#id hold it a lot when we were first together and he was working a lot bc its just like. Him
endusviolence · 3 months
Rowling isn't denying holocaust. She just pointed out that burning of transgender health books is a lie as that form of cosmetic surgery didn't exist. But of course you knew that already, didn't you?
I was thinking I'd probably see one of you! You're wrong :) Let's review the history a bit, shall we?
In this case, what we're talking about is the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, or in English, The Institute of Sexology. This Institute was founded and headed by a gay Jewish sexologist named Magnus Hirschfeld. It was founded in July of 1919 as the first sexology research clinic in the world, and was run as a private, non-profit clinic. Hirschfeld and the researchers who worked there would give out consultations, medical advice, and even treatments for free to their poorer clientele, as well as give thousands of lectures and build a unique library full of books on gender, sexuality, and eroticism. Of course, being a gay man, Hirschfeld focused a lot on the gay community and proving that homosexuality was natural and could not be "cured".
Hirschfeld was unique in his time because he believed that nobody's gender was either one or the other. Rather, he contended that everyone is a mixture of both male and female, with every individual having their own unique mix of traits.
This leads into the Institute's work with transgender patients. Hirschfeld was actually the one to coin the term "transsexual" in 1923, though this word didn't become popular phrasing until 30 years later when Harry Benjamin began expanding his research (I'll just be shortening it to trans for this brief overview.) For the Institute, their revolutionary work with gay men eventually began to attract other members of the LGBTA+, including of course trans people.
Contrary to what Anon says, sex reassignment surgery was first tested in 1912. It'd already being used on humans throughout Europe during the 1920's by the time a doctor at the Institute named Ludwig Levy-Lenz began performing it on patients in 1931. Hirschfeld was at first opposed, but he came around quickly because it lowered the rate of suicide among their trans patients. Not only was reassignment performed at the Institute, but both facial feminization and facial masculization surgery were also done.
The Institute employed some of these patients, gave them therapy to help with other issues, even gave some of the mentioned surgeries for free to this who could not afford it! They spoke out on their behalf to the public, even getting Berlin police to help them create "transvestite passes" to allow people to dress however they wanted without the threat of being arrested. They worked together to fight the law, including trying to strike down Paragraph 175, which made it illegal to be homosexual. The picture below is from their holiday party, Magnus Hirschfeld being the gentleman on the right with the fabulous mustache. Many of the other people in this photo are transgender.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of a group of people. Some are smiling at the camera, others have serious expressions. Either way, they all seem to be happy. On the right side, an older gentleman in glasses- Magnus Hirschfeld- is sitting. He has short hair and a bushy mustache. He is resting one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him. His other hand is being held by a person to his left. Another person to his right is holding his shoulder.]
There was always push back against the Institute, especially from conservatives who saw all of this as a bad thing. But conservatism can't stop progress without destroying it. They weren't willing to go that far for a good while. It all ended in March of 1933, when a new Chancellor was elected. The Nazis did not like homosexuals for several reasons. Chief among them, we break the boundaries of "normal" society. Shortly after the election, on May 6th, the book burnings began. The Jewish, gay, and obviously liberal Magnus Hirschfeld and his library of boundary-breaking literature was one of the very first targets. Thankfully, Hirschfeld was spared by virtue of being in Paris at the time (he would die in 1935, before the Nazis were able to invade France). His library wasn't so lucky.
This famous picture of the book burnings was taken after the Institute of Sexology had been raided. That's their books. Literature on so much about sexuality, eroticism, and gender, yes including their new work on trans people. This is the trans community's Alexandria. We're incredibly lucky that enough of it survived for Harry Benjamin and everyone who came after him was able to build on the Institute's work.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of the May Nazi book burning of the Institute of Sexology's library. A soldier, back facing the camera, is throwing a stack of books into the fire. In the background of the right side, a crowd is watching.]
As the Holocaust went on, the homosexuals of Germany became a targeted group. This did include transgender people, no matter what you say. To deny this reality is Holocaust denial. JK Rowling and everyone else who tries to pretend like this isn't reality is participating in that evil. You're agreeing with the Nazis.
But of course, you knew that already, didn't you?
Edit: Added image IDs. I apologize to those using screen readers for forgetting them. Please reblog this version instead.
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evisxerate · 1 year
Kinda gay how much my boyfriends battle vest feels like a security blanket to me
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Red Carpet || Tom Blyth x gf!reader
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Summary: Tom takes you to your very first movie premiere and it happens to be the movie that he is the protagonist in. A sweet moment happens between the two of you which leaves fans further fangirling over your relationship.
A/n: I have been constantly asked If I will ever do a Tom Blyth x reader imagine and the answer is yes :). Btw I absolutely love @yzzart’s Tom Blyth x actress!reader imagines and you should totally go check them out!
Warnings: none :)
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Divider by @pommecita
You were beyond nervous and excited to attend the red carpet Premiere for The Hunger Games The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. Especially since you would be attending as your boyfriend’s plus one who happens to play Coriolanus Snow in said movie.
The two of you kept your relationship as private as you could, but at some point along the way of him filming, everyone knew the two of you were together. Your public affection towards each other during the behind the scenes did not go unnoticed by fans who recorded it and took pictures.
It was bound to happen someday. "You look absolutely gorgeous, darling," Tom hugs you from behind, your exposed back flush against his outfit, as he admires your reflection in the mirror. You hold his arms that were protectively on your waist.
"Thank you, Tom. You look as handsome as ever," You giggle, turning around to place your hands on either side of his face, admiring every little detail on his face that you have already noticed about a thousand times, before placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
You two were on your way to the event, his hand never left your thigh as you lean your head against his shoulder. Your phone suddenly buzzed as you look at the caller id. It was Rachel. You immediately answered it as it went through to face time.
"Where are you guys!" She yells in the speaker, loud chatter in the background. She was already at the event. "We are literally around the corner," You say taking a look around your surroundings as Tom chuckles. "Let me see your outfits!" Rachel stares at you with a wide grin.
You laugh at her energy as you pass Tom the phone as he holds it up so that the both of you were on screen. Rachel gasps as she covers her mouth, "You guys look fucking amazing!" She squeals as you chuckle.
"Wait until you see the back of Y/n's dress," Tom lets out a whistle as you nudge him with a smile. "I can't wait to see! Oh wait, I think I see your car pulling up right now. See you soon!" She quickly says before hanging up.
Tom squeezes your thigh, his way of asking if you were alright without any words. You nod with a small smile. You arrived at the premiere and the flashlights coming from the cameras shone through the windows.
Tom steps out first before lending you his hand, aiding you as you get out of the car. He gives you an encouraging smile as you smile back at him. Everyone started screaming when they saw the two of you, causing you to smile even more.
His hand rested on the small of your back as the two of you were whisked into interviews. "Tom! It's so great to see you, we'd like to ask you a few questions if that is alright?" The woman smiles as she passes Tom a microphone.
"Of course!" Tom offers the man a smile. "What was your favourite things about filming this movie?" You stayed quiet as you look at Tom, giving him a smile. "Well, I was super grateful to be able to work with such incredible actors and actresses, Peter and Viola just to name a few, I really enjoyed the atmosphere on set, we were all like family," Your boyfriend answers.
You saw a lot of cameras pointed your directions so you wave and smile, "Would you like to explain to us and your fans who this beautiful girl is beside you Tom?" You snap your attention back to Tom and the woman. Tom smiles as you as you look at the woman. "I think you and everyone already have a pretty clear idea on who she is," Tom laughs as does the woman.
"This beautiful girl is my girlfriend. She's stuck with me during the whole filming of the movie and I'm so grateful that she's mine," He answers, his eyes not leaving yours as he pulls you closer to him. "He's just too sweet isn't he?" You chuckle at the camera making them laugh.
Tom presses a kiss on your cheek as you could feel your face heating up slightly. "You two are just too adorable! Thank you for your time, the woman smiles as Tom hands her back the microphone. "My pleasure," Tom gives her a final smile before the two of you are once again whisked into other interviews, where you would sometimes be included.
Then it was time to take pictures. Tom's hand never left yours as you both stood where they were taking the photos. Tom protectively places his hand on your waist as you both pose for the cameras. You were almost blinded by all the flashing and deaf from the shouting.
The string on the back of your dress suddenly became loose as you curse under your breath. Tom looks down at you before moving to stand in front of you in a protective manner to cover you from the cameras. "You okay?" He asks concerned. I look at him with a smile from his sweet gesture.
"The back of my dress came undone," He looks over your shoulder. He then pulls you into a hug as you were slightly taken back. You then feels his hands working on tying your dress back. You let out a chuckle as you rub his back.
The cameras directly in front of you were confused but the cameras by the side all awed at his actions. "There you go, darling," He kisses your cheek as he pulls back. You give him a grateful smile, "Thank you."
"Y/n! Tom!" You hear a feminine voice call out as Rachel and Josh make their way towards the two of you. "Hi!" You smiled, pulling Josh into a hug and then Rachel. "Oh you look stunning," Rachel holds your forearms as you couln't keep the smile of your face.
"Have you looked in a mirror? You look gorgeous Rach!" You pull her in for a second hug as you all laugh at something funny Josh had said as the four of you pose for a picture.
After the premiere, Rachel sent you so many links to nearly every single social media platform. There were a bunch of posts and tiktoks about what happened with your dress and how Tom helped you by hugging you.
You chuckle as you show Tom the posts and hundreds of tiktoks that had already been posted. "They love you," Tom chuckles, kissing your forehead as the two of you lay in each others embrace.
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Could we have a tooth fairy Easter bunny Jack frost and platonic north and sandy with a reader that represents Halloween(reader looks like a mix between a crow and scarecrow) that's scared that there holiday is on the decline and has become a little depressed because of it. Thank and love your stuff ::::)
Guardians《seperate》 x Halloween guardian reader who's holiday is being forgotten
Guys in back,again(probally gonna disappear again lol)
In fr trying to catch up this time.
Anyways I ty for the request!:3
Angst,fluff,hurt with comfort,readers sad :(
has not been proofread, A/N at the end
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Tooth fairy
Its early October,you know what that means, its Halloween time
The time where the vail between the spiritual world and the living is the thinnest
You and tooth usually celebrate together,she does get more work during hallowing because of all the candy but she spends the most of her time with you
She helps you hang up the decorations and spread the Halloween feels
However you havnt done that yet,not only that but you dont have that much time left you only have a month
Once tooth realizes that somethings wrong she'll immidatly do ask the other guardians if they had seen you or if they had heard something from you,the results all come back the same,you were seemingly no where
She decided to check the globe,that could have a clue right?
That's when she noticed there were many less lights then usual,and that when it started to line up..
People were forgetting about you.
The last time you had spoke before going radio silent you had mentioned that it wasnt even October and people were advertising Christmas things
She had realised that you had probally hid yourself away becuase of this
When she does eventually find you shes understandable very worried for you.
After she gets a thorough explanation she'll waste no time in helping you with preparations
However first off,she has to get you in the Halloween mood,as your current one is rather sour,and we cant have that!
She cheers you up by bringing you around and showing you places that are getting ready for Halloween
She brings you to see a small shop that has cobwebs,spiders,skeletons,ghosts the whole lot,she smiles as she sees a small one form on your lips
She then brings you to stores as parents and kids are choosing out pumpkins,baskets,sweets and costumes
When a smile finally Grace's your lips she hugs you tightly and tugs with her to get more decorations up and around
She understands what it feels like to be forgotten and she dosnt want that to happen to you
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Bunnymund/Easter bunny
Hes used to people neglecting his holidays for others
But hes surprised when there seems to be lesser lights on the globe
Things line up really quickly in his head as the cogs start working
He dosnt waste a second,immediately searching for you in fear you've disappeared
Once he finds you he tries to calm you down reassuring you that aslong as hes there he wont let you disappear
He even decorates Easter island with some Halloween decorations
He gives you Halloween styled eggs as a way to cheer you up
He will decorate pumpkins with you aswell
since halloween takes place in fall he might take you to forests where the leaves have turned orange and are starting to fall
he will help you decorate places and even though hes not the biggest sweet tooth,with a big oof bribery im sure he'll try a sweet oor two
he'll constantly be there and comforting you
easter isnt all ways widley celebrated so hes probally had a fear of fading aswell
he wont ever say it but due to the fact that your holidays is overlooked in favour for christmas,he holds a small grudge
he knows its not norths fault but hes just salty
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Jack frost
Honestly hes kind of tone deaf
hes very happy go lucky and isnt used or very good at adapting to change
id like to think that he was quite close to you even before becoming a guardian,because halloween is in the colder months of the year
it might take another guardian to point out your abscents or off behaviour
however just because hes abit tone deaf dosnt mean hes not smart
once its been pointed out to him hes going on a man hunt for you
altough he wasnt in an entirely similar situation,he still knows what its like to feel isolated,scared and alone,and as his S/o he dosnt want yuo feeling the same
once locating you the first thing he'll do is make sure your not fading away
if you are then he will moost likely panic
he will eventually calm himself down,realising that panicing wont help it at all
his first priorety is to make sure that your ok
mentally and physically
afterwards he takes you to do things to take it off your mind
some of his favorite things to do are skating and carving pumpkins,if your not good at either he'll help you
he loves decorating everywhere with fun decorations
his favorite halloween decore are those door bells that grab youor finger or smth(i hate those things with a passion,so i can imagine him loving them)
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north/santa claus
if anyones going to find out the fastest,itts north
he has to keep a keen eye on the months and probally realise that its your holliday
his first reaction is to celebrate your holiday with you,he feels alot like a father figure to you and as such he feels he needs to celebrate your holiday with you
though the smile on his face dosnt stay long as he finds that many stores,instead of having halloween decoration.have christmas things
thats not right.
at first he thinks it might just be the store,and so he checks others
thats until he becomes aware that its most stores
why are they all decroated with christmas decore,they should be deced out with sceletons and pumpkins
not snowmen and gingerbreadmen
after coming to this realisation he checks the globe before visiting you#
he gets quite anxxious once checking the globe
hes quick to find and omfort you,hes quite furious people are neglecting your holiday for his.christmas is still months away!
after calming you down he will go ALL OUT on halloween decorations,the north pole dosnt even look like what it once was,white robes with dark circles are hanging around the celeing,skeletons have been placed everywhere in different positions,fake spiders and fake spider webs have been thrown enywhere they can.
all the elves and yeti's take a day off,to decorate pumpkins.
he'll probaly also reach out to the other guardians,inviting them all over so you can all celebrate together.<3
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sandy is very intune with the going oon in the world,aswell as being extremly intuitive
hes probally seen this coming though he didnt think itd be to such an extent where it'd cause you distress
after feeling a particullary cold gust of autaum wind its clear something is wrong
after checking the globe it seems that his hypthesis had become reality
he wasnt very surprised since he had a nagging feeling it'd happen,apart of him thinks that he might have just been denieing that you had the possibility to fade,that he was in denial
either way he had to push his own thoughts away as he had more importtant things to do,such as comforting you and restoring your holiday to its former glory,or at least try to.
after locating you hes quick to alert you of his precents though he may not be the best at calming you down since,he cant really speak.
hes most likely to put you to sleep and give you good dreams whilst brainstorming ideas to help your current dilema
once your awake and calm,he'll try his best to relay his ideas and help you
cutting pumpkins is a must
he will try his best to make candy with you
if you ever need some comfort just say the word and hes hugging you and trying his best to comfort you
he makes sure you have good dreams for days
he promises that he'll try his best to help you
he'll be dammed if he ever didnt go through with that promise to you.
the other guardians will most likely notice both of your distress and end up helpping,either that or sandy asks them directly.
hope this is ok,i havnt writeen in a while,btw this was written with a keyboard and i cant be botherd to proof read it rn and just wanted to post it so here you go!,but in all seriosuness i will be working on my other requests,thank you all for being pateint with me<<33
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mvybanks · 1 year
Congrats on 2k!!! You deserve it!
🍟—> ugh, getting hungry; wanna stop for a snack? : give me a character (jj, pope, sarah or rafe!) and a thought and i’ll write a concept/blurb!
The reader is out drunk with her friends and sends Rafe a thirst trap/sext while he’s at home. He basically begs her to come home but she stays out hours longer. When she finally comes home, she wants Rafe but he’s mad that she didn’t come home when he said so she lays down next to him on the bed and starts pleasuring herself in front of him to make him jealous and want her, and it works!! Established relationship and make it as smutty as you like lol! Congrats again🫶🏻
thank you babe!!!! <3 (loved this request omg)
2k celebration CLOSED!!!
╰┈➤ 🍟—> ugh, getting hungry; wanna stop for a snack? : give me a character (jj, pope, sarah or rafe!) and a thought and i’ll write a concept/blurb!
warnings: 18+ MDNI, sexting, lots of teasing, masturbation
It’s not like your boyfriend didn’t see you with that poor excuse of a mini dress before you went out tonight, he already told you that he couldn’t wait for you to get back home from your girls’ night, but he wasn’t expecting you to tease him all night long; the slowest torture of his life.
It started with a few pictures of you drinking from a cocktail glass, at first glance innocent, but your smirk, the one he knows too well, told him you were well aware of how much your breasts were showing, pushed up thanks to your tight dress. He played with you at first, making you believe he didn’t notice the way you were trying to rile him up, although he had already decided that he was going to make you pay once you got back home.
However, the teasing got more heated the more you drank; you took a few snaps of you in the long mirror of the bathroom of the club, putting on display your curves just for him and driving him insane in the process. It got worse for him when the sexting started and, just like your pictures, they seemed innocent texts at first:
you: i miss you baby
from rafey: i miss you too beautiful
from rafey: you having fun?
you: yeah but it would be more fun with you
from rafey: how’s that angel?
you: we could dance together
you: and i love watching you get drunk, your cheeks get so red it’s adorable
And just as Rafe was smiling softly at your texts, wondering about how the hell he got so lucky, your next message made him choke on his saliva and his cock twitch in his sweatpants.
you: i’d let you bend me over the bathroom sink and fuck me
you: i know you’d make me feel so good baby
from rafey: what else would you want me to do to you?
You bit your bottom lip, you knew you had him wrapped around your finger. As much as this was supposed to be a girls’ night, you couldn’t lie to yourself about how much you needed your boyfriend.
you: id ride you in your car
you: up and down your big cock
you: im so wet rafe
from rafey: come home right now.
You smiled to yourself, victory at last; you broke him.
you: but i can’t
you: i promised the girls id stay longer
from rafey: i don’t care
from rafey: get your ass here
you: sorry baby see you later
You giggled to yourself as you tried to keep enjoying your night out, although images of the amount of things you could’ve done with your boyfriend were clouding your mind. Well, you just had to wait to get back home, right?
Now, hours after your last heated interaction with your boyfriend, you’re entering your house, your heels in your hands as you’re scared you might wake him in case he’s fallen asleep. Once you walk into your shared bedroom, he turns to you, his body sprawled out on the bed.
You lick your lips at the sight before you: he’s shirtless, wearing only those damn gray sweatpants that cover nothing, and it sure as hell doesn’t help the fact that he’s obviously not wearing any underwear; one arm is resting behind his head and is putting on display his strong bicep and the other hand is holding the remoter of the tv in front of him.
“Hi, baby,” you say softly as you begin to walk into the room.
“Why are you still awake?” You let your feet take you into the bathroom that’s connected to your room, washing your hands and adjusting your hair as you speak, after all you want this night to end a certain way.
He shrugs, “couldn’t fall asleep.”
You lean against the doorframe of the bathroom, “were you waiting for me?”
He hums and turns the tv off before rolling over to his side of the bed, letting a frown appear on your features. “Now I can go to sleep.”
You decided you wanted him to take this dress off of you tonight and you won’t let his stubbornness and pettiness ruin this night for the both of you; it’s not like you didn’t notice the outline of his hard on through his sweatpants from the moment you walked into the bedroom.
Lying down on your side, you wrap your arm around his waist and bring your hand to his chest, slowly dragging your nails down his bare skin as you big spoon him. Your lips are right next to his ear when you start speaking, “you sure you want to sleep, baby?”
When he doesn’t answer, you leave a peck behind his ear, “I need you so bad.”
“Should’ve come home when I asked you to,” he grumbles, obviously frustrated with you.
He’s right in a way, you did make him wait hours for you and you know he can’t sleep if he knows you’re out without him.
“But I’m here now and I’m so wet for you, Rafey,” you’re basically whining, in hope that he will give in; however, convincing your man to do something when he’s mad is not an easy task…at least not if you want to win your case with just your words.
“Not my problem.”
You huff, “then I guess I’ll just do it myself.”
You have no doubts you have gotten his attention as you lie on your back and open your legs, letting the bottom of your dress hike up to help your movements. He turns around to look at you and the expression on his face is a clear sign of how much he’s restraining himself.
As your fingers trail down to your cunt, still covered by your dress, you let yourself take a quick look at him just when the pads of your digits lightly skim over your wet pussy. You can’t help yourself from gasping out at the amount of arousal that’s dripping from you, the sound alone causing him to almost groan.
“Were you not wearing any panties all night?” He asks, a low and growling tone in his voice.
You smirk and trap your bottom lip between your teeth, “didn’t feel like wearing them. Why? Does that make you mad?”
Finally, you bring your wetness up to your clit and begin massaging it in circle motions with two fingers as your eyes close instinctively at the feeling. You moan his name when a sudden jolt of pleasure curses through you and he can’t wait anymore; he needs to make you scream his name until you can’t take it anymore.
He hovers above you and you reopen your eyes, grinning up at him and taking your fingers off of you, believing he wants to take over, but instead he grabs your wrist and forces you to keep pleasuring yourself.
He tsks at you, “you think you’re in control, baby? Then keep doing that, I want you to cum on your fingers until you’re crying and after that, I want you to do it again,” you whine at his words, craving nothing but his touch, “what? I thought you wanted to do this by yourself, didn’t you? Then put on a show for me because this is all you’re gonna get from me tonight. If you’re a good girl, I might let you cum on my cock tomorrow.”
This is definitely going to be a long night.
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mayajadewrites · 3 months
For Me (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
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Over the next 2 weeks you spend a lot of time with Levi. You learn his routine, what he likes to order at restaurants, all that good stuff. However, neither of you have spent the night at each others house. For you, you knew that it would be hard to control yourself if you were in bed with Levi. 
Levi enjoys the finer things in life, but not in a stuck-up way. He loves a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant, but also doesn't mind staying in and having a movie night. He works a lot, which makes it so you only see him really at night and on the weekends. It gives you something to look forward to, but it doesn't feel like enough time. 
It's Wednesday - half way through the week. Since you and Levi have decided what you're relationship is (more like Levi decided) you haven't gone to the coffee shop much. He's been bringing you coffee before he heads to work, which is a sweet treat for you. 
This day is no different.
You hear a knock at your door and open it to see your stoic boyfriend holding your iced coffee and a bouquet of flowers. "You needed fresh ones." He walked into your apartment and took out the old flowers (from last week), cleaned the vase and set up the new bouquet. 
You sip your coffee as you watch Levi work the flowers. He meticulously places them and makes sure every flower is tended to. Your eyes wander down his body - he's wearing a navy suit that is perfectly tailored to him with chestnut shoes. "You look very handsome today."
"I have a big meeting today with some potential clients." Levi double checked the flowers. "These are good to go. I'm gonna head out now." 
"Have a great day." You smile as Levi takes a step towards you, his eyes swallowing your figure. You're wearing a tank top with no bra, and your comfy short shorts. Your ass basically falls out of them.
"Don't go outside like that." Levi presses his lips to yours, bringing his hand to your face. "This is for me only." 
"Okay dad." You roll your eyes, walking him to the door.
"Daddy is the only acceptable form of 'dad' that I'll answer to." His tone was flat, so you couldn't tell if he was kidding or not.
He had to be, right?
"I'll call you when I'm on my lunch." Levi kissed your cheek swiftly before turning around and heading towards the stairs. You lean against your doorframe, still feeling Levi's kiss on your lips. This is really your life. Levi Ackerman is your boyfriend.
You're about halfway through your new novel at this point. You got in touch with your editor to let her know that you'll be sending a draft her way soon. This excites you - it's been months since you had any motivation to write. 
As you finish typing a sentence, you feel your phone vibrate in your lap. 
"Hello?" You tap the 'speaker' button.
"Why do you always answer the phone like you don't have caller id?" Levi said.
"Because that's just what people do. Sorry we're not all special specimens like you."
"Anyway. Our clients loved us, and the office wants to go out to happy hour to celebrate after work."
"Okay! Have fun. Are you coming over after?"
"You're coming with me. And then we're going home together."
"I missed the part where you asked me if I wanted to go."
"I didn't ask. Be ready by 6." Levi hung up the phone. Sometimes he can be so sweet, but other times it's like he forgets that he has other people to communicate with and we all don't think the way he does.
You sigh, shutting your laptop and pushing it towards the back of your desk. You turn your head to your closet, knowing you'll be tearing it up to find an outfit. You look at the time on your phone: 1:30PM. It's time to start getting ready.
You take an everything shower, making sure there's no hair anywhere on your legs. You moisturize your skin, wash your hair, everything.
This is the first time you're meeting anyone in Levi's circle. Even though he says they're his "colleagues" you know that that's his way of saying friends. You blow dry and curl your hair, watching the curls bounce before you brush them out into loose waves. Your makeup is simply but glowy - your go to.
Your outfit consists of a beige square neck body suit with straight leg jeans that are slightly distressed. You pick out a pair of beige heels to match - they're not too high to where you're uncomfortable but you'll be at Levi's height now. 
By the time you're done with everything, it's 5:45. You decide to pick up a bit around your apartment and spray your favorite vanilla perfume. 
Right at 6, there's a knock at your door. 
"What did I do to deserve seeing Levi Ackerman at my front door twice in one day?" You tilt your head to the side, smiling. 
Levi's eyes wandered to your chest, which was accentuated by the neckline of the bodysuit. You have a bigger chest, which you typically hide. You watched Levi's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. "You look beautiful, per usual. Do you have everything? A bag for stuff you'll need for tonight?"
"Wait, why would I need that?"
"Because you're staying at my house tonight."
"Staying as in..."
"Sleeping over. You're sleeping at my house tonight. With me."
"I didn't know." You bit down on your bottom lip. "Ok, give me a few minutes. Sit down." You turn to grab a tote bag out of your closet and grab your essentials. Toothbrush, makeup remover, a change of clothes, a pair of UGG slippers, pajamas, and body wash. "Done." You hold up the bag with a smile plastered on your face. 
Levi nods as he takes the bag from you, turning off the light in your foyer. You lock the door behind you and triple check that its actually locked before you both descend down the stairs.
"So where's happy hour?" You ask as you watch Levi's hands on the steering wheel. 
"It's at this bar downtown that everyone likes to go to. I don't go out much, so I've only been there once when I got my promotion." 
You nod as he explains, gazing out the window. You feel Levi's large hand land on your thigh, squeezing it gently. "They're going to love you." 
"I hope so." It's like he knew exactly what you were feeling. That you were anxious to meet the people that are around him every day because they could think you're not good enough for him. They could have seen ex girlfriends that were prettier than you. Levi rubbed his thumb across your thigh for reassurance.
Levi helped you out of his car before leading you into the building, which was half bar, half restaurant. 
"Levi! You made it!" You look up and see a group of people with drinks in your hand. The one that called for Levi was one of the guys that was with Jean when he asked for your number.
"I'm still Mr. Ackerman outside of work." Levi squeezes your hand gently. "This is my girlfriend." Levi introduces you.
"So you're the reason he smiles!" A brunette woman with glasses walks up to you. "My name is Hange. It's a pleasure to meet you!"
"Likewise!" You shake her hand, smiling. 
"This is Erwin, my best friend and President of Ackerman Inc." Levi points to a tall blonde man with piercing blue eyes.
"Nice to meet you. Levi has told me a lot about you." Erwin shakes your hand.
"Not a lot. Don't listen to him." Levi rolls his eyes, introducing you to the rest of his colleagues. "This is my cousin, Mikasa. The one I was telling you about that loves your books. And this is her boyfriend, Eren." 
Eren was the one that Levi said to call him Mr. Ackerman. You smile as you meet the couple, noticing the similarities between Levi and Mikasa. They're both very poised and serious at all times.
Levi leaves you for a few moments to mingle. Mikasa grabs your arm gently to get your attention.
"I know my cousin can be an ass." She smiles. "But he really cares about you. He's talked about you and has even cracked a smile while doing so." 
"Thanks, Mikasa. I appreciate that. He's not the easiest to deal with." You laugh, glancing over at Levi. He's standing with Erwin and Hange as he waits for drinks at the bar. He doesn't bother asking you what you want to order, since it's always a white wine. 
Your nerves calm down a bit when Levi's fingers graze yours to hand you your glass. "You okay? Are you having a good time?"
"Yes, Levi." You take a sip of your wine. "Your friends are nice. I like them."
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asexualzoro · 6 months
it's december 9th, meaning today is my 23rd birthday (which is my favorite number!), which means it's time for...
Lew Writes Wrapped 2023!!!
im including anything that happened after my last bday, so we have some works from december as well. this one's a bit of a weird one for the total word count, you'll see why
it's all treebark from my sideblog / alt ao3. i cannot change. i will not change. for these im just gonna specify the relationship that's the main focus bc thats easier than fandom bc all but like one are third life
dandelion wishing
(Dec, 2.4k, treebark, oneshot) (link)
op movie 6 au for dogwarts in which Martyn is the baron and Ren doesn't know he's dead
id actually plotted out a whole third life au for this movie like months prior and really wanted to write it, so i took it for treebark week and focused it just on these two. it's my fave movie of all time and i obvs had to give it to my fave completely dead team <3
i will admit tho. it did make me back search martyns twitter to see if hes ever posted abt watching this movie. bc i know he likes One Piece and i realized this would bring me into the danger zone (he hasnt ever posted abt it if hes seen it)
A Romance Route for the Doomed Villain?!?
(Dec, 5k, treebark, oneshot) (link)
treebark dating sim isekai parody that spiraled out of my control made in a day-long possession
im still baffled by this one. why was the response to this one so insane?? there was smth in the water the day i posted this bro. a 1:2 kudos to hits ratio for the entire first day is literally fucking unbelievable. 70 comments?? what hold did this fic have on you people. i got fic written about this one?? my friends goncharov'd me in front of my face
really fucking fun to write and the insane response was smth im always gonna remember. i appreciate you guys so much
treesekai also turns a year old in a few days!
Until the Angels Realize You're Not One of Them
(Feb, 7.2k, emerald duo, oneshot) (link)
a traitor phil au which was mostly just me talking about all the reasons i love technoblade
this one... wasnt actually written this year for the most part? i didnt want to not acknowledge it, since it's on my ao3 in this year, but i wont be able to count it toward the total
still. traitor phil au my beloved. hearing him say on his stream he and techno wanted to do a betrayal arc made me feel insane bc i already had this written at the time
missing or obstructed
(2022-present, 12.9k, Grian & Ren, ongoing) (link)
post 3L fic about Ren and Grian seeking out closure with a lot of funny little sleep metaphors
same deal as the last fic, i, uh dont think i actually wrote anything new for missing or obstructed this year either? just uploaded chapters i wrote last year,,, i didnt wanna now acknowledge it, but i wont count this in my total later
i miss her. one day ill actually sit down and write more missing or obstructed. in my doc im JUST at introducing Martyn and i havent written it yet
to reach my mangled debut
(Sept, 4.2k, treebark week, ongoing) (link)
it wouldnt be me if i didnt have an execution somewhere in here. another op au!
THIS. I LOVE HER. when rev and i were plotting out the whole storyline for smop renchanting i was begging please give me this scene i need it and i had so much fun writing it. i rlly need to finish soon but i haven’t had time but please. please check out smop. she’s top of my priority list to update
Three-Dog Night
(Sept, 6.7k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
BIG DOG. beauty and the beast au!
god im so fond of this au. there’s some rlly good scenes written for this and unposted bc i just need to link them together. honestly i think if i took a month and focused it on this fic alone i could fucking finish it but i don’t have the time ;-;
that said i’m so enamored w this au genuinely. o dunno what else to say i just think. puppy
Cover Me In Roses
(Sept, 3.3k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
lamplight roleswap! put Martyn in a flower pot
i don’t feel as motivated to work on this one when i have lamplight unfinished so it’s lower on my priorities but know i have like an entire arc of this written and unposted. we just have a few paths for this one and i have to decide which one to use
it’s so wild to me lamplight has like. aus. like this isn’t even the only one? a roleswap. that’s insane? it’s wild that you all like lamplight enough i can even get away with this
First Sign of a House Fire
(Sept, 2k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
i love superhero stories for two reasons: plots about secrets and adapting the characters to give them powers. this had smth fun for both of them
yellow rose isn’t super high on my list of priorities to update (i think the oneshot is interesting on its own) but one day,,,, it’s part of the many aus cherri and i have but it’s the longest for sure. the doc for just this au is like 100k words long on its own. at the time i draft this cherri and i are actively writing smth else for it in another tab. theres like 4 offshoots and im obsessed w all of them. we had to make ocs about this one. i’m excited to eventually add more to this series
actually that’s one of the scenes i’m most excited for and most dreading adding. we made a backstory oc and im SO attached to him and im excited to post a thing out there w him but. ough. whatever cringe is dead i’ll get there eventually and brute force my way into attaching you to our funky little robot guy
also love that this fic forced me to be decided on a docv characterization that i have to stick to. he may be a canon guy to martyn’s vtuber lore but he’s my oc now too
(Sept, 2k, treebark week, ongoing) (link)
pirate au and royal au based on a big secret and also stuffing a guy in a box and it's all stupid dramatic literally what else do you want or need in life
this is my wife. my favorite. my most beloved. blindsided gives me new illnesses and diseases. i have just one scene to write before i can update it and then i can continue unleashing her. god i love this fic the drama of it is SO fun.
the funny thing abt blindsided is i know all the plot chronologically but now how to Present it which is part of why i haven’t continued too much. eventually i will but until then know that one of the scenes im sitting on which has been fully written is one i think about constantly. hopefully when i post it cherri’ll let free the comic she did for it
i actually have the ending of this fic written i just need to get there lmfao. second on my priority list after smop i think
Cradle of the Leviathan
(Sept, 1.5k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
i just love mer aus man. whats the point of it all if you cant have mer aus. just get a big ol fish
i have the ending of this au written as well and literally so little of the lead up. but this is pretty low on my priorities. i think this one stands just fine on its own. mer aus are nice like that
we actually have a few mer aus but for now i’ll be focusing on this one. i do have a few sweet post story things written for this one. maybe one day i’ll write enough to post em lmao
Lamplight AU
(2022-present, 47k, treebark, ongoing) (link)
renchanting dnd/fantasy au, martyn's a paladin and ren's a lamp
so i started this au last year. my wrapped last year said my total was 20k, so that means this year's total is.... 27k!
and… it was just lamplight’s birthday and i did all my appreciation for the fic and its readers then, but god. i love this fic so much and i love you all who have read it and been so kind about it. the amount of popularity it has makes it a bit nerve wracking to work on, but i still really want to see it finished. i hope to see the bulk of it done by this time next year!
Six Sentence Sunday
six sentence sunday is a challenge where i try to post six sentences i wrote that week every sunday, to keep me writing every week of the year! i do it over on my writing blog, @driflew
i did not keep up on my six sentences,,, i had a lot of sunday fencing tournaments. i did for ~33 weeks this year! thats a pretty good amount! i’ll have to be more on top of it next year tho
unpublished work
the last few years i havent included unpublished work, but with the extreme bulk of it, i wanted to note it down. cherri @/cherrifire and i have been writing a lot back and forth at each other in discord dms this year, and i wanted to include those in my count! bc holy fucking shit is there a lot of them
i didn’t include collab pieces, just pieces i wrote alone. i also only included the renchanting aus i share w cherri and scarian aus i share w flowey, nothing else—no unfinished lamplight or other independent pieces or oneshots, no original fiction for class, nothing. i also missed a few u haven’t moved to docs yet. so i’m lowballing by a few. thousands. of words
the total for those is...... 135k words! there is,,, something wrong with me
total and end notes
our total this year is...
187512 words!
that might be my highest word count yet! because i caught treebark disease. wild.
something really fun about this year to me is i really loved everything i wrote.
if you want to get me a gift or support me on my birthday… maybe try reading my work and reblogging it or leaving a comment! you can find my writing at driflew or skelew on ao3, follow my writing blog at @driflew, or even consider tipping my kofi!
thank you for sticking with me and supporting me this year! i really appreciate it! hopefully i can break 100k next year too!
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romanstheory · 1 year
Nothing Else Matters a Solo Sikoa One Shot
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Warnings : none all fluff
Word count : 660
It’s our anniversary! Three years being with the love of my life, Solo Sikoa. It’s been a beautiful three years of course with some ups and downs, but I mean no relationship is linear. He’s been gone a lot recently. He’s been on the road with his brothers a lot. Things are really looking up for his career and I couldn’t be more proud of him. He’s always been destined for the spotlight, but me id rather be the person making it happen. I’ve flown into California for Smackdown, after Solo’s match he has something planned for the two of us.
I finish getting my hair and makeup done and get into the car Solo sent to get me to the arena. On the way, I can see fans lined up for what seems like miles. All in their merch and holding signs. I make my way into the arena and there he is with a giant smile on his face. He greets me with a hug, his hands resting on my waist. He pulls me in for a kiss “happy anniversary baby” he says looking deeply into my eyes. “Happy anniversary” I say grinning. “Happy anniversary baby” Jimmy says mocking Solo playfully. “Oh my god I love you” Jey says in a high pitched voice.
I laugh and roll my eyes, they were always close by with their antics. “What y’all got planned?” Jey asks as we all walk through the halls. “He won’t tell me” I reply looking over at Solo. “That’s how surprises work” he says looking over at me smirking. The night continues and he wins his match and showers after. He blindfolds me, guiding me to the car. “No peaking” he says, I can almost hear the smirk in his voice. The drive seems to take forever and I’m full of anticipation. The car stops and I hear him get out and come over to my door, opening it and gently taking my hand into his.
“Can I look yet?” I ask with enthusiasm. “Not yet baby” he says sweetly. He guides me by the small of my back, never letting go of my hand and pulls out a chair. He unties the blindfold revealing a beautiful candle lit dinner with live music just for us. We’re right in front of what is the most beautiful body of water I’ve ever seen in my life. “Babe” I say in awe looking around. “This is beautiful”. He looks at me the way he did when we first met, it’s a look I can’t describe. It’s the look you give someone when your heart is full and it’s because of them. Sort of like looking at the most beautiful thing you could ever imagine and never wanting to stop.
Our dinner was amazing, I couldn’t have asked for a better dinner. He takes me by the hand again and guides me down a path by the water. “Solo this is beautiful” I say still in awe. “Yeah it is!” He says as he slowly drifts behind me. I stop walking, noticing his change in pace. I turn around and there he is…. On one knee with a ring box in his hand. My heart sank, this was like something out of a hallmark movie. “You make me the most happy man on the face of this planet” Solo says “when you’re with me nothing else matters. Please make me the happiest man on the planet for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?”
My mouth drops and tears fill my eyes “YES!” I scream. He puts the ring on my finger and I jump into his arms. I hear people approaching, cheering and screaming. He’s invited our families out for this very moment. The rest of our night is spent celebrating the rest of our lives together. He was right, in this moment nothing else mattered.
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lemissingmask · 8 months
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[ID: Sketch of Jacob Stone enclosed in a glowy blue column and sitting on a stool, holding one arm with a bandaged right hand, looking at Cassandra beside him, who is calculating something in her head, and with Jenkins in the foreground watching them. End ID]
Day 6: Mind control
Ficlet explaining this below the cut
Stone hadn’t been acting right.
First, he kept spacing out.  Getting lost in thought in a way he usually only did if studying artworks, portfolios or works of literature.  Except, when he sat down to actually do that after they’d finished an artifact retrieval, Eve didn’t see him write a single note.
He had dismissed her concerns with, as she expected, a kind but guarded smile, and a simple, “I’m good.”
That didn’t do anything to make her less concerned, but she did conclude that maybe it was something personal.  He had a lot of pain in his past, and Eve barely knew the smallest part of it.  Add that to his habit of thinking a lot…maybe he just had periods like this, triggered by something none of them could guess.
Except, then he showed signs of pain.  Or, not pain.  Discomfort.  Pressing the heel of his palm over an eye, wincing from apparently nothing.  And, when she picked him up on this, his, “Nothing’s wrong,” was sharp and unfamiliar.  Nothing like the soft smile Stone had offered a couple of weeks before.
She backed off but kept close watch.  Close enough that she saw when he recklessly - almost deliberately - threw himself at their claw-endowed foe in the middle of a fight.  Ezekiel saved him from a very probably fatal injury, managing to use the distraction to pull the evil ruby from the back of the crab-looking, scaled created, just in time for it to crumbled into fragments before that massive claw could cut Stone in two.
Ezekiel had grinned as he held up the gem, said something expectedly cocky, and the day was saved.
Stone looked angry.  Ferocious.
Eve only placed the expression hours after they were back, after Cassandra and Ezekiel had gone to grab victory drinks.  Well aware of the sadness discord among the group caused Cassandra, Eve waited until then, grabbing Stone’s arm to hold him back from joining them.
She didn’t waste time with skirting around the question.  What was wrong with him?  Why had he been so reckless?  He needed to get it together or someone was going to get hurt.
In short, an earful.  The sort of lecture she rarely needed to give the librarians anymore.
He had responded with confusion, a hurt and lost expression, and then suddenly that ferocity again.  No word accompanied the changing demeanour, and he walked away without saying a single word in his defence or apology.
“Did I miss something?” Jenkins asked, watching the empty space Stone had just vacated.  The question was really just a prompt for the explanation he had to know was coming.
“Stone’s acting wrong.”
Jenkins hummed the ‘I believe you are right’ hum, “I too have noticed the change.”
She shook her head, “Today, in a fight, he almost got himself killed.  And it didn’t look like an accident.  He just threw himself into the danger without a plan or a decent strategy.  Which, maybe two years ago, could be normal, but now…” “And it takes no pleasure in art,” Jenkins added, “Is distant.”
“And angry.  He looked angry when Ezekiel defeated that crab…thing.  Like he wanted to be the one to do it.”
Jenkins hummed the ‘you are wrong’ hum.
Eve sighed, “Do you have any theories?”
“I may…but it would…”
“Baird!  Jenkins!” Cassandra sprinted in, catching herself on the doorframe to keep from literally sliding beyond it in her haste, “We need your help.  Stone’s…”
She broke off, choking on a sort of sob, and shook it off, “Just come!”
Eve caught Jenkins’ worried glance for a split second before they were both on their feet, running after Cassandra until they saw what she had called them for, and Eve sprinted ahead.
Stone was lying on the floor in the corridor, outside one of the innumerable rooms, a pool of blood beneath him and his left shoulder soaked in it.  From years of habit, she assessed that along with several other wounds - his hand was scored in a row of three deep gashes, the left side of his head was reddened and grazed, and he wasn’t moving.  Ezekiel leaned over him, his own shirt balled up and pressed onto Stone’s shoulder.
“He tried to fight that big ass scorpion thing!”
“The Aqrabuamelu?” “Whatever!” Ezekiel moved back to let Eve and Jenkins take over, “We were going to ask him to join us and he just ignored us.  We followed and then he just walks in.  Stands there and the scorpion guy went for him.  We dragged him out, but…”
But he had once again almost got himself killed in an act far too stupid for someone so intelligent.
The reasons could wait.  Right now they needed to deal with the very severe, deep wound that cut deep into his shoulder.  Deep enough she could see bone beneath the confusion of blood and flesh.
“Do we have anything in the library that can help with this?  It’s not a magical wound, right?”
Jenkins pursed his lips, “Let us hope not…first we need to put pressure on the injury and bind it, hold the sides of the gash closed…”
Eve fell back into an old habit.  She listened to the resident medic, did as they instructed to stabilise the injury, transport the victim, assist in the treatment, clean the victim up.  It helped.  Helped her not to think about the two pairs of terrified eyes watching everything, of what might be going on with their art historian to cause him to be so reckless.
In the past when this happened, with an injury like this, it often culminated in the soldier being sent to a proper hospital as soon as possible and from there home, or the soldier dying.
This time, Jenkins had a useful elixir that helped stem the bleeding and knit the wound partially closed, leaving only a moderately deep cut that they could dress and bind.
That part was better than any previous incident like this.
Worse, however, was that when Stone woke up a few hours later, he was back to that ferocious anger again.  Silent, but with hatred in his gaze.  Specifically, hatred for Ezekiel and Cassandra - the ones who had pulled him to safety.
Jenkins watched this thoughtfully, then, speaking over the indignant words of Ezekiel directed at their ungrateful rescuee, “Colonel, please bring Mr Stone into the annex with as much force as is required.  Miss Cilian, if you could assist me, please.”
He walked off, Cassandra running after, with a final, worried, look back towards Stone.
Eve hesitated, briefly became the object of that angry gaze, and grabbed Stone by the back of his shirt collar and his uninjured arm to manhandle him after the former knight.
In the annex, Jenkins stepped in to take Stone from Eve and push him unceremoniously onto one of the stools.
Immediately, a blue light erupted from beneath him in a tall column of light.
“That should keep him from doing himself further mischief for now,” Jenkins said with evident satisfaction, “And give us time to resolve this matter.”
“The matter of Stone trying to kill himself,” Ezekiel clarified.
“No,” Jenkins held up a finger, “Trying to get himself killed.  There is a distinction.”
“Not in the outcome.”
“The outcome is not the important factor here,” Jenkins continued, “Colonel, when did you say you first noticed this strange behaviour?  About a month ago now?”
“Shortly after you retrieved the lead-covered tome from Malta.”
“I think so…”
“Just so,” Jenkins nodded, “He was distracted, lost interest in his passions, grew agitated, and finally began to put himself into fatal situations with apparent deliberate intent.”
“There is a creature…” he left the sentence hanging as he went to retrieve a book, returning and continuing as he leafed through it, “Called a remora-”
“Ah, yes, no,” he cut off Cassandra’s exclamation, “A different remora.  The fish was a…well, one should not undertake the classification and naming of creatures after two quarts of neat spirits.”
He stopped at a page and stepped back so they could peer collectively at the etched print of a slug-like creature with three rows of sharp teeth.
“This remora is a magical creature.  Was, in fact, human once.  Before Zeus took a disliking to him and, well, did what Zeus does.”
“One of the things Zeus does…” Eve muttered.  Stone had been telling her some of the stories of Greek mythology while he was studying some recently uncovered pottery sent to be examined by one of his aliases.
Looking back to Stone where he sat now, she saw nothing of her friend there.  Just cold anger.  Hostility.
“The unfortunate human had been a particularly handsome sailor, reputed to be unrivalled in his ability to get the greatest speed from any ship, beloved and admired by all those who saw his abilities.  On transforming, the creature was compelled to latch onto ships moving through the water, seeking what was familiar to him, and yet his doing so could stop the ship entirely.  He became hated and feared by sailors.”
“That’s so sad,” Cassandra whispered.
“As is the fate of most who angered Zeus during the height of his power.”
“Okay, but this doesn’t explain Stone trying to kill himself.”
“Get himself killed,” Jenkins corrected, “The remora has been known to enter into humans, latching onto them as it will with any surface, and burrowing inside.  Its home, where it wants to be, is the water.  The open oceans, and on finding itself inside a host, it seeks escape.  This it does by attempting to control the host.  Just as it can control ships, to an extent, it can control living beings.  Not entirely, but enough to eventually find its way out of the host.  Pliny the elder, for example.  Sailed directly towards an active volcano, impelled by the remora, and met his unfortunate demise.”
“And you think Stone picked this remora up in Malta?”
“It may have been attached to the book you recovered, or perhaps free in the water at the time Mr Stone went in.  In any case, it found its way into him, and since then has been gradually gaining control over his mind.”
Eve looked again at Stone.  The remora had his expression fixed in something cold and angry, but apparently indifferent to their presence and their discussion.  It was watching, but not really seeing.
“So,” Ezekiel prompted when the silence had extended for too long, “How do we get this remora guy out of Stone?”
“Death of the host is the only means ever documented.”
“Well we aren’t killing Stone, so let’s find a new way.”
“An exorcism?” Ezekiel suggested, “Or, like, some kinda variation on one?”
“Exorcisms are very specific rituals, Mr Jones.  Variations on them to the extent of eliminating formerly-human creatures with a physical presence in this plane do not exist.”
Ezekiel huffed and they fell silent.
Stone shifted in his seat, pressed a hand against the barrier containing him, glowering yet more coldly when it didn’t yield.
“Why did that thing get in him anyway if it just wants to get out again?” Eve asked.
“There would have been no intent behind the action.  An accident.  Latching onto a surface not as resistant as the hull of a ship.”
“So, maybe it just doesn’t know another way out,” Cassandra said with that spark of excitement that foretold some genius, “If we can guide it out the way it came…”
“How do we do that?” Ezekiel waved a hand in front of Stone’s face, and received that same empty coldness - aware but not really observing.
“We use something it wants.  The ocean or a ship…do we have an ocean or a ship?”
“We have several rooms with some sort of oceanic portion to them, but they have existing uses.  I would prefer not to introduce the remora into any of our occupied rooms.”
“And we can’t let it loose to do this to more people.”
“What about shipwrecks?” Cassandra said a stream of confusing statements about velocity and currents that apparently led her to the conclusion, “If we pass something that resembles the hull of a ship past Stone at a precise velocity in a body of water with salinity matching the ocean where we found the remora, it should move out of him and to that.  The cut in his shoulder would provide an easy path so it should be able to reach the external medium before the falsity becomes obvious.”
“Okay…” Eve nodded, understanding enough and trusting in Cassandra’s judgement, “Then that’s what we do.”
Holding one of her best friends down, half underwater while simultaneously trying to stop him from drowning himself, at the same time as two other friends orchestrated a carefully timed motion of some copper-covered wooden planks over the immersed part of the first friend…Eve reflected once again that her life had become incredibly bizarre.
Stone’s relentless efforts to immerse his head in the water prevented her from any deep reflection, since she had to prevent that while also keeping him from knocking the fake ship’s hull and ruining the illusion.  There was also the small matter of his very much open injury seeping blood into the water around him.
Somewhere beyond her head, Cassandra was using a pulley to move the object through the water, while Ezekiel and Jenkins used yet more string-linked objects to create the correct motion of water to suggest a ship to the remora.  Cassandra had drawn out a diagram of the fluid dynamics required and how to create it, and now Eve was poised over the water - hanging from a harness Ezekiel assured her was secure - trying to move as little as possible as the obscure procession of wood began.
As soon as the wood moved close, she released Stone, trusting the calculations and theory that this would work and she hadn’t just let Stone go and drown himself.
The fake ship passed slowly over, Stone remained motionless beneath the surface of the water.
Ten seconds passed.  Fifteen.  Twenty, and the ‘ship’ suddenly stopped.
Beneath it, Stone moved, tried to sit up, hitting his head against the fake ship.
He scrambled out from beneath the immobile copper-coated wood, blood blossoming behind him, and emerged from the water coughing violently.
Eve unfastened herself from the harness, dropping the couple of feet to the water.
He was trembling, breathless and not just from the water, and suddenly very pale.
Gripping her arm, he nodded, and turned to look back at the wood, still unmoving in the water.
Beneath it, a small, dark shape lurked.
“Thing has…so much hate,” Stone murmured, voice weak and unsteady, “All this…built up anger.  A-An’ it doesn’t even know why.  It’s got no…no memories left.”
Those fractured, almost inaudible, words, were all he said of the remora aloud.
They treated his shoulder, made a room for the remora, and carried on.  Bizarre and dangerous events were part of their daily life, and this soon became just another of those.
But not for Stone.
Eve knew that he spent a lot of time visiting it, sometimes with his laptop, sometimes with a book.
Several months later, when the entire incident felt like nothing more than a distant memory, Eve saw Jenkins reading an academic paper on little known Ancient Greek folklore, authored by one of Stone’s aliases.  She skimmed over it herself, and found a detailed, sympathetic, extensively researched background to The Remora.
Stone’s way of helping the creature that was beyond help.  Telling its forgotten story, and recounting the few times that a ship had been saved by its sudden, abrupt and inexplicable deceleration in the water.
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the-final-sif · 1 year
I don’t mean to ask a stupid question but where’s the stuff about the doxxing? I read dreams tweets and only saw USMP and QSMP stuff? When did he mention his family is getting doxxed? Did I miss a tweet?
I think you might've missed two of the tweets,
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[text id: Still no responses, and at that point I was very stressed and concerned about it, so members of the QSMP and non members that were friends of mine attempted to reach out to get clarity or figure out what was going on. From what I gathered, there were no responses, and it was strongly alluded from Q that you wouldn’t be allowed to play on both servers if you were a part of the QSMP.
Which totally makes sense for Quackity, as there’s not that many creators on the QSMP and it takes a lot of time to make all the mods and updates for content and you want it to be as active as possible.
I was still incredibly confused, and I continued to reach out and have even put my project on hold to try and work out what was going on behind the scenes and extend love & support to quackity and everything he has done publicly. as only a couple weeks before this happened we were all still joking and talking in calls, playing in events together, texting & chatting, and my assumption would be that we are all still really good friends and that this is just a big misunderstanding with a lot of lack of communication between Quackity & all of us.
That being said, I’ve seen the communities split against each other and have tons of hate build around this and around the speculations of peoples motives and friendships and so on, and it’s really really harmful to the community as a whole. I have seen more threats, doxing, fights, slander, and hate between a bunch of fan bases that I’ve seen in a very long time. I personally have experienced an elevated level of in real life threats & stalkers & even had the police involved in somebody showing up at my house, & even putting trackers on my family vehicles, surrounding this drama, for the first time since pre-face reveal. That’s really why I feel like I have to say something about it despite me wanting to avoid any kind of serious talk about all of this, especially even talking about communication publicly feels wrong but necessary in this instance.
I never like to air out anything that feels or is private, but I feel like in this case it’s really important for my fan base to be aware of my intentions, motives, thought process, and how we got to where we are. I’ve always been a creator that’s very open with my fan base about everything going on in my life and this is a massive thing right now for my friends & me & is something an outsider might not really understand what’s going on and I feel clarity is important.]
He said, specifically, that surrounding this drama, he:
Only talked about this publicly because he was experiencing real life threats constantly and had to get the police involved. And it wasn't dying down.
Had an elevated level in real life threats, stalkers, had someone show up at his house, and had someone putting trackers on his family's cars.
Dream's been facing actual real life danger from a dumb minecraft server with some stupid fictional eggs. And Quackity hasn't bothered to say a damn word to him, not in private, not through a friend, and not in public where he could've told off his fanbase. It's disgusting behavior.
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shimamitsu · 2 months
if u ever wanna complain abt blue flag id be all ears. ive had it recommended a ton but never got around to hear abt it
ah, the old blue flag. every few months i remember this manga and i feel pure anger deep in my heart. long post incoming! i know a lot of people like it so i'll preface this by saying that this is my opinion, you can still like it, let's hold hands and read manga together. anyway, blue flag. my main problem is that it feels like something that was written for heterocis people to sympathize with lgbt's people's existence instead of something that actually included lgbt's people's experiences and opinions. all you have to know is that there's this scene where a character makes a list of lgbt songs or smth like that and one of them is shake it off by taylor swift. yeah. i said this yesterday but it's not like i think it's bad for lgbt manga to be educational, that's totally ok. there are works like 'i think our son is gay' that are very good at that. the whole plot of the manga is that a mom finds out her son is gay and it follows how she learns about sexuality, lgbt issues, etc etc (it's also told from her pov). its purpose clearly is to be educational for a non-lgbt audience. with blue flag... it felt like they were trying to explain lgbt 101 to me and failing. it raised a lot of questions about sexuality that in the best of cases the author couldn't give an answer to (and sometimes it's ok not to, but we weren't dealing with queer theory here, the question was like. do gay ppl deserve rights), and in the worst of cases just fumbled the resolution completely. the best example for that is how a character's outing got handled. spoilers here ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ but man. the mc gets outed by his homophobic friend, later it is revealed that this friend is homophobic bc he got assaulted by a man (wow gay predator trope, never seen that before), and the manga could've taken 10000 different directions to deal with that but what did the author decide to do? yeah -> homophobia is just a different opinion! we have to understand where both sides are coming from <3 hell no. die. (it was awful and heartbreaking to read btw). more big spoilers ‼️ another thing that made me violent (and i mean it), was how the manga handled another character's sexuality. one of the main characters, a girl whose name i can't remember, spent the entire manga rightfully struggling with coming to terms with the fact that she liked women. she explicitly said she couldn't like men if i remember correctly. well. here comes a time skip. she's married to a man. how. what. and ofc i'm not saying she can't be bi, but she was clearly written as a lesbian. why on earth is she married to a man then i wanna KILLLLLLLLL. anyway the ending also sucked. in the time skip it's implied the main boys were dating (idek how we got there, ig we skipped the entire sexuality journey of one of them) but it was told from a 1st person pov for some reason so we literally don't see them together (i wonder if it was too gay for shonen jump). when this manga was ongoing, even when it ended, people were promoting it to hell and back, saying how good the "representation" was. i assure you i never saw a manga that centered lgbt characters be talked about THAT much, except maybe shimanami tasogare. it seriously was huge. it was a lot of people's first approach to lgbt manga as well. why people think lgbt manga peaked with ao no flag is beyond me. last year a mutual made a post talking about it and they made a great point which was that blue flag would've never gotten that popular if it wasn't a shonen jump manga and i totally agree. and i'll be bitter about it being licensed where i live while shimanami tasogare isn't until the day i die. but yeah that's a summary of my issues with it. obviously i don't recommend it lol
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aesthetictanuki · 1 month
I kinda have to ramble a little skdjfksdjf.
Okay, I like ID, I've fell in love with Cas' character, I've come to liking Gabe a lot too. Also, I want to point out that despite still arguing (guessing they really wanna drive the whole "jealousy" thing home), they seem to work together a lot more, knowing how much MC cares- which I appreciate and enjoy watching.
But like, PB had room to explore some hard-hitting concerns with being a vampire- maybe even letting us into what it was like for Cas and Gabe when they were human too, letting us get to know them way better and polish them as characters.
Because, am I the only one who wonders what happened to everything that may be human to MC? Didn't they have a dream college to go to? What if they wanted to explore the world or just simply go overseas? What if their mom decides that it's time to move out? The lines deal destroyed all of that kinda, also I doubt your coven would let you leave anyway. MC pretty much has been chained to the town forever, I feel like that's something worth giving us at least a chapter or two about - or just explore it throughout the whole story.
I have some thoughts on how morality plays a role in the whole biting/hunting thing too, because that lowkey felt lackluster in ID 1 - and what, you're gonna tell me no vampire had any thoughts or feelings about being a predator now? Hunting someone that could be someone else's family and friends? Or just feeding off of them in general? I just feel like we haven't properly explored the mental side of things, but I know there's a chapter about hunting, so I'm gonna stay (mostly) quiet. I know vampires may have mixed emotions to what being human is to them like Cas- but PB isn't giving me much to work with.
Not to mention, they've showed that they lack writers tbh. I didn't personally liked the dinner scene in ch.4 for example- I know hunger is a big part of the story at the moment, but I kinda hoped for seeing MC's mom interacting with Cas and Gabe more. Showing me what she thinks about them, what they would talk about. Those two are clearly very important people to MC, I kinda wanted to see at least a proper scene with her getting to know them and hinting at a relationship being built, it's clear as day that those are your kid's romantic interests- and she's a good mom overall, I think she'd like to meet those mysterious little freaks your child constantly hangs around with.
And, I don't know if you remember, but in book 1, there was a scene after the hospital fiasco where MC was wondering who bit who between LIs, and they made a whole deal about it. But then in book 2 if you go see those silver brands, they just kinda drop on you that Cas got punished once for messing up while Gabe was still a human.
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So doesn't that indicate that Cas turned Gabe? And they just glazed over that?
I'm gonna end it with the fact that I'm kinda irritated with the fact that we could - but don't as of now- get an MC that would simply go "wait, hold up... I think I'm polyam", with the Gabe and Cas situation. I agree that there should absolutely be choice for people, but I personally did agree in book 1 to be with both of them- I think even if you choose just one person, there's still an option to be with them both in a way, and flirt with both? And they don't establish any rules (as in who's okay with what to make sure nobody is hurt and uncomfortable, and suffers in silence for the sake of others), they don't talk, nothing. Again, I fully get that the transformation is a huge deal and has to take the first seat, that's obvious, but... not even a little convo? 4 chapters in? I think it would be really cool to have them explore this side, along with having the possibility of MC discovering they might be a polyamorous person. And they just focus on "the other being jealous" which, I feel like, makes my MC look like he's just a dickhead - or at least incredibly inconsiderate- it's like "My two first loves" all over again.
Or at least it feels like "being a vampire" takes the spotlight, controling yourself is the main course and concerns, not to mention all those pesky human feelings and concerns are thrown into the garbage. I'm trying to stop myself from being overly judgemental, because I'd like to finish the book first, but I don't know.
You PB fuckers are lucky you made Cas so damn likable.
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emmatgc · 5 months
Hi friend! Mm I have a question because I really don't understand and you analyze very well. I have seen posts saying that Tommy and Lizzie have a beautiful relationship, and that Tommy protects her a lot and that is what Lizzie needs, a love like that. Can you explain to me how they come to those interpretations, when Lizzie is suffering all the time, and bitter about her life and Tommy is completely distant, he is traveling all the time and he is with other women, and he is very unhappy in his life and in his home. What's so great about a marriage like that?
Thank you!
Hi friend! Thank you your question. My 1st question really haha Ill try. First of all, all their "interpretations" of their so called beautiful relationship are solely based on Lizzie's perspective or POV. Like, it is what lizzie needs, a love like that but how about Tommy, eh? See? already one sided. Second, I think they hold on to that "empathy" rope that clearly, we have to admit that Tommy cared for Lizzie as a friend or family, raising her status from a whore to a secretary. Though as a secretary she was still employed as his favorite whore, he still pays her so that relationship still though "caring" was still transactional. But for liz fans, that's progress. That's a development. Third, I also think that hold on to that "longer" years that Liz and Tommy know each other, again as his personal you know what. That is relationship to them and she got promoted. Fourth, all this boils down to them getting reckless and she ended up being pregnant and became the 2nd Mrs. Shelby. So, marriage it is. Not just relationship but marriage. Again, from the streets, to the table as a secretary to a wife of the most powerful man in Birmingham, progress, empathy and loyalty. Fifth, liz fans are like us loyal fans. They see her as a success story of getting what she wants. She got it and ironically, whines each and everytime. She knew what she got into yet still whines and for all the talk that Grace wanted Tommy to change, ehem Lizzie who they say knows the "real him" actually does a lot of whining for him to change. She doesn't get him at all. So, to add all this, basically for me, there was no healthy relationship nor a respectable and loving one. I disagree with the notion that they have a beautiful relationship. What they have was toxic and misery. What i can agree on is the fact that even Cillian said, loyalty, Liz was loyal to Cillian because he was her savior, she loves him. Hence, its for them understandable to be together for ruby and reward her for her loyalty.
Lastly, id like to make myself clear on this. Tommy tried to care and love Lizzie. They tried to make it work. But Tommy is Tommy. He rarely falls in love and when he dies, it goes deep. With liz it was very limited. He still uses her in their business and stuff not as equal partners I presume. A marriage more on paper. Yes, she was the longest "relationship" he had, transactional or not. But he was for the most part, a mean husband. A jerk, a cold and absentee husband and father. We always say, if SK chose to let Tommy fall in love again then by all means, we will accept even if it breaks our hearts because again that is the plot. We respect that and we are afterall sane people. But, it never materialize. Until the very end, Grace was cut above all the ladies and everybody else even his own family. To Fans or extremists of Lizzie should always ask themselves, if this was Grace, would he act like this? Would he cheat everytime? Would he leave after the funeral? Would he look like a 100 year old guy even if its Christmas? I know deep in their hearts they know the truth. They just couldn't accept and handle it. Grace even died and yet, Tommy x Liz were never EVER TRULY happy. He was never the same after Grace. What was everybody expecting after her death? Tommy went on with his life, he cannot stop but he was for the most part dead inside. Tommy didn't put forth the effort that lizzie needed. Its Tommy's fault not Grace though. Tommy simply refuses to love Liz the way a husband should. I for one was pitiful towards Liz in the later part. She suffered so much with Tommy. But to hell they call it a beautiful relationship and marriage? That is beyond me. But, again, its a free world, it is nice to express and i hope dear friend, i shed some light at least in their POV for us to co exist in this world. 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you again, my friend! ❤️
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dauntlessdiva · 10 months
There's A Band At The Bar (That I'm Dying To See)
For @steddieholidaydrabbles warm up prompt: high school/college au
Rating: T
Word count: 963
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin (mentioned), Hellfire Club (mentioned)
Cw: Implied/Rferenced Underage Drinking
Tags: High School au, Self-Appointed Designated Driver Steve Harrington, Joyriding, Queer Steve Harrington, Queer Eddie Munson, Miscommunication, First Kiss, Getting Together, Temporary Amnesia.
It took him upwards of an hour, but Steve finally tracked Munson down in the alley outside of The Hideout. Checking his watch, he cursed at how close he was cutting it.
"C'mon, Munson, do you have the goods or not? I don't have all night!"
"Hold your horses there big boy, I've got it right here. What's the rush anyways, you got a hot date or something?" Eddie knew poking the bear was a bad idea, especially when said bear was the king of the school, but if Eddie was known for one thing it was his love for bad ideas.
"Not that it's any of your business," Steve huffed, lighting the smoke he'd pulled from his back pocket while Eddie had been taunting him, "but I've got my eye on someone in the band."
Eddie smirked at that, shaking his head in faux disappointment. "For shame, Harrington! Leave some for the rest of us, will you?"
Steve smiled around his cigarette. "Nah," he eyed Eddie up and down, "I don't think I will."
Ducking his head to try and hide his flushed face, Eddie groused, "Do you want the fake or not man, I thought you were on a time crunch?"
"I am," Steve replied flippantly, "though it won't be the end of the world if plan A doesn't work out." He added, pulling a set of keys from his pocket. Keys that obviously belonged to the most expensive car in all of Hawkins, Richard Harrington's 1957 Cadillac Coupe Deville.
The wolf whistle Eddie let out caught Steve off guard, but thankfully not enough for him to lose his composure. He stomped out the butt of his smoke as he pocketed the keys once more.
"So, what d'ya say Munson. I've got the agreed cash on me for the fake, but if that's not enough we could take this baby," his hand shifted in his pocket and the metal flashed as it caught the dim light overhead, "out for a spin later?"
Eddie had to shake his head and clear his throat a few times before he could respond, but when he finally felt like his brain could function properly, he gave an enthusiastic yes and handed over Steve's shiny new fake ID.
He'd done his best to make it as accurate as possible, even taking the extra time to get information from Harrington's drivers licence to get the height and birthday as accurate as possible. It was some of his best work, if he does say so himself.
As Steve started jogging away, Eddie called out a 'good luck' in farewell before disappearing through the back entry of The Hideout to do any last minute tweaks to his look before his performance.
Friday night was a blur of booze and music- playing, flirting, and laughing the night away- but Eddie was certain it was the best he'd ever performed. However, he couldn't remember a lot of the details after said performance.
He knew there was a cute guy who couldn't take his eyes off Eddie the whole night, and he vaguely recalled a joyride in an insanely expensive and ridiculously fancy car, but that's about it.
So imagine his surprise when Monday rolled around and he found himself in the company of King Steve himself, willingly sitting with the freaks and geeks of Hawkins High as though it was the norm, despite the bewildered looks Tommy and Carol kept throwing his way from their Royal lunch table amongst the rest of the nobility.
Even queerer, Steve was not only being simply civil but downright nice! Kind, even! He laughed at Eddie's jokes, even the ones that Hellfire didn't find funny. He paid attention to the conversation and asked thoughtful and in depth questions about even the nerdiest of their interests.
Eddie spends the rest of the school day, and each one after that week, feeling like he'd stepped into the twilight zone.
By Friday, his curiosity finally won out. Eddie wanted answers, dammit! And he was gonna get them!
So when lunch rolled around that day, he asked to speak to Steve in private, and dragged him out to the picnic bench in the woods. Eddie attempted to interrogate him, and Steve just restated that he was interested in someone at their table.
When Eddie didn't seem to get it, Steve started to describe this mystery person of his. They were loud and passionate and brave and nerdy. They liked metal and Dnd. They had the cutest dimples and this laugh that rung through any room as clear as a bell no matter how crowded. They were in a band. They were in Eddie's band.
If Eddie didn't know better, he'd think Steve was describing him, but- oh holy shit.
Suddenly last Friday seemed to come into focus for the first time in Eddie's mind. Steve, crowding himself up against the front of the stage, watching Corroded Coffin with rapt attention. Steve, congratulating the band on a stellar performance. Steve, chatting and laughing and flirting with Eddie. Steve, taking Eddie out for a joyride in his Daddy's car. Steve, driving Eddie home. Steve leaning over to kiss him on the cheek before letting him climb out. Steve, waiting until he knew Eddie had made it into the trailer safe and sound before leaving.
"Oh holy shit."
"Yeah," Steve said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Eddie breathed in awe.
Steve, despite having prepared several speeches with lengthy explanations, simply shrugs and goes with, "You didn't bring it up, and I didn't wanna push."
Eddie couldn't help that he melted just a little bit at that. But who wouldn't? So he did what any logical person would.
He pulled Steve forward and kissed him silly.
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geo-winchester · 10 months
Prompt 48 with Santi?
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A/N: hi lovely anon, thank you so much for your request I hope this is what you want, I hope you don’t mind that this took me a lot of time to write but I have a few melt downs and I’m deeply sorry, uh I hope that you like it! Lots of loves.
Santiago “Pope” Garcia masterlist
When the doors of the elevator got open you knew that something bad happened, Santiago was sitting outside your door, he look at you when he heard your groceries falling from your hands, he got close to you, he hold the groceries from the floor, he took his time to looked at you, when he did you could see the pain and shame in his eyes, he was about to talk but you shook your head. 
-No, I don’t want to hear it here- you said. 
He silently followed you through the hallway and into your apartment, the two of you sat on the island of the kitchen, for a few minutes none of you said a word, it was just the two of you looking at your hands until you sighed and looked at him.
-Is he…- you couldn’t finish your sentence, Santiago took the dog tags of your brother.
-I know he wants you to have this- the tears start to fall from your cheeks -Lo siento mucho…
-mierda, this can’t be happening, he was excited for your trip to Colombia…- then it hit you -It wasn’t a simple trip right?- he shook his head -did… did he suffer?- Santiago didn’t know how to answer that question but before he could, you couldn’t hold it anymore and started crying, he held you in his arms as you cried for your brother -does Molly and the girls know?- he nodded and started to search for something in his pockets.
-I know this isn’t going to bring him back but this is for you- he said giving you part of the money they stole, you look at it as if it was dangerous.
-I can’t take it…
-¿por que no?
-because I can’t- you said.
-You can buy a better place, go on a trip, relax…
-Then you take it, do all those things- you said a little angry, you sighed before you look at him -I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be mean to you- you said as you play with your brothers ID -do you have somewhere to stay? 
-I’m going to find a hotel…
-I have a spare room, it’s not a hotel but it’s clean and I just buy some food so if you want, you can stay here.
-I don’t want to bother you, I’m planning to stay for a couple of days… 
-It’s no bother Santi- you said and noticed that he was smiling at you -what?
-It’s the first time you said my name- he said, making you blush for some reason.
-I used it before, you on the other hand always called me.
-Bean- he said with a smile -I remember how excited you were when you make a plant grown from a bean- you laugh.
-It was bigger than any other plant from my classmates- you said proudly -but my point is that I say your name more than you said my name.
-That’s because you only used it when you got mad because I dragged your brother into something- your smile dropped -I… I’m really sorry, Bean.
-For what?- suddenly you noticed that he was struggling with something.
-It’s my fault- he said -Tom is dead because of me- you look at him -It was my mission, I knew how dangerous it was, but we all need the money and… I should stop him when I could, I should know that someone was following us- he cleaned the few tears. 
-I’ll go- he said as he stood up but you took his hand before he was able to walk away.
-Please don’t- you said - I actually don’t want to be alone right now- he nods.
After that night the two of you started to spend a lot of time together, he was there every time you needed it, just as you were there all those nights when he woke up with a nightmare. One of those nights he held you close and whispered how much he loved you, you didn’t hesitate to say it back. It’s been a few months since you started dating, as any other night when you had to work late, he waited for you outside of your work, he put an arm around your shoulder and kissed your temple. 
-how was your day, amor?- he asked, you shrugged.
-It was busy, I had a meeting with Collin for an hour, then Maxine needed my help with a few numbers and my coffee got cold like three times…
-Did you have time to eat?- he asked you, you tried to remember. 
-I think I ate a salad. 
-Crees?- he asked. 
-Well I remember eating something but I’m not sure what- he shook his head before he took your hand -where are you taking me?
-vamos- he said -I know a place- you walk for a couple of minutes before he stops an infant in a hot dog car, you couldn’t help but laugh -que? I didn’t say it was a fancy one, he gave you your meal, he smiled at you with the little moan that you gave when you took the first bite. 
-Thank you- you said. 
-I also have something for you- he said before he gave you a key, you looked at him confused.
-What is this?
-It’s a key for my new place- he said as it was obvious.
-If you didn’t like my place you could just say it- you joked making him roll his eyes.
-Actually I was hoping that you would move in with me- he said -vamos, I want to show you this place- he took your hand. 
-You know this could wait for tomorrow right?
-lo se, but we're close so why wait?
He wasn’t wrong, it was close, but this place wasn’t what you expect, you saw a building with a couple of apartments but the building in front of you was a house, if you were honest it was how you picture your place, a small house with a brick wall, with that glow of home. You notice that he was looking at you expecting your reaction. 
-Santi… this is a house, I thought you got an apartment. 
-¿No te gusta?…
-No is not that, actually I love it…
-Pero?- he said.
-But I thought that you wanted an apartment, I wasn’t expecting this- he looks at the house and you notice the soft smile that appears in his face. 
-Actually I saw this place a few years ago, when me and Redfly came to visit you, we walk in front of this place and I saw it was on sale, I didn’t know why but I got the feeling that this would be my home, a place where I’ll grow old with the woman I love, maybe we’ll have a pet and if we want them a few kids, running through the house…. I picture everything and then I walk this street last week and I remember that crazy dream I had and if you’re wondering who I picture growing old it was you- he said looking at you, you could feel the blush growing in your face- I want all of that with you, amor.
-Santi, is this your way to propose?
-Depends- you scoffed. 
-On what? 
-On if you’ll say yes- he said as he showed you a small ring. 
-So what do you say?
-Yes- you said as the two of you smiled and kissed. 
-So, Mr Garcia, are you going to show me our future home?- he nodded before he kissed your hand. 
-Come on Bean, I’ll give all the decorations to you…
-What about that pet?- He thought for a second. 
-I’ll think about it- he said with a grin as he dragged you to the house. 
Tag list: @writefightandflightclub @mariesackler @multifandomlife22 @mattmurdocksscars @phoenixhalliwell @autumnleaves1991-blog @supernovafeather @ofstarsandvibranium @santigarcia @itspdameronthings @ahookedheroespureheart @later-gators12 @22carolina08 @poppyflower-22
If you want me to add you to my taglist please let me know🙈
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halcyon-nitro · 1 year
I think a lot of people underestimate just how strong Lady Nagant is.
Let’s start from the obvious.
Nagants range is 3 km (I’ll add her feats from 378-379 at the end this is first part is what we know as of 311-315) she can make numerous types of bullets even curving ones. (I have a feeling she has more than just that maybe exploding ones or shot gun shells?)
She is also prepared for things to come up close. Not only that but she’s smart. She went into fight Izuku without all of the vital information (pretty much blind as she wouldn’t know anything about him due to no information being allowed to slip into Tartarus) and still managed to hold her own. And had to hold back because she needed to bring him in alive.
Additionally we know she was holding back even more, Izuku said so himself.
Moving onto probably the ones people missed..Izuku even after all of that needed to go to 100% to beat her. No it was not 45% Izuku that beat her but 100%.
Next is that we know she never missed..she had been likely sent after some very high class villains with her assassination work. (Another note she was sent after all for one)
Another overlooked panel was that she was shocked..when her rifle was broken she said that whenever she fought someone what happened next was fate.
Allow me to reword this..whenever she usually fights someone she always comes out on top. And it took 100% Izuku to stop her. Need more?
The HPSC sent her after All For One with confidence..she talked to him like she didn’t care I’m betting the trauma was some of this but not all..she doesn’t fear him whatsoever.
In 379 all for one flipped when she showed up and none of the other people that could betray him (aoyama) had bombs planted in them.
Now this is borderline headcanon but can be implied if we put the pieces together..All For One fears Nagant and he knows if she were to join the hero side the battle would swing in their favor.
Why wouldn’t he? She can kill anyone if she gets the jump on them. Literally anybody. I’m not even kidding if she gets the first shot off and she’s aiming to kill it’s over.
Even if people knew none short of 100% Izuku is gunna be able to dodge that. Hawks feared her and for good reason.
The only counter is danger sense, and that’s premonition quirk. Most people if they knew the shot was coming wouldn’t be able to dodge because they are not faster than a bullet the only person faster than a bullet is prime All Might and 100% Izuku.
With airwalk she’s on another level entirely..and is fast enough to keep up with 45% Izuku id say she’s just a bit slower than that.
Now imagine this she’s moving at speeds comparable to 45% Izuku and is shooting at you. If she aims to kill it’s over..
Now onto the stuff from 379.
It was like 200 km away from where she shot. Which is just insane.
Her willpower is also insane she was exploded from the inside out and was still cognizant enough to relay information.
She marched onto that roof when she was on deaths door and shot her rifle which practically reopened every single one of her wounds and still managed to get three shots off.
I also mentioned her intelligence but she has to calculate her trajectory (plus curve wind conditions etc) and manages to be insanely accurate even at night when it’s raining.
Additionally she was also this powerful even after being in jail for 15 years in complete solitary confinement.
Her bullets are also insane as she managed to damage Shigarakis hand and tear it right off.
I’m willing to bet she surrendered back then because pretty much none would be able to take her down if she went full villain.
If she were to ever fully dedicate herself to becoming a villain well the series wouldn’t have happened lmao.
I might be over exaggerating some things but this is just my observations everyone is entitled to their own opinion I just want people to consider what I have to say.
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