#idk. there are a lot of routes they could take this and i'm just hoping that they pick a good one
g0reoz · 1 year
ok so with quadstrike so far. i feel like yeah, while what ken said about how pri is still herself with or without the mask is objectively arbitrarily true, he was also missing that context where pax is MAKING her wear it and that this results in a big ol' identity crisis. so when she's forced to be somebody else, it's pretty damn hard to feel like herself. i really hope they end up going the direction of "pri keeps wearing the mask for one reason or another, pax creates pandemonium once she's charged up all the powers or gotten him enough data or whatever, and then she combines the parts of pandora to fight him and win without the mask or something." y'know. the whole "maybe the mask DID make her stronger and made it easier for her to win battles, but ultimately by putting in some time to get to know herself she can do just as well without it" type of thing.
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n0tamused · 1 month
HSR characters as dragons
A/N: Hellloo, it is I once more with my dragon rambles. This time we're moving onto HSR a bit more. I do hope you all like how these turned out, and if you'd like any specific character turned into a dragon, please do lemme know in the comments or reblogs. Idk when I'll do the next part, but I do plan to continue this little series.
Content: Dr. Ratio, Luocha and Blade as dragons, x reader, gn reader, fluff, angst(Blade's part)
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Dr Ratio:
-A lot don’t consider him a dragon, and they’d have a point since visually Dr. Ratio does lack in the stereotypical dragon aspects, and he himself would classify himself as a “gryphon” much more than a dragon. 
-Nonetheless, he makes the list of many dragon related magazines and novels and research papers
-Dr. Ratio is huge (doctor- you’re huge!)(not sorry) in this dragon form, he certainly does not lack in mass either, hiding quite the muscular form under all the feathers and fluff which he pays a lot of attention to
-One of the life goals he has set is that search for knowledge and more knowledge and to cure the illness called ignorance and stupidity. This life-long dedication has brought him to a lot of places, and a lot of forgotten where he truly hails from.
-Due to his size, he usually cannot fit in many places, and since he frequents cities, schools and so on, he is more often seen in his human form, handling his business accordingly and swiftly. He is calculated, and sometimes considers his beastly form something that represents 2 things. 2-The future version of what he wants to achieve; dragons and gryphons are often classified as hoarders of knowledge, being one of the wisest species that there is, and if he could achieve that peak form, he might have a better time fulfilling his goal. And 2-A representation of a more negative side of himself, driven more by beastly instincts. Quite the contradiction to the first point, which led Ratio to some insecurities about his form. He doesn’t want to risk being impulsive or acting on animalistic impulse, so he doesn’t take on the form that often at all.
-He doesn’t flaunt it either, but that doesn’t make it any less impressive of gorgeous to look at when he does take on the form of the giant bird-dragon
-Due to his build, he is quite well prepared should a fight arise - but as per his morals and protocol, he would much rather take the diplomatic route. Although if the intimidation factor would have any good use, he may arrive at the negotiation site in his dragon form, showing off his size and big claws before reverting to his human form when he lands.
-Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise, but his fur and fluff is so soft and he also smells really nice. (I could fall asleep in his fluff and never wake up)
-He is really cautious in his dragon form, stepping lightly and gingerly around anything that could be damaged or broken easily, specifically you. Speaking of that - for a dragon his size he really does step lightly. His footsteps don’t echo or tremble the ground like you may expect, and also similarly - he flies very silently. You don’t hear him approaching at all.
-He would let you pet him only after a lot of nagging, feeling a bit embarrassed mentally about the situation as he just sits there and then there’s you, a tiny human hopping around him all giddy and with stars in your eyes as you pet him and maybe even try to climb him. He’s grumpy, but he is flattered- especially since it is you bringing forth all this mirth and compliments for this beastly form, and also him as a human too
-He’s also ambidextrous, both in human and dragon form. 
-.... I'm tempted to say that in dragon form he can also use his hind legs as hands too due to this... like bro is skilled okay, knowledge gave him writing buffs lmao
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-(pretty dragon pretty dragon-)
-A very kind looking dragon, gentle and smelling of spring and reminiscent of a bountiful harvest with his pale gold scales and flowing golden mane.
-It is unknown where exactly he came from, as he sort of just appeared one day and came to exist within the people’s memories
-Some of the jewelry decorating his mane and body were gifts from some youngsters he came across. He accepted these gifts and polished them before putting them on himself, wearing the gifts with pride, earning the trust of the locals smoothly and swiftly with his humble demeanor
-He is well versed in medicinal herbs and has offered his aid to many individuals, even fellow dragons. While he does frequent his dragon form a lot, as it also makes carrying wares easier, he is still human and both dragon and human need to eat. While he has offered free services to those in dire need, he does charge others, and although his prices are not high, the price is still there.
-Some claim he uses magic to grow his herbs, since everyone that got their wares of herbs from him claim that they instantly felt better, after a sniff or a first sip. 
-His front legs are a bit shorter, making his hips stand a bit higher when he is walking on all fours, but he is also able to walk on his hind legs, and his front legs are very flexible. He can harvest and plant his own herbs just fine in his dragon form. His heavy tail gives him a great balance and if need be he can run very fast. He is quite agile, whether it be on 2 or 4 feet and, despite the gentle nature, can fight.
-You can often catch him laying down in some sun-kissed spot near the city, surrounded by kids after his business hours, all kids admiring his form; playing with his mane or claws or scarves on his body, one kid is braiding little braids on one side, and there’s a kid that somehow  climbed their way up onto his forehead, holding onto his bangs for dear life. Luocha lays his head down, huffing as the kids exhaust themselves jumping and playing. Although if the sun is setting he doesn’t hold back on telling them to go home or telling them some ghost tale to scare them back into their parent’s arms. 
-He does love picking you up too if he is feeling cheeky, setting you on his back or his head as he walks back to your shared residence in that place.
A:n: Luocha is one of my favorite designs that I’ve done so far, look at him auhfoisfahofsg
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-Once a young, moon-kissed and pale dragon was now a shell of his former self, with only small patches of pale fluff standing out as a faint reminder of what he once was.
-His illness made spiky protrusions grow from his underbelly and it ruined his maw as well. However formidable it all made him, dark and scary, he was in constant pain.
-He is rarely ever seen, and ever since the ‘incident’ he has become a ghost tale to scare the kids with, a warning to any other long-life species as to what may happen if they follow down his route and what can happen if they're struck with the same illness as him
-Blade avoids any reflective surfaces in which he may look at himself, as that can sometimes make his mara flare up. He often spends his time in solitude, be it doing missions or spending his time in forgetfulness. Forgetting has become a hobby now, staring at the dark walls of some cave he found as he slowly realizes his memories are shrinking. It's as if all his puzzle pieces are being taken away from him, thrown away or hidden from his clutches.
-Blade frequently takes the form of the dragon, the pain seems more manageable when he is huge and terrifying. A lot of people that catch a glimpse of him also stay far far away, and unless they're the object of his mission - he won't go after them either. The sight of him alone is terrifying. 
-Big curled horns that are dark gray like the dark side of the moon, and if you look close enough there's small shimmers in the shadow clad corners of his scales and horns. Up close he is…pretty in his own right, his subconscious struggling to keep the remaining pieces of his past intact through physical attributes.
-His long flowing mane is soft and well kept, even if Blade doesn't particularly pay much attention to it, or the other fluff spots on his body. 
-He doesn't know where the jewelry in his hair came from, but there's something about it that forbids him from removing it. 
-The red sash around him was put there by Kafka and you, and if often maintained by you two. And there's something intimate about tying the bow at his back or putting the big golden clips into his fur. It's the trust he puts into you, and while it may seem like such a mundane action like helping someone button up their shirt, it means a lot more when Blade is in question, someone who doesn't let anyone else touch him or go near him.
-I think it is safe to say that this bad boy can fight. And fight he does. His mara has hardened his teeth further, and if any fall out during a scuffle, another one will take its place soon after. Although he is a bit long, he is quite strong. The only disadvantage he has is the fact that he is flightless. His species might as well fall into some branch of a drake. He can breathe fire though, and that ability has served him before in making weapons - these days though he doesn't use it much. He has teeth and claws, and that's enough. 
-During more easy days, he does like having you around, when his mara is silent and not dragging him under, your presence is comforting. He'll just lay down near you and soak in your presence. He will scoff or huff if you decide to shuffle closer, but he will most likely give in in times like these. Touch him, run your fingers through his fur, the fluff and the mane, he'll close his eyes and sigh. 
Size chart:
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-Listen, I had a hard time trying to figure out sizes for them since they'd almost the same, but in the end I settled with this.
-Dr Ratio > Luocha > Blade
-Blade is huge but he is more long lol, and if it came to a hypothetical fight with either of the other two, Blade is winning no argument there, unless they yank him into the skies and slam him down idk
-There is a little difference in size between them tbh
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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sukunasteeth · 2 months
Idk why but I think that Sukuna's s/o would be like, some kind of freelance or professional artist who'd use him as her reference/live model since he has a good built and whatnot without him knowing lol idk why but I just thought it was a cute idea and I wanted to share bc you're like my most favourite writer here on Tumblr who mains Sukuna and there aren't a lot of them so basically–ily and I hope you day or night is going well!!
This came into my inbox so long ago T.T Please forgive me for taking a minute to get back to you but I wanted to write a little snippet for this one cause ily. Anon you are so sweet!! I'm so honored to receive this little message. Thank you for sharing your cute idea with me T.T I hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed getting this message <3 Thank you for reading
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You knew he would tease you.
You knew the moment he happened to see inside your sketchbook was the moment his ego became truly untamable. It was the moment that any ounce of mystery you had left crumbled into the shape of him.
If he knew that you studied anatomy by watching the way his muscles move under the laundry room lamp while he folds up your clothes at night. If he knew that your sketchbook was basically just a love letter written to the way his hands form around yours. Or the way his back muscles glisten with sweat when he comes home from his morning runs. If he knew that you had studied him so deeply that you could map him out down to the freckles that nobody else knows about, you're sure you would hear about it for the rest of eternity.
Which is why this morning, when you happen to wake up before him and see him fast asleep in the perfect position, you can’t help yourself when you grab your notebook and a pen and crawl back into bed with him. 
He was still curled up around your absent figure, his head tucked against the pillow and lowered just right so that his nose would have been pressed into your hair. Your current lesson in anatomy was his back, which you had an ideal view of. The muscles- perfectly symmetrical on either side, tightening and releasing under golden skin that's been kissed darker by the sun. And in the center: the valley of his spine, each notch a favorite place of yours to kiss. 
Every time you draw Sukuna, you fall in love with a different part of him. You admire him until all that’s left of you is nothing but a racing heartbeat. 
Racing especially when you happen to peek up at his face to confirm he was still asleep and you find his lion-like gaze already settled onto you. 
You’re trying to act natural. Immediately folding the cover back over your sketchbook and turning slowly to try and slip off the bed without him noticing. 
Maybe he’s still half asleep. Maybe he didn't register you-
And he's already grabbing onto your ankle before you can even get an inch towards the edge of the mattress.
You don't know why you're not expecting him to ruthlessly drag you back to him, but you squeal when he tugs your knee out from under you and has you face-planting into the sheets. Sukuna doesn't seem to mind your squirming as there is no pause or hesitation in his movement. He barely even seems half awake when he lazily crawls over you and seats himself onto your hips, effectively stopping you from even thinking of an escape route.
"Why are you already running?" He yawns, his eyes slivered in a combination of suspicion and sleepiness. 
You try your best to appear innocent, clutching your sketchbook for dear life. This was the closest Sukuna had ever come to it while you were sketching him and it instantly had a sweat breaking out on the back of your neck. Despite your determination to remain unsuspecting, your voice catches when you reply to him, "I-I'm not running."
And that's all it took. One stutter, one second of hesitation, and Sukuna's eyes are widening in a flash as his pupils hone in on your expression. He always knew your tells, knew instantly when you were trying to lie to him. He took pride in it actually. It’s the reason you’re already half accepting your fate. 
His energy buzzes with excitement as he recognizes apprehension in your gaze. His smile flickering with anticipation.
"Oh?" He murmurs, closing in on your airspace. You can still smell the scent of manzanita wood in his shampoo from his shower last night. "And why are you nervous?" His voice is a silky hum.
"I'm not nervous." You whisper, trying to shrink backwards into the bed, trying not to provoke the bear.
It was too late. He’s been awake all of one minute and he was already going to play with you. 
"You know," Sukuna clears the sleep out of his throat, "This thing has been getting more attention than me lately.” You hold fast when his fingers wrap around your sketchbook and tug gently, as if to prove a point with how tight your grip was on it. “Why is that, I wonder?"
"Nothing gets more attention than you." You mutter, your dry look only worsening when Sukuna's smile grows all too knowing. “I’m just… trying to finish a commission for work.” 
"Do you usually blush when you’re working on a commission?" 
"Oh god,” You groan, “please drop it I beg of you."
“You first.” He challenges, tugging on the book once again. “I’d like to see what’s so important.”
“Sukuna-” You let out a surprised laugh when he wraps his hand around your wrist and starts to pry your arm away. “Waitwaitwait!”
There was no use in trying to win in a game of tug of war with him. Even though he’s just woken up, he’s impossibly stronger than you are. And while he’s usually carefully aware of that fact when handling you, he had no problem mercilessly grabbing your fighting hands into one of his own and pinning them uselessly above you. 
Your pleading falls onto deaf ears. Sukuna grabs onto the book, but before he can open it you manage to say just the right thing. 
“It’s private!” You squeak.
Sukuna pauses, his surprised eyes meeting yours like you had just called out your safe-word.
You know that you had probably just made him twice as curious as he was before about your notebook, but you weren’t ready to face the embarrassment of him finding out what was inside of it yet. It wasn't the time.
He rolls his eyes and before he releases you, his free hand reaches up and he gently flicks your nose. You flinch and he follows up the sting with a chaste but soothing kiss. 
“Cheater.” He mutters in defeat. With nothing left to toy with, he finally crawls off of you and heads towards the bathroom without another glance at your sketchbook. Before he passes the threshold, he leaves you with a request, but you can tell by the tone of his voice and the taunting smile he gives you that it was more like a new rule.
"No working in our bed after business hours, please."
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luna-lovegreat · 1 month
Luna, my dear sweet friend, can I pick your brain?
Lofty gave me a veeerrry good scenario for a Time vs Sky conflict, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on what that could look like? I picked 2 very mature characters and now I have to make them brawl lolol
I think the best route (for me at least) wouldn't involve the master sword or Hylia. So this would be a personality conflict. I don't wanna spoil the scenario she gave me, so I thought I'd ask for your general opinion on what you think would make them fight, personality wise🥰
Feel free to delete if you don't care to go over this, but I thought I'd ask cus you're really good at going in depth with character analysis❤️
BYE FRIEND😀 also I hope you're doing well and you're amazing and wonderful❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
YES ok so personality conflicts between Sky and Time. There's... a lot to look at there lol.
So I'm just gonna look at each of their personalities +flaws, and then how they interact :))
Soo for Time
Time is dad. He's older and more experienced- and he's still a stubborn gremlin like all of them. He's patient with them but also stern- he cares very deeply about all the boys and Sky is no exception
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I don't doubt for a second Time wants to be just as close to Sky as the others
One of Times biggest flaws is the idea of a closed mindset. Which makes sense, since we know Time's ending as the hero's shade- he spends years in that mindset of regret. Time has these thoughts of being too old to change (<no), and allows himself to keep holding onto bitterness, especially about the sword. Which he has good reason to be a grumpy old man already, with the mental and physical age difference, but still
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Time is obviously capable of changing his mind- as Wind took a challenge to prove
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But overall Time is still. He's not super expressive, my man likes to just be. He wants to be still and live, and hero as needed, and not be a super crazy hero, but just a chill dude with malon.
Time is patient and stern and calm and good. He is also closed and stubborn. That's all good, but it doesn't always work the best with Sky.
So Sky.
I literally love this ask because I could rant forever about his flaws to talk about them more (no one kill me).
Sky very highly values being a hero as part of who he is- in contrast to time who literally just doesn't want to.
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I see so much of Sky's patience. And with good reason- with others Sky is endlessly patient and calm in resolving conflict. He's emotionally intuitive and intelligent and awesome
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But Sky is also I think extremely impatient. With himself, and with things around him that aren't going well.
He wants answers and he wants them now, which is kind of scary from him. I see a lot about Skys temper, but I don't want to forget how much of that is from impatience- not knowing how to handle things going slow.
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Because things moving fast and violently is how it needs to be right? *cough cough IMPA
For all sky is extremely patient with others feelings, he is one of the most impatient people with himself and his circumstances. Which a lot of comes from immaturity, which is my next point-
Sky is. A monster with pranks. I don't even know why it took me so long to realise this was Sky-
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Saying 'I know we should help but this is too funny'. Twilight and wild are looking disturbed and like they want to help, and Sky and legend are just cold-blooded leaving four struggling for his shield and taking bets. He's very immature, and furthermore, he doesn't really respect Time as an authority as much in the face of pranking/joking
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Bro is not remorseful at all I swear-
I also think 'nice hair' Sky is a little... idk judgy? With people he doesn't get along with as well. Like Hyrule. (Wait I haven't yet I gotta rant on that sometime sorry- but yeah he and Hyrule don't vibe well)
Sky can also be unrestrained with his words and snark- his words can practically be a prank in itself 'nice hair' 'am I late?'. I think sometimes he toes the line with pranks and joking around (like that one quest where you could break Peatrices heart?), and same with his words. Overall he's a snarky and sharper person- and being able to pull off good pranks and jokes isn't inherently a bad thing- he's smart. He's a kind person too, but I think sometimes his words and actions can be too sharp.
I think Jojo also said in the post with their ages that she made him slightly younger because of his immaturity compared to twilight. Do with that what you will
So point is, Sky has flaws that are mildly subtle but still prominent, like his impatience with himself and situations, his immaturity with joking and temper and words, and I hc he's a slightly judgy person. 'Nice costume' to Zelda like SKY but I swear I love him. Don't kill me for discussing flaws please I have a dog
So how this comes together with between him and Time is pretty cool-
Skys impatient, and Time has a resistance to change in his mindset- which means that as far as the sword, Sky wants change now, he wants validation and Time to not hate it. Time does not care about this because the sword hurt him and he's spent years hating it.
But with situations and stuff, especially with the entrance arc, we can see Sky being very impatient after Twi's injury- from what I can tell he wants to rip dinks throat out. But it's still subtle- what's not as subtle is how much Time wants to slow down. He wants to hold them back and protect them, and Sky is impatient in a frustrating situation. I could honestly see Sky wanting to run after the shadow on his own right now (sorry, I've been rereading elastic heart). Sometimes patient + wanting to hurry up doesn't work well.
If you think about it in relation to their journeys it makes sense that they are portrayed this way. Skys journey was about rushing and trying to hurry up. Times journeys were horrifying, with this insane feeling of running out of time.. but he could still turn back said time.
I can't even count the number of people I've seen say they tried to rush through the eldin temple as fast as possible on reruns- after Impa telling him it was too late trying to run as fast as possible even knowing it wouldn't change anything. That translates into skys character, and it must be insanely frustrating for him.
They are both heros. Time's journey was about saving the world and Sky's was about trying to kill a god. It's a big disconnect between them- one is patient and one is not, one doesn't want to be a hero and one's life is being a hero dating a goddess. One lightheartedly jokes and one throws a love letter down the toilet (SKY), one is older and one is immature. Yet on the surface Time wears a scowl and Sky is as soft as can be.
They are so very different in so many ways, but so much alike- they are both heros, they both want to be young and playful at heart. They both really like stabbing things and setting them on fire. And also saving the world.
They are also both extremely mature in ways beyond their years and endlessly kind.
I love them so much.
I wasn't sure to say this in the post bc the ask is about personalities, but I feel like another major issue between them could be whatever happened with Time and timelines and the triforce. Obviously the timeline is messed up. I also have not played times games... but I think in timeline talk one he mentioned the triforce of courage ended up broken? I can see Sky not taking well to all of that.
Soooo in terms of personality conflicts that would make them. Fight? Yikes what are you planning Oma, I would say there's several possible triggers outside of the master sword and Hylia (which I think is wise of you to avoid btw)
I think that Skys impatience contrasting with Time's fixed mindsets can have issues. But the way Sky has shown no acknowledgment of Time when he's tried to stop the boys goofing off w/ pranking can also be a trigger- as well as that sharp and sometimes insensitive snarkiness in Skys words we all know and love. They have. A lot of issues. lol.
Yeah! I uhh hope that helped and was relevant or made sense at all- I swear I love these guys. These two are fun to look at because outside of the obvious stressor of the sword they have a lot of other issues as well. They have differences in thinking and personality that can lead to a lot of tension between them.
Thank you for the ask and I can't wait to see what you come up with
The art and comics is by Jojo @linkeduniverse au :D
Thank you for listening to my rant, and here's one of my favourite pictures of these guys
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Simply majestic <3
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motherlvr · 1 year
okay so idk if you’ve watched gilmore girls but i would love to see a miles morales (earth 42) w a reader who’s like lorelai gilmore (rambles a lot, is very funny/witty, says a lot of obscure pop culture references a lot and teases people a lot lot) idk i feel like the two would have some very silly interactions 😈 (love ur work btw 😘🙏🏼)
this req was so fun to write, tysm for the req! sprinkled in some stuff so she isn't exactly lorelai, but hopefully i did the prompt justice!
wc: 1.6k
pairing: Earth-42! Miles Morales x (lorelai gilmore!) f! reader
warnings: friends with lots of tension, cursing, this has the iconic "will you just stand still?" scene from gilmore girls, possessiveness
"Lucy, I'm home!" You loudly announced as you swung the door open and let yourself into Miles' dorm. Apparently, both of you were past knocking.
Looking up at you, who had broken into his dorm, he pointed out "You ain't even room here."
"What do you mean? We're like Troy and Annie at this point." Aside from the fact that their relationship was more one-sided and they never ended up together. You were hoping your story would have a different outcome.
Miles was tranquility laying on his bed with his back against the wall before you let yourself into his room. Making yourself at home on his bed with him, you sat next to him. He pulled your legs on top of his and said, “What're you here for, ma?" You thought he sounded like a fellow convict asking you what crime you committed. You stated, "Conspiracy, apparently."
Usually, when you came by, you always wanted to sneak off campus. He was too familiar with you to not know what your intentions were from the minute you stepped in. You couldn't tell if you hated or loved how he could see through you. He narrowed his eyes at you and you defended yourself, "What? I can’t come see my favorite guy? You always think I'm schemin' some diabolical shit."
Shaking his head at you and giving you a small smirk, he asked, "You tryna go out or sum?" "Yeah, bet you'd like that huh." You cheekily teased, suppressing a snort at your own joke.
He already knew why you barged into his dorm, so he said, "Yea, I would. Let's go, ma." He guided you up and you both walked through the door of his room. You had to stifle a giggle as the both of you ran down the hallway and snuck past the security guard. Exiting out of a side door of the dormitory, you both successfully escaped. After all the times you've snuck out together, the route out just became muscle memory.
Walking down the bustling streets of Brooklyn, you felt alive. Holding Miles' arm, you noticed a new bakery had opened up. "Oh, let's go try it out, Miles!" You exclaimed, pulling him along. As Miles opened the door for you, the sweet aroma of newly baked goods filled your senses.
Stepping up to view the large menu that was hung up, you were distracted by all of the options when someone called out your name. It was a worker of the bakery, a friend of yours. Beckoning you over, he greeted you. "I haven't seen you in a hot minute. You look as good as ever." He winked at you. This made Miles' eye twitch subtly. Miles slowly unwrapped your hand that was resting on his arm and set his arm on your waist instead. To which your little guy friend didn't get the hint Miles was sending him.
You giggled at him, "It's been forever. How've you been?" Miles tuned out your whole conversation with him. He stood protectively next to you, as stoic as ever.
As you finally wrapped up your conversation with the other guy, you ordered take-out rather than dining in. Sitting down next to Miles, you waited for your orders. You swore you saw steam coming out of Miles' ears. "What's with you?" You asked him. "Nothin'." He said. It was bullshit, and you knew it.
Your orders came up and Miles couldn't wait to bolt out of there. Picking up the order, Miles wasted no time in putting his hand around your waist and rushing you out the door. "Damn Miles, stop movin' so fast. Usually, I'd be into that, but-" He shut you up before you could say anything outrageous by stuffing a piece of a Churro into your mouth. You muffled a "What the hell?"
As you both sat on the ledge of the student dormitory's rooftop, you watched the sun slowly set. You both sat shoulder-to-shoulder, eating the churros that you had picked up earlier. Miles seemed to be in a better mood than earlier. Swinging your feet over the edge of the building, you said to Miles,
"I was taking this quiz on the internet, right?" Turning his head to you, he asked, "What quiz?"
You responded, "You know, one of those 'What Movie Are You?' quizzes on the internet." Miles nodded his head in acknowledgment and you continued "And guess what it said," He tilted his head at you and hummed, urging you to continue.
"Marley & Me!" You chuckled, "Which is crazy, 'cause I don't even have a dog. Then I was thinking. And maybe I'm reaching here, but I figured out the meaning!" Taking a bite of your churro, you said, covering your mouth. "You're like, my Marley."
Furrowing his brows at you, he said, "Mami, Marley was a dog."
"Yeah, but just overlook that for a second. Although Marley drove John batshit crazy, he brought out the best in John. I'm like John, and you're Marley!" You exclaimed like you had just discovered a new species.
Miles deadpanned at you, pretending like he didn't find you amusing. "I ain't a dog though, ma?"
Honestly, that was debatable in your mind. You replied, "I've said 'down boy!' more times to you than I have to an actual dog."
"Ion know what you mean." He shrugged. But you knew he remembered. He always looked like he was going to attack whatever other guy you spoke to. What was his deal, anyway?
Dropping the subject you said, "Okay moral of the story, I'm trying to say you bring out the best in me." You mumbled the end of your sentence and he teased you, "What was that? The last part." You only rolled your eyes and enunciated,
"Marley was the missing piece of John's puzzle, y'know? Like, what is John without Marley? John's better than me though, 'cause I don't think I could go on if I lost Marley." You tried to subtly say. This had to be the strangest analogy you've ever made, you thought.
He was silent for the majority of your rambling, so you turned your head to glance at him to see if he picked up on your words. But he was already staring at you. "Are you even listening?" You annoyedly deadpan at him. "Course I am. Continue." He said, encouraging you to go on. You shrug and said, "Alright. As I was saying," But as you glanced at him again,
He was leaning into you and the words died on your tongue. Your heart was pounding in your ears. He gently moved your chin towards him, and you anxiously waited for his next move. He leaned closer to your lips, a sly grin slowly growing on his face. You could reach up and connect them right then and there.
And then he swiped your bottom lip with his thumb, brushing off crumbs. He turned his head away from you and resumed your previous conversation. To which you had forgotten what you were previously speaking about. Your eye twitched slightly.
“So, what movie you think I am, ma?" He casually asked, crunching on his churro without a second thought.
Man, screw that.
You'd fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book. What was this tomfoolery? "Oh fuck you, Eric Matthews." Angrily mumbling under your breath, you glared at him.
He pretended not to hear you as he swiped his hand over his mouth to conceal a laugh that threatened to come out.
Focusing back on reality, you said, "I think we should head back to the dorms now. You know, in case they catch us up here." He agreed and you both hopped off the ledge and onto the rooftop. Heading down the stairway to the dorms, you walked side-by-side with him.
On the walk back to the dorms, you couldn't explain how the topic of love came up. Then again, you couldn't explain most of your conversations with him. But who would've known love could be so controversial? You told him,
"Love's a bitch. But speaking of love, you ever notice how you can always tell when someone has a crush on someone else?" It was exhausting seeing two people who liked each other just beat around the bush.
You continued before he could even open his mouth, "You know what they say, if someone likes you, you'll know. But if they don't, you'll be confused."
"How would y'know though?" He queried your statement. "The eyes, they never lie." You said.
He found it almost ironic how oblivious you could be. "Yeah? What are mine sayin' then, ma?" He said softly.
You both arrived at your dorm's door. Turning to him, you tried to analyze his gaze. His gaze was intense, like your eyes were the only ones he could see. You swore your heart stopped for a moment. And suddenly, he was getting closer.
"Hey, hey." You nervously blurted out, raising your arms in your defense. "What are you doing?" You questioned, your eyes widening.
His patience was running thin as he sighed, "Mami. Will you just stand still?" He grabbed onto your waist and tugged you into his hold. Your hands lay on his chest, unsure. His head tilted down towards you and you just about liquified in his embrace as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His lips stopped inching towards yours, they merely hovered over each other. His eyes had a playful glint in them. He was teasing you. If he didn't kiss you right now, you were sure you'd go insane. "Miles-" You started to complain until he cut you off with a kiss.
Your senses were overwhelmed, solely by him. His comfortable and familiar smell, the warm feeling of his lips on yours, and his fingertips that held onto your waist. His breath was tickling yours. You were sure that if he wasn't holding onto you, your legs would crumble completely. Your hands slithered onto his braids, playing with them as your lips moved together.
The beat of your heart played a song so loud you felt like he could hear it. As your eyes fluttered open to look up at him, you knew he could read the obvious affections you held in your eyes. Looking into his eyes, you hummed and pretended to ponder it. Grinning at him, you said,
"I think they're saying that we should do that again."
Lucy, I'm home - I Love Lucy
Troy and Annie - roommates from the tv series Community
Eric Matthews - love interest from Miss Congeniality
the eyes, they never lie - scarface
lmk if you wanted to be added to the taglist!
a/n: i said my reqs were open and then i forgot to turn them back on very sorry LMAO
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Do you think you could do like a characterization of the Familers?
Everytime I try to think about their personalities and how they would interact with each other, or M6, or Mc I just feel like I don't get it right. Like I've got like the very basics but that's like it
Malak is a crazy
Chandra is spoiled
Faust is a wildcard
Ianna is protective
Pepi is energetic
Idk Lucio’s familars ( i cant spell one of their names) but they are kinda like wild dogs, they do whatever they want
EVEN THEN, I still feel like some of these are wrong or don't cover most of their character or I'm mischaracterizing them on accident.
Could you maybe do some more Familers mini headcannons?
Like what do the Familers do when M6 is sad?
What do they do when Mc is sad?
How do they interact with each other on a day to day bases?
( I think you might have done one of these actually )
But I have more
What do they do when M6 or/and MC gets hurt?
What do they typically do during the day and/or What do they do when they aren't with M6?
How would they respond if M6/Mc was in a dangerous situation/attacked | How are they when M6/Mc is ill?
Some of these are probably answers in their routes but it's hard to remember/recall. I do wish they were in their respective routes just a little bit more than they are so I could get a could grasp of their personalities.
What I really want is just like a written out basis of what they are like? I don't even need the Mini headcannons ( but I do like them) Their personalities is just what I have a hard time grasping because it not like right in front of me or I'm not constantly reminded of it like the Li’s that I just forget or mischaracterize them.
So if you ever have the time and or patience, I would love if you could just write about their personalities or just more about them in general. They are right hand to the Li’s and I love them so much and I tried using the wiki but I don't trust it because apparently some of the info is just flat-out wrong. I love reading you headcannons and mini headcannons because I feel like you do the Li’s justice and this account is keeping the Arcana fandom alive. I'm very sorry that this is a really long ask and my grammar my be wrong in some areas.
I'd like to thank you if you've read through everything. I hope you keep making Arcana content in the future as me and many others really do enjoy your content and takes on the characters.
Hi friend!! I hope you're ready for the full scale essay under the cut XD
(also, you are more than welcome to request some mini-hcs with the M6's familiars - please feel free to submit them individually so I can sort and try to answer them ^.^)
The devs don't go hugely into detail about how familiars work, exactly, but here's what we know: First, how in-tune to magic you are does affect how involved your bond is, but people still have familiars whether or not they have a lot of magical ability. Second, the bond makes the most sense if you think of it as being similar to a "soulmates AU" setup. The person and animal involved have a natural connection with the potential for a full-fledged familiar bond, but how that manifests changes depending on the effort and type of bonding that happens.
There's also a consistent pattern when it comes to vibes and personality, with the familiars being very similar to their respective humans. I'll go familiar by familiar from here ^.^
Julian and Malak are (unfortunately) not very in touch with each other. Julian doesn't speak of him much beyond referring to him as "the raven", and while it's clear that they're more in sync than the average human and animal would be, Julian tends to find it more uncanny than comforting. Malak, in turn, tends to get quickly annoyed by this when his genuine attempts to help and protect and connect get consistently thwarted. He shares Julian's values and habits, constantly keeping watch (anxiously or otherwise) over his person and the people important to him, and often flying beak-first into situations that seem out of control with little regard for his own well being. Malak and Julian have the capacity to cover each other's blind spots. Julian is quicker at analyzing and navigating social situations that sometimes send the bird into a frenzy, while Malak is aware of magical happenings that Julian is completely blind to.
The two of them share an anxiety about the world being a constantly dangerous place and noble mindset focused around doing the right thing and protecting the people they love. The big difference is that Malak doesn't doubt his own abilities - as generally anxious as he acts with all his ruffling feathers and screeches, the raven doesn't hold himself back because he thinks someone else could do better. If anything, he's often pushing Julian to get over the self-deprecation and join him already. Unfortunately, neither of them has figured out how to listen to each other yet, which means more often than not they just get on each other's nerves. Given MC's ability to help Julian navigate things of a magical nature, they could very easily become the communication bridge between the two.
It's pretty heavily implied (if not canon) that Faust is the child of Asra's parents' familiars, Chimes and Flamel. She was given to Asra as an egg and hatched on one of their birthdays, and the two have been inseparable ever since. They have an incredibly strong bond, enough for them to send memories to each other, have conversations, communicate across long distances, and even share emotions. Faust loves Asra, herself, and MC almost equally, and in Asra's route she happily becomes MC's companion when Asra isn't around to do so. She also appears to have her own capacity for magic, frequently blipping from one realm to another as she pleases.
The best way (in my head) of describing her vibes are that one honorary younger sibling who is also the instigator best friend. While she's borne witness to Asra's toughest moments, she's received such excellent care and attention that she doesn't seem to have nearly the same levels of trauma - or maturity. Reading about her feels a lot like what I imagine reading about a teenaged Asra with a much kinder life would feel like - whimsical, mischievous, creative, impulsive, unpredictable, and carefree to the point of recklessness. She's still learning what it means to have limits (re: going off on an unannounced adventure, only to be caught and held hostage by the Devil) but when push comes to shove she's suprisingly dependable (re: sabotaging the ritual, right under the Devil's nose).
Due to her being so accessible to MC's character, she has a level of plot influence and general content that comes closer to a main character than the other familiars. It gives fan work more content to work with, but also less space to take its own creative liberty.
Chandra is always hovering, and yet rarely directly involved. We know that Nadia used to be able to speak with her similarly to how Asra speaks with Faust, but she doesn't remember how. There's a wall between the two of them that they both seem to want to breach, but given the circumstances, they just haven't found the time and resources to do it yet. However, it's clear that they know how important they are to each other - Chandra seems to live at Nadia's beck and call, despite seeming so distant, and Nadia dedicates much of her personal time and interests to caring for her. They rely heavily on each other as allies in uncertain times (re: Nadia trusting Chandra in multiple routes to be her eyes and ears and carry her most important messages).
Chandra certainly has Nadia's independence, initiative, and desire for companionship. She's often seen on alert on the fringes and ready to step in and help take control of chaotic situations. However, where Nadia responds to a desire for companionship by initiating connection, Chandra is more reserved. She's present, she's paying attention, but she's not actively connecting until she's invited. She, like Nadia, has become accustomed to living in a Palace filled with with intrigue and uncertain loyalties, and it plays out in her reticence. She's much more likely to communicate interest by watching intently from a distance than by approaching and interacting. Over time, if MC is able to help Nadia find the way to communicate with Chandra again, they'll likely become her confidante in her efforts to be a good familiar.
The best way to describe her and Muriel is trauma bonded. (Which, given Muriel's past, is arguably the bond that lets him receive the support he needs from her best.) They're both loners, both uninterested in connection until it's proven to be worthwhile, and both deeply distrusting of other people's motives. Inanna is Muriel's breaking point twice. First, when he's expected to kill her in the Coliseum (how they met), and second, when she's horribly injured trying to protect the heart of the forest. Both of those moments with her push Muriel to recognize his priorities and actually act on them. As a result, they have a deep mutual respect for each other - and a stubborn emphasis on still being their own people (or wolf). Muriel refers to her as his friend more easily than as his familiar.
Inanna as a character, however, seems to hold onto some of the traits that Muriel has buried under his trauma. She's more adaptable than he is, quicker to accept change, and considerably more hopeful and optimistic. She's faster to act (often the one prompting Muriel to follow through, when he'd rather continue thinking), and she's nosier. Where Muriel analyzes and then quietly judges while respecting someone's decision, Inanna analyzes and then does her best to assist any kind of good change. Whether that's leading MC to Muriel when he's injured and would rather be left alone, or expressing the affection towards them that he's still trying to hide, she acts like a big sister. Independent, a bit of a bully, fiercely protective, and loyal beyond measurement. She doesn't need to bond with MC through Muriel, she can do that herself.
Portia met Pepi on Mazelinka's ship, as she was on her way to hunt down her older brother and beat some sense into him. The two of them bonded instantly, and when the time came for Portia and Mazelinka to part ways, Pepi gave up the life of a ship cat to stay by Portia's side. Portia doesn't seem to be fully aware of Pepi being her familiar and sees her as more of an uncannily well-bonded pet. At least, until her own route, where Pepi learns how to speak. Up until that point Portia just seems to see Pepi more as an unusually intelligent cat that she likes to talk to. The two of them are each other's family, Pepi always ready to lend a helping paw with unruly birds, and Portia always happy to spoil her with snuggles and treats.
Pepi has Portia's optimism, love of mischief, and dauntless attitude. However, they differ somewhat in how they view themselves. While Portia struggles to see herself as the main character of her own story, often fading into the background in order to support someone else, Pepi is more than happy to take center stage. This cat can and will prioritize her own needs and preferences if she thinks nobody else is going to do it, and it often lands her in trouble (re: stealing your heartsong festival gift, seeking out nap places that give her access to forbidden fishies, etc). She's quick to make her own friendships, and when you and Portia start your new life together, she'll consider you one of her family as well. Thanks to her retained ability to speak (upright ending) you'll never have to go without a conversation partner again.
Mercedes & Melchior
Lucio, unfortunately, didn't realize these two were his familiars until after he'd met you. While a large part of his menagerie building was his search for a familiar, he failed to notice how those two in particular were so attached to them. Thankfully, they're never on their own given how closely they stick to each other. Their lack of a strongly developed magical connection with Lucio doesn't really stop them from being able to communicate. They vibe with him on a similar act-first-think-later wavelength, having such little interest in impulse control that it's impossible not to know what they want. All you know is that they're hellbent on accomplishing it and on getting out of whatever consequences they invite with a pair of large, shining puppy eyes.
Besides their impulsiveness and chaotic nature, Mercedes and Melchior share Lucio's tendency to live in the moment and focus on life's pleasures. However, they also have the emotional intelligence and undying loyalty all good dogs do. When Lucio was "dead" they spent three years guarding his wing and trying to find help for him, and when you join him in his search for answers, they'll remain with you and empathize with you regardless of the dangers involved (re: one of them going with Lucio to get help, the other staying next to you and whining when Valdemar has you strapped to a gurney). They instinctively track your emotional state and are often the reason Lucio notices how you're doing as quickly as he does. For all their bratty behavior, their doggy bodies are overflowing with love for the people they care about and nothing makes them happier than being with them. Don't mistake love for respect, though - they take orders from nobody.
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nalyra-dreaming · 26 days
I do suspect the eye colour changing thing was literally nothing more than a stylistic decision for the big vampire reveal and nothing more than that. Theories are fun and all but sometimes fandom gives the writers greater intentions than were ever actually there. Like I honestly don’t think Rolin Jones cares less that book Daniel has violet eyes for a start. I don’t think it’s that important.
I do also think Eric’s throwaway comment about falling for Justin Kirk/Raglan James has also been given far more weight than it actually deserves. It wasn’t a spoiler, it was just an actor talking like an actor tbh.
And finally…the whole Daniel body swap thing is such a massive change from the source material that I truly can’t see them going down that route. Changing a characters eye colour is one thing, but to body swap a character such a thing never happens to is a massive rewrite and would be very out of character for the show. Idk, it just would be a huge disrespect to the source material and to a character people love. I get people just don’t want David Talbot in the show, but in all honesty I hope the show never even adapts that particular novel as it’s just not that good.
Raglan James was a character that needed to be introduced, Daniel needed a reason to have come into possession of the trial script. The Talamasca got to edit Daniel’s book and remove anything they didn’t like. I really think that’s all there is to it.
One thing I’ve learned over the years is that the fans will theorise all sorts of grand schemes, but the writers inevitably come up with the simplest, most obvious explanations.
Rolin Jones is on record saying he wants to do TtotBT, and Sam and Jacob have both commented on it.
As such I see it hardly as a far reach that they will go there. And it is a logical step after Akasha, too. I personally like the book a lot, it deals with body dysmorphia, suicide, crippling depression and guilt, so I get it's not for everyone, but it has some incredible Loustat scenes, among other things.
I don't think Raglan James makes much sense if you do NOT want to go there tbh. If they'd just wanted to open the Talamasca connection up, they could have used Aaron Lightner, or even Jesse Reeves.
So. *shrugs*
For now I'm taking it as a hint.
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karniss-bg3 · 11 months
I just want to add to the last ask, it's so hard to figure out Kar'niss actual alignment because he is given so little space for his own personality to show. He is being used for a cause and his mind was messed with to align with that cause. He was cast out by one horrible cult and before he could go through any phase of self discovery (cause, you know, a cult barely leaves space for that) he was snatched by another cult. It's pretty safe to say that there was no space in his life to ever figure out what HE wants.
Following the Absolute he pretty much has his sense of self entirely tied to that. And it's so tragic. There is no room for anything else and given that nobody bothers to interact with him on a normal level, it's truly all he has left.
I found it quite frustrating that upon meeting him we can't even talk to him in peace without being interrupted by someone else in almost every conversation choice.
He's not treated like a person by anyone really. They say horrible things either straight to him or so loudly that he'd definitely hear it. And those who don't simply are too afraid, like Kansif who can't even look him in the eyes.
And yet, if you talk to him in the few moments where you actually get to do so without being interrupted, there's not a single meanspirited thing coming from his side towards the player.
He's very very mentally ill and disturbed, but he's not a rabid animal that will attack unprovoked.
Every time he gets angry, there's a reason for it that could have been avoided. Like people not listening to what he told them and the 'compliments' you can give him as a Dark Urge aren't really compliments. You can't call someone beautiful and an abomination in the same sentence and expect them to be happy. And when you ask him if you can look at the lantern it's also so ... idk, it's icky. You do it in a way as if you already assume you can. It's like as if someone I just met wants to inspect my phone and assumes it's gonna be fine, I'd also be like wtf?? No?
If we had the option to interact more with him and overall be nicer and more considerate I'm sure some things would play out very differently.
And I think if given the chance he'd have one of the most interesting and emotionally intense romance routes in the game.
There is SO much to unpack. There is so much to work through, but also so much potential for an amazing outcome. Or something deeply tragic. Either way, I'm sure it would leave an impact and it could be great. But his story would need a lot of time to make it work, and it needs to be handled very delicately. He's not like a quick fling you can just write into the game, like for example the drow twins. I can barely imagine anything more cruel than giving him a bit of actual affection and a connection outside of the Absolute and then just leaving him behind and taking it away again.
So I personally think the most we can realistically hope for is a few interactions where we can at least NOT be rude or outright awful to him.
But maybe the devs will surprise us and figure out a way to let us bring him along. I'd honestly be so insanely happy. I really want something good for him. He is one of those characters who feels the least deserving of the fate and treatment he got and it's so heartbreaking.
I love this response, no notes to really add. This sums it up in a solid way. I'll always hope for better options in terms of Kar'niss, side character be damned. We love who we love, can't help that!
Thanks for the response!
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padfootdaredmetoo · 1 year
hello I'm so happy that your requests are open because I followed you a long time ago mainly for peaky fics and now I see you write for tangerine as well and I am fixated with tangerine as well so!!! perfect combo. anyway, I would like to request a very angsty fic where tangerine breaks up with reader. like they love each other but can't be with each other type of thing or they have communication issues idk.. I just love angst and you can decide if it has an happy ending or not and the other details 😌 I'm aware mine isn't a very detailed request so of course if you don't feel like it feel free not to do it!! thanks 💝💝💝
Hey Anon,
I am awful at sad endings. Not the best with angst either but I hope this is what you are looking for. I feel like I may have made it too fluffy because I'm having a rough time. Anyway, thank you for waiting a million years!
Tumblr media
Warnings: Fighting, rough childhood, angst, fluff, lots of banter, Ready is having a hard time, mentions of abusive ex-boyfriend abusing power and being evil.
Watching her sleep he tried to stop himself from slipping away. His walls were starting to come up after the mission they had on the weekend. Having Lemon to worry about was enough of a headache, but now it was public knowledge in his world that you were his. 
Better to break things off while it could still be considered a rumor. Who believed anything Ladybug had to say anyway? Stupid git. 
You let out a heavy breath as if somehow you were in agreement with his silent conversation. The normally colorful room was dark and he knew it would be his last night in your floral sheets and ridiculously comfortable bed. He just had to let you know that it was his last night. 
He considered ghosting you, but naturally, you were too loyal for that. You’d assume the worst and try to save him, risking your job and potentially your life. He groaned lightly as you shifted your warm body against him. 
Stupid fucking job. Where were you 15 years ago when this mess started? If he knew this was in the cards he would have held out, and avoided the industry all together. Maybe he would have gone to uni… maybe gone the government route like you did. 
This was also the worst possible time to do it. You’d been having issues with your sister, the pressure from your job was crushing you, and to top it all off it was not the best time of the month. 
You woke up eventually, long eyelashes fluttering and he soaked up the look of adoration on your face before he broke everything between you and him. 
“Sleep well?” You murmured pressing a kiss to his chest. 
Reader POV 
Tan’s gaze was distant, he’d been strange since he got home. Lemon didn’t come over for takeout after the job was finished, breaking their tradition. There was something heavy on his shoulders and you wanted to take it from him more than anything. 
“Tan-” Your voice fell away before you could ask. The look on his face and awkward posture answered your question. Everyone would stay and as soon as you got sad or ran out of things to do for them they left. God forbid you had a disagreement with them, memories of your mother screaming at you to get out flashed in your mind. 
“Look, a rumor about us kicked up-” he looked defeated with the slightest bit of frustration etched into his features. 
“I understand it’s fine.” You gritted your teeth. All the feelings of safety you normally felt laying next to him turned into acidic disgust. This wasn't something you thought you could do right now. Too much was going on and losing him was enough to make you break down. You just wanted him to leave, you didn't care about whatever story he was going to spin you. It wasn't his fault you ran in opposing circles, and that this relationship was dangerous. It wasn't his fault but anger and grief consumed you. 
“Look, I care about you - But I’m worried-” his voice was earnest and it made you angrier that he was trying to baby you. 
“About your reputation I get it. I understand. Get out.” You pointed to the door hoping he would get changed and fuck off. You were barely holding yourself together. He told you from the start what type of guy he was. This was your fault and you should be handling it better. Given the jobs you both did this wasn't supposed to be anything more than a fling. 
He just got further than anyone else had. That’s what was making this so difficult. 
“Oi! Got us some breakfast,” Lemon called from your kitchen and Tan cringed. 
“Just get your things and take him with you.” You turned over onto your side. 
“This isn't what I want.” He said taking you off guard. 
“I’m not what anyone wants. This was a mistake, I get it. Okay, I understand, just leave.” Your voice was straining and you got up and ran to the bathroom, unfortunately for you he caught the door before it could shut. 
You turned around and he moved into your space. 
“This isn't something you can just throw away.” He was angry now, something so much easier to deal with. 
“I wasn’t throwing anyone away! You are throwing me away.” You started shouting. 
“I don't want to throw you away. It’s just not safe right now.” He grabbed your shoulders. 
“Right now? As in you found someone better for now!” 
“That’s bull shit. I can't have you getting killed because of me.” 
“You’re bullshit. You said you’d keep me safe. You said you wanted this. To give it a proper go. Now you miss being single and fucking every chick that looks at you because you - ” Your chest was heaving. How many times had you been through this? 
“Shut up!” He snapped, cutting you off. 
“You shut up. You stupid man.” 
“You having a domestic? Food’s getting cold.”
“Fuck off Lemon.” You both said in unison. His eyes glared at you and you stared him down. 
“Just leave me. Okay. it’s fine. I’m not - and that’s fine.” You said finally in defeat. 
Tangerine’s POV
All the things he knew about you flew through his mind. He probably should have thought about the guys who’d hurt you. How your mother had thrown you out. What your dad was like. 
All of those hurts were so evident in your eyes it killed him. 
But what was worse? What you would do to yourself or what would happen if someone were to use you against him? 
“What you are going to feel is much better than what will happen if people confirm we are together. I don’t know how it got out. But I can't let you get hurt.”
The tears started to spill and your body sagged enough to finally pull you into his arms. He held you tightly hating the fact that it might be the last time. Scratch that it would be the last time. 
Her chest was heaving and her body shaking. He was so angry at the situation, so mad that some other mother fucker would get to move in. Have every part of her. 
Would he keep her safe? He hated the feeling growing in him. 
“Look it’s really important that you know there isn't anything wrong with you.” This only made her cry more. Eventually he and Lemon left. 
“She looked half dead already Tan.” Lemon said as he drove them far away from her flat. 
“Can’t let her end up in this.” 
“Maybe we could leave? Take her with us.”
These were not the words he was expecting. His duty above everything was to his brother. He was willing to leave you, to keep you safe, and to do right by his brother. 
“You would want that?” Tangerine said, his voice getting cold again. 
“Would want that a hell of a lot more than dealing with your fucking moping. Plus she was doing better with us around. That’s a pretty rare find.” 
He thought about where he found you, how the whole stupid thing started. Called in to have your stalker ex-boyfriend - who was also your boss- killed. Did it free of charge, and couldn't leave you alone after that. Even Lemon preferred your flat. 
Stupid woman. If you weren't so high up in government intelligence - maybe he could see a way. But that job also made you just as crooked as he and Lemon were. 
“You ready for retirement?” He asked softly. 
“Yeah, I think you deserve your Bond lady. I’m tired of running into Ladybug on every fu-ck-ing job.” 
“This will be the last go.” Lemon gave him a nod. The job took about three months. 
Three months and yet no Ladybug. Every job they’d had since the Train he’d shown up at some point. Lemon was obsessed with predicting on when he would pop up and fuck them over, but the mission was completed bug-free. This seemed to irritate Lemon even more. 
“Nah Tan I’m telling you that bloody fucker is going to show up.” Lemon was pacing across their room. He fought the urge to blow up at him. Why does it matter if he shows up now, mans been killed, money transfered, story is over. Seeing that Lemon wouldn't let it go he tried to think of a solution. 
“Just search it in the requests and see if he’s booked” He finally suggested pouring himself a large drink.
“Oh ho that’s an idea.” Lemon started to ramble as he hacked into their company directory. All Tangerine could think of was you. They had more than enough money to retire, but would you come back? Did you want to give up your job? Would you even be able to look at him long enough to let him explain? This might be the hardest job he’d had yet. 
Lemon interrupted his thoughts by saying your name. He hummed in agreement, still not paying attention to whatever Lemon was saying. 
“Tan there’s a hit, Ladybug took the job.” 
“That’s what we do eh?” Can't blame a man for working.” He took another long sip of whiskey.
“On her - TAN THE HIT WAS PLACED ON HER” Lemon’s voice had an authentic tone of panic and the glass shot out of his hand colliding violently with the wall. 
No words needed to be said as they grabbed their shit and ran to the door. 
Reader POV 
You were beyond tired. Between stalking Tan and Lemon and the amount of work that was landing on your desk you started to wonder if it was time for a break. In 10 years of service never once did you take a vacation. Not when your boss/boyfriend started abusing you, not when your family left. You just kept on pushing through. But with no loud distractions, there was a thick emptiness growing all around you. 
When you thought about feeling relaxed you thought about him. They were always around bickering and fighting, while at the same time looking after you.
You were tired. You were broken. You thought about calling your sister, but she’d gone back to her ex again, meaning that you were no longer speaking. You slammed your fist against the cool stone countertop in your kitchen. You tried to push everything out of your mind but it felt like the world was sending you one giant glaring message. The world really didn't need you. 
Trying to keep your mind away from dangerous thoughts you changed into something comfy and turned on a comfort crime drama. Pouring a mug of tea you heard a knock at the door. You grabbed the gun you kept in the top drawer of the island and moved toward the entryway. 
Looking through the peephole you hated how badly you wanted to see Tan and Lemon. Sadly it was a man with blonde hair. After a quick moment you recognized him as the guy Lemon always shouted about. 
What if he was here to deliver a message? 
You clicked the safety off the gun and opened the door. 
“Hel-OH” The man put his hands up and gave a charming smile. “I just erm- moved in down the hall and -” The man stumbled through his story with a flirty air despite having a gun pressed to his forehead. His eyes rested on your chest and you fought the urge to spit on him. 
“Necklace - it’s nice. Special friend give it to you?” He referenced Tan’s gold chain you still refused to take off.
“Something like that. Ladybug?” You said despite already knowing that was his name.
“Well shit - You with the two psycho fruits then?” You smiled slightly at the nickname. “Thought you looked familiar.” 
“No point in formalities then. I got a job to steal some files from your computer.” He smiled brightly. “No guns - see” he opened his jacket and proved to you that he was unarmed. You stepped aside to let him in. 
“What files and for who? Tea?” You gestured to the kettle.
Tangerines POV
“The hit was placed days ago. DAYS” He pinched the bridge of his nose. Why did he think breaking up with you was a smart idea. How many comic books had he read telling him that was a stupid idea? 
 “Why do you keep letting me make stupid fucking choices eh?” He shouted at Lemon who was driving like a madman going well over the limit. 
“Tried telling you not to get involved. She slept with her boss and then had him killed.” 
“She liked him well enough - Look, her dad really messed her up, can’t blame her for missing the red flags. The important thing is when she found out he was trafficking those girls she dealt with it.” 
He rambled worse than Lemon when he got nervous. Memories of the first night you had met ran through his mind making the pain in his chest triple. His hands were shaking and his head felt like it was splitting in half. 
How could he let this happen? Lemon slowed down, but before he could park Tan had already jumped out of the car leaving the door open.  
He tried the button on the elevator but it refused to light up so he ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. A bell rang out once at the top and Lemon walked out of the elevator. 
“Why’d you waste time on the stairs?” He asked as they hurried down the hallway towards your apartment. Once he caught sight of your door he lunged and kicked it clean off its hinges. He heard you scream out and it was like the world had finally stopped spinning. Screaming meant breathing and breathing meant living. 
He ran into your living room to find you standing there with your gun up, and Ladybug sipping a mug of tea giving a friendly wave. 
“Tan - What the fuck-” You started but he didn’t care this had to end now. He grabbed the mug of tea from the man's hand and threw it at him, starting the brawl. 
Readers POV 
“Are you going to break them up!” You asked as the two men struggled against each other. 
“Nah” Lemon came to stand close to you. “He’s had an ass-kicking waiting for him for ages.” 
You watched as Tan spilled his blood all over your plush carpet. 
“Ladybug started the rumor that you and Tan were a thing. Probably harmless, just trying to get under our skin. But you should have seen him when we found out he accepted a job on you.” 
“Well, he didn’t know the job was on me till he got here.”
“Look, he was pulling his hair out all day, even cried on the plane. Just let him have his moment eh?” 
After a moment it became evident to you that if someone didn't stop him your second favorite mug wouldn't be the only casualty. 
“Tan - Tan” You called his name and grabbed hold of the arm he was using to batter Ladybug’s face with. “TAN - stop.” You struggled against his strength but he looked up at you. Something in your face was enough to get him to stop. 
“He was gonna fucking kill you.” He said in an exasperated tone, chest heaving. “Fuck off and let me handle it.” 
“He wasn't here to kill me. Just wanted some files. He didn’t know I live here.” His eyes narrowed on you as if he had superpowers and could tell if you were lying.  “Promise, he wasn't going to hurt me.” 
“Thank you.” Ladybug coughed. 
“Shut up.” Tan barked. “Don't look at her either.” 
“Lemon, can you deal with him?” You asked firmly as you pulled Tangerine into the bathroom. 
“What the fuck was that?” You shut the bathroom door and turned the cold water on, placing his hands under it. You started shouting at him as you washed his hands. 
“You fucking left you have no right to break down my fucking door you mother fucker” You continued on as you grabbed a washcloth from the cupboard and started washing the blood from his face. Then you put some ointment on his knuckles before wrapping them. 
“It’s embarrassing you run off to some stupid island for three fucking months.” 
“You kept tabs on us?” Tan finally spoke. 
“Shut up!” You pulled the wrap tight and knotted it. “The point is you don’t love me and I don't want you here.” 
You finally looked into his eyes and wanted more than anything to understand what you had to say to get him to figure it out. Talking was never something you guys were good at, especially when the topic was painful. 
He looked at you very carefully for a moment and you knew his temper was raging, you were expecting a proper fight this time. 
“Oi we are going to run to the hardware store. Grab a new door and that. Fancy some takeout?” Lemon shouted from down the hall.
“You know I have a real craving for some pad thai” Ladybug called out.
“That’s a good call.” Lemon agreed. You could feel the heat radiating off of him but couldn't help but push him a little bit farther. 
“Pad Thai, extra spicy, no peanuts.” You called out before his lips crashed into yours. He picked you up and slammed you against the bathroom door. His hands were all over you and you thought about stopping him, but this was so much easier than talking. 
After making a proper mess in your bathroom he carried your bed. He pulled the covers over you and kissed the top of your head. He held you tightly till the sound of laughter floated into your apartment.
“Stay.” He ordered before leaving.  You were so tired you didn't care enough to argue. 
You curled up and could just barely hear what they were saying. 
“Can you guys handle this?” Tan asked keeping his voice low. 
“Yeah, foods on the counter,” Lemon responded. “She alright?” 
“She’s tough, just needs to rest, that's all.” He said a few other things that you couldn't hear. “You both can fight over the guest room.” 
“Piss off,” Lemon grumbled. 
Tan came back with food and after getting your chopsticks he settled his arm around you. 
“We should probably talk about everything.” You said in between bites. 
“We have officially retired. Quit your job and come with us.” He whispered his mustache tickling your ear. 
You should really deal with everything. Talk about your initial reaction to him trying to break up with you. Figure out where the relationship was going. Understand each other's goals. But talking wasn't ever your thing. 
“Sure.” You said around a mouth full of noodles. 
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goldenwoods · 2 months
After the frame arc, I'm getting really confused by the power levels going on here.
So: Jiwoo can one-shot the frame rookies except Duke, but those same rookies can absolutely dominate against the academy top 10?
I could...maybe buy that having detailed information about them exposed really disadvantaged the student massively. Like...way more than we'd intuitively expect. That could make sense: things like Kayden being infamously "tailored for combat" and Jiwoo absorbing multiple top ranker's force control to get to where he is maybe meant that the typical prodigy is very powerful but not all that versatile, meaning a well-calculated match pairing could screw them over easily.
But that wouldn't explain why Arthur got away alive when Duke 100% would not hesitate to kill. If the typical frame rookie could do that to Leah and Laura, Duke should have been able to do it to Arthur effortlessly given the difference between Duke and the other frame rookies.
Yeah anyway the power scaling is getting a bit confusing for me. But at least they did keep Arthur alive. I hope that means he gets a more major role at some point. I always think Arthur should've been featured more because he's the only one who properly 'lives' the awakened lifestyle as a kid. Even other kids who's raised as organisation heirs go to school and interact as normal teenagers. Arthur on the other hand practically can't comprehend how someone with Jiwoo's mindset exists, a lot like the awakened adults in the story. (Well, Sucheon comes close but he's not a prominent character either.)
He couldn't have taken all that trauma easily and I think it'll be so wasted if it just gets glossed over by the narrative. I think it could be cool if he learns to conjure his cut off arm with his ability during combat so he can fight normally again, it seems structurally similar to Wooin's ability so I'm guessing it can be molded if he trains his control more? Obviously him having an arc about adjusting to normal life in a family of awakeners would be interesting too but Idk if he's ever get to appear much if they go down that route with him :(
Edit: on second thought one possible reason why he managed to survive was probably because the first major blow he received was enough to incapacitate him but not enough to be fatal. Since the spar isn't nominally a death match, once someone gets their whole arm cut off, the adults can take the chance and drag them out of the ring before their opponent goes for their life
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luneariaa · 6 months
Hi there!how are you?! Could you write hc about the life of ash lynx x (fem)reader in which they've get rid of dino golzine? Please take your time and thank you!!
hii OMG so sorry this took quite a bit of time to do!! 🌻 had to revisit some BF stuff just to refresh my mind lmao,,
(^▽^" ) 💛💛💛
and i'm doing quite well THANK YOU DEAREST ANON!! 💕💕 hoping you're doing well too!! 💖💖💐💐 and i tried my best w/ this so i'm sorry if it's not to your liking!! :")
. dividers by @/cafekitsune ! 💛
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first things first, of course, life would be way more peaceful as ever for ash. he doesn't particularly need to feel worried as much. his guard is still up at times ofc, but not as bad as bef.
which means he is able to see you freely now.
and like, he might leave the whole gang/mafia stuff behind, just to try pursuing a normal life with you.
with your constant support ( and maybe sometimes he wouldn't admit it ), he'll get through it well! <33
and i couldn't really decide but-- i feel like he wouldn't need much studying anymore anyway bc of his IQ level :")
buuuuut if he ever did, he probably would've wanted to take the same classes as you do if possible. i mean, he isn't that, yk introverted or anything. he still possesses the feeling of deep mistrust toward people, and i feel like maybeee it's smth he might do.
but yeah i also feel like he would try to actively avoid the whole school stuff. he wouldn't want to be asked with unnecessary questions about his past, lifestyle, etc.
he already wishes to live a normal life, after all.
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and like, i somehow able to imagine him working as a barista/waiter of some sort for some reason?? idk why.
anyway, life would still be much better despite on whatever he decided to do ( away from the whole old stuff he experienced ).
he's still healing himself; both physically and mentally. and whatever your role might be around this time-- either as his best friend or even as his girlfriend, you would've support him either way.
just know that ash appreciates you a LOT. even when sometimes he doesn't even know on how to express it that well :")
okay so if the romance route happens somehow, he would be taking you out on a casual date during your break days or even his. depending on your schedules.
but his protective and cautious instinct is still present as always. he wouldn't want anything to potentially harm you when he's trying to move on from his old life with you.
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his trauma and his past still haunt him at times, so he's just so, so lucky and grateful that you're there with him even during his lowest moments.
if he ever works or something, you probably will join him so you both work together in a way ( if it's smth you're able to do ).
you both def would live together if you two finally got some stable jobs ( or if you're still studying somehow, part-time job then ); separating the bills smth like that so you both would pay in a fair amount for the monthly rent and even for the groceries stuff.
omg dunno why but the idea seemed comforting-
he wouldn't mind for anything else bc if it meant to live a normal life with you, then so be it.
eiji and shorter would def pay you both a visit occasionally 10000% ( idc this will be my canon now )
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i wanted to add more but i'm quite short on ideas rn :") TY FOR REQUESTING HIM OMLL <333
@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are alright. all rights reserved.
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blchwaaaan · 5 months
So... what does _VnC_AU entails? 👀
hi there, thanks for the ask! This is a dazatsu Vanitas no Carte AU, the other super gay-subtext (is it really subtext at this point lol) bones show. I actually posted part of it (a dangerous thing on ao3). I wrote 2 different backstories for Atsushi but I can't yet decide which one is best, and this universe is hanging in the air until I have an epiphany or like. the starts align. or something.
The vampires in this fic are like Vanitas no Carte, they don't need blood to survive but can become additcted to it. they also enjoy normal human food, and don't have to hide from the sun. There is an established monarchy with lots of secrets. and I'm undecided on whether I take the world as it is or build up the queen as another character. I have this idea that the queen picked up Atsushi (a vampire) from the streets and made him her spy. She sends him to spy on Dazai, a human conducting research on vampires. Once they're sure Dazai is not a threat, the queen considers him an ally and orders Atsushi to 'assist' Dazai in his research. Atsushi moves in with Dazai and the above fic ensues. Also Atsushi carries on his spy activities while transformed to a cat. Which slips into Dazai's bag whenever he likes. Also he transforms to a cat when he wants to avoid an argument because he can :3
The other route/idea is that Dazai finds Atsushi living in the streets by accident, much like in canon, and says he'll pay him to help write his thesis. In reality Dazai thought Atsushi was really pretty and caring and everything he could ever wish for. and he was like hm what is an excuse to keep him around. He invented the topic of his thesis on the spot, convinced Atsushi to move in for research purposes, then the events of the above fic happen some time later ;;
When I wrote it I had just wanted an excuse to write an erotic blood drinking scene but then it got a mind of its own. I'll probably not post the backstories and just post the continuation of that fic where they actually fall in love. But I'm a really slow writer so idk when eventually. I hope the concept is interesting at least <3
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4thenookie · 1 year
Hi hi i heard you wanted some headcanons!! As always this is /lh, not meant to be taken that seriously, agree to disagree, yada yada all that good jazz lmao. Most of them are pretty crack-y in nature as well, they're just meant for fun lol. And with that, I'll compile my miles long headcanon list into (mostly) sorted by character for everyone's convenience lmao
- starting off strong with trans EJ! Idk why but do headcanons really need a reason? (I do know why) (i like to make my blorbos suffer 💖) (and also [diverges your neuros] [transes your genders] [homos your sexuals]). Also biromantic asexual king
- more EJ because he's THE blorbo. Boy is british asf and he knows BSL and is learning ASL. Touch averse as well. I feel like EJ would actually be a decent if not great cook.
- EJ purring like a cat when he's content/happy? I think yes! Also has a tail with one of those tail tuft thingies? Kinda like lions if you know what i mean. And the pointy ears (peak character design yaknow)
- moving on. I feel like Jeff knows how to play an instrument. Probably electric guitar. He also has like a bajillion band t-shirts. Jeff also likes to take long, hot showers but hates to comb his hair lol
- while Brian cooks food so bad/raw it could as well just still be alive, Toby is either a great cook or a disaster in the kitchen with seemingly no indicator for which one it's going to be on any given day. I'm talking managing to burn a pot of water one day and cooking a michelen star worthy meal the next.
- Kagekao is actually fluent in English and speaks and understands it perfectly, he just refuses to speak it. He takes great amusement in watching other people lose their minds over this
- speaking of languages, i feel like Toby would be bilingual if not multilingual. He speaks English and German, maybe even Spanish if we're going the multilingual route
- also. Oh my god. The generational difference between BEN "memelord who quotes vines like there's no tomorrow" Drowned and Slenderman is just. I cant stop laughing thinking about it. Any given conversation between these two is just a gamble on who is going to lose it first
- BRVR is kinds Lost Silver's pet but also not really? Like he just kinda goes wherever but Lost Silver mainly takes care of him
- LJ he/it truther
- Me and a friend came up with this which probably explains why it is cracky as fuck but hear me out. Jeff as a makeup artist. He made Slender look like Beyonce once. No one knows how he did it and how he's not dead (the answer, as my friend said, is "no one can hate Beyonce")
- i feel like Toby, BEN, and Jeff would be like. The chaos trio. God knows what will happen when you put the three of then alone in a room together
- i also feel like Brian sunburns really easily.
- Tim is one of those dads that wants to leave in the middle of the night for road trips / holidays to avoid the traffic jams
Hope this makes even a bit of sense and i hope you enjoyed whatever my brain spewed at me lol if u ever wanna share more headcanons or talk about blorbos or share character slander (looking at Brian and LJ (affectionate)) feel free to dm me!! (I dont mind i promise lol /lh)
hi!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg these are so so so real thank you for sharing them with me!!!! ill go into some more detail under the cut :)
to be honest, i can kinda see trans ej being real now that you mention it, ill definitely think about that a lot!! and i also hc him as asexual!!!! :)
im british and i claim ej as one of us lmaooo
i absolutely agree w the purring thing!!! i think ej does a lot of cat things idk :)))) i love all of your ej headcanons!!!
tbh i can see jeff either playing electric guitar like you said or maybe drums?? just any instrument he can go ham on when hes mad lmao
in my hc he has the worst case of chronic greasy hair and he doesnt want to do anything about it
cooking hcs are so real brian can NOT cook!!!!!!! toby will either serve you some 5 star gourmet shit or some rotten takeout he found during a dumpster dive
omg omg omg I hardly see anybody talk about kagekao!!!!!! i totally agree he would do that lmaooo
idk if its canon or not but i read somewhere that tobys German so i totally agree that hed be bilingual!!!
oh my god BEN whos native language is memes meets grandpa slendy that would be so funny
in 4 words youve converted me into a fellow he/it LJ truther!!!! could we consider he/it ej too? maybe??
ik you said it was a cracky hc but i can actually kinda see jeff being good at makeup??? like one of those things where he tries it once and it's the most drop dead gorgeous makeup look you've EVER seen and everyones like how did you do that
toby BEN and jeff are an absolute riot when rheyre together lmao
omg i never thought about it but brian sunburning super easy is so real!! and in summer he always wears sunglasses so he has like an unburnt patch on his face where his sunglasses were yk??
OMG YES LMAOOOOO "guys get up our flights in 10 hours WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he would 100% have a checklist or 3
thank you so much for sharing these with me!! i hope you dont mind me adding my own thoughts lol but theyre so much fun to think about!!!! if you ever wanna slander lj and brian with someone feel free to dm me lmao!!!!!! take care <33333
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MAC HI don't mind me i just finished the genloss founders cut and im putting my ful lreview in ur inbox bc u said u weren't gonna watch it i think but i want 2 share my thoughts with someone who will not rip me to shreds for criticizing it even slightly <3
OK. I'M NOT GONNA LIE. IT KINDA SLAPPED. maybe i just think it was really good in comparison to the original four hours of streams that dragged on. i honestly thought the original streams of genloss were longer but NO all three streams add up to about four hours???? it just felt so much longer when i originally watched it i guess!!! u can understand why i am sure. but the founders cut was like two and a half and oh my goddddd cutting out a lot of it made such a huge difference. holy shit. like i definitely did get bored and skip through a little bit but honestly i didn't skip through much!! every time i got to a part where i was like "oh fuck not THIS bit that goes on for 30-45 minutes god dammit" it ended up being like maybe ten minutes at most which was SUCH A GODSEND. i am delighted to report that they cut the half hour cooking bit in the first episode down to like 7-8 minutes <3 the best surprise ranboo could have given me tbh. like with the way things were cut down and framed differently i actually laughed at a couple points????? WILD. did not think i would find any genuine comedy here. lowkey there were points that were funny. insane
honestly with the unfunny bits being cut down, it actually let the slightly more serious lore bits shine more, and the payoff for when it got to the third episode felt SO much more deserved. like. the original streams i'd probably give a 3/10 collectively and that's being generous but i would unironically say the founder's cut deserves like a 7/10. maybe a 7.5 if i found it in myself to ignore the bad special effects. (there was still plenty of bad comedy ngl i still don't know why charlie slimecicle's face was superimposed on a towel. that scene was nothing. it was literally nothing. they could have removed it and it would change nothing but they kept it in idk why)
ANYWAY. if they had released genloss like this first maybe i would unironically be a fan of it now. tbh. i would still be making fun of the bad comedy and the horror that was barely horror but i think i would actually be like participating in the fandom a lil and i would probably find it in me to find some charm in the bad special effects. all in all Not Bad!! not good, but not like actively bad. ofc im still running on the adrenaline of the ending because episode 3 was objectively the best out of them all so maybe my perception is skewed but. kinda decent. 7/10 👍 anyway i hope ur havin a good day i hope to finish pd season one soon over the next couple days!!!!!
taking the cowards route and putting my thoughts under the cut bc a lot of my mutuals these days really enjoy genloss and i don't want them to be mad at me
(genloss crit/neg/whatever under the cut)
dude this makes me so unironically sad . why the FUCK was genloss what it was the first time around when this was obviously the better route to go from the very beginning. I am still staunchly in my "I don't like genloss" position but. I DID WATCH IT. i sat through ALL of the original streams and it was so miserable for me. im not going 2 watxh the directors cut or whatever bc i dont hate myself enough to sit through all of that again but i trust your opinion!! if only it would've been planned out thought out prerecorded videos from the start I also probably would not hate it as much as I do!!! maybe I even would've liked it !!! (<< not likely bc i do have Other Issues with it than just the fact that it was too long too unfunny too unfocused etc whatever im getting into hater territory sorry. always welcome 2 genloss fans to try to explain to my why its Good Actually so i can recommend them actual horror media)
like . the streams added absolutely NOTHING to it other than that final choice scene or whatever. and even if they wanted to do that still u know what would've been an awesome smart choice??? prerecord and edit the whole thing and then premiere THAT video on twitch- then when it comes time for the final choice you can still have people vote!! then you can have two separate endings prepared based on which way the vote was swaying. like. its that easy. it would've made the whole experience so much more enjoyable . ughhghghg the fucking wasted potential on HOURS of unfunny badly improvved bits is so devastating
personally I still cant excuse the bad effects considering the amount of times ranboo bragged about the genloss budget like. maybe you should've used your resources better and also if it would've just been prerecorded from the start things wouldn't look as rushed as they did but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what do I know !!
anyway I'm so glad this version was better but for me it will always ALWAYS be tainted by the . misery I felt while watching the streams lmaoooo . I wanted to like genloss so bad. I tried so hard. head in hands !!!!!!!!!!!
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unactivewaspsfics · 2 years
The Southern Charm
A/N: I'm trying new formatting… Idk what works with me JUST yet so if this is the only post with this kind of formatting, you know :D I will say depending on how interested I am I may make a part two… Who knows lmao <;33 also I WAS gonna post this at 12 am but the demons won and I am posting it at like 9 >:D
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Pairing: Cole Cassidy x NB!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, SFW
CW: Pet names, flirting, minor cussing, and kissing?! (😦)
Word Count: 1,090 or so
While you are traveling to visit family who begged you to come down, you decide to take a pit-stop break at a small Texan town on Route 66. This was your first stop in any considerable amount time but it has a lot of southern charm, and one cowboy you grab your eye is ALL southern and lots, and I mean lots, of charm. I guess you can say you two went on a date too.
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You grabbed your bags as you waited for the train to finally pause on its tracks and for the conductor to confirm everyone can leave. It had been a super long train ride, not being helped at all by the dizzy feeling of motion sickness you had mid-train ride. While gathering your things, you sighed. How long was it to go from South Carolina to California? You thought while looking out the window.
Desert. A town surrounded by sand, dead trees, and cacti. What a great first look at Texas. Although, you couldn't really complain. It was time to stretch your legs and sleep on an actual bed... If there is a motel here, you weren’t one-hundred percent sure what was even in this town. I mean, there has to be a place to eat, especially since you were starving. What food could be there? Fries maybe... or even grilled cheese... you are in texas so there has to be barbeque. 
You were interrupted by your thoughts by the train conductor speaking. “Everyone is now free to leave! There is a restaurant for your hungry folks, a nearby motel, a gas station, and of course the train station! The next train will be here tomorrow morning heading more south..”
His voice started fading from your ears as you stood up, trying to move through the slightly crowded hallway. You held onto your bag tightly, so as to not lose what you have, as you pushed through groups of people. Before you knew it, you were outside in the Texas sun. It was decent, not too hot and not too windy. 
“Now... where is…” you asked yourself while walking out of the train station to locate the restaurant. “Oh, there it is!” you said happily, fixing your bag before starting to walk to the restaurant. You had no idea last time you had a full meal, I mean yeah you brought snacks for the train but that couldn't be counted as a meal. You looked around at the people in this town and you were very out of place. People here wore old western clothes. Boots, cowboy hats, and some had lassos on their belts. It was like you were in an actual western movie.
While looking at everyone, you caught the eye of a certain cowboy. He wore a red poncho with a brown hat and lots of facial hair. He also has a lot of metal on him. ‘He must get hot in all of that... And his hand is also robotic?’ you asked yourself as he started to walk your way. Your eyes raised up to the man's face, a slight nervousness coming up. You weren't nervous because of his good looks, but because he saw you looking at him. He started to walk to you, a southern chuckle emerging from his lips as he finished the cigar he was smoking, throwing it on the ground and stomping on it.
You fixed your posture and put up a nervous grin, hoping he wouldn't yell at you for staring.. Although it would be acceptable, I mean, you would do the same. “Someone seems to like our town,” he said in a teasing tone while you looked up at him nervously. “Sorry I was staring, I’ve never been here before and I just am surprised everyone here wears cowboy hats and stuff” you explained as the Cowboy laughed slightly more.
“You've never been here before? Well may I welcome such an attractive person like yourself to this little town I call home?” he asked, bowing with open arms for a moment before standing up and placing his hand on the holster of his gun. You were taken aback by how flirtatious he was being right now, I mean, calling you attractive in less than a minute of meeting? You gave a nervous laugh while covering your face slightly. “It’s an honor to be here, Mister…?” you asked, lowering your hand as you started to process how hungry you actually were. “Cole, Cole Cassidy at your service,” he replied, tilting the brim of his hat to you. “Sorry for the conversation change but I haven’t eaten an actual meal in fucking forever- is that café any good?” you asked, pointing to the only restaurant in sight. 
“The Panorama Diner? Oh yeah, it’s good… As good as a place in the middle of nowhere can be” he laughed, turning his body to the diner. “Hey, do you wanna eat with me? I’ll pay for your meal if you agree, stunning traveler” he half-joked, starting to walk to the diner. Obviously, you agreed, I mean, free food and the ability to go on an unofficial date with a handsome cowboy, it’s a win-win! “It would be an honor to be on a date with someone who has all the southern charm in the world” you replied, quickening your pace to catch up with Cole.
“So, where are you going up to? Arizona? Washington? Or are you here to stay in this little town with little ol’ me?” Cole asked with a raised eyebrow, leaning towards you before leaning back to normal. You laughed, fixing the bag around your body. “Despite the fact I would love to stay here with you, I have to go to California to visit family!” you replied with a laugh, shoving your hands into your pockets. “Damn, looks like you have a whole lotta more ways to go, but I ain’t the one to question why someone goes places” he laughed, his smile growing slightly as you two stepped up the stairs of the Diner.
The Diner didn’t look that bad, and I mean it was busy so it had to be good. “Oh, by the way,” he stopped in front of the door to look at you. “I may be a little bit popular here, so if you see people looking at you they aren’t in awe of how breathtaking you look, they just are wondering why you were chosen to go out with me” he jokingly said, nudging your arm with his elbow before laughing. Cole opened the door and motioned for you to go inside first. You stepped in, the smell of food overwhelming your nose, the coolness of the building that contrasted the outside dryness, and the talk of the people was the best thing ever to your right now. 
The two of you walked in and seated yourselves, Cole grabbed a menu as the two of you were heading to a booth next to a window. You sat opposite each other. Cole handed you a menu and you glanced over it, all the food options looked so good. “Hey- what do you always get here?” you asked as Cole looked up from his hand resting on the table. “I get the pie, but if you want a good meal,” he began, leaning over the table and pointing to the ‘Texan Charmer’ which was a burger and fries. “Now that's what I normally get” He laughed looking up at you. You met eyes with him as he leaned back down with a growing smile. “I think I’ll get that, and maybe an apple pie after. If you say it's good it has to be, right?” you jokingly asked him as he laughed. “I mean, if I say something is good in any sense, it’s one hundred percent true,” he half-joked, causing you to give a small chuckle.
Cole raised his hand up to have a waitress, the only waitress, come over and take the orders of both of you. This gave both of you time to talk and get to know each other. “So, why did you ask me out to go eat?” you asked, leaning on the table a bit towards Cole. “Well- Unlike everyone else on that train you were alone and caught my eye,” He said, a bit nervously, clearing his throat. “And I didn’t want anyone else to try anything on ya, since there are few gangs and stuff here” he explained, looking away from you. “Wow that- that’s sweet of you, it’s honestly a surprise,” you laughed, causing Cole to grumble a bit as the food was brought and placed on the tablet with your drinks.
You looked at the food in awe after thanking the waitress. “This smells so good,” you stated, grabbing some fries and putting them in your mouth. “Everything here is a homemade, fun fact!” he replied, grabbing a fry with his robotic arm. “Hey, that’s mine!” you jokingly said while leaning over to get it back. “And who's paying for your food again?” he asked in a teasing tone, raising his hand slightly out of reach. You reached for the fry one more time before leaning back with a fake annoyed look. “Hey, don’t worry buttercup,” he started, eating the stolen fry. “You have plenty more fries to eat on that plate of yours... In the meantime though,” he changed the subject to his food, his apple pie. 
The two of you ate in general silence, only talking or commenting on the food once or twice. “Is that pie any good?” you asked cole with a raised eyebrow, already finished your burger and most of your fries. “Best I've ever had actually,” he laughed, taking another bite with his fork. “If you want a bite just ask, I’m... I’m not hungry anymore,” he said, looking away from you as he pushed the pie and his fork toward you. “No way am I eating this myself, especially when I can share it with a handsome cowboy like yourself,” you flirted, sticking your tongue out at him as he chuckled. “Fine then, guess I can’t miss the opportunity to eat with someone as stuntin’ like yourself, darlin’,” he replied, his southern accent coming through in that sentence.
So, as stated, the two of you shared the desert together. You were more flustered than he was, never really sharing food like that with a stranger- or more of a new friend. Crush maybe? You didn’t know what was the right thing to call him as of current. After he had paid for both of your meals, you two decided to head out. You had to get a motel room so he decided to walk with you. It was sundown, so you assumed Cole wanted to be ‘protective’ of you. It was slightly comforting. As you walked Cole lit a cigar.
“So, how long did ya say you were staying here?” he asked you, putting the cigar in his mouth. “Just until the next train comes here,” you replied, taking a step closer to Cole, finding comfort in him the more you two hung out together. “I think the next train will be here tomorrow afternoon,” you added. Cole nodded silently as you spoke, taking the cigar out of his mouth for a moment to have fresh air before putting it back. “Hey- will you at least see me before you leave?” he asked nervously, clearing his throat. “I would- I want to exchange numbers... In case you wanna come to visit” he said, changing his demeanor from nervous to flirtatious. “Or if you wanna spend the night at my place, you're free too.”  You laughed, nodding your head as you leaned your whole upper body on him as you two walked to the motel.
“Despite the fact I would love to spend the night with you, maybe another day” you replied, opening the door to the motel check-in. Cole dropped his cigar and stomped it out as you asked for a one-night motel room. It was pretty quick to get you one, which you were glad for. Cole followed you to your hotel room, watching as you unlocked the door and threw your bag in real quickly. 
“Well, Darlin’... It was nice spending the day with you. Tomorrow I'll stop by to say goodbye, yeah?” he asked, cupping your cheek with a chuckle. You smiled, grabbing his face with your hands and leaning his face towards you, the smell of cigar almost making you lean back. “I guess i will be waiting then” you smiled, leaning your face forward and giving him a cheek kiss, moving your hands as he stood slightly shocked, and a bit offended you didn’t kiss him on the lips. But I mean, you can’t have him be too eager, now can you?
You walked into the motel, turning to Cole with a grin.
“See you tomorrow, Darlin’!”
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hatereadings · 2 months
Throne of Glass
So I first found out about this series because these ACoTaR recaps I was reading mentioned that Sarah J Maas had a previous fantasy series that came out, and the protagonist was an assassin who didn't even kill anyone in the first book. You can check out the recaps here, if you're interested in other people's hate-reads.
The author of those recaps was so appalled by ACoTaR that she's probably never going to read another SJM book, which means that the burden of recapping them has sadly fallen to... well, people who enjoyed the recaps in general, but I think I'm the only one actually willing to do this to myself.
So, here goes! I'm going to start with Throne of Glass, because it was published first, but actually mainly because it's the most readily available at my library (If I have to return it, I might switch to The Assassin's Blade for a bit).
The dedication page is
To all my readers from FictionPress--for being with me at the beginning and staying long after the end. Thank you for everything.
This honestly made me curious enough to look things up, and, whaddya know, this book was originally a story on FictionPress! In 2012, peak fandom, so... credit where it's due, clearly some of us who were on FictionPress back then felt catered to.
That reminds me - I know these books are intended for teenage girls, and I'm going to do my best to respect that and view them from that lens. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that audience or what they need or want to be reading at that time in their lives.
That said, even WITH that caveat, there's going to be a lot of shit to talk about, so buckle up.
Chapter 1
RIGHT AWAY, I have issues with the worldbuilding.
After a year of slavery in the Salt Mines of Endovier, Celaena Sardothien was accustomed to being escorted everywhere in shackles and at sword-point. Most of the thousands of slaves in Endovier received similar treatment--though an extra half-dozen guards always walked Celaena to and from the mines.
How on EARTH is this economical?! If someone is genuinely SO DANGEROUS that they need SIX GUARDS to accompany them everywhere -- how does it make ANY sense to put them to work in a mine?!?!?!
I'm going to ignore the fact that a white author is writing about slavery, because... it was 2012; a lot of us are guilty of Spartacus fanfic. We know better now, is the important part.
That was to be expected by Adarlan's most notorious assassin.
Okay. Some people have pointed out in the past that it doesn't make sense for assassins to be famous. I think that's something that's safe to gloss over in this sort of YA, though. I mean, what teenage girl hasn't wanted to be some kind of universally feared physical badass, whether that's an assassin or a mercenary or a serial killer? It's fine.
Still, if she's really so dangerous and such a Big Deal, then... again, why is she in the mines??? Why isn't she in an impenetrable cell somewhere??? You're literally paying SIX EXTRA full-time workers just to stand around watching her when they could be used to do, idk, anything else? Guarding the royal family, guarding the treasury, going to war against your enemies? This is like... Kingsguard level of security. Not something you'd want to spend on a prisoner.
There's a "hooded man in black" walking next to her. Does this sound like an executioner, or is that just me?
Apparently they take an unnecessarily circuitous route, going around and around in circles because the guy in charge... idk, wants to disorient Celaena? Even though she's been living there for a year? I really hope the people guarding her are supposed to be idiots, so she can seem like a badass genius in comparison; if this is the level of intelligence we're working with throughout the book, I don't know what's going to sustain me through this read.
The guy in the hood apparently introduced himself as Chaol Westfall, Captain of the Royal Guard, and she overheard that when she first saw him. Which might've been nice to include when we, the readers, first see him, but whatever. Apparently he's hiding his face from her to try and intimidate her, which has "five-year-old-boy-tries-to-scare-you-by-donning-a-frankenstein-mask" energy.
Celaena doesn't know why he's come to get her. She notices that her clothes are nearly rags and that her skin is dirty, and reflects that she used to be beautiful. Again, this feels more like YA convention than an actual, realistic response someone would have to being forced to mine salt for a year. Like, I can get having that response to suddenly seeing a bunch of non-miners and feeling the contrast between their clean clothes and your filthy rags, but having that just pop up idly while you're walking around your prison? It's a very hamfisted way of trying to stick in a bit of physical description at the beginning. And we get a full physical description later on, so why even bother?
"You're a long way from Rifthold, Captain," she said, clearing her throat. "Did you come with the army I heard thumping around earlier?" She peered into the darkness beneath his hood but saw nothing. Still, she felt his eyes upon her face, judging, weighing, testing. She stared right back. The Captain of the Royal Guard would be an interesting opponent. Maybe even worthy of some effort on her part.
Personally I would have added a line break after that quote, but that might just be a stylistic choice. I don't really have any bones to pick with the writing here; it seems like this is serving the wish fulfillment that a lot of the target audience really wants - a protagonist so deadly that no one is any match for them. Maybe for a more jaded audience, they'd think, "Mary Sue," and toss the book aside, but we embrace earnest enthusiasm here.
Oh, it'd be nice to see his blood spill across the marble.
Please don't tease. I know there isn't going to be any murder in this book. I can't take the false hope.
She'd lost her temper once before--once, when her first overseer chose the wrong day to push her too hard. She still remembered the feeling of embedding the pickax into his gut, and the stickiness of his blood on her hands and face. She could disarm two of these guards in a heartbeat. Would the captain fare better than her late overseer? Contemplating the potential outcomes, she grinned at him again. "Don't you look at me like that," he warned, and his hand drifted back toward his sword.
Wait, what? The killer -- actually kills someone?! Okay, offscreen, but still. This is... not quite the clusterfuck I was warned about!
Still, I'm 2% into this book. It has a lot of room to decay.
They passed a series of wooden doors that she'd seen a few minutes ago. If she wanted to escape, she simply had to turn left at the next hallway and take the stairs down three flights. The only thing all the intended disorientation had accomplished was to familiarize her with the building. Idiots.
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Celaena gets annoyed when Chaol won't talk to her, which is... kind of dumb? I mean, did you expect him to? You guys are enemies. Just keep up a one-sided banter like a normal prisoner and stop complaining.
She contemplates escape some more, then decides that it'd be too much trouble, so she'll wait. It's very convenient that all the guards are idiots; they've been walking so long that Celaena has the opportunity to infodump some worldbuilding on us. We learn that the kingdom they're in is called Adarlan, and it sends poor people, criminals, and "latest conquests" into the salt mines of Endovier, which looks something like the jail in Les Mis, with misery and whips cracking and all the stereotypical nonsense. Again, this is from over a decade ago; this shit would not fly today. That's not how you handle a discussion of slavery in this country.
Adarlan has banned magic, and anyone accused of practicing gets sent to Endovier.
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Eyllwe is apparently a country that's at war with Adarlan, still resisting its rule, and any captured Eyllwe folks also get sent to Endovier. Okay, so... I know Rome did this too, but this is sounding less like Rome and more like Nazi Germany, with the work camps for prisoners. Maas is apparently of Jewish descent, so I'm not going to weigh in on whether that's a problem.
Celaena mentions that she was "betrayed and captured" one night and sent to this place, and then pivots to thinking about whether she's finally going to be executed. I mean, it would make sense; those 6 guards' paychecks have probably cost the crown a tidy amount over the past year.
At last, they stopped before a set of red-and-gold glass doors so thick that she couldn't see through them.
That is a ridiculously fancy door for a mine. Why.
They try to pull Celaena through, she's convinced they're here to kill her and resists, but they pull her in anyway. Uhhhh... what happened to
She could disarm two of these guards in a heartbeat.
I remember the inconsistency in ACoTaR. Wasn't expecting it to show up so early here, though.
A glass chandelier shaped like a grapevine occupied most of the ceiling, spitting seeds of diamond fire onto the windows along the far side of the room.
Okay, that's actually a really pretty description. I'd go as far as to say that 'spitting seeds of diamond fire' is genuinely a good turn of phrase. That said...
Compared to the bleakness outside those windows, the opulence felt like a slap to the face. A reminder of how much they profited from her labor.
Ah. For symbolism.
In case you were wondering, no, that's not a good enough reason. It makes no sense with the worldbuilding. Why on earth would ANYONE choose to build something so fancy here. Nobody just spends their time thinking, "I'm feeling very evil today. What exceptionally evil project can I spend a great deal of money on to show off just how evil I am? I know! I'll build an opulent room next to a slave pit!"
Also? Nobody is profiting from your labor, Celaena. I don't know how much salt costs, but every day you work costs your overseers a day's wages for each of SIX GUARDS. I don't think there's much profit being turned here.
The captain shoves her in, there's more guards, and then
On an ornate redwood throne sat a handsome young man. Her heart stopped as everyone bowed.
Ah. The love interest.
She was standing in front of the Crown Prince of Adarlan.
And that's the chapter hook!
Two questions:
How did they get the throne in there? I can't tell if it's more ridiculous if they literally had to build a new fancy room with a throne when they heard the prince was coming, or if the prince's entourage carries a giant throne with him wherever he goes so he can sit in it, OR if every single building in Adarlan has to have a Throne Room of sufficient grandeur just in case the Crown Prince decides to stop by. There's just no good explanation for this. (Although from a different perspective, there are only good explanations for this)
We literally just heard an infodump about how Adarlan is a toxic power. Are they really trying to make it believable that one of the leaders of this country is a decent enough dude to be a love interest?
So far, this feels like even more of a mess than ACoTaR was. I'm curious to know if that gets any better over the course of this book, or if it's somehow all downhill from here.
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