#i'm overexplaining myself aren't i
comicaurora · 5 months
Re: the Frankenstein post
The channel is literally called "Overly Sarcastic Productions". If people aren't assuming at least a little embellishment and dramatic flair, then that's really no fault but the underfunded education systems' their own tbh =P
Yeaaah. But I've observed that, unfortunately, almost everyone on the internet is very reluctant to follow a citation back to its source to double-check it - myself included, if I'm not careful - which means (a) people who watch my summaries frequently don't go on to seek out the original source and formulate their own thoughts on it, and (b) when those people then erroneously quote something goofy from my interpretation as Indisputible Fact, the people who get mad at me about it don't go back to the video to see what I actually said and in what context.
I've been mulling this over to try and figure out if there's anything I can do about that, because I don't want to contribute to the dissemination of misinformation under any circumstances, but I learned from a very long childhood of Being Neurodivergent that you frquently cannot overexplain your way out of being misunderstood, especially not when misunderstanding you is entertaining. This might just be the price I pay for allowing myself to have any fun with the summarizing.
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frangipani-wanderlust · 9 months
How To Call 911
So most of my followers know now that I started working last May as a 911 dispatcher. Super proud of myself. And now that I am starting (very much still starting) to settle in a bit, I want to offer some tips on how to call 911. So, hold on to your hats.
(no-color version if the yellow text isn't rendering on your screen correctly)
When in doubt, call 911. Don't take this as me encouraging you to jump at shadows. Your neighbors' loud party is not an emergency, google the local non-emergency line and call that. Neither is the dry cleaning not giving you your clothes (I actually got this call on our 911 line). Nor is the fact that you saw a fox inside city limits (also something a real human called 911 about). But if you see a situation unfolding and you think "this seems dangerous, maybe this is 911-worthy" then it's 911-worthy. Don't hesitate. Call.
If you call 911 and you are freaking out, that's okay. If you're in a crisis, you may not remember a single tip I'm about to give you. We are trained for that, we can handle it, just do the best you can. It's not the end of the world to have a hysterical or frightened caller, and these are tips, not rules.
Location, location, location. We can't send you help if we have nowhere to send it to. Ideally, know the address. Failing that, know the name of a business or a church or an intersection. It is not cheating if you read this off a sign. There isn't a set of invisible rules that says you have to have your exact GPS coordinates memorized. Be prepared to describe the location somehow. That way, if our connection drops and that's all you can tell me, I can still send some police out to come find out what's going on and they can ask for medics or firefighters or whatever if needed. But we absolutely must know where to send assistance, it is the first thing we're going to ask.
Location again, but with a twist. The first thing our office says for emergencies is, "911, what is the address of the emergency?" If a building is on fire, tell us where the fire is. If your neighbors are being robbed at gunpoint across the street, give us their address. If you witnessed a car accident, tell us where the accident happened. The location of the emergency isn't necessarily the location where you are. Don't send police and fire to your office building if the wreck is on the freeway.
Answer the questions that you are asked. If the calltaker asks "Is the patient breathing?" don't start in about the seizure they just had (if they aren't breathing, the seizure they just had is not the biggest problem). If the calltaker asks, "Which way did the man you saw go when they ran?" don't tell them about how they broke down your door (if they are running away, knowing they broke your door down does not help the police know which direction to start looking). The particular question you are asked is being asked for a reason, and that reason is not frivolous but in an emergency, we aren't going to stop and explain everything.
Do not launch into a speech. If you're asked a yes/no question, yes or no is all the answer you should give. Your impulse will be to explain the yes or the no because more information is better than not enough, but overexplaining is its own problem. Now, we are hired for good typist skills, and are encouraged to get better and faster, but infodumping means things can get missed. The calltaker is going to have some information they're going to ask for by protocol and probably the option to drill down on some of it if clarification is needed. If you spend five paragraphs explaining your last answer, it delays getting other pertinent information.
Do not launch into a speech, part the second. You don't call 911 for things that happened last week, or even yesterday. Tell me the emergency that is happening right now. Ideally in one sentence. If someone is having a medical issue, and you call 911 about it, when the calltaker asks exactly what happened, do not tell them about how the patient had a surgery 5-and-a-half weeks ago. You called 911. What is the emergency that is happening right now. Don't be telling me about their surgery when the problem you called about is a broken leg. Yes, the surgery may have led to generalized loss of balance that has yet to return which caused the patient to fall which caused them to break their leg. Understood. But you didn't call because of all of that. You called because of the broken leg. Apply this principle to all emergencies.
Don't launch into a speech, part the third. When asked a specific and direct question, do not give an explanation instead of an answer. If the calltaker asks you "Is the weird person on the side of the road actually in the lanes of traffic?" do not explain to them how it's a very narrow roadway (see parenthesis for the story here). Aside from the fact that we're not asking these questions to be funny (see part the second), there's also the fact that now you are coming over as suspicious as hell. If I asked "how did that person on Facebook know what this supposedly missing kid is wearing and where he's going to be at 3:00 today?" and you say "well Facebook is a good way to spread information" I am now extremely suspicious of you.
(Also an actual call I have taken. The man was a totally ordinary guy out for a walk to the store, but this blue collar man walked through a Rich Person Neighborhood™ and according to Lady Catherine De Bourgh on the phone with me, that merited a call to the police. When I asked her if he was actually in the lanes of traffic [traffic hazard call type] versus not [suspicious person call type, on a technicality but technically...], she tried explaining three times that the road was narrow before she finally got the message that I was not going to stop asking until she told me the actual answer and answered "Well, I suppose so, yes." At this point, because she'd been so reluctant to answer me, I no longer believed the man actually was in the lanes of traffic and to this day believe that she lied to try and manipulate the police into a stronger-level response than was actually warranted. Because determining whether she was lying for sure is beyond the scope of my job, I put down what she said, but I didn't believe then and still don't believe now, that she told the truth. The totally ordinary and probably very nice guy was not arrested or hassled at all and was instead given a courtesy ride to the store.)
Be prepared to describe relevant people, maybe including yourself, and that includes race. If you have an asthma attack at a football game, the medics need to know how to find you in a crowd. If you are a black woman, that's gonna rule out everyone who isn't that. If you are a black woman wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and a blue bandana over your hair, that excludes nearly everybody and when the medics arrive, they'll know exactly who to look for. Most of the time, someone's race isn't relevant information. When describing someone to emergency services, it absolutely is and it is not racist to accurately describe the relevant person or people.
There are more tips in the world, and I may come back to this post and add them as they occur to me. In the meantime, please enjoy this short treatise on how to call 911.
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vaporclan · 6 months
you know, as someone who has been following this comic for a long long time (almost from the start. and is likely one of the worst offenders when it came to spam liking since i used likes to keep track of where i was. for that i apologize, but i digress.) and as someone who is very interested in psychology, the inner workings of the mind, what compels people to behave the way they do, etc., you have truly gone above and beyond here.
you are clearly so passionate about your characters, all of them (even if sootsky is somewhat of an exception, i still feel as though he means something to you as a character because you wrote for him and he developed at your hand) no matter how misguided, stubborn/uncooperative, and/or fueled by unsettled conflicts, unprocessed trauma mental turmoil they are; because you understand them.
they aren't just characters to you; they're like your "children" for lack of a better comparison. they're entirely three-dimensional to you and, although I'm not implying by any means that you don't see them as fictional, you breathed so much life into them that i truly do think that they have become something so special and alive. their world truly is that: a whole other World, with every individual living their own lives with their own thoughts, feelings, and motives, and while you obviously control what happens and make changes/add lore as you see fit, i truly do believe that these characters are telling their own stories through you.
i'm not sure if i'm being coherent/clear here as i am a highly abstract thinker and oftentimes overexplain things in an attempt to make it more understandable when it actually has the opposite effect and makes my thoughts more confusing/hard to understand. if i said anything that is incorrect, inaccurate, or pushing any of your boundaries, i deeply apologize. i just wanted to take the time and write out my thoughts to you in an attempt to say that i am so very impressed with the depth of this comic about cats with an origin from a game with randomly-generated events. again, it is so clear that you have put immense thought into each and every character, and your passion for this project is both admirable and very clear to any of your audience who are taking the time to analyze and read unbiased. and, even if some people aren't exactly doing that, there is no one who can deny the amount of effort you have put into this comic and how much you have accomplished in so little time.
you don't have to answer this ask or anything, so please don't feel obligated to. i don't require a response; it just feels nice to finally express my thoughts about this comic to you and it feels like the appropriate time to do so with the finale finally here and a new start coming soon.
i hope you have a wonderful day/night and that however long or short this next arc of the comic may be (and any other potential arcs/spinoffs), it brings you so much joy and pride. it certainly has given me a very complex and interesting story that i both enjoy and find incredibly thought-provoking/very relevant to my interests and studies. keep on doing what you're doing so long as it makes you feel good!
-crookedanchors / warriorwhiskers 💛
THIS IS SUCH A NICE ASK ur so right btw
I tend to put myself in my characters shoes and feel what they feel and I write how they're thinking and feeling from the heart
Some characters are inspired in places by real people I've known / their mindset and even me myself (but most characters arent)
Its crazy to me that I've managed to do all this tbh I've never created complex characters like this before this comic
This has all been very experimental for me
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hi! I love your blog, do you have any tips for a baby witch!
Hi, and thank you! I won't lie to you, seeing this ask made me laugh (not AT you, but at myself) because I feel like I'm barely out of the crib in terms of "baby witch." I know that's not quite true, I've been around witchcraft my whole life and been actively practicing for about four years, but it still was a shock lol.
I hope you don't mind that this is a huge post, I'm prone to overexplaining! I figured this sort of post was better "too long" than "too short."
I do have lots of things I wish I knew when I first started. I have more stuff I'm working on that might be helpful as well, when I post them.
There is no right way to be a witch. No, seriously. There isn't. People say this, and then you see everyone doing things a certain way, and then the first message gets completely trampled over; but it's true. Some people say you have to learn and master the basics before contacting deities/entities for safety reasons, some people don't really think it matters. Some people are very formal, some aren't. All up to you! Do your own research and figure out what fits your path.
You don't need to do deity work. It's valid to be interested, but if you aren't, don't force it. You also don't need all the tools of the craft and the shiny little trinkets. They're fun, but not needed. All you need to be a witch is yourself. These are similar to the first one, but these specifically I feel need to be said separately.
Don't go all to one source. This was my mistake as a beginner. I used a single discord server because I found research overwhelming, and their list of resources was curated to their specific views on what a beginner could and couldn't do. This led to me feeling like I was doing things wrong.
Pay attention to appropriation. A lot of very common things are appropriated (see; white sage, chakras) and it's generally just a good idea to look into what not to do for the sake of being respectful. This doesn't have to be hours of research- just a quick check before you implement something new that it's not appropriative.
Above all else, do what calls to you. There's so much information, and it's so overwhelming. Go at your own pace, and pick things you feel drawn to! It's not going to be fun if you're not doing what you're interested in.
Join witchy spaces. This has been the biggest help to me. Books, articles, etc. are all helpful... but my biggest help has been other witches sharing anecdotal experience and what witchcraft looks like and feels like written in non-academic language. It could just be the auDHD showing, but I learn better listening to someone infodump than reading a book. Plus, books don't tell you the dumb funny stuff that happens as a witch, in my opinion.
Last but VERY not least; if you are using tools and such, practice safety. Look into what crystals are water/salt/sun safe and such, candle/fire safety, pet safety if you have any, etc. etc. (I have a section on this in my google doc project already, but I'm no expert AT ALL.)
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im-just-a-dumb-gay · 3 months
A Simple Intro
Hello! I'm Calcifer. I'm Peruvian American, however, I am not fluent in Spanish but I do understand un poquito.
I'm agender and prefer they/them. I'm also a lesbian and demiromantic.
I like to crochet and draw. Also really love musicals (like Cats and Starlight Express)
Birthday: August 19th
Fandoms: At the moment Sonic, Fnaf, Transformers and Tsams/Laes/Eaps. Also love Winx Club and Disney films in general.
I am over 18. However this blog is SFW and meant to be a nice little corner.
DNI: racism, against lgbtq community, xenophobia, sexism (there might be more but these main 4 I can think immediately. Will update when necessary)
Notes: I am anxious so please don't take it personally if I don't interact immediately, don't at all, or overexplain kinda like I'm doing now lol. I'm not always like that but yeah.
On the topic of shipping, I myself am a multishipper however I will rarely do ship art. Especially for certain fandoms.
I am chill with any ships that aren't harmful. Whether serious, crack, or whatever, as long as it's in good faith and fun I'm cool with it. :)
Btw @knizuu is my sibling. Please go check them out!
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gallavichthings · 1 year
Hey @samshinechester, I hope you don't mind me answering you this way (this is my side blog and Tumblr won't let me reply with it).
Tumblr media Tumblr media
First of, thanks for putting it out of the poll, that makes sense.
Also, I totally hear you about the purity culture, I also don't like it. I understand why you might have taken it the wrong way, which is why I felt the need to explain myself. It's not something I've done before, but again, for this specific event, I thought I had to at least consider it. I think it's important to respect everyone's kinks and preferences, but also everyone's triggers and discomforts as well. I wouldn't even consider this under any other event, but again, seeing as the goal for this one is for people to read as many fics as possible, I also wouldn't want anyone to feel like they're being treated unfairly or "pressured" into reading something that they'd normally avoid. It's a lot easier, in this case, to avoid certain topics that might make someone uncomfortable. There are still several other fandom events people can participate off that allow anything and everything. It's not a case of feeding puritans, and honestly the topics I mentioned and others that could potentially be banned (but won't) aren't even all about sex. Of course I trust people to read what they want to, just again, for this event in particular, that would be the opposite of the idea.
Just wanted to make it very clear that it was never my intention to make anyone feel like their kinks and preferences are, to quote you, immoral or disgusting (again, this isn't even about sexual content).
I understand why the word "ban" made you feel uncomfortable, and maybe I could have used another one, and I hope you understand why again I'm feeling like I have to overexplain and defend myself. Trust me, I absolutely agree with you that people are responsible for choosing what they read, this is just a different situation.
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msallurea · 1 year
Heyy love so i'm new to loa can u tell how do we imagine, sry if its a dumb question.
It's not dumb at all, I'm learning this myself. But based on knowledge from myself and others I'll explain the best way I can:
First you need to know what imagination is. Imagination DOES NOT EQUAL VISUALIZATION. It is nothing more than your consciousness/mind/4D/Awareness (these all mean the exact same thing so dont worry about what to call it just know its your imagination all the same)
You also need to know the CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY REALITY, everything you see now wouldn't have even existed if it wasn't first imagined, which leads me to the next thing: your 3d reality is just a REFLECTION of your 4d reality like a mirror (which is why I also want you to understand that the things within you and outside of you aren't separate at all they all come from the same source which is consciousness/imagination/4d/mind/you)
Now as to how you guys should do it, I will first say that it is not a "one size fits all" answer because everyone can imagine differently
For example, I want you guys to imagine a cake. U did it? OK good, now in your mind what did you see? Some of you may have saw a image, others may have smelled cake in there imagination,others may have felt the icing, or aome if you might have even affirmed in your head describing the cake. Either way however you imagine the cake that is how YOU imagine
Another is an example from @remcycl333 say you want purple hair, you can affirm you have purple hair that's imagining, you can visualize you have purple hair that's imagining, you can script you have purple hair that's imagining. Whatever it is that you do in your mind that helps you create the feeling of having or being something mentally that is how you imagine
But for those who may need a step by step guide on how to:
1. What's something you want
2. Close your eyes (tho you can imagine while there open as well) and see the thing that you want, that you already have it, don't be so focused on details how does it make you feel (As in feel im not just talking about emotion if that comes up but simple KNOWING) imagining having that thing you want
3. That's it..now you have what you want because you literally just imagined it
4. Persist (not repeating, but simply sticking to the fact you know that you already have exactly what you want because you imagined it already) regardless of whatever opposes it, I mean how can you deny it if you've already experienced it in imagination
Something else I want you to know to because you will hear this alot in the community "though false, if persisted in it will harden into fact" a famous quote from neville Goddard though what you imagine may be false now in your outer world, if you can turn away from your 3d senses and realize that because you have imagined it within if you stick to knowing that you have it and the 3d has no other choice but to reflect it then it will harden into fact for your outerworld as well (because it's already a fact within you, you just persist in knowing that it already is done in imagination the OG reality, it will be reflected..do not stress or worry about the hows or when, if it is done the moment you imagined it then its done period)
I do apologize if it seems I may have dragged this out a bit I can overexplain sometimes but I do hope this helped you understand 😭
But because you are new my advice is to one go to the source which is Neville Goddard and Edward Art they explain it the best, and few and I do mean a FEW accounts I highly suggest you read posts from if you need any other info would be @remcycl333 @fleurlx @itsravenbitch @starnightlover they are some of the main ppl I go to when in need of info or a post of reassurance Also please please PLEASE DONT OVERCONSUME INFO once you have the basics take what resonates and APPLY and no I don't mean testing for a few minutes n then crying when you don't see it 5 seconds later actually apply the info you received and listen to your intuition as well if you don't like or feel uncomfortable doing something DONT do it simply tweak it to make manifesting and imagining fun and easier for you
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myers-meadow · 4 months
You're allowed to enjoy characters and character dynamics that aren't good or healthy. It doesn't mean you support that sort of thing in real life and so you don't need to justify Ascended Astartion actions in order to be allowed to enjoy them. From my understanding, part of the appeal for some is that a romance with him would be rather twisted (which creates conflict, either between them as individuals or with the nature of being a vampire, and conflict makes stories interesting). Not that he doesn't have a genuine attachment to his lover, but he is willing to cross certain boundaries that, in real life, would be a huge red flag that you should run away from as fast as humanly possible (speaking from personal experiences).
I'm saying all this, not to judge or criticize you, but because it seemed like you were... almost a bit nervous when talking about your Tav x Ascended Astarion... like you had to justify why you liked it and I guess—at the risk of sounding haughty—I'm trying to remind you that you don't have to.
Thank you for saying that. That is very kind.
I'm not nervous or feel like I'm not allowed to like what i like, it's more that;; coming from slasher/horror movie fandoms, into BG3, it was quite a shock to see how harsh the hate for ascended Astarion fans was.
I've always always loved and adored villains, so that certainly won't stop! I'd hate for people to misunderstand me, though, and I understand to a certain extent why it's a sensitive issue for certain people, so that's why i sometimes may overexplain myself.
Despite that all, I'd love to make more friends who also like Ascended Astarion! It'd be great to exchange ideas, hcs, and encourage each other <3. Alas i am shy lskjfkdf
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So I put in a prompt and I don't know if you've answered it about more disabled Alec? I don't know if Tumblr ate it or if you've put that you don't want to do anymore of that prompt? If you have no more intrest in that I understand and I didn't know how to ask without sounding pushy.
oh hey nonny! you're okay!
okay so i'm going to answer this honestly but this is me just being blunt. there is nothing wrong with the question and i'm not upset, i'm just kind of blunt because of anxiety and i hate misunderstandings so i tend to lay out all the facts and overexplain.
so i answer prompts based on my mood because i don't want to burn out, if that makes sense? so sometimes i have to temporarily avoid prompts that 1) require a lot of research (because i take my research seriously, even if i don't need to. autism special interest thing), 2) or i'm not up for dealing with how much meta belongs in a certain verse, 3) or are emotional in a certain way that i might not be up to dealing with? cause writing is super charged for me. it's basically my therapy so that means sometimes i'm mentally fucked up a bit and dealing with some things.
the agony of living, alec has chronic!pain and right now @saeths in a major flare up (Say's back is feeling out of sorts and she's had three medical procedures on it in six months) and i couldn't find my brace so my bad knee got overused. right now, writing about pain wouldn't be super cathartic because i'm still in pain and people i love are still in pain and the pain isn't going anywhere. all i'd be doing was focusing on it.
my brain is not happy right now and it wants to get into the nitty and gritty of chronic!pain:
i want to write about alec refusing to eat because the pain is too intense for him to feel hunger and all he can feel is nausea
i want to write about alec forcing himself not to shout at Mirai because she's forcing him to drink electrolyte water and all he wants to do is drop to the floor and scream but he can't let himself.
about an alec who can't make it to his room every morning so he has a special bed in his office.
and while those aren't bad things to write about, for me they wouldn't be helpful to focus on rn. because then i'll just make myself sad and wilty.
i actually really enjoy writing in this verse and i'm happy to explore it more. i just also have to be careful i don't overlap too much and burn out because i accidentally overfocus on things that are actually diminishing my quality of life in rl.
the weeks i write the agony of living are honestly, the weeks i feel the best and i'm taking Nightshade on walks and hikes and keeping on top of the housework and yardwork and cooking and work are when i want to write it.
when i can think about everything that can go into the story without reliving and focusing on how awful everything is in the moment. so this is probably tldr and tmi.
so TDLR:
i only write the agony of living when things are doing good physically in RL because otherwise it's too depressing.
i hope that helps make sense? you were very polite and not at all pushy and there was nothing wrong with this ask. it just happens to have an intense answer but i'm happy i was able to clarify and i have your prompt saved in my drafts so tumblr can't eat that! i'm trying to do that with all the prompts i get and it takes a while, but i love all the prompts and i hate when tumblr eats them
<3 lumine
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keymintt · 10 months
🐰🦖🦋 !!
what do you think says the most about a person?
mmm. honestly i don't have a readily available answer for this, but without spending half an hour having a philosophical conundrum over it, i think how someone treats everyday strangers says a lot about them
now like, this mostly applies to Real Life bc i think i conceptualize ppl differently online, also i know social customs and expectations are a maze to navigate at best in any given place, yet alone on a worldwide scale, but for me it kind of comes back to how do you view yourself (general "you") in relation to other people as a whole: do you thank the waitstaff when they bring you your food? how do you listen to music in public spaces? do you compliment strangers? how do you treat service workers when you're inconvenienced? how do you react to a random kid waving at you? how do you view people who aren't going to "matter" to you?
and ofc i don't mean any of this in a pointed manner, this is such a simplification and i can already feel myself wanting to overexplain what i mean hgkfdhlg
favorite extinct animal?
answered here!! >:D pteranodons are where it's at babey
describe yourself in three words
scatterbrained, passionate, considerate
i am trying my best and also doing so many things at once, but i genuinely love what i do! i'm also a bit of a mess of a person but that's okay because people tend to overlook that when you're polite! yeehaw!
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simonalkenmayer · 1 year
Excuse me, I don't mean to come off as rude when I say this:
Your existence is very interesting to me. I came upon your blog when I was experiencing extreme anxiety and needed something to distract myself.
And yet, at the same time, it's like my brain doesn't really... process this? Doesn't really register this all as reality, even though I believe you as a real entity. I've shown your blog to my close friends, both are people I know would take my ramblings seriously, and the most curious thing happened.
Then I found you and your blog. On the same day, I ended up purchasing your book. It amazes me a bit, how easily I accepted your existence. The way you spoke and answered and described things simply solidified your "realness" in my mind.
Mind that I sent them your blog all the while I was talking about the thing that was causing my anxiety.
They saw the posts, read what I said about you and your experiences. They saw the quotes from your books.
And I guess we're similar, because they didn't immediately dismiss you as fiction or called me silly for engaging in your content. But something even more interesting happened.
They unconsciously ignored the knowledge that you exist. They clearly didn't do it on purpose, but the moment there was another topic available they just... stopped thinking about you. Or maybe tried to. Maybe our brains really aren't sure how to process such a... radical change in perspective, specially since all we have as proof of your existence are your posts and books.
I just thought this was very interesting and decided to share this with you, as you might find this interesting too.
ps: Your book is very enjoyable, as are your posts. You have a lovely way of describing events that makes me picture them very clearly, gruesome as they may be sometimes.
pps: when reading one of your recipes, one that used brains, in the book, i laughed when you wrote that we could use veal instead, but that you preferred "smart". Then I remembered that earlier on you said you rarely joked about these things and thought that. hm. Well, even though you probably didn't mean it as a joke, I still find it a bit funny.
sorry for rambling I'm still a bit anxious and tend to overexplain when I'm like this.
It is ticklish, determining if I am being literal or sardonic. Could be neither or a mix. Honestly who cares?
Your friends were humoring you out of friendship. They changed the topic because they don’t believe I’m real and wished to move on from what they took to be a strange interest of yours. It’s a perfectly reasonable reaction.
The truth is, you shouldn’t ever believe anything said on the internet until you can independently confirm it. Then again that’s true of every interaction, and yet for some reason the human brain actively attempts to dissuade itself from facts in preference to information supplied by others. No really. Humans don’t believe facts. They believe what comports with what they want. You don’t process data. You process associations. Your absorption of information is entirely dependent upon how well you like the source of it, and pardon me for saying…no one likes a people eater.
Seems obvious.
You shouldn’t put any stock in me. I’m utterly without merit as many have said. Thank you for purchasing the book. I’m happy you enjoy it. There may be something wrong with you.
Please be responsible with the recipes and substitute proteins. I shall not be accountable for any…unpleasantness that ensues if you don’t.
One comforting aspect to all life on this rock is the remarkable consistency with which everything is bullshit and nothing means anything.
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mightbeautistic · 1 year
So, I'm not sure if I meet the diagnostic criteria for ASD. I have a hard time telling what people think of me, I struggle with hyperempathy, I over express myself with facial expressions, overexplain, hyperfixate, infodump, have special interests, struggle with sensory issues, have shutdowns, etc etc but there are some symptoms that I don't have. Is it possible to get a diagnosis when you don't have all of the symptoms??? Thank you
ahh, my friend, it is very possible to have any diagnosable condition without having all of the symptoms or signs. for example, there's a laundry list of covid symptoms, but if you have most of them--including the big, obvious ones like fever, loss of taste/smell, shortness of breath--no doctor in their right mind will say "you don't need a covid test, you aren't nauseous!"
similarly, if you've got the "big" signs of autism--like the ones you listed--it doesn't make sense to rule out autism because you don't have a few of the possible signs of autism. it's not a checklist, it's a list of possible indications that you could be autistic. the more you check off, the more likely it is.
and ngl the whole "i have to have every one of these symptoms or i'm not autistic" is very black and white thinking (which is very autistic) but i digress
so to answer your question in short, it absolutely is possible, and should be exactly what happens if your doctor isn't a shithead. if you're looking to get a diagnosis, research your doctor to make sure they don't have super outdated ideas of what autism is--only kids get it, girls can't be autistic, still uses "Aspergers," etc.--so you don't get the short end of the stick and waste a bunch of time and money.
please note, i myself am not formally diagnosed nor am i a medical or psychological professional. just a person on the internet who's done a buttload of research into the topic. but still. always do your own research.
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frangipani-wanderlust · 8 months
How To Call 911
So most of my followers know now that I started working last May as a 911 dispatcher. Super proud of myself. And now that I am starting (very much still starting) to settle in a bit, I want to offer some tips on how to call 911. So, hold on to your hats.
(original version with colored text here)
When in doubt, call 911. Don't take this as me encouraging you to jump at shadows. Your neighbors' loud party is not an emergency, google the local non-emergency line and call that. Neither is the dry cleaning not giving you your clothes (I actually got this call on our 911 line). Nor is the fact that you saw a fox inside city limits (also something a real human called 911 about). But if you see a situation unfolding and you think "this seems dangerous, maybe this is 911-worthy" then it's 911-worthy. Don't hesitate. Call.
If you call 911 and you are freaking out, that's okay. If you're in a crisis, you may not remember a single tip I'm about to give you. We are trained for that, we can handle it, just do the best you can. It's not the end of the world to have a hysterical or frightened caller, and these are tips, not rules.
Location, location, location. We can't send you help if we have nowhere to send it to. Ideally, know the address. Failing that, know the name of a business or a church or an intersection. It is not cheating if you read this off a sign. There isn't a set of invisible rules that says you have to have your exact GPS coordinates memorized. Be prepared to describe the location somehow. That way, if our connection drops and that's all you can tell me, I can still send some police out to come find out what's going on and they can ask for medics or firefighters or whatever if needed. But we absolutely must know where to send assistance, it is the first thing we're going to ask.
Location again, but with a twist. The first thing our office says for emergencies is, "911, what is the address of the emergency?" If a building is on fire, tell us where the fire is. If your neighbors are being robbed at gunpoint across the street, give us their address. If you witnessed a car accident, tell us where the accident happened. The location of the emergency isn't necessarily the location where you are. Don't send police and fire to your office building if the wreck is on the freeway.
Answer the questions that you are asked. If the calltaker asks "Is the patient breathing?" don't start in about the seizure they just had (if they aren't breathing, the seizure they just had is not the biggest problem). If the calltaker asks, "Which way did the man you saw go when they ran?" don't tell them about how they broke down your door (if they are running away, knowing they broke your door down does not help the police know which direction to start looking). The particular question you are asked is being asked for a reason, and that reason is not frivolous but in an emergency, we aren't going to stop and explain everything.
Do not launch into a speech. If you're asked a yes/no question, yes or no is all the answer you should give. Your impulse will be to explain the yes or the no because more information is better than not enough, but overexplaining is its own problem. Now, we are hired for good typist skills, and are encouraged to get better and faster, but infodumping means things can get missed. The calltaker is going to have some information they're going to ask for by protocol and probably the option to drill down on some of it if clarification is needed. If you spend five paragraphs explaining your last answer, it delays getting other pertinent information.
Do not launch into a speech, part the second. You don't call 911 for things that happened last week, or even yesterday. Tell me the emergency that is happening right now. Ideally in one sentence. If someone is having a medical issue, and you call 911 about it, when the calltaker asks exactly what happened, do not tell them about how the patient had a surgery 5-and-a-half weeks ago. You called 911. What is the emergency that is happening right now. Don't be telling me about their surgery when the problem you called about is a broken leg. Yes, the surgery may have led to generalized loss of balance that has yet to return which caused the patient to fall which caused them to break their leg. Understood. But you didn't call because of all of that. You called because of the broken leg. Apply this principle to all emergencies.
Don't launch into a speech, part the third. When asked a specific and direct question, do not give an explanation instead of an answer. If the calltaker asks you "Is the weird person on the side of the road actually in the lanes of traffic?" do not explain to them how it's a very narrow roadway (see parenthesis for the story here). Aside from the fact that we're not asking these questions to be funny (see part the second), there's also the fact that now you are coming over as suspicious as hell. If I asked "how did that person on Facebook know what this supposedly missing kid is wearing and where he's going to be at 3:00 today?" and you say "well Facebook is a good way to spread information" I am now extremely suspicious of you.
(Also an actual call I have taken. The man was a totally ordinary guy out for a walk to the store, but this blue collar man walked through a Rich Person Neighborhood™ and according to Lady Catherine De Bourgh on the phone with me, that merited a call to the police. When I asked her if he was actually in the lanes of traffic [traffic hazard call type] versus not [suspicious person call type, on a technicality but technically...], she tried explaining three times that the road was narrow before she finally got the message that I was not going to stop asking until she told me the actual answer and answered "Well, I suppose so, yes." At this point, because she'd been so reluctant to answer me, I no longer believed the man actually was in the lanes of traffic and to this day believe that she lied to try and manipulate the police into a stronger-level response than was actually warranted. Because determining whether she was lying for sure is beyond the scope of my job, I put down what she said, but I didn't believe then and still don't believe now, that she told the truth. The totally ordinary and probably very nice guy was not arrested or hassled at all and was instead given a courtesy ride to the store.)
Be prepared to describe relevant people, maybe including yourself, and that includes race. If you have an asthma attack at a football game, the medics need to know how to find you in a crowd. If you are a black woman, that's gonna rule out everyone who isn't that. If you are a black woman wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and a blue bandana over your hair, that excludes nearly everybody and when the medics arrive, they'll know exactly who to look for. Most of the time, someone's race isn't relevant information. When describing someone to emergency services, it absolutely is and it is not racist to accurately describe the relevant person or people.
There are more tips in the world, and I may come back to this post and add them as they occur to me. In the meantime, please enjoy this short treatise on how to call 911.
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seakicker · 2 years
i 100% get ur feelings abt male and female friendships 😔 men literally don't understand what i'm saying without me overexplaining myself, and yet they always have this air of superiority about them - i think that's why you feel stupid when talking to them, bc i feel that way too (even when im lichrally smarter smh). sometimes it's like we speak completely different languages.
im late to answer this but i wanted to say i really appreciated all the asks i got in response to this with people sharing similar stories and just otherwise providing support; it's crazy (and kinda sadly comforting) to see that this experience is nearly universal bc sometimes i worry maybe i'm being oversensitive or that i'm imagining things that just aren't there when i have these sorts of feelings in regards to my friendships 😔
that comment you wrote about the air of superiority is so true. it's like the overemphasis on 'well i've been studying this for 9238902385 years' that they kinda try to use as a gotcha or an assertation of authority in arguments and whatnot. we're in this together and i'm glad i could hear a similar perspective :)
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aetherphobia · 2 years
Get to know me post!
Hello! It's me again! I never really made one of these so I thought I would in case anyone stumbled across my account. This is just basic information on me and some of my interests. With that said, on with the post! <3
My name is Aether. But I go by many other names. Feel free to ask me for the rest if you're ever curious <3
I may be 18+, but PLEASE do not send me explicit messages or attempt to interact with me in that type of way. It's disrespectful to talk to strangers who aren't comfortable with you in that manner, so please refrain from doing so lest you be blocked.
My pronouns are She/They/It. I go by some more but those are my main three. Honestly as long as you don't use he/him for me, I don't really care what you call me lol
I identify as a demigirl and I'm omnisexual! I am also polyamorous. As long as it has healthy communication and a reasonable age difference then I'll be down!
I like clowncore and weirdcore! Though I also enjoy stuff like fairycore, lolita fashion, royalcore, scene, and other stuff. My aesthetics are all over the place, honestly.
I like to draw sometimes. I drew my pfp, actually! I also like writing, character creation, and world building. I aspire to go into animation one day and maybe make my own cartoon series. I also roleplay often. I enjoy indulging in fantasy universes <3
I like minecraft and roblox. I play roblox more often by comparison however. I also play things like cookie run and Pokémon too! Also things like indie horror games. That has been a fact for years. Letting me have internet access as a kid was a mistake /hj
I like twisted wonderland. Although I have barely gotten though chapter one. The knowledge I have on it is entirely from spoiling myself because I have not an ounce of patience in my body. I have several ocs for twst and I may talk more about them if asked! Two of them have their own tumblr accounts (@definitelynotspirit & @enigmacitrus-rp)
I tend to overexplain things often. So whenever I send long sentences and paragraphs, that is in fact why I do so.
I'd honestly much prefer when you guys use tone tags when speaking to me. I sometimes tend to not pick up on tone or hints unless directly told. Thank you for understanding /gen
But yeah! That's mostly all I gotta say now. Thank you for reading and I hope we can get along nicely. See ya on the flipside <3
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the people i am crying over don't align with the higher version of myself.
i blame myself, and yes i was in the wrong on some occasions but EVERY person i lost took away from me in some way
i thought it was my karma and if it was then clearly it was good karma because everything could've gone much worse,
i'm here crying over people that god removed from my life to protect me like whaaatt
he wasn't my savior, I AM
i am going to save and better myself
and i'm sure his intentions weren't terrible
but friends shouldn't make me feel like that in the first place
they were all shady and fuck em
things haven't changed because i haven't changed
i deserve peace and love in my friendships
i wasn't happy around them
she wouldn't have been enough for me
i deserve more than them and that's it and i'm literally laughing rn bc why was i crying over people who aren't on my level and i'm not saying this in a they're below me way we are all equal, but like
they're just not meant to be, i used to think i was being punished because everyone keeps wishing it on me
time to dissect
the singer : she saw me as beneath her and would belittle me in small ways, she took it as an attack instantly when i tried to communicate my feelings, i allowed her to disrespect me because i knew how much she went through
i was jealous and weirdly obsessed with her because she had that star quality i wanted in myself and because she had the sexual appeal and was comfortable being sexual in the way i wanted to be,
she was extremely unappreciative but she had her good moments and she was there for me
clearly doesn't care that i'm gone for whatever reason, probably a karmic?
she was extremely fun to be around, my need for pleasure i tolerated her
because i couldn't be alone and she was funny, never met anyone like her, she made me feel insecure intentionally and unintentionally
i still believe she's better than me and has what i lack
i used her to teach me things and for fun sigh
us against the world : i saw the pity in his eyes that day but he didn't care enough
he was planning to end it from the start clearly, i forgive him
he wasn't a bad person but i'm mad that he meant more to me than me to him
can't get me attached and dip like wtf
there's a lot he didn't tell me
i was gonna use him at first
what to learn : just like you throw away your friends when a favorite person comes along, the same way he did to you and shows how you need to appreciate the others in your life even though i know you want to only be with your favorite person, stop relying on others to save you, when you give a person that much power you give them the power to hurt you
the friend thief : i still hate her i guenuinely am so maad at her like i basically helped her and she stole him, i'm just jealous she took my fav friend like and then disrespected me constantly after
like shit isn't sweet
i'm just bitter cause the 2man fell through and she didn't try help me feel better
bc if i were her i would've
she pushed me out
what to learn : stop letting people invalidate your feelings, stop seeking male validation and confront your issues with your father bruh, if someone is making you feel like you don't belong or that you're invalid just leave, and they're not a terrible person they just don't have the emotional intelligence to deal with you, you're not too much, stop overextending yourself and letting people cross your boundaries, stop overexplaining and trying to get people to understand you when they've shown they don't, don't waste your energy
the liar : i was a bad friend to him for keeping secrets from him and not keeping my promise to not tell her but lowk i wasn't the one who told her
what to learn : stop letting people who are your so called friends insult you in your face, stop engaging with pathological fucking liars, stop giving effort and love when it's not reciprocated in the same way, no more people who have love hate relationships with you, stop being shady
the fake twin flame : she litterally disappointed you everytime you spoke bruh like, take reality for what it is and not for what it can be, stop looking at potential
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