#idk HOW and when he's gonna come back but... uh. aliens?
amandabe11man · 2 months
we finished season 4 of the x-files now and with THAT type of cliffhanger/plot twist-thing it's a good thing we weren't old enough to follow the show as it came out back then. hell, for those watching the show "in real time" so to say, they didn't know that it would go on for several more seasons beyond that point. to them, mulder might've actually continued being dead, OR the show could've been cancelled or something and he would've stayed dead too.
yeah it's decades too late but anyway, to all the x-philes (heh) of old: I'm sorry you had to go on thinking that mulder was dead for a while back then. but you made it. I'm proud of you <3
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heart4gyu · 1 year
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ten months love || heeseung x reader
note: i just thought of this out of nowhere idk but it turned out so cute ! it’s just sweet and lots of fluff ^_^ also not proofread per usual but yeah ENJOYY <33 wc: 1,889 words
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you didn’t meet in a really significant way. no meet cute or anything like that, just a shared class and mutual friends.
the first time you talked to each other one on one was at small house party. just a bunch of close friends, light drinking and hanging out.
some of you had decided to go out and sit by the pool, no swimming though since it was too cold. you all talked for a while, about anything and everything and had some laughs.
in high school you never really had a friend group like this, you were close and you knew you’d be friends with them for a long time.
one by one everyone started to head inside; “i’m cold”, “i’m gonna go grab another drink”, “ugh i left my phone inside” they’d say as they retreated inside the house.
then it was just you and heeseung. he was the one you were least close with. but something about him made you want to get to know him.
you were intrigued by him. the way he was loud and energetic around the friend group but reserved and quiet on his own or around people he didn’t know.
to your surprise he spoke first, “do you like legos?”
it was random and completely out of no where. you’d just been sitting there in silence so you wondered how he had gotten to that thought. you just wanted to know what he was thinking, understand what was going on in his head.
“uh yeah, i think they’re cool,” you replied, after a second .
the pool chair squeaked as he laid back, copying the position you were in. “i bought a new set, it’s a bouquet of flowers,” he said, looking up at the stars with you.
you don’t know why but it brought a smile to your face. “that’s nice… i’ve never built a lego set,” you said.
“oh really?!” he said, genuine surprise in his voice as he turned to look at you.
“yeah,” you said, chuckling a bit at his reaction. “i mean they’re nice to look at and all but i just never thought to build one myself.”
“well, why don’t we build mine together? you can come over after our class tomorrow,” he said, and the amount of eye contact he kept made you look away.
“i’d love to,” you said, looking up at the night sky then back at him to share an appreciative smile.
he smiled back before looking back up at the stars. and you two sat out there pointing out constellations and talking about aliens until it got late and too cold to be out there.
that weekend, he came over to your dorm and you two assembled the pretty bouquet together. you didn’t know how intimate building lego sets could be until this day but it completely destroyed any sort of awkwardness that was between you.
after the flower bouquet hangout, you two were practically inseparable. everytime you hung out, you brought up something that sparked your next hang out idea.
the first time you went to his apartment, you saw his toy story figurines and he suggested that over the weekend you two could have a toy story movie marathon. you talked about things you enjoyed in your childhood, then you mentioned the mario movie and you both went to watch that together too.
he said that he was really good at all the mario games. he said he was good at any type of games and you suggested you both go to an arcade to see who’s better. and when the day ended in a tie, he challenged you to a basketball match instead. of course he beat you, but when you suggested a volleyball rematch next weekend, there was just no way he’d beat you then.
and just like that, every weekend or every other day piled up and two months had passed. even if you didn’t hang out, you two would text everyday.
you texted about everything. your days, your favorite things, your families, your worries and fears.
you could and did talk to him about everything. and those two months turned to five months. and he introduced you to his brother when he invited you to watch him play basketball.
not only that but your girl friends started to tease you about how close you two had been getting. you’d just roll your eyes and brush them off, “it’s not like that,” you’d say.
you thought they couldn’t be more wrong. you really cared about him and now he was one of your best friends. and the way your heart fluttered when his hands would brush yours as you both reached in to grab popcorn or steal the basketball from each other or attach a stubborn lego piece or to press the arcade machine buttons had nothing to do with any growing feelings towards him.
no it couldn’t. he was your friend. and you’d never had a friend like this so you wouldn’t dare say anything to him to ruin it.
and as seven months passed your day hangouts turned into sleepovers. even on your first sleepover, you were already comfortable enough with each other to sleep on the same bed.
it wasn’t weird or awkward. it was actually perfect. you laid a good distance away from each other and talked all night. neither one of you stopped to watch whatever was playing on the tv.
you both slept over at each others houses all the time now. you had clothes at his apartment and he had a toothbrush at yours.
by the eighth there wouldn’t even be a plan, he’d just come over and you’d lay around on the couch, binging a new show.
or you would go over and get your assignments done at his place to help you focus more.
in the ninth month, you two were just basically attached at the hip, an accessory to the other, a package deal.
you would grocery shop together, study together, be each others plus ones at parties.
but it did get frustrating the more people started to ask if you were together together. you hated explaining to everyone that he was just your friend.
… though what you hated even more was when someone asked if you and heeseung were dating, then when you’d explain that you were just friends, they’d ask you to introduce them to him.
they’d ask you for his number or be friends with you to get to him. you didn’t know the feeling you felt in your heart in these moments.
he was your friend, your best friend. so it shouldn’t be jealousy… but you just wanted him all to yourself.
“i think he’s talking to someone.” no, you knew. you knew for a fact that the only person he spent his time with was you.
you lied and you felt guilty. you felt bad keeping him to yourself, knowing that you’d never ruin your friendship by letting yourself feel anything more for him.
you keep him to yourself because deep down you know that you are in lov-
no you couldn’t be in love with him.
you love him. just like any other best friends love each other.
before you knew it, you’d been friends with him for ten months. and you found yourselves right back in the same place you were when you had first talked to each other.
except this time, it was summer and you both sat at the edge of the pool, legs dipped into the water.
it was just the two of you outside, as you watched the sun setting in the distance. you don’t know when everyone snuck back inside but of course you didn’t mind.
there was quite literally no space in between the two of you, just how you always were. and you sat silently watching the ripples in the pool as you both kicked your feet around.
“you know, this is the exact place we were when we first really talked to each other,” he said, filling the silence.
a smile made its way to your lips at the memory, “yeah… ten months ago,” you said, turning to look at him.
his eyes finding yours, and you watched as his eyes dropped down to your lips just for a second. and you had to make yourself look away before the blush reached your cheeks.
he laughed awkwardly as he turned to look in the same direction as you. the sun was almost completely gone now. and for some reason the moment was tense as you avoided looking over at him again.
“back then, i couldn’t even think of anything to say to you. now, we basically live together,” he said. you could see him turn his head to you but you just looked down at the water.
the pool lights turned on then. “i know… i wanted to get to know you too, you’ve always seemed interesting to me,” you admitted, and he laughed to himself.
“can i tell you something? it’s a secret,” he said, angling himself so that he’s facing you more. you looked up him, a genuine look in your eyes.
“you know you can tell me anything,” you said, a sweet smile on your lips. he looked down at them again before he looked away.
“the first time jay introduced you to us, the only thing i could think was that you were the prettiest girl i’d ever seen. and that first time we talked, i only brought up legos because i wanted to build that bouquet with you. i wanted to hang out with you because i was crushing on you since i first laid my eyes on you,” he said, looking at you, hesitantly.
you couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth even though your heart was screaming at you to tell him how you’ve felt too. “… so all this time,” you started, still at a loss for words.
“yes… all this time. and the more time i spend with you, i think the more i fall for you,” he said, almost whispering. his cheeks and ears had turned a light shade of red, and he was fidgeting with his fingers.
you stayed silent as you thought to yourself what this all meant. “… uh- it’s- it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, i just thought you should know-,” he began to ramble before you cut him off.
your lips pressed to his, as you caressed his cheek with a hand. it was quick, just enough to show him how you felt. and when you pulled away, he was still shocked but a smile made its way to his lips.
he sighed in relief, leaning his forehead onto yours and holding the hand that was still on his hot cheek. he leaned in and kissed you again, more slow and gentle this time.
“if you’d have me, i’d really really like to be your boyfriend,” he said, leaning back and taking hold of both your hands in the space between you.
“heeseung, i’d love for you to be my boyfriend,” you replied, a soft blush rising to your cheeks. both of you smiling like lovesick fools, as he wrapped an around your shoulder to bring you into his side.
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nortism · 4 months
doctor who liveblog pt 22
s4 ep10 midnight
- i’m glad donna’s getting a nice holiday
- COLIN MORGAN OF BBC MERLIN FAME??! katie mcgrath next pls
- “ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon”
- oh god was she possessed
- that was such a good episode, genuinely unsettling
s4 ep11 turn left
- omg are we in a country that’s not the uk?? i didn’t know the tardis knew how to do that 😭😭
- oh never mind they’re on a different planet, should have known
- and billie piper!!
- oh the doctor’s dead
- get the screwdriver donna!!
- ROSE TYLER!!!!!!!!!!
- oh she’s vanished
- donna’s so funny
- NO MARTHA’S DEAD this sucks
- SARAH JANE SMITH’S DEAD?!?! this au is awful
- i love donna’s grandad so much it’s not even funny
- london’s gone??? thank god the world is free!
- not leeds
- uh oh america
- oh fuck jack as well
- oh great, now the uk is turning into nazi germany
- that’s a big old bug
- rip alternate universe donna
- BAD WOLF?!?!?!!????
- shitttttt
s4 ep12 the stolen earth
- oh fucj the earth’s gone
- ohh fuck the companions r all gonna come together
- oh yeah the whole gang in the opening credits
- oh great we’re gonna find out what a shadow proclamation is
- ofc the british are celebrating the end of the world by drinking and rioting
- ofc it’s the fucking daleks
- i feel like there was easy ways to exterminate the human race i won’t lie
- the crucible?? always with the religious imagery
- idk if i trust the space cops
- not the rhinos again
- ohhhh they’re building a mega planet
- for what it’s worth, i trust martha to save the world. she’s done it before
- the loss that is yet to come???
- also which god??
- i knew i couldn’t trust the space cops
- when he was a 90 year old teenage girl
- yay martha’s alive
- aww rose is jealous
- is everyone here a jones?
- he’s still thinking about rose 😭😭
- jfc what is that
- ewww
- oh my polycule did reunite, just under the worst circumstances possible
- noooo sarah jane
- whatttt
s4 ep13 journey’s end
- did he just regenerate back into david tennant???
- oh the whole gang is back together i missed them 😭😭😭
- oh donna i love u
- they gotta stop leaving the tardis lying around!!!
- that’s nice of the daleks to translate for different countries
- that’s a lotta daleks
- donna?!!
- DONNA?!?!!??
- hello is donna regenerating?!?!
- dw rose this is just an avg day for jack
- nah is the new doctor technically donna and the doctor’s child???
- pls leave my girl and her mummy issues alone
- oh they’re soulmates
- when did martha learn german??
- oh yeah on her world tour
- it would be cool if they subtitled the german bc i’m getting none of this
- not loving the sound of a reality bomb
- omg they’re disintegrating
- oh so we’re destroying all matter now???
- won’t this also destroy the daleks??
- apparently not
- oh fuck the whole gang’s been teleported
- it’s up to u now donna
- uh oh rip the other doctor
- uh oh rip donna
- this is a bit awkward
- the doctordonna
- they oppenheimer-ed him
- K9!!!
- finally an explanation for why he sucks a flying the tardis so much, he needs more guys
- he’s got the biggest family on earth 😭😭
- she’s getting her own doctor?!
- aww she got her kiss?? i think aww?! this is a weird situation all round
- oh no donna’s malfunctioning
- wait what
- is she fucking dead
- awww she’s forgotten him
- this is so sad
- aww granddad
- jesus that was bleak
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quodekash · 11 months
friends and foes, ladles and gentlespoons, humans and robots and aliens, i present to you: the very first line in this entire series.
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truly eye-opening.
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also LOUIS
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dunk with glasses is a gift we dont deserve but we do love it and are eternally grateful for it
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boy you're whipped already
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why are people attractive.
we have this bitch. we have dunk in glasses.
im dying over here.
"i booked the studio. and you're over by 5 minutes. how would you pay me back?" idk man, i think you should make out for 5 minutes. it only seems fair.
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(welcome to my blog, im obsessed with oishi despite never having tried it (YET, ill find an asian grocer with it one day))
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is this the library from my engineer.
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it is not the library from my engineer :(
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bro louis' character is such a mood in this
what is it with characters called pat and being me-coded
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interesting book placement, right next to the book theyre looking for
i get that its in the political section but i like that 'gender violence' and 'violence against lesbians and gay men' and 'breaking the silence: violence against women in asia' are just right there, like gmmtv is trying to say something
idk what theyre saying, im too tired to decipher it, but i think thats pretty interesting
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pls theyre gossiping about him on the bus and they have no idea that HES ON THE BUS and his reactions are so funny, i love him so much
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nice. very casual. he'll have no idea that you like him.
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THE CHARACTER PLAYED BY AOU? i forgot his name
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g u y
not kidding, guy is literally his actor's name
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i think it's entirely unfair that joong is so pretty and attractive AND he's so talented at singing. its very rude
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awww he caught him
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oh you think he's so cute (you're right)
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that conversation was literally
"punch yourself" "okay." "wait dont punch yourself" "so youve forgiven me?" "nope. now come with me to a room where itll just be us two and i'll probably end up serenading you with my voice and guitar, and itll leave you feeling really confused"
like. what the hell.
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b r o
theyre so queer and i cannot deal with it
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bro is just being so upfront about stuff, gosh damn. i could never.
also that line reminded me of "i just like to see your face (when you lose)" from bad buddy
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he's gay, hun, that's gonna be a little bit difficult
im not quite obsessed with it yet, but i suppose thats because there hasnt been a side couple introduced yet, and i am an unfortunate example of Side Couple Syndrome, BUT as of currently, joke and zo are lovely and joongdunk are lovely and this series seems lovely, and i am very excited for episode 2
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
ALRIGHT I know part 2 just released, but any theories for part 3?
OHOHO HELL YEAH >:) these may be a bit sporadic and out of order, a catastrophic amount of sillies, perhaps some hooliganism, etc, etc, y'all know the drill by now <3
[IJ part 2 spoilers, ofc]
Same cold open as always (in front of the whitehouse, etc) except this time its RON >:)
he MENTIONED being a huge conspiracy nut in college - considering he's most likely gonna remember elements of Reagan's script, I 100% believe he's gonna slip back into that.
WE GET A GIGI BACKSTORY EPISODE!!! Otherwise I will just start biting people
ok this is just a plea to the IJ writers BUT STILL
JUST,,, PLEASE </3 I want Gigi lore. Her character is delightful, and there's so much potential for interesting backstory. They've set up all these little threads [her working her whole life to get where she is but still being unsatisfied, 'I could get used to being unremarkable', feeling ignored] now I just want them to elaborate on them.
I might be biased bc I love Gigi to death but COME ON, IT FEELS LIKE SHE'S GETTING SHELVED SO MUCH!! I'm so glad she got to do more this season, esp w/ Reagan, but I'm yearning for lore
tldr. Give me a Gigi episode or give me death.
Air Bud (AB) and Alpha-Beta (AB). Can you see where I'm going with this can you see the wires crossing
I'm sorry but I need the silly robot man to get jealous of the team paying more attention to Air Bud than him.
I can picture it so vividly like a vision from an angry god just
'Of course we're a team! we've even got loveable non-human sidekick who grew beyond his original purpose, gained human traits, and became all the better for it!'
-haha, well, I wouldn't exactly describe myself as a side-'
'Air Bud :D'
'I beg your fucking pardon, Mister Hand?'
in short I need smb to offhandedly refer to Air Bud as AB, and watch this man have a cyberstroke from pure jealousy.
speaking of my favorite man,
I don't really ship them but the potential here is too powerful. I need to experience more of Whatever The Fuck Happens To AB's Mind When He Sees A MILF
Tell me it wouldn't be delightful to see this clown try and ask Tamiko on a proper date. Tell me that wouldn't be magical to witness. It'll be an absolute car crash and I pray the writers give it to us.
also because if (lets be honest, when) he gets rejected, his dramatic, self-pitying crywank moment is going to be. so good. Teenager sulking in their bedroom watching rom-coms and crying about how 'that was just like me and Tamiko 🥺🥺🥺' levels of pathetic. I know it in my heart of hearts. I physically can't wait.
I think overall I just want this man in situations. bad situations. bad not good situations where he will act both bad and not good <3
They could be anything from aliens, to time travelers, to 4th dimensional beings, robots, clones, ghosts, Just Some Guys (tm), to all of the above in some hodgepodge fruitcake situation.
I will however say that,, at least half of what the Robes told Reagan was probably bullshit. The stuff about all catastrophes having meaning? Not buying it, there's smth up here.
[ALSO,, I'm 90% sure that season 2/part 3 is gonna be the start to an actual Longterm Overarching Plot, which the Robes will no doubt be involved in. Please Please Please, this show is already delightful, and a broader plot would just. *italian hand kiss*]
JRand prison moments. homoerotic prison escape. two bisexual men pressed into a dirt tunnel, who knows what might occur in the heat of passion etc, etc
GLENN CHARACTER ARC!!! We're getting little hints at it,,,, he's tried shrooms,, he's growing closer to the team,,, the bisexual arc is right around the corner for this man I can FEEL IT.
I think we might see Atlantis? We've been getting more stuff about them, and since we've covered pretty much all other Already Mentioned Funky Locations, I think that's gonna be the Big Travel Episode next season!!
BEACH EPISODE!! PLEASE GOD!!! Either combined w/ the above, or separate
[Also, shamefully, I'll admit,,,, I kinda want a musical episode. I have no excuse I just think it'd be so delightful. Please Once-More-With-Feeling, Guy-Who-Didnt-Like-Musicals these bitches Shion, I know you have the power.]
A deep-dive into Andre's psyche. SO many things have been brought up, and I hope they really go in on them. He's coping in 1000 different ways and I don't think a single one of them is good for him.
HM. okie this is getting rambly - I'll probably add more within the next few months as these episodes congeal in my brain, but for now, tysm for the ask!!!
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go rush episode 63 spoilers
phaser's secret is revealed
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i'm going to be putting these here now. they're very funny
i missed the first minute but. uh copyko and some MIK grunts are chasing ranran and damamu, who escape
phaser faces yuudias and points at valvelgear and threatens some aliens ig. yuudias gets angy
somewhere else, ranran stares at the ohdo cards and has a talk with damamu about carding and nyandestar
meanwhile back with yuudias hes still having his dilemma BUT damamu comes to him in a vision(?) and tells him about how they can reverse the carding or some shit and YUUDIAS' EYES GO FUCKING RED
i missed some stuff but they duel and phaser summons his non-maximum monster from phaser v yuuga i think. yuudias topdecks overtrain/fullsteam and destroys that monster. RAINAC RETURNS and phaser tells some MIK grunt to fucking blast off the jersey brothers into space
meanwhile(again) we see myuda dinois and manabu's shenanigains again. some sword lookin ass ship drags zaida velgear off ig
phaser summons kraken, uses his effects, and equips him with some tentacle tip drill thingys.
with tremolo and the skyfish in jail, tremolo gets a flashback of his and phaser's past on some barren wasteland
MIK releases 2 aliens in a mall while doverap watches and flies off to go tell yuudias what he saw
the UTS adults get a pep talk from galixon and see that aliens are getting along with humans.
SHEWBAHHA'S HERE and brings DUDI NISHAW and sics insert green energy blast on phaser to turn him into chinese dragon thing.
the card showcase is on the equip and yuudias duels a legit dragon. we get some possible zwiyuudi stuff and a sus scene of the carded people
episode anectotes here v
the eyes go red thing are from damamu possessing yuudias??? i think??
phaser goes "when i take damage the aliens die"
shewbahha had a cameo(?) when zaida velgear was dragged off. didn't see that part
new abysslayer trap
the equip is called "abyss arms - madness shell"
uhhh idk if shewbahha's gonna eat phaser but. he's there soooooo
not as much to say here as 62 lol
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whimpity-whumpity · 1 year
List of my characters because even i forget sometimes and i do not expect yall to remember them when i dont even post abt them much. Will be updated as i remember more of them because there are quite literally hundreds rattling around up there.
Caleb (he/him, immortal, does not have a good time)
Sorin (he/him) (knockoff spiderman)
Lace (lab whumpee) (she/her) (also mind controlled via SCIENCE)
Tango (lab whumpee) (she/her)
Delta(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Yankee(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Charlie(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Lars (gladiator) (anxious big man) (he/him)
Elipso (satyr, emergency food) (they/them)
Emily (she/her)
Quinn (they/she)
Jakob (poor baby i hurt him so bad) (it/its but in a dehumanizing way, then he/him later) (he just wants to play his songs)
Donny "Trix" Riggs (he/him)
Ryder (any pronouns but I only use they/them because they'll stop letting me write them if i don't) (betrayed villain my beloved)
Amy (she/her)(???) (villain whumpee)
Bucky Ark Patton (he/him) (he works for Waylan!) (yes his initials are BAP.)
Arcturus (he/him) (utter asshole)
Esyn aka Emily (she/her) (shy but later also asshole because of how my power system works :<)
Sorin (really a sweetheart) (he/him) (he just wants someone to cuddle and is all kinds of fucked up)
Arson aka Gwid (alien) (they/them) (their culture has very very normalized violence and like. slave gladiators. its not great. they did not mean to come to earth. they hate it here.)
Riclle (vampire, the oldest) (he/him) ("gender? i'm fucking thirsty, fuck gender") (creepy whumper)
Tobias (vampire) (he/him) (pretends to be a creepy whumper, is just trying to protect his little brother)
Phil (he's a surprise tool that will help us later) (reference) (vampire) (he/him) (idk he might get deleted, i made him for a rp and he never really came back)
Sir Nicholas the 23rd (he/him) (PROFESSIONAL asshole. asshole EXTRORDINAIRE. i hate him so so much.)
Lukas (reluctant) (he/him) (crime family go brr) (he just wants to sell glowy clothes)
Harlow (doesn't like its job but gets paid well) (he/it) (only has this job to provide for his son)
Waylan (he/him) ("gender? is that uh, one of them new medicines?") (have you noticed i like giving assholes kids? have you?) (you will.) (her name is ronnie and i love her sm. baby. she kicks off his redemption arc.) (waylan 🤝 sorin fucked up childhoods)
Bucky (he/him) (hes literally that one stereotypical henchman i love him) (also hes trans)
Hadrian "Pike" whatever the fuck surname. (he/him) (basically he gets hired to kidnap people and keep them out of the way and or kill them)
Jude (he/they) (basically a supervillain) (feral) (but also wildly cheerful) (would just strap somebody down and sit on their lap and wait for the knife to wake them up) (giggles like a child while torturing people)
Quinn (they/she)
Sami (she/her) (Waylan's cousin, but she and the rest of the family think he's dead)
Karma (she/it) (hero) (bloodbender equivalent) (starts up a recovery center later <3) (also very much enjoys watching people in pain) (it hates that about herself)
Maewyn (vampire) she/her (successor to Riclle) (can't turn people)
Tobias (kind of) (vampire) he/him (he tries)
Donny (AU of Riggs) he/him (works in a temple of Melu!)
Ophi? Maybe? If she cooperates? (she/her) (Jakob's youngest sister)
Bucky!!! Ark!!! Patton!!!!! (literally he does anything his Boss tells him to hes so fucking blorbo rn)
Kypripos (Chaos and all not written below; Lord of Lost Things, Sky-Painter, and prankster. Father of Fathers, the First, etc.) doesn't really care about gender, goes by he/him through most of the story because their vessel is male.
Estor (Domain: History) he/him
Tai (Domain: War, grief, poets, and strategy) he/him
Rask (Elder Child of the Depths) xe/xem/xeir
Melu (Domain: Illness and Health, often credited with making ALL life) I've been referring to Melu with feminine pronouns till now but Melu just said no so I'm gonna just not until Melu finds some that vibe right.
Saras (Child of the Depths) Saras also sees no need for pronouns. Saras speaks in third person.
Ponma (Domain: Drama, acting, lies) (Dead) Whatever the role demands: he, she, they, xe, it, she delights in wrapping new roles around himself like a new cloak.
Rust (Child of Ponma, once known as Vera) they/them (clown)
Ent (Embodiment of "Chaos comes for all in the end") (Dead) he/they (never STARTED fights but would finish them) (same with pranks)
Misief (Domain: General mischief, pranks, laughter) (Dead) it/its (always started the fight/pranks)
Cosmo (Domain: All the things of the sky)(Dead) she/it (the token serious child)
Arcturus (Domain: magic) (dead-ish) he/him
Esyn (Domain: magic) she/her
Mara (Domain: destruction and rebirth) Similar attitude to Ponma, but less about new roles and more about destruction not needing a gender
Madac ("Sea-mother") she/they
Seli (Parent of selkies) ????
Spiren (Death) Spiren is older than the concept of eyes, Spiren doesnt give a shit. Uses "Father" in refrence to Bilen, Hen, and Renwick, though.
Bilen (Soul-chaser, "The Bear") she/her
Hen ("The Hare", Guide of Violent Ends) he/him
Renwick ("The Rabbit", Singer of Lives) (they/them)
Dara (Domain: Song) he/they
Julokal (Domain: Honorable Combat) she/her
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zodiyack · 4 years
Being Married To Henry’s Characters Would Include...
Requested by @cuisinequeen​: Hi, I love your work. I was just wondering if you could do a headcanon for being married to Clark Kent/Geralt/Sherlock Holmes/Napoleon Solo
Pairing: Clark Kent x Reader, Geralt of Rivia x Reader, Sherlock Holmes x Reader, Napoleon Solo x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, some references, trashy writing lol
Note: This doesn’t include all of his characters, so my apologies if I misled you with the title. Not all that confident in the HCs so sorry about that too
Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @simonsbluee​, @darling-i-read-it​, @fandom-puff​, @thewarriorprincessxo​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @maan24​, @beckster07890​, @missihart23​
Masterlist | Henry Cavill Masterlist
Clark Kent
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You know he’s superman, therefore, you gotta expect the unexpected
Kiss: Level 100
helping him keep his identity secret isn’t always easy-
you wanna kiss him even when he’s superman but fuck you need him to remain undetected
but you manage
Little hc of the first few months after getting married:
Clark comes home late after a fight you see on tv
you turned it off before anything else happened, too worried already
he’s beat up
your eyes are red and puffy with tear stained cheeks as you stand and cross your arms.
you bet your ass there were cuddles that night.
Later into the marriage, he still scares you like that, but you’ve grown somewhat used to it and wipe the tears away
He’s protective of you too though
Aight sorry, but the gif is making me addicted to Henry kisses so Imma say it again,
best fucking make out sessions ever
yes, I’m gonna say that for all four.
fuck it, Clark!Kisses HCs
they’re soft half the time, needy the other half
if he comes home from superman duties or you have a run-in with a villain, so on so on, his kisses are rougher, needier, more possessive
bitch, he just needs you to know he’s still alive 🥺😢
Henry in glasses really do be hittin tho.
Stealing his glasses
Calling him a nerd because of the glasses
Probably making it a small joke about superman
Especially with oblivious friends
“I think superman’s a nerd.” “why??” “I just do.”
Having to stifle your laughs every time someone gushes about superman in front of him
Clark has to hold you back so you don’t unleash your wrath of fucking doom upon some oblivious woman who wrote about superman in a news article
She wrote things that would make you jealous, like talking about how she’s curious to his personal life *wink wink* and stuff- you don’t just have a raging fury because someone writes about him
Superman this hoe
You’ve made jokes about how he has to take his ring off when he’s superman, but he’s got a feeling that you’re actually not kidding at all
Exercising with Clark
Cursing him out in breathy pants for being more athletic and cheating with his “alien powers”
he just laughs at you
Ah, the difficulty have having a husband with two identities
When you rant about your husband, it’s so hard not to fuck up and say something about being married to Superman
Forgetting that you’re one of the few who knows his identity
Basking in pride because you’re one of the few who knows his identity
One time, Clark forgot to take his ring off and the person he rescued had known him personally.
He asks where he got the ring-
“What ring?”
“The one on your finger. The wedding ring.”
It felt like his stomach dropped...if that makes sense-
Clark ended up making some random story about finding it on the same plane the guy he rescued was on and that he put it on so he wouldn’t lose it.
The guy still thought he was pretty sus, “why was it on your wedding ring finger then?” but let him off after some time
The guy gave it back to Clark in person, but you had no idea what happened,
so when he gave him the ring, you were watching with the most confused look Clark had ever seen
thankfully, he played it off well and informed you later
He forgot to take off his wedding ring? You ���secretly” fist bumped the air- ...he totally saw you though
Geralt Of Rivia
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I don’t think Geralt really expected to get married
Jaskier didn’t either-
He’s the only one who stands when the priest asks if anyone doesn’t accept... only to ask how the fuck Geralt got lucky enough to get you
Everyone laughed but Geralt, he just grunted and looked away with a lil’ bit o pink tinting his cheeks
You demand he lets you go on adventures with him
You also wash him after adventures
wink wonk ;)))
Geralt is a stubborn thing
You’re a stubborn thing
Y’all love each other
When I say that Geralt is a confusing husband-
I mean that he confuses the fuck out of you
“don’t do that”
few minutes later
“I thought you were doing that-”
“You told me not too...?”
“I don’t recall. Do whatever.”
Minutes later.
“What the fuck!?! Don’t do that!”
He’s hard to read and it bugs you
However, it makes a good game out of it
If he ever introduces you as anything but his spouse, you hold a bitter glare while internally plotting
Before you marry, Jaskier hits on you without realizing that Geralt is interested in you
He gulps nervously as soon as it hits him
You might just use that mistake as a way to get back at Geralt for not saying you’re his spouse
Jaskier pleads you not to
like for real
He’s in tears
Congrats, you have a stubborn manbaby for the rest of however long y’all shall live
Geralt is a little distant when it comes to admitting his feelings for you at first
When you’re dating, you’re all over each other
Marriage is that but amplified lmao
Braiding his hair
Teasing him not the wink wonk and getting away with it because you’re his spouse
If Jaskier said anything remotely close to the shit you’ve said, Geralt would probably choke him out
But then resuscitate him cause they’re bros
Seeing the softer side of Geralt
Sure, sex, but getting to know each others bodies? Yes.
His deep n husky morning voice telling you to “get your ass back in bed”
Having the excuse of “because I’m his spouse” anytime you do stuff people are too afraid to do
Jealous bb 1 and jealous bb 2 aka Geralt and Y/n
I think Geralt’s the kind of guy to just pick you up, ignore your flailing limbs, and move you out of the way
He takes shit from no one...well, from you SOMETIMES
Gives in to your requests with a sigh and roll of his eyes most of the time
He was protective of you at first
now he’s PrOtEcTiVe so uh
Basically, number one husband, number two bodyguard
you put yourself first for the bodyguard part, but Geralt doesn’t know that
Sherlock Holmes
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He asks your family for their blessing, then asks you-
I can imagine Mycroft just ranting away and Sherlock drops to his knee
“What are you doing?”
He ignores his brother and proposes to you
Mycroft is confused and upset because he wanted to rant about meaningless things and Sherlock decided to change the topic
Being married means constant visits from Enola
Probably being the “second parents” to Enola
Gossip with Enola and Eudoria about Sherlock and him as a kiddo
Kicking Sherlock out of the house for sleepovers with his sister
Helping Sherlock with cases
Dealing with Sherlock telling you it isn’t safe
still being upset when he’s right you know it
Finding Enola and Eudoria with him
Snapping at Mycroft for how he treats the girl and everyone else
Threatening Mycroft by just being a badass bitch and telling him to fuck off every now and then
Long story short, you make Enola laugh and Mycroft scoff as he walks away
He’s a stubborn bean, which now that I think about it- aren’t all Henry’s characters?
While he doesn’t say it much, he loves you
You get paranoid with this character too, as he does work that can be very dangerous as well
When he returns, he doesn’t say much aside from that he’s there now and that he loves you
cuddles with him whispering softly,
“I’m here now.” “I’m safe.” “I’m okay.” “I love you.”
Kisses in public either be quick pecks or minute long for goodbyes, but greetings-
especially after being apart for a while?
He comes home on the train and you’re at the station with his siblings
As soon as he spots you, he sets his stuff down because you’re already running at him
You jump into his arms and kiss him hard, not caring in the slightest about the other people at the station
It makes you smile every time he introduces you as his spouse
You’ve heard it so many times yet it still makes your heart flutter every single time
Napoleon Solo
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The amount of times you’ve just dropped everything and walked away because he was being ‘too serious”-
You say something, he takes it seriously, you groan and stomp away
But then you know you can do the same back to him
Napoleon is an all around awesome husband but he’s not going to just pretend to agree with stuff
Will correct you no matter how embarrassed you get 
Makes up with kisses or stuff idk
Let me be honest, I don’t know much about writing for Napoleon but he is an icon...sometimes
He’s protective
by that I mean he’s stubborn but really it’s his way of keeping you safe
Would probably lock you in your room even though you’re a, a grown ass adult, and b, his spouse for fuck’s sake?!??!
Doesn’t tell you when something’s bothering him unless he feels the need to
“I’m not a fucking mind-reader, Solo!”
“Neither am I but I still manage-”
He doesn’t mean to make you feel bad, he just- emotions and him aren’t the best of friends
Emotions aren’t exactly friends with most of his characters
He’d much rather just speak with actions than admit anything
Sometimes you worry that he’s just fucking with you
When he proposed, it scared the shit out of you ‘cause you thought it was a joke
Never admits to anything willingly...?
Yeah sorry...Idk, that’s all I got :\
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wyn-n-tonic · 3 years
For a Bit
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x gn!reader. Word Count: ~900 Warnings: Nothing super heavy, some mentions of death and grief. Author's Note: Hiiiiii. I would like to dedicate this to @wheresmyplums​ because she is a Bucky girl. And I guess I don't make it super clear that, um, ME TOO, BESTIES. This is the first time I've written for Bucky so, uh... go easy on me. I think that this might be the start of or part of a Bucky series. IDK, you guys know I do whatever I want whenever I want in whatever order I want. Anyway, love you byeeeee.
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“How do I look?”
You look up at his reflection in the mirror, “you look great, Buck.” 
“You sound sad,” his face turns to concern, “did I upset you?”
Laughing, you shake your head, “no, sweetheart, you didn’t upset me.” 
“Then what is it?” He steps forward as you turn to him, closing the distance between your bodies as you sit back on the bathroom counter, “if I didn’t upset you, I’d like to know who did.”
“Nobody upset me, baby,” smiling with him, you take the cool metal of his left hand in yours, “I just miss you.”
“I’m right here.”
“But how many times have we had this conversation?” You ask him, “asking me how you look is always a precursor to goodbye.”
“I'm not going anywhere this time,” he smiles, “without you.”
“Yeah, you’re gonna jet off to fight alien wizard terrorists with me in tow.”
“What is with everybody and the wizards?” He asks, “there are no wizards, stop talking to Sam, magic isn’t real.”
“Magic isn’t real?” You gesture to his arm, “what’s this then?”
“Science, you brat,” he tells you, “I'm trying to tell you I’m taking you on a date.”
“I'm meeting some friends in the city, sweetheart, we’ve had these plans for weeks.” 
“I know.” 
“I don’t have plans with my friends, do I?”
“Nope,” he shakes his head, gently snaking the artificial arm around your waist to pull you closer, “all me, all this time.”
“So you were the one who got tickets to see Legally Blonde on Broadway?”
“What,” his eyebrows knit in confusion, “like, it’s hard?”
He kisses you hard when your jaw drops, his scruff like sandpaper across your lips, breath caught in your throat, “finish getting ready, I’ll be waiting for you.” 
“Uh huh,” you affirm, turning away from him to hide your smile, “if the alien wizards don’t get to you first.” 
“Watch your mouth,” he points back at you as he leaves the room, catching your eye in that same reflection, “and I’m deleting Sam’s number from your phone!”
“You'll do no such thing, James Bucky Barnes!” You shout back at him, “he’s your boyfriend.” —————
“I gotta take a call,” he whispers into your ear halfway through the second act, “I’ll be right back.”
“Alien wizards?” 
“You're a pain in the neck, doll,” he kisses your cheek before ducking through the row with whispered excuse mes.” 
He’s not back by the time it’s over and everybody’s filing out.
You turn your phone on, no missed calls or texts to be found.
Grabbing your jacket and his, you make your way to the front to find him running back in out of breath, a look of apology on his face as he shrugs.
“I'm sorry,” it’s rushed and desperate as he jogs to meet, taking his jacket from your hands and pulling it on, “it was important.”
You nod, “I understand.” 
“You shouldn’t have to,” his hands come up to rest on your bare shoulders, the coolness of the vibranium sending shivers down your spine, “this is a weird situation, none of this is fair to you.”
“It's fine, Buck,” you tell him, “none of this is fair to anybody, look around,” you gesture to him, “you're a century old, your best friend went back in time after bringing back half the population—including yourself—from dust and,” you lick your lips, “there are fucking aliens and wizards.”
“Hey,” he makes a face, “that's not nice language, the alien wizards aren't all bad, I know a couple.”
“Loki's an asshole.”
He pulls you into him, kissing your forehead before taking your jacket from your hands to help you into it, “come on.”
He walks so slowly now, you’ve noticed. He’s slowed down since he came back, since he lost Steve. It’s like he has all the time in the world which, you guess, he does.
"Are you cold?”
“I'm always cold.”
He wraps his arm around you, your body enveloped in sudden heat.
“What the hell?”
“New upgrade,” he glances at you from the side, “you like it?” 
“I do.”
“Good,” he smiles, stopping in front of a random building, “you wanna go up?” 
“Depends,” you glance towards the sky, “what's up there?” 
He makes a face like he’s thinking, “couple suitcases and a helicopter waiting to take us upstate, got us a nice little cabin.”
“What about work?”
“What about it?” He asks, “it can all wait, god knows you did a helluva lot of it.”
“Five years was a really long time without you.”
He pulls you to him, lips pressed over and over to your hair and face and mouth in a bubble of heat radiating from his arm.
“My life has been made better by people who waited for me,” he presses his forehead to yours, “people who believed in me and I know haven’t given you much of a reason to lately but,” he takes a breath, “you have been and I can’t begin to explain the relief that washes over me every time I come home and see that you’re still there even on just regular days.” 
“Sometimes, I’m afraid to move in case you don’t come back again so I just… stay to make sure that you’re real and not just a ghost.”
There’s wrinkles around his eyes now when he smiles, lips stretching against yours as he pulls you to him again, “no more of that, just me and you for a bit, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you smooth your thumb along his cheek, gently cradling his jaw, “no more of that - for a bit.” 
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[(Bayverse) Optimus Prime x Reader]
A/N: Here’s some more Papa Bot fic. Should I make a bonus ending/part about them arriving at the gas station or some shit like that? Also this fic got out of hand and idk how it ended up like this. Hope you enjoy!
“Ugh...hey, Optimus? Can you roll down the window? I need some fresh air.” You mumbled out and leaned your head against the door. For some reason, you felt sick to the core. That’s probably because you were, in fact, sick. Perhaps it was something you ate for dinner yesterday? You did have a rough night trying to sleep. But at this moment, you just wanted to jump out of the moving vehicle, lay on the side of the road, and perish. Your stomach was not agreeing with you at all and begged you to purge out whatever was in it. Once the window was rolled down, you immediately poked your head out and took in a deep breath. Ah, that was much better. But that still didn’t get that sickening feeling out of your stomach. Maybe a nice bottle of water would help cure you. Your hand moved towards where the cup holders would be located and attempted to grab a bottle of water. Though, there was nothing. Looking back, you saw that you didn’t even bring water with you. Oh, right, you’ve forgotten. Earlier when Ratchet had suggested that you bring a couple bottles of water for the trip, you refused and reassured him that you were fine when in reality, you were just too lazy to carry them. In defeat, your hand flopped back down and you poked your head out once more.
Currently, you and the team were traveling to another city in a different state, as it was stated that there were some Decepticon sightings located there. This was going to be your first mission with them and after countless of merciless begging to go with them, they finally agreed to let you travel with them. Ratchet and Ironhide thought that it was a horrible idea, Bumblebee was simply ecstatic that you would get to go with them, and Optimus was just too tired to deal with your tantrums like a tired father. Who would’ve thought that out of all the members of the team, you seemed to be the closest with the Autobot leader himself. Anyone else would’ve thought that you two were polar opposites. You were a simple person that liked to joke a lot and showed some signs of arrogance while Optimus was more on the serious and wise side. Little did anyone know that you two balanced each other out. He kept you grounded to reality while you made sure that he would have fun during his time on Earth. Though your adventures with them have just merely started, you can tell that you’ve made an impact on the team. Everyone seemed more on the bright side, even the grumpy medic. They were happy and that was all you’ve ever wanted. However, your stubbornness and pride proved you not to be the easiest person to handle, like now.
“Hey, Optimus? Is there by any chance that you have some water on you? Not that I need it or anything like that. Buuuut... I might need it later.”
The old ‘Bot let out a heavy sigh and the whole truck rumbled along with him. “Didn’t Ratchet tell you earlier in the morning to bring your bottles of water? We’ve said it repeatedly that this would be a long trip-”
“Okay, okay! I get it, I was just asking in case you did have them. No need to go full on mother-mode.” You cut him off mid-sentence before crossing your arms across your chest and slumping into the seat. Moments passed by and your hands dropped down to your stomach and clutched the fabric that was in the way. Okay, you seriously needed to do something about this. You felt nauseous and each second that passed by was torturous. You wanted to tell Optimus about your condition, but c’mon, this was your first mission! You had a feeling that if you were to tell him about this, the team wouldn’t bring you to anymore future missions. And the main course hasn’t even started yet since you were still traveling to the destination. But was this really worth the trouble? I mean, even outside of these missions, you would still be seeing them.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that, it’s just- I don’t think I’m doing too well. I think I might have the stomach bug or something ‘cause I feel like I’m gonna throw up at any moment.” You half heartedly confessed to him.
At this statement, Optimus had wanted to stop the trip abruptly and check if you were okay. Guess you could say that this was his “mother-mode” or at least close to it. Worried thoughts bubbled into his metal head that he had almost forgotten to respond to you, almost giving you an indication that he was irritated and ignoring you. He would have Ratchet check up on you but then again, he only knew about Cybertronian biology, not human.
“Hang in there, [Y/N]. There’s a gas station approximately three miles from here. We’ll take a rest there and examine you.”
He then went on to accelerate his speed and over the radio, went on to report the other members of the team about your condition. You could hear Bee’s worried buzzing, Ironhide’s sigh, and Ratchet’s grumpy  grumbling of “I told you so” that was directed towards you. In response, you rolled your eyes and laid down across the seats, staring at the truck ceiling. The slight bumpiness on the road was somehow a bit soothing, but it wasn’t enough to put you to sleep. What you needed right now was a distraction. And what distraction was better than you annoying your guardian?
“Oppy.” No response.
“Timus.” No response.
“Hey, Boss Bot!” Finally, you got a response. He let out a surprised sound and you can practically hear the gears in his head turn. 
“What is it?”
“I need you to distract me.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
You were met with silence once again. He was confused with what you wanted. What did you need to be distracted from? You weren’t really doing much other than trying to refrain yourself from puking on him. It didn’t take long for you to notice that he was confused by your request.
“Just...just ask me questions. They can be stupid or not or whatever. I don’t want to focus too much on my nausea.”
“I understand. Very well then. How are your grades in school?”
You groaned and smacked the palms of your hands onto your face. You wanted to answer any other question BUT that one. Okay, so maybe you were lagging a little behind on your subjects than the rest of your classmates, but you could fix it up with a snap of your fingers! Or, that was what you thought. You’ve been so caught up with your alien friends that you didn’t think that school wasn’t as important as saving civilian lives and all that. 
“[Y/N]?” His deep voice pulled you away from your thoughts and you slid your hands down your face.
“It’s uh, it’s going...decent.” Wow, way to make yourself sound believable.
“[Y/N]...” Now there was a stern and serious tone in his voice.
“Don’t worry about it! I got it all under control. Go ahead and ask another question that’s not related at all to school.”
Once again, he let out another heavy sigh. He had a feeling that your reasoning for your grades being “decent” as you say, was because of him. He didn’t want to be the reasoning for you failing classes. What kind of guardian does that? Yes, he has the most fun spending time on you and picking up on your witty jokes, but he knew that if it ever came down to it, he would have to step back and let you focus on things that would matter in the long run. Even when it does break him.
“You need to take your school more seriously, please. You know what will happen if your parents were to find out about your grades dropping, correct? We won’t be able to see each other as much anymore. And as much as I want to be with you, I won’t hesitate to take a couple of steps back.”
That...hurt. You didn’t want to be constantly reminded of the consequences, but that wasn’t what hurt you. The fact that he said that he wouldn’t hesitate gave you a wake up call. You sat up from your lying position and looked at his radio with a panicked and disbelief look. You didn’t know what or how to respond to that. He was serious and you knew that. You looked away in shame and clutched your stomach once more. Optimus then moved his rearview mirror towards your face and saw how you looked. It broke his spark and he wanted to comfort you, but decided not to push further on the subject and change it.
“Is there anything you would like to ask that relates to me?”
You perked up at his question and had a surprised look. Honestly, you didn’t expect that at all and you didn’t even consider asking him questions. If you were to, you had wanted to try to avoid the more sensitive topics that related to the war on his planet and such questions like that.
“Hmm, you know how the Matrix-thingy chooses who the next Prime will be or something like that? Well, what were you like before you became a Prime?”
Like you were, he was caught off-guard by the question. It’s been a long while since he had spoken of his previous life. He felt a faint sense of nostalgia as he reflected on his past self. My, how much he has changed over time. Going from having a simple life to being one of the biggest roles in Cybertron history. If he were not in his vehicle form, he would’ve smiled fondly.
“My previous name was Orion Pax. At certain angles, you could say that I was more like Bumblebee: young and free-spirited. I used to work as a data clerk in Cybertron. My life was quite simple and ordinary before I heard of Megatron and came to a realization that I was not satisfied with what I was doing. That...is all I will tell for now.”
“Aww, what?! Come on, you can’t leave me hanging like that! What happened with you and Megatron? Pleaaase!”
“Some other time, tiny girl. Now, it is my turn to ask a question. Do you know what my favorite color is?”
Okay, now you were confused. Why would he go from asking a serious question to suddenly asking about his favorite color. Out of all the things he could’ve asked, he went for that one. Of course, it’s not like you were going to back down from something as simple as that. However, you had to take a moment to think. Did robots have favorite colors? Did they even have time to consider what color was their favorite? You couldn’t figure out what the answer was until suddenly, it hit you!
“Wait a minute, that’s a trick question! You’ve never told me what your favorite color was! You can’t fool me!” You accused as you pointed your finger at his radio. A deep chuckle came from the radio as you guessed right. 
“Clever girl. Well in that case, I might as well tell what my favorite color is. It’s autumn orange. It gives off a warm feeling along with joy whenever I look at it. Just like whenever I look at you. It reminds me of you.”
Your eyes lit up at his words and your cheeks flushed. That...may or may not be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you. Plus, it sounded very genuine. A warm feeling swirled your insides and a sincere smile danced across your lips. Who knew that an alien from outer space could be one of the most caring people (er- robot) you knew.
“Whoa, I definitely wasn’t expecting that answer. I didn’t know you had a sappy side.” You lightly joke. “But, thank you. That was really nice of you to say. And you should show your sappy side more often.”
“Heh, I’ll think about it.”
You then raised a hand to your mouth and let out a yawn. Optimus was able to catch it and moved his rear view mirror towards you once more.
“Am I boring you already?” He asked in a fake yet barely noticeable betrayed voice. There was a hint of amusement sprinkled onto there.
And you snapped out of your sleepy trance and sat up straight, all alerted. “Wha- no no no! It was just a yawn! I’m not-”
Your words were cut off when you heard laughter from him. Yeah sure, you’ve heard him chuckle before, but an actual laugh coming from him was quite rare. You laughed along with him until it died down.
“Alright, little one. Go on and get some rest. I’ll wake you up once we get to the gas station.”
You lied down along the seats on your back and closed your eyes. As your drowsiness was pulling you into slumber, you heard the radio turn on as lofi music played on a soft volume. Now this was most definitely making you sleepy. Soon enough, you were knocked out. Optimus silently hoped that they could stay like this for at least a very long time. With the both of you in peace, traveling in the middle of nowhere while relaxing lofi hip hop was playing in the background. Yet another moment that he gets to cherish for as long as he gets to live.
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
NCT Dream reaction to you getting your wisdom teeth removed
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babysitting the dreamies is part of his daily job so he thinks ‘how hard can it be to take care of you for a few hours pffft’
he’s never regretted underestimating you so bad in his entire life ◑.◑
you’re not just a nightmare
he was so embarrassed when he had to gently drag you out of the dentist’s office while you were crying cuz
“mY TOOTH!! mark, i lost my tooth, what am i gonna do?!?! i should have put a leash on it, i knew it!!!! now it’s gone and it’s all my fault!!!!” (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )
*ugly sobbing* *mark awkwardly patting your back while pulling you away from the scrutinizing glares of a few karens in the waiting room*
“mark. i didn’t even get to name it!!!”
poor bby cheetah mark is SO lost
“baby, hey, don’t cry! we’ll uh…. i’ll get you a new one!” ヾ(゚Д゚;ヾ)
you look up with your glassy eyes and your right cheek chubbier than your left from the cotton lodged where your tooth used to be, your bottom lip trembling oh so cutely 
and mark just…stops functioning for a moment because
“ rweally? would you really do that for me, markie?” (◞‸◟;)
 and he still insists he’s not 120% whipped for you can you believe it
he ends up piggybacking you all the way back home because your giggles were just too cute for him to resist so he can’t even get tired with how happy he is to witness you so carefree and joyful
and his heart just melts when you leave a huuuge kith with the loudest *MWAH* ever on his cheek and you nuzzle your nose in the crook of his neck that’s like the fatal combination of cute acts ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
in conclusion : this man just adores you with every bit of his heart :((((
probably asked kun to pick you both up from the dentist 
you’re just too much for him smh
you’re cute and all but renjun is a tired uncle
so you’re both in the backseat with kun as your driver and it’s silent
renjun just knows something is wrong there’s no way you’re so calm 
but you’re just staring at him like ◎_◎
“uh..babe, you alright?”
silence and then *GASP*
renjun just knows he’s about to facepalm himself into another dimension when you grip his cheeks in both hands
“you’re a fAIRY!!!!!!!” (*゚ロ゚)
*sigh* *muffled words* “y/n let’s calm down and just-”
he doesn’t get another word out before you shove his face in your lap and literally raise his shirt up to the nape of his neck
damn beach you know what you want huh go off
“where are they???!!?!?! where are you hiding them you impostor??!!!?”
and then you start slapping his back
renjun is this 👌 close to knocking you out for good with a karate chop
so he just pushes you off and straps you to your seat with a second safety belt as he huffs under his breath
“i can’t guarantee you’ll live to see next week” (⊙_◎)
kun watching in the rear mirror like (͡°͜ʖ͡°)
“you know what? i’d really eat some chicken wings right now!! jun, let’s go get chicken wings!!!” ⊂((・▽・))⊃
he’s surprised you even remember his name
but you eventually exhaust yourself and pass out in the backseat of the car so renjun and kun drag you to bed 
and renjun just tucks you in like the soft loving boyfriend that he is
and he just stares at you fondly and smooches you all over your face cuz
“how tf can you be so cute, you lil overexcited evil? you’re like the cutest thing in the world and it just!!!not!!!fair!!!!!” (♡ ‸ ♡ )
so even though he complains about you a lot, he’d sell his kidney just to see his lil cute bub happy i’m so soft :((((
Lee Jeno
“let’s go to the playground!!”
“y/n, no, let’s go home and put some ice on that cheek”
“but baaaabe i wanna go one the swing” ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
“then we’ll have to ice both cheeks”
“what did ya say???!!?!”
so jeno’s headache only worsened once you both arrived home with no prior stop to the playground
and as much as he loves you he also wants to bang his head against a wall and end his suffering yay o((*^▽^*))o
“just stay still for a second please, i’m really trying to tie this thing properly around your head”
you’re just so restless and jeno is just so done
“does it hurt?”
“ywes, my heart hurts because my own boyfriend doesn’t love me!!!”
“y/n, we already had this conversation, now just-”
“i just wanted a swing!!!” *bursts into tears* *jeno sighs half of his soul out* ଽ (৺ੋ ௦ ৺ੋ )৴
so jeno sits down beside you and pulls you into his lap gently, rocking you back and forth in an attempt to soothe your sobs jeno best boyfriend no cap
“there there, baby, we can’t go out-” *sobs intensify* “BUT i promise i’ll get you a swing right here if you let me take care of you first”
you leech yourself onto jeno’s sleeve and wipe your tears on his shirt but he doesn’t seem to mind the wet patch left on the material as he watches you with that soft look of his (´-ω-`)
so you let him patch you up after his reassurance and after he just pats your head affectionately and motions for you to stand up
and this man just flexes his arms and nudges you to latch on
that’s how jeno ends up with a squealing you as you swing back and forth with your fingers gripping his arm ╰(✧∇✧╰)
Lee Haechan
you want to pretty him up
because “since my left cheek looks like it’s stuffed with a tennis ball, i can’t carry the visuals in this relationship for a while, so i need to hand the responsibility over to you”
“who even said you’re the one carrying the visuals” ℃ↂ_ↂ
“oh honey you’re only now realizing?”
he blames the anesthesia for your severe accusations
but the only way to shut you up is give in to your wishes
so that’s how he found himself seated down on the carpet of your home with your legs draped over his and your totally professional make up applied over his face
“i look like a clown”
“not even make up can cover your true identity, hyuck”
deep breaths, donghyuck, in and out, take it easy (◎ω◎*)
“any preferences for the nail polish color?”
“to match my soul”
“so hot pink” o(≧∇≦o)
*poker face* “you know i could obliviate you if i wanted to clown you”
*pout that hurts hyuck’s lil heart* “but you wouldn’t do that to your hurting baby, would you” *blinks rapidly with puppy eyes*
“you bet i would” (no he wouldn’t you’re just too cute and he loves you too much) *totally not whipped (♥ω♥*)*
painting his nails is the hugest struggle in your entire life
on second thought, mercy is no longer available for you
“hyuck, you should tape your fingers so you won’t bite your nails like a preschooler anymore”
“i’ll tape your mouth shut, that’s what i’ll tape” *_*
“hUH???!?!!?”  (*゚ロ゚)
Na Jaemin
“okay jisung is an easy task compared to you right now”
even though this man is used to being the mom of the group
he’s still most likely in disbelief watching his otherwise angel flap around like a headless chicken 
but you’re even cutter with your swollen cheek so he forgives you (︶▽︶)
“hey, jaem, did you know i’m closely related to snails??”
“entertain me” (∩_∩)
“they can sleep for years at once. that’s like my main talent.”
“it would be great for me if you’d put this talent of yours to work now”
jaemin ends up sprawled over the couch and watching dramas like a tired mom of 3 hyperactive children with you curled up at his side playing games on his phone
jaemin’s brain before he even registered the sound : something’s wrong
“y/n baby?” (。•́︿•̀。)
*hiccup* *sniffle* *hiccup* 
jaemin’s overprotective instincts kicked in ಠ╭╮ಠ
he knocks the phone out of the way and swings your legs over his lap to cradle you against his chest and hush you with the gentlest coos while rubbing your back up and down softly
“what happened, my love? does it hurt? tell nana what’s wrong and he’ll get rid in a second of what dared hurt his precious baby” just imagine this man this would be like the peak of my life  🥺
so in between your boyfriend’s comforting whispers and your harsh breaths of air you managed to let out a few words
“e-elephants, nana”
he already knows the biggest facepalm is coming his way -_-
“tHEy CAn’T jUmP, tHE poOR ELephANTs”
he just sighs and continues rocking you in his arms until you doze off, slumped on his chest, your head cushioned by his shoulder
he softly shakes his head at you and lays a butterfly kiss on your forehead
“i would make elephants jump just for you, my cute big baby” ♡♡(→ε←*)
Zhong Chenle
he halfway panics at the way you act
you’re usually the one who takes care of him so your childish act that surfaced because of the anesthesia took him by surprise
“dude they brainwashed y/n” (ノ`□´)ノ
once you start babbling to him about the end of the rainbow and the elf that awaits there with a pot full of golden coins he knew you lost it
calls renjun
“hyung i’m sorry for saying you’re batshit crazy with your conspiracies, but aliens kidnapped y/n”
*muffled voices on the other side*
“NO, I’M NOT DRUNK!! they brainwashed y/n or even worse… returned a cheap copy of them”
renjun probably just tells him to put you to sleep and advises chenle to do the same with himself -_-
so chenle just approaches you very carefully, his voice barely above a whisper
“hey, babe, aren’t you tired?”
“actually no, how about a walk in the park???”
“idk y/n, it doesn’t seem like the best idea”
this man is royally whipped for you so he takes you to the nearest park and keeps a careful watch on you as you bend down to pet every dog that passes by ⊂((・▽・))⊃
while he would do anything for you, he’s very panicky about your safety so he has to hold your hand the entire time and you’re not allowed to leave his side for even a second overprotective boyfriend check
mid walk you take a break on a bench and you lean your head on cheble’s shoulder before muttering sleepily
“lele, i’m tired, imma take a nap”
“are you serious rn” (ಠ_ಠ)
but you’re already a goner and chenle is left fuming by himself
despite his annoyance he still adjusts you so he can piggyback you home and hums songs softly every time you stir (灬♥ω♥灬)
you’ll have to baby him an entire week to pay him back
Park Jisung
this boy is actually quite pleased
because for once he can take care of you and not the other way around without any complaints coming from you
so you both end up curled into each other under a blanket while watching the Frozen movies :((((((((
and for once he ends up watching you more than he watches the movie because you’re so cute reciting all of Olaf’s lines ꒰˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩๑꒱
but the fun can only last for so long
and when your mouth starts feeling ‘funny’ jisung’s mind goes haywire
“sung, i’m gonna die”
panic panic PANIC (シ;゚Д゚)シ
“they poisoned you didn’t they??? i knew it!! i knew dentists are evil, how am i gonna explain i let crazy doctors perform dark magic on you???!!?!?” no offense to dentists y’all are life savers
so you have at least 2 ice packs and a bag of frozen peas clutched against your cheek and you swear you’re about to die from frostbite rather than the weird feeling coming from your teeth 
and then jisung wraps you in a mountain of blankets cuz ‘we can’t have you catching a cold now too’ as if sweating your ass off is gonna fight off the numbing cold on your face  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but babie is confused a tad lot bit scared for both his and your life
and you’re kinda very dazed so comforting him isn’t really in your agenda
he probably worries within an inch of his life ヾ( ๑´д`๑)ツ
too afraid to let you fall asleep just in case
so every time you doz off sweet cutie jisung just kithes you (๑°꒵°๑)・*♡
and you wake up just to kiss back your cute boyfriend
and he just chuckles and blows raspberries on your neck man jisung would be such a cute whipped boyfriend
but he ends up asleep next to you with his face buried in your hair and arms tightly wrapped around you cocooning you close to himself ah i’m getting soft again ♡(㋭ ਊ ㋲)♡
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earthstellar · 3 years
Rewatching Transformers G1 S2: Episode 1: Autobot Spike
Yes, this is where the Surprised Ratchet meme image comes from:
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This episode has a lot going on including near-death of a human character on screen, body horror/a Frankenstein plot, and some genuinely unsettling scenes mostly made creepy due to the combination of some interesting dialogue/voice acting and typical G1 Quality. 
And Spike shoots Starscream in the ass mid-flight, which is fantastic. 
He also shoots his dad, which is less fantastic. 
Being a horror nerd, I love this episode, so here we go! 
Gonna put this below a cut because I’m taking a lot of screenshots here:
You can watch the whole episode on YouTube here in 4 parts, if you want to watch along! 
Alright, so it opens with Sparkplug trying to create “Autobot X”, which is straight up just a Frankenstein’s Monster of autobot parts. It’s weirdly creepy, and vaguely reminiscent of the infamous Ratchet-Megatron fusion in the Marvel comics.
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I want to point out that Sparkplug says “I wanna see what I can do with a lotta spare Autobot parts and some human ingenuity” before the reveal shot above, and that’s horrific if you think about it for more than like, three seconds. 
It also may have been the origins of the MECH plot line in TFP, actually! Very similar body horror type thing going on. Anyway.
It works briefly, but it flips out and has to get shut down. 
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Ironhide fires a laser, problem solved, nobody’s worried. They put Autobot X in storage, because surely a rampantly aggressive seemingly sentient pastiche of random Autobot parts is nothing to worry about. It’s fine. 
Wheeljack is like, hell yeah, I’ll help you work on it later. Which is when we get the Surprised Ratchet image, because yeah, I bet Ratchet’s freaked out a little since this thing is made of SPARE AUTOBOT PARTS. 
Then we’re swept immediately into a fight with Megatron, as many Seekers as you can fit in frame at one time, and Soundwave. 
For whatever reason, Bumblebee shows up driving through a bunch of partially blown up missile/rocket components, with Spike in the driver’s seat. Even Spike is like, dude, why are we here? And Bumblebee is just like, I mean, we couldn’t NOT show up. lmao
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Unsurprisingly, Bumblebee gets shot-- In alt-mode, with Spike inside. Uh oh. 
Megatron leaves, because Frank Welker can only voice so many characters at once, and our attention is turned to the carnage. 
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Ratchet is like, sure, I can fix Bumblebee right up! Meanwhile, Ironhide is like oh god, oh my god, is this how you hold a human??? Is it dead??? Optimus is gonna be pissed. 
So Optimus rolls up like, listen, take him to the hospital, come on. Ratchet lets him in the back of his ambulance mode, and Prowl goes with him so that he can throw his emergency lights on to give the illusion of a police escort, ensuring the drive is even quicker. 
(I miss the days when Prowl wasn’t a total asshole.) 
It cuts pretty quickly to Spike in an operating theatre; Apparently getting shot by alien space lasers isn’t conducive to human health: 
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It cuts again to the attending physician standing at Spike’s beside, presumably in ICU although they appear to be in a private room, with Sparkplug on the other side of the bed. 
The doctor says “Hmm, if only there were a way of separating Spike’s mind from his body while we work...” Which, uh, what? What surgeon says that? You can sort of already do that in actual human medicine, it’s called an induced coma. 
But sure, we need exposition here, I get it. The screenplay here is tight. Sparkplug says he has an idea...
Back at the Autobot hangout, things seem fairly chill, considering. 
Ratchet is welding Bumblebee’s ass in alt-mode, while Bumblebee complains about how long it’s taking. lol 
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Meanwhile, Wheeljack and Sparkplug somehow have Spike hooked up to a Ghostbusters colander helmet, which will hopefully transfer his mind into the malfunctioning/in stasis Autobot X frame. Yikes. 
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It works! Spike is now also Autobot X. We will call him Spike X for short. 
And for some reason, Spike saying “D-Da-ad?” with this faceplate expression is incredibly funny to me, while also being really weird and creepy: 
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However, this is only cool for like two seconds, at which point Spike X truly starts to lose his shit. 
It gets real creepy here, with Spike X saying in a very oddly flat inflection “Why? Why did you do this to me? Why?” and it’s pretty wild. There’s even a mild strobe effect for a few frames. 
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Sideswipe and Sunstreaker try to help calm him down, but Spike X throws them both across the room. 
Optimus is like, oh shit, we made a giant metal teenager. Stop him, but use low power, because if the Autobot X frame is damaged too much, then Spike’s consciousness may not be able to be returned to his actual human body. 
Note that Optimus says this in a pretty relaxed way, then levels a shoulder mounted cannon straight at Spike X, which is incredibly funny. 
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It quickly gets deeply weird and creepy again when Spike X is temporarily able to talk with his dad, and states that “it’s hard to think, like something is telling me to do... bad.... things!” Yiiiiiikes. 
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He gets it under control again, apologises to his dad for the outburst (I think it’s OK, Spike), and Optimus says that he’s cool to stay at the base and he’ll be taken care of while his human body heals up. 
However, oh shit, the Decepticons have found out that Spike now has an Autobot frame-- And they know he’s unstable. 
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Starscream tries to roast him, but Megatron’s like, shut up nerd, we’re gonna make Spike X turn against the Autobots! It’s a good plan, I’m serious! 
Back at the Autobot base, Ratchet is still welding Bumblebee’s ass, and Bumblebee is still complaining. Wheeljack hooks up Spike X with some network television, and he’s watching... Frankenstein. Because the six year old kids who are the intended audience of G1 may not be familiar with the source material for this episode’s plot, I guess, which is fair. (Frank Welker nails it here as Dr. Frankenstein, but that’s unsurprising, because he always nails it. I think he’s also voicing Frankenstein’s Monster, but I haven’t checked the credits.)
Obviously, this isn’t a great thing for Spike X to be watching at this particular moment, so he freaks out again. 
Wheeljack and Sparkplug come running, and somehow Sparkplug is covering ground faster than Wheeljack. It’s fine, don’t worry about it. 
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Ratchet’s progress on welding Bumblebee’s ass is interrupted by Spike X breaking through the wall and seemingly flying away. lmao 
They just sort of stand there, like, well, we lost him, I guess. 
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Bumblebee is like, alright, gonna go get my boy. 
So he drives out of this massive crater, and Ratchet is like, wait! Your radio transmitter still doesn’t work. (Apparently their radio transmitters are located in their asses. Fascinating.) 
Spike X sits on a cliff and says “what a drag”, which, yeah. Being a Frankenstein space robot would be cool if not for the immense psychological damage this is absolutely causing. 
However, he also calls himself a “walking garbage can” in a completely genuine put-out tone of voice, which absolutely sells that this is a teenager in a giant robot body and I laughed, I won’t lie. 
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Some of Megatron’s cronies locate him and hold his position. 
At the same time, Bumblebee shows up and tries to talk Spike X down from a random destructive rampage. 
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He throws Bumblebee off the cliff! And Megatron’s squad is rolling up. (Well, flying up, anyway.) Uh oh! 
Spike X is like, hell yeah, bring it. More ass to kick. And it turns out his arm mounted cannon works, because he shoots Starscream directly in the undercarriage and says “YEAH, MAN!” and it’s so genuine. 
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This is the perfect reaction to being a teenager in a giant robot body and just suddenly being able to shoot lasers and kick ass. Look at how happy he is, that he just shot Starscream in the butt mid-air. It’s awesome.
Unfortunately, the Seekers do actually beat him up, although Spike X puts up a good fight. 
Megatron then takes advantage of his further weakened state, and swoops in to pitch a classic “Join Us” speech. Spike X calls him “Megacrumb”, which is probably acceptable because he’s absolutely concussed by this point. 
Megatron is willing to overlook this for the sake of teaming up. 
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Bumblebee eavesdrops, and drives away-- But Spike X gives Megatron a handshake, and agrees to “make them pay”. Oh shit! 
For some reason, Optimus and Ironhide are back at the rocket facility to watch a launch. Because I guess whatever, this whole situation is chill, let’s go watch rockets? IDK 
But either way, Optimus roasts the inferior quality of human technology, while Bumblebee just drives up on site despite Military Police levelling sniper rifles at him in order to report that Megatron is taking advantage of Spike X’s inability to think clearly. 
Optimus says “I feared something like this might happen”, which, if that were the case, why not take actions to prevent it, maybe? Not the strongest Optimus episode. 
To be fair though, Ironhide transforms and is already driving off before Optimus even gives the order to roll out, so I guess Ironhide either really wants to kick some ass or cares slightly more about Spike X’s wellbeing. He has no dialogue here, so we can only guess. 
They get there, with even more Autobots who showed up at some point in the rapid scene cuts here, and Spike X is super unhinged-- Charging his weapons, he starts speaking in a more strained and angry way, and engages the Autobots! 
He hits Optimus with what appears to be a chest laser? It’s hard to see. But it’s super effective: 
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Optimus pleads with Spike X to calm down, but Spike X straight up pulls MEGATRON IN GUN MODE out of his sub-space and shoots Optimus directly in the faceplate. Damn! 
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The Seekers and Soundwave drop in, and start rapid firing on all the Autobots present. 
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We get some great shots of Megatron in his gun alt-mode as he tries to convince Spike X to keep attacking. Optimus and Bumblebee hide behind cover, attempting to bring Spike X to his senses long enough to disarm him. 
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Suddenly, Wheeljack and Sparkplug roll up; Sparkplug attempts to talk some sense into Spike, too. 
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Optimus and Bumblebee are at a loss; If they take out Spike X, the damage might take him out for good. 
However, Sparkplug fails in his efforts to talk to Spike X; He SHOOTS HIS DAD AND KNOCKS HIM OFF THE CLIFF. 
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Can you imagine if they put an ad break here? lmao 
Luckily, he has like, a claw machine arm, and he catches his dad before he becomes a human smoothie. 
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This shocks Spike X badly enough that while he still has Megatron in gun mode, he takes a few pot shots at the Seekers and the Decepticons decide it’s time to bounce, so Megatron bails too. 
He apologises for almost killing his dad, his dad is like hey no beef man, and it cuts to them in the hospital: 
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Sparkplug takes his son’s body back to the Autobot base (that sounds worse than it is), and they prepare to transfer him back into his body. 
What’s extra funny here is that he nervously laughs and says “Hope you fixed this thing up good, Ratchet!” And Ratchet says absolutely nothing. Not a word. 
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It’s a success! Dad and son hug, totally not even addressing anything that happened this whole episode, because that’s a job for a therapist. 
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Ratchet, who continues to not really care about any of this, tells Wheeljack “You know, I could probably repair that mess, but I think it’s best that I don’t.” (This is a play on what Wheeljack said earlier in the episode when he offered to help Sparkplug fix up Autobot X to begin with.) 
I love how tired Wheeljack looks. LOL
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Spike, now recovered, leaves us with a great question to close out the episode: “I wonder what it’d be like for a robot mind to be transferred... to a human!” 
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Depending on what kind of kid you were, his question was either imagination fuel for fun humanformer ideas, or was a blatantly bad question indicating he learned nothing and providing nightmare fuel trying to imagine one of the Autobots losing their shit in a human body the same way Spike lost his shit while inhabiting Autobot X. 
Anyway, great episode! 10/10 Scary, funny, creepy, Starscream got shot in the ass by a teenager. 
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rvspberry · 3 years
Idk if I’m gonna end up posting this on AO3 because it’s very different from what I usually write.
But below the cut is some Johnny Lawrence sexuality crisis angst with a happy ending if you feel like it. (Heavy Christian themes and Lawrusso ending ahead.)
He was righteous, on high, the Almighty personified. Forgiving, and gracious in victory, and good through and through. Set his mind to something and he could make the whole world come alive.
That’s how Johnny felt at the Tournament, at least, when the entire crowd swarmed the floor and lifted LaRusso onto their shoulders, and Johnny snagged the first place trophy. Handed it up like an offering, a sacrificial lamb — all that Johnny had at stake, all that he’d lost, given freely and openly to this holy being.
The crowd grew louder. Johnny called out, “You’re alright, LaRusso. Good match.”
Got a pained, “Thanks,” in return.
He’d touched someone holy and lived to tell the tale.
Once Johnny is at Bobby’s house that night, since Sid and Laura flew to Miami for the week before Christmas, he asks Bobby to pray with him.
“You okay, Johnny?”
Johnny glances up to find worried blue eyes looking over at him, sizing him up — no, not quite. Measuring him, trying to gauge Johnny for what no one could see. Bobby’s eyes are such a different blue than Johnny's, clear and crisp but never cold. Johnny wonders if Bobby sees anything, if Johnny shows anything.
“I just…” Johnny rasps, gripping the glass of water in hand again and taking a hesitant sip. They told him at the hospital that he’d have to rest. Asked if he wanted to press charges, but Johnny just shook his head. “I need some guidance.”
“No better place to look to than to Jesus,” Bobby agrees, reaching out to take Johnny’s hands. He closes his eyes, and Johnny pauses for a brief moment, body going stiff, before he follows suit. Takes a deep breath as Bobby begins. “Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name.”
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” Bobby continues.
Johnny squeezes his eyes tighter and tries not to let his grip tighten, too.
“Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
Please forgive me. Please. Daniel. I’m sorry.
“And lead us not into temptation—”
Daniel’s eyes. His grin, his mouth, his lips. Daniel’s body. The confident smirk when he gets up into Johnny’s face.
“—but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory,” Bobby finishes, squeezing Johnny’s hands. Johnny blinks his eyes open, jaw clenched, to see Bobby giving him a small smile. “Forever and ever. Amen.”
“Amen,” Johnny repeats weakly, clenching his teeth against the urge to cry. To sob.
To throw himself onto the floor and mourn the loss of a life he’d had for years now, the life he’d fought so hard for. The life of a champion, of a winner, the life of a kid from Encino Hills. The life of someone normal, a leader, head dog even though he came into this life late, no rules established, flying blind and feeling his way into his place.
“You’re sure you’re okay, man?”
“I’m not,” Johnny chokes out. Hangs his head.
There are too many thoughts in his head, too much guilt and shame, and he can’t focus on one without the other flaring up to take his attention. Back and forth, back and forth, between Kreese almost killing him and Daniel’s sensei saving him and Daniel winning the match, to needlessly tormenting Daniel all semester and making a bigger ass of himself each and every time. Over and over, like it was on a loop.
“Do you want to pray again?” Bobby asks, voice dropping lower. “Sometimes it helps. The… repetition. Try to focus on the words this time. Focus on God. Let the spirit take you.”
Take me where? Johnny thinks, but he just tightens his hands around Bobby’s and nods.
“Our Father, who art in heaven…”
When Bobby leaves at the end of the summer to go to college in Oregon, a special school for religious studies, he leaves Johnny with his new number and a prayer book.
“If things get hard, turn to God,” he reminds Johnny. Pats Johnny’s back while they hug tightly. Johnny hasn’t been apart from Bobby since they became best friends at thirteen, both newly enrolled in Cobra Kai. “God has a plan for all of us, and you can find all your answers in the Lord, man. You just have to be open to hearing them even when they’re not the answers you want.”
Johnny keeps the prayer book. Says a prayer every night. Calls Bobby once a week, like clockwork, and stops drinking. He gets kicked out of Sid’s house when he turns 18 in July, gets a job as a handyman, then starts apprenticing for a carpenter, then starts working construction. It’s hard work but it’s honest work.
Every time his eyes turn to one of his coworkers, when they catch on the sweat and grime smeared over their muscles, or the curve of their ass, or the line of their jaw, Johnny recites one of those prayers in his head.
Dear Lord, please give me strength when I am weak, courage when I am afraid, love when I feel forsaken, wisdom when I feel foolish, comfort when I am alone, hope when I feel rejected, and peace when I am in turmoil. Amen.
Every time he gets asked out for drinks by his well-meaning colleagues, he politely declines and spends ten minutes praying in his car after his shift is over, hands blistered, muscles aching.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among sinners and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Every night, Johnny lays in bed and freestyles his prayers. God needs to know, he probably already knows, but he needs to know that Johnny doesn’t want to be like this. He wants to change. He wants answers. He wants to be open to them, just like Bobby told him.
“Go out tonight,” Bobby laughs when Johnny calls him on a Saturday at his usual time. “Just get out and have some fun. Go to a movie. Buy yourself dinner, whatever. Go meet someone. You’re just working and sleeping. You need to live a little, Johnny.”
Is that what God wants me to do? Johnny thought to himself. To go out and find a woman to settle down with? Is that God’s plan?
It’s what Johnny’s supposed to do, right?
“Okay, okay,” Johnny groans into the phone, ready to slam it back onto the receiver when Bobby whoops in elated triumph. “Some good, clean fun. Fitting for the best friend of a pastor’s son.”
Johnny goes to the movies. The new sequel to Alien, aptly titled ‘Aliens,’ looks halfway decent. Definitely not a good clean movie, but Johnny can live a little. It’s on its last leg, only playing the earlier showings, so Johnny snags the ticket since he figures he can be mostly alone that way. He loiters in the lobby trying to decide between popcorn or an overpriced box of candy to go with his soda. The bored teen behind the counter pops her gum and rolls her eyes as she waits for him to make up his mind.
He doesn’t fidget as he looks in the glass case, even as much as he wants to. It’s been conditioned out of him.
“Back straight, shoulders down, chin up, Mr. Lawrence.”
“Hey, can I get a large popcorn please?” comes a voice from beside him.
Johnny glances over, shaggy hair whipping around his face, and spots the one person he thought he’d never see again. Daniel LaRusso looks the same as he did before — a little taller, maybe, his long limbs filled out a little more, but still the shrimpy kid who kicked his ass.
Same eyes, same voice, same body.
Same mouth.
Dear Lord, please give me strength—
“Johnny? Johnny Lawrence?!” Daniel’s words cut through his prayer.
Johnny inhales sharply. He has to control himself. Give me the strength when I am weak, courage when I—
“Holy shit, man, look at you,” Daniel laughs, tapping Johnny’s bicep tellingly. A year-plus in construction had done wonders for his body, and his arms in particular. “Like a brick shithouse. Are you on steroids?”
“No, I work construction.” Johnny doesn’t know why his voice sounds so rough. He clears his throat and tries again. “Hi, LaRusso. Small world meeting you here, I guess.”
“Yeah, man! You here with anyone?” Daniel glances around, as if trying to pin someone else in the lobby to Johnny, but there was no one to match him up with. No one to match up Daniel with, either.
“No. You?”
“Flying solo today,” Daniel croons, running his hands down his chest. Johnny blushes and looks up at the ceiling.
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee—
“What movie are you seeing?” Daniel asks, taking the tub of popcorn from the teen and passing a bill over the counter. He snagged a handful and popped a few butter-soaked pieces into his mouth.
“Uh…” Johnny glances down at his ticket. “Aliens.”
“No way! Me too!” Daniel says around chewing the popcorn. He pauses and looks at Johnny with his head cocked curiously. “You wanna watch it together?”
O, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You. I detest all my sins because of your just punishments, but most of all because they offend you, My God, who are all good and worthy of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen.
The movie theater is empty. There’s butter on Daniel’s bottom lip, shining in the dimly lit room. Johnny licks it off in the black silence of the end credits.
Kissing Daniel feels like coming home. It feels like touching something divine, and Johnny’s stained gold in all the places they touch.
Is this God’s plan? Johnny asks himself. Daniel’s fingers tug at his hair, nails scraping gently over his scalp. Johnny pulls Daniel across the seat and into his lap as he swallows Daniel’s moan.
Below Johnny’s hands, Daniel feels like an answer.
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theseerasures · 3 years
For the meta thing, how about big sisters with absent mothers: Winter and Yang? Like, how they dealt with things differently and what a friendship between them would look like
anon i just want you to know that as soon as received this ask i barged into my girlfriend’s room to be like “is this you???” because this ask is so EXQUISITELY tailored to my personal interests that i was like “literally who else would cater to me like this” and it was not her, apparently!!! so thank you very much for this ask.
of course i have SO MANY thoughts about this topic that it took me a complete month to marshal them into something faintly coherent, if staggeringly long, so. i hope it’s worth the wait.
S(chnee)-side: how to lose brothers and alienate sisters
let’s start from some well-trodden ground: the season 5 character shorts, and their subsequent caricaturization via Chibi, which posit the Yang vs. Winter dichotomy as something like “Yang loves Ruby by diving into a monster’s mouth for her, and telling her she always has her back, and Winter does the same for Weiss by...siccing monsters on her, and telling her that she won’t always be around to save her from them.” much hay has already been made about the reasons why the two of them would act in the ways they did, so for the purposes of my own meta i’m going to skip over those, and concentrate on how content since season 5 has updated these conceptions.
and on Winter’s end of things, these conceptions have been updated by showing that she’s, uh.
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...full of shit.
we’ve now had TWO instances of Winter going above and beyond to protect someone vulnerable. the first time was for Penny, with whom she has a sisterly bond, and the second time was for Ren, with whom she has...exchanged a few lines of dialogue. if she’s so ready and willing to hurl herself bodily into the path of an aggressor for someone who is basically a stranger, then why all the pageantry with Weiss about how she can’t (or won’t) save her? did she carve some kind of blood relative exemption into her saving people thing? does it only apply to people who wear a lot of green?¹
to properly address this question--and to bring in the Willow of it all--i think we should step back and ask: how does Winter actually feel about the Schnee name?
not Jacques’ name, mind. nor anything he did to besmirch it. Willow’s name, and Winter’s birthright.
because what has always been interesting to me is that while Weiss has talked about reclaiming or rehabilitating the Schnee name from their father’s meddling and still clearly wants to reconcile herself with it, even after being disinherited, Winter has only ever talked about distancing. it’s entirely possible that she had similar aspirations when she was around Weiss’ age and was just more thoroughly disabused of them, but my point stands: Winter shows a discomfort with the Schnee name overall in a way that Weiss has yet to. you don’t have to look any further than Winter’s combat style to see how this discomfort is telegraphed, as she barely uses any Dust, or Glyphs, and the one aspect of her Semblance that she does use and tout are Summons, which just so happens to be the part that emphasizes her own individual ability to conquer foes. something about the Schnee name feels irreconcilably tainted for Winter,² and while i’m sure a large part of it has to do with her father, who can make her explode into emotion confetti by just being in the same room as her for thirty seconds, a not-insignificant part can probably be chalked up to the fact that...
Willow Schnee was probably never all that good a mother.
granted: we’ve have exactly one scene (two if you count the 8.2 sneak peek) with her, so i’m fully ready to be called Boo Boo the Fool if we get a flashback and Willow was some kind of crusading super-mom prior to her descent into alcoholism, but. the idea that she hasn’t ALWAYS had to compromise herself and her children just to get by feels facile. this is not to victim blame, but to say that Willow is an imperfect person (in that she is. a person) placed into a horrific situation, which means that she could not always deal with the situation perfectly. it’s important to remember her agency--both before and after she became an alcoholic--but it’s just as important not to idealize it into something it’s not. Willow was by no means a co-abuser to her children, but she was probably always inconsistent, because living with your abuser for years on end does that to you. personally, i’ve always envisioned pre-alcoholism Willow as...well-meaning and much more perceptive and intelligent than people give her credit for, but beset with her own flaws that grew in proportion to her hurt and bitterness. she was capable of shielding her children from her husband’s worst excesses, and often did; but she was just as capable of retreating when she might have fought, of excusing Jacques’ actions to try to keep the peace, even of lashing out at those who shouldn’t have to handle her negative emotions.
her descent into alcoholism exacerbated these tendencies, but Willow has always been a complicated woman, and the idea that there was a prelapsarian time when Willow was an unmitigated good, before...idk, her Good battery ran out and she became Drunk Victim Non-Mom, is...well, it’s definitely something that a ten-year-old who had an ENORMOUSLY traumatic birthday would believe (and blame herself for), but Winter might disagree. i don’t think her view would be any more objective, if only because the day Winter Schnee has an un-myopic thought is the day i pass gracefully into the West, but her view is probably more complicated and less flattering, because Winter knew her mother more as a person, and that’s something we’re gonna talk about more with Yang and Ruby, later.
the point i want to make now, with Winter, is that her determined inconstancy, where she’ll readily jump into the jaws of a monster for her siblings in one breath and berate them and caution them against needing her in the next--that comes from her experience with Willow. the lesson she wants her siblings to learn is not just “the people who are supposed to love you are cruel, so get a helmet,” but “the people who are supposed to love you disappoint you, which is worse, so it’s better to not rely on them at all.”³ better for them to learn it from her than firsthand, but also--better for herself, because when she does disappoint them (and she did. she left.) at least she can take comfort in the fact that surely it doesn’t hurt as much; she warned them, after all.
in Winter’s mind, this kind of disappointment is an inevitability, so what’s paramount is to make sure that when it does happen her siblings are at least prepared for it. in the face of that the fact that she would actually risk life and limb to help them if they ever need it falls to the wayside; i don’t think it was a mindful decision that Winter consciously made--like, i don’t think she ever thought “i’m going to withhold the fact that i would die for them because that would contradict the whole social Darwinism thing i’m trying to drill into their heads,” because Winter’s just...not that kind of deliberate rational actor, in any arena. rather--and maybe even more damning--i think she just assumes that Weiss and Whitley already KNOW, that it’s a given for them the sacrifices she’d make for them in the same way it’s a given for her. but they don’t! because you have to say these things, and Winter has been force-feeding them the precise opposite.
ultimately all of these contradictory impulses stem from Winter’s deep-seated need for control--both of herself, and of the environments around her, and those in turn come from the fact that she was a) repeatedly wounded as a child and b) had to shoulder responsibilities far beyond her own ability as that same child, which...continues to this day. from this perspective, what matters is less keeping her siblings safe, and more her own ability to save them. she knows that’s imperfect, so she compensates by enforcing what worked for her onto them, and also by keeping them away from anything that could harm them, without their input. i never thought much of the contrast in environments for the character shorts--like of course Weiss would spar with Winter’s Summons at home like the untested shut-in she was--but what did take me aback was that in season 7, after Weiss has waltzed across an entire continent and been promoted to a full Huntress, Winter...still exclusively trains Weiss with her Summons up in Atlas, while Ruby and Yang are traipsing across Mantle killing ACTUAL Grimm. i have no doubt that this was for foreshadowing reasons, but still: it points to the fact that for all Winter loves Weiss and would fight giant monsters for her, there’s a part of her that...doesn’t trust Weiss, and wants to maintain control over her.⁴
this, i think, is part of the reason why Whitley treats her basically like an un-person: it’s not just that she left when he was too young and Jacques filled in all the gaps with lies and slander, it’s also that even when Winter was around the bigger age gap made it much easier for her to reconcile keeping him out of the loop, for his own good. she can’t ever be vulnerable around either of her siblings, but especially not Whitley, because he’s too young; he might let something slip when they’re around Jacques, and she shouldn’t be putting that kind of burden on him anyway. if he resents her when she’s just trying to protect him--except you said that you wouldn’t, Winter you absolute moron--then that’s his prerogative. it doesn’t change her own responsibilities. they can be miserable and Byronic in their own separate cubby holes and it’s fine.
(it’s not fine.)
R(ose)⁵-side: tonight, the role of Replacement Goldfish will be played by...everyone
let’s get one thing out of the way: Yang is a GOOD big sister, and some of the ways that she is good can be chalked up to the fact that she had a better home life, but only some. her character short ends with her promising Ruby that she’ll always have her back after spending the short proving it, and she has--until recently, and we’ll get to that--lived up to it. people get caught up on how much time Yang spends with Blake nowadays, but it’s important to remember that the entire impetus for Yang reuniting with anyone during the Mistral arc was about Ruby. so is the thing that separates a Yang from a Winter is that a Yang preaches what she practices, and isn’t firing a million zillion mixed signals at all times?
well--yeah, basically, but we’re gonna make a big thing out of it anyway.
what made Yang and Ruby different from the Schnees--even before the character shorts--was a sense of parity. in contrast to Winter insisting on maintaining a) the most unapproachable facade in the world, and b) a death-grip on every situation at all times, Yang was characterized from the outset as...chill (ironically). despite her Semblance being LITERALLY hotheadedness, Yang’s passionate energy never manifested in any real desire to take charge. the fact that she was fine (even happy!) with Ruby being bumped up to her year and then becoming leader speaks volumes to how much Yang trusts and respects Ruby’s judgement. rather than try to mask her flaws, she exudes this kind of...radiant fallibility and lets Ruby take care of her, or keep her in line. they complement each other: Yang takes care of more grounded concerns like individual fights and making friends, while Ruby--again, until recently--set more abstract goals and gave them moral direction.
a lot of this can be attributed to the smaller age gap, but i think it also comes from growing up as two motherless free-range children on an island--and the motherlessness is obviously a huge deal for both of them. when i started writing this i honestly thought i’d talk more about Raven, since she’s the mom who’s actually a character already, and her absence plays a huge role in how Yang deals with her abandonment issues in the present, but to be honest: the loss that cut the deepest for Ruby AND Yang is Summer, because Summer was actually around enough to be lost. despite the show frequently dividing custody of Team STRQ right down the middle between Ruby and Yang, where Ruby “gets” Summer and Qrow and Yang “gets” Tai and Raven, it’s the admixture of Rose and Branwen that makes the two of them who they are.⁶ Yang spent more time with Summer, but Ruby spends more time with Qrow, who is Yang’s blood uncle, so the dichotomy between nature and nurture is fascinatingly blurred.
i know this is an unpopular opinion, but i hope Summer really is dead, because the ways that her daughters interpellate their own identities from her absence drives so much of the story. that SUMMER was the first mother Yang lost--not Raven, because Yang didn’t even know about Raven until Summer died--is what shapes her relationship with Ruby, but also her relationship with Raven. what’s always simmering just below the surface of any Yang-Raven confrontation is that the person Yang actually wanted to find the whole time she was looking for Raven was Summer, because she wanted a mom, and a mom looked like Summer. Raven’s not stupid--it might be her one redeeming quality--so it’s likely that she’s always known and resented this. it’s not an accident that the moment Yang stopped looking for Raven for Raven and started looking for her for an easy conduit to her real family was the moment she actually found Raven.⁷ it was the first step to Yang outgrowing her old habits, of waiting for a mother to return--a classic “she needed a hero so that’s what she hurdy blah”
in a way that’s what she’s been doing this whole time. in contrast to Winter, who compensated for her mother’s flaws by ratifying them into universal law, Yang did the same by defying their supposed truth: people might leave her, but she won’t leave Ruby, and Ruby won’t leave her. it’s telling that whenever Yang leaves--even as a literal child--she always took Ruby with her, even if she planned on coming back. (it’s just as telling that when Winter left she didn’t.) she’ll always be there for Ruby, to give her the boost she needs to become the Summer they all want her to be, which means being a little of Summer herself--the part of Summer that baked cookies and slew monsters. and in return Ruby gave her...a sense of certainty, i think: that Ruby needs her and therefore won’t leave, but also that Ruby has the parts of Summer that Yang can’t muster herself--the grand heroic ideal, the moral certitude, etc.
...and now we’re finally gonna talk about the Schism, which i honestly think is the best thing that has happened to their relationship, development-wise. by the end of the Mistral arc Yang has arrived at a healthier perspective with respect to her relationships with everyone: now it’s not about indiscriminately giving herself away to people in the hopes that they might not leave her, but about choosing to give herself away to the people she loves and trusts. on one level this should not conflict with her relationship with Ruby at all, because Yang loves Ruby, but on another...the fact that Yang no longer feels obligated to perform unending support, to be the grounded complement, to fill in the parts of Summer that Ruby can’t--of COURSE that’s going to bring about conflict. because it turns out Yang never needed Ruby to give her direction or discipline. she’s now had time to think of the things she herself values, and those...don’t exactly match up with Ruby’s--or Summer’s.⁸ Yang, having known Summer as a mother, having been confronted repeatedly with the fallibility of mothers, is starting to outgrow Summer, and grow separately from Ruby.
but growing separately doesn’t have to mean growing apart, and i think Yang, at least, knows this. she clearly feels Some Kinda Way about their disagreement (and Blake’s implicit alignment with Ruby), but she’s also confident enough in her own beliefs by this point to commit to them. Yang’s taking charge instead of deferring to Ruby, and it turns out that...she’s actually not a bad leader herself, since she and Jaune have pretty much split a lot of those responsibilities. for her it’s not a question of losing faith or love in Ruby as a person, but about discovering what she herself fights for.
Ruby...sees it differently, because Ruby sees Summer differently. if Yang has always defined herself against Summer by deciding that she can NEVER fully be Summer, so she’ll make do with what she can, then Ruby’s always defined herself against Summer by marking Summer as the endpoint of her personal trajectory. what Ruby knows of Summer--that she was a person who enjoyed life and did not believe in original sin, that had a magical special destiny that was totally fine and awesome and didn’t drive her to her death, that she was a baker of cookies and slayer of monsters--is what Tai and Qrow--and Yang--told her about Summer, because Ruby was too young to remember the real Summer. so Summer for her is this abstract paragon to live up to, and no more. she can’t possibly exceed Summer, because the Summer Ruby knows encompasses literally all that is good.
when Yang tells Ruby “i’ve always got your back” in the short, a lot of it is about Yang, and the ways Yang needed to be there for other people so they’ll be there for her in return. but it’s also something Ruby really needed to hear, because Ruby needed the security and comfort of knowing that even if she screws up there are people around her who can help shoulder the burden. that security already took a serious hit after Yang lost her arm, but Ruby, kind and generous person that she is, was able to reconcile with that, because YANG HAD JUST LOST HER ARM. it would be ridiculous to expect Yang to have her back the way she used to, and besides--it was time she grew up, and growing up means becoming more like Summer, all of Summer, by herself.
and...she gets pretty far, is the thing, because Ruby IS a lot like Summer, and is incredible and amazing all by herself to boot, but the point is that no one should feel this much pressure to be All That Is Good, especially when you’re a teen. Ruby’s not ready to recognize that, partly because at this point so many people are looking to her for leadership, but also because being Summer’s heir is the only real link she has to her mom.⁹ so she hunkers down and does the best she can, in a situation that has far spiraled beyond anybody’s control...and then Yang tells her that it’s not working out, that this time it’s not that she can’t have Ruby’s back, but that she won’t. in Ruby’s mind, this could only mean one of two things: either Yang no longer believes what Ruby believes--what Summer believed, or...Yang no longer believes in Ruby, because she wasn’t good enough.
and well. it’s Ruby. it’s not hard to guess which reason she’s picking right now, especially since she pretty conspicuously refused to call the shots during the Amity heist.
but this is of course a false dichotomy. it’s not about which one of them is right, or even more right, and the show does a very good job with the framing to show that both of them have a point. similarly, what Ruby needs right now is neither confirmation that her long-held beliefs are objectively the best ones, nor that she is good enough to become Summer after all. no; what she needs instead is the knowledge that she’s allowed to fuck up, to deviate from what people have told her about Summer, to become what Summer never was. that’s something Yang can--and will--help her work out.
oh no this analogy is breaking apart: how they’d get along
look, even beyond the fact that Winter doesn’t get along with ANYONE over much, i don’t think there’s any universe where she wouldn’t immediately rub Yang the wrong way. not only because Winter’d initially treat Ruby with the same cold tyranny that she (up until very recently) treats Weiss, but also because Yang’s partner is Blake, and--to say nothing of Atlas/Schnee-on-Faunus oppression--she was personally made collateral during the fallout with Blake’s abuser.¹⁰ i myself wouldn’t say that Winter abused Weiss, but to Yang’s protective and skewed view...
well, can you imagine Weiss trying to explain the way Winter ~~~trained her to the Bees? “oh, she sent a pack of Beowolves to hunt me! it was a meant-to-lose fight and when i started doing well she just moved the goalposts. one of her wolves almost ate me before i begged her to stop but it...probably...wouldn’t have...it was fine! my Aura didn’t dip THAT much. Winter’s the best!!” Yang’s hair would have been on fire after the first sentence, is all i’m saying. this coupled with the fact that Yang would very likely view Winter leaving Weiss and Whitley through the lens of Raven doing the same thing to her, and i think it would take a pretty long time for the two of them to see eye to eye on anything.
which is not to say that they have nowhere to go but antagonism, because at their cores Winter and Yang both have a) no hesitation whatsoever when it comes to protecting the people they care about and b) a tendency to define protection literally, often bodily. the difference is that Yang’s Semblance weaponizes these protective instincts for her, and she learned the limits of taking that too far. Winter...doesn’t, and hasn’t.¹¹ that COULD lead to some interesting conversations, but i don’t think Yang has quite the emotional clarity and generosity to reckon with that yet, and they’re not about to talk about it inside the Giant Whale.
a necessary part of Winter’s development is learning to respect the people around her instead of instantly categorizing them into boxes labeled “to fight” and “to protect and order around.” her friction with Yang could be an intriguing way to explore that; i have no doubt, for example, that Winter would have hurled herself between Elm and Yang just as readily as she had between Elm and Ren. similarly, i think if Winter ever were in the same room with both Raven and Yang she’d last about ten seconds before trying to rip Raven’s hair out with her teeth, because Raven is neglectful and casually demeaning in ways that are instantly recognizable to Winter (in the same way they were to Weiss).¹² the issue is that her doing any of these things for Yang--y’know, the same Yang who IMMEDIATELY gave Blake the cold shoulder when she tried to pull the whole “i’ll protect you” crap--is that she would only find it confusing and frustrating, and likely wouldn’t mince words expressing that.
Yang’s a big sister herself, and therefore knows all the big sister tricks, and Yang has a consistent pattern of not wanting to rely on other people, particularly people she sees as adults. so the best path toward a Winter and Yang friendship is probably not the head-on approach, but obliquely through someone else. that someone else can’t be Weiss, because Yang would be already hypervigilant about the way Winter treats Weiss--but it could be Ruby. even putting aside the fact that she is now one of the most important people in the world for BOTH her sisters, Ruby herself is very easy to love, and Winter loves very easily, despite herself. what they have in common--idealism and a martyr complex--would also engender some cool interactions, and Ruby would let Winter take care of her, if only to make Winter feel better.
i could see that being the impetus for Yang tentatively, grudgingly forming her own friendship with Winter, because there ARE things that Winter can give Yang, even if Yang can’t (or won’t) admit she wants them. it’s nice to try out being the kid sister, once in a while.
still, even if they get that far: i can’t imagine their relationship as anything friendlier than this.
¹ tbh neither would actually surprise me; what Winter does and doesn’t let herself do is only knowable to the Gods Who Have Forsaken This Land, and they’re certainly unknowable to Winter herself.
² maybe she knows that the whole “the Schnees were up-from-bootstraps-good-capitalists until that guy Jacques came along” thing is stupid!! i don’t care that he’s Santa Nicholas Schnee ain’t shit
³ this i think is why the current thing with Ironwood is such a bitter pill to swallow, because...she thought she’d been so careful. not in thinking that she’d chosen a man who couldn’t disappoint her, but in caring so deeply about him and investing so much of herself into him, despite the fact she’s only ever let herself call him “sir,” or “General.”
⁴ though i will say, to give Winter some credit: she actually accepts the fact that her sister is totally her own person now with a lot more aplomb than i’d expected, both in the “you stole an airship” scene and during all of Sparks. i wouldn’t be so generous as to read subtle treason into her disclosure of Ironwood’s Winter Maiden plans, but it does point to Winter’s desire for control being much more easily unlearned than that of her boss.
⁵ geddit? it’s a joke about handed-ness because now they both have the Hand Tremor
⁶ Tai is, as always and on purpose, the stabilizing agent. “appropriately underwhelming,” as Winter might put it, but absolutely essential.
⁷ of course then Raven had the gall to resent THAT too, because she’s the worst, and...see above, about Winter Schnee’s self-unknowing.
⁸ curiously, the values that Yang most espouses now--the importance of knowing what you’re getting into, protecting what is tangible, what is within your ability--are a) hard-won from years of taking care of Ruby and b) ones that she shares with Raven. the only difference is that Yang’s circle of protection extends far beyond Raven’s, which only includes herself.
⁹ weirdly enough the best person to talk to Ruby about this might be Raven, who has a very skewed perception of Summer herself (because Raven’s perception of EVERYONE is generally fucked up), but probably won’t hold back when talking about Summer’s flaws. Ruby won’t want to hear any of it, but i think she needs to.
¹⁰ i do think Blake and Winter would have some interesting conversations, if Blake ever...was generous enough to deal with *gestures at all of Winter.* it’s easier to compare Blake to Willow given the shared nature of their interpersonal abuse, but Winter on the other hand knows what it’s like to be hand-picked and groomed by a charismatic man with a singular vision who ended up wholly compromising that vision for the sake of their personal ego. that the White Fang are a good force perverted while the Atlesian Military is rotten to the core would...make the conversation more lively? it’s probably fine?
¹¹ “i’m Winter Schnee and i have maladaptive coping mechanisms that i am currently clinging to, as a maladaptive coping mechanism”
¹² though there...probably IS a world where Raven and Winter end up getting along after the initial skirmish, and it disturbs Yang and Qrow to no end
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
yet another ask dump yeehaw!
do you ever think that jay's mother was one of those bitch who believes in horoscope and tarots and things like that and so he believes in these things too, or it is just me projecting?
sheila haywood took one look at jason's birthchart said 'nah this won't do' and left.
Wait, but what happens when the justice league does find out that Bruce and John fucked? Lmao it sounds like it would be hilarious, really, I don’t want a justice league that doesn’t make fun of Bruce for like his entire life.
barry runs out of the meeting immediately and comes back with an entire sti testing kit. diana fully seriously wants bruce to get tested while bruce is sitting there like 'come on guys, you're being ridiculous, i already checked twice'
john is standing in the corner clearly offended while bruce is just like 'don't even say anything, constantine, you fucked a shark'
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
on the one hand, good for him, on the other hand, bro, how do you still have a secret identity when your superhero name is just your last name,,,,
Your fic on ao3 was GOLD PLEASE CONTINUE I loved Dinah's cameo btw ( @purple-vixen
thanks so much! i already continued but this ask is like 10 years old because i'm a notorious procrastinator (also yes! i love dinah so much aahhhhhhhhhhhh)
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
bruce internally: holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit bruce externally: get out of my city, alien
AHHH ur multimedia fic is the only thing that brings me happiness anymore continue it forever pls
uhh thanks, but can't continue it forever because my attention span is that of a toddler on crack on a good day and i can't function without at least 10 things going on at the same time and music in the background
Oi, so I'm getting into dc and watching batman the animated series, and they use fruitcake a lot. Which I thought was very funny and wanted to share w you - Denilla
wait like fruitcake (food) or fruitcake (derogatory) ?
young justice 🤝 teen titans slut shaming batman
tim drake and dick grayson to their respective teams 'you guys stop it, that's my dad'
Happyhoganon: If an eighty year old Batman had fought crime in Gotham City for decades and the only threats to him and the city lately are a wheel chair bounded Penguin, your usual purse snatchers and a few con artists popping up every now and then, how well could the Dark Knight do in maintaining the peace in Gotham despite him being just somewhat fit to do that as an elderly man (which says A LOT given how old he is)
uhh he'll probably do what my grandpa does and that is ruthlessly prank them until they die of shame.
in the death in the family interactive movie there's an ending where Jason is tasked with raising Damian and he decides he's gonna raise Damian to take down the waynes and al ghuls which uh maybe isn't great BUT the idea of Jason raising Damian... PRICELESS. CHAOTIC. I just need more people to know about this :)
yes i saw that wow holy shit but jason would accidentally drop damian on his head one (1) hour in and jason just yeets him into the lazarus pit.
Headcanon: The Penguin has a really hard time fighting any of the Robins because of his avian obsession means there's always a small part of his mind that's like "Birb. Child. Protect" ( @subspacecadet )
as soon as dick becomes nightwing the penguin is like 'you know what, fuck this dude' and shoots at him.
Y'all talking about King Shark dating Constantine, let's not forget about John literally hooking up with Satan
listen there's a clear difference between monsterfucker and satanfucker in that king shark is literally a shark and satan still looks like a normal dude
Does everyone in Gotham think Batman is a teen dad?
everyone in gotham thinks batman has been around since gotham was founded, but they do think that bruce wayne is actually a teen father and dick grayson's biological dad.
why. why would you do that fancast when you know it will only hurt people
what? i loved my fancast it was really well done. i did it with good representation in mind and i really managed that with alfred pennyworth being ✨italian✨
Seeing james charles a jason gave me psychic damage how dare you i need to wash my eyes
well that's a you problem isn't it?
do you think dick grayson thirst tweets about nightwing just to annoy his family/cause problems on purpose in general?
he thinks nightwing is hot, next question.
holy jiminy cricket batman, its as cold as the good lords ass crack in here!!
i- what? this is why i don't fuck with english expressions it's way too goddamn weird
Brooooooo, your teen dad!Bruce au is soooo good. I've got brainrot.
Honestly if you ever write anymore, I'd read that shit twice. Sign me the fuck up. Good stuff, Good Stuff.
uh yeah i'm thinking about writing a fic, but i have exams coming up and i don't wanna fail because that would suck. but after i'll certainly be writing more tho
your teen dad AU is so great! bruce acting like a big brother for all of like a week before he's telling everyone about his son. what if in the AU dick meets the JL because they need to rescue him? maybe he's in trouble/kidnapped at a gala and bruce starts calling for JL. clark finds him and has to fly with dick to bring him home - that's how dick and clark meet and superman becomes dick's fave hero. he goes around the manor thinking he can fly with a red blanket draped around him like a cape.
actually- if you want a young dad! bruce fic with like that kinda stuff(just with damian) go check uhh- in for a penny by cdelphiki. it's really good and bruce is like 24/25-ish. (and dick's there!!!)
This account has solely convinced me that Tim is a trash goblin ( @hamilcat-and-magic-turtle )
because he is. that boy has slept in dumpsters on multiple occasions even if he is the son of a billionaire.
Okay but when you said victory dance I did think of the whole justice league defeating the big bad and then they all start flossing
well that's exactly what hal jordan does and that's why batman uses a gun now. no but the victory dance in my opinion is like the 'we're all in this together' dance from high school musical.
The horrors in Invincible s1 was nothing compared to the comics, I cant wait for s2
oh well okay, i mean i personally react to horror and violence by laughing awkwardly so i can't wait to be called a monster for accidentally laughing at a mass murder.
I'm currently watching Batman: The Brave and The Bold and- Bruce is just talking about Oliver like he's an old love (@nightwings-kid)
okay im going to watch that lmao that's totally and completely in character for him tho.
The invincible comic is like super gratuitous with its violence so much so I'm shocked the show was able to adapt it in a faithful way! Anyway had the show been live action it absolutely wouldn't have the same impact as it does as an animated show and I'm so glad so many people agree with me on that
also because a live action casting would've been like uhh amanda stenberg for amber, the dude- the guy from the supernatural but with a mustache for omni-man, and scarlet johanssen for debbie grayson
Debbie grayson is a milf, yes. You're welcome for the invincible propoganda, now you can questions your life. Bruce def seems like the perfect father next to Omni-man. Like they really took a rip off justice league and I was like well, now I'm attached even tho I was like hah I know who they're supposed to be. And then bam- death gore death gore gore gore sad Mark grayson just had to have daddy issues. Why does every character have daddy issues. I'm sick of the attacks
because daddy issues make a person arguably funnier, that's why i'm not even remotely funny (haha good dad flex). i liked that it was dark contextually, but not in the colouring, bc i hate when it's like 'uh yeah graphic murder and now a shot so dark you have to sit in a dark room and squint at the screen to faintly see the characters. (like dcau ugh)
About the Wayne insurance, for a moment I thought you would put the video with moans over the waves.
i mean- i could've done that, but rick rolling seemed more family friendly.
Its the first time in forever that im surpise rickrolled, i usually expect it. Congratulations (i really should know better this is tumblr)
i get rickrolled so often but i actually like the song so i dont really give a fuck
Actually, my information about Damian and John's kids is outdated because it was revealed that the old men telling the kids stories about the Supersons were actually Jon and Damian the whole time. I was blinded by my thirst for Grandpa!Bruce Wayne but I was wrong... I liked my version better, tbh (@artemisa97)
fair enough. but i'd honestly like to see damian and jon getting together, just because it's a really fun dynamic and their friendship was really cute when they were kids. (also idk maybe it would be nice to have one (1) main batfam/superfam character that's not cishet)
How am i JUST finding your blog skdskfkd you're so fucking funny and ur takes are hot
i thought u were calling me hot :( but youre not :( crime detected (but lmao thanks)
So I have depression and I swear that your memes are one of the few things that have made me laugh so thank you 💛🥺 (@katekanebadass)
aw you're welcome, and i hope you're doing okay!
The metropolis memes are so funny, I love them 💀😌
i think metropolis is also so fucking funny it deserves more attention imagine having your entire police force being upstaged by an alien from kansas and his kids
as an american i feel your complete lack of knowledge of us geography is just so sexy (platonic) ❤️
thanks so much (i also don't know any other geography, i'm not kidding, like you can tell me you're from hungary and it will just blank, there will be nothing that comes to mind)
In the DC universe they don't say "Can't have shit in Detroit" they say "Can't have shit in Gotham"
this just reminds me of that guy whose porch got stolen like the steps to his door, and i'm thinking of people living in gotham and waking up without a front door and going "can't have shit in gotham"
honestly all i know about chicago is the bean, so. what would gotham's famous sculpture be?
gigantic gargoyle statue in front of one of the police precincts because a villain thought it was a smart way to keep the police inside, but it's too heavy to move.
why tf do people go on about how batman "works alone" or how he's the "lone wolf" when he like 38290202 members in his family
bc people think it's cool that a grown man in his 30s has no friends or family instead of calling it what it is (sad)
Bruce is gotham's sugar daddy
why would say something so controversial yet so brave.
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
dick: gerard way are you in position, gerard way are you in position
tim: for the last fucking time, my codename is 'totally not count olaf' this week, abbafan 3000
dick: shut up my codename isn't 'abbafan 3000'
dick: it's 'abbafan number 1' and you know it
I have a feeling Tim drake is ur favourite batfamily member but okay u don't have favs if u say so ok
i mean he is, i won't deny it. but i love each and every one of the batfam just the same, i just have a weak spot for short dumbass nerds, because i'm a short dumbass nerd.
Omg i fuckin love boy meets world too fam shsjkfk
bro boy meets world was the shit!!! it was just fire and awesome and so fucking great like bro. it was so good im not even going to be accepting criticism
you know I find the whole "joker completes batman" thing a bit disgusting considering the horrendous stuff the batfamily went through because of the joker and let's not get started on the "joker has a point" thing like yeah he's this cool complex villain but he's absolutely batshit crazy
like yes! i get what you mean the joker just fucking sucks man he doesn't do shit for batman's character or the batfam he's literally just annoying as fuck. like the joker has a point' shit is so stupid. i will accept 'magneto was right' because he fucking was and i think he didn't do anything wrong, but joker? he's just like that. he's not even cool and complex he's just a weirdo with a bleach kink at this point.
thanks bestie, i'm glad you agree.
in today's essay of why I think cass should become batman- I was thinking Tim would probably be the most efficient batman in many ways but I also think he wouldn't want to be batman tbh none of the batfamily members would want to be batman because they're trying to outgrow him but cass is the one who wants to represent the symbol that is batman
absofuckinglutely i will say it again and again that cass represents the batsymbol more than anyone in the batfam, in batgirl (2000) she literally didn't care about anything else than bruce's oath to not kill, she thought the batsymbol was more important than anything in gotham. she's just an excellent character because her motivation to not kill is not 'i'm scared i can't come back from it' or 'well my dad says no murder so i'll go along with it' but that she's killed somebody as a young child and she never wants to kill a human ever again and that's so fucking beautiful for a new batman like yes.
need more cass, duke and tim inclusion in gothamite memes
yes yes, a tall order of cass, duke and tim coming up in 1-14 business days
oldest to youngest batfam members cus I'm confused as shit
okay order of being taken in: dick, jason, tim, cass, damian, duke order of age: alfred, bruce, dick, cass, jason, tim, duke, damian (though cass and jason are around the same age general consensus is that cass is a little older)
I'm so confused Steph is a redhead?? like how was it that hard to get this right? the source material is literally right there and free
cw is jared, 19
do you receive anon hate? if so, how do you deal with it
uh no, i'm not remotely popular enough to get anon hate and i also don't say a lot of things that would attract anon hate, but i do send anon hate to @the-real-peter-parker because he forgot about the specialists from winx club
Wait how many languages do you speak??
uhh- 5 if you include latin, but that's a dead language and i'm really bad at it. but english, my native language, german, and french also, tho german and french not fluently.
You can mix aguaepanela with aguardiente 😈 and is tasty
okay but now i'm curious if the liquor deserves the 😈 emoji or if that's a you problem. but i googled it and it looks like something you'd take one sip of and then not remember the rest of your evening.
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radiant-flutterbun · 3 years
Eumoirous and the Veilspun
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Previous Eumoirous chapters:
Eumoirous | A Little Lost and Lonely
"They're cute together." Nostopathy, a white bogsneak whispered to their sister Nullity, a black mirror.
Nos was watching their other sister, Nepenthe, a black skydancer, play chess with a black nocturne named Eumoirous.
"Like I know they're not a couple. But they're cute. I'm happy for them."
Nullity nodded and signed with her front paws. It’s an odd pairing but… it works.
Nepenthe giggled as she beat Eumoirous at the game.
“Oh wow. Beginner's luck I guess?” Eumoirous said with a hesitant smile “Well I was never that good in the first place. You’re a natural though.”
“Thanks! That was fun. Can we play again?” Nepenthe beamed at Eumoirous.
“He’s really helped her outta her shell, huh?” Nos said.
She’s come a long way from the quiet, serious Nep we first met. Nullity signed in agreement.
“I’m just glad she’s not so focused on, you know.”
Nullity’s face soured.
“Let’s uh. Let’s not talk about him though.”
Eumoirous was just setting up another game, when a blue and green crystal scaled mirror dashed past the table. Her tail swept all of the pieces off the table.
“Sorry! Coming through!” She shouted “Shit, shit. I can’t believe I forgot!”
Eumoirous sighed and began to pick up the chess pieces.
A white skydancer followed the mirror into the room. His feathers were puffed out and he was out of breath, but when he saw Eumoirous his face lit up.
“Oh hey Eu! I didn’t know you were back in Ton Theon! So sorry about Nike, she’s just. You know, leader things!”
Eumoirous frowned “Uh. I’ve been back in the area for over a day now.”
The white skydancer blinked “Oh really? I… didn’t know.”
“Sepulchral hurry up!” Nike, the crystal mirror shouted at the white skydancer.
Sepulchral tensed “Alright! I’m coming! Sorry Eu, we’ll have to talk later!” he dashed away, leaving Eumoirous to continue cleaning up the mess Nike caused.
“You said that last time too,” He muttered “And the time before that…”
“He’s always so busy,” Nepenthe commented.
“Yeah well. That’s just how Sep is.” Eumoirous shrugged and began setting up the game again.
“Your leader seems awfully forgetful,” A voice commented in Eumoirous’s ear, making him jump and scatter the pieces he just set up.
Nepenthe's feathers poofed and she growled “Eu, be careful, there’s a tiny dragon by your head.”
“Hey, no need to be alarmed. I come in peace and all that good shit,” The tiny dragon flew in front of Eumoirous’s face. This was a breed of dragon that Eumoirous had never seen before.
He was tiny. Smaller than even a fae. He was long like a spiral, but had insectoid wings keeping him in the air. He had a long, drooping purple mane, and white scales peppering his black body.
“The name’s Grimoire. I’m a veilspun. We’re an ancient breed of dragon, we were only recently given permission to freely show ourselves to other dragons. Idk why but the Shadowbinder works in mysterious ways. Why should I question her?” Grimoire landed on top of the chess board “Anyway, I’m gonna be staying here for a bit while my leader talks with your leader.” He nodded over to where Nike and Sepulchral were conversing with another tiny bug dragon.
“Oh. Huh. My name is Eumoirous. It’s nice to meet you? I’m not uh. Actually from around here.”
“Right, I can see that,” Grimoire said.
“You can?”
“You’re a Shadow dragon. In Light lands. It’s obvious this isn’t your home.”
“Well actually, that’s not exactly… I meant like. I’m literally not from this world.”
“Oh so you’re an alien? That’s cool. Always wanted to meet an alien.”
“Oh yeah? Well, I’m not a very cool alien. No spaceships, or lasers, or anything like that.”
“Don’t need fancy tech to be a cool alien my dude. And I think you’re plenty cool as is.”
“Oh wait. You really think I’m cool?”
“Course brother. And I think you have the true heart of a Shadow dragon anyway. It’s about the spirit and not the blood sometimes, ya know? Like I’m actually a Plague dragon, but I’m still Shadow at heart.”
“Yeah? I’ve always thought everything about the Shadow dragons seemed really cool, but there’s not many Shadow dragons in Clan Ton Theon and I haven't exactly been to anywhere but here on this planet.”
“Well why don’t you come to my clan once my leader is done chatting? It’s right in the thicket of the Tangled Woods.”
Eumoirous’s eyes lit up “Oh fuck yeah!”
Nepenthe’s tail twitched “Hey Eu? Are we going to play another game or what?”
Eumoirous blinked, like he forgot she was there “Oh right. Uh maybe later Nep. Sorry but, I want to talk to Grimoire for a bit.”
“Oh. Right ok. That’s fine,” Nepenthe sighed and slinked away.
Eumoirous turned his attention back to Grimoire “Going to visit the Tangled Woods sounds amazing, but like are you sure it’ll be ok?”
“Don’t see why it’ll be a problem. My leader, Lilith,” Grimoire nodded over to where the small vielspun was talking to Nike “she won’t care. And it’s not like you belong to this clan, so you have free range to do what you want, right?”
“Huh. You’re right. I guess I really don’t have to be here. Kinda weird to think about. I’m used to at least someone being around to boss me. But like… Yeah I can just leave here and go where the fuck I want to. No one has any authority over me here.”
“Sweet. It’s a date then. We’re leaving tomorrow morning.”
“Uh not like a date date right? Because uh-”
“Oh no. I mean like. Write it down! Put it in the calendar or something. Lol. No it’s chill. Didn’t mean to make it seem I was flirting with ya. Anyway I’m gonna go check out my room for the night. See ya later Moiry!”
The little dragon flittered away, leaving Eumoirous alone with scattered chess pieces. Something about Grimoire felt different to Eu. He was a small dragon, but he had a large presence. Eumoirous didn’t want to take his eyes off of him. He wanted to keep talking and talking and talking. But most of all, he really, really wanted Grimoire to like him.
He left without telling anyone. Why should he? His friends disappeared all the time. Maybe it was his turn. He was a strong independent adult. He didn't need anyone's permission and all he was doing was hanging out with a new friend. 
Lilith barely batted an eye at the addition of Eumoirous to her party of veilspun.
“Friend of Grimoire’s?” She asked.
“Hell yeah he is.” Grimoire answered for Eumoirous.
He thinks of me as a friend! Eumoirous thought with a jolt of excitement.
The flight was shorter than Eumoirous expected. It took only about a day and a half with a brief break. The veilpsun resided at the edge of the Tangled Woods, but as soon as Eumoirous crossed the border between the two flights the difference was literally night and day. The trees swallowed the sun whole and the only lights were the ominous glow of the blue mushrooms that dotted the forest.
The veilspun landed in a small clearing surrounded by twisting trees that were hollowed within and connected by vine bridges. The entire place was bustling with the activity of dozens more veilspun.
"Welcome to Lutalica Woods!" Grimoire said as he spun in the air around Eumoirous "C'mon I'll show you around!"
Eumoirous eagerly followed the small dragon as he gave him a brief tour of the place.
"And these are my super awesome datefriends!" Grimoire circled two other veilspun who grinned and dogpiled him. One was pink and covered in thorns, and the other grey and green and covered in paint.
“Where the FUCK have you been Grimmy?” The thorn covered one asked.
“Chalice don’t be dumb he told us he was visiting that Light clan!” The paint covered one rolled hir eyes.
Chalice stuck their tongue out “Yeah well maybe you’re dumb too!”
“Wow, what a comeback!” The other veilspun snapped back.
“Now, now you two don’t fight!” Grimoire pushed himself in between the two.
“We weren't fighting, we were just messin with each other, right Chal?”
Chalice nodded “Yeah I wasn’t really offended. Even if Nyx’s comment was a little mean.”
Nyx frowned “Ah shit I’m sorry Chal, didn’t mean to go too far.”
“No no you didn’t! I’m fine!”
Grimoire looked back and forth between the two “Y’all good now?”
Both nodded and Grimoire grinned.
“Good! Because we have a guest, this is Eumoirous!”
Both dragons turned to look at Eumoirous and he took a step back, unnerved.
“This is Chalice, and Nyx my datefriends!” Grimoire said to Eumoirous.
“Ah shit, Grimmy came back with a new pal!” Chalice grinned.
“Oooo nice choice, he’s kinda cute!” Nyx purred and Eumoirous blushed. He hoped his black scales masked it.
“I uh…” Eumoirous stammered “I’m aromatic so uh… Not… not looking for any romance sorry.”
“Oh, did you interpret that as flirting?” Nyx asked “Sorry dude. Didn’t mean to make you uncomfy or anything!”
“Yeah this is a chill space. You can relax!” Chalice added.
“Maybe y’all should give him some space to breathe.” Grimoire said, noting how close the other two veilspun had gotten to Eumoirous.
“Right, sorry!” Nyx said has both hir and Chalice took a few steps back. Eumoirous took a deep breath and tried to relax.
“You can sit, you know. Just chill out and talk to us, Moirey.” Grimoire said and Eumoirous allowed himself to sit “So what do you think?”
“This place is amazing,” Eumoirous said “It’s so much cooler than Clan Ton Theon. Much more lively too. There everyone is too busy with their noses in books. N-not that there’s anything wrong with that! I like reading. Just not like books books. … I like fanfic.” Eumoirous’s eyes widened “Shit did I really say that out loud?”
“Hey it’s cool man, no judgement here.” Grimoire clicked his tongue “I sense you’re not completely at ease here, so how about some icebreakers, to get to know each other a bit? Only if you think that’ll help. I know some peeps don’t like that.”
Eumoirous thought for a moment and then nodded “Yeah I think I’d like that.” He’d never actually done icebreakers before, because he’d always been around Niossa or Sepulchral who made meeting new people seem so easy. 
I can meet new people on my own. I don’t need them. Besides, I made friends with Nepenthe just fine on my own.
Eumoirous felt a jolt of guilt when he remembered he had left her without a word.
It’s fine. She’ll be fine.
“Alright cool, cool let’s start with a little positivity. We gotta say something nice about our guest here. I’ll start. I think your nose ring is hella cool.”
“O-oh! Thanks! It’s actually my first piercing. I did it myself and thank the spirits it didn’t end up crooked because I did not know what I was doing haha.”
“You gave yourself a piercing? That’s metal as fuck.”
“Actually all of them are DIY.”
“Damn. That’s fucking cool. I wouldn’t have the guts to pierce myself. Guess I’m too much of a wimp lol.”
“Well the piercing is nothing compared to… See I promised myself I’d give myself a nose piercing if I did probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and finally be true to myself. It was my reward to myself for coming out to my parents after trying for so long to be something I wasn’t. I couldn’t pretend to be their daughter anymore. And even though they’re good people, I was so so afraid that they wouldn’t see me the same as their son. Because yeah I wasn’t their daughter, but I was still me. And I was afraid that they wouldn’t understand that. And uh. I’ve never told anyone that before. Not even Sepulchral.”
Eumoirous suddenly stood up “I don’t feel well. Why did I say that?”
“Hey man it’s cool. You’re in good company here.”
“No, no I just met you and you’re really cool and all but. I don’t just tell people these things. Especially not someone I don’t even know.” Eumoirous looked around as if he would find answers in the trees “Something is wrong. I shouldn’t have come here. This was a bad idea.”
“Oh shit,” Nyx said “Grimmy I think you have your hypnosis turned on.”
Grimoire blinked “What?! I do?”
Chalice laughed “Oh this is too funny. Grimmy babe have you seriously been accidentally hypnotizing our poor guest here?”
“Shit!” Grimoire cursed “Nyx, help me how do I turn it off? You’re the natural born veil! Stop laughing and help me!”
“Alright, alright it’s easy babe let me show you.”
Eumoirous stood, horrified “You were hypnotizing me?!”
Grimoire turned from Nyx who seemed satisfied with hirself.
“Not on purpose I swear!”
“Don’t worry I got him to turn it off. He’s not messing with you anymore.” Nyx said.
“But I might.” Chalice said and Nyx hit them.
“Not helping!”
“So that’s why I was saying all those things? Because you were in my head?”
“Well yes but no,” Grimoire sighed “Look I really didn’t mean to get you here using those means. I feel like that strips you of your autonomy which kinda defeats the purpose of me bringing you here.”
“So you did purposely bring me here? That wasn’t out of my free will?”
“I don’t know. You tell me. Do you want to be here?”
“I did. I think. But now I don’t.”
“Fair enough, but just hear me out. First I’m sorry. I actually became a veilspun not that long ago. I used to be a tundra and I’m still learning all the ropes of what being a veilspun is all about. I swear to the Eleven that I did not purposely use my hypnosis on you. Secondly, the moment I saw you at Clan Ton Theon I knew you’d be a perfect fit here,” Grimoire took a step forward, but Eumoirous took a step back “You’re a dark brooding type. A loner. You don’t have many friends.” 
Eumoirous winced.Grimoire took another step forward. Eumoirous stayed put.
“You’ve suffered. A loss in the family maybe? Maybe not that exactly, but I’m close to the truth aren't I?”
Eumoirous stayed silent.
“But nobody noticed your suffering. They were too busy. Too busy to notice you. To help you. They left you all alone. They thought you were fine.”
Grimoire hovered in the air, now inches from Eumoirous’s face.
“And you couldn’t even bring up your pain to anyone else because you knew they’d just dismiss it. But I see you for who you are, Eumoirous. And I won’t ignore you.”
“Why should I believe you?”
“Because I’ve been there, man. There’s a reason I left everything behind including my old body to be here. I needed a fresh start. And this was the answer. Isn’t it freeing to be somewhere where no one knows you?”
“... It kinda is yeah. But at the same time I do want people to know me, but on my terms.”
“Right. And it’s going to be on your terms from now on, I promise.”
“Alright. I believe you.”
“So you’re planning to stay?”
“Well… I already bled my heart out in front of you earlier so might as well.”
“Cool! Just one more thing… What’s your blood type?”
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