leave.”
Jonny eyed Merriell, seizing him up as best he could through drunken lenses. Mer stood his ground, eyeing him back with a subtle intensity that never so much as cracked under Jonny’s scrutiny.
Finally, being the better man, Mer held out his hand in a friendly manner, “nice ta meet ya.”
Jonny cast a prolonged glare at Merriell's open hand, his brows furrowed and part of his lip hiked up in a sort of snarl. Instead of returning the kind gesture, Jonny made a show of spitting at his feet before tossing his heavy leer at Evelyn.
"Evie, do not invite any more strangers into my house. I don't care if they are dying." He shoved past them both, purposely bumping Mer's shoulder (most likely in hopes to start something) muttering as he went: "I don't trust any of these filthy southerners."
Shock sent Evie's jaw slack; this time the redness in her cheeks was a symptom of embarrassment instead of infatuation. She should have known Jonny would say something rude and uncouth. Without another thought, she grabbed Mer by his sleeve and pulled him across the lawn until they stood next to his truck parked along the curb.
"I am so sorry about him," she said, crossing her arms and glaring at Jonny's house, ashamed and angry.
Mer shrugged as he placed his partially eaten pie in the passenger seat through the open window before fixing his hands in his front pockets.
"Ya boyfriend's a bit of an asshole."
"He is not my boyfriend," Evie corrected vehemently. "I don't think he knows that though. I'm just staying here until I can figure some things out."
Merriell was quiet a moment, nodding silently. It seemed as though he was taking his time processing the whole situation. There was compassion on his face and behind his eyes, but it was guarded somehow. Evie caught it though and she was grateful when he didn't ask the questions plainly forming in his mind.
"Well," he said finally, his tone light as one corner of his mouth quirked into a grin. "Since he ain't ya othah half, I feel more inclined ta leave ya with this…"
Gently, Merriell caressed her upper arm as he leaned forward to plant a tender kiss on her cheek. He let his lips linger slightly longer than was common for such an act, that all at once wove a new hopefulness into her heart.
"Dinna was swell," he added as he pulled away, his smile somehow more charming than it had been all night. "Hope I see ya again, Evie."
"Me too," she murmured.
Evie watched as he got in his truck to leave, her hand held to the cheek he'd graced with his kiss. And when he drove away, it took everything inside of her to keep from running after him.
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader
-Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything is now ruined.
Chapter 22: Then It Ended
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As soon as we came, Annabeth ang Grover tackled me. We were the first heroes to return alive to Half-Blood Hill since Luke, so of course everybody treated us as if we'd won some reality-TV contest. According to camp tradition, we wore laurel wreaths to a big feast prepared in our honor, then led a procession down to the bonfire, where we got to burn the burial shrouds our cabins had made for us in our absence.
Annabeth's shroud was so beautiful—gray silk with embroidered owls— Percy told her it seemed a shame not to bury her in it. She punched him and told him to shut up. Percy being the son of Poseidon, he didn't have any cabin mates, so the Ares cabin had volunteered to make his shroud. They'd taken an old bedsheet and painted smiley faces with X'ed-out eyes around the border, and the word LOSER painted really big in the middle.
As I was still unclaimed, Hermes cabin had made me one. (Just... IDK go crazy with your shroud IG) It was fun to burn. As Apollo's cabin led the sing-along and passed out s'mores, Percy and I was surrounded by my Hermes cabinmates, Annabeth's friends from Athena, and Grover's satyr buddies, who were admiring the brand-new searcher's license he'd received from the Council of Cloven Elders. The council had called Grover's performance on the quest "Brave to the point of indigestion. Horns-and-whiskers above anything we have seen in the past." The only ones not in a party mood were Clarisse and her cabinmates, whose poisonous looks told me they'd never forgive us for disgracing their dad. That was okay with me. Even Dionysus's welcome-home speech wasn't enough to dampen my spirits. "Yes, yes, so the little brats didn't get themselves killed and now they'll have an even bigger head. Well, huzzah for that. In other announcements, there will be no canoe races this Saturday...." Going back to the cabin I finally had time to talk to Luke. Who just expressed his relief of me being fine, and how he was scared when Annabeth told everyone about me. No wonder everyone was so shocked seeing me come back with Percy. On the Fourth of July, the whole camp gathered at the beach for a fireworks display by cabin nine. Being Hephaestus's kids, they weren't going to settle for a few lame red-white-and-blue explosions. They'd anchored a barge offshore and loaded it with rockets the size of Patriot missiles. According to Annabeth, who'd seen the show before, the blasts would be sequenced so tightly they'd look like frames of animation across the sky. The finale was supposed to be a couple of hundred-foot-tall Spartan warriors who would crackle to life above the ocean, fight a battle, then explode into a million colors. As Annabeth, Percy and I were spreading a picnic blanket, Grover showed up to tell us good-bye. He was dressed in his usual jeans and T-shirt and sneakers, but in the last few weeks he'd started to look older, almost high-school age. His goatee had gotten thicker. He'd put on weight. His horns had grown at least an inch, so he now had to wear his rasta cap all the time to pass as human. "I'm off," he said. "I just came to say ... well, you know." I tried to feel happy for him. After all, it wasn't every day a satyr got permission to go look for the great god Pan. But it was hard saying good-bye. I'd only known Grover a year, yet he was my oldest friend. Annabeth and I gave him a hug. She told him to keep his fake feet on. I asked him where he was going to search first. "Kind of a secret," he said, looking embarrassed. "I wish you could come with me, guys, but humans and Pan ..." "We understand," Annabeth said. "You got enough tin cans for the trip?" "Yeah." "And you remembered your reed pipes?" "Jeez, Annabeth," he grumbled. "You're like an old mama goat." But he didn't really sound annoyed. He gripped his walking stick and slung a backpack over his shoulder. He looked like any hitchhiker you might see on an American highway. "Well," he said, "wish me luck." He gave Annabeth and I another hug. He clapped Percy on the shoulder, then headed back through the dunes. Fireworks exploded to life overhead: Hercules killing the Nemean lion, Artemis chasing the boar, George Washington (who, by the way, was a son of Athena) crossing the Delaware. "Hey, Grover," Percy called. He turned at the edge of the woods. "Wherever you're going—I hope they make good enchiladas." Grover grinned, and then he was gone, the trees closing around him. "We'll see him again," Annabeth said. July passed. I spent my daysplanning out strategies with Luke for capture-the-flag and making alliances with the other cabins to keep the banner out of Ares's hands. I got to the top of the climbing wall for the first time without getting scorched by lava. From time to time, Percy and I would walk past the Big House, he'd glance up at the attic windows, and think about the Oracle.
I tried to convince him that its prophecy had come to completion. "You shall go west, and face the god who has turned." "Been there, done that—even though the traitor god had turned out to be Ares rather than Hades." "You shall find what was stolen, and see it safe returned." "Check. One master bolt delivered. One helm of darkness back on Hades." "You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend." Percy recited. "Ares had pretended to be our friend, then betrayed us. That must be what the Oracle meant.... Or maybe Nereid?"
"And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end." He sighed. "I had failed to save my mom and lost you..."
"So why are you still uneasy?" The last night of the summer session came all too quickly. The campers had one last meal together. We burned part of our dinner for the gods. At the bonfire, the senior counselors awarded the end-of-summer beads. Percy and I got our own leather necklace, and when I saw the bead for my first summer. The design was pitch black, with a sea-green trident shimmering in the center.
"This is so beautiful..." I smiled to Percy. "The choice was unanimous," Luke announced. "This bead commemorates the first Son of the Sea God at this camp, and the quest he undertook into the darkest part of the Underworld to stop a war!" The entire camp got to their feet and cheered. Even Ares's cabin felt obliged to stand. Athena's cabin steered Annabeth to the front so she could share in the applause. I'm not sure I'd ever felt as happy or sad as I did at that moment. I'd finally found a family, people who cared about me and thought I'd done something right. And in the morning, most of them would be leaving for the year. * * * The next morning, Luke called me. He gave me a paper, telling me to fill it out, and asked me to meet him as soon as I could. I knew Dionysus must've filled it out, because he stubbornly insisted on getting my name wrong: Dear (WRONG NAME) , If you intend to stay at Camp Half-Blood year-round, you must inform the Big House by noon today. If you do not announce your intentions, we will assume you have vacated your cabin or died a horrible death. Cleaning harpies will begin work at sundown. They will be authorized to eat any unregistered campers. All personal articles left behind will be incinerated in the lava pit. Have a nice day! Mr. D (Dionysus) Camp Director, Olympian Council #12 That's another thing about ADHD. Deadlines just aren't real to me until I'm staring one in the face. Summer was over, and I still don't know what to do. I had no where to go to. The only option I had was Percy's or maybe Hades was not joking about inviting me back to the Underworld. Sighing I decided to just meet Luke before filling it for second opinions. The campgrounds were mostly deserted, shimmering in the August heat. All the campers were in their cabins packing up, or running around with brooms and mops, getting ready for final inspection. Argus was helping some of the Aphrodite kids haul their Gucci suitcases and makeup kits over the hill, where the camp's shuttle bus would be waiting to take them to the airport. I was walking around looking for Luke. I jumped when I felt someone tap me from behind. I instinctively unsheathed my knife and turned only to see Luke with his hands raised.
"Whoa! Calm down just me." He laughed.
"Kinda weird seeing someone laugh at a knife pointed at them." I smirked sheathing my knife.
"I only laugh since its you." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Are you done with everything?"
"Not really. I don't know whether to leave or not yet. That's why I came. Help me?" I asked him.
He turned to me and to the forest. "How about you hear me out about something... important and private... then decide?" He gestured towards the forest.
"Not planning on killing me are you?" I squinted at him.
He gasped. "Not you. Never. I would never hurt you."
I let him lead me to a shrouded area of the forest.
"How serious is this thing that you can't let anyone see? I am blindly trusting you here Luke." I laughed nervously. But when he didn't reply I felt something was off. "Luke, okay this isn't cool. How deep into the forest do we have to go?"
"Y/N remember when you said... You want to be the person I trust...? How you promised to help me?"
"Luke?" He took my hand and pulled me sharply. I winced at how hard he pulled me. "That hurts! Let me go!"
He snapped back and let go of my wrist. "I-I'm sorry... Y/N..."
As much as I knew I had to leave, I couldn't I was worried about him. I reluctantly placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's happening?"
"I did it..." I said and sat on the ground. "I swear I didn't mean to get you hurt. But, I confess to everything. I  stole bolt and helm, I summoned the hound, I gave Percy the cursed shoes... And just now, I tried to kill Percy Jackson." He looked at me with empty eyes.
I shot up and looked at him in emotions I couldn't put in words. "W-Wh---" I wanted to leave and check on Percy. But once again, seeing him right now... I need to stay with him. "Why are you telling me this...?"
"Join me... please?" his voice was weak. He sounded vulnerable. "Let's serve my Lord together..."
"L-Luke... no. I-I can't do that!" I took his shoulder, "Y-You should stay with me instead. How about that, huh? L-Let's explain to Chiron and the others... come on please. I could help you!"
Nothing was working.
"Come with me..." He muttered.
"Luke, I won't join you. You have to change your mind. You can't do this."
"I can't change my mind."
"I can help you with that? How about you go with me huh? I could spend all my time doing this and that. Please, just change your mind."
He didn't reply for a while until he whispered, "Promise me."
"Promise you what?"
"You'll stay with me."
"What? Luke I wo--"
"You won't join... Just...don't stay here for the year... and stay with me."
"I-If I stay with you... what would that mean?"
"Yo-You... might change my mind."
"I'll go." I replied with no hesitation. "I'll leave camp for the year. And I'll find my parent to prove to you that Gods and Goddess aren't all bad. We'll find my parent together."
"I do my lord's bidding--"
"You can still do it. If you want to. But whatever happens... stays only between us. I'll stay with you until I change your mind. And I'll bring you back to camp."
"I would never do anything to ruin your trust in me." He knelt down. It was kinda awkward but hey... "I need you."
Worry not hero. We shall stay.
We'll meet again. Wait for us, we shall join you soon. Now leave.
I had no idea what happened since when I came to Luke was gone and there was no sign of him anywhere. How were we going to st---
We will meet him once we leave. Now go as our hero needs us.
I suddenly remembered Percy's state that Luke had told me about. So I ran. I ran to the Big House
Percy finally opened his eyes. He was propped up in bed in the sickroom of the Big House, his right hand bandaged like a club. Argus stood guard in the corner. Annabeth and I sat next to Percy, I was holding his nectar glass and she was dabbing a washcloth on his forehead.
"Here we are again," Percy said. "You idiot," Annabeth said, "You were green and turning gray when we found you. If it weren't for Chiron's healing..." "Now, now," Chiron's voice said. "Percy's constitution deserves some of the credit." He was sitting near the foot of the bed in human form. His lower half was magically compacted into the wheelchair, his upper half dressed in a coat and tie. He smiled, but his face looked weary and pale, the way it did when he'd been up all night grading Latin papers. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Like my insides have been frozen, then microwaved." "Apt, considering that was pit scorpion venom. Now you must tell me, if you can, exactly what happened." Between sips of nectar, he told them the story.
I bit my lip trying to keep what happened between Luke and I private. It was a risky move that would not be approved by anyone after all. The room was quiet for a long time. "I can't believe that Luke..." Annabeth's voice faltered. Her expression turned angry and sad. "Yes. Yes, I can believe it. May the gods curse him.... He was never the same after his quest."
Percy was looking at me as if checking what was my reaction to his story. "This must be reported to Olympus," Chiron murmured. "I will go at once." "Luke is out there right now," Percy said. "I have to go after him." Chiron shook his head. "No, Percy. The gods—" "Won't even talk about Kronos," Percy snapped. "Zeus declared the matter closed!" "Percy, I know this is hard. But you must not rush out for vengeance. You aren't ready." "Chiron... your prophecy from the Oracle... it was about Kronos, wasn't it? Was I in it? Y/N? And Annabeth?" Chiron glanced nervously at the ceiling. "Percy, it isn't my place—" "You've been ordered not to talk to me about it, haven't you?" His eyes were sympathetic, but sad. "You will be a great hero, child. I will do my best to prepare you. But if I'm right about the path ahead of you..." Thunder boomed overhead, rattling the windows. "All right!" Chiron shouted. "Fine!" He sighed in frustration. "The gods have their reasons, Percy. Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing." "We can't just sit back and do nothing," He said. "We will not sit back," Chiron promised. "But you must be careful. Kronos wants you to come unraveled. He wants your life disrupted, your thoughts clouded with fear and anger. Do not give him what he wants. Train patiently. Your time will come." "Assuming I live that long." Chiron put his hand on Percy's ankle. "You'll have to trust me, Percy. You will live. But first you must decide your path for the coming year. I cannot tell you the right choice...." I got the feeling that he had a very definite opinion, and it was taking all his willpower not to advise me. "But you must decide whether to stay at Camp Half-Blood year-round, or return to the mortal world for seventh grade and be a summer camper. Think on that. When I get back from Olympus, you must tell me your decision." "I'll be back as soon as I can," Chiron promised. "Argus will watch over you." He glanced at Annabeth. "Oh, and, my dear... whenever you're ready, they're here." "Who's here?" Percy asked. Nobody answered. Chiron rolled himself out of the room. I heard the wheels of his chair clunk carefully down the front steps, two at a time. Annabeth studied the floor. "What's wrong?" Percy asked her. "Nothing. I ... just took your advice about something. You ... um ... need anything?" "Yeah. Help me up. I want to go outside." "Percy, that isn't a good idea." Percy slid his legs out of bed. Annabeth and I caught him before he could crumple to the floor.
I said, "I told you ..." "I'm fine," He insisted.
He managed a step forward. Then another, still leaning heavily on me. Argus followed us outside, but he kept his distance. By the time we reached the porch, his face was beaded with sweat. But we had managed to make it all the way to the railing. It was dusk. The camp looked completely deserted. The cabins were dark and the volleyball pit silent. No canoes cut the surface of the lake. Beyond the woods and the strawberry fields, the Long Island Sound glittered in the last light of the sun. "What are you going to do?" Annabeth asked us. "I don't know." Percy replied. "I got the feeling Chiron wanted me to stay year-round, to put in more individual training time, but I'm not sure that's what I want. I also don't want to leave you both with Clarisse only." Annabeth pursed her lips, then said quietly, "I'm going home for the year, Percy." He stared at her. "You mean, to your dad's?" She pointed toward the crest of Half-Blood Hill. Next to Thalia's pine tree, at the very edge of the camp's magical boundaries, a family stood silhouetted—two little children, a woman, and a tall man with blond hair. They seemed to be waiting. The man was holding a backpack that looked like the one Annabeth had gotten from Waterland in Denver. "I wrote him a letter when we got back," Annabeth said. "Just like you suggested. I told him... I was sorry. I'd come home for the school year if he still wanted me. He wrote back immediately. We decided... we'd give it another try." "That took guts." She pursed her lips. "You won't try anything stupid during the school year, will you? At least ... not without sending me an Iris-message? Both of you?" Percy managed a smile. "I won't go looking for trouble. I usually don't have to."
"You already know my plans."
"When I get back next summer," she said, "we'll hunt down Luke. We'll ask for a quest, but if we don't get approval, we'll sneak off and do it anyway. Agreed?" "Sounds like a plan worthy of Athena."
She held out her hand. Percy shook it. She gave me a hug. "Take care, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth told Percy. "Keep your eyes open."
"You too, Wise Girl."
Then turned to me, "Good luck on your own quest Droopy."
"Of course Peabody." We watched her walk up the hill and join her family. She gave her father an awkward hug and looked back at the valley one last time. She touched Thalia's pine tree, then allowed herself to be lead over the crest and into the mortal world. "I made my decision." Percy said. "What's yours?"
"I'll be leaving camp... I'm going to look for my parent..." He looked at me in shock. "I'll be back next summer," I promised him. "I'll survive until then."
I smiled at him.
"Don't you want to stay with us? Mom said---"
"I want to find my parent. I need to. I'll be fine Percy."
I helped Percy to his cabin so he could pack and went to mine. To my surprise I see a middle-aged man with an athletic figure slim and fit with salt-and-pepper hair, and a very familiar sly grin. He had bags at his foot.
"Delivery for Y/N L/N."
"Hermes." He said.
I froze and looked at him with wide eyes.
"Personally packed. As a thank you for what you're about to do." He smiled softly and handed me the bags.
"For helping Luke."
Don't forget her mail!
Ooh! And tell her to bring us snacks next time we meet since it'll be often now!
No it wouldn't be often! She'll be with Luke!
"Both of you keep quiet." Pulling out a mail he handed it to me. "Luke... prayed to me telling me about your plan. He asked me to help you. I don't know what or why he did it. But I know he'll change thanks to you. So do guide him."
"Sorry you lost me at the talking air..." I blinked.
Hermes laughed and showed a caduceus. "It's just George and Martha."
"I just wanted to let you know. No god or goddess could see you. No matter how hard they tried. So your secrets.. are really secrets. Good luck on your travel."
Next time we meet you should have snacks.
Then he vanished.
Staring at the letter on my hand, I was stunned seeing it was from... my mom and dad.
You've made quite a friend here.
-Mom and Dad.
I immediately knew where to look. I hurriedly took my bags not bothering to check the contents. I ran to Percy's cabin and helped him out so we could leave.
Percy got a cab and looked at me worriedly.
"I'll write you. Stay safe Arthur Curry." I ruffled his hair and watched him go.
I didn't know where to go so I just went to the first secluded area I saw.
"You have more stuffs than when you arrived." I heard someone behind me.
"You prayed to your dad. I hope he knows how to pack." I sighed turning to him. Turning around I barely made out Luke from the few days I last saw him. "You okay?"
"Do you know where to look first?"
Call upon our hound.
I whistled, I don't know why. But when I did, D/N came out of the blue. Luke looked at me and my dear dog, who was probably bigger than the hound he'd summon back then. "How do feel about L.A?" I said riding on D/N and making space behind me for Luke.
~~~END OF BOOK 1~~~
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oddsnendsfanfics · 3 years
Unraveling the Mystery
Genre: Fan Fiction
Pairing: Henry Cavill/OFC
Warnings: N/A
Rating: PG
Length: Short Story
Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.
A/N: I have been sitting on this idea, for a while. It's taken forever to get it just right, what can I say? I can't get away from these folks.
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Henry Cavill Master List
Sitting in the backseat of the car, Ivan huffed. Arms across his chest, Kal laying quietly beside him, his head on the boy's lap. He was not amused by his parent's Saturday excursion. In the front seat, Nell checked her phone, looking at emails and appointments for the upcoming week. Henry had his eyes on the road, navigating through the small city with expert care and attention.
Saturdays spent as a family were supposed to be fun. Ivan wasn't exactly having fun. Grumpy all morning, he hadn't turned his scowl upside down once. Whatever. His parents didn't seem to notice or care that he was in a pissy mood. Why should they?
When they'd left home, Henry had mentioned going to the next town over, but didn't really say why. Nell had been too worried looking for paperwork. Ivan wasn't stupid, he'd heard them in the office last night. They thought he had gone to bed, which he had, but they didn't know their son had gone back down stairs for a drink. Walking by the door, he'd stopped, originally to say “good night”, again but decided to hold out.
Ivan laid his head back on the seat, Kal nestling in for the remainder of the ride. How could his parents do this to him? The bits of conversation had replayed in his mind all night.
"But if we adopt, then we know it's a girl." Sighing, Nell rubbed her eyes. "I am outnumbered."
"Yes, but what if we can't find the right girl?"
Ivan furrowed his brow, listening through the cracked door. His parents were clearly discussing something that would be a huge part of their family, yet chose to leave him out? 
Standing quietly for a few seconds, trying to peep around the office door, he saw Kal sprawled out on the floor. Sleeping soundly. At least his position wasn't going to be given away. 
"And we will need to take him. I don't want to bring him home a sister, to find out he's pissed off." Henry continued. 
Gee, thanks dad. Ivan rolled his eyes, tears stinging. 
Inside of the office his mother's chair scraped the floor. Time to move along. Quietly rushing to get upstairs, before he was caught. 
They were adopting and didn't even bother to ask how he felt? What if he didn't want a sibling? What if he was content being an only child? Nobody had bothered to ask him and it hurt.
“Almost there,” Henry announced. Ivan huffed, Nell hummed, and Kal sighed. “Not the response that I was expecting, but okay.”
“I'm excited, I'm busy is all.” Nell glanced at her husband with a warm smile. “Someone has to keep you in costume and Ivan on track.”
“Whatever.” Ivan muttered, rolling his eyes. So now they pretend to care.
“When we're finished, do you want to go for a walk and grab something to eat?”
Leaning around in her seat to see Ivan; Nell smiled. “What do you think wild boy? Should we grab something to eat after? I hear they have a great sushi place just around the corner.”
“Is that all you can say today?” Nell raised her brow.
Ivan shrugged.
“Well, then. I guess you don't have an opinion, then we will go wherever we see fit.”
“Why ask me where I want to eat, you didn't care to ask me if I even wanted to come.”
“We thought that you'd enjoy an afternoon out.” Henry answered, checking that he was clear to make the right hand turn. Pulling into an empty space, he killed the engine. “We're here.”
“I'm excited.”
“I'm not.” Grumbled Ivan in reply to his mother's enthusiasm.
Leaning over, Henry was the one turned to face his sullen son. “Okay, before we go in. Care to tell me what's going on?”
In the back seat, Ivan tried his best not to allow his tears to fall. If they began then they may never stop. Dramatic? A little. He couldn't hold it in any longer, his parents had truly hurt his feelings and trust. Why had they not trusted him to tell him the truth? If he hadn't heard them talking, would they have simply brought another child home and told him to deal with it?
Sniffling, he wiped his hand across his cheeks. How silly did he look?
“Ivan?” Henry prompted, gently reaching out to his son.
Shrinking away, Ivan continued to sniffle. Shaking his head, Ivan opened his mouth to answer, but only a sob came.
“Are you okay? Ivan, you can talk to us.” Encouraging her son, despite her heart clenching, Nell tried to smile.
He had been out of sorts all morning. Taking it as he was annoyed to be woken so early, Nell had ignored his bad mood. She'd figured it would change, when they arrived to meet the puppy. On the seat beside him, Kal laid with his head still on Ivan. Nudging him gently with his nose.
“You didn't even ask me, how-how I felt.” Ivan whispered.
“Felt? About what? Are you not feeling well?” Concern etched Henry's face.
Ivan shook his head. “About adopting. Why? Why would you do that and not talk to me? A sister is a pretty big thing and you didn't even ask, if I wanted one.”
In a second, Henry could nearly feel his heart breaking for his son. Clearing his throat, he rubbed the back of his neck. Nell sprang into mom mode. Taking over, giving Ivan a soft smile and passing back a tissue from her bag,
“Oh, wild boy.” Cooing, Nell shook her head. “No, I think you have it wrong.”
“Do I? Oh really?”
“Yeah, we're um...we wanted to keep it a secret, in case Kal didn't get along with her. But then we were so excited, we had to bring you. Ivan, we're here to see about adopting another dog.”
“A dog?” Ivan sat up his interest fully engaged. Henry laughed and nodded. His mood changing faster than a speeding bullet. “A dog? We're getting another dog?”
“Maybe.” It was only fair that Henry laid down the rules now. “If she and Kal get along, then we will take her home. For a week. If they manage well, then she is ours. If they don't, then we have to bring her back. We didn't want to tell you, because we wanted to surprise you.”
“You better like her.” Ivan gently booped Kal's nose. Kal snuffled and yawned.
“I wish you had told us, how you felt. Oh god, I'm sorry.”
Last night, while in the office, Nell had heard a creak outside the door. Assuming it was another feature of the older home, she had ignored it, continuing her conversation with Henry. Shit. Now she felt terrible. How Ivan must have felt, beyond her comprehension. No wonder the poor boy had been in a rotten mood. Assuming his parent were making life decisions and not bothering to inform him.
“It's okay mum.” Ivan shrugged, “I shouldn't have assumed.”
“Wild boy, we would never adopt another child, without talking to you. Honestly.” Nell informed her son, her caring smile growing.
“Unless something changes, drastically, we will never have that conversation. So I think you are safe.”
“But I thought you wanted more kids?” Eyeing his father cautiously, Ivan wiped his nose on the tissue and snuffled once more. His tears dried on his cheeks.
Henry shrugged, glancing at Nell and smiling. “Once upon a time, I would have loved to have a dozen kids. But, I think that time has gone. You're older now and I know that you enjoy being an only child. Besides, your mum and I don't have that energy anymore. Chasing small children, it's too much work.”
“Well, now that we have this cleared up. Shall we go meet the potential, puppy?”
“Yes, please.” Ivan sprung up, grabbing Kal's leash to get the big dog out of the car. Opening the car door, he shuffled out to join his parents, promptly handing Kal to Henry.
A shift in his mood, Ivan could barely contain his excitement, asking his parents all kinds of questions. The short distance from the car to the shelter didn't give them much time to answer, but Nell did her best to fill in any information that Ivan was requesting. They had found the puppy on the website, not really looking for another dog.
Her name was Tilly, she was almost a year old, an energetic doxie pinscher mix. Her mother rescued a few weeks before Tilly and her two brothers were born. Ivan didn't even have to see her, to know she would be the best dog – best small dog – ever. Clearly Kal was the best dog ever. Henry allowed Kal a few minutes outside, while Nell and Ivan went inside to inform the staff that they had arrived.
“Mum,” Ivan whispered standing beside her, in the lobby, waiting for the assistant to join them, “I'm sorry.”
“It's okay, wild boy. You have nothing to be sorry for, but the next time come talk to me. I don't like it when you are upset.” Nell wrapped her arm around him, kissing the top of his head.
“Mrs. Cavill?” A tall woman asked walking into the room. Nell nodded and smiled. “Hi, I'm Aly. I'll be hanging out with you today.” She glanced at Ivan and smiled. Carefully looking passed Nell, she shifted. “You mentioned bringing your dog?”
“Yes, he's outside with my husband. It was a bit of a drive up. Can you go let your dad know that he needs to come in?” Nell ruffled Ivan's hair.
Nodding, Ivan did his best to control his excitement, reminding himself to walk towards the door. Calmly, he took a breath. Spotting Henry and Kal on the small patch of grass, he waved opening the door to call his dad. Excitement, contain. Breathe. Ivan straightened his posture before walking back across the office to his mother.
“He's coming.”
“Do you want to follow me in, when he comes in then I can have them sent back?”
“Sure, sounds good.” Following Aly behind a set of doors, Nell and Ivan walked hand in hand. It was not at all what Ivan imagined. There were no rows of barking dogs, instead it was a calm and quiet group of rooms. Each one with large windows and a door. Inside the floors had patches of fake grass, tile flooring, and a few toys.
“The last time that you were here, I know that you and your husband had met Tilly and Anduin.” Holding open a door to one of the rooms, Aly addressed Nell. Ivan raised his brow. So his parents had been here before? “Did you want to bring them both out?”
Slightly blushing, Nell gave the assistant a sheepish smile. “I'm not going to lie, I really adored Tilly. I agreed to bring Anduin out, to humour my husband.”
Ivan giggled. Of course his dad would have wanted to meet Anduin.
“Ah, I understand. Okay, well I am going to get Tilly. You can make yourselves comfortable.”
Ivan sat in one of the plastic office chairs, swinging his legs lightly, his feet not that far from the floor. Nell stood in the corner by the floor to ceiling window, watching for Henry and Kal. Humming contently, Ivan tried to picture what this new dog would look like. She would certainly be smaller than Kal, not even the size of Kal's leg. He giggled at the idea of the little dog bossing the old bear around.
Would Tilly like them?
“What's Anduin like?”
“Huh?” Nell turned her head to look at Ivan, she had been lost in her thoughts of upcoming projects and school sport schedules.
“Anduin, you said that you only saw him because Dad wanted to.”
“Oh, he's a nice dog. But he's big and bouncy, he's still young and they said he had a bit of an aggression problem to work through. I'm sure he'll make someone a great dog, but he's not what we need. Not right now.”
Ivan nodded in understanding. As much as they loved Kal, one big dog was enough. He sat looking around the room, when he and his mom spotted Aly at the same time. Taking a step back from her post, Nell held out an arm to Ivan, indicating she wanted him to join her.
Entering the room, Aly had a small dog in her arms. Licking her face furiously, the dog wagged her tail, excitedly enjoying the interaction.
“Here is Tilly,” bending to sit the puppy on the floor, Aly smiled at Ivan. “Why don't you take a seat and get to know her?”
“Mum, momma, mum.” Ivan tugged on Nell's sleeve. “This is the best surprise.”
“I'm glad you're excited.” Nell kissed the top of his head. “Do you want to play with her? Get to know her a little, before Kal comes in?”
On the other side of the windows, Nell caught sight of Henry and Kal approaching. Kal looked around cautiously, following Henry into the small corridor. Nodding to his wife and giving a slight wave, Henry smiled. He would wait right where he was, until asked to bring Kal in. Kal sat at Henry's side, watching through the window, a slight whine when he saw little Henry playing with the ultra small dog.
Sitting down on the floor, allowing the small brown dog to climb on him, Ivan giggled. Her whole body shook with her tail wag, as she bounced on and off of the boy's lap. Aly smiled, watching the two interact.
“They certainly get on well.”
“Ivan loves dogs.”
When Henry and Nell had come to see the dogs, it had been Henry on the floor giggling like a child, while the puppy had climbed all over him. Nell had joined in, sitting and tossing the ball for both Tilly and Anduin. But Ivan was by far the one in his true element.
“Let's see how Kal does, shall we?”
“Of course.” Nell waved for Henry to bring Kal in.
Opening the door, Henry gave a gentle tug on Kal's leash. The big, black and white dog was hesitant to enter the room with the smaller creature. She was full of the zoomies and her bark was fierce.
“Kal.” Henry called to his companion. “Come on. It's fine.”
Reluctant, Kal shuffled into the room, snuffling and snorting. Making sure to keep Henry, Nell, Ivan, and the strange woman between him and the small fur missile. The small brown dog darted around Nell, between Henry's legs and right up to Kal. Pulling back on his leash, Kal was wide eyed. No! No way! She was growing closer.
Without warning Tilly stopped a few inches from Kal, reaching out she sniffed his foot and took off. Too concerned with her return, Kal was having a hard time relaxing. His fear was soon soothed, when Nell reached down to offer him a biscuit. Oh so now they were buying him off with food? Eh, fair enough.
“Why don't you pick her up, then she's not as bouncy.” Aly smiled at Ivan.
Scooping the puppy into his arms, Ivan smiled when she began to instantly lick his face. “Tilly.” He giggled, holding her out to his dad.
“Come here, sweetheart.” Henry accepted the puppy. She was tiny compared to Kal, even as a baby. Henry smiled holding the wiggly body, trying to control her enough to let Kal get a proper look. “Look Kal, see the baby.”
Kal huffed, sinking down to the floor. His head resting on his paws. How dare they.
“Have a look, bear.” Henry encouraged the older dog. Bending down with the puppy, he laughed when she licked his chin, giving playful bites. “She's okay. Easy fella.” He steadied Kal, who had lifted his head a little. Sniffing towards the puppy, he sat up. His head tilted slightly. Henry eased Tilly closer.
Reaching out, she yipped in Kal's face, but didn't shy when his big nose poked her in the belly. Licking at Kal, she wagged her tail fiercely.
“I know that you love being the only dog, but would a friend be terrible? She's a friend. Not a chew toy.” Nell eyed Kal.
Huffing, Kal sniffed the puppy once more, before scooting back as Henry let her go on the floor. Instantly zooming around the room, Tilly bumped into Kal. Reacting less dramatically, Kal groaned and flopped down onto the floor. His eyes following the puppy, his desire to chase the small creature almost void. He was too old for this shit.
“I think we should take her home, what do you think?” Henry glanced at Ivan.
“Yes, please.” Ivan nodded eagerly. “What about you, Kal? Do you want a sister?”
Kal huffed. He didn't care one way or another.
“I think we will definitely be taking her.” Nell smiled. Stooping to scoop up the puppy, she scratched Tilly's ears and smiled wide.
“Your mum has a new mate,” Henry nudged Ivan in he side, gesturing to Nell snuggling the puppy.
“Maybe this means she won't bother me so much to do things.” Ivan snickered.
“Don't bet on it,” Nell smirked, she'd heard their chat. When would they learn, she heard everything.
Settling the final paperwork, gathering instructions, and all the legal work that went with adopting dog had taken mere minutes. The shelter were efficient, set up, and knew their business. Henry admired that. Nell had been the one to find them, assuring him that they were reputable, reliable, and a decent place to work with. She wanted nothing but the best, when it came to their newest addition.
Thanking Aly, posing for a few photos – as was custom for the shelter, when an animal found a new place, and making sure they had all of their paperwork, instructions in case Tilly needed to come back. Ha! They were on the their way, the five of them.
Kal led the way to the car, he had snacks waiting and needed to finish that nap he'd been taking. Henry opened the door, allowing Kal to get situated, before Ivan and Tilly joined him. Giving the big dog word of encouragement, telling him how fantastic he'd been with the entire thing.
“Mum, momma, mum.” Ivan bounded towards the car, at his mother's side “I'm sorry for being upset this morning.”
“You have nothing to apologise for, wild boy.” Carrying Tilly; Nell wrapped her other arm around Ivan. “But do me a favour, the next time you want to eves drop, come to us before assuming things.”
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atinysunbaby · 3 years
Meant to be | Choi San 🖤
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Warnings : Cursing, violence, mention of rape.
Words count : 2.2 k
Previous 《 Prologue
Chapter 1
My cheeks are burning from the salty tears escaping my eyes. A tightening feeling in my chest growing by the minute. The sobs keep escaping me, making my body move uncontrollably. Chocking from the sharp inhales and shaking from the cold temperature. This moment, forever will be imprinted in my mind. Those images I wish I could forget, unfortunately will hunt me till my last breath.
I suppose it's what most people feel too when they lose their parents. I wanted to deny it, but I saw their bodies. They were cold, bruised, bloody and no longer held any signs of life.
The last time a saw them, I didn't bother much to say goodbye to them. Only telling them to enjoy their little vacation in the woods. I was more exited about being alone then making them know how much I loved them. Now it's too late, I'll never be able to see their faces again, hear their voices, feel their arms around me when I need them the most.
I woke up to my cellphone ringing this morning, answering grumpily, thinking it was my mom who disturbed me from my sleep. It was actually the cops telling me to come to the hospital, but I wish it would've been her instead. I wish she could annoy me every morning now, but it's over. She isn't here anymore and neither is my dad.
I'm in my room, at this moment, crying my heart out. I ran out of the hospital immediately after seeing their corpses. They wanted me to identifie them, but I left with people screaming for me to comeback. I guess they probably know from my reaction, that it was indeed my mom and dad.
People keep calling me on my phone, but I don't answer. I'm laying on the floor, looking at the ceiling, waiting for my sadness to subside. I know that won't happen anytime soon, but it's the only way for me to calm down. Being surrounded by people telling me how sorry they are for my loss. A bunch of fake assholes making me feel even worse about the situation definitely won't make anything better.
Slowly my eyes get heavy, I try to fight the exhaustion but fail miserably. I fall asleep on the cold floor of my room, my window open and the sound of rain filling my ears. All of this crying definitely used up a lot of my energy.
The car crash, I wasn't there and I have no idea of what happened. But I see it, something is in the middle of the road and dad just told mom a joke. They're laughing.. until they hit that thing, an animal maybe. It goes right through the window and kill my dad instantly, but as for my mom. The car rolls off the road and fall down a small cliff. Mom's still alive, she's in pain, blood everywhere, she's crying for her husband to open his eyes and answer her. She keeps screaming that she can't feel him anymore? His presence? Her breathing is getting worse the more she panics. Suddenly the door on her side opens and something stabs her in the chest, putting a end to her desperate cries. Blood is streaming down her chin, her eyes looking directly through mine while she takes her last breath.
I open my eyes to see nothing but darkness. I frantically search for a sign of light, I reach around with my hands. My eyes are open wide and my breath shaky, until my fingers brush against an object. I stop every movement, slowly gripping it and letting a breath of relieve when I realise it's my phone.
I turn it on to see a ton of messages and missed calls. One standing out, my aunts name, my mom's sister. I never talked to her, but mom insisted on giving me her number. I look around my room and stand up to look outside the window, only to notice that it's night time. The reason of the darkness and freezing temperature. I close it and turn the lights on in my room. Then I sit on the corner of my bed and hesitate a few minutes while looking at the screen in front of me. My fingers finaly press on call. A few rings later, Aunt Kath's voice is heard. "Y/N! Y/N is it you?"
"Yes it's me.. why did you cal-" I'm cut off by a loud sob. My eyes widen in confusion, but I soon remember that my mom, her sister is no longer a part of this world. I sigh and wait for her to stop crying on the other side of the line. "S-sweetie- where are you? Are you safe? You're not alone ar-"
"Kath, my parents just died. I'm obviously not partying right now, but I'm okay.. I guess.." She stays silent for the next few seconds, my blunt answer probably wasn't expected, but it's understandable. "Sweetheart-I uhh.. you have no one to stay with right? So.. your mom made me your godmother, i-in case anything happened to her.. will you come live w-with me, here in Korea?"
It takes some time to process what just came out of her mouth, my eyebrows are furrowed. Many feelings are fighting to take control of my body, but the one that wins is frustration. "W-what?.."
"She told me to take care of you if she wasn't there anymore... It was just a precaution, but I guess it really happened." She says with a small voice, trying not to upset me further. Judging from my lack of response, she can tell I'm not that excited about this new information. "I asked you, but it ins't really a choice that you have. It's an obligation, you can't stay alone out ther-"
I hang up, not wanting to listen even for one more second. I need some time to think about it. She's right, I don't have much of a choice. I turned seventeen not too long ago and I don't have any family member here. At least none that I know of. I sigh defeated, once again pressing on my godmother's contact.
She picks up not even a second later, as if she knew I was gonna call her back. She doesn't say a word, waiting for me to start talking. I clear my throat after freeing my lower lip from my teeth. "How will I get there? How about my clothes and everything else in the house? My parents' funera-"
"I'll take care of everything you don't have to worry, just bring the necessary and I'll transfer some money on your account so you can pay for your plane ticket. As for the ride to my house, my boyfriend will pick you up" She spend a whole hour explaining to me how everything will go and I agree after hesitating for a while. If my mom gave Kath the role of godmother, she must trust her. So I will trust her too, anyways I don't really have a reason not to. She's been nice till now and she'll even welcome me in her house, she's taking me in. "Thank you Kath, I really appreciate it. I don't know what I would've done if I was all alone."
Days later
I prepared all my stuff, ready to fly to Korea. It took me a while to accept, but eventually I warmed up to it. It's an opportunity for me, to start over. A new life full of adventure, new environment and culture. I want to explore the world so why not start there.
Unfortunately though, I had to say goodbye to all my friends. We cried and spend the last few days together. We promised to text each other everyday and not to forget about one another. Sad thing is, my friends aren't the only ones I need to leave behind. It's hard to leave the place I grew up in, my house, my neighbourhood, my city, everything.
In a few hours, everything I ever knew will all be in the past. Only the memories will stay, the rest, all gone. So the day my parents died, I didn't only lose them, but my life too. The life they gave me. Now, I have to make a new one, by myself.
Landing in Korea
The flight was boring and quite annoying, I didn't know what to do. A baby cried for what felt like years and a couple had an argument at some point. Then the person next to me started to snore so loudly I thought the plane was crashing. I'm glad to finaly be on the ground, the loud voices of people speaking indistinctly seeming to sooth me from what I went through previously.
I sit on one of the chairs in the airport waiting for James, my godmother's boyfriend. He'll drive me to their house, apparently Kath arranged a room for me already. She doesn't have any kid, so she's looking forward to having me over.
"Y/N!!" I jump from the chair almost falling on my ass. I luckily manage to stay on my two feet and not make a fool of myself. Upon hearing a chuckle, I turn around and see an old looking dude smirking at me, maybe in his late forties. "Umm.. Hi can I help you?"
"James, I came to pick you up remember?" He asks while pointing at himself. I'm still unsure, he's looking at me weirdly. I can feel an odd vibe from him. It makes me feel uncomfortable, but I push it aside and nod before following him.
We enter his rusty jeep, the doors creaking when moving. Despite the outside looking a bit ugly, the inside is clean. The only negative point would be the smell, cigarette and..alcohol? Paying a bit more attention to the smell though, it doesn't only come from the jeep. The man next to me is even worst, it seems that he might shower rarely. Subtly, I bring my sweater paws to my nose, looking outside to distract myself.
"So, Y/N! How you holding up?" His loud and deep raspy voice makes me jump for the second time. I turn a bit a towards him not to be impolite and think before answering him. "I guess it's a bit easier then I expected. I didn't think that I'd feel any better, but after a few days it prove me wrong. But I feel bad, to already move on.."
He hums next to me, nodding his head lazily. I wait for him to add something, but the car is filled with silence. I'm relieved he doesn't speak further, not really being in the mood to have a whole conversation, especially with someone I don't know. So, slowly I turn back around towards the window. My mind drifting to the events that happened in just a few weeks, everything is so fucked up. Fortunately, Kath and James decided to help me.
About an hour past since we came out of the airport. We just entered a forrest, James informed me that it'll take a while still. He insisted that I should go to sleep and when I'll wake up, we'll be home. I ponder for some time, but eventually agree. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep due to not being able to get much sleep in the plane.
I wake up when the car come to an halt, a man's voice coming from next to me. Curses escaping his mouth, confused I open my eyes. The events from the previous hours coming back to me, tears threatening to escape my eyes. My body shaking slightly from fear, uncontrollably.
The ride was a lot longer then what James had told me it would be and I slept, only to be woken up by a hand covering my mouth. Horrible things happened in that car and it wasn't a nightmare, no mather how much I wish it was one. He said he would tell Kath it took us some time because of the traffic and the airport. Then he threatened to kill me if I open my mouth.
I can't let him see me crying, I don't want him to have another reason to hurt me. Despite being terrified and completely drained from energy, I swallow the bill in my throat and wipe the tears from my eyes. While I'm breaking down, next to me James is whistling and turning the car off. Announcing with a loud scream to Kath that we arrived.
"Omg! Y/N! Sweetie you really are here." Kath comes out of the house shouting happily, her arms open, waiting for me to give her a hug. I rush to open the door, but a hand grabs my arm. His nails dig in my skin and I whimper, both from fear and pain. "Remember. You talk, you die."
He puts my bag in my hand, pretending to be helping me. Finally I escape the horrible vehicle and run into my godmother's arms with a heavy heart. The second she engulfs me in her warmth, sobs spill from deep within me. She cries with me but not for the same reason. She cries because she lost her sister and now I'm here. I, cry because I've lost my parents, I lost my house, my friends. Because I've been raped less then an hour ago. Because I feel completely broken and hopeless. The new life I wanted for myself, only starts with even more problems then I had before.
Next 》 Chapter 2
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jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (chapter 4)
A story inspired by T’challas Outside Daughter written by the brilliant author of it Marvel Heaux.
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any help or contact from T’challa. Shortly after losing their mom at the age of 10, the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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“Where in.” Wally lied to his grandmother after his sister told him no.
“Wonderful.”Ramonda said with happinesses her voice.
“Ok well I'll send the Dora millijae to i company you and your sister to Wakanda.
“Oh and one more thing.” Ramonda quickly thought.
“Yeah, grandma.” He answered back.
“Will my great-grandchildren be attending as well? She asked.
Wally knew his sister was not on board with this idea and that she’d never allow her children to go to the one place that would make her relive her awful childhood memories let alone meet the man who caused her all of her pain and anger.
“Uh I'll ask her but I can't make promises on them coming.
“Ok well, I see you guys in two weeks.” Ramonda smiled over the phone.
“Bye grandmama” Wally chuckled.
“Bye son
After their conversation ended Wally thought long and hard about what he just done.
“She’s going to murder me for this.” He thought to his self.
Wally hurried and rushed to the kitchen using his speed and began cleaning before his sister comes down.
Friday Morning...
5 hours till the Devil Girls live performance on the Jimmy Fallon show.
It was a stressful morning and Jalena was on edge. She was determined to get the girls ready for their performance in the next few hours.
“ALL RIGHT LISTEN UP!! She yelled.
“It is 8:00 and we don't go on till noon so for the next 3 hours we're going to be practicing.
“I don't want to see ANY slacking between the formations or no half-ass dancing.
“I need everyone to be perfect,” she demanded.
All of the girls were annoyed and tired one girl even rolled her eyes at Jalena due to her yelling at her and being controlling.
“Uh... excuse me.. my eyes must be playing tricks on me because I know I did not just see you rolling your eyes at me. “She glared at the girl waiting for her to respond.
The girl just stood there frozen she was scared to talk back to Jalena because she could be fired and Jalena secretly scares her.
“I'm waiting..
“Did you or did you not just roll your eyes at me. Jalena grew angrier at her.
“I didn't mean to I'm just tired and nervous.” she nervously said.
“I'm doing my best Jalena we all are.” The girl said whilst trying to stand up for herself and the other girls.
“Wow, that was brave, admitting that you can't do any better.” she harshly told her.
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“And I suppose you all feel like your doing your best. She turned to ask the other girls. Some shook their heads to agree with the girl while others just stood there.
“Hmm, well if you all were doing your best then we wouldn't be here practicing.
“Now let's rehearse and remember if I see you're not fully into it... I'll cut you faster than you can say no, please,” she smirked at all of the girls warning them.
The girls just stared back at her with a scared look and the feeling of nauseousness on their faces.
Back In Wakanda
After Ramonda's conversation, she had with Wally on Monday she couldn't help but be excited to see her grandchildren. She hadn't seen them or spoke to them in almost 14 years since she and T’chaka visited Jasmina and the twins to see how they were doing.
Ramonda thought it best if she held the twins arrival from T’challa in case he’d tried to stop it. After Ramonda made it to the throne room to discuss an important meeting with the council and her son. She tried to avoid any questions from him.
In the throne room
A week before the annual family weekend event. The King and the royal council gathered for a meeting to discuss the U.S. Government wanting to study the effects of vibranium. I say no! “the river tribe Elder yelled. We shouldn’t be giving our resources to the outside world vibranium is ours, not theirs. I agree you’ve already opened outreach centers all over the world, my king. Now they want they want to study out vibranium I think not! W’kabi stated to T’challa.
“Son what will it be? Ramonda asked her son avoiding eye contact with him. T’challa noticed but he didn’t want to make a scene in front of everyone.
“I agree with W’kabi our outreach centers should be enough for the Americans for now in the meantime are main focus should be on setting up for family week.
“Now will that be all for todays meeting? Asked T’challa.
“I have something to say. Said the Merchant tribe leader.
T’challa gave him a nod to allow him to speak.
“What about your other kids. The twins who live in Los Angeles.” He asked T’challa.
T’challa looked at him like he’d look at an American asking to have vibranium.
“There not up for discussion.” T’challa said while trying to change the topic about the twins.
Ramonda snuck a quick look at T’challa before Turing away trying to avoid looking into her sons eyes. She secretly agreed with the Merchant tribe leader she too wished that her son would just try and make amends with them. T’challa noticed his mama suspicious behavior towards him. Her body language was giving it all away. He could see that their was something on her mind.
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“Mama is there something you’d like to say?
“No nothing son,” she told her son with a raspy voice. Then turned the other way.
T’challa kept starring at his mother with a suspicious look. He quickly stopped after he received a message from his youngest daughter Amara on his kimyo bead.
The message was about the father-daughter dance happening at her school next month. She called to let her father know about joining. T’challa replied back with a yes and a silly face. He quickly got back to the meeting.
“Now is that all. “He asked everyone for the last time.
Everyone nodded their heads and began to wrap up the meeting.
It was now time for the Devil Girls to perform on the Jimmy Fallon show.
“One-minute girls.” said the executive producer.
“Ok remember girls we got this. Let's go out there and knock them dead,” said Jalena.
“Who’s with me.
“I'm always with you,” said Kyle.
“Alright ladies time to go.” again said the executive producer.
All the girls ran out there cheering and waiting for their cue from Jimmy.
Soon after Jimmy gave the cue the girls turned on their devil mode and began to dance their asses off.
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After the performance
“Well where all out of time. I’m Jimmy Fallon. Tune in next week for more. Goodnight Everyone.
The next day
Wally wanted to celebrate with his sister after her performance on the Jimmy Fallon show yesterday. They decided to meet up at their favorite restaurant “La Mere”.
“Thank you Walls for taking me here,” she said as they both sat down.
“No prob sis you deserved it.
Jalena couldn't help but be suspicious of her brother. He hardly ever takes her anywhere special unless he wants something.
A few seconds, later...
“So why are we really here? Without any notice, Jalena questioned her brother.
Wally put down his menu and looked at his sister confused.
“What do you mean? He asked.
“Ok since you wanna play this game.” she glared at him before speaking.
“You never take me here unless you want something or is hiding something.
“So which is it,” she said continuing to stare at her brother.
Wally took a big gulp of his water and swallowed it nervously.
Jalena still glaring at her brother realized what he's hiding.
“If this is about that stupid family week in Wakanda I will burn all of your shoes.” she angrily told her brother.
Wally scaredly looked at his sister before answering her.
“It's not damn can't a brother just do something nice for his sister.” he awkwardly said while trying to avoid eye contact with her.
Jalena tried to read her brother's mind but he knew ways on how to manipulate his thoughts so she wouldn't find out what he had done.
She gave up after realizing he was “telling the truth”.
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“You know I have trust issues.” she lowered her tone.
“I know sis but you don't have to worry about lying when it comes to me.
Jalena couldn't help but laugh when she realized what her brother had said. Wally looked at her with a confused face.
“Sorry I don't mean to laugh.
“Well, I do.” she continued to laugh.
“But brother you lie all the time.
“When have I lied Lena. “He asked.
“When we were kids and you lied to mom telling her that you were at the park when you know you were with that girl.
“I did not.
“Uh yeah, you did. Wait what was her name, Jessica, wait no umm... Bianca it was.” she laughed.
“Alright, that's enough. Wally put down his sister's fingers while laughing at her that she still remembered his ex-girlfriend.
“Anyways I'm not lying about this. He said.
“You better not be,” she said in a serious tone.
“Now let's order.” They both picked up the menu and looked at what they wanted to get.
A week later
It was time for the Dora Milijae to come pick him and his sister up to go to Wakanda. Wally still hadn't told his sister about it yet he was nervously running back and forth around the house. He knew his sister would be PISSED when she finds out that he lied to her. Lying was a big part of Jalena’s life since T’challa would always lie to her whenever she wanted to spend time with him.
Flashback (15 years ago)...
Jalena wanted to play with T’challa since her mom left to go visit some of their family in New Orleans. She wondered all through the palace to find him as soon as she found him she quickly ran to him.
“Daddy, daddy”. Her four-year-old cute self yelled.
“I've been looking everywhere for you.” She said whilst trying to catch her breath.
“What are you doing here? He asked in a rude tone.
“Mama’s gone and I wanted to play with you.
“Sorry Lena I'm a little busy so I can't play with you. T’challa tried to dismiss his daughter.
“Daddy your always busy you're never really home to play with me and Wally. She sadly told her father.
“Honey it's hard to rule a country and protect it all at once while having children too.
“Plus I go on missions every now and then there's just not a lot of time for me to make with you and your brother.
“But I just wanted to spend time with you. A single tear fell from her eyes which made T’challa have second thoughts about switching his daughter.
“How about tomorrow you, wally, and I all go get ice cream. How's that sound?
Jalena gave her daddy a big ole hug before answering him.
“Ok, daddy I'll see you tomorrow. She ran off with a big on smile on her face.
T’challa watched her run away he felt guilty lying to her that'd hed go with her and her brother for ice cream when he had already made plans to go out with Nora behind Jasmina’s back.
(End of flashback)
Ramonda had assured Wally that she’d be sending the Dora milijae to come get him and his sister but he still hasn't told her about going to Wakanda let alone lying to their grandmother that she’d be attending with him. Wally had to come up with a plan quick before the Dora milijae arrive and his sister realizes so he went into his mother's spellbook to search for a spell that would put his sister to sleep.
He scrolled through the spellbook and found the spell to put his sister to sleep.
“Ad somnum.” He whispered to himself.
He remembered that his mom and his aunts used to say that spell a lot whenever they had trouble going to sleep.
Soon after the Dora milijae had arrived he did a spell the glamar the quinjet to look like a old plane so that his sister wouldn't notice it was from Wakanda.
5 mins later.
Jalena arrived after the message she had gotten from her brother saying it was an emergency.
She rushed into her brother's house.
“WALLY, WALLY!!!” she yelled while searching for him.
“Over here” Wally shouted.
Jalena rushed over to her brother to see what was going on but she stopped in her tracks when she saw just her brother with their luggage and the Dora Milijae behind him.
“What the hell are they doing here.” She angrily said to her brother.
“They're here for us sister.
“You lied to me. I should've known.” her voice cracked realizing that her brother lied to her.
“I'm sorry sis but I want to see them.
“I can't do this without you, Lena,” Wally said to his sister with a sad face.
“Well, you're going to have to.” she turned away from him, and the Dora Milijae. But before she could walk out the door her brother sped up behind her.
“I'm sorry sis. I really am.
“Ad somnum.” He said the spell causing his sister to fall into his arms as he carried her on the quinjet.
As Wally sat beside his sister on the quinjet he couldn't help but think when she comes to wake how much she's going to hate him for bringing her to the one place she hates.
An hour later...
“My Prince we are home.” said the pilot.
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Wally looked out the window he suddenly remembered watching the sunset with his mother and sister whenever T’challa was off doing god knows what. He thought to himself that he was finally home again.
End of chapter 4
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories -lrh (Chapter Two)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter One ※※※※※ Chapter Three
I open my eyes having my vision blur for a little. I blink a few times, getting a better look at the room I was in. Room? It was very bright, I look at the window and guess it must be around seven in the morning.
I glance around the room, seeing my mother lying on a two-seater sofa. I see my broken arm and the heart monitor wires attached to my chest.
“What the...?” I let the confusion in my voice die, for my dry throat. I see no cell phone near me to confirm the time or date, how long have I slept? I carefully seat down on the bed, so as not to hurt my arm, and call my mother, who doesn't hear me at first, making me raise my voice more, scratching my throat.
She gets up startled and, as soon as she sees me awake, comes quickly to my side. Her hands quickly grasp my face and she distributes several kisses across my cheeks.
“Thank God, you're awake! How are you? Do you need anything?” the bombardment of questions leaves me lost. “ I'll call the nurse.” she leaves the room before I can say anything.
God, I just wanted a glass of water and to understand what happened.
She returned with a nurse who came in smiling sympathetically. My mother held my hand, reassuring and comforting me.
“Hello, Miss McGonagall. I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?” she asks as she writes something down on her clipboard.
“Thirsty.” I announce, desperate for a glass of water.
“Oh, of course!” my mother takes a bottle of water from the small table next to the sofa and helps me to take a sip. Finally.
I turn my attention back to the nurse, now more relieved by the water.
“I am fine. A little sleepy and confused. And my arm is sore.”
“That's normal.” she continues writing down some things and fiddling with the equipment. I decide to end the mystery.
“I suffered a car accident, didn't I?” I ask, alternating my gaze between my mother and the nurse, who both look relieved.
“Yes, a drunk driver drove through the traffic light and crashed into your car. You only broke your arm and twisted your foot, besides some bruises.” the nurse explains, killing my curiosity.
Car accident. I remember being in the car, stopped at the light, but I don't remember the impact. Thank God I had survived and without many sequels.
“We thought that you might also have suffered a lost of memory, but that apparently wasn't the case.” my mother had a huge smile on her face.
“Still, we need to ask you some questions.” I turn my attention back to the nurse. “What is your full name?”
“Marnie Elizabeth McGonagall.” I answer immediately.
“Your birthday date?”
“October 17th, 1996.” I answer after thinking for a few seconds. Their smiles widen with each answer.
“How old are you then?”
“Twenty years old.” that's when the smile disappeared, but they didn't say anything.
“You slept for two days. What day is it today?” she asked attentively.
“Two days... I think today is day six.”
“What month and what year, dear?” This time, my mother asks the question.
“March 2017.” I arch my eyebrows, as if it were obvious. But from the look on their faces, I was wrong. I stare at my mother, seeing her with teary eyes.
“Mrs. Williams, please wait outside. I will pass the information to the doctor so that you can talk.”
I see my mother leave crying and get desperate. What is happening?
“Did I lose my memory?” I ask fearfully.
“We don't know yet. You just woke up, we need to take some time and see what happens. You will probably be going through some tests in a few minutes, so you need to be fasting still. After that I'll call a nurse to help you take a shower.”
She leaves and I find myself alone. Now more awake and aware, I notice near the window some vases of flowers, cards, and two happy-face balloons. I smile, feeling comforted by the affection.
A few minutes later, a nurse came in, taking me to the examination. It would be an MRI scan to see which areas of my brain were affected. I feel completely sick; what if I really had lost my memory? How many years have I lost?
However, before the examination, I would take a blood sample. So I went into a room and they sat me down in a very comfortable armchair. I hate blood test, just the sight of the needle makes me want to throw up. When this torturous part was over, they asked me if I preferred to go through the procedure sedated and I said no, I may not like to be in closed places, but to be pierced again is just too much.
I lay down on the gurney and they fixed me up with headphones so the noise wouldn't bother me, a blanket because it was so cold, and they put something like a mask over my head, only taller, like a cap, but hollowed out. At the same moment that the stretcher starts going into that hole, I close my eyes.
The procedure lasted about 30 minutes, and during this time I tried to stay calm and remember as many things as possible. Soon after, I was taken back to the room, finding my mother there with a nurse who would help me take a shower, it was what I wanted most.
I open my eyes and feel my body freeze when I see my image in the mirror. Not only because of the scratches, but also because my hair was short and lighter at the ends, I looked like a different person.
Another surprise, was when I saw a tattoo in the middle of my chest, taking the valley of my breasts and going all the way down to the bottom of them.
“Did you let me do this?” I ask my mother, while the nurse washes my hair.
“Marnie, you don't live with me anymore, you are an adult who pays your own bills and has your own life. You don't ask my permission for nothing else.” she laughs at my shocked face. I don't remember my job, or my apartment, I must have forgotten it for many years.
Her cell phone rings and she leaves the bathroom. The nurse continues to teach me how to take care of the cast. I take advantage of the moment alone and investigate my time in the hospital.
“Have many people come to visit me?” I ask as she begins to comb my hair.
“A lot!” she smiles sympathetically. “Yours friends came at all visiting hours and brought lots of balloons and teddy bears. The head nurse sent them home with half of them.” she recalls laughing. I didn't know I had so many friends besides Bethany.
“Did my boyfriend come?” I ask anxiously, after all, I was on my way to see him.
“It was hard to get him to leave. He spent the first 24 hours here, slept in the hallway and everything. You're a lucky girl.” she blinks at me. I feel my heart race. I just want to see him!
Again, I go back to the room and this time I stay. A breakfast arrived and I was starving.
“Porridge?” I ask disappointedly as I see the tray.
“You've been unconscious for two days, you can't want to eat a mountain of pancakes, you have to start slowly.” mom warns.
We’re both in the room, and it’s an awkward, tense silence. I could see a look of relief on my mother's face to see me awake, but deep inside, there was a glint of discomfort. I conclude that this is why she is avoiding looking at me. I finished my coffee against my will and straightened up, in order to get some answers.
“Have I really lost my memory?” I ask in a clear and direct manner. She looks at me with a mixture of indecision and weariness.
“I don't know, dear.” she moves closer to the bed, caressing my face. “You have a wrong date in your head, but the chance of it being temporary is huge, so stay calm and let's wait for the test results. Now, get some rest.” she gives me a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room.
I end up falling asleep after a few minutes of watching TV. I wake up to another nurse calling me, my results are out, and the doctor wanted to talk. She passes me to a wheelchair and takes me to the doctor's office. When the door opens, I see my mother with her eyes red, the doctor with a gentle smile and Luke Hemmings looking at me in affliction.
I don't hide my confusion. Luke Hemmings?! What a famous guy is doing here?!
“Is he the one who hit my car?” I ask readily, I wouldn't be surprised, these famous people drink and think the world is theirs.
Luke clenched his jaw and his gaze seemed lifeless, he was completely uncomfortable. I bet he didn't like the truth. I ignore his unnecessary presence and turn my attention back to the doctor.
“No, Miss McGonagall. I believe Mr. Hemmings is a very close friend.” I can see that the doctor is careful with his words.
When I look back at him, I see him hugging my mother on the side, who is struggling to hold back her tears.
“What?” I let out in a whisper, alternating my gaze between them and the doctor.
“Miss McGonagall, you suffered a car accident two days ago.” he begins.
“Yes, I suffered it.” I state.
“And as sequels, you broke an arm, twisted a foot, and, unfortunately, lost part of your memory.”
It was like a bomb falling on me. I had no protection or counterattack. The suspicion had evolved into truth, and now, I had nothing to do but feel angry and out of control of my own life.
“But I talked about it being a car accident, before anyone told me. I remember being in the car, I don't remember the impact, but I remember being in the car.” I try to find a way out.
“What were you going to do?” he asks curiously. I force my mind and remember.
“I was going to see my boyfriend.” before the doctor could say anything, a different hopeful voice steals my attention and I see Luke letting go of my mother, approaching both of us.
“ It's true!” He looks at the doctor. How does he know it's true? He doesn't even know me! “We were supposed to meet for lunch.”
What?! Where did this guy come from and how does he have the courage to say something like that? I look behind my mother for help, but she is focused on Luke and the doctor.
“We? I don't know you.” My voice comes out desperate, I was already losing patience with him.
“Marnie, what's your boyfriend's name?” Luke leans one hand on the table and one on my chair, and asks me in a desperate tone, as if his life depends on my answer.
I look deep into his blue eyes, annoyed that he is getting in the middle of my life. I fill my mouth and reply.
“Stephen Maynard! My boyfriend's name is Stephen Maynard.” I raise my eyebrows as if to say ‘happy?’
His jaw locked again, and his eyes watered. He bit his lower lip and left the room, slamming the door.
“What is his problem?” I'll ask my mother and the doctor.
“ I'll go see if he's all right.” mom leaves the room and I stay with the doctor, who doesn't seem to care much about everything that has happened.
“Miss McGonagall, you suffered a car accident two days ago and were unconscious during that time. I know it may be difficult to accept that you have lost some of your memory, but unfortunately that is what happened. Your brain deleted the last three years and maybe even an older part, we have no way of knowing yet. The point is that this amnesia can be momentary and perhaps today you will remember everything, or it can last longer.” he explains calmly.
“Could it last forever?” I ask fearfully.
It was strange to think that I don't remember three years of my life, no matter how hard I try, nothing comes to my mind. I became agonized and curious to know what I was forgetting. I didn't want to do any tests, I wanted to talk to my mom and dad, see Bethany, my best friend and gossip, I wanted to see Stephen, where is he when I need him? The nurse said he didn't leave my side.
The door opens and my mom walks in again, her eyes are still red, but she seems a little more calm. She sits down next to me and holds my hand.
“Yes, it can be permanent, so you shouldn't force anything. After discharge you will go back to your normal routine and maybe something will be a point to remember everything, or at least half of it. These amnesias are often just traumatic and take you back to other traumatic times, like they want to spare you from something.”
“These last three years have been a lot of change for you, dear, that makes total sense. You said you were going to see Stephen, remember for what?” she asks curiously.
“Our anniversary. I was going to drop off his present and celebrate. Where is he anyway? The nurse said he hasn't left my side. Even an annoying celebrity is here!”
“ I'll let you two talk for a while, I think we owe it to Miss McGonagall.” the doctor interrupts before my mother replies. “But, remember, miss, without forcing anything, you'll have plenty of time to find out everything. Excuse me.” he leaves the room, leaving us alone.
“Well?” I ask my mother, who looked totally uncomfortable.
“Honey, on that day that you remember, that last memory, you found Stephen with Bethany, how can I put it? In a not good situation. You broke up.”
I always knew that my parents didn't like Stephen, thought he was a bad influence, but to say that he cheated on me with my best friend bordered on the ridiculous.
“I swear it's true, I know it hurts, and it really hurt to see you go through this. But honey, you overcame it, you overcame everything and you found a wonderful man who loves you, appreciates you, respects you and cares for you.”
“Such an amazing man who is not here.” I raise my free arm, supporting my argument, showing that only the two of us are in the room.
“My love, he is here, he has been here all the time, he only left last night because everyone insisted.” the look she gives me, wanting me to put all the pieces together makes my stomach turn.
“No!” I laugh, unbelieving what I was imagining, "Luke can't be my boyfriend.”
“Why not?” my mother's displeased tone surprises me, does she approve of him?
“I don't even know him. He's famous and I'm not. Where would we meet?” the pieces just don't fit together.
“Your life has changed a lot, dear, to the point that you meet him and his friends. To the point that you could afford this hospital.” really, my family couldn't afford a private room and all the tests that I would have to do. “Marnie, you have become a model.” I can imagine a bomb exploding in my head.
“That's a lot of information!”I cover my face, trying to take it all in.
“I'm sorry, honey, if I could only pass this whole situation to myself and let you off the hook.” she squeezes my thigh.
“I know, it's just so agonizing not remembering. I mean, did I yell at my 'boyfriend' and tell him I was with another guy? Another who in my mind is still my current one and who I still have feelings for?” I let out a desperate breath. I dry my tears, angry with myself and with the drunk who hit my car.
“Honey, it is only the first hours, calmly, we will tell you everything and you will get used to it, who knows, maybe remembering until everything is in place or close to it? It's not your fault, it's just a consequence! Everything will be fine, I promise you.” she hugs me and I allow myself to cry, her hand caressing my hair, giving me peace. “What matters is that you are alive.”
“What day is it today?” I ask after a few seconds.
“June 13th, 2020.” I feel the second bomb explode, it's very weird.
“Do you and dad like him?” I ask, curious.
“Very much, it was your best choice.” she smiles.
“And Dad, where is he?” her expression becomes distressed.
“Hm, he had to take a trip right on the day of the accident, but he is already trying to get back.”
Three years! That's what I had lost. Apparently my boyfriend, or rather ex-boyfriend, had cheated on me and I was with a world-famous and beloved guy, of whom I knew nothing but his name and that he was in a band, which had the underpants song.
I went back to the room and spent much of the afternoon trying to assimilate everything. I needed more information, to talk to more people. Deep down, I wanted to believe that this was a big theater, but I know that it is impossible. Unfortunately, I have lost my memory and my hands are tied trying to fit everything in and remember something.
The door opened and unlike what I had imagined, Luke came in holding a bouquet of gerberas and a box with a purple bow. He didn't expect me to be awake, and I didn't expect to be alone with him so soon.
“Sorry, I didn't know you were awake.” he says clumsily and a little lost, not knowing what to do with the box and the flowers.
“No problem, you can pretend I'm asleep, I don't want to disturb you.” he nods and I watch his movements.
I watch him exchange the yellow roses in the vase for the gerberas, my favorite flowers, and notice him collecting the cards and giving them in my direction.
“I believe you are very curious to read them.” he won't come close and I feel bad for that, he must hate me.
“Thank you.” I give my best smile, trying to smooth things over. Luke continues to hold the box, not knowing what to do.
“Hm, this... this little box, it's for you!” he extends the box, still away from the bed. ”Your old cell phone broke in the accident, and I bought this new one. Leah and I have already backed it up, it has all the information from the old one.”
“Leah?” I can' t help but question, as I open the little box and look at the brand new cell phone.
“Uh, yes, your best friend, the current one!” He is standing at the foot of the bed and avoids looking at me.
“I don't know the password.” I say as the screen lights up.
Luke approaches, still hesitant, and positions himself beside me. He unlocks the screen and starts to show me where everything is, pictures, videos, messages and contacts. I stop for a moment and pay attention to him, while he is still talking.
With his face very close, I smell his perfume and I like the smell. I notice his long, very light hair, a beard showing signs all over his chin and jaw. Luke is handsome, I'm not impressed that I had a crush on him, but why did he have a crush on me?
I notice that he notices me staring at him, and, before he turns around, I turn my gaze to the cell phone. I feel him analyzing me, maybe trying to find the girl he loved inside me.
I take courage and stare back at him, my heart racing and my stomach churning, but not from happiness or anxiety of wanting something to happen, but from wanting nothing to happen. Even though he was a handsome and caring guy, I couldn't feel something for Luke, at least not before I worked things out with Stephen.
“Sorry about earlier today.” I whisper, not amused by my behavior.
“No need to apologize. You're just going through a very big shock.” He reassures me.
“Still, I want you to know that I'm not like that.” Luke looks at me with a raised eyebrow. “But you already know, of course.” I cover my eyes, wanting to die. Luke lets out a laugh that makes me laugh along with him.
“I know it will be difficult, but I don't mind hearing you tell me all about you again.” I can't sustain the look, it intimidates me. “By the way…” he turns away and goes to a backpack on the sofa and pulls out a book. “I brought it so you would have something to read. You read it last year and said it was so good you wish you could forget to read it again.” as soon as Luke finishes speaking, I can't stand his choice of words and start laughing and he seems to notice, becoming embarrassed.
“That's fine, thank you very much.” I oblige and allow myself to lift my body, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He turns more red and sits down on the couch, leaving me with my presents. I glance over the novel, reading the synopsis that catches my attention, ‘When It Happens’. I grab my cell phone and go into my social medias, startling myself by seeing my insta full of pictures in Italy, clothing campaigns and some pictures with him. I look up to Luke, who is wearing glasses and reading a book.
It’s strange not to be attracted to him, but to feel peace, as if everything is right. I’m sorry that I don't remember him, since he seemed like such an amazing guy and so kind to me. My mind comes up with a huge list of questions I want to ask him. How did we meet? How long have we been together? Do we fight a lot? But at the same time that I am insanely curious to talk to my boyfriend, his presence intimidates me; after all, he is a famous guy. Faced with this, I keep quiet.
I turn my attention to the thousands of cards on my lap, reading one by one. Many texts wishing me better, saying that if I woke up some would cut the hair, or change the color, among other promises. Leah, Calum, Ashton, Kyleen, Noah, Michael; so many names, but none that I feel familiar with. I need to see Stephen.
“Could you check with the nurse for something I can eat?” I ask timidly, not wanting to get in his way. However, Luke quickly gets up and provides my order.
I take advantage of the moment alone and dial the number I still remembered, after three rings Stephen's voice comes on and for the first time in hours, I feel in control of the situation.
“Hi, it's Marnie!” I feel my heart racing so fast I think about the possibility that I'm going to throw up.
“Wow, this is a call I never thought I would get again.” I don't answer because I feel bad, apparently the ending wasn't good at all. “To what do I owe the honor?”
“Hm.” I clear my throat. “I need to see you, to talk, actually. I don't know if you know, but I was in an accident recently.”
“Yes, I read about it.”
“So, the problem is that I lost part of my memory and, well, the last thing I remember is that I was on my way to your house, to celebrate our anniversary.”
“What anniversary?” his voice is curious and cautious.
“The one in 2017.” the line becomes dead silent and I don't wait for an answer. “Look, I am really lost and I need to talk to you and understand everything.”
“Are you sure your parents and your amazing boyfriend haven't already told you everything?” the mocking tone annoys me a little.
“Honestly? I didn't really believe what my mom told me. Would you mind coming to the hospital early tomorrow morning? I'll probably be discharged in the afternoon and well, I know some people won't be happy to see you here.”
“No problem, it would be an honor to tell you the truth. See you tomorrow, Lizzie.”
The affectionate nickname he always used for me makes my stomach turn. Stephen never liked my name and the fact that he didn't know how to make a nickname out of it, so he called me Lizzie.
I don't know if I did the right thing by calling Stephen, but I need answers and to understand everything that had happened between us, until I came into Luke's arms.
Where did we bump into each other and intertwine? He is a famous guy, has great friends, could date any famous girl, a fan, someone who knows him well and wants him, why me? The thoughts drown me as I look at another picture of us on his profile.
“Sorry for the long delay, my mom called, she wanted to hear from you.” Luke's cheeks are flushed and the glasses that used to occupy his face are now hanging from the collar of his shirt. “The nurse will bring some soup in a moment.” I wrinkle my nose and mouth. I don’t like soup. “I know, but that's what the doctor ordered.”
It scares me how he knows me and how I know nothing about him, other than that he sings the underwear song and that he sang with One Direction.
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raiiningforever2ice · 4 years
Yandere!Light x Reader [Death Note]
Requested on Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/12466031/Oneshot-book
(Y/N)= Your Name
(Y/L/N)= Your Last Name
You walk out of school and start making your way home. You usually didn't take the bus since the distance was quite small. Whistling along to the time of a song you recently heard, you felt something cold on the top of your head. You stopped and looked up. The sky was now gray and it was drizzling.
Letting out a sigh, you search your bag for your umbrella only to realize you forgot to take it with you. That's when it started pouring, your hair and clothes immediately getting soaked.
"Ugh! Of all the things I could forget..." Seeing as you had no choice, you started running.
Now fully soaked, you approach the bus stop as you squeeze the water out of your hair. Standing under the cover something catches your attention from the corner of your eye. Looking towards the alleyway right next to you, you see something lying on the floor. Being the curious person that you are, you dismiss the bus closing up and go to find out what that was. 
"A notebook?" You squat down and take it. 
You flip through the pages in case you could find the name of the owner, but it was completely empty. You close it and notice big white letters on the cover.
"Death Note... What? Is this some kind of merch?"
"No. It is what it says it is." A gruff voice spoke out behind you.
Surprise painted on your face you turn around to face the person. The moment your eyes land on them, you let out a loud gasp, the mysterious notebook falling from your hands as they flew up to cover your mouth.
A large being, thin as a skeleton holding what looked like a scythe, a huge grin on its face which was almost fully covered by a grayish white mask. Black hair standing up from the top of its head defying the rules of gravity and bandages wrapping around its body.
"Now now deary, I suggest you don't get anyone's attention. Hehe after all, you're the only one who can see me. You wouldn't want people to think you're crazy huh?" It chuckled.
"W-who are you?!" 
"Oh me? Heh I'm Deridovely! A Shinigami, at your service.... or not! Heheh"
"Shinigami? They actually exist?" 
"As you can see! And you're the only one who can see!" The Shinigami burst out in full on laughter.
"W-why am I the only one? And what is this notebook?" You questioned.
"Well you touched my Death Note! The moment you did, I became visible to you alone! As for the book... I did tell you, it is what it says." The grin on its face widened more if possible.
Confused and a bit annoyed that you still didn't get the full truth, you open the book again. This time you notice on the inside of the cover what seemed to be a list. Scanning your eyes over it, you quickly come to realize that in front of you are a set of rules on how to properly use the Death Note.
"I can...kill with this?" You whispered as the Shinigami smirked.
Afraid of the power this notebook holds, after taking one last look at Deridovely you place it in your bag, determination now evident in your eyes. You once again started making your way home, the Shinigami trailing close behind you and chuckling. 
About a month has passed, and you managed to use the Death Note without making anyone suspicious. You used it to kill only the worst of criminals. Deridovely had taken a liking to calling you the 'Timid assassin' as you always refused his suggestions of going a bit more wild with the power he had given you. You refused to toy with people's lives unless they truly deserved it.
"Did you know that another Death Note was dropped in this world?"
Not taking your eyes off your homework you motioned for Deridovely to continue.
"Hehe apparently a boy your age has found it. Said something about being 'Justice' and 'God of the new world'. Seems like a reach heh?" The creature who you had come to be somewhat of a friend to you cackled.
"God of the new world? Yeah, it does sound a bit weird... Doesn't he sound dangerous?"
"Hmm how so?"
"I mean, a new world? That’s a big promise. What is he planing to do?"
"Hehe from what Ryuk tells me, this boy is you but in a nutshell, as you humans like to say."
"So, killing criminals?" You asked throwing an apple his way.
The God of death who had become kind of addicted to them, quickly caught it and devoured the fruit in one bite letting out a sigh of satisfaction.
"Well, yes. But he said that he won't hesitate killing anyone who dares to cross him."
"Hm... I don't really like this… Who is he anyway? Though I have a few suspicions..."
"You do?"
"Well yes... This one boy from my class. He's been acting really weird lately. I don't think he noticed but a few days ago I caught him mumbling to himself something about checking out the news for any new criminals and that all of them deserve death... Do you think it's him?"
"That, I can't tell you deary!"
"I'll buy you as many apples as you want!"
"Tempting, but no!"
"Oh come-" you were interrupted by your mother's voice coming from the living room.
Confused, you exit your room and make your way over to her. She was standing in front of the TV, hand up to her mouth as her widened eyes stared at the screen.
"Mom?" You looked at the television and gasped.
Criminals being reported dead, one after the other across the whole country. 
"That must be him. Heh he's going crazy with that book isn't he?" Deridovely chimed from next to you.
Your mom, unaware of the third presence in the room, clicked her tongue in semi-annoyance.
"I can't believe this!" she exclaimed "How is that even possible? Every criminal just...just drops dead!" 
"Yeah... Weird." you mumbled and went back to your room. 
As you walk in you notice your phone lighting up with a notification. Seeing that it was a text from an unknown number you decide to find out who that person is. 
'Hello...who is this?' 
'I'm Yagami Light. I found your number from one of our classmates. There's something important I have to tell you.' 
'Oh! Hello. What would you like to tell me?' 
'I need you to come over to my house. It's important.'
'Is everything okay? When would you like to meet?' You bite on your nail in anticipation as Deridovely peers above your shoulder and chuckles. 
"What are you laughing at?" You turn around and glare at the Shinigami. 
"At your face hehe. Your feelings for this boy are very obvious with how red your cheeks are hehe!"
"No more apples for you." You hold back a laugh as Deridovely dramatically falls down to the floor. 
"You're cruel!" 
"Not really!" You giggle but get interrupted as another message pops up on your phone screen. 
'It's very urgent so, when the rain clears up a little. Is that okay with you?' You gulp staring at the text for a moment before you respond.
'Okay sure. Could you send me your address?'
"So, you're going?" 
"Well yes, he said it's important so..." 
"And if it is a trap?"
"Aw Deri! That's why you're coming with me!" 
"As much as I don't hate you and love the apples you give me, you know I can't kill someone who's not supposed to die yet. Right?" He said tilting his head to the side.
His sudden seriousness surprising you, you stop gathering your things, you hide your Death Note well, making sure your mother won't see it and look at him.
"Of course I do. And I don't want you to. But, if needed you can get us out of there somehow right? Make a distraction or something?" 
"What a prankster you've become! Of course I can hehe!" 
"Great then!" You smile and toss another apple at your bizarre friend. 
As time passed and the weather got better, you got less and less determined about your visit. 
After all it isn't very encouraging knowing that you may be walking right into a serial killer's hiding spot...
You thank Light's mother as she takes your jacket and umbrella from you. Giving you a sweet smile, she guided you to her son's room. You thanked her once again and walked up the stairs with the Shinigami following behind you. 
You clear your throat as you knock on his door. He immediately opened and greeted you with a huge grin. 
"(Y/N)! Thank you for coming! Step inside!" He moved to the side to let you in. 
"Thank you, Light." You said sitting on his desk chair as he motioned you to. 
As he goes to sit on his bed, you hear Deri speak. 
"Well Ryuk I wasnt expecting you to be here!" 
Discreetly looking towards him you quickly realize that Ryuk must be the other Shinigami Deri mentioned earlier.
So that means-
"(Y/N). I wanted to tell you that I know what you are." Light walks up to his desk and grabs a notebook which was hidden among his homework. 
"And I...am Kira." 
"W-what... What are you talking about, Light?" Your grip on your bag gets tighter as he got closer to you. 
"You know exactly what I'm saying. One day, as you were walking home I noticed you talking to yourself... At least that's what it looked like to others. But I, being in the same boat as you, knew better." He towers over you, his breath fanning on your face.
"I've had the book for a while now. And I was as discreet as you were while using it. But I couldn't just tell you I knew the truth. No, I had to make you suspicious before just confirming it. So you see, me returning all those lingering glances to you during class isn't just because I like you as much as you like me..." His face gets even closer to yours. 
"T-then what else?" You ask completely disregarding the mutual confession of feelings. 
"Well... I want us to be rulers of the new world. God and Goddess of a clean, rid of crime place... And all it takes is me being yours and well, you being mine." He whispered and placed his lips upon your in a slow kiss. 
Pulling back, he brought the Death Note up to eye level. 
"This right here, will be both our weapon and shield as we fight crime on our way to true salvation. We are this world's hope!" He said, opening his arms as in to lure you and hold you in them. 
"I've killed so many people to stand here in front you. To be worthy of you! And I will kill many more to protect us. To protect you. So please consider this!" He grabs both of your hands and stares in to your eyes. 
Dizzied by his kiss and very passionate speech, you gulp down the lump stuck in your throat. He sounded... Crazy. Obsessed. Obsessed with power and obsessed with you. 
But how can I say yes to this? This is completely nuts! 
Knowing you have to say something, you took a deep breath thinking over your words.
"Light I-" You were interrupted by a loud knock in the door.
You both stepped away from each other as his mom looked apologetically at you two.
"I'm very sorry but something important has come up. We need to go visit your father at the hospital." 
"Mother! What happened?" Light asked and walked towards her.
"Well he collapsed during work. It's not bad, he probably overly exerted himself again but they took him in just in case. We should go see him..." 
"Yes-yes right away." He grabs his jacket and hands you your bag which had fallen to the ground. 
You quickly thank him as you all go downstairs. Grabbing the rest of your things, you say goodbye to Light's mother and head to the door. 
"(Y/N)." Light stops you. 
He comes up to you and leans down just a bit to whisper to your ear. 
"I'd do everything for us to be together. Everything... Now be safe on the way back!" He grins at you. 
"Y-yes right... Goodnight Light." 
Walking away from Light's house, you feel the presence of your Shinigami companion next to you. 
"Where did you ran off to Deri?" 
"Well hehe I had to make a distraction for you, right?" 
"Wh-what! Deri!" 
"Well deary don't you worry. I just made that brat's father feel a bit under the weather. He will better after some good sleep!" 
Sighing in relief you smile in his direction. 
"Well, thank you! You really helped me back there..."
"So what are you gonna do now? Will you accept?"
"I don't think so... It's too intense for me..."
"Sound choice deary!"
"I hope so... Hey that grocery store is still open! Let's get you some apples!" You laugh and run towards the market, the Shinigami rushing excitedly after you.
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natromanxoff · 4 years
I wasn’t sure about posting this at first but as it is already shared publicly and I have come across with it on Pinterest, I decided that it would be okay. So here is a story of a fan about Jim Hutton:
“ON 23rd of March, there was a Queen Tribute band concert in Goresbridge and my boyfriend told me that Jim would come as well. He admitted that he had arranged with Stephen for Jim to come along. The concert was in the pub called The Spirit Store. What a great name for spiritual meeting, I thought. When I entered, Jim sat at the table with Stephen, Jascqueline, her sister Valeria and other family friends. There was nowhere to sit, so we just stood by the table for a while. When I looked at Jim, he appeared somewhat fragile and tiny, like a man who could easily be overlooked. He didn´t look anything like those photos portraying him in the books.
After a while, there was a free seat by the table and everyone, including Jim, moved in order for us to sit down. It was just one place and my friend Mike wanted to take it. He got up fast but they all stopped him. Jim measured Mike up and down and told him, "Perhaps you should let the lady sit here, you cavalier!" Embarassed, Mike got up from his chair and offered it to me. I got the honorable place alongside Jim. Being a woman sometimes has its advantages! Jim welcomed me with heartfelt "Hi". At first I was nervous, but after a while I felt relaxed and enjoyed Jim's company. I was aware of his behavior, gestures, laughter, and tried to absorb his energy all at once. It was easy to talk to him about anything and everything.
I wanted to know the man Freddie loved so much, so I guess I started giving him many questions.
"Jim, are you still in touch with Phoebe?" Jim looked at me closely and began to talk to me with interest. "I haven´t really been talking to him for a long time. I know he had a hotel in Dubai, then he sold it, and he's in Prague now. He also bought something overthere and I think he's going to settle down there." When I heard about Prague, I jumped up excitedly and told him that I was from there. He smiled a little, though the coincidence like this didn´t overwhelm him as much as me.
He relished glass of Budwaiser and smoked Ultra light Silk Cuts. He offered me one and lit it up for me like a real gentleman. It seemed he wanted to continue talking. We both made fun of the ultralight effect of his cigarettes, which would probably piss off every orthodox smoker, Freddie for sure! He then demonstrated jokingly, how to properly smoke them. He inhaled all the smoke by sucking in his cheeks and widening his eyes, as if he should soon burst like an inflated toad. None of us resisted and we both burst into a mad laughter. I told him about my visit to Munich and meeting Barbara. He smiled and listened, then he rolled his eyes up to heaven and stated that she is one hell of a crazy woman. I totally agreed, and added, that also alcoholic one. It was surreal to talk about mutual aquaintances together, people we both knew. I also mentioned my visit to New York club and I could see how he returns nostalgically into his memories. Then I also tried to make him remember my friend Allison, who told me about him in the first place.
"About nine years ago she visited you in London". He couldn´t remember and admitted, that since then a lot of people have passed through his life and many of them he never saw again.
I continued. "She showed me several of your photos and in one of them you were holding Freddie's portrait that you bought at the auction". Suddenly he jumped up and said he knew whom I mean.
I showed him my miniature box containing a stone and talked about it with almost patriotic pride. "It's a stone from Logan Mews that I had to dig out from under the threshold of his house, because there was nothing else to take." Jim laughed out loud, this time without any hindrance and doubt that I was totally crazy. I also laughed because I knew I sound like nuts. He remarked with smile from ear to ear that I was pretty crazy. "Yeah, I'm crazy, and I'm proud to be. Who isn´t...and by the way.....why not?" I smiled at what I just said, because that´s what Freddie would say, to defend himself. Jim then talked about the medallion that Freddie had given him for his birthday. He said, there were three miniature pictures inside. "The first is that of Miko ", he said gently, looking up at me to make sure I knew who he was talking about. "In the other one is Freddie" ... he continued with kind of fervor and love. Something deep inside me shivered. "In the third one," ... he didn´t answer yet, when I jumped into his monologue ...."Tiffany," I blurted out.
"My mom's photo," he finished his sentence. (and I prayed he didn´t register my answer).
It was nice to hear him remembering like that. He opened up in front of me the way I never dreamt of. I think it was nice for him to share these beautiful moments and to talk about things that meant so much to him. "This rock is my good luck charm. I have been listening to Queen since I´m twelve and I also work in the Fan Club's office. We celebrate his anniversary every year. When I went here, I was kidding with my friends that I might meet Jim Hutton in Ireland... and here you are, sitting right next to me. That´s my dream come true", I said all emotional.
"How do you know Stephen?", he inquired after while.
"I go out with Vinnie and they are good friends" He eyed my boyfriend and indicated that he knew who he was.
"I was annoying the two of them and was constantly asking them to bring you", I smiled.
"Oh, Jacqueline wanted me to come, alright" Jim smiled at the thought. Then he talked about the music talent competition, in which they were selecting the best imitators of Queen.
"What music are you actually listening to?" I wondered.
"I have no favorite, I'm listening to almost everything. Even a radio".
"And do you still have Zig and Zag?"
He only sighed and said in a sad voice that they had both died since then.
"And do you have any other cats?"
"Yeah, I have seven others now," Jim smiled. This number didn´t surprise me. The old habits are hard to kill.
"Do you still keep up the gardening, Jim?"
"Constantly," he said with a loving smile and amusedly showed me his hands dirty from the clay and covered in sores. For God's sake, he must have been gardening a few minutes before going to a concert!, I thought to myself. A complete garden maniac.....
We were joking on the account of the band that was supposed to start playing long time ago, but somehow did not. He told me it would be nice to get drunk, so we didn´t know how terrible they were. That really made me crack up. He could be so funny.
He joked and emphasized to everyone around the table, that instead of a concert he could have been at home watching his favorite movie. In the same breath, he admitted that he was curious about their performance and that he hadn´t been out in ages.
He leaned over to me and confessed, that now he lived a life completely cut off from the rest of the world.
"We are basically the same, I am basically like him. Now I just enjoy loneliness and privacy. I don´t go out anywhere except my garden". I immediately knew whom he was referring to in his speech.
I said that I had discovered his house in Palatine and apologized when I saw his slightly concerned look. I said I was just little curious.
He then recalled a few of his encounters with the fans. One day there was an unknown car with a couple of strangers that arrived to his house. They came all way from Vienna and they found him by questioning people in a town! Not a hard thing to trace him, he said, as every cab driver in the area knows him pretty well. One local newspaper even published a photo of his house, and although they gave a wrong address, a lot of people had found him.
That made me laugh, because I knew what it means to be a devoted fan.
"On the other hand, it's nice to know that someone is constantly looking after you and giving you the feeling that all this is still alive," I added with a smile.
"Jim, do you still have your Volvo?"
"You mean the one that Freddie gave me?.....No, I don´t have it few years now, I´ve swapped it for a new one," he smiled.
He was all too gallant all the time, always lighting my cigarette.
He also wondered how long I would stay in Ireland, so I said that only another half a year.
"And you wanna come back here?" He asked suddenly.
"Oh, I'd love to. I'm trying to find a job either in Carlow or Kilkenny," I said enthusiastically.
Then I fell silent, looked at him and assured him "Definitely."
Each time he looked up into my eyes, I saw an incredibly nice person in front of me. Something in his silent expression suggested that he had suffered great deal of pain in life, but that he was now completely reconciled with his fate. Still, in his eyes shone a spark of unrelenting humor. In his company I forgot all about the world. I was happy to be able to make such an affluent and warm contact with him. The longer we knew each other, the closer we were.
When he wanted to go to the toilet, Stephen told him that the men's toilets were behind the bar and the ladies in front of the bar. It sounded like he wasn´t quite sure which one would Jim prefer.
But Jim didn´t care much and set off to the men's. I admit it made me laugh a little.
Then we continued our dialogue. I mentioned that I read both his and Phoebe's book, but that I couldn´t find his book anywhere in the stores. He confirmed that it´s out of print at the minute.
When I told him that I had stolen his book at the local library, he laughed and said that I should have asked him and he would have given me a copy, but he only had Italian version.
Finally, the band started to play. Everyone in the pub stood up and whole lot of us - as we were tucked in at the back, climbed onto the window ledges. I stood next to Jim, who remained seated.
He looked a little bit run over. I knew he was surrounded by the loneliness and I watched him with sadness. I lacked much power or words to comfort him. It was only after some wonderful songs that we both joined and got up. He could not remain sad in such a loving and friendly company for ever.
When he noticed the enormous, life-vibrant energy that only Queen music could produce in conjunction with a crowd of people singing, I think he forgot his personal pain. I could see pride in his face. He stood up and watched the band. Then he addressed me and made me come up onto the ledge above him to see better. I would not listen to anybody else, but from him it didn´t sound like an order. He wanted me to get the most out of it and it pleased me. Then we sat back and drank. Jim seemed to be getting cheerful and livelier. The more he drank, the more cheerful he was. The guys ordered him Red Bull with vodka. When I asked him if it was vodka, he claimed it was white lemonade! He put a warm glass of "vodka" on my hand, so I almost jumped out of my skin, which he thought was terribly funny.
Whatever he did, he looked at me as though I was the only person who knew what was behind his looks. His faces and funny grimaces reminded me of Freddie. He had a lot of subconsciously inherited poses and gestures from him. Even in his laughter I could detect an influence of Freddie's strong personality. He simply marked all people around him. It was not the same contagious and stormy laugh, but there was a spark of resemblance.
His niece Jacqueline, Valerie and Stephen, danced all the time on the ledge and Jim was pulling them and wrapping himself in between their legs, hugging them, clinging to them, and messing around like a little boy. It was a wonderful sight, as he was so happy and childish.
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After some time, Jim lost himself in a crowd of concert goers, so I went to look for him. Without his company it felt such a sad place. It was as if he had fallen through the ground, which made me very nervous. Finally, I found him by the entrance table, where he was joking away with one old blonde, not too different from frivolous Barbara Valentin. I asked him for a photo together. At first he looked impenetrable but as soon as I threw a sad eye and smirked, he brightened up and agreed as if saying "You know you can, anything for you, darling"
His niece Valerie took our picture. He then whispered to me that he hopes I´ll send him some pictures later.
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After that he announced that we are going back inside to listen to the band.
I saw them from close-up and I must say that it was much better to just hear them. They looked rather too comic with all their wigs. It was something that would make Freddie laugh too.
I told Jim that they don´t look very natural,which he agreed with, but he said he couldn´t complain about their music. He was totally right, because musically they weren´t bad and the singer had a very authentic voice.
Inside, everybody was dancing and Jim joined in and circled around them like a rogalo.
The whole pub vibrated with intense and loving energy. There was no one who would be bored. Jim then threw himself in the arms of his two nieces, who gently caressed him in his hair and embraced him. He let them take care of him, now vulnerable like a little lost child all of a sudden.
There was something deeply touching about it. He had closed his eyes and sadly lowered his head, as if his tears flowed deep inside, in his invisible world. I realized at this stage, how much he really loved Freddie. I was looking at him and I had a desire to caress him and comfort him but instead, I had to stand aside.
"You can have everything and yet feel alone", Freddie once said. But I was glad Jim had his family and friends around him, who cared and protected him. Jim was going through sorrow and joy,both at the same time, it seemed.
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During one of his many shananigans, I caught him messing around with his niece's boyfriend.
He sat him on his knees and imitated sexual intercourse. It would seem offensive and utterly crazy to someone who didn´t know him. But we all did. Jim was laughing like crazy and when he finally looked at me, he seemed a little embarrassed by his behavior and gave me a look that said"I hope you won´t tell on me to Freddie"...but it was hard to take him seriously.
We both smiled conspiratorially at each other. In that sense, our relationship no matter how short-lived, was special. We understood one another in thoughts. He winked at me a couple of times, tapping my beer like an old buddy.
In one moment in particular, Jim leaned over me and whispered: "You as a fan have right to be crazy, but them" ... pointing at our dancing group of friends ... " they are fucked up", he said with smile and he began to knock his finger against his forehead. An international gesture that doesn´t need an interpreter!
Jim then went to the toilets for a while, and I, like a stray sheep, followed him through crowds of oblivious dancers. He was somewhat drunk at that time and barely retained a balance. He staggered a little like a broken tree. No surprise after god knows how many Red bulls and vodkas! I was bit afraid for him, so I supported him inconspicuously by both shoulders from behind. He went to the toilet and cared too little to even close the door behind him. If anyone was looking, he would see Jim Hutton pissing in a toilet bowl in his bright canary shirt.
At that moment they played the most touching song of all, These are the Days of our lives .... I stood by the door and listened, watching the band and waited for Jim. I don´t know why, perhaps because of the fate that brought me here, I suddenly felt terrible sorrow. I was sorry for Freddie and Jim. Tears poured into my eyes. I didn´t cry, but was very close to it. Jim suddenly appeared next to me and noticed my face. "What about those tears? I hope you don´t cry", but at this stage I was lost for words. His concern made me sad even more. Something inside me forced me to caress him. I hugged him gently around his neck and put my head on his shoulder for a moment. I wanted to let him know that I am very sorry about what happened to Freddie. He did not resist. He knew he wasn´t the only one in the world who was missing him. I looked into his eyes, and I told him a sentence that I didn´t know why I said, but I strongly felt it..."Jim, he's here, he IS here." His expression was rather confused at first. "Do you believe me?" ... I said this with a seriousness and a certain degree of self-assurance that he froze for a while. He looked thoughtful. He knew what I was talking about.
I seemed to only confirm his inner conviction. He didn´t say a word. He wiped my tear away with the edge of his hand and without warning, took me firmly by the hand and led me through crowds back to our friends. There was a lot of care and love in his touch. The music was just playing and Freddie just sang "I still love you" and I knew he did.
I didn´t want to leave, but I knew I said everything I needed to. I could not leave without saying goodbye. It would be a sin after all this to just disappear into eternity. I interrupted him from the conversation with someone else, leaned over the table and said, "Jim, I'm leaving now, so I want to say goodbye, it was great pleasure meeting you." I smiled as much as my heart allowed me to and shook his hand. He stared up and thought for a moment, and then, without any hesitance said, "We do not see each other for the last time." I didn´t know at this time how true his words were.
I thought I did not understand well, so I asked again, "sorry?" and he repeated patiently and more resolutely, "I shall surely see you again," while taking my hand into his hands and kissing it gently.
He left me in amazement. I stumbled out from there perplexed but still I could hear him talking about me to someone there. He probably said he hadn´t seen a bigger nutcase in a long time, assuming from his cute teddybear smile. Gosh I loved him so much!
The next day I learned from my friends that Jim was looking next morning for his jacket that he had forgotten in his car. Few days later, I've sent him the promised photographs. Jacquie confirmed that he called in to say he had received them allright.”
“...And then I returned back to Ireland in 2004.
I had the opportunity to welcome Jim to my own home in Carlow sometime in 2006. He was Stephen´s surprise. When the door opened up, I didn´t see him at first.
Then his head popped out from the side of the door and with a laugh he emerged a bit later. He hugged me like we hadn´t seen each other for million years. What I felt at that moment was indescripable. My dear Jim back in my life and in my own house!
We all sat in the living room, Jim settled down on the sofa, I was sitting on the ground and absorbed the precious moments because I knew time spent with him was only borrowed time. Then we watched Queen videos and talked about Freddie as if he were in the next room. It was so surreal. Me and Jim agreed that our favorite video was Scandal, and he just added that Freddie didn´t like it very much because he couldn´t make any creative input in it, although he loved the song.
Then we talked about his illness, about him taking up to 40 pills a day to sustain his health and he also explained the difference between AIDS and HIV, as many people still didn´t know. We have talked so much and - above all - we laughed all night, almost at everything. It was so easy to succumb to his funny personality once again and to his heartfelt laughter. He made jokes about fancying my ex-boyfriend, whom he lied on top of on the sofa. Long time ago, I´ve sent him a letter explaining to him how Freddie has impacted my life. But I've forgotten I´ve ever written it and now I was faced with the horror that I actually have sent it. I hoped he has forgotten about it, but when Jim and I met in the corridor of our house, I couldn´t but apologize to him for that letter, and for being so daring. To my surprise, he looked at me softly with his tired eyes and assured me that my letter was absolutely fascinating. Then we were interrupted by Stephen, who was just leaving a toilet and the conversation was cut short at that point. Unfortunatelly I would never have the chance to find out what was the next thing he was about to say, because I noticed he wanted to continue, if he weren´t interrupted.
When we were saying goodbye at the door, he treated me as an old friend. He simply kissed me on the lips, which utterly shocked me and made me laugh at the same time.
He invited us back to his house to have a little party, but my ex-boyfriend was not in the perfect mood and so we politely declined, which I will forever regret!
About a year after that I bumped into Jim several times in the city where we both lived, or we exchanged text messages whenever I needed to advise what room flowers would be best for our new house. Sometimes I learnt about how he´s doing through my ex-boyfriend, who used to hang out with him and drink few pints in a night bar. Once my ex confessed how Jim told him that I was a great person and he should be happy to have me. They must have been talking about me!!!!
Then I met Jim one night in the nightclub, where he was with his friends. He spent most of his time sitting in the lounge smoking a cigarette, having fun with younger girls. Wherever he was, you heard his laughter. That night my ex-boyfriend arranged for Jim and me to have a dance together.
Jim was just dancing on the dancefloor with some older woman. I remember he had his jumper tied around his waist. I just got onto the dancefloor, he looked at me all serious and pulled me close to him. It was some tediously slow song that I can´t even remember, I just know that we were staggering from side to side like two handiccaped penguins and that made me laugh hysterically.
He was such a clown! Now, however, I consider this moment as one of the most precious memories of him. It was my night.
Back in 2009, I have learned that Jim was diagnosed with cancer. My ex-boyfriend told me how concerned Jim was when informing him. He said, he wept. At that time I didn´t know how serious the situation was and I hoped Jim will get better in no time. I believed the doctors would somehow help him out of it. I saw him a little later at work when he came to our restaurant for breakfast.
I almost served him as another customer, but when I realized it was him, I pulled myself back into the kitchen and let the other girls serve him. He never noticed. I was in such state of shock. I didn´t know what to do, how to act and what to say. He was so thin, just skin and bone. His face was sinking, his eyes full of pain, a small tube leading from his nose to the oxygen device he carried in his backpack and a small canvas hat on his head. I couldn´t believe this was Jim, whom I have remembered being so full of life and joy only half a year ago. I wanted to cry like never before. I also felt embarassed by my own cowardly reaction. I wished more than anything in my life to hug him and say I loved him. I wanted to wish him a happy Christmas. But I was scared of my own tears, which would not help him in his situation.
I wrote him a message on the phone, but he didn´t respond. And then I got the terrible news. Jim died and somehow I also missed his funeral. I took a first taxi and went at least to his months Mass and visited his grave, bringing him daffodils and little white lantern with candle. It was so hard for me. His relatives stood above his grave. I said my prayers in a minute of silence. The air didn´t move and the moon was full in the night sky. It was dark and cold all around but I didn´t care.
I wanted to see him laugh and mess around like he used to. It was as if another star had disappeared and fell to the earth. If only life could last forever.”
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Credits to Seraphiel’s blog. Please don’t repost without credits.
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oix-ane · 3 years
Overhaul x Female! Reader
I dont remember If Kai is dead but in this he isn't
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Your POV:
Run. Run is all I could do. I must Run and find her. After a couple months they decided to tell me! Kai have been taken and Eris free. I'm the first that should have known. Kai just sent me to and house alone with two guards that are very annoying! I've have been asking around were she could be and the best answer I got is UA. UA is that big hero school. I don't actually think she'll there because she's six/seven (a/n:I don't remember how old she is😅). At least she is safe tho. I hope. I know I need to get things settle with Kai but my first concert is Eri.
I looked at a sign that said "UA" so I suppose it's the school. I ran in not caring about the guards running after me. I saw many students in the hall but I was only looking for a little girl. Even if she isn't here I still have to try.
I then ran into something. It's a person. It took my arms and looked at the guards that was coming after me.
???: "what are she doing here" he looked at the guards
Guard: "she just ran in and we have been chasing her for like 10 minutes around the school hall's" they said
You: "*looks at the ??? Man* ARE YOU A PRO HERO?!"
???: "yeah, but why are you here?" He asked
???: " 'this seems serious'*looks at the guards* I take it from her guys. *looks at the girl* hey, come with me. You can explain to me who's you daughter."
The guards leave and he let go of me.
???: "now we are going to the principal and we can help you"
You:"o-okay mr?"
???:"Aizawa, you?
You:"oh! I'm y/n l/n"
Aizawas POV:
As we walked to the office I got a little better look at the girl. I'm surprised that she has a kid. It could definitely not be a Student here. She looks like she could go here on the school.
And I notice that she is... pregnant! Wow she looks so young. I looked forward and saw that we was at our destination. I open the door and we walked in.
(I'm just going to skip to were they talk about y/n and Eri and stuff like that. And Y/n has been told that they have been involved with the rescue of Eri.)
No ones POV:
Y/n sit down with Aizawa, All might and Nezu and tells:
" I am quirkless and that's the reason overhaul took me. They used my blood and Eris to make the shots. I was taken when I was sixteen and got married to Kai when I got eighteen. And I got to be the mother role to Eri. I tried and tried to get Eri out of the situation and tried to take the pain instead but Kai would never hurt me. He wasn't even in the room when they took my blood. When the pro hero's came Kai sent me to a house with two guards and there I stayed for months because he didn't want me to me hurt and because we found out I was pregnant. And I just found out that Eri has been rescued and I asked around and the best info I found was UA. So please tell me if you know where My daughter Eri is."
They were shocked for sure.
She was taken when she was sixteen and married AND pregnant.
Time skip to where Y/n can meet Eri:
Eris pov:
Today I was at the 1-A's home because Dad had something to do. Now I was playing with Koda's Bunny with the girls. And the boys was talking about stuff. I heard a door open and I see dad, Nezu.
Aizawa: "Eri we have a someone that want to see you."
Then the door open again and I see...... MOMMY!?
You: " hi Eri, I've have missed you *smile*"
Eri: "*runs and hugs her* I have missed you!!!!!"
You: " I have missed you to darling. Ahh I'm so glad that you safe *sniff*"
Eri: "no mama don't cry. Smile!"
You 'she learned how to smile'"*smile* okay. I'm going to smile"
Aizawa: "Eri why haven't you told us you have a mom?"
Eri: "well because he(overhaul) said if I said to someone something about her she and the baby could get hurt"
You: " it's okay Eri. At least I am here now to be with you"
Eri: "yeah you are safe, the baby is safe and I am safe! Do you want to meet my friends"
You: "yeah sure"
Big time skip(I'm sorry about the time skip, but I don't know what I'm going to write):
Today is the day. I'm going to see him again. And he is go to see his child. Kaya. Kai wanted to name the child Kaya if it was a girl. It means clean, so you know where that came from.
I hope he is okay. Even if he forced me to do love him and the things he did to Eri.... The moments we had, it was real. Not fake. He did love me. And I loved him unfortunately. Well, me and Kaya is coming Kai. I've missed you.
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