#identify theft
immortalmrwavell · 17 days
The Magic Swapping Stone
(Original Story posted July 27th 2021) This story has been Updated!
At 1 o’clock dead on, Dennis heard a loud knock at his studio door. He practically leap out of his desk chair and dashed over to the door. He already knew exactly who was behind the door and he couldn’t have been more pumped. As he swung the door open, there stood Steven, the massive hunk of a man he’d hired for a photo shoot.
Steven was quite a large and stocky man who’d been modelling for about just over a year now. He wore glasses and was proudly bald but to make up for it he had a thick rugged beard which along with his strong manly features made him the picture of masculinity. and that wasn’t even taking into account Steven massive build. Standing at a staggering 6’2 and weighing just over 300 pounds in what was mostly muscle. From the pictures Dennis had seen of him, he also knew the man was rather hairy underneath the tight black t-shirt that was struggling to contain Steven’s pecs.
Dennis was quick to let the model in before briefing him on what exactly they were going to be shooting. Steven already knew he’d be shooting for a men’s magazine as Dennis went in to explain they’d take a few shots in the studio first before going out to do some shots outside as well which Steven seemed happy enough with.
And so they got straight to it. They got on with taking some shots inside the comfort of the studio with Steven doing plenty of different poses that showed off his incredible form. Eventually taking off his tight shirt at the request of Dennis. As soon as he did though Dennis had to try and not stare too much at the man’s large hairy pecs as tempting as they were. Doing his best to remain professional as he took some rather flattering shots of the gorgeous male specimen before him.
After taking some more photos, Dennis decided it was time to move to some of the outdoor locations he’d picked out. Just before they left however, Dennis was sure to send a quick message to his buddy John reading “Now heading your way.” To which John responded with a thumbs up.
It wasn’t long before the two arrived at a train station only a 5 minute walk from the studio. It seemed to be all but deserted save for one man, seemingly in his forties, sitting on a bench in a green t-shirt and black shorts who glanced at them as they stepped onto the station. He seemed normal enough so Steven did pay him much mind.
Dennis informed the stocky model that this was where he wanted to take their next set of photos. Steven glanced around, looking a little confused as to why they’d wanna do a shoot on an old looking train station. Yet he didn’t question it. Dennis was the photographer afterall. He must’ve known what he was doing.
They began taking a few more photos, Dennis moving around Steven as the hulking man took up a few poses as per Dennis’ instruction. However while he was behind Steven and out of the bigger man’s field of vision, Dennis glanced over his shoulder at the man sitting on the bench. He subtly motioned towards Steven to which the man seemed to understand in a wordless exchange of nods. Little did Steven know that the man was actually Dennis’ good friend and the pair of them had a surprise that was gonna scare Steven right out of his own skin… so to speak.
Dennis quickly moved back around to the front of Steven again, taking more photos as inconspicuously as he could. Meanwhile, John stood up before slowly making his way towards the two. Taking small quiet steps as he crept up behind Steven. Dennis on the other continued to take photos, asking Steven to pull his shorts up a little to show off his meaty thighs some more. All the while pretending not to see John stood behind Steven, checking him out like a tasty piece of meat.
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It was at this moment that the forty-something year old reached into his pocket and pulled out a small purple glowing orb of sorts. John held it in his hand for a moment, looking at it before looking at Steven, then at Dennis. Dennis nodded.
Steven looked confused for a moment before suddenly, John came up behind him and pressed the glowing orb against his muscular back. Dennis watched as the two men were engulfed in a purple light until eventually…it faded.
“John! Did it work?!” Dennis shouted with nervous excitement.
Steven’s body looked down at himself in bewilderment before looking up at Dennis and grinning. “Oh you better fucking believe it.” He finally answered with a twisted look of joy spreading across his newly stolen face. Already loving the much deeper and gruffer tone to his voice as he spoke.
Those body swapping stones they’d gotten from that creepy magic shop owner had actually worked. John, a chubby forty something year old man had swapped bodies with a massive buff hairy model in his late twenties! It was a miracle!!
John started to feel up his new body almost immediately. Rubbing his hands though the abundance of hair that now coated his stomach before bringing them up to feel through his newfound forest of chest hair. All the while relishing in the feeling of solid muscle where fat used to be. Having a pair of big hairy pecs was everything he’d ever dreamed it would be. And the fun wouldn’t seem to stop there as John’s eyes wandered across his new arms. Scanning over his thick new biceps while taking note of just how large his new hands were. Before he could get any further however, he was interrupted by his former body.
“HEY!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?! GIVE BACK MY BODY!” the real Steven screamed in a blind panic.
John turned to face the man properly and smirked. “No can do old man, the orb I used to switch us is only good for one use. This is MY body now.” He stated as he brought his arms up into a double bicep pose and flexed them hard. “And I’m loving it already.” John said as Steven looked on mortified at the sight of a stranger piloting his former hairy Goliath of a body. Even starting to learn how to bounce his pecs thanks to the muscle memory. “Fuck yeah! I’ve always wanted to do that.”
During all this neither of them had failed to notice the quickly growing erection in John's white shorts. “I can already feel how huge of a monster this cock is! Way better than my old pathetic one that’s for sure.” John said while rubbing his fattening bulge through the shorts. “I haven’t been this hard in years!”
“HEY!! Stop touching my fucking cock!!” Steven managed to say through all the panic and confusion.
John smirked as he plunged a hand into his shorts and grasped his new pulsing cock. “It’s not your cock anymore. It’s mine! And can’t wait to start jerking it off and shoving it inside some hot dudes!” John taunted as he tugged at his now 8.5 inch cock. “But first we’ve gotta take care of you.” He said taking hand out of his shorts before beginning to stomp over to his former body.
Scared, Steven tried to turn and run but the fat middle aged body he now had was no match for his old body. John quickly caught him before restraining Steven. “Quickly Dennis! Now!” John shouted.
Dennis, who had been watching the exchange between the two men in wonder, dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a syringe. Steven’s eyes widened with fear as he tried to break free to no avail against his own beefy arms.
Dennis made his way over to the two of them, flicking the tip of the needle on the way. Getting up close and personal, he inspected Steven’s now flabby arm in an attempt to enter the needle safely. But despite his best attempts teven was wriggling far too much for him to get a safe shot. “John, can you get him to stay still?!”
“Well… I think I’ve got one idea that could work.” As John said this, an almost malicious grin began to form on his face. He carefully maneuvered Stevens head while raising up one of his arms until he was finally able to shove Steven’s face into his damp hairy armpit. Suddenly Steven was overwhelmed with the musky smell that used to belong to him. He didn’t know how to react as the sweaty scent permeated his nostrils. Part of him wanted to pull away but he didn’t have the strength as his nose was forced to dig deeper into his former armpit. This left Steven dazed just long enough that Dennis was able to stick him with the needle at last.
“There you go. Just fall asleep in your own musk.” John sniggered while continuing to hold Steven nice and deep in his pit. And slowly but surely Steven lost consciousness, leaving John to catch him before he collapsed.
“He should be out cold for at least an hour or so. Go sit him down on the bench you were sitting on earlier.” Dennis suggested.
And so John did just that, using his incredible new strength to lift his old body and carry it over to the bench. Sitting it down next to a brown bag Steven had brought with him. Inside the bag was some money, car keys, his home address and more so that Steven would at least have somewhere to go when he wakes. The train platform was normally abandoned so they figured he should be fine on his own for now. He wasn’t their problem anymore regardless.
“Alright let’s head back to your studio to pick up my stuff and then go to your place until my new memories kick in.” John couldn’t stop touching himself. Flexing each and every hairy muscle that he could. Groping his biceps. Kneading his pecs. Smacking his thighs. Everything about his new body just felt so euphoric. Not to mention the rush he was still feeling from stealing it.
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“Fine but as soon as you’ve got those memories, you’ve gotta help me get MY new body as well remember?” Dennis reminded his now hairy hulk of a friend.
John hummed in agreement as continued flexing. Adoring the sensation of his muscles rippling with pure power when he did. All the while his cocky as still hard as a rock and begging to be let out of its fabric prison. “Fuuuuck. Mind if I take care of this when we get to your place? This giant dick is driving me nuts. As soon as I bust a load I’ll be golden.” He claimed while not being able to help letting his hands wander south to caress his bulge.
Dennis couldn’t stop a small smirk from crossing his face. “Well in that case I suppose I’d better help you drain those bull nuts before you go crazy.” He cooed while taking John’s hand and dragging him in the direction of the studio. Already picturing the idea of having that fat stolen cock stuffed down his throat…
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angeltreasure · 11 months
Roman Catholic diocese in California warns about fake priests
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bl-bam-beyond · 11 months
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Episode 2
Last week Zee (RITCHANON SRIPRASITDSCHA aka FRAME) took quite a beating from guys hired by the enemies of his identical twin Sprite (RITCHANON SRIPRASITDSCHA aka FRAME also)
Sprite found his unconscious brother and was mortified by his condition.
Sprite gets Zee to the hospital and it doesn't look good.
The guys on Zee's volleyball team are surprised by the sudden change in their teammate as Zee (actually Sprite) arrives to practice volleyball.
Salmon (RUETHAAIPHAT PHATTHANANAPAPHANGKORN aka MIMI) tries to get Sprite in the right mind to pretend to be his brother.
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will0wisps · 1 year
Why are we literally the same person who did you pay 🔫🔫
secret :3
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synergytechmentor · 10 months
After Your Personal Details Are Compromised: Steps to Take and Resources to Utilise
In our increasingly connected and digitised world, data breaches and hacks have become alarmingly common. The repercussions of having your personal details compromised can range from identity theft to financial loss. However, it's essential to remain calm and organised amidst the chaos and take immediate action to mitigate potential damages. This article aims to highlight crucial steps to take once your details have been compromised, along with useful resources to assist you in this challenging situation.
1. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation:
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The first and most crucial step is to maintain a level-headed approach. Panic doesn't help resolve the issue at hand but rather impedes your ability to make sound decisions. Assess the extent of the compromise and evaluate what specific personal information has been exposed. Major areas of concern often include Social Security numbers, financial account data, and passwords.
2. Secure your Accounts:
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Change your passwords for all accounts associated with the compromised details, particularly financial platforms, email accounts, and social media. Enable two-factor authentication wherever possible to provide an extra layer of security. Remember to use unique and strong passwords that combine a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Utilize password managers to simplify secure login processes.
3. Monitor Your Finances:
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Keep a close eye on your financial accounts, including bank accounts, credit cards, and PayPal. Regularly review your account statements for any suspicious activity. If you observe any unauthorized transactions or withdrawals, report them immediately to your bank or respective financial institution. Most banks provide assistance for fraud-related matters.
4. Contact Credit Bureaus:
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In the event of data exposure, it's essential to notify credit bureaus (such as Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) to put a fraud alert on your profile and contact Action Fraud. This precautionary measure ensures that you are alerted if any unauthorized activities are attempted using your personal information. Additionally, consider freezing your credit reports to prevent any new accounts from being opened in your name.
5. Report the Incident:
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File a police report with your local law enforcement agency, even if you are unsure about the extent of the compromise. This report will serve as an official document that can aid you in resolving potential legal and financial issues stemming from the incident.
6. Utilise Identity Theft Assistance Services:
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Various organisations provide resources and support in the aftermath of a data breach. Examples include:
- Information Commissioner (ICO): Visit the ICO website and utilise their step-by-step guide for identity theft victims. They also offer a comprehensive recovery plan to reclaim your identity and repair any damage caused by identity theft.
- National Crime Agency: A user-friendly website developed by the NCA that helps victims report and recover from identity theft online. It provides customisable recovery plans, sample letters, and other useful resources.
- Victim Support (VS): VS is a charitable organisation offering information, assistance, and resources to individuals impacted by data breaches and identity theft. They provide victim assistance via phone, an online chat service, and email.
In conclusion, experiencing a hack and subsequent compromise of personal details can be a distressing ordeal. However, by taking swift action and utilizing vital resources available to you, you can significantly reduce the chances of identity theft and financial loss. Staying calm, securing your accounts, monitoring your finances, contacting credit bureaus, reporting the incident to the police, and utilising identity theft assistance services are all crucial steps to protect yourself and recover from a data breach. Remember, educating yourself about security measures and remaining vigilant online will help minimise future risks.
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Germans are really one of the best when it comes to making the most haunting stuff possible, this privacy campaign hits hard!
Don't post your kids on social media.
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Have you heard of the term "patterns mills"? These are shopfronts that quickly produce a pattern without any sort of testing or vetting, and then put it on the market with an AI-generated or stolen image for a very tempting price. Patterns produced this way are rampant in the cross-stitching world. However, I've recently noticed an uptick in these types of storefronts in the quilting and foundation paper piecing world. Since I'm well versed in FPP patterns, I would like to describe what an AI-generated quilt pattern looks like as well as provide other suspicious giveaways. AI will only get better, so while these mistakes are dead giveaways now, they might be fixed in the future. FPP patterns seem to be easier to replicate in AI than traditionally pieced patterns, which is why I will focus on FPP in this blogpost. However, you can apply the same clues to any sort of craft pattern (or really anything) you can buy online. Important: AI-generated images are not prohibited on Etsy. However, within their policies they state that you must disclose if you used AI within your listing, and these shops do not have that disclosure.
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Below is a listing for a wolf face FPP pattern. When you first look at it, does anything seem suspicious?
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First, I would like to draw your attention to the scissors in the bottom left of the photo. These scissors are physically impossible to use and are literally melting into the yellow cutting mat. The lines of this cutting mat are unresolved, as are the lines on the green cutting mat in the bottom right corner. These are your first giveaways. However, not all images have background sewing items that look a little funny. Let's take a look at the actual "completed quilt."
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The first thing I notice is that the only background seam line (from this apparently foundation paper pieced quilt) is the one in the top left corner. The seam is merely hinted at and does not go all the way to the edge. Additionally, I notice that the eye is too round. One could argue that the cover photo is merely an enhanced version of the completed quilt, but there are no completed quilt photos in the listing. Another clue for identifying AI generated quilt images is that there are a ton of colors/prints used. The prints in this image seem nebulous and the prints around the eye whiskers (?) lose a lot of fidelity. The individual fabrics themselves do not have consistency.
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In the image above, the things I notice are that there are curved seams within the gray and white colors. A typical FPP pattern would not have curved piecing interspersed between regular straight seam piecing. Also, piecing lines that are useless, especially visible in the bluish-gray piece on the left. The amount of piecing within that patch does not make sense. Below you will see another listing from a different Etsy seller.
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From afar, it looks really good. Plus, the seller has great reviews! And it's a Bestseller! But let us take a closer look…
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The first thing that sticks out to me is how the whiskers of the lion are resolved. You can see where they fade into the muzzle of the lion without a realistic piecing line. Some of the patches are straight up "smeary" and wrinkly, a telltale sign of AI. The program does not know how to accurately render the design so it creates an approximation. These are things that are hard to see unless you zoom in. Below is a listing for a legitimate lion FPP pattern from designer Pride and Joy Quilting so you can see the difference. It is clear that the first image is an actual completed quilt top.
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Beyond the AI-generated cover quilts, I'd also like to cover other signs of a pattern generated from a pattern mill.
For the lion pattern, the cost is only $8.63. This is very cheap for what is supposed to be a full sized quilt pattern with a multitude of templates.
Both of these sellers have very generic names. While not an immediate cause for concern, I recommend being skeptical.
There are no actual completed quilt images within the listing.
Both of them are considered "Bestsellers" on Etsy, but the shop with the wolf pattern only has 10 reviews. It makes me wonder about the disparity between "buyers" and reviewers.
The 5 star reviews for the lion pattern are extremely generic and talk only about "how much their friend Lisa will enjoy the pattern" or "how easy it was to download." These are not helpful for understanding the quality of the actual product. The 1 star reviews are way more descriptive about the issues the pattern has. This makes me wonder about fake reviews.
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Both of these patterns include a full layout of the FPP diagram within the listing. I personally would never do this and I don't know many designers who would.
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The lion pattern says this within its description: "Before making a purchase, we'd like to inform you about some important aspects. The product stands out for its template, design, and print quality, serving as a valuable tool for sewing projects. The instructions include two techniques: direct fabric marking (with visible stitches) and invisible stitches. Both are general guidelines and not step-by-step instructions. You can choose these techniques or any other that you consider suitable based on your experience and preference. There are no refunds for the digital file. We appreciate your understanding and are available for any questions." This demonstrates to me that the pictures are not accurate because they are clearly attempting to depict FPP and are hoping that you won't read the description until it is too late.
Why is every lowercase i in the wolf pattern missing its dot? Like, why? I find that strange and off putting.
So, how do you avoid accidentally purchasing a pattern like this?
The first step is gaining experience in recognizing listings that seem a bit fishy. Use the bullet points listed above to see what kind of feeling you get when looking over a listing. I also recommend finding out more about the designer from their website or from their social media. Not all legitimate designers have these necessarily, but it's a great place to start. Try messaging the shop owner on Etsy. Does it sound like they know what they are even talking about? You'll then build a good list of designers and shops you trust. A big and worrisome thing to remember is that AI will only get better and produce better looking images. This will make it harder to identify pattern mills by the image alone. However, the clues that I've listed will help if you put them all together and come to a conclusion. I suggest using them for all your online shopping. I hope this helps!
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djevelbl · 2 months
Storytime bc I can NOT keep this shit to just myself oh my god this is HILARIOUS
Ok so me my mum & dad we're talking about how children are different regardless of where they came from, right? and so my mum launches into a story (you know it's good when my mum, the beacon of memory in our household [seriously that woman forgets NOTHING] launches into a story):
She says as a set-up that my brother had one (1) temper-tantrum when he was preschool age and my father spanked him twice — he never had one ever again.
Then, it was my turn.
One day in preschool I, apparently, didn't wanna go home for whatever reason preschool-aged me thought was adequate for the occasion, and so I proceeded to have a temper-tantrum.
Quick context, I have a shitty ass memory and all I remember from things like preschool are like. two things and everything else I've been told — for example, I've been told many many times how I apparently had a deep seated hatred for this one little plasticy backpack/suitcase type combo that every time I had a temper-tantrum and I happened to bring it to school, bitch wouldn't leave the classroom without being banged against a couple walls at least.
So anyway, it's time to leave and I'm probably making my best impression of a radiation nuke alert going off; my dad's not having it tho — he tells me we're going home. I just wail harder.
Ofc, because he's himself and raised on a different mentality (not an excuse, just an explanation; don't lay harming hands on your kids ppl) he spanks me.
My answer?? I ran beneath the fucking school bus.
NOBODY could get me from beneath that bitch — my dad moved around that thing and I just scurried to the other side like an overzealous lizard, or maybe a rabid and feral raccoon; my grandma didn't even dare intervene, she knew this was a hopeless endeavor.
It took my mom noticing from her at-the-time job — which was close-by so she could sort-of see what was happening — to start leaving and think huh, the school bus ain't going home yet. wonder what's happening to get my havoc-wrecking ass hauled back home.
As my mom oh-so-eloquently put it: "she didn't even wanna go home with (dad), she had a murderous look every time the idea was brought up."
I was apparently basically UNINTELLIGIBLE when explaining the situation STILL FROM BENEATH THE FUCKING SCHOOL BUS, so the convo was something like:
Mom: what happened? Why are you beneath the school bus sweety??
Me: little child rabid noises, crying and screeching, it vaguely sounds like a velociraptor screaming actually
Mom: ok, and what did daddy do?
Me: even more unintelligible screeching oh my god is that even a language???
So yea, I was a rabid little preschooler huh
#me & my brother always brought problems back home#the difference is that my brother was the victim and i was most likely the perpetrator of said problems---#have i told ya that I've always had a nagging for completely senseless and irrational stealing???#but like. petty theft#I USED TO STEAL CRAYONS AND PENCILS FROM THE PENCIL HOLDERS BY THE CLASSROOM DOOR BY THE F I S T F U L S#yes. the FISTFULS#i was a rabid little gremlin child#i guess i identified a lot with [REDACTED] for a reason huh#both fucking menaces to society#the difference between us is that i would NEVER make fucking bomb jokes in the air port OR ACCIDENTALLY SHOW MY PASSPORT ON STREAM ????#babygirl you almost gave a heary attack to THE SAME OLD MAN#anyway#demon rambles™#demon storytimes™#<- new tag!#for when i go on irl tangents about when i was a little piece of shit#one day my brother will be famous. he'll tell The Dog™ story#and then I'll be able to make the fucking BEST. JOKE I've ever made at his expense#AND IT'LL BE OKAY BC HE SHARED THE STORY FIRST#wishing i get to see the day that joke is just too funny not to share. it's CRIMINAL to keep but it's his tale to tell#i am living proof that hitting your children is bad#who know#your child might wanna kill you later for it idk#i SERIOUSLY did NOT like that my dad hit me huh#like. he NEVER did it again relatively shortly after that#not even kidding#anywya so give a round of applause everyone. for my father being pathetic!!#also whoever guesses who i basically lokey kinnie'd gets a virtual cookie. a drawing as well why not#it'll be fun
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brainwashed-parxie · 3 months
Thinking about how almost all of my parxtwt mutuals blocked me the literal second I started posting about being a (diagnosed) hc-did system?? Hoping tumblr will be different!!
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catilinas · 29 days
lucius antestius gragulus my beloved lacuna of a guy
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artemisbarnowl · 7 months
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danipedrosas-boatest · 4 months
now wait a second..... you're not anna
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the-type-a · 1 year
Yeah, no. I don’t appreciate people claiming they’re the CEO of Duncney when I’m right here. Let alone commenting on my content saying they (the ceo) approve.
Honey lmao
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fragglez · 10 months
be gay do crime (signature forgery as i pick up my brother's package)
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panvani · 2 years
The specific type of person where they're reasonably likeable but you can still tell they get all their opinions from people on Tumblr
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bugsinthebayou · 2 years
Outside of the voice, what do you like about Nikola
her whole skinning people thing. its pretty cool !!
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