#i'm sure when she tours again she'll be a little more 'on' for a while and i'm just looking forward to it
godofsmallthings · 2 years
i just know we’re never going to get intense press waves from taylor again, which is absolutely for the best for her and for me but i also really do miss her in the down time between her popping her head up for release promo
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justtwotired · 10 months
A ‘formal’ party
Summary: Y/n is Barty's little sister and currently on her way to her seventh year at hogwarts, as her brother and his friends just graduated. One of those friends might be a little more than a friend to her, and after a while of not seeing each other, they meet again at a party her brother throws.
Pronounce: she/her
Warnings: sexual content (no smut), cursing, kissing.
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She stared around with bored expression, holding a drink in her hand. The way to expensive dress she wore hugged her body perfectly and her hair hung like a curtain around her, as she obviously had refused to put it up.
Regulus stared at her from across the room and wondered if his mother would be upset if he talked to the girl, but she wasn’t here anyway. She brushed the hair out of her face and behind her ear and his breath hitched as that alone was enough for him to wand to smash his lips against hers.
She smiled as Pandora Lestrange approached her and they got into a conversation, Regulus was so deep in thoughts that he almost jumped out of his skin at the sound of his best friends voice.
"Are you eye fucking my little sister, Black?" He asked and Regulus glared at him. "Don't even dare looking at me like that, I should be looking like that at you- hey don't start undressing her with your eyes again." He snapped his fingers in front of the boys face.
"Don't start acting like the over protective brother now," Regulus said. "You where the one who told me she liked me anyway." He continued. "Hey, I have to be at least somewhat of a good brother- honestly, if your that desperate, just make your way over there, father believes anything she says, she'll make a lie on the spot if he somehow finds you tomorrow." Barty says and Regulus elbows him slightly.
"What, I know you want it." Barty grinned and Regulus narrows his eyes at him. "Is this how you talk to everyone that stares at your little sister?" He asked a bit disgusted. "No, of course not, I'm not a monster, only to you, because look at her and tell me she doesn't want it too." Barty said and Regulus shot her a glance.
She quickly looked away as her cheeks turned bright red, making Pandora laugh. "Fine, then I'll give you some private time with Evan." Regulus winked as he left and Evan just arrived.
"Lady's." He greeted the girls with a smile. "Hi Regulus." Pandora said in her dreamy voice. "Evening, Dora." He smiled at his chosen sister.
"Shall I give you a tour of the house?" Y/n suggested with a small grin. "Yeah, sure, why not?" He agreed with a mischief look in his eyes. "I guess I'll join Dorcas at the snack table." Pandora said as she walked over to the girl currently talking to Marlene McKinnon.
"So, Crouch, where you planning on giving me a tour of the whole house, or only your bedroom?" Regulus asked smoothly as they walked trough the house which she was not giving a tour of at all.
"What would you prefer?" She smirked and he let out an airy laugh, "I think you know."
They stopped in front of two rather beautiful looking double doors and Y/n opened them, letting Regulus inside.
Her room was enormous, he didn't have much time to study it as she grabbed his tie and smashed her lips into his and he let out a low chuckle when they pulled apart for air.
“Rather greedy are we?” He asked and she looked up at him. “As if you weren’t eye fucking me from the other side of the room.” She said with a mischievous grin.
“You are just like your brother.” He laughed before attaching their lips again. He backed her up against the wall and detached his lips from her as he made his way from her yaw to her collar bone. “Besides,” he said sucking hardly on her neck making her moan slightly. “How could I not when you wear a dress like this one.” He said.
“Though I’d much rather pull that off your body.” He said tracing the small zipper on her back. She blushed slightly and he grinned, tilting up her chin. “Are we flustered now, you where so bold moments ago.” He said in a low voice.
He pushed her up against the wall again, a bit harsher this time and catching her slightly of guard as he traced kisses down her neck. She wrapped her legs around his torso and started to unbutton his shirt.
He pulled her away from the wall and unzipped the zipper and it slipped of her upper body. He walked over to the bed and gently laid her down, pulling the dress completely off and then pulled of his shirt so it could join the dress on the floor.
She reached out to him but he easily grabbed her wrists and pinned them a over her head. “Nu uh, little dove, I’m boss tonight.” He said in a low whisper.
He grinned as his eyes traveled to the ground. “You started with the tie tonight, let me show you how that can be used aswel.” He said as he grabbed it from the floor, pulling her wrists towards him again.
She slowly opened her eyes and met his grey ones. “Morning beautiful.” He said and she grinned. His hands where on her hips and only at his next words she realised something.
“I’m going to lift you off of me, tell me if it hurts alright?” He said and she blushed and nodded as he was still inside of her.
As he was about to do so, when the door opened, in stepped Barty with his eyes closed, “just a heads up, mom and dad just came back, so you might want to sneak Regulus out.” He said and she sighed.
“Alright, now leave.” Barty left the room and Regulus looked at the girl. “So, what’s the plan, do I sneak out of your window, or do we lock the door and continue.” He grinned and she glared at him.
“Regulus, I can barely walk.” She said and he grinned lifting her of him and she gasped. “Shit!” She cursed and he grinned and stroked her back now turned to him.
“Fuck off.” She said angrily and he chuckled. “Are you mad at me, love?” He asked and her eyes, now deadly looked at him. “What do you think?” She hissed.
“A heads up would have been nice.” She continued. “I gave you one.” He said and she rolled her eyes, though he couldn’t see. “Yeah, before Barty came in.” She grumbled.
He lovingly kissed her shoulders and slowly made his way to her cheek. “Don’t try being all nice now, you moron.” She said and and sighed, grabbed her waist and turned her towards him.
“I’m sorry, love.” He said kissing her forehead and she mumbled something and cuddled close to him. A while later they where still cuddled up, only now Regulus had his boxers on and Y/n a t-shirt and panties.
They shot up when there where knocks on the door. “Y/n! Y/n we have to be at a dinner party in two hours.” The door started to open and she panicked and pushed Regulus of the bed just in time as her father entered.
“Alright father, I’ll be ready by then.” She said and he nodded and then sniffed. “You should open a window, it smells weird in here.” And then he left.
“Merlin that hurt.” Regulus complained as he got up. “I think it’s time I sneak you out of my window.” She laughed and stumbled out of bed.
After a few hours, they sat at a table in an expensive restaurant with the Malfoys. “Oh, Y/n dear, what are those bruises around your wrists.” Her mother grabbed her hand and she quickly pulled back.
“Nothing mother.” She quickly said as she glared at Barty who was covering up his laughter by coughing. “No, I’d like to know too, what are those bruises, N/n.” He grinned and she narrowed her eyes at him.
“Can you two be silent?” Their father suddenly hissed at them and they quickly shut up.
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avatar-anna · 10 months
ok i just did a cooking class rn and since i am a sucker for self-indulgent fics, this idea has come to me, so i'm writing it down in case i want to come back to it and write it.
so like i'm thinking it's a celebrity/charity auction thing where items like watch this show/movie with this actor or go on a date with so and so, and so Harry's is like take a cooking class with Harry Styles.
and reader is also some kind of celebrity too who is like mutual friends with Harry, and at the auction she can tell he's kind of shy/nervous about the whole thing, or there's someone who's a little overeager to win a date with him and it's putting him on edge, so she puts her paddle up to make it easier on him, because at least their friends and it's for a good cause
OR reader is drunk and isn't really paying attention and someone at her table convinces her to put her paddle up without really knowing what she's bidding on and ends up winning.
either way, they show up at this cooking class and reader's like, "right, let's get this over with I'm horrible in the kitchen," but for some reason, Harry's quieter than usual, which reader is used to because she knows him well enough, but it's out of the norm even for him.
but they're not close enough for her to ask if he's ok, so she kind of just cracks jokes and asks him about random shit so that he relaxes, which eventually works, but almost too well because now they're cracking up and distracting the chef and other people taking the class, which makes them giggle even more.
and they're drinking wine throughout, which makes them even more giggly and maybe even a little flirty. like they're all touchy with each other and sharing looks and doing that stereotypical thing of putting flour on cheeks and noses. and all throughout the night, reader just becomes hyper aware of the fact that Harry has the prettiest green eyes and a gorgeous smile and beautiful hands.
at the end of the class, reader is ready to part ways with Harry because he's gotten kinda shy again, but he's like, "you can come over to my place to, like, try what we made, but, like, only if you want to." and reader notices how he won't meet her eye, and she can kind of see that he expects her to reject him, but she just smiles and tells him that of course she'll come over.
because while they don't know each other all that well, they manage to have a good time whenever they do hang out together. and Harry is so sweet and kind and is funny when you get a few drinks in him, and he's just the kind of guy her mom said was out there somewhere for her. AND he's been flirting with her all night and she was kind of sort of really hoping he would ask her to come over.
so they go back to his place to "try the food they made" except reader worries she read the whole situation wrong because Harry isn't making a move even though they were being all flirty during the class and she went home with him, and after he's taken her over a very PG tour of his home, she's just kind of like, "am I reading this wrong?"
and it's not because she just wants to fuck him or anything, she just convinced herself that Harry might be into her, and now she's embarrassed because of course he's not into her, he's Harry fucking Styles
but he IS he's just so nervous around her because he's liked her for so long and it seems like she's only just started to see him differently and he isn't sure if she sees this as a one night stand kind of thing.
but he finally musters up the courage to just kiss her and see what happens because it's now or never and he's not NOT going to kiss her.
and it's so perfect that the next morning Harry is devastated when reader isn't in his bed he really did read the situation wrong.
and he's all mopey when he goes down the stairs and doesn't even realize that reader is there making herself at home in his kitchen, so when he looks up he's startled and she's standing there in his shirt and is like, "i hope you don't mind, i just thought i would be a little forward because i think you want this too."
and all Harry can feel is relief because thank GOD.
so they spend the next few days together in his house just cooking and talking and hanging out and having sex and it's perfect to the point where he's begging her to stay another night even though they both know they have lives to get back to.
but they keep things going and making meals together becomes their thing because obviously
and yeah that's what i've got have a good evening y'all ✌🏼✌🏼
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Can i get a total drama request about the contestants meeting Chris’ niece/nephew(gender neutral tho) preferably for world tour but any are good :)
Thamk you!!! :3
(Wasn't sure if you wanted younger, same age, or older, so I'm doing all three. If you want ALL of them, tell me! I just did these 3 for now since they're the only new appearances in World Tour, but I'd be happy to write more of the cast! I say it at the end too, but if you want this written in a proper paragraph style too I'd be more than happy to try to do so, just let me know!!)
Probably OOC 💔
Alejandro, Sierra, and Blaineley meeting Chris’s niece/nephew (no pronouns mentioned) (gn)
Younger (8-12)
Extremely confused
Also fairly concerned
Why would Chris bring his own niece/nephew on this show at such a young age?
Even if they aren't competing. Should they really be seeing this sort of thing?
After finding out you're not part of the competition, he relaxes a little bit.
Apparently you're here because your mom/dad had to go on some big work trip, and since you were so young, you couldn't be left alone for that long.
Convinced that your parents don't watch the show, because no responsible parent would allow their child in that
Probably tries to talk to you, to get to know you.
Maybe even ends up seeing you as some sort of sibling after a while.
Will defend you if anyone else (*cough* Duncan *cough*) decides to be an asshole
Genuinely cares about you.
How can someone so sweet be related to *that?*
If you're a trouble child however
Makes sense how you're related to Chris
Still makes an effort to be nice to you considering you're only a child
Little minds are influenced by family, they can't help it.
Does tend to keep his distance more though
Probably pulled his hair at some point and that was it for him
Always ponytails it if you're there now.
Either way, if you get hurt somehow, he'd help.
Again, you're only little.
Even if you're 12. 
A little less worried in that case, since you're old enough to kinda look out for yourself
But still makes sure you're alright.
She already knew of your existence. 
Found your mom's Facebook page for info on Chris
Found you there too
Doesn't question the fact that you're here
Immediately wants to become friends with you
Probably smothers you with hugs
Suuuuper friendly
Constantly saying stuff like "Chris your niece/nephew is so sweet" even if you're basically the devil himself
"They could do no wrong ♡"
She's doing it because she genuinely thinks this, but also partially because she wants some "brownie points" or whatever the fuck they're called
Also trying to prove to Cody that she can "be a good mom."
He apologizes for her
If she wins a reward challenge, she'll 100% share whatever it is with you if it's child friendly
Even if you're getting the same good food as your uncle
Will make you dolls out of anything she can
And will want to play with them with you
A child? Really?
What was Chris thinking?
No one wants to see a child on a show like this
Not to mention the grubby little hands
Doesn't want anything to do with you
Or she makes it seem like that, anyways.
If you get time where it's just the two of you, she's actually surprisingly nice.
Genuinely good with kids
Treats you like her own child
As soon as someone walks in she's back on the other side of the room glaring at you
Will deny this until she dies
If she finds out the fans like you 
Then she starts acting all nice and buddy-buddy on camera too
Not very genuine though
It's just like that when she knows she won't get poked fun of for it
Same age as (still younger than Blaineley)
Couldn't really care less tbh
Another contestant
Another obstacle
For now
Still makes the effort to talk to you, to make you like him
Like he does with everyone there
The more allies the better right?
May possible try to woo you
With the idea in mind to get you eliminated
There's a possibility he does come to genuinely like you over time
But he'd never admit that
(Platonically or romantically depends on how you wanna read this)
Keeps you around for a little while after
Really not a fan of you at first though
Mainly because you're related to Chris
Who wouldn't?
With the reputation that man has, he's got every right to assume you're like he is
Hopefully that's wrong
If it is? Like I said, definitely starts to genuinely care for you
Actually tries to befriend you
Not just an alliance 
Not just for a scheme
Maybe a little schemey 
But not only for that.
If you ARE like Chris?
Not a fan of you then.
The whole robot thing hasn't happened yet since this is World Tour
But even then
He knows what an ass Chris is
That's an understatement
Really doesn't like you that much
But he still makes the effort to "befriend" you
Just to get rid of you, of course.
(Cannot write for this man to save my life, sorry if this is absolute dogshit)
Again, already knew about you.
Very excited to meet you, too!
She's the self proclaimed Total Drama Superfan, she HAS to know everything about you!!
Talks your ears off
All with good intention of course
She is absolutely ECSTATIC
You know in those cartoons where they shake someone's hand extremely excited and they just. It's almost violent
Like that
That's how she shakes your hand when you're first brought on the show
I'd imagine you weren't brought immediately
Because like
I have no proper reason
Just for funsies
Before any proper eliminations 
(But after Zeeke's)
But yeah!!
Her Cody obsession is… off-putting to say the least
You stay away from her, or at least keep your distance at first
She keeps talking to you, being all friendly
And if you're not too scared of her
Then you guys could become friends!
If you keep talking to her on your own without keeping any distance?
Makes every day so much better for her
Probably used to people being weirded out by her
So you actually talking to her because you GENUINELY LIKE her? 
Bouncing off the WALLS
A friend! Yay!
Obviously Cody is still her #1 priority
But if you prove yourself, she miiiight let you in on a couple group hugs
Doesn't give a shit
Just like the younger version
But without the sweet bonding time
Doesn't like you very much
Might put on her fake little buddy-buddy act to stay on the good side of the media
Since you're probably "great for the ratings" 
Being related to Chris and all
Idk what else to put for her sorry
Older than them (17-19) (STILL younger than Blaineley)
..why are you here?
Probably assumes you're an intern at first
Or here to help run challenges/watch them
If you're in the challenges, he finds it to be unfair
You're older, probably taller and smarter, and he's CONVINCED Chris is giving you some sort of advantage
Still does his whole thing
But like. Not romantically.
If you're not in the competition?
VERY confused as to why you're here
You're not competing, but you're still back in the plane with them?
It just doesn't make sense to him
You're probably there to help out with challenges
If you're 17, and I'd assume still in high school, you might be there for volunteer hours or something
Since you're probably not getting paid either way /hj
Might attempt a flirting thing once or twice (if you're not older than 17)
Probably doesn't do shit though
Genuinely have no idea what to put here I'm just repeating myself
Again, already knows who you are
Basically just like the second one but more "respectful" (not really) 
Blaineley would've probably been suuuuper boring (even worse than her "same age" (technically still younger) one) so I didn't include it.
I'm sorry this is so shit lmao I'll probably try redoing it as a proper paragraph written fic/one-shot instead of this. That'll probably make it better. If you want that, please tell me so I can start it soon!! xx
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violet-fluff · 4 months
💙 Mike Zacharius x Abused!Reader
Safe In My Squad
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Warning: abuse, alcoholism, trauma
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Layla, your best friend, was standing in Mike's office. "Thanks again, Mike, for getting her into the Survey Corp."
Mike gives a curt nod. "I still don't see why she would want to join the regiment that is most likely to have her killed."
Layla hums in agreement. "Y/N's at a stand still being in the Military Police. She doesn't get to do much and when she does, it's really for nothing. She wants to be part of the help for humanity. Besides, I'm sure she would love having you as a captain way more than she likes having Nile as one."
A few hours later, you arrive at the Survey Corp. base and change into your new uniform. You touch the new and unfamiliar badge that was stitched to your jacket because what was once a green unicorn, is now a blue and white set of wings sitting in place.
"I like the look of this one better." You smile and perk up when you hear a knock at your door.
When the door opens, and Mike had to bend his head down a bit as to not bump his head on the top of the frame.
"Ah, I meet the gentle giant once again." You laugh and position your fist over your heart to salute.
You and Mike are familiar with each other. Often paired up when training back in boot camp. You would still see him every once in a while, when the Military Police and Survey Corp. grouped together for a meeting.
Mike gives out a quick sniff. "Didn't I tell you years ago that you'd regret joining the Military Police?"
"Everyone makes mistakes I guess." You shrug and look to the side. "Thanks for taking me in. I'm sorry with what happened to Nanaba. She was a great soldier."
Mike shivers at having to remember how his fellow squad member went down. "Yeah, well, this is the reality of being part of this brigade."
Mike then takes the next few hours to give you a tour of the base, introducing you to yours and his squad, and to help you fill out some paperwork.
"Y/N!!!!!!" Layla squeals as she watches you walk into the mess hall.
You flash a big smile when she runs up to hug you.
"Mike! You didn't tell me she was already here!"
Sitting down, Mike takes a sip of his water. "We had to get a lot done."
It’s when sitting to eat dinner, you get to become more familiar with Hanji and Levi while they ask about your time with the Military Police.
"Ah, yes! Those Military Police folk always seem like a stick in the mud!" Hanji laughs.
Levi clicks his tongue. "A bunch of assholes is how I see them."
You nervously laugh as you keep what you really went through in your mind. Layla looks at you with comforting eyes which Mike caught.
A couple weeks pass by, and you are with Mike out on the training grounds as you embarrassingly stand before him.
"I'm sorry. I'm just not good at this."
Mike shakes his head. "It's understandable. You've barely had to use your 3D gear so it might take you just a little longer to learn. You won't be going out on any missions unless I approve of it though."
He then notices one of your shoulder straps a bit loose, so he reaches out to tighten it, but retracts his hand in shock when you flinch hard and step back.
"S-sorry!" You apologize quickly as your face heats up when Mike can only stare back at you. "I'll...I'll go fix it myself!"
And you run off, leaving Mike standing there confused.
Your demeaner changes after that day. You've become anxious and you find yourself doing nervous habits like biting at your lips or shaking your leg.
Mike also notices that you don't go around him unless it’s for training or meetings. With you being a member of his squad, he had to get to the bottom of this so he went to Layla.
"Y/N is not herself lately and I know that you know why."
Layla scrunches her face. "It's not my business to give."
Mike's eyes fall flat in annoyance. "As her squad captain, it is my business to know. If it's not handled, she can get herself hurt with her head in the fog."
Layla sighs and takes a seat. "She's also afraid she'll get hurt."
"How so?"
"I guess I'll just rip the bandaid off because this is not an easy conversation..." Layla hesitates for a moment, "Y/N was getting abused during her time with the Military Police."
"Abused?" Mike sits up straighter, "By who?"
"Nile." Kayla sees Mike's face grow dark. He already hates Nile, so this is the icing on the cake. "He would um...hit her a lot, call her names, make her his personal servant."
This gives Mike the answer as to why Y/N flinched away from him that day.
"No one did anything about it?" He asks.
Kayla shakes her head sadly. "She tried to turn him in, but they just laughed and said maybe she needed to be put in her place. I wanted to help her, but she begged me not to or she would get in trouble with Nile."
Mike clears his throat. "She flinched back from me the other day. She knows I won't hurt her right?"
"She doesn't know that yet. Her trust in people isn't very high. Y/N always thinks people will end up hitting her or start talking down to her if she doesn't do a good job. She was conditioned to believe that for a lot of years." Kayla explains as Mike just listens in shock.
"Is that why she hasn't been around me lately? I know she's been upset because she hasn't got 3D maneuvering down, but I would never hurt her."
Kayla hums. "That's partly the reason. The abuse made her depressed and she turned to alcohol for a while. The addiction got pretty bad until I worked with her to get off of it. Addiction stays for life though, and she's been holding herself back from drinking it lately. That is also another reason you might see her so anxious and fidgety."
Mike thanks Kayla for the information and leaves to find you. The base is empty as everyone is in their rooms asleep, except for you. You snuck out of bed and into the mess hall.
You stand on your tippy toes to try and reach a rum bottle on the top shelf when a big hand grabs it instead.
Snapping around, you are face to face with Mike who holds the bottle up high.
He grunts. “Were you trying to get this?”
You pale as you stumble on trying to find words to say. “I-I ….I’m sorry! I-“
Mike sets the bottle on the table and you close your eyes, waiting for some sort of impact to hit your face.
You let out a shaky breathe when you feel gentle fingers glide across your cheek. Slowly opening your eyes, you see Mike crouched in front of you.
“Kayla told me everything.”
You don’t speak as his fingers touching your face are making you nervous.
He sighs. “I won’t hurt you. What they did was inhumane and they will be dealt with.”
You can only nod as you have yet to relax your tense body.
“You also don’t need any alcohol to comfort you. Come to me if you need help.”
“O-ok.” You squeak out.
Mike then takes your hands and holds them gently, but you break out into a sob and lean over to hug him.
He hugs you back tightly and sniffs your hair. This was the closest he’s been to you and your scent is lovely to him. Unbeknownst to you, Mike has always had feelings for you. He gave up on those feelings when you decided to split ways by going to the Military Police, but they would always blossom again whenever he would see you.
A few days later, you are in the washroom with Mike as you clean his hands. You gently wash over the cuts and bruises going across his knuckles, and you give him a scolding look, but he can only smile at the fact you won’t ever be hurt again.
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fratboykate · 1 year
Man, your bodyguard/celebrity AU have me hooked. Show us more of what it looked like earlier in the relationship.
Okay, this isn't exactly EARLY but it's early enough. They're not even engaged yet. It's 4k-ish words.
A firm knock booms through Kate's hotel room, signaling it's time to be whisked away to another whirlwind day of press events. As the door yanks her from her thoughts, she realizes she's momentarily forgotten which European country she's even in. Belgium, maybe? The constant disorientation from hopping from one place to the next is easily her least favorite part of being on the road.
This leg of the tour has been particularly wild ever since she and Yelena were thrust into the spotlight due to their relationship forcibly made public a week ago. Paparazzi seem to be lurking around every corner now, and every journalist she’s sat with since is fixated on prying into her personal life, leaving little room for discussions about her music or her upcoming television series.
But amidst the chaos, there's always a silver lining in the shape of a petite grumpy Russian. Every morning, it's Yelena who arrives at Kate’s suite to collect her. It's a small, stolen moment that Kate treasures, a chance to be alone with her love at the start of each day. It grounds her and sets the tone for anything the day might throw at her. While protocol dictates that security should wait outside her door and escort Kate down, ever since they started sleeping together, Yelena usually knocks once then enters using the spare key card Kate always makes sure she has.
Today, however, there's an unexpected second knock on the door.
"Baby, just come in.”
Kate calls out to the door as she hurriedly tosses the last of whatever she thinks she'll need for the day into her oversized purse. She pauses, expecting Yelena to enter the room. But seconds tick by, and still, there’s no sign of her. Huh?
"Yel, get in here! I need your help with this zipper thing. It's stuck...I think you pulled on it too hard last night."
A smirk tugs at the corner of Kate’s lips as memories of clothes being peeled off her body the night before jump to the forefront of her mind.
But still...nothing. The room remains silent, and confusion furrows Kate's brow. Kate briskly walks to the door and swings it open, only to be met with the unexpected sight of a tall, black man standing on the other side.
"Johnson?" Kate questions, her voice laced with surprise.
"Mornin', Miss Bishop. The car's ready for you downstairs." Johnson replies in a calm and professional tone.
"Where's Yelena?"
Johnson shifts uncomfortably on his feet, a hint of hesitation in his response.
"She's no longer on your detail."
A chuckle escapes Kate’s lips, assuming it’s a prank.
"Funny. Tell her to come up here. I need her."
However, Johnson's expression remains stoic as he reveals the truth.
"Miss Belova is no longer employed at Shield Security. I've been assigned to be your new Head of Security.”
Kate’s amusement evaporates. Offering no further comment, Kate abruptly turns away and unceremoniously closes the door in his face. She rushes to her bed and the phone that rests atop it. She dials Yelena. No answer. She calls again and leaves a voicemail this time.
"I'm really hoping you're running late and Johnson is in on the joke. Call me, please."
Growing anxious, Kate sends a text message as well. It reads: "Where are you?" Nothing. The silence only heightens her unease.
Kate rushes back to the entrance, nabbing her purse on the way. She opens the door.
"Take me to where you guys stay."
When they're not on duty, the permanent security team that travels with Kate usually lodges at a modest hotel, far from the lavish and ultra-expensive accommodations she gets in every city.
"Miss Bishop, we..."
"It wasn't a question. It was an order."
Johnson hesitates for a moment, but understanding the urgency in her tone, he acquiesces. Kate hovers by the door, allowing him to lead the way.
During the entire twenty-three-minute ride to the other hotel, Kate tirelessly taps away at her phone, sending one text after another to Yelena. Frustration mounts with every unanswered message, fueling both Kate’s vexation and her determination to find her. The car finally reaches the parking lot of the modest hotel, and Johnson promptly steps out, opening the door for Kate.
"What room is she in?"
"I don't have that information, ma'am."
"Find out for me then." Kate insists, her impatience palpable.
"I'll need a moment."
Johnson closes the door and steps away from the vehicle. Through the tinted window, Kate keeps a watchful eye on the man as he makes a phone call. The suspense builds. Moments later, he returns.
"Room 307, ma'am."
"Thank you." Kate mutters as she steps out of the car, her frustration evident.
Out of the corner of her eye, Kate sees Johnson trailing after her. She turns sharply and glares.
"Stay here." Kate asserts firmly.
"No problem, ma'am." Johnson responds, yielding to her command.
Kate climbs up the weathered stairs, each step creaking beneath her weight, and makes her way down the dimly lit hallway of the roadside hotel. The worn-out carpeting and faded wallpaper tell a story of countless travelers passing through. The air carries a faint smell of disinfectant and the soft hum of air conditioning units lingers in the background. This is the kind of place where business travelers and budget-conscious individuals seek respite, a far cry from the luxurious five-star housing Kate is accustomed to.
Kate steps in front of room 307, raises her hand, and knocks on the door. The sound echoes through the corridor, and after a moment, she hears shuffling and hurried movements from within.
"I told you I needed some time. I'll check out when I chec…” Yelena's voice trails off abruptly as she swings the door open, her words dying on her lips. Kate's gaze falls upon the two giant suitcases, half-packed and scattered on the bed and floor. Confusion and concern fill Kate's eyes as she takes in the disarray before her.
"What the hell is happening?” Kate asks with a mix of urgency and disbelief.
“Shouldn’t you be on the radio right now?”
"Fuck press. Why haven’t you been answering my calls or texts? And why is Johnson babysitting me now?...I hate Johnson."
Yelena steps away from the door and resumes methodically folding and packing clothes.
"I got fired."
"What?! You're MY security. Who fired you?"
“In case you forgot, you hire a security company who hires me. They aren’t big fans of the whole 'me sleeping with one of their most high-profile clients' situation. Got a call this morning. They're putting me on a plane back to the States in six hours."
Kate’s eyes widen in disbelief and anger.
"Bullshit." Kate grabs her phone from her bag. "Who do I call? Give me your boss’s number. How do I fix this?"
Yelena shakes her head, her voice filled with resignation.
"It's in my contract. We're not supposed to have personal relationships with clients or their staff. I breached it. It's done."
"I don't trust anyone else but you." Kate insists, her voice firm.
"Johnson may be a bit of a prick, but he’s a decorated SEAL. He's the next best thing...I actually suggested him for the job. He can keep you safe, so I'm glad they at least listened to that.”
"No. It's either you or no one."
Yelena's expression softens, her eyes meeting Kate's.
"Kate, don't be ridiculous. You need protection and I'm no longer in a position to provide it. Give Johnson a shot. He might grow on you."
"Did he ever grow on you?"
"No." Yelena's response is swift and straightforward.
Kate approaches Yelena, resolve etched on her face.
"I need you, babe. YOU. No one else. I don't care how many medals they have or what they are. You're who I want."
Yelena’s expression softens, but a hint of sadness lingers in her eyes.
"Sometimes reality and what we want don't line up."
"Then we make it line up." Kate declares with conviction.
Unwilling to back down, Kate gazes around the room, taking in the scattered bags and belongings. Her voice trembles with concern as she speaks next.
"Were you going to leave without telling me?"
"You have a hectic day, packed schedule. More important things for you to focus on. I would've texted you before the plane took off.”
"Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice you weren't with me until six hours from now?"
A hint of regret accompanies Yelena's admission.
"No. But I hoped you'd be too busy to come digging. Clearly, I was wrong.”
Irritation builds within Kate as Yelena continues to move around the room, putting the last of her things in the bag.
"Will you stop packing?! You're not going anywhere."
"The company pays for this room. They paid it because I was your Head Of Security. I no longer hold that position, so I have to vacate the premises regardless.”
Kate paces back and forth, her mind racing. Suddenly, an idea flashes across her face, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
"What if you were?" Kate asks eagerly.
"What if I were what?" Yelena looks at her with a mix of confusion and caution.
"My head of security again."
"We just went over why that's not possible.”
Kate grows more insistent.
"If the problem is that the company I hired fired you, then I’m firing them and hiring you directly. I'll pay whatever Shield was paying you. Double it if you want. Plus, whatever else you need.”
Yelena shakes her head.
"Kate, don't be insane."
"Why not? Let's cut out the middleman. You'll be fully in charge, making all the decisions. Everything goes through you. Everything."
"I'm not taking your money." Yelena tells her firmly.
"You were already working for me anyway!"
"I was working for them. They assigned me to you. It's not the same."
“But it is! It is the same. Tell me what you need. We'll make it happen.”
“Kate, this isn't a game. You need security. Take Johnson. Let it be."
"M'kay, well, they're fired anyway. So, you either take the job, or I’ll have no security at all.”
"You can't threaten to ignore all protocols every time you don't get your way."
"I just did. I'll drive myself to the venue, open my own car doors, do my own security sweeps..."
Kate plays it up, fully aware that Yelena's patience is wearing thin. She continues to test the boundaries, hoping to elicit a change of heart.
"It's not as simple as me taking the job. I would need people..."
Yelena tries to explain, but Kate interrupts her, speaking over her.
"Hire them. Whatever you need."
"...but I don't have money to pay people..."
"I just told you to name the price. It's taken care of."
"...and even if I did, I would need to have a company to run payroll..."
"I can have my lawyers on it today."
Yelena groans, evidently piqued.
"In your world, you may be able to snap a finger and make things happen, but things are different for the rest of us. It's not just about money. There are licenses, background checks, insurance, and a million other things involved in running a security company. Stick with Shield. I can talk with Johnson, explain how you like things. Give him time. You'll get used to each other."
"I told you, it's you or no one. Shield is already fired. They're done. They made major changes to my team without consulting me. I don't trust them anymore."
"Your team has changed dozens of times while I've been with you and you've never been consulted. We get assigned to different places for different reasons. It's the way it is."
"Never my head of security!"
"Did they consult you when they brought me in, or did they just introduce us?” Kate has no retort to that because they didn't. Checkmate from Yelena. "Exactly."
"Doesn't matter."
"It does matter! It does!"
"Okay, I guess I'm driving myself around the city today."
Kate grabs her bag and heads for the door, deliberately walking down the hallway at a slow pace, giving Yelena time to react. She hears a loud groan and grumbling from inside the room. Finally, the door flies open, and Yelena pokes her head out.
"Get back in here," Yelena grits through her teeth with exasperation.
Kate smirks briefly before putting on a stoic expression, turning to face Yelena, and walking back into the room.
"Look, having money can be a good thing. You need guys? Poach whoever you want from Shield. Double their salaries. I don't care. We'll figure out payroll and whatever other boring legal things need to happen. My business manager and lawyer will have solutions for you. I just need you to say 'yes'. You're amazing at this. Why wouldn't you be your boss?"
Yelena sighs and sits on the bed, contemplating the offer for a long beat.
"This has never been about your money or what you can or can't do for me."
"Oh my god! Not this again. You've never asked me for a single thing. You won't even let me pay for food if it's only us. I know. I know. You're not using me. I don't feel used. Never have. You're the only person I trust. You're doing it for me, not the other way around."
Yelena ponders for a long beat, considering the implications.
"Whatever this costs...legal fees, your business manager's time, state and federal costs to set up the company, anything...I'll reimburse you."
"You're so annoying." Kate smirks and rolls her eyes.
"I'm not with you for your money or status or...whatever." Yelena assures her.
"I've never doubted that."
"I don't want your team to think I'm taking advantage of you."
"They won't."
"All of a sudden, you'd be bankrolling my life, making a company for me...it's..."
"Their priority is to keep me safe. They can't make money if I'm dead, so it's in their best interest to get behind things that guarantee I stay intact. We all know the best person to make sure that happens is you."
"It looks shady from the outside, Kate. I need you to acknowledge that. People talk and I don't want them thinking I'm trying to exploit you or steal from you."
"It's not like I'm throwing money at you for nothing. I'm paying for a service and your expertise. It's business."
"Business and pleasure shouldn't be mixed. "
"We crossed that bridge a LONG time ago."
"And look at where it got us."
"What? Me being happier than I've ever been, you getting the opportunity to start a company, and us being able to finally sleep in the same bed together...all night...without one of us having to sneak out? Sounds like it got us something good.” Kate counters with a grin.
"You always oversimplify things."
"And you always over complicate them."
Yelena's phone receives a text message, causing her to glance at the screen.
"Sam wants to know if I know where you are. I can't believe you blew your press day. Emily is going to be furious."
"Oh, she was calling me the entire ride here." Kate responds nonchalantly.
"Why would you piss off your publicist? That's almost rule number one of things you should never do."
"I had bigger things to worry about."
Kate approaches Yelena and swings her leg over the blonde’s lap. As Kate straddles Yelena, pressing kisses to her pulse point, Yelena's body responds involuntarily. Her head tilts back, granting Kate greater access to her neck. In the midst of their intimate moment, Yelena's eyes flicker open, and she glances at the clock on the bedside table.
"I can still probably get you to your 11:00 AM on time. You might need to do your makeup in the car so you're camera ready by the time we get to the studio, but I think we can make it."
"You don't even want to celebrate that you're a fancy, super important CEO with her own firm now?”
Yelena chuckles, her lips tantalizingly close to Kate's as she replies.
"I'm none of those things."
Kate's lips ghost over Yelena's teasingly.
"But you are. And since you're the Big Boss now, you probably need practice with disciplining people. A lot of bad employees out there. It'd be irresponsible of me to let you do something like this without knowing you're REALLY ready to take control."
As Kate grinds on Yelena's lap, Yelena's fingers instinctively dig into the younger woman’s thighs, leaving marks.
"Have I ever given you any doubts that I can take control?"
Yelena raises an eyebrow. Kate shrugs like the brat she is, and a playful smirk appears on her face.
"Probably. Can't really remember now. I've got a terrible memory that needs constant refreshing, or I forget things."
"Hmmm...I see."
Yelena's eyes lock with Kate's as they study each other intently. In this close proximity, Yelena can count even the most minuscule flecks in Kate's blue eyes. The intensity and underlying lust she reads in them cause Yelena's facade to crack, revealing a genuine smile.
"What am I supposed to do with you?" Yelena wonders aloud. Just as Kate is about to respond, a mischievous smirk already forming on her face, Yelena interjects. "Not in the dirty way, Kate Bishop. In general."
Kate pouts playfully.
"Always ruining my fun."
Yelena chuckles.
"Am I?"
Kate nods, leaning in to press her lips against Yelena's. The electricity in the room grows more charged, the space now filled with desire and unspoken words.
"Show me what you want to do...in the dirty way...first and I'll tell you what to do with me in general after." Kate whispers teasingly.
"You're impossible." Yelena shakes her head, filled with amusement and exasperation.
"I think that means you need to get me under control, no?" Kate challenges, her eyes sparkling.
"I guess it does."
Yelena concedes, leaning forward and pushing Kate's back onto the sliver of open mattress next to her half-packed suitcase.
"Still kind of weak for a CEO." Kate teases some more, poking at Yelena's pride.
A low growl escapes Yelena's throat. Kate is in trouble now, and she knows it. The thought of making it to the 11 AM interview quickly fades from both of their minds.
Yelena steps into the sprawling mansion she once called home. It has been weeks since she was last here, ever since she made it clear to Kate that her requests for a divorce were genuine and non-negotiable. The familiar space now feels foreign and strange to her.
"Kate." No answer. "Kate."
Nothing. Yelena calls out a few more times, but there is no response. She moves further into the house, searching for her estranged partner. Eventually, she finds Kate sitting in the office, gazing at the view.
Kate's head turns towards the entrance, their eyes meeting in a moment of silence. Neither of them speaks, but the apprehension hangs heavily in the air. After a brief pause, Yelena shifts her shoulders, a sign of her trepidation and stress.
"You came."
"You didn't really seem to give me a choice...What? What is it? What's so important that you couldn't talk to me about it over the phone?" Yelena asks, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration.
Kate looks at her desk and picks up a document, reading its contents with a furrowed brow.
"'Notice of Termination of Services: Your client is hereby formally notified that, within a maximum period of 30 days, Belova Security will cease to provide its services. We kindly request that you promptly identify and establish contact with an alternative security company to ensure a seamless and efficient transfer of responsibilities.' What the hell is this, Yelena?" Kate's tone is laced with a mix of confusion and frustration.
"Official notice that you should find new security."
"Why would you do that?"
Yelena looks at her, perplexed.
"Are you being serious?"
"You don't need to be involved. I get it if you don't want to be. But I still want to keep using your company for my security."
"That's absurd."
"I don't trust anyone else."
"You just said I wouldn't have to be involved, so what difference does it make."
"It makes a difference to me. I know how you run things and I know that even if it's not you personally overseeing this, your team is still the best. I can simply be another one of your clients. I don't expect special treatment. I don't expect you to deal with the day-to-day stuff. I still want to be on your roster regardless.”
"I'm not going to argue with you, Kate."
"Then don't. Let me do this. It's not some excuse to get you back into my life. I understand that you want nothing to do with me. I respect that. This is purely business."
Yelena pauses for a moment, contemplating the situation. After a long beat, she lets out a sigh. Yelena would never admit it, but she wouldn't trust Kate's security to anyone else either. No one knows her as she does. So even though she will take a step back, it's comforting to know that she’d still be in charge if anything were to happen.
"Strictly business."
"I'll keep Alexei as your lead, then. But I'll make sure they run any significant personnel changes by you first."
"Thank you."
Yelena starts to leave, her steps heavy with unresolved emotions. Kate hesitates, a mix of concern and regret swirling within her. She wants to say something, to offer some semblance of comfort, even if it may not be enough.
"Yel..." Yelena reluctantly turns, the sound of her nickname sending a shiver down her spine. "Are you okay?"
"Let's keep things professional, Kate."
Kate's heart sinks at the distant tone in Yelena's voice. She desperately wants to bridge the gap between them, to mend what has been broken, but Yelena has made it more than clear that reconciliation is off the table.
"I'm sorry. I truly am." Kate whispers, her voice filled with sincerity.
"You've said that." Her pain lingers right beneath the surface.
"I want you to hear it regardless." Kate continues, her voice tinged with vulnerability.
Yelena offers a slight nod, a subtle acknowledgment of Kate's apology, though the wounds between them remain raw and unresolved. With a somber air, she reaches for her sunglasses, slipping them on to cover her eyes, not just from the scorching hot day, but also to conceal any traces of vulnerability that might surface. It's a defense mechanism, a way to protect herself from further pain. And with that, she turns and walks away, leaving Kate behind.
As the reality of the situation settles upon her, Kate's composure crumbles like fragile glass. Tears stream down her face; each drop a testament to the depth of Kate’s remorse for the pain she has inflicted. With every sob that escapes her lips, the echoes fill the empty space Yelena left behind, reverberating through the void that now exists between them. The sound of her heartbreak intertwines with the emptiness, creating a haunting tune of sorrow and regret. At that moment, Kate is left to confront the magnitude of her actions and the profound loss she feels without Yelena by her side.
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Medwhump May 2024
Day 17 - Forced to stay awake / Scars
TW: guns mention i guess
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Living with and working for your kidnapper can get pretty lonely, pretty isolated... But sometimes Erick got a little break from that isolation, getting to hang out with other teens his age. Like the one time they spent a summer in Jaime's hometown in Kansas and he got to meet all her friends.
It was a sleepy town, small enough for everyone to know each other, and not quite big enough to have its own high school. The townspeople mostly consisted of someone's aunt, uncle or grandparents, with a few exceptions. During school semesters, kids of all ages were crammed into a schoolbus or two or three and shipped off to the next town over to attend school. Their parents and neighbours worked hard to keep their little economy running, leaving the shops on main street relatively succesful, but not offering a lot of leisure either.
To Fetch, it was the perfect place to hide out at when he had to lay low, while also giving him the chance to be a little bit closer to his daughter. They'd done it once before. It was a coincidence at the time. Jaime needed to be brought home, and Fetch could pick up a job in the next town over. For the sake of keeping up appearances, he allowed Erick to get closer to Jaime and her friends, putting a temporary end to his isolation.
It only lasted for the summer, though. After that it was back to either San Diego, or touring the country from one job to another, and back into isolation for Erick...until next summer when Fetch conveniently pissed someone off again and they had to lay low someplace.
"Are we staying at the same place as last time?" Erick asked, excitedly peering at the sign indicating it was only fifteen more miles until they reached the town.
"No, it was sold apparently," Fetch said, "damn house flippers...no we're staying at an old friend's house."
"You have friends in that town?" Erick asked, raising a brow.
"Not really," Fetch admitted, "but he was the only one who didn't side with my ex in the divorce and he has spare rooms, so."
"So...an acquaintance?"
"Don't get smart with me," Fetch grumbled, "walk me through the ground rules."
"Keep location tracking on when I go out, stick to the curfew, don't tell Jaime and her friends about your work, avoid suspicion at all costs," Erick droned.
"Good," Fetch said, "and don't go thinking I won't kick your ass for breaking any of them because we're staying with someone. I can always take you out into the woods if I have to, so don't make me go through that effort."
"Yes, sir," Erick said.
When they arrived at the address where they would stay, Erick could tell right away why Fetch got along with their host. He was a farmer, living alone in a pretty generous farm house. He didn't talk much, which involved not asking too many questions either. He looked worn-down enough from working his land, and probably slept like a log throughout the night.
After they unpacked a bit, they got some dinner at the diner in town, during which Erick got to text Jaime to let her know they'd arrived.
"She said she'll be right over," Erick said, after reading through a string of enthusiastic replies.
"Tell her if she hurries she can catch dessert," Fetch said, already looking at the menu again.
And sure enough, about ten minutes later, Jaime came bursting into the diner, ignoring the waitress as she rushed past her to hug her dad, and Erick next before plopping down next to him.
"I'm so glad you're here! Are you staying all summer? No wait, don't say anything, I don't wanna think about you guys leaving yet!" she rambled, "Erick you wanna hang out later? Everyone will be so excited to see you!"
Erick glanced at Fetch, but he just shrugged.
"Be home by ten," he said.
"We'll let you know if we run late!" Jaime said, grabbing Erick's arm and getting up, "let's go!"
"You don't want dessert?" Erick asked.
"There'll probably be snacks anyway, and it'll save daddy some money on the bill~" Jaime said, "let's go, let's go, let's go!"
Erick shot Fetch an apologetic look as he got up and followed Jaime out of the diner. It was just like last summer. He just kind of went wherever Jaime dragged him to, and it usually turned out to be fun.
Today it was the town's tattoo parlour. Erick remembered all the afternoons they spent in the alley behind the shop, enjoying the shade, trying to lure roaming cats to pet them, and chasing off some guys who had planned to set the dumpster on fire.
But they weren't hanging in the alley by the parlour, they were hanging inside. The sign on the door said 'closed,' but Jaime ignored it and pushed the door open anyway.
"Look who finally found his way back?" Jaime announced.
"Oh god," Erick sighed, before following after.
Sure enough, the whole group was there. Even though it had been a year, Erick recognised them all right away; Finn, Jaime's best friend with the habit to dye his hair in crazy colours; Cal, Finn's boyfriend of ambiguous ethnicity and an equally ambiguous (and delicious!) repertoire of recipes; Caitlyn, possibly the tamest member of the group and a nice contrast after all the others; and last but not least, Rowan, whose uncle owned the parlour and the apartment above it.
"AAAH IT'S ERICK!" Caitlyn shrieked, getting up from the couch by the wall to hug him.
"Bitch my ears!" Finn whined, before getting up as well, "good to see you, man."
"Erick come check this out!" Cal called him over.
Erick fist-bumped Finn, dislodged from Caitlyn's hug and followed the sound of a soft hum. In a corner in the back of the shop, Rowan was bent over one of the chairs, holding a tattoo gun, though before he got a chance to see what Cal wanted to show him, he was hit by a terrible smell.
"Urk! S-sorry, what is that smell?" Erick asked, covering his mouth and nose with both hands.
"Oh yeah, that's the pig skin," Rowan said, holding up his work.
He held up a literal slab of skin with a half-finished, realistic-looking galaxy tattoo.
"Oh wow, that looks great," Erick said, "but I'm gonna keep my distance."
"You get used to the smell in a minute," Rowan said, putting the skin back on the chair and continuing.
"Is that why we're hanging in here?" Erick asked, "I thought Mr Green didn't want us thrashing the place."
"Guess he finally trusts us," Rowan said with a shrug, "we'll go chill upstairs once I'm done with this piece, so we can eat some snacks too."
He moved to dip his needle in some fresh ink, when he managed to knock it over instead.
"I'll get you some paper towels," Cal said with a laugh, before walking off.
Erick dared to come a little closer, the smell slowly getting less bad. The pig skin had more tattoos on it. It seemed like Rowan had been practicing vibrant, starry skies, each one looking much better than the last.
"I should call it a night," Rowan sighed, putting the tattoo gun down.
"It's looking really great, though," Erick said.
"Thanks!" Rowan said, lighting up a bit, "when do I get to ink you~?"
"I'm good," Erick quickly said.
"Oh come ooon," Rowan said, "you're such a beautiful blank canvas! Prime real estate! Jaime, tell him!"
"Imagine how epic a Star Wars tattoo could look with his new technique," Jaime said.
Erick was almost convinced, almost. But he didn't even want to begin to imagine how Fetch could possibly react to a random tattoo. He seemed more than okay with Jaime's piercings, though Jaime could get away with murder in his eyes, while with Erick...it depended on his current mood.
"Maybe when I can actually afford to pay fairly," Erick said, "besides, I'm not that blank of a canvas."
"Honey you totally have a vitamin D deficiency," Caitlyn said.
"...maybe, but that's not what I meant," Erick said, "I got, like, some scars and stuff."
"Scar cover-ups are something I wanna learn too," Rowan said, "can I see?"
"You gotta show us now," Jaime said, "do you have a cool story behind it too?"
"I wouldn't really call it cool, perse," Erick said, hesitating a bit, "it really hurt at the time...sometimes it still does, like before a rain storm."
"Classic scar stuff," Rowan said, "trust me, I know."
He rubbed his leg a bit, which he once managed to impale on some scrap metal in the junkyard. Erick winced a bit as he remembered the story. Frankly, Rowan could be so clumsy, he was surprised he didn't have more scars like that.
"I still wanna see it," Rowan said, "for research, inspiration maybe."
"Alright, alright, just don't ask," Erick said, before rolling up the right sleeve of his shirt.
He was turned towards Rowan so he could...be inspired or something, though Jaime shoved Caitlyn aside to also take a look. Just hidden underneath the sleeve of his Tee, Erick had a round scar with three spikes coming from it, nothing more but an odd shape, unless you knew what you were looking at.
"Jeez, Erick, what'd you do?" Jaime asked.
"It looks like a bullet wound," Rowan said, leaning in a little closer.
"Yeah, as if," Jaime said.
Jaime punched his other arm.
"Tell me you're lying!"
"I haven't said anything yet," Erick pointed out, which only earned him another punch. Meanwhile on his other side, Rowan gently traced his fingers over the scar, feeling the outline without putting too much pressure.
"No, that's definitely a bullet wound," he concluded, not helping.
"Tell me what happened!" Jaime said, grabbing Erick and shaking him a bit.
"I said don't ask!" Erick argued.
"Technically she wasn't asking," Finn pointed out.
Erick threw him a look, while Jaime shook him again.
"Tell me!" she said.
"Calm down!" Erick said, "it's nothing serious, it was just an accident."
"How do you accidentally get shot?" Cal asked.
"We live in America," Rowan said, "but still, how? I didn't even manage to accidentally get shot yet."
"Yet?" Erick repeated, "wait, sorry. It's really stupid, I promise."
"If it's embarrassing you have to tell us," Finn said with a smirk.
"Okay, okay, stop crowding me," Erick said, swatting Rowan's hands away as he was still observing his scar, "it was a warning shot that ended up bouncing against a steel support beam and hit me instead."
"A warning shot for who?! What idiot waves a gun around like that in the first place?!" Jaime said.
Erick but his lip, he could probably still save this with a half-truth, he just had to be careful not to mention too many details.
"Your dad..."
"HAH! Your dad's an idiot!" Finn immediately said, while Jaime facepalmed.
"Of course he is," she said, "he always brings his Glock when he's travelling because you never know what can happen in the middle of nowhere— Wait! Did something happen?! Are you guys okay?!"
"No, we died in a highway robbery," Erick deadpanned, which earned him another punch while the others laughed.
"I'm serious! If something were to happen to either of you..."
"We're fine, your dad knows what he's doing," Erick quickly assured her, "besides, nothing scares off wannabe robbers like a man crazy enough to shoot his own companion, even if it was an accident. We got away with just one very painful scratch."
"Jesus fucking christ, Erick," Jaime sighed, beginning to calm down a bit, "next time dad shoots you, at least text me, okay?"
"I didn't wanna worry you," Erick said, "besides, your dad was pretty embarrassed about the whole thing..."
"I have the right to be worried, you dumbass!" Jaime said.
Meanwhile Rowan returned with a coloured marker, beginning to draw on Erick's arm before he could stop him.
"I could ink a nebula in the background, and then use the elevation of the scar to enhance the 3D effect of an asteroid, or what about the Death Star blowing up?" he murmured.
"Stop tempting me," Erick said, though he didn't pull his arm away, "this washes off, right?"
"Yeah, I'll get you some rubbing alcohol after I take a picture," Rowan said, "thanks for letting me do this. Pig skin doesn't ever come with scars to practice on."
"So long as you stick to marker," Erick said.
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Meet the squad! Aaaaa I love the squad! I wish I had intro pages for all of them, but this is actually the first time I wrote with them! Up until now they'd just been rotating in my head, like a good stew hmmmm
More fluff than whump, but TBH I (and thems) needed a break.
Masterlist Main account
Taglist for the dynamic duo (however brief their interaction was in this one): @lavndvrr
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
LegacyTober Day 17: Future
So this is after defeating LoS. First paragraph is if you stayed in Astraea, second is if you and your partner went back to Earth. I'm gonna,, have to make some stuff up,,, for Anisa,,,, because obviously we never got to see what her timeskip was like and the effect it had on her and whatever. So. Damn you Fictif/Dorian.
In Astraea, Felix is trying to help put Blackthorn together. The crypt was totally decimated after that whole 'cultist soul possession' thing that happened. For a long while after the attack, everyone has avoided going near it. Initially it was to be sure that the last traces of LoS' magic had faded and wouldn't affect anyone else, but honestly? Everyone is still on edge about it. That includes Felix, but his anxiety leads to a need to understand. So he goes poking around in there and obviously brings you with (assuming you're comfortable with it - if you aren't then he'll go by himself). I would not put it past him to arrange for a picnic in the grass under the full moon. He'll tell you stories about the people that were in there (did the bodies ever get put back? I'm inclined to say they were probably destroyed, so all that's left is the plaques and coffins).
On Earth, Felix is still researching the paranormal! He loves going to 'haunted spots' to find ghosts. You tried to take him on a tour once and the guide started doing a whole 'hundreds of years ago in the Puritan times there was a woman accused of witchcraft who was hung here' blah blah blah, and then Felix goes 'The woman had an allergic reaction and died like eight years ago' and ends up taking over the tour,,, doing small bits of magic that could pass as impressive street magic,,, you guys end up getting kicked out. Sorry. He has fun though.
In Astraea, Anisa has taken it upon herself to completely reform the Sunstone knights (possibly changing their names? Idk) and make sure there's no corruption. In addition to the normal duties they perform, something she wanted to focus on was community outreach and getting in touch with the citizens. While she has overcome her insecurities about being LoS' daughter, she's still just a helpful person in general, so she's still going out of her way to help out. So when there's a Fall Harvest festival, Anisa helps organize and run some of the activities as well as just keeping the peace. She's also learned how to be kinder to herself, so she takes breaks as needed (or if you give her puppy dog eyes).
On Earth, Anisa is super excited! She discovers Starbucks and pumpkin spice latte. You can bring her fashion magazines and she'll put together her own outfits. Possibly makes some of her own? I think it's mentioned in the intro that she knows how to sew. Imagine,, going on a lake,,, like with those paddle boats? And the lake has red and gold leaves that have fallen onto the surface and it's super pretty and Anisa is so in love with you and with Earth. She's learning how to take a step back and breathe, y'know?
In Astraea, Sage has mixed feelings about fall. Even though Porrima has been rebuilt and pretty much every building is warded against Corrupted, he's still on edge. Especially when the night comes earlier and the shadows stretch longer. Plus you gotta add on seasonal depression. But the cooler nights means more cuddling by the fire (he always puts his head in your lap so you can brush his hair or stroke his ears) and wearing fluffy cloaks. Tulsi works shorter hours too, so they can hang out a little more. And he still enjoys warm apple cider, so there's a bonus! Ultimately, he'll be a little more comfortable during summer but he'll make it through fall. You can tell him silly over-the-top scare stories and it'll make him laugh.
On Earth, Sage has an easier time since. Y'know. No Corrupted. But then you introduce him to zombie movies and now he's afraid again. On the bright side. Sage in all black? Maybe even gothic clothes? He'd probably only wear it as you guys get closer to Halloween but I just want you all to be picturing that. Anyways for some reason I keep picturing him trying a cinnamon-flavored cake pop so there's that. Since it's colder out, he can hold your hand and walk around with you so that's a big bonus for him. Um. Um. Um. Also. Oktoberfest. I don't know if post-timeskip Sage would enjoy it as much (he'll come around eventually but he's anxious at first because if you've never been, Oktoberfest tends to get loud and crowded) but he'll get in the swing of things eventually.
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
Hindsight is 20/20
Book: The Royal Romance (with references to Desire and Decorum)
Characters: Hana Lee & Peter Foredale (OC) (platonic), Hana Lee x Kiara Theron. References to Annabelle x MC from D&D.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 5000+ words
Summary: Hana and Kiara travel to England...after recieving a letter from Hana's former fiancè. Hana explores her journey as a bi woman in a walk down memory lane.
A/N1: This takes place three years after the events of TRR3. Hana and Kiara are married and have an 8-month old child at this point. Peter Foredale in this universe is both the "Lord Peter" Hana mentioned in TRR1 (who was engaged to her then broke the match) and the current head of Countess Florence Foredale's (my D&D MC) estate, Edgewater. Faceclaims here.
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for FoTW and @choicespride for National Coming Out Day (Thursday).
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"Ready, darling?"
Hana nods mutely. She is, after all, ready in all the ways Mother wanted her to be. Face serene, back straight, gown resplendent.
You look like a vision, the dressmaker gushed a while ago when she saw the results of her handiwork, I cannot wait to see the look on Viscount Foredale's face when he sees you!
Inside the satin gloves, her hands begin to tremble.
Viscount Peter Foredale. Gentleman. Up-and-coming barrister. A regular on the magazine spreads. The most eligible bachelor in all of England. Most of all...a wonderful, kind friend.
And after tonight...her future husband.
Her stomach tightens in a sick lurch.
"Doing okay?" Kiara asks her wife, running a thumb gently over their daughter's left cheek. Her other hand settles at the small of Hana's back, tracing soothing circles. The child shifts her attention from the pearl button she's been chewing, to coo at Mama Kiki's touch.
"Yeah... she's fine," Hana replies, her voice grainy with fatigue. "Put her in any sort of moving vehicle, and she's the world's happiest baby."
Kiara releases a laugh from pursed lips. There is nothing their 8-month-old loves more than being carried around; if you try to sit down, even for a minute, she will bash her hands against your chest and moan for you to get up and move around again.
Her eyes, however, never leave Hana's face - not the downturned lips, not the concealer-masked dark shadows under her eyes.
"I wasn't talking about Chaima," she says quietly.
Hana closes her eyes. It's easy enough to dissemble her nervousness when Chaima is in her arms, but not when Kiara is pinning her with that piercing, knowing gaze. That gaze has always been Hana's undoing.
"Look at you, asking me all the hard questions at 11 in the morning."
Kiara sighs, and fiddles with Chaima's curls. "Your arms must be aching, ma moitié. Let me have her just a bit. Rest now; we'll be reaching Edgewater in half an hour."
Hana sighs and nods. She doesn't want to let go of Chaima yet - it would be so much easier, pushing every other thought aside when this lovely golden child is in her arms...and she suspects that's part of the reason Kiara wants to take over. Don't put off things just because you think you can't handle them perfectly, habibti.
Kiara tucks Chaima's head gently on her shoulder, crooning an old lullaby in Darija. Nīnī yā moūmoū...Hattā tjī ‘andou moū...Sleep my baby...until your Mommy arrives...
Chaima thumps her little hands against Mama Kiki's breasts in approval. Sighing, Hana takes out the letter that brought her here.
Dear Hana,
I hope you, your wife and your little one are well. It's springtime here at Edgewater, we have plenty visitors in the afternoons, touring the gardens and the lake. Mabel has been renovating the house again - she's been insisting I leave the Regency-style furniture in the Regency era and go for something more contemporary (I'm right!).
Little Alphonsa thanks you for her copy of "A Smart Cookie". I'm sure she'll love the message in a few years...but for now all she can see are the cupcakes, the croissants and the macarons. I'm quite proud of the fact; in this one area she takes after her father.
Despite her nervousness, Hana cannot resist a small smile. It's been good to hear from Peter again, truly. He has always been a serious man, whose humour slips through in the most unexpected moments, and it shows in his letters. And from his wife's rare interjections in his letter, she can tell Mabel is the more open, outgoing one.
It had all begun a year ago. They hadn't spoken at all in the years since their engagement had fallen apart, first out of bitterness and then out of shame. Somewhere in those early days, he'd resented her for those dreams left unfulfilled, and somewhere she half-hated him for leaving her to deal with aftermath, alone.
But when she'd heard the news of Earl William Foredale's death from her father, it felt odd not to give him a call. They'd known each other long enough for Hana to understand how hard Peter would have been hit - this man he'd loved and worshipped and wanted to follow on the footsteps of - and whether or not her presence was welcome she knew she needed to at least try.
You reached out after years of silence and offered only compassion, he wrote to her months later, For that, I can never thank you enough.
She looks to the final lines in the letter. Just to see if there's something she's missing, something hidden between the lines. Perhaps, an courtesy-invitation to an old friend he would much rather not see again.
You mentioned in your last letter that you'd be in London two months from now. I would like to extend an informal invitation to visit the Edgewater estate, and our family, when you are here. It would be nice to catch up.
His letters to her have been nothing but sweet. Warm. Tentative in their attempts to speak about anything but that which caused them to part. And for that, she is grateful.
Still. That prickle of fear remains.
The foyer of the mansion is elegant, imposing. From the parlour nearby she can faintly hear the sounds of an excited child attempting to converse with Chaima, occasionally asking Kiara if she can touch her hand. My baby, my cupcake, we'll give you lots and LOTS of milk and carrot smash!
(I think you mean mash, Kiara replies, sounding amused and more than a little charmed by the girl already)
The Persian rug is soft beneath Hana's feet, and the oak panels shine in the patch of sunlight streaming in through the windows. But that is not what catches her attention.
A portrait on the side, of a young woman in an ocean-blue gown that bears the insignia of a unicorn and an eagle, in gold and silver. An elegant shawl around her shoulders. In her face is the pride of a woman who seems to have fought for her place here, and won. Next to her, a calm, brown-haired man, hands kept behind him. Straightening his back, trying to stand tall, trying to match the stature of the lady he just married...but happy to be there.
"That's Florence Foredale," a rich, deep voice speaks from behind, "Countess of Edgewater. 1817 to 1867." The woman who approaches her walks with grace and confidence, hips swaying slightly as she walks. On her wine-coloured lips, a small smile. "Good afternoon, Your Grace."
Hana laughs, relieved that Peter's wife seems every bit as happy to see her as she sounds in his letters. "I've heard about her. She's quite famous in Cordonia...especially in my wife's province." She gives the other woman a teasing grin. "And we're not in Cordonia anymore, Your Excellency."
"Mabel," she interjects. "Not very many people call me by my name nowadays, and I rather miss the sound of it."
Hana nods, smiling. "Mabel it is," she says.
"Hana," Mabel responds, her eyes brown and speculative, but softening when their gazes meet. "Peter's in the study. He said he'll be joining us in a couple of minutes."
Hana's spine clenches in a mixture of anticipation and dread. If Mabel notices an involuntary twitch from her guest, she chooses not to tell.
Hana closes her eyes. Lifts her chin. Tries not to sweat under the harsh camera lights. Involuntarily tightens her fist until the photographer tells her she looks a little too tense.
She can feel Peter's hands, holding her by the waist like she is glass and he's afraid he could break her. She can feel his breath near her ear, slow and measured. She can almost hear him swallow his nervousness in his throat, and wonders if he is just as terrified as she is.
She waits for the feel of his lips on hers. The one she's read about in books, secretly watched in her cousins' favourite films. The one that's supposed to release a million butterflies in your stomach, the one that softly parts your lips like they're made of silk, smooth and sensuous. Already she can feel him growing closer...closer...
Peter finds her half an hour later in the kitchen, calming herself down with a few small squares of chocolate. Guiltily, she notes the still-blood-red bruising on his bottom lip. She runs her fingers over the delicate filigree earring they chose for the occasion, still unsure why his frown is one of worry, not disgust.
"Are you alright?"
She sniffles, almost hating him for being so kind. "I should be asking you that."
Surprisingly, he offers her a lopsided smile, making his swollen lip even more prominent than before.
"Well, see. At least I landed somewhere in the vicinity of your face this time," Peter says, chuckling, "Give me a little more practice. I promise it will be your cheek next."
Fresh tears spring in Hana's eyes - this time tears of laughter.
"How's this, Auntie Hana!" little Alphonsa chirps, enthusiastically swinging a rattle to Chaima's face, "Am I doing it right? Does Chaima like it? Do you? Do youuuuuu?"
The last two sentences are addressed to the baby bundled in Hana's lap, applesauce running down her mouth. Chaima looks away from her food to gift her slightly older companion a gummy, two-toothed smile. Shaking the rattle is typically the job of whichever mother has her hands free, but Peter's little daughter insisted on keeping her tiny guest happy and submerged in toys for the two days that they were here.
"Yes, Alphie," Kiara blows her a flying kiss, "you're a natural!"
Hana gives Alphonsa an affectionate pinch on the cheek with her free hand. "Chaima lights up every time she sees you, darling, and so do we."
Right next to Hana, Peter grins. It's the first genuine smile she has seen from him since they started talking, and Hana is struck by how alike he and his daughter look right now.
"Alphonsa loves babies," he explains, "or any child, really, they just have to be younger than her. It sets her big-sister instincts abuzz."
Hana sighs, shaking her head and remembering her own days as the only child. Her chandelier earrings swing around her neck as she laughs.
It fascinates her, really, how at ease they are with each other when they're talking about their children. Ever since she came here, their conversations have been awkward, stilted, punctuated with pregnant pauses that harbour all the words they're too afraid to say to each other. They've been trying so hard to be normal around each other, Hana realizes, and failing.
But as parents, they've never been better friends.
"Wait a minute," Peter's voice sounds a little bemused, suddenly, "is that -"
It is only when Hana follows his line of sight that she realizes exactly which earrings she's worn for this visit.
In that moment, she wants to dig a hole beneath the parlour floor and bury herself there.
"Yes," she says, sheepishly, "I'm sorry, I didn't think..."
Peter raises his eyebrows, then turns to look at Kiara and Mabel. As they both watch their wives talk animatedly, lost in their own conversation together, Peter suddenly turns back to Hana with a mischievous grin.
"Don't be," he says, "I'm just grateful we both managed to get better kissing practice. Less bloodshed that way."
Hana stares at him, then breaks into peals of silent giggles. It isn't even that funny...not to anyone else anyway...but the dry tone and the memories make it hard for her to stop laughing.
God. She isn't sure what else may happen to cast a shadow on this golden time, this lovely reunion...but if there is one thing Hana has missed up her old friend...it's this.
It is on their second day at Edgewater, that Countess Mabel requests Hana accompany her for a short walk.
Edgewater Lake is a tranquil, limpid little paradise, tucked away behind the estate's beautiful gardens and sprawling grounds. The aroma of bay willow and birch trees is alluring and soothing all at once, and even the ducks seem to float languidly over the water.
Mabel smiles in satisfaction at the sponge cakes in her box, kept specially for the ducks. She offers some to Hana, and together they throw the crumbs in the lake, watching in rapt attention as the ducks practically spring into life, squabbling over who gets which piece.
"I don't think I've ever felt more at peace anywhere in this estate than here," Mabel says. "I found this place quite by accident on my first week here, when I was too intimidated with the rest of the house and the estate. It's been my safe space ever since."
"It's a beautiful place," Hana smiles, remembering Sôse - the lake near the Cordonian Royal Palace. Its clear waters, its free-spirited birds, that distinctive smell of yellow crocus flowers that now reminds her of home. Where she was once told she would become a Duchess. Where Kiara had proposed to her, seven months later.
"Many tales speak of Countess Florence having picnics here."
"With her husband?" Hana says with an arched eyebrow, knowing full well the true answer.
"No. Her...companion. Miss Annabelle Parsons of Hazelvale."
"Parsons? As in the artist who painted Woman's Waltz and Rose Gold Reminiscence?"
"Yes," Mabel says, a faint smile on her lips, "I'm certain you've heard all the stories."
"Not until recently," Hana whispered, remembering just how ignorant she felt, those first few months after she realized she loved women more often than she loved men. How much there was for her to learn. She remembered sitting up some nights after she came out in public, wondering just what to call herself. Am I lesbian? Am I bisexual? Why are most of the people I get attracted to, women? And how can I say I'm lesbian if I've still found myself gravitating towards at least one or two men?
It took Kiara to convince her that she needed to stop overthinking, that changing her mind about who she was didn't mean she was lying to herself. To feel good about learning at her own pace. When she first heard about Florence Foredale, Hana hadn't even known what a lavender marriage was. "I wasn't really out to anyone until I started living in Cordonia."
Mabel's smile grows wider. "Me too. I'm bisexual."
Hana sucks in a breath. "Really?"
"When did you realize?"
Mabel's smile is swift and regretful. "I had an inkling in my early twenties...but I was deep in denial until at least two years ago."
Hana nods, placing a hand on Mabel's shoulder. "That sounds a lot like my journey. I don't think I could even articulate who I thought I was before I left Shanghai."
"Before Peter and I met, I was a young girl brought up in a very strict Goan Catholic family," she says, "You never even uttered the words gay or bisexual around our house." She sighs, heavily, seeming to remember her first year at Edgewater. "I was so scared. The timing was all so wrong. What was I going to do, now that I knew? What was I going to tell Peter?"
Hana winces. She had the same fears the night of their engagement...only now she can give those questions a name. The memory of his face is blinding in its clarity: contorted in pain, his mouth uttering questions she wasn't sure she would ever have the answers for...Is this what you want? Am I what you want??
The way the scales fell from his eyes as she fought to stop her tears.
And then he had left. Left that secluded hallway, left her house, left China. News of the broken match came from her parents.
She had become "damaged goods" overnight. Without a single hair on her head being touched.
Silently, Mabel reaches out and takes Hana's hand, squeezing it in understanding and an attempt to comfort. Hana presses her eyes closed. She doesn't want this woman's pity. Not after this long, when it's too little too late.
Hana is afraid of the answer. But she still has to ask.
"How did Peter react?"
If her eyes weren't closed already, she would have done so right now, cursing herself for coming here. All this time...and she'd really convinced herself he'd changed...but if he was treating his lawfully-wedded wife this way -
"Not of me," Mabel says softly, her hand moving to touch Hana's arm now, "Of himself. He never quite forgave himself for what you had to go through after he left."
Hana sucks in a horrified breath. "He knew?"
Even before she did?? And he never once tried to talk to her about it?
"Not right away. Not that you weren't straight." Mabel says, nervously fingering a sapphire bracelet on her wrist. "It took him years to make sense of it. When the announcement of your marriage to Kiara came out...and then that magazine spread you'd made on Trend for Pride in Cordonia...several things began falling into place."
"Before or after you came out to him?"
"After," Mabel whispers, "I won't pretend it was perfect. I won't say he understood everything all at once . But he did try...and he still keeps trying."
Hana lets out a sigh of relief. It feels good, knowing that the phantom she had built in her head of him isn't entirely accurate.
"More than once when he's spoken about you," Mabel begins again, slowly, "he's told me that he thinks neither of you had a clue you loved women back then. He said you didn't seem to have enough space to ask questions about who you were or what you wanted."
"He's right," Hana says, staring unseeingly at the ripples on the lake. "When I fell in love for the first time, in Cordonia, it was hell. I had no idea what I was feeling, I couldn't get over the fact that it was a woman...and she was lost to me before I could even hope to win her."
Mabel smiles. "...and then you met Kiara."
Hana chuckles, a glow trickling down and filling every inch of her being...as it always does when she remembers their first days after they confessed their love to each other. "And then I met Kiara."
The two women walk further, looking out towards the lake rather than at each other. Hana gropes around in her mind desparately for a change in subject.
"I feel like I've seen this place before, even though this is my first time personally visiting Edgewater."
"It's possible," Mabel concedes. "Several films have been shot here. I think my favourite one so far has been that one with Cassandra Leigh in it... what's its name...?"
"A Timeless Heart," Hana replies, wonderingly. Even as she answers she finds herself awash with memories. Memories she'd kept locked away since Peter had left...yet something about this particular one demands she revisit it today.
They're at the home theatre Father and Mother had installed, just before Peter's parents agreed to their match. Peter tries - not too subtly - to place his arm around her. Hana obediently folds her hands on her lap, and hopes he doesn't realize they built this room specifically for him.
"Did you know," he inches himself a little closer to her, whispering, "this scene was shot a few years ago at a lake close to our house."
Hana does not answer. Her eyes are glued to the screen, glued to the woman with dark hair and wine-red lips, the camera almost caressing her face. The hero, who Hana is suddenly grateful she cannot see, takes a freshly-bloomed rose from his pocket, gently brushing her cheek with it. She gifts him a slow smile in invitation. Yes.
He brings the rose to his lips, and Hana fully expects him to return it to his pocket, but he does not. Instead he brings it back to Cassandra Leigh's face again.
The petals caress Cassandra's cheek like velvet on silk, moving slowly, sensuously, down the line of her jaw. The length of her hair. Her rosebud mouth. It moves across the expanse of her face, and Cassandra responds to the flower as she would the touch of a lover.
As the flower moves languidly over her silken skin...and Cassandra's expression shifts between confusion and desire and pure bliss, Hana feels a softening deep within her. It's a sensation she has never quite felt before. It moves, again, again, almost as if the petals are kissing her - not the man holding them.
It's almost as if he doesn't exist. It's almost as if no one exists, just her. And this woman.
When the projector breaks down immediately after, and Peter gets up - grumbling about missing the best part of the film - she suddenly stares at her fiancé-to-be like she can barely recognize him.
"Penny for your thoughts?" It's Mabel. Hana shifts uneasily at her piercing gaze.
"I was just thinking..." Hana murmurs, still bemused by the revelation, "sometimes all the signs can be right in front of you - staring you in the face - and you won't even realize that that weird feeling at the pit of your stomach was desire."
Mabel nods slowly, her smile one of recognition.
"Yeah...I've had a couple of crushes I didn't even realize were crushes until later."
"It's funny," Hana replies with a small laugh, "this entire time I've been thinking my love for women suddenly burst into life when I came to Cordonia and met Esther...but it's been there all along. It just took me a while to see it. To give it a name."
"Well...you know what they always say," Mabel lays a soft hand on Hana's arm, "Hindsight is 20/20."
"And this...this is Earl Vincent the First," Peter says, pointing to the portrait of a man in 15th century finery on the wall of his study. "Quite the character. He's said to have spied on both sides during the Wars of the Roses."
Hana smiles. "I know of at least one Duchess back home who would love to hear that story."
It's their last day in Edgewater, and Peter has summoned her to the study. Hana wills away the still-slight prickle of fear that he will rake up the past. They've spoken often enough; the topic could have easily come up if he so chose.
"and this...this is my most famous ancestor - appointed Championess of the Realm by Queen Charlotte herself - Countess -"
"- Florence," Hana whispers. The young woman in the portrait is still dressed in her house colours of blue and gold, but holds a white rose to her bosom. Her gaze seems to focus on the artist, brimming with emotions she cannot yet express. Hana is confident that if she strained her eyes long enough, she would find Parsons scribbled at the bottom-right corner of the painting.
"Yes," he says, a faint smile on his lips, "I hear that back in Castelserraillan they've made a film on her life."
"She's quite popular there."
"For good reason, I imagine," Peter says, "Most of what used to be considered 'rumour' about her is...in effect...true."
Hana's eyes widen. The stories of Countess Florence Foredale marrying Mr Chambers but pledging her vows to Miss Parsons...that she gleefully officiated her "husband's" own union to another man on their wedding night...they are fairly common knowledge. Common knowledge that you'd never expect the heir to her estate to confirm.
"Among us descendants, no one knows for sure whether her son was part of the Foredale bloodline in the way the ton of those times would have wanted it," Peter stares at the Countess' portrait, hands clasped behind his back, every inch this woman's heir. "But she left behind a legacy. A legacy I am proud of. A legacy I long to live up to."
Remembering her conversation with Mabel at the lake, Hana says, "From what I've heard, you already are."
Peter's answering smile is one of sad knowing. "You've been talking to Mabel."
Flushing, Hana nods. "I have."
He chuckles and shakes his head. "She often gives me more credit than I deserve."
Hana laughs. "I think I'll let her be the judge of that."
She can see Peter's shoulders heave in a deep, deep sigh. He walks away from the hundreds of ancestral portraits, back to his table, running a fingernail across its wooden surface. His eyes are cast downwards, almost as if he can't bring himself to look at her.
Hana freezes, anticipating the difficult conversation ahead.
"Hana," he says, his voice suddenly rough, "I wanted to hate you so badly in the beginning."
Her stomach drops to her feet. "I know."
"I kept telling myself, she could have opened up to me, anytime. I stayed at her home three while weeks; she could have let me know then. I convinced myself that I was a match you carelessly chose to sleepwalk into, that you considered me another chore to get done."
Tears spring in Hana's eyes. "I couldn't understand what was happening to me back then. I still don't."
Peter moves behind the table, running his fingers through the knob of one of the drawers. His own eyes seem clouded, she notes with a pang.
"Mabel told me once...the process to figuring out who you are isn't always going to be linear. You're never going to figure it out all in one go," he finally raises his eyes to hers, "Was it like that for you?"
Hana swallows. "It's still like that for me. There are still parts of this journey that are yet to make sense."
"I could have stayed back. Talked to you. Tried to help somehow, though god knows whether I'd have messed it all up further. I could have tried." Peter's voice is flat, almost deceptively lacking emotion. Only his eyes betray his recrimination of himself. "Instead I ran off. Leaving you to face all the questions."
"You didn't!" Hana's own voice is suddenly hoarse, roused by his self-flagellation into passionate defense. "Don't think I didn't notice, Peter. Before you left, you and your family made use of every contact you could find...to kill most of the gossip surrounding our breakup. Neither I nor my family found out until two years later."
Peter shakes his head in disbelief. "But -"
"You didn't get all of it right. I know that. People still managed to spread the word, and I kept getting raked over the coals for it, even after I married Kiara." Hana takes a deep breath, exhausted from her tirade. "You hated me then, but you were still willing to do that for me. If you really want to know how worthy you are of Florence Foredale's lineage, you can start right there."
Peter sighs. "Let me apologize for not trying to understand, at least."
She lets out a watery laugh. "Apology accepted."
He searches her eyes for affirmation, and nods, opening the drawer he had been running his fingers through mere minutes ago.
"Come here," he mumbles finally, leafing through a sheaf of papers, "I have something I've been wanting to show you. Ever since we started writing each other."
It's sketches of the same woman - in various moods, various poses...the drawings themselves in various stages of completion. These aren't formal portraits, set up over stand and easel, its subjects motionless. No - these are poetry in motion, impatiently etched, capturing their subject in all her vibrancy and fierce spirit. Here she is, head thrown back in (at least in Hana's imagination) loud raucous laughter, the wind in her hair. And here, yet again, holding a little boy up in the air, his tiny hands reaching out to caress her face.
Here is one made by the Countess - herself an accomplished artist - of her wife standing tall and proud, an eagle perched on her right arm, her left hand caressing a unicorn.
Her heart almost stops when she sees the final painting - the artist Parsons herself, arms wound around the other woman's waist, her chin tucked against the Countess' shoulder. Their fingers seem woven together, so that you cannot quite tell which ones belong to whom. The Countess herself looks to their interwoven hands with a mixture of desire, and longing, and pain.
Hana runs a hand over the couple, her touch almost reverent. Her heart twists a little at the strength of their love, the immense injustice of their loss. "No one else has seen these before."
"No one," Peter agrees, "except my wife. We unearthed these just days after Father died. And a week before you made that call." He picks the last drawing up, his eyes brimming with affection. "When you rang us so soon after that, it felt like a sign. Like I had one more chance to make things right."
Hana takes his hand, pressing it between hers. "You and Mabel have done more than that. I'll never forget this visit. You both owe us a trip to Cordonia, now."
Cautiously, tentatively, Peter gives her a hug.
"I'd like you to have this last painting," he says gruffly, passing her the one she'd touched so reverently mere moments ago. "It just feels right, you having this. There's a lot of things my ancestor didn't have...that I'm glad you and my Mabel finally get the space to explore."
"And even then, we had to navigate so much to get there," Hana responds. "All we can do really is pass it forward. Make it easier for the next generation, and the next, and the next."
Peter gifts her a rueful smile. "I'll try my best to do just that, Hana. I promise you."
Little Alphonsa giggles and gives Kiara a drawing of herself and Chaima, as a keepsake. Already Kiara plans to have it framed and put up in her nursery.
Mabel has a gift of her own, too. Just before Hana leaves, she slips a small package into her bag, insisting she only open it when they're closer to the airport.
The car that takes them to the airport weaves through traffic slowly, steadily, in no particular rush. In an hour's time, Chaima is asleep on Kiara's lap, and Kiara herself has dozed off, mumbling gibberish in her dreams.
Quietly, Hana takes out the package, tears open the wrapper. A letter falls out.
H -
Since you like Cassandra Leigh so much, I thought you might like The Warmest Winter. You'll know why when you watch. Thank me later.
It's a CD cover for a film. Two women, gazing into each other's eyes in reverent devotion, their gazes speaking a million promises that their lips can never tell. Hana presses the CD to her chest and whispers a prayer of gratitude.
A sleeping Kiara shifts her neck ever-so-slightly in Hana's direction, murmuring her name softly. Her hand still lies - soft. protective - over Chaima's stomach.
Hana keeps the CD back in the larger bag she's carrying - the one that holds those precious paintings.
Seems like our plans are set for next date night, wife. She brushes away a strand of hair from Kiara's forehead, kissing it. I just can't wait.
Ma moitié - French for "my other half"
Nīnī yā moūmoū - Moroccan lullaby (link here)
A Timeless Heart and The Warmest Winter are both Cassandra Leigh films in the Choices universe.
Inspiration for the Timeless Heart scene in the movie-watching section, came from a rather sensuous (by our 50s Bollywood standards!) Hindi film scene in Mughal-e-Azam, where the hero caresses the heroine with a feather. See:
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You can watch the full song here and the scene in question is from 2.10-3.00.
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
I'm still not sure I buy that there are people out there who're living their lives and not constantly burning up their whole meat CPU just masking their behavior. Just had a strange lady approach me at work and ask for a tour and boy howdy did I have to fire up every extra cylinder and fast. Then she's talking to me and I realize I'm staring into her eyes so I'm like 'shit no stop that that freaks people out' so I'm looking around but that distracts people out so I'm looking around but trying not to look like I'm looking, and I'm remembering to smile politely and nod at appropriate intervals because that's Good Active Listening, and thank goodness I did actually manage to record most of what she said in a file because she started by giving me context of who she was and why she was there. Got a lot of practice leaving my ears on record while my brain is running other programs. Her earrings are nice. Just two little dots of turquoise and maroon—probably Navajo. The conversation is going a little long so I start to worry she'll feel trapped if I don't give her an out, so I tentatively take a few steps and she follows. A few more. Cool, now we're walking. We stopped again, she's interested in something else. I'm fiddling with my gloves—stop—but now my arms are crossed and that's Closed Posture. Oops. Smile and nod more to make up for it I guess. Can't change posture too often or it'll signal nervousness. Step extra slow. Confident posture. I'm sounding a little too negative in my responses but I don't have time to reroute now. Ok, walking out. Very relaxed. Smiling. Get her name one more time and this time I very carefully add it to her file. Talking about Gallup New Mexico for some reason and I accidentally bring up that I don't like deserts. Wtf. Chill with the negativity. Not acting too anxious to get away but busy enough that I don't end up standing and chatting for an hour. Thanks so much for stopping by. Appropriate response—check. Okay, she seems happy. Interaction not failed. Powering down.
It's not always that bad but I did spend all day working on my comic yesterday and all morning I'd mostly only talked to horses. Whenever I'm left alone for any amount of time I guess I can forget how to person. Mostly I don't talk about it because I told a friend once and it freaked her out. I don't mind it but it is exhausting when it happens unexpectedly or too often. I'm an hour late making lunch now.
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softxsuki · 2 years
I have a question for you! Just a simple one really. What's something that you know you do differently than most people? I'm curious because what you answer would be. (Or another question if you don't want to do this one: What are you most grateful for?) - ⚜️
Hmm, interesting questions! I'll answer them both for you!
Something I know I do differently from most people: It's hard to tell what's going on in everyone's mind or their daily life, so idk if these things are actually things that most people don't do lol, but I'll still say them
If I have a plate of food, I eat the parts I like the least first, and save my favorite for last
As for my writing, I think this is pretty different, but I write out a basic draft using bulletpoints first, then I go through and fill in with more details or rearrange some things. I can't write out a full story and post it like that, there's always something I have to change
I daydream everywhere. I used to go to this park when I was younger and at the time I was super obsessed with One Direction (lol) and I'd have very vivid daydreams while swinging on a swing, of a tour bus stopping by the park and the 1D boys coming out and inviting me on tour with them NFJEKAFJN
Even now though, I still daydream at work. I was laughing to myself because I fully pictured this cute scenario with Bakugou and I full on started giggling to myself 💀
Something I do different on tumblr: I'm nice (I hope). I've seen so many blogs who only care about their mutuals. Like they only do certain events for their mutuals and only act friendly towards them and I never understood that. It always discouraged me from even sending them an ask, even though I was on anon, because I felt like I didn't belong. I want to give love to everyone whether they're my moot or not, so I hope everyone feels welcome to speak to me on my blog! Let me know if there's anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable talking to me :D
These are probably all generic I'm sorry. I can't really think of anything more specific FJKEABF
I'm thankful firstly to God for getting me this far in everything; He's the one that pushed me to start this blog and actually share my writing with people. He brought me the most comfort after my aunt passed away last year, He brought my job opportunity to me at the most perfect moment, and He's helped me out of my most darkest days so definitely very thankful for Him.
I'm of course thankful for my parents who helped raise me (though I am very different from them) but they supported me financially and to this day my dad still helps me out whenever I need it
I'm thankful for my friends, especially my friend Tay who brought me back to my faith. Her and I were destined to meet NFEOAF and I can't wait to meet her in person one day! But also my friend Melissa, who has been with me since 10th grade and stayed by my side when I unfriended my ex-bff who we were mutual friends with. She supports me so much, no questions asked and I know she's someone I can go to for anything and she'll drop everything to help me out
I'm thankful to have a job and a decent income
Thankful to have a car so I don't have to ride a train for 2 hours to get to work
and lastly, IM THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOU; this past year has been incredible because of you guys (especially this past week). I love how understanding you all are even though I'm sure it's frustrating that I have over 100 requests, but I keep doing events and other things in between, but I'm thankful you're all still around. I've been extra happy this week though because more of you are reaching out to me through my asks just to talk or to ask me questions like this and it makes me feel like we're all really close friends (even though I do already consider you all my friends. OR EVEN FAMILY, this blog is our own little family)
There we go. Thank you again for the questions, I love stuff like this <3
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fuckyeahcadence · 7 months
 Yesterday, Sunday, I went to The Eras Tour. I was supposed to go on friday but it got cancelled, so my concert ended up being the last one in Argentina; and by the way, this was my first concert ever, 
 This was the most magical and exciting experience of my life. I don't even know what to say, but I'm so so happy we made Taylor feel so loved and we showed the power of our crowd to her.
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I will talk about this concert, one. era. at a time. 
Before the concert began, I talked with the girl who was on the seat next to me; she was so nice! I gave her bracelets. We talked about our favourite albums, which surprise songs we wanted... that was so relieving for me, since I am so so SO shy and I was feeling so nervous.
1. Lover
It's been a long time coming for sure. I was already screaming the songs, I was tearing up, I couldn't believe I was there. It all felt like a dream... It was funny to sing "You Need To Calm Down", when I was the one who needed to calm down!! hahaha.  When Lover started, I felt the need to hug someone and I NEVER hug people; that's the power Taylor has.
2. Fearless
Oh god. This era was when my mind started going "this can't be happening. oh my god. this is awesome. i need to contact little me and tell her what's going on. oh my god oh my god.". I grew up more with Red and 1989, but there were songs from Fearless (debut and speak now, too) that I've been listening to forever (& always). You Belong With me is one of them. There was a thing Spotify made last year, it was like a time capsule of songs, one of the questions was "which song would you want to hear live this year?", and I chose "You Belong With Me".        It happened.        My mind remembers the music video, hating the cheerleader, loving the nerd, the story this song tells will always warm my heart.
3. Evermore
This era was so chaotic and fun and it felt like I was watching a movie!! I mean, Tolerate It and Willow? AHHHHHHHHHH. Before Champagne Problems, Taylor said that it took her a while (yeah haha) to come to Argentina and she's never going to make that mistake again. So possibly for her next tour she'll come here again and I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. reputation
EVERYONE WAS SCREAMING "VA A REPUTAAAAAAR!! AAAAAAAAAAHhh!!". I got to experience the "1, 2, 3, let's go bitch" in person!! and I listened to the high notes in Ready For It? and Don't Blame Me live!!!!!!!!! AND Look What You Made Me Do live was HEALING. IT WAS A HEALING EXPERIENCE, it just hit so hard!!! GOOOOOD.
5. Speak Now
Ah ah ah, Ah ah ah. I WAS ENCHANTED TO MEET YOU, TAYLOR. Seeing her in that gorgeous dress, singing Enchanted: it was a fairytale. And I cried my eyes out during Long Live. SOMEDAY, WE WILL BE REMEMBERED.
6. Red
I remember this album (the original version) was the latest album Taylor had released when I found out about her and her music. So hearing these songs live was magical. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22! Also, honourable mention to Taylor's dancer who screamed "¡ni en pedo!" the three nights. I LOVED THAT. I Knew You Were Trouble is an ICONIC Taylor Swift song and I'm so happy I got to experience it. And of course, All Too Well... the whole stadium was red. All the bracelets were burning red. Everyone screamed "fuck the patriarchy!". I'll remember this all too well.
7. folklore
"So we have brought the folklore cabin to Argentina, haven't we?". folklore is another album that feels like a movie, or a book; when you see Taylor laying down and singing "you meet some woman on the internet and take, her, home..." you forget you're in the stadium full of people for a second. Betty! oh god! I will never forgive James for what he did to you. I'm sorry I sing along to every line of his apology. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOD and that transition, from August to Illicit Affairs- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Illicit Affairs is my second favourite song on folklore (after mirrorball). DON'T. CALL. ME. KID. DON'T. CALL. ME. BABY.
8. 1989
I stayed out too late last night and I loved every second of it. I danced a lot during the 1989 era and it was so so fun. I adore the Bad Blood coreography; and the fact that there was FIRE during this song. AHHHHHH. I could feel the heat!! It was awesome!!!
Was this even real? I still can't believe it. She sang BETTER THAN REVENGE. I thought she'd never EVER sing this song again. Better Than Revenge is the song I play in my bedroom so loud that if someone screams in another room, I wouldn't hear them. It's one of my favourite songs. I could have never guessed this was going to be my surprise song, however, I am MORE than happy that it was.
Then, "Slut!". This was such a clever combination, I mean, Better than Revenge + Slut? It's so great. I remember when I first listened to Slut, it felt so nostalgic (well, probably because it was written 10 years ago haha). Taylor's voice was magical.
9. Midnights
And finally, Midnights. I started to feel a bit sad because I knew that the show was about to end now, but I decided to give it my all and 'be the loudest woman this town has ever seen'. Lavender Haze, Anti-Hero, Midnight Rain, Vigilante Shit, Bejeweled, Mastermind, Karma... every song was phenomenal. I love how she made the decision to end the show with Karma, such a fun song to leave us dancing and wanting more. Thank you, Taylor Swift. I love you. !!
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calliecat93 · 1 year
Okay I think I'm mostly recovered, so here's the good and bad abut my Disney Wish vacation~!
Really most everything but I guess I'll do some specifics
We got Concierge service and while it's expensive, it is 100% worth the cost OMG. Just the way it cut the boarding/disembarking time and made it much easier was worth every penny. But the staff, the longue, the perks- all was just so great~!
The ship itself is HUGE and has so much to do~!
As I said, the Concierge Lounge, as is the adult area, is lovely. I got to be in an infinity pool for the first time and gosh what a view~!
The views. OMG the VIEW~!
It was my first time out of the USA (went to The Bahamas) and while the experience was... rough, we went to this conservation garden area and seeing all the animals was so great~!
Meeting so many characters! The only ones I met that I hadn't in DIsney World were Pluto, Daisy, Moana, and Rapunzel. But even meeting the ones I had before was still a joy. When I told Mickey that the last time I saw him was 20 years ago? He immediately gave me the biggest hug and it truly felt like I was a little girl again meeting him. I almost cried XD
The food was fabulous~! The restaurants were also nice. There was a Frozen-themed one, a Marvel-themed, and 1923 which had TOMS of memorabilia of several classic and modern animated features. There were cels, concept art (some even having the animators and Nine Old Men's notes on them~!), models, and other trinkets from the era, and needless to say, 1923 was my favorite~!
I went to two karaoke events. The first time I sang the Christina Aguilera version of Reflection, the second time I did For the First tIme in Forever. My mom said I got the best reception both times haha~! She also filmed them so once things are a bit more calmed down I'll see if she'll send me the vids so I can post them.
Overall, I had an absolutely fantastic time~!
The Bad
As I kind of alluded to, The Bahamas was... ehhh. The location of Nassau itself was lovely (busy, but so are most big cities), but our excursion? The disembarking was utterly chaotic and disorganized, we had to wait on a bus in the heat for like... half an hour, and the drive to and back was rocky. We got a tour and tbh, it was a pretty underwhelming tour. Needless to say, we're probably not going to do an excursion again if we go again.
We saw an Aladdin show. The show itself was fun, but it started I think close to an hour late. Obviously, stuff like this happens and these people are worked to death enough so I'm not mad about it, but it was annoying at the time.
The ship actually broke down while we were in The Bahamas. Apparently, they even had to fly some mechanics in to get it going again. As such we had to skip the cruise's island. Now this wasn't so bad for me and my mom since it let us do more on the ship, but it just sucks for the staff because SO many people were angry. Seriously if you go on one of these cruises, be nice to the crew and staff. They are trying their damnest and there are many things beyond their control. They get it hard enough from higher-ups, we don't need to make it worst for them.
DEAR LORD PARENTS NEED TO LEARN TO CONTROL THEIR KIDS. The number of young children running around, getting rough, not listening to their parents, etc was utterly unnecessary. I know it's a vacation but your jobs as parents don't stop. Mine would have NEVER let me act like that and they sure as Hell didn't in Disney World 20 years ago. Part of it may be because they were cooped up on a ship, but still.
It was really hard to find your way around the ship. The safety drill was also utterly chaotic. Not much else to say there.
So it wasn't flawless, but what vacation is? Despite those downer points, I overall had such a fantastic time. And due to the ship breaking down, we actually got a 20% discount for the next one that's valid up to 2025, which was a fair trade to me~! The dogs also did super well with their dog-sitter which is what I was most anxious about because Petey doesn't really like strangers (Dante loves everyone so I wasn't worried about him as much), but that makes us less worried about going anywhere. But yeah, I'm hoping to go on another cruise one of these days even if it isn't Disney cause it was such a lovely time~! It was my first time on a ship and was something I'd always wanted to do and I loved it~! But I am glad to be home with my dogs and cat haha.
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theperfectlovestory · 2 years
Sleeping In
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Summary: Natasha invited you for a movie night
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
TW: Fluff, Sexual implications
Theme: soft, fluff
Word Count: 1, 032
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You were once again invited to the Avengers movie nights. It's their way to distress after a long, taxing mission. It's also a way to keep Pepper from writing long documentation reports on why Tony Stark spent thousands of dollars throwing a party for the most random, insignificant things
Under the compound, you are Natasha Romanoff's guest, you have the right to go in and out whenever you please. Natasha's Black Widow badge in your company ID lace made sure of that but you never overextend your welcome. You only come when Natasha invites you, very rarely the others for random things such as Wanda baking too much muffin or Yelena wanting to tour New York when she's back from her mission to free the Widows
But tonight, you're just Natasha's girlfriend. You're wearing your most comfortable sweater and shorts cuddled under the blanket with Natasha's heat radiating on the side of your body
The light from the television is the only thing illuminating the room, with the occasional cellphones opening and closing but the room is full of sounds, the dialogues, background music, the laughter and commentary thoughts of the members, the light chatter. You were all focused on the familial vibe of the room when Natasha squeezed your hand, making you look up, searching for her eyes
"Are you comfortable?" She asked as she pulled you closer to her by the waist
"Yeah" you nod "Being with you brings me the most comfort"
Natasha's cheeks flushed red. She's been called a lot of things, she's been all kinds of person, but she was never a comfort for anyone. It made her heart flutter, warmth spread inside of her
Natasha buried her face at the crook of your neck and you chuckled while rubbing her arm soothingly
“You have too much sweetness coming out of your mouth” she whispered
“That’s how you attract the bees and butterflies” You responded jokingly and it’s her turn to laugh
“You definitely did attract an insect but it’s neither a bee nor a butterfly” Natasha raised her head, peppering your neck with kisses and soft bites, gently sucking on your skin
You started giggling as the ticklish feeling of her lips and teeth crawl under your skin, attracting the attention of the Avengers to the two of you
Tony had a knowing smirk, your red face giving it away
"Romanoff, are you really trying to score while everyone is here?" He teased and Natasha only rolled her eyes
"I'm not trying to do anything" she denied but her hand slowly traveled down your legs
"Nat" you whispered but she kept a straight face so you had to bite your lip to stay quiet
"Whatever you're doing, keep it PG, the kids are here" Steve warned and your eyes traveled to Peter who looks flushed, Kate who innocently tilted her head and Yelena's disgusted face at her sister's actions
Seeing their faces made you more embarrassed than anything so you moved away from Natasha's hand and made her pout in response. You leaned in on her ears and whispered
"We can have a little more fun next time" and as you move away, Nat's frown turns to a grin. You knew you bit more than you can chew but if it's Natasha, she'll take care of you
You didn't realize you've fallen asleep after the first movie, you only felt Natasha's hand collecting you and the blanket in her arms with all the intention to bring you to her room so you can sleep properly. This woke you up and you suddenly felt shy as you look around the other members
"Is the movie over? I can go back home" you said, voice still raspy from the sleep
"What? No, it's already too late" Natasha said, you open your phone and read the time, it's already almost 2 am
"There are still ride services at this time" you answered and started to collect your things but Natasha's hand stopped you
"Is there something wrong with sleeping here? Is the place not comfortable enough?" She asked and you shook your head
"It's comfortable, I'm just—" you averted your eyes away from Natasha who remained still and quiet for a few second before speaking in a lower, sad tone
"Are you not comfortable sleeping with me?"
Her tone was sad, broken. It was low, like she's scared to even ask. You whipped your head back to look at her, immediately denying her claim
"No!" You said, your hands gently lifting her head so her eyes will meet yours "I just feel a bit embarrassed since this is where heroes live, I'm sure some of them wants to have space of their own, without civilian always intruding…" your voice got lower and quieter
Natasha touched your hands that's on her face and brought your palm on her lips to kiss
"Oh love, you're not just a normal civilian. Here you are my guest, someone important to me. Don't think of yourself as a stranger but a family"
"Family…" your heart leaped at the word and Natasha's smile assured you "Okay"
"Great" Natasha stood bringing you along with her "You okay to sleep here now?" You nodded and her smile widen as she lead you to her room
Natasha takes small steps in a relationship, she's guarded and careful and you understand that, you show it with patience and encouragement and the way you respect her personal space. It might seem trivial, but to you, respecting the other people she love and care about is one of your way to ensure that Natasha's big leap is one she wouldn't regret taking
"Is this why you never visit me even if I go radio silence for days?" She asked and you sheepishly nodded "You'd rather wait for me, worrying yourself bald than to cross some personal space?" Her raised brow made you realize how ridiculous it was you're acting
"I mean...my rule is, I will go if you disappear for like...a week or so" your voice got quieter every word and Natasha laughed, finding you extremely adorable
"Detka, you will be the death of me" she responded as she shake her head
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zafirosreverie · 2 years
We want that one (Julieta x Reader x Agustín)
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Part 2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Julieta! My dear”
The dark-haired woman turned to see an old woman with a warm smile slowly approach her.
"Good morning, Mrs. Olivas, how are you?" Julieta smiled
"I’m fine, dear, thank you" replied the other "I'm glad to see that you are not very busy"
"It has been a surprisingly calm morning" agreed the younger woman "can I help you?"
"Oh yes. You see my dear, my niece Y/N will be moving here in a few days"
"Really?" Julieta blinked. Her mother hadn't said anything "that's great! I hope she'll like it here"
"I'm sure she will" the lady chuckled "anyway I wanted to see if you could give me a few arepas to have in case of emergency. You see, I love that girl as if she was my own, but god knows she is a magnet for misfortunes "
"I know the type" Julieta laughed, thinking of her adored husband "I will gladly give you a few"
"Oh dear" Mrs. Olivas laughed with her "I assure you that my Y/N is even worse than dear Agustín"
"I give her about two hours after her arrival before we have to visit you."
The two women laughed as Julieta gave her a few arepas. She was intrigued, it was obvious that the woman adored you, and it was not common to have new settlers, so she was already looking forward to meeting you.
Two hours turned into two days and then a week. Mrs. Olivas had said that you were worse than Agustín, but her husband had already had at least 5 accidents and neither you nor your aunt had shown up yet. Julieta supposed that the woman had simply been exaggerating.
Either way, that a newcomer to the Encanto didn't introduce themselves to the Madrigal family, was rare. Casita was usually the first stop on the tour that people gave to their newly arrived relatives and the lack of introduction was starting to raise everyone's suspicions, especially when Dolores said she could hear you have all kinds of accidents, but you'd never come to ask for her, and Julieta was sure that the arepas she gave to Mrs. Olivas had already been used. 
"Do you think they're hiding something?" she asked her husband as the two walked through town. The brunette didn't want to sound paranoid like her mother, but she couldn't help it.
"Maybe she's just a shy girl." Agustin shrugged.
"Maybe you're right," she smiled.
The two just kept walking, trying to forget the situation for a while. But fate likes to joke, and only a few minutes later they bumped into someone. As always, Agustín got the worst of it, with you falling on him.
Julieta watched in surprise as you and her husband seemed lost in each other's eyes for a few moments. Surprisingly, that didn't bother her, on the contrary, it seemed to arouse her interest in you more.
"Sorry!" you said, standing up quickly and helping him "did I hurt you, sir?"
"No, no, don't worry" he smiled at you, but you could see a blush on his cheeks.
"Are you ok?" the woman asked, moving a little closer to you.
Woah, you were so much prettier up close. It was Agustín's turn to witness how his wife was lost in those impressive eyes e/c that had captivated him a few minutes before. You seemed to have the whole life in them.
"Yes, yes" you smiled at her "I'm used to bumping into…well, everything" you laughed
“ah, you must be Y/N” the woman smiled “your aunt mentioned your tendency to have accidents. A pleasure to finally meet you, I am Julieta and this is my husband Agustín”
“The pleasure is mine” you shook her hand “of course that would be the first thing Aunt Atha mentioned about me” you rolled your eyes affectionately
"She seemed a little…worried." Julieta smiled. She seemed unable to stop doing it while she was facing you.
“Well, these days she has realized that she doesn't have to be” she joked, although they didn't get the meaning “well. Nice to meet you, but I should go, it's supposed to be my turn to cook. Again, I’m sorry, Agustín”
"D-don't worry," he said, still blushing.
You said goodbye to them with a smile and a small wave. The spouses looked at each other, silently sharing everything they needed to know. Both of them had felt something for you, for a little girl who could easily be their daughter, but with just one meeting you had already been etched in their minds. Both knew what the other was thinking: we want that one.
Then, a loud crash sounded behind them, causing them to turn quickly to see you lying on the ground, face down. You grunted as you stood up and Julieta gasped when she saw your bloody nose, you had definitely broken it. Unfortunately, she no longer had any arepas or anything you could eat.
However, just as Agustín was going to run off to get more of the kitchen at Casita, you rolled your eyes in annoyance and simply rearranged your nose, which immediately healed. The only trace left of the accident was the blood on your face, although you quickly took a handkerchief out of your pocket to wipe yourself.
Neither Julieta nor Agustín knew how to react. You had healed yourself. That's why Dolores had heard you have so many accidents, but you had never gone to ask for help. Because you didn't need it. Well, this…this was a twist neither of them expected.
Paying no attention to the thousand questions that formed in their heads and totally oblivious to the way their eyes followed you, you jumped up and continued on your way. Agustín turned to look at his wife.
"You saw the same thing as me, right?" he asked
"she healed herself"
“…are we sure we want that one?”
Before Julieta could reply, another knock was heard, followed by some dogs barking and your exasperated yell of “Me lleva la madre!!!” The two adults blinked before chuckling softly.
“Yup. We want that one”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Julieta tag: @emril-osvigne​
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celestialevie · 3 years
Birthday surprise // Niall Horan x singer! Reader
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Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: none
A/N: Since it's officially my birthday week and Niall's has just passed, I decided to write this very self-indulgent fic (even though I can't sing, but a girl can dream </3). I mostly wrote this for myself because I adore this human with my whole heart. Anyways hope someone will enjoy this fic just as much as I did writing it.
Finishing the first two songs, you chat a little with your fans. Noticing some of the signs they brought with them to get you to notice them, some of them making you laugh, while some of them made your heart clench with love. Sitting down at the piano, starting to play 'champagne problems'. While you were in the happiest relationship to date now, you still had some issues with your past relationships, where you were made the villain and them a victim when in reality it was the literal opposite. Niall was the blessing you were praying for. So what if you were fucked in the head? Niall loved you just the way you were.
Your birthday was coming up, and you were going to spend it while being in one of the cities you absolutely love touring in – Dublin. Although you were heartbroken because this will be the first birthday you were going to celebrate without your boyfriend, Niall. Ever since you've known him, you celebrated both of your birthdays with one another. His tour lead him to being in America during your birthday, which really sucked. You were both bummed out about it, he even offered to reschedule that concert, so he can be with you in Dublin, maybe even visit his family whilst already being in Ireland, you told him no. You didn't want to be selfish just because it's your birthday. Talking on the phone with him right from the moment he was awake (which was already in the afternoon for you). '' It feels weird to not be with you on your birthday, how will I survive without my birthday kisses and hugs from you? '' you ask while pouting. Niall chuckled and mimicked your put. '' I will give you your birthday kisses and hugs as soon as I see you. With extra ones for each day between your birthday and the day we see each other again. I promise. '' he gives you a smile. And you just pout harder. '' I really miss you. I can't wait to see you soon. '' checking the time, you realize it's almost time for you to start getting ready. '' Hey baby, I have to go start getting ready soon. I'll make sure Jenna calls you to FaceTime and shows you at least some concert if you're not busy. I love you and I miss you. '' as you say that, you hang up and quickly text your makeup artist, she can come over. Two minutes later, her and Jenna (your assistant and close friend) are in your dressing room, and you're getting ready. An hour later, you were done with your makeup and hair and all that was left was to put on your outfit. Ten minutes later, you were slowly making your way towards stage. Quickly texting Niall another I love you, and wishing him good luck on his own show later, you were off on the stage, the intro of your song' dress' starting to play as you were brought onto the stage. Let the fun begin.
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After champagne problems, one of your favourite songs you wrote was next.
''... Don Perignon you brought it, no crowd of friends applauded
your hometown sceptics called it, champagne problems.''
'' A lot of you might not know, but this next song was inspired after I was done watching the amazing spider-man 2 for the millionth time. My love for Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield is unmatchable. Just ask my boyfriend, who's been hanging out with Tom Holland, how both of them are feeling betrayed by my love for both Amazing Spider-man's movies. This is How you get the girl. '' The intro of the song started playing and so were the screams of people.
Singing two more songs, you go get changed into a different outfit. Going back onto the stage, you're surprised that your manager Anna is standing there with a grin on her face.
'' Stand there like a ghost
Shaking from the rain
She'll open up the door and say 'are you insane?'
Say it's been long six months
And you were too afraid to tell her what you want, want...''
'' Uh-oh, manager is grinning, prepare yourselves guys, it's not going to be good. '' The crowd laughs while Anna rolls her eyes and smiles at you. '' We have a small surprise for you. '' as she says that, she points on the big screen behind you, when you turn around you are surprised to see a familiar face of one of your closest friends, Lewis Capaldi, wishing you a happy birthday and saying you guys need to go clubbing again soon. Laughing as his face fades away and the next one shows up, your very close friend and sometimes co-writer Taylor Swift, again wishing you the happiest birthday and saying how much she adores working with you and that she loves you very much. It went on for a while, all your friends and even your parents were there. Tears were falling down, and you didn't care it ruined your makeup. And then at the end there he was. My favourite face to see. Niall. '' Happiest birthday to you angel. I wish I could be there with you, just like we are always for our birthdays, but unfortunately I am not there to give you all the birthday hugs and wishes. I love you so much angel, keep rocking the world, and I will see you as soon as we can. '' At the end you were full on sobbing happy tears, hugging your manager and your band. The best surprise ever. '' I am very sorry for being a mess so publicly '' wiping your tears and thanking to whoever invented waterproof mascara for being the reason your makeup is not that ruined. '' Anyway, the show must go on, so let's go. '' picking up your acoustic guitar, adjusting it, you announce the song. ''You are in love. Let's go.''
As the show is slowly coming to an end, and you're about to play a song that is about your boyfriend, that he inspired you to write. And Taylor helped you co-write it.
Morning, his place
Burnt toast, Sunday
You keep his shirt
He keeps his word
And for once, you let go
Of your fears and your ghosts
One step, not much
But it said enough
You kiss on side walks
You fight and you talk
One night he wakes
Strange look on his face
Pauses, then says
You're my best friend
And you knew what it was
He is in love. ''
'' Sadly, the show is slowly coming to an end. You guys were the absolute best and I adore spending my birthday with you all. This next song is literally one of the most accurate songs I've written about any of my relationship. When I got inspired by my loveliest boyfriend, I had to invite Taylor to help me write it, as we all know she is the lyrics master. Lover is one of my many nicknames I use for Niall, and I know that he's probably watching this or will watch it later, so hi Niall. '' you wave to one of the camera's while the crowd laughs. Gently, you start playing the guitar.
What you didn't know is that your boyfriend is a liar and is actually hiding with your assistant Jenna, waiting to come on the stage to surprise you. Of course, he wouldn't miss your birthday, even if he has to reschedule the concerts. You were absolutely worth it. As he waits for the part of the song he's gonna crash in, Jenna and Anna are making sure you don't accidentally notice Niall before time. The plan is for Anna to quickly distract you on one side while Niall comes out on the other side of the stage.
'' (...)
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Lover '' as you sing that part, you notice Anna waving at you like a maniac, distracting you and mouthing something to you. As you're trying to figure out what is she saying, the crowd starts screaming, and you freeze as the familiar voice starts to sing the next part of the song
''Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand...''
The song soon comes to an end, and you're bringing Niall into another hug. He just smiles and wraps his arms around your waist. '' Happy birthday, angel. I hope you don't mind me crashing. '' You just shake your head while holding him as close as you can. '' You are always welcome to crash my show. The next song is your song anyway, so you might as well stay and sing with me. '' he pulls away and looks at you. '' Let's go finish this show, so I can give you all the birthday kisses and hugs you want. ''
You turn around with your hand on your mouth, as the man himself makes his way towards you. You're in absolute shock because this man is supposed to be in America. He only laughs at your reaction as he pulls you towards him in a tight hug while still singing. Hugging him back, not wanting to let go of him. Slightly pulling away, looking him directly in his beautiful blue eyes while singing.
'' I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover ''
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