#idk when it comes to manga i am not as picky like i do have standards but sometimes i also just enjoy drama yknow
roobylavender · 1 year
Seeing your reblog of akagami no shirayukihime, what other manga you love to read? Ngl i thought you're more an anime watcher than a manga reader at first
this is so funny bc it's quite the opposite for me i have little to no attention span for anime but i tend to devour manga when i get hooked enough lol! off the top of my head some of my favorites:
honey and clover
march comes in like a lion
sket dance
aishiteruze baby
kitchen princess (trigger warning for anorexia)
yumeiro patissiere (for this one i would actually rec the anime it's longer than the manga and the slow burn romance is better executed ntm the anime was super popular! for good reason)
kanata kara
7 seeds
princess tutu (anime only)
ojamajo doremi (anime only)
blue exorcist
koe no katachi (also adapted into a wonderful movie but trigger warning for suicide)
nagi no asukara (anime only. everything anohana thinks she is and better. chisaki and tsumugu leftovers romance of all time)
naruto (the manga is literally better every popular misconception there is out there about naruto can be disproven by the manga)
fullmetal alchemist (same as above. while i adore brotherhood a lot the fact that it facilitates hohenheim slander is not okay with me he did NOTHING wrong. also brotherhood skims a lot from the beginning chapters it's very annoying)
kids on the slope (the manga is fabulous but i would also rec the anime bc that is what you do when you have a yoko kanno soundtrack and an op sung by legendary songstress yuki)
cross game
balancing toy
wolf's rain (anime only. lots of violence and death. last ep will send you into sobbing hysterics so please have tissues at hand)
any work written by clamp ever but my personal favorites will always be tsubasa reservoir chronicle and x1999 (please never watch a clamp anime though every single one is terrible it is our curse)
akatsuki no yona
azumanga daioh (the manga and anime are both creations of comedic perfection. this is also the origin of the term waifu. please watch the english dub it sends me into tears)
lovely complex (the anime is so good romcom of all time)
cat street
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seoafin · 2 years
hello everyone i am NOT dead!!! i am so sorry for ignoring all your kindhearted and amazing messages so here is a small (not really) completely random rambling update on me and this blog
italian food is good but the lack of actual asian food here is driving me insane. there is no rice. i went to the supermarket to buy rice. it was risotto rice.
traveling is a slay i've gone to so many places in europe and italy and i really say to hate it but i absolutely adored london even though im still not sure whether or not british people are faking their accent. it sounds so fake. i went to the shakesphere globe and managed to catch a play but i wish i could've watched six too!!! also watched black panther 2 in london and it was phenomenal. top 3 marvel movies. food in london was also phenomenal but that's because i had nothing but asian food. the boba was HORRIBLE. i think it was bad luck but the 3 times i got boba it just tasted horrible like idk how gong cha and truedan could do me like this i still feel betrayed
very much looking forward to going back to the states where i can get amazing asian food. italy is beautiful but way too small. i cannot wait to go back to uni in the states and never have to see another face i don't want to ever again!!! study abroad in italy has made me so grateful i go to uni in a big city thank god i did not go to one of the seven sister schools
i have been reading so much since coming here. i've been also going back to some of my childhood favorites like ella enchanted and poison study. i also went back to one of my favorite childhood series gregor the overlander and it devastated me so much i was unable to function for a full three days after i finished the last book. suzanne collins packs such a heavy punch in her writing i still cannot believe gto is a children's series 😭😭 it is so devastating and so fucked up the fact that it got published is insane. will probably die on the hill that it is better than animorphs.
i am trying to write but i think not writing for the last couple of months has made my writing brain shrivel because every sentence i write does not sound Good and makes me Cringe. i am trying to get back into the flow of writing by writing a little everyday but it is not looking good 😭 i am also trying to get my dash more active by following more ppl (mainly writers) but i am shy and picky and too content with the people i do follow 😫 i do have some ppl i wanna follow in mind i've just never followed...if that makes sense. say it makes sense.
i think the jjk inspo will return when jjk s2 comes out but for rn i think i do wanna complete that teru fic for nothing more than the sole reason of finishing it LOL
as for the jjk manga.....i still have not completely caught up but some of the stuff i've seen is....incheresting.
that being said, i have seen the new chapters of hxh and im so obsessed with the fact that we're getting chrollo's backstory guess togashi decided it was finally time😭
ohhhh right i watched the eagerly anticipated 1899 and it did NOT disappoint highly recommend it's on netflix. dark was better but dark was fantastic so anything that comes even remotely close can be considered amazing.
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joanofrad · 2 years
Sorry if this seems random but since your japanese I wanted to know what your take is on the way anime developed. I'm not sure if it's just me, and while I've seen some anime I definitely am not an avid fan or consumer of it, but I have noticed that this moe/infantilization stuff has gotten progressively worse. Seems older anime has more female characters that are more complex and act like adults. Idk I might be mistaken, what do you think?
Hi anon!
I'm sorry, but I'm not the best person to ask this question. Yes, I'm Japanese and yes, I do like manga and anime, but I haven't read or watched any in years. "Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc" is the most recent manga/anime I'm interested in and that's only because I love the original from the 90s (and I'm a huge fan of CLAMP!). 
In general, most manga/anime never had the best representation for female people. Back when I was still a huge fan (for the record, I'm turning 25 this year, so about ten years back) stuff like "Fruits Basket", "Ouran", "Hana Kimi", "Fushigi Yuugi" etc. were popular and while these stories may seem empowering at first (strong and brave female main characters), if you take a closer look, you’ll realise that they really aren’t!   I’ve also always been pretty picky when it comes to the stuff I like (not just manga/anime, but also books, music, etc.), so I really only liked a few series and many of them are “problematic” or rather: with the knowledge I’ve now, I know that they aren’t good representation for a lot of groups. But I was a child/teenager when I fell in love with these stories, so I feel quite nostalgic about them and am willing to ignore the flaws to a degree.
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
boyfriend vibes
warnings: cursing, sapnap being cute, unjustified hate for americanized greek food bc he’s a brat and silly (edit: he said he’s not picky but idc it’s lol)
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
words: don’t care idk it’s pretty short heh
A/N: you guys are getting fucking fed with two post in two days... slurp it up
let’s talk about boyfriend!sapnap
a topic that frequents my mind before i go to sleep
definitely the type to get bored and try on all your clothes no matter the size
“let’s be honest, these pants make my ass look fat”
and def uses your shampoo
maybe it reminds him of you, maybe it smells nice, maybe it suds so good he has to snap a soapy titty pic and send it to you
true to his name, he’s pretty sappy
has to have a part of his body on yours at all times when you’re together
watching TV? hand on your calf
out to dinner? arm around the back of your chair and just brushing your shoulder
baking cookies at 3 am? head on your shoulder, just resting comfortably
don’t even get me started on when you’re sleeping
he definitely likes being the little spoon
and honestly who doesn’t?!
he just likes being in your arms :.)
this dude bitches constantly about greek food in florida bc while he’s not generally pretty picky about it sometimes a gross food ruins his day
“this sucks, gyros aren’t supposed to have fucking lettuce” “king....chill” “i won’t fucking chill this sucks and i want to go home”
“it’s spahn-a-kopita not spOOnakopita you fucking carrot”
he enjoys nothing more on the weekends than laying outside on a picnic blanket and listening to music with you
florida is hot as fuck in the summer but he’ll suffer just to listen to you hum to his music and nod your head
makes him feel proud, honestly
you constantly are running your hand through his hair
tugging and smoothing it down back and forth
makes his cheeks red 0.0
one of his favorite things is getting ready with you
he watches you get ready in the mirror sitting on the (closed, dw) toilet and suggesting little details like jewelry or a shirt color
he’s also a fucking nerd about TV and movies
“did you know she was like 16 when he kissed her in the parking lot there?? pretty weird but it’s judd nelson so nobody cared i guess”
“omg that’s a reference to [blah blah blah nerd stuff]”
one time you tried to pick up one of his expensive mangas and he nearly flipped his shit
“i just dusted that babe!!” “i just wanted to look—” “okay look from afar and get your grubby little fingers off of it”
(idk why i’m writing him so fussy but he is a 20 year old male so)
he remembers all your birthdays, all your anniversaries, all your favorite foods, all your favorite colors and songs
he likes to show you how he cares
i get the vibe that his love language is acts of service
so he’ll buy a couple prints from your favorite movie and hang them up above your desk like “i thought it’d be a cute graphic wall :]”
maybe cook you your favorite comfort meal and make a cute little set up with candles and nice napkins
even if you two aren’t doing anything productive or necessarily important he always listens to what you have to say
definitely brings up interests you’ve told him about earlier bc he wants you to know he is listening and understanding
makes fun of your old instagram accounts and can’t even fathom why you decided that haircut was appropriate for eighth grade
his wallpaper is a picture of a selfie from your emo phase
“come on..... i love the bangs.”
both your lock screen and home screen are over-edited pictures of his minecraft skin crouching bc you know it he thinks it’s funny
one time he brought home flowers from publix and said “flowers for my flower ;)”
sappy piece of shit
A/N: ask or send me stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D leave me some stuff in the comments too!
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yuzu-yori · 3 years
Obey Me x Male Reader When You Get Sick
He would scold you if you getting sick was the cause of a dumb reason
But if you did get sick without you or him knowing the reason why then he would still scold you
After 4 hours of Lucifer scolding you he would take care of you
He would make you take your medicine
If you’re picky about your medicine and don’t want to take it he would shove the spoon down your throat....only the medicine not the spoon
But if you do take it without complaining (please tell me how people take it without getting disgusted or vomiting) then he that wouldn’t trouble his am much
Overall he would treat you like the king you are
He would attend to all your needs. Want water? He’s already here he even has sparkling water, flavor water and normal water?
Want to read manga? On his way
Want to watch anime? He has Crunchyroll and Funmation
Want an Ash Lynx figure all the way from Tokyo Japan that probably costs a lot of yen? He’s on his way to Japan (ok but like I just want a Ash related item)
He will only give you water and soup but he will let you pick the soup you want
He honestly cares about you a lot and gets worried every time you get sick
He will not care but he will hold you while you both are laying down
The only day he asked Diavolo for a break
He will even ignore Mammon’s antics for you
He will prepare you a nice warm bath with bubbles if you want
He will even help you if you wish him to
If you are throwing up he will leave a garbage can near you
If you have a high fever he will turn a fan on
If you have a sore throat he will make you hot tea
Honestly he’s on if the best people to take care of you when you’re sick
He will be too scared to not listen to you I’m fear of his head getting ripped off
He will throw the medicine at you if you are vomiting he’ll even push a trash can your way
If you have a sore throat he will mess up making you tea so he’ll beg to Lucifer to make you tea
He’ll be lazy to even get you some water
He will only cuddle you not caring if he got sick too
Honestly he would only throw you medicine but will cuddle with you for him to relax with you
He will only get you unhealthy snacks and watch TV with you
But he has to decide the movie or else he’ll get bored and talk throughout the whole movie (I hate when people do that)
When he decides which movie he wants you both get comfortable
If you get sleepy he will shake you awake
Honestly he is the worst person to take care of you when you’re sick
He will only cuddle you and shake you awake
The only reason he acts like this because Lucifer has never taught him how to take care of a sick person
He genuinely does get concerned
He shakes you awake because he’s scared you’re not going to wake up
He is always paranoid since he sees sad and scary movies about a sick person dying
He wants you to be safe and healthy at all times
He will literally build you a pillow fort
He will get some board games he bought with your money
He will let you wear his jacket if you don’t cough, sneeze or throw up in it
He will tell you stories about what he did like how he “won” a gamble
The only story you believed is when Lucifer hanged him upside down at the top of RAD
You giggled about the funny stories hoping you got to see Mammon being hanged upside down the top of RAD
You wondered how troublesome Mammon can be well get
You even thought was there ever a time Mammon was serious besides losing Goldie
He can be great at doing fun actives but giving you medicine was mediocre
He honestly preferred you taking your own medicine if you didn’t take it he would whine and complain for you to take it
He gave you your medicine but then it was you and him watching anime and playing video games
If you played a racing game he might go easy on you
Doesn’t want you to cough on him
He will compare anime characters that’s have died over a sickness to you
“But he died over a sickness!” “What if you do too?!”
You were honestly annoyed and paranoid
He would let you cuddle with his ruri Chan pillow if you don’t cough, sneeze, or vomit on it
He will bring lots of pillows and blankets since his bed is a bathtub
He will have his room all dark if you have a headache
He will even try to clean his room for you (if that isn’t true love idk what is)
He will cuddle with you and stroke you hair
He will watch anime any you want with you
He’ll even watch Banana Fish with you even though that show causes you pain throughout and after you’re done watching it (it’s been two months still not over it)
But he will not let you touch his figures since he cherishes them a lot
He will not let you leave his room unless you have to go to the bathroom
Overall he would be great at taking care of you
But he will let you eat whatever you want
He would be one of the best people to take care of you
First he sees if it isn’t a some kind of sickness in Devildom that might harm you
When he sees that it isn’t he’s relieved
He will give you your medicine
If you don’t take it he will start getting mad since he’s the Avatar Of Wrath
If you do take the medicine without complaining (unlike complaining) he will be very proud of you
He is very protective of you so he will keep a close eye on you making sure your condition doesn’t get worst
He will read to you books, any book you want like, he will literally have the book there so he doesn’t have to go out and buy it because he’ll have it
Want him to read to you Catcher in Rye he will read it to you
Any manga book he will read it to you
Because he’s got it
He will also bring you food but he would only bring you healthy food
He was scared that your condition might worsened
He will give you a massage if you wanted him to
He will try to be patient with you since he is the Avatar of Wrath
He will stop trying to make Lucifer’s life horrible and only will only take care of you
But literally is the best person to keep you alive while you’re sick
He under any circumstance will not go near you
He will literally throw your medicine at you
If he does go close to you he will have what looks like an astronaut suit but pink and with glitter on it
He will literally overreact
He will think you’re a living germ
He will shriek if you threw up in-front of him
He will make get Barbatos come over and take care of you
He will sleep in another room far away from yours
In the end when you get better he will cuddle with you and invite you to a spa
The poor guy just wanted you to feel better
He did anything you wanted
He brought you as much food you wanted
He tried not to eat it
He will cuddle you and politely ask you if you can take your medicine
If you say no he will get his scary aura and make you drink it
He’s doing this because he wants you to get better
He will not allow any of the brothers except Belphie to come in
He will wrap you in many blankets so you’re not cold
If you feel warm he’ll get as many fans to keep you cool
He will get you so many snacks that they will be a lot of leftovers
He will stop eating the entire fridge just for you
He will not let you out if the room he’ll eg you not to go and if you do he’ll simply give you puppy eyes
He will hold you the entire time he doesn’t care if you get sick
You matter a lot to him you’re his prince and he’ll do anything to make you feel better
He will scare you into you taking your medicine
He will cuddle you since he doesn’t care if he gets sick
He’ll get you some food but the rest he’s lazy to do
Like Beel’s he will not let anyone bother you
Only Beel gets to stay
He’s very protective of you and doesn’t want your condition to worsen
He will yell at Lucifer to get you whatever you want
He will wrap you in so many blankets an pillow you will think it’s just a pile of blankets and pillows
He will give you one of his pajamas and hoodies for you to warm
If you’re too hot (not that way but you guys are hot boys) he will open a window and steal a fan from one of the brothers
He will do anything just for you to feel better and get better
He would be so gentle with you
If you have a headache/migraine he will give you a head massage, his touch is so gentle almost like a flower petal’s touch
He will keep Luke quiet for you not to get annoyed
He will help Luke make sweets for you
For example like cake or cupcakes/ and if you don’t like sweets he would make you your favorite food
He would get you as many blankets you needed or pillows
He will get you your medicine and a warm towel if you have a headache
He doesn’t care if he gets sick he will hug you if you want/need one
He will not let any of the brothers bother you and will take you to Purgatory Hall since it’s more quieter there
He would do anything for you, he would treat you with respect like he always does
He would wake up in the middle of the night if you ever needed anything
If you couldn’t attend school he would make an extra copy of notes and help you with your assignments and homework so you’re not behind school work
He will hold you close to him if you’d like. He just wants you to feel loved and for you to get better
He would be the worst to take care of you at first.
He will try to get you to take a potion he made, but you didn’t trust him
So he decided to just buy you regular medicine (which he had to go to the human world to get you some)
Had Simeon and Luke attend to you while he was out getting you medicine and other things to make you feel better.
He would always say “Are you sure you don’t want me to make you a potion Mc?”
Of course you would decline you didn’t want any side effects to go along with the potion
He would tease you sometimes but not too much to the point you’re annoyed/hurt
Please don’t be too hard on him he mostly just takes medicine and continues to what he was doing
He really does care for you he’s just not used to taking care of another person other than himself.
He would ask Simeon if he could cook you something since he isn’t the best at cooking
He would try his best to make you feel comfortable, he’ll give you more pillows and blankets and if you’re too hot then he would get a fan or open a window
He would prepare you a bath and ask if you needed help
If you said yes he would wash your hair softly and would massage your head. He would be very careful washing your body, he touches you as if you were fragile as glass.
He would even add whatever scent you wanted or nothing special if you wish
If you said no to him helping you he will understand and just help you run the bath while he exits the bathroom and waits patiently for you.
When you’re done or both of you are done, he would ask if you wanted to see a show/movie
If you said yes he would put whatever you like
If you said no he would stay by your side just massaging your hair or not if you don’t want him to
Luke(for Luke you’re like a big brother to him)
He would freak out at first thinking you were dying.
You had to calm him down and just tell him you got sick
But he asked a lot of questions like
“What kind of sickness?”
“Is it deadly?!”
“Will you die?!”
He was very worried since you’re like a big brother to him
He would bake you anything you want
He would ask Simeon for help which Simeon would happily help
He would always ask you every time “Are you feeling better?”
Please don’t yell or snap at him he will cry and get scared of you”
You’re like a big brother to him and the only one who was never mean to him just because of his height and how small he is
He would be scare to hug you though since he doesn’t want to get sick.
But he will be close by you, he will sit in a chair by your bed or on the floor.
He’ll even get board games for you to play with (i don’t even know if there’s board games in Devildom)
He’ll even watch a movie with you it can be scary but he will probably cry.
At night when you’re asleep he will stay by your side and always make sure if you’re doing okay”
When you get better then he will hug you a lot since he couldn’t do that when you were sick”.
“So big brother can you teach me (or help if you don’t know how to cook)cook?
He missed you a lot
I’m very sorry I couldn’t post I have been recently failing and I needed to improve my grades. I hope you enjoyed
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shygirlsimps · 3 years
How similar am I to the brothers and a mini rant about them idk
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Not much to say for Lucifer, well actually a lot but ima shorten it bc it makes me mad (my previous post says it all basically), so I mean yeah it’s love hate thing with him I either wanna hit or hug him so he’s ranked either 5 or 6 out of the brothers gets bonus points for his daddy issues and being a dad who has a son with daddy issues hahahahahah Ima satan kinnie I will not confirm nor deny my issues with my dad 🥴👁👄👁💧
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I mean ironically enough I do watch horror movies and ride rollercoasters even if I’m hella scared like even if Im so scared I wanna cry I force myself it’s weird I got issues, he’s my current fave, this tsundere dork is so adorable I wanna hug him so tight, especially when his brothers make fun him like stop leave him alone but I also wanna tease him and if he teases me back i would hit bc I have this issue where I hit people I like
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I mean yeah he’s one of my kins and third fave, I just wanna tell him hes valid and I will gladly be an anime simp with him and cosplay and read manga and all that but our convos would mostly be us ranting or awkward asf bc I’m so awkward at first at least bc once I get comfortable I’m idk lol I got so many embarrassing stories like the one where I accidentally rejected a cute boy I liked when he was flirting bc I didn’t know he was or when I panicked and told the person I was talking to I have weak bones and he looked me up and down smiled and walked away
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He is also another one of my kin’s and my first favorite but is now second, playing the game he immediately caught my attention and his backstory and daddy issues made me like him even more idk why I got issues anyways, we are so similar from being nerds to anger issues to piano playing etc, my whole family calls me a need just bc I read and get As well use to it’s been rough but they’ll never know they just think I’m being lazy now im just the awkward version of him that is super shy and has like two friends and no connections but ironically a lot of people know who I am I just don’t know them it surprises me when they talk to me I’m like I’m sorry who are you
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before playing (just off looks) I thought I was gonna fave him femboys👀might also be gender envy I’m still discovering but idk I just didn’t maybe bc I’m so insecure shy and not liking emotions and he’s outgoing confident and touchy, but I still like him alot Bc like everything I’m not and opposites attract and I need him to help me come out of my shell and help with my skin care, Hell bring out my crazy that comes out once in while, his rank usually switches with Lucifer between 5/6
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I mean he’s so sweet and nice it’s a little off putting to me, I really wanna like him a lot but I have trauma, plus just knowing he’s always (well not always but yk) working out or eating and is like 6’4 and super muscley is just like a no for me bc I’m disabled yes weak bones so even though I can walk dance and do normal things, i can’t do everything like run or jump and if I do it’s usually with pain, plus I’ma 4’10 (I thought I was taller but I’m not😭) 18yr old girl who’s been described as petite and fragile and quite frankly been given the kids menu one too many times it’d just be weird, also I got a love hate relationship with food I’m picky and other things like weight are a factor I thought about this too much hes ranked 7 I’m sorry Ik he’d be sweet about my issues but no
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This sadistic mf who killed me I should freaking hate you but ima push over and for some reason you’re ranked 4, is it my love for purple stars the moon and the night idk but I get insomnia a lot so it’s ironic, but there’s something about him that I just like, I feel it’s my own trauma that makes me like him I mostly always like the daddy issues or edgy characters i mean Shoto,Dabi, Levi,Eren, Light, Zack. I just wanna lay down with him while he sleeps and I brush his hair and read or play games with him on my lap
I am done and if you read this all thank you now you know I’m basically a mix of taiga from toradora and hori from horimiya lowkey kaguya from love is war could also maybe be described as a little bit of Todoroki Bakugou and tamaki also excuse my mess of typing I hope it wasn’t too confusing
Anyways if you wanna be friends or Mutuals I’d be happy :))
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leondaltons · 3 years
tag 9 people to learn more about their interests!
tagged by: @lunamoons thank you darling 💕
Please know that when this kind of games come I suddenly draw a blank and I can't remember what I ACTUALLY like alsjs
fave genre? I like every genre but I guess pop and alternative
fave artist? I have multiple fave artists but a classic one for me is Taylor Swift
fave song? Again, hard to pick one and it changes with my mood/events of my life/etc. I have been listening to Psycho by Red Velvet a lot lately
most listened song recently? Other than Psycho, Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo and Turandot performed by Pavarotti 🙈
song currently stuck in your head? Hotter Than Hell by Dua Lipa 'cause my sister was listening to it aksjsk
5 fave lyrics? The Archer by Taylor Swift/ Blue & Gray by BTS/ Ashley by Halsey/ Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier/ Cosmic Love by Halsey/ Fix You by Coldplay (I just put the first songs that popped from my list, i have too many I like aksjsk)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? Fantasy
fav writer? Idk if I have one but I really like Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Angela Carter
fav book? Pride and Prejudice, News of a Kidnapping
fav book series? A Song of Ice and Fire maybe? I don't read many book series. Sailor Moon if manga counts aksjsj. The Hunger Games
comfort book? Anna and The French Kiss, The Little Mermaid (the original version)
perfect book to read on a rainy day? Something from Poe
Fave characters? Susan Pevensie, Minako Aino, Sirius Black, Robb Stark, Jo March, Nikolai Lantsov
5 quotes from your fave book that you know by heart? I know most of Harry Potter by heart 🙈 Also Narnia and some Delirium quotes aksjss. Some poetry too!
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to something music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fave tv/movie genre? I like everything, i am honestly not picky about that
fave movie? Too many aksjaj but to name a few: Pacific Rim, The Handmaiden, Emma, Star Wars Rogue One
comfort movie? Too many, the mentioned above but some others are Pride and Prejudice, Legally Blonde, Miss Congeniality, romantic comedies, etc
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off (if it's in another language) | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
movie you watch every year? i rewatch almost everything if i like it and it pops up on my tv aksnsm. A Christmas classic is Barbie and The Nutcracker hahaha
fave tv show? Crash Landing on You, The Good Place, Buffy, Lucifer
comfort tv show? The mentioned above plus: Derry Girls, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (animated series)
most rewatched tv show? Up to season 9 of Grey's Anatomy probably aksjsk, Friends too because there are always recaps on tv lmao
5 fave characters? Anne Boleyn (The Tudors), Buffy Summers (Buffy), Lexie Grey (Grey's Anatomy), Raven Reyes (The 100, at least until season 4 sksjsm) and Scott McCall (Teen Wolf)
tagging: @mementovivere @antivan @lacunafiction @olivershen @solarisrenbeth @rubyverner @kdelarenta + whomever wants to do it 🥰 (also you can ignore it if you want aksjak)
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pumpkinpaix · 3 years
What kind of things do you like to read?
ooohhh!! :D
you know, I have a special fondness for children’s fantasy and scifi that’s a little deeper than it looks on the surface. stuff like, diana wynne-jones’ books, or any one of bruce coville’s series. i quite like the kneebone boy, by ellen potter as well! shaun tan’s stuff is really incredible, would definitely recommend all of his work. honestly, i really like picture books of a particular style!!
i also like really weird speculative stuff--kelly link’s short stories are excellent, and china miéville’s perdido street station haunts me (though..... i am not sure........ i would recommend it. in that, it Sure Fucking Haunts me and every time i think about reading it again, I flinch reflexively. really good book, just like. haha. fucked up). the magicians by lev grossman is also just. god.
i also really enjoy mythology/folklore -- though, oddly, im VERY picky about my retellings and adaptations etc. i remember reading a modern pandora’s box kind of book and i was so ENRAGED i nearly threw the book across the room multiple times but made myself finish it out of spite. but a book i DID enjoy was A.S. Byatt’s ragnarok.
i DO like a lot of YA stuff as well, which I think is a genre that gets a lot of short shrift. YA is a really fun genre and age group, and I think a lot of the derision that gets piled on it comes from like. uhhh misogyny. but i used to devour YA books, including realistic fiction ones, which isn’t a genre I enjoy when written for adults.
poetry is good!! and I like nonfiction about like, overlooked people/events in history. oh! and i just. love manga. i went through a phase when i was younger of just reading psychological/horror mangas for some reason, and a couple of those have still stuck with me, lol, though I prefer soft slice of life stuff. there’s an earnestness in a lot of manga that’s hard to find in other genres--the really sincere dramatization of intense emotions is like. idk i love it a lot.
ANYWAYS rambly answer with too much info probably lol, but yeah. that’s the sort of stuff i like to read. :’D
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hange-zone · 3 years
hey...i’ve sat with the ending for a bit and am still not entirely sure what to feel. i will say i’m bit sad that it’s over - i started this series with friends back in 2014, and was little and giddy and excited about it. i consumed a lot of jeanmarco fic (wisteria! LAD! render! strings! etc) and that one really good eremin (we were kings...which is probably half the reason why i’m writing it so feverishly now) + fanart (johannathemad! icarus theory! gimmes! many many more that i’m happy to share but don’t remember right now cos it’s 5am)
and then life went on and i forgot about it mostly because...life...and only got back into it a few months ago when the anime was back on netflix and i watched most of it in the span of a week. and i’m here, again.
i have to admit i don’t exactly read the manga and i stopped the anime for a bit because at the heart of it i’m also not sure how to feel about the time skip. i think that’s on me though - the basement was built up to be this black box and i think a large part of the fun was the not knowing, and the journey to the basement was used as a framing device. so once we found out that fell away and i don’t think any reveal would have been completely satisfactory. and i have issues with the timeskip but it’s probably me being picky (lol dm me if you’d like to know more, i am such a rambler)
though admittedly there are parts of the post timeskip i do enjoy - you can tell i’m obsessed with that one scene eren and armin stare at each other, i love the new designs, i especially love armin lol - and I appreciate parts of the perspective it’s trying to give too in the broadest sense (ie the anti-war themes...effect of propaganda... at least I THINK that’s what we were supposed to take away at the start of season 4 because I stopped watching the show then for a whole host of reasons)
was looking over (ok, glued to) reddit yesterday and it occured to me parts of the fandom (read: r/yeagerbomb) can be quite toxic (as with any large fandom I guess!) so I was hoping to avoid that but also like understand what’s going on...i think honestly i was a bit disappointed in the ending, at first i was actually upset but now i’m just...alright. mostly i think i’m sad it’s ended and that’s mixed up with how I feel in general. but I've thought about it and overall it’s an  ending in the broadest sense, I mean it largely served its purpose and I think importantly for endings, tied up main threads of the plot. and i respect the decisions the author has made, even as we’re all entitled to our opinion and you can disagree. I do wish some other choices made or it were done slightly differently. mostly I wish it had more time to develop some themes and I think generally some parts of the series were a bit convoluted. 
if you’d like my (uninformed) thoughts i am happy to share - they’re in more detail below! and i’d like to hear yours too:)
if it helps i didn’t buy the whole ‘chad eren’ thing at all - at heart he is still a nineteen year old boy and he’s probably still small and scared - something which i’ve explored! - and while i appreciate that eremika didn’t exactly come out of nowhere i’ve always read it as them wanting the domesticity with each other, wanting to live out full, normal lives, but not necessarily just about the exclusivity of a relationship, which is what some readings of the last chapter seemed to suggest (& hence i kinda get why people are so mad that that he comes off as an incel but idk, maybe it’s the translations? i personally am choosing to read it as the first part - that he wanted deep down to have the space to live out a long, natural life with the people he loves).
but wrt to eremika my main thing is that i’m a bit iffy on the parallels to ymir because personally i’m not a bit fan of that entire ymir/fritz thread...1) i get the slave...to love but it also feels a bit like it romanticises their relationship? maybe i’m reading too much into it. but more importantly to me 2) i feel it complicates things a bit because we can’t then pin down if it’s eren or her making the executive decisions which then becomes a bit more thematically murky and doesn’t help with characterisation...I mean if he’s a plot device then he is a plot device, if he’s a character with agency then he’s a character, if he blurs the line between both it becomes a bit of an issue as there aren’t real stakes and character development then becomes a bit of a question mark since there’s also this tendency to reduce him to a symbol...and yeah, as we see the whole  headache-inducing nature of this is quite evident now... (and i want to feel for eren!)
also not a super fan of the eren sending dina. but i’m reminded of the discussions around mr robot and standing in the stream of time wrt white rose but eh, time travel plots are always a bit inscrutable and honestly always make things difficult. personally i rationalise it as more of he sent them away from Bert than to his mother. maybe he had the vague understanding of what it’d do but exactly why he did it was different, which idk, makes all the difference to me. 
but i do appreciate what the ending was trying to show, even if I personally don't think it was the best, i do appreciate eren’s vulnerability, his last talk with armin broke me, and appreciate that jean is okay, levi is okay, and he got to see everyone else again. i’m also kinda appreciative of the bird symbolism though i don’t think it’s any more than that...also it makes me think that poor eren, he’s burdened with Glorious Purpose & like it’s not gonna stop until he’s dead, right :/ also was under no illusions that it was gonna be a happy ending and everyone would be satisfied somehow or another so eh. I do wish that some things were done differently, I would have done some things differently, but also I acknowledge the constraints of the medium and I think some nuances didn't come across/writing could be tighter. maybe we’ll see when the anime comes out, if some of us stick around that long.
also my monkey brain is choosing to fixate on little, abstract things like oh, armin looks so cute with his hair slicked back...so kudos for that and maybe there’s some hamfisted thing about telling the story...giving it meaning...like horatio? maybe? lol goodnight sweet prince eren...i AM overthinking it probably. anyway if you think about it, it’s the death of the author (ie Barthes) and meaning is created not just when it’s encoded in the text, but when we read and experience it -- which gives us some leeway as to how we interpret the whole series, if you’d really like. so this is my outlook:”)
ok this has turned out longer than i expected and is undercut by actually a lot of salt ahh and i actually have a whole sort of treatise on it! but i think i am a bit emotionally exhausted because i always care too much so i think i'll take a break before I get back to prompts, sorry...
anyway what i mean to say is if you made it this far thank you & that i’m interested to hear what people think! so come send in the ask or reply to this - and feel free to disagree etc but let’s be peaceable about it:)
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azumastan · 4 years
can I live happily ever after?
characters: muku sakisaka, kazunari miyoshi - DO NOT tag as ship
genre: fluff/light angst? idk bro. there’s a little crying.
word count: 1356
ok so it is nearly 3am and i just finished this. it has minimal proofreading because i’m just proud to be done and it’s my baby boy’s birthday.
also, it’s the first fic i’ve posted on here!! wow!! how does it feel to be so special, muku?! so, comments and constructive criticism are welcome. i know some folks get picky about how their best boys are written, so i hope i do them justice and tell me how i can do better!
here we go~
Muku loves fairy tales and stories of romance. His dream is to be a prince like in the tales he loves so much. If he could be the kind of gentleman that comes to the rescue of a beautiful girl and they dance through the night, he would be as happy as can be.
But every time he loses himself in that fantasy, there’s no girl. Not really. Sometimes there’s a figure in a dress, but not anyone really specific.
It’s not a big deal. He’s not even in high school; he doesn’t HAVE to fall in love. It sounds so nice, though. Love has to be wonderful if he was able to fill a whole bookshelf with manga about it. The pounding heart, sweaty hands.....well, maybe not that part. Muku knows what anxiety feels like all too well. But to feel that way around someone special, and have them feel the same about him, that’s a dream that could come true.
What if there’s no princess for him?
The problem isn’t that he’s worried no one will fall for him, though that’s certainly crossed his mind.
No, that’s not it. The problem is that Muku likes boys.
Probably. It’s all really confusing and he’s only ever been sure about like, four things in his life, but he has a hard time picturing himself taking a girl out on a date despite reading hundreds of scenarios, and there’s this guy in his class who has some really interesting things to say about the book they’re reading. And maybe Muku laughed a little too hard at some joke he had made during algebra and maybe he turned redder than a tomato when he bumped into the other boy playing basketball in gym class.
So, he’s realized he might be gay, and he can’t stop thinking about how he’s supposed to have his happy ending now. There’s no fairy tales where the prince rides off with a kind kitchen boy on the back of his horse. No shoujo manga where the strong, silent guy offers to share his umbrella with the shy, pretty boy from class.
What kind of fantasy lies in Muku’s future then?
He laid there in his dorm bed, tears pricking his eyes. Ugh. He sniffled. How pathetic am I, crying over my non-existent love life because now I don’t know if I’ll ever get the happily ever after that I’ve read about? Muku wiped his watering eyes with his pajama sleeve and sniffled again.
“Mukkun?” Kazunari sat up in his bed, trying to see the boy with pink hair across the dark room. “Are you okay, Mukkun?”
“Oh! Kazunari! I’m okay, I swear! I’m sorry to bother you. Go back to sleep.”
“Nope.” Kazunari turned on his phone flashlight, climbed out of bed and turned on a floor lamp. “I was just scrolling through Instablam, anyway. You can talk to me,” he said, plodding over to Muku’s bed to look the younger boy in the eyes.
That was what broke the dam, sending tears streaming down Muku’s face. Kazunari hesitated before climbing up next to him and placing his arm around his sobbing roommate.
“Hey, hey. Mukkun, shhhh....... I got you,” he murmured.
In a minute, Muku’s tears stopped flowing so freely. After the whole room was silent for a little while, Kazunari asked “Do you want me to go get Juza?”
Muku shook his head, and, voice quivering, he replied, “I think — I think I just needed to cry, Kazu-kun. Really.” He punctuated this statement with another sniffle, causing Kazunari’s brow to furrow. Still doubtful, the blond boy took his arm back, giving Muku some space if he wanted it.  Muku didn’t seem to notice the absence of Kazunari’s arm, but he did turn his head towards him.
“Hey, uh, Kazu-kun? Do you have any gay friends?” Muku’s voice trailed off at the end of his question, a little uncomfortable with what he was saying and afraid Kazunari would know what he was getting at before he said anything explicitly.
Kazunari smiled. “Totes! I’ve got loads of LGBT pals! Wait.” He laughed a little. Muku’s heart sank. Did he know what Muku was thinking? Was he going to laugh at him? Oh no, no, please, not that…..
“Dude, did you think I was straight?! LMAO, it’s not like I try to hide it.”
Muku’s jaw dropped. “You—? But you’re always going on about all the cute girls outside when we do street acts.”
The young man shrugged. “Yeah. I do like girls, but I like boys too. I like a lot of people.”
“Oh.” Muku sighed, feeling weirdly light after what Kazunari admitted. “Sorry I assumed anything, I just thought, hey, Kazunari has a lot of friends, maybe he knows some people who fell in love like in a shoujo manga and it didn’t matter that they didn’t like girls—“
“Hey.” Kazunari ruffled the middle school boy’s pink mop of hair. “Would that have anything to do with what had you so upset, Mukkun?”
He breathed in, and in what seemed to be one long exhale, Muku managed to speak practically a whole chapter. “UhhhhhhsureIthinkI’mgayandit’snotabigdealIthink. Isitabigdeal? Idon’tknowandIguessItrynottodwellonitbutifIwanttobeaprincehowcanIdothatifIdon’twanttomarryaprincessand-“
“Whoa there! Slow down, bro!” Kazunari took Muku’s hand. “I got most of that, but you need to breathe, Mukkun! Okay, go on.”
Taking a few deep breaths at his roommate’s suggestion, Muku continued. “I think, maybe, I’m gay? Because I can’t really picture my future princess, and you know about my imagination, hahaha. And there’s a boy in my class that makes my heart pound like crazy and it’s just like a shoujo manga says it should be, but that’s about boys and girls and I know it’s not…..wrong, but it doesn’t feel….right, exactly. Princes get the girl, that’s how it always is. And I don’t want to give up on that dream,” he finished as his voice started to break.
Kazunari sucked in his lips, trying to think of a response that would calm him down and cheer him up, but he didn’t want to confuse the young boy any farther. He knew himself what it was like to be in school and fall for other boys, and Muku, notorious for having his head in the clouds, made a lot of very good points. There aren’t any gay fairy tales or gay princes. And while Muku didn’t need any help getting lost in a fantasy, it can’t be easy when every romance he sees is showing him that straight is the default.
Well, he could do something about that.
Kazunari put his hand on Muku’s head again, and said, “I’m really glad you told me about this. I wish I had something more helpful to tell you right now, but I’m beat, and you probably are too. We should try to get some sleep. But you don’t have to forget about your dream, okay? You’re gonna be the best prince there ever was.”
“Okay. Good night, Kazu,” he said with a yawn. Guess Kazunari couldn’t have timed that better.
“Good night, Mukkun,” Kazunari pushed himself off of Muku’s bed, walked over to turn out the light, and then crawled back into his own bed.
The next afternoon, Muku went to his room to drop off his school bag when he noticed a folded piece of paper on his desk that read “Prince Mukkun.” Dropping his bag and picking up the mystery paper, he opened it to find a gorgeous pencil drawing of himself in a fine military uniform, wearing a crown, and sitting atop a white horse. Even more surprising, there was a black-haired boy with a regal looking tunic and a sword standing next to the horse. There was a caption at the bottom of the page that read “The Prince and the Knight.”
Muku’s face broke out into a smile. He hadn’t signed it, but it was undeniably the work of Kazunari. Grabbing a push pin, he put the picture up on his bulletin board next to the calendar. Then, he left the dorm room to sit in the courtyard and mentally continue the story Kazunari had started for him.
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APH College AU: Hong Kong
AU Intro here, AU headcanons are tagged #college au musings.
- Music major. However, he took quite a lot of computer engineering and business classes in high school because China insisted (in classic Asian parent fashion), and he still takes them because he sees them as useful for later life (freelance musician or managing a songwriter or something).
- His reasoning for going into music was that it was a relatively cool and not boring job; he wouldn’t have to always be tied to a computer or an indoor office and had more freedom. I think HK kinda hates getting a job in general because he’s got to Do Very Specific Work and doesn’t have time to do side projects/fool around, but he could deal with being a freelance musician or someone who creates background tracks for other artists, game music, etc. Also chose music to spite Yao, because he was expected to do either business or computer science/engineering (but he’s still pretty thankful for taking a lot of business and engineering classes because he legitimately needs them now)
- Soundcloud artist, and has quite a lot of followers. He does a lot of electronic instrumental mixes (idk how to describe it), but also sings sometimes, with lyrics about taking what you’ve got and running with it, carpe diem, breaking away from norms imposed by elders and parents; a mix of hopeful and rebellious. Never writes love songs, because he thinks it’s rather sappy and would rather express love in other (chill) ways. Doesn’t really write sad songs, but there are occasionally ones about rejection and estrangement.
- Re: soundcloud; he really wants to get in their direct monetization program, but doesn’t want to pay for a pro membership. Complains about it a lot to anyone who’ll listen.
- Memes memes memes memes memes
- Trendy™. He knows all the latest fashions and cool things, often tries to brand himself as the one to go to for fashion advice. He gives good advice most of the time (will tell you if your outfit sucks), but also makes questionable decisions (he stripped in the manga because he said Jackie Chen would do it too). Moral of the story, take some things he says with a grain of salt.
- Internet guy (knows all the hacks). He WILL find a free WiFi network anywhere he goes to avoid paying cellular, and knows way more hotspot passwords than he should via word of mouth and eavesdropping.
- Also, his phone is his lifeline. HK: “What do you mean, you’re taking it away from me?” CHN: “You’re using your phone too much; it’s bad for your eyes!!” HK: “No it isn’t! My eyes are fine; you’re the only one who has contacts in this family!! Give it back Yao!!!”
- Routinely called by other students to fix their computers and stuff, charges 25-75 dollars on average per fix. He is such a stickler with prices and absolutely refuses to go lower than a certain price. When Netherlands comes to him for a repair, they’ll haggle for hours and it’s not fun; Leon will postpone literally anything to keep on bargaining and not give up on his offer/price bar
- Avoids 8 AM classes as much as possible, but has never missed the ones he has to attend
- Learned Cantonese to spite Yao. I think Yao would’ve taught all his siblings (the East Asian squad) Mandarin, but they all picked up another language (or dialect of one) somewhere. Leon learned Cantonese specifically because he was lazy and it uses the same Mandarin characters (traditional vs simplified characters but similar enough) but is pronounced different enough that his brother can’t understand most of what he’s saying.
- Gets really whiney when he’s tired, or when he’s frustrated. Complains a lot.
- When he gets really angry, he becomes really cold. He’ll stop talking as much, but other than that he acts almost the same as usual, and it’s hard for people to pick up that he’s mad. However, everything he says kinda sounds passive aggressive, and he won’t laugh at anything. You have to be the first one to acknowledge something’s wrong, and then he’ll talk.
- Re: anger, it’s really awkward if he won’t talk to you because he’s usually really lighthearted, and seeing him serious is rather unsettling. Plus he can end any conversation when he wants to if he wants to make someone uncomfortable
- Is asked to be the DJ for a lot of college parties. He’s the type of person a lot of people vaguely know about because of just one “thing”, the “thing” being that he’s really good at mixing music and has good taste
- He makes sure everyone who even says hi to him knows about his music and his hobby, so he can get popular. Shouts about his Soundcloud profile (it’s not really bragging, but more like advertising himself)
- Types up all his notes onto his computer, but he uses so much slang that his notes read like weird text messages. His history notes read like a giant reality tv drama, because he tends to put things into modern terms and create his own way of remembering things, if that makes sense.
- Hasn’t touched a pencil in forever; he’s so comfortable in the digital world it’s insane
- Buys luxury brands to show off but is also really cheap, and judges certain products hard because they don’t live up to his very finicky standards (read my last post, it’s my take on his consumerism and is more in depth)
- Rather picky with his food, because he has really high standards. He will complain on and on about a restaurant’s noodle’s being too stale or too salty or something, finds flaws in everything when he wants to.
- B to A range grades, doesn’t stress too much over school. He doesn’t mind missing a couple of assignments (as long as they’re not big projects) and makes up for it with his other work
- Delays stuff until the last minute, but doesn’t panic or anything. It’s basically a habit by now; HK doesn’t mind it because it’s efficient and works for him. He can chill for the evening and then get all his work done between 3-7 am
- His relationship with his professors is okay; they all know his name and that he’s the “music dude” but he’s not too close with any of them; he prefers his friends’ company more. He’d get along with fun or young professors better, since they’re more in touch with “the youth” and he doesn’t see them as boomers
- Average at math, kinda bad at science, it’s just not his thing. He does better in the humanities, although he doesn’t exactly enjoy English and history classes. He’s very good at debating though, so his essays and thesis statements are very strong
- He’s pretty functional on 3 hours of sleep, but loves to sleep in when he can
- Proud of his Asian heritage and shows it!! He sometimes shows up at Asian American Culture Club but isn’t very dedicated, because he thinks some of the meetings are a little cringey
- He’d love to have a last name that isn’t Wang (such as any X starting Chinese surname) because he’d love to watch people struggle to pronounce it and he’d love to correct them (in a polite but simultaneously obnoxious way)
Thanks for reading! sksks these were much more general headcanons that probably could apply to nationverse too, but anyways... Next’ll be Taiwan probably!
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eyesupmarksman · 4 years
Ice Cream Asks
literally no one asked me to do this but i’m depressed and bored so--
Chocolate: When was your first kiss?
22 (technically 18, but I’m not counting it shh)
French Vanilla: How old are you?
24, but feel 80!
Cotton Candy: Three places you want to travel to?
Berlin, Rome, anywhere along the Amalfi Coast where I can be boujee
Strawberry: A language you wish you could speak?
I want to be better at Irish. We learn it here from 4 years old to about 17/18, and not a single person in Ireland can string a sentence together (it’s taught so badly within school). I was so bad at it. But I feel like I’m getting better now. 
Coffee: Favourite cosmetic brands?
None. I don’t wear makeup lmao
Mint Chocolate Chip: Indoors or outdoors?
If it’s a nice day, outdoors. But I live in Ireland. So it’s never a nice day.
Cookie Dough: Do you play any instruments?
Violin (but very badly lol)
Rocky Road: Favourite songs at the moment?
Setting Sun - Lord Huron / Cloudbusting - Kate Bush / Anything Novo Amor has Ever Composed
Butter Pecan: Favourite songs for life?
Dinner and Diatribes - Hozier / Attica - Hailaker / Thus Always To Tyrants - The Oh Hellos
Cheesecake: What's your zodiac sign?
Toasted Coconut: The beach or the pool?
Beach. I can’t swim so I ain’t going near the water lmao
Chocolate Chip: What's your most popular post?
It’s a post I made about being slightly annoyed of people comparing Hozier to Hades when he’s clearly Lugh, the Irish pagan warrior entity symbolising the arts and law
Bubblegum: books or movies?
D: Movies. Books. Books. Movies. Movies--
Pistachio: manga or anime?
Neither tbh
Salted Caramel: Favourite Movies?
Children of Men by Alfonzo Cuaron (not the happiest film, but an amazing film) / The Man from U.N.C.L.E by Guy Ritchie / Rogue One by Gareth Edwards (the superior of the Star Wars films don’t @ Me) 
Birthday Cake: Favourite books?
Lovely War by Julie Berry (I CRIED) / All That Remains by Dr. Sue Black (if you like bones and death, it’s very interesting!) / Mythos by Stephen Fry (I like Greek Mythology. I like Stephen Fry. Need I say more?)
Moose Tracks: Favourites for manga?
I’ve never read any D:
Orange Sherbet: Favourites for anime?
Never seen any (or any that I can remember)
Peanut butter: Favourite academic subject?
I did an English and History degree so either-or. 
Black Raspberry: Do you have any pets?
I have an English Cocker spaniel called Leo, and three horses (fully owned by me) called Kaliban, Sysaro, and Romeo. There’s another horse on loan to me called Dante (or Danny) and he’s an actual demon from the nine circles of hell--
Mango: When and why did you start your blog?
2012 (gross). I don’t...really know.
Mocha: Ideal weather conditions?
Sun’s out (gun’s out), with a slight breeze. I cannot COPE with heat. I need a breeze lol
Black Cherry: Four words that describe you?
Funny (I think I’m funny); Independent (too much so for my own good); Dependable (again, too much for my own good); emotionally-compromised (oop)
Neapolitan: Things that stress you out?
Anything and everything.
Raspberry Truffle: Favourite kind of music?
Indie-Alternative-Rock ???
Chocolate Marshmallow: Favourite brands of candy?
I don’t really eat candy anymore, but I am partial to a good Dairymilk chocolate bar.
Toffee: A card game that you're good at?
Coup. It’s a game about lying. And I am very good at lying to people’s faces. 
Lemon Custard: Do you eat breakfast?
I make sure to eat food in the morning...does that count?
Dark chocolate: Turn-ons?
Humour. Be able to make me laugh, to be honest...
Fudge: Turn-offs?
Arrogance and ignorance. The two tend to go hand in hand. Also a pure lack of communication skills. 👀👀👀
Peach: How do you relax?
Shower. A long shower. I’m talking like a chunk of time just standing under some water. Or going for a walk. 
Praline: A popular book you haven't read yet?
Anything from Rick Riordan (if my friend sees this she’ll fucking kill me oh my god). I have every intention of reading it, but I just never did. 
Superman: Do you like sweaters?
I’m so picky with sweaters. Prefer hoodies.
Cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
Neither. Tea is just hot water and coffee gives me a major migraine. 
Dulce de Leche: An instrument you wish you could play?
My violin (because it’s originally my grandfather’s (who has long since passed away) and I restored it). I’m so bad at it. Or the piano. I don’t have the dexterity for it.
Blackberry: Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Oh absolutely. I’ve also cried so hard that I’ve laughed.
Ginger: A new feature you wish tumblr could have?
Idk just fix it pls
Blueberry Lemon: Favourite blogs?
@frrankzhang / @duelling / @dutifullygranddragon /
Almond: Favourite mean girls quote?
Boo, you whore.
Butterscotch: What colour are your nails right now?
Naked. I don’t wear nail polish or any makeup :I
Cinnamon: Have you ever been confessed to?
I, very stupidly, made myself everyone’s therapist for a long time so absolutely. I know too many things about too many people. 
Blue Moon: Have you ever had a crush on someone?
Cappuccino Crunch: Do you take naps?
Everyday. We love that Hypothyroidism and anaemic life ✌🏻
Mint: The most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
There’s so many...Idk, thought that I would have my life in order by 24 haha 😬
Brownie Batter: Do you like sushi?
Yesss, but it has to be from a specific place
Key Lime: where do you want to be right now?
Anywhere that’s away from where I’m living rn--
Red Velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
Yup! I didn’t for a long time and I went into my local eye doctor’s because whenever I would use my laptop or the screens at work, I had to squint and come really close to it. It also gave me a very bad headache. Turns out I got a astigmatism in one eye!
Green Tea: favourite flavours of ice cream?
Vanilla (but if it’s going to be that plain, it has to be a good vanilla) or chocolate. I’m also partial to some caramel but sometimes it can be a bit too sweet.
original post with questions
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icharchivist · 5 years
ah just a warning i think i will change my url soon-ish
dont really want to have this one anymore tbh even if it's a pain to go through the change process.
but idk what url it would be.
i want it to still start with icha.
im thinking either something fandom neutral (like ichaiii- i use ichaii on others websites but it's already taken here... the amount of i bothers me though)
or d.gm related, since it's the fandom i come back the most to anyway and that everytime i do i remember how this manga shapped who i am today, perhaps anything d.gm related feels more neutral to me than fandomy.
for now the only one i have saved in case is icharecords, allusion to the bookmen. but idk if I'm very thrilled with it.
i think i would like perhaps a more allen-themed url but nothing too batlant either (so not lile ichallenwalker, too much lol). idk... im super picky about those sort of names.... I'm considering perhaps lavi inclined urls but i feel like allen's would be better. after all he's the one i faceclaim when in d.gm mood.
for now no url is decided and i guess i'll dig in allen's quote tomorrow to eventually find one that fits nicely as an url.
but yeah change is coming o/
thank you for your patience
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jassycatx33 · 6 years
Everything that includes "chocolate" in the title!
IWow!!! Thank you, you’ve given me something to do!This will probably be pretty long so I’ll put it under a read more!
chocolate: when was your first kiss?
When I visited Gigi we kissed but I can’t tell you which day it was exactly that we had our first kiss!! (We’re lowkey both babies so we actually haven’t done like a proper kiss, we just did little pecks but I still count them)
french vanilla: how old are you?
I am 21 years old! (Feels really weird to say that still, even 2 months after my birthday lol)
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
Top place I want to travel is to visit Gigi (my girlfriend) again, but I’d also like to go to Japan one day and to California!
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
Hmmm… Probably Spanish because it seems most useful to know as a second language and it seems like a pretty cool language from the bits I learned in high school (and have since forgotten rip)
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
I really don’t use makeup enough to have a legitimate answer to this question lol
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
Indoors for sure, I’m really not big on the outdoors. There’s bugs and the sun burns me (in the summer at least, during fall and winter it’s not so bad but I still prefer indoors)
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
I can sort of play piano but I’m really not good at all lol
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
One of my all time favorite songs forever, even if I haven’t been listening to it much lately, is hold on by florI don’t know what I’ve been really into lately, I jump around a lot and I’ll be honest I’ve been listening to songs from anime the past few days and I don’t feel like listing them because it’s embarrassing lol
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
Okay I didn’t know this would be mentioned but like I mentioned before, hold on by flor. I don’t know why but it’s really hard to think of others because my music mood changes all the time. But I can always jam to hold on by flor.
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign?
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
Pool, I don’t like the beach that much??
chocolate chip: what’s your most popular post?
Oh idk I think one from back when I was into Achievement Hunter in 2013 or 2014 lmao. I wouldn’t even be able to find the post to show you I’ve been on this site too long
bubblegum: books or movies?
My answer to this used to be books but I find it so hard to read for fun ever since high school so I’ll say movies
pistachio: manga or anime?
Definitely anime, although I do enjoy manga (especially the Fullmetal Alchemist one)
salted caramel: favorite movies?
Castle in the Sky!!! That’s my main favorite but some others I like are: the Incredibles, Moana, Shrek 2, and Megamind (those are the only ones coming to mind right now and I realize these are all “children’s” movies lol)
birthday cake: favorite books?
The Book Theif is my main favorite. I also really like the Ender’s Game and Warriors series (even though I haven’t finished reading through either series yet lol)
moose tracks: favorites for manga?
Fullmetal Alchemist!
orange sherbet: favorites for anime?
This might come as a surprise but… Fullmetal Alchemist (specifically Brotherhood, but I enjoy the ‘03 one as well!) I also really like Soul Eater, Tokyo Ghoul, and Ouran High School Host Club (These are all the anime that I rewatch like 400 times instead of watching new anime lmao)
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
I like English a lot! But I also like math (certain kinds, mostly algebra)
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
Yes I have 3 cats they are my babies!!! Starfire, Sparta, and Brianna!
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
I think I started it back in 2011 or 2012 because I had heard about it on twitter or something and I wanted to look up Harry Potter stuff lol
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
A partly cloudy day with like 60 degree weather so I can wear a hoodie, but don’t need anything heavier. And I don’t like too much sun so clouds are good!
black cherry: four words that describe you?
Annoying, dumb, stinky, ugly … I mean I would use those but that’s just me being mean to myselfSome actual words I could use to describe myself: Emotional, caring, weird, kind
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
So many things oh gosh. School, family, life… You don’t want me to go on really.
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
Probably like rock/alternative and pop to an extent? Idk I like most music really, if it has a cool beat that I can jam to then I probably like it
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
I love m&m’s, Hershey, Dove and that’s probably it?? I especially love mini m&m’s those are the best
toffee: a card game that you’re good at?
I’m awful at all of them honestly and also I barely know any actual card games lol
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
Typically no I don’t.
dark chocolate: turn ons?
My girlfriend
fudge: turn offs?
Anyone who isn’t my gf lol. Ah but a real answer is people who are mean for no reason, I really hate that
peach: how do you relax?
What is relax????? Um usually I just kind of watch stuff or play video games, talk to my girlfriend, hang out with my two friends. That’s about it lol
praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet?
So many honestly. But um… Of Mice and Men? That’s a big one right? Haven’t read it
superman: do you like sweaters?
I like the look and aesthetic of sweaters but I don’t like wearing them? Or I’ve just never found ones that work for me
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
Neither, I only like hot chocolate for hot drinks
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
Drums! I’ve been wanting to learn drums for a while now. Idk if I ever will or if I’d even be good but it seems so fun!
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
I do this a lot honestly lol
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
Ummm???? I have no idea lol
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
I don’t use this site very often anymore (I put stuff into my queue and I go through the tags) but like I love all my friends blogs!
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
“I don’t know why I did it. I guess it’s probably because I’ve got a big lesbian crush on you. Suck on that!” It’s like my favorite part of the movie lol
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
Black. I always paint them black lol
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
Yes? Like confessed love or like having a crush on me? I’ve had people confess that they have a crush on me a few times.
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
Yes, quite a few really and most of them I regret but I have a crush right now on this really pretty and funny girl named Gigi and she’s the best
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
Usually I don’t, even though I probably need them sometimes lol
mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
Please don’t make me think about embarrassing things. I can’t think of what is the MOST embarrassing thing I’ve ever done over my whole life because I probably blocked those memories out but in more recent times (like a few months ago or something) I went to Dunkin Donuts and I wanted chocolate frosted donuts but they had none and so I panicked and I just stood there saying “Um… um… um” out loud to this poor cashier dude who was offering suggestions that I kept turning down until I decided to just get a plain glazed donut. When telling this story to my friends I told them that I basically broke lol. It was pretty embarrassing though and the Dunkin Donuts I went to was in the mall and sometimes when I walk past I see the cashier guy and I’m like I can never go in there at least not when that dude is working lol
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
I’ve never really had it so I can’t really say. I can say that based on my pickiness when it comes to eating I probably wouldn’t enjoy it much but idk
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
Not to be too gay (even though that’s my mood all the time) but I wish I was with my girlfriend which is where I always want to be tbh
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
I do! It was weird I didn’t need glasses for the first 19 years of my life and then suddenly I did. I like them though, I think they make me look better (also they help me see lol)
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
I like chocolate chip cookie dough and vanilla, that’s basically it lol.
Thanks for sending the ask Ace! I don’t know if anyone will read through all of this but I had fun answering them all! 
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werewolfwilds · 6 years
i redid an ask meme that i had originally done ~3 years ago to see the comparison so for archiving purposes im putting it in a lil journal entry here ! i wanna start doing small journal entries again it was fun when i did that
new answers bolded
1) what images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
my desktop bg is literally just…. a collage of kageyama manga screencaps a h a,,,, and my cellphone bg are drawings some gay drew me like 74724 years ago :v // my desktop rn is actually a background from one of the dmmd routes LMFAO..... idk which one it is but i’ve always liked those bg pics!! my cell lock screen is p5 art and my bg is leopika
2) have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
nooooope // nah
3) what was your last text message?
my phone is dead so i wouldnt be able to tell you lmfao i dont even remember // it was a gif from kelly lol
4) what do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
hopefully working a job i enjoy and making costumes and being happy!! // god i have no idea and it freaks me out... hopefully working,,
5) if you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
hoommee ((or at katsucon tbh)) // at the beach with friends maybe
6) what was your coolest halloween costume?
a white cat probably lmao // i dont think ive ever had a particularly exciting halloween costume but one year i was sharpay from high school musical and i think i peaked then tbh
7) what was your favorite 90s show?
uhhhh….. i didnt really… start watching tv until like… the 2000′s so i really cant tell you man lol // spongebob started in 1999 does that coUNT,
8) who was your last kiss?
(answer redacted) // :/ someone should kiss me so i can change this answer lmao
9) have you ever been stood up?
nope //  nah
10) favorite ice cream flavor?
vanilla w/ vanilla oreos ok u need to underst a n d // this hasn’t changed i haven’t had this particular ice cream in a long time but i still stand by it
11) have you been to las vegas?
nahh // nope
12) your favorite pair of shoes?
idk i have these black ones i wear everywhere lol // i have a pair of white sneakers that i refuse to stop wearing now
13) honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?
i wouldnt even consider it. // no bc i’m not a piece of shit lmao?
14) what is your favorite fruit?
hmmm…. pineapple orrr…. strawberries but only if they’re the really good kind like they have to be perfect // pineapple!!
15) have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself  dating/having sex with? if possible?
….. ye s… yes. // in the past apparently so but thinking about it now nah lol
16) are you into hookups? short or long term relationships?
hookups arent my thing eh i prefer long term relationships altho i cant really say ive been in a “long” term relationship pffff // i don’t think hookups will ever be my thing, emotionally long term relationships are what i’m here for but i’m also a Very Impulsive Person so i cant tell you if this will stay a fact :’)
17) do you smoke? if so, what?
nope dont wanna // no thanks
18) what do you do to get over your anger?
usually talk to people or shout into word // i have to vent about it to someone probably a thousand times even months or years after it happens tbh
19) do you believe in god?
nahh // nah
20) does the person you’re in love with know it?
i aint in love with anyone rn so no? // i’m not in love with anyone.
21) favorite position?
………….. for w hat………. // oh honey lmfao... N/A
22) what’s your horoscope sign?
virgo/ox ovob // Virgo/sun, Aries/moon, Libra/rising and Cancer/midheaven
23) your fears?
literally everything i already named a few so ill name some others… ghh anything in… the ocean or lakes and stuff frightens me and i really dont know why bu tlike…. fish and crabs and jellyfish and seaweed cuz it’s evil and stu f f basically anything that’s not a mammal or turtles or penguins…. lo l im a baby // uncertainty is a big fear of mine and also people being mad at me lmao... as far as physical fears though i have debilitating fears of almost all insects/arachnids and lobsters/shrimp/crawfish :^)))))
24) how many pets do you have? what kind?
two cats and a dog!! // one cat one dog
25) what never fails to turn you on?
i dunno,,/////// // lol neck biting/kissing oof
26) your idea of a perfect first date?
im okay with mostly anything i just really like spending time with the person ; v ; // i’ve never really had an answer for this? thinking about dates has always made me so anxious for whatever reason but i’ll be happy to just spend time with them doing whatever honestly, i’m a super indecisive person aha
27) what is something most people don’t know about you?
i dont really know tbh lmfao // i’ve considered in the past looking into mental conditions (anxiety/bpd/etc) to see if i might have one or two but i never want to say anything about it because i don’t want to self-diagnose anything.
28) what makes you feel the happiest?
nice weather and nice conversations w/ best people u//v//u // nice weather and hanging out with people who are fun and easy to talk to
29) what store do you shop at most often?
does….. arda wigs count or… // does arda wigs still count bc mood lmao but truthfully now it’s probably target
30) how do you feel about oral? giving and/or receiving?
kkdkjsfkjkjfj??fsfj/// go for i t??? i have no problems with i t??? i dont think ill ever be willing to put a dick in my mouth though // these random sexual questions thrown in here are something aren’t they lmao. not going to disclose much but i will stand by the fact that i will not put a dick in my mouth lo l
31) do you believe in karma?
sometimes ye // i believe that people will eventually get what’s coming to them but i don’t believe in karma as a solid concept if that makes sense? like i don’t think it’s guaranteed
32) are you single?
yup yup // yeah it’s been wild lmao
33) do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?
i think being sincere is the best way to apologize– if you truly mean it the person will know. you dont need to buy your forgiveness. // the best way to apologize is just to apologize sincerely and change your behavior if it’s applicable.
34) are you a good swimmer?
ehh??? im ok i guess– i took swimming lessons as a kid but i havent done legit swimming ever since then lmao,, ive always been best at the backstroke tho yea // i mean i have the ability to swim but i’m not olympic-worthy or anything lmao
35) coffee or tea?
ehhh im not big on either tbh // chocolate milk and you can fight me
36) online shopping or shopping in person?
depends what your shopping for i guess?? online is more relaxed i guess // online probably because shopping in person Gives Me Anxiety
37) would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
ehhh im happy where i am tbh // older
38) cats or dogs?
do not make me choose // cats and dogs* there i fixed it for you
39) are you a competitive person?
ahaa,,,,, oh god yeah,, // OOF yeah
40) do you believe in aliens?
i believe there’s life on other planets somewhere?? so i guess?? // i believe in aliens in the sense that there’s no way we are the only living life forms in the universe but not in the science-fiction way you feel me
41) do you like dancing?
i do but i suck at it lmao // i do but i: A- suck, and B- have no stamina
42) what kind of music to you listen to?
nearly everything tbh // i’m not picky when it comes to music but imma be real w u. almost all of the music on my phone is kpop. seventeen is my favorite group along with astro, and i also enjoy super junior, shinee, red velvet, etc among so many others,,, im pretty wide spread !
43) what is your favorite cartoon character?
i will never be able to pick just one // i’ll literally never be able to answer this
44) where are you from?
philadelphia uvu // philly!
45) eat at home or eat out?
hmmm at home. // at home
46) how much more social are you when you’re drunk?
i never plan on being drunk tyvm // i’ve never consumed alcohol in my life and to be Quite Fucking Honest i want nothing to do with it
47) what was the last thing you bought for yourself?
bracelets ! ; u ; // uh... excluding food and music... earrings i think
48) why do you think your followers follow you?
uhhhhhhh lmfao i have no idea i think… a good amount are for my cosplays at least?? or id like to think so lmfao but i really dont know pfft // my followers have just accumulated and hung around over the years... i know i gained a good amount from my snk days as arlert-the-troops and then through my haikyuu phase, whether it was for my cosplay or other posts that i made... whenever someone follows me now im not entirely sure what its for but i appreciate everyone who’s stuck around!
49) how many hours do you sleep at night?
it’s never regular man // 6-9 (lol) hours is pretty normal for me
50) what worries you most about the future?
everything tbh // the future as a concept worries me lol
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shadzennjakereak · 4 years
Hm, to be honest I’m not sure what to say. I kinda wanted to check when my last post/2posts were (since the last one was an old archived version) since I did one of my big rants. Unfortunately either they do not have post dates or I’m just being too dumb to figure that one out. But I’m pretty certain it’s been at least a little while since then. So I just want to get some stuff off my chest and my head while I’m currently having yet another sleepless night where my mind wanders to some nastier places. Firstly the state of my life is interesting right now. I quit my old job right before corona to take a big risk on a new door-2-door sales job which got put on hold literally after my first week for the shutdown. After many months I did eventually start working again but I very very very quickly learned that sales wasn’t for me. Which I did kind of know prior, but I fell to their nice words at pretty much a MLM and fell to their trap and tried to do what I could. If you made sales you made good money, but I couldn’t get any after a few weeks and my confidence died in myself shortly there after. So I left the job and kept taking the increased unemployment from the virus. Since then I still have yet to really bother with finding a job. I kind of do now, but more on that later. After a bit of time the apartment I had with my brother, the lease was up and the landlord didn’t give us a renewal option due to whatever their reasoning was. Some of it being fair, some of it being kind of BS. But we lucked out and at least got an extra month on the lease instead of being kicked out immediately. But due to the short notice for being kicked out we had to go back home with Mom and Dad. That feels like shit after being independent for a couple years. But I tried to look at the positives at it. So hey I can save some money with living rent free and no food cost. So let’s build up a nice savings account for once! Along with maybe pursuing school. So of course those are 2 great opportunities that comes with being back home. But of course my dumb ass is slothful as fuck and has made next to no progress on finding some 1-2year schooling for a trade skill in either some form of IT or maybe electrical. I just idk... find it hard to push myself to do that. I just don’t really know why. I’m also terrified of taking phone calls and dealing with that. It’s just how I’ve always kind of been with that. Luckily I did get a “job” working for my family/government taking care of my severely autistic older brother until he is deemed fit to go back to work in the post-virus world. So I do at least have that as a decent bit of income with being practically a zero-effort job.  Now of course my weight is a common theme amongst these every time. Ever since I left highschool in 2015 it has become an issue and a very large sore spot. I’m slowly working on it but it is a pain to do so, especially without having the gym as an option. I hate that the most. I do want to better myself, but fuck why is it hard to find the motivation do so at times. Fuck man, I’ve found the motivation to restart my youtube channel and twitch channels as something I want to put effort into. I have had the first bit of creative spark that I’ve had since I started my depression. I lost so much of that creativity over the years, that finally having a bit of an urge to do some again is great!!! But why can’t this apply to a more likely way to succeed or at least make SOMETHING of my worthless life. Also over the last bit of time I have made some great friends with my WotLK Guildmates from <Shut Up and Color> but none of them I can actually feel close to about opening up myself. Nevan who I’ve been close to for some time now, we have talked a lot less ever since I left my old fast food job that we had together. Of course we still play some games now and then, but idk we do talk a lot less. Tay, well ever since she found her new boyfriend, and now actually fiancé she and I have drifted apart a ton. Rarely do we talk, its mostly just some light meme exchange or maybe a question or two about things. Acri has always been an interesting case, I feel like I can talk to him but he also is hard to talk to a lot because he is a very cold and calculating person. He doesn’t really get “emotional” so it can be like talking to a brick wall with him. Otherwise I have no one else though. I’ve lost my structure yet again. Maybe it’s due to my negligence and I just am incapable of maintaining healthy friendships with people. I really don’t know. I feel awkward talking with my family, sometimes I can with my brother, but definitely never my parents.  Yet once again I really do seek companionship. I am a very needy person, I want to have someone to help take care of me. But it is literally impossible for me to meet people, especially if I want to meet someone for something beyond friendship. I really don’t know how to do it. Like maybe I am way too picky of a person, but I also do know what kind of girl I want. It has nothing to do with looks, but just a baseline compatibility in personality. I just want someone who enjoys things similar to me, Anime, manga, or games. I also just need that sexuality to lineup properly since I myself am a needy submissive. But I just don’t know how I’m supposed to find these things. I know I have to be the one to take the first step but fuck I really don’t know how to and I’m always terrified to. But even if I do stumble across this person, with the way I am right now I offer them absolutely nothing outside of my emotions. I am broke, uneducated, and am ugly af. I have no worth as a partner these days. As I said before I do want to better myself and try to, but I just... I’m in a deep dark abyss with this stuff, I might have a map with an X on it, but there is no guide to it and it’s too dark to see anything on that map outside of that damn X.
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