#i'm so happy i'm so proud of them. 😭 despite the pain of the past they're.. moving onwards to just do better in the future
kookiecrush · 1 year
Taehyung talking about his past struggles on suchwita made me so emotional. He's so strong and such an amazing person, I love him so much 😭
Yeah, I wasn't expecting to get emotional watching it, but hearing him talk about his past struggles really broke my heart. He had so much self-doubt and insecurity inside of him, even comparing himself to the other members, I'm just so glad he has the confidence and self-belief in himself now. He definitely seems comfortable and content with the person he is today, and that makes me so happy. And there's nothing wrong with being a little different. In fact, I would say it's his strength.
And I can't even imagine how tired they all must have been. Constantly being overworked with zero downtime is not sustainable, no wonder they were all exhausted and burnt out. The fact that it was so bad to the point that he even considered hurting himself is horrible. He must have been suffering so much but still had to put on a smile and perform every day. For him to still show up despite what he was going through is incredible to me, I'm blown away by Taehyung's resilience and fortitude. He really is strong, and I'm so proud of him for not giving up. He kept persevering despite how hard it was.
Actually, I'm proud of all of them. I don't think we'll ever fully realise the enormous amount of effort, pain, sacrifice, blood, sweat, and tears it took for bts to be where they are today, to become who they are today. They worked their fingers to the bone for years and years, every achievement, every win, every drop of success they've had was hard earned. I'm so proud of them.
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dotster001 · 2 years
"You carry me on." ❤️😭 with Deuce
(so...uh....it struck me that I don't write a lot of angst so I hope I did this right also, we reached 600. Geeze you guys, gonna make me cry 😭)
CW:Injury, angst (at least for me I don't want to hurt my baby)
12. You carry me on.
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You'd told Deuce once before that you thought he was too sweet to have ever been a delinquent, and even though you totally believed him, you had a hard time picturing his delinquent days being anything other than he might have stolen a cigarette one time, and still felt guilty about it. He didn't feel the need to correct you. If that's how you saw him, it meant he had truly grown.
Now he wished he had told you the truth. That he had been in with some very dangerous people. That him leaving the group had made enemies. That  he always had to be worried that his past would catch up to him. 
But he'd grown complacent. He'd worked hard to become an honors student and a powerful mage. He'd made friends and started dating the love of his life. He'd gotten his life together and made his mom proud. He was happy.
Then he got the call from a very frantic Ace. And now he was sitting in the hospital wing, waiting for the nurse to let him see you. He was furious, he'd punched a hole in his wall already. But now he had to comfort Ace, Grim, and Epel, who were all panicking, despite Jack and Sebek assuring them things would be okay.
The nurse eventually came out and said you were alright, you just had a concussion and some scratches. He'd never been more grateful to how territorial NRC students are, or who knows how long it would've taken for someone to save you.
When the nurse gave him the go ahead, he pushed past everyone to be by your side, grabbing your hand and squeezing it tightly.
"I'm not dead Deucey," you laughed tiredly.
"No, but you could have been," he was crying now, but he couldn't bring himself to care. "I don't want to know what the world is like without you, Y/N. You carry me on."
You shouldn't have had to have been the one comforting him, but you were hushing him calmly, eventually just grabbing his head and pressing it to your chest, allowing him to bury himself  against you, and just cry.
You ran your nails through his hair and hushed him until he had calmed down. Once he was aware again, he realized none of the people he had waited with were in the hospital wing, and they must have left so that you could both have some privacy. He would have to thank them later.
He turned his head so he could face you, your radiant smile gracing his undeserving visage. 
"I'm sorry this happened. And I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," he whispered. "I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore."
For the first time, you looked distressed. You pulled his arm so that he was closer to your face.
"Don't say that. You're the man I love, and there's no one else I could want."
He was unconvinced. "But they hurt you to get to me. If you still want me, how can I possibly make it up to you?" 
"Kiss me, that's how," you looked at him with sad eyes. 
He'd comply. He'd kiss you until you forgot why you were here. He'd hold you until the pain was gone, and sing you songs until you were lulled to a peaceful sleep. 
But he would take precautions. This was never going to happen again. He made a silent vow that he would never let his past hurt you ever again.
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sound-of-god · 8 months
"Elegy of Resilience: König's Journey Through Love, Loss, and Parenthood"
Part 3 of "Shattered Guardianship: A Soldier's Heartache Amidst War's Echoes"
(Disclaimer:English is not my first language/This is purely platonic!!)
In the embrace of newfound parenthood, König found solace and purpose. The orphanage, once a symbol of sorrow, had transformed into a haven where he and the child created a semblance of normalcy amid the remnants of war. The laughter that once seemed like a distant memory echoed through the walls, replacing the silence with warmth.
The days unfolded in a tender dance of shared moments. König, now a father, reveled in the simple joys of parenthood – bedtime stories, playful banter, and the warmth of a small hand nestled in his own. The child, a beacon of resilience, responded to König's care with an openness that spoke of healing and trust.
Yet, as the shadows of the past gave way to the present, König couldn't shake the specter of your memory. The echoes of grief, momentarily muted by the routine of fatherhood, resurfaced in quiet moments when the war-torn landscapes of his heart became too overwhelming.
One evening, as the warmth of the setting sun bathed their makeshift home, König found himself lost in the labyrinth of memories. The child, sensing the shift in his demeanor, looked up with innocent eyes, curious yet wary. König, in a moment of vulnerability, allowed the floodgates of his grief to open.
"I miss someone, little one," he began, his voice laced with melancholy. "Someone I failed to protect."
The child, sensing the gravity of König's words, looked at him with wide eyes, silently urging him to continue. König spoke of you – the fleeting companion who had left an indelible mark on his soul. The child listened with an empathy that belied their years, and in that shared moment of vulnerability, a bond deepened between them.
Days turned into nights, and the routine of parenthood unfolded in a delicate dance of love and longing. König, despite his best efforts, couldn't escape the gnawing guilt that he had found happiness while you had been denied the chance. The war had claimed your innocence, and König grappled with the reality that he couldn't change the past.
Two years into this new chapter of his life, as the child blossomed under König's care, a wave of despair gripped him. The weight of your absence, coupled with the stark realization of his inability to protect you, triggered a depressive episode that cast a shadow over their sanctuary.
In a moment of vulnerability, König found himself engulfed by the ghostly echoes of your memory. The child, sensing the turmoil within him, approached with a small hand on his shoulder, eyes filled with concern. The fear of losing the newfound haven etched in their eyes mirrored the pain König felt.
"I'm sorry," König whispered, the weight of guilt heavy on his chest. "I couldn't save them, and I couldn't save you."
The child, wise beyond their years, embraced König in a gesture of comfort. "It's okay, Papa. You saved me."
In that poignant moment, König glimpsed a resilience in the child that mirrored your own. The pain persisted, but the child's presence became a source of solace, a testament to the possibility of healing even in the aftermath of profound loss.
As the days unfolded, König navigated the delicate balance between grief and gratitude. The echoes of your memory lingered, a poignant reminder that love and loss coexisted in the fragile tapestry of his heart. The child, now a pillar of support, brought light to the darkness, a beacon of hope that allowed König to reconcile with the past while nurturing the fragile flame of the present.
[I'm so proud of this 😭 it's so fluffy!! I love it !! I hope u guys like it as much as I do]
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From one anxiety haver to another; do you have tips on how to interact with people without wanting to cry?
Im so impressed by your ability to just get into peoples dms so quickly and share discords. Even thinking about it makes me want to run away 😭😭😭
Mmmm...I really had to sit down and think about this one, if I'm being honest, because I really understand that feeling of your chest clenching up and the thoughts of "Oh, am I bothering them?" And I want to start by saying that I'm already really proud of how brave you are by sending in this ask, even if it is on anon! Opening up like this is really difficult and wanting to take that first step and ask for advice is a big accomplishment!
To be honest, it will forever be a work in progress for those of us who suffer with anxiety constantly gnawing on all of our thoughts, and that progress will never be linear. I've found myself thrown around quite a bit emotionally and mentally by people I thought I could trust, and completely accepted by people I've only just met--and it's a lot to swallow. I don't think I'll ever get past it, but I think a big help in my own life is to realize that my thoughts are my own. Those nasty little thoughts that tell you it isn't worth it, or that you're a bother, that no one cares, all of that nonense--it's entirely caused by a chemical in our brains--thats all it is!
With that knowledge, I'm able to push past it and tell myself, "A wonderful relationship could be one step away, and I'm letting my serotonin imbalance keep me away from it? No! It isn't going to dictate my life!" And this in NO WAY means that I'm not scared! The "how I could be better" list goes on FOREVER..and its scary!!! But--Bravery and courage aren't about lack of fear, they're about being terrified and still taking that leap of faith. Sucking your breath in, closing your eyes and sticking your foot in the water without knowing how icy it may be. And I've found, more often than not, that I'm met with kindness, grace, and good people who only want the best for one another.
And despite this, and you can ask practically everyone in my DMs, it still eats at me, I still find myself apologizing for nonsensical things or closing off because I think no one else enjoys what I have to say. It still hurts me, pain's a well-intentioned weatherman after all, and I've accepted it as part of myself. Something I have to water, watch, and take care of just like all of the positive aspects of myself. Take your time, take deep breaths, hell--LET yourself cry if you need to! PLEASE let yourself feel--the worst thing is telling yourself you're not allowed to feel things, negative or positive.
It's uncomfortable, unpleasant and I can't say its like a switch, or that all of your interactions will be pleasant--I know mine haven't been. BUT....those interactions aren't the end all, and they definitely are not the majority. I CAN guarantee you that almost everyone has these thoughts, and you are far from alone in this ever upwards battle, and there will be plenty of people to help support you and help you up that hill, even if your brain tells you otherwise. Even if you have bad days, true friends and truly good people won't throw you under the bus, someone who I'm extremely proud to call my friend once told me,
"Friends will offer you gentle reminders and guide you back."
That being said, I understand that my levels and other peoples vastly differ, but I've spent my entire life desperately searching for an answer, and I don't think I'll ever find one good enough to permanently fix my brain chemistry. Letting myself feel, accepting myself as I am, and taking that deep breath to realize my thoughts are my own, and that most people are understanding; these are all things I use.
You deserve those friendships, Anon. You deserve that happiness from reaching out, and I can guarantee you that you'll bring others that same joy by interacting with them too. With that, I offer you free range to come into my inbox at any time, my DMs, and my discord (if we're not already friends on there! :D Feel free to friend me: SpiritDaddyYone#8204) and talk to me about ANYTHING you want. League, RP, plots, what you ate for breakfast--I would be more than happy to make another friend, and be one of your supports up that long hill.
You're enough just as you are, always.
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