#i'm so proud of lucas
seance · 6 months
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THE MUSKETEERS 10TH ANNIVERSARY REWATCH / fave episodes [3/?] ↳ SEASON 1, EPISODE 8 / the challenge
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randommotogpstuff · 2 months
Pecco's wedding outfit ratings
Enea 8/10
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he got 2 points added to his total just because i love those glasses. kinda on the safe side but with how everyone else was dressed it was probably a good idea. the design on his shirt is nice. tan suit at a summer wedding pretty fair
Celestino 3/10
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easy little improvements such as proper sizing and wearing a jacket on top would've really fixed his ranking. i like the little hat he has it's cute.
Marco 0/10
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one of your best friends is getting married don't show up looking like a mime that's running a gondolas down in venice. so awful but it doesn't even circle back to being good it just stay awful. not even going talk about the polka dots on the back of the vest. was going to give him one point because i don't mind the whole brown look but nope the more i look at it the more angry i get
Luca 7/10
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i was expecting better from you. whoever gave any of this guys access to hair gel for this event should not have. grateful the shirt wasn't polka dot like i originally thought. could've worn a plastic garbage bag and i still would've given a 5
Franco 6/10
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if the shirt had been tucked in i wouldn't have minded the outfit. appreciate that he wore a jacket and didn't shave off his hair. every pic i've seen of him i've been distracted by his girlfriend's dress so 1 bonus points for that
Andrea 5/10
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Very much giving kentucky derby vibes. i think it's the hat that causing that. really don't hate it but don't really love it either. it's average. he almost lost a point cause it was hard to find a pic of him.
Valentino wedding look 9/10
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i was as surprised as everyone that he was appropriately dressed for once no converses, no paisley print shirts. are we sure it was not a body double? lost a point for the hair. guessing they were all sharing a tub of hair gel because all of them went overboard with the hair gel.
Valentino reception look 7/10
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like i really want to like this outfit i do but its very much giving my drunk uncle at our last family vacation vibes. why did he have to an outfit change? the side angle pic he has with the back of the outfit is doing some really hard work cause i found it very hot.
Uccio 9/10
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don't judge me i know i have a problem in judgement when it comes to uccio. he was dressed in a semi properly fitted suit. the hair gel wasn't as bad as it was on some other. and every pic his wife has posted they looked they were having a blast. did lose 1 point cause i think he changed into a white t-shirt at the reception
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vettelsbitch · 11 months
hi I'm back again with Bezz/Cele kidfic AU thoughts, this time I have to thank @whoregaylorenzo for the idea and @dobbiamo-capire for helping me keep it Italian. I learned Cele also has a nipple piercing and of course became obsessed, enjoy
Marco snuggles into his coat, crossing his arms tighter around his body, while walking home from work. It's way past midnight, and it's freezing, but his boss had offered to pay him quite a bit extra to work overtime so that an important client's car could be ready for the morning. And Matteo's birthday was coming up. So of course he agreed.
Thankfully Luca had been available to stay with Matteo and Rubik for the night, he really owes him. He doesn't even remember the last time he managed a free day to go out with his friends. He takes his phone from his pocket when he's getting close to his building to message Luca that he's going to get there in just a bit. He can't wait to get home, he couldn't even give Matteo his good night kiss, settling for getting Luca to video call him so he could at least see him when he put Teo to bed.
He reaches his building, but he stops before opening the door, seeing someone stumble a little towards him from the other side of the street. The person walks underneath the streetlight, bathing them with its warm light, and he sees it's just Cele, wearing a thin-looking denim jacket and a colorful shirt half unbuttoned underneath. Marco shivers just looking at him and stays next to the door.
When Cele sees him Marco can see his face illuminating, his steps speeding up, still stumbling. He's smiling when he reaches the door, and clearly drunk. Marco's hand leaves his pocket, hanging in mid air where he stops himself from reaching for Cele. To touch him. To keep him upright.
"Bezz!" Cele shouts, leaning back against the wall next to the door, his head thrown back. "Oh Marco."
Marco's eyes follow the pale column of Cele's throat, down the bare skin of his chest until the first closed button interrupts their downward path and his gaze snaps back to Cele's face. His dark eyes are half closed, probably too sleepy and drunk to keep them fully opened, his mouth open, tongue peeking out to wet his lips. His breath is a visible cloud of warmth in the cold.
"Aren't you cold, Celin?" He chokes out, his tongue feeling too big for his mouth all of a sudden, his voice raspy after a long shift alone. His hands itch, wanting to press against Cele's skin, it would be cold. Maybe his hands, warm from his pockets, would feel good for him.
Cele just shakes his head, one of his hands coming up underneath the shirt, long fingers scratching his stomach. Marco tries to will his eyes back up, but he's focusing on the thin trail of dark hair disappearing under his waistband. Dangerous territory.
"I'm okay, Marco," Cele says, shifting a little, his head lulling to the side to look at Marco. "It's late, what are you doing here?"
His words are slow, but clear. Marco chuckles. But before he can answer, Cele continues, "were you going on a run? I know you like running, but it's too cold now, you can't take off your shirt!"
"No, Cele, I'm coming back from work," he laughs.
"Well, that's good, although taking off your shirt is good too," Cele moves again, walking away from the wall, a bit more stable than before, and gets closer to Marco. He's grinning, his teeth pressing against his plump bottom lip. "I saw you have a nipple piercing, not that I was looking, you know? But I have one too."
Marco can't even start to comprehend the words before Cele is trying to unbutton his shirt completely. He doesn't know what to say, he's still trying to gather himself when Cele gets frustrated after his cold fingers can't properly grasp the buttons so he just shoves the open shirt up to show Marco his chest.
"Wait, Cele, it's too cold! You're going to get sick again, let's get inside." He says, finally moving to the front door, as if the glimpse into what Cele looks like undressing finally wakes him up. Reminds him where they are.
He steps inside, grabbing Cele's wrist and pulling him behind him, trying really hard not to think about Celestino's quick heartbeat under his thumb. As soon as the door closes, heavy and loud, behind them he sighs, the warmth of the old building around them like a blanket. He looks back at Cele, who still has his hand, the one Marco is not grabbing, under his shirt pushing the fabric up. And there it is, a simple silver bar, much like Marco's own, piercing Cele's dusty pink nipple.
Marco feels like he's seeing something he shouldn't, like the first time one of his friends showed him a naughty magazine he had stolen from his older brother. He doesn't remember who it had been, maybe it was Luca, he just remembered the big breasted woman staring back at him from the wrinkled pages. This felt even more prohibited, his eyes taking in Cele's bare chest, the soft rise and fall of it with his breath. His hands itch again. His tongue still sits weird in his mouth.
Thankfully it's so late that Agnese is not there, sitting behind her little desk with her gossip magazines. He still feels caught when he looks back up at Cele's face and he's smiling, his cheeks pink, dusty, almost matching— his eyes are clear and focused on Marco. "See," he says, brushing his thumb over his nipple, Marco gulps. "Like yours."
Marco shakes his head, finally letting go of Cele's wrist. "Yes, Cele, I see. C'mon let's get you home, you're going to catch a cold." He starts walking up the stairs, Cele's steps soft behind him.
"It's okay," Cele says, his voice soft. "If I catch a cold, would you make soup for me again?"
Bezz stumbles on the next step, but catches himself before he can tumble to the floor. "Of course," he answers softly. They walk the rest of the way, their steps careful on the old wooden floor out of habit more than anything.
Cele's door is close to the stairs. He almost drops his keys trying to get in, their jingle the only thing breaking the silence between them. Once the door creaks open enough for him to walk through Marco takes a step back waving his hand.
"Good night, Celin. Drink some water before going to bed."
"Yes. Goodnight, Marco."
He walks away, forcing himself to turn around instead of waiting until he hears Celestino click shut the door and turn the keys locking it. His flat is a couple floors higher but soon enough he's crossing his own doorway, stepping out of his boots quietly to try and not wake up Matteo. He walks into the living room, Luca is sitting on the couch, awake and petting Rubik's head where it's resting against his thigh.
"I was about to go look for you, I got your message ages ago." Luca says, his eyes concerned. "What took you so long?"
Marco shrugs his jacket off, hanging it on the back of a chair before sitting down to chat for a second. Just a second before he gets up and changes, before he peeks into Teo's room. "Cele was coming back too, I just met him at the door."
Luca's smile speaks for itself, but before he can start poking at him for information, Bezz stands up and walks away, shaking his head. But he doesn't miss his friend chuckling behind him.
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emblazons · 2 years
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"We're right here. I'm right here. Okay? I'm here.”
Favorite Male Character: Lucas Sinclair 🧨💥 ( + color that represents them ) for @bylertruther
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zoennes · 1 year
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Parties at Senne’s: May 3rd, 2019 x October 2nd, 2020. 2.02/2.03 𒀭 4.05
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shaottzang · 6 months
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day 6 | theme park
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bruhger · 1 year
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Expression Meme based on requests from twitter!
4/2020 - 9/2020
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martianbugsbunny · 8 months
Precursor To A Love Song (A Frankenwolf Fic)
heeeey!!! I know it's been a while since I wrote a fic, I've been both busy and having a severe case of writer's block, but I've finally got something new!!! It's a Hyperion Heights AU one shot (which I could use as a springboard for a proper chapter fic if I ever feel up to it) and I think it's pretty cute. Props to @stardreamer28 for putting up with me talking about it for a couple weeks and procrastinating on the end lol. Read on and enjoy!
Liza Whale was finally taking a night off.
It was well-deserved, she knew that, but she had been slow in taking it. Her little boutique on the corner in the heart of Hyperion Heights kept her busy, and she didn’t have anyone to help with it. Business had gotten a little lighter after the Christmas rush, though, so Liza had decided to just close early that Thursday and go out for a couple of hours.
She ended up in a bar a couple of blocks away. It was classy place—no blaring neon or loud jukeboxes, no peanut shells on the floor, no casual clothes. It wasn’t the kind of place she thought she might come back to often (a little neon and a jukebox never hurt anybody, after all) but it was nice for an evening of self-pampering.
Liza sat down at a table for one, laying her black wool jacket across the back of her chair and smoothing out a small crease in the skirt of her deep red dress. It was one of her own designs; the things she sold in her boutique were produced by proper brands, but she created most of her own wardrobe in her spare time. Her favorite thing in the closet she didn’t even remember making, even though it matched a lot of her other clothes: a long red cloak with a warm hood and floral embroidery. She had ripped it last time she wore it, and was planning on fixing it when she got home later that night.
As she waited for someone to come by and take her order, she glanced around the bar. Her eyes fixed on a man halfway across the room, seated at an elegant piano. He was blond, with striking blue eyes that sparkled in the light of the wrought-iron chandelier. When he caught Liza’s gaze, the corner of his mouth lifted in a half-smile.
Liza couldn’t help blushing. He was cute, and if she was reading her signals right, he thought she was cute, too. It had been a while since she had had any romance in her life—actually, she couldn’t remember the last time, it had been that long—and she liked the idea of drawing the eye of a handsome piano player.
After about half an hour of them sneaking looks at each other while he played and she sipped at a drink, the piano player got up for a break. Liza’s heart sunk when he walked right past her table, then skipped a couple of beats when she realized he was just getting a second chair from nearby.
“Julian Wolf,” he said, setting his chair down and holding out his hand for Liza to shake. He had smudges of what looked like paint on the side of his thumb. “I play piano here a couple nights a week.”
“You’re brilliant,” Liza said, grinning. She liked that it took him a couple of seconds to release her hand. “What do you do the rest of the week?”
“Freelance artist.”
It was paint! Liza smiled a bit wider. “That’s cool,” she said. “I do some drawing, too. Nothing big, just for the clothes I make.”
Julian smiled too. “Well, now I know we’re both artists, but I don’t think you’ve told me your name yet.”
“Elizabeth Whale. If you call me Lizzy I’ll kick your shins—I like Liza, though.”
“Well, Liza, I have to go finish my set, but I’ll be off in about an hour. Do you want to go for a walk with me then?”
She nodded. “I’d love to.”
Julian returned to his piano, where he started playing again, soft and sweet. The music sounded…familiar, Liza thought, but she couldn’t bring to mind a specific instance of hearing it before. Maybe I heard it in a past life, she thought, chuckling to herself. The music made her giddy, like any moment something wonderful might happen.
Well, maybe it was the music. Or maybe it was the charming young man playing it. Either way, Liza was really looking forward to that walk.
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bibridlizzie · 1 year
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Hope Mikaelson
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spynorth · 2 years
thinking about it and lucas is ... actually a considerable douche to most of the women he interacts with in the show. except for ros bc i’m fairly certain he knows there’s always a fork and/or pen nearby.
#he threatens to hit sarah. he is always short and 99.8% done with jo. he gives beth the fucking nASTIEST looks#he's so rude to dean's mum in the episode with them in series 7#the teenage girl who has the codes in the first ep of series 9 .. like ??#bro there had to have been another way to handle that i'm sorry#ruth he is such an ass too. kidnapping. drugging. the works.#the basic bitchiness to ruth i can forgive#but the kidnapping and drugging takes it a bit far#beth doesnt give in really so like .. hes not as mean to her#but he does give her the craziest looks and expressions lmaooo#and repeatedly tells her he doesnt like her#he's fairly good with elizaveta but shes only in like 4 eps total and tbh ...#in one of them he breaks into her (their old) kitchen and waits for her#so I MEAN.#he chases danielle down in series 9 (multiple times) and then puts her in a trunk. is rude as fuck to her before all that. then murders her.#so thats a big whoopsie#maya who is supposed to 'love' ... he just drags around everywhere like 'shut the fuck up i love you you're coming with me'#she's like a poor little ragdoll#maya: john i don't want to do this#lucas: shut UP WE'RE IN LOVE GET IN THE CAR#also he's very egocentric lmao. like he's smart (obviously) and he has every right to know/be proud of that but !!#i mean .. i think a lot of that 'better than thou' attitude comes from the fact hes walking around like#' yeah i'm screwing over the security service'#there's a bit of pride in that i think#but the ego and the subtle ways in which its presented is .. wild.
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game-set-canet · 2 years
me ignoring today's slalom because Henrik "only" got 6th? more likely than you think 🙈
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
I wanted to share this article as well:
"Khelif’s father ‘honoured’ by her success. Khelif’s father says the boxer had honoured his family, calling attacks against her immoral." "In an interview with Reuters at his simple, cinderblock home on the outskirts of the northern Algerian city of Tiaret, Amar Khelif said he was proud of his daughter, and backed her to win a medal for all of all Algeria. [....] she is a champion, she honoured me and I encourage her and I hope she will get the medal in Paris,” he said. “Imane is a little girl that has loved sport since she was six years old.”
I'm so happy for her and I wish her all the continued success as a professional boxer. She is an inspiration to so many and I'm so proud of her.
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steventhusiast · 4 months
STWG prompt 18/5/24
prompt: better to ask for forgiveness than permission
pairing/character(s): steddie, the party
. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
"Are you sure about this?" Lucas whisper yells as Will anxiously checks no one is looking down the Harrington house's driveway.
Dustin's crouched in front of the door, poking a hair pin into the lock with his tongue poked out, and Mike is leaning against the door, unbothered, so it takes a second for anyone to answer.
"I'm worried about him!" Dustin finally says, his motions getting more intense as he seems to fail to pick the lock. "I haven't seen him all week! He wasn't at work all week either, I checked!"
"He booked the week off." Lucas reminds him.
"Well then why hasn't he been hanging out with us?" Dustin huffs, and then goes back to his attempts.
"Who even taught you how to do that?" Will asks.
"Eddie, he taught me too." Mike says.
"He's gonna be so pissed at us." Will continues quietly, biting his lip, and Mike shakes his head.
"Better to ask for forgiveness than permission."
"Eddie taught us that too!" Dustin chimes in.
Ten minutes later, they've finally managed to get into the house. Lucas is privately surprised that Steve didn't hear them and come see who was trying to break into his house. Maybe Steve's not even home! Hopefully.
A quick survey of the ground floor reveals no movement, so the group make their way up the stairs until they're in front of the closed door leading to Steve's bedroom.
Dustin determinedly reaches for the doorknob, and Lucas tries to stop him once more.
"I really don't think he'll appreciate this, Dust-" He whispers, but Dustin cuts him off with his own (attempt at) whispering.
"I need to make sure he's okay!"
With that, the door is quietly pushed open, and promptly all of their jaws drop and they stand in the doorway in silence, processing what they see.
Steve is laying on his back, fast asleep with his mouth ajar, and tucked into his side is a very naked Eddie, whose butt is unfortunately peaking out from under the covers. He's asleep as well, his face pressed against Steve's hairy (and hickey covered) chest.
"I told you this was a bad idea." Lucas whispers frantically, gesturing at the pair. He looks to Will for backup, but Will is bright red and his eyes are still on Steve and Eddie, so he figures that's a lost cause and turns to Dustin and Mike.
Mike looks a little red and shellshocked too, but Dustin immediately starts whisper yelling some more.
"Well, he should've told me!"
"Told you what? That he's sleeping with a guy?"
"Not just any guy, Eddie! Why didn't he tell me?"
Lucas feels a hand grab at his shoulder urgently, but needs Dustin to understand what he's trying to say so he ignores it.
"He was probably scared you'd hate them for it!"
"For dating?"
"For being gay, idiot."
"I'm not gay, for the record. I'm bisexual." Steve suddenly pipes up, and Lucas and Dustin look over at him immediately with wide eyes.
Steve and Eddie have shifted a little now, Steve propped up against his headboard with Eddie lazily laying against his chest still. Thankfully, his ass is covered up now, but Lucas knows he's naked and that's enough to make him shudder.
"Hi Steve. Fancy seeing you here." Lucas tries with a (hopefully) charming smile. Steve snorts in response, and drops his forehead to rest on Eddie's hair for a second in defeat.
"This is literally my bedroom, Sinclair. How'd you guys get in anyway?"
"We picked the lock on your front door!" Dustin says, having the nerve to sound proud of himself.
"Right. Of course." Steve sighs.
"Eddie taught us." Mike chimes in, finally having gone back to his normal colour. Will's still flushed, but looks more present overall, and he nods along to his best friend's words.
Steve quirks a brow at the information, lifts his head again, and promptly flicks Eddie, who's still half asleep, in the head. He immediately looks more awake, and glares at Steve as he rubs where he got flicked.
"Ow! What the hell was that for?"
"You're the reason they picked the lock, Munson."
"Oh, look what you guys did. I got demoted back to Munson." Eddie finally addresses them for the first time, but thankfully he doesn't look too upset. More amused.
Actually, now Lucas thinks about it Steve doesn't look upset either. Pissed off? Yeah. But in that older brother way he gets with them, not actually mad.
"You're the one who told us to ask for forgiveness not permission!" Dustin defends himself, and Eddie gets another flick to the head for that from Steve.
"Well, are you going to ask for forgiveness then?"
"Screw you. We were worried about you!"
"Have you heard of phones before, Henderson. And the rest of you, really? Wheeler, I expect it from-" Steve starts, getting interrupted by an indignant 'hey!' from Mike, "But Sinclair? Baby Byers?"
"For the record I did not want this to happen." Lucas says defensively, and crosses his arms over his chest.
"Interesting considering you're still here when you could've abandoned them." Eddie snorts.
"The party sticks together."
"Still waiting on that beg for forgiveness." Steve singsongs, and Eddie sits up a little straighter as he adds on his own demand with a grin.
"I want full-on on your knees with prayer hands, begging for forgiveness."
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lovebugism · 4 months
oh my god absolutely feral for the cynical prompt list PLEASE!!! maybe like bad at feelings/grumpy!r x steve with these vibes?:
• "you.. LIKE ME???" "i'm a little wary but so far, yes."
• "you're my favorite person. i didn't know you could have those."
• i love the idea that although they're cynical they would simultaneously not care to admit it ^ like "okay, yeah, i fell in love. so what???? people fall in puddles, and pools, and you know, other things!!! don't hold this against me!"
or literally anything from that list like i just know you’d eat
hope you like it angel xoxo — you tell steve you love him for the first time in front of all your friends who didn't even know you were dating (grumpy!r, fluff, 1.3k)
Eddie drops off a few Hellfire stragglers at Family Video after a lengthy campaign, you among them. Robin watches you file in with a freckled chin nestled in her palm. “Stevie! Your children are here!” she singsongs in the otherwise empty store, flipping unenthusiastically through an old magazine.
Dustin and Lucas grumble under their breaths about being called children, though you think they’re still very much deserving of the term. Eddie, meanwhile, crosses his leather-clad arms over his chest. “You know I’m older than him, right?” he monotones with squinted eyes. “So that’s, like, scientifically impossible.”
You deadpan from beside him, somehow more stoic than the raucously dressed metalhead. “And also, I’m dating him,” you frown. “So that’d be, like, extra weird.”
Everyone looks at you like you’ve grown two heads, then. Like you’ve just said something awful. 
Steve’s presence saves you, but only for a moment. He comes out from the back wearing a stupid grin on his scruffy face. “Hey, babe,” he greets you first, with a wide hand spread warmly over your back. 
When he ducks down for a fleeting kiss, you can taste the Cheetos he’d been snacking on and the wintergreen gum he’d just plucked into his mouth. The concoction is strange. Maddening, still.
All of your friends leer at you for several long moments. They gape at the two of you in horror, as though there was some kind of truth in what Robin had just announced moments ago — as though you and Steve shouldn’t be kissing at all.
“Wait,” Lucas mumbles, filling the heavy silence. His face twists in confusion a second later. “What?”
Eddie’s pale face contorts in something short offense, like you’ve betrayed him somehow. You sort of did, in a way. You’re Hellfire’s prettiest, grumpiest, weirdest member — you’re not supposed to be dating Steve The Hair Harrington. It goes against, like, every unwritten rule in the handbook. 
“Is this why you wanted me to drop you off here?” he questions, palpably heartbroken. “So you two could— suck face?”
You shrug, emotionless. “Sorta.”
“We have a date tonight,” Steve announces with a proud smile. He squeezes gently at your shoulder, then cowers at the glare you give him. He clears his throat and corrects himself. “Not date.”
You’ve noticed his very strange tendency to call any time you spend together a date. You don’t like that. It makes you feel it’s some kind of appointment you have to book with him — an engagement you have to put too much effort into. Sometimes, you don’t want to go on a date. You just want to sleep over at his place, steal one of his shirts, and raid his kitchen in your underwear. 
Eddie does everything but pout. “But I thought… I thought we came here to bother Steve until he let us take something home for free?” he confesses in a quiet voice.
“We can still do that if you want.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same,” he frowns.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Robin shouts, abandoning her magazine and waving her hands in front of her face. “How did I not know about this?”
Steve bounces his shoulder, jostling the nametag pinned to his chest. “You don’t know everything about me, Buckley,” he sasses.
“So… you like him?” she presses, pointing to you and then the boy beside you. “You like Steve? Steve Harrington?”
You swallow hard and hope you don’t look as anxious as you feel. You shrug to feign an air of nonchalance. “I’m still a little wary about it, but, yeah… So far, anyway.”
Dustin’s senses return to him, then. He shakes his curly head in disbelief. “That is just… confounding,” he mumbles to himself.
“And how long has this been going on, exactly?” Robin squints.
“Couple months, I guess,” you monotone.
Steve has a much different, much more enthusiastic answer. 
“Well, if we’re going by the first time I knew she liked me, it’s been five months. But if we’re going by the first time we kissed, it’s been four,” he rambles with his honey eyes flitted to the ceiling. “But if we’re going by the first time she actually admitted she liked me, it’s been… A wonderful six days.”
He flashes you a grin, which you meet with a hardened scowl. “Shut up…” you grumble, but don’t push him away when he cuddles you closer to his side.
“You? And Steve Harrington?” Eddie gapes. “You’re kissing?”
Steve scoffs. “Well, we’re dating Munson. So obviously we’re kissing. Among other things…”
You dig an elbow into his ribs to shove him away. “Do you have a death wish?” you spit, eyes narrowed and bitter, while the boy just chuckles to himself.
“It’s just… weird,” Dustin remarks.
“But, like, a good weird,” Lucas nods. “Like a solar eclipse, sort of weird.”
“Or, like, that one in a billion chance of atoms aligning and your hand going directly through a solid object, sort of weird,” the curly-haired boy adds, punctuating his sentence by slapping the front counter. His palm collides with the hard surface with a resounding thud.
“What did you think was gonna happen?” Steve monotones when Dustin winces.
“Well, impossible things happen all the time, Steve. Including now.”
You start to choke on the attention. The stares are borderline suffocating. A bunch of wide-eyed gazes holding yours until you feel like you can hardly breathe. 
“What’s the big deal?” you blurt before you mean to. “We fell in love. Who cares? Dustin fell into a puddle earlier today— how’s that any different? People fall all the time.”
Dustin’s eyes narrow. “I thought we agreed not to bring that up.”
“Wait…” Steve mumbles, pink lips quirked in a crooked smile. His chocolate gaze glimmers with hope and confusion, eyes darting back and forth between yours. “You’re… You’re in love with me?”
“Yeah?” you shrug, trying not to cower at the way he looks at you. “So what?”
His grin widens. It takes everything in him not to kiss the life out of you then. He settles for a warm squeeze at your shoulder for now. “Nothing. Nothing, I just— I love you back. That’s all.”
The honeyed moment is ended bitterly by the sound of Eddie’s fake gagging. Robin gripes beneath the horrid noise, “You guys are gross…”
Lucas smiles. “I think it’s sweet.”
“Only ‘cause you’re more lovesick than these two idiots,” Eddie scoffs. He saunters away from you and takes the two Hellfire boys by the shoulder, leading them inevitably to the Sci-Fi section. Robin has no choice but to fix her frowning face and smile when a customer walks in.
With the crowd freshly dispersed, and the attention no longer on the two of you, you look up at Steve with a softer look than you’re used to. “Why did you look so shocked?” you murmur, eyes all squishy around the edges. “When I told you that I— that I loved you or whatever.”
“I wasn’t shocked,” Steve laughs and turns to face you fully. “I just… wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.”
You squint. “So you were shocked?”
“…I guess so. Yeah.”
“Well— you’re like— my favorite person or whatever,” you stumble over your words, finding it suddenly very difficult to meet his gaze. You gesture wildly with anxious hands. “And I didn’t even know you could have one of those, so… By that logic, I figured I must be in love with you.”
Steve grins, maybe bigger than he realizes. It’s all plush and pink and petaled, dripping with an adoration you’re not sure you deserve. “Well, by that logic, I must be in love with you, too, then, huh?”
“Guess so…” you grumble under your breath.
Steve smiles at the distant look of disgust scrunching your pretty face. “You’re so cute…” he mumbles under his breath, pressing a kiss to your pout before you can blink.
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wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 6
part 1 | part 5
It's Wednesday night, which means dinner at the Hendersons. Steve finally decided to show his face — and no, not because Dustin's doorstep song and dance had any effect on him; it was partly because he was sick of hearing muted metal music from across the street and mostly because he hadn't left the trailer in three days and he was starting to feel and smell like shit.
So, anyway. Dinner. Ma Henderson's pulled out all the stops: prepped a homemade lasagna, stocked the fridge with full-sugar sodas and bought the good brand of key lime pie; invited the Sinclair and Wheeler kids to make a little party of it. (Nancy was 'unfortunately too busy to attend,' thank fucking god.)
But then Ma got stuck late at work, so now it's all hands on deck. Mike and Erica are setting the table — Steve can hear Mike bitching at her because she told him the knives go the other way, dumbass; Lucas is at the fridge filling cups with ice and Pepsi and muttering to himself about how much better Coke is; Steve's got an eye on the oven, waiting for the cheese on the lasagna to bubble up juuust right; and Dustin is using "prepping the salad" as an excuse to corner Steve and annoy the ever-loving crap out of him.
“What do you mean it’s hard?” Dustin whines, dropping a handful of shredded carrots into the wooden bowl. “Just talk to him!”
Steve takes a deep breath. Mourns, briefly, for the night he could have had; the girls he could be doing hand stuff with in the back of the Beemer instead of putting up with this kid's shit. “I don’t wanna Just Talk to Him." He bends to peek through the oven door. "And, also: get off my ass about it, alright? I came to dinner, I'm heating up the lasagna. I'm, like, participating or whatever. What more do you want?”
“For you to talk to Eddie! Obviously!" Dustin's tossing the greens so aggressively that it kinda feels like he wishes he was pummeling Steve instead, and when he throws his hands up, little flecks of iceberg lettuce go raining to the floor.
Steve eyes the leafy green confetti. "You're cleaning that up."
"Come on, dude," Dustin begs. "It's been two weeks! What's the point of having friends who are next door neighbors if they refuse to get along?”
Behind them, Lucas supplies in a weirdly strangled tone: “This really doesn’t seem like the way to get him to talk to Eddie."
Thank you. Steve couldn't agree more. He turns to tell him as much and realizes the reason Lucas' voice sounded like that is because he's trying to make one trip to the dining room at any fucking cost. He's got an armful of drinking glasses and three cans of Pepsi tucked under his chin, and he's about to fumble the whole wobbly stack.
"Jesus Christ, man, cut that out!" Steve swoops in to grab the cans before they can join the lettuce shower Dustin just made. He doesn't care how much he loves Claudia, he will leave without helping if they splatter soda all over this floor. Mews the Second can lick it clean for all he cares, he's so for real. "Two at a time," he says sternly, taking the extra cups from Lucas’ hold and handing him back a reasonable amoint. He sends Lucas out of the room with a knee to the ass.
"Hey!" Lucas pouts.
"Hey yourself," he grins.
Lucas sticks out his tongue like a child (because he is one, Steve reminds himself), and when he shoulders the swinging door to the dining room he almost brains his little sister, who makes a graceful side-step and comes strutting through undeterred.
"Are you two nerds done playing good cop, annoying cop with Steve?"
"Ah-!" Dustin gawps. "I better not be the annoying cop!"
"Uh, yeah. Obviously, you are." She props a fist on her hip, a little tyrant in the making, and Steve’s ribs go tender with a fond, vaguely proud ache. He really loves her so much. "Now scram. I need to borrow Steve."
On second thought.
Surely at some point these kids, like, owe him money or some shit for the amount of weary sighs they've caused him to let out. Like, financial compensation for the years taken off his life? Something?
"Yes, Erica?" he asks, nostrils flared; eyes closed.
"You should talk to Eddie."
"Oh, Jesus fucking Christ." Steve looks up to the ceiling, pleading for anyone to grant him strength, then he turns to pull the lasagna out of the oven and watches the bubbles sizzle and pop in the hot cheese until he no longer feels like blowing up at a little girl. "Okay. Okay. And I should listen to you because…?"
Screw financial compensation.
He deserves a presidential medal for how calm he's keeping his tone.
Erica's glaring fiercely at him when he glances her way, and why is every kid he knows such a brave, confrontational little shit? "Because," she explains, "He's being mean to my brother."
Oh, fuck no. "What do you mean?" he asks, voice dropping to an urgent hiss as he feels his hackles raise. Like hell is he letting some Billy 2.0 hang around his kids. "Is he, like- Is he saying shit about you guys?"
She spares him from trying to find a tactful way to ask what he's really asking. "No," she says shortly. "But he is being a bastard about him joining the basketball team—"
"Language—" Oh, what's the point.
"—and those two nerds out there? Are obsessed with him. Especially Mike. Like, ob-sessed.” She writes the letters out in the air in front of her to really drive home the point. “Mike likes whatever Eddie likes, so you need to convince Eddie to like Lucas before Lucas loses his friends over this stupid 'jocks versus freaks' crap." She lowers her voice and jabs the skywriting finger into his shoulder hard enough to bruise. "And if you tell Lucas I said any of this? It is on. sight, Steve. I will crush you."
"Jesus Christ."
"So, we good?"
"Uh huh," Steve stammers. "Y-yep. Understood."
Wow. So dignified, Steve. Really loved how you let a ten year old intimidate you. He's saved from any further bullying by the sound of keys jangling in the lock.
"Dusty!" Claudia calls out through the door, "Dustybunny, can you come help? My hands are full!"
In the dining room Steve hears Dustin groan while Mike and Lucas start immediately tearing into him for the name, mocking 'Dustybunny; oh, Dustybun!' in stupid sing-song tones.
"So I'm just gonna..." Steve says awkwardly, inching toward the door. "Go get that."
"Mhmm." Erica gives him an unimpressed look. "You do that."
"Oh, Steve, sweetie, thank you!" Claudia says when he opens the door, cheerful and sweet as always. He goes to take her bags from her, but she drops them all at her feet and steps forward to give him a hug, a firm and tender thing that makes an annoying lump form in his throat.
"How are you?" she asks, stepping back to look at him; eyes raking over his face, hands on his cheeks. Really looks. She frowns at whatever she sees. "How's your mom?"
"Can you please just talk to me?" Steve begs, shivering in the hallway because they haven't budgeted for turning on the heat just yet. Wasn't supposed to get this cold for another pay cycle. He tugs the ends of his sweatshirt sleeves. His limbs feel stiff and tense, a budding anxiety like there’s a bomb in the base of his spine.
"Steven, darling, not now," his mother sighs as she sinks demurely onto the couch. "Then when!" he explodes. He doesn't want to yell at her, but, "Seriously, when? When are we going to say anything to each other that actually fucking matters, mom? I feel like I barely even know you anymore!"
"Yes, and I feel a migraine coming on; are you quite finished?"
"….She's fine," Steve answers.
Could be true, for all he knows.
The wrinkles between Claudia's brows deepen, like she wants to press the subject but decides to hold her tongue. "That's good to hear," she settles on after a moment, giving him a gentle pat on the cheek before stepping away with a subtle look that’s not mad, just disappointed.
Steve kind of wants to cry.
"Mom! Food!" Dustin hollers from the other room.
Steve rolls his eyes. "I swear I try to teach him manners."
"Well, good luck with that," she grins, the shadow of tension between them dissipating. Her mood is good like that. Resilient. Strong. Immune to outside force.
Steve’s moods, on the other hand, are more like those stainless steel fridges that promise to remain spotless but then end up covered in grubby handprints. (Exhibit A: he’s doing it right now.)
Thankfully Claudia’s got enough sunshine in her for the both of them. “Come on,” she says, extending a hand and wiggling her fingers for him to grab hold. “Let's eat."
part 7
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lafleshlumpeater · 7 months
Luke Castellan x Daughter of Dionysus reader? The show version of Dionysus was funny and I just want to know how the whole interactions would go
i loved this request, thanks sm for sending it in!! i actually haven't watched the show, so if this is inaccurate i'm v sorry </3
warnings: mentions of eating and drinking (no alcohol), fem!reader, established relationship, mild PDA, nickname
luke castellan masterlist
Your boyfriend lovingly nuzzles his nose into your temple from where he's sitting next to you. “Your dad is giving me looks,” he whispers. Your lips pull upwards at Luke’s antics, rolling your eyes and looking over at your father at where he’s sitting next to Chiron. He’s trying to be subtle, you’ll give him that, but there’s nothing implicit about the way he’s eyeing your boyfriend in an attempt at being suavely menacing. With his leopard- print shirt, pot belly and an aluminium Coca- Cola can he’s gripping so hard it’s beginning to crumple, it’s not working.
You take a bite into your wrap. “He is.”
“He’s scaring me.”
This elicits a snort from you, choking slightly on a cucumber chunk. “Luke Castellan, one of the most intimidating campers at Camp Half- Blood, is scared of my dad? The god of wine?”
Luke whines in protest through a sip of water. “Yeah, the god of wine. Imagine, if, like, he got drunk and… I don’t know, whacked me around the head with a baseball bat.”
You snort. “What? Babe, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even know your name.”
Your boyfriend pouts. “That makes me feel so much better.”
“Baby.” Luke rolls his eyes playfully, relishing in the banter the two of you have managed to maintain throughout your relationship. But his momentary glee is cut short when he realises Dionysus has risen from the table, disposing of his empty can and making his way over to where the two of you are sitting. Panicked, he nudges you.
“He’s coming,” Luke indiscreetly whisper- screams, as if you hadn’t noticed already.
“Relax, nothing’s gonna happen,” you murmur back. You were sure of it. Mostly.
“Luis,” your father greets, suddenly next to the two of you. Luke swallows, afraid to correct him. You’re milliseconds from letting out a laugh aloud.
“Dad, it’s Luke.”
His eyebrows furrow. “Yes. Lucas. That’s what I said.”
You can’t help but purse your lips, both from suppressing an entertained chortle and half in contempt for your father’s annoying penchant of feinting at carelessness for every camper who wasn’t you. Honestly, you were surprised he didn’t give you the same treatment sometimes.
“Well, Lucas, it has come to my attention you are dating my daughter.” He nods towards you; you cringe. If he was about to give Luke the ‘take care of my daughter or else’ talk, you were going to run away and never come back.
Luke nods, gulping. “Yes. Sir.”
Trying to save him and yourself from embarrassment, you intervene. “Dad. Please.”
“Oh no, no,” he insists. “I just wanted to have a quick word and say that… the two of you look quite happy. And I’m proud of the two of you.” He turns to the shell- shocked boy beside you. “But I have to mention, young man, if anything changes-”
“Okay dad!” You shoot him a ‘please stop’ look disguised in a beaming grin which he’s on the receiving end of too many times to be oblivious to. “Thank you! You can go now!”
Finally, he wanders off again, muttering under his breath. You catch little of it, something about how ‘teenagers nowadays’ and ‘so ungrateful’.
You turn to Luke; he’s already looking at you with an incredulous look on his face. “What… just happened?”
Like a ticking time bomb, your laughter finally escapes, Luke quickly joining you.
Dionysus looks on, back in his seat next to Chiron, hiding a satisfied smile behind a glass bottle of Coke.
taglist: @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @explosiongamora @brutal-out-here @absolutely-existing @quickslvxrr @bibliophile-dendrophile
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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