#idc that he pushed him out of a plane
cloudyskiiees · 7 months
guys alenoah is just soo. soooo oh my god. i have a violent reaction whenever i read about them or see art. literally losing my mind. just. ohmygod gay people
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starvity · 10 months
can u do going on a vacay with rickyy
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— ☆ going on vacation with ricky
gn!reader x zb1 ricky
genre: fluff// warnings: intimacy if you squint, flirty ricky, cursing as always lol, lmk if i forget anything!!
author’s note: that one mf who doesn't joke about his airport fit... this ask was perfect after i saw how fancy he looked like on his way to los angeles omg, thank you for requesting anon!! (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ricky and you decided to go on vacation for your 1st anniversary together!!! i feel like ricky would be surprisingly organized for the trip. he would check that your passports are valid, pack his things carefully and make sure you don't forget to bring anything either. for the whole check-in part you'd have to do it yourself though. like you would spend hours comparing flight prices to find the cheapest one and he's like bbg idc take my credit card...
you had quite a long flight ahead so you decided to dress as comfortably as possible. ricky, however; takes his airport fashion very seriously. you tried to tell him that he doesn't need to wear his expensive ass belt and sunglasses that probably cost more than your rent but he wouldn't listen. he looked hot though so you quickly stopped complaining hehehe
definitely the type to do a face mask in the plane and get his beauty sleep, just sitting there being pretty while you're tossing and turning trying to find the best position to sleep in. he clicks his tongue, his hand grabbing your wrist as he was starting to get annoyed by your movements. suddenly, he pushes your head down on his shoulder and slide his hand on your thigh, closing his eyes again and you swore your heart skipped a beat.
you guys had rented a cute little apartment with view on the sea. you were looking around the place, already seeing yourself watching a movie on the soft couch or cooking some nice meals in the cute kitchenette. all of a sudden, a pair of arms circles your waist and softly pushes you backwards causing you to lose your balance and land on the bed. above you was ricky with a playful look on his face. he starts to attack your face with kisses before slowly taking them lower and lower down your neck. he giggles, then settled his face in your neck and falls asleep.
after you two took a little nap, you decide to get ready to go out to visit the city and eat dinner. you notice that it would be the perfect timing to go for a walk on the beach as the sun starts to set, painting the sky with yellow, orange and pink. ricky takes your hand, leading you on a particular spot close to the waves before walking away, his phone in hands. he always knows how to take the perfect pictures of you and he wouldn't be embarrassed to almost shout how pretty you look at that moment. you'd be the one embarrassed though, hiding your face in your hands by the sudden wave of compliments. ricky apologizes between laughs, asking to resume your little photoshoot while he keeps the flirting to a minimum.
overall, i feel like this vacation would be a good opportunity for you two to unwind as you've been working non-stop. ricky definitely starts the day slow, taking a good hour to wake up, softly kissing your shoulders as the sun illuminates your skin. your fingertips absentmindedly lingers on his collarbone as you two have a little conversation. you finally start to get ready for the day, nagging at ricky for taking so long in the shower, which he responds to with "come join me if you hate waiting so much." you two will try every bakery that you can find in the little village for breakfast and go back to your favorite one at the end of the trip. days with ricky consist of walking around the city, shopping and looking at art pieces while still taking enough breaks to take a drink together and sunbathe. your boyfriend would considerately pick a fancy restaurant for the night and even when you complain that he doesn't need to spend so much money, you can't lie that he looked way too fine and fancy in that black shirt. you love travelling with ricky so much so every time you come back from a vacay with him, you find yourself already planning your next one :D
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garoujo · 2 years
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・✶ 。゚ [11:34PM] — NAGI SEISHIRO.
♱ warnings — none! sfw, not proof-read. / note. he is my absolute babygirl snifle i wud literally die 4 him he is just the cutest, im sorry this is so cringe idc <3 !
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“seishiro?” you breathe deep when you hear your bedroom door, peering over the top of your phone as you prop yourself up in your pillows. you know it’s nagi, you can always tell by the way he shuffles around your apartment — but he’s early, he’s not supposed to be back from his overseas game until tomorrow.
“hm? hey.” he hums as he pushes himself deeper into the room, he’s still got his pillow from the plane around his neck despite the way his drowsy, lidded gaze tells you he didn’t get much sleep, and you’re pretty sure his training bag has just been dropped at the front door — but you’ll deal with that tomorrow.
because for now he’s home.
“you’re home early.” your arms outstretch with your words and nagi takes the invitation eagerly as he shuffles closer, letting his phone rest on the nightstand before he’s flopping his body on top of yours with a low whine, huffing into the crook of your neck.
“eh, i guess. got an early flight, waiting around was boring and a pain.” he mumbles and you feel his breathing fan across your skin before it softens when your fingers smooth through his hair. there’s familiarity in the way he curls his arms around you, in the warmth you feel when you’re wrapped in him.
you let the silence settle in the place where you take your own breath, and you’d think nagi’s already fallen asleep if it wasn’t for the crooked hearts his fingers were tracing into your waist underneath your shirt. “missed you, pretty thing. you’re warm, just wanna stay like this.”
you hear him grumble when you giggle at his words, making him roll over onto his side before he’s pulling you against his chest and sending you a pout that looks just as sleepy as he does cute. “i missed you too, sei.” your words making his fingertips squeeze affectionately at your side before he softens.
“ah, cringe.” nagi sighs, playfully as he lets his face nuzzle into his pillow and you laugh again before you let your hands smooth underneath the neckline of his hoodie, tickling at the skin slightly until he twitches and bats you away with a groan.
“so..” you begin and it still makes you feel a little giddy how focused on you he is everytime you speak, commanding all of his attention with your every breath. “how many goals did you score?” you continue and nagi’s lips curl into a whisper of a smile when he realises what you’re doing.
you know how many he scored, you watched the games ofcourse and he told you every night when he video called you, but this little push and pull you both started whenever he’d go overseas was something you never want to stop.
“seven. practice was such a drag, those guys were super good.” nagi answers as he blinks at you expectantly, more tenderly than his previous replies as it rumbles through his chest, but you smile before moving closer. “oh, only seven?” you grin, teasing and you feel him squeeze a little at your waist again with his next huff.
“hey, no fair.” but because you’re feeling generous, and because you missed him, you let your hands move up to cup his face — hooded eyes locked on your own as he nuzzles into the touch, almost by instinct.
you roll your eyes but you smile, shifting your position to lean closer before beginning to place kisses along nagi’s face, hearing him sound out a hum under his breath with every press of your lips like he’s keeping count, hands still warm where they hug at your waist.
he pulls you a little closer with each peck, leaning into each one discreetly and you’re not sure if it’s the sleep that’s lacing his limbs that’s making him melt easier than usual, or it’s because he loves you.
“hey, aren’t you gonna welcome me home too?” the whispery tone his voice takes catches you a little off guard, it’s low and almost a whine but you breathe out a laugh when it only seems to pull you closer. but nagi meets you for this one, squeezing you slightly when his lips press against yours and he holds you like he’s scared you’d disappear if he let go.
“nagi seishiro, you are so cringe.” you smile as he pulls away, dusting of pink barely visible on his cheeks in the dimly lit room before he’s grumbling and nuzzling into the crook of your neck as you mimic his words from earlier.
“eh, really? jus’ don’t wanna leave you anymore, just wanna cuddle a little longer, angel.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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yikessmicah · 3 months
heres some bloodweave brainrot copy pasted directly from my priv twitter bc i was going insane at like 3am last night
// tw mention/brief discussion of astarion and gale's trauma, including sexual trauma. ill highlight it red so you can read the rest if youd like while avoiding the triggering part.
also obvious spoilers for part of astarion and gale's personal stories/quests.
AND DISCLAIMER this is my opinion and straight up brainrot u can ship whoever u want in bg3 idc <3
sorry im having bloodweave brainrot because out of everyone in the camp i think gale Would be the objectively best match for astarion to be in a successful relationship with.
he wouldn't push him to do anything (tho i dont think any of the companions would, but ykwim) and since gale has his own form of relationship and sexual trauma (the fact mytsra groomed him since he was Literally a child and was only ever intimate with him on the astral plane therefore he's never had real physical human touch and intimacy) it would be overwhelming for him too!!
hed WANT to take it slow, he'd WANT to be as accomodating and like. he also has something on his body that represents his trauma the same way astarion does!! astarion has his scars and gale has the orb tattoo on his chest. i also think just. astarion's whole life as a spawn was only surrounded by people he Hated talking to. people who would spit insults and berate him, treat him like he was pathetic and disgusting - but gale? gale of waterdeep who never fucking shuts up?
gale of waterdeep who would gladly wake up and immediately shower him with compliments using words astarion had never even heard before? gale who would would describe astarion's features for him re: him not being able to see his reflection in such words and with such ease that eventually astarion starts to *like* the fact he doesnt have a reflection?
gale of waterdeep who would spend every waking moment of his day - that he wasnt spending talking to or being with astarion - working on a way to cure astarion of his vampirism or at Least a way for him to walk in the sun?
GALE OF WATERDEEP . who would gladly and without fucking question give up touching astarion ever again if he told him to?
gale of waterdeep who would answer every question astarion had? who would comfort his every dark thought?
gale of fucking waterdeep who would CARE for astarion so fucking well that he would genuinely start believing and KNOWING !!! he was worthy of love.
gale of FUCKING !! WATEDEEP !! who would vow to never shut up again if thats what helped astarion deal with the memories of sitting alone in a dungeon for months or YEARS at a time at the hands of cazador (not that that would be particularly hard with how me he talks already /pos).
gale who would gladly give up ever seeing the sun again and completely flipping his sleep schedule if it meant being able to walk the streets with astarion safely.
gale who would truly and wholly give nothing but his honest and real self. bare and beaten but NOT broken. show that astarion was the same. not broken. not something to be "fixed". simply something - SOMEONE - that needed to be guided a little. simply someone that needed safety.
gale of waterdeep who would do anything for his blood to taste sweet for astarion again. so he wouldnt have to fear where his next meal was going to come from. so astarion would never have to sink his teeth into a beast - let alone a sewer rat - ever again. never again would he let him have to hunt criminals in the night through the streets Alone. EVER AGAIN!!!
gale of waterdeep who would give up sleep to be by astarion's side as much as he could (since hes human and astarion is an elf). i just. he would do anything for him. Truly Anything.
gale of waterdeep who would wait weeks, months, YEARS - CENTURIES. if that's how much time it took for astarion to say i love you back. gale would say it 300 times a day and not once would it ring with the exigency of needing him to say it back.
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writingdumpster · 2 years
time off
pairing: Robert Floyd (Bob) x reader
warnings: SMUT 18+, p in v, fem receiving oral, fingering, breeding, dacryphilia, size kink (Bob’s packing, idc idc)
word count: 1,750
summary: breeding kink bob. no plot.
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Tonight was the night. You and Bob were finally going to try for a baby. The two of you had been wanting to get started for about two months, but Bob had been traveling so much and your biological schedule didn’t line up with the Navy’s. But the stars had aligned tonight. Bob was being grounded in Lemoore after three months of deployment. He had four whole months off. He had never been more glad to hear he wouldn’t be getting in a plane for so long.
When he came home from base that night, it took only minutes before he had you laid out in bed, both of you stripped down to nothing. You grabbed at Bob’s arms as he started to descend down your body. His hips were sliding down between your legs when he stopped to look up at you.
“Please just fuck me, Robby,” you pleaded. “Been thinking about your cock all day.” Bob smirked.
“Yeah? My sweet girl had cock on the brain all day?” He taunted.
“Yes, Robby, your cock,” you said. “Want you to fill me up with your cum,” you begged. Bob smiled at you sweetly.
“Not yet, sweetheart. I want to worship you first,” he said.
“But I need you,” you drawled. “Need you to make me a mommy.”
“And I will, sweetheart,” Bob assured you. “But I’ve been thinking about your pussy all day too,” he said. “And I want to taste it.” You whined in disapproval. “Please, princess? For me?” Bob gave you the sweet doe eyes that always had you giving in to him.
“Don’t give me that look,” you said.
“What look?” He asked with a smirk.
“The one where you get what you want,” you said. Bob chuckled.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, grinning up at you. He turned his head down and kissed your chest. “Please, sweetheart?” He begged. His accent was a bit thicker and you knew he was doing it on purpose. You adored his light Southern drawl. You had told him on your third date and he’d used the information to his advantage ever since. Whenever you were mad at him or he wanted your attention his accent magically came out a little stronger.
“No teasing,” you warned. He gave you a boyish grin.
“Thank you, princess.” Bob scooted down the rest of your body till he was perched between your thighs. He looked up at you from behind his glasses and flashed you a smile before leaning down and licking a stripe from the bottom of your slit up to your clit. He groaned into your pussy as he lapped up the wetness that had already pooled between your legs.
“More, Robby,” you moaned. Bob moved his lips up to your clit latching around the nub and sucking harshly. He pushed a finger into you gently, stretching you out for later.
“Oh, Robert,” you murmured. Bob groaned against your pussy.
Bob was a man of many names and you used each one in different situations. ‘Bob’ only when you were mad at him. It had almost made him grow to hate his own callsign. ‘Bobby’ when you were around friends and family. ‘Robby’ when it was just the two of you. But his favorite was ‘Robert,’ and you used it on the rarest of occasions. ‘Robert’ was the name you used when your feelings for him were most intense.
“I trust you, Robert.”
“I was worried about you, Robert.”
“I’m in love with you, Robert.”
When he got you to say it in bed it always got him going. Bob liked it rough and he liked to be in charge, but he always wanted you to know how much he loved you. He liked to hear you call him ‘Robert’ because he knew it meant you were feeling loved. He knew it meant he was giving you what you needed.
Your fingers were twisting into his hair and tugging gently. Bob moved his mouth ever so slightly down and you let out a broken moan as his lips fell directly around the perfect spot on your clit. You came suddenly, neither of you anticipating your orgasm.
“Fuck, Robby!” You screamed as you clenched around his finger. Bob slid a second finger into you when he realized you were coming. He hooked his fingers inside you, rubbing the pads of them against your spongy walls and drawing unintelligible sounds from your lips. He pulled his lips away from your clit, replacing them with his thumb. He leaned away to watch you.
“You look so pretty when you come, honey,” Bob praised. “I want another.” You cried out in pleasure, arching your back away from the mattress and clawing at the sheets as tears sprang to your eyes. He leaned back down, reattaching his lips to your clit before you could recover.
“Robby, wait, wait, wait,” you begged.
“No,” he murmured against you, the vibrations pulling a dramatic whine from you. You let out a sob as Bob continued thrusting his fingers inside you. Your second orgasm came and once again Bob leaned away to watch you.
Bob took his thumb off your clit, but continued the gentle thrusting his fingers were making against your walls. You reached down and grabbed his wrist as you came down from your high, trying to stop his movements.
“No more,” you whimpered. “Won’t be able to take your cock if you go again.” He made two more languid thrusts with his fingers before reluctantly pulling them out of you. He raised them to his lips and sucked your wetness off them, but his chin was still glistening after being buried in your pussy for so long. He climbed up so that he was even with you, pressing soft kisses up your stomach and chest as he moved upwards.
“You’ve been so good for me, princess,” he praised. He wiped the tears from your cheeks before moving his hand back down your waist, drawing lines up and down your sides with his fingertips.
“Please give me your cock now, Robby,” you whimpered. “Want you inside me. Want your cum. Want to give you a baby,” you begged almost incoherently. Bob raised a hand to your cheek, pushing sweaty hairs out of your eyes and rubbing his thumb along the apple of your cheek.
“Shh. Shh. It’s okay, it’s okay,” he soothed you. “I’ll give you my cock now, honey. I’ll make you a mommy.”
“Thank you, Robby,” you squeaked. “Thank you so much.” Bob reached between your bodies to take his cock in his hand. The tip of it had been resting against your navel, and knowing that he was so close to where you wanted him had been maddening for the last minute. He lined himself up with your soaked slit and rubbed his tip through your folds. You’d never fucked without a condom before. The two of you had always been careful. Just feeling the bare tip of his cock pulled a small gasp from your lips. Bob chuckled at the sound.
“You’re so damn sensitive,” he mumbled. “Ready?” He questioned.
“Please, Robby,” you whispered. Bob smiled. He began pushing into you slowly.
“Ohhh, fuck, honey,” Bob groaned as he felt your walls wrap around him with nothing between the two of you. You moaned, agreeing with the sentiment of his words.
“Robby,” you whimpered. “So big.” And he was. When you’d met him he was shy and took a while to open up to you. You weren’t expecting the confidence and dominance he had in the bedroom and you weren’t expecting him to be as big as he was. You wouldn’t expect anyone to be as big as he was. The squadron had seen him as bare as you had, and they teased him, saying that it was the only reason he’d gotten you to marry him. He stilled his hips as he bottomed out.
“You feel so fucking good,” Bob cursed into your shoulder. Bob was a good southern boy in public. He held doors open, always said ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and never dared to use dirty words. But you could break down all the good manners he’d been taught and make him nothing more than feral for you.
Bob only made a few slow thrusts before he was fucking you in a nice even rhythm, pulling little ‘Uh! Uh! Uh!’s’ from you with each thrust.
“It’s so good, Robby,” you moaned. “I can feel all of you.”
“I know, honey. You’re so warm around me,” Bob moaned. Bob grabbed hold of one of your legs and pushed it up so it rested against his shoulder as he drove himself into you.
“Fuck, Robby,” you moaned. “Need your cum.” Bob groaned into your shoulder. He reached down between your bodies putting his fingers on your clit and rubbing quick circles around the swollen bud.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he called. “Give me one more and I’ll fill you up,” he growled down to you. His fingers against your clit were more than you could handle and you were falling apart as he spoke. His movements were working in the perfect spots for you as you clenched down around him.
“Robby, please!” You moaned, not even sure what you were begging for. The feeling of your walls squeezing around his bare cock was too much for Bob to handle and he only made a few more broken thrusts before he was emptying himself deep inside you, giving you what you had both wanted.
“Fuck, baby,” Bob groaned as he let the weight of his hips fall against you, keeping himself inside you as the two of you caught your breaths. He pulled his head out of the crook of your neck once he had recovered, looking down at you with a dopey smile on his face. “That was great,” he said. You giggled.
“That’s what happens when you leave me for three months,” you teased. Bob smiled.
“Never wanna leave you again,” he murmured as he leaned down to kiss you. The two of you stayed wrapped in each other’s arms for a while, soaking in the post-sex high. His weight was still heavy against you, his cock still buried inside you. It was you who interrupted Bob’s thoughts as they had turned to sweet images of a pregnant you carrying his child.
“Bobby?” You called.
“Hmm?” He hummed in question.
“I need to pee.”
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oncasette · 2 years
could you please do anything fluffy/hurt comfort for eddie. maybe some reassurance of some sort idc. vol 2 is fake and not canon and did not happen and i will not be hearing anything otherwise
- 🪷
anon my love. of course.
you’ve locked yourself in eddie’s bathroom, knees pulled up to your chest in the dry tub. you know you’re gonna cry, it’s inevitable with the way your eyes are heavy and stinging.
eddie’s not home, yet, either. he’s at hellfire, and the meeting seems to be running late judging by the color of the sky through the thin slats of window above the toilet.
or, at least, you thought he wasn’t home.
“baby, why is the door locked? you trying to shower without me, again?” the door knob jiggles, startling you with his presence. you can hear the rustle of plastic bags being set down, something heavy. “c’mon let me in, getting a little worried.”
you don’t answer him, don’t think you can. there’s no way you’re getting a word out that sounds okay enough to throw him off your scent.
the door jiggling stops for a moment, long enough for eddie to loudly dig for something in his pockets, before he’s cracking the lock with his a credit card.
“sweetheart…” he’s dropping his things in the small sink before he’s kneeling against the edge of the tub, his palm finding that spot just between your shoulder blades.
“don’t want your pity,” you whimper. you want to look at him, want to find comfort in those big brown eyes of his, but you can’t find the strength to lift your head.
“it’s not pity, baby. god, what happened?”
“dunno. hit a wall,” you mumble. it’s another beat of silence with his hand steadily tracing the planes of your back before he speaks up again.
“scoot forward for me?” he asks. you nod, barely, forcing your rickety joints to push you forward enough for him to slip in behind you.
he’s silent as he does it. shaking off his jacket to give you enough skin to skin contact, he curls his arms around your waist.
you’re freezing and sweating and, god, eddie just wants to fix it. wants to fix everything. wants to burn down hawkins, hell, the world if it’ll just help you smile again.
“i love you,” he mumbles against your skin.
“i love you,” you reply, picking your head up enough to lean further into him. “love you so much, eds.”
it’d be okay, everything was going to be fine. eddie would make sure of it.
tags— @zeldaknight @ridestomars @gods-and-monsterss
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a3s1rxx · 11 months
As the World Caves in
More spotsterio content idk what you expected. Jonathyn (the running transfem headcanon stays) has control over her abilities, where she centered her energy into her arms to make portals instead of the spots all over, making her forearms pitch black with spots just above the elbow.
This is based off the story MCU Quentin told (the fake one) about the elementals and Earth 833.
CW: Character death, implied romance??? It could be purely platonic if you want idc, description of injury,
This was kinda bad I ain’t even gonna lie.
Earth 833. Originally a paradise, now a post apocalyptic war zone. The beginning of the end started when a cyclone appeared in Morocco. Typically, this wasn’t a big issue; but this time was different. The cyclone had a face. Arms. One could definitely describe it as sentient.
This Cyclone absolutely destroyed Morocco. After that incident, an army was made, just in case another incident happened. This is where long time friends, Jonathyn and Quentin Beck reunited. Quentin was a man born with powers that would probably be defined as energy manipulation. Jonathyn was a woman who had gotten into a freak accident long ago, giving her the ability to open dark energy portals.
Jonathyn had changed since she last saw Quentin. It had been years since her transition. Her hair was long and shaggy, top and bottom surgery was done (though Quentin never knew about the latter until the showers), she just looked more feminine. Her nerdy glasses still remained, and her mannerisms were still the same.
Quentin had changed since he last saw Jonathyn. He bulked up quite a bit and grew his hair out from his bowl cut. He still had the same empathetic personality.
They worked together again now, sharing stories about their families and children. Everything seemed to be going great, until the Sandman hit Mexico. A large dust and rock creature had emerged and destroyed everything around it. Jonathyn’s family had died in the attack, leaving just her behind.
Some more weeks passed and things only got worse. Hydro man attacked Venice. Flooding over the area almost completely before being taken down.
This brings us to current time. It was currently turning night and the troops were finally relaxing in their bunker. Jonathyn was studying a book and scribbling notes in it, while leaning her back up against Quentin’s shoulder. Quentin was just talking, knowing she was listening.
“I think I want to be an actor when this is all over. What do you think?” He said, glancing at Jonathyn who was still scribbling.
“I think you’d do well.” Jonathyn mumbled and pushed her glasses up. “Your wife would be proud.” She glanced at him and then went back to studying.
“What about you, hm?” Quentin moved his arm so it fell around Jonathyn’s shoulder, and Jonathyn’s head gently fell back on the side of his chest.
She sighed and closed her book.
“Science. Probably researching the multiverse and whatnot.” She mumbled, staring at the wall in front of her. Just then, a soft rumble sounded. An alarm went off and everyone scrambled to get up. They all scrambled into their gear and ran to the meeting room. Fissures in the earth had appeared in Prague. Signs of a new elemental emerging to cause more chaos.
Jonathyn and Quentin sat next to each other on the plane. Quentin’s leg bounced in anticipation, his mind was buzzing. He fidgeted with his hands and glanced all around the plane. Jonathyn took notice and placed her hand over his, squeezing gently.
“Talk to me” she whispered and looked at him.
“What if we don’t make it out. This is the worst we’ve seen yet.” Quentin mumbled, worried eyes connecting to Jonathyn’s.
Jonathyn moved her hands to Quentin’s face and caressed his cheeks, running her thumbs over them.
“We’re gonna make it out, okay? We’ll make it. You’ll get back home to everyone you love and I’ll be right there with you.” She pressed her forehead against his gently. “Just breathe with me.”
Quentin took a deep breath and calmed down a little bit. He closed his eyes and relaxed into his close friend’s touch, arms lazily wrapping around her waist.
“Yeah. We’ll make it back home.” He mumbled and broke the embrace.
Once over Prague, Quentin leapt from the plane, flying off to where heat signatures began to spike. Jonathyn opened a portal to the ground, beginning to usher people out the area.
Then, the earth cracked and burst. A large being made of magma emerged, embracing and melting a statue down, causing it to grow.
“Shit.” Jonathyn mumbled. She touched her earpiece. “Quen, it feeds on anything it can absorb. We need to finish this quick.”
Minutes turned to hours with this fight. Molten Man only kept growing and destroying everything in sight.
Jonathyn noticed a pile of rubble nearby, big enough to cause an impact. The only issue? It was just out of range, and to get closer would mean to get dangerously close to the Molten Man.
She picked up a run and managed to open a portal under the rubble, causing it to drop on the molten man’s head. It swerved around, now hurt but angered. A fast swipe of a molten hand caught Jonathyn, burning her painfully.
Quentin, attacking from sky, heard Jonathyn’s scream in pain. He dropped down to the ground and ran over. Her right side, up to her ribcage was molten off. Even the bones had gone up in flames, leaving a gruesome injury.
While Quentin was distracted, the molten man took this chance to grow. Bigger and bigger. The city was going down fast.
“Quen… Quen listen to me.” Jonathyn could barely talk, it almost sounded like gurgling, as her neck was burnt and wounded. “I need you to run…” she slowly turned her head to look at him, flesh burning off and bone exposed.
“I’m not running anywhere without you.” Quentin picked up Jonathyn, flying to a roof top a bit further away.
Bigger and bigger the molten man grew.
“Quen. We’re not winning this one….” With a little strength, Jonathyn tugged her dog tag off with her left hand and held it out to Quentin. “I’m….” Her eyes fluttered open and closed, her breathing was staggered every so often. “I’m going to open a portal…. I need you to go through.”
“I’m not leaving you here.” Quentin mumbled, tears pooling in his eyes.
“I’ll die either way.” Jonathyn gurgled out. Quentin took her dog tag. “Please….” Jonathyn had a pleading look in her eyes. “I want you….to live.” She touched the ground, using whatever energy she had left to open a portal.
“This isn’t fair…” Quentin sobbed, looking down at his dying friend.
“This world….will be enveloped in fire….” Jonathyn could barely speak now. “I want you to live….for me.” She closed her eyes, breathing still broken and staggered but much slower. The pain in her body was leaving, just as the life was. Quentin clenched the dog tag.
“You’re my best friend okay?” He said, walking towards the portal. “I’ll make sure everyone knows what you did.” He held back tears.
Jonathyn just smiled very weakly. It was a sad smile. A smile that held a painful goodbye.
Quentin stepped through the portal just as it began to close. As soon as it closed, Quentin knew she had died. Not only her, but his entire earth had come to end. Everyone he knew was going to die. Everything he loved would be burned to the ground. He sat there, on top of a building identical to the one he was just on. He sobbed. The sobbing turned into guilty and painful crying. He lay down, right where his dear friend laid dead in another timeline. He clutched the dog tag close to his chest.
After the cries stopped, he sat up and put the tag around his neck. His eyes held a sad darkness in them. He was a disheveled and sniffly mess.
Just as he got up, a familiar rumble occurred under his feet. Nothing in Prague. He walked into a bar, looking up at the TV that just so had the news playing. A cyclone had appeared in Morocco. Quentin’s heart sank as the cyclone turned towards the camera. The cyclone had a face.
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peejsocks · 2 years
ryan dunn x f!reader part 2
part 1
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a/n: ryan smut is so fun, everytime, i’m kind of in disbelief. anyways hope you guys like this, even if it’s not as good as the first part <3 (thank u for requesting it too, i love that u loved the first so much 🥰)
disclaimers/tags: mile high club. nsfw. idc if the structure of the plane/pod doesn’t make sense im stupid you cannot explain anything to me so don’t try. i took prompts from these lists
Immediately when you walk back out, hands on your back pockets and Ryan still holding your hoodie behind, Bam is the one to make the comment about your chest.
"Where was that hiding the whole day?" The dark haired boy lets out such a stupid laugh it makes you roll your eyes so hard it hurts. Ryan followed up on his words and sprinted towards his best friend, chasing him around the warehouse and landing a couple of punches to his back, eventually satisfied when he managed to hit the balls.
In the meantime, the rest of the crew still coming back inside carrying plastic plates and looking very unaware of your dirty act, Johnny stepped close to you with a suspicious look in his eyes. "Where were you two?"
"Ryan found an office with an AC, we were just chilling." You hope he doesn't remember to check for it later. Knoxville simply "aha"s and you change the subject. "How gross was lunch?"
You don't ignore Ryan, per say. It's more like you had made a choice to become a mysterious, introspective person. This trip to Japan for Jackass: The Movie would be interesting, to say the least.
You don't ignore Ryan, per say. It's more like you had made a choice to become a mysterious, introspective person. This trip to Japan for Jackass: The Movie would be interesting, to say the least.
You weren't even gonna go, until your blonde…uhm…friend, called.
"Look, dude, I just think you're missing out on a lot of fun if you don't go." He had a point. "They're willing to pay, so why not?"
Now you're riding a dumb limo Bam rented because he thought it'd be funny, forgetting good jokes usually need a punchline, on the way to a private airport to get on a private jet. Bless your boss for thinking you were competent enough to welcome the CKY boys that first time they visited Big Brother, maybe you should send him a postcard.
Helping you pick up your suitcase, Ryan speaks directly to you for the first time that day, and of course it's a nod to your less PG interaction. "I’m not wearing any underwear. Thought you’d like to know."
"Yeah, that's usually hotter when women say it." Your eyes avoid his. "Plus, I bet you're not wearing any because you forgot to separate a clean pair after you packed."
You both laugh and ease up around each other. Not wanting to push it, you sit by yourself in the back of the aircraft. They had really cashed out on this huge thing.
Ryan sits next to you, and giddiness actually spreads through your chest like a school girl hoping her crush would look back at her.
"I shouldn’t allow myself to get this close to you." Body taking over the corridor seat, leaving the one in between you vacant, his hands crossed on top of his stomach and his head is hung low, like a defeated disappointed father. It's a joke, he's fucking with you.
"Then walk away, there's plenty of seats available." Unlike the blonde, you're looking right at the person next to you. "There's even a separate pod thing at the end. Knock yourself out." Just like a school girl again, you push him away hoping he'd stay.
Ignoring your snappiness, knowing you well enough to be sure you're faking a bad temper, he leaves but not without testing you. "It’s hot when you talk back. You'll know where to find me. I missed you, by the way."
With that, he walks further into the plane, probably heading to that pod you mentioned.
A few hours later, many left until your destination was reached, it's pretty quiet as everyone's asleep. Bored and restless, you had spent the entirety of the flight so far trying to doze off but a certain boy kept you up.
You missed him too, more than that, you wanted to be with him all the time and repeat that day's dance all over. So, naturally, you stayed away from him as much as you could.
Being stuck in an aluminium box together was proving that keeping your distance had taken a toll on you, and all you wanted was to talk it out with him. After having sex with him again, obviously.
Quietly getting up and looking for the right door, you finally slide it open, not bothering to knock.
Ryan is laying on his back in the broader seat, legs stretched, awake. He pulls the headphones down, CKY blaring, and looks at you. "How can I help?"
"I’ve been thinking about you." Hopefully, annoyance shines through on your face, not wanting the confession to be read as affectionate. Sliding the door shut, you continue, "Show me how much you missed me."
Once more proving he's not a man who fucks around, Ryan pulls you to his lap by your arm and connects your lips. There's no shyness or hesitation this time. It's like drinking that first gulp of cold water when you were terribly thirsty, embarrassing how quickly you let out a satisfied hum.
Strong hands squeeze your ass as you stradle the thighs you had been dreaming about for weeks. In between kisses, his low voice comes back to haunt you with beautiful, filthy words. "There’s so many things I wanna do to you."
Not looking to hurt yourself either, you're determined to get what you came for and not listen to him too much, scared you'll fall under a spell or something. So you just kiss him again, but he insists. "Tell me, do you think of me and what we did when you're playing with yourself?"
The question throws you off because, yes, of course you do. How could you not, when it was the best you had in a long time and so good it made you wanna go back for more every single day. Ryan made you feel like a pervert, and the fact that he had the audacity to ask such a thing meant he knew the answer, wanting only to piss you off or make you say it.
It's so infuriating you end up releasing a grunt of frustration and pulling possibly too hard on his golden locks. That gives you an idea. He keeps talking, "Wow, I didn't know you were agonizing this bad. Why would you do that to yourself, sweetheart?"
He deserved it. You grab a handful of his beard and pull on it, not scared to hurt him. "Shut the fuck up, and stop pretending you haven't thought about me like that too. Are you gonna do something about it or what?"
If heat was the cataclyst for you the first time, now it's abstinence. Both dangerous fuels for two friends getting comfortable sleeping with each other.
Hugging you with his whole body and flipping you around so you're laying with your back on the leather seat, the throbbing in your core intesifies when thinking about how strong Ryan is, and how you'd let him man-handle you forever. If that was the only thing you could do for the rest of your days, you'd take it.
Your lips being stuck together isn't enough to contain your grunting and moaning. A little more aware that anyone could walk in on you, you slow down and Ryan stops.
"Is everything okay?" His constant concern is a new source of attraction for you.
"I’ve never done something like this before." You're ashamed, but his eyes are so comforting you feel okay sharing your insecurities right to them. "I know it's not, like, public but still. They're closer to us than last time. We got lucky once."
"We don't have to do this now, if you want. But I really, really want to. I'll take care of you, alright? If you get too loud. And I'll watch myself too." It was important to you that he understood you didn't want your friends to hear you, and respected you. "I need you to be quiet for me, can you do that?"
You nod, framing his neck with your arms. There's probably a silly look of affection, the one you wanted to avoid, in your eyes as you lean in to kiss him again. Luckily, that would soon be replaced by lust again, as Ryan's hands fly to the band of your sweatpants. If you did this a third time, you promised yourself you'd surprise him with a proper outfit, dressing up and picking out matching lingerie, for compensation.
He doesn't take them off yet, preferring to slide his fingers under your underwear and start working you slowly. You fight a moan, cursing yourself for not simply making a booty call earlier instead of waiting for the most complex situation to have sex with your friend again.
"You're so wet, already." Your eyes are shut and you're biting your lip, struggling to keep silent. "Princess, you're too nice to me."
Oh, the nickname is low.
Actually pulling your pants down now, he moves to start eating you out. Immediately, alarm sounds go off inside your head and you protest, "Ryan, no, please, they'll hear."
"Relax, I got you." He grabs your hand and places it on his head. "Whenever you feel like moaning, just pull."
It's one of the hardest things you ever had to do, swallowing every whimper and nearly drawing blood from your lips, at some point you even bite your tongue and pull on Ryan's hair to not curse out loud as well. His response nearly makes your blood boil, "Good girl, that's a good fucking girl." Did he have to be so good at it? Languidly, with a mouthful, slowly drinking you. It's overwhelming, and tears threaten to spill from your eyes.
You have no choice but to push him away from in between your legs. "I can't, it's too much." You're panting, he's grinning. "Alright, fucker, take your shirt off. You're gonna let me look at you this time."
There's weirdly enough room in this individual pod for him to stand up halfway and pull his shirt off, muscles flexing. God, his biceps are way too nice. Even those stupid dad rock musician bracelets look good on him. Eric Clapton, eat your heart out.
His pale chest is a little reddened, sweet eyes looking down at you and bulge in his pants more noticeable. Less shy, you keep your eyes on him, on your knees on the seat, and start removing your top. It wasn't too tight, and it was a long flight, so you opted to forego a bra. You swear you'll never forget the needy look on his face when he sees your breasts, uncovered and free.
He's pushing you back down on the seat, hands tangled in your hair, and you begin unbuckling his belt. He stops you.
"Princess." Chests heaving in synch, you're looking straight into each other's eyes, more intimate than you've ever been with anybody before. "I love this, but I want more. I want this every day. I want to come home to you. I want to tell the guys about you."
A shiver runs through your whole body, and you smile. Settling better under him, you whisper, still looking in his eyes and noses grazing, "Say you want me, and I'm yours."
"I want you." Voice never cracking, reassurance washing over you.
Brain, heart and cunt connected, you push him down flush to you with a hand on his back, kissing him as passionately as you could and begging for more.
Finally allowing you to take his pants off, Ryan expresses his concern for your well being again, and you tel him you're fantastic. It's true.
At first, it's as uncomfortable as it gets. The leather making too much noise and your ribs hitting the arm rest and hard walls of the jet too forcefully. You and Ryan manage to talk through it and figure out the best position. That being pretty much the same, but a pillow rested behind your back, both of you angled diagonally in the seat.
Your legs are as apart as they can be whilst wrapped around his waist, heels on the small of his back. His hands grip your waist and your neck, so you don't have too much wiplash from the movements.
After all that careful setting, he finally slides in you, and you bite his shoulder to avoid screaming. His length was fine, comfortable, but you were too sensitive because of all the build up. Surely how much you wanted this didn't help either. Or actually, it did, a lot. Ryan moves in and out of you with ease, throwing caution out the window. He convinces you he's not gonna last long so you gotta tough it out for now.
It's true, it doesn't last too long. You beg him to go faster, the noises of flesh hitting flesh worrying you, and when he randomly finds your G-spot, it's done. You clench around him, his hip thrust get out of synch and you move your hand to cover his mouth, predicting he'd scream your name again. Both of your bodies shake with the aftermath, exhausted and exhilirated.
Ryan takes a carry-on bag from his backpack, surprising enough that he even had one, and gives you a hand towel. You scrunch your face and he laughs. After cleaning up and putting back your clothes, he hands you a second blanket, eyes expectant. You take it, laying back down on the seat.
"I know what we just did, but I don't think there's actual room for both of us to sleep here."
"I guess you'll just have to sleep on top of me." He pinches your side, struggling to find space to lay on even after you press your body to the wall. He's shirtless, which you appreciate because it means you get to admire his bare arms longer.
"You know what this means, right?" You've already put your head on his chest, not too resistant to do it anyway. "If the guys wake up and we're the only ones not back out there."
"We can tell them we were playing UNO." You laugh genuinely at that, sounds exactly like something the two of you would say to get out of a shitshow. "I don't mind, do you?"
You lift your head up a little, chin resting where your cheek was seconds ago, and shake it. His hand brushes your hair behind your ear, holding your head for a second before he kisses the top of it. "Then we're good. Get some sleep."
When you do wake up, both somehow feeling jetlagged already, puffy faces probably turn red when the whole group sitting at the front part of the plane stares at you.
Johnny is standing, arms crossed in front of him, leaning sideways on one of the seats. "I mean, assaulting our ears like that twice in two weeks? That's really disrespectful."
You're mortified, getting even more nervous when Knoxville spews out something about payback and being glad you came along on the trip.
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
Statistically Speaking (a Spencer Reid one shot)
Okay, yes, I know I literally just made a post about being triggered by Criminal Minds, but writing fluff about Spencer has been one of the things that has helped me heal (weirdly enough) and this is one of the one shots that I wrote. It’s all fluff. Enjoy xx.
(Also I’m only on like season 2 of the show so that’s when I’m imagining this is set but it can be whenever idc)
Tagging @breadgenie892​ because she ruined me with her Jaskier x Geralt fluff earlier. This is 100% payback :)
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You and Spender Reid — sorry, Dr. Spencer Reid as he adorably introduced himself to you on your first day at the BAU (and scrambled to say, “S-Sorry, it’s Spencer. Just Spencer Reid,” immediately after).
The two of you have quite the bond.
You’re no genius, not in the way Spencer is. Your memory is nowhere near Eidetic, it more resembles Dory from Finding Nemo, but you don’t make that joke anymore. Hotch gave you quite a worried look and called you into his office an hour later to ask if you were alright that day.
But you digress.
Before you met Spencer, Google was your best friend. You ask a lot of questions, and by a lot-- well, just ask Morgan.
On your first day, Morgan said, and you quote, “Oh, God. There’s two of them.”
Whenever you had a question, you Googled it. You researched, you found literary journals and universities that studied what you wanted to know. You found your answers, and sometimes more questions along the way.
But when you started at the BAU, Google was child’s play. Especially when Spencer could give you the answer faster than you could type in the question and hit enter on Google.
It’s one of the things you love most about him. At first, he only answered you because you have a bad habit of asking questions aloud when meaning to just speak to yourself. Spencer didn’t know you were mainly asking yourself, and he launched into a full explanation. You were too mesmerized to stop him, and started asking further questions. It went on and on until you were dazed and he was smiling, and the rest of the team was staring at the two of you like you’d gone insane.
So now, you ask him anything and everything.
Recently, you called him at almost ten at night. It was storming, but you really needed to take a shower. It had been two days since your last, and you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Hey Spence,” you said when he picks up. “Statistically speaking, how likely am I to get struck by lightning?”
“What? Y/N, what are you doing?”
“I need to shower and it’s storming. How do I look statistically?”
“Not good! Don’t take a shower!”
“Spencer,” you groaned, flopping down on your bed.
“Y/N, showering increases your likelihood of being electrocuted. Ten to twenty people on average are struck by lighting when bathing.”
“There’s the stats,” you chuckled. “Fine, genius. I’ll wait it out.”
“Good,” he sounded genuinely relieved.
His concern made you smile. “What are you up to?”
“Talking you out of electrocuting yourself.”
“I wouldn’t be electrocuting myself. The lightning is what would do it.”
“Yes, I know.”
“Are you tired of me yet?”
Spencer laughed airily before he replied in a soft voice, “No. Never.”
As strange as it sounds, things changed that night. Spencer stayed on the phone with you until the storm passed -- you were getting scared after a particularly loud boom of thunder, but you’d never admit that to him. Once it passed and once Spencer checked the weather radar to be sure it was gone, he let you shower.
The next morning at the BAU, you fixed a cup of coffee for him as a thank you for the night before. You were expecting him to take it and move on, but he pulled you into a hug instead.
Thankfully, no one saw it. If they had, you’d both be getting hell for it.
But despite not seeing the hug, the team has noticed things.
Hotch first noticed it when you offered to accompany Reid to the local police station to set things up on a new case. You normally go with Emily to talk to the families or even with Morgan to visit crime scenes. It was nothing against Spencer, you just happened to like being out in the field more than holed up in a station with exhausted law enforcement.
But not this time. This time you wanted to be with Reid. You even turned down Morgan’s offer to go to the crime scene.
Yeah. Hotch knew something was up.
Morgan noticed, too. He saw you pouring a massive amount of sugar into a cup of coffee and jokingly asked if it was for Reid. In your flustered state, you said it was yours. But Morgan watched you hand the cup off to Reid once you were back with him.
Emily’s suspicions were confirmed when you were talking with her one night on the plane. Everyone else was asleep, so you, Emily, and JJ began talking about “girly” things. Tonight’s topic happened to be crushes.
“I can’t imagine falling for someone on the team,” Emily whispered, pulling a face, overdoing it just to get your reaction.
And your reaction was priceless. You shrugged and went completely silent. While you were glancing over your shoulder to check that Reid was still sleeping, Emily shared quite the look with JJ.
Garcia was maybe the last to notice things. She had her suspicions as well (it passes the time, and Morgan made a few comments about it, too), but when she saw the two of you laughing, that was it. Spencer was sitting in his desk chair and you were sitting on his desk. You were arguing about something Garcia couldn’t hear, but the smiles on your faces told her the argument was all flirting.
And she’d be right to think that, too. The argument that day was that Spencer overworks himself, so you promptly sat on top of his paperwork so that he couldn’t get to it. He refused to touch it because it was too close to your ass and voiced this issue, and you told him it sounded like a personal problem. And that you wanted him to get up and walk around, maybe eat something, too.
You’re a bit of a hopeless romantic. That part of you was telling you that Spencer’s flirting was genuine. That there were feelings buried behind it, but you were never sure.
Spencer was officially the last to notice.
“How am I looking?” You asked seemingly out of nowhere.
Spencer raised his eyebrows, turning to look at you, your voice having broken him out of his thoughts. “Uh, good?”
You tilt your head. “No, statistically. I asked what are the chances of me making it to dinner on time?”
“Dinner?” Morgan asked, sauntering over with his blinding smile. “Got a hot date tonight?”
“You wish,” you scoffed, shoving his shoulder lightly.
But you didn’t elaborate further, which caused Spencer to go quiet. Realizing you weren’t getting any statistics out of him this time, you gathered your things in your arms and headed out.
Once you made it through the door, Morgan nearly fell to the floor. “Spencer. Pretty boy. What are you doing, man?”
Spencer dumbly looked down at the paperwork on his desk.
Before he could say anything, Morgan said, “No, man, not the paperwork. Y/N. What are you doing?”
“What do you mean what am I doing?”
Morgan laughed loudly. “Oh, pretty boy. You have no idea?”
Spencer scooted back from his desk, eyebrows furrowed in genuine confusion. “No idea about what?”
“Reid,” Morgan emphasizes every word. “She likes you.”
The sentence stunned Spencer so much he nearly fell out of his chair. “What?”
“Come on, man,” Morgan groaned. “An IQ of 187 and it didn’t help you see she’s got feelings for you?”
Spencer stood to his feet, grabbing his jacket. You liked him. You like him, and you’re going to dinner with someone else.
“There you go,” Morgan cheered as Spencer practically bolted from the room. “Go get her, tiger!”
“Shut up!” Spencer called after Morgan.
Pushing through the doors, Spencer halted, seeing you standing by the elevator. You’re staring down at your phone, and you don’t exactly look happy.
Spencer approaches you slowly, hand gripping the strap of his bag. “You okay?”
You look up quickly like he’s startled you, and truthfully, he has. “Oh. Um, no. My date-- Well, they canceled. Said something came up.”
Spencer can see you’re hurt by this, but he doesn’t care. “Have dinner with me,” he says, eyes expectant.
“With you?” You ask.
“Yeah,” he shrugs, a smile coming through when he adds, “please.”
“Okay,” you can’t help but smile, too.
Spencer grins now, stepping over to press the down arrow on the elevator. You wait in silence, stepping on when the doors open, and Spencer presses the button for the ground floor.
All of your hurt is gone from your face now, and it causes Spencer to start thinking. He stares ahead, and then he hears you giggle.
When he looks over at you, he asks. “You didn’t have a dinner date, did you?”
“Nope,” you chuckle. “Got ya.”
“Yeah,” Spencer laughs. “You got me.”
“So���” You pause, heart racing. “Statistically speaking, how likely are you to kiss me right now?”
Spencer doesn’t even care that the elevator is a few seconds from reaching the ground floor. All he cares about right now is you.
And because of that, he says, “Very likely,” before pulling you in. Your fingers tangle in his hair while his cup your jaw, moving you closer, deepening the kiss, trying to make up for all of his stupidity. As he holds you now, feels your lips, he wonders how he never knew.
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wndasvision · 2 years
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Back to the Future (pt.1)
This is my ‘first’ writing on here. Wattpad is my domain 🤭.
I haven’t proof read this. Idc if u use this for anything, just credit me or something. Spoilers if you haven’t seen season 3.
tt: s.bsfilms | wattpad: salvatorebookshelf |
Robin Buckley. A sight for sore eyes. The girl I’ve had a crush on since 9th grade. 2nd hour biology. I’d do anything to sit by her then and I’d do anything now.
“Kate. Kaaate,” my best friend snaps in front of my face, “Earth to Kate.”
I sigh and respond not taking my eyes off of Robin.
“What’s up Rye?”
“Now she talks. Are you ready to order?” She leans back.
“Uh huh. I’ll take Scooperman with whipped cream on top.”
I look over to see who’s taking my order and behold, it’s my gracious twin brother.
“Ahh, Senor Harrington.” I fake bow.
“Mademoiselle Harrington. What a lovely day right?” He bows.
“Of course. What a nice day for ice cream and a movie, right?” I cover my mouth.
“What movie we seeing? Back to the Future?” He sits down.
“You know me so well brother. Here’s your ticket.” I hand him a ticket then give Rylee hers.
“Oh, I can’t go tonight…I thought I told you?” She pushes her ticket back to me.
This was never discussed. She bought the damn tickets herself.
“It won’t go to waste baby sis. Got us covered.” He shoved the tickets in his pocket and walked off.
He was only 20 minutes older but he took advantage of it. It’s always ‘well i’m older’ or ‘i’m older blah blah blah’.
Once we got our ice creams we left and walked around. I got more rings and bracelets because that is all I’ve seemed to be wanted these days.
30 minutes had passed since the ticket exchange and we planed to meet in the lobby of the theater. In Harrington fashion he was late. Always the late one.
5 minutes. 10 minutes. 20 minutes. 30 minutes.
“You’re late. L-A-T-E,” I spell as I turn around to face him.
Only it wasn’t just him. He was with someone but she had her back turned to me.
I wasn’t dumb. I knew that hairstyle like the back of my hand.
“It’s my fault,” she turned to look at me laughing. “I had to lock up and lost the keys. What’re we seeing?”
“Oh- um, Back to the Future.” I look at them and walk into the theater.
They talked and laughed behind me, occasionally asking me things to which I would give short answers.
“Popcorn? Harringtons?” She sped past us to get to the counter.
“She’d like one. Not me though. Not. a. fan.” He put his hand through his hair making me scoff.
I walked up to him and whispered, “You know you look like a tool every time you do that right?” leaving him speechless with a slightly injured ego.
I heard a small laugh and a hurt look on Steve’s face.
“Kate-1. Steve-0.” She patted my back and walked to find the room.
We didn’t move making her come back.
“You guys coming or not?” She smiled taking a piece of popcorn out the container.
It’s short sweet and simple. Lolz 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻🫶🏽
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
do you think bucky ever plays up the “innocent” persona from when they first started dating just to make steve work for it?? like things are getting ~steamy~ and steve’s abt to put it in and bucky asks him why he’s not wearing a condom and steve is like “???” and bucky swoops in with the “daddy, you know we’ve never done it like that before” and steve catches on real quick
Chaos, chaotic panic, my mind oh my gosh oh my gosh okay.
I took this in a direction that might need some sort of headsup? It’s a roleplay but Steve is actively trying to convince Bucky to let him not use a condom? We know them now and how well-established they are, but it probably requires a headsup. So, if that bothers you please do not continue to read passed this point!
Okay! 😈 This is going to read half like a story and half like a normal Ask response lmao. Bc chaos, nonnie CHAOS.
It’s a super vanilla sex before bed kind of night. TV on, Steve had been reading, and one thing led to another after Bucky leaned over and gave Steve a kiss that had him letting out a Curious Daddy Noise. Super normal weeknight foreplay: kisses that are soft, touches that are intentional, there’s not technically a rush but they’re ready for bed so let’s get a move-on, yeah? Bucky rolls to his side, arches his back and widens his legs like the good boy he is as Steve slicks himself up. It’s right when Steve saddles up, lines himself up and is about to press in, when Bucky makes a soft noise.
“Are you not…are you not wearing a condom?”
Steve almost laughs right in Bucky’s ear but his everything does stutter to a stop, a bit alarmed.
“What? Why…what?”
Bucky twists in Daddy’s grip, turns his head to look up at Steve and there’s something about his demeaner that knocks the wind right out of Steve’s chest but then—
“Daddy, you know we’ve never done it like that before.”
Bucky’s voice is so gentle, so sweet, so feminine-like, that Steve’s dick genuinely jumps in his grip. Bucky’s looking up at him like he’s hesitant, like he’s innocent, like…
Like he’s never done this before.
It clicks after a few seconds. Steve doesn’t know how he made the connection—the way Bucky’s eyebrows come together, the breathiness of his voice, his wide-eyed gaze—but Steve is purring a bit, a noise that sounds faintly like a question mark, taking that leap.
“You don’t want me bare, sugar?”
Steve is almost certain Bucky blushes.
“I…I don’t know. W-we’ve never done that,” he repeats as if he’s trying to remind himself that Steve hasn’t been inside of him, skin on skin, that the times they have had sex Steve has been wrapped up. As if he’s trying to fulfill a role. He knows he is officially picking up what Bucky has laid down for him, a small little role-play offering, this little surprise, and he lets his cock fall from his hand, lets it rest all nestled there between Bucky’s cheeks as he leans half-over Bucky. The arm under Bucky’s neck flexes, pulls him in tight, mouth at his ear.
And he whimpers.
Bucky almost faints right there in his Daddy’s arms can you even imagine. Bucky thinking he’s being the hottest of shit, is gonna surprise his Daddy with a bit of bedroom fun, but then Daddy flips it on him within seconds? How infuriating. Bucky doesn’t crumble entirely though, still wants to play.
“Y-you want that? We’ve…we’ve just never done that…”
Steve’s hips start to roll a bit, like he barely even realizes he’s doing it, just wants some sort of friction for his cock. It is incredibly distracting for Bucky. He had naturally assumed Daddy would take this opportunity and use it to talk about all the reasons Bucky would want Steve to slide in without a condom. He doesn’t expect Steve to tuck him in close and begin to beg for it.
“Oh, honey a’course I want that, fuck. You don’t? Can’t even fucking imagine what you feel like on the inside.”
“I…oh but is it—”
“There’s no better way for Daddy to claim his boy, is there? Wanna be the best Daddy for you, Buck, the best.”
Bucky would no doubt be gasping, no doubt be achy, but hearing Steve’s voice turn a bit frantic in a way that he makes Bucky’s sound all the time has his world completely upside down. Daddy’s beard would be rubbing against the sensitive skin of Bucky’s neck as he pressed kisses into it with little choked-off noises. The arm not trapped between his body and the mattress would reach back to feel and grope at Steve’s naked hip, dig into his ass a bit.
“Bet you’re even warmer without a rubber fuck, baby. Bet you’d make my dick nice and wet, god Daddy wants that, sugar Daddy wants you to make his cock feel so good.” Steve’s lips move against Bucky’s skin as he talks, pleads, ends his groveling with a bitten off noise as he mouths at Bucky’s ear. He’s so easy for this man. Bucky stood no chance but he’s going to make Daddy work for his little come-virgin pussy.
“I…will it feel different? Will it hurt?”
Steve moans, (because innocent Buck is doing things to him, fuck) sucks on Bucky’s jaw before answering, shaking his head vehemently.
“Uh-uh no, sugar it’ll feel even better—” Bucky lets out a hot curious noise because how in the hell could it feel better? — “So much better, oh. Let Daddy in, Buck. Please, let Daddy in.” His hand is on Bucky’s ass cheek now, is pushing at it, spreading him open, and when they both feel Steve line himself up, the press of his cock, they both whimper. Bucky has never experienced a desperate Daddy in such a way, feels like he can’t catch his breath but listens to Steve’s own shaky ones. He thinks he has reached another plane of existence, another level up, but then—
“Just the tip, Buck. Come on, let Daddy show you.”
Y’all. Steve Rogers begging to let him stick just the tip of his dick inside of Bucky might literally end Bucky Barnes. His tummy turns, he moans, spreads his legs just a tiny bit, head going foggy at feeling Steve’s cock between his legs, Steve’s hand on his own dick.
“Yeah, yeah okay but…just a little bit, Daddy m’nervous.”
“Oh, baby thank you, oh I’ll always take care’a you, mhmm,” Steve breathes out in a rush, pressing in in in—
It would literally feel like the two of them were fucking for the first time. They’re entirely caught up in a rapid role-play, completely immersed in their tiny noises, how close they are, how much they’re holding back. It would be a messy position, especially after Bucky shouts and throws his arm up and around Steve’s neck, effectively shoving himself half on top of Steve, legs splayed and spread over Steve’s waist. Steve’s got his hand still on his cock, gripping it and ensuring it doesn’t slip in passed the tip.
“Daddy…Daddy oh it does…does feel different, so different.”
“Yeah mhmm, feels good doesn’t it, Buck? Can really feel how hungry you are now, goddamn.”
And this is the image that was conjured up in my mind as soon as I read this Ask—Bucky holding onto his Daddy on his side, leg and arm slung around Steve, mouths just pressed together in encouragement, and Steve fucking the tip of his cock in and out of Bucky’s ass. His hand would be there to make sure it genuinely is just the tip. Bucky’s noises would be surprised petite ones, eyes wide and mouth open. Steve’s eyebrows would be knit together, panting and Daddy whimpering into Bucky’s open mouth.
What an image.
“Uh-huh, yeah,” Bucky would whimper into Steve’s temple, both looking down the line of Bucky’s body. “Be gentle, Daddy.”
It absolutely is the most time they’ve taken to fuck, the most chaotic they have felt as they do so. A lot of noises pushed out beyond their control, a lot of scrambling, a lot of messy kisses. Steve’s hands on Bucky’s tummy, his arm slung around Bucky’s waist as he controls movements, Bucky’s arm tightening back around Daddy’s neck, startled curious noises that make Steve want to scream pressed into Steve’s temple.
Steve just keeps asking if more is okay, if Bucky’s ready, until they reach the point where Daddy doesn’t need to ask anymore, fully seated and rolling his hips in deep movements. It isn’t rushed either—it’s slow and messy.
“See, honey? Oh, s’Daddy feel good in that tight little ass? You feel so fuckin’ good, so fuckin’ perfect, Buck. So perfect for Daddy. God, I can hear that cock fuckin’ you. Can you hear how messy you are? Gonna make you so messy…”
And Bucky is very much so immersed in this role, drawing from himself at the beginning of their relationship and also pulling from a different side of himself entirely. His noises have been different, have been whinier and amazed, a bit more feminine, has heard Steve’s uncensored curses at Bucky’s choices. He’s following through until the end.
“Daddy! Oh, you’re gonna come inside’a my p-pussy? S’gonna be so m-messy! I don’t…oh I don’t know, Daddy.”
BUT THEN! Then! Steve downright sounds like he’s weeping as he begs Bucky to let him come inside of him! Y’all Bucky’s neck would just drop back onto the pillows, onto Steve’s shoulder idc! Steve’s hips are harsh then, dig in and press up, has such a tight hold onto Bucky, one hell of a grip.
“Buck, Bucky baby please please, sugar lemme fill you up. Lemme fuck this pussy full, lemme mark you from the inside, let Daddy do that, baby please.”
Bucky’s hand is on his own dick, flying over it with a tight fist, gasping and whining, “Want that, Daddy want that so much! Wanna be messy with you, oh want Daddy to make me all wet inside, please please please—”
It has been a long long time since they’ve come with such a force, so uninhibited, so damn near violent. Steve makes an inadvertent show of filling Bucky up, pumps his hips through his orgasm, runs his fingers through Bucky’s sticky chest and maybe wraps a hand around the front of Bucky’s throat. They are completely and entirely swept away in something that should have just been almost routine.
Steve is flabbergasted, Bucky is pleased beyond belief, and they both promise each other that they’re most definitely going to discuss what the fuck just happened in the morning because holy shit how it is 11:30 PM and it’s a Wednesday.
“You’re fuckin’ dangerous, Buck,” is what Steve mumbles sleepily into the top of Bucky’s head as he kisses it, both clean and snuggled under the covers. Bucky is barely awake and only responds with, “S’your fault,” and he’s got Steve there.
Nonnie, you done fucked me up thinking about bitty Buck lookin’ up at his Daddy with that bottom lip, breathing out, “you’re gonna fuck this pussy bare, Daddy?” like they’ve never done it before. I’m going to hell. This one is sticking with me until the end of time. I need more of this roleplay in my life. Should I find a church service and attend? Is it too late today? RIP, time of death 1:47 PM.
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arllenn · 4 years
Maribat au - big sis tomb raider mari
(Salt not Adrien friendly)
- the prelude -
• same as cannon only the temple is never brought back in feast, the building itself is brought back but the monks are gone Mari may be a powerful ladybug because she’s a true holder but they’ve been dead for a century and she has a cap on her powers because of her age (Chloé also only leaves for about a month or two)
•before fu goes bonk he actually teaches mari some shit abt the miraculous and the order. (The language, history and as much magic as he can)
•after she becomes the guardian she no longer has the time for class drama and resigns as class pres
•she can also train with past guardians and holders of any miraculous that she’s used (only ones that have died already so in this au not hippolyta or Alfred)
•she throws herself into finding out who hawkmoth is because now she has a secret order to rebuild and she’s done with not being able to cry
•she tells chat noir at their next battle to shape up after he almost gets her killed because stealing a kiss is more important than the battle at hand
•chat throws a fit and doesn’t show up for a while(how long is up to the writer)
• during all of this we still have lila and her classmates being dickheads so she has to deal with being all alone cause Adrien doesn’t have her back and she knows this because it’s been months and he hasn’t helped her once
•mari gets close to a previous ladybug who teaches her how to remain herself while putting up a front to intimidate the enemy (she uses this to appear disinterested in lila and her classmates effectively telling them fuck off idc what you think)
•after Lila says that marinette pushed her down the stairs again mari gets harmed in some way and decides to take tomoe up on her offer to learn fencing (as a result she and Kagami get closer)
•mari brings up wanting to be able to carry a self defense weapon on her person at all times but also doesn’t want to carry something like a taser or a knife so Kagami suggests war fans
•mari is like hell yea because a. She’s now closer to her culture and b. They look sick and she’s been wanting a style change for some time now
•Chloé is back at this point and sees what’s happening in the class and is like wtf
•while away she decided to improve herself so when she sees this she begrudgingly is like fuck it alliance
•mari and Chloé after an apology and a few tenative weeks become friends
•they have their style change together we now have techwear and occasional soft girl mari who constantly has a fan on her that matches with her outfit
•thanks to her training with the Tsurugis she now has an excuse for being so well versed in self defense
•she makes Chloé and Kagami permant holders and while Luka always has sass on him she only tells him to transform when she’s positive she needs him (watching your friends die time and time again and having the future of everything weigh on you being able to turn back time is stressful and she doesn’t want to fuck Luka up like fu fucked her up)
•at this point mari has also gotten closer to aurore who starts to run a blog once the ladyblog goes to shit and gets the turtle
•unlike the others she’s a hero whose focused on the citizens, she gets them to saftey and defends them if they get caught up in a battle rather than fighting Akumas directly
•chat noir hasn’t been present in any battles so they’re easier for mari and it reduces her stress over it
•they discover gabriel is hawkmoth (how it is is up to the writer)
•they have a showdown in which chat defends Gabriel because ‘he could never be hawkmoth what are you doing’
•because of this mari now has both the ladybug and the black cat miraculous on her during the fight with hawkmoth
•she ends up having to use both at the same time bacause training or not that power cap is a bitch when she’s fighting two people who don’t have it
•divine being mari because the two miraculous if not used to make a wish will just transfer the power it would take to make the wish into whoever combined them
•she beats hawkmoth and says fuck it hands him and Mayura over to the cops and peace’s out
•she doesn’t take back the miraculous from her team only Adrien gabe and nath
•she then chills out for the remainder of the school year and decides to visit the temple during the summer
•(wether she told her parents about everything or got disowned is up to you)
•by this point mari has made plenty of money as mdc and can afford to just fuck off to Tibet and rent an apartment for the summer
•(if she goes alone or with someone else is up to you)
•she spends the summer recovering all that she can from the temple (scrolls, additional miraculous, a grimoire that all guardians use)
•so by the time she returns to France for her senior year she’s got a good grip on magic and what she needs to do starting with recovering a box of miraculous that was apparently lost before the temple even fell
•she works with the others to pinpoint where they could be (museums, ruins, family heirlooms, buried under centuries of dirt, at a thrift or jewelry shop)
•eventually she ends up in Gotham for her senior trip
•where she gets caught up in a two face/scarecrow attack at Wayne enterprises (dick was leading the tour so he can’t get away to nightwing and Damien stuck around because it was either help with the tour or school and he fucking hates it there)
•she slips away and transforms (pleas e I’m begging for a costume change the onzie is hella ugly)
•comes back and kicks ass fixes the damage so no one needs the actual cure to fear toxin and peace’s out again
•she ends up doing it a few more times while she’s there somehow always around Damien/Robin (hes like 12-13)
•she nails him out of a bad joker situation (use your imagination) and he’s like yes my sister my hella suspicious sister I’ve adopted you now 😌
• so that’s how she ends up eating dinner in her ladybug get up with the Wayne’s
•she decides to go to college at gotham academy cause Gotham needs healing and there’s more than one miraculous in this town
•so now here she is tellin robin/Damien that she’ll be back in like a week or two because she needs to get everything in Paris sorted out before she chills here
•(wether they know ladybug = marinette is up to you)
•she goes back to Paris to finish out the school year going back to Gotham on the weekends to heal it the best she can and hang out with her cool murder baby brother
•she gets along with Jason the best after Damien cause it’s fun to fuck shit up with someone who is just as chaotic as you but slightly adjacent
•no romantic parings with any of the batfam cause she sees them all as her family (if she has a romantic thing going on with someone it’s probably with Chloé cause I’m a hoe for Chloénette)
•eventually Damien has a really bad day and he calls her at what he’s to be 1 am because he almost killed someone again and he just wants to be distracted from it
•so mari takes him to some old ruins she was planing on going to
•que Damien coming into the dinning room the next day with a magic sword and looking surprisingly content
•now mari is just the cool tomb raider sister who will takes Damien ruins when he’s feeling down hands him some cookies and let him sleep over
•eventually she gets caught stealing from a museum and now Bruce is talking about what a bad influence she is on Damien and how she’s not allowed to see him anymore and she’s like 😦
•ends up explaining everything (if they didn’t know her identity before they know it now)
•and Bruce is like wow shit do you need a parental figure
•mari now has been officially adopted as a Wayne
And there it is tomb raider mari. Idk if people are interested i could write an actual fic or go into more detail on certain parts
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seokmattchuus · 5 years
Fuck Away The Pain - Hyungwon
A/n: I don’t even know what this is, ngl. It kinda sucks, but ya girl’s sad from an ex and I’m deep in my Hyungwon feels so this happened. Let it flop, idc, tbh. I just wanted to write it. Also, issa long one, sorry.
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“Y/n..” - 10:47 pm
“I know this is uncalled for, but” - 10:47 pm
“I really miss you.” - 10:48 pm
“I really wanna see you. Can I come by later?” - 10:49 pm
“Can we try again?” - 10:50 pm
You stood there, staring at your phone, tears welling in your eyes as you shoved you phone into your pocket and quickly wiped at your eyes. Of course, your ex, Min, would pick the best timing to try to ‘fix’ things.
It was movie night at the Monsta X dorm. You’d never been, but your best friend, Hyungwon had invited you this time, knowing that you’d needed some kind of comfort while you went through your breakup. He figured inviting you over for a movie would be best since you weren’t the clubbing type.
And of course, Min had to ruin that too.
You were in the middle of scooping ice cream into bowls with Hyungwon to put in the freezer for later when your phone went off. 
You ignored it of course, thinking it was some spam calls since everyone knew you were busy tonight. But it wasn’t until when Hoseok, Jooheon, and Hyunwoo came back from the store with all the snacks that you checked it, not wanting the constant sound to bother anyone.
You excused yourself to the restroom so you could check your phone in private, but rolled your eyes when you saw that it was Min that called.
A good amount of times. 
When you hadn’t answered, he resorted to text messages, which led you to your current situation.
Crying against the sink in your best friend’s shared dorm.
It wasn’t really an “I missed you” kind of crying, but more of a “what fucking nerve do you have to message me this kind of shit” kind of crying.
Min had ended things just shy of a month ago. It wasn’t like you didn’t see it coming, you just refused to think about him wanting to break off your three year relationship. You just couldn’t, well, more like you didn’t, want to see it. 
Until you’re birthday came around and he hadn’t planed anything. 
It wasn’t that you wanted him to do anything big or extravagant, a simple acknowledgement would’ve sufficed. But no. He hadn’t texted or called at all throughout the day.
It wasn’t until later that night when you and your friends posed for a picture to post on your Instagram that he finally texted you.
“So you’re out with that guy again?”
Had it not been for your male friends, including Hyungwon, he probably wouldn’t have contacted you at all.
It was that moment that you realized everything was falling apart. He didn’t care anymore. He didn’t love you. Not to mention that he spent that whole day with some girl from his workplace. Your friend being the one to tell you the day after your birthday, not wanting to kill your mood.
It was a week after that when he finally ended things. Claiming that you just weren’t good enough for him anymore. That he needed something new, more exciting. To be put simply, that he was just bored of you after being with you for so long.
You had no objections, nor arguments. There was no point. There was nothing in your relationship worth saving. You just went home and packed all the things he left at your house while he packed yours, traded off the next day, and that was that. He hadn’t contacted you since, and for him to finally text you after this whole time, what was he expecting? For you to jump at the opportunity? Welcome him back with open arms?
When you finally managed to get your feelings under control, you turned to look at yourself in the mirror, cringing at how puffy your eyes were. How were you supposed to go back out there? You’d already been in the restroom for a good while, if you stayed any longer-
“Y/n, you okay?” Your train of thought was cut off as Hyungwon knocked on the door.
You sniffled and cleared your throat. “Yeah! Be out in a minute.” You called out before rinsing off your face and drying it on the towel. “You can do this.” You whispered to yourself.
When you walked out, Hyungwon was standing in front of the door, his hand out to stop you from walking past him.
“You’re not okay.” He stated. “You sniffled and your voice sounds like you were crying.”
“I’m fine, Hyungwon.” You sighed. “Min’s just being an asshole, that’s all.”
“What’d he say?” His tone changed.
“Basically that he misses me, and wants to come by later and try to work things out.” You shook your head. “I don’t want to ruin your movie night, but I don’t want to go home either. What am I supposed to do if he comes by?”
“You can stay here tonight. I’ll lend you some clothes.” He said nonchalantly.
“I could-” You started, but were cut off.
“Y/n. We’ve been friends since middle school.” He started. “This is nothing. I’ll sleep on the floor, or on the couch if you want me to. But I don’t want you going back to your place if he’s gonna show up. He doesn’t deserve a chance to even think about you after everything he’s done.”
“No ‘but’s.” He shook his head. “You’re staying here, and that’s final. Now hurry up before they start the movie without us.” He smiled, pulling you into a big hug, his scent engulfing you.
You weren’t gonna lie, hugging him was more than comforting at this point, and you wanted nothing more than to stay like this, but sadly, you had to pull away.
“C’mon, let’s go.” He smiled, dropping his arms so you could both make your way back to the living room where Kihyun was setting a movie order while Minhyuk and Changkyun were setting up the living room to make it more comfy.
“And they didn’t go off to fuck, you owe me $15.” Hoseok laughed at Hyunwoo.
“Cut it out.” Hyungwon glared. “Even if we did, I sure as hell wouldn’t do it around you dumbasses.”
You felt the heat rise to cheeks. Sure, Hyungwon was attractive, but you’d never thought of him like that.
Or at least that you wanted to acknowledge.
“Okay!” Kihyun clapped from his spot. “I finally have an order.” He said happily. “Now let’s move everything to the coffee table so we can start.”
After everything was situated, you, Hyungwon and Minhyuk sat on the couch with you in the middle. Hyunwoo and Jooheon took the recliners, and the rest made themselves comfortable on the floor.
You were halfway into the movie when Minhyuk moved from his spot beside you to go to the restroom, causing you to lean a little too close into Hyungwon’s side in an effort to get comfortable. Which also caused him to shift a little, you brushing it off as him trying to adjust.
After the first movie, Changkyun had asked Jooheon and Hyunwoo to help him get the ice cream.
“Do you feel any better?” Hyungwon leaned down to whisper.
“Kinda?” You whispered back. “I just can’t get him out of my mind.” You shrugged. 
“Give me your phone.” He said, pulling away from you and holding his hand out. 
“Just give it to me.” He smiled.
You were hesitant, but reached into your pocket, and gave it to him nonetheless.
“I’ll take care of it later, I promise.” He smiled down at you as the guys came back with bowls of ice cream.
“Kihyun…” Hoseok whispered, poking the boy with his foot lightly, laughing as he tipped over. “Are you seriously asleep right now?”
“Bro, we did just watch like, four movies in a row.” Changkyun yawned. “Hyunwoo and Minhyuk fell asleep too. Let’s just call it a night.”
“But we still have one more to watch.” Hoseok pouted.
“Well you can watch it yourself.” Hyungwon stated, stretching as he got off the couch, helping you up. “Y/n’s spending the night by the way.”
“Hmmm.” Hoseok wiggled his brows, earning a pillow thrown at him.
“Like I said before, cut it out.” He said flatly. “Next time it won’t be a pillow.” Hyungwon threatened before walking to his room.
“Night guys.” You whispered before following Hyungwon to his room, where he pulled out some boxers and a long flannel, holding them out to you.
“You can go change in the restroom if you want.” He smiled softly.
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to stay here?” You shied away from his offer.
“Yes. I’m sure.” He said while shoving you towards the bathroom. “Now go change.” He said, dropping the clothes into your hands.
With a huff, you did as you were told, and changed into the long flannel that smelled like Hyungwon’s favorite cologne, and slipped into the boxers. After changing, and folding your clothes, you looked in the mirror, feeling slightly unsure of yourself.
It wasn’t like this was new. You and Hyungwon weren’t strangers. You had plenty of movie nights throughout high school where he let you wear his hoodies for comfort.
You’d always been close so this was nothing out of the ordinary for you. But something just felt different, and you couldn’t figure it out.
Maybe it was the way his members seemed to keep pushing the thought of you two. Or maybe since you were still upset over Min, staying with Hyungwon seemed different. 
Maybe because you weren’t in high school anymore.
Maybe because it wasn’t just his hoodie this time.
“You’re just a mess right now, y/n. It’s nothing.” You whispered to yourself, shaking your head while you ran a stressed hand through your hair before walking out of the restroom and back to Hyungwon’s room, deciding to lighten the mood, you struck a pose at his doorway.
“How do I look?” You quirked a brow, and Hyungwon’s eyes raked over your frame, and lingered a little too long on your exposed legs before meeting your eyes with a smile.
“Like a model.” He laughed, and pulled out your phone. “Should we do a photo shoot to make it real?”
“Wow, Mr. Model wants to give me a photo shoot?” You wiped a fake tear. “I feel honored.” You smiled. “But I can’t pose for shit.”
“Just do what you were just doing.” He said, holding your phone dramatically, while positioning himself on the floor, waiting for you to pose, snapping the picture once you did. “Not so bad, Miss. Newbie.” He smiled, getting up and showing you the picture. “How about you smile, though?” He suggested.
“I was smiling though.” You pouted.
“You need to smile bigger. Like you’re laughing.” He mocked your pout as he positioned the camera again. “Hurry up, my arm’s getting tired.” He laughed.
You took a total of ten pictures, all directed by Hyungwon and in all honesty, as you both sat on the floor looking through them, they weren’t that bad.
“I like this one the most.” You pointed to the one that had you pouting at the lens.
“Well, I like this one the most.” He pointed to the one with you smiling while your head rested on your arm.
“Well,” You started. “Thank you for the photo shoot, Mr. Chae.” You laughed. “It made me feel better.”
“That’s what friends are for.” He smiled back at you. “It’s getting late, you should probably sleep.” He said, getting up. “I still haven’t changed, so let me grab my clothes and I’ll be out of your way.” He smiled, going to his drawers and pulling out a pair of pajama pants and making his way out to change.
“Hyungwon,” You called out before he left the room fully. “You don’t have to sleep on the couch, or the floor. I can instead.” You offered, getting up.
“You know I won’t let you.” He said softly.
“But I feel bad. It’s your bed, after all.” You shrugged.
“Then we can just share it?” He questioned, looking over at you.
“I guess we could.” You avoided his gaze, looking down at the bed, and back at him.
“Guess I need a shirt then.” He said, walking towards his closet and grabbing a shirt.
“You don’t sleep with a shirt on?” You quirked a brow at him.
“Not really. It’s uncomfortable.” He shrugged, walking out to go change.
You sighed and sat on the bed, moving the covers to the side so you could make a spot for yourself and tracing random nothing’s onto his comforter.
Maybe things were different this time. Here you were, after a breakup, laying in your best friend’s bed, wearing his clothes, while you were about to sleep in his bed.
“Comfortable?” His voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Huh? Yeah.” You looked up at him. “Your blanket’s really soft.” You mumbled softly.
“That’s why I bought it.” He laughed at your statement before pulling the cover up and sliding under, too. 
“I know you need music to sleep, so is there anything you wanna hear?” He said, pulling your phone out, looking through your playlist.
“Why don’t you sing for me?” You asked. “It’s been a while since I’ve heard your voice.”
A hint of red tinted his cheeks at the statement and you smiled.
“You know your voice is my favorite.” You moved so your head laid on the back of your hands and you looked at him.
“Don’t look at me.” He smirked. “It makes me shy.”
“Mr. Model gets shy?” You quirked a brow. “Interesting.” You smiled before closing your eyes. “I’m still gonna face this way, though.”
“Stubborn little thing.” He chuckled before clearing his throat. “Any recommendations?” He whispered. 
“Surprise me.” You smiled.
“Why can’t you just make things easy for me for once?” He laughed lightly. “Hmm. What kind of genre?”
“Surprise~” You whined.
“Do you know how many songs there are?” He looked at you, though you couldn’t see him. “You just love making things hard for me.” He grumbled before clearing his throat again before singing Dreamer. 
“Did you really fall asleep?” He whispered after singing the song. “You were probably tired.” He sighed, grabbing your phone and connecting it to his charger, an idea popping into his head.
He scooted closer to you and held your camera above the both of you so it looked like you were cuddling into him, took the picture, then scooted back to his initial spot and looked at you again before confirming his plan.
He opened your messages and found Min’s, typing a quick message and attaching the picture of you sleeping, not even hesitating to hit send before leaving your phone on his bedside counter to charge, not bothering to check the vibrate signaling Min’s response.
You woke up feeling warm. Too warm. When you tried to move, you realized your arm was wrapped around something and you opened your eyes in realization of your current position. Looking up at Hyungwon’s still sleeping form, your arms wrapped around his waist, and your head on his chest.
You mentally cursed yourself as you slowly let him go and face palmed. Of all the damn nights for you to want to cuddle.
“It’s too early.” Hyungwon grumbled, his voice raspy. “Stay in bed.”
“Were you awake this whole time?” You looked at him with eyes wide.
“No. I woke up when you moved your head.” He mumbled. “The warmth was nice.”
“What time is it?” You said, ignoring his statement.
He grabbed your phone. “5:58 AM.” He whined. “Let’s just go back to sleep.” He rolled towards you, arms open.
“You’re such a baby when you’re tired.” You tsked. “We’re not cuddling again. We weren’t supposed to anyways.”
“You’re the one that woke me up. Take responsibility.” He yawned out, with grabby hands. “If you don’t come willingly, I’m gonna pull you in.”
“You wouldn-” You were cut off by Hyungwon grabbing your wrist and pulling you back into him, his arms wrapping around your waist. 
“Shut up and sleep.” He grumbled. “Hyunwoo’s alarm doesn’t go off for another two hours and if you wake up before then, we’re gonna fight.”
You didn’t bother fighting him and relaxed into his hold. It wasn’t all that bad. The way his body covered yours and the way he held you made you feel safe and warm.
Made you feel comfortable.
You don’t know when you fell back asleep, but you woke up to Hyungwon shaking you lightly.
“C’mon.” He whispered. “Now, it’s time to get up.” He chuckled.
You sat up and stretched. “Do I really have to get up?”
“I was gonna take you home so you could get some clean clothes, then maybe come back.” He started. “But if you’re down to stay dressed like that the whole day.” He shrugged.
“No, going to get clothes sounds nice.” You piped up. “Why would we come back here though?”
“Is it such a shame to want you to make friends with my group mates?”
“Good point.” You stated, getting up and picking up your clothes from yesterday.
“I’ll leave, you can change in here.” He stopped you, making his way past you. “It’s windy out.” He smiled. “So keep the flannel on.” He said as he walked out.
The ride back to your place was a comfortable silence and that’s when you noticed your phone’s bluetooth didn’t connect to his car.
“Won, where’s my phone?”
“I charged it for you, so if you didn’t get it, it’s probably still on my counter.” He said calmly.
“We’re going back anyways.” You said as he pulled up to your place.
“You go freshen up. I’ll just chill in the kitchen and steal snacks.” He smiled as he put the car in a park and got out.
“Sounds like a plan.” You laughed as you made your way to the door, unlocking it.
“Just don’t take a long ass shower.” He tsked. “Or I might end up eating all your snacks out of boredom like last time.” 
“Don’t remind me.” You glared at the memory. “God forbid I leave you alone for more than thirty minutes.” You kept your glare as you placed your keys on the kitchen counter. 
“Just some food for thought.” He chuckled as he opened your cabinet, looking for something.
"Just don’t eat everything.” You groaned and made your way to your room. “I really don’t feel like going shopping just because you can’t control yourself.” Your voice faded the longer you walked and you barely heard Hyungwon’s noise of agreement.
You didn’t really pay much attention to the clothes you picked out, thinking of just grabbing some leggings and keeping Hyungwon’s flannel as your top. Given that it wasn’t too baggy, but not too tight, you figured it had that ‘at home’ look, which was perfect because you didn’t wanna look like you were trying too hard to come up with an outfit.
You reached for your speaker on instinct, but put it down once you remembered you didn’t have your phone and grumbled to yourself, grabbing your towel and heading towards your restroom.
“Well that was fast.” Hyungwon spoke with a mouth full of Pringles.
“Let’s just say I miss my phone.” You smiled, rolling his shirt sleeves up, along with your hair.
“You still wearing my shirt.” He smirked.
“It’s comfy.” You shrugged, sitting across from him. “And it smells nice.” You added, reaching for a chip. 
“You always did like my cologne.” He smirked to himself. “I guess I make good choices.”
“You picked one good cologne, don’t get cocky.” You glared, pointing your chip at him, him sticking his tongue back at you in return.
“Are you sure you really wanna meet the guys?” He cocked a brow at you while he chewed his chip. “They might be too much to handle.”
“You’re too much to handle and I do just fine.” You stated matter-of-factly.
“Okay but now like, there’s six more of me.”
“You started it by inviting me over for movies. Plus it was your idea.” You smiled.
“Good point, but you didn’t have to agree.” He pointed his chip at you before eating it. “But let’s go after we eat.”
Hyungwon’s definition of ‘after we eat’ ended up being ‘after we eat and watch a movie or two.’ So by the time you were getting ready to leave, it was about to be 2 pm.
“What happened to ‘after we eat.’” You laughed as you both made your way to the door.
“You can’t just eat and not watch something.” He looked at you like you were clueless.
“You couldn’t just pick a show?”
“Movies are better.” He held his chin high as he opened the door for you, locking it from the inside. “You’re just mad ‘cause I’m keeping you from going back to the dorms.”
“I am not!” You yelled. 
“You totally are.” He glared. “Why? Do you like any of them?” He quirked a brow at you, his tone changing as he closed the door.
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.” You shrugged, opening the door to the drivers side.
“It’s Hoseok, isn’t it? Or Hyunwoo?” He tsked. “It’s always one of them.” He mumbled, opening the car door and getting in.
“And if I said I did?” You teased, stepping into the passenger. 
“I’d ban you from going back.” He glared. “They can’t just steal my friend from me.”
“Why can’t I be everyone’s friend?” You quirked your own brow at him.
“The world doesn’t work that way, my clueless little y/n.” He ruffled your hair as he started the car.
“You’re just paranoid that they’ll steal me away.” You glared. 
“And if I am?” He didn’t hesitate to answer.
“It’ll take a lot more than a pretty face to ruin our friendship.” You smiled, ruffling his hair now. “Why do you think Min hated you so much?” You chuckled, only to have it die down soon after. “I guess your ‘idol’ title made you different from the rest of my friends.” You shrugged, shoving the memories of past arguments to the back of your head.
“Look. I know I caused a lot of problems for you tw-”
“Don’t.” You cut him off. “He left because I wasn’t good enough. Let’s just go now.” You spoke quickly, watching as he put the car in ‘drive’.
“He really made you believe that?” He spoke up, his voice soft.
You didn’t answer.
“It’s bullshit, you know.” He spoke louder this time. “Anyone would be lucky enough to have you. Just because he left doesn’t mean you weren’t good enough.”
And that was all he said.
The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, both of you not feeling the need to say anything else, at least not until you were heading up to the dorms again.
“If you flirt with any of them, I might just kick you out.” He threatened as you reached his hall.
“You could never.” You smiled as you poked his side. “You love me too much.” 
You only got a glare in response as he punched in the code to the door, nearly shutting it in your face as payback for your little statement, but you couldn’t complain now that you were back at the dorms.
“She’s back!” Minhyuk yelled from the couch, running over to you.
“We thought he wouldn’t bring you back.” Kihyun chuckled, watching as Hyungwon glared at Minhyuk, who’s hug was lasting a little longer than it should.
“Dude, let her go. She didn’t come to get squished.” Hyungwon grumbled.
“And now he’ll probably never let her come back.” Changkyun laughed while nudging Kihyun.
“Ha. Ha. Ha.” Hyungwon fake laughed. “She wouldn’t even be back here if she didn’t forget her phone.
“So that’s what was going off all day.” Hyunwoo chimed in. “I wasn’t trying to snoop, but it seemed important with how much they kept texting. I think it was a Min?”
“Oh, that’s not important.” You trailed off. “Probably ju-”
“Did you guys order the pizza, yet?” Hyungwon cut you off, trying to change the subject. “And did you get the side of wings?” 
“Yeah, Hoseok and Jooheon went to go get it.” Hyunwoo said. “But you’ve never wanted wings before. What changed?”
“They aren’t for me, they’re for y/n.” Hyungwon said casually, the rest of the guys raising their eyebrows at each other.
“Since when are you so considerate?” Minhyuk spoke out.
“I’m considerate to people.” He stated calmly, before forcing a smile. “Just not you.”
“Rude.” The older pouted, before his phone chimed. “Oh, food’s here!”
The day had gone smoother than you thought. You had eaten, watched some shows, played dumb games on the living room floor, and now you were cleaning up.
“It’s late, we should get you home.” Hyungwon spoke up after finishing the dishes.
“Shit, what time is it?” You looked up at him.
“Your phone’s still in my room isn’t it?” He raised a brow.
“Well we were busy, I didn’t really need it.” You shrugged.
He did nothing but sigh and ruffle your hair before leaving to his room to retrieve the device.
By the time he reached the phone, it had just stopped vibrating, and he checked it to see if it was important.
“Min? Again?” He groaned, pressing the home button so he could see how many times he called. “Thirty times?” He scoffed, letting the screen timeout on it’s own. “Does he have nothing better to do?”
“I suggest you hurry up before Minhyuk hides her away.” Changkyun warned, leaving Hyungwon to shove your phone in his pocket, and head back out.
“But make sure you come back. Even if you have to hide it.” Minhyuk whispered the last part.
“The point of whispering is to not be heard.” Hyungwon mimicked Minhyuk, causing you to giggle.
“Let’s go, you grumpy log.” You laughed. “It’s getting late, I don’t want you coming back late.”
The drive home was spent with you talking about how much you enjoyed your time guys being even more great - and stupid - than you thought they’d be in person.
“Well, at least you enjoyed your day.” Hyungwon smiled towards you. “You deserve to have better days now that he’s gone.”
“Speaking of,” You piped up. “What do you think he wanted?” 
“Who knows.” He shrugged. “You didn’t check?” He asked, pulling into your driveway, and looking over to you.
“I’m kinda scared to know.” You admitted, unbuckling your seat belt. “I mean, I cried at the ‘let’s try again’ texts, so who’s to say I won’t cry over whatever he’s saying now?”
“Do you want me to read them instead?” He offered, unbuckling his own seat belt.
“As long as you don’t say anything dumb.” You glared, handing him your phone.
“No promises.” He smiled, snatching the phone from you, and unlocking it. “Messagesssss.” He dragged out as he pushed the little emoticon. “Miiinnn.” He repeated as he looked for the man’s contact, tapping on it once it came in sight. “Last message was sometime around…” He trailed off as he scrolled up, turning the phone slightly as the picture he took came into view.
“Why? Is it bad?” You whined at the action.
“No, I just don’t want you to read anything and get upset.” He mumbled. “How about you go in and get ready? I’ll be in when I’m done.” He smiled softly at your frowning face. “You can even order food? And use my card?” He offered, to which you smiled and nodded. “All it takes is food. You’re so easy.” He fake tsked, reaching into his pocket for his wallet. “Just make sure you order something for me, too.” He laughed, waiting for you to walk inside before turning his attention back to your phone.
“So that’s how it’s gonna be?” - 2:07 am
“Why aren’t you answering?” - 2:08 am
“I know you’re getting my messages.” - 2:10 am
“Is it because he’s with you? You’re just gonna replace me like that? With a fucking pretty boy?” - 2:12 am
“And now you’re not gonna respond? You obviously sent that picture for a reason.” - 2:13 am
“Fine. Have it your way. I’m stopping by tomorrow night.” - 2:16 am
Hyungwon scoffed at the messages before deleting them, along with the picture, and throwing the phone in his lap.
What the hell was his problem? Was he really that jealous over you staying at the dorm when he wasn’t even your boyfriend anymore?
The nerve.
Sighing again, he turned the car off and got out, angrily shoving your phone in his pocket before going inside.
“The delivery guy said twenty minutes tops, so it shouldn’t be too long.” You smiled at him.
“All you care about is food, huh?” He joked.
“Well maybe if you didn’t eat all my food all the time, I wouldn’t care so much.” You glared.
After eating - and cleaning up - you had suggested watching something scary, more for background noise than entertainment.
“So..” You trailed off. “Was it bad?” You bit your lip.
“Now you ask?” He chuckled, taking a sip of his Monster. “But no, it wasn’t bad. Just obsessive?” He questioned, trying to think of the right word. “Just stuff like ‘oh, you’re not gonna respond?’, and ‘you’re just gonna replace me like that’.” He mocked in a dumb voice.
“Why are guys like that?” You sighed, throwing yourself back onto the couch.
“Like what?” He furrowed his brows. 
“All ‘I don’t want you, but don’t date anyone else.’“ You mocked in a deep voice.
“Who are you dating?” He coughed as he choked on his sip.
“No one, but you know what I mean.” You glared. 
“Well obviously I didn’t.” He coughed some more. “Word yourself better next time and we wouldn’t have a problem.” He grumbled.
“I’ve literally been crying to you about how guys suck. Why would I date another one right now?” You deadpanned. 
“I don’t know. Maybe the whole ‘get over someone by using someone else’ thing.” He mumbled. 
“On another note.” You sighed, ignoring his statement. “You’re a guy, do you know why guys do this shit?”
“I’m not a shitty guy, or at least I don’t think, so I have no idea.” He paused, putting the can to his lips and throwing his head back, finishing it. “But I can fight him for you if you want.” He smirked.
“I appreciate the offer, but the last thing you need is to catch a case.” You laughed lightly. 
“Who said I’d get caught?” He raised a brow.
“Okay feisty one, I’m gonna go throw away the trash which you said you would do.” You giggled, as you got up.
“I was gonna do it after I finished my drink.” He defended himself as you walked away to pick up the trash bag. “Which I just did.”
“Well I already got up, so you’re too late.” You smiled, walking back and taking his empty can, throwing it in the bag before tying it closed. “I’ll be back.” You said, slipping on some sandals before going out, mentally cursing as you realized you left the trashcans on the curb from yesterday.
“If I wasn’t kidnapped, I’d totally not have to walk all the way to the curb.” You grumbled to yourself, as you reached them. “I should’ve just let Hyungwon do it.” You continued to grumble as you lifted the lid.
“So you’re with him now?” You heard a familiar voice speak out from the side, and you froze, the lid falling with a loud thud. “Are you not gonna answer?” He spoke louder this time, slightly slurred.
“No.” You spoke softly, not trying to cause a scene. “But it’s not like it matters to you.” You said coldly, watching as Min laugh sarcastically.
“I just wanna know how long it’s been going on.” He hiccuped. “Since we broke up? Since your birthday? Before then?” He got louder the more he spoke, walking closer.
“You’re drunk.” You swallowed thickly while backing away, slightly scared since you knew this side of him.
“And? Answer my question.” He said, stopping slightly as he realized you were pressed against the trashcan.
“I told you we weren’t together.” You repeated louder this time, hoping Hyungwon would hear.
“Don’t bullshit me, y/n.” He chuckled, raising his voice even more. “We both know you had feelings for him.”
“Whether I did or not doesn’t-”
“Yes it fucking does.” He scoffed, taking a step forward, causing you to push against the trashcan, your face instinctively turning to the side in an attempt to block yourself. 
“If your problem’s with me, then leave her alone.” Hyungwon spoke out, grabbing your wrist and pulling you behind him. “Go inside.” He said sternly, to which you shook your head, and before he could respond, Min spoke up again.
“Oh, so you got him protecting you now? That’s fucking rich.” He laughed again, stepping towards Hyungwon, who only pushed you back. His position staying. “We all knew you’d end up with him anyways.” He spoke bitterly, looking up at the man.
“Like I said.” Hyungwon’s voice threatening as he stepped forward. “If your problem’s with me, leave her out of it.” He glared. 
“How do you know my problem’s with you?” Min laughed.
“My name was in almost every message you sent.” Hyungwon scoffed. “If anyone else read them, they’d think you’re jealous of her, not me.” He took another step. “And you came to her house to ask if me and her were together. It sounds like my presence pisses you off.” He smirked.
Min scoffed before balling his fist.
“I suggest you leave.” Hyungwon spoke up again, his tone holding something you hadn’t heard from him before as he took more steps to back Min into the sidewalk. “If you wanna fight, I suggest you be sober first. Wouldn’t want you making up excuses for losing to a ‘pretty boy’ like me.” He said, pressing a finger to Min’s shoulder and pushing him into the street before turning around and pushing you back towards the door.
“I told you to go inside.” He nearly yelled as he shut the door. “What if something happened? What if he had something? What if I wasn’t here?” He scolded, too lost in his concern to realize you were tearing up.
“What would you would’ve done if-” He stopped talking the second he saw a tear fall and immediately pulled you into his chest. 
It was quiet for a while, neither of you saying anything, or more like him not knowing what to say.
Of course he’d fuck up by yelling at you after everything that’s happened.
Of course he’d snap at you even though none of this was your fault.
Of course he’d let his feelings get the best of him.
“I’m sorry for yelling. I shouldn’t have.” He sighed picking his hand up to run it down your hair. “I’m just worried about you.”
“I’ve never seen you so mad before..” You sniffled, remembering how he sounded, how he got in Min’s face. It wasn’t like him.
“I never planned for you to see me that mad.” He chuckled. “I let my feelings get the best of me. I shouldn’t have acted out like that.”
“What feelings?” You questioned, and he looked down at you in disbelief. His whole face basically saying ‘do you really not know?’
“Are you serious?” He laughed.
“I may have a hint..” You paused. “But I just want you to hear you say it.”
“You really strung me along, huh?” He laughed lightly, looking back up. “Do you know how hard it was to not act on it?”
You looked up at him and chewed your lip in contemplation of whether or not to say what you wanted to. But he already said it, so why couldn’t you?
“No one said you couldn’t act on it.” You bit your lip as he looked down at you. 
“Say that again.” His response was immediate but his tone was different. 
“I said,” You paused, your eyes staring into his. “No one said you couldn-” You were cut off from him pressing his lips to yours, the force strong enough to push your head back, but his hold on you strong enough to keep you in place.
Knowing where to move, he backed you into the couch, turning you both around so he could sit and bring you down on top of him.
His hands never left your hips and when they finally did, they moved up to wrap around the back of your neck, trying to bring you impossibly closer into him while the other hand ran up and down your thigh, squeezing every now and then.
Never did either of you think this would happen. That one of you would finally take that step and remove whatever block was in the way.
But that block only stayed gone for a minute as Hyungwon pulled away, panting and searching your eyes for anything and you could tell he was stopping himself.
“Please, Hyungwon..” You panted, your hands coming up to cup his face. “Don’t stop here.” You whispered, hoping he’d see the sincerity in your eyes.
And though he did, it wasn’t enough for him.
“No, y/n. As much as I’ve wanted to do this, you’re only doing this out of vulnerability. Not because you want me.” He shook his head, trying to get your hands off of him, causing you to tighten your grip.
“But I do want you.” You spoke softly. “I’ve always wanted you…” You trailed off. “I just never thought you’d want me, and Min came along and fucked up my whole mentality on everything.” You took a deep breath. “I wouldn’t tell you to act on your feelings if I didn’t want to act on mine.”
He was quiet, his eyes never leaving yours as you spoke, his hand on the back of your neck rubbing softly while the one that was on your thigh squeezing hard at the mention of him. 
So contradicting.
“This wasn’t how I pictured this happening.” He chuckled bitterly. “But I guess timing doesn’t care for trivial things.”
“Please,” You looked at him, your voice breaking. “I want you for you. Not because I’m sad, but because it’s always been you.” 
He didn’t reply verbally this time, opting to press his lips back against yours, but softer this time, and you pulled back.
“You’re holding back, Hyungwon.” You whispered. “You don’t have to.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He whispered back. “I came on way too rough the first time.” He laughed.
“Be rough with me, please.” You started. “I want to get lost in you. I only want you on my mind.”
“Of all the things I imagined you saying, that was never one of them.” He chuckled. “Are you sure?” He said, scanning your eyes for any hint of denial.
Instead of speaking up, you nodded your head, but it wasn’t enough for him. 
“Words. I need to hear you say it.”  
“Yes.” You spoke up. “Help me forget him.“
As if a switch flipped, the Hyungwon you had before was back and he was on you as if you’d disappear at any given moment. 
You thought about what he said earlier, the whole ‘using someone to forget someone else’ and now weren’t sure if ‘forget’ was the right word to use, but if wasn’t, you were pretty sure he’d have stopped. 
Maybe he said it because he wanted to be the one to help you forget someone.
Either way, you were reveling in the way his lips moved from yours to trail down your neck, randomly biting while his hands moved down to your thighs, occasionally moving up to play with the hem of your leggings.
“Fuck, Hyungwon.” Your hips rolled against his as he bit a specific spot and he smirked before biting down again, harder this time. 
“Do you know how bad I wanted to do this last night and all damn day?” He rasped out between kisses, sucking a hickey above your collarbone. “Seeing you walk around in my shirt like that.” He whispered before going to the other side of your neck. “God, you look so good.” He growled, roughly sucking hickies onto your skin.
“I wanted nothing more than to fuck you senseless while you wore that damn shirt,” He whispered, his hands rubbing closer to where you wanted him. “Have you screaming my name and letting everyone know who’s really meant for you.” He growled as his fingers rubbed you over your leggings. “I bet you would’ve loved it, huh, babygirl.” He whispered in your ear before nibbling on your lobe.
“Yes, fuck.” You threw your head to the side, bucking your hips into his hand, while his other came around to grab your throat, squeezing harder every time he spoke.
“Have you beg for me to touch you.” He whispered, his hand slipping under your leggings to rub you over your panties. smirking at the wet spot he felt. ”Beg for me to fuck you.” He whispered before rubbing harder. “Beg for me to let you cum.” 
“Fuck, Hyungwon, yes.“ You whined out, your hips trying to press against his fingers for something. Anything. 
But he pulled away with a smug smirk instead. 
“Then get up.”
“I said,” He tilted his head. “Get. Up.”
“Get up now, or I’m not touching you again.” He deadpanned, and out of fear he meant it, you got up and stood in front of him. “Sit here instead.” He smiled, moving you over his thigh and you stared at him confused.
“What, baby? Never ridden a thigh before?” He smirked as you blushed. “I’ll help you then.” He smiled, leading you over his leg and letting you get used to the feeling, smirking as your eyes closed from the pressure.
“Doesn’t it feel good?” He spoke up, his voice lower as he flexed his thigh, smirking as you moaned out, your hips moving against him on their own accord. 
“I want more, please.” You whined, rutting against him. 
“Where would the fun in that be?” He cocked a brow, flexing his thigh again.
“Please, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me next time, I just really really really need you right now.” Your voice came out pathetic, but you really couldn’t find it in you to care.
“Be careful what you say, baby.” He teased, getting up abruptly and turning you around so you fell into the couch, leaving you to look up at him with pleading eyes. “Because next time, I might be more than you can handle.”
You didn’t have time to respond before he knelt in front you, his hands grabbing at the hem of your leggings before pulling them off, you lifting your hips to help him.
“Hyungwon please-” You choked out. “I can’t-” You were cut off with a smack to your thigh.
“You can.” He started, staring up at you while he kissed your thigh, making a trail up. “And you will.”
You didn’t respond, instead starting to squirm from anticipation, your hand grabbing at his hair in hopes of getting him to get up, but your plan was ruined as he pulled away.
“Hands.” He said simply holding out his hand.
You shook your head and he reached for your both of your hands, putting your wrists in one hand before continuing his teasing.
“Hyungw-” You were cut off as he bit your thigh, the surprise sting making you jolt.
“Let me have my fun.” Was all he said before kissing higher, switching between the top of your thigh to the inside. 
“Don’t you want me right here?” He asked softly, looking up at you with puppy eyes. “You said you wanted more, and that’s what I’m giving you.”
You had no words, knowing full well you wouldn’t be getting out of this, and you relaxed against the cough in frustration.
“Be a good girl and just enjoy yourself.” He whispered before licking a strip up your clothed slit.
“Oh-Oh my god.” You whimpered, your hips bucking into his face. “Why do you tease so much.” You whined, your arms trying to fight against his grip, only to have it tightened.
“You said you wanted to get lost in me.” He mumbled before licking over you again. “That you wanted me to be the only thing on your mind.” He mumbled, pressing his mouth harder against you. “I think I’m doing a pretty good job at that.” 
At this point, you felt like crying. Of all the times he chose to listen to you, it was the time when all you wanted was for him to finally touch you. 
“I’ll beg, just please. I can’t anymore.” You whined, your hips wiggling as you squirmed. 
“Then let me hear it.” He suggested. “Beg for it.” He teased before going back to licking at your clothed slit.
“Fuck~” You whined. “Please fuck me, touch me, anything. I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll call you whatever you want, I promise I’ll be a good girl for you, just please, for fucks sake, do something.” You whined out, your hands fighting in vain against his hold.
“You sound so pretty when you beg, baby.” He groaned, getting off his knees and helping you up so you were standing in front of him, his hands coming up to the buttons of his flannel, pausing when you tensed up. “It’s okay.” He looked at you. “I’m right here.” He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours again, softer this time while he worked on the buttons, letting the garment fall to the floor before pulling away. 
“So beautiful.” He whispered to himself, bending his head down to take your nipple into his mouth while his hand gave the other attention. “I can’t wait to cover you in my marks one day.” He smiled, dropping to his knees while he kissed down your torso, his hands following by running down your sides, stopping at the hem of your panties before slowly pulling them down and letting them fall so you could step out of them.
“I’m gonna take care of you.” Was all he said before shoving his head into you, his tongue lapping at you like you’d be his last meal.
“Hyungwon-” Your knees buckled, but his hands came up to grasp your thighs, keeping you up while your hands attached themselves to his hair.
You let him have his way until you felt yourself about to cum, the teasing finally catching up to you.
“Hyungwon- I- fuck-” You whimpered as your thighs shook. 
He got the point and got up, only to bend you over the armrest of the couch, your new angle giving him the perfect view of your ass.
“Fuck, I’ve always thought about this.” He groaned, working at his pants. “Making you feel so good, you can’t help but scream.” He said, dropping his pants and boxers, kicking them to the side before grabbing himself and running it up and down your slit. “I wonder how many times you’ve thought about it.” He smirked to himself.
“Please~” You whined, pushing yourself back onto him.
“So needy for me.” He licked his lips as he slid his tip in, reveling in the small moans you let out as he slowly slid in, not giving you time to adjust before pulling out and slamming back into you. “I wonder just how needy you’ve been.”
“So much.” You whined, clenching around him, smiling softly when he hissed.
“Such a naughty girl you’ve been, y/n.” He tsked, his hands moving to hold your hips, stroking slowly. “Keeping your thoughts all to yourself.” He groaned, trying his hardest not to ruin you completely.
“Hyungwon, faster.” You panted, your hands balling into fists by your head.
“What’s the rush, baby?” He teased, leaning over to press a kiss against your shoulder, his strokes speeding up just a bit. “Don’t you wanna enjoy yourself?”
“I want you to ruin me.” You let out in a broken whimper. “Fuck me so hard I’m crying. So hard I don’t know what to do with myself. So hard I have no choice but to take it. So hard I’m forced to just lay here and moan.” You nearly cried. “So hard that your name is the only word I know.”
Your plea seemed to do the trick as you heard him laugh lightly before biting down on your shoulder and speeding up on his thrusts, the pace nearly brutal compared to what he was giving you before.
You had no words, the only thing running through your mind was Hyungwon and how good he was making you feel.
You guess he seemed to notice this as he spoke up again.
“Like this, baby?” He questioned with a pant. “You’re so quiet now.” He smirked to himself. “Let me hear you.”
Your response consisted of a mix of gasps and whimpers, not being able to think straight.
He seemed satisfied given that he didn’t ask again and he gripped your hips harder, holding you in place while he used his full force to fuck into you.
So forceful you’d almost assume he hated you or that he was trying to prove a point.
And maybe he was.
Trying to prove that it should’ve been him this whole time. Him kissing you. Him loving you. Him fucking you.
And the closer he brought you to your orgasm, the more you thought it should’ve been him, too. Especially when his hand came around to rub harsh circles on your clit, your thighs shaking from how close you were.
“Don’t even try holding it.” He growled. “None of that cumming together bullshit.” He panted. “Cum for me. Cum all over me.” He coaxed you, his voice sweet compared to his current actions.
“Hyungwon, I-I- Fuck!” You were cut off by him rubbing harsher circles against you, giving you no choice but to accept it, your thighs giving out as you came.
“That’s it, baby.” He smiled down at your fucked out form, slowing down so you could ride it out before speeding up again, chasing his own orgasm, smirking when you whimpered. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Can’t take a bit of over stimulation?” 
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buddietomytarlos · 3 years
9-1-1 S4 Ep 8 Thoughts
Thoughts under the cut to keep them from clogging up the tag :) I’m late but I’ve been slacking on all my shows idk why I just lost the will to watch live lmao anyways even though no one cares here’s my thoughts!
- LEAH PIPES!!! She’s such a great actress, and I’m still pissed at my fellow Klaroline’s from TVD sending hate and I think 💀 threats smh it’s so dumb she didn’t deserve any of it
- “It’s like we’re hostages on this damn plane.” LOL SHUT UP!?!??! Imagine being an actual hostage on the plane. All of these people are so fucking annoying please tell me people aren’t actually like that… also speaking of the faculty on the plane where the fuck is everyone else???
- Who’d be dumb enough to go down a slide with champagne… which is bubbly and one wrong step and you’ll pop your eye out.
- IT’S THE GUY FROM THE JET ENGINE?! I lowkey love it when they reuse people they’ve already saved. This guy, and the motorcycle guy. We love it 🤪🤪
- On my second time of watching to finish the ep, why did she not care that she did that to that guy like she was just as cynical.
- “What is it?” “I… quit…” asdfgjkl;
- There was no need to make them sound like they we’re having sex… that was unnecessarily weird.
- “Edmundo” Them role-playing student x teacher………. thank god for his alarm
- Babysitter!Buck.
- “She taught me math.” “Man… and I thought I’d been single too long."
- Christopher always makes my day awhhh I love him
- “I think I’m just gonna go to bed.” “Us too!” Buck’s reaction asdfghjkl;
- Maddie choosing to have the baby in the apartment wow I honestly could never, I’d be way too scared
- Chim, Hen, and Eddie betting on the gunman lmao so in character fhsdajkf
- “Jump, jump, jump” is never something you wanna hear from a firefighter lmao
- That man is gonna take matters into his own hands isn’t he…
- Athena and May watching Maddie’s pregnancy breakdown fashdjkfa
- Athena talking about her pregnancies 🥺🥺
- Oh that lady opened the door like she’s being held hostage I can already tell. Or did she kill her husband or something…
- Although my curtains are always closed because I’m either watching something or playing games, other people’s curtains being closed is a big red flag… not to mention the random FREEZER in the bedroom
- Why is there meat and shit in the freezer though like that’s such a weird place...
- how he still alive after being stabbed with meat prongs and then stashed behind a fucking wall AND it drying up perfectly like???
- Christopher :(
- when the girls become besties. and as much as I don’t want her and Buck to like become a thing/stay a thing it’s really sad that he didn’t tell her it wasn’t going to be just them.
- Well that crashed and burned quickly
- Oh no… he’s not answering. If anything happens to him-
- The reason why Buddies are so angry at them queer baiting is because of scenes like these that give off “son goes to his other dad for comfort bc they’re basically family” vibes like imagine giving us that and then saying they’re just friends… makes NO sense.
- But on another note what uber would allow a child, alone, to travel?
- “And until that happens, you still got me. Because I’m not going anywhere.” BYE 😭😭😭
- Maddie and Chim working things out ugh we love healthy couples
- God I thought Taylor was having a stroke on live TV..
- YASSSSSSSS we love it when everyone works together and pushes past their differences and feelings
- II wish everyone would get their vaccines but there are some people like my sister who don’t believe in it smh
- Why did Taylor think Buck'd just be like “nah you shit on me last night idc about you lmao sucks to suck”
- did Veronica ask him to stop being friends with Buck, or something?
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dammit-stark · 4 years
i am OBSESSED with royalty aus
fun fact: red, white & royal blue by Casey mcquiston is actually my favorite book (tied with Emma by Jane Austen, obviously) but anyway this was heavily inspired by the plot of that book so I hope you like it! - p.s this turned out to be like 1.8k words soooooo here it exists now okay
“We’re supposed to hate each other,” Tony insists, head hanging off the side of his bed, his feet cushioned in the onslaught of pillows by the head board. Nat sits criss-cross applesauce in his peripheral vision, flipping through a magazine, “It’s not my fault he’s a pompous ass and we’re star-crossed nemeses.”
Nat stops flipping to look at him under an arched eyebrow, “Star-crossed, Tony? Really?”
“Oh, shush, you know what I am. We’re total opposites. My dad got elected by the people into the greatest country in the world, and he was born into the crappy inbred monarchy whose ass we beat centuries ago.”
Nat doesn’t look up from her magazine this time, “Didn’t your dad fund his campaign with the millions of dollars he got from his inheritance?”
Tony pauses. In the silence, he can hear the blood rushing to his head. He chooses to ignore Nat’s logic, “I really don’t think that’s relevant here.”
Nat gets to the last page and the flimsy pages clap noisily together. She points an accusatory finger at him, “I don’t care if you think he’s the Loch Ness monster, it’s a royal wedding and you’re the first son of the United States. You’re gonna have to suck it up and be on your best behavior.”
“Oh, no, Nat,” Tony coos sardonically, still hanging upside down, “Are you afraid I’m gonna embarrass you?”
With a complete straight face, she throws her magazine at him, and stands so she’s towering above him. He has to stretch his neck to look at her.
“Yes, she says. I absolutely am. Now, what do you want on your pizza? I’m hungry.”
As it turns out, Tony isn’t humanly capable of staying on his best behavior at the royal wedding. He definitely embarrasses Nat, and maybe, sorta, totally causes an international incident in the process.
“It’s not my fault,” He tells Nat on the jet back to the States, still hanging somewhere in the precarious limbo between disastrously drunk and world-endings hungover, “He started it.”
Nat just glares at him, “I was standing right there, Tony. I watched you push him first.”
“I-“ There’s not much point in arguing, “Yeah. Dad’s gonna be pissed, isn’t he?”
Nat sighs, a long, never-ending sigh that makes her sound decades older than she actually is. Tony has that effect on people.
“Don’t worry about your dad, Tony,” She tells him. This time, she’s flipping through a classified file folder instead of a dime-a-dozen tabloid edition, “We’re gonna fix your mess, as per usual.”
Tony can feel the hangover rearing it’s head over the drunkenness, and he sinks into his chair, eyes closing, “You’re the best, Nat. Thanks.”
Nat rolls her eyes as Tony falls asleep, “Yeah,” She murmurs under her breath to herself, “Damn right I am. Dumbass.”
It turns out that Nat’s solution to Tony’s antagonistic little international incident is to make it seem like the whole The-First-Son-Just-Pushed-A-Beloved-Prince-Into-His-Brother’s-Wedding-Cake thing seem more like a frat boy-esque ribbing gone bad. Tony hates the plan, and he tells Nat as such.
“This is a horrible plan. It’s not gonna work, and it means I have to spend an entire weekend with Prince Pissy Pants.”
They’re on the private plane again, flying back to England to fix Tony’s mess.
Nat rolls her eyes, and punches him in the shoulder, “Get over yourself, Stark. If you don’t want to hang out with your so-called nemesis, then stop getting drunk and pushing people into wedding cakes. This is your own fault. We’re fixing your problem for you. Get over it.”
Tony rolls his eyes, but otherwise consents, “Whatever.”
Nat passes him a file folder.
“What’s this?”
“The Prince’s interests. Study it. Learn it like it’s the back of your hand, and then study it even more. If you get caught in a lie, Stark, you’re beyond dead.”
He gets two lines in before he tears narrowed eyes away from the paper to suspiciously meet Nat’s expression, “Did he get one of these about me?”
“What was in it?”
“Your interests, Stark.”
Tony does not envy whoever got assigned that task. He wonders how accurate it’ll be. He obediently reads through the Prince’s interests among an uncharacteristic silence. Nat almost thinks he’s grown up until he breaks said silence with a snort.
“His favorite book is Great Expectations? Nerd.”
When they land, Tony remembers why he pushed the prince in the first place. Yeah, the alcohol did half the work for him, but- something about the Prince’s stupidly perfect, absurdly handsome face just makes Tony want to start shoving people into cakes. Surely other people have the same urge.
“Mr Stark,” The Prince says as greeting. He doesn’t even offer a hand for Tony to shake, just smiles with his hands folded together, “It’s a shame these are the circumstances that you-“
“Yeah, yeah, you’re very polite, I get it. Prince Steve here to save the day with his antiquated, impeccable manners. Yippee-kiy-yai.”
Tony counts it as a win that he sees a flicker in that smile, but it crests back to sparkly perfection with a blink of the eye. There are cameras. Tony sees Nat out of the corner of his eye, glaring beside a distinct row of security, somehow looking the most intimidating of all of them. He smiles back, pasted and ridiculous and spiteful, his whole body tensed and relaxed at the same time.
He smiles winningly for the cameras.
Later, at the hospital, Tony wonders how Mr Prince Perfect can put on such a facade, even with sick kids. Because that’s obviously what this is. He watches from across the room as Prince Steven kneels beside a sick kid’s bedside, smiling kindly, and talking to the little girl with her baby yoda doll tucked into the crook of her arm.
It’s not until Tony has completely committed to his eavesdropping that he realizes there aren’t any cameras around to capture Steve’s amiability. That’s the first moment Tony thinks oh, maybe this guy isn’t as fake as I thought he was.
“You totally wouldn’t be Han Solo,” Tony interrupts because he’s totally an asshole and he knows it (that’s the different between Tony and Prince Stick-Up-Butt, he at least owns his assholery), “You’re a textbook Luke Skywalker if I ever met one, Prince.”
Steve’s responding grin is surprisingly left-leaning, and the kid in the hospital bed is giggling.
“Are you gonna try to tell me that you’re a Han Solo then?”
“Actually, I-“
“Because you’re not,” Steve’s totally serious except a slight twinkle in his eye, one forefinger tapping against his own knee as the little girl sits enraptured by the ridiculous conversation occurring just above her, “You’re Anakin through and through. Not in a bad way, just-“
Tony doesn’t mean to come off as truly surprised as he really does, but the way he shuts his mouth immediately gives him away, “No,” He says, “You’re right.”
Steve’s lips punch off at the corners in an amused, vaguely self-satisfied way that makes Tony want to soberly push him into another cake so expensive you need to take out a mortgage to eat a slice. Before Tony can needle him back, the prince is smiling back at the kid, a gentle hand on her arm. Huh.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Wendy. Thanks for talking about Star Wars with us.”
And like the smug bastard he is, Steve gracefully stands from her bedside and leaves the room. Oh no he won’t. Tony follows, angrily.
That’s how they end up in a near-empty hospital hallway together. And subsequently, it’s also how they’re pushed into the closest nearby maintenance closet by the nearest secret service operative, tripping over themselves and invisible equipment alike as they’re safely hidden away. It’s also how they end up on the floor, joints every which way, elbows menacing and in all the wrong places as they cajole violently among the brooms and buckets.
“Your elbow-“ Tony grunts, “Is in my side, Steve.”
“Yes, well, my elbow wouldn’t be in your side if your elbow wasn't in my shoulder.”
“Get your shoulder out of my elbow!”
“Why do you hate me?” Steve cuts him off, a hiss in his voice. Ooh, Mr Perfect Prince can actually get angry. Exciting.
Tony takes a deep breath. Or- as deep of a breath as he can take without drawing attention to their tight little maintenance closet/hideout.
“You’re not real. You’re fake. Everything you do has been trained into you, it’s annoying.”
“I feel pretty real to me, Stark.”
“You just- it’s a persona. You’re a persona. And the whole world blindly loves you for it.”
In the dark, Tony chews on his bottom lip- a chronic bad habit of his.
When Steve responds, his voice is low, even lower than it necessarily needs to be to keep attention away from their location. He can’t tell in the dark, but Tony thinks his head might be bowed. He can practically hear the thoughts in the prince’s head. But then again, they’re physically close enough, practically spooning ridiculously on the ground, he might as well tap directly into Steve’s mind they’re so close together.
“Do you think I want to be a persona, Tony? Do you think I did this to myself? I’m still me, I’m just- guarded. It’s not up to me. There’s a lot more to the world than my place in it.”
Tony’s quiet. It’s a much more real answer than he’d expected. He’d half expected the prince to spit on him or something, dig his elbow extra far into Tony’s side or something. Instead he gets this vulnerable little morsels of honesty, and Tony has nothing to say.
Tony’s cut off by blinding light. Nat whips the door open.
“Ew, what are you guys doing on the ground? Why are you spooning?”
Steve hurried to his feet, cheeks visibly red, “The threat?” He demands, and Tony’s surprised Nat doesn’t demand a full sentence like she usually does, the cocky bastard. She nods succinctly.
“A false alarm. However, we’ve deemed it safest to move onto the next event.”
“Great, thanks,” The Prince says, and moves off down the hall, disappearing behind twin EXIT doors.
Tony’s still on the ground when Nat swivels back to look at him, a smug smile on her face.
“You hate each other, huh? Is that what you’re calling it nowadays?”
Tony rolls his eyes, “Oh, shut up, asshole, and help me.”
But he hadn’t had to tell himself deflect, deflect, deflect, and he’s pretty sure something about being stuck in a children’s hospital maintenance closet changed his feelings on the guy. Something about it.
As Tony walks to his next event, he has to push to keep the prince out of his idle mind.
When he departs for the United States hours later, Tony leaves the prince with his phone numbers.
“To corroborate our stories or whatever,” He tells Prince Steven, though he’s sure Nat isn’t convinced, “So we don’t have to keep going between these losers.”
Prince Steven accepts the offering with a smile, and Tony gets on the plane, leaving Britain behind him one last time. 
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slashthedice · 5 years
Ghost Face x survivor prompt? Something NSFW? Maybe including his raging narcissistic feelings about himself and everyone else, lmao.
I’m drunk and thirsty for Jed Olsen, so frankly idc if this is out of my posting order. My bby requested some narcissistic smut and I aim to deliver. NSFW below. 
“Oh god,” you mewled, back burning as it rubbed and scraped against the concrete floor.
You were in The Gideon Meat Plant, the unfortunate location of the most recent trial you had been thrust into at the behest of the Entity. You should have known when your heartbeat hadn’t kicked into overdrive, should have known when that tell-tale chill ran down your spine, should have known when you felt eyes boring into the back of your neck. You should have known you were being stalked, and you should have realized that it was the ever infamous Ghost Face behind it all.
Should haves didn’t change the fact that he had nearly been able to rip you away from the generator you had been working on. You ran for your life when you realized he was breathing down your neck. You had actually managed to surprise him, causing him to swing that deadly knife through open air, barely missing the targeted plane of your back as you dove away from him. You had scrambled and run, feet sliding across the industrial floor as you attempted to put distance between yourself and him.
Jed was a mixed bag. You never knew in a trial whether he was going to fuck or kill you, sometimes it was both. No matter what, the wisest move was to run away. The chase hadn’t lasted long.
Jed caught up to you quickly enough, it was always hard to escape in The Game, but instead of the bite of a blade carving through your back, he caught you by a fist full of your shirt and hauled your body backwards to press against the hard lines of his chest. He chuckled lowly in your ear, causing chills to race through you and heat to curl and settle in your core. His gloved hands traversed your body, cupping and rolling your flesh. He groaned appreciatively as his leather-clad fingers took handfuls of your breasts.
You burned with a wild mixture of shame and excitement, choking down the pleased sounds that gathered at the back of your throat, threatening to overflow and spill from your lips. Moaning would feed his ego, and possibly reveal what exactly you were up to to your fellow survivors. You didn’t want him to know just how badly you wanted him, how much he made you ache. You pressed your thighs together in what you hoped was a discreet manor, willing away the desire that pearled there like dew on the petals of a flower.
Your willpower meant nothing to the killer.
He spun you around, forcing you to look at his now maskless face. There was no denying he was handsome, but you would not feed his pride by telling him so. Besides, you had little time to consider the intricacies of his well-formed facial structure before he had claimed your mouth with his own. He was intense, forceful, pushing his tongue past your lips to taste you, and you let him. He left you a flushed, panting mess.
He didn’t even have to tell you what he wanted from you next. Like a penitent sinner, you dropped to your knees before him, watching with a lust burdened gaze as he leisurely undid the buckles on his belt and clasp of his pants. He freed himself from the confines of the leather, and you reached for him eagerly. Even flaccid, he felt heavy in your grasp. The satin skin slid easily through your grip as you worked his length with your hands, never removing your eyes from his. He hardened beneath your touch, and he cupped your jaw with his hand. The leather felt odd, but not unpleasant against your face, and you leaned into his palm.
He soon grew bored of your hands alone, and took a handful of your hair, forcing your head towards his cock and prodding at your lips with the tip. You obliged his silent demand, allowing your tongue to loll out so that you could taste him. You had grown familiar with his flavor of salt, sweat, and something uniquely him. You were addicted, eager for your fix.
He felt weighty against you, you dragged your tongue up the underside of his length, tracing the vein there with a sort of reverence. He grasped your hair harder, apparently in no mood for teasing kitten licks and slow stimulation. You were happy to oblige, opening wide before closing your lips around the head. You sucked lightly, pressing your tongue to the underside once more and successfully dragging a groan from him. He forced you down further, nearly causing you to choke as he directed your movements. You grasped at the slim lines of his hips, attempting to stop him from thrusting into your mouth. It wouldn’t be the first time he fucked your throat until it was raw, painful, and near impossible to speak, but you hoped that he would take mercy on you. He seemed to be in a generous-- or at the very least benevolent-- mood, as after causing you to choke and gag while he held you down with your nose pressed to his pubic bone for a few seconds, he eased his grip on your hair and allowed you to pull back. You wheezed and sucked in greedy lungfuls of hard-won air, panting while waiting for your breathing to return to normal.
Jed wasted no time pushing you onto your back before he had pounced upon your prone form like a predator finished playing with its food and going for the kill. He grasped the hem of your shirt and dragged it up over your stomach and breasts. His knife found the center of your bra and sliced the delicate fabric, forcing the ruined garment away to expose your chest to his hungry eyes. You frantically undid your pants before shoving the material down your thighs so that he wouldn’t ruin them. He allowed you to kick the material away, before he surged forward once more and settled himself easily between your thighs. You felt him burning against your core, length dragging tantalizingly between your slickened folds. It wasn’t fair how easily he turned you on.
You bit down on your lower lip hard enough to draw blood when he thrust into you without warning. The tang of copper washed away the remnants of his taste as blood flowed across your tongue. You had just barely managed to stifle your sound of shock at the sudden intrusion, but your garbled moans around the mouthful of blood were almost as telling as the desperate roll of your hips against his as he began to pound into your ravening cunt. That same dark chuckle vibrated through the space, you couldn’t hide your desire from him. A sharp thrust of his hips caused a wet slap of skin against skin and forced a high-pitched, pleased sound from your throat.
“That’s right, baby,” he rasped against your throat, tongue tracing your pulse. “No one else makes you feel this good. I’m the only one that can fill you up like this.”
Your breaths heaved in your chest as he picked up his pace, slamming into you at a near frenzied tempo. Your moaning became your invocation, a prayer directed towards him, begging for the divine mercy of your release. He sought your litany of indecipherable devotion, getting drunk off the sounds he caused, the power he knew he had over you.
Ecstasy took hold of your body as fireworks burst in your core and danced behind your eyelids. You thrashed your head and grasped at his biceps in a desperate attempt to ground yourself, even as he continued to drill into you through your release. As wave after wave of aftershocks rippled through you, you would have sworn that heaven was close enough for you to reach out and grab.
Jed grit his teeth against the pleasure that threatened to overwhelm him. The grasping of your walls on his cock proved almost too much to handle. His hips stuttered and slowed in their rhythm as he milked your orgasm for as long as he could. Finally allowing himself his own finish when you finally went slack beneath him, body humming and trembling with pleasure and exhaustion. He grunted and came inside you, enthralled with the way you sucked in a harsh breath at the feeling of his seed spilling within your overwrought sex.
He allowed himself a moment to recover, cock still sheathed inside your now sloppy cunt. He pulled out slowly, torturously so, just to watch the way your combined cum spilled from your entrance. He was tempted momentarily to collect it with his fingers and force it back inside you. He liked the thought of you full of him, unable to forget what he had done to you. It would be easy to kill you now, slack and vulnerable as you were, but he much preferred the idea of you continuing on in the trial with his release spilling from inside you as you worked on generators and rescued teammates, all while pretending you hadn’t just had the fuck of your life from the best the Entity had to offer.
He kissed you hard one last time, tasting your blood as you moved your mouth lazily against his, before he stood and readjusted himself. The final touch was his mask sliding back down over his face. He spared you a passing glance before leaving you to clean yourself up while he stalked off to find the others. Playtime was all well and good, but now was time for the real fun to begin.
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