#i'm too sleepy for this
canon-vi · 1 month
however, I have neither the desire nor the ability to fix this now, I need to sleep because tomorrow is the exam, and instead of studying and sleeping, I lie on the bed and make a video
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icantalk710 · 5 months
Me pulling my [short] hair out trying to figure out why my Switch's MicroSDXC card randomly got unrecognized by it last week (despite it being mostly unused leading up to it), even though that same card gets read on my laptop fine and it can read another MicroSD card or two I have lying around (eliminating potential reader issues), ultimately resigning myself to buying a new SD card I guess:
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was going to open the case up in case the reader might've snapped out of place, but since it can read other cards, that's probably not an issue--just annoying I have to buy a new one if it's perfectly fine otherwise... 😩
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one of these days i'm going to keysmash really weirdly to a Normal Person™️ and they're gonna get a message that's something along the lines of:
ksgsjdbdkdbdkdkimhan theerapanyakul my beloved
and i will have no way of explaining that
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running-in-the-dark · 3 months
I'm really tired, I'm thinking about Jenkins, I'm having a weird time
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genderenvyninja · 1 year
They stopped translating the comic in issue 4 im gonna die :(
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unforth · 1 year
May Trope Mayhem Day 1! Iron Triangle OT3 (vaguely Ultimate Notey?), Queerplatonic Relationship
Prompt Filled: Queerplatonic Relationship
Fandom: DMBJ (I tend to vision UN for things like this but it's non-specific)
Ship: Wang Pangzi/Zhang Qiling/Wu Xie (romantic Pingxie, platonic Pingpang and Pangxie)
Tags: vaguely post-canon, fluff, slice of life.
Sometimes, Wu Xie worries.
When he’s visiting Wu Erbai, or Zhang Rishan, or even Huo Xiuxiu, and they ask after Xiaoge and then move on to the matter at hand as if Wu Xie has no one else he’s close to who deserves their polite inquiries.
When he’s aching and bloody and the next wave of the undead is approaching, and Xiaoge puts himself between Wu Xie and danger, and he forgets for a moment that anyone exists in the tomb - in the world - other than the two of them.
When he’s lying in Xiaoge’s arms, replete and satisfied, boneless and flush from the afterglow, but the bed feels too empty.
Loving Xiaoge is inevitable, irresistible, and Wu Xie does so as easily as he breathes. Xiaoge owns half his heart, and always will.
But achingly often, Wu Xie feels the absence of the other half of his heart, hurts for the way that Pangzi gets pushed aside, ignored, disregarded. 
He wants to cry for knowing how complicit he himself is in Pangzi’s erasure.
But then–
“Oh, there’s that fat fellow too, right?” says Wu Erbai indifferently, his expression growing uncertain under the weight of Wu Xie’s glare.
But then–
“Xiaoge”–Pangzi hops up, his knife emerging from its sheath with a shing–“there’s more here! I’ll guard this passage, you guard that one!”
But then–
“Pangzi made breakfast,” Xiaoge murmurs hot in Wu Xie’s ear. “You eat. I’ll clean up here.”
Wu Xie’s relationship with Xiaoge is different from his relationship with Pangzi, and Xiaoge’s relationship with Wu Xie is different from his relationship with Pangzi, and Pangzi’s relationship with each of them is also different.
The triangle has three corners, and the lines that connect each corner to the other two are equally bright and bold, even though those lines aren’t drawn identically.
Much of the time,, Wu Xie wonders if he takes too much for granted.
He will not, must not, ever take Pangzi for granted.
Because I love him.
“His name is Pangzi, Er-shu, and he’s great,” Wu Xie says pointedly, staring down his uncle until he can force the man to acknowledge with a slight glance askance that he’s forgotten someone important to Wu Xie, that he’s not allowed to forget someone as important to Wu Xie as Pangzi is.
I love him, Uncle. 
“You’re hurt, Pangzi,” he says once the mob of zombies lies in a mangled heap in the middle of the cavern in which they were attacked. “Let me carry you.”
“Too heavy,” grumbles Pangzi. “I’m fine.”
“I could,” Xiaoge offers.
Wu Xie ignores Xiaoge and carries Pangzi anyway. 
I love him, Xiaoge.
“Look what I made,” Pangzi says with a brilliant smile as Wu Xie enters the kitchenette. A broad, expansive gesture from his large, strong hand shows jian bing (a little too brown around the edges), fried pork buns (gleaming with excessive oil), and store-bought youtian (cooked over-crispy when they were reheated). Xiaoge ghosts into the room behind Wu Xie, lingering in the doorway, and Wu Xie’s mind and heart flood with how beloved this moment is: them (together), in this place (together), sharing this meal (together), entwining their lives (together, together, always together).
Overflowing, Wu Xie circles the table and grabs Pangzi in a rough hug. Pangzi tenses, but doesn’t pull away.
“I love you,” says Wu Xie, voice husky. 
“Tianzhen,” Pangzi replies awkwardly. “You don’t have to–”
“I love you,” Wu Xie repeats, holding him tighter. “I love you, Pangzi. I love you.”
Finally, Pangzi relaxes, returns the embrace, pats Wu Xie’s back. “It’s getting cold,” he says, hoarse, affected. I love you, too, Wu Xie hears, just as he heard it when Pangzi said I’ll guard the other passage, just as he heard when Xiaoge said Pangzi made breakfast, just as he hears it every time Pangzi chooses to stay with them, chooses to come with them, chooses to share their bed, chooses to have Wu Xie and Xiaoge in his life when he could have anyone else instead.
Wu Xie is about to pull away - he knows any longer of a display of affection will just make Pangzi uncomfortable - but then Xiaoge is there too, holding Pangzi from behind as Wu Xie holds him from the front, and for an endless, too-brief minute, they stand there together, the platonic love of Wu Xie’s life and the romantic love of Wu Xie’s life there with him, his perfect Iron Triangle.
“Enough already,” Pangzi grumbles, shaking them both off. “Sit. Eat.” And he demonstrates by leading the way, dropping into his chair and overfilling his own plate in flagrant disregard of Xiaoge’s and Wu Xie’s sitting empty on the other side of the table.
“Mn.” Xiaoge takes his own seat, filling Wu Xie’s plate and then his own.
As clearly as if the words have been said, Wu Xie knows that’s Xiaoge saying, I love Pangzi, too.
And Wu Xie can only stand and smile at these two men, these two halves of his heart, these two loves of a lifetime.
“Take more,” Pangzi urges around a full mouth, gesturing toward Xiaoge with his chopsticks; Xiaoge obeys as Wu Xie takes his seat.
It smells amazing, but still not as good as his two friends look.
Fuck, how lucky he is.
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nikatyler · 2 years
Tumblr I said I don't want to see that blazed "jesus is love" post again dammit stop forcing it every three posts
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thatwitchrevan · 1 year
Ugh I have to work all day tomorrow.
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misclogarts · 2 months
do you ever have smth you're working on that makes you go
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kedreeva · 9 months
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You can hear this bread. One second I'll show you. Please listen to my bread
This is a loaf of asiago chunk sourdough. Inside there are chunks of asiago. The dough was mixed with mashed garlic as well. The sound in the video is the cheese bubbling in the interior, echoing in the air pockets of the loaf. I'm going to eat the shit out of this for breakfast tomorrow.
This is the world's easiest sourdough loaf too, with only 6 hours total rising/proofing time!
455g white bread flour
1 tsp sea salt
285g warm water
100g active, bubbly starter
120g Asiago cheese
(optional) crushed garlic to taste (I use about 2 cloves worth and it's a lot)
Asiago chunk sourdough bread
Cut asiago into smallish chunks
Combine flour and salt in one bowl
Combine starter and water in another bowl, stir until starter is dissolved.
Mix flour into the wet mixture until a dough begins to form. Knead on a well-floured surface until dough is smooth.
Mix in cheese (and garlic) until well incorporated
Dust rising bowl (solid! Not a basket!) with flour. Let dough rise 1 hour in warm spot, covered with plastic wrap
Fold over around the edges, place back in bowl seal-side down for 1 more hour
Repeat folding over around the edges, place back in bowl seal-side down for 1 more hour (3 total rising hours to here)
Shape dough into round if not, and place into proofing basket for 3 hours. Toward the end of this, preheat oven to 450F, with the cast iron pot so it's HOT when you add the dough.
Dump your dough onto your kneading board, fold over around the edges one more time, slice the top DEEPLY.
Bake 30 minutes seam-side down in covered cast iron pot at 450F. Remove lid, bake for another 30-40 minutes with lid off. (Cook time may vary on location and oven... MY OVEN takes this long. I just baked a loaf at a friend's that baked WAY differently, it was done in about 40 minutes total)
Remove and let cool completely before slicing. You can freeze it but slice it first.
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jung-koook · 8 months
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jungkook ready to throw hands 😆
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raazberry · 2 years
why did my brain just randomly hit me with levi brainrot. i cannot stop thinking about him
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mariacfrantz · 1 year
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Clouds and creeping dogwood (colored)
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rustedrocket · 5 months
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shadow should really be #1 on the list of "people who shouldn't be startled"
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temeyes · 4 months
sobbing I LOVE YOUR STYLE One moment it's all serious then we just have it to sweet litol big-eyed babies 😭
I shall ask if i can feast on your art 🥺
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oh yes you may feast- doODLEBOB GHOST PUT THE PEWPEW DOWN!!!
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Due to that post I made re: why it's hard for aros/aces to imagine a future for themselves because society tells you a romantic partner will always take priority, a lot of people (aros/aces and allos alike) are sharing stories about how they have been discarded by their close friends and it's breaking my heart. But allos and aspecs coming in and sharing how they have the same amount of love for their partners and their best friends/siblings is healing it.
Still, there are people in the tags saying that aros/aces can "never offer their partners the kind of intimacy they need" and so they shouldn't be "surprised" when they feel closer to partners than their friends. You guys are missing the point.
The point is that we should NOT be ranking our relationships. People aren't there to be ranked on a scale of "This person is my number one and this person comes after that." The point is that you need multiple people in your life. One person cannot - and should not - be responsible for giving you everything you need. Different people will give you different things that you need in life and you should value all of them.
The idea that a romantic partner will give you every single thing you need in life is a toxic idea in itself and puts undue pressure on said partner and the relationship as a whole. A best friend won't give you everything either. You NEED multiple people in your life and they will all give you a part of what you need, but there is no one perfect person out there who perfectly gives you exactly what you want. We need multiple people and they should all be valued by you. Love is not limited.
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