#i've been watching this fandom implode for the last week
softpadawan · 10 months
Dear Sabezra shippers,
I see you frantically searching for evidence and desperately analyzing dialogue and poring over body language and tone and microexpressions, basically turning yourselves into that Charlie Day meme as you battle to prove this ship might not be platonic despite Ezra referring to Sabine as his "sister" and—
Hey. Listen to me.
It's okay. Relax. It doesn't have to be canon for you to enjoy it. Just ship it. Ship it like FedEx. It's okay. I promise. You have shipped them for all these years and loved it. Keep on doing that. Write your fics. Share your headcanons. Draw your art. Make your gifs. It doesn't have to be canon for you to enjoy it. Don't be anguished or dismayed by new canon. You can ignore it. Don't feel like you have to prove to the world that your ship is canon before you can ship it. Ships are not automatically better or more powerful just because they're canon, and you don't have to justify your reasons for shipping anything. Your ship doesn't have to be canon in order for you to love it.
Sure, it's awesome to see two characters you've shipped for years end up together in canon. But it's not going to be the end of the world if they don't. And it shouldn't stop you, either.
Are certain people going to be mean to you because you ship Sabezra? Maybe. Block and ignore them.
Are certain people going to accuse you of shipping a "badwrong ship" because they see it as "problematic" or it doesn't fit with their character headcanons? Possibly. Block and ignore them.
Haters are gonna hate. Should you correct them, try to change their minds? No. It's a waste of time and energy, and you have better ways of spending both. Like enjoying your ship, no matter what canon delivers.
Don't let canon ruin the fun you've been having in this fandom. Because at the end of the day, it's all just a bunch of space wizards and light swords anyway.
Someone whose ships are never going to be canon but that hasn't stopped me yet
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cadmusfly · 2 years
Tagged by @goldandnavy on the week that I disappeared to a company mandated ski trip and then got COVID which nobody could have seen coming so this has just been lying around in my drafts for a while lol
Three Ships: Not super shipping anything right now (apart from original OC blorbo ships) but let's say Aubrey/Maturin from you know, Jopson/Crozier (but I'm partial to Fitzjames/Crozier too) from The Terror and Hornblower/... a few people. :3
First Ever Ship: uhh... let's talk about the first ship I actually really made Content for, which is a certain blond technologist and a certain dark haired blood magician and musician, from a certain mcyt fandom years ago
yeah seeing the young uns now talking about their dreams and their empires makes me nostalgic but also I fell away from that fandom before it imploded on itself so yeah
Last Movie: Master and Commander, and my next movie is going to be Master and Commander because yeah baby
Last Song: Santiano by Santiano The tears are salty and deep as the sea / but my sailor's heart is keen to go~
Currently Reading: I've been jumping around between A Line Upon The Wind which is a nonfiction book about the Royal Navy in the Napoleonic wars and this bad boy which I got from a model ship store for my upcoming birthday-
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Essays and pictures of Nelson's Ships hell yes
Currently Watching: I am very bad at watching things.
Currently Consuming: As in food wise? Uh, dinner soon.
Currently Craving: a lack of homework deadlines, especially homework deadlines on my birthday
Too lazy to tag people right now so if you wanna do this get tagged~
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withleeknow · 7 days
oh I was absolutely NOT prepared for the ultimate soft-skz hours in the new ep. THE PAWS AND THEIR HAIRSTYLES WTFFFF. mimo's bear ears have me non-stop pouting:'( that coupled with ot7 bangtan hours this week - the way all platforms imploded after seeing yoongi's face like 🥺🥺 THAT'S OUR BOYYYY the impact of one photo on a whole fandoms' collective emotional state is insane
speaking of which (kinda), is the coldplay concert this weekend? hope you have the BEST TIME SINGING YOUR LUNGS OUT <3 also the fact this aligned so nicely w/ festa/your bday (idk why but this makes me so vicariously(?) happy ^-^) ♡
husband update: https://tinyurl.com/mr23s8pa the contrast b/w his vocals and jyp's is sending me ANYWHOMST-
also another present for your safe travels - https://we.tl/t-wj8V02Xdyg it's the sandwich of all sandwiches (not microwave safe) + I malfunctioned compiling this one 🫡
HELLO HELLO ONIGIRI HOW R U I'M FINALLY BACK HOME. HAVE THIS VIDEO OF ONE OF THE GREATEST MOMENTS OF MY LIFE (no joke) ❗️THE COLDPLAY CONCERT WAS FUCKING AMAZING. i genuinely, genuinely think that it's the best concert i will ever go to in this lifetime. it changed my life, and i don't think that's an exaggeration lol. so many things happening this month have made me so happy and i must say this takes the cake. it's like the perfect belated birthday present that me of last year gave me of right now 😭 they absolutely killed it and i loved it so, so much. nothing will ever top a coldplay concert for me. at my show, they sang an unreleased song live for the first time ever and it was so special and i will always have that memory and honestly i am tearing up rn just typing this and reminiscing last night lol. god. if you ever have the chance to go see coldplay, i would 10000% recommend it you will not regret it. i also filmed the entirety of my universe but tumblr won't let me attach 2 vids in one ask so maybe i'll add it in the next one lol
mimo in the new ep and yoongi reveal 😭 those two things happening back to back devastated me beyond repair. can you believe we finally got a boongi face reveal 😭 i've missed him so much. i still haven't watched the latest suchwita ep bc i know i'll just bawl my eyes out
yo i can't even focus on jypapi's voice bc what on god's green earth is this look... that is... an actual... husband... right there... the hair !! oh my god. if i start daydreaming about another man just know that it's on you. this is why i keep forgetting that he's younger than me bc how does he just look like that then??
the whiplash from husband to the other end of the sandwich bc WHAT is that !?!?!? the hair the glasses the shoulders... heeseung has always been very summer fling coded to me lmao and this is just further cements that concept in my brain. have i told you how much i dig this hair color bc it's really, really, really working for me...
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cyhyr · 2 years
Summer of Whump - Experimentation
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: PG
Pairing: Kakashi/Iruka
WC: ~1200
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply; SEE NOTE
Additional Tags: established relationships, seals master Iruka, accidents, experiment gone wrong, brief reference to potential suicide, de-ageing magic/jutsu, whumpfluff
A/N: This is the first part of an ongoing idea that I've had in my head for a while, the second part of which will be up on Day 9. Going forward, this Verse will have warnings for Underage sex, so please feel free to ignore this fic if you'd rather not have to deal with the moral gray area that is a de-ageing situation where the character has retained their mental faculties.
If you want to be added to the tag list, comment below or send me a message!!
Tagging for Summer of Whump: @atereal @summer-of-whump @stupidbadgers
Iruka grins, walking around the edges of the large scroll unrolled on the table while the small team of scientists continues filling in the scroll with various seal scripts. On the other side of the room, a small team of medics are on standby, waiting for one of the scriptists to cause the scroll to blow up in all of their faces. Still, Iruka watches over the case carefully—he’s one of the few experts in this field, and volunteered to oversee the finishing touches when Kakashi had mentioned the project over dinner a few weeks ago. He’d much rather be at the Academy, of course, but there’s only so much actual teaching he does now that he’s the vice-principal.
“Are we just about ready to test?”
Iruka turns and grins at his spouse’s voice, new to the room. “Just about, Kakashi-sama.”
Kakashi shivers dramatically. “I’ve told you not to—”
Iruka steps around the table to stand beside Kakashi, leans in to kiss his cheek. “Yes, yes. Spouse of the Hokage shouldn’t have to address the Hokage so formally, you’ve said your piece.” He leans in and murmurs in Kakashi’s ear, very quietly, “But what if I like addressing you as such?”
Kakashi shivers again for a different reason, sighing lightly. “Later, My Love,” he murmurs back.
The team gathers around the scroll and Iruka takes his own place at one of the edges. He wasn’t originally supposed to be a part of the testing team, but he’s since been very involved and requested to assist in seeing this project through. One by one, they each put their hands on the scroll and begin slowly channeling chakra through the scroll, making the script light up as it’s activated. Iruka gives Kakashi one last glance from over his shoulder, one more bright smile, before also putting his hands on the scroll and adding his chakra to the mix.
For a few moments, everything seems to run smoothly.
Iruka’s the first one to feel that something is wrong. The seal is fighting back, something isn’t right, and he winces and turns to the woman beside him and says, “Back down.”
She nods, and passes the message on before slowly retracting her chakra and then fully pulling away and stepping back. The other three scientists around the table also pull away, but Iruka—
“Love, it’s going to—”
Iruka shakes his head. “I know,” he says. “Evacuate the room. Now.”
No one wastes any time getting out; no one’s sure what could happen if this seal were to implode. Kakashi is the last one, along with Cat and Boar, and he stands beside Iruka and studies the seal quickly. “Iruka—”
“It shouldn’t…” Iruka takes a slow, steadying breath. “It shouldn’t kill—”
“Don’t,” Kakashi whispers fiercely. “Don’t fucking talk like that. We’ll get you out of here. There has to be a way to shut this down.”
Iruka smiles sadly. “Once a seal has power, that power has to go somewhere, My Love. The script has its job to do. And it was never designed to kill.”
“That doesn’t mean it can’t backfire. Please, gods, let me at least… I can take your place.”
“No,” Iruka shakes his head. “You and your ANBU need to leave, and then I’ll release the seal. And whatever happens, happens.”
“I can’t lose you.”
Iruka leans back a little so his nose is against Kakashi’s temple. “You won’t. I’ll always be with you, okay? Through death and beyond, so long as love may last.”
Kakashi hugs him tight, rocks them both a little. “I’ll follow if you go,” he murmurs.
“In your own time,” Iruka says back softly. “I’ll wait for you, I promise.” He kisses Kakashi quickly, but Kakashi takes down his mask and turns the kiss into something hungry and deep and wet, pressing one hand into Iruka’s lower back and using the other to keep Iruka’s lips where he can kiss them. As Iruka kisses him back, he wishes desperately that he could also hold Kakashi in turn, but he can’t move his hands from the scroll without risking the seal imploding—or worse, exploding.
Boar clears his throat. “Rokudaime. I must urge you to listen to your spouse and evacuate.”
Kakashi leaves him with one last kiss on the cheek, a soft stroke of his fingers along Iruka’s face, and then he follows Boar out of the room. Cat moves to follow Kakashi, but Iruka speaks quickly and softly.
Cat stops, turns, lifts his mask. “Iruka, don’t—”
“Stop, just.” He takes a deep breath. “Don’t let him do anything rash. Please.”
Yamato frowns. “Ensure it yourself. You’ll be alright, I’m sure.”
“Yes, most likely I will be. But if I’m not…”
“Then we had all best hope that Naruto is ready to take over.” Yamato shrugs. “But it’s not going to happen because you will be fine, Iruka.”
Iruka nods shakily, and then Yamato replaces his mask. Cat follows his Hokage out of the building, and then it’s just Iruka and the scroll with the experimental seal, overloaded with chakra that he’s barely controlling.
He closes his eyes and lets go, hoping for the best, and knowing that he’s as prepared as he can be for the worst.
Kakashi has hardly stopped outside the laboratory when the explosion of chakra washes over the evacuated scientists. They all stop their soft chatter, stunned silent, and Kakashi’s stomach drops as he lurches forward to try and go back inside. Boar grabs him around his chest and Cat stops him with both hands on his shoulders.
“Trust him, Sempai,” Tenzo whispers, but once the flare-up is done and the air is calm again, Kakashi is flickering out of both of their holds and running back inside.
He barely registers going through the hallways of the laboratory, only searching for the room that they had been in before and hoping against all hope that Iruka is still alright. The door is shut tight, sealed from some combination of heat and expressed energy. 
Chidori needs the Sharingan to aim. But at a point-blank range, does it really count as aiming? He lights his palm up and shoves it through the tempered glass. He climbs through the new opening in the door and looks around the lab, shouting for his spouse, “Iruka?!”
He goes around the table and finds—
“Oh, fuck, Iruka.”
—a smaller figure, swimming in the clothes that Iruka had been wearing. He’s careful as he turns them over, and gasps as he recognizes the facial scar, the softness of his hair, the sweetness of his features, but… but this is a child, someone in their teens; not the thirty-year-old man he is married to.
Iruka stirs in Kakashi’s arms, groaning and twisting his face up as he begins to wake. 
He opens his eyes, and smiles up at him. “Kakashi,” he murmurs. “Is everything okay?”
Kakashi glances down at Iruka's much smaller body, back up to his clear and cognizant eyes, and realizes that although he may appear to be a teenager, Iruka remembers. And he decides to honor his promise to never lie to his spouse, whatever form he may take.
“No, Love. I don’t think so.”
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romeulusroy · 4 years
Inheritance (Shelby!Reader × Peaky Blinders Oneshot)
Character/s: Arthur, Thomas, John, Ada, Finn
Word Count: 1,393
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @writerdream22 @death-of-a-mermaid @lotsoffandomrecs @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24 @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @theshelbyclan @captivatedbycillianmurphy @creativemayhems @soleil-dor @thegirlwithoutaname87
A/N: I'm feeling insecure about writing and when I do, the only thing that helps is to write, even if it's god awful lol. I started with the first paragraph, just writing whatever, and it turned into this. I had plans for a completely different fandom/fic tonight, which I hope to post sometime this week. I'm sure this frustration will pass, it's just hard to get through. I feel like a mess with everything. I know its probably just the stress of school, and family, and August coming so soon. June lasted years, but July was gone in a second. Still trying to wind down from the panic I've gotten myself into. Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
Gif Credit: @eylins :)
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You want to believe you're different from them. That your words, your writing, your work is anymore extraordinary, that somehow the thoughts in your head have not been repeated through history, stamped from one cracked skull to the next. You want to believe your eyes have seen something more, something hidden, that the trees deeply rooted, there long before your birth, and around after you're gone, have not witnessed the same blue birds or soft, summer storms. You think, for an instance, that there us a separation in what makes you you and them them. That the loneliness in your gut, the screams and cries gurgling in your throat, that this pain layered beneath every cell in your body somehow draws a line between you and them. Making you human where they are not. Giving you feeling where they lack. You hoped, and prayed, by some miracle, that whatever it was that created you wasn't in anyone else. Foolish and young, too naive for your own good. Where they bled you bruised. Where you collapsed they stood like stone. You could stare down the same Devil and see two fraternal beings, both wearing a wicked smile.
The funny thing is, you were more like them than you could ever tell.
Passed down from generation to generation, kept warm and safe cupped into two hands. The anger. Dangerous, bloody, boiling. Pricking beneath your skin like bees, tinging, numbing the sharp things that tore through it. It made your gums bleed, hateful words like knives sling your mouth up through and through. A sickening, twisted laughter bubbling, bursting out of you before you have half a mind to stop it. It made you cold, invincible, scowling at the earth beneath your feet and the sky above, somewhere in the middle this god everyone turns to in their time of need. He never showed up for you, though, instead hiding. From you, and from Arthur. The fire in your veins, swollen by gasoline blood and matches for breakfast. Your big brother caught fire with the slightest annoyance. Cagey, unyielding, a force that tore through him until he let it all out. A corrosive being stripping him of skin and bone, making man into monster. You too had been subjected to stares and glares, deemed more weapon than person. A hazard, too dangerous to be around. One more thing you had to watch out for, the bitterness in that Shelby blood.
That anger seething, turning in on itself. Imploding. Not wanting to hurt others, you hurt yourself. Bit the bad end of a barrel, a bullet sitting on your tongue, the broken bits of a bottle. You liked the way you felt when the only thing standing between you and that dark abyss of an end was yourself. That sense of control, of power, came too few times. A high you tried took chase as much as you could in this big messed up world. Hold these standards of yourself on your shoulders only took be crushed beneath them. Falling into a pit of all the things you bottled up and kissed goodbye, setting each jar on the shelf with its own special label. Grief. Guilt. Greed. Building up walls around you, a tomb to crumble in, afraid to let the rest of the world there were feelings beneath your cold complexion. Tommy always had a way of locking things up and never letting them see the light of day. Learning from the best, you guessed. Let them see your pain, your weakness, and it would be used against you. Weaponized. You couldn't survive another loss.
Boarded up, an abandoned home needing someone to crawl in and make it their own. Tidy up the place, see the potential you had beneath those rotten floors and broken bricks, chipped paint and peeling wood. A want, a need, an ache to be wanted, to be loved and accepted. John never could stand on his own, never wanting to face a bed half empty. Tripping over himself, falling too easy for the next set of wandering eyes and slim legs. He loved like no one else. And you did, too. Unrequited. Given the slightest bit of acceptance, lead into another persons word by free drinks and shameless flirting. You wanted to find the one, your other half, the same way he had, once believing the only way he could ever feel whole was with someone by his side. There was someone out there for everyone, there had to be. You weren't sure how much longer you could live so alone. Part of you wanted to think it was a lie, something you'd grow out of eventually, but John never seemed to, and you'd followed that path too far to turn back.
One day, you hoped, despite the anger, the walls, someone would find you, and love you regardless. You hoped for a lot of things. For the rain to stop and the clouds to clear. For the fog of your thoughts to disappear. For this life to be a little easier for everyone. Forgiving, motherly, nurturing, it's sharp edges dulled. To one day find your way out of all this, start fresh, start new, the potential of a freshly healed scar. Your sister had a way of whispering things in your ear, feeding into these delusions. She too wanted something more from what she saw everyday. Lost in a dream world she crested for herself. Often it was the only thing that kept you going, kept you upright. Eyes burning, sobs choking, too fragile for this world, you wanted to crawl inside the one you made from scratch and never leave. Ada told stories, too young to tell the difference between reality and imagination, her spirits high, embedding itself within your bones. The Shelby's were nothing without their dreams, their drive, their want for a perfect world just out of reach.
Without dreams, there was only dread. Fear of the future, the past, the footsteps you'd one day have to follow because that's what was expected of you. Stand tall, gun in hand, vertebrae stacked atop one another. There was no looking down, no flinching. If you weren't the best you weren't anyone. Turn a blind eye to the bad, to the meek, step on anyone who ever got in your way. Placed on a pedestal with broken knees. The baby, the one you helped raise, from cradle to grave. Never seen a second war, thrust into the one your brothers brought home. You both were. The lurch in your belly at the thought of so much red on your hands, of grief being associated with your name. You couldn't bear the thought of taking another soul from this world. Finn jumped at the pop of a gun, cringing at the cries of others. They could get used to it. Desensitized to it. But the both of you? This was new, and scary, and you were sure the softness they'd lost too long ago still lived inside you. The guilt they forgot chewed you alive, haunting your dreams. They could do as they pleased, but you couldn't. You refused to be as destructive as the rest of your siblings.
As much as you wanted to keep your distance, make some definition between you and them, there was too much of them inside you. Their faces staring back at you in the mirror. The sorrow, the hurt, the hate, the ups and downs of a life like yours, like theirs, there was no escaping it. You could run, but you could never hide. Like a shadow, it clung to your soles, dragged across the cobblestone. Escape however you wanted, however you pleased, there was only one thing all of you had in common: no matter how much you tried, no matter how hard you talked yourself into denial, that Shelby blood was a particular kind poison only the worst would become accustomed to. Try as you might, the thoughts, the feelings, all of it would follow you. Stepping on your heels. Breaking down you'd doors. It would bleed when you did, and dream with you, and hide deep within the cage of your ribs when you were too ashamed to admit it. You were of them. Always had been, always would be, no matter how much you prayed you were different.
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