#idk if i’ll add him to my actual character list yet but if any of y’all got some ideas for me to write for him plz gimme them lmao
oldb1og · 2 years
my childhood crush on dr facilier from the princess and the frog has resurfaced super strong and has me in a very tight choke hold- all i wanna write is him being a simpy malewife like gomez addams bc something abt him screams that
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squivulous · 1 year
My Podcast Masterlist
I have a long commute, giving me two hours a day to listen to podcasts. Here is my documentation of all the audio dramas I’ve consumed plus a little blurb. I just wanted to organize them in a list and also (selfishly) get recommendations if anyone would be so kind. Or maybe you’ll see something that’ll interest you. Enjoy!
Podcasts I’m Caught Up With
The Penumbra Podcast: I’ve made an animatic for this one. I’m down bad. This is the one that sucked me into this podcast world.
Malevolent: Arthur dating sim when??? Everyone wants him. Also it took me way too long to find out it was an actual play podcast.
Red Valley: Gordon fan all the way. Normally I do like the Sad Boy but Gordon is that type of dorky that makes me want to protect him.
Caravan: Interesting world and love a main character that makes questionable decisions. Everything is going to be fine :)
WOE.BEGONE: I’m obsessed. It happened slowly but now I think about it every day… And the music is so good! Mike Walters is cringefail, bbygurl, easy to manipulate, and saws his left arm off at the shoulder.
The Cellar Letters: Legit gets me spooked at times. Steve and Nate are good vibes. I’m sure glad nothing ever happens to them.
Harbor: Love that Sam being a malewife ruined his life.
Rifted: Aurora, another Sad Boy to add to my collection. Daniel should give him a kiss to make him feel better.
Heroics: Pls come back some day… I need more Josh. He’s in his slay era.
Second Fiddles: Max is owning being a bbygurl. Also there are a lot of poop jokes which is weird but I’ll look past it.
Hand in Glove: idk anything about baseball but these baseball players are smoochinggg.
Find Us Alive: Lancaster in booty jorts. It's canon. Don't look it up. I'm right. ALSO HE NEEDS TO TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM PLS. C
The Kingmaker Histories: The kiss is still the subject of much historical debate. Eisen <3
The Viridian Wild: It hasn’t been updated since 2021 but I still have hope.
Dos: After You: Ghosting GONE WRONG
Brimstone Valley Mall: SEASON TWO IS COMING. 90’s mall setting is really fun and I’m here for the thing Asmoraius and Trent have going on.
Levian: It starts off with a bang! Well not quite since his sister walks in oops. Excited to see where this pirate tale takes us.
Midnight Burger: Each episode is a delight and as someone who is bad at science, I appreciate Gloria and Caspar. Caspar pls stay forever and also Brodie <3
Return Home: I’m really listening to it for Buddy and DW.
Raythe Reign: Sometimes you need a yaoi.
The White Vault: At this point, I know what I’m getting into and yet still decide to get attached to these characters
The Amelia Project: Please don’t hurt the Interviewer! He’s too goofy for all this drama. I’m scared!
Fawx & Stallion: James Stallion being canonically hot in any situation is such a win
Victoriocity: Inspector Fleet has had a long week and needs some days off
Yokai Detective Agency: I’m always a sucker for detective stories and I’m looking forward to where this one is going
The Grotto: the music is so good but also please help. The emotional turmoil is torrential.
Camlann: Yo…. Dai, for real???
The Strange Case of Starship Iris: Idk how they’re still alive
Podcasts I’ve Completed
Dash: This might not be completed? This is actually the first audio drama I finished. Classic noir but supernatural and boys are smooching!
The Two Princes: This was wholesome and had good vibes. I prefer the first season but it was still a fun time.
The Magnus Archives: Arrived late to the party on this one, but I love all the fanart. Awakened my interest in pathetic men.
EOS 10: I also am not 100% sure this is done but I enjoyed the shenanigans!
Wolf 359: Eiffel, my beloved. I liked the silly and dramatic parts of this story. It hurt my soul but it was worth it :)
Time:Bombs: noahdeaart's fanart made me think this was going in a different direction... Still a fun one!
Valence: Love this one WAAAAHHH! Pls listen. I love Nico. Sad Boy but hides it under their chaos energy.
The Bright Sessions: I would 1005% listen to a spin-off just about Mark. This Sad Boy keeps collecting trauma and I need to see him and Oliver maybe go on adventures or something. ANYTHING.
Roommates: I, too, had a pandemic college experience. It's kinda bizarre that there's already a story about that and I love it!
Look Up: Wholesome. Briggon Snow kept me fed.
Moonface: Appreciate having an audio drama from an Asian American perspective. Didn’t realize how much I needed that.
Murray Mysteries: Must protect Jonathan.
Kaleidotrope: More wholesome content. I got more into it by the second half. The hosts have a fun dynamic!
Re: Dracula: Still thinking about Inside You.
Wooden Overcoats: Rudyard is my fav. Chapman deserves the hate.
The Vanishing Act: this Rudyard wasn’t my fav. I was happy to listen to him suffer but also happy when he fell in love. A win for Griffson!
Greater Boston: Michael Tate <3
Ars Paradoxica: Nikhil Sharma <3
Podcasts I’m Catching Up On
Life with Althaar: I knew that plant lady was sus
Love and Luck: I’m on ep 87 now some magical things are going down
Going Lowbrow: I wasn’t expecting a musical but I’m not complaining.
SAYER: There are no bees on Typhon :)
WTNV: I got behind during high school and now I’m too scared to get caught up… one day. It's been so long at this point I think I'd need to start over.
BRASS: I fell behind on episodes :(
Not Quite Dead: If there are vampires, I'm automatically interested. Only a few eps in.
Hi Nay: I’m listening to Murphy respectfully.
Unwell: I just listened to the Christmas episode and cried
Podcasts I’ve Dropped
Moonbase Theta Out
Archive 81
The Sheridan Tapes
Jar of Rebuke
I’ll keep this updated every so often. Most of these I’ve found either from scouring rec lists or seeing nice fanart.
Please let me know of any recommendations you may have! Thanks for reading if you got this far. Mad respect.
Last updated: 06/08/24
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bredrawz · 28 days
Which oc of yours has the most character lore?
(Also hiii I'm so glad you liked my artfight drawing 😋)
vikki and glume have the most lore out of my ocs (for all my current ocs)
even ocs within their universe arent as fleshed out! all the ocs and some of their spoiler-free info are on my art fight page, but all of my current ocs are linked into one universe so heres a ranking of how much lore each character has:
1 - Vikki
this girl definitely has more lore considering her ghost seeing abilities adding onto her character
1 - Glume
being the main protagonist of the universe she almost ties with vikki with how much lore she has. but since vikki has supernatural powers i think shed be considered to have more but these two are at a. lose equal tbh
3 - rose and edric
will not give any info on their roles in the story but they definitely have their own story i have thought out
4 - nancy and eleanor
youve seen nancy on my art fight but she has a supporting story as she was the previous wife of edric, but she doesn’t have too much lore and is just simply mentioned in the comic (thats as much as ill say regarding her). as for eleanor, you’re all just hearing about her today but to prevent spoiling my own comic before its even published… ill just say she has a backstory lol
5- eli
i hate him but think hes so silly at the same time. hes not spoken too much about in the comic but does have a few appearances, i’ll definitely make minicomics with him but despite not much being said about him in the book he actually has a history with glume and an entire profile on their equivalent to twitter where he posts about being an “alpha male” unironically. no, he cannot name 5 soap brands.
6- mark
hes a dead sassy asshole who has a backstory of his life that isnt really explored in the comics besides a small summary since he isnt too important plotwise. but again, along with the other characters with little appearances i might make minicomics oitside the book for him.
7- summer
little is explained about her life besides her occupation and a reference to how she died
8- violet and kevin
more character new to the public but they have a bit of lore and these kids wont be featured in the book but if theres a book two i might add them in. honestly they were made after i finished writing out the full story, i just wanted to expand the universe for funsies yk
9- anne
i feel bad this queen is so low on the list since i love her but i havent thought of a proper backstory for her. all i have is shes glumes sister and is used to kinda bring out glumes character more and is a supporting character. her backstory wouldnt even be relevant in the story as shes a background/sligh side character, but she still deserves one (all the characters that remain vague on lore do)
10- the bathroom ghost
no this is not hanako, in fact, this dude is not even close to being as cool. i cant say much but theyre bland and you only hear about their death. theyre yet another character that is new to the public.
if you actually listened through my ramblings about my ocs congrats, heres a cookie 🍪
if you’re interested in the comic tumblr is the place to be since i’ll probably talk about it most here
for those curious about the current state of Paranormal (my comic), i’ve decided to do all the bases traditionally. i filled two sketchbooks with a rough draft, but now im working on the actual comic itself on a new sketchbook. its fairly small so once i finish it, ill transfer that book to digital, then get new ones of the same size, and work on the comic segment by segment. honestly itll make the process seem smaller than it is so ill get done faster (i think idk). but so far im moving fast and the style changed again. i might post a sneak peak on here.
feel free to ask questions regarding Paranormal, the characters, or even specifically one character youre interested in.
okie bye :p
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lemonmatronics · 4 months
OKAYOKAY I’m really excited about both of these being sold this year so fuck it let me go crazy
Spirit Halloween vs Party City’s Art the Clown Animatronics
Fake blood warning for my followers I know this is a really random post from me but AH brainrot
For this comparison I’ll go by it through different categories and say who I believe did each thing better. But to preface, I do love both of these props and do not think either is bad at all. I’m just having some fun noting differences here
Lets take a fullbody look at each of them first
Spirit Halloween ———————— Party City
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The Blood Factor Right off the bat first thing I noticed was the blood. Party City’s is covered in it, while Spirit’s is squeaky clean. Now for a character like Art, I feel like people would typically be upset about him not being bloody. However we’re in a pretty unique situation here, we have options. So Spirit’s doesn’t have blood, okay that’s fine Party City’s does! Which also leaves room for anyone that may want an Art prop that isn’t bloody. Maybe you DO want blood but don’t like how it’s done on Party City’s Art. Spirit encourages people to customize theirs in the listing, you have a blank canvas! So for once not having blood feels like kinda a good thing rather than bad, we have more options this way. So, draw for this category, no winner. They’re different in the blood aspect and I’m glad they are for the sake of the consumer.
Clothing Both of them have fine clothes but for me, Party City wins this one. The collar is much bigger and fluffy, and the clothes themselves don’t pull on any of the inner workings. We can’t speak on texture quality yet, but looks wise this one goes to Party City for me.
Animation Okay after watching Party City’s glimpse at the animation again, this one’s kinda hard. We didn’t get a good full look at that one, but what we did see was REALLY good. But idk if it screams Art to me like the, admittedly simpler, Spirit animation does. But it is simpler for a reason, which I’ll get to later. For now I’ll say draw because I don’t wanna fully judge an animation we’ve only really seen one second of, but both work well and fit each prop.
The Face Oh here we go one I can answer, yeah this one goes to Spirit for me easily. He looks so much more angry, from memory so much more accurate, outstanding work on the face mold here. Stunning! That’s not to say The Party City mold is bad, it’s NOT, but he admittedly looks more scared than scary to me. Cut and dry for me, it’s Spirit’s win here.
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Props and Items It’s hard to speak on these quality wise, through pictures alone and all, but we can speak through quantity! Party City wins this one for one simple reason, it has three props while Spirit’s has two. Both of them come with an horn and removable flower sunglasses, but Party City also comes with a hack saw. Which is INSANE of them to have, IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW, but nevertheless a good add on. The fact these come with props like this at all is really nice, you’ll usually not see that with retail animatronics, so the fact they both went an extra step for them is good to see. So again Party City wins here but Spirit has one less prop for a reason, we’ll again get there soon…right now actually
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The Pricing Spirit’s Art: $200 Party City’s Art: $250 To me, both of these pieces are very fair and reasonable for what you’re getting. A licensed, good quality, animatronic prop of Art; these are good prices. Spirit doesn’t automatically win here because it’s cheaper though, because that extra $50 in price does show in the Party City prop. More complex animation, an extra prop, and better quality clothes that are already bloodied up? Taking mark ups into account that sounds more than fair to me. Both of these animatronics are great options and I stand by their prices for each being worth it. Draw, both are great in this regard.
On the whole I really like both of these props, obviously there’s things I like more about each one but there’s really nothing I actively dislike or hate. If you want an Art animatronic both of these are great options for a great price, and with both being available you can really pick what’s best for YOU and your preferences.
Really excited to see these both more, really happy they’re both here
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teeterarting · 3 years
here's a list of things i love about PSMD for no reason other than i think it deserves appreciation (spoilers)
the hero gets adopted by a nuzleaf. Hero, a young child that doesn't know why they were brought into this world, attacked by beheeyem, scared and alone, finds someone that takes them under his wing and gives them a home. it's really sweet that once Nuzleaf brings them to the Village, Hero's not alone anymore.
yes it was all a trick, he deceived you. but being betrayed by your father figure hits so much harder. it's much more personal, especially when both Hero and Partner are kids. and when Nuzleaf goes through all that ordeal in the post game, then gets accepted back into the village?? And his little speech to Hero????? it's heartbreaking and incredibly touching at the same time
everything is just so cute!!!! you go to school with your new friendo and you're friends with the schoolkids, and you make the trip to school every morning taking in the scenery, the smell of dew and fresh grass, and the sun on your face... and you take classes about Mystery Dungeon mechanics, and principal Simipour is a big BRO, the school nurse Audino is super kind and helpful... and you get to play with your pokemon friendos in summer vacation, and explore a dungeon with 'em... AND your bond with your Partner begins to form, getting stronger and stronger from then on. PSMD's beginning arc is so warm and pleasant, it's like reliving childhood memories all over again, when things were happier and you didn't have to worry about how cruel the world is. this story section's one purpose is to get the player used to the game's mechanics, as well as foreshadowing. unfortunately most of the school kids get forgotten later on, but I still love this part for everything it is, even if unintentional.
it's not just the beginning that's cute. PSMD'S ENTIRE WORLD IS ADORABLE. It's just filled with life every town you go. there are a bunch of pokemon locals and they all have interesting things to say, in the main story and the post-game. there's a point where their comments get repetitive, but that's bound to happen in any PMD game. Even then, the days are never the same. one morning you wake up and the Lively Town locals are exercising, then the next they're having singing lessons, and then they're practicing martial arts. and you get to connect with (or recruit) some of them just by.... chatting!!! Sitting next to that big ol' venusaur and sharing stories, laughing and having fun. it's good stuff.
Sometimes you find travelling pokemon in dungeons and it's jsut the coolest thing. Imagine you're exploring a dungeon, then your Connection Orb notifies you there's a fellow explorer in the floor. First thing you do is try to find them, and when you do - oh dang a travelling Archeops!!!! And then they just,,,, exchange their experiences and thoughts on exploration and how hard it is to fend off those enemies and the cool treasure they found the other day (the game calls it "[Team Name] and [Traveller pokemon] compared notes"). then the traveller heals you, fills your belly and restores your PP. and they go on their way. idk man it's such a cute interaction. explorers chatting, empathizing and helping each other, bc their job is not an easy one...
PSMD Partner is the most developed Partner in any PMD game yet. They start off as this naive, hyperactive kiddo, then stuff happens, and worse stuff happens, and you get to see how they grow and change and by the end they're a different person than they were before (in more than one way ...). It's just so nice to be by their side, from the beginning to the bitter end, and watch their growth. in contrast, Hero is a little unbalanced in that their backstory is not explored as much, and their personality is kind of a blank - probs meant to be vague so the player can be in their shoes. to me this just gives you the opportunity to shape their character however you want, so you can have tons of different hero/pardner dynamics.
The music is rlly flippin' good. Some of the tracks are recycled from previous entries, but when they go original??? it's a blast!!! "Echoes of the Mystical Forest" is one of my favorites in all four entries, it has no right being so amazing for a random dungeon. "Time to Set Out" makes me cry immediately (also i think it would be a better fit for the parting ways scene at the end...). Don't even get me started on "Second Dark Matter Battle", it has everything an epic climax needs and MORE. the Partner remix????? absolute genius
speaking of which, Dark Matter ITSELF,, is freaking amazing. Its actions were foreshadowed in the very beginning, though they were not blatant through the game. i do think they could have done a better job at showing the pokemon's negativity raising in the world, as well as negative feelings in the characters... but it's not like Gates did a good job at it, either (outside of cutscenes, all the locals in Post Town are incredibly nice to you and fights didn't "break out often". it's like the game tells you the world is a dark place, but what it shows in gameplay doesn't add up). so i'll cut them some slack. Still, I find Dark Matter a more compelling villain than the Bittercold for several reasons. it is sentient. its speech is a jumbled amount of voices all talking at the same time - the anguished voices of the world. It actually concocted a plan to hurl the planet into the Sun, using pawns like Nuzleaf and Yveltal to do its dirty job. in the Voidlands, Hero and Partner discover its past, and how it'll come back after defeat, like a cycle. when Partner accepts Dark Matter, they accept negative feelings as something everyone has within themselves. Most of all, the fact that Dark Matter is a manifestation of negative feelings doesn't make it just a generic threat, a final obstacle to be defeated so the world can be saved. It makes Dark Matter - negativity itself - a natural part of the world, the yin to its yang. and that's why I LOVE IT SO MUCH DANG IT EVEN THANKS PARTNER FOR THEIR ACCEPTANCE
The fact that Dark Matter can possess pokemon that have "even the smallest amount of darkness in their hearts". it makes me think of Mr. Nuzleaf and what he might have gone through in the past to make him so easy to be controlled. Did he hold a grudge against someone?? Did he commit a crime?? Had Nuzleaf always been malicious???? And if so, is this why he shows so much remorse in the post-game??????? because he had always been this vile fiend and then he met this small kid and got attached, but still carried on with his evil actions because his malice was still stronger than the positive feelings and Dark Matter's hold on him intensified?????? I don't know!!!! and as much as i wish the game could have given us that sweet mr. Nuzleaf backstory, it's pretty fun to have freedom to come up with your own version.
Everything about Super's climax is just phenomenal. Every single flippin' legendary is there to help you. Arceus is in the game. MEWTWO IS THERE. and when things are looking hopeless, they really seem hopeless. First the Tree of Life is dying, then your allies get turned into stone and sent to hell The Voidlands, Arceus gets turned into stone, the entire world is stone (except for several mon' that are still safe and holding onto hope, but they're so few). Your Harmony Scarves stop working and you and your Partner are back to your feeble, basic stage forms. You are bordering exhaustion, you have no Emeras, it's just you and your Partner against an eldritch abomination that's killing the life on the entire planet like a parasite, devouring all hope. but you still fight back. Given how adults in the game always discourage the village children from going adventuring, that they cannot do this or that because they're so little and fragile, it's awesome how Hero and Partner beat Dark Matter as tiny kids.
PSMD is not a flawless game. in fact there's plenty of things that hold it back and i even mentioned some... but it's still full of love put into it and it resonates w me more than PMD Explorers of T/D/S and Gates to Infinity (Rescue Team is a close second). its my all-time favorite PMD game.
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sukirichi · 4 years
suki’s restaurant is now CLOSED! please read updates after the “keep reading” tab!
thank you for the milestone! it’s really such a huge gift to me since i just started posting jjk content here ten days ago (◕ᴗ◕✿) as a small token of appreciation, all requests are now open and there’s a variety of ingredients you can choose from!
masterlist !
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meal guides:
🥞 breakfast - fics longer than 1k word counts
🍙 lunch (headcanons)
🍷 wine (nsfw content)
🍰 snack (timestamps, imagines & drabbles)
🍌 thirsts (ramble with me about our smexy thoughts!) for the brainrots
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— this event is officially closed. my asks are only open for the previous anons who i’ve asked to do a redo for any mistakes/restrictions in their previous orders.
— new requests will no longer be accepted. or maybe it will because i’m easily swayed with great ideas but it will no longer be part of the milestone event.
— my writing schedule is only during wednesdays, fridays, and the weekends. some works will be written in advance and scheduled to post daily (if possible.)
— please be patient! as you can see, i’ve got a lot of requests, and i really want your meals to be as pleasing and delicious as possible, so please please be patient. i’m training for med school and i’ve got other responsibilities too. if you want to decline a request if you can’t wait for it, that’s fine. 
— i’m human so...my mind can change any minute, and i could no longer be interested in a certain idea. if that happens, i’ll reply to your ask that i won’t be serving your meal anymore even if it’s here on the list below. it sounds kind of rude, but i wouldn’t want to write something i’m not interested in for the sake of pleasing others, because if i write something i don’t enjoy/am not that interested in anymore, then the meal won’t turn out as good had i been passionate for it. it’s going to be done out of forced productivity and the food might taste bad :<
— the last batch of accepted meals will be marked as ✿
— favorites will be marked as ★. because they’re the ideas i find most interesting and the ones i adore the most, they will take longer to be completed. i really want to give my ultimate best on that and just UNLEASH everything i have in me.
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how to order!
✦ choose from the ingredients below
✦ choose your own sugar and spice!
✦ choose from the meal guides above! please specify if you want your request to be
✦ send in your request by dropping it on my ask box!
✦ be as descriptive as you want in your request, i want to make a good meal for you!
✦ example of how to order: 
— breakfast: ingredient 9 + sugar 1 for gojo 
— alternative: 9+1+1+song (optional) + dialogue of choice (optional)
— alternative:  breakfast with wine: ingredient 9 + sugar 1 + spice 1 for gojo
— optional: ingredient 9 + sugar 1 + spice 1 for toji + cookie “starboy by the weeknd” and “you wanna fuck me so bad”
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ingredients : au (max of 2 picks!)
✦ sugar daddy au
✦ arranged marriage au
✦ accidental pregnancy au
✦ high school au
✦ university au
✦ med! student au / doctor! au
✦ lawyer au
✦ detective au
✦ ceo au
✦ sugar mommy au
✦ neighbours au
✦ bed sharing au
✦ roommates au
✦ co-workers au
✦ body swap au
✦ soulmate au
✦ fake dating au 
✦ marriage for convenience au 
✦ bodyguard au
✦ assassin au
✦ married au 
✦ love triangle au
✦ mutual pining au
✦ unrequited love au
✦ meet drunk au
✦ meet cute au
✦ siblings’ friend au
✦ friend’s sibling au
✦ established relationship au
✦ breakup au
✦ barista au / coffee shop au
✦ teacher x student au
✦ royalty au
✦ rentboy au 
✦ camboy/camgirl au
✦ ex au
✦ mistaken identity
✦ fuck buddies au
✦ bartender au
✦ tattoo artist au
✦ apocalypse au
✦ playboy au
✦ stoner au
✦ love at first sight au
✦ hate sex au
✦ sleepover au
✦ worthy opponent au
✦ age gap au
✦ loss of virginity au
✦ gangster au
✦ mafia au
✦ bet au
✦ rebound au
✦ drunk hookup au 
✦ bad boy good girl au
✦ amnesia au
✦ reincarnation au
✦ one of them is famous 
✦ one of them doesn’t know the other exists
✦ one of them is oblivious 
✦ one of them is taken already 
✦ polar opposites au
✦ met at the subway au
✦ library au
✦ football player au
✦ canon au (jjk canon)
✦ send me your own au!
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sugar: tropes (max of 2 picks!)
✦ best friends to lovers
✦ enemies to lovers
✦ lovers to enemies
✦ strangers to lovers
✦ mutual pining 
✦ unrequited love
✦ forbidden relationship
✦ partners in crime
✦ slow burn
✦ send me your own trope!
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spice: (for nsfw requests) (max of 3 picks!)
— here are the kinks/sexual content i’m comfortable writing about. there’s still a lot of kinks idk about so if it’s not here, please feel free to include the spice in the ask!
✦ breeding kink
✦ size kink
✦ stockholm syndrome
✦ age play
✦ agoraphilia (public place kink)
✦ somnophilia (consensual sex where the other is asleep)
✦ breath play
✦ dumbification
✦ cum play
✦ begging kink
✦ praising kink
✦ thigh riding
✦ collaring
✦ face sitting
✦ 34+35
✦ dacryphilia
✦ disciplining
✦ dirty talking
✦ exhibitionism
✦ role playing
✦ gagging
✦ watersports
✦ send me your own kink!
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cherry on top : characters
— characters i can write anything for (nsfw & sfw)
: gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, choso, noritoshi kamo, ryoumen sukuna, nanami kento, okkotsu yuta
— characters i can only write sfw for
: itadori yuuji, inumaki toge
— characters i want to write for but don’t think i can write well (nsfw & sfw)
: suguru geto, naoya zenin
— characters i’m MOST eager to write simp for
: fushiguro toji, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi, choso, naoya zenin
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additional cookie!
✦ send me a song as a story inspo!
✦ send me your dialogue! (ex. “shut up and kiss me.”)
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restaraunt rules : please read!
— i do not write about yandere, stalker, pregnant! reader (unless it’s still until the early age where the belly is still small), non-con, and heavily canon requests 
— nsfw content i won’t write about: period sex, blood play, temperature play, pegging, male characters dressing up as female, monster fucking (sorry, sukuna won’t be getting four arms if you want nsfw for him), bestiality, incest, hypnosis (non-con related)
— not exactly a restriction, but please keep in mind that y/n is still a character for me as the writer. i may or may not add in features that even though isn’t explicit, could be something not suitable for everyone. phrases like, “he peered down at her” sounds neutral enough, but could still be implied that the reader is shorter than the anime character. it’s difficult to write a 100% neutral fic that won’t imply appearance one way or another. if i’ve written anything offensive/upsetting, feel free to tell me about it. i’ll do my best to keep it neutral.
— the reader will always be female bodied in nsfw content
— please be patient! i want to write fics the requester enjoys so i’m going to take my time in preparing your meal!
— i may or may not cook your meal 100% according to your request. depending on my comfort upon the idea, i may have to tweak a detail or two.
— i can refuse your request if i don’t want to write about it for personal or other reasons. i’ll let you know beforehand.
— wine will take longer to be served!
— i will announce if a trope/au/character is no longer open for requests. i feel like some ingredients will be quite common amongst requesters and i don’t want to write for the same thing over and over again. same goes in the manner that if you have a similar request to another, it’ll be fused into one idea/meal.
— if your request contains offensive/uncomfortable content, i won’t even respond back to you. i’ll immediately delete your ask.
— if you still don’t get or are confused by the guides, send me an ask! i’ll happily guide you!
— this event is now closed. i will temporarily be closing my ask box so i don’t get flooded. i’ll open it again tonight for anyone who has questions or just want to drop a message!
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hmm...i’m still not sure how to order for my meal.
✧ what if the story/scenario i want isn’t included in the choices above?
— as i’ve stated, please feel free to request whatever you want! the choices are there to give people an idea what they’d like to see, but if it’s not there, you can still request for it as stated in the “send me an au/trope/kink you want!”
✧ what if i don’t have any ingredient, spice, or sugar i want but a song inspo anyway?
— that’s also fine, but it would be preferred if you’re descriptive so your meal could be delivered better and faster. in this case though, i’ll just have to get creative!
✧ what if i want more than one character in the request?
— having others included in the request is fine, but as much as possible, i can only write a maximum of two main characters (the reader excluded)
✧ what if i want to request for the ones you want to write for but you don’t think you can pull it off well?
— just a heads up! i would love to write for them, but because i’m not entirely caught up in the manga, the characters mentioned above aren’t ones i know very well yet. 
✧ not exactly regarding the meal, but i’ve sent you requests from last week. would you still be writing them?
— i’ve received several requests when my bio states that requests are closed. however, because the ideas are actually really precious and i know i’d have fun writing them, i’d still write about them. i just cannot guarantee you’ll receive your meal soon since my requests were closed when you sent them. 
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Day One: breeding kink, size kink, thigh riding, married au, best friends to lovers is NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
Day Two: established relationship au, mutual pining, dumbification, and gojo satoru is NO LONGER AVAILABLE. to the asks that were received before this update, you may check on the requests accepted whether you made it to the cut or not. i’ll update this later. the restaurant will also reach out to you if one of your requested ingredients/spice/sugar/cherry on top did not make the cut. my asks are still open, so please tweak your requests a little bit to what is available! 
Day Two Update 2: Restaurant is CLOSED! spice 6 (somnophilia) is also no longer available! Check the requests accepted to see if you’ve made the cut, the latest and last accepted requests will be marked as ✿! 
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requests accepted:
✦ fushiguro megumi
megumi really likes reader and gojo, yuuji, nobara helps him confess
shy megumi who is really flustered and shy around his crush  meals fused into one. read here: not shy
★🥞🍷 40 (tattoo artist au) + 5 (mutual pining) + 2,12,13 (size kink, praise kink, thigh riding) + reader is shorter than megumi and isn’t shy read here: work of art
(★🥞🍷 5 (university au) + 5 (mutual pining) + 12, 3 (praise kink, stockholm syndrome) + virgin megumi) i’ve been outlining this for days but idk...i just can’t seem to form something out of it. i still have it saved but idk if i can still finish, i’ll try my best though.   it’s just challenging to write, sorry :( MEAL UNAVAILABLE
🥞 + 33 (royalty au) + 1 (best friends to lovers)
🍷 + 27 (siblings’ friend au) + 1, 11, 19 (breeding kink, dumbification, dirty talking) + feral megumi (feral megumi supremacy) read here: unstoppable
🥞 + 3, 38 (accidental pregnancy, fuck buddies au) + childhood friends to lovers + baby moments with father! megumi MEAL ORDER 9 & 7 FUSED read here: happy little accidents
★ vampire au + 55 (reincarnation au) + 6 (somnophilia) + vampire markings + blood drinking + nursing megumi...or him nursing you? hmm? (STRUGGLE PAANIK) read here: scarlet
✿ 🍰🍷 23, 38 (mutual pining au, fuck buddies au) might fuse it with request 7  MEAL ORDER 9 & 7 FUSED read here: happy little accidents
✦ nanami kento
jealous nanami with oblivious reader + gojo annoying nanami making nanami confess read here: a little push
comfort & angst fic where reader dates gojo but gojo cheats so she breaks down, leaves him, and nanami comforts reader  it’s too difficult for me to write sorry :(
★🥞 + 33 (royalty au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) read here: violet
🥞🍷 + 21 (married au) +  4 (strangers to lovers) + 2, 12 (size kink, praising kink) MEAL U
🥞🍷 + 23 (mutual pining au) + 1 (best friends to lovers) + 1 (breeding kink) read here: like crashing waves
ingredient 6 (med! student au / doctor! au)  + sugar 7 (forbidden relationship) + spices 12 (praising kink) + dacryphilia read here: overtime
✦ noritoshi kamo
fem!dom reader where nori defends his wife from the elders so she gives him the best night + blowjobs + overstimulation + sub! househusband nori + tit sucking spspss (MEAL UNAVAILABLE)
🍷 + 18 (marriage for convenience au) + 5 (mutual pining) + 18 (disciplining)
🥞 + 21 (married au) + 1,13 (breeding kink, thigh riding) meals fused into one, breeding kink is no longer included | read here: i know
🥞🍷 + 20, 58 (assassin! reader, oblivious! noritoshi) + 13 (thigh riding) + love at first sight + “wait, are you flirting with me?” + “have been since the beginning, thanks for finally noticing.” (BIG BRAIN ENERGY) read here: illusion
✦ gojo satoru
serotonin boost for that lovely anon gojo simp 9487 (i’m going to make this special for you because i love you anon) i was thinking maybe gojo comforts his uni!student s/o? just fluff and some cutesy tootsy to relieve your stress! MEAL FUSED WITH SEVEN
Tokyo by Leat’eq + ice cream shop! au with limited cat themed ice cream, you need to wear cat ears to go order + “nyaa!” read here
🍷 + 44 (hate sex au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) + 12 (praising kink) read here: divine
🥞🍷  + 29 (established relationship au) + 5 (mutual pining) no longer included + 6 (somnophilia) + fused with other request that isn’t listed here read here: sweet angel
✿ 🥞🍷 + 29 (established relationship au) + 12,15 (praising kink, face sitting) + reader runs into awful ex and gets worshipped by gojo like they deserve (queen tingz) + gojo comfort read here: breathless
(✿ 🥞🍷 + 12 (bed sharing au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) + 19 (dirty talk) + magdalena bay : killshot + jujutsu tech goes on a trip, gojo and reader ends up sharing rooms and a twin bed)  i’ve been outlining this for days but idk...i just can’t seem to form something out of it. i still have it saved but idk if i can still finish, i’ll try my best though.   it’s just challenging to write, sorry :( MEAL UNAVAILABLE
★✿ 50,1 (mafia au, sugar daddy au) + spice 8,12 (dumbification, praising kink) wow butterfly anon POPPED OFF | read here: earned it
✿ 33 (royal au) + 5 (mutual pining) + 11 (praising kink) read here: fall from grace
✦ choso my MAN
Tokyo by Leat’eq + ice cream shop! au with limited cat themed ice cream, you need to wear cat ears to go order + “nyaa!” + flustered choso + “onii-chan” read here
★🥞 + 17, 34 (fake dating, rentboy au) + 2 (enemies to lovers) + optional wine read here: easy
soulmate au + forbidden relationship MEAL UNAVAILABLE
✦ inumaki toge
🥞 + 15 (body swap au) + 1 (best friends to lovers) read here: total opposites
🥞 + 10 (sugar mommy au) + 4 (strangers to lovers) BIG BRAIN ENERGY THIS ONE (STRUGGLE PAANIK)  it’s too difficult for me to write sorry :(
★🥞 + 64 (canon au) + 5 (mutual pining) + sensitive first kiss with inumaki, them trapped in a room + yuuji as matchmaker uwu + WALL PIN KISS YES SIR + basically hot af inumaki...debating whether i should turn into wine HMMM read here: delicate
✦ naoya zenin 🙄
naoya putting reader back in their place, LONG SCHLONG CLUB read here: acquainted
✿ deity au + virgin sacrifice for naoya + reader with worship kink (DAMN THIS ONE GOT ME TINGLING, its going to be consensual tho, we all have consent kink in this house) read here: true gift
✦ okkotsu yuta 
🍷 + 53 (bad boy good girl au) + 8,10 (dumbification) read here: good for you
★🥞🍷 + 65 (both are oblivious) + 5,9 (mutual pining, slow burn) + 6,9,16 (somnophilia, cum play, 34+35) MEAL UNAVAILABLE
✿ 🥞🍷 58, 65 (one of them is oblivious, hanahaki disease on reader) + 5,9 (mutual pining, slow burn) + 12 (praising kink + cockwarming) + clumsy first time sex MEAL UNAVAILABLE
✦ itadori yuuji 
🥞 + 21 (married au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) (STRUGGLE PAANIK) it’s too difficult for me to write sorry :( MEAL UNAVAILABLE
✦ toji fushiguro
★✿ toxic toji YES + enemies to greater enemies + toji railing reader in front of someone they’re seeing because he doesn’t want to see you happy but he doesn’t want to “keep” you either (LOL this is so toji, might tweak a little bit) read here: personal disaster
age gap au + size kink, somnophilia read here: shhh
✦ ryoumen sukuna
🥞 + 2 (arranged marriage) + 2 (enemies to lovers) read here: black magic
55 (reincarnation au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) no longer included + unrequited love + home from war inspired read here: home from war: the ending
✿ 🍷 + 38 + master x servant + degrading, edging, begging (oooh degrading aint my kink but let’s see let’s see) MEAL UNAVAILABLE
233 notes · View notes
haleigh-sloth · 3 years
you were talking about something a bit similar yesterday so I'm sorry for being late to the conversation, but I just do not understand people who are fans of the LOV and yet are so vehemently hateful towards Midoriya, and in turn most of the other kids. I understand the criticism that sometimes the kids get things handed to them by the story, but tbh that is just to be expected of the protagonist characters in a shonen manga like this one. even so however, it's not like Midoriya gets off free of everything that he does? his actions and his sacrifices and very actually very rarely ever truly appreciated within the story, just because he is successful in most of his feats doesn't mean that the people around him necessarily Notice (him only getting one internship request after the sports festival despite displaying amazing power and critical thinking skills, the Stain Hosu incident, even in the VERY BEGINNING of the series when he runs forward to save Bakugou he says himself that he was only reprimanded for being so careless in his actions).
I see so many people who are (so ironically) only seeing the story in black and white, when in reality these kids, and Midoriya especially, are being negatively impacted by hero society just as much as the villains are, they're just experiencing it from a different angle. (Which adds a whole other layer to the Midoriya becoming the greatest hero plotline, because the society that he is also fighting against is the one that was shaped that way by his predecessor- albeit unintentionally.) Midoriya is going to be the one to try to save Shigaraki, Midoriya has already become the greatest hero by actively looking past the actions of Shig and the League and wanting to help them.
- I didn't get to finish my thought from the FULL ESSAY I sent earlier (my bad about how long that ended up being lmao) but...yeah I was saying about how Midoriya is already a better hero at 16 than most other pros because he actively wants to help the League. Midoriya is exactly the kind of hero that the villains, and Shigaraki in particular, needs in order to have the happy ending that so many want for him. I agree that the manga has been a bit of a drag-along for the past few...months tbh, and I am absolutely Livid at the way that Bones has structured the story, and it's causing a lot of boredom and Tons of tension with people, but I feel like a lot of villain fans are taking that out on the integrity of the characters themselves, which is causing a lot of the mischaracterizaton of Midoriya in particular. n idk, I just find it sort of ironic, DEFINITELY annoying, and in general just.... :/ yknow. just :/
I think it's completely valid for people to just simply not like certain characters for whatever reason they might have, im not here to police people's opinions, but when people's opinions come at the expense of misunderstanding pretty key elements of the characters / story they're talking about, that's when I have a problem. FINAL MESSAGE I promise lmao sorry again for the 600 page essay
You're good lol. In fact, I've discussed some of this in-depth in private with a tumblr friend. Again, I feel like my DMs are being read 👀 anyway lol
So obviously this is going to be a long ass post so I'll add a cut toward the top. But I wanna start off with: there's a lot to unpack here and I'm going to preface with, I agree with you. But I also have to say that I see both sides, but when it comes to vehemently hating a character and letting that hate for that character lead to bad takes (which I see for Deku and another character that I'll get to under the cut) I feel like the overall point people are trying to make loses its grip because it starts to just turn into bashing, and doesn't actually hold water with what's actually in the story.
"I just do not understand people who are fans of the LOV and yet are so vehemently hateful towards Midoriya, and in turn most of the other kids. I understand the criticism that sometimes the kids get things handed to them by the story, but tbh that is just to be expected of the protagonist characters in a shonen manga like this one."
I'll be honest, I see a lot of people love on the UA kids. Especially ones like Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Tsuyu, basically any of the ones with personalities that are beyond "I have to get stronger! I have to catch up with my classmates and live up to everyone's expectations!" Which I personally feel like pretty much all of the UA kids have as personalities, save for the main five, and the few above that I listed. But for the hatred toward Midoriya....oy. Where do I begin.
Well, I actually don't see a lot of Deku hate on my dash. I follow a very small number of blogs, most of which are pretty in line with my POV of the story and therefore, I don't see a lot of bad takes.
A little baby rant inside of this monster post:
Yes, I have come across extremist villain-stan blogs that, while I agree with some of their opinions on the villains, I don't agree with their opinions on the hero characters. I've unfollowed blogs like that, because they started exhausting me and making me upset, tbqh. Like yes, the villains are the best characters in the story. But guess what? They aren't the only ones in the story. We have other characters that are important to the overall themes and messages. I, personally, really like the hero kid:villain set up. Others I've seen want the heroes and villains completely separated in the story and for the villains to save themselves without any help from the heroes?? Makes zero sense because the story is about these becoming true heroes, and in order to do that they need to challenge themselves by saving a villain. So...blogs that were spouting that nonsense, I've unfollowed and stopped engaging with.
But back to Midoriya. Okay, I genuinely, genuinely like Midoriya! I've liked him from the beginning. He's not favorite, he's not even my second favorite. He's in my top 5 though. But the only dislike I personally see toward Midoriya on my blog is for these problematic things that have occurred:
Telling Shouto he thinks he's going to forgive his father because he's kind, making Natsuo feel bad for not forgiving his abusive POS father.
Trying to "reach" Dabi the same way he reached Shouto, only to just cause more harm.
Saying Endeavor is a mentor who made him stronger??? TO Dabi??
Teaming up with the fucking top 3
So....basically...any time Midoriya has been interjected into the Todoroki plot line, he's been less than likable--AFTER what he did for Shouto during the sports festival. That was a positive thing, and it actually kicked off the Todoroki plot line really really well. It got us into Shouto's inner world and started his story off nicely I think.
And you can argue that Midoriya's flaw is being blinded by hero society and seeing the good in everybody, BUT--
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This was LITERALLY THE FIRST INTERACTION between Midoriya and Endeavor. THIS set the tone for the Todoroki plot. So....all that stuff up there that people hate about Midoriya, is definitely valid. I mean...I don't think it's worth hating him for but people can like and dislike who they want. But this just reiterates my belief that so many things in BNHA come to a fucking halt for Endeavor's bitch ass. The main character included.
"it's not like Midoriya gets off free of everything that he does? his actions and his sacrifices and very actually very rarely ever truly appreciated within the story, just because he is successful in most of his feats doesn't mean that the people around him necessarily Notice (him only getting one internship request after the sports festival despite displaying amazing power and critical thinking skills, the Stain Hosu incident, even in the VERY BEGINNING of the series when he runs forward to save Bakugou he says himself that he was only reprimanded for being so careless in his actions)"
So, I don't entirely disagree but I do have to disagree to an extent. Midoriya's consequences have been a topic for a while now and everyone says the same thing. Nothing ever comes back to him, he doesn't ever actually fail at anything. His failures don't actually hold him back or push him to challenge his beliefs. Like...narrative consequences here is what I'm talking about. Midoriya only got one offer after the sports festival, yes that's a consequence of putting your body through ridiculous strain and self-destructing in front of everyone like that. But it ended up working in his favor because he went with Gran Torino who taught him his next big move, full cowling, which I think we can all agree was a major power-up for him. So...it wasn't much of a consequence in the long run. It wasn't a set back. And you're right, he was reprimanded for rushing in to save Bakugo in the beginning, which is coming into play now when we see that it's actually hard for people to step in and save others because everyone is so trained by society to just let heroes handle everything. Even though Bakugo would have died if not for Midoriya. BUT--what happened next? All Might gave him his power. That was a reward by the narrative. Granted that HAD to happen for our story to kick off, but I'm just trying to show how Midoriya doesn't ever actually have any set-backs.
"Midoriya is going to be the one to try to save Shigaraki, Midoriya has already become the greatest hero by actively looking past the actions of Shig and the League and wanting to help them."
"but...yeah I was saying about how Midoriya is already a better hero at 16 than most other pros because he actively wants to help the League. Midoriya is exactly the kind of hero that the villains, and Shigaraki in particular, needs in order to have the happy ending that so many want for him"
Fully agree here. I'll say that recently I've seen a lot of people making posts about how they don't think it'll be Midoriya doing the reaching and saving. How they think it'll be the LOV saving each other without the help of the heroes, how they'll reach each other's hearts?? Which...I don't even know what to say besides ask people who think that what they think the purpose of all these parallels and similarities drawn between him and Shigaraki are for, if not to bring them together in the end (and stay connected too--not just be yeeted from each other's lives), the two brothers who were separated from each other, and a teenage girl who was never accepted by her peers and basically forced to find family in a group of adult men lol. I'm not sure if you were responding to my rant yesterday with this ask lol, but if you are, I mean yeah I'm on board here. Midoriya is supposed to be that "true hero" that breaks through even the toughest, strongest walls, who in HIS case is Shigaraki. But not just him, Shouto, Ochacko, and Bakugo too. There's a kid:villain set up for a reason, so people who don't want that set up are either just....super super one-sided in how they're reading it, or it's just their preference and they're not actually caring about what the story itself is going to do. (Bakugo is kind of a seventh wheel....lol)
Again, I can't say I've seen too much irrational Deku hate on my dash. I avoid stupid shit for the most part. Most of the blogs I follow, while they may not like Midoriya, they still see the redeeming characteristics in him and still make valid takes on the story and take his actual character into account. But I have seen the irrational hate you're talking about, I've just successfully yeeted it from my dash.
Another character, and I know you didn't bring this character up but I feel this issue applies to them as well--is Hawks. Now...I do not like Hawks. I don't hate him, but I seriously just cannot bring myself to like him. I can't tell if it's his fans that have just ruined him for me, or just his overall vibe in the story. I don't even know at this point I've spent so long avoiding getting to know his character. But--I've seen villain-stan blogs hate him so much to a point where they completely forget that he is also a victim of society and has his own issues. And their takes on him come at the expense of....well, a clear understanding of the story. Now right now Hawks is being handled not-so-great, but even before this. Of course nobody has to like him, I mean I just said that I don't, but this irrational hate that comes at the expense of his actual character is annoying to me.
"I think it's completely valid for people to just simply not like certain characters for whatever reason they might have, im not here to police people's opinions, but when people's opinions come at the expense of misunderstanding pretty key elements of the characters / story they're talking about, that's when I have a problem"
Yep yep yep. I agree here too. So in a nutshell, no matter what character it is, if people irrationally hate them to a point where their takes on the story just stop making sense, yes I agree that it starts to wear away at the integrity of the character, and it also annoys me and I end up just unfollowing and I no longer take anything they say seriously. And there are a couple of blogs I follow that really don't like Midoriya at all, but they don't waste their time talking about how much they don't like him. They simply just...don't talk about him. That's what people should do because otherwise it fills EVERYONE'S dash with negativity that we didn't ask for. That's why I'm glad I've stopped getting so many asks about Hawks because I have never really had anything nice to say about him and after so many people sending me stuff asking to talk about him I started to feel like a shitty person for filling peoples' dashes up with that. I mean...I'm seriously mean to Hawks lol. I am. So yeah.
I don't particularly understand the extreme hatred either. I totally get not liking a character but that extreme hatred you're talking about I've made a successful effort to distance myself from. Thankfully.
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banescrown · 4 years
Honestly the entire fandom normalizes all the wrong and offensive actions of all our white characters do, claiming them to be “iconic” or whatever. I don’t think many of us even realise that’s what we’re doing, it just happens automatically because white people saying anything bad has been normalized as okay, yet the moment a person of colour say anything slightly wrong they are trashed and hated on.
While yes we love those characters, they need to be called out on the shit they’ve done. I don’t CC (and other authors) realise that what they made their characters say and do is actually offensive. Like now we will see Alastair and Ariadne try to win back their loves and friends etc, but we’ll have to watch them own up to their mistakes and watch as the other side of the apologies are not called out (I’m wording this wrong I hope you guys get what I mean). The others will forgive Alastair for what he said at the academy, and all that racist and mean comments Matthew made to him will be completely ignored/not mentioned at all; only Alastair will be held accountable. Ariadnne will try to win Anna back, but Anna’s been on such a heartbreaker streak, and she literally asked Aridnne to just give up her entire life and dreams for her (and they only knew each other for hardly few weeks), and that will never be addressed.
There’s also a lot of hate going around like “people be stanning all them pretty boys even though they’re shit people” and then call out characters of colour (eg. Alastair), but like, what about your other pretty boys (eg. Matthew) who have done way worse shit, y’all are gonna stan them and justify that? It’s horrible how this type of racism has become so normalized and ingrained into our heads that we don’t even realise what we’re doing, and equally horrible that people purposefully ignore the shit their white characters do.
I’m ashamed to say that back when I read GOTSM I hated Alastair for what he said to Matthew, I didn’t even take into account of the fact that Matthew was the one who literally started it by insulting Alastair. I started liking Alastair after read COG and then when I came onto Tumblr I realised that it was not Alastair's fault alone for the whole situation. I then realized the same applied to Will, Jace and other characters like them, not even from TSC, I had normalized their actions in my head and really thought nothing much of it.
I’m generally the type of person who doesn’t give two shits of what you believe or what your skin colour is etc (I mean it doesn’t affect me or change my opinion on you not that I don’t care what matters to you I’m really bad at wording this I’m sorry), to me if you’re white and a shit person, you’re a shit person; if you believe in any religion and are a shit person, you’re a shit person; and vice versa etc. I will like you for your personality, you telling me you’re Muslim or follow any other religion, or your skin colour does not affect me in the slightest. So it really hit me when I realised that I had unknowingly become internally prejudiced (I’ve tried to change that, going back and looking at the shit a lot of my fav characters have done and acknowledging it, it’s really changed my opinions and perspectives a lot).
I’m giving my own personal example so people realise I’m not making shit up when I say we don’t even realise when we treat characters unfairly, not cuz I’m looking to attacked for this.
I’m really hoping CC proves me wrong and actually knows that she wrote in discriminative comments etc, and will have those addressed in her next book(s) like COI (obviously she can’t really do anything about like TID and TMI etc now and it’s fine writers are only human they make mistakes). Because at the very least I really want Matthew to be called out on the shit he’s done (as I’ve said before), as well as the fact that he’s literally an alcoholic, there is no way anyone can deny that it's 100% canon.
Can’t think of anything else to say about this now, pretty sure I’ve worded a lot of stuff wrong so I’m sorry if I end up offending anyone THAT IS NOT MY INTENTION, I just saw a post earlier talking about Anna and how she’s not really the best role model (and I honestly agree) and it started me off on this (I’ve reblogged it to my page, shoutout to the person who made that list). If I think of more I’ll reblogg this and add more or make a new post idk. 
ALSO I LOVE ALL MY CHARACTERS THIS IS NOT A HATE POST ON ANY CHARACTER IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE CHARACTERS I’M TRYING TO DEFEND OR WHATEVER THAT’S FINE BUT I HOPE IT’S FOR VALID REASONS (idk what reasons come under valid reasons that depends on you ig) I feel like I need to add this disclaimer to every rant I post.
Yea so can we try and stop normalizing shit whit people and characters do and call them out on it thank you to whoever actually reads this whole thing <3
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zukkaoru · 3 years
shhh i’m not on my phone at work got a second wHAT
35:) ramble to me, babe
35. ramble about any fic-related thing you want
corey this is so vague i don't even know where to begin skjgdfhdj uhhhhh what do i want to ramble about,,
okay so back in like. february i think i did another ask game like this and someone (jo?? maybe???) sent an ask about meta/foreshadowing/hidden references for this ultraviolet morning light and at the time, only the first two(?) chapters were out so i couldn't talk about the foreshadowing, bc it was all leading up to the end of chapter six. but i can talk about it now bc the whole fic is up!!
i'll put it under the cut bc i know it'll be long + spoilers for those who haven't yet read tuvml
fic writer ask game
okay so first. all of the foreshadowing for the drowning scene. maybe i did already have a list of these in my google docs in case anyone every asked, maybe not, i won't say
anyway. i added in water/drowning imagery with zuko specifically in this fic, because of the drowning scene, and especially bc in the atla world, water imagery would generally be used with characters from the water tribes rather than someone from the fire nation. so it wasn't just me liking water-related words and shoving them onto zuko for no reason; it was intentional
chapter one:
- He really can’t think of anything more beautiful than Zuko drenched in moonlight - This is what fire feels like when doused with water. - It burns like fire consuming Sokka’s entire body, like he’s been dunked underwater and the surface has frozen over and his lungs are about to give out, but he’s going to keep hitting the ice anyways like he’s strong enough to break it.
chapter two:
- It washes over his body all at once, like a wave pulling him under the surface of the ocean, until his limbs are numb and tingly and his head sways. He’s completely frozen in place, eyes staring straight ahead but not really seeing anything. - He would’ve rather stood across from Azula in the Agni Kai arena and let her shoot him full of lightning, rather been dropped in the middle of the ocean
chapter three:
- Zuko searches the tumultuous ocean that is his mind for the right words - Zuko was telling them about Azula never quite getting the knack for swimming despite their annual vacations to Ember Island when they were little, and Sokka was so happy.
chapter four:
So he lets the words sink, lets them drown in the knowledge that he no longer has the right to talk to Sokka in the same way he used to.
chapter five:
The moonlight pours over him, drowning him in a soft white glow.
chapter six:
But…my doctors have told me that spending the rest of your life letting yourself drown in guilt isn’t going to help anyone.
also, people picked up on vai being a double agent, but no one picked up on the fact that she was a waterbender, even though i did hint at that too:
- Her brown skin is almost as dark as Sokka’s and her face and arms are covered in freckles. - It reminds Sokka of himself a little; the bright blue eyes of a waterbender but no bending ability to speak of. - How can you get better than a play with dragons, a star-crossed love affair, sun and moon symbolism, and a villain who has a secret past that ties them to the protagonist?
beyond that, there are also a lot of parallels/call backs to previous chapters/foreshadowing to future scenes just in general. the funniest one (and also completely unintentional one) is probably sokka and katara calling each other their least favorite [sibling]
“You’re my least favorite sister,” // You are, and I say this from the bottom of my heart, my least favorite brother ever. chapter 1 // epilogue
but there are. several more. and i'm not sure how many of them people picked up on so i will add them all bc i love them <3
Zuko would get himself arrested, kidnapped, killed, whatever if it would keep Sokka safe. // “I would give my life for [Zuko] without a second thought.” … “But would he do the same for you?” chapter 4 // chapter 6
When Sokka’s hand began to retreat, Zuko had reached forward, grabbed it, and whispered, “Please stay.” // “Don’t leave me.” Sokka says it like a prayer … like he would repeat it until he couldn’t remember anything else if it meant Zuko would keep holding him. “Just… stay.” chapter 5 // chapter 7
So they sit - Sokka and Zuko - on the roof of some abandoned building in the outskirts of the city. // “But now I’m pretty sure we’re just destined to be Sokka and Zuko” chapter 5 // chapter 7
“I just don’t think he’s trustworthy enough for this. … when he proves that he isn’t as reliable as you think - when he proves that he’s only ever going to let you down - I’m going to say I told you so.” // “Zuko is kind, and he is trustworthy and reliable. He’d never purposefully let me down” chapter 3 // chapter 6
this ^ was one i was hoping people would pick up on bc it makes the drowning scene/sokka pleading for vai to not hurt zuko that much angstier, but i'm not sure anyone did so now i'm putting those lines right next to each other so you're all forced to confront the pain <3
Is he still in love with Zuko? Is being in love enough? // But what good is any of that? Love isn’t always enough. // “It doesn’t matter who or where feels like home, it doesn’t matter if we’re in love. When you’re next in line for the throne, love isn’t enough.” chapter 3 // chapter 4 // chapter 6
Zuko warms his other hand on instinct, and apparently it was a good call because Sokka squeezes it tighter and presses closer to Zuko. “I forgot my mittens at home,” // I love you doesn’t always take the shape of those three words. … Sometimes, it’s Have you eaten today? or Don’t forget your mittens again! chapter 1 // chapter 6
this ^ is also one i thought people might pick up on but idk if anyone did or not. but it made me🥺🥺 when i wrote it
[religion tw for the last part]
okay i could leave it there but corey gave me an excuse to ramble and i've made the post this long anyways so one more thing! i explained this to corey a while ago when we were having dinner together but i find it very funny so i'm sharing it with all of you i say like anyone has actually read this far
i accidentally made zuko a Christ Figure in tuvml
"but grace, surely that's not possible," you say. "surely there's no way zuko is a christ figure! there aren't any christian themes in tuvml. you didn't even have anyone try to convince vai to forgive zuko or have anyone convince zuko and sokka that they should forgive vai! how could you have a christ figure in your fic???"
let me set the scene. it's 2019, you're a senior in high school, and you decided to take ap literature for the possibility of college credit. your teacher has this book called how to read literature like a professor that he has his classes read chapters from, and one of those chapters talks about Christ Figures in literature. one of those chapters also talks about baptism symbolism, and mentions how oftentimes, characters who are christ figures will go through a baptism of some sort - being "born again" after a scene where they come out of the water
do you want to know what zuko does in this ultraviolet morning light?
he goes into the water. and then he comes back out.
and do you want to know what i had sokka say about zuko shortly before he took a dive into the baptistry water?
Zuko looks away from him, resigned, like he’s ready to die as atonement.
see. i grew up Christian, i went to church every sunday and i have spent the majority of my life memorizing Bible verses either for awana or bible quizzing and. sometimes i just drop biblical words into my writing sometimes bc they're words i've heard since i was a kid, and they're words i learned make you sound smarter at church. so of course i throw them around while writing. i use them in essays, i use them in poetry, and i use them in fan fiction.
so was i trying to make zuko a christ figure in my fic? absolutely not.
but i had sokka say he looked ready to die as atonement (for the sins of his people), and then i had him go into the water, nearly die, and have to be "brought back to life" by suki's cpr, being "born again" after a "baptism" and
accidental christ figure zuko i guess
anyway. this went on for a while and i'm not sure anyone bothered reading all of it which. valid.
thank you corey for letting me ramble skjdgfdjgh i'm not sure this is coherent, nor should it have all been in one post, but whatever
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lilatreus · 4 years
im new to the ac fandom and i didnt know there were any books should i be reading them?? or are there certain ones that i absolutely need to read or would i be okay if i skip them?
Yeah it’s okay to skip them if you want! They’re mostly there to give some more insight on some of the characters. If you want to read them but you don’t have to money to buy the books, you can read them here. I actually have all the books already on paper copy so I would definitely recommend buying them if you really enjoy them.
There’s also some comics and graphic novels about them too which I have included in on the master list. They actually follow the modern storyline of you want to read up on that. If you want to read them just do readcomicsonline. They have them all, only watch out for ads.
Anyway here’s the master list, it’s pretty long won’t lie:
The books, in order of strictly historical events:
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey by Gordon Doherty (2018)
Basically this books gives the canonical story to assassin’s creed odyssey following Kassandra around Greece. If you had the “best” or good ending from the story then you’re probably going to be upset with the book. I actually liked it and if you were ever confused about the game then this is definitely for you to read.
Assassin’s Creed Origins: Desert Oath by Oliver Bowden (2017)
This book takes place years before Origins. It follows Bayek who a teenager at the time. We learn how Bayek and Aya start their relationship and it kind of explains some of the side missions that talk about Bayek’s past. If you love Bayek and Aya’s relationship you will love this book.
[ insert for whenever an ac valhalla book is written ]
Assassin’s Creed: The Secret Crusade by Oliver Bowden (2011)
This book is the one I’m currently rereading, so it takes place with the father of Marco Polo talking about Altaïr’s life. It talks about his—Altaïr’s—dad within the first few chapters, events that happened in the game, and then what happens after. It gives more insight on what happened between the events of ac one and the little bits of scenes we see in ac revelations of Altaïr in game. If you want to know how Maria and Altaïr got together you’ll like this book it’s very sweet and I love how smitten Altaïr was. If you love Atlmal (Altaïr and Malik) you’ll also like this book but it will crush you.
Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance by Oliver Bowden (2009)
This follows Ezio through assassin’s creed two. Literally just the book version of the game. Does talk about how Ezio and Cristina got together and a few of the memories you get to play in Brotherhood are in this book. I like it. It pretty much follows the game exactly so if you want to skip it, you can but still a really good book that I recommend reading.
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood by Oliver Bowden (2010)
Follows the plot of the game. It’s pretty similar to it as opposed to a few differences. While I like this book, I will always say the game is better than this book entirely. Still, it’s pretty good and explains a lot of plot.
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations by Oliver Bowden (2011)
It explains why Ezio is doing what he does in the game. Why he’s there and what is reasoning is. You get a little small bit about Claudia but that’s it. Ezio does, in book, visit Leonardo on the last few days before the artist dies :( that’s pretty much it. Only some minor differences to the game. If you’re looking for something about Desmond, you won’t find it in this book.
Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag by Oliver Bowden (2013)
I’ll be honest I only read this book once so my memory is pretty poor on it but from what I can remember it’s about Edward and Caroline and how they got together. And then there’s something about Anne Boney and Edward towards the end I believe. Kind of explains his backstory from the little scenes we’re shown in the game I think? (Correct me if I’m wrong on this one but I’m certain that’s the gist of it).
Assassin’s Creed: Forsaken by Oliver Bowden (2012)
This one was the first assassin’s creed book I read. Now fair warning: if you do not like Haytham Kenway, I strongly advise you to not read this book. It is all about Haytham until the final few chapters and then Connor takes over the book once you’ve killed him in game. This book explains how he (Haytham) came to be apart of the Templars and how Edward dies. It talks about his relationship with Ziio and how he built the Templar order up during the seven years war. I’ll be honest it was okay when I first read it because I was like 11 and the only other thing I had read was like just percy jackson. Looking back on this book though, it’s not that great. I do not like Haytham at all so I, personally, would not recommend this book. I went in reading it expecting for it to be about Connor and I was very disappointed and upset that it wasn’t. So you can skip this book if you like because the only thing it does is give insight to a lot of what Haytham does.
Assassin’s Creed: Unity by Oliver Bowden (2014)
This is my favorite book. This is about Arno reading Elise’s diary after she passed. There’s little bits where Arno writes in here and there throughout the novel. It’s pretty sad I won’t lie. Explains how Elise grew up, what she did during the parts where we didn’t see her in game, and talks about how she felt during the parts where we did see her in game. Basically at the end of the book it’s Elise asking Arno to please help seek unity and stop the war between the Templars and Assassins.
Assassin’s Creed: Underworld by Oliver Bowden (2015)
This book follows Jayadeep Mir, also known to us as Henry Green. There’s two parts to this book. The first part takes place six years before the events of syndicate and you get to really learn about the twin’s father and then the second part takes place during the events of the game. It talks about Evie and Henry’s relationship during the second part and it’s pretty good!
There are no books about assassin’s creed chronicles (ac China, India, and Russia) if you’re wondering why they’re missing :(
The comics:
*most of these take place during the modern storyline I’ll try my best to explain when they come in and how it adds up to the new our modern storyline at the end
Assassin’s Creed the Fall
There’s three issues with this it’s just a graphic novel honestly. Takes place with the main character from AC Chronicles: Russia
Assassin’s Creed the Chain
Graphic Novel sequel to the Fall
Assassin’s Creed Brahman
Written by the same people who wrote The Fall and The Chain, however this focuses on Arbaaz Mir who is the main character from Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India.
Now from what I’ve seen, correct me if I’m wrong, but the templar and assassin comics pretty much take place around the same time.
Assassin’s Creed: Trial by Fire
Assassin’s Creed issue #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Assassin’s Creed Templars: Black Cross
Assassin’s Creed Templars issue #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Assassin’s Creed: Setting Sun
Assassin’s Creed issue #6, #7, #8, #9, #10
Assassin’s Creed Templars: Cross of War
Assassin’s Creed Templars issue issue #6, #7, #8, #9
Assassin’s Creed: Homecoming
Assassin’s Creed issue #11, #12, #13, #14
Assassin’s Creed: Uprising
Common Ground Vol 1: issue #1, #2, #3, #4
Infection Point Vol 2: issue #5, #6, #7, #8
Finale vol 3: #9, #10, #11, #12
Assassin’s Creed Reflections (pretty much a stand alone I would say, focuses entirely on past assassins but canon to the templar comics).
Reflections 1: modern story focuses on Otso Berg historical story focuses on Ezio where we learn Ezio is implied to have hooked up with the woman who in the Mona Lisa painting.
Reflections 2: same thing for modern story but now Otso is looking into Altaïr’s story. We get to see Maria, Altaïr, and their son Darim.
Reflections 3: Otso is now looking into Edward Kenway.
Reflections 4: Otso looks into Connor and we see him with his daughter. It’s super cute this issue is my favorite.
Last Descendants
The Last Descendants (Novel)
Locus: issues 1 - 4
The Last Descendants: Tomb of the Khan (novel)
The Last Descendants: Fate of the Gods (novel)
Assassin’s Creed: the French Books (these have all been translated into english and theyre all graphic novels).
These books I would say to skip. If you want to read it you can, however the modern storyline has been said to no longer be canon anymore. The historical storyline however is still canon but not actually necessary to the plot of anything.
Cycle 1
Assassin’s Creed 1: Desmond
Assassin's Creed 2: Aquilus
Assassin's Creed 3: Accipiter
Assassin's Creed 4: Hawk
Assassin's Creed 5: El Cakr
Assassin's Creed 6: Leila
Cycle 2
Assassin’s Creed: Conspiracies
This takes place during WW2
Vol 1: Die Glocke
Vol 2: Project Rainbow
Cycle 3
Assassin’s Creed: Bloodstone
This takes place during the Vietnam War. A follow up on Conspiracies.
Vol 1: book one
Vol 2: book two
The last two I have listed (Conspiracies and Bloodstone) are canon to the comics’ modern storyline as well as the historical. Cycle one is not. They’re both graphic novels. Also I want to say that I have not read these two yet so idk if I’ll be allowed to recommend them but they’re there. I have no idea where they’re placed in terms of modern storyline bc these two are very confusing seeing as they originally were canon then told they weren’t and now they are again.
Other comics that I really have no idea where to place but they do exist if you want to read them:
Assassin’s Creed: Origins (mini series)
Four issues for this comic takes place following Aya and her journey. You get to see what happens with Cleopatra. I personally really like this comic you get some lore on the Brotherhood and Aya so it’s good. Read this after the video game. (Pretty positive it takes place after the game events but before the DLC: hidden ones)
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla: Song of Glory (mini series)
There are three issues in this. Haven’t read this one yet, however it focuses on Eivor. Read this alongside the video game.
Okay so for canon timeline purposes here is the exact order of everything I’ve listed and where they fall in for strictly the modern storyline:
1 The Fall and the Chain (also called subject four which is just the two of the books into one)
2 Desmond’s story
3 Brahman
4 Assassin’s Creed: Trial by Fire 1 - 5
5 Assassin’s Creed Templars: Black Cross 1 - 5
6 Assassin’s Creed: Setting Sun 6 - 10
6 Assassin’s Creed Templars: Cross of War 6 - 9
7 Assassin’s Creed: Homecoming 11 - 14
Assassin’s Creed Reflections (stand alone don’t have to read if you don’t want to but if you do, read along side the templar stories.)
8 Assassin’s Creed Syndicate modern storyline takes place here
9 Assassin’s Creed: Uprising
10 Origins modern storyline starts here and continues for assassin’s creed odyssey and valhalla*
*If you’re confused as to why Juno isn’t in the game plot anymore the comics explains it. Ubisoft has completely moved her story to the comics entirely and in doing so completely finished the story.
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zhuhongs · 3 years
Since rewatching the guardian drama after reading the novel has made me mad about how bad and good both of them are I am Obligated to write out a list of what I think the perfect merger btw both versions of canon are. This will be in list format otherwise I’ll end up writing like 6k words again. 
TLDR: the genre stays as supernatural from the novel and not Sci fi, bc that was rlly not fleshed out well. Shen Wei is a ghost king, and all the dixingren are ghosts or demons like originally intended. The ghost race naturally exists and wasn't born from kunluns shoulder fire or anything. They just exist separate from humans. Not all ghosts are former humans, some people are just born as ghosts, like Shen Wei. Zhao Yunlan has the guardian whip and all the cool stuff that comes with the Guardian order.  Overall, i’d keep the novel’s plot and relationship progression and ending without the backstory. Instead the backstory is a merger of both canons. From the drama I’d keep the characterization and themes as well as like half the extra cases and omit the other half. 
I’ll be elaborating much further on my ideal backstory and other stuff under the cut bc the rest is 1.5k and I don’t wanna clog the dash 
Okay SO In my ideal backstory there are two timelines just like the drama but the mythology of the book. The god Kunlun is actually zyl that went back in time and became a god. But the one that went back isn’t the current Zhao Yunlan. There has to be an original timeline where the god Kunlun never existed. Thus the great seal nor the separation of the three realms don’t exist either. Zhao Yunlan must go back in time to become a god, meet Shen Wei in the past, and create the current timeline where the separation exists but isn’t perfect. The current timeline is the one that the majority of the series takes place in.
In the original timeline, Zhao Yunlan is just some dude living in a world where ghosts, fairies, and all other beings just live in a giant free for all and it's kinda just a mess. 
Like there’s government in modern context and all and all races live with each other but there's constant tension. ZYL works at some equivalent of the SID (same staff and side characters, but novel vers. Lin Jing is a monk, CSZ a zombie, etc) to protect people and all that and their job is rather hard. One day encounters the thousands year old ghost king Wei (who isnt shen wei yet bc zyl gave him that name in the future) who works alone as like a rouge cultivator of sorts. He lives on the surface undercover as a professor still bc he’s trying to not catch Yezun’s attention but does all the stuff he normally does as Heipaoshi. The two ally together for a case and bc they both have the same goals of getting all races to live in peace. At current, there are forces working together to decimate the human race, all lead by Yezun
As they work together they become closer and all that. Shen Wei tells him about how he was unable to prevent the great war 5 thousand years ago and neither could the gods so  he’s spent the past 5 thousand years trying to make up for it. As they search for ways to stop Yezun, they gather the 4 hallows and learn how to use them to manipulate time so ZYL can go into the past and stop the great war and separate the three realms (living, dead, ghost).  Shen Wei wants to go back with him but he can’t because he was alive all those years ago so if he goes back it will create a paradox. ZYL promises he’ll find Shen Wei in the past and create a timeline where they could be together in peace (that is the current timeline)
When goes back he becomes the god kunlun because there needed to be a new god born at the time to prevent the war.  Also this time traveller looked promising to Nuwa, Fuxi, and Shennong. And I know in the guardian universe gods are usually born and ppl don’t become gods. EXCEPT this can happen when a god passes on smth from their body onto them bc that did happen in the novel with Kunlun making shen wei a demigod. And since fu you and ma gui are supposed to be gods Nu Wa and Fuxi I think that when they die, they should make ZYL a god and that's how this stuff happens.
So like ZYL explains to the gods the time he came from and how he wants to save everything and they make him a god and he works to save everything just like he did in the drama but this time with the novel plotline. During this time he meets young Shen Wei (he’s still like a hundred or so years old) and they get close and all the stuff from the backstory happens. He gives him his name, all that good stuff. The entire time doesn’t let him know that he’s from the future or that his real name is ZYL. He just poses as kunlun. 
The two of them alongside the other gods (who still die at the times they do in the novel) work together to end the war and establish the great seal and set up the cycle of reincarnation, per the current timeline. Although the seal and cycle of reincarnation aren’t perfect. Gods can’t reincarnate, and ghosts still don’t have souls. And just like the novel, doing all of this kills ZYL bc it takes a lot of energy to create the seal even though it isn’t perfect.
Shen Wei of course doesn’t want ZYL to die and zyl says it's alright because he fixed the timeline so there must One day they will meet again and ZYL reveals the truth about the timeline to shen wei before he dies. This becomes the promise that Shen Wei mentions to meet again. Before he dies, ZYL gives him the shoulder fire as a memento ( i still like the candy wrapper necklace deal but i’ll take this too. Maybe both.. The pendant is still just rlly cool.. Gay ppl)
Shen Wei knows gods can’t enter the cycle of reincarnation and still makes the deal with Shennong to strip Kunlun of his godhood and let him reincarnate. This sets us into the novel timeline where isn’t allowed to meet any of zyl’s reincarnations before he becomes zyl otherwise he will die and also fuck up the timeline. The same 5 thousand years of pining still ensue bc Gay Ppl and i love making Shen Wei suffer but he doesn’t have the shrine room thing bc i think thats weird and yea.. Bad. 
In the meantime Shen Wei does a lot of things mostly just protecting the great seal and working for Hell to keep the peace but still does other stuff. He still watches out for ZYL’s reincarnations but doesn’t do much besides make sure they don’t die a premature death. They meet again finally at the beginning of the series and the timeline resumes like canon. And that's my master plan that merges both drama logic and novel logic while making a much better timeline. (I hope that makes some sense)
Da Qing is still Kunlun’s pet cat and important. Novel backstory applies to him. And I already mentioned him kinda but as for Yezun (Gui Mian in the novel) his deal is similar as in the drama but just a ghost. And he is a big player in the great war, he thought Shen Wei abandoned him as a kid but they were just separated. Shen Wei doesn’t know it's him till the end of the war and couldn’t stop him in the OG timeline and vows to bring him to justice and make amends. Shen Wei continuously tries to explain things to him but he just won’t listen and is imprisoned in hell bc yk… war criminal stuff and yeah he’s the main antagonist trying to break the great seal bc he’s still made about the past. Idk. Yezun wasn’t well written in the novel OR the drama so like… honestly he just needs to be completely rewritten and I don’t care enough about that. He can just be a weak villain idk
the drama characterization stays the same for everyone else bc found family go brr. However for Lao Chu i… hmm… i think he should still be a zombie but the reason he killed someone should be related to his brother. I like that addition and then shen wei realized his sentence was unjust and exempted him. i like that storyline merger. bc the brother thing and him admiring Heipaoshi was drama only. in the novel lao chu just murdered some kid for a rlly whatever reason.
uhhh in terms of the cases… id make adjustments to most of them. i think the li qian case should be like the drama bc the novel just had her as a murderer and it was boring. 
For the mountain river awl one was fine… novel version was funnier and more interesting action wise tbh… rip zyl and his exorbitant flirting. uhhh the whole reveal that shen wei was the soul reaper thing was kinda… ehh in the novel but i did love the comedy of afterwards Shen Wei pretending he went into cardiac arrest when he actually just… has no pulse bc he's a ghost. 
ID KEEP THE WORTH IT SCENE AND RAIN SCENE… THOSE FUCK SO HARD… I love the drama for adding those every damn day. the novel version of zyl losing his sight sucked and was sooo boring.  Keep the drama version on that.
also id keep dr. cheng. i'm very pro dr. cheng and her friendship with shen wei it adds so much to his character imo. keep the fruit seller man and his wife for the merit brush..omg it adds SO MUCH the way the drama did it.. like the drams build up with the novels pace of that arc.. mwah. it felt like it dragged a bit in the drama but if it went faster and without the hospital ep and with sha ya (sorry sha ya) that would've been so good. tho keep novel version of da qings memory loss and lao li. that was rlly impactful.
id say keep some of the cases like the mirror one, the eyes doctor one, etc. just to like.. yk have more to fill in general.. novel pacing but drama characterization without the bs that wasn't fully realized. and novel ending ofc. And that’s it!!
I hope most of this makes some amount of sense  but it probably doesn’t. In my head it all tracks but like ik most of u don’t know anything about the novel so this sounds like gibberish. Also I know this would literally never happen but this is MY ideal merger of the two canons that I feel compelled to expand on for some reason. Anyways, as io said,, we need to rebuild guardian. Like literally let me and the mutuals write Guardian and it will be 500 times better.
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The soul stone war is a game that I've seen before and its on my list. Was wondering if you coudl tell more about how you feel about it, especially the villain romance if you chose that one.
Uuh, sure. I'll do it in a bullet list cuz it's been a while since I've played it and I can't really be bothered to put a whole coherent post together.
I should also encourage you to read some reviews on the Steam store page. They basically repeat a lot of the points I'm about to make.
The main character is a useless waif. Like, even if you pass the skill checks, there are multiple instances where you're forced to pass out, be injured, kidnapped, or otherwise victimized. They're so helpless and out of their element that it becomes hard to believe any of the much more capable and skilled people around them would ever find them compelling or interesting and consider them anything more than a burden. Yet you’re somehow also the most important person in the whole squad, and they keep protecting and helping you no matter how you treat them. Because hey, that’s the protagonist!
On that note, the romances are dull as hell. All characters are vaguely nice and friendly, some are just more snarky/broody than others. You can "friendmance" people, which is a good concept in theory, but in practice it involves your character being unaware of their own emotions. It further adds to how incapable and clueless they seem. Plus, it never becomes clear why any of the ROs would be romantically interested in the protagonist, especially when they have established connections with other people on the squad already. You’re playing a rando who just shows up one day, bumbles about uselessly, but then becomes the most important person ever to them. Sure.
The plot is filled with contrivances. The main one being that the main character is involved in it at all. They're basically forced into it despite showing no particular skills or talents, and the only excuse we ever get for them sticking around is ... uh ... the big-booby elf lady said they were cute. The author simply didn't bother coming up with a better reason for them to be involved, knowing that there would be one eventually that would justify it in the end, but giving us nothing to work with in the moment, no personal reason and no agency. It feels very cheap.
The world and worldbuilding are basically the most generic fantasy thing you can imagine. The author even answered some questions on their Tumblr about the political structure of the land as "You know Skyrim? Like that." Elements and character dynamics and even minor phrases and words are lifted wholesale from franchises like Dragon Age and The Elder Scrolls. One of the first things your character can say is a reference to Dragon Age, but it's never brought up again and we never get an explanation for what it means in this universe or why the character would say it. One of the first lines in your "own" unique world shouldn't be a tee hee cutesy reference to some other well-established universe.
The tone is all over the place. One moment you're joking around about something the big-boobied blond elf said, the next your character is being tortured by some werewolf woman or some god-entity, and there’s nothing they can do to escape, so you just sit there and have to endure all this torture porn. And then it’s right back to the repetitive jokes and snarky narration.
I’m serious about the torture porn. One of the MC’s backgrounds includes their transgender friend being murdered for being trans. Another includes your character almost getting sexually assaulted. The third involves your younger brother dying. There’s no reason for any of this to be included other than to show how dark and edgy this world is and how your character is running from their past or whatever.
Speaking of dark and edgy, the villain gets a lot of screen time, and it’s mostly him brooding about how evil he is while the narration creams itself over how hot he is, also. But the author acts surprised over how he’s the most popular character in the fandom, and deflects most criticisms for his route as “it’s self-indulgent” and “it’s a secret route just for me, I didn’t think anyone else would play it.” Bro why’d you put it there, then? With instructions in-game on how to reach it?
The writing is genuinely some of the worst I’ve read. I hate to use this word unironically, but it was cringeworthy at times. It’s supposed to be this epic fantasy, but most of the time it feels like it’s chasing the high of a found family in a video game squad, without actually knowing what makes those particular tropes work. It’s simplistic and extremely repetitive, relying more on character tropes and “tumblr meme” interactions than genuine character building and conflict. It also tries and mostly fails to be funny, but that’s more subjective, I guess. Take a shot every time the text goes “thank you very much!” and you’ll be out in a few clicks.
Pacing whomst? Everything happens in the span of like a week or a month, but suddenly your character and their RO are like, in love and all weepy about it? Oh no I almost lost you my dear darling baby, let me tearfully declare how important you are to me. Nevermind the fact that we met four days ago.
The villainmance is the only vaguely interesting thing in the story and it's pretty evident it's the author's favorite thing to write. They've said how it's just a "self-indulgent" thing that wasn't supposed to be popular (I do not believe a word of this), but it's by far the most interesting thing just based on the fact that it's not only the most plot-relevant romance, but it's also the one with the most stakes and drama and the most varied dynamics. There’s genuine, justified angst and emotion in the concept of it at times that is missing from literally every other interaction and grimdark moment.
That being said, I wouldn’t say the villainmance is healthy, so don’t go into it looking for that. The dynamics are way off-balance and a lot of the route in the first game is your character being attracted to the man who’s torturing them and wanting to be tortured again just to interact with him. If you’re into that, then you might be into this story, but if you’re not then you’ll be put off by it.
The Asian-coded character has a "yellow" skintone and is a half-dragon.
The reason there's transphobia in this world and the player can't be trans is is because the "gods" of this world don't want any mortals to have the ability to "change their gender" because that would make them too similar to the gods. However, nonbinary characters are fine, and you can play as one. Because as we all know, binary trans people are just out there "changing their gender" all willy nilly. That's how that works, right? While nonbinary characters are always born nonbinary and nobody assigns genders to their children in this world? Idk how any of this makes any sense but go off, I guess. This isn't in the actual game AFAIK but something I read on the author's Tumblr, so take it as you will. The actual transphobia is in the game, though. Because reasons.
Overall, it’s a lot of half-baked concepts, unfunny writing, and needless torture porn for the sake of torture porn. Plus it’s not even a whole story, it’s just the first part of a series/trilogy? Maybe it’ll get better as it goes, but I wouldn’t hold my breath tbh.
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pannyacottafugo · 3 years
i really don’t like that bonus chapter of purple haze feedback and i feel like ranting about it. there are some interesting things that got brought up but overall i feel like it was a really strange thing to add on to a book which was already really good, but the addition of that chapter ruins some of the characters and it really annoys me. i prefer not to consider it as canon to phf. apologies for my incoherency i don’t write very well and have a hard time collecting my thoughts lmao. also this is hella long sorry
i’ll do it in a list format i guess idk
- mista was surprisingly probably the most realistic out of the three characters ? however i still very much don’t like his characterisation in both phf and the bonus chapter. he seems so much more resentful and angry than he did in canon. i understand to some extent at least, because his friends have just died and it makes sense for him to resent giorno for this. however jumping straight to wanting to murder him despite knowing that bucciarati wanted this and they knew the risk they were taking seems extremely harsh even for someone who’s this mad. however, i at least understand his motives and do believe he would hold some level of anger towards giorno that he needs to overcome and forgive him, the same as fugo.
- giornos characterisation is shit. im sorry but it’s so bad, and it ruins his character in phf and imo is a large part of the reason many people believe fugio to be manipulative. giorno in the final chapter of phf is empathetic and understanding towards fugo, and have a clear motive of wanting to help him move on. in the bonus chapter, he jumps from being righteous with a goal, to a manipulative asshole who seems like he’s been waiting for the moment to get into power. this then ruins his previous character, because it makes him seem shady, as if he was hiding this goal all along. i think giorno was aspiring for some level of power, which is something taken from dio, but at the end of the day his goals were good and he wasn’t there to use people to his advantage. stuff he does out of character that really bothered me was telling mista if he killed him he would be the fourth person (straight up using his tetraphobia against him), being extremely unempathetic and lacking any compassion to mista who just lost his friends (aka being an ass for no reason), and telling trish this is the end of her time with the gang (which i’ll get into in a sec). all this just is poor characterisation and it changes the reader’s perspective of giornos behaviour towards fugo, because it makes him look sneaky, as if he’s lying to fugo to control him WHICH HE WASNT DOING
- the fact that giorno cuts trish off really bothered me too. she was fifteen, had no family, and had formed a close relationship with both bucciarati (who she saw as a father figure) and narancia (who had deep empathy for her). yet giorno cuts her off with no real explanation and doesn’t even let her attend their funerals AND FOR WHAT. SHE HAS NO WHERE TO GO. it made me so mad so mad
- the comparison between trish and bruno’s mum was extremely weak and didn’t make much sense. in trish’s case, bruno sacrificed himself for her own good, to help someone he cared for. bruno’s mum was on the opposite end, and bruno chose to throw away a better life for himself to help his DAD which then meant his mum couldn’t see him often either. so there really isn’t much comparison between the two because they were on different ends of bruno’s kindness.
- and then finally the thing that REALLY pissed me off was trish basically calling bruno an asshole for dying for her. i understand where the author was going, and it is actually a really interesting concept. trish believes that she would have been better off dead, and bruno sacrificing his life for her didnt lead to her living a better life like he thought it would. so on the one hand, i can read this as “he was too kind for his own good”. and she then says that someone like giorno can turn these things in his favour, but regular people like her can’t. HOWEVER IT DOESNT GO IN THIS DIRECTION. it just seems as though the author missed the point of bruno’s sacrifice for trish and also seems to believe giornos motivations come from him being selfish. plus the fact that there’s a comparison between trish and her mum makes things worse, considering the mum has no reason to believe bruno to be awful other than the fact that he “abandoned her” for someone else. in trish’s case, he didn’t abandon her, she was abandoned by giorno, and was saved by bruno.
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anyway, this is likely extremely incoherent. there’s a lot more i could say but i don’t wanna write a whole novel so i’ve probably missed a lot. plus i’d probably have to reread the chapter for better insight. i have a hard time writing what i’m thinking too.
i guess my main disappointment in this chapter is that it feels as though it’s a poor interpretation of vento aureo, and anything that may be interesting is executed poorly or turns in a direction that either mischaracterises or is a massive reach. it feels like the author had a direction but it was messy and didn’t hit like it should have, and the main idea was lost.
the addition of this chapter just feels like it destroys some of the really good characterisation in phf. this is why i prefer to ignore this and pretend it isn’t canon to purple haze feedback, which it doesn’t have to be considering i have a copy of the book (in japanese) and from what i can tell this chapter isn’t included.
also if u haven’t and ur interested read it urself don’t listen to me i’m just some random what do i know. and if u like it that’s good for u too. chances are i’m just an idiot
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Before It’s Too Late
Characters: Spencer Reid x Reader, the BAU, Tobias Hankel
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: angst, fluff, tobias hankel angst, s2 spencer reid
Request by @eideticprettyboydrreid: Can I request a story where I (or the reader) are Penelope’s assistant, and I (or the reader have a crush on Spencer? But before I/reader can say anything he gets kidnapped by Hankel? And have to sit at the BAU and watch the livestream, but once he “dies” I/they run out. I/they beg Hotch to come with to what I/they assume is a body retrieval. But Spencer is actually alive, so everything comes tumbling out in the relief of seeing him standing there. Idk if you want to put anything about his addiction too that’s up to you.
Summary: You’re not part of the BAU in the way you would like to be. You’re Penelope’s assistant, and you have a major crush on Spencer. He goes missing before you can tell him how you feel, and when you do find him, can you even tell him now when he’s already in so much pain?
Squares Filled: ambulance ride @badthingshappenbingo​ // unsub @cmbingo​ // friendship fic @trope-bingo // hurt/comfort @genprompt-bingo
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! this is unbeta’d and every mistake is all on me.
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“Where is Spencer? Tell me that he’s okay!” I yell, clearly in distress. Penelope works to get the system back online, but she’s coming up on all the dead ends. “Tell me I didn’t just watch Spencer get killed by that man!”
“Y/N, you need to calm down,” Derek warns, but it goes over my head.
“Please don’t tell me he’s gone,” I cry, my voice cracking at the end.
One Week Earlier
Ever since I started working here as Penelope’s assistant, Spencer is the one I truly connected with. Whenever the team is at the office working on files instead of traveling around the country, Spencer likes to visit Penelope a lot. Derek does too, but not as much as Spencer. He’d bring lunch for me and Penelope, and we’d sit and talk with him until he decided to get back to his files.
He’d tell us everything from what he did last week to something he read to a funny moment stored away in his memories. It didn’t matter the kind of story Spencer was telling because I’d be into it all. His voice is so soothing to listen to, and his energy can captivate anyone who is listening.
He used to come into that office to talk to Penelope, but now he comes to see me. Well, I think he does. She’s not usually in the office when he comes in, so why else would he? I’m the only thing that could entertain him besides a computer game, and I don’t think that would blow over well with Penelope.
I see what she does, and I hope to be that good. I am not meant for the field at all, but I do wish to help in any other way possible. Penelope had put a listing online for an assistant, I immediately took that opportunity. I wanted to know how to become a hacker like her. I wanted to be able to see what people are doing and uncover their dirty secrets to get justice for the people that needed it.
I wanted to be a rockstar just like her, and she’s helping me become that.
Everyone is so nice and welcoming, but I really like Spencer. He just stands out over all the rest, and I really like that in a man.
“Aren’t you scared every time you go out on these cases?” I ask, walking into the BAU with my best friend.
“Not really. I know I have a team to back me up when I need it.”
“I’d be terrified to go out there,” you chuckle and immediately head to the break room with him.
Should I tell him or should I not? What would he think of me if I did? Would he like me back? Would he reject me? Would I have to quit? There are a lot of unanswered questions here, but I’m only going to know if I come out and say it. I’m just having a hard time figuring out when and where, and what exactly I’m supposed to say. He’s the least intimidating person I know, yet, he’s the most intimidating to talk to when it comes to this kind of stuff.
“It’s not that scary. Don’t let anything Penelope says influence your decision.”
He pours himself some coffee and grabs the bottle of sugar since he likes to add a pound of it in there.
“Spencer, can I tell you something with the promise that you won’t laugh at me?”
“I would never do that. You know this. What is it?” he asks, suddenly serious and curious.
Here I go. This is the scariest thing I have ever faced, but I am going to do it. I am going to tell him how I feel about him. I am going to--why is Penelope speed walking over here? Oh no, I know that look on her face… we have a case. Shit, I guess this is going to have to wait. It’s probably for the best so I can practice what I am going to say to him.
“Hey sugar, we got a case coming in,”
“Okay, I’ll be there,” I say and then turn to Spencer. “To be continued, I guess. Just please make sure you’re safe. I don’t need my best friend coming back in a body bag.”
“I won’t. You have a question to ask me,” he grins.
“I’m holding you to that, Reid,” I joke and completely leave his line of sight.
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It’s been six days, and I haven’t heard from Spencer once. I get that he’s busy and all, but I wish he would send me a text message saying everything is fine. I don’t know if he’s okay or if he’s injured, but all I can do now is wait. The last thing I heard is that the team is coming back, but it’s weird that I hadn’t heard anything from Spencer.
The most concerning thing is when they came back without Spencer. Like, they walked through the doors of the BAU without Spencer with them.
“Where the hell is Spencer?” I ask, but they don’t answer.
They all have grim looks on their faces, and my heart immediately sinks. Are my worst fears coming true? Is he really not coming home?
“Briefing room, stat,” Hotch orders.
I practically have to drag Penelope out of her office and into the briefing room because I need to know what is going on. The rest of the team don’t seem to care if I’m there or not. Spencer is gone, and they need to go out looking for him. No, gone is the wrong word--kidnapped. He has been kidnapped by the unsub, and who knows what he is doing to him right now. I have to hold in all my tears as to not interrupt them when Penelope gets a video chat request from an unknown person.
What’s on the screen breaks my heart into two. Spencer is tied to a chair and the unsub, Tobias Hankel, is sticking him with a needle. I know instantly that the needle isn’t filled with something good. Spencer is pleading that he doesn’t want it, but Tobias doesn’t listen. Tears are streaming down my face as I continue to watch on.
Tobais visibly shutters, and he takes on a new personality--his father. I may have read the case before they left; I just didn’t know how dangerous this could be. Tobias starts to beat Spencer, and I think he’s going to beat him to death, but the camera feed shuts off.
That’s when I lose my cool, and that’s everything. Now you know why I am freaking out about where Spencer is and if he’s okay. I just can’t seem to grasp the concept of him never coming home. To never see his smile or hear his voice again. It’s hard to keep me under control, but I need to know where he is. Penelope is already tracking the feed so I know she is going to get his coordinates.
“I got it,” she exclaims.
“Please let me go. I need to be there,” I beg Hotch.
He doesn’t really have time to argue with me about the dangers of bringing me along, so he says yes just to get the show on the road. The entire car ride over to where he could possibly be is excruciating, but I have to hold on. He may not be dead, he may just be injured. But whatever was in that needle could kill him if medical attention isn’t prominent.
“I need you to stay here and call 911. You’re not ready to be in the field, and we don’t know what could be waiting for us. We will call you over the radio when we find him,” Hotch says as he gets to the run-down farm where Spencer is said to be.
“Okay,” I whisper.
Everyone abandons me from the car to find the secret love of my life. Maybe if I’d told him how I felt, this wouldn’t have happened. I don’t really know how he got kidnapped, but maybe if he wasn’t thinking about last week, then maybe he could have focused on the case. The last thing I told him was that I needed to tell him something and that he shouldn’t laugh. What if he got kidnapped because of me?
“Guys, did you find him?” I ask over the radio.
They’ve been radio silence for twenty minutes, and I’m starting to get really worried.
“Come in. Did you find him? Over,” I try to be more professional, but I still get no answer. “I’m coming back there.”
I don’t give any more warning before booking it into the deserted farm. I have already called 911, and they are sending a team to assist as I run. They’ll see the cars and the footprints leading to the back of the property, so they will know where to go. Plus, I told them that they needed to kind of head back until they see a barn. When Penelope pulled up the map, there was only one bard on the entire property, and I know that is where Spencer is.
“Spencer!” I call out as I get closer to the barn.
I hear some shuffling and some kind of commotion coming from the back, and I wrap around the barn until I see him. Spencer is on his feet, and Tobias is on the ground. Spencer shot him dead when he had the chance, but I am just so relieved to see Spencer is alive.
“Spencer!” I yell and basically run into his arms.
He’s clearly hurt because when I make contact with his skin, he whimpers in pain and pulls away from me.
“I’m sorry. Are you okay? The ambulance is on its way,” I inform.
The ambulance gets back there at exactly ten minutes from the moment you saw him. Spencer is given medical care as soon as possible, but I need to stay to make sure he is okay emotionally and mentally. I don’t know what he went through here, but I know it’s going to mess with his mind. He’s been given Dilaudid which can do a number of things to the body.
Hotch allows me to ride in the back of the ambulance with Spencer, and I am so grateful he sees how worried I am for him. Spencer rolls his head to the side so he’s looking at you just as the back of the ambulance closes.
“Hi, Spencer,” I whisper.
“I’m sorry,” he croaks.
“For what?”
“For not calling you back.”
“Don’t be sorry, Spencer. Just focus on getting better, okay?” I chuckle tearfully.
“What was it that you wanted to tell me?” he asks, getting sleepier.
“It can wait. Please get better.”
I can’t possibly tell him I love him now, not when he’s been through so much already. I’ll always love him, and that will never change. So I can tell him now or in a week, and it’ll be the same three words that will pop out of my mouth. May as well do it when he understands what’s happening because then he will be lucid enough to tell me if he loves me back.
I have a feeling he might, but that’s for another day.
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tthankstoyou · 3 years
Bestie, from one hevans shipper to another, what is it about Hevans that does it for you? Why are you a shipper? What was the moment that made you realise you felt this way? What are your favourite cannon moments? What are your favourite headcannons? Tell me EVERYTHING teehee uwu
ASJHF THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK ILY!! This got long so everything is under the cut...... sometimes I just can't shut up about them. I love these boys so much <3
OKAY SO I actually made a masterpost type thing of reasons that I ship hevans, which you can find here
BUT I WILL ADD TO THAT LIST OF THINGS! I also love how the au's aren't that far removed from canon. Like. A secret relationship when they're living together in s3? Yes please! It's not too crazy to think about model!sam x vogue!kurt, swimmer!sam x kurt , & jock!sam x cheerio!kurt. These tropes all take from things that are canon, which is something that I love. You don't have to change a whole character and their interests to write stuff.
Bestie, on the moment that made me realize I ship them... I'm sorry to say this but I used to... really not like Hevans. Like before I came onto Glee Tumblr, I used to lurk on Glee Instagram and whenever ppl posted about Hevans on there, I was like "Okay... and... what's even the point" (but then again I didn't ship any crackship/non-canon ship at the time). BUT OH GOSH then I joined the Glee fandom on here... and I remember searching through the Hevans tag bc #yolo & after scrolling past the third gifset, I was like "Fuck, I think I ship them now."
On top of that, I think what really got me hooked wasn't the canon scenes (although I do love those so much), but it was the thought of how much they would help each other grow as people. Like if you look at Kurt and Sam, they are both rocks for people in there life and are always there for them... but they don't get much of that reciprocated. Like we don't see Kurt asking for help with things he's struggling with past s2x06. AND! That's especially seen with his father's health problems. Sam has been through family troubles too, he knows how hard it is to ask for help and I think he would encourage Kurt to open up to people and not internalize all of the pain he's going through. And okay this part is canon, but Kurt helped Sam so much when he was homeless. Like Kurt was selfless enough to go out of his way and help out Sam when he was at his lowest, that shit gets me right in the heart. I just think they would be great for each other and encourage each other to be the best versions of themselves.
My favorite canon moments would probably have to be when Sam fought Karofsky for Kurt and deadass everything in season 6. On fighting Karofsky, I know that Kurt doesn't need anyone to defend his honor, but try to look me in the eyes and tell me it isn't fruity to get into a fistfight for a guy that you've just met. Like Sam barely knows Kurt, but here he us throwing punches in the locker room. It's just all in how much Sam must have cared about Kurt to do that for him.
And on the s6 scenes..... OH BOY.... Hevans should have dated in s6. Like okay okay 1) that scene where they're talking to everyone about a plan to bring Rachel back to New York. How Sam keeps on looking at Kurt.... and they way they turn to look at each other.... wow I love them. Oh and dear God, I die a little bit every time when I see that shot where Sam brushes his hand across Kurt's arm... please kiss already. And idk man just the thought of Sam and Kurt hanging out after work (maybe at the Lima Bean) and coming up with a plan to help out one of their friends get her life back on track. They're both such caring people and work so hard to make those that they love happy.
I made posts for Hevans headcanons, which you can find part 1 here and part 2 here.... maybe one day I'll make a part three... hmm just maybe. BUT UNTIL THEN!!! I will give you some little headcanons hehehe
- Kurt babysat Stevie and Stacy alongside Quinn.
- The reason why Kurt wasn't in that video about how great Sam is, is because Kurt put together something special for him that was super personal. It's a list of reasons why Kurt loves Sam... they're broken up at the time so Sam seeing how Kurt wrote "loves" instead of "loved" makes him fight to get back together with Kurt. So not only does this list of things give Sam motivation to not give up in life, but he also gets a boyfriend out of it.
- Kurt helped Sam touch up his roots and trimmed his hair.
- Branching off of what I said earlier about Sam and Kurt meeting at the Lima Bean to conspire about how to help Rachel, they played footsie underneath the table. And it took all of their strength to not reach over and hold each other's hands on top of the table... bc they didn't know if their relationship was at the point yet of holding hands so casually.
- Kurt bought Sam those soda and candy flavored chapsticks from Claires. Kurt ended up loving the scents of some of them and stole them for himself... but Sam could tell right away that Kurt stole them based off of the flavor of his lips.
- They're both huge Taylor fans and made sure to go to every show together, even when if they were on a break. (This is based off of Kurt's love for female artists & Sam's love for country).
- Carole knew they were dating before they told anyone about their relationship. Burt sensed there was a new boy in Kurt's life, based off of how he was acting, but didn't know who. Carole could tell it was Sam because of how Kurt always suddenly wanted to hang out with Finn when Sam came over to play video games.
- Kurt helped Sam get some modeling jobs through his Vogue connections before he quit modeling... Isabelle absolutely adored Sam and wanted to hire him on as a full time model.
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icedteaandoldlace · 4 years
So there’s this “101 Reasons to Ship Snowbarry” video that keeps coming up on my YouTube suggestions. Idgaf about Snowbarry, and I’ve already hit the “not interested” button on similar videos before, but since I can’t seem to get away from video suggestions like this, I’m just gonna watch it and liveblog it, and bet that for every entry on the list, I can come up with a corresponding rebuttal for why Barrisco would make an even better couple. (I’m not gonna comment this ON the video ofc, this is just for my own amusement.)
Click the link above if you want to see the stuff I’ll be responding to, but be forewarned, that video is like, way long, so naturally it follows that this post is gonna be, too.
Additional note: If you are a Snowbarry shipper who has stumbled across this post somehow, now would be the time to stop reading, and also to add the “anti Snowbarry” tag to your filters if you wish to avoid running into posts like this in the future, ‘cause I ain’t interested in engaging in shipping wars.
Anyways, let’s go:
1. "How they met." Cisco woke Barry out of a coma by playing/singing a song about bisexuality, 'nuff said. (Also, part of the purpose of that scene was to introduce Caitlin as the serious, “down to business” one, and Cisco as the warmer, more easygoing one who’s trying to make Barry feel more comfortable.)
2. "They're both scientists." What is Cisco, an Instagram influencer?
3. If Caitlin being Barry’s personal doctor gets her romantic points, then the same should go for Cisco being his personal tailor. Actually, he should get more points, because there’s no moratorium on romantic relationships between tailors and their clients.
4. The way Barry and Cisco gaze into each other's eyes for non-medical purposes. This is too easy.
5. Uh. Cisco being the voice in Barry's ear while he's running, and often the first person he calls out to for help solving a problem.
6. They frequently take hold of each other's hands and shoulders.
7. Cisco comforts Barry while Caitlin tends to his wounds.
8 through 12 is literally just stuff about Caitlin being a doctor, and I don't find this stuff relevant enough to rebut because there's nothing inherently romantic about any of it.
13. "They both have fun together." Yes, Cisco also, the fun having, it happens, lots. Even more, actually.
14. Not really sure what to say for this one. Barry and Cisco noticing when each other is sad and then checking on each other (at Cecile’s baby shower and Barry’s bachelor party, respectively, and also on other occasions), comes to mind. That doesn’t have to do with noticing each other’s lips, per se, but I’ve never thought of either of these SB scenes as moments where Barry was staring at Caitlin’s lips, just as moments where he’s noticing her expression/overall mood, which is something he does with Cisco (and vice versa), too.
15. They all have nerdy hobbies, dude, they're nerds.
16. This one for SB is "she makes Barry drunk on purpose", which, y'know, she did because he wanted to be able to get buzzed, which Cisco has succeeded in helping him do, too (and the drink he made was more effective and longer lasting), but the way this is phrased is kind of suggestive, like Caitlin was doing it to lower his inhibitions (which she totally wasn’t), and uuuuhhhh, don't romanticize that maybe???
17. Cisco put all that tech into Barry's suit, including delivery menus from his favorite restaurants + wrote him an instruction manual, and sped up all his favorite shows so he could catch up on what he missed while he was in the speed force.
18. Barry makes Cisco's (and everyone's) hair fly everywhere when he speeds out of a room, too. Like, this is just basic physics, fam, wyd?
19. Barry also uses his powers to help Cisco. And...literally everyone who needs his help, this is basic superhero stuff, wyd?
20. He is impressed with Cisco, frequently.
21. Just having nicknames? He calls him "bud", "dude", etc., and one time he called him "Cis". (Bonus: Iris and Cisco have called Caitlin "Cait", too, so it’s not just a Ronnie and Barry thing.)
22. Cisco can make anything to help Barry. They're literally top-notch genius scientists, I don't even
23. Obviously they think each other makes great company, they're best friends. All of them.
24. They comfort each other. Again, best friends + Team Flash pep talks are a major staple of the show.
25. He needs Cisco, too.
26. They...they care about...my god, it's like you people have never heard of FRIENDS.
27. Honestly, how many times have we heard Barry tell Cisco he believes in him, or heard Cisco gush about what a great hero Barry is?
28. Helping each other conquer their fears. Yep, that's another one that applies to like, everyone on this show.
29. "They both have experienced loss" IT'S A SUPERHERO SHOW! Also, that's just life. Name one main character on this show who hasn't experienced loss. Nash and Wally have both experienced loss, and I have yet to see anyone ship them.
30. "They both can sing really well." Okay now. This one is true for Barry and Cisco, but uh...Caitlin is literally tone deaf. I'm not being mean, Danielle Panabaker knows good and well that she can't sing, and she has talked about Carlos side-eyeing her when she gets going because she's not good at it. THAT'S OKAY! There's nothing wrong with not being able to sing, but--WHY would you claim that she's good at something that she clearly is not? She wasn't on pitch for a single line of Summer Nights, and she straight up changes keys mid-line in the mockingbird song in that other clip, and just...what even is this entry?!
31. Watching over each other, yeah, another basic staple of being friends and superheroes.
32. "He is always standing behind Caitlin" AND LOOK WHO'S STANDING BESIDE HIM!
33. Remember that time fake Jay "died" and Cisco stayed with Caitlin until she fell asleep? Remember when Dante died and Caitlin slept on Cisco's couch to keep him company? Remember all those times Barry or Cisco were rendered unconscious, and the other stayed by their bedside until they woke up?
34. Basically just a continuation of 33. See above.
35. "Maybe 'okay' will be our 'always'." Hmm, what WOULD Barry and Cisco's "always/okay" be? Probably just calling out each other's names tbh, they do that a lot. Or perhaps, "For real?"
36. Is2g. Being only one call or text away is, again, a staple of the show, considering everyone in it is a close-knit found family and knows there's a very good chance that that call or text might be saying, "I'm in mortal danger, please come save my life at once."
37. Funny, I already pointed out once before (in a different post) the fun parallel of how Caitlin will sometimes go running to whoever her love interest is at the moment, or she'll call out his name, while Cisco is at the same moment running to Barry/calling out for Barry.
Side note: did they really think including Barry's proposal song to Iris would give more weight to their why-to-ship-Snowbarry argument?
38. I mean...Barry kind of carries everyone everywhere. You don't really get to see it, but how the heck else do you explain all the times he whooshes people in and out of places? He can't just drag them, otherwise the soles of their shoes would either wear down fast or catch on fire.
39. Okay, no shade to Barry and Caitlin's friendship, and some of these moments are really great, but generally speaking, their hugs do not compare to the ones that either of them has with Cisco. Also, note the group hug scene, conveniently cut off before Cisco joins in, because unlike the Romione + Harry hug in the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, there's no way to interpret it as a third wheel/cockblocking moment, because the moment Cisco declares it a group hug moment, Barry and Caitlin both agree, and you can see it on their faces that they are delighted, and think that Cisco joining in their hug has just made it even BETTER.
40. Henry gladly accepts a hug from Caitlin, immediately after laughing at Cisco's awkward moment and giving him a fatherly reassuring pat on the shoulder. I think it's safe to say he approves of all of Team Flash.
41. Oh look, another thing Barry and Cisco and multiple other characters do.
Good god, I'm not even halfway through this yet. This is like that time I tried to climb Diamond Head.
42. Ah, superhero poses, yes. That thing that...superheroes...do. Like, all of the ones on this show. And in general.
43.  "They begin to resemble each other." They're just white, fam. OH MY GOD, I SOMETIMES TAKE MY SUNGLASSES OFF WITH ONE HAND, TOO! OT3 MUCH????? 😱 Lol what even??
44. How many times throughout this video am I gonna have to repeat that everyone on this show has these moments? Also, speaking in unison with someone because you had prior knowledge of what they were going to say due to yourself or someone else time traveling, is not the same as being in sync with them because you’re close. (He said “Weather Wizard” at the same time as Cisco, too.)
45. Idk what to even say to this one. Like, Iris is obviously the love of Barry's life, and Cisco is obviously his favorite best friend and the person he would be with if he didn’t have Iris.
46. *John Mulaney voice* AND THEN THEY DIDN'T! Seriously, though, both of the people they were trying to get over were perfect for them. I don't have a Barrisco specific rebuttal for this one though.
47. So by this video's logic, that one scene from 4x03 means that Barry, Harry, and Cisco should be a threesome, huh?
48. "I did it because it gave me an excuse to bring him back."
49. .................is this even an argument?
50. They're both good looking people, darling.
51. Wrong, sir. They fight like siblings. Trust me on this one, I have six of them.
52. Trauma response. I'm moving away from Barrisco arguments and just saying the first thing that pops into my head now. But seriously, this is a normal reaction to trauma/loss.
53. *Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* I'm not even gonna say it this time, you already know.
54. Again, have you people ever had anyone in your life that you cared about, ever? I'm starting to get concerned, honestly. But for the sake of bringing Barrisco back into this, hey, remember that time Barry and Caitlin both got kidnapped on the same night and Cisco was completely beside himself?
55. This is getting out of hand.
56. Pretty sure dating Caitlin didn't even make the list for Barry's reasons to dislike Jay and Julian (also, he liked Ronnie, the guy she loved the most, so...)
57. Judging Barry for being a dumbass + helping an exposed girl out =/= jealousy. Granted, there was some jealousy in that last clip, but not because Iris got the man; it was because Barry was all set to live happily ever after while Caitlin was, y'know, struggling with powers she didn't want and another person living in her head that kept fighting her for control of her body.
58. Refer to season 1 episode 2, wherein Cisco is the person helping Barry from the beginning, and Caitlin asserts that she is on Joe's side when he tells Barry what a stupid and reckless idea trying to be a superhero is.
59 + 60. "Let's bring our boy home." / "Let's go get our girl." Do I need to cite either quote?
61. Again I ask, did a human make this list?
62. Don't make me tap the sign.
63. One word: Elseworlds.
64. If you'll scroll waaaaaaaaaaay up there, I already covered that Barry and Cisco hold hands A LOT.
65. Oooh, I made a meme about this one! Not after watching this video, I just see SBers say this all the time, and it drives me crazy.
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I used this in my Snowbarry fandom drama presentation for my squad’s presentation party a while back.
Side note: ~INTERESTING~ how Caitlin being a doctor is ““romantic”” when she’s treating Barry but ““motherly”” when she’s treating Cisco. I can’t even.
66. ......I’m sorry, I’m just not seeing how the dramatic irony of them stating that Killer Frost will never be a problem on Earth-1 is pertinent to shipping them as a couple.
67. Hannibal Bates and Caitlin are perfect for each other? Weird take, but okay. Oh, and there Caitlin is trying to freeze Barry to death. Wasn’t there a point somewhere up there about her never wanting him to get hurt?
Side note: Hey, what’s the name of that guy who saved Barry in this scene?
68. Bruh, that’s just her dynamic with everyone that season.
69. Barry and Iris, Barry and Cisco, Cisco and Caitlin, Cisco and Harry, Caitlin and Killer Frost, Cisco and Killer Frost--just naming some duos that are more iconic than Barry and Caitlin. Again, no shade to their friendship--I really like them as friends!--but the shippers stay making it out to be more than it really is.
I also just have to point out that although Killer Frost was the one who willingly teamed up with Savitar/whom Savitar sought out first, when she comments on their team up and says it’s “Barry and Caitlin together again”, his response is to point out that she’s not Caitlin and he’s not Barry. In contrast, when he takes Cisco against his will and forces him to modify the speed force bazooka, he still refers to Cisco as his best friend.
70. Make up your mind, does Savitar count as Barry in this or not? Because he totally grabbed Caitlin by the throat once.
71. I don’t know how to break this to you, but not enjoying it when someone is in pain is just being normal. (Do I even need to point out Cisco’s empathetic cringing compared to Barry’s looks of mild discomfort, or...?)
At some point this went from being about Barrisco to being about Cisco being the favorite friend to both of them, idk.
72. He. Is. Literally. A. Superhero.
73. Man, what did I JUST say? Also, can we just acknowledge the build up to Crisis on Infinite Earths for a second, wherein Frost very quickly accepts that Barry is supposed to die in order to save everyone else, while Cisco has infinite crises of his own at the idea of having to accept Barry’s death--which, I might add, he never actually does? Neither does Iris, for that matter. They tried to accept it, and they thought they did, but they didn’t really.
74. Oh fuck it, just read 73 again.
75. Okay, what even is this one? Two scenes where they are not present for each other’s “deaths” and thus don’t react to them, meanwhile Cisco is devastated in both of them?
76. Same thing I’ve already said several times before.
77. How many times do I gotta point out that this is a superhero show?
78. Just really trying hard to find enough reasons to make this list 101, huh? (What is Firestorm, chopped liver?)
79. Because violence = chemistry apparently. Wasn’t there another entry about how they can never hurt each other or something?
80. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the vibrating hand that shredded Cisco’s heart before either of those scenes happened.
81. It’s like SBers think they’re the only two characters on the entire show.
82. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over all the other vibrating hands triggering Cisco at least once per season. But sure, Barry and Caitlin are the only two who know suffering.
83. Two words: Flashpoint. Dante. Also, not seeing how this one is romantic.
84. That’s just a Caitlin/Frost thing, fam, it only happened to Barry because he got whammied by Prism, who caused the same effect in everyone else he whammied. (Cisco’s eyes turned purple once when he got hypnotized.)
85. Please. I beg of you. Get friends. Interact with a human person.
Side note: “I trust you” was almost what I put for Barrisco’s “always/okay”.
86. “Don’t call me that. I don’t know you, string bean.” / “I don’t know who you think you are, but around here, people call me Mr. Ramon.” / “The name is Vibe.” (Again, romance where?)
87. Kinda like how Mirror Iris and Mirror Kamilla have slightly dressier tastes than Real Iris and Real Kamilla.
88. ....Anyways, Vibe........
89. The first time because Cisco saved him, the second time because she froze him just enough to fool Grodd, not enough to actually kill him. (Again I say, what is Firestorm?)
90. So romance. Very love. Much relationship.
91. ANYWAYS, CISCO. (And uh, hello, IRIS???? Joe? Harry?)
92. See 88.
93. This one might be a fun ship parallel if Caitlin had actually been involved in Barry’s brain zapping, but instead it’s just like, “here’s two random scenes that are kinda similar in completely insignificant ways”, like the evil clothes thing a few entries back.
94. Another entry that just demonstrates that their one-on-one moments together, while good, just don’t compare to either of their one-on-one moments with Cisco. I can’t be the only person who sees this.
95 + 96 + 97. I can’t muster up enough interest in any of these shows to watch them all the way through. Is this supposed to impress me?
98 + 99 + 100. The only point this proves is that they have multiple ship names. (I thought their evil ship name was Savifrost?)
101. Mm, sorry, sweetheart, Westallen, Barrisco, and Snowstorm all have them beat in this category.
This post really got away from me, at this point idk what I’m even doing, but I went on too long to stop now.
Oh, shit, there’s a bonus round.
Honestly, I fail to see how a lot of these supposedly “match”? But as for the ones that do, that’s just your basic TV aesthetics, I forget the official name for it. They’re matchy-matchy with Cisco in some of those shots, too, because TV matchy color psychology whatever. It’s a whole thing, every TV show and movie does it.
If anyone actually followed along this far, congratulations on your attention span, my brain could never. Idk how to end this post because it strayed so far from my original intent and basically just turned into a Snowbarry Fandom Doesn’t Make Sense Presentation 2.0
You know, I like to try not to generalize and stuff, and I’d like to think that maybe not all SBers are racist and that some people genuinely just like the ship because they think that makes sense or something, but then I look at their reasons for shipping it, and it’s just the dang blandest thing I ever did see, and they have to reach so far when they try to explain why they think they’re the best “couple” on the show and just??? I am the queen of shipping friends who never get together romantically, but Barry and Caitlin just don’t got it, son. Tbh part of the show’s appeal to me is the fact that there’s no threat of Caitlin ever getting with either of her male bffs in that way, because Cisco is like her brother, and getting with Barry just wouldn’t make sense. It just befuddles me to no end that they are such a wildly popular ship and not a rare pair, because the way their relationship is in canon is just exactly the way it should be.
That’s it, I guess. I’ve already invested this much time in this, so I might as well post it.
Also, please don’t anybody try to start anything in the comments section of this video, this fandom has enough drama as it is.
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