#i'm sorry for the disappointing answer...
fumiliar · 2 days
self-restraint is one thing kento prides on. he is a good man, or at least he tries to be. his eyes landed on your flailing figure, pinching his nose bridge to prepare himself. you, gojo, kento and shoko went out for drinks to celebrate the fact you 4 were still alive.
your mind was blank, you had no self-control, it was like the shame centre in your brain got turned off.
"oh my god!" you squealed in excitement. "my favourite song!" you stumbled off your bar stool, going to stand up on the table, gojo supporting your brave act.
kento acted quick. right when your foot landed on the table, you were pulled back by an immeasurable amount of strength, your back landing on someone's muscular chest.
"how drunk are you?" a gruff voice spoke right beside your ear, sending shivers through your whole body. your senses were already heightened, but at this moment, you could feel everything. you could hear the fastening rhythm of your heart, along with the steady rhythm of another's.
"earth to y/n~," satoru's singsong voice echoed through your empty head.
"yea, sorry," you shook your head, turning around to see kento's disapproving look. his hand keeping a deathly grip on your wrist, ensuring you were always close to him, in case you'd do something embarrassing, or at least that's what he tells himself.
"y/n, i'll bring you ho-"
"don'tt, you're such a party pooper nanamin! we were just getting started," the blue eyed man whined, he looked like he was about to start a tantrum.
"yeah, let's just wrap it up, i wanna go home," shoko agreed with kento, getting ready to leave. "i'll leave y/n to you, gojo, come." satoru following shoko like a sad puppy.
"let's go home," kento used his free hand to pack up your stuff, double checking if you took anything out of your purse.
"you're so hot when you take care of me," you freely complimented kento, his ears slowly turning beet red.
"i like you kento, you know that right?" you kept talking, kento's face slowly turning a darker shade of red. "why are you so red? are you having a fever?" you used your free hand to feel his forehead, even in your drunken state, you still worried about his health.
"no...y/n. i'm fine," he put your bag on your shoulder as he led you out of the establishment.
"ow....my feet hurt ken," you pouted looking down at your heels.
restrain yourself kento. restrain. was the only thing he could think off as he looked back at you. he didn't want to take advantage of your drunken self. he knelt down as he took of your heels, you bracing yourself on his back. he slowly took your hand of his back, putting down your heels on the ground to take off his blazer.
"up," his back facing you as he knelt down. you weren't going to waste a chance getting piggy backed. instantly, your arms slid around his neck as your legs trapped his torso. kento stood up, picking up your heels and adjusting his hold on you.
"comfy?" you nodded against his neck. "take this, and wrap it around your waist," he handed you his blazer. you instantly listened, wrapping the blazer around your waist, making sure you don't flash anyone along your way home.
"ken, you're so good to me," you mumbled, nibbling on his neck, eliciting a groan out of the man.
"you're such a tease," kento chuckled, smiling to himself at his current predicament.
"we're not even dating....hft," you sighed. kento let out a hearty laugh at your dissatisfaction.
"why do you want us to date?" kento asked making you even more disappointed.
"what woman doesn't want stability!" this time you were annoyed. you straightening your back, not leaning on kento's anymore. kento was still joyful, instead of responding to your annoyance, he loosened his grip on your legs, your instincts kicked in, quickly wrapping your hands around his neck once more to ensure your safety.
"were you about to drop me??" panic was evident in your tone, but kento was still amused. "answer me!" your hand hitting on his chest.
"y/n," kento sternly called out your name, abruptly stopping your abuse on his chest. "we're married love, isn't that the epitome of stability? why would i regress our relationship to just boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"huh?..." you were confused for a second, quickly looking at your hand. and there it was, glistening in the moonlight, your wedding ring. "oh.."
kento couldn't help but tease your drunken self, his self-restraint always wavering when it came to you. the prim and proper man turning playful in your presence, he just couldn't help it. he continued his walk home, occasionally giggling at your forgetful nature.
"i hope you don't forget this moment," kento muttered under his breath, knowing full well you would have no memory of this event, only a pounding headache to remind you of yesterday's events.
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dragon-kazansky · 1 day
The song in our hearts
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Lestat De Lioncourt x Female Reader
A musician with a heart that sings and an admirer who wishes to see his songbird thrive. Two beings in different worlds get caught up in each other when someone threatens to steal his songbird's spotlight. Loving Lestat isn't simple, and your life will never be the same again. What is eternity without chaos?
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Chapter Eight - Deep into the hole
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“I can't believe this is happening. What do you think happened to him?” Amelie asks, looking more than a little worked up.
“I really don't know…” You lie. It feels awful lying to her, but telling her the truth would be far worse. Why did you ever have to cross paths with Lestat?
“I can't believe it.” She says again.
You focus on making the coffee. There was very little chance of you getting any sleep right now anyway. You pour two cups and hand one to Amelie. She takes it with a soft ‘thank you.’
“You know… you were the last person I saw him with…”
You look at her. “Please tell me you're not accusing me of anything. Amelie, I don't know where he is.” 
“I know. I was just saying…” The tone of her voice leaves you a little unconvinced. There's doubt lingering in your mind and for the first time ever you're left wondering who your real friends might be.
“I'm a lot of things, but a murderer ain't one.”
Amelie seems to realize how her words had sounded and moves closer to you. She reaches out for your hand and sighs loudly. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything. I've just been thinking too much.”
“I know. I'm sorry. Please don't let whatever is happening come between us. You're one of the few people I have.”
Amelie puts down her coffee so she can hug you. You return the gesture, but doubt is still eating away at your mind.
‘Come to me, Chéri.’
You hear him in your head. He was probably disappointed you had left. You needed time to think before you went back. There was too much going on.
You wake suddenly. Light is illuminating your room through your curtains. Amelie is fast asleep on your couch and you're curled up in a chair beside her. Two forgotten cups of coffee sit on the table.
Your head pounds as you get up out of the chair. You take a few moments to gather yourself and then start cleaning up. Amelie only stirs after you start filling the sink with water to wash up with.
“What time is it?” She asks, stretching.
“Oh no! I'm supposed to be at the theater to answer questions about Noah. Damn it. I have to go.” She scrambles to get up.
“Wait a minute.” You wipe your hands and walk over to her. “What do you mean?”
“The police were going to go back to the theater today to ask questions. I promised Jack I'd be there.”
You feel an uneasy feeling in your body. “I'll take you.”
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Arriving at the theater, you only see one police car parked outside. It gives you a feeling of dread as you look at it. Amelie leads the way inside.
All the performers are gathered in the lobby. They're all talking amongst each other. Through the commotion you can see Jack talking to two officers. After a few moments he turns to everyone and steps up on a chair.
Everyone falls silent. Jack turns to the officers. The tallest of the two steps forward. “We're here to enquire about Noah. It would seem his disappearance holds more questions than answers. One by one we're going to take you into the theater and ask you questions. If anyone knows anything about where he may be, dead or alive, please come forward.”
It feels like it gets harder to breathe.
The shorter officer steps forward and calls the first name. While they go inside, the rest of the crew all begin talking again. They're all trying to figure out what's happening. Jack gets bombarded with questions.
You take a seat on one of the small couches in the lobby. Amelie turns and looks at you quietly. She walks over and takes a seat beside you. “You okay?” 
“Yeah, just… can't believe this is happening. Do they really think something happened to Noah?”
“His sister certainly thinks so. She went to his place and all his stuff was still there, but the door was locked. Reckon he was taken or something before he even got home.”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Was Lestat even going to do anything about all of this? He knows what's happening. He surely knows how much trouble you're in. Then again, can the police even connect you with Noah's disappearance. No one actually saw you with him alone. Lestat came in quick at the time and took him just as fast.
There's no evidence you were with him after the show.
One by one more performers were called into the theater. The ones who have been questioned already get asked to leave immediately. You watch each of them head on home.
Jack comes over to you after half the lobby is empty. He sees you with Amelie.
“I didn't realize you were. You don't need to be here.”
You look up at him. “Don't they want to question everyone?”
“Yes, but you're clear.”
You furrow your brows at him. “What do you mean I'm clear?”
“I already told the police that after the incident on stage, you left and Noah came to me. You were gone before the end of the show.”
“Noah came to talk to me after you left the stage that night. I don't know where he went after, but when I came to your room, you were already gone.”
Jack doesn't know about the brief altercation in your dressing room. It really did happen too quickly for anyone to notice.
“Oh, I see.”
Jack places a hand on your shoulder in support. “You look tired. Go home.”
“No, let me stay.”
The short officer comes out to call for the next person when he sees you and Jack. He walks over and checks his list. “You're the pianist.”
“That's right.”
“Jack has already cleared up your whereabouts, but may we ask you some questions?”
Jack goes to interfere, but you're faster. “Of course. I'll come with you now.”
Jack looks at you with a column expression and watches you go with the officer.
Amelie looks up at him. “She'll be fine. She always is.”
“I know.”
Inside the theater you make your way to where the tall officer is. He's writing some things down. As you approach he looks up.
“This is the pianist Jack mentioned,” the other officer said.
“Oh. Wasn't expecting you here today.”
“I want to help if I can.” You tell him.
He nods. “I'm officer Michaels. That's officer Jackson. Take a seat, ma'am.”
You sit down beside him.
“Did you know Noah?” He asks.
“Not very well. He came to the theater to perform. Jack had suggested we do a duet, but I declined.”
“Yes, I heard as much. May we ask why?”
“I perform alone. I play solo.”
Michaels nods and makes a note of that. He looks at you again. “What happened that night?”
“I was performing. Same as I do every Friday. I was only just into my first song when Noah stormed the stage singing his heart out. I was furious, but only because he ruined my music. Not that he was a bad singer, just that I like my music to speak without the need for words.”
Michaels nods again. “Then what happened?”
Lestat happened. But you can't tell him that.
“I left the stage, ending my performance early. I was not in much mood to be made a fool of. I retreated to my dressing room to gather my things.”
“And then?”
“I went home. I was too embarrassed and furious to talk to anyone. I was gone before the show was over. Didn't even say bye to Jack.”
It wasn't a complete lie. It wasn't the whole truth either.
“I see. Jack said as much. He spoke to Noah briefly and then went to check on you after he had the next performer on stage. Your dressing room was empty. No sign of Noah either. You did not leave with him that night?”
“Not at all.”
Michaels makes a note. “Understood. Thank you for your time, ma'am.”
You nod and rise from the seat. However, before you get too far, you turn. “May I ask, what do you think happened to him?”
“I can't say for certain, but it is likely he disappeared after leaving the theater, but before reaching his home. Rest assured, We will find our answers.”
You nod and leave quietly.
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By the time you're leaving the theater, Amelie is going in for questioning. You don't stop to talk to anyone, just like the others did before you. You're on your way home when someone comes up beside you.
“Hey there.”
You turn and see Eleanor has joined you. You had just wanted to go home.
“May I join you for a moment?” She asks kindly.
You walk in silence for a few moments before she talks. “My brother wrote about you in his letter to me.”
“He did?” You ask, almost worried about what he had said. You felt too involved in something you didn't actually do.
“He said he had the most beautiful piano piece he had ever heard in his life. He had said to me that he was going to sing to that piano one day.”
You look at her. “He really wanted that?”
“Yes. My brother is an admirer of the arts. Music is his passion.” She smiles. “He used to sing to me all the time.
“I see…”
“It's a shame I didn't get to see him sing with you. You'd make a good pair.”
Her comment makes you feel rather sick. You can feel your stomach turning as you walk. You just wanted to go home and disappear for a few days.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just… tired.”
She seems to fall for your lie and loops her arm around yours. “Let me walk you home.”
You decide to just let her.
As you walk you drift away with your thoughts. It's still day, so Lestat will be asleep. Should you go visit him at nightfall? Should you just leave him be? Lestat seems like more trouble than he's worth.
Yet, the way he looks at you. The way he held you in his arms and kissed you. You can't deny your attraction to him. Lestat was like a drug you couldn't get enough of. You wanted to see him again.
Though he is still the reason this whole mess has happened.
You were confused on what to do.
Before you know it you're standing on your doorstep. Eleanor lets go of your arm and smiles kindly at you.
“Take care.”
You find yourself smiling softly. “I'll try.”
She walks away slowly, clearly lost in her own thoughts. You can't help watching her go. She shouldn't have come here. Everything would have been fine had she simply not come here.
Too late to do anything about it now.
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@awanderingghost @theprettiesthead @cosmixstar @theblueslytherin @katherine2098 @sawendel @floofdeloop @sitkafay @bigbaddie45 @bluscryn
@secretisme4 @darkqueen1995 @bridkesby @caribbeangal @sarcasticandfangirl @missjadesfics @kaybart19 @whereismymindnow @chauchirem @angelrenee239 @ppureheroiine
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true-love-1997 · 2 years
Hello do you have any LxNaomi fic recs??
Hello dear anonymous! Unfortunately, I don't have any...🥺 I'm sorry I took so long to answer this too, the reason for that is I wanted to respond when I knew I had at least one...But! because I appreciate this ask, and every one I get, I'll be sure to make a post about LxNaomi fanfic recs when I do find one.
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
Pertaining to Sapsorrow, will we ever get to see the sun dress *ahem* in action?
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The moon must rise before the sun shines above the horizon.
The next chapter of Sapsorrow is the dance of courtship between Mihawk and his governess, courtesy of the Clown adhering to the traditions of Kuraigana. Mihawk never got the opportunity to woo his bride, and now he must in order to win her favour. Thanks, Clown.
The following chapter will be the tying and untying of the sensual sundress: tied by a blindfolded Benn Beckman, and hopefully untied by Mihawk - if there's no complications that has him losing all composure and cut the damn thing off.
But rest assured, dear anon. More is to come for this tale.
(I have been swamped a little in my personal life, and I want to make sure it's perfect before posting! It is coming, I promise 🖤)
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arttsuka · 3 months
draw your favorite animal :)
I don't really have a favorite animal. I like dogs tho (me being basic).
Dogs. I like long dogs. Hounds, sighthounds etc. My all time favorites are afghan hound and saluki (I like most other canines too, wolfs, coyotes, foxes etc)
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I really like birds too (shoutout to herons)
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Also anteaters are really cool
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carlyraejepsans · 7 months
what is this intrafandom horrible taste you speak of. please, i must know the gossip
a certain videoludic transformative work of chromatic inclinations really gets on my nerves.
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lost-gamer-archives · 2 months
For the faces meme, F8 with Jerry??! 😊
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Full body under the cut bc why not ^^
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epickiya722 · 2 months
Did the sky get cloudy in MHA? Does that mean people will finally stop complaining about the blue sky.
Oh my gosh, would you look at that?
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So are y'all done? Acting as if A) the sky can't change? B) a blue sky is killing you? C) MHA having a bright color palette is non-existent? D) said color palette serving as irony that not everything as bright and cheerful as it seems? E) YOU CAN'T HAVE A BAD DAY WHEN THE SKY IS BLUE?!
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canisalbus · 1 year
wait ive been reading some of these asks. do machete & vasco have a written out story? or comic? i havent seen any links on your page for something like that (unless I'm looking over em :"D) but I'd love to read/hear more if so!
Hh sorry, they have lots of story stuff planned out but it's all just rattling around in my head, there's no comic, written fiction, lore depository or anything substantial that I could direct you to. I mostly just design characters for my own enjoyment and then put them in little imaginary situations because it's a fun and inspiring thing to do.
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lunabug2004 · 1 month
You said that according to you there is a way to make Mileven stay together and have all the characters have a good arc at the end of the show. Could you develop that? cause in my opinion if Mike's arc is about falling in love , changing his personality after meeting a girl and at the end being the protective paladin to "fix" his bad behaviour then it's really bad writing (coming from a straight person)
I'm going to be completely honest here, which I hope is what you want lol, I do think I say this (sans the "good arcs" part bc I don't think I've ever said that there's a way to make Mileven happen where all the characters have good arcs) to more-or-less make myself feel better bc I have so much Byler doubt (& Mike love) so yeah, take this as you will, this is just what my brain has come up with as an arc(?) I could mostly cope with. I mean, there's a reason I put "(mostly) happy" but yes, I'll try to expand.
I love Mike and I have a feeling I will continue to love Mike whether Mileven or Byler is endgame. This is purely because I do not believe Mike is a bad person or bad character just bc he's made some bad decisions/said some things he (canonically) regrets. I don't think Mike would be a protective paladin to simply "fix" his "bad behavior". While I do agree that this wouldn't be the best writing choice, I think, in-context, he would be trying his best to keep everyone he loves alive. He is an extremely traumatized teenage boy whose biggest fear is losing those he loves. He has been smack-dab in the middle of the action until s4. Finn Wolfhard himself has said Mike is depressed and pushing everyone away bc of it.
Anyways, all of this to say that I don't think it'd be too farfetched to say all of his "bad behavior" is simply untreated trauma symptoms. And yes, you could say something about other characters being traumatized and them not acting like Mike, but trauma, and this is a fact, effects everyone differently. One person may lean into their life before going through said trauma, like Will in s3, while another may block it out, like it's shown with El in s4, and another may completely change themselves while being stuck in a loop of wanting those he loves close to him but also wanting to keep them at a distance bc he is so terrified of losing them. Dr. Owens even says in s2 that a sign of PTSD is change in personality and lashing out, which we see both in Mike. Plus all the parallels bt him and Max in s4, it's safe to say this boy is struggling mentally.
I do think it would make sense, when we finally get Mike's POV in s5, for a lot of his controversial moments to be fueled by his mental health struggle. Now, do I think this is an excuse? Not necessarily, but it does make sense, and as far as I know, anytime Mike's actively made anyone upset he's apologetic (like I said earlier, lashing out). I believe that if the show solely focuses on Mike's mental health issues, then Mileven wouldn't be out of the question.
I do want to add that this is not how I want the story to go, I would much rather his story go the Byler route, but I've said before that his character is not solely dependent on either Byler or Mileven, and I still stand by that. He should not simply be seen as a 'romantic interest' character bc he is more than that and he has his own problems (that we aren't necessarily shown) that have nothing to do with who he's in a romantic relationship with.
Now, again, this is probably mostly just something I've convinced myself I'd be alright with, but I am aware that this in and of itself would be boring and not very good writing. I also do not know, in this case, what would happen on the Byler side of things, this why I say "(mostly)". I am fully a Byler shipper and would prefer Byler endgame to anything really, but I'm a Mike-stan first and foremost.
Sorry if this wasn't too clear, I feel like I just rambled and repeated myself a lot. Thanks for the ask, though! And pls if you or anyone else has questions about anything I said, pls ask me! Trust me, I know this isn't foolproof and I'm probably just dumb 😂
TLDR: I think it's possible they could go more towards untreated PTSD and trauma/mental health related route for Mike in a way that would make Mileven possible. Doesn't mean I'd think it's necessarily good writing, but I could see it going that way.
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rhaenin-time · 7 months
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thyandrawrites · 4 days
feel free to ignore this ask if you want but.. do you think there are parts of hawks and dabi's characters that can be enjoyed despite the ending in your opinion?
I think that different people will give you different answers on this just because that ending was very divisive. But since you're asking me, then my answer is yes, of course!
I totally understand people who don't want to touch bnha with a ten foot pole anymore after having all their expectations so abruptly disappointed. I think that's a valid reaction after investing yourself in these characters and their struggles for years. But I also think that the ending we got wasn't the ending that was planned all along, just a plan B that threw all the plotlines in the trash in order to give the series a quicker ending so Horikoshi could stop working on this manga. So it's easier for me to disregard anything that doesn't fit the themes of the story and enjoy the characters up to a point where their arcs still made sense, you know?
For Dabi that's easy enough because I just have to ignore & rewrite the latter part of the second war arc. For Hawks... Well, I stopped enjoying his character a long time ago if I'm honest. Like 4 years ago now. I never quite swallowed what Horikoshi did to him with the whole Twice plotline and then the Enji PR agent one. Not to mention the whole HPSC president nonsense. So while I do still like parts of him, it's in a much more critical way, if that makes sense? I have to rewrite larger chunks of his arc (or read works that rewrite large chunks of his arc) to still feel something positive about him, tho I understand that's a very personal reaction. I know plenty of fans who don't feel the same way I do, and that's totally okay, too.
Basically: no one can tell you if you can still enjoy these characters or not except you. If ignoring parts of canon will help, then do so. It's not a moral failure to want these guys you formed an emotional attachment to to have a kinder epilogue. But if the bad overcomes the good, and knowing how their arcs end sours the whole thing for you... Then it's also okay to feel that way and let them go, imo
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spilledmilkfkdies · 2 months
Hello again! I have a bit of a weird ask, and I actually already asked this question of @duman-anon, but I love your takes, and I was curious what you’d say, so I wanted to ask: how do you think the wizards would react to reading the various fanfics of themselves? (Sorry if this is weird, I just can’t stop thinking about it.) Thank you very much!
um um um uh
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Not to be like a. Bad answer giver today. But tbh?? I really doubt they'd care at all 😭😭 Besides, there are so many different takes and approaches to them, the only ones that get any reaction would probably be bad ones ngl. Maybe my versions of them are just too serious or something, but yeah.
Though to be fair, I myself don't usually give these things a lot of thought either so it could be that. 🏃🏃 I'm just not. The biggest fan. 🏃🏃 Is that my lack of confidence in my own work speaking, absolutely DREADING what their thoughts would be on mine, who knows- I do know I can't handle real people fiction, that probably does play a part in why I don't think about it? I'm learning so much about myself rn
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mrghostrat · 8 months
Salut! Je me demandais si vous créeriez un jour du contenu pour des femmes ineffables ? Surtout en écrivant parce que j'aime le travail que vous avez fait auparavant (et aussi parce que je suis une grande lesbienne et que j'aime les femmes). Merci beaucoup, j'espère que vous passerez une merveilleuse journée.
Hi! I was wondering if you would ever create content for ineffable women? Mostly writing because I love the work you've done before (and also because I'm a big lesbian and love women). Thank you very much, I hope you have a wonderful day.
g'day! google did an amazing job of translating this for me, but i'm sorry in advance if the english -> french isn't so lucky.
i love and adore the ineffable wives and all the content that gets created for them, but i'm sorry it's not likely that i'll write anything myself. though i may draw them if the inspiration strikes!! 💞
i'm particularly drawn to relationships and characters that are masculine (but not exclusively male, i.e. cis, transmasc, nonbinary, and gender neutral that leans very slightly towards masculine), and always tend to resonate more strongly with them because of my transmasc identity. i've got some making up to do after so many years resisting it and have always had a soft spot for boys 😭 since my fics are just for a bit of self indulgent fun, i just like writing my favourite rendition of the characters, which happens to be neutral/masculine presenting like in the show.
i'm completely open to writing them with varied gender identities and corporations, but i struggle reading she/her pronouns in narration, so i'm sorry it's unlikely that i'll ever write that ;;
thank you so much for enjoying my work and reaching out!!! 💛
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nyehilismwriting · 8 months
Hey, I was just wondering what’s going on with your sentinal if? Ik you’re working on other projects rn, and this totally isn’t intended to pressure you or demand anything but I remembered the demo the other day and came back to replay it, and it’s sooooo good, so I was just wondering what the plan is with it going forward?
ouhh thank you!! I'm glad people are still enjoying her...she's in a limbo state rn, I'd love to work on her again but it is...unlikely, if I'm being honest. if I ever do go back it'll likely undergo major changes to the point where it's not really the same game, and I don't want to get anyone's hopes up about that happening.
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iwasbored777 · 1 month
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I don't want to disappoint you but I'm really done with Miraculous Ladybug. Pls stop sending me asks about it. I don't want to talk about it.
I'm posting this so others who recently followed me because of my ML posts from months ago will know - I'm not posting about ML anymore. It's just not my thing anymore. I'm not a ML hater but I'm not a ML fan either and that show is behind me now.
But I hope you are having fun <3
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