#idk why they treat addiction in general the way they do
whywouldyoudothistua · 2 months
okay I had the strangest experience because I watched the first 3 episodes and went "this is great! a little silly but thats to be expected, no where near as bad as season 3" and then the last 3 episodes happened !! anyways
thoughts/take aways :
ty for letting them say fuck
aidan gallagher get out of the writers room and get a girlfriend
baby shark, seriously, that was at least 4 years ago
lila character assasination is CRAZY omg. she would never?? do anything with five 😭 her and five have hated eachother this entire time no matter how many years they were in a train station she would not get w his dusty ass
I dont understand how this happened except somehow aidan got leverage with the plot bc the GREENHOUSE?? SHOTS??? ARE LIKE IDENTICAL?? TO HIS WEIRD INSTAGRAM SELF INSERT FIC?? i hate this boy, get ur hands off my tua
also generally the way they have Lila act abt her family??? idk it feels like such a bland plotline to make her and diego hate being parents
the chubby jokes about diego are also crazy
the fives scene was so cringey 😭 i see what u were going for but it literally just gave citadel of ricks it was not good, and the rain man joke.
the plotline of klaus getting kidnapped was genuinely crazy to toss in there and play for jokes, they only acted like it was serious when the guy threatened allison like no he has been sex trafficking the hargreeves on screen for an entire episode
also while klaus being really paranoid of dying without his powers COULD have been a good plot line I feel like they did not do it well and it just ended up feeling like promoting his addiction
that goop ending was really weird, why'd they get gooped, what if they all died normally no goop involved, they window breaking shot was cool just have that massive monster kick their asses why goop
why did they imply Viktor is like treating all the women in town badly in the first episode 😭 viktor has NEVER acted like this. like please let trans men be GOOD men it doesnt men them girly to not treat women like shit
they act like sloan died and then never elaborated on it???
please explore why raymond left allison and fire aidan gallagher
klaus immediately going for the dog tags was actually rlly sweet almost cried
the two seconds of young apocalypse five were the best moments of the whole season
plot holes bc i was gonna be nice but you did this to yourself :
why is everyone calling it marigold like its not just random thing harlan came up with
and fives jumps are purple??? for the reason of ??? ??? why??
why were lila and five living like they were in the apocalypse in that train station when they clearly could pop up and time travel around??? like go up take a shower, time travel to sometime with stores, buy some meat, why are you hunting rats, theres literally a deli in there
also they were in there for SEVEN YEARS and never saw another five until the last episode????
I also really heavily doubt it would take five 7+ years to figure out the train system
also the way allison pours the marigold directly into klaus' wound and it just works 😭 how does it work both by drinking it AND ALSO BY POURING IT DIRECTLY IN A MANS GUNSOHT WOULD
what? was going on w Sy Grossman ?? did we ever figure that out?? did they just kill him off and leave us wondering?? why did he say he was Jennifers dad? was he actually with the Keepers? was he just working for Abigail?? no fucking clue
one of the hargreeves (i think luther) called bens death the jennifer incident in s3,,,, but they did not know the girls name and also allegedly had their memories wiped???? okay,,,
also i thought sparrow ben KNEW jennifer already cuz he had her name in his journal or whatever?? but now he doesn't???
why was she in the squid 😭 ?
honestly im sure theres more ive forgotton but omg, that was not good 😭
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eazy-peazy54 · 3 months
ugh THANK YOU for making that will wood fandom post. okay this ask is gonna be super long and i’m really sorry to vent in your inbox but anyway. i heard about will on tumblr several years ago right after the normal album dropped but before he “blew up” (using that term loosely lol) and i’ve steadily watched his fanbase become more and more unbearable. for context i’m in my mid 20s, so unfortunately quite a bit older than a large portion of his current fans.
it’s really disappointing to me to see how strangely and unhealthily young people interact with media they like. i won’t waste time reiterating what you already said very well, but i will add something about the opposite end of the weird fan spectrum. so you basically called out some of the very public manic obsession that his younger fans display, but then there’s the other fans who do literally the opposite (to an obnoxious degree) where they say he’s literally just some guy etc. and like. i’m totally on board with the just some guy movement like yes let’s please acknowledge that artists are just people who happen to create something that you enjoy (especially small artists like will who aren’t even “famous” like he’s a niche indie artist that gained some recognition for a viral song but there are some kids out here treating him like a c-list celebrity like??) HOWEVER i do not understand why they have to act like any sort of emotional attachment to him or his work is toxic fan behavior. there’s absolutely no balance and it’s exhausting.
i personally feel like i and some of his older fans (older in age and duration i.e. mid 20s and/or been a fan since before early-mid 2021? i feel like that’s when he went viral) naturally engage in a more sane way. i personally am incredibly attached to his music, it means a lot to me, i listen to it a ton, and i also enjoy will as a person; i very much admire the brain, the mind, the person behind the art. i think he’s funny, intelligent, interesting, not to mention one of the most talented musicians / artists in general that i’ve ever come across. i like listening to him in interviews and on his podcast. and i think i manage all of that in a healthy and respectful way. i don’t think it’s difficult. but for some reason there are some fans who probably wouldn’t like the second part of that. they take “separate the art from the artist” way too far. “Do Not Have An Opinion About This Human You Perv”. it’s annoying. calling him pretty or attractive or whatever also gets met with some very weird reactions. “HE’S JUST A GUY” yes most of us are, in fact, just a guy™️ (gender neutral). saying he’s cute is not sexual harassment.
another thing that actually pisses me off so much is these fans describing and categorizing him based on their and their mutuals very specific demographic. “white teenage transmasc audhd neurodivergent mentally ill queer etc. etc. etc.” music. that is such a limited and myopic generalization. first of all, he had fans way before you, your age group is not his target demographic, nor is it his core demographic, on top of that he’s explicitly stated he doesn’t want people your age listening to him. he’s not for you. second, it absolutely makes sense that mentally ill people gravitate towards him given that he himself is severely mentally ill, so this part of the description pisses me off the least, but still, he’s also a recovering/recovered alcoholic, but i don’t see people saying he makes music for addicts? idk.
next is the queer bit. yeah gay people like him. i get it. he’s a queer safe space and that’s cool and i appreciate it but i feel like it’s still narrowing the categorization. he also has a lot of neurodivergent fans and i understand why. i think my main issue is just a combination of all of these very specific descriptors you know? like yeah he has fans that fit all of this but when you lump all of it together to describe his music and the entirety of his fandom then it becomes too much. whatever. anyway. the one that makes me the most mad is the white thing. i hate it when music that isn’t inherently racial is divided by race. it’s alienating and divisive and exclusionary and unnecessary. there are plenty of fans of color and there would probably be even more if some of y’all didn’t insist on generalizing his music based on your own limited experience. i think that’s sort of a microcosm of what a lot of poc talk about on here, about being shoved out of fandom spaces? like imagine you’re an adult queer black guy and you keep hearing about this will wood person who makes really cool music so you go to give it a try and find a bunch of 14yos calling him white preteen transmasc music. super off putting. even as someone who actually does fall into a couple (not all) of the demographics they talk about i know i would absolutely not be a fan now if i’d discovered him later than i did. which makes me sad. anyway. sorry this is definitely getting very long and rambly so i’m sorry about that i just have a lot of opinions about this fanbase.
oh my god this put everything i missed into words THANK YOU 😭
I completely agree with everything you just said!!! Honestly the whole big point with my essay was to just say "hey guys, don't be weird about this, and be respectful because there is a real person behind the screen!"
everyone who goes too far with the "HES JUST A GUY" thing isn't helping. its like. yeah, hes just a guy, but that doesn't mean i cant have any sort of attachment to his music whatsoever??? some people's idea of treating people like real people is really just treating them worse than how they were being treated before 😭
The people who are policing the fandom too much aren't helping either, its getting really exhausting to keep seeing posts saying "oh he looks really good in this photo!" and seeing like 200 replies being like "STOP SEXUALIZING YOU CREEP!!!!" (although there are people who actually do sexualize him, (which is really gross and weird) but i digress,)
music based fandoms are usually very,,, eh.. but honestly most of the fandom isn't bad, its just the people who take things to the extremes (in both directions) who are kind of making it a bit more awkward.
i think the fandom, and his music as a whole shouldn't just be narrowed down to "gay neurodivergent weirdo music," but it should just be like. "music for cool people" or hell, just fuckin "music"
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dykedvonte · 6 months
Thoughts on Benny + The Followers of the Apocalypse?
Idk if you want them separate or together so I’ll give you a little of both.
I personally don’t care for portraying Benny as suicidally arrogant and pathetic. He’s a lot more capable than people in the fandom give him credit for and should def read and take his All Roads characterization into heart as it is canon. I think a lot of it stems from all the other major players and factions being so much more intimidating and equal to the player by the time you reach him and the general goofy aspect of his character like the slang and that god awful suit but he’s truly a force. He cons people, is capable in a fight and is not afraid of getting his hands dirty, he just doesn’t do things that could get him killed if he doesn’t. It’s only when the Courier gets involved that he starts facing repercussions for anything. It’s funny but I wish more peeps focused on his underlying aspects like the fact he is prideful and has a temper but at the same time isn’t belligerent. He goes on benders according to Swank so he really isn’t above all the “missing the tribal days” syndrome all the other Chairmen have. It’s something that always plagues me when I like a popular or well known character in fandom cause they always get dumbed down and it cuts out a lot of the stuff I like to focus on. It doesn’t help that I feel a lot of people treat him like he’s the worst character morally when like random side quest NPCs have definitely done worse than him to you and general on a good day.
For the followers, they are one of my favorite factions despite not being a consequential faction. They had a lot cut from them such as a quest line that had you expose Caesar by revealing all his ancient Roman shit was a farce as he learned it from his time in the Followers and not from Mars (a big reason Caesar has a kill on sight order for followers members or people who reveal they are educated) and just more agency. I think it’s funny they are so close to Vegas while standing against all it represents but I understand why they wouldn’t like it as so many people struggle with addiction and abuse in the Mojave due to how much it sucks to be there. I feel like if you had the option to incorporate them into an independent Vegas or NCR option in a major way they’d do wonders for the future of the Mojave since they universally just want to make living easier and healthier. They are a bunch of pills but they don’t let that get in the way of their goals. I also enjoy how they make anyone who is helpful or just lost a follower (a cut quest lets Rotface join if you encourage him to be better and he’s actually happier for it!!!). I wish we got more random follower NPCs and encampments but New Vegas barely can function with all it has already so I get why their stuff was cut but man does it suck. I think I’d be a follower if I was in the Mojave.
As for Benny AND the Followers? I think Benny appreciates them as a former Boot Rider and tribal. They help those in need and I feel like there’s unspoken solidarity between raiders/tribals and the followers as they likely got healed a lot. If Benny had the power I feel like he’d make them a part of Vegas as like a thank you because y’know, the honor and loyalty is a big part of Chairmen culture past and present. After Emily ehh…. as long as she doesn’t bring it up. They probably wouldn’t accept due to it being Vegas but Benny is just like an annoying old friend to the followers. He’s probably stopped by on his many escapades trying to overthrow House and they tolerate him as a useful in/tie to Vegas power dynamics. He’d make a shitty doctor and most Followers have shit poker faces.
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drdemonprince · 8 months
your most recent article on asexuality& fetish touched upon some stuff i'd been thinking about for a long time now. (getting some more... hands on experience would help a lot, but queer(adjacent) avenues are... not kind to trans women doing that, but that's a story for another time.) especially the distinction between kink and fetish was one i'd not seen people make before which made me realize some of my stuff is definitely much more in the latter category.
poppers for one. i have an inexplicable liking for them (and much more that isn't pertinent here). which in itself is not an issue, but i'm not sure i'm liking that i like them. sometimes i feel they're a bit too... idk, it's not addiction, but more my relationship with them is kinda problematic, even though i'm very moderate in my partaking :/
Thanks for your message, anon. And I'm sorry that you haven't found avenues for exploring your fetishes more. It's true that a lot of queer spaces are really hostile to trans women. But please do not give up hope. Steer clear of the theyfabby wlw spaces, but if you are into women, keep you eye out for the ones that are more self-consciously transfemme organized and inclusive. Here in Chicago there's Strapped, for instance, a lesbian night run by lesbian trans women of color. Lots of furry and pup spaces tend to be less trans exclusionary and more gender diverse in general. There's lots of kinky trans women on Grindr specifically to find other trans women. I don't want to be pollyannaish or downplay how hard these things genuinely are, but I don't want you to give up hope either. There are people out there like you and increasingly more spaces to choose from. I hope you can find something near you that is worth giving a try.
Now onto the poppers question. If you're moderate in your usage, why do you dislike that you like them? Does it impede your life in any way? Is the primary problem (if I'm picking up on it correctly) that you kind of fear how much you like them, and that you worry that it could become addictive one day? Or that you feel you're using them in too escapist of a way? Or is shame about what turns you on?
Poppers are just about the mildest mind-altering substance imaginable; it's been used to treat period cramps and other similar health issues for decades and used to be available over the counter without much of an issue. (Leo Herrera's writing about the history of poppers is really good). And as highs go, it's over in an instant with almost no lingering negative effects. There are some conditions it doesn't mix well with, and there are some shitty brands out there that cause headaches, but I imagine that if using it was damaging your health in any way you would have mentioned it. So why is being turned on by them an issue for you?
If you want a cleaner headrush, there is always weed or hypnosis. But for a quick burst of euphoria and muscle relaxation without any hangover, poppers kinda can't be beat. Perhaps the best question is what has made you not like that you like them?
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thatscarletflycatcher · 7 months
I watched Man Up (2015) a couple weeks ago, and I have been wanting to write a post about it ever since, because... how can I put this.
Man Up is a romcom that is structured in surprisingly classical ways. The action happens within roughly 24 hours. There's good twists and turns you don't expect. It has sweet quiet moments complemented by high emotion moments. The casting is really good in its aim for naturalism in both looks and performances.
But then... the movie shoots itself on the foot with...
sex and alcohol.
And you'll say "Scarlet, you are a prude!!!" Yes, I kinda am, but the fascinating thing is that it isn't about that? I don't think I've ever watched a romcom where these were problems at the level of plot and characterization in such an obvious, stark way.
Let's talk alcohol first because it will help me explain the plot at the same time.
We open with our main character, Nancy, trying to gather the courage to go to an engagement party. She gives up and orders some food and drinks from the minibar. She ends up going to the party where she has at least two mojitos. The next morning she has a mild hungover, and takes the train home for her parents' 40th wedding anniversary.
She accidentally meets Jack and they go on a date. They chat and drink beers and eat chips. He then takes her to a Mexican cantina where they do tequila shots and chat some more. Then he takes her to a bowling alley where they do bowling, eat some snacks, and drink some beers. Then they go back to the cantina, and bump into Jack's ex and her new partner. They have more beer, whiskey, and another tequila shot. Nancy then goes home to her parents' party, and Jack goes on another date, where he, of course, drinks another beer.
Even at these point and to the end, both characters look and behave completely sober.
Meanwhile, Nancy's sister, her husband, and their parents are preparing for the pary by... you got it... going to the store to purchase booze! An important part of a scene is about setting up the white wine sofa and the red wine sofa.
Looking for Nancy, Jack mistakenly crashes on a teen house party, where there's, of course, alcohol, and he holds a girl's hair while she vomits and he tells her of a hungover cure.
And I'm here like... it's not only a bit ridiculous that apparently Jack's alcohol resistance is over 2L of beer and 4 tequila shots combined, and he doesn't need to go to the bathroom and is perfectly capable of the fade-to-black sex at the end, but... what was the point? Why does this movie focus so much on alcohol and then never says anything about it? It's not a commentary on modern day hopelessness, addiction or consummerism or anything like that.
At what point of your screenplay writing you stop and think "mmm, isn't all this drinking becoming a little repetitive?" IDK. If it has no meaning, maybe switch the first date thing for ice-cream. Maybe they only have food at the Mexican cantina the first time they go there. IDK. But as it is, it is distracting.
Then, sex. The first one is classic and well known: the sex joke that is not a joke. The "writer thinks people saying embarrassing sex things in a public setting constitutes a joke". It's a truth universally acknowledged that a joke must have a set up and a punchline and that the relationship between those two must have a degree of absurdity to it that causes hilarity. "This situation IRL would make people laugh nervously because they'd be uncomfortable" does not constitute a joke, and is, as a general rule, not funny. Putting it several times into the story won't make it funny either.
Then there's... the stalker. Nancy has a stalker, and the movie attempts to play it for laughs. They went to school together. He knows where her parents live. He knows she has no social media. He's taken pictures of her in her bedroom that she didn't know of. He attempts to blackmail her into giving him sexual favors. THIS MOVIE TREATS THIS AS FUNNY IN THE YEAR OF THE LORD 2015.
Jack and Nancy are presented as opposites -Nancy is cynical, Jack is the hopeless romantic that opens his notebook in the middle of the date to write her name and surround it with heart doodles. No, that happens in the movie, really. There's also a running gag that whenever they dance his hands automatically go to her butt. He then grabs it in the middle of her parents' wedding anniversary party. In front of everyone. WHILE EVERYONE IS SPECIFICALLY LOOKING AT THEM. That's... that's not very character consistent, movie.
And then there's... the ending. There's this whole tension throughout the movie about how Nancy is supposed to be at her parents' wedding anniversary instead of her date with Jack. They lose each other when she's too quiet inviting him and he's too distracted to notice that she's inviting him to go with her. Her dad wonders if she'll bring him to the party and if the date won't be their anniversary as well. When Nancy's stalker pretends he's Jake, Nancy is framed as feeling alienated from the party. She comes back to herself to give her speech, and then Jack storms in the middle of it.
All this set up is building the importance of this family and this community as the framework where the kind of committed, trusting, vulnerable relationship Jack seeks and Nancy wants but is afraid of can flourish. Nancy's parents have been together for 40 years and they are happy and they have friends and family they love and are loved by! But the movie doesn't end with Jack being welcomed into this circle.
It ends with Jack and Nancy leaving the party to go have sex in a bathroom, and Nancy telling her stalker that she'll send him pictures. I kid you not. It's just so jarringly anticlimactic that way.
It was such a strange experience, because we often talk of the sex scene or sex-related scene that is there just to have it, but that contributes nothing to the plot and could have been cut without the movie losing anything, but in this case it actually made it a less cohesive, less consistent, less focused story just by being included. That's something alright.
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miaoqing · 12 days
tagged by @holy--milk ! thank you <33
1. why did you choose your url?
miao as in meow. qing as in mu qing
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
this is one!! i also have ones i use for saving linguistics posts and sims cc
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
since september 2014 <3 quite exactly ten years . god
4. do you have a queue tag?
“q”. i’m very creative. i don’t use the queue very often though
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i was too lazy to rebrand my jjk twitter account into svsss/mxtx so i made a sideblog on tumblr instead. people are funnier here . usually
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
shizum…… cat ears…. yeah
7. why did you choose your header?
pretty ……..
8. what's your post with the most notes?
the one about how the fandom exaggerates the beef between sqq and sqh
9. how many mutuals do you have?
quite a few actually??? <3
10. how many followers do you have?
more than i had on twitter but fewer than i have on instagram
11. how many people do you follow?
281 . allegedly
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
all my posts are either shitposts or academic essays no inbetween
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
i’m addicted to the Device and also beefing so i have an unhealthy habit of constantly checking if someone has started arguing with me about something
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
IF i have…. see above
15. how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
they can all die
16. do you like tag games?
yes ….
17. do you like ask games?
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
what does that even mean tbh ….
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
in what way… as in that i have a mutual i want to become friends with or in the way that i’m in love with a mutual??? those are very different…. please be more specific…….
20. what is the last song you listened to?
technically stad i ljus by tommy körberg (dsvdv) but according to spotify it was pink pony club by chappell roan
21. what are you currently watching?
right now on my to-finish-watching is half an episode of wwdits, 2 eps of dungeon meshi, and 2,5 eps of bridgerton. i am horrible at watching movies and also things with episodes unless i have like crocheting to do but my current project involves a sewing machine and watching a screen while a sharp needle is hammering right by your fingers is probably. not smart
22. sweet/savoury/spicy?
depends???? i hate sweet breakfasts for example. but generally i think that after every meal you should have a little sweet treat like idk it just doesn’t feel complete otherwise. and spicy is just a type of savoury isn’t it…. save me lan gao ma….. lan gao ma save me …
23. what is your current relationship status?
i JUST got a second cat
24. what is your current obsession?
i think i’m in a rare moment of peace in between storms right now actually? which is good because i have school work to do
25. what are nine albums/songs you've been listening to lately?
so high school by t***** s**** (sorry), stand by me by shinee, just a notion by abba, chateau lobby #4 by father john misty, head over heels by tears for fears, please please please by sabrina carpenter, i know it’s over by the smiths, supernova by aespa, talk that talk by twice
i'm tagging @shizunitis @retributory @anqelbean <33
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triple-pupil · 2 years
Headcanon dump, exclusive to the Game universe:
Tumblr media
Werner Werman is an unstable, violence fanatic mouse who tried get in the military in an ongoing war between rodents and felines, but his attempt was rejected as he didn't meet the requirements. Maybe he went to the Inkwell Isles trying to find an easier way to get into any conflict at all.
He needed to go to war because it was the only way he could satisfy his hunger to kill and commit violence without being punished for it, he actually was confident that he would turn into a war hero and that the military was missing out. However, because of his upbringing, he used the excuse of patriotism to rodents as motivation, it even got to the point of believing this was his true reason.
As a last resort to participate in the war, he built a giant cat robot to wreack havoc around mice populations. In his mind, this was a twisted way of actually helping his kin, they would need to enlist more rodents to battle, and that's when he, the war hero and untapped potential, would manage to get in. (Maybe he even took the chance to apply his own justice, assaulting prisons or places he deemed corrupted, using the robotic cat to kill all rodents he saw as criminal or evil while also enjoying the chaos he caused)
I'm still not sure when he would reach out to the Devil, but he would go to the casino to speak to him after hearing rumours (He never went to the casino before, as all his addictions were somewhere else). I don't know if he goes to learn to make the robotic cat (Maybe to learn to build machinery in general) or to turn into a war hero quicker, but... I got two options for the results of this.
1) Thanks to selling his soul (and maybe also his plan with the cat) he finally is among the troups, although soldiers greatly doubt the mouse's and the recruiter's sanity when seeing Werman being a freaking lunatic, building crazy machines and just charging into battle with way too much confidence, as well as treating the rest as inferior.
2) The Devil just gives him the illusion of being a war hero by taking advantage of Werner's poor and vague wording (That has nothing to do with his accent, btw, I see Devil as capable of understanding almost any language so he and Werman can perfectly speak to each other in German). To do that, he gives the mouse medals and stuff like that through other mediators so that Werman doesn't realise about the scam, and the mouse just happily goes home, feeding more on his delusions. He even recieves fake letters from supossed military authorities, requesting his inventions and some services made to make him go around, destroy things and kill more to bring more souls to hell. Now he was part of the Devil's machine without realising.
Why is he now a debtor? Maybe he realised about the scam and got angry at the Devil, stealing the soul contract through violent ways. And if he got into the military, he could have been finally kicked out after everyone realised that having him there was a bad idea, he gets angry at the Devil because the big guy couldn't keep him in (Because of course this wasn't Werman's fault- pfff) and steals the contract through violent ways.
Now he doesn't come out of the hole in the wall he calls home, although saying he isn't scared of the Devil and that he would beat him up any day (He wouldn't).
Or maybe-
Headcanon 2: The dude is just an actual war vet who dealt with the Devil to make a mechanical cat that worked as a guard to the house because he doesn't like to have other mice around in his retirement. Tho idk why he'd turn into a debtor but this option is funny. (Thanks random YouTube comment by Shiru Otakuno for the idea of the cat as a guard dog)
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ilostmyshoe28 · 1 year
it’s so funny to me how anakin skywalker and sam winchester are the same person. i mean, the premonitions of the girl they love dying for a while before it happens. both have fathers that disappear (although john was there in Sam’s childhood and only lived for a while after Sam quit college but he was just as bad if not worse than anakin’s father based on the way we’ve seen john treat his kids) and not to mention both of their mothers died. they both put their faith in their brother (sam’s brother being biological and i’m just called obi-wan anakins brother cause that’s how obi-wan sees him) who have been hunting or being a jedi longer than they had. and sam is set on finding the thing that killed his girlfriend and his mother so he could live a normal life again and anakin is determined to save his girlfriend before she dies so they could live a "normal" life with their kids. while anakin and padme were already married, sam was planning on marrying jess before she died and had gone ring shopping before. at some point along the way, they put their trust in the complete wrong person. anakin trusted palpatine (a sith) and sam trusted ruby(a demon). palpatine made anakin join the dark side and kill a shit ton of people including jedis and ruby (while was teaching him how to exorcise demons with his mind) was making him drink her demon blood, causing him to go down a dark path and (almost) become a demon himself. both had told them that what they were doing was right/for the best. and once these idiots realized that what they did was wrong, anakin and sam killed palpatine and ruby. but that didn’t change much because sam was still addicted to demon blood which blew out into a whole different thing and anakin was still technically darth vader but he died soon anyway so…
back to dean and obi-wan… when they found out what their brother had done, they both tried to stop them and bring them back to the good side (both failed ofc). and obi-wan tells anakin that he became the thing that he swore to destroy and dean tells sam that if he didn’t know him, he’d wanna hunt him (also i think someone said something like obi-wan’s like at some point i just don’t remember lol) but they both gave the same idea of sam and anakin turning into what they used to kill/hunt. and the miscommunication is strong as hell. i mean dean was gone for like four months i think??? when he was in hell and that’s why sam relied on ruby so much and anakin couldn’t tell anyone about him and padme, he confided in palpatine since he wasn’t a jedi which left dean and obi-wan in the dark to what was happening so they couldn’t stop what happened to them.
i’m kind of all over the place but going back to when they were kids, they were kind of thrown into the life that had to live. even though anakin wanted to be a jedi, he still had to give up his life on tatooine, leaving behind his mother, so he could be a jedi and sam (who’s mother’s death was the reason they got thrown into the life of a hunter) had no choice. they both had to give up what could’ve been a normal life and when they finally thought they had one, things only got worse.
also the fucking sass both of them can have sometimes. like anakin literally insulting the guy (well, robot that apparently has a heart so idk what to classify general grievous as) that was about to kill him and sam does the same thing.
this post was just random cause i just finished watching revenge of the sith and i was watching supernatural yesterday and i had to write this down somewhere
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rottenresponse · 1 year
(Rottenresponse Edition) ((Will definitely be updated))
The Title basically spells it out for you, so WITHOUT FURTHER A DO HERE WE GO!
I'mma put one of those read more lines because I'd hate to make someone unknowingly scroll through this whole fucking thing by accident </3
Also Also, Important Sidenote but I see all the Bursonas as Brothers (whether they be Step or directly biological), So please remember that while reading this <3
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Youngest of the bunch
Twitch addict
Possibly Cupidromantic
Likes wearing YouTuber/Streamer Merch, no matter what it may be or how much it may cost
Definitely wears those Gaming Cat Ear Headsets when gaming/streaming
Made his own Twitch Channel after his favorite E-Girl dropped him from her Mod team and blocked him on all her accounts (It's a long story, we don't get into it)
Eats S'mores cereal straight out of the bag (It's a comfort food)
Would have definitely been a fucking IPad kid if he was born in today's generation
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Being real for a minute, idk what kinda creature he is, but he does have cat like tendencies and he is part Phantom
The tips of his ears, fingers, etc, are blackened due to how often he'd tinker with charcoal and gunpowder when he was younger
Don't get me wrong, he still does, just not nearly as often due to how it stains his food and comfort items
SPEAKING OF COMFORT ITEMS!! THIS MF HAS TWO ✌ DOS: The Handmade flag L'manbur helped stitch into the inside of his cloak + A walkman he got as a birthday gift when he turned 16
Due to him having more apparent phantom-esk genes, Whenever his face isn't covered by the Shade over his eyes it looks a little something line this!
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Trans (FtM) + Binding
Claims to not be interested in relationships, but definitely hints at having a crush on someone that none of the Burs can fully figure out for one reason or another
Middle child that is often reduced to the role of Family Babysitter
Angsty Emo Hot Topic little guy
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Is the only Bur in a committed relationship with someone (TNTduo beloved)
Has scars on his face that make an upside down U with an X stitch where the bridge of his nose is (would be in the picture above)
Wears red glasses purely for the aesthetic since he broke his proscription ones a looooong ass time ago
Also insists he doesn't need his prescriptions despite being far sighted and not being able to see much past his hands after fully extending his arms in any direction
Definitely the fluffiest hair out of them all, simply due to how little he cares enough to style it
Gained his white strands due to stress despite being the second youngest
Is ferturnal twins with Ghostbur
Is much more Angry and Sarcastic than he is emo and bitter like Vilbur
Does, indeed, genuinely care about Ghostbur despite treating him so poorly a majority of the time
Isn't keen on showing outward affection towards his brothers no matter how they try to coax it out of him
Revivebur is the kind of brother that would leave little, small presents outside of his brother's doors or in out-of-the-way areas in their rooms as a sigh of affection
^^^^ Most commonly old poems he wrote about them, or random small gifts he bought from the store for them like sweets or stickers
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The Oldest Bur of the bunch
Aroace + Demiboy
Handles their finances and most of the bills like Water, Electricity, Garbage, etc
The Bur with the most noticeable Phantom appendages/attributes
Sensitive to sunlight, which is mostly why they carry an umbrella around with them a lot of the time
Occasionally uses hoods or Said Umbrella indoors, due to how overwhelming the lights can be to at times
Has taken up the role of being The Father Figure of the household, outside of L'manbur
Is the only Bur aware of what happened to their parents, and refuses to elaborate on what happened to them or lead to their disappearance.
Demiboy + Panromantic Demisexual
Has a comfort/childhood sheep plushie named 'Friend' that he takes with him everywhere in the house
The one time he took it outside, Revivebur hid it too well and caused Ghostbur to burst into tears after telling him he lost it
Revivebur was grounded for a month and they let Ghostbur choose what they had for Dinner after they found Friend again
Is technically older than Revivebur by a few minutes? But Ghostbur doesn't care, and Revivebur will MURDER HIM if he even so much as mentions it
Due to him also having more visible Phantom qualities compared to his brothers, he has the ability to turn translucent
Although, BECAUSE Of this, his skin is much more sensitive than it'd be normally
Asides from not being a big fan of certain textures and sounds, he also isn't that big of a fan of being by himself
He tries to be social, but struggles with the loud noises that come with it
Gained his love of music boxes and melodies through his brothers, but mainly L'manbur
Would beg his parents to sing him to sleep when he was younger, and occasionally asks Phantombur or ARGbur to sing him in the present
Woooo Straight Cishet Ally moment <3
Second oldest Bur
He actually doesn't live in the house?? But he does come by to visit often
Plans to have a wife and a child in the future
^^^^ L'manbur's plushie is a little fox named Fundy
Is the closest to Argbur surprisingly enough
Used to be a big music nerd back in High School, and actually makes his own music on the side between work and his other hobbies
The third oldest fucker in the house
Actually ended up running away from the house at some point due to his affiliations with a certain missing person's case
Is debatably more online than Simpbur is, but Is most definitely more tech savvy
He actually ended up helping Simpbur set up his custom PC build and some other technical difficulties that he didn't know how to properly handle himself
Probably has a thing for cryptids after his time in the woods, just saying
Gay, just Gay
A big thanks to those who read this far!! I'm still definitely gonna update this with more info later because OMG IT IS SO, S O LATE GOOD GOD-
Have a good day/night broskis <3
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nonbinarygamzee · 1 year
the fucking Thing. is that i really do actually have like an occasional interest in analyzing the story beyond the things i have to say about the ideological mess it is presenting and the meta bullshit regarding hussie in general. even once in a while in a way that isnt (directly) about clown. but every time i TRY to actually get into any of it these problems are impossible to ignore and specifically in a way that kind of diminishes any meaning i personally Can really get out of homestuck as an interesting narrative with unconventional things to say. like idk ive been idly pecking away at some stuff about how homestuck conflates candy and sugar with drugs and how that relates to the different ways that the narrative is presented to you as something compromised and capable of being directly impacted by its own contents, sometimes literally in the form of a drug trip in which you as the audience are also experiencing altered perceptions of reality, what that represents wrt the dichotomy going on in the epilogues and the general overarching idea that the narratives being actively manipulated, etc etc etc.
but the thing is i cant actually finish my silly little trains of thought because all i can think about is how ridiculous it feels to me for a story to use these admittedly interesting symbols of presentation and just like, turn around and implement it in the literal. in a story that has always had an extremely tense relationship with addiction, and especially treated Drug addiction as something inherently immoral and unintelligent. and obviously here i am talking about the dumbass soda addiction shit but like... you just literally Cannot talk about how homestuck handles addiction without talking about the disparity in reaction to characters who are largely treated as White (by fandom AND author) who are dealing with alcohol (or this highly abstracted version of drugs aka sugar) vs the ones who are explicitly written as racist caricatures and are addicted to capital D Drugs. like are you starting to see why every post i make ends up being about the same thing now.
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llycaons · 9 months
I talk big about in-character writing as if I wasn't 2 chapters into a wx AU of a desperately tragic yet very hokey movie called 'unleashed' about an orphan raised like a dog by a mob boss as an enforcer who breaks free from his captors and starts reconnecting with his humanity and this orphan hero is none other than lan wangji...
edit: I'm almost done and this is less offensively bad that just....deeply odd. long rambling post under the cut
this is why I tend to dislike AUs based on very specific works - the characterizations and relationships just don't match and it feels like reading another story. because it IS.
first of all, why is this dehumanized and abused character manipulated into a weapon who lost his parents young and was treated like an animal lwj and not wwx? it would fit the story better. wwx (survivalist, very powerful, abused and used in canon) escapes and finds a lovely, stable, (wealthy), somewhat naive, caretaking piano teacher with a young son. he slowly recovers in a safe place as he grapples with his past of abuse and cruelty. he learns to love and be loved. but lwj is one of the wealthiest and most sheltered characters in the show! the choices simply do not make sense!
like...the lwj is decent, but that's only bc this lwj has been raised in very different circumstances and his core character traits (loving animals/music/wwx/small children, having a hidden humorous side, wanting to help people and generally unwilling to hurt the innocent) are somewhat simplistic. his other important traits (like his specific relationship with rules, his character arc as it related to his sect, how he acts wrt his privilege) don't really get a chance to manifest in this situation. he's pretty straightforward, which just makes the wx dynamic pretty boring.
based on his thoughts and dialogue, wwx just thinks he's just a hot sweetheart and so so good and brave. which he IS ig, but it's lacking the drama or intrigue or flair of canon. canon wwx didn't fall in love with simply a good brave kind sweetheart, he fell in love with someone with very strong principles that aligned with his, who challenged him at every turn and surprised him with his hidden sweet side and caretaking streak and humor and eventual willingness to break rules. who is also hot and good at swordfighting. there's shades of this to the relationship, but it's ultimately just a watered-down and decontextualized version of canon. and the draw of wwx and lwj and their relationship has so much to do with canon that this AU is just kind of boring and irrelevant to read
speaking of which, the wwx is VERY odd and somewhat insulting. he's currently a single dad of a-yuan (🙄, and side note but wq and wn aren't even RELATED to the bad wens???? way to drop a really important and thematically relevant detail), and he's a building super so he collects rents, and his personal history is similar to college except he has this really strange characterization around college and in this entanglement with this woman whose death he feels responsible for. like he describes himself as a failing student who drank way too much without getting into the why of it all or the other people who were definitely in his life at the time, also canon wwx at that same age was still a highly prolific and celebrated author even in the midst of severe trauma AND alcoholism. and he described himself and this oc woman as 'two shitty people who had nobody else to be shitty with' or something and then talked about how she was an addict and it was just a really strange and and insulting (to addicts) and ooc direction for his character to be taken.
like wwx always had a ton of friends except for when he was a social pariah for saving people from literal death camps and even then the wens and his siblings really cared about him so idk why his primary social connection is this oc woman whose only purpose is to have a baby and then be a bad mother/partner and then die to make wwx feel angsty. like, he does talk about her ballet skills and her intelligence and her humor but her role in the story is pure plot device. it must be from the original movie but it's SO random and shitty and ooc and cruel to addicts? and if you write an AU for a fanfic that you want to make sense you really have to actually alter the other work a bit to accommodate the other relationships and character dynamics. it would have made more sense for wwx to be barely scraping by while working three jobs and getting disowned by the jiangs and still getting straight As even if he struggled with alcoholism. and then he still would have taken in a-yuan if the alternative was the foster system. a-yuan's biological parentage and wx's adoption of him is genuinely so important oh it makes me mad they erased that
speaking of family, the jc and jyl aren't too bad and the jfm is mostly fine but the myu is bizarre. instead of the abusive, out of control, shaming, self-centered, violent woman from canon who literally hates wwx's guts, she's a kind of sharp divorcee whose method to curry favor with her grandchildren is to buy them expensive gifts and who asks nosy but well-meaning questions about wwx's love life. I do think myu would dote on a grandchild, but NOT if it was wwx's. his role in the jiangs is a little difficult to translate completely accurately to a modern setting, but her dislike for him and her blame on him for ruining her marriage and being better than her son is a really important part of her character. adult wwx would by all rights offer her the respect she is due as his parental figure, but would likely avoid her when possible and need to seek support from other people in his life when he interacts with her. and I don't think he'd easily let her be a part of his child's life. because she abused him as a child and teenager!
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yugotrash · 7 months
can you elaborate why you think the "tehm" label makes no sense?
i'm a younger gen z gay who wants to make a tehm blog because i've spent the past few months lurking in gender critical spaces & have first-hand experience with the ugly sides of gender ideology. and i also empathize with the radfems.
definitely agree that all the prominent tehms on this side are disgusting, because:
1.) they're all millennials.
2.) they're all white anglo westerners.
3.) they're all porn/masturbation/grindr addicts.
4.) i get slight femphobic vibes from them. idk if it's intuition or something, but something tells me they are those toxic masc4mascs who like to shit on random gnc gays and rub their preferences in our faces. just a gut feeling.
5.) they are misogynistic as fuck.
6.) they are very selfish, insufferable and don't care about anybody but themselves. zero integrity, morals or beliefs. pathetic.
which is precisely why i want to make a blog and use the tehm label. to redefine what it means to be a tehm. they are the old generation, i am the new generation. i want to prove that we aren't all like them.
ok good morning let's do this.
first of all, "tehm", originally conceived by the gendies, makes even less sense than "terf". we're not excluding anyone, homosexuality isn't a political position.
i don't think this is a generational thing that makes the tehmmies unsavoury (to say the least), i was born in 1998 and i truly don't think the generations nursed on internet access are gonna save this for us. in general i think it's very misguided to ascribe politics to generational groups but w/e
they are not. i could easily name 4-5 members/orbiters of the tehm crowd that don't fit this description
this is true. focus on this.
i think i understand where you're coming from, but don't focus on this too much. i truly don't know or care to position myself within a masc-fem spectrum bc i don't think i (or a majority of gays) fit neatly there. plus, feminine men, while they don't deserve all the horrible shit they get, are not inherently more progressive. so many of them fall for the gender-id trap and become militant queer activists, past a point where you can attribute all responsibility to mascs who pushed them to it.
yes. focus on this
i think you'll find this is true of men in general, and has a particular intense variant in gay men.
assuming i'm at least a little bit older than you, with at least a year or two more experience in offline and online GC/LGB circles, i'd really caution you against doing something like "reclaiming the tehm label". these internet micro-identities do not serve you, they fundamentally don't matter to anyone beyond a few dozen chronically online freaks, you don't need this in your life. you don't need a blog for this cause. focus on proving you're not like them by the way you treat the women in your life and how you conduct your personal relationships with both other homosexuals and the world at large. i know it's easier and more fun to dick around on tumblr but then at least be aware of how insignificant that is if you're going down that route. if my blog got termed tomorrow the net impact on society would be zero, and this will apply to yours as well. hope some of that helps.
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zalrb · 8 months
omg okay you mentioned in a post or a reblog (can't remember) the other day that you hated george and izzie on grey's anatomy. i'm watching it for the first time (22 and was too young to watch when it started) and i HATE THEM SO MUCH. it really bothers me because i like them both as characters, especially george, but the whole plotline is just so. ick. it kind of reminds me of xander and willow but much worse. in general every time george gets involved with someone it makes me like him less which sucks because i do like him outside of that but like. the whole thing with meredith was genuinely a struggle to watch and then callie annoys me pretty frequently but im' on her side against george because he's so clearly treating her like shit and now izzie?? like can the writers not just give him a relationship that doesn't suck to watch? i can't. and yet i also can't stop watching the show lol, it's addicting at least where i am in it (early days, i know it goes downhill Hard eventually)
LOL I actually don't think George and Izzie are comparable to Willow and Xander because I think Willow and Xander made sense and I think they were earned
George and Izzie was neither of those things and Katherine Heigl was notoriously against the storyline
That was kind of a big change for Izzie, wasn't it, after she was so up on her moral high ground," muses the actress. "They really hurt [Callie], and they didn't seem to be taking a lot of responsibility for it. I have a really hard time with that kind of thing."So why even go there? Heigl, who herself admits, "I don't really know Izzie very well," also states, "it was a ratings ploy. It was absolutely something that shocked people [and] wasn't predictable." Noting that Grey's is now in its fourth season and less able to surprise, she surmises, "Business is business… but I want there to be some cooperation between the business and the creative end, so there's some way of keeping it real."
When I rewatched the show a couple of years ago, the most grace that I could give the storyline, which was effectively head canon was that Izzie needed a distraction from Denny and focused on George and his marriage
I was disappointed in what they did to George and Callie because I thought they started off really sweet and could've been sweet.
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Holy shit I've got my own tag :0
Anyways, you think the Johnnys ever have any of the macaroni Toast makes? Like if he has any left over that he can't sell and it's been a really rough day, they'll wait for Spooker and Colin to leave then have some? Would they be chilled or ascending?
I think I actually have answers for every member of the team!
Johnny Ghost is a paranoid macaroni user. The good feeling intended by the drug lasts about 10 seconds before he starts freaking out. The hallucinations he has from it are vivid and incredibly disorienting, and being on it completely incapacitates him. That’s part of the reason why he opposes what Toast does with the macaroni (selling it), because he can not understand why anyone enjoys that experience whatsoever, not realizing he’s just having a more intense experience than other people. He’ll begrudgingly accept it’s another way to bring money in, which they do desperately need, but between accidental contaminations, having to hide it from people who are trying to help them with PIE stuff, and Toast’s own problems with dependence… he’s got a lot of complaints.
Johnny Toast may use his own supply sometimes, but it isn’t too frequent. He’s had problems with addictions in the past and he does not want a repeat with a heavily criminalized drug that he has put himself under obligation to sell to others. He does try to keep Ghost out of the macaroni dealing as much as possible, and that continues to him not wanting to be on it in Ghost’s company to keep him from getting irritated about it.
Spooker didn’t know what macaroni was until he met the team and accidentally got roped up into helping Toast make macaroni. This is based on a video where Spooker literally helped hide Toast’s self-made macaroni from the police, eventually leading to Toast borderline executing the cop. He feels like macaroni-dealer Toast is a completely different person— the conditions Spooker is made to work in is poor, he’s treated worse, it’s overall a much more grueling experience. But hey, he isn’t getting paid at PIE, where else would his money come from (that’s hypothetical i don’t actually know)… all of that to say, Spooker has def. Gotten high on macaroni from handling it wrong and didn’t realize it until Toast himself pointed it out… multiple times.
Honestly, I think Colon doesn’t really understand what macaroni is. He lives next door to the Acachallas, who are possibly another group of macaroni dealers (at least papa and billy sometimes, idk how much that sticks), but that doesn’t mean he understands what’s happening. He just thinks everyone is really weird about pasta, which is also technically true, and isn’t explained that it’s a drug until mid-case. Even then, he probably wouldn’t know that members of the Team is involved with dealing it.
This is based off of what I’ve seen in videos and my general understanding of how taboo macaroni is… it isn’t something to be used lightly. Also I’ve never done any non-prescription drugs before, especially not anti-depressants or hallucinogenics, so i may be more of a prude than others.
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leclerced · 9 months
okay i have a bit of a dilemma because im writing something and i don’t know how to go about it. if someone was to write about a gaslighter/user love interest, how would one go about it while also making it seem like they only admit it at the very end of the relationship, which is when the (very in love) main character realises the love interest’s gaslighting tendencies?
honestly this is a meas i may not be the best person to ask for this advice tbh i avoid writing abusive relationships for the most part bc they’re complicated. i stick to smut bc its easy for me lmao. i rambled a lot. sorry. idk if any of this will help or not
i would recommend reading some psych articles on gaslighting tactics and stuff bc i feel like i can’t speak on that specifically bc idk well enough about it. it could vary in sm ways tbh, from like rearranging things and saying that’s the way it’s always been, to agreeing on plans for a date then saying the conversation never happened. laughing and saying they must have dreamed it up and are misremembering. i would try and read published articles bc they’ll give u more insight, so research gaslighting and the cycle of abuse.
what i can say on abusive relationships in general, the victim usually doesn’t realize they’re in an abusive relationship. when you think you’re doing everything wrong, you expect people to get upset about it, so you don’t hold it against your partner when they yell at you and verbally abuse you because you loaded the cups in the dishwasher wrong. then they apologize for yelling and hold you and tell you they love you despite the atrocious way you load the dish washer and everything is okay again. then you forget to put the clothes in the dryer and they don’t have pants to wear to work and have to go in late, they treat you like shit before they leave but they come home with your favorite takeout and dessert.
it would never occur to you to ask them to load the dish washer because you cooked dinner, or for them to do their own laundry. you don’t even remember when you started doing their laundry for them, and doing all the other chores around the house, but their mom never made them clean up so it’s no big deal, right?
the abuser can be an asshole 90% of the time and nice 10% of the time, and the victim will take that 10% and ignore the bad 90% because the 10% feels so good the bad doesn’t matter. it starts slowly, at first they’re always nice, then nice like 95% of the time, then 85% of the time. and no matter how low that percentage gets, they’ll cling to it bc thats the way the reward center of the brain works. they get addicted to the feeling of them being nice so they stick out the bad parts waiting for the good parts to come back. they tell themselves that the abuser will be nice again, that it wasn’t always like this so it won’t always be like this.
there has to be something that makes them realize they are being abused, whether it’s a friend or family member or a stranger who overhears a conversation in a store and offers to get them help. and they have to want help, they have to want to leave. don’t make them go back because they think they’ll change, they never changed any time before, why would they now?
if at any point you’re thinking, why would they stay in this relationship? you need to answer that question. find the answer and make it obvious in the writing, so that your reader isn’t sitting there going, “but why are they staying? they should just walk out the door.”
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robotsafari · 10 months
13, 37, 80, 08, 5
hehe leet boobs:
13 (le)- Home Sweet Grave (Guilty Gear Isuka)
WE ARE STARTING SO STRONG RN !!!!!! YIPPEE YAAAAYY!!! oh this song is also very addicting. ITS SO WHIMSY FUN HAPPY SPOOKY !!!!!! faust and zappa sharing a banger song its so great !!!!! isuka is just peak. so ofc every isuka song i share is gonna be a banger and im so glad this track is so high up because its so !!! ITS SO GOOD !!!!!!!!!
37 (leet)- FUUGA (Guilty Gear XX)
YAAAAAYY YAAAAAAAYY STREAM FUUGA!!!!!! anji has only had like 3 or so themes and they're all peak. this version in particular.. verrryy addicting. THE WAY THIS SONG PROGRESSES AND STUFF ITS SO JOYOUS YAAAYY !!! this song make me ill.. /positive
80 (bo)- why is the music pleasant (me in a dumb april fools video)
ANOTHER ISUKA SONG YAAAAAYY!!! oh yeah jokes aside this song fucking knocks it out of the park.. gg boost music is peak and just isuka's ost in general. i think its very funny how the music starts so pleasantly and.. then. JUST TAKES A FUCKING PROVERBIAL HAMMER AND WHACKS YOU 500 TIME AS YOU SCREAM "THIS IS SO FUCKING COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL" it rocks. isuka rocks. guilty gear rocks. wow....
08 (ob)- django django, johhny's theme (whats an "original bet")
idk why i listened to this track so much but !! its a really good menu theme !!!!!!! also srry about the joke in the title.. i didnt like original bet... again. smack me with the hammer original bet fans................. BUT LISTEN. DJANGO DJANGO IS SO FUNNY BECAUSE IT PLAYS IN THE JOHHNY AND FAUST CUTSCENE IN XRD SIGN. THE ONE WHERE HE SPINS. yeah this songs scratches my brain nicely. its cutes. i like cowboy beebop btw.
5 (boobs)- literally the best song ever made in the history of the entire universe
what do i say other than this is PEAK. ITS FUCKING EXISTENCE MAN. THE TITLE SAYS IT ALL. ITS ABOUT FIGHTING FOR YOUR EXISTENCE GYAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH i will make an essay with someone doesnt stop me. how else do i GYAAAHHHH ITS SO GOOD GYFDSFJKSDFHGFSDYJDSFGSDHSDFYDGSFYHJSDFGDSYFDSFD why is it not number one?? idk. didnt get silly enough. no. i know why. i give to song to myself as a treat. i have to EARN IT. i have to earn listening to peak. its so it doesnt get stale, yknow? yeah. im very mentally ill as you can clearly tell errmmmmmmdsmsdf (explodes)
leet boobs.
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