#idek why i think it was exhaustion
pigeonwit · 8 months
every time i want to express a newsies opinion i remember the time i made one vague comment about a fic in the newsies ao3 tag and got more responses than my 10 follower having ass had ever gotten, none of which were about the fic i was actually talking about, all of which became more polarizing, judgemental and aggressive on both ends of an argument that i was not making, and then got accused of being an anti-intellectual pro-censorship sanitizer of queer fanfic who clearly needs to grow up. and again none of this was even close to the fic i was referencing.
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thecherrygod · 6 months
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da-proti-toku-grem · 9 months
sorry i needed to vent somewhere and ended up explaining my life 😮‍💨
#why am i like this bro?#my bday is in a few days but i don't feel excited about it#i didn't even feel like doing anyhing especial this year and i was so close to not celebrate it#but my mom and my bestie convinced me because “you're turning 18. isn't that exciting”#and also because “most of your friends will move to other places because of uni so you don't know when/if you'll see all of them again”#the thing is they convinced me to celebrate with my friends and close family#nothing too special but at least is something#and now i had to tell them what i was going to do so i had to create a whatsapp group and all that#and i just spent a whole hour just to think of what words to use so it doesn't sound weird#idek why i thought it would sound weird to invite MY friends to MY bday party but i always overthink everything#besides all of this idk why it gives me so much anxiety to just do this whole “party” thing yk#i guess i just hate being the center of attention and the fact that this is “my” day and everything revolves around me makes me anxious#i've always been a very reserved person but this year i've surpassed myself#like with the whole last year of high school thing and the exams to get into uni got me so stressed#and i've spent all school year (sept-june) without barely going out of my house (i literally only went out to go to class)#and i've spent all year saying: i'll go out when all of this ends in summer#but i was SO exhausted by the end of it that i just wanted to stay at home 24/7#how did this end? well. i've only hang out with my group of friends once in the whole summer and it was on the july 4th#i've practically been ignoring the whatsapp group so i didn't have to make excuses not to meet up#i'm not proud of admitting that but it's not like i talked too much before so i guess it's not such a big deal#thinking about all of this made me realise that i might have social anxiety after all#i'm not at all surprised tbh but i didn't really know what i felt had a name yk#very random but i'm very happy that i was able to get to know JO and Jere thanks to eurovision cause i feel like they're holding me togethe#idk they just make me inexplicably happy and seeing all their content makes me smile even when i feel like shit#(big thanks to everyone on the fandom here btw ily all <3)#anyway i'll stop now cause this is turning out very long#this didn't get me anywhere but at least i feel a bit better ig#maca speaks
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hwajin · 2 years
rlly in the mood to write self indulgent fics and drabbles lately so be prepared for whatever my next written post might be lmao
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hyah-lian · 3 months
I have half made 2 (two) shitty little crochet things
i want a freaken nap but don't wanna screw the sleep thing up more hhhhh
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nyatawia · 1 year
Having a rough month so far
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triple-kick · 1 year
Listen fellas this past year has been my first experience being hot and having the confidence that comes with it
i do not know how to deal with drunk girls who clearly like me
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queerbuckleys · 29 days
CAN I GO WHERE YOU GO? 920 words | bucktommy | 7x06 coda a/n: look it me! i wrote something :P just a soft little thing that i couldn't stop thinking about <3 idek how long it has been since i published something episode related lol so be kind and gentle if you please<3 title is kinda just what fit best lol, enjoy!
Buck twirls his niece around as music plays quietly over a speaker, barely loud enough to hear over the quiet chatter. He swings her up and deposits her next to her newly-wed parents, and they look perfect. Buck remembers the reception of her first wedding, his cheeks didn’t hurt from smiling then, they do now, and by the looks of it so do Maddie’s. 
“You might want to–” she points toward the chair in the corner that holds his beast of a boyfriend, a bottled water coming dangerously close to slipping from his exhaustion-induced slack grip. 
“I should get him home, the adrenaline has worn off. I love you both so much, and you,” he ruffles Jee’s hair and leans in for a group hug, placing a kiss in his sister's hair. If he thinks too hard about everything he might cry, so he leaves unsaid and squeezes her tight hoping she understands. 
He takes the water bottle from Tommy’s hands and stands between his legs, gently cupping his cheek, “Hey, you are exhausted, let’s get you home. I’ll drive you.” 
And Tommy looks up at him through his eyelashes– how had Buck not noticed those before now? 
“You don’t have to– you should stay here. I’m sure Maddie–” 
“What she wants is for me to get you home safely, and visiting hours are almost over anyway.”
He can see Tommy trying to come up with a rebuttal, his mouth opening and closing as he tries to say something and then gives up.
Buck grabs Tommy’s turnout coat from the back of the chair, folding it over his arm and taking Tommy’s hand in his. 
“Congratulations again you two,” Tommy says as enthusiastically as he can before they turn toward the door.
Buck is awkwardly sitting at a table in the common area of Harbor. It feels weird to be in another station without his reason for being there within sight. Tommy had assured him that it was okay for him to sit, and if anyone gave him trouble to tell them that he was there with him. 
“Buckley! What are you doing here?” a familiar voice nearly makes him jump out of his seat. 
“Lu-Lucy! Hi.” 
She stands behind the chair across from him, leaning on her elbows on the top of the chair. And she actually waits for him to answer. 
“I-I’m waiting for Tommy. Had to swing by to drop off his turnouts and get his bag.”
Her brow crinkles a little and she cocks her head, “his shift ended hours ago?” 
“He uhhh, he came to Maddie and Chimney’s wedding. He’s pretty exhausted so I’m driving him home.” 
“He went to a wedding after that fire? In his turnouts?”
“It was at the hospital, wild story really. And I asked him to be there, so he was.” he blushes a little as he watches her do a little math. 
“Donato! Are you bullying Evan?” Buck can hear the smile on Tommy’s lips as he feels his hand land on his shoulder. He looks up at his boyfriend, and Tommy leans down, giving him a light kiss on his cheek. He looks a little brighter after rinsing off in the station showers and changing back into his Henley. 
“I was wondering why you had table privileges,” she smiles. “So, Chim finally got hitched huh, tell him and Maddie congrats for me.”
“Will do,” Buck smiles at her, and she walks away toward what he assumes is the snack cabinet. “Let’s get out of here and you into bed huh?” 
“You read my mind.” 
There’s a stillness in the car as they sit in Tommy’s driveway. 
“Evan, come inside. You’ve had a long stressful day too.” 
It’s like Tommy is inside his head, he doesn’t want to be alone tonight, not when he didn’t have to be. 
“And if the texts you sent me last night are any indication, you also did it all while hungover which I’m sure wasn’t all that pleasant. And, besides, you still owe me at least one dance.” 
“You are practically falling asleep sitting up and you want to dance?” 
“It’s what I was promised.” 
TOmmy reaches over the console between them, turning Buck’s face toward him, leans in and kisses him in earnest. Not quite as intense as their greeting earlier and not as gentle as their first. “Just come inside please,” he says just above a whisper against his lips. 
Buck takes in Tommy’s little house, it’s cozy with some of its years showing. 
“You can move past the entryway Evan. Just take your shoes off.” 
“Oh,” he replies softly, barely having noticed that he was slightly frozen. He toes off his shoes.
“C’mere,” Tommy holds out his hand, a song that Buck doesn’t know the name of softly drifting from the speakers. He lands in his boyfriend’s arms and it feels like it’s exactly where he is supposed to be. One hand on his neck, the other clasped together in Tommy’s, his other hand resting on his waist. It’s mostly quiet as they sway in the middle of the small living room. 
“You know, I never really got the whole hot firefighter thing until I saw you walk through those doors?” 
“You really are adorable.” Tommy smiles.
“Thank you for today. It means a lot that you did really try your damndest and succeeded.” He says earnestly. 
“Of course. It was important to you.” 
And Buck can’t help but kiss him for that, and he does, because he can. 
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d10nyx · 2 months
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ft. nero x fem!reader
a/n: if nero does not stop looksmaxxing omfg why is it so hard to find a pic where he isn't mewing? this is admittedly so super self-indulgent and idek what the dmc fandom on tumblr is saying so... if this gets four notes i'll still die happy. feedback and reblogs appreciated :3 ty to @thevirgincherry for beta reading !! ilysm MWAH
cw: 18+ content, mdlb, nipple play, tit play(?) in general, use of mama, handjob, cum eating, super sappy smut basically
word count: 1.8k words
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“You've gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me.” Is the first thing that spills past Nero's lips when you mention shifting the dynamics a little bit in your relationship. He's giving you an incredulous look, one of his brows arching towards his hairline.
“I'm really not. You're so irritable all the time. You need to let yourself relax. All that cynicism is getting to your head.” You say with a frown, your brows furrowing as you look at your boyfriend. He's giving you that look again - the one that says he's about three seconds away from saying something downright horrific, but he's choosing not to - to spare your feelings, of course.
“Right. And so, what… you coddling me like a kid's meant to… miraculously make me a ray of sunshine?” He scoffs, his own brows pinching together in frustration as he runs his hand through his hair. The cybernetic one, ‘cause his human hand is currently twitching at his side. “Baby, I love you, but seriously. I've been handling myself for a long while. I don't need you to do it.”
You know it's not that - you know Nero well enough to recognise the uncomfortable shift of his feet and the way the tips of his ears turn a slight pink. He's embarrassed, even if he's trying to hide it. A sense of unease always comes over him when he thinks about being taken care of. It's a luxury he's never had - one he thinks he doesn't deserve.
You give him that look that he really, really hates. ‘Cause you really are the only person that's always looked out for him, so seeing the way your eyes narrow in frustration is enough to have him wanting to kneel at your feet with his tail between his legs, rubbing himself against your thighs and pleading until you forgive him.
Shit. Maybe he's more cut out for this whole ‘mama’ shit than he thought.
His resolve wavers, his hand awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck before he lets out a soft sigh and nods. “Alright, alright. I’ll try it out, but I ain't promisin’ shit.”
                              ˗ˏˋ ☆ ˎˊ˗
Turns out all Nero needs is a few stern words and gentle touches and he's rolling over like a good boy, exposing the soft underbelly he tends to try and keep hidden. When he comes home drained and you're quick to guide him to a bath, it's hard for him not to completely melt under your attention.
Scratch his scalp when you're washing his hair, and he's fully ready to go all ‘yes, mama’ to whatever you want. He's happy to bare himself for you. You want him bent over the back of the couch? On all fours? He'll stick his tongue out and beg for it like a good boy if it meant you'd give him that proud expression that makes his heart feel like it's beating again. Mama gets what mama wants, and that's an irrefutable fact.
“C'mere, baby.” You coo after he makes his way into the apartment after a long day of ‘work’. Blood splatters his feet dragging against the floor. His movements are exhausted - slow and rugged. You can see that glazed over look making itself present in his eyes, his gaze somewhere off in the distance.
His body is working on autopilot as he makes his way to the sofa you're sitting on. He flops down next to you, and the change in him is immediate. The tension melts from him as he buries his face into your chest, nuzzling his way between your breasts as his hands clutch your waist tight enough that it's almost painful.
“Mama…” He croaks out, pressing himself right up against you, trying to wriggle his way on your lap without ever having to disconnect any part of himself from your warmth. You cradle him as best you can - it's not necessarily the easiest thing to have a 6’2 demon hybrid trying to curl up on your lap like a kitten, but he always manages to find a way to worm himself into your arms, clinging to you like he's scared you're gonna vanish as soon as he closes his eyes.
He's never found it so easy to be loved by someone. You gave him that unconditional, no strings attached love. You loved him just ‘cause he was worth loving in your eyes. Not because you needed him for something, or because you had some sense of pity for his situation.
You were easy to love, and his love for you was unwavering and all consuming. It was far too easy to fall into you with your kind eyes and gentle touch. He didn't have to deal with the shit of his life when he was with you. He could finally relax. He was safe.
“Missed you.” He breathes out against the skin peeking out from the low collar of your shirt, his blue eyes flicking up to gaze at your face. His nose brushes your skin, his hands pawing at your shirt as if he's trying to entice you to take it off. “Mama… please.”
“You gotta ask properly, baby. Use your big boy words, c'mon. What do you want from mama?” You coo, running a hand through his white hair. You let your nails rake over his scalp lightly, enjoying the way he shivers at the touch.
His hands slide under the fabric of your shirt, trying to tug it off anyway. He's never been good at this part - getting the words out. His cheeks grow all pink and he gets quiet, just whining until you let him pull the shirt off of your body. As soon as your tits are in view, he's licking, biting and sucking at every inch of skin he can get his mouth on.
“So impatient, baby.” You scold lightly, helping him adjust slightly so you can slip down his trousers, freeing his cock. It's already rock hard and leaky, the tip flushed red as it oozes precum down his length. “S'okay though. It's not your fault. Mama knows you can't think straight without her help.”
You give his dick a squeeze, his face scrunching up so prettily as he bucks his hips into your tight grip, his cock pulsing in your hand. “Mama… Mama, please. I'll be good, c'mon. Been good, just tou-”
His words are cut off with a groan as you finally start pumping his length in your hand, circling your wrist and running your thumb along his slit everytime you fist the head of his cock. You let go to spit into your palm before stroking him again, leaving him panting into your breasts.
His lips latch onto one of your nipples as you continue touching him, slick sounds filling the room. He suckles greedily, his eyes becoming heavy-lidded as he looks up at you, his tongue flicking eagerly against your nipple.
Your free hand cups his head, holding him against your tit as you let him fuck your fist. Your thumb brushes back and forth on his scalp as he pulls away from your nipple, biting and sucking marks into the flesh of your tits instead as his thumb plays with one of your nipples, stroking and pinching the bud.
“You're making such a mess, baby. Leaking all over mama's hand.” You tease, digging your nail lightly into his slit as he bucks his hips, a low whine spilling from his lips. “You sound so pretty, though. Lucky I'm so good to you, huh, pretty boy?”
You can see the conflict on his face at that nickname, the twitch of his brows and the way his face heats up, his teeth biting down just a little harsher as if he's trying to protest the choice. He can act all he wants, but his dick doesn't lie - and it always kicks when you call him that.
“Mama… gonna cum, mama, please…” He grits out, fucking your fist with more urgency. He pulls his face away from your tits just so he can shift his body to gain better control of his hips, rutting into your hand desperately as he chases his release. “Tits, mama. Lemme… lemme cum on you, please. I'll clean it up, promise. Please.”
You pause to think about it for a moment, watching him writhe as he struggles not to cum, his eyes tearing up and his face all flushed as he continues to jerk his hips, unable to stop chasing the pleasure you're giving him.
“Alright, baby. C’mere then.” You murmur, shifting to lie on your back. As soon as your grip on him loosens, he's quick to straddle your waist, kneeling over your body as he hungrily fists his cock, aiming it down towards your breasts.
“Fuck, mama. Gonna… gonna cum.” He grits, his hand quickly coming down next to your head to support his weight as he slumps forward, ribbons of white coating your chest. His lips part in a silent moan, his breath coming out in heavy pants.
He takes a couple of seconds before he leans down, his tongue sliding along your soiled skin. He laps up every drop of his release happily, his eyes practically shimmering with satisfaction.
“There we go. Such a good boy, cleaning up your mess.” You say softly, your hand finding his hair once more, scratching behind his ear in a way that never fails to have him melting in your grasp. He rests his head on your stomach when he's cleaned you up fully, his hand reaching out for yours. He yawns a little, letting himself lie across the couch while using you as his personal pillow.
“You sleepy?” You ask softly, gazing down at his hooded eyes. Nero nods softly, blinking slowly a few times. You smile at him, still stroking his hair with one hand as your free hand comes down to rest on his back, your thumb rubbing small circles there. “Take a nap, baby. Mama will be here when you wake up.”
He gives you another one of his looks - the one halfway between pure adoration and complete confusion. He knows you're someone that sees him. That sees Nero behind the front he puts up. Somehow, you're aware of how fucked up he is, and you're still willing to stay. He doesn't know how to take it, he can feel himself getting choked up as he meets your eyes. And he can't cry, not in front of you. So he nods again, closing his eyes to keep in the unshed tears, wrapping you up tightly in his free arm while his hand squeezes yours as hard as he can without hurting you.
“Alright, mama. Night.” He croaks out, the words he wants to say dying on his tongue. But when you rub your thumb over the nape of his neck and squeeze his hand back, he knows you felt it. He knows you love him, too. He knows that despite everything, it's enough for you. 
He's enough for you.
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stevie-petey · 6 months
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episode six: the monster
Steve’s looking at you now and you can see all the cuts and bruises on his face. You want to wipe all the blood away, to stitch him up and place him somewhere safe so that nothing else can hurt him. You want to do all of this and more as he stares at you and silently begs you to stay, but you can’t. You shake your head at him and once again his mask slips; he’s just a scared teenage boy. You want to reach out, to grab his hand and remind him that he’s good, but you don’t.
summary: so nancy and jonathan are a Thing now and you really just need a good nap, the three of you go shopping for monster hunting supplies (which honestly isn't the weirdest thing you've done this week), an old man sells you a sentimental knife, and steve kind of accidentally kidnaps you with a sexy black eye.
rating: general, slight violence and a lot of cursing though
warnings: blood, fem!reader, use of y/n, use of the word "queer" in a negative way, steve being an asshole
words: 8.1k
before you swing in: hey guys ! sorry for the delay in updates. finals season took me OUT and then life kinda happened and suddenly i was hiding out from my roommate turned middle school bully ??? idek. anyways, here's chapter 6 which features the iconic alley scene and some very sentimental stevexreaderxjonathan scenes (theyre a mess). enjoy !
“Geesh, you’re not a sleeping beauty.”
Dustin’s face greets you when you open your eyes. He’s hovering over you as the morning light streams through your curtains with a determined glint in his eyes. 
“What–?” Your brain hasn’t caught up with what’s going on quite yet, still half asleep. 
“Wake up! I’m going to Mike’s so we can all talk about yesterday and I promised to keep you updated, so… Here’s me updating you.” 
Hearing Mike’s name is what causes you to fully wake up. Mike. The Wheeler’s. Nancy. Steve seeing Jonathan with her on her bed. You quickly sit up and knock your head against Dustin’s, causing the boy to yelp.
“Ow! What is wrong with you?”
“Sorry,” you say, rubbing your head as your brother glares at you. “Wasn’t intentional, honest. Can you wait like twenty minutes so I can get ready? I wanna come with, I think Jonathan spent the night there and I need to talk to him.” 
Your brother frowns. “Why would Jonathan spend the night at Mike’s?”
“I’d really rather not talk about it.” You say, hoping it’ll be enough of an explanation for him.
Dustin studies you for a moment and you really hope that last night’s events aren’t written all over your face. Somehow, everyone seems to know what you’re thinking and feeling before you even do. 
“Fine,” he concedes, but as he leaves your room he calls over his shoulder, “I’m taking the last of mom’s pancakes though!”
You flop back onto your bed, throw a pillow over your face, and groan. Looks like you’re stuck with a banana for breakfast again. 
When you eventually manage to make your way into the bathroom and shower, your bones ache from pure exhaustion. As the warm water runs over your body, you’re not quite sure if the ache is more emotional or physical. Probably a mix of both. 
You can’t remember how you made it home last night, but slowly it comes back to you in flashes. 
Steve and his wonderful boyishness that has become a breath of fresh air to you. The way he greeted you so excitedly, how he had been worried about Nancy.
Nancy, who you had left alone with Jonathan because of your own pathetic feelings. The girl Steve Harrington is obviously in love with. The same girl Jonathan, your Jonathan, is beginning to fall in love with. 
Then you remember the hurt in Steve’s eyes when he saw Nancy and Jonathan together on her bed. The water suddenly burns and you gasp out in pain and adjust the temperature. 
You know that Jonathan would never do something like that, try to get with someone in a relationship, but lately it’s felt like you don’t really know him like you used to. 
Distantly you remember what Steve had said to you, how he’d seemed so hurt on your behalf, that Jonathan had “everything he could possibly want” when it came to you. Steve claimed you deserved better. You vividly remember that part, the way he said it with such certainty and sincerity that it had made your heart stutter for a brief moment. 
Dustin’s pounding on the bathroom door breaks you from your thoughts. “Dude, hurry up!”
You yell at him that you’ll be out in a second and nearly slip and die as you hurry to get out of the shower. For someone who swore last night not to let stupid boy drama not get in the way of finding Will, you’re really bad at doing it. 
As soon as you’re dressed and ready, you and Dustin bike to the Wheeler’s.
Mrs. Wheeler, as usual, answers the door and lets the two of you in. Dustin heads towards the basement door, but before he goes down you tap on his hat to stop him. 
“Remember what we talked about last night, okay? Friendship, it’s always worth it.” You tell him, and he gives you a nervous smile. He thanks you, takes a deep breath, and then heads downstairs. 
Once Dustin leaves you make your way upstairs towards Nancy’s room. You haven’t been there in years, so you secretly hope you’re remembering the Wheeler’s layout correctly. With every step you take closer to the girl’s room, your heart pounds within your chest. You feel the same wave of nausea that you felt last night. 
When you reach her door, you take a deep breath, just like Dustin had earlier, and will yourself to knock. You’re not sure what you’ll find on the other side of the door, or if you even want to know, but you remind yourself that you’re doing this for Will. 
It’s all for Will. 
You hear rustling in Nancy’s room after you knock, followed by a quiet “hide!” and a loud thud that you presume to be Jonathan. In another life you’d laugh at the situation, but hearing their frantic hiding only makes your nausea worse. 
“It’s just me,” you say through the door, somehow managing to find your voice. It’s weak and frail, but they seem to hear you regardless. 
“Y/N!” Nancy sighs in relief when she opens the door. “God, I thought you were my mom.”
“Bug?” You hear Jonathan’s inquisitive voice, and when you poke your head into the room you see half of his body wedged underneath Nancy’s bed. He gives you a sheepish wave and you find yourself suppressing a laugh. 
You let yourself into the room. “Great hiding place, bee. Mr. Wheeler would definitely never find you there.”
Nancy’s eyes suddenly widen. “Oh, we didn’t– it’s not like that, I promise. Jonathan was gonna sleep on the ground, but I was scared and I guess we just… Yeah.” 
You notice the way she desperately avoids your eyes, almost as if out of guilt. Jonathan is no better, his head ducked in shame as he also can’t quite reach your eyes. When he finally manages to, his smile is a hesitant one. “Her bed wasn’t the same as the bean bag, bug.” 
His words are meant to be a sort of peace offering between the two of you, you know this by the way Jonathan’s voice is soft and unsure. He knows he’s crossed an unspoken line between the two of you, and you’re too tired to argue. 
“Yeah, I’m sure it wasn’t.” You offer him your hand, which he gladly accepts, and you help him up from underneath Nancy’s bed. 
Nancy watches the two of you and the way you immediately fall back into your comfortable familiarity together. Jonathan stands slightly in front of you as he always does, he hasn’t let go of your hand just yet. You stroke your thumb across his fingers that are interlocked with yours. 
She clears her throat, sits down on her bed, and motions for you to join. “So, I guess you’re here for a reason.”
You gently remove Jonathan’s hand from yours and sit next to Nancy while he’s left to awkwardly stand before the two of you. “Well, yeah. You guys kinda disappeared on me last night.”
Nancy and Jonathan exchange an uneasy look, which only leaves you feeling uneasy as well. Jonathan walks over to her side so that now he’s standing behind her as she sits on the bed. “I’m sorry, bug. It’s just… well, last night was fucking terrifying.” 
“What happened?” You ask, now discarding your confusing feelings. Out of habit you find yourself scanning over their bodies for any injuries, just in case the two of them need any care. 
“The monster… we found him.” Nancy whispers. She tries to explain more, but the memories seem to come crashing back and she shudders. Without thinking, you grab her hand and try to steady her nerves; she smiles.
Jonathan sees Nancy’s fear and steps in to explain. “After you left yesterday, we searched the woods like we planned. We walked around for hours and found nothing, but then we found a dying deer and before we could kill it…” 
“Something dragged it into the woods.” Nancy finishes. 
You hold your breath, now very relieved you hadn't joined them last night.
Jonathan continues. They’d been separated as they looked for the deer and suddenly he could hear Nancy screaming for help, but no matter where he ran he couldn’t seem to find her. 
“I followed the sound of her voice, it was like she was right there, but she wasn’t.” 
Nancy sits stoically next to you, her eyes have glazed over. You feel horrible for her, and you vaguely remember something that Dustin had told you about the Vale of Shadows
The Vale of Shadows is a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of our world. It is a place of decay and death. A plane out of phase. A place of monsters. It is right next to you, and you don’t even see it.
Slowly you piece it together. “Nancy, could you hear Jonathan, too?” 
She nods. “I was in the woods, but I wasn’t… I don’t know, it was– it was different there. Cold, I remember it was cold.” 
“And it was just like home?”
“What…” Nancy looks even more scared now. “How did you know that?”
You glance at Jonathan, worried that what you’re about to say will cause a reaction. “Will said the same thing when El was able to communicate with him.”
“Wait a minute,” Jonathan interrupts. “Nancy was in the… the Upside, or whatever Mike and them call it?”
“The Upside Down,” you confirm.
Nancy shudders once more. “I think that the monster lives there, feeding on that deer. So if Will and Barbara are there…” 
She doesn’t need to finish the sentence for you to understand what she’s getting at. Anything that feeds on something as big as a deer is fucking terrifying. If Will and Barb are really stuck in that dimension with the monster, then all your cautioning towards Dustin about getting his hopes up makes you feel ill. 
Will and Barb are basically trapped in that monster’s hunting ground. 
“My mom said she talked to Will.” Jonathan reminds the two of you. “And Y/N, the boys claim that El can still find him wherever he is. If he’s alive, there’s a chance that Barbara is, too.”
“He’s right, Nancy.” 
Nancy shakes her head. “But that means she’s trapped in that place.” 
“Look, this may not sound reassuring, but we have El and the boys. They’re smarter than the three of us combined.” Nancy and Jonathan look at you like you’re insane. “I know they’re young, but they’ve uncovered more than we have within the same amount of time. They’re the reason why we know about the Upside Down, and as we speak I’m more than certain that they’re out there right now trying to find a gate to the Upside Down.”
You take a deep breath. “Now, do I think they’ll find it? Absolutely. But do I fear they’ll find something even worse along the way? Also absolutely. But right now we need to focus on finding the damn thing so we can kill it and protect the kids in the meantime. If we do this right, we can eliminate any possible threat so that when the boys inevitably find another way into the Upside Down, we can just walk in and save Will and Barb.” 
While Jonathan still looks at you like you’re crazy, Nancy clenches her jaw and nods at you. “We have to find it again.” 
Despite how obviously terrified she still is, Nancy’s bravery impresses you. In a way, you suppose that Mike gets his unyielding loyalty from her, which if someone had told you that last week, you would’ve laughed in their face. 
But now? 
You’re relieved to have someone like Nancy Wheeler in your life, even if her presence has created some issues that you never would’ve thought possible. For better or for worse, she’s fiercely loyal and determined, just like you. 
Jonathan studies Nancy, clearly still worried about what she went through last night. “You wanna go back out there?”
The thought of her going back into the Upside Down makes you nervous. “Do we necessarily have to send Nancy back there? Can’t we just like, I don’t know, summon the thing? It clearly likes hunting for food in this dimension.”
“‘Hunting for food…’” Nancy mumbles to herself. She knits her brows together, seemingly drawing some conclusions. “When I saw it, it was feeding on that deer.”
“Poor deer,” you whisper, and Jonathan shakes his head at you to shut up. 
“Meaning it’s… it’s a predator, right?”
“Right.” Jonathan says while you go “Unfortunately.”
Nancy is on a roll now, her usually confident demeanor now back. “And it seems to hunt at night, like a–like a lion or a coyote.” She grabs a textbook that had been discarded on her bed and flips to a page showing other dangerous predators.
“But don’t most predators hunt in packs?” You ask, which has been something on your mind recently. Sure, you know there’s a monster, but how can you be sure there’s only one?
Nancy bites her lip. “Yeah, but for some reason this thing is always alone… like a bear.”
“Honestly, I’d take a bear over whatever the hell we’re dealing with here.” Jonathan once again shakes his head at you, but you wave him off. “Let me lighten the mood, damn.”
“Thanks, Y/N.” Nancy smiles at you, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes before she continues explaining. “Jonathan, remember at Steve’s, when Barb cut herself?”
For a brief moment you see guilt flash across his face at the mention of that night at Steve’s, the photos he took, and he meets your eyes. “Yeah, I remember.”
“And then, last night, the deer…”
Now you’re beginning to understand. “There was blood, wasn’t there?”
“There was,” Nancy now flips to a page about sharks, which you can’t help but frown at. Maybe you really weren’t following along. She begins to ramble about how sharks can detect the smell of blood from a quarter mile away. 
“I thought I escaped all this science stuff when I tagged along with you guys instead of the boys,” you mumble, trying your best to follow along. 
“The thing can detect blood, bug.” Jonathan clarifies. 
“But it’s just a theory,” Nancy corrects, now turning around so that she can face him. 
They stare at one another, almost as if they’ve now synched together and created a world outside of yours, and once again you feel like there’s no room for you here anymore. 
“We could test it.” Jonathan says, still staring deeply into her eyes. “But if it works…”
“At least we’ll know it’s coming.” 
You notice how Nancy leans in close to Jonathan, more than she once did before, as if he’s her only source of support after what happened last night. In a way, you suppose that now he is. He was the only one there last night when the monster almost got her; they went through something horrible together. 
Something that creates a bond like no other. 
Suddenly Nancy’s door rattles, causing you to jump in her bed while she grabs for Jonathan’s hand. You don’t hear the exchange between her and her mom, too busy reeling over the fact that Jonathan’s fingers are interlocked with hers. 
Jonathan, the boy so against physical touch that the only person he lets hold his hand is you, which took almost a year of friendship to even make him comfortable with. Now here he is, holding Nancy’s hand after only a few days. 
Your heart hurts. 
You know it’s pathetic to be so upset over a natural reaction. Nancy has been through something traumatic and Jonathan had been the one there for her, so naturally she reached out for him. While you know it doesn’t mean anything, it still fucking hurts. You’ve always been secretly elated by the fact that you were the only one who received Jonathan’s affection, his forehead kisses and hair ruffles and his hugs. 
Holding his hand has become second nature to you, long familiar now with the way his fingers feel between yours. 
And now they’re between Nancy’s. 
“Y/N? You still with us?”
Nancy waves a hand in front of your face, and suddenly you’re aware of how long you’ve been staring at the two of them. “Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m here… still here.” 
“You alright, bug?” Jonathan asks, now a bit worried about you. 
“Peachy!” You try desperately to make your voice light, but the nausea that hasn’t left you since last night once again threatens to make you sick. “Enough about me, though. What I’m hearing is that we need to buy some monster hunting supplies. I mean, unless we plan on beating it with my humor.”
You wink at them, and while Nancy seems reassured by your bravado, Jonathan knows better. He raises his eyebrows at you and tilts his head and you know he’s asking what’s really going on? and all you can do is shake your head in a please don’t ask any more questions or I will sob right here right now way that only he can understand. 
Nancy doesn’t notice this exchange and instead gets up from her bed. “Well, if we’re going shopping for supplies then I should get ready. Y/N, I’m sure my mom will give you some pancakes if you ask.”
Right on cue, your stomach rumbles. “Thank God she loves me. I’ll smuggle some up for you, bee.” 
He thanks you before you and Nancy exit the room. She heads for the bathroom while you make your way downstairs.
“Y/N? I didn’t know you’d gone upstairs!” Mrs. Wheeler greets you and immediately you’re handed a steaming plate of homemade blueberry pancakes. 
Mr. Wheeler huffs. “Do we have to feed the entire neighborhood?”
“Good morning to you too, Ted.” 
The man glares at you as you thank Mrs. Wheeler for the food. You make up a quick lie about working on an assignment with Nancy and that you’d prefer to eat in her room so you can finish up an equation you’d been in the middle of. 
“So, may I bring it upstairs?”
“Well…” Mrs. Wheeler purses her lips, not too keen on the idea. 
You give her your best and most parent pleasing smile. “I promise I’ll be careful, not a drop of blueberry will get anywhere. Scout’s honor!”
“Oh, alright. But please tell Nancy that this will only be a one time thing”
“Of course, Mrs. Wheeler.”
You leave her alone with a grumbling Mr. Wheeler and a fussy Holly.
Nancy is still in the bathroom when you return and Jonathan is awkwardly sitting on her bed, looking around the room as if he’s in some foreign land. 
“Ya know, I’ve never been in a girl’s room before.”
“Gee, thanks.” You scoff at him, setting the plate of pancakes down on Nancy’s desk before digging in. You’re starving. 
“That’s not what I meant, bug.” He flashes an apologetic smile. “Your room is just… Well, it’s not very girly, is it?”
If you hadn’t promised Mrs. Wheeler you’d be careful with the food upstairs, you would’ve thrown a piece of pancake at Jonathan’s face. “Dude, shut up.”
“Shit, sorry.” He makes his way over to the desk and wraps his arms around you as he always does. “What I meant is that this room is so pink, while yours has more comics than I can count.” 
“Don’t forget Spidey posters,” you say with a mouthful of food while simultaneously handing a piece to him. “Anyways, I like pink. I think this room is lovely, honestly. I wanted to paint mine this color when we first moved, but Dustin said if I painted the room pink then he’d never hang out with me in there. Alas, I forfeited.” 
Jonathan laughs and accepts the pancake. “Him and the boys have you wrapped around their little fingers. You know that, right?”
You lean against him, relishing in the feeling of his strong chest against your back. “Mmm, I know. I’m a sucker for those idiots.”
Jonathan tightens his hold around you and draws you deeper into his chest. “I know, it’s what I love the most about you.”
His words are like ice against your skin and suddenly his arms feel suffocating around you. 
You clear your throat and lean forward to lessen his hold on you. “Right, well. You just love it because they listen to me and you can round them up better when I’m around.”
“It’s not just because of that, bug.” Jonathan draws you in again and you’re too weak to fight it. He rests his chin against your head. “I love how you love those around you.” 
The air has become thick between the two of you. 
The way you love people terrifies me, Jonathan’s words from a few days ago echo within your head.
So what’s the truth? Why is he saying all of this?
“Bee,” you bring your hands up and hold onto the arms that are still securely around you. You’re not sure what exactly you want to say, how to explain the warmth you feel for him that simmers within you when he says your name or the way it turns into a furious boil when he looks at Nancy like she’s the damn moon. “You promised you’d call last night.” 
“I know–”
“I was worried about you.”
“And then I ditched you.”
“Again, might I add.”
You put her first, you think.
Jonathan sighs and places a kiss against your hair. “I know.” 
A tense silence follows. Mrs. Wheeler’s wonderful pancakes now taste like cement in your mouth. God, you wish things could go back to how things once were. You miss when Jonathan could wrap his arms around you and the weight of it wasn’t so crushing with all its unspoken implications. 
“I’m sorry, bug. I really, really am sorry.” His voice is strained and he tightens his hold even more, as if to remind himself that you’re still there with him. “I was so scared last night, and had you been the one taken instead of Nancy…”
“But I wasn’t. She was.” You try to keep any emotion out of your voice. 
“I know… I just, I had to make sure she was okay. I promise that nothing else happened. You know that right? Just, please tell me you believe me.” His voice cracks and you finally turn around to wrap your own arms around him. 
“Bee, of course I believe you.” Your words are muffled against his stomach, but he hears you. He always hears you. 
You understand why he stayed at Nancy’s, you really do. But it doesn’t make the sting of it any less painful. You feel awful about what she experienced last night, no doubt forever traumatized by it, but the bitter taste of no longer having Jonathan all to yourself is something you’re still getting used to. 
“You forgive me?” He asks, so faintly you almost don’t catch it.
You lift your head up and catch Jonathan’s eye. “There’s nothing to forgive, bee.” 
And you mean it.
The smile Jonathan gives you as a response, the smile that has always made your knees weak, is just yet another reason why you can’t ever risk what you have with him. 
This may come as a shock to some, but you’ve never set foot in the army supply store. 
The place makes you uneasy. You’ve never been comfortable around weapons, and like you told Nancy earlier: if it ever came down to it, you’d prefer to use your charm (but mostly your wits) rather than violence. It just isn’t your thing. 
While you and Jonathan wander aimlessly around, Nancy seems to know exactly what you guys need. She begins throwing things into the basket around her arm without hesitating and you exchange a look with Jonathan. Clearly it’s a good thing you’ve wrangled Nancy into this mess. 
You wander some more and break away from the group, eyeing the insane amount of weapons, traps, and knives offered in the store. It’s overwhelming and you realize you have no real idea what you’ll even need. Guns unnerve you, the bat Nancy brought just seems silly to use. So what does that leave you?
Your eyes land on a knife with both its ends extended. Its handle in the center is a polished wood that’s a deep ember and the blades themselves are sterling silver that glisten in the dim store lighting. It’s a beautiful weapon. 
As you reach for it to inspect it, one of the store employees, an older man, walks up behind you. 
“That’s a switchblade. It was donated to us years ago.” You jump at the man’s words and he flashes you an apologetic smile. “Sorry, miss. Didn’t mean to scare ya.”
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. I’m just more skittish than usual this week.” You’re not sure why you admit this to the man, and when he gives you a curious look you clear your throat and change the topic. “You said this was donated?”
“Oh, yes! Here, have a feel for it.” Before you can stop him, he places the knife in your hands. 
Your fingers skim over the smooth wood and you notice some words engraved in it. The letters are scuffed, presumably from age. “Was there writing on it?”
The old man’s smile becomes a sad one. “The switchblade was from this old man, he made it for his wife and claimed she loved to keep him on her toes. So, he had the word ‘button’ engraved in the handle because–”
“She always pushed his buttons?”
“Yeah,” the man laughs. “That’s exactly what she did.” 
There’s a far off look in the man’s eyes, as if he’s remembering a warm summer day from his childhood; bittersweet and filled with fondness. He reminds you of your grandpa whenever someone brings up your grandma who died when you were young. You roll the blade over in your hands. “You knew the woman, didn’t you?”
“I did, but she’s long gone now,” he confirms, his voice wobbling.
“I’m sorry for your loss, sir.” You reach over and place your hand on his forearm, which he smiles at. 
“Don’t be. Martha would be glad someone like you has her knife, now.” 
You immediately drop your hand and try to give the switchblade back. “Oh, no, I can’t possibly take this–”
“It’s yours. You’re the only one who has paid any attention to it. I’ll show you how to use it if you make me a promise.”
Before you can argue more, Jonathan calls out from a few aisles down. “Bug? Where’d you go?”
“I’ll be there in a second, bee!” You turn back to the man. “What kind of promise are we talking about?”
“Bug and bee? Martha called me birdy because a bird swooped on me the first time I ever met her,” the old man chuckles with affection. “Anyways, promise me that you’ll use this with love. I may own this store, but violence never leaves much room for love.” 
The agreement comes easily to you. “Of course.”
And with that, the old man shows you how to flip the switchblade open. It only takes a simple flick of the wrist for the blade to glide back into the handle in the center, and with another flick they smoothly glide back out once more; the way the blades move in sync leaves you in awe.
“You can use both the blades or only one, but I sense that you know that things are always stronger together.” The old man says, a glint in his eyes as he hands the switchblade back to you. 
You smile at him and try it out yourself; the switchblade fits perfectly in your hand and you’re easily able to get the blades in and out. As you’re admiring the way the blades balance each other out, Jonathan appears by your side. 
“Hey, ready to check out?” 
You nod and thank the old man, who waves you off with a friendly goodbye. 
“Who was that?” Jonathan asks once you’re out of earshot from the man. 
You show him the switchblade. “You remember that theory you had about me attracting old people? You’re gonna love this.”
Nancy plops down bear traps, gasoline, and a multitude of other supplies she acquired while you were off talking to the old store owner. The cashier, a significantly younger looking man, looks at the three of you as if you’re insane. 
“And I’ll have four boxes of the .38s.” Jonathan says, and you flash the employee your award winning smile just in case. You recognize how insane this all looks.
“What are you kids doing with all this?” The employee asks, and you Jonathan both instinctively turn to Nancy for help. 
She shrugs, playing the question off well. “Monster hunting.”
The guy laughs and finishes ringing you guys up before the three of you head out to Jonathan’s car. He’s carrying most of the stuff in a box while you and Nancy start loading the bags into his trunk. You quickly help him with the box once you’ve placed your bags down.
“‘Monster hunting’?” Jonathan teases and Nancy just smirks. 
“How do you think that guy would react if he knew we were telling the truth?” You snort and Jonathan can only shake his head in amusement. 
Nancy laughs and bumps her shoulder against yours. “You know, last week I was shopping for a new top I thought Steve might like.” 
Hearing Steve’s name makes you freeze. You completely forgot that Steve had been there with you last night at the Wheeler’s. He had seen Jonathan and Nancy together on her bed. You remember the anger in his eyes and your heart sinks. King Steve would never just let something like that go.
“Hey, uh, Nancy?” You try to interrupt the girl, but she’s too focused on her story.
“It took me and Barb all weekend, it seemed like life or death, you know? And now…”
“You’re shopping for bear traps with Jonathan Byers and Y/N Henderson.” 
You grab at Nancy’s jacket to try and get her attention, but she only has her eyes set on Jonathan. “Nancy, I have something to tell you–”
“What’s the weirdest part? Me or the bear trap?”
“Guys I really need you to listen right now–” Again they ignore you, lost in their own little world that you still don’t have access to. 
For a moment you wonder if you even should warn them, but you know it’d be wrong not to. You could be imagining it, but your new switchblade almost seems to warm up within your pocket as if to remind you of your promise to the old man. 
Nancy’s eyes shine as she looks at Jonathan and you want to scream. Now is not the fucking time. “You. It’s definitely you.”
You clap your hands in front of their faces, finally breaking the two of them out of their spell. “Hey! Assholes! Trying to save your asses!”
Jonathan bats your hands away from his face. “What are you talking about?”
“Steve, he, uh…” You take a deep breath, trying to figure out how the hell you’re supposed to word this, before a car honks and some creep calls out to Nancy. 
“Can’t wait to see your movie.” The boy laughs, which causes your blood to turn cold. The Hawk movie theater, where Jonathan works… In a twisted way, Steve Harrington is a fucking revenge genius.
“What the hell was that?” You hear Jonathan mumble, but your ears are ringing. 
Nancy turns to you, now with distrust in her eyes. “Steve. You said his name.”
“Nancy–I, I forgot and–” You stumble over your words as the girl’s eyes harden. You didn’t mean for this to happen, you don’t know how you forgot. She doesn’t wait for you to finish whatever the hell you were about to say and starts running after the car. You’re quick to follow after her, already knowing what you’ll find. 
“Where are you guys going?”
“Just come on, Jonathan!” You shout behind you. 
Nancy sees the board before you do and the gasp she lets out makes you want to cry for her. There, in big, ugly red letters on the Hawk’s clapperboard are the words spelling out “All the Right Moves Starring Nancy the Slut Wheeler”. 
It’s an awful, awful fucking thing. 
And it’s Steve’s work, you know it is. 
You hear Jonathan gasp out behind you and you see the crowd that begins to form around the three of you. Everyone stares at Nancy and whispers cruel things about her and it takes everything within you not to cause a scene. How fucking dare they. They have no right. Steve had no fucking right. 
In the midst of your anger you notice the tears beginning to form in Nancy’s eyes and you immediately run over to her side and grab her hand. You pull her into a hug and whisper reassurances, promising her that it’ll all be okay. She lets you hold her and you feel so fucking awful. You should’ve done more to protect her. 
Then, you hear the distinct sound of a spray paint bottle rattling followed by Tommy Hagan’s screech of a laugh. Nancy tears herself from your grasp and runs into the alley where the noise is coming from. You follow after her and see Steve and his gang spraying even more things onto the Hawk walls. 
There’s a steely look in Nancy’s eyes and you worry for a moment that she might hurt someone. It’s not that you don’t think it’s warranted, but you’re sure Jonathan’s boss has already called the cops on the teens and they’ll be here soon. Nancy can’t afford to get into any trouble right now. 
“Nancy, I don’t think you should approach–”
She ignores you and angrily marches over to Steve. 
“Hey there princess!” Carol sneers, and you have to refrain from spitting on her. Right now this is about Nancy, you need to make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid and to also ensure she knows that you’re right behind her to support her. She needs to know that you’re here for her. 
“Uh oh, she looks upset.” Tommy teases. When he sees you, he lets out another cackle. “Holy shit, Harrington. You were right! Henderson really is a pathetic push over if she’s here with the girl who slept with her boyfriend!” 
Tommy’s words enrage you and you’re about to just say fuck it to your no violence policy when Steve shuts him up. “Knock it out, Tommy. I told you Henderson’s with us–”
Nancy’s slap catches both you and Steve off guard. Everyone gasps in shock but you start laughing, immensely proud of the girl’s strength. “Nice one, Wheeler.”
She spares you a quick glance before steering her glare back at Steve. “What is wrong with you?”
Steve clenches his jaw. “What’s wrong with me? No, what’s wrong with the two of you?”
“The two of us?” Nancy asks. Steve juts his chin in your direction and she turns around, now more confused and hurt than ever. “What does Y/N have to do with any of this?”
A lump of anxiety forms in your chest. “Nancy, I can explain–”
“I was worried about you,” Steve lets out a bitter laugh and distantly you remember saying those exact words to Jonathan a mere hour ago. You guess you understand the boy more than you may want to. “I can’t believe that I was actually worried about you.” 
Nancy opens her mouth to respond but Steve cuts her off, now walking towards you. “And you… I always knew you were too nice for your own good, but defending the girl who stole your boyfriend?” He hovers over you; you can smell his expensive cologne this close as he says his next words so low that they almost come out as a whisper, “well, I expected more from you, Y/N.”
You freeze, overwhelmed with his presence. He lingers, you’ve never been this close to him, his eyes are darker than Jonathan’s and filled with more disappointment than anger. You know he can see right through you in a way that fucking terrifies you; he knows. 
“What are you talking about?” Nancy exclaims, effectively breaking whatever moment was going on between you and Steve. He backs away, his eyes still lingering on yours, before facing Nancy once more. 
Your words catch in your throat, still reeling from your encounter with Steve, so it’s Carol who breaks the silence. “I wouldn’t lie if I were you. You don’t want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?”
“Don’t call her that,” you manage to say, though you can’t seem to stop looking at Steve, who is looking right back at you. 
“Speak of the devil,” Tommy’s voice alerts you of Jonathan’s arrival. You look up and see what the idiot has written on the wall behind him.
“‘Byers is a perv’? Wow, you guys are geniuses when it comes to insults.” You snort, feeling Jonathan place his hand on the small of your back to steady you. He can sense your anger brewing. 
“It’s okay, bug.” He whispers. You relax a bit into him, but you’re still fuming. Steve watches the interaction with an interest in his eyes that lets you know Jonathan’s tenderness with you has only pissed him off more. 
Steve points at the two of you, looking around at his friends. “Aww, how sweet. You guys see that? Tell me, Henderson. Did he whisper sweet nothings into your ear after he slept with my girlfriend?”
Both Jonathan and Nancy speak at once. He denies you two being together while Nancy now understands that Steve had seen her and Jonathan in her room last night. 
“Henderson and I both, actually.” Steve corrects, and you want to punch him. 
Jonathan turns to you, guilt creeping into his voice. “You saw?”
“Now isn’t really the time, we need to help Nancy–”
“Look, I don’t know what you think you saw, but it wasn’t like that.” Nancy says, looking at Steve and then you. “I promise, Y/N. Nothing happened.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Right, that’s what Henderon said. You just let him into your room to… study?”
“I was telling the truth.” You grit out, but Steve and the others ignore you.
Tommy steps in front of you and Jonathan. “Or for another pervy photo session?”
Jonathan steps towards the boy but you grab his jacket, not allowing him to go any further. You understand he’s angry, but just like how he won’t let you do anything stupid: you won’t let him, either.
Nancy shakes her head furiously. “We were just–”
“You were just what? Finish that sentence,” Steve steps closer to Nancy now and you find yourself preparing to step between them if needed. “Finish. The. Sentence.” 
The only sound in the alley is the sound of Nancy panting. She can’t think of what to say, what can she even say? Steve won’t believe her regardless. To him, she’s already done the unspeakable and hurt him in the worst way imaginable. You feel for the two of them, no one can possibly win in this situation. 
When Nancy doesn’t say anything, the angry expression on Steve’s face slips for a moment and you see the heartbroken boy underneath his mask. It happens only for a second, but you see it. You know you saw it. 
“Go to hell, Nancy.” He scoffs. 
“Harrington, you don’t mean that.” You say, trying to help him out. He’ll regret burning this bridge with Nancy, you can see how deeply he cares for her. He loves her, even if he can’t admit it. If he walks away now, he could lose her. 
While you’re talking to Steve, Jonathan breaks free from your grasp and pulls Nancy away, which only seems to upset him more. 
“You said yourself that we aren’t friends, Henderson. You don't know me. As for you, Byers, I always took you for a queer. I guess you’re just a little screw-up like your father.” 
Steve begins to push Jonathan now, but Jonathan has harshly grabbed your arm to pull you away. He doesn't want you involved in this, you know he just wants to get you and Nancy safely out of the situation, but you resist him anyways and try to push at Steve.
“What, you're gonna help your douche of a boyfriend?” Steve sneers at you, and Jonathan will definitely leave bruises on your arm with how tightly he has to hold you back. “Oh, yeah. That house is full of screw-ups.”
He pushes Jonathan again and this time you manage to spit at his feet. “Shut the fuck up, Harrington.”
“I’m just telling the truth. You know, I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised. A bunch of screw-ups in your family.”
Jonathan stops now. You do the same. Nancy sees this and urges you to keep walking, but you and him exchange a look. You hate violence, you really do, but the Byers family is your own family. Aside from how protective you are of them, you also know the anger that Jonathan has buried within him. If Steve keeps pushing it, you’re afraid of what Jonathan may do.
“I mean, your mom? I’m not even surprised what happened to your brother.” 
You hate violence. You could never, ever hurt anyone. But you’re starting to feel really fucking close to understanding why people seem to enjoy it. “Leave his mom and Will out of this.” 
Steve ignores you and continues spewing bullshit. Jonathan is tense next to you and it’s only now that you notice his clenched fists and his ragged breathing. Steve has gone too far.
“Steve, shut up!” Nancy begs as you now leave Jonathan’s side to begin pushing Steve back. A fight cannot break out. It’s broad daylight and too risky. You can’t let Jonathan put himself in danger. 
“Harrington, you need to leave.” You urge him as you push against his chest, but he just gently pushes you aside and follows after Jonathan.
“But the Byers?” He keeps hitting Jonathan’s back and you have to use all your weight to pull him away. It’s no use. “Their family, it’s a disgrace to the entire–”
Jonathan’s punch lands perfectly upon Steve’s face.
In any other moment, you’d find the accuracy incredibly hot. 
Instead you push the thoughts aside and rush over to him while Steve regains his composure. “Bee, listen to me. Cops could be here any second, you can’t fight–”
You scream as Steve tackles Jonathan onto the car and then the ground. Nancy begs them to stop and has to wrap her arms around you to keep you out of the fight. The sound of skin hitting skin sickens you. 
“Nancy let me go,” Steve lands another punch on Jonathan and the sound his head makes when it hits the ground causes you to cry out. 
“Y/N, Jonathan wouldn’t want you to jump in–”
“I have to help him!” The pure anguish in your voice is what makes Nancy finally let you go. You immediately rush over and try to pry Steve off of your friend, but he doesn’t see you approach and almost lands a blow at your face. 
Jonathan sees this and grunts out, “don’t touch her,” before punching Steve in the face once more and throwing him off. They’re both standing now as Steve’s friends egg the fight on and Nancy pleads for them to stop. You tug at the boys’ clothes to try and break them apart, but you know you’re weak against them. You force yourself to think of something else, and right as you’ve formed a plan, Tommy is the one who steps in and punches Jonathan.
“Get out of here, man.” Steve yells, not wanting anyone to fight his battles for him. 
You slap Tommy across the face. “Fuck off!”
The boy raises his fist to punch you and you don’t have time to do anything else besides flinch and brace yourself for the hit, but Steve intercepts it. “Tommy! I said get out of here!”
You’re in a daze as you process what’s just happened, but then Jonathan starts throwing more punches and suddenly Tommy has his arms around you to hold you back. You try to break out of his grasp, but he’s a lot damn stronger than Nancy. 
All you can do is helplessly watch as your best friend beats Steve Harrington’s face in. He lands one punch, then two, then three, and for a horrifying moment you’re afraid that Jonathan might actually kill him. 
“Jonathan! Stop!” You scream, tears now streaming down your face. 
He has Steve pinned on the ground by the time the cops come. 
“Shit, the cops!” Tommy lets go of you to help break up the fight right as the two officers arrive. They struggle to get Jonathan off of Steve and somehow he manages to punch one of the cops in the nose. Of course he fucking punches a cop in the nose.
You rush over to try and help, but as soon as the cops have Jonathan you feel yet another pair of arms wrap around you. You don’t know who it is, but they start to drag you away while the cops arrest Jonathan. You try to twist around to face your assailant, thrashing and kicking. “Why do you all keep grabbing me?”
“Fuck, Henderson! Stop kicking me, I’m already bleeding!” Steve groans, still carrying you in his arms as he and his friends flee the crime scene. 
You struggle more against him, but you’re exhausted from your previous attempts of breaking up the fight and you’re still crying. You can’t do anything besides making it extremely difficult for him to carry you and throw out a multitude of insults and cuss words. You have to get to Jonathan.
Once they’re a few yards away, they slow down and Steve finally places you back on the ground, though his arms remain around you. You manage to free your own arms and begin punching him in the chest. “Let go of me! Jonathan just got arrested because of you!” Every word you say is followed by a punch. 
“Jesus Henderson! I just saved your ass, quit it!”
“Saved my ass? You just beat up my best friend and he’s bleeding and needs my help and–”
“He’s a cheater! So is Nancy! They deserve each other and if you go back there right now you’ll be arrested and they’re sure as hell aren’t worth getting arrested over!” Steve is screaming at you and shaking you by the shoulders, urging you to understand. 
“How many times do I have to tell you I’m not with Jonathan? And you’re wrong! It wasn’t like that between him and Nancy, you have to understand that.” You scream back at him, faintly aware of Steve’s friends watching in the background. 
He runs a hand through his hair. “I’m not a fucking idiot, Y/N.” 
“You sure about that?” 
“God, you’re so naive.” Steve shakes his head. “It’s always the nice ones who are the most naive.”
His words cut through you; you look him in the eyes, “Get fucked, Harrington.” 
Steve lets go of you, surprised by your words while his friends gasp. “I was just trying to help.”
His voice is soft, as if he’s afraid to admit this to you, and you know that in his own way he means it. Steve had only been trying to help, but he hurt the people you love in the process. You hesitate, unsure how to respond.
Steve’s looking at you now and you can see all the cuts and bruises on his face. You want to wipe all the blood away, to stitch him up and place him somewhere safe so that nothing else can hurt him. You want to do all of this and more as he stares at you and silently begs you to stay, but you can’t. You shake your head at him and once again his mask slips; he’s just a scared teenage boy.
You want to reach out, to grab his hand and remind him that he’s good, but you don’t.
Instead, you turn away and run back towards the alley and Jonathan.
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⌑ taglist: @siriuslysmoking @sheisjoeschateau @myeclispedsun @innercreationflower @juhdoche @frostandflamesfanfic
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kayentokk · 10 months
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— Pairing; Izuku Midoriya x GN! Reader
— Synopsis; What’s wrong with me?
— Contains; angst to comfort, fluff 
— wc; 1062
— A/N; Idek where I pulled this from? Legit just sobbed, like what???
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He’s been like this all week, the normal soft toothy smile that always graced his freckled face was just not there. He’s hard on himself, but never this hard. You’ve never seen him this down. He’s always happy, or always cheering people up. That’s why it’s so off putting, you don’t know what to do in this situation because it’s never happened before. 
You can’t even fathom what you think it is. He’s been doing good at hero work, and everyone loves him. He creates as minimal damage as he can when he’s working, and other than the usual absurd comments about what he “could’ve done better” you haven’t found anything that could have caused him to act this way. It’s so bad, even Bakugo has laid off on his usual snappy behavior and the snarky comments. 
Whats weird though is how Izuku acts like everything’s fine, if you didn’t know him you’d think he was just a very chill person. He comes home, treats you the same, does the things he normally does at home, but it’s different. You even asked him what was wrong and he shook it off, with a not so reassuring smile, telling you “nothings wrong,” and that he’s “just tired.” 
Despite telling you that, even he knows he’s different. Honestly, he doesn’t even know what it is, something’s just wrong. He can tell everyone notices, but he just doesn’t know how to fix it. God, why can’t he just fix it? He doesn’t even know how to describe it, it’s like he’s just heavy. 
Even when he tries to smile or laugh, it’s not the same. He feels the corners of his lips lift, and his gums rubbing up his teeth, he hears the small chuckle his throat makes, but he can’t help to feel like it’s fabricated. 
With work it feels like he’s just going through assignment after assignment, doing them without a problem at all. If there wasn’t a problem though, then why did he feel this way?
You knew though, from your own past experience, that holding things in never helps. Eventually, it all just bubbles over and erupts like a volcano out of no where. That’s what you’ve been trying to avoid, you don’t want him to erupt because all he’ll do is feel bad about it later. It seems like that’s what it’s going to come down to though, because you can get anything out of him. You’ve tried everything, talking to him, comforting him, anything, and nothing worked. 
Today in particular though, Izuku felt he couldn’t do anything right. He already ran into multiple encounters today where people were upset due to the way he “handled” things, he was up to his neck in paperwork, and he was exhausted. None of this is out of the normal though, but he enjoyed it before. Minus the complaints, he loved his job but now it seems like a task or a chore. He didn’t know what to do anymore, he just wanted to go home, to you.  
When he arrived however, you were set on getting him to talk to you. As soon as he walked through the door you were waiting. The stone cold eyes and arch of your eyebrows gave you the look of determination. 
You marched up to him and immediately began trying to pry something, anything out of him. You began talking about holding things in, but he couldn’t even grasp what you were saying. He was watching your mouth and facial features move in slow motion. It was as if he was there watching himself listen to you talk, but he couldn’t actually hear you, and he wasn’t actually there. 
All he could think about was, you. The one person, one, he didn’t want to be upset with him. Was that too much to ask? 
 Apparently, it was. 
As soon as you finished the last word, seeing as he wasn’t responding, your heart dropped to your stomach. Looking into the battered, worn down, emerald eyes of the hero standing in front of you. You could see the water filling them as his body began shaking. 
You were taken back, and before you could get your arms around him, he collapsed. Into a sobbing mess on the floor. 
The volcano had erupted. 
He wailed unintelligible, broken cries of, “I’m sorry,” “have I done something to offend you too?” And the one that broke you the most, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
You crouch down to the ball he’s reduced himself to on the floor and hold him so tight in your arms, his knees weakened causing his body to go limp on yours. His head rests in the crook of your neck tears steady falling and dampening the shirt you have on, his shoulders shaking and stuttering up and down, and his breaths were shattered almost. 
You ran a soothing hand up and down his back whispering calming nothings of, “shhh,” and “it’s okay, let it out baby.”  
There on the floor of your entryway, in the calm boundaries of your arms Izuku feels, okay. It’s like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders, of what he doesn’t know, and he just lets go. Sobs and sobs until there’s nothing left to come out. 
When he’s done, he falls silent. His body still limp, until he lifts his arms and returns your embrace. It feels so warm, and so comforting. Something he hasn’t felt the past week. He quickly tightens his hold, and sniffles shifting his his face almost deeper into your neck, if that’s even possible. 
You just sit there, in the silence, enveloped into each other. Until he finally speaks, well tries to anyway. The wails he let out had cracked his voice, and made him rather parched.
“Let me get you some water baby,” you say in a hushed tone. So softly as to not break him, again. 
You try to get up, but he grabs onto you tighter. His fingers pull at the flimsy material of the shirt, and you relax back into his hold. 
“Don’t go,” he croaks desperately.
“I won’t, I won’t, promise.”
To you, it seemed, this was all you could offer him. This poor excuse for comfort, you thought, was all you were giving him. To him though, it was so much more. 
It was everything. 
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@\danowh0re for the divider
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unlimitedhearts · 7 months
I’m dreading the third game of Spiderman might kill off Harry :/ either he’s goblin (solo or probably along with daddy-o) and dies a la Hero Sacrifice. Or kept comatose and in the end with grim results the decision is to pull the plug on him. idk I feel Harry’s fate is doom and gloom. But they could have killed Harry at the end of this sequel giving a strong motivation for Norman to be the Goblin and hatred for Spider-Man…yet they didn’t. idk rambling thoughts. What do you think?
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Personally i can see both options. I saw someone in the tags of my last headcanon post say that it wouldnt make sense to save him from death in this game only to kill him in the next. On some level i get that, why wait when you could do it now?
I have two worst case scenarios in my head:
Harry wakes up from his coma w amnesia a la the third Tobey Maguire movie. Hes unaware of Pete being Spider-Man and Peter, thinking hes protecting Harry, wont tell him. This may cause a rift in their friendship when Harry finds out - or if Norman ends up going goblin and dies - Spider-Man is to blame in Harrys eyes and he'll go after him then. To me this is a tired trope of Harry getting an intense hatred for Spidey and wanting to kill him over his father. It always felt out of character for me and i truly TRULY hope they dont go this route.
Harry becomes the Kobold. In the comics, Kobold is essentially Harrys way of making the Green Goblin a good guy. If he still wants to fight by Peters side, he'll find a way to do it. Kobold would make a lot of sense to me personally, as it kind of continues their dynamic from this game. Then at the end theres a heros sacrifice to be made and Harry goes for it despite Peters protests. This would be lazy to me too though because he essential already did the heros sacrifice in this game. Seems like theyd just want us to have more time with him to love him even more, just to make losing him hurt worse. I wouldn't put it past an intrepid writer to think they could make it work, but it just seems lazy to me.
Actual best case scenario for me though? Harry wakes up as the g-serum is being injected. Hes against being his dads experiment all over again so he runs and finds Peter. Hes not aware of his pseudo-retirement, he just goes straight to the place thats always been his safe haven; Peters home. He asks Peter to hide him from his dad. Tries to explain everything but hes exhausted and frantic. Peter agrees and they take him into hiding.
Norman, ever the expert deflector, doesnt see this as a failing on his part. Hes convinced spider-man had something to do with his son escaping so he puts out a hit on him. Hes ready, willing, and able to capture and kill at least one of the two spider-men it doesnt matter. We see him pardon Wilson Fisk for this job, and when Fisk cant do it, he has to. Normans going to go Goblin. I know it, i can feel it in my bones.
Miles asks Peter to get back in action and he does. Fisk, plus potentially Otto again, plus this brand new villain in town is too much for any one person to handle. Heres where i see Harry becoming a "Guy In The Chair" for Peter like Ganke is for Miles. Two Guys in the Chair helping the spider-men is definitely better than one. I could also see Harrys goblin powers start to emerge but he keeps pushing them down. Last time he gave into power it didnt end well for anyone.
In an effort to not write out the entire plot of the game as i see fit (because itd be long and there are so many moving pieces and characters and IDEK WHERE THEYRE GONNA PUT SILK IN-), i think if Harry does take on the cowl he'll be doing so against his father. I think i see Harry becoming Goblin/Kobold to fight against Norman and ultimately try to help Peter/Miles. This is where i see Harry either accidentally killing Norman or Norman killing his son (and of course, blaming Spider-Man)
There is also room, in my mind, to bring back Venom a la Lethal Protector/Agent Venom. But tbh if they do, i would much rather Venom go to Eddie Brock or Flash Thompson. But thats just the separate Venom Fangirl Entity within me.
Ultimately my hope of course is that Harry not die and they dont go down that all too tired and hackneyed trope of Harry growing to hate Peter dor whatever reason. I truly TRULY hope they dont go that route it is just SO tired and lazy. I want them to stay close and loving. Whatever route they go with will be SO MUCH MORE IMPACTFUL if Harry Osborn lives and doesnt make a full 180 on his best friend for no good reason.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
What’s Your Name? (Aegon x Reader)
Requested by @justasmallbean : Idek if this is a request or not but please feel free if it inspires you but I just had to share my thoughts 😅Have you ever seen the magnificent century? It’s a Turkish drama and they have the most amazing Turkish bath/steam room in the palace. I couldn’t stop thinking about a OC + Aegon in a Turkish/Roman bath type thing in the red keep or somewhere. Like Aegons hair all wet and the steam 😩😏 like come on how could you not pamper him and have some smutty time in there. Ugh I’m depraved 😅 anyway I love your work so much xx
Thank you for the request and yes I have seen the show it used to play on a national tv channel here in Greece. Hope this is what you had in mind
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“Prince Aegon, welcome to Constantinople”
Aegon despised this trip, he could not fathom why he must travel so far away from kings landing in hopes for support of him when the time comes and he sits on the throne, his mother had talked his ear off about how a force from the outside that seemed to withhold a great power might be their only hope for their claim to be secured, the Turks have conquered a extravagant amount of land and had established themselves as a force to be reckoned with, it was only natural for the Targaryens to seek for their alliance.
Aegon smiled at the middle aged man, the man was taller than the prince, dark feature yet his eyes were a warm golden tone, his beard was thick and judging by his figure that king had a big appetite.
“Thank you, it is a… pleasure to be here”
“Good good”
The kings accent was thick yet his demeanour towards Aegon was welcoming, as Aegon took a look around he observed the outside of the palace, his mother was not lying when she spoke about the kings wealth judging by the looks of it the place was dipped in gold.
“You must be tired, wait”
As the king yelled something in his language two young ladies appeared, the king spoke to them as the servants kept their heads down and then patted Aegon to the back, Aegon jolted by power and understood that the man was quite stronger than Aegon thought.
“Follow them, we speak letter”
Aegon nodded at the king relieved that he was set free from the mans odd accent and barely spoke the language. As Aegon was guided by the ladies he was mesmerised by the form of luxury that the palace withheld, so many things were made out of gold, beautiful big paintings decorated the walls and there seemed to be a small garden inside the palace.
One of the ladies opened a door that seemed to be his chamber, Aegon noticed that the servant girls only looked down, one nor the other had looked him in the eye since they appeared, it’s not that he minded it just made him wonder how strict were the rules when it came to the servants here.
The ladies bowed before they left his chambers, giving him some much needed privacy. Aegon let his body rest on the bed for a while, the travel had been long and exhausting, he had to cross several acres of land to be here and naturally that took at toll on his body, then out of boredom he started inspecting and started toying with the decorations and peculiar little trinkets that were in his room.
A knock on the door put a stop to his new way of entertaining himself, as the door agape it revealed only one of the ladies that had escorted him here, her hair was (y/h/c) and her lips full and pink, the shape of them was what it intrigued Aegon, it was like an artist drew them to perfection, she still didn’t meet his gaze.
“Prince Aegon… bath”
If the king barely spoke Aegons language it was only natural that the servants spoke next to none, however he was desperate for a hot bath that would relieve his tight muscles so he put language barrier aside and only felt relief at that one important word the girl managed to speak.
Aegon was once again following the young lady, this time he decided to let his gaze scan her, she wasn’t tall or thin, he could see from her dress that it was quite loose meaning she was leaning on the curvy side he wager and probably a year or two younger than him.
He was stunned when he walked into what their version of the bath meant, the room was large and made out of marble, steam filled it while the smell of rose with musk hit his nostrils, the high temperature brought a sense of relaxation to the prince, “they even bathe like kings here” he thought. The lady stopped and stretched her hands, Aegons eyebrows furrowed at the odd gesture.
she muttered hesitantly, Aegon did not need convincing to take his clothes off, as he started to undress he wondered what their process of a bath was, stuffed with curiosity he made haste and stood fully naked as he left his clothes at the girl. With her one hand the girl pointed at the middle of the room and Aegon purely guessed that she meant that he should go and sit there.
He complied as the servant folded his clothes neatly and took them away, Aegon waited patiently for what was next since he was utterly unaware of anything here, he let out a breath of relief when she appeared again, he was starting to worry that the girl had left him to his own accord.
“Lay down prince”
Aegon did as he told, secretly he longed for her to scrub him down which, naturally when he was told to lay down it made him excited for what was about to come.
The girl had her hair covered with a piece of clothing now and she had folded up her sleeves to prevent them getting wet.
She had brought two wooden buckets filled with water and a medium towel, he watched her as she took out a small bottle and let the liquid run on one the buckets, as she continued with the ritual he listened to her hum a small tune.
The lady took the wet towel and placed it on his back, the hot water brought him warmth resulting a groan that came from the prince.
She seemed unfazed to the point that she did not stop humming her little song as she bathed him, she made sure the prince was covered with soap before she started massaging him.
“I should visit this country more often”
He retorted, she did not laugh or say anything, Aegon brushed it of with the idea that she did not understand what he had said. If he was honest the process of a woman touching and washing him in a marble room full of steam was arousing.
“Prince, face”
The girl motioned a turn with her hands, Aegon made and “oh” sound before he turned, his manhood facing her now. He was somewhat uncomfortable with how vulnerable he was still in true Aegon nature he took this time to eyeball the girl, her gestures were delicate as she proceeded with caution making Aegon understand that her morals were beginning to waver, what sealed it was when he caught her caught her eyes slip down at his private part more than once.
“What’s your name?”
“I, Aegon, you?”
He pointed at her
“Beautiful, (y/n)”
He noticed her cheeks growing a rosy colour while she struggled with hiding the subtle shake in her hands, Aegons hawk eyes though took notes of everything, how she bit her lips when she washed his thighs, how she looked up at him and smile in a shy manner, like a kid that got caught doing something naughty, Aegon sat up making the girl halt her movements.
(y/n) had heard of the princes arrival, every girl from the kings concubines to the kitchen slaves talked about how handsome the prince from the cold countries was and they were right. When the king told (y/n) she was to give him a bath and she had attempted to avoid it, she didn’t want to embarrass herself nor the king, mostly from fear of not knowing the language the prince spoke.
“You are very pretty”
(Y/n) did not understand him completely, only the word “you” and “pretty” those words alone made her blush even brighter as she nodded vigorously, a small “thank you” escaped her lips making the prince giggle at her timid behaviour, he was astonished at how they could not fully communicate yet the chemistry that lingered between them was obvious.
Aegon scooted closer to her, (y/n) grew anxious resulting to her taking in a sharp breath through her slightly parted lips when his hand touched her face. If anyone were to see them she would have her head cut off immediately, that was if she was lucky and the king did not order his guards to torture her.
“It’s alright, it’s just me and you… sweet (y/n)”
Aegon spoke in a hush tone as his lips grazed her neck, she let out a shaky breath at the feeling of him caressing her sensitive spot. She closed her eyes relishing the moment, her mind screamed as it warned her to ran away, to beg the king for mercy, her life was at stake yet her body leaned to him hungry for more, his hot flesh from the bath was fermented by the soaps she had used, the prince was irresistible.
“I…. Sultan”
“Shhhhh, I’ll protect you”
Aegon gave her one last look, her (y/e/c) hues had darkened due to lust, her breathing was shallow and shaky, Aegon took her hands and placed them on his chest as a way to show her it was acceptable to touch him, she did not pull away her hands nor her eyes, her bottom lip was again caught between her teeth, Aegon could recognised she was doubtful of what to do.
His name sounded divine as it rolled of her tongue, her beauty was magnetic and her aura bewitching. Aegons lips hovered over hers as he hesitated to kiss her, thinking that she may resist and might regret it, he did not want to cause her trouble or worst, he applauded himself for showing restrain for so long, her skin was so tempting it made him think of himself as moth that was willingly flying head first to the fire.
She agreed, in a blink of an eye Aegon had caught her lips in a hungry kiss, almost immediately her hesitant touch turned to grips as she collided her body with his, (y/n) had never felt lust before she was here to serve the sultan she was not a product of pleasure.
This sense was new to her, she could only describe it as her entire body was wrapped by flames and his touch was the only thing her insides yearned off. It scared her how a stranger her made her feel like an animal, she acted on pure instincts when she sat on top of him, straddling him as her hips acted on their own and grinned on his aroused nature.
Aegon had slept with many women, he was no stranger to undressing a lady as fast as it was humanly possible, once her naked body was revealed he saw that he stood correct as her figure was healthy and curvy.
His touch was eager as he caressed her from head to toe, he must experience all of her, how she tastes, how she felt, what she smelled like, every tiny detail.
(Y/n) was inexperienced he could recognise it by the stiffness of her movements still she had succumb to what her body craved, Aegon adored her impatience as she moved fast to guide him to where she wanted him. He tried to be as gentle as he could, he laid her down on the marble floor and the dimmed light that was a few rays of sunlight did wonders for her, she was seductive, lustful, as they kissed he gripped on to her thigh for more stability and moved down to suckle on her neck.
The soft and slow movements of his hips earned moans and slight groans of pain from her, Aegon had to shush her a few times when he quickened his pace, if he had it his way he would have let her scream in pleasure so everyone can hear what was happening.
Aegon himself got lost in the moment a while after, both of them becoming a moaning mess as they coupled, Aegon became tougher on her when she started biting his shoulder (y/n) was uncontrollable and she had the grown greedy, her extreme amount of passion intertwined with the sexual desire that was oozing out of her guided her through the unknown lands.
If anyone were to see them they would think they portrayed to animals fighting as pleasure and pain walked side by side at the sinful dance, the scene would make even the whores blush as the couple was so infatuated by one another, Aegon could swear a woman had never drove him insane like (y/n) did.
As his gaze was fixated on (y/n) the feeling of edging himself to climax made his vision slightly blurry, Aegon acted like she put him under a spell, he cupped her breasts and gripping her flesh with all his might, she was a sight for sore eyes when she reached climax, her moans were thunderous while she moved towards the wonderful feeling of euphoria
“Beautiful (y/n)”
He kept repeating, (y/n) surrendered to the feeling of pleasure and ecstasy, she reached for him as her hands cupped his face, he was a beautiful man, the man that showed him what it’s like to be worshipped, his golden locks were sticking to his face from the sweat and it gave him a more disheveled look, he was going mad over his new mistress.
She had heard the concubines moan when the sultan visited them, she recalled how she questioned why they sounded like that, now she laughed at them, the sultan had nothing on how Aegon treated her.
“They will kill us both if they find us Aegon”
She managed to form a sentence between her groans in her native language. It was his turn to question what was happening now, he let it pass since anything the girl had uttered sounded charming, the language was so erotic when she spoke it, quite frankly anything she did Aegon found erotic.
As Aegon climaxed a little while after her he collapsed on top of (y/n) right at her breasts and silently he prayed to the seven that his seed was not going to catch while he still was connected to her, hoping he can savour this moment.
They couple was dripping with sweat since they had been in the bath and them remaining as close as possible did not help, (y/n) brought up her hand to run her fingers through his hair still lost in the trance of pleasure.
After some time Aegon supported himself up on his one elbow and with his free hand he rested it on her cheek, his thumb drawing small circles on the skin of her cheek, (y/n) smiled sheepishly at Aegon, she had grown tired as her body had just experienced something so powerful for the first time.
“Yes Aegon”
Aegon smiled as she said his name, it sounded like a compliment the way she expressed it like she was trying to show him how she felt for him.
They both panted as they attempted to catch their breath yet they never broke eye contact, almost like if they looked long enough or deep enough they would find out things about one another, so many things left unsaid remained between them.
“What have you done to me?”
(Y/n) giggled because in her ears the prince spoke gibberish, Aegon joined her and they laughed together for a few seconds. Aegon took the liberty to lean down kissing her once again on the lips, the kiss was slow for the reason that neither of them wished to pull away.
“I have heard tales of how the women here do magic to men, are you one of them?”
The three words she recognised were “women, magic, men” which was something that did not make sense to (y/n). Aegon plastered kisses all over her face at the adorable act of her effort to follow his conversation, after that moment (y/n)s face changed from happiness to worry and pushed him away, she got herself up on her feet only for her legs to betray her and wobble resulting a yelp, Aegon caught her fast enough to wrap her in an embrace so she won’t hurt herself.
As he stared at her eyes once again it sunk in that people would start looking for them any minute now, reluctantly he helped her stand up and assisted her to put her clothes back on.
As (y/n) was about to leave him when Aegon grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to him to give her a passionate kiss, he couldn’t help himself when his hand went on her rear and squeezed it.
“At night, my room, do you understand (y/n)?”
“N-night, Aegon room”
“Good, very good”
Aegon was obligated to let her go, for the last time his hands took her cheeks and kissed her swollen red lips with force while her nails dug into his sides, (y/n) moaned in the kiss she did not wanting to leave his side, she wanted to stay with him all day. Her knees trembled under her dress from the new found activity alas she must pull herself together and never speak about this, it was their sweet secret.
“Go, go, I will be waiting for you my beautiful (y/n)”
Requests are open!
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jhscdood · 5 months
i woke up in a Bad Headspace today and imma use by blog to vent about it like it's livejournal circa 2004.
tw for discussion of medical stuff
- I hate xmas. I'm jewish but my dad is not and the pressure to have An Perfect Xmas every year and the disappointment every year just grosses me out now. Not even going to talk about american xtian hegemony but there's some of that in there too.
- Today i began to suspect that the awesome new migraine med that actually stops my weather-induced migraines might also be interfering with the efficiacy of my prediabetes meds. or maybe im wrong and im Just That Fucking Exhausted.
- Spouse spent all last week recovering from a severe medication allergy and hives on 70% of his body. and steroids Do Not Agree with him so it was just. a wild time. terrifying af. stood over him with an EpiPen basically the entire time.
- 3 days before The Hives, i scratched my cornea while pruning bushes and that right there is a pain i do not ever want to revisit. had to go to the optometrist and get The Goo.
- 2 days before Cornea i had my first Botox For Migraine treatment. 31 injections to the face, neck and shoulders. it stung but it was over in like 4 minutes. takes 3 sessions to start kicking in. sessions are 12 weeks apart. so i guess we'll find out in August if it's working.
- day before Botox i had an ENT appointment and he stuck a camera up my nose and then diagnosed me with a weird vocal cord paralysis thing so now i have to go back to speech therapy for the first time in 26 years.
- Week before that, saw my neurologist and she diagnosed me with a weird intermittent lazy eye / motion lag thingamawhatsis so now i have to go to an ophthalmologist AND vision therapy.
- That week I also saw my PCP and explained to her about the intermittent abdominal pain I've been having since like 2021. She took me seriously!!! Which is good!!! But now i am scheduled for baby's first colonoscopy. And i have to keep a food journal, which i HATE because food is STUPID.
- All of the above all happened this month btw. December 1-23.
- My final appt in November was yet another ultrasound of my former left tit because there is an oil cyst at the site of my top surgery and they are VERY SURE it is a benign oil cyst but the rules require them to poke it every few months for 2-3 years.
- Before that I had a 48 hour ambulatory EEG which was the itchiest i have ever been in my LIFE. That same week our basement stairs collapsed and a contractor had to come rebuild them (up! to! code!). That same week i also went to the dentist to get my crown fitted.
- I think my MIL was in the hospital that same week, too. so that's a thing that's been going on the whole time since then.
- I spent most of October deathly ill with food poisoning thst was originally misdiagnosed as viral. I ended up with a CT scan and colitis. and, eventually, cipro. it was the sickest i have ever been in my adult life. i would rather have mono again. i fantasized about those cholera beds with the hole in the center so you didnt have to get up to have your horrid dysentery. nightmare.
- The day before that hit i had ONE golden day where i felt good and had energy. we went to temple and i got glomped by about 10 different people. my 80 year old bestie kept finding me to hug me again. Rabbi hugged me super hard.
- Before that was a root canal, and before that was a tooth infection that took 2 rounds of antibiotics to kill, and before that was the original cavity filling that started it all. the dentist kindly comped me the $172 for the filling against the $3,800 bill for the root canal + crown.
- Before that? IDEK man. I have lost track. Somewhere in there i got diagnosed with insulin resistance which explained my HORRENDOUSLY TERRIBLE fatigue and cloudiness and waking up starving every 3 hours. The meds they gave me changed that literally overnight. it was a miracle. which is why im freaking out about the new migraine med possibly counteracting that. i spent the entirety of last summer in a fog. several of my very good friends visited and all i could do was nap on them. i couldnt go anywhere or do anything. it was a nightmare. i don't want to go back to that. but also i don't want to have a migraine every time the wind blows. but i would rather have a migraine 50% of the time than be back to that fatigue fogged state 100% of the time. nope nope nope.
- and amongst all of this, still having the seizures. they were going down for a while but the last week or so has been 1-2 per day. so. another checkmark in the "gee do you think you're stressed?" column.
- it is going on 10pm and I'm tired so i very likely have accidentally omitted several other things. to be fair to me, there's Quite A Bit to remember.
- so if youre wondering why i havent updated my latest fic, its partly bc i am TIRED and partly bc if i gave jason even a third of the health bullshit i have dealt with the past few months, it would absolutely defy belief. TWO kinds of eye problems AND a speech problem AND food poisoning AND dentistry?? surely no one in the world has to deal with that much!
sigh. anyway. thanks for listening. i promise i am stressed out of my GOURD but, shockingly, have not slid into any sort of depressive space. mostly im just annoyed. i spent today watching dinosaur documentaries and reorganizing my craft supplies.
tomorrow will be better. today just sucked.
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stranger-rants · 11 months
The idea of Eddie beating up Billy is really ridiculous because of all the reasons you've talked about in this blog, I 100% agree, but on a less serious note I cannot take seriously the idea of Eddie and Billy fighting because my first thought is them mock fighting and laughing to the point they're almost toppling furniture because one of them is keeping out of reach the casette they want for their road trip. Like. Yeah I know why they insist in Eddie and Billy fighting each other, but in my head they fit much more as besties? Or at least they would be neutral about each other? Idek
Play fighting is fun! Billy wrestling Eddie to the ground to get the cassette out of his hands, but Eddie being a squirrel who just contorts his body to get out of it. Eddie getting on top of him and trying to get the upper hand by tickling Billy. Billy screaming that’s not fair, then elbowing him in the ribs knocking him on his back. Billy taking the cassette and running. Eddie thinking he could tackle Billy, but his arms just loop around Billy’s waist and Billy swings him around like a hula hoop until he lets go or they both fall to the ground exhausted. Etc.
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vesora · 6 months
hi sora
thank you so much for your blog & insights! i love your metaphors especially the red & green color in different hands one, you really give amazing pointers
idek what i have to ask, i truly get everuthing and i know if i cant modify the current dream its probably because of my wrong identification with illusory ego
but iv come far in that, even the worst circumstances doesnt truly affect me now
i just dont get why im still witnessing this undesirable dream though
im sorry to trauma dump ahead
& TW
bt im stuck badly, my sister is extremely unwell for two year now and had tried to harm herself multiple times now (even today),
im alone (ended a 10 year long relationship) jobless and just fucked
[even all this doesn’t really hurt me as bad as it would have just a few months ago, it just seems like watching a tragedy movie]
but im def tired of this now. i’m 28 and its just getting too exhausting now, i know thats just ego talking and its all an illusion anyway but i dont know how else to convey the current situation
please guide me what am i doing wrong and what should i do to finally choose a different illusion
im sorry for oversharing
i urge you to read lester's keys to ultimate freedom, i think it could help you much better than i could
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