#i'm just curious please someone answer and satisfy my curiosity
wyvchard · 2 days
Birds of a Feather...
Agent Phoenix found themself displaced in time after waking up to Reginald's younger self. Chaos ensues.
Content Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, guns, restraints, Reggie's field days, Phoenix chaos
"Are you doing alright?" Agent Phoenix groaned as they woke up in a rough bed feeling far worse than the time they stayed up until daylight. They took a deep breath to calm down in order to observe their surroundings. It wasn't as clinical as a typical Zoraxis base, a relief to them.
"Nothing too unfamiliar. Where am I?" They glanced at the source of the voice, suddenly pausing when they finally registered a familiar looking face peering at them with worry.
"Is there something on my face?" He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms to show his disapproval. "If you think these bandages look horrible, you should take a good look at yourself."
"You look like someone I know... just... younger. It's not what you think. I know I look horrible but believe me, I can manage." They looked away, taking a deep breath to focus on something other than their heavy limbs. "I've been through worse."
"You were found unconscious in the middle of nowhere. What could be worse than that? Actually, I take that back."
Phoenix gave him a sympathetic smile before getting up, much to his panic. They chuckled at his fussing. "You remind me too much of my dad. I'm sorry for laughing. He frets a lot."
"Who wouldn't? I know I can be stubborn as a mule but you seem to be on another level."
"Well, I'd say I like to take things on another level." They smirked, amusement spilling all over them, only for them to frown when they felt their ear emptier than usual.
"We confiscated your earpiece. For some reason, it caught the attention of one of our technicians we're taking a poke at it a little bit."
"I'm getting it back, right?"
"If you can get R&D to return it, that is. Speaking of, I have to go. Please stay here? I'm sure some of doctors have plenty to be curious about. Would it be alright if you satisfy their curiosity a bit?"
"I don't have much of a choice, do I? All I can do is sit up at the moment." They mumbled, shooing him off. A part of him remains unconvinced but he has somewhere to be: Roxana is waiting for him.
Phoenix absolutely hated the probing that came moments later. They miss the fact they didn't have to answer questions that weren't "where does it hurt? Have you injested anything you shouldn't? How are you even alive?" or any of the sort.
They so badly wanted to grab the clipboard from the doctor with their TK but that was classified information that mustn't come out, so they put on a smile and answered as best they could without releasing anything classified.
They really wish to know who that young man was, seeing as though he looked a lot like the older photos of their beloved handler.
"Reginald..." Roxana stared at her friend who approached her with a silly grin. "You know you really shouldn't have taken their earpiece. Who knows what it is made of."
"You are curious about it as well. Don't give me that look." He stifled a huff, watching as she hands him some schematics. "Roxana, you know I don't understand any of this."
She sighed, pointing at a stool nearby a table with an open sewing kit. "The earpiece is definitely more compact than anything the agency is capable of producing at the moment." Her eyes darted to him working on one of the tears she accidentally created when it was snagged by a tool. She really needs to make a case to allow a bit of leeway in the dress code.
"That's not what I'm interested about. Why is their earpiece so tied to my own? I know I don't pay attention to the other agents as much as I should but I'm sure I can recognize someone like them."
"What makes you say that?"
"Well-" His words were cut off by a transmission. "I have to go. My handler is telling to check out the source of a distress call in the building."
He gently put away the repaired garment and rushed outside, leaving her alone.
Agent Phoenix is currently curled up in a corner, one spare radio borrowed from the "supply closet" (empty and unused office) they barricaded themself in.
They need to get evac there. Immediately. Everything felt so familiar yet so wrong. There were some places where they can delude themselves they were back in their office, bullet holes and all. Yet it was too new to them, as if someone patched up the structural failings on the surface.
They held their breath, really hoping that the mail slot there wasn't going to have a-
"Woah! Gun safety rules aside, it's me. Come on. Please get outta there." He sounded surprised at the fact his gun was practically ripped from his grasp in the mail slot although here was a hint of reprimand.
"Leave me alone! I wanna go back. I miss him so much." They covered their ears, still shivering from how similar the young man's voice was to his.
"There isn't really much to miss there. A lot of things you can shoot at point blank range. And I don't think he's around."
They counted the seconds, internally cursing at the fact they need to use their TK to open the door in order to escape.
Despite their preparation, they managed to falter, earning him a chance to tie their limbs with a rope.
"Let me go! I swear I only want to go home." Indignation laced their voice as their struggled. "Please. I'm sure they're worried."
"I only came with a gun because you were reported to have a knife on you. How did you even manage to sneak it past us?"
"Well, why was your first thought to push a gun through a mail slot to calm me down?"
Their unfriendly glare made him wear a wry smile as he mumbled an apology. "Well, why wouldn't I be guarded? You were sending a distress call to the agency, not to mention your earpiece always connects to mine."
Eyes widening at the realization, they looked resigned a few seconds later. "... I won't participate in any questions until you do this one thing for me, Mr. Reginald Crane."
A shiver ran up his spine as they gave him a devious grin.
"Please ask Dr. Roxana Prism if she's willing to make a tine machine with me."
I have NO idea where I'm going with this so this is a one shot for now.
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@phoenix-and-found-family, @the-one-and-only-043, @ghostlystarwanderer, @jellyfishgummy
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phoenix-bleh · 6 months
Can I please have part 2 of this masterpiece? When the two were arguing, the little boy woke up feeling that someone was holding him in his arms. He looked at Pure vanilla Cookie in surprise when he was still holding him in his arms and on the other The little boy thought that everything was a dream, but when he rubbed his eyes, he wanted to run away, but the boy was held in his soft embrace and before the little boy wanted to scream out of fright, Pure Vanilla Cookie told the boy: "Don't worry, everything is fine, I just saw that you were very tired, child, and I put you down carefully Do you want want to be in my world, child?" the little boy couldn't answer as Pure Vanilla Cookie entered the phone they were immediately greeted by all the cookies happy to see their little baker boy. But this was also found out by the cookies of darkness and the dark enchantress Cookie told Licorice Liver to steal this boy. When all the cookies were gone in the evening, Pure Vanilla Cookie took him to his vanilla castle and asked the boy; "Well, how do you like it here, child?"
Boy: "Yes, I really like it here!" He answers with a very charming smile. But then the boy became noticeably sad and asked Pure Vanilla Cookie, "I miss my family and my friends very much, can I please come home?" Pure Vanilla Cookie stopped walking, took the little boy in his arms, hugged and looked at the child, he said, "I'm sorry, child, but I can't do this" (Actually Pure Vanilla Cookie knew how to get him back, but did not want to part with this cute boy) "Okay, child, let's go, you need to rest after today" Meanwhile: By the night when everyone fell asleep, Licorice cookies quietly sneaked into the boy's room and stole it. When Licorice Cookies looked at the boy, he smiled at his cute sleepy face and said: "Aren't you a cute baker? Hehe, I hope that the Dark Enchantress Cookie will be pleased with me," And he disappeared into the place with the boy in his hands.
(Well, it turned out to be long again, I just have a lot of inspiration for something 😅 I hope you like my idea of 2 parts! ^^ and I will be very happy if you write this sequel! ^^)
And I hope that you are doing well on this day, and I will be happy to know that you do not overdo it and take care of your health! ^^
 Self aware CRK x child! reader
part 1 if you wanna read :p
They did add extra too the request so this one gonna be pretty long so get ready^^
You woke up to the sound of yelling. You slowly lifted your eyes and your vision cleared up to see two people- people? They didn’t look like the normal humans you see everyday. The one with the big hat and yellow cape looked at you. “Oh dear, you're awake.” he said, guilty for waking you up. What you were most confused about was that there were two people in your room. You thought this was a dream so you rubbed your eyes but that didn’t do anything. They looked exactly like the cookies in your game. “You’re from the game that I play….” You said out loud. 
You were actually scared your little child mind couldn’t process what was going on. You were about to scream in terror until the blonde one placed a finger on lips making shushing noises to tell you to be quiet, which worked. “No need to worry little one, I saw that you weren’t in bed properly and wanted to help you.” he explained to you. Now you were curious, did he come out of your phone?? “Wait! You're Pure Vanilla Cookie from the game! Did you come out of my phone? How is that possible?” Pure Vanilla thought for a bit then smiled at you. “Would you like to come with me and find out?” You being a child you didn’t think much about his offer and just wanted to satisfy your curiosity so you nodded vigorously. 
He softly laughed at your childish act and picked you up and brought you over to your phone on the desk. “You might wanna hold on.” You nodded at him and he did something with his hand above your phone. You were then flashed by an extremely bright light so you shut your eyes and held onto what you assume was Pure Vanilla. When you opened your eyes again you were greeted by the entrance of the Vanilla Kingdom. Pure Vanilla then placed you on the ground and held your hand and led you to the gates and into the Kingdom. You gasped at everything you saw. Everything was so pretty and looked like a fairytale world.
He showed you around and introduced you to the cookies who lived in the kingdom. Everyone was so happy to meet you and you were too. What you didn’t notice was Dark Enchantress Cookie and her followers watching you from afar. She found interest in you and started planning on how to capture. 
At the end of the day Pure Vanilla took you to the castle. He asked you how your day was and you happily told him how much fun you had today. However you started to miss your home and your family so you asked him if he could take you back home. He stopped and looked down at you. He bent down to your height and took you into his arms “I’m sorry little one but I’m afraid I can’t take you back, I don’t know how to take someone back to your world.” Huh? But then how did he get to your world in the first place.
You didn’t question it as you started to cry. Pure Vanilla noticed this and whipped your tears and rubbed your head. “Don’t cry child, everything will be ok, how about we get you to bed and figure out what to do tomorrow ok?” You looked to the side and only slightly nodded. He picked you up and walked through the castle. He took you to a spare bedroom and placed you on the bed. He tucked you in and stoked your head.
“Get some rest now, ok? You had a long day today” He stayed until you fell asleep. Once you did he got up and left the room, closing your door quietly. Truth was he did know how to get you back home but didn’t tell since he didn’t want you leaving just yet. He found interest in you and wanted to take care of you more properly and decided he wanted to be your new parental figure.
It was the middle of the night and everyone in the castle was asleep. Unfortunately someone broke into your room and saw you asleep. It was Black Licorice Cookie, he was informed by Dark Enchantress Cookie to go and get you and bring you back to her.
He loomed over your sleeping figure and poked your cheek. He does admit you were a pretty kid. He picked you up carefully not to wake you up and took you with him back to Dark Enchantress Cookie.
You opened your eyes slightly and noticed you weren’t where you were supposed to be. You lifted your head and realized you were being carried around a completely different place. The hallways were dark and you guessed that this was Dark Enchantress place if you remember from the game. The person noticed that you were awake and brought you in front of him. It was Black Licorice Cookie. “Hey you’re supposed to be asleep!” You looked at him and tried to think of some way for him to put you down “I need to use the restroom!” you blurted out. He widened his eyes and immediately placed you down on to the floor and pointed down the hallway. “Oh! It’s down the hallway to the left.”
You nodded and then ran off. Once you turned the corner and ran to go find the exit. You didn’t really need to use the restroom but you're surprised he believed you and left you to go find it. You eventually found the exit and left the building and ran into the woods. You got into Beast Yeast somehow (for the sake of the story the locations are close to each other-) You found yourself in front of the silver tree. There was a crack in the tree and you looked closely to see Shadow Milk Cookie. He noticed you too and was happy to see you again.
“Heh nice to see you again kid, what are you doing here?” You told him your story on how you got captured by someone who was planning on bringing you to someone else. You then asked him why he was in a tree. He told his story and how he got imprisoned. He put some lies in it to make it seem that he was innocent and it wasn't fair that he was here. You believed him and agreed with him when he said it was unfair. Shadow Milk Cookie then grinned and thought of something.
“Hey kid, you think you can help me get out of here.”
In the morning Pure Vanilla went to go check on you. He was shocked when he saw that you weren't in your. He looked around the room to see if you were hiding somewhere but he couldn’t see you anywhere. He started panicking and ran out the room to see if he could find you in the castle. Maybe you woke up early and wanted to explore without him knowing. He started freaking out even more when he couldn’t find you. His last place to look was outside the castle and into the village. You couldn’t have gotten far, you're just a kid. He ran into Gingerbrave and his friends and they asked him why he looked so worried. He explained how he lost you and that he couldn’t find you anywhere. Gingerbrave got worried too and offered to help find you. Pure Vanilla was grateful and was hoping they would find you quickly and that you weren’t in any danger. 
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delicatebarness · 1 month
cry baby | chapter two . five
Summary: Bucky returns to the bar to seek solace after the tense evening.
Warning: Somewhat Bucky POV. Alcohol Consumption. Implied Casual Sex. Toxic Bucky. Emotional Detachment.
Word Count: 1446
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A/N: As you can tell, I'm enjoying going back and writing Bucky's side. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
Tags: @buckys0whore | @thezombieprostitute | @lanabuckybarnes | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @softieekayy | @noonespecial90 | @hello-therree | @randomawesomeperson102 | @whoreforbarnes | @thejutvtsupport | @somnorvos | @cjand10 | @plasticbottleholder | @birdenthusiastez | @am-3-thyst
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602 | @thetorturedbuckydepartment | @lanabuckybarnes
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Bucky walked with purpose into the bar, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his leather jacket. The neon lights blurred around him as the memory of your face flashed through his mind– her pleading eyes, begging him to stop Steve and diffuse the situation. But yet, there was only so much he could do. Still, a part of him that was satisfied to see John knocked down a peg. 
However, as the adrenaline faded, that satisfaction curdled into something else, something he couldn’t make out. Was it guilt? Frustration? Maybe both.
The bartender, Howlett, nodded in recognition as Bucky took a seat at the bar. “The usual, Barnes?” 
Bucky grunted his approval. The dimly lit dive was the kind of place where no one asked questions, regulars like the Avengers came to drink in peace and leave the troubles of this life behind them. And tonight, Bucky didn’t want to talk. He just wanted to drink. 
Moments later, a bottle of beer appeared in front of him. Without savoring the first sip, he downed half the bottle in one go– the warmth of the alcohol spreading through his chest. He tried to quiet the built-up emotions that simmered in the pit of his stomach, but his thoughts were clouded.
It wasn’t just John or Steve. It was you– your look, your helplessness. Bucky couldn’t pinpoint when he started to care, but tonight something stirred in him that he didn’t quite know how to handle. He couldn’t admit it, but watching you with John had bothered him, in more ways than it should have. 
With a sigh, he signaled for another beer before the first one was even finished. 
As Howlett cracked open the second bottle, a presence appeared beside Bucky. A whiff of perfume he didn’t recognize reached him before he turned his head– floral, subtle. He glanced sideways, seeing a woman sliding onto the stool next to him. Bucky noted that she wasn’t flashy, she wore a simple black top with a denim jacket. There was an ease about her as if she’d been at the bar a hundred times before, and as if she knew exactly what she was looking for. 
“You look like someone who’s had one hell of a night,” she casually remarked, slightly turning toward him. She had a curious gaze, yet it wasn’t invasive.
Bucky let out a low chuckle, though he found no real humor in it. “Something like that, Doll.”
She smiled as she gestured toward Howlett. “I’ll have what he’s having.” 
Howlett passed her a bottle, and for a moment, they stayed there, drinking in silence. Bucky did appreciate that she wasn't pressing him for details, no story she tried to dig up. He lacked the energy to rehash the night, and he wasn’t looking for sympathy. Only distractions.
After a few moments, she took another glance over at him, curiosity glinting in her eyes. “Wanna talk about it?” 
Not answering right away, Bucky took another long drink of his beer. “Not really,” he said, though his tone wasn’t harsh, his tiredness was evident. “Just need to get out of my head for a bit.” 
Nodding, she seemed like she understood. “That’s fair enough.” 
For the first time that night, Bucky truly looked at her. Her dark hair grazed her shoulders, hazel eyes were sharp but non-judgmental. Her presence had something steady, uncomplicated– it grounded him. 
“What about you?” he asked. “What brings you here?” 
She took a sip of her beer, shrugging. “Same as you, I guess. Needed a break from everything.” 
Bucky nodded, appreciating her honesty. “Bucky,” he said after a second, offering her his hand.
“Connie,” she replied, shaking his hand briefly before returning to her drink. 
They sat in a comfortable silence for a little while longer, neither of them pushing the other for more than they were willing to give. Bucky felt the tension draining from his shoulders, his anger softening at the edges. 
He had spent the night feeling like he had to manage everyone else’s emotions– Steve’s rage, your distress, even his own confusion about his feelings. Here, with Connie, he didn’t have to do anything else. He could just simply, exist. 
As the night wore on, Howlett called last orders. Bucky and Connie exchanged a glance, and at that moment, they both knew what was coming next. For tonight, neither of them wanted to be alone. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” Connie asked, an unmistakable invitation with a casual tone. 
Without hesitation, Bucky stood. “Yeah. Let’s go.” 
Stepping into the cool night air, they left the bar together. The city buzzed quietly around them but walked to Bucky’s bike silently. His thoughts lingered on the night's events, but as she mounted the bike, he pushed them to the back of his mind. 
There was no need for small talk as they reached his apartment. They both knew this wasn’t about getting to know each other, it was about escape. The tension, the anger, and the guilt– it all melted away for the night as Bucky allowed himself to let go. 
Soft, golden rays spread across the apartment the following morning. Bucky lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He rubbed his face, the remnants of sleep and last night’s emotion hung heavily on him. He could hear Connie’s soft breathing, her bare back rising and falling under the sheets next to him. 
Her skin, the warmth, had been a brief comfort but now it felt stifling. He needed space. He needed to be alone, at least for now. 
Without a word, he sat at the edge of the bed, pulling on his jeans quickly before shoving his feet into his boots. Connie stirred as they thudded softly against the hardwood floor. His mind was elsewhere as he moved toward the small kitchen. 
His mind wandered elsewhere, back to the restaurant, to Steve, to you. Especially you– your wide, pleading eyes filled with tears. The sound of movement came from the bedroom, snapping his attention back to the present, but he did not bother looking up as Connie emerged. She slipped her denim jacket back over her shoulders.
“Coffee?” he muttered, pushing the mug across the counter, not even turning toward her. He wasn’t interested in conversation, especially not in the mood for any lingering pleasantries.
Taking the mug, Connie’s eyes scanned him for a moment before a smirk spread across her lips. “You’re not much of a morning person, are you?” 
He glanced at her, his expression unchanged and not friendly. “Not really.” 
Sipping the coffee, she raised an eyebrow as she leaned against the counter. The once comfortable silence between them stretched out awkwardly. Bucky took a deep breath, he knew it was only a matter of time before she would ask the question they always asked the following morning. 
“So… last night, huh?” she tried to keep her tone casual, but there was an undercurrent of something searching. 
“It was what it was,” Bucky replied, rolling his shoulder, barely a shrug. “That’s all.” 
A flicker of something guarded appeared in her eyes, Connie’s smirk fading. “Right. Just checking.” 
He stared into his coffee mug instead of responding. His truth was that last night hadn’t solved anything for him. Connie was just a distraction, and now that was over the same frustrations came creeping back. 
“You need me to get out of your way or something?” She asked, her tone had lost some of its edge. 
“Yeah,” Bucky replied, he had no care in softening to blow. “I’ve got somewhere I need to be.” 
A small, disbelieving laugh came from Connie as she shook her head. “Figures.” She finished the last of her coffee with a gulp before setting the cup down, a little harder than necessary but Bucky had witnessed worse. “Well, you know how to show a girl a good time, I’ll give you that.” 
Glancing at her again, his expression remained flat. “I didn’t make any promises.” 
She wasn’t stupid; she knew what this was, but that never stopped the sting. She refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing the hurt. “Yeah, well… thanks for the coffee,” she said, pulling the jacket tighter around herself as she headed toward the door. 
The door clicked shut behind her, without even the offer of a parting word from Bucky. He stood for a moment, letting out a long breath through his nose. He didn’t owe her anything, they both knew what it was the second she sat down. She’d get over it, they always did… well, except that one, but Bucky shook the thought of her out of his head. 
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st-kitten · 10 months
hitman toji fushiguro x y/n
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: mentions of killing, dead bodies, openly talking about murder, toji's big dick energy, choking, also just kissing (we need to make kissing sexy. smut ain't the only hot thing)
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you're sitting in a local internet café, studying peacefully, taking sips from your coffee occasionally. the bells hung at the door jingle and someone walks in. from the corner of your eye, you spot a person walking past you. you hear muffled conversation between that person and the cashier. he hands him an envelope, which the stranger shoves into his pocket.
you would've usually ignored people, but this one was hard to look away from. ripped at every edge, dressed in a cashmere sweater that chanted "peace", but paired with a face adorned with a scar that said the complete opposite, this person caught your eye and you kept looking at him.
sadly, you caught his eye too.
"what are ya starin' at, sweetheart?" his voice matched his appearance. hot.
"nothing, i'm blind," you joke, looking away from him.
he scoffs a laugh. he eyes you up and down. toji never took risks, especially if he thought he was being tailed. but you looked like an ordinary girl. black top with the thinnest, most useless noodle-like strips on your shoulder, one of them almost falling off, rose pink bra straps peeking underneath them. you had a short, pleated skirt on, so there was no chance of you hiding a gun. you didn't seem threatening. but, he didn't like loose ends. he sat down in front of you.
"and what do you do?" he asks, looking at you, as if he's waiting for you to slip up.
"studying what?"
"boring," he says. it irks you that he calls it boring, but you roll with it.
"and what do you do?" you ask.
to test you, toji actually replies with the truth. "i'm a hit man." a wide grin sits on his face. instead of seeing discomfort or fear on your face, he sees a spark of curiosity.
"yup. i'm not lyin'. i'm always on the run, after my target. i get paid a lot for it. i'm too good at it."
you just tilt your head and analyse him...
"you're still curious?" he asks with a smirk, seemingly interested by your refreshing demeanour.
"here i thought you were just a nerd. what's your name?"
"i'll give you my name. for a price," you say.
"interesting. aight. i'll bite. what's a fella like me have to do to earn a name?"
you look around the room and spot a man sitting alone at a computer, clearly looking at porn in a corner.
"him..." you say and toji looks at him. "hypothetically, how would you kill him without anyone noticing?" you ask.
"that'd be a toughie. but, i'd say a shot from a hidden distance would do it. but there'd be a chance that it would alert everyone. if not, then..." toji thinks for a moment.
"he's too entertained to notice anyone, so i could... 'hypothetically' take an empty syringe and inject his vital points with air and leave him to die of a stroke."
you smile, satisfied with his answer. "my name is y/n."
toji chuckles, leaning back in the chair. "pleasure to meet you, y/n. what do 'you' do for a living?"
"i study-"
"you already sa-"
his face falters for a second. "murderers? you like studying about...us?"
"what can i say, you lot are entertaining."
"i do take pride in it. you know what, you're something else. i'll give you that."
"so, hypothetically..." you look at him, eyes ablaze with excitement "... how would you kill me?"
"now why'd you bring that up? you're fucking adorable. why would i kill you?'" he smirks, but he's still curious about you. "but hey, to answer honestly, 'hypothetically'... definitely a shot in the back."
you grin. "cold... if you ever must kill me, please kill me like that."
"is that so?" he rests his elbow on the table, leaning forward, a classic smirk on his face. there was something about that got to him.
"i might just like you."
"you're not creeped out? the fact that i'm one of the 'murderers' you study about?"
"i find you fascinating. it takes a unique resolve to take someone's life," you answer.
"i get the adrenaline rush from watching the life drain out of someone. it's hard to explain. it can only be felt." he looks at you, wondering how you're calm.
"how do you get your adrenaline rush?" he asks.
you smirk too. "i get it from autopsies."
he nearly chokes himself. he moves his chair closer to yours. "how so?"
"i get to work with cadavers a lot."
"and you don't feel like throwing up?" he wonders.
"my fascination is stronger than my disgust, so no."
he was definitely intrigued by your straight responses. there was not a smidge of fear on your face. were you actually interested in him?
"here." you spin your laptop around to show him pictures of two brains side by side.
"uh, okay?"
"person..." you point to the one on the right. "... psychopath." you point to the other.
toji gulps slightly. the way you casually have pictures of dead brains on you unsettles him. isn't he the one to carry pictures of his targets?
"can't tell much."
"the other has underdeveloped areas in the brain. no empathy, no emotional wisdom," you say.
"damn. you'd scare the next person to walk in... but i gotta admit... ya got me wondering things."
"and you called neurology boring..." you comment.
he simply laughs. "it's still boring. you're not. why are you so... inquisitive?" he's actually impressed by himself for knowing that word.
"i won't know if you'd actually kill me, but as long as i'm alive, might as well be honest," you say.
"good way of putting it. but if i were to kill you, i wouldn't do it in public. i'd do it somewhere isolated."
"why the isolation?" you ask.
"you've already attracted attention. mr would-ve-been-dead has stared at you at least a dozen times. the cashier too. they'd notice if i were to do something to you. plus, i gotta keep things silent. in the middle of nowhere, is the perfect place to kill you." he's never actually talked about his profession to anyone. so this feels strangely refreshing.
"where's the fun in that tho? if you get anyone alone, it'll always be easy to hurt them, kill them. the thrill is in the chase... the fear you imbibe in your victim... the way you practically spell their death out for them moments before you actually do it."
"i'm beginning to think you're as dangerous as me, y/n. have you thought about killing anyone before?"
you had his complete attention now.
"you might make a tactical assassin. i'll tell you that much."
"i have. but why do it myself? i'd rather orchestrate the perfect murder without lifting my finger," you reply.
toji's eyes light up as he hears you say that. he's someone to work alone, but hearing that from you almost makes him want to have you plan a murder for him.
"exciting isn't it?"
"that's one word for it... i don't know whether i should be scared of you or... i like the way you think. it's unique."
"why would you be scared of me? you're the killer."
he chuckles. "the way you're all calm and collected... it's cute."
you hold back on grinning like an idiot. how does a cold-blooded killer even say the word 'cute'?
"want me to act scared, then?" you ask, wiggling your eyebrows.
"no. i like you as you are..."
you laugh softly. "who knew hitmen could be this charming?"
"aww, ya flattered, y/n? most people would shit their pants and make a run for it..."
"i understand the fear of others. but, i've spent years studying killers, victims, their bodies... you just get used to the gore after a point."
"yer right i suppose. sorry, i gotta say you look fucking hot, smirking like that... like a killer," he says.
you give him another smirk, as a treat. "what's your favourite type of victim?"
he looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "you ask too many questions. why? doesn't it make you wonder that i might snap and kill you?"
"i study killers, toji... i'm not wasting the chance to talk to one. especially since he's being so cooperative..."
"you know what? you're the first person who hasn't bolted out of here. you're actually sitting and talking to me... you're not fazed at all."
instantly, you look at him with fear in your eyes. the kind of fear a victim would have upon nearing death. your hands shake and your breath quickens, your bosom heaving.
toji's expression changes as he takes you in.
you drop the act and regain your composure. "do you like seeing fear in people's eyes?"
"well- that... was certainly something..." he has an eerie expression on his face, but at the same time, he is in awe. the way you suddenly changed your behaviour alarmed him. just enough to impress him. is this how you look when you're scared?
"and yes. i do enjoy it. especially if the fear is because of me and not the fact that they're about to die." his voice seems almost... lustful at the end.
"and what do you do to spark this fear in people?" you ask.
"i'm silent, calm, sometimes i provoke them. i don't rush. i let them run as fast as they can. but i always find them in the end. sometimes i act creepy, unsettling, just to give my targets something to notice and get uncomfortable about. most lose their ability to fight then and there. other times, i stalk them, tracking their movements, always lurking behind them until they lose it."
he seems to enjoy answering your questions.
"can you... show me?" you ask.
his eyes widen. "show you? you're not serious... are you that careless with your life?"
"of course, i don't want you to kill me. but, i'm curious... so... make me afraid."
he stays silent for moment. and then smiles. "i'm going to enjoy this." he meets your eye. "in isolation, as i said..."
you hold out your hand. "lead the way."
he takes it gently, a mischievous smirk on his face. he pulls you out of your chair and opens the door, leading you outside. with the pace of a waltz, he leads you away from the café (fuck the fact that we just left our laptop back there XD).
he develops a smug aura around him. he guides you into a desolate alley. you look around and say, "nice choice."
"you can stay and fight or you can run... pick your poison," he says.
"not one to fight..." you begin taking steps away from him, backing away into the long, dark alley. you pick up the pace and jog backward, still facing him. he patiently walks toward you, one step after the other. he was enjoying it. it was exhilarating.
"i leave the rest to you," you say as you turn around to jog away from him, faster than before.
knowing that you're willing to let him have his way with you turns him on. it's different from actually doing the job. it's more intimate. he can get as creative as he wants and be thanked for it. he walks behind you. being tall, he takes long strides easily and creeps behind you.
you hardly sense his presence. you still feel as if he's miles away. before you can speed up, his hand grabs your hair and pulls you, your back hitting his chest. you let out a small gasp at the pain.
he leans in closer, his breath hovering over your neck. "what are you feeling?"
"not a bad start." he loosens his grip slightly. "you sure you want this?" he whispers in your ear.
"give it your all."
he lets you go momentarily and you run. as fast as you can. your lungs burn hot, yet you can still hear footsteps behind you. it makes your heart pulse. he's chasing you. not rushing. yet somehow, he always finds you. you think of hiding, but it's futile since you're not in actual danger. you take swift strides until the only sound you hear is of your own heart beats. you make the mistake of looking behind. he's not there. maybe you ran too fast.
your body hits another and you swallow in mild shame. dumbass, you tell yourself.
"dumbass," he says as he grabs your arm, yanks you and pushes you into a wall. your back hits the wall hard.
"fight or flight doesn't work when the danger is fake... can't help it," you comment. toji doesn't respond to you. he's silent.
his grip on your arm tightens. he steps forward, closer and closer until you feel his breath on you. yet you feel that something's amiss.
"don't hold back..." you say softly.
toji hid his astonishment well. he had no idea how you saw through him. he tilts his head, looking at you. admiring you. he never bothered to pay attention to his victims. it's always kill, leave, get paid. but seeing the way your body reacts to him, the way your chest heaves, the way your lips part to breath on behalf of your lungs, the way your eyes search for ways to escape, to flee from him, the way he's holding you, the way you're backed into a wall, trapped. it does things to him. how were you enjoying it?
"so far... i'm just attracted to you... terrify me, toji..."
he was not expecting you to admit that. but he was pleased. his eyes ignite with a raw passion. he gazes at you like a hunter does his prey. he turns your own imagination against you.
the hand latched onto your arm runs up to your neck, like a serpent slithering up its prey. with a vice-like grip, he grabs your throat, fingers pushing your flesh. he can feel your pulse. it's well within his grasp to completely shut it.
he's completely consumed by how good it feels to choke someone. the morbid pleasure distracts him, and he becomes infested by the macabre satisfaction of exerting control over another's life. he's nothing thinking about anything but the pulses against his fingers and how they're quickening every second. his touch is both cold and malevolent, a tangible manifestation of the darkness that now envelops him.
your struggle intensifies slightly, but he remains unyielding, a sadistic puppeteer manipulating the strings of your very existence. in that twisted moment, you realise that you are not merely rehearsing an impulsive thought, but confronting an actual physical threat. yet somehow, you can't help but feel vivacious at the same time. you feel every organ in your body trying to keep you alive. your frozen mouth twists into the smallest of smiles.
this snaps toji back into his senses. there's a chilling determination that replaces any trace of hesitation as he brutally hardens his grip around your neck. the blur sharpens and his other hand grabs your waist, pressing you further against the wall. a mild whimper escapes your lips, a haunting sound that pierces through Toji's consciousness like a chilling spear. it only serves to fuel the sinister satisfaction that courses through him.
he wedges his knee between your legs and leans in, breathing against your lips.
"seems i do have a favourite victim after all..." he whispers and presses his lips onto yours, your soft moan melting in his mouth.
to make it hotter, you place your arms on his chest, pushing him away with no strength at all. he chuckles into the kiss, embracing the feeble challenge and presses his body against yours roughly, living for the way you try to resist. your attempts to push him away only serve to stoke the flames of his desire, a sadistic flame that flickers higher with each futile effort. his knee rubs against you and you fail to hold back another moan, which coaxes your mouth open. with a swift lick, toji shoves his tongue inside. he kisses you with an appetite, with more lust, more pride.
it's a chilling acknowledgment that your make-believe struggle is not only noticed but savoured.
dazed, you pull away for a second, cursing at the little thief of joy, your own lungs as they pant breathlessly.
toji losens the grip around your throat slowly, letting blood flow through again. gradually, he removes his hand, admiring the marks his fingers leave behind. he holds you by the waist tenderly.
you hold his bicep to support yourself as you stand up properly, regaining your balance.
"bet you're glad you didn't kill me off," you croak, your voice raspy due to his chokehold.
your eyes meet and you both smirk...
"you knew who i was before i walked in, didn't you?" he asks, feeling like a fool for not seeing it sooner. all those people in the café staring at you were doing just that. staring, keeping a watch. not undressing you, admiring you, lusting over you. just sincerely looking out for you.
"you're gonna arrest me now, sweetheart?"
"tsk," you shake your head.
"why not?"
"you're holding a knife to my throat next time."
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Alfons Sylvatica
Story Event: I want to steal you
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Are you trying to be considerate, sir? Perish the thought. If only I had time to draw and depict Kate tiptoeing behind Al, holding the hem of his coat. 🤭
~~Part 1~~
Kate: "It doesn't have to be your hand... Can I hold the hem of your clothes?"
(I'm definitely going to be teased...)
Alfons: "Please, go ahead. Do as you wish."
Surprised by the unexpected words, I raised my eyes and saw him looking at me with a gentle expression on his face.
Alfons: "Did you get a little startled just now?"
Alfons: "You can grab anywhere you like, not just the hem. Here you are."
Kate: "Mhm, this will do. Thank you."
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Alfons: "Is that so? You're too modest. You should try to be more selfish."
He continued acting flippant as usual, but --
(Is he perhaps trying to match his walking pace to mine?)
Insolent and dishonest - nightmare of a guy. If that was all, I should have just kept my distance.
(But he won't let me do that. It's not fair...)
I was still pondering over this when our search for stolen goods began.
Alfons: "Oh dear, there's so much stuff. It's like Lord El's room."
(This is what Elbert's room looks like..?)
Surrounded by darkness, it was comforting to fill the silence with trivial conversation.
To hide the fear that was creeping inside me, I said the first thing that came to my mind.
Kate: "Oh, come to think of it, Liam told me before --"
Kate: "That you often go out together in the middle of the night."
Kate: "What on earth are you two doing?"
~~Part 2~~
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Alfons: "Are you curious about Liam? Or me?"
(Since you're trying to tease me like that right away...)
Kate: "As a fairytale writer, I want to know about both of you."
Alfons: "That's an extremely boring, convenient answer. Well, it's fine I guess..."
Alfons: "Liam has to satisfy his curiosity on a regular basis because of the curse."
Alfons: "As for me, being a hedonist and a fun lover, our interests coincide..."
Alfons: "Before we knew it, we were playing around together, looking for ways to satisfy our needs."
Kate: "Curiosity, huh..."
Alfons: "Yes, jumping from roof to roof while drunk in a game where if you fall, you're out."
Alfons: "Then there's ... a chicken race, where you ride your horse to the very edge of a cliff."
Kate: "I had a hunch of what it might entail, but it went way beyond that..."
Alfons: "I'm glad to see I've exceeded your expectations."
Alfons: "There are also things that shouldn't be shared with others. Oh, would you like to accompany me sometime?"
Kate: ".... regretfully, I must decline."
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Alfons: "Oh, well, that's a shame."
With a chuckle, he picked up a dusty marble lying at his feet.
Kate: "...?"
~~Part 3~~
When Alfons held it up, the marble glowed faintly.
Alfons: "That man needs to forget reality."
Alfons: "You're starting to realise that, aren't you?"
Kate: "... Yes. Somehow."
Liam's curiosity wasn't just due to his curse.
He was always the first to come to me when I was having a hard time or feeling sad.
He generously offered me his time and tried to make me feel at ease.
Just as someone could understand people's suffering because they've been hurt before,
I was sure Liam knew a lot of pain and sorrow.
That's why, in order to breathe, he was forced to colour his dark and gloomy existence with curiosity and excitement.
At that moment, I remembered the words Alfons had casually uttered to me before.
(That was the first time when he used his ability to `change one's perception` on me)
*flashback starts*
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Alfons: "Life is a tragedy. The painful reality is that even if you struggle, you can't change it."
Alfons: "Then what's wrong with escaping into a dream?"
*flashback ends*
(I didn't think about the meaning of his words at the time, confused by the fact I was being toyed with)
Yet those words lingered in my heart ever since.
Alfons was a fun-loving hedonist who enjoyed showing people illusions.
But now he told me that while spending time with Liam, he realized there was something this man desperately wanted to forget.
(In a way, this seems like a good idea. Or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself)
(What if Alfons...)
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(What if he's showing illusions to various people in order to escape his own painful reality?)
Suddenly we heard a noise from the end of the corridor and looked at each other.
Kate: "... Is it the culprit?"
Alfons: "Hmm, I wonder. Kate, stay behind me."
We walked down the hallway towards the source of the noise -- only to find someone we weren't expecting.
~~Part 4~~
Old man: "...Who are you people?"
Nestled in a deep armchair was an elderly grey-haired man.
(Could this be the culprit? I can't imagine it)
It was as if the building recognized him as its master, the way he blended in with his surroundings.
Alfons: "My cat wandered in. I sincerely apologize for trespassing on your property."
Old man: "Oh yeah? I thought you were the bunch of idiots who had once again come here uninvited."
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Alfons: "`Again`... you say?"
Old man: "Lately, a group of men have been sneaking in at night."
Old man: "They take advantage of empty rooms and turned the house into their hangout."
(I wonder... why did they leave this old man alive?)
The man lived here alone and most likely given up on stopping the criminals from using the property without permission.
His presence posed a threat to them.
If by some chance the rumours reached the police, they would raid this place... and that would be the end of the story.
It was hard to believe that people who committed murder to steal something of value hesitated to kill.
Old man: "...Oh, I'm sorry. I got carried away with my guests and neglected you."
(Huh? Is there anyone else in this room?)
I looked around but, as far as I could see, only the three of us were present there.
Soon, I realised that he was talking to a portrait of a woman placed next to him.
Old man: "Will you forgive me? Yes, you've always liked guests."
As I stood there perplexed, Alfons whispered softly in my ear.
Alfons: "…Ah, I see. The culprits must have decided that it'd be more troublesome to kill someone who wasn't in their right mind."
Alfons: "What do you think we should do with this man, Kate?"
Kate: "What do you mean...?"
Alfons: "With my ability, I may be able to wake him up from the dream he's having."
Alfons: "This way we will gain his testimony and our mission will become easier."
We didn't know what the man sitting in front of us could see.
But the expression on his face as he gazed at the painting was one of happiness...
Kate: "I --."
~~Part 5~~
In the end, we seized the stolen goods as evidence and decided to carry out the sentence at a later date.
In a way that would not cause any harm to the man living in the house.
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Alfons: "Why didn't you bring him out of his dream into reality?"
At that time, I asked Alfons to leave things as they were.
Kate: "That man needed a dream to live, and... I didn't see anything wrong with that."
Kate: "Regardless of whether the dream was convenient or not."
Kate: "Besides..."
Kate: "I thought that's what you'd have done."
Alfons: "...."
The moment I finished saying that, Alfons grabbed me and pulled me to his chest.
The sound of gunfire echoed near my ears, and potted plants strewn across the garden were shattered by bullets.
Man with a stubble: "...so, you decided to enter our place uninvited?"
The man's gaze was fixed on the stolen goods we had confiscated.
(This man is one of the culprits...)
Man with a stubble: "I can't let you live now that you've seen too much... go to hell!"
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Alfons: "Now, now. Aren't you the one who's trespassing in this house?"
Alfons immediately rushed behind the man and twisted his neck, knocking him out in the blink of an eye.
Alfons: "Oops, I guess I forgot to mention we were his fellow trespassers."
Alfons: "Shall we make him our prized `confiscated item`?"
Having secured the stolen goods, we walked through the city at night.
Only then did I realise that my hands were shaking slightly.
--- The sound of gunshots in my ears was enough to remind me of the scene from last night I was trying to forget.
(...I hate it. I want to forget last night and the fear that remains in my heart)
(I don't want to be held in its grasp forever)
As I clenched my hands so that no one would notice my distress, I felt Alfons tap me on the shoulder.
Alfons: "Kate, Kate. Do you have a little more time to spare?"
Kate: "...? Yes, I don't have anything planned for tonight..."
Alfons: "Splendid. Then I'd like you to stay with me for a while longer."
Kate: "Eh...?"
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Alfons: "Since Liam is not around, I don't want to waste this rare opportunity to do all sorts of shameless, dirty things to you."
Alfons: "Now that our mission is complete, let's extend our date. It's going to be a fun, fun night, am I right?"
Chapter 3 Premium
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bookdork1 · 4 years
Someone who’s been here longer than me and knows the ancient lore- why did we not see Jo and Ellen for over two seasons until they were brought back just to be used as canon fodder?? I know the show likes to blame its large female fan base for its own misogyny (in that all the women watching just got so upset seeing the boys interact with *gasp* women, so...therefore.....the show, uh, couldn’t write any female characters unless they were destined to die soon) but is that the real reason? That just seems so hard to swallow considering that my own (albeit heavily warded) bubble of tumblr absolutely loves both these characters and ash and what they brought to the show....so like yeah just anyone with the knowledge can you answer if it really was because of larger fandom/GA dislike (at the time) or just a network and/or writing decision? 
I’m also really curious as to if they *were* doing it because of fandom dislike, was it just pandering to the b*bros or w*ncesties because at that point in like s2 this show was still pretty small in its fanbase and that subsection of fandom was the most vocal and therefore had the false appearance of being the majority? 
I also wonder about how Ruby was received- what’s the backstory behind the actress change to Gen- was that just Katie Cassidy getting a different role on something or was there bts drama? How did (the non crazy portion of) the fans react to Ruby’s character when she was introduced? Or Bela’s? And would those reactions actually have effected the characters’ arcs in the story *if* fan reactions also negatively effected ratings (I’m thinking similar to- though opposite of- Cas being written off and then brought back due to fan outrage that tanked s7 ratings)? Did that happen with any female characters in which their presence actually did effect ratings of the show? 
The other only really long term multi-episode character to consider (in that they directly affected sam or dean, so i’m not including meg or hannah, since they were more connected with cas and while rowena is connected to sam, her initial introduction is via crowley) is Amelia, but she- like Lisa- always seemed intended to have a short shelf life as love interest developed off screen, so even if people didn’t like her I don’t think there was ever intention to keep her around. Idk I just think this misconception that still exists that female fans didn’t want female characters on the show and that’s why they were so few and far between- specifically in the first half or so of the show- is so gross and an entirely unfair cop out by the producers/network/some writers. besides Charlie and Mary and Eileen (and kinda Billie) every other woman the boys meet sticks around for maybe an episode and that’s it. And of those above four almost everyone (including the GA) was angry at the brutal murders bucklemming served Charlie and Eileen, love or hate Mary her being fridged twice for man pain is beyond ridiculous and not something to blame fans for and Billie just got randomly villainized at the end (but prior to the final arc of s15 most people liked her as death), so i don’t feel like fans were particularly gunning for any of those characters aside from maybe mary (i’m not sure how big the fandom split on her actually is). ***plus 3/4 of the above mentioned characters plus everyone in wayward sisters (besides Jody) were all developed and created in the final third of the show, which I think is truly illustrative of dabb and co taking the reins and writing some wrongs when it came to women rep on the show (not you bucklemming you can choke)***
Idk I got rambly at the end but anyone who knows anything about any of my incoherent points please please answer this!
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bokutosbubblebutt · 3 years
Chapter: Happiness || Teaser
To be honest, it was really a miracle how you got there. You never expected that your parents would allow you to leave the house, to go outside, meet other people, start a life.
After never ending discussions, trying to find a compromise, they really said yes.
"We will try it a few months and if we are satisfied, if they can keep you safe, you can stay!"
You never felt more happy in your entire life. You finally could go outside, start a life, meet people, make finally friends and maybe even fall in love. Something you had dreamt about since you started reading.
Even though there was a high chance of being forced to go back to your place, the place that was supposed to keep you safe from every injury possible, you tried to make the best out of it. Even though there was a high chance of getting hurt and accidentally killing yourself, you tried your best to enjoy it.
Nervous but excited you were standing in front of your new teachers office, Mr. Aizawa. You already read about him in a superhero blog. He was the one, who could easily erase the quirks of his enemies and then capture them with his weapon. Pretty impressive, in your opinion. Simple but very effective.
It was really early in the morning. The classes usually start around 8:20 and it was 7:30 now. Already a bunch of people came across your way. You greeted everyone nicely and smiled at them but they all seemed to be in a hurry and stressed. Well, it was the first day of a new school year and taking care of such a big school with so many future pro heroes must be really complicated.
The school. Overwhelming! The campus was gigantic and had so many buildings, grounds and areas. You barely ever left your house, so it happens that you even got overwhelmed by only visiting the shopping center sometimes. Such a big place with so many different individuals made you panic a bit, and since you weren't used to being surrounded by people, you may suffered from social anxiety but the excitement and your curiosity made you gladly forget about it.
Your only concern right now was that you just tried to not get lost in here.
The whole atmosphere was completely different than at home. Here, it made you feel free like living an exciting life full of many people and different activities. At home, it was like a constant feeling of not being yourself or more like not knowing yourself.
And it smelled different here. It smelled like something sweet and dangerous, but quite serious as well. The sweetness definitely came from a lady that walked past you a few minutes ago. You recognized her immediately by her hero costume. It was the pro hero Midnight. For some reasons you've always looked up to her. She just always did what she wanted, not caring about what others think or tell her, sometimes you wish you could be like her but no, not in your situation.
Nervously you stared at the ceiling, trying to count the blue and white stripes on the metallic plates and not taking care about the things that happened around you. The counting helped you focus on one thing and made you forget about your nervousness.
"You need to go to Mr. Aizawa as well, right?" a deep voice made you snap back to reality and loose your concentrated trance.
A tired looking boy with really dark circles under his eyes was staring at you, scanning your appearance. He looked pretty buff and intimidating at the first sight. His indigo hair was standing up in all directions and made him look really tall. Awkwardly he turned his body towards the door and back to you.
"No taking?" He asked again and stared confused at you. The boy tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. Again his eyes scanned your body. Since you fiddled with your fingers the whole time, your hand caught his attention. A scar was going down from your middle finger to your wrist.
He had never seen you before. He would remember such a sick looking girl. You were really skinny and pale. You had completely grey eyes and light grey, almost white, hair, which stopped straight above your shoulders. Your whole appearance was ghost like and, to be honest, kinda sad. You looked so skinny, your cheekbones clearly defined, a big gap between your legs and like it would only take one little blow, probably just a little refreshing wind in the summer, to make you fly away. If you had a little bit more meat on your body, you would look prettier, he thought but that was just his opinion.
Perplexed you looked at him in shock, still not fully realizing what he just said to you. He's going to be the first person you ever had spoken to besides the people your parents hired and your online friends. He is the one, the first one.
"Uhm, no, I mean yes. I-, I am just nervous. Birfst, I mean first big day, you know."
you stuttered awkwardly and blushed in embarrassment. Amused the boy smirked and leaned back against the wall.
Great, the first sentence and you immediately fucked up, you thought. He probably must now be thinking that you are stupid and not able to speak, great.
Again you were staring at the ceiling, counting how many stripes the pattern had to make you forget about what a nervous wreck you actually were right now and he was silently watching you. Again he was trying to remember the person who was standing in front of him, trying to find out if he had seen you before but such a sick and sad looking girl was someone, he definitely would remember.
After waiting some more minutes the door suddenly opened and a man with long black hair and eyes that looked like they would fall shut every second, was standing in the door frame. Mr. Aizawa.
"Come in" he said and walked back into the room.
The boy turned around and walked into the room as well. The office was really messy and many stacks of papers were laying around. It smelled like coffee in here and the morning sun heated up the air, making the little dust particles that were floating around able to see. It was this kind of mixture that gives you a headache if you stay in here for too long.
„You two are the only one who are going to transfer to Class 2-A." he explained and sat down at his desk, trying to find something.
Both Class 2-A? The boy must be one of your new classmates then, you thought. You just hoped that he's not one of those school bullies, who make fun of others, will steal your money and put you into the toilet like you already have read about in some books. 
„I already filled out your forms and put them together in your folder. The only thing you need to do, is designing your hero costume but I can't find the sheet for it right now. I'm gonna be right back. Please go trough it and check if we missed something" he handed you your folders and then went through another door.
Your folder was pretty thin if you compare it to the other one. Well, obviously because there was not much information about you so far. Only your stats like height, weight and birthday and of course a description of your quirk.
Quickly you read through everything and checked if there were any mistake and surprisingly there was one. Just a small one but still something you better don't forget.
Curious you were eyeing the other folder and tried to read the boys' stats. After he went to the next page, you finally could read some single words if his quirk description.
"Your quirk is brainwashing?" you suddenly asked and smiled at him in excitement. „How cool! You must be pretty powerful with that, hu?"
Shocked the boy looked at you because he didn't expected you to speak so loudly. He thought you were more shy and quiet, your appearance didn't matched how you talked.
„Uhm, not really." he answered and closed his folder.
„I think it's a pretty cool quirk. How does it work?" you asked the next question and turned your body towards his, grabbing the arm rests of your seat.
„If someone answers me I can activate it." he explained and put the folder back on the desk, still shocked and not knowing how to act.
„But you can control when you activate it or not?"
He simply nodded and looked at you.
„My name is Y/N L/N but you can call me (Nickname). Nice to meet you!" you laughed with a big smile and offered your hand to shake it.
„I'm Hitoshi Shinsou, nice to meet you."
So this is the first chapter of one of my stories I am currently writing on Wattpad
It’s called Chapter: happiness
If you liked the first chapter and are now interested in what’s going to happen next, here’s the link
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rieson · 4 years
@eternalreverie-acestan submitted; Hai I apologize if I’m not doing this correct I’m still new to tumblr but may I request a matchup for one piece? im rev I’m an afab non-binary enfp 5’7. 112ibs(underweight so I’m scrawny) I have black dyed hair that wavy pale skin I would say I’m quiet and reserved when not comfortable or used to someone and in large crowds but when I’m with friends or ppl I trust I’m a bit of a loose cannon I pull pranks , explore random places , and will do anything suggested or dared of me. sorry again if I did this wrong.
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hello !! I'm glad to find another fellow afab enby here hehe, thank you for requesting mx. rev, i match you up with . . .
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word count; 997
Sabo !
When you first joined the revolutionary army, you weren't really the talkative type, leaving alot of things unknown about you.
Knowing that, Sabo did his best to get to know a fellow revolutionary better!
He'd start being subtle about it but that went out of the window after the first few days since he couldn't contain his usual calm-but-feral attitude for long.
Hell he even asked Dragon for information about you-
Dragon only raised an eyebrow at him. (Dammit)
Taking a shaky breath, Sabo finally knocked on Dragon's office door.
He waited for a few seconds to go by before he heard a small 'Come in.'
He did as told and peeked a head inside the room before walking in and shutting the door.
"Is there something you need, Chief of Staff?" Dragon asked with his usual monotone voice, but you can hear curiosity if you listen closely.
"I-Uh" Sabo stammered.
Dragon looked at him.
"Doyou...know about that new revolutionary girl Rev?"
"Yeah..Is there something wrong with Rev?"
"Uh No!- Wait no not really- I just wanted to know a bit information about er because she seemed uncomfortable whenever i approached her, i was only trying to be friends I swear!-"
After awhile though, Sabo did end up befriending you and was able to hold a proper conversation with you.
You told him that you identified as an Enby and he'd be supportive of it!
He will although apologize for misgendering you for the past few weeks he's been trying to befriend you.
You'd tell him it's okay and you don't mind using any pronouns but he'd insisted he'll use they/them from now on.
Sabo isn't the overly protective type but seeing you, he really can't help but do so.
He can and will use your preferred pronouns and defend you or 'kindly' correct someone whenever they misgender you.
But if they misgender you on purpose?
Hoo boy, let's just say that's another body to be putted 6ft underground ^^
God knows how many times he's given someone a glare for misgendering you.
Would often comfort you with small gestures after that happens!
Ex; Back rubs, telling you that you're valid, and others.
"Is that your girlfrie?-"
"Partner. They're my partner, Rev uses they/them pronouns." Sabo answers with a venomous tone with a small smile just as the question comes out of the strangers mouth.
The stranger shivers at the tone Sabo sent his way.
"R-Right! And what would you lovely couple like to get?"
Turning his head towards your direction, he sent a genuine smile, "What would you like for lunch Rev?"
Smiling back at your blonde boyfriend, you scanned the menu and said "Can i...get [favorite food]?"
Sabo nodded, adverting his gaze to the vendor back again, "1 [favorite food] and 3 bowls of ramen please."
Oh man, you and sabo isn't really the best duo to get paired with in missions.
Due to your curious nature (wanting to explore random places you've never seen before), you both usually get reeled into sticky situations before you both even know it.
Koala hates it.
You and Sabo loves it.
Ah !! And regarding your curious nature, Sabo likes to take you on exploring dates !!
You'd both probably go somewhere you and Sabo agreed to explore on, and you'll either come back with nothing but scratches or piles souvenirs, no in-between.
Dragon and Koala scolds you but does nothing to stop you both, so you and your boyfriend just keep doing it.
"Oh my god, i swear i'm gonna get white hairs soon if you both keep doing this" Koala pinched the bridge of her nose as she lets out an irritated huff.
"Oh, I thought you were already a grandm- OW!" Sabo winced as Koala pinched both of his cheeks, stretching them unnaturally long.
"Shut up! Why did you even give consent to this?!"
Sabo squirmed under her piercing gaze, looking towards you for help as you crossed your arms signaling an ❌ sign, indicating that no; you won't help him get out of this situation.
You still had a life to live ! Let Sabo handle Koala's scary outbursts; nope, you aren't gonna get in the middle of it.
Sabo merely sent you a look of betrayal in return.
Also, you have a special corner filled with polaroids or the souvenirs you and sabo gathered while exploring in your office !!
When new revolutionaries come inside your office to send in their reports, they'll usually eye at the weird oh so fabulous displays of rocks, hats, sunglasses, polaroids of sabo being an idio- for awhile, but most of them chose to ignore it to respect your privacy.
But, there are also some nosy revolutionaries who had enough confidence to ask about said corner
Yes Iva I'm looking at you
"Ooh, what's this Rev-san? Oh my! Sabo-boy looks hilarious in these!" Iva spoke out as they eyed the polaroids one by one, snorting every so often.
Leaning back against your chair and stretching your arms til' you heard a satisfying 'pop!' sound, you turn towards Iva, "Oh those? It's a collection of things me and sabo gathered during our exploration dates!"
Iva sighs happily, "Ah, teenagers these days are so romantic!~"
You giggled in response.
Oh yeah, Sabo loves to hug you from behind and just dwarf your body with his height lol
At occasions where both you and sabo don't have any missions at the moment, (which is rare but there are times like these) he'll suggest playing truth or dare with you, not knowing about your chaotic side.
And hoo boy, it usually leads to an all-out prank war between you both (SOMEHOW)
Poor Koala and Hack has to clean up after you and your boyfriend's mess all the time.
Also, Sabo would try and help you dye your hair back whenever it fades, it ends messily but hey atleast he tried.
Sabo loves you; and could never ask for more.
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acK i had a hard time matching you up with someone because the whole time i was switching between op characters, deciding which would fit with you more.
so, i apologize if sabo isn't the most compatible! although, this is only my take on who would balance well for you.
note; this isn't proofread, so i apologize for any grammatical errors.
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a-swines-baptism · 4 years
🎂 [hewo I'm coming with either Samuel or Bass, whoever you prefer :3]
If we’re mutuals, send 🎂 and I’ll make you a treat!
{For this treat, @the-bastard-entity, I’m going to give us a look at one of many possible futures. Nothing nsfw, but cut for length.}
Amanda was a terribly good killer when she wanted to be. Some killers take too long to get to the kill, some play with their food, and some take the time to try and fraternize with their prey-- though a correction is always quick to follow those contemptible few. But the Pig, she’s industrious. Head down, methodical, ruthless. Even when she toys with the Survivors, placing those brutal deathtraps on their head, it’s always efficient. Not unlike a butcher, just another day at the slaughterhouse. Frankly, it’s for this reason that the upstart Entity usually doesn’t pay all that much attention to her trials. They just aren’t nearly as entertaining as they could be-- and they could be amazing. Her mind is built for cruelty in such a unique and special capacity. But with the attitude she carries out her games with, even watching the timer on a trapped mask go off and rip someone’s jaws apart can get old. The only exceptions seem to be when Jude’s involved. Seeing the way they have to dance around conflict with each other, it’s very dramatic. Pulls at the heartstrings, and when they’re placed on opposite sides like this there’s at least a chance for a trial worth watching. Otherwise, it’s just... old hat.
Anyways, his angel’s not there now. In the trial, that is. There’s no reason for the Entity to be watching Amanda go through the motions again, beyond the slight sliver of awareness he holds across the entire Fog. Or at least, that’s how it seems at first. The only thing that keys him off to any difference is a faint pulse of displeasure, coming from one of their fellow Entities... whichever one of their kin the Pig happens to be feeding this time, no one they’re familiar with. It’s a simple task to shift his awareness away from his personal realm, like looking over one’s shoulder-- and he’s greeted with a grisly spectacle as the pig-headed killer punches her knife through the hand of a screaming survivor, nailing it to their throat and twisting the blade for good measure. A memento mori... from her of all people? Now this is unusual.
As he watches, the Pig stands from her kill and starts to chase after the next one... and kills him the same way. And then the third meets the same fate. The Entity can feel frustration pouring off his brethren, denied food like this, but his interest is too piqued to do anything but watch as she runs down the last victim. What is she doing, what would possess her to break from her habits so hard...? The Pig’s cornered the last survivor now, and this time she pauses before doing anything. Looks around, locks eyes with the nearby crow that the Entity is currently watching through. And then she places a bear trap over their head, sets the timer, and with a deft stroke draws her blade deep across both their wrists.
Now he gets it. Somewhat.
Curiosity piqued, the Entity lets himself draw inwards, appearing out of the fog as the trial evaporates and standing behind Amanda. “That was quite the show,” he remarks, a smug grin pulling across his face as she turns to face him. “I’m sure you’ll be paying for it later. But I’ll admit I’m a little curious, what’s got you trying to attract my attention like this, little piggy?” He half-expects her to bull rush him any moment, not that it would end well for her. The killer is nothing if not headstrong, after all, especially when it comes to what she hates. But the attack doesn’t come; instead, there’s a moment of silence. “Go on, say your piece,” he prompts after a moment of staring down her pale blue eyes through her mask, his own golden eyes narrowed in a mixture of curiosity and amusement. “You went through all this trouble to get me here, there���s no point in wasting each other’s time like this.”
There’s another beat of silence, shorter this time, before she speaks. “Do you like Jude?” There’s a hesitance in her voice, blunting the usual aggression (although it’s certainly still there). “--Not as a plaything, either, you know what I mean.” He raises an eyebrow at the question, the faintest hint of laughter behind his words. “Amanda, dear, I know you hate me, but you can’t possibly be getting jealous, can y--” “Answer the fucking question.” She cuts him off, actually taking the young god aback the slightest bit. Not because of her nerve, but because of the odd lack of malice in her voice. “--Please. I know you’re gonna fuck with me, I know that’s what you do, but I’m asking for a reason. Tell me.” That’s all. No insults, no smartass comments, she’s actually minding herself for once. It’s odd, just adding to the pile of oddness that this entire encounter is. And the Entity finds himself pausing, actually considering her question— purely out of curiosity, mind. He wants to know where she’s going with this.
“Jude is many things... beautiful. Fiery. So very sweet, I’m sure you’d agree with all that,” he responds, tapping his chin idly in mock thoughtfulness. “He is many wonderful things, and these things outweigh his annoyances. So I would say I am fond of him. Does that satisfy you?” He grins a smug, condescending grin as he regards the curious killer. “I’m an Entity, piggy. Caring about his kind is like asking you to care for an ant. But I am fond of him, sure.” Amanda seems to process this for a second, before she sighs and shakes her head. “Fine, then are you ever going to punish him again?” Her tone is still as unusually controlled, but the Entity can hear loathing pulse under the skin of her words. Again, a strange question, doesn’t she understand what he is? Granted... well, surely Jude’s learned by now. “...Not unless it was required.” Hardly a guarantee, hardly safe. But as good as one could expect from such a god. “Now it’s your turn to answer a question, though. Why does anything I say about it matter? Sure, you’re scared for Jude, but your mind’s already made up on me, isn’t it? Tell me, Amanda, what warrants all this?” He gestures again to the trialground, to the bodies.
There’s a very long pause before she speaks. “Yeah, my mind’s made up on you. Kind of hard to feel anything besides hate after you did... what you did, to both of us. To him.” She stops, hesitating. “--But for some reason, whatever you did to him... he can’t feel the same way. I see that, and... I don’t fucking know, maybe this is me feeling like I can keep him safe? Or make things easier... I don’t know. But the fucking tension here is gonna get him hurt one way or another, so... I have to do this.” She seems to direct the last bit at herself, before raising her hands and clenching them nervously. Snap, out comes the blade, and the Entity just watches, bemused. A long claw spiders quietly out of the ground behind her, tensing to strike--
And then she relaxes her hands, and the knife withdraws. And she’s left with her hands up, a gesture of surrender. And it’s just enough of a surprise to cause the readied talon to pause. “--I want to be your killer. If he’s going to go with you... I’m not letting him go alone.” The fog is quiet. And the Entity has a choice.
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arcticlee · 5 years
What are your thoughts on the idea of Vergil living among ordinary people to better embrace his human side( and to be a better brother and father). Soon he started falling for an employee of his favorite bookshop. So he's trying to ask her out without creeping her out. He seems like someone who has zero socialising skills. I think that would be funny. Especially if Nero or Dante had to give him tips. (I'm not a native speaker, please, excuse my mistakes)
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  It was unusual for him and not only the dating part. Falling back to the mundane of human life, for once putting down his sword and burying himself in literature and classical music. It was both calming yet alien and he didn’t know how Dante could do it when he had so much power hiding inside him- wasting it all away on something so unimportant and unnecessary. The urge was still there, continuously pushing him to leave his brother’s side, to abandon his son and return to his lonewolf days. He chose not to. Because he had someone else who was keeping him in the same city, someone who caught his eye the moment he first stepped into the local library.
  She was smart, knew a lot about literature and was the first person to warmly greet him. He was taken aback by her aura: so lively yet kind and gentle at the same time: a big contrast to his cold and calm nature. She showed him around the building, asking for his favorite authors while also sharing her own. He could do nothing else but let it all unfold, admire her from aside as she walked him along the shelves, sharing smiles and quotes of his favorite poets.
  He couldn’t shake her out of his head even after he thanked her for the books and headed to his temporary place at Devil May Cry. Dante soon noticed something odd about him and couldn’t help but point it out in his usual cocky manner as he nudged him playfully with his elbow, throwing him out of yet another daydream. Vergil knew at this point that hiding behind his book wouldn’t help him escape from prying eyes and curious questions. Especially when a nosy fool like Dante was around.
     "Look at you all heart eyes here, you think I didn’t notice you sitting all head in the clouds? Tell me, who is she and when did you meet her? And how in the world did you even manage to catch one’s attention with your awkward ass,“ Dante spew out the words as he slumped down next to him on the couch, his sharp elbow cutting into his side. Vergil only glanced at him with the corner of his eye, exhaling loudly through his nostrils as he clenched down all the words that he wanted to throw back at him. He decided to keep his tongue behind his teeth and ignore the man’s stupidity. It was just not worth it.
     "Growing jealous there, brother?” he finally answered, making sure to accentuate his last word with extra smugness as a small smile soon tugged at the corners of his lips. He heard Dante let out a breathy laugh and felt him shift as he crossed his arms over his chest.
     "Tell me more then, is she pretty? Where’d you meet her?“ Dante continued pressing for more, clearly curious to know who got his interest. That was the first time he ever saw Vergil so lost in thought and so… content. He knew it had to be someone special and decided to shake for more information when silence answered back.
     "C'mon, I know someone caught your eye, you ain’t gonna fool me with that book you’re clearly not reading,” Dante gestured at the book his brother was still holding open in his hand, his eyes trailing the lines but not reading out their meaning. He stopped on the end of the paragraph glancing back at Dante with the corner of his eye, a louder exhale leaving his nostrils as he clenched his jaw in defeat.
     "I met her in a library,“ he spoke out in a far more casual tone than he expected it to come out. “And she is, indeed, a very beautiful woman,” he added soon after, eyes never even daring to tear away from his book, trying to act as if it was yet another usual conversation even though deep inside he was burning, earning to get up and hide from Dante’s curiosity. He knew he wouldn’t be able to avoid it. That man was as stubborn as a splinter under a nail.
      “So when you gonna ask her out?” the ultimate question fell from his lips and Vergil felt as if he got kicked in the gut out of nowhere, his breath hitching just a bit but not loud enough for Dante to hear.
     "That’s none of your business,“ he answered defensively as his head turned to his brother, piercing blue eyes meeting his under an angry gaze.
  Vergil knew it wouldn’t work on him, he’d still nag him until satisfied with all the information gained. And just like on cue a loud “oh c'mon” erupted from his chest, bringing the same annoyed frown back onto Vergil’s face.
     "You gotta ask her out if you want things to go somewhere,“ Dante continued uninterrupted as he sent him a knowing look. But he was right after all, he spent weeks now returning to the same library to trade books for the new ones even though his main intent was hearing her voice and feeling her fingertips lightly touch his. Listening to her laugh and feeling her warm presence next to him.
  It took him a lot of courage to finally talk himself into doing it. He let Dante ramble on about romance, dinner ideas and how to leave a good impression on a woman. For his own foolish-self, Dante knew a lot. Probably gained a lot of experience while living away his days among the normal, unlike him.
  He was growing nervous each step he took towards her, continuously fighting with the thought of turning around and leaving as soon as possible. He didn’t want to face the embarrassment, the awkwardness of it all. He kept repeating the same words in his head over and over again like some mantra, telling himself that he had it under control yet screaming for him to leave.
  But before he could even decide to do the latter, she was already there- facing him and greeting him once again with the same smile that wrapped its hands around his cold bleeding heart, melting away at it slowly. He mirrored her expression instinctively, nervousness taking a hold of his emotions as he stood there awkwardly for a moment too long before he remembered he didn’t mutter anything proper to her just yet.
     "Is everything okay, Vergil?” he heard her speak up, worry evident in her voice. He snapped back into it quickly as he blinked once, his gaze focusing itself back on her face.
     "Yes, um…“ he hummed, already beating himself deep inside for making things awkward even before he made any further moves. "I’m just pleased to see you again. How was your day?” he finally managed to glue together a few sentences that would start a casual conversation as he listened to her talk about her day at work. He never really gone as far as to ask about her personal life, always staying close to his matter at hand, which was literature. He only heard her talk about herself when she chose to share it with him, not when he asked her to do so. So this was new. For both of them and she was slightly taken aback by it as she pointed it out to him, catching him completely off guard.
     "Well… I grew accustomed of this place more and more, I thought getting to know you better would help me further in this process,“ he answered, trying to hide his embarrassment as much as possible, even though she was slowly catching up with him and his entire deal. She only smiled at him sweetly and moved forwards, already feeling his piercing blue eyes trail her as he followed after in slow steps.
     "We have all the time in the world, Vergil,” she spoke out in a rather playful tone, smiling to herself as he continued to gaze at her secretly from the side.
     "Maybe a part of that time could be dedicated to a cup of tea and some poetry reading? I always wanted to hear a woman as charming as you read me some Blake,“ he suggested out of nowhere, his confidence slowly overtaking his awkwardness as the same small smile ghosted over his lips.
  She stopped in her tracks out of nowhere and her whole body turned towards him as she leaned into him slightly on her tiptoes, the height difference not letting her reach his ear entirely as her hand slid up his arm sending a sudden current through his body that made him freeze in his spot.
     "I would love to,” she whispered close to his earlobe, her voice suddenly sounding too seductive as he felt her warm breath tickle the side of his neck with every word she spoke. He could smell her perfume, deep cinnamon mixed in with sweet scent of flowers that made his head almost dizzy. He wanted to pull her in, the sudden closeness toying with his emotions to the point where he was close to losing his stoic control. But she was quick enough to pull away, letting out a breathy laugh when she noticed his expression.
     "Is that some redness I see on your cheeks?“ she teased, her tone coming back to the same playfulness as before, acting as if nothing happened between them just a moment ago.
     "I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he only answered, which quickly dropped the tension by half as she shook her head and headed towards the bookshelves, already expecting him to follow her.    
I had a fun time writing this, thank you for your request, anon :)
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blackroom93 · 4 years
And we've reached number 1.
Sometimes your number 1 is there just because it made you feel content with everything at one point in time. Like the stars had somehow aligned for you. Or something like that.
Editors (2017)
Well, that was a nice night. And a night in which I felt lucky.
In between the end of Glass Animals' set, there was a wave of people going in the back. That gave me the opportunity to go in the front row along with a friend and her group. Which pleased me. It made me feel so nice that I started bragging about it before the set even started. (Weird, given that I'm not the type to brag, but it doesn't really matter)
I was really enthusiastic about the gig. About being front row, about their music. But how did everything ended up being?
Well, great. We had streamers (Cold), fireworks (e.g.The Racing Rats) and flames (e.g.Sugar). We had both older songs and unreleased ones (4, to be specific). We had Tom Smith being intense (e.g. Eat Raw Meat=Blood Drool) and playing with the audience (in relation to Magazine, then unreleased). We had Russell Leetch being supportive of the audience and encouraging them to be as active as possible. I got emotional during Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors. I had a ton of fun during An End Has A Start. I felt good during Blood and Munich….and Ocean of Night too, even if I felt like it and Life Is A Fear could've been dreamier.
And Papillon was just crazy. Both in how Tom Smith acted and in how it sounded live.
...I don't know, man. It's kinda hard to explain the things I like the most. I feel like I kinda make things more complicated sometimes. Or that I have to write some essay to argue in favour of my choices. But I really can't do it here, it's just a personal opinion. A personal opinion influenced by good memories, enthusiasm, my liking of Smith's voice and a desire to satisfy my inner teenager's curiosity. I don't think of myself as a fan, but more as someone who is curious about their music.
As for Editors themselves…..They ended up releasing the new songs in 2018. In July 2019, they were one of the opening acts for The Cure's gig in Bucharest. A few months later, in October 2019, they released a best-of compilation. So yeah.
So this concludes the Summer Well Festival Headliner Ranking series. Should you have any questions about my creative process and my opinions, I will be glad to answer them.
Best parts: Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors, Cold, Blood, Munich, Papillon, Eat Raw Meat = Blood Drool, Marching Orders, Ocean of Night
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Writing from me on the very first day of the year? Absolute blasphemy!
Either way here's to hopefully a more productive year of writing and drawing from this phoenix!
Lucy held up the bottle to the light, sloshing around its clear contents this way and that with squinted eyes.
It had a gleam to it, an unnatural sparkle that made it seem a little too perfect inside its glass container. Even the way it sloshed about seemed strange, perfectly rounded circles with never a single drop out of place to run down the inside of the bottle.
Levy leaned forward from her seat on the kitchen counter, thumbing its underside as she eagerly awaited Lucy answer. "Well?" She prompted, gnawing on her lip eagerly. " isn't it cool?!"
She swirled it around once more for good measure, hoping to garner some different results but to no avail. Lucy hopped up on the counter next to her friend, Levy leaning in closer to Lucy, her shoulder pressed up against her and practically vibrating with excitement as Lucy rolled the round bottle in her palms. A deep frown tugged at the corners of Lucy's mouth.
"Where'd you get holy water from?" Lucy asked, leaning into her friend. "This stuff's really hard to come by."
"I won it! Some trivia contest at work. Prize went to whoever translated the most of those new alvernian manuscript. And I'll tell you it was a tough one, there was someone from another department who almost beat me to it, but I think they were cheating because honestly they-
"Levy you're spiralling." Lucy tugged levy's hairband into her eyes playfully with a smirk. She pulled it back in place, swinging her legs back and forth , though her excited vibrating thankfully calmed down.
Levy pressed her finger hard against the bottle to leave a smear that was cleaned off in seconds, like an invisible cloth was ran over it. Lucy cocked her head to the side, now that she noticed it the bottle was clean of her own fingerprints as well.
"It seems legit but......."
But? Levy, what but?" She didn't like that tone, when Levy trailed off in a sentence like that. It usually led to four little words that made Lucy want to curse her friend's overtly curious nature.
"I wanna test it!" Yup, there it is. Those words.
"Levyyyyyyyyy." Lucy groaned.
"C'mon Lucy! It's holy water, nothing bad can happen."
"That's what you always say. Do you remember the pixie dust incident? You were floating for months. Gajeel had to tie a rope around you to keep you from floating away."
Levy waved her off, instead cupping her hands around Lucy's and bringing the bottle closer to their faces. Not even their reflections were distorted on the rounded bottle, perfect like a little mirror.
"That was fun, I dunno what you're talking about. But just listen Lucy, holy water only affects cursed non human entities, so regardless of anything we'll be fine! It can't do anything to us!"
Levy shook their hands encouragingly, sloshing the bottle to support her argument. " I know my work place wouldn't give me something fake but just think about seeing what it could do in action! Wouldn't it be cool to see? C'mon Lucy please!"
She batted her eyes at her friend and Lucy caved, once Levy had an idea in her head there was no chance of changing her mind. Lucy slid off the counter with a sigh, slipping her hands from Levy's grasp.
"You're lucky you're cute Lev. Else I'd never go along with this." Well that and the fact that Lucy was also a curious soul. Now that it was in her head too she also wanted to know what it could do, to find out its properties. And it didn't help that Lucy had the perfect means of finding out.
Lucy giggled slightly at Levy's little cheer as she kicked away the rug on her floor in the little area between the kitchen and living room revealing a deep char mark, the black mark smooth and seamless with the wood like it was always there but it was a recent addition. A year old at most.
Other such chars dotted her apartment, from the bedroom to the bathroom and even in her writing room. But this was the only place she ever willed him to appear, the others were just him cheekily appearing of his only volition.
Lucy grabbed her nail file from the little table near the couch and wordlessly pricked her thumb, pushing at the broken skin for the blood to bead and ignoring the little wince of pain. She flashed off the drops on the burn mark, waiting for the tell tale sizzles and the swirls of smoke rising off in intricate curls that were almost ancient runes if she squinted hard enough. They thickened to a heavy curtain that smelled sweet and familiar, like a campfire or the fire of a hearth. Smelling like home, which isn't a scent one would expect from an ungodly demon.
Levy gave an excited squeak and ran over by Lucy's side when the smoke started to dissapate, the demon's green eyes that settled on lucy looked bored with the slightest tinge of annoyance.
"Oh so when I show up here unannounced it's a problem but you can call on me anytime huh?" He muttered accusingly at Lucy, dark eyes narrowing. Actual dark eyes, black scleras making the clear green of his slit eyes seem to shine out from his face. "Hey levy" He added, smirking at her wave.
He was probably something to be intimidated by, with the scales that blended evenly with his brown skin. His head cocked to the side, the spiraling horns that stood almost a foot from his shaggy pink hair seemed to slice the air with their sharpened points. But he didn't strike any sort of intimidation now, walking around to plop down on her couch, stretching out like a cat on her cushions.
"So whaddaya want -"
"Drink this." Levy shoved the flask in his face, the glass clinking on his metallic scales. She rubbed it encouragingly on his cheek and he snarled weakly, eyes darting from levy to Lucy questioningly.
"What she means is we wanted to try something." Lucy tugged her friend's hand away from Natsu, shooting him an apologetic look. He was nice but no one appreciates having random things shoved in their face.
"We got some holy water, or at least we think it's holy water and we just wanted to test if it's the real deal or not......." Her explanation trailed off at the incredulous look he gave her, eyebrow judgingly raised.
"A test?" He directed his query towards levy, "didn't you learn from the pixie dust incident? And giving a demon holy water? That's you guys' best idea for trying it?"
"I mean you don't have to drink it. Maybe just rub a few drops of it on your skin. Just to see?"
"Or drink it." Levy chimed in.
"I'm just saying! That works too."
Natsu chuckled at their antics, grabbing the flask out of Levy's grasp and stabbed a pointed claw into the cover and uncorked it silently, throwing the stopper over his shoulder. "You guys are a riot, ya know that? Giving me more dumb stuff to do than I've had in a millennia. I'll be your test subject."
"Alright thanks. So all you have to do is just dab a couple drops and-" Lucy stopped, watching as Natsu turned it to his head like levy suggested and gulped a mouthful, Levy eagerly leaning forward.
He grimaced, holding the bottle out to levy with his tongue sticking out in disgust. "That's legit stuff. Tastes like shit so it's good."
"Isn't that gonna hurt you?" Lucy questioned, voice tinged with concern.
"Only works on lesser demons. All it just does for me is leave a bad taste in my mouth. You have no idea how many times I've encountered humans who thought the stuff could do me in. And they sure did pay the price for that." He mumbled that last part more to himself, too sharp teeth revealed in a devilish grin. His eyes held an unnatural gleam.
It disappeared seconds after, the slightly bored expression returning. "The rest of that is regular water now that it's been tainted by me. And like that I just satisfied your curiosity. You're welcome."
"Well that was a bust. So what do we do now?" Lucy shrugged in response and they both stared pointedly at Natsu.
"I dunno. But I'm not leaving here now without getting something in my stomach. You summon me, you pay the price."
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imaginetonyandbucky · 8 years
Since I read Siren's Treasure I wonder what would have happend if Tony got angry and hurt that Bucky actually made him fall in love instead of being cool with it? It can be in another universe if you want. (Yes, I'm a sucker for angst and misunderstandings) thanks!
[A/N: I haven’t read that book, so I’m really sorry if this is nothing like what you wanted, but I just really liked the concept.]
“Tony,please, just listen–”
“Oh,I think I’ve listenedenough,wouldn’t you say?” Tony snapped.
“ButI wasn’t… It’s not, I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” Buckyprotested. “I can’t control it – haven’t been able to sincethe serum. I wasn’t doing it on purpose!”
“Youthink that matters?” Tony yelled. He slammed his fists on thetable. “Whether it was your intent or not, you took away my choice.I thought I lovedyou,but it was just some lizard-brain reaction to subaudible soundwaves!How could you even–” Tony shook his head and turned away. “No. Ican’t even look at you right now. I’m leaving.”
Buckyscrambled to get in front of Tony, dropped to his knees. “PleaseTony, baby, tell me what to do. Tell me what I can do to prove that Inever meant to hurt you. I love you!”
Tonygritted his teeth. “It’s not yourfeelingsthat are in question, though, is it? I’m going. Don’t call me.”He stepped deliberately around Bucky, and slammed the door on his wayout.
Itwasn’t until the elevator doors had closed around him like acomforting hug that he allowed himself to lean into the wall andchoke out the sob that was lodged in his throat.
[mobile readers, ‘ware the read-more!]
Tonymanaged to hide in his workshop for the better part of a week beforea call to Assemble forced him out to interact with other peopleagain.
Hewasn’t sure what to expect. Would Bucky try to plead his case?Would he enlist the others to do so for him? Would he have given upon Tony and already moved on?
Thatlast thought shouldn’t hurt so much, he told himself, annoyed.Bucky had manipulatedhim.Taken away his free will. It didn’t matterhowsweet and caring and attentive Bucky had been as a boyfriend if Tonyhadn’t been the one to make that decision for himself.
Hisworries appeared to be unfounded, however. No one said anything tohim about Bucky that didn’t have to do with defeating evil. Theclosest it got was a brief hesitation before Steve put Tony oncivilian roundup and gave sniper-spotting duty to Sam instead. Oncethey’d started fighting, the comm chatter was startlingly normal –Clint and Sam sassing each other and the oblivious bad guys,Natasha’s usual dorky dad-jokes, Thor’s challenges, and Steve’sultimately futile requests for professionalism. Tony even relaxedenough after a while to make a couple of wisecracks.
Itwasn’t until they were winding down that Tony realized that Buckyhadn’t chimed in at all, not even to report position change or themovements of hostile targets.
“Ifyou think making me feel guilty is going to make me lessangry,”Tony snapped, “then you’ve got another think coming.”
Bucky’seyes widened and he shook his head frantically, but Tony wasn’tbuying it. As near as Tony could tell, Bucky hadn’t said a word inmore than a month. Not to Tony and not to anyone else, either. He’dmuttered in his sleep or woken screaming a few times, but accordingto JARVIS, Bucky hadn’t otherwise used his voice at all. He usedhand-signals in the field, and Clint was teaching him ASL, but mostlyhe got by with writing notes.
ItdidmakeTony feel guilty. But that just made him angrier. He was the victimhere, damn it! He was the one who’d had his emotions manipulated!He shouldn’t have to be the one to apologize!
Buckyhad stopped shaking his head and was now frantically scribbling onthe notepad he’d taken to carrying around with him. He held it upwith a pleading expression. Nottrying to make you guilty! You were right, I can’t be trusted.
Tonysnorted and raised one sardonic eyebrow.
Buckybit his lip and scrawled frantically again. Ididn’t wantIdidn’t think about whether it would affect you. I really am sorry.
“Bullshit.How could you not think about it?” Tony demanded, frustrated.
Buckyhesitated, watching Tony as if he expected Tony to storm out withoutwaiting for a response, but curiosity had always been Tony’sbiggest flaw. If there was an answer to the question, Tony wanted toknow about it. After a moment, Bucky took a breath and bent back tohis notepad. He wrote more slowly this time, his teeth worrying at his lip as he chose his words.
Itmade Tony want to kiss him, to tease that lip out from under Bucky’steeth and suck on it, soothe those swollen red teeth-marks. WeekssinceTony had found out and banished Bucky back to his old guest room, andTony stillcouldn’tstop wanting him.
Maybehis feelings weren’t entirelysubaudiblesuggestions. He made himself look away until Bucky held up thenotepad again.
Hydratried to make me use it for them, early on, but I couldn’t controlit, and I kept killing them. So they erased it, along with everythingelse. Even when my memories started coming back, I thought they’daltered my vocal chords. I didn’t know I couldSinganymore. As soon as I figured it out, I told you.
WhileTony was considering that, Bucky hesitated, then scrawled another sentence. Mymask is still in the Vault. I could start wearing it again.
“What?”Tony physically recoiled from the notepad. “Why the fuck would youdo that?”
Buckyglanced at him, looked away. It’show they kept me from Singing. Like a muzzle. Makes it harder totalk. And there’s a modulator in it that reduces the range of mySong.
“Jesus.”Tony scrubbed his hands over his face. “Jesus, no.That’s just… No.No one here would agree to let you do that to yourself.”
Bucky’s pen scritched across the page. Tony hesitatedfor a few slow breaths, but when he looked up, Bucky was gone, hisnotepad abandoned on the table. Itwould be worth it, if it helped you feel safe with me again.
Buckywas the last one out of the quinjet. His eyes widened when he sawTony waiting for him. He glanced behind himself uncertainly, thenlooked back at Tony. He pointed at his chest and cocked his headquestioningly.
“Yeah,you,” Tony said. “Nice job today; I know you think no one saw youtaking out that tower so they couldn’t call for backup, but I seeeverything. Well, JARVIS sees everything and tells me about it, butthat’s close enough.”
Buckysmiled tentatively, and shrugged.
“So,cleanup and then debrief and reports, but I thought, if you’re nottoo tired after all that, we could go for dinner?”
Buckylooked past Tony toward the door that led into the rest of the Tower,then back at Tony.
“Justus,” Tony clarified. “I… I miss you. And the Song has to haveworn off by now, right?” Bucky nodded his head emphatically, eyeswide and hopeful. “I thought we could… try again, see how itgoes.”
Bucky’sdidn’t carry the notepad with him on missions, but he signed thankyou,then caught Tony’s hand and pressed it to his chest, just over hisheart. His grin was blinding in its brilliance.
Itfelt a little like coming home, and Tony had to resist the urge topull Bucky closer and kiss him senseless.
Tonystood in the Vault, where they kept confiscated tech and items ofpower, and stared at the Winter Soldier’s mask. He couldn’tbelieve he was even considering this.
Butthe last few days had only served to underscore how desperately hehad been missing Bucky. He’d missed way Bucky touched him, likesomething precious and deserving of care. He had missed the way Buckysmelled, the lingering hint of cologne and warm metal and leather. He’d missed Bucky’s teasing smile, and the way Bucky’s eyesdarkened when they lingered on Tony’s lips.
AndSiren’s Song or no, Tony missed Bucky’s laugh, his satisfied purr whenhe pulled Tony close against his side, the pleased, smug rumble ofBucky’s voice when he had Tony writhing with need…
Tonyclenched and unclenched his hands, and then snatched up the maskbefore he could second-guess himself again.
Buckystared when he finally opened his door, eyes round with surprise andthen his whole face tightened in worry. YouO.K.?hesigned.
“What?I’m fine, why–” Bucky was only wearing boxers and a t-shirt,Tony realized, and his hair was touseled. “Oh, shit, it’s like 2in the morning, isn’t it?”
Three,Bucky corrected, but his tension was fading into amusement.
“JARVIS,when I ask you where someone is, you might consider warning me ifthey’re asleep,” Tony scolded. He made an apologetic grimace atBucky. “Sorry. I didn’t realize– It’ll wait for morning, I’lllet you get back to bed. Sorry.”
Buckystill looked amused. He stepped back, opening the door wider,inviting Tony in. He picked up the notepad from the table and wrote,Couldn’tsleep anyway. What’s up?
“Um.”Suddenly, Tony was nervous. This was probably a bad idea. Out ofline. Unworkable. Offensive.Tony hesitated, clasping the box in his hands tighter, as if it mightmagically fly open of its own accord. “You know, maybe thisisn’t–”
Buckywrapped his hands carefully around Tony’s, stilling them. He waiteduntil Tony met his eyes, then let go and gestured to the box. Calm,curious.
Tonysteeled himself. “I was thinking about what you told me, a week orso ago, about the… the mask. Being a suppressor. And I, I mean,obviously the mask is out, that’s just horrible, but I thoughtmaybe the, the modulating tech could be adapted, somehow, tosomething, you know, a little less… awful.”
Iassume you managed it or you wouldn’t be here at 3am.
“Yeah,”Tony said. “But you, ah. I don’t know if you’ll like it. Youdon’t have to like it. I mean, you don’t have to use it, if youdon’t want to, if it’s… Well, obviously controlling me is notcool, even if it’s an accident, but if you’d rather just keepgoing like this, I won’t–” Bucky laid a finger over Tony’s lips andhe took the hint and shut up.
Buckypointed at the box, and Tony nodded helplessly, let him take itgently from Tony’s nerveless fingers. His breath caught when heopened it, and without warning he surged forward to plant a brief butfervent kiss on Tony’s mouth.
“That’s…that’s good?” Tony guessed. “You like it?”
Buckyrolled his eyes and nodded, then pushed the box back at Tony with animpatient gesture, and Tony couldn’t help a grin as he lifted outthe necklace – thick links, for a more masculine presentation andalso to hide the miniaturized and improved modulators – and fastenedit carefully around Bucky’s throat. “Sorry it’s so tight, butit has to sit right at the base of your throat to–”
Buckywas kissing him again, much more thoroughly this time, and that wasdefinitely better than talking, yeah. He wrapped his arms aroundBucky’s shoulders, fisting one hand in Bucky’s hair and the otherin the tee, and tried to give as good as he was getting.
Whenthey finally pulled away, Bucky nuzzled along Tony’s jaw, thenpaused to whisper in his ear. “God, I love you.” That, thatwas exactly the hungry, worshipful tone that Tony had been bereft without. Not asiren’s Song, at all, but simply the voice of the man he loved.
“You’resure it works?” Bucky asked, with a hint of worry.
“Iran all the analyses and tests I could,” Tony said. “The onlysiren call in range right now is the one coming from the bed.”
Buckytouched the band at his throat, running his finger along the patternof the links, then picked Tony up and turned toward the bedroom.“Good. ‘Cause I’m feeling… vocal.”
~ @everyworldneedslove
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