#idk people r hyping him up too much
petrichorium · 1 year
Yk what I have had a staunch “John green was annoying way back when and I’m not particularly saddened that he left tumblr (tho his greatest crime was cringe and he most definitely did not deserve the harassment)” stance for years but genuinely? I think I like him now. Putting him in my “celebs who get to sit with us” pocket along with Lynda Carter and Wil Wheaton
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qraceiuv · 8 months
hii can you do singer!reader x jude (ik you’ve done it recently so i understand if you don’t want to 😞) and can the faceclaim be tyla? idk if you let anons choose faceclaims anyways thank uuu!!!! also remember to eat and stay hydrated 🫶🏽🫶🏽 love u
water. jude bellingham.
summary — your new song causes the fans to want more and more content from jude and yours relationship
notes — tysm for this request! love u more bb, i literally had tyla in mind for a new blurb, and getting this made it perfect
warnings — inappropriate jokes? idk + mentions of throw up and such - js some cute lil fluff as usual
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y/nsusername: 'water' out this friday🩵🐆
username: OMGOMGOMG
username: totally not breaking down
username: i need to wife her
username: WATER??😭
yourfriend: HOT HOT MEOWWW
— y/nsusername: oh thats
username: her and jude r dating right
— username: yeah it was confirmed like 3 months ago but they dont post much of each other
— username: maybe the singles abt him
— username: I HOPEEE
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y/nsusername: make me lose my breath, make me water 🪩🪞🐆💦
username: WTF
username: omg im so proud of her
— y/nsusername: 🥹🥹🥹
username: AH AH AHHHH
username: im actually so happy for her
— y/nsusername: JIMMY FUCKING FALLON
username: on repeat
username: oh shes gonna eat
judebellingham: 💦💦💦
— y/nsusername: delete immediately
— username: HELP?
username: JUDE IM CRYING
username: judes comment has made my year
username: finally y/njude content (its horrible)
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y/nsusername: tour so far... i love you lovely people and the many helping hands behind the scenes <3
username: see you in a week!!
username: i need to go
username: shes thriving
username: getting the hype she deserves
judebellingham: omg you love me?
— y/nsusername: no !
— judebellingham: guess ill turn the plane around
— y/nsusername: HEY.
username: i love them (we barely know them)
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judebellingham: to be proud of my girl is an understatement 🩵🩵
username: okay ill cry
username: y/n love club
username: shouldve put 💦💦💦
— y/nsusername: agreed
y/nsusername: 💦💦💦
— jude bellingham: i hate you now.
— y/nsusername: payback
username: adoption papers wya
username: hard launch a lil too late
y/nsusername: i love you
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y/nsusername: my man finally took me out
username: KMS KMS KMS
username: make me sweattt... sorry
— username: MAKE ME HOTTERRR
— username: everyone thank jude for this sexy song
yourfriend: i could treat u better
— y/nsusername: i know i know
judebellingham: im gonna do it
— y/nsusername: dont.
— judebellingham: 💦💦💦
username: JUDES COMMENT😭😭
username: theyre actually so cute
username: the banter >>>
username: my man is whipped
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y/nusername: 2M weekly streams on water... kisses 🐆💋
username: YESSS
username: literally so deserved
username: im so proud lemme cry
username: MY BABY
username: WE LOVE YOU
username: STFU OMG
username: nobody deserves it more
judebellingham: my popstar
— y/nsusername: my starboy
judebellingham: so proud of you baby
username: BABY?!?!
username: im on the floor rn
username: jude is too lucky
username: im throwing up cuz of them
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belphiesgirlfriend · 11 months
Obey me! Brothers music taste headcanons
more like ramblings than headcanons tbh but i had this stuck in my head and needed to get it out, also feel free to send requests for diff headcanons!
Cw’s: none!
Little bit satirical (i over exaggerate sometimes cuz it’s funny) but pretty in character overall i thinkk
• You know this motherfucker listens to classical music and classical music only cuz he’s boring
• Okay but jokes aside i see him listening to like 30’s 40’s 50’s music especially the love songs.
• Like straight up fallout 4 soundtrack music, he’d listen to it while doing paperwork or unwinding
• He’d definitely be really prideful (no duh) about his taste in music, he’d feel all fancy and refined when he tells people
• Type of dude to be like “modern music simply can’t compare to the classics…” shut up grandpa we get it u know bach’s zodiac sign, penis size, and mothers maiden name
• Wants to be different so bad, he’d strictly listen to music from his vintage record player or some shit cause it’s the “most authentic” way to listen, fr acts like a manic pixie dream girl (he’d hit me upside the head if he heard me say that sorry luci🫶)
• r&b and spanish music
•but i feel like he’d like 2000s party music from all the clubbing and casinos
• def a weekend listener and like 90’s rap
• but also like i wouldn’t be surprised if he listened to some 90s rock too
• he’d listen 2 sublime or nirvana or local h (i’m projecting on the last one)
• but anyways he’d be a #1 rihanna fan he’d blast her music in his room but then deny liking her💀make it make sense!!
• also he knows her best album is loud CAUSE HE HAS TASTE!!
• also tyler the creator i get the vibe he’d love him
• kali uchis fan too
•ALSO i feel like he had a phase where he listened to juice wrld and was like “these cheating lying females….” after he got his heart broken by a witch YOU CANG TELL ME IM WRONG😭😭 it’s okay though cause he’s embarrassed by it now
• oh childish gambino too duh forgot about him
• this one’s gonna be real fucking short IM SORRYYY
• he listens to anime openings and game soundtracks strictly
• that’s literally all i can think of dude
• he’d be like “i don’t have time for normie music…”
• his room is literally that old caramelldansen meme from 2019/2020
• this one was harder for me to pinpoint
• first instinct would be classical music but it’s canon he likes ska music too so 🤷‍♀️
• i really do feel like he’d listen to all types of music, like a true jack of all traits, if he likes it he likes it so his playlist is allllll over the place
• for some reason i get a vibe he’d really like 80s music in particular though
• the song that pops into my head is who can it be now? by men at work idk why
• maybe even older music i feel like he’d like sam cooke
• OH both him and belphie would like mazzy star and fiona apple idk why but they would
• okay crucify me for this one but…mitski I JUSG FEEL LIKE HE WOULD
• but i also see him loving lady gaga a lot cuz he has taste
•omg he’d listen to old katy perry too
•but yea also probably lil nas x he’d have a celeb crush on him
• oh tyler the creator too with his gay ass, him and mammon both love him, they def have done a duet to see u again
• he’d be a barb probably defend nicki too😭
• and as much as it pains me to say it, he’d fucking listen to ayesha erotica and be like “this is so good!!!”, hed post a devilgram story with one of her songs and then get cancelled on twitter
• “I made a severe and continuous lapse of judgement…” and then did the same thing a week later
• type of guy when you ask him what music he listens to he goes “idk i don’t really listen to music”
• he legitimately looks up “hype playlist” on youtube to work out and that’s the extent of it
• really can’t see him being a big music guy
• if u invited him to a concert or something he’d go though for food
•he’d give you a piggy back ride so u can see better
• tbh if u were to put on music he would not care much no matter how good/bad it is
• you could walk in on him working out and literally listening 2 cbat or some shit
• HE LITERALLY IS CBAT GUY😭 he’d be like “i always use this song when i’m working out..
• emo fucker
• i feel like he’d like emo/ 90s rock ( but more “rockish” than mammons 90’s rock)
• but he’d also love any more relaxing music with softer vocals
• they have the combination of 90s rock but also more soothing calming vocals, theyd literally b perfect
• and for that reason his favorite albums r koi no yokan and saturday night wrist, also their self titled,
• would call mammon a poser for his music taste “nirvana isn’t even *real* rock idiot🙄”
• but nah, also like i said in satans fiona apple and mazzy star fan
• he’d suck so bad though he’d go on twitter and be like, “if you like deftones ur a poser” (while being their number 1 fan, fucking brat) then turn off his phone and take a nap for the funny
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thebloodredraven · 5 months
Akatsuki Secret [sub] Kinks - Part I
lineup: itachi uchiha, hidan, konan, sasori warnings: mentions and descriptions of rough sex, degradation, dumbification, mommy kink, humiliation, r*pe play, and edging, gender inclusive
- x - notes: I've had this in my drafts for a little while (a year lmao), but I couldn't get Hidan fleshed out tbh. His was hard. Anyways: minors do not interact, comment or reblog if you like it, and make sure to support other fanfic writers ♥ I only do these when the moment strikes so idk when the second part will be published but it'll get done! thanks ♥ - x -
Itachi: degredation/humiliation
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Sure, he could be the best pleasure dom you've ever come across ever. Ever. But have you considered he gives you all the praise because he's tired of hearing it for himself? Every waking minute of his life, he has to hear about how great he is. How powerful he is. How nobody will ever amount to his power and prowess as a shinobi. Praise, envy, recognition, infamy, compliments, shoe-shining, ass-kissing, blah blah blah blah blah. He's heard it all before and he's sick of it.
You can't convince me he wouldn't fold, or at least pause him in his tracks, if someone told him he wasn't as special as everyone claimed he was. That he wasn't worth the hype. That you expected more from someone with his name. That the way he was writhing and keening from your fingers milking his prostate because he hates being edged was unbecoming of him. That Uchiha pride of his would fight back against the accusations and his eyes would burn with hatred, but the beet-red blush that covers his entire face and chest while you're impaling his wet throat tells you he feels otherwise.
That man wants to be spit on and called a cock-sucking whore while he's ass up taking a strap. Call him pathetic. Tell him how stupid he looks with his fucked-out face smothered in the pillows and slick all over his chin from when you sat on his face and smothered him until he couldn't breathe. Laugh at him when he begs for air by tapping your thighs. Ask him how he'd feel if his entire family could see him in a position that would bring the whole clan to shame, and he'd feel freer and more liberated than he has his whole life cause all the expectations people placed on him are GONE and he can just be your dumb little toy.
Konan: dominatrix
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I feel it in my gut that this woman is a dominatrix at certain times. She feels like a switch, but the few times she needs to be in that special space? Needs to feel some semblance of control because everything else around her is out of her grasp because someone else has what she wants in their clutches? That's when she slips into that headspace.
Unlike Itachi as a pleasure dom, she's a no-nonsense woman and expects to be obeyed. You'll be rethinking about how you backtalked her when your top half is hanging off the bed while she fucks you with a brutality she learned to harness on the battlefield, the only thing keeping you from falling being her strong grip on your hips.
You've got drool sliding down your cheek and a tight grip on her wrist while she forces moan after moan after moan from you until you're screaming and crying for her to stop. Because after four messy, powerful orgasms you can't take it anymore. It's too much. She'll slow down once she sees you sobbing and bend down to kiss away your tears, letting you get a breather, but she's not pulling out. In fact, you're too dazed by her lips to realize the meaning behind her sliding her hands up your body to rest at the juncture of your neck. She presses one more tender kiss to your ears before whispering in a deceptively kind voice, "I know it's a lot, baby. But you know tears don't move me. Until I hear that safe word, you're going to take it until I'm satisfied you've learned your lesson. Now stop whining and spread your legs wider. You're in for a long night."
Hidan: dumbification/tenderness
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You'd think this one would be easy because what you see is what you get most of the time with Hidan: a sadomasochistic pain-obsessed BDSM freak with very little boundaries. He typically requires a lot from sexual partners because that's all he's used to: intensity. Everything with him is always blood, violence, screaming, sacrifice, Jashin, Jashin, Jashin, kill, kill, kill. R8P play, flogging, knife play, golden showers, and even killing him are not above his desires. But this is about secret kinks. There are enough fanfics about him loving the thrill of being bullied by big muscular men to the nth degree, but what's something he'd keep hidden from everyone else? One he might actually feel embarrassed about sharing with someone? One he'd go to great lengths to hide because it's the one thing he's ashamed about feeling like he needs? It's not a kink at all. It's a human emotion that he craves to feel during the moment more than he's willing to admit: It's tenderness. It's making love to him to slow his mind down and coaxing his orgasms from him in a way that doesn't overstimulate him and watching him make sense of it. It's enacting acts of violence against his body with spiked whips, chain-shibari, and barbed wire but pressing a kiss to his fresh, bloodied wounds at the same time. It's making him understand that he craves violence and hedonism because it's the only form of control he ever has and taking it away from him is a risk you love him enough to take. It's being in the throes of pleasure and getting him right to his peak before forcing him to keep eye contact as his pleasure spills over and wracks through his body in waves because of the softness and admiration aimed towards him at his most vulnerable. He'll NEVER admit it out loud and he'd actually kill you if you brought it up any time outside of the bedroom, but you know. He knows you know. It works out.
Sasori: MMlb/DDlb
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I see this man portrayed as a hard dom 98% of the time and I'm not mad about it, but........ The same man that figuratively and literally wears a hard shell of a mask to hide his vulnerable and delicate nature? The man that finds beauty in the most macabre things because it's everlasting and immortal, therefore will always be remembered and praised? The man that found peace after death because someone finally understood him? The man that created puppets of his parents for some form of connection to the intimacy that he was robbed of? The Scorpio? That man needs a Mommy with a capital M. He wants to be nurtured. He wants to be held. He wants someone else to hold the strings to his heart for a change. That bad attitude and mean streak doesn't change the fact that that man is a bottom; a bottom leaning switch at MOST.
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irlnumbuh3 · 1 year
more teen sector v headcanons
a/n: if anyone knows any highschool or even college fics of them plz send them my way i miss them so much :’)
cw: i swear lol , 3x4, 2x5, weed sorry not sorry
- nigel’s basement becomes the new hangout spot for the group
- there are so many consoles, bean bag chairs, and even a pool table. yeah they hook it up real nice B) they still even have that old couch of theirs!
- they meet there pretty frequently after school, always at least one day out of the week. it’s like a second home for them
- nigel’s parents install a ring camera at the door and they all have the app downloaded to see whatever messages are left on there 😭 they always send them in the gc they have together
nigel: wally please stop putting ur mouth on the ring camera. thank you
abby: i told him last week that it was nasty🤦🏽‍♀️
wally: haters r my motivators
kuki: we are on our way to do it right now!! :D
nigel: not you too kuki….
hoagie: oh yeah not just those two😈
- hoagie is the first to get his license so he’ll give his friends rides pretty often
- he inherits this old beat up van from his aunt. and wow it is UGLY
- oh but of course everyone has to respect his “Betsy” because she’s his beautiful lady
- and if you don’t respect Betsy… well you’re gonna have to walk
- hoagie also treasures Betsy because well that’s where him and abby had their first kiss
- never forget when they all were going to get pizza after school in hoagie’s van and it broke down mid drive
- no like Betsy gave out 2 miles before they got there and everyone was yelling at hoagie to just get rid of the van
- nigel could’ve gotten his license first because he is the oldest but he just never really got the time to because he’s always busy in school
- and yeah they make fun of him because this boy doesn’t even have his permit
- wally gets his license after hoagie, then abby, and then kuki who was a little scary to teach how to drive 😭
- wally being the loving boyfriend he is would try to show her but oh god would his patience run a little thin
- because well he drives a pickup. and kuki hates pickups, at least driving them. she’s a passenger princess when it comes to driving w her bf 🤷🏼‍♀️
- like the passenger seat is specifically reserved for her bc she’s made it her own
- and well because wally only likes to drive next to her 🤔
- even though they fight over the radio but that’s another story
- speaking of that abby usually always has the aux because this girl has the best fucking music taste 😭
- like she always knows what the group is feeling that day so the right songs are ALWAYS PLAYEDDD
- one day after school they all make a shared spotify album for their car rides
- abby likes r&b and some pop, kuki is a pop girl and just party music, hoagie also really likes r&b and just old classics, and omg is he a tyler the creator dickrider me too, no one ever really knows what nigel listens to but he always knows every song they play, and wally is into rock and nu-metal
- but what always gets everyone hyped is like old justin timberlake for some reason LMFAOOO like My Love Featuring T.I. never fails in that car
- never forget when they hotboxed the absolute SHITTTT out of hoagie’s van LMAO
- well because idk i headcanon wally is a smoker 🤷🏼‍♀️ not a crazy pothead but you know it helps him relax so why not
- and you know maybe one day he rolled some for his friends on a saturday night when nigel’s parents were out of town
- definition of perfect opportunity ^^^^
- and that was the only way nigel agreed😭he was freaking out over the smell it would make in his house
- kuki had gotten high ONCE before because well she was curious of why her boyfriend liked to do it
- and he didn’t want her to smoke alone or with other people without knowing how she’d react so he made sure she only smoked when they were together that first time
- and yeah she’s a giggler
- so yup the sesh was a little funny because abby’s tolerance was good, she felt so relaxed, kuki is a big laugher so everything becomes funny, hoagie becomes a TALKER OH MY GOD he does not stop talking and nigel FINALLY RELAXES
- he was the most hesitant which is funny because after he starts regularly asking if they can have a sesh after school he feels like a bad boy it’s really funny
- i mean, he’s in charge of EVERYTHING at school and he’s an all honors kid🤷🏼‍♀️and lizzie just drives his ass crazy. he needs to de-stress somehow
- their usual thing to do is get high and watch movies in the basement. oh and food is always ordered no matter what time it is😭those 5 can EAT
- the 711 runs after are always the best
- sometimes they run into people from school at 711 and those people always kind of envy the friendship the 5 have
- they stayed close from elementary through middle and all the way to highschool. no one ever said anything to them but, lots of people admired the bond they had for all being so different
- wally is well respected in school, not because he’s a bully like how he used to be, but because he’s cool if you are. if you leave him alone, he’ll leave you alone. if you don’t mess with his friends ESPECIALLY his girlfriend, ur fine. but get on his nerves? and ur screwed
- not only is he respected bc of that but because he’s the school’s best soccer player. no one could really pick on him, he was strong, he had gotten diagnosed with adhd and dyslexia so finally was able to maintain his grades (people finally stopped calling him dumb) he was cool as long as you are, and he just grew up (especially in height that boy got TALL)
- he learned how to maintain his anger too because of his lovely girlfriend , kuki sanban!
- Gallagher High’s sweetheart. she was smart, pretty, SO WELL RESPECTED, and a social butterfly. you could NOT hate kuki sanban, maybe out of jealousy, but never for any other reason
- she tutored underclassmen, participated so much in school events, and was a cheerleader. none of that ever got to her head though, she was still the same sweetheart everyone knew in elementary
- but she’s also another one that is only cool if you are. if you mess with her, her friends, her boyfriend, or her little sister? she will not give you the time of day
- wally taught her how to defend herself better while she taught him how to better control his anger. yeah they’re cute (i love them so much can you tell???)
- hoagie is the school’s pretty quiet boy. he’s an ambivert. he seems very introverted at first but once you become his friend , that boy is social! he’s also in band but he’s those really cool band kids everyones friends with
- people also FINALLY started thinking he was funny too. he and wally pull pranks in school all of the time
- some people called him a nerd and would make fun of him but wally got that all to end and people started giving him a chance
- he’s a dnd player i don’t make the rules
- everyone meet dnd club’s president hoagie gilligan🫡
- lots of people had crushes on him but his eyes only stayed focused on one girl, abby lincoln :)
- everyone loved abby, everyone had always liked her since elementary school! she was kind and just fucking COOLLL she’s a badass
- everyone knows abby in school and abby knows everyone. she could befriend anyone no matter what “clique” people thought you belonged to
- she’s on the schools track team and WOW is she good
- the group always goes to support her at her track meets :’) she is definitely someone to watch
- she gets offered lots of scholarships because of track. when i tell you she’s good, SHE IS GOOD!
- and lastly we have our nigel uno! the silent cool guy
- no really, everyone knows him, but unlike abby, he does not know everyone 😭 he’s kind of just focused on his goals and his friends
- when highschool first started, people liked to pick on him for doing so much at school and being a perfectionist. but then people actually got to the know the kid and he was a cool guy
- and when rumor spread that someone saw THE nigel uno high at 711 with his friends, people knew there was more than just a strict/un-fun layer to him
- he was the grade’s class president and actually handled his stuff pretty well. he knew wrong from right and when there were good and bad times for things. he was so well respected by teachers and his fellow other geeks
- and well people kind of dug his british accent LMFAOAOAOA
- he gets confused when popular kids nod their head to him or fist bump him but he doesn’t question it. he thinks no one knows him but they all really do
- and plus. you couldn’t be in a friend group with the other 4 and not be admired in some way. when i tell you the school all knew their iconic group, i mean it
- in a place with petty drama and rumors, people wanted what those 5 had. a real bond and love for eachother
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sevicia · 3 months
give me the movie recs instead! scary is ok
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Under a read more cause I looove talking, and the sections are ordered by like, priority of recommendation if that makes sense ... I also tried 2 actually rank them but I am not very good @ that LOL
Personal Enjoyment ONLY!!!:
No theme besides personal enjoyment "just for fun"/not relatable edition:
The Batman - I love it I just love it. I watched it bc my sister put it on and my pen's battery had run out. I was CLUELESS
Spree - That's my attention whore wife that would kill me for views !!!!!!
Jacob's Ladder - The best fever dream anyone could ever ask for !!! Everything about this movie is perfect. And this doesn't really matter TOO much ....... BUT …….. !!!! Tim Robbins in short shorts towards the end .......... save meeeee .................
Antiviral - I rewatched this one just before writing this LOL. It made me crazy when I first saw it back in 2022 and it makes me crazy now too!! The entire movie feels cold & sterilized but it's still Completely Sexual. Syd March I know what you are. OH also I like to think Mr. Cronenberg Sir is proud of his son bc this ruuuuules
Martyrs - This is like the ultimate "can't rec it as-is" movie bc of the amount of people that are genuinely disturbed by it & don't get me wrong I am one of them!! But there's just something here that has me thinking about it so often. The violence is amazing and the feeling in my stomach is horrible every time !!
No theme besides personal enjoyment mental illness edition:
Pulse (AKA Kairo) - Extremely close to my heart, the way loneliness relates to the internet & technology in general is such an interesting topic it would be enough to make this movie stand out for anyone, but I have such a personal fondness for it because of how much I felt it understood me. In a few ways.
Pearl - IDGAF how many people have gone "just like me fr" cause I am also one of them. I don't get the whole "female rage" thing that gets mentioned a ton (on account of me being some guy), but the theme of never being able to escape a life you hate ??? Absolutely fucking terrifying & hits super hard for me specifically
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? - The RESENTMENT, the ANGER, the DESPAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It resonated w/ me a lot more in the past but not so much anymore, which is good LOL
Horror SERIOUS edition:
The Thing - certified classic I legit think everyone should watch this one at least once in their lives. The practical effects r amazing, the story is GRIPPING & many of the actors r hot. Literally what else could u ask for…..
Hellraiser - Huge DUH ….. The short story is so good too Mr. Clive Barker I owe you my life !!!!!
The House That Jack Built - Pretentious, yes! But also really fun/satisfying to watch. I've seen some people comment on this kinda movie being typical for the director? But IDK who that man is & I don't care either. Like at all.
Ringu - Just a classic. So creepy I have to hype myself up to watch it LOL
Persona - INSAAAAANE INSANE INSANE. I saw someone say it's toxic yuri which like. Yeah I think. But also it left me confused in a rly good way
Noroi: The Curse - honestly should be self-explanatory @ this point. GENUINELY scared the shit outta me
Repulsion - Also a drama (besides a horror), the way the main character's paranoia escalates is just .... haunting, I think is the word. There's some degree of irony in here, because of who the director is, that I can't really articulate.
Gorefest / not too serious:
Creep - INSANE found footage about a guy making decisions that seem questionable if not stupid to most people, but not to me. I understand him. (disclaimer that this one could also go in the prev. category ..... I don't knowwww)
Intruder - I was on a slasher kick a few years back and this was one of the better ones. The convenience store setting is so much fun & something I'd never seen before! Or since.
Rec - SOOOO anxiety inducing, there's a lot of moments where people r talking/yelling over each other & the part towards the end that explains the whole thing is just. 0_0. to me. Bc it's among the top 3 things I do NOT fuck with !!! (same disclaimer as w/ Creep).
Hostel - I actually really like this one & don't understand most of the criticisms besides the obvious misogyny. It irks me a lot that it gets called "torture porn" so often when it's just … not that bad ? As edgy as that sounds !!
Cube - go there. in the cube? go in the cube.
The Poughkeepsie Tapes - Zero excuses for this one, you just gotta embrace your shit taste sometimes
Terrifier - Separate from the 2nd one cause that one is different in more than a few ways ..... but this one is just like charming to me in a weird way. It 's fucking filthy like, visually tho cause of the abandoned building & other such things ....
Terrifier 2 - This one I also enjoyed a lot though it IS really really long, I found it fun! The whole family aspect of it I liked a lot bc fictional siblings my beloved :3 though Art's backstory is still rly muddy (4 me at least) I do think it's like, a fun silly slasher if you've got 2 hrs and a lot of patience LOL
Just fun overall!!:
ROBOTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Oh my GOD I love this movie. I love this movie so much it's probably my favorite childhood movie. It's funny as fuck, really pretty AND has a good story. IK it may sound like nostalgia's involved but I just truly believe it's an amazing movie<3
Birds of Prey - This one is just a serotonin machine for me I love Harley so so muchh
Wendell & Wild - Visually insane I looove the look of this movie. It's also just rly enjoyable, I watched it multiple times at one point since it's on Netflix I think ? My mom got sick of it LOL
Bottoms - Absolutely bonkers it's such a fun movie. Gay and untalented and ugly and yet one of the most lovable movies I've ever seen ?? They need to print more of these
A Trip to Infinity - This one's actually a documentary on um. Infinity. Which is lovely because watching scientists be enthusiastic about their work and gush about it is just so good for my brain + it made me cry
The nostalgia I have 4 these ones is craaazy:
The Butterfly Effect - this was on TV SO OFTEN it was insane. I watched it so many times as a kid I always insisted on not changing the channel
The Voices - SO fun & silly I think of it so fondly .....
Paranorman - I love this movie so so much forever it's just so beautiful & funny
Zombieland - It's just fun man IDK what else to tell u
Sucker Punch - Another one that was often on TV, it's just embedded in my memory forever. I learned what a lobotomy was bc of this movie!!
These are dramas !!:
Parasite - Just watch it if u haven't. Everyone says you should watch it and they're RIGHT !!!
The Devils - I love horny church stuff so much
Let the Right One In - fucking loved this one. Freezing cold, very pretty AND probably the best vamp movie I've ever seen. Though I haven't seen a lot
Girl, Interrupted - insane behavior from the girls here but they're literally in a psych ward so who cares
These r good but I don't remember them much SOB:
The Eyes Of My Mother - this one gets called slow/boring a lot but I really don't gaf I still liked it
Wolf Creek 1 + 2
The Descent
Phenomena - The 1st game of the Clock Tower series was based on/inspired by this movie! Nothing else 2 say I just think it's cool lol
American Mary
A Clockwork Orange - I watched this nearly an entire decade ago but it goes here because of the fact that sometimes I still hear that dumb cunt Alex DeLarge go "I've suffered, and I've suffered, and I've suffered!" inside my head a lot. Also I have to mention that he did look good beaten up despite everything going on w/ him.
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lesbianrobin · 2 years
I am also not a fan of r/nance and appreciate your hater posts 🙏 but you mention how fics will have robin ignore steve to prioritize nancy which honestly is so frustrating but tbh I feel like lots of steddie fics do that too? like I really like steddie and have read a fair amount of fic but I feel like I see this trend where steve is super focused on eddie and his friendship with robin is like hardly part of the story and often the fic will make insinuations that eddie quickly becomes the most important person to steve/understands him best when like… imo that’s obviously robin. like obvi writers can tell the story they want but it just gets frustrating to me, it feels like a symptom of how fandom hypes up romantic pairings so much (even if there’s no canon support for them) and treats platonic relationships like they’re less important or deep… idk sorry to rant but it’s prob my biggest pet peeve with steddie shippers :/ and the st fandom in general
oh yeah that def happens!! honestly i think that's a broader problem where people just always prioritize romance over friendship. i think it's most obvious in the case of r/nance because of their specific relationships like steve and nancy being exes while steve and robin are besties yknow but it really is a problem in st/eddie fic too.
also i have a lot of pet peeves w st/eddie shippers and the fandom at large too u are Not alone dncjdbxn i've bitched about many things on here before i prommy
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mileswrldz · 1 year
my ops on ships!!
eremika - my otp. my everything. it’s been two years and i still fucking cry over them. it’s to the point i see a field and i tear up. the dynamic that eren loves her more than everything and more than mikasa loves him. still mad at mappa for not animating them holding HANDS. i’m gonna kms when the end gets animated /j
aruani - THEYRE SO CUTIEJAJDJJSR i cant they’re literally so cute i love them and they’re dynamic and how armin fell for her and always visited her. HES SO DESPERATE FOR HER GODDDDD.
eruri - my other otp. there is absolutely no way they didn’t have a secret relationship going on. levi was always by erwin and even told him he’d follow him to hell. just like mikasa loved eren and protected him, levi did the same for erwin. THEY WERE LITERALLY ROOMMATES AND THEY DID EVERYTHING TOGETHER. levi trying everything in his power to stop erwin from doing the mission and wanting to immediately revive erwin. ENMIES TO LVRS IS MY FAV TROPE!! and their size difference is so cute GOD i can do a whole analysis.
yumihisu - MY BABIESSSS. the first aot ship i ever loved. they r literally gfs and in love. ever since ymir died historia was never happy. she doesn’t even love her husband. they were everything. i was a mess when ymir died.
jearmin - THEYVE LITERALLY HAD SO MANY INTERACTIONS. jean always has his arm around armin in some way. and they are always like touching in public it’s so cute.. and their size difference is adorable too. i’m a sucker for it.
levihan - i don’t ship them, i see levi as mlm and i cant rlly see hange w anyone. they are platonic soulmates to me tho!!
eremin - i def respect it, I just don’t rlly ship it. But I understand why people do, they’re rlly touchy w eachother. i’ll def write for it tho!!!!
reibert - i cant see it 😭😭 (will write for them tho)
jeanmarco - they were cute, it’s kinda meh tho marco was kind of a background character tho, i didnt rlly care when he died
ereri - absolutely not. you disgust me if i ship this. idk why this ship was and is popular. eren and levi have a father son relationship. will most definitely not write for this ship!!! i hate pedophiles!!
erehisu - no no no no no absolutely not stfu if you ship HISTORIA IS LESBIAN!!!!! it genuinely makes me physically ill whenever this ship is mentioned i hate it so much.
jeankasa - at first i didn’t like them at all, but they’re def an after war ship for me. i can see them together after the war, and i don’t have problem with it at all. during war i don’t ship it tho cuz it was heavily one sided
zevi - be so fr, (crackship tho)
flojean - anyone with floch is a crime
levi and petra idk their ship name - daughter/father relationship. she looks up to him like eren looks up to him. levi is mlm in my eyes.
sasha and connie - absolutely no for romantic but they are most definitely twins. they break my heart sm. connie loved her sm and def feels like half of him is missing :(
conkasa - crackship funny asf
mikannie - UGHHHH TOXIC GFS!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish they ended up together after war
sasha x niccolò - their dynamic is so cute. niccolò getting flustered over sasha is adorbs to. connie def hyped them up and if they got married, he’d be flower boy.
gabi x falco - CHILD LOVERS SO ADORABLE. MY BABIES. they both protect eachother i love them
reiner x historia - be SOOOO fr..
jean x pieck - where did this even come from
eren x annie - where did this even come from
hitchannie - toxic gfs 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻
mikahisu - ok they’re kinda cute… def prefer mikasa w historia over that farmer mf
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ram-de · 9 months
[read] all of our demise thoughts vomit
The last post is getting far too long so I'm making a new one. I'll be treating this like this is my private Twitter account whatever💀
No way they're becoming a local teenage celeb, I guess it's not far too removed from reality that a murderer (no matter how justified) would gain some large number admirers😭
Sure the Grieves had it bad but man Gavin... HE'S GONNA WIN THIS GAME. (and by win I mean snatching Lowe and lived happily ever after somewhere in a place that does not send kids to murder games). The story too, surely he's not going to die at the end right... R-RIGHT....
When the characters written that they cried or teared up rather easily I felt like it's a nice reminder that beneath all that curses and fights they did they're still like 16 years old kid being put in a murder game which most of them participate by the nature of tradition...
Someone save my girlie Isobel from the harassment💀 AND THAT INCLUDES HER SLIMY FATHER... Wait. His father steals from small shop... That shouldn't surprise me since this family vultures on dead people's magick...
My girl Isobel is also quickly flippant and impulsive, now that's a good traits for a champion. She's so self-important and annoying hsgshsjsh
"Maybe it's because of the curse breaking," UGH SHUT UP FINLEY... MAKE UP A BETTER REASON... /something that's deviate from the rules happens/ "oh maybe it's" OKAY SHUT UP... I GET IT THE FIRST TIME AROUND... if they want to remind me of how everything can be explained with "curse breaking" then at least try to make it sound interesting wtf....
Hm.. They're pairing Isobel and Reid. I frankly did not care enough for both of them. It's eh I guess. Talk about Reid, I also think for how much they hyped Reid and made him so important in the first book, the way he's dragged to the tournament because Isobel maced him to the head when he sleeps is vastly underwhelming. What do you mean in this age and era they would set some kind of protection shield when they sleep with danger around.
Why do I feel like there's isn't gonna be any more champion death after this? Leave it to Darrow and Payne because they're not the main cast in the first book. The main four isn't gonna die for sure. Maybe Gavin. Okay, wait. HENDRY. He's gonna die (again), so that Alistair can properly grief, move on and stuff. Reid may die by the end since he tampered a lot, though a glimpse of his motivation, using high magick for the better of the living condition of the people, highly naive makes me think there's gonna be a background story and he's gonna live.
So who's dying?
Alistair is gonna be fold again hsgshsjsh my man...
Why did the "Heroes" faction kept thinking of themselves as victim, all of those three have doubted another champions, some betrayed (and Reid is just slimy). When you corner the other two to their limits, of course they're gonna retaliate. You guys attacked them for goodness sake don't act surprised when they hit back💀
Isobel's "Who did this to you?!" to Briony when just few hours ago she planned to murder her and Finley in their sleep. She's so, uh, I'm sorry but, fake😒
Finley as a character seems so flat hsgshsh he's like the golden boy. Perfect, charming and is Briony's boyfriend. He sticks to his values and that's it. WE NEED HIM AT THE STAKE... NEXT VICTIM.
Another day another session of procrastination. IM SO EXCITED.
ALRIGHT. Briony is kinda real for her decision. They can break the curse /the wrong way/ although that'd means all champions will die. She's still a /hero/ through and through. When the hero complex paying off👍 The kiss in the rain is very dramatic lmao
"Don't die, I'm the one who gets to kill you, okay?" PEAK ROMANCE‼️‼️‼️
For such grave injuries, a single spell surely saved the day just like that. That was very, anticlimactic idk😭
Isobel/raid pairing chapter... Snooze... Briony/Finley however, is starting to grow on me.
How many times are they gonna kept reusing the same Isobel's betrayal plot again SIGH ITS GETTING TIRING NOW MAKE UP YOUR DAMNED MIND GIRL URGH the only one who actually cares ending the damn game is Briony and she's carrying a lot here💀
Briony is such a girlboss she's so cool
Reid is such a loser I NEED HIM GONE😭 HE KEPT STOPP LOWER I NEED HIM BURIED SIX FEET UNDER... SCREW U REID. Even I wouldnt pair this slimy ghoul with Isobel gosh poor her😭 I know he's probably gonna have another one of these "my childhood so tragic uwu" but I'd he's a slime
Hsgshsjsh the satisfaction I felt. The build up to that hammer slam is SO GOOD. there's so a fluff moment I'm cryinf😭 (they were about to torture a slime) oh goodness I should be sick but then again they're torturing a slime so I don't feel as bad
After a while I just realized Reid is written as a classic villain cartoon character, he's just like Spandam from OP hsgshshs
Another Isobel/Reid chapter and slime flirtation PACK IT UP I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THJS wait briony/finley is a power duo
"You're welcome," OH SHUT UP YOU SLIME ughj knowing he has a romance plot line soon makes me repulsed SHOVE IT AWAY KEEP IT HIDDEN GET IT OUTTA HERE
briony girlboss but also innes deathflag😭
one good thing about this chapter is them picking up the pace. get over it whatever I'm tired of reading you slime ass flirting and calling eachother darlings GO MERGE SOMEWHERE ELSE
Huh at least the slime had some self-awareness. Good enough, I guess. Still a slime though. OH SHUT UP YOU DON'T GET TO WABBLE ABOUT DOING GOOD AND JUSTICE AND ALL SHUT UPPPP
Ugh when will this chapter end I miss my clumsy son Alistair
Okay finally isobel FINALLY SHE MADE UP HER MIND though she ended up confiding with a slime ykw good for her whatever PACK IT UP I WANNA SEE ALISTAIR
Now why is Gavin's chapter a measly 8 pages while Isobel got like 14?! I'm so close to doing a kpop stan ramble about song line distribution hsgzhsjsjhs but also only 4 chapters of Isobel left (which means less slime appearance and mention) I CHEERED
O-oh... Gavin's family is TRASH. GARBAGE. UTTER STANKY PILE NON-RECYCABLE WASTE. I need them gone. I need Gavin to pull an Alistair....
Fergus you're in THIN ICE right now.
I teared up just a bit shgshsjsahah Gavin you deserve all the world and a half😭
I just realized Alistair (Cottage, Crown) have mismatched Relic and Landmark with Gavin (Castle, Shoes) THAT'S... THAT'S CUTE
Hendry's life wishes broke me too HELP ILVERNATH IS ABUSING CHILDREN SEND THEM ALL TO THERAPY (except maybe the slime he should've went to therapy FAR AWAY from the OG cast)
"The slime has changed" LMAOO just like all the other two pairs of course everyone changed once they meet their partner Isobel and the slime, Briony and Finley, heck even Gavin and alistair too (on progress) but WELL WHO CARES once a slime forever a slime, PLEASE PERISH IN THE NEAR FUTURE
I'm cryinf Alistair is such a dramatic guy😭 you've been in dungeon for like 14 hours my man hsgshshhs
HWNDRY😭 THE FAREWELL MADE ME WEPT it happened so fast shgshah I don't know what happened but ;-; PLEASE HAVE A GOOD LIFE YOU TWO 😭
Each time the slime said the word 'darling' my will to read depletes by 1% SHUT UPPP
Briony's redemption arc is done so beautifully, she let go of the burden and her own expectation of being a /hero/😭
I really can't take anymore of the slime/sobel flirting scene... WRAP IT UP.... CRAFT THE DSMN CROWN‼️
I'll give them props for not putting the slime in a rosy tinted glasses through Isobel's perspective. YOU STILL MANIPULATED A LOT OF DESPERATE KIDS THAT'S ABOUT TO DIE YOU SLIME... like yucky murky mud slime.
I never want to read about slime mating ritual😭 please don't put that in the story ever again...
AAAAAAAAAAAAAH the fakeout death... I don't know if it's fake but I'm sure he's gonna heal one way or another. Alistair needs to LIVE...
ALISTAIR ON HIS TIPTOES... HES ADORABLE AND CUTIEFUL (he has a kill count of four people)
Another day another aood reading sesh
IM SO WEAK WITH FAMILY REUNION AAHH it's fine Isobel hsgshsj now who invited her slimy dad to this party
Of course the slime will slither into the most slimy role at the end of the story. He's a slime guys... Don't trust slime... I THIS HOUSE WE DETEST morally ambiguous (not really but like u get it) character like REID MACTAVISH
Though if he actually commits to his slimy role and be the villain he ALWAYS IS I'll actually like him a bit better. Like, he's not halfassing things. If that's the case then he's cool. NO SILLY PLOTLINES LIKE isobel's convincing him out of love or like friendship power bullshit (that's only reserved for characters I like so that I can look past some plot conveniences like Alistair and Gavin hsgshsjsh love u two) alright give me the slime show reid I'm prepared
AUGH whatever he's not that interesting😒 he's not even deserving the title of slime anymore whatever
BRIONY SACRIFICE??? HWGATSGWHHWGSYSY THIS IS NASTY THAT was so grotesque😭 GIRLIE I'M SORRY AAAHH her whole story of being set up as a hero but when she ended up having a dream and wishes past hero complex, they killed her off like😭 I guess it's like thematic in how she's ended up as the hero, something she always strived and chased to be, who also sacrificed her life but come on😭 she's been the one who's actually working her ass off trying to end the tournament and like she deserves better, at least like SURVIVING
Omg fuck im not even attached that attached to her character😔
The funeral is is a nice closure😭
Ugh the slime is crying, fine, he's okay. That makes him a bit human. I'd pat his head once or twice. I'll probably still think of him as a slime the next time I reread but for now he's just a guy.
J-jawdrop... Am I not getting my Alistair/Gavin happy ending😭 O-oh a long distance is good enough I guess
THE ENDING😭 AHHHHHHHH MY HEART IS FULL THAT WAS A RIDE. I NEEDED A LONGER EPILOGUE because what was that shgshsjshhsh everyone sort of get their closure except maybe Finley because he's not the main cast. Grieve's parents not mentioned anywhere (as they should but also I need them gone), Marianne Jr. Sort of handled to Calista (whol also is a Grieve and she's been so shitty to Gavin this is like the least she could do to help him like seriously screw her and her parents SHE NEVER APOLOGIZED TOO I think or if she did it doesn't leave an impact coz I didn't remember). Then again Alistair does really need a thorough therapy away from Ilvernath (everybody needs to actually) and I doubt he can take care of a kid that reminds him of murder house sjgzhzjs
AHSGUSGSGSH ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I REALLY ENJOYED THE READ THAT WAS ALL OF US VILLAINS (I think the slime Reid is the only one deemed to be villain but he also switched lädt minute, the others aren't really villainy except when they kill. Alistair is a clumsy short king, Briony is literally a hero, Gavin brought up to be the sacrificial sheep, Isobel may or may not have a teensy bit of villainy a.k.a but also that's her being a survivor, Finley sticks to his moral code and even after abandoning it he's still a hero by Briony's side, Elionor is unhinged and a girlboss and Carbry I forgot about who are you son)
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I LOVE U ARI. 🌖🌖 ALL YOUR HEADCANONS R SO CRAZY ACCURATE TO SUGURU AND I CAN SEE THEM ALL...!!! i love the way you tied all of his professions to key aspects of his character and his pure heart (it's pure to me. 😒)
if you are crazy about doctor geto you NEED TO SEE THIS https://x.com/lespretzo/status/1726479240571617365?s=46
this artist draws him so beautiful and tender and softly, i hope you like their art as much as i do (the only suguru ever). when i found this art last weekend i kept praying for doctor geto to come save me and treat my ailments and then i ended up breaking my spine and staying in the er... what a bad omen
ur mind with lawyer sugu... oh dear... oh lord.. the briefcase and the slicked back hair oh my legs are divor
ALSO ANGRY/STRESSED OUT GETO IS SO HWHHFKEHFJRJFJJEKDNMGMGNHHH but wish only happiness on him... he deserves peace after the jjk universe.. i have some reservations about him being lawyer just because my mom is one too, and i've seen how stressful it is and how aggressive people get but chef's kiss nontheless
wow your response hit every part of me... the medical and barista... omfg and teacher suguru is so real, idk if you've read this? one fic about (elementary school) teacher suguru who trips over a bunch of blocks when he first sees you because he's completely taken away by your beauty, oh my heart... i have such a soft spot for teachers too because they've just been very dear to my life and ugh. these headcanons broken my heart and strung every piece back together in the same breath IM SORRY FOR BEING DRAMATIC but your mind is insane
as for my own thoughts i don't have too many :') that's why i asked u! because i was sure that you would deliver. i asked my friends about it and we were all kinda lost and i'm happy i found your blog since we both love suguru and we can talk about him! yipee
and the hurt comfort fic coming soon WOOISHIGHIOOOOOOOO *screaming in hurt*
ty for asking such a fun question!! AND YES he DOES have a pure heart 😔😔😔 he’s just trying his best to do good!!! he’s a sweetie!!!!
i’ve seen that doctor geto art before hehe it’s just. SO good. i love the art style sm!! and you’re so real anon i too need suguru geto to tuck me into bed and treat me during a bout of illness </3 WDYM YOU BROKE YOUR SPINE THOUGH 😭😭 PJDKDBBD……. pls take care of yourself…. don’t trip over a flight of stars and die ok……… doctor!sugu will be so disappointed 😔😔
AND LAWYER!SUGU….. yeahh i also think it’d be soso stressful for him 😭 i can picture him having a higuruma-esque breakdown eventually…. because he wants to help people so badly but sometimes he just Can’t and that drives him nuts. poor bby….
AS FOR TEACHER!SUGU…….. my beloved mutual alexis wrote that elementary school fic and i love it SO much he’s so cute and pathetic in it <333 my absolute beloved <3333 teacher!geto is such a dork. i adore him. i have a big soft spot for teachers too!! :(( and sugu would be so perfect. 100% views all his students as his kids… he tries not to but like. he can’t help but grow so fond of them. may or may not get teary eyed when they graduate (they tease him for it relentlessly while sobbing their eyes out LMAO)
BUT YES THANK YOU AGAIN feel free to come to me w sugu questions whenever you’d like!! :3 i’ll try my best to assist….. AND . i’m so happy you’re hyped for the hurt/comfort fic !!!! i’ll try my best to feed sugu nation well!!!!!!
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skybristle · 2 years
Please rant about why you didn't like how chapter 14 characterized Caramel arrow. I may not have gotten to it because I'm still stuck in chapter 11 but I'd love to hear it.
pls rb!! i put a lot of thought and effort into these posts!
was talking to a friend. this is a. Horrid mash of copy/pasted stuff from discord dms paired with me typing in new shit to bridge gaps and add points but. under cut again! probably some talk abt murder and violence [but its against affo mainly so its okay /JOKE] but mainly to save space on dashes since i type a lot also note that i tend to call caramel arrow carrow. it just rolls off my mental tounge better and its easier to speedrun typing in my fanon i've also added magnolia into her story but. for the sake of arguement i'll leave her and any magnolia-related changes out. but yeah they canonically kiss devsis told me /lh ill add more if i think of anything
shes a static character. NOTE. static characters are NOT inherently bad. but she has so much potential for being fucked up and questioning her loyalties and shit. as she stands she is just. There. she does a little bit of girlbossing but ESPECIALLy in chapter 14 she is just there to go its okay dark cacao ur doing the right thing it is alright u are okay :] and she doesnt even get resolution with affo. iirc they dont even rlly get a confrontation he just. Runs away. these r my main problems but ill get into a lot of wasted potential later. ill be so mad forever and ever they didn't let carrow kill affogato. like. she had a straight shot in the end when his sheilds were down and he was just trying to get away. ut she just goes "OHHH NO AFFOGATO IS GETTING AWAYYYYY" like babygirl you are the first watcher. What are you doing. i get that cr doesnt have the balls to violently kill him on screen but like u could have shot him and left him for dead at least. Like. .... idk. red velvet gets a crossbolt bolt to the face in TOSC its not too out there. but even then carrow seems like the type to want to kill someone cleanly and effectively no matter WHAT they did so she doesnt stoop to their level. so as far as my fanon goes she shot him thru the head when he was trying to escape. like again i know canon wouldn't do that but it is dissapointing to see nothing happen with him and carrow's arc yet another injustice to carrow's character. shes just. There honestly. like she doesnt DO ANYTHING. shes kinda just [woman standing discord emoji] you could honestly remove her from the plot without much difference which is. REALLY FUCKING SAD considering that she was so hyped up and is playable. her only real character trait is 'loyal to dark cacao'. which falls flat considering DARK CACAO IS FUCKED UP?? like i know affo is manipulating him or whatever but he had to have been at an incredibly low point in the first place - likely caused by dark choco's betrayel and the stress of losing so much , including many of his watchers, to the war. the main missed potential i see: the missed potential with her and dark choco. it's heavily implied he was very very close with her - and her mentor. she even has a line abt him being the one who taught her how to use a bow. it's p easy to assume he's the person who trained her and could probably be considered her non-blood informal older brother or maybe an idol. [i prefer the former but. Yeah] have her loyalty be split between the king who deeply hurt his people for decades [since even before affo i doubt it was good considering i can only IMAGINE how fucked up the kingdom was afrer the DFW with their watchers presumaby spread incredibly thin after so many losses] and FUCKING EXILED HER regardless of affo's imput and the prince who trained and partially raised her but has done so much fucked up shit and lost his path
NEITHER of them are good people. at least completely. do they deserve her loyalty? is she reeally doing good by following anyone?? is bias by being close to the royals clouding her judgement? she can't answer those questions
but No. dark cacao good everyine else bad :3. so dissapointing this is becoming more of a stretch but this is more a thinly veiled excuse to talk abt my fanon because i make her character so much cooler and sexier but. Ya! also not to say she was probably a trainee or barely out of training when dark choco betrayed everyone when he was probably her older brother figure andddd probably got shoehorned into the position of first watcher too fast since dark cacao was in such deep paranoia after getting betrayed by his own son he couldn't trust anyone short of who was practically his own daughter but. Ya! would have fucked. her cutscene thing says she became the first watcher at an incredibly young age. u can assume in canon that just means that she was so capable she earned it so early on but like. You could ALSO take rlly fucked up implications from that if you wanted to. like. Yeah. also i dont have as thorough thoughts on this but. it's sad that we didnt see much of her relationship with the other watchers. its obvious that they miss her, care about her, and are still loyal to her. i've always thought it was a really interesting thing that despite her exile and presumably being stripped of her title they all still call her first watcher. resisting the urge to talk abt her and magnolia so i wont but like. scenes with the other watchers could have rlly helped this!!! oh also if you ship carrow x affogato get the fuck off this post i actually hate you fuck you fuck yo ufuck yuyou fuck you. Die. thats all i remember for now. Bye girl.
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babymilkawa · 3 years
random boyfriend headcanons with:
bakugou katsuki
gn!reader :)
no. 2
Tumblr media
bakugou warms up the bed for you with his hands and body while ur doing ur night time routine because he knows u get cold easily
although you'd much rather be in his arms rather than ur side of the bed 🙄 hes being sweet so don't say anything 🤫
one day u bought him a shark tooth necklace and just went up to him and said "you shud wear this, you'd look really hot"
and of course, he already knows he'll look good and because it's you saying it, he'll wear it when he's shirtless and on top of you 😏
sometimes if he's talking too much or being annoying you'll just put the necklace in between his teeth
if u wear slippers when it's cold, denki steals them from u sometimes and bakugou will just carry u wherever until u find them so ur feet don't have to touch the cold ground
maybe even hide them from u a little longer so he'll have an excuse
so we all know bakugou reads romance mangas right
u read them with him and what he does is that he keeps in mind of the specific scenes/panels that you gush about or react to
then when u finish reading it, he'll go back and highlight or type them up in his notes so that he can subtly reenact them with you
but every time he does it ur always like "awww u got that from [blank] didn't you " and he's like "no pssh what r u talking about dumbass"
bakugou loves to annoy you,,,now on that note I will present to you:
vacuum kithes <33>>
sometimes if ur having a soft moment and u just wanna kiss those soft lips of his he'll start sucking ur mouth and it makes this weird suction noise and it's so ANNOYING cuz ur tryna have a moment here
ur covering his mouth with ur hand and he's laughing while biting and licking ur hand
ANOTHER annoying thing is like when u guys wear masks he'll just walk up to you
and pull ur mask so that it snaps back in ur face
he does it to annoy you and to see that cute nose scrunch u do whenever that happens
he'll also bring u close while walking next to you and just back kick his foot to tap ur ass
sry does that make sense?? Idk how else to explain it
ok moving on to online learning related things he does
if u guys have some of the same classes, he'll pin your camera on zoom so that ur face is the largest on his screen and all the extras are tiny
it's just an excuse to stare at u better and u'll never knoww sooo👀
ur teachers ask yall to pick the people in ur breakout groups and yall always pick each other
sometimes there are other people in ur breakout groups but u don't rly care, u just talk to bakugou like normal
he's a little iffy cuz he doesn't want the extras to see a peek in his love life with you but his desire to talk to u is much greater
u guys r the only ones with your cameras on and he hates that it seems like the others r just listening to ur convo
the light is hitting u j right and even with the shitty WiFi u still look stunning
he almost starts grumbling abt how he doesn’t want other ppl to see ur face
for social media, if u guys r just chilling or he's bored, he'll j go onto ur account and start hyping up ur posts like even if they're a year old
cos even better right, no one'll scroll that far and see his comments
u guys even do live videos sometimes, mostly u want to do it and he just sits there
a lot of people join actually and ask u guys questions abt ur relationship
u answer them and bakugou just scoffs at them like "why do u wanna know so bad, huh? stick ur nose somewhere else!"
he thinks tiktok couples r cheesy and evthing is staged and honestly same here but maybe I’m j too single
his phone password
It’s UR FREAKING name with his last name IM GONNA DIE 😫💕
it’s literally bakugouy/n
it’s a little obvious for snoopers like the bakusquad but is this not cute or WHAT
for dates, you'll sometimes let him pick ur outfit if he doesn't want to tell you where y'all are going
and he has good taste ok cuz,,his parents,, 😼
n e ways he dresses u up and the place u end up going like fits PERFECTLY with the fit and the pics yall take will obvi b in ur next sm post
if u have an allowance/budget and u overspend sometimes and u complain like "ugh I can't buy that sweater now cos if I do i'll have to skip my weekly boba drink” 🥺
he grumbles "dumbass, i'll just get it for u, y r u even complaining"
sugar daddy
woooh this was long
but imma have to stop here cuz the list will only get longer and longer
but yea! this is honestly what I think about in my daily life hence the pandemic related tings huehue
there'll prolly b a part 2 <33
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bnha masterlist
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daimonhalos · 3 years
Appreciation post for the eggpire and more during the red banquet cause I'm not seeing enough love for how well they organized and delivered and because I'm so proud of cc!Bad for how far the Bloodvines arc has gone ♥ (this stuff is from Bad's vod btw)
Also something to cheer people up a bit in case the lore got u hard like it got me cause I'm still not okay bestie <3
The starting soon screen being an animation (with glitches to show another frame!!) plus the jazzy electro-swing soundtrack underneath. Just such a good intro, I felt like I was actually in the waiting line for an event, just awesome.
Ponk. Just Ponk, dapper man, handsome Ponk just standing there. Gorgeous, thank you, standing ovation, I love him.
Just everything Bad and Ant did with the building of the room, the stairs!! The coat room!!! The statues right in front of the table, everything looked SO pretty.
ANT MY BELOVED LOOKING HANDSOME AS ALWAYS I just loved all their outfits. The banquet's skins just SLAPPED HARD.
The little moment where Bad changed view of his character and we could see him, Ant and Ponk cwc
Bad singing >>>>>>>>>>
Everyone getting lost despite the oak signs
Bad complimenting everyone on their outfits and giving out some gapples here and there
Bad also always repeating the same catchphrases
Sam just drinking copiously and the dumpy situation
People actually dancing + HBomb being the dj
Puffy walking around Bad to see his outfit and complimenting him, just felt like their old friendship cwc
Bad scolding George for not wearing an outfit (Sam's "his name is Gogy and he is beautiful")
"It's almost time for the feast. It's gonna be delicious." the foreshadowing
Everyone dancing together cwc
"minecraft dancing is speed squats" eret ilu
Bad and Ant complimenting moment ♥
The eggpire all on the same side of the table. Them
Ponk's little "Hello!" after Bad said he made the soup, plus everyone going "good job!!" just twt
When Bad started asking if anyone wanted to give a toast, I realized eventually that this was more of a disguised "Want to say your last words before death?" and it now sounds s o freaking cool. ye s
P O N K 'S S P E E C H
"you look beautiful right now" sam i will cry
When in the middle of his speech, Bad turns to Ant who's already looking at him, nods, Ant nods back, and as Bad turns around again we can see Ant walking away from his seat. I am OBSESSED with this scene, like you already know something is about to go down and oh gosh it was delivered so good
"And yeah! Thank you for coming everybody" the little mischievous giggles right after "And prepare uh ... yep. Prepare to die." AND THEN HE FUCKIGN DRINKS FROM HIS GLASS LIKE COME ON YOU CANT BE ANY COOLER THAN THAT YOOO
"The leaf is staying the way it is" you can hear the laughter in his voice like HAH GOTTEM that's so good
Bad still giving Hbomb gapples cwc
"Where you looking for this perchance?" AND THEN EQUIPS THE ENTIRE ARMOR AND WEAPONS E Y E when the twists started dude. this si where the twists started and never ended
HANNAH CROSSING SIDES AND SIDING WITH THE EGGPIRE. QUEEN SHIT that was such a cool moment for her i'm so glad she's getting her moment
The eggpire laughing, just pure villainy, love them
"Time to get on the main event" the nonchalance. The way they equipped the crossbows and readied the arrows at the same time. B r u h fucking awesome they are
The eggpire faking being afraid when Sam was talking about blowing the egg up. Sad that we already knew about the obsidian thing, but still made it a very cool scene. Especially right after when they started laughing at them again. I don't know what it is about it but I love them being so sassy.
FREAKING EXECUTIONS THEY WORKED FOR MASS EXECUTIONS they were able to trap all those freaking people!! And trick them and counter attack all the time! what the fuck, I'm so impressed
Thank you Fundy for sounding super terrified /gen ♥
Wait ahah they really said EGGSECUTION-
THE EGG HATCHES THE EGG HATCHES THE EGG HATCHES im not saying IT but im saing Velvet
"Follow me! Follow me!" HANNAH SOUNDED SO ENTHUSIASTIC i love
"We trusted you!" "Well, that was your first mistake-" THE WAY BAD WAS ABOUT TO LAUGH. DUDE they definitely had so much fucking fun making this
Foolish acting thank u ily. Also the thunder not working what the heck i wanna know what was going on inside his mind right then he sounded so lost. THE ACTING
"Sacrifice!" Hannah idk how to say this but I love you
When puffy called them selfish i was expecting bad to just do a huge double take. I wanted him to snap immediately PLEASE SNAP-
"Not just for the egg but for what the egg is going to give us" he's so desperately trying to make them udnerstand it promised him his friend back he literally mentions it every single time but everyone calls him selfish because they think he wants power when he just wants skeppy's friendship back in this essay I will- Anyway yes I love that he never explicitly says it because it kills us viewers with pain cause we KNOW and then the reveal will be 100 times more powerful. This is so awesome
"I can't stop Quackity and you know why I can't stop. If I stop I can't get what I need." his voice grew so much lower like he's just holding back MAN I HH IT WAS SO GOOD
Ponk giving Bad some food and telling him to stay safe, Bad telling both Hannah and Ponk to stay safe too. My tears
And now the solo Bad lore part, where we actually see the true part of him that's absolutely devastated and makes me cry, the way he acted all confident and then saw everything crumble in a few seconds and now he's destroyed again because what if they find a way to destroy the egg what then? what if he never gets skeppy back? dude, you can just read his emotions it's so sad and i love how it was portrayed
"I know where I can go. I know who I can see!" BDI REF BDI REF FOR SURE I have a feeling that's going to be explained in the next lore stream with Skeppy and I'm so hype. I love the little crumbs of references here and there.
"But now they have it.." he sounded so broken??? bad your acting please ill cry
"I didn't really want to hurt anybody" his true self trying to get back cwc especially because he's farther away from the egg. I just love the transition between the guy Bad portrays who's so sure about the egg when it's in front of others and the doubts and anxiety he actually has when he's alone. Just so cool
"Did I screw up?" im just pointing out everything that moves me emotionally cause these people's acting is so cool
Ending the stream with simple black background my beloved
Okay but really I'm so so so proud of the ccs for making this happen and it's only going upwards, I'm literally so in awe, they really said go big or go home
Free space for Ant's villain speech I wasn't able to hear yet, but they said it was v cool, so I'm trusting people on this
Thank you for listening, stan Bloodvines arc /hj
If I made typos no I didn't
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. people also need to get frustration with LO isn't because people don't like RS (though she isn't exactly free from critique)  it's because she's just another privileged white woman who is handed everything on a golden platter while she does increasingly more subpar work, meanwhile other webtoon creators have to work twice as hard while they get ignored and neglected by WT. She's just another example of privileged mediocrity getting all the rewards while rest get scraps at very best.
2. Not an LO critique per-say but I hate how webtoons will always make sure to promote it and pretend theyre still easygoing team as if they're not the same company who neglected the B&R so much they want to quit art all together, cancelled BOTH comics by the roommate assassin's creator w/ no warning, and are ghosting the creator of #blessed for over 2 years now so they can't continue. But hey, make sure to think they're such a nice company that totally don't care about the cash cow creators only!
3. whats so annoying me is you know if rachel was a greek person that you just know no one would care about LO because no one cares about the opinions of actual greeks less than xenoi. rachel on virtue of being a kiwi gets held up as the ACTUAL expert on greece and its myths meanwhile the actual greeks are silenced and told they should be thankful to HER "keeping the myths alive". its just gross she gets to butcher an ongoing culture's stories all for her profit while she aides in silencing them.
4. i actually got an LO ad while on youtube today and its just?? weird theyre still only using art from 2018?? like idk i get thats when it actually had effort put into it, but it would be really weird to discover it now and see the style just got so much worse/different and the story doesnt align at all with what the ads say it is.
5. ngl i want to see what stupid reasoning rachel makes up to deal with semele and dionysus because it will truly be unhinged if she tries to hashtag girlboss hera as she murders a pregnant women and tortures a baby through his adulthood (personally i think she'll have hxp adopt the baby for whatever reason but then now dionysus has to deal with a mom who would be a better sister and a dad who resents him for not being from his broken balls 💀) guess we'll have to wait and see.
6. IDK to me I don't think people have to justify why they don't like this comic, because I have seen way too many of the fans force people to out their sexual abuse histories and trauma to explain why they're so uncomfortable with it, only to be told by these same fans that doesn't matter and saying they're wrong and basically need to "get over it" because the comic matters more they do. It's so gross to force them to explain their pain only to be told their pain and opinions don't matter anyway.
7. I don't even get why Webtoons keeps trying to acquire new comics from NAVER or Canvas when they only focus on LO, LP, TB, and at best UnO and leave the rest to fend for themselves. No wonder the last few months of "Greenlit" announcements have included either one/two or no picked up Canvas series, and for good reason. Why would they agree to all that work with little pay and no company support? They'll spend at most one instagram post on them meanwhile they just HAVE to make another 30 for LO.
8. To add to the "LO should be taught in schools" thing: literature you read in school (esp high school and college) HAS to be challenging and make you think, so YA of any type often just isn't included bc they're not deep They can still read LO all they want, but it serves zero academic merit and that's fine! They don't need academic approval to enjoy a lowbrow comic! If anything trying to hype it up as something it's not only opens it up to being even more critiqued that it already is!
9. I honestly wish RS had stuck with her Victorian era comic because not only would we not have to deal with LO but I would 100% prefer to read a gothic style comic about sci fi horror and dry sarcasm over this neon colored fanfic of the 2014 tumblr version of greek mythology mixed with her ripping off fifty shades.
10. it's embarrassing how the stans just claim "misogyny!!" when one critiques LO or says its not exactly high art because like? It's pop lit, it's not groundbreaking in any way and frankly pretty devoid in any sort of themes or messages, and that's fine! it has a place for that and a lot of people like it, but it's not misogyny to admit it's not Shakespeare. Yeah, a lot of YA and female stories are pushed aside as "fluff" but LO is NOT being discriminated against for being YA or by a woman.
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Team Karasuno in: Snow Day? Snow Day!!
Winter Wonderland Series
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|| ao3 version | series m.list ((pending)) | hq tag | main blog ||
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↠ Requested By: The spirit of the season?? Idk man lol… ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: SFW winter-funtimes fluff ((but my blog’s 18+, so if minors want to consume my sfw stuff while still respecting my wishes of them staying out of this space, they can head over to my AO3)) ↠ Chronology: Post time skip ↠ CWs: None ↠ Betas? Nah, we don’t do that here. ↠ Total WC: 1.7k~
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This is just a lil something I wanted to do for the holidays. It’s nothing major, just some short(ish, because lbr, this is me we’re talking about here lmao) HCs about our volleybae’s seasonal/holiday habits. Speaking of which—this isn’t Christmas-specific, so no worries if that’s not your holiday of choice.
I’ll be doing this for all of the major teams, which means things may get a bit repetitive, but I’ve done my best to (hopefully) avoid that.
But anyways! I’ve gone on long enough. I’ll leave you to read (and hopefully) enjoy…
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|| A Snow Day, You Say??
❄ Note: The sections that have their name in bold font are what I imagine to be their default setting.
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❄ 2 Hyped Crew
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Lives for snow days, absolutely cannot wait for them. Probably knew this was coming even before the meteorologist and has been planning accordingly lol. Definitely May or may not have taken the day off for this. Has all the fixings ready to go—from cold weather gear to warm drinks and things you probably never knew you needed but totally do, they’ve got you covered.
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Asahi A. | C. Ennoshita ((dude’s always had his shit together, tbh)) | Daichi S. | H. Yachi ((between her fear of potentially losing an extremity to frostbite and her natural love of planning this isn’t exactly surprising)) | I. Takeda ((definitely a planner, it’s the teacher in him lol)) | K. Narita ((out of all the people listed here he’s probably the most chill about it lol)) | K. Sugawara ((ngl, he’s the kind that’ll wake you up at some ungodly because he’s just that hyped)) | Kiyoko S. | S. Hinata | Saeko T. ((not so much on the preparedness tip, but her enthusiasm for snow days is unmatched)) | T. Yamaguchi ((he absolutely LOVES the snow, so much so that he’d been tracking the cold front for damn near a week before it landed lmao)) | Y. Nishinoya
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❄ It Snowing??
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Somehow wasn’t aware that it was going to snow at all, despite the season… and the forecast… and your excited babbles beforehand. Still, they’re more than willing to get out there with you and enjoy the day.
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Daichi S. ((look, being a cop is tiring/hard, okay, so sometimes stuff slips his notice)) | H. Kinoshita ((not oblivious as much as he’s just indifferent to it all lol)) | K. Sugawara ((tho he has no idea how he managed to be so oblivious to this when he teaches small children)) | K. Ukai ((I’m sorry, but this man can be unobservant af lol)) | R. Tanaka | T. Kageyama ((I love Kags, I swear I do, but he just gives me Wii Store Music vibes lmao; honey doesn’t know what’s going on like 67% of the time))
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❄ Yeah, but Snow’s Gross Tho :/
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Did not know and-or does not care that today’s a snow day. They’re not overly fond of colder temperatures in general so adding snow to the mix is… not ideal to say the least. Still, they love the hell out of you, and said love will see them braving the elements—just don’t expect them to like it. ((spoiler: they end up enjoying it more than either of you expected if for no other reason than they like spending time with you.))
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K. Tsukishima ((stubborn as all hell, will not bend on this… well until you give him The Eyes™, anyway)) | R. Tanaka ((don’t ask me why, but he just gives me the vibe that he doesn’t like being too cold; won’t bitch about it tho because that’s not ~manly~)) | T. Kageyama ((absolutely hates the way the cold effects his fingers, i.e. the stiffness; he’ll do everything in his power to try and convince you to stay inside with him lol))
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|| Playing Outside Gives You So Much More Room for Activities
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❄ A Battle for the (Ice) Ages
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They have only two words for you:
Snowball War.
And they do mean war, btw. This isn’t just some happy-funtimes tossing of snowballs. They want to absolutely pulverize the opposition, so you had better hope that you end up on their team for your own sake lmao. Goes all the way in, naturally. Builds a fort, makes a stockpile of snowballs (regulation, per your demands), and pulls everyone in the neighborhood—hell even those outside of it, if they can manage it—into the madness. Definitely calls up all of your friends to join in the fun as well.
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Daichi S. ((definitely Pied Piper’s the neighborhood kids into this mess we don’t call him ‘Dadchi’ for nothing lol, tho he goes a bit easy on them, naturally)) | H. Kinoshita ((generally he is calm and collected, but he's also a part of this team so…)) | I. Takeda ((potentially a semi-hot take, but look me in the eye and tell me that this man doesn’t have a feral streak, I dare you)) | K. Sugawara | K. Tsukishima ((but like only if he’s feeling extra salty lol)) | K. Ukai ((if he’s feeling saucy/isn’t too tired from work)) | T. Kageyama ((will blast a kid in the face with a snowball with absolutely no remorse)) | S. Hinata ((he’s the one that hits Kags in retaliation for blasting said kid, a fistfight ensues, Sho wins but only because the kid helps him lmao)) | Saeko T. ((ngl, she’s here purely to cause discord lmao; will also team up with her little bro and Noya to wreck shop)) | Y. Nishinoya ((this cute lil ball of energy has absolutely NO chill…)) | R. Tanaka ((a bit more chill about it than Noya, but that’s not saying much lol; he’s still gonna do some damage))
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❄ The Chill Ones™
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These folks have a bit more chill about things. They aren’t opposed to a good snowball fight, but they’re not going to go to the same extremes as the others. They’re pretty much down to do whatever, tbh. You want to make snow angels? Cool, leggo. Perhaps you’d rather sit back and watch the snowfall, maybe even catch a few of the frozen flakes on your tongue? They’re all about it. Hell, even if you wanted to attempt to make a sentient snowman via some dark arts type ish, they are 100% down. They’re here for it/you.
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Asahi. A ((he definitely uses the cold as an excuse to keep you close)) | C. Ennoshita | Daichi S. | H. Kinoshita | H. Yachi ((tho she’d admittedly rather have a plan in place, she’s noticed that since meeting you her anxieties aren’t nearly so bad as they once were)) | K. Narita ((this dude’s vibes are immaculate, tbh, we love to see it)) | K. Ukai ((we’ve all seen how chill this dude can be, he has that ish down to a science, truly, so it is hardly surprising that this is his default state)) | K. Sugawara ((doesn’t really care what you get into, tbh, he just wants to spend some time with his baby)) | Kiyoko S. | S. Hinata ((once you let him burn off a good chunk of his energy he’s surprisingly chill)) | T. Yamaguchi
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❄ Hates the Cold, Loves You
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These are the people that would much rather be enjoying the snow from behind the warm comfort of a window, and yet somehow you managed to get them outside anyways. Much like the abovementioned group, they’re here for you, ultimately, so whatever it is you want to do is what’s being done. May or may not gripe a bit—it really just depends on how cold they are lol—but not to the point where they make you feel guilty. After all it was their decision to accompany you, and if you’re just going to make a day of it, it may as well be a good one, yanno?
((Side note: pls be kind and periodically take them in to warm up/grab a snack, and don’t keep them out too long. In some cases there’s a v. good reason why they’re not overly fond of cold weather, and it’s due in large part to how it affects them physically.))
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K. Tsukishima ((he’s gonna bitch for the first little bit, but as he starts to loosen up you’ll notice that his bids to go back inside disappear altogether; don’t comment on it tho, or he’ll start back up just to mess with you lol)) | R. Tanaka | T. Kageyama
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❄ That Good Rom-Com Experience
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This lot totally wants that Hallmark rom-com experience. Expect to run through all of the classic tropes—from those cute/sweet lil nose nuzzling kisses to holding hands while you lazily drift around the rink to legit frolicking through the snow, you’re gonna do it all.
Definitely takes a grip of pictures/vids for the Gram, complete with sweet lil captions; they are absolutely gonna rub your cuteness in the internet’s collective face with a slew of Couple’s Goals-esque posts lol.
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Asahi A. ((he’s gonna want to hit up some fun outdoor events, esp. ones showcasing ice art and the like, and the resulting pics will be *chef’s kiss*)) | C. Ennoshita ((he is so damn sweet about the whole thing; he’s not super into social media, but he won’t mind if you wanna put up the pics on your accounts)) | H. Yachi ((this girl is hella soft for you; she can be a bit camera shy so majority of your pics involve her burying her face against you ;n;)) | I. Takeda ((this is probably the more standard experience with him; dude gives me those good storybook romance vibes and I am SO here for it)) | K. Narita | K. Sugawara | K. Tsukishima ((he hate’s social media with a weirdly intense passion—well aside from Twitter b/c he loves that particular brand of drama lol—but will still insist that you post about your date on your accounts)) | Kiyoko S. ((what can she say—you make her soft 💖, tho like Ennoshita she’s not too big on social media in general)) | R. Tanaka ((will push past his disdain for the snow to Do It For You; seeing your smile makes the small bit of discomfort more than worth it)) | S. Hinata | Saeko T. ((she absolutely loves showing her baby off, so expect to take a grip of pictures; her favorites always get printed out and pinned to the memory board that she keeps over her bed—bless ;n;)) | T. Kageyama ((lbr, this man’s socials are like 60% volleyball stuff, 40% you)) | T. Yamaguchi ((this precious bby stay droppin’ cute couple pics on all his socials)) | Y. Nishinoya ((what he lacks in chill, he makes up for in, well being really fucking cute lol; so many pics, many of them blurred because he’s usually in the middle of kissing you/pinching your cheek/backflipping over a snowman))
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No matter your chosen beau or belle, or how the day plays out, it’ll always end the same: the pair of you curled up together under a blanket, warm drinks in hand to chase away the chill from your bones, and a smile on your lips and you bask in the afterglow of a snow day well spent.
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Taglist ((open to 18+ users only)): @screamin-abt-haikyuu​ | @scarlettriot​ ((if you guys wanna be removed and-or just get tags for certain teams let me know!))
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2021 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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bitterblackberry · 2 years
so i’ve mentioned that i recently watched magical girl site/mahou shoujo site as research for an essay i’m working on and honestly i went into it expecting to just wholeheartedly hate it but like... it was honestly worse than that, i saw potential and it just... didn’t pan out.
this isn’t edited or properly formatted so i’m going to just be running through things as they show up in my brain so there isn’t really any real “order” here. just things i found disappointing.
major tw for rape, suicide, abuse, self harm, a transphobic slur and bullying
i found nijimi’s character to be one of the most disappointing since it hit kind of personally. i have anger issues related to my anxiety and autism and when i was younger i didn’t know what was wrong and would lash out for no reason, i was never offered solutions or anything, i was just treated like a bad kid and it sucked. that’s why i honestly liked nijimi a lot, yeah she gets insanely angry very quickly but she isn’t treated as evil or fake, she is a really cheerful girl who genuinely wants to make people happy as an idol, she just also has anger issues, which she recognizes and even if it’s too little too late she does understand she needs to work on. most of the time when a bubbly character has anger issues they’re depicted as being super fake and misleading but nijimi isn’t depicted like that and that had me really excited, i felt like how i did when i saw entrapta who was the first positive autistic rep i had ever seen on screen, but it’s just really weighed down by everything surrounding her. sure i felt bad about mikado’s death and i wanted to see nijimi come to peace with it but we saw so little of mikado and nijimi’s relationship that i didn’t care much. her stick being her underwear was gross and so was her implying that she bleeds down there when she uses it. like ew? was that really necessary? idk wouldn’t a hair clip or a bow or a pin have worked just as well? her crush on kaname was whatever, like ew ig. the whole scene where kaname got that guy to stab himself was disgusting though like i already hated him you didn’t need to make him put on a middle school girls underwear thanks!
next character i want to talk about is kosame who... is an offensive caricature! as i mentioned earlier i struggle with anxiety but i also struggle with some other stuff (yay) and i mean it didn’t bother me too much (if anything i laughed a bit when she took pills and then was immediately fine like lmao i wish) but i have concerns about the stereotypes she falls into regarding mentally ill girls in japan. i’m not going to go super into this here but the view on mental illness, especially of mentally ill girls, in japan is different in japan than it is in the west. she just... doesn’t sit right with me. also didn’t like the use of self harm for shock value and cheap jokes. now on to the missed potential :sparkles: i just think it’d be pretty hype to have a magical girl with an actual recognized anxiety disorder, like as someone with two whole anxiety disorders (like jeez calm down bro) it would be really cool to have a character who has anxiety and isn’t treated like a coward for it!! but alas that’s not what happened with kosame she just has a stick that is literally a pink box cutter and she has anxiety except for when it’s inconvenient!
next up is aya our lovely protagonist. umm there were a lot of things that bugged me about her but i did find her overall likeable. the stuff i didn’t like about her was more about the things that happened to her rather than actually about her. i think they should’ve either not included the attempted r*pe scene or they should’ve actually acknowledged it afterwards. like one of the things that made the show watchable at all for me was that they really tone down the edginess after the first few episodes but it still felt weird that they just... never bring up the fact that this guy tried to rape aya and then aya just? becomes friends with the girl who tried to get her raped? like that is a horribly traumatic experience, same with all the other abuse she went through at the hands of sarina and her friends and it’s just not super well acknowledged imo? i think it would’ve been for the best if the attempted rape scene just didn’t happen at all because it wasn’t executed well at all and was really insensitive. i don’t think having a suicidal or extremely unfortunate protagonist necessarily has to be a bad thing in magical girl animes but i feel like it was just played out with aya? like it felt like the writers were like “how can we make this girls life the absolute worst it could possibly be just for funsies” and she tries to commit suicide once at the very beginning and then she suddenly isn’t suicidal because she made one friend. 
i want to briefly talk about kaname. it seemed weird to me that they never went into the fact that the father was abusive to kaname? like i know a lot of kaname’s hatred was fueled by his fathers expectations of him but idk his entire character just felt odd. also that beach scene? gross.
i liked yatsumura, i thought she was cool and i liked her sticks power. i really liked her relationship with aya and honestly that was what kept this anime bearable for me to watch. i don’t have much to say about her but i do like her. it made me laugh a bit how she had this torture dungeon in her house all this time and aya’s just like “yeah. makes sense! sorry you didn’t get a chance to slowly and brutally murder that guy :(” my one complaint is that the guy would’ve died way sooner because something would’ve gotten infected since it didn’t seem like she was keeping things sterile but that’s just kind of me nit picking.
i’m going to talk about kiyoharu, mikari, asahi and sayuki all in one go because uh! they weren’t that notable. i actually forgot asahi existed while writing this section. whoops. so uh kiyoharu, the wiki says she’s trans but the anime treats her like a crossdresser so idk if that’s a manga thing or just a fan interpretation thing but since i didn’t read the manga i’m going to talk about just what i know as an anime watcher. i am sick of the ambiguously trans crossdresser character, especially after watching zombie land saga recently which had a super awesome undeniably trans girl, i’m just sick of it, i’m sick of people calling characters “traps” i’m sick of the “oh my god? she’s actually a HE?” moments. it’s just exhausting. i personally chose to watch the anime reading kiyoharu as a trans girl for the sake of my sanity but that isn’t something the anime confirms so sucks ig. out of the four characters i’m talking about here kiyoharu is the one i liked the most, probably because she’s just the one with the most to do out of all of them? then moving on to mikari. um what the hell was going on here actually? like what was with the old man i’m so confused what the frick that was so uncomfortable to watch. her designs cute though! and i like the flying broom stick :D asahi, as i said forgot she existed, i like characters with lolipops tho! literally nothing else to say. sayuki... same goes for her, she’s just slightly more memorable for slicing up all those hachi clones. i think these could all be fun characters, just with more screen time, as it is though i felt like they drowned each other out.
now i’m going to move on to what i think of the premise yay. while i’m not a fan of the miserable magical girl boom post pmmm (i did like pmmm tho) i don’t think mature magical girl anime has to be bad (as i said i like pmmm) and i don’t think the idea of girls in really unfortunate situations becoming magical girls is a bad one (just without the overplayed exploitation of really serious topics pls!). i was sooooo excited when i first found out about the magic system! one of my very few gripes with the magical girl genre as a whole is that a lot of them have a battle format of “magic beam!... it didn’t work!... well uh... BEAM HARDER!” and i was excited to see how these clearly defined rules would inform battles... you’ll be unsurprised to hear that... that didn’t happen! 99% of battles is the characters shooting at each other once, pausing to talk and then something happens. which was SO BORING! like jeez. anyways the battles sucked no surprise there. i liked most of the stick designs though, especially aya’s gun. i also don’t think the idea of a limited use magic power that feeds on your lifespan has to be a bad thing (look at death note) but it just felt really plot devicey in execution. the amount you could use your stick was really undefined, nijimi is implied to have used hers basically every day since she got her stick to control her fans into cleaning her house and there was never a concern of her dying wheras yatsumura is implied to have been very careful with her stick and she’s constantly on the verge of keeling over and dying. like i think the “we won’t live to adulthood” thing worked for the same reason the shinigami eyes work, we as an audience know that and it’s consistant, wheras with the characters who randomly go comatose it feels like the writers were just like “uh crap, what do we do now?!” finally, tempest was boring. it didn’t feel threatening and i wasn’t interested in learning about it.
okay thats all <3 thanks 4 reading me talk about bad anime! that was four hours i’ll never get back :D
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