#i'm like corran!
jayaorgana · 1 year
Wedge POV: mission mission mission. I love flying. Mission mission. I love my Squadron but they are stupid. (Insert joke about the mission and maybe one of his other friends here) Mission mission.
Corran POV: here is an itemized list of why I'm not going to sleep with Erisi. I think I'm going to fall in love with Mirax if I let my guard down for more than three seconds. Oh yeah also the mission. (Insert something about Corsec and his father and grandfather here)
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character-babblings · 7 months
mdni. 18+ only
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(fuck this is for sure my most feral and extensive post yet but he just 😮‍💨🌸)
Miguel O'Hara is a kinky bastard. it's almost crazy. he's into some of the nastiest shit sometimes. walk with me will you?
Miguel who says the rudest things in your ear while giving you slow strokes in full mating press. his hand wrapped around your throat, his fangs grazing your neck because 'your pussy clenches in the most perfect way' when he does that. and they way your body ever so twitches in fear
the size difference is fucking insane. it gets him fucking going because he is just so damn bigger than you. and he's able to lift you with one hand practically. as if you weigh nothing to him. he's a rough beast when he wants to be. the size difference has made some interesting positions. he's eaten you out on the ceiling before so hard your clit went numb.
hand. hands all over. knuckle deep in your pussy or even your mouth so you gag on them before he lands a sharp smack on your face sometimes. hands around your neck. hands on your legs, thighs, ankles even.
"Oh, pequeña zorra. Este coño está tan apretado, mamí. Te voy a destruir hasta que las lágrimas corran por esta bonita carita".
he can be so mean! especially if you decide to bring out the brat tamer in him. that's a whole new level because Miguel has no patience to deal with a fucking brat. snatching you up before giving you sharp slaps on your ass. maybe even on your pussy once. each time asking you if you're done and with every "no" his hand comes down a little harder. he likes watching you try not to cry from pleasure.
and god forbid you call him papi. he will walk you like a dog. breeding your pussy until there's no way to do anything but let it all leak out. but will Miguel allow this? absolutely fucking not, two fingers roughly or gently depending on the mood back between your puffy fucked out lips.
"Don't waste it, little one. You're going to be knocked up by the end of the year, you know that? You're going to look so fucking hot with such a big belly and swollen tits. Fuck...open your legs. Now."
his whole hand is the size of your face and if you think this is a joke literally stfu. he loves grabbing your face. especially when you're giving him lip. he's for sure wrecked your shit majorly because you've given him attitude at the worst times.
"You stupid little girl. You'd think you learn what happens when you talk to me like that. You've been way too fucking bratty today. Remember that I'll always love you baby girl, because I'm about to fuck you like i don't." he growls grabbing your face and pinning you against the wall. before walking you to your bedroom where you proceed to get your back blown to shreds.
miguel i'll be writing you again soon babbbyyyy
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jedidryad · 7 months
Six Sentence Sunday: Conversations that should have happened.
I don't do this particular tradition much. I have enough trouble managing WIP Wednesdays, and I'm pretty sure this segment is more than six sentences so I'm messing with the tradition as I attempt it which might be poor form.
While working on this Mara memoir, I have sometimes found my brain wants the story to go in a different direction than canon allows. Some of these imagined sequences can turn into other "Luke and Mara get together stories" and some of them don't really merit that but still demand to be typed into a doc in black and white so I can stare at them and think of how different canon would have gone if the conversation had happened. This one is a brief snippet from a far more rambling discussion that might have happened if, instead of scolding and abandoning Mara after Kyp stole her ship on her first night at the academy, Luke had the insight to pull back after his outburst and ask Corran to escort Mara to his office and get her a cup of tea. If he had promised to meet her there after he calms the students and does post-Kyp damage control.
Maybe something like this could have happened...
Mara glanced up from the cup of elba she’d been holding in a death grip.
Luke stood in the doorway, robe hanging off his shoulders. His white sleep clothes made him look less imposing but also reminded Mara of just how good he had looked in an undertunic on Myrkr
He hesitated at her baleful expression but didn’t let her continued silence deter him. He entered his office, and sat down in the chair next to hers rather than circling around to his desk.
“I thought when I sensed your emotions that it was a…” he paused, clearly choosing his words carefully, “more the sort of danger that meant everyone needed to evacuate,  instead of something more personal.”
“So you sounded the alarm.”
“Yeah. and then I had to come up with some sort of explanation…”
“I embarrassed you.”
“I embarrassed me, Mara.” He sighed, “I’ve been doing that a lot lately. I’m not really feeling much like a confident Jedi these days.”
“Great,” she muttered, “Karrde sent me here because he thought a confident Jedi could help  me with my mess. Now what’ll I do?”
Luke’s gaze dropped to the floor, his shoulders drooping. He seemed  to fold in on himself.
Mara grimaced and set her mug on the small table between them: “Okay, not funny then.”
He glanced up at her, clearly trying to read her gaze from under the hair that was now falling into his eyes.
“You were trying to be funny?”
“I’m not my best self right now, Skywalker.”
“Neither am I.”
“The whole galaxy knows what’s wrong with me. What’s up with you?”
“They don’t." She picked up her mug again and tried to let the warmth soak into her, "they really don’t. No one who didn’t sense you had any idea.”
“You sensed it?”
She nodded: “You and Kyle took a dip at the same time. I was with him. I sensed you.”
“I wish you hadn’t.”
“Why is that? You want to be some all-powerful master?”
He snorted ruefully.
“No, but I didn't particularly want to lose your respect.”
“Skywalker, I served a Sith Master for my entire childhood. Do you think slipping for a little while would be enough to lose my respect?”
“I wasn’t sure. Master Yoda said ‘if once you start down that dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny’.”
"And he never did anything wrong?"
He smiled. “I’m really glad you’re here.”
“You are?”
“I meant it when I said it earlier.”
Mara took a deep breath, “I don’t think I’m in any state to train to become a Jedi.”
He looked at her for a moment.
“Let’s go for a walk.”
“Sure, it’s not like we can fly anywhere.”
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autumnslance · 9 months
Do you have any preliminary headcanons for your character going into Dawntrail? If not, have you ever had ideas for your character(s) based on upcoming expansions and how did they morph/change as you played through the story?
I actually, really don't!
I don't plan out how/why my characters pick new jobs up; I want to see how the new job plays and what it's lore and story actually is before deciding how and why my gals might get to it, or if I want to tweak it at all. I'm not spending too much effort on baseless plot and NPC speculation and making intricate plans that will be jossed by level 93 and how MSQ actually does unfold.
The closest I ever came to pre-planning anything for an expac was "we're going to Thavnair; I'll finally get lore to flesh out some of Aeryn's family stuff and decide how to fit in my headcanons for them" (as I purposefully made them a minority ethnic group in Thavnair for the reasons we had only a little lore for so many years, and no nation is a monolith anyway, and then the writers' discussion at previous FanFest 2023 panels really drove home how they tried to make Thavnair a diverse melting pot culture due to its history and trade position, so that worked out). But even then I waited until I actually played through MSQ to really decide what to adjust or keep.
A reason I go through with Dark Autumn first is to just enjoy the story (or not) as it comes, to get my own knee jerk reactions and feelings out of the way. And then I go through again on Aeryn or C'oretta and see how the story's constructed to reach the finale, and consider my WoL's reactions, thoughts, and feelings, and where that takes her story. Sometimes my opinion on certain things may even change, or I get a different idea for how it looks and works when seeing it again and considering the IC angles on that new run.
I might still do so when going through my 3rd or 4th time on alts or in NG+, even years later, as I've changed since then and also seen later storyline and how they go together now.
And then I probably spend a few years playing within those lines and scenes and ideas in my fanfic. But I also tend to keep my WoL fairly close to the canon storyline for the most part and with as close as I can get to the canon depictions of the NPCs. Other, own story stuff tends to happen based on interactions with friends and their writing, or random ideas at random times and deciding if they work or not (like Corran's history and Avengret hitting me out of nowhere based on prompts).
Also it's kinda nice to just open the expac on Day 1 with no real expectations or preconceptions, just letting story and gameplay roll in and sweep me along with them. Frankly, I think more folks really ought to give that a try, instead of pitching fits over how the expansion wasn't all they hoped and dreamed and so was a giant disappointment based on...what? Fanon? Headcanon? Speculation? Hopes for complicated plans they made for their OCs based on out of context lines and screens from FanFest and the trailers?
Just try experiencing a story for what it is and what it's trying to do, not self-hyped preconceptions, in any direction.
I dunno. A lot of words to say that I just like seeing how the world is written and presented, as it hits my characters and determine their plots that way, not ahead of time. I want to be inspired by the gameworld, not try to twist it into something it isn't (and will never be) when I can just write in my own original settings for that. My creation in FF14 is fanfiction on the story and characters presented.
Also I really am just tied up in my original writing at the moment, new MSQ will be a break and brief bout of new fandom creativity.
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kanerallels · 6 months
So... what SW Legends stuff would you recommend? I've already started reading Heir to the Empire, if that helps?
Ooooh!! Okay Heir to the Empire is the PERFECT starting place, that's where I started too! (I think. I also vaguely remembering reading these Darth Bane books when I was younger, but I digress)
(edit: also, I am not an expert on Legends, so if anyone who knows it better would like to offer any other recs (in a respectful manner that doesn't involve talking about how much you hate the sequels) feel free to add to this post!)
Others that I would recommend would definitely depend on what era you're looking for, but most of the stuff I know is post Return of the Jedi. If it's not, I'll make sure you know! (I'm gonna put part of this under a cut, it got kinda long)
The Hand of Thrawn duology. It's set like ten years after Heir to the Empire, and wraps up the events of those books super well! Plus it has more Talon Karrde, who is my favorite background character ever. The first book is Specter of the Past, by Timothy Zahn!
If you're a Mace Windu fan, Shatterpoint by Matthew Stover was really good! It's set near the end of the Clone Wars, and is about a mission he went on to find his missing apprentice. It was fun to read from Mace's point of view, and see how he's actually a lot more caring than a lot of fans depict him. Also, he headbutts a shocking amount of people. Mace is not immune to the chaos gene that comes with being Force sensitive
Technically, these are kids books and I might only like them because nostaglia, but the Last of the Jedi series by Jude Watson is fun! It's set directly after Order 66, and follows a former Jedi who grew up with Anakin, and the escapades and hijinks he gets up to
The Rogue Squadron books by Michael A. Stackpole are pretty good, especially if you like fighter pilot shenanigans. Rogue Squadron is Wedge Antilles's elite squad of pilots, and the main character is Corran Horn, who is a former Corellian Security member (basically a cop) and gets into all KINDS of trouble. I've only technically read a couple of those books, and admittedly, I don't like them as much as their follow up series. But if you do enjoy these books, you should check out I, Jedi, by Michael A. Stackpole, which is about Corran in later life
The follow up series is the Wraith Squadron books by Aaron Allston. It's also about a squadron Wedge put together, but it's made up of washouts and rejects, and they end up as a black ops division. It's simultaneously really sad and some of the funniest Star Wars I've ever read, and there's a running joke about an Ewok lieutenant
I'm gonna recommend the Republic Commando series by Karen Traviss, but with a caveat. Karen Traviss, for some reason, seems to really, really hate the Jedi. And that is reflected in her writing, but it's almost worth it for the Mandalorians adopting clones and the TRAGEDY. This one is set during the end of the Clone War, through Order 66. It also does not end super satisfyingly, but it's weirdly good anyways. So it's really up to you whether or not you think you can handle the rampant loathing of Jedi
Uhhh let's see, what else. There are so so many Legends books. The Jedi Academy Trilogy by Kevin J Anderson isn't the best written, but it gives you a really good look at what Luke's new Jedi Order looks like as he's building (and also happens, timeline-wise, at the same time as I, Jedi)
I think those are the main ones I know well enough to recommend! In my experience, anything by Timothy Zahn or Aaron Allston is pretty good. Avoid Troy Denning at all cost-- he does not, in my experience, write stuff that is particularly admirable, and it can be kinda gross. If you end up with a particular character you like a lot who you're looking for more content of, there's a good chance there's more out there! Feel free to send me any other questions you have, and don't feel pressure to read all of it. No one can possibly be an expert on all of Star Wars, there's just. Way too much of it (of course that's not really gonna stop me from trying)
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joellesolo · 6 months
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I know I didn't make a follow up post about Disneyland, but long story short, I survived, and it was incredible. I wish instagram still was connected to tumblr, you would've seen all my updates. If you want to see the pictures I posted, here's my instagram (you have to scroll a little because we celebrated both Easter and Lily's fourth birthday since we've been back) but it was amazing and I've since been suffering from the post-Disney blues more like depression 😭 since we've been home.
Galaxy's Edge was the BOMB and I just had to share my freaking ROGUE SQUADRON HELMET that I didn't even know EXISTED, because I wore my HU rogue squadron tank top (with the hoodie that you can't see) of course on Star Wars Land day (our last day) and it was just too perfect to pass up. It is so cool you guys. I AM SO COOL NOW. I CAN BE ROGUE NINE WHENEVER I WANT. I'M BASICALLY CORRAN HORN NOW!!
The blue milk was delicious! I wish I could've tried the green milk because it's supposedly even better, but it has grapefruit in it (damn you psych meds!!) so that was a bummer, but oh well. The x wing was SO COOL, and so was the Millennium Falcon (again, go to my instagram to see it (am I fishing for likes?! maybe 😉)) and while we couldn't ride the Rise of the Resistance because they don't do single riders, I was an engineer on Smuggler's Run and the group I was with was really welcoming and it was pretty fun! Also, my R2D2 ears were SO cute but SO uncomfortable which was a bummer, I had been wanting them for months and ended up preferring the cheap etsy ones I got me and the girls (you can see them in the instagram pics from the first two days!). But we met R2 while I was wearing the R2 ears, so, you know, that was PRETTY FUCKING COOL 😱
Last but not least, we found these amazing ILYIK spirit jerseys and while I typically am not a fan of the spirit jerseys I just couldn't pass these up. We have ILYIK engraved on our wedding bands, they were on my R2 wedding heels, on our cake topper, and on our third anniversary we painted this which has been above our beds ever since (this fall is our eighth anniversary)(look at us, what babies!):
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We did rope drop to fireworks every single park day, with one rest/pool day, and fuck it was exhausting and I was in soo much pain and so exhausted, but it was so damn worth it. SO WORTH IT YOU GUYS. I cried when we left the gates the last night, because it had been soo magical and such an incredible time and I had been so happy and... when am I going to be that happy again?! Fuck if I know. Seriously 😭 hence the post-Disney blues/depression...
It was just amazing. Magical. Everything you could've hoped for. The girls had the best time. I was so stressed out and sure, I forgot ninety percent of my personal hygiene stuff because I had to pack everyone else's shit but hey that's motherhood for you.
Okay, this was supposed to be a Star Wars souvenir appreciation post but it's getting away from me a bit... anyway. I survived Disneyland 2024. I wish I could go back. Someone take me back?!
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kitkatt0430 · 6 months
Wedge, Lando, Mara Jade, and Chewbacca for the character bingo!
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I know Wedge best from the X-Wing books I've read and a few other Legends books here and there. And I always get SOOOOO excited to see him pop up in the books. Usually leading Rogue Squad. Except when he's leading Wraith Squad.
He is absolutely the reasonable adult in the room and accidentally dad to his Rogue & Wraith squads. But oh, he gets the angst as bad as anyone who gets main character status in the extended Star Wars universe. At least one of his love interests is murdered :( poor dear.
He has to put up with being tangentially associated to Jedi nonsense through multiple characters - most notably Luke Skywalker and Corran Horn - but because he's a good friend and a good person to have your back in a crisis, he never complains. They're his people, he's gonna be there for them.
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He's a con man turned legit business owner, though it's a different business every time I check in on him in Legends. lol
So he spends some time in Legends dating Mara Jade. This is later retconned into the two of them going under cover with fake dating to do some recon and Mara was probably plotting his murder the entire time. Though she only wore his clothes (better than him) and probably stole a few of the man's true love interests (his cloaks). But Lando definitely sees himself as the suave playboy, which I enjoy about him so much. (Leia/Han/Lando please???)
Lando is often the adult in the room. He has no idea how this happened and is in perpetual fake it 'til you make it mode when it happens. I love this about him and I'm always excited to see him get put in a situation. Especially when Han and/or Leia are involved. And if he gets whumped... ;)
He introduced Luke to hot chocolate, canonically (Legends), and I adore that because he looked at this Jedi of growing legendariness and accurately diagnosed him with 'perpetually a farmboy at heart'.
Mara Jade:
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Ah, my favorite Emperor's Hand, given the final mandate of killing Luke Skywalker upon the Emperor's death. Quite likely my favorite of Timothy's Zahn's Star Wars OCs, (though Karrde and Thrawn are close seconds) and she is absolutely a bit feral. Cryptid energy absolutely.
I adore that she spends so much of the Thrawn Trilogy (Legends) being driven by the Emperor's final command to kill Luke while also fighting it pretty hard while Luke is just, like... batting his eyes and going 'is this friendship? This is friendship. Leia, look at my new bestie!!!' (While Leia watches in bemusement before heading off on her own weird adventure. While being a badass pregnant woman the whole time.)
She is a trouble magnet in much the same vein as Luke too. Which is fun. I'd say she's an unapologetically Mary Sue character, which is well done here. She's a nuanced character with flaws, no one seems sure why they like her at first but she grows on them while she's actively fighting them growing on her too, and she is absolutely the one with the brain cell on Karrde's bridge every time he pulls some crazy stunt.
She's the only love interest Luke has that I don't wind up getting bored with, so it's convenient that she's the one he actually marries... and the way they go about it is they're besties and not romantic at all, but then realize that they're just... happier together and they get married once they're out of danger. Married QPPs anyone???
If not autistic then Mara definitely has some kind of neurodivergence going on, she has that ND putting up with nonsense energy so hard.
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I love Chewbacca so much. Definitely can do no wrong. Oldest character on the OG main cast, fought alongside Yoda in the clone wars, taken from his home to be enslaved, rescued by this idiot child (Han) whom he becomes a parental/older sibling to because goodness knows Han would get himself killed once a week without Chewie there looking after him.
He's definitely playing up the Wookie stereotypes on occasion for the fun of it, exuding cryptid energy in the process. Is he feral? Is he just playing on stereotypes to win at space-chess? C-3PO & R2 would certainly prefer not to find out the answer.
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pupkinpumpkin · 1 month
Seeing your latest Dragon age post I GOTTA ask about your inquisitor now! What are they like??👀👀👀
Oh my god you wanna ask about my Inky? That's so crazy, gosh I don't know if I-
(pulls out massive essay and powerpoint)
Aight so, first things first, even after playing DAI multiple times, I still don't have a conclusive name for her. I used my name the first time bc it was my first Dragon Age game, and it kinda stuck but also it's weird reading my name on things, so I'm just thinking of re-arranging my name or adding some letters, so we're just gonna call her Lavellan for now.
Also we're just gonna stick to small facts here because I tried making a full explanation on this but it got way too long way too quick
- Lavellan's dad was a city elf who converted and joined her mom's clan, eventually having kids w her (this is an excuse as to why Lav's name may not sound like it's Elven enough, blame it on her city elf dad)
- Lavellan does not and never had believed in the Elven gods or The Maker. The idea of gods just does not make sense to her, it's not logical to her, so therefore it doesn't exist. This has always made her feel guilty and like something was wrong with her
- Lavellan hides this lack of belief by learning a lot about the different myths and stories involving the Dalish gods, eventually becoming quite a good storyteller
- her parents are like hyper religious
- She really really loved making inventions and stuff, and would've absolutely been an artificer in another life if it wasn't for her being a mage, and therefore destined to be The First and then The Keeper
- she found out she was a mage at 8, and, being the only mage in the clan besides the keeper, a lot of pressure was put on her to live up to everyone's expectations at a very young age
- So, being a mage and having her hopes of inventing crushed at a young age in favor of protecting the clan and being it's advisor when she doesn't even believe in the Elven gods constantly makes her stressed
- She is bi and had a secret relationship w the apprentice, and then official Hallakeeper, Lindiranae as they grew up. Her clan is very homophobic, which is why this is secret
- Her clan is also very open to trading w humans and are very good friends w a merchant who used to be a slave in Tevinter named Corran. Corran is basically Lav's second dad and was one of the only people to just let her be a kid when she was growing up
- Lavellan can sketch and draw very well in a realistic style. This first stemmed from drawing contraptions and gadgets, but then became drawing her clanmates
- When she was around 19-20, a bunch of rogue Templars, being massive dicks, were being very racist and threatening to put her in the Circle, so eventually things got out of hand, they tried to attack Lav, Lindiranae protected her, but a rogue templar lit some hay on fire to spook the Halla, and pushed Lindiranae into the fire, killing her, and killing some other clan members in the process
- This gave Lav massive pyrophobia and even the smell of burnt hair will possibly make her throw up. For some reason she's fine with magic fire, but regular fire freaks her out. She works on that through Inquisition. It never goes away, but she deals with it a lot better
- After Lindiranae dies, Lav slowly starts forgetting her face, which freaks her out, so she starts drawing her and the others who died constantly
- This essentially develops into a system where Lav, the more she likes a person, the more she sketches them, but never finishes the sketches. She does this in case they die so she can make one final finished sketch and never forget their face like she forgot Lindiranae's
- Lav has a journal Corran gave her and in the very first few pages of the journal are finished drawings of all the people she's lost. Once she fills up her journal, she takes out the old pages and replaces them with new ones, but never replaces the ones with the faces of all her dead loved ones on it.
- Corran has a mabari named Brute who only understands Tevene
- Lav learns some Tevene as she grows so she can better play with Brute and talk with Corran
- Lav's older sister also never believed in the Elven gods, running away at 14 and not being seen again for many years.
- When she comes back, Lav finds out she became Andrastian, married a city elf, and is generally living a happy life
- Lav's parents basically disowned her sister after she ran away, so whenever the clan visits the town Lav's sister now lives at, Lav and her older brother sneak out to visit their sister and her husband
- Lavellan constantly puts other people before herself because she knows as a Keeper, she will have to one day lead her clan and take care of them, but this leads to her not communicating well and always pretending to be fine so she doesn't have to burden anyone and will often help others to not deal with her problems
- She's actually underweight because of this (which is how I explain why she's so skinny in the game) and gains more weight after Inquisition because she learns to better take care of herself with a good support system
- her dad died when she was around 13 and her mom became even more religious out of grief which really stressed Lavellan out
- When she just realized she was a mage, Lavellan still tried to keep making inventions and stuff, but ended up slicing her left ear open while working on one, so The Keeper forbade her from making them again. The ear never closed, which is why in my drawing of her, her ear is like that
- Corran taught her to play chess and handmade a chess set for her which got destroyed during the conclave. Luckily her journal made it out tho
- She loves heights and feels most comfortable in the forest because it reminds her of all the times her and Lindiranae would sneak off to be together
- Lav is complete and utter shit at cooking
- Lavellan loves to read and, when reading a book she really likes, often tunes out the world and it can be kinda hard to pull her back into reality. Like a deep sleeper except with books
- She can sew really well
- Lavellan is fantastic at diplomacy and would be great at The Game, but the whole thing stresses her out so much constantly that she would never choose to do it willingly
- Lavellan's ears move in accordance to her emotions, but she got a handle on that when she was young so she could fake being fine, but her ears twitch a lot when annoyed or upset and turn pink when she blushes
Literally all of this is before Inquisition even happens, it's literally all just her backstory and stuff.
Honestly, Imma probably make another one of these about her in the Inquisition because damn do I have a lot of things to talk about with her
I suppose with DAI being my first Dragon Age game, I have the most to talk about with my Lavellan
Anyway, thanks for asking 🩷
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magnetarbeam · 6 months
I'm trying to write more of the Force-Sensitive Mirax AU and I've realized that she probably would know what it is. Like, if nothing else, her brother Wedge has spent enough time around Luke to know that those Weird Feelings come from the Force.
Even in canon, you can't tell me Wedge wasn't constantly wondering when Corran would figure it out.
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bluestockingbaby · 10 months
12. I already answered this one from Jojo, so here are 5 other books that were very difficult for me to cut from my top 5!: Dangerous Liaisons- Choderlos De Laclos, The Poisoner’s Handbook- Deborah Blum, Right Wing Women- Andrea Dworkin, All That You See Here is God: New Versions of Four Greek Tragedies- Brian Doerries, Bullshit Jobs- David Graeber
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were? Well, I haven't finished it yet, but I'm still working through Moby Dick (via Whale Weekly) and it's really good. I went into it already a bit familiar, but it really is better than you would expect as long as you're not expecting something straightforward and adventurous. Like Charles Dickens, it's best read aloud.
21. Did you participate in any booklr, booktube, or book twitter drama? Participate? Absolutely not. I'm aware of some of it, like the current Cait Corran thing because one of my mutuals keeps up with booktok and sundry. I do also follow withcindy on youtube. I'm strictly a lurk and judge type of person.
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mando-of-esverr · 4 months
//OK so I'm working on my drafts, right, and I get to thinking about Darius in his Darr'thumbrian verse and how it would work with Darius.
//with his banishment worked, connecting with the force is actually painful for him because of the pain and trauma that happened when he was severed from the force. (If you've read, "I, Jedi" unabridged, think of when Luke was poking around Corran's head regarding Mirax, and the pain Corran experienced when Luke brushed that part of his mind.)
//But with Darr'thumbrians, the process they use for eye modifications ("scourgings" as the videre eye modifications are called) is actually used to forcefully pull an Esverran's Midichlorians out of dormancy and into full activity. All Esverrans have a high count of dormant Midichlorians, so a Videre having their dormant count forced into activity actually enhances their power and abilities.
//However, this method utilizes the Dark side of the force, often twisting the personality or the emotional foundation of the Videre/Esverran it's used on. Something like how the Dark Side changes the alignment of those who use it (jedi/neutral to neutral/sith aligned).
//For Darius, this would be an incredibly painful experience and his pain would give root to plenty of dark aggression toward his captors/"converters."
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correctrvbquotes · 6 months
Cut to Simmons manning the Warthog's turret.
Sarge: Hold your fire there, Simmons. This is payback time.
Simmons: Go for it, sir!
Cut to Caboose and Tucker.
Tucker: That's right, we're just casually strolling away. (he starts backing up) No cause for concern...
Caboose: Running time! (he runs away)
Tucker: Nice and casual! Moron! (the two run around in circles before they are able to orient themselves, then they head toward Blue Base)
Lopez: (watching them run) Sí, sí, corran, perros cobardes. Que sea sabido que el gran López ha ganado en éste día, y... [Yes, yes, run away, you cowardly dogs. Be it known that the great Lopez has won this day and...]
Cut to the Warthog driving toward Lopez.
Simmons: Aim for that guy right in the middle, Sarge!
Sarge: Way ahead of ya, Simmons!
Lopez: (turns around) ¿Qué está pasando? [What is happening?]
Cut to Lopez's HUD, a beeping noise starts as red text appears in the middle of his visor: SYSTEM OVERRIDE PROTOCOL. REMOTE DESTRUCT SEQUENCE
Lopez: (with his HUD still displayed) No me han dado opción. [You have given me no choice.]
The HUD changes text to read: ACTIVATED
Simmons: We've got you now, you blue bastard!
Cut to a zoom in of Lopez.
Simmons: Hey, Sarge, do you hear a strange beeping sound?
Cut to the Warthog exploding just before reaching Lopez. It launches into the air, flipping over backward twice before landing. Cut to Caboose and Tucker running up to Lopez.
Lopez: (speaking to Sarge) Perdonadme, padre. [I'm sorry, father.]
Tucker: Alright! Not bad, robot dude!
Caboose: I knew he would save us. I knew it! Robot people always like me. ..It's because of my awesome dancing.
Lopez: Mi espíritu está quebrado. Mi gente me ha abandonado y ahora todo está perdido. Haga conmigo lo que queráis... [My spirit is broken. My people have betrayed me and now all is lost. Do with me what you will...]
Tucker: Yeah, okay, man. Can you just shut up and fix our tank?
Fade to black. Music plays.
Caboose:Dancing time! (makes noises along with the music)
Lopez: El corazón de este guerrero llora en dolor. (referring to Caboose) ¿Por qué se burla éste de mi con su baile absurdo? ¿Son esos movimientos supuestos a hacerlo parecer robot? (pause) No lo hacen. Estoy ofendido por esto. [The heart of this warrior cries out in sorrow. Why does this one mock me with his foolish dancing? Are those moves supposed to make him look like a robot? They do not. I am offended by this.]
Caboose: Dancing time!
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ainyan · 2 years
Get to Know Me!
Share your wallpaper
My wallpaper switches between a bunch of XIV screenshots, but here's what's displaying currently on my main work monitor (out of 4):
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The last song you listened to: Pilgrimage, from the Endwalker patch 6.1 Soundtrack (from Aglaia). 
Currently reading: On my phone: Wolf-Speaker, by Tamora Pierce. On my computer: Emliy Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries, by Heather Fawcett. On my iPad: The Legend of Huma, by Richard A. Knaak.
Last Movie: The last movie I watched was Spider-Man: No Way Home. I, uh... don't watch a lot of movies. >.>
Craving: Honestly? I'm craving salmon, but it's too expensive right now. :(
What are you wearing right now? I'm at work, so a pair of loose capris, a turquoise blouse, my N7 Elite hoodie, my Sith lanyard with all my video game pins, and a pair of comfy sandals.
How tall are you: 5'1" on a good day.
Piercings: Three in my ears, but I'm hoping to get several more this summer (depending on circumstances).
Tattoos: None.
Glasses? Contacts? Glasses. I can't wear contacts.
Last drink: Water!
Last show: Abbott Elementary (I'm several weeks behind, don't spoil me)
Last thing you ate: A SweeTart heart <3
Favorite color: I prefer jewel tones, so emerald, sapphire, amethyst. I'm a huge, huge fan of peacock colors.
Current obsession: FFXIV, natch
Unrelated obsession: Destiny 2
Any pets: Three! Two cats, Momo (one orange braincell) and Byakko (grey tiger tabby), and a dog, Inari (my Askii - half-Husky, a quarter Akita, a quarter mix).
Do you have a crush on anyone? Besides my husband of sixteen years and my partner of twelve? A few video game characters. Other than that, not really. I'm pretty poly-saturated right now and haven't even been looking.
Favorite fictional character: I mean, Thancred. Theron. But if you're looking for someone not video game related, probably Thrawn or Corran Horn. General Leia. Mirax Terrik. I'm pretty simple; I like spies, pilots, and strong-willed women.
The last place you traveled: Raleigh, North Carolina.
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Tagged by: @sasslett
Tagging: @eorzeashan, @thelealinhypehouse, @sayonaramidnight, @starrysnowdrop, @irisopranta, @lilbittymonster, @lilvulpix-alex, and anyone else who would like to share! I know this is more OOC than fanfiction, so don't feel compelled to share if you don't want to <3
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depizan · 2 years
One thing that frustrated me when I was trying to be a published author was the insistence (by writing classes and groups) that the main characters needed a personal interest in the plot. This was more true in the mystery ones than the sci-fi ones, but given the order I joined those groups, I'm not sure it wasn't just timing.
And yes, characters do need to be invested in the plot. When they aren't, it makes for some very strange reading. *eyes a book or two I've encountered in the past year* But I feel like this is advice that can also go very, very wrong when taken to the extreme that the writer's groups did. (And in a number of works of fiction out there.)
There's personal interest in the plot that works well, whether we're talking a consulting detective who perks up at interesting cases or a space criminal who wants to save the galaxy because he's one of the idiots who lives in it. The plot is, by its very nature, important to the characters. It can be their job, their hobby, their special interest, a matter of life and death--adjust scale depending on scale of plot.
And there's the kind of personal interest that the writing groups meant: the plot has to have a personal interest in the main character(s). (Not what they said, but effectively what they meant.)
Can that work? Are there stories it makes sense for? Of course. Is it always appropriate? NOPE.
It falls on its face hard (at least for me) when it comes to smaller stakes stories and even certain kinds of larger stakes (or larger scale) stories. It either puts the focus of the universe on the main character in a way that can seem a bit...er...Sue-y, or it makes it seem like the universe has some malevolent intent regarding the main character.
This is where those mysteries I hate, where the killer targets the detective's family or loved ones for reasons that make little to no in-universe sense come from. "This person discovered something that's a risk to me, and has told everyone (which is how I know it). I'll threaten their family/significant other/dog!" This gets you what, exactly? "I don't know. The plot told me to!"
It's also part of why the Rogue Squadron books feel like they have a Mary Sue for a protagonist. Why does the first villain have beef with Corran? (And only/specifically Corran.) Beeecause? Why does the second villain become focused on Rogue Squadron? Er... well... to start with, the universe doesn't actually make any sense.
It's why I drifted away from Nu!Who as everything became more and more about the Doctor. The focus made him too important for the stories to be interesting.
I really feel like a lot of fiction could stand to learn from the "for me, it was Tuesday" scene from Street Fighter (the one with Raul Julia). Sure, that was played for cheese, mostly, but the concept is solid. Sometimes, to the villain, it should be Tuesday. It would be more dramatic if it were Tuesday. It would keep the scale and focus sensible if it were Tuesday.
Sure, sometimes there are actual plot reasons for the villain to focus on the hero(es). Revenge. Secret family connections. The hero is a macguffin. Etc. You know, something actually in the universe, that makes actual in-universe sense. Not: the conventional wisdom is that the plot is more interesting if the hero has a personal stake in it, therefor the villain hates them. (... and does something horrible to the hero's loved one(s) so that they will hate them back.)
"It's my job." "You're my friend." "That case sounds interesting." "You'll pay me how much?" Are all investments in the plot. Sure, those investments might have breaking points if the plot gets too dangerous, depending on the character. But plot events might also give the character more reasons to stay involved, too.
And, frankly, weird shit like the murderer in some mystery series targeting the detective's family seem more like a reason for that to be the last book in the series because the detective quit than a personal investment to keep doing their job.
In bigger scale stories, it can make the villain look like they've lost focus (when this isn't the intent of the story), or it can just completely wreck the worldbuilding because the villain shouldn't be able to just focus on the heroes. (Which is what happens in Rogue Squadron: The Bacta War.)
And, yes, I know part of this is just me preferring smaller stakes/scales, contrary to popular wisdom in storytelling. Still, I can't help thinking that a piece of writing advice went wrong somewhere and started getting used in places where it doesn't really help things.
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red-flight · 8 months
“Top 5″ pilots/droids in star wars
1. Whistler
2. R5-G8 "Gate/Mynock"
3. BD-1
4. K2-S0 and R2 are tied here
5. BB-8
Honorable Mention: Chopper
Look ok this kinda isn't fair bc my boys take the first four slots
1. Wedge and Tycho are tied here don't make me choose between them
2. Wes and Hobbie they are a package deal I don't care that I'm cheating
3. Corran Horn
4. Luke
5. Soontir Fel deserves a spot on this list
Honorable Mention: Han because he treats an antique freighter like a snub fighter and makes it work
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indigo · 10 months
the cait corran debacle is so awkward because i've actually had her book on my tbr for months and now i'm like well why would i wanna read a book written by someone i know is a racist especially when its sequel will probably never get published now. also goodreads won't let me take it off my tbr now because her review bombing other people ironically got her review bombed and now you can't interact with the book
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