#idk. we'll have to see how my pcs do
realignbyredvox · 2 years
thank you for accepting my elf ted talk! the one critical piece of lore i forgot to mention is that ehran canonically has... a life size marble statue of harlequin in his house, it's mentioned in the original harlequin adventure. very little heterosexual explanation for this. i think they have that kate beaton "nemesis" comic energy.
ehran... my guy...
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blizzardfluffykpop · 1 month
alright~ a few updates about everything! so this weekend I'll be seeing changkyun in chicago- so I prolly won't be posting until after I'm alive again from that 😂😅 (I am vv excited about it- I just know I'll be vv tired when I return home). Anyways, I have a few fics in the works~ one of them that is a request 🤭 I'm vv excited to work on them! But I think I'm going to change my masterlist a bit when I come back. I'm going to retire a few groups from the main masterlist and I've been debating for the past year about it... But I think I'm going to add a yearly masterlist- So it would go from most recent to the beginning of this year~
I'm also thinking about changing my pfp- I haven't been really into stray kids for uh... years- But I will be sure to make an update about that if I go thru with that too- (It may be ji changmin next 🫣🤭)
Anyways those are my few updates 🥰💖
#in general my brain is so muddled outside of talking to my three closest and my mom i'm just... fogged- but god how i want to be#writing rn- i have 4 smuts and 1 fluff in the works (who would have guessed my fluff writer self has moved from not only plain fluff to#angst & smut this year? not me- but i'm happy about it) two are poly aus and the other two are about a certain 🌙~#kate rambles on from here#altho there is another vv big potential fic~ but i'm only counting ones i have lots of progress on-#and then the masterlist thing i've been thinking about forever- hwvr again i do not know if i'll have the energy bc i might be knocked#on my ass for another month after this trip (i'll be pretty much solely driving for 4 & 1/2 hrs there and another 4 & 1/2 back the next day#but the pfp thing has been on my mind for a while too- again idk when i'll get around to it but jinkoh has given me a vv good#idea esp for winter~ with mr. ji~ so i'm sure to have changed it by december~ (unless the change is too much for me- i haven't changed it#since 2018... so i'm kind of attached to it- even tho i don't even bias him or stan the group anymore...)#anyways this is full of me rambling- i could really go on tbh- bc i'm really trying to get my mind into gear- but these are my updates#let's see if i fulfill em- i'm bound to fill the fic ones- but the other two... yeah- we'll see-#kate rambles#blog updates#should i bring babydoll q & juyo to the concert bc if it wasn't for kyun getting me into dominic fike(and being into tbz during stealer era#i wouldn't have been a tbz ult... (outside of some other factors i haven't really disclosed) bc atp i'm vv close to packing them with me#i mean tbh a tbz pc was going- but now i'm 🫣: should i bring them to see the guy from my first ult group that caused the spiral-#that made me get into my newest ult group? (i love this butterfly effect more than i could ever express tbh- even tho i express it often)#anyways if someone actually reads these- i'm bound to bring babydoll q- legally that's my buddy- but juyo?? 👀
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livsbrutalitys-blog · 9 months
Unfinished business
pt.1 | pt.3
pairing(s): Rhea x f!reader, wwe x f!reader, not really but aew x f!reader
a/n: this isn’t as Rhea based but it’s still important as it is building up relationships and the character
use of y/n
tw: eventual smut, cussing, physical violence (y’all this is wrestling what’d you expect), idk if there’s more lmk if you see any
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After you put down your phone you took a quick nap to pass the time on the long flight. You woke up just as the plane was landing and once it was time for you to get off you grabbed your things and made your way through the airport after grabbing you luggage. You walked outside and got in your rental car and finally made your way to the pc.
Once you arrived at the pc and made it through the door you were greeted by Stephanie. "Hi y/n, it's so good to see you again. I had a look at your match from last night and it was really impressive." she said with a smile on her face. "Thank you so much Stephanie, that means a lot to me especially coming from you", you said reciprocating the smile she'd given to you.
"Ok so your probably wondering why I wanted you down here so soon" she said "yes and I'm ready for whatever you have planned for me" you said becoming a little antsy. She chuckled a bit before speaking again, "That's good to know, but I wanted you here so you could meet some of our wrestlers and meet your partner in your debut" she said waiting for a response. You were bit surprised not disappointed but definitely surprised because you thought you were debuting alone.
"Partner?" is all you said wanting a further explanation. "Right I didn't tell you yet, you are gonna be entering into a feud with 2 other people one of those being the person you are pairing with at Wrestlemania, but for the night you guys will be friends we'll build the feud after" she said and you could see the passion for this story in her eyes. It wasn't a bad idea at all but it wasn't what you expected for your debut so you took a chance on it and put your trust in Stephanie's years in the business.
You followed Stephanie to room that was meant for working out and when you entered you saw about 5 people in there and she kept walking toward the blonde on the far side of the room. She was currently sitting on a machine getting ready to do another set when we approached her. Stephanie tapped the woman's shoulder and she turned her head to look at who had just tapped her.
When she looked at you you were slightly stunned to see who it was it was a girl you had briefly met at a training camp a few years ago.
"Hi Liv sorry to interrupt your workout but I wanted you to meet your wrestlemania partner" Stephanie said gesturing her hand towards you. "Hi my names y/n, it's so nice to meet you" you stuck your hand out for a hand shake. "Hey I'm Liv" she shook your hand firmly she looked at you inquisitively as she spoke again "have... we met before?" she said "You know what I think so were you at (random training camp lol) a couple years ago?" you said "Oh my gosh! yes that's were I know you from, how have you been its been so long" she said standing up and looking genuinely interested in what you were about to say.
"Everything's been good, do you remember when I told you about a deal I got offered with that indie promotion?" you said "Yes! How'd that go? I saw some of your stuff you were doing at AEW and damn girl you are so good at this whole thing I could probably use a few lessons" she chuckled "Yeah so that indie promotion ended up being AEW and well you can see how well that went" you laughed. "Well I can see you two have some good history, that'll be useful later on but I thought maybe you two could do some team bonding" she said "Oh that sounds like a great idea!" Liv exclaimed "Yeah I'm in what were you thinking?" you asked Stephanie. "Maybe you guys could just go out and grab dinner or do a training session" she said just kind of throwing out some idea's. "y/n, we can do a session together I'm just getting started you are more than welcome to join if you'd like" she asked and you thought about it because you weren't exactly prepared to do any wrestling but eventually you agreed and went and changed.
You walk to one of the rings and found Liv, she was running the ropes and had just finished stretching. So, you decided to stretch outside of the ring and once you were done you slid under the bottom rope and walked over to Liv. "so what'd you want to start with?" you asked her while doing some little arm stretches. "you wanna do some sparring? Just a warning I'm a little rusty I've been out with an injury for a while" she asked and you decided to ask about said injury "Yeah we can, what happened if you don mind me asking?" "Rhea happened" is all she said when answering your question. "Sorry I haven't watched a lot of WWE in a while since y'know I've been kinda working for the rival" you said getting kinda nervous about how she would feel about you not being 'in the loop'. She understood your reasoning and explained further what she meant.
After she told you about what Rhea did to her you felt a sense of anger and protectiveness over Liv. You guys spent a couple hours at the PC and after you finished up you headed to go grab something to eat. While you were eating you two talked about how excited you were about your debut and her return. As you talked about it you realized that this was gonna be a big deal and the people were definitely gonna be talking, Liv realized it too.
As the next couple months passed you and Liv grew a strong friendship and were closer to her than you've been with anyone in a long time. You were 2 days away from your debut on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania. You heard a knock on your new apartments door and ran to answer it cause you knew exactly who it was. You swung the door open and Liv walked in she was just as excited as you because today you guys were gonna be finishing up your outfits.
"Girl I can't believe in like two days we are gonna be making history, this is so crazy!" she said with enthusiasm, you chuckled at her actions. It's not that you weren't excited you were just nervous about seeing her for the first time in years. How would she react? How would you react? What if she hates me? What if the fans hate me? Was all you could think and it was clouding you feelings of excitement. You didn't bother to tell Liv much about how you knew Rhea, all she knew was you and her trained together but what she didn't know is that you two had a sort of... situationship for 4 years and 'broke up' if you'd even call it that because the way things ended was with her abandoning you and then ignoring you after she left that day back at the gym.
You wish you and Rhea could've had real relationship instead of a secret multi year fling. But, she wasn't ready to tell everyone that she was into girls and that she was indeed secretly in love with one. You understood and were content with what you had going on but eventually you wanted more. You wanted to go on dates, kiss her in front of other people or even just hold her hand. Anytime you asked for more its like she would shut down and try to change the subject or try to initiate sex and it would work for a bit but you grew tired of the same old same old. It started to feel like she was ashamed of you or just being with you in that way.
Rhea had said she loved you and you told her you loved her but of course nobody knew how you guys felt about one another and it was beyond frustrating and tiring trying to hide how you felt about her. She was another reason you stopped watching WWE, even though you loved it and it was your dream to make it there you couldn't bear watching her every week and knowing how you felt.
While you were lost in thought about what its going to be like seeing her after all these years Liv saying your name snapped you back to reality. "Hey y/n were did you say those rhinestones were, I wanna practice my makeup for the show" she asked while poking her head out of your bathroom. "Oh they should be in my makeup bag under the sink are they not in there?" you said as you walked away from your bed that had your semi finished out fit on it. "No I didn't see them maybe there in there and i just missed them" she said as she walked out of the bathroom to give you room to look under the sink. "Ah there they are, they fell out sorry about that" you said as you chuckled slightly "Oh no problem thank you for letting me use them" she said grabbing them from your hand and you guys switched spots. "You're welcome I have more somewhere if you want them I'm out of my rhinestone phase" you said as you walked back to your connected bedroom. She gasped "You wore these, oh my god girl I just know you looked so hot with them" she laughed "Yeah I did they just don't fit the vibe anymore y'know" you said while also laughing at her reaction.
You guys finished with your looks and decided to try on your outfit's to see if anything else needed to be fixed or added. Liv tried hers on first and she looked stunning (i hate doing these but i need to so you understand my idea here are the outfits )
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You gasped at her whole look it was amazing. “Liv holy shit I think the whole arena is going to collapse when they see you” you said while getting off your bed to get a better look at it and she laughed because she didn’t expect your reaction to be that positive. “Thank you boo, ok ok now go try yours on I wanna see” she said pushing you towards the bathroom to change. Once you were done you walked out and did a little twirl to give her a good look. She paused and her jaw dropped at how good you looked.
your outfit
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“BITCH OH MY GOD IM DONE YOU ARE GONNA STOP THE WHOLE SHOW” she yelled. “Thank you bae I was worried it was gonna be to much” you laughed not knowing how to properly accept the praise you’re were receiving. “Girl have you seen how Seth and Becky dress to their standards this isn’t enough” you and her shared a laugh knowing how outlandish those two like to dress from seeing some of their pics on instagram.
“Hey did you wanna spend the night so that we can just get up and go to the airport tomorrow?” you asked and this wasn’t an unusual question because you guys had sleepovers often. “Yeah that’ll make it a lot easier since we have to get up and go so early” she said “ok it’s getting kinda late did you want to change and watch a movie, maybe order some dinner?” you asked “yes but can i pick the place this time because you picked last time” she said and you giggled a little bit “yes you can as long as it’s not gross like that one place you picked” you said playfully grimacing at the memory of the awful food and she laughed and also made a disgusted face at the same memory.
After you got done watching the movie and eating dinner you guys were to tired to move so you just slept on the couch and you made sure you had an alarm set for the morning at 4 am since you had to be at the airport at 5 am.
You woke up at exactly 4 in the morning and Liv took a little more convincing to get her up but she eventually got up and walked to your bathroom but before that she had asked if she could borrow a pair of your sweatpants and of course you let her. Once you guys were changed you walked to your car and drove to the airport.
The airport was your least favorite place but seemed to be the place you spent the most time. You got through all the checkpoints with no problem and soon boarded your plane. You and Liv sat next to each other, She eventually dozed off and took a nap leaning on your shoulder and you soon followed resting your head on hers. She woke up about 5 minutes before you were due to land and her movement had woken you right up. “Are we about to land” you asked while yawning “uh yeah it looks like it” she said groggily. You checked the time and it was about 9 am since the flight was a short one,about 2 hrs, you were grateful.
You guys got off the plane and made your way to your shared rental car after grabbing the rest of your luggage. You made your way to the hotel and checked in, it was 1 day till you made your debut and her return. 1 day till you came face to face with her again. The pit your stomach grew but you also had butterflies at the thought of seeing her. You and Liv had been staying in a separate hotel due to nobody knowing about you guys coming.
There was a knock at the door and you glanced at Liv "Are you expecting anyone?" you asked curiously "No are you?" she asked in the same tone and you shook your head. Liv stood up quickly to answer it. Her demeanor changed almost instantly as she greeted the stranger with a hug and a quick hi. You heard a familiar voice as she asked if she could come in and Liv moved aside gesturing her in. You stood up to greet the person and you were settled by the stranger being Stephanie. “Hey y/n how was your flight” she asked as she entered the room. “Oh it was good, a short one which i don’t mind at all” you chuckled and she did the same. “Oh I bet the short ones are the best but what brings me here is I wanted to go over some of the finishing touches for tomorrow” she said while glancing between you and Liv. “Oh ok yeah did you want to do it here or we could maybe go grab a coffee while we talk” Liv suggested. “You know what that sounds great let’s explore the city a bit and get out of this room” Stephanie said happy to get of the hotel. You guys walked around finding a good coffee spot and you all finally chose one.
You all sat down with you drinks and stared talking more business. “So have you girls decided what your wearing tomorrow?” Stephanie asked “Yes we finished them up last night at made sure everything was good” You said glancing at Liv who was nodding in agreement as you spoke. “Great do you have a picture?” she said and you went to look through you photos and couldn’t find one. “I don’t think I took on Liv did you” you looked over at her “uhhhhh… yes I do” she said as she turned her phone towards Stephanie. Stephanie grabbed the phone and got a closer look. “Oh these are amazing I think you’ll win best dressed” she said as she chuckled and handed Liv her phone back. “I think that’s what we were going for” Liv said grabbing her phone back and laughing.
You guys talked for a bit and once you were done you made you way back to the hotel once you got your respective floors you said your goodbyes and heading back to your rooms. You immediately face plant onto one of the beds groaning because you were so tired and also because the amount of business talk you just did drained you completely. Liv slowly made her way to the other bed and you both laid there for a few minutes before you both started laughing. For no reason at all you were both laughing so hard, you turned you head to face her and laughed even harder “what’s so funny” you said between laughs “I don’t know felt right I guess”.
You both calmed down and we’re just having sleepy small talk and making jokes. “God what time is it?” you asked slightly jarring your self to wake up. “Oh shit I have no idea” Liv said as she chuckled and immediately searching for her phone. You found yours first and read the time 6:30 pm you had been laying there for about 2 hours now after your 4 hour long conversation with Stephanie. You both decided to eat something and head to bed early.
You both are laying there watching a random movie on the TV and Liv starts some small talk. “Are you excited for tomorrow?” she asked but she already knew your answer. “Yes god I can’t believe it’s already here it feels like yesterday I was responding to an email on the way to an AEW event” you said recalling the start of this journey. “I know right I mean it really does feel like this whole thing has flown by in no time” she said agreeing with what you’d just said. “I have to ask you something” Liv admitted and you sat up slightly to prepare for what seemed like a hard hitting question. “ok” you said hesitantly “I don’t want to overstep and you totally don’t have to answer if you don’t want to and I won’t be mad if you don’t want to but i’ve been thinking about a lot..” she rambled on “Liv what is it your scaring me” you said trying to get it out of her. “Ok sorry, sorry, so, whenever Rhea is mentioned you get kind of- i dunno- weird- i guess- did something happen with you guys?” she asked quietly not wanting to upset you. “Oh I mean no- not really- I just y’know- had a lit- little crush on her-that’s it” you said while debating if you should come clean or not. “Really because it seems like it was more?” she said not believing you one bit. You sighed as the debate in your head was settled, “ok well that’s not the whole thing- we had a kind of- well i mean not kind of but had- a sorta relationship for a couple years” you said trying to not give to many details.
“What?” is all Liv said trying to understand what you just said. “Yeah I mean it wasn’t that serious but the end really hurt not gonna lie” you said with your head turned down. “wha-why didn’t you say anything?” she asked sounding a little hurt. “i- i don’t know it just didn’t seem important” you said trying to justify it in your head and to her. “Not important? Are you kidding me it’s so important because now we’ve gotta go out there you’ve gotta be your revenge” she said surprisingly more upset at the fact that you didn’t tell her sooner because she could’ve planned your revenge tactic sooner. You laughed surprised she wasn’t mad at you.
“Your not mad?” you said “Girl no that’s your business and i’ll never press you to talk about something you don’t wanna talk about” she said with a matter of fact tone. “Ok but how do you know shes not the one who needs to get revenge?” you asked as she turned towards you quickly. “Did she make you cry?” you nodded your head “ Did she do it over text?” you shook your head “How’d she do it?” she asked now interested “She got on a plane with no word and left” you said grimacing at the memory. “Bitch i’m done you need revenge ‘cause that is seriously messed up” she said looking you dead in the eyes. “I know like who would do that?” you asked in disbelief.
You two carried on talking about your relationship with Rhea for another hour or so. “And please Liv you cannot tell anyone I don’t want this getting out for mine and her sake please” you begged “For you I will I love you girl and I mean that I’ve got you no matter what” she said reminding you that she always had your back.
You two soon fell fast asleep. You dreamed about Rhea which hadn’t happened in a very long time. You suddenly jumped and it woke you up. You stirred and got up to grab a water. You chugged it and crawled back in bed. After a while you couldn’t sleep you grabbed your phone to check the time and scroll through social media real quick. You decided to do something you never thought you’d do. You unblocked her account and viewed it.
You saw a totally different person than you’d last seen. She was more muscular and her hair was jet black and she was fully tatted. It was now not a doubt in your mind that the person you saw at the arena a while back was in fact her. You watched some of the reels on her page and looked at some of her pictures. You felt different towards her you didn’t feel the love you’d once had i mean it was still there just a little further down than they were before you now felt more rage and anger towards her because now you realized you weren’t the problem. You didn’t deserve what she did to you. You needed your revenge.
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aria-ashryver · 3 months
I have to ask, how did you edit your plus sized MCs? (I imagine my ID MC Mary to have a similar body type to that but slightly smaller)
I love it because I have been waiting a plus size protagonist in Choices and I'm been starving!
Ooh so the software I used to make these plus-sized edits is called Krita, which is open source and free to download for PC!
You also don't need to use Krita if you just want to try your hand at basic edits like changing a sprites clothes - you can stack up layers of Choices assets in something like Canva online.
There are plenty of amazing people who make Choices assets available -- @farizrz and @cassiopeiacorvus are my usual go-tos (thank you again for your hard work!)
You just download the images you need, and assemble your layers like so:
Hair - Front
Hair - Back
I'll ramble more under the cut about some of the specifics 💖 (Sprites in their underwear below!)
Spoilers: I made an edit of Mary for you ssdfklj
Let me preface this with: idk what I'm doing. I'm self taught, still learning, and I don't have an art background, so others can probably do a much better job than me, but here's my attempt at this stuff!
So, to start, we want to grab the bits that we'll need - the base "Student" body type, your MC face from Immortal Desires, and the new sprite we want to edit - in this case, its Dee/Maia's body from Getaway Girls
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Then, you can begin by looking at the colour palettes of both sprites to see what you are working with - I used the eyedropper tool a few times to get an idea of the various colours used in the highlights, base colours, shadows, undertones, etc of these sprites. You can see the ID sprite seems a little lighter, cooler, and less saturated overall.
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From here its a case of making a new group and adding various layers to it to achieve the effect you want through a combination of "Colour", "Screen" and "Multiply" layers, as well as using the "HSV Adjustment" and "Colour Adjustment Curves" tools.
Each skin tone is going to be a case by case thing -- some will want more reds in the shadows, or some will need parts of a multiply layer erased bc it's losing emphasis on highlighted areas, etc.
I recommend clicking this little symbol (I think its a clipping symbol? Again, I'm just learning this all by trial and error) to essentially keep you from drawing outside the lines.
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And then its just lots of minute adjustments! Here is a comparison of the edited body with the original "Student" counterpart. The physical manipulations were done with the "Liquify", "Warp", and "Perspective" tools. (Unfortunately, the more you (well... I lol) edit things, the more detail gets lost and blurry, so you can see things like her hands are beginning to lose detail.)
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And then once you've made all your adjustments, you get something like this!! Here is a comparison between the original "Student" body type, one of my own MCs, and Mary, whose new body type is somewhere in between the two (hopefully) like you wanted!
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Throw on a sleeveless version of one of the outfits from ID2, and some hair, and you're done! (Here are some transparents of our beloved Mary for you ft. some of the ID hair options, plus one that made me think of the photo you used in her "Meet My MC" profile ✨💛
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Hope they turned out okay! Thank you for the ask lovely, I hope you are having a great day!
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minthara · 1 year
i extracted files and searched for Minthara's name, some snippets (I sadly cant see who says them AND its really hard to tell one line from another) and it shows the romance is either bugged or they cut it out of the game
its all jumbled up, so theres 100 % more i cant find, but it doesnt mention her name. i did not add lines i personally encountered in game
So, Minthara has one in the proverbial oven?
I hope we're not finished with our current labours before Minthara drops her egg. War is the perfect nursery for a child.
Minthara with child… Somehow I can't picture her sitting around the campfire, knitting baby booties…
Minthara's pregnant. A new life, a little one, sprung from all this fuckin' chaos.
companions about/to minthara (GUESSED BY ME!! IT DOESNT SAY WHO!!)
It's funny seeing you so smitten, Minthara. Didn't think you were able.
How curious - I've only ever known Minthara to moan with pleasure when somebody's losing a limb.
So, you and Minthara, is it? I suppose that little spark we shared has been snuffed out then. I don't blame you though - she is a… compelling prospect.
And you're carousing with Minthara.
Not interested in Minthara's leftovers, I'm afraid.
Any doubts about falling for a foe, Minthara? Or does that just add spice to things?
Minthara's something of a closed book, but I suspect a heart of gold lurks beneath that stern countenance.
So. You and Minthara. Wow. Impressive.
I bet Minthara is fun.
To choose Minthara over, well, anyone… It's certainly a brave decision. One might hazard to say reckless. Stupid. Fatal…
I hope you and Minthara are very happy together. Or miserable. Whatever she prefers.
Right. Well, far be it for me to stand in the way of true love. Or anything else Minthara wants, for that matter.
What about Minthara? Weren't you guys in some kind of horrific power play masquerading as romance?
Hey, so, what's romance like in the Underdark, Minthara?
And you favour Minthara, no less. I thought you valued yourself. Minthara certainly doesn't.
pc to/about minthara (GUESSED BY ME!! IT DOESNT SAY WHO!!)
Amorous passions usually make people more considerate, Minthara. Kinder. Sympathetic. Better at cooperating.
Even my people know the value of a carefully crafted coalition, Minthara. Is our own alliance not a case in point?
Who do you love, Minthara?
I'm yours, Minthara.
I've decided to pursue a relationship with Minthara. I thought you should know.
You've judged my affections wrongly - I am much closer to Minthara!
It was only sex, Minthara. Do you have to be so dramatic?
I'll do it. Just please - don't hurt Minthara.
Yes. I'm yours, Minthara.
She comes in here, into our camp, and lays hands on my Minthara?!
We'll find your family, Minthara. And slaughter them. Would you enjoy that?
You think I'm beautiful? Oh, Minthara.
You slept with the drow Minthara. You pleased her.
The guard is happy to let you pass - Minthara is rather less happy about your choice of words.
You slip into Minthara's mind while all her attention is focused on saving her own skin. You can feel her guilt everywhere, writhing and churning. All it takes is one little push…
Who knows how long the real Minthara has been strapped to Orin's altar? We owe it to her to bring her back safely. She would do no less for you or I.
You're that True Soul that's been chumming around with Minthara, aren't you?
Care to share any of Minthara's weaknesses? Or would it take too long to go through them all?
And Minthara is - eh. A friend of yours, I am sure.
Distract her with thoughts of your night with Minthara.
Orin, masquerading as Minthara… That certainly explains her vociferous antipathy towards me.
And what more beautiful terror can there be than that wrought by Minthara and her love?
Why so surprised? Minthara murdered her way out of the womb.
I'm glad to know you have a softer side, Minthara. I was beginning to think you rather heartless.
Minthara Baenre. It is fair to say her intimacy is not easily won. Nevertheless, I did. Tried. (ORIN??)
My good friend Minthara is the funniest person I know.
Orin thinks Minthara's abduction is an ultimatum to kill Gortash.
Partnered with Minthara
Orin abducted Minthara. She told us that she'll release her if we kill Gortash.
Minthara is in Orin's clutches.
searching for "baenre"
It is true. Surface food lacks flavour. House Baenre banquets were legendary.
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t00nyah · 2 years
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Meet 24 hour — they're ready to cheer you up, well…24 hours a day!
2019. Despite both not being really fond of publicity, it seems like the idea of making a band together made them work on their social awkwardness and, by publishing their fresh version of Calamari Inkantation, they got the attention of Inkopolis' cephalings. Soon after that Off the Hook finally were ready for their tour and their place was offered to 24 — which, while being quite unexpected, but was accepted by them.
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Sango is a beginner DJ with a potential, but not with the most expressive face, trying hard to contribute in broadcast, although very often he can be seen gesticulating more than talking…
(even though Three is they/them non-binary in my headcanons, they went through some gender identity crisises before getting there. Timeline-wise in 2019 my Three uses he/she and identifies as man, and still has to figure out why it still feels not like it doesn't suit him. I will refer to Sango with he/she when I portray him in that time period, but with they/them when it's later, when they came out as non-binary!)
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Hachi is a brighter, easily impressionable and smiling octoling songwriter. She seems to be very easy to offend because of her emotionality, but she forgives easily.
(now, i'm not good at music at all, but i've made a track for Inkopolis News ft. 24hour!~ i tried making more but it all turned out bad and my pc couldn't handle my spicy beats, uhhh...)
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Hachi: It's time! Sango: 24 LIVE… Hachi: Yep-yep, that's us! I wonder what are current stages for… OH! Sango: ? (turned his head to Hachi, interested) Hachi: I think we might need to tell the exciting news first! Sango: You mean… Hachi: (nods) Ta-du-dum! It's Splatfest time! Sango: What's the topic this time? Hachi: We'll find out… In a minute!
[BAM!] Hachi: (puts her hands over her beak) Ah!! Wait, what day is it?! It can't be that soon… Splatoween, already?! Sango: Oooooh… (motioning fingers in a spooky manner) How would you like to spend your Splatoween…diving into the atmosphere by watching spooky films? Hachi: Or on a theme party? Hachi: Oooh… This one's tough… (taps finger on her cheek, thinking) Sango: It's pretty simple for me. Parties are not my thing. Sango: You can't turn off people around you when you're tired. Sango: But a TV always has this function. Hachi: Hm-hm~ But what about spending time with your friends in spooky or funny costumes? Hachi: You could make thematic decorations, food, games, anything! Hachi: I'm team Splatoween party. Sango: Have fun there, and I'm going to watch Nightmare before Squidmas. Hachi: Hey, I want to too..! (puffs her cheeks) Hmpff… Sango: I can wait for you if you want. Hachi: !.. Sango: (smirks) Well, what would you choose? Splatoween films or Splatoween party? Hachi: Don't forget to go to the Splatfest terminal and choose!!
~~~ Hachi: It looks like it's time to wrap up… Sango: Well, all day's the time… Hachi: …to let you shine!
(yep, i decided 'what do you mean no splatoween. here i have it right there.')
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SpookyFest art! Hachi and Sango doing both activities in the end. It's not like anyone's gonna find out that they're both too scared of scary movies and social interactions to do things on their own, right?
Bonus: 24 concept art!
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(you can actually use this as a reference as long as you understand that some things here aren't finalised and if something doesn't seem right(like sango's teal color is different from his actual design here) — you better reference the artwork above! it's mostly good for small details like their headphones or hachi's skirt for example)
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(me trying to figure out their studio layout and dynamic at broadcast)
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(small doodles where you can see hachi hiding her shoulders by tying her sweat..er?.. anyway i love this concept so much.)
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(i tried to cut out splatoween sango and hachi in case anyone wants to use them as a pfp idk (just credit me please if you do!))
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(also a small shellfie doodle i made yesterday bc i was really hyped to show all this!!!)
big thank you if you made it to the end!! i worked on this for half of this month and i'm really glad i finally get to show all this stuff :] i hope you like it 'cause i might plan to do something else...
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im getting windows 95 running ina vm on my pc and im writing my process here so i dont forget
installed oracle vm + got windows 95 iso files downloaded and stuck in (floppy disk boot // disk os thing)
enable virtualisation in my bios (risky bc my pc crashes a load when i do that for some reason)
ima boot in safe mode bc idk what these options do
okay it looks like safe mode is the command prompt??? how do i quit this (powered off rhe machine)
lets try just boot option 1
okay still no gui lemme check the guide i was using
run "fdisk" to get large disk support?
oh fdisk is format disk
use primary dos partition w max size
reboot machine and use NEC thing
"format C:"
navigate to c drive ("C:")
"mkdir WIN95" to start copying files over
get annoyed that oracle is blocking alt+tab
head into WIN95
"copy D:\WIN95"
watch shit tons of files (217 copy over super quick)
eject the disk
start setup by typing "setup"
okay so ima stop following rhe tutorial here
installing in C etc (default options)
using advanced bc im nerdy like that
okay we r going back to the tutorial to see what vertificate key thing we should use
popping in user info (name: Jen)
we'll go w recommended hardware auto detect bs
i didn't set up network or sound/midi so i assume its not there? (just checked the tutorial I can check em)
realise u didnt take any screenshots so are going to have to run through this again later to get em
wait for setup
wonder if u could run python w flask or node w express or smthn on it
use every component bc i can
i dont understand network configuration so im skipping it right now
sure startup disk sesms fine
Insert Disk (what) (tutorial time) (what do)
tutorial didn't get this (wuhoh.png) (let's just click ojay and see what happens
it was fine!!
god win 95 is cool
okay pc should restart
i should gave ejected that floppy disk huh
remove floppy diskabdn reviot
reboot aagin bc error?
okay kets try safe mode
yeah no it goofed lets start it again from rhe fresh install hopefully
i dont want to make another device so im sticking rhe shit in again and hopping
didnt work
Windows 95 two Electric Booglaoo
Re-extracted the files time to try again
booting up #3 lets get screenshots
end of part one (ill rb w my next progress update (w screenshots this time)
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tearlessrain · 6 months
what about the companion questions from the tav ask game, for mallory!!
eey thanks! (ask meme here for everyone else lost in the bg3 sauce)
for reference here's Mallory, looking very offended that the obviously hazardous rune had the audacity to zap him when he poked it
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he's a half-drow gold draconic sorcerer and as extra as that lineage would suggest. he's also got the urchin background, but he doesn't tell people that.
I also feel it's important to mention that he was the first character I created for my initial blind playthrough and by the time I realized that his backstory and personality had a similar vibe to Astarion it was too late. as a pc it works because he romanced Astarion and the two of them have a wonderful time being insufferable and flamboyant together and bonding over their similar trauma, but as a companion he'd feel a bit "why do we have this guy, there's already one of these but better". but for the moment we'll ignore that lol.
1. What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" (intensely sarcastic)
"Oh. It's you."
"I was just wishing someone would come over and bother me." (also sarcastic)
"Can I help you?"
"A pleasure."
"Hello, darling."
"Everything all right?"
"You know, I actually enjoy these talks."
"I hope you're well, aside from... you know."
"Well, hello."
"My dear, you have my full attention."
"Oh, just here to talk? Pity."
"I'm here."
"Gods, what would I do without you?"
"Do you need something, love?"
Broken up:
"Darling! Whatever can I do for you?" (intensely sarcastic)
"Keep wandering over here and people will talk, you know."
"Straight to business, I suppose?"
"Hm, I liked you better when you were fawning over me."
2. Describe their tent setup! What’s on the outside? The inside? The inside would be cluttered but in a deliberate organized chaos kind of way, Mallory decidedly lives up to his dragon blood in that he collects shiny things and trinkets and has maximalist decorating tastes when he's able to. the outside would be comfortable but fairly unassuming and barren. The reason for this is not personal taste, it's so that anyone who might come along to burgle the camp will go for the externally fancy-looking tents first and leave his alone.
3. What would their character quest be titled? Why? oh god I'm so bad at titles, probably something gold-related or dragon-related. idk the writers are talented they'd come up with something snappy.
4. What would your Tav’s romance scenes look like? How many would they have? He would definitely be on the "bone first ask questions later" end of the companion spectrum and would probably come onto the player fairly early on. Mallory flirts with Everyone whether he's invested in following through or not and prior to The Tadpolening he'd been clawing his way up the ranks of the upper class mages in his home city via a carefully balanced combination of fucking and blackmail and it was a marked improvement on the situation he was in before that, so his perspective on both sex and relationships is not what you'd call rose-tinted. He'd be doing the same thing here, looking for leverage and a way to establish himself with the person who's taking charge of things. It would definitely be a fun romance in act one, very weighted toward the sex scenes and light banter, but he'd be deflecting any attempts to take things further emotionally or get him to open up (and might show a bit of a vicious streak if he's pushed too hard) until the latter two acts of the game, when you'd probably see more in the way of heart to heart conversations with him as he starts trusting the player. And that trust would mean a lot to him, considering all his prior "relationships" have been transactional at best and abusive at worst.
He'd also be among the companions who's fully down with you hooking up with Halsin, and would only complain if he never gets invited. He's not well suited to monogamy.
5. Describe their idle animations! Doing little tricks with conjured fire to entertain himself, straightening his clothes/hair a bit surreptitiously and/or being preoccupied with some dirt that's not coming out, maybe doing some stretches. Pacing because he's not very good at waiting around. admiring some bauble he found while out adventuring with you and trying to figure out where to put it. if companions autonomously interacted with each other he and Gale would be arguing about magic frequently.
6. How would the player go about meeting them in Act 1? What is their introduction? I feel like the player would probably find him standing in a ring of char not far from the crash, surrounded by several smoldering intellect devourers and looking like he was not at all planning to do any adventuring the day he got abducted. He'd be wary initially but would warm up very quickly once he realizes you're not also here to attack him and suggest sticking together until the whole situation gets resolved.
The first impression he tends to give off is "mildly snobby ivory tower mage who's never had to boil water before" but it's a very curated image that he designed to navigate a very specific environment and it starts to break down once you realize he can pick locks and has a lot of random mundane survival skills and will immediately adopt any orphan that stands still long enough if he's allowed to. he is very good at being a mage though, that part is accurate.
7. Describe their arc. How would a player help resolve it? What choices can be made? Can your Tav be turned down a dark path, or pulled to a lighter one? Mallory definitely has the potential to go to the dark side, one of the ways he's most similar to Astarion is that he fears/resents others having power over him and is willing to take dubious measures to make himself as untouchable as possible. He's also manipulative at times and the kind of person who fully believes he could outwit the devil (not without reason, but he's much less impervious to consequences than he thinks he is), and he's got a lot of pent up resentment and grief and anger he's never really dealt with, so it's entirely possible that he could end up in a very bad place (both for him and for everyone around him). I've thought about one unfortunate timeline that eventually ends with him becoming a devil himself, which ultimately just traps him in a worse version of everything he was trying to escape from as a mortal but gives him the illusion of power and control (so at least he can tell himself it was worth it, even knowing it wasn't).
If influenced away from that though, he's just as capable of turning all that toward improving things instead of tearing them down, and he does have a good heart when it comes down to it.
He's got a huge soft spot for kids and a strong drive to make sure as few as possible ever have the kind of childhood he did, so I could see his arc tying in with the tiefling babies and/or Yenna in some way.
It would also likely involve Darius, his abusive ex who "took him in" in his late teens when he was in a particularly bad spot, and who he didn't get away from until he was essentially bought by someone else (which is how he ended up in the social groups he did) for more gold than Darius felt keeping him was worth. There was never any real closure there prior to the events of the game but that guy honestly needs to die. whether things end well depends on what's motivating him by the end and how he gets there; this will either be a turning point where he'll realize he's better off helping people who need it than hurting people who deserve it, or he'll go full tumblr revolutionary and decide that killing Darius wasn't enough and the only way to fix anything is to burn it all down and start from the ground up so he can do things properly, collateral damage be damned.
8. After Act 3, what does their life look like? What are they talking about at the reunion party? Regardless of his ending he will have been continuing to develop his magic, guy was like two levels away from sprouting wings by max level and he's not gonna pass that up, plus he just enjoys it.
If he had a good ending he will 100% have adopted Yenna and/or a tiefling orphan or two, and has definitely been making a huge nuisance of himself to the city's patriars in an effort to help improve things in the lower city, to great success all things considered. Mallory is extremely good at making a nuisance of himself effectively. It will be pretty clear that he's doing a lot better mental health wise and takes a lot of pride in what he's doing.
If he had a bad ending... he will insist that all his power plays and growing spiderweb of faustian bargains and revenge plots are going fantastically, and he's doing great.
He is definitely not doing great.
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
Do you think we'll ever know why Yuzu was consistently underscored in the last few years of competing? Like, I can't fathom why they would do that - he's so well loved, so surely scoring him accurately would just draw more people toward the sport to see him? Honestly I believe that if he hadn't attempted the 4A at the Olympics that he could have won if he was scored fairly. Having a 3x Olympic Gold medalist would have made such a buzz in the news which would be good publicity, no? So... idk. I'm confused by the whole thing and my heart goes out to Yuzu for putting up with so much for so long.
Hi, anon! Oh, this is such a long story. I'll try to keep it as short as possible and make it comprehensible.
Officially, there most likely will never be an explanation given, it's just not how the sports' world works. There is no accountability since the "behind the scenes" is mostly a power play between several figure skating federations (USA, Russia, JSF - but that's a whole other story), lots of politicking going on.
However, the fans and those who know figure skating have become aware of Yuzu being underscored over the years. There were a hell lot of discussions about that too, but they literally led nowhere - there were a lot of fights and Fanyus accused of being irrational and delusional.
The narrative goes something like this:
Yuzu came into the senior competitions as a very successful junior and he actively improved his technical as well as his presentation components - he was constantly on the rise winning a world medal in his 2nd year as senior, winning everything there was to win in the 2013-2014 season - GPF, Worlds, OLYMPIC GOLD, except 4CC (I don't think he participated in 2014), achieving incredible scores at 2015 NHK Trophy and 2015 Barcelona, winning a second world title in 2017, winning a second OLYMPIC GOLD in 2018... and finally winning 4CC in 2020.
There is a huge discrepancy in scores that occurred after 2015 GPF. Yuzu was constantly improving, yet his scores don't reflect that at all - they look like he remained through his entire amateur career at the same level as he was in 2015 or that he became worse - which is a blatant lie.
Frankly, when he broke consecutive records in 2015, ISU and the feds became aware that he was untouchable. There were skaters younger than Yuzu who were bringing quads to the game, skaters like Jin Boyang, Shoma Uno and Nathan Chen. But their skating skills could NEVER get close to Yuzu's, and Yuzu was also bringing new jumps into his arsenal - 4Lo, 4Lz. USA having lots of power, started pushing Chen as the quad king and Chen was supposed to be Yuzu's rival, narrative woven like this until Yuzu turned pro.
Anyway, Chen's scores were rising although there was barely any visible improving seen in his skating, while Yuzu, obviously constantly improving, if he had the smallest mistake he was penalized. The penalizations became greater when the scoring system changed from +/-3 GOE to +/-5 GOE because there could be greater manipulation of scores.
If Yuzu was getting +3 GOE for a 3A prior to 2018/2019, he was supposed to get +5 GOE for the same jump starting with 2018/2019, but that barely happened. The average GOE for Yuzu's 3A on the international stage stayed around +3. So, on paper, Yuzu seemed to be getting worse. Not to mention the PCS... which Yuzu openly talked about after turning pro, he was no longer awarded almost perfect PCS although he kept improving.
About Beijing 2022, Yuzu was never meant to win the gold as set by the ISU. Had he went clean, his Rondo probably would've been around the same as his last WR (lower than 112 points) because of literal judging corruption, and Chen would've still had impossible inflation and set a WR.
I won't go deeper into Beijing, it was Yuzu's choice to continue skating while remaining true to himself, it was his choice to challenge the 4A, it was his choice to do everything as it went. And I respect that because there's nothing more worthy of admiration than a person who remains true to himself while undergoing abuse (because, in the end, that's what it was). He came out on the other side stronger and better than any other skater and his pro career already shows it.
ISU seems to not care that figure skating is dying, they are not doing anything to improve the circumstances in which this sport is "developing". They lowered the PC components from 5 to 3, they want to let Russia back in the game, they push quads in juniors, they continue white-washing the whole sport (look at the countries of the skaters who were given the ISU awards).
In a nutshell, Yuzu's competitive career was hell, he had numerous injuries that threated his skating life, he continued, he was getting underscored, he continued. He did try to play ISU's "jumping competition" game for a while - Aoi Honoo III reveals that - with Origin. He didn't like that and his scores didn't improve even while playing by ISU's rules. He went back to the programs that won him 2015 NHK, 2015 GPF and 2018 Olympics gold... he was awarded just a tiny bit more than his previous SP world record. So, he continued skating in the hopes of landing that 4A. He challenged it until the end of his amateur career. He showed the best he could at Beijing... but it's over and done with now. Now he continues challenging that jump, but for himself, because it's his DREAM.
Now, we focus on Yuzu's pro career - he continues changing what figure skating means. If Prologue wasn't enough to show that he is so much BETTER than when he competed, GIFT and NS will definitely cement that in. Yuzu continues pursuing his ideal figure skating, hard tech content, beautiful skating skills, all possible because of hard work and training.
ISU did use Yuzu, they used him until July 19th 2022. While we were anxiously waiting for the 2022-2023 GP assignments, ISU put the tickets on sale for all the GP stages minus GPF. There were people who went in blindly to buy tickets because Yuzu's photo was on several ticket sites (for example, the Finland GP had Yuzu on their site). People were going to buy GPF tickets, too without any concrete assignments.
Yuzu announced him turning pro in July, the Yuzu fans who had bought tickets to see Yuzu found a way to sell them or ended up not going to the GPs. ISU knew Yuzu brought in the crowds, they knew he was the favourite. They did not promote his skating, they promoted him PARTICIPATING in competitions.
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autopotion · 4 months
Ok here are my companion predictions for DATV:
Two humans, a Grey Warden and an Antivan Crow. The Warden has pretty much all but been confirmed (Davrin) and the Crow is almost certainly Lucanis or Illario. Judging from the voice clip Davrin probably hails from Ferelden or the Free Marches. Possibly Tevinter but I'm thinking Ferelden
Female dwarf rogue, also pretty much confirmed (Bellara). Sadly I don't think my dwarf mage companion theory is true. That being said, considering the new mechanical details, I do wonder if companions are going to break the typical m/r/w tradition and have more hybrid classes? In which case... Give her a little magic, Blease. I'd love it if she was from Kal-Sharok too, but idk how likely that is.
Mortalitasi skeleton. Considering how much art we've seen of these glowing skeletons I will be extremely surprised if we don't get one.
Lady Qunari/Tal-Vashoth. Same as skeleton, we are for sure getting a Lady Qunari, but that's all I can definitively say about her. Would not be surprised if she's Tal-Vashoth to finish the pattern, since Sten was Qunari and Iron Bull could be Qunari or Tal-Vashoth.
The remaining two companions I'm less certain of. Options:
Veil Jumper. I think someone has to be, right, but anything about this Veil Jumper is pure speculation. I personally feel like elf would make sense, maybe a Dalish elf... We haven't had a Dalish elf companion since Merrill!
We know that each companion represents a different faction, and I haven't accounted for two of the likeliest factions yet: Lords of Fortune and Shadow Dragons. I'm convinced a Lord of Fortune will be present in some capacity, but whether they're a companion or an option for the PC remains to be seen. I suppose Lady Qunari could belong to one of those factions, which would be cool.
Keeping with the typical DA trend, I don't think there will be a ton of crossover between potential PC origin factions and companion factions, meaning I'm not sold on Antivan Crow as an origin. We'll see though. (Just please don't be a GW again...)
This one is a stretch, but I would love an Executor companion. I'm just picturing that shadowy group concept art with a hooded figure holding a rifle... That would be so cool IMO. And it would make DATV the DA game with the most fantasy diversity among companions!
On that note I'm going back to sleep.
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literaryreference · 6 months
okay so. aa6 is undeniably a mess. it is my least favorite aa game. i'm not trying to defend it. but i do think that when criticizing it, it is important to understand that khura'in is almost literally japan in a funny hat. like, even aesthetically, they are barely trying to make it look like it's not japan. and you might say, okay, well, they clearly did zero research for their "our great country bringing enlightenment to the benighted natives of a backwards land" narrative and that just makes it worse, but the "this is obviously just japan" aspect is so blatant that personally i feel it is probably on purpose. i think the racism of aa6 is instead, primarily, the racism of using another culture as window dressing for a commentary on your own. and that's still bad! it's just a different kind of bad.
japanese media does of course sometimes contain colonialist apologism on purpose. but these narratives tend to be based on long-term occupation and/or administrative control. "we built them roads! we educated them! sure we also tried to destroy their culture and language but look how much better off they are! why aren't they grateful?" aa6 doesn't really hit any of the talking points i would expect to see out of imperial japan apologia. instead it's acting out something that looks a lot like the usa's late-20th-to-early-21st-century imperialist narrative of "we'll just drop in quickly, fix things, and then leave." and that's not really the shape that japan's imperialism has taken, which i think makes it less likely to be intentional.
i think that in aa5 the writers got a little overly self-indulgent and decided they didn't want the protagonists to keep struggling to wring individual victories out of a defective system like in real life, they wanted them to be able to fix it, to win in a definitive way. but then they've got another game to write. and they've painted themselves into a corner because the end of aa5 takes most of the themes and concerns of the series to date off the table. and since the permanent fix in aa5 isn't reflective of anything in real life, it's not like those themes and concerns aren't still relevant, and there's not an obvious new angle to explore. so what do they do? they make a country that looks uncannily like japan, that is named after maya's japanese hometown, and they put funny hats on everybody. now it's a different country that happens to still have the same problems! easy fix.
of course, the better move would have been to just, you know, not do that in aa5. (i don't know if they knew there was going to be an aa6 at the time, but idk, i didn't love the permanently-fixing-the-system angle even in gaa/dgs where it happened at the end of the duology. it just feels a little too pat.) so again, i'm not really defending the writers here. and the fact that we are pretending that khura'in is not japan means you do end up with a narrative where the pcs go into a different country to fix the other country's problems and that has unfortunate implications regardless of what the intent was. but i do honestly believe that the "our great country bringing enlightenment to the benighted natives of a backwards land" narrative is an unintentional byproduct of bad writing choices and that the writers are not trying to claim any actual moral high ground for their own culture.
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hexitca · 4 months
So I've been staying at my friend's place watching her apartment and dog while she's on her honeymoon. I offered for free (as a wedding gift other than the glasses I bought them bc I love her and also a win for me bc this has been a nice relaxing vacation lol) but her husband being awesome buys the DMC5 game for me to play while I'm here!!! I was so blessed he just offered and I was like "woh! you don't have-" Him: "I don't mind! You're doing us a big favor! :)" omg so sweet ToT so I finished it last night and here are my thoughts:
Warning: a lot of rambling lmao
TLDR: 10/10 best game overall
10/10 on plot, characters, game design like it was just perfect!! I loved the whole game and while I had to play it on human mode in order to just get through the game for my short time here, I would love to play it on the harder modes and explore more. I can't wait to get a gaming computer so I can do that lol.
Obviously I'm bias bc I love DMC but having played all the DMC games at least once (never finished DMC2 and DMC4 but I at least played enough to get a sense of the games) DMC4 was my fave in game play, plot, and characters. That's not to say DMC1 and 3 are lesser like DMC3 is RIGHT behind DMC4 for me (I just loved Dante's character in DMC4 more and of course Nero and Kyrie with Trish haha). I hope to finish DMC2 next but I think that's gonna be the least liked but we'll see.
Looking at the time line of DMC and having it wrapped up pretty decently in DMC5 was amazing! I haven't played many series with continuous plot lines often but this would be top of the list. Even with something like DMC2 where it is the odd one out from all of them, how they handled it was very well done. When I saw that the game included a recap of the other games/plot I thought that was a nice touch. Especially since the games exist across different consoles (DMC 1,2,3 all being on PS2 and DMC4 PS3 and DMC5 PS5 (I know they are on other consoles but I'm a Play Station girlie haha I never played any of the game on PC but I never had a computer strong enough) like it's hard. I got the first 3 on PS2 and on the Switch for portable play but that's it. I hope they put all on switch but I'm gonna end up getting it for PC in the future lol)
It was nice of them to include that in DMC5. I do encourage ppl to play all the games once bc obviously a recap doesn't stand up to actually playing the plots of the other games. I think due to my past plays of the other games it really made me appreciate the wrap up in DMC5.
I know we all want a DMC6 (trust me I want to see Nero and Co. again plus to see the twins back from hell) but if the series ended now it would be a perfect end. Obviously again I never want this series to end I love it and the characters so much but again compared to most game series it's rare to have a clean wrap up.
Some personal gripes that is more on me than the actual game/characters/etc:
I wasn't happy with Dante's character it felt really mean spirited but in the whole context of the plot/his history it fits. I guess going from DMC4 Dante to DMC5 Dante (yes 5 years had passed and depression etc I totally get that that's why I'm like it fits honestly) but Idk. I just felt that it could have been more...smoother? if that makes sense? His lines/actions etc make sense but were choppy at times. AGAIN Idk how to explain it it MADE sense (trying to protect Nero, the drama/trauma between Vergil/Dante, the actual chance that the world is ending) but idk threw me off a little. Just a major asshole lol but not the loveable asshole that he usually is. Again like yes in the whole context of it all he was gonna have to kill his brother (again) but again I wasn't a huge fan.
I wish we got more of Lady/Trish/Kyrie. I LOVED that Lady and Trish were used as mini bosses like that was perfect but I also think they should had have some gameplay/more than just that. Of course the story is about the Sparda kin and there's time constraints etc but idk...I always felt that the DMC games could have had the ladies featured a little more lol. ESPECIALLY WITH KYRIE. She is Nero's love, voice of reason, his tie to humanity and she only got mentioned/a voice call that wasn't that long. Idk I just need more Kyrie love dammit
Not a lot of gripes lol again just 10/10 and the gripes are just my personal hang ups but everything was amazing despite those gripes.
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chipped-chimera · 1 year
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Okay since I'm actually awake now, (proper) HAIR UPDATE! ❤️🖤❤️
I wanted to add this onto my post from last night but tumblr hates reblog photosets. Anyways I was very aware that posting my V in the darkest corner of an apartment with black hair wasn't really ... showing anything - but it was very much her vibe and that's been the point of this entire project, buckling down and learning Blender from nothing, reverse-engineering mods and systems I was only NEW to about a month or so ago so I could figure out how to bring 'back' her hair, but like ... even more how I wished it was.
And it's finally done (well ... structurally).
More development rambles beloooow ~
I'm not releasing this (yet) as I'd now put myself in 'polish' phase, where I'll be tweaking some physics and other stuff like the vertex painting which influences the shine - brighter hair colours look a bit too blown out at the moment, and I'm not sure if this is because it's too shiny or because of my custom normals (may have to tone them down a bit, idk). You can see what I mean below -
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Shadows are also behaving oddly at certain angles, and I wasn't sure if it was a harsh lighting situation but upon changing the lighting up ... no. Something weird is going on. So that'll need troubleshooting (for lighter colours at least). Also some textures just are acting weird on certain parts when I don't think they should look that way so yeah ... more ... troubleshooting ahead. :V
I'm also going to look into if there's something I can do for the 'efficiency' of this mesh because I noticed some pretty severe frame slowdowns taking close up shots - though only sometimes?? Not sure what that was about at all. I'm assuming it's my gpu being pushed harder as I get closer to the hair, but upon changing the hair in the character creator to another and then back it just went away again? So no idea what the hell was going on there. It felt a bit almost like a memory leak, but I didn't do a check to see what my system was doing so I'll have another look if it happens again.
Possible (hypothetical) causes:
Could be texture size, these hair cards have 2k textures apart from the alpha (4k) which is double vanilla textures so that is also a possibility as a fix (though I'd be loathe to do it).
Double rigs. I noticed last night when in my rigging phase with UUH4V that reducing it from three meshes and rigs to TWO meshes and two rigs significantly improved framerate lag (I mean it was minor but noticeable enough) in the character creation screen, so it could hypothetically be something to do with calculations of running two rigs at the same time. If that is the case, I could probably just rig this to the Alt hair rig. Currently I'm using Alt's for the back and left side of the hair, whereas the fringe at the front and the curl over the shoulder is rigged to Old Rogue. I'll probably still keep using UUH4V just … one rig only.
Last in the list? Hair cards. There are a lot. Maybe too many. They're also of a higher poly than last time. That said I've looked at other mods with heavier polycounts than mine (what gave me the courage to push further in the first place after my very low poly attempt 1.0) that caused more obvious frame slowdown in just the character creator alone. I feel there is still a minor slowdown currently but it's on the edge of noticeable (like, 30fps vs 60fps). As it goes though, this is still pretty insanely efficient (thank YOU Hair Tools for Blender).
BONUS: Mods. Other mods. The thing I use to hook in a DLL for pose control. Could always be that?
So uh, guess that's what I'll be working on. I don't know how much time I should be spending on getting this 'frame efficient' considering anyone using this would be primarily be for screenshots, and given the specs I'm currently running (AMD Ryzen 5 CPU and an RTX 2060) are being re-classed as the 'bare minimum' with Phantom Liberty coming out, and I am planning on upgrades to my PC anyway.
We'll see? (Though in my heart of hearts, I have have had potato PCs for years and I want to support the lowest specs I possibly can). I dunno let me know what you think about that one as a possible mod user (and someone who actually reads these, wow).
Anyways all that matters is jesus christ I finally did this. I taught myself hair. From scratch.
Promised tutorial ... soon. After I maybe do nothing for a few days lol.
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k-white · 5 months
Personal Opinions of GMMTV PART2 SERIES
To nobodys request I am gonna do a opinions on the gmmtv trailers, let it be stated that I barely watch anything lately so we'll see how many I will actually watch🤣
so lets start, I will go in order of how they came out on the lineup:
Ossans Love Thailand: I do not like slapstick it isn't my thing but strangely enough I liked this trailer it made me laugh a lot and seeing EM in a show where they can be silly and ceazy is so fun plus the chemistry with the Boss was working, I haven't watched the japanese but I might go back and watch that cuz I wanna ne up on top of knowing the plot
Leap Year: It looks cool and has Gun, feels a little more survival show wich isn't really my thing but the concept is cool, I am always ready to try out more put there plots with supernatural elements and the acting seemed solid for both Dew and Pond
The Heart Killers: hem do I even need to say anything? BE GAY DO CRIME SHAKESPERE WITH FK AND JOJO DIRECTING I think this suffices moving on! jokes aside I am so exited for an action romcom with betrayal and tattoos and my babies looked AMAZING
Friendshit Forever: it's Mook and Pat acting their asses off and almost killing eachother while looking sapphic doing that, so yes please, New and Boom are ok man ruinibg things as always lol/j but honestly I would watch this for the girls and the drama plus Pat is literally a goddes I love that woman
Perfect 10 Liners: sigh another gay engeneers cute boy ensble with 2 couples I am not particualry a fan of om screen(FB PC) and one I have no feelings for(JM) plus the plot looks so uninspired and boring and if it is true it's gonna be 10 eps per couple you bet your ass you wont see me sit thtough this thing! We Are is enough and at least there I like the pairs
Us: FUCK YES BABY GIMME THE GL, this looked so artsy and indie it didn't even give off thai show vibes with the minimalist approach and cinematography, the story is gonna be angsty as fuck but I live for it and Girl falling for the guys sister? Man good drama, and it has Sing and Emi looking mighty fine plus Bonnie wich is so pretty, you will be seeing me seated for this one
Hide & Sis: Again it has women, and WHAT WOMEN GEEZ! Jan, Lookjun and Piploy???? god I am melting they are everything, it is very PS I Hate You and thank god Snap went back to that after Jungle, stick to the messy murder plots, it honestly might not be everybody shit but it's mine and I will take it, tho the revenge porn is trash and fuck you Chimons character, and Lookjun and Pepper actually playing a sort of couole on screen! and oh Gawin as a cop(probably corrupted) brings back memories
Thame-Po: another one that doesn't have gmmtv vibes and I like it when they try to branch out, the idol subplot isn't my thing tho even if I know LYKN are good, EstWilliam mmmm they look pretty but didn't really vibe with the acting, they do have good chemistry tho, for this one I might have to wait for the actual trailer
Break Up Service: NO moving on... ok fine this is ridiculous and does not give me anything even if there is Off in a suit, the comedy wasn't even good next
Revamp: I know this is Boons crown jewel and it looks good but vampire shows are hit or miss and I am not that into them but I think I will watch for the cast and cuz I am attached to BP, and Kay in a villain role is cheffs kiss
Sweet Tooth, Good Doctor: SIGHHHH Oh Mark what have they done to you? they were able to make Mark Pakin look plain MARK! UNACCEPTABLE! plus dentists? I have visceral reactions to just thw sounds of the trailer, Ohms acting still isn't to my liking and it is a Jittirain novel so skeptical isn't even cutting it, the trailer even if less slapstick as OL it cringed me, the balance of humour and romance is off, I think I will watch but just for Mark, Jimmy and View
The Dark Dice: meh felt like a bootleg gifted in a bad way idk I like Gem and Prim enough but this didn't give me anything much, might have to wait for final trailer here too
The Ex Morning: I like the concept don't care at all about anchor man plot, still not a big fan of Krists acting, but I like Singto and the ex part was interesting enough, we will see, might be a little too meta and not in a good way
Scarlet Heart: My Tu come back and ot is a Harem Reverse? WHY??? I hate harem shows always had, I don't even know the og show, I do like most of the cast but still this was just a teaser so I might need to check the og show and then the full trailer to judge, for now I am not into it and I am sorry cuz MY TU!
Ok thats it, overall I liked this lineup better than part 1(even if it's just cuz of FK be in an actual show and not just to announce School Rangers) for now I am in for most of the shows we shall see once they start airing but I stay optimistic that I will watch most
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zannolin · 1 year
give us a list of your shazam wips and we'll help you pick 👀
i will preface this by saying half the battle for my brain is figuring out "does this fit in with the series or not" and yes. yes i could just retroactively add it to the series if i decide it does. but also *explodes* you feel me.
anyways. let's see.
canonverse ones i have pretty solid ideas for:
shazamily going to college/growing up
mary & freddy blaming themselves for billy's death (The Guilt Fic <3)
marilyn batson fic hoo boy
5+1 billy and rosa fic
AUs (that i sort of have concepts for):
how do i explain this. um. i-spy treasure hunt (2001 pc game) au
star wars au is knocking around up there
what if they lost their powers permanently post fotg
time loop au lol
there's a big mess of idea soup in my brain hurling concepts at me all the time like "what if freddy was the champion and not billy" "what if (as we have discussed on this blog recently) it took longer for billy to come back" "what if billy wasn't dead (yet) when they found him" "anthea? fic?" "amicable breakup fics" "mary fic??????" "how could i make a stranger things au" "how can i make horror aus. NEOW." etc etc.
usually i have very clear visions for fics but getting everything sorted out recently has been hard and idk if i'm just tired or if i wrote too much all at once and now i'm feeling pressure (from myself) to make something Good to follow up how much i liked the other four. yknow.
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katzirra · 11 months
Aggressively rubs my face, complaining about anything in life feels so tedious compared to what's going on in the world. World events and disasters and genocides and just fucking everything make you feel so small and worthless. Like god damn I feel guilty for thinking how stressed I am because HAHAH COULD BE WORSE, BITCH. WHICH is kind of a weird thing the internet really uh, perpetuates. Which is kinda what people get at when they say take care of your mental health.
Like I'm staying as up to date as I can but it's... wow it's hard to stomach, and it's hard to know what to do when you're in a financial spot lmao... Fucking god damn. Like carrying on like normal is really hard because there's that thought in the back of my mind right now about how upsetting it is realizing so many people can't do that. Will never do that again. It's like tv static in my head lately low key saddening me more and more.
But yaknow that just sounds like I'm complaining about a world event, but it's not. It's just...a profound sadness. Saturating things. I find myself just kinda sitting lately unsure what to be doing that feels... productive in this time. Not really feeling, uh, creative or happy. I dunno. Low simmering fear as well tbh.
Taking a break from Xig because I'm just ..out of it and need the expectations off me for a second.
Having anxiety even checking my art blog because people weirdly correcting me/giving me a compliment that's shorter than a correction and making me come off rude telling them I'm not wrong makes me anxious as hell :))) so I end up avoiding my own haunts!!! How fucky is that.
I am almost done with my small sketchbook?? I was fixing a few pages up before hitting a few dried out Copics, which lead to me checking all of them to see who I needed to fix/replace and uh... relocate them in my office. Which became redoing my pen pouches and seeing if those got fucked up. Hopefully I'll finish that and start scanning. 2018-2023... with huge gaps in there lol...
I miss doing art I liked. Its kinda stagnant atm so I might take the rest of the year to do studies on angles and shit tbh. I need something. It all feels same same.
Uhhh figuring out some dental stuff - bought myself a bougie electric toothbrush and I think my old one's timer was fucked up and making me brush too long?? Which is bad!!! So this new one already has my teeth feeling better 👏 mom's genetics have me terrified!! My teeth feel better after two brushes??? insane.
Getting bloodwork done Thursday so hopefully figuring some shit out about my weight and health :))) I'd like to lose the like 20-45lb I mysteriously seemed to gain over the past few years??? Uhhh??? And figure my periods out, money has just been BAD since Hannibal's surgery....
Having panic scares about if my job is going away in December or not and hating every job listing I see online so I gotta look for whatever listing sites exist outside indeed. Also something this decent with the same pay :)))))) so that's on my todo list... again.
Box spring is busted on my bed, so hopefully I don't have to replace the mattress just yet because of the previous point AND THE FACT I JUST STARTED GETTING TO SAVE FOR MY PC..... first world problems but fuck, dudes. Vakarian is fucking suffering sometimes... :(( but we'll see because MATTRESS PRICES.......!!!
I cleaned my office and room and that made me feel like I've accomplished something for myself so that's... something.
Trying to focus on things. Depression cocktail is going on..... money, job, housing, health, the world... it's all so much all the time, man.
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