#idk it’s like Damn!!!
edwardbonnets · 2 years
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# dog energy/cat energy but with all the ofmd couples
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cloudiness · 2 years
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“Ed Teach gazing at Stede Bonnet” is now the most precious flower of my “botanical diary”
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alpacacare-archive · 2 years
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finished ultra deluxe and immediately started making this
i think theyd be good friends gjfgfd
also heres an extra:
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(its that can i copy your homework joke) 
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willowser · 2 years
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look. i just. want to talk about bakugou after your first big fight. bc i think he eventually becomes the type of person that knows when he's being too mean but he still can't stop. like you say one thing in defense to him and he takes it a step too far and immediately thinks, why the fuck did i say that—and then you get angrier and so he gets angrier and his inner monologue is just like shut up shut up shut up shut up before you say something you don't mean literally stop.
and so maybe he leaves, just to cool off.
not in the middle of the fight, but it's not resolved either. there's a lull between the little back and forth quips, all the "well i'm not saying that you—" and the "no, you're fuckin' saying—", the "don't cuss at me, katsuki—" and the "then don't talk to me like 'm—" and then it's silent. he's got more to say and so do you—but at the same time, he's just. over it. whatever started the argument in the first place has been left behind, anger moreso stemming from what's happened since the first shot was taken (by him, of fucking course), and he doesn't want to fight with you of all people. not you.
and the longer he's gone, the more it just spins around and around in his head. everything he said and the way he said it and why he said it, why the fuck did he say it. bakugou is—he's too used to fighting, too good at it bc that's all anyone has ever done with him. that's all anyone has ever shown him, that irritation, that push-back, that quick judgement and eventual avoidance. fed up with it. with him.
by the time he comes home—if he can call it that anymore—he knows it's over. he knows this is the part with the "i just don't think it's working out—" and the "really can't handle this right now—", the "you're an asshole—" and the—
and the worst of all is just the abandonment. the worst of all is when he'll come back to that apartment and you'll just be gone. you'll come and get your things over time, stuffing it all into cardboard until there aren't any traces left. until all that's there is the walls and the carpet and the frame and just. bakugou. alone. again.
but he walks through the door and you're just—there. washing some dishes, folding the laundry, poking at your phone because you can't sit still. and you frown at him with a little crease between your eyebrows, bc you're still mad and he knows this is it, this is when you look him in the eye and you tell him—
"i can't find the tv remote."
".......y'always lose the—the freakin' thing. did you check under the couch?"
"that's the first place i looked."
and you stand up to prove you're not sitting on it and he shakes out the throw blanket you were using and sticks his hand between the couch cushions and he finds a bunch of coins, a sock, that pair of underwear he took off of you the last time he had a night off—and the f—reakin' tv remote.
and you rest your forehead on his chest and you're pouting and you mumble out a, "thanks," even though you probably don't want to. you probably do a lot of things you don't want to do, with him. because of him. things you probably don't want to do anymore because you're fed up. and this is it. this is it.
"i love you, jerk."
when you wrap your arms limply around him, he doesn't say anything. because he can't. he can't shut up when he wants to, and he can't speak up when he wants to, and it's something you're probably tired of, maybe, he's not actually sure, but you let him bury his face into your hair and you pretend you don't notice that he's trembling just a little and that you can feel his racing heartbeat through his back.
bakugou doesn't say anything, because he can't, so you just lean into him a little more and you say,
"still love you."
and you pretend not to hear the deep inhale that he takes or the little groan he lets out, and you pretend not to feel the clench of his jaw or the barely-there wobble of his chin. and you say,
"still gonna choose to love you."
because you don't love him by accident. even with his irritation and his push-back, his smart-ass quips and his angry language. you see it all and you see him and you still say,
"always gonna love you."
and that's how bakugou knows where his home is. what it is. that's how he knows it's you, of all people.
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rythyme · 2 years
i’m a simple guy. if you give me a slowburn queer romance between a flirty irresponsible humanities major and a grumpy hardass computer science major who hate each other on a fundamental level and yet grudgingly become teammates and eventually something more — i go feral.
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sixofclovers · 2 years
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more! fae! characters! 
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utane · 2 years
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A commission for @vampyremelayah 🙌
I got to draw old men in love, my favourite :D Also the first time I’ve drawn Rung, and I think he turned out very handsome
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awacatin · 3 years
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I am once again giving a tender kiss to every creator that draws/writes an eye-corrupted Jon loving Martin <3
This can b set on EP 159!
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
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i’m counting this as a late queencember drawing while i still can. prompt was “celebration”. hangin’ out with the squad 💙
this is also my last post of 2021 and also technically my last queencember post, so thanks for all the love this year and for tolerating my relentless queen spam :V never done an art challenge before and stuck to it so i think the fact that i did... about half the prompts? maybe a little more? is impressive. i swear i will draw other characters now (but still some queens too ofc)
happy new year lets all survive to the next one 🎆🎇
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spearxwind · 2 years
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I'm finding it hard to properly express myself on this but just know I very well poured my heart and soul into this piece. This is genuinely my most beloved thing I've ever done, I hope you all enjoy it too
This is also the third time I redraw this (i usually did it every 2 years), with the oldest version being just under 7 years old now. You can check it out too if you like [2019] x [2017] x [2015]
And, on the off chance you don't know who these guys are though, they're the main cast from my webcomic!
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ganondoodle · 3 years
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saw this in my dreams tonight and i had to draw it
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skltart · 2 years
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I had so much fun just sketching these guys with no pressure. Wasn't going to post this but I love how some of them came out so here we are :)
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kirayamidemon · 2 years
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kenj1sl0v3r · 3 years
the way freddy is immediately like, “yes, you are my child” to the little human that crawls out of his stomach makes me so incredibly confused and overly joyful at the same time.
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harmonytheme · 2 years
so, forgive me if this has already been pointed out, but i was watching the netflix bts video again, and i realized something.
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this was apparently filmed on their first day back on set (so they were likely filming something from early on in the season), and simon’s outfit for the day consists of two pretty important pieces of clothing.
first, the plain purple button up he wore on the night of his and wille’s first kiss.
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and secondly, the sunflower yellow sweatshirt he wore the day he broke up with wille.
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there might not be anything behind it, but simon is wearing a piece of clothing from the day his relationship with wille started and a piece from the day it ended. that feels kind of symbolic to me. 
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kalofi · 3 years
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obligatory feet post. sometimes my genius shocks even me
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