#i'm sure that's a shock lmao
yellowlaboratory · 2 years
Are you still planning on writing the sequel to pltc, mamba? Just finished pltc and it. was. lifechanging! Loved it so much, you are amazing! In one of your really old posts you said you were working on a sequel, but I don’t see it on your Ao3? No pressure if you decided you’re done w that universe, obviously, I just mainly want to let you know that you’re such a phenomenal writer and your story made me so so so happy!!!
hello!! you are so kind alkjdfhlkasjdf and I'm so so glad you liked pltc ❤️❤️❤️ I do have a sequel with an acronym so long I shorten it to mamba in my own head 🤡🤡🤡 I haven't posted any of it to ao3 yet, but I do have the prologue and the first chapter-ish nearly finished!! I want to get some more of it written before I publish it so you don't have to wait decades between updates (lol @ some of my current wips) but it will eventually be posted!!
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brittlebutch · 4 months
Jay's hypocrisy is a little bit endearing to me ngl; he'll go on twitter to bitch about how much totheark stalking/filming him is causing life-ruining paranoia & then turn around and post video footage of himself stalking Alex for months and reading Tim's medical records out loud to an audience with seemingly no conscious thought connecting the two actions as The Same Thing
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tvckerwash · 7 months
wash tormenting the reds in the most petty ways possible because he's still pissed off about them hitting him with a car and then blowing him up in s8 is so important to me you don't even understand
#I'm pretty sure I've said it on my old blog before but wash is the blues older brother but to the reds? he's the neighborhood bully lmao#that scene in s13 where wash gets all the chorus soldiers to turn on grif for refusing to attend the training sessions? 100% an act of#calculated cruelty on wash's part lmao#oh oh or in s11 when wash hooked up blue base to the ships power but not the reds? also calculated lol#wash stealing all of their stuff in s10 will also always be a fav petty wash moment of mine#he is out to make them suffer and they're not even aware of it lol#rvb#agent washington#mine#not t/oaru#if i ever write my ct lives au fic I'm going so hard on petty grudge holding wash#he is an absolute menace but he's so lowkey about it that in universe trying to convince ppl that wash is as petty as he is#is nearly impossible#the only ppl aware of wash's true nature are the counselor the director ct alpha and probably maine (and maybe florida)#everyone else sees him in a similar light as his fanon characterization#that's part of the reason why i think lina was so shock in s10 when he turned his gun on her bc to her wash was always so subordinate that#she just genuinely never saw it coming#anyway wash/ct/maine friendship is so important to me. i like to include south in there too sometimes but honestly south comes off as a#loner type. like she doesn't mind ppl but no one except north is really willing to tolerate her uh....personality for long periods of time#shes very....reactive and emotionally charged#but tbh id be that way too if i was stuck with north#north unironically reminds me of my dad but not in the good way lol#god my tags are all over the place#audhd brain goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 733: Sugimoto vs Danchiku
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Pag 1
1: By the way, Sugimoto-san, what about your “special technique”?
2: … ah
3: My self-awareness isn't that low that I didn't come prepared!!
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Pag 3
2: Huh!?
3: He.... has it? A “special technique”!?
4: Sugimoto!!
5: I'll tell you one more time.... one more time
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Pag 4
1: Come at me!!
Danchiku Ryuuhou!!
2: Go, Danchiku!!
4: Garu-
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Pag 5
1: Bamboo Hop Shot!!
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Pag 6
4: He caught up in an instant!!
5: Nice, Danchiku
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Pag 7
1: Keep going like this, pass him and tear him off!!
2: Sorry, Sugimoto-san, but!!
Please let me pass you, garuaa!!
3: I won't let you
4: do that, Danchiku!!
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Pag 8
3: Damn!! Haha in such a crucial moment!! All these trees block the view and we can't see!!
4: What happened to those two, teh...
It looked like Danchiku-san caught up to him in one go and passed him ,but
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Pag 9
1: Sugimoto!!
2: Sugimoto!!
3: Don't worry, first years!! Once we pass these trees we should see that Danchiku tore Sugimoto-san off and opened a distance of 100... no, 200m
4: He'll be riding in the lead!!
5: Ah, right, that's true
6: There's something I heard from the senpais.... until now, Sugimoto-san never stood out in races or got any good result... he even retired sometimes...
7: On the other hand, last year during the Minegayama Hill-climb race, Danchiku-san fought against a guy from Hakone Academy who had participated in the Inter High
8: And he won!!
The difference in their strengths has always been....
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Pag 10
1: clear...
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Pag 11
1: They're neck and neck!!
2: Sugimoto-san!!
5: He's following!! Woah
He's working hard to stay lined up to him, teh, Sugimoto-san!! Huh!?
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Pag 12
2: Haha, what are you doing, Danchiku!!
You have to pedal seriously!!
3: …. I was pedaling seriously....
6: When we passed the curve with the thick trees, I bent my frame with all my might
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Pag 13
1: We hit each other's shoulders, and I thought he would falter
2: Then I kept accelerating like that and thought I could leave him behind
3:  But this guy
4: didn't fall behind!!
5: Moreover.... usually, when you're chasing an opponent, you stay behind them
You use your opponent against the wind... but this guy.... when accelerating now
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Pag 14
1: He lined up next to me!!
As if he just wanted to prove that we're “equal”!!
2: Knowing that he's wasting his stamina!!
4: Of course, the second year is doing his best
So I, as a third year.... in this race
5: I'll let him practice against someone more experienced than him!!
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Pag 15
3: Issa.... I...
Calm down, Danchiku!!
4: You're stronger than him!!
You're stronger!! It's alright, he justhappened to be able to follow you with his eyes in this first attack, that's it
5: Attack over and over again and you'll tear him off!!
This guy can't keep up with you so many times!!
6: Kaburagi-san... incredible.... teh
Yeah.... even though Sugimoto-san is right next to him, he's dissing him to his face....
7: Don't falter, have confidence, Danchiku
8: Sugimoto-san!! For now, how about we say you race until that line over there?
The sun will set soon
This lap will be like...
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Pag 16
1: “500km” for each other!!
5: A “special technique”, in other words, it's the momentary activation of you own's “field of expertise”
6: Understanding your own “field of expertise” polishing it up, consciously controlling and, it in time of need – that specialty...
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Pag 17
1: letting it explode
2: But that's not something everyone can do
3: And it's especially troublesome when you can't find your own “special technique”
4: Or it could be that for most people, they don't know what they excel in, what their specialty is
5: And in that moment, they have no choice but spend time looking for it
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Pag 18
1: Using their intelligence and body, facing themselves and trying out
Over and over again
2: Only in the midst of “failure” you can find it
3: “Failure”, huh
4: Then, about that
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Pag 19
1: you might be the most experiecned among us!!
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Pag 20
1: Dammitl, he caught up again!!
2: What's this guy's deal...
Even though he's so out of breath!!
3: Danchiku!!
4: Back... back in the day....
5: Here is Sohoku there was a person called Tadokoro-san
His body was so huge... and he always thought of his kouhai
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Pag 21
1: He said that in order to be fast, “oxygen” was important
2: I practiced runnin whil taking in oxygen a lot
3: And there was a person called Kinjou-san, and he was very skillful in controlling the bike, so I practiced imitating his bike control
5: It was all a failure, but, but, Danchiku- have you ever heard these words?
6: In road racing the most important things are “practice” and
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Pag 22
1: “Experience”!!
6: Sugimoto-san jumped ahead!! Chyase him!! Danchiku!!
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mattodore · 9 months
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The BOLD THE FACTS tag with Theo (requested)
tagged for theo by @wldestluv-rs and @earthmoonz <3
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / other (theo is financially dependent on his wealthy parents and technically has no money of his own) ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly (he overworks himself, gets very little sleep, smokes frequently, and abuses drugs… he’s not doing so hot) / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but hasn't been caught (theo uses illegal drugs) / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents / not applicable / other (while technically living with his parents and being raised by them as a teen, theo was raised more closely by his au pair when he was younger)
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close minded /open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between (he can lash out but generally theo keeps a lot of his thoughts to himself) ♦ leader / follower (theo doesn’t like the spotlight) / in between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown (theo hasn't had enough people in his corner to answer this one with any amount of certainty) ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown (similar to the above, theo hasn't dated enough to give a general answer for this)
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless / other (theo has sex regularly but that doesn't necessarily mean he's favorable... this isn't to say that he never wants or enjoys sex, but that he has a tendency to use sex in unhealthy ways. it's complicated.) ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naïve and clueless / romance suspicious (doesn’t trust people not to hurt him) ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naïve / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed (headache meds regularly and sleeping pills a few months out of the year) / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never/ sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
tagging @wldestluv-rs for faye (i've got you nene ☝️), @veone for nick, @stinkrascal for vlad and also maybe amarie if you wanna, @omgkayplays for malaika, and @lucidicer for pogo and vincent whenever you come back from your break ♥
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mayasaura · 4 months
Whoa, I knew the seven year time skip was gonna happen, but I was not expecting a cold open seven years after the events of the first game with zero explanation
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
Pokémon Meme!
If your muse were a Pokémon, what type, ability, and moves would they have?
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Khare Marlin: Electric Type Ability: Dry Skin or Regenerator (Hidden Ability: Unnerve) Moves: Order Up, Scald, Nuzzle, Miracle Eye
Stolen fromTagged by: @ratwhsprs​ Tagging: @seafit, @vitrumbra and whoever would like to do this?
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misteria247 · 1 year
Me logs onto Facebook for once
Facebook notifications for the official Tmnt page: Congratulations! You've earned a badge for interacting/engaging with the Tmnt franchise the most!! Claim your badge now!!!
Me who's literally hardly on Facebook ever and who's only liked a singular post that just happened to be on my feed literally two days ago:.......Eh fuck it lol. Guess I'm certified a Tmnt person now????
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distantsonata · 1 year
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wernerherzogs · 3 months
bear in mind i've never seen yellowstone when i say this but, seeing your tag post about the reason for jamie's family dynamics and how its bad writing is extremely funny to me because that is exactly what happened to my best friend dean winchester 😂
*takes a long drag of a cigarette* dean winchester..... now that's a name i haven't heard in a while
#scream no anon you're actually onto something#there are - surprisingly or not - many similarities between the shows#mostly shitty fathers/complicated family dynamics/toxic masculinity#with jamie in particular i get so frustrated because the main reason why (slight spoilers but i don't think anyone watches this ajdjjd) his#sister hates him so much and why his father is extra critical of him gets revealed in the middle of season THREE#until then nothing he does warrants that level of hatred tbh#and when those reasons get revealed girl (gn) the writing was just SO LAZY when it comes to that!!!!! SO LAZY#and don't get me wrong jamie's not a crystal clear fellow and some of beth's (his sister) commentary on him is On Point#but when i discovered the origins of her/jamie's father's contempt towards him i was furious 😭#GUESS I'M GONNA SUPPORT JAMIE'S WRONGS FOREVER THEN !#truly few things piss me off more in shows/films than lazy writing/shock factor writing. fuck off#ANYWAY. just remember another shared characteristic between spn and yellowstone: characters brush off killing people SO easily lmao#well. most of them anyway#also the quote: 'there are monsters everywhere in this world. so we just have to make sure we kill them when we find them' is shockingly#NOT from spn lmao.#anonymous#a response#yellowstone spoilers#IF ANYONE CARES#yellowstone lb#ish#also am not fixing the typos i'm sorry. i see them but i ain't retyping all that#TL;DR BE MORE CREATIVE WHEN CREATING CONFLICT WRITERS OF THIS WORLD
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vivi-scera · 7 months
hey what's up! i wanted to drop in and say ur mellonear fanfic was AMAZING. easily one of the best works in the tag 💕. please please tell me ur going to write more for them. i just can't get over the amount of detail you put into it... if u don't mind talking about it... i just want to know how ur mind works pretty please 🤲
who— can you guys pls come off anon i'm begging and crying!!!
anyway THANKS SO MUCH. here i was bitching and moaning to my friends that that piece didn't turn out as well as i would've liked. can think of 2 or 3 fics off the top of my head that i love way more. but i'm so glad you liked it <333
and sad to say i am, in fact, not writing more for them <\3 i feel like i've said everything i can say about them? i mean they have like 10 lines total together how much more could i possibly extrapolate sdkjflhsf. i'm not a huge au writer tbh i pretty much only like working within canon. but you'll be happy to know i do plan on writing another death note fic (an au one though, surprisingly). just not for meronia. not telling which pairing but. near is in it trust. obvi it'll have meronia subtext.
and thank you thank you for the compliment about the details even though >.< i thought i didn't put in nearly enough. literally read that semi-canon side story in its entirety and only put in 2 things from it. and one of the things i straight up plagiarized <3 but we're gonna say i just referenced it.
i think i mostly just wanted to focus on how like childish yet mysterious they were. imagine you're kira, a functional god, and these 2 kids are running around without your knowledge trying to thwart you. you don't know what they look like, what they know about you, what they are to each other, what their names are, etc. etc. (they also represent the two halves of your would-be lover but we're not gonna go there). at the end of the day, they don't even care that much about YOU, a god (because they already had their own and well. you killed him)!! i guess i wanted to further emphasize that the stakes (for catching/stopping kira), for near & mello, weren't that high. at least,, not as high as beating each other (SO romantic). it was as if it were, as i referenced, just a game to them!! but a game sort of rigged against them, favoring the wammy industrial complex ofc. (the house always wins wink wink). but also,, it's all very tragic in the sense that they really have no other way to look at things. just child soldier things yknow.
idk there was some insane untapped story-telling potential there in the canon. the set-up sort of gave near & mello their own godhood statuses and stripped kira of his own. if i were to rewrite part 2 of death note i'd either keep it all strictly in light's pov or keep it all strictly in theirs. it did a disservice to the story/characters, imo, by attempting to keep the same dynamic/pov going from part 1. i'm not gonna lie and say the 2nd part was as good as the 1st sorryyy. because they were somewhat misutilized i never even considered the (incestuous) implications until someone ;) started posting about them ofc. then i thought about how much their dynamic reflected my personal favorite pairing of all time (knowers know) so i kind of took some preconceived notions and applied them. actually i was originally writing fic for afore-not-mentioned pairing and i'm pretty sure i just used lines from that to get started lmao.
anyway that's all i got atm. if i think of more i wanna talk about i'll write more <3 thx again for the ask!! feel free to ask more ofc ;3
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spinoff-antithesis · 1 year
[@distinguished-turtle-enjoyer ]
i actually have not stopped thinkin bout your bb!edit like,,,, its so good and scratches my brain right
how long have you been doin edits for? do have any tips for someone, who hypothetically, wants to start doin edits too? what programs do you use? how did you do the cool animated bits?
im so sorry for all the qustions 😭😭 i just think youre very talented and inspirational and i hope you have a good day ^_^
hi firstly oh my gosh you're literally so sweet i am gently shaking you i love you so much /p. secondly, i apologize for the long answer! (it's all under the cut. this got away from me. i'm so sorry apparently i have a lot to say.) (also you're so good about the questions i would constantly be asking one of my professors questions during class to the point where she said i didn't have to go "i have a question" every time i approached her)
i've been editing since 2016! around march/april, i think? loved it so much i went into film & video production in college as a major so i could do editing for a living. (i have done more motion graphics for my classmates than i have done edits outside of class assignments, BUT!)
the program i use is after effects - i started learning it when covid first hit the united states because i had nothing better to do with my time (other than music theory but i failed that bc my professor focused more on the history aspects than the actual theory soooo) and my ipad kept giving me the "no more storage" whenever i tried to use videostar lmao. (vs has, apparently, gotten a LOT of good updates, so if you're looking to start editing and have an ios system, i'd look into it! only downside is you have to pay for some of the cool stuff).
also the program i use for masking (i think i explain this later dwdw) is superimpose. i've been using it since 2014 and it's SO nice bc i can use my fingers to erase backgrounds & stuff instead of hoping i can get it to work correctly in ae or photoshop (photoshop my DETESTED i'll use it but i'll complain the entire time).
for people who want to start editing: tutorials on how your program works and how to do specific transitions are gonna be your best friend when you're first figuring things out! i forced a friend to literally walk me through how after effects worked when i was first figuring it out, and when i had swapped to videostar back in 2017/2018(?) i had watched a Lot of tutorials. that and played around a lot and figured things out on my own - which is also always a good way to start!! it's also totally valid to look at other people's edits for inspiration - most editors don't really care, as long as you don't flat-out remake their edit (some people don't like that!). i have a style insp folder on instagram where i save edits that i like so if i need transition ideas or i'm doing a different style, i can look there for inspiration. at the end of the day, as long as you're having fun with it that's all that matters!
also, starting simple is always okay!! my edits for a year were just me slapping gifs & video segments together on a timeline in cute cut pro bc imovie didn't load them lol & it'd crash every time i breathed. ++ it never hurts to ask people for feedback/constructive(!!!) criticism/etc! (also not to sound like everyone else but practice? good. it's so good. if i showed my 14/15y/o self some of the edits i can make now they would've passed out on the spot bc i was still trying to figure out transitions back then. programs can also sometimes make a difference in edits, but usually it's not super noticeable until you start getting to the Complicated Shit.)
a lot of popular programs i've seen are ones like video star (ios only), alight motion (android only), after effects (i recommend 🏴‍☠️ing it tbh, i only use it legally bc i had to use adobe programs for school), capcut, and i think some people still use sony vegas pro & maybe cute cut pro (i've heard it may have actually gotten better since i last used it in 2018)? i have no idea. programs also depend on whatever device you're using to edit on! since i've been using my laptop, i'm able to use after effects (it's computer-only), but when i used my phone/ipad to edit i used ccp & vs.
for the animation - it's a lot of cutting up the image and masking! more complex animations, like the one i had of leo walking down that red 'hallway' have several different layers that have been masked. (i removed the background & filled in the spot where leo originally was in two different apps - superimpose (taking leo out) & photoshop (filling in the bg)) in after effects, the way i've done this was mask out the specific thing i wanted to move (like an eye) and then put that mask on what i've called a "base" (not animated), and then stick a solid behind the base to match the color of the object. (some of my layers are not named appropriately; base 2 is the left arm & the four "SIX_[...]" layers are the mask/bandana tails)
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an example of this would be for any of the eye blink animations i did! this (above) is the same shot, with and without the eye - since it's masked out and i have the background solid behind it, it doesn't look too unnatural/have a black outline/mass where his eye should be.
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what it looks like without the solid layer behind it ^ (the red lines are from the null layers - ignore that)
this is what my timeline looks like if it's a more simplistic animation - the only five things being animated here are leo & raph's eyes. (there's only this many layers bc it's two characters in one shot & i was also animating their pupils - typically, an eye-blink animation is about 4-6 layers for me (solid, base, mask, & null to animate with, 6 if i'm animating both eyes & 4 if just one))
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in after effects, there's this really cool tool called the puppet pin that one of my friends (lovingly) yelled at me for not knowing about - which. yeah fair she wasn't wrong it's SUPER useful in animating, provided you chop up your image first. if you don't it's a mess.
(separated by layer vs i should've really put the mask tails & leo's head on separate layers and didn't bc that was the 2nd to last animation i had to do and i was losing my mind bc i wanted to be done with the edit lmao)
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the way people animate depends all on their style (there's two common ways to do blinking animation - having the anchor point at the bottom of the eye, or the middle of it) and the program they use. it's been a while, but i could probably tell you how to do some basic animations on videostar still even though i've been doing them in after effects for about 2-3years now. ALSO the best way to have an animation be noticeable is to over-exaggerate it/make them Big - which, yes, can mean 'breaking bones' and having the limbs be a little wonky at the start. (if you want it to be realistic though go Just to the point where it looks uncomfortable lmao)
uhm. again i am so sorry that this is so long i THINK this is everything? if not: my inbox/dms are always open if you ever want to ask more questions, wanna follow up on something, etc etc!! (also if you ever start editing please send me your edits!!! i'd love to see them <3)
#this got away from me im SO sorry (just put this in google docs out of curiosity. 1255 words. i am so sorry for the essay.)#uhm. ANYWAY YES like i said if you have any other questions feel free to reach out!!! i am always alway willing to help people out#with stuff like this!!! i can talk your ear off though if this wasn't enough proof of that /j#if nothing makes sense it's bc i'm responding to this at like. 5am my time. so. my bad if there's typos i'm so sorry#like i think i saw this ask at 4:40ish am and i'm still making sure i've got everything covered and its like 5:32am LMAO#me when i dont sleep bc i have no routine now#ask box pals#art creds in the screenshots to trubblegumm !! <- tagging to be safe#still in shock at the amount of positive feedback im getting from my bb!leo edit like oh my god you guys are incredible ilysm /p#sorry i discovered in the middle of typing out my tags that you can edit them now after you've hit enter where am i.#also this is offtopic so its down here but i am Not complaining about doing more motion graphics than actual editing.#a bitch has won two awards for their motion graphics at festivals and i've been doing them for a YEAR#(laughs in the first time i ever did a real one i won a student award. idk how. but i DID and i won the pro category this year <3)#it would be nice tho to do more editing for short films tho :( had a professor tell me i was good at it.#i should rly start using my camera and shoot my own stuff and edit it huh. maybe i will eventually i have a few ideas.#anyway. i need to stop rambling abt my experience as a film student and go to bed i apparently need to be up in the morning but idk WHEN
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leofrith · 9 months
girl......... NOT the realtor who worked for the couple who bought my apartment and jacked up the rent so much i couldn't afford to stay there adding me to his fucking email list without my permission
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realasslesbian · 1 year
Look, I'm drunk rn, but honestly, going to prison actually don't seem all that bad. You get a clean bed, flushing toilet, meals three times a day, hot shower, some exercise, maybe a library, maybe some lesbianism, it's difficult for relatives to contact you, etc, and if you get sick of other people all you gotta do is punch someone in the face and they put you in a solitary cell for a while. Like, I'm struggling to see the downside.
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tricoloredillusion · 1 year
Ok but in the new episode of rwby DILF Jaune.
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I want to know what exactly's going on EVEN if I personally don't care much about Jaune-
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white--moon · 2 years
What is your Hate Language
Just straight up biting people
Being subtly mean is overrated. The quickest way to solve problems is with your teeth! Whether you are simply unhinged or brutally physically attacking people you don't like is a calculated choice, your favourite way to demonstrate your hatred for somebody is by chomping down on them. Good for you? This hate language is most frequently practiced by wild animals, toddlers, and horse girls (but specifically the really hardcore ones).
Tagged by: @jaegersol Tagging: Anyone that didn't see they were already tagged by Plou.
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