#probably autistic Frederick
alexandersimpleton · 2 years
We all know that The Incident was the main thing that happened but little ray of sunshine Frederick was too optimistic to completely wilt, so watch as he slowly gives up hope throughout a day.
(intended as a sequel to Loser, my other fic, but can be read standalone(
I was lucky I woke up that morning. A maid came in the middle of the night and let me out of that chest. I used to think it was really cool, like pirate treasure, but like, books, but I can't even look at it anymore. But It's fine, because my books are the real treasure! Or well, looking at how much carnage there was when I got out of what used to be my book trove, they were. 
It only really sunk in as a woke up. They ripped up the dragon horde too. It was originally a one of those fancy shelf thing for cakes with a only my favorite books in it, covered with a paper mache pile of gold a magical artifacts, and on top of the paper mache was a dragon, holding my #1 favorite, "The Tiniest Prince". It was really fun to make, and I was so proud when I finished it. But now it's just a bunch of scraps of paper and clay on the floor.
They also said some really mean things. Like that I was a "loser". Well maybe I wasn't... they probably just thought I was. Yeah! They just thought I was a loser and decided to be mean about it, just like dad! And mom, and Blain and probably even Lance- no! Not a loser! I'm sure there'll be other people in this school who know that... right?. . .
And thus, I set out to find someone to confirm my suspicions. After class at least. It looked like nobody was noticing me.. Well if course they shouldn't. They should be focusing! But they're talking to each other... And I should be focusing too!! God why do I get distracted so much! Freaking-! Stop brain! Geez it's one of these days again... Right class. And as I looked up, the teacher was erasing something from the board. It was probably to much for my (idiot- ug stop! Dad is wrong! Don't listen to him! Do it like the cool book people say!) brain to comprehend regardless. 
And after that I was slightly better at taking notes, though I was still getting distracted by every squirrel that scampered across the window sill. Eventually, after a long time if suffering, the lunch bell rang. This is my chance! Lunch time in schools is the most social part of the day! And thus I got my food, not awful for a school lunch, though I suppose that's because I'm royalty (my only redeeming- shut!), and decided to approach some kids at a table close to me.
But as I was leaving heading over, someone must have been putting their foot forward to far and I don't notice, so I tripped and spilled everything on the concrete floor and skinned my elbow. I probably would have cried because of the pain (like a baby! S-stop!), but my father said never to cry, so I held it in. "Sorry sunflower! Didn't mean to trip you!" The guy said as I scooped my food back into the tray, chuckling with his friends. "Oh it's alright!" I told him "they put all the meals in little bags anyway, so no harm done." He seemed really annoyed for some reason. Did I do something wrong?
But regardless, I approached the table of boys, and a couple of girls. The girls seemed to be getting really touchy with the boys. I only get that clingy when I'm having a lot of fun, so hopefully they'll have fun with me! But as I got close, they all glared at me, like I shouldn't be there. Was I (the worthless garbage I-. s-stop it. I'm not garbage...) ruining their fun? Should I back off? I should back off... I tried this with a couple more tables, but they didn't seem to like me either, and I ended up sitting in a table alone in a corner. Well now nobody's getting in my space.. Maybe I am just a loser... Or maybe I should try checking the park! Y-yeah, the park! It's really loud here, so the people who like reading and quiet must be outside! I can't believe I didn't try their first (anyone else would've). 
So I hiked around the school for a little while, it was really big y'know, and eventually found the exit. Nobody was there though. It was really pretty so people should be there (guess I was wrong again). But m-maybe there are people in the library. They might like me! But there was no one there either. M-maybe it's j-just this school. Maybe they just hate me, like father, and mother, and everyone else... geez who am I kidding? I am just a loser. But while I'm here, I might as well check something out. That might cheere up.
Looking though the isles and isles of books, one caught my eye. "The angel and the serpent"? That seems nice. And the cover art was pretty too. It looked about 10th grade reading level, judging by the blurb on the back. A bit lower than what I'm used to, but still interesting.
And as I opened it, there where the pretties pictures I've ever seen. The book was about a prophecy, about a hero, that seemed to just be a pile of dust, but was truly a mighty phoenix, that, with the help an angel with wings as pure as a white winter snow, would rise from their ashes a vanquish a great beast. And as I read further, I saw a man, stuck in a hole. I know what that feels like. But this man gets saved by and angel of fortune. He's respected across his village, and he says a mighty serpent. 
That sounds nice, being saved like that. He might be saved like that. Yeah of coarse he would! It happened all the time in fairy tales! Someone will come and help me, and we'll sail away from this place on one of my model ships, away from all the people who (know) I'm a loser, and everything will be happy...
But nobody came
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caterpillarinacave · 10 months
what sort of autism powerade is this man chugging
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femzai · 1 year
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“ you are, by far, the brightest star. ”
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⋮ sigzai hcs as a first post !!
⋮ this was a req by a friend tho!!
⋮ (first time postin on tumblr…)
⋮ i’m halfway thru bsd so.. no spoilers pls!
⋮ i don’t kno shit abt sigma so this will be fun
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
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(as a femzai truther, shes everything to me so… forgive me if i use she/he on him its like reflex!!) dazai definitely jokes/teases with him so much, till sigma gets a bit annoyed and he starts like scoffing going, “ I.. solemnly swear, I will never do such a thing again! ” and then clutching his chest as if shes gonna die while holding onto sigma as a apology LMAO
i’ve seen the clips on tiktok with the dance scene and they are the cutest genuinely.. probably if they were sharing a home together, dazai definitely initiates a dance every time a good song comes on like a radio or speaker :))
i feel like in that little asylum they are in (idfk ouu) dazai makes do with it! flirting casually, touching and holding sigma close.
she’s definitely like the sorta guy to know origami, i feel like theres scraps of paper from the little asylum they are in. 100% making paper crafts for sigma with the stupidest smile on his face.
“Hmm ♪… ! Another flower for you, dear. Do you like it? I think I messed up at a few places .. but does that really matter ? It’s the thought that counts. (╹◡╹)♡”
to mix it up!! to think out of the canon (like the place they r in :3) i feel like dazai doesn’t try to offer sigma to die with her too often, getting a small understanding on how he wants to live still even though dazai himself wishes to die.
playful with the poor fucker, super overdramatic (like i said earlier) (+ super overdramatic with everyone lowkey) but around sigma he definitely tones it down a bit, maybe to not freak him out completely. (i feel like sigma is autistic, staring at him with my big ol’ eyes said it all.)
did you all see how dazai grabbed sigma by his waist? and you know how in number 4 how i said she definitely holds sigma? the waist is his favorite part no questions asked. probably lightly runs her hands around it, then she grabs it casually. a calculated attack and she pretends it wasnt!!!! >_>
hair playing is a thing!! like.. actively!!! twirling a strand or braiding it aimlessly definitely happens.. i swear it does, definitely goes both ways too! it could be a simple touch but it says a lot in terms of love language.
ahh what to do.. what to doo with this silly.. *shakes him violently.*
based off of his wiki (without spoiling myself fr) i can see him being a bit dependent on dazai (most definitely in a relationship of course), wanting to be there constantly. pretending to not worry until he does behind closed doors
being teased or like being joked with makes him a bit confused or angry, he doesn’t take the teasing lightly but he lets it slide for silly dazai
his like confident little act gets tiring at times for the silly goober, (definitely the autism hm..) unmasking around dazai comfortably when able to. probably enjoying the little moments where he can be himself and see how nothing changes with dazai when he is.
guys.. he definitely secretly enjoys the touch of when the little shit grabs him by the waist. he just complains about it because its always sudden i swear.. like he genuinely lets it happen when he can tell it will, however!! he’ll act surprised every time lowkey..
“..Again? You never rest with this, you know.. And you think you’re sneaky too do you..?! whatever.. It’s not like you’ll stop. (・ω・`)”
i love half domesticated half the actual storyline, so im sprinkling one in (thanks to my pookie frederick for this one literally.) “sigma taking cats home except that there's almost 15 of them and dazai feels bad saying no.” are its exact words and its so cutesy…
ive seen that anime clip where dazai literally stopd ontop of sigmas back to fix a outlet and i giggled a bit. dazai definitely unnecessarily be asking to get on sigmas back and poor sigma is like.. “Right… ( ^_^ ;; )” but acts of service is a love language for the silly :3
now that i think about it, sigma goes out of its ways to go do things for dazai. maybe like picking something up or whatever, its definitely something worthy doing to show at least some appreciation and it doesn’t go unnoticed i swear!!
the little things in dazais dont go unnoticed either!! i feel like just by being around each other, sigma has just like automatically catches some cues from dazais expression or mannerisms. something about it that makes him understand a bit.. (probably telling when hes gonna be a freaking idiot and try to kill himself AGAIN LMAO.)
- wa wa authors note!!
⋆ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ — whaddya think?? :3 its genuinely my first time so idk.. and im recent in the fandom so ill def do a intro soon!!
i dont have a set aesthetic yet as i dont use tumblr posting optioms but ill find it out soon :) so thats it… >_>
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eyecicles · 3 years
12, 26, 27, if it's okay.
12. Do you headcanon any characters as autistic? If you want, tell us why you headcanon them as autistic.
Yes, a few! A probably incomplete list: L, Near, Frederick (Fire Emblem), Miriel (Fire Emblem), Linhardt (Fire Emblem), Hanneman (Fire Emblem), Link (Zelda), Sherlock Holmes, Zuka (ATLA) and Tiffany Aching (Discworld novels)
I have different reasons for interpreting them that way, so I'll only explain why I see L and Near that way:
highly logical
was a "gifted" kid
low empathy
always wears the same clothes
has a great poker face and extreme facial expressions at the same time
only ever eats certain types of food (mostly sweets, but also fruit & the only thing he got served and didn't want to eat was ham)
enjoys stacking stacking food
stims via toe wiggling
oral fixation
obviously prefers to work alone & not a fan of teamwork
disregards social rules + Word of God states he technically had no choice but to reveal himself at To-Oh because of how peculiar is, which kinda implies he wouldn't be able to fit in with most people even if he tried
crime solving is his entire world and could easily be interpreted as his special interest
has a bad posture
the way he sits is very typical
dislikes socks
probably has some sort of sleep disorder
doesn't like to touch objects "properly"
it's hard to explain, but his sense of humour feels autistic to me as well
notices small details no one else does
like L, highly logical and a "gifted" kid
also always wears the same clothes (which are also pretty loose)
low empathy
and what I said about L + facial expressions is true for him as well
enjoys stacking objects
highly skilled at solving puzzles
is extremely meticulous and patient, as shown by how good he is at building card and dice towers
uses objects/toys to communicate his points
depends on other people more than most (though it's not completely made clear why)
uses his toys to create distance between himself and others
has the classic baby face syndrome a lot of us suffer from, haha
able to stay extremely calm in dangerous situations
like L a loner type (though more social than him)
loves sitting on the floor
constantly has to stimulate himself one way or another when he's working (mostly via playing or creating art)
very good memory
hair playing stim
Not everything I've listed here are autism symptoms in itself of course, but if you look at those characteristics together, it's very easy to think of L and Near as somewhere on the spectrum.
26. Do you avoid eye contact?
I can look people in the eye if I want to; sometimes it even makes me nervous when someone avoids eye contact. But one of the worst feelings in the world is when someone tries to force it... So I have pretty mixed feelings about it
27. Do you have any vocal stims or echolalia?
Yes to both. Some vocal stims I've had for many, many years, but most of them come and go. And I sometimes repeat what someone has said to me automatically, but it doesn't happen too often, thankfully.
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the unique letters of "william frederick roland"
thank you!! i love that guy
W: Worst month?
february still, but november can eat shit too. xmas is starting to get more annoying and thanksgiving is Worse b/c like, horrible holiday in concept and nothing to celebrate in the least, and it’s alright that people give you food probably but like, the dishes are like, not even the best. nobody likes turkey or yams and yet. and the nightmare of spending time with Family? jesus.....also, it’s just like, you’re facing eons of Winter and it’s already getting cold as shit and when daylight savings begins or ends or whatever and suddenly the sun is down at 4:53pm and it just gets worse from there and it’s just a crap month
I: Interest?
well look if you follow me for like a month you probably catch on to a lot of my Interests but i’ll take this chance to tell a recent only-interesting-to-me story
so back in like middle school yrs (2005-2008) i was real into sherlock holmes stuff!! which is easy to forgot b/c the interest kinda continued into college and then [that text post about the ghost of arthur conan doyle sobbing w/ gratitude to bbc sherlock for achieving his dream of making ppl hate sherlock holmes] and i was like well i’m watching this youtube horror series anyways. but like, in those years, prior to the guy ritchie movie and the Modern SH Media Revival that followed, SH was like, real niche. like obviously everyone knows of it but like. beyond that, kinda obscure at that point to be like, currently and actively ~into~ it. but i was out there watching jeremy brett on pbs Mystery slots, seeing multiple hound of the baskervilles adaptations, and lugging our giant “half of a 2-vol dictionary”-sized copy of the complete canon around, and i read the whole thing
i wasn’t super Online prior to 2008 but somehow i stumbled across such a Wildly Niche thing where this dude in peoria would make “comics” by photographing action figures and giving them speech bubbles and would make really specific references to stories and adaptations and it was really funny to me and that’s how i discovered that there was this particular fan culture self-identified as sherlockians where like, i mean really it’s just that you like sherlock holmes obviously but beyond that, there could be your local sherlockian society which i guess is like a book club roughly but also there’d be things like just making up fun things to do based on the stories, like celebrating reichenbach day by doing whatever you want or referecing the musgrave ritual story in which it’s like “follow these precise directions to Find Thing” and then you do act out those directions....thrilling, right? but i doubt anyone expects this victorian-ass interest to be wildly sexy and heartpounding stuff. and it’s this well-known wide-reaching media so you know there’s room for stuff like books and papers and stuff and just do whatever you want, have this specific nerd community and make up your own funny traditions. and anyways, this guy had a whole blog about it in addition to his Comics, and i’d email him sometimes with questions about stuff, and i think it was from there that i first found out about The 2009 Movie existing, which Was thrilling, b/c it was so out of the blue. gr8 stuff
anyways i’ve remember the existence of this one guy and his blog in year since, but it was only a couple nights ago that i was like “well let’s look it up” and discovered that he’s been updating the blog super regularly the whole time in this literal decade since. i also followed him on twitter and dropped a comment on a post which i know he saw b/c it was anonymous and thus required moderator approval before being posted. like, you love to see it. and even though i loathe bbc sh still and have gone through Other Interests in the meantime, every big interest i’ve ever had is still in there mostly dormant yanno. anyways i thought it was cool. i’m glad for this guy who i last talked to when i was like 13 and now i’m 25. 
L: Last name?
still Burrows
(L I.........Amphibian)
A: Ambition?
hmmb thinking of another one......if i’m in a position to bake a homemade batch of chocolate chip cookies, i’m probably thriving. and also i always want a lot of chocolate chip cookies, to eat
M: (favourite) Month?
also may is the anti-november......by that point it’s probably Consistently Warm and life and sunlight has returned
F: (best) Friend?
soph nothingunrealistic my fave rave
R: Realest dream?
i don’t really have an answer whether i interpret it as “literal dream that felt real” or “aspiration type dream that seems most achievable” smh
E: Easiest subject?
i tended to have a decent time w/ any Social Studies type stuff. probably b/c i was Interested
D: Describe yourself.
uh physically it’s like, six ft tall, white, short brown hair, glasses, probably wearing jeans/shorts and a tee, kinda nondescript. personality wise i’m kind of all or nothing.....usually Unusually quiet and trying to avoid interaction / attention, but when i’m Being Myself i like things like being somewhat impulsive and being around a lot of people / a lot of activity, and i’m a real motormouth who likes to talk and laugh and sometimes like being loud even though i’m bad at it lol. short-tempered and argumentative and opinionated, so you Know that’s a recipe for a good time. but uhh i’m Passionate. also i think being autistic makes me seem weird so idk abt that. Theatre / Horror / Tired / oppossum lifestyle gay
C: (favourite) Colour?
that one blue. curious blue or picton blue or w/e. it’s this turquoisey azure cerulean type business
K: (first) Kiss? 
never happened lmao....there’s that most recent person you kissed where i count the time i performance-art kissed a friend on the cheek like 7-9 yrs ago. once since then someone kissed me but i wasn’t exactly into it so i don’t count it
O: Oldest family member?
i guess maybe my cool probably gay fancy rich-ish great uncle in new hampshire?? i Think he’s my grandma’s older brother.....
N: Next thing you have to do?
fuck-all!!!! probably should get some type of food or smthing tho
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grelleswife · 6 years
Top five anime’s?
It’s quite challenging to restrict myself to just five, but I shall do my best!1. Death NoteThis was my “starter series,” without which I might never have ventured into the wonderful realm of anime and manga. I am fascinated by detective stories, moral ambiguity, and Faustian pacts, so it is little wonder that I took an instant liking to Death Note. Even after multiple viewings, the psychological cat-and-mouse games between L and Light still rivet me. The brilliant, inscrutable, unconventionally attractive, probably autistic and oddly endearing sleuth L currently ranks as one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. Although Death Note has its fair share of plot holes, messy writing (particularly in the second half), and unabashedly sexist portrayals of women, its depiction of complex ethical dilemmas and the battle between two formidable intellects make it worth a watch or five. I recommend the English dub; Alessandro Juliani’s L is pitch-perfect.
2. Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)It may be a mainstream anime, but this is one of those rare shows that doesn’t merely live up to the hype but rather exceeds it. In brief, the anime depicts a bleak, violent world in which the remnants of humanity must live ensconced within the protection of massive walls in order to avoid being devoured by giants known as titans that mysteriously appeared several generations ago. When the outermost wall is breached, protagonist Eren Yeager can only watch in horror as his mother is eaten alive by one of these monsters, a tragedy that fills the fiery young boy’s heart with a thirst for vengeance against all titans. However, what could have proven to be a stale shonen story became a work of immense depth and power in the hands of mangaka Hajime Isayama, and these attributes translated beautifully to the anime. In addition to gorgeous animation and an electrifying soundtrack, this show also stands out for its character development. Almost all characters of narrative import are vibrantly human, with painful backstories and plausible, nuanced growth as the series progresses. Attack on Titan’s graphic depictions of violence and pathos-laden storyline are not for the faint of heart, but it is a must-see for any anime fan. Again, I prefer the English dub, mainly because of Levi’s and Hange’s voice actors.3. Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)Specifically, the first half of season 1, Book of Circus, Book of Murder, and Book of Atlantic.I refuse to dignify the non-canon dumpster fire that was season 2.Don’t let the lascivious fujoshis scare you away; despite its unsavory reputation, the portions of the anime that adhere to Yana Toboso’s gorgeous manga are excellent. Though a mere child, Earl Ciel Phantomhive bears a heavy burden as the Queen’s Watchdog, responsible for keeping Victorian England’s sinister underworld in check. Luckily, he has the aid of his ever-faithful butler, Sebastian Michaelis…who just so happens to be a demon with whom the young nobleman has contracted in order to find and exact vengeance upon the unknown perpetrators who murdered the boy’s family and sold him to a diabolical cult. The series is called Black Butler with good reason– there are many dark and disturbing elements to the story, from the bloodcurdling child abuse depicted in Book of Circus to gory fight scenes with zombies in Book of Atlantic. However, the compelling characters, fire OPs and endings, and (in the more recent adaptations) beautiful animation keep me coming back for more. The complex nature of Sebastian’s relationship with Ciel, which simultaneously encompasses and transcends the dynamics between parent and child, servant and master, and predator and prey, is a glorious trainwreck from which you can’t tear your eyes away. Yet again, I have a preference for the English dub here– J Michael Tatum’s Sebastian is the stuff of legend, Brina Palenica’s Ciel is spot-on, and Daniel Frederick’s Grell Sutcliff restores my soul (to my ear, his voice acting beautifully suits a transgender woman who has not yet been able to fully transition). That being said, I’ve also taken a shine to the Japanese sub; Daisuke Ono’s voice has a gentle yet subtly sinister quality that suits this devil wrapped in silk quite well.4. Watamote (No Matter How I Look At It, It’s You Guys Fault I’m Not Popular!)This slice of life anime chronicles the hilarious yet heartbreaking misadventures of Tomoko Kuroki, an otaku who desperately attempts to curry favor with her high school peers in spite of debilitating depression and anxiety. Watamote is one of those shows that makes you hurt while you laugh as you watch Tomoko, time and time again, prove to be her own worst enemy as her blunders cause all her schemes to backfire. To an uncomfortable extent, I saw quite a bit of my high school self in her. If you struggled with loneliness, social isolation, and/or mental illness as a teen, I would highly recommend this show. It doesn’t exactly have a happy ending, but it’s strangely addictive. Plus, Tomoko’s Japanese voice actor is precious, and the OP is epic.5. Bungou Stray DogsMix a wide array of supernatural gifts, a plethora of literary references, and a vast cast of aesthetically pleasing characters, and what do you get? BSD! Chock-full of meaningful messages on overcoming past traumas, fighting against the inertia of despair, cultivating a sense of self-worth, and redemption, this anime does full service to Asagiri’s ongoing manga. From the zany suicide enthusiast Dazai Osamu to the weretiger/cinnamon roll Atsushi Nakajima, you’re bound to fall in love with at least one of the members of the Armed Detective Agency as they use their magical powers to fight against forces of crime and corruption that threaten their city. Excellent soundtrack, lovely animation, and characterization that progressively deepens, especially during the second season. I’ve only seen this subbed and thoroughly enjoyed it!Thanks so much for the ask!
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broken-clover · 5 years
ACC Day 11- Collection
A little off again, but close! I definitely have no intention of stopping. This is fun to write, and there’s some days I’m super excited to get to down the line! Taking it day by day.
Went with GG and Sol today with some pre-canon stuff.
Saying that Frederick had an interest in Queen was probably the understatement of the century. His music tastes were one of the first few things people tended to know about him. He didn’t exactly make an effort to hide it. As soon as the option for music came up in the office, he was ready and willing to offer his LP’s. If something was even tangentially related to the band. He was ready and willing to start talking about it for what felt like an hour. It would have been bizarre even if he wasn’t known for being quiet and brusque normally.
He wasn’t much of a singer, but he would tap his feet and nod his head to the music while he worked. He’d listened to them all more than enough times to know all the words, but still, he preferred to listen. Sheer Heart Attack was practically the backing track for the Gear Project from how many times Frederick brought the record in.
What was a lesser-known fact about him, was his collection. Frederick didn’t often invite people over to his house, which was typically attributed to his antisociality in general. That may have been part of it, but his collection was something he didn’t like showing off to everyone, either. Ever since he was little, he’d collected every piece of Queen memorabilia he could get his hands on. They were all meticulously organized across his apartment into a neat display, though there was nobody to look at it but him.
His collection was his pride and joy. He couldn’t explain what it was about one band that managed to keep his attention for decades. Secretly, he enjoyed it, even if he couldn’t understand it. He liked having something that always brought him so much happiness. Year after year, he was content to listen to the same melodies and watch the same live recordings over and over, without ever getting bored.
He recalled sitting below his apartment window, staring at it wistfully like he would suddenly be able to go back to it. He was hiding in the bushes, hoping that the midday sunlight didn’t make his scaled body too obvious. He didn’t know what would happen if someone found him and panicked. The police would come, probably, and Asuka wouldn’t be too far behind.
Frederick knew it was stupid to go back to someplace so familiar. It was exactly where Asuka would think to look. He had half a mind to say that he was already waiting there for him, with enough drugs to turn off whatever the fuck he’d shoved into him and drag him back for more testing.
It was a bad idea, and he knew it. Still, Frederick found himself drawn to the awaiting balcony. After taking a very close look to make sure no cars were passing by, he darted out of his cover on all fours, just as quickly using the neighbor’s A/C unit to jump off of and drag himself onto the concrete overhead.
He still wasn’t used to how strong this new body was. His claws dragged gouges in the platform, yet he still had enough grip to haul himself onto it. The new strength had its benefits, but it also was a new sort of sensory hell, making his sound sensitivities somehow even worse. Part of the reason he had been hiding was for the mere fact that being anywhere too crowded made him want to claw his ears out. He wondered if it was some sort of shitty joke Asuka had made, giving an autistic person super-senses. If so, it was the worst one he’d one he’d experienced yet.
The clawed hands also lacked the sort of dexterity he needed to properly (and gently) open a door. Frederick didn’t even bother trying, instead just denting the sliding door and knocking it inside. The noise was definitely going to turn some heads, but hopefully, they would just assume some burglar had found his way inside. He didn’t have enough time to care.
It only took a moment for him to find his work bag, left behind on the kitchen table. Asuka had called him in even earlier than usual that day, claiming that he had made some sort of work breakthrough.
”You just have to see it, Frederick, I can’t even describe it! Drop everything, just get here as soon as you can!”
He moved as carefully as possible as he approached. The bag was still opened, and the contents half-spilled onto the table. Nothing among it was particularly out of the ordinary. Lab documents, notebooks, a couple of energy bars in case he needed something to eat, and his Sheer Heart Attack LP, carefully put away in its sleeve.
Frederick looked around his apartment, at all the things he had spent years finding. He knew he couldn’t take it with him. Wherever he was going, he didn’t need anything dragging him down.
With more care and effort than he had put into anything, he managed to nudge his things back into the bag, and slip it over his head. The strap didn’t cut, and no holes were punched into the material. For the time being, it looked to be in good shape. So far, so good.
He couldn’t have picked a more ill-timed moment to have that thought cross his head. Immediately after, he could hear police sirens wailing outside the apartment complex. He knew what it had to be about. If it didn’t have to do with Asuka, then someone had called them in for breaking and entering.
Frederick didn’t care either way. It was only going to get louder and busier soon, and he had no interest in sticking around. After making sure his bag was on securely, he dove off of the balcony, and ran off into the woods once more.
He was never sure what became of his belongings. Probably destroyed in a raid, or looted by scavengers. It was one of the many things he didn't like to remember before the war. There wasn't much he liked remembering way back when. Nothing aside from Asuka, Aria, and his music.
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zephyrvos · 6 years
Claudia, Leena, Five, and Elle for the ask game? :)
under a readmore because this is bound to get long:
Why I like them: badass nerd girl, tragic backstory, young and hip and relatable. she’s super smart but has been through some shit and therefore hasn’t been able to ‘reach her full potential’ or whatever. also her fashion sense and that it’s Allison
Why I don’t: not canonically queer when dear god she should be. also gets mad at Leena for actions that were not Leena’s fault
Favorite episode (scene if movie): from the two seasons I’ve seen so far - Claudia, of course
Favorite season/movie: season 2? she’s more accepted into the gang
Favorite line: this is hard because I’m not caught up. possibly “He was a genius, and he put his life on hold for me. Damn it Artie, I owe him.” but honestly I’m forgetting something fabulous
Favorite outfit: I truly cannot pick. She always dresses fucking amazing. That’s like asking me to pick a favorite Kenzi outfit.
OTP: Cleena, ofc
Brotp: Honestly, equally fond of her with Myka and with Pete. Chances are both will be beat when Jinks shows up
Head Canon: she still deals with a lot of internalized shit from when she thought she was crazy, and a lot of that makes her not want to have kids of her own, because she doesn’t want to pass on the crazy. also, she crawls into Myka’s room after nightmares frequently
Unpopular opinion: Claudia/Fargo is cute?
A wish: let her date girls
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: no more messing with her mind, and no hurting Joshua
5 words to best describe them: Brilliant, Sassy, Young, Silly, Loyal
My nickname for them: Claud
Why I like them: total sweetheart, heart too big for this world, emotional caretaker to the warehouse fam
Why I don’t: doesn’t get fleshed out beyond ‘emotional caretaker’ and she deserved to be more than that
Favorite episode (scene if movie): honestly, no idea yet. the one post-MacPherson where she and Claudia try to work through it?
Favorite season/movie: season 2?
Favorite line: no idea, sadly. none are coming to mind :( 
Favorite outfit: honestly, her style is not my thing. when she wears the pretty white dress with flowers?
OTP: Cleena
Brotp: her & Frederick
Head Canon: she came up in the foster system too. she had really great foster parents, and was incredibly loved, but it’s why she doesn’t go by a last name
Unpopular opinion: she was too young to be forced into the mother role the series made her?
A wish: that the thing that will not be named didn’t happen?
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: >:(
5 words to best describe them: Kind, Loving, Warm, Nurturing, Steady
My nickname for them: none? I could see Claudia calling her ‘Lee’
Why I like them: another badass nerd kid. cool hair. sassy and spunky and who is super autistic and like to hide in vents and is a master with tech
Why I don’t: terrible taste in men. also deserved more seasons
Favorite episode (scene if movie): uh, no idea. haven’t rewatched. possibly the one where they fought a gynoid?
Favorite season/movie: also no idea. probably 1? she was very team kid there
Favorite line: a speech in defense of their Android? how she’s perfect the way she is, and how dare android dude try to change her
Favorite outfit: her cute jacket and bigass gun
OTP: I don’t ship her with anyone on the show? maybe a crossover of Five x Claudia
Brotp: her and Andy, but also her and Two
Head Canon: has inventend and/or upgraded tech while stressed, just from fiddling with it and her subconscious figuring it out. also movie nights with the girls, and Nyx joining
Unpopular opinion: she’s underage, so shipping her with druggie medic dude is a bad idea
A wish: more seasons. more of her
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: honestly? no romo, she’s too small
5 words to best describe them: Young, Techie, Stimmy, Nerd, Spunky
My nickname for them: none?
Elle Greenaway:
Why I like them: fierce and defensive, she’s had to fight so hard to prove herself in this world, and she is so kind and gentle when victims need that compassion
Why I don’t: the show did the thing where it writes her off and never mentions her again, which is bs. also doesn’t make sense for her to totally quit? would make more sense for a transfer or a time off or, I don’t know but not that
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I want to say 2x01? Shot and in that limbo state talking to her father and giving me lots of emotions
Favorite season/movie: lol, s1 since that’s all she was there for all of
Favorite line: ‘the men I hunt are cowards’ or the other one like that, or “Because she’s surrounded by men.” or her heartbreaking delivery of “Here’s to winning.”
Favorite outfit: her brown leather jacket is great, but I gotta go with the red outfit she wears when they go to Mexico
OTP: Elle/JJ is still some good ship
Brotp: Elle & Derek, though Elle & Spencer is wonderful too
Head Canon: still fond of my headcanon where she works at a women’s shelter, keeps in touch with Derek, and the team eventually ends up led to her shelter and they reconnect
Unpopular opinion: I mean, there are idiots who want to characterize her as harsh and angry? that was the trauma and they’re wrong
A wish: more Elle. Lola’s clearly back in Hollywood. bring her back
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: don’t bring her back just to kill her. don’t kill her off screen. don’t bring her up just to badmouth her
5 words to best describe them: Fierce, Feminist, Passionate, Compassionate, Impulsive?
My nickname for them: none? just Elle
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Interview Street Artist made in Montpellier #2 CRYING SAILOR
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80 % des artistes exposés dans les galeries d’art sont des hommes ! Et pourtant, s’il y a bien un secteur qui ne connaît pas de genre, c’est celui de l’art, un monde qui met avant davantage les œuvres que leurs créateurs. Même là il reste plus difficile à une femme d’accéder à la reconnaissance. Dans le street-art aussi, les femmes sont à la rue !
S’il reste difficile de donner un chiffre précis, le street-art au féminin donne aux femmes un espace (public) d’expression hors norme mais, lui aussi, encore méconnu. En effet, qui n’a jamais entendu parler – au moins une fois – de Banksy, JR, Invader, Jordane Saget, Jef Aérosol, Above, JonOne, Seth… pour ne citer que certains des plus (re)connus. Ou plus exactement sûrement avez-vous déjà vu une de leurs œuvres qui ornent les murs des villes. Difficile d’y échapper lorsque l’on habite Paris par exemple.
Selon une étude de la sociologue Sylvie Cromer sur « les représentations sexuées dans les spectacles pour le jeune public », portant sur 729 spectacles (saison 2006-2007) et 1 262 personnages. Il apparaît que ces spectacles sont créés majoritairement par un homme (52 %), 14 % par des femmes, et 34 % par des équipes mixtes.
De plus, les personnages représentés sont majoritairement des hommes (45 %), contre 28 % des femmes, 14 %, des garçons, 12 % des filles.
Mais la France est loin d’être une exception… malheureusement. Ainsi, en 1989, le groupe d’activistes féministes les Guerrilla Girls placarde dans les rues de New York des affiches qui interpellent : « Faut-il que les femmes soient nues pour entrer au Metropolitan Museum ? Moins de 5 % des artistes de la section d’art moderne sont des femmes, mais 85 % des nus sont féminins ».
Qui connaît ou a déjà entendu parler de Kashink, Tatyana Fazlalizadeh, Swoon, Shamsia Hassani, Miss Van, Clare Rojas, Lady Pink, Maya Hayuk, Miss Tic, Fafi, Lady Sonp, Vinnie Grafitti, Jessy Doudou Style… ? Et oui, même dans le street-art, les femmes restent moins connues et moins médiatisées que les hommes. Pourtant, la rue leur appartient aussi !
Deuxième portrait de la série dédiée aux femmes street artistes de Montpellier et alentours sur le site de Support Your Local Girl Gang …. Crying Sailor a répondu  à notre interview Girl Gang.
Peux-tu nous raconter ton parcours ? 
J’ai toujours travaillé avec les enfants, d’abord dans les jeux vidéo, les jouets, et puis comme bibliothécaire. J’aime l’illustration, mais aussi la musique que je pratique depuis toute petite. J’ai composé de la musique électronique pendant une dizaine d’années, et je reviens vers le dessin depuis un an. Je suis autodidacte, dans les deux disciplines. J’ai besoin de m’exprimer de façon créative, et j’aime aussi transmettre quelque chose aux gens, d’où mon intérêt pour le street art. Dernièrement j’ai créé ma boîte afin de proposer des rencontres avec les écoles, des ateliers créatifs, de la décoration, des expos et bien sûr la vente de mes dessins et autres objets. Au rang des projets à plus long terme : proposer des ateliers-rencontres pour les personnes à haut potentiel intellectuel, non pas par élitisme mais au contraire parce que les personnes surdouées sont probablement celles qui se sentent le plus seules au monde. J’aimerais également travailler avec des personnes autistes car le street art est un levier intéressant pour ces personnes qui ont du mal à se confronter au monde extérieur. Quand es-tu tombée dans le street art ? Tu te souviens de tes premiers collages ?
J’ai commencé le street art il y a un an, suite à une sorte de déclic. Mon grand père est décédé il y a une dizaine d’années, et comme c’est quelqu’un qui a beaucoup compté pour moi, je m’étais toujours dit que je ne resterais pas sur le trauma de sa disparition et de la maladie. J’aime l’idée de résilience et même au delà de ça, d’arriver à transformer en opportunité les évènements négatifs de la vie. Il y a un an j’ai découvert le travail d’une tatoueuse que j’aime beaucoup, « Nag », et j’ai échangé avec elle pour qu’elle retravaille à sa façon un vieux portrait de mon grand père quand il était marin. Et c’est par ce tatouage qu’a commencé à germer mon projet Crying Sailor. J’ai décidé de reprendre cette photo de mon grand père que j’avais depuis toujours chez moi et d’en faire un pochoir, afin de lui donner une seconde vie. Mes premiers pochoirs je les ai faits dans des skateparks et dans le verdanson. Par la suite je les ai faits sur du papier que je colle, c’est plus rapide et moins risqué que l’aérosol quand on veut en mettre dans le centre.A la base je voulais juste aller au bout de mon projet hommage, et puis je me suis prise au jeu du street art parce que j’ai réalisé que ça faisait sourire les gens dans la rue, que ça mettait un peu de gaité dans le quotidien, et ça pour moi ça a vraiment du sens. J’ai donc élargi mon projet à d’autres idées et d’autres techniques.
Y a-t-il des artistes qui ont compté dans ta carrière ?
C’est plutôt quand j’étais petite que j’ai le souvenir d’adultes qui ont compté pour moi, artistes ou intellos. Ma mère avait de bonnes fréquentations et je lui en suis reconnaissante. Après, étant bibliothécaire de métier, j’ai eu la chance de découvrir des tas d’illustrateurs géniaux, et d’affiner mon goût pour l’image. La littérature jeunesse est d’une richesse incroyable dans ce domaine là. J’aime énormément Kitty Crowther car elle cumule un talent pour les textes et l’illustration, en plus de créer un univers très singulier et plein d’émotion. 
D’une manière générale je crois que c’est l'authenticité qui me touche le plus dans une démarche créative. Quelqu’un qui met tout ce qu’il est dans son art, c’est comme un récit autobiographique, ça a beaucoup plus de puissance. D’ailleurs j’adore le roman graphique « pilules bleues » de Frederick Peeters dans le genre histoire vécue, c’est un chef d’œuvre pour moi. 
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On parle souvent de la misogynie dans l'Art et d'autres domaines. Te sens tu investie d’un rôle par rapport à ça ? 
Pour ma part je n’ai pas ressenti de misogynie dans le domaine artistique. Je pense que les femmes ont la place qu’elles se donnent . Je suis allée vers pas mal d’activités où les femmes sont assez minoritaires (jeux vidéo, beatmaker, bassiste...) et je ne me suis jamais posée la question de savoir si j’y avais ma place. Parce qu’au final si tu te sens à ta place, la place se fait naturellement auprès des autres. Je ne me sens investie d’aucun rôle particulier, si ce n’est d’être une femme libre de ses choix.
Le street art montpellierain a bien évolué en quelques années. Comment perçois-tu cette nouvelle vague, qui secoue un peu les choses ?
Je trouve ça super riche et c’est un gros progrès que ce soit perçu comme quelque chose qui embellit la ville plutôt que comme une dégradation. Seulement il reste une incohérence là dessus puisque concrètement si on se fait prendre en train de coller ou de peindre on risque de grosses amendes, alors que la ville fait visiter nos œuvres dans son parcours street art... J’espère que ça changera, à force que le street art se démocratise. Mais c’est déjà une très bonne chose que les œuvres ne soient pas décollées. 
Que penses-tu des évènements autour des femmes à Montpellier et plus largement dans le Sud de la France ?
Si tu veux parler de manifs, je ne suis pas une féministe « engagée » donc je ne les connais pas forcément. Lutter contre des vieilles idées macho pour moi c’est contre productif, car ça revient à mettre de l’énergie dans quelque chose de négatif . En revanche essayer à titre individuel d’être une femme aussi libre et inspirante que possible, transmettre de jolies idées, éduquer nos enfants autrement, ça je crois que c’est le vrai pouvoir que nous avons pour changer les mentalités, et c’est à la portée de toute personne un minimum consciente . Ça n’est pas une attitude démissionnaire de ma part mais une posture positive qui a confiance dans l’amélioration de chacun et dans l’avenir. Après évidemment quand il s’agit des droits des femmes ça c’est autre chose, là c’est important de se battre pour l’égalité bien sûr.
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Tes artistes préféré.e.s à Montpellier et alentours  ? 
Je préfère éviter cette question qui peut susciter des petites jalousies, en plus je déteste choisir ;) D’une manière générale je suis sensible à la démarche des artistes et à leur personnalité, plus qu’a la technique pure. 
Avec quel autre street artist.e aimes-tu collaborer ? 
Il y a mon pote Culkeeen avec qui j’ai beaucoup collé au début parce qu’il a commencé quasiment en même temps. Et Matriochcake parce qu’on a un univers un peu similaire sur le côté geekette. Et puis j’aime bien la collaboration en général, j’aime le partage.
Ta street artiste préférée ? 
Alors ça dépend dans quelle catégorie. Je dirais Cal pour ses dessins pleins d’humour. Les phrases de petite poissonne. L’esthétique de Koralie. 
Des endroits que tu recommanderais pour faire la fête ? 
Faire la fête, la vie nocturne, c’est pas tellement mon truc, je préfère mille fois une petite terrasse tranquille.
Quel est ton spot à apéro ? Mon canapé / mon balcon
Tes prochaines dates ? 
Du 6 au 10 juin le festival Wild Summer à Castelnau où je serai présente pour un live painting avec pas mal d’autres street artistes. Et d'ici un mois, mise en place du shop sur mon site internet www.cryingsailor.com
Que penses-tu de Support your Local Girl Gang  ?  Je ne connaissais pas mais je trouve ça cool comme démarche. D’ailleurs ça va un peu dans le sens de ma conception du féminisme, mettre en avant des portraits de femmes un peu en dehors du modèle traditionnel. Merci pour votre invitation.
Emeraldia Ayakashi - Support Your Local Girl Gang
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alexandersimpleton · 11 months
Look at this LOOK AT THIS
So, normally Frederick's expressions are normal, right? You could even argue they're exaggerated in some cases.
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But we only really see Frederick in public spaces, at least somewhat. In front of his family, at a big party, in front of Gwen, etc.
But, when Frederick isn't in public:
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His expressions are way more subtle. He moves his eyes and tenses his muscles, but that's about it. He doesn't move his mouth at all, doesn't change positions, hardly shows any form of nonverbal communication. And the same goes for when he's being really honest with Gwen in the library
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He tilts his head and he movies his eyes, that's it. The only frames of that whole scene where he shows any kind of significant nonverbal communication are these two:
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And even then, the second one isn't that much more than the other frames. The only times he shows a genuinely, for lack of a better word, "expressive" response is when he's particularly scared or embarrassed. And those expressions aren't normal either. They're communicated by Frederick's face changing color and art style to magnify the changes, not true changes in expression like everyone else.
And when Frederick is really surprised, and doesn't get to think about his response at all
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It's the same. No change in body language, minimal change in expression.
So, my headcannon is that this boy is so autistic, and is actively masking most of the time, especially in front of his family. He has to actively curate his responses to emotions so he won't be found creepy by others and be punished by his family. His shock response in particular is super unemotional looking. When he stops masking in front of Gwen (probably accidentally because it's a library and his brain is hard wired to think that being in a library means that he's allowed to stop masking, because that's how my brain works and therefore how his brain works lol) she definitely notices. Gwen, being Gwen, is able to read him anyways. She actually prefers Frederick when he's not masking. It feels more honest to her, and she doesn't know why.
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alexandersimpleton · 9 months
Do you think the pastel family would be ableist about Frederick's autism?
As much as I want to say they're to good to do that, I'm starting to think otherwise. For one, the pastel kingdom hasn't been shown to be the most progressive of kingdoms. During Gwen's dinner party, none of them say anything about Leland's comment, and Jack doesn't exactly show cursed people respect. I'd assume the same would apply to other "disabilities"
Plus, the pastel siblings are extremely sheltered, and they'd probably share the pop culture stereotype/idea of autism, if they even know what autism is.
None of this applies to Gwen tho, obviously. And probably not Jamie either, given his exposure to people's feelings and the fact that at least one of the chefs that served him was probably autistic. That is, unless Jack didn't let any autistic chefs serve him because he sees them in an ableist way, which is a horrifying idea to me.
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