#i'm tired of caring about being mean or petty about this literally it's not that hard to watch an episode and see what they're like. watch
emily-prentits · 1 month
i want to rage about the lack of quality in the meddison tag rn. when will we learn media literacy because i'm real FUCKING tired.
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adoringhaikyuu · 1 year
i dont know if you're still taking requests but i couldn't stop thinking of angry confessions with Iwaizumi & Bokuto
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characters: bokuto + iwaizumi + kuroo + sakusa + (gn!reader)
notes: ooh it's hard thinking of bokuto being angry so it's moreso upset for him + another anon asked for kuroo and sakusa so i added them
part one / part two
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★ bokuto gets all pouty and crosses his arms when he sees you. looks miserable whenever you enter the room, and obviously you pick up on it, his mood radiates wherever he is. one day you catch him alone and ask him if you've done something. he grumbles no, pouting. but you press on cause you know something's up. he reluctantly confesses, 'i just...i'm in love with you, okay? and i hated seeing you with that guy...' won't look you in the eye, but when he hears you confess that you actually feel the same way, he perks up like a puppy, mood doing a complete 180.
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★ iwaizumi starts giving you attitude and barely giving you one word answers when you talk to him. tries to avoid you too but you confront him, literally walk in front of him and block him when he tries to evade you. if looks could kill, you'd absolutely be dead, but he's really glaring to mask his feelings. you pester him until he tells you what's wrong and he answers, frustrated as ever. 'it's because i have feelings for you!' he gets too embarrassed so he looks away but his eyes widen and he stops breathing when you gently grab his face and tell him you feel the same.
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★ kuroo is really snarky with you all of a sudden and there seems to be more bite to his jokes. he smirks all the same, but there's something different in the way he looks at you. like he's bothered and itching to tell you something. you get sick of it and call him out when you're just with him and kenma. and kenma is really tired of hearing kuroo rant and not actually do something about it so he mutters at him to just tell you. you obviously get curious/annoyed by this and push him to tell you too. he gives you attitude, saying how he doubts you don't know. (in his eyes you've been stringing him along but that's not true) you tell him you really have no idea what's going on and that's when he breaks, scoffing. 'you're telling me you actually can't tell that i'm in love with you? yeah, right.' when he sees your reaction though, he pauses, his face dropping, now worried about the fact that he just confessed. when you tell him how you feel though, you can see the light enter his eyes again, and an actual smile on his lips.
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★ sakusa is suddenly very curt with you, barely looking at you when you're around (when you can see him anyway. his eyes trail after you when you go.) he gives short responses and you can't help but feel hurt. but you can be petty too, so you start giving him the same treatment. soon, you can barely stand to be in the same room together, tensions high when you're near each other. it's silly what leads to your confessions, but the two of you run into each other in front of an elevator, you just roll your eyes and say you'll take the stairs. he mutters under his breath something about you running along to your little boyfriend and that makes you pause. you turn around, confused and offended, asking what that's supposed to mean. his eyes narrow and he asks if you think he's stupid. you respond that you don't know what's up with him but you don't have a bf. then it dawns on you and he can see the gears turning in your head and suddenly his mouth gets dry. you ask if this is why he's been acting like this and then why he cares so much. you notice the blush on his face and he knows you're not dumb enough to believe a lie but he's embarrassed so he gets defensive. 'why do you think? obviously i have feelings for you.' he looks away but he looks back at you, offended and ready to go off when you call him an idiot. he only softens when you say cause you feel the same.
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starglowwos · 7 months
thinking about c!martyn and selfishness
(every name from now on is character unless specified otherwise)
from his perspective, it makes sense. i mean, none of them are real, right? they either aren't real, or they are and they're out to get him. and we don't know if that's true or not, either
and if they're not real, why should he care about morality? just to get an advantage, really. the only reasons he has to be nice to people is if doing so would benefit him. because they don't care, they aren't real. they're just coded to seem as if they do, as if they are. and maybe sometimes it works and it feels painfully real, but they aren't, in the end—they're all just code. it's all a façade, it's all fake, it's not real.
and yet—
graecie: yknow.. maybe.. it's because it matches the energy that you give to it. d'you ever think about that?
graecie: do you ever think about how a little bit of kindness can go a long way, in these seas.
martyn: we've tried that, it doesn't get us anywhere.
gracie: have you? have you tried that? have you tried that, really? have both of you tried that?
martyn: from day dot! first thing that happened when i got here was i got swindled by scar!
martyn: then there was all this factioning business, we saw aimsey literally perish, and everyone was just "ohhh i think we'll listen to the robed figures and we'll just leave"! nobody's tried anything to save one another here, it's just all been selfish, me me me me me, gold gold gold, glory glory glory, HONOUR HONOUR HONOUR!
kuervo: maybe you shouldn't've joined the kestrels if you cared about something that wasn't glory, and money, and selfishness.
—he doesn't like it when others are selfish. because they're supposed to behave like everyone is real. they should be nicer people, they should be better, they don't have an excuse like martyn's.
sausage: wait, what do you think it meant that we have to give up something?
martyn: oh, i don't even know
graecie: i don't know...
martyn: i don't love anything, so good luck finding what i like
(acho, graecie, and sausage laugh,, nervously? sympathetically?)
acho: that's not very good!
martyn: well, it's not good, it's just- i'm doing it for my own protection
acho: that's not something to be proud of!
martyn: i wasn- i wasn't bragging about it, i was just stating a fact!
acho: ah, okay yeah, fair enough, fair enough... ^^"
and he's tired of trusting people without reason, of getting taken advantage of, of being nice just to end up worse off in the end.
and he doesn't get attached to anything or anyone, because there's a very real chance he'll lose it, especially in his circumstances. and feeling any sort of attachment is dangerous.
(apo places lava on graecie and then removes it)
apo: oh, i'm-
graecie: ...
apo: water, water, water-
martyn: why should i?
apo: water, water, water, water, WATER!
martyn: there's plenty of water all around this island!
kuervo: i don't have water. are you gonna be okay?
graecie: yeah. i'll be fine
apo: i'm so...
apo: i'm so sorry.
graecie: are you?
martyn: you can stay with them, apo, if you're gonna be like that.
(martyn goes to and gets on his boat and sails away)
martyn: i don't have to deal with this.
martyn: i've got the stone. i've got a lead. i know cruppy's trigger word now, so if it ever decides to come near me again... can easily get rid of it.
martyn: idiots. all of em.
and he's happily petty and stubborn about things. he happily takes advantage of others' discomfort to get them to do what he wants or at least lower their confidence in doing anything else.
martyn knows how to trigger cruppy, even, and has no problems with utilizing cruppy's triggers (and what is very possibly trauma) to get what he wants.
and as much as cruppy may have done some shit, as much as cruppy is a perfectly reasonable thing to worry about—cruppy doesn't act out of pure unprompted malice, and definitely doesn't deserve to be tortured and triggered over and over again.
and i don't doubt that martyn knows this. he's able to identify trauma responses—both others', and his own:
she's dead?
...wait, hold on. what?
when did marnie die?
how did marnie die?
.. was i there when that happened?
.. i don't think i was there when marnie died..
oh my god, you're right, yeah- oh, my god, i can't believe i forgot about that
yeah, she was in the hole, wasn't she? she was in the hole and she was a statue in the hole
ohhh, you're right
god, i completely repressed that
that was clearly too much for me, jeez...
—he's able to effectively utilize that knowledge to get what he wants. i think martyn is aware that what he is or at least was doing is wrong.
i just think he doesn't care that it's wrong. because if nobody else is real, if nobody else is actually experiencing any of this, then it isn't wrong, right?
martyn knows he's manipulative, he knows how to gaslight and knows he's good at it, and he's not afraid to utilize that.
martyn is his own top priority. he'll do what he has to to get what he needs. it isn't actually harming anyone, from his perspective. it just looks like it is. they aren't real, it doesn't actually cause harm.
(it's what martyn tells himself, at the very least. it's not like he can concretely tell, it's not like he can confirm. but he'd rather believe they aren't real than are, because if they are... well, he's a bit too deep into this mess to worry about that now, isn't he?)
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cherubshert · 8 months
a/n: this is just a work of fiction!! idk how to write arguments loll, i really wanted add some cuss words but i felt awkward
patience... patience... patience... you were quite literally running out of it. you stare down at your phone, still a tiny bit hopeful, he hadn't called or texted to cancel so he must still be coming.
you sigh, you've been waiting for hours, all dolled up, and dressed in an outfit you bought specifically for this night. it was going to be the best of your dates, the best you had in a while, the...
"sorry we are about to close." you stare blankly at the waiter, looking around finally to find the place empty. "oh! I'm sorry, I'm just waiting for someone..." the waiter gives you a pitiful smile, reinforcing the fact that the store would be closing soon.
you stare at your phone, before immediately standing up. "I'm sorry." you murmur as you gather your things, paying for your food, hurrying to your car
your car is cold, so cold it feels so lonely, your grip on your steering wheel tightens. you body shaking as tears slip from your eyes, you felt a bit disappointed, though you were used to it. but damn, you were a little hopeful it would've different this time.
you wipe your tears, starting your car. the ride to his dorm us short, but it still felt long, thoughts jumbled in your mind. you make your way to their door, breathing out the thoughts telling you to just let it go before knocking. niki is the one that answers, the rest of the boys noisily in the background. "y/n? are you ok?"
"heeseung, is he in?" "oh yea, he's in his room." you push past him, sadness, confusion and anger mixing in your veins. and when you stop at the door, you let out a shaky breath.
when the door opens, he's the main piece if the room, lounging in his bed, scrolling on his phone. "do you know what day today is?" he jumps at your voice, turning to you and raising a brow. "what?" "i asked if you knew what today was?" he pauses, staring at you in confusion before the realization hits.
"sorry i forgot." he looks away focusing back to his phone."you forgot? you keep forgetting, cause that's the third time this month." "can we talk about this later, y/n. I'm really tired."
"there's no later, I want to talk about it now." he stands up, waking to a study desk on the side of the room."are you ignoring me? can we please settle this." you reach out to him, turning his to face you. "i don't want to, your being such a cry baby about this, it's not a big deal." "not a big deal? did you here what i said earlier, you made the same empty promise 3 times in one month. that adds up! I've spent our entire relationship waiting on you. I'm tired of waiting !"
he pushes your hand away. "there is nothing stopping you from leaving, what the hell have you done for me?you are being so immature and angry because of a date, or few. especially since those dates I've made up for them." "how? through petty gifts? i am not and was never asking from those. i am just asking for your time your attention. what have I done for you? all the sacrifices I've made for you, nights i spent awake when you were miles away, just to keep you company over the phone, the times i took care of you when you were ill? i should be asking you the same question, what have you done for me? made empty promises, left me hanging for weeks and then only running back when you want something?"
he stays silent, he's face scrunched up in anger. "come on, answer me, tell me what you've done for me? ... tell me how you feel about me, please..." nothing... "wow... thanks for showing me how much i really mean, we're done."
a/n²: don't make fun of me, ik this is kinda cringe loll... again this is just fiction!!!!!
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angeledeggs · 10 months
How would Julian react to coming home to seeing his MC smoking weed. Would he join them after being confused? Also how would he and the M6 be like when stoned lol
Request filled! Once again, y'all, sorry for taking awhile! Life is busy and I'm doing my best :) <3
I mean, Julian probably wouldn't care.
I mean, he used to be a doctor, he knows that weed can have relaxing and calming affects.
He Probably gets a bit concerned if you end up paranoid, though, and will make you drink some water in an effort to help you.
Most likely won't ask for a hit, but might if he's stressed.
He's extremely bad at rolling his own blunts, they all end up falling apart.
If he gets high, though, he gets quiet and just stares at the ceiling cause he's day dreaming, like, *so* hard.
He gets super giggley when he's high.
Like, you could crack the lamest joke, and They'll laugh for like five whole minutes about it.
When he's high he'll crave toaste so bad and while eating a whole load of bread cause he just eats toast after toast.
Will play some Arabic music quietly and just vibe out, but also gets sleepy so hell probably just lay on the floor like half awake while he listens to it.
Will hold Faust and start to cry cause they're getting sentimental.
Probably hates the smell of weed and will burn like, a million incense sticks, which just makes it worse in the end.
He can't handle weed, like, at all.
It gets him feeling sick and dizzy and last time he tried weed he almost vomited.
Yeah, he doesn't do weed.
But he doesn't really care if anyone else does it because the smell dosent bother him.
He's surprisingly good at rolling blunts, though.
Doesn't really react to the weed.
She dosent quite care for it, either, so she doesn't really smoke it often.
She will sometimes though, since she finds that it helps reduce her headaches.
But like Asra, she also hates the smell of weed.
She'll literally open every window in the house and use like a hundred dehumidifies in an attempt to get rid of the smell.
If it has any affect on her which it usually doesn't, she'll probably just get a bit sleepy.
Weed makes her super hyper so she usually smokes it when she's tired or wants to do some chores without getting exhausted.
She sleeps like, ten hours once she's finally done though, doesn't matter whether or not it's night or day.
She's horrible at rolling blunts so she bought this blunt roller thing she uses to roll them.
Only smokes it every once in awhile, but will literally make "kosher blunts" jokes each time she does.
Dosent really care about the smell but gets annoyed if it lingers in her bed or blankets.
He literally can't even smoke a full blunt.
He'll take ONE hit and he'll already be super dizzy and high already.
He tries to act like he can take it, but he can barely smoke weed at all.
He's a sore loser though and super petty, so sometimes he'll just light a blunt and wave it around his room so that the room will smell like weed.
Cause of his luck, though, the smell never lingers.
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Legendary Choosers Personalities cause why not. Not all of them cause I'm lazy and/or haven't thought about it yet
Mew: Literally forgot to Choose Red until his 20s. Not that they wanted to wait till he was older. They forgot. Goof, occasional menace to society. Likes doing things at they're own pace. Tries to parent Mewtwo sometimes.
Mewtwo: Chilled out from being an edgelord but when....you know Mewtwo. Didn't care for protecting the region at first, especially humans. But Green melted their cold heart, so he guesses he can help. Snarky and petty, but there is kindness in there.
Rayquaza: Need more time to think about this one. They definitely have this air of respect and regality. Very intimidating upon looking at them. A tired parent, but also pretty sweet? Again, need to think about this more.
Latios: Older brother figure.....duh. Tries to keep a cool head about situations, while also making sure his Chosen doesn't die( she's pretty accident prone). Doesn't fully trust humans, especially after the threat they posed to both him and his sister ( team aqua and magma I mean), but is willing to go along with whatever is needed.
Giratina: Friend <3. Constant guilt over his past actions, aiming to be better by helping the world from afar. Kinda timid? He tends to speak softly compared to the past, probably so he doesn't hurt his Chosens ears with his distorted voice( though really she wouldn't be affected at all). Gentle faint nowadays, enjoyer of poffins. But he's still Giratina, the Renegade pokemon. Best not cross him. Ever.
Zekrom: The more idealistic of the twin dragon siblings, though that can come off as naive at times. They are the younger sibling to Reshiram. Despite their idealism, they aren't dumb. They know the realities of the world perfectly well. They simply use those realities to push for an ideal world, whatever that may be. Has incredible patience, something their older sibling can never understand.
Reshiram: The older sibling of the twin dragons. Blunt and to the point, they see and say things for how they are. They aren't, as their sibling puts it, a stick in the mud. They understand that this world has many ideas, most of which are based on the world's truths- individual truths. They aim to push those ideals to help find those inner truths, both for oneself and the world. They aren't as patient as their little sibling on certain things, but still the wise dragon that guides their truthful hero.
Kyurem: I guess they're the oldest sibling? I never really thought about it. They are cold, literally and in personality. They didn't even want a Chosen until realizing it was best for their survival. Eva, of course, meddled her way into their heart, both with her own desire to help Kyurem, despite her literal fear of them ( they literally tried to kill under Ghetsis' command), and for reuniting them with their younger twin siblings. They still aren't the friendliest and would much prefer to be left alone....but the small company is nice.
Xerneas: Pretty much the head honcho of the legendaries outside of Arceus. Cause you know. Life. She's as kind as one would expect her to be. She carries herself with grace and elegance, despite pretty much running a shit show. Surprisingly, very "meh" to a lot of things, like humanity. She doesn't hate them. But she certainly doesn't love them either. She finds them funny sometimes......when they're not destroying shit. The children are always nice. She's the kindest towards them, really.
Yveltal: Not a super evil guy who wants death everywhere. He can't control how his powers work. And even then, it's all part of the cycle. Life and Death. It's only natural. Yveltal is....kinda grumpy. Similar fews to Yveltal on humanity,though kinda worse since he was literally used for an attempted genocide. Yeah, death is natural, but he despises when humans just take without remorse. Though, he can't fully hate them. He's lived too long for that. Besides, not all humans are like that. Still, he keeps his distance, leaving all the human affairs to Xerneas. He's honestly pretty chill once you get to know him. He's simply doing his job.
Zygarde: Genuinely hated humanity before Shauna came along. Like they didn't trust humans at all, hated them for what they were doing to the ecosystem, and such. The only reason they changed their view is because Shauna found them as a small cell all that time ago, showing kindness not only from herself, but from other humans as well. He's much more tolerable towards them nowadays,though much like Yveltal, don't expect sudden kindness unless you're a pokemon or a small child. Helped her rampage through the Team Flare base since like hell they are standing back and watching his comrades ( Xerneas and Yveltal) get used to destroy the ecosystem.
Lunala: Nebby! Just as playful as she was back then, though obviously much more composed and, well, grown up. Misses being small though. She wants to be carried :(. Fiercely loyal, and love flying in the Alolan night sky.
Zacian: We all know Aunty Zacian. She's more cold compared to her brother, but not out of hatred. Rather, she's cold due to her own mistakes haunting her and not wanting to repeat them again. That being said, she's a wolf with a heart of gold, and lots of love and compassion to boot....even if she can be difficult at times. Incredibly protective of her little brother and her Chosens.
Zamazenta: Uncle Zama! He's much more friendly compared to his sister. Still stern and commands respect, but is more lax. Hates being a liability ( he's not), and always wants to prove himself to his older sister, even though she tells him so many times that they are equals. Will flaunt how talker he is compared to her, much to her annoyance. Misses his old Chosen deeply, but is looking forward to what the future has in store for the new ones!
There's more but I need to think about them. The ones that aren't stated are Ho-Oh, Lugia and Suicune ( I have ideas but I can't find the right words), Celebi, Jirachi, Hoopa and Solgaleo. I mean, there's so many other Chosens. I might cut them down if I think it's getting overwhelming. But yeah. These are the ones for now!
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munariplans · 1 year
Hi, this is gonna be long, so sorry in advance.
There are some things I want to point out.
First, the team basically telling R to woman up and be good to her wife, that was golden. I know their relationship was strained, but while Natasha has the pregnancy to """"excuse"""" her recent behavior, R was being petty and downright kinda vengeful, like they were trying to make Nat pay for their frustrations. And I also understand the team wanting to protect Nat bc she literally spend like 99% of her life knowing only hurt and pain. She grew up being groomed to be a killer, to be evil, heartless, and yet she fights against those teachings everyday in order to do good. She deserves happiness more than anyone (I mean, her tragic backstory started out literally from birth. Poor girl deserves a break more than anyone).
Second, I really thought for a time there that R was really getting over themselves, but they honestly feel so childish and petty, so... Idk, lacking in the maturity department. They viewed everything Natasha did as a fight with all the "she won, I won", but Natasha literally recognized her mistakes and apologized most of the time, so she wasn't doing it out of pettiness or grumpiness or whatever, it was really just the hormones. But R took it as their mission to see these occurrences (bc really, there weren't even many times, if everyone got tired of their S/O bc they started a fight a handful of times there would be no couples at all) as a personal attack ("she won") instead of what they truly were (unthoughtful acts of a hormonal pregnant woman, nothing deliberately though out). Also, the last fight was completely justifiable, Nat had every right to be mad, literally every right, and R couldn't handle the simple truth, bc that's how they are.
Third... Don't even get me started on the bar thing. R then and there combined the two worst things a main character should be (and that's not a jab on your wiring, quite the opposite, you made lots of people hate the main character, that's a feat most people can't achieve, you were fucking brilliant) that was cowardly and un-empathetic. Like, how could they let someone talk about their WIFE like that? Do they really not care about her? And I'm not even saying love, I'm saying care, bc when you care ab someone, you never let someone talk ab them like that. Ever. Did they not have the courage to stand up to Ward, did they not care about Nat, or was it both?
And forth, the Wanda thing seemed, once again, so fucking petty. They clearly don't care about Wanda too, bc if they did they wouldn't stir up her hopes by calling her. And let's just say they decide to leave Nat for Wands, how would Wanda feel seeing the child grow up without the other parent bc of her(bc R clearly doesn't have the maturity to co-parent a child, they'd bail the second things got a bit hard)? How would she feel when the team shut her out (bc that's clearly what they would do) after they find out? She'd feel like shit, but she'd endure bc of R bc that's Wanda for you, but she'd still feel like shit, and R would be the reason. So if R thought about her well being for even just a second, they'd have backend off ages ago.
Fifth, I could see how hard R was trying, I even could see them loving Nat again, but I honestly don't think they're going to work out with anyone (not Nat, not Wanda, not anyone), bc they're too immature, petty and self centered to be in a relationship.
Yeah... That's it, sorry for the rant.
not a rant, always appreciate your views anon :)
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micronopher · 7 months
I adore OFMD. Fuckin love all the genders including the women in OFMD. Really do. So this is what nitpicking and pettiness looks like, and I say all this knowing there is literally no other way this could have been done differently... But Anne Bonny, Mary Read, Auntie, Spanish Jackie, Nana, Archie, Zheng, Hellkat Maggie - every one of them are sword/knife wielding kickasses that kinda feel a lot of what women are pressured to be these days. That's totally cool, and good on them cuz they are badasses, but god forbid women (or any gender) actually want that peaceful life of nice things that Ed craves. Hell, Anne and Mary actively end up fighting against it. One I can't seem to get over is Archie. Wild, lovely Archie. She's adorable, and Madeleine Sami nailed her, but the way she is implemented... Ivan is out (for whatever reason) and Archie is in. To do what?
To be a quirky, cute female swashbuckling badass that serves as a love interest for established characters. She doesn't seem to serve any other purpose that could not have been filled by Ivan except for being a check on some kind of box (whether it be for being involved in a polycule that came out of nowhere or being literally the only femrep on the crew). Yeah, ok, just salty about Ivan, please show me reasons why I'm wrong... Another woman painted as just plain awful (and holy shit she was) was Antoinette - the bejeweled bitch, because of course she is. But yeah, guess she represents the upper class cunts, so of course she must look a mocking replica of the stylish Marie Antoinette. But Mary Bonnet seems to be the one who defies the stereotypes. She's the one who subverts the usual expectations of women in a pirate show or in a lot of media- either as the damsels in distress or swashbucklers.
Mary lives her best life - having a career (I mean, she must have taken up handling Stede's estates), a thriving hobby, a love life, *kids... I mean, you go girl. Of course, she's also privileged as fuck... And she's actually stopped from being that knife-wielder. She looks like she can't even bring herself to do it.
But yes, I know "What's the other choice? Not having women fit the narrative in accordance with their surroundings? Not having women at all?"
And the others don't necessarily shirk from what's considered other 'feminine traits' (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean). I get that. Just a little tired of the promotion that being a 'badass' woman (or man for that matter) means needing to have the capacity to cut throats and/or whoop ass. Nah, you know what? I fuckin love these women anyway. Who they are, what they do, what they represent, and how they are a part of this whimsy, hilarious, gut-wrenching show. THEY ARE EVERYTHING Including badass, Widow Mary Wants-A-Peaceful-Life-Without-A-Lot-Of-Bloodshed Bonnet.
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Again, with full acknowledgment that she's privileged as hell for many reasons, and that's just so goddamn fuckin unfortunate and unfair that that's why she's so secure in her position. By the way, two things - What's the skinny on poor Mother Teach? Hope she started living her own best life after her deadbeat partner bit the dust... Who else ships the fuck out of NanaxAuntie and please tell me their official shipping name. *Whatever sex/gender you are, there's not an iota of shame in not wanting kids (raises hand up fuckin high), but there's no shame in wanting and caring for them either. It is absolutely badass to be a great parent.
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jyndor · 1 year
I did have many relationships in my life and it’s not an excuse to treat Cassian like he’s s saint! He’s not a good boyfriend to Bix and it’s tiring to see people doing everything they can to excuse men’s actions while ignoring woman. I don’t hate him, I just think he should be hold accountable but fandom seems to pretend he did nothing! Cassian would never be good enough for Bix and he should have treated her way better than he did because nobody ever loved him the way she did.
lol btw I know you're trolling and full of shit but to be fair it was petty and wrong of me to say you haven't had relationships. not because I care about your feelings but because I don't want to demean or hurt anyone who might have seen that. you are an anon and therefore forfeit your rights to me taking you at your word for literally anything 😂
like also not for nothing the reason why I was excited to ship them and then felt disappointed when I found out about their on-and-off shit is because I don't think their romantic relationship was good for either of them LONG TERM. this is why I am generally meh about like first loves being the One True Love because first off that is such a ridiculous concept in general, but also because people learn from relationships they've had. cassian and bix are exes, they are exes for a reason. AND bix has boundaries that she tries very hard to maintain in their friendship - which sometimes cassian seems to struggle with, but also I get the vibe that perhaps HE is the one who pulls away more, doesn't stay when she wants him to, isn't interested in a partner, etc. that means they have conflicting goals and desires. It doesn't make him a Bad Person, although it does mean that he's made mistakes with their relationship.
that is literally why I don't ship them in a "they should be together" way. I'm more irritated about the way that her arc in s1 seems to be about propelling cassian's story than anything about her own story, which includes her literal torture by the empire. I'm confused why you're blaming a fictional character instead of the writers of the show who decided to treat her so poorly.
but I mean again I don't take anything you're saying seriously because anons don't get the benefit of the doubt from me.
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The thing is, fascism is a whole ideology. Basically, "fascist art" is things we know are fascist (Wagner, Riefenstahl) and in an Orwellian twist (as in George Orwell literally predicted this), the new "entartete Kunst". Much of the assertion aimed at anti-fascists like Jack Kirby. And Alan Moore? Anyone read his later work? I refuse to engage since Lost Girls.
I'm sorry for being rude in advance im in a shitty mood right now but dude I'm literally fucking begging you to please please please please please please please please please not come to me with petty fucking bullshit like the nitpicking of terms used when the tags I left on the post in question made it clear that I haven't actually read the article and have no opinion on it and was reblogging the post for the examples of fascist thinking in comics. The fact that accusations of fascism are levelled at antifascists does not mean we cannot critique the way comic books often lean into fascist ideas and ideology. Do you seriously want to argue that comics like GCPD: The Blue Wall do not play into fascist ideology, even though it's not technically fascist art/art made with an openly fascist ideology? Is that the hill you want to fucking die on? Fucking obviously Wagner is in a whole different category but you KNOW you don't need to be a fascist making fascist art for your art to be playing into the ideology, intentionally or unintentionally.
Like I'll read the article later and form a proper opinion on it, and I'm fully expecting to disagree with a good minimum of 50% of it bc from tags left on the post by other ppl it sounds like much of what Moore said was Full Of Shit, and yes, Moore's work is often sexist and otherwise problematic or whatever, but like. Exactly none of this means that I have to disagree with the general idea that comic book superheroes easily play into fascist ideas, especially when written by literal CIA agents or Blue Lives Matter enthusiasts. I can agree with Moore on certain points while also thinking he's wrong about the root cause, the way it manifests, and/or the severity. I don't actually know if I do disagree with him on any of those things, bc again, I haven't read the article, but sometimes you can agree with someone on some things and disagree on others. Moore's work being shit doesn't mean I can't agree with certain aspects of his opinions on fascism in the comic book industry either. But, crucially, I wasn't agreeing with Moore, I was agreeing with a post that stated a blanket refusal to engage with his viewpoints on fascism in the comic book industry is misguided and potentially dangerous as it can lead to a dismissal of real, dangerous trends, which are still real and dangerous even if they're not technically fascist art.
Once again sorry for being rude I know I should wait to answer this before I can be nice about it but I don't really care right now. I'm just really sick and tired of getting anons that wanna argue fucking technicalities and shit like. Take it up with the OP of that post if you want to argue specifics regarding moore's article all I said was that I'm sick of ppl pretending that superhero comics are inherently antifascist when fascist ideas and thinking are prevalent in the industry. And we're never gonna get fucking anywhere discussing that if ppl are gonna 'well actually fascist art is-' every goddamn time someone brings it up.
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Sunday, April 14th, 2024! Pt 2 (one day NC 🥳)
10:03am: I went back and reread some posts from earlier in the week and remembered that I was doing really good! I think last night was a one off and a little step backwards, but nothing that can't be overcome again. Things happen. People disappoint us and let us down, doesn't mean we have to become hard and cold to the world.
I'm gonna stay positive and know that
1) fake positivity does turn into real positivity after a while 2) positivity attracts people, friends and that's what I would like.
Stay positive! Definitely still process your trauma, but there's so much good in life! Like that awesome feeling when you have a good day with someone new ❤️ I guess I understand wanting to start fresh with someone because it's exciting! Plus be confident knowing that you were never the problem and omg there's so many guys out there that want a chance with you, honestly things will probably get better with age.
Don't be like the boss, a whole ass pharmacist going back n forth with someone beneath him, petty drama, stress and emotional turmoil. I don't want that life, it's bad for your physical body. When I think about the positive feelings I've been having for about the past two weeks, the tension lifts from my body. I have so much to look forward to. And I can't control anyone else's actions, I can only control my actions and my emotions and how I react to things.
This door closing is just opening up a bunch new ones :) and what one man won't do, another man will ❤️ let's work on me so I can find my forever guy ❤️
I love you
6:53pm: Got home from work and I'm bleeding like crazy. Longest month of my life. New homie sounded like he was gonna come over but I think he chickened out? Lmao that's crazy 😂 Had a nice day at work, ranted to the boss and it helped me a lot. He told me to make a pros and cons list and I said that con side would look crazy 🤣 he said he does the same thing and it helps him, also he said the no contact thing is helping him a lot PLUS this man is wildin OUT like every night is a bachelor party or something and I want to be like him haha. So crazy tho he's just like yeah and then I might get back with his gf after a few months like ???? Guys are insane lmao.
Weirdest thing I have thought about today is how prude he* is. 🤔 I really don't have to explain myself but like, he has the two biggest ho friends I've ever seen and acts like I'm just supposed to be some untouchable angel is WACK. Tbh I wouldn't get back together with him for that alone, it's a major rift in our morals. He thinks he/ his friends can just do whatever but then judges girls for doing the same? Icky, double standard ass mf 🤢 this man belongs in the looney bin after last night. Weird ass said he hopes the guy I end up with has wack dick and he hopes nobody is better than him 🤣 who tf says that
I literally had to lie to this man on facetime so he wouldn't have a meltdown if I told him what I really did, getting piped in our bed by a great guy 😂 crazyyyyy flex bro, but yeah keep doing it in y'all's parents house 🥴 literally just gave me icky goosebumps thinking about that.
Who cares lol I'm glad that part of my life is over. I'm tired of looking stupid tbh. Hesitant to do a # days no contact tracker on here because ik it can be counterintuitive to think about him technically, but shit I already think about him anyway, so I think it'll be a good idea to *try* and if it sucks I'll stop.
1:10am: Going to sleep now, didn't do anything after work today but that's ok :) had yogurt and cereal for dinner and both cats are on my bed ❤️ Spent too much time on my phone but it's ok, too. I think I'm gonna do a beginning of the day and end of the day, then I can kinda track triggers that make me want to reach out to him. Ik it's stress but also ik this will help. Distractions are great, but I want better distractions than just being on my phone lol.
Goals for tomorrow: Last OSCE! Study for exam! Study MOA! I know you hate it but that doesn't matter right now, you gotta grind before you party 🎉 Study for Jesse McCartney ❤️ He doesn't want you to fail your exam 😂
Goodnight, I love you so much I hope you had a good Sunday. I'm listening to crime podcasts while I fall asleep, something I couldn't do with you here lol. Perks of being a bachelorette 🤪 Hella peaceful and everything is easy going.
Day 1 NC complete! ❤️🥳
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cheekblush · 3 years
#omfg i'm seething with rage 😤#remember that 'friend' i talked about that got super mad at me for bringing up smth that's bothering me??#we were able to talk it out back then and everything was fine but today she was out for blood lol#i cancelled/postponed our plans today bc i've been feeling horrible the past few days barely sleeping and having constant headaches#and she got sooooo mad at me and didn't even care about my wellbeing?????#and then she started guilt tripping me again and saying how i'm the worst of her friends and that i'm mean?????#literally none of my friends have ever called me that?? & i know i don't really have any friends left but it's not bc i'm a bad person???#she said so many mean & nasty things to me and i admit i got petty & i also got fucking tired of always being the nice & diplomatic one#like i've had ENOUGH!!!! i don't have to explain or defend myself when i cancel plans for my own wellbeing???#i'm tired of being her doormat & punching back & if all her other friends are so great then leave me tf alone????#she always complains how her other friends often don't text her back or don't have time for her & they didn't even remember her bday#yeah but i'm the worst friend bc i cancel plans sometimes bc of my mental health lol make it make sense ❤#like i literally planned the whole Saturday for us but she got mad i cancelled today even though we had only a 2 hour frame#and i get why she's upset when i cancel plans but turn into such a big fight???#especially since we've been meeting a lot more often recently???#i am aware i'm not the perfect friend & i'm difficult bc sometimes i just need to be by myself & i isolate myself when my depression hits#but if you have no empathy and understanding for that then i don't need you as a friend period#this time i didn't hold back & told her everything that's on my mind bc i'm truly sick & tired#& i did get angry & mean this time bc why do i have to accept all the bs she always throws at me???#i'm done for good & i told her so i don't need a 'friend' like that#and the fact that she started all this drama over whatsapp when she always tells me to call instead lol bye#these tags are so incoherent but i just needed to let my anger out at least a bit#i'm tired of being treated like shit when i've ALWAYS been there for her#but her feelings or more accurately her anger is always more important than my wellbeing#i told her that she's being selfish and that's when she lost it hwhsbsbsnns#this was bound to happen so like i said good riddance i rather have absolutely no friends than someone like her#who always makes me feel bad when i put myself and my wellbeing first#i muted her bc she keeps sending me messages lol maybe i should delete her for good#☁️
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🦊Being Inarizaki's Manager🦊
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Inarizaki x Female Manager
Warnings: unwanted touching (but reader kicks butt 💅) this is the only one of the series with any warnings
AN: this is the 4th installment of the Team Manager series 🙌🏻 Next week, Fukurodani 🦉
Queue Season 4's Seijoh
Yep I'm saying it
Atsumu is season 4's Oikawa
With worse hair
But we still love him none the less 🥰
Much like Seijoh, Inarizaki didn't have a manager dude to Atsumu and Osamu reasons...
Poor Kita and Aran are just tired
So tired
Queue Miss YN 🙌🏻
Later dubbed the savior of Inarizaki by Suna
Let's get into how you got caught up in this
You transferred to Inarizaki your second year (your parents moved, idk how you ended up here)
You somehow ended up in class with Ginjima
Instantly, he took a liking to you
I mean, girl you're gorgeous 💅🥺
And 👀👀👀
You were completely unbothered by the Miya Twins
Heck you didn't even know who they were!
Girls would talk and giggle about how cute they were while you sat there watching Tik Toks
Literally RAN 🏃‍♂️ to Kita
Kita was very skeptical
They had been through this before
However upon his first meeting with you, his mind was instantly changed
You had been walking through the hallway, the boys volleyball team all gathered around for some reason
Atsumu and Osamu got in a fight
Shocking 😬
Some unknown reason, not important
You are walking down the hallway, when the boys fall in front of your fighting on the ground
You simply look that them and scuff
"🙄😒 grow up"
You step over them, not walk around, YN STEPS OVER THEM
Suna and Ginjima bust out laughing
Akagi, Omimi, and Aran just stare at you
Kita thinks they just found their new team manager
Ginjima escorts you to the gym after class for your managerial trial
Boy are you in for it
Atsumu puts you through the ringer!
Mans teases you and says off the wall comments all practice
Literally will not lay off!
Refuses to take a water bottle from you, purposely makes you run after the ball, doesn't hold the door open for you
Literally he's being a petty bby
Kita is MAD 😠
Aran is trying to save what little chances they have of finally having a manager
Osamu is actually nice to you and simply tells you to ignore his brother
You could really care less
The unbothered energy you display YN 💅
You continue about your tasks, a certain someone not making it easy on you
That is, until you praise everyone but Atsumu
Omimi blocks a spike 👉🏻 praise 🥰
Kita digs a ball 👉🏻 you jump up and down
Akagi keeps a ball in play after a hard spike 👉🏻 you scream his name
Riseki hits any spike 👉🏻 the whole school could hear your shouts of encouragement
Atsumu sends a perfect set leading to an amazing spike 👉🏻 🦗🦗🦗 😶😶
Suna has the whole thing record, you can go back and watch it
This goes on for several practices
Atsumu is getting needy
Mans feeds off praise and YN is the keeper of all the praise
Finally, after an almost flawless practice match, Atsumu blows
"What the heck YN? That toss was perfection! Are ya blind?"
You simply stare at him 😐
Then walk away
Oof YN 😬
Osamu and Suna can not 🤚🏻
Someone rejected Atsumu, quick someone get a camera
Just kidding Suna's on it
The next practice, Atsumu messed up almost all of his sets
This never happens
Panic ensues
You simply roll you eyes 🙄
Walking up to Atsumu, you pat his head and walk away
Instantly the mans perks up
Bad sets? What bad sets? We don't know them 💅
From then on, Atsumu and you developed a sort of truce
Not full fledged besties but a tolerable friendship
Finally the day of the big practice match between Inarizaki and another local team arrives
The team doesn't have a manager so coach asks of you'll help them
Of course you oblidge, helping out where you can
You took your job seriously 😤
You filled water bottles, took notes and helped set up
The other boys 😗
I mean, you were very attractive and very capable
Suddenly more balls would roll in your direction, water bottles emptied faster, they needed help with tosses
Of course you helped, you were sweet and kind to the visiting team 🥰
Inarizaki however 👀
Kita tried to keep you away from the team by having you help run errands
It didn't last
The captain of the rival team seemed to need your attention more
Akagi and Riseki bounded over to you in the sweetest way, grabbing your attention anyway they could
Atsumu, Suna, Ginjima and Osamu just glared
Literally 😑😑😑😑
The entire warm up 🤦‍♀️
Of course, you were unbothered
The boys were protective of you but you could handle yourself just fine
Miss Manager is a force
So when the teams captain "accidently" touched your behind while you were filling water bottles
You raged and screamed
The boys 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
Kita and the whole gang pull up
There you stand, beating the captain over the head with a full water bottle
Aran and Omimi run to contain you
It took both of them to hold you back 🤚🏻
Atsumu and Osamu are angry boys
They are ready to attack
Kita stops them
The other teams captain is curled up and crying in the corner already
"Serves you right you pervert" you scream
Kita is so proud 🥺
The boys help you back to the gym
They gush over you for the rest of the practice match
All spikes are aimed at the captain
The boys win all the practice matches
After the games, they all treat you to a snack and walk you home
Even through they drive you insane, you adore you fox bbys 😘
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moemoemammon · 3 years
(Two things, 1. This is my first time requesting so I'm sorry if this is not the thing to do it, and 2. Sorry if somethings is misspelled or grammatically incorrect, eng is not my first language:p)
May I request some of the bros, specially Mammon, Luci and Satan, with a MC who's similar to Lucifer in some aspects (like, some of their manners are the same as his and sometimes they're little bit too strict) and after a while they discover that its bc MC is also an older sibling. And (only if you want) meeting their younger sibling, please 🙏
Btw love your works ♡♡♡
Lucifer Number 2~
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
It doesn't occur to Lucifer how similar the two of you are, but the first thing he realizes is how pleasant conversations with you can be. You both share common interests, your tastes suit his own, and you seem to be the only competent person in this house.
You're the responsible type, and he likes it. He'll sometimes find you scolding his brothers for their behavior too, and as amusing of a sight as that may be, he doesn't want you to be burdened with their idiocy.
AND you're the eldest sibling in your household? Cheers to that. You too know the weight of being the responsible oldest, and the role one must take to ensure their siblings grow up well. You too know that you'd rather your siblings have things easier than you did.
But there's one thing he finds annoying... You can NEVER speak your feelings, and act as if it’d kill you to do so. He can respect secrecy when it's appropriate, but Lucifer would like to know what's on your mind. Not only that, but you can be HORRIBLY headstrong. There's nothing that can stray you away from what you've already decided.
"MC, I request that you take a few days off from school to do as you please. I've already spoken with Diavolo and your professors, and you've been given an excuse. I know you'll study anyway, so I've dropped off your assignments in your room. But... you should rest. It isn't good for you to be pushing yourself so hard. Hm? You're calling me a hypocrite?"
As if one Lucifer wasn't enough. Now there's TWO of em?! Why's his luck gotta be so lousy!
Definitely the first to realize how much like Lucifer you are, and was SHOOK. Seriously, what gives?! What horrors exist in the human world that could've made you like THAT..?
Ever since you showed up, it's been impossible to get away with anything! He can't sneak out of the house because you're always there somehow, you tattle on him when you catch him leaving anyone's room, and you won't even let him copy your homework! What gives?!
Avoids you like the plague. You're no fun! There's only rare moments when you're kinda okay, and he likes those the best. The times when you're kinda sensitive and you'll drop the high and mighty act. But then you're back to being a pest!
"For the billionth time, I ain't got time to study! There's money to be made, and a guy like me ain't gonna waste a second lookin' at a dumb book when I could be- H-Huh?! You're gonna call Lucifer?! N-now, there's no need to be so hasty, right? Oi!! I'm sorry, damn it-!"
What's the deal with Lucifer number two? As comedic of a trope as that may be, Levi doesn't really care for having two nagging types in the house. Especially a human...
When you're in his room, all you do is nitpick about how he should tidy up and open a window! Don't you know that an otaku's room is his pride and joy?! It's a sacred space not to be trampled on by the opinions of a normie!!!
But still... he has to admit that even if you don't get all the stuff he's talking about, you at least try to understand it. And there are even some of his interests that you're genuinely invested in!
You might be a pain in the neck and harass him about annoying things, but he guesses he can deal with it if you'll actually sit through a TSL marathon with him...
"I-I'll lend you this manga, so make sure you read it! And when you're finished with that, I'll lend you the spin-off series by the author's brother! I know you'll like it, since you're interested in gritty stuff. Oh, and- Huh? My laundry? Y-yeah.... I'll do that.."
You are... surprisingly good company. Satan enjoys talking to you over afternoon tea, and the two of you share stories between one another.
But still, he can't shake the feeling that there's something... unpleasantly familiar about your personality. It isn't until you say something that sounds suspiciously similar to what Lucifer would say that he realizes who you remind him of. And oh, he hates it.
Tries playing pranks on you, but somehow they never go to plan. How that is is beyond him, but you never fall for anything! No matter how sweet his smile, you're always rightfully suspicious. You're annoyingly meticulous about checking your surroundings, and you're so aware of yourself that it's troublesome! Be more gullible!!
The king of petty has decided that its now his life goal to make you fall for at least one of his pranks. He doesn't care how elaborate he has to make it, or how unrewarding the payoff may be. He'll make you pay for seeing his brother in two places at once.
"MC, would you like to join me this afternoon for a book reading? Though, I'd love it if you could read this book in particular. I think you'll find it very-.... Hm? 'Isn't this the cursed book that makes you grow hair all over your body', you ask? Ahaha.... tch."
Come now, there can't be TWO killjoys in the house! That's way too depressing!! It was funny at first to see that there's someone who can match the scary Lucifer's energy, but now it's becoming a nuisance!
You won't even go to the countless parties he's invited you to! Hell, you barely even give yourself room to mess around a little? Isn't it boring being so tightly wound? You're in luck, because the adorable Asmo-chan knows the PERFECT way to let loose~
You'll RARELY let him close to you, and that's usually when you're tired of him harassing you. Then he gets the honor of playing with your hair while you've got no energy to fight back! He'll style it wonderfully for you!
Also nags you to take better care of yourself. You're not a demon, so you have to care for your health! These late night study sessions are giving you bags under your eyes! And stop taking on so many extracurricular activities!
"Geez, MC! I didn't think you'd die from overworking, but that's the path you're headed on! You really are like Lucifer, you know? That being said, I'll do my best to make sure you relax! Shall we begin~?"
Beel may not be too bothered by Lucifer's strictness, but that doesn't mean he's immune to it. To think that even a human can be like that...
It's nice to see that you can take care of yourself, but aren't you working too hard? Your grades are good and you've got many interesting talents, but you also have to properly rest.
Has started bringing you snacks on the regular. And don't even think about skipping meals, because he won't allow it. He'll literally pick you up and bring you to the table if he has to. And if you're staying up late to study? He'll carry you to bed. Don't try to protest.
Beel is your babysitter now and there's nothing you can do about it. It's good to be responsible, but don't think about trying to take care of everyone else if you can't care for yourself. Now eat these twelve meat buns he bought for you.
"MC, let's eat lunch together. I know you were going to skip because I heard you talking to Solomon earlier, and I won't let you. Ah, don't worry about not having money, because I've already bought you some lunch. Let's eat in the courtyard."
You're such a drag. You harass him to attend student council meetings, but him about his studies, and won't let him avoid a single obligation he has. What are you, his mother?
Has 100% joined forces with Satan to try to make you fall for many, many unsuccessful pranks. Are you curse proof or something? When he tried a '10 hour bed-head' spell on you, it just rebounded right to him! Then he found out that you'd borrowed a spell repelling amulet from Solomon and realized just how prepared you are...
When you aren't bothering his entire soul by trying to make him do things, you're actually nice to talk to. You're knowledgeable, you pay attention to the people around you, and you can always read a room. He likes to ask you for advice sometimes.
"Aren't you tired of being like that all the time? So... attentive, I mean. You should just take a nap some time. Or better yet, take the week off. Maybe I'll teach you how to properly relax? Then you might finally be able to take that stick out of your- ow... What're you hitting me for?"
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complexgods · 2 years
Here's something with Kuroo and demon reader!! Sorry if it's long and winded I wrote it on a whim. If you wanna add on, feel free to
Kuroo x demon reader
Something Kuroo wasn't expecting was to see you next to his bed. He had gone to sleep the night before thinking about all the work that had to be done, but those work thoughts would have to be put on hold now with you, a cute demon from the depths of hell here to probably take his soul.
Well, it wasn't such a bad way to go.
"What are you?" He asked you, earning a bland response in return.
"A demon, duh." He waited for elaboration, but you had nothing to elaborate on. When he asked why you were here, you merely blinked and replied with a response Kuroo was certainly not expecting. "I'm here to tempt you humans into doing heinous actions!"
Everyday, you stuck by him, trying to dye his heart black by convincing him to give into sin. Keyword: trying. In reality, you'd be right at his side, looking at anything and everything that could possibly be used to do some bad things. However, you got side tracked on your mission real hard when you had to deal with his tired ass all the time.
At one point, you delegated yourself as his housedemon. You couldn't have your human tired all the time! If that happened, he wouldn't be able to do crime and damn himself to hell!
Kuroo flinched as you slammed your hands on the table, making the bowls of instant ramen clatter. "What's up?"
"Enough of this shit!" You scowl, glaring at the deliciously unhealthy food. Kuroo raised a brow and brought his chopsticks up to slurp some more noodles. "We've literally had this instant crap since the beginning of the fucking week!! I've probably eaten this more than real food staying in this sinkhole! Do you humans always eat this THIS often?!"
"Uh, well I mean I guess so," he sighed, exhaustion expressed in his eye bags. "Packaged instant food is just convenient and quick. Sometimes, it's all we have the time and patience to cook." Kuroo was going to continue before he saw your scowl deepen.
"HUMAN!" You bellowed, eyes glaring a red hue pointed directly at Kuroo. He straightened himself up and gulped. Your tail came lashing out, horns growing from your head while your wings expanded to make you look as intimidating as possible. He nearly toppled over in fear when you pointed a sharp finger at him. "From tomorrow on, you will receive three meals a day. And not instant meals!! You need to eat real food and worry about getting enough rest, you dumbass!"
"...huh?" Kuroo watched dumbfounded. You sat down and continued to angrily slurp your noodles. Your tail, horns, and wings slowly sink back.
In the moment he was confused on why you cared so much, but he's truly grateful that you spend so much time making sure he's okay. Even if your reason was to see him commit arson or something. And honestly, with you here with him, he can really see improvements in his life.
So while he was off doing work, you had grocery runs and laundry to do. But Kuroo did admit, you were very determined with whatever you did, just not successful all the time.
Kuroo liked having you around, and he knew you liked being around him. He enjoyed coming home to someone and being pampered. He enjoyed catering to you, flustering you, and, even though you're a hotheaded brat, spoiling you with affection the closer you two got. There were so many things he loved about you.
He especially enjoyed your adorable attempts to get him to do some crime. In your book, crime was something as petty as dropping trash on the floor and not picking it up. It made it even cuter when you'd catch yourself discouraging him from doing something unnecessary or reckless. The way you showed you cared for him when you didn't mean to always makes his heart flutter.
"THROW IT IN RECYCLING! Think before you go ahead and throw a whole fucking bag of trash into the goddamn waste bin! Now keep sorting."
"Do you wanna burn down this place? You have to put it to medium low! Don't keep it on high."
"Go feed these scraps to the alley cats. They've probably been eating dry food for days. Also, can you bring these to the fruit vendor while you're at it?"
"Oi, oi, careful! You're gonna get hurt if you do it like that. Go take a bath. I can handle it."
Who knew the demon would be so virtuous?
Oh how the turn tables.
There was something, though, that Kuroo was shying away from. He wanted to pursue a relationship with a demon, which was weird in itself. But he felt even weirder when he thought about him. Him being on top of you. With your clothes off—
"Welcome home, idiot rooster."
"I'm h... Where's your shirt?"
"Oh this? It got too hot and I didn't wanna turn on the AC so I just decided to take off my shirt. I mean, I still have my apron on so it's fine."
"Rooster, you're red all over."
"Not only are you dense, you have no decency."
"Hah?? Listen, us demons don't have such frivolous manners of dress!"
He can't help but let his mind wander, especially since you two are pretty much close enough to the point you'll take baths together. Your gestures, the outfits you liked to wear out, heck even your smile and voice make his Kuroo Jr rage. He didn't know how to approach you with his fantasies. That was until one day.
"Honey, I'm HOOOOOOME!" Kuroo's obnoxious voice rang from the genkan. He took off his shoes, waiting for the sound of approaching footsteps and maybe an annoyed comment on his very extra greeting. But instead he got nothing. Kuroo frowned and went further into his home, placing his bag down before calling out softer again.
"Y/n?" He looked around. He went closer towards the bedrooms and couldn't help his furrowing brows when he heard some shifting, pants, and whimpers from inside his room. He knocked on the door before gently turning the knob. "Y/n? Are you oka—" His breath hitched as he slowly pushed the door open.
Inside was you, curled up into a ball with only one of his hoodies on you, a sex toy he didn't recognize covered in lube being weakly pushed in by trembling fingers. The hoodie was already a little big on him, but you looked like you were engulfed in it. He couldn't see your face, but he could see your bare ass on display, tail out and swishing rapidly. You were panting heavily, mewls and whines leaving you as you tried to push the toy in and out, so absorbed in your own world you failed to notice Kuroo's presence and massive erection.
"Mm...! T-Tetsu..." You moaned oh so sweetly.
Kuroo wanted nothing more than to torture you with that toy, pushing it in so roughly and suddenly that you'd cum immediately. He was jealous of a toy. Oh so envious that a piece of plastic had been used to fill your desires this whole time while he was suppressing his own. He wanted to play with your tail and cock until you were begging, sobbing to be filled. And the moment he would... Kuroo would be sure that he wouldn't stop till you couldn't cum any longer.
You've tempt him long enough.
Hope this was okay I tried hard to make it more spicy 😫
- kiss kiss fall in love anon
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I FINALLY FINALLY GOT AROUND TO READING THIS AND OH MY- I am obsessed just. Imagine. Kuroo just actually taking those steps after he hears your pretty moans, grabbing onto your tail… He just goes "You called?" Before taking the toy from your hands, pushing it in himself, making you buck into it desperately. He'd get flustered once you ask him to fuck you, though. He's never had sex with a demon how was this supposed to work? Probably the same as with anyone… And oh the sounds you both make when he finally tips you over the edge on his cock… You were way more perfect for him than he ever could've imagined.
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atsuwiee · 3 years
when you tell them to leave you during an argument (enhypen).
i honestly don't know how to construct the title but here it is:,)
warnings: angst, having an argument, swearing/cursing. this is pretty long so get ready i guess lol
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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"are we really doing this again?" he asks. you averted your eyes when he spoke. "look at me, y/n" there was a sudden raise in his voice- but not too loud. you stood up from your seat leaving the untouched food. "i'm tired, heeseung, please let's call it a night" you say with your back facing him. "what's with you all of a sudden?! just a while ago you were doing fine now you've completely shut down, i just can't understand you–!" the loudness of his voice made you flinch, it was rare for you both to have a heavy argument. "just– please leave– leave me alone" you say. heeseung could hear your voice breaking and he knows he shouldn't have lashed out like that. he hears the room of your door shut, leaving him with guilt.
"so you hear me when i call you for diner, but can't hear me when i ask you to take a day off work?" he says. "i can't just do that, my job isn't that easy" you said, and he knew that. jay's point was is he wanted you to take a day off so he could spend time with you now that he's on break for a while. "you even did the same to me. you even missed a date–" "i almost missed it, but i arrived, didn't i?" he shot back, you already sensed where this conversation was going. "i have a career, y/n– and it's different from your job" jay said and something in that sentence just offended you. "my job is a career too, jongseong, it doesn't make it different from you being an idol" you already lost your appetite to eat so you stood up from the table. "you know what– if you're just going to make a big fuss about this then it's better that you leave me" "then i am" he said standing up from his seat, furiously heading to the door. now there's him outside guilt filling in him and you staring at the door wondering if he'll step in back again.
the air in your shared room with jake was tense. both of you were at the verge of screaming at each other because of a reason jake has mistook. "how can helping a friend take that fucking long! you were more than late, y/n!" jake said with his voice gradually getting louder. "well it's better than ditching you!" you shot back. yes, you were late for a date because you stayed at your workplace to help a friend out with the files on her computer. "look- i said my reason, jaeyun. if you don't want to believe me then so be it" you say and jake was left silent. "it's better for you to leave me alone if we'll be like this the entire night" you say. jake's feet suddenly felt like they were glued onto the floor, you walk pass by him out of your shared room and he couldn't seem to move anymore. once your door shut, jake let out all his emotions. "what the hell did i just do?" he asks the air, while the dim light surrounded him, with guilt slowly eating him up.
"you didn't do the dishes... again" you say as you approach sunghoon who was sitting on his couch. "y/n i just got home from work, i'm tired alright-" "sunghoon i'm tired too- so could you at least can clean the shit you used after eating so things would much be easier" you said, cutting him off. you do understand that he's tired considering a hectic schedule at work, but it didn't sit right with you when he couldn't do basic cleaning. "it's just the dishes, y/n- are we going to have to argue about this?" he said standing up and facing you, clearly irritated "i get that you're tired from work- but shit- what about me? i take care of this fucking apartment when you're gone for weeks or even months, just because of your work! and you can't even consider that maybe i'm tired too and doing something simple would be nice?!" you lashed out on him. sunghoon still kept a calm expression and it pisses you off even more that he looks like he doesn't care. "if you don't care about it at all, then it's best you leave me now" you say. "y/n wait-" but too late, your bedroom door is now shut closed. sunghoon was now left with the dirty dishes to be cleaned "i hope y/n comes out once i finish" sunghoon said with his hopes high up.
you were greeted by sunoo at the door, it was an ungodly hour for him to be at your home. his reason? sunoo was very worried to why you weren't answering or calling him, to later find out that you had forgotten to tell him you were out with your friends. "sunoo you're acting like a child- i'm a busy person and wanted to go get some time off with my friends, so of course it slipped out of my mind!" you explain, with a very frustrating tone. "y/n- it's two in the fucking morning! of course i'm more than worried" sunoo said, worry still evident in his tone. "i said what i said, okay?! now stop acting like that! it won't happen again, alright?!" you realized that you were now raising your voice at your boyfriend who was just worried about you. "i'm sorry... go leave now and go back home, we still have school later on" you say. "make sure this doesn't happen again, you know how i can be a little too worried" sunoo said with a soft tone now and headed out the door. you started to regret having to act that way "he was just concerned why did i even lash out?" you say. "did i overreact?" sunoo asks the air, both of you slowly consuming guilt.
"you never listen to me, y/n!" jungwon said, raising his voice. it was only once in a blue moon to see jungwon like this- the reason why it's because of your friends. "who are you to judge them?" you shot back. "you really are blind- don't you see they treat you like a doormat- and all they do is step on you" jungwon was all doing this out of concern. after telling him countless of stories of how your friends treated you and you'd let it slide- he just had enough this time. "it's just them being them, jungwon!" you say with your voice gradually getting louder. "no it's not- y/n don't you see how this affects you as well? you've been coming to me crying and it's always about them" you denied all of what he was saying since you were friends with these "people" for so long now. "you're starting to— break!" "yeah i am starting to break! but what can i do? i've been with them for ages how can i let them go?" your tears started to fall and jungwon was left speechless. "yeah you're right- now leave me alone" you say. "y/n i didn't mean to-" "i said leave" jungwon sighs and exits your room, gently closing your door. jungwon was just looking out for you, but he got a little out of control— too out of control.
it wasn't like him to get jealous, it was very rare. but now it was this particular day that just made him really jealous about you spending time with his hyungs. "where have you been?" he asked, and you already noticed his tone was different. "out with heeseung, is there something wrong?" you asked, and all he does is turn his back on you and stay silent. "riki talk to me- is there something bothering you?" "yeah, it's you being with heeseung hyung for half of the day!" the sudden raise of his voice made you flinch a bit. "i literally see nothing wrong with it riki, you're being petty" you say trying to 'reason' with him. "it just- doesn't sit right with me, alright? you didn't even bother to spend a day with me" he said. "if that's what you wanted why didn't you say so?!" you raised your voice as well. "you know- i hate where this conversation is leading us, so please leave me alone for now- i think i need a cool down" you say and walk pass him. riki just looked at you with sad eyes now, he knew he was being petty about it- but what could he do? sometimes he wanted to be selfish and sometimes he just wants time with you.
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