#i'm so glad we got this payoff
stbot · 1 year
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bengiyo · 21 days
Wandee Goodday Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Last week, they executed their Business Gay Performance Plan and Ter was pressed. Wandee found himself jealous of Taem, and Kao almost choked Dee out for complicating his arrangement for no reason. Dee spent the night at the gym, and everyone there knows what's up. We got insights into Yak's relationship with his mom, and how his desire to graduate may be related to her.
I guess it's time for Dee's trauma. Are we gonna open the next episode with Kao's or Cher's?
Cheering up this kid is very sweet.
The fact that these two are actually fucking is such a relief. Most of the time it's just not believable that these guys haven't been doing it.
I had a student once who remembers everyone's birthdays. Can't believe Dee walked into this trap.
Let's talk about Yoryak knowing the exact length of time they've been together.
Golf is having fun with these cameos.
Kao! The first thing he asked about was the sex gear!
Once again this show comes through for me I'm so glad boys who read kinda femme are allowed to demand a stern dicking. Pete in LBC was the first I remember, but this is so satisfying. Cher is allowed to want sex, too. I love it because Oyei has been so down for Cher this whole time that there's no way I believed he's cheating, but I do think he has something on his mind.
I love the grandma. She said, "These annoying youths are at the home and I had to get the fuck out of there." She knew what was up and was teasing the whole time.
I really love how chill the grandmother is about Dee's sex and romantic life. She teases mildly and checks on him to make sure he's okay.
That visual effect with the line was cute.
What in the 2gether is this?
I know she not playing that guitar at 3:30 in the morning!
Why would we put the sex bunny ears on his grandma??? What in the Peter Cottontail nonsense is this???
Why are his parents buried next to a British naval officer????
Genuinely love Yoryak changing up his look. The vibe between Yoryak and Taem is so compelling.
I refuse to believe that Oyei is possibly lying.
Now why are they doing their sex personas in public like this? Is Kao taking notes?
I'm so glad that Dee and Taem don't have beef.
Okay, I suspect Inn can actually cook.
No. Flour everywhere is not sexy. This is not an easy mess to clean.
It's so gross Ter taking Kwan to the same place as Dee like this. I don't like it.
Nope, that's flour in his eye. It's over. Yeast infection ahoy.
I'm not in the mood for Ter nonsense next week.
This feels like a treading water episode. I hope we get payoff next week with both of our couples. I don't want this thing about Cher's worries to be nothing, when I suspect that Oyei is dealing with financial stress.
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enidtendo64 · 10 months
I just finished Wednesday today and I'm full on the wenclair ship!!!! so I'm glad to have seen your art just as I'm done lmao. if you read wenclair fics do you have any recommendations?
OOOOH Okay nice nice!!!
I'm so sorry this is so late but I hope you still want some recs, bc I def got some for you! I tried to keep these pretty succinct and not too many bc a lot of these are pretty long reads but these are some of my fav Wenclair fics to read and reread! I made sure to put different types/genres of fics in here too so there's a diverse list of flavors on here! Most will be complete but I'll throw in some WIPs i've been keeping an eye on!
If We Make It Through December by overnights: If you love FLUFF and Enid interacting with the Addams Fam! A wenclair STAPLE tbh, fake dating, Enid being invited to the Addams Mansion, and CHRISTMAS fic all in one! The dynamics between the Addams and Enid are always sweet, and Wednesday and Enid just teeter on that close friendship to oh, maybe it's love??? thing and it's so sweet to see. It's just very lovely and wholesome! A great execution of that 'fake dating but oops you were in love all along haha' trope!
Magus et Lupus by wigglewyrms: Ok like I had to rep one of my pals in here but in my defense this is genuinely so good and one of my favorite wenclair fics before we even became friends! It's a fun fantasy Wenclair with dialogue that's just so fun and snappy and witty! You're gonna have fun reading their conversations and then you're gonna get caught up into the world and the story! The plot is very fun and the end is a very fun payoff! I think I might have overused the word fun a lot for this fic but like that's just what this fic is--It's entertaining, it's engaging, and it makes you feel like you're having fun reading wanting to know what's next or what's this person gonna say or etc. It's a fic you read and you feel good! 100% Recommend! I even drew art for it if you're interested (which I should honestly repost on here soon)
I'd recommend their other stuff too-- Stubborn, Single Minded, and Obsessive is great if you like the slasher horror genre with a dash of Addams Family Values Lore, and their most recent one that's a WIP, When The Moon Shines Red is a very fun fic focused on Enid's werewolfisms but dangerous, with a very sweet friendship to relationship evolution between Enid and Wednesday!
i know the end by thriftedstars: If you're an angst lover like I am, you're gonna LOOOOVE this! A sort of groundhog's day type of fic, it focuses on the day of the last episode of the first season--Enid, Wednesday, Tyler, Crackstone, all that entails in that night. It's a really fun read just to know what happens next and how Enid gets out of the situation but also to see the girls' relationship grow in this terrible situation. Lots of emotion! Listen sometimes you just need the hurt for the ending to be sweeter! Recommend wholeheartedly!
curtain call by hanjisgirlfriend: on the complete opposite side of the last fic, Curtain Call is an enemies to friends to lovers Wenclair that does an amazing job of capturing that kind of high school love story kind of vibe but like also a dash of youthful nostalgia. It gives me the same vibe of like, if I was listening to the Kids album by Mac Miller--They're kids and they're friends and they're growing up and they're growing up together. I HIGHLY recommend as well, like it genuinely makes my heart lighter thinking about how sweet this is.
raven in the den, wolf in the nest by Barbara_Lazuli: So you might be familiar with the author's name--Artist, Comic maker, Writer, literally what CAN'T she do!!! This fic is another fake dating fic but a different flavor from the first one! This one really dives into both Enid and Wednesday's relationships with their mothers, as well as the building feelings they already have for each other. Their bond in this fic is nothing short of sweet and heartwarming, and I genuinely think this is one of the best fics in the tag! Just got so much substance! Also all the Addams family media references and the Loona refs-- like Barb if you read this you're a champ for making Wednesday play Sonatine and also listen to Hula Hoop and just for making this in general????? Seriously how are you so talented bro
queen of the night by heyfools: Look, a flower shop AU hits okay? And this? THIS HITS. Wednesday is an owner of a flower shop, Enid needs a job, and we know where this is going. But man the way you get to know both characters a little more--their histories, traumas, likes and dislikes and their personalities beyond "appropriately polite cowoke" (well, polite for Enid, not so much Wednesday at first) it's soooooo good! You have a journey along with the characters and you really get invested in their relationship! A great read, especially if you wanna read something like in the afternoon light with a nice lemonade maybe, or like just a very relaxing fun read!
Forged in Blood by RiseAboveTheAshes_203: Okay so this one is a HEAVY HITTER! We're getting into the big bois! It's a 100k fic about Wednesday and Enid basically dealing with the consequences of Enid becoming a blood wolf-- and bro you are seated, belted, strapped into the ride every step because PHEWWWW what a RIDE! It has really interesting lore building upon werewolf society in the show and also witchery and magic from the Addams family. And all of that is great and amazing but the real star of this is just Wednesday and Enid being Wednesday and Enid--they are DEVOTED to each other! Even if they don't quite understand the full means of it yet, and if it gets them in trouble sometimes. It's amazing to see their relationship grow and them understand what they truly mean to one another and it's a captivating love story that also happens to have fun world building for the show and amazing moments that just leave you so tense to know what happens next! I was so tuned in when this was still a WIP I remember refreshing the tag every lunch time for a while for a chapter I was HOOKED, and I'm sure you will be too!
A Kidnapping By Any Other Name by Ravenmoon33: So bear with me this is gonna be a long one; Ok! So this is the other WIP I've put in here (aside from When The Moon Shines Red) and let me tell you--this fic changed my life fr. Some TLDR lore about it tho--the version I linked above there is a revised version! They have an old version they still have up on their account and honestly I also HIGHLY recommend that version too bc it had me in bed giggling kicking my feet like ROMANCE. ROMANCE WAS MADE in these ao3 walls!!! (The flower scene???? No spoilers if you know you know but OOOOOOOOGGHHHH I would not shut up about it for WEEKS Im so sorry to my friends and my poor gf) but I also highly recommend the new version as well! If you've read the first version and are keeping up with the new version, the new things are also so good and you can tell the author is so locked in and excited with what they've added and what they've changed, I honestly recommend both;
So onto what it's actually about-- Enid is "kidnapped" by Wednesday and is "forced" to stay at her best friend's mansion for the summer. And you know what happens? LORE. So much worldbuilding on Addams family lore like it's AMAZING!!! You read about new characters the family past and what it means for Wednesday and Enid, and if that's not enough, there's also the MYSTERY aspect too because Weds and Enid will have to deep dive into that lore to figure out a problem in the present and it's so much FUN to like try to figure out how things go together! I love that aspect of both the versions so much that it's only rivaled by my immense love of how everyone's relationships are written! Enid's relationships with the other members of the Addams fam, especially Morticia, is so healing and heartwarming, and we see Wednesday's different dynamics with her family and how Enid affects her and helps her grow and you see those relationships with her family members grow because of it! And of course, the obvious, Wednesday and Enid basically having a love story for the ages cause JESUS, this is ROMANCE. Wednesday BIG FUCKING ROMANTIC Addams!!! It's amazing omg I wanna say more but I also don't bc I don't wanna spoil but I absolutely cannot rec it enough, even if it stays unfinished it will still be genuinely one of the best wenclair fics for me.
Tumultuous Waters: Wednesday Season Two by KrackenoftheDeep: So we're here at the last one. I didn't really list these fics out in specific order but I did save this specific one for last bc I genuinely think this is my favorite Wednesday fic. This is like a full ass season 2! It's a telling of how season 2 could happen, continuing from season 1 and picking up the ball the first season threw with stuff about the Morning Song cult, a deeper dive of Crackstone and Goody, more worldbuilding about the outcasts and the school, and best of all-- THE Wednesday and Enid dynamic that to me would be so fucking ideal for season 2 if Timothy Burton wasn't a COWARRD!!! /j /maybe
The growth Enid and Wednesday have in this fic, along with the exploration of the other characters, more investigations not just by Wednesday but also the other nightshade members helping and getting involved as well! You really get to feel so many things for these characters, and all of that pays off in one of the most satisfying endings for me in a fic like the author really fucking knocked this out of the park I felt like giving a standing ovation!
I genuinely don't think the Wednesday writers could like, live up to this. At least for me, it's that good. This is everything I've ever wanted for a Wednesday s2 honestly and I honestly, HONESTLY could not recommend this enough.
And after you read this, you can follow along the author's sequel to this fic, The Infinite Black Sea: Wednesday Season 3. Again, also highly recommend! A new mystery afoot!!!
I'm so sorry I didn't expect this to get super long but sometimes you just gotta give tens where tens are deserved!!! There are so many more great wenclair fics out there that deserve a reading and loving, like I know the tag can look a little scary sometimes but seriously there's some great gems there underneath all the scary stuff lol
These are just some of my personal favs, and honestly thank you to all the authors here yall are doing God's work fr!!!
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theflyindutchwoman · 2 months
Hey! How are you holding up? Just finished the episode and I haven't really recovered. I am sad, I am frustrated, I don't really know what's happening? I thought they were mature and Tim is so dumb right now, I can't even.
And Lucy? I can't even start to imagine what she's going through. She has been so badass for the 5 seasons and this season she just gets fail after fail and loss after loss and doesn't even get a good job storyline.
So sorry I didn't reply sooner but I first wanted to take a little step back in order to fully digest the episode. As much as the waiting is killing me, I actually appreciate the hiatus for that. I imagine your feelings may have changed a bit as well since then… or that was the impression I got from our different conversations here and there. How are you feeling now? A bit better or still frustrated?
I'm going to start with Lucy. I was rewatching the beginning of season 5 and this is hitting even harder now. Not because of the pining era. But because the narrative was already showing her isolation back then. I couldn't quite put my finger on why her storyline in season 6 felt so familiar but now I get it. This is merely the continuation.
As we all noticed, the scene of Tim breaking up with her had a very similar vibe to the one at the end of 5.02. But think back of when she went to Nyla for advice about going to UC school, when she was trying to confide to Aaron who was too caught up in his own drama to hear her… or when she spent hours locked in a freezer because no one realised she was missing - besides Tim, that is. And then, there was the whole Rosalind thing where Lucy had to push through her own trauma to help Chris deal with his and help Bailey stay calm. But no one ever took the time to ask her how she was doing with all of this (on screen). They all had good reasons, by the way, this isn't me trying to paint them as the bad guys. But this still has an eerie similarity to what is happening right now. Only there has been no payoff for any of this. Yet. It didn't seem to go anywhere. Until now. Same with her career : she nailed UC Academy, something that was supposed to help her standout come promotion time… She helped the FBI on a raid, she was asked to be the acting Watch Commander, she was told that the whole station had her back… And yet, none of this paid off either. Yet. So this is a great opportunity to finally connect all the dots that have been dropped for the past two seasons and give Lucy the amazing arc she deserves. I sincerely hope this will be the case.
As for Tim… Look, the reason why I didn't want a breakup (besides the fact that I dislike this trope so much), is that I was afraid that it would cheapen the whole "worth the effort / worth the risk" speech. You can't say that and leave at the first difficulty without downplaying the whole story. So I'm glad that the writers were able to find a way to circumvent that issue by showing Tim completely unravelling. Because this isn't about him thinking Lucy is not worth the effort or the risk… This is about him thinking HE is not worthy of her. And that changes everything. For me, at least. I still get the frustration. I still wish this storyline would have been done with them sticking together and trying to work through it. But I can understand his perspective, why he thought this would be better for her. And I can see how that could make them stronger in the end. So, just like with Lucy, I hope Tim's arc will be treated properly and carefully. I need to see the payoff, the progress… I need to see them heal. Separately and then, together. It's always hard to see where a story is going when it is still unfolding… But for now, I choose to remain optimistic and hopeful. Does that help you even a tiny bit?
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cursedvibes · 2 months
I know you like tenken, takaken and sukume but what are some other relationships or dynamics do you like in jjk and why? Could be romantic, platonic, familial, antagonistic or just plain toxic and fucked up, anything.
Thanks for the interesting ask! These are my favourites at the moment.
Mahito & Yuuji
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I think it's the best antagonistic relationship Yuuji has in the entire manga. I like them both as a ship and platonically for what we get in canon. Although considering the scene in the anime where Mahito tries to murder kiss Yuuji, you could say it's one-sidedly canon.
I miss Mahito a lot lately and come to only appreciate him more and more with time. He was very good at building up a sense of dread and he has a viciousness to him that's lacking in the current Shinjuku fight for me.
He mirrors Yuuji without literally being related to him (so far, who knows what else Gege will reveal to be in Yuuji's gene cocktail). Yuuji learns something from him, reflects upon himself, his actions, who he wants to be and why he fights. They are both still figuring each other and themselves out. Both of them grow during their fights and become more dangerous, desperate and feral any time they meet. I love how Mahito is not only able to break Yuuji, but also to break him. Yuuji's hatred for Sukuna is smouldering, while for Mahito it is a raging fire. Yuuji has nothing to learn from Sukuna and no interest to engage with him anymore, while for Mahito it was raw and personal and resulted in Yuuji embracing the disgusting and ruthless side of himself that makes him so cold against Sukuna.
It's been great to see how even now Mahito still influences Yuuji. He was the first one who really taught him about the soul and what it can be capable of. Any time the soul is brought up, Yuuji's first thought is how Mahito was able to manipulate and contort it. He is able to hurt Sukuna so much because of what he learned from Mahito. As much as I miss Mahito and his personality, it wouldn't make sense to bring him back now, so I'm glad to see his continued impact on Yuuji this way. Overall, what I like about the two is how "juvenile" their conflict is. Cruelty of a child and innocence of a child clashing and both of them improving, growing and maturing through it. I also think it's very fitting that Yuuji never got to exorcise Mahito because the message is that Mahito represents a different side of him and he shouldn't ignore or destroy that side, he has to embrace it to be able to stomach what lies ahead.
Maki & Mai
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If done right, I'm always a sucker for twin relationships, especially the codependency in it. I wouldn't say Maki & Mai are my favourite example of them or the best written one, but I still like them for what they are, particularly everything in Perfect Preparation and the Sakurajima colony. It could've been better and more consistently set up, but the payoff is still emotional and impactful and that's what I like them for.
Both of them need each other, wanted to help each other in their own way, but they never saw eye-to-eye or managed to communicate properly until after Mai's death. They were holding each other back through more than just the jujutsu consequences of being born a twin. Mai wanted Maki to give up and live with her at the bottom and Maki thought she had to shoulder all responsibility and could only go on and pave a way for them alone. Even after the have "become one" in a jujutsu sense and Maki unlocked her Heavenly Restriction, they don't immediately work together and have to learn how to communicate with each other and lift each other up, make up for what the other can't do. And through understanding Mai better and learning to hold her and fight together with her, she also begins to understand herself better.
I wish we got a more in-depth look at them, their past and relationship while both were alive before the Perfect Preparation arc. I hope Maki's arc will have a satisfying end and she will find something meaningful to do with her life.
Hakari & Uraume
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Every time the leaks come out, I'm hoping for at least a glimpse at these two. There's been setup for some really interesting exploration of the themes of humanity and strength here. They are also just such a funny duo and it gets more and more hilarious the more chapters pass by and we don't see them. While Sukuna plays whac-a-mole with the main group, Hakari and Uraume have been "fighting" for 20 chapters now without seemingly getting anywhere except gossiping about what happens over at the main source of action. Wouldn't be surprised if we skip back to them to see them eating ice cream while watching the others get beaten up.
On a more serious note, I really hope the little speech Uraume gave in ch 245 gets picked up again and explored upon because it was the most interesting commentary we got so far on the source of sorcerers power, what it means to be human when you are so strong and also Uraume's background. Uraume's view of humanity and strength seems to slightly differ from Sukuna's and they also seem to reflect upon it more. They say forming relationships and fear of losing said relationships is what makes you weak and yet they have no problem following Sukuna and worrying about him. They are even open to forming bonds with others like Kenjaku or even Hakari. Hakari is actually the person we have seen them be most relaxed and friendly with so far. With Sukuna there is always a remaining formality and Kenjaku annoys them, but with Hakari they chat like a normal person. They make fun of him, but it's very colloquial. It seems like they actually came to see him as a true equal. There is no binding vow or old history binding them together, they simply want to keep Hakari from interfering with the fight and through that they got to engage with him without any pretence.
I just wish we actually got to see how their relationship developed over that now pretty significant amount of time and to see more of Uraume's worldview and maybe Hakari's too. He broke away from Jujutsu Tech and was left to build up his own independent existence together with Kirara. Very similar to Uraume and Sukuna. Now if we could only explore that connection between them more. On page. Not off-screen. I would've taken that any time over the pointless intervention from Geto's cult members or Kusakabe sacrificing himself.
Kusakabe & Yaga
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I think this is Kusakabe's most interesting relationship and what actually gives him some depth beyond Exposition Guy. It's also where we see Yaga's more overtly caring side beyond his interactions with Panda. Unfortunately, it gets overlooked a lot, in part because Gege doesn't linger much on it beyond one or two chapters and Kusakabe's last words before getting cut down. There is literally nothing about this ship in fandom spaces. Probably because for some reason people think Yaga isn't hot enough (he's the literal definition of a dilf what more do you want?)...
Chapter 147 is interesting because it shows us the closest relationships and most hidden secrets both Kusakabe and Yaga have. We learn that Yaga not only makes autonomous puppets, but he actually has a whole Hundred Acre Wood-type of retreat full of the souls of dead people, children in particular. They aren't weapons like Panda, they don't fight, they are just allowed to live there. Protected by Tengen interestingly enough. She probably just doesn't care what he does or thinks it mildly interesting/quirky. This is also where we find out that Kusakabe has a sister (Usami?), who has been severely traumatized to the point of being catatonic and lost her son, Kusakabe's nephew. Despite the taboo, both Kusakabe and Yaga are willing to raise the dead not only to help her, but also to give Kusakabe something of his family back. It's the most vulnerable moment we've gotten of him and it speaks of their deep bond that Yaga was willing to do this. Doubt he would do this for just any jujutsu teacher (who doesn't even work for him). Creating that kind of cursed corpse isn't easy after all. But nothing strengthens a bond like necromancy. Kusakabe's last words about Yaga in ch 254 are also interesting. He fights for Yaga, knowing he wouldn't force him to do this, but reflecting on how they used to be able to fight together. They must have known each other for a long time. Kusakabe tells himself multiple times to not linger on the dead, but any time he does, it's because of Yaga.
A very interesting relationship with much potential that goes underexplored. I would've much preferred for his relationship with Yaga to be highlighted more in his fight against Sukuna than that out of place "interview" where people who barely know Kusakabe explain his character to us. If they could bring Gojo and Nanami back from the dead, they could've shown Yaga too. If you really want me to believe that Kusakabe is a kind person, show me more of how he acts around the people he actually cares about, i.e. Yaga and Miwa. He's a very different person around them, particularly Yaga and that's when he allows himself to be vulnerable.
So yeah, I think they explored each other's bodies to help each other through their grief.
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meenawrites · 8 months
So.. I finished Alchemy of Souls
Guys, the amount of tears I just shed in front of my entire family in the last episode of part 2 is crazy.
They were just sitting there like, you good? It's fiction as I'm sobbing my eyes out.
I have many thoughts. So many. And I lowkey want to make a separate post for each of them.
But for now I do want to leave some of my impressions about the finale: (spoilers ahead obviously)
I thought it was pretty well done. I expected to be a bit more shocked about the whole Jin Buyeon is Jin Seol-ran plotline but it honestly made sense to me and I feel like it was actually foreshadowed pretty well for the most part, even in season 1.
Also they definitely got me good with the deaths of Park Jin, Maidservant Kim, and Jin Hogyeong (if that's how you spell her name). Like that's when I started crying tbh. (I could care less about Mama Jin tbh, she sucks, but that deserves its own post). And I'm glad that them actually being alive didn't feel like a cop out to me. They established early on that Jin Seol-ran knew what would happen and used that to their advantage so it was believable and didn't feel like a Deus Ex Machina move for them to be saved. Well, maybe one of them should have died (cough–Mama Jin–cough). But it's fine.
I do feel like the last two episodes were kind of rushed though. I don't know if they had budgeting constraints or if Netflix didn't give them more than ten episodes, but I think that they should have had at least 12. Two more episodes would have allowed for more expansion on the climax and allowed them to up the drama more, which I think would have done well for the series over all, and would have been a better payoff.
I think the time could have been used well to flesh out some of the side characters arcs more. I feel like Danggu and Jin Choyeon were kind of pushed off to the side this season, and especially in the latter half, but I would have liked to see more of them and their relationships not only with each other but with Jang Uk and Naksu/Jin Buyeon.
For all intents and purposes, Naksu/Jin Buyeon lived as Jin Choyeon's sister for three years, and we can see that despite everything that happened three years prior, Choyeon did treat her as her sister even knowing the soul was Naksu's and cared about her. I think that could've and should've been expanded upon, her choosing to care about Naksu/Jin Buyeon or how that came to be. Also, after Naksu regained her memory AND found out Jin Mu had been for sure controlling her at the end of Part 1, I would have loved to see the conversation between her and Choyeon about what she did, an apology and an explanation that she would never have done that if she were sane of mind. What I said about Choyeon applies to Naksu as well because she lived three years as Choyeon's sister, and we can tell she cares about her, so I would have loved to see more of her feelings towards her, especially upon remembering all that had transpired in part 1.
When it comes to Danggu, I mean, he's one of Uk's best friends, and he was left out of the loop a lot when it came to anything Naksu-related. I would have liked him to find out or for Uk to tell him at some point and see how he makes peace with that. Because Danggu and Mudeok were friends in part 1 and he supported her (erroneously) in her supposed romance with Seo Yul. But then she killed his fiance's father and tried to attack him. I can't imagine the sense of betrayal he felt, but also finding out that it wasn't her fault and how he could come to terms with that would have been great to see. I also think his whole experience/trauma from part 1 was kind of glossed over. Like his main thing this season was his broken heart after Choyeon didn't end up marrying him, and I think that was making his feelings a bit too one-dimensional there. They do talk about how he feels slightly uncomfortable/doesn't know what to do with Jang Uk at the beginning of the show, but once Seo Yul comes back, that's kind of forgotten about and the three of them just start hanging out again no problem. I would've like to see a bit more about him struggling with becoming Leader of Songrim as well and how he adapted to that amidst his heartbreak for both his love and his friend who he doesn't even know how to act around anymore, and even towards Naksu/Mudeok who kind of ruined his future and that of his best friend but also being intuitive enough (because he is and he has one of the best hearts we've seen in the show) to realize that there's more to the story than her just going on a murder spree.
I've seen some talk about people saying they didn't like the actress for season 2 as much as season 1 (forgive me, I forgot their names), but I think both brought something good to the table.
Season 1 actress for Mudeok was really good. Her facial expressions were spot on and her chemistry with Lee Jaewook and the other cast members was really good. I think she definitely had great stage presence and made the show popular in the first place. I just don't agree that season 2 actress was worse.
I think season 2 actress definitely put in the work and embodied who Naksu/Jin Buyeon was for the majority of the series. There were times where she made expressions that perfectly resembled/echoed Naksu/Mudeok's that really got me like yes they are the same person even if she doesn't remember. She may have been cuter than we were used to with out sharp-tongued and emotion-resistant Mudeok, but I think Naksu needed that. As Mudeok and before then she didn't have the luxury to be more emotional and girly, it's only now in this body that she does, and I'm glad she had the opportunity to express that side of herself that had never seen the light of day.
We did get a glimpse of that side of her at the end of part 1 where she's playing around with makeup and what might make her look pretty, and it really spoke to all that she had missed out on and had to give up in order to survive. So yeah despite all the angst, I'm glad Naksu/Jin Buyeon had that opportunity through season 2 actress who played it really well while keeping in line with the essence of Naksu/Mudeok.
This whole thing about Naksu being the shadow to Jang Uk's light and if light exists then it needs a shadow broke my heart you guys, it was so perfect. And the fact that they were each other's light and shadow at different points but were also wholly necessary to each other in that was beautiful. I want to talk more about this in a separate post, so I'll table this metaphor for now.
Shout out to Crown Prince Go Won, a great character this whole season in terms of both comedic relief and massive character growth. So good.
Uk's arc was fantastic too but again want to save that for a full post.
Those are my out of order first thoughts about part 2, but I have SO MUCH MORE to discuss, so I will come back for sure. I just needed to scream to the world for a bit (virtually of course).
Question though for all of you more knowledgeable in the k-drama world: is there going to be a season 3?
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freddycarterus · 7 months
Help us save Six of Crows!
On November 15th, Netflix announced its cancellation of the Six of Crows project, an adaptation of Leigh Bardugo’s beloved Grishaverse duology. Since then, there has been an outpour of grief and heartbreak online from thousands of fans, begging for a reversal.
The novel Six of Crows was first published 8 years ago, gaining critical acclaim and a massive fanbase. Over the years, its numbers have only grown. First appearing on screen in Shadow and Bone, the Crows rapidly became favorites among critics and fans alike. The fandom’s love for the ragtag crew from Ketterdam was so significant and well-known that the show diverges from the book’s canon to include them. When showrunner Eric Heisserer announced in March that a Six of Crows spinoff was in the works the fandom rejoiced, but since being canceled, the fandom's joy quickly turned into dismay and uproar.
With scripts already written, an immensely talented group of people both in front of and behind the camera more than ready to work, and a massive fanbase, it’s baffling that Netflix would choose not to go forward with the project. However, the Grishaverse fandom refuses to accept this fate. 
We refuse to accept that we will never see Inej Ghafa’s empowering backstory, the beautiful love story of Matthias and Nina, the dozens of famous lines that make us weep, or a single scene with all of our beloved Crows together.
We have organized this Kickstarter campaign to show Netflix that we reject this abrupt and heartbreaking end. For the cast, for the crew, for all of us that love this world and these characters, we will fight to see this story on screen.
Donations to this Kickstarter will be put towards the renting of a large billboard in Los Angeles demanding Netflix’s action in saving the Six of Crows series. If sufficiently funded, we plan to expand the campaign to other locations to further demonstrate our commitment. 
As exact details will partially depend on the success of this fundraiser, more information about the specific address and duration of the billboard(s) rental will come soon. For questions, keep an eye on this webpage or follow @freddybrekker on X for updates.
It is our hope that Netflix will be forced to listen to the fandom’s dedication to this series as well as our outrage at its cancellation. For our cause to be successful, we must be impossible to ignore.
Finally, we will leave you with words from our brilliant, dedicated and beloved cast of Crows.
“I feel like the fans, myself included, have been really looking forward to seeing the Six of Crows storyline come to life. It's just so, so cinematic, that storyline…It would be heartbreaking to get this close and then not get to see all six of them together." Freddy Carter
“I haven't had the same luxury of Inej's backstory yet, and I think they're saving that. I'm really, really glad that they are. I know the payoff for this, if it does happen, is gonna be absolutely an emotional wreck but in the most beautiful, exciting and exhilarating way.” Amita Suman
“I’m heartbroken by the idea that we won’t be able to finish what we started… I desperately wished to go further, and believe me those plans are special…The patience I’ve carried for that dream these past years has been beating in me like a slow steady drum, and yesterday it paused for the first time.” Calahan Skogman
"[Nina has] helped many people like me to love, like, and accept myself. I tried to stay true to her character.” Danielle Galligan 
“Growing up, I didn’t see that many characters like myself who were in big fantasy series, with violence or [who] even had access to fantasy weapons or got involved in big fights and battles…I think to see a character like myself in those situations is a really cool thing, it’s something that I actually don’t see often.” Jack Wolfe
"I think that I can speak for everyone here when we all really care about doing it well, and we are invested in its success… I think hopefully what you see is something that we are already proud of because we’ve put our blood, sweat, and tears into it. And it’s just a joy to do. So wherever it can go next, if we get the chance to keep going, then you know, we’re all game, we’re all excited to do it." Kit Young
#SaveTheCrows #SaveShadowandBone
“Because that’s what we do. We never stop fighting.” 
“Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting.” -  Kaz Brekker, Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
No mourners. No funerals. 🖤
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kuno-chan · 2 years
The Satisfaction of The Dragon Prince, Season 4
I don't want to go too deep since I'll likely talk about s4 in the podcast, but my general thoughts:
I really liked this season. It didn't make me scream and lose my mind the way season 3 made me scream (and I'm also just emotionally a different person than I was 3 years ago), but I was rather satisfied with this season. It feels like season 1 in its own right where it's good, the writing is great, but it doesn't feel like enough. In a good, gripping way. I want more. Because it's a new beginning. Season 1 was like that because it was the beginning, albeit I was more feverish with season 1 and Sides of the Moon was born in the time before season 2 came out to fill that craving for me.
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I almost thought I was going to be disappointed by the ending despite how much I had enjoyed myself because it felt like a lot had happened but not a lot happened and I was so used to the pacing of Seasons 1-3, but those seasons were written under the pretense that there might not be 7 seasons. Stuff had to be paced quickly while also making all the developments (plot, character, relationships and otherwise) believable in 9 episodes.
But what ultimately made me feel really rather satisfied with what we got and excited for season 5 was Callum hugging Rayla, in the end, and telling her "I'm glad you came back" because that's what it was leading up to. That's the kind of slowburn grow-back-together dynamic I'd write. I even have been doing it in Sides of the Moon.
That's what Callum's development and their relationship development this season was really leading up to: him just being able to be comfortable around her again, friends with her, being able to openly say that he's happy she's back.
He couldn't do that in their reunion. He's not dealing well. Still not, but that milestone of being able to say: I am happy that you are with me again.
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It's not a "I forgive you" or a "We're totally cool and are past everything, including my hurt feelings." It's just him being able to acknowledge her in his life again, that he wants her there, he missed her and he chooses to have her in his life again. That's big for someone who was, frankly, abandoned.
He still loves her. We know that. He knows that, but there's a lot of pain there to heal through first while also trying to save the world and not fall to darkness.
That made this season, among other things, really satisfying. Rayla and Callum's hug, then followed by the group hug. The gang's back together.
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This season was a buildup season. It's laying the groundwork for some satisfying payoff later in the series.
Remember: we don't have to wait to see if we're getting more seasons. We know that season 5 has been in development.
Seasons 1-3 were building up to what could have been a series finale. Seasons 4-7 can take a more paced approach and let the characters breathe, let the world breathe, let the lore breathe and it can tell us "Hey, don't worry. We got this."
So, this season said "We're back."
We're back at the start again.
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jq37 · 3 months
I've been following your D20 recaps for a while (they are so much fun!), but Junior Year episode 9 compelled me to create an account for this ask.
Are Jace and Porter both baddies?
Spot got eaten by an owl right before finding Yolanda's body. Yolanda was presumably killed after reporting Kristen's concerns to Jace, and it was established in freshman year that he summons owls. And now the intrepid heroes are digging through the possible path of succession. Maybe he's just bored of doing nothing as the sorcery teacher?
Porter might be a normal shitty teacher, but I'm getting all kinds of bad vibes from his "rage as devotion to doubt" lesson. Maybe doubly so since Brennan brought up the divine taboo of siphoning off worship from one god to empower another? And of course, no word on who his paladin deity is! There may be another connection with Porter being an earth genasi, since Lucy was also a genasi but with giant ancestry.
Plus these were the two teachers talking to Arianwen post-prom, and Porter (knowingly?) infected Ragh with the Kalina plague.
This has gotten away from me. I think I need more yarn for my cork board.
Unrelated, but last thought: Since there's been all the questions about Aguefort by-laws and the literal vs. intended interpretation of the rules, I think it would be funny if Kipperlilly "found" the rogue teacher just by requesting a teacher conference.
First of all, making a Tumblr account just to send this ask? I'm flattered! Thanks for following my recaps!
Now, to your actual question let's talk teachers.
I forgot to put this in my recap but despite the fact that I don't actually have any read on what a motive might be, I did wonder if Jace might worth putting on the suspect list. I mean, he is the last person Yolanda said she was going to talk to before they found her body. And Brennan technically didn't say she wasn't killed by magic, he said there was no magical residue. Sorcerers do metamagic which can change spells and I wonder if Brennan would let something like subtle spell be flavored to not leave magical residue. Absolutely circumstantial and speculative, especially since, as I said before, there's no motive. But it's worth noting and he's def worth looking into/talking to as Yolanda's last mission before she ended up a corpse (RIP). And he did presumably become Principal with Grix gone so movement is happening around him.
(I don't remember the owl thing but that would be a deep pull from Brennan, haha. I got the sense that that was more about just Fig's bad luck but who knows?)
Porter I just talked about in another ask but the genasi thing is an interesting connection. Good spot. My read is that Brennan is playing Porter sincerely but, again, I can def see Brennan leaning into Emily/Fig's last two years of suspicion and making him an integral part of the plot just to pay that off--this is a season of payoffs after all. Either way, just like Jace, he likely has at least some useful info.
Re: Kipperlilly, That would be such a weasel-y way for her to have done that…which makes it entire in character. This is def a loose end I'm very interesting in the Intrepid Heroes following up on so I'm glad Murph/Riz is remembering to roll for it.
Anyway, all good notes! All of it is officially on the board! Can't wait to see what new info we get tomorrow and, now that you have a tumblr count, feel free to stop by my inbox any time :)
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bengiyo · 4 months
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat 2 Eps 17-20 (Finale)
Last week gave me everything I wanted and more. The whole squad went over to Yako's place for a curry party and everyone had a great time. Later, Nagumo got a diagnosis for her condition and got to have personal time with Yako. Kasuga and Nomoto continued to work on their communication and making sure they aren't trampling over each other. They're continuing to work on this move. Seriously, we had a curry party and a s'mores party last week. We planted strawberries together. Let's finish this.
Episode 17
Looking for housing is so stressful. I was wondering if we'd get into housing discrimination in this.
Red beans in Japan are different from what we eat here. Theirs carry a naturally sweet profile that doesn't mesh well with creole cooking.
I feel like those beans needed to boil longer, but that's me thinking in my home cooking terms.
Yes, ladies, tell each other how happy you are to see each other.
@furritsubs thank you for the note about Azuki beans.
I'm really enjoying the way they're handling this situation. The realtor wasn't trying to be homophobic, but the systems he was upholding with the landlord references reinforces the status of same sex households. I also like that they acknowledged how circumstances closet people in ways that hurt them. This is good payoff from the news bit we saw earlier in season with Kasuga.
Getting a tasty treat in before going back into the fray is so valid.
Kasuga being even more affectionate about Nomoto's food now that they're dating is exactly what I wanted.
Episode 18
Oh fuck yeah, let's continue to unpack how structural homophobia makes people scared to share something that should be a joyous occasion.
Amused that Yako is the primary person using Nomoto's given name.
Are we going to have a takoyaki party next??
COME THROUGH, YAKO!!! You gotta help your folks get through this bullshit, but never let them forget that it's bullshit!!
I am relieved that we checked in with Ms. Fujita about divorcing her husband at the same time as we're working through LGBT housing issues. Single divorced women likely also face huge challenges in housing when marriage is the goal we're being pushed into.
Wow, Sayama, you are in contention for the Yihwa Best Girl Award this year. You are an ally. Love the way she examined how what she said might have been hurtful.
Feeling like you somehow failed because you didn't get married in your 20s is so real. I sometimes struggle with this in my 30s.
This show uses its characters to illustrate its political points in a way that feels gentle and accessible, but also carries a sense of urgency. Women are facing extreme reproductive pressure right now, and it's clearly not making those who don't already want husbands and children happier. Hell, it's making them resentful to the point of divorce as they get older.
Hold on. Gotta cry a bit about Nomoto telling Kasuga that being told outright that hiding who they are upset her made her feel better got me.
Episode 19
Takoyaki Party let's goooooo!!!
A party where you cook together like this is always so much fun. We had fun with some friends' kids a few weeks ago teaching them how to make pancakes and letting them add their own toppings before, during, and after cooking.
Nagumo managed to enjoy a bite of food with them. Hold on. Crying again.
We've seen takoyaki a few times lately, and I am very impressed with this cooker.
Yako, tactful as always, is gonna check on Nagumo. I love her.
This is so important. Couple formation does affect the friends around them, and I'm really glad Yako let Nagumo voice that she supports her friends even as she knows she's going to miss the dynamic they've had. Yako is so right to point out that a change doesn't mean it's over, and their friendship will last if we all continue to reach out.
This realtor scene is so good. I like how politely she asked for them to disclose their relationship with the express purpose of securing ideal housing, and we're getting into how the financing of housing can affect people's privacy. She's also owning that landlords can discriminate against couples. I also appreciate that their meeting room was private.
I'm ready for the moving in party!
Episode 20
They got the house!!
A crab cream croquette party!!!
Wait, where's Nagumo? I wanted her to try a croquette too!
We are on the bed together. This is not a drill.
Yes, let's acknowledge that they have liked each other since season 1.
The intimacy question is on the floor!
They are finally hugging!
That was very sweet, and felt right for them. I'm glad they had that moment in the old place before they moved.
Cried because of Ms. Fujita and Nagumo possibly getting hired.
So glad Yako and Nagumo are still hanging out! That's really how some friends groups will be. Two people will just gel at a party and grow close.
Oh hell yeah we're at casual intimacy now.
I'm so excited to see where the TV goes next season!!
Oh my goodness Kasuga is wearing a lighter sweater!!!!!!
Final Verdict: 10, Go Watch This Immediately and Then Show it to a Friend. Seriously, do not make excuses for yourself. You owe it to yourself to watch this show. Between this, Ossan's Love Returns, and What Did You Eat Yesterday? coming back, we cannot stop supporting our shows about older people getting together and forming their own forms of family. This show built on the foundation of its first season and made every little detail feel so potent and impactful. I did not expect the pen pal to grow into a trusted confidant and core member of this friend group, nor was I expecting the women at the supermarket to help Kasuga as much as they did. This season was excellent, and will be joining WDYEY on my comfort watch rotation.
Big thanks to @furritsubs and friends for making this watch possible.
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my-mt-heart · 13 days
Hi - I was at Tribeca and while I tried to post nothing got posted to the tags (damn hellsite). Here are some impressions:
Tribeca Film Festival - DD: TBOC
So I just got home and really enjoyed the first episode of TWD: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol. The show runners asked people not to spoil too much about the episode or the discussion, and since I work in a creative field, I'm going to adhere to their wishes although I realize people are going to people. Super minor spoilers ahead, so ignore if you want to wait until September.
Key takeaways in no particular order:
Episode 1 is heavy on Carol which is SUCH a relief as I find the French cast a bit dull at times
Carol does something so morally...questionable that I get why people don't love her but damn it was great to see Melissa McBride act her ass off
I'm fairly certain (spoiler here) that Cherokee roses don't grow in Maine
The talk afterwards only lasted a half hour and not much was revealed.
Norman spoiled that Caryl meet up in Episode 2, but in such a way who knows if that is true...
Norman and Melissa did a lot of communicating via eyes and mouthed words - it was too cute to watch
There was talk of "thing being resolved" and about how the original series left things unsaid that gave my little shippers heart some hope
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Here are my takeaways from your takeaways haha
I was really hoping the episode would be Carol heavy. We know she/Melissa can easily carry a show and we need some quality time with her, not just because we missed her, but to establish that this is going to be her story too.
Based on another anon's comment, I think I know what you're referring to that's "questionable. I suspect she's being driven by her desperation to find Daryl. She's the character who always makes the hard choices "nobody else will" for the people she loves, but I need to see how it's shaded.
I don't know about the roses specifically as an example (it sounds like it was a sweet scene at least), but Zabel and co. are all about cheap gimmicks. Nostalgia/shock/convenience come first, logic last.
I got the impression he was joking. There's a lot of circumstantial evidence that points to a reunion in the back half, but also, who knows. I don't like Caryl being separated because they have been for so long already, but if it's clear they're both trying to get back to each other, if they stay spiritually connected and we get the payoff we've been waiting for, I'll be okay.
The status of Caryl's relationship was definitely left unsaid in S11, even with their "I love yous" and Melissa even said that Carol was feeling "unsettled" watching Daryl ride away. So, yes, I really want that resolved by 206. Aka, I want canon. I'd actually love to hear how Carylers who saw 201 interpreted that element of the story. Forget about Zabel's saying "friends" a million and one times. Forget about the synopsis. You can be as specific or as vague as you want. Going off of Carol's moments of reflection and Melissa's performance, does it seem like the romantic undertones we've always seen are still there? Like it could lead somewhere? I'm asking because I'm picking up on multiple discrepancies between what the male EPs are preaching and what's actually making it onscreen according to fans.
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xoxoemynn · 4 months
I'm glad you feel at least a teensy bit better after sleeping. I feel pretty out of it. I've had a few weeks of ups and downs that have left me pretty exhausted before this news.
I hope you don't mind me leaving a message here. I've never been part of the fandom community, just outside of it, so I'm not even really feeling the 'at least we still have each other' sentiment. Ofmd helped me revive my creativity after years of not creating anything when I used to do so much. I'm still slower at it than I used to be, but it's a start. It's something.
Ofmd gave me the strength to come out at work, to be myself in most parts of my life rather than just carefully cultivated moments. I've found strength I never knew I had. Ffs I'm doing diversity training information stuff now??
I feels good. Feels great. And I really don't think it was a long shot to think that a successful, critically acclaimed show would get rescued. (I did wonder if making it very clear how valuable it was made HBO have an insane asking price but I hope not)
And I know s2 ended neatly (thank god) but I was so on board with Jenkins' view of "the will-they-won't-they is the least interesting part of a romance". Because you never see the payoff! It's just oh they're together now, the end, and you don't get to experience the characters as a couple. The story was the development of Ed and Stede's relationship, and a 3rd part would have given us the full scope of that.. *sigh
Idk I guess I'm just at a bit of a loss. Feeling empty. I was already struggling posting my work, or thinking how to adjust how I do it, because I don't feel its good enough for this fandom (which in my very limited experience feels very clique-y? If you're not in with the cool kids then no one cares and I'm too old for this!) It's all a bit "what's the point" I guess. I expect it'll pass but aaa, man. Y’know. Rant over, thanks for reading ^^'
The deepest of sighs, the tightest of hugs.
I feel you. Starting work today with swollen eyes and a tired heart. It sucks. This all just really sucks. And yes, I'm so grateful we got the show at all, I'm so grateful for the cast/crew, I'm so grateful for this fandom and the friends I made along the way. But this show, that did EVERYTHING RIGHT, ended before its time. And there's no getting around that just really, really sucks.
You're right, I don't think it was ridiculous to believe our renewal efforts might be successful. Because it SHOULD have been! It was a beautiful show with a passionate fan base that was also viewed very favorably by critics. In any sane world, OFMD's renewal would have been a given. And it's not silly or stupid to hope for good things to happen in a world where so often good things don't. The solution to the world being a shit show isn't to just bow our heads and accept it. It's to keep hope alive because yes, it might turn out different this time! Beautiful things deserve to be cherished, and that's what we did and will continue to do with OFMD. OFMD wasn't canceled due to a lack of love. It was corporate greed, pure and simple, and unfortunately that's a really difficult evil to fight against. But we still gave it our all, and people and the industry took note. That's no small feat.
And the show did so much for all of us! I'm so happy it gave you the strength to come out at work and live more in your authentic self. That's huge! That's the power of good art. And that's something studio heads can never take into account while they plug figures into their calculators and huff and puff about the numbers not being there.
I do hope you'll post your work, and share whatever you feel comfortable sharing. We really are of all skill levels here, and I've found genuine love of the show/its characters > the most technically well-written fic on the planet. I do hear what you say about it feeling cliquey, but for what it's worth, I also think it's very welcoming to newcomers? I realize that sounds like a contradiction. But I do think people have just kind of naturally formed little social circles of their friends and it can feel hard to break into, especially if you're an introvert like me. But I think if you start just getting in people's inboxes or reblogging with tags that show your personality/opinions/whatever, you'll start naturally forming those groups on your own. I'd also really recommend the OFMD Fic Club server if you're trying to get the courage to start posting your own work. It's a really supportive community there of people who've been posting for decades, as well as those who are just beginning to plan their very first fic.
Anyway, this is getting long and rambling so I'll end it here, but please know I'm sending you SO much love. It sucks right now but we'll get through it. And my DMs are open if you ever just want to chat. 💕
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cursedvibes · 6 months
I found this by one of my (ex) moots who have unfollow me, cause now they're anti -JJK :
"JJK really went from a loved manga to a mid-to-bad story with insufferable fans 🙏 may more of us hate it in the future. It snatches the spotlight from genuinely good shows and its another case of "general shonen fan will call any trash 'goat' if the fight is well animated".
I used to be a fan, until the start of the culling game. And after this controversial, inconsistent and inhumane adaptation of shibuya, im glad that I have no interest in both manga and show anymore"
Do you think Culling game is hard to understand, cause several of my (ex) moots also start dislike JJK after that arc?
I can't speak for everyone who dislikes jjk, but I think for most people who dislike the Culling Games, it's a sort of recency bias (except in the opposite way it's usually used). Many criticisms levied against the Culling Game were also said during the Shibuya arc as it was coming out and are showing up again, now that it has been animated. Things like "too many fights", "I don't care about these new characters", "the pacing is shit", "killing too many main characters makes deaths meaningless", "Yuuji isn't even the main character anymore" are often said for the Culling Game arcs, but also something I now see a lot from anime-onlys for the Shibuya arc. It's just how Gege writes and either you like it or you don't. A lot has also to do with binge-reading something and reading it weekly (especially if you don't reread chapters). The flow of action and payoffs are much more apparent when you binge something than when you have to wait for little titbits of the story to come out and stew for weeks over setups for later plot points. Any minor grievances you have are also easier forgotten when you read the full story. Problems like "I don't know what's going on or who these characters are and therefore I don't care" show up a lot when you aren't used to or don't like reading something weekly. There are people who complain that they don't know who Higuruma or Kashimo are, when it is very easy to remember that if you just keep the story in mind, reread past chapters or only read full arcs. They certainly don't lack characterization. Gege's writing definitely has flaws, especially recently, but we got to know plenty about Higuruma, Kashimo, Takaba etc.. Someone might not like them or isn't interested in their stories because of personal taste, but that's not Gege's fault. I for example like the Culling Game much more than Shibuya or Hidden Inventory and I think Shibuya can drag a lot at certain parts, but the highlights still make it a good arc. Perfect Preparation and Culling Game just has more to offer to me because it focuses on different characters and I like the new ones generally much more than say the Kyoto school group. Each of the new characters have tons more depth than any of the curse users that worked for Kenjaku previously and thereby liven things up a lot. Not to mention more lore. Thing is, if your favourite characters appear less and you don't like the new ones much, that will inevitably turn you off the story. That's valid, but personal taste is subjective, it's not what makes the story bad.
There are plenty criticisms to be made and you can clearly tell that Gege is rushing some parts of the story now, so I can understand if people stop reading because of that, but it's a matter of if the highs outweigh the lows. As whole arcs, I definitely don't think Culling Game is any worse than Shibuya. Or that Perfect Preparation is worse than Hidden Inventory (I think those are better to compare, since HI has a very different focus and is much shorter than Shibuya or CG). I'm a bit sceptical about the final fight against Sukuna in Shinjuku (excluding Kenjaku's part and Hakari vs Uraume from this for now, I liked those), but there's enough there to keep me invested and continue reading. I can understand though if that's not the case for others. Similar for the controversial timeskip and don't even get me started on Sukuna vs Gojo. Some criticism I don't agree with (sorry but Takaba vs Kenjaku was actually good), but there are other valid points to be made. For example, I recently saw a discussion on twt about how we are barely shown Gojo interacting with the students he supposedly cares about. I can totally understand that, especially when we are given more flashbacks to what happened during the timeskip and Gojo isn't in any of them and apparently not invested in what his students and friends are gonna do in case he dies. It does give the impression that he just doesn't give a shit about any of them anymore and it doesn't help his lack of characterization and character development post-unsealing.
Generally, I think it's best for these people who are "anti-jjk" to just drop the show if they can't enjoy anything about it at all. There are many more mangas, animes or other stories out there they could read/watch, instead of forcing themselves through something they don't like. I do that with plenty of stories as well. So if your ex moot decides to drop the manga and anime because they don't like it anymore, good. Find something else.
I think their criticism that jjk "snatches the spotlight from genuinely good shows" makes no sense though. That isn't even the case within the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump. If something is good, people will read it. Look at the boom for Kagurabachi, a series that just started and is already loved and continuously in the top 10 of the Jump App. People can read multiple stories at the same time, that's the whole reason these magazines don't just feature one manga. Sure, some really good stories out there are less popular, but that's not because of jjk. JJK being popular doesn't stop me from reading Houseki no Kuni or Monster, mangas that aren't as well known. One Piece or Pokemon aren't stealing anything from jjk, so why would that be the case for jjk and some lesser known manga. There are more complicated reasons for why something is getting less traction than just "series x has gained popularity". And I don't like powerscalers or your average blue checkmark anime fan on twt either, but then just ignore them. They are in every shonen fandom (and seinen and shoujo, although in case of shoujo it's a little different but not less obnoxious). Other fans having shit tastes isn't new or unique to jjk. That's just fandom.
Either way, glad this person moved on to another series, may they be happier there.
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dontcallpanic · 2 days
Hi my wonderful buddy, I got a little ask for you too along with the one you asked me ( I'm curious about your answer 🫂💗)
What kind of story is your favourite love story?
+ why is it your favorite? what does it tell to you personally?
Hey – I’m so, so sorry this has taken forever. Life, the universe, everything etc.
Thank you so, so much - I really appreciate the ask – and your reply to this question was SO beautiful and just properly perfect in every single way I wanted to actually spend a bit of time thinking about my interpretation. So, sorry, sorry and here we go!
What kind of story is your favourite love story?
This IS a hard one – and it’s kinda nice to have it served back to me actually!
Firstly, I am a terrible person. I am the kind of terrible person who will say ‘I don’t like love stories’ and then about 15 pages into a fic or story or whatever (could be while reading or when I’m actually writing something myself) I will suddenly sit back and go ‘oh shit, it’s a love story.’
So basically I’m a massive liar!
I blame this on growing up in the 90’s when every other romance story was one where a woman has to make a complete fool of herself to get some random guy. (This is NOT a dig at romcoms at all – this is more baby me looking at these examples and going ahhhh I’m not sure about all this love stuff. It seems confusing and I’m not sure I really want to go through that).
So… What convinced my subconscious to fall in love with love stories? Essentially I really liked what you said about the things that at first glance appear not to be about love but then you scratch the surface and it’s there.
I love the kind of stories where the love isn’t the be all and end all – it’s not obviously explicit but it’s there, woven into every glance, gesture, touch, choice of phrase, decision made. I love it when the love story moves from subtext, very slowly into text. I love it when it’s two characters start to grow together and because of that they become more than the sum of their individual parts. I love it when the simple love and presence of the other, enhances their world beyond what they imagined. I love equal dynamics, one way or another. I love to see people fall in love with someone for who they truly are. That total, complete, non-judgemental acceptance is so beautiful and I very much believe that can be true of platonic love as well. I love the kind of story where you can see the evolution and growth of this relationship, where people fall in love almost accidentally.
There’s a few books I’ve read like this, where the love story is there but subtle but honestly, the best examples of this, for me, I’ve found in fanfiction where the time and space can be given over to developing these kinds of relationships without other stuff (real world stuff like strict editing) getting in the way.
If you write fanfiction – doesn’t even have to be this kind of fic – I love you and I am extremely appreciative of all that you do and incredibly thankful that you exist!
All of this, to me, is why I’m glad shipping is a thing! And shout out to the big steamy passionate romance stuff which is always a lot of fun!
Why is it my favourite?
I really like people! I think people are pretty amazing (on the whole). So getting to see two people figuring out how amazing the other one is… seriously it’s like catnip! I love watching the growth, change and evolution of their characters and love feels like the biggest payoff sometimes. The more I think about it, the more I realise how complex and how beautiful love is. I like seeing all the different incarnations and when people write about love, I’m always learning and always seeing something different - someone is always sharing just a bit of themselves, especially when they write about love. That’s pretty stunning and amazing to me.
Personally, in my family history, love has not been modelled as well as it could have, which is just how it goes sometimes, so I was quite sceptical of love growing up. I have my own experiences of how love can be a twisted and bitter thing but I’ve also been fortunate enough to  learn how incredible, warm and beautiful it can be. I love seeing all these themes mirrored in writing and stories so much, especially as each one is so different from the next. I love to see how love can heal (as you put so beautifully) and I suppose, it gives me hope! Hope that there are always lovely people in the world.
Ooft! I am VERY not used to being this romantic in real life, let alone on Tumblr of all things! But thank you for letting me pour my heart out a bit!
@gege-wondering-around You are a TRULY wonderful person, thank you, as ever, for being so damn kind and lovely. You are absolutely one of the nicest people around and you deserve only good things! I will mirror your gorgeous words right back to you: May you always find a place where you feel loved and may you always be surrounded by people who love you. You deserve it. Be kind to yourself, nos da a cariad mawr!
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iblameowls · 8 months
Ofmd 2 finale reactions need more positivity and less poison, so here's my "why I loved it" post.
I agree the pacing was off, but we know HBO cut the episodes, so there's no point in dwelling on that. Otherwise, I loved how they wrapped every storyline.
"I know that"
The reunion was so much more than a Han/Leia cliche. Ed's "I love you" was not a confession but an apology and a promise. Stede's "I know" wasn't a cocky retort or the inability to say it back. He reassured Ed that he trusts their relationship and that he knows Ed's panic was his self-doubt and not about their love. Stede lived that; he gets it. I would have taken an " I love you too," but Ed needed to know he was safe and understood, and Rhys's heartfelt delivery of "I know that" was spot on.
Izzy was ready to die
I admittedly didn't cry and was expecting his death. I'm ambivalent to whether his death was needed narratively, but I appreciate the fact that they didn't use his death as a catalyst to push another character forward. Izzy was already accepting of Stede and Ed's relationship and that Blackbeard was over. Ed and Stede would have stayed behind had he lived. Izzy's death was about him in the end and his growth. He got to redeem himself, experience happiness, and stood up for his family. That's more than most get in his life and line of work. They didn't pair him off or make him fight with someone to make a melodramtic end for one of the characters. He got to tell Ed to follow his heart and gave Stede his blessing. He got to give the "fuck off bad guy" speech. His death doesn't diminish the message that's it's never too late to change or to better yourself. He won in the end and was content with his fate.
I would have liked it better if he stepped in front of a bullet for Stede or one of the crew. It would have been more of an emotional payoff for me. However, I appreciate that his death was reality seeping into what is otherwise a romantic fantasy show. He died because of the cruel reality of being pirate in a fight with the British navy. I'm glad they've taken liberties with history and realism (if they didn't, half the crew would have been killed), but I like that we felt the true threat of the villain. The odds of everyone escaping alive was small, and we needed a death. Out of all the characters, Izzy made the most sense to die.
So many others lived.
To paraphrase Pete, people keep talking about how Izzy died, but I never hear about how everyone else lived. The queer women lived. The two gays set to get married lived. Our main couple was happy, alive, and together at the end. Maybe I'm jaded by white, het male showrunners, but so many other shows would have queerbaited, buried the gays or gone overboard with star-crossed queer couples, especially the queer women. I get being unhappy about Izzy dying because you loved the character, but it didn't do a disservice to the queer story they were telling.
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sun-undone · 1 year
i'm finishing up yet another rewatch because when am i not rewatching this godforsaken show and all throughout season 2, i kept honing in on all the times we see JJ with that fucking flask and how it is NEVER ADDRESSED. the most we get are the two moments in 2x01 and 2x03 when Kie's telling him to chill out before school and then when she takes the flask from his hand when she thinks he's asleep.
the fact that the closest we got to any acknowledgement of that being a deeper problem was always framed around jiara???? and now we know from the EW articles that JJ's mental health is gonna be a bigger deal (thank fucking god pates i love you and i never said anything bad about y'all) in season 3, which is the jiara season??????? it's all connected and i truly cannot believe i am praising writers for basic set up and payoff but !!!!!! i really thought the flask was their half-assed way of giving JJ some kind of individual arc when they totally dropped all his other plot lines (restitution and Luke/abuse trauma) but i could not be more happy to be proven wrong.
(i mean, they might be talking a big game now, it all comes down to the actual execution but i'm still so fucking excited that they've specifically mentioned taking a look at the pogues' mental states and it gives me a lot of hope okay)
everyone's already said this but i really think we're gonna see JJ struggling hardcore with being back home and not knowing what his place is as the dynamic of the pogues has changed so much. Cleo and Pope are paired off, since we now have confirmation that she'll be staying with him and his family. John B is gonna be reunited with his father, and he and Sarah have got each other as well. Kie has her parents to go back to, as strained as that relationship is. JJ is very clearly the odd one out.
poguelandia is the first time that JJ has ever been away from the obx. he has never existed outside the bubble of what it means to be a Maybank in the obx. so he's gotta feel so free, right?? he can provide for his family by fishing and they can get by just well enough to survive and live off the land and they have each other, and that's always been enough for JJ.
and if he and Kie gravitate closer on poguelandia like we all think they will, then all of that happiness and a taste of his surf trip dream will suddenly get ripped away from him when they have to go back home, and he's absolutely gonna spiral. he's gonna pull away and deflect and overcompensate with alcohol and use all the other immature coping mechanisms we've seen him use before, and i am so fucking ready for this angst holy shit cause there's just been so much set up for it. the pates love a fast burn so i think we were all kinda worried about the slow burn with jiara, but my expectations are officially sky high. i'm so glad that they're using the established character flaws and insecurities for JJ as part of the angst, and i'm assuming Kie's issues with her parents will be the external force adding onto that and making it even angstier.
it's not mind-blowing writing whatsoever, but after season 2 kinda let us down in terms of giving us insight into JJ's headspace, i'm just over the moon to see that it might've all been a set up for something bigger. they knew they wanted to save the deep dive into JJ's trauma for the jiara season because it's so integral to understanding how JJ receives and doesn't receive love. you can't put JJ in a romantic plot line without addressing all that trauma and self-hatred, and it's something fic writers have created masterpieces about and i can't stop saying it but i am just so fucking happy that the pates are putting it in canon. they really do care about these characters huh
if season 3 ends up being a disaster and the trauma plot line is disappointing as hell then no one saw this i didn't write it you didn't read it
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