#i'm literally fine i'm just very annoyed and need to shut up and go eat dinner XD
deadbydangit · 1 year
Taking care of them when they're sick. Killers.
Trickster, Pyramid Head, Mastermind, Huntress, Dredge (Platonic), Legion (Frank)
Oh my God, please stop whining.
Ji-woon world's biggest baby.
If you get sick, he won't let you near him.
When he gets sick? Clingy, needy, brat.
Get me soup! I need more blankets! Don't leave me alone!
He's used to being pampered. So he expects you to do the same.
A sickening amount of cuddles. You aren't getting away.
You get sick? So what?
You get the honor of taking care of him.
When he's better, he'll be appreciative.
More snuggles, lots of kisses, lots of praise.
He may be annoying, but he really appreciates and craves attention.
Pyramid Head
He can't really get sick.
But he can get hurt.
Usually, his wounds close up pretty quickly.
But if he gets hurt real bad, he's going to need some help.
He isn't a huge fan of staying idle, so you're going to have to force him to rest.
He's very dedicated to his job, so keeping him still might prove a challenge.
Patch him up and clean his wounds.
Despite his lack of ability to show emotions or speak, it might seem like he's irritated.
He really isn't. Don't worry. It's actually a relief for him.
Oh, and, if possible, kiss the wound. That will really make his day.
As a token of appreciation, he'll pat your head and pet your hair. It isn't much, but it's how he shows his love to you.
Preposterous, he'd never get sick.
How dare you assume he's that weak.
He's Albert Wesker. He's the man that is going to shape the whole world in his image.
But, whether he likes it or not, he is sick.
The total opposite of Trickster.
A sick Wesker is a grouchy Wesker.
You're going to have to force him to stay in bed.
Because when this man gets sick, he really gets sick.
As independent as he wants to be, he needs help.
Because of the virus, he needs a lot more medicine than most to actually work.
Warm tea and enough medicine to drug an elephant usually does the trick.
After sleeping the full day he's usually recovered enough to start moving around again.
If you get what he gets, then of course he's going to complain.
"I was just fine on my own. Why can't you take better care of yourself? What would happen if I wasn't here?"
It's just his way of showing he cares and loves you.
Oh, she's sick?
She never would've known
She's so used to taking care of herself that any sickness was ignored.
Anna doesn't mind how much you're taking care of you though. Even though she has no idea why you're fawning over her.
The attention and affection is more than welcome.
You might need to hide the medicine in a soup or something, because she won't take it otherwise.
She'd feel really bad if you caught whatever she had.
She would return the favor tenfold.
Home cooked soup. Hand hunted prey.
Lots of snuggles and kisses.
You're her little rabbit and she's going to take the best care of you.
Dredge (Platonic)
Probably shouldn't have eaten that.
Might've been one of the dead cows hanging from the trees in Coldwind.
Or maybe that horse?
Whatever he ate, it's making him really sick.
He's spewing up random objects that he's eaten throughout his lifetime.
A lot of objects that have been missing throughout history.
Airplanes, historical objects, some bodies, etc.
The biggest challenge with him is stopping him from eating more or everything he just spit up.
He is, quite literally, a bottomless pit. So safe to say he is hungry.
A hungry Dredge is not a happy Dredge.
After a day or so he'll be feeling better and willing to eat everything again. Just not the things that made him sick. He's learnt his lesson.
He'll find you some little trinkets to show his appreciation.
Just don't be offended if it's something gross. He's really trying.
Legion (Frank)
He's a stubborn little shit.
"I'm not sick. Shut up!"
It's going to take you and the rest of the Legion to make him take a day off.
"Fine. Whatever."
But he actually wanted to take the day off. He just couldn't let the others see him as weak and lazy.
This was all your idea.
Frank hates tea and soup. He'd rather have soda and crap food.
Well, tough, because that's not what you're eating right now.
And he does not cover his mouth when he coughs or sneezes. It's your own damned fault if you get sick.
He secretly loves all the attention and he really does feel like crap.
"Hey, I'm cold, come here."
You have no choice in that. You're going to have to snuggle with him till he falls asleep.
And, you are going to catch what he has.
He'll be the one taking care of you.
He knows he's the reason and he does feel bad.
He might not be the best at helping you, but he's really trying his best.
And it's all for you.
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soullust · 11 months
hiii i'm super bored, so here are dps sick headcanons
neil perry
seldom gets sick but when he does it hits him LIKE A TRUCK hates being sick he's allergic to penicillin so he feels very guilty about needing medication stubborn asf, will pretend he's fine for an annoying amount of time. will go to class watery eyed, sweaty, flushed red, shaking and half-delirious has to be forced to rest, but once that's managed he's very calm and sleeps through most of his sickness loves soup. his mom used to (and still does if he happens to get sick while he's home) make him some kind of special soup whenever he got sick and he loved it. give the boy some soup it will cure 99% of his illness.
todd anderson
gets sick frequently but goes through it pretty lightly he's never like, suffering, more like inconvenienced takes him such a long time though. he has never been sick less than a week fatigue hits him hard, he's falling asleep while standing gets pretty bad muscle pains and pretty irritable it makes him pretty snappy, which unfortunately, makes him funny asf, but no one can really laugh bc he's sick, that would be rude
charlie dalton
probably ate dirt as a kid so he's immune to all the germs, and doesn't get sick a lot but when he does his throat just... gives up on him. he looses his voice immediately i think since he barely gets sick the poets have no idea, so when one day he just shows up at breakfast dead silent they assume the apocalypse is near. gets really bad headaches. loud noises make his headaches worse. this is pretty ironic and funny to the other poets starts missing classes the second he can and doesn't come back until he's forced to by nolan himself would love being sick if it wasn't for the whole... being sick thing bc ouch... but like the attention is great
knox overstreet
gets sick at very unfortunate times, like just at the beginning of spring or during school breaks and weekends. convinced he's dying every. single. time. "This Is The End, Write Down My Will For Me Please... Please Call My Mommy, I Shall Bid My Farewell To Her..." to be fair he does get a horrible migraine every single time, so the guys are mostly forgiving of all of the bullshit inhales soup and tea with lemon&honey.
gerard pitts
his temperature spikes up by +0.1°C and immediately delirium hits him and it hits him HARD gets really emotional and cries a lot. mostly bc he loves his friends and animals and science hates taking medicine. you gotta hide it in his food bc he will not take it will not shut the fuck up, not even for a second. not even when he's sleeping (pray for meeks he's really going thru it), talks until he looses his voice also muscle pains get him soo bad, like his back and his legs are useless he can barely sit sometimes
steven meeks 
barely eats anything. all the food becomes repulsive to him and he has to be coaxed to eat literal toddler portions just so he doesn't starve. throws up a lot deathly pale + flushed cheeks and nose + teary, puffy eyes sleepy. hates it. hates missing classes and complains about it a lot. would over-medicate himself to get to go to class quicker luckily he can be easily distracted (mostly by crossword puzzles and music) charlie will go into his room and play saxophone for him sometimes <3
richard cameron
he technically has a pretty good immune system but he's so irrationally afraid of germs that he walks around in a medical mask during flu season to protect himself still gets sick though it's like a vibe check from god to stop fucking panicking like neil, he refuses to admit that he's sick and goes to class shivering, sweaty, and only half-lucid but he will go to class goddammit, gotta keep that perfect attendance somehow still believes that some painkillers will fix him. he almost overdosed once (or twice) has to be forced to rest and argues about it a lot he's hungry. all the time. could eat a five course meal and still be hungry. get my boy some sustenance, he's dying also gets migraines (he gets those anyways, they get way worse when he's sick though)
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Helpless part 13 (Hello I hope someone is listening)
"Morning Death boy."
"What time is it?"
"Eight o'clock I the morning."
"Goodnight Giraffe."
"Get up, we're getting breakfast."
"Let me sleep."
"Nope." Nico was refusing to get up so Will decided to do the only logical thing and pick him up.
"Put me down Solace."
"Don't think I will Death breath."
"That's a new one."
"Thought of it on the spot."
"Good for you Sunshine, now put me down."
"Not a fan of that idea." Will ran, carrying a very pissed Nico. "Hey Percy."
"Hi Will, should I ask why you're carrying Nico and also how you haven't gotten murdered yet?"
"Well he wouldn't get up so it was to only logical solution."
"Fuck you." Nico muttered,
"I wish you luck on not getting murdered."
"You know I could just shadow travel away?"
"No you quite literally can not, it would kill you."
"Do you have a death wish Will?"
"He's harmless."
"I have killed people William."
"I can confirm this, I was nearly a victim."
"Let's not forget you also tired to kill me."
"Why are you two trying to kill each other?"
"We don't talk about that."
"He's annoying as fuck." Percy and Nico said at the same time, locking eyes with each other, leading to a mildly concerned Will.
"Okay.... I'm going to pretend this never happen." Will placed Nico on the floor.
"Di Angelo, me and Jason-"
"-Jason and I."
"Not you to, same thing. We have decided to kidnap you, you're finally joining us on the big three table."
"Why exactly?"
"You'll get lonely."
"I'm perfectly fine being alone."
"Too bad, sucks for you."
"Stronzo." Nico muttered under his breath before waking off to join Jason, Percy went to follow him but Will pulled him back.
"Make sure he eats three full meals a day, shove it down his throat if you have to. I'm not joking, if he's refusing to eat or drink hold him down and make sure he eats for the next few months. I don't know how he's still alive at this point."
"I'll make sure he eats; mate you alright? Your eyes are bloodshot, when's the last time you slept?"
"A few days ago, I'm fine."
"A few days?! Mate, you need to sleep."
"I'll survive, pure chaos in the infirmary. Oh, don't tell Nico this but, you know how Aphrodite kids can speak French because it's the language of love? I can speak Itallian because it's the language of music, so if you were wondering, when he walked off he called you an asshole."
"Eh, not surprising. I'll catch you around Will."
"Yeah see you round." Willl walked off to join his siblings at the Apollo table.
"Don't think we didn't hear that, you're taking today off and no night watch until Tuesday." Kayla said pulling Will down and shoving a piece of toast in his hand, "And you're eating breakfast today, you've skipped it for a week."
"I've been busy."
"Would you like me to show you a list of every single person you've told to stop skipping meals? Let me start the list, Nico, Selina, Leo, Beckendorf, Annabeth, Michael-"
"Okay, okay you win. But I can't take the day off-"
"Not optional, go pine over Nico for the day or something. Maybe even, you know, sleep? Can't remember the last time you did that, more than a week."
"Oh shut up."
"Actually, I have a great idea." Austin interrupted, "Go talk to Cecil and Lou Ellen, they tired to kidnap you many, many times."
"Shit, yeah I should probably go talk to them." Will tried to get up but was held down by his younger siblings,
"Not so fast, you're still eating breakfast." After being force fed three full plates and swearing on the river of Styx that he would get eight hours of sleep that night he was finally allowed to leave.
"Finally, we missed you. We've been waiting for you to get off work for the past week." Lou Ellen said punching him in the arm.
"I should probably tell my siblings the kidnapping's off..."
"The what?!"
"Well me and Cecil tried, but Kayla found out we were coming and stopped us."
"So then I thought if I got the rest of the Hermes kids in on it they couldn't stop all of us."
"Of course you did."
"Well you're always in the infirmary."
"I've been busy for a few days, that's all."
"Well I know you haven't slept properly for the last eight days, and that you always insist on taking night watch."
"And anything difficult, and Nico."
"So? I'm fine, just busy."
"You're overworking."
"No I'm not."
"Will when was the last time you took a break?"
"Last year, Michael and Lee's funeral, I took half a day off."
"You can't do that to yourself."
"I can't let Kayla and Austin burn themselves out."
"Gods, I can't do this right now. I'm going to trust your siblings to talk some sense into you; want to go steal something?"
"I'm down, we just need to be back by three. In time for the thing." Lou Ellen smirked,
"Ohh rightttt."
"What did you do?!"
"You'll find out Sun boy."
"I'm scared."
"You should be."
I wonder, if nobody is listening to my voice. Am I making any sound at all?
I hope you're prepared for what's coming soon.
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kianaflame23 · 2 years
A Special Night ☆ Final Fantasy XVI Clive Rosfield x f!reader n*sw
Hi, my friends and mutuals! Today is Valentine's Day and I don't celebrate it but I decided to write this fanfic! Hope everyone enjoy reading it! <333
Summary: You were getting concerned as you just told Clive a silly joke. Suddenly, he can't stop himself from touching you...
Tagging: @theempressofdarkmagic @aria-lesage @virtuousluna @momowasdreaming @tea-r-re-z @seiyaido @blueflame97 @horrorlove14 @helianyx @tharmr-barnabas @revoirestbelle
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"Clive! Can I ask you a question?", you spoked to him. Clive smiled and nodded, curious to know your question. You grinned as you began to talk.
"Would you rather eat a baby goat or a matter baby?"
Clive looks confused, not understanding what you are saying to him.
"....What is the matter, baby?"
You smirks and places your hands on your hips, leaning down a bit as you did a cute pose at Clive.
"Nothing, honey~", you finished your lines as you wink at Clive and use your hands. Pulling him closer to your face. Of couse, Clive is taller than you so you pulled his black hair gently. A soft kiss on his lips as you leaned away from Clive, grinning even more as you sees Clive's shocked expression. Feeling his cheeks burn from embarrassment, covering his face with one of his hand. Shaking his head as he chuckled.
"Your humor astonished me every time, my love."
"I'm guessing you like my joke!"
"Yes. Let me tell you mine, (Y/N)", Clive smiles to you, trying to control his excitement as your (e/c) widened in confusion.
"Oh? Please tell me, Clivey~"
Clive smirks as he leaned down to your ear, you felt his hot breath as you gasps.
"I'm going to "destroy" you, my lovely wife. You'll be "screaming" my name all day until you can only think of me.", Clive kisses softly in your sensitive neck as he pulled you closer to him. Feeling your chest as he gropped your ass, you stuttered your words to Clive.
"C-clive! You need to control yourself! Our friends are literally there..."
*Oh, I forgot to mentioned that you and the group are staying over in a small village, staying there for one or two days until continuing with the journey. Enjoy your time at the bar. Everyone drinking their alcohol as they talked loudly. You didn't felt like drinking as you laughed at your friends. Not expecting Cidolfus to be dancing so silly and Jill tries her best to stop him from hurting himself*
You were so shocked that no one paying attention to both you and Clive. You guessed that it is normal for people to be like that there.....You refuses to have rough yet lovemaking with Clive right now. Especially when everyone and Sandalphon are there.....You don't want to make a scene there....
"So? I want to taste your sweet nec--"
This is Sandalphon! He's from Granblue Fantasy!
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Sandalphon woke up from his slumber from the table, most likely in a drunked state. Looking very annoyed as he looked towards you and Clive.
Sandalphon spoked to them, not caring if anyone is hearing his loud voice. Shocking you and unamused Clive with his outburst, you feels your face burning more because of your voice and wants to leave from the bar....
"I'm sorry, Sandy! Please forgive us! We are about to leave and get some sleep now!"
"No, my wif--"
"Clive! We need to sleep!", you covers his mouth, preventing Clive to embarrassing you even more. You smiles weakly to you apologizes to Sandalphon. Sandy sighs and began to talk.
"(Y/N), captain, it's fine. I'm sorry for my vulgar tone. Just "do" it where I can't see you two."
"It's fine! I will make sure that Clive isn't going t--", you didn't finished your sentence as you saw Sandalphon uses his colorful feathers and immediately knew what he is going to do.
"I'll use my powers so we can't see nor hear anything from you. Enjoy yourselves, lovebirds.", Sandalphon threw her feathers at you and Clive, somehow sending you two in a private room. You didn't say anything to Clive as Clive turns towards you.
"We can start with our lov--", you glared at Clive, as if you wants to beat him up. Immediately stopping himself from saying anything else. Knowing that Clive shouldn't anger you....you sigh and pouted, holding your loverboy's hand gently as you pulled the blankets away from the mattress. Getting comfortable as your back were on the bed with Clive
"Let's sleep, my darling~"
"Yes, (Y/N)..."
You turned your back as the blanket were covering both you and Clive. Waiting for Clive to sleep and smiling softly to yourself. Not realizing your mistake as Clive pulled you closer to his chest, your back on him. Feeling his hand caressing your ass, you mewled in pleasure but immediately covers your mouth. Continuing to caresses your ass before Clive slapping it, you felt your ass jiggled lightly. Blushing even more as you turn over to face Clive. Unfortunately for you, you were met his chest and looked up at him. Clive smirks as you pouted cutely at him, telling him to keep his hands to himself. Ignoring your words as Clive decides to pulled your whole body on top of him. You were about to say something until.....
"My wife, do you know what today is?", you looked confused, which Clive chuckled as he caresses your cheek with such care and love. Making you almost forget on what he was doing to you earlier.
"No....I don't..."
(Y/N). Today is Valentine's day", Clive smiles gently at you, your eyes widened as you realized your silly mistake. You sighed as you shaked your head in disappointment. Feeling bad for not knowing about that special day....
"You're right! I'm so--", Clive didn’t allow you to speak any more as he kissed you passionately, swallowing your soft moans as his tongue roams all over yours. Rubbing your back before squeezing your ass once again. Tapping his shoulder as you want to take some air, Clive continues to kiss you before pulling away from you. Small drops of drool falls down from your lips as you look away. Thinking to yourself that you want to....dominate him....before he can devour you to ecstasy....
You began to strip off your clothes as Clive watches in delight, enjoying your naked body in front of him. Worshipping you as his only goddess and no one else. He can't help himself as his hands goes to your hips and waits patiently, behaving like a golden retriever.
'Huh...Clive is acting cutely like that...reminds me of Torgal....', you smiled as you shaked your head in disapproval.
"Hey, I don't want to be the only one without clothes here. C'mon, my sexy, charming knight~", you grinned as you giggled, seeing your Clive nodding rapidly as he pushed you down to the bed softly. As if you were made of glass and doesn't want to hurt. Feeling lucky to have him as your only husband. All of his clothes were taken off, exposing his well- toned chest as your cheeks burn from looking at him and his abs. Gulping as you felt yourself getting more turn on and covering your mouth again. It is rare to see his genuine smile as he always has a stoic yet serious face. You still love him though and you absolutely love how he'll listen to you.
Clive pulls your hand away from your mouth, kissing your fingers for a few seconds before leaving one last kiss on your ring. Feeling your eyes tear a bit from his sweet affection and smiles.
"Allow me to ravish you, my lovely (Y/N). I want to suck and taste your sweet cum.", he huskily said to you, feeling yourself getting wet as Clive spread your legs open for him. Going down on you and kissing your thighs, moaning softly as you closed your eyes in pleasure.
"C-clive! I w-want to....go hard on your....face....please..."
"Do it, my wife. I don't mind. Don't hold back!"
Clive didn’t need to tell you twice as you grabbed his hair, pulling him closer to your pussy. Loud moans coming out from your small mouth as you thrust in more on Clive. His blue eyes rolled back a bit as you felt a vibrate in you, meaning that he's moaning as he continues to taste your sweet nectar.
"So good~ my Clive! Oh! Make me cum, please~", your eyes is still closed as your eyebrows furrowed in ecstacy, not wanting Clive to stop sucking and licking your pussy. Your thighs squeeze his head as his hands hold them tightly before deciding to use his hand. His fingers thrusting in your gummy walls while licking all around there. Clive felt his now, fully erect cock twitching as he wants to be in you....wanting to feel something as he lets go of your thigh. Stroking his cock as he continues to pleasure you more.
"My handsome husband! I'm gonna cum soon!", you whimpered as you felt your climax getting closer and closer. You let go of his hair as you pulled the covers of the bed, trying to hold something before releasing all of your juice on Clive. He stopped tasting your pussy and you were able to complain until he said this words to you....
"Come to me, (Y/N)!", he yelled as your (e/c) widened in astonished. You really those three words so hot, to the point of you rolling your eyes in pleasure, using your legs to bring him closer to your sweet sex. Releasing your climax on Clive, your tongue sticking out and him tasting your cum on his mouth. Feeling his beard as it tickles you but you didn't mind it. You witnessed true ecstacy on Clive's expression as his blue eyes is no longer opened. Closing them as his cute eyebrows furrowed in pleasure, wanting to taste more of your cum before you shakily moved your legs away from him. Letting him breathe as you barely noticed that Clive is still stroking his shaft, wanting to release his cum on your chest. Sucking him dry sound great for you....
"I'm so close, my beautiful wife...I'm sorry for not cu--", you instantly licked your lips seductively before kissing the tip of his cock. Clive moans as he tries to say something but words can't be heard as you continued making kissing noises to his cock before placing your mouth on him. Feeling so much pleasure as Clive cursed to himself, grabbing your hair as he allowed you to suck more deeper.
"S-shit! Fuck! You're doing so well, my love!"
You can taste his pre-cum on your tongue, you could only handle half of his shaft and use your hands to stroke the rest of it.
'So big....yet so good~"
You want to touch yourself so badly as you suck on him. You weren't sure if he can read your mind, however, he knew what you want and groaned as he leaned down on you. Gropping your ass before inserting his fingers in you, making you moan loudly on his cock. Thrusting in and out of your small mouth, apologizing as Clive give more pleasure to you.
"Hang in there, my wife. Your throat feels so good!", you allowed him to go rough on your throat, knowing that your second climax is approaching again. You didn't want this moment to end, enjoying his soft yet loud moans coming out from his mouth. You love Clive so much so you didn't mind him using your mouth. After all, he did allow you to use him as you climax on his sexy face.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum, (Y/N)!", he screamed as he came on you. Tasting his cum on your mouth, gagging a bit as you tried to swallow all of his cum. Some of them were dripping down to your breasts, Clive finally opens his blue eyes and looked down on you, panting heavily as he widened his eyes.
"Are you okay, my sweet (Y/N)?!", Clive asked you, his forefinger places on your chin, checking to see if he went too far. However, Clive immediately knew what you are going to do, feeling his cock twitch as he watches you. You stick out both your mouth and tongue, showing him that you swallow his cum. You looked so seductive and adorable to Clive...
"Look, Clivey~ I did it! Well, kinda...but it was so good ♡!", you spoked sheepish as you looked at him. Of course, you didn't realize what you just did to poor Clive. You're driving him mad but in a good way as he wants to....well....start a family with you...
Clive collapsed next to you, forcing you to be on top of him again and turning you over as you faces away from him.
'What is he doing....? Wait...Is he being serious?!', you thought to yourself as you felt his cock between your pussy and thighs, blushing more as you tried to calm down.
"Clive! I think we should sto--
You weren't able to say any more as you head a soft whimper from Clive. You turn your head quickly to him as your eyes widened as you saw how submissive he looks....your head is spinning as you start panting heavily in excitement.
"Please... FUCK ME, MY LOVE! I need you! My cock craves you and only you!", he whimpered even more as he tries to thrust in you...you stroked his cock for a bit as you keep hearing his cute moans before inserting his cock in you. Both you and Clive moaned in sync, finally becoming as one as you began to bounce on him.
"You feel so good, Clive! I need your cock to go more deeper!", you moaned as you continued riding him. Falling gently to his chest as your head turned at Clive, demanding him to go hard on you and want kisses from him too.
"Kiss me, my darling knight! Please!", you moan softly to Clive, tilting your chin towards him as his lips crashed yours. His hands were on your thighs now, thrusting in and out roughly on your pussy. Swallowing your loud moans as well as his, Clive's cock going more deeper and deeper. Then, he removed his hands from your thighs as they are on your stomach now. Still thrusting more deeper than before as your eyes rolled back in ecstacy. You pulled away from Clive a bit as you start talking to him.
"Yes! Like that, my sexy husband! I want you to fill me up!", you mewled as you felt your last climax getting closer and closer. Wanting him fill your womb with his cum, liking the idea of having kids with your only knight. You know Clive will be a great father and always cherish them as well as you. You're his wonderful, beautiful and attractive wife. Not only that, you can also protect yourself if he is not with you. Clive still wants to protect you from danger though.
"Want me to fill your tight pussy up with my cum? You might get pregnant, my love.", Clive grinned as he sees your lewd face, loving it as he looks at your smile twitching in ecstacy.
"OH, EIKONS! YES! I NEED YOUR CUM IN ME SO BADLY! LET'S START OUR OWN FAMILY, MY CLIVEY~ ♡", you moaned and panted as Clive likes your answer. Grunting as he starts sucking your neck, leaving you some hickies and chuckled. Watching you lose yourself in such great pleasure and happy to know that HE is only one who can make you cum on him. Making cute noises and just being with him forever.
"Then, prepare yourself! I'm cumming, my beautiful wife!", Clive yelled out to you, commanding you to cum on him. Luckily for Clive, he felt your gummy walls squeezing him tightly as both you and Clive climax together. His cum filling you up nicely as you have a goofy smile plastered on your face, satisfied that you were able to do get what you want. Hoping that Clive doesn't mind you asking this simple question. You and Clive calmed down from that amazing rough yet lovemaking, turning your head as you talked to him.
"Yes, my wife?"
"Do you think...I will be a good mother...?", you bited your lips and wait for Clive's answer, feeling tears on your eyes. Clive kisses softly to both of your cheeks, then your forehead and your eyes. Making sure you're okay and finally, kissing your lips passionately as you respond back. Pulling away from you before one last kiss, telling you that you will be a great mother. Looking forward to start a family with you, you smiled happily as you hugged him tight even though it was very odd position. Clive chuckled as he gently removed you being on top of me. His cock is no longer in you as Clive complimented you over and over. Blushing a bit and smiled to them.
"Thank you, Clive. I am confident that I wouldn't be alone anymore. I have you and our future family my handsome, daring, charming, knight~", you spoked softly, feeling your eyes closed as you snuggled with Clive. Finally sleeping with him as he sees your peaceful face and caresses your cheek.
"No, I should be the one thanking you, (Y/N). I love you so much, my wife.", Clive smiles before he starts to slumber as well. Already have a perfect date for you and him. Hoping you'll be ready for the date and perhaps another round after the date. For now, you and Clive sleeps peacefully together. You should take your friend, Sandalphon, for teleporting you here when you see him later.
Sandalphon woke up from his slumber, questioning himself if he is hearing stuff....
The end ☆
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cheerfullycatholic · 1 year
I'm sorry to make light of something stressful, but how on earth was "shoot them with a paintball gun" the last resort for getting a sheep inside?
(not criticizing, I'm just genuinely curious as a non-sheep owner)
Before I started raising goats, I thought people were over exaggerating when they'd say goats were the devil's pets. Goats are one of God's beautiful creatures, how could that be, ya know? And while that's true and goats aren't evil, they're also the greatest pain in the ass I've ever had to deal with. In my experience, pigs are easier to take care of, and if pigs don't want to do what you want them to, they will plant their butts and not move an inch (and scream bloody murder the entire time). Baaa-tholomew got out of his pen four times yesterday. My brother (who he's kinda afraid of) would chase him back in through the hole he got out of, and repair it. When Baaa-tholomew got out and I was the only one who was outside at the time, he literally would not go back in. I tried to grab him, chase him in, corner him, but because I take care of him (and tbh usually treat him like a baby) he wasn't scared of me and would run around me. I think he treated it like a game. Any other time of the year that'd be fine. In the early spring and middle to late fall I often let the goats out to eat grass in the glen anyway. But we just started to plant our garden, the fruit trees are growing a ton of leaves, and literally an hour before he broke out for the fourth time, I had just potted some flowers for my porch. Goats have this annoying tendency to go for the stuff you care about once you're already extremely frustrated with them, and he started running as fast as his little legs could take him straight to my flowers. I was screaming, he was screaming, my dogs were barking in the upstairs window, both of my hands hurt like hell from the nettle I got into while trying to catch him, I was starting to cry because I just wanted him to stay put, and that nincompoop was going to destroy one of the few things about summer that give me joy. I was upset, and I didn't know what to do. I don't take using the paintball gun lightly, and I don't like hurting animals. But in the moment all I could think to stop his rampage was the paintball gun. And although I don't like using it and I try very hard not to, the CO2 was dialed back enough to make it uncomfortable, but not painful. My brother and dad used to host paintball fights on our property with their friends, and before every match they'd make sure it wouldn't hurt to get hit with one. So I didn't use it to hurt Baaa-tholomew and I didn't want to hurt him, I just wanted to startle him enough to understand that this wasn't a game and he needed to go back into his pen. After that my brother heard what has happened and put up a bunch of boards on his pen and he hasn't been able to break through them yet. It definitely wasn't something I enjoyed doing, and in hindsight if I had just gone inside to get my brother before Baaa-tholomew went for the flowers, I probably could've avoided a lot of stress. But when you're chest deep in stinging nettle, trying not to get hurt, and trying to catch a goat while also not hurting him, sometimes your brain shuts off, and all you can think is "how do I do this as quickly as possible"
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chapter 15: 4ever obsessed
I hated the paper in which they had printed every english workbook in the world. It either was literal newspaper or magazine material and it was always a PAIN to use pencil on them. Still, I did, cause I refused to use pen to write on them. I was missing a couple of answers on the page before I could go ahead and be chaotic with my friends, as the rest of my classmates participating in the jungle-like ambient of school.
"2. Her lawyer would [___], or argue, that she was innocent." The words I hadn't used were "stress", "spare" and "contend" and I was re-reading every sentence on the page when someone leaned over me and drummed on my desk.
"Hurry up, bitchhh" It was Ella, half singing her words.
"Shut the fuck uppp" I said copying her, still with my eyes on the page.
"Come onnnn!! The answers are written on the damn blackboard, Rees!" She pretended to choke me for a second, making us both laugh.
"Yeah, I'm trying to learn a language here."
"Ugh, you're so annoying. Plus, it's so easy!"
"It's literally not"
"Number 1 is "prohibit", number 2 is "contend" She was reading from the blackboard. Miss Claudia would straight up write the answer key for us to "check our results" aka not having to teach a class lol. And we knew she was being lazy and she knew we were being lazy.
"Aaaaaaaa shut uppppp, Ella"
"3 is "spare", 4 "adress", 5 "countr-
"Come on, Rees" It was Poppy now, and she was shaking my shoulders. I laughed a bit again.
"Maybe if you guys let me have a think!!"
"Ree, just copy the stupid answers!!!!" This was Olivia, who would call me "Ree" like my family did.
"Aaaggh" I looked up at them, MJ was there too, just laughing and I couldn't help but smile at them towering over me looking happy, but also just needed a moment to finish!!! As we've stated before, I had a hermione granger personality complex and cheating on something like this was a bit unthinkable to me and my knowledge ambitions.
"We love our smarty pants friend"
"Fuck you guys"
We laughed and then they gave me a couple minutes to finish while they were chatting, standing around my desk, their four voices and laughs hovering over me. I was obsessed. Never had it felt this way to be me. It felt so cool and different to have Poppy and MJ now. Maybe because I had met them being now older, it felt so much like a new and cooler vibe, and even Liv and Ella felt newer and cooler to me.
Five minutes later, after getting my work graded and having Ella and Liv mock me cause "I would've gotten a 10/10 had I just copied from the blackboard as everyone else!!!", we went to the back of the classroom to a bunch of desks that had been pushed messily against the wall by the four of them, and then we hung out there, sitting on top of the desks, or rather laying on them, sort of how mermaids rest to take the sun and comb their hair on a rock in the shore. As if there was any sun to take in the cloudy 1pm afternoon inside the classroom.
One of the top activities we enjoyed was chat and have a great Time while focusing on appearing nonchalant and pretty. That specific day, one of us had brought grapes for lunch, the type of grape that is very round, the color of red wine and actually crunches inside your mouth when you bite them. Delicious! We put the tupper ware in the middle of the desks and talked while actively trying to look cool while eating. We all were giving tips on how to achieve this, as if we could've given a master class on "how to bite a grape and how to make it look like you're kissing someone and how to do it without making it look weird." And we laughed and laughed and laughed, cause sometimes it was terrible and sometimes we would mock each other, and it still felt like being by the pool side.
"They're looking at us" said Ella.
"Who?" asked Olivia.
"My stupid jerk ex-friends" said MJ.
"That's fun" said Poppy bitting a grape down the middle. "Of course they're looking, you look emotionally fine and we're looking cooler than them." Poppy said it as facts and I believed her.
"Also, you haven't cried in ages" added Ella.
"Thanks, Elle" said MJ with a bit of irony, making us laugh. But it was true.
"We love our drama queen" I said messing her hair up a tiny bit.
"Yea, I know I know" MJ blew us a few kisses. And Poppy asked whether she could also be our drama queen and we started talking about who was most dramatic of us five.
I took a grape to my lips and looked around while bitting it, believing I could look like a greek godess as I flicked my hair off my shoulder. They were talking between them, the popular group of girls and boys, but it was true, I could feel a faint glance from some of them. Rome, the new kid who had voluntarily admitted to thinking I was pretty, now had these dismissive glances he would give me if we ever looked each other in the eye, as if that could erase the fact that it happened or that I was indeed pretty. I thought it was very petty of him. Also, MJ's ex girlfriends were clearly talking about us. Mia and Brody were still "together", which just meant they were always next to each other, while he tried talking to her and she ignored him. They were suppossed to be a "cool couple" but i'm sure no one really thought so, not even them.
I didn't tell my friends about him putting his jacket over her shoulders during Disco Night but it crossed my mind for a second when I saw them there. "They look so dumb" I thought to myself with a shake of my head. I actually hadn't even mentioned Brody to either MJ or Poppy. It was rare that I would articulate even a sentence about those type of feelings. Just cause I thought they weren't important. They were not these intense die-hard sentiments, so I didn't want anyone to make a big deal out of them. I would talk about them if it felt fun. Like at the sleepover. But usually I would just lazily drop them somewhere inside me with my careless hands, let them hang around in the back of my mind, like a receipt you've been meaning to either paste on a scrapbook or toss in the trash, that ends up falling between the wall and your desk. Like, I just couldn't find a reason to recount that interaction at the camp ? Maybe if I liked him, I would. But all I was doing at this point was keeping tabs on Brody cause I had loved the spark between us at age 5. I shook my head thinking I was being stupid, finishing another grape with a laugh.
"NO way I am more dramatic than either of you!" said Ella sounding categorical.
"You sure??" I asked just to take the piss on her.
"Ohh, you? You can actually take my place in this drama podium, Rees"
"Shut up" we all were giggling, even after she threw a bitten grape at me which was criminal cause they were too good.
"Why is Rick coming this way?" Said Olivia. One of the basketball dudes, Rick, was heading towards us. It came like a slap in the face:
"Poppy, you're a whore"
The world paused for a split second after hearing that word. I looked at her, Poppy, to find a half smirk on her face.
"Yea? and what are you, dumbass?" asked her, with a laugh.
"Oh wait! Wait... we don't give a shit" said Ella cutting him before he could even come up with a comeback. I saw him trying to formulate words on his lips.
"Cool. Bye Rick!" I added before he could insult anyone again. I was glad Poppy was chill about it, but I was ready to fight. We all waved at him with sarcastic smiles and said "bye-bye" almost in unison which made us laugh. And he had to leave cause what else could he do?
"What the fuck?" asked Ella.
"It was them" said MJ.
"You think they sent him?" thought Liv.
"Idk. Could've been the basketball guys" commented Elizabeth.
"Well, either way, that was fucking mean." Stated Poppy with an undertone that wasn't too light.
I had been sure because of her reaction, Poppy didn't care being called a whore. She actually got that constantly. But by the look in her eyes now, I understood she was just good at laughing pretty and cursing at people when she had to.
"Whatever." Ella passed the tupper ware box around and lovingly played with Poppy's hair for a second. We all knew. So we shit-talked everyone and played to be mermaids again.
0 notes
Saw a post that got me thinking so sorry for the long tangent, also this post is for adults only! Please respect my boundaries!
It's kinda funny being asexual but not sex repulsed because I usually gravitate towards bdsm and to people who aren't asexuals it doesn't make sense.
Like I literally do not have a sex drive unless my testosterone levels are high enough, literally there is nothing without testosterone, and I kinda don't like having a sex drive because I'm not used to it and it's annoying. Sex is fine, it's not something I would usually go out of my way for, so suddenly having that switch flipped and my brain being like "sex sex sex!" Is irritating. Like dude Shut Up for like 5 minutes god damn. It's one of the reasons I've been off testosterone for a while.
So I don't feel any need to seek out sex, it's fine but nothing I feel like I'm missing out on. I'm not uncomfortable or grossed out by it, it's just kinda "meh". I could be in an orgy and I'd be like "yeah this is cool I guess, I've got nothing better to do." Doesn't matter how good the sex is, it's just not important to me. If it's offered and I'm bored I might have it, but it's like eating potato chips, I never go out and buy them but I'll eat them if they're there even though I'm not hungry. I don't do it to satisfy a craving because there isn't one. Sex still feels good but there is no "drive" to go have it.
I can however understand sex as a form of intimacy, so in a relationship sex is an act of service. It's something I can give my partner and it doesn't bother me to do it, but they have to initiate or I won't get that it's what they want. Bdsm makes it easier to navigate, because then we both know what the other wants and it's easier to know what to do. Plus without a sex drive sexual stimulation is kinda boring on its own, I gotta have something to focus on or I get bored and then the mood is gone pretty much instantly.
Honestly it's a lot of work for very little pay off, no matter how good the orgasm is. So I'm not doing it for myself, it's for the other person involved. I'm a service top AND bottom, but subbing is way easier because the other person can tell you what to do and you don't have to guess. Bdsm just makes sense. And you can make it into a game.
It's like larping. I'll sometimes do it for fun but it's not something I can't live without. It's not a necessity.
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kuiinncedes · 4 years
#PLEASE IGNORE MY WHINING SKDHDSJ XD#tumblr fucking give me my tags BACK#this is my last post about this i promise XD i have to go eat dinner now anyway#if you couldn't tell i'm very annoyed by this lmao#like i sort of 'put in effort' as much as you can put in effort on tumblr#lol but i kinda did bc i don't reblog rachel stuff bc i'm petty and want her tag lower#and i reblog almost everything with tina in it#but now tina is below both rachel and santana which is just absolutely no#i think mercedes is my first girl tho which i'm fine with#and not blaine being above kurt even tho they have the same number of posts so it's just alphabetical i think but slkdgkjhdjf#oh my fucking god i hate this XD and on my jatp blog!!! luke is first!!!! sorry king but i hate that#i had such a good order on my jatp blogggggg and on this blog there were some things i wanted to change but i was working on it#bruh quinntina isn't even on the list#I DID NOT GO THRU A MILLION INACTIVE BLOGS TO QUEUE QUINNTINA SHIT TO ANNOY EVERYONE WHO FOLLOWS ME#TO GET MY QUINNTINA TAG UPPPPP and then have this happen lmao#i'm literally fine i'm just very annoyed and need to shut up and go eat dinner XD#what was the fucking point of tagging everything if this was gonna happen tf#bitch i have 13.3k posts on this goddamn blog and ur telling me i only have like 30 now or something#ANYWAY I NEED TO SHUT UP AND GO EAT DINNER thanks for reading lol#stfu jeanne#god i'm so lame if this gets me so upset XD someone get me a life please
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dramatic-and-damned · 3 years
am I at all up to date with the bsd manga? Nope lol. Would I still like you to do Fyolai for the ship ask thing, because ur fics have given me brainrot? Hell fucking yesss
Chia have I ever told you I love you? Because I do. You are too good for this world, thank you for feeding my obsession. Also I'm going to be extremely elaborate because I love these fuckers so this is going to be a long ride and so it needs a cut.
Who said “I love you” first
I'd say Nikolai said, probably jokingly at first but the sincere 'I love you' first came from Fyodor. My reason behind this? Well Fyodor is a affection-starved idiot and I think the minute he realises he genuinely likes Nikolai he will immediately articulate this fact to the best of his abilities to make sure he doesn't lose this source of love. So I'm assuming his 'I love you' is the most sincere, emotion-filled, phrase he's said in his life followed by a medium-sized speech amplifying that fact. It's also going to leave Nikolai a flustered mess.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
Neither. I don't think they find that to be a show of love but Nikolai takes a bunch of pictures of Fyodor, at every chance he gets. Fyodor did contemplate it at a time since he heard it was stuff couples did but felt that it wasn't really meaningful for him.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
Nikolai. He'd write weird almost cryptic couplets, sometimes even riddles for Fyodor. Fyodor, at first annoyed, found them slightly sweet and nice. If it was a riddle Nikolai would pester him about it until he gave an answer, which of course led to long deep conversations between them.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Nikolai once again. Fyodor rarely gifts Nikolai anything but it will always be something with a deep meaning behind it that only the jester would understand. Nikolai would give Fyodor extravagant chocolates, flowers and sometimes even bracelets. Fyodor loves them but never says so.
Who initiated the first kiss
Fyodor, but it was just to shut Nikolai up. After his somewhat dramatic confession the jester couldn't stop rambling. It was a necessity. It wasn't.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Fyodor. Now this might seem odd to most, but Fyodor is the person who wakes up earlier so it's most logical. That one swift kiss is one of his greatest shows of love.
Who starts tickle fights
Nikolai. Yes he is aware of the dangers of this but he can't help himself. He'll see Fyodor looking worried and scowling and so he'd decide to lighten up the atmosphere, however also making sure Fyodor remained unhurt. The guy's as frail as paper he has to be careful or Fyodor might just break a bone, who knows?
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
Nikolai does it all the time, his success rate is surprising really. Fyodor enjoys having someone there who'll carefully bathe him, he gets some time to relax plus no effort on his side, a complete win-win situation!
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
I'd say both, but mainly Nikolai because 'surprise'. He takes surprises very very very literally and seeing Fyodor's surprised face is on his bucket list. His success rate here is...low. All he gets is a grumpy Fyodor who'll just mumble 'not hungry' and push it away.
Nikolai: But I made it with love~
Fyodor, annoyed: Can't you see I'm working?
Nikolai, dejected: fine.
Nikolai however does get surprised when Fyodor brings him something to eat when he's busy. He also gets flustered but only after Fyodor walks away.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Neither. Shy and nervous aren't words in their dictionary. However both were immensely worried if that counts.
Who kills/takes out the spiders
...Both are very capable but Nikolai does it because he wants to be 'A Knight in Shining Armor' for his love. His words not mine. Fyodor doesn't exactly mind spiders, he doesn't kill them either, just gently brushes them away if they're within hands reach and if Nikolai isn't around to do it.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
Fyodor doesn't drink so Nikolai obviously. However I doubt he goes around proclaiming his love rather than just gushing about how much he loves Fyodor and how he wants to kill him one day.
I'm sorry but as you can see I love them too much
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
The Vessel [Pt. 3]
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Fem! Reader
Summary: While you are trying to figure out why the Witcher is so abhorrent towards you, he finally gives you a hint as to why he doesn't like you. Also, you realize something— Yennefer and her spells can never go wrong.
Warnings: Geralt being a dick is what.
[My Masterlist] [My Witcher Masterlist - Read the other parts here!]
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It had been weeks since you slept with Geralt of Rivia, but you hadn't been feeling any different. If it were up to you to say, you would say that Yennefer's plan didn't work— although you couldn't muster the courage to ask her directly if it did.
What made you so sure that the plan hadn't worked was the fact that Geralt and Yennefer had been fighting about something since a few nights and you could feel the strain in their relationship starting to show up. This hunch that you had only strengthened when one day, you unknowingly stumbled upon an argument between the Witcher and the Mage.
It was almost a week after that night on the Great Mount. Geralt had been indifferent towards you since then— not even bothering to spare a glance in your direction when the four of you were in the same proximity.
You were now back at Redania— your home, but so were Yennefer , Geralt and Jaskier— staying at your place like unwanted guests who were exceeding their stay.
Jaskier held two heavy logs in either of his arms, while your own hands were stuffed with the eggs from your coop, that you were intending to cook up for dinner tonight, when you heard shouting from one of the rooms upstairs.
"It was you that said that the plan would work. It didn't work, clearly."
You could recognize Geralt's voice from afar; broody, low and devoid of any emotion.
"Aren't you going to go check in on them?" You turned towards Jaskier and frowned, your eyes shooting upwards, fixing on the topmost stair before you withdrew it and fixed it on him again.
"Me? Stuck between a broody Witcher and a scary Witch? God save my poor soul then." Jaskier commented back as he placed the logs by the fireplace and began to light it.
"Jaskier—" You couldn't help but smile at him, as you placed the eggs on the table and blinked, turning towards him, "Yennefer isn't a witch, she is a mage. Besides—"
Before you could complete your sentence, Yennefer's shaky voice reached the both of you, and you couldn't help but wonder what was actually going on between the two of them.
"I don't understand what's gotten into you, Geralt. These things take time. Why won't you let the spell take it's due course?"
"Yen, your spell failed. It's high time you realize that."
You shook your head to yourself as you busied yourself with trying to prepare the stew for dinner, but your ears were fixed on them.
"You don't question my spells, Witcher. I know what I'm doing. Besides— now to come to think of it, did you even fuck her right?"
Jaskier couldn't help but snort, but when he looked at how red you suddenly were, he immediately masked his expressions as he propped himself next to you.
"Did he, [Y/N]?"
"Jaskier, I'm not having this conversation with you," You shook your head at him, exasperated that he was still bugging you with this question, "Now can you please help me out? I need help with the stew, Jas'." Jaskier stood up, whistling to himself as he fixed himself next to the pot, stirring it while you began working on getting the bread ready when the door above slammed shut and heavy footsteps began descending down the stairs. Both you and Jaskier turned to see a very annoyed Yennefer walk towards the front door, without her Witcher in tow, just like he already was.
"I've got some business to attend to in Novigrad, Jaskier." She pointedly ignored you, and you couldn't help but bite back the words threatening to spill out of your mouth. Living under your roof, she was behaving like you were an outsider. Secretly, you were thrilled that she was leaving , even though it was for a short while.
You watched, through the window as a portal suddenly emerged just outside of your barn, and she disappeared through it, leaving you and Jaskier gawking at each other, Jaskier finally speaking, "I say, trouble in paradise?"
"It's none of your concern, Jaskier. You really need to stop meddling with other people's businesses. Now would you be kind enough and go ask your friend to come down? Dinner's almost read—"
"Jaskier, come on now. We're leaving." Geralt cut you off as he finally appeared, all dressed in his tunic and breeches, his sword peeking out from behind him. You parted your lips, ready to ask him where he was off to but it was like he had already anticipated that this was going to come, so finally he looked at you, but with the same indifference with which he had treated you so far.
"It's time we move on. Keep the coin. Seems like Yennefer's plan failed after all—"
The sheer coldness in his voice stung you like a thorn but you didn't let him realize that. Slowly, you lifted the cloth, wiping your hands with it, trying to act just as indifferent towards him— even though you felt like you had been betrayed, which you mentally cursed yourself for.
This was going to happen one day or the other— and wasn't it better that they were finally going to be out of your life now? And not later when they would mercilessly pull your babe away from a mother's breast and call it their own?
"Where are we going, Geralt? We can atleast stay for dinner, a man needs to eat—"
"We will roast a deer on our way, Jaskier." Geralt's irritation was evident from his tone, so the bard turned towards you, choosing now to ignore the Witcher with a sulk on his face.
"Oh Jaskier," you whispered, softly, "Don't you worry. I'll quickly pack some food for you, for the way."
"Oh hush, woman, don't go so soft on me, I would want to switch the roles with that broody gentleman over there."
Your cheeks suddenly felt like they were on fire; and you were sure you had turned a tomato red. You instinctively looked away, quickly finding yourself a distraction at the table as you began packing some bread and ham in a cloth satchel for him to take along with him— fighting back the smile that craved to break out.
"Jaskier, you are free to stay here for as long as you want, the minute I get on Roach, I leave," grumbling, the White Wolf slammed the front door shut as he walked off, your eyes suddenly widening, as the smile was quickly replaced by a lingering hurt upon listening to his words. Why did he hate you so much? Was it because you couldn't give him— them— the child they so desperately wanted?
"Okay thank you for the dinner, and don't, like DO NOT mind him, he has always been a grumpy ham."
Jaskier took the satchel, flinging it over his shoulder, whilst at the same time grabbed his lute and immediately darted out, and by that time, the Witcher was already trotting towards the main path. You fixed yourself by the front door, watching the poor bard struggle to catch up with him and once the two of them were out of sight, you went back inside.
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If there was anything that turned a bright way for you after the three of them stepped out of your life for good was the fact that you had enough coin on you now to last for atleast a year. You bought three new goats so you could milk them and sell the milk in the village, along with the eggs.
But the void remained—
The night's were the most difficult, because there were nights when you woke up to a dream where a certain white haired, amber eyed man was laying in bed with you, his thick palm resting on your waist, your back pressed against him as he spooned you.
Maybe it was because you couldn't sleep that night too, that you did not miss the strangled groan that you heard from outside your window. You forced yourself to sit up, rubbing your eyes as you leaned over the window to look out but you couldn't see anything. Just then, someone began pounding on your front door, startling you.
It didn't take you long to run down the stairs, still dressed in your chemise, your arms wrapped around your arms as the knocking became frantic and urgent. When you opened the door, you felt like someone had kneed you in the gut—
"Jaskier?" The bard looked a mess, his clothes were bloody and dirty, his hair slick and sticking to his face.
"I didn't know who else to go to nearby. Geralt needs—" Jaskier began, and the two of you turned towards Roach. Geralt was although perched atop, he was now arching forward, his body almost limp, his head resting against the saddle.
"What happened, Jaskier?" You ran out towards Roach, who whinnied at you, perhaps having sensed that something was wrong with her owner. You placed your palm on Geralt's shoulder, but the minute your palm came in contact with him, he grunted and looked up, and you saw how weak and pale he looked, "I told J-Jaskier — I'm f-fine.. Jaskier.. Jaskier..fuck.. Novigrad.. I asked you to take us to ... Novigrad."
Geralt of Rivia was injured, the flesh on his side had almost been ripped apart by what looked like claws, and yet he was being a stubborn pig. You grabbed him by the fabric of his tunic, balling the fabric as you began literally dragging him off the horse, paying no heed to his annoying murmurs.
"Jaskier, can you help? I alone cannot get him off, you know?"
Helping Geralt walk into your home was a difficult task but somehow, you and Jaskier convinced Geralt to do it. You sat the very injured Geralt by the fire and knelt down in between the space of his legs, using gentle fingers as you rolled up the torn fabric of the tunic. He hissed when your fingers came in contact with his clawed flesh and that's when you saw how massive the claw marks were.
"Who did that to him, Jaskier?" You let go off the big man as you stood up, your hands now caked in Geralt's blood. You ran up to one of the wooden racks that stood by the fireplace with a dozen glass bottles on it. You grabbed the mortar and pestle, placing it on the table in front of you, as Jaskier lowered himself on a chair, now wiping the blood off his face with a washcloth.
"I swear you should have seen it, it was the tallest harpy I have ever seen— well technically, it's the first harpy I've ever seen," he mumbled, and you couldn't help but give him a weak smile as you began to look for the ingredients to make a paste for Geralt's wounds.
"What are you looking for?" Jaskier asked, intrigued, as he watched you fiddle with the glass containers.
"Turmeric, Jaskier. It will stop his bleeding, although had he been human, that injury would have killed him— instantly," you pointedly stared at Jaskier, and he gulped nervously when your words finally registered into the back of his mind. You quickly turned away, resuming your search for the other ingredients. You pulled out two containers; one with lotus petals and the other one containing chamomile, placing it on the table, next to the mortar and pestle.
"Jaskier, while I prepare the paste, can you get Geralt to lie down by the fire? And take off his—" You pointed towards his tunic that was already ripped apart, hanging loosely by his side. Jaskier immediately nodded, getting to work.
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You knelt down next to Geralt. His eyes were open, but his face was sweaty and his breathing was uneven; his lips tightly pressed together as he stared at the fire. Your fingers delicately moved over the gashes on his side, and he didn't flinch as much now.
"Can you sit up, Geralt? I need to bandage your waist."
That's when he turned towards you, regarding you briefly as he grunted, pushing himself up slightly and you quickly bandaged his wound with a cloth, securely tying it around his waist before he fell back against the makeshift bedding you had created for him by the fireplace.
You were finally done tending to the man's wounds so you stood up, moving to wash your hands by the sink, when Geralt's voice reached you, startling you.
"I told Jaskier not to bother you. Yennefer could have fixed this."
Your head sharply turned towards him, and you parted your lips, but it was as if your words were lodged to your throat, refusing to come out.
"You can't put all the blame on Jaskier. He could have left you to rot, stolen your mare and left, but he stuck around to ensure you were brought back to safety. You need to learn to swallow that thick ego of yours and give the bard some credit," you intentionally chose not to talk of Yennefer.
He grunted in response, shifting slightly so he could get comfortable, his body tilted at an angle towards the fire that you could see more of his back— full of old scars— this one will be adding to it soon.
"Are you a healer?"
His question pulled you off track.
You shook your head, wiping your hands with a clean cloth, reaching out for one of the blankets that you had stored for yourself as a winter supply, placing it over Geralt's legs— with half a mind that you will have to fight him for this act too— but much to your surprise, Geralt of Rivia accepted the blanket, pulling it over his chest.
"No, not a healer, just a woman with a passion to know things. You see, living alone you need to know certain things as you never know what life is going to throw your way."
"Hm," he fell quiet, and all the two of you could now listen to were the embers erupting from the fire.
The next few minutes, Geralt was quiet, so assuming that he had fallen asleep, just like the bard had; already snoring away to glory, you pulled your chair closer to the fireplace, lowering yourself against it as you began working on another blanket for Jaskier.
"You should have said no."
Startled to hear the low broody voice again, you looked up but this time found Geralt sitting on the makeshift bedding, the pads of his feet resting against the floor, his back turned towards the fire but his face turned towards you.
"Geralt, you should lie down—"
"You should have said no to Yennefer, but you agreed although you knew what she wanted to make you do."
"Says the man who makes a living slaying monsters. Would you say no to a good bounty if that meant being paid enough to last you a year?" You snapped at him, not meeting his gaze.
"You needed coin, there were thousand other ways to do it."
"Like what, Geralt? Don't you think I tried all these ways you are talking about?" The half done blanket now lay forgotten at your feet, and you were standing, towering over Geralt, your lips trembling with rage. How dare he?
"There are many brothels in Redania that I know of that would have gladly taken you in."
"You know what, Witcher?" You spat, "I'm NOT having this conversation with you. I don't like you anymore than you like me, so there's no point in even speaking. Once you are well enough, I would gladly have you out of my home."
You turned away from him, and then blinked, for you couldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry, as a thick chunk of a tear rolled down your cheek. Swallowing bitterly, you began climbing up the stairs, rather loudly, when Geralt mumbled, "You won't see us when you wake up tomorrow, don't worry."
Ignoring him, you reached the topmost stair, but when Jaskier began speaking to Geralt in a low voice, you couldn't help but pause, inching your ear towards them so you could listen to what they were saying.
"Why do you insist on being like that with her, Geralt?"
Jaskier's words were followed by what sounded like a bitter laugh, and a cough.
"I knew you were awake. I wondered why you didn't jump in to defend her like you always do, Jaskier."
"That is not the point, Ger—"
"If you must know why I can't stop being the way I am around her is because every single time I see her, I'm reminded of the false hope that Yennefer gave me, Witchers are sterile, and that's how it is, I should have known than to fall into Yennefer's words."
He was hating for you something you hadn't even done. You gave him hope, or Yennefer did?
You would have stood there and continued listening to what more he had to say, but you couldn't help it— your face turning sour, when sudden nausea hit you. Your palm instinctively flew up to your lip; making you almost double over and your eyes lifted up, scanning the area for anything you could use to relieve yourself. Grabbing an empty basket that lay close by, you fell down on your knees, your knees scraping against the wood of your flooring and you began wretching out the contents of your stomach, sweat trickling down your forehead as dread filled you up. You were scared that Yennefer's spell had worked. Your palm flew to your flat belly and you pursed your lips together, blinking away the tears and wiping the corner of your lips.
Now that you had wished for the spell to fail, it had perhaps, worked. Maybe things weren't destined to go about the way you wanted them to— all you wanted was to watch Geralt of Rivia leave you alone for good and never come back [Wishful thinking]. But if, the spell had worked, it meant that you were probably carrying his Witcher baby, and that meant, you will have to see more of the white haired man with amber eyes, whether you liked it, or not.
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The Vessel Taglist:
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aetheternity · 4 years
Hard pass 2 (Levi x Reader)
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I'm a little concerned about how little time I took on the ending for the last part so I'm gonna put a little more time into this one. Hope you guys enjoy. :)
Synopsis: Levi is forced out of his comfy dorm room and in a strange twist of events right into your arms at a college party.
Levi was transfixed to say the least. He'd spent the past hour that he'd been back in his dorm room staring into a freshly made cup of black tea. The small jingling of keys in the door shaking him from his daze.
"Hello, Hello Leviathan." Mike greeted, tossing his bag to the side haphazardly.
Any other time Levi would've rolled his eyes but he just let out an agitated huff.
"Uh oh.. I know that look." Mike announced plopping down onto his unmade bed. "Who's the lucky girl?" He asked his smirk bright.
Levi's hair whipped against his cheek as he turned to Mike. "What are you on about? Who told you?" Probably Hange. Damn four eyes could never keep her mouth shut.
"No one had to." Mike laughed "You've just told me basically everything I need to know. Your distracted gaze when I came in the room, having very little reaction to me calling you Leviathan, your tea cup is still full and my side of the room is still messy." He seemed a little too pleased about that last bit.
"I know you went out tonight." He continued
"And what about it?"
"Who is she?!" Mike stood coming closer to sit on the edge of Levi's desk.
Levi rolled his eyes setting his cup down.
"Come on, I'm curious about some mysterious girl that has Levi Ackerman wrapped around her finger."
"Just shut up already." Levi replied turning his gaze to the window with a small pout.
"Fine, fine I'll shut up." Mike stood heading back towards his side of the room. An idea suddenly popped into his mind and he turned on his heel. "But.. I think I'll give Hange a call. You know.. cause I haven't talked to her in a bit-"
"When did you become so annoying?" Levi grumbled
"You're more aggressive tonight I like it. Is it because of her?"
As much as Levi wanted to fight it, Mike was one of those people that always got information about literally anything if he genuinely wanted it. Even if he didn't find out from Hange or Levi he was definitely going to find out from even the weirdest sources.
"Hange's friend.. she's not ugly I guess.." Levi could feel his face growing warm and he pulled his feet up onto his desk chair to hide it.
Mike laughed obnoxiously, "It's like watching a little kid finding out what a crush is." He chuckled "Super cute. So when are you going to ask her out?"
Mike crossed the room again, seating himself on his bed. "You can't be serious! This is the first time I've ever seen you interested in girls and you're just gonna let her get away?"
"Stay out of my business, Michelangelo."
Mike just huffed reaching into his pocket to pry his phone out of his pocket. The room quickly grew quiet as Levi turned to his laptop though he was quickly distracted again by Mike's little chuckles. He turned his head in Mike's direction quickly catching the other male's gaze.
"By the way, Hange agrees with me." He said pointing to his phone.
Levi groaned, tugging at his hair. "Eat shit."
~ ~ ~ ~
Levi stared down at his watch with a soft tch.
It was 4pm and Hange was late again. He turned to Erwin who's face was currently pressed into a book. Thumb sliding along the sentences as he read.
"Where the hell is she?" He grumbled, shaking his mouse back and forth as the screen began to dim.
"She said she had to do something after class so she'd be a little late." Erwin replied, without looking up from his book.
"That's her excuse every time." Levi replied with a roll of his eyes.
Erwin just shrugged. Hange was always late. Sometimes she just showed up 30 minutes late with no real explanation and sometimes she showed up an hour late saying she had, had something to do after class. But every time the three of them got together to study she was late.
"Yo! Levi!" Hange greeted as she walked into the library ignoring the chorus of shushing that followed her.
Levi's scowl deepened, "Were you stuck on the toilet waiting for someone to fuck off?" He asked
"I have a great surprise follow me." She clapped in delight.
Erwin looked to Levi and then in the direction Hange had left in. He slowly pushed his chair out looking at Levi's irritated scowl.
"Are you coming."
"Whatever it is, is definitely stupid knowing Hange." Levi retorted, packing his belongings up in an orderly fashion.
The two of them quickly left before Hange could come back to ruin the peace again. They pushed through the library doors and standing against the wall with a somewhat bashful expression was Y/N with Hange who smiled brightly as if she wasn't currently disturbing Levi's peace.
"Oh hello Y/N." Erwin greeted, he looked over at Levi before asking. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh well Hange invited-"
"Ah ha ha! Y/N has homework to do so I figured she could come study with us. Though today me and Erwin have a thing." She quickly grabbed Erwin's arm yanking him over to her.
"But I was-" Erwin tried but was instantly silenced by Hange's hand over his mouth.
"You and Levi can study. Levi's great with everything! Right Levi? Ok me and Erwin will go now, by you two!"
"Hange!" Levi tried, his face already flushed with heat over the whole situation. Hange was surprisingly fast though, managing to drag Erwin away so quick they were a couple of dots within seconds.
Levi and Y/N stood in silence for a couple seconds before Y/N let out a deep exhale. "I feel as though we've been set up." She says, toying with the zippers on her back.
Levi can only manage a grunt in reply. Not daring to look into her eyes. "Well I mean.." she starts turning to Levi. "I actually do.. have to study so.. I wouldn't mind if you don't." She shrugged
"Mm.." Levi pulled open the library door for Y/N and lead her over the seats that him and Erwin had been sitting in only moments before.
He made a mental note as he opened his laptop again to keep the door locked next time Hange said she was coming over. Around 10 minutes went by of complete silence and Levi was incredibly happy for it.
Not because he was focusing, no his attention had been completely taken away from any possible work he could've gotten done here. There was no way he was actually going to be able to do anything when your scent was trapped in his nose and his eyes kept staring over his screen at your fingers.
Knuckles that Levi honestly wanted to kiss and fingernails completely devoid of dirt which Levi was instantly captivated by.
He sat up straight, his own hands slightly curling around the aged wood of the table. Your book came sliding toward him and he looked down at it before looking back at you.
"I don't really get this? Could you help me a bit?"
Levi nodded before his brain could properly process what you'd asked. He almost thought he imagined the way your lip tucked itself under your teeth. And he felt dazed as your scent washed over him all at once as you slid into the seat next to him.
You pointed to your book and Levi tried to pay attention to your question but your notes threw him a bit. All the words were written in different colors and there were squiggly lines around definitions and texts. Small doodles between paragraphs as a way to properly space them and stars next to the most important words.
You scratched at your scalp and he took notice. "I paid attention when my professor was going over this I swear. But I don't really get it?? It can't be as difficult as I'm making it in my head." Your giggle of nervousness took Levi back a little.
The warm pit in his chest deepened and he sighed, trying to accurately assess the situation.
"Y-you made a small.. mathematical error." He explained, his fingers pointed to the equation as he tried to push away the ball in his throat. "You don't need these numbers."
Her smile hit Levi like a truck as it was instantly directed towards him. "Ah, you're so smart." Y/N said "What about this? I checked with the calculator but my answer was way off."
It was hard for Levi to ignore the way your shoulder rubbed up against his sending sparks all through his body like a tidal wave. It was honestly a little overwhelming.
"Oh sorry, am I too close?" You moved away and Levi gulped. He stared at your fingers, he didn't want you to move away.
He was surprised when he looked up and instantly made eye contact with you. "Stay." It probably didn't come out the way he'd wanted but he'd managed it and on some level he was proud of himself.
You smiled, "Sure."
After a while Levi felt himself loosen up a bit but the knot in his stomach was still very much there and alive. He found himself chuckling at your little jokes and he was mostly able to look you in the eyes. (As long as you didn't smile directly at him).
The first hour had been studying with small quips from your end that Levi found he enjoyed. Though around the third hour it turned into horror stories about present and past roommates.
Your laugh was so bright as you tapped your pen cap against the table. "And then Sasha just cracks the window open though it's definitely too late cause Connie had already created a war zone in our room." You were shaking so much from laughter that Levi was honestly a little worried you'd fall out of your chair.
He shook his head where he was resting it in his palm. "I still think Mike forgetting the do not disturb sign was worse." He shrugged
"Mm well maybe someday I'll have a story that bad. Considering Connie and Sasha have been playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse for two years now."
Levi shook his head. "You don't want to walk in on your roommate having sex. No one does.."
He felt his cheeks flush over again. Whether it was from the story or the way you'd playfully pushed his shoulder though he couldn't tell. He watched as you positioned yourself back in the seat next to him.
"Ok, ok. You told me about your roommates relationships. Now tell me about yours."
Y/N playfully rolled her eyes. "You know the in and out of Levi. I'm curious."
Levi's gaze fell to the table. "There's nothing to tell."
Y/N's voice immediately softened. "Sorry, didn't mean to try and pull it out of you."
Levi picked up his head closing his laptop. "I-I just.. never felt that way.." he tried
"Not everyone goes to college and high school and stuff for the parties, drugs and sex." You said, laying your elbows against the desk. "I commend you for having a goal and sticking with it."
Levi's heart stuttered at your words. "Did you come.. or well.. umm? What did you-"
He was interrupted by your hand on his shoulder again. "To answer your question." You leaned in closer your breath tickling Levi's earlobe. "Yes I did come specifically for the drugs."
Levi's eyes practically bulged out of his head. This time when you laughed you were met with shushing and stares. "Sorry." You whispered, popping a hand over your mouth. "I'm completely joking." You then said to Levi who's shoulders relaxed with the information.
Levi's signature deadpanned expression was starting to make an appearance now. "That's not funny."
"Hmm.. well I'm laughing so." Y/N laid her head on the table.
"Your humor is shit." He said
"Funny you say that." She laughed back a smirk was playing at Levi's lips. "Hey." Y/N broke the lingering silence.
"Give me your number."
"Tch, nice way to ask."
Y/N pretended to be shocked. "Oh, would you prefer I beg?"
Levi already knew how red his entire face had become. No need to check a mirror. "H-hand me your p-phone."
Unsurprisingly even her phone wa as cute. And Levi honestly wanted to admire the case and how warm it felt after being in your pockets. Oh.. you'd touched it with your warm hands. Levi couldn't help but think about how warm your hands must feel. How the spaces between your fingers looked so perfect. Like they-
"Hey." A voice shook Y/N and Levi.
"Jean, what're you doing here?" Y/N asked as she stood moving closer to him.
"You've been gone all day. I had to ask Sasha where you were."
"No, you didn't because you didn't need to come here." Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, pulling her hands into the sleeves of her hoodie. Her eyebrows scrunched together.
"Who's this?" Jean asked gesturing to Levi with his head. Levi felt his chest flare a little.
"Ugh, it doesn't matter because it has nothing to do with you!" She quickly grabbed her bag stuffing her notebook inside. "I'll talk to you later Levi." She explained her face still completely unamused. And with that she was pushing Jean out the door following him right out.
Levi's fingers dug into his palm. Who was that? It couldn't have been her boyfriend right? No, no that didn't make sense.
He started to pack up himself when he noticed your pretty phone sat next to his ordinary black one.
~ ~ ~ ~
Levi practically slammed into his dorm room scaring Mike who had his music blasting. Levi set his bag down on his chair, placing his phone on the desk.
"Hey man." Mike greeted as Levi quickly unpacked his other stuff. "I heard Hange forced you to go on a study date."
"I'm going to murder her." Levi turned, practically slamming his notebook into the desk. So hard that he could've sworn Mike jumped.
"Yeah what else is new?" He laughed trying to clear the air. "But did you at least get in close?"
Levi rolled his eyes. "She's.. there's this guy.."
Mike grew quiet for a few seconds. "You think she's with him?"
Levi normally wouldn't indulge Mike like this but his chest felt so tight that he was pretty sure he was going to burst. "She didn't seem happy to see him. She was like rolling her eyes when he came."
"Maybe he's just some guy then?"
"What if he isn't?"
"By the way you're describing it they'll break up soon anyway." Mike said "But that's great my plan worked."
Levi narrowed his eyes, "The library thing was you?"
Mike shrugged, "Hey, It could've been worse! Hange wanted to lock you guys in a supply closet for the night."
"Sleep with one eye open." Levi huffed, placing your phone down on his desk.
Mike immediately noticed, sitting up and placing his own phone to the side. "Don't tell me you murdered her and stole her phone for having a boyfriend that wasn't you." He chuckled
"Tch, she accidentally left it."
"How are you gonna return it?"
"I'll ask Hange for her dorm number tomorrow and I'll hand it over then."
"Ooo, well I would tell you not to go looking through her phone while you have it. But you're not like me so.." Mike shrugged, laying down with both hands holding his phone above his head.
Levi looked at Mike and then at your phone sitting on his desk. He silently looked away, putting away the rest of his stuff with a huff.
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yarbz · 4 years
cowardly game of rival — n.jaemin ( f )
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 ━ as the girl’s football team captain, you were used to the endless derogatory taunts, the wolf-whistling, the attempts at romance being boys telling you what they thought of barcelona’s starting XII. na jaemin fell into all those catergories, a detestable flea in your hair. as sworn enemies, there was not even an inkling of romance, and you were convinced that your attraction to him was ONLY physical. weren’t you?
pairing ━ na jaemin x female!reader
word count ━ 6k
genres ━ fluff, rival!au, football!au, comedy, romance, very little of the football game is described in detail.
warnings ━ profanity, football terms, dirty jokes, y/n and jaemin are literally just cowards
( author's note! )
this one came to mind when i thought of how i love female footballers and decided that jaemin would be the idiot in question to chicken out of confessing to their crush by being an ass instead. i really hope you like it !! other notes are sissoko is the name of like three different players and a cracker is slang for a really good goal.
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A sport of creatively insane wits, fancy footwork and incoherent celebrations. Those were all the things you loved about it, along with the ridiculously cute uniform.
It provided you an escape from the man's world, a chance to carve out your own story, free from the shackles of stereotypes. At least, that's what you'd initially thought.
Unfortunately, the boy's football team made it their sole objective in life to demean you. As captain, you took on the strenuous task of refusing to resort to physical violence when a stupid comment about your short length was made or when boys assumed you couldn't tell your Sissoko's apart (you could, quite well actually).
You had taken it as a sign of war, and refused to comment on their pathetic sneers. You did, however, feel as if Na Jaemin made a blood pact or something to be a parasite towards you.
He stood at the cusp of six foot, towering over you like an evergreen beanstalk, cheshire-cat like smile taunting you. Chocolate colour tresses fell over his eyes in straight lines, shielding his forehead.
It's not like you paid attention to his visage, but even you had to admit in your spite that he was attractive. And horribly so.
Today started like every other, going to your locker before heading to your homeroom. Luckily, you'd managed to get there before the freshmen started to pile in. Being a senior had its positives along with its various faults, one of them being the early access you got to the school.
You jammed your key in the lock, flinging open the locker door, making quick work of exchanging your books. In your fast-paced stupor, you didn't notice the figure leaning behind the door. You slammed the door shut, nail catching an patch of skin, scraping it.
"If you wanted me to leave, you could've been less catty." The voice wheedled, throwing a withering glare in your direction. You rolled your eyes, annoyed, arms crossed across your chest.
"Jaemin." You sighed, rubbing your temples. "Why are you hiding behind my locker? Are you looking for a death wish?"
He sat up slowly, soothing his reddening nose, suddenly regaining his smile as he leaned closer towards your face. "If I was looking for a death wish, I'd eat whatever food you just stuffed in there."
"Fuck off. Don't see you making any gourmet meals."
"I'm the gourmet meal." He slithered, breath fanning your nose. From this distance, you could see the wonder swimming within his eyes, breath caught in your throat.
Damn, he was too fine.
You tore your gaze from his eyes, "And yet, I don't feel inclined to taste it." He jumped back in surprise, eyes widening, giving you an opening to dash. Chuffed that you left him speechless, you walked towards your next class, resisting the urge to turn back to revel in his awe-struck face.
Jaemin's eyebrow quirked in curiosity, crooked smirk hanging from his lips. He watched you stalk away, cursing underneath his breath softly. You carried a fiery aura around you, burning him with every snarky remark — even though it beat him bruised ghastly lavenders, he could bear to play with fire if it meant you would pay him attention.
You see, Jaemin did not hate you as per say. The 'hate' which you believed in was merely his inability to profess his affections towards you. For lack of a better word, he was a coward.
A dashingly handsome one, but a fragile, chicken-legged coward all the same.
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You'd made it to class in record time, ego bared boldly on your shoulders, attracting the curious eyes of your best friends Yangyang and Donghyuck. Both were terrorists in their own right, but you couldn't help loving them all the same. Sure, they came as a dreadful pair, but love had decided to shackle your heart to them.
"What's got you so happy? Jaemin finally drop dead?" Yangyang joked, shifting to make space for you. Headband strapped to the pinnacle of his forehead, he grinned at you from beneath the base of stretchy ebony material.
"No..not yet." You hummed, sad lilt to your tone.
"Awh, didn't kill him yet?" Donghyuck teased, nudging Yangyang in their laughter. "I think it must be love stopping you from committing the crime yourself." You shoved both, peals of laughter tickling your throat at their whines of pain.
"If you don't shut up, I'll be killing you two instead, never mind Jaemin." You snapped. "Love is what I feel when I score a cracker from the halfway line. Seeing Jaemin makes me want to jump out of the nearest window."
"Are you sure it's not just unresolved sexual tension? I, too get antsy when I haven't jacked off—"
"Finish that sentence and you'll have no arms."
"I'm flexible enough to suck myself off." Yangyang mused, "You'll never stop my libido."
"You're disgusting." You and Donghyuck said in sync, swatting his grabby hands from flying at your shoulders. Quite frankly, you didn't want to hear about his freakishly boneless limbs, or his untameable sex drive, nor hear anything about his genitals at all.
"Does that count as self—"
"Yes, it does. Please don't be telling people that I'm your friend, or that you can do that. It's not a little icebreaker."
Friendship with these two had crossed all sorts of personal boundaries you didn't know existed, and it was starting to decompose you, like a rotting piece of cabbage infested by slugs, yet still hanging on for the glimpse of sunlight to regenerate.
Okay, so you were being dramatic. But, that didn't explain their dire need to over share certain aspects of their lives with you.
"Doesn't change the topic at hand —Did you get my pun?" He asked, looking for Donghyuck's reaction.
"I did. Not going to comment on it before she breaks my arms. Just know I enjoyed it very much."
"If I wanted to mess around with Jaemin, I'd put my hand in a beehive. It'd sting less." You snarled, slamming down your books. They winced comically, faces alert as the teacher walked into the class.
Apart from football, you enjoyed learning — how to make things, break things, self defense, people skills, and education fell not too far from that. Classes like biology interested you greatly, which is why you found yourself fully immersed in the process of respiration.
Your mind drifted for a second, thinking back to what he'd said. Was it actually sexual tension? Did you actually bare an emotion other than loathing towards him? Then, you thought of that face and how you'd want to do nothing more than break his pretty little nose—
Yeah. There it was. You were normal after all.
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School had come to her daily dreadful end, and you were happily striding into the ladies' changing rooms for football training. Nobody had gotten here yet, luckily.
You glanced over into the full body mirror, tugging at your shorts until they fell just above the bump of your knee, pulling your sock midway at your calf. Lean abs shone underneath the dim light, and you proudly paraded around the room, happy to be alone.
A knock on the door came, and you swung the door open with a feverish excitement. "Who is it?"
"Didn't take me as a bra kinda girl. Was thinking more spandex or a binder." Jaemin seethed, hands on hips, azure jersey hanging off his lithe frame.
"You're insufferable. Why are you here?" You groaned, choosing to ignore his taunt at your breast size. His eyes crinkled into upside down crescents, wandering lower to the dip of your frilly black bra.
"To see my favourite girl, of course." He whistled, eyes still glued to your unmarked expanse of skin. "I think those need a new owner." He pointed towards your chest.
"Preferably one whose face I can stand to look at."
"I'm roaring with laughter." You snarked, voice dripping with sarcasm, making no attempt to cover yourself up. Jaemin was still staring, face flushed a flaming cerise. "You gonna keep staring or are you gonna leave me alone?"
"I'm not staring. Why are you staring at me?" He shot defensively. Your eyes narrowed at him, watching his cheeks darken with every lingering stare.
"You're in the girl's changing room, drooling over two lumps of fat on the body of a girl that you hate. The real inquisition here is your lack of sensibility to stop thirsting after anything with a vagina."
Jaemin stayed silent, eyes boring holes into your full lips, tongue instinctively darting out to wet his own nimble, chapped ones. Rolling your eyes, you lead him to the door, hand clasped against the door handle.
Then, you heard loud footsteps approaching the room, incoherent rambling increasing in clarity. You began to conjure up a plan, wondering how on Earth you'd be able to kick Jaemin out without the girls knowing.
With the shouts of the team gradually getting closer, you panicked, chucking Jaemin into a locker.
"Fine, I'll leave! Lemme out!" He squirmed, trying to come out of the metal confines.
"You can't leave now, they're literally outside. Do you want to be stomped to death by Nike Mercurials?" You hissed, closing the door over, much to his protests.
"Don't wanna die with the last image being your breasts."
"If you survive this, I'll gladly provide you a new image."
He shut up at that, and you straightened, reaching for your jersey in a false calmness. The girls burst in, squeals of various greetings being thrown across the room.
You smiled gently at them, encouraging them to get changed, joining in to laugh at their jokes. The topic kept shifting from manicures to new boots before finally settling on Na Jaemin.
"Cap'n, what's going on with you and Jaemin?" One of the girls asked, batting her eyelashes softly. "A boy on the football team told me that you guys are dating."
Dating..that devil? A sin punishable by death! You repelled all instinct to shudder in disgust, instead choosing to maintain a neutral expression.
"I am absolutely not dating Na Jaemin. He's a despicable little mongrel and I'd rather eat my shoe—"
"Mon bébé chérie, why do you curse me like this?" Jaemin squeezed from the locker, voice like a wounded puppy.
"Did you hear that? I think it was—"
"No! It's my Jaemin impression. Isn't it so good?" You spluttered, voice rising in volume. You were sure that your face was a painful beetroot, breathing crazily as you over-exerted yourself.
"Cap'n, it was so good I almost thought Jaemin was in here with us!" She gushed, hands clasped. "You guys would be so cute together. Even if you don't like him, I think he most definitely has feelings for you."
The rest of the girls joined in at this, shouts of 'you should take a chance!' resounding in the hollow room. You'd already ruled out that as a possibility, chalking it down to his uncontrollable thirst for being a pest. Na Jaemin was your rival, the utter bane of your existence, a rodent that fed on robbing your spirits dry of any positivity.
"He'll get a chance when pigs fly." You muttered, noticing their eyes staring at you inquisitively, as if they knew something you didn't. Awkwardly, you smiled at the girls, ushering them towards the door, scanning the hallway after the last one had skipped out.
Jaemin untangled himself from the locker, straightening his limbs, pulling at his calves in a stretch. You peered over your shoulder, frown deepening at him.
"Did you mean what you said?" Jaemin breathed, walking into your personal bubble. He was way too close. His breath tickled your forehead, eyes dark with something you couldn't decipher.
He felt his heart pound against his chest, resisting the urge to pick the stray hair in your eye to the side. You were looking at him with a confused expression, nose scrunched, eyebrows furrowed. You were going to be the death of him. Devastated, he broke eye contact, feeling all forms of fight seep from his bones.
"You don't like me." You whispered, wincing at the wobble in your voice. "Everyone's just saying that....right?"
"What do you want me to say?"
"No. I want you to say no."
"I can't do that."
"Well, you have to say no. I don't want to hear the rest of your sentence — keep us as just this." You softly yelled, pointing between the pair of you. "Don't change anything."
"Okay. I'll leave, but only because you want me to. But, before I go..you've gotta start being more observant." He sighed, ruffling your hair before making his way out.
"I’m plenty observant. Wouldn’t be a good player if I wasn’t.”
"I’ll see it when I believe it. Oh, and the thing you said about pigs flying..”
“What about it?”
“Renjun’s working on it.”
You laughed heartily, locking the door behind you. So, Jaemin did in fact think of you as his Aphrodite — all those nicknames were genuinely created out of affections. 'Mon bébé chérie' held a lot more emotional weight than it did twenty minutes ago, and you had to breathe before your eyes prickled with saltine tears.
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Fresh air hit you like a loaded delivery truck, Mother Nature delicately wiping the tears from your eyes, shaking you with a cold flourish, roaring your cheeks to life. The team had already started their warm-up drills, as opposed to the boys' football team who were cooling down from their jog.
You ran over, tightening your ponytail, shifting into 'Captain' mode. The coach pushed you into the circle, encouraging you to take the reins. "Team, we've been doing nothing but straight work. Let's make this session count before the match tomorrow." You shouted, feeling that familiar rush of adrenaline.
The team chanted back, settling into their positions for the first drill — a penalty shoot out. You stepped to the ball, striding back to gain a better angle, socks hugging your knees.
Giving yourself a five second countdown, you charged at the ball, foot pointed, kicking it with a passion that rivalled Lionel Messi. It rolled in the back of the net, flying past Hyejoo, who could barely even process it.
"Still got those fire feet, I see, Cap'n!"
"Lady Luck gave them to me for a reason." You boasted, smugness slapped all over your face.
From the corner of your eye, Jaemin snickered, winking at you when you turned to make eye contact. At least he had the audacity to keep up appearances in front of everyone, even if you had probably made everything awkward.
"My granny could kick better than that, babes!" He boomed from across the pitch, teasing smirk on his lips.
"Your granny lives in a retirement home and still calls on you 'Nana Banana'..it's not very nice to lie." You retorted, eyes narrowed, nearing his hunched form.
"Doesn't mean she can't kick your ass. Granny was a little Aguero back in the day."
"She can't if I'm the Manè, can she?"
"But I'm a Modric. I'll beat your ass, any day, any time." He grinned, leaning in to you. "In any way you want."
You heard blood pumping in your ears, your cheeks filling with immense heat. He grabbed your cheeks softly, grinning even wider when you flushed even warmer, a human sauna. Pushing a lock out of your eyes, he searched your eyes for any sense of rage, face softening at your lack of that emotion.
"Any..way..I want?" You mouthed silently, innuendo catching your attention again as you mulled over the words. "Na Jaemin, you're a dirty boy."
"I think you're the dirty girl." He hummed, saying the next sentence in an octave that made your head spin, quietly enough that only the two of you could hear. "Sauntering around in your little Victoria's Secret bra, cozying up to me without even batting an eyelash or covering up."
"These boobs are mine. I'm allowed to show them to anyone I want."
"So you admit to showing them to me? You admit that you were trying to put on a show for me?" He pressed, purposely craning his neck over you.
"I was trying to change. If you didn't come into the room like a little pervert, you'd never have gotten a visual of these."
"And yet I know how they look now. There's nothing that can erase that image."
"Fuck you, Na Jaemin."
"I think you meant to say fuck me, but I'll allow the slip-up just because I'm so nice." You squirmed under his predatory gaze, heat in your cheeks akin to a fever. "Better get back to training, Cap. Your team's got a match tomorrow."
You hissed at him weakly, choosing to walk away from his provocation, going back to the team, who were all smiling at you with a glint in their eye. By the looks on their faces, they'd definitely taken that exchange as a form of flirting.
Not that you were disputing it, of course.
The coach rounded the girls up, calling them to grab bibs. You relaxed, running over to take the last bib once you'd calmed down. Na Jaemin was a little toe-sucking, filthy mongrel who only knew how to charm his way out of everything — totally not your ideal type or anything.
His penance for being blunt coupled with that honeyed voice was what was throwing you off. Not your physical attraction to him. At least, you hoped so.
The shrill shriek of the whistle behind you shook you out of your mind, bringing your attention back to the practice game. With every shot at the goal, you could see Jaemin taunting you, making kissy faces.
After the first half, you weren't sure if it was real or if you were hallucinating — almost like a mirage, he was wearing that stupid little smirk and there was nothing more you wanted than to slap those lips clean off his face.
Soon enough, you clocked that it wasn't just an illusion, as he'd shifted to the opposite end of the pitch, the other boys from the football team watching from the stands.
They'd started jeering at every pass, exaggerating their reactions, commentary toeing the border of sexual harassment. You volleyed the ball on your foot, battering it into the stands, grinning widely as it hit one of the boys in the face, leaving his nose lopsided.
"If you're gonna be a sexist piece of shit, just fuck off. My team doesn't deserve to hear your brain-dead commentary, nor see your fuck face." You smiled, bite in your voice. "Kindly take the opinion that nobody asked for and shove it up your ass."
Jaemin's eyes twinkled with respect, breath caught in his throat at the dark look in your eyes. He felt his chest warm in adoration, heart doubling in size. "You heard the lady."
"Includes you too, Jaemin. Better get home before Granny Na starts missing her little boy."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Fuck off." You said playfully, recovering the ball. He waved you bye, lugging his bag over his shoulder, fixing the collar of his jersey. A beam touched your lips, face lighting up.
Jaemin smirked back at you, taking his leave. He dragged the remnants away with him, leaving the girl's football team alone in the cooling dwindle of Autumn light.
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"Nice shorts." A tug.
"Oh? Na Jaemin complimenting me?" You mused in surprise, arms folded across your chest.
"You didn't let me finish." Jaemin whispered, standing on the sidelines of the pitch, pulling at the hem of your shorts. "Ooh, I can see your stubble. Better bring out the razor."
Your jaw tightened, feeling that rush of annoyance fill your veins again. The nerve.
"More stubble than you'll ever grow on that chin."
"At least I'm not a human Sasquatch."
"I've got hair in the right places—" You started, catching the innuendo, glaring at Jaemin's raised eyebrows. "—I know what I meant. Don't be such a dirty boy."
"Say it again. Love the way it rolls off your tongue."
You gaped at him, whole body blowing a fuse, skin reddening at his tone. Sweltering heat danced atop each fingertip, each muscle, making you jolt. His gaze was still glued to your face, relishing the quickly dilating pupils in your eyes.
"—Would rather have you speechless after our first time, not for your championship final. When you win, I'll buy you fucking adorable ice cream with the little star sprinkles that you like."
"Going to ignore you on that first statement, but the second one sounds like a motive."
"Win the match, and I'll ask you out. Properly."
You saw his eyes flash with something passionate, flakes of gooey molasses swirling behind the irises. Before you opened your mouth to reply to him, he pleaded silently for you to just take it as it was. "Gimme a chance. Who knows you better than your enemy? Nobody."
"I mean..."
"Only you know that my grandma calls me those corny names or that I see her all the time."
"Or that you lose every game that's not football because you're too lazy to pay attention." You added.
"And I know that you broke a guy's jaw because he was bothering Yangyang." He continued. "And I also know that you know one thing I've never told anyone."
"Ooh, what's that?"
"That I like you."
You looked away from him sheepishly, goosebumps popping up on your skin, and whether it was from the cold or from his words, you didn't know. He was looking down at you tenderly, ruffling your bed of hair, pressing a small, wet kiss to your forehead as the whistle blew.
"Don't play with fire, Na."
"You're more like a carpet burn."
You sighed, defeated. "Fine. I'll give you an answer when we win. If you're playing me, I'll break your arms."
"Okay. Go get 'em, Lady Luck." He smiled, waving you off as you scurried onto the pitch, face glowing under the fluorescent lights. Jaemin felt his chest tighten with pride, jaw aching from all the strenuous smiling.
With that absurdly contented face, you reminded him of a cross between a kid at a carnival and a man about to kill another. Your hair gathered wildly atop your head, a wicked glare painting your face.
This was you at peace, he deduced. Even with the gruesome of expressions, you looked calm. The pitch was truly your home away from home.
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Two minutes into the second half saw you being carried off on a stretcher with a torn hamstring. You'd fallen to the grass, no sounds coming from your limp body. Jaemin swore he felt his heart plunge into his ass, and with a frantic flourish, he was coddling your head into his chest.
"Luck, don't die on me. I'm supposed to take you out for ice cream after this, and I stole Renjun's Baskin Robbins loyalty card to cut costs so if we don't go, I'll be getting beat up without having kissed your stupid face." He babbled, slapping your cheeks, scared that you'd genuinely lost your life.
You groaned, rolling slowly in the elastic. "Stop touching my face, I'll get acne." Mildly concussed, you soothed your throbbing headache, registering Jaemin's face looming over you. "Jaemin?"
"Oh, thank God. Thought I'd never see that unruly sparkle in your eyes again."
"Fuck off. My hamstring feels like a fried chicken mukbang and you're talking about my eyes."
"I can't cry before our first date. You'll think I'm a wimp."
"Already think that."
He hit your arm lightly, beaming at your focus on his face, meeting your eyes. You were glaring at him with a kissable pout on your lips, eyebrows furrowed — he wanted to pepper your face in balmy kisses.
The paramedic pushed him away, leading you to the ambulance. You flipped him off, yelling loudly as they wheeled you in, "Make sure you win! Won't forgive you if you don't."
The girl's football team had gathered around the door, all tight-lipped smiles and crumpled faces. They visibly brightened at your declaration, huddling together to recalibrate — the ref blew her whistle to call them back, summoning them back into position.
Yangyang and Donghyuck left the stands, rushing into the ambulance alongside you, closing the door behind them. Jaemin could faintly hear your loud curses, and sighed in relief, knowing that you'd be fine.
With two goals up, the team were at optimum working speed, playing loyally for your honour. Jaemin stood at the sidelines, holding your jacket in his hands as he recorded the match on his phone, wanting to send it to you later.
At 90 minutes, the girl's team had become the winner of the Division One Seoul Inter-district championship, and Jaemin was content. Not because it meant you'd go on that date with him, but because he could feel how much it meant to them.
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Everyone around him was cheering madly, chanting and spraying assorted drinks in each other's faces, an infectious joy lingering in his veins. Amongst all the commotion, he'd somehow been pushed into the middle of the team, feeling their gazes boring into his frame.
"You like Cap'n, right?" The brunette said, eyes bright.
"No. I don't like her. She's my rival." Jaemin lied pathetically, trying to escape their judgement.
"Why were you in the locker room then?"
"Damn. How do you know that?"
"Cap'n is horrible at lying, so she's always upfront. She also cannot do an impression so she never attempts it."
"Wow, you guys sure know your stuff. Bet she's glad to have a team like you. I know I'm feeling a little jealous."
"Cut the smooth talk. If you like Cap'n, just be straightforward. She's more innocent than she seems, and can get her heart broken easily."
"Got it." He nodded, "Well...ladies, I have to thank you for the advice."
"No problem, but if you break her heart.." They chorused, "We'll break that pretty little nose." Fifteen studded feet swung at his face, narrowly skimming the bridge of his nose.
He flinched, caught off guard, grin bared. "Now, I definitely got that message. I'll be going to check up on her, what do you want me to say?"
"We've already called her and shown her the trophy, so we have nothing left to say, you, however...take all the time you need."
"Since I have your blessing, am I allowed to—"
"Don't finish that sentence. Keep in your lane."
Jaemin promptly closed his mouth, and bid them a goodbye, dashing into his car towards the hospital, stopping at Baskin Robbins to buy the ice cream he promised. He hoped you’d at least be able to eat the sprinkles (the ones you liked were expensive, and if you didn’t eat them, he’d just wasted an extra 2,500 won.)
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In the hospital, you were now dressed in a medical gown, surrounded by the two idiots. It smelt like an experiment lab, and the spotless shades of ivory splashed on the walls made you feel a tad bit overwhelmed.
Your leg had already undergone the MRSI scan, and the nurses had told you that you’d definitely tore your hamstring, but surgery would fix it right up along with natural healing.
Of course, all those details lacked in comparison to your team finally winning the trophy you’d worked so hard towards — that excitement numbed the pain considerably.
“We thought you’d somehow died.” Yangyang confessed, grasping your hands in his clammy ones.
“You did.” Donghyuck sneered, pointing at him, continuing when he saw your face change in confusion. “Yang was convinced that you were invincible like Superman or something. He started blubbering about how you could definitely defeat the grim reaper in close contact and that should be enough to steal back your soul or whatever—”
“I’m just never going to ask questions again.”
“Jaemin was on the verge of a breakdown when he saw you fall. Never have I ever seen him run so fast towards a girl.” Donghyuck said, hand on chin in mock thought.
You blushed, remembering your promise about the ice cream and falling back into the bed in distress.
“What’s going on with you? I saw you two all friendly at the sidelines.” Yangyang murmured, eyes squinting in judgement. “Don’t tell me...you guys fucked before the game?”
Suddenly it was too hot in the room. You fanned yourself to cool down, slapping your own cheeks before pulling Yangyang’s ears. “Yeah, because I have the guts to just have my first time in a school setting.” You deadpanned.
“Naughty girl.” Both boys swooned, unable to note your sarcasm.
“Just because my leg is gone doesn’t mean I can’t harm you anymore. I’ll break your kneecaps.”
In the midst of your fight with your best friends, you spotted Jaemin opening the door, wearing that greasy smirk that made butterflies tickle your throat.
“I see a broken leg isn’t enough to stop you, is it?” Jaemin drawled from the door, hands behind his back. “Still threatening people?”
“It’s not threatening if they deserve it.” You mumbled, suddenly shy. Jaemin maintained his distance from you, arm outstretched, ice cream tub in hand. He was looking away from you, faint blush tinting his cheeks, lips squeezed in a puffy ‘o’.
“Not that I remembered or anything, but you did say something about liking these sprinkles.” He said, eyes darting around to focus on anything but you.
“I do...like these sprinkles..how did you know?”
“Everyone calls you star, and you’re cute. It’s your personality in an edible sugar shape.”
You rolled your eyes at his words, forgetting both Donghyuck and Yangyang were seated in the room. It felt like the two of you were just stuck in your own world, glaring at each other like a pair of lovers.
Unfortunately, that moment was cut short by your ungracious best friends, cooing annoyingly. They were squealing like little girls, incomprehensible screams of ‘our girl’s grown up!’ scraping your eardrums.
“Leave me alone!” You whined, face scrunched in discomfort, making futile attempts to push them away. “Jaemin...please get these two off me.”
“Asking your boyfriend to get rid of us? Already?” Yangyang hollered, one of Jaemin’s arms stopping him from jumping on you again.
“He’s not my boyfriend. As of now, he’s the only sensible one who isn’t mauling the girl with a broken leg, and that’s why I’m asking him for help.”
“Should I throw them out?”
“Yes —actually, do whatever. Let them go terrorise someone that isn’t me.”
“Your wish is my command.”
On that, Jaemin escorted both boys outside, shutting the door on them, cutting off the beginning to their long-winded rant with a smile. That left the two of you alone.
Oddly enough, the silence wasn’t stifling but rather a conversation of the mind — you were able to see what he wanted to say by looking into those mocha coloured eyes. You threw the ice cream tub in the bin, reaching for Jaemin’s hands shyly.
He’d sat down beside you on the bed, just staring at you like you were an abstract painting, a mosaic of a splendid array, unable to take his eyes off you. He took your hand warmly, running his fingers over your calloused knuckles, sharing his heat with you.
“Jaemin.” You yawned, head falling onto his shoulder. “I’m saying yes to your date. If I didn’t get injured, you could’ve taken me out today, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t say sorry. Being with you is enough for me, even if I do want to comment on your horrible tackles during the match.” Jaemin teased, grabbing your hand a little tighter.
“Haha...I’m dying of laughter.”
“Hey! None of that here.”
“Sorry. I’m just happy. My team won our first championship, which we’ve been trying to do for three years, and I feel on top of the world. All those years of boys being absolute dickheads to us about our abilities, trying to put us down have amounted to this moment. I’m at peace right now.”
“Don’t apologise. I should be sorry instead. It was easier to talk to you if I pretended I hated you. I shouldn’t have been like that.”
“I accept your apology. But..I think it was cute you couldn’t tell me you liked me! That’s so endearing.”
“Fuck off.”
“That’s my line! Well, you were always attractive to me, even when you were being a dickhead. Now that I think about it, you’re at your hottest when you’re being mean.”
“Is that so?” Jaemin mused, rolling onto his hands, dangling over you, lips eerily close to your own. “Do you want me to treat you mean, keep you keen?”
“Firstly, don’t ever say that again.” You stopped him, hand placed on his chest to push him away lightly. “Secondly, I’ve never had a boyfriend or my first kiss. That means no experience.” You slurred that last part, rushing the words so he wouldn’t be able to hear.
“Cap’n, you’re telling me that I’ll be your first?”
“Not if you don’t ask me out.”
Jaemin sat back beside you, looking up to the ceiling. This was the moment. He took a deep breath, standing up before you, hands rubbing his stomach softly to calm down.
“I wanted to do a real dramatic confession, but I rushed over here in fear that you wouldn’t be able to hit me again, so I’ll have to stick with my speech.” He cheesed, trying to ease himself of his nerves. You laughed, hissing in mock anger when he wore that stupid grin. “I like you. Like a lot. Sometimes, I come to school with a dirty scowl on my face, but then I see your face and start smiling like a love struck fool. You’re someone that I wouldn’t want to lose.”
“Jaemin, you little mongrel. Come here.” You waved him over, arms outstretched in a hug. “Even though I know your ego won’t let you ask me out properly, I would love to be your girlfriend. However, if my heart is broken..I’ll be stoning your car.”
“Thought you were gonna say that you’d break my face.”
“That too.”
He snuggled closer into you, peering up at you with shining eyes, not wanting to move too much to keep you comfortable. You grinned back at him, placing a soft kiss on his head, running a hand through his hair.
That familiar silence returned, and that’s how you fell asleep with Na Jaemin enveloped in your chest. Although you’d broken a leg, Lady Luck seemed to have twiddled her fingers to send you a ‘get well soon’ present, the ever cunning Na Jaemin.
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Five months later had you no longer hobbling around on crutches like a hobbit, but walking proud and tall. Jaemin drove you to school (using the excuse of carpooling) and helped you take your books to first period everyday — the alpha male in him winced seeing you attempt any ‘heavy lifting’, and he’d made it a routine.
“Can you fuck off? I can carry this.” You complained, pinching his side. “Just because I see a physio biweekly doesn’t mean I’m about as able-bodied as a monkey.”
“Got the hair to be a monkey.” He snorted.
“Look who’s talking, Mr.Sasquatch. Bigger feet than his prints, you little scoundrel.”
“Big feet means big—”
“Don’t finish that if you wanna keep the body part in question.”
“—heart. Dirty girl.”
You felt the honey pooling in your stomach, kissing his cheek in haste to escape his relentless teasing. He shut up at that, pulling you back to kiss you properly, attracting the attention of everyone in the hallway.
“Get to class.” He announced as he parted from you, enjoying your petulant face. You hit him softly, flipping him off from behind you, blowing him a kiss.
Ah, Na Jaemin. You still hated him. Just a little less this time.
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Pt.1 Pt.11 Pt.111 Pt.1v [Wip]
[AIB Cast Masterlist]
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Please read part 1 of this story to get to know the characters that are going to be in here.
There will be some special characters in here,and that is: @niragis-right-hand-rabbit And @aceofspadegrass .these two have inspired to write this so please go follow them they are very great people 😆
Sumarry: Dori's Characters are stuck in the universe where Dori is,and now most of them need to start to get jobs,while the rest of his characters need to be in new school's
Warning!: Fighting(yelling), Mentions of a bit of blood
Genre: Fluff,Angst,Comfort,Crack
Ila woke up by stretching her limbs,as she got up from her bed and got ready for the day. She went down stairs to make some breakfast which was the typical Eggs and bread that she would always eat,After eating she heard a faint meow coming from behind her,she looked back to see her black kitten Niragi "Well good morning Niragi" She said as she patted the kitten's black head. Niragi meows as he rubs his head against It's fingers,she smiled down at him while picking him up and feeding him after that. After feeding Niragi she heard her phone ring,she pick it up "Moshi moshi?" She said through the phone " Moshi Moshi?,what do you mean by that gurl??" Someone said through the phone with a faint laugh " Oh it's you Chloe, I thought it was my boss or something geez" Ila chuckled as she sit's on one of her bar stools that were in her kitchen"so what's up?" "Well I was thinking maybe we could go to that ice cream shop that's near your house? I'll invite Ace too" Chloe said through the phone"sure!,but I have to visit a friend of mine after" Ila said "Let me guess who's this friend of yours is...is it Dori again?" Chloe giggled "yes,yes it is Chloe..why??" "Oh nothing,it's just that the both of you seem really close" She said " I mean we are close,but we aren't a thing you know" " Yeah yeah I know that,maybe me and Ace can a company you to his house?" Chloe asked " Sure thing" Ila said.
After how many more minutes of chatting she ended the call,she got up and went to her room to get ready.
Right now Everyone was in the living room, silence filled the air until Dori broke it"since today is Sunday,all of you could look for new jobs while I deal with Suguru,Ryuichi,and Mugi's new schools " Dori said,everyone nodded while Niragi just snickers is confirmation "um,Dori kun?" Taketo said" Yeah?" "I'm actually in a band...and uh,I don't know if I actually have a specific job...like what jobs are there anyway?" Taketo said,chuckling nervously "maybe you could go talk to a friend of mine,he's in a band and he plays the drums. He said that he needs an extra guitarist in his band" Dori said as he crossed his arms over his chest"what's the bands name?" Taketo said in excitement "oh it's called-" "Why are we focusing on his job?,you know we need jobs too right?. Dori kun?" Someone said,the voice that said that belonged to Fukami that was sitting right next to Niragi as Fanta was on his lap "I mean,you know what your job is right?,like you literally own a whole Café named 'Coffee and Vanilla' " "He owns a Café,tch!. My job is more better then a stupid Café" Niragi said with smug look on his face "Niragi!" Dori said to him"what?,you know what my job is right?" Niragi said,as he looked directly at Dori's eyes.
"Come on guys,we should stop fighting and figure this out ourselves" Ryuichi said"Y-yeah..i agree with him,please stop" Suguru said while adjusting his glasses "it's settled then,all of you already know what your jobs are. Now all I have to do is take Taketo to a friend of mine and then I'll deal with schools" Dori said,as he got up "tch!,this is bulls**t" Niragi said as he got up,and pushed Dori aside"excuse me?" Dori said with a glare at Niragi's back "I said that this is all bulls**t!" Niragi yelled,finally looking at Dori's direction"I was the one that let you live in this house,and fed you!,without me you'll be in the streets by now!" Dori yelled back "G-guys,please stop fighting.." Suguru said,standing up in between them "GET OUT THE WAY YOU NERD HEAD!!" Niragi yelled as he pushed Suguru aside"Niragi!,be careful of your surroundings!" Fukami said,as he helped Suguru get up from the floor"oo~,this will be some spicy sh*t" Mugi said,taking out his phone to record "Mugi stop that!" Ryuichi said,as he tries to grab Mugi's phone away from his hand which he succeeded "I AM STILL NOT CALM BY THE FACT THAT I'M IN THIS STUPID WORLD,I'D RATHER SUFFER IN THE BORDERLANDS THEN HERE" "Well there is no way you will come back to the Borderlands!,Niragi you're safe now here with us!. No more deadly games and Suffering,why?..why do you want to go back in to that world!?"Dori yelled"G-guys...i think I'm bleeding" Suguru said,Fukami looked at him with a worried look,Niragi looked toward's Suguru,his eye's widen as he saw the blood coming from his nose now on his white T-shirt "i-i am so sorry-" Niragi said,but was quickly cut off by Suguru"No! No!...it's okay..i'm fine" Suguru said while wiping his nose"No you're not fine Suguru,Dori kun..do you know where you keep the first aid kit?" Fukami asked"Yes,it's in the bathroom upstairs" Dori said,as he pointed toward's the stairs "ありがとうございます、どりくん[thank you very much,Dori kun]" Fukami replied as he guided Suguru up the stairs into the bathroom "Niragi-" "I knew it I was going to hurt you all" Silence filled the room once more,but Dori decides to break it" No Niragi please look at me, son-" "Son?,who do you think I am?..your son!?" Niragi said with a cracked voice"After all I said to you,you called me your son!?" Niragi once again said with a cracked voice,but this time he was crying a bit"Maybe we should give you guys some space" Ryuichi said with a soft voice "Come on Mugi,Fanta" Ryuichi called for the both of them"Tch,you two are just both worthless-" "Mugi!" Ryuichi yelled as Fanta growled at him"Okay okay fine,I'm coming" Mugi said as he stubbornly walked towards Fanta and Ryuichi that were halfway up the stairs.
Now all that's left was Niragi and Dori. Both of them sat on the couch in silence,neither of them wanting to start the conversation. Dori just blankly looks at his black wooden coffee table that was in front of them,right now in his head..he could only think of what he said to Niragi,particularly yesterday night when he was talking to his dog Fanta,he said that him and his characters make a good family.Niragi sniffles"Hey,Niragi...come here" Dori said patting the empty space of the large couch that was right next to him,Niragi got up quickly and sat right beside him,his head low and tears were falling from his face to the floor. Dori hugged him side Way's,bringing him close "It's all my fault that I hurted him..even though he is actually myself.." Niragi said,finally calming down"Niragi..i-" "Dori!,ya in there??" Someone yelled from the front door "Quick!,go upstairs!" Dori whispers to Niragi,as Niragi got up and went up stairs into one of the rooms"I'm coming!" Dori shouted as he walked towards the front door.
He opens the front door to see Ila,Chloe and Ace" You told me to come over right?,also..you don't mind if I bring my friends right Dori kun?" The hijab girl said,smiling softly at Dori"oh yeah it's fine,come in come in" Dori said as he moved away from the door so that the three girls could come in. He closed the door behind him as he guided the three girls to his living room"This is such a nice place you live in Dori!" One girl said,the voice belonged to Ace " Oh uh, ありがとう" Dori said smiling at her.
Dori went into the kitchen and gestures Ila to follow him there. Ila got up and excuse herself from her friends as she went to the kitchen where Dori was making some food"So,what is it that you want to talk about?" Ila asked him,crossing her arms against her chest"Well,I don't know if you will believe me or not...but um" Dori went silent for a bit,his eyes,his dark brown eyes..scanned across the kitchen room as he thinks on what he is going to say next. He bit his bottom lip and started speaking again "My character's are in my house" He said with a serious tone,Ila chuckled "what?" She said with a smile on her face while fixing her hijab "It's true Ila Chan,and what I meant characters..i meant that they are real people who looks just like me,that is right now in one of the guest room's" Dori said,looking her in the eyes,her also dark brown eyes"So your character's are right now in their room's- wait...HOW MANY of your character's?" Ila asked Dori "Six,six of them" "Which are?" "Fukami Hiroto, Niragi suguru..the Borderland version and the middle school Version of him,Taketo from EVEN,Ryuichi from Koe Koi,and Mugi From Scums wish" Dori explains to her,Ila's eyes widened "We will talk about this later-" "No!,Fanta come back!!" Both of them rushed out if the kitchen to look at who was yelling..turns out it was Ryuichi chasing Fanta l,running circle's in living room where Ace and Chloe was. In Fanta's mouth there was basically a black box that is meant to be a box for glasses "Wait..if Dori's there,who's this dude.." Chloe said,looking back and forth from Dori to Ryuichi thar finally caught Fanta"Ryuichi wait up-" Suguru went down stairs with tissues that were plugged into his nose,he paused at his sentence when he saw Ila,Chloe and Ace in the living room "Suguru come back here!,I'm not finish cleaning you" Fukami then went down the stairs"Oh,I did not know that we were expecting visitors"Fukami said,eyeing Ila and her friends from head to toe"Can all of you shut the frick up?,I'm trying to relax here ya know" Mugi pop's himself out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist,his bangs wet"what's all this rucuss??" Niragi then went out of his room with squinting eye's,which is a sign that he was annoyed "WAIT IT'S NIRAFFI!" Chloe then suddenly said,pointing a finger at Niragi "And Nerdragi" Ace said,pointing at Suguru "this is going to be one hell of a mess" Dori sigh's as he pinched the bridge of his nose while closing his eyes.
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*strokes the amazing Yiga Scribe's ego and offers the best bananas* May I submit a request? I'm neutral on mpreg but I'm HUGE on big belly kink. I got to thinking, what about a scene that takes place in your mpreg AU, where Kohga is 9 months pregnant with the triplets and just... HUGE and Sooga just can't handle how sexy he thinks that is? Love and bananes! 🍌🍌🍌❤️❤️❤️
*sighs in pregnancy kink* let's get Sooga horny as SHIT.
Sooga was a lucky man. He was in a relationship with a man who was as beautiful as bananas were delicious. Nice, beautiful hands, the most incredible looking face, and, most sexy of all; he was baring his children. Boys, and THREE of them.
"Aaand we're done! Wonderful job, Master Kohga!"
"I. Hate. Everything."
Kohga had agreed to do some light work outs, mainly in the form of yoga, and even though he complained every time, his Master hadn't skipped a day. Even if it was a struggle. Sooga saw it as Kohga laid against his front, absolutely exhausted. Sooga kissed his head, absolutely in love with his flushed husband.
"But you did SO well today. I'm so proud of you!"
"Uh huh. Can we fucking EAT now?"
Kohga was ALWAYS hungry, and Sooga couldn’t blame him; growing three, strapping boys was a full time job, no wonder he was so cranky.
"Absolutely you may. What would you like?"
"I want ice cream. Definitely. With nuts. And carmel."
"I think I remember the kitchen making brownies earlier, would you like some?"
"YES. In the ice cream. And banana slices-"
"At the very end, or they'll get soggy. I'm aware, my Master. Do you need to be carried to the room?"
"You ain't gonna let me walk soon as I squeeze these bastards out, might as well get some steps in. I uh, could use some help standing up."
Sooga nodded. His poor husband, so heavy and dependent on him. He reached out his arm, allowing Kohga to hold onto him. He helped walk him to the room, carefully, before he felt Kohga smack at his shoulder.
"What'd I do?"
"You're GROWLING at people, Sooga."
"I am? I didn't even notice. Well, their fault regardless, everyone keeps looking as if they want to touch your stomach."
"YOU touch it?"
"I'm their father. Everyone but me and you have no right to touch them. But, I will try to remain civil."
Sooga opened the door for Kohga, allowing him to walk inside. Sooga made eye contact with Cil, before flipping him the bird. Damn vulture. He shut the door behind him, helping Kohga to the bed, fluffing the pillows as he liked it.
"Ugh...my goddamn feet. I swear this shit hurts."
"Would you like me to rub your feet?"
"I'd like you to get the goddamn ice cream I asked for."
"You're adorable ~"
Such an attitude. He kissed his forehead, before excusing himself to the kitchen. And as usual, EVERYONE working there were excited to get ANY news to spread around the clan (the cooks were such gossips queens)
"Sooga! How's Kohga?"
"Anything new to report?"
"He's doing well. He's hungry. I need ice cream, you know, the sundaes he likes."
They nodded, working together to make quite the pretty sundae. Stuffed to the brim with ice cream, carmel sauce, nuts, thick brownies, whipped cream, and sliced bananas, on the side of course. They handed him the tray, and Sooga was about to leave, when they added something else to the tray; crispy salmon skin. Kohga, much to his anger, had grown to like fish since his pregnancy. Salmon skin was the new banana chip. They gave him a little wave, before he excused himself.
He stepped back into the room, and set the ice cream down before adding the bananas, and presenting it to Kohga.
"FINALLY. These fuckheads are STARVED."
Kohga tucked into his dessert happily, and it warmed Sooga’s heart. He looked so happy.
"Is that all? I'd uhm...like to rest, my feet h-"
"No, they fucking don't, just SAY you wanna cuddle, you fuckshit."
It was true. Sooga never really felt body pains (at least not enough to complain), he just didn't know how to ask for cuddles, especially with grumpy Kohga, but Kohga just. Knew him well enough to know what he wanted, always. Sooga crawled into bed, super careful as he rested his chin on his belly (he would prefer his chest, but Kohga smacked him with a spoon last time, so). He watched lovingly as Kohga helped himself to his cold treat. Cheeks rosey and stuffed, just like his bare belly. The yiga attire was meant to stretch for any size, but Kohga needed a change ever since his six month mark.
A see through robe, thin enough to breathe and move around in. It screamed 'pregnant mom', given the style, but to Sooga, it was INCREDIBLY sexy.
"Are you three liking the ice cream too? Is it too cold? Are you getting brain freeze? Can babies get a brain freeze?"
Kohga swallowed his last bite, before putting his empty cup on the night stand next to them. He sighed, damn near annoyed.
"Dunno. But I know they give ME a headache. AND you. God what if they're like your dumbass?"
"I agree. I sincerely hope they're going be like you. Strong, wonderful, kind, TERRIBLY handsome-"
He stopped once Kohga lightly winced. He panicked for a moment, before settling down.
"Sorry. Little shits are hyper as fuck."
"You DID just give them ice cream, and lots of it. It's adorable. All of it is. Gods you're perfect."
He leaned down to kiss his bare belly (he accidentally pulled up his shirt, believe him), humming in content.
"Your boner is literally pressing against my leg right now."
Sooga looked down at himself. He was right. He cleared his throat, feeling embarrassed.
"I...sorry. You're just. So big, and voluptuous and beautiful and SO full with my pups-"
"Fucks sake, Sooga, just. Jerk off already."
Suffice to say, this wasn't the first time Sooga had been aroused by the situation, so Kohga was used to his man's bullshit. Sooga would have insisted he didn't need it but his erection proved otherwise. He swung his legs over Kohga, and made his body hold itself up. Wouldn’t want to hurt the little ones, afterall. He pulled himself out of his clothes, slowly starting to pump his cock. And Kohga just. Stared. Stared in a sort of 'I'm above you' mentality that he seemed to gain upon his pregnancy.
And Sooga LOVED it. He was merely tolerating him, gracing him in his grandeur.
"You always take so fucking long with this. You got a nice looking cock, and you do jack shit with it."
Sooga chuckled, pushing the tip of his cock and forcing precum to leak onto his hand. He was careful as he loomed over him, wanting to see every bit of him. His face, his chest, his big, wonderful, incredible, gorgeous stomach. Everything.
"The better to savor you with, my Master. The better to appreciate you with. The better to see the absolute beauty that your womb-"
He was silenced when Kohga leaned up a bit, and pulled his hair tie out of his hair, letting it fall. Sooga wished he could take a picture of this moment. Of Kohga laying there, tired of him, holding his hair tie in his hand as if he were trash. Yet, the smirk at his lips let him subtly know he was loved. The great faeries wished they looked as big and beautiful as he did.
"Sooga. You're a sweetheart, really. But GOD shut the fuck up and just cum on me, I need a nap like, yesterday."
"Of course my Master, sincere apologies on my part. I'll finish, without much grandeur. Provided...I have a little assistance?"
He asked, hopeful. Either he'd get a hand, or a hand to the back of the head. Kohga scoffed in disbelief.
"Fucking hell, stomach kink son of a-FINE."
He offered his hand to him. Just his open hand. That was enough. He took his hand in his own, using his hand to help him stroke his cock. Oh the way it made a shiver run down his spine. It was all he needed. He took no more than a minute or so (too long for Kohga’s taste), before he finally got what he wanted. A hot, creamy load on his belly in plentful ribbons. Oh sweat never felt so good.
"Shit...thank you, Master Kohga. Truly. I needed that."
"Yeah yeah yeah. You done fawning over me?"
"Never. You look like a big, lovely cinnamon roll~"
Kohga wiped his hand on Sooga’s stomach, clicking his tongue.
"You're awful. Lay down with me already, you need a nap too."
Sooga let himself fall on his side, before clinging tightly onto Kohga. Sooga didn't clean up his mess, and it was something they were both okay with.
"...Master Kohga?"
"Do you...think they'll like me?"
"They should. I know I do."
"Even when I just can't leave you alone?"
"Yeah, even then. SOMEONE has to fuss over me."
Sooga pressed his lips against his messy, hairy tummy.
"I'll fuss over them as well. Till the end of time. My...family. All mine, to safeguard, and protect with my life."
Kohga rolled his eyes, running his fingers through his hair. It always did help him fall asleep.
"And I'll teach them how to deal with adoring idiots like you."
Sooga lovingly stroked and loved at his plumpness. Beautiful.
"Have we thought of names?"
"They're yours, so Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbfuck."
He was about to interject, when they both felt one of them kick. Kohga laughed, his legs flailing wildly.
"Master Kohga please-"
"Listen, I spent nine months with these fucks mooching off of me, the LEAST I can do is give them the funniest fucking names."
"I...love you, Master Kohga."
He didn't know what family life entailed. He just knew he was ready.
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agentsoftie · 4 years
Sleepless Nights ( S.R ) p.2
summary: Y/N and Reid aren’t the most fond of each other. So what happens when sleep, have to share a bed, and get married?
pairing: Y/N x Spencer Reid
a/n: a/n: AHH okay so here it is! It’s my first au so it’s probably not the best. But big thanks to @anepiphany! Ani baby none of this would be happening without you! Thank you for you tips and making me not go insane! Also pls tell me if I slept something wrong cuz like, your girl not the best when it comes to it. Also there will def be a loophole somewhere in my case and if you find one, just let it slide because life is filled with loopholes ❤️ also this is gonna be a two parter! ( this is the second part )
warnings: mentions of a case, angst and blood (the smallest amount), fluff really though
also if you want to be in my permanent taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
Remember to like and reblog
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“So today happened,” you say while you got into bed.
Yeah, today happened. So, I guess we're gonna do this thing huh,”
Wait, is he asking me out? you think to yourself. No dumbass of course he isn't. He's talking about the event thing. you say to yourself mentally. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“So, sleep huh.” He asked awkwardly.
“You know, sleep. Like us, together. No, wait t-that came out wrong. I meant like we’re gonna sleep, but ike together on the same bed. But if you're not tired then we-” He got cut off by you when you grabbed his arm. Immediately he looked down at your hand and then up. He looked like he had just seen a ghost and gotten an A in a class you were failing at, at the same time.
“Breathe, just breathe. How ‘bout you take a shower huh.” You say in an airy voice while still holding onto his arm.
“Uh, okay. Yeah, a shower. That sounds good.” He said, forcing you to let go of his hand.
It takes him 10 minutes to finish taking his shower. Tonight he comes out wearing another pair of basketball shorts and another tee. It really makes you wonder if all he goes to sleep in is a pair of shorts and a tee. Like really Reid come on. You have money, use it on some proper pj’s. Although you're one to argue wearing another pair of shorts and a loose crop top.
“You said last night that there was no hot water so it took you ten minutes, well this time there still was and it again still (italicize) took you ten minutes. Like what the fuck!”
“I'm not really one for hot water. But my statement last night still remains true, you took up the hot water.”
“ Reid, this is a hotel. They almost always have hot water running.”
“Okay well, I don’t care!”
“I thought you were supposed to be the smart one.”
“Ha, so you admit it!”
“Admit what?”
“That I’m smarter than you!”
“Well in certain areas, yes,” you said in an annoyed tone. He was smirking at your struggle for answering. “Ugh, can we just go to sleep.” You say not wanting to continue this conversation.
You woke up to the sound of rain pouring outside. The skies were as gray as a child on a monday. You felt something on your stomach and to your surprise that feeling was a man known as Dr. Spencer freaking Reid. He was laying on you with his head right under your chin. You were holding his hand and your legs were intertwined with his again. You can't remember what happened last night to lead up to this, but what's done is done. The person you've been pining over for the last 3 years was here laying on you and looking like a fucking god.
Your phone started to ring causing him to wake up.
“Emily? Oh, okay yeah, I'll be there in 20.” She told you to go to the address that she had sent you. Saying to bring Reid with you to get your outfits for tonight. “Reid, come on we gotta go.” You say looking down at the art that was placed in front of you.
“No, I don't wanna leave. I just wanna sleep.” You had never seen this side to him before. So soft and sweet. Was the universe trying to make you fall for him? If so, then it was working.
“No come on, we have to get our outfits for tonight. We have to get ready and eat something. So come on, get up.” you say trying to get up but failing because he holds you back.
“No. sleep.” He mumbles half awake.
“Spencer, how ‘bout this. How about you sleep for a little until I take a shower and stuff. Then you can get up.”
“Okay, fine.” And with that he was out, leaving you go gaze over the literal form of perfection.
“Y/L/N how long does it take to get changed?” Reid yelled.
“Oh will you shush!”
“Geez, no need to get so mean.”
“Iswear I will backhand you so hard if you don't shut up!” You say while walking out. And at the sight of seeing you he was speechless. Staring at you like you had something stuck in your teeth. “What?” You say looking down at your black floor length gown.
“No n-nothing. It's just-”
“Just what?”
“You look good in that dress.”
You looked down immediately after he said that fearing he would see the blush. He did. “Yeah well, you look good too.” you say while moving your hands after the redness was gone.
“I know.” He said, smirking causing you to make a sarcastic face.
“Okay, well we have to go now or Hotch will literally kill us.”
“You. He’ll kill you.” He says while walking out of the door.
“And you would just love that, wouldn't you.” You say following him out.
“Reid, you have your gun?”Hotch askes.
“Yes.” He said.
“Wait, where should I put mine?” You ask while holding your gun.
“Oh, you see, you're not going to have one.” JJ says while taking your gun away slowly.
“Then what the hell am i going to use as self defence?”
“You're a badass, you'll figure it out.” Emily says suggestively.
“Damn straight.” You say smiling causing her and JJ to laugh. Reid was not impressed.
“Okay, these glasses have a secret video camera in them sending footage to Garcia once you turn it on. So whatever you do, don't take these off.” Hotch says while handing Reid a pair of glasses that match his suit. “And Y/L/N this is your “wedding ring.” It has a video camera in the diamond so try to keep your hand up and try to make it as visible to people as possible.” He says while handing you the ring.
“Okay you're married, so act like it!” Rossi says before you two leave.
“Yeah, you both better be so in love it makes someone sick.” Emily adds.
“Yes mom. Yes dad.” You say jokingly.
“Okay and before you go, here are your earpieces. And we’ll be near the building if anything happens.” JJ says.
“Y/N, put your left hand on Spencer’s arm.” Garcia says through the earpiece. And you did exactly that. “Okay, now be affectionate.”
“Pen how should we do that.” You say while looking at Reid so it looked like you were talking to someone.
“I don't know? Spencer, kiss her.”
And then bam! Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. You didn't know how to react. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you in making the kiss even stronger. You then put your hands in his hair and pulled at it a little. And at that moment it was as if the world stopped. As if time froze and fireworks went off. And then all of a sudden he pulled away and you looked down.
“Cherry or Strawberry?” He asks as if nothing just happened.
“I uh- strawberry.”
“Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice that beautiful ring.” Says a guy approaching you.
“Oh thank you! It's very gorgeous isn't it!”You say while looking down at the ring then bringing your hand up.
“But not as gorgeous as you honey.” Reid says while looking at you. Oh god the things he did to your heart.
“Oh, uh how rude of me not to introduce myself. Im Ryan. Ryan Carson.” He says while holding out his hand for both of you to shake.
“Im Y/N Reid and this is my husband Spencer Reid.” You say while shaking his hand after Reid, as always, refused to. Y/N Reid had a nice ring to it, although you would never change your last name. But it sure had a nice ring to it which both you and Reid noticed.
“How long?” Ryan asked.
“3 months.”I said.
“When did you know?”
“The first time she read me The Fault In Our Stars. It was 2 something in the morning and I couldn't sleep so she read it to me. And I just couldn't stop thinking that this is the girl I’m gonna marry.” Reid said. Although that of course never happened, your heart wanted to explode. Right after he said that you kissed him on the cheek. He immediately turned red, but you didn't say anything.
“Wow. That’s just, wow.” Ryan said.
“Guys I think this guy is our friend Thomas. Well not think, know. He looks exactly the same. So make sure to play into his tactics or whatever. Therapy must cost a lot for you sweet children.” Garcia says.
“You know, I’m gonna propose to my girlfriend soon. Would you two help me pick out a ring?”
“What do you think Spenny?” You ask in a joking tone. Spenny, that was one you never used. You liked it, did so did he.
“Well, I think that it’s an amazing idea baby.”
You could see the anger in his eyes. The anger you get before taking a life. You could see that all he wanted to do was end your lives right then and there. Honestly you two could go into acting if all this death gets too heavy for you.
“Great! Then follow me right this way.” He says while leading you to the elevator. The ride was fairly quick but the entire time Reid had his and around your waist pulling you close to him. Oh god the things you would do to have him.
“Here’s my room.” he says while gesturing to you two to go in first. You saw two chairs and then heard the door slam behind you. You jumped at the sound and turned around to see him standing there with a gun pointing that both of you. “You don't want your wife to die a painful death, go sit down on the chair.” And he did exactly that. “Now you too bitch.” he says while pointing the gun at you. And you did exactly what he said.
“What do you want!” You yell at him while he ties you up.
“I want your happiness to end. If I can't have it, then how can you?”
“The world doesn't revolve around you!” And then before you knew it there was blood coming from your arm and a door kicked open.
“Y/N!” Spencer yells.
“I’m okay, really I’m fine.” You say to the paramedic wrapping your arm.
“No you’re not! You got shot!” Spencer says.
“Okay well how about I leave you two along for a bit huh.” And with that the paramedic was gone.
“Oh look, you scared the paramedic.” You say while throwing your hands in the air.
“Okay and you scared me.”
“Spencer, I got shot. It happens.”
“Yes Y/N I know but it could have hit an artery and make you bleed out. I could have lost you. Why dont see that. If you die who am I gonna mentaly torture, who am I gonna talk to my mom about, who am I gonna love? I've already lost so much, I can't lose you too. I love you.”
“You love me?”
And just like that he grabbed you and put his lips on yours. You immediately put your hands in his hair and pulled hard, he didn't care though. He pulled you closer to him, making you come back with 10 times more force than before. You pulled apart due to lack of oxygen and he put his head against yours after catching his breath.
“Does that answer your question?” He says softly.
This time you kiss him. Not as aggressive as last time though. This was a small, yet equally as meaningful kiss. “I love you too.”
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly then all at once” – John Green
taglist: @ghostly-angelic, @marshmallowtraver, @heartbroken-writer, @yllwtaxi, @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks, @theamuz, @guessthatswhyiliveinhell, @alli1902, and @kaybeeboop
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Hard to forget' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
Hard to forget
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"I just want to be happy,"
Chapter Summary: The time comes for Yirina & Park to dress up for a special moment for the night: celebrating Zasha & Portnova's union, spending the night as friends...
Link of the Picrew used !
To read it on AO3, click here!
Words : +3300
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
June 24th, it's been now three days that Zasha & Portnova left London to spend some time together away from work with their honeymoon in the south of England. Of course, that meant that I & Park were taking care of the apartment without forgetting to feed Beans while the two were away. Everything worked fine for us, nothing was disturbing us and it was all for the better. I & Park were enjoying some moments alone by working or in the evening, watch the TV as the two married, were enjoying their honeymoon away.
Of course, since Zasha was not at work, I was sometimes making visits to their team to lead them, correct any mistakes while I was still working with Park to try to find anything that could be useful with Perseus, and as always, it was only useless or nothing too much concrete to dig in. It was our day every day but at least, we were working without getting shot at and behind a desk.
"Come here, Beans, time to eat!" I taunted her with a pack of foods in my hands to get her in the kitchen. We were just finished having dinner and both were tired enough that we decided to be going to sleep instead to sit on the couch.
"I wonder, who named her 'Beans'?" Park asked me as she was cleaning up the dishes in the sink of the kitchen counter.
"I think it was Dedov," I replied, remembering the day I met with Beans as at this moment, I could see her arrive in the kitchen in a fast walk, having heard me. "Here you are!" I whispered before I start to fill up the bowl for her food.
"Zasha's brother?" Park stopped the sink, looking finished with the dishes before turning around to look at me and I nodded to her. "I thought that it was Zasha who named her like that." She commented.
"No, Dedov found her while she was wandering around the old apartment complex they were both livings," I explained to her, putting the pack of food away before moving back next to Beans,  scratching her between the ears as she was eating. "Dedov brought her back and they adopted her."
"They did good, she's beautiful." Park complimented as she kneeled to get next to Beans too on the other side, looking at her. "Did I tell you that I had a cat before?" She demanded and I shook my head to her, not recalling everything about that.
"Well, you told me that you had a pony before but I'm curious now," I said.
"It was when I was only a child, my parents gifted me a female cat at my 8th birthday: I named her 'Victory'." She revealed to me as she starts to put her left hand on Beans' back to stroke her.  "She was black & white with some light brown spot on her back, she was so lovely." She added, a smile on her face as I removed my hands from Beans.
"I would have liked to meet her," I told Park, looking at Park with a grin.
"Yeah, you would have loved her." She exclaimed before she removed her hands from Beans, letting her eat in peace despite staying next to her, and then, I could see that Park's face was going pale.
"You're okay?" I demanded in a worried voice, handing my right hand on her shoulder.
"I think that we should go to sleep, Yirina," Park suggested as she got up, her hands on her face to hide it. "It will all be better." She thought, starting to walk away from the kitchen before I decide to follow her too, shutting down the light along the way and leaving the majority of the apartment for Beans as I moved to our room.
"Park, are you sure you're okay?" I questioned her again after I closed the door of our room, starting to undress up from my clothes.
"It's just work that has been very exhausting for me." She replied, removing her jeans away and letting them on the ground. "We didn't do much but it feels like it was a lot." She continued, looking back at me, biting her lips before she moved on to the bed, her face still looking white.
"You can tell me everything," I advised her in a good voice as I laid down on the bed next to her but at the moment I was on it that Park looked away from me. "Park, what's wrong?"
"Nothing." She instantly responded to me but her voice, the tone she used, she was clearly lying.
"Hey, as I said, you can tell me what's wrong, I'm here," I affirmed to her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders to comfort her. "Please, tell me...tell me," I repeated, sounding to plead to know.
"I'm...I saw myself back in that cell in Verdansk, sitting alone in the dark." She started, sounding that she was also most going to cry. "Wondering when I will see you back." She continued, feeling her hands above my arms.
"Me too." I breathed, kissing her at the back of the neck
"But, also...I was feeling to relive these long months in that North Korean prison with no one to help me." She added, mentioning her hard moments that I was told about by the others two months ago. "Alone, weak, getting whipped to make me talk." She snorted.
"Park, I'm here, it's okay, we're safe." I tried to reassure her the best I could have done, getting slowly moved by her story that I already know but still sad to remember. "We're not in a cell, we're not in prison, we're in London, safe and trying to be happy." I confided, her cold asking getting felt around my fingers, prompting me to get closer from her to give her heat.
"I know." She muttered, her voice slowly getting better but still sounding sad.
"Things are hard but we both know that we can do it, we'll try to get over it and we will do it," I reassured her, my forehead touching the back of her neck and closing my eyes. "We have both been through a lot and we will still be but we both know that we can get over it," I repeated.
"I know, I know." She said again, bringing only a little smile on my face after hearing her voice going back to be good.
"I love you, Park," I admitted clearly, keeping my arms around her to keep her protected, to make her feel safe. "I love you, I love you," I whispered.
"Thank you." She thanked me, making me smile a bit more as I could feel her trying to rest as I was soon going to follow up until I close my eyes to sleep...
I was coming back to my old apartment alone and to say, I wasn't looking all happy after all, like if something was making me angry or in rage, my blood almost boiling inside of my body and how I was walking up the stairs to my front door, it was sure that if someone was interrupting me in my way, it wasn't going to happen quite gently, feeling my face red of anger and holding a backpack in my left hand, clenching both of my hands.
"Come on!"  I almost said in anger as I was literally struggling to unlock the front door of my apartment with my keys, my anger wasn't really helping until I succeeded to open the door.
When I entered the apartment, closing the door behind me and locking it, it was like I was going to unleash my whole anger on the living room but instead, the only thing I could do was to throw away in a rage the backpack against the couch, something that I was wanting to do since a long time, nothing couldn't stop me now but my rage was only that: throwing that backpack on that couch...that's it.
"Why did you do this, Zed?" I demanded, looking at a picture of me, Zasha, Portnova & Dedov, my eyes mostly on Zasha. "I had a plan, we could have left together...why ?" I repeated, moving away in anger before I sit down on the ground against a wall. "You just needed to wait," I told, joining my hands on my face but then, I heard the phone ringing in the room and even if I wasn't willing to pick it up, I did it nonetheless, going up to grab it. "Who is this?"
"It's me, Freya." I heard her voice through the phone and it wasn't making me full of joy hearing her.
"What do you want?"  I asked her in a harsh tone, keeping my angriness.
"I wanted to apologize and to ask for a second chance." She replied to me, sounding apologizing and low.
"After what you did?" I demanded, holding the phone that I thought that I will crush it like it was nothing. "You cheated on me, you promised me things and what I saw is you, loving, offering yourself to that Sonya," I added, raising my voice.
"I'm sorry, Yiri." She pleaded.
"Stop been fucking sorry for fuck sake and stop calling me Yiri!" I ordered, annoyed to listen to her apologies, knowing that it was mostly fake. "I forgive you for a lot of things but I realized how much it was a mistake."  I continued, giving my thoughts to her. "I don't recognize you anymore."
"I wasn't myself, Yirina," She defended herself. "I did stupid things but I can fix them, I only want you to be happy with me."
"No, you only want your happiness and me to always stay near you, you're possessive, Freya." I clarified my thought to her, even if it was breaking me to say that like that. "I loved you, I hold you in my arms but that was the Freya I loved, not the woman I'm talking to right now."
"I didn't change at all." She protested, still sounding bad & sad.
"Maybe we both changed, maybe I'm the only one who changed but if I did, it's only for the good...no, you have changed." I corrected myself, not blaming me for that, she changed, not me. "Right now, I'm trying to copple with the fact that my best friend left the country without me and I'm not fucking in the mood to accept apologies from you!" I raised my voice to her.
"Yiri..." She whispered.
"I'm not Yiri for you anymore, goodbye!" I shouted as loud as I could before I literally moved to hang up the phone, letting me in peace but still angry and when I thought it was over, the phone rang again but this time, the sound was muffled even if I was close to it. "I said that it was over, done..." I took back the phone but to my surprise, the phone continues to ring in my ears, getting louder at each ring and hurting my ears. "Stop it." I muffled, covering my ears from the noises but it wasn't enough before I fall on my back on the ground...
"Stop it!"
That voice from me caused me to woke up with a start, back to reality, feeling that these phone rings were more real than in that memory until I start to hear them for good in the apartment, muffled like the first time I heard in that memory...was it something to make out of that memory. I looked to my right to see the time it was now: 2 AM. I was wondering who could call us at 2 in the morning until...
"Park?" I was surprised when I saw that I was all alone in the bed, sending a feeling of panic in me as her clothes weren't there anymore. "Park?" I spoke up, getting up from the bed to leave the room.
I did a tour of the apartment to see if she wasn't in the bathroom or somewhere else but not she wasn't there, there were just Beans that was sleeping on the chair near the couch and that was it and also that phone that was continuing to ring by a lot, not even stopping for a second. As panic was flowing inside of me, I was thinking that this call was important to take so I walked to the phone to answer it.
"Yes?" I said in a low voice, trying to stay normal & cool despite the time right now.
"Oh thank god, here you are!" This was the voice of a man through the phone, impossible to recognize. "It's been minutes that I tried to call you." The man added.
"Who is this?" I asked him curiously.
"Listen, you're Yirina Grigoriev, right?" He demanded from me, not even answering my question.
"Uhm...yeah." I decided to tell the truth even if I was suspicious of that man calling to the apartment at 2 AM and sounding strange.
"Okay, I've got a friend of you in my bar, miss Park, you know her?" He questioned me as I looked around me.
"Yes, yes!" I quickly replied to him. "What's happening?"
"She's been in my bar for hours and she refused to leave, I need you to get over here and get her out, she's almost drunk." He ordered in a clear & worried voice.
"Tell me where's that bar and I'm coming right away," I asked him, looking in the direction of the bedroom.
"It's The Tommyfield in Lambeth, come quick," He responded as I was knowing that bar because we passed in front of it to celebrate Zasha's marriage days ago.
"I'm dressing up and I'm here in 5 minutes." I then hang up the phone in a quick move, already knowing the direction to take.
I ran to get to my room and gather all of my clothes before I start to dress up in no time after what I heard from that man: Park was drinking for hours in a London pub, meaning that she didn't sleep along with me. We did go to sleep at 9 PM, she was there for 5 hours, I slept for 5 hours alone and those ringings from the phone were the things to wake me up and realize the situation.
Once I was fully dressed up, I took the only keys of the apartment that I have before I left the apartment, locking it and then, I immediately start to run outside the building, not paying attention to the noise I was making because of the stress of learning of Park's situation. I was now outside, in the cold of London, running to join up that bar that wasn't so far from Zasha's apartment but I couldn't walk, running was the only option for me.
After running through the streets of Lambeth, I managed to join the bar that was still open despite that it was marked on the panels that the bar was meant to close 30 minutes ago. I entered it to discover Park at the bar counter, she was the only customer in here and the bartender was next to her, trying to convince her to leave but she was refusing at every word of him.
"Hey...I told you...to bring...another beer!" Park ordered in a drunken voice, pointing at him with her left hand. She was looking too drunk to think right before she turned around to see me arrive. "Oh...Yiri...love, here for a drink?" She exclaimed, a smile on her face.
"Here you are." The bartender said, relieved to see me here. "Convince her, please."
"Park, what's wrong with you?" I asked Park in a worried & half-angry voice as I moved to get next to her.
"Me? Nothing...just...drinking to...come on, bartender, give her a drink." She demanded, tapping with her right hand on the counter for the bartender.
"Stop that now." I put my hands over hers to stop her from continuing to do that. "We're going home," I affirmed as I moved my hands on her.
"No, let me....remember my friends..." Park pleaded in her drunken voice as she was struggling to not leave that counter. "Just fuck off...fuck...Yirina...fuck off."  She cursed, trying to forcibly fight her way out of my grasp.
"For fuck sake, stop fighting me, we're leaving," I told her in an angry voice, moving my arms around her shoulders to make sure that she stops using her arms to try to nudge me. "Park, stop!" I shouted, starting to drag her away.
"Yiri...leave me...or..." Park started to say before I saw her covering her mouth....and then, she started to throw up on the floor, causing me to release her, now on her fours, emptying herself.
"Shit..." I whispered, shocked to see her like that as the bartender was coming to walk near me, a tissue in his hands that he gave me. "It's okay, Park." I tried to reassure her as she was breathless and me, moving the tissue to clean all around her mouth.
"Yiri..." I heard her in a low voice as I decided to grab her in my arms.
"It's okay, we're going home," I said, holding her in my arms and putting hers around my neck to make sure that she was still conscious. "I'm so sorry, sir." I apologized to the bartender for that.
"Just get her out of here!" He mumbled, walking away to get something to clean up what Park did on the floor and I complied.
Seeing Park like that... was something more to broke me, I was holding her, walking through the streets of Lambeth to get back to the apartment, and all the way to it, I was resisting the urge to broke down in tears to see her like that. Seeing her drunk...almost willing to punch me...it was breaking me, it seems that my pleadings 5 hours weren't enough to appease her...I was feeling so guilty for that...
We went back to the apartment in ten minutes, opening the front door of it and the first thing I did was to put down Park on the couch, removed her jacket and clothes that were touched by what she did in that bar, and then, directly going to grab a bucket in the kitchen for her in case she threw up again, along with a glass of water.
"I'm sorry, Yiri..." She apologized in a low voice as I was giving to her the glass and putting down the bucket at her feet.
"Why did you do this?" I asked her worried, wondering about it.
"I was stupid...drunk...just bloody stupid." She replied, avoiding any eyes contacts with me, looking at the glass in her hands. "I'm sorry."
"I almost had a panic attack when I woke up and when I learned that you were drinking to oblivion in that bar, my heart was going this faster that I could have a fucking heart attack just by hearing that." I raised my voice against her but I wasn't myself here, I couldn't do that. "What happened? You said it was fine to me earlier and...I learned that you left." I shook my head, putting my face in my hands
"I did something that I didn't think to do." She tried to explain, passing her hand through her face in shame. "I....I couldn't sleep and...I saw Lazar's diary..." She revealed to me.
"You...you read his diary?" I asked her and she nodded sadly.
"Entirely, I read it entirely." She added, making me freeze my blood...worried...scared of what she has seen. "What he wrote about me, about you, about all of us...it broke me and it caused me to left...and go forget what I saw..." She snorted, seeing tears coming out of her eyes. "I was drinking for him...to not forget him...wanting to believe that he's still here but it's hard to forget." She then starts to cry, putting her hands on her face.
"No, don't cry..." I chuckled, moving to get to her to try to hug her. "Please don't cry, Park, don't cry." I pleaded but she was continuing to cry and it was enough for me to make me cry too...realizing that we were both...broken...just trying to survive...both crying on that couch...
"Park...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."
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