#i've been working on this the past couple of days
I've been playing a bunch of Stardew Valley recently (finally!) and learning that a lot of people think Robin and Demetrius have an unhappy marriage kind of...boggles my mind? Because they seem to me to be a happy couple with a normal amount of long-term couple friction. Yes, several of their events show them arguing, but that's not the entirety of their relationship. I guess I can see how people would think there's more negative than positive if you ONLY take into account the stuff that's spelled out for you, but if you look at what Robin and Demetrius do, it paints a very different picture.
Because they do EVERYTHING together.
They dance together. They go to the bar together. They spend festivals together. If you pass by their house after Robin closes up shop but before the sun sets, you'll often find them standing at the southern border of the zone a little ways off from their house, looking out over the town. They are watching the sunset together. And they do this often enough that I noticed it just in passing on the days I walked past their house at just the right time!
Robin and Demetrius don't just love each other, they like each other. And they put in the work to maintain the relationship every day. I think their marriage is rather sweet, to be honest--they're clearly both very happy with the arrangement.
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So my work recently banned headphones but still allow Bluetooth speakers. And I've had a couple opportunities to work by myself the past few days.
So I've been listening to Welcome to Nightvale (because it helps keep my brain more engaged than just music and because it's the most work-appropriate podcast on my list)
And um. Yeah the obsession has reawakened. I read my old fanfics, went through my entire wtnv tag on here, I am deep in the throes of WTNV obsession and I'm not even caught up on the podcast, I started back at the beginning again!!
I'm so happy, I didn't realize how much I missed WTNV
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06/14/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Samba Schutte BTS; Vico Ortiz; Ruibo Qian; Flag Day/3yr Anniversary of OFMD Filming; AOC: Raffle Updates; Tell Tale TV Voting; WBD Stocks Status; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; OFMD Colouring Pages; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
Happy Friday all! I hope the weekend is long and restful for you.
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad posted on Instagram today with the hashtag #RelaxMax #WhosAGoodBoy. Sure seems to be a hint in there somewhere, but what does it mean? Whatever it means, it's definitely directed at MAX.
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Source: David Jenkins Instagram
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is out and about with his family!
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Source: Rosie's Instagram
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Source: Finn's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba was kind enough to drop a LOT of BTS today, specifically to help folks who want to see more of Roach's outfits.
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For all the images/videos you can visit:
Samba Schutte Roach S2 Reference Part 1
Samba Schutte Roach S2 Reference Part 2
== Vico Ortiz ==
"Some Sag Rising curly hair chaos ❤️‍🔥 Catch me…. If you can 😏 ✨LAX-NYC-SJU-PHX✨"
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram
== Ruibo Qian ==
No Idea the context on this one! But Ruibo is featured!
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Source: KayBrooZayZay's Instagram Stories
== S1 Filming Anniversary / Flag Day ==
Today is Flag Day! @adoptourcrew reminded us that 3 years ago today, OFMD Started filming! They also asked folks to show off their flags! Feel free to hit them up on the various platforms!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Tumblr
For those of you who are elders in the fandom, you'll probably recognise this from June 14, 2021
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Source: David Jenkin's Twitter
== AOC: Raffle Update ==
Great job everyone! The Charity Raffle for #OurFlagMeansPride is doing fantastic! 67 charities and already $2,617 already raised!
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Wanna enter the raffle? All you need to do is donate to an LGBTQ+ Charity to qualify and submit to them on their google form! Visit @adoptourcrew on Tumblr, Instagram, or Twitter for charity examples as well as how to sign up!
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Instagram
== Tell Tale TV Reminders ==
Are you tired of reminders yet? Well, there's only a couple more days -- and you can vote every day so please do! Remember, there's OurFlagMeansDeath, and Rhys and Ruibo up for award! Tell Tale TV Awards Voting
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Source: Tell Tale TV Twitter
== WB Related Articles ==
Warner Bros stock analysis: WBD could tank to $5 soon
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Source: Seven_Sugars Twitter
== WBD Stocks Status ==
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Back tonight is more cast cards by our darling @melvisik! First up is John Mahone, one of our lovely writers! and next is Ma Christina C. one of our lovely members of the Red Flag Crew!
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== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
More Colouring Pages --this time for Flag Day from our talented crewmate @patchworkpiratebear and presented by @adoptourcrew!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. Happy start to the weekend! Work has been throwing me through a loop this week, and with my girl Zoey still sick I've been completely out of it, so I'm gonna try to go to bed early tonight if I can, so love notes will be short tonight. I know the past many months have been rough without our show. Since the cancellation we've had ebbs and flows, and sometimes it's hard to remember just how long it's been. (I literally caught myself saying, man this cancellation has been going on for a year!-- wow no, not that long but damn!) The good news is, so many of you have taken that grief and turned it into something beautiful. Whether that's friendships, or artwork, or fibre work, or writing, podcasts, podfics, songs, gifs or image edits-- or even just kind words you give to friends or strangers. You really are wonderful, lovelies, don't forget that. Remember that your kindness is a strength, and it makes all our lives better. Thank you for being kind to me, and all your fellow crew since the cancellation.
With WBD struggling a bit, and BINGE streaming OFMD S1 and S2, I'm really starting to feel hope again. I know everyone's weary of that kind of hope right now, so feel it when/if you can. But I feel like things are looking up <3 Rest well crew, see you tomorrow.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
I don't know about yall, but tonight's theme reflects my need for a nap, anyone else?
Gifs courtesy of @ ofmd-ann and @ gattonswood
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bullet-prooflove · 2 days
Ok I've got 1. Kimball Cho x reader. A ring, Gelato, and the leaning tower of pizza (or any other landmark you feel comfortable writing about) if not landmarks then maybe a cat.
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @caitlinrosa @mcfriggingonagall @kniselle @aiko24k
Break - Cho and you discuss your past relationship.
The Necklace - Cho realises you still wear the necklace he gave you.
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It’s Rigsby’s gelato that reminds Cho of the trip to Italy, the one the two of you had planned to take in the fall. The plan was to drive up along the coast from Naples to Pisa. You didn’t believe that a building could actually lean that far and not fall over. He’d found your disbelief endearing at the time, he remembers hiding his smile behind his coffee cup as you tried to work out the physicality of it using paper cups from the water cooler.
He'd bought the ring not long after that. It was something simple, silver with a small trio of diamonds that cost most of his paycheck.
The plan had been to propose somewhere along that trip up the coast. There was a spot he’d come across when he was stationed out there with Special Forces that he knew was absolutely perfect.
It’s a few of months before the vacation that everything goes to hell. He gets hit by a car, injures his back. You put the trip on hold because it’s a bigger problem than the two of you thought. He starts popping pills to get through the day and before he realises it’s an addiction.
The wake up call comes when he almost kills you. His team is supporting yours in the field when he falls sleep behind the wheel of the car. He doesn’t hear the radio call go up or the logistics of the operation. He doesn’t know you’re walking into danger not until the gunshots erupt through the air, jerking him awake.
He’s the first one that gets to you. You’re lying in the dirt, blood seeping out in the soil as you splutter and choke. You’ve been shot twice, your vest caught the first one but the second scattered the Kevlar plate woven underneath the material.
It’s a flesh wound he’s told in the aftermath, the plate took most of the impact. He’s starting to come down at that point, craving the pills. He thinks about leaving the hospital, just for a couple of hours to score because the pain is radiating up his back and it’s getting hard to think. It’s at that moment he acknowledges he has a problem.
You’re barely out of intensive care and all he can think about is the drugs.
He doesn’t deserve to be your husband, he doesn’t deserve to be anything to you, not until he’s kicked this.
He breaks things off that night.
“I’m not the man you think I am.” He says because he’s too damn ashamed to tell you the truth, that he’s the reason that you’re in this hospital bed.
He flushes the rest of the pills after that, goes to physio for his injury instead of using the quick fix. He attends narcotics anonymous meetings, gets clean.
When you return to work you won’t even look at him because he’s nothing to you now, nothing but the man that broke your heart.
Love Cho? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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le-trash-prince · 1 day
I've been in a "watch 500 van conversion tour videos" mood lately so i'm just gonna post some of my thoughts (lots of complaining about YT and lifestyle minimalists here)
as always I hate YT's algorithm and how difficult it is to get past the wall of full-time influencers
Legitimately I hate when youtubers are like "here's an instructional video on how to do [thing i am doing for the first time]." This is something I genuinely think YT has damaged about DIY culture because ppl think that you can learn something just by watching a video. Like yes, you can receive instruction through a video, but you have not actually learned how to do something with your hands until you have learned it with your hands, and even then you shouldn't be giving people instruction on how to do it when you've only done it once??
I think the Malaysian food ep of Dish Granted is a really good example of this, when Steven is like "oh I'll pull chai while spinning in a circle the way the chaiwallahs do" and then realizes the hubris of that statement bc there is a high level of physical skill involved in what they do that simply watching a video simply does not magically gift you. I was really glad when Ronny Chieng basically called him out "sure the meal is good for a first attempt that you threw together but you can't pretend this compares to actual Malaysian street food. Like as street food it's crap lol"
in that vein I hate the videos that are titled "here's the best way to do xyz for your van" and it's like. the person's very first van build and they've never lived in a van before. like how do you know that's the best way? because you read about it on the internet?
anyways love this one tour video where 20 minutes into the tour, the dude goes "and here's my crockpot. because I really love soup." and then their camera guy who has been completely silent just busts out laughing and is crying "I rEaLLy LoVe SoUp."
one van had the BL sheets and I hate that my vision has been cursed this way
love the no-nonsense approach that the channel Cheap RV Living has.
also hate how hard it is to get past the YT algorithm of "wealthy white ppl doing xyz" and talking about the spiritual freedom it grants them to live more sustainably by getting rid of all their things that work perfectly well and then building an apartment's worth of furniture from scratch and cladding an entire van with virgin wood. did no one teach y'all about the thrift store.
every time someone is like "living in a van has enriched my life because it taught me how to be uncomfortable" i'm like "...... wait you guys were comfortable before?"
so many of the designer builds look completely the same but i will admit i do at least enjoy the current trends of interior design (warm whites, earth tones/natural wood stain, gold accents, the color green) as opposed to the whitewashed colorless shiplap trends of the 2010s. like yesss paint those lower cabinets green, go off girl. but also i have to wonder what the point of having something custom made is if it's just going to look like what everyone else has??? (aside from the fact that it garners views sure whatever)
at this point if it's a couple doing a van tour video i automatically skip it because i'm tired of the level of (fake?) cheerfulness it requires for 2 ppl to live in a 60sq ft space and talking about how "it's the best thing ever" in that social media voice. i say this but i haven't had any queer couples come across my feed yet so i could feel differently about that. I'd maybe watch videos from that lesbian couple in How to Build a Sex Room that were totally gunning for a threesome with the old lady designer.
take a shot every time a video is like STEALTH CAMPING and it's literally just someone hanging out in their van in the middle of the day watching TV before they go buy their groceries. i do that all the time, it's called "i don't want to get out of the car."
before someone even says what their previous housing status was, you can tell the diff between the homeless ppl and the rich ppl just based on who actually has stuff and is excited to talk about their stuff vs who is trying to emphasize their lack of material attachment while filming a video about their belongings.
also love the one dude who had a basic bed set-up in an otherwise empty van, went to IKEA and bought a metal folding table and a burner, set it up in the corner and had such genuine enthusiasm for having a kitchen in his car. like legitimately he was so excited and i was excited for him! vs the person looking like they were gonna murder someone bc they mismeasured a wood panel in their ~under $10K~ fully custom build.
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endwersed · 2 months
Out Of Context Lines ✍🏻
Tagged by the lovely @hedwig221b 🥰
The Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your most recent unposted WIP with zero context.
This guy – this random-ass Grindr hook-up, this goddamn threesome connoisseur, this Derek – is gorgeous.
No pressure at all tags! @aurevell @crownofstardustandbone @like-lazarus @nerdherderette @renmackree
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mienar · 2 months
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from us it begins
instagram | shop | commission info
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teenytraveler · 9 months
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Loid fell asleep on the couch yet again smh… 😔
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miumiins · 4 months
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"And when he kisses her, he devotes the entire ocean to his beloved."
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mean-scarlet-deceiver · 6 months
Culling the insanely long list of blogs I'm following until my dash is predominantly train stuff. I look forward to actually seeing y'all's posts again soon <3
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dye-it-rouge-et-noir · 7 months
Target down
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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dromaeocore · 9 months
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fuck off jeff
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greghatecrimes · 3 months
Definitely better than Th/Fri/Sa/Sun but holy god flares are fucking exhausting
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if anyone was curious, I'm almost 2k deep into another autistic Thirteen oneshot, and she is getting slammed with a healthy dose of my exhaustion via autistic burnout. lmaoooo
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kopw · 1 year
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