#idk Duke and Danny ship name
minnesota-fats · 6 months
Alright! Danny is dimension hopping and fines the dc universe or he was sent to the past to do something and ends up helping the hero’s with something.
Danny introduces himself cuz omg more hero’s!!! He explains that he isn’t from that dimension or timeline so his identity doesn’t matter.
Danny eventually goes back to his time/dimension leaving a Danny shaped whole and people miss him.
Eventually someone decided to look Danny up for shits and giggles cuz they miss him or something only to find Danny pre accident and ghost shenanigans. (Or just regular civilian Danny living his best life and not half dead)
What do they do?
What does the justice league, young justice, teen titans, etc. do when they find an alternate version of their friend (or crush depending on whatever the visualizer wants)?
Like I feel the internal conflict to be fascinating!
Like the moral dilemma of either just going to make friends and drag him away from a normal life or leave him be to live his life? Or leave him be to die a horrible painful way or intervene and risk the proper flow of time?
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cursedzucchini · 1 year
The power of polls is mine muhahahahha
Anyway I'm genuinely curious Abt this so.... Also idk if duke, Steph and Cass have official ship name
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five-wow · 5 years
sooo i’ve been woefully behind when it comes to watching new h50 episodes. at one point i watched half of 9.19 and then something happened and i had to pause it and apparently i never watched the ending, and now it’s a month later and the season finale airs this week, so i’m doing a mini marathon (of five episodes, so really mini) to get caught up!
which means there will be some posts with opinions on the past few episodes, so here are thoughts on 9.19:
junior and his father! they’re either again or still working on that deck, but it’s really nice that we get to see a little more of that, and that things seem so much better between them now, aww
djkfdj, duke: we have no idea who this dead guy is! steve: [looks at huge logo on front of the guy’s shirt] hm, maybe we should check that. steve, darling, that’s brilliant. i bet nobody else thought of that.
i have many, many questions about this drone of jerry’s that somehow maps the entire crime scene within seconds, but my main question is why this is jerry’s drone. isn’t this a task for the crime scene techs, like the missing charlie fong and presumably still present eric?
lou to steve: “bad never rests, baby. neither do we.” this was honestly a pretty cool line and i liked it, but it’s somewhat ironic to the hopelessly mcdanno shipping side of me that the showrunners have lou call steve baby in a danny-less episode. are they trying to convince us danny grew a foot, changed skin color and started wearing elaborately patterned shirts?
another thing i don’t really get: why is adam calling lou about a body? how is adam the first five-0 guy on the scene? like, did hpd decide to randomly call him first? even if they did, why wasn’t he then calling steve, who, it seems to me, usually coordinates team activity? i don’t get how the five-0 phone tree works.
“some of us weren’t blessed with the noshimuri cheekbones, adam.” they really like their look-how-handsome-adam-is lines recently, omg.
also, THAT STORE. the episode so far is pretty fun, but this is the first thing that’s really had me go !!! because, wow. wow. that’s... colorful. (and i SO WISH we could’ve seen danny be forced to set foot in there, HAH.)
tani and junior’s talk is so good!!! i love their heart to hearts and it’s always so sweet. also, tani going “can you fan me so i don’t faint?” and junior actually doing it is WONDERFUL.
okay, so, i don’t really like hirsch much (i would have been totally fine with him if he hadn’t always been so INCREDIBLY CREEPY around kono, and if that hadn’t been played off as a joke every single time), but that first shot of him where he’s really close in front of the camera did almost get me to laugh
hirsch: “... our mystery artist’s famously obsessive need for secrecy...” oh god is he going to suggest they found banksy?
update: no he did not! “brikz.” cool.
BUT THEN, almost literally the next sentence: “... works in secret, along with banksy...” HAH.
[around here is where i took my month long break, but i did rewatch the entire episode just now]
terrorists!!! of course there’s a terrorist.
WAIT. the supposed terrorist was NOT A TERRORIST. i am stunned and shocked and a little relieved and honestly, i like this story better now.
tani does something really really nice for hirsch (she puts his name forward for a job opportunity) even though she has absolutely zero obligation to him and he just kind of randomly dumped his troubles on her in that conversation earlier, and then he starts hitting on her. i am. so tired of that part of him.
okay, so junior’s dad suddenly having that breakdown over maya’s death that junior told tani he’d never seen his dad have was in all honesty a bit sudden, but i don’t care if it was realistic or not, because it was also very, very good. junior taking care of his dad, who’s been drinking and is finally crying, really hurt my heart in a good way. let that man show emotions! i’m glad junior is there as a shoulder to cry on! they both needed that!!!
a last thought: i guess it’s a side effect of the much bigger cast and the need to give everyone except danny a reason to be on screen in each episode, but i’m almost sad that this episode was another one with two huge plots just... happening at the same time. i feel like they’ve been doing that more often, and at least in this case, there was no connection between the two major plots. i feel like both the banksy-like artist murder and the hawaiian shirt murder could have easily carried their own episode. the way they’re going about it now, so much happens and so much gets skipped over because of time constraints and idk, there’s just wasted potential for more satisfying, well-rounded and fuller plots, i think. 
i lied, because here’s another last thought: steve looked kind of tired and bordering on annoyed for most of this episode. even when he smiled, it didn’t look like there was any kind of real humor or joy behind it. i have no idea where danny was supposed to be, but since they didn’t mention him at all i’m choosing to believe he was off-screen doing the prep work to make steve boatloads of pancakes when he comes home, because steve looked like he needed it.
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