#i'm underwater no air in my lungs my eyes are open and i'm giving up you are the wave i could never tame if i survive i'll dive back in !!
mashmouths · 2 months
save me paramore after laughter
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arjudy224 · 6 months
Cobblepot's Cabana
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Summary: Working for Oswald Cobblepot has its perks. Mr. Cobblepot always gives out Christmas and summer bonuses, you get excellent health insurance... However, working at a pool owned by one of Batman rogues can put you at odds with the Caped Crusader himself. One day, the Riddler and Killer Croc team up to defeat Batman. This team endeavor doesn't work out the way they expected.
Lifeguard POV:
There wasn’t any mention of how to handle situations like this during the certification. Teenage boys doing back flips into the shallow end? Yes. Nose bleeds? Of course. Clocking into work to find the Gotham knight fighting not one, but two of his rogues on the pool deck? Absolutely not. Nothing could have prepared me to witness the all out brawl that was occurring during my shift. Or the fact that Killer Croc’s tail defensively slapped the Riddler, Batman, and Robin into the pool. Tyler hands me the lifeguard tube with a sly smile.
“Good luck with that. I’m going to go pee.”
If I wasn’t so concerned for the teenage vigilante getting his face pushed underwater by a crocodile, that would have been incredibly annoying.
Staring at the drowning quartet, I am faced with a dilemma.
Do I get paid enough for this? (No)
Would interrupting the feud end with my imminent death? (Probably)
Poor Eddie Nygma flails desperately against the waves made by Killer Croc and Batman wrestling. For such an intelligent guy, one would have assumed he would at least know how to doggy paddle... One would be wrong. Every time the man, known to the rest of the world as the Riddler, touches the water... He sinks. It's honestly impressive how quickly he can reach the bottom of the pool. His panicked green eyes cause my heart to swell.
Dammit... Fine.
Within moments, I plunge into the icy water. Of course today of all days Cobblepot would turn the temperature down for dramatic effect. Fighting against Killer Croc's waves, I lunge for Eddie first. Avoiding his panicked limbs, I shove the buoy flush against his chest. Eddie clings onto the life preserver with a grateful gaze as I meet a face full of salt water.
My eyes burn from the impact. Resurfacing a few feet away, the vigilante/ crocodilian brawl somehow managed to turn on the manual waves. I watch in disbelief as Eddie gets pulled in their direction. His feverishly pale skin and blue lips chill me to my core.
"Oh.. No you don't!" I gasp struggling against the current. Another wave pushes me under. Stay calm. You've done this before. Opening my eyes, my heart stops when I register what I am face to face with.
Void like black eyes stare emotionless in my direction. With skin so grey and smooth, I'm almost tempted to run my hand across. However, the hundreds of sharp teeth keep me at bay. There's a shark in the pool, King Shark, to be exact... and he's not happy about the wrestling match going on above. Typical Gotham. Funny enough, I checked the attendance log this morning. Nanaue canceled his membership months ago, but that's none of my business.
From the corner of my eye, I vaguely make out the faint outline of the drowning boy wonder. The kid’s head is above water for now, but the heavy plated Robin suit cannot be easy to swim in.
Sometimes, King Shark confuses the lifeguards for poolside snacks. Easy mistake really. Cobblepot had warned us previously of the last guard who got eaten. Unzipping my fanny pack, I fumble for my saving grace: a small tuna packet from my morning lunch. Offering it to the shark, I await his response. That must have been the right move because a smile emerges with hundreds of teeth barring all at once.
Pressure and panic spreads throughout my body from the lack of oxygen. Crawling to the surface, my lungs gasp for air while I assess the current situation. Eddie's conscious, yet even with the raft his lips are still tinged with blue from his underwater adventure. Robin's fighting with less vigor than before. He doesn't have much time. Killer Croc is in his element. And Batman? Well, like any Florida man wrestling with their local wildlife: he's doing his best. His sluggish movements are showing how much the cape and his weaponry are weighing him down.
Considering my options, I make the dumbest split second decision of my life: I ask for help. Diving under the oncoming waves, I gesture towards King Shark with as much pleading as I can muster. I don't speak Shark, but I motion to my fanny back to insinuate their would be more fish ahead. Nananue slowly nods his head before circling the water around me.
For a second, I think my life is over. Maybe my parents were right to throw a fit when I announced my acceptance into Gotham U. I'm sure Metropolis Lifeguards’ don't have to make bargains with their local trespassing aquatic life.
To my relief, King Shark doesn't bite my head off. With an impatient shimmy, he waits for me to hold on. I shrug before crawling on his back. We cut through the waves with such ease that I find myself in awe of the cartilaginous fish. If I swam like that, I would bum off Oswald Cobblepot too. The Riddler and his life raft tug loosely behind due to the harness around my waist.
Checking my watch, I frown.
Tyler was supposed to take me off stand ten minutes ago. That bastard. From the empty pool deck, I bet he left work early again... for the 3rd time this week.
Speeding past the giant iceberg in the center of the pool, King Shark reluctantly slows down once we near the frail looking teenager. Before I can hoist the kid up, Nananue eyes the young boy with interest.
"Don't even think about it. If you eat Robin, I have to explain to Cobblepot how you've been staying here for months without paying for a membership."
With an exaggerated sigh, the Shark man allows me to hull the kid half way out of the water. Somehow, Robins mask managed to stay on during the kerfuffle. His wet black hair sticks to his forehead. He's got a pulse. He's breathing. Reaching the pool deck, Robin’s limp form is proving ridiculously lofty to move.
Across the pool deck, Batman somehow managed to tranquilize Killer Croc. His damp armor makes a hilarious ~squish~ noise with every step. Eddie sprawls on his back muttering something I assume to be riddle associated. Robin's starting to regain color.
Thank goodness, I didn't have to do CPR; I do not want to be the one responsible for breaking the Boy Wonders ribs.
One eye flutters open, then the other. The intensity of his blue eyes catches me off guard.
"Instead of saving my life," He rasps with a mischievous grin, "Can you save my phone number?"
Very original.
I briefly consider shoving him back into the pool. If I hadn't spent the last 20 minutes trying to save his life, I would have. Instead of responding, I make eye contact with his Guardian.
"I'm going to need to ask you two to leave." I elaborate gesturing to my watch, "The pool closes at 9."
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gxdsfavgal · 1 year
Do you miss it?
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Kook!Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, kinda fanon Rafe, just a little blurb
A/N: sign this petition to help stop the Willow Project
I was back. The Pogues were back. We were back.
We wanted it to feel the same, coming home back to Kildare. It didn't. We tried to hide it from everyone, but we missed that deserted island.
My family wasn't the happiest when I arrived back at our front door, dirtied tank top and shorts, smelling rancid of salt water and sweat. Sure, they were happy I was safe but seeing that I ran away with Pogues?
For the sake of having a good reputation on the island, they welcomed me home with wide arms. Outside of the house we were the perfect family, but inside it was arguments and thrown vases.
It was never like this before. We were a close family, always having Movie Night Sundays or our weekly family brunch at The Dunes. We truly were the perfect family, but I ruined that.
Here I was, sat at the bar of the Island Club just trying to drink away my problems in clean clothes and a clean body.
On the tv the local news showed the photos of the Pogues and I, happily saying that we arrived safely and are no longer missing. The bar tender giving me my drink on the house.
"Look who's back." I heard a very familiar voice from behind me.
I quickly stood up and grabbed my drink, not turning to see who it was.
"I just want to talk." he reached me with long strides and grabbed my free wrist.
With a tug of his arm, I now faced him. That grin plastered on his face as he rocked the same clean shaven head from the last time I saw him.
"If you're gonna hurt me because I pushed you off your boat and left you, just do it." I stood up straight as I chugged my drink, slamming the empty cup onto the nearest table and closing my eyes waiting for a hit.
When I felt no pain, I opened one eye to see that Rafe was just standing there confused and trying to hold in his laugh.
"You think i'ma hit you?" he tilted his head to the side with that signature grin.
"I shoved you off your boat yada yada yada." I rolled my eyes now regretting finishing off my drink.
"I just want to talk." he pulled out the chair of the open table.
I looked at him with squinted eyes, seeing if he had any ulterior motives. He motioned for me to sit so I riskily pulled the seat out and sat, not scooting the seat in so I had an easy access to run if it came to that point.
"Look, if you're gonna ask where the copy of the diary is it was ruined okay. Fucking rain." I sighed out and my knee bounced waiting for what's to come.
"Why'd you push me off?" he asked, his elbows leaning on the wooded surface.
"Because you said you would only help me and not my friends, that includes your little sister." I crossed my arms.
"What happened to you?" he examined my face.
I felt my cheeks blush at his closeness.
"Nothing changed Rafe."
"Everything changed." He sat back in his chair, legs spread and arms crossed. "Everything changed once you thought you were a Pogue."
"I'm not a Kook or a Pogue." I rubbed my face at the thought of not belonging to a certain group. "I just did what was right."
We sat in silence. The other waiting for the other one to speak up.
"Do you miss it?" he asked, he was genuine.
"Miss?" I cocked my head to the side with furrowed brows.
"Having a perfect family, going golfing every weekend with us, having a nice and safe home? Do you miss being a Kook?"
His words took all the air out of my lungs. It was like I was deep underwater and I couldn't find the light.
I didn't know I had to hear those words, but now I realized how much I've lost. I don't have that life anymore and I'll never get it back.
The stinging in my eye is what snapped me out of my trance, my eyes looking up at Rafe's blue ones as they were wide. As the tear hit my cheek, I grabbed onto the table to push myself out of my seat moving as fast as I could to my car.
I struggled with all the keychains on my lanyard to find my key fob. My tears were never ending, just streams down my face as I breathed heavily to my car door.
And of course with my luck, my car wasn't unlocking. I just broke down and let all my emotions take over me in the parking lot of the Island Club.
"I- I didn't mean to trigger you." I heard Rafe say as I sat on the gravel next to the driver door.
I looked up at him with my mascara running down my cheeks. He let out a hand for me to grab so he can pull me up, I took it willingly. I swiped all of the dirt and dust off my ass and wiped my tears with the back of my hands.
"This also isn't your car." he spoke out as he pointed to my car on the next row, it was the same model and color of course I got the wrong one.
I quietly laughed into my hands as I didn't want to seem more unstable.
He grabbed my lanyard from my hands and walked towards my car as I followed behind him. He opened the driver door and hopped in, turning on my car for me before hopping back out.
"Thank you, and sorry you had to see me like that." I rocked awkwardly on the balls of my feet.
"I've seen you cry because you wanted an electric car so you didn't contribute to carbon emissions, this is nothing new." he tried to lighten the mood. "Besides, I'm just glad you're home safe."
I sat in the drivers seat but with my body still turned to Rafe that stood right outside of my door.
"I truly hope you get what you're looking for, and I'm not talking about the gold and treasure Rafe."
I closed the door and shifted into drive, leaving Rafe in the parking lot to think about my words.
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standfucker · 8 months
Final Fall
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Character: Nekomamushi
Reader: GN / AFAB
Word Count: 9.6k
CW: explicit NS.FW content, recreational drug use, monsterfucking, large insertion, biting, breeding, licking, tongue-fucking, oral (afab receiving), facesitting, excessive cum, creampie
Summary: Falling for the Cat Viper was, in your case, literal.
Ao3 Link
@daftbitch Happy birthday KP!!! Thanks for being such a fan of my stuff and chatting with me! I've loved talking to you! (And for those of you who follow KP, yeah, I'm Nekomamushi Smut Anon. Hi!) Hope you enjoy this one!
Lately, your life seemed to be one fall after the other.
First you fell for someone new in town, then you fell for a cruel trick played on you by their friends: You were tripped by one of them and literally fell in front of your crush, splashing them with mud and thus ensuring they would never again give you the time of day. Right when you were feeling especially miserable, the town bell alerted everyone to yet another pirate raid; you fell in battle against them, too, beaten and helpless as they dragged you back to their ship along with their spoils. Once out to sea, the pirates tossed you over the side of their ship, another fall into the chilly waters below. But none of those falls had been as big as what came after.
After fighting desperately to tread water amidst the crashing waves, you reached the point of exhaustion and sank. It was around noon on a warm, bright day, sunlight filtering in through the water above you, dappling the ocean’s surface and piercing through in beams around you. As the last of your oxygen reserves faded, you couldn’t help thinking that while you probably deserved better, at least your final view was beautiful. No sooner did the thought cross your mind than you felt your body being pulled into some sort of current, and in an instant, the world went dark. You could see a circle of light get smaller and smaller as you were sucked away, perhaps into some underwater cave. And just when your body reached its limits, your lungs about to give out, the light came back all at once, and you were somehow hurtling through the air.
You gasped and flailed, too winded to scream, as you fell for what seemed like an eternity. Plummeting down, you spun through the air and the world spun around you, appearing in glimpses: sky, sea, forest, sky, sea, forest. With every turn, the forest grew larger as you grew closer, until it engulfed you entirely. There was a brief but hard impact immediately followed by one so soft and plush that it broke your fall entirely, cushioning your landing.
Just like that, it was all over–or maybe, looking back, it was more accurate to say it had all started.
You shut your eyes, dizzy and dazed and not entirely sure what had happened in the last few minutes. The material beneath you was incredibly thick and fluffy, tickling your nose.
A rumbling, baritone sound reached your ears, like someone running their finger over the lowest piano keys. You slowly opened your eyes and looked up.
Rising in front of you was a small white hill with a big pink stripe across the top. You blinked, trying to make sense of what you were seeing, but the world wasn’t done spinning. Squinting, you waited for it to settle, and as it finally did, something fuzzy and golden rose up above the hill, right as you realized the hill was moving, too, up and down like it was breathing. No, not a hill, you realized–a round body, attached to the monstrous, feliform face peering back at you.
The creature was enormous, many times your size, its face alone so large it could have easily bitten you in half. It was currently lying on its back, regarding you with sleepy curiosity. Slowly, you glanced down–whatever this creature was, you were sprawled on its gigantic tail–and then you met its eyes again.
The cat monster craned its head up to look at the roof, where there was a jagged hole you must have caused. Then it looked to the side, and you followed its gaze to a clock on the wall.
“I’m not supposed to be awake yet,” it rumbled. “Need a few more hours.”
It laid its head back and closed its eyes, ignoring your presence. In a better state of mind, you would have realized it simply didn’t see you as a threat. In your current state, you weren’t even sure that you had survived the fall at all, possibly now dwelling in some strange afterlife. Regardless, you were sore and entirely drained, so you closed your eyes too, swiftly passing out.
A time later, you awoke halfway, vaguely aware that you were being carried. It was a comforting hold, strong and gentle, the walking rhythm feeling like being rocked. The body you were held against was warm and fluffy, mitigating the chill from your still-damp clothes, so you snuggled in further.
“Still tired, little one?” said a deep voice right above your head.
You nodded into the fur.
“Then sleep.”
Movement and light made you stir. A voice faded in, its pitch more like that of a regular human compared to the deep voice from earlier.
“...should have had someone bring them to me right away… could have gotten pneumonia…”
You opened your eyes to see what you could only describe as a bipedal donkey with long red hair bending over you, wrapping a blood-pressure cuff around your arm.
You yelped and sat bolt upright, forgetting the aches the action caused your body in order to scramble back. The donkey yelped too, leaping back a good distance.
“Please remain calm!” said a humanoid cheetah wearing doctor’s scrubs, running to your bedside with his hands up.
You stilled, eyes wide.
“Easy, now. You’re in no danger,” said the cheetah. It also had human-like hair, black and spikey.
The room you were in was some sort of clinic, modern-looking and brightly lit. You were in a patient bed, and before you were three people–the donkey person, also wearing scrubs, the cheetah person, and, dwarfing all three of you, the cat monster from before, now smoking from a long pipe.
“First things first: Are you-gara familiar with minks?” The cheetah asked.
Slowly, you nodded. You were indeed aware of the race of animal people, though they almost never passed through your hometown, so they always drew stares whenever they appeared. You could count the times you’d seen them in your whole life on one hand.
“Good, that saves us some time. I’m Dr. Kingston,” he gestured to the donkey mink, “this is my nurse, Molly. And you-gara have met Master Nekomamushi, it seems.”
You could only stare. A chill on your skin made you suddenly aware of the fact that you were naked. You quickly pulled the blanket up to cover yourself, though none of the three minks seemed to care about your nudity.
“What’s your name, lesser mink?”
You weren’t sure what a lesser mink was, but you answered anyway, hesitantly stating your full name.
“Nice to meet you-gara, Y/n! Is it alright if we continue to treat you? Your injuries are minor, but I’d like to get your vitals just in case.”
“Sure?” you said. “Um… I’m sorry, but where am I?”
Nurse Molly approached your side, fixing the blood pressure cuff back to its appropriate position just below your shoulder, then pressed a stethoscope to the bend of your arm. You stared at her hands–the palms were the same as a human’s, but each finger was dark and hardened, like a hoof.
“You’re on Zou,” the cat monster, Nekomamushi, answered. “No idea how you-gara got here. Ya just fell out of the sky while I was sleepin’! We’ll be needing ya to tell us what happened.”
You frowned, not entirely sure either. All you could do was try to recount the story up until then–the pirate abduction, being thrown overboard, sinking and getting swept into a current, the lights going out and then back on, and then your fall. By the time you finished explaining, you were well aware of how absurd it came across.
“I know it sounds crazy,” you said. “I can’t explain what happened. I mean, I hadn’t sunk to the bottom–there was open ocean around me–so I don’t know why it got dark or how I was suddenly in the air.”
Nekomamushi narrowed his eyes as you spoke, bringing a hand to his chin. He hummed, mulling it over as Molly took your temperature.
“That is indeed strange,” Dr. Kingston said, lifting your arm to inspect the cuts there. Up close, you were able to get a closer look at him. While you weren’t an animal expert, the spots you could see on his legs and tail looked big and splotchy, not like the cheetahs you had seen in pictures. “But I don’t think you-gara are crazy, Y/n. Though I’d like to check for a concussion just in case.”
“I got it,” Nekomamushi said, hitting his fist into his palm. “It must’ve been Zunesha. When he went to bathe himself, you-gara got sucked up along with the seawater. Then he sprayed ya over his back, and ya fell through my roof.”
“Zunesha?” you asked.
The following explanation was as difficult to fathom as your current circumstances. An elephant the size of an island, wandering the New World? Such things were the stuff of legend, certainly not reality. And yet, it was somehow the best explanation for what had happened to you–maybe the only one. The minks were also startlingly sincere, so much so that it was hard not to take them at their word. 
To prove it to you, the Dr. wrapped you in a robe and then led you outside. All around you were simple but functional wooden buildings, set within the forest you had glimpsed earlier. The houses were not unlike the ones in your hometown, though larger and with much steeper, triangular roofs. Though the Dr. pointed out the gray, craggy ground to you, you were more focused on the crowd of minks converging around the clinic: A myriad of different mammal species, mostly dressed in the same green uniform. It was like a reverse zoo, all of them staring at you with varying looks of intrigue. Feeling faint, you opted to go back inside shortly after that, laying back down in the patient bed and trying to process everything.
“Just take it slowly, Y/n,” Dr. Kingston said. “You’re still injured.”
“It’s a miracle nothing’s broken,” noted Molly.
The Dr. nodded furiously. “Master’s tail must have saved your life. You’re very lucky!”
You looked at Nekomamushi. “I guess I owe you one.”
“Nya-ha-ha! I was simply in the right place at the right time,” Nekomamushi said, waving it off. “Think nothing of it!”
You nodded, looking back up at the ceiling, letting your thoughts sort themselves out. At least no one in your hometown was seriously hurt from the pirate raid, and no one else had been kidnapped. Though your fate was strange, it could have been far worse–a lifetime of slavery could have awaited you had the pirates felt it worthwhile. Your throat got tight as the events of the day began to settle in. You tried to ignore it as Molly bandaged the worst of your cuts, but when you sniffled, all three minks’ heads turned to you sharply.
“Sorry,” you avoided eye contact. “I-I’m okay, really.”
“Don’t apologize, Y/n!” Dr. Kingston said. “You’ve been through a lot in one day.”
“It’s fine to talk about it, love,” Molly said tenderly.
Nekomamushi took a slow puff off his pipe, narrow eyes regarding you curiously.
You swallowed thickly. “I…I just can’t stop thinking about those pirates.”
“Naturally,” Molly said, patting your arm. “Not only did they do a number on you-teia, but you-teia could have ended up destined for–that one island, Master mentioned it before–oh, what was it called, now?”
“Sabaody,” Nekomamushi supplied.
“That’s…I don’t…I don’t have to worry about that,” you said, voice quiet in shame.
“What do you mean?” Dr. Kingston asked.
“Um…” You bit your lip, glancing away. “Well, I’m not a good fighter. Not very strong. The pirate captain, he said…he, uh…” The minks all watched you hesitate. Your gaze could burn a hole in the ground, vision blurry. “He said I wasn’t worth selling. That no one would want me…” You swallowed. “...Maybe if I fought bet–”
“I’ve heard enough.” Nekomamushi cut in, his giant hand coming to rest on your knee. With his other hand, he tilted your chin up so you were looking at him. “Listen to me, little one, and listen well: The worthless ones are those pirate bastards who attacked the town. You-gara fought back, even knowin’ ya might die. That’s not weakness!” He looked directly into your eyes, his own blazing fiercely. Leaning in closer, he moved his hand from your chin to cup your cheek. “Bravery like that can’t be bought! Your-gara value is limitless!”
It was weird, right then–he looked at you so intently, his lip curled and showing more of his long, sharp teeth, the points of his nails feather-light against your neck. You should have been scared, but right then, you’d never felt such blanketing comfort. You didn’t think anyone had spoken to you so sincerely before, and while his palm enveloped your cheek, the warmth you felt was all in your chest. It only made the tears flow harder, but you smiled despite yourself, and when you did, Nekomamushi smiled back, lips stretched wide and eyes crinkled shut. With his golden mane framing his face, it reminded you of the sun.
“Thank you,” you said gratefully, wiping your face on your arm.
Nekomamushi rose back up, beaming. “You-gara are a real mink! Take all the time you need to recover–you-gara are welcome here.”
The rest of Dr. Kingston’s exam didn’t take too long. He concluded that you didn’t have a concussion, but had made impact with the roof on your side, the largest bruises concentrated there. The rest of the bruises and cuts were from your prior fight. Disinfecting the cuts wasn’t fun, but you kept a brave face, finding yourself wanting to live up to Nekomamushi’s praise. The cat monster stayed with you in the clinic, bringing up some more urgent topics of discussion.
He gently but regretfully informed you that Zou was now likely quite far from where it was earlier in the day, as Zunesha was constantly walking. Nekomamushi would have to ask the few minks that had sailing experience if they were willing to set out on a journey to take you home, which could take some time to prepare for.
As he talked, you considered your life at home: how lackluster the offerings of your hometown were, how you were regarded by your peers, how deep down you had always longed for something different. This wasn’t what you had in mind, and you didn’t want to impose, but before he could finish speaking and before you could stop yourself, you interrupted him.
“Can I stay here?” you blurted out.
Nekomamushi’s eyes widened. He blinked, then bent over, leaning in close. You swallowed. At this distance, you could see the amber color of his irises.
“You-gara don’t want to go home?” he asked, pipe bobbing as he spoke.
You shook your head.
Nekomamushi raised a brow, but smiled. “You-gara want to live here, with us minks?”
Slowly, you nodded.
“Nya-ha-ha! Of course you can stay!” he laughed. “I meant what I said earlier. Stay as long as you-gara like.”
He reared back to his full height, placing one paw on his chest. “I, Nekomamushi, hereby grant you-gara a place among our kind. Any that oppose it can take it up with me!”
You slid off of the bed to stand before Nekomamushi and bowed as deeply as your sore body would allow.
“I’ll work hard!” you swore. “I’ll make sure you don’t regret it, M-Master!”
Nekomamushi grinned wide, a paw on your shoulder pushing you back up. “There’s more to discuss, but we can hammer out the details over dinner.”
Your face flushed warm, although dinner, in this case, turned out to be a group event. After you were cleared by the Dr., Nekomamushi pulled back one of the window blinds to reveal a bunch of minks trying to watch through the window. He slammed the window open and joyfully ordered them to go have a grand dinner prepared so everyone could meet you properly.
After a shower and getting dressed in some borrowed clothes, you talked to Nekomamushi while waiting for dinner to be done. In that time, you learned of the dual nature of mink society; of the two rulers of day and night, and how half of the population slept alongside their respective masters. Nekomamushi said you’d have to pick which lifestyle you wanted to live, and grinned when you immediately said you’d be nocturnal and stay with the forest folk. He said the culture might take some adjusting to, but the words didn’t come close to preparing you for that evening.
Dinner was a boisterous and very touchy affair–the majority of the minks greeted you with hugs and nuzzles (Dr. Kingston shouted at them that you were still hurt,) some even licking your face or kissing your cheek. It was overwhelming at times, but when you’d make eye contact with Nekomamushi over the heads of enthusiastic minks, he’d only smile and laugh, reassuring you that this was normal. Many of the minks wanted to talk to you, asking you a hundred questions about your home island and the things you had seen. You only hoped you didn’t disappoint them with the mundane realities of small-town life, but they seem enraptured anyway.
A dog mink named Wanda informed you that you’d have to meet their other leader, the ruler of the day, if you wanted to become a permanent resident. This immediately set off Nekomamushi, who irritably told Wanda “that mutt’s” permission wasn’t necessary. She wasn’t bothered by his sudden change of mood, only saying that it would be prudent in case you happened to wander during the day.
“Humans are naturally diurnal, are they not?” said a jaguar mink named Pedro. “I can see why you’re concerned.”
“I get it,” said Blackback, a gorilla mink. “The beauty of the town might make them change their mind!”
Nekomamushi’s ears flattened back. “The town pales in comparison to the forest.”
Another mink pointed out that humans couldn’t see well in the dark, and the boss cat’s lip curled, showing more of his fearsome teeth. You looked up at him from your spot at his side. His mane was so grand that with his ears currently pinned down, it looked like they were gone altogether. Again, combined with his bared fangs and sour expression, it should have scared you, but you only felt drawn to the strange being who seemed to have such faith in you, a total stranger.
“I want to stay in the forest,” you chimed in, turning all the mink’s heads. 
A monkey mink named Keith pointed his chopsticks at you. “You aren’t afraid of the dark? I thought all lesser minks were afraid of the dark.”
“Um… No, I mean… Well, maybe a li–”
“Don’t be rude,” said another mink, smacking Keith’s shoulder. “They go in at sundown because of the cold, obviously.”
The minks all nodded and murmured in agreement while Nekomamushi muttered something about having winter clothing. On your other side, a reindeer mink touched your arm in wonder. “It’s so smooth,” she marveled. “I thought it would be slimy, like a frog.”
It was not the first time you had been stroked by curious mink that evening. You didn’t really mind–it was interesting to feel the minks’ fingers, too. Most were like furry human hands, but a few hooved-animal species, like Molly, had hardened fingers. You figured you’d better get used to being in close physical proximity if this was normal for them.
Speaking of physical, the minks all sat closely next to each other, packed in tight so that each one’s leg would touch that of the minks sitting on either side of them. You were sandwiched between Nekomamushi and the reindeer mink–Milky, that was her name–but while Milky was quite lovely herself, all you could think about, to be honest, was being so close to the boss cat. Being squished against him warmed your whole side. It was nice. You found it hard not to steal glances up at him.
Carrot, a rabbit mink, watched you with a small smile. “Don’t worry, Master. Duke Inuarashi won’t take them from you.”
Your cheeks grew warm. You cleared your throat and glanced away for a moment, gathering your courage before peeking up at Nekomamushi to see his reaction.
The boss cat let out a growly “hmph,” then looked down at you and smiled. “It’s been a long time since I’ve made a new friend. Like hell I’ll let the dog bring you-gara to his side.”
Your cheeks got even warmer. You nodded and tried to avoid eye contact with Carrot for the rest of the evening. 
Housing arrangements were discussed, as well as what work you could do once you recovered. You had a desk job in your hometown, and there were not really any openings for such work on Zou. However, you had raised plants at home and tended to a garden, so it was decided you would help out at the moonlight farms close to the forest. Nekomamushi also offered for you to train with the Guardians, his group of warriors, if you wanted to hone your fighting skills.
Dinner lasted well into the late hours of the morning, the minks drinking and conversing and singing long after the food was finished. Everyone helped clean up, and as the hour turned, the minks departed into their dwellings. Nekomamushi said you could sleep in a guest room in his home, and you witnessed the strange sight of him instantly passing out as soon as the clock hit 6am.
Wanda and Carrot took you to meet Inuarashi. The three of you rode a strange, crocodilian beast there called a Wani, conversing along the way. You were met at the perimeter by a trio of guards you learned were Inuarashi’s Musketeers, whom Wanda explained the situation to.
Kurau City of Zou was as beautiful as Blackback had said. The rock-hewn buildings were ancient and attractive, far more rustic than the modern architecture of your hometown. Carrot separated from you at the perimeter, shouting about a bell as she darted off. Wanda explained about the welcoming bell on your way to Inuarashi's home, and by the time you arrived not ten minutes later, the bell sounded.
"Isn't it on the other side of town? How fast is Carrot?!" you exclaimed, and Wanda giggled.
The bell's ringing reverberated through the whole town, rich, deep tones pleasant to the ear. Any minks who hadn't noticed you yet now pointed you out as you passed by, though they seemed excited.
If that evening marked the first night of your life on Zou, the ringing of the welcoming bell marked the first day. Like the night before, a crowd gathered around you in the town, loosely following you as you were led to the home of Duke Inuarashi.
The Duke was a gigantic dog mink, the same towering height as Nekomamushi, and with just as imposing a presence. However, like his nighttime counterpart, he was kind and fair. After hearing the story from you and Wanda, he accepted you with little hesitation, though he made a comment on “that cat” going behind his back on matters of citizenship.
After napping in a guest room of Inuarashi's, Wanda took you back to the Whale Forest that following night. You met Nekomamushi shortly after he awoke, and he seemed unusually grumpy when he saw you.
Nekomamushi’s nose wrinkled, sending a bolt of nervousness through your stomach. Had you upset him?
“You reek of that mutt’s scent,” Nekomamushi grumbled.
“Oh… I’m sorry?” you responded awkwardly.
He bent down and held his hand out to you. “Come.”
You accepted his hand, which enveloped yours, and were immediately dragged off to another part of the building. Through another doorway, where the heat and humidity of the room became apparent before you could see why, as Nekomamushi’s body blocked your vision. You peeked around him to see the pool-sized bath centered in the middle of the room.
“We can soak here after we get cleaned up,” he said, then ushered you to a side room, where a row of shower heads were affixed to the ceiling. There were shelves built into the walls holding various cleaning products for all types of coats, with a few especially gigantic bottles in the middle that must have been for Nekomamushi. “I’m not sure which body wash is best for hairless skin, but I’m sure any of them will work just fine.”
To your shock, Nekomamushi started disrobing. You stared as he hung his robe on the hooks outside the shower room and slid off his harumaki, only finding your words once he started unbuttoning his shirt.
“What are you doing?!” you asked, realizing it was a stupid question. “I mean, um. Is this okay?”
“Is what okay?” he replied, not stopping undoing the buttons, revealing more of his fluffy chest the further down he went.
“Us bathing together?”
He removed his shirt and hung it on the hook. “Is there a problem? I lived with lesser minks for a time, and we sometimes bathed together. Is that unusual?”
You found yourself staring again. Even through the fur, you could see Nekomamushi had a husky build, visible pecs suggesting thick muscle underneath the roundness of his belly. His upper arms, usually concealed by his robe, were also huge. He had paused with his hands on the hem of his pants, arm muscles bunched as if flexing, waiting for your reply.
“Uhhh…” you said dumbly. “Um… Well, humans bathe together, but mixed-gender bathing didn’t really happen where I’m from. We separated by, uh, body type. Male and female.”
“Ohh, I see. You-gara are female, right?”
You shrugged.
“Would you-gara prefer to take turns?” Nekomamushi asked, sounding vaguely disappointed.
“Um…” you struggled not to stare at his torso any more than you already had. “I mean, if you really don’t mind, I guess I don’t mind either?”
“Meowrvalous!” He pushed down his pants without further hesitation, and you immediately turned your head.
You faced away from Nekomamushi while removing your own clothes, feeling thoroughly awkward. Yet after you hung up your clothes and walked back to the showers, Nekomamushi didn’t give your body so much as a second glance. It seemed minks really didn’t have any cultural hang-ups around nudity.
You kept your eyes off of him as much as possible, which was difficult with him standing right beside you. He didn’t have the same issue at all, turning to converse with you as if you were both fully clothed. Over time, you started to relax a little more, letting yourself return eye contact. The sight of him made you giggle, his proud, elegant mane now slick and stuck to his head, like someone dipped a poodle into a lake.
Nekomamushi offered to wash your back, which you hesitantly accepted. The moment his nails scraped your skin, full-body tingles ran down your back, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Your knees practically buckled at how nice it felt, your shoulders going slack.
“Oh…” you moaned, then immediately covered your mouth.
“Nya-ha-ha! Does it feel nice?” he asked.
“Really nice.” Your eyes half-lidded. “I guess I can wash your back for you in exchange, but my nails are short and blunt.”
“Use the scrub brush.” Nekomamushi handed you the long-toothed brush he had been using. It was gigantic compared to you, the size of a dinner plate. You had to use two hands to wield it, as well as stand on the base of Nekomamushi’s tail to reach his back, but you managed. It was a full-body exercise to scrub all of his back, though you didn’t mind after how graciously he had accepted you into his home. It was really the least you could do, and his satisfied purring was nice to hear as well.
The bathwater was the perfect temperature, just hot enough to melt all the soreness right out of your tired body. It was deep, too–it had to be to accommodate Nekomamushi, and it left you kicking lightly to stay afloat. He hooked his elbows on the rim of the bath and leaned back, letting out a sigh of contentment. You followed suit, leaving an arm out to hold onto the edge so you could relax.
“Ahhh, this is the life! And you-gara smell much better washed of his scent.”
You didn’t respond. Wanda had mentioned that an ancient feud went back between the mink lords, and it was better not to ask. There were other things on your mind, however. All of this was so sudden, and had been so easy. Almost too easy. You weren’t used to things going so well for you, you couldn’t help being uncertain with the change.
“Why did you accept me?” you asked suddenly, and Nekomamushi turned his head to look at you curiously. “I mean, you don’t know anything about me. For all you know, I could be a danger to your people.”
“Are you-gara a threat?” he asked bluntly.
Nekomamushi shrugged. “That’s good enough for me.” You stared, and he smirked a little. “What, not convinced? Alright, then, little one. Listen well: First of all, all minks are natural-born fighters, even the civilians. Secondly, I have been a warrior for many years. My instincts are as sharp as my claws! Combined with observation haki, I would have sensed if you posed a threat long before you could do anything. Satisfied?”
You nodded, feeling a little silly for having doubts.
“Besides,” he added offhandedly, “the moment I thought you might harm another mink, my teeth would find your neck before you could so much as scream.”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you were suddenly very aware of your nakedness in a way you hadn’t been earlier–but fear only had a little to do with it. You instantly felt at a loss for why your body responded like that, because that shouldn’t be hot, but there you were.
“Ah, do not worry about it. I trust you-gara!” Nekomamushi hooked his arm around your body and pulled you up onto his torso, rubbing his face into yours in a typical mink greeting, though one you were used to experiencing clothed. “Garchu~!”
Upon seeing you covering yourself, he apologized and set you back into the water, and for the rest of the bath, all you could think about was how nice his fur felt on bare skin.
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Life on Zou was invigorating. You learned the intricacies of how to tend crops that grew on elephant-skin soil in the dusk, toiling with the other farmers in the cool, night air. There was a mid-work nap everyone took together (you loved that,) before retiring after a few more hours of work. Afterwards, you would head deeper into the forest to train with the Guardians. All of them put you through your paces, especially Pedro, a ruthless but wise teacher. Your fighting skills sharpened week after week, though you would never be able to use electro like the rest of them, they all accepted you into their fold without question. Sometimes you even sparred against Nekomamushi, though it quickly became clear that he was in a league ahead of your own. Everyone would eat and bathe together after practice. You eventually grew so accustomed to the nudity that you were fine playing water-volleyball in one of the ponds in the buff.
In some ways, life on Zou was faster paced than your hometown. In other ways, it was the opposite. Adjusting to a nocturnal schedule was the most difficult part, taking you a few months to fully reset your internal clock.
All of the minks were friendly, even austere ones like Pedro squished his face against yours in a friendly garchu whenever you first saw each other. You found it easy to make friends, your own awkwardness no barrier to the minks’ affability. The Guardians especially liked your eagerness to learn despite your lackluster fighting ability, thinking highly of your willingness to get up no matter how much you were knocked down. It didn’t matter if you weren’t on their level yet, as they would say, as your fighting spirit was.
“I told you,” Nekomamushi said one time after helping you back to your feet yet again, “you-gara are a real mink!”
You were, to put it simply, riveted by Nekomamushi, more so than any other mink. He kept saying things that would leave you speechless in how easily it touched you, or doing things to show his appreciation of your presence. You ended up following him around in your off time, and to your relief, he didn’t seem to mind at all. He would even train you one-on-one sometimes, or invite you to bathe with him, or spend time in his company on his patrols, where he let you ride his back and cling to his mane as he raced through the treetops.
The weeks slipped by, each one leaving you feeling closer and closer to Nekomamushi, until suddenly it was over half a year since you’d landed on Zou.
Your life was fairytale-esque at times, and there wasn’t much you missed living on Zou. However, a slight problem had started to rear its head now and again:  you were lonely. Not in the usual sense–it was impossible to feel lonely around minks–but physically. Even before you had landed on Zou, you hadn’t had much luck in the romance department. Now, surrounded by minks, you didn’t know how to feel about it.
They were exactly like humans in every aspect aside from their therian heads, really. It shouldn’t have been weird. And usually, it wasn’t, though you kept struggling with your attraction–especially to Nekomamushi. It was getting harder to deny it to yourself, but you tried anyway, as surely someone like him wouldn’t be interested in your tiny, human self.
Your needs continued to go unaddressed, and you tried not to think about it, but one day, Pedro had you pinned in combat, and you couldn’t ignore the way your heart raced when he held his sword to your throat. It didn’t help that he was handsome, in a feral sort of way.
Pedro leaned in. “Do you-gara yield, Y/n?”
You swallowed. “Yep. You got me again.”
“Do not feel bad. You-gara have greatly improved. You just need to keep focusing on your footwork.” He lowered his sword, but did not move away, face inches from yours.
“You-gara should know,” Pedro said quietly, glancing at the other minks some distance away, “it is not fair of you to release scent like that when you’ve been claimed.”
You blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“Are you not aware?” Pedro said, pulling away and looking confused. “I know humans are nose-blind, but…do you really not know?”
“Wait, hold on? Claimed? I’ve been claimed?” you asked. “What does that mean?”
“Humans,” Pedro huffed tiredly, then elaborated, “when Master Nekomamushi rubs his head on you, he’s claiming you so that other minks don’t make a move.”
“Wait, wait. I thought that was a garchu?”
“It’s different from a garchu.”
“Because of the scent. You-gara had no idea, huh?” Pedro laughed. “I guess you and Master have something to talk about.”
“Pedro!” you nearly shouted. “Can I please be dismissed from training?”
“Of course. But I expect you to work twice as hard tomorrow.”
You took off, shouting, “Thanks, Pedro!” behind you as you went. Every time Nekomamushi had hugged you or head-bumped you, that was a claim? You tried to think back, to figure out how long he had been doing it. A few months, or longer? You couldn’t tell, you didn’t know the difference, couldn’t smell it at all.
God damn it. All this time, and you had no idea.
You raced to Nekomamushi’s home, opening the door without knocking (as you were allowed) and screeched to a halt in his bedroom, where he was perched on his gigantic mattress with a comb and his pipe. The scent lingering in the room was different from the usual herb blend he smoked.
“Master Nekomamushi!” you called, but now that you were there, didn’t know how to address the topic. “Uh…”
“Hello, kitten. Garchu!” He hopped off the bed and scooped you up, pressing and rubbing his face against yours.
"Garchu to you too." you giggled nervously. "What are you doing? That smells different. What is it?"
"Catnip," he grinned.
"No it's not," you said, and he grinned wider.
"It could be."
"Stop that. What is it, really?" you pressed. It smelled slightly pungent.
Nekomamushi chuckled. "It's an herb called skunkmint."
Mink weed, you thought to yourself. "How is it?"
"It gets you high, if that's what you're wondering. Would you-gara like to try it, little one?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Ya ever smoke anything like that before?" He asked, sitting on the bed and patting the spot next to him. 
"Yeah, it won't be my first time." You assured, hopping up to sit by him.
Nekomamushi passed you the pipe, and you took a cautious pull, inhaling the smoke slowly. The smoke irritated your lungs almost instantly, and when you coughed, he patted your back.
"Take small hits. You-gara haven't smoked in a long time, I bet."
"Yeah," you coughed, passing the pipe back.
You took turns taking puffs from the pipe, chatting idly about nothing. The high settled over you pretty fast, a light and airy sensation that somehow made you relax while making you feel hyper-aware of your body. Your earlier concern about Nekomamushi’s claim floated around your mind like dandelion fluff, both concerning and not a big deal at the same time.
Nekomamushi offered you the pipe again, and you raised your hand to indicate you were done. 
“This is nice, but any more and I’ll float away,” you mumbled, making him giggle. It was cute. You picked up the comb that lay behind him on the bed, huge compared to you–the size of a washboard. “Were you grooming? Want help?”
“I’d love that,” he rumbled, taking a final puff from the pipe before snuffing out the herb. He set it down on the bedside table while you climbed his side to perch on his shoulder. It wouldn’t be the first time you helped him comb his mane. It always made for good background activity while you conversed.
Nekomamushi purred as you ran the comb down the side of his head. “That feels extra nice after the skunkmint.”
“I’d bet,” you smiled, happy to help him feel content. “You don’t do this a lot, huh?”
“No. It lets my guard down too much,” he admitted. “I need ta stay sharp. But Pedro can take care of things for tonight.”
“Any special occasion?” you asked, and he shook his head. 
“Just thought I’d take it easy. I’m glad you-gara are here right now.”
“Me too,” you said, and he smiled. On a whim, you decided to put yourself out there. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh?” he fixed his reddened eyes on you. “What about?”
“Just… stuff.” you said. “Pedro told me that, uh… Well…” you hesitated.
Nekomamushi hummed. “Take your time. You-gara can tell me when you’re ready.”
“Okay,” you said, and went quiet for a while, focusing on the combing as you tried to gather your courage.
No pressure. Nekomamushi liked you, Pedro had more or less said so outright. Why was this so hard? Why couldn’t you just ask?
“Hey, Nekomamushi?” In your intoxicated state, you forgot the ‘Master’. It hit you right as he started to reply.
“I meant Master Nekomamushi!” you interrupted. “Sorry.”
He laughed, shaking shoulders bouncing you a little. “You-gara do not have to call me Master.”
Maybe it was just the weed, but you could practically feel the hot blood rushing to your face, the picking up of your heartbeat. He hadn’t said that to anyone else. Maybe Pedro was right.
“What was the question, little one?” Nekomamushi asked.
“Oh, right. If minks of different species interbreed, what species is the child?” Not exactly the question you were going for, but a step in the right direction.
“A good question,” he said, angling his head against the comb. “The child could be the species of either parent at random, though may retain traits of both species. For example, a bull mink and a cat mink’s offspring may look like a bull or a cat. Yet if it looks like a bull, it may still have cat-like traits, like feeling comfortable in high places. Or the child could look like a cat, but paw the ground when angry.”
“Fascinating! So many minks are actually mixed?”
“That’s right! I myself have mixed ancestry. Aside from cat, I have tiger, boar, and fox blood.”
Nekomamushi chuckled, pleased at your interest. “I’ve even heard of minks interbreeding with humans.”
You froze where you were combing, feeling your stomach flip. Swallowing, you resumed, though he definitely must have noticed the pause. “Oh?”
“I don’t know if any offspring have resulted from such unions, but it’s not looked down upon by mink-kind.”
You were quiet for a while, nothing breaking the silence but the gentle scratching sound of the comb’s teeth going through his mane and his rumbling purr.
“I, uh, have another question,” you finally said.
“How do you, uh… I mean…” you stammered, and Nekomamushi glanced at you, making you look pointedly away. “Are you… Are you able to sleep with other minks, you know, given how big you are?”
Nekomamushi did not respond right away. When you braved looking back at him, you saw that he had turned his head toward you now, giving you his full attention.
“Why, Y/n,” he said, “what an odd thing to ask.”
Your heart hammered inside your chest, face hot with embarrassment. “If it’s too personal, you don’t have to tell me. I was just, uh…”
“Curious, kitten?” he smirked, and you felt the heat spread through your whole body, because he’d never called you that before. Nekomamushi brought his hand to gently cup your cheek, and you automatically leaned back into his hand like it was involuntary. “Is there something you need to tell me, perhaps?”
You gazed into his shining amber eyes, all at once at a loss and more sure of yourself than you’d ever been.
“I love you,” you said simply.
“I know.” He smiled wider. “From the very beginning, you-gara fell for me.” He brushed back your hair tenderly, leaning in closer. “Not just with your heart, but with your body… I can smell your interest, radiating from you so sweetly whenever you’re around me. It must have been a long time since you've last mated.”
You could only nod, entranced by his gaze, his touch.
“So. I could simply answer your question. Or, as I think we'd both prefer, I could give you-gara a demonstration.” He wrapped an arm around you to pull you to sit on his chest, holding you so close his face was only inches away, fearsome teeth slightly bared in his smirk. “My brave little kitten isn't afraid, are they?”
You lightly touched the ends of his tusk-like lower canines, sharp enough to prick your finger if you’d pressed any harder.
“No,” you said, and closed to distance, pressing your lips to his upper lip before you could hesitate.
Nekomamushi closed his mouth and kissed you back, adjusting his hold on you to bring you even closer, one hand buried in your hair. He tasted of the skunkmint you smoked and of pine, and of his own unique scent that you had grown fond of. His lower canines gently scraped your cheeks, and his lips couldn’t purse very far in front of his wide mouth, but he kissed you anyway and he kissed you without abandon, growling to himself in satisfaction. You don’t know what you had expected–you’d thought about it before, sure–but it was better than anything you could have imagined, if only for the way it made all the sensitive nerves in your mouth and heart fire off at once.
You pulled apart, staring at him with a lovestruck, dopey smile. “I didn’t know that would be so nice.”
“This will be even nicer,” he purred, laying you on your back and crawling over you. Your heart pounded as he pressed his face into your neck and inhaled deeply. “You-gara smell exquisite. Far too long, I have kept myself in check, waiting for you to approach while your troublesome pheromones beckoned me.”
He tore your shirt from your body suddenly, making you gasp, keeping his face in your neck and taking deep whiffs as he shredded the rest of your clothes. Once you were naked, he licked your neck with his rough tongue. You bit your lip not to moan.
Nekomamushi paused, taking in your expression. “You-gara are certain, yes?”
“Yes!” you exclaimed, grabbing his lower canines and pulling him in for another kiss. His growls riled you up, the excitement making you grow slick between the legs, something his keen nose picked up on right away. He pulled away from your mouth to lick up your stomach, then your chest. The light scraping of his tongue tickled and teased, your body overly-sensitive from the weed. Then he licked up your breast, flicking his tongue at the nipple, and this time, you couldn’t hold in your moan.
“Oh-! ‘Mushi, that’s–”
“Sensitive, kitten?” Nekomamushi pinned your arms to your sides at the wrists and kept licking your breasts, making you squirm and whine at the onslaught. You grew wetter and wetter, the stimulation going straight to your cunt and making it ache to be touched. “Beg for me a little. I want to hear ya–tell me what ya want.”
“I want you to eat me out!” you said shamelessly, struggling against his grip. “Please! You’re right, it’s been so long…”
“Hmm.” He didn’t let up. You could practically feel each bump of his tongue against your stiff nipples, so electric you almost didn’t realize he was waiting for more.
“Please, ‘Mushi! Stop teasing me! I–I need you!”
“Do ya now?” he purred.
“Yes! Only you. No one else.”
That seemed to stroke his ego enough, or perhaps he finally decided to show mercy. Pleased, he released his hold on you to instead scoop you into his arms, rolling onto his back onto the bed and setting you down to straddle his mouth.
“Tell me if it’s too much,” he said, taking your hands and placing them on his soft ears. Getting the message, you closed your fingers around the side of his ears for leverage, making him groan–it must have been a sensitive spot for him. “Feel free to grab or pull if ya need to.”
Nekomamushi pressed his muzzle into your cunt, sniffing, and growled in approval. You felt wetness at the sides of your legs and realized he was salivating, right before he stuck his tongue out and licked all rational thought from your brain in one rough swipe between your legs.
“Fuck!” You immediately gripped his ears hard, which only spurred him on further, another long swipe of his tongue from the bottom of your slit to the top, almost too much against your clit.
You ground your hips into his mouth, whimpering as he lapped at your center over and over, each time sending a wave of pleasure crashing through your lower half. You sang his praises the whole time, whether with small noises or smaller words.
It had been a long time, so it didn’t take long before you felt yourself getting worked up to that beckoning edge.
“‘Mushi, I’m gonna cum,” you whined.
He grabbed your legs in response, pulling you right into his mouth and penetrating your core with his thick, hot tongue. Your back arched as he probed deep, legs spasming; the lack of attention to your clit pulled you just enough away, while his tongue prodding your g-spot pushed you forward again, keeping you riding the edge of what promised to be an earth-shaking orgasm.
The only words you could form were his name, everything else a babbling mess as you finally came apart, spasming hard around his tongue. You pulled his ears so roughly that you were certain it hurt him, but he only purred so hard you could feel it rumbling inside of you.
Nekomamushi held you down to him, riding out every wave of your orgasm until you buckled, slumping forward with your face falling into his mane, groaning. He withdrew his tongue into his mouth, smacking his lips once before checking in.
“All good, kitten? Do ya wanna stop?”
“Uhh,” you replied dumbly. “Hold–hold on.”
He chuckled as he picked you up, laying you against his broad chest. “Glad to hear it.”
You hugged him, burying your face into his fluffy mane. “Thank you… I loved it…”
“Good! Wanna keep going?”
You lifted your head, nodding eagerly. “Y-Yes! I can take you, ‘Mushi. Probably…”
“That’s my kitten.”
You turned your head to see him fully erect. His cock was, to your surprise, mostly human looking, red with a soft triangular shape to the tip, and rock solid. You crawled down his belly and immediately wrapped your hands around the twitching base. It was easily the length and thickness of your arm, and already, the head was weeping clear precum. He shuddered as you gave an experimental stroke.
You repositioned yourself to sit comfortably, clit pressed snugly against the base of his cock, and started to stroke him up and down with both hands. A deep, guttural groan came from the cat monster. More sure of yourself, you tightened your grip and kept going, encouraged by the ragged noises it elicited from him.
You made sure to tease him back, keeping your pace steady but not too quick as revenge for earlier. Only after he growled a needy “kitten,” did you lean forward and lick the head of his cock. It was slightly salty and didn’t taste like much else, and the noise it pulled from was downright bestial. Now fully confident, you closed your mouth around the head and sucked.
Nekomamushi instantly bucked his hips up into your mouth before he could stop himself, gasping. It pushed your head up more than actually gagged you, as he was too big to fit any further in your mouth anyway. He quickly apologized, but you only doubled down, stroking him faster and sucking harder. You pressed your torso against his cock, using your body to help stroke him off, feeling yourself get more and more excited as you did until you could no longer wait.
You weren’t sure if you could fit him, but you weren’t ending this evening without trying. At this point, he had leaked so much his cock was slathered in pre-cum, as well as your hands, and you were still soaked from earlier. Now was probably your best shot. You turned to face Nekomamushi, finding him watching you with wide eyes, and stood up, positioning yourself over his length.
Nekomamushi brought his hands to your hips, helping to steady and guide you down. The pointed tip of his cock spread your lips wide, already pushing you open before giving away into an even bigger shaft. You bit your lip as you sank down slowly, spread open wider and wider. Both of you were holding your breath, his grip on your hips secure. You made it about halfway down his cock before you were full to bursting.
“That’s–mm… That’s…” you tried to say, already dumb with how filled you were, “as far as I can go.”
“That’s fine!” Nekomamushi’s eyes had rolled back, his tongue poking out slightly. “Did so well, kitten. Fuck, just look at ya. Taking me when you’re such a little thing. Knew ya could do it… ” his praises went straight to your head, making your eyes flutter shut. “I’ll go slow.”
“Don’t,” you replied, opening your eyes to look directly into his. “I can take whatever you give me.”
“Oho?” He smirked. “A bold claim. But if I don’t hold back, I’m afraid I might hurt ya. Trust me, okay, kitten?”
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you never forget tonight. Fuck, you’re already clamping down on me like crazy. I bet you-gara just love big dick, hm? Love being so full you can’t think straight?”
You canted your hips forward, whimpering. “Y-Yes, ‘Mushi, I love it”
“Good kitten.” He held you by the hips, claw-tips lightly scratching your skin, and lifted you slightly, letting you lower yourself back down onto him. Your back arched at the sensation, and he grinned.
“There you go. Just ease into it,” he purred, guiding you as you started to ride him. It was an all-consuming feeling, filled out and fucked slow, cunt stretched from every angle. You moaned softly as you went. By now, all your training had given you far more strength in your legs, letting you last much longer than you would have when you first showed up. You placed your hands over his on your hips, head lolling down weakly from how good it felt.
“Look at me, kitten,” Nekomamushi said, and you lifted your head to meet his eyes. He smiled. “There ya go–beautiful. I wanna see that look on your face. You-gara look good all fucked-out like that.”
“‘Mushi,” you whimpered. “Feels so good.”
“Want it harder?”
You quickly nodded. Nekomamushi rolled forward so you were on your back, then pulled out, flipping you over onto your hands and knees before repositioning himself at your entrance. He penetrated you from behind, another deep groan as he slid in as far as he could physically go.
“Ready?” he checked.
“Yes! Please!” you pushed yourself back onto him even further, proving your eagerness and making him purr.
“There’s my good kitten. Just say the word if ya need ta stop.”
You dug your fingers into the sheets as he started to thrust, slowly at first. You moaned as he took control, one hand on your hips to keep you steady, the other arm planted right over your shoulder to hold himself up. You hooked one arm around his, holding onto the burly muscle, and braced yourself against his heavy thrusts. It felt so damn good that all you wanted to do for the rest of your life was stay there beneath him, taking his cock like it was all you were meant for.
You were never leaving Zou.
“‘Mushi! Oh, fuck! Fuck!” you cried, arching your back.
Nekomamushi was panting between growls, grip on your hips tightening. “Good god, kitten. Ya feel so damn good. So tight. M’never letting you go.” He lowered his head to snarl by your ear. “You-gara are mine. I’m gonna make ya my mate, gonna breed ya so well all minks will smell who you belong to.”
“Yes,” you moaned, feeling your peak building once again. He speared deep inside you, just the slightest edge of pain as his tip nudged your cervix, just enough to keep you present and aware. His speed had picked up, his rhythm perfect and unbroken, dragging you, whimpering and writhing, to the edge.
“Ah… Ah! I’m… I’m gonna cum, kitten. Is it okay?”
“Yes! Please don’t stop!”
A few more thrusts, and the both of you crested the edge, your head thrown back as your orgasm hit you with the force of a speeding train. Nekomamushi, perhaps overcome with instinct, lowered his head to bite the back of your neck, keeping you in place while he spilled deep inside your guts. Maybe it was the intoxication, but the light pain complimented the pleasure so well your knees buckled from the sensation, only kept up by Nekomamushi’s hold on you.
Perhaps minks were built differently, but he came for a while, each time thrusting slightly against you as he spurted more and more. At first the excessive wetness made you think you squirted until you looked down. Cum had leaked past the base of his cock, spilling onto the sheets below.
Nekomamushi suddenly released you, licking your bleeding neck. “I’m sorry, kitten! I didn’t mean ta bite ya. Do you-gara feel okay?”
“I’m okay,” you confirmed, turning your head to smile up at him. “I, uh, I actually liked it.”
“I still should have asked first,” he said sheepishly, pulling out with a wet squelch. A flood of cum followed, gushing out of you so quickly you shuddered at the weird feeling. “Whoops... I’ll have to wash the sheets.”
You collapsed onto the bed, not really caring about the sheets, though you knew it ought to get dealt with before it soaked through to the mattress.
“Maybe after you rest a minute first,” Nekomamushi said, flopping down at your side, bouncing you on the mattress.
“Yeah,” you agreed. You snuggled into his thick fur and closed your eyes, feeling safer than you’d ever felt. After a few minutes, you spoke up. “‘Mushi?”
“Yes, kitten?”
“Can minks impregnate humans?”
He went quiet. You went quiet. Neither of you spoke for a minute.
“Let’s go talk to Dr. Kingston,” Nekomamushi suggested, and you laughed. “Let’s go talk to him, quickly.”
The sheets were forgotten as you washed up and raced to the doctor for emergency contraception, and the mattress ended up ruined, but neither of you had any regrets.
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naffeclipse · 10 months
Naff! Naff! I finally read the last chapter of Song Fish!! Let me just start with saying that I am not normal about this chapter, not at all. There's so many things happening here that make me go INSANE in the BEST WAY!!!
Enjoy my essay!! XD
(Sorry, it gets a little gory at one point)
I HATE (hate-love you know~) how Circus forcefully gives y/n air and then drag them underwater again. She's so insanely cruel. Treating y/n like they're nothing more than a tool. I love how you made her into just a villain. Part of me for some reason thought that she would be some kind of anti-villian who didn't wanna just straight up kill you for personal gain, but man I was so wrong! Djfkfjhfjr
The dread and hopelessness we're immediately thrusted into and have to endure through the first half of the chapter is so well done and sets the tone so well! The glimpses of hope through the living nightmare y/n is going through keeps both y/n and the reader hoping for all this to end, it was hard to breathe sometimes and I could imagine the absolute darkness so vividly.
The absolute terror of being stuck in a sunken ship at the bottom of the sea.. that's the most terrifying place to be. It's like being stranded in space. Y/n really got the iron lung experience huh..
The visual I got whenever Circus was in the air pocket was striking. The way she lights up the entire space and water below in red is terrifying and in ways beautiful. Her giant green eyes have been seared into my mind and retinas somehow, I can visualize them so clearly against the red glow of her body.
Her tentacles snatching up y/n, squeezing and tossing them around in this already claustrophobic space sounds like literal hell and how y/n tries desperately to wipe the slick slime from Circus' tentacles away after she's let them go makes me cry :'0
It's terrifying how she can manipulate and control y/n so easily. Mers have all the control over their humans, knowing that fact makes me melt more over how sweet and caring Sun, Moon and Freddy are (and also Eclipse♥️). Just thinking back to Vanessa now and how Glitch controlled her like a puppet... I'm glad Circus never got that far with y/n..
Freddy saves the day!!! Aw Freddy, he's so sweet c': and oh my god Gregory what the hell are you doing out there with so many broken bones! I appreciate your help immensely but DAMN!!
Oh man and here's the fight! HERE'S THE FIGHT!!!
No no!! It's not fair, Sun stands no chance even when fighting back! Circus is a coward for forcing y/n to tell Sun not to fight,, she has the power to make it easier for herself yes and it's smart of her to use that power, but man it's cruel...
I feel like I say the same thing every time, but the way you write fight scenes between monsters is always so spectacular, bloody and filled with so much anger and heavy emotions. I'm blown away every time!!
When Circus's jaws opened up and her face pealed back I had to stop and celebrate! I'm so happy you kept that terrifying feature of hers and used it exactly like I did with my drawings of her! I'm just over the moon that my weird design turned out to be accurate to the fic! XD
She's terrifying! I love her! And hate her!
The tearing and slashing and biting AAAAA!!!! Oh god poor y/n having to feel what ALL THREE are feeling,,
Thank god for Freddy being there to stop Circus. The glimpses of fright finally being felt from her is SO SATISFYING! She screwed up majorly by messing with this group of mers and humans, and finally she's feeling that regret and fear for what she's brought upon herself.
They tore her head off!!?!!? Absolute BEASTS!!!!
I try to imagine how much that'd hurt but it's impossible. To Circus the pain stopped once her neck broke apart, but for y/n it persists. To feel every nerve snap, the skin tear, muscles rip and spine break and then the fading of consciousness on top of it all. And have all that pain stay after you're supposed to have died from it.. yeah I have no way to describe it and no way of imagining how that must feel. ....I'm not surprised y/n fainted.. though I do believe it was something more than just a faint..
*Deep inhale*
Oh I am not normal over our two y/ns meeting each other!! I screamed and cheered and nearly cried I was so happy to see those two again!!!
The way fisher is there to greet y/n and help guide them is PERFECT! And Eclipse being there too in his full glory, his beautiful red and orange colors against the bright white sky and dark star dotted ocean is striking. Absolute eye candy (which is funny to say cause it's writing, but you paint everything up so well so I can visualize it without any problems!)
I love this afterlife, or in-between life and death you've created, it sounds so peaceful and otherworldly.
Excuse me for a second as I scream into my pillow. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THEY TURNED INTO YOUNG VERSIONS OF THEMSELVES BEFORE THEY LEFT!!!! AAAAAAA MY HEART!!!!! I'M CRYING!!!!!! I love them so much,, fisher and Eclipse are so precious to me and I'm SO HAPPY TO SEE THEM AGAIN!!!
I love how you've tied these two stories together and how one of them even effects the other. I really wanna reread Deep Dreams, it's soon been a whole year since I first read it!
Fisher and mer Eclipse hold a special place in my heart. I'm so happy you brought them back for this conclusion, it's a beautiful conclusion to their story too ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
I wonder how much Sun and Moon could feel when y/n was under. Could they sense the presence of another great mer near their human or see what y/n was seeing? Or did they feel nothing, nothing at all, and for a moment thought they had lost the person they live for? My brain goes brrrrrrrrrr when I think about it~
They're like cats! Since when were they like cats!? They're licking each other's wounds!! AAAAA SWEETIES!!!
Can I ask again what kind of sailboat this new one is?? Aaaa they're painting it so prettyyyy!!! :'D
Naff oh my god!! I loved this so much!!! NAFF I'M RATTLING YOU!!!! Thank you for this wonderful story, I enjoyed it immensely all the way through♥️
I hope you enjoyed my many thoughts pdjddskdj and I hope you're doing well! Remember to take care of yourself a little extra now when you're stretched thin between responsibilities and school stuff. Remember to stretch, hydrate and get plenty of rest~
Until next time I scream in your inbox, take care! I love you! ♥️♥️♥️
Meep, I am enjoying your essay wholeheartedly, you have no idea!!!
Oh my gosh, Y/N is getting the iron lung experience ;-; Too many terrifying situations under the oceans these days!
Yup, that's what poor Vanessa went through! Fisher Y/N thankfully never had to find out what a terrible mer could do with such a bond, but I wanted to explore that concept more, and who better than our fearful little Y/N trying to do their best?
BABE I'M SO HAPPY YOU LIKE THE RETURN OF ECLIPSE AND FISHER Y/N!!! It was one of my favorite scenes to write!
As for what the boys felt when Y/N was gone, it was a stark emptiness. The strict feeling of something needing to be there but wasn't. It was so out of place and terrifying. The boys were truly scared that they had lost their little seashell.
The next sailboat is a sloop as well! Y/N got pretty attached to that type hehe
Ahhh, I'm rattling you in return!!! I'm so glad you'll tell me your thoughts on it and I'm even happier that you enjoyed it all!!!
I'm doing good, thank you! I hope you are, too, and make sure you take it easy on yourself ♥ I love you, too!!!
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cgsf · 7 months
Men's Hockey (RPF) fanfic recs — Jamie/Trevor
"in the honey" 🔒 (E) by donderwolk | 42,972 | In the club, with Trevor hanging over him, Jamie says, “It’s not really my thing, bro.” “What do you mean?” Trevor knocks his forehead against Jamie’s, talking kind of obnoxiously loud even if he does have to raise his voice to be heard over the music. “She’s hot and blonde, babe. That’s everyone’s thing.” “Yeah, hot and blonde isn’t the problem,” Jamie replies, at a slightly lower volume. “But like, the girl thing is. I’m gay, dude.”
“underwater, drowning in us” 🔒 (E) by donderwolk | 5,879 | “Oh, baby,” Trevor croons, though the effect is slightly lessened by the giggle threatening to escape. “That do it for you?” He throws his head back, all performance, lowers his voice to a throaty mumble to say, “Jamie, please.” “Stop,” Jamie says, slapping a hand over Trevor’s mouth. It’s such a perfect opening, and he always feels so giddy when he can get Jamie to relax a little, to have fun with it, with him, that he can’t help but take advantage of the opportunity. He scrunches up his nose, leers against Jamie’s palm, “Make me, Drysdale.”
“Dirty got me good” 🔒 (E) by Lewsy | 2,000 | Trevor and Jamie go to the beach.
"Consequence" 🔒 (E) by canary | 30,848 | “You definitely did not steal Jamie Drysdale a bus. You need to stop saying that to people, Z.”
"Don't Want You Like a Best Friend" (E) by Linsky | 9,508 | Jamie’s not gonna lie, it throws him a little when he realizes Trevor is gay.
"ain't going down without a fight" 🔒 (E) by countthestars | 9,335 | Like most of the league, the Ducks have an informal ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy when it comes to wolves. There’s at least one wolf on the coaching staff, so it’s not like it’s really a secret, but some guys – the non-wolves – can get… whatever. Weird about it.
"caught up in circles" 🔒 (M) by countthestars | 16,332 | “I swear,” Jamie says, face still buried against Trevor’s shoulder. It’s easier if he doesn’t have to look Trevor in the eye. “I swear, Trevor. It wasn’t a dream, or a hallucination, or me losing my mind. I remember it. Yesterday already happened for me.” “Okay,” Trevor says. “I believe you.”
"Thinking about making a comeback" 🔒 (M) by theaa | 10,877 | Jamie signs himself up to a charity date auction, against his better judgement.
"Right Move First" 🔒 (E) by palintropos | 2,199 | Jamie makes some bad plays, faces consequences, and talks about it with Trevor.
"any excuse to stay awake with you" 🔒 (E) by andthreequarts | 6,371 | "Bro," Trevor says, fake hurt in his voice, hand placed dramatically over his heart. "You're going to leave me to sit this out alone? What if I'm afraid of the dark?" "You're not," Jamie responds, dry.
"steal the air out of my lungs" 🔒 (E) by andthreequarts | 4,545 | It’s not just that Trevor wants to be choked by his medal. It’s that he’s actively asking Jamie for it.
"lover" 🔒 (E) by hard4softthings | 7,016 | “You think I didn’t notice what song you deleted off our playlist?” Trevor can hear Jamie sigh into the receiver. “That was an accident.” “So put it back.”
"Big Strong Boyfriend" (E) by waytoovibey | 1,906 | “That was hot, you know,” Trevor says from his end of the couch. He’s sprawled out in his usual fashion, toned, tanned legs outstretched and feet planted in Jamie’s lap. “Hm?” Jamie doesn’t look up from his phone. “Today, when you did that.” “Did what?” Trevor sits up, giving Jamie his full attention. His legs are still warm in Jamie’s lap. “When you avenged me, Jameson.”
"I'm on fire" 🔒 (E) by TheNorthRemembers | 5,658 | Trevor doesn’t know what the hell they are doing, but it’s not sex.
"come morning light" 🔒 (T) by TheNorthRemembers | 1,553 | “Jamie’s like-” he says, voice throaty. “I don’t know how he can stand me. I can’t even stand me.”
"You and Me (and our found family)" 🔒 (T) by somewhat_invested | 3,721 | His parents come to the game, but only because they couldn’t think of a good excuse not too.
"branches we bind" 🔒 (M) by Lily_rizzy | 1,086 | By the time Jamie makes it to the locker room, Trevor is throwing one of his skates at the opposite wall. It hits the tiles with a crack that seems especially deafening when it's just the two of them watching the impact, and then again when it hits the ground.
"Caught Up Now" 🔒 (E) by canary | 20,261 | Trevor laughed and reached for him. “To being the best goddamned hockey players SoCal has ever seen. Together.” His palm was warm, smooth. He’d been talking about getting a tattoo on his wrist in memory of his grandfather but he hadn’t done it yet, and he smelled like he’d been born for Southern California: sunshine and ocean breezes, sweet citrus with a spicy floral edge. Something in that one tea Jamie’s mom liked. Bergamot. That was the word.
"last call" 🔒 (E) by bropunzeling | 4,769 | The day after the Ducks were mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, Jamie woke up to two emails sent at 2 AM. One confirmed his flight to Cabo three days after their season would be over; the other had a hotel reservation. Trevor had booked both without even asking, had just assumed Jamie would show up.
"my blood is red and unafraid of living" 🔒 (E) by clementiae | 6,888 | Jamie Drysdale is the epitome of a nice Canadian boy, all slicked-back hair and a picture-perfect smile, but Trevor can fix that. Just give him some time.
"kickin' them daisy dukes" 🔒 (E) by bropunzeling | 1,886 | The glass of the mirror is cool against the sunburned skin of Jamie’s shoulders and upper arms. “We really shouldn’t be doing this,” he mumbles.
"here comes the heat" 🔒 (E) by bropunzeling | 6,528 | At first, Trevor almost thinks it’s a fever. Jamie looks red, like he’s just finished a two-minute shift, cheeks pink and mouth open as he pants. His eyes have gone a glassy blue, and his hair is sticking to his forehead, curling slightly with sweat.
"baby, take a seat" 🔒 (E) by bropunzeling | 5,127 | Jamie can’t stop looking at Trevor’s thighs. It's a problem.
"Slow Lunge" 🔒 (M) by Kerfluffle | 9,954 | Trevor gets a new summer job, and Jamie’s quality of life suffers as a result.
"Checked Swing" 🔒 (M) by dilangley | 30,330 | Every morning, Jamie walks out into the kitchen of the little team-provided apartment and sees Trevor Zegras in his kitchen. And it ruins his fucking day. Every fucking time.
"Big Apple, takin' a bite of me" 🔒 (M) by theaa | 4,547 | Jamie Drysdale is a cliché. He graduates college, and instead of sticking around in Toronto—a stupidly small city full of too many of his old classmates and too many of his exes—he moves to New York. Alone. With a sub-optimal amount in his savings account and a grad job in advertising he’s hoping won’t make him totally miserable.
"Fever Dream High" 🔒 (E) by canary | 5,351 | Every single person at this party was taller than Jamie, and tanner, and glowier, like an impenetrable wall of Southern California cool.
"up all night" 🔒 (E) by bropunzeling | 11,031 | Jamie trusts Trevor with his life, with his swipe card, with his next mixed drink. Jamie trusts Trevor with everything, except the one thing he keeps close to his chest.
"you built a city" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 2,981 | "You look like a tough guy yet?" "I look like I took a stick to the mouth."
"all these tastes improve" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 5,243 | "Jesus Christ," Jamie says, louder than he means to. "Do you ever shut up?"
"duck pucks" 🔒 (M) by Linsky | 2,378 | It’s just a stupid social media thing. Jamie doesn’t know why Trevor’s making such a big deal out of it.
"duck buddies" 🔒 (E) by Linsky | 1,675 | It’s a weird text, but Jamie doesn’t think that much about it.
"Better than I ever even knew" 🔒 (E) by theaa | 3,165 | Trevor follows a lot of Instagram models. Fact. Jamie's never been worried about it.
"got real love maybe" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 14,478 | Trevor huffs out a rough, wet laugh, running a hand down his face. Everyone on the team thinks Jamie’s the opposite of a stereotypical omega, someone who would never demand anything from an alpha, but in reality he’s always like this, carelessly demanding and expectant of Trevor’s time and attention. He doesn’t ever abuse the power he holds over Trevor, but maybe Jamie’s body’s malfunctioning because he’s not getting Trevor’s attention automatically for once in his life. God knows Trevor’s body is basically going into shock from not providing it.
"baby, if you only knew" 🔒 (E) by TheNorthRemembers | 5,335 | Trevor had tried to be creative with the pose. Belly down, legs apart, bend at the knee and feet up, arms on the back of the couch, looking over his shoulder. It’s not a bad picture.
"trade season" 🔒 (E) by whiskey_in_tea | 4,796 | He’s in his stall at the Farg, trying to figure out a new pre-game routine here. Jamie hears a little knock and looks up to see Travis Konecny is standing over him. He’s compact in real life, shorter than Jamie, even. They haven’t talked Jamie got here, but that doesn’t mean anything. He hasn’t really talked to anyone yet. “Heard about your boy,” Travis says. “Sorry about it. Sucks, eh?” “Yeah. Sucks,” Jamie agrees.
"(wow wow wow wow) that's low brow" (M) by ellen_shame | 1,606 | Jamie grows a moustache. Trevor has an identity crisis about it.
"I'll go if you go, if you're cool with that" 🔒 (T) by somewhat_invested | 3,806 | He doesn’t actually see it. First, he hears it. He hears the deafening quiet of an arena, the eerie silence that only occurs when somebody’s taking too long to get up. It’s horrible. He hears some of the Ducks guys start yelling, hears the sounds of the emerging scrum, and most noticeably, he doesn’t hear Trevor. He feels vaguely nauseous, the pit in his stomach growing as he realizes Trevor's the one on the ice.
"Too Much" (T) by waytoovibey | 688 | Everything Trevor has ever loved he has held on to for dear life.
"and when i'm feeling alone (you remind me of home)" 🔒 (M) by countthestars | 19,912 | “I’ve checked, dude. Apparently everybody wants to spend Christmas in your little fucking Christmas card town.”
"half your love" 🔒 (M) by dilangley | 32,634 | Trevor has a soulmate. It's not Jamie.
"slipping under (one wave at a time)" 🔒 (E) by cokehead_zeroed | 1,659 | “When’s the last time you knelt, Jamie?” Trevor asks. Jamie freezes. If Trevor wanted him to stop kicking him in the fucking leg, it’s working. “I dunno. A little while ago,” he replies, trying to keep things vague and loose. “But not that long.” “Yeah, but like, when?” Then he starts counting on his fucking fingers. Jamie blows air out through his nose, cheeks a dull pink. “It’s been a few months. Big fucking deal.”
"home by now" 🔒 (M) by donderwolk | 5,776 | “I hate thinking about you there,” Trevor says instead of, I’ll burn all of Philadelphia to the ground if it means I get to keep you, which is what he really wants to say. How he really feels.
"Words, How Little They Mean When You're A Little Too Late" (T) by waytoovibey | 1,263 | It’s quiet on the rooftop but it’s been quiet in the house too. Jamie doesn’t know what to say now that they’ve moved back in together. Jamie didn’t know what to say over the summer either.
"in the quiet" (G) by waytoovibey | 1,119 | He wasn’t really sleeping, not yet anyway, but Jamie’s exhausted after practice today. Tomorrow they fly to Vegas and start the season. He wants to get as much rest as he can. “First sleepover of the season,” Trevor says, holding his pillow up like a trophy, “duh.”
"bide your time" 🔒 (E) by fiveandnocents | 2,791 | When Trevor finally gets his arms around Jamie’s neck, content to grind against Jamie’s thick thigh until he comes, Jamie shifts away. “No,” he whines, trying to pull Jamie back in. Jamie lets himself be dragged down, but only to press placating kisses to Trevor’s jaw as he runs soothing fingers through his hair. “You have two days to go.”
"one single thread of gold" 🔒 (E) by cropmilk | 10,015 | Trevor booked his flight to Philly as soon as he got his phone back in his hands. Getting to Philly was the easy part; the game was another monster altogether.
"Short Sleeves in December" 🔒 (E) by makeit_takeit | 23,038 | Outside the windows that look out into the gym, is a guy. He’s got dirty blond hair, sun-bleached ends curling shaggy and disheveled around his ears, sticking out from under a flat-brimmed hat. He’s wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves cut out, sides hanging open down past his ribs, and athletic shorts that are hiked up to stretch around the considerable width of his upper quads. He’s standing there on the wooden floor of the basketball court, barefoot and sweaty and tan all over, looking like what California would look like if it was a person. And his pale blue eyes (of course they’re blue eyes) are narrowed, laser-focused, and they’re staring right at Jamie.
"i think he knows" 🔒 (M) by snailmailed | 9,842 | “Earth to Drysdale,” Turcs says, nudging Jamie with his elbow. “Want a sip? Looking a little thirsty.” Jamie tries for a withering glare, hoping that the heated flush from being in a sweaty bar covers for the embarrassment he somehow feels creeping up underneath it. “Last time I buy you a drink.” Turcs just laughs, “Sure JD, I believe you.”
"long way from home" 🔒 (T) by somewhat_invested | 1,999 | There’s 2,000 something miles from coast to coast, but Facetime connects all the same. Jamie thinks it might be his new favorite app.
"pressing play on this old tape" 🔒 (T) by rafting | 2,000 | It’s fitting — when Jamie thinks of Trevor, he thinks of him like he always was in California: warm, tan, bright. Mouth open and hands restlessly moving to keep up. Trevor would bundle up in sweats and a beanie even in the mild Anaheim winter, but they never had to bust out scarves or winter coats at home. “Dude, it is fucking freezing,” are the first words out of Trevor’s mouth.
"when you swing my way" 🔒 (T) by somewhat_invested | 1,906 | Jamie hates how much he likes it - how even far away from Trevor, at a different lake, alone, it feels like they’re the only people in the world.
"Dig it when you're fancy dressed up in lace, dig it when you have a smile on your face" 🔒 (M) by theaa | 5,787 | A month ago, when the random woman gave Jamie her card at the Mall, Trevor was too busy being pissed their pre-movie hang was being rudely interrupted.
"The world grows green again" 🔒 (T) by theaa | 4,355 | Trevor grins, only a little watery, buoyed by just the sight of Jamie’s familiar dull gray work suit, rumpled after a full Friday at school.
"A floodgate you can pantomime" 🔒 (T) by theaa | 2,018 | The cream rectangle of card lays on the granite countertop between them, the shiny, embossed letters catching in the kitchen spotlights. As if Trevor doesn’t have the whole thing memorized anyway.
"maybe we could reconstruct" 🔒 (E) by unsay | 4,213 | Trevor’s not a romantic, but he always thought he’d get to bond the right way when he got around to doing it. Meet someone, hit it off, let himself be wooed and courted and eventually bitten. It had all felt vague and distant and pleasant to him, and it had gone straight out the window the second Jamie messaged to say he was going to fucking Philadelphia.
"the care and keeping" 🔒 (M) by unsay | 11,845 | “You’re kind of a fucking dick,” says Jack Hughes — of all people. “You know that, right?” “Uh,” Jamie says, “dude, can I help you?” Philadelphia isn't quite far enough for Jamie to escape Trevor, or Trevor's friends.
"this must be the place" 🔒 (E) by rafting | 33,151 | It’s not fucking fair that Jamie and Yorkie have this private little — whatever, this thing that Trevor has no access to and was too dumb to notice when it was happening. Besides, if Yorkie’s going to see Jamie in July, who knows if they’re even planning to keep this a secret?
More to be added as I find them.
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littlerunonsentences · 9 months
Mmm, I don't wanna shut you out I don't wanna rush around or slow down This time, I wanna stay right here I wanna make it crystal clear That I won't give in to the fear "Crystal Clear" Verse 1
In 2020 when Hayley Williams released "Petals for Armor" I was not in the headspace to listen, and appreciate the album. I was broken-hearted, had canceled my wedding three months prior. I was not in a place to acknowledge my emotions. I wanted to have no emotions. At that time, the only song from the album I listened to was "Simmer."
Until recently.
On June 10, 2023 I attended Paramore's concert in Columbus, OH. Hayley Williams beautifully performed "Crystal Clear." Later that week I decided to listen to it again, and really hear the lyrics of the song.
I cried, and I cried. And I listened again, and again.
This was a song that so closely described the emotions, and feelings that I have experienced surrounding reconnecting, and now dating my boyfriend, Nick.
At the beginning of Nick and I's relationship, my therapist spoke with me about treating people like you intend for them to stay. This is something for the last year and a half that I have worked towards. You want people to stay, so you treat them like they will.
The opening lyrics echoed this for me.
The second verse of the song creates a strong emotion of grief, and relief for me.
Paramore has a song from their 2017 album, After Laughter, titled "Pool." Which is an album, and specifically a song that carried me through the hardest times of my past relationship. The lyrics describe drowning in a relationship, and choosing to give the relationship a second chance for the sake of not giving up.
For me, the second verse of "Crystal Clear" connects to "Pool"
In "Pool" they melodically sing,
I'm underwater No air in my lungs My eyes are open I'm done giving up You are the wave I could never tame If I survive I'll dive back in "Pool" Chorus
In "Crystal Clear" Hayley Williams references diving head first into a relationship, only to be met with disappointment. And then, a friend finds her (turned to lover), and revives her. She no longer feels like she is drowning. In fact, the farther and farther deep she goes, she discovers the water is crystal clear.
This was Nick to me, and continues to be.
Diving into a relationship, and trying, and trying to make it work because you don't like giving up is a very lonely pavement to smack into. You feel like you can't breathe. You feel like you're drowning.
Nick saw that I was drowning, and brought me to life again. Like Taylor did for Hayley. (Perceived, of course).
I remember standing on the edge Closing my eyes Counting to three, I Jump in with the rush in my head Only to find, the water was concrete And now you're pumpin' air to my lungs This don't feel anything like sinking In fact, no matter how deep I go Into you it looks like the water is crystal clear "Crystal Clear" Verse 2
This song is so deeply personal to me. It is the development of my life, in words that I could have never so beautifully crafted to describe the experience.
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allylikethecat · 11 months
Awww I love the prompts so much ❤️My little queer heart needs it: I’d love number 42 and 50, a combination would be nice, too (M&G, of course).
Thank you so much for sending this in! I'm sorry again that it took me so long to fill, also I apologize it turned out a bit more angsty than originally intended, I hope you still enjoy it! I had a lot of fun working on it 😊 Let me know what you think - if it's not what you're looking for let me know and I can try to tackle it again! As requested I've combined the two. I've really enjoyed working on all these Kiss prompts and am excited to finish up and share the last few!
42. Kiss…out of pride & 50. Kiss…out of love
Matty’s heart was in his throat as he looked at George with wide eyes. He could hear the applause, people cheering, and felt the press of someone clapping him on the back. It felt distant, like he was underwater. It reminded him of being twenty six, overwhelmed with life, overwhelmed with addiction. They had stayed at a hotel that night, he couldn’t remember the city, just that it was somewhere in America. He had gone down to the hotel pool with George, a dangerous combination of drunk and high, playing pretend at being sober.
The air had been humid, the smell of chlorine stinging his nose, and making his eyes itch as he had kicked off his flip flops and shed his tee shirt. Everything felt heavy, too heavy. The weight of life pressing down on him as he stepped into the warm water. He hadn’t even intended to get in, had intended to sit on one of the deck chairs pretending to read while George did laps, trying to pretend he could read the words that were swirling on the page, the black ink dancing, giving him no hope of untangling the letters. Trying to pretend that he wasn’t there because George didn’t trust him in their room alone.
Instead he found himself drawn to the water, the pool wasn’t deep, three feet in the shallow end, six feet in the deep end. It was empty, ten at night on a weekday. The signs proclaiming “no diving” and “no lifeguard on duty - swim at your own risk.” Matty had found himself walking through the water, narrow body cutting through the surface easily, the water rising over his hips, over his chest, up to his neck. He took a deep breath and let himself sink, dropping to the bottom of the pool, resting with his back against the tile.
He felt weightless, but also cocooned, there was a pressure in his ears but nothing could hurt him where he lay at the bottom of the pool.  He opened his eyes and stared up at the surface, at the overhead lights flickering, glittering like a kaleidoscope of  broken glass, his curls dancing in the filter current like tentacles in his peripheral vision. He wanted to stay there forever. He had no idea how long he was down there, his lungs screaming as his vision darkened around the edges. The surface tension was broken, and next thing he knew he was sputtering, thrust back to the surface, George’s arm locked around him, banging on his back, as he coughed up a lung full of water, staring at him with a mixture of anger and terror.
It was always George. George was always there, grounding him, pulling him to the surface, pulling him from his thoughts and dragging him back to reality. 
“We did it, love,” said George pulling him into his arms, when had he stood up? Matty wondered, Ross was whooping, and Adam was grinning, his feet moving without his brain telling them too, following George, being dragged by George up the steps to the stage. His brain felt heavy, sluggish, oversaturated and waterlogged like a sponge left in too long in a soapy sink, like he was oxygen deprived from laying at the bottom of the pool.
The award was thrust into one hand, and a microphone into the other. Matty swallowed hard, his hands shaking, his palms sweating as he passed the statue back to George so he wouldn’t drop it. He’s not sure what he ended up saying, he hoped he remembered to thank the fans, to thank their families before they were being herded backstage for photos.
He was sure he was making a fool out of himself, he was sure everyone thought he was drunk even though he hadn’t touched the glass of wine George had gotten him at the bar, his stomach churning with anxiety and nausea. He was stone cold sober as they stood in front of the backdrop, forcing himself to smile even as he felt like he was staring down at his body from above. The camera flashed and they were ushered to the side, they would be taken back to their table at the next commercial break.
He couldn’t believe it. They had actually done it. They had won. It felt like something he wasn’t a part of. He knew he contributed to it, he was the singer, the front man, it was his lyrics and George’s music, and Adam and Ross's talent. But it wasn’t his words that had won, it was the hours George spent in the studio, crafting the music that played in his mind. Pride burned in his throat. George had done it. George had won. 
“I’m so proud of you,” said George, hooking his thumb into Matty’s belt loops, pulling him into a corner off to the side. He had given the statue back, the academy would send them each their own awards later once they had been engraved.  
“Why?” asked Matty, confusion thick in his voice. George was the one that had produced the record, had written the music, Matty was merely his mouthpiece. Matty was proud of George. Proud to call him his best friend, his bandmate, his partner, his other half, his soul mate, the love of his life, his fiance.  
George just blinked at him, leaning down to press their lips together, dragging his tongue over Matty’s bottom lip before biting at it gently, requesting access, licking into his mouth, reaching up to run his fingers through his hair, disrupting the carefully styled curls, as if he could press his love into Matty, force it into his mouth and down his throat. Matty kissed him back eagerly, letting himself be consumed, enveloped in the weight of George. It was better than being at the bottom of the pool, it was better than the high of any drug. The force of his love pressing into his lungs, making his head feel fuzzy in the best kind of way.
“I love you,” said Matty, his voice rough as he pulled away, resting his forehead against George’s chest, feeling the rise and fall of his chest with each breath. "And I'm so fucking proud of you."
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tworoadsandapenny · 1 year
What You Wish For: Chapter 14. The Ires That Burn
Ah yes, I remember writing this chapter. The first time it took only a few hours because Raph and rage come so naturally to me, but then a computer crash stole all my work and the rewrite took a while.
I think I'm happy with what I cobbled together.
He’s slipping away. Again. I feel him leaving and my hand panics, flailing about and trying to grasp at him as he walks away. “Don’t—“ But no sound escapes my lips. Words won’t form. ‘Cause he’s leaving and I’m not ready. I’m not ready to let him go. Not ready to be without him. Not ready to never hear his voice again or see his disapproving frown.
His pristine katanas. His perfectly skilful katas. His blue bandana blurring behind him as he dances from one form to the next.
I’m not ready to miss him.
My chest tightens and I cough just to try and find some air. It feels like I’m underwater, constantly fighting to get back to the surface for one more dreg of oxygen. And he ain’t there to help. He ain’t coming to the rescue. I always hated it when he came to my rescue.
I can’t stand that he never will again.
It was me. It was my fault. My fault! If I hadn’t left, if I’d stayed, if I’d just listened to a damn word he’d said—I hate it when he gives me orders, but I’d give everything to hear him bark one more! Just one more…
“Leo, wait!”
Why won’t he stop! He never leaves. He’s always there. Even when I don’t want him. Even when I tell him not to be. Even when I don’t need him. When I don’t think I need him. When I don’t want to admit it… he somehow knows. How does he always know?
I need him.
Did he know that? Did I ever tell him?
Dammit, he’s still walking away and I can’t stop him. Have no right to. Can only watch in a panic as he casually walks out of my life. Forever.
“I’m not leaving, Raph. I’m still here.”
But it’s not true. All I can see is his shell as it gets smaller and smaller in the distance.
“S-Still here…”
I wake up with the biggest headache I’ve ever had. Whoever it was that snubbed me was gonna get his.
Hun. He was there. What on earth he was doing on that roof… or maybe he’d been following me, I don’t know. Hadn’t been paying attention. Leo would be livid if he knew I’d—
“You shouldn’t have left.”
I can’t reply. I know I ain’t alone and I don’t want the assholes around me to know I’m awake. But damn if it ain’t relieving to hear his voice, condescending as it is.
Still with me. Still…
“You weren’t in the right frame of mind. You weren’t paying attention, of course they were able to sneak up on you.”
And the endless worry continues, somehow always ending up in my direction. I want to be annoyed—I’ve been in tougher scrapes than this and he damn well knows it—but honestly, it just feels good to have him near. Know he’s got my back.
A pain erupts in my chest and I can’t for the life of me figure out what it’s coming from. It’s like someone is ripping my ribs open and tearing out my lungs. Some deep ache from a loss I can’t fathom or understand right now.
He’s still here. I hear him. Feel him. Still here.
“I can’t… I can’t help you.”
I damn near open my eyes because I can swear I hear him choke. He doesn’t show emotion like that. Not in public. Barely ever in private. But I know he’s not there. Not really.
“Raph, I think you’re in more trouble than you realize. The others are coming, but I don’t know… they’re not thinking right either. They’re scared and frantic and they’ll walk right into this. And I can’t do anything. I can’t…”
I only ever heard him sound this defeated once before: when Sensei’s mind was messed up by the Rat King and he attacked (and almost killed) Donnie-boy. Leo’d spent the whole night meditating in the lair while he tried to come up with a plan… it all worked out in the end, but that was the only time I can think of that Leo really felt lost. Or at least that he’d shown us, anyway.
I hate to admit it, but it was frightening then. It’s downright terrifying now.
I almost opened my dumb mouth again when he silences me.
“Shhhh, keep quiet. If you wake up, they’ll start.”
Start? Start what?
“Think Raph. They clearly don’t want you dead yet. What else would they want you for?”
Information was my first thought. But they should know by now that was a fools errand. Ain’t no way in fiery hell I’d give up my family.
“No, no. Think. What else would they want you for?”
I’m starting to get annoyed. If it’s so damn important, why doesn’t he just tell me?
“Revenge, Raph. Sport. Payback. We killed several of them that night in the warehouse, not to mention the gun shipment we subverted and the money they lost. And that was just one night. We’ve done plenty more to them over the years. And that man I killed… He was special. Someone Hun knew. Personally.”
It took me a minute for my foggy mind to think of which dead guy he was referring to. The one who’d shot him. The one who took my brother from me. Of course he was a personal friend of Hun. Of course.
My blood boiled at the thought of that punk on the roof. That coward that hid in the shadows. That wasn’t man enough to fight face to face.
That lowlife that stole my brother from—
No. No he’s still here. I feel him. Still here.
“He wants to hurt you, Raph. He wants to make you suffer.”
Words just start forming before my brain remembers I shouldn’t. But big brother saw and quiets me with a gentle “Shhhh. Someone’s coming.”
“—ain’t he dead yet?”
I can’t catch the whole sentence. My head’s still spinning and my ears are buzzing. I think they may have me hanging upside down. Hands tied behind my back, too. And I don’t need to look to know my sai aren’t where they should be.
“—to draw the others out.”
Dammit. Can’t focus. Only fragments get through. Pieces.
“Can’t we just—“ The ringing in my ears intensifies and I have to take a moment to push past so I can hear again. “—still come for his corpse.”
Can’t grab on. Keep fading out…
“—bait to get them here.”
Can’t get my mind to—
“—kill them all.”
That certainly grabs my attention. Suddenly the ringing, the ache, the pain, none of it’s even noticeable amidst the acute panic that rises like a tidal wave. They’re gonna kill ‘em. They’re gonna kill my family.
His voice—not in my head but not outside it either— somehow manages to cut through the noise. His tone that sounds like he’s got everything under control. Says to trust him.
I do. With every fibre of my being.
“Don’t react. Wait for the right moment.”
He’s right. He’s always right. Always has to be…
I take a moment, breathe silent and deep, tensing my muscles to keep from letting a random reflex loose, and I wait.
I will not let them take any more of my family.  
“Keep trying.”
His voice is calm and gentle, with just a hint of annoyance to pick at my overtired brain. “It’s been an hour, I’m sick of trying! It ain’t working.”
“You can do it, just focus.”
“I am focused!”
“Slow your breathing.”
“Any slower and I’d be dead.”
“Quiet your mind.”
“It ain’t my mind that’s doin’ the talking.”
Leo sighs the long-suffering sigh of older brothers everywhere. I’m well acquainted with it. “Raph, I’m trying to help.”
“And I’m trying to tell you, it ain’t working!” I break seiza position to stand and stretch my stiff legs, unable to resist shooting a glare in his direction.
He doesn’t seem to mind. He’s got that stern-lecture look on his face that says he’s about to tell me why I’m wrong. “You haven’t slept in three days, it’s beginning to affect your performance in training and missions, and the others are getting tired of having to put up with your grumpier-than-usual attitude. You need to sleep.”
Called it. For the sake of my exhausted body, I choose to ignore that last comment. “Well gee, is that the problem? Golly, I had no idea sleep was such a necessity! Thank goodness I have you here to tell me or I’d never figure out why I’m so damn tired!”
Apparently he didn’t appreciate my sarcasm. He rolls his eyes to the heavens like he’s begging for patience and I can’t help but smirk that I got under his skin. Just a little. My victory is short-lived, though, when my eyes decide they can’t pin down which way is up. I have to grab the wall for support just to keep from toppling over.
“Sit.” He’s already by my side, helping me to the floor. Normally I’d object and stay standing just to piss him off, but my legs betray me and turn to jello, so I’m forced to do as he says. His voice is a little too understanding for my liking. “I know it’s not your favorite exercise, but meditation might be just what your body needs to find it’s center again. To quiet long enough to allow you some rest.”
I shoot him another annoyed glare that says “we’ve had this conversation already” and he raises his hands up in defence.
“Just try again. One more time.” He lowers down to my level, folding his knees beneath him to offer an example or a show of solidarity or something. “We both know you’re too stubborn to quit.”
I huff out my displeasure, but I have no more arguments to offer. So, begrudgingly, I give in and fold my legs beneath me. “And if this still doesn’t work?”
“I’ll clock you in the head hard enough to knock you out.”
Despite myself, I can’t help a loud chuckle. “You know, Fearless, I’d almost let you just to see if you could.”
He smiles too as he closes his eyes, starting with his deep breathing and waiting for me to do the same. I follow, without protest this time. I’m not really sure how it happened, but instead of annoyance, I’m suddenly calmed by the presence of my brother next to me, breathing with me.
It’s nice. Peaceful.
I finally feel my muscles begin to relax for the first time in days.
I can feel myself disappearing into the memory. Feel the world around me fading into irrelevance. And as much as I want to give in to it, I know I can’t. I have to stay here, present, ready to strike when the moment is right.
Another brass knuckle across my jaw helps ground me. Brings up a bit of blood that I’m quick to spit in the thug’s face the next time he comes close for a punch. The others laugh as they give my shoulder a hard kick.
This goes on for hours. No damage that’s life threatening, but they certainly got in a few good licks. It’s only fuel on their funeral pyre for when I finally break this rope. 
I breathe deep, remembering the meditation methods Fearless taught me, drawing into myself and away from the pain while remaining as alert as possible.
“Quiet your mind.”
He’s still here. Every once in a while my mind starts to panic that I’ve lost him, but he’s always quick to say something and remind me he’s—
Down the hall. I can’t see them, but I feel them. My brothers. My family. This warehouse is so damn huge—filled to the brim with crates and boxes of construction materials for rebuilding the part of the harbour blown up last week—I don’t know if Hun can tell they’re here.
A thud. Followed by another. A scuffle is breaking out somewhere way on the other side of the building, but the string holding me inverted keeps rotating me at a slow pace, so I can’t get a good enough look to pinpoint where they are. I feel like a pig on a spit. And I’m itchin’ to spring into action.
But once again, he stops me.
“Wait for the right moment. Don’t strike yet.”
There’s no mistaking Mikey’s voice shouting “Cowabunga!” all the way across the room. They’re here. They’re fighting. They’re walking into a trap.
Because of me.
Hun is sitting next to me and chuckling.
I need to—
“Calm. Wait. They can handle themselves.”
Ha! What a line coming from the mother of all worry-warts! But I do what he says. No point in waiting this long only to screw it up now.
“Breathe, Raph. Don’t forget to breathe.”
Right, right. Focused breaths. I hear shouting coming our way but the blood to my head is pumping too loud for me to make out every word.
“—coming, Boss! What do we—“
Even Hun’s voice has a smirk in it. My gut is churning out a warning. The rotation of my body is taking me out of eyeshot of the other end of the warehouse, but I finally manage to catch a glimpse of my family booking it around a pile of crates and heading straight for us, weapons drawn and ready for action. I should be relieved. But I get myself turned so I can see Hun and I know why he’s smiling. He pulls a trigger from his belt and raises it in the air like a golden trophy, a chuckle escaping his lips. His thumb goes towards the button.
Suddenly Big Brother is behind me, whispering in my ear. “Now.”
He don’t need to tell me twice.
Quick as a flash, I heave my body upwards and throw myself down as hard as I can. The weight of the fall is enough to snap the rope holding me up, and I spin so my shell takes the hit. Before I find concrete, my legs are already in the air, arcing up towards Hun’s hand.
His face is priceless. Sure as hell didn’t see that coming. He barely has a chance to blink before the clicker is kicked out of reach and the momentum carries his own hand into his chin with a loud SMACK!
No time to celebrate. I move to the crate nearest me where Mr. Big Bad himself had been sitting before and find my sai. It’s less than a second to cut myself free, but that’s enough for Hun to get his bearings again. He’s already going for the trigger.  
My hearts in my throat as I rush to beat him to it, shouting over my shoulder loudly as I can. “GET BACK!”
I’m too slow. I watch in abject horror while Hun’s hand grips the trigger first, pressing the button before I tackle him to the floor.
The warehouse erupts in fire.
Several bombs hidden in crates on the far end of the complex detonate, sending up plumes of fire and smoke and debris in every direction. I’m far enough away that the only effect I feel is the ground tremor and some of the heat, but by the time I wrestle off Hun and look around the room, I don’t see anyone. I don’t see my family.
The fire is right beside where they’d been.
No… No, no, no, no, no!
I’m staring at the flames, at the broken hunks of metal and concrete and the burning bits of wood, terror like ice in my veins, and I can’t do anything but stand there and gawk.
Where are they? Where is my family!? “Mikey!!” I don’t even know if they can hear me over the roar of the flame. “Don!?” I’m practically scraping my voice raw with how loud I’m yelling. “Guys!!!”
…Nothing. I don’t see them. I don’t hear them. Dammit… dammit what if they—
“Still here.”
The voice is beside and in front of me all at once. I see a hint of blue to my right and I turn to try and focus on it, but I can’t—
And there I spot them. Lying in a heap way over by the door, and buried in bits of rubble and debris. My family.
My blood runs cold.
Suddenly I hear a chuckle behind me.
Hun’s standing back up, wiping the blood off his chin and making some sarcastic comment about ninja being more aware of their surroundings.
I can barely make out his voice. All I hear is the loud drumming of blood pumping in my ears as I turn to see him smirking in victory at what he did to them. What he did to my family. To my brothers.
To Leo.
My hands curl around my sai so tight, my knuckles pale.
“Raph… Don’t—”
The world goes away, fading into oblivion as I seethe through my teeth.
“Are you listening to me?“
All I see is red.
“Raph, wait—!”
I lunge.
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Comments and critiques always welcome.
End of Line.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 2 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 36 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Julian Hart
"Where's Dane?"
"He was right behind us," Freya says, worry edging her tone.
"Had to give Erickson a shove. Fool panicked when he saw that smaller tunnel."
"I didn't think I'd fit," Erickson snaps.
"I thought I'd get stuck in the damn thing."
"Stuck in the..."
Horror floods my gut.
The tunnel had been claustrophobically small but I'd had enough room to wriggle through with little trouble.
I'm a slender guy, though.
Erickson's slightly bigger than me but Dane...
"Oh, shit. He's stuck."
With fear seizing my throat, I take a gulp of air and dive beneath the surface again, hoping against hope that I can still find the entrance to the tunnel and that I'm not too late.
A few meters down I find the bottom and shine my flashlight over the rough gravel and stone.
Through my blurry vision, I can hardly see more than vague shapes and shadows but by a stroke of luck the entrance is obvious.
Like a drain in a sink, it's a black circle gaping at the bottom of the pool.
I balk at the sight of it but my fear can't be anything compared to what Dane must be feeling... if he's even still conscious.
Entering the tunnel head first, I swim down at a steep angle.
About two meters in, the tunnel flattens out to the bottom of the u-shape we'd come through.
The narrowest part of the tunnel was right at the bottom of this and that's where I spot Dane.
He's wedged fast, one arm forward and one pinned back.
He's still struggling and looks up at my light as I approach.
Agony twists his face and streaks of blood discolor the water where he'd already scraped himself raw in his desperation to get free.
I reach for his hand and grab hold, trying to pull him loose but I have no leverage and he doesn't budge an inch.
Upside down, with my legs in the tunnel behind me, I have nothing to push or pull against and merely tug ineffectively at his hand.
He knows it's no use and as our eyes meet through our blurry underwater vision, the look on his face changes.
Agony gives way to an almost peaceful calm and he stops struggling.
His lips form my name and then he releases his breath.
The bubbles escape in a cloud, sticking to the tunnel's roof as they skitter away in little silvery globs of spent life.
Dane's grip loses its strength, his body goes limp and his dread-locks float free around his face.
I scream and my own breath escapes to join his as I tug on his arm in a futile effort to free him.
My lungs burn but the pain in my chest is more than physical.
It feels as if my heart is being crushed and torn apart within the cage of my ribs.
The primal instinct to survive is telling me to let him go and swim for the surface but I can't... I won't leave him.
Shutting my eyes, I feel the sort of peace I'd seen on Dane's face spread through me and my fear and pain dissolve.
If this is where we end, we'll end together.
Just as the darkness closes in on my mind, something else closes on my ankle with a startlingly strong grip.
My eyes snap open and I just have time to clamp my hand around Dane's wrist before I'm yanked violently from behind.
My grip on Dane slips but I refuse to let go.
Another sharp tug and another and then, with one final yank, I feel his shoulder dislocate and he comes free.
With the need for air searing my lungs like white hot fire, we're dragged from the tunnel and into the open water of the pool.
I can just make out Freya's form, gesturing at me to let go and swim for the surface.
As she takes hold of Dane, I successfully command my oxygen-starved brain to obey.
Breaking into the air once more, I cough and gasp, floundering as the last of my strength fails me.
A hand grips the collar of my shirt and flips me over to lie on my back, keeping my head above water and through the fog of confusion clouding my brain, I see Erickson dragging me to shore.
Meanwhile, Freya hauls Dane onto the stony bank and begins CPR.
Pinching his nose shut, she breathes air into his lungs, then compresses his sternum rhythmically on a count to five.
She repeats this and repeats it again, all the while swearing at him under her breath.
"Don't you go dying on me now, you son of a bitch," she hisses.
"Breathe, damn it."
By the fifth round of this, my breathless gasps have turned to sobs of despair and the beginnings of a black hole open in my heart.
Then, just as I'm about to fall into it, Dane seizes, vomits water, and draws a deep, ragged breath.
"Oh, thank fuck," Freya swears, sagging with relief and rubs Dane's chest as he coughs.
She rolls him to the side, thumping a hand on his back to clear the last remnants of liquid from his lungs and then helps him to sit up, mindful of his dislocated shoulder and the places where he'd scraped himself raw.
Much less carefully, I throw myself into his arms and hold on tight, wracked by shivers and shaking with sobs.
Gradually, I become aware that Dane's rough coughs have subsided and that instead he mumbles reassurances as he holds me with his good arm.
I lift myself to look at him.
"You okay?" he whispers.
I choke on a laugh and drink in the sight of him... his amber eyes, the dark lashes clumped with water, the hard line of his jaw and the softness of his lips.
"I am if you are."
"I will be, thanks to you. You saved my life, Julian."
"Actually, Freya saved both of us," I point out weakly and he smiles.
"Yeah but you came back for me."
"You know I'll always come for you," I whisper through a watery smile and then the tears win again as our mouths meet in a rough, desperate kiss.
I cling to him... to his warmth and scent and strength... to everything that, for a nightmare moment, I thought I had lost.
"Okay, okay," Freya says, intervening gently.
"Y'all need oxygen, remember? And I need to get that shoulder back in place before it heals wrong."
Dane continues to kiss me for a few moments longer, anyway, his lips brushing mine with a caress and a soft exchange of breath, both of us needing the contact and reassurance almost as much as we need air.
Finally, he draws back with a sigh and a wince of pain.
Beckoning to Freya, he taps his dislocated shoulder.
"All right. Make it quick."
She rolls her eyes.
"You know I will. Erickson, gimme your belt."
Erickson frowns.
"Cuz mine's Italian leather and yours looks cheap, and because I said so," she snaps.
Scowling, he obeys.
She folds the belt in half and holds it towards Dane's mouth.
"Bite down."
He shakes his head, grimacing at the belt.
"Just do it," Freya huffs.
"If you'd all stop being difficult we could get this over with. Now open your damn mouth."
She might not be an Alpha but she gets results like one.
Dane opens his mouth and she places the belt between his teeth.
He bites down, features twisting with disgust, while Freya grasps his arm and braces her foot against his chest.
"Okay, on three. Ready?"
He nods.
With a sharp, twisting motion, she pulls hard, popping his shoulder joint back into place.
Dane's muffled groan of pain contains a sound that any lesser man 'myself included' would have released as a scream.
Breathing hard, he spits out Ericsson's belt and tosses it back to him.
Dane's canine teeth have lengthened noticeably and Erickson examines the new set of holes in the leather with wide eyes but threads it back through his belt loops without complaint.
As Freya moves aside, I stroke Dane's damp brow as he lets his head drop back and shuts his eyes.
"Any better?" I ask.
"Hmm... hurts less already," he mumbles.
"Muscle and ligaments heal fast," Freya says, watching with her hands on her hips.
"And Dane's the fastest healer I know."
"I thought I lost you," I whisper, pushing a sodden loc away from his face.
He opens a bloodshot eye a crack and looks at me.
"I thought so, too, for a minute."
My breath catches.
"I'm sorry, Dane. You were right. This was a crazy idea, and way too dangerous. I should have listened to you."
"Nah," he coughs, clearing some lingering liquid from his lungs and squeezes the back of my neck.
"If I was right about anything, it was letting you take the lead. If I'd insisted on going first, I'd have taken the wrong tunnel or got stuck and blocked the way. Either way we'd all be dead."
I search his eyes.
"When I passed out after the reading... I know how you felt, now. Don't do that again, okay?"
He laughs and then coughs.
"Hey, that's my line. But if you won't, I won't. Deal?"
"Deal," I say.
"As happy as I am that we're all alive," Freya says,
"I don't think we should hang around celebrating much longer. How about it, Juju? Anything look familiar?"
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crystalclear97 · 7 months
I just remembered a story about my toxic ex!!
Well I was feeling miserable in the relationship and I kinda hated him so I tried to break up with him once but he begged me to give him a second chance etc (spoiler: i shouldn't have done it hehehe) and then "after laughter" came out and IT WAS LITERALLY ME, specially when I heard "pool" it was a lot for me... one day I showed him the song and told him that it reminded me of our relationship.
the only thing he said to me was
"heheh I want you to tame me"
so yeah, you can imagine how stupid this guy was and probably still is
in case somebody doesn't know the song here it is and the lyrics:
As if the first cut wasn't deep enough I dove in again 'cause I'm not into giving up Could've gotten the same rush from any lover's touch Why get used to something new? 'Cause no one breaks my heart like you When you kiss me, I wish we could see what happens next For a moment, I can forget what happens in my head If I doubt you, would you come through? Happy second chance or happy ending But this time you don't leave me sinking I'm underwater No air in my lungs My eyes are open I'm done giving up You are the wave I could never tame If I survive I'll dive back in As if the first blood didn't thrill enough I went further out to see what else was left of us Never found the deep end of our little ocean Drain the fantasy of you Headfirst into shallow pools And I wonder, is it better to get it over with? The illusion, can shatter before we begin If you're really sorry Happy second chance, I think I could forgive This time you won't leave me sinking I'm underwater No air in my lungs My eyes are open I'm done giving up You are the wave I could never tame If I survive I'll dive back in Dive back into Right back into Dive right back into you Now I know you Now I know you Now that I know you Dive right back into you Dive back into Right back into you Dive right back into you Now I know you Now I know you Now that I know you Dive right back into you I'm underwater No air in my lungs My eyes are open I'm done giving up You are the wave I could never tame If I survive I'll dive back in I'm underwater No air in my lungs My eyes are open I'm done giving up You are the wave I could never tame If I survive I'll dive back in I'll dive back in I'll dive back
0 notes
moustacheshe · 3 years
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Here's part 2 of Yandere! Cecaelia! Sukuna! x Reader because @vinnieswife requested it. And I'm so glad yall liked it so much <3
I'm not that happy with how the story turned out but I'm very proud of the drawing 😅 And I made a few changes in the design of Cecaelia Sukuna but I don't think it's got something negative 😏
Part 1
Warnings: non-con, smut, tentacle sex, blood, PREPARE
You slowly gain back your conciseness as you cough up some water. It's coming out through your mouth and your nose. You try to gasp in as much air as you can. Upon trying to fill your lungs with oxygen you notice that you can't move your arms. They're chained above your head. You weakly open your eyes and look around. Fear strikes your body the moment you remember what happened. You're in some kind of cave. There's a big hole in the ground that's filled with water, which leaves you guessing if it's an underwater cave. It's illuminated by little glowing rocks. They seem to glow by themselves. You would have been absolutely fascinated by this view, if you weren't in the situation you're currently in. The cave also seems like someone made their home here. There's even a corner with soft looking material on the ground, like a bed. It's also rather warm despite that you are completely wet. You slowly try to move but your muscles hurt and your arms feel sore. You can only remember that you fought against the tentacles dragging you down into the deep before you blacked out.
Suddenly you see something glowing in the water of the hole. It's moving and it's getting brighter. 'Oh no! What is that?!' You think, bracing yourself for whatever comes next. A head appears rising out of the water. Four red glowing eyes look directly at you. This brings back bad memories. A big grin adorns the lips of the creature slowly crawling out of the water. 'He is glowing too...' The strange tattoos he has all over his body are glowing in a dangerous red colour. "Finally your awake. I thought you wouldn't wake up again." He now crawls closer to you. With his full body out of the water your eyes widen at his tentacles moving individually to get closer to you. 'He...He really is a Cecaelia... I wished that it was a bad dream.' You think to yourself while starring at him in fear.
He stops right before you as he looks down on you with a smirk. You're so fragile and weak sitting there chained to the wall...at his mercy. He would love to just pounce on you and take you right here and now...make you his. But he has to control himself...for now. "I really made a beautiful catch. A cute little sea angel." He chuckles. "Wh-What do you want from me?" His tentacles make their way to your legs. You try to back away but the wall behind you doesn't allow you much movement. The tentacles wrap around your legs and spread them. Your eyes widen in horror. "Didn't I tell you already, stupid little human? I want to make you my mate.~" You shake your head and tears start building in your eyes. "N-No I don't want to! T-That's not how it works! We are two different species!" You try to struggle against his tentacles. "Awww poor little thing. I don't think I gave you a choice. You see our species doesn't think much of 'having a partner'. So our kind slowly but surely declines...plus I've never found a female that I considered attractive. But then I saw you. What a beautiful human female you are.~ So I thought why not give it a try? Even if it doesn't work I'll still keep you.~" You start to shake as he bends down to you until your faces are only inches away. "There's no escape. We're 500 meters deep in the ocean in an underwater cave." Your mouth opens in shock. '500 METERS?! How am I still alive?!' You suddenly feel hopeless. No one is ever going to find you here nor is there any way that you can escape.
He notices your change of expression and takes your chin in his hand while moving his head next to yours. You can feel his hot breath on your ear. "Don't be upset little sea star. I'll take good care of you." He whispers in your ear. You feel weak and helpless in his grip. "Why would you chain me up if I couldn't even make it half way to the surface?" You don't know why but you just had to say something. You're not completely defeated just yet. "Oh I just didn't wanted you to drown yourself in an failed escape attempt. But mainly...for my own pleasure.~" His words send shivers down your spine. He then wanders with his head down to your neck. The creature inhales your sent which drives him almost insane. You try to cover your neck but his hand holds your head in place. He licks your neck which gives you goosebumps. "The name's Sukuna by the way. I just want you to know so you can scream it." Before you can say anything he bites down on your neck, making you cry out in pain. Your whole neck and shoulder starts to burn as he releases his fangs. "That should make you more docile.~" The burning hot sensation spreads through your whole body. Your thoughts get clouded by a very uncomfortable feeling in your abdomen.
Sukuna watches you in delight his mouth still tasting your blood. He's never tasted anything as delicious as your blood. You on the other hand feel like you're in a fever dream. Everything feels so hot. You want to close your legs but the tentacles wrapped around them keep you from doing it. "Oh.~ Do you want me to help you?~" His smug grin gets even bigger as one of his tentacles softly strokes over your heat under your clothes. You let out a loud moan. Every touch feels like heaven although deep in your clouded mind you scream for him to stop. "Ah.~ What a needy little human you are.~ I'll make you feel really good.~" He slips one of his tentacles in your pants while he starts to kiss your neck. His four hands are all over you, massaging your breasts, stroking your sides and one hand clamping around your neck. His tentacle enters your wet core as the suckers on it stimulate your clitoris. You can't take it very long before you cum for the first time. By this time you're already a moaning mess. "Already? Well then we'll have to go a few more rounds.~" You can feel tears building up in your eyes from this overwhelming sensation you've never felt before. "N...no..." You manage to get out. But before you can say more he hushes you with a kiss. As he leaves your mouth he wanders to your ear. "No what? Hm? It's not like you'll get out of this heat before we mate.~ So it's either going my way or I'll leave you here by yourself until you're begging for me to finally fuck you.~ It's not going to end until I make it end. Remember you're my mate now.~"
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la-tuacantante · 3 years
I'm underwater
No air in my lungs
My eyes are open
I'm done giving up
You are the wave
I could never tame
If I survive
I'll dive back in 🎵
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kyotarou · 3 years
text me now - part 8
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previous | masterlist 
title: end of the line; the start of something new
warnings: fluff, angst, cheesiness, mild swearing, making out
word count: 1.1k+
special notes at the end (be warned it’s pretty long)
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It felt like the whole world was on your shoulders, pushing you deeper underwater. You couldn't breathe despite the crisp air, your lungs aching with every breath. What would be comforting silence was unbearable, especially when Tendou's eyes refused to meet yours, a hint of a scowl hiding beneath his forced neutral expression. It was a bad idea to invite him out, but he did agree to this. You sat on the soft grass of a park near school, watching the shiny blue ripples of the pond rock back and forth. Spring was supposed to be a time of clarity, but your mind was more muddled than ever. The sweet scent of fresh blossoms made your head spin and your stomach churn. More than anything, your heart felt heavier with each passing second. You were unaware Tendou shared the same weight as well.
With you beside him, he was at a loss for words. He was stuck in a cave of his unspoken thoughts, unable to see the light. He wasn't sure where to start or if he had the courage to speak. He pondered on Semi's words, cursing him for clouding him in that air of mystery. He glanced at you, chest growing tighter upon seeing your pained face. Could he fix things? 
Tendou took a deep breath.
He turned to you and all his thoughts slipped away. The words weighing on his tongue disappeared, leaving him with a blank slate and a frozen mind. You looked perfect like this, the slight flutter of your lashes as the wind kissed your cheeks, your fingers entwined in your lap—how he wished it was his lips on your skin and his hands tangled in yours. His cheeks grew hot in adoration and shame. He couldn’t believe he nearly let you go.
"(Y/N)..." Tendou immediately bit his tongue. He hadn’t mean to say that.
You turned toward him with a pained smile. "Yes, Satori?"
He could've melted right then and there. His name sounded so sweet on your tongue, so soft and fragile. You treated it with delicacy, a treasure to cherish. He wondered if you'd ever say it like that again.
He looked away. "I... I'm sorry."
"For avoiding me."
It wasn't a question, but rather a statement you both knew the answer to. Tendou was sorry for that, and he was sorry for himself for being blinded by his jealousy and rage. He hurt you and you still stuck with him. He was still hurting you now, refusing to give you any hint of the storm brewing within, all his feelings encapsulated in his fragile body, forcing their way out.
"How do you put up with me?" Tendou crushed a handful of grass. “I’m a piece of shit.”
Your eyes widened, brows furrowed in shock. "You’re kidding, right?"
Tendou let out a harsh scoff and shook his head. Of course he wasn’t. He’d rather you push him away, scream at him to leave, than have you toy with his heart. He wasn’t cut out for love, but he was than willing to try for you—no, with you. The question was, did you want that?
Of course you did, but he was oblivious.
Tendou gulped. "I've been terrible to you, (Y/N)."
"You're far from that."
"Satori." He jumped when your hand landed on top of his, gentle but firm. Despite your warm smile, he saw how frustrated you were. "Stop saying all those things about yourself. You’re a hell of a lot better than I am.”
His lips parted in shock, throat becoming tight while your grip loosened. You looked up to him—it made his chest swell with pride, but he also felt worse. You left him open to your next attack. You stretched him thin, made him soft, cradled his heart in your hands. You had the power to change him, to either create or destroy something great. Tendou had no means to defend himself. What could he do now besides listen? 
You made him vulnerable. You made him happy. You made him feel loved.
The storm inside him was beginning to creep through, the first sign being his thumb wiping the stray eyelash on your cheek. You saw everything—the regret and agony swirling behind his eyes, the slight quiver of his lip. For the first time, Tendou would no longer try to block anything or anyone; he'd bare all his feelings for you.
You let out a shaky breath. Your body had gravitated towards his, shoulders pressed against each other. He sensed the hesitation and fear behind your next words. "You're my first love, Satori. I want you to be my only love."
Tendou lost himself in your gaze, drowning in the endless adoration. Your noses were almost touching now, and he could feel your breath on his cheek. His line of sight flitted to your parted lips. He found himself leaning towards you until his skin was on yours. You kissed him, a wordless conversation shared between two pairs of entwined lips. Tendou didn't need them; his body did all the talking. Your hands snaked into his hair, his gently gripping your wrists. Your kisses were intoxicating, slow and passionate, and leaving him to ache for more. It was ten times sweeter than the accidental kiss now that he knew where your heart lay. 
The storm had finally escaped, but rather than a violent downpour, it was a ray of warm clarity and sunny skies. Your bodies felt lighter ten times than before, the tension on your shoulders lifted. You fit so well in his arms as did he, like the final piece in a complex puzzle. His movements continued to grow bolder until you lightly pushed him away with a grin, forehead resting against his.
A heavy fog clouded his mind, but one thing was clear; he could do this for the rest of his life. He was speechless but satisfied, a grin tugging at his tingling lips. Tendou already craved the feeling of yours on his, and he longed for when he could do it again, though he knew it would be soon. The four words that followed after solidified the warmth that spread within, a sense of content and harmony in his previously nerve-wracking day. 
“I love you, Satori.”
His arms wrapped around your waist to pull you against his chest. He didn’t mind if you could feel his thumping heart. If anything, he wanted you to—only you could make him feel this way. Tendou was glad his guesses had been wrong for once. Your heart belonged to him, and his to you. 
He kept his nose pressed against your cheek, smiling. The tips of your ears grew hot when he placed a featherlight kiss on your jaw, all ounces of shame and uncertainty washed away.
"I love you, too, (Y/N)."
“So-” You murmured against his temple, fingers slotted between his. “Turn this into a real date?”
He grinned. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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a/n: okay...where do i begin? i started this smau back in january after i reblogged a fic title game and an anon sent in “text me now with a member of shiratorizwa.” i chose tendou and thought it was a cute idea. i even said that it’d be a great smau but had no intention of doing anything with the idea, until @theuntamedmulti reblogged and said she wanted this potential smau to exist—and out came this series.
tbh i was really excited but also hesitant. the last series i tried to make when i first started my blog ended up being deleted and discontinued. i’m really bad at completing series in general, so to have this one be a success is a huge accomplishment for me.
i remember finishing all of the smau parts within a span of 2-3 days (which is why some of the timestamps are set in january lol).
as cliche as this sounds, this series has a very special place in my heart. i am very thankful that so many of you enjoy this smau, even if it’s quite short compared to several others. thank you so much for your support. thank you to the anon who sent in that ask, this couldn’t have started without you. thank you to vivian, aka @theuntamedmulti​ for giving me that little push to start this.
i love you all <3
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taglist (closed): @zozodreamy @theuntamedmulti @tsukkim0on @elianetsantana @dekustowel @aideen00 @justfandomlover @rogueofbullshit @giogama08 @squiddlie @captaincyberqueen @kutozume @nachotrash @ems1des @ish-scribbles @salty-satan @darkmbti @rintarosslut @zbops @dumbb1tc4 @candyyrushh @ro-ro-noa @aghasetzen @fi-chanwrites @tobiosaphrodite @panflowerlii @shinah-satoru @lucacangettathisass @maneazuasahi @bokutosbabyowll @fantasycantasy
series completed.
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Ok….1. Yes please tag me in smut minis. And 2. I just adore the smutty idea of being in a sexy dress and the man being turned on all night he can’t help but take you someone private before whatever event is over….whichever Pedro boy suits your fancy.
Hey love! Sure, I'd be happy to tag you!
I bloody love this trope too! Saying that this kinda got away from me and I'm not too sure if I can count it as a weekly mini, but here it is anyway! 😅 I'll add it to the list as an extra bonus fic or something.
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Female reader
Words: 1.2k
Genre: smut
Warnings: talk of sex, dreaming of sex - female oral receiving, very vaguely Marcus knocking one out. Not sure if it counts as this but voyeurism?
Summary: Marcus is easily distracted.
Weekly minis masterlist
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There were a lot of surprises that came with working for the FBI. Murder. Robberies. That one guy that broke out of jail the other week. So, yeah, Marcus was used to surprises.
But nothing compared to this.
You, stood by his office door in a dress that was by no means work appropriate. He vaguely remembers you making some statement about heading off on a date but honestly your voice sounded like it was underwater, all his brain power being taken up by the thought of how he shouldn’t look directly at your chest.
Not that you seemed to notice. Or maybe you did but were choosing to ignore the way he subtly shifted in his seat. And Marcus wasn’t religious by any means, but he sent a silent prayer to God when you slipped on your jacket, although now that he’s seen it he couldn’t get the image of how the tight fabric hugged you perfectly out of his head.
‘You alright?’ You smiled at him as you did up your coat.
It was a simple question, one that you asked him several times a day, but it still kicked the air out of his lungs, ‘Yeah just…tired. I've been working on this case since one.’
‘You should take a break.’ You were being kind and he knew that, but there was a certain edge to your voice, a slight authoritative tone and fuck if that didn’t make his brain go feral, ‘Just dump whatever you don’t finish on my desk and I’ll sort it out tomorrow.’
Yes, ma’am.
‘Alright.’ Marcus smiled politely and nodded as you bid him goodnight, hand on the doorhandle about to leave when he called your name without thinking, ‘You look really good, by the way.’
‘Thank you.’ The light in your eyes was bright enough to blind a poor man, ‘Don’t work yourself too hard.’
And then he was alone again, falling into silence sans the clock that ticked on the wall. The automatic lights in the Bullpen shut off, leaving just the soft glow of his office lamp and the stay car that passed on the quiet street outside.
There were so many papers left to get through, splayed out across his desk in a somewhat organised mess. But every time he picked up a new page, giving his brain a brief second to shut off, all he could think about was having you spread across the table instead, that fucking press hiked up around your waist with your legs spread, waiting for him.
His dick was strained against his hand, fully aware of the cameras that were dotted about the building, but the pressure was getting too much for Marcus to handle. Not like anyone was going to see, he thought, hissing quietly as he unzipped his fly, the desk would hide it anyway and it had to be dark enough that the cameras wouldn’t pick it up.
It was so easy for him to imagine it, so God damn vivid in his mind as Marcus fell to his knees in front of you, legs draped over his broad shoulders and he’d pull you closer until your hanging off the edge, taking his time to explore every inch of your bare thigh with his mouth. And you would moan his name so sweetly, your fingers messing up his hair while his own made slow work of your underwear, savouring every last second, every tremor of your legs and your shaky breath until you were begging for him to let you cum.
The office door swung open, the harsh light from outside blinding him.
You froze. Marcus froze.
Your eyes wandered down to his hand then quickly to the wall behind him.
A good ten seconds passed before he broke the silence, ‘You’re back?’
‘The guy cancelled. I came to see if you needed any help…’ your voice trailed off and if Marcus hadn’t been so intensely aware of everything going on, he might have missed the slight catch of your breath towards the end. ‘…with the papers.’
He nodded like an idiot, not knowing what else to do because of all the damn people and all the damn things, ‘I’m sorry about your date.’
‘It’s fine. He was just some guy from Tinder.’ Strength seemed to find you again, knocking you out of your daze, ‘Does this have anything to do with…’
Not knowing how else to describe it, you gesture down at your dress then at Marcus with a flurry of hand movements that he would’ve laughed at under any other circumstance.
What does someone say in this situation? Was he meant to lie? Pretend it didn’t happen?
Marcus swallowed, throat dry and his chest felt tight as he fought to push down the panic, ‘What would be the correct answer?’
Not that.
You didn’t answer at first, didn’t move and it was another few seconds before you nodded. Marcus’s heart pounded in his ears, watching as you turned on your heels, debating how quickly he could shove his still painfully hard cock back in his pants because there was no way he could let you leave like this.
The door closed with a soft click, quickly followed by the flick of the lock and you doubled checked the blinds were down over the windows just on the off chance someone else decided to pop by for some late night work.
Marcus’s brain was fried from the whole situation, barely understanding what was going on even as you walked around his desk and turned his chair to face you. At any other time, he would have felt a fool, mouth gaped open, frozen with his hand still wrapped around his cock, but he couldn’t muster the energy to care because you were in front of him, in that stupidly tight dress.
You unravelled his fingers slowly, moving his hands to your waist and Marcus was internally screaming as you slipped onto his lap. It was overbearing, everything about you was so warm and soft against him, sucking in a sharp breath when your lips pressed to his ear.
‘Tell me you weren’t thinking about me and I’ll stop.’
Fuck that.
Something came over him, something very raw and primal that shot red hot pain through his body at the mention of you disappearing because you were finally there in front of him, on him, willing and to fucking hell if Marcus was going to let this dream slip away from him.
Gripping onto your waist hard enough to cause bruises, which he’d no doubt apologise for in the morning, he pushed out of his chair, kicking it to the side flipping you onto a table with such fluency he knew you knew he must have thought about it before.
A small gasp escaped your parted lips, bear back pressed against the cold wood of his desk, a stark contrast to your burning skin. He was positive your pulse was racing just as much as his, and Marcus ignored all the thoughts about CCTV or people who might accidentally walk by that ran through his mind, focusing purely on how you were panting, chest against chest, and he hadn’t even kissed you yet.
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Set not too long after the events of Collapse, trigger warning for attempted suicide. Read at your own peril. Don't worry, it has a good ending. @transgirl-artemis
She didn't always have the agumented legs, it had only been a week at this point and yet Némain could still feel her bones breaking. She looked at her reflection, fingers gripping the edge of the sink until her knuckles turned white. She was broken now, why did Camille keep her? The people who stole her years ago would have thrown her to the streets to die, not give her new legs. She looked behind to the bathtub which she had filled as much as she could with cold water. Taking the mechanical legs off, Némain sunk herself into the water, sinking down until her head was underwater too. Her eyes opened, she saw the ceiling distorted by the water. What would death feel like? She wondered. Will I see Grayson? Would she be disappointed in me? Her lungs started to burn but she stayed beneath. She wondered how long Camille would stay outside their house, and what would happen if she saw her bloated corpse.
I'm sorry, Camille.
Her lungs burnt even more but she doesn't surface. Outside the bath, she heard Camille's blades echo through the hall, her voice muffled through the water and wooden door. Her body started convulsing, fighting her to get air but she stayed underwater. She heard Camille frantically rattle the bathroom door, dark spots dancing across her vision. Air! Her lungs begged. She struggled, though without legs, she couldn't use her feet to anchor her too. The door shattered, Camille kicked it open, and she rushed to the bathtub, Némain watched as she stood over the tub, seeing the young woman trying to drown herself. Némain hoped, prayed, that Camille didn't care.
She was wrong.
She saw Camille reach for her, felt her arms wrap around her, pulling her up, pulling her out of the water. She coughed, spluttered, inhaled the sweet and precious air. She started crying, hugging Camille as the Grey Lady pulled her closer. “It's okay, it's okay.” She made soothing sounds. She could feel Némain's hextech crystal heart near hers, resonating with her's. “I'm sorry... I'm not strong enough. I'm an embarrassment.” She sobbed. Camille took her face in her hands, so they could see face to face, propping her up against the bathtub. “No. That's untrue. You're not an embarrassment, you're not weak. Stevan would have died at the slightest change of wind, you survived a library exploding.”
“But I'm broken! Why do you care?” You shouldn't care!
“I chose to become stronger, for my clan. You had your legs shattered beyond repairing and you wanted this.” She reattached Némain's artificial legs, carefully, lovingly. The way a mother would. Camille gently touched the blades. “You requested the same augmentation as me... Why?”
“I... I thought you would approve.”
Ferros blue eyes met mismatched eyes of purple and gold. “My approval?”
“I... I don't know why... I just... Wanted you to be proud of me.” Her voice went quiet. “And now... I don't think you'll be proud of me... What I've tried to do... Is weak.”
Camille sighed. “You're not weak.” She picked Némain up, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her, before taking her to her room. “You didn't drown, you're not weak.”
“No... You rescued me. It's not the same.” She was wrapped like an infant in Camille's arms, and after her trying to drown, she felt sleepy. She could hear Camille's heart ticking close by her ear, and it lulled her to sleep.
She awoke with a start, looked around, disoriented. It was dark, the only thing glowing being her hextech crystal and the blue hextech crystal beside her, that belonged to Camille. Her adoptive mother stirred and woke up. “Are you all right?” The Steel Shadow asked.
“You... What happened?” She held her head in her hand as Camille sat up, arm slinging over her shoulders in a hug. “I was supposed to watch over you as you slept. I'm off duty for tonight, as much as I don't like to be... I had to be here with you, you're my daughter. My duty to our family comes before all else.” She sighed. “I ended up falling asleep, it seems. Nighttime is so lovely in Piltover, don't you think?”
Némain hummed, still hugging Camille. “Thanks... Mother.” Her words slurred a bit, she's drifting back to sleep. Camille kissed Némain's forehead. “You're most welcome, little Wolf.”
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