#i'm so down bad for grandpa wizard
delphi-dreamin · 2 years
Random HC's of Solomon and You
He stays up with you and you have lengthy discussions about anything and everything. He is awed by the amount of things you know. He also loves just hearing you speak about your passions
You draw and write?? He will absolutely love admiring your creative works.
Sometimes he just catches himself staring at you instead of gazing at the night sky. You've captivated him.far.more than the stars ever could.
He loves to help you in anyway he can
He would love for you to touch him.
Kisses, caresses, love bites he likes it all. He'll also give back double what you give him.
Run out of something of forgot something at the store? No problem give him a few minutes and he can conjure it up.
He will love watching movies with you
You like reading perfect curl up beside him so he can cuddle you
He will tease you(affectionately)
Wait...you have cats? He loves cats!! He'll love your dog too but he definitely will be playing with your cats.
As far as his potential as a lover. You will never want. He will give you what you desire and then some.
Randomly find yourself bored Solomon smirks as he carries you off to the bedroom.
Sometimes he randomly surprises you with sex out of nowhere.
He is open minded and will be willing to try whatever you like as long as it pleases you. Because that is his top priority.
He gives you cute names of endearment
He will soothe you to sleep with his voice is you ever have trouble
He would pamper the hell out of you this man is down bad for you and be hopes you are too because he loves you so very much.
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Hold up, hold up...I need a minute...
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sleeper-kerennnnnnx · 1 month
MASHLE :author's Q&A from fan book translation
Please point out any mistakes or errors! I will correct them ASAP, thanks so much!
I will translate this in four parts as there‘s 131 questions in total!
Here are the Q1-Q33 parts!
To the animation fans: There are slight references to the subsequent plot of the comics‼ ️ (Q11 and Q17) Those who are not interested in spoilers can avoid it
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Q1. I want to know the name of the pastry shop that Mash will open in the future!
In addition, can rough dough fans and wet dough fans tolerate each other?
A1: The name of the shop is Beard Maggio. Unfortunately, the two cannot be compared, and such struggles of human beings like us have never stopped.
Q2: Will Mash marry Lemon?
A2: It's up to you to imagine.
Q3: What would it feel like if Mash had a different hairstyle?
A3: No one would recognize Mash. Because my character portrait is in the style of Miss Sazae (a comic).
Q4: How strong is Mash‘s grip?
A4: 600 kilograms. Like a gorilla.
Q5: How heavy is Mash's wristband?
A5: One ton, about as heavy as a black rhino.
Q6: Why do owls hate Mash so much?
A6: I don't know why. I'm often barked at by dogs, so it's probably the same feeling.
Q7: How did Mash escape from the castle and be picked up and adopted by Grandpa Regulo?
A7: Of course by the effort!
Q8: Regulo always calls Mash "son", but why does Mash call Mr. Regulo "grandpa"?
A8: Because Regulo looks more like grandpa, similar to a nickname.
Q9: I heard that Mash wants to be a pastry chef, so will he make other desserts besides puffs? In addition, what professions will Finn, Lance, Dot, and Lemon do in the future?
A9: He should start learning other desserts in the future. Finn may be a civil servant...? Lance will be an incredible person, Dot will be a registered tax agent or accountant, and Lemon may be an idol!
Q10: What is the badge on the chest of Mash's black tights?
A10: It's an owl! (Annotate:The badge can be found in the comics but not in the animation)
Q11: Why was Mash's hair slicked back when he awakened? Why did his skin turn black?
A11: Because the blood circulation became faster, the skin turned black and red! The hair also turned upside down because of the blood circulation!
Q12: Is it just a coincidence that Matthew can't do magic? Or did the Pure Root do something before he was born?
A12: It's just a coincidence! That's how genes work!
Q13: Cell War and Mash have similar hairstyles and magic lines. When they get close, they will resonate and cause headaches. Could it be that the Innocent Zero deliberately created such a replica?
A13: That's right! Cell War is a replica!
Q14: Has Mash's iron wand been used by other wizards before? Or has the iron wand been on the ground since it was made and no one has used it?
A14: No one has ever used that wand, it's always stuck on the floor! We don't know who it was made for (crying).
Q15: Finn later became a one liner, so did his second line disappear and become ineffective (crying)
A15: He's still growing up, not yet a complete double liner, so the second line will only appear when he's desperate!
Q16: Which of the parents of the Ames brothers (Finn and Rayne) has black hair and which has blond hair? Or do both parents have two-color hair?
A16: Both parents have two-color hair!
Q17: Did the relationship between the Ames brothers improve when they got together in the last chapter of the comic?
A17: The older brother is a tsundere, but it seems that the relationship has improved!
Q18: Why did Finn call Ryane "Onii-sama"  instead of "brother"?
A18: It's because the two keep their distance, there's a gap...
Q19: Ryane and Finn have always kept their distance. After Ryane became a divine awakener, did Ryane pay for Finn's living expenses?
A19: Ryane is quietly taking a long detour to help his brother bear the responsibility! (Translator comment: So cute hahahahaha)
Q20: Lemon said that the family conditions are not good. How bad are they? Can you tell me her story?
A20: The stew at home has no seasoning and tastes very bland (crying).
Q21: If Lemon's secondth and third-level magic awakens, will torture instruments and appear?
A21: Torture instruments should appear... (crying). So scary(crying).
Q22: What is Lemon's best dish?
A22: Egg rice bowl! This is not easy to make...
Q23: Which do you think is cuter, Lemon or love cute?
A23: Lemon! I like short hair!
Q24: Are the planet earrings that Lance often wears a gift from his parents? Or did he buy them himself?
A24: He bought them himself. (Translator comment: you are so trendy Lance...)
Q25: How is Lance's relationship with his parents?
A25: It's always bad... (crying)
Q26: If Anna has a boyfriend, how will Lance react?
A26: He will die!
Q27: Does Anna know that Lance is a sister-con and has a lot of her peripherals? If she knows, what does she think?
A27: It's okay! That's it!
Q28: Will Anna come to Easton to study?
A28: Yes! (Yeah!)
Q29: I want to know the name of Dort's third-level magic
A29: Because the personal magic is explosion magic, it is to summon "God of Explosion-Vulcanus"!
Q30: What is Dort's sister doing now? In addition, is she covering her eyes because of fashion or for some reason? I want to know if she has other secrets.
A30: She‘s now working outside! Good women are mysterious! So the reason is a secret!
Q31: I want to know what snacks that eat with tea Dot recommends!
A31: Madeleine cake! (Translator's note: small shell-shaped cake)
Q32: Does Dot know that he has Ira Kreuz? In addition, are his family members also people with Ira Kreuz?
A32: He knows that he is. His family all have Ira Kreuz. I don't really know what it means to be a person with Ira Kreuz!
Q33: Is the Barrett family the only one with Ira Kreuz?
A33: In addition to the Barrett family, there should be others!
Please click likes and subscribe if you enjoy it!Thanks for reading!hope you would like it and I‘ll update it ASAP
Chinese version is updated in:longyou1225.lofter.com
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marmorafarms · 2 years
So I got some sfw Sebastian head canons to share. I'm curious what you guys think!
My first hc is that Sebby is mixed race. More specifically, white and east Asain. Even MORE specifically, he has Japanese heritage.
He doesn't dye his hair, it is naturally black.
Definitely a pot smoker based on Robin's canon dialog, as well as what looks like a bong in his spouse room. Is it an empty vase? Maybe. But I'm not convinced.
Switches to edibles when you point out that smoking pot is not healthy for your lungs either.
As soon as he finds a helmet small enough, he puts it on your child and takes them for rides on his motorcycle. My grandpa took me on motorcycle rides starting at age 7 so don't say this isn't possible.
While Sebastian might shit talk Maru on the regular, he actually has a good relationship with her. They aren't best friend siblings, but they know they can count on the other no matter what.
Once he no longer lives with Demetrius, he manages to form a sort of kind of friendship with him.
Sebastian's dad died when he was a baby. He was killed by a drunk driver. This is why two of Sebastian's hated items are beer and wine.
He was weirded out by you calling him "Sebby" since it's a childhood nickname. But he grew to love you calling him by that name.
In fact, if you call him Sebastian instead of Sebby, he assumes you're either mad at him, or had a bad day. Or maybe both. He'll ask about it though, and the majority of the time you were in a perfectly good mood, you just felt like using his whole name.
He is good at communicating. Yes he has anxiety, but his mom drilled the power of communication into his skull, so he knows it's important.
He makes an attempt at learning to cook, and doubles down when you have kids. He looked up how to make homemade baby food, and always uses your fresh produce to do so.
He pretends to hate being called a "house husband" but actually really likes it.
His Solarian Chronicals character is a mage who is also a Lizardfolk. He picked this combination solely because he wanted to call himself a Lizard Wizard as much as possible.
He FaceTimes Sam every night. You tease him about Sam being his secret boyfriend. Sam says "who said it was a secret?" Sebastian did not appreciate this, but wasn't actually mad.
He is the first to apologize after a fight.
Calls you his sweet baby frog as a pet name. Everyone except for you finds this strange. But considering his love for frogs, you are extremely flattered.
And that's all I have for right now! Let me know what you think!
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~~Chapter 2~~
(Ao3 link at the bottom, updates Tuesdays)
Ben has been to a fair number of memorably awkward dinners in his life. From soothing the inevitable culture shock of new dignitaries come to orbit the galactic senate, to peace treaty signings that ended in assassinations rather than weddings; between being a traveling jedi master and living on the ecumenopolis that is Coruscant… he has seen a thing or two. 
Yet somehow this dinner was going to make the greatest hits list of phenomenally awkward events.
"Here Ben, have some more topato salad," Beru offers, nudging the bowl toward him.
He isn’t very hungry after all the rest of the admittedly fine meal, but discretion is indeed the better part of valor. The jedi-in-exile takes another two spoonfuls rather than decline. He plans to stretch the two bites to six or seven tiny ones.
"Thank you, Beru," Ben says with a smile. "I must say, your creativity with topato is astounding. I really didn't know you could do this many things with them." 
Across the table, Owen is trying to light him on fire with his eyes. He ignores the other man. He has nothing on Mace in a mood, and there really isn’t anything for it. Either the moisture farmer would come to like him well enough, or he would not .
Besides, Luke is sitting in his highchair, talking baby nonsense and gumming adorably at mashed topatos. How could anyone be in a bad mood around that* ? If Owen manages to keep his snit going, Ben will simply have to write it off as a chronic and incurable condition.
"I think the topato cakes are a new favorite of mine," he throws out, trying to keep the conversation topic of root vegetables going as long as possible, "Although the casserole was a close second. The hass… hmm… what was it you called it? The accordion cuts on the full one?"
"A 'hasselback'," Beru offers, preening about it, and clearly ignoring Owen’s grumpiness as well. "My grandpa taught me how to do that one."
"Ah yes! That was it. The hasselback was particularly impressive, and rather fun to eat."
He means that, too. When half your crop is topatoes and you come up with this many different ways to prepare them, it really is impressive.
Beru pats his hand, "I'm so glad you've enjoyed everything, Ben. Don't worry, I'll send you home with leftovers."
"Don't spoil me too much!" he jokes with a laugh, but speaks from a place of honesty. It isn't like he has a conservator to put anything in.
Luke replies for the room, big blue eyes squinting closed as he squeals happily, just a hair below the frequency needed to crack glass. Beru snorts at the baby, tidying his face and returning several spoons of mash from highchair table to infant-sized bowl. Even Owen's frown pulls up a hint in amusement.
Conversation fails to pick back up after Luke's outburst though. Alas, the root vegetable topic has run its course. Ben focuses intently on his tiny bites of creamy, oniony salad.
The chatter hasn't been dead more than a minute when he catches Beru giving her husband a black look. Owen tries to dodge its potency by hiding behind a mouthful of bread roll, but that only takes him so far. 
Suddenly the man jumps, banging a knee on the underside of the table… almost like someone had stomped on his foot down there.
Ben inspects his shiny, scratched up dinner spoon, and waits.
There's another stint of quiet while they get into it in silence, speaking in the wordless language of couples everywhere. There's eyerolls, pointed glances toward the couch, flat looks, and raised brows. 
Ben can tell that Owen has lost when the man actually speaks more than five words in a row for the first time all night. 
"Say… wizard. There's something I want to ask you," he prods, gruff.
The jedi perks up, trying to exude friendliness. "Certainly, what is it?" 
"Luke's grandma was allergic to somethin' in vizza wheat. Was wondering if you knew how to check for that without doin’ it the hard way."
"Or if you knew if either of his parents had…?" Beru adds. 
Ben rubs his chin thoughtfully, grateful for the regrowth of hair that had somehow come back in much fuller than before, despite no change in habit. Perhaps he was simply acclimatizing?
"Now that I think about it, Anakin would get a stomach ache if he ate too much bread. I would guess it was simply a mild gluten intolerance? Luke could have that as well."
Owen looks down at the remains of breadroll in his hands, skeptical. "He was intolerant of something in all  bread?" 
Ben shakes his head in a negative, hands lowering. "Different flours can have very little or a great deal of gluten. A little was fine for him, like the bread needed for a kebob or fried food? But a bread pudding would give him indigestion for hours, and make him cranky besides."
Beru smiles, seemingly more pleased than the conversation warranted. "Well that's good to know! We'll have to try giving our little man here just a bit, and see how he does." 
"So we do it the hard way after all," Owen grumbles, "You really don't got any fancy wizard tricks to check?"
Ben laments not having the blood test device that jedi used to carry as commonly as most people would keep a datapad on hand. It would have done the trick, and well… he is curious about the boy's midichlorian count. 
"No, I'm sorry. There's a device that could do it, but I don't have one."
Beru waves him off. "A clue from his dad is more than we had to start with, Ben. Don't stress about it."
He nods, and tries not to, going back to his last two mini-bites of topato. 
The conversation wobbles to life here and there, just enough that the rest of the night feels a bit awkward, but not truly stilted or painful. They make it to dessert, where Luke's sweet tooth joy carries the adults the rest of the way until it's time to say goodnight. 
Beru invites him to stay, citing the desert's dangers as the suns disappear, but by that point Ben longs for his quiet little cave. He does not, however, escape without an abundance of leftovers.
It is a long, quiet walk back across the sands to his hideaway. The darkened interior greets Ben with freshly sand-coated floors and the skitter of nighttime creatures. The shape of stone and surface are unlit by the wan moonlight outside, but that’s quite alright. He has long since memorized the form of his space in the dark.
“I’m back!” he tells the dusty air, shuffling carefully in the pitch black to get to the bed. “I had a lovely time at the Lars’. Beru’s topato game is really something.”
The wrapped containers he’d been given are set along the back wall, where a shelf-like protrusion holds a few things. Mostly nice rocks he’s found here and there.
“I’ve more leftovers than I know what to do with…” Ben complains.
He does. They’re fine in the chilly night, but won’t last through the heat of the day tomorrow. “I suppose I shall… simply have to eat as much of them as possible.”
The thought of eating a feast for the second day in a row turns his stomach.
“Or well… perhaps some of the rock lizards would like a bite?”
No one replies, but that’s to be expected.
“Yes, I think I shall share.”
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cainluvr69 · 9 months
Surely, We Can Make Miracles Chapter 20
Previous Chapter
Nero: Miss Dianne, can I have a sec?
Dianne: …
Nero: Right, by the way, y'don't need to fret. The problems happenin' outside the castle walls're all taken care of.
Dianne: …Huh…?
Nero: I wanna explain the details to you. Think you can come out of there?
Dianne: …"All taken care of"…? How…? And more to the point, that was not for you to do of your own volition!
Nero: C'mon, miss. It's not like anything was gonna happen with you lockin' yourself away in here.
Dianne: …ugh.
Nero: Wait, wait, wait! I'm not sayin' you need to never lock yourself away or anythin'. Hell, I've got a shut-in for a friend, even.
Dianne: …You do?
Nero: Yep. So I think it's just fine to keep yourself from standin' on the front lines while your heart's all a mess. If y'say you wanna leave things up to us, we'll figure stuff out.
Dianne: The Sage and Prince Arthur will?
Nero: I will, at least.
Dianne: …
Nero: Can't trust me if I'm not the Sage or the Prince?
Dianne: No, that's not…
Nero: Y'don't know the first thing about the rest of us, after all. My name's Nero. I'm an Eastern wizard. We've got Mitile and Riquet here, too…
Dianne: …I know Riquet.
Nero: Cool.
Dianne: …I studied so much at what would be expected of me as the new lord. But all of this… None of this was in the books I read. I know that famine or heavy taxes can incite riots, but a dragon appearing, much less these serial disappearances…
Nero: An' that's just how it looks to you. To everyone else, this shit's practically the end of the world. Y'made the wizards' bazaar permanent, you made the head chef that's been workin' here for ages quit, and you told everyone to quit usin' magitech.
Dianne: I… I was just acting in accordance with the Sage and Prince Arthur's ideals…! To make a world where wizards and humans can live alongside one another…!
Nero: That ain't true. You were just tryin' to get someone to praise you. Not just you, but your grandpa, too.
Dianne: …
Nero: To be clear, I don't think that's a bad thing. I got frustrated just hearin' about how you used t'get treated. Havin' someone you respect get insulted like that is the same as havin' your own soul, the one that respected 'em in the first place, get all dirtied up.
Dianne: …
Nero: But while you weren't payin' attention, all caught up in desperately tryin' to protect you and your grandpa's honor… You were doin' the exact same thing to a bunch of other people.
Dianne: …I was…?
Nero: Tellin' people to trash an oven they've been usin' for years just 'cause it's got magitech in it does that, yeah. And tellin' him to go and become a gardener instead's just rubbin' salt in the wound. That's just gonna piss off all the other cooks that looked up to him.
Dianne: …I…never meant to… I thought he would change his mind…
Nero: Expectin' someone to change their mind on this kinda thing is like askin' them to rework themself from the soul up. You may as well tell 'em to go die. I had this guy I kept tryin' to pull that shit on, and, well, it was like we were tryin' to kill each other. Thinkin' someone else's heart is gonna move the way you want it to is the height of arrogance. And stupidity. But y'can always hope, huh. That sharin' your thoughts with someone you care about will change 'em…
Dianne: …
Nero: … …What were we talkin' about, again…
Dianne: About wanting to change the people you care about…
Nero: Right, yeah…
Dianne: …Did he change? The person you were fighting with…
Nero: Nope, not even a little.
Dianne: Am I…going to spend the rest of my life like this…? Is there no way for me to restore my and my grandfather's honor…?
Nero: There's gotta be a way somewhere. But you don't have to try and figure it out all on your own, y'know. Leavin' it to people you trust is a perfectly good method, too.
Dianne: …Can I trust you? If I get tricked by wizards at this point, I'll never be able to live it down.
Nero: No one's gonna be mockin' you for it. I mean, like, you're pretty cute, right? Makin' everyone love you even when you're cryin' is your talent, y'know? You might as well take advantage of that.
Dianne: …sniff…
Nero: Look… Everyone's still here in the castle. That means they're on your side.
Dianne: …hic…sniffle…
Nero: See, it's all okay. It'll work out somehow. C'mon out here with tears all over your face, Dianne. You don't have to force a smile.
Dianne: …hic… …Do you promise?
Nero: Well, can't do that. I'm a wizard, after all. But I've at least got a handkerchief on me.
Dianne: …
Nero: Good girl, Dianne.
Dianne: So you're Nero…
Nero: Yep. Now just leave everything else to me.
Dianne: …No. I will go with you. I am the lord of this castle.
Shylock: …gh…
Lennox?: Hmph… Finally opened your eyes again.
Shylock: … …Where is your escort?
Lennox?: Hwylryn left and has yet to return.
Shylock: …I see…
Lennox?: You said you know what's in my heart.
Shylock: I certainly did.
Lennox?: But I don't know what's inside of it. I despise you, and yet, I have never been able to turn you to stone when I should have done so immediately. Why do I not simply manipulate you with magic, if I want you to obey me? You have no particular value. It's true you've lived a long life, but you have nothing another Northern wizard lacks. Even your stone wouldn't be especially good.
Shylock: Yes, I imagine not.
Lennox?: …So why do I not turn you to stone?
Shylock: Because my worth doesn't come from your evaluations of me or the world around you.
Lennox?: …? What does that mean…?
Shylock: My worth is determined by your heart.
Lennox?: …
Shylock: As to exactly why, I'm afraid I do not know, either. Still, when you, a Northern-born wizard, came in contact with my existence… Your heart was moved.
Lennox?: …My heart was…?
Shylock: Yes. And that is why I am special to you. Your heart yearns for me, and yearns for me to yearn for you in return… But I don't need you.
Lennox?: …tsk! <Mare…>
Shylock: Sigh… I'm tired of this. I have no desire for a partner who hurts me as indiscriminately as you.
Lennox?: …Then what should I do? What do you want?
Shylock: I don't believe I'll tell you.
Lennox?: Do not anger me, Shylock.
Shylock: Perhaps you misunderstand what we have here? You are the one who doesn't want to anger me.
Lennox?: That… … I understand.
Shylock: You do?
Lennox?: I understand what you're trying to say. You want me to give you what you want instead of hurting you, correct?
Shylock: Well, I suppose that's a very simple way to put it, yes.
Lennox?: Is that not your despised submission and dependence? If I have to change my form to what you want, and flirt and flatter you the way you want to make you want me… Aren't you committing the same sin as me?
Shylock: You're taking this to quite an extreme. I never said anything of the sort.
Lennox?: You implied it. What other method is there? And yet you still don't want me!
Shylock: …
Lennox?: Shylock. You may pretend to be a victim, but you're a heartless perpetrator. You are trampling on my soul with unseen heels, trying to tear it apart.
Shylock: Oh, Balthazar… Before you talk to me, you should have a proper discussion with your own heart. Why do you want me to submit to you? …No. Why have you left me alive? Both then, and now…
Lennox?: … …Because I…don't want to lose you…
Shylock: …
Lennox?: When I first went to your store… You said that to me. I won't let go of the land I love… …I… I never said that to Oz and Figaro… …So when you said that to me… …I… I felt something…despicable…unforgivable… …arrogant… …in my chest…
Shylock: …Balthazar…
Lennox?: …I… Wanted to be like…you…
Hwylryn: Balthazar.
Lennox?: …
Shylock: …
Hwylryn: …Were you in the middle of something?
Lennox?: …No, it was nothing. So you've returned.
Hwylryn: Yep. I went to check out the mermaids' jail, but no one was there.
Lennox?: …What? Hwylryn. Keep watch over Shylock.
Hwylryn: Gotcha. What are you gonna be doing?
Lennox?: I'll be following the traitorous mermaids. This time I'll know the location of the cintamani stone of medicine, I'm sure of it.
Shylock: Please wait. Balthazar…
Lennox?: Hwylryn. Don't let anyone close to Shylock.
Hwylryn: Aye-aye, captain.
Shylock: …
Vespa: …! …!
Heathcliff: …Okay. This way, right?
Vespa: …! …!
Heathcliff: (If things keep going this well, we should find the ship that has the cintamani stone before long…) (It's all thanks to Vespa and her sisters being willing to take us there.) (…The Sage didn't seem like they were doing very well…) (They said they're friends with the dragon that hurt Lords Snow and White so badly…) (The Sage is so kind, being able to call someone they only just met their friend…) (But if I'd been told to kill Vespa right after we first met, I…) (I wouldn't have been able to, either…)
Vespa: …?
Heathcliff: Oh, no, it's nothing. Let's keep going, Vespa!
Vespa: …!
Heathcliff: (It'd be best if nothing that'd hurt the Sage happens, but…)
Vespa: …! …!
Heathcliff: Huh? We're here…? This is our destination?
Shino: There's nothing here.
Faust: But Vespa and her sisters are swimming in a circle in the same area…
Heathcliff: Maybe… It's underneath us…?
I looked down at my feet after Heathcliff said that, and saw a jagged crack across the dim seafloor below the shifting sands. The crevice was pitch dark past the opening, and I had absolutely no idea how deep it went.
Faust: …A deep-sea trench…
Akira: Oz, Faust, have you been in deep-sea trenches before?
Oz: No.
Faust: Me neither. I was told to stay away from them. Murr would be able to give you a better explanation. If I remember right, he's both a geologist and oceanographer.
Shino: Doesn't matter since we gotta go in anyways. Well, it'll be fine.
Heathcliff: You're not scared, Shino?
Shino: The mermaids are fine with this path, so there's no reason wizards shouldn't be fine, too.
Oz and Faust made the same expression at the same time--the "huh, that's true" look.
Faust: It's an environment we're unfamiliar with so we should still stay on guard, but the logic holds. Shino is right.
Heathcliff: Let's follow Vespa closely and make it through the trench together.
Faust: It won't be much, but let's give ourselves some light, too. <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>
Heathcliff: Wah… Having a little bit of light is pretty reassuring.
Shino: Hey, you heard him. Can't you make it any brighter?
Faust: Any brighter would hurt the eyes of the creatures that dwell in the dark.
Vespa: …! …!
Heathcliff: Vespa says she'll guide us. I'll be just fine, Shino.
Shino: Oh…okay.
Heathcliff: Thank you.
Shino: …Yeah.
We carefully, prudently descended ever deeper into the trench. Slowly but surely, all sound was snuffed out. Perhaps this all-consuming silence was what descending into the deepest pits of Hell was like.
Faust: …Shino, Heath. You both okay?
Shino: Yeah.
Heathcliff: I'm okay.
Faust: Oz. How's the Sage?
Oz: We are fine.
Akira: I'm still here.
Shino: …This place is really dark, huh. Faust, make that magic light brighter.
Heathcliff: Wait… I think we found the bottom.
Akira: The bottom? Like, of the sea?
Oz: I, too, have found my footing. Extend your legs, Akira.
Akira: O…okay.
Faust: I'm going to make things bright now. <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>
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Akira: … …Woah…
Our dim light brightened, and there before our eyes was a massive structure. It was a sunken ship. Its sails and hull were dappled with algae and crusted with shellfish.
Akira: …Is this the Western witch's ship…?
Melissa's ship, the one she'd built with her friend Murr, was sleeping silently here at the bottom of the sea.
Dianne: I'm going to ask Aunt Claudia what those in the castle have told her.
Nero: Alright.
Dianne: Would the person embracing that picture frame over there also be a Sage's wizard…?
Nero: Yeah… Sorry. There's kind of a lot going on right now. Did he startle you?
Dianne: No, I don't mind, but should I perhaps have a place he can rest prepared for him? Or a light meal in the dining hall…
Nero: Thanks. Lemme ask.
Nero: … (Isn't right now…) (A pretty good time to take out Figaro and the twins…?)
Figaro: …
Nero: … (…Nah, let's not.) (He probably wants to finish 'em off himself.) (Attackin' people about to die anyways kinda feels bad, too.) Figaro.
Figaro: …
Nero: The lord's askin' if you want anythin' to eat.
Figaro: Oh, I don't need anything to eat, but some tea would be lovely.
Nero: Gotcha. Lemme take you to the dining hall.
Figaro: Thank you. Nero.
Nero: Hn?
Figaro: You made a very wise decision.
Nero: …Haha. What, did I have good timing? I'll be sure to tell the lord that. (Freaky bastard…)
Figaro: (Yep, he was close to trying to kill me.)
Riquet: Nero!
Mitile: Dr. Figaro! …Lord Snow… Are Lords Snow and White okay…?
Figaro: I don't want to take my eyes off them just yet, but you two don't need to worry. Did something happen?
Mitile: The crowd outside the castle suddenly got a lot bigger! The gates might not hold…
Nero: That ain't good… Destroyin' the castle gate's definitely gonna mean people are gonna get punished. And if Dianne metes out any kind of punishment on her people with how hot things are getting, they're never gonna trust her again.
Figaro: There should be a reason why the mob has gotten bigger. Maybe another incident occurred, or maybe an agitator showed up…
Mitile: An agitator?
Figaro: An agitator is a person who deliberately fans the flames of unrest with a specific goal in mind.
Mitile: Is that different from a…mastermind? A leader?
Figaro: If the mastermind is the one who lights the flame, the agitator is the one who feeds it, making sure it gets as big as possible. Sometimes a few smoldering coals can turn into a raging bonfire simply through the presence of someone trying to turn them into that. Though it's usually the mastermind who's held accountable for it all.
Riquet: So they would be…the wind that catches those flames of unrest to make things worse, yes?
Figaro: Exactly.
Riquet: …I saw someone who was doing that earlier on the beach. They were kicking up a huge fuss and driving the unease already in place out of control. They said they were only trying to warn people for their own safety, and to guide them…
Figaro: Riquet. There are people who say that they're guiding people, but are using those words to put them on a path that they've picked out for them in advance.
Riquet: …
Figaro: When people are herded into a labyrinth with no exit and told they're in danger here, they panic, and panic invites nothing but misfortune. Even a baby can cry and scream when they're scared. To stand as a vanguard for the people means to accept responsibility for their lives, and one must be prepared for what that means in full.
Riquet: …Then, that lady was…
Figaro: While I can't know for sure if it was intentional or not, it's probable that she was the origin of the chaos.
Riquet: Then, what is the correct way to lead people? I want to guide the people of Borda Island onto a proper path.
Figaro: That's exactly what Nero and the local lord are working their butts off to figure out right now. Isn't that right, Nero?
Nero: Yeah, that's right.
Riquet: …You're figuring it out? Does no one know what the correct answer to this problem is?
Nero: Yep. I mean, sure, people might've hypothesized about things goin' this way or that, but nothin' specific.
Riquet: …How shameful.
Nero: Ahaha. You got that right. But y'know what, Riquet? Her Lordship over here was tryin' to do everything right, just like you. She studied and disciplined herself properly so she didn't fall to depravity, and became the lord here. But even she doesn't know the right answer all the time.
Riquet: …What should we do when we don't know what to do?
Nero: All you can do is make your own right answer. There's a whole lotta stuff in this world where there's no pre-set right answer.
Riquet: …I like right answers. Knowing the right answer means you can do the right thing without making any mistakes.
Nero: That's how I feel, too.
Mitile: Me too.
Figaro: Me, I've seen the definition of "right" change so many times…
Mitile: But I think leaving a little room for interpretation is good, too. That way, it's okay for kids like you and me to make decisions, too.
Riquet: Mitile…
Nero: Damn, that's good talk… You kids' hopes are so bright.
Figaro: But someone deliberately kicking up a fuss can make things overheat 'til they explode. If not for needing to keep an eye on Lord Snow, I'd go take a look at what's happening, but…
Nero: And I need to talk to Dianne after this. Can't neglect that, either.
Riquet: … I will go.
Mitile: Riquet?!
Riquet: I will go, and I will stop her. I know what the right answer is this time, so this is my specialty. I will silence her words, and then I will calm the island residents as quickly as I can. That sounds good, yes?
Figaro: It's not like I've seen the person you're talking about myself, so I can't say anything one way or the other. So let me double-check things real quick… If there is someone actively leading this insurrection, do we tell the local lord, so she can mobilize her guards?
Nero: Sendin' out soldiers is gonna be the wrong kind of stimulation this crowd needs. We'll end up with a real riot on our hands. I kinda don't wanna send the kids out to get devoured by the wolves bayin' for their blood.
Figaro: It's not going to get that bad. The island residents are just blowing off some of the stress that comes from their daily life. We should just send them out and have them come back before it blows up. How's that sound?
Mitile: I think we can do that. I-if it's both of us…
Figaro: Then fly out on your brooms, check things out, and come back without touching down.
Riquet: Understood.
Mitile: …Okay.
Nero: You sure? Be sure you don't land, okay?
Figaro: It'll be fine. Mitile knows perfectly well how scary people whipped into a mob can be.
Mitile: …Yeah.
Figaro: Be sure to look after Riquet.
Mitile: Yeah!
Riquet: I'll be the one doing the looking after. Nero, tell me to look after Mitile.
Nero: I'm countin' on you, so make sure you both come home safe and sound…
Mitile: (Woah…he hugged us.)
Riquet: (He hugged us!)
Figaro: …
Nero: Woah… Uh, hey, why're you openin' your arms like that?
Figaro: I want to hug the kids, too.
Nero: Ah… S-sorry for gettin' ahead of myself.
Figaro: Take care. Come back safe.
Mitile: Okay…! (He hugged us!)
Riquet: (He hugged us.)
Figaro: Nero, a luck spell.
Nero: Yeah, you got it. <Adnodis Omnis>
Riquet: Thank you very much, Nero.
Mitile: I'll work hard, Dr. Figaro!
Nero: Be absolutely sure y'don't push yourselves!
Figaro: Do not land anywhere! Flying low is also strictly off-limits!
Next Chapter
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tkwritesstupidstuff · 9 months
Sebastian x Reader
The rain was pouring down upon Pelican town as I walked up to the mountains. Sam and Sebastian had Recently found out that I was an avid fan of The Solarian Chronicles and Sam had been begging me to play with them so here I was walking up on a rainy Thursday night to geek out. As I stepped inside I heard the bell chime and began to walk down the Sebastian's lair. Creeking opens the door I could hear the two bickering.
"Come on Seb just say it!"
"Sam No, I will never give up my dignity to say it"
"But broski?" I could hear Sam pouting and opened the door
"Sebastian's your Broski now Huh?"I teased Sam as his cheeks flushed pink
"well not anymore unless he can admit that Warriors are a better role than Wizards" Sam retorted back. I began to see Seb Shaking his head and sighing as he finished setting the bored up.
"Wizards have higher intelligence and an actually skill unlike waving pointy sticks around."Sebastian fired back at him as I set my bag down and took a seat.Sam looked very offended after what he said.
"Wizards also wave a stick around and they don't get the Babes!" Sam looked smug as he pointed this out to Sebastian.
"Babes?" I asked 
"Yeah who doesn't want a smoking hot warrior to save them and no ones gonna want and old  Grandpa Seb the wizard to save them"
"Hey! I'm only 21"
"Like I said Old"
"Hey you too settle down or well never get to play"I stated trying to get them to settle down
"Yeah, Gramps!"Sam sassed back at Sebastian as if he was the one to start it all.jeez sometimes I wonder how the two became friends one music playing hyperactive pineapple head and the other a frog loving emo boy. It really was an example of an Extrovert adopting an introvert.
"Let's just get to the game" Sebastian grumbled as he shuffled the cards and gave us our character sheets. The game was on! As the story went on our group traveled through deep dwarves mines infected with goblins.
It twas an epic battle as our heros ventured through the mines with the Mighty Sameth slaying any who came across his path and Seb The Wise cast illusion spells while I did nothing.I tried but there was no point in being a healer when there was no healing to be done. As the game was wrapping up we came up to the boss level.I thought it would be a breeze considering how easily it was before,but before we knew it Sam and Sebastian were down.
"Come on yn heal me" Sam looked at me expecting me to roll the dice.
"Or the me Could do more damage than a my wit" Sebastian suggested giving Sam a look.
"Come on yn do it for me so I can save the Babes."
"There all dwarves though"
"Babe dwarves?"
I looked down and rolled the dice I had enough mama to heal one.everyone watched as I made my decision.
"I'll heal up the wizard"  I announced
"But the Babes yn the Babes" Sam shook his head at me
"Thanks yn" Seb said as he rolled the dice to cast a spell ending the boss.
As I got ready to go I heard the thunder roar in the distance. Oof I better run home or get electrocuted.
"Well guys I need to get going before it gets to late" I turned to the stairs and began to walk up.
"Wait yn!" Seb shouted
I turned around as he was grabbing and umbrella."Here let me walk you home" he said as he came up to me
" Ooh good Idea sebby won't you walk me home too" Sam teased as he grabbed his stuff and began to walk up with us.As we stood outside the rain was still coming down but it didn't seem to bad.
"Hey yn!" Sam shouted snap I h me out of my thoughts as we tried back to town.
"How come you chose to heal Seb instead of me huh?" Sam teased while I knew what he was trying to do.
"Well if I chose to save you it we probably would have lost" I stated smugly looking at him
"Le gasp you wound me yn!" He said placing a hand over his heart.
"Come on drama queen were at your stop" Seb said placing a hand on Sam's shoulder.
"Hmph,Wouldn't you at least kiss me goodnight Sebby dear" Sam teased.
"Sorry Sam you're not my type" and with that Sebastian shoved Sam through the front door.
As we walked to my farm I saw lightning dancing in the distance.
"Ah um thanks for coming tonight yn"
Sebastian scratched the back of his head as he looked at me.
"No problem I always love hanging out with you"
I smiled sweetly at him as I spoke,damn i could of said it a lot cooler. As i scolded myself I was brought out of my thoughts as I saw pinkish to tint to Sebastian's cheeks.
"Um thanks yn,well here's your stop" he spoke gently as I walked up the steps. As he turned around I did something I never thought I'd say.
"Not even a goodnight kiss?" I heard myself asking as I looked at him Suddenly he stoped and turned around ran right and kissed me right in the lips and hopped off the porch.
"Night yn!" He shouted running off ears tomato red. My face was probably just as red .I mean what just happened.I just ended up kissing the cutest boy in all of Pelican Town in the middle of a rainstorm on my front porch.
"Hot damn" I spoke as I gently opened the front door. Maybe moving to Pelican Town was the best idea I've ever had after all I just got to kiss the sweetest boy in the whole world.
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catcrashintoyhewall · 10 months
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"Grandpa, do I have parents?"
Vanilla sorcerer cookie stopped reading and looked at Wizard cookie in sad look "My friends from the outside have parents, and so do I right". Vanilla sorcerer cookie bend down and pat Wizard's head "Wizard, I think you need to know the truth that: You are one of the very few and the rarest cookies who is made by the witches and escape the oven". Young Wizard cookie dropped the training stick to the ground "What....". "That doesn't meant you cannot be sorcerer my grandson, cookies in this wizard kingdom steal many things from the Witches even their knowledge. You are just a special case, a very special and precious to all of us" Vanilla sorcerer cookie said as he hugged Wizard cookie.
I'm finally uploaded after so long? Yep finally some motivation to my lazy arse and my school exam is literally next week, pretty bad time isn't it.
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guessimate · 4 months
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Today we are visiting the Imagos. The ROS for them was for one sim to bake the whole round. So I rolled for it and it would be the lady of the house cooking. She really should have a servant do it for her, but if the princess wants to cook, she may do as she pleases and eat whatever her delicate palate desires, I suppose. Before this era my sims ate mostly fish dishes, and the occasional hunted animal. So they must feel some sweet tooth cravings now.
Of course even a chill ROS like this one can have consequences, like a fire. Thankfully I use the Fight or Flight mod, so nothing bad happened and just the stove burnt down, but it could have gone way more tragically. I really don't need all the extra drama in my game though, unless I roll death.
While Baset was spending the round cooking, Sampsa was doing some woodworking, and later he moved on to playing chess.
I was thinking the most interesting part of the Imagos' round would be Sampsa wanting to raise an army of zombies, but nothing really came to fruition. I put him in the Paranormal career, however, he didn't want to get the skill needed for this career.
Sampsa wanted to hustle pool, which I thought was a bit odd since there was no billiards table at all in this town yet. I'm guessing he got this odd desire because he lost a game of chess to his wife, even though he had been cheating... His One True Hobby is Games, so it makes sense to take up the Logic skill. But I would really love for him to take to some hobbies useful for his career. It will happen some day, I'm sure.
The Imago family's patriarch Otso wanted to maximize any skill, so I made him work on his body because he was halfway through already. At the end of the round he decided he wouldn't mind becoming a wizard, and I'm so sorry to break it to him, but he's probably too old for that. I might turn his son into an evil warlock someday instead.
I think I've mentioned this before but Baset is the best sim I've bred in this entire neighbourhood so far. She's 8 Neat, 9 Active, Playful, and Nice. Her only con is being 0 Shy. So I'm really hoping her kids are going to turn out great too, even though her husband is a total grouch.
Their firstborn, Lalli, is a Sagittarius - 0 Sloppy (like grandpa Otso), 8 Outgoing (like dad), 9 Active, 9 Playful, and 9 Nice (all the rest like mom). His One True Hobby is Arts&Crafts. I think he looks more like his dad.
Baset really wanted to go on a date (not to cheat, just with her beloved husband). She's really attracted to Sampsa, even though he just shrugs at his lovely wife. They went on some dates and conceived a baby... after a couple of failed attempts (2 to-be-kids were not meant to be). But the next pregnancy was carried, it just took a while for Baset to conceive.
The birth went swimmingly. It's a baby boy named Ofilius. He's a blue-eyed blonde with skin 3.
I really want their dog Asena to have a puppy with Otis, the local gray wolf running around the hood and scaring everyone. I was starting to doubt that he would ever come to this lot, but he arrived at the very end of the round and I had to add 1 day to Asena's lifespan because she was a little too old, but she will have her puppies next round!
I dislike it when my game spawns additional service NPC-s it really doesn't need (I use anti redundancy), but this new masseuse gets a pass. He spawned with one of the elf faces, and I am obliged to marry him in.
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Gwen Takes Control (Part 1)
Ever since Ben had found the Omnitrix, the whole summer had changed for Gwen. Initially it was for the better really, things were more exciting, they fought aliens, mad scientists, it was amazing! Sure, Ben was still a dweeb, but what was new right? After a while though she found herself starting to feel like the *other* grandchild. Soon enough everything was seemingly about Ben. It was Ben's watch, Ben was the hero, it was becoming Ben's summer. Then though, things seemed like they were going to even out, she found this awesome amulet! It made her the luckiest girl in the world, and she became Lucky Girl! A hero to rival the great Ben 10! But it wasn't to last. Soon enough to save Ben and his stupid watch, she'd had to destroy that amulet and even more. She'd had to sacrifice everything, just because Ben had to be a hero. It wasn't all bad though, now she had a spellbook, straight from the crazy wizard and witch that had almost taken over the world. And she was finding more than a few spells that would help to turn this whole summer around.
After some time Max got a call from an old friend needing his help, in a hurry he had to leave Gwen and Ben alone for a few days, leaving Gwen in charge. By the time he returned, Gwen will have already done all she needs to put Ben in his place. Gwen: "Alright Ben, you heard Grandpa, I'm in charge. And you know what? I think it's time I taught you some humility." Ben looks up at her from his game, raising an eyebrow at her with an arrogant grin. Ben: "Yeah? And how do you plan to do that? In case you forgot, I've got the coolest watch in the universe, I'm a hero for crying out loud!" Gwen rolls her eyes and walking over to him she simply pushes her pants down and lets her massive cock flop out and smack him in the face. Stunned Ben just sits there looking at the nearly 8" cock resting on his face. Gwen: "With this~. Oh and before I forget." She reaches down while he's still stunned and grabs the Omnitrix casting a spell as she does to form a shield around it so he can't try to change into an alien. At this Ben does finally snap out of it and yells as he stands up, backing away from Gwen . Ben: "W-what the Hell!? Gwen, how do you- I mean, you've got a-a..." He blushes brightly as he struggles to make sense of all this, Gwen just laughs as she hits him with another spell, blasting his clothes off while setting her plan in action. Gwen: "A dick? Yeah, and you've got a pussy. Now how about you be a good slut and get on your knees, it's time you put that mouth to some good use for once~." Ben yelled in shock as the blast hit him, tearing his clothes off and leaving him naked, and his body completely changed. His hair and overall build was largely the same, but he had small buds on his chest where his breasts were now growing, roughly the size of Gwen's, and rather than a penis and balls he had a pussy just like Gwen had said. Ben: "What the-!? N-no, no this can't be real!" He tried to fumble with the watch, fighting against Gwen's magic as he did, but Gwen shortly had him pinned against the wall. Gwen: "Well if you're not going to get on your knees, then I suppose I can go in dry. But it might hurt a little, feel free to scream by the way. It's not like there's anyone around to help you~." With Ben still trying to activate the Omnitrix Gwen reaches down, and lifts up his legs, and drops him on her cock. She goes in dry and raw, letting gravity force him all the way down on her cock, until she was pressed firmly against his/her womb. Gwen: "Ahh~! Oh fuck, now that's what I'm talking about! Mmm, I can't believe this is what guys get to experience for sex, ha! Too bad you'll never know what this feels like now, how about you Ben? Is it as good for you as it is me?" She couldn't help but to laugh as she watched Ben scream in pain, squirming on her cock as she held tightly onto her arms. Ben's eyes going wide in shock, pain and pleasure as he felt an entirely foreign feeling, in a body he was entirely unfamiliar with.
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jonnyparable · 3 years
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Cottage Hills : A Winter Tale, Part I
A Boy, a Girl and the Tower
As the square begins to get covered in the first snow of winter, a young boy hears some soft crying from up above, in the old clocktower. But no one goes up there, and the tower hasn't chimed, not since he's moved here anyway.
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He slowly pries open the cold rusty iron gates, and runs up to take a look and sees a little girl crying alone in the snow.
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"Hey! You're May right? So you're here! The whole town's been looking for you! Geez, so you've been up here in the old clocktower all this while? Come on, let's go tell your grandpa!"
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"Stu! Wait! I... Wanna stay here a while more.. Will you stay with me?"
"Huh?! But it's cold here.... Hmm ughh fine!"
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Stu sits down next to her awkwardly. The two of them are the only kids in town, but they don't really have much else in common, at least not that they know of.
"Aw it's so cold! You're crazy, May...why are you up here crying anyway?"
"I'm not crazy! I...just... I just like it up here, it's quiet."
"This whole town is quiet. Its always so boring. I wish I didn't have to move here... Everyone is too busy to play....no wonder so many people have been leaving... If only my parents never died and left me here... I hate it here!"
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"Your parents died?... Do...do you remember your mum and dad?.... Do you think its bad that I don't remember mine?"
"I don't think it's bad... I don't remember that much... Grandma says it's cos I'm too young. I guess it must be the same thing for you, did your parents die too?"
"I don't know... Grandpa won't talk about my mum. He just says that 8 years ago today... She had to go somewhere, and just left me here with him. I wonder why she didn't take me with her. I wonder if she felt sad about it..."
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"She just didn't want to stay in this boring old town. She left like everyone else! Maybe she's like a movie star or something now! One day, this dumb town will disappear, and I'll go to the city, and be a boxer! You can come with me I guess, and maybe you can find your mum in the city too!"
"You? A boxer? Haha, but you're so skinny Stu, you'll get hurt!"
"I won't always be this size! One day I'll be pretty big. Like Mr. Gotz, or something, he's big. You'll see! Come on, I wanna climb up there! Do you think we can see the city from up there?"
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They climb up the ladder and sit on the front of the clock's face. They don't manage to see the city, of course, but Stu manages to cheer May up, just by being himself. They soon become true friends, and over the years, stayed close. And the clocktower became their secret little spot for all that time.
Eight Years Later...
Stu and May are in their teens now, May is 16, and Stu is 17. They climb up the tower to their private spot, like they've been doing for the past eight years.
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"Winter's here. So....it'll soon be that time of year again for you huh?"
"Mmhmm...it's today, actually. But it's ok. It was long ago. I don't even remember her. And I've got grandpa... And you."
"Yea, that's right, May. You have me now. And we have this old tower. Haha!"
"Hey, remember when you first found me up here, and you said you wanted to go to Cobbleton, and be a boxer?"
"Haha....did I really say that?.... I can't go even if I wanted to anyway. What with grandma the way she is now, and my sis still learning to be a witch..."
"Hmm yea... I'd go with you, you know. Stay in the city! But... Grandpa needs me too. How's Elli's training, by the way?"
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"I dunno... Good I guess? She'll soon be learning how to fly with that funny wizard guy...she's learning so fast..."
Stu trails off and looks down a little glumly. May nudges him with her shoulder.
May :
"You're special too, Stu. You don't need magic to be special to me, anyway."
"....But I'm nothing... I'm not big, or strong, or smart... Everyone says the Elmsleys are all this and that, cornerstones of the community and all... but I'm not gifted like they are. I wish I were like Elli. And could just fly away on a broom."
"Well, you know, everyone is gifted at something. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm gifted at.. So we can figure it out together... So don't you go flying off without me!"
"I won't, May. You know I won't."
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RT5: All Aboard! (Avengers)
Bucky and Steve load their duffel bags and ride their motorbikes to Avengers compound
Nat and Clint are there already
Nat is leaning against the bus, popping gum and busy on her phone.
Clint is wearing his sunglasses and a sleeveless shirt.
Steve: How's it goin' gang?
Clint: Cap! You're late!
Bucky: I don't see anyone else here.
Nat: *Popping bubble* he means late for cap
Bucky: We were up at five
Clint: Got your lap around central park?
Bucky: *cheekily* 25 times
Clint: *fake gasps* only? You're losing your touch. That's why I just likes to *says something related to snipers*
Bucky: Oh! yeah? You a sniper?
Clint: archer. You were a sniper back with Cap, right?
Bucky: yup. I don't think he got the concept of it though. One time I cleared his path and he waved at me! Idiot!
Clint laughs at someone calling THE Captain America an idiot.
Clint: Nat's the same. She just doesn't have the patience! One time, we're infiltrating a warehouse, surrounded by enemy, and she? Just, just went off. Just like that. No concern for personal safety!
Bucky: tell me about it!
Bucky looks towards Nat.
He has a distant flashback of running a mission with Black Widow.
Bucky sighs
Steve drops his bag in the pile and walks over to Nat
Steve: What's got you glued to the screen?
Nat looks up at Steve: *pops some bubble* What? Forgot your newspaper, gramps?
Steve: 😑
Nat: Nebula was sending me pictures from space. Here. *Forwards pics to Steve*
Steve: *Looks at photos* Nice! I can't believe there's a whole other world out there
There's a whizzing sound and everyone's on alert.
There's golden sparks; then a portal opens
Stephen and Loki step out and portal closes
Stephen: good morning, everyone
Clint: *nodding his head up* Doctor wizard!
Clint: *voice stoic* alien wizard
There's thunder in the clear sky
Thor arrives, bringing Bruce with him
Nat pockets her phone and looks smugly at Steve
Nat: unbelievable
Bruce: hey guys! *excited* I just rode thunder! *catches what he said* like, the, weather thing. Not.. not... *scratches hair*
Clint passes by Bruce and slaps his shoulder with a smirk
Nat: Hey! God of mischief! *Nat takes off Clint's glasses and tosses them at Loki*
Loki: *irritated* What?
Nat: got something for ya!
Nat goes closer to Loki to show her something in her hand, picking up the glasses from the floor
Loki, annoyed with Nat, leaves a decoy and disappears
Nat puts on the glasses and smirks to herself.
She turns around quickly and shoots where she sees the real Loki in the glasses.
Loki: *reveals himself* Ow! What the hell?
Thor: Widow! He may be Loki, but he's no longer a villain. Give him a chance!
Nat: *pops a bubble in Thor's face* That's what I'm doing
Loki: *whining* You SHOT me!
Nat returns Clint's glasses and walks to Loki
Nat: Relax! Like you haven't been through worse
Stephen notices how Loki is affected by Nat's words
Nat: It's a tracker chip. Everything you do, Clint sees. You disappear, Clint sees. You do magic, Clint sees.
Loki: *laughing, picking at the chip already* You think your mortal technology can keep me- aaah!"
Nat: *cooly* Oh! You try to take it out, it's gonna hurt. Be good!
Loki: *grabbing his arm in pain* I don't see you shooting Strange?!
Nat: Strange is a mature, responsible adult. He's a doctor for crying out loud. YOU, are a cunning, crying seventeen year old
Stephen: *shocked* You- you're 17?
Loki: *stammering* I..I AM NOT!
*turns to Nat* I happen to be 1400 years old!
Nat: *catching an opportunity* oops, my bad! He's 14.
Nat laughs with Clint
Clint: *laughing* look at his face! I thought frost giants were supposed to be blue!
Stephen: well, if the average Asgardian lifespan is 5100 and the average human lifespan is 80
Strange: *turns to Loki* how old did you say you were again?
Loki: 1400
Strange mumbles to himself as he does math in his head
Strange: that would make you just over 22!
Loki: *delighted* Ha! I am 22
Clint: good for you! I'm 31
Nat: 29
Bucky: 34
Steve: I'm 32. Well, if you don't count the cryo
Bucky: same
Loki: *embarrassed* well, would you like to contribute?
Stephen: *quietly* I'm 37 years old
Ironman landing by the group.
Tony: *teasing* babies! I'm 40
Clint: welcome back, grandpa. Wanna unlock the bus?
*spidey and MJ arriving*
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Tony starts walking to the bus but is knocked down by a thrown bag
Steve reaches out to catch Tony
Everyone looks to see Spiderman land down with a girl
Peter immediately lets MJ go and helps Tony
Peter: Mr. Stark! I'm so sorry! I was aiming for the pile, I guess the trajectory was off! I really wasn't planning on hitting you!
Stephen: *to Loki* guess you're not the youngest anymore.
Steve: you gotta learn on your aim, kid
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Bucky raises a brow at Steve holding Tony
Tony lets go of Steve before things get awkward
Clint: who's the girl, spidey?
Peter: *remembering MJ* oh! Everyone! This is MJ! She's in my class. MJ, this is everyone
MJ: *coldly nods her head* 'sup?
Nat: *also coolly* hey
Bucky: *whispering to Clint* I didn't know we could bring a friend?
Clint: dude, you're the friend
Bucky: shut up!
Tony: *unlocks the bus and gets in* alright, roll call!
Peter: *grabbing his and MJ's bags* here
Steve: *grabbing his bag* here
Nat: here
Clint: *grabs his and Nat's bags* here
Bucky: *quietly as he passes Tony* hey
Bruce: here
Thor: I am here as well
Stephen: here
Loki: *sigh* here
Everyone oohs as they enter
The bus is amazing.
The floor is like a really big lounge.
Steve: *standing in the front with Tony* is that everyone?
Nat: where's WandaVision?
Tony: they'll catch up later
Steve: anyone else missing?
Clint: nope!
Tony: alright then. Down here is the lounge. Upstairs is the more private quarters. You can put your stuff in your designated overheads. Code them so you don't get robbed.
MJ: *walking upstairs with Peter* who's gonna rob anyone? You're all adults, aren't you?
Everyone looks at Clint and Loki
Clint buzzes Loki
Loki: ow! What was that for?
Clint: a warning
Loki: you know they were looking at you too
Clint: and now they're only looking at you!
Clint tries to run away but Loki magically brings him back
Nat (also has a screen on Loki) doesn't see malicious intent and lets it pass
Everyone else starts going up.
Another round of oohs goes around.
There are luxurious bus seats that swivel and recline.
Overhead on both sides there are storage cubicles with every avenger's logo. Starting with the O6.
Everyone drops their stuff off and goes back downstairs.
Tony: everybody ready?
Everyone: yes!
Tony: you wanna say it, Cap?
Cap: Avengers? Assemble!
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queenie435 · 5 years
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I woke up early and without a word to the vampire I left the house. I was heading to a close friends home of mine. He invited me to stay for the rest of the weekend after hearing about my difficult evening the previous night.
Something heavy on my shoulders it seened, I reluctantly made the hour drive. More than anything I wanted to be a hermit that day. Lay around and wallow in my self pity. Allow some rebuttal maybe. If anything though, I've learned to keep moving on those days. Fight back..
Within a half hour on the road I was already feeling somewhat better. Energy returning where I thought was none.
We planned for a hike that afternoon and I dropped my son off at Grandpas before we started.
The woods as always were beautiful. Suprisingly warm. Sunshine swept through the ravines. Looking up, smiling as it Twinkled through the tree branches at us. Signs of spring were popping up all around us as we pushed into the forest.
I love nature. I pray each time I go that she still loves me.
In certain spots we'd sit quietly for long periods of time. I loved it that my friend refrained from asking me anything more than if I was thirsty from time to time.
We just walked, walked about for most of the afternoon.
Along the way He showed me a couple new crystals he had recently picked up. One stuck out to me. It was a beautiful piece, A crystal quartz tower. Almost flawless but a few small clouds in the center.
I held onto it for most of the hike.
As we grounded, Gaia revealed some extra gifts to us that afternoon. Some Dryad saddles, ramps and fiddle heads that paired nicely with our grilled chicken that evening for dinner.
His wife went to bed early and we quietly talked in his sun room/fireplace room for a long while. One white candle dimly lit the room between us.
As we talked, I couldnt help but notice the return of that heavy unsettling feeling. To the pit of my chest. Uneasy, unsettled, energy stuck. Then flash memories of the verbal argument the night before with my girlfriend would sneak up like a cold knife in the side. I'd wince at the pain.
I was so sharp and hurtful with my tongue. We've been together for years. I've never spoken that way ti her.
Dissapointed in myself for losing my control. The control I kept so well, so fortified I thought for years now. A strength I took pride in. To prideful in my strengths I thought... Always a harsh lesson.
As the pressure built, I lost track of my friends conversation. He tends to enjoy himself talking anyways.
I needed to take a trip inside to investigate what it was that was crushing me so harshly. Grinding away at one side of my skull slowly it felt. Depositing negative thoughts and feelings. Sapping my energy.
As I attempted to feel for what it was, take time to let it kill me if it needed to. I naturally reached into my pocket for a crystal to hold. To help me work.
My left hand felt around, I was happy for that moment to remember the quartz tower my friend let me hold for the hike.
Now, as I raised it to the candle light. Tower pointing up, I let the candle light dance to me through the flat sides. I found a side that gave me goosebumps
as I gazed. A bliss washed over me almost instantly.
Through the clarity of the quartz, slowly appearing, etheric golden wheels like cogs started forming inside. Like if you were opening up and peering into the innards of the swiss watchmakers finest watch. I was amazed! My mind was clear again! So clear, so blissful.
Surprised, I broke my concentration. Put the crystal back into my lap and slowly the bliss faded. My friend still talking quietly to himself stopped mid-sentence.
He asked me "Wtf was that?? I asked him to explain, what??.
I knew He felt the bliss too. But wanted to hear him say it.
He said he's never felt so good.
I asked him to watch quietly.
I repeated the crystal gaze.
The golden gears started to appear again.
Bliss washed over us both. This time, I sat for over an hour transfixed on the beauty revealing itself to me through the crystal. The crystaline shield around us now slowly increasing in size. My friend, I didn't realize at first, but He started channeling to me with his eyes closed. Telling me the size and design of the shield from a birds eye view. The architecture was crystalline mixed with Roman/Greek esque pillars. I saw it inside the crystal, he saw it around us. Beautiful he kept saying, try to push it larger.
After some time passed, my energy increasing with the strength of the shield. He told me that there were shadow entities trying to peer in from just beyond the shield. Slender men he described them. Tall, they'd stretch taller and taller to peer in. He knew they couldn't get in, nor see us clearly. They would slink down and are circling us he would say amused.
I broke concentration to take a peak out into the backyard. A tall shadow went zipping across the back deck, very quickly, went about 50 ft and dissapears through the back wall of the garage. Things inside the garage actuallycrashed loud enough to wake his two dogs. They ran growling at the garage door. Barked a few times. then rushed in to see check on us, Hair on their backs raised high.
He looked to me with eyes of amazement.
I went back into shield gaze.
Best to not think too much I've learned.
I must have held the shield up for another two hours, effortlessly really. My pleasure. My friend and I enjoyed the bliss. The clear mind, the NOW. I love it so, and get tastes of it not nearly enough. I Long for it as I get dragged back down. Sometimes pondering on if I made mistakes. If I'd ever get there again.
In it, I know diffrent. Someday I'll be fully 5d. We all will.
I had to use the restroom, so told friend I was breaking concentration.
As I spoke, I moved from my statue state.
3 aura green fairies flew off my head. Like little tiny butterflies dissapearing off into the room.
Purple, gold, pink pixel dust trailed behind them. I asked him if he saw, he slowly nodded and eyes wide told me at that moment I had huge whisps of green aura flowing under each eye. Like wings on my cheek bones. Said I was a wizard! Lol, I laughed. I wish it to be true someday I thought.
My friend wanted to go have a smoke in the garage.
I thought it not the wisest plan, But, I try to remind myself I'm not dead yet for some damn reason!
As we were getting up, and don't ask me why, but I pointed the tip of the crystal tower at the candle flame. The candle flame, It was incased in glass.
We both watched in amazment as the flame seemed to be getting sliced by some sort of energy flowing like a laser beam through the crystal point.
It was turning the flame red and then blue and even green! Very pronounced slicing through the candle flame. Making the candle flicker hard! Almost extinguished the flame at times. Amazing! Boggled our minds!
We forgot about everything else, heading out to smoke, we laughed while trying with the English words that seem to ever fail me, as to what we just saw.
Naturally it's gotten easier to press into our ever expanding box of beliefs. But somedays.. Wow!
Making it now into the garage, my friend points to a dark corner.
He says "it's there."
I look and sure enough the shadows, they are moving, dripping black darkness.
Poor attempt at hiding I thought.
It's no fear or lose big in these games I remind myself. So I bow my head briefly to it. My friend says hello to it. And we smoke.
It was sitting there, so I lit a Nag champa incense that was half burned.
I clutched a black tourmaline in my pocket.
The cigarette seemed to be taking to long. I felt the urge to get back to the comfort of the candle room.
I walked back towards the door to inside, then thought it bad form to leave my friend mid smoke. As I turned back around.
My friend seemed dazed. I asked him calmly to follow me inside. Though, by the look in his eyes, I knew He wasn't the friend I walked out here with.
I asked him again calmly, "lets head inside Dan, feel the safety of the crystals again."
"It's cozy in there, no?"
He's staring off now, then he says in a weird voice.
"Hold on, I'm just getting acquainted with this body. It feels realllly niccce. *laughs creepily*
but not really creepy, he felt gentle to me. He seemed sincere. Idk how to explain it. He looked like he was trying to figure out how to operate the body for the first time. He was impressed with it. He wanted to stay in the garage.
So I toyed with him on the light switch. Little bursts of light and periods of darkness while telling him to follow my voice to safety. He was laughing enjoying the light show. He listened to me finally. He Put the incense out and followed me back to the fireplace room. I had him sit close to me. I pulled back out the tower and went back into the shield gaze. It's notable that The shield went up so powerfully this time I could actually see it clear as day. Refracting the candle light . prism the light into colors. Immediately I was relieved, and he snapped out of it.
I didn't tell him what happened in the garage.
I held the shield until mornings light. When the beautiful sunshine came at last it felt like I could rest..
I've kept a close eye on my friend. He seems fine. He said he's felt the best since our interesting night.
Interesting night indeed.
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