#i've been wanting to write this since it happened last friday
spookylightwhispers · 4 months
On Inclusiveness
About a week ago, something happened while I was on the train. Halfway through my journey, at one stop, a man came into the train screaming. Then he sat at the one empty seat opposite me and apologized to the lady sitting beside him. I'm not sure if he did something, but after some minutes, the lady actually got up and stood near the door. And that made him mad. He starting screaming again, saying he didn't do anything, why did she get up. He went on screaming and screaming, about how society is not inclusive. He said his psychiatrist said he is getting better, and that the meds and manifesting in him. And at some point he screamed at the kid opposite him, telling the kid he should become either a lawyer, a doctor, or a psychiatrist and that he should be open-minded and make society more inclusive than it is now.
Eventually he stopped screaming. But periodically, he would randomly start screaming again. One of the things he said was that he's not stupid. And that he watches CNA (Channel News Asia), not Suria.
Twice too, he got up and went to this man standing near the door and apologized to him. The man was like "oh it's okay, no problem". Each time after apologizing he would go back to his seat. When there were empty seats beside him he called on the man to sit but he declined.
And at some point during the journey he called out to me. He called out "puan, puan". I knew he was calling me because he was speaking in Malay like he did with the man earlier. So I looked up and looked at him. And once again he started apologizing to me even though he didn't do anything to me, but I guess he was apologizing for shouting and screaming. He went on talking and explaining himself and the whole time I just kept smiling and nodding my head. Several times he mentioned his psychiatrist said he's getting better. He said he couldn't help but to let some things out, hence the screaming, but he's getting better, he's getting better. I would've given him a thumbs up but didn't want to risk coming across as being sarcastic so I didn't.
He also said you wear the hijab, you are a Muslim, I respect you. If I needed directions to somewhere I wouldn't approach others but I'd approach you because you wear hijab and I respect you. (I guess I should mention he is also a Muslim and hence why the people he chose to spoke to were also Muslim/Malay because he was probably more comfortable. and less likely to get judged. maybe, maybe...)
Finally he stopped talking. And I could feel myself tearing up, I was just focusing on not crying. I don't know why I felt sad. I felt sad.
It's so easy to parrot on about being an inclusive society. That was the exact topic I had discussed in class earlier in the morning. Yet, when you actually come across and meet the people who are being excluded, all you can do is just look down, avoid eye contact and pretend they don't exist. That's what everyone on the cabin was doing. They ignored him, ignored his screaming, did not look at him. Like as if he was invisible. I would have striked up a conversation except I haven't reached that level yet.
I'm not sure if he's schizophrenic, or what his condition was exactly but he seemed to be hallucinating. One of the things he said to me was that despite his behaviour, whatever he says is not offensive, and that he doesn't insult anyone. Which is true. He wasn't violent either. The most violent he got was during one of his screaming episodes while he was seemingly hallucinating. By that point the cabin had gotten pretty empty because the train was just a couple stops away from the last stop. So when he started screaming and pointing I knew he was definitely hallucinating because he was pointing at an empty seat, no one was there but he screamed to some invisible figure i couldn't see. And this was about as violent as he got — he stood up and moved like as if he was about to punch this non-existent person but stopped short of punching the air. He pointed and screamed "You break my soul, I break your face."
I can't forget this man and I don't think I ever will. Despite his somewhat "disruptive" behaviour, he actually seemed like a nice guy. Thoughtful, reflective, sentimental, smart. When he screamed earlier about not being stupid and that he watches the news, it might've sounded kind of funny. But it's true, he isn't stupid. His words were a bit slurred and kind of hard to make out at some parts because it felt like he couldn't get the words out fast enough, but he really isn't stupid. Towards the end of the journey when the cabin was empty and he was talking to himself or to some unknown figure, he spoke about how he wants to be a better man. But there's an entity in him, and his heart and his mind don't always align. He wants to be a better person, but it's hard. He struggles.
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fox-bee926 · 11 months
Who did this?
Harvey Specter x fem!reader
Masterlist A/N: Wow another one? I'm going to do one more after this and then answer an ask and put all my harvey fics on one post. Then after that who knows. I have an awesome aragorn x reader fic I've been playing around with so I might work on that. Definitely going to try and do more one shots to improve my writing. I really enjoy it but depression makes it a tad hard. Anyways! Enjoy! TW: **This story focuses on the physical abuse between the Reader character and her boyfriend. I am not responsible for the content you consume so please be advised. There are explanations of abuse, but no explicit scenes of abuse occurring.** abuse (physical and emotional), hurt/comfort, Harvey being very sweet, mention of painkillers but I'm talking like 2 tylenol or ibuprofen or something Word Count: 2.5k
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You run across the street to the Pearson Hardman office building, just about soaking wet. All that protected you from the rain was a newspaper you bought right outside your building. You prayed all the way to work that it wouldn’t just completely break under the force of the rain. You had spent almost thirty minutes on makeup, twenty five more minutes than you usually spend. To go along with that, you couldn’t find an available taxi because of the rain. Not even the pain in your shoulder had let up, despite taking a couple painkillers.
Your boyfriend had gotten a bit angry with you last night after you went out socializing with some friends. It wasn’t your smartest move. You knew he didn’t like you to hang out with your guy friends without his permission. But you didn’t think it was that big of a deal. The feelings of your heart conflicted with your rational mind. All you know is you love him and he loves you. Which is why he gets upset when you go out without him. But then why wouldn’t he make time to go out with me alone?
You shook those thoughts out of your head as you swiped your card into the building. You took the time in the elevator to dry off with your sweater. Which was consequently soaked. Curses rang out in the elevator- cursing the sweater, the weather, your boyfriend, you didn’t know.
You sat down in the chair next to Donna and exchanged greetings. “How are we looking today, Donna?” You smiled as you saw Harvey sitting in his office. The only person getting into the office earlier than him was Donna.
“Full day as always. Oh, Jonathan from accounting asked for Harvey to look at his expense accounts for this last month. He won’t of course- but as long as they get to Harvey’s desk, Jon won’t speak another word about it until the next thousand dollar dinner with a client.” Donna goes back to typing rapidly on her computer. 
“And then the cycle continues,” You let out a hearty laugh for the first time since you left work last Friday. “I’ll get on that. Anything else while I’m in accounting?” You gather up different file folders that you need to take down to accounting anyway.
“Nope, say hi to Mr. Expense Forms for me!”
“Will do, Donna.”
You quickly walk to the elevator and down to the accounting department for Jonathan's expense reports. Harvey is still in the same spot as he was when you left as you open the door to his office. You make sure to open the door with your left arm, with the papers in your right. 
“I got a delivery for Harvey Specter from Mr. Jonathan Expense Forms from accounting. Fuming as always. You might want to lay off the fancy dinners for a week.” Harvey rolls his eyes at the notion.
“Sweetheart, you think I’m that good at my job that I don’t need fancy dinners to win over clients? You must think very highly of me.” He chuckles smugly as he writes words you can barely read on a legal pad. You deal his snark back just the same.
“Of course I think you’re good. You’re my boss, I’m legally obligated to think so.” You both laugh until you reach with your right arm to set the folder on his desk. You let out a noise just loud enough for Harvey to be concerned. 
“What happened to your shoulder?” 
“It’s nothing, I just fell.”
At this, Harvey looks up. You were never one to be clumsy, let alone fall so hard as to hurt yourself. As Harvey’s eyes assess you, he notices a large dark bruise on your wrist- both your wrists in fact. 
His silence worries you, and you follow his eyes to your wrists. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry-” You quickly try to pull your sleeves down to cover the spots. Remnants of rain water drove through the foundation. 
Harvey takes a few deep breaths as you stand there in shocked silence. For the smallest second, you think he’s going to hurt you. Rationally, you know the notion is absurd, but the mind that has dealt with angry men keeps you silent.
Harvey finally speaks after taking a minute to process the information he’s pieced together.
“Who did this to you?”
You’re taken aback, that small part of your mind thinking he would call you unprofessional or weak. “My... My boyfriend. He just gets a little annoyed with me sometimes. It’s truly nothing. I’ll do better to cover them-”
“A good man being annoyed never results in bruises. How did this happen?” Harvey has to go against every part of his nature not to rush out and ask Donna everything about this man, then subsequently find him. He’s thinking that those boxing lessons are actually going to come in handy.
But he knows he can’t. He knows that if he moves like that, or moves at all, he’d terrify you. He can see how your eyes dart around. Towards the door, towards your wrists, and towards himself. He didn’t know how you would react if he even stood up.
“I fell into a bookshelf. He pushed me a bit and I lost balance.”
“You mean he shoved you into a shelf.”
The way Harvey phrased it made you feel uncomfortable. “That’s a bit harsh, but you could phrase it like that.”
He stared at you in disbelief. This wasn’t the woman he saw on a daily basis. The woman that dealt with almost every slimy man that came into the building. The woman that he had slowly fallen in love with since she arrived here.
The woman before him seemed like a shell of the woman he met three years ago, and he couldn’t help what came out of his mouth next.
“Do you know how you sound? You should never be bruised, shoved, or red eyed if you’re in love. That’s simply not how it is, and I’m sorry you’ve been made to believe that.”
At this, the dam broke.
Tears had been pooling in your eyes from the moment Harvey saw the bruises. But at his last words you let out a pained sob. It hadn't sunk in just how bad it had gotten. Your boyfriend had done this a few times before, but had never gotten so harsh until last night.
All the pain from the last year had come rushing in, and you were about to break right in front of your boss. Heavy tears started to run down your face. It was at this moment you were glad you never wore heavy makeup. You did your best to stifle the sounds and cries that tried to escape, but outside, Donna still saw through the glass. 
Immediately, Donna calmly walks in. She takes one look at you, then Harvey. With a single nod from Harvey, Donna lets out a quiet "Car is on its way."
Unfortunately that made you feel even worse. "I'm so sorry, Harvey. This is completely unprofessional-"
Harvey finally stands up and walks towards you. At this point, what you need isn't space. He places his hands as gentle as can be on your arms to coax you to look at him. And you do, but looking at your red eyes and wet tears streaming down your face up close make his heart break even more.
"I don't give a shit about professionalism. Donna is getting the car and my driver is going to take you home-"
"No! He's there, he's been trying to move in with me and doesn't have a day job. He's just been staying there..." Your sentence trails off as you’re trying to process what you’re actually saying. Are you really doing this?
"Okay, then my driver will take you to my place and give you a key. We'll talk about the next steps when I get home. I'll get you some things from your apartment, okay?"
The tears were gone purely by witnessing Harvey be so calm, and you nodded slowly. All you could do was follow the sound of his voice. Like a lighthouse in a raging storm. 
Donna entered the room quietly, "The car is here."
"Good. Donna will walk you out." You nodded, not saying a word. You turn to walk out of Harvey’s office, but he reaches out for your hand. “You’ll get through this, alright?”
You give a small smile. However, your mental state did not display the same sentiment. Your mind was reeling from what had happened in the last- what, 10? 15 minutes? 
Donna leads you out the back staircase as a gesture of mercy. She knew that you didn’t want anyone else to see you like this. Harvey wasn’t exaggerating his view of you. Everyone in the office saw you as an unbreakable force.
Harvey’s driver opens the door for you. You look back at Donna, who is smiling sweetly. “I promise, Harvey will take care of everything. The only thing you need to worry about is taking care of yourself, okay?” 
You gave Donna the same small smile you gave Harvey. You were at the edge of your sanity at this point. Now that you’ve gone through all the sadness and shock of the... situation, you were embarrassed. Angry. Angry at yourself for letting a man put his hands on you for a full year. Angry at Donna for knowing exactly what was going on and getting exactly what was needed. Angry at Harvey Specter for being so goddamn perfect that you couldn’t help the butterflies that always arose in your stomach whenever he talked to you. Angry at the world for putting you in this position.
Wordlessly, you exited the car once it stopped in front of Harvey’s building. You reached his apartment without thought. You took your heels off, and put your purse on the closest counter you saw. 
And you cried.
 Harvey exited the elevator with a large box held in his hands. It was purely full of necessities. A week's change of clothes, toiletries, some books he knew were your favorite. Everything else he could buy new. He looked down and saw your heels on the ground and your purse on the table beside him.
Once he set down the box on the floor, he saw you. You looked even worse than at the office. Your beautiful hair was frizzy and pulled in odd directions. The worst part was the absolutely destroyed look on your face. Eyeshadow and liner were smudged on your red tinged eyes which stared into space in front of you. 
Harvey sees your body stiff as a board on the edge of his soft couch, seemingly ready to run at a moment’s thought. “Have you been sitting like that since you got here?”
“No. I’ve only just sat down.” Your arms leaned on your knees, hands folded in your lap.
Harvey tries to ignore the hoarse sound in your voice. “Well, you can relax a bit if you’d like. I got you some more comfortable clothes if you want to change.”
Your brows furrow as you think. “Did he give you any problems?” For the first time since he came in the front door you look at him. He was visibly more relaxed than he is in the office. His suit jacket was tossed on the coat rake next to the door and the sleeves of his dress shirt were neatly folded up his arms. He walked towards the kitchen to the freezer. 
“He didn’t get a chance. Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you again.” He walks over to where you’re sitting on the couch and sets down an ice pack. His shirt was obviously wrinkled, and his knuckles held the slightest tinge of blue. The thought of Harvey hurting someone made your stomach flip, but you didn’t feel quite so bad for the receiving party.
“Let’s get some ice on that shoulder, huh?” He could tell you were still sensitive, but it felt more subdued than the scared woman he saw in his office.
You nodded in agreement about the ice pack. You hadn’t really stopped to think about it until he said something. As you unbutton your shirt to reveal your nude colored undershirt, you wince. The swelling of the bruise had gotten worse since you hadn’t taken anything for it. You hadn’t noticed the pain when you were crying, but now it just felt terrible.
“Let me help.” You give Harvey a look when the words come out of his mouth, a glimpse of that fiery woman that he knows. But you sigh and relent. You managed to undo a few buttons at least before Harvey steps in.
He unbuttons your shirt down to your stomach and pulls the shoulder of the shirt down just enough to slide the ice pack onto the skin. As soon as it’s securely placed between you and the couch, you let out a groan. In relief or pain, you don’t know. All you knew was that the cold felt absolutely wonderful on your swelled skin.
You and Harvey stay like that for a while, the exact amount of minutes you don’t know and neither does he. Harvey is the first to speak.
“You’ve been awfully quiet.” 
You give him a look that says “I wonder why, dumbass.” But you refrain. “I’m thinking.”
He finally sits next to you on the couch and reaches his arm to grasp the top of the cushions. In his mind he excuses it as getting more comfortable, but the opportunity to touch you is also a bonus. Harvey was not a man of wise words for comfort, moreso actions and touch.
In a singsong voice, trying to lighten the mood, he says “Whatcha thinkin’ about.”
You smile a true smile and look towards him. Then the thoughts in your head come rushing in and the smile falls from your face. “I’m thinking about how I’ve been with him for so long that I don’t know how to live my life without him. So much of my life has been conforming to his ideals, his feelings. How am I supposed to love and be loved after him? After I’ve split my soul into so many pieces that I’ve lost track of where they all are?”
Both of you sit in silence, not sure what to say.
“I was definitely not expecting that.”
“I am... extremely sorry I said that, please just ignore-”
“I wasn’t finished, sweetheart. Firstly, I think you should see a professional about these feelings. But in the meantime, we can work on that together.” Harvey smiles, but then falters. “I- I mean, if you want. I’m not trying to get in your pants, I promise, all I’m saying is that I’m here whenever and you can stay as long as you want and-”
“Thank you, Harvey. It means a lot to hear you say that.” You laugh at the sight of a flustered Harvey Specter.
“To paraphrase, you're not alone in this. Not ever.”
You reach over with your good arm and pull him into as much of a hug as you can muster. In return, he pulls you close. Neither of you ever want to leave.
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call-me-copycat · 3 months
Hey! Idk if you still write fics but if you do. Could you please write about Aizawa having a daughter who selfharms, but he didnt knew until one day he entered to her room and find her doing it?.
Its kind of an emergency so i would really apreciate if you wrote it 🩷
Hi! I'm really sorry for the slight delay, I've been bouncing between school during the day and work at night, so even though I saw your ask I couldn't physically write it due to exhaustion (⑉ ᷄ ⌳ ᷅ )ก
That being said, even though it's been a couple days I didn't want to leave you hanging! I got some rest and wrote as much as I could in one sitting!
I really do hope this helps, feel free to message me anytime if you need to vent or such ₍ᐢ‥ᐢ₎ ♡
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What I Owe To You
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*I listened to this on loop while writing*
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➤ Welcome - Introduction and Request Rules (Requests are open + Some info about me)
▶ Characters: Just Aizawa and Reader
▶ Genre: Comfort + Slight Angst
▶ Summary: As the ask states
▶ Word Count: 2925
- Self harm
- Depressive thoughts
- Overall lots of angst
Please don't read if any of this makes you uncomfortable!
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The cycle always went on.
At this point you were afraid of what was to happen next. At the same time, the thought was pushed away by the constant emptiness that filled you through. The sticky tar-like hands of this unknown void ravaged your mind, shredding it apart piece by piece.
Leaving you constantly feeling... Hollow. It was difficult to describe it as anything else.
You walked to school everyday and went to your classes. You sat next to your classmates as they animatedly discussed the usual topics of training and what to do after school.
On the weekends, you slept. Sometimes went shopping with your father. Maybe you'd get visited by your Uncle Mic, other times you'd train.
There wasn't much variety. It was suffocating. These feelings had no place to spawn from, as your life wasn't much different from everyone else's. There didn't seem to be a reason, for all you knew. But it was there, no doubt about it. It made itself known.
It was a usual Friday night. You had completed all your classes and had the weekend to yourself. It felt pointless, there wasn't much to do. Nor did you have the energy for anything either.
Sitting in your room, you jumped a bit at the unexpected knock on your door. You had been gazing out of your bedroom window for who knew how long, zoning out as far from your mind as you could. You vaguely remembered that a storm was to come soon.
"Dinnertime. Wash up and come to the table when you're ready."
Your father's voice never failed to comfort you, and in a way he was one of the main beacons of light in your dark and foggy world. An unchanging pillar of strength, he held on tight to your cracking mind.
Slowly, tiredly, you made your way out of your room. As you passed by Aizawa, he couldn't help but sigh in response to your barely-there smile at him. You had a habit of doing that, possibly to keep him from worrying.
Truth be told, Aizawa always worried about you. Ever since you were young, he was on guard every second, trying to keep you from falling and scraping your knees, to keeping an eye on you during training.
Though recently, he had noticed some... changes. Your eyes began to grow dull, and their usual energy faded with each passing day. The bags under them grew more prominent, and in turn your hair began to be left more of a mess. Slowly, little things were building up, and he couldn't tell why.
It worried him sick, since the only thing he had in mind for you was for you to be happy and safe. Seeing your condition worsen with each day made him nauseous, as it was the last place he wanted you to be at. He wanted to help you, the best he could.
So that's why before you even sat down to eat, he began to question you.
"Are you feeling okay, [Name?]"
Truth be told, he knew you'd say you were fine. He just needed to soothe his frantic mind.
Looking up at him, you gave him another smile. He couldn't help but grimace at how forced it looked.
"Oh, of course I'm fine." You clenched your jaw at how unenthusiastic you sounded, but it would have to do.
Aizawa only felt uneasy. Too many things added up and gave him a weird taste in his mouth to leave it at that.
"Look at me, [Name]."
The unusual tone of his voice brought you out of your foggy state of mind as you looked up at him fully. Once you met his eyes properly, Aizawa took notice of the... Saddened expression that filled yours. He knew someone was wrong, but it was being covered.
"You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?"
He needed to know if you trusted him. He needed to be the one person you trusted in life. This was all or nothing.
Your eyes went wide for a split second as your breath hitched, but you quickly shook it off. His bluntness was what caught you off guard.
"Really, it's nothing Papa." You tried smiling once more, raising a hand out a bit in an attempt to calm him. You knew it was a pitiful attempt, but you didn't have the energy to make it convincing. Alongside that, Aizawa was generally a very tough man to fool. It'd take a lot to actually pass anything through him.
Aizawa's eyes narrowed in response as he saw your reaction to his question. Your body language indicated how uncomfortable you were, and he didn't want to push you too far past your limits.
It was tough, but he decided to give it up in the end and hope you'd come to him whenever you were ready. You always shared everything with him since you were young, and he had gained a large amount of trust over you in turn.
Dinner was eaten in silence, and as soon as it was over you bid your father a goodnight before heading off to your room.
Aizawa stayed seated at the kitchen table as he watched you walk off, wondering what was happening to his child. He couldn't bear the thought of you struggling with something alone. He had been there your whole life to help you get through everything you passed by, so why weren't you letting him in now?
After much deliberation, he got up from his spot at the table and made his way to your room. He needed to finish this conversation, and he needed to know what was going on. His mind had been sprawled all over the place for the last few months, as he'd been observant enough to catch on to the smallest changes you went through. Seeing you go into such a decline was like a punch straight through to his heart.
His mind was in such a haze that he threw open your door without second thought, seeing as he normally takes care to knock first. The room was pitch black, but based off of the startled gasp that came from you and the clanging of metal hitting the ground, Aizawa felt his blood freeze in fear.
Quickly flipping on the light, his eyes widened at the site that laid in front of him. You didn't have any time to cover yourself, so Aizawa saw it all.
The bandages laid out.
The blades.
And most importantly, your cuts.
You felt your eyes water at the expression on your father's face, guilt and self-loathing bleeding into your mind.
Aizawa was stuck in shock for a moment. It felt as though all time was warped as he saw what was his worst nightmare laid out in front of him. He was quickly snapped back to reality at the sound of your sobs that echoed throughout the room.
He swiftly made his way towards you from across your room, and in one smooth movement he pulled you into his lap, hugging you tightly to himself.
He had known something was wrong, felt it deep in his heart, but he didn't realize how serious it truly was. His heart ached for you as his grip only grew tighter around you. Aizawa didn't want you to hide these things from him, and in a way, he felt disappointed at your lack of trust towards him. All his disappointment and anger quickly dissipated, leaving him to face his worry and guilt.
He could hear his voice tremble, but couldn't care less.
"Why? I-" He was stuck in shock. It was something he never thought he'd run into. Looking down at you, his worry for your well-being grew tenfold, but he gathered the willpower to overcome the sudden surge of emotions he was feeling.
"I want... I need you to promise me you'll never harm yourself again," He looked down at you, cradled in his arms, "I don't think I could ever bear the pain of losing you..."
He knew this was only one step of many. That it doesn't start like this. That it grows. Although he couldn't pinpoint what might've started it, he at least needed to confirm you'd be safe. He just needed this one thing to give his already worn heart a little bit of ease.
You couldn't help but recoil a bit, bringing your arms to hug your torso. As much as you wanted it to be that easy, as much as you wanted to tell your father 'okay!', you knew it wouldn't be done so fast. And in a way, that only worsened your resentment towards yourself.
"I... don't know if I can.." You avoided his gaze as you faced the ground, hating how saddened he was and much rather preferring him to be angry. It'd lessen the guilt a little bit, at least.
He needed something.
"[Name]... I can't make you promise me you'll be able to stop right away. That's foolish to believe." Heaving out a sigh, he put a hand atop your head. "But I just need you to know that I'd be devastated without you. I can truly say from the bottom of my heart, I'd never be able to live a normal life again if you were gone."
Looking up into his eyes, you saw a heaviness that swirled in them. This was coming from a man who had seen it all - numerous deaths in ways he wished he could unsee.
You hadn't realized just how much you meant to him. It never popped up in your head. The all-consuming void had blocked any sensibility or logic from getting to you, and the more you thought about it, the more you realized just how much it would affect your father. He always told you your pain was his to deal with too.
Settling your face in the crook of his neck so you wouldn't have to see the hurt in his eyes anymore, you tried your best to explain everything to him.
"It feels..." Closing your eyes, you tried imagining everything that has built up. "Like I'm running a race, yet getting nowhere. That everything I do has no effect... I'm tired."
You stayed silent as you felt your father put a hand on the back of your head. Aizawa watched as you carefully pieced your words together, and saw the true effect of everything you had been dealing with. His heart ached to relieve you of your pain, his fatherly instincts screaming at him to help save his child.
"[Name]." His grip on you tightened ever so slightly. "I want you to get this through your head, alright? You are not a failure. You're going through a lot, and it's weighing down on you. And I understand you're under a lot of pressure, but-"
Aizawa was cut off when he began to choke up, the thoughts too much for him to bear. As much as he tried to keep his composure for your sake, his walls were beginning to crack.
You heard your father pause and looked up at him, only to be brought into shock at the sight of your normally stoic father tearing up. You felt ashamed for forgetting about his pain, tearing up once more at the guilt that ravaged your mind.
He could see how surprised you were, but he couldn't help it. He always struggled to contain himself when it came to you, especially whenever you were hurt. He hated seeing you in pain.
"Do you have any idea what it would do to me if I lost you? I- ... [Name], if anything happened to you, I don't know what I'd do anymore, I'd-"
He truly couldn't help it. All that Aizawa wanted was for you to be happy. Seeing you in so much agony... seeing your only escape being to harm yourself... He felt that he lost a part of himself.
You cried out loud this time, seeing your father so torn over you. It was heartbreaking, but oddly soothing at the same time. To have someone to deeply care about you that they felt intertwined with you. He cared.
You could feel his arms engulfing you, and you allowed yourself to be swallowed in his hold. It was warm and soothing... A stark contrast to the cold you constantly couldn't escape from.
As he held you, Aizawa couldn't help but be more shocked at himself than anyone. He normally was able to easily retain his composure, so as he felt tears flowing down his face he couldn't help but stiffen. Quickly getting over it, he held you close. The room gradually began to get quieter, the both of your emotions slowing down.
You couldn't help but feel... Secure. It was a stark contrast to the constant void you felt. You felt... Warm.
Yeah, warm.
It was a nice feeling.
Closing your eyes, you finally allowed your body to relax. Aizawa rubbed your back as he gently rocked back and forth.
"I just want you to breath. Don't think about anything else."
Following his word, you kept your eyes closed and settled your breathing. You quickly noticed how much easier it was to think this way. Nothing else was getting in the way, no unwanted thoughts or fears, and you felt safe. Safe and comfortable.
The world around you normally was so chaotic. It seemed everyone was in a rush, always somewhere to be. You couldn't have time to yourself either, constantly getting pushed to and fro. There never seemed to be a place to stop. Nowhere to rest. An unchanging race.
But here you were. The world has stopped, giving you a break you so badly needed. You couldn't describe it, but such a simple hug from your father seemed to dull everything that pained you.
"I understand what it's like."
Aizawa would be lying if he said he was never in your place before. Too many nights he was kept up, worrying about working on himself. Scared of the changing future. Feeling like nothing was changing for him while the world moved on. It was isolating.
Over the years, he got better. The world's rush blurred to background noise, and he learned to appreciate his own speed in life. It was his own life he was living, after all.
Looking down at you, he saw a mirror image of himself.
"Y'know, it's not fair..." You looked up at him as he brushed away a lone tear from your cheek with the pad of his thumb. "You allow me to laugh with you in your happiest moments... So why do you lock me out when you're at your lowest?"
You had never heard it phrased like that before. You did enjoy having him around whenever you had something good to share. Whenever you were proud, or amazed, or just plain happy. But you understood, he wanted to be a part of it all. Every smile... And every tear.
Your voice couldn't find you, but Aizawa didn't mind. To you, he was always a hand outstretched. A guide to help you through the fog and the dark. It made the terrifying a little less daunting.
"Please talk to me when you can. Tell me whatever you'd like, I just want to know how you're feeling."
You nodded, looking at him directly. Your heart rate had gone down significantly, and you didn't know how much time had passed. If you listened carefully, you could hear the distance rumble of an oncoming storm, thunder booming on the horizon.
There was a pregnant pause before he started once more.
"Tomorrow, we'll need to get your injuries looked over-"
Seeing a look of fear cross your expression, he was quick to calm you.
"I'll be with you. The entire time. You won't have to deal with living life alone. I understand it's frightening to look at, but let me hold some of the weight you own."
You watched as Aizawa stretched out his hand, offering it to you. Looking at it, you thought back to all the times he'd helped you in the past. Every time he's offered his hand out to you.
All the times you were too scared to cross the road when you were little. Every time you felt too suffocated by the number of people surrounding you. Or even when it was just the two of you, silently walking home together in the warm afternoon sun.
He always offered you support, for every little thing life had to throw at you. Aizawa's expression softened when you gently put your hand in his, no hesitation in your movements.
Clasping his fingers over yours, you saw how your hands intertwined. And you realized, he was always there to take some of the pain from you - acting like he was a part of you.
"You get it now, huh?" Looking up into his eyes one more time, you thought you saw a sparkle in them. "Whenever you bring pain to yourself," He squeezed your hand a little tighter, "you're hurting me right alongside with you. I need you in one piece, kid."
You breathed out, everything a little clearer now. There was so much more to do. So much to go through. It was a formidable thought.
But as you looked up into your father's eyes and as you felt his hand in yours, you realized;
You weren't alone.
You really did owe him the world.
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During my lowest moments, Aizawa was always a huge character I relied on to get me through it. I will always write comfort for him to anyone who asks.
I hope you have a lovely day, and I hope things get just a little easier for you, you definitely deserve it (*´艸`)フフフッ♡
➜ Please let me know if I missed any warnings/triggers in the tags or in the opening!
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urfavoritegirlkisser · 5 months
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"To all the Girls I've Loved Before" Hazel Callahan x Reader
"And then she shoved them all into her closet, for her eyes only, and it would stay that way until she died…or at least that was her hope."
Tags: Fluff, Nothing big happens really, only one use of y/n, wlw, proof read but it's currently 4:44am and my eyes burn so just ignore imperfections
A/N: This is kind of loosely based on the scene in "To all the Boys I've Loved Before" where all the guys receive their letters, but make it gay, also please don't steal my writing...it would suck
Hazel always kept her romantic feelings to herself…well, she tried to at least. 
Sometimes she would have a crush that made her want to just scream from the rooftops and parade around town confessing her love to whoever was the object of her desires at that time.
So, Hazel decided to write them out, to save herself from becoming an even bigger loser than she already was. She would write letters to all of her crushes but never mail them so she could look back and read what crazy things a simple crush can do to a person.
There was only three letters, one to PJ, one to a girl she had met at summer camp once, and then you.
You were the one crush that Hazel didn’t think she would ever be able to shake, PJ was simple to shake after a few arguments and harsh words thrown Hazel’s way…
But you seemed to keep Hazel in your grasp even if you only knew her from that one spin the bottle game during a party freshman year, which was the first time Hazel kissed a girl. Ever since she would still catch herself faintly blushing if you caught her gaze in the hallways.
She had written your letter first, the night she got home from the party freshman year. Hazel poured out all of her giddy feelings about the kiss and how pretty your eyes were underneath the cheap party city lights.
And then she shoved them all into her closet, for her eyes only, and it would stay that way until she died…or at least that was her hope.
It was a regular Friday afternoon. Hazel’s last period being gym which wasn’t exactly her favorite, especially since she had gotten caught up with fight club business and ran late causing her teacher to tell her she was running an extra lap because of her tardiness.
Hazel had been running for a while and stopped to take a breather as the sun shone down on her, and of course she forgot her water bottle in the bleachers in her haste.
Out of the corner of her eye, Hazel saw you approaching and tried to straighten her sweaty and wrinkled P.E. uniform. Not that it helped her appearance any since she knew her cheeks were probably a blotchy red and could feel her hair sticking to her forehead from the sweat.
“Hey y/n, what’s up?” she asks, trying to be cool but cringing at herself for not coming up with something less generic.
You smile sweetly, “Hi Hazel, look I wanted to tell you that I am very flattered, but I just broke up with Josh a few days ago” you say putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“I’m sorry…what?” Hazel says, confused and still trying to catch her breath from running, and that’s when she saw it
Oh fuck…
In your hands was a letter, Hazel’s handwriting clear as day with your name and address on it.
“And don’t get me wrong, that kiss freshman year was great for a first kiss, I wouldn’t say it was like a firework show but I mean I wasn’t in your shoes for it so…” You ramble on a little awkwardly
And that’s the last thing Hazel remembers you saying before she hit the ground
“Hazel!” You say sharply while shaking her shoulder and she jerks awake with a sharp inhale
Hazel squints as the sun shines directly into her eyes, “Jesus…what happened?” she groans a little as she leans onto her elbows
“Well, you fainted” you say before helping Hazel sit up
She knows that you continued speaking to her after that, but she can’t really pay attention as she looks over you shoulder to see a confused looking PJ walking over, letter in hand
Oh no…no no no no no
“Oh my god…” Hazel mutters to herself trying to think of a distraction and then turning to you.
“Oh my god” she repeats before quickly pulling you down so she’s on top of you and quickly presses her lips to yours, while you shriek in surprise.
“Hey! You two! Get up and stop that!” the coach shouts, which causes Hazel to immediately break away in shock of what she had just done.
She looks over to see PJ staring at the two of you dumbfounded. Hazel jumps up and shoots you a thumbs up.
“Uh, thanks…i guess” she stammers out before running away from both you and PJ who tries to call after her. 
Thank you for reading!! This is my first time posting fanfic so I am actually so nervous, go drink some water you girl kissers, love y'all!
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AITA for asking for Sunday off?
As of writing, this Sunday (February 11th) is my grandmother's 81st birthday. It also happens to be Super Bowl Sunday, but I don't really care about football. My grandma IS, however, hoating a combination Super Bowl Birthday Party at her house.
I (18ftm) recently got my first job at a small grocery store. I've been working there since November. It's really convenient for me because it's super close to my house, but the scheduling SUCKS.
My boss makes and puts out the schedule for the next week on Saturday evening. I don't know if I'm working on Sunday until 5 pm on Saturday. I don't like it, and my parents DEFINITELY don't like it (they keep telling me to ask for further notice, but I'm too nonconfrontational...)
Last night (Friday evening), I asked my parents about what I should do about Sunday. They told me I should text her to say I'm not available, so I did. I texted my boss and told her I wouldn't be available on Sunday.
My boss called me right after to inform me that she wasn't giving anybody Sunday off, at all, and that if I wanted to have the day off on such a busy day that I should have let her know ahead of time. She said that she had already told everyone else about this (not ME, though).
While I was on the phone, I kind of floundered and just said I would be "busy all day", and my dad mouthed "it's also my grandma's birthday" so I added that real quick. It DEFINITELY sounded like I was lying, even though I technically wasn't.
My boss just kind of sounded disappointed in me and said we could talk about it later, and we ended the call. I started freaking out and crying about it for a while after. It took me about an hour to calm down.
AITA? Should I have tried to give further notice even when she doesn't give me any?
I will reblog with an update on a sideblog if I notice any common questions.
What are these acronyms?
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taylor-titmouse · 2 months
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Julia is sick of working late. She's sick of being disrespected, and most of all she's sick of her boss. Lance is a burned out, smooth-talking playboy, but he also happens to be the son of the CEO.  When Lance pushes her buttons once too often, Julia is tempted to put him in his place – but is it worth throwing away her career for a moment of satisfaction? Content: -F/M -dom -degradation -small penis humiliation -directed masturbation -power play 5k words,  EPUB and PDF format Only $3, Releases later tonight! you can go read the first two pages on the shop page!
i've mentioned a couple times now that my editor and the author of roger crenshaw: the dogs at duskfall @mortalityplays is now available for freelance work for people other than me, but i don't think i've made as big of a deal how he's ALSO going to start releasing his own smut shorts on the last friday of every month! he is SUCH a talented writer on top of being an excellent editor and it's my absolute delight to work with him on the cover for his first release. FINALLY i have a great answer when asked "is there anyone else writing smut like you?"
and since this was the first time in a while i went through a cover design process that wasn't just me making one for myself, i thought i would go into how it went!
The Prompt
R/L wanted something that didn't visually describe the characters, because he had deliberately avoided that himself in the text. these characters are archetypes, ideas of characters: a woman who works in an office and her playboy burnout boss. for an erotic fantasy scenario, not going into detail can be ideal, as it allows the reader to project their own fantasies onto the characters. but what does that mean for a cover, when showing off the characters is often the point?
The Thumbnails
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it means silhouettes, babie! if you're a reader of romance you've probably seen this approach a few times. silhouettes allow you to give the impression of a character without actually specifying them. HOWEVER! that can only go so far. note the female silhouettes in the left and right thumbnails--one with a pony tail, one with her hair down. these two very minor design elements say completely different things about the character, and pin her design down into something specific. (there is a whole line of feminist thought about this, that there is no such thing as an "unmarked" woman, or rather a woman whose presentation does not say something about her, ie a woman not wearing makeup is not perceived as neutral the way a man not wearing makeup is).
so anyway including her in the cover in full doesn't work for the prompt, because how she wears her hair or how she dresses would say something about her that we don't want to say. thus: we chose the middle design!
a man in a shirt and tie are super archetypal, and """neutral""" enough to not say anything specific about lance, our male protagonist, other than he has a job and is of average size (which are of course not technically truly neutral, but for our purposes, are functional as symbols). and while a long, narrow, leg does still say something about julia, it is abstracted enough to simply represent the concept of "woman" without projecting an overall image of her in the reader's head. she has a leg, and she wears high heels. that's all you get!
The Sketch
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now we can move on to the sketch stage! this is the point at which the palette and text are figured out. i tried a few fonts before landing on one that had the retro paperback all-caps feel that i liked, and i used what i believe to have been a risograph print texture from retrosupply.
we went with the text up top rather than at the bottom, because it lends weight to the shoe and balances out the blacks in the pants. it also allows the figure to take up more of the cover, which is ideal. honestly, not a whole lot to say about this bit that i didn't cover in thumbnails: which is the point of doing thumbnails in the first place!
The Finish
well you can just scroll up to see that one. the final colors ended up a little less saturated, a little cooler, to bring it home to the retro paperback look i was going for and tie the colors together. i'm very pleased with it and had a lot of fun. cover design is one of my favorite parts of putting out books, and it was especially fun working with someone else to bring their vision to life.
anyway, you should go buy this book! it's only three dollars and i want to make more covers for these! your purchases would prove that i am a very good investment as a cover artist >:)
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st-eve-barnes · 9 months
You know that I'm no good (chapter 5)
(Modern Aegon x fem Reader, Modern Sihtric x fem Reader)
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Summary: You want Sihtric. Aegon wants Skade. There's only one small problem: Sihtric and Skade are dating each other.
This chapter: in spite of your growing and confusing feelings for Aegon things get cozy with Sihtric as well. (I know my Sihtric girls have been very patient, you're getting a bit more of him this chapter!)
The movie I picked in this chapter was random and I quickly picked one of my fave songs from it not realizing it's actually pretty perfect for Aegon, so go listen to Girl you'll be a woman soon by Urge Overkill.
Warning for the entire series: 18+ for explicit language and smut. Angst/comfort/fluff. Fake dating and so much mutual pining. Mentions of depression/drinking/self harm.
This is an Aegon x Reader fic with a bit of Sihtric x Reader on the side. I've wanted to write a modern AU that combines The Last Kingdom and House of the dragon for a while now so here it is!
Word count: +2900
All my fics are also on AO3
You were on your couch again the next Friday night, determined not to open the door for anyone this time and enjoy your Netflix alone time. Before you started your Stranger Things rewatch you took one last look at your phone.
Zero messages.
Aegon had been quiet since last weekend. You supposed you could always text him first but you didn’t want to appear too eager, which you of course absolutely were but you didn’t want him to know that. Your feelings for him still confused you and having slept on Helaena’s words you were determined to at least try and follow her advice. 
Focus on just having fun with Aegon and try not to overthink things. And get back to the plan with Sihtric. You were in the middle of the second episode when your phone lit up with a text, from Aegon. You reached for it so fast you almost dropped your phone on the floor. 
So far for not appearing too eager.
“Good evening, moon of my life ❤️”
His text made your heart skip a beat and your lips curled up into the biggest smile. Damned, you hated the effect he had on you.
“Hey, loser,” you texted back.
“Whatcha doin?” his answer came immediately.
“Watching Netflix and not leaving my couch, and you?”
“In my bed watching a movie. I would ask you to come over but you don’t wanna leave your couch so I won't bother.”
“What movie?” you typed, ignoring his invite and trying not to think of the image of him lying in his bed all cozy and alone.
“Pulp fiction.”
“Oh, a classic.”
“You’ve seen it?”
“Of course I’ve seen it, a long time ago though, I think I remember I loved it?”
You jumped when your phone rang and your heart leaped again seeing Aegon’s name appear on the screen. You eagerly accepted his call,”Hey, loser.”
His voice was soft and heavy in your ear,“Watch it with me.”
“Aegon, I’m not coming over.”
“That’s not what I meant, look for it on Netflix and we can watch it together, I’m only 5 minutes in, I’ll wait for you.”
You sighed,”I was watching Stranger Things.”
“And now we’re going to watch something that isn’t crap. Come on, doll face, do it, I’ll wait.”
You stopped the episode to type the movie into the search bar. 
“Stranger Things isn’t crap,” you stated in the meantime, settling back in your spot on the couch.”And what gives you the right to interrupt my plans again by the way? Is this going to happen every Friday night?
“Maybe,” Aegon teased,”Would you mind?”
You could practically hear his shit-eating grin through the phone.
"Ask me again in a few weeks," you teased him back and he laughed.
“You ready?” he then asked.
Aegon let you watch in silence for ten minutes before he started giving you his opinion on certain scenes, which resulted in you having to tell him to shut up because you were missing things.
“But you’ve seen it already,” he ignored your complaints.
“That was years ago, I don’t remember every little detail!” you threw back,"Let me pay attention."
“Okay, fine, I’ll shut up,” he promised. Which lasted for exactly five minutes. You gave up on trying after that, and you had to admit you were kind of enjoying the sound of his voice a little more than the movie anyway. His laughter through the phone warmed your heart and when he sang along to “Girl you’ll be a woman soon” your heart wasn’t the only thing getting overheated.
By the end of the movie he turned more quiet again but you could still hear him breathing right next to your ear, making it feel as if he was right there in the room with you. 
God, how you wished he was right there in the room with you. 
And how you wished the movie was longer than it actually was because before you knew it the end credits started rolling and you could hear Aegon let out a long, tired sigh and yawn.
“Thanks for keeping me company, darling,” he then spoke sweetly.
“Next time you’re watching Stranger Things with me,” you teased him and you could hear him laugh softly.
“Next time you come over and watch it in bed with me,” he whispered in a sleepy voice, putting your stomach in knots.
“Good night, Aegs.”
“Sweet dreams, my beautiful girl.”
You had just finished breakfast the next morning when your phone lit up with a text, not Aegon but Helaena this time.
“Party at Sihtric’s house tonight and guess who got us all an invite? You can thank me later, pick you up at 10!”
You couldn’t help but smile and feel excited by her message but your initial excitement wore off quickly when you realized Sihtric wasn’t the one you were excited about. Your first thoughts and the butterflies in your stomach were all for someone else.
When did this happen? Sihtric was the one you’d been crushing on for the past six months or so, the guy you so desperately wanted to date only a few weeks ago, your ultimate dream guy, the prettiest guy you’d ever seen. And now?
Did you even still want him? Or had Aegon wormed his way into your brain and your heart to the point there was no more room for Sihtric?
You closed your eyes, trying to conjure Sihtric’s beautiful features and unique eyes and cast Aegon out but all you could see was two beautiful blue eyes and a dumb smile that didn’t belong to Sihtric.
Another text from Helaena popped up on your screen:”You’d better wear something slutty, I have a feeling tonight is your night, babe!”
You decided on something mildly slutty, one of your best fitting jeans with a low cut top showing off your back and a little cleavage.
When Helaena texted you the address you found out Sihtric didn’t live too far from your apartment. As you walked up the steps to his house you were amazed by the size of it, it looked more like a mansion than a house., you knew he was pretty well off but you still hadn’t expected that.
Helaena locked arms with you as you both walked into the luxurious garden, there was a huge swimming pool, bar and barbecue and quite a few familiar faces hanging around.
“Not bad, huh?” Helaena whispered.
“Not bad,” you agreed,”I’m gonna go look for a bathroom first, I’ll meet you back out here.”
You walked up the stairs to the house and through the kitchen, looking for the bathroom but failing to find one you walked up the stairs.
“Lady Y/N?”
His voice made you turn around instantly and you stared right into his beautiful mismatched eyes. Sihtric was standing at the bottom of the stairs, wearing black jeans and a simple white t-shirt and it looked ridiculously good on him. You almost felt relief when the sight of him still took your breath away.
Maybe your dormant crush on him wasn’t as dead as you had assumed after all.
“You remembered my name,” you smiled surprised.
He returned your smile,”Of course I did. You’re hard to forget.”
He carefully walked up the stairs to get closer to you, reaching out his hand again and when you offered yours he shook it firmly and then held onto it just a little too long, the contact making you blush. 
“How are you enjoying the party?” he asked.
“We’ve only just arrived, but I’m already in awe of this gorgeous house you have here.”
“Ah, I wish I could take credit for that but it’s my parent’s house,” he explained,”I’m just house sitting for them while they’re away for the summer. Let’s just say my place is a little more…modest.”
He gave you a sweet smile that you couldn’t help but return.
“Well, does your parent’s mansion also have a bathroom?”
He smiled,”It has five actually.”
Your eyes widened and he nodded his head and laughed,”I know, so over the top, right? I’ll walk you to the closest one. Follow me.”
You followed him up the stairs, swallowing down the nerves in your stomach and trying not to stare at his ass too much.
“It’s the first door right there,” he pointed,”Do you…want me to wait until you’re done?”
There was a teasing, almost flirty tone to his question.
“No, I think it’s a little early on in our relationship for you to hear me pee,” you teased back.
He laughed again, so loud and so genuine it lit up his entire face and it made you swell with pride. Not only had you managed to talk to him without letting your nerves take the upper hand but you actually managed to make him laugh as well. It made your confidence soar.
“Come find me when you’re done,” he then spoke softer,”The price for using my personal bathroom is a dance. So you owe me one.”
He winked at you again before returning his way down the stairs.
You entered the bathroom with a big sheepish grin on your face and when you looked at your reflexion in the mirror you covered your face with both hands, both excited and slightly embarrassed.
You jumped when your phone beeped, expecting a text from Helaena but it was Aegon this time.
“Just arrived at Sihtric’s but my pretty girlfriend isn’t here :( “
“I’m in the bathroom,” you texted back, smiling to yourself,”Unless you mean one of your other girlfriends…”
“You’re the only one for me, sweetheart. Come find me.”
Your chewed your bottom lip and sighed, feeling those butterflies pop up in your stomach again. 
So that crush definitely wasn’t dead either. You knew Aegon was just playing, pretending to be your boyfriend like you both agreed to and flirting because that was the only way he knew how to communicate with women. None of it meant anything. 
And Hel’s words still floated around in your head too:“do not fall in love with him because it will not end well”.
Was it too late for that already? Had you already started falling in love with him or was there still time to reverse everything and give Sihtric an actual chance?
The party was in full swing by the time you got back outside, Helaena was dancing her ass off on the dance floor with some guys you didn’t recognize. Jace was chilling on a floaty unicorn in the pool and you even spotted Aemond by the bar, dressed in all black as always and filling up his drink while hiding behind his sunglasses even though the sun had gone down a while ago.
Sihtric was talking to some of his friends by the barbecue and much to your surprise you caught his eye almost instantly and he gave you a little wave and a smile. You waved back but didn’t walk up to him, instead you kept looking around until you saw him. 
Aegon, walking up to you with a happy little smile on his lips. His hair was messy and curly and he was wearing light blue jeans, sneakers and a black t shirt. He looked so good for someone who wasn’t your type at all. You couldn’t look away from him and he didn’t seem to be able to look away from you either, not breaking eye contact once until he was standing right in front of you.
“Hey,” you smiled.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he teased, placing one hand on your hip and leaning in to place a lingering kiss on your cheek. You leaned into it and placed your hands on his stomach. It seemed to encourage him because he cupped your cheek and kissed you again, on the lips this time. It was soft and sweet and you fucking melted.
Aegon smiled into the kiss and you slipped your tongue into his mouth, unable to hold yourself back. He didn’t hesitate to reciprocate, kissing you deeper and digging his fingers into your hips as he pulled you closer.
You leaned back too soon for his liking and his mouth chased yours, pulling you into another kiss. You didn’t need to be persuaded, you kissed him back just as eagerly.
There was nothing wrong with playing the game, right? After all he was supposed to be your boyfriend and you were just acting your part. 
Eventually you leaned back again and this time he let you.
“You missed me, huh?” he teased, his smile soft and his hands still resting on your waist.
“Like a hole in the head,” you teased him right back, making him laugh again.
“Shall I get us some drinks?” he suggested.
“Good plan, yeah,” you stepped back from him, relieved to be able to put some distance between you two. 
You could so easily get addicted to his kisses, and his hands, his gorgeous blue eyes. Fuck, you could get addicted to all of him. Maybe you already were but you were just too stubborn to admit that.
“Lady Y/N?”
You turned around to find Sihtric standing right in front of you.
“May I steal you away from your boyfriend for that dance?” he asked, a sweet smile on his face as he reached out his hand to you.
This was a dream and not real life, it must be. Just a month ago you were all alone and ready to give up on men altogether and now these two gorgeous guys were practically begging for your attention? This couldn’t be real, things like that didn't just happen to you.
But when you placed your hand in Sihtric's it felt very real.
He guided you to the dance floor and you followed him eagerly. 
Maybe giving into him would help break this spell Aegon seemed to have put you under, it sure couldn’t hurt.
The song was slow and Sihtric didn’t hesitate to place both hands on your waist, carefully pulling you closer to him but waiting for you to close the final distance. You wrapped both arms around his shoulders, gazing up into his eyes for a moment and finding him staring right back at you, and straight into your soul. 
His eyes were intense and when his lips curled up into the tiniest of smiles you looked away with a smile of your own. 
Sihtric pulled you closer and you leaned into him, giving into the warmth and comfort his body was offering you. He hugged you tighter, you hugged him back, he gently nuzzled into your hair, you moved your fingers into his neck caressing his skin. When his lips brushed against your cheek, obviously very much on purpose, you shamelessly leaned into it.
It felt good to hold him and be held by him, his undivided attention and playful touches felt even better.
He didn’t speak for the longest time but just danced with you, letting you get comfortable with him and helping you relax in his arms. His one hand carefully moved up from your waist to your back and underneath your top, tracing patterns on your exposed skin. His fingers featherlight and leaving goosebumps in their path. His forehead rested against yours, locking eyes with you again and not looking away this time.
Every caress from him was slowly starting to erase Aegon from your mind. 
When Aegon returned with your drinks that’s where he found you, wrapped up in Sihtric’s arms. His jaw clenched at the sight and he quickly turned around, not wanting to look at you both any longer than necessary. For a moment he wasn’t sure what to do with himself and he just froze. He took a long sip from his drink, and then another one until the glass was empty. Then he put your drink down on the table and returned to the house and as far away from the dance floor as he could.
Helaena had witnessed the whole thing and closed her eyes in a deep sigh.
Dancing with Sihtric felt surreal, you’d dreamt about this so often but you never imagined it might actually happen. And you definitely never imagined him being so flirty and sweet with you. You could feel his warm breath on your cheek, his lips inching closer to yours and for a moment you actually thought he was going to kiss you.
He pulled back at the last moment and just continued dancing with you.
“Sorry,” he then whispered,”I didn’t mean to overstep.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t,” you reassured him.
“I know you and Aegon are…”
“Oh, right,” you realized,”And you and Skade of course.”
He just smiled,”Me and Skade aren’t exclusive.”
“She’s…um…a bit of a free spirit.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his choice of words.
“Anyway, I should let you get back to your boyfriend,” he moved back but not before taking your hand and looking into your eyes one last time,”If things don’t work out between you and him…or if you two are not as exclusive as I think you are…give me a call. We can still do that double date, or…I could just take you out on a date.”
And then he walked away from you, leaving you completely baffled.
You jumped when Helaena put her hand on your shoulder.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” she grinned,”What was that?”
“You watched that happen, right? That wasn’t all just in my head?”
“Oh, no, it happened, he was shamelessly flirting his ass off. I thought he was going to kiss you!”
“So did I…fuck,” you sighed, biting your lip while fighting a smile and feeling your cheeks heat up.
“He wants you, babe, that was so obvious for everyone to see,” Helaena teased with a huge smile on her face,”If you ask me he’s liked you all along and seeing you with Aegon just gave him that little push he needed to pursue it.”
Helaena’s words made your smile fade and your eyes met hers,”Shit, where’s Aegon?”
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amberlynnmurdock · 6 months
Blind Faith (Epilogue)
Epilogue: An Oath
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: A familiar face appears on the day of your Bar Admission Ceremony.
A/N: Wow. Finally, the end of Blind Faith. I'm honestly emotional about it, I can't believe I can mark this series complete! Seriously, thank you to all who have been here since July and for reading--it truly means a lot to me. I hope you love this last chapter <3.
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Flashback to Sunday Evening
FOGGY’S VOICEMAIL: Matt, where the hell have you been?! I've been trying to call you since Friday night! I saw the news about Zack… that had to have been you. Is __ okay? Where is she? Call me back as soon as you can—Karen and I are worried. 
Matt sighed as he clicked the message off. He was still standing by the doorway you just left out of. He couldn’t muster the strength to leave the space you once lingered. He stood there and leaned against the wall… the wall he just kissed you against. 
He called Foggy. 
“Jesus, Matt, now you can call me?” Foggy cursed over the line. “What the hell happened?”
“A lot,” Matt sighed, turning his hand into a fist. “You should come over so we can talk about it. Maybe bring Karen as well.” 
“Okay,” Foggy sighed, “is __ alright?”
“She is now,” Matt answered, as he finally heard you enter a cab from outside. “She’s on her way home.”
“She was at your apartment? What the hell, Matt… you have a lot of explaining to do. And no bullshit. Karen and I deserve to know the truth.” 
“I know,” Matt didn’t have the energy to argue with his friend. He sighed, leaned his forehead against the wall, and deeply breathed. “I’ll tell you the truth.”
Foggy and Karen weren’t happy with what Matt told them, which was the truth. 
“Jesus, Matt…” Foggy shook his head. “I don’t even know where to begin. You—you and __ have been together since this summer, and she didn’t know, but you knew, and now she found out because Zack—Jesus,” Foggy pinched his temples as he processed what Matt confessed. 
Karen was silent, like she always was when Matt revealed a big revelation. He remembers the time he told Karen his secret like it was yesterday, and the way she acted then was close to how she is now. Hunched, biting her nails, furrowed brows. Her heart pounding in her chest. Out of anger or confusion, he didn’t know. 
“Karen?” He called her name softly. 
She glared at him. Matt didn’t need to see to know she was. 
“I’m upset we lost a good employee because of your lies,” Karen stated. “I’m upset she couldn’t talk to any of us about it. I completely understand why she wouldn’t want to come back.” 
“You can reach out to her,” Matt suggested. “She would probably like that.”
“I’ll probably write her recommendation letter for Columbia if she still needs it,” Foggy added. “I just—I can’t believe Zack almost—Jesus. I hope he gets disbarred.”
“He will,” Matt said instantly, “I’m sure of it.” 
“For what it’s worth,” Karen began to say, “I’m glad you were there to save her.”
“Me too,” Foggy said. 
Matt nodded his head, “I knew it was bad news. I just didn’t know he was going to try to do that.”
“Who took care of her when you took her back here?” Karen asked.
“Claire,” Matt sighed. “She hooked her up to an IV.”
“And what did you guys—you know what, never mind,” Foggy stopped himself from asking an obvious question. Matt shifted uncomfortably on the couch. 
After another few drinks and conversation with his friends, Foggy and Karen left Matt’s apartment. He laid on his bed, on the side you slept on the entire weekend. Your scent was still there. Even if it wouldn’t last for long, the memories he made with you and the way you made him feel, would last an eternity for him. 
And despite his best efforts to move on, he was never going to stray far. 
“I was happy to see your name in our applications,” Geri Hogarth said as she poured herself a glass of seltzer water. You watched as the bubbles rose in the glass. “Would you like a glass?”
“No, thank you,” you gently declined. “I was really happy to see you guys looking for a legal assistant. And it works perfectly you’re so close to Columbia.”
“Congratulations on getting in, by the way!” Geri cheered with her glass. You blushed. 
“Thank you. I’m really excited to be working here, along with you, Marci, the other colleagues.”
“You’re going to learn a lot here. But I’m curious—Mr. Nelson and Mr. Murdock are really fine attorneys—what made you want to leave?”
Wasn’t that the question, you thought? 
“I felt it was time for me to move on and explore new opportunities—get as much experience at different firms as I could,” you answered, which was true, in many ways. “I’m… grateful for my experience there. I’ll always have a special place in my heart for them.”
“Good,” Geri agreed, “I won't ever forget the first firm I ever worked at. It really builds you as a person in your career.”
“It sure does,” you smiled. “So, when do I start training?”
And you would start training at Hogarth, Chao & Benowitz that following Monday. And you would work there for the entire length of your law school years. 
Eventually, the past became the past, but it didn’t mean you wouldn’t think of him every now and then. A thought of him was behind every alley way at night. A thought of him was behind every second thought you put into going on a date with someone new. It never was more than a thought, but it was enough to make you feel a certain way—a true longing for something that could’ve been. You could never look at rooftops the same, or black coffee, or even a church. There was always Matthew behind all of that. 
And little did you know, he was there, all along. 
Three Years Later
New York County Supreme Court 
A cold day in Manhattan. One of those mornings, the moment you stepped outside, you were chilled to the bone. But today was an exciting day: after finally passing the Bar Exam, you were to be sworn in officially as an attorney. A lot of sweat and tears went into this day—this day you knew would come all along. 
You stepped out of the cab and held your coat around your shoulders tighter as you looked up at the New York County Supreme Court in awe. There were two signs near the entrance. One read: CONGRATULATIONS! The other read: BAR ADMISSION CEREMONY. You watched as other people arrived at the court and stared in awe just as you were. You smiled at them all, wondering where they came from and what it took for them to get here as well. 
Finally, entering the courthouse was like seeing the Museum of Natural History. Nothing will compare to that feeling of seeing it for the first time. You followed the red velvet carpet down the hall and into the chamber where the ceremony would take place. There were ushers along the way who guided people to their designated seats. The Law Judge would call your names one by one and you would go up for a picture. 
Other people were here too, to support the new attorneys. Friends, families, colleagues. You spotted your parents and friends in the audience, as well as Geri Hogarth and your favorite professor from Columbia. When you caught their attention, you smiled and waved in excitement before taking your assigned seat. 
The Law Judge went up to the podium and gave a long speech about how important this day was for the future of justice. After a short while, he finally had all the new attorneys stand from their seats and hold their right hands up to take an oath and be sworn in. You raised your right hand and repeated the words in tandem with everyone else. 
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, your class of new attorneys! When you hear your name, please come up to the podium for a picture and your certificate.” 
One by one, the assigned seats became empty as the newly sworn-in attorneys went up to get their certificates and pictures taken. The closer it got to your name being called, the faster your heart began to beat. You felt yourself sweat under your white button-up and blazer. You fixed your hair and pushed two strands behind your ears. 
Finally, your name was called. 
You smiled at the people you walked past and carefully walked up the stairs to meet the Law Judge, who held your certificate in his hands. He held his hand out for you to shake and pointed at the camera. You smiled at the camera, the flash blinding for you a moment. After it had faded, you searched the audience for your friends and family again and smiled when you caught their attention, holding up your certificate. 
You met them outside in the lobby of the courthouse, for more pictures and hugs. And amid all the congratulations, the smiles, the selfies, the jokes about being your friends’ future lawyer, you saw him. 
Walking out of the chambers you just were sworn in, you saw him. Donned in his gray suit, black tie, dark red glasses, and cane in hand. You saw him. 
He stood there, in the corner, away from the crowd. Cane standing straight, with two fists at the top. From that stance alone, you knew he knew you noticed him. 
“I’ll be right back,” you said to your friends, “I see someone I know.” 
Gravity pulled you in your path to Matt who waited for you to approach him. It was like seeing a vision, this image of him standing there and waiting for you. 
It’s been three long years. Three years of wondering what he was up to, and if he ever thought about you the way you fell asleep thinking of him. 
What were you to say? 
You looked at his appearance—not much has changed. If anything, he was more handsome now. His hair was styled nicely, he had a slight stubble. His hands, his knuckles—red. Not much has changed. 
“Congratulations, __, Esq.,” Matt smiled. To hear his voice after so many years—it still made your heart flutter. So many memories flashed in your mind, memories of Matt’s face being half covered, memories of those early mornings you spent, memories of being tangled in his sheets. 
“Thank you,” you answered. “How did you know—I guess the list of attorneys is public on the site.”
“It is,” Matt affirmed, “I—I hope you don’t mind I’m here.”
“Not at all,” you said. “I’m happy to see you. I told myself that I wouldn’t seek you out. I’d let—“
“Fate decide it,” Matt finished your sentence. “I remember… you once said that it was fate, how we kept running into each other.”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise—he remembered. 
“Yeah,” you breathed out, “fate. But I’m not sure how much fate had to do with you searching the day of my admission.”
“You’re right,” Matt said. “Not much.”
“So, what have you been doing?” You asked.
“Same as always,” Matt replied. “I’d ask you the same but I know you graduated law school and now this.”
“Yes,” you affirmed, “law school, HC&B. Now I’m an attorney.”
“HC&B treating you well?” Matt couldn’t help but ask.
“They are,” you smiled. “I’ve learned a lot from Geri.” Things I wished I learned from you.
“Good,” Matt grinned. “Foggy and Karen miss you.”
“Last time I spoke with Foggy was about my letter of recommendation,” you nodded. “I miss them, too. So much has happened, so much time has passed.” 
“__,” Matt said your name in a low voice. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” you said softly, letting your guard down completely. It was like you were waiting for him to say those words. The moment you left him has haunted you to this day. “I… thought about you. All the time. In everything I did.” 
“I did too,” he muttered.
“I kept your secret,” you suddenly said before you could think, “I realized I never made sure of that with you.”
“I trusted you,” Matt nodded his head. “I wasn’t worried.” 
“So… why are you here? Why now?” You asked him. 
“Well, I wanted to support you. And… I wanted to know… if enough time has passed,” Matt gently said. “I know—I know I hurt you. And I know you needed time to heal and move on. So I came here, to ask you, will you give me another chance, to make things right?”
Enough time had certainly passed. And each day that went on, the less hurt you felt and the more longing you felt for Matt. The more you wondered what would happen the next time you saw him—which was right now. Would you give him another chance? 
“Now that you’re here in front of me, I can honestly say that I have faith again,” you whisper, “so yes, Matt. I will give you another chance.”
Matt smiled. “If I could take an oath right now, to ensure I will make it right, I would. But instead,” Matt reached in his pockets to grab something. When he pulled out the cross necklace he gave you all those years ago, your heart dropped and now you felt tears brim around your eyes. “I want you to have this again.”
You took the cross necklace from his hand. He wrapped the thread around your fingertips, placing the cross in your palm and closing your hand to cover it. 
“I promise I won’t hurt you like I did before,” Matt said gently, “my oath to you.”
And you held onto his cross necklace like you would hold onto his oath. Faith had finally come back. 
TAGS: @starry-night-20 @sumsytee @queerqueenlynn  @mattmurdocksstarlight @marvelcinematiquniverse @hailey-murdock @yeonalie(please let me know if I missed you!)
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Reputation to Midnights and Final TPD Predictions
With 4 days until the Tortured Poets Department and two lines of lyrics we have so far, here are my thoughts on how we got here over the last 5 albums and final predictions for what's coming on Friday:
2016 changed the game - reputation era and long-term bearding
Many people might disagree, but I think the year 2016 changed a lot of things for Taylor. Without going into detail about snakegate, a possible failed coming out and scrapped album and the presidential election, her music has had a different tone ever since reputation (and I don't just mean sonically). As someone who writes a lot about love and relationships, the way she was writing about them changed from fairy tale love, pining and heartbreak to forever/long-term love, commitment/endame, 'us against the world' sort of love. And I do think she wanted to put that album out in 2016 but can't really do that when you're newly single and writing about wanting forever with someone... so in came Joe Alwyn who became the free pass for writing songs about long-term relationships, marriage and kids for the next six years. But LWYMMD (the song and the mv) made it pretty clear that this was not her first choice. Whatever happened, she had her agency taken from her, and she was mad about it. She may have made one hell of a comeback, but rep Taylor was on a revenge mission, and she has been ever since. Now, add to that the very same people foiled her coming out (possibly) a second time in 2019, I can well imagine the tortured poet that Taylor became during the pandemic with all that built up anger and misery pouring out into the folklore and evermore albums. And my guess is that with the plan to re-record the first 6 albums came an idea of how she could possibly get her revenge after all, which brings us to Midnights and TPD.
Midnights and Tortured Poets Department - Reflection and melancholia
Midnights had a similar tone to me than what we have seen of TPD so far: introspective, sombre and looking back on happier times and missed opportunities (hence the whole '13 nights throughout my life' concept). There is a lot of wondering about what ifs and regrets and always with a sense of vengeance in the background, which shows how Taylor clearly holds a grudge and has a hard time letting things go that have hurt her. And this continues in the two lines we have seen from TPD so far. The 'full eclipse' gives me love blackout vibes and this line
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is so similar to many folkmore and Midnights songs where she talks about not being able to move on from a traumatic event (failed coming out *cough cough*). So, this album clearly continues the theme of reflection, regrets and vengeance, but with an additional touch of reckoning or impending judgment. I've seen some people say it seems like Taylor is putting someone (else or herself) on trial, and both the evidence file esthetics and the legal language she has been using in the hidden words puzzle on Apple Music have been feeding that theory:
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She told us back in February she'd be entering all of her defenses and her muses into evidence, so is she the one being trialed and we are the jury? Or is she presenting evidence in her defense and accusing someone else? I initially thought the former, but now I'm thinking it could be either or both.
The songs will tell the story of the most painful times of her life and we will be able to decide if she chose her suffering or if the context/industry is to blame. My favourite swifties pointed out this morning that the ‘un-recall’ lyric is a parallel to CIWYW “I recall late November”. So what is she trying to forget? The 2016 election. The start of the love blackout. Much like the ‘full eclipse’ lyric. They almost had it all but then her plans got foiled and Tr*mp was elected which forced them underground. And where did she run off to? London. And what’s track 5 called? So long, London…
So, a lot of this album so far gives 2016 vibes. And I’ve said in a previous post (here) that the visuals seem very rep-inverted. Black vs white and the half yin-yang ☯️ in the logo. It’s looking likely that this is going to be the reflection on that time where her vendetta originated before she goes for revenge. And I’m not trying to clown but the rep parallels haven’t stopped:
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This QR code mural in Chicago is very rep-cover coded and leads to a website that has the same 321 error message as the TS website the night of the Grammys. The message then was red herring. And not to sound too crazy, but I've said from the start that something feels off with this album. The absence of proper promo or merch is still weird. And would an entire album as a red herring be too crazy? Probably. But is she a crazy woman? Definitely! 😉
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theroosterperch · 2 years
one of the girls.
(Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Reader)
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Word Count: 2.8K
Trigger Warnings: Nothing I can think of, just fluff <3
A/N: I’m currently writing another insanely long fic but it’s taking me forever and a half. Perhaps posting a shorter one first will give me the push I need. We’ll see. Enjoy some Rooster content where he gets in touch with his feminine side (as we all know, he drinks The Feminist Elixir™️). Also my friend and I were discussing the fact that Rooster is a gossip man. You got work drama? Someone talking smack about someone’s ex’s girlfriend’s cousin’s daughter’s husband? He’s INVESTED, he’s pulling out the popcorn. We don't make the rules but also yes we do.
(P.S. This is the first little fic I've written since my 2013 Wattpad days, please be gentle lmfao)
Summary: Penny asks you to watch Amelia (your goddaughter) for the night and Rooster tags along :)
After getting off work, you decide to head down to the Hard Deck as per your usual Friday evening routine. It had been a long, exhausting day even if it was only 6pm, but you always had time and energy for Fridays at the Hard Deck. Everybody you loved was always there…Maverick, Penny, Phoenix, Coyote, Fanboy, Bob, Hangman (yes, even Hangman), but mainly Rooster—your lovely, warm, incredibly funny and cheeky charming boyfriend. At the end of your longest, saddest, most frustrating days, he always knew exactly how to cheer you up or at least take the edge off. Even just having him in the same vicinity was comforting…like an emotional heat lamp or weighted blanket for the soul. And his hugs…oh, lord, his hugs. Warm, safe, always a bit tight but never too much; at your most broken, it felt like he could just hug you back together. Every time you reunited at the end of the day, he would greet you with one of these hugs, a sweet kiss to some part of the face, and a cheeky “hi beautiful”, and it never waned, even after the several years you had been together. Tonight at the Hard Deck was no exception. 
When you walked in the door, you were greeted with the familiar smell of mixed perfumes and colognes, the faint smell of alcohol, beach wood, and salty air. You scanned the crowd for familiar faces, ultimately landing on Penny behind the bar. You approached, trying to get her attention over the noise.
“Busy night?” You shout. She turns around, giving you a warm smile, while somehow juggling too many glasses and bottles of beer in her arms. 
“You could say that,” she laughs, attempting to set them down and disperse them to the people crowding the counter. As they all took their drinks, some disappeared elsewhere in the room. “You know how Friday nights are.”
Indeed, I do. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Penny says, turning to you with an inquisitive yet guilty look on her face. “And you can 100% say no if you want to.”
“What is it? Is everything okay?” You ask, concerned.
“Yeah, yeah…it’s just-” She trails off, now fidgeting with random objects behind the counter “Pete and I…we-...well, we haven’t  been able to get much alone time since the mission happened and I was wondering if you could hangout with Amelia tonight while we have some time for ourselves. I know it’s last minute but-”
“Say no more,” You interrupt, laughing “she’s my goddaughter, I would love to.”
“Are you sure? This won’t interrupt any plans you have with Bradley?”
“I think the plan for tonight was just to hangout here,” you smile, grabbing a beer from behind the counter. “It’s all good, really. You two deserve some alone time.” 
“You are an angel, truly,” she smiles. “Amelia is at the house–probably with her head in some book–so just head over whenever you like. I should be back by tomorrow morning.”
“Sounds good, I’ll leave in a bit.”
“Leaving me so soon?” a raspy voice says behind you. You suddenly feel those all-too-familiar arms wrap around you, and you can’t help but smile. You feel a soft kiss on your neck and a slight tickle from that damn 80’s stache. You turn your head toward Rooster to see him looking down into your eyes, smiling softly as he places a gentle kiss to your lips. “Hi beautiful.” he whispers. There it was. 
“Hey stranger.”
“What evil are you two scheming?” He chuckles, motioning towards you and Penny.
“World domination,” you say “but only after I’m done watching Amelia for the night.”
“Hmm…sounds fun. Am I invited?”
“I was thinking it could be more of a….” you trail off, looking at Penny, and she smiles. “girl’s night. Just me and Amelia, ya know—watch chick flicks, do facemasks, paint nails, gossip…the whole nine yards.”
Rooster steps aside slightly, one arm still around your waist as he raises his other hand to his chest dramatically. He gasps, fake-offended: “I can do a girl’s night. I can be one of the girls, I’ll blend right in. Besides, I was looking forward to spending time with you tonight, whatever form that takes.” 
You smile up at him as he takes one of your hands and raises it to his lips, placing multiple soft kisses to the top and fingertips, ultimately flattening it against the side of his cheek to cup his face. You sigh, stroking his cheek softly with your thumb as his eyes searched yours for an answer. Ugh, how could you say no?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
A few hours passed and you found yourself sitting on the floor of Penny’s living room with Rooster and Amelia, the three of you having demolished a giant pizza from her favorite restaurant. You admittedly didn’t get to spend as much time with your goddaughter as you would’ve liked, with you working and Amelia going to school–any chance you could get to spoil her, whether it be with her favorite pizza, riding bikes along the beach and getting ice cream, or just hanging out like you were—you were going to take it. She was like your little sister, and you were not only grateful that Penny had chosen you to be her godmother, but also that Rooster was so encouraging and enthusiastic about your role in her life. He had happily come to take on a cool uncle sort of role, offering as much time and support to you both as he could. You could not ask for a better partner, or a cooler goddaughter for that matter. 
You throw the last of your crust into the nearly empty pizza box, sighing contently as you lean against Rooster’s shoulder, the both of you resting against the front of the couch. You reentered the conversation in front of you, a dramatic retelling of an adorably adolescent outburst towards Amelia at school. 
“Wait, wait, wait. Back up,” Rooster exclaims, still chewing on the crust of his last slice, “she said what about your science fair project?”
“You heard me,” Amelia states, sassily. “The absolute nerve. I saw her trip when we were running the mile but did I say anything? No.”
“Kids these days,” he laughs as he looks over at you, “they’re a different breed.”
“Hey, as I recall via Maverick you have some pretty interesting stories as well. It sounds like you were quite the troublemak-”
“I was a saint, thank you very much,” Rooster laughs. “Don’t tarnish my reputation.”
You playfully swat at his chest, only for him to catch your wrist and place a quick kiss to your forearm. He holds it across his chest, rubbing it gently with his thumb.
“Eeeeughh, you guys are nauseating.” Amelia states, pretending to gag. Rooster lets out a wonderfully deep laugh as he finishes his last bite, dusting off crumbs from his fingers. He sits back groaning, putting one arm around you, the other on his belly.
“I’ve never been so full in my life,” he exhales, patting his stomach softly “I might go into a coma.”
You and Amelia both chuckle at this, until suddenly you get an idea. You look at Amelia and wink, facing her but glancing your eyes towards the man beside you. “So,” you begin,  “I was thinking we could do…makeovers or something like that, I’ve been meaning to try my hand at this cool eyeliner trick I saw online.” 
Amelia, picking up the hint, smiles at you mischievously, both of you now turning to look directly at Rooster. “I was thinking the exact. same. thing.”
He looks a bit confused for a second, eyes darting between you and Amelia, a nervously amused smile forming on his face. He llet his head drop down, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Yeah,” he sighed. “I should’ve seen that coming.”
This was going to be a fun night. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Endless gossip, two buckets of popcorn,and  6 episodes of Gilmore Girls  later, Amelia fell peacefully asleep on her bed. You were now sitting on her bedroom floor in-between Rooster’s legs with your back against his chest, his back against the foot of the bed. He had one hand resting on your bent knee, the other laying somewhat limp in your hands as you directed your attention to painting the nails on his left hand. He watched you silently for a moment, smiling to himself at how cute you looked when you made your focus-face, your tongue sticking slightly out and eyebrows knitted together in concentration. 
“Hmmm…you’re so beautiful.” he hums against you, nuzzling his face against your back, occasionally giving you feather-light kisses through the fabric of your shirt. Feeling his hot breath on your back, you got the shivers down your spine and Rooster chuckles, pressing his chest against you further in an effort to aid your chills. He eventually sits up slightly to get a better look at the electric blue artistry you were now slathering on his nails. “...and I supposed you’re not half bad at this.”
You snort, awkwardly. “Thanks, love. I do my best.”
A silent moment goes by before you remember the events that transpired earlier in the evening. “Speaking of beautiful…,” you say as you turn around carefully in his lap. You bent your legs to place them on either side of his hips, almost sitting cross-legged and chest-to-chest against him. You took his face in your hands to turn it straight toward you, “..c’mere good lookin.”
You grabbed the micellar water and package of cotton rounds on the ground next to you that Amelia had used to take off her own makeup after Rooster did his best smokey eye on the poor girl. You had to admit it was sweet; he tried so hard and he even had a reference photo from Pinterest that he kept looking at, insistent on doing it right. The end result was similar to that of a sparkly raccoon, but you both reassured him that it wasn’t bad for someone who spent his days about as far away from all things cosmetic—literally, thousands of feet in the sky, away from the Earth and the nearest Ulta. Amelia returned the favor by donning him with Marilyn Monroe-esque eyeliner and a matching beauty mark, painting his lips bright red as best she could with his mustache. When he saw his reflection in Amelia’s handheld mirror, he folded over laughing. 
“Ya know,” he got out between laughs. “I’m more of an Audrey Hepburn man myself, but I think Marilyn suits me.”
“Oh, great. Next time we can put you in a tutu. Maybe a little black dress?” You laugh. 
You poured a little bit of the water onto a cotton round, and set the bottle aside. You begin to gently sweep the round across his eyes and lips, doing your best to get off what you could of the impressively stubborn eyeliner and lipstick. Itt was fun to see him with makeup on as it was never something he wore, and you had to admit you enjoyed this for more than one reason. Yes, it was fun to see him with it on, and to see him bond with Amelia, but this was good for you for an entirely different reason. Getting to sit so close to him, paying special attention to his devastatingly beautiful face–getting to admire his wonderfully long eyelashes, his cute nose, the semi-raised scars decorating his jaw and neck…there wasn’t a detail about this man that didn’t have you absolutely whipped.
After a while, you finally manage to get it all off, turning slightly to set down the supplies. When you turn back you find Rooster staring at you contently. There was no mischief, no cheekiness. He looked serious, blinking slowly–his gaze was intense, full of nothing but deep love and admiration. He softly smiles and reaches up to gently tuck a few loose hairs behind your ear with the very tips of his fingers. You once again get the chills, except this time it radiated through you like an electric shockwave. Lord have mercy.
“How’d I get so lucky…” he whispers, so quietly you almost don’t catch it. It was moments like these that made your heart ache in the best possible way…when it was just you and him, the quiet. Nothing to do but comfortably sit in each other’s presence, admiring. You would be lying if you denied that after all these years, this man didn’t give you butterflies. 
“No..” you quietly chuckle, shaking your head slightly. “I’m the one who’s lucky.”
Rooster smiles at this warmly, putting his arms around your waist and pulling you close into one of those irreplaceable, ultra-comfortable, soul-soothing hugs–his hand gently pushing on the back of your head to get you to rest on his shoulder. He began to rock just barely side-to-side…you’re not sure how long you had sat there, but you began to feel him lazily trace patterns all over your back and…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
You don’t ever remember falling asleep, but you are awoken by a soft murmuring somewhere behind you. When you finally open your eyes and turn your head, you see Penny sitting at the edge of Amelia’s bed, softly stroking her hair. You hear her whisper to Amelia but you can’t quite make out what she says. Hope she had a good time. 
You turn even further to see Rooster sleeping peacefully behind you, his arm draped lazily over your waist. You smile at his darling face, peaceful as he rests—surprisingly well—on the shag carpet of Amelia’s bedroom floor. You couldn’t help but bring your hand up to run your fingertips through his hair, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek and eyelids. After a moment his eyelashes flutter slightly, and his eyes open–confused for a moment before finally focusing on your. He brings a hand up, groggily rubbing the sleep from his face the best he could. What a sight for sore eyes. He smiles at you and leans up, propping himself on one elbow, the other hand caressing the back of your head to pull you slightly forward. Usually a morning kiss would consist of something quick as you both are rushing to get to work,, but not this morning. He kisses you dizzingly slow and deeper than usual for his morning display of affection–had you been in the comfort of your own home, it would not be just a kiss but you store that in the mental bank for later. 
He barely pulls away, resting his forehead against yours “good morning gorgeous” he says with a smile. 
“Mornin, stud.” you quip back. He chuckles, letting out a throaty laugh before quickly kissing you on the forehead, his hand still caressing the back of your head. Suddenly, you’re interrupted by Penny.
“Hey, lovebirds,” Penny laughs quietly “thanks for hanging out with her, I know she had a lot of fun.”
“So did we,” you and Rooster say at the same time. 
“Let’s get up and I’ll buy us all breakfast, my treat.” Penny encourages. You both stand up wobbling, leaning on each other for as much support as you could give–the reality of sleeping on the floor now becoming painfully obvious. You hobble into the kitchen, gathering your things, and you notice Rooster is a little far behind you, visibly uncomfortable as he tried to stretch out his back to relieve some of the tension.
“I’m sorry if that was uncomfortable,” you said, running your hand down his back in an effort to soothe some of the pain. “We should’ve slept on the couch or something.”
”No apology needed,” he said insistently, looking at you like you had lost your mind. He kisses your cheek before continuing. “I said I wanted to spend time with you however I could, right? The sore back is totally worth it. Besides, there’s been plenty of times I’ve left you a bit sor-”
“Hey now,” you interrupt, putting your hand over his mouth “none of that til we’re out of Penny’s house.”
Penny looks at you guys, and shakes her head laughing. “You two crack me up.”
You both chuckle at her response, knowing damn well she’s aware of your activities as a couple. After all, she had quite literally asked you to babysit so she could have some alone time with a certain someone. Rooster returns his attention to you, grabbing your hand, a cheeky grin plastering his face. 
“Am I one of the girls now? Did I pass the test?”
“Mmm….,” you hum, looking up as you pretend to think about it. “you did alright. I’ll keep you around anyhow.”
“Perfect,” he laughs, resting his head on top of yours. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Yeah, me neither.
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𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝? 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞. | 𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫
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part four of do you feel my hand? it is there. | part one | part two | part three | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten | part eleven | part twelve
pairing: minho x fem!reader (afab)
genre: veterinarian!minho (this includes a few of the skz members working in his clinic). client!reader. hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov. strangers to lovers au. slowburn romance. lots of pining.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. very thematic elements. minho is reader's vet. reader is now his past client. the guys have a party for the next few parts. drinking alcohol and getting drunk/tipsy is mentioned. humor/fluff placed throughout. also, smut is coming very soon. :))
word count: 3.8k
summary: dr. lee minho is known throughout your area as the city's hottest veterinarian, and he's also the very man that's been taking good care of your two cats for the past three years. but one day, you're thrown down a dark path of heartache when the cat that you've grown up with - nyx - is diagnosed with an acute form of bone cancer. burdened with the hardest decision of your entire life, you come at a crossroads of what to do. and throughout it all, minho is the single most person who continually stays by your side.
a/n: decided to upload this today because i'm going to be having a busy weekend lol 😂 the last three parts of this are in the works, and i'm really excited to see how this little series of mine ends~ 🥸 i am honestly SO shocked by the response that i've gotten for this series... reading your guys' comments and feedback literally always makes my day and it makes me feel so happy to hear that my readers are enjoying the stuff i'm writing. so thanks so much for the support!! ❤️ also- STREAM 5 STAR CONCEPT TRAILER!!! 🌟
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The entire week leading up to the anniversary party, you agonized over what to wear. You didn’t think it’d be right to show up in something formal, but you didn’t want to reveal yourself to all of the guys after such a long time in your usual attire of baggy jeans and a simple t-shirt/hoodie. 
 It wasn’t until Friday evening, exactly two hours before you had to leave for the party, that you found the outfit. After rummaging inside your closet all week long, you happened to stumble upon a dress that had been shoved down at the bottom of a box of your old clothes. As you pulled the thing out, you were hit with a wave of memories - of when you’d wear the same dress while out clubbing with your friends during your university days. 
 The mini-dress was a light mint color and complimented your skin tone quite well. The scoop neckline hung low and exposed a good amount of cleavage, but not too much that it was deemed completely unsavory. There were long, sheer sleeves that covered your arms, and the thin fabric of the dress ruched just at your hips, defining your curves and adding depth to the otherwise short dress, with its hemline that stopped mid-thigh. 
 You felt that it was appropriate enough to wear to the party, since after all - it was a party, and there were sure to be drinks there. And drinks always called for a cute and flirty outfit. You matched the dress with some silver studs - things you hadn’t worn in a long time and only saved for very special occasions - and the only pair of heels that you owned, which were metallic in color and had a height of 3 inches. Small rhinestones lined the edges of the shoes, and they were one of your most expensive possessions, having been gifted them as a graduation gift by one of your fellow roommates in university who happened to be a good friend of yours. 
 Keeping the makeup on the lighter side of things, with your hair curled in soft ringlets around your face, you opted to grab the matching shawl that you always wore with the dress- the light mint color complimenting the ensemble perfectly. You took one final look at yourself in your bedroom’s floor-length mirror before leaving your place. 
 And to be honest, even you were shocked. 
 By how good you looked- 
 How hot. 
 If you were being entirely honest with yourself, it had somewhat been your plan. To reveal your inner sexiness subtly. But then all at once, the sensuality that you always tried to hide unexpectedly showed through in every aspect of your outfit. 
 You weren’t trying to seduce Dr. Lee. 
 No, surely not. 
 But… a little mini-dress never hurt anymore, right? 
During the commute that you took to Dr. Lee’s place via subway, you came to terms with the fact that things were going to be awkward at first. Especially since you had practically run away from him the week before. And you hadn’t seen the others who worked at the clinic in a long time, so it was only reasonable for you to assume that the talking would be stagnant at first. Surely, though, the alcohol running through everyone’s systems would promptly help to quell all of that.
 When you finally stepped off the train, you realized where you were- 
 Perhaps one of the most expensive districts in Seoul. 
 And of course, he had to live here. 
 It was to be expected since he was a rich and successful businessman. 
 At least Gangnam wasn’t too far from your district… 
 As soon as that thought entered your mind, you had to do a double-take and retract it back to the very depths of your being. Because what was your heart trying to insinuate? That him living close to you was a good thing? That something would come out of your broken client-doctor relationship? 
 Yeah, fucking, right. 
With that depressing thought clouding your mind, you made your way through the many side alleyways of the area. It seemed like the further into the district you got, the grander the places were, with extravagant high rises lining either side of you.
 Finally, your phone’s GPS dinged in completion when you stood in front of a rather large apartment complex. The four separate buildings towered over you in well over twenty stories, forcing you to crane your neck upwards as you tried to take in their size. The grounds were well kept, flourishing with spring flowers and green grasses. 
 The nearby park was bustling with activity - little kids playing together and young moms conversing at the benches while sipping on coffees. It was nine on a Friday night, and at this point in the night, your district usually wasn’t very busy. However, Gangnam seemed to be on a whole other level. 
 And as you made your way through the complexes, soon finding Dr. Lee’s building, you understood just how out of your league he was. If the nice outfits at work weren’t enough and the literal fucking sports car didn’t cut it for you, then the sparkling, sprawling apartment complex with humungous units on each floor worked to suffice his position over you. 
 You took the sparkly-silver elevator up to the twenty-fifth floor, registering that the building reached up to forty. As you filed out of the doors, you noticed the cute decorations outside of Dr. Lee’s place. A small rug was placed just underneath the door, in the shape of a pink-colored cat that read ‘Hello, Peasants.’ That forced a small giggle out of you at the peek of humor in his personal life. There was also a small wreath hanging at the center of the door, with three miniature figurines of cats nestled into its green leaves. You supposed they were his since they looked similar to the pictures he had shown you in the past. 
 Taking a deep breath to calm your rising nerves, you reached over and rang the doorbell. As you stood there, you would hear the distinct sound of a loud bass playing over speakers. So, the party must’ve already started, then. 
 It took a moment, but finally, someone answered the door. 
 You were greeted by a smiling Jeongin, his grin stretching from ear to ear as he registered your presence. “Holy fuck- Y/N, hi!” He exclaimed, leaning over the threshold of the door and enveloping you in a warm hug. “I thought for sure that Minho had lied about you coming tonight!” 
 That detail caused a flush to bloom across your cheeks, “Yeah, well- it sounded like fun, so I thought I’d join in the celebrations… how are you?” You asked, taking in his appearance. He looked a little more mature than the last time you had seen time over a year before, with his jawline slightly more chiseled and a distinct kind of glimmer in his eyes. His hair was dyed a snow-white color, painting his deep olive skin tone in a milky glow. 
 “Doing good,” Jeongin began, as he stepped aside to let you into the apartment. Immediately upon entering, the distinct smell of him took over your entire being. It seemed to flood all of you, drowning you in thoughts of only Dr. Lee and nothing else. “Been so busy at the clinic lately, business has picked up in the last few months.” 
 You gave him a soft smile, “I bet… you guys work your assess off over there, you deserve every client.” 
 He frowned at you then, watching in silence as you yanked your shawl a little tighter around your shoulders and slipped off your heels. You weren't entirely comfortable showing off so much skin so early into the evening. “We all miss you at the clinic… the days aren’t the same without seeing you walk in through the front doors holding your adorable kitties-” 
 “Hey, Innie, don’t bore her with shit about the clinic,” an exasperated voice called out to your left. You turned and caught a glimpse of Seungmin, as he leaned against a nearby wall. He was clutching onto a brown and white cat - which you assumed was Dr. Lee's cat, Dori - in one of his arms. He was dressed in an oversized matching set of joggers and a hoodie. Comfy clothes. Perhaps you had overdressed for the occasion. But then when you studied Jeongin, you noticed the particular detail that he had put into his outfit… from the necklace of pearls hanging around his neck to the simple baby blue t-shirt he had tucked into light-washed jeans. 
 “I was just telling her how much things have changed since she stopped coming around…” Jeongin’s voice trailed off, as they both stared at you then. The fucking elephant in the room was that you left because of Nyx’s passing. 
 They both knew it. 
 You knew it. 
Everyone knew it. 
 Seungmin waved off his words, slinking an arm around the younger’s shoulders and motioning with a tilt of his head to the hallway behind him. Meanwhile, Dori was a squirming mess in his hold, as he tried to escape his hands. “Anyways, the party’s already started. Some of the guys haven’t arrived yet, but we’re all hanging out in the living room, so c’mon…” 
 You said nothing more to that, choosing to follow behind the two men as they led the way through the apartment. And it was so grand and beautiful. Multiple doors lined either side of the hallway’s walls, but they were all closed. You wondered what lay behind them. Then, there was the spacious kitchen off to the left, which had a magnificent marble island counter at the center of it. 
 And finally, you stopped in the living room. The biggest tv you had ever seen was mounted on the farthest wall, quickly flashing with bright lights as some of the guys played Mario Party. There was an L-shaped couch that was pushed against the wall closest to you, with room to fit at least six grown adults. And two armchairs were positioned on either side of the grand coffee table that was in the middle of the room. In the corner of the room, you caught sight of a cat tree, where an orange-and-white tabby - Soonie - was busy dozy off amongst the chaos. Dr. Lee's third cat, Doongie, was nowhere to be found apparently.  
 Throughout the area, small hints of Dr. Lee’s personality were hidden - from the many sprawling-green potted plants that lined the large bay windowsill, to the tiny cat figurines sitting just underneath the tv, to the large portrait of him and his three cats that hung above the couch. It looked to be in a unique style, with distinct brushstrokes and a cool colour palette. Immediately, you recognized it as Hyunjin’s work. After all, he had told you on multiple occasions that besides working with animals, he had a true passion for art. He had shown you some of his pieces in passing, and you were always blown away by the technical details of it all. 
 Your eyes slid past the two hunched-over figures - Yongbok and Jisung - who were enraptured by the game on the tv screen and landed on the men lounging on the couch. Chan was swishing an ice-cold glass of soju in one hand, as he chattered away with a listening Dr. Lee. None of them had noticed your presence yet. 
 “You guys- Y/N’s here!” Jeongin announced loudly over the rap music that was blasting throughout the room and somewhat masking the guy's voices. 
 All at once, they turned in unison to get a glimpse of you, Dr. Lee’s head snapping so quickly you were afraid his neck would break by the sheer force of the movement. He was dressed in black, oversized cargo pants, his midnight-toned locks a little mussed at the ends. But perhaps the worst part about the outfit was what he was wearing on top. It was a tight, black, muscle t-shirt that clung to every ripple of his sinewy flesh. The silver zipper that lay at the front of the garment was pulled down slightly, flashing bits and pieces of milky-smooth skin. (a/n: I'M SORRY- BUT YOU KNOW THAT I HAD TO DO IT!! I'M STILL NOT OVER ZIPPER MIN!!). And the choker… fuck, the black-chained choker that he wore around his thick fucking neck… he was surely going to be the death of you. 
 “Y/N- hey, you made it!” Jisung called out, while Yongbok waved excitedly before the two of them delved back into their game. 
 Chan stood up from his place on the sofa, passing you with a light squeeze of the shoulder, “Nice to see you,” he said in that deep, rumbly voice of his. You flashed him a smile, already feeling comforted by the way that they were acting like no time had passed between the lot of you. Like this was something normal… to be invited into Dr. Lee’s house for a private gathering of friends. 
 Seungmin and Jeongin hastily picked up two extra controllers and were soon sitting beside Jisung and Yongbok, joining in on the fun of the video game. That left just… you and Dr. Lee, since evidently, Hyunjin and Changbin hadn’t arrived yet. 
 He continued to watch you in silence for a few more beats from his seat on the couch. You could practically feel his eyes roving down the length of you, witnessing you in all of your party-goer glory. But then his focus caught on the shawl hanging around your shoulders, and you offered him a tiny, meek smile. 
 “Don’t be shy and come sit down.” He finally said in a voice that was so low, it was hard to hear over the vibrating music around you. He gently patted the space just beside him on the couch, his lips spreading into a warm grin.
 You swallowed around the solid lump that was forming in your throat. Sitting next to him. In such a revealing dress. With him in such a drool-inducing outfit. 
 Surely, the night wasn’t going to end well - surely, it was going to result in irrevocable heartbreak and pain. 
 But perhaps, you could bear such a thing if it meant getting to see him so up close and personal. 
“Thanks for the invite,” you began once you were seated an appropriate distance next to him - at least a pillow’s length. “Seriously, this place is insane.” 
 He laughed awkwardly, running a few fingers through his hair, “It’s no problem… thought you might enjoy a change of scenery. Your district can be quite- bleak at times.” 
 “No shit- you’re telling me.” 
 “Is it that bad?” 
 He was staring at you again, his body turned to the side, back leaning into one of the corners of the sofa so that he could get a full look at you. You could tell all of this from your peripheral vision. 
 But you couldn’t look at him… 
 His outfit, 
 His closeness, 
 The intimacy of the entire night, 
 It was swoon-worthy and vomit-inducing all at once. 
 So instead, you decided to curl up with a fluffy throw pillow, keeping your focus straight ahead, on the tv screen, as Jisung’s character fell off of a platform which resulted in his team losing. 
 “Most of the time the shops in the area close around nine, so there’s nothing to do after dark. It sucks if you ever want to have a life outside of work because as soon as you’re off, everyone is closing up for the day. I have no idea why you decided to start a clinic in my district, to be honest… like, Gangnam is a much better option.” 
 “True…” His voice trailed off. And you felt him shift so that now his focus was on the tv. This gave you enough time to peek a glance at him again. He looked ethereal under the soft glow of the living room lights - the teasing skin of his chest glistening in a warm hue, his cheekbones washed in a distant kind of shadow, his perfect, red lips pursed slightly and- “But then, I’d never have met you if I set up shop here in Gangnam.” 
 You didn’t have any time to react, as he whipped his head back towards you, catching your perusal of his otherworldly beauty. Because truly, how can any man be so hot and yet beautiful at the same time? His face looked like it was chiseled by the Gods themselves, the picture-perfect example of a Hellenistic sculpture from Greece… all soft lines, flowing movement, and a focus that was wholly on his soft and genuine personality. 
 A sparkle filled his chocolate-brown irises then, as they lit up with the fact that you had blatantly been checking him out. Surely, he didn’t know about your feelings. Surely, he didn’t… 
 You spluttered in embarrassment at his words, as they finally registered in your mind. “I hardly doubt that I’ve made any difference in your career, Dr. Lee-”
 “I wish you’d stop calling me that.” 
 And just like that, he pulled the breath right out of your lungs again. 
 Like it was just a flimsy green leaf, that he had happened to pluck out of the sky and catch hold of. 
 Dragging the air up your throat and out between your lips. 
“W-What?” You managed to say in a strangled kind of way, the words tickling the tip of your tongue. They burrowed down into the pit of your heart, lighting something dim and unchecked inside of you. 
 “Addressing me so formally. That title, Dr. Lee… only my clients use it.” 
 “B-But I am your-”
 He leveled you with a swarthy regard then, dark brows pulling together, mouth pressing into a firm line of displeasure. “No, you’re not- not anymore. So I honestly don’t see the point in keeping up with all of the formalities.” 
 The anxiety balled up into an unruly knot at the speed of light. And soon, you found it jumbling around in your stomach. Was he mad? By his tone, which held a slight edge to it, he seemed upset… 
 But why? You thought he’d appreciate the honorifics, and welcome them, even, since the two of you were from such opposites sides of life. 
 “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that it was such an issue for you.” You said, but as soon as the words left your lips, you realized the bitterness that hung between them. The slight anger was laced there, from the fact that he was trying to break the one rule that you had set for yourself long ago. 
 Because okay- yes, he was really fucking hot. And fucking nice all of the time. But that didn’t give you the right to jump his bones just because you were attracted to him. And besides, he’d never stoop so low for a woman like you.
He threw his hands up in the air then, sighing in defeat. “I mean, I really don’t know what I have to do- I invite you over to my place, I fucking call-”
 Just then, he was interrupted by a loud shout flooding in from down the hallway. And suddenly, Changbin appeared in the living room, a goofy smile plastered on his face, as he held up a huge case of beer and a jumbo-sized bag of potato chips. “What’s up, dweebs?” He hollered, throwing his head back and cackling maniacally. 
 “What did I tell you about using such a word?” Yongbok groaned out in despair, throwing his controller down onto the ground and stomping over to the older man. “It’s like- so nineteen-nineties.” He plucked the bag of chips out of his hand before scurrying back to the others. 
 Hyunjin filed into the living room, interrupting the scene with his show-stopping looks, even though he was dressed like a literal hobo, in ripped sweatpants and a stretched-out hoodie. “Give it up, Bokkie- his uneducated ass could never grasp such a concept.” He rolled his eyes at the dark-haired muscly man who was silently fuming with rage in the corner. 
 “Hey! I’ll have you know that I’m a fucking vet assistant-”
 “Yeah only because you failed your placement test to get into tech school.” Seungmin threw back, earning a few shrill cackles from the younger men sitting around him. 
 “I swear to all things holy if you don’t stop bringing up-” Changbin began, storming over to the brown-haired boy in apparent rage when suddenly he was intervened by a shouting Chan. 
 “Food just arrived- come eat you little shits, before I take it all for myself!” He called from the nearby kitchen. 
 And just like that, the playfully-tense atmosphere in the living room dissipated, as Changbin was immediately soothed by the prospect of food. 
 “I call first dibs on the Hawaiian pizza!” Jisung exclaimed, shooting up from his spot on the floor and rushing for the kitchen. 
 “No one’s going to fight you on that one, Ji, you literally have the worst taste in cuisine,” Jeongin said under his breath, shaking his head in distaste as he followed right behind him. 
 As all of the guys left the living room, you were thrown into the uneasy silence between you and… and Minho. Your heart was beating wildly against your chest, as you tried to process what had just gone wrong between you. 
 Maybe coming to the party was a mistake after all. 
 Maybe, you should’ve just stayed holed up in your small, dingy apartment, like you usually did every Friday night. 
But then Minho was sighing heavily, and from his proximity, you could practically feel his hot breath hit your neck. It seemed like he had grown closer to you in the last few minutes. “Fuck- just forget I said anything.” 
 And before you could say - or do - anything else, he was shuffling out of the living room, in search of some piping hot food. 
 Getting some alcohol into your system would surely help the pain that suddenly coursed through your veins.
 Surely, drowning your mind in liquor would help to quell the rising hurt that was beginning to squeeze at your heart. 
 Because just like that, without you even having to confess your feelings to him, he was dismissing you. 
 He was ignoring your feelings. 
 Just from the way that he told you to ‘forget about it.’ 
 When no- 
 You couldn’t just erase it from your mind. 
 You couldn’t simply snap a finger and ‘forget about it.’ 
 Forget the history the two of you had together? 
 The attraction that was seemingly only one-sided?
 The realization that he had only called you over to his party to fill the space of a friend? 
 Nah- fuck that shit. 
 So you weren’t going to forget any of it, just to spite him. 
 And you decided that for the rest of the night, you’d think about nothing but him. 
 Be consumed by nothing but him. 
 Again and again, you’d allow your mind to wander to the fantasies you had of him. 
 Because then, maybe you’d be able to get back at him - for all of the hurt that he was putting you through without even realizing it, for so very long.
To be continued...
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213 notes · View notes
chrollohearttags · 2 years
unspoken words • nanami kento
cw : virgin reader, soft dom, missionary, fingering, hand holding, pussy eating, squirting, bulging, praise, slight overstim, mentions of blood
wc: 4.2k
"That'll be it for today's lecture. Thank you all for coming and remember, read through chapters fourteen and sixteen tonight. They'll be crucial to the exam on Friday."
class had just been dismissed for the evening as students shuffled from their seats towards the front door.
it was late so everyone was eager to get back to their dorm rooms for further study sessions or even prepare for some partying.
it was a Saturday night and they all had better places to be. That was everyone except (y/n) and the professor teaching the curriculum.
it was a night English course, signed up for on a whim that delved into literature and creative storytelling.
having been expressive and loving creative writing since you were a kid, it sounded like something right up your alley.
however, last week's assignment was your greatest challenge thus far.
simply, it was to write a vivid, descriptive short story on a subject of another student's choosing.
and yours just so happened to be 'the Art of Love Making', based on a poem you had read a while back.
it was intriguing to say the least and when it was your turn, you spared no details.
but you were afraid you may have gone overboard, even for a college course!
always one of the last to clear out, you'd gather your textbook, bags and water bottle before making a beeline towards the entranceway.
but before you could get out undetected, you'd hear the last voice you wanted to.
"Miss (y/n)..a word, please?"
it was your professor, Mr. Kento Nanami. A very calm and collected man that was quite wise, even for only being in his early thirties.
although he wasn't too expressive himself, you learned a lot and really enjoyed his style of teaching..not to mention, he was very nice to look at.
a tall blonde, with nice blue eyes and a voice that made chills run up your spine. He wasn't married from what it seemed but he always wore two silver bands on his nicely trimmed fingers.
his hands were very veiny and he seemed to be pretty toned.
a very attractive man to say the least..
stepping closer to the desk, he'd unfold his arms and push the chair back slightly.
"Hi professor, what's up?"
you had no earthly idea what this was about but you hoped you hadn't done something wrong. You weren't one much for making scenes or causing trouble.
honestly, you were rather shy and quiet..so you could imagine his surprise when he read your work from last week.
"I—uh, had the pleasure of reading through your submission on the creative writing assignment and I must say..I was taken aback. I'd like to discuss it if you have a moment."
instantly, your heart sank and your stomach began doing flips.
you had a bad feeling about this!
by this time, it was only the two of you left in the room and thank goodness, because this was already awkward enough as is.
nonetheless, he'd insist you'd take a seat in the chair next to him and you felt your heart begin racing instantly.
being this close to him did not help matters any.
"Sure..was there something wrong with it?"
"No..exact opposite actually. I was rather impressed and a little surprised at how..vivid your storytelling was. Especially with such a taboo topic. I think you encompassed it rather well. By far some of the best work I've seen in quite some time."
those words brought a sense of relief over you. You were so afraid that this man was about to chew you out for that debauchery!
instead, he was singing your praises and unbeknownst to you, having interesting thoughts himself.
your lips cracked into a nervous yet bright smile as you'd breathe a sigh of relief.
"Well thank you, professor! I'm really glad you enjoyed it."
that was an understatement for sure. Little did you know, you had this man clutching his pearls and sweating like all hell after getting through it.
but it was the way you so eloquently described the acts that made him do several double takes.
talking about such lewd and explicit acts, he honestly couldn't help but wonder..was there another (y/n) underneath that introverted exterior?
if he was being totally honest, you were a stunning, absolutely beautiful young woman.
wavy, kinky texture hair always styled into a top bun or a ponytail with some sort of accessory in it, almond..cocoa colored skin that always complimented your elegant wardrobe.
adorable sundresses; always dainty, normally pink or light hued and something with flowers on it.
he thought you looked absolutely precious, and yet..
"Of course. I mean, I have to be honest and please don't take offense, I didn't exactly think you'd be capable of cultivating such a piece."
you knew what he meant: people never pictured you as the promiscuous type, just an innocent girl despite being in your twenties.
which if you were being truthful, you still were. You hadn't lived nearly the amount of experience that your peers had.
never much into partying, drinking or even going on dates. You were a recluse that mostly stayed shut in on the weekends.
naturally, it left a lot of time and room for your imagination to wander..
often times, you'd find yourself immersed in the world of erotic fiction novels and became not only inspired but admittedly aroused by some of the things you read!
living vicariously through the characters as they experienced everything you hoped to with that special person someday.
eventually, you decided to try your own hand at it and in your spare time, wrote many pieces.
needless to say, you were a natural at this point.
scooting a little closer, shifting his reading glasses up the bridge of his nose, he'd examine the paper once more as the gap of space closed between you two.
it was borderline embarrassing for many reasons to have it picked apart like this..
especially when the driving force behind it seemed awfully familiar the further he got along.
his tongue scaled the curvature of her bending spine, painting her with his lust, faint breaths raising the minuscule hairs on her delicate skin. Those eyes, cerulean and wavering as the calmest ocean fixated on the beauty beneath him.
"..deeper." she'd call out in a faint whisper and he'd fulfill her demand just like all those she'd made to him before.
clearing his throat and shifting the patterned tie around his neck, Kento turned his gaze toward you.
"Tell me something..and be honest, it's only us here..was there a particular muse behind this piece?"
you were sweating bullets, wanting to dart out of that chair and never look back. Glaring down at the floor, (y/n) squeezed your thighs together and evaded his stare.
it was time to come clean.
"Honestly, Mr. Nanami..it was you. I mean, you are the one that wrote the poem, aren't you? The Art of Love Making?"
those were the words he had been waiting to hear.
since the inception of his career as an English professor, never would he have imagined he'd be reading soft core porn on paper about himself!
even so, he was rather humbled..humbled that someone was inspired by his work from so long ago.
but the distinctive writing style couldn't be mistaken.
"Yes, that's correct. Something I wrote as an undergrad myself..just didn't think it would make its rounds all these years later."
chuckling, he had to hear more about this process. He wasn't mad or even creeped out by it.
you had a brilliant mind and he wanted to pick it.
hearing you describe your process, impressions of him that made him the ideal lead character and how you created such vivid imagery.
you had him pegged to a tee. Truth was, he was a completely different man than the one that sat before you behind close doors.
after a long day of work, he had longed of voiding himself of pent up energy and frustrations with a beautiful woman.
using her body as the canvas to create his 'art of love making.' Sadly, he had been long since single with not a worthy prospect in sight.
after all of that, only one question remained and he hoped it didn't scare you away..but he had to confirm something for himself.
"(Y/N)..can I ask you a very..personal question?"
"Of course, anything."
little did you know you'd regret that statement.
"..are you still a virgin?"
the question made your cheeks burn something fierce and your breathing became labored. But honestly, you saw that coming!
no one who wrote and described the acts so vividly could possibly be doing it!
when he spotted your reaction, he'd begin to try and backpedal, even stuttering over himself.
"Is it that obvious?"
he felt ashamed of himself for even posing such a thing to you! It was unprofessional but it didn't garner the reaction he was expecting.
"No! Not at all, I—Please forgive me, (y/n). That was a very foolish and inappropriate question—
that's when he'd hear you laughing amid his heartfelt apology.
"It's all good, professor. Please don't be sorry. I mean..I guess I never saw the need or rather..the right occasion to lose it. The truth is, I—kinda set my own standards too high. I figured that if I went and hooked up with some random dude, it'd never live up to my expectations of—ya know."
he knew exactly what you meant and he had the perfect solution for it..
that's only if you were willing.
bringing his chair closer, he'd place a hand to your thigh and glare up at you.
"Well..would you like to?"
taking a sharp inhale, you were caught completely off guard by his statement! Even so, you'd be a liar if you said that it wasn't your dream to be deflowered by him.
"I—uh..I-" your words unable to even form into a coherent thought.
mainly because having him do all of those things he described would most certainly corrupt you.
the thing was, he found you insanely beautiful and someone such as yourself deserved nothing but the best for your first time.
the real question was could you even handle it?
"There I go again, speaking out of turn. I am so sorry—
the shouted answer stopping your bumbling teacher dead in his tracks. His face began to emit a bright red and his heart was thudding.
"Yes, Mr. Nanami. I would like for you to be the one to take my virginity.."
he was normally so calm and serene but this was the first time in ages he became flustered.
the softness and innocence in your sweet voice made him feel emotions he hadn't in a long time. "Well then..I'd be honored."
your faces were drawing closer, only a hair's breath in distance..his palm grazing your leg as he closed the gap with a searing kiss.
your lips crashed together and melded as one; instantly making your body shudder with excitement.
were you really kissing your teacher right now?!
luckily, the doors were locked, no windows were on it and more than likely, this wing was clear of people at this time of night.
because this was really happening and it seemed he didn't want to wait much longer to do so!
coiling your tongues together, you'd place your palm to his cheek; gently moaning into it as he grew closer.
when you both finally withdrew, your breathing was sporadic and your eyes refused to part.
Kento was squeezing your thigh and moving up your dress, about to be in for a surprise because already, you were pretty soaked from the tension alone.
"Oh (y/n)..you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
"So have I..please, show me more?"
and he was delighted to. He'd instruct you to set atop his desk so that he had more room to move around.
anything in his way went flying to the floor because he was only focused on the beauty before him.
soon, you'd find the straps of your dress gliding down your shoulders and his lips following shortly thereafter; grazing your sensitive neck and lacing it with kisses.
he was so gentle but you could tell he was restraining himself for your own good.
the last thing he wanted was to intimidate you but you'd find out just what he was capable of.
next, he'd hone in on your breasts, tugging them from the top and exposing them. Round with perfectly erect brown nipples on display..
"Oh my God.." mumbling underneath his breath as he slowly caressed them in his palms.
he could tell by the way you were chewing your lip, that it felt good to you so they became his next fixation.
his warm breath met with your stiff buds and soft pecks thereafter. He'd keep them cupped in his hands as his tongue danced around, licking them.
tossing your head back, you'd bite your lip and allow him to keep doing his thing.
"It feels so good..I've never had anything like this."
(Y/N) couldn't make sense of the new sensation overtaking your body but you knew you wanted more of it.
that's when he decided to take things up a notch.
bringing a free hand between your legs, he'd part them ever so slightly without so much as even breaking focus on your breasts.
"Well, my dear..we're only getting started. I've got so much more I'd like to give you."
when he got your thighs spread, he was greeted by the plump print of your lips behind your underwear.
releasing a low grunt, he'd just take a second to admire how good it looked just in that state. He could see you becoming antsy and needier..
"Is it okay if I touch you there, (y/n)? Is it alright?"
nodding your head, you'd let him know it was absolutely okay if he touched you anywhere.
"Of course you can."
you were so nervous about messing up or not doing the right thing but as long as you placed your trust in him, nothing would go wrong.
leaving no space between your bodies, Kento leaned down; his taller frame bending as he returned to your lips.
there were those slow tongue kisses that made you melt..meanwhile, he'd snake two fingers inside of your panties and be greeted by heated slick.
"..fuck." a low growl escaping his lips.
it was so warm and your cute little clit was already swollen, responding to his touch.
"Oh! Ahh..Mr. Nanami, please—"
the words making it from your mouth in a high pitched cry as your eyes stretched open. You had felt arousal before but nothing quite like this.
but he was quick to quell you as he lovingly stroked your cheek.
"Shhh, it's alright. Just relax..you trust me, right?"
gently chuckling, he'd mumble faintly against your lips and smile as he continued rubbing that sensitive area.
"Then just let me take care of you. We'll take as much time as you need to..I only want to make you feel good."
the way he spoke to you was incredibly reassuring and you knew that it would all be fine.
so when you calmed down, he proceeded to slide his digits across your pretty pink flesh and eventually worked them inside of you.
your legs had risen to the top of the desk, your knees pressing into your chest as you watched them sink into you slowly.
the entrance squeezing and clamping down with each pump.
it was causing you to tremble and chew on the material of your dress, hoping you didn't make a wrong move and embarrass yourself.
but Kento had no issue being patient and biding his time to slowly unravel you. Watching those creamy juices splay his hand was making the crotch of his pants tighten.
the sounds of squishing flesh made him want to fold you up right now!
"You're so tight and slippery..my God. How does it feel so far? Talk to me.." whispering into your ear as he gave it a peck.
"I love it..please don't stop, Mr. Kento. It feels amazing!"
as much as he loved watching you writhe in pleasure, it gave a much needed boost to his ego. It had been quite some time since he had heard a woman moan for him.
to give you exactly what you needed, he'd instruct you to raise your legs so he could render your bottom half completely nude.
just from that little bit of fingering, you were so close to the brink of climax.
he had allowed you to clutch his arm for support, watching your nails dig into him.
"That's what I want to hear..and you're doing so good. Just keep rocking on them..just like that."
cooing to you with gentle kisses on your temples whilst he whispered in your ear, talking you through it.
"Don't worry, baby. I know this isn't the most ideal place but I'm going to give you the experience you deserve. Can I do that?"
there was no question about it but the fact that he was so considerate to ask you each time made you feel even safer.
"Yes sir! Do whatever you want."
sucking your teeth, you'd beg for him to do what he pleased and with that, he'd lie you flat against the desk.
now you were wide open, completely at his whim and disposal..you'd be left only with the view of blonde locks.
his head had dipped between your thighs and soon, he'd find himself sliding his tongue across your slit. Now that was very new!
a sharp inhale followed by the clenching of his hair let him know he was doing something right.
swirling his tongue around your folds, sucking on your clit, the bridge of his nose nuzzled deep into your cunt and even leaving a trail of spit, Kento was enamored with your sex. You tasted absolutely divine.
eyes rolling to the back of your skull and a trail of explicative words followed. By the time he showed his face again, it was covered in your juices.
"I'm taking that you've never had your pussy eaten before either? You're trembling, my love.."
shaking your head profusely, that would prompt him to laugh and give that soaking mound another slew of kisses.
"Yeah...definitely my first time!"
in a mere matter of minutes, you had gone from only exploring your own body to being licked down on the desk of your professor.
your legs were resting on his shoulder and he'd give it a peck as well to quell the shaking. "Don't worry..I'll make sure you get used to it."
he'd declare before giving you a wink.
leaning back up, he'd tear out of his blue button down and unbuckle his khaki pants, bearing his weight down over your body.
when he was finally unclothed, you'd get a glimpse of what was hiding behind his print and it looked like a lot.
biting down on your lip, you'd stare intensely until he broke it with a gentle swipe of his thumb across your face.
"Before we go any further, I want you to be sure that you're ready..if it gets to be too much or you want to stop, I want you to say something. Please don't force yourself."
at this point, if you didn't feel something, you were going to burst.
but you'd assure him that you were more than willing to take this next step! And with that, so was he.
your eyes met in a quick haze before Kento grasped his shaft into his palm and eased it across your slit. It was a sopping mess and felt so good when his tip touched it.
"You've got me so hard, I haven't felt like this in so long.."
his voice dropped to a low growl yet again, trying to pace himself and resist his own urges.
this was all for your pleasure and his only purpose right now was to give you the best night possible. The lights had completely dimmed in the classroom and helped some to set the mood.
he could see the anxiety written on your face and how cute you looked.
"Please, Mr. Nanami..don't make me wait. I want it and I want you, so badly."
"I'm right here, sweetheart..here, hold my hands, it may hurt a little bit. Are you ready for me to go in?"
"Yes sir. Go ahead."
you were scared..afraid that once you took this leap, you could never turn back. That maybe he wouldn't respect or even view you the same.
but that was the furthest thing from..he was deeply smitten and admirable of you. Nothing could ever change how he felt.
regardless, the pace was agonizing and as you watched him lay that large erect across your lower half, you were mentally freaking out.
but before you knew it, the tip was making its way inside of you.
it was a very new and interesting sensation, one you'd never thought you'd feel or even like!..
but as you watched it slide in, your eyes swelled and your head eventually fell back as it entered you.
"Oh my God.."
the two of you moaned simultaneously, trying to gather your bearings. But he was quick to reel you back in.
he had gotten just a little past the shaft before he could feel that tightness and knew that was your limit for now.
for the time being, he couldn't look you directly in the eye out of fear of his own premature orgasm. But still, he persisted and gave you two light thrusts.
your fingers were already intertwined with his and you were ready to take it.
"I'm gonna start moving now, remember what I told you, okay?"
this was too much to bare! His gentle, slow pace, the kind and reassuring words..
how could you have gotten so lucky to have a man like this take your innocence?
two gentle pumps in and out..the feeling was intense, making your skin riddle with goosebumps but once he done it a couple more times, faint whimpers crawled from your lips.
"That's it..just stay still for me. You don't have to move a muscle, just let me do all the work, baby.."
his chiseled abs and muscular frame was pressed against yours as he fed your virgin hole fluid strokes.
it was a lot and he wasn't small by any means, but eventually you'd grow used to the feeling.
Kento, moaning softly began to coddle you with soft tongue kissing as well. To soothe his own sensitivity and because he loved the feeling of your plump lips.
the desk creaked quietly underneath your intertwined bodies. It was so unreal, you felt as if you were currently whisked into one of your romance novels!
but suddenly, a new feeling would overtake you and you'd wind up releasing a sharp breath and clawing his arm.
oh fuck! That hurt..
that invisible 'cherry' that had been spoken about since sixth grade sex education, had finally been popped!
by the time he pulled out again, there was a tiny sheath of blood coating his dick but nothing compared to the arousal on it.
"Are you okay, (y/n)?! Did I hurt you? We can stop—"
but just as he was about to panic, you'd assure him it was fine and to please continue.
"No, don't stop moving..I can handle it."
although, your breath as well as your legs were shaking. But there was no backpedaling..you had to get through this.
proceeding to buck his hips forward, Kento pushed past that first wall and began stretching that untouched flesh.
still, he was so attentive; watching even your tiniest reactions to make sure you were okay.
"Mmm...oh my gosh, this feels so good. Thank you, sir. So much.."
he'd look down to see a single tear trailing down your cheek and felt satisfied that he was doing a good job.
swiping it away, he'd kiss the area and hold your face in his palm.
"You're doing amazing, (y/n)..God, I'm so proud of you, my love. Look how good you're taking me.."
and that was indicative of the squelching sounds it was making. Your little entrance was leaking cream and there was a swelling feeling in the pit of your stomach.
by now, the movements had become a little faster and you had found your rhythm.
(Y/N) was curled into a fetal position, completely folded to bear the grunt of those strokes but you weren't the only struggling.
"Oh God, (y/n)..excuse my language but I'm losing my fucking mind. You're so perfect..I love the way you feel."
panting on baited breath, Kento gripped the wooden outline of the desk behind your head to avoid hurting you.
anything further than holding hands would have to wait..you weren't quite ready to be choked or anything!
but if he didn't come soon, he'd end up breaking it.
pushing in and out, it was clear you were close to climaxing as well so for the last stretch, he'd double down and start pounding your pussy.
pressing your hands to his chiseled abs, you'd grit your teeth, holding on for the bumpy ride.
"That's it..take it..take this dick, baby. You're so close, I can feel it. Are you ready to come now?"
but there was only one problem..it didn't feel like you were releasing at all! But rather..
"I th-think so! But it feels like I have to pe—ahh!" your words fading off into a high pitched wail but he needed no further explanation.
he knew exactly what you were feeling and if you done it on your first time, he'd never leave you alone.
breaking into a hearty laugh, Kento gently stroked your forehead, before pecking it.
"Aww..you're so cute. Go ahead, let it out."
in that moment, you stared at him as if he were insane. Did this man really want you to embarrass yourself?!
"It's alright, my love..just do it. It's fine."
you were so scared but this pent up pressure couldn't stay in any longer so after he pulled out, you'd do exactly as he said.
"OH GOD! YES!.."
that's when it dawned on you..this wasn't urine at all, and what you were actually doing..
"You're squirting..that's so hot, (y/n). Look at you.."
but nothing was hot about losing your goddamn mind as you flailed about, spraying juices all over him!
but you had to admit, it felt incredible!..unlike anything you had experienced on your own.
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Nanami! Oh my gosh—"
"No! Don't be..that was perfect."
whimpering and crying as you covered your face in shame but there was nothing to be bashful of..this was a man's fantasy come true.
and after that, he felt no need to restrain himself. That's when you'd hear a loud grunt and felt something warm on your stomach and pelvis.
"Coming! I'm coming—fuck!" jerking himself in his palm, too afraid if he stuck it back in that he wouldn't pull out.
so instead, he splattered his seed all over your lower half. Those moans were so high pitched and passion filled..you had never heard anything like it.
it was official..both of you were absolutely spent!
collapsing atop your body, you'd wrap your arms around him as he panted into your bare shoulder blade.
once he composed himself, Kento met your face again..smiling brightly.
"Hey sweetheart..how are you feeling? Are you okay?.."
"I couldn't be better.."
nodding your head, he felt proud and satisfied of what transpired. Holding each other close, he'd keep your head in his hand.
leaning against your forehead, he'd whisper sweet nothings as you calmed down.
"Thank you..thank you so much for letting me share this experience with you. I'm forever grateful, miss (y/n).."
whimpering faintly into his ear, you'd give it a peck.
"No..thank you, for everything."
Just then, a line from his poem sprang into your head.
"Her body was his canvas; a slate once clear, now marked with the colorful, vibrant strokes of his love. She had now become his masterpiece, forever molded in his image."
and from now on, he was the muse who would inspire your next chapter.
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anamoon63 · 21 days
Hi guys, I am writing this in case anyone wonders why I have been kind of MIA lately. No, I haven't forgotten you, but I have had a difficult week, more than a difficult week, I have been through a real ordeal. Where or how it started it's a long story which I don't have the time or the energy to tell, so I'll just share a brief chronology of what happened during this past week.
Friday May 3 - I turned in my finished work and set out to do my sims posts, play and rest for the weekend since more work would be coming my way on Monday.
Saturday May 4 - My husband came down with the flu, I spent most of the day with him in the emergency room.
Sunday May 5 - I spent it taking care of my husband, who fortunately no longer had a fever. I barely slept two hours at night giving care and medication.
Monday 6 May - My birthday, we couldn't go out for dinner as usual, so we celebrated at home.
Tuesday, May 7 - My son comes down with the flu, too, another afternoon in the ER and sleepless night caring for him and bringing down his fever.
Wednesday, May 8 - My son starts to feel better, and begins to recover very quickly. I start working on the following translations, at the same time I take care of both my husband and my sick son, do food, laundry, order home medicines, and all kinds of small chores, including disinfecting things. It's like going back to 2020.
Thursday, May 9 - My husband no longer has a fever but does have a cough that won't go away and minor problems with his asthma.
Friday, May 10 - Mother's Day, my son was feeling fine, my husband still had a cough, and had a doctor's appointment at noon, when he returned, we celebrated at home just like on my birthday, I spent the rest of the day working, and juggling a thousand other things. In the evening my daughter started to feel sick, but still no fever.
Saturday, May 11 (yesterday) - My daughter woke up with a fever, another visit to the ER. She was prescribed flu medicine, painkillers and rest, and sent home.
And that's my odyssey so far. On top of it all, from Wednesday through Saturday we were in the middle of a heat wave with temperatures of 37ºC with real feel of up to 45ºC; at night we get a "cooler" temperature of 29ºC. So imagine a person with a fever of 38 ºC and with this heat, obviously it's not of much help.
Surprisingly, I haven't gotten sick so far, but I'm not claiming victory. I have been taking care of my family for a week, sleeping two or three hours a night, getting up at different times to check on them, or give them medicine. I don't have time for getting sick! Lol. Thankfully, everyone is better and last night for the first time in a week I was able to sleep straight through. Honestly, I don't need many hours of sleep, but I am routinely and usually I am in bed a 11 pm and up at 8 am every day, so all this did upset my sleep cycle a little bit.
Anyway, that is the reason why I wasn't here much, since the whole day I was too busy, and at night I was so tired all I wanted was to go to bed. I apologize if I've fallen behind on your updates, I'm not ignoring you in any way, I just didn't have the strength or the time, not even to play The Sims. If I did, it was just a little free play to distract myself.
Last week I told you that I was juggling a lot of things, well now I have even more things, lol, at times I feel really exhausted, and even a little cranky from lack of sleep, the first few days my feet and legs hurt so much from going back and forth, but I'm fine, healthy, and in good spirits. Today I believe, as never before, that the universe does not send you more than you can handle.
At this point my family is already in recovery, if I don't get sick too, it's likely by I'll be able to get back to my simming routine. Now, if I do get sick, I hope to recover as quickly as the others. Whatever happens, I'll be around. Know that, even if I don't comment, I read you, and I am with you, especially with those who are going through difficult times of any kind.
Ok, I said to myself this was going to be a short post, but I made a wall of text instead (for a change). My apologies if it's written in a sloppy or confusing way, I just wanted to write it quickly to let you know where I have been and what has been going on with me these days. I hope you are all well, please take care of yourselves, health is a treasure that can be lost at any moment, the flu is a nasty disease, we must never let our guard down and forget to take the necessary measures to prevent it.
Last, but not least, I want to thank all of you who have mentioned me, tagged me, sent me asks and/or stars to my inbox, commented and/or liked what few posts I could do these days, I appreciate it very much and I'll try to reply to you as soon as I can, though I've fallen so far behind that I don't know if I'll be able to find your mentions in my notifications. In any case, thank you very, very much to all of you for thinking about me in my absence. 💗 I'll see you soon, hopefully, with more sim adventures, stay tuned!
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larkral · 4 months
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Happy Wednesday! I've been writing! Thanks to @forabeatofadrum @emeryhall @nightimedreamersworld @artsyunderstudy @stitchyqueer @rimeswithpurple for tagging me today!
I've mostly been writing Holsom Timeloop, which I'm hoping to start posting in the next 2-3 weeks. And I've also been writing Simon's two mums, which at some point down the line I will post some of. Maybe I should post the first chapter and motivate myself by way of feedback. What say you?
Anyway, some mums up here, some timeloop and tags below the cut.
Simon POV:
"I just… do you think your mums would like… talk to me? About it? Like, how they knew." "Yeah. Of course. Do you want me to call them?"  "Maybe call, uh, Natalie? I feel like your other mum is too badass to ever have done something as common as realise she liked girls."  I laugh, then take my cell phone out of my pocket and press mum's face on the screen.  It rings.  It's a little bit cold out here. Keris shivers, and I shuck my blazer and hand it over to her.  "Simon, love, what's wrong?" Nothing's ever wrong, but mum especially always answers my calls in a panic—as though I'm calling to ask if it makes sense for me to go off and fight ogres or goblins or numpties. Which, to be fair, I did do a couple of times last year.  I had to fight with them to let me stay at Watford after that. And after the dragon. But nothing really bad has happened since [[redacted]]. There's only been that one time Goblins tried to get over the wall, and the time the worsegers tried to get under the wall. Otherwise it's been just school.  Though, you know, magic school, so it's hard to complain.
Holsom timeloop AKA Friday Prime:
He is in the kitchen, hoodie slung over a chair, two hot cups of Stop & Shop swill and a lottery ticket in front of him on the table.  "That's yours," he says, gesturing towards the second cup. "Coffee's shit, but the ticket's a winner."  "Mega millions?" "You got it. Put that somewhere safe."
Tagging @thewholelemon @confused-bi-queer @raenestee @facewithoutheart @cutestkilla @hushed-chorus @sillyunicorn @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @basiltonbutliketheherb @ileadacharmedlife @asocialpessimist @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @petedavidsonscock @takitalks @yeonjunenby @carryonvisinata @takenabackbytuesdays @martsonmars @nausikaaa @nightimedreamersghost @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @ionlydrinkhotwater @aroace-genderfluid-sheep​ @shrekgogurt @palimpsessed @fatalfangirl​ @blackberrysummerblog​ @valeffelees @imagineacoolusername @orange-peony @j-nipper-95 @whogaveyoupermission @wellbelesbian @youarenevertooold @mooncello
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intoanotherworld23 · 11 months
Loving You Is A Ride
Pairing: Reader x Luke Collins (Scott Eastwood)
Warnings: None
Length: 2902 words
Summary: After getting your heart broken a family friend let’s you stay with them for a while, and you swear off of love. That is until you meet a handsome and charming cowboy named Luke Collins
Alright I was totally inspired by @cevansbaby-dove and @cutedisneygrl to write this since they posted about him! It’s unfortunate there not more fanfiction about this man cause he is just so gorgeous, and I’ve been obsessed with him for a very long time. I hope you all enjoy! Thank you guys so much! XOXO
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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It's Friday night here at the local bar, and it's already packed full of people. Most of them wearing cowboy hats and girls wearing revealing outfits hoping to take someone home. If you weren't behind this bar you'd be one of those women.
Not that you were the kind of girl to do stuff like that, but your heart was covered in ice at this point. The last thing you wanted to feel was some type of emotion. It was like you had this wall around you, and you refused to let anyone break it down.
Your fiancé had been cheating on you, and you literally caught him in bed with another woman. Next thing you know you saw red and it ended with him getting a black eye and a couple scratches on his face and arms.
Of course you kicked his ass out of the apartment you two shared since it was in your name. Drinking away your sorrows as you wallowed in self pity. Ignoring every phone call and text you were receiving not in the mood to talk to people.
Things started to get so bad you literally locked yourself in your room barely leaving your bed as you laid there in the dark. Barely eating since your body was only craving something that could help numb the pain. Your mother came over and was shocked by what she walked into. She knew something had to be done to get you out of this funk.
Calling up a family friend telling her you needed to get away for the summer. Offering you a job to help her at the bar she owned, and a free place to stay at hers. You weren't going to pass up so you packed a lot of stuff and made yourself at home.
Telling her everything that happened, and she could tell you were hurting. Cassandra was the type of person that would help you out with anything, and do everything she could to make you feel better. Hoping that you working at the bar you would meet someone special with her blessing of course.
The music was blaring as you found yourself having to keep wiping down the counter top and refilling drinks. A couple young men attempting to flirt with you only to shot down none of them peaking your interest. Except one.
Feeling eyes staring at you almost as if he were zoning out. Looking behind you to make sure there wasn't anybody else he was looking at. His eyes still focused on you as you stood there awkwardly wondering if something was wrong with him.
As he was staring you took that time to really look at him. Noticing how faded his light blue flannel shirt was meaning he's either had it for a long time or it was cheap. It was loosely fitted around his thick arms which looked bigger than your head. His aura was just screaming cowboy even though he wasn't in uniform like everybody else.
"You alright there buddy?" Asking him as he snapped out of his day dreaming letting out a dry cough.
"Oh yeah sorry my brain just kind of stopped." Walking up to the bar as he looked away.
"Do that a lot?" You quipped at him making him crack a smile.
"Only when I'm in the presence of someone gorgeous." Showing off his straight white teeth making you roll your eyes. Here we go again.
"Wow I've never heard that one before." Your tone dripping with sarcasm but that just made him smile harder. "You must use that one a lot."
"Actually I've never really used that on a woman before." That was very doubtful giving how smooth he spoke it.
The man was incredibly handsome and you found yourself slightly drooling over him. His face was sweet and kind, like there was something warm there.
This man seemed like he had stories to tell and you found yourself wanting to know more about it even though you didn't know his name.
His dazzling blue eyes were drinking you in as you kept causally working but still focused on him. Feeling his eyes on you the whole time as you tried not to stumble or drop something. His eyes dropped down to your chest for a minute before snapping back up making sure he didn't get caught creeping.
"What's your name?" He raised an eyebrow at you leaning against the counter.
"Y/N." Flipping a rag over your shoulder as you placed a hand on your hip. "You got a name?"
"The names Luke Collins." You swear you've heard that name before.
"Your a bull rider aren't you?" Luke awkwardly coughing being caught.
"Yeah I am."
"I figured you were."
"How'd you figure that out anyway?" Looking around the bar waving your hand around to all the men and women in cowboy hats and boots making him laugh.
"This bar is filled with amateur bull riders I think I know the signs." You honestly didn't really know if these men were, but you just assumed since there was a rodeo arena just up the road.
"You got me there." He chuckled feeling sheepish suddenly around you.
"What made you get into riding?"
"Uh just something I wanted to do." He was getting a little uncomfortable.
"Was your father a bull rider or something?"
For a minute his smile faded away as he looked deep in thought. Part of you felt bad for being so pushy about it, but it was too late now to take it back. His eyes focused on the sticky counter top as his jaw clenched picturing his father that last night he was bull riding.
It's been so long since Luke has talked about this or even mentioned his father. It was still a sensitive subject for him, and even after all these years he still never got over him. No matter how hard he tried to let it go he simply couldn't loosen that grip he had.
"My father was a rider as well." Looking up at you to see your eyes staring at him now hearing that crack in his voice. "He died when I was thirteen years old."
"The bull threw him down on his head and he never recovered." He continued on as you nodded along feeling complete sympathy for him. "I wanted to continue his legacy."
Luke was trying to control his breathing not feeling like crying in a bar full of people. Especially not in front of you otherwise he would die of humiliation. Just like you he sometimes would bottle things up so much until he would explode.
He seemed so genuinely nice and down to earth. Feeling your whole being gravitating towards him, but knowing to still keep your hands up maintaining that distance. The last thing you wanted to happen was to get too close to this guy only to get your heart broken and stomped on.
"I'm so sorry." Looking down to see your hands gripped a towel so hard you felt your skin would burst. "It was wrong of me to ask."
"Are you kidding me?" He half heartedly chuckled making you look back up at him. "I'm glad someone asked instead of just assuming my story."
"Well I think it's incredibly sweet you are doing it for him." Smiling at him Luke returning it showing off his pearly white teeth.
For some reason you felt guilty flirting with him like this even though you were single, but your mind couldn't wrap around that just yet. Maybe this was too soon to be thinking about being with someone else.
There was a moment of silence between you two as you helped other patrons in the bar. Like stayed there waiting for you to finish which completely surprised you. Figuring he'd waltz off to find some pretty girl or his fellow riders to chat with.
"So you got someone waiting for you at home Luke." He awkwardly laughed scratching the back of his neck.
"Nope I don't." Quirking an eyebrow at him feeling like he was lying.
"I find that hard to believe." There was no way a man like him didn't have some gorgeous woman wrapped around his arm. "I bet she's gorgeous and just perfect."
"Well if you meet this woman can you tell me." He joked back making you roll your eyes at him.
"What about you?" Taking a sip of his beer asking you the same question that had you halting not wanting to discuss him. "You got somebody waiting for you?"
"Not anymore." A hint of sadness in your voice as you now avoided his eyes.
"I bet there are a million guys waiting in line just to get a chance with you." He was just being nice you thought to make you feel better and you cracked a weak smile at him.
"Afraid not." Getting back to your work completely avoiding him now feeling that brick wall get closer and closer to you.
"You probably just don't notice them is all."
His words were true countless guys flirted with you and tried to get your number, but it just went over your head.
It wasn't his fault he wouldn't have any idea about your past relationship. He would have no idea you were once engaged and completely happy.
Luke was simply asking you because you did, and he actually was genuinely curious. You were someone that Luke would go out with, and you were his type inside and out. There was something about you he wanted to get to know.
This guy felt like he stood a chance with you, and even though you two were flirting you kept a distance not wanting to lead him on or let him catch feelings.
"Hey Y/N hon can you go in the back and get some more cases of beer?" Cassandra's chirpy voice called making you turn your attention towards her.
"Yeah sure thing." Leaving the bar as she took over walking towards the back feeling like someone was watching you.
Grabbing one case you felt like you were strong enough to carry two. You were completely wrong as you struggled to carry the two boxes laughing to yourself at having no upper body strength. Your hands were starting to hurt as you tried to get a firm grip.
Luke noticed you had been gone for quite a few minutes so he decided to go make sure you were okay. Looking around to see you standing there knees slightly bent as you struggled getting the beer. Laughing to himself seeing that determined look on your face reminding him of himself.
"Need some help?"
His voice making you jump slightly as he jogged up to you grabbing the box on top your arms feeling less pressure.
"Jesus Christ you scared me." Turning to look at him laughing at the wide eyed look on your face. "I've got it."
"Doesn't seem like you do." He argued back smiling softly as he stacked another box in his hands with ease making you scoff.
"Show off." Mumbling under your breath as you followed him back to the bar.
Dropping the boxes off on the floor as Cassandra looked between you and Luke. A smile on her face as she smiled with a shake of her head knowing you bit off more than you could chew with the crates.
Underestimating how heavy those suckers were, and also you were as stubborn as a mule.
Luke walked back over to where he was standing as you got back to work. You could tell he was keeping his eye on you, and wanted to further your conversation. Cassandra could sense that too, and knowing her she was going to rub her hands and work her magic.
"Why don't you go on your break now?" Grabbing your hand as you looked around noticing the crowd wasn't going anywhere soon.
"Cass I can't leave you alone." Shaking your head as Luke beamed at the opportunity.
"Oh please this is nothing I can't handle." Giving Luke a quick wink as you looked away grabbing your purse underneath the counter top.
Cassandra knew exactly what she was doing, and she was good at doing it. She noticed the way Luke was watching you all night, and she hasn't seen you smile like that in such a long time. It was a familiar look that you got when you first met your ex fiancé.
Shooting Luke an apologetic look as you shrugged your shoulders giving him a wave as you shuffled through all the people. Giving a last turn back look you see Cassandra talking to Luke as he nods his head with a bow. Wondering what exactly they'd be talking about.
Luke quickly finishing his beer as he turned around to the doors you walked out of hoping you would still be in the parking lot.
Hearing a couple of his friends waving him over as he shook his head and kept walking towards the exit determined to catch you.
Looking around he spots you standing by a silver jeep leaning over the back seat messing with something. He also can't help but notice how your shirt was rising exposing your soft skin to his eyes.
Stopping his thoughts from getting any dirtier as he walked over to you standing there with his hands in his front pockets clearing his throat.
"Nice ride."
His sudden voice makes you jump turning around your back against the car as you placed a hand over your heart. He was really going to have to stop scaring you like this.
"Shit, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Trying to slow your heart rate down knowing it wasn't some killer stalking you.
"Sorry wasn't trying to scare you." Apologizing with a concerned smile as you crossed your arms across your chest.
"That's twice now you've snuck up on me." You teased. "Three strikes and you're out Luke ."
"I promise it won't happen again." Crossing a finger over his heart making you giggle.
"Let's hope not I'm still too young to have a heart attack." That made him laugh as he awkwardly stood directly in front of you now.
"So did you need something from me?" Looking around quickly then back to him asking him raising your eyebrows at him.
"Actually yeah there is something I wanted to ask you."
Luke was nervous and he didn't know why afraid that a beautiful woman like you would reject him so quickly it would make his head spin.
He figured someone like you flirted with guys like him when you worked to get bigger tips. Not being the type of guy to throw himself out there like that. Usually girls came up to him, and he never really had to work to get a girls attention.
"Yeah?" Having a feeling you knew exactly where this was going gulping so loudly you felt he heard it.
"I was wanting to ask if you wanted to hang out some time."
Your breath hitched as you thought how to let him down easily. Trying to find the right words but straining to speak once you saw how adorable he looked right now. He looked like some lost little puppy dog on the side of the road just waiting for someone to pet him.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt you to just give the guy a chance. It's been too damn long though since you've just hung out with a guy. Thankful he didn't use the term date meaning he wasn't exactly looking to move so quickly.
"Yeah sure why not." Your answer had him smiling from ear to ear making your cheeks feel like they were burning.
"I'm not that bad I promise." He joked as you smiled softly at him.
"I don't know about that I've heard about you bull riders." You mused fiddling with your car keys.
"The only rider you'd have to worry about is Jared Middleton."
Staring at him like he just grew two heads having no idea who he was even talking about noticing the confused look on your face. Something he didn't really want to get into already.
"That's for another time."
"I'm gonna hold you to that." Pointing a finger at him as he chuckled.
Exchanging your numbers as he put his name on your phone under handsome rider with the bull emoji making you laugh. Of course you put your name as 'that girl from the bar' snickering to yourself as you did it.
"I'll uhh text you." Motioning to his phone as you nodded opening the driver door.
"I look forward to it Luke." Watching him as he walked away back inside his figure disappearing into the crowd.
Your mind was telling you to just let him down easily and tell him you're not interested. Then again your heart was telling you to go for it. It was becoming all too confusing on what you should do. Knowing you can't be single for the rest of your life, and shut everyone that comes into your life out.
As you closed the door you sat there with your hands on the steering wheel. Staring straight ahead as you realized what you were about to get yourself into. This could either end good or completely horrible.
"Fuck." Whispering as your face hit the steering wheel.
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21 @kmc1989 @cookielovesbook-akie @adaydreamaway08
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sailxrmxrs · 2 months
hello i really love your writing! if you're taking requests, i've been thinking about the infinite blue boys in a typical office setting with the MC and what that would be like? thank you!!~
this has been sat in my inbox for SO LONG I AM SO SORRY TO THE PERSON WHO REQUESTED THIS SDKFDGS but!! better later than never right??? right?????? anyway now is the perfect time to finally get around to this bc my brain has been so occupied lately playing sympathy kiss so office based otome is right at the forefront of my mind hehe. it's like it was meant to be. ALSO thank u so much!! i don't think too much about what i write after it's been posted so i forget people actually look at it sometimes sksjfkf TY FOR REQUESTING THIS WAS LOVELY TO THINK ABOUT also incredibly funny looking at the last post of me being like 'i want to get back to writing more regularly!!' as if i didn't slink back into the shadows again for four months this was also the first thing i've written since getting my new keyboard which is really taking some getting used to especially with nails dsklfsg still, enjoy office time gamers o7
♡ leo ♡
Leo definitely seems like the type to bring the energy to his office department, especially on a Monday morning when everyone wants nothing more than to have had just one more day to spend at home before work started all over again for another week. He'd be the only one with a spring in his step as he went about his morning, filling his water bottle, getting situated at his desk. Speaking of his desk, Leo's workspace would be the definition or organised chaos. Post-it notes are scattered across the bottom of his monitor, there's a pile of loose sheets covered in haphazard notes scrawled across them, and there are definitely more than a few pens with no ink left strewn across the desk. They also happen to be mixed in with perfectly usable pens so Leo would have to scramble for a pen when someone from another department came to brief him on a project he was working on. Every time, without fail, he is grabbing pens and scribbling on a notepad until he finds one that works enough to make notes clear enough for him to reference later on. You ask each time why he doesn't just go through and throw away the empty pens to which Leo jokingly scoffs about how he finds the right pens first time every time. He does not.
He's very much the epitome of a work best friend. Someone who will text you on the weekend like 'I know we spend every day sat next to each other but can we hang out together pls'. He enjoys your company okay!! You are very fun and he wants you to know that!! Will find himself getting into a bit of trouble for getting distracted talking about weekend plans with you but can you blame him? It's a Friday afternoon and his brain has logged off. Unfortunately for Leo, despite his brain having logged off, his computer is very much logged in so he has to force himself to keep going for that last stretch of hours between him and the weekend. Will whine and complain to you about how Fridays should be half days which, given Leo's usual demeanour at the start of the week, is an amusing shift in tone. Cut to a couple of hours later and Leo is shutting down his computer the second the clock ticks over to 5pm. He'll swing his chair around to face you, staring you down until you finally close everything down to get ready to leave. Think puppy watching and waiting for you to take them on a walk. Sometimes if you have plans for the Friday evening, he'll offer to pick you up on the way to work to save you the drive too. Also because it gives him an excuse for being late like oh no there was just so much traffic leaving their place I definitely did not stop for coffee on the way here not at all!! He absolutely did but don't worry he didn't forget to pick up your favourite order too~
I think Leo would be a really good motivator in the office too. If a day was going particularly bad, or if a really busy period struck he would be the perfect person to help keep your mood in balance. He's very encouraging for you to step away from your desk. Take a break, have a drink, maybe get a little snack to energise yourself. But he doesn't do it to distract you nor does he overstep any boundaries. He will offhandedly comment on how hard you've been working and make a gentle suggestion that a break is needed. He'd also offer to lend a hand if there was anything particularly pressing that was weighing you down. Try and say no. Try it. Never works. Leo's always happy to help because he knows you would do the same for him and have previously done so in the past when he was newer to the job and hadn't quite gotten his bearings yet. He makes the long days pass by quicker. Truly the best person to work with.
♡ milo ♡
Milo is absolutely that one coworker who keeps to himself a lot and develops this really cool and mysterious reputation. No one really knows what he does for work and no one ever asks him either because they're a little too intimidated to talk to him. It's not that he's had any particularly bad run-ins with anyone else in the office but more so that he no one really knows a whole lot about him. Any conversations about his weekend plans or what he did the evening prior are met with the most normal responses someone could muster. He's going grocery shopping, he's visiting family, he stayed in last night to watch tv. No one knows anything about his life outside of work and no one's bumped into him anywhere but in the office. The only reason people don't speculate that he lives there is because they see him drive in and park in the same spot at the same time each morning. Him keeping to himself isn't really an antisocial thing, but more so that he's there to work so would rather just get on with whatever he has to do with minimal distractions. He's an efficient man and doesn't like people stealing his attention away from any sort of deadline.
Then along comes this slight change in the office layout and suddenly your desk has been moved directly next to his. Surprise had left you stunned for a moment when Milo greeted you that first morning before sitting down and getting himself set up for the working day. He still never offered much conversation, just the usual 'good morning' and 'have a good evening' as you both left the office. It wasn't until you both stayed behind a little late one Friday evening to finish some paperwork before the weekend and he'd stricken up a conversation while walking back to your cars. It was mostly small talk, nothing of too much substance, but it was far more than he gave anyone else. If you ask, he simply answers that until the clock hits around 5pm, he's at work. Once he's left the office building, he's just normal Milo again. It's his way of separating work and his personal life. Honestly, his work/life balance is enviable.
Over time, as you grow closer, he'll start to chat more during office hours. Asking what you thought of a recent episode of a show, if you'd seen the news about an upcoming game. And your closeness wouldn't go unnoticed. You'll get coworkers whispering to you on your lunch break asking to share some information since they'd barely seen Milo speak with anyone else so openly before. You'd always politely decline, telling them he never really shared anything special and it was mostly just work related things—a white lie, of course, but what they didn't know didn't hurt them. Milo would appreciate it too, often voicing his complaints about the busybodies in the office not so subtly whispering about him. He didn't care too much about their speculations of him until they started dragging you into it too. Grumpy Milo grumbling into his coffee cup asking why they cared so much anyway. Who cares who he speaks to at work (He cares. But he won't tell you that).
♡ rory ♡
Rory at any given moment in time will take the opportunity to complain about something that has happened in the office that day. Whether it's someone not submitting documents on time or somebody emailing him with any extra set of tasks on top of his already stacked workload, he will be sending you a string of messages to blow off some steam. The first time it'd happened, you were sitting in the break room enjoying your lunch when Rory slumped into the chair next to you and signed so heavily you thought something terrible had happened and he was barely keeping himself together. As it had turned out, a new intern had done something without running it by anyone else first and caused a particularly big problem. One that Rory's manager decided would be his responsibility to resolve before the day's end. As well as meet his own deadlines for the same evening. To say he was stressed was an understatement. So Rory had taken solace in your quiet presence and let out his frustrations. Once he'd gotten it all out of his system, he apologised for the outburst and introduced himself, realising the two of you had never actually spoken before. He then offered to lend a listening ear for your own work annoyances, attentively taking it all in while you spoke. Once your lunch break came to an end, you exchanged contacts with the promise that you could be each other's dedicated work therapist whenever someone or something had pissed you off.
From that point on, you'd receive the odd message here and there throughout the day from Rory with the latest complaint. At first, it was just a way to get the annoyances off your chests but as time went on, conversations started to meander and before long you were becoming closer and closer. You didn't see each other much while working—only ever in passing if you needed to deliver a document to a different department or if there was a meeting you needed to attend. Your texts were your main point of contact with Rory until he suggested you start coordinating your lunch breaks so that you could actually hang out face-to-face rather than via text message. Coworkers would definitely start to speculate how and why these two individuals from completely different departments became friends or if there was something more to the relationship. Especially considering Rory, much like Milo, was more reserved and didn't really show much of an effort to become friends with the people he worked with. He was amicable enough but kept the colleague boundary up like a wall. Except with you, anyway.
I think Rory would want to extend your work friendship beyond office hours and would start wanting to text you later in the evening but is so nervous to come across as being too forward. He likes to act as though he's a very nonchalant person but he really isn't at all. Especially not where you are concerned. So you'd definitely need to be the one to nudge and initiate more of a friendship between you both. It wouldn't take much. All you'd need to do was text him one Saturday morning and mention how you were planning for a bookshop trip and as if he wanted to come along. He texts back almost instantly with a big 'YES' followed immediately by a 'glad you've finally recognised my superior taste in books' purely to save face for how eager he must have seemed. Would come into the office on the Monday with red cheeks once he saw you in the staff car park and try to sound as normal as possible commenting on how he had a good weekend. For his own sanity, just go along with it. He begs.
♡ alexei ♡
Alexei is the new starter who doesn't have a whole lot of office experience under his belt. He's bright eyed and eager to learn on the job but is also somewhat nervous to make mistakes or ask too many questions. It takes him a little while to settle in and feel fully comfortable with his surroundings but once he does, Alexei starts to really flourish. Once he knows you're happy to answer all of his questions and won't scold him for not understanding something straight way, he will come to you with an entire monologue of queries he wants to clarify. Literally rambles this long stream of consciousness before reaching the end of his list and looking at you all expectantly for your response. Listens so intently while he's perched on his desk chair, scribbling down notes as you run through everything he'd asked. Then turns back to his computer screen with a 'thank you' and then doesn't say another word for like two hours. He'll just be typing and clicking away with this intense focus until you have to tap on his shoulder and remind him to take a break from the screen for a few minutes. Will struggle to pull himself away for breaks because once he's in the zone he is IN. He only really likes stepping away from his desk when he has reached a good stopping point and he absolutely hates leaving a task partially finished.
I don't think Alexei would be a super social person at work. It wouldn't be for any particular reason other than the thought didn't really occur to him? He prefers to take his breaks at his desk because his chair is comfortable enough so the only people he really talks to on the regular are the people he works with directly. Being new, he hasn't had much of a reason to visit the other departments nor has he been brought on to any big projects that would have him meeting and working with anyone else around the office. Even after he's been there for a little while, he's reached a point where he feels awkward introducing himself because he's not exactly new anymore but he also doesn't know a lot of names. Whenever there's an office party or holiday event, Alexei will turn and whisper to you asking who that was or to remind him of a name. He could have had a good ten minute conversation with someone who and not had a single clue as to what their name was. It makes for some funny encounters, especially if it's someone not well liked within the office. They'd strike up a conversation just for Alexei to clearly not know who they are. We love to see it.
After Alexei has been working in the office for a few months and has gotten nicely settled in his job, I can see him being really welcoming to a new starter. In the same way you answered all his questions and helped him along with his training, Alexei would do the same for the new person. He might come across a little too excited with how forthcoming he is with explanations or offers to help out with anything they're struggling with but it's clear that he means well. He's just a little enthusiastic!! Would also start to add little decorations on his desk. He doesn't do anything too special, but he might have a tiny figurine of a jellyfish sat under his monitor and would have themed notepads and matching pens to go with them. If he's going to spend most of his day there, he wants it to feel like it's his personal little corner.
♡ brooklyn ♡
Brooklyn is the high ranking manager CEO businessman who is also one of the most likable people around the office. Despite him always being seen in his signature suits and ties with some sort of important document in hand at any given moment, he was genuinely pleased to speak with anyone working there. He has his moments of being the stern business type, particularly when in stressful meetings to discuss the company's performance for the quarter and their targets for the next quarter. Overall, however, he remains a generally calming presence. If you were his assistant, he'd try to alleviate as much of the pressure of the role as he could. He knew he was a painfully busy man and that you had no end of meetings to schedule, companies to contact for collaborations and partnerships. There was never really an end to your workload for which he felt a tad guilty. Anytime you entered his private office, reeling off the schedule for the afternoon or informing him of a visitor who had arrived to meet with him, Brooklyn is offering to make you a cup of tea or coffee no matter how many times you insist that that's your job, not his. He never listens.
I think he'd take a lot of interest in you as a person too, not wanting there to be this distinct barrier of boss and employee. He would much rather you both felt you stood on equal ground. That mindset had gotten him into some mild altercations in meetings when other company executives had made some sort of snide comment regarding your involvement in the discussions. Brooklyn wasn't going to stand for one of his most trusted and hardworking colleagues to be taken for granted. The strained tension never left the boardroom until a few minutes after the meeting ended and Brooklyn stormed out looking angrier than you'd ever seen him. Would be silent as he poured himself a cup of tea and then give you this serious talk about how if that were to ever happen without him around report it to him immediately. His expression was much sterner that you'd experienced from all your time working directly with Brooklyn, but it was evident that it came from a place of respect. And he explained as much as he leaned against his desk, pinching the spot between his brows as if the encounter had given him a headache.
There had never been any repeat instances following that afternoon, though you had overheard some whispers about the incident. Mostly from people surprised to hear that Brooklyn had raised his voice. Anytime you commented on it while presenting him with new paperwork, Brooklyn would adjust his tie awkwardly, face heating at the lack of composure he'd now exposed to the office. He took pride in coming across in a well-presented and calm manner so this one lapse of his self-restraint made him feel a touch embarrassed each time he was reminded of the event; in those moments he seemed less like the important business figure and more like a close friend you could playfully tease in passing moments between the busy hours. It was a comfortable and welcomed dynamic for the both of you.
♡ tobias ♡
Tobias is without a doubt the office socialite. He's always popping his head into the different departments with a request or to catch up after the weekend. He reminds me of someone I work with who is incredibly easy going and is friends with basically everyone in the office. Tobias can have a tendency to cause disruptions in that his voice will carry in an office room and he doesn't really realise how much of a distraction his presence can be sometimes. He doesn't mean to pull people away from anything important! But he also can't really help himself when it's the middle of the week and he's got all kinds of work adjacent stories to be shared. Will perch himself on your desk and start rambling away about something, not really noticing if you were paying him your full attention or not. It's only after he asks you a question and you noncommittally answer with a vague 'yes' that he'll start whining about how you're not listening to him. As much as we'd like to chat, some of us have work to do, Tobias. When you question him about his own work, Tobias will conveniently remember he needs to be somewhere else, dodging the question entirely and scampering away to a different department. There is usually a shaking of heads that follows after Tobias whenever he dashes off somewhere else—it's always from a place of endearing acceptance.
I can see Tobias being involved in the marketing side of a business. Definitely the one to organise big events and staff parties. He needs someone to rein him in though because some of his ideas aren't quite workplace or coworker friendly. He hears office party and thinks hell yeah time to go wild go crazy but no Tobias please the last time that happened you broke multiple office chairs we can't afford to keep replacing them every time. Would enlist you for help too because you're his favourite person to bother at work. Whether you humour him and play along or tell him to, light heartedly, leave you alone, Tobias will find his way to your desk for some quality catchup time. What do you mean it's Monday and you're busy? He needs to tell you about this movie he saw on Saturday that he thinks should be the theme of the next work event. He's also the type to bring food to your desk too. Will sometimes just buy lunch for you and pry your hands away from your keyboard so that he can slide a salad or pot of pasta into your grasp. Tobias takes lunch breaks very seriously. He'll also get treats for people in the office too! Buys little cakes or chocolates just because. This is part of the reason why everyone likes him so much; can't say no to a man who keeps you well fed.
Despite poking fun at Tobias being a bit more lax around the office, I think he genuinely would be full of solid ideas and he does feel pretty passionate about certain aspects of the job too. His work/life balance isn't perfect in that he tends to prioritise life a little more than he should sometimes but there's little harm in it. He's a very good person to be around if you're the type to get a bit too wrapped up in working. Tobias is NOT letting you overwork yourself. Not on his watch!! He's a surprisingly perceptive person and can very easily tell when you're stressed or not getting as much sleep as you should. Will take it upon himself to text you at the weekend to hang out and have a movie night with him. That way he can make sure you're relaxing and not spending your limited time off working your brain. Will steal your phone directly from your hands if you're staring too hard, eyebrows furrowed, and will replace it with a snack and gently remind you that it's the weekend time not work time. He has his uses sometimes.
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