#i'mma do something and then if i don't feel better i will text him
Whattup people who read my Batman posts! Brainrot's still rotting, I just had junk to do, so I didn't draw for a while! Anyhoodle, time for another character, Duke Thomas, a.k.a The Signal (and also Robin depending on how you're counting it!)
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You know the drill by now, initial trace with my lazy backdrop! I liked drawing Duke, but BOY HOWDY HEY, he was hard. Like, I'm just gonna come out and say it, I am BAD at drawing armor and buildings and machines and anything non-organic. Which means Signal is probably one of the hardest costumes to get right. This was just the trace, so it wasn't too bad, but trying to understand how his costume worked was quite the game for this whole process. I will say, he's got one of my favorite color schemes out of any of the Batfamily. The light dark contrast works really well in a way that is only seen elsewhere on the Robin cape, and the fact that this is actually the Signal's whole costume makes it feel more cohesive and effective than that. And, you know, it's also really cool thematically, considering light is kinda Duke's whole thing.
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Freehanded drawing with referenced trace! This was a ROUGH time. I had to redraw Duke three separate times before I got a result I was satisfied with.
So, remember how I said that I struggled to understand how his costume actually works? Yeah, that's because I have a decent grasp how armor is actually supposed to work, and this ain't it fellas. Like, not knocking the design, it looks cool and is certainly easier to draw once you get the hang of it, but it makes less intuitive sense to me. What is happening on his neck? Is that like pure metal molded to his skin or something? That's not how physics work. Why are his pauldrons not actually covering his shoulders, and also where and how exactly are the attached to anything? It was confusing, but definitely a good exercise for me.
Again, the stuff they did was actually pretty smart, since it's comic books and they don't have to move realistically, and this makes it easier to pose his head, chest, and shoulders. It was just difficult for me to wrap my head around. Ignoring all the physics defying stuff,
Signal probably has one of the smartest/most practical costumes of the Batfam too. For one, he actually has a helmet and protects his head. Two, he has armored all of his vital organs like his lungs and heart and stuff. Three, he doesn't have a cape, which means he can't be grabbed or snagged as easily, and doesn't have to fight working around that. This is sad for me though, because I love drawing capes : (
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Pose for characterization. I'mma be straight with ya'll, I don't know much about Duke. Like, I've read all of the We Are Robin/Robin Wars comics, but that doesn't actually give me much of a handle on Duke as a person, or how he behaves because it has to split the focus between so many protagonists, and also because there's a bunch of other stuff happening, so Duke doesn't get as much focus as you'd suspect. I haven't read anything else where he appears (except for Wayne Family Adventures, but I don't think that counts).
The general vibe I got from We Are Robin and from other comic readers is that Duke is probably the most approachable member of the Batfamily. He wasn't raised as an assassin from birth, he hasn't been Robin since he was like 9, he didn't die and come back to life---his life experience, while far from normal, is still much closer to the average human being, so he can relate and react better. (The only other member who really gets close is Steph, but she's been around longer and has had time to get into more whacky life or death scenarios, so she's a bit nuttier. Duke'll get there in time, I'm sure).
I tried to convey this approachability by giving him an open expression and more relaxed body language, even though he is a pretty mistrusting and high strung person. Comes with the territory of being a vigilante I guess.
As always, the text for his hero name is traced off a comics cover. To indicate the duality of Duke being both a pretty chill kid and also absolutely insane, I felt the need to put his civilian name in two fonts. I also tried to make his civvies call back to his We Are Robin uniform without being an exact one to one. I'm positive that Duke'll take any excuse to wear Robin colors, even after the ban was lifted, just because it pisses off the cops.
Can you guys guess who comes next based off the order so far? (You won't, it only makes sense to me).
Other Batfamily Members:
Nightwing Edition
Red Hood Edition
Robin (Carrie Kelley) Edition
Red Robin Edition
Spoiler Edition
Robin (Damian Wayne) Edition
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jaycrakhead · 1 year
Gauche x Grey (Greyche analysis) PART 1
(not me promoting my art as the cover)
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Heyaa So, the purpose of this analysis is just...I don't know I was bored KQKQOWK and I’ve been wanting to make an analysis on these two with manga and anime info (besides personal opinions) for a while now; It's just my take, you don’t need to agree with anything I’ll be saying. I just wanted to talk EDUHUEID- This will have two parts, since the first part is pretty much a non romantic analysis and it already is too much text to deal with EIUDIOEDHDH shit gets serious on the second part. Of course there will be spoilers for anime and manga- (NOTE: I won't go into terms and name meanings since I believe it's already talked a lot so yeah. Sorry if there's any mistakes, I'm just a bro talking about Greyche) WELL TO GET STARTED, BRIEF INFO ABOUT THEM:
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Gauche Adlai, member of the Black Bulls, fallen royal, ex convict, possesses Mirror Magic and has an extreme obsession with his younger sister Marie Adlai. This obsession often leads to comedic or just cringe situations. (or just people starting to hate him in general) I think his "character purpose/lesson" (idk how to put it) is about "trust" and "protect". Especially about learning to trust others and creating bonds with other people, because not everyone will betray him. People aren't the same, and I get the feeling of trauma where you are backstabbed and therefore your defensive levels rise and your trust levels lower. It's fucked up and with his background is even more fucked up. But it’s all a life learning experience on “how he can trust others besides himself (and Marie)”. Well he a tsundere mf MAKQLQOW just joking (or not) I also think his "character purpose/lesson" is about "taking a look at others besides himself (and Marie)". [inserts mirror brigades]
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Grey, true name unknown, member of the Black Bulls, Cinderella backstory, shy and socially awkward that struggles with self-esteem af. But it is understandable do to her back story. She was believed to possess Transformation Magic, but later on Owen called it "Transmutation Magic". Personally I like to call it "Fairy Godmother Type of shit" I think it suits it pretty much. Well, she used to hide her true form and walk around as a big ass scary dude, because she feared to not be accepted by others due to her true appearance and so on, so she chose/embraced that appearance because it maybe reflects on how she sees herself after all. I think her "character purpose/lesson" is like about overcoming her insecurities and actually let herself see her true self for what she truly is and not what her fears, her abusive family and insecurities showed/show her to be. Basically "taking a better look at herself".
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I think both of them have their issues just so rooted since they were younger and that's why it's so current on them. Gauche's obsession and trust issues and Grey's terrible self-esteem and lack of confidence. Both MIRROR (hehehe) their "character purpose/lesson": Gauche needs to "take a better look at others besides himself" and Grey needs to "take a better look at herself"; Besides of course how ironic it is for Gauche to have Mirror Magic and Grey having a complete messed up pov of herself. I can see both trying to be the best versions of themselves. Grey always trying to improve, and Gauche working on his rude behavior and actually showing to trust and protecting others. And of course they pretty much mirror each other in moods. So, before talking about their moments of this first part, I just wanna say: 1) I'mma cover their moments but I won't do a complilation of all their frames together just... breathing side to side. I do want to state that they are framed together A LOT so keep that just in mind; 2) I also wanna say that I have a little theory that Gauche might have ironically self esteem issues too (not so high like Grey but there's something sus there). Like he seems conscious of his attitudes and on how he is a bastard that “shouldn’t even be saved” by his friends. Like he seems to feel guilty about it idk. Besides that, something caught me and it is probably nothing BUT he states that he has been hiding his left eye before he used the mirror tool for the first time and I can't stop thinking that he finds it creepy idk why. Also I wonder the story behind that mirror tool. 3) And finally about their Grimoires, I do see the mirror detail on Grey's but Gauche's, I don't see at all that theory where it is a "wrapped present" or something like that. I don't have a firm opinion on what his Grimoire detail might symbolize but I think both are mirrors, Grey's has no reflection and Gauche's has. But I’m not really sure.
Before the Seabed Temple arc, I don’t think there’s something relevant at all to be talked between them as that Grey’s true form wasn’t even revealed yet. If I'm wrong and something relevant happened comment on it please iujiorfjrf- However at the Seabed Temple arc:
(Chapter 66) I think their fight agaisnt Zarick (the aftermatch) is really funny and showed good dynamic and partnership between them even if Gauche ordered around. A funny first actual interaction to show us DEHUDHE Also thanks Grey for giving us goofy Gauche.
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Also I love how Grey is willing to kill UDEIIDHIUED YES SIR LET'S DO IT The piggyback ride is also iconic Okay now the highlight that is "actually relevant", the compliment and the infamous "Gauche blushed" "He nosebleed before pulling the picture" and yara yara
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Well, Gauche compliments Grey's magic which makes Grey go doki doki, since she probably didn't get complimented at all before. She of course took to heart that compliment to her magic, but since it came from Gauche (due to all the backstory where he is envolved) she takes it even more to heart. Also It's funny whenever Gauche is sincere he looks away from everyone udieuduh I just wanted to comment on that because same.
Well, the transformation starts to go off, Gauche believed Grey was just that big ass scary dude walking around, and then PUFF Grey's true form revealed.
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Truly I don't think Gauche either blushed or nosebleed at her before pulling the picture. idk how debatable is that but to me he just didn't. And it is okay HIEUDHIUEHD. If he pulled the picture as an excuse? I don't know, I don't believe it either... only when I see it. I think it was too early for something and well Charmy comments on how he isn't looking at Grey at all. At this early point in the story not even Grey wanted Gauche (or anyone really) to look at all at her as she says (or admits to herself) later on. So I think it's pretty much "balanced" for something in it's early stages?
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If it matters he was at least listening to the conversation but that still doesn't say anything at all (at least to me), it's sus of him caring enough to listen? A bit, but mf was right there so yeah it would be natural for him to hear. I just think they were still building up just partnership, and it's totally fine. If you disagree and Gauche showed interest, it's fine too <3 After that in the anime they are there, but it's not relevant at all. And for this arc is basically it. At the Royal Knights Arc, during the exam in the anime, they are pretty much just there or framed besides each other but that's pretty much it, honestly they play a bigger part later on. But I felt like mentioning.
(Chapter 138) We are now taking a look at the AWKWARD TRIAD
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Again it's all about more partnership rather than any romance or such between them. And of course partnership is impoortant as fuck too. Which is nice to me see that partnership before anything else, sorry if I like the slowest of the slowburns. Well Gordon and Grey struggle to well… socialize as they are the three "equality quiet friends" (As Gordon refers it, but to me they are just the AWKWARD TRIAD). In Grey's anxious pov, she states how she should try to be more herself since her comrades see her as one of them. Then she says in a smaller speech that "Even Gauche" complimented her, and that's basically an encoragement for her to try to be herself since even THAT STONE HEARTED GUY complimented her DIUEDHIUHDIHE kidding Since Gauche is rude and has a defensive posture towards everyone in general it is kind of a "reassurance" for her that if even him said something nice, then it must be okay. Grey pretty much sees a good side to Gauche despite his behaviour that himself sees as something bastard of nature.
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Well Grey picks up her big balls and tries to make conversation with Gauche. Gauche is just... Gauche and well it's funny UDEIUDHe
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Then shit is about to get real at the hideout,
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and we all know what happened next. Gauche won't be playing anymore after that. also I wanted to state that
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Mf just didn't went to bathroom through the whole thing UEDUDIU sad ;-;
(Chapters 139-140) So shit breaks out at the hideout and we have the awkward triad working together. We have just mainly small Greyche moments of them. Like the fact that (as we knew) Grey took to heart what Gauche said and that made her learn really quickly another spell. (It took her 5 years to learn her first one) And so on, I also think (I hope I'm not mistaken) that in the anime they talk at the same time a few times but I'm not sure, however it's just funny nothing really OMG.
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also this is also funny:
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(Chapter 141) We have Gauche encouraging Grey. She is of course doubtfull she can transform something big as that salamander and Gauche reasures her that it will be fine and they look at each other. I was going to say "He tells her to look at him" but "they looked at each other" sounds more meaningful.
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aaah the brigades. We have one of the first Grey Mirrors Brigades, since he seems to mirror brigade her a lot through the story. I feel like I've seen it 20 times which I know i didn't but it's the feeling. Which in strategic purposes it's great and all but this is a ship analysis so SUS
and that's pretty much it for this arc Elf Reincarnation Arc:
(Chapter 149)
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I just wanna comment this small detail. On how sus it is to put Grey there in frame. Not to say that it means a lot because to me things weren't really romantic until the timeskip, but it's just sus. And I wanted to comment on that. Doesn't make sense at all to include her if it wasn't something to become sus. Maybe Grey was framed there just because, but it wasn't necessary at all specially since Gordon would look more likely to be framed there at that distance. It's just sus, it bothered me while reading IDEIUHDEIUDH. I WAS VENTING
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THEIR FIRST KISS UHDEUHDH It's just so funny to me also sus that he should have hit Gordon's forehead SINCE HE WAS IN HIS FACE, but hey here's their first kiss. Thanks for stepping back Gordon, you are a true bro.
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Well moving on (and yes I'm not talking about the fight at all because well sure Grey was fighting for him like everyone else and she didn't want to lose any of her friends) Here's the thing, where Gauche thinks of himself as a little bitch that should be left behind. And despite that they still consider him basically family, and of course despite not being shown, we know Grey still sees a good side to him too.
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and next, the main panel that makes me say that his "character purpose/lesson" is to look at others, especially those 3. I find it meaningful Asta saying "Look at us" since "Look at me" is Gauche's line.
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Well for that arc it's basically all, after the last thing mentioned they are just framed side to side.
However when they return, I DO KNOW the Return episode, is filler but I really wanted to comment on how Grey called Gauche a wall for her to hide EDIUDHEIUHD And he took it personally IDHIUEHD
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Okay MOVING ON For the last part of this first part of the analysis
(Chapter 223) Well Yami implied them all are friends or get along at least, (I know if I don't mention it somebody might point it out) On the anime, Gauche comments on things Grey says like the fact that she is feeling overwhelmed at the thought of being cursed by someone she doesn't know, but focusing of the "person she doesn't know "part and he is all like "THE PART OF BEING FUCKING CURSED DOESN'T SCARE YOU?" Now at Gordon's House Gate, Grey clings to Gauche and he doesn't seem to be comfortable at all, but well it doesn't matter since later on it's just another day for him EUDEdh And Grey clings and hides behind him whenever she needs. I like the fact that in the anime Asta looks at them all like "What the fuck is going on here?", you can still see him looking at them in the manga but he looks so awkward in the anime IEHDIUEHDH
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Then at the Agrippa family dinner I find it hilarious that Gauche feels awkward (such an achievement) and he whispers to Grey telling her to say something, like she would even talk UDEIDHEUHD on the first place EIDIHE well at least in the anime he took care of the weird shit Gordon's sister gave Grey.
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Well here's a cute panel
WELL GUYS we've reached the end of the first part. The second part will include actually more analysing on things since shit starts to get serious from now on. I wanted to look at things from the early stages and since they are a side ship there's not that much to look at before what's upcoming so yeah. (I mean there's A LOT to look at since they are framed a lot together, but actual things happening it a bit less on this part at least) NEXT UP -Episode 150 -Rest of the storyline until chapter 368 -The Movie -Probably me just rambling about them
I hope you liked this It's just for fun <3
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xprojectrpg · 1 year
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Moment of Awesome - Meggan Szardos:Alani Ryan visits her injured teammate in medlab after the latest eXcalibur mission and gives her the wider news of the mansion's viral contamination.
Meggan nodded in understanding; the contamination would just be so unpredictable. “The busting out will be within the next hour,” she was pleased to reveal. Amanda and Kurt would be thrilled, plus in an extra protective frame of mind once she was out given the way things had gone. “Seeing that nothing else seems to be cropping up that was totally unexpected, outside of this.”
And ooh. Just the thought that somebody else might have picked up a hefty dose of her empathic shapeshifting if losing hers applied it to someone else left her feeling like whoever it was ought to be warned to take a nice nap in a tree for as long as they could, where they would just have to deal with that energy, if emotions were too much for them all at once. Whoever that person might be, she just hoped they were okay.
"Hmmmm, I can work with that, I mean, heck I'm not doing anything, so I could hang around if you want?" And the words were hopeful, sparkles practically visible as Alani offered, eyes bright as her smile. She didn't want to point out that it would keep her mind occupied, because that sure seemed like a terrible thing to tell your friend, no matter how you tried to dress it up. Her reflection was visible on one of the nice, clean surfaces and her stomach lurched. Hands folded on her lap to pull her back. "Or, I mean, if you'd rather, I could get you some non-med food, because it's not terrible, but I know for a fact there are still some prime St. Paddy's day leftovers in the main fridge if you feel peckish?"
“Why not both?” Meggan suggested without hesitation. Now that she thought about it, yeah, non-med food would be wonderful. “I wouldn’t ever turn your company away, and oh, yes, I think that’s a good plan. We could head for the fridge once it’s official.” She could discover if her tastes had been altered a little or a lot while she was handling the newfound powers. She would just have to make whatever adjustments she had to, really.
She would walk out of here barefoot when it was time, she had decided. It was the best way. She would just ruin her regular shoes if she didn't, with these claws likely poking a hole through them. Maybe she'd get herself some sandals! She wasn’t certain they would work, but she’d give it a good try.
Oh Meggan always knew just what to say to cheer her up. Alani couldn't help but beam at her as warmth rushed to her cheeks. "Aw, you better be careful or I'mma fall in love with you, Meg, and I already told your brother that, which, I mean, scandalous." It was accompanied by a giggle, and the very sudden urge to prod her friend, but, touch, not something she knew she could stomach when she learned things from it. Instead she made herself a touch more comfortable, and nodded. "Alright, thanks, I didn't bring a deck of cards with me or anything, but I appreciate you letting me sit with you and all."
A ping alerted her to a new text and — "On the other hand, it seems that our royal teammate has lost his wings." She gave her a very 'well ain't that just the way' look, trying not to roll her eyes or scream or both. "Mind if I pick you up and bring you to a lovely lunch of leftovers once I've sorted him out?"
Meggan had begun to respond to that comment before the notification; at that news. She winced, feeling bad for Namor. She wondered if losing the wings had hurt him at all, given his home was naturally in the ocean, and she really hoped not. Even if they weren’t always on the best of terms, she would never wish that on him. “I don’t mind at all, no. Go see about him if he needs any help first. See if he's okay.”
Another smile, this one softer. Her hand shot out to pat Meggan, out of habit. White briefly flooded her vision and relief washed over her. "Meg, you're a gem, don't worry, I have a good feeling. I'll see you soon, dear." With that she rose, blowing a kiss before she swept out, already trying to think of a way to fix what she could. Oh, it'd be nice if things would just go a little bit her way today. She didn't even notice the light that briefly pulsed from her eye as she made her way to the boat house.
0 notes
pinkanonhopes · 2 years
rant in the tags yall. talking about how i don't like my appearance so trigger warning for that.
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alittlesimp · 3 years
Oh jeez, Honey 😂 I hope you don't have a too bad of a hang over! get some water and please stay safe!
Also, i'm here to thirst, I just drank some tea and now I'mma spill the rest >:)
So, imagine Ango hasn't seen you in the longest time. He's stressed out from keeping undercover at the Port Mafia, knowing what he's going to have to do to his friends from the bar. And with utter desperation, he texts you to come over.
You didn't know it was because he was sexually frustrated though. He would start by rubbing your arm, then kissing your neck and your collarbone.
And soon, I don't know, maybe you're not really watching tv anymore :D
i may have gone a little overboard.
warnings: smut (duh)
You couldn't help but feel surprised when your phone screen lit up. Ango? Ango Sakaguchi?
He had told you a few weeks ago he was going to be busy with work and that he wouldn't be able to meet up with you. Of course, you were polite and told him it was okay, but deep down you suspected he was ghosting you. The notification in front of you told a different story. As payback for ghosting you for weeks, you decided to wait three whole minutes to open his message. That'll get him. But of course, like the sucker you are, you rushed to his place the moment you read he wanted you to come over. ('Just to watch a movie, can you pick up some snacks? I don't have anything at home.')
Ah yes. Just a movie. You should have known better, but here you were, potato chip in your mouth and his arm around you, his fingertips almost unnoticeably caressing your shoulder. Focusing on the movie was getting harder with every second that passed. He had been very quiet, almost on edge today, but he seemed glad to have company.
His hand slowly moved down your arm, leaving goosebumps where he touched you. You bit your lip, desperately trying to concentrate on the movie. Normally, you wouldn't have gotten this flustered, it almost shocked you, but fuck, you wanted him so bad.
You slowly moved your eyes to peek at the man next to you - oh shit, he was looking right at you. Judging from the light blush on his cheeks and the mix of embarrassment and lust in his eyes, he wasn't exactly paying attention to the movie either.
Suddenly, he moved in closer, kissing you with neediness you had never seen from him before. A surprised yelp left your mouth, your hands grabbing his shoulders in panic. He quickly pulled away, the blush on his face deepening in shame.
"I- sorry, we can stop if-"
"No, no, I was just a little surprised, go on, please."
He nodded, taking a moment to calm himself down. He nervously pushed his glasses up, God, this had turned awkward quickly. You thought of taking initiative, maybe teasing him a little, but he had collected himself before you had the chance to do something. A nervous laugh left his mouth as he leaned in again, this time pressing quick kisses to your neck. Your brain fogged up, reason slowly leaving your brain with every time his lips made contact with your skin. He gently pulled you closer, making you straddle him. Oh.
You pushed him back so you could finally take off your shirt, throwing it on the floor. His eyes widened, sure, he'd seen you like this before, but that didn't mean you were any less breathtaking.
It didn't take long for both of your clothes to end up on that floor.
...Maybe this movie night wasn't the worst decision you ever made.
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delaber · 4 years
Can’t Have Your Cake and Another Cake Too
Rafael Casal x Reader
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Note: Okay, I’ll stop breaking Rafa’s heart now... Last time, I swear! Thanks for the prompts to these lovely anons. Alhough this is not a prequel to Poetic Justice (Rafa x ER Nurse), poor Rafa’s facing some of the same issues. I very loosely based this story on J. Cole’s Kevin’s Heart (don’t know why I’m always incorporating J. Cole into my fics, but apparently he’s always lurking in the back of my mind) and Phlake’s So Faded. Let me know what you think!
Words: 4.7K
Warnings: Cocaine addiction! Does not have a happy ending (nobody ODs and nobody’s dying ...Only on the inside lol)
Tagging: No one! This might not be for everybody and I don’t want anybody to feel forced to read it 😌
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It was supposed to be a great night out. The entire gang was there, and at the instigation of Diggs, Rafa was supposed to be on the prowl to get laid so he could take his mind off of his broken heart.
From his seat in the booth, Rafa had a fairly good view of the dance floor and he had already spotted a few honeys who likewise had acknowledged him by smiling and sending him a couple of long looks. One of them had even twirled her hair between her fingers while blowing him a kiss. He had the green light, all systems were go!
However, of all the things that could've thrown him off his game, Rafa would not have placed a single bet on a phone call. But the minute he pulled out his vibrating phone and checked the caller ID, both the group of honeys on the dance floor and his friends occupying the seats all around him were completely forgotten. Nothing else mattered anymore.
He stared at the screen for a while, reading the name over and over again. What the fuck was Morris calling him for? Rafa had told him to stop. Morris knew he was too weak to say no even though he had promised his girl that he'd stop for good.
...Or, you weren't his girl. Not anymore.
But Rafa was still determined to win you back no matter if you had stopped answering his phone calls or not, so he took a tough decision and pressed the decline button beneath Morris' name. He even contemplated putting his phone on flight-mode to remove all unwelcome temptations - he knew you'd never take him back if he fell back in - yet, for some reason taking himself off the grid was easier said than done, and before he had pulled himself together to actually press the little airplane button, a text from Morris had ticked in. It only consisted of two words but Rafa understood perfectly.
'New candy.'
Fuck... Rafa considered the pros and cons of accepting for a few milliseconds before he came to his senses. No, no, no. The only way he'd ever win you back would be by showing you that he could stay sober even after your break-up. Morris could fuck off! As if awaking from a trance, Rafa hurriedly put his phone back in his pocket and desperately tried to forget about Morris' enticing offer by telling himself that he was strong enough to shake it.
...although deep down, he was aware that it was already too late. That no matter what, he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it now. And no matter how hard he tried to re-focus on the honeys on the dance floor and tell himself how stupid it was to hit Morris up, it was no use, the damage was done; he was desperate to get high!
Deeply, horribly ashamed of himself, Rafa texted Morris the address of the club and impatiently waited a couple of minutes before he walked outside with heavy footsteps. It felt as if he was walking to the gallows, the shame eating him up from the inside. You'd be so disappointed in him!
However, in order to make himself accept what he was about to do, he reminded himself that apparently, you didn't care if he was high or not. If you did, you would've returned his phone calls, and you would've reacted to the fact that he had been sober for three weeks now - but you hadn't. And with that in mind, Rafa managed to push away most of the shame as he laid eyes on Morris' sketchy Subaru parked by the curb on the other side of the road. He walked across the street with determined footsteps, carefully looking over his shoulder to check if anybody he knew were watching him approach what was clearly a dealer's car.
"What's up, bruh!" Morris called as he rolled down his window. He was wearing sunglasses, looking like an absolute turd in the dark night.
Rafa put his arms on the car's beltline and shot Morris a bro handshake through the open window, "what the fuck are you wearing sunglasses at night for? You look like a dick."
"Nah, man, it looks cool," Morris laughed, "do you like them? Hell, you should like them - you paid for them."
"What do you mean I paid for them?"
"With the amount of money you spend in my shop, I think it's safe to assume that you paid for these sunglasses and the rims on the ride too," Morris snorted.
"Yeah, about that," Rafa looked away, the embarrassment slowly creeping up his spine again, "you gotta stop calling me."
"You said that last time as well but look at you now," Morris laughed.
"Come on man, it's important that I stop."
"You don't wanna stop though."
Rafa let out a sigh, "look, I'm trying to prove something to my girlf- ...ex-girlfriend."
"A'ight, I respect that," Morris nodded slowly but then he quickly continued, "so did you just call me here to pin your lady troubles on me? Cause I have a customer waiting up on Seventh Ave."
Rafa blew out some air, embarrassed by the decision he was about to make.
"...Or do you wanna buy?" Morris continued as he read Rafa's body language.
"...you're not gonna tell Diggs are you?"
"Do I look like a fucking snitch?" Morris looked offended, "and you know me and Diggs don't talk no more."
"Yeah, alright. This stays between us, okay? If word gets out, I'm fucked."
"A'ight bruh," Morris laughed, "Now, how much do you need?"
"Just... just give me an eightball," Rafa mumbled.
Morris let out a small laugh, "an eightball? Man, you're not about to quit," he chuckled and handed Rafa a zip-lock bag with white powder in it.
"Shut up," Rafa mumbled and pocketed the baggie, "how much?"
"Rafa, you're my man, so I'mma give you a discount because I feel bad for you and your girl. Three hundo."
"Three hundred?! Last time it was two-eighty without the discount."
"Times are changing. I haven't seen you in three weeks, man. Plus, this is a good batch," Morris poked Rafa in the chest, "my contact got it shipped in directly from Medellín. Look, it got fish scale and everything!"
"You better not fuck me over," Rafa muttered and threw Morris three hundred-dollar bills before he turned away from him with an annoyed huff.
"Pleasure doing business as always, Casal! See you next weekend!" Morris yelled after Rafa with a small laugh, apparently not a care in the world for who knew about their illegal transaction.
"Fucking idiot," Rafa muttered to himself without turning around. He had more important things to do than to scold Morris about his indiscretion.
Rafa hurried to the restroom and carefully locked the door behind him before he frantically pulled out the zip-lock bag. He examined its contents and saw the pearl-like surface that Morris had talked about - Fuck it looked good! He opened the bag carefully but froze when he caught his own reflection in the bathroom mirror; the loving look he was sending the bag of coke was sickening. It made his stomach plummet. Had he really been reduced to snorting coke alone in a dirty bathroom of a sketchy club? He remembered when it had been a group activity. Before he couldn't control it.
Shake it off! He told himself. He had every intention of stopping after tonight. This would be the last time.
You said that last time as well, a small voice rang in the back of his head, but he ignored his guilty conscience and instead poured out a small pile of the pearl-like coke on top of the hand dryer. Quickly, he pulled out a random card from his wallet and used it to form two heavy lines. Before his guilty conscience could interfere again, he also grabbed a one-dollar bill that he neatly rolled into a small tube and put between his right nostril and one of the white lines, ready for the rush. His gaze, however, lingered on the random card he had used to break the coke into lines; it was his fucking rewards card for the small organic, artisan shit coffee house that you liked. What wouldn't you say if you knew what he was doing? In his mind's eye, he could see the disappointed look you always sent him whenever he'd come home all hyped up, rambling his mouth off. You never got angry with him and his love of coke, but somehow your disappointed demeanour was way worse. He would've taken screaming and yelling over the disappointed stare and the slow shake of your head any day.
Slowly, he removed the dollar-bill from his nostril, stood up straight and met his own eyes in the mirror again - and for a moment, he could truly see how pathetic he was. What the hell was he doing? He was throwing away his last shot at getting you back - and for what? A few hours of euphoria and confidence?
But she doesn't want you back, a small voice rang inside his head, you called, and you called, and you called. You declared yourself clean to her voicemail and she still didn't reach out. Fuck her!
"Yeah, fuck her," Rafa mumbled before he put the dollar-bill back to his nostril. Quickly, he snorted both lines of coke, shooting his head back afterwards, sniffling a bit as he cleaned his nose with the back of his hand. He knew he only had a couple of minutes before the euphoria kicked in, so he quickly brushed off the dollar-bill and the rewards card and tugged them both back in his wallet. The remainder of the coke was stowed away in his shirt's breast pocket for safe keeping.
Ready for the rush, Rafa was impatiently staring at himself in the mirror. He was thinking about how to avoid Diggs and his condescending looks for the duration of his high, when he was finally overwhelmed by the familiar fuzzy feeling. It came out of nowhere and started behind his eyeballs and continued all the way down to his toenails. It felt as if someone had pulled a large, fluffy blanket down over him, and it was slowly heating up his body, making him feel safe and secure. His pulse quickened in time with his breathing, and he had to close his eyes to get himself under control. He felt fucking powerful! Morris had not lied about this coming from a good batch. "Shit, Morris," he laughed.
There was a knock on the door, and Rafa remembered that he had occupied the men's room for a good five minutes now. He took a last look at his suddenly hazed eyes, aware that no matter how hard he tried to hide it, anyone could see that he was high as a kite. He contemplated riding out his high alone in the bathroom but also knew that with the amount of energy present in his body, he couldn't stay in the small restroom all night. He had to dance! To fuck! To fight!
With a suddenly confident bounce in his step, he opened the door, and sent the guy in line what he hoped was an apologetic nod before he confidently strode towards the honeys on the dance floor.
"Hey Rafa!" he heard someone yell behind him.
Hoping it was someone who wanted to fight, Rafa quickly turned around but was slightly disappointed to see Diggs coming towards him with a huge grin on his face. Shit! Rafa realised that he had to act nonchalant around his best friend. Diggs absolutely couldn't know about the coke in his breast pocket, or he'd be all up in Rafa's face about it.
"Diiiiiggs! My man!" Rafa yelled overly excited, clearly very, very high.
Diggs shot him a look at his weird behaviour before he continued, "where've you been, man? I've been looking for you everywhere."
"R-r-r-r-r-r-r-rrrrrrrestroom," Rafa laughed, he was too happy to pretend otherwise.
"Why are you saying it like th-" the huge grin was slowly slipping from Diggs' face, "...hey, Rafa - look at me," Diggs suddenly sounded all serious as he took Rafa's face in his hands, carefully examining his features, "Rafa, look at me."
Rafa let out a low chuckle, "Diggs, you know I think you're handsome and all that, but I don't like you that way," he joked.
"You're being weird," Diggs furrowed his eyebrows, "- and your pupils are huge. Have you been doing lines in the bathroom?"
"Maybe," Rafa laughed, unable to stop himself from revealing his dirty little secret, "why? You want some? I still have a few hits left," he padded his breast pocket.
"You know I don't do that shit anymore..." Diggs let go of Rafa with a sigh and looked away from him.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you're a fucking saint now," Rafa said a bit more harshly than he had intended to. Ever since Diggs had met Emmy, he had been boring as hell.
Diggs chose not to comment on Rafa's low blow, and managed to keep his calm, "I thought you'd stopped, bruh."
"Morris made me an offer I couldn't refuse," Rafa laughed in an accent halfway between Tony Montana and Vito Corleone.
"Yeah well, I'm not the only one who thought you were done fucking around," Diggs said seriously. He was having none of Rafa's jokes, "I just saw your girl downstairs. She wants to talk to you."
It took a few seconds before Rafa understood, but when he finally grasped Diggs' words, he felt the blood drain from his face and his mouth run dry, "what? No, you're kidding me..."
"Nope," Diggs sighed, "I've been running around trying to find you for fifteen minutes..."
"Shit! What the fuck do I do?" Rafa said in a panicked voice, licking his lips frantically, "I told her I was sober! If she sees me like this, she'll never take me back."
"Yeah, well you better pray that you don't run into her."
Rafa ran his hand through his hair, "fuck I'm screwed. She's downstairs?"
"Was fifteen minutes ago."
"Alright, I'm jumping out this window. You stall her, tell her that I got sick or something."
"You can't jump out this window?" Diggs said incredulously, "we're 50 feet up, if you do that, you die! Just walk out the doo- ...oh shit, dude, we're blown. She's here. She's coming over."
"Fuck! Can I still bolt?"
"Of course not!"
"Well how do I look? Alright?"
"You look-" Diggs cut himself off, "...maybe just try and avoid her looking into your eyes, okay?"
"How the fuck am I supposed to do that?"
"The light in here's paying you a favour but apart from that you're gonna have to pull yourself together. You brought this upon yourself," Diggs said harshly before his demeanour changed completely as his eyes interlocked with yours over Rafa's shoulder, "heeeeey," he smiled broadly, "look who I found."
Rafa slowly turned around and met you. Your stunning beauty - as always - immediately knocking him to the ground. He couldn't believe that it had been four weeks since the last time he'd seen you. He'd do anything to get you back!
"Rafa," you nodded formally with a stiff face. Rafa couldn't help but make a mental note on how weird it was to see you without a smile on your lips. You were normally always so happy. He had done this, he reminded himself.
"Hey baby," he whispered, the words weirdly familiar in his throat.
You briefly raised your eyebrows while looking away from him, clearly uncomfortable by the sound of your old pet name.
"Sorry," he continued, "force of habit. ...I'm just happy to see you."
Your gaze slowly found his face, and Rafa prayed that you couldn't see his coke-eyes from where you were standing.
"Well..." you said and clicked your tongue, "I'd like to talk to you."
"I'd like to talk to you too," Rafa said quietly.
"And you're sober? Like you said on my voicemail?"
"Yes," Rafa breathed, "completely sober," he lied thickly, hyper-aware of how awkward it was with Diggs shuffling nervously beside him. He was uncomfortably rolling back and forth on the balls of his feet.
"Good," you finally let out a small smile, "do you want to sit down?"
"Yeah," Rafa nodded.
"Yeah, I'll - uh - I'll leave you to it," Diggs cleared his throat and padded Rafa between the shoulder blades as a way of wishing him good luck.
"Thanks man," Rafa muttered before he followed you down to a vacant booth in the corner of the room. Instead of sitting down opposite you, he made sure to occupy the seat next to you, hoping that it would minimise the risk of you looking into his eyes. He just had to pretend that he was sober until the high quieted down. Fourty-five more minutes - Less if he was lucky.
"So, how've you been?" You said quietly as you were both overlooking the dance floor, avoiding looking directly at each other.
"Not good," Rafa said quietly, "like shit, actually... how about you?"
"Yeah, well I guess 'shit' sums it up neatly... How's sober life?"
"Oh, it's - yeah - it's - it's great!" He said, the lie thick in his throat, "I feel so much better now." He knew how much he had hurt you, and he knew how difficult it must be for you to face him after you'd said that you never wanted to see him again - which just really only made his lying so much worse. Fuck, how he hated himself for what he had done. What he was still doing.
Your eyes darted across his face before your gaze settled on a spot just below his chin. He was relieved that you weren't staring him square in the eyes. "I was so happy to hear your voicemail," you whispered, "you really flushed your stash?"
"Yes," he croaked.
"I'm glad that you're finally taking care of yourself," he couldn't make out your face in the dark but he could hear a hint of happiness to your voice that you were clearly trying to suppress. It made him feel horrible.
"Yeah, I want to stay sober for you," he said slowly. At least that wasn't a lie.
"You have no idea how happy that makes me," you said quietly, the happiness definitely shining through now.
Rafa's heart was fluttering in his chest, and he felt the coke-induced euphoria run amok in his brain, "...does that mean you'll forgive me?" All his senses were heightened.
"It's a step in the right direction" you said quietly, still not looking directly at him, "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too baby," Rafa said quietly and boldly took your hand in his.
Finally, you looked up at him, and to avoid you noticing his bloodshot eyes with the dilated pupils, he took a quick decision, leaned in and crashed his lips against yours.
Luckily, you mistook his desperation for passion and fiercely kissed him back, your hand releasing itself from his, and instead caressing his neck. In-between kisses you managed to mumble, "I'm still... mad... at you."
"I know," Rafa mumbled, enjoying the familiar feeling of your lips against his. Your hands switched to caressing his torso, and your small fingers travelled over his stomach and up his chest, coming to a halt over his heart. It was racing against his ribcage and he had no idea whether it was due to the coke or due to the heap of emotions he felt in his chest. He couldn't believe he was kissing you again. He had completely written it off no more than half an hour ago.
Your right hand moved away from his heart but came to a sudden halt when you felt a small bump in Rafa's breast pocket. Still kissing him, you ran your fingers over the bump a few times before you remembered that it was where he always kept his coke. Quickly, you pulled your lips away from his.
"Wait, no, don't take kissing away from me," he hummed, completely unaware of the discovery you'd just done.
You were looking at his euphoric face with the closed eyes and the swollen lips as you moved your hand over his breast pocket once more.
When Rafa realised what was going on his eyes flew open and he spluttered, "it isn't what you think!"
But he was too slow to react, and before he had had the chance to move away, your fingers went inside his breast pocket and grabbed the small bag from there. "You've got to be kidding me!" You said angrily as you held his coke between your fingertips.
"Baby, I can explain," Rafa said quickly while desperately grabbing your wrist.
"Rafa, you fucking idiot! Don't touch me!" You wrestled yourself out of his grip, got up from your seat, and fast-paced towards the door.
"Baby! Baby!" Rafa yelled out as he ran after you.
"Don't touch me!" You cried, attracting the attention of everyone in your path.
You stormed out the door, Rafa at your heel desperately clinging to every inch of you that he could reach. When you reached the curb outside, he finally managed to run up in front of you, stopping you in your tracks, "baby, I can explain!" He said desperately.
"You said you'd flushed it all!" You were screaming at him now, the tears running down your face.
"It was a mistake, baby, I swear I didn't mean to. I flushed it all, I promise. It's just a setback."
"When did you buy this, Rafa?" You said through gritted teeth, "how long did you manage to stay sober before you decided you wanted to throw it all away?"
Rafa looked away from you, he was so embarrassed by himself, "Morris called and I tried to say no, I really did! Baby, I tried so hard to resist it. But he was persistent."
"Well, did he force you to buy?" You hissed. You were having none of his excuses.
"...No." Rafa admitted.
"When did you buy it?" You emphasised every word, "before or after you called me last weekend?"
"When? How long after? When did you have your setback?"
"Does it matter?"
"Yes! I need to know if you did it because you were physically craving it, because you just felt like getting high, or if you did it because you’d thrown the thought of us away when I didn’t answer you.”
"I tried to fight it, I swear I tried to fight it," he was getting choked up.
"Rafa, tell me when you bought it."
He considered shooting you a lie but he didn't want to fuck up any more. "I bought it tonight..." he finally muttered under his breath, avoiding your gaze.
"You're not serious!! You bought it tonight?" You bellowed, "are you trying to tell me that you planned on throwing away your soberness tonight? That if I hadn't shown up, you'd be high as balls right now?"
Rafa didn't say anything, he just looked at you with huge eyes, the embarrassment evident on his face - and first then did you notice his blood-shot eyeballs with the abnormally large pupils that had taken over most of the green that was normally present.
"No..." you whispered when you realised, "no, no, no..." you groaned quietly, clutching your chest, "you're high right now?" The heartbreak was evident in your voice.
Rafa sent you a pained look. He fucking hated himself.
"You're high..." You stated in a whisper, the tears were streaming down your face, "you lied."
He had broken your heart. Again.
"I - I didn't mean to," he croaked, "I was just so happy to see you. I knew you wouldn't want to talk to me if I told you the truth."
"So you planned on telling me when?"
"I don't know," he croaked, "I didn't think it through. I've been sober for three weeks. Tonight's just a small setback. Baby, I swear, I'll block Morris and I'll flush this baggie right now if I can just get you back," Rafa was begging, “I’ll stop if you tell me to!”
"Rafa, how many times do I have to tell you," you cried, "You have to stop because you want to. Not because I tell you to stop! I don't care about the snorting! I don't care that you party and get high! You've done lines of my tits several times for God's sake! But I can't live with the constant lying that has become part of it!"
Fuck, Rafa knew what you were building to. His life's biggest mistake. He had it coming, he knew it. He deserved it. He was a fucking cheating coke-head and he hated it. "Please don't bring it up," he sobbed.
You didn't listen to him. You had to confront him with it because he clearly hadn't understood. "Rafa, you fucked another girl! And you were so high that you didn't even realise it! And when you woke up the next day and saw what you'd done, you lied about your whereabouts and the fact that you'd been high as fuck! I had to learn about it through her!" You were sobbing, "...and instead of staying home and comforting me, you lied about having to go to the studio, and you met up with Morris and you got high! Again! If knowing that you're breaking my heart with your constant lies doesn't make you want to quit, I'm not sure what will."
"I want to stop!" he sobbed. He had never felt so horrible before, "I love you, I want to be with you," he sniffled and took your hand, "please give me another chance! I'll stop snorting. I'll stop lying. I'll do anything for you."
It looked as if you were contemplating his words but the look in your eyes darkened suddenly and you let out a whisper, "no Rafa!" as you pulled your hand away from his.
"Baby, please!" He pleaded desperately, "I love you."
"You love coke more," you whispered.
"I have a problem," Rafa tried desperately, "I know. I can't stop. But I'll get help. I'll do whatever you want me to do!"
"Rafa, if you stop snorting because I tell you to stop, it will never last! You love getting high!"
"That's not true... it's pathetic," he cried.
"Rafa, honey,” you said quietly, “- ask yourself this; would you be throwing away this baggie and deleting Morris' number if I wasn't leaving you because of it?"
"Yes," he croaked immediately.
You took a deep breath of air, hurt written all over your face, "Love," you sighed desperately as a fresh wave of tears started streaming down your face, "you're lying again..." you sobbed, and put the baggie in the palm of his hand and folded his fingers around it.
"I'm flushing it," he croaked.
"Do whatever you want," you whispered and looked him in the eye, "We're not together anymore. I'm done - it's over,” you said as you slowly turned around and started walking away from him.
“No, no, no! Please come back!”
“No Rafa… This time I'm serious,” you said before you started walking again.
This time, Rafa didn't run after you. He just watched you walk further and further away from him as your hands dried the tears off of your face every two seconds. He imagined you stopping, imagined the hurt look you'd send him. How he'd run over to you and take you in his arms. Imagined how he'd apologise and you'd both hug and cry and kiss it out. But you didn't stop. You didn't send him any look at all. And he didn’t run to you, he was glued to the pavement.
He stood as if frozen in time and looked after you even long after you'd disappeared around the corner. Suddenly, however, he noticed that he was still clutching the baggie in his closed fist. Slowly, he opened the palm to reveal the beautiful mother-of-pearl-coloured powder. He contemplated dropping it down the gutter next to him. It would all be so easy.
But instead, he closed his fingers around it and pocketed it right above his broken heart. It would help relieve the terrible thunder that he felt rolling over him. It brought along a storm of emotions. A hurricane of regrets. And he was desperate to get high.
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devilinsheepswool · 4 years
My First Impressions vs My now thoughts on the Obey Me! Babes + Luke
Because I did one for mysme some time back. Spoilers for season 2 and images (not related to the spoilers) ahead, tread with care
First Impression: Jumin Han, but make him a demon
Season 1: *after the attempts on MC's life, and over all ambiguity of his feelings and thoughts on MC* proceed with caution
Season 2: *after Arcadia, Luci being a smug lil shit but such a sweet heart when MC returns to Devildom, the amnesia situation, and willingness to sacrifice himself for MC and his brothers* LUCI, LISTEN TO ME LOVE I WOULD DIE FOR YOU WITHOUT HESITATION BABE
Overall thoughts: listen, I tend to like subs but Luci bae you got me like 💋👀❤👀❤👀💋
First Impression: He kinda reminds me of the guys that used to bully me when I was a kid
Season 1: *always protecting MC and caring for them, being basically attached to their hip* You're the only bitch in the house i ever respected.
Season 2: *Mammon being Mammon* I am proposing 👀💍❤
First Impression: I found my new bottom 😏
Season 1: *Levi still being a gigantic tsundere for a majority of the game, even post pact* Levi, sweetie! 💕 Pspspsps! 💗 Levi, darling! 💖 Come here, baby! 💘 Pspspsps! 💓
Season 2: (plus devilgrams) I'mma have all his sea demon babies, and that's a promise ❤👀
Overall thoughts: Fuck me in your ocean monster demon form
First Impression: 16 year old me's dream man, tbh
Season 1: Such a dapper Cat man~ So posh and chivalrous... Wait, oh?! He gremlin too?! Such gap moe,
Season 2: Any demons here? Got any demons out tonight? Any HORNY 😏 boys? Satan, I know you there babe, pspspsps
Overall thoughts: "Season 2 is over, so I cut off all my shirts sleeves." Why? "Satan was my self control."
First Impression: Okay, now this is interesting... not normally an archetype I'm fond of... but I'm kinda diggin him
Season 1: uhm, excuse me waiter? This season lacked a bit too much Asmo's character development for my liking
Overall thoughts: *Asmo getting cheated out of screen time and MC's love by Solmare* where are my cuddles, where are my kisses? MC, is... evil? MC is unyielding? MC is incapable of love? I am running away. I am packing my rusack and going out to explore the world like a lone vagabond. I can no longer thrive in this house hold.
First Impression: kinda scarey... 😟
Season 1: *after the whole Luke situation* I think we're married? But I don't remember a wedding. We might have adopted Luke too, sooo...? I like him, tho, so it's all Gucci with me tbh A REALLY SWEET DEMON MAN
Season 2: Puppy! Gigantic puppy man! BEELzeBABE sweetie I love you, baby! You're doing amazing sweetheart
Overall thoughts: I've had Beel for two seasons now and if anything ever happened to him, I would kill everyone and then myself
First Impression: ❤👀 Hey there Miss New Booty 👀❤
Season 1: *after he kills MC and there's no development or elaboration on their relationship*
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Season 2: (+ Devilgrams) Listen, everyone gets at least one homicidal psychopathic bad boy, and I've chosen him.
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Overall thoughts: Hello, fellow gremlin should we duel to the death for title of "ultimate sarcastic bastard"
First Impression: *Looks down at Diavolo's chest and then quickly back at him* I am looking respectfully 👀👀👀 *internally though vvvv*
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Season 1: He's cute, it's a shame we didn't see more of him 😔💔
Season 2: *towards the end, when Diavolo keeps trying to get MC alone* oooooooooh, bet? 😏
Overall thoughts: This man brings out the bottom in me like I have never experienced before
First Impression: I know we just met, and I know I hardly know anything about you but do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?
Season 1: Listen, you can't give me a man that insanely HOT and then only sprinkle him every here and there in the game!!! That's not right! Gimme the whole slice Solmare!
Season 2: Barbatos, mon cher, they continue to keep us apart, don't they love? But fret not, fate shall not keep us a part for long, I know you'll come for me and I promise I shall be ready for when that day comes
Overall thoughts: He knows how to bake and cook!? Sold, I'm sold! Get me a white dress and him a suit~ 
First impression: He radiates pure bastatd energy, he just looks so pleased with himself... I feel like he's hiding something... I like him tho, I'd be his friend.
Season 1: *when the fandom theorized he was evil and shady* "STOP SAYING HE IS EVIL AND SHADY, you don't have all the facts!!!" and those are? "I LOVE HIM 🥺😭"
Season 2: *revealing he's been working hard to come up with a solution to MC's and the 3 realms problems, being protective of MC in Lesson 38* I KNEW IT, I KNEW YOU WEREN'T GOING TO BE EVIL 🥺😭☺️ THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE U ❤❤❤
Overall thoughts: I would die for u tbh
First Impression: Oh dreamweaver~ 💕❤💗💘💓💖👌💍🥺😏😚
Season 1:  oh holy shoulders give me strength for I know he is a forbidden man, but rather than give me strength you only seem to test my resilience to reach for the forbidden fruit and test my already crumbling sanity
Season 2: *Simeon alluding to feelings for MC with subtle actions and text messages* *high pitched shrieking only audible to dogs*
Overall thoughts: Have you ever seen a man so perfect you cry? Like, God, his beauty is unbelievable!!!
First impression: Yes, operator? I would like the custody of child forms... yeah, I'll hold 💅
Season 1: *when Luke is obviously still afraid and uncomfortable of being in Devildom, and any demon looks at him funny. Especially that one lesson when Lucifer tries to attack him in that catacombs looking place*
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Season 2: *watching Luke get more comfortable and even miss Devildom, watching his relationship with Barbatos and Solomon develop* that's growth
Overall thoughts: *after Luke accepted being MC's guardian Angel*
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First Impression: I know she's supposed to be good... but what if she turns out to be like Rika??? I'm sorry but I can't go through this again, dude
During Season 1: *towards the end when Lilith reveals all the truth to MC* I AM SO SORRY FOR EVER DOUBTING U MAMA LILITH 😭😭😭 U DIDN'T DESERVE THAT I'M SO SORRY
Overall thoughts: Mama Lilith, it's me your bastard great great great descendant. Can you hear me wherever you are? Mama Lilith, I need u girl... come help me again pwease 🙏
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Dabi is a Todoroki — Everything I Currently Have
Spoilers ahead
So, let's start off with something a lot of people do.
When you look at Natsuo and Todoroki, you can tell they're related somehow because of the similar face shape. Even without color, the eye, eyebrows, nose, and jawline show it. Look at Rei and Fuyumi and you'll see the same thing. If you clean up the scars on Dabi's face and compare it to Natsuo, Shoto, or even Enji, you'll see the similarities.
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“Dabi's eyes are thinner, Shoto has more rounded ones.”
Dabi's eyes are heavy lidded, which means his eyes are half-closed 90% of rhe time he's on screen, but remember,
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So I'mma go over the details in case you can't see pictures
Chin - rounded down
Jaw - not that sharp
Eyes - thin
Eyebrows - thin
Earlobes - hanging
Nose - round, smol, boopable
That's for both of them. I'll grab someone else to show this isn't just the style, how about Kaminari?
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(Very flattering picture, I know.)
Chin - pointed, but still a lil rounded
Jaw - pretty sharp
Eyes - thin
Eyebrows - thin
Earlobes - attached
Nose - sharp, pointy boi
As for color, if you use the wiki you get the same for almost everything between them, as the genertics in this series have prooved to work. It's hard to get them in the same lighting, so I can't actually give you a comparison.
Dabi's pale with turquoise eyes, and Shoto has turquoise eyes and, they don't say it but I'd say, hes pretty pale.
As for Dabi's hair color, remember Kirishima —
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His hair is dyed. It's not naturally red, it's black. He dyed it to stand out more, I believe.
Remember Shoto's old hero costume? The first one he used?
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He's encasing his left side in ice to defy his father. Dabi could have easily wanted to dye his hair to get out of the old life and stop himself fron remembering the awful man Enji was whenever he looks in the mirror.
I'm also just going to mention that younger Enji looks a whole hell of a lot like Dabi does. Sadly, I cannot find a picture, but if anyone has it on hand, feel free.
How all three hold their fire is pretty similar. Curled cspread fingers that's tips are only shown due to smoke and flames.
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Oh, and remember what it looked like in the Sports Festival arc when Shoto used his fire for the first time? +I don't have a picture of tis either- cri)
Now compare that to the close-up of Dabi's flames...
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It's a pretty similar scene.
You've probably seen this everywhere, but I just have to make it apperant that Dabi calls both Enji and Shoto by their full names.
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Ahhhh, this is where it gets nice and juicy!
So Enji's Quirk is hellflame, and Dabi's is obviously some kind of fire quirk. We'll be calling it cremation, since, even though it's not canon, that's what most people call it.
“Just because someone has a fire Quirk doesn't mean they're automatically a Todoroki.”
You're absolutely right, text inside the quotation marks. And if that was the only thing, if nothing else here was, I would be on the same side.
“But Dabi's fire is blue! Not orange, yellow, or red!”
So's Enji's. Remember? In that fight against one of the Nomus in Hosu? His fire switched colors, got more compact and concentrated, and absolutely obliterated that Nomu.
“Who says Dabi's Quirk is better than Enji's? If it was, wouldn't Enji have trained him imstead, and not had Fuyumi, Natsuo, or Shoto?”
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I rest my case.
Two birds with one stone!
Dabi said it himself and now Enji confirmed it, he has weak constitution. That could easily be what the scars are, his body being unable to house a Quirk as strong as cremation. And we know Enji, he's pushing him past his breaking point in what he calls 'training.'
Enji also says here, literally, “He posessed even greater firepower than mine.”
@peoasp @delirioussilence
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lespetitspoisons · 2 years
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Lucy Quinn Fabray Way back in high-school, when she was a good christian, I used to know her.
Marina Diamantis - E.V.O.L Puck Pink lipstick stains, cigarette butts, I lie in bed, I hate my guts. A day in the dark, a muddled afternoon, oh baby, darling, how I long to become your suicide blonde. Hayley Kiyoko / Kehlani - What I need Santana When we're all alone, girl, you wanna own it. When we're with the fam, you don't wanna show it, you try to keep us on the low. I only want a girl who ain't afraid to love me, not a metaphor of what we really could be. Doja Cat - Ain't shit Finn I can't really get mad at them, shook him like an 8-ball it's embarrassing, ten page text, should've wrote a book, could've made a bag. But he broke and he still waiting till I can chill, and he really think I'mma get back to him. Doing too much, relax a bit, acting like that cause your dad's a bitch. Lennon Stella - BITCH (takes on to know one) Rachel You walk into the party, you're laughing with our friends, you make it look so easy, but I just can't pretend. How can you act like everything's alright? I don't know how we're gonna sleep tonight. You make my mind so heavy, somebody take this weight away. There you go, laughing at me when I'm crying so tell me why, you do the things you do, oh God, you know what they say: it takes a bitch to know a bitch. Aly & AJ - Church Can't you see it on my face ? I get caught in every lie, I can't even stop to take care of my own self, let alone somebody else. I need redemption for sins I can't mention. Too many nights and there's no end, I'm hellbent, the reckless one, too many nights I justify all my casualties of love, for all the times I can't reverse, for all the places where it hurts, I need a little church.
Douina / Kehlani - Righ girl mood Rachel You some L.A vibe, I'm the flyest on my block, Henny on the rocks and that shit do not stop. All the taboo convos becomin' so candid, she talkin' hundred racks that and 50 this, I'm on my rich girl mood, she do what she wants, you think these politics matter ? Well shorty, clearly they don't. Miley Cyrus - Mother's daughter Oh my god, she got the power, well look at her, she got the power. Don't fuck with my freedom, I came up to get me some, I'm nasty, I'm evil, must be something in the water or that I'm my mother's daughter. Sarah Jaffe - Clementine We were young, we didn't care, is it gone, or floating in the air ? I changed my mind, now I feel indifferent. All that time, wasted, I wish I was a little more delicate, I wish my name was Clementine. Tove Lo / ALMA - bad as the boys Santana She was just as bad as the boys, I know she used me for some fun, and I was down until she felt like the one. Maybe the heat just got me blind, she's so fine, love hurts when it's on fire, she's a liar. Kim Petras - Can't do better Puck Everytime she goes through her hair, I feel the tension in the air. No I can't let you leave, so I kill my insecurities. Oh, you can't do better, do anything that it could take to convince myself I'm in first place. King Mala - Mercy These habits kill my intention, my constant need for attention ruins the party once again. Now I'm searching for mercy, I wanna fix what I've done, I wanna learn how to get alon. I'm begging mercy, is there any good inside of me ? Losing sense of my morality. Bea Miller / 6LACK - it's not u it's me Puck I don't want you blaming yourself, it's bad for your health, cause honestly it's not you, it's me, I'm the only one I need. I'm sure someone's gonna love you, not me, and love all the things that you do, took a minute but it hit me, finally, that I'm not the person for you. Maneskin - Supermodel Alone at parties, she's working around the clock. When you're not looking, she's stealing your Basquiat. Low waisted pants on, only fans ? I'd pay for that. Yeah she's a monster, my compliments, if you wanna love her, just deal with that. She'll never love you, you just look a bit like her dad. King Princess - Pussy is god Santana I think you're so cute when you get high, I've never been good at this nice shit, but I could try if you like it. It gets hard when you give a fuck, get knocked down from some other lover but their best wasn't good enough, and you're number one to me. You know it's God, baby, when you're around her, she's God and I found her.
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queennicoleinboots · 3 years
Intermission! The UK is flying.
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My phone alerted me to a text message from Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama. She texted, "It has been over an hour since our last communication, and we have still not found a place to land on this planet. I cannot BELIEVE every legal landing spot has been taken. This is a testament of how great this planet is. That being said, I know Peter Wallace Parker, Super Coping Man, has arrived in the realm of this planet. I also know that you are somewhat close to him.... how does one prepare to meet someone of his caliber?"
I immediately texted to Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama, "He takes so much preparation that I need to send you a text to prepare you for the text to answer that question." On that note, I picked up my industrial-strength hair dryer that no longer works and squeezed past the female Aces. Abigail Ace was straightening herself while Megara Ace was drying her off. Megara Ace seemed frustrated that my hair dryer didn't work. I was in agreement with that fatass red bear.
My phone alerted me of a text message. I set my hair dryer on the bed, took a picture of it, and sent it to Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama. Then I read her response.
"Excuse me for not signing Dutifully and Submissively and In Respect to the Green Planet. I was thoroughly excited about how to engage/act/interact with/around/near/within six feet of Peter Wallace Parker a.k.a. Super Coping Man. Am I going to be prepared for your text message? Signed dutifully, submissively, in respect to the Green Planet, Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama."
I took a deep breath and then texted, "Even then, probably not. I will do my best to prepare you by sending every note I have on Super Coping Man/Peter Wallace Parker/Mr. Super Drywall Man/Xaria Wonderbloom. This will take time. I'm getting another tissy. I sent a picture of my hair dryer to add comedic relief to this moment. No, it doesn't work. And I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT! Love, Xara Campinelli."
Joebear growled and came into the room. He looked at me with a stern look and a hard penis before he yawned a bear yawn.
"Hang on, bae," I said as I then texted Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama as Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama texted me. I texted, "My bear wants business. Let me review your notes and send mine."
Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama texted, "Did you buy that from Princess Vedpa from Planet Druidia? That's hilarious. I am wet from laughter. And yes, conduct your business so that we can conduct business. I need EVERY note on Peter W. Parker/SCPM/Mr. Super Drywall Man/Xaria Wonderboom. Does she switch genders at will like I do? She has become private. I need information asap. Dutifully, Submissively, and with respect to the Green Planet, Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama."
I let the text message sit while I allowed Joebear to lead me to the bear cave. Kissy and Miss Oreo meowed and followed us. When we arrived in the bear cave, Kissy sat down and began to lick herself. And I began to beat Joebear's ass. Miss Oreo rolled on the floor like a wild cat and licked herself. Joebear then beat my ass.
Then, Joebear and I danced and did the bear boogaloo. We were moving our arms around like we were running in place, and we bounced our butts up and down. We sang, "We're doing we're doing we're doing the bear boogaloo! The bear boogaloo! We're doing we're doing we're doing the bear boogaloo! The bear boogaloo!"
Joebear's balls were slapping against his thighs as we danced. The sound was sexy like kneading bread before putting it in the oven.
To be honest, we laughed as we sang and danced the bear boogaloo. Miss Oreo got up on her hind legs and did the bear boogaloo. She meowed and sang the song, "I'm doing I'm doing I'm doing the cat coobaloo! The cat coobaloo! It's calming it's calming it's calming it's calming my nerves! It's calming my nerves."
My bear then threw me on the bed on my back and started pounding my pussy with his fat bear dick. I then kneaded the fat from his belly. Miss Oreo jumped on my face, and I beat her ass while Joebear thrust in and out of me. When Joebear was thrusting harder in me and when I was beating Miss Oreo too hard, Miss Oreo sang her growl song before she jumped off my face.
"I need ass," Joebear said.
I rolled over and put my butt in the air. Joebear immediately pressed his cock in my vagina again and growled like King Bear as he thrust hard in me.
I laughed. "Baewhuhh, you all right?!"
"LET ME DO THIS!" Joebear said as he humped me like the bear in heat that he was. Then all of a sudden, he spoke like the Chinaman from the prank calls. "What you say you wanna fuck?!"
I laughed loudly and came all over his dick.
"CAN YOU SPELL THE NAME FOR ME? HOW YOU SPELL!" Joebear yelled like the Chinaman in the prank calls as he humped me.
I busted up laughing. "J O E B E A R," I spelled between fits of laughter.
"Hanhhh?" Joebear asked as he humped harder.
"J..." I said as I was laughing.
Joebear made the aroused sound the Chinaman makes before he pulled out and rolled over. Miss Oreo then jumped on his penis and rubbed herself against the shaft. Joebear then put his head up my ass.
"Ultimate" by Denzel Curry featuring Baaaahlah Barnes, a black Greek goatman with large muscles started to play in the background.
"I am the one, don't weigh a ton. Don't need a gun to get respect up on the street!" Baaaahlah Barnes rapped.
Joebear, Miss Oreo, Megara Ace, Abigail Ace, Chrissy Wolf Bitch Wolf Mama, and I danced to the song.
"Under the sun, the bastard son. Will pop the glock to feed himself and family. By any means, your enemies my enemies. We wet them up like a canteen. The yellow tape surrounds the fate. Don't have a face so now you late, open the gates," Baaaahlah Barnes rapped and danced.
I humped Joebear's leg to the song.
"Great, eliminate like ElimiDate. Hey, young boy had to penetrate!" Baaaahlah Barnes rapped as he yanked on his large black cock.
I sucked on Joebear's nipples and beat him to the rhythm of the song.
"Face, young boy done caught a case. Bang, now his mama living with the pain. Wait, doctor says he's gonna stay. Let him get the senzu bean so he regenerate. Now a nigga harder than the head of the state," Baaaahlah Barnes rapped as he showed us his 10-inch hard black cock.
Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama then grinded up against the big black cock.
"Baaahlah B. Barnes is the new candidate.
Ultimate, alternate, you are the opposite. Stop this shit, chop your esophagus. Bitches be bopping it, bow down and popping it. Dropping it in her esophagus.
She get so nasty, in public she classy. Perhaps she is able to swallow it. Girl, I can make you a star. Then I put her ass on Apollo, bitch. Bitch, I am ultimate, behold my awesomeness. Narcissist, part time an arsonist. Ripping through cartilage, I am the hardest, bitch. Wrap it up, put in sarcophagus. Dearly departed, it's done when it started. So now that I'm living so harmoniously. Feeling like Spartacus, B. Barnes the ultimate. I am the best, there's no politics, bitch, I'm ultimate!" Baaaahlah Barnes rapped as he put Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama's mouth on his cock. Apollo then lifted her black frilly skirt and put his big Greek dick in her ass.
Joebear then spurted cum as the Chinaman from the pranking soundboards made the aroused sound.
"I am the one, don't weigh a ton. Don't need a gun to get respect up on the street. Under the sun, the bastard son. Will pop the glock to feed himself and family. By any means, your enemies my enemies. We wet them up like a canteen. The yellow tape surrounds the fate. Don't have a face so now you late, open the gates!" Baaaahlah Barnes rapped as he released Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama from his cock.
Apollo then removed himself from Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama's ass. He then danced to the song.
I humped Joebear's leg and sucked his left nipple before licking the nectar from his bear cock.
"Ultimate, infinite, flow is opium. Open the internet, photosynthesis. Put up parentheses, temporary. Very scary if I feel like Dirty Harry. Just might bust a bitch, never knew my life. But yet the question is, is he fake? Is he real? What the message is, chop a bitch nigga up. I'mma sever it when I sever shit. I kill 'em, no Kony, these niggas ain't homies. Claim you the homie, I turn into Broly!" Baaaahlah Barnes rapped before he actually turned into Broly from Dragon Ball Z and screamed for five minutes straight.
Miss Oreo screamed at him. Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama howled. Joebear, Megara Ace, and Abigail Ace growled. Apollo screamed. I bleated.
"Dropping melodic, enter the cosmic. Flow like a prophet, lyrical toxic. Flow like a foreigner, I'm the torturer. Out of South Tokyo, call the coroner. Killed in the corridor, I'm the overlord. Rhymes like a sorcerer, I'm an animorph. Bitch, I'm a beast. Nigga, you tell me who fucking with me. S to the A to the Y to the A to the N.
Claim you the hottest, but I disagree. Better love something then get a degree.
This for Lord Infamous so R.I.P. Sah sayonara, bitches looking thirsty, riding through the dirty. Like it's mandatory, ending of the story," Broly rapped as he danced in flames.
Joebear, Miss Oreo, Chrissy Wolf Bitch Wolf Mama, Abigail Ace, Megara Ace, Apollo, and I danced the bear boogaloo to the rhythm of "Ultimate" by Broly Curry. (Broly is Japanese for broccoli.)
"I am the one, don't weigh a ton. Don't need a gun to get respect up on the street. Under the sun, the bastard son. Will pop the block to feed himself and family. By any means, your enemies my enemies. We wet them up like a canteen. The yellow tape surrounds the fate. Don't have a face so now you late, open the gates!" Broly Curry rapped before he opened the Heavens to bring us back to reality.
Joebear pulled his head out of my ass and then said, "It's time to relax."
"I agree, Bae Whuhh!" I said as I got up.
Joebear got up as well. He headed toward the kitchen. Miss Oreo and Kissy followed him. I, however, went to get my phone to respond to Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama.
"Yes, I bought the hair dryer from Princess Vedpa. When I saw it, I knew that it would make my life complete. But it doesn't work. I STILL CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT! I have completed business with my fatass, good-looking bear. He is eating again. And I am ready to send notes on Peter W. Parker/Xaria Wonderbloom. Yes, the bitch changes genders at will. Peter is hot in every form. And I, too, must prepare for his appearances. Notes are coming. Read dutifully. Dutifully, Dominantly, in respect to Chrissy, Wolf Bitch, Wolf Mama, Xara Campinelli."
Our televisions and cell phones all of a sudden turned on to this breaking news video of claymation Mayor Mr. Bill speaking in the Planetary Broadcasting Corporation's new conference room on Planet Faceballs, Snickers galaxy.
"We interrupt this broadcast to let you know that if you are floating in space, you must land immediately. Space is being locked down. You cannot leave or be in transit to another planet unless you were lucky enough to get jabbed. I repeat, you must land immediately. Space is on lockdown. The Plague that supposedly originated on Earth," he said before he feebly tried to hide a snicker. "has now spread through the entirety of every galaxy and every dimension. Even wrestlers in Celebrity Death Match have now been molded with this Plague. You may not travel outside of your planet, send or receive goods outside of your planet, or even think about communicating with anyone outside of your planet unless you have been jabbed. The time is now. The time is here. Please gather supplies from YOUR OWN PLANET and even stay in the same city you are in. Wear your space helmets and keep at least six feet away from literally everyone. You never know who has the Plague. I'm Mayor Mister Billlll from the Planetary Broadcasting Corporation and mayor of Scrooge City, Faceballs, the capitol planet of the Snickers galaxy. Signing off."
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