#i've said some shit before but don't think i've gone off the deep end alright
catsnuggler · 5 months
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ace-malarky · 10 months
hhh ok hi we're trying this?
I'm gonna start sharing the prompt pieces anyway because I keep talking about all these characters but I don't exactly talk talk so. here.
(just going with the ones I've written this year at least lmao bc some of them sure do be Old as Shit)
Judge these dumbasses for yourself
Kari stood amongst the old support pillars (that no one could convince her weren't gravestones in disguise) and peered into the sky in the hopes of one last look. One last flash of blue and white.
Thornton sighed behind her. "I think we'd best be getting home."
Jen started to whine at her, but cut off in a yawn.
The police officer – Ifernia had invited her? And the nurse? - rubbed at her eyes and sighed and shook her head. "I can give you and the bairns a lift back to the car park."
"That would be perfect. Kari, meet us back there, alright?"
"Sure," Kari replied, not really paying attention. She was still scanning the sky.
"I'll move my bike so you can get out," Ash said, following Cooper back towards the track.
"Always wanted to ride in the back of a police car," Mark said.
“So now you have the opportunity, please don’t do anything to end up in one after this.” Thornton glanced back at Kari, before ushering the younger kids down the track.
“Is that just while I’m in your care…?” Mark laughed, fading out of earshot.
“So she’s actually gone,” Katie murmured, standing beside Kari. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner, but...” She trailed off.
“Looks like it.” Seb turned to lean against one of the pillars. “Kari?”
“Yeah.” Kari squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “Yeah, she’s gone.” She thought she would feel something when Ifernia left. Like a jolt, or a wave, or the world setting right. Some bullshit like that.
She didn’t feel anything but cold.
“What did she give you?” Katie asked.
Kari looked down to find herself turning the feather over in her hands. Deep blue like Ifernia’s wings. A memento, she guessed.
“I still can’t believe it’s all real,” Katie murmured. “That she really - really had wings. Really came from another world.”
“Well, there’s your proof.” Kari passed her the feather.
Katie turned it over in her hand. “What happens now?” She handed it back.
“No idea.” Kari snorted. “Don’t look at me.”
“Practice,” Seb said. “There’s always a lot of that.”
“And for those of us who don’t cut a dash on the ice?”
“I never said it was skating practice,” Seb replied, nudging Kari’s shoulder.
“Right, yeah, ‘cause that isn’t everything to you.” Kari shifted away from him. He was trying to repair it, she knew, but-
Seb sighed. “I’m sorry-”
“Don’t-” Kari started.
“Let’s not start anything.” Katie interrupted them both. “This was about saying goodbye to Ifernia.”
“Right.” Kari nodded, glancing sideways at Katie. And she’d been late for that, like she’d been thinking of not coming.
“C’mon, kids,” Ash called. “Need to leave about now.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kari glanced back up at the sky, at the clouds. No glimpse of them. The only thing left was the feather in her hand.
“Bye, Ifernia,” she murmured, and turned to follow Seb and Katie down to the path.
“I can still hang out with you. Right?” Katie asked, playing with the fingers of her gloves.
“Course.” Kari nodded. “Yeah, absolutely.”
“Birds of a feather and all that.” Seb grinned.
“Sometimes, Seb, I wonder why we’re friends.” Kari glanced at him, but she was trying not to grin.
“Because you love me,” he replied, then froze. “That is-”
There were two ways this could go, but - Kari was tired. So, so tired. “Yep, that’s gotta be it.” She tapped him in the shoulder with her fist. They could work things over.
Seb smiled at her, nervous. Biting his lip. “So-”
“You’re still a jerk. But I think that bird has flown.” Kari grinned.
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delusionalpill · 1 year
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Time Off
*Idol I.N. x Reader*
Chaotic Fluff??
It's shit, I just wanted to share it
It had been a while since you had seen I.N. in person, and by a while, it was almost a whole 2 years. Between your life in America and work and him constantly traveling with his group, you just could never make time. Not only that, but prices had gone up an insane amount, and you just couldn't afford it and refused to let him waste that much money. Did the long distance hurt? Obviously, it did; it was putting a massive strain on the relationship, but you didn't want to lose him. You had been dating only 3 years and had known him 4, but you held onto the 2 years you had each other in person to keep the relationship going.
Your family was getting concerned over you and said they thought a summer vacation would help you out. Now you were in Australia, thinking about the boys as you watched some tour clips on tiktok. You kept scrolling and stayed stuck on a clip of I.N. covering a song you suggested to him during a concert. You couldn't help but cry a little, moved by not just his voice but how much you wanted him to be there with you in person. After the third replay, you got a call from him and picked up the phone after composing yourself, "Hello?" Before anything could be said, you heard a spew of curses, a loud "Screw off Seungmin" and incoherent yelling from all 8 boys, making you laugh a bit at their antics. A door slammed on the other line, and you heard a light switch before I.N. took a deep breath and talked in a calm tone again," Hey love,I'm sorry about all that…Seungmin decided to be an asshole and try to take my phone." You covered your mouth so he couldn't hear your laugh and responded, "It's alright, Innie. I was happy you called; I was really missing you right now." He sighed, shifting on the other end to possibly lay down, "I'm sorry…I've been missing you too, and everything's been so hectic; I just want to see you again. It's almost been 2 years since I last saw you in person." You laid back on the hotel bed, putting the phone on speaker and letting it rest on your chest," it's okay we can-"."It's not ok… you shouldn't have to put up with this."
"Jeongin, if I minded we wouldn't be together anymore, I miss you, yes I wholeheartedly do, but you're an idol, you were one before I even met you-" "That doesn't matter Y/N, I'm still your boyfriend. I should see you; I shouldn't allow us to be separated this long!" His tone went harsher than usual as he raised his voice. You were taken back by the fact he was using it with you, "don't start raising your voice at me Yang Jeongin…". You'd gone from an understanding tone to a warning one, getting heated yourself. "I'm sorry…it wasn't, I didn't mean..I didn't intend to raise my voice, I'm just upset and overwhelmed and it doesn't excuse anything, I didn't just call because I missed you." You tensed, hating where your mind was taking you, "then why did you call me?" He sighed and rustling flowed through the call. he was probably sitting up in the bed now," This whole long distance thing…I don't think you deserve it Y/N.. All you have is old pictures and your word to say you have a boyfriend, it's not fair to you." You took in a sharp breath, shocked and wounded by his words. Was he seriously implying you to break up?
Sure things were rough this way, but you loved him too much to let him go, "whatever you're implying, I'm not doing, I'm not breaking up with you after spending 4 years of my life with you, I refuse to do so Jeongin." He groaned, obviously getting worked up again by your stubbornness but decided to let it go, "alright, I'm sorry, I won't bring that up again….I love you, I'll be there soon." You mumbled a quick "I love you" in return before he hung up, suddenly processing what he said, "I'll be there soon. " What did he mean by that? He never said things like that because he never wanted to give you false hope. Did he forget about that? You went to bed that night confused, having struggled to sleep, your mind returning to his last words.
When you woke up, your family dragged you to the beach with them. they complained you skipped the restaurant because you were talking to Jeongin, so you complied. The beach in Australia was beautiful and the day was so nice, you almost forgot about what your boyfriend said the night before, and then your dad called you over. Without hesitating you went up to him, confused by what he might want, suddenly you felt hands fly to your waist from behind and your body was turned to face Jeongin, the rest of Skz and some staff behind him as they smiled at his antics. You sputtered some words and slapped his hand, ultimately hurting yourself on his ring as he chuckled and pulled you into a tight hug.
"Hey, don't hit me like that! Loom you hurt your pretty hand, hi baby~" You stood there frozen in his hug, before breaking down into tears, hugging him as tight as you could, he winced but squeezed you regardless, rubbing his hand up and down your back to console you, talking to you gently. "I know, I know, I'm here now, I've got you baby, I'm sorry about last night, I didn't mean what I said, I just wanted you to be really surprised when I showed up." He pulled back, holding onto your shoulders ad he looked you in your eyes, forming a :[ face when he realized you were doing that stupid pout he hated to love, it let you get away with anything when you used it on him, he sniffles a bit to fight back his own tears, giving you a quick peck before grabbing your hand and holding it to talk to you, "Right now we're here to film for our comeback music video, i haven't told you about it so don't ask, but I'm getting off right after the group parts are done so we can have a fun date together, how does that sound?"
Smiling as you wiped your tears, you nodded, giving him a peck in return as he went off to greet your family, thanking them for going along with the plan. You spent the next couple of hours a decent feet away from their shoot while still enjoying the beach, Jeongin occasionally running off to mess with you and give you hugs or kisses before running back to film, when they were done he took you with them in the van to the next site, passing by the hotel first to let you shower and get dressed. Arriving at what seemed like the wooded area, you watched as they did the group scene, Seungmin spraying everyone with a soda bottle he shook, Jeongin shielded you from the spray as Chan went to attack the second maknae. Filming ended and the group went on to their own hotel while you and Jeongin stayed behind, he set up a new picnic for you guys in the same spot and then took you for a walk around the park. "Yang Jeongin…I swear if you do what I think you're about to-" Before you could finish your boyfriend was giving you his adorable sly fox smile and ran off to make a poor attempt to climb up a nearby tree, you laughed running after him and climbed up, sitting on the first branch you reached as you mocked him from there.
He looked up and started throwing nuts he found on the ground, "HEY NO, THE SQUIRREL FOOD, YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE JISUNGS FAMILY STARVE?!?!" You both burst out laughing and he jumped up to grab your foot that was dangling from the branch, he miscalculated and gripped you hard enough to drag you down and you fell on top of him, both laughing magically as onlookers sped away from you two. You went around the park doing the stupidest of things, acting like the young couple you really were instead of a K-pop idol and his secret girlfriend. At one moment, I.N. chased after a couple of geese, resulting in both of you getting chased, you were warning him they'd bite the whole time and panicked when they started flying towards both of you,"I DIDN'T DO SHIT, JEONGIN'S THE ONE WHO FUCKED WITH YOU NOT MEEEE!" He faked a shocked yet hurt face and kicked your foot to make you trip, your running having led you to a random pond once the geese got tired.
He tackled you the moment they were gone and tickled you, in response you grabbed a handful of grass and ripped it out to shove it into his mouth to which he protested trying to get away as he yelled at you in a panic yet laughing, "THIS ISN'T PART OF MY IDOL DIET, I DOUBT IT'S EVEN PART OF A HUMAN ONE Y/N!" You both laughed as you yelled; it was just a cheap salad, successfully forcing the grass into his mouth. He swallowed it and instantly cringed, complaining about how Australian grass couldn't possibly be safe to ingest; all you did was laugh and laid down by the pond, looking in to see a bunch of fish and tadpole, "Hey Jeongin look! Frog mermaids!!" He kneeled down next to you and looked into the pond confused, "Did you just call..tadpoles…frog mermaids?" He looked at you judgingly, genuinely confused by the new name as you just laughed and nodded, "yeah because they've got tails!"
He burst out laughing and just agreed before laying down with you, cuddling you in the grass right next to the pond, after a short while you fell asleep together. After 30 minutes or so you woke up to an annoying croaking sound, reaching up your hands to rub at your eyes, failing to realize Jeongin was no longer holding onto you, or even next to you. Once you finally woke up a little more you froze, your boyfriend crouched over you, looking with a fearful shock as he held a big frog with both hands over you. Upon further inspection, all you had to do was look down, you realized you had a bunch of frogs all sitting on top of your chest and stomach, your eyes shot up to meet Jeongin's as he chuckled in fear, caught in the middle of his crime. Lowly you started questioning him in a menacing tone, refusing to move to refrain from scaring all the frogs that were resting on top of you.
"Yang Jeongin, you have exactly three minutes to tell me why I have a small frog army stationed on top of me.." He moved back a bit, gently settling down the huge frog he was still holding as he held your gaze carefully, " Listen…I'm not really sure why I did it, I thought it would be funny-". You cut him off with a sharp tone, " funny to place a bunch of frogs on top of me?" He sucked in a breath, backing up and slowly standing as he quickly whipped put his phone from his pocket and took a picture of you, laying on your back in grass, your body littered with live frogs that could make up an army, you picked up a nearby pebble and tossed it at his knee. "OK OK! I'll take them off…!" Gently he started taking off each frog one by one, and you counted each one, he managed to place a total of 36 frogs on you while you slept oblivious to the fact.
Once the last frog was off you quickly stood up and tackled him, forcing him down to the ground as he just laughed, "JEONGIN WHAT POSSESSED YOU TO PUT FROGS ON YOUR SLEEPING GIRLFRIEND HUH?!?!" He kept laughing out of breath at this point before he flipped you over and stood up, throwing you over his shoulder. "I'm posting that picture on my private!" You gave him the silent treatment up until you reached the car and went off to eat dinner together, you spent the rest of the night in his hotel room watching movies, really just talking while it played on and occasionally play fighting, and fell asleep in each other's arms while the Muppets played, you both jumping awake when animal went crazy on the drums, both of you laughing at the realization of what was happening before he shut off the television, both of you cuddling back to sleep after such a chaotic day, you wondered what the next day would be like and asked him before you could doze off, "Innie..what are we doing tomorrow?" He looked down at you in his arms, smiling as he thought and whispered to you, "whatever we want, I have the next 2 days off just for us baby." Almost instantly after that you both fell asleep again, finally happy and at peace, in each other's arms again.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 3 years
State Lines
Pairing: Fezco (Euphoria) x Reader
Summary: Fezco goes on his first trip with the reader, except he's never been on a plane before and is a bit nervous.
Song: "You and Me" by Lifehouse
A/n: Hi guys! This was a Fezco request from the lovely @szlaco. Thank you for the idea, beautiful!
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I had never felt Fezco's hands this sweaty before.
He was a drug dealer, he took part in things that were stressful beyond belief. He had a gun pointed at him, he had gotten into fights with some pretty dangerous people. It shocked me that he was this scared of something so simple, so foolproof.
He was terrified, his hand gripping onto mine tightly as he shifts in his seat. We wanted a vacation, a break from everything but neither of us wanted to spend the time driving there. So we opted for the quicker, though slightly more expensive route, flying.
But Fez regretted to tell me that he had never flown before until the minute we sat down on the plane. He said he didn't want me to think any less of him, that he was nervous and was embarrassed that he was.
He knew that I had flown many times, recalling all of the adventures that I've been on throughout my life. He didn't want me to think he was stupid for having such a normal fear of something that I was such a pro at.
"Baby, it's okay." I whisper, his head bobbing in a small nod as he turns to look at me. My head rests against the headrest behind me as he takes a deep breath, his eyes fluttering shut. I unlatch my hand from his, my fingers slipping to rest on his thigh. "We'll just watch a movie or listen to music. It'll be over before you know it." I add, my hand giving his thigh a gentle squeeze as he lets out a nervous breath.
"Shoulda just fucking told you that I was nervous." He whispers with a small laugh, a smile spreading across my lips. He looks out the window as the horizon darkens, anxiously biting at his lip. "You just fearless when it comes to this shit." I nod, my chin resting on his shoulder as he looks down at me, his eyes wide and scared.
"They're gonna come over the loud speaker and explain everything. We're three rows away from the emergency exit. We're safe, Fez." I explain, his neck craning to look back at the exit, the red light blinking above it. He gives me a stern nod before sliding down in his seat a bit, relaxing into my touch.
The plane darkens as the night goes on, the plane eventually pulling off from the gate. We ended up switching seats, Fez deciding he didn't want to be anywhere near the window. He calmed down a bit in the time that's gone by, the light blue lights on the ceiling and the dark atmosphere comforting him.
"Think I'm okay now." He whispers to me as I plug in our headphones, a small laugh leaving my lips. "Shut up, I know we're not even off the ground yet." He rolls his eyes playfully, taking an earbud from me as I shuffle through our movie selection. Glancing out the window, I note our position on the runway as my stomach drops for the nervous boy next to me.
"Just gonna give you a warning that we're probably gonna go really fast, all of a sudden, very soon." I chuckle as the plane hum grows louder, Fez'z eyebrows pulling together as he curses under his breath. "Just look at me, alright? Once we're off the ground it's better. I get a little nervous during take off too, baby." Hoping the information will make him feel a bit better, he scoots impossibly closer to me as I take his hand in mine. The plane begins to move again, indicating that we were ready for take off. The captain speaks over the loudspeaker, telling the flight attendants to prepare as Fez gulps violently. I try my best to conceal my nerves as the plan speeds up, Fez's hand squeezing mine tightly. His eyes don't leave mine, a soft smile on my lips as give him a reassuring nod, just looking forward to having this weekend with him.
When we finally tip upwards, Fez lets out a nervous laugh, his head craning to look past me and out the window. His eyes light up sweetly, the smile growing on his lips as he looks at the terrain in awe. Like a kid on Christmas. He looks genuinely shocked as he relaxes, his eyes flickering over the houses and cars as we continue to climb higher and higher.
All of his worry seems to be wiped away, his hand leaving mine to wrap a protective arm around my shoulder. I look up at him with a proud grin, his cheeks warming bashfully at my gaze.
"Shut up." He whispers sheepishly, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips as I giggle. He reaches over, pinching my thigh as he presses play on our movie. "I love you."
Taglist: @jamespotterswifey @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex--awesome--22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @letmebeyoureuphoria @rafecameronswhore @4lyssasworld @write-from-the-heart @ariianelle @vampviolets
Euphoria Taglist: @usernamelol @ssprayberrythings
Fezco Taglist: @fudgemesteveharrington
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moririki · 3 years
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you patch up your fellow hashira after the hardest fight of your lives
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CONTAINS -> MUGEN TRAIN SPOILERS like before the cut and everything, mentions of blood + gore, so kinda angsty but definitely a fluffy ass ending, reader is a hashira but it's left ambiguous as to what element you are👍, i watched the movie two months ago so my recollection of dialogue and plot may be *slightly* off, near-death experience, idk how to write combat so i just... didn’t, reader lowkey thirsts over rengoku's back muscles and shit because why tf not, idk how injuries work aaaa
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> rengoku my beloved,,, he deserves the world,, i think i should have made this less angsty im SORRY (i rlly heard "extra fluffy" and it just went 👩🏻➡️ straight through my head huh) also i bet you guys missed me and my late-ass posting <3 but here i am!! for now!! yeahhhh!! i feel like the writing in this got a little repetitive so i apologise for that
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APPARENTLY, THE DESTRUCTION OF AN ENTIRE TRAIN wasn't enough to end this mission. even with one lower six demon defeated, another much stronger one had replaced it. the arrival of akaza was a significant turning point in the battle, and one that you cursed yourself for missing.
you should have known that this mission would he more dangerous than expected when both you and rengoku had been deployed to the train, alongside three rookies. you should have known better than to let rengoku convince you to stay back and help evacuate rather than let him handle it alone.
he had been so full of confidence- squeezing your hand firmly before rushing off, leaving you feeling slightly lightheaded from the brief contact of his warm palm. you should have wished him luck, told him to be careful, anything, but he was gone before you had the chance.
you made quick work of evacuating the passengers of the derailed train, making sure that they were all confirmed to be outside of the carriages before entrusting their safety to zenitsu and nezuko. it was around when you had carried out the last passenger that you felt the ground rumble beneath your feet, coming from the other side of the embankment that you were currently placed at. 
before you gave yourself time to really think things through, you were shouting instructions to the pair of demon slayers and dashing off towards the source of the noise, hand readily placed on your sword. that was the direction that rengoku ran is all that went through your mind.
the scene that you found yourself facing did little to quell your fears. you reached two bodies first, recognising them as the hapless figures of inosuke and tanjiro. from a glance you could see the extent of their injuries, with the latter laying on the ground barely conscious. the boar-headed one could only stare at the fight happening several metres away, his shoulders slumped in defeat and swords hanging by his sides.
“there’s no opening,” he only whispered, barely audible. that much was true. even you had difficulty keeping up with the movements of rengoku and the demon that he was fighting. the fact that it had already been several minutes and that there was no clear advantage concerned you, and you unsheathed your sword.
“you two stay put, and learn what it means to be a hashira, alright?” you tried offering a brilliant smile, much like you had seen the flame hashira do so many times, but you hoped that yours didn't fall flat. from the slight relief shown on tanjiro’s worn face, though, you took that as a good sign.
without wasting another second, you rushed towards rengoku and the demon, assessing their movements. inosuke wasn’t joking when he said there wasn’t any opening, their movements equally matched. you took the chance and struck when rengoku managed to get the demon to stumble back. bringing your sword down in a vertical strike, you severed one of its arms, before taking a cursory glance back at rengoku to make sure that he was alright.
your wound did little to hinder the demon, as it simply chuckled before regrowing its limb.
“oh? another hashira? don’t tell me you think that this is a fair match,” the demon sneered as you held your sword in front of you, still nervously eyeing the blood that was beginning to drip at rengoku’s feet. it amazed you as to how he was still standing, let alone also ready to keep fighting, but you weren’t going to stop him with that amount of determination in his eyes.
“i wouldn’t say that you appearing after we had to fight an entire train was fair either, but here we are,” you glared at the demon, adjusting the grip on your sword.
“think you can hold on a little longer?” you asked rengoku, still facing the demon.
“always.” you could picture the steadfast smile on his face, lending you his strength whenever you needed it. you took a deep breath, starting your total concentration breathing and launching off of your foot, propelling yourself forwards.
you heard rengoku's footsteps right behind you, dependable as ever. when you swung your sword and sliced through, you knew that the flame hashira was there to follow through with a co-ordinated attack.
despite your best efforts, the upper six demon lived up to its status and provided to be more than a challenge for even both you and rengoku fighting him simultaneously. in fact, akaza had even managed to gain the upper hand a few times, leaving you with a cracked rib that was making it more difficult to focus and control your breathing.
but you and rengoku's big break arrived in the form of a rising sun that leeched itself into your surroundings. the glow was nothing but welcomed by you, though your demon opponent let fear flicker across its face for the first time this night as it turned foot and fled. the invisible adrenaline-fuelled strings that held you up snapped, and you felt the strength from your body sap, too spent to gove chase to akaza.
the bitter taste of defeat crushed you, numbing your senses as you barely heard the cries of tanjiro as he yelled at the retreating figure of akaza. you turned to your fellow yashira, eyes widening and senses returning as you took in the way he had slumped to the floor, head bowed as he kneeled.
"no, don't you dare," you mumbled, dropping to your knees too in front of him. panic gave your limbs a new purpose as your hands stretched out in front of you, seeking out the warmth rengoku still emitted even when mortally wounded.
the most pressing matter was the dark stain of blood that gave his uniform an unnatural sheen that was still spreading. you pressed a hand to the source of it, a large gash across his stomach that was much too deep for your liking. your other hand came to rest on his face, tilting his head up to look at you for any sort of good sign to cling onto.
"you better stay alive!" your voice was shrill, harsher than you wanted it to be, but those were factors you could hardly control more than the blood oozing from rengoku's stomach. you could see how unfocused his eyes were, and how heavy his head was when only being propped up by the waning strength in your hand. your own injuries had been forgotten, cast aside in favour for you to fear for the flame hashira's life.
and still, despite everything, the man still smiled. the blood covering half his face did little to mar its radiance. rengoku raised a shaking, bloody hand of his own, letting it fall heavy against your own as you felt your hold begin to slip.
"you're hurt too, you know." his words were more of a shaky exhale, though you heard it all the same. you felt a smile slip onto yours too as rengoku proved to still be so vigilant in the wellbeing of others.
"you don't need to remind me, shut up and save your energy," you whispered back. you didn't trust yourself to speak any louder in fear of your voice cracking.
"but.. i have to tell you something." the insistence in his eyes was back, burning into you so mich that you couldn't help but lean closer, trying to ease his burden of being audible.
"quit talking like you're dying." you were practically whispering into his ear, close enough to feel the rasp of his breath as he laughed, holding your hand tighter. his other hand came up to your own face, rough thumb brushing against the skin underneath your eye, wiping away a tear you never realised had tracked its way there.
"let me bandage you up." your voice may not have shook, but your hands definitely did as you disentangled them from rengoku's hold, urging him to put pressure on his wound while your fingers found purchase on the hem of your uniform and ripped off a strip of it. it was barely enough to cover his injury but you managed to wrap the severed cloth around his middle a few times, tying it tight and hoping that it was enough to stop the bleeding.
"just.. stay with me until backup comes, alright? you've got tell me something once we get out of here, remember?" rengoku nodded into your palm, smiling at your words as his eyelids fluttered shut. but you were close enough to still feel that he was warm, to feel the slight rise and fall of his chest as he managed to still breathe, and that gave you some comfort.
minutes felt like hours when you had to talk to fill the gap. whether it was to give rengoku something that tethered him to this mortal realm, or a way for you to distract yourself from your own pain, you onew that you would both have to tough it out a little longer, just until the others arrived.
"you know, i've always admired you." you were surprised at both his words and how clear rengoku's voice sounded. your grip on his hand tightened a little, and you leaned towards him so that your forehead pressed against his.
"this is hardly the time to say something like that, kyojuro." you tried not to laugh, the pain of your ribs starting to edge back in as the adrenaline left your body as the sun soaked your bodies.
"i just wanted you to know." you would have responded to the man if it weren't for the shouts that became all too clear. help was here, and everything was going to be okay now.
you didn't want to let rengoku out of your sight, but many insistent hands prised his body from your grip, and with barely the strength to speak there was little that you could do about it except succumb to the pain of your wounds and finally fall unconscious.
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recovery was never an aspect of fighting that you looked forward to. when you finally came to, there were a few gripping moments of panic when you asked a nurse if rengoku was here, if he was alive. you had been assured that he was before the pain and medication kicked in again for a fitful sleep as your body healed.
but no matter how you were pressed back into bed, into the constraints of sleep, you never really felt like you were at rest. your mind was still racing to places your body couldn't as it pieced together the events just before you got hospitalised.
when you could finally get up without keeling over, you were stumboing your way through the hallways as stealthily as possible, leaning on walls for support and peering into rooms as you walked past, in search of your fellow hashira. your cards of luck had lined up when you stumbled upon his sleeping figure less than three rooms down from yours.
he looked a lot cleaner, still donning a serene smile even when unconscious and you felt the panic gripping your body loosen its hold. the throb of your most likely broken ribs was enough of an edge to keep you awake, and you made your way over to rengoku's bedside.
there was a convenient chair placed next to him, and you tried not to grunt in pain as you sat down in it. rengoku didn't even stir at your approach, and you resigned yourself to sitting there, studying his figure and resisting the urge to check whether he was actually breathing or not. if you focused enough, you saw the subtlest rise and fall of his chest, just enough to qualm your fears.
your concentration was broken as you heard the sliding door open again, and the hesitant voice of a nurse breaking your intense silence.
"ah, i'm sorry to interrupt but i need to change rengoku's bandages." to prove her point, the nurse raised her arm to emphasise the strips of fabric held by them. you stood up hastily, sending a cursory glance back at the still-sleeping form of rengoku.
like all matters regarding the flame hashira, you found your mouth and body working a little faster than your brain.
"it's alright, i can change them for you. i'm sure that you have plenty of other patients to tend to." the nurse nodded, though she still looked hesitant to hand you the bandages. you gave her a reassuring smile, stretching out your hand to take them. "i've had plenty of experience with this, don't worry."
the nurse appeared relieved, giving you a quick thanks before exiting and letting the door click shut behind her.
you turned your attention back to rengoku's sleeping figure only to watch him crack a single amber eye open and give you an almost sheepish smile. you couldn't help the flooding sensation of relief that drenched your bones, and you returned his gesture.
"i'm glad to see that you're alright." rengoku's eyes never left yours, and you felt yourself grow hot underneath his gaze.
"glad to see you too." you offered a hand, helping rengoku shuffle further up the bed with minimal effort on your side. despite the bandages covering a large expanse of his upper body, his grip on your hand was still stable and you bit back the fond smile threatening to bloom on your face.
luckily for you, rengoku seemed to get the message that he needed to get shirtless without you asking him, which saved you a whole lot of embarrassment. you weren't confident in your ability to look him in the eye and ask him to strip without blushing, though you did exactly that as your eyes raked over his bare skin.
littered with scars and covering taut muscle, it was hard not to let your eyes wander down his form. from the look on rengoku's face, he looked well aware of the effect that he had on you and fixing you with a practically imperceptible smirk. you were quick to ask him to turn around, and he obliged as quickly as someone with broken and bruised bones could manage.
his back was the same story, with broad shoulders and defined shoulderblades that had muscle twitching without you touching it. you sucked in a breath, way too audible for your liking, and tried not to let your hand stretch out to run your fingers down the expanse of his back. you were here to help treat him, not indulge in some fantasy of yours.
your mindset snapped back to professionalism as you grabbed hold of the fresh bandages, opting to put them on after you removed the old ones. while there was no sign of infection, you still grimaced at the bloody sight of rengoku's major wound. you tried not to show how much it had upset you, both now and in the moment, and your attention turned to your slightly trembling fingers.
you were careful to avoid where his skin was obviously discoloured from bruising, not wanting to cause him any unnecessary pain. he was warm to the touch, enough to invite you in with some false sense of confort before burning you alive. the way his back muscles jumped at your touch did little to help your concentration, but you shouldered on.
your mingld escaped you, insisting on recounting those painful minutes where rengoku was vpeeding out on the battlefield. there was a particular focus on his insistence to tell you something, and you bit your lip. surely, he would ask you at some point from now.
"how are your ribs?" rengoku's voice cut through the silence, its rasping edge acting as evidence of hiw soundly he had been sleeping earlier. while it wasn't the question you wanted him to ask you, you were never one to turn down conversation. especially from him.
"worry about yourself, kyojuro. i'm fine." your appliance of the fresh bandage meant that you would now have to be stood in front of him, a development that had your face flaming from the close proximity. silence set in, and all that distracted you from the rise and fall of his stomach was his breath tickling the sensitive skin of your neck. your eyes flickered towards the ceiling, relying on your hands to guide yourself instead.
you dared to glance down and saw rengoku’s eyes fixed on your face already. there was something about his softened features and the look in his eyes that had you scrambling to stare at the blank ceiling again. as much as you would like to retreat at every first sign if danger or confrontation, you knew that you woukd have to talk to him soon, whether it was you or him who brought up the conversation topic from that day.
taking a deep breath, you perched yourself on the edge of rengoku's bed, still maintaining a professional amount of distance from him. still close enough to spot how his smile brightens when you choose to stay. you glanced down at your fingers, twisting knots into themselves as they were placed in your lap. you almost cursed and placed them underneath you to stop that, but instead you fixed your gaze on the flame hashira's ever-present smile.
"do you remember when you said you had to tell me something? right after akaza?" rengoku straightened up a little, nodding. you gave a cursory glance to the bandages safely wrapped around him, and winced as you remembered how much blood had left him that day. 
as if he could tell what you were thinking, rengoku reached forward and took your hand in his. you sucked in a breath at the sensation of his calloused hands, wincing as your ribs ached in protest. you couldn’t bring yourself to break his stare as your fingers intertwined, and rengoku brought you slightly closer to him. the tension was palpable, and you squeezed his hand in an attempt to alleviate some of it.
“what did you want to tell me, kyojuro?” you were still closing the distance between the two of you, voice barely above a whisper because there was no need to talk any louder for him to hear you. everything about him drew you closer, and the thought of pulling away never crossed your mind. you finally stopped, inches away, staring at him expectantly.
“well, there was a chance that i was going to die that day, so i was going to be selfish and tell you that i love you."
it amazed you how he could say that with such confidence when that statement had effectively swept you off of your feet. you were well aware that you looked more than caught off guard- your eyes had widened, and your mouth probably hung open from shock. that was nothing to stop rengoku’s words, though. if anything, it only encouraged him to keep going.
"and when i said that i admire you, i meant it. i admire your strength and how willing you are to help others. i admire you when it's sunset and you're laughing and i admire the way your hands feel, especially here." he guided your hand to his face, letting it cradle his cheek as he rested his own hand at your wrist, not willing to let go. you were sinking into the warmth of his body, letting his borrowed strength keep you upright.
“and most of all, i admire you because i find your beauty striking in everything that you do.” you were silent as rengoku’s eyes searched your own, watching as his lips split as he laughed. “you’re crying again.” you raised your other hand to your cheekbone, feeling the liquid there that began its trek down the planes of your face. you wiped them away with the back of your hand, keeping yourself anchored to rengoku as you curled your fingers around his own.
you felt so light that you could float away, and you couldn’t  help but laugh and grin as you fully processed the confession of the man lying underneath you. tears still rolled down your cheeks, and you couldn’t help the bittersweet pang as you remembered exactly why he was here recovering.
“you really scared me back there, you know?”
“it wasn’t my intention.” you laughed through your sniffle, feeling his warm hand trace patterns on the back of yours. you shuffled forwards and, as best as your shared injuries allowed it, you gave rengoku a hug. while your arms were around his neck, his rested squarely on your lower back, and it was better than anything else you could imagine.
you pulled away, relinquishing the comfort of his arms in favour of looking him in the eye as you prepared what to say next. admittedly, it was a lot easier when you knew how the other person felt about you.
“you know i admire you too, rengoku, and i love you. so much.” joy rewrote itself within his eyes, and they almost glowed with how intense his emotions were after you uttered those words.
“you do?”
your yes came out as a barely audible breath before you were being snagged forwards by him again. you practically crashed against his lips, but you welcomed the sensation, pulling yourself closer to him and settling on his lap.
you sighed into the searing kiss, only truly appreciating his warmth now as you felt it spread through you. you kissed him back intensely, ignoring the dull ache of your ribs to chase the addictive feeling that you only got around him.
around the person who loved you back.
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kyunisixx · 3 years
artist!Robert Plant AU one shot.
a/n: this really started out as a song I wanted to write. But I knew I had to turn it into a longer writing!!
themes: fluff, mild implications of nsfw and tw: childhood trauma.
summary: in which Y/N becomes a muse for Robert, a landscape artist in more ways than one. (Man, that summary is so shit but let's roll with it)
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pairing: artist!Robert Plant x fem!reader
the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting.
an effect of contrasted light and shadow created by light falling unevenly or from a particular direction on something.
"Lean back for me a bit more, darling. That's right, relax."
As she moves, the old sofa creaks beneath her. Chilled air gusts through a partially opened window, making her shiver and sending miniscule bumps all over her bare skin. Her eyes drift over the fixtures inside the cozy cabin, illuminated by an outmoded oil lamp situated on the man's table. Several tiny moths were floating around it as the flame wavered ever so slightly from the breeze.
Scattered were all paintbrushes and smudges of paint were messily smeared all over the table. A round board was placed so close at the edge (one she heard him call before —a palette). In the middle is a rustic cup with half-empty, now cold tea. But a paint-smudged hand grasped on its handle and swiftly brought it over to a mouth. 
Then her eyes met his.
His frizzled, curly blond locks are pulled into a disheveled bun. One he pinned up so carelessly with a thin, unused paintbrush as to prevent it from obstructing his view but a few ringlets managed to escape and are now framing his face.
Ivory-colored shirt, a few buttons undone to reveal smooth skin of his collarbones which were also marked with a few shades of paint. Some scattered across his jawline to his cheek. 
Lips are pursed and eyes are pulled into deep concentration, they are set into a particular part of her. As if to capture the exact curvature of the crease on her waist.
Salient was the cleft on his chin and the sharp edge of his cheekbones by the incandescent light lent by the lamp, making him look like a contrast between sinister and elegance.
He dipped a brush and carefully made short strokes on the canvas, pausing every now and then to look at her.
The sun was setting and the sky was shaded a dull gray, providing so little of brightness which seemed to have darkened even more being situated in a lush forest.
Many months ago at this time of the day, she would have just been getting up from her sleep. Wake up and get ready for a long shift. It was a routine she had gotten so used to every day.
Take a bath. Eat. Pick out an outfit. Put on makeup. Be into the persona.
She would become a completely different person as soon as she stepped into the establishment she knew for as long as she moved into the town a few months ago.
From having to move into different cities and using different names to hide her identity. All of it to escape the filthy and haunted ghost of her past. 
Screaming. Glass breaking. Bruises. Slamming doors.  All of the things a child shouldn't have to go through. She took a risk and ran away from it.
And here is where she ended up thirteen years later.
Lacklustre eyes unmoving as they steadily stared back at her in a blurry mirror inside the changing room. All the girls' chattering seemed to have been muted and faded in the background as she gazed at her reflection. She picked up the small item in her hand, before taking the cap off and swiped the crimson lipstick across her chapped lips, creating a thick shade.
"Y/N, you ready to go?"
She turned her head back to Don, the club manager. She smiled and moved her head in a single nod.
“Sure, Don. Just give me a short moment”. She adjusted the strap of her black velvet dress and walked on the familiar, dimly lit hallway. Her stilettos clapped quietly on the floor as she padded and stopped in front of a red curtain covering the doorway from the side to the stage. 
"How's it going, folks? Alright, alright. I'd get right into it. This is the moment you've all been waiting for. The crowd favourite, slithers like a python, mistress of the night; Marilyn"
Then, she waited as the main lights switched off and took her cue to enter as smoke filled the platform. Coloured lights gleamed right through. She situated herself right in the middle then circled her hand on the pole as the first note of the song started to hum quietly. Like a distant patter of rain—calm before the storm. Her hips moved into the rhythm and fluidly sneaked around the pole as the cloud of smoke started to clear out. Gazing into the crowd of men, her blood-red lips quirk into a smirk.
It was the only time she knew she had complete power and control. And she relished it, savoring the potency. 
Her hands smoothed all over her now slightly perspired skin as men clamored and hooted for her. Bills were haphazardly thrown into the dancefloor. Something that she wasn't used to when she first started, it made her feel cheap. Dirty. But her routine carried on almost every night, she eventually got used to it and had even grown to like it.
Then she spotted him. 
Big ball of golden hair illuminated by stage lights. He was situated amongst the sea of predators, his eyes followed the fluidity of her movements. But what struck her the most was the way he was watching her. It wasn't shadowed by lust, but more of an intense wonder and curiosity. It was as if he was memorizing each part of her curves, but for another purpose.
Her gaze somewhat mirrored his. He definitely wasn't strange-looking. Hell, he might have been the most beautiful man she has ever seen. He didn't belong to a place where no good men wander around. Both his beguiling beauty and aura was completely out of place for such a place like this.
The song then came to a stop. Her number was over but her eyes remained locked with his. It was only then she came back to consciousness as Don's voice boomed into the large speakers, signalling the end of her performance. She collected the bills scattered on the floor and walked off the stage, throwing a last glance into the crowd as she took her exit.
He was gone.
He wouldn't show up for a couple of days. She was sure, of course. The moment she steps out, her eyes would already be skimming through the lounge, and would sigh in disappointment if she didn't spot any sign of him.
"Have you seen your mysterious man yet?"
One of the girls she was closest to, Hershey, asked as she counted the thick block of bills on her hand.
"He wasn't out there tonight"
"You could have been hallucinating. Anyway, you told me he was 'like an angel'"
Hershey laughed, mimicking the way she had said the last part with a breathy tone and added, "Or could have been disappointed in your dance number, ran away and swore to not step a foot into this place again"
She stopped momentarily, chuckled lightly and sighed, "You may not be far from the truth but we'll see."
Then he would be there the next night, positioned right at a table at the back. His curly locks gave his identity right away, with his elbows propped up and fingers poised against his chin, bearing the same gaze. 
Later that night, he'd be waiting right outside of the club.
"The show was spectacular."
She tilted her head to him, nodded and smiled.
"Thank you."
She wasn't sure how it ended up with her sitting on a stool inside a cozy 24-hour operating diner so late at night, chatting with her "mysterious man" late at night, who introduced himself as Robert. He was apparently a landscape artist and has traveled the world where he finds inspirations for his works.
"The best place I have ever been to? Hm. I'd say Machu Picchu, set in the high mountains of Andes in Peru, above a river called Urubamba. I had to hike all the way up, and you could see the breathtaking view when you reach the top."
"That does sound very lovely." She sighed wistfully.
"Have you ever traveled anywhere outside the country?"
"Oh no, I have not. I move to different places a lot but I've never gone out, never had the chance to."
"Ah, you should! It's wonderful."
She nodded, "Do you only do landscaping?"
"Well, no. I do a little bit of abstract art but I focus mainly on landscaping. I was thinking of expanding more, though. Maybe portrait, or nude art."
"That's a good idea. An artist has to come out of his comfort zone and be able to become great."
"Yeah…", he trailed off, as if lost in thought. "I hope this doesn't come off as strange or I as a creep. But may I ask you to be my muse? Don't worry! We'll only do portrait." He added the last sentence quickly.
She tilted her head to the side and looked at him, her brows furrowed deep in thought.
"You don't have to s—"
"I'll do it."
A few days later, she was again popped up on a stool inside his flat just a few blocks away from the club. His place was spacious, but had a very rustic feel to the interior design. A few souvenirs from different countries were neatly placed on a shelf and most of his paintings were hung stylistically on the walls (in which she stared at in complete awe for what she could tell an hour each painting until he had to drag her away to his studio)
Her fingers fiddled as she tried to stay still under his calculating gaze. She never had much problem with how she looked and never had insecurities. Perhaps she just didn't care enough to be insecure. But at that moment, she thought of how she must've appeared to him and if she was good-looking enough to be an inspiration for his art.
"Are you alright there?"
"Yes! Yes, I… Yeah I'm alright."
His hand stopped and placed the paintbrush on the table. "Are you sure? If you're not comfortable or if you need a break, we could stop for a bit."
She shook her head vigorously, "No, it's okay. Don't worry."
"If you say so."
She let her eyes travel from his bare foot, to his khaki trousers, to his satin shirt with top three buttons undone, to his face. Oh, his gorgeous face. It was pulled into a deep concentration as he stared at his work, giving her some time to study his majestic features.
His eyes flickered to hers as if sensing her stare and playfully frowned, a small smile curled on the side of his lips.
He laughed, "You were staring."
"I was. Is it a crime?"
"No, I wouldn't say it is." He said with a teasing edge to his voice. 
It was their arrangement which they stick to a few times a week. On her day off, after work if she wasn't feeling too exhausted. There was an obvious attraction lingering inside the room of his small studio but none of them acted upon it other than just casual flirtations thrown around. He was a perfect gentleman and had always been accommodating. A couple of times he would insist on paying her in which she would always refuse to accept. 
"The tea you make for me is enough for a payment." She had jokingly said. "Do not worry about it, Robert. Really, it's okay. I'm making enough from my job."
One night, after their sessions, they had too many drinks and bottles were littered over the table along with his paint brushes which had long dried of paint. 
"Tell me about you, Marilyn. Mistress of the night, who apparently, slithers like a python." He mused, mentioning her alias. His glossy eyes filled with mirth.
She snorted, took a long swig of beer and swiped the back of her hand across her mouth. 
"Marilyn is… Nobody. I'm nobody. I came from somewhere that in my mind, ceased to exist." She stared ahead. "I ran away from home. Who calls it a home anyway?" She laughed humorlessly.
"My parents fought a lot. They spent so much time fighting, they didn't even have time for me. Looking back at it now, I could have just preferred that. But then, they turned their anger towards me." She sniffed and quickly wiped the salty tears before they even slid down to her flushed cheeks.
"I went to my grandparents. They loved me so much and I loved them so dearly. But they were not my parents. Eventually, both of them passed away and I was left on my own. But I was eighteen. I didn't have to go back to my parents. So I went to different cities, finding places where I could feel like I could fit in. Looked for jobs, and then I ended up here. I made friends and I have my own place, but it still never felt like home."
He was quietly staring at her, and the silence was deafening. Then he lifted his free hand to her face and ran the back of his index finger to dry her cheeks. Her hand caught his and brought it to her lips and placed a soft kiss. 
"But with you, it feels… different. I like hanging out with you. I like being with you. You feel like home to me, Robert."
Her voice echoed softly as he took his time to reply. But he didn't, instead, he leaned down and sealed his lips against hers. 
He layed limply on top of her body as he shuddered from his release. Both tried to desperately catch for their breath as her hand smoothed down his back and the other combed through his damp locks. He slid out of her and dropped beside her, not too long before he enclosed his arms over her and pulled closer. He catches her lips on his in a lazy kiss and smiled.
"You feel like home to me too, Y/N."
Her heart soared and nuzzled her nose against his.
"I want to paint you like this. May I? You are so beautiful. In light and in shadow."
She blushed, "Yes, but right now? I'm tired."
"No, no. We'll do it tomorrow. I'll take you somewhere." His warm breath hit her skin as he whispered.
"Where?" She whispered back.
"Well, I'm not telling you that. But it was what I helped my Father build when I was younger. It's somewhat like a special place for me, and I want you to see it."
He gazed at her as he waited for her to respond.
Under the light of the lamp, she peers at him under her lashes.
"Don't look at me like that."
"Mm? I have no idea what you are talking about."
"You know what it is. Cut it out or I'll never get to finish this."
She huffs. "You're no fun"
"I can prove you otherwise in a few minutes."
He continued to do his finishing touches and leaned back to admire his work.
"That isn't too bad. But nothing compares to the real art."
"And what might that be?"
"You, my love." He stood up, walked over to where she was, placed his hand at the back of her neck and pulled her to him.
"I've been waiting for this for hours."
"I've been giving you hints and you insist on finishing your art."
He chuckled. "Of course I had to."
His fingers danced their way from her sides to her hips, rubbing along the marks littered across her skin.
"Are you ready to see it?" He murmured against her neck. She shudders as she nodded, giving their playful banter a break. 
He bit her earlobe softly, "Okay."
He walked over to his canvas and carefully turned it around to face her.
She gasps.
⭐ writings list ⭐
taglist: @jonesyjonesyjonesy , @princesspagey , @ritacaroline , @jimmys-zeppelin , @rebel-without-a-zeppelin , @reincarnated70sbaby (if you wanted to be added in, let me know 🤘🏻🤗)
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jademakean · 4 years
𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
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Timothée Chalamet x Reader
𝑷𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔.
  Drizzles of water began coating your body as you rushed to your best friend's porch, hurriedly knocking on the wooden door.
The extra holiday break from school allowed you to spend more time with Pauline, meaning: chaotic sleepovers
You looked up meeting a pair of green eyes you hadn't seen in a long while. “Timothée?”
Once the slender figure came to the realization of who was waiting at his front step, his mouth went agape mirroring yours.
You both had been close since you were little. You became friends with Pauline in middle school and met Timothée through her. From then on you were a trio and would do everything together, but that all changed.
Him, being three years older than you meant that he'd go to college first and in the end, there would simply not be any time for you both to be together. You did try to hang out once every two weeks but his college was way too far and he needed to spend his time focussing on his studies. It ended in a bad note, with many hurtful words shared.
Before you knew it, Timothée had you in bone-crushing embrace  “I haven't seen you in months, more than a year maybe! God, I missed you.”
“Why didn't you tell me you came back?” you couldn't hide the slight disappointment of him not thinking about letting you know. “I wanted to but I switched phone numbers and my sister wanted me to surprise you instead. I just didn't know I was going to see you this soon.”
Though you both shared your relief in seeing each, there was some strange tension in the air.
“I gotta visit my aunt right now but we should celebrate tomorrow or something.” He suggested, breaking the silence.
“Yeah totally. I'm sleeping over anyways so we'll probably see each other after dinner. Just be careful, the weather seems to be getting worse.”
“Oh yeah of course. If you need some clothes you can get some from my room, they're in a box on my bed. I know that Pauline's clothes are too small for any human being to wear.”
You giggled at his over-exaggeration nodding “Thanks. Stay safe.”
Once the door shut you felt your mood change. It's not like you weren't happy to see him, you were, but not being able to have the same connection you once had made your heartache.
“DJ Paulina in the house mother fuckers!”
You jumped at your best friend's sudden outburst but laughed nevertheless.
“Holy shit, you're wetter than the pacific ocean!”
You roller your eyes “Really? Damn, I wonder why. It's alright though, Timothée allowed me to borrow one of his shirts.”
“Wait you already saw Timothée?”
“Yeah, he just left.”
Paulina grimaced slightly knowing how hard it might've been for two introverts to reunite after a long period of time, let alone after they had a fight last time they were together. She quickly changed the subject not wanting to upset you.
That didn't mean she wouldn't plan on rebuilding your bond.
The snaps of thunder kept you awake and the heavy drops of rain overtook your mind.
As the time pasted you began wondering what would happen if there was a monster under your bed, if a ghost yanked you by your leg, or if the shadow of the hanging coat was actually a person.
Full-on scaring yourself.
And Pauline's sleep talking was not helping the situation.
Both of you spent the day baking, eating and watching movies. Though it's not how most teenagers take up the opportunity of an empty house, it was more than enough for you two.
What was irritating you at this precise moment was the fact that you were exhausted during the day and still are, except you, can't bring yourself to actually fall asleep.
Creaking sounds were heard throughout the room as your feet made contact with the wooden floor.
You grumbled making your way to the kitchen for a cup of fresh cold water.
The bright electronic clock on the stove displayed the time. 2:23 A.M.
You were so dazed and distracted by the clock that before you could fill your glass with water, the cup fell on the counter.
You felt your heart stop the second the loud sound emitted throughout the quiet space, fearing you'd break your best friend's parent's glass. But once you realized that everything was still stable, you proceeded to finish your plan.
“What are you doing still awake?”
Your body jumped at those words. You turned to see Timothée with hooded eyes and slumped figure, clearly more than half asleep.
“Sorry, I'm a light sleeper and the thunder was keeping me awake.”
“Do you want to sleep with me?”
He smiled softly with a droopy gaze
Not gonna lie, initially some inappropriate thoughts crossed your mind, but vanished once you remembered how every time you had trouble falling asleep, you'd get in his bed and he'd make conversation until you fell asleep.
Timothée was probably too out of it to understand why it had taken you so look to answer, which you were grateful for.
He lazily intertwined your fingers and led you to his room.
It looked the same as before, maybe some items we're missing so he'd be able to decorate his new apartment, but other than that, still the same.
You hesitantly laid down turning your body away from the curly-headed boy. You felt yourself heating up as last time you shared a bed you were a quite innocent 15-year-old, and to be fair you've always seen him as a bother figure.
But two years have passed and he was now 20, it felt like being with a stranger even though he wasn't.
“You alright?”
He mumbled quietly
“Can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead.” You chewed your lip anxiously. You've never been good at confronting people.
“Is there a reason why you got mad at me when you left. All I remember was you telling me how we couldn't be friends because of all the work you had and how you couldn't handle too many things at the same time. But in the end, you suddenly got mad at me and it ended in a huge fight.”
You could tell that Timothée was now fully awake, definitely not expecting you to mention the topic at this time of night.
“Well, in all honestly I knew you wouldn't want to give up on our friendship. I've always seen you as a loyal strong friend and I didn't want to disappoint you by continuously bailing out on our plans.”
Thought his solution was a stupid one, you understood what he meant. You would most definitely get let down many times and eventually get mad at him, even if it wasn't fully his fault.
“I understand. Just-- Just don't do that again. I'd rather have a relationship with you even if we rarely saw each other, instead of not seeing you at all. I miss being with you.”
Timothée's heavy arm hugged you closer to him. So close you could feel his gentle heartbeat against your back.
“I'm not as much of a mess I was back in the first year of college. I have more spare time, even if college is too far we can face time and meet once a month.”
It was nice to witness his change in attitude regarding the situation, he's now more open-minded and optimistic.
“Is that why you seemed so tense when you saw me today?”
You suddenly felt yourself redden from slight embarrassment “I mean yeah. I kinda overreact a lot, but you know that. I didn't even recognize you, you've changed and I didn't know how to feel.”
You felt chest shake from a deep chuckle as you played with his fingers “Is that a good thing?”
He was making you flustered and he knew it.
“I mean, yeah. You look mature for a 20-year-old. When you were 18 you still had your baby face- it's not a bad thing at all, but now you, um, okay I'm just going to stop talking.”
Once again, Timothée's body shook slightly from his laughter which eventually died down.
There was silence once again, the downpour was hitting the window aggressively but managed to make you feel calm. The heat that radiated from the man's body was wrapping you in a warm blanket, his cold breath tickling your neck.
“How do you see me?
The silence was halted by your simple question “What do you mean?” his raspy voice asked, not understanding the question very well.
“Before you said that you saw me as a loyal friend. How do you see me now?”
Timothée turned your body to face him “Well, you've changed as well. You don't look like a little kid anymore.”
You hummed in response staring into his eyes. The moonlight was shining through the window behind Timothée, illuminating his hair, making it look as though he was wearing a halo around his head.
“Has anything interesting happened while I was gone? House renovations, dead grandma, boyfriends..?”
You had to cover your mouth from bursting out laughing “How the hell do you go from dead grandma to boyfriends?”
The boy shrugged his shoulders waiting for an answer “I had a boyfriend for a little while but it didn't work out.”
Timothée nodded for you to keep going
“He treated me differently when we were around his friends, kinda like he didn't want me. We would get into a lot of arguments and I just wasn't happy. So I ended it.”
He took your hand caressing it carefully with his thumb. You knew he was trying to make you feel better though you weren't actually sad about the breakup. You decided not to say anything against it since his action-filled your heart with butterflies.
“He's an asshole for doing that.”
“Yeah well, most of them are.”
There was a small pause in the air before Timothée spoke up again
“I wouldn't do that to you.”
You were taken aback from his sudden confession. You expected him to joke around about some dumb stereotypes.
“If you were my boyfriend, or just in general?” you asked genuinely curious to which he answered:
You being the anxious human being you are, decided to play it off as a joke. Like always.
“Yeah right, you would never date me, you might as well be one of those extra frat boys that-”
“Why would you assume I wouldn't date you.”
You were becoming more and more agitated, not fully grasping the meaning of his words, and why he was now saying it.
“I've always adored you. The reason why I never said anything is because I'm three years older than you and didn't want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Why are you saying this now?” You shuttered out as he moved closer to your body.
“I didn't realize how much I loved you until we separated. Now I'm realizing how much time I wasted.”
Timothée began breathing heavily, his eyes focusing on the different features your face held.
“Would you date me now?”
He nodded, not trusting his voice to speak. “Even if we wouldn't see each other often?”
He nodded once again, this time speaking “I haven't seen you in two years and I still have feelings for you, they won't go away even if I tried.”
Timothée let his fingers gently brush against your lips studying them thoroughly making your mind hazy.
You were so focussed on each other that the background noise was now muffled.
Your mouths were agape wanting one thing and one thing only.
“Can I kiss you?”
He whispered breathlessly. If he wasn't studying you so closely he would have missed your little nod.
But he didn't miss it.
The second the small gesture was caught, was the second his lips made contact with yours.
The kiss was heated and desperate, your eyebrows furrowed hopelessly from the connection. Tongues soon intertwining as Timothée held himself on top of you for better control of the situation. Not giving you room to escape.
You sighed through your nose not being able to break from the kiss, not wanting to break from the kiss.
His front pressed flush against yours, allowing his hands to travel all over your body with no hesitation.
You mumbled Timothée's name against his lips before you broke apart. “Did I go too far?”
You smiled at his worried state “No, I loved every second of it.”
He copied your smile resting his forehead on yours “Sorry, I could help myself.”
He laid on his back before you cuddled to his side, leg wrapped with his and head resting on his shoulder.
Timothée observed your crimson cheeks and swollen lips. He wanted to tease you about it but he knew damn well that he looked the exact same.
Sleep eventually took over you. The soothing sound of the storm was the last thing you heard, and the motion of Timothée's chest calmly rising and falling was the last thing you felt.
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heyitsmerose · 3 years
Edge [pt. 2]
Unlike the first part, this part is fluffier although there are brief mentions of smut
Word count: 2k
Genre : Fluff, Angst, Smut
Warnings : tooth-rotting fluff, mentions of orgasms, mild smut.
first part here! 18+
You just laid back and openly sobbed and Hongjoong freaked out. You saw him instantly pop up from under the bed, nose and chin shining, covered in your juices. His face showed nothing but concern and worry. You hands flew to your face while you cried.
"Babe what's wrong?"
Tumblr media
"I can't, I just" You stuttered unable to form words
"Baby, breathe" He ushered you. At this point you had covered your face and had curled up into a ball, back against the head rest. He quickly grabbed a tissue from nearby wiping his member clean. He put on a pair of comfy sweatpants on the chair next to him and within a minute he was dressed and by your side. He held out a hand for you only willing to hold you if you were comfortable with him doing so.
You had covered your face so you couldn't really see him. He gently grabbed your hands with his larger and warmer hands, pulling them aside. You let out silent whimpers and wouldn't stop crying. Hongjoong cupped your face in both of his hands, holding each cheek pulling your face up slowly. He was met by a pair of bloodshot, teary eyes, cheeks damp with tears and nose slightly red. The second he saw you, his heart broke. He didn't expect your first time with him to turn out like this and he felt terrible for making you cry.
Did you not feel the same way about him? Did you secretly not want it? Did he force himself of you? The last question broke his heart. The last thing he would have wanted was to force you to do something you didn't want to. The pace of his heart picked up and he gulped dryly. A lump started forming in his throat and his eyes got glassy. He tried looking away as he knew looking into your eyes would cause him immense guilt, something he would never forgive himself for.
You heaved and sobbed silently not letting out any sounds but leaning your head forward into his chest. He took this as an invitation to comfort you as he pulled your head closer to his chest, as he rested his head on top of yours. You buried your face into his bare chest taking in his natural woody scent. You slowly trailed your arms up wrapping both of your hands around his neck holding on. You collapsed into him and he embraced you in a warm hug. Despite still being naked, all inappropriate thoughts were long forgotten. You straddled his lap, leaning down to bury your face in the crook of his neck. His strong hands wrapped around your smaller figure and he traced small circles on your back.
"baby, let it out, it's alright I'm here. I'm so sorry, I'm very sorry" He kept repeating apologies as he kissed your forehead and then the top of your head. You sniffled and cleared your throat embarrassed by suddenly breaking down in front of him.
Hongjoong kept mumbling apologies into your head and his voice wavered and his body quivered.
"Y/n I'm so sorry, I'm such a bad fucking person, I-, I forced myself on you and I-" He stopped himself as his voice shook. You immediately froze and looked back up at him. You could see that he was trying his absolute hardest to hold back his tears as he bit his lip, looked away from your eyes and his nose scrunched. You suddenly pecked his nose and he let out a sob.
"Y/n, what the fuck is wrong with me, I fucking forced myself on you, I don't deserve you, fuck I don't deserve anyone" You shushed him, your voice quiet as he sobbed and broke down under you, his cries echoing in the room.
"and what would make you think that?" You whispered softly looking back into his eyes with nothing but love. His eyes widened, still red and teary as he looked back at you. Your eyes were teary too but you had a loving smile on your face.
"I don't- I don't understand what you're- what do you mean?" He asked stuttering.
"Hongjoong, there was not once where I felt like you forced yourself onto me. You asked if I was okay along the way and we even established a safe word, I would have used it if I needed it wouldn't I?"
He just shot back a confused look back at you, not understanding what you were implying urging you to continue before the guilt ate him up from the inside.
"What I'm saying is, it's quite the opposite..." You paused taking a deep breath of air in, feeling the lump in your throat again. "I- I felt so loved and so taken care of, it- it made me emotional" You admitted a little embarrassed, voice wavering, tears returning to your eyes.
"I've never felt like that before, the emotions I felt were feelings I never thought were possible for me to feel. My past relationships they- I never felt anything from them." You stated quite sincerely.
"What do you mean?" he pried. He took both of your hands in his and brought your knuckles to his lips leaving small, gentle kisses across them.
"Hongjoong, fuck. I've never orgasmed before... that was my first time and it was so overwhelming. My previous partners... they never really cared about my pleasure... It was usually just me giving blowjobs and then fucking until they finished... I never got to feel any pleasure- I've never really had anyone pay attention to my needs before"
"You've never come?" He asked genuinely surprised.
"I haven't. I have never in my past relationships and for some reason I can't get off myself... I thought I was physically incapable of coming until you pleasured all the right areas. Shit, all it took for me to come the first time was playing with my nipples, I've never had that done to me before"
He was speechless for a second. He wiped his tears and took a deep breath in.
"So you wanted this too right?" he finally asked and you chuckled.
"Of course babe, and it was better than I could have ever hoped. I wouldn't change it for the world" You spoke into his chest. He just sighed loudly and squeezed you in a big tight hug.
"Babeeee" He whined, his voice breaking in the middle. You cupped both of his cheeks and slowly tears started to spill out of his eyes.
"Why are you cryingg? Why is my baby crying? I love you, you know that right?" You teased him trying to get his tears to stop but they never did.
"I love you so much Y/n. I would never forgive myself if I hurt you." He said, his voice shaking.
"You didn't, and I know you wouldn't. You would never purposely hurt me." You said trying to reassure him. He let out a shaky sigh and roughly wiped at his cheeks.
"Aish, whats wrong with me, why am I crying" He laughed through his tears a little embarrassed
"It's okay Joongie, even I cried" you admitted, remembering your breakdown from a couple of minutes ago. He nodded his head and wiped under his eyes, getting up from under you. You scooted to the side and let him get up. He simply left you and went to the bathroom.
He disappeared into the bathroom and your sighed waiting for him. You had hoped that the night would end with the both of you cuddling but instead he left to go the the bathroom. You had put on your shirt and were going to get a pair on underwear. A few minutes later however, Hongjoong returned returned with a wet cloth in his hand. You were about to slip on your underwear and pants but he rushed to you, pushing you back onto the bed.
"Baby, is it alright if I clean you up?" He asked smiling fondly at you. You smiled back and nodded taking your pants off, as they were still just hanging by your ankles. You sat expectantly on the bed while he made himself comfortable in the spot next to you. He held the wet cloth in one of his hands and lifted your shirt up. He pushed the wet cloth up until it made contact with your stomach. You shivered at the coldness and he rubbed the cloth back and forth. He pushed the cloth upwards to your chest and cupped one breast through the cloth. He wiped at it with the cloth and dragged the cloth along the entirety of your chest. He took it back out of your shirt and looked down at your lower stomach.
You immediately blushed feeling small under his gaze. He simply chuckled and put the wet cloth aside.
"Y/n, are you alright if I clean you up there?" He asked looking directly at your heat. You blushed a shade deeper and nodded. Despite the inappropriate activities that occurred just around 10 minutes ago, this seemed more intimate in a way. He gripped each of your thighs with one hand and pushed them apart. He spread your legs further, and sat grabbed the wet cloth. He gently pressed the cloth at your lower stomach wiping any wetness that had been left over there. He then moved down to your heat. He spread your folds with his fingers and wiped around your clit and at your entrance.
You gasped from the coldness and the oversensitivity. He looked up, concerned but you just shook your hand.
"Sorry, I'm just a little sensitive" You admitted and he nodded. He dragged the wet cloth up your folds one last time and put it aside. After that he kissed your lower stomach moving upwards. He kept peppering kissed moving upwards as he did so, kissing your clothed stomach and chest until making his way to your neck and jaw and finally the side of your lips. He pulled back and looked at you and then locked lips one last time before pulling away and helping you get dressed. You cuddled for the rest of the night and it was safe to say your first time with Hongjoong couldn't have possibly gone any better.
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nah-she-didnt · 3 years
Erm.... hi.... I don't think this was on the prompt list that you posted recently, but it's a prompt I've seen somewhere else on Tumblr: for Wolfstar, could you do "I love you no matter what your brain tells you."? It's totally 100% okay if not ofc, no pressure <3
Hello! Sorry this took a bit, inspiration struck, but free time did not. I altered your prompt a tiiiny bit to make it a cleaner fit for my idea.
Also, while I LOVE my jily-centric followers so much, if any wolfstar blogs out there wanted to reblog this I would love to get into that space more since I do write a fair number of remus/sirius fics!
Enjoy! Once again, I did not proof read this thoroughly, so I apologize for any obvious typos!
“I Love You No Matter What Your Head Tells You”
Remus was utterly exhausted.
His first night as a prefect had not gone smoothly. One particularly thick first year had managed to get himself lost on the way to the Gryffindor common room, a feat that Remus previously thought was impossible considering that the prefects always led the first years to the dorm in one large group. However, Matthew McMorris claimed he’d been so distracted by a painting of medieval witches on the third floor that he’d looked up to find his group nowhere to be found. And so, it fell to Remus to retrieve him. Thank god for the map.
Remus turned to shoot McMorris a stern look as they climbed through the portrait hole. “Right, straight upstairs with you. You’ll be grateful for a full eight hours of sleep before your first lesson tomorrow, trust me.” The boy scowled at him before scampering away to the boy’s staircase. 
Remus yawned and stretched dramatically as he glanced around the room. Most of the students had already gone to bed, but James, Peter, and Dorcas sat together on the couch in front of the fire. 
“Alright?” James asked absentmindedly as he studied his hand of Exploding Snap cards. Peter held his hand upside down as if hoping that a new perspective would allow inspiration to strike. 
“Fantastic,” Remus muttered as he dropped into the seat next to Dorcas, “who’s winning?” 
“Who do you think,” Peter grumbled as he watched James play a particularly good hand, “how do you manage to rope me into this stupid game every time?” 
James shrugged. “I guess you’re a glutton for punishment.” 
The boys continued to bicker. Dorcas nudged Remus with her elbow. “Do you know what’s up with Black tonight?” 
Remus didn’t meet her gaze. He knew that Sirius had been in a particularly bad mood on the Hogwarts Express. The mood must have been the result of an entire summer spent cooped up in Grimmauld Place. “What do you mean?”
“The berk snapped at me earlier!” Dorcas scoffed, “I asked him how his summer was and said ‘mind your own fucking business.’ Very uncool.” 
“Yeah,” Remus said distractedly as he glanced towards the boys’ staircase, “extremely uncool.” 
“Don’t even think about going up there, Moony,” James called over his shoulder, “he’s not in the mood. We’re giving him some space before we go up.” 
Remus frowned at James. “You mean you’re just leaving him up there, alone? After the summer he’s had?”
James shrugged again. “He said he wanted to be alone. I wasn’t about to argue.” 
Remus shook his head and stood. “Well, I’m going to check on him.” 
“Godspeed, mate,” Peter called at his retreating back. 
Remus marched towards their dormitory determinedly, but lost confidence with each step up the spiral stairs. Sirius could be wildly unpleasant when he was in one of his moods, and he’d already had a stressful night of rounding up wild first years. Nevertheless, Remus couldn’t bear to think of him up there all alone. Perhaps when Sirius said he wanted space from his friends, he didn’t mean Remus himself. Maybe Sirius would be glad to see him. 
Remus paused with his knuckles inches from the door. One last chance to turn back, he thought to himself. After a moment’s hesitation, he shoved his worries aside and rapped loudly on the door. 
A loud hmph greeted his knock. Remus took this as an indication that he was allowed to enter. 
Sirius was sprawled out on his four-poster bed, still fully clothed. He stared up at the ceiling as he tossed an old quaffle up into the air only to catch it at his chest again and again. He didn’t look around as Remus sidled into the room.
“Um, hi,” Remus offered awkwardly, “did you have a good time at the feast?”
Sirius grunted again.
“Oh. Well, good,” he waited for Sirius to say something back, but he seemed fixated on throwing and catching that damn quaffle. 
At least a minute of silence passed. Remus felt himself sweating slightly. He glanced around the room, desperate for something to talk about. The silence was oppressive. If he didn’t say something soon, he would explode faster than Peter’s cards.
In his desperation, Remus felt himself ask the worst possible question. “Did you have a good summer?” 
Sirius caught the quaffle one last time, then hugged it to his chest. Remus could have smacked himself. 
“I’m sorry,” he said quickly, “I just meant- we don’t have to talk about your summer, let’s talk about something-” 
“No,” Sirius said softly, still gazing at the ceiling, “it’s alright. My summer was shit, thank you for asking.” 
There wasn’t a hint of irony or anger in his tone. It was a simple truth. His summer had been pure, total shit. 
“I’m sorry,” Remus mumbled to his shoes. 
He heard Sirius scoff. “Not your fault.” 
Another moment of silence followed this pronouncement. However, this silence wasn’t like the one before. Sirius seemed to be thinking long and hard about what he had just said, completely lost in his own thoughts. It was as if he’d forgotten that Remus was in the room. 
Finally, he spoke again.
“They’ve gone absolutely mental,” he nearly whispered, “mental. You know they’re full-on blood purists now, right?” 
Remus shifted uncomfortably. He knew that Sirius’ parents had become more and more radicalized over the years, but Sirius had rarely opened up about their beliefs, and Remus never asked.
“They think I’m the ultimate blood traitor. Worse than a blood traitor, actually. A ‘lazy, ungrateful, sorry excuse for a son.’ That was what she called me last night when I told her I didn’t want to come home for the holidays. Ungrateful because I don’t want to end up a hateful, spiteful hag like her.” 
Sirius grew more agitated with every passing word. Remus could see his knuckles growing white as he gripped the quaffle fiercely into himself.
“And the really fucked up part is that they clearly love Reg more. And I get it, right? I can see why they love him so much because he kisses their arses. I know he loves me and all, but he cares more about what they think than about supporting me. That’s the worst fucking part.” 
Sirius brought his hand to his face under the pretense of scratching his nose, but Remus knew that he was wiping a tear on the cuff of his shirt. 
“I just can’t get them out of my head,” he sighed, “stupid, useless, blood traitor. Unworthy of love. And all the rest. It’s like there’s a record in my head that plays over and over again, and I can’t turn it off. It’s hell.” 
Remus felt completely frozen. He had absolutely no idea what to say to any of this. All the responses that ran through his head felt tired and unhelpful. Sirius did not need someone to lie to him and tell him that his parents really cared for him, deep down. He didn’t need someone to tell him that it would all be alright in the end, that everything would work itself out.
The only thing he could think to say tumbled from his lips before he could stop himself. 
“Well, I love you no matter what your head tells you.” 
Sirius’ head snapped up. He looked Remus in the eye for the first time since he entered the room. A beat passed between them, a moment that allowed Remus to realize what he’d just said. He felt his cheeks burn with panic. 
“We! We love you, me and James and...and Peter,” Remus finished weakly. Excellent. There was nothing unreasonable about expressing the familial love shared between four boys who were like brothers, right? 
Sirius blinked at him, then nodded slowly. He looked as if he were trying to solve a particularly complicated arithmancy equation in his head. “Right. Thanks, Moony.” 
Remus let out a breath. He started to back up towards the door to the dormitory. “Well, I’ll leave you alone again. Or, I dunno, do you want to come downstairs? Pete’s about ready to blow James’ head off if he wins at Exploding Snap again.” 
Sirius still looked preoccupied as he eyed Remus. Finally, he lifted his gaze back up to the underside of his four-poster. 
“Nah,” he grunted as he threw the quaffle into the air again, “you go. I’m not in the mood.” 
Remus nodded, then turned to leave. Just before he could shut the door behind him, Sirius called, “Moony?” 
Remus nearly tripped over himself as he hurried back through the door. “Yeah, Pads?” 
Sirius grinned his lopsided grin. The one that made Remus’ head go fuzzy. “Thanks again. I love you too.”  
Remus smiled back, then closed the door. He hardly noticed the way he pounded down the cold stone steps back into the common room, as he was too busy walking on air.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
He rather liked that part in a story – when the hero fell, and everything seemed bleak. It always meant that hope was just around the corner. Because darkness never lasted. It was always followed by light. There was nothing more beautiful than that kind of sunrise.
I literally live my life by this analogy
well i can't scream because my mom is sitting right there and I have class in 4 minutes so imma smile really wide
“Are you planning to read the entire library during your travel year?” Max chuckled.
“Of course not,” David replied. “I will need longer than a year to accomplish that goal.”
does max not being able to make portals have something to do with his lineage?
demon parent
ok so my programming class started 2 minutes early but screw programming I'm gonna be studying minds not this shit
ok that's a very bad attitude for someone who needs good grades in this year
Max was always hungry.
this is so me
also if David doesn't become an institute head in the future THEN WHAT'S THE POINT
“Where is the kitchen?” Max interrupted.
max is such a mood
He had told Max that he had centuries to perfect his magic, that there was no need to rush it. Max had given him a noncommittal nod and nothing more.
“I won’t tell the Consul,” Kit winked.
At the mention of the Consul, David straightened up. He had been trying to get into Alec Lightwood’s good graces for years now. He didn’t think sharing a room with his son would do him any favors.
oh my god
Word was that Mr. Herondale had gone back to his obsession with brewing tea.
I have so many emotions right now but all I'm gonna say is that I'm so so proud of Rafael
“Do you not want to sleep with me?” Max asked.
takes a deep breath don't scream. everyone outside this door thinks you're taking programming class
The one of Will Herondale and Tessa Gray – A love that had transcended reality and lasted a lifetime.
The one of James Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs – A love that had started with a lie and then blossomed into nothing but happiness and devotion.
The one of Lucie Herondale and Jesse Blackthorn – A love that had been so powerful that it rewrote the past.
The one of Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild – A love that had walked through hell and shaken up the heavens.
And then there the final one. The one of Kit Herondale and Tiberius Blackthorn – A love that had survived distance and darkness and doom.
This omg...
He wanted a love story. The kind he read in the books. The kind he saw in these portraits.
But he wasn’t a Herondale. He wasn’t sure if he was destined for that kind of love.
The first part though
He might have been a little too excited. It was biologically impossible to control yourself when you find a stranger reading your favorite book in the whole world.
“I see you already made a new friend,” Max said.
He sounded a little…odd. As if he was not pleased that David had made a new friend.
take a guess
can I jump in and bash their heads together?
“You are thinking of conjuring chocolate syrup, aren’t you?” David chuckled.
“How do you always know what’s on my mind?” Max chuckled back.
Because I know you, David wanted to say. I just wish I knew what’s in your heart too.
“You get chocolate syrup! You get chocolate syrup! You get chocolate syrup!” Max was yelling, standing on the chair.
They residents laughed harder, and David shook his head fondly. He hoped one day Max would pursue a career in theatre. He was a born showman.
can I have chocolate syrup?
also, the way David is just so fond of him like DYUSDGYJCDYUJM
“By the angel, do you have to be a drama queen about everything?” the boy next to them muttered – not so quietly.
David blinked. That was uncalled for.
But Max being Max was completely unfazed. “Of course I do. My Bapa would be personally offended otherwise.”
exactly you rude little shit
Max often pretended like people’s words didn’t hurt him - just as he pretend that fire doesn’t burn or wounds don’t bleed.
wow ok stop calling me out
Is max jealous??????
is he??????
how are people so good at languages like damn
“Oh my god,” Max groaned. “Is he already telling people to check on me?”
using mundane medicine...
that's risky
but it's also something that WILL help
can't warlocks tamper with the blood samples?
A part of him wondered if that’s why he had agreed to send Max away to London – at least for a week. Because sometimes you didn’t want other people to see you were hurting.
alec I really goddamn hope you're dealing with this well
some of whom had even decided to die than get help from a warlock.
alright then gets my knives but you chose this :D
Nobody brought a book down for breakfast if they didn't like to read.
yes but sometimes also to seem busy so people won't bother you or you won't look alone.
“I know,” the boy said as he walked past them to the gate. “I sat on the stairs and thought about life for a few good minutes.”
his family is the one who took over David's previous institute (i can't spell that. marse- marselli- wat??) methinks.
The gang always visited whenever all of them were in the city together. They would have so much fun! Of course, the 'fun' mostly entailed Rafael stopping Georgia from drinking random potions she found in the stalls, Selena stopping Lexi from opening a psychic booth to help people talk to Raziel and of course David stopping Max from running to the gambling booths.
Rafe: I am anxiety.
me at any given moment
ok maybe I'm the only person who's really picky when it comes to food and doesn't eat the majority of things
“Anything on Magnus Bane?” Max asked.
“No,” the woman snapped and shoved some of the letters into a bag and hide it under the table. “Leave Magnus Bane alone!”
“Appreciate your loyalty,” Max winked at her and started examining a diary.
I like her.
"Everyone should be participating in this" -my programming teacher
me, an intellectual: participating in what?? goes to the class web THE FUCK IS THAT
“Something for the shadowhunter?” the woman smiled. “Perhaps an unpublished snippet from the Beautiful Cordelia?”
“Do you have any love letters?” David asked.
“Hmmm,” the woman went through the pages. “I do have a correspondence between an Iblis demon and Christopher Lightwood? Would you be interested in that?”
if u don't mind I would love to see both of those-
you know I just remembered I have a computer assignment I need to submit by the end of this week fml
“Never fall in love with an immortal,” she giggled again. “We don’t like staying in one place.”
why are we using x and 3 in programming class what the heck is going on
“I’m not just some warlock,” Max said, his voice low. “I’m Magnus Bane’s son.”
we usually have programming once a week on our physical school days and those are fun because my and my friend are continuously passing notes and talking to each other through writing
The scene where Max fought off all the evil people who tried to steal his valuable belonging. He would fight without breaking a sweat and throw magic fireballs at everyone and then get his necklace back. And then he would kiss David in front of everyone and it would somehow rain all of a sudden.
But life wasn’t a movie or a book. Life was just life.
life's boring
fuck life
I just heard a student ask "why are we not taking out the values of b and c" BESTIE I THOUGHT WE WERE DOING PROGRAMMING AND NOT ALGEBRA?????
“I know there wasn’t anyone to protect you before,” Magnus Bane had said. “But we are here now. We will protect you. This will protect you.”
He hadn’t wanted it back then. He didn't even want it even now.
He didn’t want something to protect him. Most importantly, he didn’t want to cover his scar. He didn’t want to hide it. He wasn’t ashamed of it. It wasn’t a mark of a victim. It was the mark of a survivor.
So, David had smiled and given the bracelet back.
“I never wanted to be protected,” David had replied. “I only ever wanted to be loved.”
The warlock had smiled at that and given David a hug. It had felt different than other hugs he had experienced since he had come to New York.
It wasn’t just the magic. Magnus Bane carried so much love inside himself you could literally feel it through him.
I'm gonna cry during my programming class (where we're doing variables apparently all of a sudden??)
this is so beautiful
“I wasn’t talking about Bapa,” Max said now. “I was talking about the other one.”
David chuckled at that. “Oh, yeah. He is definitely going to kill you.”
what flowers would you like at your funeral?
so Jackson has family troubles
I've definitely got that
yeah I know what it's like to be jealous of someone else's perfect family
Is he trying to ruin max's relationship with his family???
oh hell no
“One stolen necklace, One broken nose and One bruised cheek,” he said. “And you’ve been in London for less than a day.”
kit seriously? but is he wrong though?
“This is what I get for falling for a Lightwood-Bane,” David sighed and walked through the portal.
in some ways, I can empathize with him. my younger self anyway. but Jackson this is not how you do things
There was a moment of silence and then Magnus Bane giggled.
“I do love it when the quiet ones go feral,” the warlock grinned.
(me too)
“David!” Mr Herondale gasped. “Is your hand okay?”
yup that's Jace y'all
David hated violence. He hated fighting – which he was often not allowed to say out loud considering he was a shadowhunter.
But it was the truth. He hated hurting people – or even things. It made him feel sick.
“It’s alright, Chouchou,” Mr Herondale ran a hand through David’s hair. “Next time, just-”
“Use my words?” David asked.
“Just don’t get caught,” the man winked.
and that is why I would never want to be a shadowhunter.
I know saying that doesn't do anything but when I first read tsc I wanted to be a shadowhunter really badly and damn that was some time ago but now...violence of any kind is my biggest trigger idek why. and I hate that so much because what kind of a person gets triggered by loud voices and fighting EVEN ON SCREEN??? I usually just push myself to watch stuff because it's dumb. I refuse to see trigger warnings before reading a book or watching a show because damn it, I should be able to stand those things I'm, not a child. and it may be doing me more harm than good but I shouldn't feel like this in the first place
okay...that was long
“David, I appreciate you standing up for Max,” the Consul said. “But next time, please try not to punch anyone in the face.”
“Yes, sir,” David nodded. “Because it’s wrong.”
“Because it means more paperwork for me,” the Consul groaned and then straightened up. “But yes. Absolutely. Very wrong. No punching people!”
I was wrong then
He was grinning. Magnus Bane must have raised hell in the shadow market.
that must have been fun
Max was doing that thing where he was not trying to pout but he was mostly definitely pouting. It made David want to kiss him. But then the Consul spoke, and David reminded himself he didn’t want to be the third person to get punched in the face this evening.
“I understand that Jackson has been through a lot. But that’s not an excuse for him to hurt those around him. I learned that lesson the hard way. So, you shouldn’t excuse his behaviour.”
someone's trauma and pain is never an excuse to hurt others
but that doesn't mean we should invalidate their trauma either
“You can stay back and try to help him. I won’t stop you,” the man got up now. “But if he tries to hurt you-”
“You will unleash hell?” David chuckled.
“Worse,” the other man grinned. “I will unleash Lexi.”
that is much much worse
Books brought him comfort in so many ways. Just holding one in his hands automatically made him feel better.
oh my god
he gets it
I always have a book with me when I'm out even if I'm not gonna get the time to read it because just the weight and comfort of it in my hands or in my backpack brings me so much comfort and helps with my social anxiety so much
no one understands when I try to tell them that
you get it...
someone gets it finally
“David, it’s very sweet that you want to protect Jackson,” Kit pointed out. “But literally no one is buying that. Not even Irene.”
The lynx purred on his lap as if she agreed with Kit.
“I could break into a liquor cabinet,” David said a little indignantly.
David is the nicest you can get
David wouldn’t. Apparently, everyone already seemed to know that - even the lynx he had met five minutes ago.
we are solving something in class and it's really quiet because we're all doing our work (I'm reading the fic so-) and this one person had their mic open and they kept on whispering their steps and it was so weird I cant-
“We were talking about shitty fathers,” Jackson pointed out. “You’re welcome to stay.”
“I’m gonna need something stronger than red wine for this conversation,” Kit chuckled.
I remember that bitch
David used to do it when he was a child. He used to pretend his life was a story. He used to pretend everything that happened to him was happening to some other boy – a boy who wasn’t real. A boy who lived inside a book. Because it hurt a little less when you pretend like it wasn’t happening to you.
But the pain was still very real.
“I fucking hate ogres,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Was your father an ogre too?” Jackson asked.
“He was more like a harpy,” Kit snorted. “He was always flying and fleeing. I didn’t know how deep his talons were in my head until it was too late.”
you really like traumatizing all your characters, don't you?
I really fucking hope the ogre got what he deserved
and if the angel is dead then fuck everyone
“I mean, there was that time when Sebastian Morgenstern turned my father into the endarkened, and then he went around killing people. So, I would say he was more like a zombie,” the man was explaining now. “The zombie father tried to kill me but my brother killed him first.”
“Good lord!” Jackson said in shock.
Kit chuckled softly. “Boy do shadowhunters need therapy.”
they really do
He knew about those from New York. He knew Mr Herondale and Miss Fairchild went for one together.
“Yikes,” Kit chuckled. “I’d prefer something classier. How about London Boys?”
“None of us are from London though,” Tiberius pointed out.
“The Beatles are not actually beetles, Ty,” Kit chuckled. “It’s just for pizazz.”
damn guys
Then the idea of a band turned into a possible YouTube channel where they would react to cute animal videos.
“When people do awful things, really awful things, at one point we stop being surprised. Like what Valentine did to his children or what our fathers did to us or what those women did to Rafael. We might have been shocked or disgusted. But it wasn’t unrealistic, was it?”
“I guess not,” the boy said.
“Even when they did the most unimaginable acts of cruelty, it somehow managed to fit into our imagination. We accepted that the world can be unrealistically cruel. The kind of cruelty we will never understand. But why isn’t it the same for kindness? Why is that when someone is too kind, we automatically feel uncomfortable? We judge their intensions or think they are just pretending to be nice. We think they are being unrealistic. Why is that?”
we get so used to cruelty that kindness feels weird
“But that’s how our life works, doesn’t it? It’s a giant ball of what ifs and could have beens and if nots. What if my father had loved me instead of hurt me? Could I have been kinder if I was hugged instead of being abused? Would have I been a different person if not for my trauma? Our lives are an endless collection of theories about our real selves. The one didn’t we never had the chance to become.”
I used to spend a bunch of time on the what-ifs but those are useless. so screw the what-ifs and live in the present
“I guess we’ll never know, Jackson. None of us will never know how we would have turned out if things had been different for us. We never got the chance to be who were meant to be. Instead, we became who we had to become to survive what we went through. We will never know our true selves. We only know the version of us that made it through all the trauma.”
“Christ, that’s depressing,” Jackson said.
“It is,” David nodded. “But we made it through. We survived. I think we should focus on that.”
you survived. that's what matters
“There is nothing wrong with wanting to be rescued,” David smiled.
I wish I had heard this before...
maybe I don't always have to be strong. maybe it's ok sometimes just want to be saved.
I'm so happy that both Jackson and David found each other
David had learned Gaelic. Jackson had learned how to play the piano.
They had laughed and lived and loved and learned.
And they had survived – one day at a time. The London Boys.
they survived.
I know I'm always key smashing and screaming but these words, these lines, all these chapters mean so so much to me.
“You’ll write to me, won’t you?” David asked, hugging Jackson closely.
“No,” Jackson replied. “I will FaceTime you like a normal person, you weirdo!”
David laughed at that. “I prefer letters. They are more emotional.”
“I’ll text you,” Jackson countered. “With emojis.”
oh to have someone write me letters.
I love writing letters
once at the end of a school year, I wrote little letters to everyone in my class anonymously. even the people who had been mean to me. that was like 1-2 years after my transfer to that school and everyone practically hated me but I wanted to do something nice because who knows what someone is going through. I ended up not putting them in people's desks...
I threw them all away :)
but writing letters is superior
I often write my feelings down and give the letter to someone rather than talk to someone
if you receive a letter from me or a custom-made gift...you have reached my ultimate friendship
It's kind of been a mess between us and I want to talk to her but I didn't know how to.
this is why i shouldn't send asks-
“You know what it means,” Jackson grinned harder. “Also, if that wanker tries to break your heart, I will break his face.”
“You know he is the Consul’s son?” David giggled.
“I’ve done it once and I will do it again,” Jackson shrugged. “He better treat you right.”
Lexi had cut her hair even shorter. Her girlfriend apparently got something called an undercut.
“Just in case someone dared to assume we were straight,” she had winked at him.
how many years has this fake dating been going on...
fterA the twins went to bed, David stepped out of the institute and went looking for his heart.
"went looking for his heart"
And then somewhere along the way, Max’s heartbeat had become the steadiest thing in David’s life.
Max, with all his chaos and drama and danger, had become the steadiest thing in David’s life.
oh my god that's a parallel from canon
“Tell me why.”
“Ain't nothing but a heart break!!"
Max could make fireballs that killed demons on the spot. He could summon things from anywhere. He could heal people with his eyes closed. He was one of the youngest warlocks allowed to visit the spiral labyrinth.
Max was a warlock in every sense. A good one. A great one even.
he is so talented...
Only idiots would underestimate Magnus Bane’s power.
He is probably going to be Consul like next week.”
David chuckled. “Next week?”
next week????
“Yeah, his smoking habits,” Max rolled his eyes.
Rafael wasn’t the smoker in the family. He knew who it was, but David would never open his mouth. It wasn’t his secret to tell.
this keeps on getting better
“It’s my hair!” David laughed.
“And you’re my David!” Max argued. “I say you are not allowed to grow your hair.”
“I don’t want to downworld-splain it to you.”
Max blinked and then laughed. “You don’t want to what?”
“Downworld-splain,” David mumbled. “It’s when shadowhunters explain downworlders how to be downworlders.”
they were SO close to kissing
I'm gonna get in there and lock them in a closet together and tell them to FUCKING GET WITH IT
Remember who you are. Remember where you stand.
remember who you are. remember where you stand...
I know this is supposed to be about portals.
reminds me of when alec fell down the stairs-
ok, I have a computer assignment to get to and tests to study for. BUT I LOVED THIS CHAPTER SO SO MUCH!! THEY FINALLY KISSED I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!
Also I know I tend to go off track and you can totally ignore that. i just go crazy. BYEE
This live blog gives me so much life you don't even know. I am go glad you enjoyed the chapter. I love hearing you rant about it. It's refreshing lol.
And I looooooove the lil anecdotes you share in between. Also wtf is a programming class like nobody wants to learn programme what kind of hetero nonsense I-
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 42
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This chapter was a mess. But it's my mess.
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FOUR weeks of Silence
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Veteran's Village
A peaceful Sunday meant that Roach, Alex and Soap were chilling at the house Samantha and Maxine were in. It had been 4 weeks since that Cuban incident and Francine had gone to therapy for her near death traumatic experience. If it wasn't for Soap, she would've been left out there for good.
France thought that it would be healthy to stay in a more domestic setup rather than the base so she took her time off duty to recover in the veteran's village. And ever since that day in Cuba, Soap and France's relationship was more expressive than ever.
"If we're having a barbecue tonight, we better head off to the meat shop." Alex peeked by the door, giving a heads up to the rest of the people sitting on the couch. Soap turned his head to Alex and tossed his keys as Roach stood up and came with Alex.
"Any other requests?" He looked at the group then to Maxine, who shook her head and laughed. 
"Just be back safe." She replied.
"Got it." Gary nodded and waved goodbye at them. Soap wanted to come along but France had been falling asleep on his lap for quite a while. And Maxine and Samantha noted that she hadn't had decent for days.
"Oh, Roach! Grab me a cigar maybe." He whispered, trying not to wake France up.
"Roger that." He nodded and made his way to Soap's jeep, where Alex was already waiting on him. He sat himself on shotgun and let Alex lead the way to their destination.
He turned on the radio as it played a song about driving. Roach was quick to shazam it and found out it was Automobile by KALEO.
"Now this is going to be on my playlist." Alex said as his head nodded to the music, taking him where the winds take him, far away.
"Agreed. Oh, Soap actually asked for cigarettes so we might have to stop by a convenience store on the way back." Roach informed as the song ended. 
"Okay. That's cool. Maybe add a few sodas for the girls. They probably haven't had those i  ages." He said as he turned the radio off and switched it to AUX.
"Here. Grab my phone and play that song again." Alex instructed as he drove through the streets, and Roach followed him. Playing the song again.
"Ah yes. This song is good." Alex sighed.
"Yeah. It's fire." Roach commented, making Alex raise an eyebrow.
"You know, fire… lit… slaps… Modern terminologies." Roach explained shyly as Alex chuckled.
"I'll never understand the young ones of today." Alex chuckled as he stopped by the parking lot, pulling his phone and leaving the car.
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Dinner was the best part of the Sunday evening as the three couples enjoyed a hearty meal together, sharing experiences and funny stories like an extended family. Roach talked about his raccoon story once again as one topic led to another until such time that the inevitable topic was discussed.
"Speaking of fires, do you have any leads on Nero?" Samantha asked innocently as the men fell quiet, looking at each other. Wondering who would open up the topic.
"Well, uh… After his assault in New York…" Soap trailed off, his eyes went to Alex, signaling him to continue.
"Alex, it's your girl's question! Go answer it!" Soap complained as France laughed, wrapping her arms around Soap.
"He's gone silent." Alex muttered. Samantha was kinda sad she asked about it so she tried to make up by brightening up the mood.
The night continued on as the group played charades, girls vs boys. For an hour or so the soldiers forgot about their worries and acted like they're normal people living their normal lives outside work. It wouldn't hurt to pretend like that, especially when the baggage of guilt was hard to handle.
"So, Gary. I've been meaning to ask you something…" Maxine said as she assisted him in the kitchen.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"How are you… like mentally. You seem… off." She asked, Gary sighed and eased his shoulders.
"It's just… we almost lost a life back there… for nothing. Lannister hasn't said any useful information and as the days go by another assault might occur." he breathed out his worries, earning a back rub from Maxine.
"People have their limits. Lannister could break anytime. Let's just hope we're not too late." She assured him. It was a very negative statement but somehow it's actually helpful. Gary smiled and gave her a hug.
"Thanks Maxine." he said.
"Yeah. Don't ever think you're alone. I'm here for you. Actually, just last night. I had another memory restored. And it felt so important that you have to know it first. Before…" she said, her voice lowering down after every word.
"Before what?" Gary whispered jokingly. Maxine laughed and hit his chest gently.
"Nevermind that word. Back to my memory…
I…" she trailed off, looking like she was too shy and scared to finish the statement.
"You…?" Gary raised an eyebrow. Maxine took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
"I had an ex-girlfriend." She blurted and paused right after saying it, bracing at what Gary's reaction.
"I- uh.. That's okay… There's nothing wrong with that, Maxine." He said like he meant it. Maxine was too shocked about his reaction. Maybe she thought about it too much.
"Like… does that change anything?" She asked.
"Nothing at all. Oh wait! Yes! It does." Gary announced and Maxine's smile almost dropped.
"It means that if I want to have you, I'll have to step up my game. I have more competition now." He realized and Maxime sighed in relief. This man was about to get some scolding.
"You worried me, you know!" He continued gently hitting on Gary's chest, giggling away all her fears. He still accepted her. This was great.
"My point's valid!" He laughed, defending himself from her hits,.like children playing house. This may seem like a simple event, but this was the beginning of something new for the two of them.
Task Force 141 Base - Interrogation Room
Price sat in front of Gabriel, they've been silent for about an hour now as Gary and Soap stayed on the viewing area to observe the interrogation. Alex was here thirty minutes ago but he left after he got a phone call.
"What kind of twisted play is this?" Soap asked, crossing his arms and looking at Gabriel.
"The bastard won't talk. Just cut off a finger or something." He scoffed. To Gary, it would make sense, but with all the cameras and the formalities, It wasn't allowed. Especially that Gabriel's alibi was that he got their first to investigate. Which was total bullshit.
"He still has his ace on his sleeve. As long as we don't find proof of involvement, he's going to be free soon." Gary commented, making Soap grumble some Scottish curses.
"It's pretty obvious!" Soap yelled as Alex entered the interrogation room, saying something to Price as they immediately left him alone. Whatever that message was, looked way more important than Gabriel.
"We've got a lead on Nero!" Alex said as he peeked on the door, making the two stand up immediately and head to the briefing room.
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"Operation Eye of the Storm." Price announced.
"In 24 hours, Nero and his newfound friends will meet on a hotel in Prague. This intel was from one of the Resistance Leaders Alex once teamed up with. They reached out for help since Nero started to secure the whole city." Price paced back and forth on the big screen.
"The plan is to eliminate Nero and his allies. As simple as that. We have the element of surprise in our hands. Soap, I want you to position yourself on the clock tower, just by the hotel. A bullet to the head should work. Alex will be watching your six. Jack will be our eyes and ears inside the convention. He'll be signaling when they'll be out on the open. Roach and I will enter the building for cleanup. We only had one shot at this so let's make it count." Price briefed and everyone else murmured their thoughts, some were already thanking for a solid lead. This was it. The final showdown. The end of the war.
Alex and Soap already left the resistance safehouse, they had to be at the clock tower tonight, using the concealment of the night and the noise of the rain for cover. The perfect opportunity to say under the radar. Meanwhile, Roach and Price stayed to defend the place as Nero's men once again ransacked the streets just to ensure his safety. The world may have announced that the war in US was over, but Nero still had some cities under his control. This minor setback was the reason he's planning for something new. And they're here to stop it.
"Alright, Roach. Your replacements here." Price said as he stood up from his spot. 
"Get ready for the big day tomorrow." He added as he nodded and left his gun for the next person to use. Tomorrow's battle is going to be tough, and even though he didn't want to admit it, Roach needed some rest.
Despite the occasional gunfire and screaming, Roach was able to sleep. He didn't mind the battle outside the building as his battle was with Nero. Once Soap shot him dead, he would also want to shoot him again, just to feel satisfied.
Hotel Lustig
Prague, Czech Republic
Roach hid on the west wing of the hotel, while Price was on the other side. They were both clinging on to the walls as their entrance was at the small opening where Soap would shoot Nero. Roach eyed the convoy just below him.
"Convoy's up ahead. Nero should be in one of those cars." Soap muttered.
"Can't see shit through the lens. He could be anywhere." Alex added.
"Easy lads. We'll have a clear shot once they're in the balcony. Right Jack?" Price asked. Jack didn't respond, but maybe the signal inside was too weak.
"Jack? Do you copy?" Price asked.
"Da. I do copy, Captain Price. I'm just here to get my old prisoner back. I've had him in the gulag for quite a while but it seems this is our first time meeting face to face." A russian voice which everyone assumed to be Nero said in the most villainous tone possible.
"You're too predictable, Captain." he said as he clicked something, prompting an explosion on the clock tower.
"Get down! C4!" Price yelled as the two soldiers jump out, falling on to railings. Alex landed on a fruit cart by the tower while Soap landed on the car, crashing it as it alarmed.
"Roach! Go help them out!" Price ordered as Nero's men started to circle around the two while the resistance team helped them defend. 
Roach quickly pulled Soap up who was groaning in pain. Alex looked pained too but the look in their eyes says that they're still willing to end this today.
"Let's catch up with them." Alex said as a resistance member tossed them a rifle and quickly hid for cover, pushing their way into the hotel. At the corner of Roach's eye, he saw Price enter the building, loading his gun and ready to end this as well.
Next Chapter : THREE Bullets
Notification Squad my Beloved
@smokeywhalee @enderio @samatedeansbroccoli @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach @bumblingbee1
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cyrillean · 4 years
Here's a sasara playlist i spent too long putting together!
tracklist under the read more
arrow by half•alive (i know that i can't run forever / but i can't stand still for too long / this heart is afraid to beat slowly)
this city by patrick stump (from every corner / to every block / whether it’s warm or storming or downright stupid hot, hot)
a mask of my own face by lemon demon (i'd rob my own apartment and i wouldn't give a damn / i'd blame it on the person that nobody knows i am)
kidoairaku by task (i want to be able to have serious conversations / if i could, i'd want to always be smiling)
thinkin bout you by frank ocean (got a beach house i could sell you in idaho since you think i don't love you, i just though you were cute)
wires by the neighborhood (he tells me to be raw / admits to every little flaw / that never let him sit upon the top)
charles by balloon (it was you who said goodbye / even with tears running down your face / if you're going to erase yesterday like this, that's enough / laugh it off)
miss missing you by fall out boy (i will sing to you every day / if it will take away the pain / and i've heard you got it, got it so bad / cause i am the best you'll never have)
hard times by paramore (walking around with my little rain cloud / hanging over my head and it ain't coming down / where do I go? gimme some sort of sign / you hit me with lightning, maybe I'll come alive)
it gets better by fun. (it's hard to stay inside my head when words keep pouring out / like starlight crashing through the room, we'll lose our feathers / yes i know it hurts at first but it gets better)
so what by the mowgli's (anything you say a million times is gonna sound insane / maybe it's a waste / maybe everything is these days)
street fight by smallpools (hit the ground, nobody to hold / i'll lift you up again / lost and found on the side of the road / i'll bring you back again)
do it all the time by i don't know how but they found me (we're taking over the world / a little victimless crime)
glory and gore by lorde (tired little laughs, gold-lie promises / we'll always win at this, i don't ever think about death)
ghost city tokyo by ayase (it's alright / someday it'll be alright / god knows how many times i've told myself / but even now, i fade into the tokyo night alone / almost like a ghost)
some nights by fun. (and some nights i'm scared you'll forget me again / some night i always win / but i still wake up / i still see your ghost / oh lord, i'm still not sure what i stand for)
all i want by walk the moon (the river of cars keeps flowing / all i can see is what's in front of me / this isn't where i thought i was going / this isn't who i thought i would be)
omen by mother mother (something about the world today / makes a boy feel a little insane)
what's good by tyler the creator (i see the light / dracula, dracula, dracula / suck me first, i might get back at you / is that shit clear? check the aperture / hahahahahahaha, i can't laugh at you)
it's alright by mother mother (oh hey / i had a night / i had a day / i did one million stupid things / i said one billion foolish things / i'm not okay)
blinding lights by the weeknd (the city's cold and empty / no one's around to judge me / i can't see clearly when you're gone)
home by vince staples ft richie kohan (i wanna be home free / where's one that was lonely / but i'm ready and waiting / for my day of salvation / and i'm patient)
in my city by ellie goulding (rolling down the streets in my new town / with the lights blinding and my heart weighed down / i think i'll get a job stealing people's thunder)
still feel by half•alive (lost in the in-between / or so it seems / i'm out of control / floating in outer space / have i misplaced a part of my soul? / lost in the in-between but it can't keep me asleep for long cause / i still feel alive)
spotlight (new regrets) by patrick stump (every word's a new regret if you say it right / every wound can be forgotten in the right light / oh nostalgia i don't need you anymore / 'cause the salad days are over and the meat is at my door)
roaring 20s by panic! at the disco (oscars and emmys and grammys / everyone here is a trophy / and i'm sipping bourbon, the future uncertain, the past on the pavement below me)
wilson (expensive mistakes) by fall out boy (there's nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but you)
when the party's over by billie eilish (quiet when i'm coming home and i'm on my own / i could lie / say i like it like that / like it like that)
surrender by walk the moon (and for all the pretty mouths and pretty words that turn me up / i just end up at your house)
begin again by purity ring (my moon, oh, my moon / not even into another eternity / would stop your lovely orbiting)
i wish i had a shatterproof heart (i wish i was more confident / so i wouldn't overthink everything i say / it's not / something i can easily find anywhere, / but i'm not giving up anymore)
lost in the wild by walk the moon (now i'm tracking you into the city / under the pressure of traffic lights / i'm chasing the clues you left me / that you might still join me in the wild)
dance apocalyptic by janelle monae (but i really really wanna thank you / for dancing 'till the end / you found a way to break out / you're not afraid to break out / but i need to know / if the world says it's time to go / tell me, will you freak out?)
fifteen minutes by mike krol (see it's times like these with a change of heart / it was over and done with before we had a start)
coward montblanc by deco*27 (which of us was loved by which? / back then, all those years ago / it's all disappearing, fading away / though i know it's still somewhere deep in here)
catabolic seed by the scary jokes (i'm safe / i'm whole / i've got it under control / i'm safe / i'm whole / i've got it under control / and i will protect you / even if you won't protect me too)
are we still friends by tyler the creator (don't get green skin, keep in contact / don't say goodbye, smell you later / no, i can't / i don't wanna end the season on a bad episode)
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Eighty-One
Words: 3.6K
Warning(s): Explicit language, drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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"Babe?" I call as I come in from the hottub, wrapped in a towel, holding my bottle of Pepsi. 
Duff's sitting on the couch when I come in, reaching his hand out to grab mine. 
"We're celebrating tonight," Duffs tells me, grinning around his cigarette, and I raise my brows. 
"For what?" I question him curiously. 
"It's been two months since we started dating." He replies. 
"And that's worth celebrating?" It comes out before I can stop myself and his smile slowly falters. 
"I think so, but if you don't want to—"
"—I didn't mean for it to come out like that, Duff." I tell him. 
"No, Viv, it's fine." He assures me. 
"I meant, we aren't really a couple, so—" I stop myself once more realizing the grave I'm digging myself as he looks at me with a slightly raised brow, blowing smoke from his nose. "—I'm gonna shut up. What time are we going out?" 
"Just whenever." He mumbles and I frown a little. 
"Duff, I didn't mean it like that, either, alright? I didn't think you actually considered us a 'couple' since I'm still technically married and you're like a mistress or something." I run a hand through my hair. 
"Well, we're having sex, we go out together, we have conversations about our future together, neither of us are seeing other people or have an interest in seeing other people—I assume—so, either we're dating or wasting each other's time." 
"Okay, we're dating." I say. 
"Are you sure?"
"Duff, seriously?" I question. 
"I'm dropping it." He ignores me, reaching for his cigarettes on the coffee table. "I gotta go grab a couple things from my apartment and I'll be back later."
"Alright." I reply, taking in a deep breath before mentioning, "hey if you get back and I'm not here it's because I'm gonna try to find Izzy a little later because we need to talk about something."  
"Alright, I love you." He kisses my hair quickly and grabs his keys. 
"I love you too." I tell him and he shuts the door. 
As soon as he's gone I'm rushing to the guest bathroom and opening the cabinet under the sink, grabbing the grocery bag of pregnancy tests that have yet to be taken. 
"God, if you love me…" I say, finishing the prayer in my mind.
Children are and always have been a blessing in my eyes, but that didn't mean I wanted a child then.
"Well, I'll be damned." Izzy mumbles, eyes squinting slightly, holding the test I plopped onto the bar in front of him as he peers into the little window of plastic, seeing another, "|" as opposed to the recent "||" we had seen on my first test. 
This is negative test number five of five taken over the course of three days…
"I'm not pregnant." I repeat to him, taking this last test as the set in stone reality. 
"Congrats, your gig isn't quite up, yet." He says, grinning crookedly and I roll my eyes as he throws back another shot before saying, "So, here ya go," he digs in his pocket and puts two condoms packets on the bar in front of me, making me shove at his arm, "you obviously don't have any." He states.
"I do, I just don't like using them." I reply, glancing around, seeing the coast is clear of anyone I know in the crowded room.
"You like living on the edge or something?" He questions, aggravating me. 
"I like..." I hesitate instead of brazenly saying what I want to. "...you know…" 
He furrows his brows and looks at me for a moment. 
"...You like what?" He asks me, genuinely not understanding and I sigh. 
"I like…that." I widen my eyes slightly for "that," hoping he catches on. 
"I don't understand half of what you say so—"
"—I like cum." I rip the bandaid off and he spits his drink out, squeezing his eyes closed to brace the burn of whiskey through his nostrils as well. "And ya know what? It loses its appeal when it's gummed up at the bottom of latex." I add, just to gross him out more.
"Viv, I didn't need to know that!" He scolds me, groaning, rubbing his face. 
"Understand me now?" I sarcastically demand. 
"Ughh," he wrinkles his nose. 
"I like to feel i—"
"Shut up!" He covers his ears and I laugh. "Damn it, Vivian, go back to damn near leaving the room anytime someone mentioned sex." He complains. 
"I don't feel weird about talking to you about it because you're like a girl friend." I shrug and he glares at me. 
"I'm what?" 
"Like a girl friend." I restate and he raises his brows. 
"A girl friend?" 
"Yeah." I nod. 
"You really know how to break a man's balls without even thinking fucking twice about it." He gripes. 
"I didn't mean anything bad by that." I say, genuinely. 
"You don't tell a guy he's like a girl friend." He argues.
"Well, you are." 
"Are what?" Axl's voice is over the crowd and me and Izzy both snatch at the test before he grabs it and hides it in his jacket pocket. 
"Wondering what's going on with you and Tansy?" I change the subject quickly when he gets to us and he tries to hide his smile. 
"Don't worry about it." He states. 
Axl and Tansy, in a new-found relationship, were in a whirlwind of puppy love. So much so that not even a week later, Axl would propose and she would inevitably say, "yes."
"Where's Duff and the guys?" I ask Axl as he grabs a drink and sits beside Izzy and I, lighting a cigarette. 
"Steven's with some Cheryl chick, Slash is next door at the strip bar, and Duff…" he trails off, furrowing his brows, "...I don't know where Duff is." 
"Oh, well, we were supposed to go out tonight to celebrate our two month." I explain. 
"Well, I haven't seen him." Axl shrugs. 
"He said he was going to his apartment." I add. 
"Haven't seen him." He replies again and I sigh. 
"Okay, then, I'm probably gonna head home and just wait there for him." 
"He's staying with you?" Axl asks and I nod. 
"In Nikki's house?" Izzy adds. 
They look at each other and then look at me. 
"Whore around much?" Axl comments, about to throw back his shot but I knock the glass from his hand and tiredly glare at him. 
"A lot, actually." I reply. "Screw you." 
I turn to go. 
"Viv, c'mon," Izzy sighs as Axl storms off. 
"No, I have some more whoring to go do while my husband's off." I tell him. 
"He's an asshole, Vivian, you know that." He says in reference to Axl but I just keep walking. 
When I get on the street, I head next door to see if he's by any chance with Slash.
Before I can head that way, I'm halting at the sound of a sharp whistle followed by, "God damn!" 
Getting ready to get arrested, again, I turn and my hostility melts away. 
Robbin's grinning at me.
"Where the hell have you been?!" I ask him as he walks to me. 
"I was gonna ask you the same thing." He states, hugging me. "I've seen all the shit in the press and figured you'd gone to Japan with Nikki to work things out or whatever." He adds. 
"There is no 'working things out,' Robbin." I reply and he furrows his brows. 
"I'm filing for a divorce when he gets back." I explain. 
"What? No, Viv, you can't do that, you guys are Nikki and Viv." He tells me. 
"No, we're Nikki and Heroin and Mistress and Viv." I smartly shoot back. 
"I hate that you guys gotta go through this." He admits. 
"Well, we got married knowing it might not work out." I shrug. 
"Yeah, but seeing you two being married and making it work got me to realize it's something I want, too, you know? I just didn't think it'd be like this. You two used to be obsessed with each other." He rubs the back of his neck, frowning a little. 
"Well, it is what it is, Robbin." I say.
"It's bullshit is what it is."
"Talk to him about it." I scoff. 
"Rob, c'mon!" A couple friends he's with call down the street and we both look in their direction. 
"Well, it was nice seeing you, we need to see each other more often, you know." I smile softly at him and he nods. 
"I hope things work out, Viv. I really do." He reassures me and I nod. 
"See ya later." He grins, patting my cheek before going to his buddies. 
"Later." I mumble as he goes.
I breathe out and head into the strip joint, not finding Slash or Duff or anyone I knew. 
I eventually give up and just go home because I need to finish decorating for Christmas, anyway. 
Hoping to find Duff at home, I instead come in to an empty house and a sleepy Whisky. 
"Hey, boy." I step to him and reach down, petting him, feeling a small ache in my heart realizing how much he's grown since Nikki first got him a few months ago. 
We were happy when he first got him. 
Now look at us. 
I force it out of mind and decide to get distracted with Christmas. 
I should've got a shower and gone to bed because I ended up getting thrown into a pit of heartbreak all over again whilst trying to find our star for the Christmas tree that I swore I had put in a closet at some point last year to move it out of the way…
"C'mon, you've got it be here somewhere." I mumble, digging around on the top shelf, my hand feeling something familiar. 
I furrow my brows and lift the random junk to see the Bible Nikki had gotten me for valentines day this year that had "gotten lost." 
The star is a distant memory as I grab the Bible and step off the step-stool I was using and innocently open it where the ribbon is tucked by the back cover.
I see a scribbling of Nikki's handwriting. 
I don't know if it's offensive to write in one of these, but my place in hell is already solidified so I might as well piss God off some more. Sorry, I know you don't like when I say I'm going to hell even though we both know it's true. The one problem I have with where I'm fated to spend eternity, is that I know you won't be there. I realized this exactly one year ago. I came pretty close to being over with and I would be burning currently (or just laying in the fucking ground, or flying around as a reincarnated bird, whatever the hell happens to us when we go) had I not made it through. I know I'm scaring you with how much I do, Viv. I hear you talking to God about it when you pray. You're afraid I'm not going to wake up one day. I'm afraid, too. I know, right, Nikki Sixx is scared of something, who would've thought? I'm afraid I'm going to take my last breath without telling you how much I love you. I knew I loved you that night you snuck me into your window and asked me to help you bullshit that damn thesis paper for your final. That was six years ago, almost, and I wish I would have been telling you that I love you all along, maybe it would have changed the path of certain things that have happened. I'm sorry for what I've done, what I'm doing, and what I will do. It's my cross to carry. It's not your fault, it never has been, it never will be. I hope you can forgive me if I'm not here this time next year...if I don't get any better, I'll be in a coffin before our tour ends. Jeez, this sounds like a suicide note. I promise that's not why I'm writing this. I hope I'm around as long as you are. I hope we're together in the next life, whether it's as two birds that mate for life, pecking at each other's eyes, or our spirits just find one another. If God is real, all I'll need is for him to let me know you've made it up there and that you'll be okay, and I'll go to Hell and take the brimstone and fire for all the damage I've done. Just don't forget me, whatever happens. I won't ever forget you. I love you, Vivian. I won't ever forget you. I love you.
My body locks up, my joints tensing, my nose burning as tears come to my eyes...I start shaking, an uncomfortable lump clogging my throat...fury encapsulates me. 
I'm throwing the Bible at the wall, pulling at my hair, screaming and yelling incomprehensibly before finally choking out, "why didn't you tell me this?!" I bark at Nikki who's across the country and can't hear me. 
But I'm saying it loud enough that he probably could if he really tried. 
I guess a part of me might've considered staying with him had he expressed his feelings to me earlier on in our relationship. It's nice to hear, "I love you," even if someone doesn't mean it. 
I felt robbed. I felt I deserved for Nikki to tell me that before I found out about Vanity...before he started choosing drugs over me...before I started sleeping with someone else…
I lay down and just stare at the mirror ceiling looking back at me, an ugly crack causing my reflection to scatter in multiples. 
Nikki must've broken it at some point before leaving. 
I don't know what the point of getting a mirrored ceiling was...perversion or whatever, I suppose. But the money and time spent repairing the damn thing over the years…
I glance at Whisky, curled up on Nikki's side of the bed, talking in his sleep while his back legs twitch a little. 
Maybe he's actually reliving a good memory of Nikki. 
All I can think of is, 
"I got on it to help with my shoulder and finish my parts of the album so it would be ready in time." He tells me honestly.
"And your shoulder's healed now, Nikki. So why are you still bothering with it?" I ask, looking at him. 
"It's not like I'm injecting the shit, Vivian." He argues, getting defensive. "Go read your Bible or pray or something...anything."***
I throw the syringe at him, screaming out, "when did you start doing this?!" as tears reappear in my eyes. 
I expect him to come fight me, he instead ignores my outburst and leans down to grab the box of needles.
I get up and follow after him, my hands shoving at his back, nearly causing him to trip over himself. 
"Answer my fucking question!" I demand him, my voice shaking. I get the reaction I want, the plastic of syringes and metal of needles colliding loudly with the wall when he throws the box of them angrily and spins around.
"Vivian, it's just recreational. It's not serious. I got it under control." He tries to defend himself and I close my eyes, realizing I'll never win.
"Andy." I cry out, keeping my hands on Nikki's chest, but the Finnish rockstar keeps yelling back and forth with the dealer. "Andy." I repeat, louder, but he still doesn't hear me. "Andy!" I'm pleading in a holler, catching his attention. "I-I can't do this, I'm sick, just call an ambulance!" I beg and Andy heads to the phone hanging on the wall.
"Vince, I'm scared." I say in a whisper.
"Viv, you guys are gonna be okay. I'm sure you'll find a way take fix things just to spite people saying you two won't last." He assures me, his hand rubbing comfortingly up and down my back. "Look at me." He says and I do, and he wipes at my tears. "It'll be fine, alright?" I nod. "Okay?"
"Okay." I reply, sniffling again.
I'm hitting the floor as fast as I can, screaming as my ears ache from the noise as he just starts shooting repeatedly, and the house shakes, my only chance of protection is getting under the bed and I rush to get there, covering my ears as my spine paralyzes with fear and more shots fire out. I hear things in our house breaking and shattering from  buckshot that flies through the open doorway as Nikki is shouting "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" with raw tears in his voice.
"I'm getting married, look." Vanity states, taking her left hand out of Arsenio's hold and flashes a shining ring on her ring finger and my ears perk up, apparently Tansy's pulled from her drugged stupor, because her heavy eye lids pop open and her face pales when I look at her as I hear Arsenio comment, "okay, um, here's something for Jett magazine," going with the sudden turn of events presented by the starlet.
"Did you know she was engaged?" I ask Tansy and she's at a loss of words. "I didn't even know she was dating anybody." 
"Vivian." Tansy's tone is dreadful and I wait for her to tell me about it, Arsenio cracking jokes in the background, causing Vanity's enthusiastic laughter to infiltrate the room.
"This is a beautiful ring." He states, grabbing my attention once more. 
"Isn't it pretty?" Vanity agrees as he examines the rock on her finger. 
"You, didn't you--"
"--Nikki Sixx." She interrupts him, and my brows furrow even more, confusion taking over me.***
"How could you do this to me?!" I cry out as he starts trying to walk to me, trying to keep his anger low, but I get away from him, throwing a hotel lamp at him, only for it to shatter on the wall behind him. "What did I do to make you hate me so fucking much, Nikki?! To make you pursue another girl--one of my friends--so fucking hard that you propose to her?! Am I just that fucking forgettable?!" I'm throwing dirty dishes Tommy's used tonight, all of them breaking when they miss Nikki by merely centimeters, hitting the wall. 
"Vivian, fuck it off!" He barks and I grab Tommy's switchblade off the nightstand, throwing it next, and it barely misses Nikki's face. 
"I hate you!" I say back. "I fucking hate you!"
“What's new…" He says with a small smirk, thinking about something before the corners of his mouth fall slowly. "...I've done a lot of shit." He starts and I look at him. "Shit I'm not proud of. I don't fucking know when to just do something a little bit. I can't have a bump, I've gotta go through an eight ball as fast as possible. I can't have a drink, I gotta drink the place dry. I can't have a serious girlfriend, I've gotta marry her." He says, and I glance at him and he shakes his head. "I can't just have a one-night stand, I gotta have a fucking affair." He finishes and I lick my lips, keeping my tears back. "This might be fucked up, but I've realized I don't feel like I shouldn't have had anything with her." He says in reference to Vanity and I furrow my brows. "I just feel like we shouldn't have gotten married to begin with."
I decide to have mercy on myself, refusing to relive anymore of our memories--good or bad--because they don't matter anymore and I don't even give myself time to think about how he finally decided to tell me he loved me after six years of jumping through hoops trying to earn it from him. 
Careful not to wake the dog, I get out of bed, hearing Duff's car pull into the driveway, and glance at the clock. 
How is it already 4:00a.m.?
I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach, excited to see him because I've missed him.
When he gets in, he braces himself against the doorway of the foyer, cursing under his breath when his feet dare to slip from underneath him. 
"Did you have fun?" I ask him softly, smiling at him and he slowly lifts his head to look at me. 
"Y-You're still up?" He asks me, rubbing his face and I chuckle, taking a step to him. 
"Yeah?" I reply, wrapping my arms around his waist…
...Noticing he's keeping his hand on his eyes as if he's rubbing them, and his lids are squeezed together. 
"Are you okay?" I ask next, reaching up to pull his hand away from his eyes but he stops me. 
"Yeah, baby, I'm fine, just go to bed and I'll be there in a second." He tells me calmly, slurring a little. 
"Duff, what's wrong?" I don't listen, not buying it for a second. 
"Viv…" he sounds disappointed. "Izzy'll be in here in a second." 
"Just look at me," I giggle and move his hand again and he hesitates for a second, before sighing, looking me in the eyes. 
I can't speak as pin-pointed pupils look down at me, the sudden smell of smack fumes on his clothes invades me, faint but still there.
I go to open my mouth to speak but I can't…
He's floating on heroin and my hopes of normality are drowned.
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fulcrum-agent · 3 years
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010. Heady [FFXIVwrite2021]
His voice comes over the Linkpearl unexpectedly.
"A-Aquila......Father is here...I don't know what to do; he's standing right outside Calcifer.....what do I do?" He says in a slightly panicked tone.
"You stay the fuck in the lab and let me deal with him," she replies immediately.
She's given a timid reply, "Ok...."
"Once some ground rules are out, I'll let you know," she explains to him. "But he gets to find out all the ways he will die if he messes with you."
His voice pitches upward a little as he asks, "A-are you bringing Leth? Rolno? Locke? any kind of backup?"
"Locke's still recovering, Rolno's about to get laid, and Leth got shanked earlier," she explains calmly. "Besides, I don't NEED back up now, thanks to Merrick."
Sounding more than just a little concerned, he murmurs, "Alright..."
Their father takes a sip from the cup in front of him as she arrives. Upon seeing him, she draws her blade, assuming the same stance that the former Blade who owned it used.
"...what are you doing here?" she asks coldly.
The man, without looking up, speaks - his cold, nearly monotone, and emotionless voice carries over the wind.
"Is that any way to address your Father? Daughter of mine, I taught you better."
He finally stands up and brushes himself off, and faces her fully, his hands neatly folded behind his back. His eyes looked down at the sword, then back to her; a slightly raised eyebrow was the only indication that he had acknowledged the weapon.
"You PROGRAMMED me - you didn't teach," she corrects him harshly, not taking well to him using that particular phrase. "Not that such'll save you anymore. One of your little projects saw to that."
The man tilts his head. "Oh?"
"Yeah. C-04-01B. Merrick. Somehow, you managed to make him even more monstrous than yourself," she retorts sharply, blade still ready to strike. "Again. Why. Are. YOU. Here."
Her father seems lost in thought for a moment.
"Interesting, I was sure I destroyed him when he malfunctioned.....I suppose he must have found an escape and has since degraded since his creation," He did not seem too concerned with the escaped Clone. "It took me quite a while to find you and Liocyon; I've come to bring you home....seeing as you failed to even do that."
"Spoilers: We're not going, and you've lost the power to make us," she immediately slings at him, still debating on just attacking him. "It was NEVER in the plan to go back, especially after finding out why Lio left."
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he replies, "These antics of yours are growing tiresome, my child."
"You created them at the end of the day," she points out. "I'm pretty sure you were entirely aware of how trying to enslave me was gonna work out."
She's given what passes for an incredulous look by her father as he echoes, "Enslave? is that what you think I was doing?"
This finally breaks from her calm tone of voice.
"Septimus is DEAD because of what you did!" she shouts at him, giving him a gaze that likely has made some random primal rollover disturbed in their sleep. "YOU should be the dead one."
He gave the barest hint of emotion at the mention of Septimus's name; his eyes seemed to soften just slightly.
"What happened to your brother....was a tragedy," He said in a slightly softer tone, "Believe me when I say....that I grieved with the rest of you."
"If that's fucking so, why did you even programme me to kill our family!" she shouts; for the moment, the last vestiges of the conditioning can't fight past her seething rage. "I nearly killed LIO because of your bullshit!"
The almost emotionless state returns the response, "Better to die at the hands of a family member than one of these barbarians."
"If not for these 'savages', Merrick would have succeeded. You're only dealing with me because they rescued me," she retorts hotly, clearly provoked by his words. "If not for them, Lio would be dead. Because that's Merrick's goal - to replace my brother."
This actually gives her father pause before he brushes the information off again.
"That clone is delusional; I never made him for that purpose, for replacing Lio."
"Intent or not, that's what's going on, Father," she counters, the last word sounding like pure venom. "You've created one hell of a mess. He's MURDERED dozens of people - 'savage' and Garlean alike."
Her father furrows his brow as he flatly states, "A pity but hardly my problem or my concern."
"Oh?" she slowly lowers Talekeeper, assuming her...perceived lack of a stance. "Actually, it is. And you're going to fix it."
She's given what passes for a quizzical look as he states, "There is nothing to fix."
"Yeah. There is. Put on that damned monocle and LOOK," she orders him. "There's something only you can repair. It's the only reason you're not dead."
Without bothering to do as asked, he questions, "And what is that?"
"I have an aetherpool. Two pre-teen kids worth of aether. Enough to use aether," she explains to him, like he's five, "but not enough to dispatch your monster."
He makes a motion for her to continue, seeming undisturbed by this news, and she sighs a little.
"I...need you to finish what he attempted. So that I can eliminate the threat he poses to Liocyon," she explains, voice returning to that sort of mimicry of his own. "But don't think I won't stab you, somewhere non-fatal, if you do ANYTHING to Lio."
The man quirks his brow. "You want me to...expand your limited aetherpool?"
She nods at Cicero, "Yup."
"If this conversation had happened a few years ago, I would say it's impossible...." he ruminates before stating, "as it stands, I think I have knowledge and capability to do as you ask; there is one hiccup, though."
Her eyes narrow at him.
"Hiccup? The fact your lab in the Capital can't be accessed?" she asks him.
The man's lips form a thin smile as he gives what might be a mock-praise, "What a smart girl you are."
She smirks a little at that.
"Smart enough to know how to get all your equipment out," she almost teases him.
"Not only my lab equipment but my research notes..." he emphasises, "unless you have a team willing to infiltrate Empire territory and access my lab."
"Pfft. We HAVE your notes already. Tana grabbed every tomestone that wasn't nailed down when she left," she explains to him. "What we don't have, currently, is any of your equipment or anything close enough to it. All that shit here is Sharlayan."
He shrugs and continues, "If you can bring me my equipment, I can work on your little request...I have a condition, though."
She rolls her eyes faintly. "Because, of course, you do."
"I want to see Liocyon."
"And I have conditions on that," she retorts immediately, voice razor-sharp. "You do ANYTHING harmful to him; I will make you regret it. Slowly."
"To the pain."
With a faint sigh and a small wave of his hand, he agrees, "Your theatrics are noted. I assume he is inside that......establishment."
She nods once.
"Yeah, but Calficer's more likely to kill you than let you in," she somewhat smugly points out. "I can go get him, though."
He makes a motion, "By all means."
She decides to prove a point before such. Without warning, she blinks into the Lifestream only to reappear with her sword right across Cicero's neck, edge gently touching such - enough to leave an extremely thin red mark but not enough to cut deeply.
"Just remember my conditions, "Father," she states before blinking again, displacing back to where she was before turning to get Lio. Talekeeper stays out.
Her father seems unphased by the threat "Noted."
She enters the House of Mystery, looking to her pacing brother immediately. "He's aware of the conditions."
Her twin turns paler shade. "He's not g-gone?"
"Nope. We've a little arrangement. He's allowed to speak to you, so long as he doesn't do anything shitty," she explains to her twin. "If he does ANYTHING harmful, I'm corps-a-corps'ing his dick."
He takes a deep breath, his body trembling slightly.
"Alright..." he says weakly. "Ok...just....stay with me, please."
She nods at Lio, grinning. "He can't stop me anymore," she reminds Lio, "so I'll be right beside you unless I have to suddenly castrate him."
Her reflection nods before looking to the door. "Alright then..."
Aquila Aurelius returns with Lio in tow, the rapier still out and perhaps at the ready. Her lack of stance is maddening to anyone who knows how to sword fight.
After they exit the house, her brother stands behind her. "H-hello F-Father...." *He says weakly, his eyes looking towards the ground.*
Cicero Aurelius would calmly watch his daughter and son exit the building, a small smile turning the corner of his lip* "Liocyon....you've changed quite a bit since I last saw you, have you finally embraced science?"
She mutters, "...wears the coat better than you ever did..."
Her twin looks over at her before looking back to his father, trying to explain himself, "I have...it was...it was required, someone needed it..."
Their father looks over to her for a moment before looking back to Lio and nodding.
"Good, good..." He takes a few steps forward as he speaks, "You look so much like your mother....she wanted to be here, you know.."
She glares at him at the mention of their mother, despite the accuracy. "Then why isn't she?" she retorts sharply.
Their father gives her a look as he answers, "It is unsafe for us outside of the safehouse."
Her twin takes a step forward as he eagerly asks, "Mother is here? what about the others?"
She moves her blade between her reflection and their father.
"Ah ah ah," she notes to their father. "And who the fuck's fault is it that she's not safe?"
"The fool that sits on the throne now," the man said simply. "He turned our country into a damn cult."
This causes her blade to focus on their father again, pointed aimed right at his throat as she retorts, "Nah. YOU made it, so none of us are safe outside the estate."
Shaking his head, the man intones, "Everything I did was to make it safe for you and Liocyon."
Her brother gently places his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her, softly murmuring, "Aquila.."
Reluctantly, she drops the sword away from their father's throat, though Talekeeper remains out.
"I don't think experimenting on your own kids and turning them into monsters is really for the best," she points out with a huff.
"Perhaps one day you will understand what I was trying to do,"
their father sighs, "In any case, fine....bring me my equipment, and I will expand your aetherpool...after that, perhaps we can sit down and discuss things as adults?"
Her twin looks between her and their father, moving closer to his sister.
She shakes her head at her brother a little bit.
"...he wasn't supposed to know that, but...fine," she concedes, looking at their father before adding, "...but the conditions stand, even then."
For his part, the man makes a mock 'oops' face as he flippantly states, "My mistake, but fine."
"...I have a shorter blade that I can use," she points out. "Won't kill you, but it'll hurt."
Their father waves his hand as he mocks, "Yes, yes, you're threats are noted...I will take my leave; contact me as soon as you have my equipment."
She nods once, Talekeeper remaining out until he's well and gone.
"Yeah, sure. Say hi to mum for us," she quips.
The man looks back at Lio. "It was.....good to see you again, son."
Her reflection nods as he murmurs, "Father..."
In a flat tone, as he turns, their father states, "Aquila."
((Adapted from an RP with Liocyon.))
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blueeyedheizer · 5 years
Alive Again - Billy/Four x reader
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TW: Language, Blood
"Eight, I need a hand !"
"Well I'm kind of busy right now. Why don't you ask Five?" You spat, still keeping an eye on your target from behind your sniper rifle. Four groaned at your answer and you rolled your eyes, holding your weapon firmly.
"Come on Eight, now's not the time to be a little bitch! I need backup!"
"Fuck you, Four."
"For God's sake can you two shut up already? I feel like i'm working with actual children!" One barked from the other side of the mic, and you could tell he was definitely getting angry at your childish attitude. There wasn't a day where you and Four weren't fighting, and every mission ended with you two yelling at each other for the silliest reasons.
"Eight, you go help Four, end of discussion." One continued.
"I'm on the other side of the goddamn building, how the fuck am I supposed to make it without dying !" You yelled, clearly loosing your patience as well.
"Two's got you covered, you're not dying today, got it? Now get a hold of yourself and go!" You let out a loud sigh and checked your surroundings carefully before running reluctantly towards the opposite direction of your target. You hated being given a task out of nowhere. You weren't very self-assured so everything you did had to be planned or you just weren't ready for it. The thing is, One didn't seem to get it and that pissed you off more than anything.
Your race against time was abruptly interrupted as soon as you stepped inside one of the building's luxurious rooms; a guard bursted in the room at the same time as you and aimed his gun at you, his finger firmly placed around the trigger.
That's it. I'm dying today. You thought.
The guy took a step closer to you, the grip on his gun tighter than it was seconds ago making you hold your hands up in defense.
"Drop your gun." the man threatened and you shook your head no.
"I said drop your fucking gun!" before you could even process what was happening, a loud bang was heard and the man's dead body fell on the floor, making you scream. His head was half gone and he was already laying in a pool of his own blood. You let out a scream in horror. "Holy fucking shit!"
"You're welcome." Two said, exhaling a deep sigh of relief. "Almost missed him." She tried to joke, but you weren't in the mood for that. Without letting yourself think too much, you swallowed hard and started running as fast as you could. You were used to seeing dead people since you joined the Underground but it was never easy to witness. You might have been declared dead but your feelings definitely didn't die with that part of you.
"Why did I get myself into this?" you whispered to yourself before continuing your way to find Four. You couldn't help but have some regrets about joining the Underground. Watching your family mourn you at your own funeral was one of the hardest thing to do, and you often felt like all of this wasn't worth it. Most of your missions were complete disasters, and the fact that all of you were still alive to this day was a miracle.
After running for what seemed an eternity, you finally reached the opposite side of the building where Four was supposed to be.
"Alright asshole, back to you. Where are you?" you called.
No answer
"Four! Do you copy?"
"Eight-." his mic was crackling. He was in trouble. Just by hearing him say your code name, you could tell he was breathless, almost struggling to speak. You let out a gasp when a bullet flew right next to you, and you rushed to the closest safe place you could find.
"Shit! Guys, I think I'm surrounded."
"Yeah, there's three guys hot on your heels, but I've got them in sight. They won't follow you for too long. Keep running." Seven answered and you nodded before going back to making your way inside the building. "Four i'm gonna need some indications. Where are you?"
Still no answer.
"Four?" Your heart began to race when you heard fighting sounds and screams of pain coming from your mic.
"Eight...please, help..."
"I'm on my way. But I need to know where you are. Give me a hint. Anything you can tell me."
"He's gonna kill me."
"Fuck's sake...Just hang on. I'm coming to you." The mic made another crackling sound and then went silent.
"Guys we've got a problem" Three interrupted.
"God, what now?" you answered, your heart beating faster with every passing second.
"The cops are everywhere, we have to go now. They'll be surrounding the whole building anytime from now." You started running faster, being careful to check if every corner around you was clear.
"Eight, you have to come back. We're running out of time." One said through the mic.
"No, fuck this. I'm not leaving anyone behind. Just go without me, we'll find a way to get back to you guys."
One let out a sigh and rubbed his face with his hands. He was definitely not approving your decision but chose to let you handle the situation anyway. "Alright. Good luck. Don't die."
You closed your eyes tightly, realizing what you were doing. You were walking right into the lion's den, and you got yourself into it on your own.
Quickly, you dashed behind a wall, hiding from any potential enemy. You tried to catch your breath but your bulletproof vest was making it harder. After a few seconds, you peeked around and made your way towards a corridor where you could hear punches being thrown along with some loud crashing.
You finally found Four after what felt like an eternity. He was being beaten up horribly, and you could hardly believe the scene in front of you. Four looked completely helpless, the pain was so unbearable that he didn't even bother screaming for help. You immediately grabbed your gun and shot the guy on top of him, and you heart sank at the sight in front of you. Four's face was covered in bruises, and dried blood matted his hair against his forehead. You held out your hand for him to take and told the team you'd found him. One, Three and Seven were arguing on the other side, but you weren't listening.
"You good?"
Four groaned and grabbed your hand, standing up painfully. "Yeah."
"What the hell happened?"
"Since when do you care?" he spat and you scoffed, trying to hide how hurt you were after hearing those words.
"Yeah, whatever. Let's go. We're running out of time"
Back to the HQ, you were sitting in front of your trailer, watching as Five took care of Four's multiple bruises. You couldn't help but feel angry at the sight of them being together. Was it jealousy? No. It couldn't be. You let out an unintentional scoff when you heard her laugh at something Four had said.
"So....Have you two fucked yet?" Two asked, taking a long drag of her cigarette and getting you out of your thoughts. You choked on your drink, making her chuckle.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
"Wha- Why on earth would I want to fuck him? I can't fucking stand him." you spat, throwing a cold glare towards his and Five's direction.
"Of course you don't. You just risked your life for someone you hate, nothing weird 'bout that. I would definitely do that too." Two answered as a smirk appeared on her face.
"Oh, fuck off Two. I don't like him. He's- he's selfish, self-centered, ungrateful and he's- he's....he's just a fucking asshole!" You yelled. Two was taken aback by your reaction, not expecting you to take her teasing so seriously. Everyone was looking at you, including Four and Five, and you'd never felt so exposed before. You could feel your cheeks began to burn so you shook your head and went inside your trailer, slamming the door shut behind you.
You were laying on your bed when you got startled by the sound of your door opening. You sat up and groaned when your eyes met Four's.
"Haven't you heard of knocking? What do you want?" You got up from your bed and walked to the opposite direction of him, turning your back at him.
"Five told me I should say thank you for saving my life so, here I am." he was standing awkwardly in front of the door, his hand buried in his pockets. You scoffed.
"Yeah whatever. You're welcome, I guess. Now get out."
"What's your problem, Eight? Seriously. What's this all about?" he suddenly spat, making you turn around. "What did I ever do for you to hate me so much?" he added.
"What's my problem? I risked my fucking life for someone who wouldn't do the slightest for me, that's my goddamn problem !" you yelled, not even caring if the others could hear you. Tears were threatening to fall from your eyes but you fought hard to hold them back. Four stayed silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. He broke the silence after a few seconds.
"You know that's not true, Eight." his voice was soft. So much softer than it had been only a moment before, which only made you want to cry harder.
You scoffed again and shook your head. "Oh come on. You and I both know it's true."
"Eight, come on..." Four took a few steps towards you and reached for your arm but you pulled back quickly, as if his touch would burn your skin.
"My name. It's Y/N."
Four could see how sad and broken you were, and to his own surprise he found himself wishing he could make all your pain go away. You two just stood there for a moment, not knowing what to say. Four was obviously not expecting this when he walked into your trailer. He thought you'd be fighting again like you always did, but finding you so broken was the very last thing he expected to be confronted to. This time you were the first one to break the silence.
"I'm not the person I used to be." You confessed. "I can't even recognize myself and I don't know why I act the way I do." You choked out, as Four watched you with a sympathetic expression. "I'm so fucking pathetic I just-, I'm so sorry."
"Come here, Y/N." He opened his arms for you and you walked into them without hesitation, not caring about anything else at the moment. Him calling you by your real name was enough for you to let go and put all your bitterness aside. No one had ever held you since you joined the Underground, this being one year ago. But that's all you needed. To know that you were still a human being, worthy of being loved and cared about. You allowed yourself to sob against Four's shoulder, something you never thought you'd ever do.
"I just want to feel alive again."
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iamknicole · 4 years
Deja Vú (2)
Florian Munteanu/OC
Its probably pretty awful but it was stuck in my head 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
After two weeks with her nieces their mother had finally picked them up from Angel. She didn't offer an excuse or extend a thank you but Angel wasn't expecting one either. She still checked on them while they were home because she knew her brother would want her to.
After work Angel decided to go to the hookah bar down the street from her house to relax. Her another friends usually went their together but they were all working but she didn't mind going alone.
She looked around the room as she sat in a booth waiting for a waitress. The room was dimly lit which is why she chose to sit at a booth with a small hanging light over it. Moments later, a brown skin girl dressed in black short shorts and a fitted black tee came to her table placing the hookah on it. She put fresh cubes at the top then smiled.
"Here you go. Its jungle juice flavored, love."
Angel looked at her strangely and took the hose from her, "Um ... this isn't mine. I didn't order this."
The waitress smiled. "It was from another customer. He asked me to send it to you."
"Oh no thank you. I'm good."
"Uh, no, I think you should keep it. Its the guy on the couch over there," The waitress explained pointing discreetly in the direction.
Rolling her eyes, Angel looked at who was on the sofa. When she did she spotted the man she had bumped into weeks ago sitting wide legged with the hookah hose in his hand. She smiled and sat back in the booth.
"Can you do me a favor and take it over to sit on his table? I'm gonna sit with him."
The waitress nodded waiting for Angel to get up and follow her. When she got to the table she sat beside him, turning her body sideways so she could look at him.
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"Jungle juice?"
He laughed taking a pull from the hose.
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"Seemed fitting. It got you here, didn't it?"
"I guess it did," she hummed picking up her own hose, "Why is it fitting?"
"Closest thing to jungle fever, no?"
Angel laughed for the first time in a while. She shook her head taking a pull.
"What do you think?" He asked watchign her facial expressions.
"Minty and fruity. I like it."
He nodded. "I have good taste. Looks like you do as well."
The two sat for another two hours talking about nothing in particular. They'd gone through four refreshers before Angel's phone vibrated on the table. She saw her nieces' picture pop up and answered putting her hand over her other ear.
"What's up, Nyla?" She asked quickly.
"Auntie, come get us, please."
"Why? Whats wrong?"
"Mama not here and her boyfriend got people in the house. They doin drugs, Auntie. I had to lock us in Nia's room."
Angel took a deep breath before answering. "Alright, I'm on my way. Stay in the room till I get there."
When they hung up, Angel looked over and started to call his name realizing she didn't know what it was.
"We've been sitting here and I don't even know you're name."
He leaned in close so she could hear him, "Florian."
She smiled and stuck her hand out to him which he took. His hand swallowed hers. "Well, Florian, I'm Angel."
"Hmm.... Angel? Never thought I'd see on walk the earth." He responded cooly slowly letting her hand fall from his.
"Cute," she laughed, "But I need to go, my nieces need me. "
Florian flagged the waitress down, "Give me a second to pay. I'll go with you."
"You don't gotta do that, Florian. I assume you were just apologizing for bumping me. All is forgiven."
After handing the waitress two hundred dollar bills, he laughed under his breath and stood up. He offered his hand to her which she took.
"Not what I was doing. Sounded like you were upset, I want to make sure all is okay."
Figuring that arguing wouldn't work, Angel followed him outside. He walked her to her car then told her to follow him to his building so he could drop his car off.
"Your nieces okay?" He asked fifteen minutes into their drive.
"As long as they're in their room, they are."
"Is there a problem where they live?"
Angel nodded turning into the neighborhood. "Yeah, their mama got shit for brains."
Florian laughed at the tone of her voice. He understood the seriousness but to hear her so upset was sort of amusing to him after she'd been so happy and carefree at the bar.
"Something funny?"
"Yeah, the way you said that. You sound pissed."
"Cause I am," she snorted. "Stop making me wanna laugh."
When they pulled up to the house, Angel parked across the street and killed her engine. She saw the cars parked in front of the house and shook her head.
"You mind coming in with me to get them?"
Florian shook his head and started to get out, "Not at all. Come on."
The door was unlocked when they got to the porch so they walked on in. Florian walked closely behind her looking around the small house. Angel went straight to the living room she spotted 6 men and 2 women sitting around it.
"Chanda know you doin this shit in her house, Rod?" Angel asked loudly.
Rod jumped then scoffed when he realized who it was. "Man, gone somewhere with all that. Take ya bougie ass on."
"Yeah, after I get my nieces I will. I don't know why she let your dumbass have a key anyway." Angel fussed turning to leave the living room.
"I don't know why she gave you a key either, bitch. Airways messing shit up."
Angel started to turn around but Florian stopped her telling her to grab her nieces. She knocked softly on the bedroom door then called their names softly promoting them to open the door.
"Come on. We leaving, yall. Yall got what yall need?"
Nyla grabbed both their bookbags then her little sister's hand and walked out the bedroom. Shaking her head, Angel followed them down the short hallway and found Rod pinned against the wall by Florian. She gave Nylah the keys telling her to go get in her sub then rushed to Florian pulling his arm to no avail.
"Let him go. Its okay."
"Its not," he said simply, "Apologize to her."
Rod stuttered out an apology prompting Florian to let him go. Nodding, Angel pulled her new friend out of her sister's house to the suv.
"Girls, this is Florian. Florian, these are my nieces, Nia and Nylah." Angel said pulling off from the house. "We're gonna take him home then get food. Okay?"
Florian turned in his seat to smile at them. "Nice to meet you, girls."
"You our uncle? We never had one and we want one." Nia said smiling.
Angel sucked her teeth, "Nia, hush. That's not your business."
"Correction," Nyla added, "You never had a uncle, Nia. I did. But Auntie said he wasn't shit so he had to go."
"Nyla! Watch your mouth!"
Florian laughed turning back around in his seat, "I like them. They're funny."
"We like you too, Uncle Flo!" Nia squealed. "You come over for dinner?"
"Sure, I'd love too."
Angel side eyed him as she drove, knowing this was another losing argument.
After picking up some soul food, they all went back to Angel's house to eat. She sent her nieces upstairs to bathe and change before they ate leaving Florian and her in the kitchen. Her phone rung while she fixed their plates, she answered it putting it on speaker.
"What, Chanda?"
"You been to my house?"
Angel sucked her teeth. "You know good and damn well I've been there. What do you want?"
"I want you to stay the hell.outta my house when I'm not there. Every time Nyla lying ass call you, ya bougie ass come runnin. Aint shit happen."
Angel put down the spoon she was holding and stared at her phone. "She didn't say anything happened other than Rod had people over there with drugs so what are you talking about?"
Chanda paused for a second then spoke, "Oh well don't worry about that then. But you heard what I said stop running over here aint shit wrong with them. They just spoiled cause of you."
"My nieces aren't liars and I'm always gon pick them up when they ask. You need to worry about leaving them there with Rod ass." Angel fussed rolling her neck as if Chanda could see her.
Chanda sucked her teeth. "You know what since you think you know everything and you and ya stupid ass brother think you can raise them better than I can then you keep they asses. I aint want them no way, lyin ass lil children."
"Whatver, Chanda. Thats fine, they would rather be here anyway."
Angel hung up the phone without waitng for a response and put her face in her hands trying to calm herself down. Florian, who she'd forgotten about in the midst of the argument, came around the island and wrapped his arms around him to comfort her. He rocked them from side to side letting her cry on his chest.
"So we live here now?" Nia asked softly from the doorway.
Angel pulled away from the hug wiping her face and pushed her hair behind her ears. She went over to both of her nieces, who'd been standing there since the tail end of the conversation.
"Yeah, I guess yall do. Is that okay?" She asked both of them.
Nyla shrugged, "Took long enough. Been tryna move here for months."
Nia hugged her aunt's legs smiling. "I love it here! We get to live with you forever!"
Angel hugged her back laugjing softly, "What about when ya daddy comes back?"
"Then he can come live here!"
Nyla laughed going to sit to the table, "No, Daddy said we getting our own house plus Auntie and Uncle Flo need their space."
Nia pulled away from the hug and ran to the table to her sister.
"Space for what?"
"To make our cousins, duh, Nia."
Angel rolled her eyes playfully when she heard Florian laughing. "Okay, okay, lets eat and stop talking about cousins."
"But I can still be their uncle," Florian asked playfully as he walked over to the table to sit down.
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