#idek how to tag this honestly????? enjoy????
lonesplendour · 1 year
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Bookshelf Overview
In classic me fashion when asked a simple question, I make a very overcomplicated, unnecessary picture display on the matter. The lovely @solaarflaree asked to see the organisation of my bookshelf so here I am to walk you through it as best as I can. Did I draw over the childhood picture of me and my sister? Yes. We are going to pretend we don't notice because privacy is a thing and my editing skills are as basic as just scribbling over the image in paint.
Anyway, from my expertly taken (and by that I mean wandered upstairs and used my getting on a bit phone) picture of my bookshelf overview you can see my general setup. My shelves are all IKEA Billy bookcases (love you IKEA) and I have 12 big shelves that I use for books and 6 half-size shelves that I use to store random stuff I have been given/collected over the years and have no other place for. You may also notice that the very top shelves are actually dedicated to Red Velvet & SHINee, that is the not my entire kpop collection but they deserved their own shelves, and no I do not own every album yet because they are very expensive when ordering from the UK~
My organisation goes left to right and then onto the next shelf, not all left and then all right, which will make more sense when I explain down below.
Shelf Details
Looking at my shelves more closely, I organised the pictures how the shelves are meant to be viewed to give the best idea of how my books are organised. The easiest way to explain it/show them is to say that the middle block of shelves act as a decorative buffer but ultimately my shelves follow a left to right sweep with a small break in the centre. You can see this easily when the pictures are put together by looking at my Hunger Games books, you can see the books jump from the left hand shelves to the right hand shelves rather than going underneath. I essentially view my long shelves as one long shelf, rather than two separate bookcases, and so I will explain them as such.
Starting with the top two images you can see that right now I have my graphic novels separate to the rest of my books, that is really just because of spacing, sometimes they are grouped at the very front too, it all depends on where I can squeeze them in. Then going to the immediate right you will see my cute mug that houses all my bookmarks and this is where my books essentially begin. It starts with books that are compilations i.e. there is not one author featured to alphabetise them, so they are oranised alphabetically by book title. From 'P.S. I Love You - Cecelia Ahern' we officially move into the alphabetised section, these books are alphabetised by the author's surname and this is generally how all my books are organised. The only thing that overrules alphabetising is chronology within a series, which takes president e.g. you will notice that my Leigh Bardugo books are organised both alphabetically (starting with Ninth House) and then chronologically (the Grisha verse books are organised in the order they were written/that the story follows).
Also yes there is a random book stacked on top of the others, that is because I bought it literally two days ago and like a moron didn't notice it was a sequel until I got home, so it is like that to remind myself to buy the first book before I put it away.
This order continues pretty much throughout until we reach the bottom left picture, on the very bottom shelf, where you will see 'The Book Thief - Markus Zusak'. At this point the organisation changes slightly again, though there is still a running theme of alphatisation throughout.
Here I start with a very, very (literally two) small collection of non-fiction books and then we move onto my special editions. It starts with my very old Shakespeare books and moves quickly onto my hardback collection (this section is only for special edition hardbacks, otherwise you'll see hardbacks all throughout my shelves). These books are again organised first alphabetically by author and then alphabetically by novel e.g. all my Jane Austen books are together but they are further organised alphabetically by title rather than chronology, this is because the books are stand alone rather than a series. After my hardbacks you'll see I have a few paperback special editions, these came together as a set so I have kept them that way rather than splitting them apart by author, although within the sets I've organised them alphabetically by author.
Then we move onto my poetry collection. Poetry again is organised first by author's surname, then by series/chronology. This is easiest to see with my Amanda Lovelace collection, where all her books are grouped together by the series they come in and the order they were published. At the end of my poetry collection is again compilations, books where there isn't just one author, so they are placed at the very end of the shelf as to not get mixed in with everything else. Finally, I have a few books that are just huge and don't have a set place to belong so it makes sense for them to be there.
Plushy Bonus & Final Thoughts
Finally, there is a bonus picture of all my plushies that live on top of my shelves. I won't go through naming them all but they are very cute and watch over me when I sleep.
Other than that you may notice I have a lot of other random stuff on my shelves, some of it decorative and some of it just gets dumped there for convenience sake. You never know when you'll need a blob of blu tack or some scissors.
In conclusion, my way might not work for everyone but even if it makes no sense to you, I hope you enjoyed this insight into the way my mind works. If the organisation still baffles you, at the very least I hope you enjoy nosying at the kind of books I like to read and the sort of random stuff I collect~
If anyone took the time to read all of this, thank you 😘
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meo-on-prairie · 10 months
No Body, No Crime
Satosugu x reader
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Prompt: You know in your soul that he did it, but there are no ways for you to prove a feeling. But you can play this game he started, and you won’t give up until the day he dies.
Words count: 6.3k
Tags: Satosugu x reader established, Fluff, angst, murder, Slightly suggestive, crime. TW: death, murder, dismemberment, disturbing actions, infidelity, manipulation, and revenge mdni.
Rambling: I was on the verge of tears when I finished this fic, idek if I like it anymore lmao, so if you don't like it, idk what to tell you lmao. I honestly don’t know what to tag this fic as. Just like beware that it’s inspired by: “no body, no crime” by Taylor Swift (of course), The Glory K-drama, and the countless murder podcast I listen to while driving. I hope yall enjoy.
Odd. Shoko is late, 2 hours late to be exact. She’s not exactly the most punctual person you know but she has never been this late. Especially not on the monthly dinner with you, Suguru, and Satoru. After graduating college together, the 4 of you have made a point to have dinner together at least once a month.
This monthly dinner is something none of you would ever miss. All of you have been making it work for years, through the career changes, through your shitty ex-relationship, through the time when you were confused about how you feel toward Satoru and Suguru. Even after Shoko decided to get married to this Neonatologist named Andrew she met at the hospital she works at, the 4 of you still keep up the routine. 
The three of you took turns calling her the past 2 hours and nothing. Straight to voicemail. Not even a text saying she can’t make it today and to reschedule. Odd. you can’t get rid of this nauseating feeling in your stomach.
“Let’s go” you stand up abruptly and begin to walk out of the restaurant toward the parking lot.
“Where are we going?” Satoru asked. Both him and Suguru hurried after you. Satoru unlocked the car, and Suguru opened the door for you to get in. Ever since you joined the relationship, they made a point to never let you drive or touch the car door, ‘you’re our treasure, you will be treated like one’. 
“I want to drop by Shoko’s place, maybe she’s got tired from her night shift and overslept or something, I don't know, I just want to make sure nothing is wrong.” You’re panicking, they can see that. During college, if Satoru and Suguru were attached by the hips, you and Shoko were never one without the other. You can’t simply just shake off this anxiety you feel when it comes to your best friend. 
They nodded and got into the front seats. They don’t question you. They know how much Shoko means to you, not to mention she’s their friend too. Satoru drives the three of you to Shoko’s place while Suguru tries to calm your anxiety. 
“It’s okay, Sweet. You’re probably right about her being deep asleep due to her night shift. She seems pretty stressed and tired lately from her text.” Suguru reasoned.
Satoru gives a slight nod and adds, “Her phone could be dead, and she missed the alarm that would wake her up for our dinner”.
“Yeah… I hope you’re right.” You feel slightly better from the reasonable and likely scenarios they proposed. Still, it couldn't get rid of this sinking feeling you feel in your stomach.. 
After a short drive, you three reach Shoko’s house. You notice that her husband's truck is in front of the driveway, the tires are brand new, it looks like he just got them replaced today. Odd. Very rarely do people replace all their tires at once. You chalk it up to just coincidence. You walk toward her door and ring the doorbell, Andrew answers the door. 
“Hey man, is Shoko home? She was supposed to meet us for dinner around 2 hours ago.” Satoru greeted
“No. She’s not home. I don't know where she is.” Andrew answered abruptly. 
“Well, did something happen? Did some emergency come up with her family? She’s your wife, out of everyone she would at least tell you where she is.” Suguru pressed him for more information. It doesn’t make sense for him to not know where his wife is at this hour.
“I told you! I don’t know where she is! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a night shift to get ready for.” With that, Andrew slammed the door to your faces. 
Odd. He sounded agitated, and anxious. Like he’s trying to hide something… deny something. Your whole body is shaken in fear with the thoughts of the worst. Nothing makes sense. Shoko would never just vanish without telling anyone. She literally messaged the group chat yesterday saying she’ll see you three at dinner and she has something to tell you all. Nothing makes sense. 
Satoru noticed how pale your face had gone and immediately pulled you in for a hug, “It’s going to be okay, Love. She’s going to be okay. We’ll wait till tomorrow and see if she’ll contact us. Then we’ll figure out what to do from there okay?” he said in a hush tone. 
“Everything is going to be okay, Sweet. We’ll figure it out together.” Suguru gives your temple a long kiss as he runs his hand up and down your back in a soothing motion.
The three of you drove home in silence. You didn’t dare to leave your phone for one second, you went to sleep with your phone unmuted. Suguru and Satoru make sure at least one of them is by your side at all times. They worry about Shoko too, but they know you need them to be there and keep you grounded. They make sure to hold you extra close that night, you fall asleep in their comforting arms, hoping for the best, but the sinking feeling makes you expect the worst. 
The worst did come. At 6AM, 2 days since you last heard from Shoko, you were woken up by the loud banging on your door. 
You groggily lift up the two arms that’s trapping you in bed, then reposition their arm so your boyfriends can cuddle each other instead, you gently close the bedroom door behind you. You walk toward the front door, silently cursing whoever knocked on your door at this crack of dawn hour. When you opened the door, your heart dropped to your stomach. 
“Good morning. We recently got a missing person report on Miss Shoko from her husband. Is it okay if we come in to ask you a few questions that could be helpful toward our investigation?” One of the two police officers standing outside your door politely requested. 
“Yes…” you answer barely above a whisper, open the door wider for the officers to come in, you call out for Satoru and Suguru for them to wake up and come down to the living room. You lead the officers toward the living room and invite them to sit while you get them water and wait for your boyfriends to come down. 
You don't remember much after that. It felt as if time had stopped and the world was crumbling apart. Satoru and Suguru answer the majority of the question, you seem to only be able to answer in ‘yes’ and ‘no’ when the officers specifically address you. You were on autopilot. Your best friend, missing without a trace. Not a single hint on whether she’s dead or alive. 
You closed the door after the officers. The moment you hear the ‘click’ of the lock, your legs give out and tears begin to fall from your eyes. You sob uncontrollably, gasping for air. Your shoulders shake violently. This can’t be real. No. you refuse to believe this is reality. Shoko, the person you just talked to on the phone 2 days ago, vanished completely leaving no trace behind. 
Satoru and Suguru immediately rush to your side, they wrap their arms around you and hold you tight. They place soft kisses all over you and rub your back in a soothing motion. 
“I promise you, Sweet. I’ll make sure to find her for us, okay?” Suguru whispered. Never in a million years did Suguru think he would ever have to find his own missing friend as a detective. 
You, Satoru, and Suguru sat there, right in front of the door for hours. Just sitting in each other's embrace and comfort as you three mourn your friend, who you do not know is dead or alive. 
After crying to the point your body can no longer produce anymore tears. You get started on breakfast. Well, not you, you’re too out of it for anything, Suguru is the one cooking, you tried to set up the table but Satoru just guide you to the table and told you to not worry about it. 
With nothing to do, you decide to scroll through old messages between you and Shoko. Most of them are about how useless her husband is.
“He can’t even wash the dishes that he used! He ate from them, and then just left them in the sink!”
“This fucker think the laundry magically fold itself! Oh god I want to kill him...” this one makes you giggle a little.
“He said he’s going to work but the nurse just called me cuz they couldn’t reach him and there’s a car accident with a baby in it, where the fuck is he?”
“I just found a big purchase for an expensive bracelet, a month ago in our joint account, he said he thought I bought it. lol maybe he’s cheating on me.” This one caught your attention. It was from 3 weeks ago, you thought Shoko was just joking, you didn’t think too much of it since Shoko said it so casually, unlike the other times she vented about her husband. 
No. No. No. No. It can’t be. But the brand new tires, 4 of them, his attitude and response, this message that Shoko sent to you. God, you feel like throwing up. 
“He did it…” you breathe out
“What was that, Love?” 
“He did it! Andrew killed her! He killed Shoko!” you scream out, throwing your phone across the table so they can see the text message.
“I know he did it! All 4 of his tires are brand new and his attitude when we ask where she was and- and this text from Shoko, he killed her!” Your speech becomes frantic as you explain your reasoning. You rest your head on your hands, trying to just process it all.
Satoru’s eyes widen as they read Shoko’s text. He did it. Satoru feels his stomach sinking as he connects the dots. Everything is as you say, it all points to Shoko’s husband as the culprit. Andrew killed Shoko.
“But we have no proof, until we can find evidence or Shoko’s body, he is innocent” Suguru pointed out. Coming around to the table with the french toasts he was making for breakfast. He placed 2 on your plate. You push your plate away, not feeling like eating with everything you have to take in. Suguru grabs your hand and places a kiss on your finger to make you look at him.
“Sweet, you need to eat, at least half, you’ll only feel worse if you don’t eat. We’ll think about this some more after breakfast okay?” Suguru tries to reason with you. He understands how distress you're feeling right now. He looks over at Satoru, his boyfriend's grip on your phone is making his hand turn white.
Suguru walks over to Satoru, he wraps his arm around Satoru, hugging him tightly from behind to snap him out of it, he then takes your phone away from Satoru’s hand. “You too, ‘Toru, let’s eat first, we’ll figure out what to do after, okay?”
If you and Satoru didn’t know Suguru like part of your soul, you would mistake his calmness for indifference. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth, Suguru is like the calm before the storm, you won’t notice his anger until after it’s all said and done. 
You three eat in silence. Suguru is an amazing cook, the french toasts are far from being mediocre. Yet, none of you seem to find the appetite to eat with all the information you need to process. 
After breakfast, you tell the boys you’ll clean up and wash the dishes since they cook and set up. Though they agree to not argue with you about it, they end up helping you with washing the dishes anyway. 
“What do you want to do, Sweet?” Suguru decided to be the one to talk about the issues that have been weighing yours and their minds. 
“I’m not sure, Suguru. There is nothing I can do but hope that they'll be able to find some evidence, or at least her whereabouts.” you said softly, defeatedly. There is truly nothing you can do in this situation. 
“Alright then, I’ll ask my boss to put me on the case. Just like I promised you.” Suguru smiled at you. 
You feel a pair of arms snake around your torso. Satoru gave Suguru a peck on the lips then rested his head on your shoulder, “We’ll find her, Love. We’ll use whatever means we have and find her.”
You can’t help but smile at their words. Sometimes you ask yourself how you are so lucky to find 2 of your soulmates. You’re so incredibly lucky to be able to love and be loved by them. They make the fickleness of life much easier to navigate. Despite your storm of emotions due to Shoko’s disappearance, you find yourself still able to let go and feel grounded around them. They’re your rocks. You trust their words. You trust them.
Everything is easier said than done. It has been 6 months since Shoko’s disappearance. Suguru did become head detective of the case just like he promised, but every lead he got resulted in a deadend. At this point the case is considered cold, but Suguru refuses to let it go and continues to investigate by himself. Satoru used his company’s along with his own influence to get the case into headlines in the media, in hope that someone would be able to give Suguru more intel to work with. Satoru even hired someone to spy on Andrew and report back to him once a week. 
But with all the walls you've been facing, you’re starting to gaslight yourself into thinking that Andrew is actually innocent, and your intuition is just plain wrong. That is, until the spy on Andrew sent Satoru the weekly report while the three of you were cuddling on the couch watching Barbie. 
When Satoru’s phone rings, you don't bother pausing the movie, thinking it’s just gonna be mundane like the other reports the past 6 months. Satoru got up to grab his phone along with some water from the kitchen. His knuckles turn white when he sees what the spy sent him. 
“Suguru, Love, you guys need to see this.” Satoru calls out to you two with gritted teeth. 
You pause the movie and quickly go to the kitchen, Suguru following you.
“What’s wrong?” Suguru before you could. 
“The rat bastard actually brought home his mistress.” Satoru hands you the phone, he’s fuming now, his other hand balled up tightly. Suguru immediately notices and takes Satoru’s hand, holding onto it so Satoru won’t dig his nails into his palm and hurt himself.
You look at the pictures on Satoru’s phone. Andrew holding hands with the mistress. Them carrying boxes from his truck. Her wearing Shoko’s favorite designer dress, a silver bracelet on her left hand. They were going out for dinner. Bastards. 
You can feel your gut burn, your heart aching, and tears of anger threaten to spill from your eyes. Suguru’s face is grim, his hand squeezing Satoru just as hard as Satoru squeezing his. All the 3 of you can see is red. Boiling pit of lava in your stomachs. This nuclear waste of a human, not only killed your best friend, but brought his mistress into the house that your best friend bought, let his mistress wear your best friend’s favorite dress, and slept with his mistress in your best friend’s bed.
“I’m going to kill him.” Satoru said with conviction. 
“No.” Your tone is scarily calm, “simply killing him won’t be enough.” 
Suguru grabs your hand without letting go of Satoru’s hand, brings it to his lips and places a gentle kiss. “What are you thinking, Sweet? We’re ready to be your executioner.”
Satoru nodded in agreement. The red in their eyes can’t be missed. They’re just as furious as you are.
Looking into their resolute gazes, you pulled both Satoru and Suguru into an embrace. They return your feelings by wrapping their arms around you. You always know this, but now more than ever, you truly believe that even if the entire world were to condemn you, these two would burn the world down for you; and so would you for them.
You all know in your souls that he did it, but there are no ways for you to prove a feeling. But you can play this game he started, and you won’t give up until the day he dies. Together with your executioners, You will make the two rats pay for their action.
Good thing your boyfriend, Gojo Satoru, is filthy rich. The private spy he hired gives you a lot of information about the mistress. Her name is Maruka, she’s 10 years younger than Andrew, clearly a sugar-baby. She used to work as a cosmetologist but quitted around 3 months ago. From the words of the people that used to be in her life, her biggest love is money. They can’t fault her for it though, she was one of those orphan kids that was passed around in the foster system, she grew up with her whole life stuffed inside a single garbage bag.
You pitied her life for a bit. Thinking maybe she’s just an innocent bystander that also got rope into Andrew’s scheme. Unfortunately, giving people the benefit of the doubt hasn't been working out for you lately. 
You first interact with her at the luxury spa she often frequent after moving in with Andrew. You have the spy let you know when she’s going to the spa so you can join and strike up a friendship with her. When you spot her entering the spa’s sauna, you quickly prepare yourself while reciting the script you have in your head. 
You enter the sauna, sit directly in front of Maruka. You wait for a few minutes before striking up a conversation. 
“Hi, I’m Ina, do you go to his spa often? I haven’t seen you around before.” You lied, a fake name in case she recognizes your real one. 
“I’m Maruka, and yeah, I’m pretty new to this spa. It's been getting pretty serious between me and my boyfriend recently, I even moved in with him so I want to take care of myself for him.” she giggles. 
“Aww, that’s cute. How did you meet?” Your inquiries. 
“Oh we met at a bar, he bought me a drink and we started talking and we just hit it off, he was so charming.”
“You must be very happy then.” you give her a slight smile, “the way you talk about him, it seem like your relationship is full of sunshine and flower”
“You would think so, but unfortunately he had a wife, so we have to date in secret. But he promised me that he would divorce her for me” she laughs. That pisses you off  but you hold down your anger. 
“You said you moved in recently, did he finally divorce his wife recently?”
“Oh. My. God. That’s the best part. She disappeared! 6 months ago! She might be dead for all we know so he gets to keep the fancy house. It’s as if we’re destined to be and god was helping us out!” you squeal in excitement. 
If Suguru and Satoru were here, they would nominate you for the Oscar for how well you’re able to hold back your anger and continue to be friendly with this piece of work. This shameless woman considers someone’s misfortune as her blessing. Disgusting. 
“Wow, that’s impressively lucky, maybe you are being watched over by god.” you said in feint amazement. “We should grab lunch together, you’re fun to talk to, it'll be on me. And I’ll bring you to a nice place where we can test your blessing”
She giggled in happiness, “Sure!”.
You know she would agree as soon as you invite her, this is a luxury spa after all, only those with money and membership can enter. She won’t let go of an opportunity to form connections with someone who is wealthy enough to be in this spa.
Just as you proposed, you bring her to the most expensive restaurant in town, you have to show your wealth (by using Satoru’s card) so she would want to stick to you even closer. Afterward you bring her to Toji’s horse racing ring.
Toji used to be Shoko’s and Suguru’s smoke and drink buddy in college. He wasn’t necessarily close to your group, but you consider each other friends. So when you come asking him for a favor to avenge Shoko, along with the money to reimburse him. He told you to keep the money and to use his horse racing ring however you please. 
“Where are we?” Maruka asked in confusion. 
“A horse racing ring, owned by my friend, you should place some bet to test out your blessing.” you giggle.
“If you lose, the ring will only take half of what you bet. But if you win, you’ll win twice the amount you bet, and the ring will only take 10% of what you win. It’s a win-win scenario for everyone. People who play will gain more than they lose, and the ring gains a small revenue to keep it going.” You entice her further.
“Oh, I have never placed a bet before…” She hesitated a little, but clearly still interested.
“Here,” you hand her a slip of paper “Just write down your name, the amount you're betting, and the number on the horse you think will win, then put it in that box at the front.”
She takes the slip, she looks at it, contemplating for a moment. She then put down her name, $50, and horse number 3. She places it into the box at the front and you nod at the worker standing next to it, giving him the signal. 
“Now what?” she ask nervously
“Now we watch!”
You two sit down in one of the seats in the VIP area. You glance at her, she’s anxious, first time gamblers always feel anxious at their first bet, but this adrenaline is what keeps them hooked. You watch as the horses race each other. Number 3 won. You watch as Maruka jumps up in joy and you smile at her. 
“Would you look at that! You truly are blessed!” You feint excitement, hyping her up even more. This is the adrenaline you want her to feel, the high you want her to feel.
“Oh my gosh oh my gosh!! Ina!! I won!!” she said excitedly 
“Yes you did! You're now $90 richer.” you smile, handing her another slip of paper “Want to go again?”
She took the paper from your hand immediately without hesitation this time. She excitedly wrote down her next bet again, $200 this time. You can’t help the grin being formed on your face. You got her hook, line, and sinker.
Good thing that your other boyfriend, Getou Suguru, is a famous detective. He knows the in and out of the law well, knows what evidence is crucial and what is useless. He’s the person that composes files on Maruka and Andrew that would help with your plan. In fact, Suguru is in his office filing out the new updates and pictures Satoru’s spy sent him. 
You walk into his office to see him sitting at his desk with papers and pictures all over the table. You slide your hands on his shoulders and give him a small massage, you kiss his temple then rest your head on his shoulder. 
“I love you.” you whisper softly
“I love you too” Suguru replies, turning his head slightly to give you a quick kiss on your lips. 
You look at the pictures scattered on the table. The spy has been documenting Mamuka and Andrew’s day. Andrew’s day tends to be pretty boring now that he got what he wanted, he just went to work, went home, took Maruka out for dinner, nothing special. Maruka on the other hand, with no work to occupy and her new addiction to gambling on horse races, has been blowing through her money like water. 
You made sure that the workers at Toji’s ring would let her win frequently at first, building her confidence in her luck. Then, you make sure she’ll start to lose. Of course, she will win when the worker notices she’s getting frustrated and about to give up. To give her that high. To keep her hook. 
From what Shoko’s work friend, a nurse, at Andrew’s hospital has been telling you, he has been more and more agitated lately. Looks like Maruka’s spending habits are slowly affecting their relationship. You made sure to decline every single one of her invites to dinner with her and Andrew. You can’t risk them finding out you and Shoko’s best friend, and you as Ina are the same person.
“How is everything going on your side?” Suguru ask softly
“Oh, you know, just occasional lunch and dinner with the bitch, keep the ‘friendship’ going. The way she talks pisses me off though, she talks like a child. Sitting with her makes me miss Shoko even more. That should be Shoko’s place at the table with me, not her.” you complain with a sign, making Suguru chuckle. 
“I miss her too, Sweet” He reached his hand up to pat your head, “What about Satoru? How’s his task going?”
“Magnificent actually, this whole life insurance company plan actually brings in money for the company, so it’s like killing two birds with one stone.” Satoru chimes in from behind you two, he leans down to give both you and Suguru a soft kiss. 
“Seems like everything is going smoothly as planned then.” Suguru stands up from his chair to go to his vinyl shelf, he picks one and puts it on his new record player that you got him last Christmas. Lovers by Taylor swift come on and he reaches his hand out to both you and Satoru. 
“How about a small celebratory dance? We can go for a celebratory dinner tonight” Suguru suggested. 
You giggle and walk over to take his hand and so did Satoru. You spend the next few minutes twirling between them and watching them dance with each other. You’re genuinely happy, the happiest you have felt since Shoko’s disappearance. Revenge tastes oh so sweet, but it tastes addictingly sweet with your lovers around.
“Ugh, my boyfriend refused to give me an allowance today. Something about that he needed to save up for my ring. He’s bullshitting, I know it.” Maruka complained to you during your lunch with her. “I need money so I can win, I need to win so I can pay back my loan, this is so annoying!”
“That does sound annoying. I hate seeing you so upset like this. Is there any way I can help?” you asked in a concerned tone.
“I don’t know, Ina. I feel like the only way to solve any of my problems lately is money.” Maruka sighs. You smirk, pulling out a wad of cash from your purse.
“Here, $2000, for you.”  You hand the stack of money to her. Smiling slightly.
“Wha- why? Thank you but…” Maruka start
“Oh don’t mention it, I recently invested in this new Insurance company owned by Gojo Corp. Their life insurance policy is pretty interesting. You can file for policies under someone else's name as long as you have their paperwork such as birth certificate, citizenship, social security number, things like that” You lied with the nonchalant attitude
“I recently filed one under my boyfriend’s name after finding out he was cheating on me and planning on buying a one way ticket to disappear to Russa.” You shrug. “Good thing the insurance company reimburse you double the amount you invest for disappearance cases, something about the owner having a friend that disappeared without a trace.” 
You know it sounds too much like a lie. You know this lie sounds too good to be true. But you don’t need Maruka to believe you right now. You just need her to take the bait. After all, she ran out of money, in debt, with a gambling addiction. It shouldn’t take long for her to crawl to the insurance company from the prospect of easy money. 
“Huh, interesting. Anyway, thank you.” She take the wad of cash
“No problem, just a small gift.” you reply. You can already see the cogwheel in her head spinning.
You parted ways with Maruka after eating and returned home. You send a text to your boyfriends before submerging yourself in your hot tub, “bait placed”. You enjoy the warmth of the hot tub and the water massage from it. You reminisce about your times with Shoko. 
She would often tease you for how dense you were. “Everyone and their mother could tell that Satoru and Suguru have a thing for you, everyone but you apparently”.
Everytime you’re sad about another failed relationship, she would drag you out to go shopping or to the bar with her. Then you two would go to 3 different fast-food places, order an ungodly amount of food, and eat away your pain. 
When you told her, you think you might like Satoru and Suguru more than friends, she said “fucking finally. go tell them that, I can’t handle those two being sad little puppies every time you get into a relationship with someone else anymore.”
You were maid-of-honor at her wedding. You can still remember how she looked in her wedding dress so clearly. You two went to pick it out together. You held her hand before she walk down the aisle, “anytime during the wedding, if you don’t wanna the do this anymore, I have the car readied”
She just laughed and said, “it’s just a marriage, I can handle myself, I don’t need you to worry about me.”
You should’ve grabbed her hand and dragged her to the car. That’s your biggest regret. 
Your phone rings and snaps you out of your memory lane. A message from Satoru that said “she took the bait”. You smile at the text and step out of the hot tub. You’re thinking about making Satoru’s favorite dessert and Suguru's favorite food for dinner. Your boys have been working so hard for you. You should reward your favorite executioners tonight. 
Good thing Satoru’s dad made him get a boating license during the summer of his 15. It’s a reason you three get to enjoy the weekend on a private yacht, in the middle of the ocean. You're currently enjoying a glass of champagne with some chocolate covered strawberry, sun-bathing in the lounge chair as your boys race each other in the water. 
It's been a week since Maruka last contacted you to hangout. And according to Shoko’s nurse friend, it's been 3 days since Andrew came in for work. How interesting. Maybe you should give her a call. 
You pick up our phone and click on Maruka’s contact, it rings 3 times before she pick up. 
“Ina! Hi! What are you calling for?” She sounds panicky. She sounds like a kid doing something they shouldn’t be doing. 
“Hey, I just wanna call to check up on you, haven't heard from you in a minute. What cha up to?” 
“Oh nothing, just cooking… for my boyfriend! Yeah.”
“Oooh, what are you making?” you ask casually
“Just a beef stew, nothing special, just plain ol’ beef stew” Maruka answered rapidly, her attitude reminding you of Andrew’s attitude on the day of Shoko’s disappearance. 
“Well, I’m just checking in, I would invite you out shopping with me but I’m on vacation right now. I’ll let you know when I’m back.” 
With that, you and Maruka say bye to each other. You get up from your relaxed position and walk over to the railing on the yacht to call out to your boyfriends, who are trying to drown each other in their water splashing war.
“My loves,” You shout out to them, mischief in your voice. They stop what they were doing to look at you, enjoying the view quite a bit with the minimal amount of fabric you have on you, “it’s time for the anonymous tip and the wellness check don’t you think?”
A smirk grew on both of their faces as they swim back to the yacht to make some important phone calls. You lean on the railing to enjoy the sight of you boys. Their muscles flex in the most delicious way as they make their way through the water. 
Your eyes didn’t leave their body as they climbed back up to the yacht. You're still staring as they both grab their phone to make some phone calls. You can’t help it, the way their skin glistens in the sun due to that water. The fact that they’re half naked right now with the short they’re wearing clinging onto their skin, giving you the sight of their defined thighs. Ah… it’s not as if you have never seen them in nothing but their birthday suit before, but still… your boys are just too attractive for their own good. 
“If you stare any harder, you’ll burn a hole through us.” Satoru tease, you were too busy staring to notice he’s already finished with his phone call.
“I blame you two.” I joke, leaning into his body as he wraps his hand around you. Your smile gets wider when you feel another body pushing you closer to Satoru’s from behind. 
“Oh? Please, do tell us how it’s our fault…” Suguru whispers into your ears, he nibbles on your ears a little before looking up to kiss Satoru.
Oh… you already know you’re gonna be in heaven for the next few hours. It’s a good day today. 
Sunlight peeked through the blind of your shared room, waking you up. You look over to see Satoru and Suguru cuddling, you can’t pinpoint where one begins and where the other ends. You grab your phone to check the time, it’s 10am too early for lunch but too late for breakfast. You three just got back from your vacation in the middle of the ocean so you’re taking it slow before going back to work. 
You get out of bed to go brush your teeth and get started on making brunch for yourself and your boys. You have a feeling it’s going to be a good day today. Eggs and bacon for brunch sound oddly enticing right now. 
You take out the bacon from the fridge and place them slice by slice on a metal tray. You put them in the oven and get started on frying the eggs. Satoru likes his egg scramble, while Suguru likes sunny side up.
“Good morning” two voices greet you, not quite in sync because they’re not fully awake yet. 
“Good morning, My Loves” you greet them back, “you could’ve slept in some more.”
“Nah, you weren’t in bed with us.” Suguru replies, he walks into the kitchen to help you cook. Satoru decides to go to the Living room to turn on the TV to a news channel before going to set up the table. 
The TV in the living room drones on about the weather, politics, and current events as you guys eat. You three discuss how you are gonna spend the rest of your day as you finish up your brunch.
“Breaking news: Woman murders her boyfriend with the intention of cashing in on his life insurance policy to support her addiction.” The new anchor announces as the three of you wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen table.
“This morning, the police conducted a wellness check on Mr. Andrew, the husband of Ms. Shoko, who vanished without a trace a year ago. This check was prompted by an anonymous tip reporting his absence from work for three consecutive days, during which no one at his workplace could reach him. However, upon their arrival, law enforcement discovered only Ms. Maruka, Andrew's current girlfriend, present at the residence. Subsequent investigation of the home led to the unsettling discovery of fragments representing approximately 20% of Mr. Andrew's body, alongside three pots of meat stew. Analysis of the DNA extracted from the bones within the stew suggested the disturbing possibility that Mr. Andrew may have been used as an ingredient in this unsettling concoction.” The news anchor further elaborated on the case.
“Gross.” The three of you cringe at gruesome action.
“What was her plan with those stews? She isn’t thinking of eating it right?” Satoru commented, grimacing at the thought.
“Who knows, maybe she plans on feeding it to the stray dogs.” Suguru entertains Satoru’s thoughts. 
“Ew. Even dogs wouldn’t want to eat that human waste.” you laugh, joining their antic.
“Based on an alternative anonymous tip, it appears that Ms. Maruka might be struggling with a gambling addiction and substantial debt. Additionally, she recently acquired a substantial life insurance policy in Mr. Andrew's name just one week ago. At present, all the available evidence strongly indicates that Ms. Maruka is the primary and sole individual under suspicion in connection with Mr. Andrew's demise.” The law enforcement officer being interviewed said with conviction.
You can help the wide grind forming on your lips as you wipe the dishes dry, “I can’t wait to tell Shoko about this.”
“I can already hear how much she's gonna enjoy this.” Sugar commented, chuckling at the thought, handing you another plate he just cleaned.
“We’ll tell her about this together. All three of us” Satoru said as he leaned down to place a kiss on your shoulder. 
Yeah, the four of you will have the dinner you missed again. You, Satoru, and Suguru will tell Shoko all the mischief she missed. It won’t be now, or anytime soon. But you’ll tell her all about it, all three of you.
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stars-interlude · 3 months
Final duet~
a/n: AHHHHH IM SOOOOOOO HAPPPYY WITH ALL THE NOTES ON THE XIAO FIC TYYYYYSMM honestly i think that the xiao fic was way better than the kazuha fic but i love both of them anyways enjoy this Scaramouche fic (idek where this idea came from)
☆ Parings: Pianist!Scaramouche x Femviolinist!Reader
☆Tags/Warnings: slight angst (if you squint), NSFW!!, a little bit of cursing
synopsis; pianist Scara always plays solo right? until you get booked by the same people for the same event and the two of you have to work something out to play and with a lot of fights and disagreements about what to play for this event you two decide on the perfect duet and could this blossom into something more than just orchestra partners?
[💿]- now playing
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Scaramouche always thought be would play solo. It’s just always been that way since he was young “You’ll be better by yourself” His mother would say. His opinion suddenly changed when you came into his life. He was in the practice room and suddenly you walked in “Oh, i’m sorry I’ll just go” you said before walking out “Wait who are you?” Scaramouche’s voice barely got your attention you turned back to him “i’m [name] and who might you be ?” you smiled as you introduced yourself “i’m Scaramouche it’s nice to meet you, I guess you must be going now” honestly you wanted to know more about him but you had other things to worry about.
As a recent you got booked for a wedding and you wanted to nail it down and of course you didn’t want to disappoint a couple on their big day. The wedding was in a month so you had time to practice as you were practicing you thought of how happy the people would be dancing to your melody it had already been an hour and that was enough for the day you thought.
When you got home you flopped into your bed and unexpectedly you get a text from the woman who booked you it was about how you would have to play with a pianist and she sent you his info and you looked and it was no other than that guy you saw today. You didn’t even have a second thought about him since you saw him earlier in the day. You look at the info and text him about practicing together and you to figured out a time and the practice room.
“Hi, it’s nice to see you again” Scaramouche says as you walk in “Yea it is” you didn’t want to rude or dry but you just really didn’t have much to say. When you two started playing Scara got really bossy “your messing up so much, Your playing it all wrong” the man got up from his piano bench to come over ‘to show you how to really play’ as he’s playing your violin you start to laugh because of how bad he was. He looks at you while your laughing and smiles, something you thought you’d never see. As the days of laughter and practice went on so did your relationship with Scara.
The day you were dreading finally came up the wedding. everything was going fine Scaramouche was playing piano before the bride went down the aisle and while she was walking you two were supposed to play the duet. Then you saw her and it was your time to play you were playing just like how you rehearsed. It was going fine until you played the wrong cord and Scara tried to match what you were playing but you messed up so hard that it screwed up how the bride walked. after that embarrassing scene the two of you go back to his car because he was the one who took you to the wedding.
“How could you mess up?” Scaramouche said with a stern voice “I didn’t mean to i’m sorry..” you didn’t know what more to say “we basically fucked up the whole wedding [name] you fuck up everything” he basically yelling at you for a mistake “Now how do I fuck up everything it’s your fault!” it was silent for a few minutes “it’s not just the music [name] you messed up how i saw music i’m supposed to be doing this solo” you looked at Scaramouche before you got out of his car “if you wanna be solo you can do this without me” as you walked away you could feel your breath get shaky and eyes teary
Being without Scara was interesting non of your other friends played instruments so you had to go to practice by yourself. as you play your favorites like you always did someone walked in and guess who Scaramouche “shit sorry” you had to process that it was him “Scara wait we need to talk” you put down your violin and walk up to him “[name] i’m sorry for what i said my anger got to the best of me” “i guess you could make it up to me”
Soon kisses turn to bites and Scaramouche ended up on his knees pleasing you “mmh Scara~ just like that hah” the aroma of rosin and sex was something you never imagined “[name] just wanna make you feel good~” Scara sucked and tongue fucked your cunt and you started grinding on his face involuntarily as the coil in your stomach tightened you could almost feel the wave of pleasure wash over you quickly. Scara got up and soon said “we should go back to my place”
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mistmarauder · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Podficcers Apparently
Tagged by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels because she thinks she's funny. Spoiler alert, she is. <3
How many works do you have on ao3?
I have 111 atm which is such an amazing number. Look at the ones!
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write podfic for?
Mostly 9-1-1, but I've dabbled in Lone Star. I also have a podfic each for both One Piece and BG3. Before I got to 9-1-1, I mainly podficced for The Magnificent Seven: 2016.
Top 5 Podfics Fics by Kudos:
[Podfic] come on, come on (turn a little faster) - My One Piece podfic leads the way! It was written by @kenbunshokus. <3
[Podfic] Leading with the Left - I'm sure you're all SHOCKED to see this one on here. @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels killed us all with this masterpiece.
[Podfic] I Hate Accidents (Except When We Went From Friends to This) - @morganofthefairies gave us oblivious idiots, and I gave you all a podfic. <3
[Podfic] Love in the Time of TikTok - This one was written by @buckttommy, and the fact that it's so high is a testament to how fucking funny she can be.
[Podfic] To Build a Home We Deconstruct Our Rituals - It's @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels back to ruin our lives again.
Do you respond to comments?
I do! I fall behind sometimes, but I always catch up! 💃
What is the podfic fic you recorded wrote with the angstiest ending?
Pretty much everything I've ever podficced ends happily or with some sort of hopeful ending. I have to go with [Podfic] the nighttime fear (see it coming from the edge of the room) which was written by @extasiswings. It's a short introspective piece with no happy ending. I don't think there is another that ends unhappily for me to even consider, honestly.
What's the podfic fic you recorded wrote with the happiest ending?
LMAO! They're pretty much all end happily, as I just said.
Do you get hate on podfics fics?
No. Never.
Do you record write smut?
Oh yeah. I've recorded plenty. 😂
Craziest crossover?
I've only recorded one, and it wasn't crazy considering it was just a 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star crossover. It was [Podfic] These Are My Stompin' Grounds written by @benjaminrussell.
Have you ever had a podfic fic stolen?
Idek how this would be possible.
Have you ever had a podfic fic translated?
Why did Mads tag me in this game? NOT ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS CAN BE ANSWERED, MADS.
Have you co-recorded co-written a podfic fic before?
I've had people guest star, and I've participated in one multivoice podfic.
All time favorite ship?
Are you fucking kidding me? How am I supposed to choose? Probably Buddie, even though that feels wrong because it's not even my current hyperfixation. I've never created as much for another ship though.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh, I'm gonna finish all my shit. Don't you worry.
What are your podficcing writing strengths?
Fuck. Idk? I think I have good pacing and emote really well. And my editing has improved tremendously over the years.
What are your podficcing writing weaknesses?
I'm hypercritical and tend to overedit at times. To the point that it sounds unnatural. I'll also just shove entire projects to the side if I don't meet my own standards, so there are quite a few things haunting me from the WIP folder atm.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've very rarely had to record in another language. Especially in the last few years. For my Mag7 podfics, there's a bit of Spanish and a small amount French, and they're kind of embarrassing for me to listen to. I've honestly considered taking them down, but I know there are people who enjoy them. So, I never do. There's a bit of Spanish in at least two of my early 9-1-1 podfics as well. I always try my best with it, but I only speak English, so I'm always super paranoid about fucking it up. I'll avoid recording entire fics just because there are other languages in them.
First fandom you podficced for wrote in?
The Magnificent Seven: 2016
Favorite podfic fic you've recorded written?
[Podfic] Carbon Date Me, Excavate Me written by @extasiswings and @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels is my fucking baby. I've listened to that fucking podfic so many times...
But my current favorite that I listen to regularly is [Podfic] nothing is safe written by @foxflowering which is my BG3 podfic. I have other BG3 projects in my WIP folder, but I'm so self-conscious about my ability to voice those characters that they're not coming out anytime soon. I was hyperfixated af on this ship for a while though and listened to this damn podfic on repeat. Also, @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels guest starred in it, so it has a special place. <3
Tagging, with all the pressure because I refuse to suffer alone: @blackestglass @mayonnaisetoffees @brasscacti @rhea314
And then some writers, who this is actually meant for: @theyarnmaidstale @queerbuckleys @honestlydarkprincess @peridotglimmer @gayhoediaz
@homerforsure @princessfbi @sibylsleaves @rewritetheending @fleurdebeton
@hazel-athena @buckactuallys @kitkatpancakestack @buckttommy @kittykatthetacodemon
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moku-youbi · 5 months
Entitled AO3 Commenters
Fam, we really need to talk about the toxic behaviour that's going on in AO3 comments these days. I know there's a lot going around about how people just want to consume, consume, consume, and move onto the next thing, and most don't even bother to kudo or comment, which is pretty heartbreaking as it is.
But sometimes, I think the folks that *do* comment, but do so in a shitty, entitle way, are even worse. Because it's like wow, you put in the time and effort to make a comment, but you were an absolute douche about it. Now, in some of these cases, I wonder if it's just young people who are new to the world of ao3 and just don't know better. Maybe they honestly don't realise what's wrong with the things they've written. So let's look at a few examples of shitty comments, and talk about why they're shitty, and what could be done to make them more acceptable.
I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt here, even when it's difficult to do so. I'd like to believe that it's just a difference in age and how we've learned to communicate with strangers online. So please, if you're guilty of these things, instead of getting angry or hurt seeing this, just think about how to do better?
So a lot has been said about the "when are you going to update again/I'm desperate for an update/" or even the *shudder* "since you haven't updated in x, I'm going to put this through an AI engine to finish the fic!" comments:
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Setting aside the fact that this fic is 44 chapters and over 180k words in length, and this person never left a single comment on it or any of my other fics to tell me they enjoy my work, and how shitty it feels to know your work was apparently loved and appreciated, but not enough to actually *say* that except to demand more of it, sooner... AND the fact that I have long notes on the fic and the series about why the parts are being written and posted in the order they are...
Let's talk about why these comments aren't helpful, and in fact can often have the opposite effect of what you're hoping. Authors are already likely feeling crummy about their writer's block or real life circumstances getting in the way of working on that WIP, and these comments compound the guilt we feel, which makes it even more difficult to work on. It can make us want to avoid even looking at/thinking about that WIP, no matter how well-meaning the comment.
Fic writers are real people with real lives. I only have a couple hours free time to myself everyday, and a lot of times I'm so tired I just want to do something that's mindless fun. Most nights, however, I forgo a movie or video game (IDEK the last time I played a game! and I love gaming!) or reading to work on my WIPs. Even so, these comments are a reminder that to the people reading, that's not enough. They will consume my story, not bother to thank me for it, then demand more.
Often times, you can leave the same comment going on about how much you love it, just delete the parts asking about updates and/or assuming the fic is abandoned, okay?
Next we have the 'did not bother to read the tags and/or author's note' commenters:
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The problem with this comment is that this fic is tagged as "no archive warnings apply" which means there is no underage content. Furthermore, while his age isn't explicitly stated in the fic, I have made it clear he is an adult, in college within the text of the story. I have the following in my author's notes at the beginning of the fic: "Tom Holland is my Spider-Man, but I have aged him up here, as he's in college, so. Feel free to imagine whichever spidey floats your boat"
If I'm going to give this commenter the benefit of the doubt (something that is increasingly difficult to do with anti culture), then at best, they do not read tags, summaries, or notes, and expect to be able to ask an author prior to reading their works to answer a comment that is already addressed multiple times.
If you're honestly worried about being triggered, or reading content you don't want to read, then I suggest just straight up avoiding fics that aren't clear enough to you from the tags/summary/notes. If you've read all those and it seems ambiguous, just skip it. Or if the story still sounds good, then maybe just skim the beginning of the story, even. Context clues are your friends, my dudes. If the character is a college student, chances are good they're adults.
The 'lacks reading comprehension' commenters:
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Is it wrong to ask questions of an author when you don't understand something? I actually think it's a great way of interacting with authors and can lead to better understanding and appreciation of the work. However, there are a few problems with *how* you ask a question.
First of all, the problem commenters have not previously left a comment of any kind, and don't bother to include any sort of positive feedback along with their question. They just rock up to your inbox demanding an answer to a question they have, that makes you realise they weren't even really paying attention to your work (or the source material for that matter.)
In this case, smartphones don't exist in the canon work, and only exist in my fic because the characters have suddenly been thrust into a different universe. Klaus doesn't understand smartphones because he grew up with them. He is able to quickly adapt to the new technology of the world, while others, like Viktor, are confused by it. This is all explained quite thoroughly in the text.
The 'doesn't know how to google' commenters, who might also be the 'disingenuous question' commenters:
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Again, going to give this commenter the benefit of the doubt that they aren't just an asshole anti. So you don't know what Thorki is, but you're on AO3, home of All The Relationship Tags. Even if you didn't think to search it there, google exists, and is your friend. Type Thorki in there, and it's not even like you've got to narrow your search or add 'ship' or anything. The top result is the Thorki page of shipping wiki, and the next several links are photos of Thor/Loki. There is literally no other result given on the first page of google.
But LBR, this is likely an anti trying to subtly shame me for shipping Thorki. In which case, I'd invite you to look at my author page and see the types of fics I write regularly, and maybe just take your nonsense elsewhere.
The 'why are you here?' commenters:
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Again, it's not like there's anything wrong with this kind of question! I too have seen PFPs of people on AO3 and been curious myself. The problem is, once again, coming onto one of my works and, without acknowledging the work that I've put so much time and effort into the thing they're commenting on, they just demand an answer.
What's particularly bewildering about this is that it isn't even in the 4 most recent works I've posted. So instead of just seeing my PFP and clicking on the first thing they see and asking there (still a little rude, but maybe more understandable??) it seems they were here to look at my work, and in doing so saw my PFP, and decided to ask.
Look, there's a way to ask these kinds of questions, young folks, and so I present to you
The proper way to ask a question commenter <3 :
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Look at that! The commenter was able to get their question answered, and I was delighted to respond to them, because they took a few lines to tell me that they'd appreciated the work it pertains to. Honestly, I don't even need that much, although it's sincerely appreciated and makes my day. But even a simple "Loved the story, it was a lot of fun. BTW--that house..." would be cool.
We've all had those times when we get a burning question reading the fic--
"Is it possible they were referencing those lyrics??? I mean, it's not a very popular song, but it seems so obvious!!!" (probably, and the author is likely gonna be super excited you know that song, too)
"Did that line mean to insinuate what it did? Is that foreshadowing? Are those characters secretly screwing?" (the author may play coy, or they might be super excited you picked up on the thing they were hinting, or maybe they'll be annoyed you ruined the surprise?? but that's on them being brought up in the Marvel era of no spoilers)
Or indeed the questions about PFP or what house/city/clothing you used as reference.
But unless you're a regular commenter, popping up with just that question is abrupt at best, and shows a lack of common courtesy. Like, okay. Imagine running up to your favourite actor/singer/author in public and instead of saying "I'm a huge fan/I loved X/you're an amazing author/lyricist/actor/etc", you just immediately start bombarding them with questions "When are you going to write a new song/What did you mean on page 126 when you said/why did you decide to write these two characters together/etc etc."
Just imagine that you are addressing a living person with real human feelings, and ask yourself, if I were talking to them face to face, would this be an acceptable way to address/open a conversation with a stranger.
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malumxsubest · 3 months
respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? i always preferred original characters than canon. that way, i can't have ppl bitching and moaning why i play a canon character differently.
is there anything you don’t like to write? hardcore violence like sa, p*edo; shit like that. or plots that are meaningless.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? mostly anything honestly. though i am a sucker for romance/slice of life. though, i i also love anything that relates to the journey of resurrecting her children. or a dialogue where her children are alive and well.
how do you come up with headcanons?  it depends. it could be from a colour; an image; a song or another written piece but i twisted it to make it fit for her.
do you write in silence or do you play music?  i *need* to have music. they are like soundtracks or mood settings for the threads im replying to.
do you plan your replies or wing them? i wing them. and it really depends how i feel most of the time.
do you enjoy shipping?  i dooooo...
what’s your alias/name?  loki
age? 31
birthday?  feb 13
favorite color?  black/dark greens
favorite song?  currently, anything by sleep token
last movie you watched?  maybe kong vs godzilla???? idek i hardly watch anything.
last show you watched?  once again, i hardly watch anything. im fuckin slow.
last song you listened to?  hip to be scared - ice nine kills
favorite food?  this is difficult. i can't just pick one favourite.
favorite season?  winter/fall
do you have a tumblr best friend? my spouse.
tagged by: @caracarnn tysm :3 tagging: @atrickrtreat / @alyafae / @kingofthewebxxx / @mxlevolence / @deathtransformed / @merchantofwhispers / @penniesfortheferryman / & you since there are many of you &lt;3
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elysianymph · 1 year
thank you @ringaroundtherosier for the tag <33
named after anyone? almost everyone in my family is named after someone but my parents just picked a random name lmao
last time you cried? uhhh monday night when my entire feed was marauders angst (half of which i was responsible for </3)
do you have any kids? too young for that babes. also not sure i want any, but i suppose that might change with time
do you use sarcasm a lot? that's my default tbh
what's the first thing you notice about a person? either their hair or their outfit, depends on which one stick out to me
color of your eyes? green, but like a very specific shade i haven't seen anyone have (other than my brother lmao)
scary movies or happy endings? happy endings >>> i watch movies as a form of escapism so happy endings are mandatory unless i want to hurt myself. i do enjoy certain scary movies tho
any special talents? drawing i guess? i think i'm pretty good at art
where were you born? in a hospital in my hometown, it closed down less than a year after i was born oop
hobbies? drawing, painting, writing, listening to music, anything related to art honestly. i love making shit even if it sucks
any pets? not really a pet, but i do have a cat that i feed. we don't keep her inside but she's practically ours anyway. her kittens used to be here too, but they all died :(
what sports do you/have you done? i used to play handball for like... half a year?? my uncle was really good at it and it became a bit of tradition for all of the kids in our family to at least try playing it. none of us stuck with the sport though
how tall are you? 164cm, i think that's about 5'4? my friends make fun of me for it </3
favorite subject it school? honestly idek, used to be history but we've gotten to the boring part i don't like studying so... probably bosnian actually, i love studying literature (grammar will be the death of me)
dream job? no idea at this point. i wanted to be an animator about 2/3 years ago bc i have an entire story for a cartoon planned, but the likelihood of that happening is zero
no pressure tags: @moonagebooklover @queerdeadwizards @fefifofae @enbysiriusblack and anyone else who would like to join!! have fun <3
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comefeedtherainn · 8 months
tagged by love of my life @saltsanford thank u bb
How many works do you have on AO3? 27
What’s your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
this varies bc i revisit old fandoms often, atm im deep in the untamed and also working on drafting a sleuth of ming dynasty, might try guardian if the mood strikes. i also have wips i'd like to return to for mass effect, rdr2, and bioshock
What are your top five fics by kudos?
your darkest roads - the untamed (1,417)
scars and scratches - the untamed (1,307)
break of dawn - mass effect (865)
it starts with a lighthouse - bioshock (385)
here's a truth - IT (233)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i used to, i stopped recently because i got busy with grad school and cant always find the spoons lol i try to at least respond to questions, concerns, and also if i finish a fic!!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably a tie between sparks amidst snow and unseen, both very depressing character studies for the untamed. jin zixuan and lan xichen, respectively. you can understand where the angst came from lmao
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmmm probably break of dawn?? i like to write happy-ish endings esp for long things, just to reward the reader for sticking around for a long fic lol. but break of dawn ended with john and kaidan getting married, leaving the military, and getting a dog. so. absolutely the best case scenario and very happy lmao
Do you get hate on fics?
honestly not really. i got some on mass effect ones but that was more character hate which i shut down hard, rather than hate on the fic lol i either dont write much that's controversial, or i sell it well enough no one bitches lmao
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i do! most of my longfics feature smut, i enjoy it in my romance
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i do occasionally, though not as much recently. i despise fusions though lmfaooo
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
if i have im not aware! lmao
Have you ever had a fic translated?
sadly no :c
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
i have not!! im a control fic idek if i'd like it if im honest lol
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
why would you ask me this. i have way too many favs but i do think tuckington of rvb and mshenko of mass effect will be with me foreverrrr
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i choose to believe i will finish all my WIPs, no matter how long it's been since i touched it!! if i start it i intend to finish.
What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and describing environments!! also plot.
What are your writing weaknesses?
pacinggggggg, and character arcs imo. i can do them and they turn out well if i try hard, but i do have to try really hard/do a lot of rereading and organizing
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
if im writing fic for a fandom that's not english-speaking, like the untamed, i will use words in mandarin if they are a proper noun/name of a place/etc. i also tend to keep it untranslated for titles and for diminutives/honorifics that lose meaning or impact when translated to english. that's it, though.
if i were to be writing a character liiiike james vega in mass effect who speaks spanglish occasionally, i'll be real sparing about it tbh. if i dont know someone who speaks a lot of spanglish or speak it myself, i'd rather just take it easy on that and not look like a dumbass/be offensive lol esp since with a property like mass effect it's really questionable if canon is even accurate lmao so you cant even go off of that
First fandom you wrote for?
starfox adventures dlgkhapodih yeah the gamecube rpg. best game ever btw
Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
this is so hard lmao but i think it's probably break of dawn. writing that fic was such a joy and the interaction with the fandom was something i haven't experienced since!!
if you read this, you're tagged!!!
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frostysfrenzy · 1 year
Tagged by @howiehamlin
What book are you currently reading?
I'm really not honestly
Favourite movie you saw in theaters this year?
Girl (gn) I havent been to a theatre since january 2020 and that was the first time since idek when
What do you usually wear?
Tees, hoodies, leggings. I own the odd pair of jeans but otherwise its leggings or sweats
How tall are you?
What's your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
Gemini. And Lisa Edelstein (Cuddy from House). I was born on a holiday here but it's not on the same day every year
Do you go by your name or nickname?
Both. Depends on the setting
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?
I still dk what I want to be. But I'm enjoying my job
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Completely single. And we're not talking about crushes right now but it's a thing
What's something you're good at vs something you're bad at?
Good at math, also bad at math lol. Bad at going to sleep on time
Dogs or cats?
If you draw/write/create in any way, what's your favourite picture/line/etc from something you created this year
This was my first year creating so everythings on the table. I still really love my svnatural au, she's my best friend
What's something you would like to create content for?
I'd honestly love to just make some solo smallville content, most everything is far has been crossover. Also more csi because I'm thrilled with my previous ones and maybe ncis because lord did 12 year old me have an ncis brain that may resurface some day
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
My samlois list. It's mostly sad girl hours but it's a wonderful playlist just in general
What's something you were excited about this year that turned out to be disappointing?
Uhhhh hm. Theres probably something but idk
What's a hidden talent of yours?
Uhhhhh why am I blanking theres gotta be something. I think I'm pretty strong for my size I guess
Are you religious?
Not in a way that I get into debates or really talk at all
What's something you wish to have at the moment?
This girl would love a relationship honestly
Tagging @donttelltheelff @ratkingbunting @lam-ila @dmdoll @sahl0-f0l1na
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radmista · 1 year
read the tags on ur reblog AND U ARE SO RIGHT ABT THE 2018 TMNT FANDOM- It’s honestly like the tumblrifcation of the franchise which i dont rlly mind cuz its still SUPER fun it just attracts those kinds of people- (literally traumatized by the yaoification of leo)
I’d say you should rewatch the 2012 since thats the one i grew up with too and its good outside of the weird side romance narratives they keep pushing- ROTTMNT is good but its pretty short and wayy less serious in its theme so it all rlly depends on what you like specifically :3
I barely touch it, so much so that idek how or why yt algorithm constantly spits out the kinds of videos I mentioned in the tags at me. Like I report them each time YouTube, stop telling me to watch it! It can't be the same video it has to be multiples, which makes me even more concerned at just HOW pervasive the homophobia must be within the TMNT 2018 fandom. I really rather liked TMNT when it remained a relative 'fringe' media to be into. Like, it wasn't a huge thing for teen girls or tumblr chicks to be into and instead you just had weirdo deviantart chicks into it. Who while also incredibly fucking weird, at least weren't... tumblr about the show.
The yaoification of Leo and somewhat Donatello that I've seen has nearly completely put me off the new show lmao. I only still consider watching it bc my gf shows mild interest in TMNT and it seems ROTTMNT would be her choice of entry, but if shes fine watching the 2012 series I'm choosing that one XD. I'm fine with a more lighthearted fun show, but I enjoyed the 2012 series for being fun and also kinda dark at times (that rat episode man). That's what I like about TMNT at least lol, weird radioactive tutrtles fighting evil shredder guy. I may rewatch the 2012 series for old times sake and to actually finish watching it! I think my sister and I left off around the ep where they made a submarine propelled by pedaling.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
hi gillian! you have so much to say about all the bls you watch (this is definitely not a bad thing, i enjoy reading what other people think about our shared interests) but i was just wondering how did you survive being a lurker? did you write your thoughts anywhere or did you just kept them to yourself? i struggle with this myself, i feel like i have so much to say about everything, but i don't really say it or share it, i happily read other people's opinions and silently agree or disagree idek where i'm going with this lmao i guess i'm just curious to know such a "talkative" and person as you was once a lurker
Hi Anon!
So interestingly, when I was a lurker I didn't watch BL at all, barely knew what it was. I joined Tumblr because of a hockey romance writer (Taylor Fitzpatrick, I'm still a big fan of her work) and then mostly started following fanfic writers. Because I mostly read fanfic for media I don't read/watch or for sports RPF in sports I don't follow (which I know makes me a bit of an outlier) I didn't have much to say about the source materials. And because my tendency when writing about stuff is to be pretty analytical and to pick works apart even when I love them, that wasn't something I was going to do in public on tumblr where any of the authors (many of whom I followed) could see it. That just felt invasive. All of which is to say, being a lurker came very naturally to me at the time; it honestly didn't really occur to me to do anything else. And I didn't write my thoughts down or share them with anyone else, my fanfic reading (indeed most of my reading) had always felt like a private part of myself. I had plenty of thoughts and comparative analyses, etc, but it just kind of bubbled up in my brain and then disappeared.
My transition into posting on here about BL happened fairly spontaneously, pretty much immediately after I started watching BL; I don't really remember consciously deciding to make that change. Perhaps I did, and it's fallen out of my mind, I do remember being a little anxious the first time I reblogged something with comments of my own, feeling worried that I would bother people or people would think I was weird or something. On the other hand, my reblog was about Pete and Vegas' kink-filled explicit sex scene, so I must not have been that nervous 😂 I do remember tagging a lot of my posts "#my ramblings" early on; that self depreciation helped me mitigate my self-consciousness about whether my words were "worthwhile." Which I've come to the surety (at least on most days) is a meaningless concept here on tumblr, people can follow you or block you, you're not forcing your words in anyone's face. Seeing all the silly stuff that does get posted has helped me get over the feeling that I'm supposed to be making "worthwhile" content.
It's very freeing (especially as a former perfectionist who once felt she had to read and analyze every single one of an author's dozen or so novels* in order to write a term paper on him) to realize that I don't have to be an expert on anything to write about it on here. I can write in the voice that I want to, and use too many adjectives and adverbs and run-on sentences, and not feel like I have to write concisely or "properly" or even "understandably" if I don't feel like it. I can just share my thoughts and reactions and even be wrong (gasp!) or ignorant (the horrors!) and nothing bad will happen. I've been fortunate in that no one has been hateful or even slightly rude to me yet (the QL community seems particularly kind, even for tumblr), but if it ever does happen, that block button is a powerful tool.
One interesting side effect (or perhaps cause, who knows how these chains of causality are linked) is that I almost never watch episodes of shows straight through anymore. I used to be a binge watcher, a whole season (or more!) in one go with barely a break. Now I almost always pause many many times an episode. Sometimes just to take a break, sometimes to write down my thoughts in the notes app or something (i'll often have two devices in front of me at once, or switch back and forth between apps/tabs/programs) or to liveblog here on tumblr. I'm now pretty much incapable of watching a show without feeling the urge to write about it. Which is both good and bad 🤷🏻‍♀️
In terms of what actually happened to get me posting: I think sometimes (like today) my brain just overflows and then I start writing and the self-consciousness mostly falls to the wayside. Which isn't a helpful suggestion if that's not what your brain does, but it is what happened.
The Advice Part:
I have a couple of ideas for you, based on possible things that could be holding you back from participating. If it's that you feel self-conscious, you can keep doing what you're doing now and sending anonymous thoughts to other bloggers. Not everyone accepts anon asks, but most people who do are happy to publish them and have a conversation with people on anon. Or you could create a sideblog, or even an entire separate blog that you use to post your thoughts about BL, in a way that might feel even more safely anonymous than your regular tumblr. You don't even have to tag anything or follow anyone if you want the cocoon of being relatively invisible while expressing your thoughts. Then, if that starts to feel more comfortable you could start tagging, or reblogging other people's stuff, and start sharing your ideas more publicly. Or stay in that cocoon forever; there is no reason to leave if that's what feels comfortable!
Or you could start (assuming you don't already) by reblogging stuff and adding comments in the tags. And if that starts to feel less scary, or like not enough room for what you want to say, you could shift to reblogging with comments in the... whatever its called, the not tags. And replying rather than reblogging might feel a little safer - it's not quite so public, only the original poster or those who intentionally look into the notes will see it.
If the issue is that you feel overwhelmed by all your ideas, or all the shows, you could pick one or two shows to talk about. Or one or two bloggers to reply to. Or set a goal for yourself of one post a week/a day/whatever works. Just something to create some structure for yourself to make it feel less overwhelming.
Looking back over your ask, I'm not even sure you were looking for advice, but... uh... here some is anyways? Feel free to write back! With questions about this, anything else, or just to chat some more. Or for an anonymous venue for your thoughts!
(One last piece of practical advice, inspired by my computer just dying on me as I was finishing this up. Save Your Drafts! Save early and often. Save whenever you have to navigate away from the editing page. Most of the time the post editor is pretty good. And it even has an autosave function now, at least sometimes, under certain conditions. Which has saved me before from losing stuff, but it's not a surefire thing. So, since it's a pain to try and recreate something painstakingly written, I do highly recommend saving early and often.)
*the novelist was Ayi Kwei Armah, for anyone curious. and it must have been less than a dozen books. but it felt like a lot. sadly I remember very little of either the books or the term paper now.
p.s. I am like so unbelievably flattered by you coming to me for advice and wanting to know my story. i'm flattered by any and all asks i've ever gotten, really. so thank you 😊
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gustingirl · 2 years
@joon-rkive tagged me in the hardest challenge i've ever had DFKJDJSF no but i enjoy it a lot, thanks baby!!
DISCLAIMER: I strongly believe BTS has one of the few non-skippable discographies and I really love every single song they've released and this list order can change almost every single day. Also they outdid the entire kpop industry i don’t even care
Literal chills every single time I listen to it. The chorus always has me on tears, it's that little thing they do with [Kimi dake wo hiroi atsumete tsunagete] that kills me every.single.time. I'm sure it's gonna be in my top 10 in my spotify wrapped cuz at some point of the year I got obsessed.
2. SPRING DAY - 봄날
I’m sure this one is pretty self-explanatory, considering it might be BTS' best song in their entire discography. For some reason it stayed in the charts for so long.
I put BS so high mostly because this fandom completely forgot about it (don’t worry I blame the pandemic mostly). Every single aspect of this song is literal art, from the lyrics to the beauty of the music video.
I’m an english-BTS-songs stan forever and ever, no english song can make me hate their discography and it includes these songs. Butter is the queen of their english era idec anymore, it hypes the shit out of me whenever I listen to it and whoever hates it can suck my di-
The reasons for this one? Idek, it scratches my brain in the best way ever.
I like how it builds and the choreo. It also reminds me to my favorite BTS era ever.
Hypes the shit out of me for good. I can’t stop watching the MV.
I’m putting it high mostly because I denied this song for years (i’m stupid, don’t ask why) and when I finally made up my mind I hated myself for never listening to it. Good one for real and it hits so well
BRING ME BACK TO THIS ERA GODDAMIT. That's all I can say really. No, kidding. The teaser already was perfect then the whole traditional instruments and the craziness of the beats just makes me wanna jump off a balcony (i’m in my charly garcia era)
I’m not sure where to put this one but there's that one part, the bridge, makes this song rise automatically.
11. ON
Another hype one, it's lower than heartbeat because the bridge doesn't hit as much but overall I love listening to it.
Can easily be put lower if you ask me. It's here because it was the first song I heard of them and the memories gives it that plus.
I learnt korean with this one SKDFLS no but seriously, yoongi's verse and the "yoongi-ah" gets me every single time. Could listen to it forever and ever honestly.
I think it was one of the first songs I listened after getting into them and that also gives it like a plus extra of reasons to be this high. Either way, it goes on so well and also the lyric and beat play with I'm Fine makes the original even better.
I don’t get how y'all can hate this one. I hate the remixes but the song builds so sweetly and their voices sound pretty cool with it. I like the retro style and the dance breaks for the choreos were so interesting and different. That's why I like it, it was different to other styles and their english voices are nice to hear every once in a while.
My mom calls this one the pandemic song and I laugh every single time. I think the comfort this song gives me makes it sound so good. It's always about the feelings their songs give me what makes me like them more or less. That happens with LGO
MAKES ME CRY SM I really got freaked out thinking they were saying goodbye. Took me a bit to fully get into it and the hyundai version helped a lot.
I think it was one of the first songs I listened after getting into them and that also gives it like a plus extra of reasons to be this high. Either way, it goes on so well and also the lyric and beat play with I'm Fine makes the original even better.
18. DOPE
AYO LADIES AND GENTLEMEEEEEN this is their queen of hype songs.
I only hate that weird sound at the beginning of the song and this kind of hip hop is not really my thing. It's higher than WABPT2 because aw they debuted lksdfsdkf
It makes me laugh a lot for some reason, I just picture them trying hard to be bad boys in the recording studio and I laugh a bit. Anyways rapper jungkook is a FAVE.
My first comeback omg. I remember the problem called "they all dyed their hair the same fucking color". Anyways, I prefer the rock version for some reason and I feel the song would have been better if it was that one the OG version. Also the "fakey" love part kind of still bugs me but overall I love this song.
22. I NEED U
I know how much it means to them but I can listen to it every once in a while. Not my favorite but easily one of their best songs. It builds very strongly.
23. RUN
Like DNA (yeah I have many situations like this), I love the song but I enjoy it mostly while watching the MV or a live performance.
HYPEEE. But again, like DNA, the choreo kind of outdoes the song for me. I like to watch the mv and listen to the song that way than only listening to the song.
Only dropped it so low because I cry whenever I listen to it. Other than that, it could easily be higher. I just stopped listening to it cuz I genuinely can’t stop crying, I never get to finish the song
Not their strongest english song KJFKDSJ if it wasn't sounding so high school musical-ish I would put it higher. I do adore the sign language dance move and how happy they look while performing it. Also, catchy as fuck anyways.
27. DNA
Probably goes low because I might have overplayed it a bit. With this one I priorize the music video and choreo over the song itself. They kind of outdo it.
Took me a bit to get into it because the chorus bothered me a bit, when all the voices kind of overslap each other while singing different lines (never my favorite type of resource during a song, happens to with Kiss of Fire by Hugh Laurie tho I love that song) but it's still good.
I was never a huge fan of this one but I did have my obsession phase when I got into them. I like these songs were Taehyung would rasp his voice a bit tho I'm glad he's using it more like he did with Singularity.
I love Halsey but I felt she ruined the song even though she barely participates anyways. However, I only really enjoy Suga's verse. The song isn't bad but I got tired of it (enough to rank it this low, it still outdid the entire kpop industry idc)
31. N.O.
It was never a song I played too much for some reason. I do enjoy the chorus and oh shit the lyrics, I love their rebellious era.
I had a phase where I listened to it religiously but after that I sort of stopped LKDLKS. It's still very catchy.
Never really listened to it much, maybe only a couple of times.
34. FOR YOU.
Never really listened to it much, maybe only a couple of times. Before Lights and For You I prefer their B-sides.
i don’t know many armys i think i’m gonna tag @peachy-101 @christina-dh @jieunssi @senor-hoberto @jungkooks-princess @latenightjjk @sinatserendipity
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misspearly1 · 1 year
15 Questions!
Thanks for the tag @scorpio-marionette 🥰
I would tag all of my moots and my whole following list, but you may have been tagged already by others. So, if you see this post and would like to answer these questions, but haven't received a tag, just make a new post and tag me. I'd love to know more about you! ❤️
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. I am not named after anyone, but my mum and dad named my siblings after someone and gave them all a middle name as well apart from me 🤣. I don't blame them either as I'm the second youngest out of 10 kids lmao.
2. When was the last time you cried?
November last year. Sounds longer saying it that way, but really it's only been a month and fifteen days since I last cried.
3. Do you have kids?
No kids. I have plenty nieces and nephews that take away my baby fever. 🤣 I'm not ready for kids and honestly, I don't think I ever will be. I can barely take care of myself some days.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Oh, their smile for sure. Little smiles, barely there smiles, big, small, toothy or goofy, I love them all. A smile is so contagious and just passing a stranger who is smiling at someone else is enough to make me smile. I just love your smile, ok!
6. What’s your eye colour?
Grey/blue? I've always thought I had blue eyes but I tried that tiktok trend and the colour came out grey so Idek at this point. 🤷‍♀️
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies - always. I love a happy ending, but horror is my all time favourite.
8. Any special talents?
Surprisingly, writing. I'm certainly not the best, but I'm improving, and I didn't think I'd ever be able to create something readable/enjoyable thanks to my primary (elementary) school teacher.
9. Where were you born?
In a hospital.
10: What are your hobbies?
Listening to music. Playing video games. Writing fanfics. Reading. Painting/Crafting. Walking/swimming. Insulting my younger brother.
11. Have you any pets?
Two doggies. Pepsi and Charlie.
12: What sports do you play/have you played?
I played a lot of football (soccer) growing up, and basketball in secondary school (high school).
13: How tall are you?
5'5" or 5'6". I'm not certain.
14. Favourite subject in school?
History, English Literature, Media Studies - each teacher in those three subjects were chill af and they really made their subject fun to learn too.
15. Dream job?
Honestly, I do not have a clue. I always thought I wanted to be a nurse/paramedic, but when I started pursuing a career in that field of work, I hated every second of it and quit. My current job isn't the most exciting, but I love everything about it. So maybe my dream job is to work in a kitchen? 🤷‍♀️ Funnily enough, I spent some time in a hospital kitchen and I really enjoyed it too lmao!
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mrburnsnuclearpussy · 2 years
You know actually, I’ve let (some parts of) the fandom seriously warp my idea of both Carson and Thomas (and Downton in general), but honestly I’ve realised that so much of the fandom opinion is just….not even true to the show. Like Carson and Thomas don’t even hate each other (although certainly don’t like each other), they’re not enemies or anything.
It’s literally all blown out of proportion and I just need to avoid at all costs the certain parts of the fandom that have these ideas because it’s honestly just ruining it all for me. I can barely enjoy the show any more and I can’t bring myself to watch even though I love it so much and idek why. I had to block the Thomas tag even though I like Thomas just fine, just case I came across one of those posts and it ruins my day again.
If I have to keep a tiny circle here then so be it because it’s not worth feeling so awful just because of a few bad takes that don’t even matter (and only upset me because I’m just like this, rationally there’s no reason to get worked up at all as I’m aware of that)
But yeah I just want to establish this. Like I likes Thomas’s character fine during the whole show, it’s only after encountering the ‘Thomas Stans’ side of fandom that it all started to bother me so much and now I can’t even see a picture of him without feeling bad (and that’s just ridiculous obviously).
So yeah like idk I’m rambling just thinking out loud sorry lol. Basically here’s how I feel about Carson and Thomas in the fandom:
Tumblr media
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happenstobehere · 6 months
Am I allowed to say all of them for the fic tag /lh
Well I don't see any reason why not. Below the cut for obvious reasons /lh
What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Harry paused, looking up at B’elanna with a serious expression. “It’s called Pokémon. And it’s a lot of fun. Not that you’d understand, Lieutenant Buzzkill.”
What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Everything bad to ever happen to best girls.
Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
I honestly don't know if I have any specific favorites. I love when comments repeat back a line from the fic or when they're basically giving a ted talk on what they liked. big confidence booster (which i often need after posting)
(sorry for the cop out answer I literally cannot remember any)
What is your wildest headcanon?
Idek. Polyam bau maybe? I don't think I have any particularly outrageous headcanons.
What’s your ideal writing setup?
I'm assuming this means like how you like your surroundings to be while writing. It doesn't matter too too much to me, as long as I'm physically comfortable and can focus. I do tend to enjoy writing more on my laptop, either in bed or on the couch depending on whatever else I have going on. Whether I listen to music depends on what I'm writing. Music is usually closer to the beginning of the process to get me in the swing but it's usually turned off at some point towards the end.
Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
I don't really ever outline unless I know it's going to be a multichap or require some sort of established timeline or world building. Sometimes I have ideas of events I want to happen so I'll note those down, but mostly kind of create as I go and see where things will fit, if at all.
Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
“Can we keep her?” Raffi sighed. “Seven, honey, we talked about this.” Seven picked up the Eevee by her torso, her lower legs hanging freely as Seven moved closer to Raffi. She lifted the pokémon up to cover her face. “Eevee!” She chirped as if on cue. Lowering the pokémon and settling her below her chin, Seven did the best puppy dog eyes she could. “Pleeease?” 
Raffi stood and stared at Seven for a beat before bringing her hand up to her head, huffing lightly, “I need to learn how to say no to you.”
Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
Usually just tags for whatever ship I'm fixated on or the work tag.
Do you like to post fics on a schedule or at random?
glances at my ao3 page Well,
But actually, I don't like to schedule posting bc it kind of takes the fun out for the most part. I usually just post when the fic is done. I did attempt to keep myself on a schedule as I was actively writing a multichap, but I think I'd only do a posting schedule if it was for a multichap and the entire fic was finished.
What helps you focus when you write?
I honestly have no idea. I sometimes listen to music or use a timer to snap my brain into writing mode but it's hit or miss.
What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
mmm maybe we'll get by (autistic seven my beloved) or this emily and clyde drabble where they playfight cause they're doofuses and I love them.
Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
Both kinda. It's mostly for me to get the ideas out of my brain but also to process things sometimes. I do write as a gift sometimes but it's mostly for myself I'd say (not that that stops me from worrying about how many people are reading)
Why did you start writing fanfic?
Honestly, I think it was to cope/process things in my life. Writing has always been that for me in a way.
Which character is your favorite to write?
Seven of Nine. (who's surprised)
Which character is the toughest to write?
Raffi is hard for me to write in a way, I just worry I'm not doing her justice or writing her too ooc 😭
Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
Sure do. For Star Trek: probably and all the stars aligned.
For Criminal Minds: my divine love (soulmate au my beloved)
How often do you read your own fics?
Rarely only bc I cringe looking back at most of my writing. I always have the urge to go back and try to rewrite but I resist.
Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
I have written a couple of short film scripts actually. I think I'd like to write about stuff people don't often talk about like mental health and neurodivergency and stuff like that. I don't think I have a particularly unique or special perspective or anything but still something I'd maybe like to do at some point.
If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
Oh I haven't thought about this. Maybe whole again just bc with so many characters and backstories it could become pretty dynamic as a tv show. I have no clue who I'd fancast in anything.
What inspires you and your writing?
Canon (duh), personal experiences, my friends and their headcanons.
Do you research for your fics?
Most of the time I look up something for the fic, but I rarely ever research for fics unless the character needs to be saying something they researched (cough cough spencer) or there's elements of my own world building that I want to be close-ish to canon.
What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
Somewhere between the two. I prefer when they're at least close to being in character but idc if they fuck around with what did or didn't happen.
Do you often write about a relationship or focus on an individual?
I write about relationships relatively often but it's not so much about the relationships as it is about these individual people and how their shit is affecting the relationship if that makes sense. At least that's more the mental process I have.
Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write?
No <3 best I can do is a cut away. I've never written anything explicit bc I don't want to embarrass myself 😭
Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
Angst tbh. I usually have to get myself into a certain mindset to write pure fluff.
What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
I don't totally have a preference but I think I usually leave them sort of ambiguous.
How many WIPs do you currently have?
Four I think lmao. They're collecting dust in my google drive I'm afraid.
Does anyone beta read or edit your fics?
Nope, I sometimes send parts to besties and/or ask for writing advice but I don't think I've ever have my fics beta'd.
Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
PepperSpicedLatte. Always. I have some recs in my bookmarks on ao3.
What led to your interest in the fandom?
points at Raine
Are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic?
Only the ones who also write fic.
What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Somebody will read it, even if you think it's absolute dogshit. There is someone else in the world who will both read and enjoy it.
Do you like writing short fics or long fics?
It doesn't matter to me but they usually end up being on the relatively shorter side (1k-3k).
Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
I'm the one who needs the advice tbh... I can't help with that I'm afraid.
Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
Maybe but I feel like it would be really overwhelming and nervewracking.
Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Hurt/comfort and established relationship. Also mutual pining.
If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Oh hmm maybe run your hands through my hair bc Seven doting on Raffi is >>>>>
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fatummortem · 2 years
Anon asked: I haven’t seen many ships on your blog. What ships would you like or have for your muses? Accepting Curious Anons
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    Y’mean on my blog or in canon? I’m answering both & this got a bit long so, read more it is~ Adding my work in progress muses on here too. Though spoiler alert I like chemistry.
   Daken with Aurora is adorable. I waited a bit to see more of them & I have to say I pretty much love it. Kinda liking the vibe that a poly relationship is going to maybe happen with Somnus, so we’ll see. I have a lot of ships, they’re just not around right now. Y’know how it is, sometimes ya need a breather from things. Donno if they’ll go back to their blogs, so I’m not listing them. Don’t wanna make them feel pressure into coming back. 
    I have an Unrequited ship with @dementedspeedster for Rosie & Rosie’s love for him seems to be shifting over to just a strong friendship. But she’s probably not gunna stop pranking his ass if it does.
     I have a ship for Daken with Deb/Sungirl that’s the one I change the URL to Circus Rose. The muns shifting blogs rn so I can’t tag her. I adore them honestly.
     There is something starting for Rosie with @symbioteburnout​ where we’re seeing where things go.
      I have a few muses I’m working on adding. Nocturne I think is adorable with Blink but I don’t care if anything comes from it in the comics. Nocturne’s been stuck in a reality for ages so I don’t have any that scream at me to get. That & there aren’t many Exiles about. Cloud well canonly I have a love for him & Aerith or Aeris but I have a fondness for a lot of things in that fandom. Even some that are in Kingdom Hearts.  I am hoping something Poly pops up I’m not listing but I usually do. I’m more of a chemistry kinda guy for my muses so we’ll where the rabbit hole leads. 
     Over the years I found Rosie’s super hard to keep ships? So most rps with her, if not all, are just angling for friendship. She’ll probably be oblivious just for the fact she’s really bad at Relationships. I did have a ship that lasted a long time with a Jason for her, which was platonic. I did enjoy her & Eddie in New Earth. Tho that was tragic.
     That’s not counting the ships i have on discord, but that’s all on discord so I’m not gunna list them all. Tho if you’re reading this & want me to list the ship on here, gimme a nudge & I will.
      I had a few things I was talking about before I went quiet so idek if it’s still down. Again if it is, feel free to thwap my noggin & I’ll add it.
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