#i've never actually drawn them well until now though so i'm happy about that!
solenstelluna · 4 months
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For @heropartnerweek Day 2 it's Evolution, and this one's a two-parter! That's crazy for sure, and I think it's cool! Hopefully, that isn't just because I finished these right now and I haven't gone to sleep at all yet.
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smokestarrules · 3 months
May I ask about the Star Vs downspiral? I remember seeing commercials about that show but that's the extent of what I know. But I'm curious now.
Well, honestly there was a Lot that contributed to its fall from grace, but here are some of the lowlights.
(It's been a very long time since I watched this show so I may be forgetting some details; this is how I remember it).
A) Four prominent characters are drawn into a horrible, horrible love square. Star herself, Marco, who is the other main character whose family she stays with while on Earth, her ex-boyfriend Tom, and another character who we meet later, Kelly. I'm sure some people always shipped Star and Marco, whatever, but a significant amount of the fandom including myself were beyond content with their relationship staying platonic---romance was not a factor that needed to be brought in to make us care about their dynamic. In fact, romance just about killed any enjoyment for them at all because it was so poorly written.
Marco and Star go back and forth between taking that romantic step and subsequently rejecting each other for various reasons. At some point Star gets back with her ex, Tom, who seems to have turned over a new leaf. Marco and Tom even have episodes where they hang out together too. Then Marco starts dating Kelly at the same time Star and Tom start to fall out again.
Now that I'm writing this I've realized I actually forgot another entire character who was wrapped up in this; Jackie Lynn, who Marco has a crush on in the early season(s?). She and Marco are together at some point until she leaves him because he's clearly not into her anymore. There are five characters who get stuck in this terrible plotline.
It's just... so needlessly dramatic and completely unnecessary. Star and Marco end up together, of course, but in doing so they completely screw over those two other characters, and by that time, their relationship just leaves a bad taste in fans' mouths.
B) Star VS as a show initially started out as pretty episodic and pivoted to a more narrative-driven storyline later on, which isn't at all necessarily bad, but a lot of what I personally liked about the show ended up being pushed to the wayside because of the bigger emphasis on the plot, and it was disappointing. Not everything needs to have a massive earth-shattering narrative to be good.
The early episodes were character-driven, full of incredibly interesting worldbuilding, and just fun to watch. All of those things were shoved away to make room for something more dramatic and serious.
C) The main bad guys are also pretty much an entire species which is never a good idea because it breeds so many uncomfortable writing decisions. They're "monsters" and they are The Bad Guys, who the Regular People need to stay away from. The narrative kinda tries to challenge this concept, but in the end it's really just not important whatsoever.
Honorable mention) When the show was still good, Marco had a couple episodes in which really interesting things were happening with his gender; he crossdressed as part of Plot and then seemed as as if he was confused about how it made him feel? But later on that plotline turned into more of a joke than it already was and went nowhere. Just weird.
D) How the show ended was one of the absolute worst I've ever seen. I truly cannot explain to you just how--bizarre it is; anticlimactic, rushed, unexpected in the worst way. To stop people from fighting, Star makes the incredibly quick decision to just. destroy magic.
So she does.
The aftermath shows that the two dimensions (Earth and Star's original home, Mewni) are now merged together in some sort of 'happy' fusion, magic is completely not a thing anymore, and entire species that have before been shown to canonically need magic to survive are dead because of it, though the show doesn't think to provide a better explanation for that at all.
And it ends.
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ccycloneblogging · 7 months
I keep forgetting to ask my questions now is the present I guess-
Well 1, love your work! This AU is so cute and full of potential trauma it makes my mind flow with ideas... one of them being REALLY trauma heavy that has me in a vice grip rn...
So anyways- your post where you showed how in your AU catnap removed dogdays legs... were the murders of the hour in the same way? Because I just- Imagining Catnap dropping an anvil on some poor soul and them getting crushed slowly after the initial impact while catnap watches in apathy- has not left my mind. It's just Saw death traps at that point.
And about the whole "Going back to the cartoon" thing catnap wanted... would that not be suicide? A fully fledged, free thinking being going back to being with a world bound by a script and it's existence only continues if it's makers wish for it seem like killing yourself with extra steps. Again- this Au has so much Trauma potential I just HMMMMMMMMMMM-
And Oc's... well who do you want to hear about? I got a few lying around... well only 2 poppy playtime ones at the moment (and like one is kinda hard coded for another AU)... not to mention all the ones I have not drawn up yet that lie within my mind.
I would not mind another reason for William posting- but I'll let you choose!
Thanks, man! :D
You have no idea how much I've had to edit the scripts and drawings I make for the blog, because I go too dark too quickly for this toon AU.
I'm gonna go on a long ramble. Bear with me.
Like - there's this one script I still need to rewrite. But the premise is that Angel and DogDay are in Home Sweet Home, striking up a conversation - though Angel is injured.
Angel: ...Do you ever just... Stop? *[Angel eyes DD, as DD is in the process of sniffing like an actual dog, walking along the walls]* DD: What do you mean? *[He pauses to look at them, his tail wagging]* Angel: This. *[They gesture to his whole self, which causes him to finally fall on to the ground with a yip]* Angel: We're being hunted by a monster, close to death, and you're acting all... *Looney*. DD: That's what I do, Angel. I was brought here to make people feel happy. Safe. *[His tail begins to wag again as he makes his way to Angel]* Angel: Great. *[Unamused]* At least we'll die laughing. DD: You know, laughter is stronger than you'd think. *[A little "Uh-huh" from Angel.]* No matter how bad things get, you just have to laugh! Even if you feel like you've lost all hope, unsure about tomorrow... Not knowing what you did wrong, wondering how the world collapsed around you... *[DD grabs on to an ear, his smile turning more upsetting. The background getting darker. Maybe emphasize some of the in game model]* DD: Knowing that deep down, it's your fault for their deaths and already missing your chains because you deserve them --- *[He immediately switches back, sunshine and smiles]* DD: A laugh can chase away the gloom! Angel: *[Disturbed]* ...You want to talk about it, Pup?
So, they're all thoroughly traumatized, that's for sure!
I plan on drawing a comic that takes place during the Hour Of Joy, but yes. CatNap has killed some humans with falling anvils, endless pits, trapping them in repeating hallways until they go insane. Humans cannot survive the same punishment a toon takes, you know. >u>
But you know, he's not entirely heartless. Just angy. A poor lil meow meow
Oh, it's just CatNap being unable to cope, being ripped out of his comfort zone and never being able to adjust with the horrible things going on in Playcare. Though the Critters in this AU are not the same as the In-Game Bigger Bodies, there's still been human experiments. CatNap would much rather take scripts and limited freedom over what he was given... You are right though. That is one of the themes I wanted to try and hit with him. Especially if I follow through with an ending of Angel adopting the Critters. Then the aftermath of the trauma can really sink in.
My man, pal, friend.
I love OCs. The floor is yours. Send 'em in!
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afniel · 4 months
Hi there's really vague (but kinda heavy?) Third Novel stuff under the cut, so don't spoil yourself if you don't want to know anything. Because there's a liiiiittle something something in there plus some art.
Man I'm like. Writing on chapter 2(?) of I Can't Believe It's Not A Trilogy (ICBINAT...world's worst working title) and this story is gonna need such a ridiculously huge content warning for suicidal ideation, way more than the first two, and the second has more than the first, so you know this one has got it bad.
And yet this is just kinda Where X Is At Right Now at the start of it, for Reasons (that I can't say further shit about until Outcome Unpredictable is all online, lol). I have a chapter and a half of, I dunno where or when it fits, just kinda disconnected noodling, and they were hard to write in the kind of way that's warning me that I don't really know what I'm doing with a character, just kinda slapping events together without much emotional weight to any of them or any real direction.
Then I kinda had a few revelations in a row, realized I was trying to lean way too hard on X to Just Be Better Already Dammit, and he was just coming out flat because he's not better already, dammit. Reploid Grandpa is 100% a fucked-up old veteran who's barely out of the hell he came from so yeah, he makes huge strides in his mental health, but he started at the bottom of a really deep hole. That's not a quick climb! It takes real life people decades to escape that hole, and they usually didn't go through it for 80+ years without a break. He's just gonna be down there, even if he's a lot higher than he started. (IRL veteran suicide rates are absolutely dismal too, and yeah, X's mental state very much reflects this at the point that I'm writing.)
Once again all I can actually do is write down the words as they happen and trying too hard to steer it myself only makes it stop working. Am I ever going to stop writing about this old man's mental health struggles? Uhh. Well, I've tried to stop twice, if that tells you anything. I swear he does get a happy ending and keep recovering. Well, maybe not that much physically, because Protagonist Who Stays Disabled And Isn't Magically Fixed is still a primary goal, here, and the story agrees with me on that, but even given that he could stand to be more comfortable even if he's not magically fixed. I dunno why this is where it's going but I think it's just my extreme commitment to What If This Stupid Video Game Plot Was Realistic Though. It's definitely realistic now! Maybe sometimes a little too much, but honestly, that's what makes it work, I think. It would never stick the landing if I stopped short of 100% painful sincerity, even if it's hard to look at sometimes. Feeling a bit like you're being invited to see and feel vulnerabilities that maybe aren't entirely your business when you're reading fiction is the secret sauce, if you ask me.
(At this rate I'm gonna have to update the author's notes at the end of Outcome Unpredictable because I'm making myself a goddamn liar. I straight up say I have no intent of writing a third one, but here I am, evidently doing that before the author's notes even hit the internet.)
I'm not gonna explain shit past that at the moment, so just feel free to conjecture amongst yourselves at the one thing I've kinda drawn in the ICBINAT era. This is about a year and a half from OU and 2 years from FtC, for the record. It is a truth universally acknowledged that if you leave an AU running unattended for long enough, even the canon characters will eventually turn into OCs.
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(Also that if my coloring style gets any more rim light I'm going to be in Sonic Adventure style coloring territory...which would fuck severely, actually.)
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japhan2024 · 10 months
Roll with me here
say no more Anon, I GOT you!!!
genre: angst, smut words: 1.327
Your Anthony
It was around Christmas in 2018. And Ian Hecox was not okay.
He sat on his couch, huddled up under a couple of blankets, empty packages of Ben and Jerry's on the ground next to him. He was clutching a bottle of vodka and casting YouTube to his tv.
"This is my weekend!" He thought, trying to justify his behavior to himself.
But all content on YouTube was shit. Maybe he should go back and watch war documentaries in stead. He clicked through a couple of particularly cringy cooking video's with YouTubers who had never even seen a single calory before but somehow pretended to love sweets. Pathetic! He clicked on.
Then he saw a Dan and Phil video. It was titled 'Phil is not on fire 10.
"Wow, they're still going strong at least," Ian thought. He had met them a couple of times, they were nice people. Very reserved though, and somehow mysterious. That was probably their appeal.
"I hope I don't get spontaneous epilepsy from this.."
The video was edited in a frantic, ecclictic way, but it was done very well. Dan and Phil weren't trying to appeal to anyone. They were really just weird like that. They'd drawn whiskers on their faces with sharpies and did random shit on Phil's bed. Somehow, Ian wanted to keep on watching.
"I'm like, hey, you just caught me in the Apple store..."
Dan and phil had just ironically ironed their hair straight and reminisced about their early years. Ian couldn't help but be reminded of those same years, and even earlier than that, when he and Anth.. Anthony, had been so happy together.
"Well, shit." Ian cried. He took another swing of his bottle for good measure.
A coupe of hours later he had watched all Dan and Phil's 'pinof''s and was now on their 'day in the lives'. He definitely noticed the visual similarities between Anthony and Dan, for instance that they were both incredibly pretty. Ian paused the video on a still of Dan. Dan was staring at Phil. Ian looked at Dan's face, his features were delicate. Maybe Anthony was a bit more boyish, and Dan a bit more feminine. Dan's eyes were a bit darker brown as well.
"I can see why Phil keeps him close," Ian thought.
His drunk thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of his phone. It was MatPat.
"Yo, Ian-meister! Are you up for a party with fellow mediocre white male youtubers? JUST KIDDING but accurate still. It's me, Jack, Ryan and Connor. Oh and Dan and Phil are here too, isn't that weird and fun?! COME ON IAN GET YOUR WHITE ASS OVER HERE!"
Ian smiled at the text. Matt knew he was going through it at the moment, and he appreciated how he was trying to cheer him up.
"Well, why the hell not actually." Ian got up, and immediately sat back down. He was too drunk for this. But he called an Uber and somehow made it to the party.
It was a typical YouTuber house on the hills. Everyone was incredibly nice and Ian started to sober up a little, until they served him more liquor. But most people there were on something so nobody judged.
"Hey, Ian from Smosh," Dan joked.
"Hey, Dan from Dan and Phil," Ian joked back.
"How are you?" Dan was the only one at the party who looked concerned for him.
"I mean.. I've been better," Ian laughed. "But I can't complain, really. We're pulling through, and I'm surrounded by incredible talent."
"I'm glad, man." Dan laid his hand on Ian's shoulder. Wow, he was incredibly tall.
"Why are you in the states, though?"
"We are having a reunion with all the tour crew from this year," Phil chimed in.
"Oh, how nice." Ian really liked when 'creators' were actually nice people. Because it was very rare. "I'm glad you're here, by the way."
"Aww thanks! We're glad too!"
They had some more drinks and at one point Ian remembered looking at Dan but his vision blurred and he didn't remember anything after that.
He woke up in a hotel room. Disoriented and with a massive headache. There were two beds. He lay in one, and two dark heads of hair snored softly, cuddled together, in the other. Ian sat up, slowly. He needed to pee so badly. But he had to take in this vision. Dan was spooning Phil, his leg sprawled over Phil's hip. The blankets only covering up some of their bodies.
This was so beautiful, and Ian felt privileged to be able to witness it. So why were tears streaming down his face? Why the FUCK could't he have this?! This level of intimacy, mutual love... Visions of him and Anthony in their many hotel rooms flashed before his eyes. There had certainly been opportunities. But they hadn't been able to go there. Only stolen glances. He had known Anthony was watching him undress. Shit. He walked to the shower.
Crying into the water streaming down, he started to rub himself off. It was nothing more than a morning boner, he told himself, not the sight he had just witnessed, the scene that could so very easily have been him and HIS best friend. Former best friend.
"Anthony..." Ian whimpered, but then he stiffened. He felt their presence. Were they... were they looking? Would he turn around and acknowledge them? They kept silent. So he decided to just continue.
"Anthony, why have we never taken the leap? It would have been so beautiful, Anthony.. I would have treated you like a fucking prince. I would have sucked you off every morning, noon and evening. You would absolutely want for nothing..."
He came and felt four hands wrap around him, in a warm hug, soft bodies pressing against him but hard dicks prodding impatiently. He hugged back, breathing hard.
"Ian," Dan whispered. "I can be your Anthony for now, if you want..."
Ian finally turned around and looked Dan in his slightly darker brown than Anthony's eyes. "Yeah, I would like that, actually."
Ian got on his knees in the shower, and took Dan's penis in his mouth. He looked at Dan's belly, softer than Anthony's, but tanned like him. It could work... He imagined Anthony standing there in the shower. Maybe they were at Vidcon and wanted to wash the day off. Anthony would always be so tired, he was an incredible introvert, although nobody would notice. Ian did, of course. And now Ian would take some of that stress away, give him a prober blow-job.
Dan moaned, Phil kissed him as Ian was still blowing him. Of course, Phil was still there, Dan and Phil were a package deal, after all. He felt Dan's dick get harder and harder, and then he thrusted hard into Ian's mouth, as Phil entered him. He moaned as he came into Ian's mouth. Ian stood up, looked up at Dan as he swallowed and kissed him. Dan had to bend over a bit but kissed back gladly, Phil had slowed down for the tender moment. Ian took a few steps back and leaned against the shower wall. And Phil sped up again, sensually moving and worshipping Dan's body as he penetrated him. Dan was very loud. After a while, Phil came and everyone washed off, and they went back into the hotel room.
"So, that was nice," Ian said, grinning.
"We don't often do this, by the way," Dan said.
"Don't worry about it," Ian reassured him. "I won't tell a soul. You know I can keep a secret or two."
"You're amazing, Ian," Phil said lovingly. "Let's keep in touch?"
Ian called another Uber. When it arrived, he hugged the giant British guys, and looked at Dan one last time. "You're such a beautiful guy, Dan, I can't get over it."
"That's a very high compliment, coming from you," Dan said, beaming.
"Bye, Ian."
~ Fin ~
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ener-chi · 2 years
Hi! hello I’m glad you’re doing readings again! I go by Anya (my chosen name) and my last initial is A. My pronouns are she/her and I would love to have an energy reading. I have a dimple on the left side of my mouth and a lotus flower tattoo covering up a scar I got from a broken teacup.
Hmm my favorite memory so far: My friends and I goofing off at work and laughing our asses off
Hi Anya!
Yes! I'm very happy to be doing them again! Let's dive in:
Anya... Is such a lovely name... I think I've known someone with that name before?? Regardless I like it... Also... Just wanted to say... A lotus flower covering up a scar from a broken teacup... That is... So beautiful... Poetic...
Hm... Darkness... I see... A face... In a very dim light... Can't tell if it is... A candle... Or her phone... Hm... I feel like it is her phone... I feel like you would like candles... But you would really only use them like occasionally... And not as... Ambient lighting...
As I enter the space... I... See more... By feeling more... The energy in her room is a bit stuffy... And stale... Definitely could use like... A rearranging of things or a good cleanse... I see more of the room... Bed... Some stuffed animals... Pillows... White walls?... Maybe some... Drawings or paintings on them... Flowers...
Hm... Her energy is... A bit complicated... Right now... I caught her at a... Neutral... Time... Feeling a bit of a... Tired... Shade... But there is a... Nervous...? No... Hm... It's like there is a tic... She's like tapping her leg with her fingers or moving her foot absentmindedly... There is something on her mind...
Alright... I think I'm ready to dive a bit deeper now... Let's see what is going on...
We go up in vibration... A bit more like a grid space... I see her and her energy...
Hooo... Right off the bat... Her... Right side?? Her aura is a bit deflated... For some reason??? I've LITERALLY never seen that before... Tf... Like... Flat tire almost...
What else... On first impressions... It's... Surprisingly clear, actually... On the outer levels... Of her aura... There isn't really any clutter or gunk... Hm... She is good at taking time to herself... And tending to herself and her energy...
What else... Hm... Still thinking about that deflated aura... I sense... Some weak chakras... Kind of like... When a light is needed to be replaced... And it starts to flicker... Ofc you can't replace an aura lmaooo... But it might need a bit of smthn... Guess we'll find out...
Anything else... No... Alright let's take a look at this aura...
Tf... It's like you got ran over... Hm... hmmmmMMMmmm... Again... The aura looks... Normal... Healthy... Until you get very close to the right side... Where it's missing... Hm... Okay... This is interesting... Tp comes out and verifies this too...
Your aura... Is like... Hm... Like a phantom aura... Like... Every time someone explains a phantom limb... Or you see a picture... Ya know... The phenomenon where someone is missing a limb and they still feel like it's there... Even though it's not...
Anyways... When it's depicted... There's always pictures of the arm up to the amputated point... And then the rest of the hand is drawn out like a silhouette... Or a ghost... Or a phantom... This... Is what is happening here?? Kind of...
It's not that your aura has been... Amputated... If it was... Then... It would NOT look clear and healthy like I'm seeing it... It'd be all sorts of messed up... No... It is like... A part of your aura is not with you...
Tbh... I haven't seen this before... If I had to theorize... I would say... Maybe one cause could be some relationship with someone in your life... Like... You have an unhealthy, toxic bond... And they are taking away from your energy?? Hm... Idk if it would look that healthy though...
Tbh... I have no idea... I'm gonna maybe see if I can fill it in a bit?? Ope... Okay told no touchies... aight... Well... Moving on then ig...
Yes... Okay... I'm guided to the chakras... The one that is blinking is in the middle of her meridians... Hm... Heart or solar plexus... Let me squint my third eye to see better...
Okay... Solar plexus... Heart is doing okay... What's going on here... Hmm... I suddenly have a flashback to that tic from earlier... Hm... I hope I'm not projecting but... This is a feeling that feels familiar... I see visions of... Old, repetitive routines... Restlessness...
Hm... How is her meridians in that case... They're moving... A bit slow but... definitely moving... Hm... So interesting... Everything else is largely looking healthy... And then there's the wild aura lmao... And slightly unbalanced chakras...
Is there anything else... To look at energy wise... I'm getting a vision...
I think she's at work?? Blegh... This is so foggy...  Work... Night time... Around 5ish... It feels like it's late but it's really not... Between 5 and 7... City lights... Windows... She thinks about her friends... And smiles... And her energy lightens... It feels... Really good... Like a completely sudden change washes over her...
Alright!! I think that's all I'm really going to get out of this. First things first, not really sure what's going on with your aura. I have never seen that before, and haven't really seen anything in my research... There is like... One thing, in the back of my mind, that seems familiar, but I can't grasp it. It could also be like... Metaphorical?? Especially cuz it's looking healthy somehow. Honestly, you might have some insight into what it means, so I will leave you with that.
As for everything else... I feel like things are feeling a bit... Stagnant? For you? Honestly, you are not alone. This is a very strangeee autumn. I feel like there is some weird energy hanging in the air. We're also transitioning into Winter. All of this to say - if you're feeling off, you are not alone.
BUT. I think that actually doing some freshening up of things would be really really good for you and your energy (and your room! :P). Physical cleaning and cleansing works wonders for your energy, not just the energy of the space. Definitely do some cleansing on yourself. But I think that shaking up your routine would also be really good. Do things that you wouldn't normally do, either for fun, or to experience it in a new way. Maybe see if there are habits or things in your life that you can or need to let go. All of these things should help your energy, for sure ((:
Thanks for the ask! Your energy is lovely. Doctor Zach says that you're doing a-ok ((: I hope this resonates!
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nettlestingsoup · 2 years
Hi, it's me..again. I hope you're doing well!
I swear I don't mean to spam you but I saw that you had a post pinned listing your fic ideas and it said that we could ask about them? Now, I don't know if you pinned this ages ago but I always love talking about my fic ideas with other people so maybe I can still ask about them?
I am so very intrigued by the space station au. And The Orchid seems so interesting too!
And I somehow remember a Jeongchan idea too? Which, YES I love that dynamic.
Also please know that this is just me saying that I'd love to hear your ideas about those fics (if you want to or feel up to it!) but I am in no way trying to make you feel like you have to write.
I also hope I'm somewhat making sense? It's been an odd day haha. Please let me know if I'm being annoying hahah.
Ah! Can I follow you btw or is that weird. Omg I feel like such a noob help haha
hi! please never apologise for sending asks; i'm well aware that i haven't answered your last one, but i have been a horribly busy little bean lately and i don't like answering things in a rush (it feels unfair to people who ask)!
you're right, i haven't updated my pinned post in a while, but it is still relevant! i'm currently trying to finish three fics before i work on anything else: the orchid, which is very nearly done; lichtenberg, which is halfway to two thirds done; and the seungjin red thread au which... i haven't worked on in some time. i'm hoping to get back to the space station au after those, and also to start the jeongchan! i'll explain each of those in a bit more depth below. this is going to get long.
the orchid: probably the most m-rated fic i've ever written??? it's a science-fiction adventure story centred around chanjin and the life they're stuck in on a space station where they can barely see one another. it's less a story about falling in love and more a story about how much you're willing to risk for it once you have it. i've had a lot of fun with the space-centred worldbuilding, and i'm looking forward to refining it while i edit!
space station au: more sci-fi! more space! i started that one when i moved away from uni and i was kind of lonely in a new city. most of the characters are lonely in some way until they find each other, but they do! the basic premise is that chan gets lost in space and falls in love with seungmin, a sentient star. he does his best to try to make him human so that he can come home to earth, but he can't figure out how to do it on his own. his friends from earth find him, though, along with a few others, and despite some lingering resentment at him leaving them, they do their best to help. i could do a whole answer just explaining everyone's role in that, so let me know if you want to hear it! it's a big au. it's going to take me a long time to write i think, even when i'm working on it consistently.
lichtenberg: seungbin featuring a kind of scary and mysterious seungmin who's secretly possessed by a lightning spirit. changbin starts to work in the bookshop that he owns, and finds himself more and more drawn in by seungmin and all of his secrets and the way he has a strange effect on the people around him when it rains. it's a kind of intense as a love story, and changbin doubts a lot whether seungmin actually cares about him, and there's fun supernatural shenanigans involved! i was really enjoying writing it but i got very distracted by the orchid.
seungjin red thread au: softer and cuter than any of the others! it features seungmin as a kind of angel who works for the goddess of love, working to ensure that people find those they're fated to be with; until She changes her mind, and asks him to cut red threads instead. it's about seungmin finding his own red thread with hyunjin and learning to be human, and it's very inspired by how much i love my queer community and how happy to be myself they make me feel. it's drawn quite a lot on personal experience, especially jisung being non-binary and chan being ace (i really love the minchan side story in that one. it's my favourite part.)!
jeongchan: this one is a fantasy-steampunk story inspired by taylor swift's illicit affairs. it features chan as a professor at a university for those who study to create clockwork marvels, and jeongin as a servant to the professors at the same university. they fall in love when chan agrees to teach jeongin in secret, and their relationship is kind of fraught with class divides such as chan's arranged marriage, and the constant need for secrecy so that jeongin doesn't lose the job that allows him to support his family. it'll have a happy ending, i promise!
ok! there we go! that's all of them! let me know if you have any more questions!
and you can absolutely follow me! tumblr is wildly interaction-based. follow people who post about things you like! send them asks! like and reblog things you enjoy! add your own things in the tags! it's how you and everyone else has the best experience <3
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blvnk-art · 3 years
I was looking at your art of Draco and I'll say that I'm not a big fan of him from the books (especially not the movies) however I'll say that your art makes me see a completely different side of him that makes me like him. Not sure if that makes any sense, because I know that I couldn't believe that I was actually liking/reblogging draco artwork. I was a bit shocked with every drawing from you that I reblogged (literally, Every. Single. One.). I'm happy to know that you made me a fan of his after war life.
Plus this is the first I see him with Astoria (they fit perfectly together, may I just add). I'm happy that you didnt make it seem like SHE was the one that changed him to a better person because that trope never feels really to me. Probably since I feel as it's nobody's duty to change someone into a better person. It should be 100% from the person that wants to change.
Usually when I come across draco works, it feels a bit exaggerated and his characteristic are completely changed for example he's being given all of Ron's characteristic except the red hair and freckles. Those types of art isn't really my cup of tea since I believe that every HP character are unique in their own way, that they shouldn't be obligated to have the exact same traits of another character. Like could you imagine if Draco had the same traits as Dobby or Hagrid? ( I wonder how'd that look, now that I think of it.) Also, I'm glad that you've chosen Astoria and not one specific member of the Golden Trio. Not trying to start shipping problems, but I never understood that relationship. It seems like that relationship was based off the looks of the actor/actress from the movies. (That being said, I only have one person I ship Hermione with and that happens to be her husband: Ron Weasley).
Also when you draw him it seems like you stay true to his character while making him a bit softer with his love interest. The softness that's being shown by him fits well with the darker side of him. Like we know he is experiencing what may feel like his first romance, but we also know that its difficult for him to be genuinely happy because of his past with the Death Eaters/Voldemort.
Again thanks for drawing these amazing artwork and have me enjoy Draco artwork without feeling like he's being molded into something completely ooc. Also I'll say that between the HP women that you've drawn, I feel like Astoria is my new favorite (after: Ginny, Lily and then the small piece of Hermione), you make Astoria seem so well put together. I wonder if Draco has ever caught her in a moment of vulnerability. Since it seems that only a limited of people close to her would be able to comfort her without making her feel uncomfortable.
Sorry for the rambling but ever since I've started seeing your Drastoria art, I've been in a whole new world. You have an amazing talent of writing out the characters though your art and it feels like it always goes smoothly. Thanks for taking time out of your life to draw for us, I really appreciate your work. It brings me out of my bad days, which are many anymore since your artwork is very soothing.
Again thanks for being su ccj a unique artist!!!! (Until next time I reblog your work)
This message means so much to me! Thank you for taking the time to write it! I'm glad you enjoy how I draw Draco, first of all. I do try to stay true to his character in the books, with a bit of my imagination of how he would be as more mature person after a war, especially by the side of someone like Astoria.
I don't have nothing against other ships with Draco, but as I said in some previous asks, I don't ship non canon ships simply because it does feel like the characters should be out of character in order for them to be together, and that's not what drives me to create fanart, personally.
There's a lot of things I imagine about Astoria, I don't think it would be enough to draw her more complex personality, or vulnerable, difficult moments, and I'm glad you feel interested in knowing them! My intention with Drastoria now is to show their light, soft moments. Nothing too dark, nothing too dramatic. (so far). But that does not mean I don't think they didn't have it.
I'm glad you enjoy my art, thank you for this message and I hope you have a great day!
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sunflowershouto · 3 years
if they thought you liked the other twin (osamu, atsumu)
𝐚/𝐧: i was suddenly struck by inspo for the miya twins so here's this -leo
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: pining fluff, friends to lovers, light angst with a happy ending
my haikyuu masterlist
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✰ Atsumu is so whipped for you.
✰ He enjoys the attention he gets for being a star player, and even the fangirls help to feed his ego sometimes, but he didn't care about any of them. Not like he cares about you.
✰ They don't really know him, so what's the point?
✰ You're different to him, though. You didn't care about the fans or the TV interviews, or any of the usual things that people noticed about him.
✰ You got to know him, and it made him want to get to know you back, and somewhere along the way, Atsumu fell in love.
✰ The only problem was Osamu.
✰ Well, maybe that wasn't the best way to put it. It wasn't like Osamu was doing anything wrong, but it was hard for Tsumu not to notice how much time you'd been spending with his brother.
✰ You'd come up to Osamu after practices and whisper something to him, and he'd nod, and Atsumu would have to watch as the two of you disappeared off somewhere that he wasn't invited.
✰ It killed him inside a little, since he'd always thought that he was closer to you than Samu was; if you had feelings for Osamu, then why hadn't you told him?
✰ He tried not to be a dick about it; he would whine a little whenever you and Osamu would disappear after practices, but what he was showing was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to how deeply he was hurting at the thought of you falling in love with his brother.
✰ It was after another practice, and there you were on the sidelines with that stupid freakin' beautiful smile that he loved so much. He was standing by Osamu as they packed their duffel bags back up, and he tried to ignore the pang in his chest as you jogged up, surely going to drag Samu away again.
"Atsumu!" you called. "Could we- Uh... Could we talk?"
That was a surprise.
He glanced to Osamu, who gave him a small nod before shouldering his bag and walking off the court without another glance. He couldn't even be nervous about whatever it was you wanted to talk about; he was just glad that he was finally the one that you were speaking to. "Sure thing, darlin'," he replied, picking up his bag and following you to a more private area.
"Okay, uh- Here goes: There's something I've been needing to tell you for a while, and-"
"Ah see..." Atsumu sighed, all of that hurt hitting him again like a ton of bricks. This was where you finally did it right? This was where you'd tell him that you and Osamu were together, this was where you'd finally rip his heart out.
"You... do?"
"Yeah." He tried not to sound bitter, but he found it seeping through anyway, a harshness weighing down on his inflection. "You and 'Samu are goin' out, right? Figured that out for m'self a while ago, darlin'. Ya don't gotta tell me."
"Wha-" You stared at him in bewilderment as the pieces click into place, and you realized what he'd been thinking all this time. You couldn't help it, and burst out into laughter, bringing a hand up to cover your mouth.
"What's so funny?" he asked, puffing his chest out slightly and crossing his arms. He'd spent so much effort trying his best not to lose his shit over the idea of you in love with Osamu, the least you could do was not laugh in his face.
"Atsumu, I am not dating your brother. In any way. I've never even thought about it. I asked you to talk because, well..."
"Oh. Oh m' God." And finally he got it.
"I really like you, y'know? And I was wondering if you'd want to go out sometime? Like, on a date? Osamu actually helped me make all the plans." You were far less nervous now, in part because of Atsumu's misunderstanding, but mostly because of the huge, goofy smile that spread across his face.
"So... I'm guessing you're on board?"
"Oh, sweetheart, you've got no idea," he chuckles, pulling you into a tight hug and kissing the top of your head. "Ya scared the hell outta me, y'know."
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✰ Osamu's feelings for you snuck up on him.
✰ He'd always been drawn to you, but he didn't think it was any different than anyone else. You were a cool person, and he liked that you saw him for him, and not as part of a matched set.
✰ He loves his brother, but can he be blamed for wanting some things to himself?
✰ He's not annoyed per-se when you start getting close with Atsumu—what he feels isn't harsh. It's more like a balloon deflating through a tiny outlet as he feels his importance to you slowly being overtaken by your friendship with Atsumu.
✰ He can't figure out why it bothers him so damn much when he sees you joking around with his twin, or even just cheering for him at matches.
✰ He doesn't place the feeling as jealousy until he's stuck at home, flicking through channels on TV until he lands on some crappy romance movie. He watches the two main characters play off of each other, and he can't help but realize that one of the leads reminds him of you.
✰ And then he pictures Atsumu across from you, and that awful feeling comes back to him, burning a hole in his chest.
✰ Strangely, it's not so bad once he knows what it is that he's feeling, because at least he can start to deal with it.
✰ Nonetheless, he's a little worried about you. Osamu can read his brother pretty well—well enough to know whether or not he has feelings for someone. Honestly, he'd never thought that Tsumu seemed interested in you.
✰ Valentine's day was tomorrow and Samu had been unfortunate enough to overhear a conversation between you and a friend.
"You're going to bring him chocolates?" Yua whispered to you, her eyes shining.
"Mhm! I think he'll really like them too! I'm gonna go home tonight and work on decorations for the box." You had no idea Osamu was listening, and if you did, you would have probably died on the spot.
"I think he'll say yes," she replied thoughtfully. "Some of the girls have been upset lately; they say that Miya-san really likes you."
Osamu wished in that moment that the earth beneath his feet would open up and swallow him whole. Had he been wrong? Did Atsumu feel the same way that you did? And worse, had a selfish part of him been hoping that you'd be rejected?
His jaw tightened and he turned away, careful not to draw your attention as he slipped off in the other direction.
He considered faking a cold the next day, but that was childish, wasn't it? He dragged himself out of bed and got to school, dreading lunch period, when he knew everything would finally come crashing down around him.
The bell rang for lunch, and he packed his things quickly, not wanting to be there to watch you confess to his brother.
Imagine his surprise when he felt a tug on his sleeve just as he reached the doorway, and turned to see you standing there in front of him.
"'Samu? Could we go somewhere a little more private?" you asked, tensing up slightly the way that you always did when you were nervous.
"Er... Yeah."
What? This wasn't at all what he'd thought would happen, and his head was swimming as he followed you to the library, staring at the brown paper bag that you clutched to your chest.
You ended up behind one of the taller shelves in the back, and Osamu's hands were twitching in his pockets as he stared down at you.
Time was moving agonizingly slowly as you opened the paper bag and withdrew a brightly colored, heart-shaped box.
OSAMU was written across the front in careful lettering, and the world stopped around him.
"Samu, I-"
"I'm in love with you," he breathed out, hands moving from his pockets as he stepped forward to place his hands on the sides of your face, closing the distance between the two of you in one fell swoop.
Before you could answer, his lips were on yours, and your heart was bursting.
He was grinning when he pulled away, eyes gleaming with adoration as he took in your smile.
"I love you too, you big dork. I... was not expecting this to go so smoothly," you admitted, reaching up a hand to brush back a lock of his hair.
He's beaming when he says, "Honey, you've got no clue just how long Ah've been wantin' to do that."
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rhysismydaddy · 3 years
Prisoner's Game Pt. 1 (Rowaelin)
Synopsis: Aelin Galathynius never thought of herself as a vengeful woman. Until her boyfriend not only testifies, but leads a case against her that lands her in prison for the rest of her life. Post I-Love-You's. He didn't believe her, and she's about to show him that not only is she innocent, he made the worst mistake of his life betting against her. To a woman with nothing but time, life's just a game, after all.
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The cinderblock wall dug into her back uncomfortably as she reclined against it, the air in the room was stale, and she hadn't showered in two days. By any measurement, Aelin Galathynius was far from her best.
And yet she somehow managed to look perfectly at ease--happy even--as she lounged in her cell, toying with the ends of her too-long hair.
It was a ruse, of course, just a little trick to piss off the man currently stomping into her space. By the flare of Rowan Whitehorn's eyes, it worked.
"Hello, Rowan," she greeted pleasantly, giving him a little smile and acting like it wasn't taking everything in her not to use the makeshift knife under her pillow to gut him like the spineless coward he was.
She could tell, even across her 8x12 cell, that he was gritting his teeth and fighting a similar action.
The heel of his expensive Italian loafers clicked as he walked across the space to the small table and took a seat at the steel chair in front of it. He tried to push it out further, but stopped when he realized it was bolted to the floor.
"Aelin," he said back, none of the so-obvious anger he was feeling present in his voice. "Been a long time."
Eight years, six months, three weeks, two days, and thirteen hours.
Not that she was counting or anything.
She nodded her agreement, reclining further on the bed and crossing her legs as if she was in the finest dress she owned, not a faded orange jumpsuit.
"What brings you to my side of town, Rowan? Here to finally switch sides and represent me?"
Dressed in a two-thousand dollar suit and tie, hair perfectly gelled back, he looked like he was successful a lawyer meeting with a wealthy client, but they both knew the last thing he'd ever do was work for her.
"You know why I'm here."
She did indeed, but she still said, "I must be exceptionally smart to know why you've come all the way here-"
"Cut the shit," he snapped, finally losing a bit of his cool. He regained it quickly, though, and continued, "I want to know how you did it."
She frowned at her split ends. "Did what?"
Rowan waited until she looked at him to respond. "You know what."
Sighing so deeply it should've rattled the walls, she said, "I can't believe I've spent the last eight years thinking you underestimated my intelligence. You clearly think I'm some sort of oracle genius."
Rowan mimicked her sigh, and she bit her lip to stifle a laugh.
Probably trying to stall, he spent a moment looking at her cell, at the completely bare walls and lack of photographs. All she had was the tally marks drawn in pencil on one wall and a dusty chess set sitting on the table.
When he'd taken inventory of those two things, he sat and just looked at her.
It was clear she wouldn't admit to knowing exactly why he sat in front of her, and he was simply putting off being the one to fold.
Predictable, proud little man.
Eventually, he took his loss and said, "I want to know how you managed to rob me from inside the most secure prison in Rifthold."
She smiled, a full, undulated smile she hadn't used in a long time.
She'd been planning this moment since the day the bars had locked behind her, and it felt damn good to finally see it come to fruition.
According to what she'd heard, definitely not what she knew from personal experience, the private vault in Rowan's apartment had been broken into. Apparently, only one thing was missing: an antique dagger that had been handed down in the family and was now worth over a million bucks.
"Why do you think it was me?" she asked, still smiling.
He gritted his teeth some more, and she internally snickered at the idea he'd have permanent tooth damage because of her. Something else to remember her by.
Green eyes spitting flames at her, he growled, "You left a goddamn business card."
Aelin forced her eyes up to the empty bed above her head, trying her hardest not to laugh. "Maybe I'm being framed?"
"Your fingerprints were on it."
She did laugh then, then laughed some more when his eyes narrowed. He looked like he was about to strangle her. "Rowan, in case you haven't noticed, I'm incarcerated."
She gestured around them to her cell to prove her point.
The bastard just smiled.
Of course he knows that, she thought bitterly, forcing her hand back to her lap and away from where it'd started to creep toward the pillow.
"So how would I rob you?" she asked, getting her mind back on track.
"That's what you're going to tell me," he demanded angrily. "I want to know how you got out of here, got all the way across Rifthold, broke into my apartment, and stole from me without any surveillance camera picking it up."
Aelin ran a hand through her hair, fluffing it just right. When she caught sight of the impatience on his face, she fluffed it some more and readjusted the thin jacket on her shoulders.
It was always too damn cold in this place. She hadn't been warm in almost nine years.
Because of him.
Just for that, she fluffed her hair some more.
Then she said simply, "I didn't."
"Stop lying!" he shouted at her, eyes flashing.
She wasn't, but that was besides the point.
"Fine." She rolled her eyes like he'd won. "I got my cousin to-"
"Aedion spent the night in Wendlyn. His travel is verified, and there are at least a hundred eye witnesses that witnessed him singing karaoke all night. Stop. Fucking. Lying."
Once again, she wasn't lying.
Aedion sure as hell hadn't been in Wendlyn last night. She'd just wanted to make sure his alibi was air-tight as planned.
Sighing again, she asked, "Rowan, even if I did do it, why the hell would I tell you about it?"
His jaw worked for a moment, and she could tell whatever he was about to say was difficult for him. "I'll get time off your sentence if you tell me what you've done with it."
She tried not to laugh, but she couldn't help it.
It burst out of her, full and uncontrollable, and she flopped over on the dirty mattress and howled for a good few minutes.
He glared at her, looking for all the world like he was experiencing a portion of the rage she was made of, but regardless of the threat in his eyes, she took her time composing herself.
"I'm serving ten consecutive life sentences, you idiot."
One for each and every one of her "victims."
"I'll make it nine," he offered generously.
"Even if I was a cat, that'd still leave me dying in a prison cell. Offer me something else."
He just glared at her, unwilling to give her anything she could actually use or want. Just like she'd expected.
"That's what I thought. So no, Rowan Whitehorn, I'm not accepting your little deal. You can think I robbed you all you want; hell, you can even know, in your famous gut, that I did it." She tilted her head, a cruel smile filling her lips. "But it isn't about what you believe, it's about what you can prove. Isn't that right?"
His eyes shuttered at the words, and just like that, they were sucked into the memory of all those years ago.
~Eight years ago~
Rowan rolled over, edging away from the woman next to him carefully as to not wake her.
Her hair was spread out on his chest, her soft hand was on his stomach, and her leg was draped over his. By all accounts, she was all over him.
And it felt so fucking good.
He'd never met anyone like Aelin before. Anyone so full of life, so hilariously open.
It was like she was constantly on fire, flitting from one place to the next with endless energy and jabs about him being too old and slow.
"What are you going?" she murmured, nails digging in slightly to keep him where he was.
"To get some water. Go back to sleep."
He leaned down and kissed her brow, and she sighed happily and rolled over. Like a total cliché, he watched her sleep for a moment, trying to get his feelings under control.
They'd been seeing each other for less than a year, but he couldn't imagine his life without her. He was in love with her, and if the way she acted and smiled around him was any indication, she loved him, too.
He ran a thumb over her cheekbone, smiling when she tilted her face into his touch.
He was whipped, and he didn't even care.
Rowan shook his head at himself, pulled on a pair of boxers, padded to the kitchen, and held a glass under the faucet.
Then frowned as it sputtered.
He figured he'd at least make himself useful, knowing damn well she would never agree to call the plumber when she could "figure out how to fix it herself on Youtube."
So he knelt down in her kitchen and opened the cabinet door, trying to see what the problem with the pipe was.
Except he never got that far.
His eyes got stuck on the piece of paper sticking out under a false piece of wood covering the back panel.
Knowing it was wrong to pry but somehow unable to stop himself, he tugged the paper loose.
Then fell backwards to his ass, heart hammering and brain spinning as he read it over and over again.
The list of names wasn't long, but all ten of the people on it were highly distinguished members of society.
And they were all dead.
He wouldn't know that, since the death of the last person on the list wasn't even public record yet, but he was the attorney working with the police to find the killer.
Why did she have this list?
And what did the numbers next to the names mean?
One way or another, he knew he had to find out. He also knew he couldn't ask her. He was in too deep, too unbiased to know whether or not she was lying.
He didn't trust himself with her, so he'd have to go the traditional route.
He took a picture of the paper quickly, tucking it back where he'd found it. He snuck back in the room to get dressed, leaving her a note he had to go to work.
He thought he was going to be sick as he left her apartment, a feeling suspiciously similar to dread coiling in his stomach.
There was only one way she could know that last name, only one explanation that made sense.
But he had to know for sure. Had to know if he'd been an idiot this past year; an idiot who'd spent almost every night sleeping next to the killer he'd been searching for.
So he started investigating his girlfriend.
Six days later, he found the security deposit boxes and the murder weapons inside, still covered in dried blood that would be matched to the victims. All with Aelin's prints on them.
Two days after that, the woman he'd thought was the love of his life was arrested on ten counts of murder.
Despite the tears she shed, despite the promises she made to him, despite the love she claimed to have for him, Rowan told the cops everything.
Even though he couldn't imagine her killing anyone.
"It doesn't matter what I believe, it matters what I can prove."
That was the last thing he'd said to her, right as she was being dragged out of the court room and yelling at him to believe her.
The truth of the matter was that when it came down to it, he didn't trust her enough. The facts were against her, everyone on the jury had been against her, and in the end, Rowan was too.
Rowan shook his head, almost like he needed to clear it from the memory they'd obviously both been immersed in, and she smiled.
She hoped what happened all those years ago still haunted him, hoped he went to sleep at night thinking about her and the betrayal he'd served to her on a silver platter.
The first year of her sentence, she was so lost in emotion--in the rage and confusion and deep, deep hurt--that she couldn't bring herself to do anything.
He hadn't even bothered to ask her first. That's what had hurt the worst.
He'd seen that stupid, stupid list and had jumped to the first conclusion possible.
She knew it had looked bad, had looked like she was guilty, but she'd thought that if the worst happened, he'd at least ask her to explain before slapping the cuffs on her.
But he hadn't. She'd gone to prison, and his career had exploded into stardom from the success of the case.
"See, Rowan, when you refused to accept any other explanation other than the easy one, you made a mistake. Because I didn't kill those people."
He rolled his eyes. "Aelin-"
"And I'm not only going to prove it," she continued as if he hadn't spoken, "I'm going to ruin your precious little life while I do it. Just like you did mine."
She stood, put a hand on the steel table, and leaned over him.
"If you want it to stop, all you have to do is drop these bullshit murder charges and issue a public apology for locking me up in the first place."
He stood too, so close his loafers brushed the toe of her dusty, prison issued sneakers.
"That's never going to happen," he promised, voice uncompromising and angry.
Aelin smiled, having predicted his reaction down to the facial expression.
His pride, she'd decided, would be the first thing to go.
She reached around him to slide the pawn on the chess board forward, leaned in even further, and whispered, "Let the game begin, then."
Part 2
@perseusannabeth @cursebreaker29 @a-bit-of-a-cactus @elriel4life @girl-who-reads-the-books @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @live-the-fangirl-life @ireallyshouldsleeprn @highqueenofelfhame @gracie-rosee @rowaelinismyotp @nahthanks @ghostlyrose2 @lovemollywho @inardour @tillyrubes10 @claralady @tswaney17 @rowanisahunk @superspiritfestival @thegoddessofyou @awesomelena555 @booksofthemoon @greerlunna @jlinez @studyliketate @over300books @justgiu12 @maastrash @aesthetics-11 @bamchickawowow @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @hizqueen4life @maybekindasortaace
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yoificfinder · 2 years
Hello :) I have a weird request...
I was wondering what sort of mood you are currently vibing with, and what YOI fics you think fit said mood!
Hope you have a nice day, and thank you for this blog!
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Hellooo! Idk if you're the same person but I'm answering both asks here. Sorry this took a long time. You've probably seen me answer other asks but those are backlogs too! I promise I wasn't ignoring your request. I just have a policy of first-in first-out for fic rec requests (and it takes me a long time these days to collate them). 🥺
Anyway, I'm not sure what my mood was the exact time(s) you sent this (and how long ago it was) but it's probably the same as what I'm feeling now: perpetually tired. I have to keep reading hundreds of pages of legalese, even though I wanted to read for leisure. 😭
So fics that fit said mood... definitely stories that make me happy (and sad, in a good way) so my GO-TO YOI FICS! (Linked here but also already in the masterlist).
And I'm unfortunately not really reading yoi fic these days (read: busy) but I feel bad just linking a previous answer,,,
I only rec fics I've personally read and loved but since I can't really read fics these days, let me make an exception this time. I'm "recommending" these stories that are in my (ever growing) to-read list! Haven't read them yet but the premise/summary caught my interest:
The Brightness of Gold and Silver by katineto [M, 31K] *WIP
After the death of his husband the king, Viktor—childless and powerless—finds himself relegated to a small convent far removed from the royal court and its political games. As he struggles to adapt to convent life, he begins to notice strange things about its denizens, and stranger things about himself: how desperately he desires one brother's company—even to the point of sin.
Meanwhile, the outside world isn't yet done with him, and there are those who won't let little things like convent walls and sacred vows stand in their path to power..
Gunned Down Butterflies by LanaBerry [M, 227K] Graphic Depictions of Violence
Everyone's lives revolve around two names - the name of an enemy, and the name of a soulmate, both tattooed on their wrists.
But for Yuuri, his fated soulmate and enemy are the same person. One name tattoed on his skin.
After years of believing it meant only unhappiness and pain, he begins to bandage them up and hide them from the world. He even begins to forget about them - until he meets a new client in need of a guard against the Russian mafia.
Nothing can hide him from fate - not bandaging the names, not forgetting about them, not even moving on without them. The owner of the name on his skin will find him eventually.
In Our Dreams by phoenixwaller [E, 134K] *WIP
Victor Nikiforov, the Junior World Figure Skating Gold Medalist, has a secret skill. He has the ability to dreamwalk; to visit the minds of others while his body sleeps.
The evening after his Junior Worlds exhibition performance he finds himself in the mind of a young Japanese skater, Yuri Katsuki. He feels the boy's awe at watching the performance, and is overwhelmed at Yuri's desire to skate against the Russian one day.
Kintsugi by Witchbane [E, 115K] *WIP Graphic Depiction of Violence
Yuuri Katsuki is a hitman burdened with a debt he can never repay. His target: Viktor Nikiforov, next Pakhan to one of the most dangerous families in the Russian mafia.
When the two are drawn into a treacherous alliance after a mission gone wrong, the bonds of love and loyalty to family and duty begin to unravel—even as they get more tangled up in each other.
Under the Midnight by Mazarin221b [E, 5K] *WIP
Yuuri Katsuki, ballet teacher by day and fortune teller by night, earning enough to live by faking out the tourists who visit Fukuoka, sending them away with terrible tarot, fake crystals, and ridiculous prognostications.
Thing is, Yuuri is actually a real fortune teller, and can know the name of a person's intended by one look in their eyes. If they touch, well. He can see a window into their future. Into this strange little life he's built for himself walks one drunk figure skater, getting his fortune told on a dare.
He knows it the way he knows his own name, the way he knows the echo of his heartbeat and the pulse of blood in his veins. He understands, intuitively, the fact that some people are meant for each other, meant to be in each others orbit for better or for worse.
He knows better than most that sometimes they don’t always get their happily ever after.
If anyone has read (or will read) these stories, I'd love to hear your thoughts on which I should definitely read next!
Thanks for dropping by and for this interesting ask, anon(s)!
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Made with love | Helmut Zemo
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Chef Zemo AU! 👨‍🍳
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
Huge thank you to @rumblelibrary for helping me out with this chapter!
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 5
Wanda basically threw you out after breakfast. You were at Escorpión Morado bright and early. The restaurant wasn't open for another hour yet.
It was as if he had been waiting for you. The moment you reached the door, Zemo opened them and let you in. He was smiling at you instantly.
"Good morning."
You smile back and let him lock up again before he leads you into the back. He lets you put your things down and takes you into the kitchen.
There's no one about. Just the two of you.
Suddenly you're feeling rather nervous.
On the counter is everything you needed for today, but Zemo ignored all of that as he brought in some coffee for you. You smiled as he handed over the cup, his fingers brushing against yours. You tried not to let it show that the little touch had affected you.
He had done it on purpose, not that he would tell you that. He just wanted an excuse to touch you a little. Zemo's way of flirting was less obvious sometimes.
He smiles that charming smile at you.
"I'm glad you agreed to help," he says, smile not once faltering.
"You're hard to say no to."
He likes that answer. He chuckles and sips his coffee.
"What are we making?"
"Paella! A proper paella."
"A proper paella?"
"A good paella takes a couple hours to make. I have everything I need, we just have to make it. I'm going to teach you how to cook like a chef," he winks at you.
"When is he coming?"
"This afternoon. That's why I asked you here so early."
"I don't mind. I'm happy to help, though I'm not sure how helpful I'll actually be," you offer and awkward smile. You feel out of place in his kitchen.
His kitchen. This was his domain. Helmut knew it inside and out. He knew every corner. He knew where every utensil lived, every pot and pan, every herb and spice. This was his kingdom and he had let you in.
It felt like an honour to be here.
"Should we start?" You ask, looking at the items he had set out. You felt rather intimidated.
Zemo glances up at the clock.
"Not yet. We have time."
"Alright, I trust you," you smile softly.
"Good. I have one condition while you're in my kitchen."
"What is it?" You felt even more nervous now.
"You have to call me chef. It's the only name I have in here," he grins, mischievously.
Your face felt warm.
"Yes, chef," you say, almost shyly.
"That's more like it," he says, sipping more of the delicious coffee he had made.
You had no idea how you were going to survive in here. With the constant concentration you would be putting in, to the way he looked at you, and now calling him chef, you're not sure your heart could handle it all. It felt as if there was a spell over you and you couldn't break it.
When you had both finished your coffee, he took the cups and put them to the side. He disappeared for a moment, only to return with aprons in hand. He smiles as be holds one out to you. You take it and put it on.
"Are you ready to make something so delicious, you'll never want to eat anything else again?" He asks, chuckling.
"That's quite the statement, chef."
For now he will pretend you actually calling him that wasn't sending his heart soaring and his mind racing. Instead he will act as normally as he can as he spends these next few hours with you.
"It's the truth. Until you have tried a real paella, you haven't experienced anything," he winks at you.
Helmut preps the paella pan.
"I've prepped everything, we just have to cook it."
"I've never cooked paella before," you tell him, looking at him in worry.
"Don't panic, I'm right here. I'll guide you."
That smile he gives you reassures you. You're in good hands.
He pours in the olive oil and sprinkles salt in a circle around the edge of the pan. He's smiling as he does it. You should be watching his cooking, but your eyes are drawn to his face instead. You could look at him for hours.
He knows you're looking. He can feel your eyes on him. He turns his head slightly, eyes flicking to you. His smile becomes a smirk as he meets your gaze.
You become flustered.
"The chicken and rabbit, if you would," he nods over to where meat was waiting.
You hand them over. He pops them into the pan with a flourish and looks at you with a little grin.
"We're going to brown the meat, so in the meantime, tell me what you and your friend have been up to."
"She took me bowling yesterday. She used to go with her brother."
"Ah yes, I know where she took you. I've never actually been."
"No. I have spent a majority of my life in a kitchen," he chuckles. The sound makes you smile.
"I can believe that. Have you always wanted to be a chef?"
"Yes. Ever since I was a boy. I take pride in what I do. If it's not perfect, it doesn't get served, and nothing I have ever made has never not been perfect."
You smile as he grins at you. Those are easy words to believe.
"I wish I could cook like you."
"You could if you learnt how."
"I never seem to have the time to learn," you say, softly. He glances at you, seeing a longing look in your eyes as you look at the meat in the pan.
"Would you like a go at turning them? They need to be brown on both sides."
"Uh, sure."
"Don't worry, I'll be right here."
You take over from him. Zemo stands so close next to you, eyes on the food as you turn the meat over. You're so very aware of how close he is to you. You're doing everything you can to keep focused on the cooking.
After 20 minutes pass by, he takes over again. He pushes all the meat the sides of the pan and nods over to the green beans he had prepped earlier.
"Could you pass me those, please?"
You nod and hand them over. He puts them into it the centre of the pan, right in the middle of the ring of chicken and rabbit.
He sautès them.
"I could teach you to cook. Honestly. It would be my pleasure to be your teacher."
"That's a nice offer, but I'm here with Wanda. I should spend as much time as possible with her."
"Except, you're here now," he smirks.
"Well, yeah... you asked me here."
"And I'm asking you again."
"I'll have to go back home at some point. How much could you teach me in just a few days?"
He looks you in the eye.
"A lot, but what if you didn't go home. What if you stayed here. You could find a home in Sokovia, I could see you every day."
You look away with a chuckle.
"I would say you're crazy."
"Somebody has to be. Without crazy people, nothing would get done. If you go home, I'll be left here missing you."
"You would miss me?"
"Of course I would. You're special."
He says this without looking at you, concentrating on the cooking, but you knew he meant it. It was the way he said it.
Helmut adds garlic and then butter beans.
"This already looks so good," you say, smiling at the both the look and scent of the food.
"Wait until it's finished."
It feels a shame to know this was for Tony Stark. You would love nothing more than to dig in to this paella yourself.
"Would you like the honours of adding the paprika?"
You nod and add it to his instructions. You add the crushed tomatoes and watch as he mixes everything together.
Now he adds the water. Being the professional he is, he knows exactly the ratio to add. He has very obviously done this many times before. You're almost mesmerized by him.
He lets it simmer.
"If you did move here, you wouldn't have to worry about a job. You would be very welcome in my restaurant."
"You're serious about this, aren't you?" You look at him.
You smile softly.
"I can't just up and leave everything."
"Do you have someone waiting for you back home?" He asks, avoiding looking at you. It would make sense to him that you would have. He should have checked before hand, because now he feels a fool.
Nevermind. He's over the moon.
"Then why are you hesitating?"
"Because I don't know what I would do here. You're offering me a job, you're asking me to move out here. You don't even really know me. I'm just someone you met last year while on my holiday."
"I know enough about you to know you're special and magnificent. I know enough to like you. I would hate to say goodbye not knowing when or if you would return."
"I've really made an impact on you, haven't I?"
"Sí," he grins at you again.
"Since you're being so honest with me, then I suppose it's only fair I'm honest with you."
"You have also made an impact on me. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since we met. I'm in love with your food, your restaurant. I admire everything you have done to keep your father's business alive. I love your country and want nothing more than to stay."
"So stay."
"I... I don't think I can."
He looks back at the food, lowering the heat to let it simmer some more. He thought he was so close to having you, but perhaps it's just not meant to be.
"Can't blame a man for trying."
You hate the way he sounded so defeated. It didn't suit him at all.
"Ah ah, what did I say?" He looks at you, turning that confidence back on.
"Chef, right."
"Yes. I only have one name in my kitchen, remember it."
Helmut adds the rice to perfection. He puts down the wooden spoon, that he had used to mix everything, and stands over it. Now it's all about the heat.
Zemo glances at you. You're looking at the pan. He uses your distraction as a moment to admire you.
You're so beautiful. So stunning.
He wants you to stay so badly. It's so very selfish of him, but he wants it. He's not prepared to let you go, not when he wants to see you every single day, speak to you every single day, teach you, work with you, be around you every single day.
You're something so special and this chef is so worried he will lose you.
You're looking at him. He turns his head quickly to adjust the heat.
He knows the exact moment it's done.
"This is a paella," he says, smiling down at the finished project. You smile at it. It smells wonderful.
Before you can day anything, Sam enters the kitchen.
"It's almost time."
Looking up at the clock, you hadn't noticed how much time had passed. Helmut had cute a lot of the time off by preparing the ingredients before hand, but cooking the paella took up quite a bit of time.
"You make sure the table is perfect, Sam. We will bring out the rest momentarily."
Sam nods and heads back out front. You removes your apron, placing it next to Helmut's on the counter and watch as he sorts himself out.
"How do I look?" He asks, looking at you.
"Handsome as always, chef."
He grins, winking at you. He swipes at your cheek quickly, brushing away something you couldn't see. He won't tell you there wasn't anything there, he just wanted an excuse to touch you in some way.
"Shall we?"
"You want me to come with you?" You ask, shocked me would even want you there.
"Of course. We did this together, we should see it through together."
You smile.
Helmut holds out his hand. You take it. It's bigger than yours, warm too. He leads you out front.
Tony Stark enters the building with another man. They both look around the place. You both stop to greet them near the entrance. Zemo doesn't let go of your hand as he smiles at the two men.
"Welcome to Escorpión Morado. I am Helmut Zemo, the owner and the chef," he smiles as introduces himself.
"We've met, but this Stephen Strange. He's investing in my restaurant. Who is this?" Stark turns to you.
Zemo let's go of your hand in favour of placing it on your back as he smiles at you.
"This is Y/N, a dear friend of mine who has helped me prepare your meal for the day."
Tony looks you up and down.
"This way, if you would." Sam guides the two men to the table that been set up specifically for them. With a nod from Sam, Zemo goes back into the kitchen to fetch the paella. Sam serves them drinks.
You stand there, looking between them both.
Both men a wearing expensive looking suits, and they smell expensive too. It seems strange to you that these two men are opening a restaurant. They didn't come off as the foodie types... more businessmen.
Sure, owning a restaurant is half business, but it should also be full of passion, love and life. It's more than just business.
"Does he pay you well?"
"I'm sorry?" You look at Stark.
"Does he pay well?"
"I, uh... I don't work for him. I'm just helping him today."
"Do you cook?"
"Not on this scale."
"At least you're good looking," he sighs, looking at you over the frame of his shades.
Sam clears his throat, looking at you. You find yourself moving to stand next to him. He smiles softly at you, so you smile back, silently thanking him.
Helmut returns.
Stark and Strange watch as places the paella pan on the table and stands back.
"What's this?"
You frown. How could he not recognise such an iconic dish. Even if you hadn't been travelling around Europe last year, you would know how to recognise a paella.
"Paella. A real paella. Dig in."
"From the pan?"
"No other way to eat it. This is traditionally how paella is eaten. You'll enjoy it."
Stark and Strange look at each other.
They dig in.
"Make sure to get some of the socarrat from the bottom. It's delicious!"
You smile at the way he encourages them, but neither man looks impressed.
Helmut stands with you and Sam as the two gentleman eat.
The seconds tick by incredibly slowly. The two men look at one another as they eat. There's a silent conversation taking place, you can feel Zemo becoming nervous the longer it goes on. You reach out and brush your hand with his. He looks down at your hands, taking yours in his softly.
You offer him a smile.
Both men stand from the table, you both turn to look at them, burrowing your brow at them. They dab at their mouths with their fancy handkerchiefs and turn to you.
"Well, that's something anyway. Good to know we don't have much competition around here. Thank you for your time, we shall be on our way now."
Stark drops an envelope on the table.
You can feel Zemo's hand grip yours a bit tighter now. He's angry.
Both men make their leave without saying anything more. Once they cross the threshold, Zemo storms off into the kitchen without a word.
He doesn't look back.
Glancing at Sam, he nods at you. You hurry after Zemo, but stop when you reach the door. Crashing sounds come from within. An angry yell. Things clattering to the floor.
You push open the door quickly.
Helmut pushes everything off the countertops, throwing dishes at the wall. He grips his hair with one hand, messing up the neat style it had previously been resting in.
You would find his Spanish endearing if not for the word itself, or the fact he was beyond angry.
Tony Stark had insulted him in the worst way possible.
He stops, back turned to you. He runs a hand down his face, using the other one to hold his weight as he leans against the nearest counter.
"He's wrong. You are competition. No food compares to what you make, and I'm not just saying that. He will never be able to make anything that compares to anything you make. Do you know how I know? Because you make your food with love. You enjoy every dish you put out. You make your own food in your own restaurant."
He doesn't say anything, just listens.
"Tony Stark has nothing compared to Helmut Zemo, and soon he will see that."
Zemo turns around slowly. He looks at you. All rage melts from his eyes when they land on you. He sighs softly.
"Thank you."
You smile.
He doesn't smile back, but you know he is truly grateful.
Sam enters the kitchen, the envelope from before now open in his hand. You look at him, taking in the expression on his face.
"I think you'll want to read this."
"What is it?" Helmut asks.
"An invitation."
You share a look with Zemo. Suddenly a cold sweat runs down your back. Dread fills every bone in your body.
Helmut steps forward and takes it from Sam.
You wait as he silently reads it.
He looks up at you.
"We're invited to dinner."
@namethathasnotbeentaken @belle82devart @cathrin2405 @lieutenantn @wilder-fangirl @latenightartist-author @lucky-luck-lucky @hb8301 @charistory @thatoneartgalsstuff @thesuitkovian @malkaviangirl @zemosimp420 @realremyd @the-chaotic-cow @lostghostgirl94 @zafiro-draco @lazygurl05 @pinkcutiepiee @goddessofmischief03 @whovianayesha @myybebe @awesomesauce-abbie @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @zemo-is-my-muse @nonamec0s @apparrio @scuttle-buttle @alex-the-nb @my-blood-is-maple-syrup
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thecassadilla · 3 years
Pleeease I'd love to ask you for a prompt on 33. Kristanna... 🤗 No matter what universe - the writing stage is yours 😘
Hi, Simone!! 💕I'm sorry that answering this prompt took me a little bit of time!!! I've been busy the past few days, and now I'm slowly but surely catching up with all of the prompts in my inbox. This is a modern au (because those seem to be my specialty XD). I really hope you enjoy it!!!! 💕
33. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?" Send me a prompt!
The evening had been sold to her as an end of the semester party between friends. But what it actually turned out to be, Anna discovered, was an elaborate set up.
Nearly forty-five minutes after the “party” was supposed to begin, the only two people who were sitting at a high top table set for a party of ten were herself and Kristoff, a fellow classmate who rarely gave her the time of day. They’d never spoken to one another outside of their classes - or even in their classes, really - aside from being cordial when necessary. They kind of ran in the same social circles, with the most notable connection aside from their two shared classes being that her sister had recently started dating the sister of one of Kristoff’s friends. But other than that, they’d never really interacted on a level higher than exchanging “hi’s” and “how are you’s” in passing.
The fact that they’d kept their interactions to a minimum over the course of the semester didn’t mean that she hadn’t started to catch feelings for him, though. Oftentimes, she found herself focusing her attention on him instead of on the lecture, drawn to the look of kindness in his eyes and the way he chewed on the inside of his cheek as he attempted to scribble down everything the professor was saying. But aside from his attractive physical appearance, there was also an air of mystery about him. From a distance, he seemed like a broody, lonely guy who didn’t want anything to do with anyone. But there was a part of her that wondered if that was a front - if there was more to him than what he allowed everyone else to see.
But it wasn’t like any of that was her business, anyway. The semester was over, and she certainly couldn’t say that they were even close to being friends. Why their friends thought that setting them up would be a good idea, she didn’t know, but either way, it was forcing her to confront something she planned on leaving alone.
“I think we’ve been set up,” Anna commented finally, a blush rising in her cheeks as she broke the awkward silence that they’d managed to sit in for far too long.
Kristoff nodded, and from where she was sitting, she could tell that his hands were tightly clasped under the table. The look of discomfort and nervousness plastered across his face was enough to convince her that he was not happy to be there with only her. “I think you’re right.”
“Well, um…” she trailed off, rubbing her upper arm with her opposite hand.
“We could just leave,” he offered quickly.
“Yeah, um...maybe we should.”
“Yeah. Maybe.”
An awkward moment of silence elapsed between them until Anna finally cleared her throat. “Alright. I’m gonna...I’m gonna leave, okay?”
“Yeah! Okay,” Kristoff responded, inching closer to the edge of his seat. “I’ll leave, too, then.”
“Okay,” she acknowledged. “Good idea.”
She wasn’t quite sure if leaving was the right decision, but she wasn’t sure if staying was, either. All she knew was that Kristoff seemed incredibly desperate to get away from her, and it wasn’t like she could blame him. Despite the smoldering little bundle of feelings that she was secretly - or maybe, not so secretly - harboring for him, it wasn’t like she could ask him to stay based on her feelings, and her feelings, alone. It was clear he didn’t want to be there, and she wasn’t about to suggest staying when they’d both just been humiliated by the group of people they called their friends.
But the odd thing was that despite them both expressing their desires to leave, neither of them moved from where they were sitting. Anna swallowed thickly as she peered up at Kristoff through her eyelashes, a little surprised to see that he was staring at her expectantly - almost as if he were hoping she would be the one to make the first move and stand up from the table. But she didn’t, and that took her by surprise, too. It was almost as if there was something preventing her from leaving the table; something otherworldly was keeping her there, and she couldn’t quite understand what it was or why it was happening. Even more curious was why the same thing appeared to be happening to Kristoff.
“Can I get you folks something to drink?” a voice asked, startling her. It was almost a relief to see Kristoff also visibly jump in place at the appearance of the voice; she didn’t know why that reassured her, but it did.
“Uh…” Anna started, glancing over at Kristoff, and hoping he would be the one to speak up about what they were doing. But he didn’t, and instead, they both stared at the server who was patiently waiting for a response.
“Are you waiting for a couple more people to get here?” the server asked, his eyes trailing between the two of them. “I can come back.”
“That’d be great,” Anna said, swiftly. “Thank you.”
“Aren’t we leaving?” Kristoff asked, a look of confusion crossing his features as the server disappeared. “Or, uh...d-did you want to stay?”
As if on cue, her stomach grumbled. “Um...I guess I’m a little hungry. I didn’t eat dinner because I figured we’d all be eating out tonight, so I should probably order something. But you don’t have to worry about sticking around for me or anything - I’ll be fine on my own.”
“Oh...okay. If that’s what you want.”
“Yeah, I mean…” she paused, searching for the right words. “You don’t have to leave if you don’t want to. Especially if you’re hungry, in which case you should stay and order something to eat. But only if you want to, of course. I imagine you probably don’t want to hang out with me, considering that we’re not really even friends, and why would you want to spend time with someone you’re not friends with? So you can leave...um, if that’s what you want.”
Instead of answering, Kristoff just stared at her, the look on his face somewhere between amusement and embarrassment.
“Sorry, I’m rambling.” Anna waved her hands around, hoping he wouldn’t notice the pink tinge spreading over her face and neck. “Just ignore me.”
“No, I -” he cut himself off, a small, yet shy smile encapsulating his lips. “That was -”
“Humiliating, I know. I should probably just leave.” She grabbed the strap of her purse, fully prepared to sling it over her shoulder and get out of there as quickly as possible. “I really don’t feel like embarrassing myself anymore than I already have.”
“No!” he exclaimed, the outburst seemingly taking them both by surprise. “Uh, what I mean is, I...I didn’t think that was embarrassing. I actually thought it was kind of...adorable.”
Anna blinked, slowly releasing her grip. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Kristoff breathed. “And I’d...I’d really like it if you stayed. I know we don’t really know each other that well, but...maybe we can get to know each other?”
“Oh! Sure,” she nodded, her lips quirking upwards. “I would like that. A lot.”
A grin of his own appeared on his face as she accepted his suggestion. “Great.”
Over the course of the night, what had started as an awkward silence with someone who felt like a stranger blossomed into a comfortable conversation with someone who felt like an old friend. They talked about every topic Anna could possibly imagine - school, work, parents and siblings, friends, relationships - and what had begun as a night she couldn’t wait to get over with quickly became a night she never wanted to end.
It was so easy to get lost in conversation with Kristoff; her heart swelling with affection as he told tearful stories about his adoptive family, the way his eyes sparkled when he talked his future and the dreams he had, and the booming laugh that escaped his lips every time something she said he thought was funny - a tingling sensation shooting up her spine at the melodic sound. And he seemed to devote the same level of attention and care to what she was saying, much like she had done with him.
As the clock ticked forward, she couldn’t help but wonder if he felt the same way that she did - if he felt the same connection, and the same longing that was overwhelming all of her senses and causing her heart to pound in her chest. If he also desired for the night to continue on forever in a state of bliss where they could keep talking, and smiling, and laughing at what the other had to say. And though she was sure some of the pressure had been lifted off of their shoulders as a result of the liquid courage they’d been sipping on the entire night, she couldn’t help but feel that there was something...more between them. Something unearthly and magical. Something she’d never felt before.
Eventually, the part of the evening that Anna had been dreading had arrived. They were politely informed by their server that the restaurant would be closing and they would, unfortunately, have to leave. A sadness enveloped the air as they quietly gathered up their belongings and headed for the exit, leaving a hefty tip on the table for their server.
“Which car is yours?” Kristoff asked, as soon as they reached the parking lot behind the restaurant.
“The blue sedan over there,” Anna answered, pointing to it.
“I’ll walk you over.”
“Thank you.”
They walked slowly, with Kristoff’s hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans and her own arms crossed over her chest. She wasn’t sure if she was imagining it, but it almost seemed as if he was as eager to savor and stretch out their last moments together as she was.
“I had a great time tonight,” she said, an uncontrollable smile spreading over her features as they paused by her car.
“Me too,” he breathed, smiling back at her. “We should do it again, sometime.”
“I would really love that.”
“Here let me give you my number.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket, and they quickly exchanged numbers. “I’m going to have a lot more free time now that the semester is over, so we can pretty much meet up any time.
“Yeah, same here, so that would be amazing.”
Kristoff lingered for a moment, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, and it suddenly became clear that just like her, he didn't know how to end their date - not that she really wanted it to end, anyway. A handshake felt like it would be too stuffy after the comfortable night they just shared, and a hug would be nice, but not quite what she had in mind, either.
"Would it be okay if I kissed you?" Anna blurted. In an instant clamped her hand over her mouth, her eyes widening at how quickly her own tongue had betrayed her. After staring at him for a moment, she removed the hand to apologize. "I'm sorry, that was way too forward and I -"
Kristoff cut her off with a kiss; it was chaste, and sweet, and entirely too short for her liking, but it still made her heart flutter and her hands shake. In that moment, she finally understood what being "swept off your feet" finally felt like.
"Um...thank you," she breathed, as soon as they broke apart. "That was...wow."
"It was," he agreed, huffing a small but excited laugh.
"Maybe..." Anna trailed off, wavering on whether or not she should test the waters. "Maybe we could try that again sometime, too?"
Kristoff beamed at her, nodding his head. "I'd like that a lot."
"Perfect." And with that, she rose up on her toes, cupped his jaw with her hands, and captured his lips with her own, marveling at how quickly they'd gone from strangers to something more.
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Le parfum de l'amour
This is the @maribat-secret-santa-2020 piece for @saltandfluff I am so sorry for being late!
Anyway, I will be using the quantic kids, but you don't necessary have to know them to understand this fic.
The only have to know that "Melodie" is Allegra's nickname.
It was always a bad idea to try to mess with fate. Everyone knew this. Allegra knew this, but she didn't care. Not when it was taking a toll on her sanity.
There were only so many times a person could see two literal soulmates walk past each other before they decided to take matters into their own hands.
So that's what she did.
Or well, was going to do once she could convince her friends to help her out.
"I don't know, Mel." Allan rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "These things take time you know? You cannot rush it." He glanced at the corkboard that was behind Allegra and winced, it was going to be impossible to talk her out of the crazy plan.
On the corkboard, there were two pictures. One was a selfie of Marinette Dupain-cheng. A twenty-year-old who was a regular at the café where Allegra and Claude worked at. After chatting with her in the mornings, Allegra decided to adopt the girl, and she introduced her to the rest of the group. She quickly became friends with Allan and surprisingly enough, with Felix as well.
The second picture was a rather blurry photo that was clearly taken from afar. You could sort of make out the image of Timothy Drake. The sleep-deprived twenty-one-year-old who had started going to the café for about a month. All the employees loved him because he never failed to amuse everyone with his half-asleep antics.
The one thing that both pictures had in common was a coffee cup.
On Marinette's collarbone, there was a small tattoo-like mark that looked like a coffee cup. The same one that was on Tim's wrist. Soul marks . Granted, they looked a bit plain compared to most people's soul marks, but in Allegra's eyes, they were the excuse she needed to get them together.
Allegra had shipped her two favorite customers long before she noticed their soul marks. But now that she knew they were soulmates . Well, she was not going to rest until they finally met.
"I'm not trying to rush things!" Allegra insisted. "I just want to push them in the right direction."
Allan looked at her, doubtful. "That's basically the same thing. Plus do actually think that," he squinted to read the list of plans that was tacked on the corkboard. "'Locking them inside a room with no escape' is merely pushing them in the right direction? 'Cause I think that sounds more like a hostage situation."
Allegra glared at him. "You know what? I don't need your help. Claude will help me. Right, Claude?"
Claude looked at her with wide eyes. "Oh no no no. Sorry Melodie but I can't."
"Uh, I'm sorry what?" Allegra blinked. It was very out of character for Claude to turn down the opportunity to help her with one of her elaborate plans. Not to mention that in this case, they were doing it to help Marinette.
"Allegra," he said solemnly, "this is a destiny thing. We just can't interfere."
Allegra facepalmed. "You can't be serious."
Claude looked at her dead in the eye. "If we interfere we might end up," he leaned towards  her and whispered " cursed"
"Oh give me a break." Allegra pushed Claude away. "Are you guys kidding me? This is Marinette we're talking about. You all can't possibly think that Marinette wouldn't want to meet her soulmate, and as her friends, we have to help her."
"I agree with Allegra."
Everyone spun around in surprise.
Felix rolled his eyes at his friends' incredulous expressions. "What? Marinette is my friend as well. Is it really that shocking that I want to see her happy?" The three of them nodded. He ignored them. "Besides, I've heard Marinette ramble about soulmates nonstop, so it's clear that meeting hers is what she would want."
Allegra was the first to react "See guys? Even Felix agrees with me!"
Felix huffed. "Yes, but I also think that your plans are ridiculous and ineffective."
"I think the best thing we can do to help is to get them to interact and we-"
"That's literally what my plans are for!" Allegra interrupted.
Claude crossed his arms. "And what do you mean by 'we'? I haven't agreed to do anything."
Shooting both of them a glare, Felix continued. "- can do that without needing to kidnap them. We simply have to make it so that they have no other choice but to sit at the same table at the café. You all know how friendly Marinette is, it will only be a matter of time before they start talking."
There was a beat of silence.
"That… that might actually work," Allan admitted. "Soulmates are naturally drawn to each other so once they actually have a conversation we won't have to do anything else. They can figure out that they're soulmates by themselves." He paused and then chuckled. "We'll just have to push them in the right direction."
"But how are we going to get them in the café at the same time?" Allegra asked. "Tim always comes in right after Mari has left."
"Pft that's easy!" Claude exclaimed. "Just tell her that you need help with something and that you'll need for her to stay a while longer at the café. Since Mari doesn't have early classes on Wednesday she'll agree and- oh!" Claude suddenly slapped his hand over his mouth as his eyes widened with horror. "This does not mean that I'm helping." He mumbled from underneath his hand.
Allan laughed. "I think you just did."
"Looks like someone's going to end up cursed." Allegra singed songed. "Not even ladybug is going to be able to help you with that bad luck that's to come." She teased.
Claude pouted. "Haha, laugh all you want." He then looked up at the corkboard and grimaced. "But you're right, there's no turning back now. What do you need me to do?"
Allegra clapped her hands in glee.
"Okay so here's the plan."
Just like Claude had predicted, it was incredibly easy to convince Marinette to stay at the café. All that was left to do was orchestrate everything just so that the two soulmates had to sit at the same table.
It was easier said than done but after enlisting more people to help out, they were able to make sure that the café was full for that morning.
Everything was going according to plan…
Claude looked around. "He hasn't arrived yet?"
"No!" Allegra cried. She glanced down at her watch and winced. They were running out of time.
Claude frowned. "And you know, it would have been nice if Marinette hadn't chosen today to wear a turtleneck."
Allegra couldn't help but agree. Sure, Marinette looked amazing with the turtleneck and skirt outfit but did she really have to wear it today? When they needed for her to show off her soul mark?
It was like the universe was against them.
But finally, Allegra heard a tinkling sound at the door. She spun around praying that it was Tim.
And it was!
He looked more tired than usual as he stumbled around trying to find a seat.
Allegra watched as Tim danced around the tables that were being occupied just as he was about to take a seat.
One after the other until finally, a good push later, he ended up at Marinette's table.
Tim was too tired to deal with this.
All he wanted was to sit down, have a couple of cups of coffee at his favorite coffee shop and finally be awake enough to continue investigating the moth guy.
But apparently, that was too much to ask because almost all the tables were full.
"Sorry man," Claude whispered as he guided a couple and motioned them to sit at the table that Tim had beelined for.
"Oh, actually I'm waiting for Adam." Felix had said when Tim asked if he could sit with him. Which was strange since Adam had said that he was waiting for Felix when he asked him.
But he could barely comprehend what they were saying, so he was not conscious enough to complain.
Tim continued on his journey when he felt someone push him from behind. In his half-asleep haze, Tim lunged at the chair that was in front of him hoping that it would break his fall.
It took him a few seconds to recover. He wanted nothing more than to pass out right then and there, splayed out on a coffee shop chair as everyone stared at him wondering if he was drunk.
He too wondered if he was drunk, but he couldn't remember the last time he'd slept so if he was drunk, he was not going to figure it out on his own.
When he finally looked up, his eyes met with a pair of beautiful bluebell eyes.
Marinette watched as a guy stumbled around the café until finally flopping onto the other chair at her table.
It was clear that he was sleep-deprived. She had seen enough videos that her evil friends had taken when she was in a similar state to know the poor guy probably hadn't slept at all for the last week or so.
Marinette wanted nothing more than to drag the guy to the nearest bed or couch and wrap him up in a bunch of blankets. Just because she didn't comprehend the term "self-care" for herself  didn't make Marinette any less of a "mom friend"
But she had to remind herself that she didn't know the guy, so it might be considered kidnapping to drag someone somewhere against their will.
Too bad.
The best she could do was offer him her own coffee.
"Hey, I think you need this more than I do at the moment." She said, pushing the drink his way as he stood up.
He mumbled something that could be interpreted as a "thank you" and eagerly took the drink. His eyes lit up when the heavenly liquid touched his tongue.
It was almost miraculous how quickly the caffeine took effect.
Actually, it was Marinette may or may not have mixed a little concoction she made with Tikki that helped her when she stayed up late with her regular coffee.
The guy blinked. "This. Is. Incredible."
Marinette laughed "Yeah, it's what I always get. Though you still look like you need to sleep."
"Yeah, yeah whatever." He waved her off. "But seriously, what is this called? I need a gallon of this."
"Sorry," Marinette said sheepishly "but I'm afraid that's a secret, you know, I'm kind of everyone's favorite, so I get the miracle coffee." Okay so that was a lie but what else could she say?
The guy pouted. Marinette had to admit that he looked adorable.
"Well, then I'm sure you can get me some then... um"
"Ah, nice to meet you, coffee goddess, I'm Tim."
Marinette's cheeks heated up. "Uh, coffee goddess? Shouldn't they be the coffee gods and goddesses?" She pointed at Allegra, Claude, and the others.
"Nah, you have blessed me with this amazing coffee. Claude didn't even help me in my time of need."
"You know Claude?" Marinette asked, surprised.
"Yep, I've been coming here since I arrived in Paris, so I've gotten to know Allegra and Claude a bit."
"That's funny, I've never seen you. And I come here every day." Marinette said.
"Huh, that's weird. I've never seen you either. "
And from there they kept talking. Like they were old friends and not just acquaintances. Marinette found out that Tim had come from Gotham city. That he was in Paris because of business. Meanwhile, Tim learned that Marinette was an aspiring fashion designer and a college student who was close friends with almost everyone from the café.
Hours passed and the two were still deep in conversation completely oblivious to the crowd that had gathered behind the cafe's counter to watch the soulmates.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me about this before." Adrien, who had arrived after Tim, whispered to his cousin.
"I was under the impression that your father needed your assistance for the upcoming fashion show. I was not about to ask my dear uncle Gabe if I could steal you so that we could set up our friend and his future competitor, Marinette Dupain-cheng, with her soulmate."
Adrien hated to admit that he had a point. "Fine, but can you at least catch me up to date? Who is he?"
"He's a rich guy from Gotham city. He's pretty cool though he's basically Marinette when it comes to coffee which is honestly kinda scary now that I'm seeing them interact." Allegra whispered.
Adrien looked down to look at her. "Alright, I guess I'm going to have to do my own research since you guys are useless. What's his job? Why is he rich? If his from Gotham then who knows, maybe this guy is actually dangerous and wants to take Marinette as ransom for-"
"Oh please Adrien, stop with your theatrics. Do you honestly think that I would allow this if he was dangerous?" Felix interrupted.
"I mean-"
Felix glared at him.
Felix sighed. "Timothy Drake is Marinette's soulmate, and I can assure you that he's clean. So don't worry about Marinette."
Allegra shushed the cousins. "Guys, I'm trying to listen here you know?"
"Um, you could probably hear better from up here" Felix nodded in agreement.
"Thanks, Adrien, but I don't want to risk Marinette seeing me and then remembering about time and stuff."
"Speaking of time, it's been years since I last ate, I'm hungry." Claude cut in.
"Claude! You're supposed to be with the customers!" Allegra whisper-shouted.
Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Marinette eventually remembered the reason she had stayed in the cafe. Not only that but when she looked at her watch she realized that she was running late for class.
After Marinette's rushed exit, Tim went back to investigating Hawkmoth. But while they were trying to concentrate on their own thing. Marinette with her class and Tim with his research they found themselves zoning out and thinking about each other.
It was strange, they had quite literally just met.
Why had they made such an impact on each other?
It wasn't until Marinette was getting ready to go to bed that she found the answer.
"Tikki is… is that what I think it is." Marinette's voice trembled as she stared at her reflection on the mirror.
Tikki gasped. "Oh Marinette, I think it is!"
Staring back at her was her soul mark, which no longer was a regular coffee cup but rather a gorgeous cup with beautiful red flowers that surrounded a somewhat familiar symbol.
"But, how? I mean they're not supposed to change… right? And why?" Marinette's eyes widened. "Does this mean that I met my soulmate? Who is it?"
Tikki giggled, "You seriously don't know?"
"Umm no? Should I?" Tikki continued to giggle as her holder looked at her confused. "Who is it Tikki?"
"Oh Marinette, how many new people did you meet today?"
"Uh, I don't know? I mean surely I must've passed by lots of strangers in the street." Marinette panicked. "Oh no Tikki! What if one of them is my soulmate? I'll never find out who they are!"
"So you don't remember meeting anyone else?"
"I don't think so, well other than ohhh- "
Tim could not believe what he was seeing. Gone was the plain coffee cup he was used to seeing, the daily reminder of the fact that he was still painfully single, it now had an intricate flower pattern that surrounded a symbol.
He recognized that symbol.
After weeks of researching and tailing the red Parisian heroine, he knew that it was the Ladybug symbol.
But why was it on his soul mark?
No, the heroine couldn't be his soulmate, Tim hasn't even officially met her. Nor had he even seen her today.
The only blue-eyed girl he had met was Marinette.
No, it was impossible. Except it wasn't. Tim had only known the girl for a couple of hours, but he knew that  Marinette would make a great heroine or vigilante.
But, he… he was probably hallucinating, right? Tim hadn't slept for weeks, so surely he was just seeing things and his soul mark was still a plain coffee cup and the Marinette conclusion was just wishful thinking.
Because otherwise, his first meeting with his soulmate was him acting like a sleep-deprived zombie and Tim could not allow that.
Well, one thing was for sure, he really needed to get some sleep.
Three days.
It took three days for Marinette to find Tim.
She looked everywhere. The coffee shop, Le Grand Paris Hotel, the tourist areas, and when she was ladybug she looked down from all the rooftops trying to find him.
But he had vanished, leaving Marinette worried sick that he had either A. Gone back to Gotham  B. Died or C. Been so horrified that she was his soulmate that he decided to move to a remote island and changed his name in hopes of never seeing her again.
Gosh, she was starting to sound like her fourteen-year-old self.
But finally, she saw him, sitting on a bench, not far from her own home, looking down at his wrist.
He looked at his wrist like it was some puzzle he needed to solve. Marinette also noticed that he looked a lot more refreshed, so he must've finally gotten some sleep.
Marinette cleared her throat. "Well, you've been a very hard person to find Mr. Drake."
Tim looked up. "Ma- Marinette!"
"We need to talk."
Tim nodded his mouth hanging wide open as he stared at her soul mark.  
"How do you feel about coffee? There's a coffee shop that's not very far from here, I hear their coffee is divine.
(this was going to be a scene on the fic but I didn't know how to add it but it has important info sooo)
*They are at the coffee shop*
Marinette: So you're red robin.
Tim: And you're Ladybug
Marinette: Should I be worried? Like doesn't this compromise our secret identities?
*Claude and Allegra appear with some pastries*
Claude: Yooo Marinette! So you found your soulmate! Crazy right? We totally didn't have anything to do with it!
*Allegra elbows him*
Claude: So uh, congratulations! I um feel happy for you.
*looks nervously at Allegra who is glaring at him*
Claude: Bummer about the soul mark though…
*Allegra keeps glaring*
~♡~♡~♡~ Permanent tag list  ~♡~♡~♡~
Claude: What? It's just a plain white cup!
Bonus bonus:
(here's a bad doodle and my crappy handwriting)
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(If you want to be added or removed please let me know!)
@charme-de-malchan, @theatreandcomicfreak, @m3owww, @elliebelliegirl, @genevieve-the-demonologist, @vixen-uchiha, @t1dwarrior-of-earth, @waffleyunsure, @technicallyburninggarden, @azuremayscarlet, @vroomtaka, @emimar7, @ichigorose, @maskedpainter, @art-is-hard-to-do-sorry
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (3/4)
Yep yep yep, I'm liking this season a lot! 😍 Although I hope we'll get into a more frantic situation now, like with more battles and more bonding moments (Nya and Maya hopefully, but with Bentho too 🦈🦈🦈)! We got half a season to go, I'M READY!! 😎😎
Alright, here we go!
I do like the season a lot, maybe MoM was a little more cohesive? Idk but it's not a big complain, I still love it so far 😍
Also maybe I would've liked more interactions between Nya and Maya about how they've been apart for so long, they had a chit chat but I would've loved even more. Maybe with Nya saying that it was fine and she grew up only to realize she is still hurt by that, even though it wasn't Maya's fault. I still like how they did it, I wished there was more that's it 🤷‍♀️
While I do make sense to Maya's behavior, that while it seems a little different from Hands of Time it had its logic in my opinion, maybe Ray feels a little weird? He seems less courageous than before, and it was established that he is a hothead like his son so that came off as unusual 🤔🤔
But I do love the fact that he's here and he's bonding with his son, for real, I've been waiting for this for so long so I'm happy nonetheless 🤩
Maybe I'm just easy to please and I take all I can get idk 😅
Oh, are we gonna address the wind element? It feels like we haven't really seen a Morro reference since Hands of Time, that would be cool! 😍 I mean, why even mentioning the wind then 😅😅
Well what do you know, they tracked them, who saw that coming?... me, I saw that coming... we all did probably 🤷‍♀️
Jay took upon himself making a quick recap on how Ninjago will be destroyed this time, thanks Bluebell 👌
Yep nyeheh electricity makes Nya go crazy for sure ❤💙 ... wait it wasn't a Jaya pun?
Jay wear your seatbelt please, you risk you life enough 😅😅 Pff lol "are we there yet" and they are actually there, biggest plot twist I've ever heard of 😂
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And with someone who might as well join the League of Jay apparently 💙
I liked The Island yet it was not as exciting as I hoped for, but now understand the meaning of it. The ninja helped the keepers and they are all allies. Without The Island the moment where Mammatus gives Nya the amulet wouldn't be as meaningful
Is it just me or Nya looked even more gorgeous during that moment?... just me huh? Okay then 😂💕
Here I thought he was just messing around, he always makes things harder 😅 Or maybe better? I mean, they kinda missed a bullet on this one...
Jay somehow had his own TV show in the past and yet he's got that horrible acting skills wth 😂😂😂
Kalmaar is a very cool villain, like, deeply evil. Not only he's calculated and merciless, he stops at nothing to get what he wants. And the people that get in the way? He wants them to suffer because they had dared to confront him 😳
And yes the voice does help a lot, I'm sorry I'll keep saying it until the season is over 😂 (or even beyond? Please cast Giles again LEGO 🥺🥺🥺)
Awww Nya no my poor girl 😢 Jay wanted to hug her to comfort her he is so sweet my SHIP ❤💙❤💙
MOM PEP TALK MOM PEP TALK!!! 🤩🤩🤩 How cool was it?
Like, this isn't even Maya asking Nya to believe in herself, this is her saying that she KNOWS her daughter can do anything when she puts her mind into it. FINALLY SHE SEES HOW AMAZING WATER GODDESS IS 💜💜💜
MORE LEGO TEARS OMG THIS SEASON IS FILLED WITH TEARS 😱 Which... kinda makes sense considering it's a water based season 😂
Nice one, and now? NOW WE GO BACK TO KAI COLE AND RAY YAS!!! ❤🖤❤🖤
That is... surprisingly Egypt theme like? It feels like a title coming from the Fire Chapter of season 11... well we got two fire elementals so 😍😍
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I REPEAT SPARRING KAI AND RAY!!! SPARRING KAI AND RAY!!! ❤❤❤ Lol Ray got old, but how can someone blame him? He did touch death while aging in Hands of Time, I'm just happy he is alive 😂
Yep, master prankster Wu, that's what I love 👌👌 I always thought Wu had become a father figure for Kai at the beginning, so seeing Ray and Wu in the same picture feels very wholesome to me 😚
Ah, uncle Powers, I both love you and hate you so freaking much 😌😌 But you make cool slides nonetheless 😂
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Oh no you guys are stranded on an island whatever are you going to do?? It's not like you had already before and managed to survive (Skybound) or you got stranded on a rock in a sea of sand filled with giant monsters (Fire Chapter) or you were on a freaking COMET in SPACE (Rebooted). Yeee, this is the worst yet 🙂
I'm starting to think these ninja are just a bunch of drama queens so no matter what happens, it's always hopeless 😂😂 I feel like I'm kinda right on this one honestly 😛
Aww I like that, while Ray told his kids stories about dragons and how they traveled through the Underworld, Maya told them about Nya the first water master that could summon whales 💙❤💙❤
Pff imagine if it turned out Nya was the master of fire, carrying a very water based name? Lol
Maya: I would know if it was possible!
Nya: Yeah, like she knows that I can control a bit of ice because it's frozen water
I find both interesting and very annoying that this explorers club thinks so highly of themselves, to the point the deny to aid even the FREAKING SAVIORS OF THEIR FREAKING LAND 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Misako got good reflexes after all, Kai was probably ready to melt this guy's face 😅
Oh, so a trial by Sphinx is a challenge? A mental one? A cultural one? A physical one? Idk but Misako is actually taking charge and that is cool I guess 🤷‍♀️
Okay this is kind of weird, how is Ray so afraid? Is it because there's fire?... did he... did he grow afraid of fire for some reason? Because it feels a bit off for now, but if there is a deeper meaning that could be interesting 🤔
Wait is that the riddle from Decoded? That's fire right?
Lol at least in this one Kai wasn't completely ignored 😂 I know my flame babe isn't the most rational person, but I do like that it was an answer connected to his element where he used his head!
Ah Clutch, you really got no backbone 😅 And apparently you're the only explorer who doesn't, dang look at the others go! I'm having a bit more respect for them now 😚
Kalmaar: I'm your conquerer
Wu: so after skeletons, the serpentine, nindroids, the Stone Army, Chen's army, ghosts, oni, more snakes but on fire and people from a game, that makes you the tenth. Have a free cookie
Wu: you're not special
Is this a little throwback to Possession too? Nya seems to always control better water when she doesn't actually think about it. When her feelings are free, so are her powers 🌊🌊🌊
Also this opens up more possibilities! Creatures connected with other elements might get summoned too! I would love something like that 😍😍
This was NEAT, or maybe I just missed Kai that much ❤ What's next??
ANTONIAAAAAAAA!!!! MY GIRL IS BACK!!! All my girls are back in this season, I'm so happy 😍😍😍 And if she is here, sweet little Nelson has to be around and I cannot wait! Bring in the purple ninja! 💜
Owww Antonia's last day as a papergirl? Nooo why??
She's got a job at the... DAIRY DRAGON??? OMG OMG OMG IT'S THE ICE CREAM PLACE BRAGI TOLD US ABOUT ON TWITTER!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I remember the post, he was asking about names for the place and ice cream flavors. Now I can't wait to see what did he choose 🍦🍦🍦
UNAGAMI BABY HI HONEY!!! 🙋‍♀️ I hope he's doing great 😘😘
This is so cool honestly, Antonia got her own character arc going on! Living in a chaotic city like Ninjago City must be pretty dang exhausting 😅
Was... was that Dareth in the garbage can? Am I wrong? Poor brown ninja 😅🤎😅
Their friendship is so wholesome, I'm so happy they are still together no matter what happens 💕
I thought Kalmaar wasn't much of a fighter but DANG he's got skills! Also the fact that he uses tentacles makes the fight very cool to watch! 😚😚
Well at least you tried Ray 😅
Ah, little cameo of the original Weekend Whip, always nice to hear it again... AND DO THE WEEKEND WHIP!!! 🌪🌪🌪
I don't even know what is cooler, the kids being mad lads on their bikes, Kalmaar driving a TRUCK or Kai going full parkour on the buildings to follow them 🤯
I'm sorry... am I the only one that during the Kai and Kalmaar talk kinda thought of Jestro and Clay? I miss my boys from NK, they're even more at odds now 😭😭
Kalmaar just loves to make everyone feel inferior, gotta be his hobby 😶
Oh good Kai is back
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Antonia, Nelson, you guys are now my heroes. You saved my fave, I'll be forever in dept with you ❤❤❤ Am I being overdramatic? Most likely, but Kai is one of the few that didn't almost die or did die in a dramatic situation and he is also my absolute favorite character so that... kinda keeps my sanity in check in this show 🥴
I wonder... does he still not know how to swim? He saved Lloyd in Possession but I wonder if he was only trying to float on the surface... THAT'S TERRIFYING
This episode was so adorable, I love Antonia and Nelson so much 💜💕💜💕 It's nice to see what the other people of Ninjago do while everything goes mad 🤣
Wait hang on my Ninjajan is a little rusty
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"Ninjago City. City that never sleeps" well if that ain't the truth 😂
Like Master of the Mountain? Wait are we going back to Shintaro?? VANYA?? ANOTHER BEST GIRL RETURNS??? 💛
Hey hey hey, we got a full Nyad backstory! I really like when they do these little drawn shots, they feel more like legends! And... the ending sounds terrifying? Like, they wouldn't let Nya sacrifice herself and die... again... right? 😱
Bentho: and the world was in balance, until now because of my brother
Lloyd: and the Overlord before of course
Bentho: the what now?
Lloyd: the evil one my grandpa the first Spinjitzu Master fought?
Why do I like this offscreen "hiiiyaaa" that sensei Wu does before actually going into the scene? 😂😂
No matter if they come from the underground or the sea, these are all snake-like creature with the same intellect 😅 Kalmaar and Garmadon would have a lot to talk about, sea king dealing with his minions does remind me of Lord Garmadon in season 2 a lot 😂😂
OMG Kalmaar is such a brat and petty villain I love him so much 😂😂😂 Yes I didn't even mention his amazing voice!... AH DANG IT 😳😳
*Misako kicks Kalmaar and is actually useful* 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️
*Misako gets taken as hostage immediately after* 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
KAI LITERALLY JUST GOT SAVED FROM DROWNING WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO HIM!!!... and Ray and Cole and Wu of course, I care okay 😅
OMG that face 🤣🤣🤣
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That some meme material right there
Whoa Vincent that voice just got super up when the Unsinkable showed up, it kinda sounded like Jay's lol
Kai: Nya talks to whales now? (I snorted so hard at this 😂😂)
HECK YES NYA GOT THE AMULET!! 😍😍😍 ... we got, like, four more episodes to go so something needs to happen in between... do I need to be scared? I feel like I need to be scared 😅
Jay starting a fire then blaming Kai?... this is so in character I got chills 😂😂
SHARK BOY IS STAYING TO THE MONASTERY THIS IS SO PRECIOUS!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 I want all the shenanigans and we need to write fanfictions about more shenanigans and AAAAHHHHH 🦈🦈🦈
Bless these two fire idiots
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They own my heart ❤🔥❤🔥 Also Vincent, this is supposed to be a fun little gag moment, your amazing voice acting is kinda distracting me 😭😭😭
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Maya learned that her daughter is capable of everything, I love that. Nya simply understood that she doesn't have to give up when something gets difficult. She is AMAZING and can do anything she puts her mind into. She simply has to hold on until the end 💪💪💪
Omg Benthomaar playing billiard with the guys I already love this 😍😍
I love how Vanya doesn't even question it. It comes from Cole and he said it needs to be protected? Done and done 👌
Wait what, did something fall?
Well dang, I didn't see that coming, now what Seabound? What do you have for me?
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
200 Followers Appreciation Post
I'll be very honest, two months back when I joined Tumblr, I hadn't expected that my writings will be read by many, and the last thing I had expected was to be followed. Now look far we've come, from 0 followers to 200.
A personal thank you and a lot of love to each and every follower of mine.
I think this is the best part of our fandom. We love each other like family.
As a little token of my thank you, I decided to publish two of my requests combined as one today. Hope you like it. 💓
Tommy Shelby x Fem! Reader
Request 1- Prompt "We can’t win. Either I have you and my soul sings but your cries, or we’re apart and your soul rejoices but mine dies."
Request 2- Reader was always in love with Tommy, thinking he can't love her back she starts writing cheap novels as a way to deal with it. Her books become popular and everything is cool until Tommy finds out about her hobby and notices similarities between her writing and real life.
Warnings - Angst
GIF Credits - @thomasshelbyltd thank you. ❤️
A Maid's Diary
 You slumped against your desk, letting your head rest against the old wooden table top, your elbows on either side of your face. Your desk was a cluttered mess, with sheets of paper flooded all over. In your hand, you held a pen, as you were just seconds back, scribbling vigorously on a parchment as an idea had just hit you, and just as swiftly, the idea had vanished from your mind.
You couldn't forget and you couldn't forgive your best friend, Linda, for having betrayed you by sharing your diary to a local printing press, who had, without your permission, published your countless feelings that you had penned down in your little diary, without even your consent, although they didn't take the credit for it. You were still the writer, even though the publishers never published your real name on it, just a pen name.
As much as you hated to admit it, the little push made by your friend had worked tremendously and your popularity had grown amongst the lower middle class especially; as that is where you hailed from. They loved your modesty, they loved how humble and down to earth you were, although you were extremely talented.
Little did they know, that the book that had been published, as an act of mistake, was actually based on your life.
"What is it that you are reading?" Tommy pushed his round glasses over his eyes, as he looked through them and fixed his broody stare on his wife.
Grace was sprawled on the couch in his study, shimmering in a beautiful pearl white satin nightgown hanging loosely over her slender frame, her natural blonde hair falling loosely over her shoulders. She seamlessly brought up her ring studded hand to her hair, running her fingers through the locks as her eyes came to rest on her husband.
"Would you look at this Tommy?" She raised a red little book in her hand, showing it to him briefly, before she sat back more comfortably. Their son, Charlie, crawled about on the carpeted floor, playing with a toy train. "I don't know who this woman is, but if you read this book, you would feel like you are a bloody part of it."
"Is it one of those fucking love stories again, Grace?"
"It's much more than that, love. It's complex. It's like reading a person's life, living her memories."
"Right, well, I'm out, I've got a bloody meeting with Arthur at the pub." He stood up, sliding his hand into his waistcoat and pulling out the pocket watch, taking a quick glance at it. He then kissed his wife a goodbye, lifting Charlie up in his arms, "Be good, you cheeky little oaf."
Little did he know, how that would be the last week, that he was spending home with his wife. The next week, Grace Shelby was shot, and she couldn't make it.
As days inched by, Tommy started growing more and more morose. Although he didn't show it, those around him felt it everyday. The snapping and the yelling increased, and Tommy found himself sleeping less and less, and chugging down more and more of that alcohol to keep his mind at rest. There were weeks when Tommy didn't see his son. Although he felt guilty, for neglecting him, as the poor child had lost his mother, just like he had lost his wife, he couldn't bring himself to face him, as he reminded him so much of her.
Soon, weeks turned into months and finally, Tommy's agony subsided to a bit. It wasn't as if it was an overnight process, but somehow, over the course of time, Tommy didn't feel the hurt anymore, as he initially did— or maybe, he learnt to live with it.
One night, when the nightmares crippled him to such an extent that he found himself unable to sleep, he decided to go through Grace's belongings, something he had kept locked up in the attic, afraid to touch them. Holding a lantern in his hand, he walked up the flight of stairs, the old floorboards creaking underneath the weight of his foot as he stepped into the dinghy little room. In a corner, a brown crate was hoarded up, keeping all of Grace's belongings.
Pulling off the the wooden board that was nailed shut, he pried it off and ran his hand through the dust coated silk dresses, his fingers gently brushing against the fabric. He let out a weak, pained exhale, slowly sliding down against the floor, pulling his hand out as he started fumbling around his pockets for a cigarette.
With a lit cigarette in his left hand, he slid his right hand back in, feeling around the box until his palm hit something hard. Pulling it out, he saw a little red book that was now turning a shade of purple at the edges. The book was coated in a sheet of dust, causing Tommy to squint his eyes slightly and scrunch up his nose as he brushed the dust off its cover.
A faint smile, a fond remembrance of Grace reading this book with such enthusiasm brought a weak smile to his lips. He took a drag of his cigarette, pulling himself off the floor and pocketed the book, walking out of the attic.
It was his eyes, eyes that could hold an entire ocean in them, that captivated me. I often found myself looking at him, stealing glances, when no one was looking. A part of me begged for his attention, hoping, yearning that he would atleast give me a glance but he never did.
The more he read through the passages, the more he realized what Grace had meant. This was not just a book, it was someone's life, it was someone's feelings. The words were simple and not at all fancy, the backdrop set was not that of a fine mansion, it was a tiny little house, in a clamoured street, a family of five siblings, four boys and one girl, and the writer, who was just a servant. The writer knew the love she felt for one of the sons of the house was wrong, improper and it was forbidden because she was a servant and they were her employers but she couldn't help how she felt, no matter how hard she tried to forget. Tommy couldn't help but feel drawn— drawn to the writer's pain, her anguish and the feeling of being stuck at the end of a self destructive, one sided love. He knew what it meant to not get to be with the person you loved. He had experienced the pain, although in a different sense but somehow, he could relate. Although Thomas Shelby didn't show any feelings, he had eventually fallen head over heels in love with Grace Burgess and life with her had been a life of roses and poppies, while he was a crown of thorns; that Grace bravely adorned on her head.
It was a cold night, and I was freezing. I could feel my cheeks turning to stone and my hands fervously rubbing against my arms to keep myself warm. I could see them right in front of my eyes; the whole family. They looked happy. They brothers were teasing their sister, who had a look of dismay plastered over her face, and the youngest brother, who was just a toddler, ran about the parlour, sucking on his thumb. I wondered if it was selfishly wrong of me to think of him in this way, to imagine how our little household would have been, had I been bound to him by marriage. I wondered if it was a sin, wondering what I would have named our children if we had a handful of them.
Thomas found himself leaning back comfortably in bed, straining into his glasses, wanting to read more, although his body and his eyes were beyond tired. It was as though he could see a glimpse of his life before the war had been, right through someone else's eyes. He could see little Finn, perched on the carpeted floor, running his toy train all over it, making a weird engine sound with his mouth while John and Arthur teased Ada for something she had probably said. He could picture himself by the window, staring at the dimly lit sky, the illuminating stars, thinking of the moment Greta took her last breath, her frail hand falling limp in his warm one.
How unlucky had he been with women, he had watched the women he loved die, in in his arms.
As I scrubbed the dishes in the kitchen, I could hear the curses in the parlor. He was screaming at himself, bringing the dishes down, breaking them one by one. No one dared stop him, because no one wanted to be slammed against the wall or have to be the one taking a porcelain hit on his face. I wondered if I should step in, maybe give him some tea but I didn't. Maybe, he didn't need it. It was only later that I found out he had lost the love of his life.
He shoved the book aside and sat up straighter, running his palm through his face, his breathing shaky and rushed. He grabbed his cigarette box off the bedside table and lit himself a cigarette. Maybe reading this book had been a mistake, it was opening up all his raw wounds that he had buried away.
He was leaving. I wanted to ask him when he would be back but of course, that would have been such a silly question. And besides, he had a lot more on his plate, why would he want to speak to a servant? I stood behind the kitchen wall, listening to the solemn parting, the shuffling of feet, listening to them leave until finally I could hear them no more— I could hear him no more.
Years after years, I went on with life, with a smile on my face. I did what I always did in the mornings; scrubbing the floors clean, washing the dishes, preparing supper and doing the laundry. At night, though, I thought of him and his blue eyes. I wondered if there was any news, for I hadn't heard anything about him in ages. Maybe my prayers were finally answered, the war ended and they all were back home. Only they weren't themselves. The war had killed a part of them. They were the ghosts of war, left to meander the Earth until they finally died.
"Mr. Shelby?" Tommy sharply looked up, his eyebrows straightened into a visible frown.
"Yes, Mary?"
"Charlie's asleep, the supper's ready. I was wondering if I could get a night off—"
"Mary, you may. You have bloody worked hard enough to earn a night off. Go on then, hurry up, it's pretty dark outside."
He watched her leave, staring at the door before bringing his gaze back to the book, wondering if the writer was out there somewhere. And he wondered, and hoped, that she had finally gotten to be with the man she loved. She deserved it. She deserved all the happiness in the world.
I finally mustered the courage, after what seemed like eternity, to speak my heart out. I was afraid of rejection, but he deserved to know. I deserved to be free of this heavy secret in my heart. I didn't care if he would ask me to leave, stop coming to work from tomorrow but he needed to know I loved him. So, I stepped out into the chilly night, wrapping myself with whatever warm I could find. I walked and walked, until I was at his pub. Of course, he wasn't there. With a heavy heart then, I thought of going back home, through an alley, that was a shorter route. Little did I know, I was never going to get the man I loved for he already had the woman he loved, the woman from the pub; that barmaid. I saw the man I was in love with, from a window, the way I always imagined him to be with me, kissing her and stroking her cheeks. It was as though I heard a devastating sound somewhere close by, but it was nothing but my heart—shattered into two.
Thomas Shelby was many things, but he was not ignorant, or dumb. He slammed the book shut, shoving it on the bedside table. His heart was racing rapidly and he could feel blood rush through his veins. Arching his body forward, placing his elbows on his thighs, he buried his face into his palms. Every single detail in the book, every single piece of writing was something he had experienced before. It couldn't be a mere coincidence, could it? He slid out of bed, stomping through the hallway into his study until he was perched on a stool by the telephone his fingers frivolously moving against it. He knew what he had to do now.
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"Pol?" He mumbled into the phone the instant he heard her on the other side.
"Tommy? It's fucking midnight, what's the bloody matter?" Tommy didn't mind he had woken her up. He needed answers.
"Do you remember a maid that worked for us?" He sighed into the receiver.
"Tommy, we have hired a dozen fucking maids, which one are you talking about?"
"She was with us when Greta died, when we went to war—"
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On the other side of the telephone, Polly's demeanour softened. She remembered you, she even knew how you loved Thomas, but she could never bring it up to her lips, because she knew that you and Thomas had no future.
"Do you know where she is? And for fucks sake, don't lie."
Your coffee mug lay on the table untouched, smoke bellowing out of it in waves. Outside your window, snow drizzled from the sky, like tiny droplets of fur falling to the ground, your garden sheeted in pristine virgin white.
"Love, you have to bloody see this," your friend Linda's voice echoed through the closed door, loud enough to alert you.
"What is it?" You threw open your window, watching your bestfriend stand at the gate, her eyes fixed to your window, "Just get your bloody arse down here (Y/N), I have to show you something. Come on out, now."
You practically ran down the flight of stairs, not even stopped to calm your breaths.
"Jesus, Linda, it's fucking snowing, I'm going to freeze to—"
"Sorry love." Linda gave you an apologetic smile, her index finger pointing towards the silhouette of a man leaning by your front gate, slowly sliding out of the periphery of gaze. Neither were you watching her. You were watching a ghost of your past, that stood leaning by the metal gate on your front door, a cap on his head, a long overcoat drawn over his scrawny body. He had gotten weaker than you had last seen him.
"Miss (Y/N)." His voice was curt, yet warm, without a trace of malice in it. After all these years, he was right here, on your doorstep.
"Mr. Shelby? Would you like to come in?"
He shook his head, rather, his eyes and you knew that he didn't want to talk in the confines of your home, under prying eyes. He slowly pulled out a book from his pocket and your eyes widened. Your fingers flew to your lips and you felt a rush of blood in your body, an instant feeling of being in the warmth of a fireplace. You wanted to reply, but you couldn't find the words.
"You read my book, you found me out."
"It wasn't that fucking difficult to figure it out, love."
"Jesus, would you please come in? It's freezing out here, you're going to bloody catch a cold—"
He cut you off as you turned to walk in, grabbing you by your arm, not hard, but firm enough to stop you from walking. He then pulled you towards him, your front hitting his hard chest, to look into his face.
"It was you all along?"
You didn't know what to say anymore. He had found you out. After all these years.
"I don't understand—" You whispered, shaking your head. You couldn't lie, his eyes were making you nervous and all the feelings that had simmered over the course of time were finally lighting up again. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it will get published."
"Do you believe in destiny?" He cut you off.
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to mentally think where he was going with this, "Perhaps, Mr. Shelby, but you need to be clearer than that."
"I didn't believe in fucking destiny, until this minute. I can't believe I'm fucking saying this—" You could see reluctance in his eyes, an inward fighting. You could see that he was thinking hard, probably having a hard time figuring out what he should say to you. "You remember Greta?"
You were hundred percent sure you weren't smiling, but had you been smiling, it would have withered.
"Yes, Mr. Shelby, the girl that died holding your hand, the girl you loved."
"Good, and what about Grace? The woman you saw at the fucking window."
Your cheeks reddened at the remark with embarassment, making you regret how he had read that part. That was a private thing between Thomas and Grace.
"I didn't mean to pry, I was just passing through the alley and I looked up and I —" You voluntarily bit on your tongue in an attempt to silence yourself because you knew you were babbling and your words were not making much sense. You needed to compose yourself, compose your thoughts.
"I married her, yeah? And do you know what happened then?"
You closed your eyes briefly, hoping he wouldn't see the pain in your eyes. When you blinked your eyes open again, you straightened slightly, almost taking a step away from him. He caught your arm, pulling you back to him.
"We have a lovely boy together, Charlie, he's three almost."
You wondered if Tommy was here to chastise you, to make you apologize, or maybe, your book had caused a rift in their marriage.
"She was shot. Fucking took a bullet that was meant for me. I fucking watched her die. Twice, (Y/N). I think it was my destiny. Will you ask me why?"
"Mr. Shelby—" You hopelessly began, trying to tell him how sorry you were about what had happened. But what could you do? It wasn't as if you had shot Grace.
"Just bloody ask me why."
You stiffened at the harshness of his voice.
"I- Why?"
"Because this fucking destiny had something else in mind for me. Perhaps it was you all along, the one I was maybe meant to be with."
Your eyes widened in surprise at his words, a sudden palpitating feeling in your heart, a sudden throbbing in the back of your mind. You pulled your arm away, wincing slightly at his sudden outburst, instantly moving away.
"Your words make no sense. Will you please stop?"
He parted his lips in an attempt to reply, but all that shot out of his plump lips was foggy winter air and he shut it. His hand flew to the side of your face, but he didn't touch you. He merely took a loose strand of your hair, curling it over his index finger. You could feel the sudden tension, his lips so close to you, you knew if you didn't stop him, he would kiss you. And later regret it.
"Mr. Shelby, this is a mistake. If I was your destiny, I would be the one buried in a grave and not the women you loved. I did love you," you spoke, hopelessly pulling yourself one step away but this time he didn't make an attempt to pull you close, perhaps having sensed your reluctance.
He raised his eyebrow, "Did?"
"I still do, but I don't think we were meant to be."
"I see," he almost stepped closer, reluctantly, fighting for control at the back of his mind. This was a new feeling. He knew he didn't love you yet, but at the same time, he knew he was in love with the woman from the book. The woman who had always loved him.
A single word can hold a vast meaning. A single word can have an answer that you could probably write a book on.
"Because Thomas .. We can’t win. Either I have you and my soul sings but your cries, or we’re apart and your soul rejoices but mine dies," you whispered in a low voice, tears shrouding into your eyes.
"Yet there's a bloody thing that binds us to each other. Something neither you nor I can see," he mumbled under his breath, sliding his hand into his pocket, pulling out a box of cigarettes.
You didn't know what to say to him. Your mind was fervently throbbing through your skull. Your heart leapt with joy but your mind didn't let you be at ease. He waited a few seconds but when he realized you had made up your mind, he decided he will not push you. You had given him the answer. You didn't want him. He nodded softly, letting his eyes wander down to your feet for a bit before giving you a last look as he turned his tail and started walking off, his boots crushing the snow as he started walking away.
And just like that, you realized that history was repeating itself. But this time, it was all your fault. You were letting him walk away when you could finally be happy.
"Thomas stop.." His name flew out of your mouth even before you could clamp your mouth shut. You saw him freeze, but this time, he didn't turn your way, but with his back turned towards you, you missed the hint of a smile that crossed his lips; the way you had stopped him meant that he still had hope.
"I would like to work for you again, does Charlie need a nanny?" You bit your lip.
It was nothing, but yet, it was a start. If destiny really wanted the two of you together then you wanted to try it out from the beginning, maybe make the man fall in love with you and not the woman who wrote the book. You wanted him to love you and not pity you.
"Twenty shillings, you stay at the Arrowe House, no further will be discussed on that, yeah?"
You gave him a weak smile, although you could not see his face.
"I'll see you tomorrow then, Mr. Shelby, first thing in the morning at 9."
He nodded and then, sliding his hands into his pockets, he walked away, his heavy boots crushing the snow underneath, generating a squishing, crunching sound until you could hear him no more. You couldn't wipe that smug smile from your face as you looked up at the sky, scrunching up your nose when you felt something cold; perhaps a snowflake had landed on the tip of your nose. It was a start, a start of a new day and who knew, perhaps a new life for you. Needless to say, you were excited.
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