#if I don’t get a notice it’s completly fine
a1asta1r · 2 years
Since Eret seems to be active rn I’m gonna post my cosplay cuz getting an Eret notice would be so cool !! @theeretblr
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hey-august · 17 days
If Buggy can have a hot dadbod femm Buggy can have a hot mombod
Little too much squish for her liking, little too much sag in her boobs, hips that have a notable dip to them and an ass she sometimes grabs and pushes up while she looks in the mirror, only to be disappointed when it doesn’t stay perky and obeys gravity.
She thinks if her body as a “ I would have a great x if it didn’t *something completly normal *” and she’ll try to act like a pornstar when she’s with someone to overplay those insecurities, happily putting on a show and wearing flashy lingerie that flatters her just right
Which is why it would surprise her when her partner catches her undressing for bed, in a decidedly unsexy nighty and wool socks on, no makeup, stubble growing on her pits and legs…. And they still jump into the bed faster than one can say “Last one has to clean the lavatory for a month!” .
Not a chance in hell you’d pass on fucking your sexy little clown wife with those cute dimples on her soft ass and that adorable little tummy that jiggles when you fuck her and those absolutely gorgeous tits with nice, big nipples that just BEG to be sucked.
Fem Buggy is absolutely beautiful, a goddess, but her insecurities have been a lifelong friend. One that’s loud and abrasive.
Buggy acts like she doesn’t care about how her body looks and sometimes she doesn’t. Yet there are moments where she’s filled with jealousy and pain for not having a body that shipwrights and fine dining cooks would drool over.
But she’s incorrect. Buggy has a gorgeous body and her partner will worship it every chance they get.
Where Buggy sees lopsided boobs that don’t sit pretty, her partner sees beautiful, lush tits. Absolutely delicious. They can hardly keep their hands or mouth off of ‘em. Uneven? Not at all noticeable. They’re perfect.
Where Buggy sees a stomach that takes more space that she wants, that pokes out too much, that creates rolls that she judges, her partner has hearts in their eyes. They see their favorite cuddle bug. (Get it?) They see happiness. They absolutely melt when Buggy straddles them and they can admire her lovely body - all the mountains and valleys, rolls, sweet jiggles - everything.
Where Buggy sees skin that isn’t flawless and smooth - dimpling on her thighs and ass, stretchmarks, blemishes, deep pores - she cringes. But her partner loves to smother all of those beautiful landmarks in kisses. 
Greasy skin? Chewed up cuticles? Calluses on her hands and feet? Her partner pays no mind - they don’t notice those things. Even if Buggy points out the “problem areas,” they don’t stand out to her partner.
Buggy could hardly be self-conscious about how she looked down there when her partner all but dived face first between her legs. Everyone looks different, everyone tastes different, but Buggy is the best. And her partner makes sure she knows how damn delicious she is.
The body hair? Buggy kept up with shaving at first, but got lazy after a while. She didn’t realize how much stubble built up in her pits until after a steamy session, but her partner hadn’t anything. 
Buggy sheepishly confessed that she forgot to shave her legs when her partner asked to cuddle, but they didn’t care. They liked how her legs felt against theirs, whether there was hair or not.
And the hair on Buggy’s mound? Her partner simply adores it. Caressing and petting the curly blue hair. Whispering how pretty it looks, talking more to themself than to Buggy.
Buggy is beautiful, even if she doesn’t believe it. Although she’s starting to.
(tagging @rorywritesjunk bc it's time for fem!buggy worship)
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arlestial · 9 months
Hi! :D do you think you could do a fluff akira x reader or a soma x reader? either is fine and the plots up to you! ☺️
❝a little taste of heaven❞
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synopsis : They had no clue they’d concentrate on something else than cooking by joining Tōtsuki Culinary Academy, but here you are..
pairing : Akira Hayama, Soma Yukihira x genderneutral!reader •— Food Wars
tw : None, simple fluff
word count : 2980~ words
author-note : The fact that I haven’t received any notification for this request.. and many others. I’m so, so sorry. I have like 8 requests in my ask box that I’ve never been aware of ? Thank you Tumblr 💀 I did both, in a sort of pitiful excuse 😭 Thank you for requesting, I hope you’re doing okay 💗 (first time writing for Food Wars I’m so excited !! Not proofread tho, sorry for the mistakes in advance !!) take care of yourself ♡
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AKIRA HOYOMA has always been faithful to cooking. To Jun’s orders and advices. To people’s boundaries. He never crossed a line, always being focused. One day, as usual, he went into Erina’s office. His brows completly furrowed when he saw your form, fingertips grazing against the spines of the library old books. Who were you ? You weren't supposed to be here. Didn’t Hisako tell you that this office was private ? He opened his mouth to question you, but you turned to face him before he could even form words. His jaw tightened, fists clenching, but unfortunately, much to his own disbelief, no sound erupted from his mouth - and the sweet, polite smile adorning your face was nearly making him feel dizzy. Uneasy. An uncomfortable silence filled the room, so you broke the silence with a fake cough.
“Nice to meet you, uh..”, you said, in a weak attempt to get him to introduce himself. His piercing gaze was enough of an answer, and you gulped. “I’m looking for Erina, perhaps you’ve seen her ?”
“Oh. Okay”. You’re immediately confronted by a loud and weird silence again. He seemed.. rather friendly - ironically, of course. After some minutes, Erina walked into the office, raising two suspicious eyebrows at the, well, kind of cringe atmosphere of the room.
“Akira, what did you do to my guest ? Y/N, I’m sorry, did he make you uncomfortable by any chance ?”, she asked, walking towards your form.
“No, don’t worry. He’s nice,” you lied, teeth clenched together. You flashed her a bright smile, that Erina reciprocated fondly; she glared at Akira, fully aware of his cold demeanor, especially to strangers. His intimidating tendencies were definitely not working right now, especially not on Erina.
“I have some things to discuss with Y/N, Akira. Can you leave us alone for a moment ?”
“Yeah, right. Sorry.”
AKIRA HOYOMA quickly left the office, feeling a bit nauseous - he didn’t know why, but he had a weird feeling in his stomach, and he felt like his head was burning. He wandered in the corridors until he crossed Soma’s path. He smirked, a teasing glint in his eyes as he watched his white-haired rival with amusement.
“Wow, Akira. Are you sick ? You’ve never been this red.”
Akira tsk-ed, hurrying to the bathroom. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, completely taken-aback. He was, indeed, a bit red. Cheeks flushed, the tip of his ears were blazing, his breathe hitched at his own view; what was happening ? He was sure he was okay this morning. Perhaps it was you. He scoffed at the thought, washing his face with cold and refreshing water before leaving the bathroom. He never saw you before. Were you from here ? He found himself looking for you in the corridors all day, sighing at the end of the day when he realized he haven’t seen you. He was still embarrassed of the awkward silence that filled the room earlier - and he blamed himself for it. He should’ve been more welcoming.
AKIRA HOYOMA, 5 or 6 days after the incident, noticed strands of hair walking past him; they were looking similar to yours, so he turned around. You were walking alongside Hisako, laughing at one of her comments. Hisako looked at Akira and waved.
“Oh, hey ! I was searching for you. Erina needs my help, could you show Y/N the different classrooms in the other building ? I’m coming back as fast as I can !”
She didn’t let him answer as she walked away already. You sighed. It could’ve been anybody, but no, it was this guy. It wasn’t like you hated him - he was just straight-off rude.
“If you don’t want to, I don’t blame you. I can-”
“Come on, we don’t have all day.”, he added, cutting you off without even looking at you. You rolled your eyes, giving him a small smile, hoping it’ll help to ease the atmosphere. Spoiler alert, it didn’t.
The walk inside the cooking classes building was awfully quiet. Not a word was shared - except the little presentation he did of each room, his tone as cold as ice. You nearly shivered.
“Are you always this rude ?”, you asked with a sincere curiosity, "I mean. I’m not telling you to be the friendliest guy but..”
“I’m not rude.”
“You literally refused to give me your name earlier.”
“Akira Hoyoma. That’s all you need to know about me.”
And after this small interaction, Hisako came back. A small feeling of warm in his chest quickly regretted his lack of sympathy towards your person, and he felt like a douchebag for not even apologizing properly. He stopped in his tracks, opening his mouth to call you, but you were already gone with Hisako.
AKIRA HOYOMA was fully conscious of the “issue”. Time passed, and days after days, he grew more open to you. Not completely of course - but he was slowly accepting your presence in his group of "friends"; actually, enjoying a lot more your alone time together in class. He was secretly happy you two had been paired together. You tried to crack some jokes to make him laugh or at least, to make him smile, but it failed every single time. When you finally did it, a slight smile on his face and a “you’re the dumbest person I’ve ever seen in this school, I’m trying to concentrate, stop distracting me”, you beamed. He never saw a smile so radiant, so ethereal and yet so delicious to look at. A true bundle of sunshine at its finest. His cheeks heated up and he forthwithly focused on the plate you two were supposed to prepare. He would die to see this smile again - he wanted to be the reason you were smiling that way in the first place.
AKIRA HOYOMA was fully conscious of the situation. Time passed, and months after months, he grew more fond of you. So when he saw you eating one of Soma’s plates again, smiling at him with all your teeth and laughing at his antics - he was mad, as per say. His jaw tightened, fists clenching, but unfortunately, much to his own disbelief, no sound erupted from his mouth; it felt like the first time he ever saw you. A fiery and fervent emotion bubbling in his chest as he made his way to you. He grabbed your wrist and dragged you outside the kitchen, closing the door to have some “privacy” (in a empty corridor of Tōtsuki High, though). You were completely unfazed by his behavior usually, since you were used to his (sometimes) weird demeanor for the several months you two spent together as friends, but right now, his silence grew quieter, and you were worried. And for this only one time, he broke the stillness.
“You’re a distraction. I meant it. I’m hoping everyday to see you, to feel you near me. Is it out-of-place to say that ? You brought me a warmth that I never experienced - and I don’t want to let that go. Don’t eat this idiot’s food, you know you deserve well better than that. Let me show you how you should be treated, Y/N. Please. Let me show you how I feel about you.”
AKIRA HOYOMA’s words couldn’t describe the high spirits that invaded his heart when he realized you were wearing your signature warm smile, just for him. You took the hand that was grabbing your wrist in yours, intertwining your fingers.
“Here. Maybe you’re not as rude as I thought you were.”
SOMA YUKIHIRA tried to give you hints. But you weren’t getting it. Teasing you all the time, small compliments here and there, spending quality time with you. Unfortunately, you were always running away from him, a small pout on his lips as he chased after you. It wasn’t because of his awful mixes; when you two were together, in a somewhat romantic moment, and he was ready to confess to you, there was, no matter what, a disturbance. Whatever actually, a teacher coming in the classroom, Ikumi or Megumi; and you immediately backed off. He couldn’t help but sigh, his efforts ruined, but could he really blame you ? His yellowish eyes drowned so easily into yours, so he just smiled and bit back his disappointment, glaring at the disturbance with a vague hatred, that was rather scary, to be honest.
“Don’t chop it that way, it takes too much time.”
“Then show me, sir,”, you answered with a slight smirk, knife in your hand.
“Anything for you, ma’am.”
His devilish grin was addictive, really; you loved the small moments spent together in the classroom kitchen, but insecurity was always catching up with you, pulling you into abysses you prayed you'd never see again. Your worries faded away when you felt him behind you, caging you between his toned body and the kitchen countertop. His hands slided on top of yours, gently gesturing you how to cut the vegetables in a “more efficient way”; truly, it was an excuse to touch you. A comfortable silence filled the room, the sound of sliced and chopped foodstuffs echoing on the sunbathed walls. He kept his teasing to himself, deciding to enjoy this small moment of shared intimacy; he felt his head heating up at your warm breath fanning on his neck. He stopped his movements, locking eyes with you. The world seemed like it stopped itself; he leaned downwards to kiss you, his hands still on yours, your head turned to face his-
Until someone snapped him out of it. Erina opened the doors of the kitchen brutally without even knocking - he cursed under his breath, blaming her for this ruined opportunity to finally show you what he truly felt.
“Look who’s there. Giving lessons to average students, now, Yukihira ? I didn’t think you were into charity-stuff.”, Erina smirked, not even shooting you a glance. You backed off from Soma, already fed-up by her condescending behavior.
“Erina.. what a pleasure. Always coming in due course,” Soma answered with a forced smile, anger running through his veins.
“I was searching for you, actually, Yukihira. Well, not me, but Takumi was. He wants to have a contest with you again, and I’ll be the judge.”
“Uh. Sure. Can Y/N come too ? I-”
“It’s a private contest.”, she immediately urged to add, “Between the three of us. Now, come on, I have other things to attend to.”
Erina walked off, and Soma followed her with a sigh, giving you an apologizing, awkward chuckle. You knew better, but you just smiled, murmuring a small “good luck”, as you saw him leave.
Her little crush on Soma was unbelievable; you wanted to tear the stupid grin plastered on her features so bad. Technically, yes, you were jealous. She was always shattering his plates with critics, giving prideful advices, even if he didn’t need it. And he was still cooking for her, working all the goddamn time to satisfy her “god’s tongue” and her insatiable appetite. For him, ironically. And Soma was terribly clueless; not noticing her taking a liking in this little game. Or maybe he was not ? Maybe you were a second choice - and Erina was first. She was always first. You weren’t the type to envy others, but right now.. you sat down next to the window frame, staring at her proximity with Soma from afar. It was eating you alive; the abyss you were so afraid of was most likely, a warm embrace in comparison of your sinking heart.
SOMA YUKIHIRA felt that something was off. You were ignoring him like a plague, switching seats and changing class pairings. He knew he fucked up, but what did he do exactly ? Oh right. You were jealous. Because last time, he left you alone to join Erina and Takumi in a contest that he obviously won. Now, he was facing the cold-shoulder treatment, and his teasing wasn’t helping anymore. Yet, he’d still try to talk to you, but you were walking past him without a word; your eyes filled with sorrow. Or you were faking a smile, trying to make up an excuse and leaving. He wanted to beat himself up; because he was the one who put you in that state in the first place. It was his mistake, and he knew it. But why were you feeling that way ? He tried to talk about it to Takumi - he was a gentleman after all, he’d definitely know.
“You did what ?”
“I mean- I didn’t know it’d be an issue. I always did that and they never said anything about it.”
“Soma, are you seriously this dumb ? You’re leaving them to hang out with the Nakiri Erina and you’re seriously thinking that they won’t be insecure ?”
“Why would they be ? They’re literally the most beautiful and caring person ever. There’s nothing to envy in Erina.. Plus, I’m not hanging out with her. She’s the one who’s coming at the worst times.”, he stated, genuinely dumbfounded by his friend’s words. It was the truth, though; she interrupted you two when Soma was nearly kissing you.
“Soma. Think about it just for a moment- you told me you liked them, yeah ? And when you’re with them, and Erina walks in, you leave to follow her. They must think they’re a second choice or something. Please, you can’t be this oblivious.”
And then, he realized. Realizing the hints he gave you were nothing compared to his acts. His face in his hands as his elbows rested on the countertop, what should he do now ? Apologizing, yeah, but it wasn’t enough. He longed for your touch, and craved for your pardon. The next day, he searched for you in the Polar Star Dormitory, everywhere. When he finally spotted you, he opened the door of your bedroom without even asking. You yelped in surprise.
“What the hell ? Soma-”
“You’re the only one I want to be with. The one I want to dedicate my cooking to. I thought I made it clear. I’m sorry for my behavior. Erina is nothing for me, and she’s not even coming close to your ankle- look, I fucked up, I know. But I promise, you mean everything to me.”, he bluntly said, not giving you a second to breathe.
“And what are you gonna do the next time she’s gonna walk into us ? Hide me shamefully ? I-”
But he cut you off again, one hand stroking your cheek. He lifted your chin, in order to make you look at him.
“I’ll simply say that I’m taken by the prettiest and smartest person around. How does that sound ?”
He leaned, and this time, he wasn’t going to back off, with or without somebody walking in.
“Maybe I can show you who I’m talking of, baby,”
He smirked, your worries vanishing instantly in his yellow orbs. A kiss sounded good after all.
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Okay so I have been…. Thinking big thinks about Agere!Buggy I can’t really put anywhere else so don’t mind me if I just drop this here. Tw for involuntary regression and Buggy having a not so fun time being little tough.
Personally I can really easily see as Buggy being someone who you… wouldn’t necessarily pick out as being regressed when it happens, partly because his upbringing was more unusual, living on a pirate ship and all, which means what he wants and needs tend to be different from people who grew up with a relatively normal childhood on an island or similar.
Buggy gets even more of a temper when he starts to regress, flips out more, seems to be ticked off at the smallest things, but not in his usually flamboyant, constant screaming manner, but more in a way that insinuates that he’s five minutes away from completly shutting down. When he finally retreats to a place where he’s alone he will most likely wreck parts of his room in anger and frustration, before breaking down quietly sobbing, because what Buggy longs for during those times aren’t toys or games specifically. When he feels small he longs for the feeling of someone playfully ruffling his hair and telling him „It’s gonna be fine kid.“ he longs for the times someone lifted him and Shanks on their shoulders while his family their crew was celebrating till deep into the night, he misses gruff men with calloused hands teaching him how to tie a decent knot. He misses a time before he had to grow up way, way quicker than even he would have thought, a time where Roger dying seemed like a nightmare you half remember the next day thinking to yourself how you could even come up with something like that. A time where Shanks would drive him to insanity but he also was certain he would sail him to the edge of the world. And no toys and no games will ever give that back to him.
Closing this angst fest out with saying that I actually do believe he could still gain some comfort from being little if the circumstances allow it. Both Mihawk and Crocodile fill in roles that in some ways would have fit in well with the Oro Jackson back in the day.
Crocodile is a big and intimidating man, not really cruel to him anymore but it would be a stretch to call him „nice“, yet little Buggy immediately feels relaxed in his presence, maybe even more so than big Buggy. He can count on Crocodile to protect him, even if he’s scolding the clown for being a pain in the ass, he doesn’t have to worry about anyone when he’s with Crocodile, strong, smart, wise Crocodile, who always seems to hug him just a bit closer when he feels small, even if he tries to play it off as casual pda towards his lover when they are in public.
The same goes for Mihawk, who’s imposing in a different way, but who has a natural knack at finding out what Buggy needs. Who can snark „Your bad mood is intolerable. You should lay down until you cooled off.“ and Buggy can whine and moan all he wants about that, his big side even haughtily proclaiming he doesn’t need to listen to Mihawk seriously assign him „Nap time“, but who more often than not find himself waking up next to Mihawk on their fancy couch, the swordsman reading a book next to him and seemingly paying no attention to him, but also Buggy doesn’t remember that he laid down with a blanket when he first slinked up next to Mihawk in the first place.
And if there was ever any room for a happy ending including Shanks, their crews would definetly see them emerge from the woods of an island they have just docked at, late in the evening. Both of their captains bantering and laughing, carrying a bucket of fish they just caught. They both look like messes, full of dirt and apperantly fruit juices, and Shanks just laughs when Yasopp asks what on earth they where doing. „We found some blackberry bushes and had a blackberry fight.“ neither of their crews fully get it but they do notice that their captains seem lighter after those days.
Jesus christ on a motorbike YES YESYES GIMME ALL YOUR THOUGHTS I will hoard them like a dragon I SwEaR!!!!!
Buggy would absolutely have really hyperspecific needs that he can't articulate or even fully grasp, big OR little.
The bit with Crocodile?? That makes him teeter more than most things. Big, Warm, Calloused Hands make him melt in every way imaginable but when Croc pats his head or gives him a squeeze, part of him just unfurls a teeny tiny little bit.
Mihawk just showing his care casually and quietly is always a good tale, especially with "assigning nap time" and the casual little blanket bit, just aaaaAAAA♡♡♡♡
And the TEMPER tes, Buggy has negative emotional regulation skills, but regressed?? That threshold just EVAPORATES. He'll slip sway, rage, and shatter alone because solitude is the safest thing to him. Maybe a few HIGHLY trusted people know, but... honestly, I think it'd be wild if Cabaji and Mohji knew, but once the Impel Down Thing happened and they went with Alvida as a captain, it fundamentally Altered Buggy's trust in them. Like. On the one hand, absolutely survival, he gets it, but on the other hand that's his crew, his people, and it stings ((and reminds him of another crew, one he trusted with his heart and soul and safety, who left him in pieces, bloodied and hunted because his father was killed and nobody was enough of an adult to help the literal children in their care)).
Buggy having weird little things he associates with childhood and the sensation there, it all being unusual to most is absolutely true 110%, no 1000000%. Learning knots just AAAAAAA Buggy regressing and his favorite toy being a rope kinda kills me /pos AND /neg.
Just. Imagine fir a minute all these small things culminating up until Crocodile and Mihawk get faced with smth mundane and typical like a stuffed animal or a certain toy, and Buggy just.... doesn't understand. He doesn't even recognize it. He's not entirely sure what the heck this thing is even meant for. Crocodile bought it, bc he's the type to spoil people, and Mihawk helped pick it out bc it was a generic thing, but there's zero recognition. And that hurts.
They knew Buggy's regression went hand in hand with the traumas and experiences he had, but this... it just slots all these pieces together in both men's heads that this honestly happened. Buggy was hurt as a child; an innocent child was stained in fear and blood and grief.
As for Shanks, I can see Buggy and him being aware of the stints where Buggy goes NUCLEAR even as a child, and them having a tentative system set up because they were Red and Blue, Shanks and Buggy, the literal embodiments of Ride Or Die. They are a package deal, Do Not Separate. So when it was just them after Roger disbanded the crew, they already had a solid basis. Roger helped somewhat, but nearing the end, he was sicker. They began pulling back, trying to let him rest as much as they could. So on their own, not much changed.
I'm also incredibly soft for the Shanks-And-Buggy-Never-Really-Separated concept ((#Thanks-Stereden)) so just. Them having frequent calls over Denden, safe and protected from prying ears, where Buggy was Big, Little, In Between and Shanks delighting in it all.
The day they all meet up, crews mingling, they go into the woods to look for a treasure maybe, and Buggy is always the safest with Shanks, can actually let loose a little more, can just BE. And one thing leads to another and they find the blackberries and Buggy drops because who else can he trust but his Red? His Red who is so very vulnerable, looking off to the treeline... they come back a mess, tired but happy, and Buggy's still not quite Big but not fully Small, but he's comfortable, he's happy, and he's very very excited to drag Red over to Hawky and Croccy because the got SO many fishes and berries and it isn't beri, but they're still good-!!
Ough I'm feral, shaking the bars of my cage THANK YOU ILYSM this ask made my dayyyyy ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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austinrrylover · 2 years
hey!! here’s a one-shot i wrote about austin butler bc im obsessed lol
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I didn’t expect this. Sure I knew this movie was going to be a hit, but a ‘twelve minutes standing ovation at Cannes’ hit? Never in a million years.
I looked around, everybody smiling and clapping while the big screen was focusing on the cast of the best film of the night, Elvis. I couldn’t wait to get home, write down everything I thought, felt and saw in the previous two and a half hours.
Baz Luhrmann is possibly a genius. It was great to see all of the cast getting emotional and proudly accepting the loud applauds that filled the room. There were big cinema legends here and all of them were clapping for this one boy, man, I couldn’t take my eyes off.
How could I though? His performance was captivating, beautiful, sexy, accurate and overall award-worthy. Now he is standing two seat rows in front of me and I catch a little glimpse of his rosy cheeks when he looks at someone next to him. He is so different from here then he looks on the screen.
As I get more and more mesmerized by his beauty and talent the crowd starts to quiet down. Some people sit back to their seats and some take the exits, just as the star of the movie does. So I follow.
It’s fine I just want to ask him some questions, how cool would it be to have some exclusive interview with him next to my review of the movie. It most likely won’t happen but it’s worth a try.
It was worth a try, but it’s impossible. As soon as he is out the door he is surrended by interviewers, big actors congratulating him and some people most likely from his family. So I take some steps back and give up on this idea of mine, and walk back to the theatre, to watch the next movie coming up.
Hours pass, the movie ends. Cannes really knows how to get together a perfect selection of movies, because I’m actually really impressed by everything they are doing here.
Oh no.
I look to my right and notice a pair of familiar brown eyes.
It’s Jeffrey. Jeffrey Anderson. A really wealthy and famous producer who may or may not have a crush on me and doesn’t ever leave me alone. But he is coming up to me right now so, I gotta do what I gotta a do.
‘Hey Jeff.’ I say with a fake smile. Honestly, Jeff is a nice guy, knows how to do his job, but sometimes he’s a little much. And often doesn’t get the hint.
‘Stacy! Good to see you here, babe.’ He smiles and pulls me into a hug, which I don’t return, I just need to get out of this conversation, fast.
‘Yeah, same…’ I say. We small talk and somehow I’m able to get out of there with a little lie, even if this means I cannot watch the next movie coming up.
I take out my phone and open my notes app. I start writing words down, things I really, really have to use in my review, because suddenly I’m back to thinking about Elvis, the brilliance of this art that this movie is, it is hard to describe it with words. I make my way to the bar with my phone in my hand, fingers typing furiously, it’s like motivation suddenly corrupted my brain. I write phrases like ‘mesmerizing, magical, never been done before, beautiful—‘ and before I know it someone is bumping into me, spilling their drink all over my dress.
‘Oh my god, I’m so sorry!’ Says the gentle voice, and I look down on my dress. It’s completly drenched. Fuck. ‘Let me get some paper towels for you!’ Says the person who just spilled their champagne over me, and as I look up you recognize it is Olivia, the actress who played Priscilla in the movie.
And suddenly I’m not even mad about the dress anymore.
‘It’s okay.’ I smile. She smiles gently and goes over to the bartender, getting a couple of napkins.
‘Still, do you have anything you can change into? I have a blazer over there at my seat if you want to wear it.’ She apologizes while trying to soak up some champagne.
‘No, it really is fine! I have a jumper in my car.’ I lied. ‘I loved you in the movie by the way!’ I take my chance, now or never.
‘Thank you so much, I promise I’m not always this clumsy in real life.’ She chuckles.
‘I’m Anastasia,’ I reach for her hand. ‘But everyone calls me Stacy.’
‘Olivia, nice to meet you.’ She says. ‘Can I buy you a drink? I feel so terrible about this whole situation.’
A drink? And maybe talk? That would be perfect.
‘Only if you have time, it’s fine, really.’ I try to be polite but my heart is beating out of my chest.
‘No, I insist.’ She smiles and the two of us make our way to a bartender. We talk a little and I reveal myself to be a journalist, and Olivia offers me some of her insights on the film and how she got into the role while still talking about basic stuff and about the whole Cannes event. She is really good to talk to.
‘Hey, would you like to come and say hi to the rest of the crew? I think they are done with the big interviews.’ She smiles and I take a deep breath.
This would be such a big opportunity, and Olivia is so nice, she wouldn’t let me get uncomfortable.
‘Okay.’ I smile. This is the perfect opportunity. ‘Get yourself together,’ if I ask the right questions and talk to the right people I could get into circles I have always wanted to.
As I follow Olivia through the giant crowd I look down on myself. My dress looks so bad and I’m going to meet the big names of Hollywood in this. Great.
Olivia holds my hand and leads me into a room which was divided by a purple curtain, and as we walk through I see we are in a private room. Some bar-chairs all over the place and some gentle music is playing in the background, suddenly, I am nervous.
‘Baz!’ Olivia calls out. ‘This is Stacy,’ She tugs on my arm and I’m in front of the brilliant director of the movie.
‘Nice to meet you, Stacy. Did you like the film?’ Baz asks.
‘I loved it, you did a super great job!’ I smile and he chuckles, being proud of himself, as he should be.
‘It was Austin who did most of it, but thank you.’ He smiles and I suddenly feel a presence behind me.
‘That is not true.’ The voice says and I look behind me, and it is him.
Elvis— Austin.
‘Yeah it is, all that clapping was for you, darling.’ Baz says but I can’t even pay attention because I am so blinded by his aura and energy.
Suddenly Austin’s gaze leaves Baz, and he is looking in my eyes.
‘I don’t believe we met.’ He says in a really soothing, calm voice.
‘I don’t believe we have.’ I say, trying my hardest not to blush.
‘Austin Butler.’ He says and reaches for my hand.
‘Anastasia Dane.’ I say and I give him my hand, which is clearly shaking.
‘Nice to meet you, Anastasia.’ He smiles.
‘Stacy’s fine.’ I say.
‘Anastasia is beautiful.’ He says in a quiet voice.
Olivia suddenly appears with a glass of wine in her hand, giving it to me.
‘I spilled my drink all over her.’ She says to Austin who looks at me, his eyes going all the way up and down. ‘I can see that.’ He says and I blush, God this is embarrassing.
‘You didn’t even offer her something to cover up with?’ He turns to Olivia.
‘She did, but I’m fine.’ I smile reassuringly and he tilts his head slightly. He takes two steps forward before taking off his tux, leaving him only in a white shirt, the first button unbuttoned and the sleeves of it are rolled up to his elbows.
He is so close, draping the tux over my shoulders. ‘I don’t doubt that,’ Austin whispers.
Is he flirting with me?
‘So I hear you liked the film,’ he says, stepping away from me.
‘I did yes, it was amazing, can’t wait to rewatch it.’ I smile and he keeps eyeing me up and down.
‘I’m glad you liked it.’ He says and looks away, noticing a few people coming in from behind the curtain that we just walked across. ‘Be right back.’ He says with a smirk and leaves me there.
I take the opportunity to talk to Baz, and honestly he’s so intellectual but at the same time casual to talk to, he makes sure everybody in the conversation feels included. I get some stuff for my review and then I just stand there and listen to his captivating stories.
We talk for what seems like hours, and suddenly just like earlier I feel presence behind me, this time it’s closer, followed by a hand on the small of my back.
I turn my head, even though I knew fully well whose hand I have gently laying on me, and I see Austin locking eyes with Baz and listening to him talking with the same amazment as me.
‘No, I didn’t think that!’ He suddenly joins in on the conversation, making everybody chuckle. His hand never leaving my back and the way he is closer every second I can’t even focus on what everyone’s saying.
‘Stacy, did you notice that in that scene?’ Olivia smiles and I have no idea what they are talking about.
My face goes red and I keep avoiding eye contact, ‘Uhm… No, I-I guess I should’ve paid attention more.’ I stutter and Olivia smiles, continuing her story and I feel the hand leaving the small of my back to grip into my waist, and pull me just a little closer.
‘Guess you should’ve.’ Austin whispers, smirking a little and I blush once again.
He is flirting with me.
More and more people keep coming in from behind the curtain, and this family-type feeling is gone, suddenly everyone’s talking to different people and I’m left alone on a barchair.
‘Stacy!’ I hear from behind me.
‘Stacy! Hey!’ He says, and I can recongnize the alcohol in his voice.
‘Hi Jeff.’ I say with a little smile.
‘How’s my favourite girl?’ He says and stands right next to me. I feel uncomfortable with how he is standing so close and I just want this to be over.
‘I’m okay. Just finishing this.’ I smile and take a hold of my drink.
‘What happened to your dress?’ He asks, looking down on the huge stain.
‘It’s fine, someone spilled champagne over me.’ I tell him while trying to think of something that will save me from this misery.
‘You know,’ He leans closer. ‘I could take it off of you.’ He says and I lean away.
God this is embarrassing.
‘I—‘ I say when I suddenly feel somebody from the other side of me.
‘Hey, beautiful.’ I know that voice. ‘Everything alright?’ Austin.
‘Yeah uhm… Everything alright.’ I say, still leaning away from Jeff and leaning closer to Austin.
‘Hey, I’m Jeff, and old friend of Stacy here.’ Jeff says and extends his hand, while the other one squeezes my shoulder for a second. Austin catches the movement and extends his hand back.
‘Austin. Now if you will excuse us, I need to talk to Anastasia.’ Austin says and the hand on my back is back, him leading me away from Jeff.
We go to a small hallway and he lets go of me.
‘Thank you so much.’ I say with a sigh of relief.
‘For what?’ He asks with a smirk.
‘For saving me from this awkward situation.’ I say and he walks a little closer.
‘It’s nothing.’ He says and we stand there in silence. The hallway is dark and I can barely see his face with how close he is standing and how nothing’s lighting up his face, his handsome, pretty face.
He lifts his hand and gently puts his thumb on my forearm, carassing a little skin there.
‘I didn’t like him being so close to you.’ He says and woah. Woah.
What is happening?
‘Me neither.’ I manage to get words out.
‘I didn’t,’ He backs me up into the wall. ‘I didn’t like him touching you.’ He says and takes both of his hands to cage me into the wall, both of those hands on each side of my head.
‘Me neither.’ I say with a little smile, trying to play along, trying not to sound completly gone, trying to hide that I’m already so aroused by just this, and he didn’t even touch me yet.
‘Do you like, me touching you?’ He whispers and one of his hand leaves the wall, gently guiding his fingertips over my jawline.
His hands are so soft.
‘Yes.’ I say breathlessly, thank god he can’t see my red face in the dark.
‘Hm.’ He hums and softly moves his hand, touching my cheek, then my jawline once again, my neck, my collarbone and everything’s too much, I feel too hot, I raise my hands and get out of his tux that I’m wearing.
He smirks and leans closer and suddenly his lips are on my neck. My breathing quickens as soon as I feel his soft lips on my skin, I’m sure he can feel how my heart paced up.
He plants gentle kisses on my neck, then my jawline. I don’t know what to do with my hands and a sudden rush of bravery washes over me, grabbing his face in my hand and kissing him with force.
He takes one hand and puts it on my neck, while the other takes a hold of my hip, and with that we move into each other. While the kiss evolves into something more passionate Austin grabs me the side of my thigh, holding it up so our groins directly touch. His hand is under my dress, and I feel him moving his bulge into me. I moan at the contact, louder than I intended.
‘Fuck, should we get out of here?’ He says, pulling away from me.
‘Yes, please.’ I say and he takes a hold of my hand.
He leads me out of the hallway, and drops my hand when we get into the room. He places his hand on the small of my back and leads me out of the crowded place, waving to Olivia and disappearing through the purple curtain.
He takes a left and we are suddenly at some kind of a backdoor, where there are cars waiting for people, Austin looks at one, then looks at me and goes to open the door to let me get in.
He tells the address of his hotel to the driver and throughout the journey his hand never leaves my thigh.
‘Can’t wait to get you alone.’ He leans closer and whispers in my ear.
I sigh breathlessly, trying to keep it together but it’s so hard to do so, so hard when he is so close, his breath on my neck, his shoulder touching mine while his hand creeps up my thigh.
‘Baby…’ He whispers and bites my earlobe and I quietly moan which makes him smirk.
The driver slows down and I know we are at the hotel. Austin gets out and extends his hand for me to take.
His hand is on the small of my back, this becomes like a routine for us, while he guides me to the elevator. Some other people get in, making us step back and standing directly in front of the back of the elevator.
I feel Austin’s hand going lower just a little, settling on my ass, not squeezing or groping, he just leaves it there.
The elevator stops on every level, and now I’m getting impatient, I need to get my hands on him, and I need him to get his hands on me. So out of desperation I lean closer to him, my head barely touching his chest. I feel his hand leaving my ass as he thightly grabs me by my waist.
And suddenly we are on our level. We excuse ourselves and get out before Austin is basically running towards the door. He gets out his keycard and looks at me, motioning me to come in.
He locks the door behind us and I look through the beautiful room, with the most beautiful view. As I look at the direction of the window Austin comes up from behind me, wrapping his strong arms around me.
‘You like?’ He asks, breath hitting my neck, chuckling.
‘I do.’ I smile and turn, finding myself pressed against his chest. I grab his shoulders and I press a gentle kiss on his inviting lips. He kisses back and I feel butterflies in my stomach because of how tender and sensual he is, it makes me want to never stop touching him.
The gentleness in long gone now, he holds me by my hip, backs me up into the kitchen counter, and starts to unbutton his shirt. I try to help him but I’m too preoccupied with the kisses and how when I open my eyes I see more and more of his skin on his chest so I pull away and start kissing him as more of his skin is revealed.
He chuckles and I unbutton the last two buttons on the shirt before kissing and licking his chest and stomach all over. He puts his hand into my hair to guide my head and I gently pull away from the counter I was pressed into so I can lower myself and get on my knees.
‘Fuck, Ana…’ He says and looking up at him, totally out of breath, shirtless, his hair messed up. It was definitely a sight to see.
I guide my finger on the line of his V-line and I reach the waistband of his pants and start to unbuckle his belt.
‘Fuck, you are so- so pretty, baby.’ Austin says as I struggle to open his belt, he reaches for my hair and holds it up for me.
Finally I successfully remove his pants and he steps out of them, standing there in only underwear. I put my lips on his bulge and I can feel him slightly moving his hips, he is eager. So I don’t waste any time, I need him so bad, I free his hardness.
I audibly swallow when I see it, right in front of my face, and I once again waste no time spitting in my hand and guide it up and down on him.
He groans and I take this as a sign to finally get my mouth on him. I kiss the tip and lick it from the base to the top all the way. He pulls on my hair at the sudden contact and I take him in my mouth as deep as I can, while he tugs on my hair a little harder. Not that I mind. I look up to him and I see him struggling to keep looking at me, his eyes rolling back, even throwing his head back. I continue to bob my head up and down before I feel him pulling my hair slightly upwards, making me pull off of him.
‘Stand up.’ He says and I feel heat all over mg body hearing him order me like that, so I do as he says. As soon as I’m up on my feet, he gently bends down and reaches for the bottom of my dress to pull it over my head. I’m now left in my dark red bra and panties, while Austin throws the stained dress aside. He picks me up and puts his hands firmly on my asscheeks and carries me to a room which, I suppose, is his bedroom.
He basically throws me onto the bed and I smile when he is crawling over me.
‘You are so beautiful.’ He says and looks at me up and down.
‘You too.’ I say and he smirks before lowering himself and coming in direct contact with my breasts which are still covered by the red lace. He kisses one gently.
‘So pretty. I wanna get my mouth on them so badly, can I, baby?’ He says and wouldn’t I be the biggest fool on Earth to say no to that.
‘Yes, please.’ He smirks and reaches under me to unhook my bra, freeing my boobs, my nipples already hard because of him.
‘I like it when you say that, darling.’ He says and I moan loudly when he attaches his lips, those perfect lips, on my goosebumps filled skin there.
‘You like that?’ He asks and sucks on my skin. I nod with my mouth gaping open, not being able to think because of the intense pleasure I’m receiving.
‘Answer me, sweetheart.’ He asks and looks up at me, stopping everything he was doing, I arch my back because of the lack of touch.
‘Yes, yes. Please.’ I say and I can tell by his smirk this is turning him on so much, but still fights the urge to keep kissing me.
‘Please, what? What do you want, tell me baby.’ He asks and his eyes are burning a hole into my forehead, his gaze is so strong and powerful and full of undivided attention, his gaze is something everyone who wants to feel loved and wanted should experience in their life.
‘I want you, Austin. I want you to fuck me.’ I say and his smirk falls before kissing me passionately on the lips.
‘Bold choice baby.’ He says and I smile as he kisses down my body, his hands wandering everywhere he can reach, squeezing my boobs then coming back up to put his hand around my throat.
‘I’m gonna fuck you so well, princess. Nobody has ever fucked you like this and nobody ever will.’ He stares into my soul and I can’t help but moan just at his words. Everything he does is arousing to me. ‘I love it when you are loud like that. Makes me want to never hear anything else again.’ I know I boosted his ego with the moans and the eagerness so I smile at his cocky behaviour change. He winks at me and I chuckle when he reaches down to slightly rub me through my red lace panties.
‘You are so wet, can’t wait to be inside you baby.’ He says and lowers himself on my body to tug down my panties. He does so and throws them away.
I take a sharp breath as he starts to kiss down my abdomen and uses one finger to rub the side of my thigh, to slightly hold me down. His kisses slow down the lower he gets and he is finally planting a kiss directly on my pussy. He takes his other hand and guides one finger down my folds before diving into me, his head between my thighs, licking up everything he can get. Pure ecstasy takes me over and as soon as he inserts even the tip of his finger into my hole, I grab a hold of his hair and I feel heat in my lower stomach.
‘Fuck, Austin.. I- I’m close.’ I say, which comes out as a whisper because my moans are too loud in comparison.
Austin doesn’t stop, he keeps lapping his tongue on my heat, his finger now fully in me, his other hand leaving my thigh and just gently rubbing my clit a little.
And that does the job for me. I grab his hair forcefully and I feel myself reaching my release while he still eats me throughout the course of my orgasm.
He comes up from in between my thighs. ‘What a sight to see, baby, all flushed and wet, just for me. For me.’ He says and comes up to kiss me, giving me just a little taste of what he has been devouring for the last few minutes.
‘Please fuck me.’ I say and I don’t have to ask him twice.
‘Who got you this turned on?’ He asks with a smile while reaching for the bedside table to get out a condom.
‘You, you Austin.’ I say as he slides the condom on himself and crawls back on top of me.
‘So pretty.’ He says and suddenly pushes into me and I scream. He throws his head back and starts to move in and out of me as I moan. He paces up and takes me by my knees to get a better angle, which feels so good, I’m not even sure that I’m thinking clearly anymore.
‘Fuck.’ He groans and I take his face in my hands to kiss him, which is so messy because of our rapid and rhythmless breathing and moans but it doesn’t matter.
I can feel him getting closer and closer and as he keeps hitting that spot in me, I feel closer too.
He suddenly grabs me by the waist and flips us over, pulling out in the process but settling me on his lap.
‘Sit on it baby.’ He says and just like that I do so, because he is back to his ordering self.
He moans and I start to move, the same pace he was fucking me just a minute ago. I bounce up and down and stop just a few times to grind into him. His hand stays on my thighs, sometimes goes behind to grope my ass, or slap it a little.
I feel his grab on my ass getting harder and harder and I know he is close.
‘You close, darling?’ He says and I nod as he takes one hand to grab one of my breasts before sitting up and once again being so close to each other. I put my head in the crook of his neck and he thrusts his hips up once and that is enough to send me over the edge.
‘Come for me, Ana.’ He whispers and I scream when I do so. He looks at me with his sexiest bedroom eyes and just like that he is throwing his head back and coming with me, joining me in this ecstasy.
He pulls out of me and sets me down on the bed. He wraps the condom and goes to which I assume is the bathroom, appearing with a shirt and a towel in his hand. He cleans me up and gives me a kiss on my lips.
‘I’m gonna go pee.’ I murmur with the shirt clutched in my hand and he nods while he searches for pants himself.
When I’m back, the curtains are down, just a little night lamp is brightening the room with mostly just dark brown furnitures. Austin is already half asleep in the bed and I’m not sure if he wants me to stay or not. Should I just go? I don’t have a pair of pants.
‘Stop staring.’ He murmurs in a really low voice and I chuckle.
‘Are you going to stand there or— did I not tire you out enough?’ He says and props himself up on his elbow while patting the blanket next to him.
I start to walk towards the bed and I sit down on it before laying down next to him.
‘You okay?’ He asks.
‘Of course. More than okay.’ I smile and turn towards him. He extends his hand and just touches my cheek lightly.
‘Good night, Ana.’ He says, reaching for the bedside lamp to turn it off.
‘Good night, Austin.’ I smile and he pulls me closer. I can’t help myself but to kiss him gently again.
‘Sleep baby, we will continue this in the morning.’ He whispers.
Well, I didn’t expect this.
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spamtonology · 2 years
Hi, my mind has been wondering about how deltarune fandom mischaracterise spamton and make him completly another character for some reason
like i seen some people make his og form very tall, or completly get rid of his voice glitch (Which could be caused by not knowing how to write his glitch which is totally understandble tho), which are very small things to change but personally i think that still changing so obvious things about him is quite... Not in place, because there are just some aspects of characters that MAKE them their own characters, and taking it out of them is either "yeah i dont like that im going to change him So hes exacly to my likings now" or just making completly diffrent character
This also implies about how fanbase either treats him as
1. only joke character, that never intended to be anything else by that, which is very weird cause spamton plays quite important role in dr's lore
2. Too sad/scary character, spamton is totally intended to be goofy weirdo making every Player laugh, skipping it just to him being sad and obsessed about neo is Just not it!
3. Child some sort, where he cannot do a single thing himself and needs help, which is incredibly ableist, but i think this topic has been totally talked about already
Sorry for ramble/rant, but its quite common thing i noticed about deltarune fanbase and spamton, and wanted to know others opinion about it
Thank you for this ask! It’s a great one, and gives me a lot of room to talk, so it goes under a readmore. You do not need to apologize for your ask, feel free to ramble away anytime! I greatly appreciate it!
As usual I want to put in a disclaimer that ultimately, the only person that 100% knows Spamton is his creator, Toby Fox himself. All we as fans can do is interpret and speculate based on what evidence is given in the game, and as is fandom tradition, we can put in headcanons, alternate universes, and more to flesh out his character. All of this is perfectly fine and normal for fandom, however there comes a drawback in fandom, especially when we are met with a “tragic villain” type: woobification. The TVTropes link provided explains it well.
Let’s address your ask itself:
Making Spamton in his original form tall (in this case over 6′0″/182.88 cm, the average height for an adult cisgender man) appears to be a purely aesthetic, stylistic choice and is harmless. I do prefer him short (specifically 4′8″/142.24 cm), but there’s nothing problematic or offensive about changing his height. If you don’t like that, it can be safely ignored.
The voice glitch is another one...I think there’s nothing wrong with substituting the in-game text style for an easier-to-read format to make it accessible for screen readers and visually impaired people. As long as you can tell it’s Spamton, it’s fine. Here’s an example from my fic:
Original: “WH4T?” He set the spoon down, “S0METHING 0N MY [Hair Dryer]?” 
You can see how that would be difficult for some people to read. If I so desired, I would probably change it this way:
Revised: “What?” He set the spoon down, voice warbling in-between glitches. “Something on my--” He stammered, ad-speech taking over his voice yet again, “H-hair dryer?”
It makes the sentence a little longer since I have to translate this text in a descriptive way so the reader understands which part is the bracketed one. Again, nothing wrong with substituting the text in a way that stays faithful to Spamton’s character.
It would only be an issue if the author actively chose not to use the bracketed text because they dislike it greatly, or they want to “cure” his speech impediment. The latter stems from a rather ableist trope of curing a disabled character’s disability and therefore erasing that representation.
As for being unsure how to write his voice, there are some posts on Tumblr, and there is his Wiki page that you can look through for reference. While you might never get it 100% perfect and neither will I, looking through these references can help a lot.
As you said, these are minor examples compared to some others, but they are just as valid as the more major issues with the fandomization of his character!
Now, on to your list:
Points 1 and 2 work well together, and could easily be combined. People need to understand while he is not purely a joke character (example, The Original Starwalker is a pure joke character. Sorry, fans, but he is), he is also not purely a tragic and scary character that the player must fear. He is meant to be funny, but he is also involved in a big part of the plot even as a “secret boss”. Some of the greatest villains in fiction are, indeed, those who manage to be both hilarious and terrifying.
(Yes, he is, per traditional definition, a villain. noun: villain; plural noun: villains 1. (in a film, novel, or play) a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.)
People should not forget that a large chunk of his character is based around internet meme culture; KEYGEN is the most obvious (for those who do not know, it is a reference to a YouTube Poop, and it involves rapidly flashing lights which were much toned down on Spamton’s sprite), and Weirdmageddon has made the connection to internet personality Dril, whose tweets seem eerily similar to how Spamton speaks. Pipis is essentially kid-friendly Viagra.
However, in point 2 there’s a slight mistake, his obsession with NEO is crucial to his character arc and the overall story. While flanderization can happen, you can’t “skip” to him being simply obsessed with NEO, it’s a core of his character and cannot be avoided. It would actually be problematic if you ignored this point of his character (Exceptions being alternate universes and post-recovery situations).
As is true for many of Toby Fox’s other characters, he is multifaceted. He has nuance, and reducing him to one or two traits does Toby’s work a disservice. It is definitely difficult to balance out his character the way Toby manages to do, but it’s not impossible.
 The best way to figure it out is to do research using canon material (fanon is extremely unreliable, even the best fanfiction, and my own humble one, gets a few things wrong), and practice some writing using his character, put him in specific situations and see how he would react according to canon characterization.
The infantilization point has been the most oft-discussed issue with how the fandom treats him, correct, and I’m always happy to discuss it. Not only is it ableist in treating him like a child who is unable to take care of himself (when he displays many symptoms of severe mental illness), it also ignores many other facets about his character, which is so explicitly adult (In the sense that this is a man who was at his peak in 1997 and speaks/behaves distinctly like an older man with severe mental illness, not at all like a child, or even young.)
 However, there is a distinction to be made between this ableist infantilization of his character being helpless, and the very real possibility of being unable to take care of yourself due to mental illness. The latter is something that happens in real life, and people whose Activities of Daily Living are impaired deserve just as much respect and understanding as any other person.
Going by my experience in the fandom. I come to the understanding that some people do not address this disability/impaired ADL aspect and rather focus on making him act like a child and force him in situations that would only be appropriate for small children (See, the personally infamous rubber ducky scene from a fanfiction I will not name).
People who are mentally ill may act irrational in the perspective of non-mentally ill people, and from there comes the harmful stigma that they are equivalent to, or must be treated like, children or wild animals. Great care must be taken to avoid these stereotypes which I already see used so often on Spamton.
This does not include symbolic animal traits such as birds; the bird motif is symbolic of his want of freedom, for example. But while I can make an example for the animal side, I cannot make any example for the child side. There is absolutely nothing to his character that implies a childlike persona, not even his short height.
Spamton can be alluded to being like a bird without being treated like an animal, but in my opinion there is no excuse for infantilizing him.
While you apologized for your “ramble”, I started my own! This may be the longest I have written an answer, and I’m willing to discuss with other people over this, whether agreements, disagreements or additions. Let me know if there is anything you’re still confused on.
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evansencezz · 2 years
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ミ★ミ★-BASH IT INTO A MIRROR—Ace Evergarden x Yandere Kacey—ミ★ミ★
Notes: jesus christ, i didn’t even wanna write more about Kacey’s bitchass but u bitches wanted it, yandere, kidnapping, threatening, degrading and praising, Godess!Ace, Ace is a wind godess, magic, fighting, blood, obessive behavior, knives, bottles, cocaine, i hate kacey, insane kacey bro fuck outta here, mentions towards past murder, bondage, non-con kissing, non-con touching, no, its not groping stop, stalker, pervy kacey bitchass get out bro, mentions towards past trauma, ace has abadonment issues, threats of dying, slight sucidical tendeices??, mentally ill people need to be locked up fr!!/j, ace is nice to kacey for the first half, they become friends, kace mainuplation, ramblings and my nerd knowledge about greek mythology.
TW; i am NOT aiming to romantincze anything kacey does in this prompt/ book. they are clearly FUCKED in a whole other level. no person should act like this in real life!
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“I’m sorry, Ace.” The girl infront of her apologized.
The shorter of the two only mustered up a smile, sure enough to prove she was okay.
“Oh please, it’s fine. You know I’m good for it, Cel’.” She waved it off.
The black-nette only whined a little knowingly. She felt bad.
“Hey, why don’t we hit up a icecream place nearby?” She offered.
The other girl only blinked a few times before laughing nervously. Hadn’t she told her??
“Ah sorry, I must’ve not told you, I’m lactose intolerant..” She answered, grinning smallely.
The green eyed girl paused before sweat-dropping.
“Ah! I’m sorry! Erm..I’ll just leave you alone then, see you!” The girl apologized before spilting off.
Ace watched the girl leave before shaking her head. She was getting ready to head back to the main village but flinched when she heard a twig break and someone curss.
“Fuck!” They whispered.
God, they were so clumsy. Couldn’t they just observe their beloved in peace?! Well, it was too late now, she probably heard them.
“Hello?..” The non-mortal asked, making her way to the tree they were hiding behind.
They tensed slightly when she put a hand around the tree slightly and glanced at them. She immeditally reeled back and smiled nervously.
“Ah, hello there!…Uhm..can I help you?” She greeted before looking away.
She caught a good glance of the former. She had semi-short brown hair that seemed messy and hadn’t been brushed in a couple days. She also had a pair of bright red eyes with odd shaped pupils, almost the shape of hearts.
“Hello..?” She called to her, noticing she was only staring and not speaking.
The brunette flinched slightly and automatically apologized.
“Sorry, Sorry! Uhm..I was just looking around..” He nervously said, rather akwardly.
In his mind, it was better to pretend to be mentally sane then confess his undying love on the spot. After all, it would be best if she fell for him too.
The former only hummed, narrowing her eyes slightly.
“Oh yeah? I haven’t seen you around here, and I know almost every villager..what’s your name??” She asked.
He tensed even more. There was no way he could just blurt out his name, the villagers never shut up about him.
“Um itssss..” She trailed off, eyes darting around.
Ace merly raised an eyebrow, confused. How long did it take to give your name to someone?
“It’s Riean! Just uh, Riean..!” She finally got out.
Ace only hummed and nodded. She didn’t completly believe them, but good enough, right?
“Hey, hey, uh..Your Ace Evergarden right??” They questioned, leaning close to the girl.
The blue-nette only manged a lopsided smile and leaned back slightly. Honestly, she didn’t like the vibe of them. Best to just play it off, though.
“Yep! That’s me!” She answered simply.
The other only grinned slightly and leaned back, stummbling slightly. She was atleast trying to act normal, and that’s what mattered, right?
“Say, I know your probably exhausted, so why not come with me for dinner?” She smoothly offered.
The non-human only blinked a few times. Offering already for something like a dinner?? Couldn’t that be classifed as a ‘move’, as you would say?
“Oh? Aren’t you smooth?” She questioned, even though it seemed more like a point.
Kacey only grinned and winked slightly.
“I like to believe so, yes..”
The shorter of the two only sighed slightly and tilted her head up slightly. She didn’t like the feeling of this, but yet again, did she really have a choice?
“Fine. You gotta’ place in mind?” She sighed before asking.
On the other hand, they were over the FUCKING moon. Who knew it would actually work?! Of course, their beloved wasn’t stupid, and they knew she was probably suspious by now.
A massive blush wanted to overcome their face, but they manged to settle it down. God, they could just imagine all her cute reactions once she found out what they really were!~
Would she hate her?? Would she finally end her suffering and strangle her or slice her down with her sword?! She wanted to know so badly.
“Riean..Riean?” Ace called out, gaining her attention.
Her eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as she looked at her. Her brown eyes shifted back and forth.
“Ah-Sorry, Ace..I know a place, c’mon!~” She snapped out of it and apologized before making a follow me motion.
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The pair has eventually found a resturant. Oddly enough, Ace had never seen or even eaten here before. She tilted her head when the food the two ordered appeared infront of them.
She had simply ordered a glass of mango tea and a medium rare steak. Riean ordered something simaliar, but they way they ordered it..
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“Oh, I’ll get the same steak! Just uh-make it so like it’s almost raw and bloody, k?” They said, smiling at the waiter.
The blue haired girl flinched and turned towards them, concerned. She ment, who liked a almost raw steak?!
“Alr..alright..that’ll be out for you two then..” He merly penned it down and left nervously.
“A bloody steak?? Are you sure?” The girl asked, eyes wandering towards her drink.
The short haired girl only smiled, slightly eerily.
“Course’ I’m sure! I like it raw, it gives it that feeling and extra texture and flavor, y’know?~” She causally answered.
‘NO, I DON’T KNOW, WERIDO!!’ Ace’s thoughts screamed at her. But she only placed a crooked smile on her face and laughed slightly.
“Right, ahaha..! Of course..” She said back.
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The brown eyed girl only poked at her steak as she watched as they cut straight into theirs. They had red muck seeping out of it and she grimnaced, immeditally looking away.
“So, I know your like super well known and praised for being well..strong..but I have a few questions!~” They started, eyes mainly focused on their food.
The non-mortal only nodded and hummed.
“Well? I’m pretty much open to anything you could ask.” She merly said.
Meanwhile, Kacey took a piece of the meat and put it in her mouth. She didn’t want to look at Ace. If she did, she would probably more then not blurt out something.
“Just exactly..for how long have you been doing this sort of thing? Y’know, like helping townsfolk and expelling demons?” She asked.
The former hummed and finally took a few bits of her food. The meat was nice and tender, and had a slight burnt and smokey flavor to it.
“I would say atleast three years?? I mainly picked it up because people found out about me saving a whole town from a rogue mage.” She answered.
The red eyed female only nodded and the red on her plate colored the white purity of it more.
“Say, do you have any family? Like, siblings, mother, father?” She asked another question.
Ace only flinched slightly at the question. Oh no, her parents were long gone, or were they?? She didn’t know, considering she hadn’t seen them in so long. But she had Violet, and that was what mattered.
“I..I uhm..I have a sister..a younger one, obviously..” She answered, seeming more hesiatant.
Kacey picked up on this and immeditally put the fork she had a piece of meat on and comforted the blue haired girl. They also decided to be bold and place a hand on hers.
The other girl seemed to tense at this action. As her eyes darted towards the hand and then back towards Kacey.
“Hey, I’m sorry if I pushed too much..I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” They tried to comfort.
The other girl only tensed and smiled nervously and smallely. Kace thought it was cute.
“No-I..I just uh..” She tried to find an excuse, eyes staring at the half-eaten steak infront of her.
The marooned eyed male only hummed and said,
“Take your time, love. It’s my fault for making you panic anyway.”
The long haired girl resisted the urge to recoil at the name. He was already calling her names?? Wasn’t that a bit too fast?
She really should have said something, but he wouldn’t have listened. He enjoyed how she tried to have more mudane and muffled reactions instead of lashing out.
“I..I just don’t get asked a ton about myself..” She looked away and scratched her cheek.
The brunette only hummed and when Ace looked back, she noticed that they had already finished their food. The redness seeped on the plate, but their was no meat.
“Are you finished with your food, dear?” Kacey asked, sucessfully calling her yet another nickname.
She didn’t like it. But she couldn’t do much about it, sure she could say it made her uncomfortable but..
“Ah yes, I’ll pay then!” The caramel eyed girl jolted before digging in her pocket and pulling out a sack of coins.
The slightly taller girl only jolted and shook her head.
“Oh please, no need to pay. I’ll pay for it, plus, I was the one who dragged you here, right?” She protested, slightly touching the other again as she made her pushed her money away.
The other female only tensed slightly. Honestly, this girl was odd. It was like she would go out of her way to do stuff to ‘please’ Ace.
“You didn’t drag me here..I agreed, didn’t I?” The blue/nette asked a question of her own, but it was too late.
Kace had already placed her money near the reciept. A brown sack of coins, not too much. The food was good sure, but the prices were kind of worth it??
“Come on, let’s get out of here.” The short haired person brought the girls attention back to them and she only silently nodded.
The two looked around the area once they left the place. Ace tried to scoot away to make distance.
“Well, you probably have to go back to your house to take care of Violet, right?” Kacey asked.
The shorter girl immeditally jolted violently at the mention of her siblings name. She whipped around and stopped walking, eyes shakily looking at them.
The ladder tried to bit back the smile that threatened to form on their face.
“What?..” She whispered.
“What’s wrong, Evergarden? Did I say something?” She innocently asked back.
The long haired girl tensed and looked away nervously. She rubbed her eyes before grimnacing. She didn’t want to mention it, but she knew her younger sisters name?! It just didn’t make sense!
No one else in the village knew her younger sister by name! She turned towards the other and plastered a very shaky smile on her face.
“No, it’s nothing. I probably just heard wrong. Bye, Riean.” She reassured, probably more to herself.
She immeditally turned back around towards the opposite direction and started walking off. She didn’t even bother to look back, no way.
Meanwhile, the red eyed girl’s eyes followed her as she walked away. After a while, the reality hit her. Her face bathed in red and she cheered. Her heart’s rythm was extremely fast and her hands were shaky.
She had pulled it off!! She really had pretended to be sane around Ace and it worked!! Now, there was no way the girl wasn’t suspious about her, but still!!~
God, he remebered the pale or reeling back of her expressions. Espically when he mentioned that stupid younger sister of hers.
He was going to get his way. He was going to mainuplate Ace Evergarden into becoming his clostest friend. And then, he would let everything come crashing down, tell her his real name.
That he was Kacey, and there was nothing that should could do to stop him from having her.
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Over the course of the next week, Kace and Ace were called ‘friends.’ Kace was overjoyed to been called that. but the godess on the other hand. Kace called her nicknames, got a little touchy with her, and even tried to ask more questions about Violer and her.
“Ace, hey, goodmorning!” Speak of the devil and they shall apear.
The brunette only grinned and waved at her. The said person was actually waiting on Ace, after all, they usually talked alot.
“Yeah, goodmorning, Riean.” She simply greeted back before walking straight past them.
They blinked a couple times, hand slightly dropping. They side-glanced behind them and the shorter kept walking. They immeditally snapped out of it and followed after her.
“Ace?? Are you okay??” She inquried, walking now at the same pace as her.
The long haired girl didn’t reply as she kept walking. Kacey scowled and asked again.
“Ace! Hey, are you okay??” She said louder.
The said girl snapped out of it and boredly shifted her eyes over to the other. Her lips were pressed into a firm line and she didn’t look pleased.
“Yeah I’m fine. I’m just very busy and I need to be somewhere quickly.”
“No!-I..I mean, are you sure?? Are..are you really that busy..?” Kace blurted before correcting herself.
The blue-nette only flinched slightly at the sudden clingness of them. She moved back and looked at them with slightly wide eyes.
“Yes, I am that busy..what’s your problem, Riean? You’ve never acted like this before.” The girl only frowned and asked, shrinking away.
For a spilt second, a scowl of annoyance formed on their face but they didn’t say anything. Speaking of them, they had a jumbled thought process.
‘God this is fucking annoying. Why can’t you just work with me here?!’ They thought.
The long haired girl only sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Almost like the younger was giving her a headache.
“Look, I’m sorry I can’t put all my time on you. But you should know I am a very busy person. Not one person can have me all to themself.” She coldly said.
Kacey watched her as she spared them a passing glance before leaving. They scowled, annoyed.
“God damnit Ace..” They mummbled under their breath.
In all honesty, it was getting harder and harder to not let the facade slip. You know, that they were insanely in love with her?! It was getting harder and harder for them to restrain.
In all honesty, what did it matter anymore? Ace didn’t care about them, she never did. That was just the way she was. So she couldn’t hate them for calling her a dense bitch then, right??
Whatever, Kacey was done. It was suposed to be different. They were suposed to make the girl fall in love with them. But she was just too FUCKING stubborn!! Whatever, fuck!!
“Enough, enough!! I’m doing it, I can’t take it anymore!!” The obessive person yelled, stummbling in the opposite direction like a drunk person and trying to calm their thoughts.
Villagers gave them a scared look, of course they would. They knew who she was, and that she was labeled as ‘fucking nuts’. Whatever, they should all die anyway.
Kacey would get her fucking way, no matter who got hurt this time.
“No mercy, Kacey.” She told herself, laughing weakly afterwards.
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No matter how much the godess hated it, she was slightly worided for Riean. Her gut turned with a bad feeling inside of it and she hated it. She hated how she helped people carry suppiles, patch peoples wounds up, and searched for monsters.
Speaking of, she currently pulled her trusty sword out of the defeated creatures body and sighed. It’s body dissapered like smoke and she selthed her sword again.
“A sudden infasation of these demons, Empusas desciendents. Not good, not good at all.” She mummbled, a grimnace covering her face.
Untheless, she shook her head and walked back to the main village. She entered the village and immeditally a familar girl with short black hair with dull purple eyes grabbed her by the arm. She flinched slightly but relaxed slightly but not all the way when she saw who it was.
“Hiraeith?? What’s the matter?” She questioned, noticing the girl’s stare.
“What’s the matter?! You didn’t tell me you were hanging out with Kacey!” She snapped.
Ace blinked a few times, obviously confused. The same heighted girl also blinked back a few more times, before furrowing her eyebrows.
“Please don’t tell me you don’t know who I’m talking about.” She frimly said.
“I don’t know who your talking about..?” The blue-nette smiled tensly and hestiatnly asked.
The other empowered girl sweat-dropped and stressily combed a hand through her hair. She almost face palmed before finally responding.
“The brunette with werid maroon eyes and heart pupils you’ve been hanging around with. What’s her name?” She asked.
The brown eyed girl only screnched up her face before replying.
“Riean?? Why??” She confusingly asked.
Hiraeith breathed out a scoff-laugh and looked at Ace like she was stupid.
“Oh yeah? I hate to break it to you, but it’s Kacey. She lied to you, Evergarden. She’s been lying to you this entire time.” She sarcastically mocked before poking the others chest.
The brown eyed girl was taken aback from this information. She looked away and pressed her lips into a firm line. For some reason, a gag reflex was building up in her throat, a sick churing almost.
“Look, you aren’t the first person they’ve taken an intrest in, and defentily not the last. But look at me, they are INSANE..and not the cute verison you see, the murdeous type of insane.” She gently grabbed the others face, making her have eye contact again before stuffing her hands in her pockets while explaning.
“There’s no way you didn’t notice it. The little slips and concering moments here and there?? Yeah, that’s the real them.” Hiraeith contuined.
The godess only just listened before unclogging her suddenly thick throat. It took effort for her to even speak.
“How do you know so much about this..?” She mummbled, eyes flicking everywhere.
Now, Ace Evergarden rarely got nervous. But it reminded her so much of…
“Because she had a intrest in me once. Luckily, it was as bad as some of the ones I’ve heard of, just a small one. I’ve heard she’s killed people that she can’t have eventually, or maybe even eaten them alive!! Wait no, that’s not funny-..” The purple eyed girl shurgged before spooking out, and then cutting herself off.
The traveller only smiled stiffly and came a little closer to the other. Speaking of the ladder, her facial expression changed into one of confusion.
“Thank you for telling me about this, Hira’. I’ll be safe, and I can handle it on my own.” She reassured before pulling away and walking away.
The short haired girl was left in silence for a few moments before tensing and reaching a hand out to where Ace’s back was turned.
“Wait!! Evergarden, I-!!” She tried to call out but the said girl only kept walking, not even sparing a glance.
Hiraeith put her hand that she had up down slowly and frowned. If the blue haired girl doesn’t keep an eye over her shoulder at all times, she could get hurt.
“Even if she is immortal..” She whispered.
Meanwhile, with the traveller girl. She was walking through a familar forest again when a breeze blew past her. She whipped around but saw no one, it was like the wind was pushing her. Then she heard whispers and knew who it was.
“Anamais? What are you doing?” She called out to her wind spirted friend.
A small creature apeared, it had a floating body and light blue and white colors. It had a striped and diamond patterned body/ or clothes. It also had a black face with no mouth but beedy big yellow colored eyes, almost like a cats. And finally, a small leaf hat.
It zoomed around Ace, pushing her in a certain direction. She smiled slightly and held her hands out. The creature flew into them with no resistence.
“I haven’t seen you in a while, huh? Well, you seem to be in a happy mood, either way.” She asked before smiling more, changing it into a grin.
Her spirt friend only jumped happily in her hands.
“Say buddy, do you have any clue why there is a sudden increase in the monsters around this town??” She asked her friend.
All of a sudden, the wind creature started shaking ans aniamatic tears formed in its eyes. She startled at this and worriedly asked,
“Anmais?? What’s the matter?” She questioned.
She got a response from the poor thing. Only..the voice didn’t come from them. Instead..
“I might have a clue why your little friend there is so scared.” A familar voice answered.
Ace immeditally whipped around and was awfully close to Kacey. His brown hair which was always dishelved, was neat and combed. And his maroon eyes were still mostly calm, but with a tinge of distrubance this time.
“You..” Was all the godess got out, moving back a few steps.
Her suddenly cold hands clutched the shivering wind element in her hands harder. What was going on??
“Yes, me, your beloved Riean!~ Tell me, how’s your chores going?” The male only leaned back and grinned.
The blue-nette only harshly glared and pressed her lips into a firm line.
“I know who you are, Kacey.” Was all she said.
And oh, did this trigger a response! The male’s red eyes widened and his smile faded away. He blinked a couple times before plastering a much more faded grin on his face.
“What do you mean? Whose Kace-!!” They started playing innocent but Ace wasn’t having any of it.
“Don’t fuck with me! You know exactly what I’m fucking talking about. Drop the act.” She snapped.
The brunette’s smile completly dropped and her head hanged low. The non-mortal stared, waiting for something to happen until..
Kacey burst out in laughter, just pure laughter. The brown eyed girl flinched and immeditally clentched her spirt friend closer to her.
“Oh please!! Honestly..honestly, I was stupid to think my plan would work in the first place!” She shakily said, laughing still.
The former only narrowed her eyes and didn’t speak.
“Ah Ace, you know, your not that smart for a godess. I would’ve thought you would’ve caught on by now!~” She mocked, eyes glinting.
This offically bothered the other and she spoke up.
“Are you calling me stupid?” She bluntly asked.
The ladder only finally stopped laughing, but an amused grin rested on her face. Meanwhile, Ace couldn’t figure out what she was thinking!? She knew she was insane, but this was just werid..
“Oh no, darling. I would never dream to call my savior stupid!~ After all, If I insulted you that would just make you hate me more, but you probably already do, right?” She clarrifed before inquiring.
The long haired girl only tilted her head up slightly and glared down at her.
“Ahaha! You know, I’m surprised you haven’t started running or haven’t tried to end me right here, honestly.” She smiled at the ground, eyes drifting.
Ace finally let go of Animias and they flew away in the opposite direction almost immeditally. The red eyes and brown eyes both followed after it.
“What is your probelm?? I’ve heard that you’ve hurt people before, why?!”The caramel eyed one snapped, hands drifting towards her sword.
Kacey’s attention was brought back to her, not that it wasn’t always on her. He scoffed slightly before taking a quick steps closer, and leaning towards her. His one hand grabbing at her face extremely lightly and the other behind his back.
“Pleasee’, don’t pretend like you don’t want me, Evergarden..” He boredly said, mouth pressed sideways.
That was it.
The said girl swiftlt unshlethed her weapon and cut off a few strands of his hair. The males eyes widened as he moved back slightly and she mocked him, holding her weapon infront of her.
“What’s the matter? Plus, why would I ever enjoy that? Your some sick creep who can’t leave people alone, and insanely obessive is a major turn off.” She hissed.
The brunette blinked a few times before breathing out a short laugh. The long haired girl only scowled harder.
“Are you gonna’ kill me?! Please do! i wanna’ die, and to die at the hands of you would be an honer!” He held steady eye contact, eyes big and still shaky.
The godess made a digusted noise and pulled her sword away, not all the way back though.
“Are you insane?-Actually no, I know you are..why are you so fucking obessed with me?!” She started but changed her direction.
Kacey only tilted his head and squinted his eyes, as if he was thinking. She couldn’t understand him. Even if his movements were simaliar to..HIM.
“Because, I’ve read all about you..and you were just so..strong and pretty and self-giving. And then out of the blue, a traveller shows up and just starts helping people? Too convient.” They started explaining.
“So I watched you for a good while, nothing linked you to the wind godess, at least not yet! And then I saw it, you had your beloved sword out and stabbee it into a demon. Your pretty brown eyes had changed color and wind swirlled around you, not to mention your sword also glowed.” They laughed at the end of their final sentence.
“You’ve been stalking me?! W-How much do you know about me?! You can’t possibly know everything about me! You just can’t.” The blue haired girl startled before glaring again.
The slightly taller person only grinned unsettingly, it seemed almost like their eyes were glowing.
“No? Tell me, how do you feel about Oriean? You know, your precious fian-!” They started but where cut off by Ace grabbing them and shoving them to the ground.
The girl planted her sword right below the side of their head and she wrapped one of her hands around their neck. Kacey’s face immeditally switched and bathed in red.
“Oh! Are you going..ngh!-!” She couldn’t even mange a setence out because Ace squeezed her neck tight.
“Kill you? Yeah..I’m thinking about it. Now answer me, how the FUCK do you know about..HIM?!” She breathed out before tightening her hold on the others neck.
The short haired girl only breathed hoarsely. She had a small grin on her face and her eyes were bulging, probably from the loss of air.
Untheless, Ace let loose her hold on the pinned down one’s neck regretablly.
“As I said before, I read sooo much about..ha..you, my love…why..why can’t you just see that I love you..?” She panted before grunting out.
The godess had one of her hands on the top of her sword and rolled her wrist aganist it. Her other hand was planted besides Kacey’s head.
“Is that seriously what this is about?! Love?!” She disbeliving asked.
The other stummbled around and held her side slightly. Her eyes with those stupid, fucking heart pupils seemed to grow. She smiled, but more gently this time. It still didn’t set her unease.
“Yes, of course. I love you, I love you so much, Ace!! If you would just believe that I’m nothing like him!-!” She was cut off by the other shaking her head.
“No, your exactly like him. You sound exactly like him. Just go, go away before you force me to do something I won’t regret.” She angrily snapped before waving her off.
The brunette’s smile wavered, before dropping completly. And then, it happened. Ace felt a presence behind her but it was too late, the thing had already wrapped a hand around her throat and squeezed.
“Ack!!-Stop..! Stop stop..!” She winced before wheezing out.
Kacey only watched as the member she had inscurted to come along with her at the right time choked out her beloved. She didn’t want to hurt her beloved, she really didn’t. But Ace was just so fucking stubborn!
Speaking of, the godesses vision became dark, spots bleeding in. She weakly raised a hand and almost reached for her sword but the mortal kicked it away.
“Ah, just go to sleep, Darling. Your just making it worse by struggling.~” The now fully relaxed Kacey whispered, watching as the others eyes rolled back before falling unconcious.
The person who had choked her out still had a firm hold on her neck and was still choking out air. This made the maroon eyed person glare at them harshly.
“Fuck! Let her go already, dipshit!” They harshly said, immeditally ripping their beloved from the others arms.
The guard merly bowed slightly and Kacey scoffed. They hugged the girl’s body closer and pressed their lips into a firm line.
“Come on, let’s get out of here. We are going back to my main house, also, make sure she’s restrained well.” They bluntly explained before lifting Ace’s body bridal style and carrying her.
The guard remained unmoving for a few seconds before following after them. Was their master totally insane, oh, defentitly. But if they manged to get their way, what couldn’t they do?
The solider only shook their head, their helement making a clunky sound in protest.
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The next time Ace awoke, she was in some sort of large room. The room had a chair, sitting across from her and alot of space actually. The walls were a bleak grey color and scribbled on with small notes and messages.
There were also stacks of books littered around the chair and some behind it. When she squinted her eyes, she could make out that some of them mentioned greek mythology. Her hands were tied behind her back.
“Fuck..fuckfuckfuck..! Not good..fuck how did you lose, Evergarden..?” She mummbled to herself harshly.
Her eyes also grew slightly distrubed when they landed on a specfic area, on the wall. It was a complete almost memorial or statue of the girl. There were tons of photos and even some things she owned that she thought at first she had lost, like a coin she held in her hand, or a hairtie.
The godesses wrists actually burned when she tried to yank on the ropes that tied them together. And when she tried summoning some wind magic to bring something close, or knock over the chair, it felt like something was squeezing around her heart.
After a while of this cycle, she grew exhausted. She only grew more alert when she heard the door to the room, which was on the other side, open.
“Ah, good morning, my love!~” A familar voice greeted warmly.
But whatever filled Ace when she heard that voice was anything but warm. Kacey walked into the room, looking simaliar to their regular apperance. Only now, she noticed how big their pupils were. Of course, those stupid heart pupils were always big, but now it looked like they were on something.
“Are you on something?” Was all she manged to ask.
The big eyed person only manged a bigger grin. They already a lovesick expression on their face, and it was just modiffied.
“Just my love for you, Ace.” Was all they said.
‘What a load of shit.’ was what she thought to that.
They walked over to the opposite chair, leaning aganist it as they sat.
“Did you try and escape?? Actually no, don’t answer that! I know you did, I saw you on the cameras! Cute, really.” They asked before answering it untheless.
The non-mortal was disgusted. In return actually, they were worried for Violet. Sure, they hadn’t talked much, but how would she surivive without Ace?!
“What’s with that look on your face? Are you worried about your beloved sister?” Kacey asked yet another question.
Ace only scowled at him and raised her head slightly.
“Where is she?!” She snapped, face twisted in displeasure.
The ladder only sighed, a puff of air coming out. Before, he rested his cheek in his hand and gazed at her with a lazy grin.
“I didn’t do anything to her, at least, if your good nothing will happen. I’ll send out people to check up on her and tend to her.” He brushed off her concern.
The caramel eyed other squinted her eyes at him. She didn’t like it, she didn’t like it at all. She hated being treated as if she was naive.
“What do you hope to gain in all of this?! I hope you know that I will never love you!!” She questioned, voice almost dripping with rotten intentions.
Kace only raised his expression in fake surprise. She hated the way he mocked her.
“Of course, I know that. I’m not trapping you here for love. I just don’t want anyone else to see you, or touch you, no one but me. If I can’t have you, then no one else can.” He truthfully answered.
Ace made a disgusted expression. The short haired girl took this as a sign to grab her forearm and lean a little closer.
“See? You better get used to it!~ After all, you’ll stay here until I die, because I’m a human!~” She exampled before pointing out the obvious.
“Your sick.” Was the response she got.
The marooned eyed girl actually seemed bothered by this. Her eyes darkened and she leaned even closer. Her smile faded completly.
“I’m the sick one?? No, there’s worse then me out there. Like Oriean, which one of us is better? You tell me, Ace.” She hissed.
But before the said girl could reply, Kacey had connected their lips. When the blue haired girls head went to go jolt back to break it, the others hand tugged her hair, litterally ripping a few strands out.
Her eyes were wide and her face was pale stricken. A drop of sweat rolled down her cheek and her mind was trying to make sense of what was happening.
When the other did pull away, she leaned back in her chair completly. A sickening grin rested on her face while Ace looked at her in shock and horror.
“So, which one of us is the better kisser, Evergarden?”
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0 notes
batwritings · 3 years
Hii! I saw that requests were open and I had an idea-
Y/n and c!Dream being enemies since they're on different sides during the war but they have had this long time romantic (or sexual either is fine) tension since they grew up toghether, maybe with some rival energy too- This can really end whichever way you want like maybe with some fluffy confessions or something completly else- *cough cough* smut-
Whatever your comfy with works!
Also could I be 👽 or 🦚 anon?
Please remember to stay hydrated and take care of yourself!
Ooh, I'm always down for enemies with that good tension~ Also, sorry, I'm not accepting new anons right now ^^; Please stay hydrated and take care of yourself! Enjoy~!
"I absolutely cannot fucking believe you!" Dream shouts, walking back into your room. "L'Manburg? Really? Look I get we've been rivals since we were kids but c'mon Y/N!"
You meet his raging green eyes with a fire in your own. "They want their independence Dream," you shoot back, arms crossed and hip cocked. "What's wrong with that?"
"Oh come on," he groans, looking away from you. "I'm done I'm not arguing further with you. Fuck you."
You roll your eyes and lean back against the wall. "Fuck me yourself if you wanna say it so bad," you grumble under your breath. It's only when the door doesn't shut that you look up, noticing Dream standing in the doorway.
"What was that?" he asks, voice barely above a whisper as he crowds your space. "You wanna repeat that?" He puts his knee between your thighs, causing you to inhale sharply. You don't dare move a muscle as his hands uncurl your arms and pin them above you head.
"Fuck me yourself if you wanna say it so bad," you spit back. Immediately Dream's lips are on yours, fighting for dominance in a clash of tongue and teeth. His knee rubs against your clothed sex, pulling a whine from your throat.
Dream chuckles, moving to mark along your neck with kisses and bites. Calloused hands work your pants down off your hips as you blindly reach forward to grip his hardening length. A quiet moan reverberates against your skin as another bite is sucked into your collar.
Finally he lifts you up off the floor, legs immediately wrapping around his hips instinctively. He lines himself up, pushing in while demanding your eye contact. "This what you want? This is what you wanted huh Y/N?" he growls as he starts pistoning his hips in and out of you.
Your head falls back against the stone wall behind you as moans escape your throat left and right. Dream takes this as his opportunity to mark your neck more, nearly drawing blood. He readjusts you in his arms and starts thrusting right up against your sweet spot this time.
You're a babbling mess by this point, not even caring what others will say about the marks your childhood friend is leaving on you. You've waited so long for this and it's almost as if the dirty blond can read your mind. "God I finally get to have you like this," he mumbles against your skin.
His confession has you cumming unexpectedly, clenching around his cock that continues relentlessly thrusting into you. Dream's hips are losing his rhythm as you pulled his face to meet your gaze. "Come on Dream," you say breathlessly. "Cum in me." Once more, his teeth find your skin by the juncture of your neck and shoulders as he groans loudly, coming undone.
You sigh softly, fingers stroking through his messy hair. He finally lets you go and you leave a barely there kiss to his temple. "So," you mumble, listening to his breathing go shallow like he was catching on your every heartbeat. "All this time for you too huh?"
Dream chuckles and presses a kiss to one of the marks he's made. "More than you know."
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Soojin x Reader
Requested by : anon
Library Peace 🔞
There was no word strong enough to describe how you hated having to do group projects but there was one for how much you hated the partner you got paired with : to death.
Soojin was definitely your worst nightmare since the really beginning of times. She was the type of person to think her opinion was better than other's just because it was hers. You were polar opposites in all aspects and weren't eager to interact or even acknowledge each other's existence.
There was literally nothing you could rely on in her that would make her more likeable in your eyes. And even if there was you weren't sure you wanted to see it, you were fine with hating her, it was helping you be better at everything. Because everything was a competition of ideas and values between the two of you.
As you entered the library, you didn't know if you were glad she wasn't there yet or pissed because she was already wasting your time. After waiting few minutes, your foot shaking from impatience, you decided to just go ahead and do the work on your own.
If this girl didn't care about marks and bonus points you sure did and weren't about to loose any for her.
You started looking for the books you'll need, rummaging through the shelfs to get every book out. It's only when you got to the last section that you understood why you were struggling so much to find what you needed.
Soojin was standing there arms full of books, some even opened at some specific pages, she was looking for the last like you were about to.
Saying you were pissed wasn't even a quarter of the truth, you were fuming. The bitch literally made you wait like a fool while she was right there doing everything by herself.
Yes you did attempt to do the same but you had the decency to pretend to wait for her, you tried when she clearly didn't, it probably didn't even cross her mind.
Busy reading two books at the same time, Soojin didn't even spared you a glance until you shut one of your books close and even then her glance was fast and unbothered. Her eyes got back to the paper as fast as they took a look at you.
"Someone else took the last book, we'll have to start without it."
Soojin's voice was surprisingly calm and almost gentle, not that you would know how her voice normally sounds like, you tend to avoid listening to anything that could pass her lips.
The realization that she was actually ready to co-operate was making you feel slightly guilty to have judge her actions that you knew nothing about, so easily. Yet you were fast to remember who you were talking about and how annoying she has been in the past. A single slightly polite act would never change how irritating she was.
You ended up following her because even though you'll love spending your time cursing her in your mind you still had an essay to write and you weren't ready to let her get a better grade than you.
In the end having twice as much books as needed was the minimum because you couldn’t imagine how it’d went if you had to share and get closer to Soojin to be able to read. 
Maybe you talked too fast and karma is indeed a bitch because not even fifteen minutes later the librarian was making her way to the both of you and asking you to give back the extra copies because other students needed them.
Seeing that Soojin wasn’t willing to move, you were the one making the sacrifice, giving her the books.
You tried to work only using your sheet of paper and what you already wrote but of course you couldn’t just passed out on writing the quotes and understanding the context. After a minute you abdicted.
“Could I borrow one of your books please ?”
Soojin took her time finishing to write her sentence before looking at you in the eyes and answering simply.
Even though you knew she wasn’t someone nice on a regular basis you were astonished by her answer, she clearly didn’t give a fuck about doing the work as a pair. You were ready to just leave when she added somehing.
“But you can sit beside me. I won’t bite you.”
You sighed, but did stand up to sit beside your rival.
“If that sigh was about the no biting part, I’m all about changing it, I wouldn’t mind biting down that neck.”
That was unexpected, you thought and terribly sexy in a way. You wouldn’t deny that Soojin was extremely beautiful and exactly your type, long black hair, dancing skills given by god, overflowing confidence, tattoos and so on.
Without you knowing your cheeks had reddened at the thought of how physically perfect Soojin was, that lustful glance Soojin was giving to your exposed neck wasn’t helping your horny mind either.
You tried to remember why you hated her so much but when her fingers met your tigh your mind was suddenly blank. She wasn’t even doing much but you were already embarrassingly wet.
On the other hand Soojin was perfectly and terribly calm, way too calm compared to how crazy this situation was. She looked unbothered and even when her hand got from above your knee to your inner tigh, she didn’t even look at you as if it was completly normal for her to touch you that way.
As much as you internly claimed that it was crazy, you had no intention in stopping her. Sure she was your ‘ennemie’ but maybe the ‘hate’ you seemed to feel towards her was nothing but frustration because you were sure you couldn’t have her. 
Her hand making her way inside your panties was telling you otherwise though. Seems like you actually could have her but this realisation hit you enough for you to grab her wrist and stand up, making her turn to you.
“What are you doing ?”
Soojin looked at you confused before answering.
“What does it look like I’m doing ? Because I thought it was pretty clear until now.”
“Well yes I know what you’re doing but why ? Aren’t we suppose to hate each other ?”
Soojin escaped a laughter and stood up, taking a step closer to you in the process.
“Oh yeah ? I don’t remember agreeing to that.”
“Well you did get back at me everytime I say something though.”
“I thought we were just flirting.”
Saying you were shocked would be an understatement, she didn’t hated you. You didn’t get to think much more, stopped by lips crashing on your own. The gentle kiss didn’t last long, Soojin breaking it to look at you. Her arms were on both sides of you, caging you between her and the bookshelf.
“Can we go back to what we were doing now ?”
The word escaped your lips before you could process anything and you couldn’t think about it after because Soojin’s tongue was asking entrance in your mouth and that was way more captivating than thinking right now.
Soojin didn’t even needed to fight to be the one dominating the kiss, everything seemed way too unreal for you to take the lead. Yet you weren’t mad about it, her tongue was dancing the sexiest dance ever with yours.
You were wondering if someone could see you even though you were in a pretty secluded area. A thought that was cut off once Soojin’s mouth began traveling down your neck to your colarbone, letting a moan escape your mouth as she bite you.
The hell did you care about being seen, right now the only thing that mattered was Soojin fingers playing with your clit while her mouth was playing with one of your nipple.
You didn't even remember when she unbuttoned your shirt but she sure did and was now enjoying seeing and touching your breast.
The rhythm of her fingers over you clit was terribly slow not letting you reach orgasm the slightest bit. Well that was until she finally decided to slip a finger into your dripping core earning a loud moan from you.
She stopped her movements to scold you.
"We are in a library, you should know that you cannot scream here baby. I'm the only one who can hear you moan and whimper under my touch, understood ?"
Your mind was messed up, you just wanted to cum so you nodded wanting her to keep going at all cost. Which she did.
Not even minutes after she got back to pleasing you, she had to muffle your voice as you cummed all over her fingers.
Her hand circled your waist keeping you from falling while she was putting your shirt back on and straightening your pants.
She didn't talk until your breathing calmed down, wanting you to be able to respond to whatever she was about to say.
For some reason now that you were looking at her you noticed how she wasn't that confident anymore.
You cut her off by kissing her, something you madly wanted to do since earlier but didn't had the chance to.
The kiss took her by surprise, shading her cheeks in pink. You didn't know what the sudden shyness was about but you did find it cute that after giving you the biggest orgasm your friennemy was suddenly becoming shy.
"What was that about ?"
"I thought that was pretty clear what it was about, I kinda like you."
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Hey, here it is finally ! I made it slightly longer than expected but I had to put Soojin's duality in it, hope you like it 😁🤞 Give feedback. -Ael
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iceprincessviviane · 3 years
Smell of the sea
Pairing: Yandere!c!Foolish x Fem!SeaNymph!Reader
Type: Romantic (Foolish is yandere), oneshot.
Warnings: Yandere, swearing, injury, threats, possessiveness, silly jokes created by me.
Summary: Foolish is hosting you in his summer house. You spent there almost a month having a great time, but you want to have some space.
My first yandere fic.
She was sitting at comfortable couch in big terrace and admiring view. Sun was kissing her skin and wind blowing away the hot. Specific smell of salt has reached her nose. Sky was light blue without any clouds and silence filled scream of gulls.
Foolish's summer home was like paradise on Smp. Great weather, sea nearbay, peacefuly area and god's companion were making this place like heaven. Y/N reached out for an apple. In front of couch was standing small table with bowl full of a lot of fresh fruits; everything was here.
"Good morning my goddess." After hearing that, she felt a gentle kiss pressed to top of her head. Foolish took a deep breath and sat on couch with wide smile.
He was wearing ancient, light green robe with open torso, his skin was shinning in the sun. In common days like this, he prefered to be in human form, shifting into shark one with grey skin and fines only, when they wanted to swim together. She has never seen him in full divine form, only when he decided to change height.
"Good morning Foolish." She replied and blushed immediately.
"You are awake early today." He said moving his eyes on her.
"Yes... I just couldn't sleep." Y/N sighted slighty.
"What happend?" His was worrying about her after hearing the news.
"Nothing excatly." She shrugged.
Foolish sent her soft smile and grabbed her hand gently. He pressed another kiss, but on her fingers. At the very beginning true god was really careful towards her, treat her like godess, treasure. Y/N started to notice that this week. Of course she met some of the others Smp members, but he was the sweetest. She was a little shy, but after spending with him a lot of time, Y/N get used to his behaviour.
"If you wish, you can go back to the sleep. I don't mind." Foolish said softly locking his green, emerald eyes on her figure.
"I wouldn't fall asleep... I might go into a walk."
"Do you want me to accompany you?" He asked carefuly.
Y/N nodded and smiled to him. They both stood up and Foolish offered her arm, she grabbed it gently, than they left the terrace. Summer home, but in fact Temple of Undying was unbelivable big. It had living parts, sacral places, big outside field, a lot of aesthetic pools filled with fishes, turtles and water lilies. There were also small places filled with grass, trees and flowers. After everything Summer Home was in the desert, reaching the sea. Of course they had Nether portal, very big one outside, but they had visitors hardly ever. Even Foolish admited, that before her hosting, he didn't have a lot of guests, usually spending time alone.
During a walk they remained silence, enjoying each other presence, walking through the buildings and squares. Blooming trees filled whole place with pleasure, flower smell. Y/N relaxed and again felt somnolence coming. Foolish noticed that and lead her to private chambers.
"Get a little bit sleep, I really don't mind." He smiled gently.
"You have right, I shloud probably be awake in afternoon, maybe earlier." She agreed and sighed. Foolish nodded to her, when she entered her chambers.
He walked away, getting lost in his own thoughts. Usually they didn't have plans about spending day or schedule. Most time they were resting, talking or swimming. Y/N liked to listen his stories or plans about new adding new buildings to the Temple.
Unfortunately, Y/N woke up only for supper and she had a little talk with Foolish, but then she went again to sleep, couldn't tell why this happend. After a quick bath, she crawled on her bed, almost immediately falling deep asleep.
Truly god didn't need a lot of resting or sleep, so Foolish was mostly awake and full of energy during nights. Today was like always. He wandered around, but finally ended up at Y/N chamber's door. Hesitation appeard on his face, he was worried that, because of previous sleeping, she could have light one now. After a few minutes he decided and quietly opened door. His steps were noiseless. Chamber was very big, with main part, bedroom, bathroom, terrace and wardrobe. Today the moon was shinning brightly, showing cleary whole area. Y/N was peacefuly sleeping in big, canopy bed. Silk counerpane was gently covering her figure. Foolish liked to watch her lot. Even when she was thinking, she was alone, he probably was watching her carefuly from distance, especially when she was wandering around in Temple. He just couldn't take his eyes off when Y/N was gracefully walking by the isles, watching trees and flowers completly diffrent than plants in the sea. But when she was sleeping, she looked so innocent and sweet, that he could stare for ages. He stayed in shadows for some minutes, but then got closer and sat at the end of the bed. Gentle smell of the sea salt hit his nose. He took deep, quiet breath, he loved it. There was some time when they cuddle or hugged themselfes, but for him it was always not enough. After all this time spent together, he started to think how keep Y/N around and safe. Although, she didn't mention any plans for leaving, he got cold shiver in his spine each time he thought of parting.
Night has passed and Y/N woke up before noon. She actually felt better and rested. After making a morning routine and eat light breakfast, she started to search Foolish, well Temple was so big, so Y/N gave up in third pool. In this area, water was surrounded by trees and grass. She took off her sandals and enter the shallowest part of the pool, warm water reached her cubes. Pleased smile crawled at her lips, she closed her eyes and enjoy the silence.
Of course he was watching from the distance, partly covered by big, sandstone column. Today was really hot, he was temped to stay in the water whole day. He was wearing the light robe again, with open torso. Foolish hoped that today he will be able to swim with Y/N or spend time in library, where was pretty cold.
Y/N heard silent footsteps and looked around. Foolish was coming, she sent him soft smile, at least he found her.
"Feeling better today my dear?" He asked and came closer.
"Yes, I think, I needed this long sleep."
Foolish also took his sandals and stepped into a water, it was cold, but in the same time nice.
"I am glad then. I don't want to see any sadness on your beautiful face." His smile widened, then he hugged her tightly and put hands on her waist.
She lean head on his chest, he was warm and smell like sand or desert. Y/N could say, that there she felt safe and with Foolish she felt cherished and somehow... loved? She fast chased away that thought and focused on peace and silent of this moment.
"We can go swimming if you want." His whisper hit softly her ear.
Y/N giggled slighty, moved herself that she could looked at him. "Actually... I thought about maybe visit other members of Smp?"
Foolish looked at her with surprise and cold shiver went down at his spine.
"Oh... I didn't expect that... you want to visit someone specifically?" His tone was a little bit unsure.
"I thought about Philza maybe, we didn't see him a lot? But if you don't want to go, I can go alone, it doesn't take a lot of time." She said and smiled innocently.
Shark god looked deep into her eyes, couldn't decide. For some reasons he didn't want to see Philza today and prefer to stay in summer home with Y/N, but in another side, he just didn't want to let her go alone.
"Well I have to do some stuff here too." He said slowly.
"So I will be in the home before supper." She clapped her hands in joy. Foolish slighty nodded and smiled. Maybe a little trip will be good for her? And he will set up some things...
Y/N always liked Philza's company, he visited desert several times and she always enjoy his pressence and stories, which he was telling. Similar to other old beings he lived enough long to see and exeperience a lot. This time wasn't diffrent Y/N was invited inside and he got her cup of tea. They sat in the kitchen and talked about common things. Technoblade was on the adventure with Ranboo, so they had peaceful time full of laughs and giggles.
Foolish thought it would be easy, but since Y/N left for visiting Philza he was very distracted. Uninvited thoughts filled his head and strange feeling in his stomach. He tried to build, read and walk, nothing helped. Knowing Phil they would sit and talk but... what if there will be somethin else? Or what if Y/N won't come back? Shark god sighed, being worry about her and being worry that she won't come back have been mixed together. This was one of his biggest fear. Since she have stepped in his life, he didn't wnat to be alone anymore. After a hour more struggling he gave up.
Phil was about to escorted Y/N, till she will reach the desert, but in the end of his yard stood Foolish in more appropriate clothing than ancient robes. He sent them soft smile. Sun was getting down, throwing longer shadows. Phil nodded to him.
"Hi mate."
"Foolish what a surprise!" Y/N said and smiled back to him.
"Well I think, that I needed also longer walk." He said and gave her hand. She grabbed it gently and blushed slighty. Phil glanced at them and smirked.
"Thank you for the visit, I hope we will meet again sooner."
"I think next time you can actually visit us." Y/N said and looked at Foolish.
"Yes, of course. Technoblade and Ranboo ale welcomed too of course." Shark god nodded and smiled proudly.
"See you then, I wish you safe trip back."
They both waved to him and left property value. Foolish squeezed her hand gently and smiled to her, his worries disappered immediately.
"How was the visit?"
"Phil like Phil was telling me stories and gave me couple cups of tea. Technoblade and Ranboo were on adventure, so we were alone."
"Wanna eat something in home or go immediately sleep?" He asked softly.
"Honestly I want to eat something, also I like suppers with you, because we are always talking." She admitted with unsure tone.
"I am glad to hear that." Foolish looked directly into her eyes. "And I am glad that you are back. I am so used to your pressence..."
She reciprocated glance and blushed a little bit more. They spent rest way back in silence. Maybe words wasn't needed there?
They both sat at the long table in terrace, stars showed up in the sky, moon again was shinning brightly. A lot of dishes were on the table, Foolish held glass full of ambrosia, when Y/N was eating some fruits. They changed clothes, because even at night, there still were hot.
"Maybe in next week we can visit Tommy and Tubbo? Then we shloud definitely meet Kinoko Kingdom, since you have helped them with buildings and of course guest Phil, Technoblade and Ranboo as we promised!" Y/N said with excitement in her voice.
Foolish again felt this starange feeling in the stomach but hid it with soft smile. Since when she wanted to do so much visits and meetings?
"Of course my dear... " He agree little unsure.
"You know... I just think we shloud more meet with Smp members." She stated while was looking at him.
"So I now am not enough?" He asked playfuly, ignoring cold shiver at his spine.
"Well, it's not the case... I am just missing others company a little bit, but I very enjoy your pressence Foolish. Here... is like paradise, you know?" Y/N said and looked down, trying to hide her blushing cheeks.
Demi god smirked and took a small sip. "I am glad, that I am 'enough'. You brought a lot of joy and happiness into this place."
He looked directly at her and took another sip. She looked lovely with red cheeks and shy smile on her lips. Foolish got completly lost in her beauty, that she spotted, that he was looking at her.
"You are staring at me."
"I am not staring my goddess. I am admiring, that is diffrence."
Y/N shook her head with disbelief and tried to focus on her dish, but it was difficult under Foolish'es burning gaze. After eating, they stood under railing, looking at peacefuly ocean. Sounds of small waved crashin the coast was very calm. She slowly put her head on his shoulder, when was watching the horizon. He smiled softly and put hand on her's hip gently.
"Comfortably?" His whisper hit her ear and eyes caught her's. Y/N nodded in response.
"Good." Foolish said with satisfied tone. He waited couple of minutes, then took his chance and tickled her unexpected.
Y/N literally just jumped away from him, then crossed arms. "What was that?!" She asked with betrayed tone.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist." He smirked and get closer, but Y/N kept moving away at his each step. Finally her back touched the railing, Foolish put his hand on it.
"Nowhere to run?"
"Unfortunately..." Y/N whispered slowly.
He leaned in and grabbed by second hand her chin. Their eyes met again, she smiled innocently.
"There is no escape from me my sweetheart."
After this words he pressed their lips together in slow kiss, Y/N put her arms around his neck, Foolish'es hand from railing embraced her waist. There was silence, they get lost in the kiss, clearly waited for this for so long. When they pulled away, their breaths were sharp and heavy.
"I would never want to escape." She whispered softly, causing him to smile.
After a few days full of love affection, kisses, cuddles and words Foolish wanted to give Y/N special gift. It spent some time to prepare it. This day he woke up first and set up breakfast, wanted to enjoy this moment fully. When everything was ready he put casket on the table and sat, waiting for her impatiently. His robe was decorated by gold and stones, white silk was shinning slighty in sun.
Finally Y/N went through the door, today they ate on big hall full of windows, sunlight was going through them. She was wearing blue like sky dress type robe, her hair was falling softly at her back. Foolish smiled to her and stood up. They hug each other gently.
"How was your sleep love?" He asked softly.
"Pretty good and yours?"
"I was dreaming about you." Foolish admited and kissed her forehead. She giggled and blushed slighty.
"Sweet talker." Y/N said and sat at the table. He followed her steps, then they started to eat. Silence was filled by sounds of cutlery and glasses. Again he was staring at her while drinking ambrosia.
"I have something for you." Foolish finally said and pick up casket.
Y/N rose her left eyebrow with curiosity. What it could be? She appreciated all gifts which he go her, but didn't want to bother with some stupid whims.
"It's sweet of you, but you know that you don't need to spoil me so much? I already live here for free, have everything and don't need to worry about anything." She admitted slowly.
"I want to spoil you a little my goddess. Just a little." He stood up and moved closer to her, then opened the box. Inside were a set of golden jewelry with gems such as: emeralds, rubies, sapphires and diamonds. There were two pair of bracelets, necklace and tiara.
Y/N made big eyes. "I can't take it... it's too much..." She said quietly.
"I will be so happy when you will wear it. I promise." Foolish said softly, taking them out the box.
She sighed, but nodded to him, allowed to help her with it. They took off old one and put new one. "How do I look?" Y/N asked watching her new jewelry.
"Now like mine goddess." Foolish said with satisfied tone and their eyes met. He kissed her cheek and she giggled softly.
"Thank you..." She looked down shyly. "Did you make it?"
"Oh yes... I had some spare gems and you know how I love gold. I just wanted... you know. Give you something. You're making me happy."
"It's beautiful, I love each part of it and I love you." Y/N whispered.
"I love you too my love." Foolish responeded and kissed her lovingly.
Unfortunately Y/N couldn't visit rest of Smp members this days, because she started to feel bad. She assumed, that she stayed too long on the sun and didn't drink enough. Foolish agreed with that and added, that maybe more swimming or baths could help. Of course she shloudn't go to cold tundra, her state could get worse and that was the last thing they wanted. Y/N spent almost whole days in her chamber or library, because there were cold and quiet.
Foolish closed carefuly door, his love just went to sleep, although early time. Afternoon just passed, but she was too sleepy and drain out of energy already. He didn't say a word, just took her and put her in the bed. Shark god went into his personal chambers and looked at alchemical area. There were still remains of his newest project, he smiled a little, couldn't belive that this could actually work so well.
At the beginning he belived that Y/N is his destiny. She was perfect, she could be a goddess and he wanted to make her one, his goddess actually. It would take time, yes, but it will be worth. They were perfect match, Sea Nymph and Shark God, what a pair and she even fell in love with him... day of their first kiss was the happiest day of his immortal life.
But thing was that Foolish enjoyed their time spent together, alone in the temple, but Y/N was sociable person, she loved meetings, visits, trips and parties. Of course he liked rest of the Smp members... but Y/N was a person, he desired the most. What if someone will involve her in war or conflict? He couldn't let that happen. This land saw enough blood od innocents and fights. Y/N needed to be safe.
Foolish looked at empty alchemist bootles. It took almost a week to saturate gold potion of weakness. Dose was harmless, just caused person which wad wearing the jewelry feel weak and sleepy. That shloud be enough, to make Y/N stay in the temple with him. Of course he couldn't make it last forever, buy for now it have to be enough. Maybe after some time she will lost interest in meetings or visits and understand that Foolish is the only person, she needs. If not... well he knew how to saturate gold with potions effects. And there were two pairs of bracalets and tiara left.
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sethmacenzie · 3 years
So besides the point that My Villain Academia is my favourite ark and I might be a bit biased on changes to it, especially because Spinner is my favourite character, but what they did with it is a terrible adaptation due to the pacing and scenes they did in the Endevour Agency arc. And I am going to explain why! I’m not going to even touch the animation style going from amazing to abysmal with Shigaraki and his flashback. Or the fact that Dabi is the tallest now or some reason. And don’t get me started on Spinner’s bad animation, (the link is a nice comparison by @helga-grinduil) because if anything it plays into quirkism that is now not getting adressed. So @mettywiththenotes already explained better than I ever could how they screwed up with Re-Destro’s introduction, but they did that way earlier already with the scenes of the PLF and Shigaraki destroying Deika. Watchers know the League are going to win, that takes out the threat completly. We know that they are going to make it out alive and fine.We saw Toga with both eyes intact alive and well, we saw Dabi, Spinner and Twice as part of the PLF. You can see Re-Destro in his pinstripe suit in the Hawks scene. You can make out Trumpet’s back and maybe with good eyes Sceptic’s. That leaves Geten’s, Curious’, Giran’s, Compress’ and Maschia’s fate undetermind. Two of them are enemies of the LoV that watcher’s most likely won’t care about, Giran is a background character and Maschia is the boss fight they have to win anyway, so that leaves Mr. Compress as the only person with an unclear fate of the entire ark to care about. We see Shigaraki in the Ujiko scene that happens in the episode before they get transfered and if you look closely you can see his missing fingers. So we know he’s going to be fine after the fight and it completly spoils the war arc. Let alone the fact that the power up got spoiled. As @robotlesbianjavert pointed out: screwing up Spinner’s narrative fails the narration and that’s something they can’t undo. If you bring the Spinner screams at Shigaraki later in a flashback it loses all emotion because we know how it ends instead of experiencing it the same way Spinner does in the manga. The reader sees through Spinner’s eyes in this ark, we saw the inspiration that he got from Shigaraki and the anime watchers should have gotten the same.   The anime misses out on so much of them just being human normal being which is extremly important to the entire story, that they are people too. So cutting out all of it loses that. The banter with Dabi, Toga noticing Shigaraki misses Kurogiri, Compress’  thinking about his image, all of that is lost. Let alone it completly erases both Spinner’s backstory and the worldbuilding of discrimination. This was brought up earlier and it’s going to come back later. If they don’t cut it too, not that isn’t a theme that was in the manga since the first chapter. The “Mutant KKK” (as I like to call them) are part of making them seem human instantly. There are people who fight for awful things that have nothing to do with choice, aka discrimination based on how you are born and the LoV are killing them. It’s one of the easiest ways to make bad guys seem not as bad and it works, but the anime doesn’t have that. So for the viewers they are just the same child kidnappers from before. And Spinner’s narration backs that up, he’s a pretty normal guy and the viewers eyes and by cutting out the entire chapter we lose his intro and you start to wonder why this guy is the one narrating everything. Spinner is the one that asks Shigaraki what the plan is and this ark is the answer to that question for both Spinner and the readers. It amazing framing and it is completly gone. And of course the whole Sushi scene is why Shigaraki decides that he wants an alliance, because he cares for the League’s wishes. 220 adresses their poverty and they are in dire need of money not just by showing Compress’ broken hand like the anime did, but they are running low on food, Toga’s equipment is broken, their cothes are torn and Spinner is obviously not ok living like that.
@future-dregs already added to my post how important this all is for the future manga arc. Or as they put it: they shot themselves in the foot.
So when this comes back up later they are screwed, they’d have to stitch in illfitting flashbacks that are narrativly bad, change the story or just make it seem as if they included it earlier. And so far there no plans for this, since the voice actor of Spinner already confirmed that it’s not in season 5.
They will have to adress this and more: Why would Spinner be the most loyal to Shigaraki if he never doubted him? Why are they going to make an alliance with the mta if Mr Compress and Spinner weren’t uncomftable with their living situation? Why would Mr. Compress sacrifice himself like that if they are just average companions? Let alone stuff like: Why would anyone fear for the live of Toga if they saw her being fine? Why would anyone think that Re-Destro is threat if Miyashita isn’t in the anime?
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An anonymous lover (part 4)
Summary : Y/N sees Sirius Black running away after a particularly rough letter from his mother. She wants to cheer him up and decide to send him a letter, anymously, she knows how much he hates her house.
Warnings : Slytherin!Reader, female!reader, not proof read
Word count : 2.6k
English is not my first language, sorry if there is any mistakes
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - You're here - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Sirius was slowly starting to desparate, it has been now almost three weeks seen he received the letter from that mysterious person and he had no idea who it could be. He and the marauders –with the help of Lily- had search for them among Evans’ friends, but none of them matched the headwriting or even admiting being the writer of the letter.
He is not that surprise, after all it was said in the letter that they didn’t know each other that well, and most of Lily’s friends were people he knew himself and was close to, but it was worth the shot he told himself.
He was in potion, lost in his own mind,  he didn’t hear someone calling next to him and he snapped out of his mind, “You said something ?” It was Y/N, his potion partner, despite being a slytherin, she was always nice, a bit discreet in class, even if he heard a story or two from Lily of little mischiefs she has done, the more time they spend together, the more he was surprised she was a slytherin.
“I was asking you to give me the mandrake leaves”, Sirius looked on his left were the leaves were, he then looked at the cauldron on the table, it had a greenish color with some pinkish sturls, bubbling heavely. He wasn’t paying attention at the beginning of the class so he had no idea on what that was, so he decide to just hand over the madrake leaves to Y/N.
She ground the ingredient before putting it in the cauldron who turned completly pink. She then looked at Sirius, “Are ok ? Y' look a bit.. Off"
Sirius straighten his back on his stool, trying to look more composed but he sighed, “Yeah yeah ‘t‘s just...”, he hesitated a bit, should he talk to her about it ? But she looked so concerned. “It’s just there is that person who gave me a letter a few weeks ago and I don’t know who it is. I’d like to meet them” He was playing with the little kiss card, he had since forgotten the feeling and the paper was slowly tearing up by being touch all the time.
Y/N simply smiled at him, “Yeah, I heard about it. Who knows, if you’re lucky maybe they heard about it too and will come to you ? Or send another letter ?”
Sirius just nob a little, he hoped she was right and that wasn’t just a one time thing. He decided to pay more attention for the rest of the class.
After the lesson of this morning, he went to the Great Hall with the marauders to eat, his stomach was rumbling louder than Peter’s snorring at night. At the table he thought about what Y/N had said, apparently some people had heard about his desire to find a mysterious lettermaker, maybe indeed they had heard of it and would send another one ? Maybe even directly talked to him ? He tried to not put his hopes too high but he couldn’t resist to look at the owl’s entry and wish to see one arrived for him, he wasn’t a patient person after all.
He tried to pay attention to what James was saying, something about the perfect plan to ask Lily on a date. “She will say yes !” the boy was confident.
“Of course, like the 437 other times” mocked Remus, his friend open his mouth agape, absolutly scandilise, “Don’t be a party pooper Moony ! Friends are s’pose to support each other !”, Sirius was about to retort something but his head snapped at the sound of wings flapping around, making his friends laugh. “You think you will have another letter ?” asked Peter.
Sirius sighed, “I hope so ! They can’t just send me a wholehearted letter and then send me obsoutely nothing ever again !”, he waited a bit and his eye widen when an owl landed in front of him with a letter decorated with stars in the beak, he was completly overjoyed. “NO WAY !!”, he screamed a bit, making heads turned to him, includind Y/N’s, who observed him from afar.
Sirius looked at the enveloppe, it had a new constellation draw on it, and didn’t wait to open the letter, completly ignoring the owl who was waiting for his reward, it’s Remus who ended up feeding the animal who then flew away, the marauders all looked at Sirius, waiting for a reaction, who just had the biggest grin on his face.
It was written in a beautiful emerauld green this time, with forget me not flowers as well as lilac, it smelled beautifully good and was quite soothing.
“Dear Sirius,
I heard you were looking for me ? I must admit that I’m flattered and happy you liked the first one so much, it warm my heart to know it had the reaction intended.
Looking at you from far away searching for me at the wrong place is very entertainning, that’s why I’m going to let you keep looking for me a moment”
Sirius open his mouth in shock. “What, what are they saying ?” James leaned accross the table, trying to see. “They wants to play a little, apperently it makes them laugh to see me struggle finding them”;
James laugh, “She seems fun !”, “Or he” told Sirius.
“FINE ! Wanna bet ? 5 gallons it’s a girl !”. Sirius stopped to think for a moment, he didn’t care of the gender of the person but he really wanted to bet with James, they did that often and it wasn’t a big deal in the end. “That’s a deal then, Prongs”. Sirius then went back to the letter.
“But since I am not a complete monster, I am going to give you a hint : I am not a gryffindor. And because I will dare to say I am quite generous, I am going to let you write to me too if you desire to do so. You may have noticed with the kiss from last time –that a hope you liked- I like inventing a few things, in the enveloppe you will find pieces of paper to stick to you letters, the charm of the paper will transcribe you’re message onto a parchment that I possess. I could tell you all the magic behind it but I will keep it for another if that interest you.
Game on Sirius Black ! 3 gallons you can’t find me before at least two months.
P.S : The pieces of paper are a new creation so it might malfunction, I will send you an update in ten days if I have no news from you, or you could always scream in the Great Hall if you want me to send something sooner”
Sirius looked in the void for a few second, ok, that was a lot of information to take at once, he let James took the letter so he could read it. He looked in the enveloppe and there were indeed five pieces of paper, he guessed it was singled used. He looked some more and was incredibly disappointed to not find any kiss in it. He had really hoped he could feel it again. Well, from them, when Sirius better explain to James what was the kiss he had felt, he put into an habit to kissed his friend good night to tease him, always getting a smack from Sirius in return.
“Wow, they seemed brillant” said Remus who had now th letter in hand before giving it back to Sirius. "Must be a ravenclaw” remarked Peter, that’s where they will be looking next. But for now, he couldn’t wait to write to them, the first thing he will do once back in the dorm.
And that’s what he did right away once the day ended, he thanked them for the letter, telling them how much it had helped him to feel better and how grateful he was for all the nice things they had said. Of course he took the challenge, he never back away from an opportunity to win, especially one such as this one, he had flirted a bet a date at Hogsmeade he will find them before those two months. He ended the letter by demending more kisses to use, obviously.
Once he was satisfied with it, he decided to try out the piece of paper to transfer the message. At first nothing happened, he was a bit scared the thing wouldn’t work, but when he was about to voice his worries, the lines started to shine of golden glow before slowly disappearing. Wow, they are brillant.
Sirius was more than happy to received a letter the next day, the paper had perfectly worked out ! That letter was way more casual, with less decoration, talking about the few past weeks with an added candy, their favourite one they said, Sirius made sure to note that somewhere in his mind as he was eating it, sour, just like he liked them.
He also was delighted to see they had added kisses with that letter, two, with three used each that made six in total, he used one right away, he had missed the feeling too much. He had to slap away James who wanted to try it out too, to see what was so great about them.
“C’mon Pads, you said it could be reused !” had he complain. “And it’s not like you’ll run out, now you can have more whenever !”, Sirius just threw bread at him, “Don’t you fucking dare Prongs, I wil envoy each one of them !”.
Him and the rest of the marauders have given up on searching on their own who the person was after a few days, they used energy for not much and apparently the anonymous person envoyed sending them in the wrong direction, Sirius having some akward conversation with people he barely knew to know if they were or not the person he was looking for. He decided rather to focus on the letters.
And that’s how Sirius and the anonymous penpal fell into a routine, he will write in the evening and have an answer the next day at lunch, writing to each other almost everyday. He smiled at the evolution of the letters, it became more natural, the penpal slowly loosen up the handwriting to a point were it would be impossible for someone who didn’t lived “the downfall to incomprehension” as he tease them about, but he loved that, it fell special to him to be able to read them so well when other struggled.
The marauders had read the letters occasionally when the penpal was giving hint of who they were, which was a rare occurrence, bu they had given up days ago. James had froaned at the letter, he thought he had seen it before but he couldn’t recall where, he simply pushed that idea in the back of his head.
He groaned a bit when they turned out to be a she, handing five gallons to James who simply sang “I told you so” over and over again. At that Sirius simply rolled his eyes and went back to the letter.
They were always written in colored ink, with always at least one doodle, often of flowers, especially roses, she apperently loved them very much. He keep that in mind among the other little details about her and the gifts he could bring her once they met. He also were given more kisses, some on the cheeks, or the hand, whether on the knuckles, fingers, the palm, he loved it all. He received one on his jaw that he absolutly loved, but he has teased her about it and so as a punishment he never received more of these.
Truth be told, Y/N was simply completly embarassed of what she has done, she send this one a day were she felt particulary bold and regretted it the very next day at Sirius’ teasing.
He also received some hugs. Boy did he loved those, they never lasted long enough for him. He finded them so comforting, and by the repetition of them, he could tell she was smaller than him and that had him completly melted. And he swore he almost passed out the day she sended her voice.
It wasn’t much, just “Have a nice day, Sirius !”, but he listened to it every single day, delighted when he was told it was unlimited. Y/N had took a big risk that time, but she really wanted to send him just that special one, he often told her how much it made him a bit sad that the hugs and kisses were so limited, so she sent that one line, modifiying her voice just enough to be a bit out of her ordinary one.
She wasn’t as scared as before to meet Sirius, after so many days speaking to each other, she would dare to say they were close, both had confessed in their letter deep secrets and insecurities, and they trusted each other enough to be vunerable with one another, she almost asked him to meet in the astronomy tower.
But a few things were preventing her to do so ; the bet, she was a slytherin after all and wasn’t going to lose to a gryffindor; her insecurity, despite feeling better than before, a big parts of her still was terrified to the idea of meeting him as the person he has been writing to for weeks, she didn’t know how she would react; and finally, she has heard Sirius badly talked about slytherin a few times, and she didn’t want to ruin everything because of who she was, she was proud to be a slytherin despite the surprise of many people to discover which house she was in, but depise that she had let her feelings for Sirius get in the way and now very selfishly didn’t want to let that go.
The two months were soon over, and Sirius still didn’t know who his penpal was, he wanted to win the bet but didn’t know how to at this point, with the tests and essays they recently had, he didn’t took the time to search for her. He was planning on asking her in his next letter if she will revealed herself by the end of the bet, hoping with all his being for her to say yes.
He was now in potion, sitting next to Y/N, both were silently taking notes, as for once, Sirius decided to stay quiet the whole time, he had a bit of struggle with this potion and he needed to focus, not used to have difficulties in class.
Y/N saw his struggle and decided to talk to him. “Do you need help with that potion, Black ?”
The boy looked at her for a few second and sighed, “Yeah, that one’s a bitch, can I burrow your notes ?”
Y/N hesitated a bit, not knowing if she should, she knew he could read her handwriting but didn’t know if he would put two and two together. She decided to hand them to him, after all she proposed her help and it would impolite to stop now, and she told herself he will probably not recognise it, some handwriting could look alike without being from the same person.
Sirius gave her a greatful smile, “Thanks Y/L/N”, she gave back a smile “No problem”, she put the rest of her stuff away and spoke without thinking, “Have a nice day Sirius !” and she got out.
Sirius immidiatly froze, was that ..?
Taglist : @blackpinkdolan  @jentaculargums @bruxa0007 @deathkat657 @theincredibledeadlyviper
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woman-with-no-name · 3 years
Dutch van der Linde x Arthur Morgan x f!reader
Title: "Angels"
A/N: What can I say, I was bored. I'm not a writer or a native English speaker, but I decided to do this for fun so don't judge me too hard. ✌️Hope y'all enjoy.
Warnings: A bit of fluff, but mostly smut.
Summary: Dutch and you are together, but you can't stop thinking about the nature of his relationship with Arthur, so you decide to ask him.
Story under the cut.
"Yes? Darling." He looks up from his book nonchalantly.
"Were you and Arthur..." you pause, and turn your head to look behind the chair you were sitting on, as if there was anyone else in your tent except you two. A silly habit you had.
"Were we what?" Your hesitation made Dutch close his book and put it beside him. You smile awkwardly.
"You know...a thing? Back then? Before... when you were y- " you stop yourself before you start that argument again.
He eyes you, clearly amused by your question, and lets out a little laugh.
"And what makes you ask that?" He leans forward, crosses his arms and waits for a response. He wasn't wearing his hat so you could clearly see the suspicious look in his eyes.
You start squirming in your chair, your palms are getting sweaty.
"Oh, nevermind." Your nerve was gone, you weren't sure anymore if you want to start this topic.
"I don't know why I asked that. Sorry, love." You quickly take a nearby book in your hands and open it on a random page. You realize how this is the most idiotic thing you could have done. But it's too late. Dutch knew what you were and weren't reading, since you never did it by yourself. He was always there. Not that you mind it. You loved when he would read out loud, and you would be laying across the cot, with you head in his lap, and his free hand would be in your hair, stroking it. If you fell asleep he would either let you, or make a tiny clinging noise with his rings right next to your ear. The noise would immediately wake you up and he would always pretend he didn't do it on purpose. However, his clenching jaw and smiling lips would tell otherwise.
You could feel his eyes on your face, but you didn't dare look at him. Thinking you made him upset you hoped he would just forget about it. Trying to think of something to distract yourself, you turn the next page of the book.
You hear the cot squeak under him as he relaxes back. You lift your gaze and see him looking up at the plain canvas of your tent, as if thinking of a fond memory.
"Alright, my darling. Since it's you, I suppose I can tell you..."
Your gaze is immediately on him. You excitedly slap the book back on the shelve, lean forward on the chair, your elbows on your knees, as if Dutch was just about to tell you a juicy gossip about someone from camp, and not a confession about a past lover.
Seeing your reaction Dutch couldn't help himself but to let out a throaty laugh.
"But." He raises a finger at you, eyeing you. "First you have to tell me what made you ask that."
"Fine." You feigned offense and playfully roll your eyes at him.
"Its just...I know you two go way back and...well, you are both so... well, alluring. I just couldn't help myself not to think about...you two...you know." You make a weird slapping gesture with your hands.
Dutch closes his eyes and exhales a laugh. He brings his hand up to his brow and rubs his eyes. You loved to make him laugh with your silliness.
He clears his throat and continues: "You think Arthur is... alluring?" He drawls the last word to highlight it. Then leans, and spreads his legs to get closer. His elbows are on his knees, mimicking your pose. He watches your expression. Your faces are now just inches apart.
Fuck. You are trapped. How are you supposed to say yes without it sounding wrong?
"I mean, I suppose so... But he's, you know, not... Uhh, you know...bad. Khm." You look away. Not knowing what to expect. You can feel his eyes on your temple.
The tent flaps are open, and of course, who else is supposed to walk by other than the man himself. You curse under your breath. Can this get any worse?
"Howdy folks, how's it going?" Arthur greets you both.
Dutch knows what he is doing to you. He lets you sweat under his gaze for a few moments more. Arthur walking by only made it better for him. Bastard.
"Arthur! Hello. Come, sit down, son. We were just talking about you." Dutch exclaims cheerfully.
Arthur stops at the entrance, wooden floor boards squeak under his boots.
"Me? Why are you two wasting your time talking about me?" Arthur hesitates but takes off his hat, and enters the tent. Dutch moves a bit on the cot to give Arthur room to sit down, but not nearly enough. The space is way too small for both of them. Forbidden thoughts enter your mind again. But you quickly shoo them away.
Their knees are touching on the small cot and Arthur is holding his hat in his lap. Dutch wastes no time and places his hand on Arthur's knee. Arthur just glances at it but quickly relaxes to the familiar touch.
"My sweet lady was just telling me how alluring you are." Dutch turns his attention to Arthur.
Arthur glances at you, blushing and fighting the smile that's creeping on his face.
"But I know that already. I know that well..." Dutch continues and raises his palm to Arthur face.
"Ain't that right, my boy?"
"Dutch..." You notice Arthur grip his hat harder.
Dutch being this intimate to him didn't start jealousy in you, only awe. You couldn't help yourself but smile at how you weren't the one that's nervous anymore.
Dutch slowly moves his hand on the younger man's neck. Then behind it, and finally entwines his fingers in Arthur's hazel locks. His eyes grow darker as he grips the hair harder and brings Arthur closer to him.
Arthur hisses through his teeth but does nothing. His body goes slack. His eyes are half closed as he gives in. Dutch presses his nose on the stubbly cheek and then angles his head. Their lips are less than an inch apart, breaths mixing. Arthur closes his eyes completly, his breath uneven. Dutch laughs at this, he playfully pokes his nose with his own, and then pulls away completely. He lets his hand liger on Arthur's shoulder as he relishes in the other man's flustered expression.
"We will see you tonight, Arthur." Dutch removes his hand, and turns his attention to you. "Won't we, darling?"
You pick up your jaw from the floor and nod.
"What do you say, son?"
Arthur blinks, and exhales loudly.
"Yeah. I mean, yes. Da-... Yes. Dutch." He quickly shifts away from Dutch and coughs awkwardly. He then looks at you, embarrassed.
You melt under his soft blue eyes. "See you later, Mister Morgan..." You wink at him and lower your eyes at the hat he didn't put back on his head as he stood up to make his exit.
"Good boy." Dutch follows him to the edge of the tent and slaps his behind on the way out. Arthur shoots him an angry look but his smirk betrays him.
Dutch leans on the tent post and pulls a cigar out of his pocket. He puts it between his teeth and looks back at you.
"So, my sweet, any more questions?"
Evening came faster than you thought. You were pacing up and down the tent, while Dutch was kneeling at the small stove, tending to the fire.
"Nervous?" He watches your steps.
"A little bit, yes." You stop and turn to stand right next to him. "But...very excited too." You say as you caress his cheek with the back of your hand, and lean down for a kiss. You feel him smile and you pull away.
"Oh, is daddy excited too?" You never failed to rile him up with that word. He stands up and casually kicks the stove door closed. He wraps his arms around your waist and watches you through hooded eyes. You lean into the warm palm he brought up to your face, and you kiss each other tenderly.
"Khm... I hope I ain't interrupting something..." you hear behind you.
Arthur enters and ties up the tent flaps behind him. Dutch let's you go and places a small kiss on your forehead as he strides towards his former lover. They look at each other for a moment, unsure how to act. Dutch breaks the ice as he firmly rubs Arthur's shoulder. The younger man just laughs at this, and grabs him by his vest, pulling him into a tight hug. You giggle at how your lover was caught off guard. Something you rarely see.
" I missed this. You."
" I know, son. I did too."
They hold each other like this, long, until Dutch lifts Arthur's head from the crook of his neck to leave a soft kiss on his bottom lip. He catches it between his own and nibbles on it lightly. You hear a satisfied hum coming from Arthur, and it turns you on instantly.
"You two are beautiful like this, I hope you know that."
Arthur breaks the kiss and looks at you, shyly. His reaction makes you think about how you've never seen him act so "small". You two talked, but it was always about something random, and he would often keep his distance. But Dutch would tell you stories about him too, how capable he was, how many fights he won, and just how brave "his" Arthur was. Seeing him like this you also saw what Dutch loved about him, he loved reminding him of just how special he is to him.
Dutch reaches for you and you take his hand. He leads you between them and Arthur accompanies you in front of him. You reach behind and bring his face next to yours. Instinctively, he wraps his arms around your middle, and you lean into him. Dutch steps back a bit to get a good look at you both.
"Well, well. What did a man like me do, to deserve you two gorgeous angels..."
Arthur lets out a little laugh. "I ain't no gorgeous angel Dutch."
You slap Arthur lightly before Dutch even opens his mouth to answer.
"You deserved that." Dutch laughs and looks down, hands on his hips. He raises his head with a sinister look in his eyes, a look you knew well.
"That means I must be close to God, right?" His eyes looked almost completely black now.
"And what do good angels do in front of their God?" He caresses both of your faces. His thumb slips into your mouth as he pulls Arthur into a sloppy kiss, inches away from your face. You suck on his thumb, letting it slip pass your teeth and he pumps it in and out lightly. They kiss eachother hungrily, biting. Licking his lips and panting Dutch pulls away.
"They kneel, don't they?" He purrs.
Arthur and you get on your knees, a little bit too fast to conserve any dignity.
Dutch pulls out a cigar out of his front pocket and lights it.
"Might as well enjoy this to the fullest." He says smugly in that delicious dark tone you adored.
You trail your fingers up his thighs and reach for the gun belt that was still sitting on his hips. You unbuckle it and Arthur grabs it to throw it on the cot and proceeds to cup Dutch's cock through his pants. Arthur smiles as he hears a sigh from above. He goes to unbutton the fabric between you and your prize but Dutch stops him.
"Use your teeth would ya? Like you used to..." He teases, and you rise an eyebrow at Arthur.
"Go ahead, Mr. Morgan. Teach me something new."
Arthur complies and skillfully pulls on the edge of Dutch's pants and the top button gets loose. He bites down on the fly and looks up as he slowly pulls it down. A hand comes down to drag a ringed finger over his cheek.
You free his semi hard manhood and pump it a few times.
"Kiss me..." Arthur whispers, and leans in, to catch your lips in a slow but passionate kiss.
You feel Dutch instantly getting harder as he groans at the sight.
You pull away to lick a long, wet stripe up the shaft and then kiss Arthur again. You both work your way down his length, kissing and licking his cock from both sides. This makes Dutch's chest puff up as he savors the feeling of two tongues leading him to fulfilment. Arthur takes him in his mouth and you place your focus on his balls. Dutch takes the cigar from his mouth and his breathing quickens. Holding the cigar between his fingers he carefully places his hands on both of your heads, rubbing caringly.
"Oh, my angels..."
You start to lick your way up his Apollo's belt, you knew he liked the way your ticklish, warm kisses added to the sensation Arthur was giving him.
A slight whimper hits your ear and you knew he was close. Dutch rarely moaned during your times together, and when he didn't try to conceal it with a strained cough it was an absolutely irresistible sound to come out of him. It never failed to make you proud of yourself.
Arthur looked absolutely delicious with his ocean eyes filled with lust as he pulled away from Dutch to catch his breath. He cupped your chin to give you a sloppy kiss and then you both presented your open mouths and tongues to the man above.
Dutch panted and his brows furrowed as he used his hand to jack himself off, and paint both of your faces with his spent.
You twirl your tongue around your lips to collect as much as possible in your mouth to swallow it. Arthur and you smile at each other playfully. He uses his finger to collect a drop from your chin.
"Missed a spot."
You could barely open one of your eyes.
"You think?" You laugh.
"You two are unbelievable..." Dutch shakes his head, smiling.
He puts the cigar back into his mouth and tucks himself in. He lazily walks back and sits on the chair. Arthur helps you get up and holds you close.
Dutch eyes the cot as the smoke collects around his head.
"I think it's time for you two to give daddy a show..."
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licuadora-nasir · 3 years
Could it be?: Episode 6 fic.
I made my own version of Eldarya ANE's last talk with Lance since I felt that some things were... Missing. Or not completly clear regarding Lance and Erika's past.
The reason why I put my gardienne's name instead of "Erika"? During TO you can decide if you empathize with Lance or not, if you want to understand him or just go with it and try to kill him, and my OC had a bit of hope towards him until the very last moment.
Therefore, whether you liked Lance or not in season one, I thought that it would be more proper to do not use "Erika" this time and give each gardienne more free will.
Any feedback or suggestion is appreciated ❤️ Also, if anyone wants to request anything be my guest lmao, college doesn't start until September and I don't have much to do.
I want to thank the kind @rina-nanashiro that has assisted carefully reading it and pointing my grammar mistakes (English is not my mother tongue woah what a suprise).
I certainly screwed up this time. I was feeling awful. How could I let this happen? Why didn’t I prevent it?
I couldn’t stop thinking about Edgard’s death. The image of the knife in his neck, his blood a wild contrast to the white pristine snow behind him. The only thing I could do before rushing to the ship was stupidly staring at his corpse. Tenjin and his men hurried out and I just let them. I did nothing, again.
I was on the ship’s rail, staring at the ocean like it was the most intriguing and interesting thing I had ever seen. Even the waves seemed to mock me that day. They were calm and peaceful, not like in our first journey when they almost destroyed our ship. Despite it, I would prefer troubled waters that match my mood.
What would I tell Huang Hua, Chrome, Karenn and the rest of the people who expected great things out of me? Am I worthy of a statue when I’m not even capable of saving someone who’s right in front of my eyes? Did I honestly deserve all the praise at the title of “Eldarya’s saviour”? The truth will out and soon all the Eldaryans will realise that I’m nothing but a human with small wings and sparkling powers.
The sound of footsteps interrupted my train of thought. Lance came towards me with a slightly worried expression.
— Are you alright, Kali? You seem pensive.
— Well, we could say so, yes. — I guess he would prefer to say that I seemed pensive instead of a complete failure. Lance sighed and his mien turned serious.
— Actually, you look quite miserable. You’ve barely started these long monologues of yours talking about anything that crosses your mind. — I let a sad chuckle escape my lips. This man could read me like an open book.
— Look, I’m truly sorry we weren’t able to protect Edgard. Really. — I tightened my grip against the rail and turned myself towards the ocean.
— I swore to protect him. To keep him safe, to take him to the HQ. I promised I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to him. And now he’s dead.
I didn’t dare to turn my head to face him. I didn’t want to see the look in his eyes; pity or annoyance, I just didn’t want to see it. If he pitied me I would feel worse, but if he was angry, I wouldn’t hesitate to argue with him.
— Kali…
— It could have been me! It could have been Mathieu! I was there, I could have helped him.
— Accidents always happen, Kalissandra. This mission turned out to be much more complicated than we initially expected. You weren’t supposed to save his life, you were supposed to assist in the examination of the earth construction.
— But wouldn’t you try to protect one of your kind? — I regretted that the moment I said it. I could feel his jaw tightening even without looking at it. Great Kali, you just have reminded him about the extinction of his whole race.
— I’m sorry I… I didn’t want… I just.... — I couldn’t swallow the lump in my throat, and my eyes already began to burn.
— How’s that I’m supposed to be the saviour of Eldarya when I can’t even help someone that’s in front of my eyes? How can I deserve all that admiration when I can’t even do that! I could have been Edgard, Lance, I could have ended up there just like him and DIE the way he did. He was scared, he didn’t deserve it, he just wanted to try and make a living! And The Oracle knows how many people are still out there! And I’m here, doing ABSOLUTELY nothing!— I could not help but let some sobs run free. It was impossible to remove Edgard’s presence from my mind.
It would not matter how many years have passed nor the many deaths I have witnessed. The cruel truth about life would not ever stop being impressive to me.
Oh dammit, how was I even supposed to be a mighty warrior when I struggled to face death?
I felt a soft grasp on my shoulder, and Lance turned me gently to face him.
— Kali, look at me. — Without any hesitation left, I raised my head to face his deep, ice stare. I was expecting some kind of annoyance, pity or maybe even indifference, but what I found was… Determination.
— You are not him. You were truly lucky you landed right in the HQ, and I know you tend to empathize with anyone, even with the ones who don’t precisely deserve it, — He left my eyes for a brief moment. Was he talking about himself? — but right now, there’s no use in thinking about the “what if”. It has happened, and there’s no chance of going back.
— You have to learn to accept that you can’t save everyone. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, how fast you run or the prowess you have upon your powers, you will never control everything that happens around you.
— The fact that you saved Eldarya doesn’t mean that you’re supposed to be perfect. And as I told you, It’s important to be aware of our capacities, but no one is invincible, not the dragons or the aengels. — His hand came to rest on my face, his thumb brushing away a tear running down my face. Determination never left his eyes, still locked with mine. — You may have become a legend, but you are still a person. — His hand was to leave my face, but I gingerly held his wrist to keep it in place.
— I see how willing you are to help everyone in need and improve every day, even though you have skipped the training of the obsidian guard for three weeks. — I genuinely laughed at that. When I learned that he was my boss I was completely horrified.
— Fine, I promise you’ll see me there in the next one. — I gave the dragon a small smile that he returned eagerly. After a satisfied nod, he spoke to me again.
— Listen… I still wanted to tell you that you were impressive, back there. — His hand began to stroke my cheek with his fingertip. I could feel the warmth gathering in my face. — I already knew you were a precious asset for The Guard, of course…
— But I realise now that you are… More than that. — More than that? More than that in which way?!?! At this point, I’m sure my cheeks were flushed with a crimson red, and he must have noticed too, cause he seemed pretty satisfied with it.
— Well, the last time we were together, we didn’t take much time to talk. — He smiled awkwardly and withdrew his hand.
We stayed in silence, side by side, facing the ocean, for several long minutes. There was something intimate about that moment. Strangely, being beside him was… Calming. After this conversation, I felt great. Much better than these past days.
I believed we finally recognized each other. Of course, not everything was forgiven nor forgotten, I hoped we had a chance to discuss our past but right now… I could finally breathe in peace beside him. I didn’t have to keep my guard up around the dragon anymore.
I mean, he could have let me drown in the depth of the ocean and say that it was an accident. Wait, what am I even saying? That wouldn’t work. He’s not incompetent enough to let anyone drown under his gaze. Fine, I won’t thank him for any of that.
But… He did seem truly concerned about my well-being. He has given me a helping hand several times when no one was looking, and even though that’s not enough to neglect his stubborn personality, and yet…
Suddenly, I was seized with doubt. Something strange was happening between us… My heart was racing like crazy, and a small wave of panic rushed through me. His piercing blue gaze was lost in the horizon, and I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his eyes…
I recognized this feeling. It was very similar to the one I had when we were in memoria, at the forgotten cliff. That time, I still had a small hope that there was something good left in him, and maybe, just maybe, I was right, and this was what I was expecting.
Was it possible..? That he really… That he actually had changed? I couldn’t find the Lance that sunk his claws in his brother’s chest in the Lance that was standing beside me.
I was conflicted. I couldn’t forget the man who inspired my fear, the one I hated and hurt me several times, and at the same time, a new growing feeling was overflowing me.
I shouldn’t, I… It’s Lance! We never got along, and I don’t even think he even wants to, but I was hoping… What was I even hoping for?
I have to get a hold of myself and stop overthinking. I have experienced too many emotions in a few days, and I could always ponder about this with my head over my shoulders.
In the meantime, we were getting close to the HQ, and we would have to face the consequences of our actions in Genkaku.
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kast43 · 3 years
•Lucifer took MC out to run some errands
•he made a mental note that MC would look up at the sky often
•asking strange questions about the weather in the Devildom
•maybe MC was interested in what rain was like here?
•mc rushed to get back home, but it was when some distant thunder rolled across the sky when things turned odd.
•MC let out a small yelp, and then ran into the nearest closed door
•which was a closet
•although he would think it was cute, he suddenly realised what was going on
•he went to the closet and opened it to find MC had shoved themselves in the deepest corner of the room
•"MC, is everything alright?" He asked peeking in
•mc had their eyes closed tight and covered their ears
•a louder roll of thunder, MC flinched again
•lucifer frowned at the scene, it dawned on him that MC was scared of thunderstorms.
•he reached out his hand to mc
•"do you trust me?" He asked, mc slowly nodding and taking his hand
•He took MC out of the closet
•he covered Mc's ears tightly and lead them to Lucifer's room
•he set MC down, and then started a record.
•he raised the volume to a pleasing level, and then grabbed blankets.
•draped MC with the warm blankets, then went to sit next to MC.
•the first roll of thunder heard over the music MC flinched and Lucifer reached an arm around MC to bring them to his chest.
•he would stroke MCs hair
•"you should know that nothing will harm you, so long as I am with you"
•MC would be so calm they would fall asleep in Lucifers arms
•Mammon and MC were prob just vibing at the house, ya know...
•A roll of thunder strikes, but Mammon pays no attention to it.
•MC however just froze.
•He noticed, "Oi, what's the matter with you?" Mammon would ask, a bit annoyed as usual.
•MC  tried to act cool, but hearing the thunder getting louder, and the flashing caused them to dive under the table.
•Mammon was big confused, looking under the table.
•"What? Don't tell me your afraid of a little thunder?" He would ask with a grin.
•when he saw MC cowarding under the table, he felt his heart drop, his grin would fade.
•he wanted to help, but didn't know how.
•ya boy just got under the table with MC and sat next ti them.
•"hey! Don't be afraid, with The Great Mammon(tm) beside you NOTHING stands a chance! Not even some silly thunder strikes."
•this would make MC laugh, and Mammon would have an idea
•mammon spent the time telling MC about his wild gambling adventures, how he would escape the 'evil witches', etc.
•by the time  Mammon was done telling his stories it was really late...most likely crashed in Mammons bed.
•Levi just wanted to show off his new purchase
•a figurine from his new guilty pleasure "I Went To The Kitchen To Eat A Snack, And Ate A Prince Who Had Been Turned Into A Sticky Bun. Now I Was Kiddnaped By The Royal Family And Now Am The Crown Prince Of This Dimension and Betrothed To A Beautiful Princess Who Hates Me." [Omg I hated that]
•he sent MC a Text to come to his room ASAP
• MC came pretty quickly, to his surprise.
•The first roll of thunder, Levi just got annoyed
•"It was not suppose to rain today." He complained, as he too does not like thunder storms.
•He turns to MC to see them just crouched down on the floor, ears covered and eyes  closed tight.
•he seems to recall a conversation they had with MC when they were trying to make him feel better about being nervous.
•he felt a pain in his heart, MC told him of their fear of thunder, but never believed  them.
• MC was so brave and strong, how could someone like that be scared of some loud noise?
•first, this boy panics
•It was about the 3rd or 4th roll of thunder that he had an idea
•He took his head phones, connected them to his PC, and started to play his favorite anime.
•he carefully placed the headphones over MC's ears and set them on the bed.
•he took a blanket and covered MC, then sat down and watched the anime with MC.
•he couldn't hear the anime, but he had seen it so many times he had it memorized.
•If the thunder could still be heard, MC got closer to Levi, which he didn't hate but...ya know
•He was tutoring MC when it happened, in the main hall.
•basically going over any questions MC had about the subject.
•at the first strike of Thunder, MC lost all focus and just used a book to cover their head.
•it was just a sudden reaction MC had, they knew this was silly, but it felt safe to them.
•Satan took pause, not really sure what brought this on all of a sudden.
•at the second strike, MC was now under the coffee table.
•Satan was smart, so he connected the dots pretty quickly.
•surprised someone like MC would be scared of something so trivial, but understanding none the less.
•he wants to continue studying, but cannot seem to lure MC out from under the table.
•he gets an idea, grabbing the blankets and pillows nearby
•the boy makes a pillow fort around MC
•"Fine, if you won't study up here, then we can study down here..." he says crawling in beside MC.
•brings pillows and blankets under the fort.
•MC was both comfortable and distracted from the thunderstorm
•did not take long before they were listening to audio books and getting cozy
•they both fell asleep cuddled next to each other
•Mammon big jealous
•Fear is not an avenue that he often travels
•who could fear anything when an Adonis like him roamed the halls?
•MC stopped responding to his Devilchats, and he was feeling SUPER affectionate today.
•He would have skipped all the way down to MC's room and let himself in
•[all the brothers do this and it makes me heated 😤]
•"MC why are you ignoring me~♡" he would ask, but stop in his tracks when he saw MC in bed, completly covered by blankets and pillows.
•thinking this was a weird way of flirting, he sat on the bed and rubbed MC's back.
•when he felt MC was shaking, and hearing the fear in their tone made him think.
•was not until MC outright admitted they were scared of thunderstorms until Asmo [bless his heart] finally realized
•but, being the avatar of Lust, he had a better idea in mind.
•instead of MC being scared of thunderstorms, he would make them love thunderstorms
•[this is where it gets 🌟spicy🌟 so minors skip ahead]
•Asmo crawled under the blankets and cuddled with MC.
•if MC consented, then he would start kissing every part of MC's body
•which would lead to kissed on the mouth
•which would lead to making out
•which would lead to clothes being removed
•which would lead to....home run!
•Asmo would make it to whenever MC thought of thunderstorms, they would think of him
•which is...one way of handling a fear 🤣
•it would happen when Beelz and MC were outdone a dinner date
•they both wanted to try this new Devildom all you could eat buffet
•Beelz would be the last to notice the thunderstorm.
•however he would quickly notice the change in MC's whole demeanor.
•Suddenly MC was not hungry and stiffened up.
•Even if he was more focused on eating, he could sense MC was scared...of what he didn't know.
•he wanted to continue eating, but he also didn't want to leave MC vulnerable.
•he decided to go and sit right next to MC.
•He leaned in close to MC
•"What's wrong? Is there someone scaring you? Does the food taste bad?" He asked
• MC wouldn't outright admit it at first
•"do you want to leave?" He asked, getting ready to hop out of the booth
•MC knew how much Beelz was looking forward to this, so they finally admitted that they in fact didn't want to leave, they didn't like thunderstorms
•It took the poor guy a second, but then he smiled ear to ear.
•"Oh, for a second there I thought you were having a horrible time."
• without much thought he took off his jacket and threw it around MC.
•how did his jacket smell like cookies? It was so warm too
• Beelz would throw his free arm around MC, the other was grabbing food
•"Okay, I liked this one...try a bite of this" he would say, now feeding MC tenderly.
•nothing is worse than being scared on an empty stomach!
•MC might even eat too much and start to doze off while Beelz was still nibbling
•imma be honest, he is smarter than he let's on
•there have been past thunderstorms Nd he had noticed MC acting strange at those times
•one night while Mc and Belphie were stargazing, it started to thunderstorm.
•What a way to ruin the mood
•now MC was flustered.
•evennif he was comfy, he got up and helped MC up.
•he would have escorted MC to their special attic space.
• crawled into the bed, and making sure that MC was extra comfortable.
•more pillows, more blankets, more covering and tucking.
•MC only protested when they had become a blanket burrito
•"Belphie, what are you doing?" Mc finally asked chuckling
•"Making you into the ultimate cuddle buddy. It's going to be a long night" he stated, now wrapping his limbs around MC, the blanket burrito
•MC laughed "I can't move!"
•"oh...you wanted to move?" He would ask, only shifting MC to one side to face him now
•"come on, what if I get hot?" Mc asked chuckling
•Belphie looked into MC's eyes
•"then I will happily undress you" he stated cuddling as close as he could "now...do you want to watch some Demontube?"
•knowing this would help MC fall asleep faster
•MC fell asleep peaceful, operation distract and replace worked
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natewrightt · 3 years
Hello, could you write a fluff Five x reader where they got married in secret while in the 60s and the siblings realize after seeing the couple being cute together and they think it's adorable how in love Five is ?
Please, love ur blog 😊💖
 Summary: Five Hargreeves enjoyed the sixties a lot more then he originally thought he would.
Ship: Five Hargreeves x criminal!reader
Warnings: none
Note: I added so many details because I love this concept LMAO. also I don’t know how I would be able to make them married because he’s in a 13 year old body??? but yeah I tried djddoidjkijsds 💖
“Hey, stop right there!” the cashier of Manny’s Groceries shouted, grabbing everybody’s attention.
But she didn’t stop.
She turned around and flipped the worker off, then ran faster out of the scene and she completely disappeared by the time the police had arrived. And besides, they didn’t have much to go by. The girl was wearing a large hoodie with leggings and converse. It was pointless.
That girl was none other then Y/N L/N, a 13 year old ‘criminal’ who lived on the main floor of an apartment building without anyone knowing. However, mentally, she was 60. A long time ago, her body was frozen by her parents because the girl suffered from a sickness that didn’t have a cure. Just recently she was unfrozen and given the cure, but her parents had died and now she’s all alone, stealing from stores just to survive. 
Y/N arrived in the apartment building and practically collapsed to the ground from exhaustion. Looking through the bag, she was relieved to find her favorite item: waffles. She would eat those delicious things if they were stepped on by the worlds dirtiest pair of boots. The starving girl stuffed about 3 in her mouth, being sure to swallow it down with a water bottle she had found on the ground outside. It wasn’t the best life to live, but it certainly wasn’t the worst.
She gazed at the clock on the wall. Shit! Y/N was going to be late. Getting up and running towards Elliot Gussman’s door, she was surprised to see that it was open. That paranoid man always locked his door.
You could say that Y/N was Elliot’s friend, or you could say that she was really interested in his crazy theories he makes up. Either way, it’s still fun.
“Elliot?” she called, holding the box of waffles like it was a weapon. The ruffling noise in the room had got quiet, and Y/N gulped. “Hey, if it’s not a good time, then-”
Suddenly, a boy that appeared her age was in front of her in a flash of blue. She was so taken aback that she fell over. However, she caught herself and the boy furrowed his eyebrows, seemingly impressed.
“Do you know Elliot?” He asked, weary of her every move. She scoffed, deciding to be sarcastic towards him.
“No, I just happened to walk into the room calling Elliot. Elliot as in my dead cat. Have you seen him, by the way? He’s ab-”
He covered her mouth with his hand, rolling his eyes. Y/N was prepared though, and quickly bit down causing the boy to scream curses, letting go. She ran to Elliot.
“You okay? What happened? Did he hurt you?” She asks frantically, checking for injuries. Y/N would never let the only person who treated her with respect get hurt. 
“No, It’s fine. We’re fine.” He responds in a panicked voice. Too panicked. She looks back at the boy who’s smirking at her.
“Yeah. Let the adults talk, okay princess?”
The 3 of them sat in Elliot’s living room. He was explaining his theories to the boy (named Five, out of all the names to exist) and he was very interested in the theories Elliot was talking about, except he actually believed them. One them being how the man saw people come out of ‘black holes’ in the exact same spot at different time periods. He was SO interested, in fact, that he offered to look for them.
That made Y/N suspicious.
Very suspicious.
After some very serious research (stalking) she had come to a conclusion that Five Hargreeves was from 2019 and he accidentally teleported his family to different parts of 1963 and were now determind to get back to their original home. It intruiged her a lot if she was being completly honest. Luckily, Elliot had eventually made a little room for her to stay in and Five was often there. So, her and Elliot were officially “part of the gang” as some people would put it.
After some time, Five and her got along REALLY well. They were both incredibly smart (and both mentally the same age but that was past the point) and had the same hobbies and interests. It wasn’t long before a relationship had started.
Well, it wasn’t labeled. And they certainly weren’t friends. Friends don’t share secret kisses and hold hands under the table.
And they thought that they could keep it secret.
And for awhile, they did.
Luther and Diego entered the house to find a dead Elliot on a chair. They were both very saddened by this, but it quickly turned into concern when the two of them couldn’t find Y/N anywhere.
She was always with him.
So you can only imagine the panicked state Five was in when he came in.
“What do you MEAN you don’t know where she is?!” He seethed, looking around. “How is she not with him? She’s ALWAYS with him!”
“Five, I’m sure we’ll find her-”
“Your reassurance is useless. I’LL find her, not you imbeciles. Now do us all a favor and stay here and...behave please. I’ll be back whenever.” And with that being said he teleported away.
In honesty, Five wasn’t that worried. He knew exactly where she was. It was a hiding spot she would go to whenever she felt sad or nervous. He went there immediatley to find her in the fetal position in the corner, crying and covered with Elliot’s blood.
“Y/N?” He asked weakly. She looked at him.
“He’s dead, isn’t he?” Her voice broke. Five couldn’t bare to do anything but nod sadly, looking away. 
“It’s my fault.” She muttered, barely audible for him to hear. “I...I watched them, Five. I watched 3 guys beat the absolute shit out of him...I did nothing. I just ran! Like an idiot! He would be alive if I had just been there! Bu-”
Then Five did something that she (and he) never thought he would do.
He wrapped his arms around her torso and hugged her.
For the most part, Five wasn’t an affectionate person. The only thing he would allow were small touches on the hand if he was scared (which wasn’t often) and pecks on the lips if he was really feeling it.
It took her by surprise, but she melted into it, letting tears fall into his shoulder. He let her go when he noticed that her breathing was finally back to normal.
“You okay?” He asked softly again, wiping the remaining tears off of her face with the pad of his thumbs. She sniffed and nodded, making him smile.
“Not that this isn’t adorable...which, it is, but Five? We gotta go!” Diego’s voice was heard in front of them. They both gasped, turning to him with red faces.
“What are YOU doing here?!” he seethed, helping Y/N up. He chuckled before holding out a tracking device that showed Five’s location.
“Just in case you decided to turn against us at some point, I had this.” He explained, a smirk planted on his face. 
“Whatever, let’s go.” Five mumbled, walking out of the room, his face still a nice shade of red. However, Diego turned to the girl.
“Sorry about Elliot.” He ruffled her hair before exiting.
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