#i'm not complaing
Some awesome artist: I am drawing human Bowser.
Me: Cool.
Artist: And other people will start drawing human Bowser.
Me: Awesome.
Artist: And in every depiction he is going to be shirtless, swoll, and have tits.
Me: What?
Artist: Like his nipss will be out. You will be able to see the grooves of his upper body clearer then you see through glass.
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
I don't have to go to school till later. Some stucual issue so I have to go in for my criminology lesson at lunch.
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raccoon-queer · 2 years
unfriendly reminder that childhood trauma does not mean childhood abuse. it means any trauma that happened during childhood. it can be the death of a grandparent, it can be being bullied in school, it can be isolation and a lack of friends. abuse is not the only trauma, and small traumas are just as valid as bigger traumas
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itgr · 6 months
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".... You killed me"
@graveweaver I still can't believe you created such a pretty design and then expected us to not adore her
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ailoveuu · 15 days
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I'll update y'all if I end up losing this friend bc of this lmaooo
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arcadiabaytornado · 1 year
The fact that Max automatically rewinds if Pompidou bites Chloe but not if Frank is killed is wild. 
That is a great indicator just how far she’s willing to go for Chloe, and it’s to an unhinged degree. 
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oyeicher · 1 year
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Love Upon a Time Official Pilot
June 5, 2023 | 12 PM
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crazy-minded-girl · 9 months
If someone had told me back in may, when i decided to check out käärijä's discography, i'd end up getting an of just for his content and i'd watch him use Hä's butt cheek as a counter, I wouldn't have believed them. Look at me now 🤡
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radmista · 7 months
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Fascinating how misgendering is akin to and on the same level as real life physical violence to you guys. But calling someone an abelist slur is a-okay.
Also interesting you resort to calling me a "d*ke" despite me not being a lesbian. Almost like "t*rf = lesbian" to you and you also hate lesbians.
Also note how none of these things are arguments. You can't argue against the facts laid out, and so you resort to immature homophobic and ableist insults to what? Try and offend me?
Wasn't your community just pissing and moaning that unfair blog deletion was some egregious horrific phobic offense. Y'alll don't seem to pressed about abusing the system to get people you don't like banned/deleted.
The only pathetic one I see here is you. Tumblr is a side thing for me, I have things I do in the real world that progress my future. What are you doing with your time and life?
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Regulus 'no.1 summer hater' Black
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badly-drawn-pigeon · 5 months
Continuing with W.I.T.C.H. villains... Nerissa is an absolute definition of what could have been.
Like, when reading/watching her, I always have this feeling in the back of my head that she was totally supposed to be a sympathetic villain with a point, one to expose hidden darkness within Kandrakar. Only we sort of... never get any details on this. We know that it was the case that Kandrakar at some point decided that she'd steered too far onto the dark side, but we never learn what had exactly happened that made her like this. Killing Cassidy happened way past the point of no return.
And while Nerissa's efforts to corrupt Will might have been intended to mirror her own descent, this doesn't feel genuine, because of how many lies / literal mind magic she employs to make this happen. And it's especially frustrating because Will makes perfect material for corruption without that. She's so much drama by the sheer power of her own actual traumas and actual insecurities that she doesn't need to be straight up deceived (this is btw what I love about her as a character - the constant balancing on the edge of darkness). I imagine young Nerissa shared a lot of toxic personality traits with Will, but it would have been nice if we'd seen it unfold. Or at least if Nerissa tried to nudge Will into coming to the same conclusions as Nerissa had without bullshitting her about everyone secretly hating her.
The cartoon version of Nerissa makes a great narrative promise. Her intense reaction to a mention of Cassidy, "You don't know how much she meant to me" made me lose my shit for a bit and I almost melted on my couch (iirc it was also hinted at by one of the show creators that there was some romantic stuff going on between them, so, you know, it's not only me going shipping mode). And again, this plot point gets immediately axed never to be brought up again. Cassidy comes back and there is zero chemistry between the two. Cassidy is innocently oblivious to everything going on in the world of the living while Nerissa dispassionately treats her like a tool. What was that emotional display from before for? Show don't tell ffs. Also Nerissa eventually gets a Bleach villain treatment by having her actual intentions revealed in a few words during her defeat scene. And it's also not that deep, definitely not compelling enough for a villain with a point, even though I can actually see her point.
On the other hand, the final episode of the cartoon was so goddamn entertaining. One day I'll make a meme out of the backstabfest that happens there because it's so hilarious. In a good way, I love chaos.
Edit: I feel like I should also add that cartoon Nerissa is incredibly entertaining and quite charismatic. And her voice gives me goosebumps, I could use it as ASMR.
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coffeeworldsasaki · 3 months
Lucanis written specifically to be a bisexual disaster of a man. I'm already in love
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way2gosuperrstarr · 4 months
wow i am in so much pain rn . wow i love having a human body. wow i am constantly in discomfort and pain i love this
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diazsdimples · 4 months
One again missing the episode live because newborn babies apparently don't know how to look after themselves (shocked and upset by this) and wondering if I could reasonably ask them all to behave themselves for an hour so I can sit and be consumed by brainrot
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
the link for the video we're supposed to watch and write a summary of POST CANCELLED BLACK SAILS ON NETFLIX? FOR REAL AND FOR TRUE???? FUCK YEAHHHH!!!!!!
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strunmah-mah · 1 year
Anyone else tired of seeing people complaining about Jon being aged up?
Like I get it. It was a stupid writing choice, it shouldn't have happened.
But Also, please stop posting your conspiracy theories about how DC is finally going de-age him. It's been four years, it's never gonna happen.
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