#ice spirt?
creative-creatures · 5 months
Oh no! Noah's Possessed!
I wonder what he will do...
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Other poses I tried:
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And proof!
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He is supposed to have yellow pupils so.. uh- oops!
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 27 days
The Misadventures of Pheonix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer - Part 14 ( Cursey Bites )
Hi everyone! Here is @the-silver-peahen-residence. We made a rp chat regarding this rp so parts of the chaos belongs to @the-silver-peahen-residence amazing written dialogue!
----- Chapters --------
Here are previous chapters of Chapters 6-13
----- Warning ----
---- Drabble Summary ----
It's another day at Jujutsu High. However...Kisho Hashimoto is experimenting with something to help his friends in a battle. However...his friends are seriously worried when they discover his invention is..or rather baked goods of Cursey Bites. How would this go?
It's another day at Tokyo Jujutsu High. Today is no mission so it's mostly free time for the students. However... something is missing as the first-years are eating lunch. Rather...two people haven't been seen today.
"Where's Taz?" Yuji asked curiously.
"She said...she's talking with her friends over the phone. Just a regular check-in" Nobara said, knowing Taz makes her weekly check-ins with her friends back in New York. Speaking of missing people, she also notices that another person is missing, "Anyway...where's Kisho?" Nobara asked.
"Haven't seen him. Must be doing something." Yuji said as Megumi shrugged as he had no idea.
"Oh! He must be in the home economics doing something. I was walking by and he was working on something." Yuria said. Megumi had to pause, raising a brow in suspicion, "Working on something? Like what?"
"Oh, you mean like cooking?" Yuji asked.
"Yeah..he's making cookies," Yuria said.
"Ohh?" Nobara now smiling micheviously made Miko blink. "I wonder who would that be for?" She glances over to Miko who blushes a little.
"Although..." Yuria pursed her lips together before saying this, "He's saying something about replenishing a jujutsu sorcerer's cursed energy. Like...making mana potions."
"Making what now?" Megumi said.
------ Home Economics Room -----
"We did it Eito!" Said Kisho. Eito chirps as he takes plates of the cookies on the stay. "We managed to infuse cursed energy with food! A balanced amount so that way...I can boost your stats in a fight!"
Eito chirps excitedly.
"Now! Take a bite!" Kisho goes to give a cookie to Eito. The bird takes a bite and gobbles all up. Right away, Kisho felt the cursed energy from Eito increased and Eito's orange feathers on top of his head went up and is glowing brightly. Plus, he looks super strong as he is bouncing around.
"This is amazing!" Kisho said. "How are you feeling, Eito?"
Eito chirps as it is flying with energy. "Man! This is great! This is perfect for the shikigami. We need to make different versions like peanuts, crackers or beef jerky!"
Kisho gasped and almost drops the cookies but didn't. He goes to set them on the table.
His name is called by a familar voice as the door slides open, revealing Megumi and the rest of the first-year class. Kisho smiles, "Oh hey guys! You're just in time!"
"In time?" Megumi blinked.
"I made cookies! But they're not just any cookies!" Kisho said. "I call them Cursey Bites!"
"Cursey...bites?" Yuria said. Kisho nods, "Yep! Now you know like in fantasy video games that you replenish your magical abilities which is mana, right?"
"Right..?" Yuji looks intrigued by this.
"So wizards can get mana potions to restore their magic. What about sorcerers and cursed energy? What if we can put cursed energy into food?!"
'Oh hell noooo....' Yuji can hear Sukuna's voice. And what's more, Megumi and the girls recall when Kisho cooked a piece of chicken with his cursed technique when Yuji and Taz were turned into animal hybrid toddlers due to a curse and gave Sukuna and Kinie bodies, acting as parents.
"Kisho...." Megumi begins, "Please do not tell me that you cooked food with cursed energy. Are they even safe to consume?"
"Although...they look good and don't have creepy aura around it...like before" Said Nobara. "But really...WHY?!" She asked for an explanation.
"To restore cursed energy so we won't get cornered. I want to help shikigami boost their status like Megumi and Miko's so they can protect themselves and their partners in a fight."
Miko looks curious as her shikigami badger, Anaconda jumps onto the table and takes a cookie off the plate. The Anaconda chews and suddenly grows bigger in the size of the dog as it gets off from the table.
"Although...it's just temporary," Kisho said. Eito chirps with Anaconda who lets out some happy yaps as he approves of the cookies.
"Woah..." Miko kneels down and pets Anaconda. "That's amazing, Kisho!" Miko smiles. Seeing that expression, it made Kisho swoon. Yuria nods, "Yeah! Super cool! You're a genius!" And hearing that compliment made him happy.
"Oh...thanks Miko and Yuria." Kisho smiles, there is a pink blush. Yuji grins, "Yeah! That's really cool! I never thought of it, man!" He said. Nobara looks hesitant but sees Eito and Anaconda. Kisho might be on to something. "You know? That is pretty cool."
"Guess that explains things.." Megumi said.
"I'm happy that you guys seeing what I'm doing!" Kisho said.
But then the next words got everyone shook.
"So the next step is for me to try it!" Kisho grins.
In everyone's mind, they shared the same thought, "I don't think that's a good idea."
"I mean! Sure, I ate the cursed chicken and I did it with a fish but I can't remember how that went! But now! With this, I don't have to worry about exhausting my cursed energy in the middle of the fight." Said Kisho. "This could be revolutionary!" He said. As if that wasn't too concerning, everyone can see the crazy eyes on his expression.
Megumi frowns now, "I....you...you were heavily sick from eating it, you idiot. Kisho! Please, I think you shouldn't!"
"Yeah...you got poisoned!! You even passed out and threw up" Nobara said, trying to talk some sense into him. Yuji blinks, "Wait...you got sick from eating a cursed chicken. Dude...I think you should listen to us, Kisho! The shinigami is enough."
Yuria and Miko are now worried for Kisho.
"I can't..." Kisho said it, startling everyone with the seriousness in his voice and his serious stare. "I will do it for the sake of humanity...."
Yep, that does it. The brat has officially lost it. Sukuna said in Yuji's mind, watching this.
"Kisho." Megumi begins, "Drop. The. Cookies..." He warns him.
Kisho now has the cursed cookie in his hand, "This is sake for science and sorcery."
"Kisho! No...bad Kisho! Put that down!" Megumi tells him getting everyone worried from the way Kisho is talking. The flame sorcerer laughs insanely scaring everyone. Megumi is not allowing this. Nope. Not a chance in hell.
"KISHO! DROP THE DAMN COOKIE!" He said is now cornering him as Kisho backs up.
"DON'T GET IN THE WAY OF PROGRESS, MEGUMI! I HAVE TO DO THIS!" Kisho cried, having one cookie in his hand.
"Dude...isn't that harsh?" Yuji said with Nobara nodding in agreement, "Yeah! We are supposed to save him from himself, not beat him up!" She exclaimed, poking him on the shoulder.
"It's either that or knocking him out cold," Megumi said. Miko and Yuria are now worried. Yuria then says, "Wouldn't he get poisoning if he eats the cookie?!"
Megumi answers, "That or gets heavily sick like the time he ate that damn chicken he cooked using his curse technique flames!"
Kisho hears this and retorts, "I am fully aware that was a failure but this time...I WILL NOT FAIL!"
Megumi has enough, he goes to form a hand shadow puppet summoning his rabbits. "Kisho. It's time for you to take a nap!"
"NOOOOO!" Kisho shouted as the rabbits charged at him. Kisho goes to jump out of the window, now escaping.
"KISHO!" Megumi said. "You four! I need you to catch him before Kisho eats that cookie!
Now the four had to chase Kisho from doing the stupidest thing in jujutsu history. Eating a cursed food from a cursed technique.
"KIIISHO!" Megumi shouted. While the four were chasing around Kisho, the cookies were left behind in place. Of course, they will soon be eaten by someone else.
Skipping through the hallways, Taz is making her way to the classroom until she caught a smell of sweets. Hm? What's that smell? It smells like cookies but it has a bitter scent to it. Like a bit of burnt cinnamon.
"Oooh!" Taz blinks to see a plate of cookies inside the home economics. "Cookies!" Taz smiles. She sniffs at it and hums. She goes to take a cookie and takes a bite out of it. She chews. It's good, bitter like dark chocolate with cinnamon. It's really tasty!
Taz looks around the room. "Maybe three wouldn't be bad to take. It would be a waste if someone left there." Then Taz hears some commotion outside. She is munching on the cookies.
"KISHO! GET DOWN FROM THAT TREE!" Megumi yelled while Yuji and Nobara can't believe this. Kisho is taking shelter in the tree high up.
"Kisho! Please come down, you're going to get hurt!" Miko yelled worried as Yuria sighs, shaking her head. Kisho is in the tree shaking his head profusely! "Never!"
"Don't make me come up there!" Megumi yelled, pointing at him angrily.
"Oh really?" Megumi forms a hand sign like wings and what came out of the shadows is Nue. Nue sprang out from the shadows and caws. "Get up there and take him down." He ordered to which Nue soars above and goes to where Kisho.
"Last chance...Kisho. Don't make me do this!" Megumi yelled as Nue is flying right next to Kisho and Eito.
"Oh, man..." Yuji said.
"Uh...Megumi...what are you planning to do?" Nobara asked.
"You're not going to zap him, are you?" Yuji said. Sukuna snickers, 'I would love to see that!' He cackled making his vessel sweatdropped. Everyone sees Kisho about to take a bite out of that cookie.
"Oh screw it." Megumi muttered and ordered Nue to zap Kisho. Nue zaps him with a flap of her wings. A lighting strike hits Kisho to which the flame sorcerer screams as he gets zapped and falls off from the tree. "YUJI!" Megumi yells out, getting the pink-haired teen to catch Kisho as he falls.
"Oh GOD, right!" Yuji said, running over and catching Kisho in his arms from the fall. "Got you!" He said now looking at Kisho as he has swirls in his eyes. Eito chirps while Nue almost looks apologetically.
"Uuughh..." Kisho twitched.
"You ZAPPED him! You really zapped him!" Nobara exclaimed. Megumi sighs, "Do you prefer if he gets cursed poisoning?" He asked the girls.
"Well...n-no." Miko shakes her head. "I prefer Kisho alive and well..." She said as Megumi took the cookie ( still in Kisho's hand ) away from him. "Besides..I just tase him." Megumi said. "He will be fine." He sighed.
"You called that tasing?" Yuria said. "I don't think that's the same thing! You just had your bird thundershock him!!"
"Sorry...dude." Yuji said, laying Kisho on the ground. Kisho whines, "B-but...my cookies....my masterpiece..." Making Yuji sighed while Sukuna is laughing his ass off inside his innate domain at this.
"What's going on?!" Taz said. Yuji hears Taz, "Oh hey..sis. Uh...Kisho made something dangerous.." He said.
"Dangerous?" Taz blinks while Kinie can't believe she missed the show.
"Yeah...he made some cookies..." Yuji said pointing to the one Megumi held up a cookie while Yuria and Nobara were arguing with Megumi about his punishment.
"Cookies?" Taz looks confused.
"Yeah...apparently...Kisho made cookies and uh.."
"Oh! You mean the ones from the home economics class?!" Taz asked happily. "They were pretty tasty to me. They taste a little bitter but they taste like dark chocolate. It's pretty good!" She said it out loud with a smile.
A long pause. Everyone paused what they were doing as they looked at Taz after hearing that. "Sis...what do you mean?" Yuji asked slowly.
Yes! What does she mean by that?! Sukuna said alarmed.
"Oh well...I saw a plate of cookies by themselves and ate one. And...uh...I kinda went overboard and ate a few of them. I keep them in my room because...I don't want to waste them." Taz said. Then she blinks to see their faces turned pale. "Um...is something wrong?"
"NANI?!" Everyone shouted. Right away, Nobara and Yuria were in shock. Yuji and Miko stared in horror. Megumi looks between that he's about to faint or about to kick Kisho awake even if he is down.
"Uh...guys?" Taz looks confused.
"SIS! Please tell me you did not eat the ones that are thin and look good to eat!" Yuji cried, putting his hands on her shoulders. Megumi looks ready to kill someone. Yes. Most likely Kisho for making cookies in the first place!
"Yeah....they were a bit burnt but they were pretty good," Taz said honestly with such innocence. Oh god. How many did she ate?!
"Wait...if Taz ate them? Shouldn't she be...I don't know....like on the floor foaming from the mouth??" Yuria pointing this out. Indeed, Taz is still standing and looking well.
"Kinie said they were good too," Taz said, having a cookie in her hand making everyone stare wide-eyed. She nibbles on it so quickly like a squirrel with 'naming' sounds that Yuji becomes appalled. "SIS! NO!"
Brat, get those atrocious baked goods away from the pup!' Sukuna shouted. Oh! He is going to beat up the birdbrain brat for this. Buddha have mercy!
Yuji takes the cookie away from her but a piece of it went into Yuji's mouth and he chews it on. The other students yelled in fright, seeing this.
Oh shit! Yuji looks like he is about to panic after swallowing.
But then....
Yuji blinks.
It does taste pretty good. Bitter with spice but okay?
And what soon follows. Sukuna blinks. What the? He felt a slight boost of cursed energy within his domain. He wides his eyes. 'Holy shit...it actually works?!' Sukuna can't believe this. It's impossible.
'What do you mean by that?' Kinie spoke with the King telepathically. Sukuna sighs and explains to her. 'Wait....how is he allowed to cook with cursed energy?!' Kinie exclaimed.
"Yes." Sukuna sighed. Kinie pauses for a moment and says,. "I guess that explains why I feel stronger a bit from moments later. Also...the cookies were indeed good like the pup says."
"Yuji?" Yuria steps forward as Yuji looks towards his friends. "Uh...I feel fine. Though I feel an extra boost of cursed energy though."
"Wait...it actually works?!" Nobara said, looking at Kisho in disbelief and almost impressive. Miko can't believe it either. Yuria says, "Guess we don't need to zap him?" She said, crossing her arms at Yuji.
Megumi makes a face at that.
"SEE?! I TOLD YOU!" Kisho got back up again. "It works!" He smiles now, proud of himself and recovered from being zapped tased by Nue. "I told you my Cursey Bites help replenish cursed energy reverses! This is a great discovery, everyone!"
"Cursey Bites?" Taz repeated. "Oh, you mean the cookies!"
"Yes, it is, Taz! Thanks to you and Yuji, you proved that there's a way to replenish cursed energy!" He said. Taz smiles. "Wow! Really? Although...the cookies need work."
"Good point! I have chosen you to be our home baker!" Kisho said making Taz squeal with her eyes lit up, "Yay!"
"NO!" Megumi interjects. "Damn it, Kisho! Just because Yuji and Taz look fine. It does NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD KEEPING MAKING MORE DAMN COOKIES!"
"Oh come on, Fushiguro! It works!" Kisho said as Taz fed Nue a cookie which the shinigami really liked it. "It might help us in a fight against curses and curse users!"
"No argument there," Yuria said.
"It will help the shikigami," Miko said while Nobara nods. Kisho smiles, "Besides!" Kisho has a cookie in his hand making Megumi blink that he doesn't have the cookie in his grasp. "Hey where did you-?"
"With this...we can change everything!" Kisho takes a bite of his esteemed cursed cookie.
Right away, he felt a surge. This is it! This is what he is feeling. Kisho felt like he is in the clouds, ready to take on the forces of evil! He has been reborn! He is a true Pheonix and-
However....that is all in his lucid imagination. Because in reality...Kisho didn't get a boost. No, he is on the floor twitching and there is foam coming from his mouth from the result of cursed poisoning. "Blurrgh.."
"Oh my god, Kisho!" Miko yelled. Yuria starts to shake him." Kisho! Don't die on us!"
"Do you think.....Yuji and Taz were fine because they have Sukuna and Kinie that is absorbing the cursed energy?" Nobara sweatdropped while Megumi facepalmed at this. That probably explains it. Taz and Yuji were exceptions to the cursed poisoning rule.
"Oh yeah! Since I ate Sukuna's finger, it explains why I'm fine!" Said Yuji. Sukuna groans shaking his head at Kisho. 'What a dumbass...'
"And Kinie eats cursed energy to gain cursed energy!" Said Taz. Kinie chuckles, 'Still...this is something! I would love to get more of these biscuits or cookies! The bird fledging didn't do a bad job on this.'
Sighing, Megumi goes to drag a sick Kisho off to the nurse's office and of course, he has to explain why Kisho got sick from cursed poisoning.
---- Nurse's Office -----
Doctor Ieiri looks at Kisho as Mi-Sun goes to heal him. She looks at Megumi, "Let me guess....cursed poisoning from something he made? Again?"
"Yes." Megumi groaned. Wait...again?
"No surprise there. He came here to tell me how to make cursed energy to heal people like reverse cursed energy. It's hard to explain when I told him how I do it but for some reason, he kinda gets it. Maybe he took that and made a few batches of cookies."
Wait what?
"A f-few batches?" Megumi stammered. Ieiri nods, "Uh-huh. It did boost the energy of his shinigami. Never thought it would boost Itadori and Hellion on that though...it has to be that they're exceptions to the rule due to having cursed spirits inside of them." Doctor Ieiri huffs a puff of smoke.
"I'm going to confiscate these batches..." Megumi said and after that, he is going to have a talk with Kisho about experimentation with cursed energy.
"Uhhh...." Kisho groans groggily after throwing up pieces of the cookie into the puke bin, making Nurse Mi-Sun sigh. "Kisho...how about you take a break from your studies?"
"Yes...ma'am." He said before he is taken to his room by Megumi.
Just another day at Tokyo Jujutsu High.
To be continued
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just-someone-online · 2 months
Just had a fun idea for a filler ep. Basically, while the team are out on a job, they encounter a modified form of the Changeling spell that switches their magics instead of their bodies. Now, it's a race against the clock to figure out how to use each other's powers and defeat the guy that did this to them before the effects become permanent. And unlike the original Changeling, the swaps aren't paired together.
Gray ends up with Erza's Requip, mostly because I think it's funny that the accidental stripper ends up with a magic that lets him change into a million different armors. Speaking of which, Erza absolutely keeps an eye on him the whole time to make sure he doesn't lose anything.
Erza ends up with Wendy's Dragon Slayer magic. Truthfully, I don't have much of a reason for this one beyond liking the idea of Erza using dragon slaying magic. I feel like the first time she tries to roar, she takes in too much air and actively begins lowering the oxygen levels around her.
Wendy gets saddled with Lucy's Celestial Spirit magic. I'm going with this mostly because I remembered that girl from the Infinity Clock arc that Mest thought looked like Wendy and decided to sorta reference her. For the most part, I can see her doing pretty well with it, aside from maybe forgetting which key goes to which spirt.
Lucy winds up with Happy's Aera, mostly because I can see Happy teasing her about not being able to fly and I want to see her divebomb into a Lucy Kick.
Happy gets Carla's abilities, mainly because I can imagine there being a joke about him being bummed that he basically stayed the same until he has a vision or transforms.
Carla is stuck with Natsu's Dragon Slayer magic, purely because that kind of destructive power does not gel well with her. Like, she gets the hang of it, sure, but not before accidentally committing at least three acts of arson.
And last but not least, Natsu ends up with Gray's Ice Make and Devil Slayer magic. I imagine that at first he's pissed at how friggin' cold everything is now, but once he gets used to it he'd keep trying to Ice Make a dragon, only it for it to be the worst looking thing you've ever seen.
By the end of it, they've committed a record breaking amount of property damage for Fairy Tail.
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bethanythebogwitch · 8 months
@fishyfishyfishtimes, I noticed you like mermaids and enjoyed my fish Digimon post, so you may be interested in mermaid Digimon.
The OG is Mermaimon and I really like that she's (I'm saying she but whether or not Digimon have genders depends on which setting is being used) also a pirate. The lore says she uses her beautiful singing voice to lure people in and rob them. She also carries an anchor as a weapon and is not afraid to give someone a thrashing.
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Mermaimon is the OG mermaid in the sense that she debuted first, but in lore the OG is AncientMermaimon. She is one of the Warrior 10, a group of ancient Digimon from the beginning of the Digital World. The Warrior 10 are dead, having long ago died to stop Lucemon (as in Lucifer) from destroying the Digital World. While the Warrior 10 are long dead, their data went onto spawn many species of other Digimon. AncientMermaimon specifically is the ancestor of all aquatic Digimon. She was effectively a goddess of the sea, able to control the weather and with enough power to sink entire islands. While I like the original Mermaimon's design more for its pirate theme, AncientMermaimon also has a great design.
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The only merman in Digimon is Neptunemon. As the name suggests, he is based on the Neptune, roman god of the sea. He is also part of a group, the Olympos XII, who are also based on the Olympian gods. They collectively rule a portion of the Digital World that is on a private server called Iliad. He is the absolute ruler of the oceans on the Iliad server. I really like his samurai-inspired armor and the trident made of shark heads.
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While that's all the proper mermaids, I have some honorable mentions in that they still fill the aquatic creature/girl archetype. The first is Ranamon, who has a direct connection to AncientMermaimon from above. In the anime Digimon Frontier, which introduced the Warrior 10, it is established that their spirits, each representative of an element, survived their death and can be taken up and used by others. While half the spirits are taken by the heroes, the other half are corrupted into evil. The good spirits are fire, light, ice, wind, and thunder while the corrupted spirits are steel, water, wood, earth, and darkness (later redeemed). Ranamon and her evolution are the corrupted spirit of water. The only spirit that we saw both the pure and corrupted versions of was darkness and I think that's a big missed opportunity. Ranamon is easily my favorite of the spirits, which is largely due to the english dub making her a classic mean girl with a southern accent. Her name comes from the Spanish word for frog.
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Ranamon's evolution is Calamaramon, who is deliberately designed to be a darker version of a mermaid. Instead of a fish tail, she has an entire upside-down squid for a lower body. She's also supposed to be a sea witch and has a major temper. Oddly enough, she's one of the only spirt Digimon from Frontier that has shown up in other series. In the Digimon Adventure reboot she shows up as a major threat and in Digimon Ghost Game she's a monster of the week that's only a villain due to a misunderstanding. In approve given her role in Frontier basically boiled down to a joke about her being uglier than Ranamon.
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Last of the honorable mentions is the entire Jellymon evolution line: Jellymon to TeslaJellymon to Thetismon, to Amphimon. They're pretty recent recent Digimon, having been designed for the most recent anime, Digimon Ghost Game, where she's one of the main characters. She is also easily the biggest little shit in the franchise. I really like the jellyfish meets human design of the line. I also suspect Amphimon wearing a full-body dive suit is a deliberate subversion of the trend of feminine Digimon having sexy designs.
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cycat-carisi · 8 months
I Left My Pretty Baby With Ralphie
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x f!reader
Summary: If you haven't heard the tune "Ralphie" by Joe's former band, Post Animal, check it out! The tune inspired me to write a little thing about our favorite former King of Hawkins High and the massive crush he has on the reader.
Tags: Fluff, Summer of '85, Post-season 3, Pre-season 4, Steve Harrington has it bad and he really doesn't know what to do about it.
Warnings: some alcohol consumption, partying high schoolers, spoilers for season 3
Length: ~2.5k
A/N: This is pure, unedited word vomit. I don't have the time to write right now and yet here we are. (:
Fic below the cut or on AO3 here
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Steve should have known better. Afterall, when one king falls, another is always waiting to take his place. Steve’s fall from grace had been less than glorious. Billy had shown up to claim the crown and had rubbed Steve’s face in it for good measure. And now, with Billy having succumbed to the Mind Flayer, the position of king had once again been ripe for the taking. This time it was little Ralphie Baker who rose to the occasion – well, not so little anymore. Over the summer of ’85 he had finally gotten a long-overdue growth spirt in both height and muscle. At six feet tall and a hundred and sixty pounds, Little Ralphie Baker’s ascent to the throne came just in time for his senior year.
Steve wouldn’t have been so bothered by Little Ralphie Baker if it hadn’t been for what happened at the last house party of the summer…
~~“It’s not in the way that you walk that gets me off. It’s the way that you think. It’s the way that you talk.”~~
The summer of 1985 started out pretty decent except for the obvious humiliation of working at a place like Scoops Ahoy. Sure, Steve struck out with the ladies and sure, Robin made fun of him for it, but at least working at the mall allowed him to see the people he cared about regularly. People including you.
You were Robin’s age, about to go into your last year of high school. After having been paired for a group project in one of your classes last year, you found out how awesome Robin actually was. The two of you became fast friends and during the summer you would visit her at Scoops for free samples and a back entrance into the theatre.
That’s also how Steve met you. The first time Robin introduced you to him made quite the impression on Steve. After all, he had come to respect Robin’s judgement on a lot of things, so, for you to be worthy of Robin’s friendship already spoke volumes about the kind of person you were.
As time went on, you and Steve found yourselves getting along really well too. So much so that it became the highlight of Steve’s day when you’d walk into the ice cream parlor with a lovely smile springing to life when you spotted him. The two of you would chat on his break and Steve was more than happy to show another member of Hawkins High that he wasn’t the same person that he used to be.
The lovely friendship between the two of you continued to grow, even after the Mind Flayer wrecked havoc on Hawkins. Instead of free ice cream, both Steve and Robin would let you use their Family Video discount; the store being your new place to hang out over the remainder of summer break.
Having such a strong and effortless connection, it was no wonder Steve found himself falling for you: your pretty smile, the shy way you’d tuck your hair behind your ear when he gave you a compliment, and especially how you just seemed to get him. He never felt judged when he was around you, only accepted. In his head and in his heart, Steve knew that he loved you; he had just never found the courage to tell you yet.
That’s why the last house party of the summer bugged Steve so much. You had generously offered him to tag along with yourself and Robin, but the former king of Hawkins High, Steve Harrington, had completely blown it.
~~“But I can’t tell this girl what’s on my mind. And it seems it's getting closer all the time.”~~
The night had started out fine. Your little trio flitted from social group to social group, sipping drinks and exchanging pleasantries with the other guests. Being the only one with a car or driver’s license, Steve had graciously agreed to be the DD for the night allowing you and Robin to let loose to rhythms like Phil Collins’ Sussudio blasting over the boom box.
Seeing you so relaxed and carefree sent shock waves straight to Steve’s heart. And when you rushed over to grab his hands in yours to dance, his heart nearly stopped altogether. Your cheeks were rosy from laughing and the slight buzz of alcohol, yet Steve still found you gazing at him with the same softness that you always did, even while twirling him around to the beat.
Then abruptly, the upbeat song came to an end, switching to the ballad of Bryan Adam’s Heaven. Awkwardly, Steve released himself from your grasp as if the lyrics would reveal every feeling that he was too nervous to share on his own. A party like this just wasn’t the time.
Steve saw you glancing at him with a mixture of confusion and something that bordered on hurt as he slowly retreated backwards.
Before anything further could transpire, the sound of Robin’s slurred voice calling out Steve’s name caused both your heads to turn. She clearly had been sipping back a few more drinks than you had. You both went to her aid finding her contemplating whether or not she was going to throw up.
“Take her home,” you told Steve, sympathetically. “There’s nothing more humiliating than puking at another person’s party.”
Steve knew you were right. Even though the night was young, Robin’s inability to hold her liquor warranted her an early retirement.
“You wanna stay longer?” Steve asked you while propping Robin against his shoulder.
Steve watched as you turned to glance around the room. Some of your other classmates you actually liked were still here to chat with. He tried to hide his desire to steal you away for some quiet one-on-one time after dropping Robin off. Steve hated to admit to himself just how often he daydreamed of taking you out for late night milkshakes at the local diner.
“I think…” you began, shaking Steve out of his thoughts. “hmm…are you coming back?” you asked him, almost shyly.
“I uh, I can if you want me to. After all, I did drive you here.” Steve shifted to reposition a now sleepy and very slouched Robin while simultaneously trying his damnedest to avoid your eyes.
“Steve,” you beckoned him to look at you. “I didn’t invite you with us just to be our driver. I wanted you to have some fun too.”
Steve knew that. He knew that you actually cared about him and wanted him to be a part of your life. Yet, Steve wasn’t convinced that you’d want him to be part of your life in the same way he did.
“Yeah, sure then,” he replied simply. “I’ll come back later. Will you be okay here by yourself? I know you didn’t have as much to drink as this one,” he gave Robin a nudge causing her to groan. “But still. Parties can get weird nonetheless.”
His concern caused you to smile that gorgeous smile he loved so much. “Thanks, Steve. I’ll be okay though. Promise.”
And with that, Steve set off to haul Robin home. But it was as he was leaving the house that he heard the voice of Little Ralphie Baker enter the room.
~~“I went to the party and I left my pretty baby with Ralphie, baby, and now I’m alone.”~~
Steve returned about a half an hour later ready to laugh with you about how difficult Robin was to sneak into her house while wasted. She was all uncoordinated limbs, swapping between jaunty giggles and annoyed groans. Except as he entered through the living room’s front door, his ears were met with the sound of your melodic laughter. There you were, holding your solo cup and stood beside none other than Little Ralphie Baker. His now broad shoulders were squared to your petite frame, narrowed eyes gazing down upon what Steve could only imagine was your chest and, of course, smiling a devilish grin. And you – you were taking it all in! Just standing there chatting and laughing with the new king of Hawkins High.
Steve felt his stomach knot in jealousy while it seemed as though his heart fell right out of his chest. Sure, he could waltz over there and butt in. He knew exactly what Ralphie was doing; Steve used to pull the same shallow moves himself. But the fact of the matter was, despite how much Steve loved you, you were never really his to lose to begin with.
Steve wanted to run. He wanted to jump in his car, speed home and burry himself under his duvet. He hated how each and every time he felt something genuine for a girl, she never felt the same way. Steve had tried so hard to change and be a better person, yet he still couldn’t find anyone to love him for who he had become. He thought that person could have been you, but once again he had clearly been wrong.
~~“And now I'm feeling something and I know she's doing better, without me, baby guess I'll go home whether that's with or without you.”~~
The gravel crunched under his sneakers as Steve marched himself back to his car. He got in and slammed the door, hands slapping against the steering wheel. He slid one off, about to put keys in the ignition when he stopped. He had made you a promise. Even if he refused to witness the rest of the party, he would still wait here to drive you home when you were ready to leave.
With a sigh, Steve turned the key only slightly, allowing his radio to come to life. Like a curse, Heaven’s romantic notes filled the car, and Steve yanked the dial to the right until something more upbeat replaced it. He let his head bounce back against the headrest and closed his eyes, dreading the inevitably long wait until you were finished partying with Little Ralphie Baker.
Then suddenly, a soft rap sounded on the passenger’s side window of the burgundy bimmer. Steve jumped, peering through fallen locks of brown hair towards the sound. It was you.
You gave a small wave and smile as he reached over to unlock the door and let you in. Confusion was etched across his entire face. “What are you doing here?” he stammered.
You gazed at him with your own hint of bewilderment. “Uh, getting in your car?” you reflected the question back at him as you buckled your belt.
“Why?” he said a little too coldly. “The party isn’t over yet.” Steve couldn’t bare to look at you any longer. He didn’t want to show you just how stupidly jealous seeing you with someone else had made him.
“What the heck has gotten into you, Steve?” you fired back, angling yourself towards him in the velvety seat.
Steve paused. This was not the can of worms he wanted to open right now. You still had alcohol in your system and Steve was high on his feelings for you. It could never end well, he thought. “Nothing,” he dismissed, once again reaching for the ignition.
“Steve,” you spoke smoothly. Then your hand reached for his forearm. Steve swore your touch would burn a hole in his sweater, but that voice, that sweet, calm, soothing voice...it compelled him stop and turn.
“What’s wrong?” you asked when he finally met your gaze.
Those big eyes of yours were so sincere and so sweet. How could he not tell you the truth? “I just,” he began, voice low in the small space of the car. “I just thought you’d want to stay longer. I walked in earlier and saw you with Ralphie Baker. Seemed like you two were getting along well.”
“Ralphie Baker?” you scoffed. “Ralphie Baker?! I couldn’t get that creep away from me fast enough!” you exclaimed. “He wouldn’t stop staring at my boobs! I didn’t want to make a scene or else I would have given him a slap.”
With your words, the vice around Steve’s chest suddenly released. His eyebrows unknitted and those dark eyes lit up in the dim light. “Really?” he spoke meekly. Shaking himself out of it, he continued, “Sorry, I should have stepped in to help…”
“Nah, it’s fine,” you assured him. “You came back and that’s all that matters.” Steve found himself captivated by the smile you give him. Maybe he was imagining things, but he was fairly certain that this very smile was one reserved only for him.
Your hand still rested on his forearm, thumb now rubbing lightly over the material of his shirt. The little gesture caused Steve to return a heart-felt grin. Maybe now wasn’t such a horrible time to lay it all on the line. It’s a huge leap, but the pounding of his heart was never going to stop if he didn’t say something.
“I,” Steve inhaled deeply. “I promised that I would come back, and I care too much about you to ever go back on my word.” That was a start. Just come out and say it, Steve. He examined your features closely for any signs of discomfort. Instead, all he found was intrigue. “I,” he began again. It was hard to hear his own thoughts over the sound of his pulse in his ears.
But before he could finish, Steve witnessed you leaning across the center console, hand using his forearm for leverage. And the next thing he knew, your lips were brushing softly against his. The kiss was better than he could have ever imagined. A million butterflies exploded inside his tummy and he found his free hand making its way to cup your cheek of its own accord.
As the pair of you leaned back, Steve’s face was plastered with a dopey grin. Yours was in much the same state. “I’ve been trying to figure you out all summer, Harrington,” you whispered. “I just never knew if I was reading the signals clearly.”
Steve’s eyebrows shot towards the roof. “Really?” he spoke gently.
“You were jealous about Ralphie, weren’t you?” you quipped. Steve opened his mouth to deny but you quickly added, “It wasn’t my intention, just so you know, but seeing you out here moping at least gave me the confirmation I needed.”
A warmth spread throughout Steve’s chest. “I guess I’m not so good at hiding my feelings, huh?”
You shook your head at him affectionately.
He smirked. “What am I feeling right now, then?” 
“Hmm,” you pretended to contemplate. “I think you wanna take me out for a late-night milkshake, but only after you kiss me again here first.”
The twinkle in your eye made Steve’s heart melt. “You really can read me like a book,” he grinned before leaning into your lips once more.
~~“And when I see something I like you know that I gotta pounce. All the things that you say, say, say, I can trust every ounce.”~~
Thank you for reading and feedback is loved!
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Fear is a huge driver of plot in Alchemy of Souls and most of it is centered around Jang Uk and Naksu. Almost every character's main motivation is fear except Naksu (revenge) and Jang Uk. (This is long)
Park Jin is terrified that Jang Uk will fulfill his destiny because his main goal is to maintain social order. He is therefore fully committed to impeding any progress Jang Uk might make. His turning point (finally) is the near death of Seo Yul, probably not because he actually loves Yul or Uk for themselves, but because as everyone acknowledges, Seo Yul being killed by Jin Mu will overturn the social order (General Seo will invade Daeho Fortress and start a war). Park Jin knows Jang Uk will try to save Yul, so he supports him.
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(I'm pretty sure the only major decision he makes motivated by love is trying to save Maid Kim from Jinyowon, everything else is to preserve social order. He's extreme lawful good)
Go Won spends most of S1 trying not to be afraid of Jang Uk/the concept of a King Star, because he doesn't want to be like his father who is terrified of the prophesied King Star's existence. Jin Mu eventually succeeds in making Go Won afraid which results in Jang Uk's death (it doesn't take). But then in S2, with a Jang Uk who is 100x more terrifying, Go Won realizes that he doesn't have to be afraid because Jang Uk doesn't want to be king and will use his power protectively:
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Which means that Jin Mu can no longer control Go Won through fear, as he is able to do with the king and basically everyone else.
Jin Mu definitely fears what Jang Uk might become, since he can be displaced from his position of power if Uk ever becomes a real mage.
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And yet, he mostly makes other people afraid of Uk instead of really fearing Jang Uk himself. This is probably because Jin Mu believes that compassion and protection are signs of weakness. I think the only time he really believes Uk might kill him is when Seo Yul is dying. What he fears the most is being rejected by those in power, which is why when Go Won turned on him he was so angry.
The king and the Unanimous Assembly decide to release the fire bird because they both fear and envy Jang Uk and his ice stone. As for the general population, they generally fear super-powered Jang Uk but also want him around (just not like, too close) because they are more frightened of soul shifters. They both fear and idolize Naksu and are manipulated with their fear.
And to quickly include Lady Jin, her fear is centred around losing control of Jinyowon, which is why she searches so desperately for Bu-yeon, is dismissive of her under-powered second daughter, and is so determined to keep resurrected Naksu/Bu-yeon under control.
Seo Yul is complicated because he doesn't know what Jang Uk is until pretty late in the game, he mostly is afraid of what Jang Uk is doing (hanging out with a soul shifter, Naksu herself) and what his beliefs will result in (which to be fair was a legitimate fear given what happens at the end of S1). He is also afraid of breaking his personal moral code:
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And then we have Maid Kim, who is literally never afraid of Jang Uk, she just loves him no matter what. By S2 she knows exactly who he is and that he's haunted by ghosts and she does not care. "Oh my super-powered adopted son is home to spend a haunting night, let's make sure he's comfortable!"
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What she is afraid of is Naksu: she thinks her sword is ominous, she holds a funeral for Cho Yeong so that Naksu's spirt won't attack Jang Uk, and she fears that Naksu will drag Jang Uk to the grave in S2. However, her fear is never centered on herself, she's pretty much only afraid because she wants to protect Uk (like mother like son). Which is why she's one of the good characters, her fear isn't selfish.
When it comes to Naksu/Cho Yeong and Jang Uk, they are never really afraid of each other or really drive by fear, unlike everyone else. Jang Uk recognizes Naksu right away, isn't afraid of her threats at all, and then sends men to capture her. He's almost immediately willing to put his life in her hands.
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His motivation is more to prove himself, which is both about himself and his mother whose memory he is trying to protect by convincing people that he's Jang Gang's son.
Cho Yeong's motivation in S1 is revenge at least at first, which she needs her powers back to have. But then she switches to protection and remains that way through S2.
Naksu doesn't have any reason to fear Jang Uk in S1. Then in S2, even when she has no memory of who she is, she is very much not afraid of him. Even when he threatens her:
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She takes like a whole minute to let go and step away from him. And when she sees the ice stone, she decides to try and use him rather than retreat in fear.
But of course all Naksu/Jang Uk plot is driven by both of them running straight towards things that they should fear, including each other. They are the antithesis of living in fear, they chose protection and love (and constantly being in mortal danger) instead.
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goldenstarprincesses · 7 months
There's this fanfiction I read some years ago (can't find it for the life of me. Think it was on fanfiction.net) that had the plotline that young Alfred was almost snatched by the vengeful ghost of Eleanor Dare since she was angered that her family/daughter died while Alfred -who had been Virginia Dare's playmate-lived on and would will continue live on for eternity
My headcanon is that prior to almost being led to his (likely temporary) death by a vengeful spirt, Alfred had no fears relating to the super natural. Even before Arthur showed up, America had long been visited by those who stayed behind after their death. And Arthur probably introduced him to quite a few friendly ghosts back in England. And even more ghosts started showing up as the colonists settled in. Baby America could often be found babbling at a seemingly empty room or to himself while playing out in the fields. Honestly, before Matthew moved in, the ghosts of New England were baby Alfred's closest companions
So not only was little Alfred naturally trusting of ghosts, but he knew Eleanor and saw nothing wrong with following her down to the icy cold river in the middle of the winter. When she attempted to drag him under the ice, not only did he develop a life-long fear of ghosts but the seeds of his dislike of the cold were planted.
He was so deeply traumatized by almost being offed by the pissed-off ghost of Eleanor that the chemistry of his brain was forever changed. But it's not that he can't still see ghosts. America totally can. Like, he sees them clear as day or as clear as Arthur or Matthew do. However, he refuses to acknowledge them. He could be standing in a room of 20 ghosts (some that he may have communicated with as a child) and he will stead-fast refuse to admit that he actually can.
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sunnyie-eve · 22 hours
8 | Going Under
Series: Unexpected
Paring: (Matt Sturniolo x OFC Brock!) (Chris Sturniolo x OFC Brock!)
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: none
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"He's down." Colby points at Chris set to go.
"He's locked in." Matt looks over at him, "Chris you're dumb, fuck you." He says and perfectly Chris puts his thumb up in time, "Awesome." He then looks over at Nick, "Hey Nick, I hate you. You're dumb."
"All right this is going to green." Colby changes the camera vison as both were ready to go.
"Both are under." Dani takes a seat on the bed next to Matt not wanting to stand the whole time.
"I just go learn." Chris tells the three.
"That's what we're here to do." Sam tells the spirts.
"Anyone in here with us? Or anybody that wants to make themselves known?"
"Afterlife," Nick says.
"From the afterlife." Colby nods his head.
"Feel right." Chris says
"Is this where you passed on to the afterl-,"
Matt gets cut off by Nick, "Crimes."
"Have we talked to you today? Or are you somebody new we haven't talked to?"
"No," Chris answers.
"Were you one of the brides that died here in 525?" Sam asks.
"Second," Chris tells them.
"The second bride." Sam and Colby say at the same time.
"The one 30 years later." Colby reminds them.
"Shit, that was insane." Matt shakes his in disbelief.
"I'm sorry about what happened to you." Sam tells the ghost.
"Ice cream," Nick says causing the three to laugh.
"Nick your only supposed to say things you here not things you want." Matt laughs at him.
"I just got like a breath, like," Chris mocks what he hard.
"Bathroom," Nick says right after.
"Oh my god!" Dani rubs her hands together bouncing a bit in excitement.
"The second one in the bathroom." Sam says in disbelief at what they were getting, "Are you happ-," He gets cut off.
"I just got like a yell, like a, uah uah." Chris mocks it making Dani and Matt laugh at him. It was just because of how he repeated to them.
"Are you happy in the afterlife?" Sam repeats what he was going to ask before getting interrupted.
Both boys start to spit out words, "Twenty-two," Chris says.
"Some," Nick says next.
"Now," Chris says again.
"Is there somebody 22 in here that's not one of us six?"
They wait awhile till Chris says they got it and Nick asks if they wanna know right after, "Yes, who are you?" Sam asks.
"We wanna know more about this 22 year old."
"How old were the brides?" Dani asks since they never establish their ages when the died.
"They were," Chris answers so the three freak out.
As time went on Nick and Chris just start spitting out words one after another not giving the three time to ask decent question. "What is going on?" Matt asks surprised.
"They're getting a lot." Sam was shocked too.
"Tap them out?" Matt asks as they keep just spitting words out.
"I say so." Dani says so they all agree to tap them out letting the two know they got a lot.
As a whole, they all agree to try it one more time in the bathroom this time with Matt going under. "We moved into the bathroom is there a specific person with us?" Sam asks the first question.
They wait a bit, "Uh, uh breath like," Matt mocks it.
"Have we been talking to you all night?" Sam asks.
"Is that why you're here? You love the hotel?" Sam asks them.
"Umm, and, lots of the breaths, like," Matt mocks them again. "And then... wait wait wait,"
"Oh it said wait. I thought he was telling us to wait." Nick laughs.
"It did seem like that." Dani agrees with him.
"Is it hard to breathe in here?" Sam asks.
"Dizzy dizzy,"
"You have a message for us?' Colby asks now.
"The afterlife," Matt says so Colby explains to Nick and Chris that the same thing they said while under.
"Ask ask,"
"Tell us more about love." Nick tells them.
"Say everything,"
"Tell us more about love, tell us-," Nick get cut off now by Matt.
"It doesn't matter,"
"Huh," Dani frowned confused by that.
"Tell us all about your," Matt cuts Nick off again.
"Several several,"
"There's a lot of people that wanna talk about love here?" Sam asks.
"Love, we love each other." Nick smiles.
"Like several ghost here." Colby adds.
"Tricky tricky tricky,"
Dani breaks out laughing, "Why say it like that though?"
"Continue," Matt says then stays quite moving his jaw around to mess with his Invisalign.
"Eating his Invisalign." Nick point out laughing at him.
"He's eating his Invisalign." Chris laughs as well.
They wait again for Matt to say something and when he does he tells them, I like you, "Thank you." Nick tells them, "I like you t-," Matt cuts him off quickly.
"Stop talking!"
"Okay," Nick laughs along with everyone else, "I'll stop. I just got fucked in by the ghost. That's terrible." Nick laughs.
When they finish up for the night they all head back down to the lobby to end the video. All three talk about their experience and how they had fun do it. Nick even says he's down to do it again if fans really want it. And they say they study watching all the past videos Sam and Colby have done.
"Maybe if we do a part two... Go somewhere more evil?" Colby suggests.
"That was a lot of fun though." Chris lets them know he had a good time.
"The way that I see it on my tv is very similar to what happens here." Matt explains to them, "I was-," He gets cut off by Nick talking.
"As long as you bring Dani along again, I'm completely in." He tells them, well mostly Colby, "I loved doing this with her." He pulls her to stand next to her to give her a hug, "I'm so happy we finally got to see each other in person. Living in two different states and being busy makes things hard."
"I literally begged to join when I heard y'all were collaborating." She tells him.
"She wouldn't stop asking it was ridiculous so I said yes." Colby agrees.
"Hey, I get what I want."
"I'm glad it worked out. Dani was fun to have around tonight. I get why Nick didn't want to share is friendship with her." Matt says making Nick roll his eyes.
"No, I get where Matt is coming from." Chris agrees.
"They're never going to drop this now."
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snaillamp · 9 months
Sicktember - day 1
1 - Hopelessly bad at self care
Whumpee sat at their desk, running their hands through their hair. They had been sitting at their computer all day, trying to write this damn report and it was taking forever. They stood to get their 7th, maybe 8th cup of coffee that day and shuffled from their office. The main office was dark and empty, the only sound being a quiet buzz of electronics.
“Oh…” They muttered, walking over to the coffee machine. They hadn’t realised they had been working so late. Glancing at their watch they sighed.
9:42 pm
“Eugh… Hope this is enough to get me home…” They muttered, watching the cheap, burnt coffee dribble out of the machine at a pitiful pace. When it finally spirted the final dregs of the drink into Whumpee’s mug with a splutter, Whumpee grabbed the handle and chugged it. The liquid was hot enough to burn their tongue for half a second, but by the time they finished it, it was ice cold. “Ugh… that was bad…” They muttered, leaving their mug by the sink. They would wash it first thing tomorrow, if one of the night cleaners wasn’t feeling overly generous.
Walking back to their office, they tucked a strand of hair from their eyes and grabbed their jacket. Winter was setting in soon and it was starting to get colder at night.
They grabbed their things, leaving their office and locking up and walking down the hallway, their shoes clicking on the linoleum floor. A cleaner nodded as they walked past, and Whumpee smiled tiredly at them. “Long night?” The cleaner asked, Whumpee turning and sighing. “Yeah… And I have to drive home now… Hey, at least there won’t be as much traffic!” They joked half heartedly, the cleaner laughing before continuing to walk.
Whumpee made it outside, the cold air making their breath become a cloud as they walked. The streetlights illuminated the foot path in an amber light as they walked around to the staff car park. Going down into the down stairs into the underground, they walked through the echoing, grey car park, going to the only car left parked neatly between the lines and hopped in. As they left they yawned, turning on the radio in an effort to keep them awake. A generic girly pop song filled the car as they drove through the mostly empty streets, with the exception of an ambulance driving the other way, sirens wailing and a few taxis and cars.
When they got to their apartment, they walked inside, sighing as they shut the door with a gentle thud. Partner looked up from the couch nearby, watching a TV on low volume, playing some rom-com. “You’re back! I was starting to get worried.” They walked over to Whumpee and put their hands on their shoulders, holding Whumpee at arms length. “You look tired, did you want some dinner?” Whumpee nodded their head as Partner kissed them softly, before going to the kitchen.
Whumpee collapsed onto the couch, already dozing off when Partner placed a small plate of food in front of them. It smelled amazing. “Don’t spill it on my couch, maybe come eat in the kitchen.” They said, guiding Whumpee to the island bench with a couple of stools in front of it. They slid Whumpee’s jacket off them as Whumpee hunched over their food, eating slowly. Partners hands gently brushed Whumpee’s shoulders, massaging them slowly.
“You’re tense, maybe you should work from home tomorrow. If you keep coming home late like this you’ll get burnt out and sick.” Whumpee grunted in reply, their mouth full of food. When they swallowed, they spoke, their voice tired and gravelly from the copious amounts of coffee. “Mphf, I know, but I have to get this report done soon or my life will get a hell of a lot worse. There’s a promotion on the line too, I just… I need this…” Partner scoffed, their thumbs pushing into Whumpee’s aching muscles slightly more painfully. Whumpee winced. “Sorry…” Partner murmured before continuing.
“You’ll be a hell of a lot more useful with restful sleep and a day off, you know.” Their hands began to rub Whumpee’s back, and they leaned into the touch. “Mmm… I know… But it’s just for a little bit… Then it’ll be back to normal…” Partner scoffed again, “That’s what you said months ago. Yet, here we are, still doing the same thing as always. You drive yourself into the ground and then can’t get back up. You know this isn’t sustainable, I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
Whumpee sighed as Partner wrapped their arms around Whumpee’s neck, cuddling them gently. Whumpee leaned into them humming. “I’m sorry…” They mumbled, smiling as Partner nuzzled their neck. “You deserve better than this.” Partner looked up and cradled Whumpee’s face. “Whumpee, I love you. I don’t care about anything else, I just want you to be happy.” They kissed Whumpee deeply, Whumpee melting at their touch. “I love you too…” They mumbled, smiling at their lover’s face.
“Your breath stinks like coffee.” They retorted, pecking Whumpee on the nose and grabbing their empty plate. “You go get ready for bed, I’ll clean this up.” They smiled as Whumpee eased off the stool and walked into their bathroom. They had a quick, brisk shower and brushed their coffee stained teeth with a tired, heavy arm. When they got to their bedroom, Partner was already there, having just finished changing into their pyjamas.
Whumpee changed into their own, before sliding into bed beside Partner, wrapping them up in a hug. “You’re being the big spoon tonight?” They teased, snuggling into Whumpee’s chest. Whumpee hummed, smiling as they squeezed Partner tight, pulling them closer and kissing the top of their head, feeling Partner’s arms snake around their waist. “You’re always the big spoon it’s my turn…” They mumbled sleepily, breathing in the scent of Partner’s shampoo.
Partner melted in Whumpee’s arms as they both fell asleep, or at least tried too. Whumpee stayed holding Partner, listening to their breaths, feeling them tickle their chest as they lay there. Despite being so tired, they were too wired to actually fall asleep. They sighed, letting go of Partner as they wiggled free of Whumpee's arms. Whumpee rolled over and grabbing some blanket before Partner could sleepily hog it all.
At some point, Partner’s arm slid around Whumpee’s waist as Partner smooshed their face between Whumpee’s shoulder blades and sighed. Whumpee chuckled at how cute it was, their mind finally growing tired enough to actually sleep.
They awoke with a start, shooting up in bed and staring at their watch. “Shit…” They groaned, sliding out of bed and trying to stand. The world swayed as they staggered, falling back onto the bed. Partner peeked their head in around the door. “Ah, you woke up!” They said, sounding bright and cheery, obviously well rested.
Whumpee moaned dejectedly, standing up again and looking around for something to wear. “I can’t believe I slept in… I thought I had an alarm…” They looked at their bedside table, where they charged their phone every night. It wasn’t there, only the cord peeking over the edge of the table. They were two hours late for work. “Looking for this?” Partner asked, holding up their phone. Whumpee gasped, lunging for it, only for Partner to twirl out of the way. “Nah-uh, you can’t have it.” Whumpee sighed, already exasperated. “Partner please, don’t do this now, not today… Fuck, my boss is gonna kill me… How did you even get that?” They asked, making another grab for the phone in Partner’s hand.
“It was in your jacket pocket, woke me up going off at 5 am. I turned it off and went back to sleep.”
Whumpee’s jaw dropped, their mind trying to comprehend what had just happened. “You… turned it off… and went back to sleep…” Partner smiled brightly, nodding. “Mhmm.” Whumpee shook their head, shoulders falling, “You’re serious… Fuck…” They ran their hand through their hair, turning back around and racing to their closet, ripping it open and grabbing the first thing they saw, ripping of their pyjama shirt. As they were half way through wrestling the new shirt on, Partner walked in and looked them up and down. “Don’t bother.” They spoke flatly, handing Whumpee their phone.
“I called in for you, said you were sick and needed a day off, some winter cold thing.” Whumpee peeked over the collar of their shirt, arms still halfway though the sleeves. “You… what…?” They asked stunned.
“Your boss was fine with it, in fact they said you deserved a rest, all the extra work you’ve been doing.” Partner grinned, pulling Whumpee out of their shirt and guiding them back to bed. “But I’m not sick…” Whumpee whined, trying to get out of Partner’s grip. “You have a temperature.” Partner retorted. “I do not have a temp-”
Partner pulled out a thermometer from their pocket and stuck it in Whumpee’s mouth. Whumpee mumbled in protest, but Partner held it firm until the little machine beeped. Pulling it out, Partner showed it to them. “39 degrees Celcius. That’s 102 Fahrenheit of you want to argue.”
They put the thermometer on the bedside table and pushed Whumpee back onto the bed. “Now get some rest, I’ll make you some tea.” They walked over to Whumpee’s pyjama shirt, picking it up and throwing it at them. “Oh and put that back on, you’ll catch a chill.” They smirked, leaving the room. Whumpee stared the the shirt in their lap, “But I feel fine?” They muttered, sighing as they pulled the shirt back over their head and lay back down. Now that they were thinking about it, they did feel a bit jittery and their throat felt a bit dry, but they had assumed it was all the coffee they had been drinking.
Partner walked back in with a tray, a cup of tea and some plain toast on a plate, Whumpee sat up and swung their legs over the side of the bed, subtly trying to show that they were infact, fine. “I didn’t know what you wanted on it, so I just brought the toast.” They said.
Placing the tray on the bedside table, moving some of the stuff on it away so it could fit, Partner smiled softly. They sighed, wrapping their arms around Whumpee’s head and gently holding it against their stomach. Their fingers slowly trailed through Whumpee’s hair and they leaned into Partner, their eyes closing. “I have to go to work now, but you take it easy, okay. Try not to get out of bed unless you have to. Maybe put on a movie or something? Just try to have a quiet day, no working.” They spoke softly, but Whumpee knew it was a veiled threat.
Not that that would stop them.
Partner kissed their forehead, before dragging their thumb across Whumpee’s cheek, looking at their other half.
“I love you, be good.” They whispered, pecking Whumpee on the nose. “And try to eat something, 'kay?” They said as they slipped out the bedroom door and out of the apartment. Whumpee waited until they heard the apartment door close, before half heartedly grabbing the now cold toast and nibbling on it. They didnt feel that hungry, but they forced themself to sip the lukewarm tea. It didn’t really help their throat feel any better.
Groaning as they eased themself out of bed, their body swaying as their head began to ache. They still could work, just from home, like Partner had said. They searched the apartment top to bottom, looking for their laptop that they could have sworn they left charging somewhere. They considered calling Partner, but every second they searched, they began to suspect Partner had just hidden it. Opening a drawer, they finally found it, tucked away under a book.
Dragging themself back to bed, Whumpee shuddered, feeling a cold chill wash over them suddenly. Sliding under the covers, they sniffled, feeling a large wad of goo dislodge from the back of their nose and drip down the back of their throat. They coughed it up, their head aching even more as the goo came flying out of their mouth and into their hand.
They sighed, getting up again and going to the bathroom. Washing their hand, a coughing fit overcame them, forcing them to their knees. They coughed and wheezed until they couldn’t breathe, spots appearing in their vision. They gasped and gagged, chest heaving. The next thing they knew, they were waking up on the floor, gasping for breath. Pulling themself up, they ran the water in the bathroom sink and drank from it, trying to clear their throat. It hurt to drink, to swallow… to breathe… but they needed this water…
Crawling back to bed they decided to sit and work on their stuff. Logging into their laptop, they pulled up their work and stared at the words. Their eyes drifted around the screen, getting jumbled and confused. Whumpee forced themself to push through, deciding to get up and make a coffee when they finished this paragraph. They started to feel worse and worse, their head spinning and mind melting as they tried to type, but they words wouldn’t come out… their fingers couldn’t move… something was buzzing in their ear…?
Turning their head, they saw their phone ringing. A name was at the top of the screen:
Reaching over to grab it, they couldn’t stop their hand shaking. Managing to lift the heavy phone, Whumpee leaned back against the headboard of the bed, sighing as they answered. “Mmmn… hey…”
Partner was silent on the other end for a moment, before their voice came through, sweet like honey as always. “Hey… How you feeling?” They sounded sympathetic, the sound of their voice made Whumpee suddenly want to cry. “I’m fine…mmh…” They moaned a little as a wave of nausea slammed them. “You don’t sound fine. Should I come home?” Whumpee suddenly jerked, sitting up straight. “No, no, you don’t have do that! Just… maybe… bring some throat lozenges home this afternoon…” They cleared their throat and tried to sound less sick.
“Have you been doing work?” Partner suddenly asked, accusingly. “What? No…” Whumpee mumbled, attempting to cover their ass.
Whumpee sighed, there was no hiding it from Partner. “Ugh… only a little. Just… typing my re… typ…ing my… nghhhnn…” Whumpee shuddered, suddenly overcome with chills. “Whumpee? You okay?” Partner’s scared voice came through the phone, as Whumpee looked up, realising they had slumped sideways across the bed. “I’m… fine…” They mumbled looking in the sheets for the phone. It wasn’t in the sheets, instead it was on the floor, they must have dropped it, but they didn’t remember. “Whumpee?” Partner was in a panic now. “Hey, hey it’s okay… I just dropped my phone, that’s all. Couldn’t find it…” Whumpee coughed pathetically, listening to Partner sigh with relief.
“Oh, thank goodness… Whumpee what happened your words started slurring and you went silent for a minute.” There was weird background noise in the call now. “I just… I don’t know, dropped my phone?” Partner was silent again. “Whumpee, did you pass out?” Their voice was serious. “No…” Whumpee lied, or at least, they couldn’t be sure they had.
“What’s that sound? Are you… Are you driving?” Partner was silent again, the faint sound of clicking in the background. “Mhmm, I’m coming home, okay? You worried me when you went silent, so I told my boss it was an emergency and took the rest of the day off.” Whumpee’s heart sank. “No, Partner… you didn’t have have to do that for me… I’m fine really.” Partner sounded frustrated now, like they were holding back tears. “Oh, and is passing out fine?”
Whumpee blinked, not understanding the question. “I… I…” Words were lost on them again as they watched the world blur. “Hold tight, I’m almost home okay.” Partner hung up, leaving Whumpee alone again. They didn’t have the energy to work anymore, so they snuggled back down and tried to sleep.
They were awoken to Partner shaking them. “Hey, I’m back.” They smiled, looking at Whumpee as they rolled over to look at them. “Mmmm…” Was all Whumpee could manage to reply. “You’re really under the weather… Maybe I should take you to hospital.” Partner said, concern knotting their brow as they felt Whumpee’s forehead. “Mmnhh, no… please…” Whumpee tried to shake their head. “I’m fine. I just need a minute, then I’ll chill out on the sofa with some food, coffee and a couple blankets and get some more work done… Then I can rest for the rest of the day…” They sighed, pushing themself up. They felt a bit better after the rest, but they still had no energy. That wasn’t something another coffee wouldn’t fix.
“Uh, no, you’re not doing anymore work.” Partner said, grabbing Whumpee’s laptop and walking away with it. “You can have a rest on the couch, but you are not working. Do anything else, I don’t care, but you need a break. Look at you, Whumpee, the reason you’re so sick is that you’ve been pushing yourself too much.” Whumpee sighed, grabbing their phone and getting up from bed. “Okay, no work… Why don’t you make me a spot on the couch and I’ll watch a movie.”
Partner seemed satisfied with that, and they helped get Whumpee comfy on the couch, bringing them some water and ibuprofen. Whumpee waited for them to get busy with other things before they pulled out their phone. If they could just finish writing this report…
“Whatcya watching?” Partner leaned over the couch, kissing Whumpee’s cheek.
“Action movie.”
Partner nuzzled Whumpee’s face, “Hmm, which one?” Whumpee pulled back, “Get off, I don’t want you getting sick too.”
Partner hummed, running their finger’s through Whumpee’s hair. “Don’t change the subject…” They murmured dangerously as Whumpee let their head fall back against the couch arm. Their hands lowered as they melted at the sensation, their one weakness.
“Nnnhh.. Partner…” They murmured, eyes closing in bliss. They felt the phone leave their hands. Snapping their eyes open, they turned around, looking at Partner with a scowl. “Hey! I was using that!” They tried to yell, but their voice cracked and they croaked instead. “Yeah, using it to do work. Fuck, Whumpee learn to have a break.”
Whumpee sighed, reaching for the phone, but Partner lifted it above their head. “No. No more work. You’re just gonna make yourself sicker. You need a self care day, my love.” Partner pocketed the phone and walked away, coming back with some warm soup. “Eat. Then you and me are gonna have a self care day. You’re stressing me out, Whumpee.”
Whumpee rolled their eyes, turning and staring at a building explode on the TV.
A guy was running through a hallway trying to escape the approaching fireball. He threw himself to the ground just in time, the flames roaring over his body as he pressed himself into the dirt.
Partner came back and grabbed Whumpee’s hand. “Come on.” They led Whumpee into the bathroom, which was full of steam. “Hop in.” Partner pointed at the bath, full of water. “Mh… Do I have to…?” Whumpee looked at Partner, with a tired smile. The gesture was really sweet, but they really didn’t feel like having a bath at that moment. All they could think about was the precious time slipping away. Time that could be used to hand write this report if they had to.
Partner shook their head, going over to Whumpee and wrapping them in a hug. “Come on, just try... For me.” Whumpee sighed. “Fine.” They slid out of their clothes and lowered themself into the bath. They did have to admit, it was nice being submerged in the hot water. They felt a little less achy and congested.
Partner gently wet their hair and began to wash it, careful not to splash Whumpee’s face. Whumpee’s eyes slid shut as Partner massaged their scalp, the sounds of the water sloshing quietly filling their mind. They moaned contentedly, body relaxing as Partner worked the shampoo through their hair, jerked slightly when water was poured over their scalp. They must have fallen asleep. “Oh, sorry, did I wake you?” Partner murmured.
“Mh-mmn…” Whumpee tried to deny but Partner just laughed, shaking their head as Whumpee peeled their eyes open. They helped Whumpee out of the bath and left them to dry off, bringing them some fresh clothes. Then they took them back to the couch and lay them down, rubbing their back slowly.
Whumpee was so caught up in the sensation sending pleasant tingles down their spine that they had soon forgotten all thoughts of work. Their body relaxed as Partner’s hands massaged their back, the tension and stress finally leaving their body. “See.” Partner whispered, kissing Whumpee’s ear. “You just need a break, just until you’re better. Then you can work on your stupid report.”
Whumpee moaned in reply, too tired to actually form words.
Wumpee’s thoughts were far from their report as they drifted off to the best sleep they had had in weeks... months even, Partner’s hands working their gentle magic on their back.
When they awoke, they genuinely felt better, more… awake. Partner noticed, walking over and wrapping them in a hug. “Have a nice sleep?” Whumpee nodded, yawning. “How long was I out…” They still sounded congested as they coughed a little. “Mmmm, ages, you slept all afternoon. Want any dinner?”
Whumpee looked up at their love from the couch, who smiled gently. “Okay… just a little bit though… Then… can we have a movie night?”
Partner beamed, Whumpee had been promising to do a movie night for ages, but they were always getting home late. They felt bad about it, but seeing Partner’s face now… tears welled up in their eyes, “Oh my god… I’ve been suck jerk…” They groaned, everything coming crashing down on them. Partner looked concerned as Whumpee sat up, putting their head in their hands. “I’m such an idiot… This stupid report… what was I thinking? I'm so, so, so, so sorry Partner... I just... argh, I'm so stupid!” They cried, voice croaking as they looked up at Partner, tears streaming down their face.
Partner brushed them away and kissed Whumpee’s forehead. “It’s okay, my love. I know this report is important to you, but you know, you’re more important to me.” Whumpee shook their head. “No, I… it’s not okay. I ditched you over and over for work and… for what?”
Partner pouted. “I don’t know. But you’re here now. This... is all signs your body is giving you to tell you you need a break.” Whumpee nodded as Partner held them tight, stroking the back of their head.
“You can still make up for lost time you know…”
They ate dinner on the couch, before Whumpee picked a movie. They lay their head in Partner’s lap, smiling as Partner's fingers trailed through their hair, watching the movie dance before their eyes.
It felt so good, to just be, with them. The world didn't feel like it was moving so fast in that moment. In fact, it felt like everything else had stopped, and it was just the two of them.
Whumpee sighed, they never wanted this to end, and deep down, they knew it wouldn’t. They would be better.
For Partner.
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gatorboys22 · 1 year
I'm sorry but if I was truly in the Gator Boys Stoy I'd be flirting so hard. And also I'd feel so guilty I'd cry and tell Bodie on the first night- bc this man just saved me and is giving me food? OK I trust you. And if I die thats on me-
With Timmy when be got caught in that bug trap I'd be fighting for me life. Bc Bug (listener) didn't tell him and only Bodie it makes me wonder when bug WAS going to tell him if he didn't get caught in the trap.
I have a theory we might see Marco near the Aakahn? I think that's where Timmy is being held? Like he finds out whoever he's looking for is in the fighting ring and will help us. I feel like he'd understand why he didn't tell them immediately bc one Bug didn't know them that well and also two put of the three had bad run ins with hunters.
IM ALSO INTERESTED IN SEEING WHO TIMMY'S MAMA IS! We already met his daddy so we just gotta see the milf mom. She's a dragon so it be interesting to hear the story how she got caught and is stuck in the fighting ring.
I do wonder how Timmy would look like if he had his wings still. Is that also why he's smaller than most half bloods? He just hasn't hit his dragon grow spirt? It makes me wonder if Timmy will ever grow into a bigger size since he is half dragon....would he be able to breath ice? Since his mama is a Ice dragon maybe?
I also dread the episode where Timmy and Bug meet again. But I want Bug to meet his mama first and they vent to the sweet dragon lady. But when Bug is telling her why they did what they did I want Timmy being there hearing all they said.
I also want Bug to fight Circie or whatever her name is. Like put me in the ring with her ill get her ass-
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icenightmoon · 2 months
Fairy Tail Flash Fiction
The pastel petals fell around as Lucy Heartfilia flipped to the next page of her book. The sun was shining down on the celestial mage warming her skin to the touch. Her favorite author had just released the newest book in the series and she found that she couldn’t put the book down. 
Ever since she read about the main character she couldn’t help but feel connected to her. Constantly jumping into danger, fighting those much stronger than her, feeling low compared to her team mates. Lucy put a bookmark in as she finished the chapter. She took a deep breath as she leaned back on the bench. That had to be the part that made her feel the most discouraged. 
Lucy knew that she was not week. She was able to summon multiple celestial spirts at once. Had learned how to keep up when it came to physical compat with her trusty whip and had even more then once beat enemies who were her superior. That being said she still found that she was nothing in comparison to her team mates. 
A ice demon slayer who had proven that he was incomparable with his ice skill. His make magic astounding those around him while still proving that his strength was never to be doubted. He was the kind of mage who could use his imagination to win a battle by himself.
Titania herself. Queen of fairies and a slayer of a dragon. She had magic deeper then most could even think about and constantly grow her collection along with her skills. She never had enough of what she wanted to do. 
Finally there was the Salamander. Natsu a man who had come and brought her on her first magical adventure. Every moment that she had with him had help her grow into the mage she was. His flame was untouched by everything. Everytime something had challenged him he always found the deep strength to push even deeper. That was the thing that always shocked her about her team mate. When it looked like he was at the end of his rope he would get down and pull even more out. 
“LUCY.” The blond whipped her head at the sound of the name and saw the pinkette running up the road at her. Before she could open her mouth to say anything she found her self on the ground with his face in her clevege. 
“NATSU!” She screamed as she pushed him off of her. She stood up and looked at him. He positioned himself to sit and look up at her as he held out a piece of paper to her. She could already see the number of jewels on it and could see him smiling at her.
“Happy is on his way lets go on another mission.” Lucy found her self smiling at the pink haired man and grabbed his hand. “Lets go” No matter her strength so long as she could continue to be there for him and the rest of her guild mates that is all that would matter to her.
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 29 days
The Misadventures of Pheonix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer - Part 13 ( Badger on A Drunken Rampage )
Hi everyone! I'm back with a new drabble. This is a funny drabble for the series that I made for myself and @the-silver-peahen-residence, that said please read the previous chapters if you haven't read them yet.
Chapters So Far ---
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
------ Warnings ----
Alcohol Intoxication
Pop Culture Memes or References
----- Drabble Summary -----
Miko Yosutya was kidnapped on her way to visit her family by a band of curse users whose intentions wanting an ancient curse tool in exchange. Worried and anxious for his dear friend, Daichi and his friends are going to save her by meeting the curse users at their checkpoint. Of course, the two parties are not prepared for the unexpected. The Badger named Miko Yosutya.
Daichi's leg is shaking up and down as he bites his thumb anxiously. Those bastards! He won't forgive them if they hurt Miko! He should have been there if he hadn't wasted time on the other mission. It's his responsibility! Damnit!
Damn it. Damn it! He won't forgive them! He will never forgive them!
If anything happens, he wouldn't forgive himself! He will go on a warpath and-
Upon hearing his real name, he looks over to Megumi who seems concerned about it. "Kisho. It's okay. We're going to get Miko back? So don't get worked up."
"I-I'm sorry, Megumi. I can't stop worrying about her. I always think of the worst thing that can happen." Said Daichi, slumping his shoulders. Megumi nods, "I know. Don't worry, we will get her back. The curse user promises us that much as long as we do as they said."
Yuria Niguredou, a friend of Miko wants to be there with the gang at the checkpoint, wants to be there but is told to stay at the school with the second-years just in case.
The van came to a stop.
"We are going to make sure those guys pay for it, Kisho." Said Megumi. Daichi nods, "Got it. Thanks Fushiguro." As they got off, they walked to the checkpoint.
The checkpoint was at the suburbs near the highway where there is a lone building with a billboard on top. Waiting for them is a middle-aged man with a small mustache wearing traditional Japanese clothing from the Edo era. Hakama and all that. To Daichi, he looks like the boss of the Yazuka.
"Finally...all of you are here." Said the curse user. Daichi glares at him as Eito hoots angrily as well. His classmates are wearing netural faces but deep down, they wanted to murder this guy. Gojo Saturo, the teacher seems nonchalant and seems very calm.
"My name is Uesaka Akihisa!" The curse user grins, "I am the leader of this group. Now you do have the item I requested?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's here." Gojo said with a bored look on his face, having the cursed tool in the case. Before this, he tells his students to stay calm before the encounter. Daichi is getting annoyed with this Uesaka. He is looking ready to throw fireballs at him. Megumi keeps him calm by placing a hand on his shoulder, making Daichi close his eyes and breathe a little. He needs to calm down. He needs to stay calm for Miko. He can't mess up.
"Where is my student?" Gojo asked calmly.
"Yeah! Where is she?!" Yuji asked, upset.
"Yeah! You better hurt not her, you creep!" Nobara yelled, pointing her hammer at the curse user.
"Easy now, young lady! I have no intention of harming your friend. Even if she tried to escape a few times, we made sure not to leave any bruises."
"Why you-" Daichi growls as Yuji, Nobara and Taz look ready to fight him. Megumi holds everyone back, "Don't. He's trying to provoke you guys." He tells his friends. With that reasoning alone, his friends stand down begrudgingly,
"In fact, I made sure to incapacitate her with my technique so she won't even try to leave!"
"A technique?" Gojo asked, frowning a bit. Daichi is now seething but the jujutsu sorcerers aren't prepared for the next words.
That's right! I put her in a drunken haze!" Said the curse leader.
Then there is a short pause. The male students had to process this so they had to ask to make sure. Super sure....
Daichi blinked and had to ask, "Drunken haze? As in...you got her drunk?"
"That's right." The curse user said with confidence. "That's my cursed technique. I can make everyone drunk around me. It's not an lethal but a useful one!"
"Like...how drunk?" Yuji asked now curious. The curse user blinks but answers, "So drunk that she doesn't know who she is! It's like she drank a lot of alcohol!" The curse user laughed.
OH no....
Megumi, Yuji, and Daichi's faces turned pale hearing. The girls, Nobara and Taz see their reactions and become confused. Meanwhile, Gojo raises a brow at the boys' reactions.
He can sees the shocked looks on their faces, "You must be scared for your dear fellow student! If you give what I want, I shall spare-"
"That's not it." Megumi said, cutting him off as he now looks annoyed then sighs deeply and shakes his head now. The curse user blinks and glares, not liking being cut off. "The hell do you mean that's not it?! Are you not concerned about your friend?!"
"We are but...uh....you see. When she gets drunk, she-" Itadori tries to explain but gets cut off.
"She what!?" The curse user yelled, getting impatient.
Out of the building, a window was shattered through from the inside. A curse user lackey was thrown out of the building, screaming and hits the floor with a twitch below. "OWWW! IT HURTS!" He cries painfully.
"That." Gojo points it out
The curse user leader stares wide-eyed. "Wait what?!" Then the sounds of yells and cries heard followed by loud shouts. Then what came out of the wall is man as he is kicked in the gut by Miko whom performed a dropkick. "HIIYA!"
The man is out of the building and crashes into a pile of bushes. Miko burps before moving on to the next floor.
"MIKO!" Daichi yelled but the moment he went to help her. But Gojo stops him.
"No, no, no." Gojo said. "Just let it happen." He said calmly with a smile.
"HUH?!" Daichi stares at Gojo in disbelief. Sukuna and Kinie, the cursed spirits inside of Yuji and Taz can already tell that Gojo is excited, seeing a drunk Miko in action. "Nanami informed me about what happened at the party. I can't believe it's true! Miko's drunk martial arts mode."
"Actually...sensei. It's more like wrestling." Yuji added.
"Oooo...is that so?" Gojo is now way interested in seeing how this goes.
"Yeah. She was using wrestling moves on a curse. She even use the piledriver move." Yuji explained.
"For reals?" Gojo asked. "Though wrestling counts as martial arts, right?"
"For reals and yes!" Yuji nodded before he gets a nudge to the side by a frowning Fushgiuro. Fushiguro sees Daichi very worried for Miko as he is chattering his teeth nonstop.
"Seriously? Why didn't I hear about this?!" Nobara exclaimed. Yuji sighs, "You were high...."
"Wait...what?! How?!"
"Remember the brownies you eat at a party involving that cursed vase?" Yuji said. Nobara widen her eyes, "WAIT IS THAT WHY I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING?!?!" Nobara shouted. Daichi sweatdrops, "Yes. Sorry..."
"Soo...are we not going to help?" Taz asked, bringing the subject back to this as Miko was literally beating everyone up inside the building. A couch is thrown out of the building and crashes into the parking lot.
"I mean...." Yuji begins then he pauses, hearing shouts. "SOMEONE STOP HER! SHE IS TOO STRONG FOR US! NONE OF OUR TECHNIQUES ARE WORKING! HEEELP! We NEED BACKUP!"
"I guess she got this in bag." Said Yuji while Nobara is shocked by this whole situation. "Holy crap...she threw a couch out of the building," Nobara exclaims. "I think she is going up!"
"Up?" Daichi is now worried than before.
Now Uesaka is appalled by this and swivels his head at Gojo-sensei with an angry look and points at the situation frantically. "Tell your student to stop this!" As if he completely forgot that he and his men kidnapped her in the first place.
"Ehhhhhh...." Gojo-sensei is tilting while moving his hands in a spinning motion, trying to answer this, "Aahhh...ahh....hmmmm.....errrr"
Uesaka is shaking with anger, closing his fists as Gojo-sensei is taking his sweet time to respond, "Nope!" Gojo smiles so playfully.
Gojo chuckles while his students except for Daichi ( who is scared for Miko by the way) are staring at the curse user in disbelief and annoyance.
"You kidnapped one of our friends, threatened to harm them so you can get a cursed tool from the school, made them drunk and you expect us to help you after all that?" Megumi questioned the man with a frown, crossing his arms. Yuji, Taz and Nobara are nodding in agreement and side-eyeing at the curse user while Daichi's teeth is now chattering, watching Miko beat all those curse users. "Miko!" Daichi cried.
Eito chirps comforting his partner, sensing his anxiety. Meanwhile...he has a phone in his beak and flies off, recording this.
"I mean...um...yes?" Uesaka answers, unsure of himself.
'This curse user is a fucking idiot.' Sukuna said in Yuji's head. And there are rare instances that Yuji has to agree with the King of Curses. This guy is really an idiot.
Kinie is snickering watching this unfold.
Inside his innate domain, Sukuna find this hilarious that none of these sorcerers can handle one single girl rampaging through hideout. Especially one that is so drunk.
"If you want us to help, you have to dispel your curse technique!" Daichi said, angrily now grabbing hold of his collar. "I-I...uh..." Uesaka gulps, "I could but..."
"BUT WHAT?!?!" Daichi glares shaking him. Megumi can tell Daichi is angry and he rarely sees him angry like this. "Easy Daichi," Megumi said, calming him down.
"Well..um...it only lasts a hour! So I can't dispel it..." Uesaka stammered with shoulders slumped. Daichi throws the curse user to the floor with a growl, "If anything happens to her, you're going to get it. Got me?" Daichi's eyes glow pink making the curse user startled.
"I-I" Uesaka gulped.
"Now, now, now, Daichi. No need for that. I mean..Miko is handling herself pretty well." Said Gojo now eating a bucket of popcorn. Seriously..where the hell did he had the time to get a bucket of popcorn?? Megumi thought, twitching an eye at that with a vein pop.
"But Sensei! Miko...she's drunk!" Daichi cried.
"Oh! I am aware of that! Mr. Kusakabe told me. Nanami didn't because he is so tight-lipped!" Gojo-sensei said. "Besides...I get to see Drunk Miko in action! It's pretty amazing!"
"Sensei, are you not even at least worried?!" Nobara said. Taz nods, "What happens if she gets hurt?" She asked while her cursed spirit was inside of her, Kinie Ger never heard of this. Of course, she will get briefed by the King about it.
"Oh! Hearing what she did to vase curse! It was a high grade. She will be fine~!" Gojo said. "Oh! Look! Miko is on the rooftop."
"SHE'S WHERE?!" Daichi cried and gasped, seeing Miko on the rooftop as she was drunk, hiccuping and burping. Miko is on the rooftop where there is a billboard with a beauty advertisement. She is cornered by a few curse users who look beaten up and bruised.
"NO! Natsuo! NO!" Uesaka shouted. "DON'T DO IT!"
"COME FORTH! Yomi Crawler!" Natsuo, a young man in his mid-20s summoned a beast. It is big and a big grey reptilian with a skull-like head with two horns, it had two long forearms with no hindlegs, just a long serpentine tails. If Daichi had to describe it's from one of those kajui movies. What was it?
The Yomi Crawler hisses.
"NOW ANY LAST WORDS?!" Natsuo laughs evilly while his prehistoric shikigami hisses it's snake tongue, ready to eat her up
Miko does. She narrows her eyes and raises her fists shouting, "HONEY BADGER DON'T CARE!" She yelled.
A pause.
"Honey Badger, what?" Said everyone in unison.
The Yomi Crawler roars and charges as it goes to slam its hand onto Miko but Miko intercepts by catching its palm and pushes the crawler roughly, making it topple over the curse users. Natuso gets out of the way. His compatriots aren't so lucky as they got injured seriously.
"THAT IDIOT!" Uesaka slams his fists on the ground. Megumi grabs Uesaka's collar, "HEY! What kind of shikigami did your associate summoned?!"
"It's Yomi Crawler! He's our dangerous weapon! Natsuo insists on calling it Skullcrawler because some movie involved a huge gorilla on an island that has a monster like it but I renamed it to avoid it due to copyright issues!!"
Yomi Crawler quickly recovers and goes to do a tail swipe at Miko. Miko jumps to the air and lands on the billboard. "YOU RUINED A PRESENT I WAS ABOUT TO PICK OUT!"
"Huh?" Daichi blinks.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Natsuo shouted, frustrated as he has no idea what she's saying.
"Yeah...what is she talking about?" Gojo-sensei asks, still eating his popcorn while the other four including Eito look at Daichi, because they know exactly WHO Miko is talking about.
"G-got no idea!" Daichi quickly says while his face flushes pink, looking to the side.
Megumi sighs. Why I am not surprised???
Then he hears the Yomi Crawler growls loudly as it launches its tongue at Miko. She quickly dodges by jumping down under the billboard. The shikigami goes to swipe its claws at her to which Miko darts to the side and slams into the pole that is holding up the billboard. The pole was heavily dented making the billboard tiled. Miko roars, "AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID PLAN! STUPID CuRSE TOOL! HONEY BADGER DON'T CARE!" She rips the pole from the billboard, making fall over the the monstrous crawler. This pins down the monster briefly before it thrashes, getting out of here while snapping its jaws at Miko.
"HONEY BADGER DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!" Miko roars, stunning the shinigami with her great cursed energy before she goes to pick up the billboard by the broken stem and starts whacking the monster with it. Mind you, the billboard probably weighs a thousand tons!
"YOU! DAMN! STUPID! STINKY! DUMB! LIZARD!" She said each word after each whack on the shikigam's head. The Yomi Crawler is seeing stars after each bonk as there is swirls in its eyes.
--- Down at the ground level -----
"NOOOO!" Daichi drops to his knees, yelling in great sadness.
"Daichi...what's wrong?! Don't you see...Miko is winning!" Yuji said, pointing at Miko, whacking the shinigami on the head with part of the billboard. It's like Mario carrying a sledgehammer and hitting Browser in Super Smash Bros. Instead, it's Miko hitting a huge dangerous carnivorous shikigami with a broken billboard.
"That's not it! Daichi shouted, waggling his fists in the air. Nobara frowns, "Then what?!"
"SHE'S SWEARING!" Daichi cries. The students sweatdrops hearing that.
"That's your biggest concern right now?!"Megumi yelled at Daichi as he couldn't believe him while Gojo is snickering. "Wow! No wonder the Principal got so worried! This is the best show ever and I don't need to do anything!" Gojo takes another handful of popcorn and eats it.
The billboard broke in half and the sikigami got so upset, it lunged at the girl. Daichi gasps, "MIKO! LOOK OUT!"
----- At the rooftop -----
Miko jumps away but now is in the air and below here there is no rooftop just the free fall straight to the ground. The shinigami grabs hold of her as both falls to the ground. Miko wrestles out of the hold by biting down hard.
Gojo would have sworn seeing sharp teeth and animalistic features on Miko. The shinigami bleeds as it cries out, lets go out of here before it got a double kick at the waist, sending it further down to the ground resulting a huge crash.
"NO! NOT OUR TRUMP CARD!" Uesaka cried in despair while Daichi runs over to the scene, scared for Miko.
"That's your trump card?!" Sukuna is now laughing alongside Kinie Ger who is in awe seeing this humiliating display! Man, this drunken badger knows how to put on a show, alright! The first thing was horrifying but the second time? It is now hilarious.
"Miko! Miko!" He calls out for her name in the debris smoke. "Say something!" He said. Daici is gasping as he is on the verge of tears until he hears a shout.
"KIIIIISSSHO!" He heard a familar voice before he got tackled by MIko to the ground. She nuzzles against him nonstop. "Y-you're here, my lovely flame bird!" She said drunkenly as Daichi's cheeks went red. "M-m-miko! You okay?!" He is so glad that Miko is okay!
"When you're here yes! So warm!" Miko said gleefully. Eito chirps. Daichi sighs and goes to pick her up in bridal style. The rest of the students catch up. "Miko! You're okay!" Taz smiled, happy to see her safe. Megumi sighs while Yuji and Nobara are glad to see Miko is okay despite being drunk.
"Where's the shikigami?" Megumi asked.
"Shiki...gami~?" Miko hiccups. Out of the smoke, the shinigami emerges and roars at them with its hands high ready to kill them all as its jaws are now opened wide Right away, the students immediately went into their offensive positions.
Then suddenly, a fire blast hits the shikigami in the mouth.
Daichi holds up his arm with his palm open and forward while Eito, his partner caws angrily at the shikigami. He glares at the shinigami that is now hacking and coughing from the fireball.
"Megumi. Please hold Miko for me." He said to which Megumi did without question because the shadow sorcerer can already tell the flame sorcerer was pissed. "You're going to pay for this!" He said as he readied a fire arrow at the shinigami now recovered and lunged at the students. Megumi sees the arrow is getting now bigger.
The other students widen their eyes. Oh shit! And runs off right away as Daichi lets go out of the arrow. A huge explosion as smoke swept the area bringing up huge winds of gust that breezed through Gojo's hair as the teacher finished his popcorn! "Welp! Looks like the problem is solved!" He said while the curse user is blown away and fell face-first with his butt up.
Once that is over, Megumi and the others take cover behind the wall while Miko whines, "Where's Kiiisho!" She said as the student peeks their heads out.
And there's Daichi and Eito. In front of them is a burned shikigami now twitching as it dies in the hole ground. Daichi huffs before turns around. He takes a breath.
"Wow. So freaking cool." Miko said while Yuji, Nobara, and Taz nodded in agreement. Impressive. Looks like it's over.
Well...almost over..
Because the building begins to shift and starts to fall on its side, right on top of the two and the enemy shinigami. Daichi widens his eyes and screams, running away. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Daichi is now in the clear before the building collapses, leaving nothing but rubble.
The students stared in shock and started to sweat as they looked toward Megumi, knowing what was about to happen. Daichi looks at the destroyed property before going down to his knees and yelling, "NOT AGAIN!"
And not only that, he knows what entails. He felt a shadow over him making him sweat profusely. Gulping, Daichi quickly puts his head to the ground as he turns around. "S-sorry! Megumi Fushiguro! I didn't mean to!"
Right away, the three, Itadori, Kugsaki, and Hellion went to Daichi's defense, "Yeah! He's right! That thing was about to hurt Miko!" Said Nobara.
"Listen..." Megumi begins.
"Yeah! Come on! You can't blame him for that! He has a right to defend his girl!" Said Yuji, holding Miko by giving her a piggyback. Daichi chokes, hearing Yuji.
"Guys..." Megumi said.
"Please don't punish!" Said Taz and Yuji nods, "Yeah! Come on, Fushiguro! Don't do this! Don't get angry!"
"GUYS! I'M NOT ANGRY! CAN YOU RELAX?!" Megumi shouted at the four. The four became surprised by this. Megumi sighs shaking his head, "If anything, it's all the curse users' fault for summoning a huge shinigami and kidnapping Miko in the first place. Also, Daichi, stand up. It's fine." Megumi said. This made Daichi blink and slowly get up, "So you're not mad?"
"No...they started it and you finish it. We can write this up that the cause of this is the shikigami that they summoned." He said. "And Miko rescued herself from the captors and we are there to help at the last moment when the enemy shikigami attacked us. The cursed tool is safe. So no need to panic..." He tells Daichi. Hearing that, Daichi widen his eyes at this and can't believe Megumi's words. In a way, he felt relieved and happy to heard that.
"In fact..." Megumi looks toward the remaining curse users who evacuated the building before it came down. He walked over to the curse users who were dirty and bruised thanks to Miko's beatdown.
The curse users noticed the students, blinking dumbfounded.
"We just need to beat them up and hold them till the other sorcerers come here." Megumi said. Right away, Nobara grins at that suggestion. "You know...that's a good idea! What do you say, Yuji?"
Yuji hums as they see the appenhenrisve curse user tremblings. Sukuuna cackles now. "You know? Sure. They made Miko drunk so they gotta pay for what they did." Yuji said.
Daichi blinks.
"I will look after Miko." Said Taz. Kinie groans as she wants to beat them up but seeing the curse users getting beat up by the King's vessel is better than nothing!
Daichi smiles at this. "Alright! Let's make this quick!" As all four are closing onto the curse users now sweating and a one-sided brawl has commenced. Because right now, they're so going to beat up these curse users for this!
"OOoh! Another fight!" Gojo is now drinking a cola, supervising the situation. Uesaka got back up and groans, rubbing his head. He widens his eyes to see his men getting defeated by the students of Jujutsu High.
"Ooh! Maybe I should play refeere!" Gojo smiles. "Hello everyone! I am your referee! Gojo Saturo, pleased to meet you! Tonight's match between my lovely students and the scary curse users!" He laughed. "My students are now seeking revenge of their dear friend and started their onslaught!" He said, having a microphone at his hand. Taz sweatdrops but chuckles.
"Up first, Kugasaki Nobara delivers a mean dropkick at one of them! She is soaring high wonderfully!" He said as he sees Nobara do a drop kick at one guy's chest, sending him flying. "She is lovely as a rose but her thorns are deadly!" He said as Nobara elbowed another in the throat before whacking that one with her toy hammer.
"And here comes Itadori Yuji with the knee release! Oh! That is brutal! So gonna hurt in the morning!" Then Yuji used his Taidoo martial arts, going to one two-kick with a knee release at one guy. "But no noes! Yuji got tackled but his strength is no other!" Itadori picks up the curse user that tried to tackle him then body slams that guy to the ground, "And that's why he is called the Tiger of West!" He laughed. Yuji sweatdrops and chuckles but keeps on fighting.
"And my precious Megummmi quickly put those two out of commission! So quick! So fast! He's amazing!" Gojo exclaimed as he watched Megumi box two people at the same time, knocking them both out with quick movements. Megumi punches another in the gut before doing an uppercut at the jaw, knocking the third one out. "Never mess with a wolf and his fangs! Even if he is cute and cuddly!"
"SHUT IT!" Megumi yelled in annoyance. But Gojo isn't finished doing his commentary.
"HAHAHA! Look the fiery phoenix, Great Daichi Pheonix doing quick work of one guy! He might be a Chunbiyo but his eyes are blazing with determination!" Gojo said as he watched Daichi did a knee kick at his opponent before doing a cross punch at one curse user, "Aren't my students precious?!"
Then he sees someone coming up behind Taz and Miko. Taz sniffs and quickly does a round kick to the temple, knocking the sneaking curse user out. Taz sighs with relief, pressing a hand on her chest.
"HA! When it comes to sneaking, Little Taz always knows who sneaks up behind her! You can forget about jumping her because that little lady always knows and is always ready!" Gojo exclaimed making Taz blush a little.
"HIIYA! GO TO THEE HELL!" Miko looks excited by the brawl and jumps in by delivering a double clothesline at two curse users, dropping them to the ground.
"And here comes the Crazy Honey Badger, Miko barging into the ring!" Gojo yelled, "And look! She is doing a cobra twist on this poor guy! His soul looks to be out of his body by now!"
"SOMEONE HELP ME!" Cried a curse user caught in Miko's wrestling cobra twist. The curse user faints and goes limp due to the move.
Uesaka stares in shock and horror, "T-t-the students are beating up my men?!" He sweatdrops as his hakama falls to the side, watching this in disbelief. He plops down to the ground, crawling back. Oh god...he needs to get out of here. His plan is ruined. Ruined!
"You damn brats!!" Natuso yelled, going to charge in with a knife. Right away, Megumi grabs one of Natsuo's arms, twisting it. Natuso cries out as he unwittingly lets go of his knife and then he delivers a haymaker punch before Daichi jumps in with a karate chop to the head. "THIS IS FOR MIKO!" Daichi yelled, knocking Natuso out.
"Great teamwork by Megumi and Daichi! Keep up the good work!" Gojo said proud of his students. Uesaka lets out an angry yell and rushes at Gojo but the strongest sorcerer makes quick work of the curse user leader with a strong tap to the forehead, knocking him out cold. "Hey!" The teacher frowns, "I'm the referee! No attacking the referee!" He said with a pout before snickering. Soon the brawl ended with the students emerging as victors of the brawl.
----- Jujutsu High ----
Daichi is now carrying a sleeping Miko on his back as he and the others are making their way back onto the campus.
"Jeez...I never Miko had it in her!" Nobara said. "So if she's drunk, she's like that?"She asked, looking at Miko sleeping peacefully.
"Uh-huh." Said the boys.
"Is that how she defeated the vase curse?" Taz asked.
"Uh-huh." The boys answered. Nobara demands an explanation, "But how?!"
"She performed a Black Flash." Said Megumi. Nobara gasps, "For real?"
"For real." Said the boys. Taz nods, "Oh is that why Maki is teaching her on how to fight? She was using uh..."
"Wrestling moves, Miko is specialized in that because she's a big fan of wrestling. She shows me a few of her videos. They're pretty amazing. Seeing her do is so cool!" Daichi smiles. Then he sees the faces of his friends looking at him. "What? What is it?" He blinks
Nobara chuckles deviously, "Oh..you know! It makes me wonder what kind of present that Miko is going to get you."
"Probably some manga or figurines!" Yuji said.
"What are you saying?!" Daichi blushing pink.
"Oh come on! Lovely Flame Bird? She is SO talking about you while she was fighting that huge big bad shinigami!" Nobara points this out. Yuji said, "Yeah! I mean...you're the guy, Daichi!"
"It was quite obvious," Megumi said. Taz nods, "Yep! You're the one who has a bird-like Eito and has the power of fire!" Taz said.
"By the way, didn't you confess to her?" Yuji asked which Daichi kept quiet for a moment.
"Daichi? Kisho?" Megumi said his name, raising a brow as he saw Daichi's lips twitch.
"Oh! Uh! I have to take her to Doctor Ieiri to see what's going on! See you later! BYE!" He runs off getting Miko to the nurse's office. Yuria Niguredou sees the others return with Miko on Daichi's back. "Guys! You came back!" But Daichi runs past making her blink. Yuria walks to the group, "Did something happen?"
"Lots. I will tell you the details." Megumi said to her.
"Oh! Is Miko okay?"
"She is! Better than okay!" Said Yuji. Yuria then asks, "Then why is Daichi's face red?""
"He didn't confess." They said. Yuria sighs, "Figures. So what really happened?"
"Miko was drunk." Said the four. Yuria gasps, "HOW?!"
Then a chirp is heard as Eito flies around them as he goes over to Megumi, handing him Daichi's phone. Megumi blinks, "You...recorded it?"
Eito chirps happily. Megumi takes that as a yes.
"Now I have to see how it went down!" Yuria said. Yuji nods, "Same! Do you think Eito got better angles of the fight?"
"Hey, don't hog the phone! I want to see it!" Nobara whined.
"Oh! How about we screen share in the dorm lounge?" Taz suggested.
"Good idea, sis!" Yuji smiled as the four ran off, leaving Megumi there. He can't help shaking his head and smiles with a shrug. Well...that went pretty well. He is going to check up on Daichi and Miko. Gojo-sensei would give his report to the principal about what went down.
Today is one weird day but ends on a good note.
"I need some sleep after this." Megumi sighs.
To be continued....
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wildrosesayshigh3 · 3 months
ATLA/LOK thoughts/headcanons pt.4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The great spirts where starting to fade by the end of the hundred year war cause of the imbalance the attack on the fire nation did on the air temples. Air feeds fire and the other great spirts became extremely limited in what they could do without the others their to keep them in check. And by the time of Avatar Korra they barely had any presence in the material world. The effects of Ravva another great spirt merging with a human and her brother being locked away for 10,000 yrs is still being felt so much so that the avatar was needed.
Ursa did more damage to Azula and Zuko's relationship with each other and others than Ozai ever did. Zuko was fighting for something that he knew he didn't have. Azula on the other hand only got little slivers of her mothers full attention and affection before she payed attention to Zuko once more
Lu Ten was probably the only member of the fire imperial family who saw the siblings as they were and treated them fairly. He saw them both as both crown prince and older cousin.
Azula and Zuko deserved to work together more. Zuko is all heart, hot passion and bright charisma. Azula is all head, cold passion, and dark charisma.
While Zuko isn't a prodigy in fire bending he is one when it comes to weapons specifically those with blades. He's talent for weapons rivaled that of Azula's in fire bending.
Azulon never had the intention to put Ozai or Iroh on the throne. Otherwise he would have handed the throne to Iron when he had Lu Ten cause the heir already had an heir.
When Azulon said he wanted Ozai to feel the pain pf losing his firstborn he didn't mean it in the kill your son way. As dysfunctional as the fire imperial family is he isn't about to let his only remaining male heir die.
Azulon was the one who was in charge of the war effort for a good chunk of the 100 yr war. As the war didn't start until after Aang was in the ice and he made no mention of knowing the existence of a crown prince. So yeah the fire nation surrenders within less than a decade of his death because the one whose been in-charge of the war for a good 70+ yrs as died suddenly and his second son replaced the war council with yes men.
Zutara would never have worked in canon for two reasons. (1) Katara may have started to truly heal from her mother's passing and now knows that all fire nation isn't evil but it does very little to trauma of the experience of losing her mother. (2) They have the chemistry but they aren't compatible in the slightest both are two stubborn to give up their stanches until they are either (1) morally inaccurate or (2) have a more well reasoned voice/ calm voice to talk them out of their heads. They would have never lasted long.
Maiko is canon not because of what was shown directly but because the hidden implications and understandings.
Roku is not just Zuko's great-grandfather but also Azula's.
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unholyhelbig · 2 years
Werewolf!Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader. College/Werewolf!AU
Where Reader is bitten by a mysterious wolf. After a party, Reader encounters a huge, blue-eyed wolf in the woods. Kate is part of the Avengers pack. Kate meets her companion after saving his life.
[A/n: I feel like some of you have the sixth sense about the fact that I've written so much werewolf fanfiction for Hailee Characters. Anyway, I was happy to do this!]
Trigger Warnings: Blood, usual gory werewolf bite, some mentions of SA seminars, College douche bags (Nothing graphic at all, but proceed with caution).
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Once Bitten, Twice an Idiot | Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
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The night air held a warmth like freshly brewed tea, deliberate and honey thick. The sun had long ago set, exposing you to a darkened sky with an ornamental moon.  That light, of course, barely made it through the large oaks and logs. The underbrush pulled at your jeans, your legs, your arms, until they’d been reduced to pulp.
There was a stitch in your side, one that normally would have slowed you down. You weren’t much for sports, or physical exertion that didn’t’ have a clear end game. But this was different- the reward for dodging trees, and holes, and damp surfaces was your life.
You should have realized you were being stalked. The signs were all there; the hair standing on the back of your neck, the snapping of twigs and dead grass. The fear that shot through your body. Of course- you figured it was some college douche who had followed you from the library. Not an animal.
At least, you were pretty sure that deathly growl came from an animal. A thing with glowing blue eyes and dripping jowls. Granted, you hadn’t stuck around. You stupidly dashed into the woods, thinking that sticking to the side of an empty road was a dumber choice. Maybe the woods would slow it down- but it seemed to work as a crux.
When your front pushed against an ice-cold chain-link fence, a bit of relief came over you. This was it- you’d be set free from this little game of cat and mouse. At least your death would come quick, fingers wrapped around the metal, you panted in shorts spirts of condensation.
The animal was clearly defined against the color of the yellow moon. It was massive, trying to catch its own breath. Its fur was a pitch black, not just a trick of the light. But it’s eyes, its eyes were almost kind in their own way, an inner struggle.
A rumbling growl cut through any reprieve. Were wolves’ common practice in the state of New York? You were from the south, the air much warmer and wetter. The wildlife calmer until provoked. You hadn’t provoked this, nor did you think you’d survive it.
The wolf jumped onto you, large paws pushing into your collarbone with another stunned growl of dominance. A watery, blood-mixed drool moved past peeled back lips, exposing pink gums. The scent of damp fur and rotted meat filled your lungs. You realized you were whimpering- crying deafened by the animals’ movements.
The bite came with a blinding pain in the smooth expanse between the side of your neck and the top of your shoulder. You screamed until your throat burned, tasting of copper. Teeth embedded into your flesh, cracking your bones. The animal pulled away, letting out an earth-shattering howl in response- for a moment, your voices were in synch, mingling under the moon.
Pressure was flung off of you, the wolf that had tackled you to the ground, the one that had bit into you, was suddenly knocked onto its side. The silhouette of a bigger animal had pinned its predecessor to the ground, letting off a warning grumble filled with venom.
You weren’t stupid, you never had been. You clenched your eyes shut and played dead.
Pain erupted across your temple in tandem with your heart against your wrist. There was a cold wet feeling that engulfed you. It had snowed in the night, nothing big, nothing substantial, but cold enough to stir you from the muck and leaves that were encased around you. You’d been buried, or covered, at least.
The scent of the woods filled your lungs with every even breath you took. The light seemed too bright, the air too cold. Every nerve ending in your body stood up on edge, heightened with what you assumed was fear. You’d forgotten the wound on your shoulder, the blood that had frozen to your skin in an ugly brown, hard color.
Your bag was a few paces ahead of you, textbooks scattered and damp, the words running ink. Great. You’d be lucky if you could pawn them off by the end of the semester. It was a stupid thought to have. You’d been attacked, and the only thing that registered was the scent of wet paper and the inevitable donation of lofty books.
Your phone began to vibrate. The sound was deafening, you groaned, clenching your dirty hands to either side of your head. You could feel it in your teeth, eventually patting the ground until you unearthed it. The screen was shattered, but functional.
“Hello?” You rasped.
“Gracias a dios” America’s voice was almost as deafening as the cellphone ringing. You winced and pulled it away from your ear “Where are you y/n? MJ was two seconds from filing a missing person’s report with campus security.”
“I’m sorry, I fell asleep while studying. Tell her not to worry. I’m on my way home now.”
You hung up before she could feel through your lie. It had come so naturally. Your memory was murky, your bones tired. This was something a shower could cure, maybe an energy smoothie from the local coffee shop.
After shoving your textbooks and phone back into your bag, you felt your way along the thin metal fence until you reached a familiar road. You wish you had had the sense to do that last night. There was something in playing dead that actually convinced your brain that losing consciousness was okay.
Something was bothering you. A lot of things were, but the animal, the beast that had sunk it’s teeth into you hadn’t gone back to finish the job. Even if you were playing dead, something as cunning as that could tell the difference, right? It was all too much.
You snuck into your apartment and made a beeline to the bathroom before your roommates could get a good look at you. There were leaves in your hair, caked with blood and dirt, and maybe even saliva.
Dark circles rimmed your eyes, muck under your nails. You’d never been hit by a bus before, but you imagined this is what it would feel like, what it would look like. The hot water of the shower eased your nerves. Made the bite less intimidating. Small puncture wounds rimmed in an ugly purple bruise.
A sweatshirt hit most of the offenses. Not the pale skin, or your shaking hands. But it would have to do. You stalked into the kitchen and swallowed two glasses of spit-warm water. It was like you’d hadn’t had a drink in months, instead of a single night. It was then that MJ and America heard you as you filled up your third cup despite the ache in your stomach.
“Holy shit, you look like crap.”
“What the fuck happened to you?”
They both spoke at the same time. You finished the third glass of water, taking a deep, steadying breath. The world seemed to quiet, your ears still ringing. “Fell asleep at the library.”
“I’m not buying it.” America said, “Did some asshole from Delta Phi pull something? We can get campus security here right now.”
You held up your hand, “I appreciate the concern, really. Nothing happened. Just a long night. Campus police won’t do anything anyway.”
MJ pulled herself onto the barstool and folded her hands. She watched you carefully but didn’t’ say anything. That was enough for you, a small mercy in a storm of confusion. You pulled open the fridge, each scent blending into one that made your stomach clench. There was a Tupperware container of lasagna that caught your eye.
Maybe that would satiate the hunger that had been plaguing you despite the water you had downed. You used a fork to take two large bites of it, chewing wolfishly before America cleared her throat. “Dude… you gonna heat that up?”
You shook your head and took another bite, shoving the Tupperware back into the fridge. “Better cold. I have class. Love you guys!”
It was hard to miss the look they shared as you pulled on your backpack. America was the one who stopped you, her voice soft, words thick with worry. The two of you had known one another since childhood when she landed a close fingered hit to the center of Jace Cameron’s nose after he stole your lunch. There was gushing blood and a lot of tears, but the kid never fronted after that. He transferred schools after that year.
America could read you better than anyone else, and at this point in your friendship, so could MJ. All three of you had opened your acceptance letters together, crowded around a greasy basket of fries in a local pizza joint. It was all part of the plan, really, attend the same college, go to the same parties, become bridesmaids at weddings bound to happen.
Her touch was gentle against your elbow. “Y/n, you’re sure you’re alright? You look a little pale.”
“I’m perfect, really. Just tired. You’re still going to the Greek fundraiser tonight, right?”
She pursed her lips at the change of subject. Nodded at you before letting her hand drop to her side. It pained you to lie to her, really, it did. But you were technically exhausted. You didn’t’ know how to explain that your whole body was screaming different signals at you. That you were starving to the point of craving something raw and uncooked. That you had woken up in the woods after being bitten by a wild animal. It was all too crazy- even for America.
The party could be heard from across campus. It seemed that no matter how many cheap beers you downed, you couldn’t’ get the music to soften. Conversations cut through the liquid sound like a knife. You couldn’t focus, not really, on What MJ was saying, running her fingers against the golden belt that sinched a cheap bedsheet.
“Toga parties are so last century.” She mumbled, “I mean, it feels like appropriation, right? Damned if they’ve been dead for millenniums. It’s tasteless.”
It had taken you a painstaking hour to arrange the sheet in a way that wouldn’t aggravate the wound against your shoulder. It hadn’t slowed it’s trickle of red, having saturated your sweater by the time  you came back to the apartment after your final class. You’d bandaged it well enough, and situated a clump of white fabric over the area, eyes darting towards it every once in a while, looking for a bloom of color.
So far so good.
“Yeah, but you have to admit, they’re kind of comfy. I could get used to this!”
You winced when a loud belly laugh moved through the crowd. The Delta men had just sunk another ping pong ball into piss-warm beer. They hollered like real primal beings. You frowned, leaving your cup on the mantel. Maybe a nice break is what you needed, a few breaths and quiet of the earth instead of the hot frat house.
“I need some air,” You leaned close to MJ, shouting over the music.
“Okay, do you need me to come with you?”
“No! You stay. America is up next for beer pong. She’ll kill both of us if we dip now.”
She nodded and watched as the competitive edge of their roommate flashed in her eyes. She leaned against the wall, judging the gall that the president of the frat had, taking a risky shot. A smile turned up the corners of her lips when the ball bounced off the rim.
A couple was making out on the porch, swallowing one another’s tongues. The sickly-sweet scent of stem-picked weed filled your lungs. You walked down the porch. The night was clear and cold. Woods surrounded the property, the small patches that were allowed by the city.
This place, you imagined, had once been vast and beautiful. It was filled with cookie cutter homes now, suburban housewives and a single street of fraternities and sororities. The further you walked from the house, the lighter you felt. No more music, no clinging scent of alcohol. The full moon lit your way clean.
There was a strange charge to the air that you didn’t’ quite understand. The night had always called to you like it did anyone else, the air sharper, easier to breathe. But this was different, just like most of the day had been different. You slowed your pace by the edge of a large patch of trees, your hair standing up on the edge of your neck.
There were eyes on you, that was clear. A primal type of fear flooded your veins. It had been stupid to stary from the party, no matter the sensory overload. MJ should be with you, even one of the frat boys sucking face on the porch would ease your nerves. You were illuminated by a deep yellow circle of streetlight.
You took a deep, steadying breath, squinting between the trees and the underbrush, and the fallen leaves. There was an urge to say hello, to call out, but you had seen enough horror movies to hold your tongue. Just like you had seen enough to run the evening before.
Out of instinct, you pulled a small travel sized canister of pepper spray, unlocking it. You'd never used it before, always feared accidentally unleashing it in a crowded bus or classroom.
Letting out a yelp, you swung your hand at air behind you, blushing with an odd type of nervousness. It looked stupid, you guessed, swinging wildly when nothing was really there. Except something was really there, and it grabbed your hand with an iron grip, pulling it back.
You screamed and released a stream of pepper spray right into your attacker’s face. She screamed too, releasing your hand and stumbling backwards, eyes rimmed red and teary. “Holy Shit, oh my god, Holy shit.”
Part of you felt bad, admittedly. She was tall and lanky and using the sleeves of her flannel to flush away the mascara running down her face. Her nose was running, black hair pulled into a ponytail except for a few wild strands.
“You pepper sprayed me,” she said with indignance.
“You were following me!”
“No, I wasn’t!” She shot back, blinking wildly “Okay, maybe I was- but God damn it!”
You let your shoulders drop in exhaustion. She sniffed, wiping the snot from the base of her nose. Her eyes were rimmed in a bright red. You’d never used pepper spray before, nor did you ever want to again. The scent in the air was thick and painful.
“Why were you following me?” You asked.
“I wanted to see if you were okay. You left the frat house pretty quickly. It was dumb. I’m dumb, I’m sorry.”
Your finger moved from the top of the pepper spay. You shoved it into your pocket, trying to search your mind for a familiar face in the crowd, bumping and grinding in nothing but dishtowels and white sheets. Of course, you were preoccupied by your own overwhelming senses to pay much attention to anything else.
She blinked a few more times before her vision cleared up. Her cheeks were still a ripe apple red. Under the waning moon, she looked pale and pretty. Her eyes were a startling blue, almost inhuman. You chalked it up to your fight method kicking in, though they sent a shock straight to your core.
“Are you?” She asked, voice strained.
“Am I what?”
“Okay? You didn’t’ seem to be. I went to that campus seminar about always having a buddy system. It was pretty informative. Made me paranoid, I think. But you looked overwhelmed.”
“I am overwhelmed.”
You didn’t think you would admit it that easily. Maybe it was the fact that she was a stranger, or that there was an instant warmth that surrounded her. It made you equally guilty for your actions, and intrigued by hers. You turned and started walking in the direction that you were heading, keeping from the sidewalks and to the small space where asphalt converged with cement.
She walked with you, side by side. There was height to her. You didn’t’ know where you were going but it eased your nerves with her there. “Do you ever make choices that don’t make sense?”
“All the damn time. Like when you look back on them, there were a million other options laid out in front of you. A million different variables and yet, you still chose the one that got you here in this moment.”
“Exactly.” You frowned “I got attacked by an animal last night, and I had a million chances to tell someone about it. To do something. But I haven’t. I ran into the woods instead of further into campus. I lied about being okay to two of my closest friends. I woke up this morning feeling… different. And now I’m telling a girl I just met all of this for no reason.”
She stopped then, and so did you. There was a stretch of cookie cutter homes in front of you, and the raging frat party behind. A neighborhood watch sign loomed behind your shoulder. A sprinkler kicked to life down the block, saturating the grass. You felt stupid in your sinched sheet.
“Let me guess.” She started slow, tentative. “You’re hungry, sensitive to light. To sound. Mainly smell? The world is screaming at you from every angle, and you don’t know how to get it to stop?”
“Yeah, something like that. How’d you know?”
“Great,” She whispered and continued on her walk. You watched her for a few moments before shaking your head clear and jogging to catch up with her. She had impossibly long legs.
“I was hoping I hadn’t bitten that hard.”
“I get carried away sometimes. It’s the full moon. It has a hold. Clint says control comes with practice but I don’t have time for practice and now I have to explain all of this to Steve-“
You had jumped in front of her at this point, cutting her off in her words and in her strides. Your hand was heavy on her shoulder. The redness was gone from her stare. Her skin was scalding against the palm of your hand. You pulled back. “Slow down. What?”
The girl let out a long sigh “I bit you last night. I’m already feeling guilty enough about it. You don’t have to lecture me. I figured I could track you down, make sure you were okay.”
“Clearly not okay,”
“I’m gathering that.”
“What… are you?”
“An Aries.” She shrugged her shoulders. “And a werewolf.”
Taglist: @almaperegrinespipe @justyourwritter69 @maddess @bxrbiewrites @jasminebelding @i-need-somebody-else @sapphic-girl @pianogirl2121 @ohmy-godyes @littlebluestone @kacka84 @143bc @lenam07 @tforjtap @iwishforausername @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @honeymoonbbie
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patriamrealm · 1 year
I posted a few more chapters of the iceland ghost and recently did some drawings for it so follow the, the whole chapter, What’s in a name? will be under the cut~
With the full trust of the clan in his abilities to lead them all through the Bonechill Wastelands was far faster. Gaeric led them with confidence befitting of a warden. Jaori couldn’t be prouder of the younger man. He forged their path guiding them through the snow and illusions, assured they would avoid all pit falls into the ice tunnels, guided them around alpha pokemon territory. Every bit the warden he was supposed to be.
Jaori paused to watch his wardens working in tandem. Helping one another and the clan with practiced ease. But, he couldn’t help but notice that for the first time in years all the wardens were not missing a piece. Each warden did their duty and they did it well, covering their sides and aiding in travel but for many years they have been missing one warden. One that without them made travel so much longer. Somehow the spirit was filling that missing roll.
Not only did its flames keep the pokemon at bay but it aided in traversing up the many difficult ledges. Jaori was certain it had no need to climb, not with the way it moved like gravity was just a suggestion, but it did so anyway. Helping haul others and their supplies up and down just like the noble Sneasler wardens used to do just 5 years ago. It climbed in a way that was far too detached from gravity but climbed none the less.
Though despite how helpful it was being and how used to the spirit they were the clan was still made nervous by its presence for so long. Avoiding taking its hand when it offered assistance through a difficult spot if possible. He did not blame them.
The only ones to have no reservations to the spirit was Gaeric and Lian. Gaeric held no hesitation to telling the spirit to do something. Lian had long since escaped Irida having marched right up to the spirt demanding to be picked up. Over the course of the hours the boy had fallen asleep and the spirit had shed its shadowed body to wrap the child up securely on its back revealing pale cloth torn and bloodied from the claws of pokemon. He wondered which wound it died from, or if the cold killed the sprit first.
He couldn’t help but stare at the color of the cloth the spirit wore, pale, impossible to tell what color it used to wear in the unnatural light. Blue, purple, or pink. He didn’t like the implications. This was a man who died in the icelands long before he was ever born. If that were the case, then it’s possible the spirit’s body was never found. Even worse there was a good chance that it was never given a proper passing.
He couldn’t help but wonder as he watched the spirit fall into place with his clan. Still too tall and far too thin, blood tainting the pale clothing that only those of pearl wore. He desperately hopped that his hunch was wrong, that the spirit was that of an outsider or even that of their ancestors the Celestica. The longer he watched though the more that thought settled into his mind. The spirit was just too kind, too concerned for their clan to have belonged anywhere else and Lian sleeping soundly upon it’s back did not help at all. He really didn’t like the implications of that. Perhaps, perhaps it was time to actually speak with the spirit.
The moon had started to move from its highest point by the time they reached their new home. Everyone made quick work of setting up all the yurts, eager to get out of the cold. Gaeric breaking up the frozen ground to allow Calaba and Lord Ursaluna to dig into it to place the posts. Saini went about aiding Kei and the others unpack, focusing on creating fires and getting everything into place.
Gaeric could see that unlike the adults the sleepy children had taken curiously to the spirit, hanging around its feet basking in the warmth of its unnatural flames that floated throughout the kotan. Those same flames providing light for everyone. It had initially wanted to aid them in setting up but had been turned away by everyone. They had also tried to keep their children away but kids were stubborn. They were far too tired and too young help with anything so everyone reluctantly let the spirit become the babysitter.
It was actually kind of cute the way the children were lured closer and closer to slumber by its flames their sleepy faces calm and relaxed in the face of something so unnatual. Gaeric shook his head, it wouldn’t be much longer though. Already parents were gathering their children as their homes were set up, all they had left was Jori’s Yurt and with one last heave Gaeric put the last post into place. Stomping he froze the ground he had broken up, making it sturdy and the homes unlikely to fall even with the worst of winds.
He thanked his lord for his assistance and the pokemon rumbled happily, allowing him to pet his leg he bid Lord Avalug goodbye. Gaeric stood there watching his lord leave before turning back to the kotan, Jaori would want to speak with all the wardens. He was about to go in when he noticed the spirit making its way over to him. In its arms was Lian, sound asleep and wrapped up in bloodied shadows. He smiled and held his arms out to receive the child.
“Spirit, you are welcome to join us.” Glowing eyes of ice snapped over away from Gaeric to Jaori standing in the entrance to the home, holding open the leather curtain. Warm golden yellow light spilling out onto the glittering snow. Gaeric watched the spirit carefully. In all the moments he had interacted with the ghost he had never once invited it into his space. It stood still, frozen like a glacier.
“I do not want to be a bother.” Its voice was loud and sudden like thunder but despite that uncertainty was clear in its tone.
“Please, come in.” Jaori held open the doorway wider, not looking away from the being. It looked away towards the inky darkness of the wilderness and then down at the child soundly sleeping in its arms. It nodded once to itself and floated forward to the yurt. Gaeric trailed after it. He didn’t know what the man was thinking brining the spirit into his home but he trusted his leaders judgement.
Gaeric couldn’t help but hold his breath, he had never once seen the spirit in light. He was afraid that the moment it crossed into the bright dwelling it would vanish. If that were to happen he was ready to catch the child before he could fall.
As it crossed into the light the shadows obscuring its form solidified with the light. The shadow of its cloak and on its head turned into a dark hat and a strange cloth with red stripes. The harsh shadows created by its flames were chased away revealing what looked to be an elderly man with hair turned silver with age and eyes of a dead grey. Its pale white clothing torn and stained with blood. Gaeric wondered not for the first time what killed the spirit. In the light of the fire the clothing it wore hung off its skeletal frame, and peaking though the torn fabric  of its chest glittering glass shown with an inner light.
Gaeric took his seat around the hearth and for a moment the elder spirit stood there staring at them all, finally it settled down in an open space between Gaeric and Kei yet still kept its distance from them. They watched as the spirit carefully rearranged the torn cloak around the sleeping child in its arms. He could tell the other wardens were very uncomfortable by the spirits presence. They had only heard of it in passing once the travel restrictions had been lifted.
Jaori cleared his throat and all eyes turned to their leader.
“First of all I would like to thank you all for your assistance in moving our home, we would not have made it without you.” He bowed to them all.
“It was nothing we would do it anytime.” Saini huffed and her words were met with quiet words of agreement from all the wardens. They all sounded fond but Gaeric could feel the tension in the air, he almost believed he could cut it with a knife.
“Of course you are welcome to stay here for the night, rest up before you have to return to your duties.” It was a common offer, one that they all took up anytime they had to move the kotan.
“Thank you Jaori but” Kei clicked a few times then turned to the spirit “but I believe that something takes more precedence. So, you are the spirit that I have heard has kept young Lian from visiting.” Everyone turned to the dead man and it ducked its head, hiding its eyes behind its hat.
“I- sorry. Did not mean to keep him. Was worried, wondering alone was not safe.” The proof of its words was written in its clothing it wore like a scar.
“No, from what I’ve heard you have kept him safe, there is nothing to apologize for. I simply miss the company.” Kei sighed, breaking through the air of silence that had fallen over everyone. Calaba sat up straighter with a rumble. Light grey eyes peaked out from under the shadowed cap to look at her.
“If I may, what people do you descend from spirit?” And wasn’t that the question? If they knew which people it came from, they may just be able to help it finally pass on peacefully into the almighty’s vast space.
The elderly ghost looked away, shoulders raising and a sorrowful ring sounded out from it.
“I…am sorry. I do not know. My station has been long lost to me.”
“You don’t remember your life?” Jaori asked more gently. Leaning on his knees to try and see the spirit’s face clearer. Frown still frozen but now it felt more real.
“No.” it would not meet his eyes. Curled in on itself it held Lian tighter, closer to its glass chest.
“Can-can you at least tell us your name?” Gaeric found himself urging. He had never thought to ask in all the time he had interacted with the spirit. Had it been slowly forgetting its life and identiy as the days moved on? Had he lost the chance to learn anything about the dead man?
The spirit curled tighter around Lian, shoulders dropping. “no…” it’s voice so much quieter but it rang around them hanging in the air like a curse. Gaeric’s breath caught in his throat. How could a single word hold so much pain. All this time the spirit had helped guide a child back to his home back to his people all while wondering lost with no hope of finding peace.
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Silence hung over them all. The spirit not daring to look at them. Jaori didn’t know what to do. What do you say to a man who’s lost everything? What can you do to help a man who had lost his heritage, his sense of belonging, his very life? How could they hope to send this lost soul off to peace if they didn’t even know a name to send him off to Sinnoh’s domain with?
Kei suddenly stood with a rumble. The elder warden walked closer to it. His heart broke as the spirit that had looked so large and untouchable curled up on itself, thin, hurt, lost and oh so small.
“I’m sorry that we cannot offer you any answers spirit.” The warden’s voice was gentle, rumbly like rolling stones. The ghost sagged more, flames falling sill, practically little embers with the loss of hope.
“We may not know who you were in life but it is clear our people have come to know you in the now. We may not be able to give you what you have lost, but- we can offer you a name that can become your own.”
The spirit far too suddenly snapped up. Back straight and wide dead grey eyes locked onto the living man. The flames around it burst with its shock.
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Jaori stood up as Warden Kei came to kneel before the spirit. He stood by his warden’s side. “What do you say spirit?” The elderly warden offered a smile to the dead man. Its eyes darted around to everyone present then bore into Kei. Despite it’s frozen face its eyes held so many emotions, surprise, loss confusion, but most importantly, hope.
“You-what?” rang out like a bell.
“We cannot guarantee that we will ever be able to help you remember your true name but we can offer you a new one.” Jaori answered, they owed the spirit that much, If they could not help it-him, pass onto Sinnoh’s domain then at the very least they could help ease his pain of his existence now. After a moment the spirit nodded slowly.
Calaba Huffed from where she sat and met the lost one’s gaze
“Nobori, then. The way you stand above the snow, and aided in pushing us upward. Yes Nobori would suit you.” She offered it was simple but fitting. Murmers of agreement sounded from all present but Jaori did not look away from the spirit, it was to be his name, he was the one that must approve.
The ghost did not look at them, silently mouthing the new name as if to try it. Finally after what felt like ages he looked back up at them and the corners of his mouth lifted ever so slightly.
“Nobori, I like that.”
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Hi! Can I please send a request where Sweet Pea and YN start off as enemies but it’s all miss communication because SP thinks YN is just another Northsider and YN things SP is a little scary (like the serpents scare her) can they meet when the serpents first arrive at the school. thank you
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Hey. I hope this is ok
Sweet Pea- Rumours Pt1
Today is the day the Southsiders arrive at Riverdale High. I walk into school seeing Veronica and Archie setting up a welcome table
"Hey YN, you coming to help out settle Jughead and the others?" Veronica smiles
"You mean the people who fought Archie and the Bulldogs? yeah I'll pass"
"Archie did point a gun in their face to be fair" Betty comments walking over with Josie and Kevin when the doors bust open, I turn around and see a sea of leather jackets, straight away my eyes fix on the tall Serpent taking the lead of the group. Forgetting that I was going to walk off before they arrived I am now stood behind the desk with Veronica and the others
"Friends. On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High welcome to your new school. To ease this transition I've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules and a list of sports and extracurriculars. We encourage each and everyone of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair riverdale"
"Stand down Eva Peron" I turn hearing Cheryl's voice who is walking down the stairs with Reggie by her side and the other cheerleaders and Bulldogs behind them
"Theres the school spirt I so fondly remember" Jughead says. Cheryl and the others walk towards us
"Cheryl" Veronica folds her arms "no one invited fascists barbie to the party"
"Wrong Veronica. No one invited Southside scum to our school. Listen up ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale's Highs above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms overcrowded with underachievers so please find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways"
"You wanna come over here and say that to my face?" a girl with pink in her hair moves forward clearly irritated by Cheryl
"Happily queen of the buskers" Cheryl steps closer
"Ok guys. Everyone" Archie gets in the middle of Cheryl and the pink hair girl "can we just put our Northside Southside differences apart and start over? A new slate"
"You don't speak for the bulldogs. And need I remind you these greaser snakes showed up at your place to kick your ass" Reggie comes forward to stand next to me "YN don't get mixed up with this lot. Your too innocent" I roll my eyes at Reggie
"Time to finish what we started" the tall boy walks forward angrily. Jughead stops him by holding his shoulder
"I am so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now"
"Alright. Enough pomp and circumstance. Everyone let's get to class. Now" I hear Principal Weatherbee. He walks over to us and waves us away to our classes.
My first class of the day is English. As I wait for class to start, in walks the girl with pink in her hair and the tall guy
"Please find an empty seat" our teacher tells the two. The pink hair girl walks over to the table in front of me when Betty is sitting, while the tall guy huffs and sits next to me. I sigh shifting uncomfortably
"Another entitled princess" I choose to ignore him, thankfully class starts almost immediately after.
Finally after a few classes it's time for lunch. I sit down in the student lounge next to Kevin awkwardly looking between 3 of the Serpents. Veronica walks over breaking the ice
"I don't think we've properly met. Veronica Lodge" she extends a hand to girl
"From the park avenue Lodges" Jug says while eating a bag of chips
"Toni Topaz" the girl Toni shakes Veronicas hand
"Oh. Like the purple coloured gem stone. Love it" Veronica smiles
"I'm Kevin, this is YN" Kevin nods towards me then looks at a boy who's eating twizlers "what's your name?" Kevin nods towards him
"Fogarty or you can call me Fangs. Your last names Keller right?"
"Yeah how did you know that?"
"Joaquin and I used to hang out. He used to talk about you all the time. This is Sweet Pea" I scoff at names
"Got a problem Princess?" Sweet Pea leans forward
"What no, sorry" I quickly reply "it's just your names are just... I'm gonna shut up sorry" I look down.
Later that day Reggie makes it seem that the Serpents have spray painted the floor. Finally it's the end of the day and time for my shift at pops.
The bell rings signalling that someone has just walked in. I look up and see the three Serpents walking in and taking a booth. I grab my pen and paper and make my way over to the group
"Hi welcome to Pops, I'm YN and I'll be your waitress today. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask" I give a little smile to the group. Toni smiles back at me
"Hey, your in my English class right?"
"Yeah I am"
"You sit next to Sweet Pea don't you?" Toni nudges the tall Serpent who grunts in responses not looking at me
"Anyway what can I get you guys?"
"One strawberry milkshake, one chocolate and one vanilla please" Toni asks
"Of course, any food?"
"No that's it thank you" I give Toni another smile and walk to the kitchen handing Pops the order.
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