#idk im probably ashton
faesystem · 9 months
this isnt a call out post or anything like that. its just a reminder that not everyone has the same reading comprehension skills you do. if someone is asking for something to be put simply, its pretty safe to assume if its because theyre disabled. when responding, try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who struggles with big/unfamiliar words and doesn't have the context you do.
obviously something as confusing and nuanced as syscourse can be hard to simplify. im not saying we have to do that for every discussion. but if someones asking for information to be made accessible to them, please really consider what that actually means.
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dumbstupidfandomblog · 10 months
I feel like if Ashton met Lucien he would've been like "Man . .. . smoke some weed or something you need to calm down"
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i finally watched mr malcolm’s list. it was beautifully acted, i loved the aesthetic, it was a visually beautiful movie, but.... it was kinda boring.  mr malcolm and selina will have a perfectly pleasant, perfectly dull life together. 
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zeephyre · 14 days
jesus christ these nerds are going to kill me.
before i get into my think piece abt... everything that transpired at the end of this episode, i would like to say this is one of the best c3 episodes.... one of my favourite episodes of all time. idk idk.
essek? smut? astrid? poly bells hells allegations?? i was already fucking sold dawg. i cannot goddamn believe that this four hour episode was... mostly... a shopping episode. i cant wait for the new art, regardless of the batshitery that happened that kinda throws my vibes off. i digress.
oh ashton greymoore i love you so much. i have been so worried abt them but honestly they're probably the lat person im concerned for currently. the grief was so compelling to watch and taliesin is a master of roleplaying as minus charisma but genuinely charismatic in his dorky awkward gruff and fumbling way. his rizz is actually just blindsiding us with earnest acts of service and comfort for his friends and i think thats so neat. im happy that they're all going to aeor with fcg intertwined throughout their outfits. its poetic and also maddeningly sweet.
(love the little callowmoore moments sprinkled through this episode... they're so real to me)
pumat was fun and i am so damn glad they got all the items matt offered cause they were all so fucking cool.
also??? sugar daddy dorian storm??? yeah i see you gay boy. dorym is so real guys we need to prepare for a confession and soon. idk i get the vibe liam is gonna drop it in the most heartbreaking way. or robbie. they're both sick in the head tbh.
loved the little queer inn that essek dragged them to and the calm before the storm was genuinely the cutest shit ever and im glad they were having fun despite everything. we got the essek and ashton dunamancy scene that i have been begging for but i cant even talk abt that right now.
before i address orym and laudna...
delilah briarwood. im gonna fucking kill you. best believe that.
theres been so much discourse on twitter abt who was right or wrong or this or that, but ultimately the point is: neither of them is RIGHT. they're both stricken with trauma and grief, and motivated by the love they have for a) the ones orym has lost and b) the one laudna is fighting not to lose. laudna WAS worried abt orym before delilah twisted that into paranoia, and orym didnt wield that fuckass blade bc he DOESNT feel sick touching it.
he says its not abt revenge but... god. orym. you want revenge. call it whatever you like but you've been angry for a while.
laudna says she KNEW the sword was cursed, but she was lying or in denial abt the fact that delilah is the one who coerced her to hold the blade in her hand.
if either of them had decided to talk to each other or the group as a whole then this could have -- most likely -- been avoided. orym decided to take the blade and shoulder the burden of what it meant and what it represented so they didnt have. laudna felt betrayed and hurt but instead of trusting orym she was manipulated back into that cunt's clutches.
i dont prescribe to trauma olympics, especially when laudna and orym never actually denied each others' trauma with otohan and that blade so i think its slightly irrelevant when discussing them both.
(i will say this... otohans blade is what killed laudna but delilah is the one who had her in a cage when she was dead. otohan murdered oryms family and there was absolutely nothing that could save them. i firmly believe THAT is what chetney meant, not that laudna hasnt suffered so we can all just... unclench a little idk)
in all the discourse, lets not forget who the real villains are -- evil milfs (delilah and otohan). delilah chose this moment to sew distrust in laudna towards orym for a reason. its like the spider queen and opal. she NEEDS laudna isolated and dependent, and she cant sink her teeth in completely if laudna has someone to fall back on.
imodna... jesus imodna breaks me every time. that entire scene on the roof while laudna looks so much like her abuser -- the woman who MURDERED her -- and having that visage fade as laudna proclaims her love for imogen. peak romance and tragedy.
it was still so upsetting hearing the echoes of delilah as laudna spoke tho. knowing her hold on laudna is getting stronger and laudna has no real faith that she will be able to fight against her. hearing her ask imogen if shes still fun scary and knowing that imogen cant tell the truth. this isnt fun anymore. laudna is in danger and imogen doesnt know how to fix it.
"I'll always love you, Laudna. I just don't know what to do with it."
its uh its not looking good for our sapphics fellas.
anyway, i do think that ashton was the emotional mvp of this episode, especially while shit was escalating. putting themself between orym and laudna, PROTECTING laudna despite knowing she attacked him, TRUSTING that she was actually telling the truth and guiding her to see the forest for the trees and apologize for an irrational choice made through a mixture of trauma, delusion and paranoia.
im... excited? for the next episode? not sure why we keep having really horrible inter-party conflict the day before going on a suicide mission but the hells are my problem babies and i have to accept that they're just little fucked up guys.
god. is it thursday yet??
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Bell's Hells as Undertale/Deltarune Songs
disclaimer: i wrlte thid in a notebook back near the start of campaign 3 so things might be outdated but mostly i think they still fit. I'll give reasons why the songs fit for each character
FCG - Metal Crusher/Your Best Friend. FCG eats metal obviously, and im just gonna say i called it with your best friend. Sounds like a smiley day but actually quite murderous.
Ashton - Spear of Justice/sans. I think these songs reflect both Ashtons rage side and also their i dont really give a s*** laid back side.
Laudna - Here We Are. Very creepy, but also a very cool song, just like our favourite fun scary gal laudna.
Fearne - Bonetrousle. Ok so this definitely plays in Fearne's head whenever she decides to steal something. Very chaotic.
Orym - Determination. Hes just a little dude that will do anything to protect his friends and the people he loves, also in the fight with nightmare king in the tower with that nat 20 death save was the epitome of 💔➡️❤*but it refused
Dorian - Undertale/Dating Start. Yes i will be including dorian in bells hells we need our blue boy back. Undertale seems like the kind of song he would play to think about how far hes come and dating start helps give that "hey im new here vibe kind of awkward but eee" that dorian just is. Also he should start dating orym ;)
Chetney - Lancer. Ok this was pre werewolf reveal but i stand by this. this is the song that plays when hes doing all his crazy plans and talking about how hes an MC.
Imogen - Shop/ASGORE. not going to liez when i wrote this a few months ago i kind of forgot imogen existed :/ but i think that shop fits her more chill southern accent side when shes baking cookies with laudna, and asgore is kind of like her intense dreams. But again there is probably a better song im just tired.
Bonus: Bertrand Bell - It's Pronounced "Rules". Idk just fits how exaggerated he was!
And finally, Bells Hells as a group would be A Cyber's World? But again, i wrote this at the start of the campaign and it really fits the vibe of new beginnings, so this is true especially for like the first 15 or so episodes.
By the way, i will be opening asks for followers! If you like my headcanons/crossovers with video games, check my pinned post for games i am into and let me know if you have any ideas! I have a version of this for M9 and VM as well, so lookout for that😊
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brondoesart · 2 years
Nope, that's it, I need to know more about the magical girl au. are the Hells a team? Is Hexxum just the current big bad? It it a modern au? Where does their magic come from? DETAILS!! *props chin in own hands and gives you big puppy eyes*
(other than alien i love her too, but this post isnt about her)
hoookay so uh this au started in I wanna say april??? its been going for a good long while, we hit the pin limit on discord. I can answer questions and throw half finished summaries and plans in google docs at ya if you'd like but it is a lot and i am not a writer so my ability to communicate it is probably not the best lol
if you'd really like to know more i recommend joining us in the thread of the discord i'm happy to dm links :)
the hells are a sort of team, yes! although it takes much longer for everyone to come together. Ashton is initially on the bad side working for hexum, fcg is his pixie!(ill explain those in a sec) Imogen and Laudna enter in season 2 and have a sort of hotaru-chibiusa relationship? Laudna is also somewhat being manipulated by the villains in season 2. Chetney is not magical but he was turned into a monster at one point and now hangs around for support when he can. Fearne is queen of the pixies! Bertrand is Dorian's landlord
Hexum is the villain of season 1, the briarwoods are the villains of season 2, and Oryms Dad, (tarintell?) is the villain of 3 (yes we have seasons we went wild on this one im so sorry)
it is a modern au!
Their fairy magic comes from making bonds with the Pixies, magical creatures of pure magic fighting to protect their home from the dark, rotten, corrupted magic that threatens their existence. Pixies are sort of best friends, sort of mentors, sort of just everything their fairy needs. Ashton (Fairy Crystal is his magical girl name, once he leaves hexum and becomes a true magical girl again) as I mentioned has FCG, a little mechanical turtle, Orym (Fairy Petal) has Hime, the worlds cutest little royal bunny she is my favorite oc EVER and Dorian (Fairy Sky) has mochi, a young impulsive bluebird and he is Also my favorite oc EVER
the pixies draw their magic from the stars and their society is all about just being what they believe they should be, so fcg is a robot cuz he said so and Hime is a princess because she deserves it, idk it's cute they're delightful
we're still kinda figuring out imogen and laudna's situation I don't know what to call them exactly right now
(for the record i call them magical girls because in my brain that is the genre of hero and not necessarily a description of gender?? magical boy or magical person doesn't have the same ring idk mostly we just call them fairies)
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ive been slowly working on designing everyone but here's the rough dorian and orym as civilians, fairies, orym's corrupted form(i still gotta design dorian's cuz he gets one too), and their awakened wings forms
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vethbrenatto · 2 years
People immediately jumped to the “oh this is fcgs evil murder bot side!” but theres so much to unpack in those 2 minutes that proves that this is probably not the case at all starting with the stress points. The more stressed fcg is the closer they get to that breaking point. Them being practically abandoned by dancer pushed them past it. (This is abit of a long ask sorry)
There’s a few things we know about this state: fcg didn’t wake up and started attacking for no reason chet did hit him and in the state that he was in they saw him as a threat. Also something that alot of people seemed to overlook is the fact that fcg only retaliated against those who hurt him first, he could’ve yelled at the entire party but they didn’t. Ashton did grab fcg but didn’t cause them any harm and fcg didn’t retaliate at Ashton at all.
This is more on the theory side of things but the whole saying there insecurity things at them was probably a way to get the party to run away from him, saying things that they don’t like to hear would drive them away from them so that they wouldn’t get hurt anymore.
the funny yet sad thing is the party probably could’ve talked him down, they weren’t saying or doing anything to those who didn’t hurt him so if they just let fcg be grappled and stay there maybe they would’ve been able to talk to them. Also the violence made it much worse, since fcg seemed way more stressed out the more they got hurt.granted there was a lot more going on so not gonna blame anyone but hopefully one of them /probably Ashton/ will want a much different approach the next time this happens or just say it in preparation
hi same person who wrote the massive fcg anon sorry if that was abit long i just have alot of thoughts about this character and wanted to hear your own thoughts! /also im not the biggest fan of the "oh fcg turned evil" thing /
i'm assuming these asks go together! and no worries, i don't mind hearing people's takes as long as it's not like "you should have this opinion about this"
personally, i kind of disagree with this. i think FCG in the state they were in couldn't have been talked down- mechanically, it seems like they had been triggered in some sense and the only thing that would've stopped them was probably a successful save, being knocked out (like they were), or possibly a calm emotions (this was also tried, but only after FCG was knocked out).
i think you're right it's obviously deeper than "murderbot" because FCG's personality that we've gotten to know doesn't seem to be malicious, but the stress points and the backstory of FCG being triggered by other's negative emotions and absorbing their pain (a metaphor for unhealthy coping mechanisms) to me doesn't make it... not murderbot? it's just a reflavoring and recontextualizing.
also i think i agree that I don't think FCG means the things he said, he said them to be the most hurtful he could. it seems like from the narrative we're being give, those negative emotions he's swallowing from others fester in him, so that's obviously what comes out when he "turns"
to me at this point i think the most interesting thing that could happen (other than this all being a fakeout- that FCG wasn't the one-eyed monster, which i think is 10x better a twist than him being one, but i also don't think that's going to happen) is going to be learning FCG's Aeorian roots. what about their time with Dancer led to this "malfunction"? did she just program him to be a helper bot and being of his advanced intelligence he, just like a real person, couldn't live for just other people's emotional wellbeing. he has to learn to live for himself and consider his own feelings and now that i'm typing that out, it does feel like that is probably the most predictable outcome of all this and it kind of bores me dfgfjdklgkl so um. i hope something else happens? idk
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ashtonsunshine · 8 months
I mean i liked checking it out and pretty much was into it idk jobless 💀 (but im glad im changing i literally ignore these stuff now as much as can... still nosey but its getting better lol).
Unfortunately i just like to know shit but after a while it sounds weird and almost repetition of the same things that happened long time ago.
I don't get the ones that try to do or change something about things like those are strangers to you ykwim? Just reading the gossip is a thing but trying to intervene like... what are you going to do? 😭
And it got really weird like doxxing and shit so thats not right... specially with a baby on the way its just too much (like weirdos wishing harm on a baby?!!? absolutely insane!)
Realizing to focus on what you actually like is way better and more fun.
But i always notice how ashton does the most for this fandom yet he's always the most hated in these type of blogs, it just breaks my heart he's very passionate about what he does and he gets shitted on for it, being called pretentious for showing his love... does he get a lil silly goofy? Yes but it's sweet idk what ppl see and make up something negative from it and when he uses big words? Lol i like adding new words to my vocabulary that i'll probably never use.
Sorry this is very long and honestly you dont have to answer this but i just was so much in (surprised im not blocked 💀) and then one day i was like well.. this is stupid and annoying so i kinda stopped.
Saw you went to a 5sos show days ago i hope you had a great time 🤍 and again you dont have to answer this at all but your post got me thinking a little... one of the first ppl i followed on here and i think your hello/goodmorning posts are very sweet and the way you always post them is sweeter. i hope you are having a great day/night from wherever you are 👍🏻
I understand the human need to know and be nosy, but I've learnt that sometimes it's better to be ignorant in order to be happy and enjoy things in peace.
I see this dynamic at work every day. People gossip about others because they have this need of talking shit for no reason other than being low-key jealous of their colleagues' workplace situation. It's as if people are envious of other's happiness and become petty about it.
Drama and gossip are addicting. It's like an adrenaline rush. But, ultimately, like every addiction, it starts consuming you from within and disrupting your life.
I'll never understand how some people have so much energy to run these types of accounts that harbour so much negativity, when some days I don't even have energy to exist right.
I've read so much shit about this band over the last decade on the internet, and you're right, Ashton somehow always gets it worse simply because he refuses to play the game and chooses to be himself no matter what. Him and his big words, and his sarcasm, and his snarky comments. It's one of the reasons I love him. Fuck everyone! Be yourself and the right people will come to you and stay with you.
But you know what makes my skin crawl? When the blogs are like "free speech", as if free speech means you're allowed to say whatever you want without consequences. It angers me when people use free speech as an excuse to be unpleasant and mean, because that's not what free speech is. Free speech means you can't be jailed for voicing an opinion; not that you can't be a target of criticism for it.
Only people who haven't had the right of free speech taken away from them do that. There was a heavy dictatorship in my country until 1974 where people would be grabbed on the streets by undercover state police if they gathered in groups larger than three and questioned for conspiracy against the government. Some people were tortured. Some people disappeared. Others were killed. All that for voicing an opinion. My parents lived through this shit, so I don't take my right of free speech lightly, and neither should any of you.
I'm getting political now, so I'm gonna go.
Thank you for the sweet words. 🫶🏻 I'm glad you're out of that dark place.
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okay so im thinking about your 🏠 imodna au and i feel like they couldn’t meet ALL the bells hells as roommates at once (because that’d be a lot of roommates to get at once lol) so if you don’t mind here’s some other ways they could meet people i’d love to hear your thoughts on because your writing mind is genius
i feel like chet does actually have to be the roommate (or the first, i do agree they all end up moving in eventually) but like. he sees the ad for another roommate and he answers it. and they end up with this curmudgeonly old guy. and i feel like imogen especially keeps telling laudna she’s gonna kick him out (on days when chet is being especially frustrating) and laudna is just like, darling. first of all no you won’t, but second of all, what if he left and just died of old age? how would you feel then? and so imogen puts up with him (until she finally realizes that ofc she does like him, beneath it all)
imogen and laudna have great minds for design and what they want to do. what they don’t have? strength! so that’s where ashton comes in for sure. he’s not technically a construction worker, sure, but they’ll take any job you offer them and he’s a whole lot cheaper too (and shit they’re good at it? and actually beneath their tough demeanor they’re really cool and nice too)
i feel like FCG always has to come along with ashton so i guess they’re just a friend who maybe just tags along one day? maybe ashton mentions that they think FCG would like their new clients?
imogen is at a flea market one day (with laudna of course, laudna keeps her from getting too anxious in crowds) to get barter for some cheap decor and she sees fearne steal something. she wouldn’t care except she was just about to buy it—she chases fearne down and tries to convince fearne to give it to her or she’ll turn fearne in (once fearne realizes that imogen is not really a do-gooder/snitch type and in fact just really wants whatever she just stole, fearne instantly adores her. she does not give imogen the item, but helps her look around the flea market and get good deals on similar things (and sometimes steals things for imogen although imogen doesn’t encourage this))
maybe when they have a second bedroom open, orym is the next to take it? it’s been very interesting watching cr3 versus the fanon version of him because im so used to fanon that im like “oh yeah he moves into town all sad and lonely because of will’s death (and/or not being with Dorian anymore)” but im behind in cr3 and im at the point where they’re talking about the fact he’s actually the most normal/stable of them all and tbh that’s true (although he obviously is hiding all his shit) but for those reasons idk what fits for a good way to get orym into this au
so yeah some of these ideas make more sense than others in my brain so I’d love to hear your thoughts
I hope it’s okay that I decided to tweak your idea, im just avoiding homework and really love all your aus but am especially excited about this new one so my brain was like “ahh them all becoming roommates at once would be awesome but also a little chaotic, how could they all slowly be incorporated to the au over time?”
It's absolutely okay!
I actually think that Chetney is someone they hire to help them, ya know because he's good at working with wood and there's a shit ton of waterlogged floorboard in the house. And over time, you're so right, the two of them do grow begrudgingly fond of him to the point that when construction is almost over, they offer him the extra attic room.
Oh my god I love the idea of Ashton being a construction worker and FCG being their best friend that just goes everywhere that they do (I love the idea of modern au FCG being in a wheelchair and maybe Ashton learned construction and shit to help build ramps and lifts for them). And the same thing happens, construction is almost done and Imogen offers the two of them a room.
Orym is probably the only one who responds to the roommate ad. He doesn't know much about construction, but he needs a cheap place to live. And he's the connection between the witches and Fearne, when they find out that Orym and Fearne are friends, she moves in too. So everyone but Chetney is doubled up in rooms.
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calumsash · 2 years
28 and you have to say yourself, 43, 49, andddd 6 uwu
well hello there jess, thank you for stopping by <3
6. Describe your dream home.
oh wow. yk there's one thing that would make it a dream home: having one of those big windows you can sit right next to and look out to the street? having a little cozy corner where i can comfortably watch the rain fall as i drink some tea hmmmm.
also ever since i've read Vicky's fic where ashton lives and designs tiny homes it became a dream, I'll probably never live in one but it would be pretty cool, im tiny so i can work a tiny home i think <3
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
even if you didn't tell me to say myself i'd say myself, no one makes me laugh more than me, i know my humor!
also a special shout out to Daniel Sloss, truly a funny motherfucker. his comedy specials are the best out there + his book/audiobook!
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
ummmm watching the shopping channel at 1am? idk im not ashamed of that anymore that's just straight up entertainment. im blanking rn sorry :(
49. Who do you text the most?
probably one of my best friends that i've known since 4th grade, who also works with me at the same place. she was in south america for three months and we had like a 9 hours difference and i still sent her 10 voice messages catching her up everyday and she'd answer them all <3
come be nosy!
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blu3st4rzsysbl0g · 21 days
5/10/24 (5/11 at the time of writing this) Friday
school went as it usually does, which is basically not anything noteworthy, Marcie started this account after getting Ashton to approve of it so that's fun and cool I (AL) was fronting for most of the idea, Marcie kinda popped in last night after we had a bit of a meltdown so i've been getting to know her a little...she's fun, gives me cool older sister vibes (might just be because she's older than me)
most notable bit was it was Friday so we got pizza for lunch, ate alone per usual while watching a kurtis conner video on yt lol, did some drawing for Marcie's intro as well as my own that i'll probably get to tomorrow...idk we'll see ig, we also had a huge assemble today so we had to deal with that, got really blurry in the crowd while listening to the teachers scold the middle schoolers (i dont see why we had to be there since we're in highschool) lucky its the last assembly of the year, since our school has all school (k-12) meetings every month
Sock's sibling is home from college for the summer! they came to pick us up from school, so it was a fun drive catching up with them, let Sock front for that mostly, it's been around three weeks since I've seen him pop up, life's been too miserable for him ig, still front stuck (around 140 days atp) so that's great...maybe Marcie figured i was going insane being here for so long, who knows!
got home to our mother's house and got to talk to her for a while, ride there was fun too getting to talk to both our siblings, Sock fronted for most of that but walked off once dinner started (i barely even noticed him leave tbh..)
after dinner i drew some more art, Normal came into front because he heard about the blog..said he wanted to make an intro so I drew him a faceclaim, usually we could use fanart since he has a source (Normal Oak from Dndads) but since we're doing the intros I think it's more fun to actually draw him, especially since i like drawing his source anyway
Ashton was in the front room hanging around for a while eating mental-mcdonalds, idk why, but Normal started talking to him, said he reminds him of his uncle i guess? Normal is a pretty nice but kinda sad kid...it was something to witness. Norm's also got some daddy issues and Ash is a pretty prominent father figure...kinda like Joel from the Last of Us tbh...Sock and him have had a kinda father-son relationship since he formed back in 2021 (Sock wants me to add that they think its funny that there's a weird phenomenon in the system where all the teen alters tend to annoy the hell out of him lol...notably i dyed our hair three times w/o consulting him or anyone so i wouldnt say im exempt from this observation)
anyway, Sock called some of our friends for a bit (after practically ghosting them for like a month lol) played on my Stardew Valley file, thirsted over Harvey (Sock's aroace...idk what's wrong with him /aff) he had told our friends abt my little front stucky situation, (they're convinced i lost my mind because of how many times i changed our appearance drastically in the time ive been here...i dont deny this accusation) Sock also got Ash to try a Baja Blast for the first time, "It tastes like a heart attack, jesus christ..." is what he had to say...it was the zero sugar kind? idk im kinda addicted to them so
we've got a doctor's appointment fairly early tmrw...we've been having a lot of joint pain lately, our Mom thinks it's arthritis? we're not sure, she's not a doctor so...getting checked out finally! we'll see how that goes, also checking up on some meds stuff...
- AL 🍁 (She/They/He)
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pixiegrl · 2 years
2, 3, 14, & 33 Plz💗
2. How did you find out about them?
Honestly theres two parts to this. I heard/saw SLSP on tv when it came out and said Im too cool for that. I also heard YB on the radio alot in 2018 and was not super into it.
And then in summer of 2019 the radio wouldn't stop playing Easier on my drive to my internship and I fell in love with the song and looked up the band and then put all the pieces together and laughed at 2013 emily who thought she was too cool for them
3. What was the first song you heard by them?
SLSP or Easier, depending on how you look at it. Easier is probably the honset answer.
14. What is your favorite hair color on Michael?
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33. What is your favorite thing about each of them?
Luke: I really like how confident he is in himself and his makeup and presentation of himself. Also at the Atlanta show when he said "I dont know sports idk if you can tell by my pink makeup" Michael: I really love his laugh. Like in his streams and interviews when he just bursts out laughing. Its so soft Calum: The way his face scrunches up when he laughs and also how soft and fond he always looks at the boys when they talk Ashton: I just love how much he really loves the guys. Like hes always so encouraging and sweet with them and its so nice
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zeephyre · 4 months
Where do I even ??? start ???
I haven't been posting c3 as the episodes dropped in...a while actually, like right before they went to the feywild. i have many thoughts and many feelings about so many things that have happened since then and I'll summarise them so I can get to THIS episode.
fearne and ashton - love their shard powers, they're literally royalty and terrifying, and i want them to make-out. i can't wait to see them go full primordial again in a real combat situation.
imogen - save her. literally save her. free her, even. i love everything about the call of ruidus when it comes to imogen on a narrative standpoint, but...God I get so worried that we're gonna lose her. I don't mean she's gonna betray the hells, but...ruidus could take her and then i would simply perish.
laudna - before i really get into wtf went down this episode with her and she who must not be named, i gotta say... im worried. very very worried. however, that fireball was objectively the best shit ever.
fcg - i can't even really remember anything stand out abt fcg except what Sam pulled last night so.
chetney - still the heart of the team, still my baby girl, still my favourite. love him to bits.
orym - i think laudna is going to beat his ass one of these days and im... even more concerned about that after this episode. his nana morri powers are cool as fuck tho... does that make him a warlock now? i know he isn't multi-classing but wouldn't that be cool
the moment imogen reached out to ruidus and matt mentioned that she could sense where other ruidusborn were i fucking knew that otohan was high tailing it in their direction, and i thought they instinctively knew that too but they probably got so distracted.
we were travelling for hours and had a huge fight that almost got them captured (not to be confused with the OTHER two fights that almost got them captured) and I was begging and screaming and crying for them to get a long rest safely hidden away AND THEN THEY SPLIT THE PARTY WITH BARELY ANY SPELL SLOTS OR HIT POINTS AFTER BEING DRAINED FROM ANOTHER BATTLE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM
(Sidenote, the willmaster really opened up the door to the further increase in moral pondering in a certain number of hellians. i do think using the harness is disgusting and hypocritical, but i don't condemn them for it, it just...makes me wanna vomit thinking abt what ludinus did with it. not to mention the HUNGER parallels between laudna and ludinus...its just not good yall. also??? objectively funny that fcg seemed weirded out by the idea of killing the willmaster, not just with the harness but in general, considering how many people they've killed up to this point)
idk if its just the inherent terror that an evil old hot lady can inspire that makes otohan so much more terrifying to me than ludinus. like, objectively, ludinus is a worse threat and could wipe them out EASILY but jesus otohan is like the damn reaper to me. it's the trauma from the laudna, fearne, orym massacre mixed with the underlying little drop from their uthodurn romp that let us know that resurrection spells are NOT working and idk if that got fixed bc of time passing or distance from the leylines but i really did not want to test that shit out in real time
thank...god that sam riegel is a damn genius player, that banishment of fcg and fearne was the ONLY reason fcg survived. and thank GOD FOR KEYLETH BECAUSE WITHOUT THAT CLOUD SPELL BELLS HELLS WOULD BE VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY DEAD RN.
God, "otohan has us. run." is going to haunt me just as much, if not more than the almost tpk. it just...shot me straight back to bassuras and the plan to run that just...immediately fell apart.
god fcg truly could have died there. and fearne would be captured. i know the hells would be too stupid and too brave and too loyal to leave fearne with otohan in their cloud form but can you imagine a world where fcg was gone, fearne was captured and the hells had to switch from recon to rescue... itd be stressful but pretty fun.
thankfully it didn't come to that and some good came from the shit.
ruidus is so beautiful. i was worried they'd end being trapped under ruidus while they explored (not that I wasn't on board with the detours, I wish this wasn't a time sensitive mission), but matt's imagery of the fossilized elven structure and garden made me sad but also happy that we got to see it.
God...we could go back to keyleth and the others and actually invade ruidus without encountering the ruby vanguard. (that's if they're alright because otohan did go out onto the battlefield and we don't know what fhe fuck she did when the illusion fell through)
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difeisheng · 2 years
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a wzc saga
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flokive · 4 years
ok am i just stupid and BLIND or is the old merch gone and we can only get the new merch????????? im sorry but: wtf?!
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caelesjjk · 4 years
is it weird that I want to find like a cool 5sos clique to be apart of? Does that sound desperate? Yeah probably. But like I just wanna have THAT group of friends, ya know what I mean?
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