#i'm not gonna tag this extensively because it's mostly for followers
theghostofashton · 8 months
weekend wip game
thank you for the tags @lemonlyman-dotcom and @orchidscript and thank you to @welcometololaland for coming up with this game!
rules: list your wips below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future wips/ideas!) then answer the following questions. then, tag as many people as you have wips (or more).
1. WIP List:
of things i am actively working on / thinking about?
exes to lovers au: the one i'm the farthest in, the gang went to college together in new york and made all kinds of memories, tk and carlos fell in love, but things ended abruptly right before graduation and now it's six years later and fate brings them back together (tk moves to austin)
olympics au: after a devastating injury took him out of contention for london, carlos is back to gymnastics and determined to make rio. he doesn't anticipate the way tk strand coming into his life will change everything.
cda: i don't want to give much away about this one but it is a carlos character study
stripper au: this has like. -3 plot atm (is honestly just a series of chaotic text messages to friends) so i don't have much to say but i have decided i will be writing it for sure so adding to the list.
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
exes to lovers, hands down. both in words and extensive plans
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
exes to lovers
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
the only one i'm making active progress on atm is exes to lovers but i would probably say that one. it's such a rich story filled with so many self-indulgent things and thinking about it and planning has been so much fun
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
stripper au i think. mostly because it's a kind of story i never thought i would write and a whole new world to explore. challenging myself in writing is one of my favorite things about it but it's also scary lol
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
exes to lovers i think. just because it's so specific in my head and i'm constantly doubting my ability to translate that to actual words lol
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
having someone else read my fics before they're posted is a relatively new thing to me tbh, but i really do enjoy it so i'd say all of them? i just find that having someone to talk things through with is really invaluable. i haven't sought out a sensitivity reader yet but i would definitely do so depending on content so i'm making sure to be respectful
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
...exes to lovers lately? idk i've just as a whole been busy/tired/stressed and not writing nearly as much which has been really frustrating
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
so far i don't think i have any lol. but i'm creating a love interest for marjan in exes to lovers that i'm super excited about. queer marjan is a hc that's always been special to me so i've decided to create a gf for her.
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
stripper au i feel like is the obvious answer lol
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
exes to lovers, probably. getting into their heads about their time apart hurts, the breakup hurts, the messiness of them encountering each other present day hurts..... she's gonna be a lot lol
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
exes to lovers for sure. i feel like getting to think about everyone when they were 18 and in college and develop them there and then also exploring them into adulthood has led to some incredible characterization
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
exes to lovers because it explores new york and texas so closely
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
exes to lovers. my voice memos are just.....that fic. i've gone on so many walks during my lunch breaks and just talked through some things with myself lol. weaving two timelines together is so hard and has taken so much planning
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
cda, i think. it's a story i've wanted to write for months but i've kinda shied away from because there were a lot of things i wanted to think through for it. there's so much i want it to be and i hope i can accomplish that
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
i wish lmao
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
exes to lovers has the two timelines, olympics involves a lot of gymnastics jargon, cda is very much [redacted], and stripper au is well. self explanatory lol
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
olympics au, i'd say. kinda a heavy premise that i wanted to offset with a lot of jokes and banter amongst the characters
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
exes to lovers won't necessarily feature outside pov but a good bit of this story deals with this group of very close-knit friends that fell apart a little, once two of them broke up, and the ways that rocked everyone's dynamics (particularly because, similar to canon, neither tk nor carlos told them why). it's been really interesting to think about how that affected the other characters. i also have spent way too much time developing everyone else, thinking about their lives and careers and perspectives, so there'll definitely be quite a bit of character exploration beyond tarlos
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
exes to lovers - carlos teaches 10th grade english and it has been an absolute joy to write
olympics au - andrea and gabriel olympic power duo <3
cda: all my carlos headcanons wrapped into a fic
four wips so i'll tag @sanjuwrites @reyesstrand @carlos-in-glasses and @bonheur-cafe
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waywardsou2 · 4 months
New master post because the old one is broken
About me!
Welcome to my blog! My name is Wayward (not irl obviously. Though I wish) Just some basic information *ahem* I'm transmasc, androgenous (masc leaning), omniflux (but mostly mlm). Kinda complicated, yeah, but aren't we all. My pronouns are He/Him (main) Xe/Xir (trialing neos) They/Them (for my more 'who cares about gender' mood). I haven an extensive list here 👉: Pronoun card.
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Other random info about me :) I'm an aspiring author (my ao3 here 👈) and self-taught artist.
I have an TMNT AU I'm currently writing/designing. Find that here 👈
I'm also a Punk (in clothing and in ideologies and less so in music. yk just deal with it, it's the spirit that counts)
I'm also a monster fucker -I mean what? Who said that?
My beliefs are centered in Nordic Witchcraft, so no hate or I will bring down the might of Thor on your head. You've been warned. But if you are gonna play nice you can find me here 👈.
I'm quite odd so if that bothers you then don't stick around. I'm never in the mood to fight so don't even try it. Oh also, I'm an undiagnosed neurodivergent (probably autistic) and diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Although I'm pretty good now-a-days.
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This blog is mainly for my shit posting, doom scrolling, fandom shenanigans, hyper fixations and it's my main. Everything else I do branches off into its own blog. Kinda like blog children. Bloglins you could even call them. (I'm coining that term. Mine now) My current hyper fixations are TMNT and HTTYD.
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I LOVE GETTING ASKS. I have a few ask games I'm happy to do so I'll link them 👈. I usually answer within a day or two so please send them in. They are so much fun and I love interacting with communites . My DM's are also open if you just wanna chat in general or have any questions you want to ask not publically (for reasons).
If you are an alter/non human follow me here
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As I'm sure most of you can relate to this I really dont see why I need to say it but it's the internet so you can never be too careful. But I'm really attached to a lot of fictional characters from many franchises and if I ever post about them please be nice. Even if you dont like them or the potential discourse around them. Just be decent ok? They can be found here 👈
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Now that I've told you about me there are some ground rules to go over for my corner of the internet.
No harassment, bullying, discourse or anything of that nature belongs here. This is a Peaceful blog alright? I dont want none of that shit 🫵
No terfs, no homophobes, no transphobes, no zoophiles, no pedofiles (you are not MAPS ok, fuck off), no incest shippers, no anti-lgbt of any kind, no bigots, no conservative Christians, no religion haters (there is a balance), or anti-alter humanity of any kind. I think you get the idea but if I get even a hint that any of you people are lurking you will get tossed out like the trash you are. IMMIDEITLEY 🖕
No dark jokes or snides at mental health, it's tough shit and people dont need any more negativity to deal with. I will fucking report you if you ever do anything of the sort on my blog.
And finally no drama or discourse. seriously no one has the time or energy for that esspecially me. Just dont ok? 👎
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I have a few personal tags and may add more when need arises but if your looking for something in particular you may find them with these tags
#wayward rants
# wayward rambles
#wayward asks
#wayward rambles
# helpful reblogs
# waywards wallflower AU
#waywards art
@neonleons-posts @small-spiderpunkboy @fireflysquidsoup @ghosts-in-the-outfield @promiscuousbarnes @waywardsarah @corrupt-touch @dissapointedcreeper @regulusblackisamermaid
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I have another Master Post type post so anything that isn't here will be there. It's kinda like a less detailed pt 2 to this post. You can find that here 👈. And if for some reason you want to see the old Master Post, I am gonna keep it up so you can find that here 👈
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That's all for now folks hope you have fun whilst visiting my blog.
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fattybattysblog · 4 months
Questions for Writers - Character Edition
Thanks for the tag @axolotlsupremacyowo
We're gonna be tagging a lot of the same people, lol.
@bleepbloopbotz @udaberriwrites @mrsmungus @sliebman10 @tsunderesalty @0nelittlebirdtoldme @mikaharuka @oceangirl24 @lena-hills @kayedium-writes @bees-and-sunshine @danceswithdarkspawn!
Now to the questions.
🌹 Who is your favorite character? And why?
I have a lot of favorites, it really just depends which fandom. I'll go with Katakuri for now. He's a real big guy, a real cool fight, and I love his wacky ass Mochi powers. His voice is rad, his character is interesting, and he has a sweet relationship with his sister.
🌹 Go to all your works on AO3, and on the filters side bar, click the drop-down arrow for “Characters.” Who are your top 5 most written characters?
Reader (27)
Original Female Character (18)
Original Male Character (17)
Original Character (6)
Nanami Kento (4)
🌹 What characters do you wish you wrote more?
Any? Hahaha, I mostly write for OCs as you can see, but I should write for more canon characters to balance it out. I mean, there will be a ton more Nanami Kento once I get some of my long standing WIPs out of the way.
🌹 Which characters do you think you write well?
I think I write the Kirby gang pretty well. And it seems I have a knack for Kuro (One Piece) if my comments are anything to go off of.
🌹 Which characters do you think you could improve on writing?
The majority of them. Especially the villain characters I really like. Zant, Sephiroth, hell I doubt I would write Katakuri too well either.
🌹 What character did you at first hate/dislike, but then grew to like/love?
I didn't like Gojo at first. I thought he was annoying, but he grew on me real fast which I hate so much. Why do I have to like characters in JJK??? That just spells disaster.
🌹 Which character did you immediately like/love the moment you saw them?
Nanami. I only saw clips of him and I was in love. Same with Katakuri. He was so cool I couldn't take my eyes off of him.
🌹 Which character voice do you have the most fun writing?
I love writing in the NME Salesman's voice right now. He is very insincere and casual and it's fun to make him a smarmy asshole.
🌹 What character voice do you have the least fun writing?
Uhm... I don't often pick to write for anyone who I dislike, but I guess if I had to pick it'd be... anyone who has a very specific voice I have to focus on formatting right. Like Queen (Deltarune), Spamton by extension, people with accents as their main quirk, so on.
🌹 Which character do you feel like you’re the most similar to?
It's hard to say. I don't know myself very well. I said I was a lot like Kasumi Miwa from JJK back when I did that art meme. I still think so for the most part.
🌹 Which character do you feel like you’re the least similar to?
Anyone who is crazy confident in themselves or smart because I am neither, haha.
🌹 Quick! Pick a character and then have them make an AITA post on Reddit, why did they make it and are they the asshole?
I'm gonna use that AITA bot that was on Reddit once. I wanna see what it makes.
This one is from Katakuri cuz I thought it'd be funny if he went to Reddit after his fight.
AITA for Not Following Orders as a Lieutenant of the Big Mom Pirates?
I (48M) need some perspective here. I'm a high-ranking member of the Big Mom Pirates, serving as one of the Sweet Commanders under Big Mom herself. Recently, I found myself in a bit of a moral dilemma and I'm not sure if I handled it correctly.
What happened is, Big Mom ordered me to take out the Straw Hat Pirates, who were causing chaos on our territory. I'm known for my loyalty and strength, but something about this didn't sit right with me. Despite knowing the consequences, I couldn't bring myself to attack them without a fair fight. Instead, I chose to confront their captain one-on-one to test their strength and see if they were truly a threat.
Long story short, they proved themselves worthy opponents, and I ended up letting them go. Now, Big Mom is furious with me for disobeying her orders and potentially jeopardizing our crew's reputation. She sees it as a sign of weakness, but I can't shake the feeling that it was the right thing to do.
Some of my crewmates are calling me a traitor and saying I should've prioritized loyalty over my personal beliefs. Others are praising me for showing honor and integrity in battle.
Am I the A-hole for not following orders as a lieutenant of the Big Mom Pirates, or did I do the right thing by standing up for what I believe in?
Personally, he's not the asshole. Maybe he'd get an ESH landslide.
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hdawg1995 · 1 year
Get to know me!
I GOT TAGGED IN A THING! I don't remember the last time that happened! Tagged by: @haelleno Share your wall paper:
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its a pixel art i made titled over and over.
Last song you listened to: From Now On We're Enemies. Its a mood and also just makes me feel better on days where I feel too stressed from the nothing I did.
Currently Reading: I'm not gonna lie, i'm currently reading all the non shippy RE fanfics that have sprung up because of the RE4 remake AND a YA book called The Black Dragon Codex. a lot of books haven't been able to draw me in (even this one didn't get my attention right way, i only bought it and started reading it cause its a extension of a fantasy encyclopedia i read as a kid) which really sucks cause i miss reading.
Last Movie: I think it was Glass Onion. Watched it with my mom but she had a hard time paying attention so i spent most of the movie explaining things than enjoying it or following along with the mystery.
What Are You Wearing Right Now: Red Wings shirt number 365 and some running pants. my PJs basicily.
How Tall Are You: i'm 5 foot nothing and some times i'm mad about it but most of the time i'm just glad i don't have to duck into a car or dodge tree branches.
Piercings/Tattoos: they're the same answer so i lumped them together. No. Never gonna happen. I think they're dope on other people but I wouldn't want them.
Glasses/Contacts?: Yup! for most of my life actually! my current pair are blue metal frames that tint blue in the sun. bonus: they have that yellow/blue light layer so looking at screens doesn't hurt my eyes, and i'm told it makes the whites of my eyes tinted blue.
Last Drink: a cold pepsi. nothing special, was just the pop that was in the fridge today.
Last Show: Ghosts (the 2022 version). I watch it with my mom every week, we're having a good time with it and although its mostly second hand embarrassment I like that it puts it on it's head every now and then.
Last Thing You Ate: Dinner! box pasta and some shredded chicken. I wanted to try one of the recipes i found on here but i didn't have most of the stuff i needed.
Favorite Color: Orange! If its orange i'm going to love it and its bright and warm. Runner up colors are blue and green.
Current Obsession: Resident Evil. A friend of mine is playing the remake and i've been watching him stream! and of course the fanfics (although the RE fandom is drinking their horny juice so there isn't actually a lot for me to read at the moment).
Unrelated Obsession: I have been writing little ficlits of my WoL oc being friends with Thancred Waters from ff14 and nothing will stop me from writing about how they are buds.
Any Pets: sadly no. Had a dog who died in 2020 (she was 14 if my math is right). right now closest thing to a pet I have are the three stray cats who use the backyard as a in between since its the only yard without a dog.
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: I've given up on perusing crushes. I still have them but I've accepted i'm better off ignoring it than acknowledging it. honestly thought about ignoring this question but i've made it this far!
Favorite fictional character: Thats a long list i'm afraid, so i'll list the same number of characters Haelleno listed. Tomix (DF) Thancred (ff14) Liger Zero (Zoids) Leon Kennedy (RE) Yosuke hanamura (P4) and Arata (Digimon: Cyber Sleuth).
Tag Someone: no :3
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ladymorghul · 1 year
I agree with you on that nasty anon being, most likely, a toxic Aemond stan posing as team black but I think it needs to be said that there are some nasty black stans out there who hate Aemond with a passion and who, by extension, also take it out on Helaemond and Helaena specifically, calling her names, bland and how she and the ship are only a self-insert for us plus countless other stupid arguments. I've also seen on some of their blogs the same Daeron discourse anon was spewing as well as the GRRM being involved with S2 writing thing as proof that Aemond will finally be portrayed as his book counterpart which further means that Helaemond will never be a thing. Maybe, maybe not, in any case most helaemonds know the ship in just a show only thing that may very well not happen if the writers choose so. Either way I hope that person, whoever they are, gets a life and stops harassing other people online. I also hope you're okay considering the amount of hate you've been constantly getting on this blog, please don't let the haters succeed into bullying you off this platform.
oh yeah, aemond and helaena definitely also get hate from team black stans, that much i know, and especially since i spend a bit of time on twitter too
however most of the hate i've seen from team black stans when it comes to helaena and aemond is aimed separately, rather than necessarily at helaemond itself. for example, some say helaena is bland, boring and definitely did not deserve to get dreamfyre and then not use her. there's a lot of grief about her claiming rhaena's dragon. aemond is usually insulted and interpreted as some "cheap version of daemon" and how he's actually just a loser, etc.
but this hate is usually character centric from what i saw and there's plenty of team black stans who don't care that much about aemond or helaena, but they don't hate them either, and by virtue of being team black, they're also more relaxed about the incest side of the targaryens, so there's many who actually did pick up on all the helaemond hints and wouldn't mind it
however i don't doubt that there's probably black stans who hate helaemond as a ship as well
my conclusion of this being a green aemond stan is specifically based on me having knowledge of how i post my posts and tag my posts, who follows me, etc. and certainly most helaemond vitrol actually comes from fellow greenies. and, sadly, for some time now, i've noticed some lowkey helaena hate too. i say lowkey because well, as a team black stan, not caring / disliking helaena wouldn't be a huge shock, but a greenie? disliking helaena of all characters? mostly if not surely over ships? that would be hard to justify
honestly so sick of grrm discussion.... both team black stans and some green anti helaemonds use grrm's "comeback" (he was always there, but okay) as some sure fix for all of their grievences with the plot. some say it means the end of helaemond, others say it means the end of rhaenicent, others say he will make everyone like in the book. it is tiring, especially since it's being used as a "gotcha" against people having different opinions or expecting other things based on what they've seen so far
but thank you for thinking of me. i do appreciate all the kind words i get. once i started reblogging or posting about helaemond more, not only did i lose a bunch of followers (which is fine bc i do believe in curating your experience), but i also got quite a bit of hate and it's been.... a journey. i would like to say that things might get better but i think it's just gonna get worse until people realize that you shouldn't take out your frustration over fictional characters onto other people (send anon hate).
why do people care about who i ship or what my opinion is on a given character? i'm just some girl, i don't have grrm or ryan on speed dial
but anyway thanks for your message ❤️
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babblingfishes · 5 years
Hey! This is a little like FlockDraw for writing, or Google Docs except you can actually see who wrote what. (I still can’t find any team sites like the one I used to run Froodpad on, though, so this is just a single-pad instance hosted on the same servers as wikipedia’s stuff.)
Come work on your own stuff, or just hang out with me while I attempt to figure out this plot!
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mythicalcoolkid · 4 years
A “formal” announcement too then for people who automatically scroll past/filter asks: another group is using the tag mcc now so my personal posts will now be tagged “mcc /”. Please adjust your filters accordingly if y’all don’t wanna hear my ramblings
May as well also use this post as a reminder that I use “not good” as a catch-all tag for CSA/COCSA/sexual assault, suicide/suicidal ideation, self-harm, paranoia fuel, delusion fuel, unreality, abuse, victim blaming/general trauma stuff, super super negative posts, and really anything along those lines - it’s my general tag for “I’m feeling bad right now and I’m not mentally present enough to know what to tag but I know I should be tagging something.” My “Mythical medical” tag is another catch-all tag for my experience with doctors (including medical malpractice I guess?), insurance, Medicaid, and various medications/treatments since I don’t separately tag for any of that without a direct request
The only tags I use for self-organization on this blog are [mcc /], [asks], and [mine]. The rest are solely for other people’s ability to filter out the content they don’t want to see or might find triggering. As of right now I don’t tag any media (e.g. I don’t tag The Office or DDLC). If any of you have anything you’d like me to tag, I am 100% okay with that and I will do my best - my anon is on and you can send me an ask requesting a tag anytime, it’s no bother. I believe you can also message me if you’re more comfortable with that.
I’ll be reblogging this post semi-regularly for the next few days because I know there are people who filter my tag mcc that will need to change it
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secret-engima · 5 years
Oo! For your Nox verse you mentioned Axis and now I'm all ears for anything you're willing to talk about for the Kingsglaives. Is Axis Nox's assigned guard? Does Noctis have one he's close with like you hinted Arra is for Nox? Does Regis assign *Ardyn* a glaive? It might give more reason for him to interact with Titus? Just what is the Kingsglaive in general's reaction to the chancellor being not that bad actually and basically defecting to Lucis?
(cracks knuckles) Anon. ANON. Kingsglaive are a fav okay? I am always willing to talk about them. ALWAYS. In this AU though, Axis is not actually a glaive. The Kingsglaive was only formed a few months after Nox and Ardyn time-traveled, and Nox met him sometime not long after arriving in the past, so Axis was wandering around taking Hunts to get by. Axis, upon meeting Nox “I’m going to single-handed blow up ALL the Nif’s stuff” Izunia ended up tagging along a few times and then just … never really stopped. Be ends up becoming Nox’s official Shield after Nox is discovered by Regis, but honestly considered himself that well before (because someone has to keep these moron, and his uncle by extension, alive). Nox gets to know the rest of the galahdians through Axis after he’s discovered.
For the rest of the glaives (who are actual glaives in this), Noctis … I don’t think he has a particular favorite? Nox starts dragging Noctis down to the glaive HQ to “train” with them (read: play with them and endear himself to them) so Noctis kinda ends up adopted en masse by these guys (though honestly Tredd might glom onto being Noctis’s buddy/reckless older bro just to spite Axis, because how DARE his buddy in crime get his own LC and not share with Tredd?). Regis assigns the Kingsglaive and the Crownsguard in rotation to guard Ardyn because Chancellor of Niflheim, but Ardyn’s trolling tendency weeds out 98% of the Crownsguard pretty fast (Ardyn: ”It’s not my fault they can’t take a joke!”). Titus, being also Glauca (and secretly Ardyn’s newest minion) tends to volunteer himself after the first five trolling sprees just to keep this moron (who is also somehow his boss, Astrals save him) from driving the entire Citadel nuts.
For your last question. Hmmmm (straps on HC hat) warning this is gonna be LONG:
-Nobody in the glaive is happy when they learn that the Chancellor of Niflheim is a guest (actual guest, not prisoner) in the Citadel. The fact that he’s going to remain a guest for the indefinite future because their King apparently had a kid with the Chancellor’s sister just makes it worse. Nobody is happy and some Potentially Traitorous Things are often mumbled half-heartedly over their alcohol in the first few days when only the Crownsguard are allowed near him (mostly just different ways of calling Regis an idiot, nothing actually harmful or murderous). The glaive however, don’t think the Crownsguard are going to stay Ardyn’s primary keepers for long. Not just because of their general disdain for the organization that prefers to hide behind the Wall rather than fight, but because all of them saw Captain’s face when Ardyn’s arrival was announced. It was the same face he wore the last time the Nifs unleashed a trio of Behemoths onto the field. The one that screamed “Damage Control Inbound” and “This is Going to Become Our Problem and We’re All Collectively Doomed”.
-Then they actually start getting assigned to the man and he’s … nothing like what they were expecting. There is no brilliant tactician, no cunning, poison-tongue politician. No enemy infiltrating their second home using his own nephew as leverage. There’s just a man in tacky clothes and the world’s Dumbest Hat who hides from the irate doctors who insist he needs medical intervention for his weight and general health problems Right Now and only lets Captain or his nephew bully him into eating more than a single meal per day. There’s just an uncle who teases his nephew mercilessly but never lets the boy get lost in his own head (which is too easy for the kid to do, they all recognize the signs of Battle Trauma) and dotes on their crown prince like he’s a long lost nephew rather than the son of the Lucian king.
-There’s just a very, very tired soul who they sometimes find in the Hall of Arts, staring up at the picture of the Founder King and First Oracle with deceptively blank expression and a faintly cracking voice as he sings something Ancient that sounds like a lullaby for all they can’t understand the words, swaying to the melody of his own song like he’ll topple and shatter the moment someone puts pressure on the wrong place.
-Nyx is the first one other than Captain to find him like that, and for all he wants to hate the man who represents Niflheim (represents the empire that burned Galahd and killed his sister), he instead finds himself coaxing Ardyn away from the Hall with gentle words and steady hands, just like he would any of his brother or sister glaives. Nyx mentions it to Captain later, which is how he and the others learn that this isn’t an uncommon occurrence. That they should keep him away from the Hall of Arts if they can.
-It’s the first sign that Ardyn isn’t a vicious leader of monsters playing nice to trick an enemy, but a broken, tired man using his nephew as an excuse to finally escape his glittering cage of “Chancellor”.
-None of them are quite sure what to make of that, so they watch, they listen, they learn. …They get attached. Grudgingly. One prank and melodramatic smile and accidentally witnessed quiet moment at a time. There are a lot of sides to Ardyn Izunia, like the individual fragments of a broken mirror, and somehow the glaives keep being allowed to stumble on them. Somehow they keep getting attached to the shards, one by one and moment by moment without realizing that Ardyn is getting attached in return.
-Until one day, on a good day when Ardyn is wearing his Cheerful, Melodramatic Self and the glaives are hiding their snickers in the corners as they follow him like shadows, two of the King’s Council meet him in the halls. Look down their noses with contemptuous eyes, just like they do the glaives themselves and (in that uniquely flowery way only politicians can) start insulting Ardyn under the guise of casual conversation. They watch, seething despite themselves, as Ardyn takes it, smiles through it, tilts his head like he doesn’t know exactly what they are doing. Libertus finally ducks out of the shadows, bites out some made up excuse of Ardyn’s presence being requested by Cor (the councilmen wouldn’t prevent the Marshal’s orders from being followed and wouldn’t ask him about it later and discover the lie), grinds his teeth when the two councilmen turn their flowery poison on Libertus and the Kingsglaive (the Galahdian refugees) as well. Just like they always do.
-In the middle of taking a step to follow Libertus away, the glaives see Ardyn go still as a painting. See blue eyes sharpen like blades and then-. He turns around in one fluid movement, like it was intentional all along, his easy smile still in place but now dripping an unstated sort of malice that takes the glaive by surprise. They watch, gaping and confused, as Ardyn suddenly transforms into the monster they expected to find those first weeks he arrived in the Citadel, the vaunted Niflheim Chancellor who could ruin people with a smile and a few honeyed words. Where a moment ago he’d been passively taking insults, now Ardyn runs verbal mazes around the two councilmen, ripping them open and stripping them down to their barest, ugliest parts all while never dropping his friendly, polite mien. Somewhere in the “conversation” (massacre), the glaives are pretty sure Ardyn blackmails the two councilmen into supporting a bunch of refugee support programs that, as a technical enemy politician, Ardyn should not know about and they are definitely sure that Ardyn manages to pull it off while simultaneously insulting the two men’s family lines all the way back to the era of the Founder King. By name.
-As he suddenly bids the sputtering councilmen good day and trails along after a wide-eyed Libertus and a long-suffering Captain who arrived somewhere in the verbal massacre, his footsteps silent and predatory when around the glaive he’s always been easy and noisy (to let them know he’s there, to ensure he cannot startle them), the glaive realize that Ardyn is every inch the monster they were expecting. Every centimeter the poisonous, deadly politician they complained about before getting to know him. He just … doesn’t bare his fangs at the people that, by all conventional logic, he should. Somewhere along the way, this Niflheim Chancellor decided that he was more loyal to the line of Lucis and the ragtag refugees called the Kingsglaive than he was his own empire, and that if hiding his claws and acting oblivious around disapproving, snobby nobles was what it took to stay rather than having to return to his own country (his prison), then he would.
-Over drinks, they all agree Ardyn Izunia, former Chancellor of Niflheim, is the scariest person they’ve ever seen. And that they are all really glad he’s on their side.
(hope that satisfies your Ask, Anon! It … spiraled out of my control)
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harleyquinnzelz · 2 years
i need some random info dump on your scream ocs because i find them and their stories so interesting
Yes! Okay, I can definitely do that! Although, admittedly I'm awful at info dumps because I can never be sure what info people will want to know lol. Info can be found below the cut!
Kitty info dump
- Despite Deputy Judy Hicks seeming to come out of nowhere in Scream 4, she and Kitty were actually friends in high school, though they were never especially close. They were in Yearbook together and Judy always looked up to Kitty in a way, even defending her against some rather callous comments from some of their classmates.
- Kitty had a lot of practice in her youth, sneaking in and out of Stu's window. This may or may not be important at some point.
- Because I have a slight addiction to saving outfits on pinterest, I know exactly what outfits Kitty wears for the climaxes of the first three movies and am still in the process of figuring out the outfits for the rest of the movies as well as the outfits for my other characters as well. I know a lot of the symbolism of these things is gonna be lost because readers won't be able to visually see it but having the knowledge really does help me figure out characterization and the like.
- Kitty herself is a great fan of horror movies and can fairly well match Randy as far as horror trivia goes. Of course, following the events of the first movie, her love for the genre does diminish quite a lot.
- During the events of Scream 2, Kitty and Randy share an apartment together off campus, for the simple fact that the apartment has front desk security and makes them feel safer. By this time, they've adopted 2 cats together. Their names are Val and Earl.
Laurie Info Dump
- Despite initially not knowing what she wants to do with her life, following graduating from college, Laurie becomes an English teacher at Woodsboro High School.
- She enjoys writing poetry and keeps a notebook with her at all times in case she comes up with anything worth writing down.
- Can extensively quote passages from Frankenstein. It's actually spooky.
- Despite being friends, interactions between Laurie and Charlie have always been a little weird. Laurie mostly blames this on the fact that she's pretty awkward and not the best with people but well... we as readers will likely attribute it to the fact that Charlie ends up being a psycho killer.
- One of the rumors going around the Woodsboro Gossip Mill is that Robbie only wanted to date Laurie because of her connection to one of the Woodsboro survivors. She is determined to believe that that particular rumor isn't true.
Marnie Info Dump
- Marnie started doing gymnastics when she was five years old. By the time her fic starts, she doesn't actively participate anymore but she attributes her talent for cheerleading to her early participation in gymnastics.
- So, while her whole circle of friends is quite popular, Marnie is by far the most social of the group and probably the one who comes to mind when her classmates think about the 'most popular girl in school'.
- Marnie has been a vegetarian since she was eight years old. Her favorite food is Her favorite meal is eggplant parmesan.
- Marnie has a huge sweet tooth and often carries candies in her bag to satisfy her cravings.
- Marnie's present for her sixteenth birthday was her Volkswagen beetle. It is pink and a convertible. Is it extra? Yes. Does she love it? Also yes.
Melanie Info Dump
- Melanie is definitely closer to her dad than with her mom. Though they've never discussed it, she knows that her tendency to pick her dad to spend time with bothers Kitty sometimes.
- Has tried to blackmail Marnie on more then one occasion when they were younger and Mel wanted to tag along with Marnie and her friends.
- Once Marnie moves out of the house for college, she and Melanie do video calls at least once a week, though usually it's more than that.
- Collects vintage horror movie posters.
- Is pretty good at video games. She particularly enjoys Resident Evil and went to a Halloween Party one of her classmates hosted one year dressed as Claire Redfield.
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revasnaslan · 3 years
A few for the characters ask
These ones are obvious but : Adora, Hordak, Entrapta! 💜
And since I've seen you reblog some Skyrim stuff : Ulfric Stormcloak, Ralof and Hadvar! 😁💙
First impression: he's exactly my type
Favorite moment: I have so many I think it'd be impossible to list them all.
Idea for a story: [gestures wildly to where one fell verse] wof my beloved
Unpopular opinion: i'm not gonna get into it. I'm not really in the spop fandom anymore (just my own personal wof fandom) but I don't agree with like half the fanon there so make of that what you will I guess
Favorite relationship: him and entrapta, platonic or romantic doesn't matter
Favorite headcanon: purely self indulgent because Me Too Bud but his condition is something akin to an auto-immune disorder. his specifically targets his muscles which leads to his myriad of health issues as a side effect because organs like the heart are muscles.
First impression: I'll admit I didn't really think much of her until S2 and my first rewatch right before S3 came out, mostly because I wasn't super into the show as my Now Fandom then as I was when S3 happened
Impression now:  love her with my entire heart
Favorite moment: her entire imperfections are beautiful speech is still one of the show highlights imo
Idea for a story: I haven't thought about anything spop related besides wof in such a long time, but I still long for a fic where she rescues hordak that DOESN'T involve prime lusting over her instead of deciding she's on his hitlist... but alas I don't do canon compliant in this fandom anymore
Unpopular opinion: see hordak's answer... people in the spop fandom still follow me and I'm really not interested in getting into debates about the merits of xyz for this show anymore, so I'm gonna not
Favorite relationship: her and hordak, romantic or platonic
Favorite headcanon:
First impression: same as entrapta, I didn't really have an opinion on her until I really got into the fandom c. S3
Impression now:  she's one of the best characters in the entire show
Favorite moment: "You made your choice, NOW LIVE WITH IT"
Idea for a story: I still have that one story idea where she and catra are together post show, and catra slips back into her old habits because I don't believe for a second she's changed as a person, and adora is trying to rationalize this behavior because Well She's Changed but slowly realizes she's in an abusive relationship and it's actually hordak who helps her realize this. I'm never gonna write it ever because I don't want to be yelled at for what would be an extensively tagged fic, but it's an idea
Unpopular opinion: I don't have an opinion that's unpopular, I agree with most opinions that cross my dash about her.
Favorite relationship: romantic, her and scorpia, platonic her and the best friend squad
Favorite headcanon: the first one that comes to mind is the idea she has adhd
First impression: I actually didn't realize the dude I was sitting next to was ulfric the first time I played................ probably because it took me forever to figure out how to turn on subtitles so i wasn't playing attention to ralof my first playthrough, so you can imagine my confusion when I got to windhelm and was like Who's This Fuck
Impression now: well i just found out in my most recent playthrough that the thalmor consider him an asset (an uncooperative one admittedly) and they were trying to save him at helgen to prolong the civil war... which just makes me want to shake him because idk how this dude can be in his fifties, know how the thalmor operate, not want to associate with them to the point elenwen is like Do Not Approach in his goddamn file, and not realize that he's playing right into their hands with his civil war. use your head ulfric.
Favorite moment: idk if it's a "favorite" moment necessarily, but from a writing standpoint, his duel with the high king being what really tore skyrim apart in the first place is so interesting to me from my perspective as a history major... because the civil war had been building since the markarth incident, mostly just skirmishes from my understanding, but like... historically that's how it always happens. it's relatively minor incidents until something Big like that happens, and then suddenly everybody is involved. I dig at skyrim a lot for its subpar writing but that is one thing I actually kind of like, even if nobody fanon or canon seem to actually be able to agree if it was honorable or not (for the record I am in the not camp because he used the Voice to win when torygg couldn't) but eh that's history for you.
Idea for a story: this is probably gonna get long winded, but the current wip that's holding my attention actually features him heavily because the main character is my nord dovahkiin... who is his bastard son who was conceived around the time of the markarth incident. ulfric and harald have a... tense relationship to put it mildly because ulfric never intended to have a kid that way in the first place, and he's been concerned with the growing tensions between the stormcloaks and empire/thalmor for pretty much harald's entire life. the only reason harald even ended up with him is because the thalmor found out about harald and approached harald's mother and his mother thought he'd be safer with ulfric than with her. i have never really considered ulfric to be the fatherly type, so their relationship is incredibly strained because ulfric is ridiculously pragmatic and has expectations which only get that much worse when harald is revealed to be dragonborn (which does not help when harald starts wondering if he even wants to be the chosen one in the first place).
Unpopular opinion: it's not that I don't think the man couldn't have potentially been like... a loving husband and father or whatever, I just think he's way too pragmatic and focused on what he perceives to be his duty and responsibility (i.e., freeing skyrim) to actually focus on that kind of stuff yknow? he could also stand to look inward and fix the shit going on in his own goddamn hold before he tries to be high king
Favorite relationship: canon-wise I don't really have one, although I do like his strained relationships with the greybeards, I think it's super interesting. I can't remember if arngeir comments on his use of the Voice for violence but I haven't gotten to the peace talk quest in my latest playthrough yet so I might have to see if there's anything to be said there.
Favorite headcanon: he probably falls asleep at his desk a lot because he's a workaholic who doesn't know what a bed is
First impression: oh I didn't have an opinion on him first playthrough, he was just some guy like every other character who had been thrown at me so far
Impression now: one of the only reasons I would probably do the stormcloak questline again, which considering how much I hate the civil war questline, is very high praise
Favorite moment: not to meme but Hey You, You're Awake
Idea for a story: he features heavily in the fic I mentioned above since he and harald knew each other growing up (ralof's father was a stormcloak officer so he came to windhelm often with him as a child) and he's really harald's only actual friend who doesn't expect shit of him... also they're romantic interests because I say so 😌😌
Unpopular opinion: this is more to do with critiquing the stormcloaks as a whole, but I really hate how he's the only one who's not Like That 🙃🙃 I know why that is too and it's because if he was spouting tons of dogma at the beheadening nobody who played as anything other than a nord would've even thought of joining up with them. he's still pretty zealous but he's not talking shit about dark elves right out of the gate and is super encouraging no matter your background.
Favorite relationship: canon-wise I wish they had explored the fact he and hadvar seem to know each other and go way back. honestly I think it was a missed opportunity to not make them brothers, because that would play into the thesis that the civil war is tearing families apart and make it an actual thing??? because every single family is split evenly across the line, they're all either stormcloaks or empire and that really doesn't suit the story they're going for imo
Favorite headcanon: he's actually pretty young, probably isn't over 30, so he doesn't remember a world without the ban on talos worship.
First impression: he was just another character who was thrown at me with a name and I had already forgotten who Ulfric was so this should be fun
Impression now:  I don't really have one because I've never actually done an Empire playthrough since I've only done the civil war questline all the way through like... once cause I hate it so much. He doesn't seem like a bad dude though.
Favorite moment: I do like how he seems genuinely sad he can't save you from the chopping block... I can only imagine how often that must happen to him :/
Idea for a story: see above with my ralof entry... I could probably make a genuinely compelling story about them being brothers who were torn apart by the civil war because one of them believed Empire Is Stability and the other bought into the stormcloak dogma.
Unpopular opinion: I don't really have opinions on the guy, but I guess I wish that he was written to argue more with the Imperial captain at the beginning against beheading you?? I think it would have made me more compelled to follow him, considering I never have since from a role-playing perspective, why would you follow a soldier of the army who just tried to chop your head off??
Favorite relationship: don't have one but again i do find his implied relationship with ralof to have some intrigue to it that they never expanded upon
Favorite headcanon: don't have one cause I haven't really thought about him too much.
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finsterhund · 4 years
The boredom gets to me.
Lake trip got cancelled, then postponed to today, except ex roommate didn't want to go to the safe lake and me and my friend only wanted to go to the safe lake so we didn't end up going at all but that was okay because Will and Paula did a Paper Beast stream and it was fun.
Other than that things have been extremely boring and I've been getting sick from the heatwave.
It's too hot to play Paper Beast because of the headset, it's too hot to play Minecraft because ice pack laptop gets hot way quicker now.
It really becomes apparent that without spending money there's not much to do during the quarrentine. I've drawn a bit, I keep trying to write but never get anywhere, and mostly I'm just feeling lonely and wishing I had a dog. I have to be careful not to think too much about that late at night otherwise I'll miss my bedtime and then cry myself to sleep at 4AM. I joke about how I am explicitly forbidden from listening to "Tiny's Song" after 7PM, because that's a surefire way to make it worse.
I have another psychiatrist phone call in a couple weeks and I'm hoping to talk about trauma and misery loops, or whatever it's called when your brain keeps dwelling on loss.
Computer quest seems to be going well, but of course I've put as much money as I can into it for this month. Frustrated that I can't do anything more until I get paid again.
Got to go to the thrift store a few days ago. Impulsively got Lady because she was 5 dollars and we all know she's a spaniel so obviously I was weak of will, soft of heart, dumb of ass. You know the drill. This boy does not simply see a cosmically significant stuffed dog just sitting there and not do something about it.
Tumblr media
I also picked up a seemingly brand-new collar with several tags attached. I collect used and discarded dog tags (I will go into this in more detail in another post) and I intend to start bringing as many back as I can whenever I get to go to thrift stores.
I'm frustrated that I keep making plans that I'll only be able to follow through on once all this is over. My computer is the only big thing in the works that isn't held back by the virus.
I wish the other one in town would open again. Stupid virus.
I keep phoning my mom to talk to her puppy. I was going to visit to see the puppy and also bring my childhood toys back home and also develop the Spot negatives. But no. Ruined. Stupid virus says "Andy likes Spot, and his old toys, and puppies. Let's make sure he doesn't get to see them" stupid virus.
I have a TON of important things planned where traveling or going to high risk stores/places that are definitely closed is required.
The last Spot I ordered online before I put my foot down and said "no more buying comfort items online until you get your new computer" seems to almost be arriving. Should around the same time I have my phone appointment. I'm also waiting on the lost DHL puppy (still, it's been so long) and another that I think also is lost, and a rare copy of Heart of Darkness that's taken forever to ship and is presumably in Alaska now (why I don't know)
I intend to spoil that Spot to an extreme amount to make up for the eBay stuffed dog drought that will presumably go on for three months. Although the fact that I do no longer have to hold onto all the money to use at once and have now switched over to giving it in installments to my friend who's doing my custom build does mean I have a better understanding on how much money I have available each month. It's their responsibility to count and keep track of the big unintelligible numbers now. I'm free!
Although I do still intend to keep the paper with all the "100"s written on it in use. Using a visual aid to help with my dyscalcula has actually felt super good. Wish teachers would have been more open to helping me do this during school.
I do wish I had more inspiration to draw and write. Not getting too much interaction with what I'm doing online so it doesn't feel like a way to socialize and I'm actually desperate for more socialization during this time.
The quest for an extremely large floppy stuffed dog that looks like Spot has been postponed due to the computer quest. Similarly I am barred from buying anything else from Awwful Adopts, Lil Sprout Care, and Blvucci. Will showed me a browser extension that blocks certain website access from your browser. I use it to bar me from aimlessly searching stuffed dogs on eBay for four hours.
Hold me to this promise. No Awwful Adopts, No LilSproutCare, and no Blvucci. If I brag about getting the Blvucci glow in the dark hoodie and it wasn't because I won a free one, you are all encouraged to spam mean names into my message inbox and hit me with things.
I have materials to make custom sized collars and bandannas for my stuffed dogs but I just don't feel up to learning to sew. I know how to do 1. A ladder stitch and 2. Several types of knots. So all I can technically do is fix small holes in stuffed animals.
It's technically my bedtime but I don't feel able to sleep right now so I'm just writing this update.
My friend made art of Spot for me and it is very nice so I'll share it tomorrow.
Keeping my mind active talking about my day and my plans stops me from thinking about sad things, but it also prevents me from sleeping. I just wish that there was something to look forward to tomorrow. It's gonna be another hot do nothing stay home day.
Maybe soon we will get to go to the lake.
Anyways, I'll try updating you all more. Maybe post more memes and things that have mostly been going on over at twitter dot com. I keep forgetting to post things here because of how broken Tumblr is on desktop now.
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