#ibuprofen is your friend she wants to help
threecrowsinacloak · 11 months
hey did you know that it's okay actually to take a painkiller for things that "aren't actually that bad" but that are preventing you from doing things
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conniesanchor · 1 year
Conrad xClingy!reader pleaseeee
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a week ago, you had looked over at your boyfriends phone and saw a text from one of his friends asking if conrad could hang out. without thinking, he responded with, ’sorry, man. with my girl right now, maybe soon.’ and he put his phone down and immediately returned his attention to you.
his friend texted back quickly, "again? god, she's all over you." conrad rolled his eyes and set his phone on the table next to the couch. it didn't seem like he was upset with you, but you wanted to give him space regardless.
now, instead of going to his house every day, you had only seen him once this week. conrad had been blowing up your phone asking if everything was alright. it was rare for you to go multiple days without seeing each other, but a week? he was spiraling with the thought that he had done something wrong.
the newest texts read,
connie <3
Hey. Can I come over?
sorry, connie. im not feeling good. maybe tomorrow. i love you.
then, he called you.
"hey, everything okay?" he asked over the phone, worry lacing his voice.
"yes, connie. just don't want to get you sick." you lied, feeling the familiar pit of guilt build in your stomach.
he took a moment to respond but then hit you with, "don't care. im coming over. i haven't seen you in days," he mentioned, "i love you. see you in a bit."
he hung up before you could respond.
it was ten minutes exactly before conrad was knocking on your door. sighing, you got up to let him in. your heart broke when you saw the grocery bag full of medicine and candy.
conrad was confused when you opened the door. you didn't look sick. your nose wasn't red, and you didn't look like you were in pain. he tilted his head, "thought you were sick," the boy mumbled, "got you ibuprofen and cough medicine."
that was what sent you over the edge. tears welling in your eyes at how thoughtful he was. "sorry, con," you apologized. he wasn't sure why, though.
he set the bag down anyway, wrapping his arms around you. "sorry for what?" you pulled away, "big breath, baby," he encouraged, giving an example.
you did as told, "im not sick, i just-" you got cut off by a hiccup, "last time you were here, your friend, he-"
he quickly realized where you were going with this. he hadn't talked to that friend since that text message. "is this about the text he sent me? how he thinks you're all over me?" you nodded. "i love you, y/n. okay? you're just the right amount of all over me and i would never trade it for the world," he assured you, rubbing your back gently.
you cried more at that, pulling away from him. you moved to go sit on the couch, and he wasn't far behind, "talk to me, baby."
"i just feel like im holding you back-"
"no," he responded flat. "you're not holding me back. there's not a day i would rather hang out with my friends rather than you. you're first, if they don't like that they can find someone new to hang out with. you have never been upset at me for spending time with them, they don't get to be upset that im spending time with you. got it?" conrad asked, but it wasn't much of a question at all.
"got it," you mumbled, wiping the tears from your face.
he helped you in your efforts, placing a hand on each side of your face and dragging his thumbs across hour cheeks, "now be nice to my girlfriend, please?"
you nodded, "can we watch tangled?"
"of course, pretty girl."
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azzibuckets · 4 months
This is sort of a long and specific request but I just have this idea of an ansty fic idea for pazzi or reader.
azzi gets her wisdom teeth out and she’s like all loopy and when paige takes her home, they are all cuddled up. Azzi talks about the love of her life in third person and paige doesn’t realize it’s her until she does… but basically she’s like heartbroken until then.
loopy in love [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
a/n: i know i said i was taking a break from pazzi fics but god bless anon for giving me the best prompt i’ve ever read
word count: 1.5k
masterlist | part 2
“Make sure she takes acetaminophen or ibuprofen if she feels any pain,” the nurse instructed. “She can also sleep with an extra pillow tonight to support her neck and help circulate blood flow.”
“Alright, thank you. I’ll keep all that in mind,” Paige said gratefully. She looked over at Azzi, who was slumped in the chair. Her eyes were dazed and her cheeks swollen with numbing from anesthesia, but Paige’s heart warmed. Azzi had never looked cuter, she thought.
“I understand you guys are basketball players?” The nurse looked up from her clipboard of sheets with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah. How long is she out for?”
“No strenuous activities for at least three days, and definitely no cardio for five. We don’t want any rebound swelling or bleeding,” the nurse explained. “Other than that, you just need to sign her release form, and then you guys are good to go.”
Paige nodded, accepting the paper the nurse handed her and starting to work her way down the page. The nurse walked over to Azzi. “Make sure to keep biting on the gauze, okay hon? Your girlfriend can help you replace it with a fresh one every 20 minutes.”
Paige’s head snapped up from reading the fine print. “Oh, uh, we’re not dating.”
The nurse looked taken aback. “Oh! I’m so sorry! I just assumed…” she stared uncomfortably between the two of them. Paige flushed, knowing that the way they’d entered the office a few hours earlier hadn’t exactly looked very friendly. Paige’s hands had been wrapped around Azzi’s waist as she’d whispered reassurances in her ear.
“No, it’s okay.” Paige scratched the back of neck. “We kinda get that a lot.”
The nurse nodded awkwardly before hurriedly making an excuse to leave the room. Azzi wrinkled her nose, eyes following her out. “Did she think I had a girlfriend?” she slurred.
“She thought we were dating,” Paige breathed out a laugh as she signed the form.
“Ew!” Azzi gagged on her saliva. “I’m sorry, but we could never be together.”
“Geez,” Paige muttered, trying not to let the younger girl’s words sting too much. “I didn’t think I was that that revolting.” Paige turned the form into the receptionist before helping Azzi out of her chair. “Up we go,” she said softly. Azzi stumbled, but tightened her grip on the blonde’s arm to keep steady.
In the car, Azzi stared moodily out the window. Paige chuckled; she’d expected for the anesthesia to make Azzi more quiet and subdued, even though a part of her had wanted a loopy and crazy Azzi to laugh at. “You okay?” she asked.
Azzi started sniffling, and that’s when big tears started rolling down her cheeks.
“Woah.” Paige almost braked the car. “Hey, Az, what’s up?”
“I miss her!” Azzi cried out, folding her arms like a grumpy toddler. “Everything hurts and I can’t feel my tongue and there’s blood and I just want her.”
Paige’s heart sunk. She knew she should be supporting Azzi right now, who was so out of it from the drugs, but she couldn’t help but welcome back the burn of jealousy she’d gotten so familiar with the past few years. Pining over your best friend in secret was not an easy thing, but it was something Paige had become awfully good at.
“Miss who, babe?” Paige asked gently. “I can call whoever you need.”
Azzi dramatically threw her head in her hands. “Nooooo!” she wailed. “You can’t. Or else she’ll know.”
Paige bit her lip. “Know what?”
“That I’m in love with her!”
Paige sucked in a breath. Lately Azzi had been acting distant, coming back to their apartment late at night and making excuses for missing their movie nights. Paige had had a creeping suspicion that Azzi was talking to someone new, had been spending her hours with a new girl or guy she’d met. She’d tried to respect it - she knew Azzi would come to her and tell her if the relationship ever evolved into something serious. She always did. And now here Azzi was, confessing in her stupefied state.
“You’re in love with someone?”
Azzi leaned her head gloomily against the window. “You don’t understand, Paige.”
Paige hesitated. “I understand. I’ve been in love before.”
“No,” Azzi insisted. “You don’t. You don’t understand.”
Paige laid her hand over Azzi’s in an attempt to pacify her. “It’s okay, Az,” she soothed. “We don’t have to talk about this right now. Let’s just get you home first, yeah?”
Azzi snatched her hand away. “Of course you don’t wanna talk about it,” she grumbled, shifting in her seat to move further from Paige.
Once they reached their apartment, Azzi seemed to be in a slightly better mood. “I’m hungry!” she exclaimed as soon as the door closed behind them, immediately making a beeline for the kitchen.
“Uh uh,” Paige denied, running so she could stand between Azzi and the cabinets. “You’re not allowed to eat anything for a few hours.”
Azzi pouted, her bottom lip sticking out. “Pleaseeeeeee?” she whined.
Paige stifled a laugh at how adorable the younger girl was being. “I’m sorry, but no,” she said firmly.
“Ugh!” Azzi aggressively brushed past Paige, knocking her shoulder as she stormed out of the kitchen. “You hate me.”
“Quite the opposite.” Paige followed Azzi as she flopped angrily down on the armchair. “Stay here, alright? Imma go get some pillows and blankets for you and we can watch a movie?”
Azzi didn’t respond, staring grumpily at the dark TV. Paige rushed to gather the softest and biggest blankets she could find. She cursed at herself for not setting up the couch earlier. Now Azzi had to sit there waiting for her. Once she got everything, she threw it on the couch and tried to make it the most comfortable, padded blanket and pillow ridden couch in the history of all couches. “Come on Azzi,” she encouraged in a sing song voice. “Sit on the couch. It’s super comfy.” She patted the couch.
“Will she be there?” Azzi asked hopefully.
“Be where?” Paige’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“On the couch. With me.”
The blonde rolled her eyes, trying to hold in her exasperation but failing mightily. “Are you talking about that girl again?”
“Yes,” Azzi breathed out dreamily. “I think she’s it. She’s the one for me. I can’t stop thinking about her. Even before the surgery she was the last thing on my mind.”
Azzi sounded way too detailed right now to be talking randomly from being hopped up on drugs, which finally confirmed Paige’s suspicions. There had to be an actual girl that Azzi was talking about. She made a note to ask about it later, when the anesthesia wore off. Azzi had never spoken about anyone like this before, so this girl must be a big deal. A hot shot, Paige thought moodily to herself. But she’d support Azzi, like she always did whenever she started something new with someone. Don’t let her know, Paige reminded herself.
“So? Did you call her?” When Paige didn’t respond, too lost in her thoughts, Azzi’s bottom lip started to tremble. “You said you would!” Paige rushed to her, rubbing her back in the way she knew the dark haired girl liked.
“I don’t have her number, Az,” she said gently. “I’m sure we can get her to come over later, though.”
“She’s so pretty and she’s so kind,” Azzi said, now sobbing again. “I just want her here. Everything is always better when I’m with her.” She leaned into Paige’s embrace.
“Come on, Az, let’s sit on the couch, alright? Let’s put on a movie and you can try to sleep the anesthesia off,” Paige prodded. At last, Azzi got up from the armchair and sat reluctantly on the couch. Paige grabbed a blanket and wrapped it tightly around the younger girl. She made sure to stuff extra pillows under Azzi’s neck. “Comfy?”
Azzi nodded. Her tears weren’t flowing as heavily anymore, which Paige took as a good sign. “What do you wanna watch?”
Azzi perked up. “Cinderella.”
“Cinderella? When did you get into Disney?” Paige laughed, but she put it on.
Azzi nestled into Paige’s chest. “Cinderella looks like her,” she sighed happily. “Which is why I like it.”
Paige’s heart started beating rapidly. “What does she look like?” she asked slowly.
“She’s blonde. Has the bluest eyes ever,” Azzi murmured. “And she’s sooo good at basketball. You would love her.”
Paige bit the inside of her cheek. Was this really happening? There was no way this girl Azzi was speaking of was her. She felt excitement rush through her, but she tried to tamp it down. She wasn’t the only blonde, blue-eyed basketball player in the world. Feeling slightly guilty that she was interrogating her best friend in this state, she asked, “What’s her name, Azzi?”
Azzi inserted her leg between Paige’s so that their bodies were now intertwined. “Why does it matter?” she muttered, her words muffled by Paige’s shirt.
Paige softly traced the parts in Azzi’s hair with her finger. “I’m just curious, babe.”
Azzi yawned, sleepiness taking over her. “I can tell you later. If you want. Maybe.”
“Oh, we are so talking about this later,” Paige said under her breath. But for now, she continued playing with Azzi’s hair as Cinderella played in the background, lulling the girl to sleep.
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girlycocksleeve · 9 months
Description: A man turns a cuntboy into his perfect girlfriend
Tags: coerced detransition, abuse kink, misgendering kink, transphobia, rape
He met her through mutual friends. The moment he first saw her at the house party, it was obvious to him that she was a fakeboy, her binder not able to hide her tits, which must have at least been C cups judging by the curve of her shirt. She had a lower voice, although distinctly feminine, so he guessed she must’ve been on HRT.
They had exchanged numbers and talked for a couple weeks. He was older than her, 33 compared to her 22, and she had just moved to the city.
When he asked her out she was ecstatic, and they quickly planned a first date, then a second, then a third. He took her to a bar and got her drunk before taking her back to his place, pushing her up against the door and kissing her. She slurred out that she didn’t take her binder off for sex, and that she was anal only. He respected that the first time, fucking her ass would be good enough for now. She had protested at how big he was, had begged him to go slower but he just whispered “You feel too good baby, I can’t help it” and fucked her harder.
Once he was done she lay there dazed for a minute, cum leaking out of her ass, before starting and saying she needed to go home. He convinced her to stay the night, citing the lateness and her lack of sobriety, and then helped her out of her binder. He made sure not to ogle her tits, definitely bigger than a C cup, until she was asleep. At that point he was free to take pictures and videos, even parting her labia to play with her enlarged clit, sticking two fingers into her virgin pussy while she moaned.
She woke up hungover the next morning and he was there with crackers and water and ibuprofen, all gentle and sweet. She didn’t really remember the night before, but assumed her aching ass was because of him, which just turned her on. Before she left she asked to ride him. He expressed doubt, saying that she was too hungover, that she needed to rest, and she just begged, giving him a blowjob to try to convince him. It worked, and soon enough she was bouncing on his dick, tits bouncing as she hadn’t even thought to put on her binder. She left mid morning with a plug in her ass and her cunt dripping.
Before long she was opening up to him about her kinks. She wanted him to be rough with her, degrading and humiliating her. He acquiesced, making sure she knew the safeword by heart, and telling her to use it liberally.
He started to isolate her, making plans when he knew she was trying to see other friends. Driving wedges in between them, making scenes go on too long so that she would miss appointments.
One weekend he kept her denied, only letting her blow him without being allowed to touch her ass. He fed her aphrodisiacs and kept her watching porn so that her cunt stayed wet. After a couple days she was begging him to fuck her, saying she would do anything he wanted. He gave her two options: either he would fuck her ass without lube, or he would fuck her pussy. She hesitated before saying ass, crying out when the head breached her and immediately asked him to fuck her pussy.
“I don’t know, you asked for this.” He sunk another half an inch deep. The friction almost hurt with how tight she was.
“No, no, please, daddy. Please fuck my virgin pussy please I need your cock in my cunt.” He smiled as he drew back and pushed into her virgin hole. Tight and wet and he was immediately fucking rough into her, not giving her a second to adjust. She just moaned, breath catching on every thrust. He wondered if she was on birth control, but ultimately decided it didn’t matter as he came in her.
He made her clean her juices and cum off his dick before letting her cockwarm him for the rest of the day, fucking back into her pussy whenever he got hard. Eventually she came from it, clenching around him beautifully.
It was a few more weeks before he made another move. She was basically spending all her free time with him, and he had taught her that the minute she entered his apartment all of her clothes came off. That day he had her chained up, arms above her head while she was on her tippy toes. Nipple suckers had been on her tits for a good half an hour while he had flogged her ass, making her thank him for each one as her skin progressively grew more bruised. When he took the suckers off he immediately replaced them with clamps, and she instinctively shouted “No!”
She froze up, knowing that she wasn’t allowed to say that, and he tutted, yanking on the chain between the clamps so that she cried out. He then left the room, going to the atrium where her clothes were, grabbing her binder and scissors.
“This body is mine, understand?” He growled the words while yanking on the chain again, harder this time.
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir. Please, daddy.” She was sobbing, either from pain or fear of punishment he didn’t know.
He held up her binder, made sure she knew what he was doing as he took the scissors to it. “If I ever see you wearing one of these again, I’ll whip your tits until they’re so swollen you won’t even be able to put one on.”
She just whimpered, “Thank you, sir.”
He fucked into her pussy afterwards, and she came when he told her what a good girl she was.
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jackactuallywrites · 7 months
Purely Professional
Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Female Medic Reader
Rating: Mature (nothing too explicit but dick is hinted at)
Warnings: Ghost has a boo boo 😔 (blood, facial injury - split cheek and bruising)
Summary: You are the only medic Ghost trusts to treat him. Also you guys are friends with benefits!
Notes: Yes I do always headcanon Ghost with a broken nose. It’s HOT. Also I’m cleaning out the drafts
Word Count: 1,712
ao3 link
“He’s here.”
You didn’t need to ask to know who the other medic was talking about, nodding thanks to the medic as she left, and you quickly finished up with the young woman you were patching up, “You can take ibuprofen as needed, no more than two pills at a time, and space out the dosage to every four hours.” You wrinkle your nose, “I mean, you know how to take ibuprofen, just basic over-the-counter stuff. But come back if there’s any problems.” She nods, “Thanks, Doc.” You weren’t sure how many times you’d specified the difference between a combat medic and a military doctor, but at this point, it wasn’t worth the air, so you just nodded, gesturing for her to take her leave, “Anytime.” She grabbed the pillbox and made her way out of the room, leaving you to clean up the empty wrappings, tossing them into the nearby bin. You tore off the paper that was covering the bed, binning it as well and then rolling out another cover, making sure everything was fresh and clean. When you were satisfied, you walked out of the room into the waiting room, your eyes immediately landing on the one man who didn’t need to be named.
The intensity of his gaze was intimidating, his dark eyes glowering from underneath the skull mask as though he wanted nothing more than to take down every single person who dared to breathe the same air as him. At this point, the other medics had learned that he wouldn’t accept their help, refusing to utter even a single word until you were free. You leaned against the frame of the door that led into the hallway, beckoning him with a jerk of your head. He rose from his seat, seeming to dwarf everyone else around him as he walked through the room toward you, brushing past you without a word and striding straight into the open examination room, the cold silence seeming to emanate off him like a tangible aura, visibly affecting those around him, the other medics shrinking away from him as he passed.
You followed him into the room, closing the door behind you, “So, what can I help you with today, Lieutenant?” He sat down on the bed in the room, resting one forearm on his thigh, gesturing with the other hand to his face, consistently a man of few words. You stepped closer to him, “You’re going to have to give me a little more than that.” He grunted, reaching up to take off his helmet, setting it on the bed beside him, and then unclipping the skull mask, revealing the balaclava underneath. Finally, he pulled off the balaclava, revealing his clipped blond hair, and then his face, bruised and bloody, his cheek split open, blood already dried to his skin. His eyes, thankfully untouched, the black paint surrounding them unmarred, were on you, boring into your face as he watched you.
You didn’t waste time, reaching out to probe his face, your fingers gently holding onto his chin as you turned his head from side to side, inspecting the damage. It looked worse than it was; facial injuries always bled more, and though he tensed when you gently pressed his cheek, there was no sign of anything broken. After taking a moment just to be sure, you drew back from him, walking to the medical cupboard and taking out an antiseptic wipe, talking as you did, “You won’t need stitches.” He grunted, and you took this as permission to begin wiping the blood away from his face.
“So,” you began, always one to make idle chitchat as you worked, “who did you piss off this time?” Ghost watched you, his face solemn, searching your eyes before he responded, his voice barely more than a whisper, “Couple guys.” You smiled as you brushed the wipe over his split skin, “You know if you want to see me, you only have to ask.”
All the tension in his face seemed to ease then, his eyes softening as he looked up at you, “I know.” You took this as permission, gently nudging his legs open so you could stand in between them, closing the distance between you, allowing him to reach out in his own time, and after a brief moment, he did, his hands reaching out to gently rest on your hips, his fingers hesitant, still unused to the intimacy you shared. You cleaned up the rest of the blood on his cheek, giving him time to get used to your close proximity as you brought out a small plaster to cover his wound. In a moment of impulsivity, you pressed a gentle kiss to his damaged cheek, your reward his sharp intake of breath and the tightening of his fingers on your hips, pulling you closer toward him.
“You know,” you began, letting your hands rest on his shoulders, “the other medics are going to think you’re sweet on me.” Ghost let his face rest in the crook of your neck, his voice low, muffled by your shoulder, “I’m not sweet.” You smiled, letting your fingers trace over from his shoulders to the back of his neck, “No? What would you call this?” “Desperate.”
There was no mistaking the longing in his voice, the yearning, the way his fingers pulled you closer to him until your body was pressed against his. Already, his fingers were pulling at your shirt, just like he’d done so many times before, secretive fumbles in whatever vehicle or armoury was nearest, all beginning with some injury he only allowed you to treat, all ending with you wrapped up in his arms. You smiled, shifting one hand to stop his fingers on their insistent path underneath your shirt, “I think they’ll notice if I spend forty minutes in here with you.” Ghost didn’t seem entirely put off by the idea, his face tilting up as his lips began to move over your neck, gently nipping at the skin, his voice husky, “You love this being our dirty little secret, don’t you?”
It was impossible for you to lie to him; after all, he was special forces; no doubt he could sniff out every last secret of yours if he truly wanted to. His hand was already moving from your hip up to your cheek, forcing you to look at him as he pulled away from your neck, his pale eyes searching yours, “Admit it.” Every part of you seemed desperate to touch and be touched by him, and you held back a groan, “Yes. Which is why we can’t do anything in here.” His lips quirked in a smirk, “We wouldn’t want them to think you give this treatment to everyone.” You smiled, “I am supposed to be a professional, after all.” His thumb reached out to brush your cheek, “Couldn’t we both use a little unprofessionalism right now?”
The idea was tempting. Too tempting. You could feel those eyes of his melting away your resolve, and you shifted your weight from one foot to the other, biting the inside of your cheek, “What exactly did you have in mind?” There was a wicked look in his eyes, luring you into sin, to submit yourself to his will entirely, “What I have in mind would make too much of a mess and needs more time than we have.” You tilted your head to the side, curious, “So what do we do?” He was quiet for a moment, his eyes flicking over every single facet of your face, your eyes, your cheeks, your lips. He leaned into you, his nose bumping against yours, letting you feel that little ridge where it had been broken. His words were a murmur against your skin, softer than he ever seemed capable of, “I’ll be content with a kiss for now.”
It never seemed to make sense that a devil could be so sweet; you knew what he was capable of, you’d patched him up, you’d seen his medical records detailing what he’d been through, yet here he was, asking you for that simplest of intimacies. You obliged his simple request, leaning forward to press your lips against his, feeling the slight stubble on his skin prickle yours, his hand shifting from your cheek to the back of your neck, the one on your hip moving to the small of your back to pull you closer to him, encircling your body, his lips soft against yours, yet insistent, needy. He pulled away before you, leaning his forehead against yours, letting out a strained sigh, his hand moving from your back to his crotch, adjusting his trousers to disguise the growing bulge there. “The things you do to me.” His voice held some frustration, his fingers tightening on the back of your neck but loosening just as quickly, always in complete control of himself.
You could see the Lieutenant return, the way his back straightened, the grim determination returning to his lips. His hands fell away from your body, reaching for the balaclava and mask he’d put to the side, and you knew your time with him was coming to a close. You stepped back from him, tucking in your shirt, allowing him to resume that persona, covering his bruised face with the black balaclava and then finishing with clipping his skull mask back into place, his helmet finishing the transformation. All that remained of him were those soft eyes, out of place, surrounded by blackness. He reached up with one hand to tuck a loose hair back under your beret, his gloved fingers gently stroking against your cheek. “I’ll be seeing you.”
There was no doubt that he would find you to finish what you’d started here, but for now, he was back to business, standing up off the table and straightening out his uniform. You crossed the room to open the door for him, allowing the outside world view into your privacy, not that there was anything for them to see. He stalked past you without a word, yet as he passed, his hand reached out to gently squeeze your arse, sending tingles up your spine as he left you wanting, trying hard not to look like a lovesick dog as you watched him go.
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soloroomies · 2 months
lifemate (Chapter 12/ Sakusa x f!reader)
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summary: the aftermath of your argument with him word count. 3.4k cw. marriage pact au, smut, fluff a/n. hi guys! it's finally the end of the story! thank u for everyone who's been waiting and enjoying this first fic of mine bc I really enjoy writing this, too!<3 see u on my other fics! ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
As you slowly regain consciousness, the first sensation that hits you is the dull throbbing in your head. The room is dimly lit, and you squint against the soft light seeping through the curtains. Your mouth is dry, and there’s a sour taste lingering from too much alcohol. Your body feels heavy and sluggish, weighed down by the remnants of the night before. You blink a few times, trying to orient yourself. Fragments of last night’s events start to trickle back. Right. This is Tami’s hotel room.
You hear a sound from the bathroom, then Tami steps out. “Hey, you’re awake! Wait,” she says, grabbing a water bottle from the desk and fetching something from her bag. She hands you the water. “Here, drink this.”
She orders room service for breakfast, then sits next to you and places an ibuprofen on the desk beside you. “After you eat, if your head still hurts, you can take this, okay?” You nod while drinking from the water bottle she gave you. Your head is still throbbing. “Do you have a makeup remover?” you ask. The makeup on your face feels uncomfortable and greasy, and you can sense a breakout looming. Can’t wait to clean this all up.
“Yes. It’s all in the bathroom. There are also some toiletries from the hotel. You can use those,” Tami replies.
“Thank you.” You quickly get up from the bed and head to the bathroom. Removing your makeup, washing your face, and brushing your teeth, you feel a relief within you. Taking a shower would be refreshing, but you remember you didn’t bring any clothes and you don’t want to wear the same dress after showering. So, you decide against it.
When you step out of the bathroom, breakfast has arrived. You and Tami start to eat together. Thank goodness the throbbing in your head begins to subside. You sip on the coffee while zoning out, lost in thought. There’s too much to think about, and your mind feels cluttered with last night’s events and the lingering emotions.
Tami clears her throat and looks at you.
“You,” she begins. 
“What?” you stare at her dumbfounded.
“Do you want to tell me something?” she asks, her eyes searching your face for answers.
You press your lips together, considering whether to tell her or not. Well, she noticed that something’s wrong anyway. 
"I’m sorry for last night. I didn’t mean to be irresponsible like that,” you say, sighing and covering your face. “We were supposed to just have fun.”
Tami looks at you, concern written on her face. “Look. You can tell me anything. I’d be happy to help…” She holds your hand. “Kiyoomi contacted me last night. He’s worried about you.”
Shit. Kiyoomi. Taking a deep breath, you decide to tell her everything. Starting from the moment you got closer to him as a friend, to when you began sleeping together, meeting his family, your encounter with his past hook-up, and the arguments that followed.
Tami listens attentively, commenting occasionally, raging when she hears about what that woman said to you, and frowning when you confess your guilt about ‘potentially’ having romantic feelings towards him.
“Girl,” she sighs, “Don’t say ‘potentially’. You do have feelings for him.”
You groan. “That makes me feel worse, honestly.”
“And why do you have to feel worse?” she asks, confused.
“I just… That complicates everything. How am I supposed to be okay with him being with another girl?” Frustration oozes out of you. “I guess I was okay before with our rules. But now…” You rumple your hair with your hand.
Tami squeezes your shoulder. “Hey… He might return your feelings, y’know?”
“Tam. It’s just… I’ve never seen him like... have 'feelings' with anyone before. I don’t know what’s in me that might change his way.” Tears start to well up in your eyes.
“Don’t say that!” Tami hugs you. “There are tons of reasons,” she mumbles against you. 
Stepping back, she observes your face. “I’ll tell you this honestly. With everything you’ve done, he really might return your feelings.”
“I don’t know, Tam. I feel bad. I– I should’ve controlled my feelings better,” you say, looking away from her.
“No, really. Listen to me.” She looks you dead in the eye. “You can’t avoid him forever, right?”
You shook your head.
"It won't be easier too if you choose to completely let go of your feelings for him. So…" Tami continues. You take a deep breath, preparing yourself for whatever Tami is about to say. “Before you decide anything further like divorcing him,” you widen your eyes at that. That actually is an option. But, for whatever reason that just feels so wrong. “Just tell him how you feel.”
Instantly, you close your eyes and huff. 
“Hey! He knows that you feel weird about something. Maybe he has his own assumptions, too. If you tell him, there’s one possible outcome that you might like.”
“Yeah, but there are other outcomes too,” you counter.
“Even if he doesn’t return your feelings, what’s the worst that might happen? You really think he could be that mean to you?”
At that, you can’t say anything. She’s right.
“This is Kiyoomi you’ve known since high school,” she reminds you.
You remain silent, the weight of the moment pressing down on you. This is Sakusa Kiyoomi—someone many label as blunt and insensitive. But you know him better than that. He has never harbored ill intentions. If anything, the last six months of your marriage have further shown you just how understanding he is, how you can rely on him for so much. Every quiet gesture and every quiet word of reassurance.
“I’m not trying to force you or anything. Just… think about it.”
“No… you’re actually right, Tam,” you say. 
“Wait,” you froze as you remembered something. Something important. Suddenly, you’re on your feet.
“What?!” Tumi hurriedly followed you to get up.
“What time is it?” Urgently, you look for your phone, and find it on the desk beside the bed. It’s fucking dead. You pull your charger from your bag and charge it quickly.
Tami takes her phone, “It’s almost 1.”
“Fuck. His match.” You grab at your hair in frustration.
“Wait, I fucking forgot too! When is it?!”
“It’s at 1pm,” you say with resignation.
“We can still go there! Let’s–”
“Shit! I forgot.”
"What again?!" she looks at you incredulously.
“I’m fucking stupid. His match is at 11am today.” You unlock your phone, seeing his missed calls and texts, and drop to your feet. How in the hell could you forget this? For whatever reason everything seems to be getting worse. 
Tami crouches down beside you and puts her hand on your shoulder. “Hey, I'll take you home. At least you'll be there when he comes back,” she says, helping you up. Then, Tami starts to quickly pack up her things, checking out from the hotel, and you both get in her car.
On the way home, the weight of missing his match settles heavily on your chest. It just further validates that something is wrong. Doubt gnaws at your thoughts, whispering that perhaps you are blowing things out of proportion. 
When you finally reach home, you embrace Tami in a hug. She will return to her town as soon as she drops you.
“Thank you so much, Tam,” you say.
She nods and hugs you back. “I just hope everything turns out fine for you.”
You smile at her. “I’ll definitely keep you updated.”
As soon as you enter the apartment, you realize that Kiyoomi isn’t home yet. Quickly, you get in the shower, washing everything from the night before, trying to calm your mind. Afterward, you head to your room, put on some clothes, and start drying your hair with a towel while checking the news about the match on your phone.
It turns out that MSBY lost. 
However, the good thing about this V. League Division 1 match is that the team who lost will not be eliminated immediately. Every team will have the chance to compete with each other. The standings are ranked by total points, and so far, MSBY is expected to qualify for the playoffs. Their score is quite superior. But, you understand that a loss is a loss and Kiyoomi is very ambitious about this. You’ve even seen how he reacted the last time they lost. Coupled with the little quarrel between you both that you’ve caused, you really feel bad for him. You had decided to confess to him, but seeing the situation now… postponing it seems like a better choice.
You walk out of your room, intending on snacking from the fridge when you notice Kiyoomi’s gym bag in the living room. Shit. It wasn't there earlier. You look closer to confirm it. Why didn’t you hear anything? A sudden panic washes over you as you quickly turn to head back to your room, only to find Kiyoomi standing before you, his expression inscrutable. Is he angry? You wrestle with the dilemma of explaining your absence or consoling him about his match. Frozen in the moment, mouth slightly agape, you struggle to find anything to say to break the silence. Anything.
Suddenly, Kiyoomi runs to you and hugs you tight. Your eyes widen. Out of all the reactions you predicted from him, this is not one of them. Your hands are still in the air, frozen, trying to process his action. He steps back and looks at you in the eye, his hand caressing the side of your hair, eyes exuding warmth and concern. He grabs both of your hands and kisses them. “Please,” you hear him mumble between the skin of your hands. You’re about to ask what he means when he continues, “Please don’t leave me like that.”
You stare at him, feeling guilty about sneaking out and not coming home last night. “I…” you try to explain yourself, but still can’t find your words. He holds your face gently.
“I’m sorry about the other night. I didn’t mean to say anything to hurt you,” Kiyoomi says, gazing intently at you, eyes glistening.
The truth is, Kiyoomi can't seem to think straight about anything other than you. Despite just losing an important match, it feels like a mere afterthought in his mind. He wants to berate himself for his lack of focus during the game, but how can he when your absence is what truly feels like a glaring mistake? This one match may be important, but his urgency lies in returning home to see you. He aches to beg for your forgiveness and release the pent-up feelings he's kept hidden. And now, you're here. In your shared home, the place that used to be his sanctuary, now feels incomplete without you. It's not just a living space—it's a home because you're in it.
You bite your lip, the emotions you’ve been trying so hard to conceal start to spill. “No, Omi. I’m just…” you begin, breaking into tears.
Kiyoomi guides you to the couch, where you both sit face to face. Considering all your options, you decide to confess. Right. Now.
“I want to be honest with you,” you finally muster up the courage to confess, your voice trembling with emotion. “I was jealous. I was jealous of that woman the other night. And I’m sorry if I’m jealous when I’m supposed to allow you to be with anyone you want but…” Tears start to well up in your eyes, the weight of your emotions becoming too much to bear.
Before you can finish your sentence, Kiyoomi silences you with a tender kiss, leaving you bewildered.
"I don't want anyone else but you," he interrupts, his eyes filled with sincerity. He takes your hand, placing it gently against his cheek as he continues, "There's nothing between me and her. It's always been you that I want. Just you."
As his words sink in, you're left speechless, your mind reeling with disbelief.
"I thought I wasn't enough for you. That’s why I initiated the rules," Kiyoomi admits, his vulnerability breaking down the walls between you. You’ve never heard him like this before—he always seemed so sure of himself in everything. “You kept trying to date other people not too long before New Year,” he continues, pain evident in his eyes. “I didn’t want you to feel trapped with me.”
The realization hits you like a ton of bricks. You both had been struggling with the same insecurities, trapped in a web of misunderstandings and doubts. Tears fall from your eyes as you wipe them away. 
"Omi, that's how I feel about you," you finally admit, voicing the unspoken thoughts that have plagued your mind. “I just don’t want to burden you with me as your option.”
“What?” he mumbles in disbelief.
You nod, a soft giggle escaping your lips as you lean in to kiss him.
As you both kiss, what started as a slow, tender embrace gradually intensifies into a passionate exchange. His lips move from yours to your neck, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. Gasping for breath, you grip his side, silently communicating your desire. Catching the unspoken message in your eyes, he lifts you effortlessly into his arms, carrying you bridal style to his room.
You both continue to kiss with you sitting on his lap, your hands trembling slightly as you undress him. He reciprocates, removing your clothes with a fervor that sends shivers down your spine. His hands find your breasts, kneading them hungrily before his mouth latches onto your sensitive skin. You whimper, your fingers tangling in his hair. "Omi..."
He hums in response, his voice a low, comforting vibration against you. He gently lays you on your back, eyes never leaving yours as he slides your pants and panties down. His fingers slip inside you, each movement deliberate and electrifying. He peppers kisses along your neck. “How do I deserve you?” he mumbles as he earns another moan from you, your back arching off the bed.
“Omi. I want you. Please. Now.”
His gaze is intense as he replies, "Anything you want," before kissing you deeply, his hands swiftly removing his own pants. Kiyoomi is about to grab a condom from his drawer when you stop him.
“No condom,” you whisper, smiling softly at him, not knowing the effect you have on him.
Ensuring you're ready, he slides his fingers into you again, making you gasp. He then begins to stroke himself, positioning at your entrance. "Please, Omi," you babble, barely coherent. As he finally enters you, a harmonious moan escapes both your lips. It always feels so good—you're no stranger to it. His stamina, coupled with his blessed size… he can always make you feel heavenly. But there's something about feeling him with nothing between you, being able to feel him fully, that sends waves of raw emotion crashing over you. You grab his face, pulling him closer until your noses touch.
“Omi, you feel so good.”
“You too, baby. Always so tight and warm,” he murmurs, his voice husky with desire. His eyes lock onto yours, as he increases his rhythm. Each thrust pushes you closer to the edge.
"I'm close, Omi," you say, breathless, your body trembling beneath him.
He sucks his thumb briefly before rubbing your clit with it, your moans escalating. "Ah! Omi!"
"Good, baby," he mumbles, his words punctuated by tender kisses. Your body tightens, and with a final cry, you come hard around him. 
You hold his face while he continues to thrust. This is the first time he feels you raw, and the moment he enters you, he’s afraid he’ll combust right away. Thankfully, he doesn’t. But you just feel so good and look so beautiful beneath him. He can’t believe his luck at being able to love you this way. Love. He feels it prickling on his skin. He’s never been one to cry during sex, but he feels like crying now. 
You caress his hair, your lips finding his neck, and it’s enough to send him over the edge. He pulls out just in time, his release spilling onto your stomach. The two of you lay there, panting and spent, the room filled with the quiet aftermath of your shared intensity.
Kiyoomi lifts you gently, carrying you to the bathroom with him. He cleans your body thoroughly, keeping his touches innocent while kissing you occasionally. You’re still drying your body with a towel as he steps out of the bathroom. 
When you return to his room, you notice he’s changing the bed sheets. He pulls you back onto his bed as he finishes, keeping your body flush against his. It’s funny how he used to maintain such a distance, but now, he can’t keep his hand off of you. 
Kiyoomi looks at you adoringly. “Hey.” His voice is soft, pulling you from your thoughts.
"Hey." You shift your whole body to face him, tangling your legs with his.
He looks at you with a mix of adoration and regret. "I’m sorry for not being clear with my feelings all this time."
“Me too," you admit, your fingers tracing patterns on his chest.
"I guess sometimes I do feel afraid at how fast my feelings escalate with you," he confesses, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I… I think I love you, ___."
Your eyes widen, the unexpected declaration taking your breath away. He quickly adds, "You don’t have to say it back. I just want to put that out there." He caresses your hair as he gazes at you like you hold the moon.
A tender smile spreads across your face. "I think I love you too, Omi." Realizing how new this is for both of you. He has never felt anything remotely close to this, and neither have you. 
The joy in his eyes are unmistakable. Kiyoomi pulls you closer by the waist and kisses your shoulder. “I’m sorry too for making you upset with what I did with Hiyori,” he mumbles against your skin.
You sigh, the memory doesn’t sting as much now. "I guess it’s alright. I didn’t know better either, choosing to avoid you when I should’ve been honest."
“Are you jealous of the fact that she used to be with me?” he asks, genuinely curious.
“Um. Not exactly. I mean, everyone has their past, right? It’s more about the way she leaned close to you and touched you? It’s just… I know for a fact that you’re really particular about your personal space except with those you’re very close with.”
“Oh. I didn’t realize that,” he says, frowning in disappointment with himself.
"It’s okay, Omi. You used to be close with her before, so you might not have noticed. I was just insecure because I didn’t know how you felt about me." You look away, feeling embarrassed.
He gently holds your chin, turns your face back to his, and kisses you tenderly. "I’m sorry. I’ll be better," he promises, wrapping you in his arms.
Then, out of nowhere, he says, "We should have a honeymoon."
Surprised, you giggle. “Really?”
He hums in agreement. “And restart our wedding night too.”
You look at him incredulously. “How?”
"Maybe you can try on that white lingerie gift first," he suggests, his eyes twinkling.
You gape at him and swat his arm playfully. “What the hell?! You remember that?”
He chuckles, kissing your cheek. “Matter of fact, I really want to see you in it.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Okay, baby. Tonight,” you agree, kissing his lips.
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The next morning, you receive texts from Tami.
Tami: hey   Tami: are u feeling better??   Tami: is everything good?
As you read the messages, Kiyoomi pulls you close, kissing your shoulder from behind.
You: so much better   You: everything’s good   You: thank u sm, Tam. I owe you tons   You: also   You: it’s late but   You: thank u for the wedding gift. he loves it.
Not even a minute later, you receive her replies.
Tami: OMGGGG   Tami: TOLD U!
You giggle at her response. Kiyoomi peeks over your shoulder, smiling at the texts. You put your phone down and turn to him, marveling at how right everything feels. Seeing him in the morning like this is something you’ll never get used to. If you told your high school self about today, she would laugh. There’s no way you could have predicted this outcome. Making a marriage pact with your high school friend and actually doing it, only to find a love you thought you’d never experience. It’s one of the best decisions of your life, no matter how crazy it sounds.
Kiyoomi kisses your neck and looks you in the eye. “So?”
"Hm?" you murmur, still lost in your thoughts.
“Does Maldives sound good for our honeymoon?” he asks.
You lean in, kissing him softly on the lips. "It’s perfect, Omi."
Taglist: @wolffmaiden , @fiannee , @nightlydream , @choizzn , @peachyaeger @crxm-dollx , @marisabel14 , @yunskook, @reimiiko, @megumuro
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pia-nor481 · 2 months
She…What? Chapter Five
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Oscar Piastri, Lando Norris, Daniel ricciardo x Reader
Daniel finally talks to Oscar and Lando just can’t help but put his hands on her
2.1k words 18+
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Oscar couldn't move, he knew he should have, maybe run to Lando say what he saw. No that would be extremely selfish to ruin his night. Something was pulling Oscar in and keeping him there. He shouldn't be watching his friend's Girlfriend getting railed by another man, and he most certainly shouldn't be squeezing his cock at the sight. Twice tonight she's gotten him hard and yet this time he had no problem with it. He was pulled back to reality upon feeling his phone vibrate in his back pocket. It was a message from Lando asking where he was. He looked up one more time before turning away, hoping he'll remember the image of her tomorrow.
She awoke with a pounding headache the next morning, naked in Daniel's bed. "Morning Darling." He grumbled, pulling her closer to avoid the light from the open curtains. She moaned quietly pushing her head further into his chest, not wanting to wake up quite yet. "No, hurts too much." She never really knew her limit when it came to anything so trusting her with alcohol could be dangerous, especially when she wakes up hung over. "I know love." Daniel whispered sweetly, playing with her hair before reaching for the nightstand, grabbing water and some ibuprofen. Daniel didn't drink too much last night, he didn't feel like he deserved it. They continued to enjoy the others company for a while, waiting for the pain killers to kick in. "So, last night, what happened with Lando." Daniel said, lying back with a smirk on his face. "Wow you really are interested in your friend's sex life, it's almost like you want to fuck him yourself." She laughed, finally sitting up as he rolled his eyes. "Well, he blindfolded me, tied my wrists and make me watch him fuck me in front of the mirror, you know, the usual." She laughed, looking for any item of clothing she could used to cover her chest.
"Can we talk about something more serious?" Her head turned fast at his question, chest filling with worry. "Always." She whispered, coming back to him. Daniel let out a large sigh before beginning to speak. "So you remember Oscar seeing us last night?" She nodded slowly, knowing this could be a problem for his career, if Oscar decided to be really petty it could go all wrong for Daniel. "Why didn't you tell me you were sleeping with him." He said with a pointed tone, she was not expecting such an aggressive start to the day. "I'm not now, nor was I before. We agreed that if we were to sleep with anyone then we'd consult each other first... What's happened?" Her hand made contact with his chest, feeling the rapid heart rate. "I saw him in the elevator before I went to the club yesterday, and I may or may not have started on him. But he was still nice to me after and I feel like a bit of a dick. But then he saw us and well, he was getting off on it. No one normal would do that unless they were involved before, and I know for fact that I wasn't sleeping with him." First he was jealous of Lando and now Oscar, he was going a bit too far after being the one to suggest this relationship. "Maybe he's just a pit of a perv because I promise you I've not had any form of sex with him, or frankly even had any contact with him." She elaborated, swinging a leg over Daniel's lap. "Then why was there a McLaren hoodie with the number eighty-one on it in you're room?" He said clearly still annoyed. "Because, Lando was walking around the paddock hard and Oscar was being kind by giving him the hoodie to cover up. Lando left it behind the first time I gave him a blowjob. You can ask him you're self." She spoke quietly with her arms crossed over her chest. "No I believe what you're saying it just hard for me to adjust. That's no excuse but it's the reason. I needed to shift the blame from myself. But that's wrong of me. I'm sorry Love." He muttered the last part into her skin, running his hands over her hips. Guilt quickly consumed him.
"Would you be okay if it happens in the future because I have a feeling either Lando will ask for him or he'll come directly to me." She asked worried it could end badly. "Not really. If I'm honest, I'm still kinda mad at him. I know, I know he's not done anything but still. I just don't know about him. It's different with Lando, I'm actually close with him you know...Let me sort some things out with him first. Then we'll see." He said, chest puffed out slightly. Her nerves eased slightly as she grabbed his jaw, kissing his lips softly.
"You know what I'm like...I love to tease my men." She giggled out, receiving a harsh smack on her ass. "Don't start. You know what I'm like, I'll punish you." He said in a low voice, pulling her up so she was in his lap." You know I'd like that, Danny." She was quick to start grinding down, moaning quietly. "Darling, we can't. We have to be out of the room in half an hour." He groaned desperately wanting her. "Fine." She huffed rolling off of him, looking in his suitcase. "You were fucked twice yesterday and that still wasn't enough, need me to get you off again. Truly insatiable." The Australian laughed, bringing his hand behind his head, letting a sigh escape his lips. "You've never complained." She muttered, throwing a shirt at him. "I could never, I love watching you cum. Although it's not fair that women can have multiple orgasms and men can't. Otherwise you'd be on my dick a lot more." Her only response was a quick laugh as she grabbed his things, placing them neatly in his suitcase. "As much as I love seeing you like this, you need to put some clothes on. My room is a mess and we need to go soon." She stated, pulling Daniel from under the covers.
They walked rather quick towards her room, Daniel's hand around her waist as they made their way through the hallway. After struggling with the key to the door she rushed towards the bed. Daniel was quick to follow, deciding it was best to help her gather her things. "Woah, you didn't tell me you bought this." He stated dumbfoundedly, holding up a slick red vibrator. "I have to keep some tricks up my sleeve." She grabbed the silk from the floor and folded it quickly in her hands, placing it gently in her suitcase. "Oh, you weren't kidding about the blind fold. You really did have fun yesterday." He laughed tapping her ass before walking around the room, noticing the infamous McLaren hoodie. "You still have this?" She looked up briefly before zipping her last bag up. "Yes, I've not had the time to give it back. Lando was supposed to take it back to him the other day actually." She grumbled to herself, headache coming back. Daniel carried the hoodie in his left hand while guiding her out of the room. "Let's get you something to eat, it should help." They left the room in silence and headed towards the lift, she hugged him close as the dizziness set in. "I'm going to take this back to Oscar, gives me an excuse to talk with him." Daniel said, shrugging his shoulders. She smiled before replying, "I'll walk there with you, I want to speak with Lando, see if he even alive."
They walked back into the paddock late in the afternoon. Daniel needed to speak to his team about the race the day before as well as speak with Oscar. They made way to the McLaren hospitality and waited for the drivers to come out. Lando was first to make an appearance, coffee in his hands, trying to stay awake. "Hey Lovely." He whispered out, kissing her cheek. "You alright mate?" He turned to Daniel with a puzzled look. "Yeah, I'm good, you good to speak later though? The usual?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. Lando nodded, slipping his hand in hers. "Can you do me a favour? Send Oscar out here. I need to talk to him." Lando nodded once more, guiding her into the building. It was a general rule that other drivers were not allowed into another team's hospitality. "Hey Osc, Daniel wants to speak with you outside." Oscar was shocked, that much as clear from his face.
If Daniel was concerned about him telling the media about what he saw that was understandable, but realistically he wasn't going to say anything, no matter how much Daniel disliked him. He was nervous walking through the door, he didn't know what to expect. The first thing Oscar noticed was his hoodie in the hands on the other Australian. "So...What did you want to talk about?" His nerves were showing, Daniel handed to top to him before speaking. "Mostly what you saw last night." Oscar cheeks pinked at the thought, if he was being honest, he masturbated in the morning thinking about her, he wanted to be the one making her moan. "That's fucked up man. You cant do things like that to your friend." He was almost furious that how casual Daniel was making the situation. "Hold on, it's not what you think...Lando knows." Daniel rushed out, pulling Oscar to the side, hopefully avoiding the listening ears of everyone around, Oscar let out a quiet and confused 'what?' before letting Daniel speak again. "Look, we have a pretty odd relationship. We were guess together first and I suggested that she start seeing Lando as well." Oscar's jaw dropped midway through the explanation. "She was with Lando the day you gave him you're hoodie, and that may have caused some temporary problems between us. You know, communication is pretty important in this kind of relationship. Well what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry for talking to you like that yesterday, you didn't deserve that." Daniel averted his eyes, felling slightly embarrassed. "Thanks, sorry I just don't really know how to react. I understand why you're so mad though. Technically I did take your seat and caused a multitude of problems for you, so it's alright."
"I do have a few questions if that's alright." Oscar stated, pulling the hoodie over his head, quickly realising it didn't smell like him or Lando. Daniel nodded quickly, looking around. "So is this some kind of open relationship or is she...you know... a prostitute?" Oscar cringed using that word but anything else sounded too vulgar. Daniel laughed loudly, head falling back slightly. "No she's not. We aren't really together either. It's complicated. But yeah, I think open relationship is the best way to put it." Oscar nodded, finally understanding, although he with still on edge around him.
At the same time, Lando was quick to pull her into his drivers room. Kissing her neck as soon as the door was closed, she moaned quietly, knowing there was still plenty of McLaren employees in the building. "Missed you." He mumbled into her skin. It was when Lando woke up to an empty space on his bed he realised how much he craved her presence. "You were with me last night." She giggled, feeling him sucking on the base of her neck. He wanted to tell her she was all he could think about, he wanted to say that she was consuming him, but he just couldn't, he didn't know how. "Doesn't mean I don't miss you." She tugged on his hair lightly, wanting to look at him. "I have a little proposal to tell you about." Lando moved back, pulling her to sit on the bed with him. "Daniel and I have talked about it and of course I need to speak with you as well. What about bringing Oscar in on this?" Lando didn't speak for a while, and it concerned her very much. "I mean, I don't really mind. It doesn't affect me too much." He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. Not really seeing how this was supposed to bother him. "Don't tell him about it though, I want to see how he reacts to being told about our relationship. I'm not sure whether he will ask you or me about it first." She said, lifting his shirt up. Lando made haste in pulling it off, reaching for her top. "Definitely ask me...Now come on, take your clothes off."
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Chapter Six
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desideriumwriter · 4 months
So I thought about this idea where George comforts Y/N (his girlfriend) when she is on her period🥹
Thanks in advance!
Have a nice day!
Love, Annelies
lmao im writing this on my period, this is such a sweet concept! also i’ve always wondered how periods work in the wizarding world? are there pain numbing potions? does ibuprofen exist??? anyways, tysm for the request hope you enjoy! <3
wc: 855
navi | g.w. masterlist
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Right now, dinner in the Great Hall is usually where you’d be, laughing and chatting with friends. However, today you were curled up in your bed, grimacing and holding onto your lower abdomen in pain.
What was just a dull ache an hour ago had now become excruciating cramps.
As soon as you got back from your last class, you changed into pajamas and sunk into your bed. The pain was gnawing at your insides. You shut your eyes and wished for the aching to magically be over.
The door creaked open, you sighed, not wanting any company, and when you turned your head towards the door. A mop of ginger hair peeked in.
“George? What’re you doing in here?” You lifted your head, looking at him with a confused expression.
“I was wondering the same thing, I was looking all over for you in the Great Hall.”
“You can't be in here, you know.” You muttered, you were already confused on how he was able to sneak out of the Great Hall and into the girls bedroom anyways.
“Says who?”
“When have I ever listened to those?” He scoffed playfully, you just smirked and shook your head, too exhausted to carry on a conversation.
“Why aren’t you at dinner anyways?” He said as he sat down next to you.
“I just don’t feel well.” Your voice was barely above a whisper. George’s brows knit in concern.
“You’re sick?” He asked, pressing a hand to your forehead.
“No, not really, just cramps.” You sighed, pulling his hand away and holding it instead.
George’s mouth dropped into a small ‘o’ shape, he took a second before he stuck his hand into his pockets.
“Well, um, I guess the chocolate I may or may not have taken from the table will come in handy, right?” He pulled a few wrapped up sweets from his pocket, handing one out to you.
“Chocolate helps with…you know?” It brought a small smile to your face seeing how awkward yet polite George was when talking about this.
“Periods.” You looked at him amused as you took a chocolate from his hand, unwrapping it and popping it into your mouth. “You can say the word, it’s not a curse.” Having it absolutely feels like it though.
Before George could say anything, another small stabbing pain shot through your abdomen, causing you to grimace and let out a small groan.
“Is there anything I can do?” You shook your head weakly. George frowned, in moments like these, all he wanted to do was help.
“Maybe you could just lay with me?” You suggested, nodding to the space behind you. George happily did as you asked.
If he couldn’t take away your pain, the least he could do was provide some type of comfort.
He shifted and snuggled up behind you, gently wrapping his arms around your torso and pulling your back to his chest. You let out another small groan at the movement, earning a small apology from George.
“Merlin, I wish there was a spell to get rid of this.” Your voice felt strained.
“Have you tried seeing Madam Pomfrey? Maybe she’s got a potion for this.” He said, placing his hands over yours.
“The most she can do is give me a hot wet rag.” You pouted.
“How long do the cramps last? An hour?”
“Usually almost a full day.” You said flatly, George lifted his head up to look at you.
“Are you serious?” He looked genuinely shocked, a bit horrified.
“Sometimes two if it’s bad.” You raised your brows and smiled, finding his wide eyes and knit together brows humorous.
“I’ll never complain again.” He said, you let out a weak chuckle as he placed a kiss onto your temple.
“You’re sure there’s nothing I can do for you?”
“You could create a sweet that gets rid of cramps.” You half-joked. George let out a small hum, laying his head back down.
“Well, that’d take a few test runs, and Fred and I don’t have…” He trailed off.
“Ovaries?” You finished the sentence for him, less explicit than what he was thinking.
“Yeah. Plus, I doubt any girls around here would be up for doing trial runs.” He tsked. “Maybe I could make a supply kit? A cramp crusade kit.” You began to chuckle.
“That’s what you’d call it? A cramp crusade kit?” You said through your laughter.
“Yeah! Not bad, isn't it?” He nodded from behind you, you could hear the smile in his voice.
“You’re ridiculous.” You shook your head in amusement. George being there didn’t actually take away any of the physical pain, but he did distract you from it.
After your laughter subsided, you grabbed his warm hands and placed them over the tender spots, you let out a small sigh of relief. The warmth was quite pleasant. Your back now felt less tense when you felt his chest rise and fall against it.
“Thanks George,” You breathed out as you closed your eyes. “for being here with me.” Your thumb brushed over his hand.
“Anything for you.” He grinned, pressing a kiss to hair.
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tell me what you thought!
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totaly-obsessed · 11 months
kcc hurt/comfort pls (:
Breaking a Sweat
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Kyra Cooney-Cross x reader request
-> Reader struggles to be alone and gets sick, leaving Kyra to look after her
-> Sick reader, also for this anon!
-> I don't know if hurt/comfort fics are my strength - I tried!
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
When Kyra transferred to Arsenal at the start of the season it was a joined decision, that she would not live alone – and who to better pair her up than with you?
You were the same age, already knowing each other from the national youth teams and while you were an introvert, Kyra was an extrovert. It was a good match – and Katie obviously did not try to set you up.
She would never do that…
Living together was an adventure, that is for sure. It was Kyra’s job to do all the phone calls while you did all the paperwork for the apartment and while the brunette was obnoxiously loud, you would not change it for the world.
But now it felt lonely when the young Aussie was gone, having been called up to represent her country for the Asian Olympic Qualifiers. Whilst you could not be prouder of your new friend, you missed her.
Most of your teammates were gone as well – they had left for the Nations League. With only a few people in training everyone worked harder than you already did, desperate to get some more minutes on the pitch, representing the club.
Alone again, you struggled.
Cooking for one person? Too much work.
Buying groceries for you alone? Waste of money.
And while you forgot to care for yourself, your teammates noticed. And they tried, they really did try to get you to eat at the cafeteria but you were so focused on training that it was of no use.
Kyra returned from National camp when you had an off day, and she half expected you to have cooked something – your love language being acts of service. But even in front of the door, she could tell that something was wrong.
She could not hear any music, not even the TV running as background noise – highly unusual for you.
Just as fast as she had the door open, it fell shut again, a gust of wind pulling it close. It had gotten cold quickly, and it was not just cold outside, but also in your shared living space. Quite the contrast from Australia where she had been just twenty-four hours ago.
In complete darkness, the young Australian felt for the light switch, and as she pressed it the first thing, she saw was the messy living room. This was even more unlike you, who always tidied up after yourself.
“Y/n?” Her call was met with more silence, but after closing the wide-open windows and turning up the radiator she saw the lump of blankets on the couch move.
No reaction.
Carefully Kyra pulled off blanket after blanket until she was able to see your face. A very sweaty one. “Shit. Let’s get you up.”
While you normally would have told the girl off for swearing, you did not even react – barely hanging onto her shoulders as she dragged you to the bathtub. She did not need to take your temperature to know that you had a fever – so the water was not as warm as you would like it to be, especially not with your high body temperature.
After wrangling you out of your sweaty clothes and into the bath, Kyra called Steph for help who had also just gotten home.
“Okay, you want to get her as dry as possible, her hair as well. Sit her on a chair when you blow dry it. get her into light clothes, no heavy jumpers. Lots of water, ibuprofen, sleep, and cool rags will do the trick.”
You were bibbering in the tub, your body temperature cooling down significantly – and while it took a while Kyra had managed to dry you off she managed to do it – cooing at you in a desperate attempt to calm you down. While you tried to help, falling over as soon as you moved a centimeter was not much use.
Dressing you in one of her shirts, the young Australian managed to get you into her bed, after deciding that your bedding needed to be changed as sweat clung to it.
“Don’t fall asleep honey – need to drink something first.” As fast as she could Kyra had gotten a water bottle and some crackers, practically force-feeding you until you fell asleep.
After placing a cool rag on your forehead, the brunette decided to clean up as much as she could. Cleaning the living room, and throwing every blanket that she could find, into the washing machine alongside your sweaty clothes left on the bathroom floor.
It terrified her to find you like this.
Once you were back on your feet, the two of you were going to have a serious talk about self-care. It was hard to grasp for her though – you had been just fine living on your own, so what happened?
Leah helped the young midfielder realize that it was not her fault that you had ended up like this – she had shown up at your shared apartment after Steph called her that you were sick.
With most of your teammates gone, you just missed them a lot.
You had gotten lonely, and if possible, Kyra would do anything to prevent this from happening again. Even if she would need to drag you to Australia.
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illubean · 8 months
Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
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Characters: Chamber, Gekko, Iso, Jett, Killjoy, Neon, Phoenix, Raze, Sage, Skye, Viper, Yoru Type: Headcanons
HAHA help me valorant brainrot >.< also this is based off of my hs experience soooo yeah
Warnings: none
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your typical pretty boy
all the girls love him all the boys hate him
well...most of the girls love him
they follow him around to classes or offer him gifts or ask to sit with him at lunch etc.
and he eats up the attention every time
he's lab partners with Viper in Environmental Sciences and he likes trying to flirt with her
she actually hates him btw
canonically he skateboards
but honestly? I can see him being on the dance team
he's so high energy, he needs some sort of outlet
he never misses an opportunity to show off his dance moves
homecoming? prom? he is the center of the dance circle
like Raze, he doesn't know how popular he is
he's just happy to have so many good friends that it doesn't even actually occur to him that he's considered "popular"
he's an ap art kid
like he walks around with a big ass sketchbook every day
always talking about his portfolio
Iso baby ily but please shut the fuck up about oil paints <3
he probably volunteered part of his summer break to come in and paint a mural for the school
I think he'd also take a piano class as like a schedule filler but he actually gets crazy good at it
pe tryhard
if you end up on the opposite team as her while playing dodge ball good luck 😓
she's always picked as team captain because literally no one else is excited as she is
she's sorta like Hairo from Saiki K 💀
she gets a lil mad when her teammates don't try
she's in robotics club
she's not very popular but that doesn't bother her at all
she heads straight to and from every class and spends her lunch period in the workshop unless Raze drags her off somewhere
not a lot of people actually know who she is, and if they do they just know her as 'Raze's Friend'
i think she'd remind the teacher about the homework and hit you with the "erm actually 🤓" tbh
she's on track and field/cross country
after every meet you can find her laying on the floor somewhere ready to puke bc she tries so hard to win 😭
she always ends up top 5 tho
she complains about practice but joins the team every year anyways
she carries her bag around all the time and if you open it there's like 10 water bottles in there
theater kid DUHH
he's probably drama club president or sumn
bro will NOT let go of a specific song from a musical he was in his freshman year and it wasn't even his song 💀
he's been in every show every year and somehow he manages to land every role he wants
he's insanely good at the game 'bang' (mostly because he's louder than everyone else...)
he probably plans/hosts the cast parties too
she doesn't care much about her grades
she does the bare minimum and gets straight Cs
she's just here to have fun
everyone likes her because of her approachable personality
she doesn't think she's popular but she is
she's in the medical assistant class
she takes it very seriously, as she plans on going to medical school
even before taking the class she carries a first aid kit and other essentials everywhere she goes
you need a bandaid? ibuprofen? a pad or tampon? she has it all
she's also ASB president
school events literally would not be able to run without her
lets just say her college applications/resume will look REALLY good...
she also took medical assistant but was less crazy about it than Sage
she just follows her friend's lead
she thinks the skills are useful but she doesn't see herself making it her career
but also I think she would play volleyball
she's a well rounded player but specializes most in defense
still, don't underestimate her bc this girl can SPIKE
she took every ap science class offered without taking the general ones first
she complains about getting any grade below an A...
"What are you talking about? That test was easy"
sorry not everyone is as smart as you Sabine 😑
she spends all her free time at chem tutoring (even though she doesn't need it)
he thinks he looks cool and mysterious when he walks down the halls but he doesn't
everyone just thinks his mad all the time and stay out of his way 😭
randos try to pick fights with him bc he "looked at them wrong" (Yoru wins every time)
he's not exactly a 'quiet kid' but he does lay low when it comes to the social part of school
despite his 'bad boy' look, he has pretty good grades
he's also probably one of those guys that a handful of girls have a crush on but he has no idea
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 2 months
The Girl That Disappeared | Suspect #2 JJK
⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢  
✧ Synopsis: It was a gloomy Friday evening when you felt the mists of melancholy pulse through your veins, aching body floating above the deep water. Squeezing your eyes shut, your lips trembled with fear. You didn’t want to die, but you sure as hell didn’t want to live. Not in this town. Not with the people in it. So, why don’t you just disappear? Leave them to search for the remnants of who you had been before you realised that life is more painful than death. Park Jimin. Kim Taehyung. Jeon Jungkook. Best-friend, step-brother, and an ex-lover. Although their paths had never crossed before that gloomy Friday evening, their names, printed in bold, now remained on the top of the suspect list. Stories entangled in your mystery.
✧ w/c: 6.1k ✧ a/n: a lot is going on here but please let me know what you think, mwuah 💓 ✧ taglist: @kookieandjoonberries @whoa-jo @taevestr @smoljimjim @kookxin
@11thenightwemet11 @xumyboo @kingofbodyrolls @jksusawife
“Y/n-ah! I’m leaving, please turn on the security,” your mother’s voice echoed from the entrance as you heard the front door close. She was working on-call today, and while it seemed like you finally had an opportunity to spend some quality time together, the hospital rang her in for an emergency operation at the last minute. 
“Okay, love you,” you yelled from your room, picking up the laundry off the floor before heading downstairs. No one was home. Mr. Kim had a night shift and wouldn’t be back until later and only God knew where Taehyung was. 
Scrolling through your phone, you smiled at the photos Jimin sent you from his parent’s ranch house. It’s been a week since he left, and you couldn’t help but miss him. The two of you haven’t gone this long without seeing each other, so it felt weird not being able to call him over. 
“Y/n, it’s so nice here, you would’ve loved it,” he smiled through the phone, resting his head on the soft pillow. 
“I bet,” you whined. 
“Next time, you’re coming with me, okay? There’s this waterfall I’ve been dying to show you,” 
“Okay … I missed you Jimin-ah,” your voice broke, glossy eyes looking down at the teddy bear he got for your birthday. 
“Y/n-ie, you know I missed you more,” Jimin moved in closer, placing a kiss on his front camera as you glanced up.
“Now, get some sleep, I’ll talk to you tomorrow, mmhm,”
“Goodnight,” you whispered with a little wave. 
“Sleep tight, angel,” 
He never called after that. All your attempts went straight to voicemail. It was strange, Jimin always valued communication, and never was the type to let you wonder about his whereabouts. Kept you posted even with a little “k”, just to signify that he got the message. But, now, it felt like he was gone. Vanished into thin air, like nothing happened. And, it killed you knowing that you couldn’t do anything about it. 
The clock read 7 am on the dot, which meant that you still had about two hours till the first bell. It was the first day of your period and your cramps were horrendous, to say the least. They’re usually a pain in the ass but never this bad. Looking through the medicine cabinet you rummaged past the bandaids and the gummy vitamins before remembering that Taehyung took the last Ibuprofen for his headache last night. It was ironic how little painkillers you had in the house, knowing that your mom was a doctor. But, it’s because she always preached the importance of letting your body heal naturally. Science could only get you so far, I guess? 
Zipping up your windbreaker, you grabbed your wallet and keys before heading outside to the local grocery store until the sound of a slammed door left you frozen in your tracks. It came from upstairs. Looking up at the dark corridor you turned on the lights, following the breeze seeping through the cracks of your room. 
“Taehyung?” you called, hands hovering over the doorknob. No one answered. Why would they? You were the only one in the house, right? 
“Taehyung, if this is one your stupid jok-” you whispered again before facing the empty room. 
No sight of Taehyung, but your window was open, which explained the door. The only problem was that you didn’t remember opening it in the first place. Nonetheless, you would gladly accept this version of the incident over the possibility of some paranormal activity. One problem at a time, please. 
So, you shut your blinds and went back downstairs to turn off the security system before grabbing your bike from the garage. You didn't have a licence, and only got your learners about a month ago, so if no one was home you had to resort to another form of transportation. 
You didn’t mind biking though. Found it rather therapeutic. Loved the alone time it allowed for without the bombardment of life and its constant obstacles. Just you and your thoughts. And, although there was a bit of a fog, it was clear enough to see where you were going. So, you buckled your helmet and went off on your journey to secure some Ibuprofen. 
Exiting the gated community, you biked through the local primary school, passing by a parking lot of sleep-deprived parents rushing to work after dropping off their little ones. It was getting a bit chilly as the wind picked up, so you stopped to put on some mittens and a hat before glancing back at the rustling sound behind the corner. 
Again, no one answered. But, that didn’t stop the chills running down your spine, remembering the incident earlier at home. Looking down at your watch, you gasped at the 20 minutes that had already passed, yet, you were nowhere near the grocery store. So, it was time to focus. 
Biking down the empty road, your eyes were scattered across the painted scenery. The old brick houses and the tall trees. The rusted mailboxes and the garden gnomes. It all felt so nostalgic. So close to your heart, as if tethered by the strings of your past. But, the feeling was short-lived. Consumed by the eerie melancholy inching up your skin as you felt someone's presence behind you. 
This time, you weren’t wrong. Covered from head to toe, it looked like a man. Keeping a civil distance, he followed your turns. Left. Right. Straight. Right. Left. Straight. Coincidence or not, this wasn’t a common path that people took. Not many knew of the shortcut. So, you began to speed up, feeling the adrenaline kick in once he did the same. Now, it was a chase. 
Pushing through the burning pain in your calves you picked up the pace, feet firm on the pedals. He didn't pity your fatigue, only fueled it more by inching closer before the two of you were riding side-by-side. Keeping an eye on his uncanny demeanour, you flinched at the sound of a car horn blast through your trembling state as a white Honda glared past you, pointing at the stop sign. 
“I'm sorry,” you whispered under your breath. 
“You're fast,” the man scoffed, tilting his head with a sly grin. That's all you could see. 
“Who are you?” you yelled, voice trembling in panic. 
“I’ll give you a head start, mmhm?” he sneered, changing the gears on his bike. 
Feeling the tightness in your throat, you were gasping for air, dilated pupils scanning the surroundings for help. Unfortunately, as if praying on your downfall, the street was empty. Not a soul in sight. So, you pressed on the pedals, leaving the man in the dust as you prayed that the next turn led to people. 
Gas station. Bingo. 
Hoping off your bike you bolted towards the door. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” the cashier yelled out, furrowed gaze searching the panic on your face. You could feel the flush rise up your cheeks, but the absence of Mr. X occupied your mind. 
“I’m so sorry,” you mouthed, clearly out of breath before dialling Jimin’s phone number. It was like second nature. You didn’t even realise it until your call went straight to voicemail. 
“Oh, right,” a sigh escaped your lips, remembering that he was still MIA.
Looking through your contacts, there was only one more person you could call. But, the possibility of them actually agreeing to help you was as slim as your waist after all that exercise. Nonetheless, you took a deep breath and pressed the call button. 
“What do you want, y/n?” he scoffed. 
“Right. So, potentially … if you could … would you mind picking me up from the gas station near River Banks?” you whispered, careful with every word as you anticipated his response. 
“Potentially, screw you. What the fuck did you lose there?” 
“It’s kind of a long story but I do need to be at school in about half an hour,” 
“Can I even say no?”
“Last time I checked it was a free country but a dangerous one at that. So, if I'm kidnapped, my blood is on your hands,” 
“You and that victim mentally of yours go way back, huh?” 
“Please, Taehyung. I’ve never asked you for a favour before,” 
“Fine, give me 10 minutes,” he sighed, ending the call before you could even thank the guy. 
The car ride home was quiet. No radio. Windows rolled up. Silence. 
“So, you’re really not gonna tell me?” Taehyung asked with an arched brow, glancing at your stiff form as the light turned red. 
You’ve never been good at lying. Even if your mouth stayed shut, your face would’ve revealed it all. Essentially, there was no running away from the truth in your case. 
“Well … no one was home and I needed medicine so I decided to bike to the grocery store,” you began explaining, avoiding his eyes. 
“And then …” you paused, hesitating the next part. What if Mr. Kim finds out? What if you were blowing this out of proportion? 
“Y/n. You’re making me angry. Just say it,” he scolded, pressing on the pedal. 
“Sorry. Um, so yeah … I was biking and then out of nowhere this man started following me. So, I tried losing him by taking different turns but … ended up getting lost,” 
“You were followed?” there was a slight change in Taehyung’s voice. Less sarcastic, more intrigued. 
“I guess?” 
“Well, did you see what he looked like?” 
“Not, really. He was covered from head to toe. Except …” you gasped, eyes shut as your brain scavenged through its short-term memory, recalling the moment at the stop sign. 
“The side of his mouth was … bruised like he got punched or something?” you leaned back into the seat, fidgeting with your rings while Taehyung merged onto the right lane. He was too focused on the road to hear what you said, but as you glanced at his face your eyes widened, spotting the same purple marks. 
“What?” he growled, furrowed gaze glaring back at your parted lips. 
“Nothing.” you chuckled awkwardly, reaching for the radio before his cold hand touched yours. 
“Look me dead in the eyes and tell me.” he sneered, interlocking his fingers with yours. You’ve known each other for almost a year, yet, your shoulders have never even grazed past each other. So, this was strange, to say the least. 
“Tell you what?” you said hushly, gulping down the nerves as he levelled his face to meet your scattering eyes. 
“That you’re scared,” 
“I’m not,” you scoffed, feeling the flush in your cheeks. 
“Good. Because why the fuck would it be me, you dumbass.” his voice got louder with each word, throwing your hand back before rolling down the windows. Finally. Some fresh air. 
Why would it be him, y/n? You weren’t his favourite but, this was too much. Taehyung was a straightforward person, if he hated you he would say it to your face. So, these mind games were really not his thing. But, then again, what’s up with the bruised lip? 
Fixing your uniform you walked into the brightly lit classroom. First period. Physics. No one was in their seats, let alone bothered by the fact that the teacher was almost 10 minutes late. Placing your books on the desk you looked over at the empty seat beside you. Jimin was still gone. No one has heard from him in weeks. 
Bing Bing
Rampaging through your backpack you searched for your phone. You didn’t have time to properly pack because Taehyung was counting down the minutes before he threatened to drive off, so you just threw everything in hoping to fix it during your free period. Scrolling through the notifications your eyes focused on the text message from an unknown number. 
“I missed you.” you mouthed under your breath.
“Sorry everyone, the meeting took a bit longer,” Mr. Choi chuckled softly, speed-walking into the room before ushering everyone to their seats. 
“I missed you?” you whispered again, eyebrows knitted with confusion. Was it Jimin? Did he change his number? 
“Nonetheless, I am pleased to introduce our new transfer student …” 
You couldn’t recognize the area code, so you tried looking it up on the internet but found nothing useful. Was this some kind of a scam? An innocent prank, maybe? 
“Jeon Jungkook” Mr. Choi’s voice suddenly echoed in your ears making you glance up at the dark-haired boy standing in front of the class. Interestingly, he was already looking at you. Hooded gaze focused on the way your demeanour changed completely. 
“Jungkook, feel free to take any empty seat,” 
Bowing to the man, he did exactly that. Slowly passing by the first three rows before stopping by the seat next to you. Nodding his head, he seemed pleased with the pick. 
“Oh, no sorry, Jungkook-ah, that seat belongs to another student,” Mr. Choi called out with a smile that quickly faded as he watched him sit regardless. 
“There’s plenty of options. I’m sure they’ll find another one,” Jungkook muttered with a sly grin, taking out his books before turning his attention to your widened eyes. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, y/n,” he rasped against your hair, gently tucking it behind your ear to fix the back of your collar. His dark orbs flickered down to your parted lips, sending shivers down your spine.
The first kiss you shared with Jungkook was between your eyes. The way his furrowed gaze softened upon seeing you walk down the wooden stairs of your childhood home, in the lavender dress he bought for your birthday. The way he nervously nibbled on his lip ring before caressing the back of your hand, fingers intertwined with yours. Everything about him was gentle when it came to you. The way his warm embrace moulded into yours, as you grew to share the same breath, the same heartbeat. One singularity in the form of two lovers. 
He filled the void your father left as you failed to please his expectations. The ones only a son could bear. The nights you spent crying in your room, wishing that your mother didn’t have to suffer the humiliation of raising a daughter, Jungkook was there. Like a knight in shining armour, he always saved you. Hoped to give you the future you deserve if you promised to share it with him. The two of you were inseparable. Attached by the hip. 
Until, one day, you weren’t. 
It’s been a week since Jungkook transferred schools. His seat still next to you. Inches away from the past that tethered your souls. You didn’t talk much. Mentally exhausted from the consequences. But, his eyes. They never lied. Sneaking glimpses across the room, watching your every move. He wanted you to give in, to tell him why you left. Help him understand how someone so close could betray his trust, his loyalty, his love. Jungkook didn’t hate you, wouldn’t let anyone get too close, but he was hurt. You could see it in his eyes. The same eyes that onces sparkled under the shimmering lights of the night sky when you shared your first kiss.
Dipping your feet into the pool you wanted to test the water before running through the new drill your coach crafted for the upcoming swim meet. To put it lightly, it was freezing. Goosebumps all over your skin, nipples cut through glass type of freezing. You would think a school with such a budget could afford a heated pool but beggars can’t be choosers. So, you tucked your hair under the swim camp and started on some stretches. 
“One … two … three …” you breathed out, counting the reps before glancing up at the flickering lights. School ended about an hour ago, so the place was pretty empty except for the janitors and a few teachers who stayed back to work on some grading. There was no practice today, but you had a spare key to the pool, so it was just you and the water. 
“Hello?” you called out, covering yourself with the towel. No response. 
“Sorry, this is a closed practice,” you shouted out again, hearing footsteps coming from the changing rooms. 
The lights went out. Goosebumps covered your skin, heart beat through the roof. Now what? 
“This isn't funny. Turn the lights back on!”
No one answered, but the footsteps inched closer. You could sense that they were near but it was too dark to make out a figure. Then, he chuckled. Subtle but devious chuckle. Like it was all premeditated. 
“Where is it?” a voice echoed, bouncing off the four walls. It was familiar. 
“Jungkook? Is that you?” you gasped, looking over your shoulder, hands trembling in fear.  
“Where is it, y/n?” his tone was firm. 
“Where's what?” 
“Don't act dumb, love,” he sneered, hands hovering over your waist making you flinch at the sudden feeling. The smell of his vanilla musk lingered in the air as you matched each other’s breathing, skin to skin. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you whispered, chest heaving up from the tension. 
“Where’s my baby?” he rasped against your ear pushing your frail body into the water as his hold around your waist tightened. Eyes squeezed shut, you began to kick him off of you. But he was stronger, assertive, more needy. Gasping for air you felt the water seep into your lungs, nails digging into his skin as a warning to bring you back to the surface.  
However, once you were up, he would have more questions. Questions you didn’t have the heart to answer. But, Jungkook deserved to know the truth, even if it hurt. Because, deep down, your father’s abuse wasn’t the only reason you left. 
You didn’t remember much of that night thanks to the five whiskey shots that pulsed through your veins. Intoxicated your system till you became numb. Unaware of the dangers around you and vulnerable to those with bad intentions. Until it was too late. 
“Stop … please …” you whimpered, flinching at the feeling of his tongue on your breast. Parted lips leaving a trail of wet kisses down your stomach, wrists red from his tight hold as your arms stayed pinned over your head. But your cries for help were as worthless as the consent he never got. 
Until the door slammed open and Jungkook’s irate gaze saw your lifeless body buried under the weight of another man. No amount of restraint could hold him back. He was flammed with rage. 
“Y/n!” Jungkook growled, pushing the guy onto the floor as blood covered his fist. And, as the four walls caved in, your world fell apart. 
But, you could barely open your eyes, let alone get up. Too ashamed to move anyways and the migraine only made it worse. Searching for your top your heart ached with pain once you saw Jungkook’s hollow orbs swelled with tears as he wiped the blood off his face. He looked defeated, almost as unconscious as the man on the floor. Stepping over the body with one hand on his side he whimpered, biting down the pain in his ribs before covering you with his jacket. 
“We have to go.” he muttered, picking you up bridal style. 
“Koo, we can’t just leave him,” you yelled out, worried gaze searching his pale face. 
“It’s nothing fatal, he’ll be fine,” Jungkook scoffed, feeling the tightness in his throat as he glanced down at your saddened eyes.
Tension consumed the air. It was suffocating. 
“Jungkook, please slow down.” you exclaimed, tightening your hold on the seatbelt. And, although his glare was focused on the road, he couldn’t hear you. Too occupied by the burning pit in his stomach. It didn’t take long until the dashboard flashed warning signals as his speed reached 200 km/h. You were virtually flying. Yet, there was no end to his high. 
Reaching for his cold hand you tried to snap him out of it before the car suddenly stopped. 
“Oh, shit!” Jungkook yelled out, protecting you from the impact, as your body swung forward. 
Eyes squeezed shut, your hands trembled in fear. He hit someone. You hit someone. Fidgeting with your seatbelt you desperately tried to get out and help the crouched man on the ground. He wasn’t bleeding but his skin looked burnt. 
“Y/n!” Jungkook jerked you back, tightening his hold on your arm as he pressed on the pedal. 
“What are you doing? We have to go back!” you yelled with a furrowed gaze. 
“Jungkook!” you threw a few hits at his chest, reaching for the steering wheel as the car swerved along the bumpy road. 
You couldn’t recognize him. He never raised his voice at you. Barely ever argued. But, now, Jungkook felt so distant. So cold. 
“Fine.” you whispered, digging your nails into your palms. It felt like a nightmare that you couldn’t wake up from. Stuck in a maze of despair, robbed of peace and the possibility that it was all in your head. That none of it was real. 
But it was. And, it would only get worse. 
Unlocking his front door, Jungkook stepped aside, letting you go first, hesitant with his touch. Furrowed gaze fixated on the ground, his head hung low, heavy with thoughts. Tucking onto the ankle straps of your heels you hissed out of frustration, vision blurring in and out of focus. 
“I can do it myself.” you scoffed, as he bent down to help. You didn’t mean to sound rude but there’s only so much one can endure before the sun sets. It was exhausting. 
“I know you can but let me,” he muttered softly.
And, for a moment there was silence. No words were exchanged. No one knew what to say. Feared that something else would go wrong. But your eyes, they were screaming. 
“Koo?” you whispered, caressing his cheek as he inched closer, burying his face into the warmth of your palm. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry,” Jungkook blurted, gripping your dress. 
You weren’t his first love but you were his first love. And, he promised to always keep you safe, fight for the beating of your heart until the air was stripped away from his lungs. But, he failed. 
“I’m sorry for letting you get hurt” his voice was quiet, shaky. Glossy eyes looking up at your trembling lips. 
“Baby, you saved me.” you exclaimed softly, pulling him into your embrace, feeling the tension in his body slowly dissipate. 
“Nothing happened, right?” he whispered into your skin. 
“Nothing,” you said hushly. 
To be honest, you didn’t remember what happened. Only the scars remained witness, your body painted like a canvas with purple hues of abuse. But, nothing happened, right? 
“How do you know about the baby?” you questioned with an arched brow, trying your best to stay afloat as Jungkook inched closer. 
“Oh, y/n, you always underestimated the power of a small town. News here spreads faster than wildfire.” he grinned, resting his hands on your waist before your back hit the concrete. 
That night, when you layed on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, the puzzle pieces began to come together. Something did happen. Something that didn’t belong to Jungkook. You were raped and on very thin ice with your father who was ready to kick you out of the house if you didn’t oblige his threats. The ones that entailed getting rid of the baby, and clearing up the family name. But, you couldn’t bear to lose someone so close, so innocent. 
So, you didn’t. You hid the pregnancy from everyone. Of course, your mom knew but you didn’t want to risk getting her into trouble with your father, whose behaviour worsened with each fight. Completely unhinged, he couldn’t be stopped.
But, when he slammed you against the kitchen cabinet while you stood in front of your mother’s trembling body you finally felt it. The striking pain in your abdomen that travelled up your pelvis and into your back. The pooling of blood that rolled down your leg, marking your clothes with the loss of your baby. And every day since then, you wondered. Wondered what life would feel like without the constant longing to be whole again. 
“And, hey, thanks for this,” Jungkook teased with a sly wink, parading the dove necklace Mr. Kim gifted you for your graduation. 
“Give it back Jungkook, this isn’t funny.” you snapped, reaching for his hand before his hold on your waist tightened, pulling you in. 
“You stole something from me, now it’s my turn,” he rasped against your ear, nibbling on the soft skin. Inches apart, his heavy gaze flickered down to your lips. 
“Hmm, I haven’t swam in a while but I think I can make the team, right captain?” Jungkook glanced up, searching your furrowed expression. 
Unfortunately, he did make the team. If you couldn’t tell already, he was a crowd favourite. Always managed to get what he wanted, even with minimal effort. Simply put, life just seemed to work out for Jungkook. 
So, when the team went on to win the Nationals your coach decided to splurge and take everyone out for the weekend. Nothing special. Just a trip to the next town over. He rented a bus, but if you had a ride you could just meet everyone there. Sadly, both your mom and Mr. Kim were busy with work and Taehyung closed the door on you when you asked, so that seemed like a hard pass.
“Damn, Mr. Lim couldn't wait till sunrise?” your friend teased as the two of you waited by the school entrance. It was just shy of 7 am, but the sky was grey and foggy. 
“That's what I'm saying. I couldn't even sleep yesterday,” you scoffed, feeling the puffiness around your eyes. Something about the little getaway fueled your nervous system to stay alert the whole night. Was it excitement? Fear?Anxiousness? Only time will tell. 
“It's fine, in about 5 minutes we should already be hitting the road. And, hey, I brought the book you asked for,” she exclaimed, digging through her bag. 
“Nice! Fair warning though, I will be taking my beauty slumber as soon as we get on or else I might just die,” the two of you chuckled before collecting your stuff noticing the bus turn into the school parking lot. 
Heading up the stairs you were welcomed by an older gentleman. 
“Hel-” his words were cut off by the shouting outside. 
“Sorry, could you excuse me for a second?” you giggled awkwardly, turning back to see who was making all that noise.
“Y/n, get in. I'll drive.” Jungkook urged with no hesitation, patting the passenger seat. 
“That's not necessary,” you scoffed, arms crossed over your chest. 
“That wasn't a question.” a sly grin covered his face. 
Parking his Mercedes in front of the bus, you looked back at the old man who was busy checking in the other students to notice Jungkook’s stubborn act. Well, shit. 
“Fine.” you muttered, ushering him to open the trunk.
As promised, you fell asleep almost immediately, suppressing the daunting feeling inside your chest. Jungkook didn’t mind, and kept as quiet as possible, reclining your seat before covering you with his jacket. It was better that the two of you didn’t speak. This gave him the perfect opportunity to look at you without being threatened. 
The drive was supposedly only 4 hours, but the rain lengthened the process. 
“Hhmm?” you flinched from the sound of hail hitting the glass window. 
“Sleep well?” Jungkook whispered, glancing at your drowsy eyes. 
“Yeah,” you muttered, stretching your back. 
“Are you hungry? We will have to stop at a motel, it’s too dangerous to drive.” 
“Alright. Let me just text Yuri then,” you said, unzipping your bag. 
“No need, I already let Mr. Lim know,” he winked, pulling into the parking lot. 
Mother Nature was pissed and decided to take it out on all of us. So, it wasn’t long until the two of you were drenched from head to toe. 
“Quickly, let’s go!” Jungkook exclaimed, grabbing your hand before locking the car. 
The place wasn’t brand new, per se, but it served its purpose. As soon as you walked in, you were welcomed by what could only be described as a parade of taxidermy deer heads mounted onto the wall with a complimentary coffee station by the corner. 
“I'll be right with you!” a female voice echoed from the back room. 
Glancing at the water dripping down your face Jungkook chuckled, pulling you in to wipe the excess with his sleeve. 
“You okay?” he hummed, levelling his head until your eyes met. 
“Cold,” you muttered, nibbling on your lip before turning him back towards the front desk. 
“Right, so sorry for the wait. What can I do for you, dear?” an older woman exclaimed with a soft smile. 
“Oh, no worries at all! We’re just looking for a room for the night,” Jungkook explained, pulling out his wallet. 
“Of course! Are you two a couple by any chance?” she giggled, dimples popping out on both cheeks as your mouth dropped. 
“Oh, n-” you scoffed before his glare pierced through you. 
“Shhh, let her finish, love,” 
“Well, it’s just that Saturdays are usually our couple specials. You get a 30% discount!” she clapped, admiring what you assumed she thought to be the epitome of young love standing in front of her. 
“Lucky us, then,” Jungkook clapped as well, inching your stiff body closer to make it more believable.
“Go us!” you smiled awkwardly, patting his chest before whispering something in his ear. Don’t get too excited. 
Placing a gentle peck on your forehead he grabbed the bags, following the sweet lady towards your room. 
“Alrighty, here it is! If you need anything I’m just a call away.” 
“Thank you!” the two of you said in unison, unlocking the door. 
One bed. 
“So, how is it?” Jungkook asked, laying out his jacket on the cabinet to dry. 
“You’re sleeping on the floor.” a teasing chuckle escaped your parted lips. 
“The rain will stop soon. I doubt we’ll even need the bed,” he said, running his fingers through his hair. 
“What? We wasted all that money for nothing?”  
“Well, first of all, I paid. And, we got a discount, remember?” 
“I'm sorry. I'll pay you back,” your gaze lowered from the sudden guilt, fingers fidgeting with your rings. 
“Are you kidding? I would pay triple to spend more time with you,” his tone was genuine, pupils dilated at your timid state. 
“Jungkook,” you whispered. 
“If only you knew how much I missed it,” he tilted his head back on the wall, nibbling on his lip ring. 
“Hearing you say my name,”
“I thought we hated each other,” you muttered, folding your hands over your chest.
“You did. I just loved the thrill of it,” 
You would be lying if you said that you didn’t miss it too. In hindsight, your feelings were always suppressed but obvious to the naked eye. To his eyes. However, just because you miss something, doesn’t mean you have to go back. Sometimes, the door is better off closed. Hidden deep in your subconscious mind, buried under a pile of broken promises. 
“I’m going to shower.” you blurted in a hurry, walking past him to avoid the thoughts running through your head. 
The water was cold no matter which way the faucet turned, so you had to be quick unless catching hypothermia was on the list of things Mr. Lim wanted you to experience over this trip. If so, then you were ahead of the game. 
Wrapping yourself with a towel you washed off your makeup, combing your hair with a detangling brush before getting startled by the swinging of the door, hitting your side. 
“Hey! I wasn’t done.” 
“Sorry, it’s cold,” Jungkook whined, welcoming himself in. 
“Did you try putting on a shirt?” you scoffed, eyeing his naked chest before his furrowed gaze caught you red-handed. 
“It’s wet, smartass. And, I didn’t want to put new clothes on before showering.” 
“Well, go stand over there and face the wall,”
“Are you shy?” he teased, leaning on the counter. 
“Well, I’m not comfortable.” you hissed, tightening the fabric around your body. 
“I’ve seen you naked plenty of times, y/n,” Jungkook grinned, eyes squeezed shut as if reminiscing the good old days. 
“You don’t have to remind me. I'll be taking that sin to the grave,” 
But it was too late. Lips inches apart, your chest heaved up from the intensity of his heavy gaze, eyeing your form from top to bottom. Tilting your chin with his fingers, he leaned closer. 
“We can’t,” you blurted, hands hovering over his chest. 
“No?” he glanced at your scattering eyes, pressing your palm against his burning skin. 
“What about Soojin?” 
“What about her?” 
“Seems like you guys were hitting it off pretty well,” you hissed, looking past his glare. 
“Meh … not my type,” Jungkook scoffed, eyes flickering down your lips.
“Oh, really?” 
“Why? Was y/n jealous?” he said with a sly grin, tracing his fingers up your thigh. 
“Soojin, is not your type? Ha! Hard to believe when she was all over you a few days ago.” your tone was low, annoyed at the whole thing. You were jealous. Fine. Whatever. Moving right along. 
“Hmm, is that so? Then what does that say about us? If I leave a trail of kisses down your neck, does that mean you're my type?” he whispered in your ear, pulling your body onto the counter before finding himself between your legs. 
“I'm not your type,” you chuckled, ignoring the obvious tension. 
“I could've been a dad by now and you're questioning if you're my type? Really?” Jungkook teased, resting his forehead on yours.  
“Jungkook, the baby wasn’t yours.” you said firmly, palms holding his face to make sure he was paying attention. 
“But, it was yours. And, what’s yours is mine. Isn’t that right?” he winked, fingers intertwined with yours. Then it happened. The long-awaited kiss. And, although you knew this wasn’t the best of your decisions, you didn’t mind revisiting this door, at least for the time being.
Until that night. The night in the forest. When a locked door was the only thing separating you and Jungkook. 
“Call him. Let's see if he actually cares,” you could see the grin smear across the man’s masked face, as your blood-shot eyes swelled with tears. 
Hands tied behind your back, you watched him press the call button, turning the phone towards you before resting his knife right under your chin. 
“Jungkook!” you cried out with a shaky voice.
Ring Ring 
“Oh, shit, where’s my phone,” Jungkook exclaimed, patting his pockets before reaching for the glove compartment. 
“What the fuck?”
His eyes widened. It was you. Rather, snapshots of you. One’s that he had no recollection of taking. But, they looked strange. As if you also weren’t aware of them being captured. 
Call from 647-568-0349. Call from y/n-ie❤️ 
An automated voice broadcasted through the speaker system set up in his garage.
“Y/n?” Jungkook yelled out, bolting towards the locked door. 
“Jungkook … please …” you whimpered, feeling the tip of the knife poke into your skin as your chest heaved up.   
“What the fuck? Why won’t it open?” Jungkook growled, fidgeting with the knob before banging on the wooden door. But, no one was home. 
“Please … please … pick up.”
Running back into his car, he turned on the engine, scattering eyes looking back at the empty driveway until the garage door began closing on its own. 
And within seconds, he was trapped. No way in or out. But, the engine was still on, running inside the confined space. Gaseous fumes slowly intoxicating the air he was forced to breathe. 
“Fucking hell.” Jungkook coughed, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his hoodie. 
“Please …” you kept trying, hoping to hear his sweet voice on the other line. Completely naive to the carbon monoxide that was now spreading through his lungs. 
“Help!” he cried out, feeling the tightness in his throat. 
“Jungk-” you gasped, widened eyes glaring back at the masked man. 
“Tsk … what a shame.” he sneered, ending the call abruptly before piercing through the phone.
“Oh, angel, it’s okay. We can wait if you wish. Hopefully, his lungs don’t collapse,” he rasped against your hair, cold touch sending shivers down your back as you felt your heart sink.
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bbunisre · 9 months
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“Hey, Megumi,”
You're at the doorstep, confused at the lack of background noise in the house. It's quiet. Gojo must be at work this time around.
Megumi hasn’t changed out of his pyjamas, the plaid pattern a perpetual favourite of his in sleepwear. You got him those pyjamas along with a book last Christmas, a book he randomly spoke about wanting to read once and never again. It probably meant a lot to him because the book is displayed on his shelf like a treasured artefact.
“Tsumiki’s asleep?”
“Yeah, she is.” he replies, “Can we be quick?”
“I’ll be in and out before you know it,” you tell him, patting his shoulder as you let yourself in.
The two of you beeline into the kitchen and you dump out the things you brought over to make Megumi the perfect hangover soup as well as some ibuprofen to help with that headache.
“Have you been throwing up?” you ask, handing him the ibuprofen.
“No but I feel like throwing up,” he replies, slipping onto the bench top stool, "I've been nauseous all morning."
"Have that, I’m gonna make you soup. When it starts simmering, I’ll leave and you can have it.”
“Okay…you won’t tell Tsumiki, right? About me drinking?”
Tsumiki is almost too protective of Megumi and vice versa so when you’re sitting there playing a battle in your head of whether you want to betray your best friend and keep Megumi’s secret or lie to Megumi and tell Tsumiki the truth in private and risk Megumi never telling you anything in confidentiality, you choose the former.
It's the safer option.
You have to ask him about it--whatever happened last night.
With the way he’s acting right now, he looks like he has no memory of it but you’ll ask anyway.
As you’re making the soup, Megumi sits silently watching you.
You consider what Toge told you earlier.
That Megumi has a crush on you and how he apparently acted during your messy breakup with Choso.
A second later and you’re already grossed out. That’s your best friend’s younger brother, you grew up alongside him and you were by him during the devious puberty phase and you still are as he’s coming to the end of his puberty. You respect Tsumiki too much to have romantic relations with her brother.
She’s your best friend for goodness sake.
She was there during the agonising tidewaves that Choso brought down on you and then, you’d want to go for Megumi?
You couldn’t do that to her.
But you had to ask what happened last night. You couldn’t leave without knowing if Megumi remembered and what were his reasons for his actions.
You turn, wiping your freshly washed hands on a nearby cloth, “Soup’s simmering, I’ll go now.”
“Thanks a lot, Y/N.” Megumi answers, stranding from his seat, ready to see you out.
“Don’t sweat it.” you nod, “Before I go though, I want to ask, do you remember anything that happened last night?”
Megumi’s quiet for a second and then, he shakes his head, “No, I don’t remember anything. I just remember that you let me lay down in Panda’s room until the party was over. But before that…“
Slowly, Megumi’s eyes widen.
He stops. Completely.
“What are you doing here, Y/N?” Tsumiki walks into the kitchen.
Megumi and you look at each other.
Tsumiki looks between the two of you suspiciously, “What’s going on?”
Throat dry and without excuse, you stand there.
Megumi speaks up, “I accidentally drank last night. I called her over to help because you were sleeping.”
“You what?!”
“It was an accident!” Megumi excuses, “I thought it was a mocktail, not a cocktail.”
Tsumiki shakes her head, putting her hands on her hips, “Unbelievable,” she looks at you, that older sister glare you know not to mess with, “Were you going to tell me about this?”
“Duh,” you lie with such ease, “You were sleeping though. Didn’t wanna disturb you.”
She rolls her eyes, “Is that your famous hangover soup, bitch?”
“Yeah. Have some. I’m off, gotta catch up on some sleep,” you tell her, hugging her before getting all your stuff, “Tell Gojo I said hi for me.”
You dare blink at Megumi again, seeing his face flush with pink.
He knows.
And he knows you know.
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TAGLIST: @k4romis @moonmalice @ahseyy @loltartaglia @sircatchungus @rinowinne @sad-darksoul @br66klynbaby @nymphsdomain @pastatata @tobaccosunbxrst @zellwa @porcobrainr0t  @instantmusico @1lellykins @camilo-uwu @iluv-ace @vernonburger @ohhyuuta @liliumaraneae  @m00nglad3-mp3 @sfmegumi @diogodxlot @bloombb @erenjvegerrr @liliumaraneae @polarbvnny @sleepyxxhead
359 notes · View notes
luvhughes43 · 2 years
Period Pains | Jack Hughes x reader
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request: Can I get a fluffy jack hughes fic where the reader comes on her period whilst they are at the lake house and she has nothing with her. And she just wants cuddles. Maybe one of the other boys makes a comment about her being clingy and is like oh someone’s on their period 🙄. And she gets upset
word count: 0.8k
You had just arrived at the lake house a week ago, and having gone practically all summer without seeing your boyfriend, you were just too busy to take a much needed trip to the store. You had stupidly left all your period supplies at home, claiming that you would just buy more. But with all the much needed time you were spending with your boyfriend jack… you just hadn’t gotten around to it. Which led you to the predicament that you were currently in. 
You had bad cramps last night, and with all the busyness that comes with being at the lake house, you had not clued in to the warning that your period was about to start. Leaving you stuck in the bathroom, in a house full of men with absolutely no supplies. 
Luckily for you, you brought your phone into the bathroom with you, so you quickly called Jack as he was outside hanging out with his friends. He answered his phone on the second ring.
“Yeah baby?” Jack spoke into the mic. You could hear the guys laughing and talking in the background.
“I really need your help right now” you replied and you could hear Jack hastily slide open the slide in door, “what’s wrong? Where are you?” he responded clearly worried.
“I'm in the upstairs bathroom” you groaned in pain as you felt another cramp hit you. “K im coming” was all he said as he hung up the phone. You placed yours back on the counter and waited. You could hear Jack running up the stairs and the fact that he cared so much about you made you smile. 
Jack knocked on the bathroom door, “can I come in?” he asked to which you responded with a faint yes. Jack walked in to find you hunched over on the toilet,  your arms on your thighs and your head down. “Are you good?” he asked obliviously. 
“I started my period and I have nothing to deal with it. Can you run to the store for me real quick?” you asked, and Jack just nodded. “Yeah uh just give me a list of what you need”.
You got out of your hunched position and grabbed your phone, texting Jack a small list of everything you needed. “Okay ill be right back, love you” he said as he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before walking out of the bathroom.
About 15 minutes later, Jack was back from the small store up the road with everything you needed in hand. He walked into the bathroom and passed you a bag full of your requested items. “Thank you” you whispered to Jack as you felt another painful cramp in your abdomen. “Of course. When you're done in here why don't we cuddle in my room? It might help with your cramps and stuff, "Jack said. “Sounds perfect” you replied and he left the bathroom letting you clean yourself up. 
After you finally got everything sorted out, you brought your grocery bag into Jack's room. He was already sprawled across his bed and when he heard you creak the door open he smiled up at you. Before getting into bed, you took an ibuprofen, and changed into a pair of Jacks sweats. 
You climbed into Jack's bed and he laid one of his arms across his bed so you could cuddle up into him. With one of his hands wrapping around your shoulder he snaked the other around your waist pulling you closer to him. You were both facing the door, facing away from each other, and soon enough your legs were getting caught up into each other as you snuggled closer to each other. 
However, your peaceful cuddling season was quickly disrupted as Trevor Zegras bursted into Jack's room. “Where did you go man? I thought you were only going to the store” he basically yelled as he walked into Jack's room. He hadn't seen you two cuddled on the bed but when he finally realized you two were wrapped up into each other he smirked. “Never mind then… I see!” he barked out a laugh.
“Go away Trevor” you said irritated that he disturbed your peace you had created with Jack.
“Ooo someones on their period!” he laughed as you got up and threw a pillow at his head. Trevor just laughed harder. 
“Seriously Trev, go” Jack said, also sitting up. Trevor laughed some more and lifted both hands as if he was surrendering. He backed out of Jack's room quickly, shutting the door as he went. 
You and Jack both laid back down and you felt so frustrated. “I hate when people say things like that” you say, turning around so you were face to face with jack. He brushed a few strands of hair out of your face, “I know baby, I'm sorry. Trevs an asshole”.
Jack started playing with your hair which promptly lulled you to sleep. 
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allinestarr · 8 months
Relentless 2/?
Charles Leclerc x Fem Driver Reader Platonic! / Max Verstappen x Fem Driver Reader!
(Guys if I had to describe this chapter in a song, it would be this.)
“ Uhhh I’m telling you going out tonight is a mistake.” You groaned as you spoke to your best friend over FaceTime.
“Y/N you deserve to celebrate. You worked hard all season and made second in drivers and constructers. Don’t devalue yourself. I know you’re bummed I can’t make it out but I promise we are going to have so much fun during break.”
“ I know Rachel but it’s just going to be so awkward. Lewis had to leave to Paris because he had some work obligations and everyone’s bringing their significant others and I’ll be the only one alone.”
“ That’s not true. Lando’s single and he’s going.”
“ Yea but you know how he is. He’s always got a crowd around him and goes off to Dj and can’t sit still. I’m going to look like a lost puppy following him around..”
“Well what about Fernando or Charles?”
“ Fernando left to be with his girlfriend in Spain and Charles.. well I don’t know. I think Alex had to leave because she had an emergency.”
“ Well there you go. Just hang out with Charles.”
“ Yea but I don’t want people to get the wrong idea. You know what happened last year. We hung out after he broke up with Charlotte and everyone blamed me for their breakup. It took a lot of pr to clear my name.”
“ Y/n it will be fine. Stop making up excuses and enjoy yourself!. Now, what are you wearing?.”
Sighing you went over a few outfits before you settled on a mid length open back black dress with some heels. Minimal make up cause you didn’t need it and some loose curls.
“ Y/n you look amazing!!” Rachel screamed.
“ You sure?. The dress feels tight and keeps riding up.”
“Y/n it’s perfect. Now go and get to the club. Have fun but not to much. Call me in the morning so we can debrief!. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”
Soon after the Uber came and you made your way to the club.
“Y/n you made it!.” Lando said as he hugged you.
“ Yea. I said I’d come and here I am.”
Max was sitting off to the corner with Kelly and didn’t bother looking up to greet you. As time and drinks passed by everyone separated to dance or head off. Lando as predicted was at the Dj booth with his friends and Charles was pretty much drunk. You only had a few drinks so you only had a light buzz. To be honest, clubs and galas weren’t your scene so you couldn’t wait to leave.
“Y/n I love her soooooo much.” Charles slurred against your shoulder he leaned on.
“ I know Charles. Do you want to leave?.”
“No you don’t understand.. I love her soooo much. I regret being here. I wish I was with her right now. Everytime I’m not with her I’m so sad.”.
When you looked down at him you saw he was in fact crying, so you smiled and wiped away his tears.
“ Charles why don’t we leave so we can talk away from prying eyes.”
He smiled and nodded. When your Uber was outside you helped Charles up and he put his arm around your waist for support as you made your way outside the club. With no time to tell everyone you just decided to text them when you got back to the hotel. You didn't miss Max’s cold gaze following you with his fists clenched as you got closer to the exit. Kelly looked at him and followed his gaze to you. She raised her eyebrow curiously before looking back at Max with a scowl. Weird you though, but not your business.
Arriving at your shared hotel you took Charles to his room. He was pretty much dead weight by the time you laid him down on his bed.
“Ok Charles I’m going to leave you a glass of water and some ibuprofen for the morning. Get some rest and we will talk over breakfast.”
As you were walking away he grabbed your hand.
“No wait I want to ask you something…”
“Will you help me find a ring?..”
“Uh sure.. for what?..”
“For Alex. I want to ask her to marry me.”
“Yes!!. Of course I will!.” You smiled and hugged him.
“Please don’t tell anyone. I want it to be a surprise.”
“My lips are sealed. Now get some rest. We will have much to talk about in the morning!.”
Walking back to your room you bump into Lance. He smiled and nods a hello as you walk to the elevator to get your floor.
You woke up to your phone ringing and when checking, it was your best friend. As much as you wanted to decline the call to sleep in for another hour, you knew she would just call till you picked up.
“Hello..” you groaned.
“ Are you ok??.”
“Yea why would I?.”
“Well the things people were saying was pretty cruel.”
“What are you talking about??”
“Have you not checked any of your socials??”
“ No I just woke up. What’s going on??”
“Well, you were photographed with Charles and he was holding onto you and it looked like you had something going on. He was leaning close to your face and you were touching his face. They're saying Charles broke up with Alex since she’s not there and that you and him are having a fling. And the worst part is that someone who they say is a credible source said it was true.”
“That’s insane!. There’s nothing going on with Charles and I. He was drunk and was saying he missed Alex and started crying so i comforted him. I brought him back to his room and left. I can’t believe this is happening again!.”
“I know y/n. I didn’t believe it when I saw it. Listen I can come earlier if you want so you don’t have to be alone.”
As much as you wanted to at yes, you couldn’t. She’s already done so much for you and she’s taking 2 weeks off work just to spend time with you when she could be with her family.
“It’s ok Rae. I’ll be fine. I’m sure my pr is already working on fixing this. I promise I’ll keep you updated. I’ll see you next week.”
“Ok, just call me if anything. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye."
Staying in bed all day to grovel sounded pretty good right now, but you promised breakfast with Charles so after a quick shower you sent him a text and met in the lobby. You were met with paparazzi outside the hotel bombarding you with pictures and questions.
“Charles why did you cheat on your girlfriend?.”
“Y/n how long have you and Charles been together?. Before Charlotte or before Alex?.”
“Charles is true you let Y/n win in Brazil?.”
You couldn’t get to Charles car quicker as you sped off to the cafe. Opting to sit in the farthest table away from anyone you ordered some food and sat down in silence before Charles took off his sunglasses. His eyes were red and puffy. He'd been crying.
“Charles, what’s wrong?.”
“Well apart from what’s come out everywhere, Alex called me this morning. She… she broke up with me. She saw the pictures and said she couldn’t do it anymore.”
“But it’s not true.”
“I know, I told her that but she didn’t believe me. Not when they said there was a credible source. I called around and tried to find out who it was but all they said was it was someone close to the grid. I just don’t know who would do this!.”
“ No but I have my suspicions. Don’t worry about it, I will get this all cleared up. It's going to be ok. Now, I believe we were suppose to talk about a ring..”
“ I don’t know anymore..”
“Charles, listen to me. You love her and she loves you. You and i both know that that’s rare to find with our jobs. She’s been with you through thick and thin. You said you couldn’t stand being away from her for a second. If you say she’s the one, then she’s the one.”
“You’re right. I’m putting my faith in you. So should we talk about rings?.”
You smiled and nodded as you spoke about what kind of ring she’d like and where to go to look at some and what kind of proposals he had in mind. After wrapping up the conversation you parted ways promising to meet up in Monaco to go ring shopping.
The week passed by and you were in your apartment in Monaco with Rachel.
“What should we do today?”
“I have to meet up with Charles so I won’t be back till 3 or 4. Landos in town if you want to hang out with him.”
“What are you doing with Charles?.”
Remembering your promise to keep his secret you had to come up with a lie.
“We have to go over some stuff our pr asked us to do.”
She looked at you suspiciuosly but accepted your answer.
“Oh ok then. I’ll go hang out Lando. Call me when you get back.”
“Alright see you later.”
It felt bad lying to your best friend but under the circumstances, it was necessary. After visiting pretty much every jeweler in Monaco, nothing caught Charles eye.
“It’s ok, we will find something somewhere else. What if we go to Paris next week. I heard they have the cutest vintage rings.”
“I guess. It’s just so frustrating. Nothing is going right. I have been calling her nonstop and she blocked me. I showed up at her house and she won’t answer. I sent her flowers and letters and she sends them back. I’m losing hope here.”
“ Hey don’t say that. She will forgive you. I’m narrowing the list of suspects and when I find out, I'm going to set this right. Till then, call me if anything.”
The only 2 people you could think of was Lance and Max. When you called Lance and asked him straight up, he denied it. He said he saw you walk him into his room and walk right out but didn’t suspect or think anything of it. You believed him and apologized for bothering him. That left none other then Max. The last person you would ever talk to yet you found yourself dialing his number.
“Meet me at my place in 1 hour.”
Before he could say anything you hung up. Luckily Rachel was still gone when you got back. An hour later the door bell rang and upon opening it, revealed a pissed off Max. Walking away from the door you waited for him in your living room. He closed the door behind him and sat next to you on the couch.
“Well on with it. You called me, so what do you want.”
“Did you tell the media I was having an affair with Charles?.”
“No!. Why the hell would you think I would waste my time talking about you?.”
“Gee I don’t know, maybe because you hate my guts and you were scowling at me all night at the club. I know it was someone close to grid who confirmed those false rumors. It all leads to you!.”
“Do you hear yourself sometimes?. I’m pretty sure it requires someone to care about the person to talk about them and you y/n, I don’t care about. So if that’s all, I’m out of here.”
Looking into his eyes you knew he was being honest so how was it possible you got it wrong. Is there someone else out there that hates you?. Who could it be?. Wait… now that you think about it.. it couldn’t be..
“What?.” He furrowed his brows.
“It has to be her. The way she looked at me that night.”
“She would never do something like that!. Unlike you she has class.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?!.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve ruined Charles relationship.”
You couldn’t help the pit in your stomach and the tears welling up in your eyes. He went to far.
“You motherfu..”
Before you could finish your sentence Rachel walked in calling your name.
“Y/n everything good here?.”
“Yea, he was just leaving.”
Max regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. He didn’t know why he said it. Was it because you accused his girlfriend or because he was jealous?. He got up and walked to the door but before walking to the elevator he turned around thinking of something to say but before the words came out you closed the door.
“Sorry…” he whispered to himself.
Walking back to his place he thought about what you said. Kelly was mad that night and has been mad at him for quite a while. She said all he talked about was you. Whenever he lost he would talk about how you cheated someway or whenever he won he would say how much you sucked or how you didn’t drive as good as him. He said the only reason he wanted to win the championship was to rub it in your face. That night though was the worst fight he had with her.
Flashback to fight after club
Kelly saw how Max tensed when y/n showed up. She couldn’t tell if his face was red from the alcohol or from looking at y/n but she would keep a close eye. As the night went on and everyone went their own ways y/n danced with Charles and sat back down in the vip booth with him. Kelly didn’t miss how he clenched his fists and jaw when he saw y/n leave with Charles. It was so obvious to Kelly why. He didn’t want to talk when they got home but she wasn’t going to let it go.
“You like her don’t you?.”
“What are you talking about?. You’ve heard me all season complain about her, why would you assume I’d like her?.”
“Max im not blind. I saw the way you tensed when you saw her with Charles and how you watched her all night.”
“You’re imaging things. I could care less about y/n. Now please Kelly, drop it.”
Max didn’t leave any room for her to talk as he walked away to change and go to sleep. Deep down she knew it was more then that. Y/n would not take what she worked hard to get. So she made a call to one of her friends.
Back to Max POV
When he got home Kelly was sitting on the couch on the phone. He didn’t want to eaves drop but when he heard your name he stayed silent against the wall.
“Yea I can’t thank you again. It’s good everyone sees how much of a home wrecker Y/n is. I just couldn’t believe it when she told me she was with him again. I just hope she doesn’t do it to anyone else.”
When she finished her call he walked up to her.
“Hey baby you’re back early. I didn’t hear you come in. How was coffee with Charles?.”
“What do you mean why?”
“Why would you ruin Y/n’s reputation?."
“I don’t know what your tal..”
“Stop lying!. I heard you!. You were the one who told the media Y/n was with Charles!.”
“And so what if I did!. Why do you care?!. You hate her, right?.”
“That’s not the point!. You lied!. I thought you were better then that.”
“And you don’t lie?. You think I’m stupid?!. I know you’re in love with her!. It’s so obvious. You said me and P were your whole world. We’ve been together for so many years and now you want to throw it away for some whore!.”
“Don’t try to manipulate me into the bad guy. I told you I don’t care about her. You lied and I can’t trust you. I think it’s best we take a break. We need space to think things through.”
“This is a mistake Max. We are a family. We can work this out.”
“No. I’ll pack some bags and you can stay here with P. I’m going to stay with my sister for a little bit. I’ll call you when I’m ready to speak to you.”
“Max don’t do this. Please!.”
As much as Kelly tried to convince Max to stay he had already packed his bags and prepared to leave before stopping in P’s room to say goodbye and that he’d be away in a business trip for a few weeks.
Back to Y/n
After Max left, Rachel tried to get you to talk but you told her you didn’t want to, so she dropped it. Instead you had a girls night in with some romcoms and your favorite foods. Everything was a mess so you decided to do something about it by starting off with Charles.
"Hey Rae, how do you feel about going to Italy next week?."
"Are you kidding me?? Is that even a question?. YES! YES! YES!!!!."
"Great, ill book our flights now."
Mission get Charles and Alex back together is in play.
The week went by fast without issue and soon enough you and Rachel were on the flight to Italy. You told Rachel about the plan minus the engagement part. After settling into the hotel you put on a summer dress with a hat and shades to not be recognized and headed to Alex’s house. Knocking on the door you waited till someone answered. When someone did, it was a middle aged lady.
“Hi, is Alex home?.”
The lady looked at you confused like she didn’t understand and you realized she probably didn’t speak English and you definitely didn’t speak Italian. So you tried loading up your translator app but it was taking forever to load. Another voice came from behind her that you recognized to be Alex.
Taking of your sunglasses and hat you nodded. She said something to the lady who walked away and then she leaned against the door.
“What are you doing here?.”
“Well, first to say me and Charles have never had any kind of relations. He’s been my friend since I’ve joined formula 1. I have never seen him in that way and never will. Secondly, I couldn’t stand seeing Charles mope around Monaco any longer. All he does is stay inside all day on his sim or play piano. And finally, I wanted to have some good gelato.” You smiled.
Alex’s face didn’t change as she processed all you've said. Eventually though, she smiled sadly.
“I miss him. I’ve never gone this long without him. I was so hurt and embarrassed when I saw those articles. Then he showed up here and it made me sick seeing him but even more turning him away. I tried moving on but all I can think about is him.”
A single tear dropped down her cheek as you hugged her.
“Is he here?.”
“No, he doesn’t know I came here. Listen why don’t we get some gelato and take a walk?”
She smiled and excused herself to get her purse. You texted Rachel.
y/n: Mission Charles and Alex back together Successful 💞✅
y/n: getting some gelato with Alex, be back soon. Don’t tell anyone including Charles, want it to be a surprise. 🤔
Rae: yayyy 😃
Rae: I love love 💕 🥰
Rae: my lips are sealed promise. 🤐🤫
Rae: also please bring me back a gelato 🍨 😀
Y/n: will do, see you soon!! 🫡
After talking to Alex for a while she agreed to come back with you to Monaco to see Charles. She didn’t call or text him to let him know, wanting it to be a surprise as well. Till then you spent your days eating the best food you could get and every gelato flavor you could find. Your pt was going to be pissed when you got back, but it was worth it.
The day came and you’d finally made it back to Monaco. Rachel had to leave the last day in Italy since she had to go back to work, so it was just you and Alex. The plan was to drop off your things first and head to Charles place. You didn’t know who was more nervous, you or Alex.
When you arrived at Charles front door you nodded to Alex as she let out a breath and knocked. Charles opened up and held his breath when he saw Alex. He was to stunned to speak so Alex did instead.
“Oh hey sorry.. I just can’t believe it’s really you..”
“I’m sorry..” they both said in unison.
They laughed and Charles spoke,
“I’m sorry that I hurt you. Those rumors were just rumors. I love you and only you.”
“I know. I love you too. I was hurt but I know now that it was all lies. Y/n explained everything to me.”
That’s when he noticed you were next to Alex and he was confused.
“But how?.”
“She came to my house and told me. We spoke for a while and I understand. I’m sorry I doubted you.”
“My love, you don’t have to apologize. It was my fault. I hope you can forgive me.”
“There’s nothing to be forgiven. It was a misunderstanding. Let’s just forget about this.”
“Well that’s my queue to go. Guys im happy for you. Im gonna leave you two love birds to it. If you need anything call or text. See you later.”
You said your goodbyes and headed back to your apartment. It was late so you just stopped by your favorite restaurant and got some food to go. Getting out of the elevator you could see a man sitting against your door. Cautiously you approached him and as he heard your footsteps he looked up.
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Taglist: @itsjustkhaos @sadg3 @d3kstar @runs-with-scissOrs
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piratekane · 2 years
She’s bone-tired, aches in places she didn’t know could ache and muscles stretched out in a way they haven’t been for a long time. Since her physical therapy, at least. The rock climbing a few weeks ago certainly hadn’t helped, but there was no way she was going to stay with her feet rooted to the floor. Not when she could climb up 15 feet and hang there like Spider-man. Better than Spider-man.
Suck it, Tom Holland.
She paid for it later, though, and spent the next day letting her body remember how to stretch, going through yoga poses and washing her breakfast down with ibuprofen. 
It was worth it, still, to see the look on Bea’s friend’s faces. Mary was impressed, clapping her on the shoulder when she got to the bottom and telling Camila - who made it up the wall the fastest - that she had competition. Even Lilith regarded her with a level of approval that Ava ate up. She’s going to make Lilith like her. Or at least smile politely, even if it is with all her teeth.
But it was Bea’s face that made it even better. 
She hasn’t known Bea long - she’s known others longer, including that one cafeteria lady who always saves her a side of mac and cheese because Ava said one time that it was her favorite - but she already knows that a big part of her wants to impress Bea. She can’t quite put it into words. There’s something about Bea that makes Ava want to show off. Maybe it’s because one thing she’s learned about Beatrice is that her smiles are fleeting. Ava wants to collect every one of them.
She’ll have a lot of opportunities, now that Bea is her friend and her roommate.
“Where do you want this one?” Beatrice asks from the doorway. She’s holding a paper box with tons of smiley faces drawn on it in a thick-tipped permanent marker. There’s a method to her packing madness, but Ava is big enough to admit that she has no idea what’s in this particular box.
“Here is fine.” She shifts in the computer chair Bea got her, a slight pinch in her back.
Bea looks down at the last few inches of floor where Ava points and frowns. “How will you get out?”
Ava lifts her legs, wiggling her socked toes. “I’ll jump. Have you jumped on this bed? Is it a solid bed for jumping?”
“Jumped on the…” Beatrice blinks at her. “No, Ava. I haven’t jumped on the bed.”
Ava shrugs. “You’re missing out. My dorm room was not good jumping material. When’s the last time you jumped on a bed?”
Her mouth drops open. “Never?” She immediately frowns. Beatrice wasn’t kidding when she told her that her life hadn’t been normal kid stuff and her parents were hardly around. They had that in common: a girl who lived in an orphanage and a girl who grew up alone. It makes her a little sad for Bea. “We have to fix this.”
“I am not jumping on the bed,” Bea says firmly.
Ava shrugs. Today is not the day, and tomorrow won’t be either, but soon. She stands and stretches her arms above her head, immediately dropping them so that her shirt doesn’t ride up any higher. Bea seems like the kind of girl who appreciates a little modesty. Ava can do that. Or, she can try really hard to do that.
“I am officially all moved in.” She grins, surveying her kingdom. There’s a desk in one corner, left behind by Bea’s roommate who went to study abroad and didn’t come back. A nightstand by the bed has her lamp and her hat on it. She’ll have to hang her clothes, fill the dresser, find a few posters to put up on the walls. But it’s hers. “So, roomie, what’s next?”
Bea looks around, clasping her hands behind her. “I believe those are all your things.”
“Except for the kitchen stuff.”
“Yes.” There’s a faint smile on Bea’s face and Ava feels a thrill, knowing she put it there. “How could I forget your… hot dog maker.”
“Not sure. It’s fire engine red.” But she looks around too. “I think we’re done. Now we can get ready for movie night!”
A proper end to moving day. Movie night with an Ava-curated predetermined list, tons of drinks and movie theater popcorn and Bea’s friends. She had hesitantly suggested it to Bea a few days ago. She’d never done a movie night and her College Experiences bucket list clearly had it marked as item #8. But Bea had said yes almost immediately, and Ava went to work, making a list of options in between packing and classes and meals with Bea and her friends.
They’re going to be my friends, she decides. That’s on her bucket list too.
Now she just needed them to get here. The minutes have been dragging on as she’s waited as patiently as possible. But time didn’t seem to be cooperating. It’s doing its best to drag its heels. Ava wants to grab it by the neck and shake it.
Bea seems to notice that. “They’ll be here soon.” She says it very patiently, like she already knows Ava does terrible with waiting. And Ava likes that. She likes that Bea is paying attention to her enough to notice these things.
Bea’s going to be a great roommate. Ava wants to be just as good. She looks around her room, satisfied. She can unpack later - there’s enough space to get from the bed to the door and Bea insisted she make the bed first, almost like she knew that Ava was going to stack everything in insurmountable piles and try her best to get around them.
See? she thinks. She knows me already.
She’s about to say that, to tell Bea that she’s already killing this ‘best roommate’ contest that Bea doesn’t know they’re having, when someone knocks on the door. Once, twice, three times.
Ava does jump on the bed this time, beating Beatrice to the door and pulling it open to find Camila on the other side. 
Ava beams. “Movie night!”
“Is the whole movie about… biking?” Lilith makes it seem like a swear word.
Ava grins, shoves a handful of popcorn into her mouth, and says, “id bub nimnasts.” Everyone turns to her. She swallows and smiles more sheepishly this time. “It’s about gymnastics.”
Lilith heaves a long-suffering sound. “Gymnastics.” It’s really a testament to her disdain for everyday things, that everything that comes out of her mouth sounds like she’s spitting it from between her teeth. But then the running biker rips off her helmet and it’s Missy Peregrym and even Lilith seems interested.
Ava gets it. She does. This is peak Missy Peregrym. And it only gets better. She stops watching the movie when Missy Peregrym’s character, Haley, finds her way back to the gym and on Vanessa Lengies’ character, Joanne’s, last nerve and starts watching the room instead. Onscreen, Haley pretends to be on the phone while Joanne stomps her foot angrily, and Mary snorts, lips curled up in a smile, and that’s when Ava knows this is a good choice.
She wants to impress them so badly. It consumes her. Partly because she thinks they’re really cool, even Lilith. And partly because she thinks Bea is amazing and these people agree. Sister Frances always told her to stop wasting her time and do everyone the favor of aligning herself with the right people. Ava is pretty sure she was saying it to get rid of her, to go out and be someone else’s problem, but Ava thinks she found the right people all the same.
“Isn’t that the guy from Twilight?” Camila asks, abandoning her popcorn. Ava meets Bea’s eyes and smiles. Bea shakes her head fondly at Camila and Ava wonders when she’ll get the same look. Someday, she thinks. She looks back at Camila, leaning forward in her seat on the bean bag chair she wrestled through their front door earlier. “He’s the cute one, I think. The other one kind of freaked me out. I don’t think he ever blinked.”
Their front door. Ava’s heart beats a little harder.
Ava could go into detail about Twilight - it was basically contraband at the orphanage. But they’re in the middle of a movie. And she thinks Lilith might actually throw a soda at her. She doesn’t think Bea would appreciate the mess. So that’s a Camila-and-Ava conversation for later.
“Yikes. Ice baths.” Shannon shudders. “I used to do those in high school, during the season. Need a wake up call? Submerge yourself in a metal tub of ice cubes.” She points her entire soda towards the screen. “Though, I never looked like that doing it.”
Mary snakes her arm across the back of Shannon’s shoulder. “No, you didn’t.”
Ava slaps her hand over her mouth to keep in her laugh but Shannon rolls her eyes and elbows Mary gently. “You’re right. I looked better.”
“Damn right you did.” Mary meets Ava’s eye and smirks. It feels like a secret between them. That swelling feeling in her chest reaches a crescendo.
She shoves another handful of popcorn into her mouth and spares a glance at Bea, finding that Bea is already looking back at her. She inhales, nearly choking on a kernel. Bea sits forward, worry on her face, but Ava holds up a hand, stopping her. She swallows a few times, washes down what she can with her soda, and takes a deep breath.
“Do you like it?” Ava whispers, aware that she can be too loud sometimes. 
Bea has to lean closer to hear her. “It’s entertaining.”
Ava’s eyes narrow. She doesn’t know what that word means to Bea yet. Sometimes entertaining means not good, and sometimes it means the best thing I’ve watched in my whole life. She’s still learning to read her.
“Good,” Bea fills in. Ava exhales in relief. “Gymnastics takes a considerable amount of skill.”
“You could do it,” Ava says confidently. She nods when Bea goes to argue with her. “I saw you rock climbing. And all the martial arts you talk about? I bet you could beat Nastia Liukin.”
Bea’s cheeks might redden but Ava can’t tell in the dim light. “Actual Olympic gold medalist Nastia Liukin? I doubt that.”
Ava shrugs. “Guess we’ll have to call her and find out. But my money's on you.”
Lilith shushes them, glaring. Ava puts one hand up in surrender and grins at Bea when Lilith turns back to the movie. She pushes the popcorn back to Bea and waits expectantly. Bea is much more graceful than Ava, picking out a few pieces delicately. Ava doesn’t offer the same grace; she shoves her hand in and grabs as much as she can. 
“Wait, her mom cheated on her dad with her coach?” Lilith doesn’t pull her eyes away from the screen, but scoffs. “Pathetic.”
Camila claps when it ends, grinning. Ava matches her smile, looking around excitedly. 
She pats herself on the shoulder mentally, though her hand itches to do it physically. She made a good choice, a strong start. She stands up, twists her back side to side so she can stretch it out, and grins. “Who wants more popcorn?”
She waits until a quiet moment, after everyone has been settled into movie and Bea has finished what Ava is sure to be the first of many comments on the historical validity of The Mummy before she says:
“This movie was my bisexual awakening.”
There’s a cough and sputter from her left where Beatrice is sitting. She thinks about reaching out and giving her a friendly whack on the back, to clear out whatever has gotten stuck in her windpipe, but Mary laughs so loudly, Ava just ends up grinning instead.
Lilith eyes her critically. “Brendan Fraser isn’t the worst you could do, I suppose.”
It’s a glowing compliment coming from Lilith. Ava files it away for the next time she inevitably says something that isn’t.
Camila leans her head back, staring at Ava upside down. “Rachel Weisz is my ‘if I had to pick a girl’.”
“Fraser is not the guy I’d pick,” Mary says firmly. “I’m more of an Usher kind of girl.”
Shannon shrugs. “I think I’d take Mummy-Fraser over Tarzan-Fraser. The long hair is… Eh.”
The TV flickers, brightening the room as Rick O’Connell crosses the screen with a torch in his hand. Ava turns expectantly to Bea. “What about you?”
“What about-” Bea’s voice is slightly squeaky, if Ava had to put a word to it. Almost as if she doesn’t know where to break the syllables. “This movie was not my bisexual awakening,” she finally says.
“Well, of course not.” Ava reaches over and does touch Bea this time, patting her knee gently. “I assume you’d be too focused on the truth of all this history stuff to even focus on either of them.” She smiles warmly. “Am I right?”
Everyone seems to be looking at the two of them. Ava feels the room tip a little. She’s suddenly worried she said the wrong thing. She just thought, with Mary and Shannon clearly dating, that it’d be okay to say something like that. They seem to be open enough, not shying away from each other. But maybe she shouldn’t have. Or maybe it’s the movie choice. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Antonio Banderas also had something good going on.
Bea stares and Ava starts to count the seconds as they stretch.
“I’m not—” Bea begins haltingly, then stops. 
A tendril of panic curls around Ava’s chest. She just assumed. Sure, Bea never explicitly said she liked girls, but Ava isn’t usually wrong about this kind of stuff. Maybe she did get it wrong. Or maybe she just said it too loud. She has a tendency to barrel head first into things without thinking.
Bea clears her throat. “I suppose…” Her eyes dart over Ava’s shoulder to where Mary and Shannon are. Ava looks, smiling a little, still confused. “I suppose… Rachel Weisz is someone a person might find appealing.”
“Attractive,” Ava corrects, slightly relieved that she didn’t read Bea incorrectly. “And good choice.” She nods in total agreement. Bea’s taste is up there. 
She shoves her hand into the candy bowl that’s replaced the popcorn. M&Ms in this bowl, but Bea has Junior Mints. She looks up, mouth full, and finds Bea still staring back at her. An M&M falls out of her mouth and lands in her hand. She feels her face flush and she quickly tosses it back in.
Lilith’s face is twisted in disgust. There goes that good favor. But Mary and Shannon are looking at her too, and Ava gets a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. 
“I’m sorry,” she says slowly. “I think I said something wrong.” Even though she has no clue what that might be. Her worry that she’s made Bea uncomfortable by talking about her sexuality rises again in her head. 
There’s quiet for a moment before Bea says, “No.” She reaches forward like she’s trying to get Ava to understand something but her hand hovers over Ava’s, the one with a small chocolate smudge on it, and she pulls it back into her own lap. “You don’t mind?”
“Mind…” Ava blinks, looks back again. Mary is staring at her and there’s a slight edge she hasn’t seen before. “That you like Rachel Weisz?” No one says yes or no and she’s still so confused. “I totally don’t mind, if that’s what you think. Like I said.” She points both of her thumbs back at herself and tries to smile in a way she knows is charming. “Awakening.”
Bea’s face is pinched, though. Ava has the strongest urge to press her hands to it and smooth it out. Mary clears her throat and Bea’s face does it all on its own.
“I mean, I’d still be okay with it if you liked Patricia Velasquez better,” Ava admits. “The gold costume was…” She whistles low and reaches out a hand, nudging Bea in the shoulder. Bea sways away and back in again stiffly, but she seems to be breathing out.
Ava exhales. She looks back over her shoulder and Mary is still looking at her but she’s smiling too, nodding once at her. Whatever test that was, she knows she passed it. And honestly, Bea can’t go wrong with either choice. And if she is into someone like Patricia Velasquez, Ava knows a girl in her Humanities class who can pull off that same kind of eyeliner.
She offers Bea the bowl of M&Ms silently, gesturing for the Junior Mints. Bea hands it over slowly, her eyes still searching Ava’s face. She hopes Bea finds whatever she’s looking for. Because she wants to show Bea that she’s someone to trust, that Bea made a good decision, and that moving in was something that was going to be great. 
She smiles encouragingly and Bea smiles back, ducking her head slightly. Ava turns back to the TV screen, silently passing Camila the bowl of Junior Mints in return for the Skittles. 
“Actually,” Bea says quietly, almost as if she’s only talking to Ava. “Did you know that Medjay, the Pharoh’s bodyguards in the movie, actually refers to people from the land of Medja. It was believed to be located in Nubia, near the Second Nile Cataract.”
Ava abandons the screen, turning to Bea now. “How do you know this stuff?”
Bea shrugs a shoulder. “I like knowing things.”
“We’re finding a trivia night and going out,” Ava decides. Lilith shushes her and she ignores it. “The brains between you, Shannon, and Camila, plus my good looks, Mary’s brawn, and the whole… scary thing Lilith has going on, we’ll clean up.”
Bea smiles fully this time. A pillow hits Ava in the side of the head but it doesn’t stop her from smiling back at Bea before snatching the pillow off the floor and holding onto it until Lilith wrestles it out of her hands ten minutes later.
They’ve moved onto pizza by the time Atlantis queues up on the TV. Six different boxes sit open on the breakfast bar, greasy plates on the floor and coffee table. Ava rests a hand on her stomach, her whole body stretched out and her socked feet dangerously close to a mushroom sliding around in a puddle of grease. She peers down. Bea’s plate is full of mushrooms, picked out from the other toppings.
Huh. No mushrooms. Maybe Bea does have a flaw.
“I dated a guy who looked like Milo once,” Camila offers. “Soft spoken, too.” She squints, looking into the middle distance. “I think his name was Ted.”
“Ted.” Mary wrinkles her nose. “There was a Ted in my Women’s Safety class freshman year. Thought it was an easy A and he’d get to feel up a few girls.” She scoffs. “He sure felt my fist in his stomach.”
Ava lifts an arm in solidarity, her whole body weighed down with hot dough and spicy tomato sauce. “I beat up someone once. When I was 6. He broke my ant farm.” She gets a sudden burst of energy as damp anger flows through her. She sits up. “I was the one who got in trouble though, the little jerk.”
Lilith pushes a piece of half-eaten veggie pizza towards Ava. Ava’s stomach protests, but the mushrooms are just that good, so she takes it and polishes off the rest of it. Lilith is warming up to her and Ava revels in it. It’s all part of her master plan to win Lilith over, one small step at a time.
With the understanding, of course, that she’s going to go backwards more than she goes forward. But she can tell how much Lilith means to Beatrice and she can play the long game. It’ll be a good exercise in patience.
“What about you, Beatrice? Beat a lot of people up? I know you can, like, kill a man with your bare hands.”
Lilith snorts. “Beatrice would never.”
Ava grins. “So you would?”
“No,” Bea says loudly over Lilith opening her mouth. “Our training is for self-defense. I have never found any reason to escalate a fight outside of tournaments and educational exercises.” She sees Ava’s eyes tracking the table and nudges the plate of mushroom slices towards her. She thinks she sees Bea’s nose wrinkled in disgust.
“Okay, but, if someone like Helga Sinclair - a total babe, by the way - came charging at you, you wouldn’t fight her?” Ava points at the screen where Helga is lifting boxes up, just to show off her muscles. Her mind gets stuck for a minute. They’re impressive arms. But then, Bea’s arms kind of look the same, now that she thinks about it. Helga has more of a Lilith-attitude, though.
Bea blinks. “She’s a cartoon character.”
“But if she was real,” Ava stresses. “Are you just too proud to tell me you’d wipe the floor with her pretty, 2-dimensional face?” She looks at Shannon. “Is she always this modest?”
Shannon snorts softly. “Yeah, Beatrice never really sells herself well.”
“We’re going to fix that,” Ava decides. Bea opens her mouth but Ava shakes her head. “It’s decided. Operation Beatrice is a Badass henceforth commences tonight, on this Saturday, in Apartment 3B. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Order.”
Bea’s mouth opens and closes a few times. “That’s not at all how that goes.”
“What a ridiculous thing to say,” Lilith mutters.
“It was kind of sweet,” Camila says kindly. “I think Beatrice needs a personal cheerleader.”
“Seems like Ava is up for the job,” Mary says. Her eyes are on Beatrice, a small smirk on her face. “I say go for it.”
Ava beams. “That’s four votes yes.”
Shannon hums. “I didn’t vote.”
“My vote counts twice,” Ava says without even looking at her. She goes to say something else, but Atlantis comes into view and she forgets what she was going to say, staring in wonder as Milo sees the lost city for the first time.
She watched this movie a lot when she was in the orphanage. Sister Frances was fond of donations and didn’t usually splurge on new things; a handful of DVDs, including Atlantis, were the last thing that showed up that wasn’t already in pieces by the time it got to them. Osmosis Jones was the other one, but one of the older boys broke it when he thought Osmosis Jones was living inside his body. 
Atlantis always caught her attention, though. The idea that there was a secret world out there where anything was possible? It was all she dreamed about as a kid, confined to a bed and locked away under Sister Frances’ crow-like eyes. She imagined she was Milo, on the hunt for the one thing that would make her life make sense. Sure, she never found her Atlantis, but Milo did. And she could live through that.
Her eyes stray to Bea. She’s caught herself doing that all night - constantly tuned into Bea, wondering what she’s thinking or if she likes Ava’s choices or if she’s regretting agreeing to this new living situation. She thinks everyone is warming up to her and it makes her grin. Friends. Friends she can hang out with and do movie nights and trivia nights and lunch dates like the one she has scheduled with Camila on Monday between her morning and afternoon classes.
And all thanks to the person who is quickly becoming her favorite person. Bea is her Princess Kira, showing her a whole new world. She frowns. Wrong movie. But then she shrugs; the point still stands.
“Well, you eat enough for two people,” Mary says, pulling Ava’s attention back in. She sounds impressed, though. “I’ve never seen anyone put away what you have in the last few hours.”
Ava grins and pats her stomach. “There’s still room in this ol’ thing. Just you wait.”
Mary shakes her head, a smile on her face. “Okay, baby girl. Whatever you say.”
A rush of affection swells in her chest. No one has ever called her ‘baby girl’ before. Or said it with a smile like Mary’s, like it’s some secret between the two of them. She holds onto it. She wants to wear it again. She wonders what Bea will call her, what her nickname will be. 
“None of you seem to understand what a movie night is, do you?” Lilith cuts in. She has her arms crossed over her chest, eyes narrowed. “It means watching a movie, not talking through it.”
“I didn’t realize you liked this movie so much,” Mary says lightly. “If we knew it was your favorite-”
“Not my favorite,” Lilith sniffs.
“-we would have quieted down,” she finishes. “You heard her, ladies, no talking through Lilith’s favorite movie.”
Mary, unlike Ava, catches the pillow Lilith throws and chucks it right back, hitting her right in the face. Ava gasps but the sound is swallowed up by the growl of disbelief from Lilith, the weary groan from Beatrice, Shannon tutting, and Camila clapping her hands together lightly.
It takes considerable effort, and they have to rewind twice, missing the mark both times and just giving up, but now Ava can put an X across the “bloodshed” square on her “how to be friends with girls” bingo card.
Lilith pouts for the next twenty minutes, Mary gloats, and Ava eats two more pieces of pizza, chewing happily.
“You’ll like this one,” Ava promises Bea as she loads the DVD unseen into the player. “It’s Shakespeare.”
A soccer ball bounces across the screen and the look of confusion on Bea’s face deepens. Ava holds out a hand, anticipating a question.
“Just wait, okay? This is pop culture history.” 
Bea looks skeptical. “It really is,” Ava insists. “It takes Shakespeare and modernizes it. Think 10 Things I Hate About You. Think Romeo + Juliet. This is a cinematic marvel.”
“Sit down,” Shannon says without any bite. “We’ve liked the other ones so far.”
“Speak for yourself,” Lilith mutters. She scowls, but closes her mouth when Camila looks at her. 
Ava doesn’t let it bother her. She swears she saw Lilith crying at the end of Atlantis. But Shannon’s words give her enough courage to take her seat again and watch Bea’s face, eager to see her reaction. She doesn’t have to wait long.
“I love this movie!”
“Not this one.”
Ava looks between Shannon and Mary. They look at each other.
Shannon blinks first. “You don’t like this movie?”
“I want to strangle her boyfriend every time he’s on screen.” Mary scowls, like she’s imagining his throat under her hand. “And Channing Tatum is just…”
“He’s a baby in this movie.”
“He’s not a good actor in this movie.”
Camila raises her hand weakly. “I like him in Magic Mike.” She balks at everyone’s sudden frown. Ava shakes her head. “My freshman year roommate was, like, obsessed with him. Actually, I think her mom was. And it just sort of… trickled down.”
Ava reaches out and pats her head gently. “I’m so sorry. That sounds terrible.”
Camila shrugs. “We traded off. Horror movies for me-”
“Horibble movies for her,” Mary finishes.
Shannon shrugs. “Well, I like this movie. Though, Olivia and Viola should have ended up together.”
That, Ava can get behind. She nods furiously. “Best chemistry, definitely.” She reaches for her bowl of ice cream - she has a scoop of every flavor they got at the grocery store. She digs into it, lifting her spoon to her mouth before she pauses, speaking first. “Do you think Amanda Bynes really knows how to play soccer?”
“No,” echoes around her.
She shrugs. “Didn’t think so.”
They turn their attention back to the movie, ignoring the comments Lilith makes critiquing Sebastian’s girlfriend and Marcus the creep and the principal - who she says reminds her of her tutor. The one you made cry? Bea asks. Lilith grins with all her teeth. 
Ava soaks it in like the sun on a beach. She catalogues the way Bea laughs at the pizza shop scene, the way she repeats the ug-lay as if it’s some foreign word she’s learning for the first time. She wonders if she’ll ever hear Bea say it out loud. Maybe she’ll wear something really loud - a word she picked up from Chanel - and see what the reaction is. She watches the way Mary and Shannon whisper to each other, soft murmurs over Olivia and Viola-Sebasatian arguing about cutting open a frog. Even Lilith makes a noise that sounds like a short laugh when Duke shoves a tampon up his nose. Camila mouths the words along with the characters, body jerking a little as if she’s the one playing soccer on the screen.
If 12-year-old Ava could see her now. If 17-year-old Ava could see her now. She wouldn’t believe it. She’d think her whole world extended only as far as the four walls of that orphanage. But it doesn’t. It’s bigger and brighter and filled with the coolest people she’s ever met.
Amanda Bynes flashes the soccer team and Ava laughs and laughs until Bea is smiling and shaking her head - that look, the one Ava saw Bea give Camila, that slight hint of fondness, is aimed directly at her.
The Illyria soccer team wins against Cornwall and Ava feels like she’s won something too.
She barely hears the door click shut as Lilith closes it behind her, the last one to leave. 
Ava had watched Camila wrestle her bean bag back out into the hallway, smiling too brightly for someone still up at two-thirty in the morning before she slumped back down on the couch, her energy spent. Mary patted the top of her head with a heavy hand, smoothing it out with a smile, and Shannon had squeezed her shoulder gently in a goodbye before they followed Camila. Lilith had stayed, helping to pick up a few things and talking quietly with Bea. Quiet enough that Ava couldn’t hear it - and too tired to tune into.
The popcorn and the candy and the pizza and the ice cream were catching up to her, making her a little nauseous and a lot full. She slumped down further on the couch and watched Lilith move through the apartment like she knew all its corners. She couldn’t wait until she could do the same.
Bea closes the refrigerator now and turns to Ava, smiling. “Did you have fun?”
“Best night ever.” It’s not a lie. This has kicked ‘First Night out with Chanel’ off the top of her list without a care in the world. “Did you?”
“I had a very nice time. We haven’t done that in a long time.” Bea drifts closer. She sits on the edge of the couch, hovering a little above the cushion.
“Monthly movie nights, then.” A thought crosses her mind and she pouts. “Hey, we forgot National Treasure.”
Bea laughs breathlessly. “I think four movies in one night is more than enough, Ava. There will be more nights for movies.  We can watch it another time.” 
Ava nods decisively. “Monthly movie nights. We have all the time in the world.” 
“We do,” Bea says, and it feels a little bit like they’ll have this forever.
Ava reaches behind her, groping at the back of the couch until she finds the corner of the blanket she’s searching for. She pulls it down over her head.
She thinks she hears Bea laugh, soft and melodic. But she could be imagining it, a holdover from her being hyper-aware of each time she did during movie night. She curls into it and smiles into the arm of the couch. She doesn’t know how she started sliding down, but it’s comfortable here.
“Ava,” Beatrice says gently. “You have a bed.”
Ava pulls the blanket off her head and throws it onto her legs. She squirms, trying to get it to settle over her body. “But this is so comfortable. Where did you find this couch?”
“Shannon picked it out. I’ll ask her the next time I talk to her.”
“I’ve always wanted a couch like this,” she admits. “Big, comfy. Just for us.” Her eyes flutter closed and the room goes hazy before her vision goes dark. “I’m going to sleep here.” She wiggles again. The blanket tangles around her waist. 
Bea is quiet for a moment. “Come on. I have something for you.”
Her eyes open quickly, rolling off the couch and onto her feet. “What is it?”
Bea looks nervous but crosses the room to her bedroom, slipping in through the closed door. Ava hears some things moving and then Bea is in the living room again, hands clasped behind her back. She’s holding something.
“It’s- Now that I have it, I’m not sure it-” Bea takes a deep breath and smiles tightly. “I got you something. A sort of housewarming present.”
Ava grins. “I love presents. What is it?”
There’s still an undercurrent of nervousness in the way Bea uncharacteristically shifts. “Hold out your hands. And close your eyes.”
Ava immediately slams her eyes closed and thrusts her hands out. The air feels still but not uncomfortable. Silences with Bea don’t feel weird, which is crazy. So she doesn’t mind the wait as Bea obviously works up the courage to put something in her hands. After a long moment, she feels something soft and nearly weightless drop into her cupped palms.
Bea clears her throat. “You can open your eyes.”
Ava does. She blinks. A long, thin, soft stuffed animal with a white belly and tiger stripes stares back at her. She’s confused for a moment before the pieces slot into her place in her mind. “Is this… Is this Hobbes? From Calvin and Hobbes?
Bea’s cheeks are just the slightest hint of pink. She clears her throat again. “I’m sorry if this is overstepping.”
“It’s really not,” Ava rushes out. Her heart is too big in her chest. Her eyes start to burn a little, hot beads forming in the corners. “How did you-”
“The internet is more than just Wikipedia and Reddit.” Bea’s hands are tucked back behind her again. “But after our conversation…”
Their conversation. 
The one where Ava told Bea everything: her accident and the grueling years of work, the orphanage, years spent in the libraries reading everything she could get her hands on. She told her about the Peanuts comics she liked and how one of the older kids had called her Linus because she carried around a blue blanket for a few years. She told Bea about the hours she would spend reading the Calvin and Hobbes comic collections and pretending she could join them on their adventures: riding in a wagon, bubble bath statues, exploring the forest, sledding, waiting for the school bus.
She told Bea she always wanted a Hobbes stuffed animal to take with her on her own adventures, just as soon as she could go and have them. She’d never admitted that to anyone else, not even Diego, the little boy she shared a room with. But something about Bea made it easy to talk about these kinds of things, Maybe it was the way she listened. She didn’t judge, she didn’t laugh.
Ava knows that’s going to be a problem. She’s going to end up telling Bea everything all the time.
And when Bea is ready to talk more about herself, about what her parents were like and how they were never around, Ava is going to be ready to listen.
“You didn’t have to do that,” she says quietly.
Bea’s voice is just as quiet. “I wanted to. You deserve to go on adventures.”
She breathes in slowly. “Today was an adventure. The best kind. And I know there’s going to be a million more.” She hugs Hobbes to her chest. “Because now I have someone. Two someones.” She smiles softly at Bea. “Hobbes. And you.”
Bea’s cheeks pinken just a hint more. She opens her mouth like she’s going to say something, but closes it again. Ava doesn’t want to say anything either, afraid to break this precarious moment. So she just looks at Hobbes, her Hobbes, and feels her chest swell with affection for this new friend she’s found.
‘Thank you,” she whispers. Bea doesn’t whisper back, but Ava doesn't think she needs to. She places Hobbes carefully on the couch. She strokes down his soft belly, fingers lingering before she turns to Bea. “I’m going to hug you. Brace yourself.”
She sees Bea physically prepare for it, watches the muscles under her thin cotton shirt tense. And she laughs, inwardly, that Bea seems to ready herself, as if Ava is going to knock her down. But she doesn’t blame her. Ava crashes into her, arms tight around her middle, trapping Bea’s arms against her sides. She feels Bea struggle for a moment before she frees her arms. Hands hover above her back before Bea pats her gently. Ava grins into the soft skin of Bea's arm.
“I think we’re going to be best friends,” she says quietly in the space between them.
She doesn’t break away from the hug until her arms start to ache. Then she steps back, giving Bea a hesitant smile before she ducks around her, headed to her new bedroom with Hobbies in her hands. With a soft goodnight, she lets Bea have a moment to herself. She seems like the type of person who needs to recover from a hug, but Ava will take care of that.
She’s a very good hugger. And they have time.
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arataka-reigen · 11 months
Fall Anime Lineup Review by yours truly 🙋‍♀️🍄🌻
This season, I decided to watch as many anime as I could just for funsies :^) in total, I have started 19 shows, and I will be reviewing most of them here to help you decide whether to give any of them a go or not.
(This review will include exclusively animes that debuted this fall, so no second seasons or continuing shows from the summer season)
I will be classifying these anime in three categories: "definitely worth the watch," "anime i've dropped," and "not a masterpiece, but check it out if you like the premise"
Reminder that this is my personal list, and as such it 100% reflects my personal tastes (like my preference for female main characters and yuri shows)
So I might give 5 stars to shows other people would find bad, and that's okay! I invite others to make their own lists as well <3 (insert lets take ibuprofen together meme here)
(Last thing: i've added cw for only a few shows, and this is by no means an extensive list of all possible triggers for any of these shows, so watch at your own risk and if you want more info you can always ask or dm me)
Without further ado, let's get on to it (under read more because im not a jerk to make you scroll past All That)
Definitely worth the watch / Top 5 Shows of the Season
The Apothecary Diaries
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Summary: Drama, Historical, Medical, Mystery. An apothecary gets kidnapped and forced to work in the emperor's palace as a low-level servant. She is determined to quietly work until her years of servitude are over, but when the emperor's infants fall ill, Maomao uses her medical abilities to solve the mystery of their illnesses and accidentally attracts attention to herself, being brought to work in the inner palace instead.
Rating: ★★★★★
Review: This show is incredibly well animated and voice acted. The characters are brilliant and the stories are beautifully touching. It appears to be slightly episodic so far, with Maomao having to solve a new mystery or save someone's life every episode, but there is still a sense of a continuous story being told and I can't wait to see where it goes.
The strongest part of this show is definitely the MC. Maomao is incredibly competent, self-assured, and a no-nonsense person, but she is also completely obsessed with drugs and poisons, going so far as to test them out on her own skin and become completely giddy when she is presented with the opportunity to work with drugs in the inner palace.
Another great quality is the sorority between women, Maomao was raised in the red light district, and the courtesans there taught her a lot about life, which Maomao applies to her everyday life.
If you only have time to watch one anime this season, this is the one I'd tell you to watch.
CW: self-harm, child death, kidnapping, classism.
Edit to add one more cw: pedophilia (it is treated as a bad thing and not endorsed, but it caught me by surprise while i read the manga so i thought to warn this is an upcoming topic that will probably appear on ep 6)
Sousou no Frieren
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Summary: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy. What happens when you are a 1000 year old elf who has to live on after your friends' death? For 10 years, Frieren and her companions fought against the demon king, disbanding after he was defeated. The story accompanies Frieren after Himmel, the Hero, dies, and she has to come to terms with the fact that the short 10 years she spent with him have made a big change in her life.
Rating: ★★★★★
Review: Much like The Apothecary Diaries, Frieren's tale is not full of battles and fast paced episodes, actually it is slightly episodic, accompanying Frieren as she goes around collecting spells (that's her hobby) and traveling around the land through all the places she went with her party back in the day, seeing their statues and getting to experience new things while trying to figure out what those 10 years of adventuring meant to her.
This is MadHouse we are talking about, so of course, the animation is one of the strongest attributes. Sound design is also very good, you get to feel the quiet moments and appreciate them. The ending song is so good.
Also like Apothecary, Frieren's greatest qualities are the characters, especially the MC and the feelings they have to face.
Tumblr loves characters haunting the narrative right?? You guys are gonna love Himmel, the Hero istg
CW: death, grief, mild violence.
My New Boss is Goofy
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Summary: Iyashikei, Workplace, Comedy. Momose used to be harrassed by his last boss so he decided to quit his job and joing a different company. Momose's new boss, Shirosaki, is an airhead and being in his presence is a fun and healing time for Momose
Rating: ★★★★★
Review: SALARYMEN YAOI. This show will heal your soul. The animation is simple but pretty, the cute effects like the ones on the gif above really help set the mood of a cute show. You've heard of cute girls doing cute things on anime, now get ready for cute salarymen doing cute things such as adopting a cat and naming it their shipname, riding the merry go round together, etc.
Also, may I offer you a canon bi/pan male character who is not embarrassed to come out?
Btw this is iyashikei, so nothing really happens, that's the whole premise of this genre. No drama, only healing. Idek if there is anything i could put as content warning. CW: cuteness overload.
I'm in Love with the Villainess
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Summary: Isekai, Fantasy, Comedy, Girls Love. Rei wakes up in the body of the hero of her favorite otome game. Her favorite character in that game happened to be the villain, though, so now she is determined to dedicate herself to pursuing the villainess.
Rating: ★★★★★
Review: I debated a lot whether or not to include this on my top 5, but the incredibly deep and honest discussion about sexuality on ep 4 definitely swayed my decision in its favor. The animation is nothing special tbh and at times can feel very static, but the character design is good enough for me.
This anime is like if Maria from Hamefura was the one who got isekaid and then fell in love with OG Katarina, so... yeah, of course I love it.
It seems that this anime will go in some interesting and unexpected directions as well in the future so I consider this is a must watch of the season.
CW: classism, discussions of homophobia, mc can come off as a bit of a stalker,
To complete my top 5:
I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness
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Summary: Romance, Comedy, Fantasy. Despite being innocent, Charlotte is accused of evil deeds, has her engagement annulled, and is forced to flee her country. While crossing the forest, running away from royal guards, she collapses near the residence of one man known as "The Demon Lord"
When he hears her story, said Demon Lord decides to let her live with him and teach her all about the naughty things in life (such as splurging on clothes, eating dessert instead of dinner, and playing games all night long).
Rating: ★★★★★
Review: EXTREMELY WHOLESOME. You'll be cheering for these two to get together in no time at all.
It's kinda like My Happy Marriage, but with less drama lol the female lead was raised as a servant in her own home, much like Miyo, and then gets rescued by a male lead who wants her to learn how to assert herself and live for herself, pursuing her dreams and valuing her own life.
Not a single moment with the male lead so far has been anything but incredibly wholesome and funny, Allen is genuinely a good person who wants Charlotte to heal for her own sake. He gets incredibly happy when she hides a secret from him because it means she is becoming her own person.
So far, this anime hasn't had a single problematic trope this type of romance anime usually has, and i don't think it will. What it does have are fun tropes like: "and there was only one bed", side characters hardcore shipping the MCs, male lead who is genuinely a good person but laughs and talks like a villain, etc.
ALSO, this series has not one but TWO catgirls <3
I could genuinely talk about all five of these animes for hours, but I still have lots of others to review. Hit me up if you want to talk abt any of them, though, i'm gonna be super happy.
Honorable Mention:
Spy X Family Season 2
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Rating: ★★★★★
Anime I've dropped or will probably drop soon
The Vexations of a Shut-in Vampire Princess
Summary: Comedy, Fantasy, Vampire. Komari is a shut-in vampire who is weaker than most vampires because she refuses to drink blood. One day, she wakes up to the news that she was appointed as commander of a unit of the imperial army and must now do her best to win wars and survive while all the vampires under her command fight for her position
Rating: ★½ (a full star is too much, so I'll give it half a star)
Review: This one is bad, fam. The reason I found why it is so bad can be summarized in a 3 words: the male gaze.
Komari is filled to the brim with yuri bait, with every female character being into the MC, but all of it is 100% targeted to male audiences. This show is NOT classified as shoujo ai, so i wouldn't get my hopes up and ultimately dropped it after only the first episode.
If you need one more reason to Not watch this, I'll let you know that in less than 10 minutes of the first episode the MC almost pisses herself because that's a thing they decided to include for no reason at all.
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-rank Adventurer
Summary: Adventure, Fantasy. After losing his leg as a newbie adventurer, he retires and returns to his hometown, becoming a handyman for the village. One day, while searching the mountains for herbs, he finds a child and raises her.
His grown-up daughter leaves to become an adventurer herself, and after years, she hasn't returned home not even once...
Rating: ★½
Review: Oh, I wanted this one to be good so badly 😭 it was one of the animes I was most looking forward to after reading the premise. Actual dilf character who is in his 40s and not in his 20s? I wanted it to be good. But, alas, it is bad. There is nothing problematic with it at all, the anime is straight up just bad. Bad animation, horrible pacing, terrible exposition, abhorrent setup of the story, not enough moments dedicated to setting up the story and making the characters interesting at all.
I Shall Suvive Using Potions!
Summary: Isekai, Fantasy. The God of Earth accidentally kills Kaoru and, as compensation, offers to lead her to a new life in another world with any power buff she wishes for. She chooses to be able to make potions with any effect of her choice, infinite storage space, and other stuff
Rating: ★
Review: ngl the first half of the first episode was pretty interesting, with Kaoru dying and then bargaining for compensations, but after this it just gets very very very boring. Nothing too bad about this one, it's just not worth anyone's time.
Tearmoon Empire
Summary: Fantasy, Time Travel, Comedy. Following her execution at the guillotine by the hands of the revolutionary army, Mia Luna Tearmoon wakes up to learn she has returned to when she was 12 years old, before the downward spiral and decline of the empire that led to her death. She finds her bloodied future diary, and decides to use it to change events to ensure she doesn't end up at the guillotine once again.
Rating: ★
Review: i honestly still don't know where i stand with this anime. It's got an interesting premise, but the development of the story is not at all interesting. This and the S-rank Daughter anime are under a category of "animes i wish had better writers."
CW: death, torture
The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch
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Summary: Fantasy, Comedy, Gag Humor. Alyssa, a witch who lives alone in the forest, picks up an abandoned human baby one day. 16 years later, Viola had not only grown into a daughter who adores Alyssa, but also into a woman of exceptional proportions, and the people around them mistook Viola for Alyssa's mother
Rating: ★★
Review: it pains me to drop this one ngl, as it is a very sweet mother & daughter story and I feel like we don't get enough of those. The story can be very wholesome at times, and i've had more than a few good laughs with it. But it's just not interesting enough to keep you watching, and most of the jokes get old pretty fast. I'd recommend watching just the first episode because it is cute and funny enough by itself
Not a masterpiece, but check it out if you like the premise
Hoshizuku Telepath
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Summary: Comedy, Girls Love, Supernatural. Fifteen-year-old Umika Konohoshi, with a love for aliens and space, is having a hard time socializing at school, but she hopes her words will someday reach other people. When self-proclaimed alien Yuu Akeuchi enters her life, Umika will learn more about being open.
Rating: ★★★★
Review: Just cute girls doing cute things + this one is actually classified as Shoujo Ai, so i have high hopes for a bit of romance. So far, it's just been very, very cute, wonderful animation, cute characters, cute interactions, cute everything
None of these characters are neurotypical btw.
I highly recommend this one, it almost made my top 5.
16bit Sensation: Another Layer
Summary: Time Travel, Workplace, Comedy, Otaku Culture. Konoha is an illustrator who loves beautiful girls and bishoujo games. She works at a video game studio and dreams of making bishoujo games. However, in the present, where mobile games are all the rage, Konoha spends her days as a sub-illustrator just coloring the back of background characters.
One day, after some happenings, Konoha got her hand on a masterpiece of a bishoujo game, and upon opening the package, she is suddenly taken back in time to the golden age of bishoujo games (the 90s). She joins a company named "Alcoholsoft" in pursuit of her dream of making games.
Rating: ★★★★
Review: Main character loves infodumping about her special interest so much she manages to get herself a time travel deal after infodumping on a random old lady.
This is another anime that almost made my top 5. It has a slow start and the continuity sometimes makes no sense ngl, but the premise is still very interesting. I was used to stories where characters get isekaid into a completely different time and space, but this girl is just sent back 30 years in time so she can witness the boom of her beloved bishoujo games.
The MC can get kind of annoying sometimes, but it isnt too unbearable, I still highly rec it.
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Summary: Action, Super Powers, Drama. As the planet approached its third World War, individuals with superpowers appeared from around the globe to maintain peace. They became the symbols of their respective nations, striving to limit crime and bring evildoers to justice. Teenage heroine Teru "Shy" Momijiyama is Japan's representative in the world of heroes. When a mysterious threat called Amalareiks emerges, Shy must work together with her fellow heroes to stop them at all costs, all while dealing with her own feelings of inadequacy and shyness.
Rating: ★★★★
Review: a lot better than I expected, the myanimelist score does not do it justice istg. This season is full of shy and reserved main characters, but I feel like they get to be a lot more interesting than your usual shy characters. Both Hoshizuku Telepath and Shy deal with their shy characters in interesting ways and I rec both.
I also absolutely adore Iko, who is one of the first people saved by Shy in the anime, but she ends up badly hurt, which sends Shy into a spiral of doubt and fears.
CW: mild violence, death, grief, self hatred and suicidal thoughts
Migi and Dali
Summary: Comedy, Mystery, Suspense. Osamu and Youko want to adopt a child, due to their increasingly old age, they decide they can only take one kid. They decide to adopt Hitori, a gentle and beautiful boy.
However, Hitori's humble and overly polite exterior is merely a facade. In reality, Hitori is a carefully crafted character played by identical twins Migi and Dali. They did all that to be able to infiltrate their childhood town and uncover the mystery of their mother's death.
Rating: ★★★★
Review: This show is batshit insane and absolutely hilarious. These twins mistrust everyone around them and are constantly on edge to maintain the facade of being only one person, the extents they go to keep this up make for hysterical situations and I just couldn't stop laughing while being absolutely horrified by everything that goes on in this. This is a very disturbing anime, though, and the cw for this is gonna make you question whether or not you can trust my opinion, and you know what? I don't know if you should trust me either. But like,,, it really is that fucking funny. It is also just incredibly disturbing and fucked up as well, so watch at your own risk.
CW (this one is very problematic, don't say i didn't warn you): non sexual forced infantilization, non sexual forced pet play, non sexual groping, forced partial nudity, forced eating, minor incest vibes, implied murder, invasion of privacy, surveillance, classism, fursona, bullying, kidnapping and imprisonment. Most of these things happen to a minor, so.. yeah... not great...
If you would like more info on these cws before starting this anime, feel free to send an ask or dm me.
Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions
Summary: Mystery, Detective, Comedy. Totomaru wants to solve murders and help people, but lacks the skills for it. Following the advice of one of his seniors, he ventures out to enlist the aid of the reclusive Ron Kamonohashi. Five years ago, Ron was the most promising detective from the illustrious Detective Training Academy Blue; yet for reasons unknown to the public, he sank into obscurity.
The true reason Ron withdrew from the detective world was not from lack of desire, but rather from something out of his control—and Totomaru might just be the key for his return to his former calling.
Rating: ★★★
Review: This is the classic sherlock ripoff that comes around all the time. Not saying it is bad tho, it is quite fun and the dynamic between Toto and Ron is very good. The animation is pretty decent as well. I have only seen one episode so far, but I already like it.
Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me
Summary: Romance, School. As part of a punishment game, Ryuuto is forced to confess to the girl he likes, Runa Shirakawa, a very popular student.
Runa doesn't have a boyfriend at the moment, so she simply agrees to date him.
They have different friends and ways to have fun, and they are different in almost every way. Nonetheless, they begin to relate with each other.
Rating: ★★★
Review: this romance is quite fun and cute, Runa is very carefree about her relationships and isnt embarrassed by things like sex or whatever, she is quite experienced (as the title says), but she has never experienced real love so she just goes around dating in search for it. Ryuuto is very different and gets embarrassed just thinking about holding her hand. He also wants to make her feel appreciated and figure out what her interests are, so he is one of the first dudes to actually treat her like a human being, which, god, it is so real how men take women for granted and this anime shows that by the juxtaposition of Ryuuto being an actual decent person.
Anyways, it doesn't get a higher recommendation from me because the main source of conflict so far in this anime is another female character, who hates the female lead. And that. Uhh. I don't like stories like this. Im a women loving eomen. Im a yuri enjoyer. Im a girl's girl. So, i'd enjoy it more if the antagonist wasnt a girl who hates the female lead. But it is good enough so far to give me hope that this will change in the future.
The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons
Summary: Slice of Life, School. The Yuzuki family, which consists of four brothers, lost their parents two years ago. Hayato, the eldest son, is a hard worker and the pillar of the family. Mikoto, the second son, is calm and collected, but he has a soft spot for his younger brother Minato, the third son, who is energetic and lovable, but clumsy and awkward. Gakuto, the fourth son, is a studious and mature first-grader who is often referred to as a "wise man." The story follows their daily lives.
Rating: ★★★
Review: this is the only actual shoujo of this list. The rest is either shounen or not classified as either. I have only watched one episode so far, so I can't say a lot about it, the first ep was cute and wholesome, as most slice of life is. I say go for it if you want some wholesome family.
Undead Unluck
Summary: Action, Comedy, Super Powers. For the past 10 years, Fuuko has been afflicted by a condition that brings extreme misfortune to anyone who touches her. This has resulted in the deaths of her parents.
As she stands on a bridge above train tracks, Fuuko is touched by a strange man, causing the footing underneath him to break and dropping him in front of an oncoming train. However, when Fuuko finds the man's corpse, she discovers that his body is regenerating and that he is coming back to life.
The man is immortal and wishes for death. Together, the two will look for the best death possible.
Rating: ★★
Review: god, this one is absolutely insane and so full of blood and death, help. But it is good, I had A Lot of fun with the first ep and I'll give it a chance because I can see myself getting really into the main couple. This is a hardcore shounen tho, so it does include some classically annoying tropes, especially since the dude has to touch her to be hit by her unlucky powers.
This season only had 2 shoujos, and one of them had a classic shoujo problem (problematic age gaps), so i didn't watch it. Here is to hoping next season has more shoujosei.
Thank you for reading until the end (wtf, are you crazy) and happy watching <3
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