#i've fallen in love with his design and backstory
aurosoulart · 1 year
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EVERYBODY MEET SUNLITH - my new Beam Saber campaign character!! 🐬
he’s an ‘uplifted’ dolphin, meaning a genetically modified version of his species made more suitable for space travel and technological adaptation.
before enlisting as a frame (mech) pilot, Sunlith worked as a xenobiologist on Europa and studied alien lifeforms there while overseeing the moon’s mining operations. he gets around on land using an exopod filled with hyper-oxygenated fluid:
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when not out grappling with the horros of war, Sunlith enjoys cephalopods, cymatic artwork, and ethically dubious psychic emotional manipulation. ✨
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keikakudom · 5 months
Hi! I just found out about your AU and I ended up really like it!
And I wanna ask smth about baggie here. Does her backstory change in the AU or is it still the same with a little twist ? And is there also a slight shift in her personality as well ?
Vaggie is the next AU design I'll complete posting! I think Vaggie, tied with maybe Husk and Vox have the most changes to them in this AU. This is pretty much a parallel/canon-adjacent AU so I don't think anything is ever really a "drastic" change. That said, I've already mentioned some info about her across a few different posts and platforms(and she made a cameo in the last silly little comic I posted!).
I'll compile them here:
-Vaggie is a live-in angelic inspector who stays at the resort year-round. More about the role of angels here.
-She isn't fallen. But the reason she was delegated to live in Hell all year is definitely a punishment, but not something unforgivable to Lute and Adam. Vaggie still aligns herself with the angels.
That's all I'll tease for now! I'd love to hear any speculations, that goes for evry character too - I already have the majority of the main cast figured out <3
Thank you for the interest and the ask!
Here's an old wip of her design I posted onto the bird app awhile ago(subject to very much change!):
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silverskye13 · 9 months
okok i've another question but not an in-universe one; were there any rules or patterns you followed when coming up with the appearances of the helsmets for RnS? :V or are they all moreso based on What Seemed Right for each individual character :0
Mostly just what seemed right, to be honest! A lot of it is based on what I'm trying to do with them as character themes.
Tanguish started out as more of a riff on Tango as a fire-related character. Then I decided Tango would be fire/redstone, ergo his double would be ice/sculk. That eventually kinda balooned into his personality. He's contained, isolated, secretive, sneaky. But he seeps into things. If you've ever had to deal with your road deteriorating over winter, because water keeps freezing in the cracks and breaking the asphalt apart, that's his vibe. You almost don't know he's there until he's cracked you open.
Helsknight has a canon design, but his 110% was just me designing something that looked cool. My first Wels/Hels designs had Wels as a Ottoman inspired knight, with a focus on short, blocky shapes. Meanwhile Helsknight was more of a pointy anglo-saxon knight style, with a lot of triangles and sharp lines. Eventually when RnS started to reform my ideas, I decided Wels was a more caricatured english knight, with a lot of modern crusader/paladin vibes, and focused on making Hels a dark mirror of that. Giving him sharp, unapproachable armor was a visualization of him being an angry, brooding character [which is why, as a lot of people have noted, he opens up a lot more when he starts taking the armor off. That's also why, when he's feeling vulnerable, his nervous ticks have to do with the buckles on his gloves, or the hilt of his sword. He's trying to decide if he's going to open up about something.]
Martyn and Red both have canon designs as well, technically, since they're the 3rd Life versions of their characters, just a little to the left. The crown the Red King has, which covers his eyes, is a direct reference to Ren's quote, "The blood is dripping into my eyes. I can't see. I've been blinded by the violence." He's been blinded by violence, and finds it hard to keep his humanity intact when the crown is off. It binds him to his purpose as The Red King -- protecting people. Martyn in my head looks almost exactly like his 3L red life skin, and that's purposeful. He wants to keep a low profile. He doesn't want his other half to know he's his own entity that exists.
EB's design has a lot to do with his past and not his present. [I feel like I keep alluding to him having a backstory,,,, we'll get there someday.] The way I've put EB and EX as characters in relation to Xisuma, is they represent different struggles he's had at different points in his life. EX was the hubris of being a server admin, the desire for limitless control. EB was the pride of success, and the white knuckle grip it required to keep it. He used to be a very prideful, and very dangerous, person. And stung pride [ha! bee jokes] can lead to some very angry outbursts. So he looks very waspish, long and thin, and sharp angled. The fact that he's an android is 110% just because I headcanon Xisuma is a robot. Sorry doomguy I've fallen in love with the AI headcanon.
The Demon is a take on ImpulseSV's character trait of sharing that turns into exploitation. One of his big collab points with other people is the fact that he makes farms, and in 3L there was an entire plot point around how he kept giving people things, and all of those people individually agreed because he kept giving everyone things, he was on nobody's side, so, you couldn't really betray him, could you? The Demon therefore is a character who is determined not to be used or exploited in any way. He hoards his wealth like a dragon, makes pacts and bargains that only benefit him, like a demon, and his eye is always watching for a knife in the dark [don't think too hard about Tanguish taking knife lessons]. The man has, to put it bluntly, trust issues. So his design echoes that idea of a monstrous person so busy armoring himself he's forgotten how to connect with people. Bright golden eyes, impenetrable scales, armor and tools disproportionately strong compared to what he should ever be expected to use them for. He's daring someone to betray him, so he can be justified in destroying them for it.
I'm trying to think of other characters that've popped up.
Evil Sausage [I think the fandom calls him Bratwurst??] is mostly just a parody of some of his appearances in Empires. I liked how linked he was to Xornoth, so I imagine the shadow that makes his elytra wings is what's left of his union with Xornoth the demon.
Hels!Watcher Grian is both a reference and a handwave at the fact that Grian is an instigator. It makes sense that a fear, or mirror, for that would be someone who refuses to interact with the world, or maybe wants to but physically can't. Eye themes abound.
[loud shrugging]
Yeah, that's it. It's whatever seems right for what the characters are doing.
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luciano-nightstar · 5 months
Sharing some of my unfinished Nimona aus because... well... I just thought of sharing it, Part 2.2
This the second part of my last post about the tale of the Blackheart angel
(I don't actually know the whole storyline of the comic version. I've seen a few pictures, but not really enough to say I've read it)
After Ambrosius was taken in by the institute, he met Ballister, a teacher who trains the students at the institute to become knights. - (You might think that this is some kind inappropriate adult x teenager relationship kind of shit. But I swear in the judgement of the ✨oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale✨ that it's NOT what the backstory is about, okay? Ballister only fell in love with Ambrosius AFTER the event of Nimona)
Ballister would be there to help Ambrosius with his studies and defend him from the other trainees when they bullied him.
Ambrosius first idolize and looked up to Ballister because if his skill and teaching as a knight and because he defended him from the bullies. But in the later years he secretly fell in love with him (like he always would).
During the jousting competition, Ambrosius has to win a joust against his teacher in order to be proven that he can become a knight. Of course Ballister wins the joust, Ambrosius hated loosing and shot Ballister's arm off. - (I am again debating if Ballister should actually loose his arm or have angelic regeneration...)
Skip to Nimona and Ballister's argument. When Nimona scratches the back of the couch and starts to turn a bit monstrous, instead of grabbing the sword, Ballister turns into his fallen form as an act of defense again Nim.
Skip again to the battle. Ballister tries to calm the the monster form of Nimona, but in the end he was forced to defend himself (and the kingdom) by turning into fallen form and defeated the monster with his demonic side (or powers). (So that means that Meredith's device is not broken, ✨yay✨)
Skip to the hospital scene. Ballister did not have a broken left arm because of ✨angelic regeneration✨. Speaking of regeneration, he secretly made Ambrosius's healing progress faster while he was in the coma.
✨ Design Ideas ✨
This is my original idea for his design
Five eyes (Two version if it because I thought it looks cool in my head and I couldn't choose which one) -Version 1: two above his normal eyes and the third vertically on his forehead. -Version 2: two below his normal eyes and the third on his forehead.
Black horns curving backwards with a red vein-like design, two gold halos with eyes criss-cross covering his normal eyes.
Six "burned" wings; The feather color/design is from black on the top, to a mix color of black and gold on the middle, then fading to light gold on the bottom. (why do I have an addiction to adding gold? ;-;)
A long black tail, a red crystal with black vein coming out of it on the center of his back, and black marking on his arms and legs.
Yeah the design is the same as the Golden Guardian but in a fallen form.
Some headcannons
(Some are reused from the Golden Guardian au. Also, same thing, your guess on which one is cannon on my au)
Ballister can hide his wings, halos, horns, tail, and his many eyes.
He can make himself invisible to humans and other creatures. Another fact about his invisibility is that he can make himself visible to whoever he chooses.
Another idea on how Ballister escape other than using his invisibility. There were times when Ballister would have had no chance to escape, and when the guards finally caught up to him, they would see that he was no longer there. I had this idea where Ballister can turn into a shadow and hide within shadows of other objects or just easily escape.
Since I heard that Nimona can see the dead, I thought of this idea that even if Ballister is in his human form to others, he's always in his fallen form in her eyes.
There was a once time during training years when Ambrosius accidentally finds Ballister in his fallen form. But since he only witnessed it once and has a bad memory, so he has already forgotten about it.
Speaking of bad memory. When Ballister is alone and/or comfortable, he would temporarily reveal his fallen form (but only inside the house), and Ambrosius would freak out it. (Cue brosius screaming for the second, maybe third, time of the month after seeing Bal in his fallen form)
I thought it would be wholesome that Ballister would carry Ambrosius and fly with him on a peaceful and quiet night. Sometime Amb would enjoy the ride, sometimes he would be frighten from how high they are and would hold on tight to Ballister.
A few moments when Ballister would secretly use his powers when fighting alone with Ambrosius. But he mostly is against using his powers in battle because "it wouldn't be a fair fight."
In rare moments, Ballister would use his wings to hold brosius close.
Ballister normally has his horns out, but only inside the house. Because Zee likes to look at it, touch it, and even sometimes try to decorate them with gold accessories. Blackheart's tail is actually sensitive to he rarely let's Amb touch it.
There were a few conversations of Nimona trying to convince Ballister to start a cult because of the whole fallen angel thing.
Meredith found out when Ballister was stretching his body and (unconsciously) stretched his wings too. This is my thought on what her honest reaction was. "Oh, cool" *continues to do whatever she was doing*
This is very long, but not as long as the golden guardian version. Anyways, I also tried to color the names and used as many nicknames as I know because I thought it would look cool. Also, sorry it took long, I lost motivation and my au notes.
Peace out~ *locks myself back in my room*
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kazeofthemagun · 1 month
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Anonymous asked:
send 🍀 and i'll recommend an oc rp blog
Positivity meme
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[.....Oh boy y'all already know where this is going]
[I legally cannot answer this without putting my bestie in the #1 spotlight, aka Bug aka @cursedfortune aka some other blogs I'll mention in a sec. Literally the most amazing person ever and one of, if not the best friend I've made here in my 4~ years of being on tumblr.]
[To preface, Bug's blogs post ns/fw so keep safe if that's not your thing/you're a minor, as well as heavy content to be expected from dark fantasy-themed muses. The details you'll find on the blogs themselves, so I'll refrain from wasting too much time when I could be getting to the JUICE 🥤.]
[The main, the OG, @cursedfortune . Bug's main OC, Mortem, is amazing in every way. Seriously. She's got it all. Looking for a strong, competent female character with an intriguing and compelling backstory sprinkled throughout the blog? They're your Bug. Fancy some in-depth exploration on blue-and-orange morality that transcends human understanding and puts in the forefront the often terrifying workings of balancing forces? They're your Bug. Really, those who have been here for any amount of time probably know but Mortem is Kaze's first and only ship but neither of us went into it thinking those two chucklefucks would catch feels in that way. In hindsight it makes complete sense, but here's the deal: don't begin your journey with this character solely to ship. It won't work that way - shipping needs chemistry first and foremost and female OC muses are already dealing with many users who go in with only the intent to write romance/smut and largely ignore what makes the character so compelling and unique in the first place.]
[Not to give lessons on tumblr etiquette, I'm sure y'all can understand 💜]
[Some other OC blogs of Bug's that I've interacted with a bit less but are nonetheless amazing:]
@bvd11975 That's not a spambot, baby. That's Nes, a special agent of an agency focused on paranormal investigation that plays a key role in Bug's overarching setting. Kickass character, design, story and personality-wise.
@ofmanytxngues A glorious force of chaos lmao. Not *that* Chaos, but uhh.. there's def A Wormy Boi (gender neutral) involved there somewhere. Marie is another character I haven't written with all that much and is on hiatus atm but I simply cannot not give her a shoutout while I'm at it. Marie and Ana riding an ice cream truck when?
Some others that are more WIP atm ^^ you'd have to approach Bug for them. (And their canons! But this is a meme for OCs specifically ;)
[NOW, to take a break from gushing about the best soup to ever soup and give due spotlight to others who 100% deserve it - keep in mind this is based on my interactions with them, as in, I am unlikely to shout out people I haven't written with or otherwise interacted with enough!! This is in no way personal, but rather a natural consequence since there are SO many amazing people and muses on tumblr. 😄]
@halfkuma and @knightshonour . Those two started out as iterations on the same character and evolved into separate people: also feature a healthy dose of secondary OCs and some canons. Rowan is a character I've fallen in love with (figure of speech) very easily since, well, I do happen to enjoy gloomy, doomed by the narrative warriors, and Soulsborne, very much. Halfkuma is a blog based around the Touhou universe with the mains, Roan and Touri, being bear yokai. (Half and full respectively). Furthermore, Slap himself is one of the chillest beans on here and is always a pleasure to talk to and meme with.
@hriobzagelthewanderer !!! Because how could I NOT. Kov is amazing and so is his muse. I was so surprised to see a figure from Polish (and generally Slavic + Germanic) folklore, that I essentially grew up reading about, transformed and adapted into an amazingly crafted muse. Hriob Zagel combines various mythologies + popular media inspirations into one giant (pun intended) goofball who is an absolute delight to see on my dash.
Aaand last but not least (for now!) Though I haven't interacted with her personally just yet, @hexenjagd . Obligatory shoutout to a dark fantasy/Elden Ring-based female OC with some of the most intricate yet well-flowing backstory I've seen on the site. Helena, the Witch-Knight, a person branded by the touch of Death and everything it entails within the setting. Definitely grimdark and macabre in all the right ways and I am here for it. 😎
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grapecaseschoices · 5 months
@thee-morrigan has tagged me to pick five songs i like! i decided not to go with my top five spotify repeat songs, and instead go with recent ones that have been puttering in my brain [the ones who SHOULD be top five lool].
1] Dear Wormwood - The Oh Hellos:
But now I understand you/And I will not be part of your designs/I know who I am now/And all that you've made of me/I know who you are now/And I name you my enemy
So, I've been "working" [haha. smh .... no] on a possible future Kenedis, who is a mix of TWC!Kendis, Exile!Kendis, and a couple of past RP concepts. So, ofc, this mean shit parents have to be a part of the backstory. Hence this song that I feel fits my nebulous ideas for an arc, lol.
2] Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine: What playlist wouldn't be made better without this song? I just don't know which one to put it in yet, lol. I am making a series of playlists for a set of future characters for a RP i might be joining [the one mentioned above], it started with me wanting a Florence song for Kendis [bc I've had at least one Florence song or at least a song by an indie rock/folk artist in my past few Kendis playlists]. But I'm still deciding if this is the one I want. But I just ended up thinking about this song a lot as well as about how much I like/d it. So here it is!
3] Silence - Khalid, Marshmello:
I'm in need of a savior (savior)/But I'm not asking for favors /My whole life, I've felt like a burden/I think too much, and I hate it/I'm so used to being in the wrong/I'm tired of caring/Loving never gave me a home/So I'll sit here in the silence/I found peace in your violence/Can't tell me there's no point in trying/I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long,
Been on and off so in love with this song [have I ever been fully off it? LMAO]. To keep it short - since this entire thing is lengthy - I feel this would fit Austyn if I ever did a playlist [probably won't] in her POV, particularly re: her relationship with Kendis [oh first loves~].
4] Ready For Anything - Blackway, Aeph, Koko:
Even as prey I can chase off the predators/You can′t run with me lil boy you too delicate/Hold Up/I′m feeling a little bit dangerous/And they looking a little bit anxious/If I'm laughing when/ I′m twiddling my fingers/It's only a warning that you can′t just/Walk up to me
I haven't strongly with the desire to write, but I've been still low-key itching with ideas. And one of the ideas, is for this future RP, involving a darker Andy. I usually play Andy before or after the travesty that really fucked up his life [he has a few too, so I should say ADULT life]. But not during for many years. I'm [nervously] hoping to, and this song fits real well what I've been pondering. Not 10, 000% but strongly enough.
5] Achilles Come Down - Gangs of Youth: You crave the applause yet hate the attention.
Sooooo I recently realized this song is perfect for Kendis. I don't know why I never have, lmao. I mean in general but particularly for specific Kendis'. Again, like the above it''s 10, 000% but it's ENOUGH that I've re-fallen in love with this song. Ugh. It hurts.
(Honorable mention [as this recently has gotten back into my head] The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake)
just gonna tag 5 people, sorry if you've done this!: @quaxorascal @wayhavenots @agnes-nutter @thats-a-lot-of-cortisol @laufire
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rascalentertainments · 3 months
Also, for The Wishing Kingdom,
Tell me a few things you like about it so far, it can be anything, references, world building, song rewrites, characters etc,
The same thing goes for Reach for The Stars, Kingdom of Wishes and The Fallen Star! Looking forward to hearing them thoughts mate!
Of course!
For The Wishing Kingdom, I like how its going for a more High fantasy feel like the older Disney classics! I'm not all that well versed in fantasy and magic, so its cool to see more examples of it done in your rewrite! The parallels between how everyone is knowingly depressed in the supposedly perfect Rosas, while everyone is genuinely happy and free in the Hamlet. Showing how the Kingdom isn't really making people happy, is a really nice touch!
I also like the backstory of Anatres what his character arc is going to be when he reaches Earth! WG!Star and Anatres actually have that deep love if Earth in common. (He'd probably start crying hearing what happened to Xanthos, he's a sensitive guy) And of course the idea of Asha having her own magic!
For "Kingdom of Wishes", that's actually the first story I read for a rewrite and just finished it a few weeks ago. Right now, its my favorite version! @annymation did such a great job writing the huge cast of characters, especially the villains, made some clever references and I ADORE ASTER AND ASHA!!! 😭 And I also got the inspiration to make Sabor from Bravo!
For "The Fallen Star", I started back reading that and I can't stop laughing! It's like if you put Wish, Deadpool and Emperor's New Groove together in a blender and that's The Fallen Star .😂 I love the designs of Cielo and Princess Asha, they look so unique, which is why I wanted to draw them. (ASHA KEPT CALLING ME MUTT, LIKE WHY—) @signed-sapphire writes some hilarious dialogue for Asha, with my favorite joke of her calling all the teens by their dwarf names, which is something I thought the canon movie was going to do, so she delivered. And Saph is very sweet, that's why I like talking to them the most about the movie and helping on the song numbers.
And for "Reach for the Stars!" I actually just started getting into it this week! I'm still new to it, so Might not cover everything. I've mostly seen the designs of the characters (which are so cute) and certain updates on the lore. I have to say the magic system in it is really unique! And Suñeo being the one starboy that wants to go home is unique take, and the Royal couples succeeds in pulling a star down in this version! Funny enough, I think that's why WG!Star likes to hang with him the most. (He's been wandering in space for years all alone and meeting Suñeo for the first time made him so happy. He's not alone anymore and he drags Suñeo through different parts of space to show him all the cool stuff he's seen) I get the biggest thing about it is how well the magic system for the stars and Rosas is thought out, its like something out of a manga story! @oh-shtars is really awesome at it!
The angst is also well made, I actually feel bad for, well everyone! 😂 Kind of ironic Star becomes friends with Suñeo, since Star's movie is more comedic/fun based and Suñeo's movie is more angst and drama, lol.
Thanks again, @chillwildwave! That was fun! I can't wait to see your story goes along with other friends versions!
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helluvapurf · 8 months
First-Impression thoughts on Hazbin Hotel's "official" first ep, now that I checked it out on YT-
*Spoiler warning below for those who didn't see it yet-*
-Great to see Charlie & Vaggie again, still a wholesome lil supportive pair whilst having their own quirks/things to do on the side. Esp with Vaggie spending the whole time back at the hotel reshooting a whole commercial for Charlie's sake, awww :3
-Pleasantly surprised by the twist of Charlie's mom being the figure she was most inspired by to make her dream come true, along with her love for singing. Curious to see where Lilith's whereabouts could be if she's been away for so long?
-The new voices were... a mixed bag, I suppose? Mainly in the line/tone-deliveries for certain characters (& I guess I'm still moreso used to the OG pilot's portrayals lol), but I can see the good attempts made from those like Charlie & Alastor.
-I... don't know how I feel about the way Lucifer's backstory was handled? Like, yeah its interesting hearing of him & Lilith genuinely connecting over their "rebellious" natures (& thus fleeing from Heaven's wrath/staying in Hell to be together). But then, the whole thing with Lucifer apparently being some "doofy, misunderstood dreamer who only wanted the best for Humanity, got bullied by those mean ol' angels, and didn't meaaaan to spread Sin all across Earth~ 🥺🥺" ...ehhhhh, felt kinda lame imho 🤷‍♀️. Not that I mind giving nuanced/sympathetic angles to a character's development now & then... but with someone like Lucifer (who mind you, is meant to represent the "Ring of Pride" on top of his Hell-ruling duties), I guess I kinda expected more... "bite" to his portrayal, I guess? .3. But idk, maybe that's just me... (*Tho admittedly, one could argue that perhaps he and/or Lilith were simply lying in that storybook to make them look less "bad"... idk, given HB's track record with Stolas' writing and since both shows are made by the same people... part of me can't help having my doubts ^^; *)
-Adam... ooooooh boi .x.;; Ever since I saw his leaked design I've always been rather... "mixed" about him, and now seeing him on-screen & talking I... don't really get the concept behind him? I mean, yeah I'm all for a fun, chaotic-jackass type when done right (hell I still consider Blitz among my faves to this day lol). But with Adam apparently being the big leader behind Heaven's army, AND was even the "original" Adam from biblical times... how tf did he get the chance to be allowed in Heaven if he not only helped curse humanity to sin (aka: sharing Forbidden Fruit with Eve), but on top of him currently being a horny, misogynistic loudmouth? 🤨Discounting that is also the fact that his whole design vibe just... doesn't really give me "holy army leader" vibes, but more-or-less just Blitz in some weird angel cosplay lol 🤷‍♀️. No shade to those who genuinely do like Adam though (and I'll admit his song was surprisingly catchy lol), I just... feel like his whole personality/design vibe could've probably fit better to a fallen angel-type character (or even a demon-angel hybrid if you wanna play more into the Heaven vs. Hell conflict), someone who only takes up the "Adam" title as an ego trip to enact his revenge against Hell... or, something like that idk; my brain's tired lol. (*His sidekick Lute seems pretty cool tho, she kinda reminds me of Tempest Shadow from MLP in a way .3.*)
-Nice to see more of the old Hotel gang again, esp those like Nifty she was a cute :3 (her whole reaction to the camera honestly being a whole mood lol)
-Did not expect to see Brandon Rogers pop up voicing Katie Killjoy of all people, buuuut I guess I can see the amusing comparison potential to that one CEO persona of his lol
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....Aaaaaand yep, that's about the gist of my first-impression thoughts atm .3. Dunno if I'll be sitting down to watch the whole season of Amazon's Hazbin atm (*'cause like, I do have Amazon Prime, buuuuut I rarely ever use that to watch shows (save for some classic cartoons here & there lol) .w.; *), but I'd say it was still generally a decent watch for what it is imo👍(+any chance to see my girl Vaggie again, the better~ x3💜)
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ivydarkrose · 2 years
Can we get 10 facts about Sourpop?
Sour pop 💛💛💛 I still love that nickname 🥺
Ok ok! Honestly, he's got a lot of rewriting to be had. I looked at his old facts from years ago. Very outdated lol.
The chains are his body he uses as weapons. They actually move of their own will, like some kind of metal snakes. They used to be the chains his brother (night terrors) used to drag him down, that forced him to fall. (Becoming a fallen angel that is.) He's glad to make use of them to get his revenge.
He does a lot of hoodoo voodoo, spells, etc. Which he makes use of for many of his interests.
Speaking of, he often tampers with genetics. Find humans, faes, etc being the most useful tools for his experimentation. Some results turning out quite awful, but to him, a necessary outcome.
I haven't decided if his true form copies over to his Creepypasta version. But his true form is based on a few lych kings. Something haunting, ghostly, a design I wanted to feel they may be friend or may be foe. I'd consider him half angel, half fallen. A twilight being.
Morivin, while disliking his older brother for understandable reasons, he actually took a liking to Candy pop himself, both in pity but also admiration. Claims him to be his brother now.
When I first made " Mr Sour pop", I kind of chose the color palette to match the missing primary color. Candy= Blue , Drolsoir = Red, Mori =Yellow . I already had his design in mind beforehand.
He was also going to be like Candy Pop, a demon fused with a Genyr. However, seeing Drolsoir going a different direction I scrapped that idea. This is why one of his old facts claims he has D.I.D. I am no longer comfortable putting that on his character. But he does have strange ... mannerisms still. Just not placing any label out of respect.
Out of all of his siblings, he most looked like his father, Mikhail. Before the fall that is. He also was quick to learn compared to his other siblings. Something that earned Night Terrors ire and jealousy. One of the main reasons he was chained down.
He offers his services for those seeking him out, but as the saying goes. Careful making a deal with a devil. As there might be some side effects that come with requesting his service.
The corset around his waist houses souls he's gathered. What he plans to do with them all depends on his capricious mood. Maybe combine them with another soul into a new host. Or maybe we'll simply just eat them for himself. He never knows himself.
These were a challenge to think of. As I mentioned I haven't really worked on him ever since I updated him a long while ago. At most I have his AU I've worked on. As well as the backstory that is connected to night terrors. Which both are the same in the umbra AU and the Creepypasta AU.
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roseofdarkness0 · 2 years
Some Explanations of My au from my incorrect quotes post bc I started writing and it got out of hand but I need those bunnies out of my head and if stuff is repeated but just reworded then it's because I've been writing this on different days whilst working on different stuff at the same time. As office would have said, Parkour!
If anything else in the future needs to be explained about my aus I will link this post.
Married Au: Cali and Gov married each other around 1800's because some congressmen were bothering Gov about him being single (with goal of trapping him with one of their daughters so their family could profit) and Gov was getting tired of it. One day where he was close to murdering someone, he spotted another person being bothered about the same thing, sure maybe not on the scale that he was but if he played his cards right it could work out....
Long story short, Gov married that person, "Poppy 'Goldie' McNugget" (strange name but he couldn't exactly complain) by having one of the visiting priests marry them with others as their witnessess. Poppy provided the rings and after few weeks of awkward small talks and getting to know each other a bit better, they parted ways never to see each other again.... until nearly 100 years later when he had to take over a meeting America couldn't attend to and came face to face with Poppy or as he was now known California.
After several rounds of alcohol and long debates, that might as well be considered screaming matches by some states who were unfortunate enough to walk by Gov Office, they came to agreement that every ten or so years they would spend time together as a couple. Mostly to keep up the marriage act and just in case they need to bullshit something on the fly.
Gov was just happy that he wouldn't have to tell Pennsylvania or Virgina about the fact that he is married and didn't invite them. Or his brother.
*as a kind of edit, it's not that gov and Cali haven't seen each other before that but it was rare and only for few apperences. Why the congressmen didn't out gov? Gov is scary mothefucker who then was growing stronger day by day, the choice between death and life was easier to make even if they weren't happy about it.
Which speaking off, in this au I wanted to have countries to exist as well sooooo here is small breakdown of Gov "fam":
Pennsylvania and Virgina as "parents" not exactly but those two helped him out the most when he first came around so they have this relationship of sorts. Mostly it consists of Pennsylvania riling Gov up and Virginia trying to calm them and bring peace but I do imagine that the two are somewhat protective of gov and will beat his ass second they learn he didn't invite them to a wedding.
America as in personification of the country (separate from the states) being older brother of sorts to Gov, think Hetalia or CH hybrid. No I don't have design for his in mind apart from Big boi full of himself who is protective over states but in asshole roundabout way.
Cali on the other hand was human turned into state. His general backstory for this au is that he was human born in Spain meant to marry someone he didn't want as he had fallen in love with someone his family didn't approve off. To rebel they married in secrets torched down the whole town as they ran away on a horseback, got to America and into Oregon trail (which they sometimes left to explore the country before returning) and settled into the new land that promised lots of gold. Few years passed as they settled, drama happened somewhat and Poppy/Cali end up being detained for murder of their husband and hanged. Few days later he crawls out of the grab using skeleton pieces of his husband he had been buried with (hello COD community can u see where I got it from) and it derails into like 1800s where Cali who was still going by Poppy married gov randomly cause might as well get those sweet tax evasion in early and yes the rings he used where his and his late then husband (who is reincarnated soul so he keeps his memories when he dies and reborn, in modern times he had set up bakery in Washington and is flirting with a politician that frequents his bakery.)
Gov and Cali worked out they married each other in 1923 but it was like that umbrella academy meme :
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They both were like wait a fucking minute why aren't you dead and then had the whole office screaming match.
I mentioned it earlier but every 10 years they pick some dates where they allow themselves to be like married couple. It started out with them knowing each other better the first few times and it derail into different activities raging from dinner dates to cute murder dates.
They don't try to hide it too much but no one apart from Utah really picked up on it's Why Utah? I thought it be funny. That's it that's the reason.
Both encourage each other to chase after their crushes (Gov has crush on Florida Louisiana and DC but will deny it harder then he denies having emotions and Cali is crushing on NY and Texas (maybe Oklahoma but that's a crackship so ignore that for now Lmao) but will deny it whilst being a simp to gov face) and honestly end goal is some weird poly couple cause I adore poly couples and think there is big potential for fun dynamic. Maybe I will get into it later.
General rules for most of my aus that I will follow:
Kind of height chart mostly to explain how I see it. So, Countries are bigger then states/regions even the smallest country is taller by an inch or two, like even Alaska whilst the tallest state would be smaller then a country, which yes it means that countries are borderline giants but they can adjust their height to become slightly more human. They have special dimension of sorts to hold their own meeting but if they have to meet up with their human politicians or just humans in general they get to be more 'human' as to not freak anyone out.
Then you have states and regions of a country. Similar rules apply but obviously each country is just slightly different. They are second tallest to reflect their status as a region but obviously their height flu crusted bases on their territory. Nothing much to add here but cities are smaller then states.
With "organisations" such like well Gov, FBI, CDC and so on welllbdbd depends? I imagine Gov as being seoerete from DC and IDC (will explain soon) but general rule of thumbs is that manifestation of government is taller then the country state/region or malleable to what they want in the moment. FBI and CDC are a bit more human like cause they work with humans most often but they sometimes make people feel uncanny bc it's clear they just aren't fully human. Hard to explain but yeah.
DC And IDC! Those two were humans turned immortal cause I think it be funny. They are twins but gained immortality in slightly different ways. IDC was turned immortal bc FBI and CIA took liking to her and the fact that they got some of that hot international gossip that America wouldn't share with them and I imagine as a 'human' she was from either of their agencies or at least worked together with them long enough they decided that yeah she can stay longer. Not sure if that makes any sense.
DC on the other hand was a fed that was supposed to get the states to work together during the meetings in the pandemic which worked. He mostly gained immortality bc either Florida convinced Louisiana to fuck around and find out or Gov saw states devastated that they favourite fed isn't there anymore so he decided to grant DC the immortality to keep states happy but he joined more meetings and ran some of them as well as DC recovered from Jan 6th.
So DC and Gov are separate with Gov having worked mostly near president and doing paperwork from the meetings DC ran but he has been getting involved a bit more with states recently with DC running smaller meetings or hanging out with IDC.
Unless it's specified, most of family relations from Marriage au apply, as in Gov + Ame = kind of brothers, IDC and DC human twins turned immortal through two different means
Poppy explained:
Essentially I took concept of Surfer Cali being SoCal and normal Cali being NoCal and ran with it by adding Hollywood as a Poppy. And mostly bc I hc Cali as FtM but add more wacky magic shit? Main shit to know is that Poppy = Cali but before officially a state
Just me shipping Gov x Cali x NY x Florida x Louisiana x Texas x DC together bc I am addicted at this point to complicated shipping dynamics lmao
This one will go hand in hand with marriage au as Gov and Cali crush on the established group of NY x Florida x Louisiana x Texas x DC and the group slowly going "Wait a second was that hot or am I just horny"
My favourite stuff from those interactions is Cali teasing Gov about crocodile wrangling out of nowhere with Gov talking about hot and cold meats out of nowhere in turn. Utah was ready to book an exorcism for the two but after being witness to the two bullshiterry he would rather book a cupid or therapist for them.
Literary same thing like above but with Oklahoma bc I think it be hilarious and I have personal investment in Oklahoma and Texas fighting like usual but both agreeing they need to bag Cali and others before anyone else realises they are good potential partners.
Poly-Nation Au
All States are dating each other. Mostly for either requests or ideas taken from Wtttcord that don't fit in my Aus or I just wanna write something
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quinloki · 1 year
Hi hi! If the One Piece self ship rambling is open, I would love to throw my hat (haha straw hat) into the ring! I recently got into the show (and yes I am making my slow journey across 1000 episodes) and have been falling in love with it quickly. And uh… I may have fallen for a certain blonde pirate cook. As I like to put it. I am currently Sanji for Sanji haha! I just don’t know! The way he genuinely can be a kind and badass dude but also be hilarious has my heart. Not to mention, someone mentioned in the anime that he first fell for Nami upon seeing her being silly with her friends. Not prim and proper nor stellar. Just herself. And I just… I NEED THAT!
This led to me creating a sona for One Piece! Since I’m still working through the show, my sona lore (I tend to treat them like OCs but based off of me and my own growth throughout the years alongside other self indulgent stuff like “mmm… I’mma be a pirate”) is still up in the air. And I probably won’t talk about all the lore here since gosh it would probably be… way longer then I’d like to admit… I made a species for this (specifically an One Piece version of selkies cause I discovered One Piece did nothing with selkies yet and upon discovering Sanji had a thing for mermaids, my brain went “hmm… seal mermaids”), I just gosh I’ve been enjoying this show so much and creating this sona. So far she is a member of the Strawhat Pirates, having initially joined to get passage to her home island due to being kidnapped from it by pirates and being utterly lost only to find family in the crew and become their chronicler, recording their adventures alongside any important information they should keep in mind while sailing such as supplies and current plans. I think so far my favorite thing for planning her has been designing her cause I decided to have her face initially covered for backstory reasons so she looks intimidating only to be a crybaby failgirl who is quickly charmed by Sanji but is too nervous and caught off guard by these feelings to say anything cause expectation subversion. And I don’t know, I’m such a sucker for the trope where the hopeless flirt actually gets a win without knowing it cause the other person is struggling to convey it. And so I’m excited to explore the duo that is the “looks like she could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll” mess and this malewife cook I adore who simp for each other
And yeah! Thanks for providing this opportunity and I hope you enjoyed the rambling! And consider me a follower of this blog since you seem epic!
\o/ I love it!! And welcome to the fandom! I hope your experience is as great as mine has been!
I've fell in with really solid people and I cannot actually hype them up enough to be honest. If you do come across someone cranky, just block 'em and more on honestly - it's a huge fandom so there's all types wandering around.
Sanji's a good choice! He's got a heart of gold as far as I'm concerned. I have plans for a multi-chapter fic for him soon ^_^ (soon being 2024 at this point, but still). He's not one of my mains, but only because he's a little too much for me xD
I love the addition of a Selkie and everything that entails. It is a solid set up for a really good romance between your OC and Sanji =3 And you can adjust it as you want in the One Piece world - have fun with it \o/
I hope your story develops, and you feel compelled to write it down, even if you don't share it! \o/ May all your words and arts for it be just as you want them. <3
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heartandsoulcomic · 2 years
Your story inspired me to work on an Undertale Graphic novel of my own! I love Heart and SOUL, especially Sarafina, and Sans' backstory. My story is about the second fallen human (after chara)! I am currently still working on panel one & the cover... And I was wondering if you have any tips for art, I've only been drawing for a bit and haven't found any amazing art apps and tips, etc... So if you have any apps you use or tips for drawing characters, (That ur willing to share) Please do!!! ;)
Hi Anon! I’m so happy that my work has inspired you to do your own thing! :D
I don’t really use any drawing apps – for digital work, I use an old (and slightly buggy) version of Photoshop. I really need to look into Clip Studio Paint…
As for tips… hmm…
For character design, especially when starting out, my advice would be to keep it simple; complex designs with lots of details can be very interesting, but keep in mind you’ll be drawing them over and over, and having to draw all those details again and again is very time intensive, and can get tiring over time. (Sarafina’s hands… urg.)
Once you have a design you like, make a reference sheet! Draw your character from different angles; from the front, from behind, from the side, and at a three-quarter turn. Make notes of the clothes they wear and their color pallet. Add a row of facial expressions; Happy, angry, sad, confused.
When drawing, references are your friends! A great resource for poses is adorkastock on DeviantArt (https://www.deviantart.com/adorkastock). For all sorts of just random free-to-use images, pixabay (https://pixabay.com/) is fantastic.
And of course; PRACTICE!
Draw simple shapes such as cubes, cones, and tubes from different angles. Draw things you see sitting on your desk or in your room. Take a screenshot of a movie or cartoon and draw it. Watch artists’ how-to videos on youtube and draw along. Choose a figure from adorkastock and draw your character in that pose.
Doodle and play around!
Study anatomy! Knowing the bones and muscle structures of humans and animals will help you understand what angles and positions can or can’t work while drawing them.
If there are community colleges or community centers near you, see if they have art classes! Community classes are pretty cheap (or even free sometimes!), though art supplies can be pricey at times… Art classes (with good teachers) aren’t just instructive, but can be fun as well :)
Remember that drawing is a skill; it takes time to develop. Making your graphic novel will help you develop that skill! Have patience with yourself and have fun!
Good luck! :D
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fortyconsoles2023 · 2 years
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is truly an incredible recreation. Just as significantly, it is truly an original, thought-provoking rendition of an iconic Marvel property. After actively playing it, I'd love to delve deep into the stories that gave birth to this diverse cast of characters. And right now, I believe I will, because I've fallen even more in love with this world. Despite the world being flooded with superheroes appearing on screens, it is only in the most recent decade that gamers have been graced with truly original and entertaining games based on comic book qualities. With Guardians of the Galaxy, enthusiasts retain one of the most enjoyable magazine titles available, which can distinguish it from the wildly popular MCU label and transform the vibrant, illustrated universe that it is based on. The very first hurdle the Guardians of the Galaxy needed to manage was differentiating it from James Gunn's vision.
The rapid-fire banter between all five characters in the show is unstoppable. While that word could enjoy a negative connotation, however, I can imagine no other word to fully summarize this. The talks are interspersed with exciting experiences like combat and dogfights, idle walks, and even death-defying experiences. The player's ears are filled with words as Groot can speak his signature, "I am Groot," and Rocket is translating, and Gamora, as well as Drax, are engaged in their precious dialog. These heroes speak, but it never appears objective. Every word, joke, or cruel comment is based on a thought-provoking perspective, which the writers utilized to make the characters more distinct. The dialogue never felt like an overflow of nonsense. This is definitely how the Guardians communicate within their group and with one another. When you discover souvenirs hidden far away in each world, you'll also be able to have further dialogue with other Guardians, which fleshes out their particular roles and backstories and provides quite possibly the most individual connections within the overall game. There are also binary dialogue decisions; frequently, they ask you to choose against one Guardian or the other and make decisions about how precisely to manage an issue or determine what the focus of your team should be. Our website is the best place to buy cheap New PS4 games. The battles are spectacular. People are in control of Quill at all times during every battle and truly feel like the head of the Guardians. Drax and Co. all have their strengths, and they'll also take on battle independently; however, they take instructions from Quill. Each hero offers a certain ability to win battles, whether it's crowd control (Groot) or the capacity to inflict significant damage (Gamora). The way you use their strengths can determine the course of the challenge. In battle, players race through the streets, shooting their guns at enemies and then dodging using rocket boots of Peter. The more Peter is the enemy, the more destruction he will cause. Firing will not last forever because the weapons will eventually overheat, but they can usually be quickly recharged if you hit R2 at the right time. Fans, like Peter, are designed to fight with their minds. Through narrative evolution or ability tips, Peter and the remaining Guardians have four abilities that are unlocked and placed on buttons on their faces. Peter's capabilities can be activated by clicking the left stick. It can be somewhat awkward at times when fighting. The group is activated by pressing L1, focusing on an opponent, pressing an appropriate face button for an individual teammate, and then hammering a distinct face control key that is assigned to the participant's specific skill. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is the perfect example of a Marvel video game that has an array of thrilling episodes and thoughtful junctures. The images immediately capture the viewer's attention with stunning views and vibrant colors ranging from neon lights and the markets at Knowhere to the vast scenery of Lady Hellbenders' Seknarf Nine. In addition to the amazing graphics, there are facial animations.
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Hex's Media Thread 2021 Archive (Part 1)
Said a day or two ago I'd archive this stuff in case Twitter truly goes under because it's sadly become something I've actually rather enjoyed to do and be somewhat more open about my opinions on things. Funny how on paper I resigned myself to all data on the internet being temporary but when confronted with the idea of losing some personal things I scuttled to preserve them ^^;.
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Anyways this post is gonna be rather small in comparison to the others cause I wasn't doing it until halfway through the year. Also in the future expect to see me make individual posts for just an entry or two whenever I'm caught up :). Also before you ask, the reason Scott is here is because I made it originally as a Media Thread joke image but then ended up actually making one.
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13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim was a very fun way to start off the year and I would frequently chip away at it a couple hours before bed every night before deciding near the end to just binge through it all. I really liked how the story presented itself and that was a big hook that kept me going along even when some of the characters weren't nearly as interesting as others. The gameplay is simple and you can easily become overpowered with no real effort just by buying a few moves and that's fine, in my experience the VN with 10% sRPG gameplay is usually not very difficult anyways. I haven't played this studio's other games before but I've been made aware the ending of this is decently similar to another of their works but seeing as I don't know of it I'm instead choosing to live in ignorant bliss and say it comes together pretty great! It isn't mind-bending but the journey that leads there is very fun and filled with a lot of interesting moments and wondering what's going on.
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The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 3rd is maybe still my favorite entry in the franchise but I'm a bit torn on the decision after playing a few others. I know it's a somewhat controversial game since there's no real sidequesting and reused overworld (mostly) like the other games have but at the same time it means I don't have to follow a spoiler-free sidequest guide playing the game and not have to miss everything ^^;. The reason I loved this one so much is I just generally like Kevin and Ries more as characters than Estelle and Joshua because their adopted family to lovers dynamic is just something I can never fully in good conscious really get behind, and while there is a tragically small amount of that in Kevin/Ries as well (with a few other weird issues in his life growing up as well) it's just easier to swallow for me. But enough about the negatives, one thing I love about the format of this game is the Door system allows for every character to get some moments of backstory or further development to bridge the gap between Sky games and what the series has eventually moved onto and become that I really like!
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Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1! I watched her! To be honest I don't have many thoughts on this series that probably haven't been expressed everywhere else. It looks great and it inspired me to continue on and read the manga which was really great as well but I've just kinda fallen off on it recently. Nobara so cool
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Blaster Master Zero and Blaster Master Zero 2 were played in such a close succession to each other that I just added both at the same time. I've always loved the Megaman Zero games ever since a friend introduced me to them about ~6 years ago and eventually have gone on to play even more of Inticreates works because they just make such fun games. The first game definitely has some rough parts to get around such as the moments of backtracking and some archaic level design due to trying to be a mostly-faithful remake of the original Blaster Master as well as having the most effort to get the true ending of the trilogy, which isn't that much of an issue for me since I love 100%ing metroid-styled games anyways but is still worth mentioning. The story doesn't do anything crazy but it does enough to endear you to the cast imo.
The sequel takes a lot of notes on where to improve where the original was lacking and it does it wonderfully. There's a lot more character banter and optional dialogue you can trigger compared to the small amount in the 1st game and coupled with a way more interesting story it made it very easy to get engaged quicker. There's so much Quality of Life changes like being able to warp back to Sophia instantly using fred both on the world map and when finishing a dungeon, or the change to have energy recharge and work differently making it so energy-consuming weapons don't suck as much ass to use as they did in 1. The planet hopping system is also wonderful because it cuts down on backtracking almost fully and every single system has a very unique atmosphere in the main planet and some fun side-planets for upgrades. If you're observant enough on the collection overview screen it's also very easy to tell what the true ending requirements are in this game, and that entire section + the final boss might be my favorite part of this series barring some specific moments in 3.
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Monster Hunter Rise basegame was very fun and I loved it. My favorite Monster Hunter game is Generations which got me into the series back in 2016 and this one was a close contender with very fast and fun movement fighting aggressive monsters that somewhat compensate for all these new tools. The serpent themes are some of my fav music I've heard in Monhun and I'm just glad this game didn't fall off in enjoyment for me like World did. Rampage is a slightly penis gameplay mechanic I will say but it didn't take too much of the playtime up sooo whatever. I'll give more thoughts in a later post when Sunbreak came out but fwiw my new favorite monster they added in the basegame was Goss Harag :).
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Final Fantasy XIV: Eden's Promise (Savage) was a grind for my static at the time but it ended up being my favorite Savage tier... which didn't mean much at the time since I started raiding during Eden's Verse lmao. But even after the next two raid tiers (my group disbanded after scheduling issues for p8s) it's still my favorite and I'll always think that e11s is one of the coolest interpretations of a character ever.
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Yakuza 0 is a game I took forever to finally sink my teeth into and god damn was I missing out. Between all the side-missions and modes (which I had done all of except Majima's Amon fight because I didn't feel like grinding for a broken weapon) and the actual story I sunk a good amount of time in this world and I really need to get back in there with Yakuza Kiwami. It will happen before 2024 ends mark my words.
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No Straight Roads was a strong GOTY contender for me back in 2021 cause I loved its presentation due to it reminding me of some games I grew up with like Psychonauts for example, and the boss fights were super creative and the music gimmick was so cool and also just had some bangers. I don't even feel like I've given this game the time it deserves to cook because I skipped a lot of the lore files you get throughout the game and I definitely want to go back to it sometime to see them but I also feel like the game was just good enough that I don't feel like I've fucked up by skipping all that cause the normal story was already really fun to me and even a bit emotional at times.
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Chainsaw Man. You can read it and it's pretty cool but it hasn't stuck with me strongly as a whole (I haven't been reading much of part 2) and I prefer Fujimoto's one-shots a lot more but still liked my time with this one!
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And finally for the end of this part, Rhythm Heaven Fever! Yes I somehow took all until 2021 to play this game despite having played Megamix years ago and loving other Rhythm games like Project Diva and Theatrhytm (and also having a best friend who talked about this game all the time and we'd even Talk About The Series Together). The gameplay is so fun despite only being a few buttons and each minigame really stands out with the remixes being fun and having some banger songs thrown in. I think the monkey's from Monkey Watch can all go burn in hell.
There should be two more updates to 2021 before I get to move on to 2022 but I hope you've enjoyed these little thought capsules :). When we catch up and I get to post more things individually the posts should be a bit more focused and interesting but thanks if you've read it all anyways!
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blobbei-art · 5 years
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Unintentionally drew a little character I fell in love with too quickly! 
Her name is Byleth and she’s some sort of a demon creature who has the ability to make her wings/feathers as hard as steel and sharp like a knife. Though she may be tiny and look cute, she’s not as innocent as she looks, having been the cause of many deaths before. Buuuuut, she found a loving home and has improved ever since! 
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doodlesfromthebird · 2 years
Hi, Canary! It's really nice to see you back. You've been one of my favorite internet artists since I found your work a few years ago, and I really admire your sense of character and costume design! I found you through KH, but I've since fallen in love with your original characters and story ideas, which are lovely. I was wondering if you had any advice for someone hoping to develop their own original characters and worlds. I've been trying to for a few years, but it still feels pretty daunting.
Hello!! Oh my goodness, thank you so much. I'm so glad! ^u^ I absolutely can give some pointers!
Here's a little guide with a few methods I've used to creating characters and developing the world they live in. I'm by no means a writer of any kind (I rarely create stories, and struggle with plot) but I am passionate about developing funky little dudes who live in your brain.
Designing a Character - Make a list. I somewhat recently compiled a document full of design elements, tropes, personality types, aesthetics I generally really liked to help build a small cast of characters I knew I’d have fun designing for. Think about your favorite characters in media and what you like about them! It could be a great jumping point to creating an OC you’re passionate about. That goes for relationship dynamics, too! 
Grab a handful of things from that list, 5 or 6 maybe, and there ya go!
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- Make a moodboard. I’ve used this method to create characters based on A VIBE and building off that.
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I’ve even figured out personalities just based on the “aesthetic text” I found associated with a color. Part of Cherri’s backstory and personality came forth simply because I kept finding Marina lyrics in pink. - Try using online dress up games! I used to use Dolldivine all the time to get creative. -  In addition to mood boarding, pinterest can also be a good resource for design inspiration with official concept art for movies/games and assets of those sort of dress-up games readily available. CocoPPa is a good example! [Let’s please respect the wishes of individual artists and either give credit when posting for inspiration or respect their wishes if they state not to repost their work at all.]  - In depth character creators in video games! Or simple ones! I’ve built up such an affection for even a few of my stardew valley farmers with their own personal bits of lore, they could probably be stand alone characters separate from the game at this point. Sometimes developing a character from an established setting can be a good base. Dig some of your old fan characters out of the closet, even!
Get to know your character
Getting to know your OC is one of my favorite parts of the process, and is something I find really important if you want to get attached to them. And you should!! The more these guys are on your brain, the more you start asking questions about them, and the more bigger details start to fall into place. - Go broad. Say you have the base concept of a character with their situation, their goal in life, their goal in the present moment, and the past/future that will effect them. What lies do they believe as truth? How has their childhood effected their habits and views? What's one secret they keep to no one but themselves? Who are the most influential people in their past and in their day to day life? - Go detailed. They're practically a roommate living rent free in your mind, so think about what a day in their life is like. Observe how they do small things. What are they eating for breakfast? How do they carry themselves when they walk? Nervous habits? What are they wearing to go to get quinoa from trader joes??? Detail what a few hours of what it'd be like to observe them, doing what they do every day and how they'd do it. - Give them an interview. Here's a blank bio sheet with a detailed list of questions that could be fun to fill out at your leisure! A lot of good questions to chew on. - Or quite literally give them an interview. Pretend they're sat down to answer some questions and think about how multiple characters would answer the same question. Do they overshare? Are they curt and to the point? Do they frequently lie and contradict themselves? What questions take them off guard? - Write about your own experiences. Giving characters traits and experiences you can speak from in a detailed  can really flesh them out as people and gives them that relatability. Even if they’re decidedly different from you as a whole, there’s that point of connection that anchors them to you.
Developing a world is a little less easy for me to give advice on, as I’m very character oriented, so my worldbuilding is more of starting with the bigger picture and then filling in details that would affect the character directly, while some other things aren’t as fleshed out and water tight. (I’m working on it!) Some universes have more to them than others simply due to how much time I’ve spent with them over the years. But it’s important, a lot of fun, and gives all the more weight to the universe you’re developing.
- Research. If you’re like me and either have no writing experience or have difficulty pulling key world-building aspects from imagination, there’s a PLETHORA of resources to learn from, a lot of it free and on youtube, even. Make yourself a playlist, grab a notepad and sit yourself down to gather info, and map things out. If you’re, say, creating a country from scratch, look into places with a similar climate and how it affects what species live there. I’ve been researching dining etiquette and shipbuilding lately! It would be of great help to learn from writers as well, if you aren’t one yourself. There's A Lot of advice out there. - Ask cause and effect questions. I create a lot for the fantasy genre, so I get to ask questions like...”What does a world being shaped by the gods/guardians look like? How has their presence influenced the mortals they look after? Their culture, their customs, the way they communicate?  What’s the actual truth of ancient happenings and what has been passed down through a long, long game of telephone? What is the truth current day people believe about magic, technology and historical events? What kind of questions could you ask from the world you’re creating? -Appease your inner child. Think back on what captured your attention as a kid and how you experienced them through your eyes at the time. What sort of things did you feel experiencing your favorite games, movies or books that you can still tap into through a nostalgic lens? I feel incredibly attached to my The Spiral OC universe when I’m playing Legend of Zelda games, especially Wind Waker. The mood, the sense of adventure. The feeling of sailing the seas, the quietness of Windfall at night, the reverent silence when arriving at Hyrule frozen in time.  Those feelings have lent an atmosphere to the world I’d go on to create for myself, and still illicit a strong emotional response when I visualize aspects of it. the adventure, the monsters, the sweet and emotional tone, and the heaviness of ancient legend lost to time. - Immerse yourself in other people’s worlds. Get into a tabletop game podcast of your preferred genre! You’ve got high fantasy dnd, but there’s also plenty of sci-fi, modern fantasy, post-apocalyptic, and more. Listening to multiple people work together to build their world (sometimes as they go a long!) can really get that creative juice a-flowing.  Critical Role and The Adventure Zone are big ones, but I also recommend SkyJacks, Friends at the Table, Dimension 20, Dungeons and Daddies and JemJammer! Worldbuilding prompts/generators!  X X X I hope ANY of this was helpful, I’m happy to answer specific questions as well. 
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